An Equestrian Witcher

by OblivionShadow

First published

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

Oblivion Shadow is a master Witcher of the Wolf School. A contract on a Leshens head brings him to the edge of the Northern Realms to answer a call for help. The fight starts off as normal. A second Leshen attack leaves him fighting on two fronts. The Witcher is able to escape, or so he thought when a sharp pain in his back leaves him waking up in Equestria. He is taken in by the Apple family, who treat him as one of their own. He is welcomed by the ponies of this world and he must learn how to accept that or risk upsetting a balance that he did not realize he was a part of. The question he has to ask himself is how does he get back to his world? Or does he even want to go back to a world that is fraught with war and drowning in hate and rage? His senses tell him that monsters from his world are in this new one but he can't seem to track them down. Could his world be bleeding into this one, and how bad will the damage be? He follows the Mane 6 and learns through them what it means to be a friend and a brother.

Featured: 8/12/2019
Featured: 5/9/2022
Featured: 5/18/2022
Featured: 6/19/2022
Featured: 7/17/2022
Featured: 8/17/2022
Featured: 2/28/2024
Featured: 3/7/2024
Featured: 3/28/2024
Featured: 4/2/2024
Featured: 5/4/2024

1: It Begins...

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His eyes opened slowly. Darkness covered the area around him and he realized that he was lying on the grass in the shade of a tree. He closed his eyes and didn't move as he allowed his senses to do the work for him. His body remained silent and as still as death itself. The only indication that he lived was the easy breathing that was shown by the rising and falling of his sides. A light breeze went over him and he finally opened his eyes when his ears didn't pick up on any immediate threats around him. He pushed himself up and gave a noise of surprise as the back of his head struck a low branch and knocked him back down onto the ground.

"Damn." He growled under his breath and looked up at the offending branch. He hissed as he shook his head to rid himself of the dull pain.

The pain faded in moments, he knew it was due to his regenerative abilities and high pain tolerance. That enabled him to ignore and move past any pain that might slow him down. Years of training at the School of the Wolf had prepared him for life on The Path. He cast his eyes back to look in front of him. He suddenly realized that he didn't see his mare, Sasa, close by. He gave a shrill whistle that would call her if she was close. During the fight with the Leshen, he had left her close by so that he could get to her easily after what he knew would be a long and tiring fight. He had not anticipated the length of the fight or that a second Leshen would come after the first, putting him in the middle of their territorial dispute. He tried to evade the two monsters as they fought, he had thought that he had evaded them but a sharp pain in his back had told him he was not far enough away. He had whistled for the mare and heard her response, the last thing he recalled was the ground rushing up at him. He didn't sense or hear her as he tried whistling again for his missing mare.

As he tried to stand up he was pulled back down and found himself sitting on the ground once more. He looked back to his legs, his eyes widened as he looked behind him. He found himself staring at the flanks and hind legs of a horse. He was also surprised to see a pair of long black wings folded against his sides. The wings were solid black and the end tips of them went a couple of inches past his rump. His emotions had been dampened by the mutations so his surprise was tempered. But even he was surprised at what he saw. Around his barrel sat a pair of black saddlebags and his swords sat across his back. He felt relief go through him but his eyes went back to stare at his legs. He swallowed quietly as he looked away and then looked down at what he discovered were no longer arms but a pair of long forelegs. He inhaled deeply and held his breath for a moment before slowly releasing. He closed his eyes and inhaled again. A loud snap shook him and he bolted to his feet...hooves. He looked down to find that he was now standing solidly on his hooves. While this was a welcome development he was still unsure how to move like a horse.

"Mighty sorry Ah spooked ya."

A voice that he did not recognize startled him into looking away from the fact that he was now standing. An orange mare walked toward him. He blinked and tried not to stare in surprise at the small horse walking toward him with an easy stride. She showed no fear in her green eyes as she approached him. He was unused to anyone looking at him without fear or trepidation. Her long blond mane was pulled together with a binding at the end of her mane. Her tail flicked to her side, revealing that it too was held into a binding at the end. His own forelock was now in his face and he tipped his head to the left to get it out of his face. Though he quickly found that that didn't work as it only fell back into place. He tried again but it seemed to be blocked by something that kept it from being moved out of his sight. He decided that the sight in front of him was more important and chose to ignore where his hair was sitting. The mare stopped a few feet away from him and smiled as she looked at him.

"Yer new around here, ain'tcha?" She asked with a light chuckle. "Mah name's Applejack. Ah heard a couple a' loud whistles, followed the sound and found ya sitting here."

She looked back at him with expectation in her eyes. It took him a moment before it dawned on him what she wanted. It was polite to respond to an introduction in kind. "Oh, my apologies." He gave a nod of his head as he tried to square up his forelegs to greet her properly. "My name is Oblivion... Shadow." He used a surname that he had been given by his teacher during his training many years ago, due to his easy movement among the shadows.

The mare smiled wider. "Nice ta meetcha."

"Pleasures mine, Miss Applejack." He nodded to her again and held his head up slightly. He already knew that he was taller than her and didn't wish to make her feel small by holding his head up high over her.

She gave a loud laugh as she looked at him. "Y'all don't need to be so formal. Just Applejack or mah friends call me AJ. Either ah those are fine." She chuckled once she finished speaking.

Oblivion raised one eyebrow and he barely noticed when he took the weight off one of his hind legs. He stood in front of her and gave another nod. "As you wish."

The mare nodded and seemed pleased with the outcome of the conversation so far. "Y'all didn't answer my first question."

He looked at her for a moment as he thought back. He surprised himself when he gave a low snort as he remembered her first observation. "Ah, yes you would be correct. I am actually unsure of my present location. If you would be so kind as to inform me I would appreciate it."

His manner was still a bit formal but the mare seemed to take it in stride as she nodded. "Y'all are just on the edge of the Everfree Forest. Happen to be closest to mah farm which is just beyond Ponyville." She gave him the requested information easily.

Oblivion was unable to stop his snort of surprise at the information she offered him. ‘Ponyville?! Where in the name of the Realms is that?’ He liked to think he was well informed about the local geography. But the locations she had told him were not within his knowledge. His head was now raised to its full height as he looked around him. He suddenly looked back to his saddlebags, remembering he had a map with him. As he looked at the bag it suddenly erupted with a blue flame. Oblivion startled and the fire disappeared. He heard muffled laughter and one of his ears flicked back to listen. He turned back to find Applejack trying, and failing, to smother her own laughter behind one hoof. He couldn't stop his head from giving a slight tilt to one side as his eyes questioned her.

"Y'all act like ya haven't used yer magic afore!" She guffawed at his expense and plopped down onto her rump as she laughed. She glanced at Oblivion and her laughter ceased. She blinked several times and pulled herself to her hooves. His blank stare spoke volumes to her. "By Equestria, ya'll are surprised, ain'tcha?"

Oblivion simply stared at her with a blank expression before commenting. "Are you telling me, that blue flame is in actuality magic?" Was the blank comment she received from the black stallion. She gave a silent nod to his request. He looked back to the saddlebag that had burst into flame and found that it had no damage to it from the fire. He thought back to what he had been doing when the flames had appeared. His mind went to the map that he knew was in there and once more the flames appeared. This time Oblivion was ready for it and continued to think of the map inside it. The bag opened and the map levitated out of the saddlebag. The bag closed and the map unfurled in the grasp of the azure flame. He looked at the map and found that it was still of the Realms but toward the bottom of it was a new area that had lengthened the paper itself. On the bottom of it was a map of a new kingdom. Oblivion looked from it to Applejack and nodded to her.

She looked confused for a moment until he sighed when the map was in front of her snout. She whinnied in surprise and looked at it. It slowly moved away from her and she followed it until she realized what he was doing then glared at him. He simply looked blankly at her and waited. She reached out, and much to his surprise took hold of the map in her hoof, took it from the magical aura and held it in front of her. As much as he wanted to walk up to her and look at it with her he was unsure of how to move like a horse, so he remained still.

Applejack looked at the map and confusion crossed her features. She had no idea about the location on the top of the map he had. She recognized Equestria but the area above it was beyond her. She looked over the top of the map and found him looking at her with unhidden curiosity. She walked over to him on 3 legs and held the map between them. He brought his head down to look at it with her and she looked at him as his head was close to hers. His eyes are what caught her attention. At first, she had thought they were simply orange. But upon looking closer they were still orange but they were slit like a cat. He said nothing as she stared he was not looking at her but at the map. He suddenly looked sideways and caught her staring at him.

"Yes, Applejack? You look as though you have something on your mind." He stated with an almost teasing tone. The mare opened her mouth to respond to his teasing but stopped.

"Well Ah don't mean ta be rude but yer eyes are not like everypony else. Ah didn't mean ta stare." The mare responded. Her head was held high as she explained herself to taller the stallion.

Oblivion brought his head back up slightly and looked at her with an unreadable expression. His eyes took on a hard look for a few moments and Applejack was suddenly concerned that she had upset the stallion. That was the last thing she had wanted to do. His eyes softened and he looked back to her. "I see. Well, that is due to my eyes being cat-like. I can see in the dark with them and I can use them to track when I am out in the forests." His answer was a matter of fact and Applejack blinked at his explanation and looked away from his face. Oblivion was silent as he brought his head back down and looked back at the map in her hoof.

"Alright' as an apology Ah'll answer yer questions about this here map. But Ah also wanna know what the hay is with the rest of the map? Is this where you are from?" She asked of him.

The black stallion closed his eyes for a moment, took his weight off his right hind leg and then opened his eyes and looked at her. "Yes." His response was simply one word. He looked back to the map and waited for her to start speaking.

The mare looked at him, blinked several times, then her look dissolved into a scowl before she started. "This here is a map a' Equestria. It shows tha main cities and all tha borders. If ya look at it ya can see tha outline of Ponyville and tha dark areas are tha boundaries of tha Everfree forest. Tha map is actually very detailed considering' that it seems really old." Applejack explained some of the basic areas before looking back at the taller stallion.

Oblivion was silent as he raised his head to look around him. His ears flicked in separate directions as he listened. Applejack looked back at him, she then looked past him toward his saddlebags. She gave a startled cry and dropped the map as she saw his back, her eyes landing on his wings and the swords on his back. The swords laid down the center of his back and his wings stayed unmoving at his sides.

Oblivion caught the map in a blue fire as he startled away from her. He side passed to the left away from her and was a bit surprised when he moved so easily and didn't fall. The map hovered a couple of feet away from him as he growled at the mare in annoyance. Her cry had jarred him and he had no idea as to why she had acted the way she did. He watched as the mare startled again at the low growl coming from his throat. The growl died out when she seemed to calm down and regarded him in silence. "Would you like to explain what just happened, Applejack?" His voice was clear and held no great emotion behind it. The orange mare looked sheepish as she made a circle in the grass with her right forehoof.

"Sorry bout that. Ah was surprised to see that yer an Alicorn." She paused as she looked up at him and saw the question in his eyes at her statement. "Ya do know ya are an Alicorn, right?" She asked him cautiously.

Oblivion simply looked back at her. His gaze told her everything she needed to know. The stallion had no idea about what type of pony he truly was. The mare gaped at him with her mouth ajar. Oblivion leaned forward slowly and carefully put her jaws back together. Applejack shook her head and batted his hoof away. Oblivion pulled his hoof back and put his head down to her level. "Would you care to explain what an...Alicorn was it.. what that is exactly?" His voice was calm and quiet. He seemed to be staying quiet so as not to spook the mare that was his only source of information. The mare seemed to recover and looked back at him.

She walked over to him and walked past his shoulder. The black stallion didn't move as she drew up next to him and then turned to face his rib cage. She reached out with her hoof and gently touched the black wing on his right side. The wing didn't move at the touch. She was able to get her hoof to grip the wing and gently pulled on it. Oblivion was startled when the wing flared and pulled away from her. Applejack gave a startled squawk and fell back onto her rump. The wing retreated back to his side and Oblivion looked back to Applejack. He held out a hoof in apology, and though he had no idea how to grasp with his hoof, Applejack knew how and she did the holding while he helped the mare back to her hooves. The mare was safely back on her hooves and Oblivion pulled back as the mare looked with him with a smile.

"Sorry bout that. Should have told ya what ah was doin." Applejack apologized as she shook herself free of grass.

Oblivion nodded and, though slow about it, he turned himself till his right side was in front of the mare once more. Applejack looked a bit unsure until Oblivion himself looked at the wing and it slowly moved away from his body toward the mare. It stopped a few inches away from her muzzle and stayed in position. Applejack took hold of it once more and pulled gently till the wing was extended in front of her by a few more inches. She noticed that the wing itself was thicker than most, but seemed to be lighter. She sat down and held the wing in her hooves as she began moving the feathers aside gently to expose the skin beneath them. She was surprised to see what looked like leathery skin beneath the feathers. It appeared to be more like the leathery skin of a bat than the flesh of a pony. She looked up when she felt the air go by her. She looked up and found Oblivion looking at it as well. His eyes looked to her as she realized that she was probably pulling his feathers, therefore hurting him.

"Ahh ah’m sorry. Pulling those feathers probably hurts." She stopped when he shook his head. "Well ta answer yer question an Alicorn is both a Pegasus and a Unicorn. They have a huge amount of magic in them and are very strong as well. There is only one Alicorn that ah know of and that's Princess Celestia." Oblivion looked at her as she released his wing and it returned to its place against his side. "Though Ah do wonder why in Equestria ya'll're carrying two swords around like it's normal. Are ya thinking of going into battle?" Applejack motioned her hoof at the weapons on his back.

Oblivion looked back at his swords then back to the orange mare. "I always carry them. They are part of my purpose. I am a Witcher of the Wolf School, these swords are my tools and...yes?" He paused when Applejack's eyes went wide at him.

"Wha' in tarnation is a Witcher? And what do ya mean Wolf School?" The mare asked her voiced pitched slightly.

Now it was Oblivion's turn to gape at her with his eyes staring back at her. His head lowered to be closer to her as his eyes seemed to search hers for any falsehood. When he found nothing but truth in her eyes he was shocked and pulled away. 'By the Realms, she truly has no idea what I am speaking of. What kind of world is it that knows nothing of Witchers? Though not being looked at with scorn is a nice change. I have to ask more about this, but I am unsure how to answer her without truly frightening her.' Oblivion instead looked away as he considered what to say to the mare. Though one question did bubble up in his mind. She had briefly mentioned it a moment ago. "What is a Unicorn?" He spoke it under his breath. Though he spoke it aloud it was barely a whisper.

"Well, a Unicorn means you have a horn on your forehead. Though yers is a lot longer and has an odd curve to it. The horn is what gives ya the ability to use magic. Ya are lookin' at me like ah’m crazy." She answered then also commented as he gave her a flat look.

"That is because I have no idea what I have seen horns on monsters but never one on myself. That does seem..crazy as you put it. Though I do apologize for my response." He responded to the mare.

Applejack looked away from him and then looked around her. Her face lit up and a grin crossed her muzzle as she stood up. "Ah'll show ya what ah mean. Follow me." She motioned to him as she went past him and walked with purpose away from him.

Oblivion watched as the orange mare moved past him. He stood still for a few seconds before he looked down to his hooves and then looked after the mare. 'Okay, it can't be hard to move forward. I just have to decide what to do and this body should do so. I have seen Sasa move plenty.' Oblivion looked after Applejack and focused on simply following her. He shifted his body and much to his own surprise he was able to pivot on his rear left and came down to follow the mare. He was pleased with himself but lost his focus and the next thing he knew he was pitching forward and barely managed to stop himself from planting his snout into the ground. He was down with one leg in front of him and the other under him. He looked up to see Applejack coming back toward him. 'If I could I'm sure I would be blushing. Thankfully I lost that ability in the beginning. Hmm...Oh well, this could be worse.' Oblivion managed to stop himself from giving a low chuckle to spite himself.

Applejack pulled up in front of him and knelt down as well. "Are ya all right?" She waited as Oblivion nodded in response. "Mayhap ya was lying down too long? Or standing too long and yer legs gave out?" She tried to explain what could have happened even though she truly had no idea. For his part, Oblivion looked up and a short chuckle escaped him.

"Maybe." Was his response. He looked back to his tangled limbs and he was well aware that his rump was in the air. Which was not the most dignified position for anyone? Especially a stallion. He started to try to move but found that if he did his flank started to fall. His right leg was stretched out underneath him and the left was planted into the ground to stop his fall. Applejack watched as he suddenly stopped and seemed to be analyzing his options.

"Ya need some help?" She asked trying to land on sympathetic instead of mocking.

Oblivion looked at her and then back to his predicament. He gave a loud snort at the position he was in before heaving a low sigh. "Yes." Was all he said. Unlike many people he knew, he was not too proud to ask for help when needed.

Applejack moved to stand with her shoulder planted again his right flank, next to his hip and then looked over to him. She gave a nod to tell him to try to stand and she would support his flank to prevent him from falling. Oblivion's ears flattened against his skull at the presence near his tail. But he understood it even though it wasn't a comfortable position for him. He put more of his weight forward, relying on Applejack to keep him from falling over. He was able to dislodge his left hoof and move it slightly to his side and then pull his right foreleg more forward as he wavered Applejack planted her hooves, pushed her shoulder into his hip, as a way to keep him standing and support his taller frame with her shorter stature. Oblivion suddenly growled as his wings spread off his back, angled toward the ground and flapped once. His body was given enough lift and that allowed him to get his hooves underneath him. He did pitch against Applejack but she held her ground and he finally got to his hooves. He snorted and shook his head to get his forelock out of the way. Applejack jumped away from him and allowed him some space to get himself balanced. He stopped and looked back to her with a grateful nod. She walked over to stand next to his shoulder and then looked up at him.

"Ya okay pardner?" She asked him.

Oblivion sighed and nodded to her. She walked forward a few steps and then stopped. Oblivion realized that she was going to walk with him just in case. He didn't blame her since he had nearly face planted his muzzle into the ground. He looked down at his hooves and took a step forward. He was pleased when he managed not to fall. Applejack moved with him and soon he was striding easily across the short grass with her. As they neared a short incline hill he paused near the bottom of it. 'Just got the basics of walking down and now I have to climb a hill. Well, hopefully, the end result of this is better than my attempt at walking without thinking.' He was about to turn to look at Applejack to ask about going around when the mare jumped to stand in front of him.

"Y'all can climb this little hill. I'll be right wit' ya. Though ah do wonder why you're having such trouble? You were fine getting up earlier when ah startled ya and then when ah pulled yer wing. Hmm. Wonder why ya can't climb this little ol' hill." Applejack said to him looking thoughtful.

Oblivion was well aware that she was trying to goad him into proving her wrong. It was a technique that he had used many times as well on trainees. He simply gave her a bland look and waited. Applejack couldn't stop herself when a grin threatened to break through her thoughtful expression. Oblivion simply stared back, his expression flat. The mare finally broke out laughing and seemed to give up. She went back to his side and waited for him to start moving. Oblivion looked up at the hill and waited for a moment while he thought of how Sasa had always tackled the hills he asked her to climb. Her body had pitched up into the hillside and she had climbed them fairly easily. Oblivion closed his eyes and focused.

Applejack looked at him and was about to comment about how they could go around when he snorted and plunged forward. Applejack yelped as she saw that his eyes were closed as he plunged up the hill. She was about to yell for him to stop when he plunged to a halt at the top of the hill.

Oblivion felt the angle change under his hooves and he stopped. He heard Applejack come to a stop beside him and he opened his eyes to look over at her. The mare breathed heavily and glared at him. "Ah wasn't talking about racing up it like a danged fool!" She yelled at him. Oblivion's ears pinned as she shouted. His ears rang for a moment before he looked at her with another blank look. Applejack fumed at him as he looked down the hill. He looked down and Applejack jumped in front of his snout.

"Oh no, ya don't. Ya try to race down this and you'll end up hurtin' yourself. Just watch and I'll show ya how to go down tha hill." The mare went back to his side and Oblivion watched her as she angled down the hill and leaned her weight into her hind legs and started going down the hill. "Well come on." She said as she slowly went down.

Oblivion knew she was going slowly for his sake and while he appreciated it he had to work to try not to plunge down the hill. He leaned back and mimicked Applejack's posture. He quickly realized that going down was harder than going up. 'If I ever get back to Sasa I will never make her run down hills again. This is horrific.’ He vowed as he slowly made his way down the hill. He looked up at Applejack and tried not to slip. Her tail was in front of his snout when she yelped and began to slide forward. Oblivion's head snaked forward, grabbed her tail in his teeth, and planted his hooves to stop her slide. Preventing himself from doing the same thing.

Applejack panted as she looked back at the black stallion who had a mouthful of her tail. She panted at the sudden surge of adrenaline. "Thanks, Oblivion. Ah have to admit tha' was some quick thinkin', ah was about to go head over hooves." She thanked him as he quirked an eyebrow at her.

'That's one way to say my name. She drew out the O a bit but not bad enough to be hard to understand. I think that accent of hers is to blame. It seems to thicken if she gets excited.' He thought to himself as Applejack tried to say his name with that drawl of hers. He had heard accents before, but hers was quite strong. When she appeared to be situated he released her tail from his mouth and waited for her to move. When she did move forward, he followed slowly behind her. He had to admit it was tiring going down the hill. When they got close to the bottom Applejack gathered herself and jumped down the last several feet of the hill. her head came up as soon as she landed and she whirled around to face Oblivion. He knew the look in her eyes. She was practically pleading with him not to do what she had. He snorted and continued his slow, controlled descent. He was a lot of things, but stupid was certainly not one of them. Until he got used to this horse body of his, he would not be doing any jumping downhills. Applejack looked more than a little relieved when he didn't follow her example. The orange mare waited until he got to the bottom and stood next to her. She walked forward and he followed her forward till they came to the edge of a pond.

"Alright' now that we are here Ah can show ya a Unicorn." She told him and watched as he looked to her, waiting. "Look down." Was all she said.

Oblivion looked down and snorted at the image looking back at him. He had known that there was something blocking his forelock from being pushed out of his face but he had not anticipated that it would be a foot long curved horn. The jet black horn spiraled from his forehead and had a slight curve that angled it back at the tip. He simply stared at it for a few moments before he used the water to get a look at the rest of him without contorting his horse body. Applejack had moved out of the way when he started moving to the side. He looked and saw that even though the saddlebags obscured a good portion of his barrel, but even he could see that he was built similarly to his original body. He had always been tall and lean. Though for a horse he might have looked unhealthy to some. But the mare with him didn't say anything.

His tail was white/silver like his mane and was almost on the ground. He was about to move it when he saw something tattooed on his right flank. He brought his head closer to the water until he realized that made no sense when he could look at it from a better angle. He raised his head and look back to his flank. He was not sure when it had happened but on his flank to the side of his hip was an emblem in the shape of his medallion and had his swords crossed behind it. He blinked at it and inclined his head to look closer at it. He suddenly brought his head up and looked down at his chest. Around his neck, his medallion still hung. He heaved a sigh of relief and then looked more closely at his hooves. His cat eyes narrowed and he looked closer at them, noticing that they seemed to be cracked. But he dismissed that thought when he looked at both of them and saw the 'cuts' went down all of them in exactly same places. He chose to ignore that for now since unless you looked at them there was no way to tell and he would look more closely later.

Applejack watched as he looked at himself with unhidden curiosity. She tilted her head and looked to him. "Y'all act like ya never seen yer cutie mark before." She chuckled as she spoke to him.

Oblivion's ears flicked to listen as she spoke and once he heard her he looked at her. "My what now?" 'A cutie mark? That just sounds ridiculous and what in the Realms is she speaking of?’ He knew for a fact that he was a stallion and what she had said sounded the opposite of masculine.

Applejack looked at him. "Yer cutie mark. The marking on yer flank." She pointed to the emblem on his flank for emphasis.

Oblivion's eyes widened as he looked back at the mark on his hip. "I will be honest with you Applejack. I have never seen this before." He replied as he looked back at her. He internally cringed at the confirmation of the name of the tattoo. He kept his disdain for the title hidden from the mare and simply waited for her reaction which he had to admit he was waiting for. He wasn't disappointed.

Applejack gaped at him with her eyes wide and mouth slightly open. "What you'll talkin' about? Ya don't know about yer own cutie mark? Thought ah have ta admit I have no idea what it means, but that ain't the point right now." She paused at his look. It conveyed that he was not kidding. "Oh by Celestia. Ya ain't joking. All righ' so ya don't know anything about yer cutie mark and ya don't seem to be used ta walking like a pony."

Oblivion watched her as she reasoned things out on her own. He didn't interrupt and stood quietly. When she stopped he gave her an affirmative nod before cocking one hind leg. "Applejack. I have heard of a 'cutie mark', nor have I heard of Equestria, and I have never heard of this Celestia you mentioned. And your belief that I am unused to moving like a 'pony' is accurate." He stated to her since he knew that those questions would come up eventually.

Applejack paused as she processed what he said. She gave a quiet snort and looked back at him. "But how can ya not know what ya are? Are ya cursed?" Applejack cringed away from him at that question. Oblivion looked at her with a withering glance that said 'seriously?' She paused and thought for a few minutes before she looked at him and sat down. "Go ahead an' sit down. Ah, think we need to talk 'bout this." She motioned for him to do the same.

Oblivion looked at how she was sitting and tried to mimic her, but ended up falling onto his rump instead of sitting. He growled for a moment before composing himself and looking to Applejack. "What is it that you would like to speak of?"

Applejack looked back to him and inhaled before starting. "Alrigh'. So first thing ah wanna know is why yer having so much trouble moving around. Ya do jus' fine at some times then yer falling down the next. Any idea why?" She sat quietly and waited for him to respond.

Oblivion sat in silence as he considered her question. 'How do I answer these without revealing too much? I'm not going to reveal everything till I have more information about this world and how it works. So, for now, I will be truthful but I'm going to hold back on major details.' He stopped his internal thoughts and looked back to the orange mare sitting in front of him. "There are many possibilities but the most logical would be that I seem to have lost some of my motor function. The reason for the movements before I think would be due to reflex and muscle memory. But that could be conjecture on my part." He said as he moved one hoof in front of him.

He looked away from Applejack to the water as he waited for her response. When he didn't hear anything he looked at her to find her staring at his hoof. He cleared his throat to try to to get her attention and she shook her head and stood up. She walked a couple of stride to him and stopped. He watched as she reached down and gripped his hoof in hers and then turned it over to see the bottom of it. She stared intently at the bottom of his hoof. Oblivion rolled his eyes and tried to pull his hoof away, but Applejack's grip was stronger than he anticipated. He finally cleared his throat again but when nothing happened he gave a loud rumbling growl and that get her attention.

"What are you doing with my hoof?" Though he was curious how it was able to move like that. As far as he knew a horses joints weren't supposed to move in that direction. Applejack blushed and let go before scooting swiftly backward.

"Ah well yer hoof split apart and for a moment it looked like there were claws or something like that. Ah was looking but ah couldn't see them since they would have gone into the bottom of yer hoof but there was nothing there and...wha?" She looked at him when he raised a hoof to stop her rambling.

Oblivion looked at the hoof he had raised with open curiosity. He focused on it and showed mild surprise when the hoof did indeed split into 4 long claws. The claws made him think of his fingers but there were only 4 of them he looked at the edges of the hoof and found that where his thumb would have been was an edge that kept the claws inside of his hoof and kept them hidden. While he looked at them, he flexed them to see if he could control them like he had his fingers. They could not straighten fully but enough for him to stand on them. He put the hoof down while keeping the claws out and discovered that it was comfortable to stand on the claws. Felt as though he was standing on his hooves but the claws instead.

"Hmmm. Very interesting." He looked up at Applejack and found the mare staring at him. "It's nice to have an extra weapon in my arsenal. Also feels like standing on them is a natural feat so that's a good sign as well. Don't think these could hold my swords though which is unfortunate but adapting to situations is a Witcher's job. This magic you mentioned can make up for lacking the grip to hold the blade the way I have been trained." He stopped himself when he heard a light cough. He blinked and looked at Applejack who looked a bit disturbed at what he was saying. He put the claws back into his hoof and looked at her expectantly. "My apologies. Your next question please."

Applejack shook her head to stop herself from staring at him. 'Is he talking about using that sword in real combat? That can't be true. Nopony would go against somepony his size even in a battle. Ah can't believe ah am even thinking of asking. Ah well, that ain't important right now. He's right ah have other questions for him. But ah have to hurry it's gettin' late and ah don't think he has anywhere to stay. We have an extra room at home but ah would need to talk to mah family. Gotta hide those swords and wings ah think. He doesn't seem ta like the attention. But how do we hide them?' Applejack looked past him and saw something coming from his bag. She was about to get up but stopped when she thought about how she was invading his personal space far too often, despite how calm he was. "What's that in yer bag? It looks like fabric." She said as she pointed her hoof to his right saddlebag.

Oblivion looked back and saw that she was right. He immediately recognized the fabric and his magic pulled it from the saddlebag. He pulled the cloth on and revealed itself to be his cloak. It covered his wings and the top part of his tail. It had a silver lining and was rounded at the bottom. Thankfully that prevented it from dragging on the ground. The hood was the same and Oblivion pulled it over his ears, but it didn't stay in place. Applejack watched as he narrowed his eyes and pulled it up and he heard the fabric rip as he pulled it down on his horn. By doing that his horn kept the fabric in place and covered his eyes as well. He focused ahead of him as he heard the sound of hooves. Applejack appeared to be clapping her hooves together. He gave her a strange look as he pulled the hood back and let it settle down onto his withers.

"Well tha’ solves one problem. Ya were gonna get stared at by ponies anyway due to yer height but now they won't see yer wings or" Applejack stumbled over the part about the swords on his back but otherwise held her composure. Oblivion gave a nod to her statement and seemed to be waiting for her to say more. "Okay next question, then we should head out to mah farm. We have an extra bedroom that ya can rest up in. So what is a Witcher?"

Oblivion looked at her for a moment before he looked away to gaze at the forest beyond where they sat. "That's not an easy question to answer Applejack. Where I am from a Witcher is known even if they wish not to be. We are easily distinguished not just by our looks but by the weapons we carry. We are trained from a very young age to do battle with the monsters of the world and protect both lives and the balance of nature." He paused to make sure Applejack was following what he had said. She appeared interested and so he continued. "We take up contracts in an area where the peo..ponies have requested the help of a bounty hunter, or a Witcher specifically, to rid them of a monster. Though we are trained to track and kill we also have the ability to reason with creatures if needed. For example, I can think of one of my last contracts had me chasing after a monster that was believed to be destroying homes. I tracked it down and it was revealed to be a mountain troll that was actually simply lost. After directing the troll to the proper direction it all ended without bloodshed and I was still given the agreed on an amount of coin in exchange." He finished the tale hoping it cleared up any fears about what he did as his profession. She appeared thoughtful and put a hoof to her chin as she seemed to be thinking over what he said.

"So ya can choose to either kill or save a monster even if it has hurt ponies?"

"Yes. Sometimes bloodshed is not needed and can be left behind in favor of reason." He responded.

"Ah have to admit that's quite a tale. But I can tell ya'll aren't lying. So ya help ponies with monsters, but ya talked about getting paid for it. Ya don't help just for the sake of helping?" She asked him with a somewhat concerned look.

He couldn't stop the bark of laughter that escaped him. "There are times that we will jump in to stop an immediate attack but if you want the monster gone a contract is what is required. A Witcher doesn't put their tail on the line without payment. There can be exigent circumstances but the majority of the time we require a contracted agreement. We do always provide proof if a monster is on the losing end of a contract." He stopped at the look he was getting from Applejack. He wasn't sure what the look was but it appeared to possibly be somewhere between anger and disgust. "Yes?"

Applejack sat in silence as he explained. She was disgusted by how he responded to simply helping another pony just for the sake of helping by laughing. Then to find out that he would not defend another pony without a contract. "How can ya not help anypony out if they are in danger? That's just cruel. Ah can't believe what ah am hearing. And the fact that ya say that with a straight face How can ya not help?" She ranted until her mouth was shut with a blue fire clamp around her muzzle. She tried to shake it off but it stayed in place. She stopped struggling and leveled a glare at the black stallion whose horn was surrounded in blue flame. Oblivion did not say anything for a moment his face unreadable.

"Witchers are hated where I am from. Not just due to our mentality. We are not like everyo..everypony. We lack many emotions due to how we are trained. There are so few of us left that while ponies hate us they still need us to accomplish what they cannot. Our sole purpose since long before I came along is to do battle with the monsters that hide in the darkness and you expect us to put our lives on the line doing something that only we can accomplish for free? That is a ridiculous notion. Do you not expect me to help you in exchange for the information you have provided and for offering me a room for the night? I do not expect to get anything for free in any aspect of my life. I am used to being hated and treated with cruelty and disdain my lack of emotion makes that very easy for me to ignore. So I ask you, Applejack, are you helping me for the sake of helping or are you expecting me to earn my keep?" He chastised her but his voice lacked any true anger or cruelty. He spoke with a low tone and released her mouth so she could speak. He had been surprised when he had been thinking about covering her mouth with a hoof out of annoyance when his magic had done it for him. He waited for her to respond as he regarded her with a flat look.

Applejack looked at him for a moment before responding. "Alrigh'. Ya are right that ah was gonna have you help out at tha farm in exchange for the room. Ah am sorry for accusin' ya of being cruel. That was wrong and ya did nothing to deserve it. Ah am sorry to hear that your kind is mistreated for no good reason. It must have been difficult to grow up with that." She looked at him as he shook his head at her statement. She heard him mutter something about needing emotions to care what others truly thought. She kept going instead of asking him for more information. "Ah was wrong and I hope ya can forgive me for mah assumptions." She lowered her head in shame and waited for him to speak before raising her head.

Oblivion stared at the mare as she kept her head bowed and waited for him to speak. None had ever asked for his forgiveness for something they had said. No one had ever apologized to him or any other Witcher that he knew of. He blinked a couple of times before gathering himself and looking back to the mare. Oblivion reached out and put one hoof on her shoulder.

"There is nothing to forgive Applejack. You were speaking in honesty and I cannot fault you for that. You had no way of knowing my past and how others treat me and mine. It is something that I am used to and it does not bother me as much as it might others. But if it eases your mind I do forgive you for your words."

He waited for the mare to look up and nodded to her. He removed his hoof as she stood up and gave him a wide smile. He startled when she came forward and wrapped her forelegs around his neck. He sat in stunned silence before he reached a hoof up and patted her back. 'Why is she hugging me? This makes no sense.' Was his thought when she finally let go and backed away from him.

"Alright, pardner. Let's get goin'. It starting ta get dark and I'm sure ya are probably hungry. I'll treat ya to a nice meal before we head to bed. Ah'll introduce ya to mah family. Though do ya wanna keep your wings a secret still or are ya okay with others seeing them?" She asked him as she considered.

Oblivion looked at her and remembered her reaction. "I would prefer to keep them hidden for now. Though I will understand if you..." A hoof went over his muzzle and he went silent.

"That's perfectly fine. Ah, can see that you are uncomfortable with others knowing and ah can respect that. Though we will need to find some way to keep that cloak a' yours in place or the wind might expose the secret. So ah'm not sure if you have any ideas...Whatcha looking at?" Oblivion had looked away from her and was looking at the cloak on his back.

Oblivion looked at his cloak as Applejack mused and he had an idea. He knew that some Sorceresses could enchant their clothes to achieve a certain look or color. It left him wondering if he could make the cloak cover his wings and his swords even if it was blown away from his back. Basically making them invisible or if possible untouchable even if someone bumped into him. His horn began to glow as he focused on the cloak. His vision narrowed as he concentrated his magic onto the piece of fabric. Small runes appeared across its surface as Oblivion's magic coalesced on it and it suddenly erupted with a blue flame, causing Applejack to yelp with surprise. His vision expanded and his magic released the cloak and it settled back onto his back. He shook his head to rid himself of the bright marks that marred his vision momentarily after the burst of light from the spell. Oblivion looked back to the startled Applejack and found her to be staring at him, bewildered.

"My apologies for the light Applejack. I did not intend to upset you. But.." She bolted up to him and jumped to his side. He looked at her and nodded. He was also curious to see if it worked. The golden runes vanished and Applejack reached for the edge of the cloak. She pulled it up and whinnied in surprise and then dropped it. He rolled his eyes and his magic picked it up once more. He was immensely pleased to see that the spell had worked. Both his wings and the swords had disappeared he could tell that they were there but nobo...nopony would be able to see them. He reached a clawed hoof up to his side and found that he didn't feel them either. He had a moment of being even more pleased with himself as he realized that the spell had worked.

"How did ya do that? Ah didn’t think ya even knew how ta use yer magic." Applejacks inquired of him. Oblivion allowed the cloak to fall back into its place on his back before he turned to her.

"I do know a few Sorceresses back where I am from. I saw them using their magic to change the appearance of their clothes. When I asked about it they gave a brief explanation of how it works. I just altered it slightly to make it more helpful.” He explained and lifted the cloak again to make sure it had not been a one time spell.

Applejack stared at him. 'He's never used magic before and he's able to do spells that seem very complicated. I wonder how powerful he actually is?' Applejack put her thoughts to the side and tapped his shoulder. "Let's get movin' then. Is a little bit of a walk to tha farm." She stepped away from him and waited for him to turn and walk alongside her. Oblivion pivoted on his heel once more and stepped slowly up next to her. Applejack walked slowly beside him at first allowing him to get used to walking again and only then did she pick up the pace little by little to allow him to learn how to stay with her. They were halfway there when he seemed to have the hang of walking and no longer needed to watch her hooves to mimic her. Applejack saw her home and broke into a brisk trot. Oblivion rolled his eyes but continued walking. He did lengthen his stride not wanting to get left to far behind the orange mare.

Applejack trotted through the gate and saw her big brother. "Big Mac! Git over here! Ah brought a guest!" She hollered to the red stallion. He looked up and walked toward his younger sister. Applejack stopped and waited for him but then face hooved when she realized that Oblivion couldn't trot yet. She looked back and saw that he was walking through the gate. She noticed that he had lengthened his stride and was able to keep up with her due to his long legs. He stopped at her hip and waited. The big red stallion reached his sister and looked at the taller black Unicorn behind her. "Mac this here is Oblivion Shadow. Ah met him by the old pond and he's new around here. Ah offered him a room for the night and a good meal. So he needs some help learnin' the area." Applejack motioned for Oblivion to come up to stand by her.

Oblivion walked up to be level with the orange mare and looked at the stallion that was Applejack's older brother. The big stallion held out a hoof and offered it to him. "Nice ta meet ya. Mah name's Big Macintosh and yer welcome to stay here." The roan had an even stronger drawl that Applejack and it made it harder to understand him but Oblivion got the basics of what he said. He shook the stallion's hoof cautiously.

"Oblivion Shadow. Just Oblivion is fine. Its a pleasure to meet you, Big Macintosh." The stallion gave a good shake of Oblivion's hoof and then let it go.

"Just Mac is fine mah friend."

Oblivion started at being called a friend. That was a first. The Witchers from the Wolf school were considered his brothers, not his friends. Being called a friend was a foreign concept to him. For now, he would ignore it and keep going forward as always. The stallion backed up and Applejack moved forward after giving Oblivion a nudge to follow her. The black stallion watched as Mac went back to what he had been doing and his ears suddenly flicked back and he stopped walking. He listened and he could hear what sounded like a large bird coming toward him.

"Duck!" He yelled at Applejack and the mare wisely listened. She dropped to her belly as Oblivion put his head down hoping he was right about how far off the ground the bird was as it neared them. His tail was blown between his hind legs and his mane went into his face, his cloak ended up over his head. He was suddenly very pleased that he had created a spell for that.

His magic tossed the cloak back to lay on his back as he flicked his tail and shook his head to move his forelock out of his face. He gave an annoyed snort and started to open his mouth to yell when Applejack beat him to it. "Darnit Rainbow, why can't ya greet ponies normally? Especially when I'm tryin’ to show a guest around mah farm!" Applejack yelled at pony… with a lightning bolt of red, blue, and yellow on her flank.

Oblivion managed to stop himself from staring. That must be what Applejack meant by a Pegasus. Oblivion looked at her wings and was surprised to see that they were much smaller than his own. She seemed to fly just fine on them but Oblivion wasn't sure how. The blue mare laughed at the outraged Applejack but stopped when she looked behind Applejack to see Oblivion.

She was suddenly in front of Oblivion's face, he snorted and his horn lit as he pulled the mare's tail till she was no longer muzzle to muzzle with him. The blue mare yelped as her tail was pulled backward. Her wings flapped as she tried to get away from it. Oblivion looked at Applejack and Applejack seemed to catch on to his intent. Oblivion ducked his head and let go of the mare's tail. She tore through the air above him and landed in a haystack 20 feet behind him. Big Mac looked less than impressed as the hay had seemed to explode and was now all over him. Applejack howled with laughter and fell to her rump holding her stomach. Oblivion simply looked over his shoulder with a small grin on his muzzle. The mares head poked out of the ruined haystack and spat out a mouthful of it. Oblivion watched as she climbed out of the hay and looked to Applejack who was now laying on her side holding herself laughing. She looked to Oblivion and glared. Oblivion's orange eyes gave away no emotion and his face was unreadable. The mare jumped into the air and looked like she was going to charge him. Applejack calmed down and sat up. "Ah, wouldn't Rainbow. He's got more magic than any pony ah know. So messing with him is not a good plan." The orange mare called out.

"I'll decide if its a good idea or not AJ. Nopony can get away from me. I'm the best flier in Equestria. Besides now I owe him for that stunt. Though he's kinda weird looking isn't he?" The blue mare commented and lowered herself to the ground and began pawing at it as she looked at him.

"Rainbow ya'll need to quit being rude to mah guest and calm down. Someone coulda’ been hurt by you flying that close. And he looks fine ta me. Yes, he is a bit tall but that's fine." Applejack jumped to land behind Oblivion in his defense, which surprised him and he watched as she moved to stop the blue mare.

Oblivion looked behind the Pegasus and watched in amusement as Big Mac stormed up to the blue mare. Mac reached out and tapped her on the shoulder. Rainbow startled and looked behind her to find a very angry Big Mac behind her. He didn't say anything and simply pointed to the scattered hay and pointed to the pitchfork to the side of them. Rainbow opened her mouth to argue and started to point to Oblivion but Mac got into her face and glared even more at her. The mare shrunk under him and walked over to the pitchfork, picked it up and started cleaning. Mac walked up to Oblivion and as he was passing by him he paused and a big smile went across his muzzle as he chuckled. Obvious approval in the other stallions eyes for his actions. "Ah was cleaning that up and now she can do it instead." The red stallion walked away chuckling as a small grim crossed Oblivion's muzzle. Applejack came up to stand at his should and laughed at her brother.

"That was perfect Oblivion. I've never been able to get her to work. But nopony messes with Mac." She laughed aloud at the other mare.

"So who is she? You two seem to get along despite the yelling." Oblivion observed.

Applejack chuckled at him and nodded. "Eeyup, we have been friends for a while. She may be a blowhard but she's a good friend. Her name's Rainbow Dash. Ah'm sorry ah didn't introduce ya."

Oblivion gave a low chuckle as he looked down at the mare. "I doubt she would have been interested in meeting me the normal way anyway Applejack. Especially since I put her into that haystack."

Applejack laughed and nodded. "That was one of the best things ah have ever seen." Applejack finished laughing and started walking forward and then checking to make sure he was following. "Ah'll introduce ya to the rest o' mah family inside." Oblivion nodded and followed her. "But now that ah think of it how were ya able to hold her in place. Rainbow is a strong flier. But you looked to not be struggling at all to hold her in place."

Oblivion looked at her as they walked. He thought about it for a moment before he responded. "I honestly just wanted her out of my way. I don't appreciate having any..pony in my face like that. The amount of magic I have could be due to other factors. Perhaps it's due to being a...what did you call it?"

Applejack leaned into him and whispered her reply. "Alicorn?"

"Yes. Perhaps that has something to do with it?" He reasoned. She had mentioned that an Alicorn was magically very strong. Applejack shrugged and kept walking toward the house. He glanced back to the Rainbow mare and saw her glaring. He felt the side of his mouth raised in a grin and he winked at her just to ruffle her feathers. He was pleased to see that it worked as she threw down the pitchfork and sputtered at him. He ducked his head and walked into the kitchen with Applejack. He had to keep his head a bit low to prevent his horn from hitting the door jam. Applejack looked around and led him into the front room where an older mare was sleeping. She motioned for Oblivion to stop. He stopped in place and waited for further instructions. Normally he wouldn't let another command him but Applejack was smart enough to request he comply and gave him the choice whether he did so or not. He waited where she had requested as she walked up to the aged mare. She was an apple green mare with a gray mane pulled up into a bun on the back of her head.

"Granny ah brought a guest." Applejack nearly hollered at the mare. Oblivion stood in silence and couldn't help but turn his ears back at the volume. The old mare started and jumped to her hooves. Oblivion cringed when he heard the mare's joints creak. She looked up and saw the tall Unicorn in the opening to the front room and moved slowly toward him. Oblivion crossed the room in 2 strides to prevent the old mare from moving more than what was needed. She looked at him and he saw that her ears were constantly down and flopped against her head. She looked up at the stallion and smiled. Oblivion lowered his head to her and let her get a good look at him.

"Well ah'll be. Applejack brought home a colt." The old mare laughed at her granddaughter's expense.

"Granny!" Applejack yelped as she flushed. "Ah found him by the forest and he had nowhere ta stay." Applejack quickly explained with an affronted look at her grandmother.

Oblivion gave a small smile and shook his head. His orange cat eyes looked back at the old mare and spoke more than spoken word would. The old mare looked back at him and she could see that while he looked young his eyes spoke volumes more than he ever would. She looked back at Applejack and Oblivion raised his head back up in response. "Well, he's welcome ta stay a’ course. Better get to feed em. Call on Apple Bloom and let's get ready for the reunion tomorrow." The old mare wandered toward the kitchen.

Applejack huffed and looked back at Oblivion. "Ah'll show ya to yer room. Then we can have some dinner." She looked to the stallion who nodded in agreement.

Oblivion spun around and followed the mare to a flight of stairs. Applejack led him up the stairs but he paused at the bottom of them. "To the right." Applejack heard him then realized what he meant and jumped to the right and flattened against the wall as a filly raced past her.

"SorryApplejackmove!" Even Oblivion had a hard time following the yellow blur as it ran past them. Applejack jumped away from the wall and stormed down the stairs.

"Apple Bloom you get yer tailback here right now!" The filly stopped in her tracks and looked over her shoulder. She looked at her sister and walked slowly back to her with her head down. Applejack waited till the filly was in front of her before she scolded her. "Apple Bloom you know better than to race through the house like that. And ya are being inconsiderate to our guest. Now apologize to him. If he hadn't been paying attention you would have hit us both and knocked us both down the stairs."

The filly looked up and found her big sister glaring at her and then she motioned her head to where Oblivion was standing. The filly looked sheepish as she turned to the stallion. "Ah'm sorry for running past you like ah did." The filly looked up at him and he brought his head down till he was almost muzzle to muzzle with the filly. She looked up at him and her lower lip quivered slightly. She had a yellow coat and a red mane and tail. A large pink bow was on her head and stood up high on her mane.

The black stallion stood silent and raised his head back up. Apple Bloom was now staring up at him in curiosity she had gotten a good look at his eyes and found them to cat eyes. "All is forgiven little filly. Simply learn from your mistakes and do not repeat them. Do that and there will be no hard feelings." Oblivion looked away from the foal and back to Applejack. He was about to tell Applejack to lead the way when his leg was tapped by a small hoof. He looked down and found Apple Bloom looking up at him. He blinked at her for a moment before he lowered his head once again to look at her. "Yes?"

"Why do yer eyes look like a cat?" She asked. her voice seemed a bit squeakier than before.

"Apple Bloom!" Her older sister yelped.

"It's fine Applejack. Shes not the first and she will never be the last to ask that. They are this way so I can see in the dark and I can track in the woods if I need to." He replied.

The filly smiled as she processed his response. "Can I have eyes like that?"

His ears went back a bit as he remembered how he got them. He shook his head. "No." He brought his head back up and looked to Applejack and used his horn to urge her up the stairs and lead the way.

"Why not?" The filly yelped as she stood in his way.

Oblivion sighed and looked back down to the filly at his hooves. "Because there is no reason for you to have them. You live in a world of light and have no need for eyes that can see in the dark. My eyes help me do my job of protecting ponies from danger. And that is all I will say on the subject little one." The stallion stepped over her and followed the older sister up the stairs.

He missed the filly's look of disappointment as he stepped over her. His tail hitting her in the face as he climbed the stairs. When they reached the top Applejack led him to a room at the end of the hall. Unbeknown to her that was what he preferred due to him being able to respond to an attack faster if he can hear it coming. Though judging by his experience so far an attack was a very remote possibility. She held the door open and he walked into the room. It was wide enough for him to turn in comfortably and had a desk, dresser, and a bed with a quilt on the bed. There was a window above the bed and he looked out it and saw that he had a view of the property. He looked back to Applejack, who was standing in the doorway looking at the floor. He turned and was a few steps away from her when he spoke. "What is it Applejack?"

The mare startled and looked at him. He had his head down to just above her when he spoke. "Well... I wanted to thank ya for being gentle with Apple Bloom. She's a good filly if a little unthinkin' at times. But thank you for toleratin' her question. I know ya don't like ta talk about it." She said and gave him a smile before she turned around and started down the hall. He started to turn back around before he felt a hoof on the shoulder. Applejack had come back into the room. "Also, are ya able to enchant something else so that ya don't have to wear yer cloak ta dinner?"

Oblivion looked at her and shrugged. "I might be able to but I don't have anything else that I can enchant to hide them and I am not going out there with them showing before you even ask." Applejack's jaw closed with a click. The mare looked around for a moment before she reached out to his chest.

"What about this?" She held up his medallion and he scoffed in response.

"Sorry about that. The medallion is from my school and its purpose is to warn me when a great deal of magic is being used or an illusion is close to me. I'm not going to compromise it's purpose just to make my appearance better." He explained to her and she released the medallion to go back to its place on his chest.

Applejack looked around and watched as he tossed his mane over to the other side of his neck. She gasped and looked to him. "Wait right here. Ah'll be right back." The mare took off down the hall and disappeared into another room. She came running back out and trotted down the hall on 3 legs. She held out her hoof when she reached him. In her hoof was a tie for his mane. "Maybe ya'll enchant that? It won't fall off and get lost and you can't walk around without your cloak."

Oblivion held out his hoof and Applejack dropped it into his hoof and his horn lit as he focused on the mane tie and used the same enchant that he used on his cloak. Applejack closed the door behind her and waited. When he had finished he removed his cloak and laid it on the bed. Applejack took the tie from him and used it to style his mane similar to her own. Then she backed up and saw that his wings and the swords on his back vanished. He brought his head up and was pleased to see that his mane was out of the way.

"Your gonna wear those swords?" She asked him in a quiet voice.

"Would you rather I leave them up here where they could be seen?" He asked with a blank look. "Plus, I don't go anywhere without them. Old habits never die."

She groaned at the thought of Apple Bloom finding them and nodded in agreement. If they were with him then Bloom won't find them. She opened the door and led him back to the kitchen. She went down the stairs and looked up them to find him treating the stairs like a hill. She giggled at him but looked away quickly. Mac barreled in the door and ended up colliding with Oblivion as he reached the bottom of the stairs.

“Shit!" Oblivion yelled as his hooves were thrown out from under him and he landed on Mac's back which tossed them both to the ground. "Ouch." Was Oblivion's next comment as he reached up to massage his horn which had hit the ground on the other side of Big Mac.

Oblivion laid across Big Mac's withers and managed to get his hind legs under him as Mac groaned underneath him. One of Oblivion's hooves had struck him just above the left eye. While Oblivion cringed from landing on the work collar he wore. Apple Bloom was hanging onto her chair as she laughed and Granny Smith was making her way over to her grandson and their guest. Oblivion managed to sit down and get his forelegs under him before he tried to stand up. Though he discovered that trying to stand when you don't have a solid footing was a poor decision on his part as his hooves slid out from under him and he fell back onto Big Mac's side. Big Mac groaned again as Oblivion landed on him. Oblivion laid there before a low growl came from him. Applejack walked over to the fallen stallions and tried to pull Oblivion to a better spot. He couldn't use his wings to help him this time. Granny Smith reached them and stood by them. Apple Bloom stopped laughing when she heard the growl from their guest. They all backed up when blue flame covered both stallions.

"By Celestia!" Granny Smith yelled and sat back on her haunches. Both stallions were lifted into the air and were deposited gently onto their hooves. Applejack watched as Oblivion looked more annoyed than hurt, but it was Big Mac that was holding his head. Oblivion looked at him and rolled his eyes. He reached out a hoof and poked Mac in the shoulder. "I could help fix that bump of yours but I won't, this debacle is your own doing. Apple Bloom got scolded for just this reason earlier. Now it's your turn. Don't run in the damned house!" Oblivion yelled in Mac's ear making him collapse to the ground again. The black stallion stepped carefully over the red pony and looked up to the mares in the house who were now staring at the Unicorn. He looked from each of them and tried not to look angry.

"Yer eyes are glowing." Was Apple Bloom's commentary.

Oblivion's head looked up and he turned to Applejack who nodded. He looked around and didn't see a mirror close to him. He instead focused and his horn lit once more. A small mirror appeared in front of him and he looked at his reflection only to find that the filly was right. His orange eyes glowed back at him. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened them again they were back to normal. 'Hmm, that makes things easier and apparently I can conjure items as well. The Lodge would die of jealousy.' Oblivion went over to the table and sat down beside it. Since there were no chairs he assumed that they just sat on the ground. He was correct aside from Apple Bloom who needed a chair to be level with the table. Applejack went over and helped her brother up and into the front room. She spoke to him and Oblivion had to focus on the outside to not overhear. Applejack came back into the kitchen and Mac was following her. He seemed to have recovered enough to stand easily. Oblivion was well aware that his hoof had hit Big Mac in the head but he was firm of the opinion that it was his own fault. The Unicorn didn't offer any help due to this fact. Plus his own head hurt from the impact his horn had been subjected to from the fall.

Applejack began serving up dinner while Mac sat down across from Oblivion. Apple Bloom bounced in her seat as she waited for her dinner. Oblivion could smell that it was some kind of pasta and bread of some kind. He focused back on the ponies around him and then looked out a nearby window. 'Well, this is an interesting turn of events last thing I know I'm fighting for my life against two Leshens who would like nothing more than to end my life. Then I wake up in the body of a horse and am surrounded by very welcoming talking equines. If I wasn't living it I'd be convinced I was losing my damned mind. And to top it all off I seem to have been given the ability to use magic. Though to be fair Applejack referred to it as less Unicorn magic. Or Alicorn in this case I suppose. Which makes no sense as well. I have never even wished to have the magic I am perfectly happy with my Signs and the old fashioned way.' His internal musing was interrupted when a plate of food was set down in front of him.

He looked at the plate and had no idea what he was looking at. He knew the strings were pasta but the little balls on the plate were a mystery to him. He looked to Apple Bloom and she had dived snout first into her food. He looked away and saw that the other was using forks but Oblivion had no idea how to use them with hooves. As he looked he realized that he was being foolish and used magic instead of his hooves since he had no idea how to grasp with them. The Flames held the fork and he speared one of the tiny balls and popped it into his mouth. Upon biting into it he had to fight not to gag. He turned his head to the side and managed to swallow whatever the hell it was. Upon looking back at his food he watched from the corner of his eyes as Applejack ate her food and mimicked her once more. Though the rest of the meal wasn't as appealing either he ate it to be polite to his hosts.

He ate as much as he could handle before pushing the remainder away from himself. Apple Bloom's head spun to look at him and his magic pushed the plate toward her and she happily took it and cleaned his plate as well. When they had all finished and Applejack started picking up plates and then the others all appeared by her enveloped in Oblivion's magic. As she started to take them from his grasp and she looked at them to find that they were clean. Oblivion used his magic to clean the plates and set them down with the clean ones on Applejack's other side. With that done Oblivion's magic cleaned the table as well as Apple Bloom's face. Oblivion stood up from the table and walked out the door to stand outside for a while.

Apple Bloom jumped out of her chair and made to follow the Unicorn into the yard. A red hoof was in front of her as Mac shook his head at her. "Ah need to speak to em' first. I owe him' an apology." Mac told her as he ambled to the door and left the house. He approached the black Unicorn and waited till the other stallion was ready to speak to him. Applejack had mentioned that Oblivion had a different mindset and to be mindful of it. She said that Oblivion came from a warrior pony lineage. Mac knew that he had been in the wrong earlier and he owed Oblivion an apology. He watched as Oblivion didn't give any indication that he cared that Big Mac was there till he sighed and looked over his shoulder at Mac.

"Can I help you?" Oblivion's voice traveled to his ears despite his quiet tone.

Mac stood up straighter and walked up to Oblivion and sat down beside the black Unicorn. Mac cleared his throat before he spoke. "Ah am sorry for knocking ya down earlier. Ah should have apologized righ' away but ah didn't and for that ah am sorry. Ya were right, ah did deserve the knock on the head. I wasn' thinkin' and caused trouble for mah family and especially you as our guest. Ah hope ya can forgive me eventually." Mac bowed his head as he sat beside Oblivion.

Oblivion looked at the red stallion. 'What is it with these equines? They ask for forgiveness despite not know anything about me. By the Hells below.' Oblivion looked at Mac and sighed.

Mac suddenly found his headache gone and his head snapped up to see the flame from Oblivion's horn fade and vanish. Mac stared at the Unicorn, he had been expecting Oblivion to hold a grudge. Though when he thought about it Mac realized that he was making an assumption about the stallions character when he knew nothing about him. He sat back up and looked at the other stallion and smiled. "Thank ya Oblivion. Even though I didn't..." Mac started to speak but was interrupted.

"Oh for the love of the..! Just accept my forgiveness and call it even. You apologized and I accept it." Oblivion barked at him again, but this time it was in exasperation. The Unicorn stood up, flicked his tail to get rid of the dirt, and walked away from the stunned Big Mac. Oblivion didn't go far as he looked back at Mac. "I apologize, that outburst was unwarranted. I am simply unused to others being so welcoming and forgiving. I am simply...unused to the situation of another asking me to forgive them. No-fault for that lies with you. Thank you for your apology. There is no longer anything to forgive. Good night Big Mac." Oblivion walked away from him and sat down several feet away in silence.

Big Mac heard Oblivion sigh and watched him as he slumped to the ground with his head between his hooves. Mac stood back up and walked to where the Unicorn had slumped to the ground. Mac decided to sit down beside him and put a hoof on his shoulder in silent comfort. Oblivion raised his head and his glowing orange eyes regarded Mac as they sat in silence. Oblivion sighed again and let himself fall back to the ground in silence. The two sat in silence and Mac kept his hoof on the other's shoulder.

Applejack looked out the kitchen window and saw the two sitting in silence and watched as Mac laid a hoof on Oblivion's shoulder and the other didn't shy away like Applejack thought he might. But judging from how Oblivion let himself sink to the ground in a heap he was more mentally tired than physically. She told Big Mac a little about Oblivion, just enough so that Mac would apologize now instead of tomorrow as he had planned. She had watched as Oblivion had used his magic to help Mac's headache and Mac sat by him when he had laid down outside. She watched for a moment before sighing and started to head to the door when it opened and then closed with a bang. She looked out to find that Oblivion had leaped to his hooves and had turned to the door with his horn alight and a loud growl coming from his throat. Mac had also startled and looked back to find Apple Bloom trotting to them. Oblivion groaned as he stopped growling and let his magic fade. Applejack walked out of the door and watched. Apple Bloom reached them and looked up to Oblivion. The stallion's eyes gave off a light glow in the darkness as he regarded the filly in silence.

"Can I ask ya something?" The yellow filly looked up at him as she asked.

Oblivion sighed and sat down. "I get the feeling that even if I said no you would still ask." He commented. Beside him, Mac turned around and gave a low laugh at Oblivion's commentary. The black Unicorn waited for the filly to speak up. "You can ask one question."

The filly looked thoughtful as she sat down. Applejack walked up to them and stood in silence. Also waiting for the filly to speak. "But Ah got a lot of questions!" The filly whined at him.

Oblivion shook his head. "You get one question. As that is all you asked and it is getting late. I'm certain your family would not like it if you are up to late." Applejack and Big Mac nodded in agreement. The filly sulked as she began to try to pick the best question to ask. She seemed to finally choose as she looked at him.

"Since mah sister brought ya home with her are ya her special somepony?" She finally asked.

'What in the Realms does that mean?' Was all that Oblivion could think of in response to the question. "A what pony?"

Applejack snorted and spun the filly to face her. "No, he is not mah special somepony. Apple Bloom ah met him in the forest and since he had nowhere ta go ah brought him here to rest. Ya need ta get the truth before ya guess. Making an assumption about somepony is not going ta help matters." She looked at Oblivion to see what could only be confusion on his face. She had to admit she was thankful he didn't know what that meant. Oblivion shook his head as he looked back at Apple Bloom.

"Listen to your sister." Was all he said. He managed to put aside his curiosity and ignore his own questions. He'd ask Applejack another time. He stood up and walked around them and back toward the house. Oblivion realized that he was growing tired and decided to turn in for the night. "If you will excuse I think I am going to turn in. Good night everyo..pony." Oblivion gave a light chuckle. 'Have to get used to saying pony instead. It's a bit awkward but necessary to fit in.' Oblivion's magic opened the door and he walked inside to find Granny Smith started to go up the stairs to her own bedroom. Oblivion stood behind her as she slowly made her way up the stairs. Oblivion's magic picked her up and carried her to the top of the stairs. He gently set her down and began to walk past her toward the room Applejack had told him to use.

"Thank ye youngin," She said as she went into the first room on the left.

Oblivion stopped and stared after the old mare. 'Mm. Another first. Being thanked for something small and fairly insignificant. I suppose that is normal for these ponies. Not sure how I will fit into this world. But if I'm here I might as well get used to it, since I am stuck here for now.' Oblivion pushed the door open, walked into the room and then turned to close the door. He pulled the binding from his mane and let his wings and swords show. He stretched out his wings and was surprised to see that a few inches of the tips were pushing against the ceiling. He brought them back down and let them hang loosely against his sides. He put his head down and used one hoof to move his long forelock to one side of his horn. He contemplated cutting it but decided not to after a few moments of thought. He heard the others coming in from outside and looked to the door.

There was no lock on it but he used magic to create one. It would not open unless he wanted it too. He turned to the bed and looked at it. It appeared to be smaller than him so his hind legs might hang off the end of it. Having slept like that before he knew it would lead to waking up sore. Upon remembering that his magic picked up the blankets and pillow and laid down on the plush rug. His magic pulled his baldric off of him and the swords were laid on the floor directly next to him. The blanket went over him and the pillow laid on the ground in front of him. He laid his head down in front of him. His magic pulled the curtains closed as he closed his eyes. He could hear the others getting into bed as well and he began to allow himself to fall asleep.

2: The Nightmare Reigns...

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Oblivion's eyes snapped open and his head lifted to its full height. His ears flicked in all directions listening for what had awoken him. He soon figured out that it was Apple Bloom waking up to Applejack hitting something. Sounded like a pot or something. His wings were covered and he put his hoof around his blades and pulled them under the blanket before he opened the door a crack so as to dissuade Applejack from hitting a pot in the room. She opened the door and found him looking at her from his place on the floor. She stared at him before she said anything.

“What in tarnation are ya doing on the floor?” She yelped as she walked into the room and closed the door.

“The bed is too short. I have slept on beds like that before and I ended up sore for my trouble. Sleeping on the rug made more sense. Kindly make sure a certain small pony does not come in the door while I get up.” Applejack moved to stand in front of the door and held it in place. “Thank you.”

Oblivion’s magic held the blankets and folded them onto the bed along while laying the pillow back in place. He pitched to his hooves and shook himself free of any stiffness, which he was pleased to discover was minimal at best. He pulled his baldric back on and waited as his swords settled into their place on his back. His wings were tight at his sides and his magic pulled his cloak over his head and settled onto his back. Effectively hiding his wings and the swords on his back. He pulled one side of the cloak up to ensure that the enchant on it was still there and was pleased to find that it was still working. He turned to Applejack and she opened the door, motioning for him to go in front of her. He obliged and walked out toward the stairs. He stopped and stepped to the left as Apple Bloom came running around the corner. She screeched to a halt when she saw them and trotted down the stairs. She looked back and smiled at Oblivion and her big sister. “Least she learned her lesson. For the most part.”

Applejack laughed and nodded as she looked at him. “Well, least she learned sumthin’. Ah’ll have breakfast ready in two shakes, so let's get down there and ah’ll get to makin’ pancakes.” She urged him down the stairs ahead of her. He stopped after a couple of steps and looked back at her.

“Pancakes? Are those similar to a flapjack?” He looked at her with a serious expression. Applejack blinked and after a few beats, she nodded. “I see. And while I'm asking, what in the name of all that is unholy were those little balls that we had last night?”

Applejack smiled and had to bite back a bout of laughter. “That was spaghetti and wheat balls.”

Oblivion looked thoughtful for a second before he responded. “Alright I don’t mean this to be critical and I am certainly appreciative of the meal but if I am here for that meal again please do not put them on my plate.”

Applejack looked at him with barely hidden curiosity. “Why?”

Oblivion looked at her in response. “No offense intended, but they were awful.” He blanched at the memory and went down the rest of the stairs. He expected Applejack to say more but was surprised by her sudden laughter.

“Is that why ya gave them all to Apple Bloom?” She asked and waited as he nodded. She laughed as she came down the rest of the stairs and stopped next to him. “All righ’. I’ll remember that ya don’t care for them next time.” She chuckled as she went to start cooking.

Oblivion was glad she had taken his critique so well and went toward the table. He would have offered to help but he knew nothing about the kitchen items that she was using. He could smell that she was using a wood fire to cook but he wasn’t sure how so he left her to it. He would help with the clean up as he had done last night. He looked at Apple Bloom who was staring at a piece of paper with a pencil held in her mouth. She appeared to be concentrating. He looked over to see what she was looking at and was put off to see that he could not read what was on the paper. All he could see was strange symbols scrawled across the page. Apple Bloom looked at him and found he had a curious look on his face. She looked away and he saw a mischievous look cross her face. He had seen that look before on young Witcher's. The filly looked back to him slyly.

“Ya seem interested in what I’m doing, would ya like ta try it?” She asked and pushed it toward him.

Oblivion looked at the paper, put his hoof on it, and pushed it back till it was under her muzzle. “Nice try little one. I am immune to those big puppy eyes of yours. I have no interest in doing your work for you. You will get nowhere if you expect your work to be done by others. Others will push you away if you try to use them to your own ends.” Oblivion looked away as he finished speaking.

Apple Bloom blinked at him and looked back down to her work. What he had said was true and she suddenly felt bad for what she had tried to do. He stood up and walked away to look outside since the upper part of the door was open to see outside. Apple Bloom jumped down from her chair and walked slowly to him. She tapped the tall stallions' lower leg and waited for him to focus on her. He looked down and she looked up at him. There were small tears in her eyes as she lunged forward and hugged his leg. “Ah’m sorry. Ah didn’t think about how ya would feel. Ah, I'm so very sorry Oblivion.” The filly cried into his leg.

Oblivion’s eyes widened and he looked at the filly in shock. He hadn’t meant to make the foal cry. He simply pointed out a mistake. He looked up to the others and found them all giving him varying smiles. Applejack nodded to him that he should comfort the upset filly. ‘How in the Hells do I handle a crying foal?’ He sat down and patted her back. That was the only thing he could think of to do. Open affection or tears unnerved him and he was unsure of how to act. He tried to think of what to say as Apple Blooms crying turned into soft whimpers and her hold on his leg loosened. She looked up at him and he tried to look softly at her and not upset her further. “As I said yesterday to try to learn from your mistakes and you will be a better pony for them when you grow up. Try to remember how others might feel when you act and by doing that you will make your family quite proud of you in the process.”

Apple Bloom looked at him and nodded her understanding. She released his leg and sat down on the floor. Oblivion watched her and tried to think of a way to ease her sniffling and comfort her, despite not truly knowing how to do that. He thought back to how he had seen his mare, Sasa, react to an upset foal and remember that she had nuzzled the foal and licked the foals fur. Oblivion immediately threw out the second idea as it disgusted him. He leaned down and gave her a gentle, but very brief nuzzle to her mane. She perked up and looked at him as he withdrew back to his height. Applejack and Granny Smith awwed’ at the site and Oblivion looked back out the window. Big Mac nodded in approval and went back to setting the table for breakfast. Apple Bloom looked at the black Unicorn and smiled widely.

“Go finish your work little one.” Oblivion finally spoke and used his hoof to turn her around back toward the table. She trotted back to her chair and scrambled back up to the table to work on it.

“Breakfast everypony!” Applejack shouted as she set the platter of pancakes on the table. Oblivion pinned his ears at the volume, but stood up and pivoted to walk back to the table. Applejack and the rest of the family sat down, Oblivion joined them and waited till the others had taken their portion. He took two in his magic and put them on his plate. He looked up at the others to see what they were doing. Apple Bloom had drowned them in something that smelled sweet to him. Applejack and her brother put butter and the sweet-smelling liquid on their food and started to eat. Oblivion had never been a fan of sweets so he left his plain and ate them quietly. When he had finished he moved his plate to the sink and stood up to walk outside. As he walked to the door Applejack swallowed her food and looked to him.

“Did ya get enough to eat? Ya only had two.” She asked him before he reached the door. His eyes connected with hers and he nodded that he was fine. She frowned. “Ah’ll be done in a minute, wait outside the door for me?” She asked him. She somehow knew that if she tried to order him he would refuse to comply with her so she gave him a choice instead.

Oblivion nodded, walked outside and walked over to one of the apple trees to stand underneath it. He leaned up against the tree and waited for the orange mare to finish her breakfast. Around 5 minutes later Applejack walked out of the house and looked around. Oblivion whistled, Applejack spotted him and trotted over to him. She stopped in front of him and smiled.

“The way ah figure it ah should show ya around Ponyville. Ah have some shopping to do so ah can show ya around and get some work done. Give me a sec while ah get my saddlebags and I’ll walk ya into town and show ya around.” She mentioned to him and waited for his response.

“Very well. Should I get mine as well?” He asked of her. More out of courtesy due to the fact that he hadn’t even looked into his saddlebags. So he was unaware if they would even have any space to hold anything that she bought.

Applejack shook her head at him in response as she turned back to the house and trotted inside. Apple Bloom came out with her a few minutes later. Oblivion looked at her and waited for an explanation from the orange mare.

Applejack looked at him and explained. “Need to drop Apple Bloom off at school then we can go into town.”

Oblivion nodded in silence and joined them in walking forward toward the gate to the farm. He kept an easy pace with the mare as Apple Bloom led them down the dirt road. He spent the walk looking around him till they got up a small hill that had a very gentle incline that he was able to simply walk up instead of lunging. When he reached the top he saw a small building that was a gentle red and had a mix of white and had a little horseshoe on the front awning. Oblivion didn’t bother to hide his interest in the small building. His eyes traveled to the many foals running around in front and to the side of it were, what he assumed, were toys for the foals to play on. Schooling for him had been in Kaer Morhen and had been rigorous. This on the other hand...hoof looked like a pleasant place. He looked at Applejack who in turn was looking at him with a smile. He looked away and back to the schoolhouse. His head was up as he looked closely at the building. His cat eyes narrowed and his heightened vision analyzed every part that he could easily see. He stopped when Applejack did and watched as Apple Bloom joined her fellow foals.

“Ya look interested. Y'all Witchers..learned in a place like this?” She asked him as they waited for school to begin.

Oblivion barked out a laugh as he looked to the mare beside him. “Hardly. I learned in a fortress of stone and mortar. The opposite of this place. But I wouldn't have traded it for the world either. For all it’s faults it was the right place for Witchers. We gather there every winter even now. It's really the only time we see one another due to our profession. There aren’t very many of us left now though. Soon the keep will be too big for just a few of us.” He responded, his voice dropped as he thought of the few Witchers of the Wolf that remained. Applejack regarded him and then looked away.

“Ah’m sorry ah brought it up. But ah’m glad to hear you liked it.” She stopped when he laughed.

“It was a living hell. But it made us ready for the trials that came and ensured we could survive alone. But again, it was just different.” He went back to looking at the school when he became aware of many pairs of eyes staring at him. He looked in front of him and found around 8-12 foals looking up at him. He blinked at them and stepped back a step or so. Applejack giggled as they all stared. One of them, a darker pink filly stepped forward and looked up at him. He saw Apple Bloom looking at him from the front of the group as she pointed up at him with one hoof.

“This is Oblivion Shadow. He’s new ta Ponyville and he’s a super powerful Unicorn.” She said to the other foals.

“That can’t be his real name.” The darker pink one said her voice was rather snobbish and reminded Oblivion of many nobles that he had the displeasure of meeting. The mark on her flank appeared to be a thin silver crown with gems on the tips. “It makes no sense. If he’s so powerful then why is he in Ponyville and not Canterlot?” She shrilled.

Oblivion stood on the other side of the fence and regarded the little filly with ill-concealed contempt. He was not a fan of the nobility who acted all high and mighty until they needed the dirty work taken care of. Oblivion had put many a noble in their place with his usual commentary and promises of leaving them with their own problems until they caved in and gave him what he asked for. Apple Bloom deflated and seemed more upset than earlier when she had tried to use him for her own gains. Oblivion’s horn lit up and suddenly the filly that had spoken up with hovering several feet in the air. She squeaked and the azure flame turned her till she was muzzle to muzzle with Oblivion himself.

“I can promise you my name is real and I do not tolerate insults. Neither to myself or those who have been kind to me. I expect to hear an apology directed to Apple Bloom little filly or you will discover just how powerful I truly am. Now, I believe you have something to say?” His cat eyes narrowed to slits and he could see that the filly was listening. He set her down in front of Apple Bloom and when she didn’t speak up Oblivion put his head above hers and released a loud snort.

She yelped and looked up to find him staring down at her. “I’m sorry for what I said Apple Bloom.” She shrilled and Oblivion brought his head back up and looked to Apple Bloom.

She smiled and looked up at him. His actions earned him a look from Applejack but he regretted nothing. Much to his surprise, the foals began cheering and laughing. Apple Bloom got patted on the back by many foals for how cool her families guest was. Oblivion looked at her and was about to say more when the front door of the school building opened and a dark pink mare with a pink and white mane and tail called them all inside. She waved to Applejack and blinked repeatedly at the stallion next to the orange mare, but said nothing. Many of the foals began heading to the schoolhouse and many turned and waved, calling his name. The foals all filed into the building and soon it was quiet. He shrugged and turned to Applejack.

“Ya didn’t have to scare her.” Applejack commented.

“Hmm. Maybe, but it was effective so I regret nothing.” He responded and waited for her to lead the way to town.

Applejack shook her head and sighed as she walked forward to lead him. It was early morning and the streets of the town were fairly clear. Many ponies were decorating and most were busy preparing for what looked like a celebration or festival of some kind. Oblivion looked around as he kept pace with Applejack. As she mentioned the names of several buildings and showed him the inside of a few of them. Several ponies stopped to stare at him as he passed by. At first, he reacted with a glare and a low growl. After being reprimanded by Applejack he was informed that they saw him as a stranger and because he was so tall he stood out. With that cleared up, he nodded to Applejack who continued leading him through town as she did her shopping. As she bought the few things she needed it became obvious that her saddlebags were full and could not hold anything more. She looked at her list and then to Oblivion.

“Ah’m regretting saying I didn’t need you to bring yer saddlebags. This is more than ah thought ah would need.” The orange mare commented with regret heavy in her voice.

Oblivion looked at her for a moment before he looked around and saw many ponies carrying things on their backs with no trouble. “Well, I can try to carry something on my back. Though make sure it’s not fragile… I’m an idiot.” Suddenly his horn lit up and he lifted some of the larger items from her saddlebags and they hovered around him and he looked at Applejack who began laughing.

“Well, we are both idiots. Ah forgot as well.” Applejack said through her laughter.

Oblivion shook his head and gave a small smile. He was learning that it required almost no effort for him to hold many items in his azure flame. He said nothing as he followed the orange mare as she told him more places and soon he had no doubt that he would be able to navigate the town on his own after a few tries. He had the basic outline figured out and knew the major buildings. Applejack led him toward a pink building that looked like a cake of some kind.

“I’ll treat ya to a snack as thanks fer helping with mah shopping.” She said as she held open a door that was like the one at her own house and half open.

He nodded politely to her and walked inside. The floor gave off a shine and there were glass cabinets on the walls. He stopped just inside and waited for Applejack to walk in as well. He walked slowly behind her. The floor reminded him of some noble houses that he had been in during a few contracts. It was a bit disorienting for him and he forced himself to look away and focus on following the mare. She looked back at him once as he followed, her items still floating around him. She stopped in front of the counter and waited as he joined her. A sky blue mare with a pink mane and 3 cakes on her flank greeted them at the counter.

“Howdy Mrs. Cake. Hows business doin?” Applejack greeted the other mare cheerfully.

“Oh it’s doing well there Applejack, thank you for asking. And who is this handsome stallion?”

She asked and cast a look at the black Unicorn that had tools hovering around him. Obviously, he was helping Applejack. Oblivion started as he had not been fully paying attention. Applejack flushed as she gaped at Mrs. Cake.

“Well ah..He’s…” Applejack fumbled for words.

“My name is Oblivion Shadow. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Cake. Applejack took me into her home after she found me in the forest yesterday. I am repaying her by helping her out with her shopping this morning.” Oblivion spoke up to save Applejack from embarrassing herself more. He bowed his head to the older mare who flushed as well. Oblivion's cat eyes shone and he looked at the mare with a blank expression. Showing that her words would not get to him.

She stared at him for a moment before she recovered. “Well, he certainly is a gentle colt. And it is good of you to help Applejack out. Her whole family is such good ponies.” She said before looking back to Applejack. “So what can I get you this morning dear?”

Applejack cast a side look to Oblivion before responding. “Ah’ll take an apple cupcake and what would you like Oblivion?” She waited for him to decide.

Oblivion looked at much to his dismay any labels the items had could not be read by him. he was having trouble discerning any of the smells apart from each other due to how prevalent they were. He shook his head to clear it and looked back to Applejack. “I’m not sure. I’m not a fan of sweets. So something that isn’t very sweet if possible.”

Mrs. Cake started and blinked at him as he finished speaking. There was a loud bang that sounded off from behind her. A yellow stallion came out of the room behind her and he stared at Oblivion as well. The black Unicorn looked unflinching back at them. “You do not like sweets?” She asked him and he nodded once in response.

Oblivion waited as they processed what he had said. He looked over and even Applejack was staring at him. He suddenly felt the ground shake for a moment as a bright pink mare came running into view. Her face was contorted into one of horror as smoke came from her hooves. Oblivion stared at her for a moment before he shook his head and looked back to them. The mare ran forward and pushed Applejack back so she could gape at him. Her mane was messy and puffed up in several directions. She had 3 balloons on her flank and she reached out and pulled Oblivion's mane down till she had hold of his muzzle. She held him in place as he snorted in displeasure.

“How can you not like sweets?” She shrieked at him. Oblivion pinned his ears at her and snorted. “Sweets make ponies happy and make everypony smile! Do you not like smiling?” She said and kept pulling on his head and mane.

Applejack recovered and moved to stand by the pink mare's side to try to pry her off Oblivion's head. She looked to him and saw that his eyes were beginning to glow signaling that he was growing more and more annoyed. She reached forward and tried to pry the mare off of him. “Pinkie let go of him.” She pulled on the mare and then looked at Oblivion. His eyes were starting to glow brighter and Applejack knew that he was losing his patience. She watched as Oblivion began squaring his hooves as if prepping to fight with the mare. “Pinkie let go righ’ now! He can’t answer you if your holding his muzzle closed.” She shouted as she began pulling on the mare.

Oblivion was about to throw her magically when the mare perked up and let go which sent Applejack flying behind her from the sudden release. Oblivion shook his head, lifted his head up to full height and glared down at the pink mare, who was looking at him expectantly. His eyes glowed brightly and he refused to dignify the mare with a response. She looked at Applejack who staggered back to them and patted Oblivion's shoulder.

“Please say somethin’ or she might do it again.” Applejack pleaded with the stallion and gave a forced smile.

“I am not required to explain my taste in food to her. Not after her display. I will not explain myself since there is nothing to explain. My choice of food is just that...My choice.” Oblivion stated his eyes still glowed and he refused to even look at the pink mare who was blinking rapidly at him as he spoke.

Mrs. Cake looked at them and gave a small smile. “I don’t have anything that isn’t sweet out here. But if you are okay with waiting for a couple of minutes I know just the thing for you.” Oblivion looked back to the mare as her words caught his ears. Her voice was gentle and Oblivion gave her a slight nod before pivoting on his heel and sitting down at a booth close by. Applejack picked up the cupcake that was handed to her and sat down with him, leaving Pinkie standing in place. Oblivion’s eyes faded and he sat in silence.

“Ah’m sorry about that. Ah forgot to mention that Pinkie Pie can be a little extreme sometimes.” She said to him. Oblivion’s head turned swiftly to look at her. He gave her a look that said ‘really’. “Okay, she can be a might extreme.” Oblivion snorted and Applejack looked back to Pinkie. The mare suddenly jolted and trotted over to them. As she neared Oblivion visibly bristled. “Easy pardner.” Applejack put a hoof on his shoulder, hoping to quiet him.

Pinkie stopped by the table and her ears folded back. “I’m super duper sorry. I got over excited...again. Anyway, my name is Pinkie Pie and I’m Ponyville’s resident party pony! You're new here aren’t you?”

Oblivion paused before responding. He simply looked at her and then looked away. Applejack could see that he was still angry about Pinkie’s behavior. She leaned forward. “Ah found him in the forest yesterday evenin. He is new but he doesn’t like loud noises or sweets Pinkie. So ah think ah can speak for him when I say… no party.” She told the mare. Pinkies' eyes widened and she seemed to be struggling to keep quiet. Her head actually expanded and Oblivion stared in surprise. Applejack looked at him to see a look that bordered on concern in his face. She shook her head and smiled motioning for him to wait with her hoof. He watched with her as she suddenly deflated and then recovered.

“Okay, I’m over it.” Pinkie commented and bounced back to the counter.

“What the hell was that?” Applejack's head turned to Oblivion as he stared after the mare.

Applejack laughed. “It's Pinkie. Y'all get used to it after a while.” She said as she bit into her food.

Oblivion looked at her and shook his head. His magic continued to keep the items hovering and he decided to test it out while he was waiting. He started moving the tools around him with varying speeds and angles. He focused on a small hammer and tried to make it move up and down faster. He felt a sudden jolt go through him, he snorted with surprise and the hammer went through the ceiling above him. Oblivion looked up at the hole in the ceiling and looked around before his eyes went to Applejack who was glaring at him. He looked back up and maneuvered the hammer back through the hole in the ceiling. He put the hammer on the table and looked up at the ceiling, he looked up as his magic covered the hole in the ceiling and after a moment the hole has vanished in a flash of blue flame. He gave a low snort and smiled at his handy work. He looked back down and put the hammer back in its place with the other tools hovering at his side.

Applejack stared at him with a dumbfounded expression. “How in Equestria.. how did ya do that?” She asked him.

He turned to her and gave a small shrug. “I am of the opinion that if I break something, even if by accident, then it is my responsibility to repair the damage. In this case, a small hole in the ceiling.” He replied and looked up as Mrs. Cake came over to the table with a plate balancing on her back.

She set down a small cake in front of him and he gave it an experimental sniff. His eyes opened and the small cake was enveloped in azure flame as he lifted it to his muzzle. Then gave it another sniff and then, as if suddenly knowing what it has he swallowed it in one bite and looked pleased with himself as he licked his lips. Mrs. Cake looked at him expectantly.

“Thank you, Mrs. Cake. I appreciate your understanding and that was a delicious coffee cake. I greatly appreciate it.” He said as he gave her a small smile.

Mrs. Cake blinked and then broke into a wide smile. Applejack looked at her, smiled and shook her head. “You like coffee?”

Oblivion nodded. “I told you I am not a fan of sweets. My tastes run more toward coffee if I have to have something with flavor or I prefer spirits if given the choice. “ Applejack looked at him and laughed for a second.

“Well now ah know what kinda food ya like. Are all of the yer kind like that?” She asked as Mrs. Cake left them alone.

Oblivion shook his head. “No. There are a couple I know that prefer very strongly flavored foods. Things that are both very sweet or very spicy. It depends on the individual. I just happen to lean towards bitter or even bland if needed. Due to my heightened sense of taste and smell, some things can be overwhelming. Sweet things are one of them.” He explained and Applejack nodded in understanding.

Pinkie Pie came back out of the back with a small bag on her back and held it up to Oblivion. His nose told him what was in it and he looked at her with suspicion before using his magic to hold the bag in its grasp. Applejack looked at Pinkie who seemed to be awaiting his response. Oblivion looked at her for a moment before he sighed and nodded to her. He got out of the chair and walked toward the door. His magic opened it for Applejack as Pinkie smiled and waved at them. Oblivion looked back and saw the crazed pink pony leaning out the door waving frantically. Oblivion’s ears flicked back and listened around him. He looked back in front of him and watched where he was going.

It was getting busier as the day went by. Applejack looked back to him and saw that he seemed to have no problem staying with her. She quickened her pace and Oblivion didn’t seem to have any problem with the pace. They made it back to the farm and she began putting the tools where they needed to be. Big Mac thanked them as the tools were delivered. Oblivion noticed that the wheel on the wagon Mac was using had broken and that was the reason for the tools. He looked at it as Applejack took the tools out of his magic and placed them where they belonged. She also picked up the small bag with several coffee cakes in it down on the table as well.

“Is that why we have so many new tools?” Oblivion asked Mac as he looked to the broken wheel.

“Eeyup,” Mac responded and turned away from the wheel and started getting his tools ready.

Applejack looked at Oblivion, smiled and watched as blue flame covered the wheel and it was restored in a flash of light. He looked away as Mac turned to look at the wheel with a hammer in his mouth, he stopped and stared at the wheel for a moment, blinked and then looked to Oblivion. The Unicorn looked blandly at the forest. He turned to Applejack who was trying and failing, to hold in a smirk. She put a hoof over her muzzle but ended up laughing through it anyway. She pointed to Oblivion and laughed at her brother's look of surprise. The black stallion was silent as he looked back to Big Mac, saw the look on his face and gave a small nod to the wheel. Mac smiled and put a large hoof on Oblivion's shoulder in thanks. Oblivion shrugged and looked away again.

“Ah appreciate the help, Oblivion. With this fixed ah can get the other parts of the reunion ready. If ya don’ mind ya think ya could help out a bit?” Mac requested of him.

Oblivion looked back to him and seemed to think it over. “I don’t see why not. Since you let me stay the night I’ll lend a helping ha.. hoof.”

The red stallion nodded and motioned him to follow him. Applejack went over to the orchard and began kicking the trees to release the apples. Oblivion cringed at the impact but looked away to focus on following the red pony. They turned the corner to the other side of the barn and were greeted with easily over a dozen other ponies. Oblivion halted and stood in silence as he looked at the group of various colored ponies. ‘Oh by the Realms this could turn out badly. The last time I was in a large crowd I had to run due to the humans blaming me for their misfortune despite the fact that I got rid of the wraith haunting their farmlands. Though to be fair these equines are incredibly forgiving and even more accepting than I could have imagined so this could go either way.’ Though he still did not move and Big Mac seemed to realize after several strides and looked back to the Unicorn. Big Mac looked back to him and cocked his head.

“Y'all all right’?” The red stallion walked back to him and waited for a response.

Oblivion looked to him and paused before responding. “I am not a fan of crowds. Currently, I am standing at the only escape route. Which is not a comfortable realization.” Oblivion explained to the red farmer and awaited his response.

Big Mac looked at the Unicorn and then looked behind him as well. Noticing that there was a small crowd. He looked at the other stallion and despite his calm demeanor, he showed a slight amount of discomfort. Mac decided to see if the chores he needed help with could be done from a distance. But when he thought of it he realized that it would be more difficult. “Well, ah do need the help to get mah chores done in time but ah don’ want ya to feel like ya have to help. Especially’ if Y'all are uncomfortable. Ya can help Applejack with the apple buckin’ if ya like.” Mac replied.

Oblivion looked from the farmer to the crowd. ‘I’m going to be noticed one way or the other. Either due to the fact that I am a Unicorn among regular ponies or due to my height. Bloody brilliant. I do owe this family my help in exchange for their hospitality. My pride will not allow me to turn tail due to some discomfort.’ Oblivion shook his head and squared his hooves. “Discomfort or not I will do as I said I would and aid you. I am going to be noticed one way or the other due to the fact that I am different in appearance. I will deal with it.” He said and moved past Big Mac to where a bunch of tools and wood sat.

Big Mac watched him and followed closely behind him. He grew up on his left and saw several of his relatives look at the black Unicorn with clear interest. He looked to Oblivion and found the Unicorn to be ignoring them. His ears were flicking to the sides to listen so it was clear he knew that he had been spotted. They reached the woodpile and Mac drew away from him and looked to his project. “Alrigh’. So we need to make a temporary bleacher so that ponies can sit comfortably and enjoy each others company. So ah need ya to put the wood in place and hold it while ah hammer it into place.”

Oblivion looked at him, looked to the woodpile and nodded. His horn lit up and the wood and nails all levitated into place. As he closed his eyes and Mac reached down and picked up the hammer in his hoof. A flash of light brought his attention back to the stands and found them to be already put together. Mac was shocked to see that the stands were grander than what he had designed. They were 6 rows high, had red, orange, and yellow streamers wrapped around the boards and had apples carved into the wood. Mac’s mouth dropped open and the hammer fell to the ground. He looked over to Oblivion and saw the stallion's eyes open and for a second he wavered in place. Mac jumped next to him to stop him from possibly falling over.

Oblivion's head went down as he tried to recover, his vision had blurred for a moment and a headache threatened to hit him. He breathed deeply and waited for it to pass. After several moments it passed and he looked over to find that Mac was supporting his left shoulder with concern written on his face. He waved a hoof at him, but Mac stayed in place. “I’m all right. I’m guessing that I simply overused my own magic. Though that is a rough guess. So in reality it...” A loud growl went through the air and Oblivion blinked. Mac looked at him and gave a loud laugh.

“Sounds like somepony is hungry. After following mah sister around all mornin’ ah’m not surprised. Come on mah friend, ah’ll get ya fed.” Mac moved away from him and started to lead him back to the house.

‘I ate a normal amount of food for me. Strangely enough, I do not feel hungry. Actually, that was more than normal for me. Perhaps this new form I have requires more to function safely. That would make sense considering it is larger than it previously was. This could become problematic until I figure out how much this form requires.' Oblivion walked slowly behind Big Mac with his head level with his own shoulders. His stomach growled once more as he moved past several ponies who had come over to look at the structure that had been created. He could hear the comments from the ponies expressing admiration at the structure. Oblivion gave a small smile and followed Big Mac. Oblivion looked back at himself when Mac stopped next to the tool bench by the barn. Oblivion could see that he was a very thin pony compared to others. He wondered if his high metabolism had something to do with it.

Mac tapped Oblivion's shoulder to encourage him to keep following as Mac put the small bag on his own back and started for the house again. He opened the door and held it as Oblivion walked in giving him a nod of thanks. He looked back and found Applejack taking a few strides toward him but he shook his head and pointed to his own stomach to show that they were getting some food. She nodded and pointed to the time. Big Mac looked thoughtful for a moment before he realized that it was time to pick up Apple Bloom. He nodded and indicated that he would take care of Oblivion while she got their younger sister. He went inside and found Oblivion standing in silence as he breathed heavily. Mac pushed him gently into the front room toward the couch.

Oblivion allowed himself to be moved and stopped when the light nudging ended and Big Mac tried to push his flank to the side to be able to lay down on the couch. Oblivion shook his head and started to move when the room spun at the sudden movement and his knees buckled. “Shit!” He yelped as Mac took that exact moment to push his ribs and he landed on the couch. The red farmer looked pleased with himself but looked down at Oblivion with concern.

“Now we need ta get some food in ya. If ya weren’t black as night ya would be very pale. Ah knew ya didn’t eat enough this mornin’ but ah didn’t want ta pry. Even Apple Bloom ate more than ya did. First off here is the food ya brought home with ya. I’ll make ya a sandwich and bring it out to ya. Nah ya need ta stay here and rest a minute.” He said as Oblivion started to argue. The black Unicorns jaw snapped shut in response. He groaned and sank back down. Big Mac grabbed the top of the bag in his teeth and sat it down by Oblivion's shoulder before he walked into the kitchen.

Oblivion watched him disappear into the kitchen before he looked at the small bag. He set the bag on the floor. Oblivion let his head lay down on the cushion and he closed his eyes. He could hear Big Mac in the kitchen and Granny Smith was out talking with the ponies by the stand he had made with Big Mac. His ears picked up on a small dog wandering around the ponies as well.

He heard Big Mac’s hooves on the carpet and he opened his eyes but did not move from his current position. Mac held out a plate with two sandwiches on it to the Unicorn. Oblivion's magic held the plate and he set it down next to the small bag and looked at the food on it. His head came up at the sight of flowers and hay coming out of the sides of the bread. Big Mac stood by him and waited for him to eat his food. Oblivion was silent as he contemplated what he was going to do with the strange food. His stomach growled again and Mac looked at him, expectantly. His magic held one of the sandwiches and levitated it up to his mouth. He took a small bite and chewed on it. It was fairly tasteless which was fine by him. He swallowed it and waited. He took another bite and the hay crunched between his teeth and he suddenly found himself trying not to vomit. His stomach rolled and he tried to ignore the discomfort, but after a moment he set the sandwich down and growled under his breath. Mac looked surprised but after a few beats, he looked even more concerned for the Black Unicorn. Oblivion tried to give him a dismissive wave of his hoof but found that he couldn’t even move well.

Big Mac looked at the other stallion and saw that he was trying not to be sick. Mac jumped back and went to the kitchen closet, grabbed a bucket, came back and set it down by Oblivion's head. The other stallion pitched forward, wrapped his forelegs around the bucket and vomited into it. Mac sat down and held his long mane back with one hoof and the other rubbed his back, trying to comfort him. When he seemed to have gotten past the worst of it the black Unicorn pushed it away with a grimace and collapsed onto the couch. Big Mac let go of his mane and went back to the kitchen. He brought back a glass of water, which Oblivion's magic held as he washed his mouth out with it then spat it out into the bucket. He ran his tongue over his teeth and was about to close his mouth when Big Mac grabbed a hold of his mouth and held it open. Oblivion gave a warning growl and the red farmer wisely let go of his jaws. Oblivion gave him an annoyed look before settling back against the couch.

“Ya got quite the mouth full a knives. Ah, have ne’er seen anythin’ like it.” He explained at the look Oblivion gave him.

Oblivion quirked an eyebrow at him and ran his tongue over his teeth again. He didn’t feel anything out of the ordinary. His eyes went back to Big Mac and waited for a further explanation. Big Mac looked as though he wanted to say more but appeared unsure. ‘There doesn’t feel like there is anything wrong. But he seems quite nervous about it. Wait. I can conjure a mirror like I did last night.’ Oblivion's horn was alight and a small mirror once again appeared before him. He leveled it with his mouth and opened his mouth to see what Big Mac was talking about. He was greeted with a mouthful of knives as Mac put it. Each tooth was longer than normal size but not intrusive on his other teeth nor did the top row dig into his lower gums. His mouth reminded him of the mouth of a large warg. Long canines with shorter middle teeth for shearing meat from bones. Oblivion gave a low noise and the mirror vanished.

Mac looked at him with something that bordered on apprehension but didn’t back away. “Any ideas about why yer teeth are like that?” Big Mac sounded unsure but his curiosity won over caution.

Oblivion considered it for a moment before he answered. ‘Well, it would appear that they are the teeth of an omnivore. So how do I break that news to a pure herbivore?’ Oblivion looked to him and shifted from his place on the couch and folded one foreleg under him. “Well from what I can tell it would appear that I have the teeth of an omnivore. Granted they appear to lean more toward carnivore but I am sure..that… Oh for the love of... Calm down, Big Macintosh. You're looking at me like I'm going to take a bite out of you. Do I really look like I have so little self-control?”

Mac stopped sweating and considered Oblivion words. “Nah I spose not. But ah have to admit it is a little upsettin'. Though you don’t act like yer dangerous. So I suppose passing judgment on ya ain’t fair.” The red stallion agreed. “Though this might explain why ya are sick. Ya need meat in yer diet. Though I have no idea how we are goin’ ta help ya.” Big Mac looked ready to continue but Oblivion held up a hoof.

“I assure you that you do not need to worry about feeding me if that is your concern. I am more than capable of.. tending to that myself. So don’t worry about any of that. I can hunt for myself, I have been doing it for many years.” Oblivion got off the couch and slowly got to his hooves. Big Mac made to push him back down. “I’m all right. I think I was simply having a bad reaction to the amount of meat I have not eaten. If I am right I simply need to balance it out and I should be fine. I will worry about it later. I do not wish to worry anypony so if you could keep this between us, for now, I would appreciate it, if not then I will understand.” Oblivion said as he stood up and shook himself, his magic placed his cloak back in place and he waited for Big Mac to respond.

“Ah reckon ah can keep it to mahself. But ah want ya to tell them yerself when yer ready. I’m not telling ya what to do but ah hope ya tell them soon. Well, tell Applejack and Granny. Maybe not Apple Bloom. Ah, don’t think she’s ready to know, Ah hope ya can see why.” Oblivion chuckled and nodded in agreement as Mac continued. “Ah can see why ya want it to be kept quiet though. It is a bit shocking for a pony to be eatin’.. meat.” Mac paused on the word but tried not to look upset by the implications of their guest eating meat.

“Don’t worry I will tell them when I am ready to. I appreciate your understanding and I thank you for that. So what else is left that you need help with?” Oblivion asked as he made sure his cloak was sitting right and would not get in the way.

Mac shook his head. “Ya need to stay quiet and rest up. Yer still not feeling well and even though ya are up and about ah still want ya to take it easy. So if..”

Mac was interrupted by Applejack’s yelling “Soups on everypony!” Mac turned and trotted out with Oblivion walking behind him. They got outside and walked toward where Applejack and over a dozen ponies waited. Oblivion paused just outside the group and saw that another Unicorn and a small lizard were now standing among the group. Oblivion's ears flicked forward as he listened to Applejack begin talking to the new mare.

“Now ah’ll introduce ya to the Apple Family.”

Oblivion groaned quietly and watched as the new mare looked a bit panicked as she saw the number of ponies waiting. “Thanks anyway, but I really need to hurry..” She didn’t get a chance to finish speaking before Applejack began.

“This here is Apple Fritter, Apple Bumpkin, Red Gala, Golden Delicious, Caramel Apple, Apple Strudel, Apple Tart, Baked Apples, Apple Brioche, Apple Cinnamon Crisp.” Applejack paused for a breath and Oblivion was amazed that she said all that in one breath, then continued. “Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith. Up’ n’ attem, Granny Smith, we got more guests.”

Granny Smith snorted as she got up from her rocking chair and started to amble over to everypony. “What? Soups on? I’m up, here ah come, here ah come.” The aged mare spoke up as she came over to stand by them all.

Applejack saw Oblivion standing silently by the group and smiled and pointed to him with a hoof. “Oh, an afore ah forget that is Oblivion Shadow. He’s been our guest since yesterday evening.”

The purple mare turned to look at the tall Unicorn and blinked in surprise at him. The lizard by her hooves crawled up on her back to see more of him and his jaw fell open. “Wow, he is tall and that is a wicked horn.” The lizard spoke with earned him a look from Oblivion. The look faded when the mare gave a small buck which sent the little lizard toppling to the ground.

“Spike! Be polite.” The mare admonished him and then looked apologetic. “My apologies, sir. He is usually more polite.” She spoke to him with courtesy and her apology was genuine so far as Oblivion could tell. The lizard, or Spike, glared at her for a moment. “I am Twilight Sparkle and it is nice to meet you.”

Oblivion nodded and looked back at her. “Things happen Miss Sparkle. He is not the first, nor will he be the last, to comment on my height. But no offense is taken, but I thank you for your apology.” He replied and waited for them to continue.

Granny Smith finally reached them and gave Twilight Sparkle a smile as Applejack continued. “Well, Granny Ah’d say that both of ‘em are already part of the family.” Twilight looked at Applejack, while Oblivion simply stared at her.

“Well, I can see that the food is in good hooves and we will be on our way.” Twilight shifted as though to leave. She turned and was confronted with Apple Bloom’s large eyes.

Oblivion snorted with a low laugh. ‘Oh, she is being set up.’ Oblivion watched as the mare tried not to cave in.

“Aren’t ya gonna stay for brunch?” Apple Bloom looked up at her and pouted.

“Sorry, but we have an awful lot to do.” The purple mare admitted.

‘Maybe she will escape after all.’ Oblivion thought to himself until he heard the chorus in front of him. The assembled Apple Family all groaned in disappointment. Oblivion looked around and stared at them. ‘Really? That's just cruel to do to the mare.’ He looked at Twilight who was looking more than a little nervous and glancing around almost frantically.

Oblivion was about to speak and give her a way out when she sighed in defeat. “Fine.” The whole family cheered and crowded around her more. Oblivion watched as food was piled up and he felt himself start to gag at the amount of sugar in front of him. ‘Oh, good Gods that's a lot of food. Do they expect her to eat all of that? They expect one pony to eat all of that food in one sitting? I can’t even fathom eating one.’ Oblivion felt a hoof on him as one of the Apple family pushed a plate at him that was loaded with apple treats. He was saved by Big Mac who took the plate instead and stood by him.

“Why doncha go get that bag of treats and eat those? That way they all will stop tryin’ ta getcha to eat so much?” He suggested and Oblivion nodded as he focused on the paper bag. It appeared on his back and he levitated it by his shoulder and pulled one of the cakes out of it. He nibbled on it to make it appear as though he was eating his fill. The family did, much to his and Mac’s relief, leave him alone since he was eating already. Oblivion looked up to find Twilight Sparkle staring at him. He gave her a blank look and she was forced to look back to the food in front of her. Finally Twilight appeared to have enough and start trying to getaway. Oblivion sent the bag to his room and he hoped it landed on the bed.

“Can anypony tell me how to get around town? Or possibly has a map?” She asked as she got away from the crowd.

Applejack looked around and her eyes landed on Oblivion who looked back at her. “Well ah don’t have a map but Oblivion learned the town this mornin’. So if he’s okay wit’ it, he could show ya around.”

Oblivion snorted and gave a short glare to the orange mare before he regarded Twilight. “If Miss Sparkle wishes it then I see no reason why that would not be amicable. But it is her choice.” He replied and turned to look at the purple mare.

Twilight looked at him then to Spike, who appeared to be dancing in place. “That would be fine thank you. I would appreciate the guide. Thank you, Mr. Shadow.” She responded and watched at Oblivion walked toward her as the shorter ponies got out of his way, he stopped in front of the mare and extended one hoof to her, asking her to lead the way out of the farm gates.

“Tha’s good ta hear. Be sure to show ‘er all that Ponyville has to offer ya hear!” Applejack hollered at them as they went through the gate. Oblivion cringed at the shout but kept walking.

3: Beginning the Hunt...

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As they walked toward town Oblivion was silent as he walked the mare toward town. Twilight's stride was slower so he had to slow his own gait to match her own. Spike walked in front of them with a scroll and a quill in his claws. Twilight stayed with him despite her distended stomach.

“Foods all taken care of, next we check on the weather.” Spike proclaimed as they were nearing town hall.

As Twilight finally released a loud groan she grumbled. “Ugh. I ate too much pie.” She groaned as she looked in front of her. Oblivion looked sideways at her, clicking his tongue quietly in sympathy.

Spike looked around in the sky and finally looked back at them. “There is supposed to be a Pegasus named Rainbow Dash clearing the sky.” He looked up and missed Oblivion looking around for the mare.

Twilight looked up as well and saw that the sky was not cleared and had many puffy clouds still hovering in the sky. “Well, she isn’t doing a very good job of it now is she?”

Oblivion heard the sound of flapping and jumped back as the blue Pegasus collided with Twilight sending both of them sprawling into a mud puddle. He cringed at the impact and looked at the two mares. Rainbow Dash was sprawled across Twilight’s back and both were covered in mud. Despite getting out of the way of the direct impact he still ended up covered in mud on his right side. He grimaced at the mud covering him and his cloak. He shook his mane and some fell off him. If he was shorter then he would have gotten a face full of mud.

Rainbow sat back and looked to the groaning mare in the mud. “Oops.” She gave a sheepish laugh and knelt down by Twilight’s face as she pulled it out of the mud. “Sorry.” She backed up and waited as Twilight sat in the water and glared at her from behind her waterlogged forelock. Rainbow looked from Twilight to Oblivion and glared at the Black Unicorn. She chose to ignore him as he moved to Twilight to help her to her hooves. Rainbow jumped into the water and splashed both of them. Oblivion ignored her knowing that paying any attention would only make it worse. He offered a hoof to Twilight, who took the offered limb and stood back up. Rainbow gave him a sour look but ignored him as well.

The mare suddenly brightened and jumped out of the water. “Let me help.” The blue mare zipped off and Oblivion got Twilight almost fully out of the water as the Pegasus returned with a gray cloud in tow. Oblivion stared at the cloud, as she put it above the both of them, Oblivion looked up at it then saw that the cloud was full of water, and then the mare began jumping on it. The upside was that the mud was washed off. The downside was that now they were both soaked through. She looked down at them and saw the purple mare staring up at her with murderous intent. “Oops guess I overdid it. Umm. Okay, hang on.” The mare kicked the cloud away and then landed by them. She appeared thoughtful for a moment before an idea struck her. “I know! My very own patented rain-blow dry.” She created a tornado around them.

Oblivion shut his eyes as his mane, tail, and forelock were whipped by the winds. He was even more glad that he has enchanted his cloak to work even in the winds. When it stopped, he opened his eyes and they widened at the sight of Twilight's mane. Her mane and tail were heavily tangled and puffed in a hairstyle that reminded him of Pinkie Pie. Though he cringed at the thought of the pink mare.

“No no. Don’t thank me, your quite welcome.” The mare paused in her self congratulations as she looked at her work. Twilight's mane and tail were a disaster and Oblivion cringed as he conjured a mirror and looked into it. His forelock and mane were heavily tangled but thankfully they hadn’t puffed up as Twilight’s had. He had a feeling his tail was the same so he dismissed the mirror and frowned. Twilight was once again looking at him curiously but she was distracted by Rainbow and Spikes hysterical laughter. Twilight looked at them and sighed.

“Meet Rainbow Dash,” Oblivion whispered to her.

Twilight's shoulders slumped for a moment before she squared her shoulders and regarded the blue Pegasus. “So you are Rainbow Dash?”

The Pegasus stood up so fast that Spike was thrown off her back and into the dirt. Oblivion looked at him and chuckled for a moment at the irony. “The one and only. Why? Have you heard of me?”

Oblivion rolled his eyes and tried not to snort at the egotistical mare. Her type was a never-ending source of aggravation. Twilight looked at her and sighed again. “I heard that you were going to keep the sky clear. The Princess sent me to check..” She was interrupted by the blue mare jumping up onto a cloud and relaxing.

Oblivion would have liked nothing more than to pull the cloud out from under the annoying pony but held back. Spike tapped his leg and Oblivion looked down at him. He motioned for Oblivion to bring his head down and the stallion obliged. Spike grabbed a chunk of his tangled mane and used it to vault up onto the black Unicorns back. The lizard landed on his cloak and sat there with a firm hold of Oblivion’s mane. Oblivion was silent as his mind processed that the lizard was now sitting on his back, and by extension his swords and wings. He gave an angry snarl and sat down swiftly. Spike yelped at the sound and fell off his back.

Oblivion looked back and snarled. “I do not recall giving my permission for you to use me like a beast of burden. Even if you had asked I would have declined. Do not try that again.” He growled, got up, and walked away from the stunned lizard.

Twilight and Rainbow both stared at him for a moment when he came to stand by Twilight. Both mares regarded him but he said nothing, his face unreadable. The blue Pegasus looked back to Twilight. “I’ll get that done in a jiffy, once I finish practicing.”

Twilight looked to Oblivion who looked less than impressed at the mare. Twilight also looked back to her. “Practice for what?”

Rainbow turned to look back at her excitement on her face. “For the Wonderbolts! They are gonna perform at the celebration tomorrow. And I am gonna show them my moves.”

Twilight looked as she pointed to a nearby flier. Oblivion looked down at her as she looked at him. He gave her a sly wink and she gave him a slight grin as she turned back to the other mare.

“The Wonderbolts?”


“The most talented fliers in all of Equestria?”

“That's them!”

“Hah! Please. They would never accept a Pegasus that can’t even keep the sky clear for one measly day. Would they, Mr. Shadow?” She looked to the black stallion who nodded in agreement.

“Hey, I could clear this sky in ten seconds flat!” The mare boasted.

Twilight lowered her head in a challenging posture and looked at the mare. “Prove it.” She challenged in a strong voice. Oblivion had to fight not to snort at the blue Pegasus in a challenge of his own.

Rainbow looked at them and then looked around her, flew into the sky, moving their tangled manes forward in the updraft. She tore through the sky and even Oblivion had to admit she was quick with those little wings of hers. His own twitched under their cover as he watched.

Twilight watched dumbfounded as the blue mare came around again. “Loop de loop around and bam! Ten. Seconds. Flat. I’d never leave Ponyville hanging.” The mare gave a laugh as she looked at Twilight's stunned face. “You should see the look on your face. Ha! You're a riot, Twilight Sparkle. I can’t wait to hang out again sometime.” The blue mare took off once more and vanished from sight.

Oblivion reached over and pushed Twilight’s jaw back into place and the mare shook her head as Spike came to stand next to her.

“Wow, she was amazing!” He looked at Twilight's mane and snorted with laughter as he bounced it in his claws before the mare rolled her eyes and looked to Oblivion. “Where is the decor being set up, Mr. Shadow?” She looked to him and awaited his response.

Oblivion flicked his ears and he heard somepony talking about the colors of a room. He turned his head toward the sound. “This way Miss Sparkle.” He started walking in the direction of the town hall.

Twilight and Spike walked with him, with Spike staying on the other side of Twilight. The black Unicorn led them up to the doors, his magic gripped the door and held it open for the mare. She smiled and nodded politely to him as Spike ran in after her. Oblivion watched as the lizard ran ahead of him but he felt no guilt about his actions. As they walked into the building Spike was in front of them.

“Decorations. Beautiful.” Spike spoke aloud.

Twilight looked around and appeared pleased by what she saw. “Yes, the decorations are coming along nicely. This should be very quick, I’ll be in the library in no time. Beautiful indeed.”

“Not the decor. Her.” Spike pointed to the front of the room where a white Unicorn stood.

Oblivion's heightened eyesight helped in the fairly dim room as the mare didn’t seem to even notice they were there. She had a white coat with a deep purple mane and tail that were styled with large curls. She was hovering ribbons of many different colors close by as she tried to choose which one. “No, no, no, good goddess no.” She spoke to herself as she chose colors.

Spike looked nervous and Oblivion was surprised to see tiny hearts in his eyes and hovering above him. “How are my spines are they straight?” Spike obsessed for a moment before walking forward with an eye-rolling Twilight. Oblivion followed behind her by a few feet as he shook his head in exasperation.

Twilight walked up to the white mare. “Good afternoon..”

“Just a moment, please. I am in the zone as it were. Oh yes! Sparkle always does the trick, does it not? Why Rarity you are a talent. Now um how can I help you..oh my goodness darlings! Whatever happened to your coiffure?”

Even Oblivion stared at her. Though his stare was due to being called darling. Twilight looked up at her bangs and then back to the mare who was named Rarity. “Oh, you mean our manes? Well, it’s actually a very long story. I am just here to check on the decor and we will be out of your hair in no time.”

“Out of my hair? What about your hair?” The white mare jumped off the dais and began to push Twilight ahead of her.

“Wait? Where are we going? Help!” Twilight yelped at the pushy mare.

Oblivion followed with a magically floating Spike who had small hearts coming from his head. Oblivion stared at the lizard and shook his head. He followed after them slowly.

Once they reached a building that had a stylized door with a paint job on the outside that reminded Oblivion of some noble houses that could afford the paint colors. It had pony shaped mannequins on the top of it and appeared to be two stories. The mare hustled them all inside and Oblivion saw a brush close by and he held it up to the mare for her to see. She nodded and smiled at the tall stallion. He used the brush to undo the wreckage that Rainbow Dash had turned his mane and tail into. He was able to untangle it and, with the aid of a mirror, he was able to get his forelock to sit out of his face and his mane and tail tamed. He set the brush down after cleaning it as a courtesy and set it back where he had found it. Rarity was finished with Twilight’s mane and tail and was now putting her in outfits.

Oblivion watched and decided that if the mare tried that with him he was going to learn how to gallop quickly to get away from her. Thankfully she showed no sign of coming after him. So he stayed by the door and waited for her to be done with Twilight. As Twilight was put into various outfits he had to admit that none of them truly suited her. They weren’t terrible but it didn’t help that the purple mare was less than enthusiastic. The other Unicorn put her into a corset type of outfit and began tightening it. Oblivion cringed as Twilight had tears pricking the edges of her eyes. Oblivion was about to step in when Rarity let go and they both were sent flying in opposite directions. Oblivion wasn’t sure why since he wasn’t listening. Deciding this qualified under girl or mare talk. Rarity recovered first as Oblivion helped Twilight up.

“Canterlot!” She shrieked. Oblivion pinned his ears and grimaced in pain. “Oh, I am so envious! The glamor, the sophistication! I have always dreamed of living there, I can’t wait to hear all about it. You and I will be the best of friends!” She looked down at the front of the corset Twilight was wearing. While Twilight looked like she was about to panic. “Emeralds! What was I thinking? Let me get you some rubies!” The white mare disappeared around the corner and Twilight looked ready to bolt.

She looked to Oblivion, who opened the door so she could flee out it. She tossed off the clothing and looked back as she ran. “Hurry! Before she tries to dye my coat a new color!” Twilight fled out the door while Oblivion levitated Spike out the door behind her. He closed the door and followed after Twilight.

Spike sat on Twilight's back as they walked. “Wasn’t she wonderful?” Spike mused as he sat on her back.

Twilight looked back. “Focus Casanova. What's next on the list?” She paused while Spike looked. Oblivion stopped by her and waited.

“Oh music and it’s last on the list.” Spike declared and leaned forward to show Twilight who looked pleased. She looked at Oblivion expectantly.

He flicked his ears and focused. He was listening to any kind of music. His ears caught the sound of music, not far from them. He nodded and led them forward, he caught the look Twilight gave him briefly but chose to ignore it. If she wanted information she would have to ask it of him. He wasn’t about to offer it freely. They walked up to a small clearing and there was a butter yellow Pegasus with light pink hair working with a group of birds. Which caught Oblivion's attention since it appeared that she was speaking to them. As they watched she halted the music. Spike slid off Twilight's back and stood back. He still seemed leery of Oblivion.

“Oh my, umm, please stop everyone. Excuse me, sir, your just a tiny bit off. I mean no offense. Now follow me, please. A one and a two three.”

“Hello!” Twilight spoke to the mare.

The Pegasus yelped and cringed in place as her birds took flight.

“Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to scare your birds. I’m just here to check on the music and it sounded wonderful.” There was a pregnant pause as Twilight looked nervous and the other pony looked at the ground. “I’m Twilight Sparkle and this is my guide, Oblivion Shadow.” He nodded politely to her and waited. “And you are?”

“I’m Fluttershy.” The mare was barely above a whisper.

“I’m sorry what was that?”

The mare hid more behind her long pink mane. “I’m...Fluttershy.” Her voice was a low squeak.

Oblivion looked at Twilight as she neared the obviously scared mare.

Oblivion leaned down and whispered in Twilight's ear. “Fluttershy.” She looked at him and smiled.

As she looked forward again the birds from earlier returned to their perches. Twilight looked up and appeared relieved. “Well it looks like your birds are back, so I guess everything is in order. We will just leave you to it.”

She turned and went back to Spike. “Okay.” She looked to Spike as she spoke. “Well, that was easy.” Spike was now in full view as Oblivion saw the butter mares eyes light up and he picked up Twilight in his magic before the mare could be knocked into the bushes. She yelped in surprise and looked to him, then down when he tipped his horn in the direction of the yellow mare that was now in Spikes' face. Twilight groaned and as he set her gently onto her hooves.

“A baby dragon!” she shrieked.

Oblivion set Twilight down and started as he looked back to Spike. His magic nearly pulled his silver blade when he realized that he was a baby dragon and no threat. Despite dragons being a sentient species, Oblivion had reason to be cautious due to their size and how strong they were. But looking at the pudgy baby dragon he calmed.

The butter-yellow Pegasus stared at the baby dragon in front of her. “Oh, I have never seen a baby dragon before. He’s so cute!” She squealed more and cooed at the baby dragon.

Spike looked gloatingly at Twilight. “Well, well, well.” Oblivion rolled his eyes as Twilight groaned.

“Oh my, he talks. I didn’t know dragons could talk. That’s just so incredibly wonderful. I, I just don’t even know what to say.” She gushed.

Twilight put Spike on her back and started walking. “Well, then we better get going.”

The mare followed behind them as Oblivion, also, walked with them.

“Wait, wait! What’s his name?”

“I’m Spike.”

“Hi, Spike. I’m Fluttershy. Wow, a talking dragon! What do dragons talk about?”

“Well, what do you wanna know?” Spike asked her as he leaned toward Twilight's flanks.

“Absolutely everything.” Was her response.

Spike looked to the mare and smiled. “Well, I started out a cute little purple and green egg...” He kept going but both Twilight and Oblivion stopped listening.

Oblivion walked next to Twilight as she groaned. He tried to look sympathetic but was certain that he didn’t pull it off well since he didn’t actually feel much of anything. He gave quiet guidance to lead her to the library. He had passed by it earlier with Applejack and remembered its location. He ignored the baby dragons retelling of his entire life to Fluttershy as they walked. The lavender mare grumbled every now and then but kept moving.

She occasionally looked to the taller stallion who was guiding them easily to the library. ‘He has powerful magic that much is obvious. Judging by his ability to levitate me and then his ability to conjure items from the air. I’ll speak to him later about it before I leave. He could even be on par with me in terms of magical power.’ Twilight thought to herself as he walked in silence beside her.

The sun was going down and had nearly fully set by the time they reached the library. He stopped by the door and his ears flicked to the door.

“And that's the story of my whole life up until today,” Spike said. “Do you want to hear about today?”

Fluttershy’s wings twitched in excitement. “Oh yes please!”

Spike started to inhale when Twilight spun around. “Well look here we are. This where I will be staying while I’m in Ponyville. And my poor baby dragon needs his rest.”

“No I don’t..what!” Spike turned to argue and Twilight gave a little buck so he tumbled to the ground. “Aww, look at that. He’s so tired he can’t even keep his widdle bwalance.”

Fluttershy jumped forward and picked Spike up. “Oh my we simply must get him to bed.” Fluttershy darted into the room with Twilight on her heels. The Unicorn pushed her out the door. “Yes yes, we will get right on that. Well, G'night!”

She slammed the door before Oblivion could warn her about the many ponies inside the library. His ears went forward as he heard Twilight speaking to Spike but he was trying not to pry and only heard the muffled sounds. He pinned his ears back when Pinkie, he knew her voice by now, yelled announcing the surprise. Oblivion pushed the door open with his magic and let Fluttershy walk in first. He stood by the door and when he and the butter yellow mare walked in he closed it. He watched from the door as Pinkie went to greet the purple mare.

“Hi! I’m Pinkie Pie. I threw this party just for you since your new to Ponyville! Were ya surprised? Were ya? Were ya?” She gushed at the mare.

Twilight tried not to look annoyed. “Very surprised. Libraries are supposed to be quiet.”

“Well, that's silly. How can you have a party quietly? What kind of party would that even be? I mean that would be super boring. Remember when you first got here and I was all like ‘gasp’. Since I had never seen you before I knew that you were new here so I had to get a party ready for you. Since I know everypony and I mean, everypony!”

Twilight groaned and walked over to a table with drinks. She grabbed a bottle with her mouth and began pouring it into a cup, Oblivion stood back and would have warned her that what she was using smelled spicy but it would have meant he had to move through all the ponies. That was an idea he refused to entertain. He waited with barely held amusement.

“And if you're new, that meant you haven't met anyone yet, and if you haven't met anyone yet, you must not have any friends, and if you don't have any friends then you must be lonely, and that made me so sad, then I had an idea, and that's why I went deep gasp! I must throw a great big ginormous super-duper spectacular welcome party and invite everyone in Ponyville! See? And now you have lots and lots of friends!” Pinkie rambled.

Twilight turned to her and her face was bright red and a loud whistling was heard. “You alrigh’ Sugar-cube?” Applejack inquired.

Until she turned and ran away up the stairs. “Aww she’s so happy she's crying.”

Spike walked over to see what Twilight had been drinking. “Hot sauce.”

Oblivion cringed as he knew he had been right. Pinkie tipped the bottle and it covered a nearby cupcake. She popped it into her mouth and Oblivion found himself trying not to gag at the smell alone. Pinkie turned to look at the other mares and smiled. “What? It's good.” She said and swallowed.

Applejack turned and saw Oblivion by the door. She walked over to him and stood nearby. “Thanks, fer showing her around town. Ah, appreciate the help.”

Oblivion looked over the heads of the assembled ponies as they talked and mingled. He could see the mares that he had met today mixed in as well. “It was no problem Applejack. You asked instead of demanded so it was no trouble.”

Applejack smiled and suddenly laughed as Spike saw him, turned and ran back to the other ponies. “Except ah heard about how that baby dragon got in trouble with ya. I’m sure he didn’t mean anything by it.”

Oblivion looked at her and then back to the dragon. “Perhaps but he did not ask permission nor did he apologize. So I will withhold my forgiveness.” The Unicorn commented.

Applejack looked at him and then to Spike, who appeared to be looking away deliberately. She sighed and went over to the green and purple dragon. “Ya know he isn’t all tha’ bad once ya realize that he’s just a little differen’. Ya just need to know how to apologize and he will react differently.” She said to Spike. Spike looked from her to Oblivion and found the stallion looking away from all the ponies. Spike looked back to Applejack and the mare smiled. “He’s only angry when something is done against him that he doesn’t like. Ah treat him just like anypony else and he’s pretty calm or even emotionless at times.” Applejack explained. “But an apology goes a long way mah little friend.” She said and nudged the dragon toward the tall Unicorn with her hoof.

Spike looked apprehensive but seemed to make up his mind to go over and talk to the Unicorn. He walked up to him, looked up and found Oblivion's bright orange eyes looking down at him. He gulped and motioned for the stallion to bring his head down again. Oblivion looked at him but did not move. Spike put his claws behind his back and looked up again. Oblivion saw this and leaned his head down till it was level with Spike.

“I uh, I’m really, well...Okay, you know what? I’m sorry. You were right I should have asked before I tried to sit on your back. I’m so used to Twilight not minding that I forgot to ask. You were right to be mad. I just thought it would be cool to sit on your back since your a lot taller than she is.” Spikes claws were back in front of him and he fiddled with them as he went on. “Anyway, that’s no excuse so I’m really sorry.” Spike finished and looked up to the tall Unicorn.

Oblivion exhaled and nudged the dragon with his hoof. “Very well I will forgive it this time. So long as it does not happen again then we can consider this behind us.” Oblivion said as he raised his head back up.

A wide smile went across Spike’s features as he patted Oblivion’s leg. He got a good look at the tall Unicorn as he stood by him. “Wow. You really are tall. I didn’t think much about it when I first saw you. That's pretty cool.”

Oblivion looked at him and brought his head back down. “What does that mean?” Spike looked at him in confusion. “You keep using cool as if it's describing something else. I know what it means in the literal sense but you are using it differently.” Spike stared at him.

Applejack had walked up behind him and had heard Oblivion’s question. She chuckled at Spike’s reaction. “Ah told ya he’s differen’. Ya will need to explain it to him though. Where he’s from they don’t have that kind of word.” She commented and nudged Spike.

“Okay. It means something interesting. I guess.” Spike replied though he scratched the back of his head as he tried to explain.

Oblivion nodded at the explanation. His head came back up and he went back to looking around him. Spike went back to the party leaving Applejack by Oblivion. She looked at him as he started to turn for the door. “Oh no, ya don’t.” She said as she walked in front of him and stopped him from using the door to leave. He stopped and looked at her. “Ya need ta learn to enjoy things like a party. Jus’ cause ya don’t like it is no reason ta ignore ponies. Which reminds me, Mac said ya hadn’t brought up where ya were gonna be stayin’ after last night. So we talked ta Granny and she said that ya are welcome to stay as long as ya need. She said that so long as ya help out with the chores then ya are welcome. Unless ya had a plan?’

Oblivion looked at her before he turned to face her properly. “I had no intention of imposing on you and your family further.” He raised a hoof to silence her when she opened her muzzle to protest. “I had intended to simply stay around where you had found me. Since I knew that area and intended to see about finding a job since my profession as a Witcher does not seem to be in demand in this place.”

“Ya were just gonna live in the forest?” Applejack gaped at him for a moment before she shook her head. “Nah nothin’ to it! Ya will just stay with us and ya can work for mah family. We could use another strong pony to help with chores. Of course, we will pay ya as well. Not expecting ya to work for free. Ah, won’t hear it. Ah’m not commanding it but ah know mah family won’t let ya sleep outside. Ah, know ya can protect yerself but not when you have a place ya can go.” She said to him and squared herself against him, daring him to argue. Oblivion considered it as she waited. The farm mare knew better than to push him.

Oblivion chuckled and shook his head. “Very well. I will accept your offer. We will work out the details later. In the meantime, I am going to go get something to eat. I’ll be back before this celebration ends. There is nothing here that I would like to eat. I will be back shortly.” He said as the door lit up with his magic.

Applejack looked at him and, after a few beats, she moved away from the door. “All righ’. Just be safe out there.” She said as she went back to the party.

Oblivion looked back to her retreating back and sighed. He walked out of the building and made for the edge of the town. ‘These ponies are a strange bunch. Not a cruel bone in them. Maybe I should get used to the idea of a quiet life...No. I can’t let my training lapse. That would be the greatest insult to Vesemir and the others. He’d tan my hide, pony or not, for even considering it. In the meantime I need to find meat. Judging by the way that light yellow Pegasus handled those birds hunting in this area is a fool's errand. That forest Applejack mentioned on the other hoof sounds like it would be perfect.’ He walked to the edge of town and into the thick forest. He moved his cloak away from his swords to make it easier to draw them from their scabbards. He looked down at his hooves and the claws flexed from their hiding place and he walked forward on them. He only used the claws on his forelegs.

As he walked deeper his senses came back to life after a day of not being used. His eyes narrowed to thin slits and he saw the game trails clearly and walked among them. As he moved silently through the trees he came upon a small deer. He crouched down to avoid being spotted he silently drew his steel sword and prepared for the hunt.

Back at the library Applejack watched the time as the party began winding down. She looked back at the door and found Oblivion standing in nearly the same spot as he had been before he left. She looked at him and was happy to realize that he appeared to have eaten while he was gone. She finally caught his eye and smiled. He nodded in response. She made her way over to him. “So did ya get somethin’ ta eat?”

“Yes thank you.” He replied. ‘I actually feel much better. The hunt seemed to help as well. I will definitely be doing my hunting in that forest. It has plenty of game and seems to be quite wild. Perfect for a Witcher to run in.’ He had made sure to clean himself up before he returned. He had hung his cloak up and taken a short bath in a small pond within the borders of the forest.

“Good, ya look better too. Yer coat and mane were a mite dull but they seem to be okay now. Ya, look brighter.” She observed. “Whatever ya did Oblivion ya should keep doing it. Ya seem healthier now. Ah don’t mean ta be rude but ya looked sick before. Ya are still a mite to thin for yer height but ah suppose ya were traveling a lot so ya didn’t eat as much. But now ya can eat as much as ya like. So we will get ya back to normal in no time. Anyway now lets head for the town hall for the raising of the sun.” She motioned to the door and Oblivion opened with his magic. He let her go first and then followed.

Oblivion walked with Applejack and then looked back when he saw most of the other ponies following. They reached the building after a few minutes and went inside. Applejack went up toward the front while he stayed to the back. He saw Twilight finally enter with Spike on her back. He failed to understand why Spike was always being carried. But decided that it was not his business. The black Unicorn could tell that the purple mare looked nervous. He saw Pinkie talking to her but chose to ignore what she was saying in favor of looking at the gray-haired mare that stood at the front.

“Fillies and gentle-colts, as mayor of Ponyville it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!” She called out.

“So that's what this is called,” Oblivion muttered to himself. “A bit ridiculous but whatever suits them.”

“In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise, and celebrate this, the longest day of the year! And now it is my great pleasure to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the very pony who raises the sun and moon each and every day. The good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria.”

Oblivion’s head spun to pay attention. ‘Raises the sun and moon? What does that mean? What happened to make it so that the moon and the sun cannot rise and fall on their own?’ He focused on what was being said in an effort to understand what they meant.

Fluttershy looked to her birds. “Ready?”

The mayor looked to the assembled ponies. “Princess Celestia!”

Rarity pulled the curtains back on the balcony above them and revealed an empty space. Rarity did a double-take. “Huh?”

Oblivion looked up. “Well, I can’t say this is a good start to the morning.” The Black Unicorn was quiet as his ears picked up on a strange sound. His eyes followed his ears as they searched for the sound.

The mayor stepped forward once more. “Calm down everypony, there must be a reasonable explanation.”

Oblivion snorted at her. He watched as Rarity came back from looking backstage. “She’s gone.”

Oblivion paid little attention to the restless ponies as he followed the sound. It was nearing the balcony above them. A black cloud appeared and Oblivion watched it with growing interest. A black pony of around his own height appeared. He immediately noticed that she was also an Alicorn. She wore blue hoof boots, a helm that went down to her muzzle and ended at the base of her mane. She had a purple marking on her flank with the moon in a lighter blue shade. Her mane and tail were ethereal and shimmered, moving around her. Oblivion watched her with growing distaste. He didn’t like the mare being above him. Granted he had a general problem with peo..ponies that thought too highly of themselves. The mare looked down at them and chuckled.

“Oh, my beloved subjects. Its been so long since I saw your sun-loving faces.” The black mare said.

Rainbow Dash started to go up to the Alicorn but her tail ended up being held by Applejack who gave a muffled yell. “Whoa, Nelly!”

The mayor looked up at her and yelled. “What have you done with our Princess?”

“Is my crown not royal enough for you? Does it no longer count since I have been imprisoned for a thousand years?” She sneered down at the ponies. “Did none of you see the signs?”

Oblivion snarled in response and started to open his mouth when another beat him to it. “I saw them. And I know who you are. You are the mare in the moon-Nightmare Moon!” Twilight yelled back to the Alicorn mare.

“Well well, well, somepony who remembers me. Then you know why I am here.” She responded.

Oblivion looked at Twilight and gave a small smile. ‘Good girl.’ He praised the mare for her bold response. But that praise died on his lips as she shrunk down. “You're here” He saw her gulp. ‘Never mind.’

The Alicorn laughed and her mane and tail created a storm above her as she began to laugh almost hysterically. “Remember this day, little ponies, for it will be your last. From this moment forth the night will last forever!” She laughed as the storm above her raged and lightning threw several advancing Pegasi to the ground. Their armor did not seem to help them as they were thrown like rag dolls.

Oblivion decided at that moment that a frontal assault was fruitless against her. He would need to rely on stealth and possibly try to overpower her through an ambush if possible. The mare evaporated and the blue mist flew out a window. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Applejack lose her grip on Rainbows tail and the blue mare flew out the same window. Oblivion lost track of her and he saw Twilight run out the front door. He pivoted on his heel and followed her, Spike looked back and saw the black Unicorn following them at a fast trot. He looked almost relieved to see the tall stallion. Twilight's own magic opened the door and she ran inside she started to close the door but Oblivion’s own magic overpowered her own and the door stayed open. She looked back in surprise as he slowed down and went inside behind her. Spike grinned but then started to fall off Twilight's back. She gripped him in her magic and took him upstairs to put him to bed. Oblivion was silent as he waited for her to return.

Twilight came back downstairs and to his surprise, she rounded on him for a moment before she seemed to think twice and then went back to the shelves of books. She started throwing them as she looked at the titles and scanned the insides of them. “Elements, elements, elements, ugh!” A book flew over Oblivion’s head as he ducked. He looked back to her with an annoyed expression. She spared him a look before going back to her frantic searching. “How can I stop Nightmare Moon without the Elements of Harmony?”

Oblivion looked to the side as he stepped away from the door. The other mares walked in, the purple Unicorn didn’t even notice them enter. Applejack looked to Oblivion for a moment before she looked ahead once more.

“And just what are the Elements of Harmony? And how did you know about Nightmare Moon, huh? Are you a spy?” Rainbow attempted to interrogate the mare. Oblivion scoffed at the spy commentary. Rainbow didn’t even look back at him.

Applejack reached up and pulled her tail to make her back off once again. She spat it out as she pulled up next to her. “Simmer down Sally. She ain’t no spy. But she certainly knows what’s going on. Don’cha Twilight?”

Twilight looked at them as they all looked at her. Oblivion stayed back by the door but he looked to her as well, though his gaze was much less intense than the other mares. “I read all about the prediction of Nightmare Moon. Some mysterious artifacts called the Elements of Harmony are the only things that can stop her, but I don’t know what they are, or where to find them.” She lamented.

Oblivion looked to the side where Pinkie was now hovering. “The Elements of Harmony: A reference guide.”

Oblivion moved to the other side of the door as Twilight lunged forward and sent Pinkie rolling to the side. She got up and started bouncing in place. “How did you find that?” She shrilled at the pink mare.

Pinkie hopped forward and responded. “It was under E.” She replied in a sing-song voice.

Twilight gaped at her for a moment. “Oh.”

The purple Unicorn opened the book and began to read it aloud. “There are seven Elements of Harmony but only 6 are known. They are Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty, Loyalty, and Spirit. The seventh is a complete mystery. It is said that the last known location of the six elements was in the ancient castle of the Royal Sisters. Located in what is now… The Everfree Forest.”

The mares gasped in horror, while Oblivion had to fight not to laugh. ‘That figures. A place they are all terrified of turns out to hold their salvation.’ The mares all started to walk to the edge of the forest. Oblivion stayed close but not in the crowd. They all walked in silence, with Twilight leading them. They reached the forest's edge and halted. Twilight faced the forest ahead of her. Oblivion was not surprised when Pinkie bounced forward several steps.

“Whee, let's go.” She sang as she kept going.

“Not so fast. I appreciate the offer. But I would really rather do this on my own.” The excitable pink mare halted and listened as Twilight spoke. The Unicorn turned to face the forest as she spoke.

Applejack stepped forward. “No can do sugar-cube. We sure ain't letting any friend of ours go into that creepy place alone. We’re stickin’ to ya like candy on a candy apple.”

The other mares all nodded and started walking forward without her. Oblivion followed behind them. He stopped beside Twilight and waited for her to go ahead of him. Pinkie looked to the forest and smiled. “Especially if there are candy apples in there.” Even Oblivion looked sideways at her. “What? Those things are good.” Oblivion shook his head as Twilight sighed and walked forward with him following.

4: Hunting the Elements...

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Oblivion walked in silence behind the mares. His reasoning was to watch their flank and prevent an ambush. His senses remained on alert and his eyes were focused around them and on the trails around them. He had corrected their path once already. They had been headed for a cliff. He was only half-listening to the mares. His ears were in constant movement and he was listening to everything around them. When they stopped he almost ran into Fluttershy. She looked back at him and he bowed his head as an apology. She gave a thin, nervous smile. Twilight looked nervously to the girls. Rainbow was hovering above them.

“So none of you have ever been in here before?” She asked.

“Of course not. It's dreadful.” Rarity replied.

“It ain't natural. Folks say it doesn’t work like Equestria.” Applejack added.

Oblivion rolled his eyes and shook his head. meaning it doesn’t need to be taken care of. It operates like my world.’ He stopped as he thought he heard something. His ears flicked behind him.

“What's that supposed to mean?” Twilight commented, her own nervousness showing.

“No pony knows. You know why?” Rainbow dropped out of the air and she hunched her body to appear frightening.

“Rainbow quit it!” Applejack said to her.

Rainbow advanced on the other mares and Oblivion who was standing behind them. He looked bored at the blue mare. The others shook in their hooves at her. “Cause everypony who comes in has never come out!” She yelled the last word and scared the others in the process.

Oblivion felt the ground shake, he looked around and to the mares. “Look out! Shit!” The ground gave out under them and those who could not fly went sliding down the rock face. Oblivion turned around and dug his claws into the rock. He saw Fluttershy and Rainbow go after the others. He was able to make it appear as though he had gotten hold of a rock and hid his claws under the side of his cloak as he pulled himself partially up. Fluttershy looked at him. “Help others. I’m fine.” He told her and she nodded as she turned to follow Rainbow. Oblivion looked back and saw them save the others, but he cringed when he saw Twilight still sliding. He was about to use magic to grab hold of her, but then saw Applejack slide after her. He looked to where Rarity and Pinkie were now standing on an outcropping. He knew that the only way to get to them would be to have one of the Pegasus drop him over there.

“Oh hell no.” He whispered to himself. He suddenly found himself wanting a portal… “That's it.” He imagined himself over by them and in a flash of blue flame, he was behind them. Both mares yelped as he appeared. He looked around and allowed himself a small smile of triumph. ‘Maybe this magic thing isn’t so bad.’ He looked back to see Twilight let go and saw her get caught by the two Pegasi.

He teleported to the ground as they set her down and Applejack jumped down the rocks. He stood with the mares when his ears heard the same sounds as he had when Nightmare Moon first appeared. He turned and bared his teeth but found nothing. “Damn.” He looked back to see the mares looking at him. “Heard something behind us. It's gone now though.” He reassured them. The mares nodded as he showed them the right path to use. He kept one ear trained behind them and the other listening in front of them.

He was starting to regret listening to the mares. He kept being subjected to Rainbows boasting about catching Twilight. Twilight also seemed to get tired of it. “I know Rainbow I was there and I’m very grateful but we have too..” The mare stopped as a monster jumped in front of them. “A manticore!”

Oblivion started to pull his sword when he caught a look from Applejack. She looked at him and he looked bemusedly back at her before he simply sat down. “Alright, you can deal with it.” Was his reply. He let the sword go back into hiding as he sat and watched the mares try to deal with the monster. As they all tried their own methods, that were all wholly ineffective, he noticed Fluttershy trying to stop them in her quiet way. He quirked an eyebrow at her but said nothing to help. This was her battle.

Rainbow was thrown out of the tornado she had made around the monster. Twilight and the others all prepared to charge the beast. Oblivion sat back and tried to laugh. None of them knew what they were doing. He saw Fluttershy finally inhale.

“Wait!” She yelled at them.

The mares all stopped and the butter-yellow mare turned to the monster and walked up to it. The beast roared and raised a paw to strike her. Oblivion nearly fell over at her reply to the aggressive stance. She leaned forward and nuzzled the other paw. Oblivion blinked and allowed himself to flop down onto his belly in exasperation. “Whatever. To blazes with it.” He gave a wry laugh and pulled himself off the ground. He watched as Fluttershy pulled a thorn out of its paw and the monster picked her up and proceeded to frantically lick her face and purr. Oblivion kept his distance from the monster as he walked by it. Twilight stayed back to wait for Fluttershy.

“How did you know about the thorn?” She asked the shy Pegasus.

“I didn’t. Sometimes it just takes a little kindness.” Was all she said as she walked by. Oblivion shook his head and kept walking after Twilight finally joined them.

Oblivion stepped through the mud that they entered into easily. This terrain was more normal to him. He let his claws out just in case something tried to come near them. They also gave him extra traction in the muck. He looked forward and his cat eyes gave off a dull glow in the dark. He could see fine in the dark and he could see the old gnarled trees around them.

“Ugh, my eyes need a break from all this icky muck.” Rarity complained.

“That ancient ruin could right in front of us and we wouldn't even know it.” Twilight lamented.

“I’d warn you if it was.” Oblivion pointed out.

“Yeah, Oblivion can see in the dark. So it’s fine ya’ll.” Applejack agreed. Twilight and the others looked back and saw Oblivion's orange eyes glowing in the darkness. Rainbow jumped into the air and hovered close by him. Though not close enough to be in his face this time. She seemed to have learned her lesson from the last time she did that.

“Hmm. Well, they do glow and I guess he can see in the dark.” She commented. She flew back into her place with the others.

Oblivion watched as the others bumped into each other.

“Pardon me, I didn’t see you there.” Rarity commented.

“Right over there...Guh.” Rainbow groaned.

“Oh wait ah think ah stepped in something.” Applejack held up a mud-covered hoof. She was covered from hoof to fetlock in the mud. Oblivion didn't bother looking at his own legs he knew he was covered, and honestly didn’t care, it was better than some things.

“Ahh!” Fluttershy suddenly screamed startling all of them. Even Oblivion jumped as he looked around to see what might have frightened the yellow mare.

Applejack looked toward her. “What, it’s just mud?” She said before she looked to a tree and it seemed to loom over her. She started and jumped away from it, coming to rest beside Fluttershy.

As the others all looked around them they saw the trees which seemed to have gaping mouths and clawed hands reaching out to grab them. The mares all crowded together and screamed in fear.

Oblivion pulled his claws in and looked around him. He personally didn’t see anything wrong with the trees or foliage. But nothing short of a room of wraiths would make him pause, much less scream. The last time he had screamed was due to the mutations being done during the Trial of the Grasses. And in his defense, everyone screamed.

The girls kept screaming and Oblivion had pinned his ears when they heard maniacal giggling. They all stopped and turned to Pinkie Pie, who, much to everyone else's surprise, was laughing and making faces at a tree. Oblivion stared at her, his orange eyes narrowed at her antics.

“Pinkie! What are you doing? Run!” Twilight hollered at her.

“Oh, girls. Don’t you see?” She replied and started dancing.

When I was a little filly and the sun was going down

“Tell me she’s not,” Twilight commented dryly.

The darkness and the shadows they would always make me frown

“She is.” Was Rarity’s reply.

“Oh, dear Gods,” Oblivion muttered as he pinned his ears back.

I’d hide under my pillow

From what I thought I saw

But Granny Pie said that wasn’t the way

To deal with fears at all

“Then what is?” Rainbow threw in.

She said Pinkie you gotta stand up tall

Learn to face your fears

You’ll see they can’t hurt you

Just laugh to make them disappear

Ha Ha Ha.

She laughed at one of the trees and the face in it disappeared. Oblivion stared as the girls all gasped at it.

So giggle at the ghosties- Fluttershy flew tentatively up to it and laughed at the tree as well

Guffaw at the grossly- Rainbow flew right up to it and gave a hearty laugh

Crack up at the creepy- Rarity walked up, stopped a few feet away and chuckled at its expense

Whoop it up with the weepy- AJ jumped off Pinkies back and laughed as she went by

Chortle at the kooky- Twilight was gently placed next to a tree and she giggled behind a hoof

Snortle at the spooky- Oblivion was pushed up to the next tree and he simply looked at it

Pinkie shrugged as the trees returned to normal despite Oblivion not laughing.

And tell that big dumb scary face to take a hike and leave you alone and if he thinks he can scare you then he’s got another thing coming and the very idea of such a thing makes you wanna...hahahaha...heh… laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuggggggggghhhhhhhhh!

The girls all fell over in a circle and laughed together. They got up and laughed as they trotted off along the path with Pinkie leading the way. Oblivion trotted after them shaking his head. ‘Well if it works and keeps them moving don’t argue with it.’ They rounded a corner and Oblivion could see a river in front. But that wasn’t what made him stop in his tracks. The girls all crashed to a stop when Pinkie saw the roiling river.

“How are we gonna cross that?” She inquired of the others.

Oblivion snorted, which gained the girls' attention and they all looked at where his head was pointed to. There was a giant serpent against the bank wailing. It was a deep purple with an orange and yellow mane that was slicked back. The waves were created by its tail as it thrashed. Applejack looked at him and he stayed where he was. She came up to him and prodded his shoulder. As she did so she saw that one of his swords was not completely under his cloak and she could see the hilt of the blade. She started to say something to the black Unicorn until she saw the look that he had at the serpent. It was clear that he was not about to be argued with about the fact that the weapon was ready to be used. Applejack patted his shoulder in an attempt to calm him, though her attempt was largely ignored. She left him where he was and walked up to stand with the girls.

“What a world, what a world!” The serpent cried.

The mares walked up to him, Oblivion wasn’t far behind but he didn’t get to close. Natural caution prevented him from letting himself be in the range of an attack.

“Excuse me, sir. Why are you crying?” Twilight finally asked.

The serpent turned to look at them and spoke. “Well, I don’t know, I was just sitting here, minding my own business, when this tacky little cloud of purple smoke just whisked past me and tore half of my beloved mustache clean off, and now I look simply horrid!” He wailed and flopped down into the water. Soaking the 6 mares on the bank.

Oblivion was far enough behind them to avoid getting drenched. ‘This is their world's version of a water serpent? Good Gods.’ Oblivion put the silver blade back into hiding and cocked one leg as he waited.

Rainbow looked up at him with clear disgust. “Oh, give me a break. Really?”

Applejack seemed to share the sentiment. “That's what all this fuss is about?”

“Well of course! How can you be so insensitive?” Rarity jumped forward and admonished the other mares. “Oh, just look at him. Such lovely luminescent scales.”

The serpent sniffled and looked to the white mare. “I know.”

“And expertly coiffed mane.”

“Oh I know, I know."

“Your fabulous manicure.” She continued on as the serpent sat up to examine his nails.

“It's so true.”

“All ruined without your beautiful mustache.” Rarity concluded with a hint of finality.

The serpent looked dejected at the comment. “It’s true, I’m hideous!”

“I simply cannot let this crime against fabulosity go uncorrected.” The white mare reached down with her teeth and pulled out one of the serpent's scales. The serpent looked down at her.

“What did you do that for?” He whimpered to the white mare who held the scale in her teeth.

Oblivion had tensed for a moment thinking the serpent might lash out in pain. But he was surprised when he only looked a bit hurt at her actions. The mare held the scale aloft.

“Rarity! What are you..” Twilight asked her.

The mare brought the scale down and it sliced cleanly through her tail. It fell to the ground and Rarity tossed the scale aside. Her magic enveloped the tail and she levitated it to the maw of the serpent. It spiraled around and was locked into the place where the mustache had been. The serpent waited and then a wide-smile went over his face.

“Ohohohohoho! My mustache! How wonderful.”

“You look smashing.” Rarity commented while looking up at him with a smile.

“Oh, Rarity. Your beautiful tail.” Twilight walked forward and pointed to the stump that was her tail.

“Oh, it's fine my dear. Short tails are in this season. Besides, it’ll grow back.” Rarity replied to Twilight's inquiry.

The lavender Unicorn looked over and saw that the river had calmed. Twilight waded out into it. “We can cross now. Let's go. Whoa!” Twilight windmilled for a second when one of the coils of the serpent came up underneath her.

“Allow me.” The serpent replied with a bow and he dove into the water to give them access to the other side.

“Oh, Gods no,” Oblivion commented and simply teleported to the other side. He watched over them as they crossed. When they all got to the other side the serpent swam off.

Twilight regarded him for a moment before she started leading the way away from the river. After a few strides, Twilight looked back to find Oblivion still bringing up the rear. She had questions for him but she chose to keep them to herself for now.

Oblivion saw Twilight look back to him. He could see the curiosity in her eyes but chose to ignore it for now. He looked ahead of them and his eyes narrowed to slits as he looked far ahead of them.

As they rounded a corner Twilight gasped. “There it is! The ruin that holds the Elements!” She galloped forward.

“No, hang on!” Oblivion yelled after her.

The mare yelped and her forelegs grasped at the edges of the cliff to try to stop herself from falling. Rainbow flew after her and grabbed her tail to pull the mare back from the cliff. “What is it with you and cliffs?” She taunted with a laugh.

The rest of the group trotted up to them while Twilight caught her breath. Oblivion reached them and saw the bridge was tilted to one side. Twilight looked crestfallen at the half-broken bridge. Oblivion thought about reaching out to it but something told him to leave it alone. Applejack looked to him and he shook his head in response. Somehow he knew that this was important.

Pinkie looked over it as well. “Now what?”

Rainbow flicked her wings and lifted into the air. “Duh.”

“Oh yeah.” Pinkie replied sheepishly.

Rainbow took off and disappeared into the fog. Oblivion listened and he could hear that the Pegasus was talking to someone. The fog cleared for a moment and revealed Rainbow talking to a small group of three ponies. Twilight gasped and yelled out to Rainbow. “Rainbow, what’s taking so long.” She saw the other ponies and her eyes widened. “Oh no. Rainbow don’t listen to them!” The fog thickened and prevented them from seeing or even hearing what was being said. Twilight looked at the others in a panic. Oblivion put a hoof on her shoulder to calm her. He removed it when she calmed some and looked back to where they had last seen the mare and he watched as the rope went taut and the blue mare flew out of the fog. She stood in front of them on her hind legs and flicked her tail. The mares cheered for her and started across the bridge.

“See? I’d never leave my friends hanging” Rainbow said to Twilight as she flew slowly next to her.

They entered the front room of the castle. Oblivion looked at it and found that it reminded him of the ruins back in his world. He looked to the middle of the room and saw six stone balls perched on a stone monolith in the center. Oblivion didn’t advance as far into the room as the others. Choosing instead to remain close to the door. Fluttershy and Rainbow picked up the stones and laid them on the ground by Twilight.

“We finally found them. Be careful with them.” Twilight worried over the stones as they were set onto the ground. She looked at them. “But where is the seventh? The book said: When the six are present, a spark will cause the seventh to be revealed.”

Applejack looked at the others and groaned. “What the hay does that even mean?”

Twilight shrugged. “I’m not sure, but I have an idea. Stand back. I am not sure what will happen.” She folded her legs under her and closed her eyes.

Applejack nodded. “Come on now ya’ll. She needs to concentrate.”

The mares all left the room. Oblivion stayed in the doorway and watched in silence. Applejack didn't say anything to him since he was silent and didn't move. He looked back to the mares for a moment when he turned back upon hearing Twilight cry out. He looked back and saw the stones swirling in a small vortex. Twilight cried out as she jumped into it. “Oh no.” Oblivion took off from his place but she was gone by the time he reached her. He looked around and saw a flash of light off to his left. He looked out the window and Rarity was next to him as she pointed out the lights to the others. Oblivion’s horn lit up and he vanished in a flash of blue flame.

Twilight looked around as she was suddenly on the ground. She looked up and Nightmare had the element stones floating around her as she laughed. Twilight gasped but then pawed at the stone floor and looked at the Alicorn. The black mare looked at her.

“Your kidding? Your kidding right?” The mare looked to the smaller Unicorn and set the stones down as she lowered her head to charge back at her.

Twilight's horn glowed as she charged the taller mare. As they were about to collide Twilight's horn flashed and she teleported to land in the center of the stone circle. Her horn lit up once more and she concentrated while Nightmare Moon turned back and snarled. Twilight’s horn flashed and she was sent skidding backward. Nightmare landed in the center of the stone circle.

“No. No.” She cried out as the stones glowed from Twilight’s magic.

When the glow failed to show the last element Twilight looked on in horror as Nightmare cackled with glee, reared up and brought her hooves down. The impact broke the stones and they shattered. Twilight looked as Nightmare continued to cackle with glee.

“You little foal. You will never see your Princess or your sun again. The night will last forever!”

“Not today!”

Twilight turned to find Oblivion emerging from a teleport of blue flame. The black stallion stepped forward and walked up to stand in front of Twilight. “As much as I enjoy the night's darkness, crops that need light cannot survive and you will reign over a world of nothing. Ponies will either die or leave you behind. As I said your crown means nothing with no one to rule.” Oblivion spoke with a calm assured tone and the Alicorn mare listened.

She looked uncertain for a moment before her eyes narrowed and she glared at the stallion. “I will rule for eternity after I finish breaking you!” She roared and her horn lit.

“I will never break again. I was broken once and reforged in steel and silver!” Oblivion roared back at her.

Twilight watched as he lowered into a battle stance and a sword appeared from his magic. The sword had a line going down the center of it on both sides that glowed a brilliant green. Nightmares' eyes widened as he growled. A curved blade appeared from her own magic and they charged each other, swords clashed and sparks flew from the impact. The weapons left an after effect behind them at the speed that they were being used. Twilight watched as Oblivion went blow for blow with the crazed mare. Nightmare grunted as she was slowly being forced back by the stallions onslaught. Oblivion's sword clashed against hers and his eyes glowed orange as he battled the mare. His body moved with each sword thrust and swing. He danced on his hooves and recovered from every move that was thrown at him. He grazed her neck and blood flowed sluggishly from the injury. The black mare roared in anger and her magic threw him back. The stallion rolled and was on his hooves in seconds. He charged her once more but at the last second, he buckled his knees and slid under her sword thrust, stood, slamming his shoulder into her chest sending the mad mare rolling.

“You will yield!” He roared at her and teleported to her. He reared up and brought his hooves down in an attempt to pin her. The stone under his hooves cracked at the impact, as Nightmare Moon rolled out from under him and brought her blade up, it nicked his shoulder and blood trickled slowly from it. He backflipped away from her and landed solidly on his hooves. He jumped back dodging a magical blast aimed at where he stood. His medallion trembled at the amount of magic being thrown at him. The mare screamed and lowered her horn to level a blast at a stunned Twilight. Oblivion saw her intent and teleported to stand in front of the young mare. He held his sword up to defend against the attack.

Oblivion infused his magic into the blade to allow it to defend against the blast. He was able to spin the blade in front of him and deflect the blast of magic. In the aftermath of dust, his ears rang, but he was able to hear the mares drawing closer. He looked back to a frozen Twilight. He flicked his tail and it hit her in the snout. “I’ll keep her occupied. The others are almost here. Trust in them and yourself. Do that and you will never fall.” He told her and teleported out of the dust.

Twilight looked back to the doorway and heard the others coming, just as he had said they would. Her eyes lit up for a moment as she felt relief course through her. She looked back to Oblivion as he clashed once with Nightmare Moon. She could see that he did not falter even once. She looked back to the door and saw the mares shadows approaching.

Oblivion roared and charged Nightmare, she lowered her horn to use her magic to strike him. He deflected the blast and teleported behind her. He spun around and delivered a powerful buck to her hindquarters, forcing her to face plant into the stone floor. With her flank in the air, he bucked her again and she flipped onto her back. He saw Twilight cringe out of the corner of his eye, as he spun and reared over her, finally pinning her. He failed to notice that her hind legs were under him. She kicked his belly and sent him over her and onto the ground. He grunted and leaped to his hooves. The Black Unicorn was about to attack once more when Twilight looked up.

“You think you can destroy the Elements of Harmony just like that?” She squared her shoulders and looked past Oblivion to the crazed black mare. She smiled at him and Oblivion nodded, then teleported to stand beside the lavender mare. “Well, you're wrong because the souls of the elements are right here.” She stood proudly with the others mares standing behind her.

“Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt represents the spirit of, Honesty!

Fluttershy, who tamed a manticore with her compassion represents the spirit of, Kindness!

Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger represents the spirit of, Laughter!

Rarity, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift represents the spirit of, Generosity!

Rainbow Dash, who refused to abandon her friends for her own heart's desire represents the spirit of, Loyalty!

And Oblivion Shadow, who refused to break and guided us when we needed him most represents the element of, Spirit!

The spirits of these six ponies got us through every challenge you threw at us.” Twilight replied to her, the mare's voice was loud and confident. She looked back as the shards of the stone elements now floated around their respective bearers. Each was a different color that matched with the pony they circled around.

Nightmare Moon looked at them, a mixture of surprise and disbelief. “You still don’t have the seventh element. The spark didn't work!”

“But it did. A different kind of spark, I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear from you, to see you, how much I cared about you. The spark ignited inside me when I realized that you all...are my friends!” Twilight and the others looked up as a new light went off above Twilight. It was in the shape of her cutie mark and stayed hovering in the air above her. “You see, Nightmare Moon when those elements are ignited by the spark that lives in the heart of us all, it creates the seventh element: the element of...Magic!” Twilight exclaimed. The seven ponies were pulled together and the light that flowed from them created a rainbow that held a color from, each of them, even Oblivions black. The rainbow hit Nightmare Moon and swirled around her consuming her, hoof to the horn.

“No! No!” She screamed in protest but even the sound of her protests was soon drowned out.

Oblivion stood on his hooves and opened his eyes. He looked around and saw the mares lying on the ground and slowly coming too. He looked at them in surprise as he could see a gentle glow coming from each of them. The glow churned and fluctuated as their emotions changed. He suddenly realized he was seeing their individual spirits. Their color was different for each of them and the intensity was different. He was quiet as he reached out with his new senses to see if he could feel Nightmare Moon. He didn’t feel her presence, instead, he felt the presence of another, gentler spirit near him. He gave a quiet snort and looked back to the mares beside him.

Rainbow was the first to fully stir. “Ugh, my head.”

Applejack was close behind her as she stood up. “Everypony okay?”

“Oh thank goodness.” Rarity exclaimed.

“Why, Rarity. It's lovely.” Fluttershy said to the white Unicorn.

“I know. I’ll never part with it again.“ She said as she waved her tail in the air and then nuzzled the restored tail.

“No. Your necklace. It looks just like your cutie mark.” Fluttershy replied and pointed to the jewelry which was a purple diamond.

“What? Oh so does yours.” The white mare pointed out the necklace on her neck as well. It was a pink butterfly.

Pinkie jumped forward with a squeal. “Look at mine! Look at mine!” It was a light blue balloon.

“Aw yeah!” Rainbow Dash pushed out her chest showing a red lightning bolt.

Applejack looked at her own necklace, which was an orange apple. “Well look what yer wearing Oblivion.”

Oblivion gave a curious look to the mares. They were all now looking at him in wonder. He felt his own curiosity pique and he conjured a medium-size mirror to look at what Applejack was talking about. His eyes widened at what he saw. Behind his horn was a crown of silver with black accents around the edges. The wolf symbol was an onyx jewel in the center of the crest. The crown itself extended down to the side of his head just past his ears. It extended to surround the base of his horn, and it went up around his horn for an inch or so then stopped. The section around his horn was a wave motion around the horns base and extended halfway down his face. There were runes engraved into the metal. He knew what they meant but he was certain that he was the only one who did know them. He wore a breast collar that was also a brilliant silver with black edges. His medallion was now embedded in the front of the collar, its dark metal offset the bright silver and drew the eye to it.

He could tell that the properties of the medallion had not changed. He wore guards on his forelegs that did not cover his hooves. The armor was wrapped around his cannon bones and held firm even when he stomped a hoof experimentally. His cloak remained but now had visible golden runes engraved into the fabric. He looked at his back and found that his swords now sat across his back as before but now the scabbards were silver to match the armor he now wore, though he was glad to see that his wings were not visible. The hilts were visible through a gap in his cloak. Silver armor went down his back and ribs ending just before his tail. It appeared to be one single piece but would move independently if needed. He stared at the image before he let the mirror vanish. He blinked and shook his head.

“Very regal, darling.” Rarity complimented. “The silver suits your lovely black coat.”

The others nodded and Oblivion said nothing. He shrugged to see how the armor moved and found it was comfortable. It reminded him of his Wolf armor in his world. Felt like a second skin that he barely noticed. His cloak sat easily across his back. Rainbow walked over to him to see the two swords that sat across his back.

“Why in the wide world of Equestria do you have two swords? Though that sword fight with Nightmare Moon was awesome!” She exclaimed.

“He’s a Witcher.” Applejack replied. She looked apologetically at Oblivion when he looked back to her.

The mares looked at him and he nodded. “Applejack is correct. Though you may not know what that means it is what I am. I have two swords because they have different purposes. The silver is to fight monsters. The other is steel and is meant to fight ponies if needed.” He explained. “I’ll explain more another time since we are not alone.” He explained to them.

“Gee Twilight! Ah thought you were spoutin’ a lot of hooey Twilight, but Ah reckon we really do represent the elements of friendship.” Applejack spoke up and redirected the conversation away from the black stallion, much to his relief.

“Indeed you do.” A voice spoke out. A bright light came through the window to reveal a pure white Alicorn. She was taller than Oblivion though only by a head or so. Her horn was slightly longer than his own. She wore gold hoof boots, a golden collar, and a golden crown sat behind her horn. She smiled at them as she spread her wings, which were smaller than Oblivion’s own.

“Princess Celestia!” Twilight cried out. She trotted to the tall mare while the other mares bowed to her.

Applejack looked sideways and saw Oblivion not bowing to her. “Oblivion, what are ya doing?” She commented, glaring at him.

“I do not bow. I don’t even bow to Emperors. What makes you think I would bow to a Princess?” He replied. Applejack hissed at him but gave up.

“It is fine my little ponies. He does not need to. My dear student, I knew you could do it.” The Alicorn smiled as she spoke.

“But you told me it was an old pony tale.” Twilight gave her an uncertain look, waiting for an explanation.

“I said you needed to make some friends, nothing more. I saw the signs of Nightmare Moons return and I knew that only you had the magic inside to defeat her. But you could not unlock it till you let true friendship into your heart. Now if only another will do the same.” Celestia said and then looked to see the black Unicorn moving away from them.

Oblivion moved toward the gentle feeling he had sensed earlier. He paused next to a small pale blue form that laid semi-conscious on the floor. He looked around her and saw the pieces of the armor Nightmare Moon had worn. The Alicorn was silent as Oblivion looked at her. Celestia drew up next to him and he looked at her for a moment before he left her to whatever she was planning to do. Though he had a strong suspicion who that little mare was. Their spirits were similar in color but differed in intensity.

He came back and stood off to the side of the mares as they watched their monarch.

“Princess Luna!” She called.

He heard the younger mare gasp and she turned to see the white mare. “It has been a thousand years since I have seen you like this. It is time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together little sister.”

They all looked up at that claim. “Sister?” Twilight and Rainbow exclaimed.

Oblivion looked over to them. “You're surprised?” He chuckled at them. They both looked to him for a moment before looking back to the Princess.

“Will you accept my friendship?” Celestia asked of her sister.

Oblivion and the girls watched in silence. The young Alicorn looked down to the ground and then lunged at her elder sister and cried. “I’m so sorry! I missed you, big sister.”

Celestia began to cry as well. “I missed you too.”

Pinkie smiled wide and turned to the other mares. “You know what this calls for?” Oblivion groaned. “A party!” The mare yelled to them all. Celestia turned to them and her horn lit up with a golden light. A jeweled chest appeared in front of them. It opened to reveal a velvet inside with indents for the crowns and necklaces to sit inside it. Oblivion stared at it and weighed his options.

“We will keep the elements here for safekeeping. Just place them inside and they will be safe within it.” The Sun Princess told them.

The mares went up one at a time and placed their necklaces inside it. Rarity hesitated, mumbling about it giving her ideas for a new fashion line. All of them placed them in the box, except Oblivion. They all looked to him and he shook his head. He was a bit surprised when they all gasped at him, even the two Princesses gaped at him. He turned away from the box and started to walk away. His medallion suddenly vibrated and he felt another magic envelop the crown behind his own horn. He snarled in anger and whirled around to face them. His own magic surged forth and pushed back the Sun Princesses own. She gasped and fell back onto her rump at the force of the retaliation. They all stared at him in shock as the blue flame receded.

“Do not command me. I will fall before I answer to a mare that I have no reason to follow. I acknowledge that you have their admiration and respect but you have not earned mine. I will keep this with me where I know that it is protected.” Oblivion's magic enveloped the armor, the crown, leg guards, and armor across his body shifted to move toward the collar around his neck. It seemed to melt into the collar and disappeared into it. It shifted further and only the medallion with a silver and black outline remained. His magic faded and Oblivion sighed as he finished. He looked down and gave a pleased noise before he turned to leave.

“Wait!” Luna cried out to him.

He stopped and turned slightly to his right to look at her. Celestia looked at him as well as she stood up from where she had fallen. She couldn’t hide her surprise at being overpowered by him. “That was very impressive. We have never been overpowered like that by another. We have to admit that, while shocking, thou are an incredibly powerful Unicorn. Especially since thou were able to mold your element into something other than its original design. May I ask how you accomplished this?”

He considered what she had said before he responded. “I simply decided for it to change into something that is easier to keep with me. Walking around in full armor is asking for more attention than I want. So altering it was the best option. I simply saw what I wished it to be and made it in that image. If I want it to go into the full armor it can. But not until I wish it.” He explained and waited for the response.

Twilight gaped at him before looking to Celestia. The Sun Princess smiled and gave a chuckle. “You truly are the element of Spirit. Unyielding, unbreakable, and unstoppable. It suits you well. Then I will happily entrust its protection to you Oblivion Shadow. None is more suited to it than you are. Thank you for reminding me of that. Despite the hit to my dignity at being tossed onto my tail.” The Princess laughed and Luna giggled lightly beside her before she walked over to him.

“During our battle, thou were holding back. May we ask thee why?” She questioned him.

Oblivion gave a small smile. “I don’t fight to kill the innocent and suffering.” He stated before he teleported and was gone.

That evening Applejack returned home to find Oblivion helping Mac with some late chores. The black stallion seemed just fine despite the light bandage on his shoulder. She walked over to him since they needed to talk about him working at the farm. Oblivion's ear flicked toward her to indicate that he knew she was there.

“Good to see ya made it back okay. Ya missed a fun party with the Princesses and the others.” She told him.

“I’m sure I was not missed. You are aware that parties are not my forte. Though I must admit that the ones here are very different from what I have experienced before. Though I assume that is not what you wish to speak of?” He replied to her. He turned his head to her even as he moved barrels of apples with his magic. “If you are looking to iron out the details of my working here it has already been discussed. Big Mac, Granny Smith and I have already worked out the details. But I do appreciate you coming to check.”

Applejack leveled a glare at her brother before looking back to the Unicorn. “That’s not all ah wanna talk to ya about.”

“Then am I safe to assume that is about today's events?” He responded and looked at her as he moved the last barrel into the barn. She nodded and he gave a low sigh. “For the record, I regret none of my actions. I acted as I saw fit and I will stand by my choices.”

Applejack's eyes widened and she put her face in her hoof as she groaned. “Ya are impossible. Fine ah won’t ask. But next time don’t disappear like tha’. Oh sorry, that isn’t an order just a friendly request. Twilight especially has a lot of questions for ya. Oh, she is stayin’ in Ponyville from now on. She didn’t wanna leave her new friends. Yer included mister.”

Oblivion stared at her for a moment. “Hmm.” He turned back to Mac who nodded that they were done. The red pony moved away from them and to the house. He looked thoughtful for a moment before glancing over to her.

“What is it? Ya alrigh’? Are ya hungry?” She asked him with clear concern.

He chuckled before responding. “No, I am fine. That is actually something I should mention. Mac already knows about this since he is the one who thought of it.” He paused to make sure Applejack was listening. “I know you are a bluntly honest pony and I can appreciate that. Therefore I dislike adding another secret to your burden. Follow me if you would.” He walked a little way into the orchard with her right behind him. He stopped and turned to face her. “Do you recall yesterday when Mac took me into the house?”

Applejack thought back and nodded. She did remember when they had gone inside and she went to get Apple Bloom.

“Turns out that I am not only an herbivore. I happen to be an omnivore.” She looked at him, questioningly. “That means I eat meat as well.”

Applejack snorted and fell back into her rump. She stared at him in obvious shock. “Wha..what makes ya think ya eat meat?”

He looked at her with a look that said ‘seriously’. “I already have. And before you say anything I hunt in the Everfree not around here. I have no intention of causing panic or upsetting anypony. I left that party last night to go hunt. Even you thought I seemed better after I returned. You would be right. I felt better and still do. So it would seem that I do not need to hunt very often but we will find out how often is needed. I am informing you out of courtesy not because I feel I must.” He sighed. “Will you please stop looking at me like I’m going to bite you.” He added.

Applejack shook her head to clear it and stood back up. “Ah’m sorry I’m just a little shook up. It’s been a long couple a’ days. But ah understand but how did Mac figure it out?”

He barked a laugh. “By accident. When we went inside he made me a couple of sandwiches and ended up with my head in a bucket.” Applejack gave him a sympathetic look while he continued. “My only guess is that it was simply too much of one type of food. I need to balance my diet with both. I will try to inform you when I think that happens. In the meantime, I will limit the amount I do eat until I learn the timeline and amounts. Mac watched over me and saw my teeth which..” He groaned at the look she gave his muzzle. He pulled his lips back and showed her his teeth. She visibly cringed but her curiosity won out over caution. She put a hoof gently on one of his canines. He saw what she was doing so he didn’t move at the slight touch.

“Well ah’ll be. That's quite the mouthful.”

Oblivion closed his mouth. “Heh. Mac called it a mouthful of knives.” Applejack smiled as she laughed.

“He’s ain't wrong!” She laughed and gave him a light punch on his uninjured shoulder. “Ya do look like ya have a mouthful o’ em’. But ah can tell ya ain’t dangerous. But that was a bit of a shock.”

He nodded his understanding. “Understandable. Now I will have to ask your judgment on this one. Mac has asked that I choose when to inform Granny Smith of this. That one I can understand. But I am quite hesitant to mention it to Apple Bloom.”

Applejack nodded. “As much as ah want ya to be honest. I don’t think Apple Bloom is ready to know that ya eat meat.” Oblivion nodded in agreement as she continued. “Just like how ya can decide when ta tell them about yer wings. Though ya should tell our friends. What was tha’ look for?”

Oblivion blanched at the mention of telling the others. He sighed and looked away from her for a moment. “I have explained how Witcher's are treated where I am from. But I have not mentioned a few things due to caution. The fact is that Witcher's are never any ponies friend. Due to the fact that we are so vilified. Which at times I will admit is earned due to the fact that we keep to ourselves, as you have no doubt noticed with my own behavior and our profession. Ponies fear what they do not understand. Which I do not blame them for, it is how things are. I was not raised, nor was I trained here. You saw some of the training today in the fight with Nightmare Moon. I am a pony that was raised for battle and I fight alone. Don’t give me that look. I will let you in on a fact. I am much older than I look. So I have spent a very long time on my own.”

He waited to get her response and Applejack gave him a look and put a hoof on his shoulder. He looked at her quizzically. She looked at him square in the eyes. “Ah understand what ya mean but ah still don’t understand. Ya don’t seem that much older than ah am.”

Oblivion gave a laugh. “All right. There was only one Witcher that was older than I and I am over one hundred years old. ” He deadpanned to her.

Applejack’s mouth fell open and she stared at him. “!” Applejack shrieked.

Oblivion started and his hoof went over her mouth. “Gods Applejack!” Oblivion cringed and pinned his ears. “That was painful. Kindly refrain from doing that again. My senses are heightened so I can hear you just fine without the shrieking.” Oblivion responded to her. “If I remove my hoof will you not scream?” He looked at her seriously and she nodded. He removed his hoof and waited for her to recover.

“So ya are over a hundred years old?” She asked and he nodded in response. “How can ya live so long? Not that ah want ya to keel over but ah can’t fathom it easily. Ah, mean Granny is younger than ya are.”

“I live for so long because I was made to. I’d explain but I do not wish to upset you. Leave it at that a Witcher is not born, we are made.” He told her. “I am well aware that I have lived far longer than most can even think would be possible. Especially since I can more than capable of keeping up with any who would go against me. My age has no effect on my movement as you have seen.” She nodded and waited. “Though I must admit the fact that I am older than Granny Smith is amusing. But I bring that up to show you just how long I have been on my own. I was around twenty to twenty-five when I first left Kaer Morhen to walk The Path. That's what we call the journey we go on that only ends when we die. So I have been on my own for nearly a hundred years give or take. So I am...unused to the concept of what a friend is. I have other Witchers that are of the same school but I consider them brothers, not friends.” He explained to her.

Applejack was silent as she thought over what he had said. “Okay, ah must admit that is a lot to take in. But ya have to learn to trust at least us. We are all connected now.” He gave her a sideways look. “The Elements. Ya are wearing it around yer neck.” She reached forward and tapped the medallion around his neck. “It connects us all. Plus since ya are an Alicorn ya are like the Princesses. Well, ya are a prince but that's not the poin’.” Oblivion shook his head when she proclaimed him like royalty. “Anyway, that's for another time. Right now ah will let ya decide when ya tell everypony. It's yer business. So ah’ll keep quiet about it. But let me know when your ready so ah can back ya up if ya like.” He nodded at her.

“Thank you Applejack. I appreciate your understanding.” He stopped when she waved a hoof him.

“Ya need to stop bein so formal. We will work on ya relaxin’ around us by teachin’ ya one at a time. Rarity might appreciate the formality but most o’ us won’t. So I’ll start out by helping ya ease up.” He looked at her for a moment before she continued. “Ya need to stop bein’ so uptight. It's not a crime fer ya to relax and be yourself. What?”

Oblivion chuckled. He waved a hoof at her before he started. “My...Sorry. You seem to think I can simply stop a century of habits. That would be like asking you to be...Rarity for the rest of your life.” She cringed. “Exactly. But you seem determined so I suppose I can..try. So why don’t we start with something small?” He looked thoughtful before his head came up. “All right. I will try to use your nickname. Is that going to be the first small step? Or is more needed?”

Applejack smiled. “That will be perfect. Ya sound too formal with full names. Ah’ll still just call you Oblivion, since you have a surname. That will work for a first step. Once ya are okay saying that we will try somethin’ else.”

“Very well, Appl...AJ. That is going to take a great deal of getting used to.” He stumbled saying it as he looked at her.

She nodded. “That it will. But ah know ya can do it. In no time ya will be as easy goin, as the rest a’ Ponyville.” He looked at her. “Okay, maybe not tha’ relaxed but close.”

“Perhaps. I suppose we should turn in now.” He said and looked to the moon for the time of day.

Applejack nodded. “Let’s get movin.” She led their way to the house and he followed silently behind her.

5: Element Backlash...

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It had been a couple of days since the celebration. Oblivion woke up at dawn with the rest of the Apple family. He wore his cloak which covered his wings and swords and went downstairs. He reached the large kitchen table and, when he saw nopony else was there he went leave the kitchen. He heard the drum of hooves and looked over his shoulder to see Apple Bloom stumbling down the stairs with her sister on her heels. He noticed that the aura he could see from the orange farmer was fluctuating heavily and appeared either angry or conflicted. Apple Bloom veered to the side and ran into Oblivion's right hind leg. It was the weekend so she didn’t have school today.

“Sorry, Oblivion I didn’t mean to run into ya. I know ah shouldn’t run but am in a hurry. Ah’m helping Applejack in the orchard today. Since you were gonna run errands.” The filly looked up at him as she explained her behavior.

“I am?” Oblivion looked to the orange mare and his head gave a slight tilt.

Applejack glared at the filly for a moment before turning to Oblivion. “Ah was gonna ask ya to run errands for us today. Mac and I are in the west orchard checking on the trees that we let go dormant last year. Makin’ sure they will be ready this time around. Ah’ll write down the items and the locations of the items we need. If ya need breakfast..” She started but paused when Oblivion shook his head.

“No thank you Applejack. I’m fine.” Truth be told he felt a little unlike himself and didn’t wish to upset his body further. He was also getting a headache and he didn’t wish to make it worse. He knew the difference between a food headache and a regular one. What he was getting was a regular headache. He waited for Applejack to rattle off the items he needed as he used a quill to write it all down. He still could not read their language so he wrote it down in the common tongue so he could understand it. The orange mare also gave him two small bags with the coin in them. One was for Rarity and the other for the Cakes. Big Mac came down the stairs and Oblivion looked past him. He looked back and moved to go up the stairs. He stopped and looked back at the mare. “I assume I will need my saddlebags for this errand?”

Applejack nodded but then stopped. “Hey, Mac? Can he use your saddlebags? The items are kinda heavy and it might not fit in his saddlebags.” Mac nodded and motioned for the Unicorn to follow him.

“Righ’ over here.” He picked up his saddlebags and laid them on Oblivion's back and reached under him to buckle them in place. “Ya’ll are too thin for my bags. It's okay ah can punch a new hole in the strap and make it so they can be used by ya. Just give me a few minutes.” Mac took the bags off him and laid them on the tool bench.

Oblivion watched as Mac punched a hole in the girth strap and then laid it back on Oblivion's body after he moved the cloak to the side, strapped it in place and gave a tug to the saddlebag to make sure they would not slide on him. The Unicorn nodded to the red farmer and walked back to the farmhouse door. He looked inside and levitated the list to him. He almost dropped it when a sharp pain went through his skull. He gave a low groan and put the list into one of the saddlebags. A low sigh escaped him and he started the walk into town.

He walked slowly due to the quiet throbbing in his mind. Looking ahead of him he saw ponies moving around in town. He looked back to the saddlebag and used magic to pull the list out of it, even as pain once more throbbed through his mind. He ignored it and looked at the list. He needed to pick up sprinkler parts from the hardware store. He looked around, got his bearings, and walked to the store once he knew where exactly he stood in the town. He put the list in the bag and started walking through town. He wasn't paying attention to the ponies around so he missed Twilight waving at him from the library door. He failed to see her start following him as well. He was working on trying to filter out the myriad of colors he was seeing from every pony around him.


He jumped and spun around, wincing at the fast movement. He looked at the purple-eyed Unicorn and waited.

“Are you alright?” She asked him, clear concern in her voice. “You seem to be in some pain.”

He shook his head and looked to her. “It’s fine, Miss Twilight. Nothing more than a headache.”

She nodded in understanding. “I’m glad it's not serious. You also don’t need to be so formal. Just Twilight is fine.” She waited as he nodded and then went on. “I was wondering if I might have some of your time this evening? I wanted to ask some questions about where you are from. Applejack said that you aren’t from around here and that the map you had with you showed places that she had never seen before. I’m sorry if I seem forward but an area outside of Equestria's borders is very interesting to me.”

He shook his head at her to quiet her. “I have no problem meeting up with you and answering a few questions. I need to finish picking things up for Applejack then I can meet up with you afterward if it is all right with you.”

“That’s fine. I look forward to it, thank you Oblivion. Meet you at the library this evening?”

“That is fine Twilight, I will see you then.” He replied and turned slowly to walk toward the hardware store.

He missed the look of concern on her face as he walked away from her. His head was lowered to avoid looking directly at any of the ponies in his path. He could sense them so he was able to move around them easily. He reached the hardware store after a few minutes of walking. He pushed the door open with a hoof and walked inside. The inside smelled strongly of cut wood, stain, and paint. Oblivion paused and blinked as the scents assaulted him. Breathing through his mouth didn’t help much as he forced himself to walk deeper into the store. He walked up to the counter and saw a light gray pony hunched over a block of wood. He had carving tools on his flank. A chisel and a piece of sandpaper, Oblivion had seen those before. His aura was a gentle gray with hints of black. It was calm and quiet and showed no apprehension.

Oblivion waited for the pony to notice him. When nothing happened for close to a minute he put a hoof on the counter and tapped his hoof against it. He was surprised to find that his hoof was as quiet on wood as it was on dirt and leaves. He turned his hoof to the side and rapped it heavily on the counter. The pony jumped and fell off the small chair he was using.

“Goodness!” He yelped when he landed on the floor. Oblivion looked down at him and waited for him to regain his composure. The gray pony stood up and shook himself to remove the sawdust. “I’m sorry I didn’t hear you come in. For somepony so tall you walk pretty quietly. Anyway, how can I help you?”

Oblivion levitated the list to be in front of him. “I’m here to pick up an order for the Apple family.”

“Ah, I know what you're talking about. The parts for their sprinkler system. Wait right there.”

He walked into the back through a narrow doorway to his left and disappeared. Oblivion laid the list on the counter and rubbed his right temple. He closed his eyes as pain lanced through his head at every movement. Normally he would ignore this but his vision was blurred along the edges. After a couple of minutes of keeping his eyes closed the pain lessened. He reopened them when he heard the pony coming back. He looked back up as the pony placed the parts on the counter. Oblivion looked up as his horn lit up and he deposited the items into one of the saddlebags.

“That was pre-paid so you are good to go, my friend.” He said with a smile.

Oblivion's horn dimmed and faded out as he closed the saddlebag. He ignored the throbbing pain and smiled at the gray pony. “Thank you for your time.” He took the list in his teeth and turned to leave.

The Unicorn left the store and then held the list in as little magic as he could manage and looked at the list closely. Next on the list was going to Rarity's boutique to pick up some fabric that Applejack had ordered. He put the list back inside the bag and walked toward the boutique. His vision blurred at the sides again and he narrowed his cat eyes and used that skill to focus his vision and remove the blurred edges. Though his eyes would now give off a faint glow it would only be noticeable in low light. His magic opened the door to the boutique and he closed it behind him. The bell on the door shrilled and he groaned at the sound.

“Welcome! How may I be of...? Oh, Oblivion, darling welcome please come in.” The white mare walked up to him, a smile on her muzzle. “What can I do for you?”

He sighed and looked at her. “I’m here to pick up Applejack's order.” He stated and waited for the mare to respond.

“Oh of course darling. One moment.” She replied and turned back to a tall shelf. Her own magic glowed a gentle blue and illuminated a small folded fabric and brought it over to him. “Here you are, dear. Tell Applejack that I would like some of the first apples of the season in exchange.” She waved off any attempt to pay.

Oblivion conjured a quill and wrote in the note for Applejack. “I will let her know. Thank you Rarity.” He turned to leave but was stopped by the mare's hoof on his shoulder.

“Are you all right?”

“Yes, I’m fine. Nothing more than a headache. It will pass. But thank you for your concern.” He replied and left the mare behind in her shop. He went outside and lifted the list once more. “Speak to Rainbow Dash about clouds over the orchard tomorrow afternoon. Wonderful.” He grumbled under his breath.

He looked up and saw no sign of the light blue mare. He closed his eyes and flicked his ears to try to find her that way. His ears finally found her out by the border of the forest. He broke into a trot for a few steps before the throbbing got the better of him. “Damn.” He cursed under his breath and walked toward the sound.

After close to a half hour he reached a cottage on the edge of the forest. He could see two lights in the cottage. He could tell by the colors that one was Rainbow Dash and the other was Fluttershy. He went up to the door and knocked on the thick wood. He waited and stepped back when the door opened to reveal Fluttershy. “Oh Oblivion, its nice to see you.” The Pegasus spoke quietly to him.

“Pleasure is mine Fluttershy. I need to have a word with both you and Rainbow Dash if I might impose a moment.” He replied.

“Oh, of course, please come in. Rainbow Dash came over to help me with a couple of my animals but we were just finishing up.” The meek pony opened the door and the stallion walked in. Rainbow was in the corner watching him. “What can we help you with? Oh, or is it something that should be private? I’ll just go to the other..”

Oblivion placed a hoof gently over the pony’s mouth before he continued. “It’s nothing like that Fluttershy. I am simply doing a list of tasks that Applejack had requested. Rainbow Dash, is it possible to rain on the main orchard tomorrow afternoon?” He looked to the mare who put a hoof to her chin in thought.

“How many clouds?” She asked.

Oblivion levitated the list and fought not to groan in pain. “Just enough to cover the main orchard and water it before harvest.” He read off the note. The mare nodded and Oblivion wrote it down on the list. He turned his head to Fluttershy. “Fluttershy if you wouldn't mind checking on a badger in a northern section of the orchard and seeing if you can move it to a new area.”

The Pegasus smiled and nodded in response. Oblivion checked off both on the list and put the list back in the saddle bag. He turned to leave and used his magic to open the door. Pain tore through his mind and his magic faded with the door half open. He used a hoof to open it the normal way and turned to see Fluttershy hovering close by him. He straightened up and looked at her.

“I’m alright. Just a mild headache, nothing more.” He assured her before walking away from the door.

He used his right hind leg to push the door closed as gently as he could. He could tell that both mares had not been near the door when he closed it and he kept his eyes narrowed since it helped with the pain. He knew that last on the list was picking up snacks from Sugar cube corner. Though certainly not his favorite stop he was required to go there by his current employer. He groaned aloud and walked back into town. He hadn’t been paying attention to the order of the list or he would have picked it up earlier. He picked up his pace and lengthened his stride to try to get this done by early afternoon.

He got back into town and the headache was slowly worsening. He focused his pace and walked briskly to the sweet shop. He stood outside the open door for a moment before walking inside. He immediately saw Mrs. Cake and walked up to the counter to greet her.

“Good afternoon Mrs. Cake.” He gave her a polite greeting as he neared the counter.

The mare turned around and smiled widely at the approaching Unicorn. “Oblivion dear how you today?” The mare paused. “Are you alright?”

‘Gods below how can they all tell?’ He looked up at her. “I’m alright thank you for your concern. I am here to pick up Applejack's order.”

The blue mare shrugged and after giving him a concerned look she went into the kitchen to get the order. He stood in silence and waited. When she came back out she walked around the counter and, after moving the box into her hooves and placed it onto his back. Oblivion gave a thin smile and laid a small pouch of bits on the counter. He had no idea how coin worked in this world so Applejack had counted it out and sent it with him. The one that had been meant for Rarity was still in his saddle bag. He thanked them and walked for the door. A pink blur went past him and he started as he stopped in his tracks. He looked back to ensure the treats on his back were not moved. Pinkie opened the door with a flourished bow and grinned maniacally at him. Oblivion nodded to her as he went out the open door and into the street. The black Unicorn walked with his head lowered to his shoulders as he made his way back to the farm. He stopped and closed his eyes for a moment as he tried to get the pain to fade. He opened his eyes and moved forward. He walked slowly back to the farm and through the gate. He saw Applejack and Apple Bloom working on a section of the bleachers that he had created four days ago.

He went inside and found Big Mac in the kitchen. The red stallion turned around and saw the black Unicorn come inside. He went over to him and pulled the box off his back, setting it on the table. The red farm pony looked at him and saw the faint glow from the other stallions eyes.

“Are ya alright? Ya look exhausted.”

“I’m fine. Just a headache. But thank you for asking.” He turned to leave when Mac reached out and used his hoof to grab hold of the saddle bag. “Damn it!” Oblivion stumbled back and fell onto his rump on the floor. He looked back at Mac and his eyes narrowed into a glare. Mac came up next to him and pulled the tall stallion up off the floor.

“Sorry, bout tha pardner. Didn’t think ya'll tumble over that easily. Are ya sure it’s just a headache?”

Oblivion stopped glaring before pulling his head up. “I’m fine Mac. I was surprised nothing more. Thank you for the concern.”

“Where are ya headed now?”

“I need to give the other items to Applejack, then I told Twilight I would drop by the library. She requested that I answer some questions about where I am from.” He opened the door with magic and wasn’t able to hide his wince. Mac grabbed the door and pushed it the rest of the way open as Oblivion recovered from the stab of pain. He nodded to him and went through the open door.

Oblivion approached Applejack and Apple Bloom as they tried to pull apart the bleachers. He drew up a few feet from them, his ears flicked back and he found Mac standing by his hip.

“Applejack.” He spoke aloud. When the mare didn’t turn he scowled before trying again. “AJ.” He shouted and then cringed at his own volume.

She spun around and grinned at him. It was that moment that his pained mind realized that he had been fooled. He shook his head slowly and looked to her. “Welcome back Oblivion. Ya get everything on the list?”

He scowled at her for a moment before nodding. His magic started to pull the parts out of the saddlebags and he set them as gently as he could onto the ground. Applejack walked over and checked the items as he set them down. He held the fabric up and held it out to her. She took it from him and looked it over. “Did Rarity give ya a hard time?”

He shook his head slowly. “No, she was fine. She refused payment instead saying that she expected some of the first apples from the harvest.”

Applejack laughed. “Tha’ sounds about right. What about Rainbow and Fluttershy?”

“They also agreed to help. I assume Fluttershy will be by before the harvest to ask about taking care of the badger and Rainbow will provide the clouds.” He reported back to her. He looked at the sun and figured that he had a little while before he should head over to the library to meet with Twilight. He looked over and saw Apple Bloom pulling on a beam that she had no hope of pulling apart. She had her fore and hind legs on the beam and was pulling for all she was worth. Oblivion walked over to her and tapped her mane. She looked up at him and smiled. Oblivion looked back at Applejack who shrugged.

“Not ta worry. We’ll get this thing taken apart in no time. Thought ah have ta say ya did a good job Oblivion. Almost too good, we haven’t gotten very far in pulling it apart. Ah, wanna keep the engraved parts so we are trying ta be careful.” She said as she went back to it.

Mac poked Oblivion’s shoulder earning him the other stallions attention. “Don’ even thin’ about it. Y'all are wobbly as is. Ah don’t think taking tha’ apart will help ya.”

Oblivion looked thoughtful for a moment. “I see your point. While I would like to just take it apart myself I understand why you would say that. In this case, I am liable to agree. So I will remove the engraved parts and nothing more.” Oblivion bargained with the other stallion.

Mac considered it and finally nodded. Oblivion's magic reached out and held onto the carved pieces of the bleachers. Applejack looked over as Mac grabbed Apple Bloom and the three of them moved to stand by the Unicorn. Oblivion gave a magical yank and the wood that held the pieces he wanted, splintered and gave way. He pulled the engraved wood away from the structure and set it off to the side. His magic faded and he was left panting in its wake. Apple Bloom got away from Big Mac and went to Oblivion as he let himself sit down and then slide to the ground.

Apple Bloom was by Oblivion's head as he breathed heavily. “Are ya alright? Oblivion talk ta me!” She yelled, her voice higher than normal. She began circling around his head and hooves as she worried over the Unicorn who remained silent as he recovered. Mac reached a hoof over and set it on his shoulder in comfort. Applejack sat down on his other side and watched as he let his eyes close.

Pain tore at him and all he could do was lay down and close his eyes. He could hear Apple Bloom as she paced and spoke to him, pleading with him to speak. As much as he wanted to he didn’t have the strength at that moment. His vision had faded to pinpricks and he closed his eyes to stop himself from seeing the frantic and worried colors leeching off the Apple siblings. He remained silent for several minutes while he got his breathing back under control and gathered his strength back. His ears had pinned preventing him from hearing Apple Blooms frantic cries. When he started to let them listen in once more he could hear Big Mac and Applejack consoling the filly. Telling her that he was simply tired and that he would be fine. He let his eyes open a slit and saw that Apple Bloom was sitting in front of him waiting, her eyes wide and… they held an emotion he knew but was surprised to see on the little ones face. She was scared… for him. He forced his right eye open and he looked at her. ‘Not sure how I can help but I should let her know it’s okay.’ He looked at her and gave a quiet snort at her. Her face lit up and she reached out a hoof and, to his surprise, she gently patted his muzzle.

He blinked and slowly raised his head. He opened his other eye and looked down at the filly. “I’m all right little one.” Before he could finish talking to her she jumped at him and nuzzled into his shoulder and neck. Her hooves held onto his fur as she clutched at him. He blinked and looked down at her as she huddled against him. He felt a hoof go over his mane and saw Granny Smith by his side as well. ‘When did she get here? By the Gods how long have I been laying here?’ He looked up and saw that the sun had moved a bit but it was not dark out yet. Maybe a half-hour had passed.

Mac gave a gentle push to his shoulder. “Ah told ya not ta overdo it. Ya scared Apple Bloom ta death. Even Granny came outta check on ya.” The red stallion scolded him. But his scolding was half-hearted. He wasn’t invested in admonishing the stallion on the ground.

“Ya should’a said ya weren’t feeling well. Ah, would have done mah errands mahself.” Applejack told him. Her aura was like the others, churning and making his head ring from the constant shifting.

He looked at the Apple’s and snorted as he looked away from them. “I apologize for everypony. I did not think it would take that much effort to pull it apart. Thankfully all Twilight wants is to talk and I can do that with no effort.” He said as he rubbed Apple Blooms back as he waited for her to let go of his fur. “I just won’t use magic as that seems to aggravate this headache.” He told them and they all seemed to relax at his words. Apple Bloom finally calmed enough to let go of his fur and he slowly stood up. Granny began brushing off his fur with Applejack's help. Soon he didn’t have any dirt left on him and he nodded his thanks to them.

“Make sure ya come home safe and git some rest, youngin.” Granny admonished him as she walked slowly back to the house.

Oblivion nodded. “Very well, Granny Smith.” The Unicorn nodded to the others who went back to their own tasks now that they were certain he could stand on his own hooves. He straightened his cloak with his hooves, which took a while since he did not know how to grasp with them, and using his claws was out of the question. He started walking slowly toward town and back to the library to keep his word to Twilight. It was becoming dark when he rapped a hoof on the library door. It opened to reveal Spike looking up at the black stallion.

“Hey, Oblivion! Come on in, Twilight said you were coming by.” The baby dragon said as he opened the door to let the tall pony walk in. “Hey, you okay?”

Oblivion turned to look at the dragon. “I’m fine. Just a headache that has not relented all day. But I'll be fine.” He replied and walked slowly into the main room. Books lined the walls and he found himself wishing he could read them. He enjoyed reading but had not had the time recently to do much of it. He looked around the room and found that the light was actually painful to him. He ducked his head back down and for once let his forelock fall into his face to shield his eyes.

Spike walked up to him. “Are you sure? You look like your gonna keel over.”

“I’m going to what?”

“Keel over. Ya know, collapse.”

“Why not just say that then?”

“The other way is more fun.”

Oblivion rolled his eyes and groaned at the dragon. He looked toward the inner doorway and saw Twilight come around the corner. She smiled at him and her own magic picked up a scroll and quill. Oblivion glanced at Spike.

“Your funeral Oblivion. You agreed to answer her questions. She won’t relent till she knows everything.” Spike laughed and put a clawed hand on Oblivion's leg as he laughed at Oblivion's expression. “Twilight lives to learn.”

Oblivion didn’t say anything. Partially due to realizing that he had made an error, but mostly due to the room starting to spin. He closed his eyes and focused on standing. He cracked open an eye as Twilight sat down a couple of feet in front of him. She moved another pillow and motioned for him to sit on it. As much as he appreciated the gesture he didn’t move.

Spike chuckled at the stallion until he looked at his face. Oblivion's eyes were going from thin slits to being widened. Spike was about to talk to him when he decided to grab the pillow and move it to the black stallion. Spike stopped and watched him for a moment.

“Spike, what are you..?” Twilight started to ask when Spike yelped.

The baby dragon lunged forward and put the pillow onto the ground as Oblivion collapsed. His chin landed on the pillow as his mind shut down. Spike looked triumphant for a moment before he realized that Oblivion was unconscious. “Umm, Twilight?” He looked back at her and found her already moving. The mare looked to the downed stallion.

“Spike, get me an ice pack, a blanket, and dim the lights.” The mare ordered and Spike ran to accomplish his tasks. She moved his forelock away from his face. “I knew there was something wrong earlier. I should have insisted on speaking to you then.” She ran her hoof over his mane and sat down beside the stallion, hoping he would awaken soon so she would know that he was alright.

Oblivion heard something off to his side, sounded like Eskel was snoring. He groaned and shifted himself until he was facing the sound. “Eskel, if you don’t shut it I'm gonna throw you outside with that damned goat of yours.” He grumbled quietly, not needing to be loud due to the other being a Witcher as well. He waited a few moments and got no response. He reached out his arms and shoved the other Witcher. He didn’t have a lot of energy so the shove wasn’t very strong. The next thing he heard was definitely not Eskel. A low child-like yelp sounded as there was a thump next to him.

“Oblivion! That hurt. That was you, right?” A young voice called out to him. He opened his eyes and a bright light hit him in the face.

“Mother of the Gods! Damn!” He yelled at the light as it hit him. His head pounded as he pushed himself back and found himself falling off his bed and landing on the ground. He laid there for a moment and groaned. “Shit. What in the Hells?” He rolled over, lifted his head, and pushed the blanket back off his face and onto his back, his cloak followed suit. It took him a moment before his mind caught up with him. He opened his eyes slowly and found that he hadn’t been dreaming. He was a pony, with a horn, wings, and was now laying on somepony's floor. The door opened to a lavender Unicorn looking worried.

“Spike what...happened?” She said and her eyes landed on Oblivion who was laying on the floor looking more than a bit bewildered. Spike crawled around the bed and started to glare at the stallion but then stared.

Oblivion shook his forelock out of his face and sighed. He held his head with both hooves as he grumbled. “What happened? I haven't felt this bad since the last time I out drank Geralt. Gods below. My head is killing me.” He said and rubbed his temples with both hooves. Twilight walked up to him and sat down in front of him.

“You're okay?” She whispered to him. She reached a hoof out and laid it on his shoulder.

“I’ll be fine. But that doesn’t answer my question.” He replied.

“So this is you when you're not being formal.” The mare teased.

Oblivion blinked and then groaned. “Gods I thought...never mind.”

“Who’s eeskal?” Spike asked as he came up to Oblivion's shoulder.

“Eskel. He’s a Witcher like I am. We winter in the same place normally and he snores, loudly. It's not uncommon for him to wake everyone up at least once a night.” The stallion explained and then looked expectantly at the mare.

“You collapsed last night and wouldn’t wake up. Spike stayed with you while I went to let Applejack know what happened. She told me that you had been suffering from a headache all day and collapsed after taking apart some of the bleachers. At first, she seemed pretty mad until I told her you hadn’t used any magic. Why didn’t you say anything?”

Oblivion looked away from her and sighed. “How long have I been out?”

“Almost 24 hours.” The mare replied.

“Gods. And yes, when I’m not trying to be polite then yes this is what you get. I’ll make sure to go back to what everypony is used to as soon as...” He stopped when hoof went over his muzzle, silencing him.

“Just be yourself. You don’t have to be somepony your not with your friends.” Twilight said to him as she removed her hoof.

He looked at her and then sighed. “Therein lies the problem. I have never been one to have friends. Due to my profession, I do not make friends with others. I am a tool that ponies call upon when a monster threatens them. Then when that is done I, like the others, were thrown away or killed for them to regain what they have given to me. Maybe now you will see why myself and others like me use formality as a way to keep ourselves distant and it helps us keep others at arm's length. Friendship is a luxury we cannot afford if we wish to survive.” Oblivion explained. “Even those I consider brothers are kept at length. I can’t afford to have them used against me. The same is said for them and myself.”

Twilight looked sadly at him. Spike put a clawed hand on his shoulder and Oblivion looked to the young dragon. Spike stroked his fur in comfort. Oblivion sighed but showed no remorse or sorrow of his own. He looked back over his shoulder and was relieved to find his cloak still in place. That meant his wings and swords were still hidden. Twilight leaned forward and wrapped her forelegs around his neck.

“Even if you don’t think so. To me, you are one of my best friends.” Twilight whispered to him.

He startled but didn’t pull away. Spike ran his claws through Oblivion’s long mane as he stood by him. He allowed himself to relax a bit but not completely. She let go and sat back on her haunches and he tried to untangle his legs from the blanket. Spike stood back and pulled the quilt back to help him. His legs were freed and he lunged to his hooves. Spike pulled it away from his hooves and he helped Twilight to stand up. Spike tossed the blanket onto the bed and followed Twilight out the door. Oblivion followed behind her but hissed when he walked into the much brighter hallway. He backed up into the room he had been in and Spike ran forward to turn off the lights.

“Spike! I can’t see!” Twilight yelled at the dragon.

“He can.” The dragon retorted. Spike pointed to Oblivion as he came back out into the hallway.

Oblivion growled at the colors of the other two in the hallways. His head was starting to pound once more. He walked up to Twilight and used his shoulder to guide her down the hall. She picked up Spike and they walked into the front room. When they got near the front room Oblivion paused and Spike ran in to dim the lights. With that done they all walked into the room. Oblivion followed Twilight into the kitchen and sat down by the table. She started making a pot of coffee and then turned to look at him.

“Are you sure your okay? Still, have a headache?” She looked to him and watched as Spike poured juice for himself.

Oblivion shrugged. “It’ll pass.” He responded only to get a stern look from Twilight.

“Do you still have a headache?” She looked at him, a hardness to her features.

He chuckled lightly at her before he sighed. “Yes.”

“Okay, so we need to find out what is causing it. Any ideas?” She reasoned and used her magic to pour herself a cup of coffee and then looked to him.

He nodded and she poured one for him, then set it down in front of him. His horn lit up and almost immediately he hissed in pain and his horn dimmed. His eyes closed in pain and he rubbed the base of his horn. Twilight set her coffee down and was at his side within a moment, she placed a hoof on his shoulder as he groaned. He lowered his head till his horn tapped the table. His head snapped back up and he had one eye closed as he cringed. He looked to the side and found Twilight watching him intently.

“Okay, so what happened just now?” She inquired.

Oblivion growled in aggravation before answering. “I was going to pick up the coffee you gave me but as soon as I tried to pick it up… Well, you saw the result.” He deadpanned before looking over to her.

“Hmm. It sounds like magic exhaustion. But you seem to have slept that off already so that's not the solution.” The mare looked thoughtful. “Spike. Bring me magical ailments volume one.”

Spike saluted and took off running. Oblivion watched him leave and sighed. Twilight kept a hoof on his shoulder and waited with him. She suddenly chuckled at him as he stared at the cup in front of his snout. “You can pick it up with your hooves instead for now.”

His eyes looked up and he suddenly looked away and out a window. He suddenly felt a tug on his fur and he turned back to see Twilight looking at him intently. He looked down and gave a low snort. “That would work if I knew how to hold things with hooves.” He couldn’t help but think of using his claws but decided not to mention it. Though he considered telling her about his claws for a moment before holding back. He didn’t look at her but he could guess that she was staring at him. He chanced to look at her and saw that his guess was right. “I know it's ridiculous.” He commented and gave a dry laugh.

“By Celestia, your serious. Granted your always serious. But how have you never used your hooves?” She looked incredulously at him.

Oblivion looked away. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” He muttered then snapped his jaws shut. ‘By the Gods why did I say that?’ He looked over to Twilight to find the mare looking at him. ‘Way to go you fool now what will you tell her? She’s...damn. She’s to smart to ignore that comment. Hmm. She actually reminds me of Ciri. A spitfire when needed. But a good heart under it all’ Oblivion looked at her once more and he could see that she was waiting for him to continue. “Look ignore that comment for a moment. First off can you show me how to pick this cup up? I would like to drink this before it loses all its warmth.”

Twilight snapped out of it and nodded. She stood up and walked back into the front room. She returned a moment later carrying a quill. She set it down in front of him and stood by him. “Okay, we will work on this first. Spike is still searching for the book I wanted. So it's similar to how you pick up items with magic. Instead, you are focusing on using the magic in your own body. You focus it onto the item and use your hooves instead. Soon it will be as natural as using magic. But right now you aren’t allowed to use magic. I don’t want you to hurt anymore. Okay so try to use your hooves. Oh and don’t rush. There is plenty of time.” She assured him and then looked to him.

He picked up his hoof and brought it down on the quill. “If I break this I apologize and I will fix it.” Twilight shook her head and waited for him to continue. He focused on his hoof and then pulled it up. The quill stayed on the table. This process kept going for several minutes. He snorted at it in anger and was about to bring his hoof up then down on it when he raised it again and the quill went with it. “The Hells?” He looked at the quill now held by his hoof. He looked over to Twilight who was clapping her hooves together.

“That was actually faster than most. Well done. Now try the coffee. Oh, wait hang on.” She responded and her own magic surrounded the cup. After a moment it began to steam once more.

He looked at her as she finished heating the coffee. “Warmth spell. Now try it.”

“I drop this I am going to be so angry at you.” He quipped at her earning him a laugh from the mare. He reached out both his hooves and put them on both sides of the cup. He focused himself and used the same amount of force he had when picking up the quill and picked up the cup in his hooves. He looked at it and brought it to his muzzle. He drank a few gulps of the coffee and set it back down. Twilight clapped her hooves and then patted his shoulder.

“Sorry it took so long Twilight, this library has a different layout than the old one. But I got it.” Spike walked into the kitchen, Twilight flushed and turned to get the book.

Oblivion picked up the coffee once more and sipped at it, letting its warmth go through him. He watched as the mare put the books on the table and then began going through them. He tried not to look interested but she saw it. She moved one of the books to him and he moved his coffee out of the way. her magic faded as she dropped the book gently in front of him. She went back to what she was reading. He looked at the pages and found himself wanting nothing more than to read them. He thought about asking Twilight but was surprised when she suddenly shrieked.

“I got it!” She shrieked and startled Spike out of his chair. Oblivion started and glared at her. “Sorry. But I think I figured it out.”

He looked at her and waited for her explanation.

“Has there been any change in your magic?” She asked as she leaned a bit forward. Her hooves resting on the book.

Oblivion thought back and tried to think back to when he had first gotten his magic. That alone was a change for him. But it didn’t seem to have happened until… “By the Gods!” He yelped as he sat up straighter in his seat. His hooves hit the table top. He suddenly looked down to his medallion. He reached a hoof down and gripped it before he released the seal on his armor. The silver armor crawled over him and went into its place on his body. He looked at Twilight. “This is new. I didn’t have this before.”

“But the Element is a part of you and all of us. It shouldn’t hurt you.” Twilight pointed out.

Oblivion nodded in understanding. “I don't think the damage being done is intentional.” He paused. “Actually the pain is starting to fade slightly. So I think the additional magic is meant to be helpful and was at first but now I think the strain of its constant activity is becoming detrimental. Especially since I am not used to it and have no idea how to narrow its focus or stop it entirely yet.” He stopped and looked from Spike to Twilight. Both were staring at him. “Yes?”

“What do you mean constant use? Your element was only active right now?” Twilight leaned forward, her curiosity was obvious.

Oblivion looked down as he considered how to answer the inquisitive mare. “When I received the Element of Spirit I noticed that I was able to see the aura, or spirit if you will, of those around me. This ability is active at all times. I can tell the difference between emotions and how the pony or animal in question is feeling with respect to their actions.” He explained.

“So you have, what? Spirit Sight?” Spike said and leaned at Oblivion eagerly.

Oblivion looked at the baby dragon and sighed. “I suppose you could call it that.”

“That's awesome!” Spike balled his fists in excitement.

Oblivion shook his head and looked back to Twilight. The mare was staring at him in surprise. “This has been going on since you got your element?” Oblivion nodded to her and she went silent once more. “This is incredible. So how is the headache?”

Oblivion looked away from her. “It's fading slowly. It’s to the point where it is actually fairly easy to ignore.” He looked to his coffee cup and used his magic to levitate it. “There is no shooting pain and no change to the headache itself. It appears to be growing even duller instead. I will be continuing to wear the armor for now.”

Twilight came over to him and looked at the armor and the symbols on his cloak. She could see symbols along the collar around his shoulders and chest. “What do these symbols mean?” She pointed a hoof at the strange marks on the cloak.

“Those are runes. They are familiar to me since I use them frequently where I am from. Though I am surprised to see them on the armor itself since the armor does not originate from my land.” He replied and gazed at the markings as well.

Twilight looked at him for a moment in disbelief. “Runes? I have read about them but they haven't been used in over 1500 years. Since magic itself is simpler to use and the runes are very hard to make. Even before the banishment of Nightmare Moon. How do you know so much about them?”

“As I said. I have always used them. It depends on what kind I need for what type I will use. My armor appears to have glyph's that amplify my abilities and provide additional protection from damage. My swords always have ones that use an element of nature to strengthen their attack.” He looked at the collar around his body and he could see the glyph symbols in the collar itself. It appeared to have all of them from his set of armor that he wore. There were close to 12 of them all together that he could see. While he was curious about the runes in his blades he left them alone.

Twilight looked at them and a scroll appeared next to her. She began trying to sketch the runes, but she was awful at the art. He looked at the sketch and saw Spike holding his mouth as he tried not to laugh. Twilight caught the sound of his snort and looked over to him, glaring. “I know, I am a terrible artist. But you aren’t much better spike.” The mare retorted, going back to her drawings.

Oblivion groaned and took the paper and quill from her. He drew out a couple of the lesser runes/glyphs that he could use but instead he used the greater runes in the armor he used. He gave the rough sketches back to Twilight who gaped at them. Spike looked over at the sketches and stared as well.

“Wow. Who would have thought that you were also an artist? This is great Oblivion.” Spike gushed at the stallion who shrugged.

“He’s right. These are wonderful. What kind of runes are these?” Twilight asked.

He looked over and pointed to the one on the left hoof. “That is a lesser Dazhbog rune. Otherwise known as a lesser burning rune. Its a weapon rune that gives the blade a chance to burn the target should it connect.” He pointed to the one to the right. “This one is an armor glyph called a glyph of mending. Its purpose is to aid in healing. It can help one heal faster from injuries. I have only shown you 2 of the many that I have used. It's a start. The ones you see on my armor or my swords are greater runes and glyphs.”

Spike listened intently and Twilight was intensely focused on the drawings as she too listened. “So you use these regularly? I have never even seen one of these outsides of a museum. You're telling me that you can use them at any time?”

“Yes. I usually carry several of them with me. I can’t pull them out of a piece of armor or a weapon on my own. I have to take them to a blacksmith or a runewright to get that done. I don’t think these have any effect on my ability to see the spirits of others.” He amended.

Twilight nodded in agreement and set the drawing down. She contemplated what he had said and then walked back to the other side of the table where her book still sat. “While I’m glad that you are doing much better I’m still baffled by what you have told me. I need to find another book.” She stood up and Oblivion stood with her. Spike yawned as he got off his chair, catching Twilight’s attention. “You can go back to bed Spike. I can handle this. I have Oblivion helping as well.” Spike nodded and wandered up the stairs to go to sleep.

Twilight smiled after him and motioned with a hoof for Oblivion to follow her. He trailed after her in silence, the armor moved easily with him. He was glad that it didn’t feel stiff or cumbersome. The pieces moved with him just like his own wolf armor moved. Twilight looked back and found him looking at the shelves as she walked to the magic section of the library. “Okay I’ll look through the book on the elements and if you don’t mind would you look at the magic section for anything that seems like it might help?” She pointed her hoof at the section and then looked to her own research.

She said to him as the reference book landed in front of her. She opened it and began scanning it. Oblivion looked at the shelf and walked over to it. He looked grimly at the books and then to the ground. He looked back to the mare and started to open his mouth, but stopped and then looked back to the books. After several minutes he gave an angry snort and backed up a couple of steps.

“You okay?” Twilight's voice startled him and turned to her.

He looked at her and saw the concern in her eyes. He knew that she was worried due to the change in her aura. He sighed and lowered his head. “I’m fine.” He said, He looked to her and he could tell that she wasn’t convinced. “I can’t… Damn.” He looked away from her. He was well read and knew several languages. The fact that he was in this world and could speak the language just fine but could not read it was infuriating to him. It felt like a cruel joke someone played on him. He felt a hoof land gently on his shoulder. He looked over to see Twilight looking at him. Her purple eyes gazed at him and he sighed, letting his head drop to his hooves. “I can’t read any of this. I know many languages and can read, write all of them. But I can’t use this one.” He admitted.

Twilight looked at him for a moment before she smiled. “It’s okay. I’m impressed that you know other languages. I know bits and pieces of some but I'm not fluent. Maybe you could teach me one of them and I’ll teach you.” She reasoned.

Oblivion didn’t raise his head. Even though he wasn’t too proud to ask for help this was pathetic to him. ' There has to be a faster way to learn this. I refuse to believe that since I have magic now that it can’t help with this. If only I could use Twilight's knowledge to learn… Wait.’ Oblivion’s head came back up and he looked to the mare beside him. “It’s worth a shot.” He mumbled to himself before his eyes fully connected to Twilights. “I have an idea. But I want to ask you a couple of things first.”

Twilight nodded and motioned for him to sit down across from her. They sat down and Twilight looked to him. “What do you need to know?”

“Is it possible that there is a spell that can share one's knowledge between ponies?”

“Not that I am aware of. But that is not something that I have studied if I'm being perfectly honest.” The mare responded.

Oblivion thought about her words for a moment before he looked to her again. “How long would it take to go through the books you have on magic here to find out if there is a spell for that?”

Twilight looked at the magic section and cringed. “At least a couple of days. Even with Spike, who I guess you would rather he not know, would still take time.” Oblivion nodded.

“Damn. I was afraid you would say that. Well if I made a spell that I could use, would you be willing to let me try to copy your memory of the language? I will hold nothing against you if you decline for the record.” He said to her. He was not about to force a spell on her if she did not agree to it. He did not want to upset the young mare. He was about to try bargaining with her when her eyes widened and her spirit glowed brightly to the point where he had to squint a bit.

“I would love to help! The fact that you could make a spell-like that is revolutionary. I have never heard of that kind of spell. I love this idea, Oblivion. So how do we do this?” Her enthusiasm was palpable.

Oblivion blinked at her enthusiasm and shook his head with a low laugh. “Here is my idea of how to accomplish this. Because I would be copying the information from you I would need you to focus on your knowledge of the needed subject, in this cause your knowledge of the language. By focusing on it I will try to tap into that.” He explained.

Twilight nodded her understanding. “This isn’t going to hurt you, is it?”

He stood up and looked to her in surprise. “It should be fine. I’ll keep my armor on just in case if that eases your mind.”

Twilight nodded. “That would make me feel better. I don’t want you to hurt more than you already do. How is the headache?’

Oblivion blinked at her before he answered. “It's actually gone. I’m wondering if I just need to wear my armor every now and then to keep it at bay until I figure out how to control it. But I am curious as to why I needed to wear it to...Gods below. That's it.”

Twilight looked at him. “What do you mean?”

“When it's wrapped around my medallion it’s not in contact with my body at all times. Whereas my armor is in direct contact with me at all times. I might have to wear the collar more frequently. But I can look into that another time.”

Twilight nodded with a smile, her excitement was almost blinding and trotted around to stand in front of him. “Okay so do I just stand still or what do I do?”

Oblivion considered before answering the excited mare. “Stand still and focus on the information that you have. I’ll take care of the rest. I’ll use our horns as a transfer. That might be both safest and easiest since those are used to having spells and magic go through them. Okay, let's see if I can figure out how to do this.”

Oblivion went silent and he nodded to Twilight who closed her eyes in focus. He focused on his own horn, watched as it lit up and then tapped it to Twilight's, waited for the flame to cover her horn and then started the spell, entering into a state of meditation his mind going blank. There was a slight surge of magic that flowed back into him and after a couple of minutes he felt something changes and he pulled away. The flame faded and Twilight blinked as she came around.

“You okay, Twilight?” He asked the purple mare.

She looked at him and nodded. “Is your flame always warm like that?”

He looked at her and shrugged. “I might not feel it due to temperatures not having much of an effect on me.”

“Well? Did it work?”

He looked over and picked up the book on the elements and opened it. He looked at the page and was glad to see that the symbols made perfect sense to him. He looked at her and nodded. Twilight stomped her hooves and gave a delighted squeal.

“This is incredible, Oblivion! You created your own magic. First the runes and your other abilities and now this! You are easily as powerful a Unicorn as I am. This is fantastic. Another Unicorn I can practice spells with.” Twilight danced on her hooves and then threw her forelegs around Oblivion's neck.

He started but relaxed and patted the excited mare on the back. “I am glad that it worked. Now I have something I can do besides my work and practice. It has been too long since I have been able to sit down and read a book.” He told her as she let go. His ear flicked to the side and he looked behind him. Spike was standing at the top of the stairs looking at them.

“What is going on? I can hear Twilight yelling all the way in our room.” Spike started to complain.

“Spike, take a letter!” Twilight shouted.

Oblivion cringed and looked back to the mare as she trotted toward Spike, who pulled a scroll out of the air behind his back. Oblivion stared before he shook his head and let it go.

“Dear Princess Celestia: Today one of my best friends, Oblivion, revealed that he...” She paused at the growl coming from the Black Unicorn. She waited then went on. “Needed some help. So after a few questions and other details. He came up with a new spell. Using his own magic he created a spell that allowed him to learn instantly, using magic. He did this by using our horns to transfer the information from one mind to his own. I’d have to get more details but there also appears to be no ill effects. My own mind is the same and only a select knowledge was given. He has created a new form of magic on his own! Your student Twilight Sparkle. Send it Spike.”

“I don’t know Twilight its kinda late...” Twilight looked at the dragon with a glare that would have scorched anyone else. “Sending it.” Spike breathed fire at the scroll and it was sent through the window.

Oblivion watched the scroll vanish and looked back to the dragon. “That's an interesting skill. So that flame can send a note to just her or to others?”

“Just the Princess.” The dragon explained and shrugged.

Oblivion looked at him for a moment. “Hmm. Interesting. Does it work the other way around?” Before he could ask more Spike burped and a scroll appeared from the flame. “Never mind.” The Unicorn replied.

Twilight held the scroll in her aura and unrolled it. She looked at it surprised and turned to Oblivion. “It's for you.” She told him.

He tilted his head before his flame took the scroll from her. He read over it quickly and his eyes narrowed. “Spike, can I use your quill?’

“Yeah sure. Here ya go.” Spike held it aloft and Oblivion took it from him.

Oblivion wrote a reply and his magic sparked as it vanished. Both of the others stared at him.

“Did you just?” Spike stared at him.

“I figured that the flame you use couldn’t be very different from my own so I should be able to replicate it. Though I am still wondering if it can send to anyone or if it’s exclusive to them or possibly just Unicorns. Though I..”

“How did you do that?” Twilight shouted interrupting him.

Oblivion looked to the stunned mare. “I just explained.”

“That was musing not an explanation. So how did?” She paused when a letter made of deep blue stationary appeared. All of them stared at it as Spike looked it over.

The dragon looked to the black pony and held it out. “It's for you.”

Oblivion took it from him and opened it.

“Who is that from?” Spike asked.

“Luna.” He answered and Spikes jaw dropped.

“You mean Nightmare Moon?” Spike cringed away and looked as though he might run.

Oblivion shook his head. “No, Luna. Nightmare is gone Spike you know that. Don’t be foolish.”

Twilight walked forward a couple of steps. “What did Princess Celestia want?”

“She asked me to come over for tea.” He answered.

Twilight's eyes widened. “When are you going?”

“I’m not.” He replied, his voice flat.

Twilight stared and Spike tried not to laugh. “You...aren’t... Wait, you told the Princess no?”

“Yes. I do not care for tea and I do not appreciate that all she wanted to talk about was my creation of that spell. Such a trivial thing.” He scoffed. Spike walked up to his leg and tapped it. Oblivion looked down. “Luna has asked me to meet with her next week for a sparring match and coffee afterward. That is an activity that greatly interests me. Should be interesting to find out the differences in our fighting styles now that she has been purified.”

He looked over and Twilight was staring at him. He could see the shock on her face. Oblivion sighed and wrote a response to Luna and sent it off. He stomped a hoof and Twilight seemed to snap out of it.

“How could you say no to Princess Celestia and then yes to Princess Luna?” She yelped.

Oblivion looked down and watched as Spike ran behind Oblivion's tail. “Simple. Celestia was calling on me for no reason other than to waste my time. You had already explained the method I used for the spell. There is no reason to repeat myself. Luna offered something of great interest to me. Her desire is much simpler. And truth be told I am interested in her style of combat. It was similar to one I have seen before but it had subtle differences so I am curious as to who trained her. I think we could have an interesting conversation.”

Oblivion looked at Twilight, his voice calm and sounded interested. He started for the door and Spike was left standing with no place to hide. Twilight jumped in front of him and continued to gape at him. “But the Princess probably wanted to congratulate you on your accomplishment. It takes a very powerful Unicorn to do what you did.” She started, but Oblivion held up a hoof to silence her.

“As I said Twilight I have no interest in such things. I am trained for battle and sparring is something that I enjoy. Learning about other combat styles greatly interests me. Luna seems to have the same opinion, it is something I have in common with another pony. As nice as all of you are, with the exception of a couple, none of you can do battle with me. With a village this peaceful and while that is nice I would prefer to spar with another.” Oblivion explained and teleported around Twilight. He stopped and looked back. “Thank you for all that you have helped me with Twilight, Spike. I am grateful. None of the ponies that I know from where I am from would have lifted a hoof to help. So I am grateful to you for your kindness. I am sorry that I cannot answer more questions but I am going to head back to the farm and rest for work in the morning. If you like, once I get paid, I will treat you to tea or coffee at the cafe as a thank you. Good night to both of you.” Oblivion looked down to his armor and it crawled across his skin and back to its place on the medallion. He stopped it at the collar around his neck and left that in place. He opened the door and left the library with Spike yelling at him to be careful.

As he walked back it was dark and nearly completely silent. He stopped on the path and put his muzzle into the air, inhaling the scents of the night around him. He stopped when his medallion shook inside the collar. He looked back and saw Twilight galloping up to him. He turned around and waited. His medallion calmed and went dormant once more. She reached him and slowed to a stop. He wasn’t far from the library, just barely on the edge of town.

“Thank you for waiting.” Twilight panted as she tried to catch her breath. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have questioned your choice. It's not my place to criticize you. You can stay in the library and go to work in the morning. It's late out. While I know you can protect yourself I’m sure you are still tired.” He closed his eyes and shrugged.

“All right. I wasn’t angry at you, you know. Everyone has their own thoughts and opinions. I just happen to not share yours.” He explained.

“I know. I was just surprised. Come on. We can all go back to bed for the night.” She told him and turned back to town. She paused and waited to see what he decided.

He chuckled and walked up next to the mare. She walked back with him at her side and went back into the library.

6: To Track a Filly...

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Oblivion woke up and rolled out of the bed that he was using at the library. He had chosen to sleep with his armored collar on and had also kept his cloak on. He stretched and his magic opened the door. He could see that Twilight was awake, due to the glow from his Spirit Sight even showing up through the wall, and he went down the stairs and into the kitchen. He looked into the kitchen and saw the mare reading the paper. He walked silently into the kitchen and moved to one of the chairs.

“Good morning Twilight.”

“Ahh!” Twilight yelped and dropped her paper, she nearly fell but Oblivion's magic caught her. He sat her back onto the chair and waited. She flushed and picked her paper back up. “I think you need to walk louder and good morning to you as well.” She commented.

“I’ll make note of that request.” He replied and sat down.

Twilight looked over and her magic poured him a cup of coffee and set it down in front of him. “Oblivion, can I ask you something?”

He held his coffee in his magic and took a few sips of it. He held it to the side and looked to her.

Twilight looked at her paper before going on. “Your magic is very different from most Unicorns. You seem to be able to simply decide something and your magic makes it happen with no back lash to you at all. You were able to teleport so easily. When you teleported to help me with Nightmare Moon could you see where you were going to land?”

Oblivion thought back to the events of that day. “No, I had no idea. I just focused on it and decided that was where I wanted to go. In hindsight that was quite reckless of me. I’m simply glad I didn’t end up in a wall. Heard about things like that happening from a couple of sorceresses. And they wondered why I hated to use portals.” He chuckled at the arguments he had gotten into about things like that with Triss.

Twilight stared at him. “So you had no idea where you were going to land?” He nodded. “How in Equestria did you manage that?”

“To be honest I decided that if I could find you I would find a good fight. I knew that you had gone with the Elements so I focused on you and ended up pretty close, actually.” He replied to her.

Twilight blinked. “Wait, so you focused your magic on me and let it lead you?” He nodded. She blinked at him before slumping in her chair. “You are the most mysterious pony I have ever met. You are easily one of the most powerful ponies I know as well. That includes the Princess.” She said to him.

Oblivion thought over what she had said and leaned back against the back of the chair. She waited for him to speak. “I’m not sure what I can tell you. Yes, I have my secrets but so does anypony. I have no idea how I would do if I went toe to toe with either Princess but I know that I would not give up. As you have no doubt noticed I do not give in.” Twilight nodded. “But I have no desire to fight her. A mock spar sure, but unless I have a need to, I have no desire for an all-out fight.”

“Thank you for your honesty. I am glad to hear that you don’t want to fight the Princess. But that doesn’t answer the question about how strong you really are.” She stopped when Oblivion barked out a laugh.

“Twilight, I will be honest I have no idea about the limits of my abilities. As much as I like testing my own limits I have no need to do so at this time. I will help out with practicing as you had mentioned since I can learn as well in that case but I see no need to exhaust myself just to find out.” He replied to her.

Twilight nodded in agreement. “Your right. As much as I would like to know what you can do I’m not about to push either of us and risk injury. Thank you again for saying that you’ll practice spells with me. Spike is a wonderful assistant but he can’t do spells as you can.”

Oblivion nodded. “I see no reason not to help out when I am able. To be honest, I am interested in the type of magic here. Applejack called it Unicorn magic, so I am curious about its mechanics.”

“Wait right here,” Twilight said as she got off her chair and left the kitchen. Oblivion sipped his coffee and waited. Twilight came back into the room with 2 books in her magic, “Here we go. These two books are the history of magic itself, how it works, and other subjects. These should answer a few questions for you.”

“I’ll have to come by and read them when I’m finished at the farm.” Oblivion started to say when Twilight scoffed and waved a hoof.

“This is a library. You can take them so long as you take care of them. Are there any other subjects you like to try out?” She said and looked to him expectantly.

“What do you mean? And I would like to know the history of the kingdom.”

“A library. That is a place where ponies can borrow books. So long as they come back in the same condition that they left in.”

Oblivion stared at her. ‘A pony can simply take a book? One does not have to pay for them?’ He stared at the books as she turned and walked back into the library itself. She walked around Spike who had come downstairs and was walking into the kitchen.

“Morning Oblivion. How did you sleep?” The dragon asked him.

“I slept fine, Spike, thank you. The bed here is longer than the one at Applejack's so it's quite comfortable. At the farm, I usually sleep on the floor due to the bed being too short.”

“On the floor? That sounds like it would hurt.”

“On the contrary it's fine for me. Sleeping in a bed that's too short is more painful.”

Spike looked thoughtful before he nodded. “That's true. Since your so tall that would hurt.”

“It does yes. I’ve done it before and found that the floor is preferable.”

Twilight walked back into the room with one book held in front of her. “Here is a book about the start of Equestria's history.” She set it down on top of the other two.

Oblivion nodded. He finished his coffee and stood up from his chair. He could see the sun from the window across from him and saw that he needed to leave if he wanted to be on time for work. “Thank you again, Twilight. I need to get going if I am going to be on time. I’ll return these to you as soon as I finish them.” He moved them from the table to his back.

“Take your time. I’ll walk you to the door.” The purple mare led him through the library and opened the door.

He walked through the door and left the library behind him after nodding to Twilight before leaving. He walked back to the farm and within a half hour, he was walking through the front gate. He went into the farmhouse and into the kitchen. Applejack and the rest of her family looked over to him as the door opened. Apple Bloom jumped out of her seat and trotted over to him.

“Where were you? Were ya all righ’? The filly asked him as she tapped his foreleg.

He cast a glance to Applejack who shook her head. “I was speaking with Twilight and lost track of time. I stayed over there and helped her yesterday as well.” He told a small lie to the filly. While it didn’t bother him to do so he knew that Applejack was an honest pony so he had looked to her for her opinion. He saw Big Mac and Applejack's eyes linger on the collar around his shoulders for a moment.

“Oh. So ya borrowed some books from ‘er as well?”

“Yes, I did. Pardon me while I put these upstairs.”

He saw the filly stiffen a bit as he walked past her and went up to the stairs. Upon going into his room he noticed immediately that his saddlebags were not under his bed as they were meant to be, they were in the middle of the room. He set the books on the bed as he focused. He had stopped in the doorway, and his senses were immediately on edge. He looked around as the rest of his Spirit Armor crawled over him. His eyes began to glow as he narrowed them. Hoofprints were shown on the floor and he was able to discern the age of the track. He discovered that the newest track was smaller than the others. He knew immediately who it was, as a newer scent hit his nose. He used magic to put his saddlebags around his body.

Apple Bloom!” He roared.

He heard a yelp and then a bang as the door was slammed shut. He pivoted on his heel and advanced on the stairs. He got to the bottom to find the Apple siblings staring at him. Applejack was the first to speak.

“What was that? Ah’ve never seen that filly move so fast.” She said as Oblivion came to a halt.

Oblivion growled. “My saddlebags have a magic lock on them. I had placed them under the bed so they would be left alone. When I got up there they were in the center of the room and appeared to have been tampered with. Judging by her reaction and my own tracking that filly tried to break into them.” He explained.

Applejack and Big Mac both stiffened at what he said. He could see both of their spirits roil. He saw anger go across them both. But it was Mac that got up from where he sat and stormed over to the door. He pushed it open and looked out.

“Apple Bloom!” He hollered.

Even Oblivion cringed at the tone. Though his own anger came back, replacing any surprise. He didn't hear any response to Mac’s yell. His own eyes narrowed as he looked down and the small hoof prints jumped out at him. He pushed past Big Mac and began to follow the tracks. He heard Applejack start after he and Mac fell in as well. He followed the tracks in silence with the siblings following him.

“She’s running.” Was all he said in a comment.

“She better hope she’s got a good explanation. Or that filly is grounded for a month.” Applejack said, anger in her voice.

“Eeyup.” Was Mac’s reply.

“There is no good reason to attempt to either break into or steal from another.” Was Oblivion's growled reply.

Oblivion walked forward and then stopped. He looked up into a tree and his cat eyes glowed as He stared into the wide eyes of a yellow filly. His growl was loud enough for her to hear.

“Apple Bloom, git down here!” Applejack was at the bottom of the tree beside him.

The filly acted as though she did not hear. She looked away and Oblivion felt his anger jump. He whirled around and his rear hooves hit the tree. The buck was as powerful as he dared to make it, so as not to damage the tree, but he still left hoof marks in the bark. The filly yelped and fell into the waiting forelegs of Applejack, who glared at her. Oblivion turned around and felt Mac’s hoof on his saddlebag. The red stallion pulled him back until he was standing beside him. The Unicorn could see that Mac was as furious as Applejack. Oblivion's eyes were still narrowed and the glow was constant. Applejack set the filly down, Mac stepped forward as well and Oblivion stepped up to the other side of Applejack. His magic took off his saddlebags and he set them in front of the filly, who cringed at the sight of them.

“What in the hay were ya doing with his saddlebags?” Applejack's angry tone was leveled at the filly.

She didn’t say anything as she looked away from the saddlebags in front of her. Mac reached forward and pushed them closer to her. Oblivion felt his temper slip at the fillies lack of response.

“Apple Bloom...” Mac spoke to her. She still refused to speak.

That was the final straw for Oblivion. He reared up and brought his hooves down onto the ground, it shook at the impact. “That is enough little filly. You will answer your siblings immediately and explain yourself.” Oblivion snarled at her. She startled and tears came into her eyes. She looked to each of them and found that, despite Oblivion's tone, Applejack and Mac were on his side. She looked at the saddlebags and started to cry. Oblivion's stomped a hoof and she hiccuped.

“Ah wanted to see what was in ‘em!” She wailed. Oblivion's gaze remained stone and his eyes glowed in anger. “Ah saw them under the bed when ah went into yer room ta see if ya was there. But ya weren’t and ah saw them under the bed. Ah tried ta pick them up and they were too heavy so I dragged them out. Ah tried to open them but they wouldn’t open so Ah tried to force them open. But they won't open! So ah tried jumping on 'em and Ah heard something that sounded like glass break. So ah ran away from them and closed the door!” The filly wailed and cried in front of them.

Oblivion's eyes opened wide and he picked up the saddle bag. He opened both sides and a strong scent hit his nose from the left one. He closed the right and examined the left bag. “Shit.” He muttered and looked into the bag. He levitated out two broken bottles and sighed in anger. “Well, those are destroyed. There is no way to replace these potions. Their ingredients do not exist in this area.” Oblivion's magic went into the bag and the flames destroyed the tiny bits of glass and fluid that had spilled. Oblivion closed his eyes and shook his head. “I can repair the bottles but the contents are lost.” Oblivion's eyes opened and he glared down at the filly. He put the saddlebags back on his barrel and he spun to leave. “I leave the punishment to you, AJ. I only hope it is fitting.” He walked away leaving a sobbing filly and her two angry siblings.

He walked back to the farmhouse, went up to the stairs and into his room. He closed the door behind him and took the saddlebags off his body. He opened them and used his magic to lay their contents across the bed. He was surprised to see that even the extra weapons he carried were in them as well. He looked at them and found that they seemed to have a great deal more storage than he thought they did. He put everything back in them with a sigh and opened the wardrobe at the back of the room. He hung his saddlebags on a peg that was inside it. He closed it and created a lock similar to the one on the door. He locked it so that only he could open the doors. He heard the door to the kitchen open and a sniveling filly walked up to the stairs. He heard her knock on the door. He finished what he was doing and opened the door.

Apple Bloom stood outside the door and looked at his hooves. “Ah’m really sorry Oblivion. Ah didn’t mean ta break anythin’. Ah was just..”

“That is no excuse to try to steal into another's things. This is beyond a simple mistake, Apple Bloom.” He spoke to her and then walked past her. He closed the door and heard it lock behind him. He went down the stairs, leaving the filly behind him. He walked outside to find Applejack and Mac waiting for him.

“Ah’m sorry Oblivion. Ah had no idea she tried to get into yer saddlebags. We decided to talk to ya about her punishment. Since it was your things she broke. Is there truly no way ta fix those?” Applejack said as he came to stand in front of them.

He shook his head. “Unfortunately no. Those potions were made with pieces of monsters' essence. A monster that I am certain does not exist here. The bottles themselves have been fixed but the contents cannot be replicated.” He advised both of them. “She did apologize but this is something that I cannot forgive. There is a reason I made sure they could not be gotten into. The potions inside them cannot be used by regular ponies. They are designed to aid a Witcher in a battle with specific monsters. They give us the ability to not be poisoned or affected by bites from the monsters we fight, for example. If she had drunk one of them it would have been lethal.” He explained. Applejack's eyes widened at the implications of the potions in his saddlebags. “I used the wardrobe in the room to safeguard them further. I placed a lock on it that makes it so nopony can get into them except myself.”

Applejack looked over to Big Mac who nodded. “Well, we should discuss her punishment. What happens to somepony who steals where you're from?”

Oblivion stiffened. “The punishment where I am from would be looked down upon here. Theft is not a crime that is taken lightly. As it can lead to much worse later in life. Ponies are punished with jail if they are lucky, others would lose the hoof that was used to steal.” He watched as both of them stiffened. “As I said, looked down upon here. Where I am from things are treated very differently. This is what happens in the cities. In the villages, punishment varies. It could be a beating, or more depending on the parents.”

“Wow, things are taken pretty seriously.” Big Mac replied and looked at the Unicorn as he nodded.

Applejack recovered and looked at him. “Never thought that it would so differn’. How is it handled by a Witcher?”

Oblivion laughed. “Extra practice, tending to every sword in the keep, cleaning the entirety of Kaer Morhen, among others. Witcher's are reclusive at best so we handle things ourselves. A beating is the kindest where I am from. The extra work on top of normal activities is exhausting and usually is enough to break any desire for further stupidity.”

Applejack suddenly smiled. “Ah think ah have an idea.”

Mac looked over to her. She smiled and winked at both of them.

“Apple Bloom!” She yelled, summoning the filly to her.

The filly opened the door and came outside, her head down as she walked slowly to them. “He’s still mad, Applejack. Ah tried ta say ah’m sorry but...eep!” She yelped when she looked up and saw Oblivion standing with them, looking over his shoulder at her. She walked slowly up to them.

Oblivion stepped past Applejack and stood next to her. He waited for the filly to reach them before he looked to Applejack. “Apple Bloom ya did something that ya know is wrong but ya did it anyway. Ya always been taught that stealin’ is wrong. If ya had asked ah’m sure Oblivion would have explained why they are locked. But instead, ya jumped on them and broke some things that he brought from his land. After talking with him ah think ah have an idea fer yer punishment. Big Mac an Oblivion will have a say in this and can add more if they want.” She looked to the two stallions who nodded and waited for her to continue. “Ah asked Oblivion how ponies who steal from where he is from being punished. He explained and after listening ah think ah have a solution. Ya will do all his chores, the work we had for him, and ya will do anything he asks of ya till he decides ta forgive ya.” All of them stared at the mare in reply. She went on after seeing their looks. “He will still get paid for yer work since ya have shown that ya can’t be trusted.”

Oblivion stared at the orange mare as he thought over her decision. It made sense but he didn’t like the idea of not working and still being paid. Even though the idea was sound he was hesitant. “Applejack, I’m not certain this is a good idea.” He started when she put up a hoof.

“Don’t worry. The chores we have for ya are pretty easy since Granny decided to lessen the work on ya for a week due to ya getting sick. Don’t look at me like that. Ya thought we wouldn’ know. Twilight told us everythin’.” Oblivion blanched. “Ya need to take it easy anyway. So this is perfect as a punishment. She will do yer work when she gets back from school. Any errands ya need to be done, like a new book, will be run by her. Ah think that it is fitting.” She said in response.

Mac nodded. “Eeyup.”

Oblivion sighed and looked to the filly in question. She looked up at him and to his surprise, she nodded as well. He shook his head before answering. “Very well. I will give this agreement my approval. Despite my own reservations, I will abide by your choice.” He started to walk back to the house and Apple Bloom ran past him.

She got a hold of the door and opened it for him. He looked back at the siblings. Applejack put a hoof over her mouth and tried not to giggle. Mac just shrugged at him. He sighed and walked inside. His magic covered his armor and it slithered across his body back into the collar around his shoulders. His forelock was in his eyes and he used a hoof to move it out of his face. “Ugh. Should have asked Applejack about a bath.” He replied and was about to open the top of the door when Apple Bloom started pushing his legs to the stairs. He allowed her to push him and walked up the stairs.

“Y'all wait in yer room and ah’ll get a bath ready for ya.” The filly told him.

He looked at her before he acquiesced and went into his room. He used magic to pick up one of the books Twilight had loaned him and laid on the floor to wait. He read over the history of magic and was halfway through the first chapter when Apple Bloom rapped her hoof on the door jam. He looked up and regarded the filly.

“It's all ready. Ah made sure it was nice and warm fer ya. Ah also set out the soap fer ya.” Apple Bloom spoke to him.

He could see that she seemed nervous and she watched him intently as he moved the book away from himself as he stood up. Apple Bloom jumped up and she pulled the thick book onto her back and led him to the right of his door down the other hallway. She pulled an abrupt left and pushed a small stool to the right of the tub and set the book down and opened it to the page he had been reading. He saw a raised ledge that the book could sit on to make sure that it didn’t get wet. She moved the soap into reach and then jumped back to look at him. He didn’t move and she suddenly ran out the door. “Sorry enjoy yer bath.” She said as she held the door and pulled it closed.

He shook his head at her antics and looked to the steaming water. His magic locked the door and he pulled his cloak off and laid it across the counter. The breast collar went back onto his medallion and his wings moved on his back. He stretched them out and the joints popped with the sudden movement. He spread them from one wall to the other, a couple of inches were still hitting the walls. He looked to the enlarged wings and decided to estimate their size. From what he could estimate they were close to 16 feet in length. With a couple of extra inches but he was confident that he knew the length of them. He brought them back down to his sides but they were hanging loosely in place. He had every intention of cleaning them off as well.

He looked to the steaming water and put one hoof into the tub. The water was warm and comfortable. He stopped himself from jumping in and stepped into the water. He stayed standing as he picked up the soap bar and then lowered himself into the water. It went across his belly and he laid down in the water. He cast a shield over the book and then another to make sure that it didn’t splash onto the floor. The water went over his back and he let himself lay in the tub. He heard a quiet knock. He grumbled quietly. “Yes?”

“Is there anything else ya need?” Apple Bloom said from the other side of the door.

“No, I’m fine, thank you for asking.” He replied.

“Ah okay. Ah’m gonna ask Applejack what yer chores were so ah can get started.” She told him.

He heard her hooves trot down the hallway and he laid his head down in the side of the tub and relaxed. It had been a long time since he enjoyed a warm bath. He brought his head up and he looked down to his wings and let them float beside him. He looked at his book and began reading.

After finishing the first three chapters he closed the book and set it on the counter. He used the soap to clean his mane and fur. After finishing that he ran the soap over his black feathers and cleaned them as well. He was upset to see the dirt and grime coming off them. He cringed and decided that this would not happen again. He had to much pride in his appearance to let this happen once more. When he was finished he washed himself off and used the towel Apple Bloom had left to dry off his fur. He looked to his wings and patted them dry as well. He noticed that a few feathers were out of place. The stallion used his claws to preen the feathers and he removed ones that were coming out. The feathers he removed were held in his magic and once he finished he incinerated them to prevent others from finding out. He looked around and found that he was still wet and used his magic to dry off the rest rather than find another towel. He used the mirror and found his mane was tangled so he used a brush to straighten it out and took care of his tail. He drained the tub and shook himself. The breast collar of his armor returned to its place and he started to pull his cloak back on. He paused and looked into the mirror. He was turned sideways and saw that he was indeed a very thin pony. He pulled the cloak back on and was glad to see that it covered how thin he was. He had never been very thick but on a pony, he just looked sick.

“May have to look into this. There aren't any ponies my size here that I have seen. I’m not sure what a normal weight is for a pony of my size.” He looked away and finished cleaning up before leaving the bathroom. He dropped his book off in his room and closed the door behind him. He walked down the hallway and went outside. He saw Big Mac and Applejack watching as Apple Bloom ran back and forth between the barn and a pile of baskets. She carried them from the barn to the edge of the orchard. Oblivion would have finished the task with magic but the filly didn’t have that option. He walked up and stood next to them.

“Howdy Oblivion. Apple Bloom said ya were enjoying a warm bath and it seems she told right. Ya seem better.” Applejack told him.

“Quite. I’m actually glad that Apple Bloom was listening in for once.” He responded. The ponies laughed and he looked back to the running filly. “Well, she will certainly be tired when she’s done.” He pointed out.

Applejack nodded. “Yup that's what we're hopin’ for.”

Mac nodded and looked to the stallion. “Yer quite the sight when yer angry. Yah tracked that filly right to ‘er hidin’ place.”

Oblivion chuckled. “Tracking her was easy. Normally a track that I would do could go on for miles. So 30 feet was not a hard track in comparison.” He told them.

Both of the other ponies looked at him. “Miles? What’s the longest ya have tracked anythin?” The orange farm mare asked.

Oblivion thought about it for a few moments. “Let's see. I think that would be when I had to track, bait, then battle a fiend a couple of years ago. That was three days I think. The baiting look a few hours and then waiting for it to come back to its lair was a couple of hours so altogether a little more than three days. As for looking angry. It's not easy to get a Witcher angry. But when you do manage it, I’ve heard its quite the sight.”

“It is.” Apple Bloom hollered as she went by.

He shook his head and looked back to the ponies. “Wha’s a fiend look like?” Mac asked him.

Oblivion looked to him and exhaled as the image came to him. “Well, it's a monster that can be as tall as ten to fifteen feet high. They run on all fours and typically the elbows, hind legs, chest, and back are covered in thick black or brown fur. They have antlers like a deer only much larger and close to twenty to twenty-five points. They have claws on their forelegs and a mouth with teeth like mine, only much larger. They have eyes like goats only there are three of them. They have horns on their heads that are also similar to a goat in that they are curved. They sometimes have a long tail but not always.” He stopped with his description to find all three Apple siblings staring at him. He looked at them. “You asked.”

Mac barked out a laugh and nodded. “That we did.”

Applejack nodded, Apple Bloom shook herself and went back to work. “Ya aren't being so formal with us.” She observed and looked back to the Unicorn, who started.

“Hmm. Kind of fell out of it while I was at the library. Literally.” He admitted. “I can go back to it is preferred.” Both siblings shook their heads. He said nothing as they all looked back to Apple Bloom who was on the last few buckets. She panted as she finished and sat down on the ground in front of them.

“All right filly, yer done with that chore.” Applejack said, earning a cheer from Apple Bloom. “On to the next one.” Apple Bloom groaned and fell backward. “This way.” She walked away with Apple Bloom following. Oblivion and Mac both laughed at the filly.

Mac looked to him and nudged his shoulder. “Y'all come with me for a minute. Ah, need yer help.” The farmer told him.

Oblivion nodded and followed him. They came up to a pile of wood and Mac turned to him. “Can ya stand next to those there boards?” The Unicorn nodded and stood beside them. Mac used a saw to mark the length of the wood he needed and thanked the other stallion. Oblivion walked away and found a tree with some shade and laid down under it. He used his magic to summon a book and went back to reading. He looked up occasionally to see if he was needed for anything more but found nothing. As the day wore on he found himself enjoying the quiet of the orchard and the shade from the tall tree. He noticed the sun going down and stood up his magic placed the book on his back and he walked toward the house. He noticed that Mac was not by the woodpile any longer and guessed that he was inside.

“Hey! Oblivion!” Applejack hollered and he paused.

Apple Bloom was walking behind her. The filly appeared dead tired but looked up to find Oblivion waiting for them. She trotted up to him and reared up to her hind legs. She reached for the book on his back. He looked back at it and then to Applejack, who shrugged. He levitated it down to the filly who put on her own back and walked to the house.

“I can carry the book.” He commented once she was out of sight.

“Ah know that. But Apple Bloom is thinking ya shouldn’t do anything.” The mare told him.

He rolled his eyes and started for the house as well. They walked in and Apple Bloom was coming back down the stairs. She climbed into her chair at the table and laid her chin onto the table. “Ah will ne’er try ta get into another ponies saddlebags again.”

“Should have thought of the consequences first,” Oblivion commented.

Apple Bloom looked at him and nodded.

“Oblivion.” Mac was at the top of the stairs. The red pony motioned for him to follow.

Oblivion went up the stairs and followed him into his room. In his room, he found a bed that was longer than the one he had before. He started and looked at Big Mac. “This one should fit ya. Can’ have ya sleepin’ on the floor.” He replied to Oblivion's look.

“Thank you. You did not have to.” He started only to have the farmer silence him with a wave of a hoof.

“Yah ah did. Yer stayin’ here and ya should not have ta sleep on the floor jus’ cuz yer tall. That's not fair to ya.” He replied and refused to hear anything more about it.

Oblivion nodded and the two stallions went back downstairs. Applejack made dinner and they ate in silence. Apple Bloom finished first and went to go wash off. Then Granny Smith went to bed, followed by Oblivion and Mac. Applejack stayed up to tuck Apple Bloom in. Oblivion climbed into bed and was pleased to find that it was larger than it needed to be. He locked the door and dropped his cloak onto the desk. He let his wings stretch out as he allowed himself to sleep.

7: A Ticket to Hell...

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Oblivion woke up and got out of bed. He looked down to his chest and the collar around his shoulders moved back to frame his medallion. He would let it out at night to stave off any headaches. He opened the wardrobe that held his saddlebags and pulled out his brush. He ran it through his mane and tail, after finishing he put it on the top of the desk and closed the wardrobe to hide his saddlebags. He pulled his cloak on and opened the door. Applejack trotted over to him and pushed him back into the room. He backed up as she closed it behind him. A mischievous glint was in her eye.

“Ah made a bet wit’ Big Mac. If’n I clear out mah side of the orchard afore lunch he has to walk up stirrup street in Granny’s girdle. What he doesn’t know is that Twilight is gonna help me.” She snorted with a laugh and looked to him. “Ah need ya ta make sure he does it. When ah win can ya go wit’ him ta make sure he walks the whole way?”

“Does it matter that I have no idea where and how long Stirrup Street is?” He replied.

Applejack looked at him for a moment. “Ah, that’s okay. Just make sure he walks for a bit. Oh, and the punishment for Apple Bloom is still active so ya don’t have to do any chores while she’s at the school since ya would finish them all before she got home.”

The mare opened the door and walked out. Oblivion watched her and thought back to a bet he had been in with Lambert years ago. The younger Witcher had lost and had to walk around Novigrad yelling the words of the Maids of Vicovaro at the top of his lungs. That was a song a drunk yelled to piss off the guards. Oblivion had ridden Sasa behind him to watch and laugh at his expense. Lambert was still at the ass-end of jokes for that one, especially since Oblivion had to rescue him when the guards came running. Oblivion gave a quiet snort at the memory and then walked down the hall after the mare. He went down the stairs and found everyone already there. He walked up to the table and sat down. He sat with them as they ate after declining. Once they finished Applejack asked him to take Apple Bloom to school. He agreed and waited for the filly to finish getting ready. The filly bolted up the stairs and then came down the stairs a few minutes later. She stopped at Oblivion's hooves and smiled.

“Ah’m ready ta go!”

“Are you sure?” He asked her.


“Really, do you need these?” He held up her saddlebags which had been hanging on the chair.

She looked sheepish and slid them on. “Thanks, Oblivion.”

He nodded and turned to the door, which she pushed open. He looked back at Applejack in exasperation. She giggled as they left. He walked with Apple Bloom, who was quiet as they walked. They reached the schoolhouse and she went into the gate. He was about to leave when he heard Apple Bloom whimper. He looked back in time to see the filly he had scolded before walking toward Apple Bloom. His ears flicked forward to fully listen.

“Hey, Blank Flank! Trying to hide behind your saddlebags?” She taunted.

Oblivion listened. ‘What in the Hells is a blank flank? Wait.’ He looked back at his own flank and saw the mark on it. “Oh for the love of the Gods.” He looked back to them as the pink filly and a gray one advanced on the yellow foal. His eyes narrowed as his horn glowed with azure flame. He looked back at his own marking and decided to hide the marking on it. A black cover went over the mark and he teleported to stand behind Apple Bloom. The two fillies stopped and stared up at him.

“I come from a land where having a mark on your flank does not prove your worth. Your worth comes from what you do in life. If you want to make fun of her then it simply proves how little you are with a marking. If I could I would not have one as it means I have time to decide my own worth.” He turned to the side and showed off a blank flank as well. Apple Bloom looked up and saw that the marking was gone. She stared at him. He lit his horn and it appeared once more. “She is a filly with limitless potential and heart. You have done nothing to prove that you have anything except harsh words and nothing inside of you. You are less than nothing little fillies. You have shown that you are worthless and I will not speak with those who have no worth.”

He looked down to Apple Bloom who was staring at him. He ignored the other foals that were watching them. “Do not let them tell you your worth. They aren’t worth the effort that is required to feel upset. Ignore them and move forward.” He told her as he stepped over the foals and made for the gate.

“Oblivion!” Apple Bloom yelled. He turned back and watched as the filly wrapped her forelegs around his right leg and held on. He patted her back as she looked up at him. “Does it really not matter?”

He nodded. “Your worth as a pony is not measured by a mark that can only tell others about one piece of who you are. You are a complicated creature unlike anypony else. A simple mark cannot hope to tell everypony that. There is no rush to get it little one. It cannot tell you everything about yourself.” He told her and pushed her gently back.

“He’s right Apple Bloom. Even if how he said it is a little harsh.” A dark pink mare with three sunflowers on her flank said as she approached. She stopped by them and looked up at Oblivion. He was easily a foot or taller than herself. “A cutie mark is not meant to be who you are. It's just one part, as he said.”

Apple Bloom smiled, hugged his leg again and went to stand with the other foals. The mare looked at him for a moment. “Thank you for helping Apple Bloom. Even though I’m not fond of how you did it. It was still nice of you to help. Sometimes fillies can be cruel when they wish.”

He shrugged. “I understand your point but that does not excuse cruel behavior. As I have told Applejack I regret nothing. I do not have that ability.” He said and turned to leave.

“Please wait. I spoke to Applejack the other day and she mentioned that you have not spent a great deal of time around other ponies. Please leave the discipline of the foals to me.”

He looked back at her and turned around. “Did you know of the abusive words before I spoke up or were you waiting to act?”

She started and looked away. “I did not hear what they said no.”

“Then how would you have been able to discipline that foal if you did not hear their words?” He asked her. The mare looked away at what he said. “Your name, Miss?”


“It's nice to meet you, Miss Cheerilee. I am Oblivion Shadow, and I do not regret acting as I did. Perhaps next time you and I can stop them your way but for now, they should think for a second before they start in on Apple Bloom. Perhaps I will make it a point to bring her to school to prevent further outbursts.” He said before turning and walking away leaving the mare behind him. He cast a look back and the foals were waving at him with Apple Bloom at the front. He nodded to her and trotted back to the farm.

He came back to the gate, walked through it and saw Applejack and Twilight picking up apples from trees. He walked away from them and went to the same tree he had been reading under the day before. He summoned the book he was reading and unfolded it at his hooves. The Unicorn laid down and went back to his reading.

He finished the book and closed it in front of him. He looked up in time to see Big Mac come out of the house in a pink and tan girdle. He sent the book back to his room and, remembering Applejack's request, walked over to the other stallion. He stood in front of him with a stoic expression.

“I’m sure your glad that I don’t have much of a sense of humor.” He said to the other stallion.

Big Mac nodded to the Unicorn and started walking toward the gate. He looked back to see the Unicorn following. He shrugged and kept going. Oblivion walked beside him as they entered the town.

“If you keep a stone face you will deny her the pleasure of seeing you squirm.” He muttered to the red farmer.

Mac looked back at him and gave a small smile. “Ya got a point.”

Oblivion watched him put his head up and squared his shoulders as he walked. Ponies turned to look but there was no reaction from the roan stallion. As they walked ponies snickered but most said nothing. Oblivion was walking beside Big Mac and was about to make further comment when he stopped in his tracks. His ears flicked around him, listening intently. Mac stopped as well when he saw that the black Unicorn was not with him. He walked back to him and saw him listening. The stallion said nothing and waited. Oblivion suddenly reared up and began looking around him as well as listening. Oblivion suddenly came down on his hooves and trotted off to the side. Mac followed him and saw Oblivion’s eyes change as he started tracking something. Mac followed as quietly as he could so as not to disturb him. He reached the edge of the village and stopped. His head came up and he scanned the area around him. He suddenly started growling and Mac stayed behind him. The Unicorn snorted and relaxed.

“Damn it all. Lost it.” He grumbled.

Mac came up to stand beside him. “What was that?”

“I heard something familiar. I started following it but it faded out before I could narrow it down.” The black stallion stopped looking and gazed back at Mac. “You didn’t need to follow.”

“Yeah ah did.” The Unicorn looked back at him. “Y'all were upset at something. Ah couldn’t let ya go alone.”

Oblivion shook his head. “Next time this happens run if I tell you too. If I tell you to run its serious.” Oblivion looked back at him. He only stopped his stare when Mac nodded. He looked back out to the clearing at the edge of town and exhaled. “I’m sure that this is far enough for AJ. If not she can argue with me. She had asked that I go with you to make sure you walked some distance. I think it’s far enough.” The black pony started to lead Mac back the way they had come. They reached the street and Oblivion stopped as Twilight ran into his right side. He looked down at her and saw Spike was with her as well.

“Hi, Oblivion.” Spike greeted.

“Afternoon Spike, Twilight. Are you alright?” Even he could tell that Twilight was upset.

She looked at him and stood back up. “You're not going to ask me to give you the ticket are you?”

He looked at her. “I have no idea what you are talking about.” He said to her. He looked back at Big Mac. “Go ahead, I’ll catch up later.” The farmer nodded and went ahead down the street. Oblivion saw Spike hold back a laugh at the roan's expense. Twilight looked relieved and started around him. He turned and walked with her. She looked around her with what he could only call uncertainty. “Twilight, what is going on? Why do you look like your trying to hide?”

“I got two tickets to the...” She looked around and stopped. She motioned for him to lower his head to her. He obliged. “Grand Galloping Gala.”

He blinked and shook his head at the ridiculous name. “What the Hell is that?”

She looked at him before answering. “It a very exclusive ball in Canterlot. It’s held at the palace and I have 2 tickets. I can’t decide who to take with me. Applejack wants to improve things on the farm, Rainbow Dash wants to meet the Wonderbolts, Rarity wants to meet Prince Blue Blood, Fluttershy wants to see the gardens, and Pinkie wants to party. At least you aren’t going to try to find a way to get the ticket. Are you?”

He looked at her and shook his head. “No, I have no interest in such things. I have been to similar events and found them to be lacking. Nothing but undercooked food, no entertainment, and weak booze. I’ll have to pass on that idea.” She sighed in relief but ducked behind him when ponies passed by them. He shook his head, his magic lifted the edge of his cloak up and hid her under it. “Better?”

The mare nodded and he began walking slowly to prevent her from being seen. Spike had grumbled only to be silenced by a look from the Black Unicorn. Oblivion walked with her and decided that the next time he saw the other mares he was going to speak to them about trying to pressure Twilight into giving them a ticket. This was ridiculous. They reached the library and Twilight ran inside. She looked back at him and he went inside with her. Inside he could see a wide variety of animals along with Fluttershy. They appeared to be helping her clean.

Twilight looked at the butter Pegasus. “Oh no, not you too.”

Oblivion looked at her and rolled his eyes.

“Oh, well, hello Twilight. I hope you don’t mind, but we're doing a bit of spring cleaning for you.”

“It’s summer.” The other mare deadpanned.

“Really?” Oblivion looked at her.

Twilight cast him a glance. “Oh well, better late than never,” Fluttershy responded. “It was Angel’s idea.”

Oblivion looked down at the aforementioned bunny.

“You're not doing this for the ticket are you?” Twilight asked.

Oblivion scoffed and tried not to bark a laugh. “Of course she is. Are you surprised?”

“Oh no, I’m doing this because you're my very best friend. Right, Angel?” She looked down at the white bunny, who gave her a flat look. “Oh, yes, we are just doing this for the ticket.” She admitted

“Well, at least you admit it.” Was Oblivion’s reply.

Twilight stormed over to the door. “No no no. Well, this has been very nice of you and angel, but I’m not accepting any extra favors until I have made my decision, so I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

“No Twilight, don't open the …. door.” Oblivion tried to warn the mare.

She opened the door and confetti hit her in the face. “Surprise!” Ponies yelled at her as she was pulled out the door.

After a couple of minutes, he looked at Fluttershy and was about to speak when the door opened and the other four mares walked in. They walked up onto the top of the stairs and waited with a clear view of the door.

“Y'all waiting for ‘er ta get back?” Applejack looked at Oblivion.

“I am in a way. But not for the reason you think. I have no interest in this Gala.” They all stared at him, surprised. “And to be honest, your behavior disgusts me. All of you are chasing her down and making the choice that much more difficult. All of you are her friends and by throwing gifts and favors at her you are not helping her.” Oblivion said to them. He noticed that a couple of them hung their heads and looked away from him. “You are all acting like fools. I have seen children act more like adults.”

The mares looked at him as a flash of purple appeared. “Warn me before you do that?” Spike complained.

Twilight looked at her horn. “I didn’t know it was going to happen. Quick Spike turn off all the lights and close the windows.” The room was plunged into darkness. Twilight sighed in relief. She could see that Oblivion was still in the library due to his eyes glowing. The light suddenly turned on to reveal her friends looking down at her. She screamed and dropped to her belly with her hooves, covering her eyes. “I can’t decide, I can’t decide!” She started.

Oblivion stomped a hoof and stepped in front of her, protectively. “That is enough!” He roared. Spike jumped and Twilight looked up at him. The black Unicorn stood above her. “Spike the tickets.” Spike reached behind him and the tickets were held in his claws. Oblivion's magic gripped them and a scroll and quill appeared as well.

“Celestia. I am returning these tickets due to there not being enough for Twilight to bring all of her friends. On behalf of your student, Oblivion Shadow.” His magic ignited the scroll and it was sent through the window. He looked back to all of them and snorted. Applejack walked over to a still cowering Twilight, despite the fact that the tickets were gone.

“Twilight, sugar. Ah didn’t mean to put so much pressure on you, and if it helps I don't want the ticket anymore. Ya can give it to somepony else. Ah, won’t feel bad ah promise.” Oblivion felt a small smile cross his muzzle. “Ya was right Oblivion. We were being unfair ta Twilight.”

Fluttershy piped up as well. “I feel awful for making you feel awful. I don’t want the ticket either.”

“Twilight, it was unfair of me to try to force you as I did,” Rarity spoke up.

“And me too. It’s no fun upsetting your friends.” Pinkie whimpered.

Rainbow Dash did a happy flip in the air. “Yes! That means the ticket is mine.” She started dancing in the air.

A blue flame grabbed her mane and she found herself muzzle to muzzle with a Black Unicorn. “What was that?” He growled.

“Uh. Actually, you know what I haven’t perfected my signature moves just yet. So I don't need the ticket either.” She said with a sheepish grin.

Oblivion released her mane with a nod. Twilight stood up with Applejack's help and smiled. Applejack looked over to Spike who was holding his stomach. “Well wallop my withers, Spike. Ain’t that just like a boy? Can’t handle the least bit of sentiment.” A green ball of fire burst from spikes maw. “Whoa, Nelly!” Applejack yelled as she ducked.

Twilight's magic enveloped the letter and while Spike reached up to hold onto it. “A letter from the Princess, that was fast.” Spike cleared his throat and read it aloud.

My faithful student Twilight,

Why didn’t you just say so?”

Spike held up six tickets. “Six tickets to the Gala.”

Twilight beamed. “Now we can all go.”

Oblivion watched as the mares cheered. Twilight's stomach growled and the girls all laughed.

“Allow us to treat you to dinner.” Rarity said and they all picked up their tickets as they went out the door.

Twilight suddenly stopped and looked to Oblivion. “She didn’t send one for you.”

He shook his head and looked back at her. “It's fine, I have no interest in going anyway. So this is fine for me. Thanks for the consideration though. Go on with the others. Would you mind letting Applejack know that I am heading back?”

Twilight nodded and left the library. He looked over to Spike, who looked downcast. “What about me?” He said as he looked to Oblivion.

The stallion looked at him. “If you want to go then say so.”

Spike looked at him when another bout of fire came from him. The letter opened and he read it aloud. “ Spike and Oblivion, I didn’t forget about you. Two more tickets. Now we can go too, Oblivion.” Spike cheered.

“Wonderful,” Oblivion muttered sarcastically. Spike handed him the ticket and the stallion sent it back to his saddlebag. He walked out to see Spike trotting ahead of him. Applejack was standing outside the door, chuckling.

“Y'all gonna go to the Everfree?” She questioned.

Oblivion nodded and walked past her, closing the door behind him. He walked away from town and toward the forest to catch his own dinner. He trotted toward the edge of the forest and saw a tree downed on the edge. He stopped and he couldn’t stop the small grin that crossed his muzzle. He reared up and jumped into a gallop. He was still working on keeping his balance but he decided that if his hooves hit the tree he knew how to roll. He neared the tree and as he got to the right point he gathered himself and the muscles in his hind legs gathered. He trusted his body to know how to jump and land without causing injury. His body leaped and, to his own surprise, cleared the tree and galloped on. He allowed the smile to remain as he continued running. The Alicorn allowed his wings to come off his sides, but not far enough to run into any trees.

He slowed as he neared the clearing that he had used as a hunting ground the last time. He didn’t hear anything close by. He had decided that he would hunt every three to four days. He slowed to a walk and, once he came to the realization that there was no game by the clearing he began following a nearby game trail. The most recent tracks were a few hours old but easy enough to follow. He came upon a small herd of deer. His eyes scanned the group and found one by the outskirts that appeared lame. He stalked forward, his body as low to the ground as he could. He stopped as he was as close as he could get within the bushes. He waited for several minutes before he leaped from the bushes and the hunt truly began.

Applejack was walking back to the farm when she saw something at the edge of the forest. She trotted over as close as she dared and saw the black Alicorn running around the edge of the forest. She watched as he turned and his body ran toward the edge of the forest as he leaped over a fallen tree. She had thought that he was still unable to gallop. “Well, he sure learned how ta run.” He leaped back into view again by sailing over the tree. He plunged around through the tall grass and he tossed his head as he ran around the area.

“Well, he sure seems ta be havin’ some fun.” She muttered as she walked towards him. She made sure not to creep up to him since he was a hunter and would notice. She saw him plunge to a stop and his ears turned to her. She looked at him and loped toward him. Oblivion reared up and ran away from her for a few strides before he turned and galloped up to her and loped beside her for a few strides. “Y'all having too much fun out here.” She said to him.

Oblivion barked a laugh. “Perhaps. I never thought that doing something I thought was so simple would actually prove to be quite enjoyable. Perhaps this is why others wish to run wild.”

Applejack looked at him. “Maybe. But ah gotta admit that's quite the jump. Ah, don’t know many ponies that could make that leap.” She commented as they trotted past the tree before heading back.

“I wasn’t certain I’d make it over. I was ready to hit the ground and roll if I clipped it. I cleared it on my way into the forest and came back to it when I was done.”

“Well, now we know why y'all are so thin. Ya run around so much.”

The Alicorn laughed and looked to her as they began walking. “Maybe. But I have always been lean. I’ve been an active pony all my life. But I suppose, to another I probably appear sick.”

Applejack nodded. “Ya are too thin. But ah’m thinkin' that putting weight on yah might be impossible. Ya don’t eat enough. Ya did mention that yer body uses its food supply faster than we do.”

He nodded in reply. “Ah, that reminds me. In a few days, I will be going to Canterlot to spar with Luna. I forgot to mention it yesterday after the incident with Apple Bloom.”

“Why are ya going to meet up with her?”

“She sent me a letter asking if I would have a mock spar match with her and have coffee afterward. Since there is nopony here that can spar with me seriously she is the best option. Her style of combat is different than mine and I am curious if it has changed since she was cleansed of Nightmare Moon.” He informed the mare.

Applejack looked at him as they got back to the road. “Are ya sure it’s safe?”

Oblivion sighed. “Not you as well. She is no longer Nightmare Moon. Don’t be ridiculous.” He responded with a scoff.

They walked in the front gate of the farm and towards the house. Oblivion looked up and saw Apple Bloom run into the house ahead of them. He looked at Applejack and she shrugged. They walked inside and Big Mac saw them approach.

“Apple Bloom ran upstairs ta get yer bath ready Oblivion.” He stated.

Oblivion stopped and looked upstairs. He shook his head and walked up the stairs. He was almost to his room when the filly came around the corner.

“Ah started yer bath Oblivion. Ya wanna read a book like yesterday?” She waited by his door as he approached.

She waited for him to unlock the door but stayed outside of it till he walked in first. Even then she only went just past the doorway. He looked at the 2 books he hadn’t finished and chose to read the History of Magic Volume 2. Apple Bloom came forward and he let her take the book out of his magic and watched as she trotted down the hall with it. He shook his head and started to follow the filly. He reached the door as she came through it again.

“Oof. Oh, it’s ready for ya.” She smiled up at him after running into his leg.

“Thank you little one.” He said as he stepped past her. She closed the door behind him and went down the stairs.

Oblivion locked the door and let his cloak and baldric fall to the floor. His wings drooped against his sides as he stepped into the water. He let it cover him and opened his book. He opened it but didn’t start reading it. He laid his head down on the rim of the tub by the wall and closed his eyes. His wings floated on the water's surface as he laid in silence. Thoughts went through his mind as he laid in the water. ‘Why did I stop the mares from continuing to upset Twilight? They would have figured it out on their own eventually. Why did I intervene? I can’t figure myself out at times.’

He shifted in the water and pulled his wings under the warm water. The black Alicorn was quiet as the day went through his mind. He brought his head up and looked around him. He used the soap to wash his mane, fur, and wings, then let himself go back to laying in silence. His head went back down into its place and instead of letting himself ponder the day he turned his thoughts off and decided to meditate instead. His mind blanked as his senses reached out around him. Time ticked by him as he lay in silence and he came back to himself as the water began to cool. His magic closed the book and he moved it to the counter. He stood up and used the towel to dry himself off. He used his magic to dry off the remainder and hung up the towel.

He looked to his cloak and saw that it was dirty as well. He hadn’t seen anywhere to wash any clothes. He would ask Applejack when he got a chance. The baldric was laid between his wings and he used them to hold it in place. He elevated them off his back slightly. He laid the cloak across his back to hide his wings and swords. He didn’t want to get it on his clean fur. He stepped out and walked to his room. He looked back and waited till Applejack's spirit was at the top of the stairs.

“AJ. Is there any place where I can get this cleaned?” He pointed his horn to the cloak across his back.

“Ah don’t have any place here to clean it. Ya would need ta talk ta Rarity.” The orange mare answered him. “Y'all have ta use that hair tie ah gave ya to walk around. Unless ya have another cloak ta wear.”

The Unicorn shook his head and went to his room. “Thank you, AJ. I’ll talk to Rarity in the morning.” He turned to look back as she walked past his room. He closed the door, locked it and laid the cloak on the desk. His baldric was set down on the bed by the window. He climbed in and covered himself with the quilt. The Unicorn laid down on the pillow and let his wings spread under the blanket. His eyes closed and he slept.

8: Sparring with a Princess Part 1...

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Oblivion woke up and rolled out of bed. His hooves hit the floor and he stretched. His claws extended and the great wings on his back did as well. He pulled his baldric on, yawned and looked around the room for a moment before his eyes found the hair tie that Applejack had given him and he had enchanted. He used it to bind his mane and looked back to find his wings and swords hidden from view. He laid his cloak across his back and opened the bedroom door. He picked up the book he had finished as well and laid it across his back as well. He walked out of the room and started down the hall. He balanced the items in his magic as he went down the stairs. Applejack turned around in the kitchen and jumped at his presence. The mare smiled and went back to cooking.

“I will drop Apple Bloom off at school on my way to visit Rarity and Twilight.” He said to her.

The mare turned back and opened her mouth to speak until she saw the thick book on his back. She nodded and turned back to her cooking. Oblivion set the book on top of his cloak on the kitchen floor. He looked back as Granny Smith came down the stairs. He turned back to the table and waited.

“Boy howdy. We need ta put meat on ya, sonny.” The aged mare commented.

“Granny!” Applejack turned to scold her grandmother.

Oblivion rolled his eyes to the ceiling. “I’m aware that I am not a thick pony Granny Smith. I’m not built to be.” He commented before he startled as the old mare's hoof poked him in the ribs and lower back.

“Too skinny is what ye are!” She said as she prodded the black stallion.

He looked at Applejack who shrugged. “Granny some ponies are built ta be light. Oblivion happens ta be one of ‘em.” The farm mare replied, looking at her grandmother.

Oblivion turned his head to looked t the green mare once more. “I have always been a lean pony, Granny Smith. Keeping weight on is very difficult due to my fast metabolism and active lifestyle.” He told the aged mare.

She appeared thoughtful with a hoof to her mouth. He looked past her as the rest of the family came downstairs. Mac looked at him and blinked at the sight of the thin pony. He seemed surprised but seemed to move past it quickly. Apple Bloom was right behind him and she stopped in her tracks at the bottom of the stairs. She walked up to his side as orange cat eyes regarded her.

“Wow, ya need to eat more.” She said as she looked at the Unicorn. She heard a snort and looked over to see Mac glaring “But as long as ya are healthy then it's fine.” She added as she went to her chair. She hopped up into it and waited for breakfast.

Oblivion chuckled before he looked back to Applejack, who was now looking back to her cooking. The black pony looked outside as he waited. ‘I need to find out if this is indeed a healthy weight for me. Being seen as unhealthy is more troublesome and I can’t wear my cloak at all times. Despite the heat of summer seems to have no effect on me. Perhaps Applejack or Mac can give me some insight into this. May have to change the enchant on my mane tie to hide how I appear. Normally I care very little what others think of my appearance but these ponies seem to be far more caring[ of others than what I am used to. While I appreciated their care this is becoming bothersome.’ His thought were interrupted by Applejack laying a plate of pancakes on the table. Oblivion levitated two over to his plate, put a light amount of butter on them and ate them both. He looked up as two more were put on his plate. He looked to see Granny Smith looking at him expectantly.

“Granny! Ya can’t expect him ta eat more just cause ya want ‘im to.” Applejack admonished the elder mare.

The mare simply looked back to her own food. Oblivion sighed and looked to the food and levitated his fork to eat another. He got halfway through it before he set his fork down. He was certainly full. Apple Bloom reached for his plate and he pushed it to her with a hoof. The filly finished off the remainder for his portion while he waited. When she was done she dropped off the chair and ran upstairs.

“Be right back, ah need ta get my homework.” The filly ran up the stairs and Oblivion moved the dishes to the counter by the sink. He laid his cloak and the book on his back and waited by the door. She came down the stairs and stood by Oblivion's hooves. “Ah’m ready ta go. Ya gonna take me ta school, Oblivion?”

The stallion nodded and started for the door. Apple Bloom darted past him and pushed open the door for him, He rolled his eyes and walked through it. They walked out of the house and started down the dirt road for the schoolhouse. Apple Bloom looked up at him. “Hey, Oblivion?”

The stallion looked down for a moment, signaling that he had heard her.

“Ya think ya could come to into mah class and tell a story about where yer from? Applejack and Big Mac already came into class. All the other foals really like ya so I think it would be fun.” She said to him.

He looked down to her. “Wouldn’t it be better for your family to go to this event?” He replied.

“Well Granny is gonna come to another event and mah brother and sister already did. So ah was thinking that it would be more fun to have ya come in. Would be differen.”

He looked at her for a moment. “I’ll think on it.”

The filly nodded and a wide smile went across her muzzle. They walked the rest of the way in silence. Once they reached the schoolhouse Oblivion watched as she joined the other foals. He waited till their instructor called them inside. He was glad to see that his presence stopped any teasing of the filly. Once they were all inside, after being waved to by many of the students, he turned to go toward the library and Rarity's shop. ‘What kind of story would I even tell? Nothing about my world is very foal friendly. Nothing but endless battles and hatred. I’m not a member of the family so it makes no sense for me to attend.’ He put it in the back of his mind as he walked. He allowed himself to take in his surroundings and looked up as the tree library loomed in front of him. He walked silently up to the door and rapped his hoof against the thick oak door.

“Just a second,” Twilight yelled from inside.

The door opened thirty seconds later. “Oh hey, Oblivion. Come in.” The purple mare backed up to allow the stallion to walk in.

“Thanks, Twilight.” Oblivion was surprised at how easily he fell into a more relaxed form in her presence. He walked past her and waited for her to close the door and walk past him.

“How can I help you Oblivion?” She asked as she came to stand in front of him.

“Just returning this to you.” His magic lifted the book and held it in front of her.

She took the book and moved it back to its place on the shelf. “Did you want to get another one to replace it?”

“No, it’s fine. I’ll finish the other two that I have and then get a new one. Thanks for the offer though.”

She smiled and turned away from him. “Oh, would you like some coffee before you go?” She looked over her shoulder to see his response.

He smiled and nodded to the mare. “Thank for the offer. I’ll take you up on that.”

The mare smiled and led him into the kitchen. They walked into the kitchen and Twilight started brewing the coffee for them. Oblivion's magic pulled out a chair for himself and he sat down in silence. He laid his cloak over the other chair. He waited as the smell of coffee filled the kitchen. When she had finished she levitated a cup to him and he took it in his hooves. He was finding that he enjoyed holding some things with his hooves. He could feel the warmth from the cup and he let the scent go over him. He sipped his coffee as Twilight blew on her to cool it down.

“How can you drink it immediately? It's steaming hot.” She asked him as she also sat down.

He gave a small smile before answering. “Temperatures don’t have much of an effect on me. I can tell if something is hot or cold but it doesn’t stop me.”

Twilight looked thoughtful before sipping her coffee. “So what are your plans for the day?”

“I simply needed to drop off that book and take my cloak to Rarity’s for cleaning. After that, I have no plans. You?”

She nodded. “I need to reorganize the books. Their order is not very helpful in finding the right genre. So Spike and I will be doing that.”

Oblivion looked up from his cup to her. “So how are you doing after the ticket debacle?”

She looked away then back to him. “Better. I should have sent them back to start with but I was also worried about upsetting the Princess. Sounds foolish I know. Also, I never fully thanked you for your help. If not for you things could have been worse. Your quick action saved me quite a bit of grief.”

Oblivion shook his head. “I simply moved things along to the correct outcome. They would have realized their error eventually. I simply brought it to their attention sooner.”

Twilight smiled and gave a quiet laugh. “You're too modest. It takes a brave pony to stand up for another that quickly, especially when it’s against a friend.”

Oblivion looked back to her from his coffee cup. “I suppose that could be true. Though I have never had friends before, as I have mentioned. So I was simply correcting something that I saw as unnecessary.”

Twilight nodded at his explanation. “Still, thank you.” She sipped her coffee as he nodded to her.


They fell into a comfortable silence and drank their coffee. Oblivion finished and his magic placed the cup in the sink. He stood up and a gasp went through the air. He looked over to Twilight who has her hooves over her mouth. He looked back and immediately knew what she was shocked by. He sighed and looked back at her. “I am quite well Twilight, despite how I look. This is why I wear my cloak at all times. I have always been lean due to a fast metabolism and I am an active pony. Though I am unsure of what a pony of my size and build should weigh.”

Twilight put her hooves down and jumped off her chair. She walked up to him and looked at the black unicorns lean body. His ribs showed under his fur, though they were not prominent. His hips weren’t showing and neither was his spine. Twilight hadn’t really paid attention before but standing by him she could see just how tall and lean he really was. His legs were long and his body length was longer than most ponies. She had been surprised by his ribs showing plainly under his fur. “I think seeing a doctor will be easier.”

He shook his head. “I think not. I’m not a fan of doctors of any sort unless I have no choice. “

Twilight shook her head. “It will be fine. I’ll go with you, just in case.” He shook his head again. Twilight put a hoof over his mouth. “We will go to Rarity's boutique and drop that off then we can go.”

He looked blankly at her for a moment. He stepped back to get her hoof off his mouth. “Again no. Besides I have no way to pay for any services. I have not been paid yet by the Apple family. I will not take charity either.” Twilight's jaw clicked shut. “I have been on my own for a very long time and, while I do not let my pride get in the way of some things, I am capable of taking care of myself. In time maybe I will go see a doctor but I am not in any position to need their aid.” He stated to her.

The purple Unicorn huffed for a moment before reaching out a hoof to touch his ribs. “I understand that but still. I know that you are healthy by your standards but looking at you.” She paused and ran her hoof down his side. her hoof tapped each rib easily. “You look starved.” She commented. He looked back to her and snorted. “Maybe they will let you pay later.” She started but the stallions magic picked up the cloak and laid it over his back, hiding his ribs. Twilight harrumphed and looked to him. “End of conversation?”

“Yes. While I appreciate the concern, it is unneeded. If needed I will look into going at a later date. But not today.” He said as he turned to leave.

“Okay. Sorry for trying to force it.”

“It’s fine. I know that you were pressing out of concern. But as Applejack has mentioned, I don’t respond well to being pushed.” He said as he made for the door. He heard Twilight following him and his magic opened the door. He looked back as he started through it when he heard a giggle.

Twilight looked at him. “Your gonna have a lot of ponies wanting to feed you.”

He suddenly started and groaned. “Damn. That is probably true. But I will just keep going. That is all I can do.”

Twilight looked to him. “Maybe I have something you can use.” She said as she sat down and started to try to think of some way to help him.

“Don’t worry too much over it Twilight. A few questioning ponies won’t bother me too much.” He amended to her.

The mare shook her head. “Alright. Arguing with you is pointless. Please just know that I will help you any way I can. Okay?”

Oblivion looked at her and his eyes showed more of a smile than crossed his muzzle as he turned away and Twilight stared after him. He walked out and closed the door behind him. He walked down the dirt roads of Ponyville and let his mind wander. 'While getting my body looked at is not a bad idea. I simply do not like having another touch me. The mares and Spike are able to because I choose to allow it. Some strange pony is out of the question.’

He was focused on his thoughts when a sound caught his ear and he looked up. He had enough time to see a careening gray mare when she slammed into his right side. He had enough time to turn his body and absorb the impact but it still sent him rolling. He wrapped his forelegs around the mare and held her close as he rolled across the ground. His body acted as a guard against her smaller body and the ground. His body came to a stop when he struck what felt like a fence.

He growled as his body stopped when his back hit the fence. He opened his eyes and looked down, between his forelegs. The mare had her eyes tightly shut and was huddled into his chest. “Are you all right?” He asked her, hoping to get her attention. The mare startled and looked up at him. He was surprised to see yellow gold eyes that were looking in different directions. One looked at him the other was askew. She was a gray Pegasus mare. She had a pair of saddlebags on her barrel.

“Wow. I’m so sorry. I’m fine.” She got up when he released her from his forelegs.

Several ponies had come over and Oblivion pulled himself to his hooves. He stifled a groan as his body complained about his movement. He could feel that he had been injured but he kept it to himself. He looked back the way he had slid and his cloak laid on the ground a few feet away. The mare who had hit him looked sheepishly in his direction.

“Are you okay? I know I hit you pretty hard. I was flying and I am behind in my deliveries so I was trying to hurry. But I forgot that I can’t fly fast and stay in control. Especially since I can’t see straight.” She scuffed the ground with a hoof and looked back to him.

“I’m fine, Miss..”

“Oh I’m Ditzy Doo, but everypony calls me Derpy. You can call me that as well.” She said with a smile.

Oblivion raised his head. “I am Oblivion Shadow. It's nice to meet you Miss Ditzy. Though I do wish the greeting had been less...bruising.” He responded.

The mare giggled at him and nodded. He looked up and saw several pieces of paper laying on the ground. The Unicorn picked them up in his magic after seeing her groan at them. He put them in front of her and she gave a delighted noise as she put them back in her bags.

“That was so nice of you. Thank you for picking them up. It would have taken a long time for me to get them. Are you sure your okay?” She asked as she lifted into the air.

“I’m fine. Don’t worry about it.” He replied and waved a hoof at her. She took off into the air and he looked to the fence he had rolled into. It was bent back and he sighed as he put a hoof on it and pulled it back into place. For him, it required no effort to put back in place. Though for any other pony it would have been difficult. His magic put his cloak back over his back and he started to leave the crowd of ponies who were starting to disburse. He winced as he stepped forward. His right hind leg sent a bolt of pain through him. He stopped and put his hoof down. The pain went through him again. He forced it down and walked on it anyway. The last thing he wanted was the crowd to know that the little mare had indeed hurt him beyond a few bruises. He had reason to believe that he had sprained his fetlock and the shooting pain told him he was most likely right.

He neared Rarity’s shop and it was becoming more and more difficult not to limp. Pain tore at him and the black pony finally reached the boutique doors. His magic pushed them open and he walked slowly inside.

“One moment, please.”

He heard Rarity’s voice in the other room. He took the weight off his injured leg and waited. The pain dulled as it rested. He waited until he heard hooves coming from the doorway. He looked over to see Rarity stop in the doorway.

“By the Goddess darling, what happened to you?” She walked toward him with purpose.

He looked at himself and saw that he was covered in dirt. He cringed at the state of his coat and looked back to her with a sigh. “I was on my way here to see if I could wash my cloak here when I was bowled over by Ditzy Doo. I was able to protect her from hitting the ground but I seem, to have taken the brunt of it.” He replied.

“Oh, that was so kind of you dear. Though your lovely black coat is now a light brown. Of course, we can wash your cloak, darling. Bring it over here and we shall get it in the washer.” The white mare turned to lead him.

Oblivion cringed as he put his hoof down. He gave a quiet hiss of pain but followed the mare anyway. He gave her his cloak when she stopped in front of 2 metal boxes. She opened one and after using a couple of the dials it growled to life and she put the cloth inside it. The stallion stared at it before composing himself before she turned back to him.

“Now to get you cleaned up. You can use my bath, darling.” She said to him.

“It's fine Rarity. I’ll clean up when I get back to the farmhouse.” He shook his head and started to say more when she stared at him. “I’m built lean. I’m supped to look like this.” He didn’t have to wait for her to say anything to know what she would say.

“Oh. Well then never mind. But really darling, you should clean up.” She tried to convince him with a wave of her hoof.

He inhaled then looked to the white Unicorn. “I do appreciate the consideration, Rarity. But I don’t wish to get in the way of your business. Thank you again for washing that. When should I pick it up?”

“Oh. Tomorrow morning is fine dear. I’ll have it clean and pressed for you.” She finally seemed to accept that he was not going to wash off there, but her smile returned after a moment.

“What do I owe you for the washing?”

She waved a hoof dismissively at his inquiry. “Oh please darling. As simple clean is nothing. Although.” She gazed at him for a moment.

‘Oh no. I’m not liking that look.’ He thought about trying to bolt, but his hind leg chose that moment to remind him that running away was out of the question.

The mare had a light go off around her before she whirled around and trotted off. “One-moment dear.” She called out in a sing-song voice.

Oblivion couldn’t stop the groan that escaped his throat. His body was bruised and his fetlock was starting to throb. But this mare was doing him a favor so he was honor-bound to wait. He stood silently with his right hind leg cocked to keep his weight off it. He knew it needed to be elevated but he didn’t have that luxury. It would not be the first time he had moved on an injured leg. Rarity came back into the room with several rolls of fabric.

“Don’t look so unsure, darling. I just need your help with some colors. Your mane is the most wonderful silver, white I have ever seen. I would like to put some colors next to it to see what complements it best. Is that all right?”

He nodded after letting her finish speaking. The Unicorn sat down slowly and waited for her to finish putting fabric by his mane. He held still so as not to upset the mares concentration. She put various blues, reds, purples, and even a few greens by his long mane. Though she cringed at some of the ideas, most seemed to please her. “Thank you so much, darling. I now have just the right ideas for what goes well with that type of coloring. You are a dear to hold so still for me.” She smiled as she put the fabric back in the other room.

Oblivion stood up carefully while her back was turned. She looked back to him and saw him pivot on his left hind leg to turn around. “Thank you again for your aid, Rarity. It is appreciated.” He said as his magic opened the door. He walked out the door as the mare followed him.

“Of course, darling. You go back and enjoy a nice bath. Being rolled across the ground would leave a few bruises I’m sure.” She waved at him when he nodded and closed the door to the shop.

Oblivion walked slowly back to the farm. His leg was beginning to threaten to go out from under him. Once he was out of the immediate sight of ponies he allowed himself to limp heavily. He could feel that his body had several other spots that he knew would bruise. Those would heal in a few hours. He was more concerned with his leg than the rest of his body. The fact that the pain was not fading was concerning. He got to the front gate of the farm and started walking normally on his leg, whether his body liked it or not. He heard Applejack and Big Mac in the barn and curiosity made him walk over to poke his head inside.

“Big Mac, ah know she did ask im’. Told me she would. When he gets back we should find out.” Applejack was saying to her elder brother.

Mac nodded and then looked over her shoulder. His eyes connected with Oblivion's, who gave him a look that could only be described as full of mischief. Mac looked back to Applejack so she wouldn’t get suspicious.

Oblivion walked slowly up behind him and when he was a couple of feet away from her he stopped. He inhaled and let out a vicious snarl at the orange mare.

“Augh!” Applejack screamed and jumped away.

She ended up behind her brother as he laughed, clutching his belly. Oblivion straightened up and gave the mare a smug grin. She blinked at him for a moment before she recovered.

“Oblivion Shadow! How in tarnation could ya do that ta me? Ah have heard ya growl before but, by Celestia, what was tha?” She hollered at him.

The black stallion continued looking smug as he cocked one leg. “That was a snarl. A very loud one.” He quipped back to her.

She glared as she kept hiding behind Big Mac. The red stallion finally stopped laughing and smiled at the Black Unicorn. “That was a sight ta behold. Ah’ve never seen Applejack jump that high afore.” He chuckled as he held up a hoof to the Unicorn.

Oblivion looked at his hoof then back to Mac, who seemed to understand. “Hold up yer hoof like this.” He instructed. Oblivion did as instructed and Big Mac bumped his hoof against it. “Th’s a hoof bump. It's done between good friends when they are complimentin’ the other.”

Oblivion looked surprised before he nodded. “Interesting. So I’m going to assume you were speaking about me.” He looked to find Mac nodded. Oblivion waved a hoof as he waited.

Applejack came out from behind Big Mac. “Apple Bloom was gonna ask ya bout talking to her class.”

Oblivion nodded. “She did. Though I am not sure why. I’m not family and this seems to be something a family member should do.” He said to the siblings and then waited for the response.

“Y'all are family, ya crazy Unicorn.” They heard Granny Smith yell out from the rafter above them.

Oblivion had known she was there but still jumped at her yell. Her accent had her drawing out syllables but she was still able to be understood. He stared up at the rafters at her statement. “I’m not from this area nor am I an earth pony.” He replied, loud enough for the other mare to hear. “I also do not have an apple in my name.”

Big Mac laughed and walked up to Oblivion. He patted the Unicorn on the shoulder. “Don’t matter what ya are or what yer name is. Ya'll’re family. Which is why Apple Bloom asked ya. Yer another older brother to her.” The red farmer said to him through his laughter.

Oblivion stared at them. ‘What? That makes no sense. How can they call me a part of their family when I have nothing to do with their lineage or anything of the sort.’ He looked to Applejack, who nodded.

“Well older brother. He’s older than ya are Big Mac.” Applejack tossed in.

Oblivion glared at her from the corner of his eye. Big Mac looked a bit startled but didn’t say anything in question. Oblivion simply looked at them His mind swam. He surprised himself when he backed up a step. Applejack was the first to figure out that the Unicorn was about to bolt.

“Easy pardner. Ah know its a lotta think of.” She tried to soother him.

Mac was next to him when he realized that the black pony was not taking their comments well. “It’s all righ’ Ya don’t need to worry.”

Their attempts at calming him fell on deaf ears. Oblivion looked at them and backed up another step. He was about to run when his right hind gave out on him. With a yelp, he collapsed to the barn floor. He tried to focus his vision on them, searching for any deception, he found none. The colors coming from them held no deception. He suddenly felt a sharp pain on the back of his head.

“Calm down now!”

He looked over to find that Granny Smith had hit him in the back of the head. He looked at her for a moment before he forced himself to calm. He forced the pain and all other emotions out of his mind and focused on what he had been told. Granny Smith walked in front of him and regarded him before speaking again.

“Ah can tell that ya haven’t had family in yer life.” His eyes snapped to her, giving her all the answers she had needed. “Well, ya have one now. Ah, don’t expect ya to change yer name or what ya are. A family isn’t just blood, it’s the bonds ya make. Ya became a part of this family when ya started ta help Apple Bloom ta become a better pony. Ya also defended her when other foals made fun o’ her. Only a family member goes oughta the way ta help. Ya taught her many things. She looks up ta ya. Ah, don’t think she even knows she does. So ya are a good pony, a strong Unicorn, and a good brother.” The old mare wrapped her thin forelegs around his neck as she held him close.

Oblivion stiffened at the contact. His eyes traveled to the orange and red ponies. Big Mac put his hoof out and smiled at the Unicorn. Oblivion blinked but then slumped against the old mare. He raised his hoof and bumped it against Big Macs. The red stallion smiled widely and watched his sister walk up to him next. Oblivion let his hoof fall to the ground. Applejack sat down and wrapped her hooves around him also. Oblivion had let his head fall onto Granny Smith’s shoulder. But as an afterthought, he raised it back up when he thought of how old the mare was. They both let him go and Big Mac pulled him to his hooves.

“Ya understand now?” Granny Smith said to him.

He looked at the old mare and nodded slowly to her. His ears perked when he heard galloping. “Somepony’s coming.”

Applejack nodded and walked out in front of the barn. “Twilight? What can I do ya for?”

“Is Oblivion here?” The Unicorn asked.

“Yeah, he’s in the barn with the others. Come on.” Applejack led the purple mare inside.

She looked to Oblivion, clear concern in her eyes. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, why?” He answered her.

“I heard that you got knocked off your hooves and into a fence. I heard about it from Derpy. She delivered a letter to me and mentioned that she ran into a stallion in the square. That he held onto her to prevent her from getting hurt and was rolled into a metal fence. You can’t be all right.” The mare walked up to him.

“I’m a bit bruised, but nothing dire Twilight. I barely hit the fence and I feel fine.” He amended to the worried mare.

The mare narrowed her eyes. “I asked about the fence. You put it back in place after it nearly bent over. Barely hit it?”

Oblivion looked at her and thought about it. “Hmm, didn’t feel like I hit it very hard. My back doesn’t hurt so I didn’t think of it. If I damage something I will fix it.” He started to explain.

“It was an inch thick metal and you pulled it back into place like it was nothing. No pony can do that.” Twilight yelled at him.

Applejack stepped forward. “Twilight. Most ponies aren’t his size. He has more strength than some ponies.”

Twilight looked at her and nodded. “Okay, that I can believe.” She said and stepped back. “But still, how can you be thrown off your hooves, roll across the plaza, and hit a fence without getting hurt?”

“I did get bruised up but other than that I’m fine.” He told the mare.

Applejack looked at him. “So that’s why yer all covered in dirt.”

He nodded. “Yes.”

Applejack looked at them all before she stepped forward. “Well, he says he’s okay and ah believe him. Ah, need to go pick up Apple Bloom. Oblivion, ya can rest up since ya took a heavy tumble. Yer gonna be sore tomorrow.” She said and patted him on the shoulder before leaving the barn.

Granny Smith and Big Mac also walked out of the barn. Twilight looked back to him. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound angry. I was just worried that you had been hurt. I’m glad to see that you're okay. A bit dirty and bruised, but otherwise okay.” She smiled.

He shook his head. “It’s fine. You were concerned that's all. I appreciate your concern. Thank you for that.” He assured her, even as his leg throbbed.

The mare smiled and turned to leave. He watched her leave, when the Unicorn was certain that nopony would walk into the barn, only then did he allow himself to look back at the injured leg. He could see that it was starting to swell a bit and he cursed under his breath before deciding to just lay down and let it sit. He forced it to hold him as he walked over to the same tree that he liked to sit under and he slid to the ground. He watched as Granny sat in her rocking chair on the porch and Big Mac went into one of the orchards. He laid his head down on the ground and closed his eyes.

‘Family huh? Not even sure how to approach that subject. I’ll just keep going as I normally do for now. I need to start paying attention. There is no way I would have been hit by that mare normally. I need to refocus. Perhaps I should start my swordsmanship again and use that to work off stress. Used to have to do that but not recently. Though my being there did stop that mare from being injured. But I may have crippled myself for my sparring match with Luna. Gods that's the day after tomorrow. I need to let my leg heal or it won’t be much of a fight. That brings up whether I should mention it to the others or not. Maybe I’ll send Apple Bloom to get my cloak. No, that's ridiculous. She’s a filly, not a messenger.’

He let his mind slip in a meditative state and listen to everything around him. After a half-hour, he heard Apple Bloom come running through the front gate. Her hooves drew nearer to him and he opened one eye a slit and saw her screech to a halt a few feet away and walk slowly up to him. When she stopped a foot away from and start to open her mouth he opened his eyes. She startled but didn’t say anything for a moment.

“Applejack said ya got thrown around in town. Are ya all right?” She asked. He raised his head from the ground and nodded to her. “Ya'll are gonna be sore later. I’ll get a bath ready for ya. Yer gonna need it.” She said and turned and ran off before he could say anything.

He rolled his eyes and lowered his head back to the ground. Applejack walked over to him and sat down by him. She reached out and laid a hoof on his mane. He managed not to cringe when she found a bruise.

“Ya'll haven’t answered her yet about talking to her class.”

“No, I haven’t. What story would I tell a class of foals? Nothing I have is very...kind to hear. My homeland is not a nice place. This place is very calm and quiet. Mine is often covered in blood and war. That’s not exactly a tale to pass on.” He said to her from his place on the ground.

Applejack looked thoughtful for a moment before responding. “What about that story ya told me? Bout the troll ya helped.”

He looked up at her. “The one I was paid to send on its way?”

“Maybe leave tha’ part out.”

He chuckled and looked ahead of him. “Maybe. I haven’t decided if it’s a good idea or not to even entertain the idea.”

“Those foals really like ya. They were all out in front by the gate when ah got there, waiting. I showed up, instead of ya'll, and they all left. Ah, think they were waiting fer ya.”

“Why in the Hells, would they do that? I have never picked her up in the afternoon.” He raised his head to look at her.

“They like ya. Ya stood up for ‘em. Even though ah don’t think ya really meant to.”

“Yeah, it was not intentional.” He agreed.

“Still ya are a good pony and they know that. Ya have good judgment and solid character. We can see it. So can they.” She stood up and patted his shoulder. He winced and gave a low hiss. “Sorry.” She apologized before walking away from him.

He closed his eyes and laid in silence. The door to the house swung open. “Oblivion! It's ready!” Apple Bloom yelled from the door.

He looked sideways at Applejack who hid a smile behind her hoof. He pulled himself up to his hooves. He managed not to use his right hind leg and was on his hooves in a moment. The filly ran past him to Applejack and he could hear her asking about his chores. The Witcher walked inside and got to the bottom of the stairs. He looked up them and then looked around. There was nopony else in the house so he went up the stairs on three legs. He limped into the bathroom and closed the door. He released his mane from the tie that held it and looked into the mirror. He was even filthier than he had thought. The dirt seemed to cake every piece of fur on his body. His baldric was removed from his back and he let it lean against the counter.

The stallion started to look away when his eyes widened. He looked back to find that his left-wing had been torn. The tear was close to the joint he could see that the feathers had been pulled away and the skin had ripped as well. He stared at it and moved the wing itself. He moved it slowly but that didn’t stop the pain from tearing through the extremity. His teeth clenched and he bit back a yell. He looked at it as blood slowly seeped from the wound. His horn lit up and his saddlebags appeared on the counter beside him. He opened the right one and his magic found his wound kit. He opened the small container and laid the items on the counter. He looked back to the bath and decided to clean it out with hot water then tend to it further.

He stepped carefully into the water and let his right hind sit in the water for a moment before he lowered himself into the hot water. His wing stayed above the water till he was ready to lower it in. After a few minutes, he slowly lowered the extremity into the water and hissed when it began to sting. It stayed submerged and then he laid his head down as well. He kept the wing under the water and the water slowly turned a light brown and had a tinge of red as well. The wing was brought out of the water for him to look at and possibly see the extent of the damage. The gash in it was around two to three inches long and one inch deep. He figured that he had landed on it and it had scraped across the ground which had resulted in the injury.

He carefully removed the broken feathers and incinerated them in his flame. He lowered it back into the water and let it soak. He turned his attention to his right hind leg and looked at it to make sure that it had no weight on it and was soaking as well. The Unicorn laid his head back down and let his body relax. ‘One nice thing about this world is that I can relax without being concerned about where I am and if I'm going to be ambushed. Well, I might still be ambushed by a certain pink pony but that I can deal with.’ He amended, a small smile played across his muzzle. He shook his head and picked up the soap with magic. He cleaned his mane and the fur that he was able to reach above the water. He would worry about the rest in a few minutes. His head lowered again and he put himself into a meditative state while his bruised body relaxed.

“Oblivion! Did ya fall asleep?”

The Unicorn startled out of his trance and looked to the door. He recognized Applejack's voice as the one outside the door. He stood up slowly while keeping his leg up and his wing against him. The water was still warm but he could tell that it was cooling. ‘Did I fall asleep?’ There was no further pounding on the door and he heard AJ chuckle as she walked away. He used the soap to wash the rest of his fur and tail. He washed off his right-wing and then looked to the left. It was no longer bleeding so he chose not to use soap on it. He dried himself off and hopped out of the tub. His flames finished drying him completely. He drained it and used his magic to clean the dirt from it. His magic picked up a potion that he knew would clean the wound and burn the vessels inside of it closed to prevent bleeding. He held the vial over the wound and inhaled. He held his breath as he poured the contents of the vial into the wound. His head went to his chest as he cringed. He could hear the wound hissing as the contents cleaned and burned the wound. When it finished he released the breath he had been holding and put the vial back into his saddlebag. He looked back to the wound and found it to be clean and ready to be bandaged. He pulled a short strip of fabric out of the bag and packed it into the wound to protect and keep it clean. He finished that, then pulled a long strip from his bag and wrapped it around the wing to prevent it from being stretched out and another strip tied the injured wing to his barrel and prevented it from moving entirely. Any movement could pull open the wound.

Once he had finished tending to his wound he put the kit back into his bag and sent it back to its place in his room. The vial of medicine would replenish on its own. He hoped. It did in his world but he wasn’t so sure about this one. His magic held the tie in its hold and he replaced it to hide his wings. He looked down at his baldric and then to his back. The swords would be sitting a bit awkwardly on his back due to the binding on his wing. He sighed and laid them across his back without wearing it. He opened the door and, to avoid walking on his leg, teleported to his room.

The Unicorn set his swords under the blanket by the window but kept his hair tied back. ‘Should I go down for dinner with them?’ After a moment he shook his head. ‘No. I am not hungry and walking on an injured leg will only make the injury worse and cause it to last longer. I will simply stay up here, elevate it as best I can and read. This way I can relax both that leg and my wing as well.’ His magic pulled the blanket back and he slid underneath it. He used the pillow to elevate his leg slightly and his wing hung in its sling against his side. He picked up one of the books he had and started reading about Equestria’s history as he tried to let himself heal. He opened the door once he was certain that he was situated. He opened the book and propped it on a corner of the blanket.

“Oblivion!” Applejack yelled up the stairs.

A deep sigh escaped him. “Yes?”

He heard hooves coming up the stairs, so he waited. Applejack peeked past his door and regarded him. “Y'all alright?”

He nodded to her and looked down to his book. He didn’t hear her leave so he looked back up to the mares green eyes.

“Ya sure? Ya were in the bath for a while.”

“Just soaking. I figured that would help with any soreness.”

She nodded as she listened. “That makes sense. Ah’ll take Apple Bloom ta school in the mornin. Ya just take it easy… What?”

“I’m fine AJ. I’ll uphold what I said to her and walk her there.”

“Have ya decided ta talk to her class yet?” She waited for his response. He looked away in reply. “Ah thought not. Ya need to figure it out fer her. Since yer all settled into yer bed ah assume yer staying up here.”

“That is my plan, yes.” He answered. He shifted slightly, making sure his wing was not moved.

“All right. Enjoy yer quiet afternoon. Oh, wait a minute.” She kicked the door closed behind her. “Did ya hurt yerself in that fall today? Ya rolled over the ground. How are yer wings?”

Oblivion looked at her. He shrugged and used his magic to lift the blanket. Applejack stared at the bandage around the left wing and how it was held against his side by another bandage.

“It's a slight cut. Nothing extreme. If any of my past injuries are to compare it should heal in two to four days.” He said to her and covered the wing up once more.

“Is that why ya took longer in the bath? Getting that cleaned up?” The stallion nodded in response. “Well ah’m glad it will heal but are ya sure ya can’t get it looked at?”

Oblivion barked out a laugh. “Like who?”

Applejack balked at the question. “Um. Well, what about Princess Luna? Yer gonna be meetin’ with her day after tomorrow. She’s an Alicorn as well so she could help.”

Oblivion shook his head. “It will be fine, AJ. Just give it a couple of days to close up and it will be fine. As long as I don’t extend the wing for a couple of days it will be fine. The cut is minor.” Applejack looked unsure as she regarded him. “I can remove the bandage for you to check on it if you wish.”

Applejack started and then thought about it. “If it won’t hurt ya then ah would like to check on it. If ya don’t mind it too much.”

Oblivion shifted and his magic removed the wrap around his girth and laid on the bed beside him. The Unicorn unwrapped the bandage holding the wing bunched together. He laid it to the side as well. Applejack leaned forward and pulled the gauze gently from the wound. She hissed at the wound and looked to him.

“That's not a small cut pardner.”

“It is to me. I’m used to much worse.” The Witcher informed her. He left the packed bandage out and instead wrapped the wing tight enough to prevent it from moving but not enough to restrict blood flow. He wrapped the girth bandage around the wing once to hold it in place. He tied it back around his girth and kept it in place. He settled back onto the bed and pulled the quilt back up over himself. Applejack regarded him still. “Yes?”

“What kinda place are ya from where injuries like that are normal?”

“Normal is the wrong word, AJ. I mean that it's not abnormal for injuries from a fight to be worse if I am careless enough to let them happen. Normally, I can come out of a fight unscathed aside from being tired.” The Witcher amended. “Does not mean I like them just means I don’t give them much thought unless they are dire.”

Applejack looked to him for a moment before she walked back to the door. “Ah understand. But ya are here now and have ponies that care bout ya. Try not to get yerself hurt, but if ya do, it’s not bad ta say somethin.” She opened the door and walked out of it. She left the door open behind her.

‘Its not that I don’t think you all care. It’s more that I don’t like to have a fuss made over me.’ He looked back to his book and pushed thoughts of telling them he was injured from his mind. He listened to them downstairs with one ear while he read the history book in front of him with interest. History had always been of interest to him. So reading about the history of the world he found himself in was a good way to use his time.

“Ah’m gonna go talk to ‘im.” He heard Apple Bloom say as she started across the floor. He could hear her small hooves on the kitchen floor and onto the stairs.

She came down the hall and walked up to his room. She rapped her hoof on the door jam and waited.

“Yes, Apple Bloom?”

“Can ah come in?” She asked. Her voice sounded quieter than normal to his ears.

“Of course.” The Unicorn replied and looked up from his book, waiting for the filly.

She walked in and looked to him. “Ya got hurt in town. Are ya okay?”

“I’m fine.”

“Are ya sure?”

He looked to her, as she swirled a forehoof on the rug.

“I’m certain. Why?”

“Just, it sounded like it really hurt.” She didn't look up at him.

Oblivion gave a quiet sigh and reached down to the filly. He put a hoof under her chin and forced her to look up at him. “Its nothing, little one. Nothing that won’t fade in time. Why are you so insistent?”

She looked at him and put her hoof on his. “Can I get up on yer bed for a sec?”

He gave her a strange look and used his magic to pick her up and set her onto the bed. She walked across the quilt until she was in front of him. She sat down and reached out to his fur. “Ah was just worried. Ya don’t say anything if yer tired or anything. So Ah, was afraid ya weren’t telling us if ya were hurt.” She wasn’t looking up at him or she would have seen surprise go across his face.

“You're very perceptive for a little filly.” He said to her and used his hoof to raise her head again.

She looked at him then pulled away from him. “So ah’m right.” She looked up at him, he could see that she was hurt, but there was also anger. “Ya don’t like us.” She had tears in her eyes as Oblivion started.

What makes her think that?’ “What in the Hells gave you that idea?” He asked her, but she was about to jump off his bed when his magic held her. “We are not done talking little filly.” He said as he set her back down in front of him. “I will ask again. What makes you think that I do not like any of you?”

“Ya don’t talk to us. Ah, know yer not fine after getting hit by Derpy. Any other pony would have needed ta see a doctor. But ya keep sayin’ yer okay.”

She stopped when he barked a laugh and chuckled. He raised a hoof and ruffled the fillies mane. “That has nothing to do with liking any of you. I am fine with all of you. I would not offer my help if I did not feel comfortable with you as a family. All of you are very kind ponies and that is shown by all of you accepting a strange pony into your midst without questioning him. That speaks of a very strong, giving family. Just because I do not mention every bruise does not mean that I do not acknowledge all of you. Do you understand?”

She nodded and looked at him. He gave her a small smile and was about to put her down when he sighed. “What time do I need to be at your school?”

Her face brightened and she jumped forward to hold onto the fur of his chest. He looked at the ceiling before he rubbed the fillies back with his hoof. “Thank ya so much Oblivion. The other ponies will be so happy that yer coming to talk. Ya can talk about anything from where ya are from. Ah’ll tell Miss Cheerilee that ya are coming. Its the end of the week. Ah’ll find out what time fer ya.” She said, her excitement was obvious. Her spirit was bright and happy.

He nodded to her and set her down on the floor with his magic. She ran out the door and headed for her siblings and grandmother at the kitchen table. He sighed and looked back at his book. ‘Blast, why do I always give in when children are involved?’

He hung his head for a moment before going back to the paragraph he had left off. The sun began to set and he set his book aside. His fetlock had stopped throbbing and he moved the pillow back up to his head and he laid down on it. His magic closed the door. He knew that if he left it open Applejack would come up the stairs to gloat over him for caving in. He laid in the growing darkness and looked to his right. His swords poked out from under the blanket and he was suddenly very glad that they had been hidden behind him when the filly was on his bed. Explaining that would possibly have been disastrous. His eyes closed and he fell into a dreamless sleep.

A rooster crowed and Oblivion started in his bed. He looked out the window and glared. ‘That bird is going to end up as a side dish if he doesn’t shut it.’ His magic opened the door to prevent Applejack from using a pan to wake him. She hadn’t done it yet but it was a matter of time. He pulled his head up and moved his body to get off the bed. His mane was still in the binding from the night before, he had forgotten to pull it out. He pulled his swords on as he moved slowly. The stallion stopped as the pulled muscles from the day before acted up. He hissed and his head went down. He paused and then got completely out of bed. All four hooves hit the ground and he was unable to stop the cry of pain that tore from him. His right hind fetlock pounded and he nearly buckled under it. He looked back and saw that his fetlock was badly swollen and it throbbed. He gave a low pant before looking up to find Apple Bloom in the doorway. She stared at him before she inhaled.

“No Apple...” He started to stop her.

“Applejack!” She yelled.

“Damn.” Was Oblivion's response. He listened and he heard hooves trotting down the hall.

“Apple Bloom, what in tarnation has ya yelling this the...morn?” Applejack looked at him and she no doubt saw that he was three legged. “What’s wrong?”

“It's nothing. It's just..” He tried to explain.

“Ah heard him cry out and I checked in on ‘im and he can’t put that hoof down and it’s really swollen and I think it hurts and.” Her mouth was clamped shut by a circle of azure flame from an annoyed Unicorn.

“It's not that bad. I yelped out of surprise.” He started once more.

“Whoa, Nelly. Tha’ looks more painful than sitting on a beehive.” Granny Smith walked up to the door. “Ya’ll hurt yer leg yesterday, didn’t ya? Probably got worse overnight.”

He sighed and looked away from them. “It's fine. I am still able to stand so there is no issue.”

Big Mac walked up and stood beside his grandmother. “Y'all didn’t mention that last nigh’. That's why ya fell on yer rump yesterday in the barn.”

Oblivion gave a loud snort to silence them. “Yes, I did not mention it because it did not need to be spoken of. I have walked on worse. I am perfectly capable.” He clamped all their mouths shut and continued. “of doing things on my own. There are plenty of things I can do by standing in one spot. I do not need to be coddled like a newborn. I appreciate the concern but I am fine.” He said with finality. As if to demonstrate he walked forward. He couldn't stop himself from limping but he walked with it anyway. He went down the stairs and outside. The Unicorn went over to his preferred tree and stood under it. He didn’t listen to the conversation inside. He looked away and laid down under the tall tree. His fetlock throbbed, he chose to ignore it. His good sense told him that he had overreacted and he knew that he did. He was unused to having overs lookout for him.

‘I can understand their concern but they need to understand that I have never needed to be tended to. It’s not in my nature to buckle under the requests of others. Apple Bloom is the exception at this moment. But that is beside the point.’ His thought was interrupted by Applejack coming out the door.

She looked around and found him laying under the tree. She walked over to him and sat down beside him. “Sorry bout that. Ah was surprised is all. Ah, keep fergettin’ that where ya are from ya are alone. Ah’m sorry about the fuss. But we were all a bit shocked ta see that ya were in pain. Ah, know ya are hiding it from us so we don’t worry.” She looked at him.

He didn’t look back at her. He looked straight ahead and said nothing in reply.

“But like granny said ya are family. As yer adopted family it’s our job ta worry and fret over ya. Ya would do the same over us right?” He looked to the ground in a silent reply. “Ah thought so. Ya stepped in ta help Twilight when the rest o’ us were acting like fools, ya help Apple Bloom, Mac and I, and just yesterday ya protected Derpy from getting hurt. Ya protected her so she didn't have a bit o’ dust on ‘er. And here ya are the one that got hurt. Ya tore yer wing and hurt yer leg, instead of her.”

Oblivion looked away from her as her words hit him. He knew that she was speaking truthfully. ‘Damned Element of Honesty." “I simply do not wish to be at the center of a lot of fuss. It’s unneeded.”

“It is needed. Ya are hurt. Don’t think ah didn’t see ya hurtin’ when ya went down the stairs. Ya can’t put a lot o’ weight on it. Ah’m not trying to argue wit’ ya. But ya need ta realize that ya are apart o’ this family. And this family is worried bout ya.”

He looked back to her for a moment before looking away again. The Witcher looked over into the orchard and sighed. “I am well aware that you care AJ. It's simply not normal for me. I spend a season at Kaer Morhen then I am away from the others. Sometimes I don’t go back to the keep for the winter. Occasionally I am alone for years on end. As I have mentioned I’m not a young stallion despite my appearance. Once again asking me to change a century worth of habits and thoughts are not going to help you.”

Applejack looked away from him. “Ah know. But ya need ta realize that we consider ya close to our hearts. Ah know that's not how ya think o’ us and that’s fine. But we can’t help but worry. Especially when we know ya are hurtin’. So ah am asking ya ta let us help, a little bit.” She said to him and set a hoof gently on his mane.

“Very well. But I am not going to be coddled. I can still take her to school.” He clamped her jaw shut again. “and I can teleport back.” She nodded and he let go of her mouth. “I will lay quietly as a compromise, but I would prefer to be outside. If I am asked to do something close by then I will do so.” He kept the clamp in place when she shook her head. “I will accomplish it with magic. Therefore I will not have to stand up or move.” He released the magic when she nodded in agreement. “Argue without listening to me again and I will put that back on and leave it.” She smiled at him.

“Okay, that sounds fair ta me. But could ya teleport Apple Bloom ta school?” She asked him.

“I haven’t teleported anyone before. I would rather not test it out on a filly.”

“Good point. Ah’ll let the others know the plan and when ya get back we will set ya up out under this tree ya seem ta like and will have an ice pack ready.” She said as she stood up. She patted his shoulder and then pulled away when he growled. “Sorry. Forgot ya bruised yer shoulder.”

“That's not a bruise. I pulled it when I turned to catch that mare. Same with my leg and a few other muscles. I need to start practicing again so I can move easier. I’ve gotten lax with it. My instructors would tan my hide if they saw me now.” He replied with a wry smile.

She patted his foreleg and walked inside. Oblivion sat in silence as he laid his head on the ground. He reached out with his sense and worked with that. With his eyes closed, he was working on using his Spirit Sight to find specific ponies. He could easily find the other Element bearers but another pony was proving more difficult. His ears perked as time passed he could hear a dog panting by the barn, birds in one of the farther orchards, and a beaver by Fluttershy’s home. His ears flicked in various directions as he listened. He started when the house door slammed. He looked up as Apple Bloom ran over to him.

“You shouldn’t slam the door, little one.” He said as he got to his hooves. The filly looked sheepish and shrugged. “Ready to go?”

She nodded and walked with him. He had a limp but, walked at his usual pace. Apple Bloom tried to slow him down but he looked to her and she gave up. “Are ya sure, ya can walk all the way?”

“Would you rather I teleported and left you to catch up?

“Well no but… oh.”

Oblivion gave a slight smile as he walked ahead of her. She loped to catch up with the black stallion and pulled up next to him. Even limping his stride was still fast enough to make her occasionally trot. “Please slow down. Ah, don’t want ya to hurt anymore.” She finally cried at him.

Oblivion stopped and turned to her. The Unicorn sighed and nodded. He slowed his stride and she noticed that his limp grew more pronounced. They reached the school and he pulled up next to the gate and opened it for her to go through. She hugged his leg and trotted inside. She suddenly turned around and came trotting back. “Wait here for a second after we go inside. Ah’ll let Miss Cheerilee know that ya are gonna come to talk to tha class.” He waited till they went inside and he saw her look outside and nod to him. He waited as she came outside.

She reached him and smiled. “Apple Bloom tells me that her oldest brother is coming to speak to the class. I have to admit I thought she meant Big Mac. I asked her about that and she said that you are the oldest. It's nice that you are coming to speak. Many of the students are fond of you so I am glad that you will be coming to speak. Please come by the day after tomorrow around noon. Will that time be okay?”

“That's fine. I have an appointment tomorrow, but I am free the day after.” He turned around and gave a low hiss at the pain in his leg before he looked back at her. “What stories are preferred?”

She smiled. “Anything that you think will hold their attention. Since you are not from around this area tales about the animals and other ponies will certainly keep their attention.” She advised.

He nodded. “I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you for the advice.” He said to her he walked away.

The mare stared at the limp in his gait. “Wait!” She hollered.

Oblivion looked back and saw her staring at him. He looked back at her. “It’s nothing. I almost forgot I told Applejack I would teleport back.” He said to her. His horn was alight with the blue flame and he vanished a flash of fire.

He appeared by the front porch and looked around.

“By Equestria! Ya weren’t kidding when ya said ya would just reappear back after helping the filly.” The old mare yelped from her rocking chair.

Oblivion looked at her and nodded. “I gave my word.” He replied simply. He limped around the porch and was about to keep going when a lasso was around his shoulders. It didn’t pull taut due to him stopping in his tracks to stare at it. He looked back to the holder of the lasso and found Applejack looking at him with a goofy smile at him. He shook his head in exasperation and waited for the mare to reach him.

“Ya walk to that tree and we will take care ah the rest.” Applejack looked back at her grandmother and motioned for him to lower his head to her. “Ah’ll bring out a light blanket and ya can let yer wing rest as well.” She whispered to him. She pulled back and removed the lasso.

The black Unicorn nodded and limped slowly to the tree that he usually stayed under. He had a strong feeling that he was going to be under that tree for the rest of the day. He regretted not getting another book from Twilight. He laid down and waited. Applejack came outside with a blanket, a couple of pillows and both his books slung over her back. She set his books down in front of his forelegs and then tapped the thigh of his injured leg and he lifted it for her. She put the pillows under his leg and then laid the light quilt across him. She reached up and pulled his hair tie out and he felt his wings relax from their position and he saw the faintest outline of his swords on his back.

“There ya are. All set up for a rest under a good ol’ tree. It's funny ya picked this tree. It used to give us some o’ the best apples in Equestria. But it doesn’t give us anything but shade now.” He looked up at it, then back to the mare. “Not sure what happened to it but back when Ah was a filly it stopped. We considered pullin’ it down but none us could do it.”

Oblivion looked at the tree. “It’s old. That’s why you chose to leave it be.” He looked to her to find her eyes wide in surprise.

“Did Ah tell ya about it?”

Oblivion shook his head. “No. Just a feeling. I’m used to being in the forests so being around trees is not new to me. The ones where I am from are ancient and seem to have a life and voice of their own. You learn to listen after a while.” He said as he regarded the old tree.

“Ya are right. We couldn’t let it go. After what ya jus’ said Ah’m glad we didn’t. Ah’ll get ya a glass lemonade. Granny made some while ya were taking Bloom ta school.” She walked away after putting the rope around her neck.

The Unicorn looked to the branches of the tree and reached out a clawed hoof to rest on the trunk. He could see a light coming from the tree. The others were fainter while this one showed a bright shade of green. He put his hoof down and hid his claws. He looked over to see Big Mac trying to balance several barrels across his back. Oblivion’s magic gripped them, lifting them into the air. Big Mac looked up in shock till he saw the color of the magic holding them. He looked around and found Oblivion’s horn alight with magic and the stallion holding the barrels above the red pony. Oblivion waited until Big Mac understood and he pointed to the barn. Oblivion nodded and the barrels were stacked neatly at the back of the barn.

Oblivion let his magic fade as he used the second book to hold up the history book he had borrowed. He opened it to the last page he had been on and only looked up when he heard the door open. Applejack started toward him with a glass on her back. She looked up and turned to the side. Oblivion’s blue flame covered it and it floated to his side. He looked down as she walked past him.

“Oh. Ah almost forgot. Apple Bloom decided ta go to Rarity’s after school ta get yer cloak.”

“Gods below, I forgot.” He cursed and put his face into his hoof. “She doesn’t need to do that.”

“Ah told her that as well. That myself or Mac would go get it but she insisted. So she and Ah will go pick it up later.”

The Witcher shook his head and sighed. “Very well. I’ll let this one go.”

“Besides ya need to rest up fer yer date with Princess Luna.” The orange mare teased.

Oblivion looked to her with a tilt of his head. “My what?”

Applejack sighed and looked back to him, realizing that teasing him was useless. “Ah meant yer sparrin’ match.”

He nodded. “True. Hopefully, this doesn’t get in the way too much.” He agreed. He watched as Applejack walked away. A small grin hit his muzzle as he watched her walk off. ‘Nice try. I don’t blush. Embarrassment is an emotion I let go of a very long time ago.’ He looked back to his book and went back to reading. He took a sip of his drink and looked at it after trying it.

“Not bad. I was concerned it would be sweet like everything else. Thank the Gods it's more bitter.” He commented to himself and set it back down. After a couple of hours, he looked up from the book and gazed around him. The tree continued to cover him. He looked to the side of him and waited. He could see Applejack's Spirit coming toward him. She came out of the orchard and saw him looking at her.

“How are ya doin?” She asked as she came to stand by him.

“I’m fine.”

“How is yer leg?”

“It throbs a bit at times, but for the most part it’s quiet.” He informed her and moved it under the blanket. He winced at the movement.

“Ah got an idea.” The mare trotted to the house and went inside. She was gone for a couple of minutes. He saw her return carrying a couple of bags in her mouth. She reached him and set them down on the blanket by side. He could feel that they were cold, as it went through the blanket and into his fur. She pulled back the blanket from his leg and tapped it gently. He lifted that part of his leg and watched as she put one bag under it and waited for him to put it back down. He jumped at the sudden cold on the injury. But he laid it back down where it belonged. She laid the other over the top of it and then put the blanket back over it.

“What are those?” He couldn't stop himself from asking.

“Those are ice packs. They're meant ta help with swelling. If ya put them on and leave them fer a bit then they will help it not hurt so much.” She advised him.

Oblivion sat still as the cold went through his leg and began to soothe the heated flesh between them. “Interesting.” Was his only reply. He turned his head to the gate as he heard someone trotting. The purple color told him it was Twilight and he could hear Spike talking to her. He looked back at Applejack.

“I figured ya could use some company, so ah asked Twilight to come to sit with ya. She said she had wanted ta work with ya on ‘er magic.” The orange mare admitted.

“Could prove amusing.” He admitted and waited.

Applejack waited for the other mare to reach them before speaking. “All right. Ah’ll leave him in yer hooves Twi. Don’t have too much fun ya hear.’ Twilight blushed and looked away for a moment.

Spike jumped off her back and stood by Oblivion. “So you saved Derpy from getting hurt?”

Oblivion shrugged. “I suppose so.”

“That's awesome. You're a hero.”

Oblivion laughed at that. “Hah! Hardly.” The stallion gave a gruff laugh.

Spike looked at him. “Then what are you?”

“Unfortunate.” He replied. That earned a laugh from Twilight as Spike looked at him.

Twilight set her saddlebags down and laid down off to the side of him. “So you did get hurt.” She stated and looked to the black stallion.

He started to shrug but stopped halfway through. “A bit yes.”

“A bit?” Spike yelled at him. “You can’t walk!”

Twilight smacked him in the back of the head with a book and glared at him. “He can too get up and move. Just right now he is allowing it to heal.” She quickly said.

Oblivion knew that she had complimented him to stop him from proving Spike wrong. He looked at the baby dragon and snorted at him. Spike sat down and smiled nervously. Twilight used her magic to pull items out of her saddlebags.

“Okay, I was trying to decide what experiments we could do while sitting quietly. So I decided to try some transmutation spells. You’ve shown that you can fix items just by looking at them, so I hear.” Oblivion nodded. “And you are able to overpower another unicorns magic with your own. So I would like to try that out later but first, maybe we can try something simple. So maybe turn this orange into an apple. I’m not very good at this type of magic. But I would like to see if you can. Then maybe test your magical strength through weight.” She paused as his look of mischief.

“I see, weight. So that's why you brought Spike.” He quipped and looked sideways at the dragon who was reading a thin book.

“Yeah, I’m here to...hey!” The dragon looked to him to find Oblivion looking at him.

Twilight laughed at them and Oblivion looked nothing short of triumphant at the dragon's angry look. “Never challenge what a Witcher can accomplish Spike.” He said to the puffed up dragon.

The black Unicorn looked back to a laughing Twilight and gave a smug grin. His magic held the orange and he held it at face level. A flash of blue flame and an apple was in front of Spike’s nose.

The dragon grabbed it and popped it into his mouth. “Oh no, Spike. That probably doesn’t taste like a..” Twilight yelped at him as he chewed.

“Wow. This is the best apple I have ever eaten. Hey Oblivion, if I get another orange can you do that again?” The dragon said to him.

Twilight blinked at him as he shook his head. She shook her head, pulled out a quill and scroll. “Any fatigue?” Oblivion shook his head. “Disorientation?”


She looked up and stared at him. “A headache?”

“No. Should there be?” He asked.

“Well turning an item to look like something else is a simple transmute. Making it taste and smell like it, is much more difficult.” She said as she pulled another orange out of her bag. “Okay, how did you do it?” She asked.

Oblivion thought for a moment. “I thought of what it should be, instead of what it is and focused on that image and what I knew of the item. So what an apple, look like, smells like, tastes like, and then decided that, that is what it will be. By focusing my mind on that image, my magic enabled it to become that.” He explained to her the best he could. “Not sure if that method will work for you but worth a try.”

Twilight's horn lit up with a magenta spark. Her magic surrounded the orange and she closed her eyes to focus on it. Oblivion saw Spike back up then hide on Oblivion's other side and then run behind him. Oblivion looked back to Twilight and saw why Spike was hiding. The orange in Twilight's grip was slowly growing in size. Oblivion could see that unlike Pinkie Pie when her head had expanded, this item was going to explode. Oblivion looked back to Spike, who looked nervous. Oblivion’s horn lit up and a large shield was in front of them. The shield was close to four feet wide and tapered on the edges. Azure flame rippled across it. Oblivion could see through it easily enough to watch Twilight. He cast a quick glance behind him and watched as Spike hunkered down behind his flank.


Oblivion closed his eyes as the orange exploded and sent pieces all around them. The shield he had made prevented himself and Spike from being covered in the pieces. It’s protection extended to the book in front of him and his glass to the other side. The purple Unicorn that was with them, was not so fortunate. Pieces of the orange covered her. She looked at them and saw that they were untouched, both sitting behind a shield made of azure flame. She blinked, then groaned as she looked around her to find orange bits all over. Oblivion looked to the side as he heard hooves. “Incoming.”

Applejack ran up to them from the left side of the orchard and Big Mac came from the right. Both plunged to a stop and stared. “Wha’ in Equestria happened?” Applejack yelled.

“An attempt to change an orange into an apple. Nothing more.” He replied as the shield dissipated and his magic covered the area around them, incinerating the pieces on the ground and around them. Even Twilight was now cleaned up. She looked sheepishly at the Apple siblings.

“I’m so sorry. I was trying to use Oblivion's method of transmutation and I couldn’t do it right.” She said and hung her head a bit.

Big Mac came forward. “Ya'll alright?” He looked to Oblivion who nodded. Spike came out from hiding behind the Unicorn and also nodded. Twilight looked away but nodded. “Then no harm was done. Jus’ be careful.” He said and started to go back to his work. He pushed Applejack and she too nodded before leaving.

Oblivion watched them leave and looked back to Twilight, who sighed. “What happened?” He asked the mare.

She looked at him before giving a small grin. “I’m not sure. I think I may have over thought the process but I’m not certain.” Twilight clapped her forehooves together. “That reminds me Oblivion. What time are you meeting with Princess Luna tomorrow?”

“I’m to meet her in Canterlot at eleven am.” He replied.

“Okay, so you need to catch the train at around eight am. I can walk you to the station if you don’t...What?” She paused at the strange look he was giving her.

“I need to catch what?” He asked her. His head tilted slightly and his ears flicked to listen to her.

“The train. It takes two to two and a half hours to get to Canterlot. So you need to wake up early to get to the train. You do know about the train right?”

“Clearly not. What in the Realms is a train?”

Twilight looked at him before her horn lit and a book appeared in front of her. She opened it and showed him a picture of what to him looked like a metal box, with smoke coming out of the top.

“And you sit on top of it?”

Twilight giggled. “No, you sit inside it.”

Oblivion looked from the picture to Twilight. “Oh, Hells no. There is no way I am sitting inside of whatever that thing is.” His horn flared and a scroll and quill appeared. The Unicorn wrote out a note and it erupted in flame and was gone.

“What was that?” Spike asked him from his place to the unicorns left.

“I asked Luna to give me a description of where she would like to meet me. That way I can simply portal myself there rather than ride inside of that metal box.” He replied.

Twilight stared at him. “Oblivion, you do realize that teleporting that far is impossible. I don't think even the Princess could do that.” She started as a reply appeared in a flash of blue.

Oblivion gripped the scroll in his magic and opened it. Oblivion looked at what was written. “Perfect, with this diagram I can simply portal there. She gave the details I needed.” Oblivion turned it around and Twilight saw that the diagram inside the scroll was detailed and even had dimensions of the area. “It appears to be the main courtyard.”

Twilight nodded. “Its the courtyard that the military uses for practice and drills. I’ve only been in it a couple of times. I spent more time in my room or the library.” She admitted to him.

Oblivion nodded and the scroll rolled back up and disappeared. Twilight sent the book back to the library and went back to chatting with the other Unicorn. As the afternoon went by Oblivion looked up and watched the front gate. Applejack and Apple Bloom walked through the gate and the filly came running up to him with a parcel on her back. Both unicorns waited for the filly to reach them.

“Oblivion! Ah got yer cloak from Rarity.” She beamed happily as she reached him.

“I can see that. Thank you.” He responded.

Apple Bloom looked at him before continuing. “Rarity may have changed it a bit.”

Oblivion closed his eyes and unfurled the cloak. The border was now covered in a deep blue cloth. The inside had been covered in the same fabric just slightly lighter. He looked to find that the marking on his flank was also on the right side by the bottom. It was just the wolf emblem without the swords. He placed the cloak on his back above the blanket and sighed. “Should have known that this would happen.”

Twilight and the others laughed and nodded. The Unicorn was glad to have the clothing back as he looked back at it. The Witcher looked back to the other ponies and waited.

“Ah’m gonna go start a hot bath fer ya. It will help yer leg.” The filly said as she started to run for the house.

Twilight looked at it and smiled. “It looks really nice Oblivion. Goes well with your black coat.”

Oblivion laughed. “I’m just glad to have it back so it can hide that I’m a thin pony.” He quipped.

Applejack brayed a laugh and nodded. “Maybe now Granny will stop trying ta force ya ta eat more.”

Oblivion nodded. “Gods, I hope so. This morning's activity enabled me to skip breakfast.”

Spike looked at him. “How can you skip a meal and not be starving?” The dragon's eyes were large.

“Easily.” Oblivion deadpanned at him.

Twilight stood up and moved items back into her saddlebags. “Come on Spike, its time for us to head home and start dinner. Thank for your help and for letting me question you about your magic Oblivion. I’ll work on my transmutation with you next time.”

Oblivion nodded. “Anytime Twilight.” He stayed where he was as Spike jumped over Oblivion's forelegs and onto Twilight’s back. She put her saddlebags onto her back and left through the main gate.

Oblivion started to stand after Applejack removed the ice packs and stood up without putting any weight on his fetlock. He laid the blanket over his back. Applejack picked up the pillows and book she walked slowly behind him as he limped into the house. He looked up and saw Apple Bloom starting down the stairs toward him.

“It's ready, Oblivion.” The yellow filly said to him with a smile.

Oblivion looked at her and nodded. “Thank you, Apple Bloom. And you don’t need to do this again. I forgive you for trying to break into my saddlebags and shattering two of the potions.”

She started and looked at him. “Thanks. But can ah still get a bath ready fer ya at night?”

“Why in the Gods name, would you want to keep doing that?”

“Cause ah want to. Yer family and ya have taught me a lot. Yer mah big brother.” She said to him. “Can ah still help ya?”

Oblivion stared at her for a moment before sighing. “If that is what you wish then I won’t stop you.”

Apple Bloom cheered and hugged his foreleg before running out the door. He shook his head and looked up the stairs. Applejack kept going and he knew that she was putting the books in there for him. He limped up the stairs on three legs and slowly went into the bathroom. After shedding his cloak, swords, and unwrapping his injured wing he sank into the water and let his pulled muscles soak as well as his fetlock. He laid his head down and closed his eyes once more. His mind calmed and he let it fade out as he meditated. The water warmed his fetlock due to it being cooled down by the ice packs. The Unicorn was silent. He could hear the others downstairs at the table. He was pleased to find that the wing had not bled and seemed to be healing on its own. His injuries were healing well and they wouldn't hamper him by very much the next day. After a half-hour, he stood up and used the soap on his fur, wing and then washed it off. He decided to use his flame to dry off instead of the towel. Once finished he put his cloak over his back and teleported to his room. He laid his swords in their usual place and laid down in the bed. His cloak laid over the desktop and he saw picked up one of the books to read for a bit.

“Ya gonna be okay ta spar with Luna tomorrow?” Applejack asked him as she went past his room to her own.

“Should be fine. If it starts to give out I’ll stop. A sparring match isn't worth permanent injury.” He said and glanced up at the mare.

Applejack nodded. “Do ya need me ta walk ya to the train?”

“No, that won’t be needed. I’ll just portal myself there. I asked Luna for a detailed description of the location that she wanted me to meet her in and she provided a diagram of the area.”

Applejack stared at him. “Ah never heard of a Unicorn that was able to go that far.”

“Twilight said the same thing. Only she told me that it was impossible. I suppose I will find out if I can or not tomorrow,”

“Are ya certain this is a good idea? Ya are already hurting and pushing yourself too far could be even worse.”

“I know. If I get partway through the spell and it feels like it will be too much I'll drop it and use several portals instead of one big one.” Applejack started to speak. “I am not riding in a metal box.”

“Ya have never seen a train?”

“There are no such things where I am from. We walk or take a boat if needed. Some use portals to cross great distances. I am not sitting in a metal box that I have never seen before. I refuse.”

Applejack chuckled. “Alrigh’. That's yer choice. But ya know yer gonna have ta go in one eventually.”

“Perhaps. But by the time that happens, I will be more used to the idea.” He said to her as he raised his head.

Applejack looked at him and smiled. “Ya went hoof to hoof with Nightmare Moon and ya are a bit nervous bout a train?”

“Yes. I have no problem admitting to that. A fool is one who does not admit to their own faults.” He responded.

Applejack was quiet and looked at him. “Ya make a good point. Knowing yourself is harder than it seems.” Oblivion nodded in reply. She turned and closed the door. “So how is yer wing?”

Oblivion didn’t pull the wing out. “It’s healing. I cleaned it out already and now it's covered to keep it clean. I’ll let it air a bit tomorrow. I’ll take my saddlebags with me tomorrow just in case I need the potions inside them to tend to it.”

Applejack nodded and looked away from him. She turned and opened the door. “Just be careful. Ah know ya are looking forward to sparring with Luna. Just remember that yer body is still recovering from saving Derpy.” She turned back to him with a sly look. “Ya know the mayor heard bout ya helping ‘er. She wants ta reward ya.”

“Hells no.”

“Hah! Ah told her that would be yer reply. Ah managed ta tell her that yer not out fer glory. Ya did what ya had ta do.”

Oblivion sighed. “That was nothing in the big picture. I act how I choose to. Nothing more and nothing less.”

“That may be true. But ya are still a hero ta some ponies. Don’t ferget, yer talking to Apple Bloom’s class.”

“I know. The day after tomorrow.”

“All right. See ya in the mornin.”

The orange mare left and closed the door behind her. He sighed and looked out the window at the sunset. He closed his book and set it back on the desk. His head lowered to the pillow and he thought about whether he should bring both his swords or just the steel. Granted he was fairly certain that they would be using practice blades. But as an afterthought, he chose to leave them in their usual place and take them both with him. Oblivion closed his eyes and as he relaxed into sleep he could hear the others doing the same.

Oblivion opened his eyes and looked out the window. The Unicorn was surprised to see Applejack and Big Mac outside. He looked at the sun and found that they had let him sleep in. He was a bit shocked that he had slept past them. He was suddenly wondering where that damned rooster was that always woke him up earlier than he liked. He slid out of the bed, pulled his swords on after getting up, he started to pull on his cloak, but thought better of it when he thought about sparring in it, so he pulled his mane up tightly in the binding Applejack had given him, after checking the bandage on his wing. He was still in time to walk Apple Bloom to school, so he opened the door and went downstairs. The kitchen was empty as he limped outside to see the others. Apple Bloom spotted him first and ran over to him.

“Mornin’ Oblivion.”

“Good morning, little one.” He greeted her and ruffled her mane.

“How’s yer leg?” Applejack called out to him from the opening of the barn.

He walked over to her. The limp was minor and his fetlock wasn’t throbbing like it had yesterday. “It's getting there. The throbbing seems to have faded and the pain is minor.” He reported to the orange mare.

“Good ta hear. Ah figured we could let ya sleep in a bit ta make sure ya had plenty ah energy for sparring with the Princess.” She told him.

“Ah, so that is what happened. I appreciate the consideration.”

Apple Bloom hopped forward and began circling around and under him. “Everypony was really excited when ah told ‘em that ya were gonna talk to the class. Ah, can’t wait for tomorrow. Ya can tell us about sparring with the Princess or fightin’ Nightmare Moon!” The filly shrilled as she circled his hooves.

Oblivion watched her as she ran around and under his belly. “I was told that I needed to speak of where I am from.” She stopped and looked at him. “Don’t worry the tales will be interesting.” He reassured her. Her eyes lit back up and she went back to running around him. He leveled a look at Applejack, who laughed at his expense. “Are you ready to go to class?” Apple Bloom stopped as a look of panic went over her face. She took off running for the house door. Oblivion followed her and looked at her through the door. “Forget something?”

“Mah homework! Ah, plum forgot. Ah’m gonna get in trouble with Miss Cheerilee.” The filly lamented and wailed as she pulled the paper from her saddlebags. She was on her chair and looked at the paper. “Ah don’t have enough time. What do ah do, Oblivion?” She looked to the Unicorn in a panic.

“Come on. We will work on it on the way.” He told her. The filly put it back in her bag and ran to the door. Oblivion backed up and she came out to stand by him. His magic held the paper in front of her and they began to walk to school. She started working on her homework as they walked. He held the paper straight as she wrote in her answers. She suddenly gasped and stopped. He could see panic starting to surface once more. “Yes?”

“Ah have ta draw in mah answer. I can’t walk and draw.” She wailed and sat down. Oblivion stood by her and suddenly an idea came to him. He picked her up with his flame and sat her on his back with her paper.

“Do this quickly. You draw and I will walk. I will try to keep my stride fluid so you can draw.”

The filly lunged forward and hugged his neck. She backed up and held the paper down on his back. He forced his leg to walk normally and his back barely moved as the filly drew on her paper. He looked back to see how she was doing since the schoolhouse was coming into view. She was finishing up as he stopped in front of the gate. She sat up and held the paper aloft.

“Ah got it!” She yelled.

Oblivion pinned his ears and cringed. He took his weight off his leg and let it rest. “Well done. But, next time check your bag just in case.”

She nodded and lunged forward again. “Yer the best big brother ever, Oblivion!” She said to him as she nuzzled him.

He blinked and looked back at her. “Sure.” His magic picked her up and deposited her on the ground. He set her saddlebags on her back and she buckled them in place. He looked up and found several foals looking at him.

Apple Bloom noticed them as well. She looked up to the black stallion and smiled. “Ah told ya they were excited ta see ya.” She said as she went into the gate.

Oblivion looked past her and to the others. “I can see that.”

He watched as she went into the schoolhouse with the others and he turned to walk back. As he walked back he thought over being called a brother by anyone besides his brothers of the wolf. ‘Suppose I should get used to that. Doesn’t make it any less awkward though.’ He looked back and saw the door close. ‘Perhaps its bad. I could at least try, I suppose.’ He looked back and walked down the street back to the farm. As he limped back to the farm the Witcher looked around him and let his ears do the seeing for him. He let his mind wander as he walked back. He stopped and looked up at the sun. He had some time before he needed to meet up with Luna. He trotted for a moment before deciding that it was more painful than it was worth to move faster. Soon he reached the farm gate and walked back inside. The stallion walked up to Big Mac and waited to be noticed. After a few seconds, he gave that up after remembering that they did not have his ears.

“Big Mac.”

The red stallion jumped and turned to the other. “Y'all need ta wear a bell.”

Oblivion snorted and looked to the farmer. “I have some time before I am to meet with Luna. Is there anything I can help with? I can stand in one place and use magic by the way.”

Big Mac was about to tell him no when the black pony pointed out his horn. Big Mac stopped and looked over to the barrels and baskets. “Y'all can put two of those baskets under each tree. Its getting time for the apple-bucking season so we need ta prepare.”

Oblivion looked at him. “Apple bucking? What the Hells is that?” The black Unicorn asked, even as he levitated the baskets as instructed.

“Its what the Apple family calls tha harvest. Y'all will be helping out for that. Starts next week. So you'll be busy. So y'all will probably be taking the baskets from the orchard to the barn. Yer magic will make that easier. But ah’ll try not to push ya since it’ll be yer first harvest.” Big Mac explained to him.

Oblivion nodded as he placed the baskets under the trees. “So this happens every year and you call it Apple bucking?” The farmer nodded. “Intriguing. Well since I am here I will do what I can. So shall I put as many of these out as I can?”

“So long as yer not walking on that there leg.”

Oblivion sighed. “Very well.”

Big Mac nodded and walked away from him. He went into the barn and worked on bringing more baskets out for Oblivion to move. Oblivion moved the baskets into place as Applejack walked up to them.

“Big Mac. Oblivion has to use a lot of magic in a bit to try ta teleport all the way ta Canterlot.” His sister admonished him.

Big Mac looked to the black Unicorn who shook his head. “I’m fine, AJ. This is not taking any effort. My magic is fine. Plus I have plenty of time to recover before I leave if needed.” The black Unicorn reminded her.

Applejack gave him a thin look before walking away. Oblivion put as many baskets in place as he could see and then let his magic fade out. “There. I put out as many as I can see.”

Big Mac looked to him. “Thanks pardner. Y'all saved me a couple of hours.”

“My pleasure, Big Mac.” He responded.

Big Mac looked to the Unicorn. “Y'all are a pony of yer word. Ah, respect that. Thanks fer yer help.” Oblivion nodded and then limped back to his normal tree and leaned against it. His horn lit and his saddlebags appeared around his barrel. Oblivion let himself doze for a half hour or so before he snapped awake and looked to the sky. It was near the time he needed to meet Luna. He pushed away from the tree and moved to stand close by the barn entrance.

“Hang on!” A yell startled him and he turned to see Twilight running up through the gate. “Sorry, I wanted to catch you before you tried to teleport all the way to Canterlot. I’m serious Oblivion. This could be a very bad idea. It could completely drain you of your magic.”

Oblivion put a hoof up when he realized that she was just getting started. “It’s my choice to try.” He told her and pulled the diagram out of his saddlebag. The stallion looked at it for a minute and then put it back. He looked up as Applejack and Big Mac had joined Twilight to watch. “Your faith in my abilities is astonishing.” His voice dripped sarcasm as he looked to the three ponies. They looked sheepish for a moment. Oblivion closed his eyes and focused on the location he wanted. Magic gathered in his horn and he could feel the pressure from holding that magic back. He released it and vanished in a flash of blue flame. In his absence, Twilight looked to the others.

“I really hope it worked.” She commentated to the other ponies. As she was looking to them a scroll appeared in blue flame. She caught it and read it aloud. “I’m fine.” She looked over it to the others. Big Mac smiled and then started to laugh. Applejack joined him as they held their sides. Twilight shook her head and smiled.

9: Sparring with a Princess Part 2...

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Oblivion shook his head and looked around him. The black Unicorn looked around to find training dummies, sword racks, and other weaponry at the ready.

“Thou were able to teleport the full distance?” A voice that he recognized asked from behind him.

He looked over his shoulder and pivoted on his left hind to face the blue mare. “Yes. I did not need to stop in the middle.” He replied to the mare.

Luna stood in light armor that matched the blue of her coat. A sword sat at her right shoulder. Her light blue mane was pulled back in a binding high on her head, much like his own. “That is an impressive feat, Oblivion Shadow. We are surprised at thy skill.”

‘Old speech. Its been a long time.’ He nodded at her. “Thank you for your kind words, Luna.”

The mare nodded to him and motioned for him to follow her. He put his right hind down and the pain that came from it was minimal so he put it from his mind and focused on the mare in front of him.

“We have decided to use our real weapon rather than using a practice sword, we think it is insulting to the skill thou have already shown.” She said to him as she walked.

Oblivion walked up to stand beside her instead of following. “I appreciate the consideration, Luna. I agree with your conclusion that it is insulting to both of us.” He looked to the mare who nodded. “I suppose wearing armor then is in my own best interest.” Another nod.

“We will take thou to the armorer.”

“Not needed. I have my own.”

She stopped and looked to him. Oblivion's horn lit and his armor from his element crawled across his body. When it finished Luna nodded and then walked with him to a practice circle. “Thou can lay thee saddlebags there if thou wishes. We shall allow thou time to prepare.” She stepped to the far side and waited for him to be ready.

The Unicorn nodded and laid his saddlebags down under the bench. Oblivion closed his eyes and had to remind himself that this was not a life or death fight. His eyes snapped open as his steel sword came out of the scabbard and blocked a strike from his rear. He looked over his shoulder to a grinning Luna.

“We apologize for the attack. We wished to see thou's reaction time. We have never seen another draw a blade that swiftly. We missed it entirely. Thee have our admiration.” She said in response to his look. She bowed her head in a silent apology.

Oblivion turned to her, their swords still locked. “Forgiven. Though I will not be going as easy on you, Luna. My pride will not allow it any longer after that attack.”

She looked up with a smile. “We expect no less.”

Luna pulled her blade back and lunged at him. He spun away from her blade and it slid along hers. Sparks flew from their weapons as they clashed. Soldiers stopped to watch as the two ponies fought. Oblivion backflipped away from the mare, his blade pushed her back, the black Unicorn lunged into her as she was pushed back, and her hooves slid along the ground. She looked up and charged after him. Oblivion looked at the mare and a small smile crossed his muzzle. A shine went over his body and a gold light circled him. Uncertainty crossed her eyes for a moment before she continued her assault. Oblivion slammed a hoof down and a wave of force went away from him. Luna yelped and was bowled backward. Oblivion charged forward, his blade knocked hers aside. His blade embedded into the ground next to the mares head, he looked down to find her staring at him.

“Well played. We had not agreed to magic use though.” She said with an annoyed glance.

He chuckled. “That wasn’t magic, dear Luna.” He backed up and offered a hoof to her.

She looked to him and accepted his hoof, as he pulled her back to her hooves. The light still went over him as she looked for her blade. He pulled his sword from the ground and it hovered by his shoulder. She picked her up from where it had fallen. The smaller mare looked at him before continuing.

“How was thou able to accomplish that without magic?”

“Witcher's have the ability to use what we call Signs. You just saw two of them. The one that is still active is called Quen or shield. The one that I used to push you back is called Aard, basically, push. It's a telekinetic blast that can move an adversary away from the body to make room for a counterattack. Those are two of five that I have access to.” Oblivion informed the curious mare.

Luna regarded him before a smile graced her muzzle. “We are even more impressed, Oblivion Shadow. Thou are able to use complex magic and other skills that give thou an impressive edge in battle. We are glad to be sparring with thou.”

“The pleasure is mine, Luna. Shall we continue?”

The mare brought her blade in front of her muzzle. “Yes.” She said as she ran at him.

Oblivion spun once more but then turned his blade to run along hers once more. This time he turned the blade and pushed his shoulder into her and shoved her back away from him. He leaped after her and his sword glanced over her armor, marking it. Luna gave a low grunt as she took the blow and then jumped away from the larger stallion. Oblivion smiled after her as he slammed his hooves down again. Purple runes skittered across the ground in a circle around him. Luna jumped forward. Oblivion smirked as the mare entered the circle. Runes danced across her as Yrden slowed her down. Oblivion leaped at her, the flat of his blade striking several marks across her armor. Luna yelped and was able to jump back. The runes on the ground faded and shattered, having accomplished their task. She blinked at him.

“That was more of thous Signs?”

“Yes, that one was called Yrden. It has many names but some call it slow or fade. I use it normally to fight wraiths, it forces them to become corporeal so I can strike them down.” He informed the mare.

Luna panted and silently seethed at the thrashing she was on the receiving end of. “Thou are full of surprises, Oblivion Shadow. Thou are not from here are thou?”

Oblivion barked a laugh. “No, I am not. I am from lands outside of Equestria. Ponies cannot fight monsters where I am from so my kind are trained to do so in their stead. Maybe one day I will tell you about it.” He said to her. “Shall we?”

Luna nodded and the sparring match resumed. Soldiers watched as the Moon Princess was pushed back time and again by the black Unicorn. Quen continued to protect Oblivion from any damage and his body danced across the dirt and evaded the mares attacks. Soldiers cringed when her armor took another hit and the pair parted after a thirty-minute battle. Luna panted as her sword wavered in the air. She looked at the stallion who stood silently on his hooves. His shield still in place. She had been trained by the best swordmaster of her time, but she appeared to be little more than a novice in front of him. She had yet to put a mark in his shield or his armor. His Spirit Armor glowed strongly under its shield. She squared her shoulders for one last attack. The blade pointed to him and Oblivion leaned back onto his hind legs and let his blade guard in front of him. Luna roared and charged him. Oblivion lowered his body, then charged as well.

The mare kept her blade straight and calculated when to strike. Oblivion was taller but Luna was determined to have that work in her favor. She shifted her blade when they were only a couple of feet apart. Oblivion jumped to the side and pirouetted, Luna, yelped when his blade smacked her across the flank. She rolled forward and came to rest sitting. She jumped up and groaned. The soldiers looked on in shock, several seconds passed before they realized that one of their Princesses had been struck.

“How dare you lay your blade on Princess Luna!” One, who wore several medals across his coat, yelled as he and others began to advance.

Oblivion turned and looked to them. Their blades began to raise when they heard a sound to the side. Luna had started to laugh and looked to them all. “Tis fine. We admit defeat. Thou are a pony to be reckoned with, Oblivion Shadow. We do not doubt that thou could take on the ponies here and still emerge victoriously. Thou were still going easy on us we think.” She said as she laughed.

Oblivion bowed his head with a smirk. “Perhaps.”

The soldiers all stared at the spectacle before them. Luna reached back and rubbed a hoof over her smarting flank. She turned to look at him and smiled once more. “Please come with us. We will treat thou to a strong coffee after a bath. We do not know about thee, but we could use a cool bath.”

“I appreciate your consideration, Luna. And just Oblivion is fine.” He told her as he walked over to her. His horn lit and his saddlebags appeared around his barrel.

“Return to your duties.” She shouted to the soldiers in the yard. Oblivion pinned his ears at the volume. “Follow us.”

She led him across the yard and into the castle. Oblivion looked around him at the stone walls, they were smooth and gave off a light shine. He looked around and his Spirit Sight showed him many ponies as they passed by them. Ponies bowed their heads to the Moon Princess. He followed her in silence. His hooves making no sound as he walked through the halls. She paused in front of a tall white door.

“Here is the room that thou can use while thee are here. It has a private bath adjoining it. A servant will guide thee to the room where we can sit and discuss matters.” The mare pushed the door open.

Oblivion walked through it and nodded to her. “Thank you, Luna.” The Unicorn walked inside and the door closed behind him. He gaped at the room itself. It was easily the size of the entire first floor of Applejack's house, if not larger. That did not include the bathroom. The bed had four posts and had dark gray and blue bedding. It appeared that it had been redesigned recently. ‘She can’t have had this prepared for my visit. Why go to the trouble? I do not intend to stay long.’

He walked into the room and saw a large chest at the foot of the bed. The dark wood gave off a slight gleam, indicating it had recently been stained a new shade. The drapes hung to the floor and were bunched to pull away from the window to the sides. They were a deep gray in color. He looked to the right and saw another door. He opened the door and was greeted with a long room that had bars across it. He backed out of it and closed the door. He looked to the other door and opened it to find the bathroom. He walked in and set his saddlebags onto the floor. His swords were removed from his back and leaned up against the side of the counter. The tub was huge and he looked at it for a moment. He recognized the knobs on the top of it. The stallion had watched Apple Bloom use them to fill the one back at the farmhouse. He turned them and filled the tub with clear water. His armor crawled back into its place on his medallion. He stepped into the water and laid in it for a few minutes. Letting the warmth soothe his tired muscles and a still injured leg. He was glad that his leg had held out. He had needed to adjust his normal movements to accommodate using his left leg instead of his dominant right.

He stood up and used the provided soap to wash his fur off. He released his mane from the binding and cleaned that as well. His pride would not allow him to sit with Luna filthy. The black Alicorn cleaned off his right wing and he was careful to handle his left wing. He avoided getting it wet but removed the bandages on it to let it air as he had coffee with Luna. He drained the tub and stepped out of it. The blue flame flared around him to dry his mane, tail, and fur. He combed out his mane with the offered brush and ran it through his tail. He put his mane back up in it’s binding and watched as his wings vanished. He placed his swords back in place, and they also vanished. Upon walking out of the bathroom he placed his saddlebags inside the chest at the foot of the bed and locked it with his own magic. He could sense that there was a pony outside the door. He opened the door to confront the pony. The cream-colored pony looked to him and turned to face him. Her eyes reminded him of Derpy’s coloring. They were a yellow gold color. Her cutie mark was a scroll and quill.

“Oblivion Shadow. Princess Luna has asked that I lead you to the balcony outside of her quarters for tea. Please follow me, sir.”

The mare turned and waited for him to follow. He nodded and followed the cream colored mare. His Spirit Sight locked onto Luna’s signature, but he followed the mare instead of teleporting straight to her. She opened a dark blue door for him and he walked in. She trotted inside to guide him once more and opened a door out onto a spacious balcony. A table with various snacks greeted him, he could smell coffee and various other drinks on the table. There was a mix of sweets and he could smell other treats as well that lacked a fair amount of sugar. The mare motioned for him to sit on the black pillow. He sat down and waited patiently. She left him to wait and the stallion closed his eyes. His ears caught the mare informing Luna that he was waiting. He sat in silence and waited for his host to arrive.

“Thank thee for waiting.” The Moon Princess said to him as she came through the doorway. “We apologize for the wait.”

“No apology needed, Luna. I did not wait long.” He amended her.

She sat down across from him. “It is nice to hear a pony address us with our name. It has been a long time since we were addressed casually by another.” She said as she poured a cup of tea for herself. She looked at him.

“Coffee, thank you.” He said to her.

She nodded and poured a cup for him. He held the cup in his magic when she finished and took a sip, the mare did the same. “I have no reason to address you with anything besides your name. If it pleases you I shall continue doing so, unless you object.”

The mare jolted. “Not at all. We are pleased by the casual greeting.”

“Very well. How are you faring, after being cleansed of Nightmare Moon?”

She paused and set down her teacup. “It has been an...adjustment. We are not sure how to act around ponies. Our behavior is how we acted from before we were imprisoned in the moon. So it seems dated to most ponies. Though thou, appear to take it in stride.”

“Old speech is something that I have heard many times and does not surprise me. It is a formal greeting to most and may seem a bit...” He paused as he searched for the right word. “Dated to others. Though so long as you are comfortable with it I see no reason why you should change yourself unless that is your wish.”

The mare stared at him. “Thou speak as though thee have been through a similar experience or have known others like us.”

Oblivion shook his head. “I do not know another that is like you Luna. As I have said to another, you are a pony unto yourself with no equal. As I understand the story of what happened to you, you were not looking to harm ponies if I remember correctly. You were simply looking to be known for your traits.” Luna nodded. “That in itself is not a flaw. It is a simple desire for any pony. To be seen as yourself and known for the good you have done. Just because you were overwhelmed by that desire does not make you evil. I am a Witcher by trade and the medallion I wear alerts me to the presence of illusions among other things. When I faced you it spoke of illusions, not direct evil.”

Luna gaped at him as he finished speaking. “Thou are very wise. Thou have seen much of this world and have learned much. We are thankful for your knowledge and also thank you for speaking so plainly with us.” She said.

“I have no reason to do otherwise.”

She put her head down. “We have a question for thee."

Oblivion nodded and made a go-ahead motion with his hoof.

“How doth thee see us? Thou knows the beginning and the end of our story.” She stopped when he barked a laugh.

“Your story has not ended Luna. It has merely opened a new chapter. Nightmare Moon has ended, but Luna has not. You have done what many ponies cannot. You have seen your darkness and have moved on to become a better mare for it. It is now your decision how the story progresses.”

Luna gaped at him once more. He started when tears filled her eyes. “Thou are truly more wise than any other pony we have met. We have been told many things since our return. But none rang as truth. Most were pretty words meant to placate us. But thou speaks truth from thou own experience and does not seek to placate us. We are grateful.”

Oblivion nodded and waited for the mare to pull herself together. She levitated her teacup and looked to him. He held up his coffee and she tapped the cups together and sipped her drink. She waited till he finished as well before speaking again.

“Thou said that thee are a Witcher. May we ask what that entails?”

Oblivion nodded and set his cup down. “A Witcher is a pony that is meant to stand between the monsters and ponies of this world. We stand between them and rid this world of the monsters that harm others. If possible we remove those that cause harm so that the others can continue to live in peace. We also have the ability to remove curses if we are able. There are many ways to deal with a monster. The challenge is finding out which way is the right one. Either their death or salvation.” He told her.

Luna looked on with interest. “We have never heard of a Witcher.”

“There are not many of us. I am of the School of the Wolf. Including myself, there are five of us remaining. There are other schools as well but none are creating new Witchers. We are a dying breed.”

“What other Schools remain?”

Oblivion paused. “There are none that teach Witchers anymore. But other Schools are the Manticore, Bear, Griffin, Viper, and Cat to name a few.”

“Thou speak with some sorrow in thy voice. We are sorry that so few remain. This world will be lacking when they are gone.”

Oblivion shrugged. “In time yes, we will all vanish. But for now, we continue on our purpose. We have to as it is what we are made for. But that is a discussion for another time. I believe we have a visitor.”

Luna started and looked around. “Where?”

“Just inside the front door. Isn’t that right, Celestia?”

Luna started and glared into the room. The Sun Princess came forward, looking sheepish. Luna glared at her elder sister as she stood by the table. “Shame, dear sister. Thou art interrupting.”

“I’m sorry, little sister. I had forgotten that you were going to have a guest today. While I’m here, how was your sparring match?”

Luna looked to Oblivion who shrugged. The mare chuckled. “Our match was quite the sight to watch, judging by the crowd that gathered. Though we were thoroughly thrashed by Oblivion.” She informed her elder sister who looked shocked.

“Really? You have no equal Luna.” Celestia responded to the information.

“We have met our superior, dear sister.”

Celestia looked to Oblivion who raised his cup and sipped his coffee. “Congratulations Oblivion. Perhaps we should ask you to train our guards.” She replied.

“I think not.” He replied. Both Princesses stared. “I have trained Witcher's when I was younger. My training tactics are meant to break ponies and rebuild them into a Witcher, not a guard. Those that cannot survive my training are rendered useless. That is why I must decline.” He said as he took another drink.

Luna smiled at him and suppressed a laugh. Celestia stared at him for a moment before nodding. “Your training tactics must be extreme indeed then.”

“Those who see them from an outside point of view would call them that. Another Witcher would see them for what they are. They are meant to weed out those that will not survive and those that will.” He responded.

Luna smiled. “Reminds us of our dear teacher, Starswirl.” She said and looked to her sister, who cringed and nodded.

“Oh?” Oblivion looked at them.

“Oh, yes. Starswirl was a taskmaster in his own right. It never seemed to be good enough but he made us into the mares we are today.” Celestia said as she sat down.

Luna nodded. “Our dear teacher accepted nothing but the best from us both. We remember many sleepless nights trying to accomplish our tasks. We learned much under his tutelage.”

“That is where Luna learned her swordplay. Starswirl was a pony of many trades.” Celestia said.

“I had wondered who had taught you,” Oblivion replied.

“He taught Tia as well,” Luna said.

“He did, though I did not excel in the art as Luna did. If you are able to best her then I stand no chance against you.” Celestia commented.

Oblivion chuckled. “Your student would be horrified to hear that you are not perfect.” He jabbed at the monarch.

Luna giggled as Celestia sighed. “Twilight thinks too highly of me I think. I am not perfect and have made my fair share of mistakes.” The Sun Princess sighed again and looked to Luna.

“Your greatest regret is one I can already guess.” He said to her, his voice flat.

“You would be right. But thanks to you and the others I have my sister back by my side.” She said with a glance to Luna, who smiled. “Well, I have interrupted your visit enough. I would also like to say that I was surprised to hear that you wished no recognition for your creation of new magic.”

“I have no need for recognition for something trivial,” Oblivion said to her.

“Trivial?” Luna leaned forward. “It takes a Unicorn of great power and focuses to create a magic that has not been known before.”

“It's not that great. I have yet to test it on a pony beside a Unicorn. The true test of its effectiveness is if it can work on a Pegasus or an Earth Pony as well. A Unicorn has its horn to focus their magic. From what I have read the other magic is used through their whole body. So focusing it is a different matter. I have no desire to test it as of yet.” He said to them while explaining. The black stallion held his coffee by his muzzle as he spoke.

“That is true. But still, I have no doubt a clever Unicorn such as yourself could find a way around that if you wish.” Celestia said to him.

“Of that, I have no doubt. I simply have not decided on a course of action.” He said in reply.

“Well, on that note I will excuse myself. Enjoy your picnic.”

Celestia left the balcony and went through the door, closing it behind her. Luna watched her. “Our sister can be very nosy at times.”

Oblivion laughed. “I’m sure. I’m certain she had already heard of our match and was checking to see if you were injured.”

“We are fine. Our dignity is a bit bruised but… Oh. Thou art jesting.” She said, giving him a bland look.

He gave a laugh and nodded. “Maybe, a bit. Would you rather, I didn’t?”

She shook her head. “Not at all. We like being treated as another pony by thee. It is a pleasant change. Thou do not act as thou were are a Princess.”

“That is because I do not see you as such.”

She stared at him. “Pardon?”

“As I said before I do not even bow my knee to Emperors. I respect that you have moved beyond your past for the most part. But treating you differently from any other pony is not what I think you desire.”

“Thou are right. We are glad to be another pony, if only to one pony. Thy is a good-hearted pony, Oblivion Shadow. Thy speech is refreshing and we are glad we invited thee here. Please try a few of the treats I have discovered. Many things have changed since our banishment. We were glad to see that some of our favorite treats had not. Though thy choice of coffee shows that thou are not fond of sweets?”

“That is true. Though there are a few here that I think I will try. So long as the sugar is not overwhelming I will certainly try them. Thank you for the offer.” He replied to her.

The mare smiled and nodded. The next couple of hours went by with them both sampling some of the treats that Luna had asked for. She called for a servant to bring them more of a few so that they could try them again. Soon both of them were full and turned to gaze at the sky.

“Tis growing late and we must raise the moon for the night. Would thou like to see us raise the moon?” She asked him. Hope in her voice.

“I would like to see that. Thank you for the offer.”

Luna walked to the edge of the balcony and spread her wings. His medallion trembled as blue magic surrounded Luna’s horn. He watched as the sun finished falling below the horizon and the crest of the moon raised instead. She slowly lifted up as her wings slowly beat. He felt Luna’s magic surge as she lifted the moon higher into the sky. The stars coming with it as it began to rest in the night sky. His medallion trembled violently against his chest as he watched. He lifted a hoof to stop the medallion from making any noise on its chain. He was surprised when he felt his armor start to move on the medallion. He focused on it and pushed it back into place. Luna’s hooves came back to the stone balcony and he stood up when the magic faded. Luna panted for a moment and suddenly swayed a bit. Oblivion went to her side and she leaned on his shoulder.

“Thank thee. It has been a long time since we commanded the moon. It is tiring after such a long period. Thank thee for thy support.” She said as he helped her back to her pillow.

“Of course. It was quite a sight. Where I am from none control the moon or sun. They move on their own. I had wondered how such a feat was accomplished.” He said as he sat back down as well.

Luna looked to him, her eyes wide. “They move of their own power?”

“Yes. They move through the skies on their own, the stars come out with the moon and then fade with the sun. Some remain to be seen in the light but they are harder to see.” He told her of the skies. She leaned forward, intent on what he said, so he continued. “I must admit I was shocked to hear that they did not do the same here.”

“So the moon answers to none but itself?”

“True. Same with the sun. But one thing is not different. Both are as loved there as they are here. Where I am from some only work in the day and others only in the light of the moon.”

“And Witcher's?”

“We work in all light. Our eyes are meant to show us tracks and clues in all lightning. We are as active during the day as we are at night. Some of the monsters we hunt are only seen at night while others during the middle of the day. We do not choose, we simply follow our eyes and ears.”

Luna was silent as she considered what he had said. “It is good to hear that there are those who view the day and night as equal. We thank thee for telling us.”

“Of course. I have no reason to tell you a lie.”

She smiled and stood up. “We will show you back to your room for the night. We insist that thee stay.” She added when he started to speak. “We admit that we had that room prepared for your visit.”

“I was going to ask about that.” Oblivion laughed as he stood up. “One moment.” He said to her and she waited. His horn conjured a scroll and quill. After writing a quick note it vanished in a flare of blue flame. “Thank you for waiting.”

Luna nodded and led him through the room and into the hall. She led him back to his room and opened the door for him. “Good night, Oblivion. We have enjoyed thy visit.”

“The pleasure has been mine, Luna. Thank you.” He said as he went through the open door. She closed it and left him alone. His magic alerted him that there was a reply to his message. His horn lit as he gripped it in his hoof. He read it aloud to himself. “Enjoy yer sleepover. Applejack.” He looked around for a moment before regarding the message with a curious look. “My what now? Oh to the Hells with it. She’s most likely trying to tease.” He incinerated the note and laid his swords in the bed. He pulled the blankets back and climbed under them. He pulled his mane free of the tie and let his wings spread out. He checked the injured wing before allowing it to extend more. He folded his legs under him and let his eyes close.

Sleep was slow to come to him as his mind wandered. ‘How long will I be here? This world is leagues different from my own. Though I must admit it has its own charm. I have found a pony that I can spar with. Twilight is there for magic practice. Even though I have no idea how I came to even have magic. I would not have been surprised to end up as an Earth Pony, so long as my abilities were still intact.’ The Alicorn paused. ‘Perhaps that is why? Ever since the Conjunction of the Spheres magic has become a constant in my world. Everything within it has become saturated to an extent. Maybe a Witcher is not so different from a Unicorn in this world. But that still leaves the fact that I became an Alicorn upon arriving here.’ His musings paused as he yawned and pushed his head back into the pillow. The Alicorn stopped his thoughts and let himself start to sleep.

His medallion shook against him and he sat up swiftly. This was different from when Luna had raised the moon. It was violently shaking. The chain rattled slightly under the constant movement. He started to get up when a side of the room shuddered. It looked like an illusion. His horn lit up and he snarled at the corner. His mane was pulled up, his swords were on his back, and his wings disappeared. He slid off the bed and leveled his horn at the corner. He lunged forward and a wave of red flame tore across the ground. A shriek went through the room as the illusion vanished. The Unicorn looked to the flames caused by Igni and used Aard to calm them. A scorching pattern was left on the floor but that did not concern him in the slightest. His magic pulled open the door and he ran out of it. He turned to face the corridor and looked around.

The intensity of the illusion meant that whoever it was could not be far. His cat eyes narrowed and he looked around the wall and the doors. A scent caught his attention. It was not one he immediately recognized and he let his nose guide him. After a few strides, he recognized the scent. Something had been burnt when he had attacked. Most likely the pony or being that had been using the spell had actually been in the room behind the illusion. They had most likely teleported out and were now running. As he went down the hallway a set of tracks made themselves visible due to the small amount of blood that was mixed in. He kept his head up as a guard looked at him as he passed by.

“Sir, are you lost?” The pony in armor asked him.

Oblivion looked up and watched as the guard started. His eyes were narrowed and all that remained of their color was a thin line around the enlarged iris. Though they still glowed with orange light. “No.” He started to trot as the tracks picked up speed. He stopped when his ears pricked. His quarry was running and he could hear them. He broke into a hard gallop and veered around a corner, startling several ponies into dropping their parcels. He jumped over them and continued his gallop. He passed by several guards, who yelled at him, he ignored them. His eyes saw the tracks in front of him veer to the left. He dug in, cut the corner and found himself in front of a row of guards. He slid to a stop.

“Stop where you are!” One yelled at him.

“Get out of the way, peasants!” He roared at them, furious at being stopped.

“A reliable source has said that you are planning some kind of attack. You will come with us.” They started advancing on him.

From their posture, he could see that they were not going to move. They expected him to run the other way. He charged them and they stopped in shock. He gathered himself and leaped over them. His eyes found the tracks once more and he plunged after them. His ear flicked back and he could hear the Pegasus guards following him. His horn lit up as he wanted to vanish. He looked back to see them coming at him. He pressed against the wall, hoping they went past him. They went past and didn’t even glance at him. He pulled away from the wall and looked down at his hooves. He could see them but they were concealed. He grinned. ‘Perfect. Seems this magic is going to be more useful than I thought. Now I can track without them seeing me.’ Oblivion followed the tracks with his ears listening for the guards while his eyes were trained on the ground. It took a few turns but he found a door that the tracks disappeared into. He stood outside of it and pressed an ear to the door.

“I know he is going to attack.”

“How? Did he say anything?”

“Well, no. But anypony that well trained cannot be peaceful to our Princesses. I will inform them of the vicious attack in the morning. He is no doubt in the dungeon now. I told the guards on my way here that he...Ow!”

“Hold still, you burned your forelegs. We have to treat them. How in Equestria did you get burnt anyway?”

“He did it. I don’t know how though. His horn was inactive. I knew there was something wrong about him. He made a noise and then the fire went across the floor. I don’t know how he knew I was there. My spell was perfect.” She said to the other mares.

“Apparently it wasn’t. Second Sight your a clerk, not a guard. What made you think this whole thing was a good idea? You’ve been reading to many detective novels.” Another commented.

“I have not… Okay, maybe I have read a few. But that’s not the point. He’s a violent pony and he’s going to go after the Princesses. No pony with that much power is harmless.” She said to them. “Don’t tell me I'm wrong. He will hurt somepony. He already has and he will do it again.”

Oblivion stood outside the door for a moment before rage boiled in him. His horn lit, he pulled out a scroll and inkwell, wrote a note, and then it flared, sending a note away. He waited till he was certain that it was read before he acted further. He stepped away, turned around, and bucked the door off the hinges. He spun around and walked into the doorway. Three mares were cringing away and coughing.

“What in Celestia's name? Oh no!” One of them looked up to find him in the doorway. He recognized one as the mare that had led him around today.

The other was a pale blue Earth Pony, with green eyes, a white mane, and tail and a pot and pan for a cutie mark. The third was staring at him. He knew that she was the one who tried to spy on him by the burns on her legs. The rest of her body was green with a magnifying glass cutie mark. He lowered his head and a growl tore from him. The mares huddled together at the sight before them. He had no doubt that they were terrified, he could smell it. That did not excuse their transgressions.

“Get away from that door!” He listened, recognizing the guards that he had been evading. “You are going to the dungeons!”

Oblivion pulled his head back out of the doorway. “Try me.” He said and vanished. He walked silently into the room and listened.

“What in Equestria? Where is he? Lock down the hallway!”

The mares looked to the door and started to get up. The two that were not injured started for the door. “I think he’s gone. Come on, Second Sight. Let's get you treated.”

“You're not going anywhere, little pony.” Oblivion snarled as his magic revealed him in between them. The mare screamed and tried to get away. His magic held her still as he walked up to her. “Who are you to try to get me arrested?”

“You're going to hurt the Princess!” She screamed at him. She thrashed against his magic, to no avail. Her own horn lit up with her aura, but Oblivion's own aura enveloped her horn and snuffed out her green aura. Her eyes narrowed to pinpricks and she stared at him.

“Why would you think that I have any desire to harm either of them?” The stallion questioned

“You're a warrior. You're not here for a peaceful reason. Princess Luna must have taken pity on you to allow you to win. Then you humiliated her.”

He stomped his hooves, cracking the tiles. “So you are angry because I defeated her and smacked her across the tail with the blunt side of my blade?”

“Yes. Well...not just that! You don't belong here. There is something wrong with you as a pony!”

“That is enough!” A voice thundered through the room. Oblivion had pinned his ears when he heard Luna’s hooves galloping over the floor. The enraged mare stormed into the room. She looked from Oblivion to the captive mare. “Thou have my deepest apologies Oblivion Shadow. We had no idea that thous visit could be taken so badly. We are deeply troubled by this development and beg thy forgiveness for this situation.” The Alicorn mare looked to him, her head lowered.

“There is nothing to forgive you for Luna. Not even you can foresee all the things that happen. I did not anticipate another being upset at our sparring match. I will be honest that I was enjoying myself too much to think of my actions at the time.” He regarded the Alicorn beside him. “Its been a very long time since I met a pony that could battle against me.”

Luna laughed. “Despite thou still going easy on us!” She gave a hearty laugh and bumped his shoulder with her own.

“Even still.” He chuckled in response. “So what will you do with this one?” His horn was still lit as he held the offending mare.

Luna turned an angry gaze to the mare. “What indeed. Thou have shamed us before a dear friend. One of the ponies that were responsible for freeing us and returning us to thee.” The mare looked horrified. “If thou would not mind?”

Oblivion caught her glance at his medallion. He nodded in understanding. His Spirit Armor slid across his fur and into its normal place. The mare looked in greater horror at the realization of who he was.

“This is the stallion who represents the Element of Spirit. One of the Elements of Harmony. And thou tried to have him thrown into our dungeon as a traitor!” Luna thundered. Oblivion felt the ground shiver at the mares yell. “Oblivion Shadow. My friend, thrown into our dungeon. I will not hear of such a travesty.”

“What is going on, little sister? I can hear your Royal Canterlot voice on the other side of the castle. Good evening, Oblivion. I thought you would be asleep by now.” Celestia walked into the room through the ruined door. “Oh my. What happened in here? Second Sight! What happened to you?”

Oblivion looked over his shoulder at the white Alicorn. “I happened. I am the one that caused the burns.” Celestia looked at him. “She teleported into my room with the intent to have me thrown in the dungeons. I sent a note to Luna alerting her to the fact that I was outside the room they were hiding in. This one tried to have me arrested by the astounded group of guards outside.”

Celestia looked to the door and saw the soldiers outside the door. She turned to look back to the captive mare. “By the Goddess, what could they accuse you of?”

“They believed that because I was able to defeat Luna in a sparring match that my true intent was to harm the two of you.”

“He would never harm us, sister. Thou know this as well.” Luna interjected, anger bubbling below the surface.

Celestia nodded to her sister. “You are right, little sister.”

“He is our friend and the only pony who treats us as a pony rather than a monarch. We will...” Luna started to say more but her sisters giggle stopped her.

“Calm down, Luna. Of course, I believe in him as well. The Element of Spirit would not have gone to him otherwise. He is in no danger of being put in the dungeon. I don’t think an inhibitor ring would even work on a Unicorn of his level anyway.” Celestia said to the younger Alicorn.

Luna huffed and looked back to the mare, Second Sight. Oblivion looked to Luna. “What is an inhibitor ring?”

Luna looked at him. “It is a device that prevents a Unicorn from using their magic. It can only be removed by specific ponies.” Celestia informed him.

Oblivion looked at her. “Ah, that will not happen.”

“Oh, we would not allow one to be placed on thee. Thou are our friend and thee have shown thyself to be a powerful Unicorn. Our sister is right in thinking it would not work on thee. We would have great doubt as to its effectiveness.” The blue Alicorn said with a faint smile.

Celestia looked over to the Black Unicorn. “You can release her Oblivion. I think my sister and I can handle it from here. Please go back to your room and get some rest.”

Oblivion snorted. “Very well. Though I will tell you that it is a bit scorched.”

Both mares spun their heads to look at him. Celestia suddenly laughed. “I should have known. You used fire to attack Second Sight so it makes sense that the room is in poor shape. Please let me have a new one prepared for you.”

“It's not that important. The damage is minimal at best.” He replied to her.

Celestia and Luna both shook their heads. “We insist,” Celestia replied.

Oblivion sighed and lowered his head for a moment. “Very well. I will wait.”

Celestia nodded, pleased. “Thank you for understanding.” She looked back at the door. “Treats?” A mare with a light brown coat, a cream-colored mane and tail and a cake on her flank stepped forward. “Can you show him to the Royal wing and have his things moved from his current room in the guest lane to room eighty-four?”

The mare's eyes widened and after a beat, she nodded. She turned back to server ponies with her. “You, go to his room and check for his personal effects.” She spun to a Unicorn stallion. “You, move the bedding and other items to the room that the Princess requested. Now hurry.” She barked out her orders and the two ponies galloped away from them. She turned back and waited for Oblivion to reach her.

Oblivion released the mare from his magic and turned to follow the mare. The brown mare led him out of the hallway and back the way he had run originally. They reached the hallway that housed the room he had been in originally, but the mare veered to the right walked led toward an ornate purple and white door. She used the key to open the door. “Normally a spell is used by the unicorns to open this door. Most of the royal family live here or individuals that the Princesses deem worthy.” She said to him. Her voice was quiet but held authority. She let him walk in first then turned back to lock the door again.

He waited, then followed her down the hall. Passing by several doors. He stopped next to one that was a bright white with blue accents. Each door was different from the others. Oblivion guessed that each one was colored due to the inhabitant.

“Here we are. This will be the room you use.” She stopped in front of the door.

One of the doors was open as the Unicorn from earlier set up the decor in the same fashion as before. The door itself was a bright silver with black borders. He saw that his cutie mark was on the door as well, the wolf symbol and the swords were in the center of the doors and were cut down the middle of the doors. None of the others had a design on the front of them. ‘That was quick. Must be done by the magic of some kind.’

“Please wait for a moment while I check that this room is ready for you.” Treats spoke to him as she went inside.

Oblivion stood outside the door in silence. His hearing picked up on the mare scolding the two ponies to hurry, since he, the princesses guest, was waiting. He heard the two ponies pick up their pace under her scrutiny and soon were running out the door with the mare on their heels.

“It is ready. We will finish it up completely in the morning. Kindly excuse the lack of character and personalization for the moment. Please rest well.” Treats said as they left him by the door.

Oblivion said nothing and went inside. His saddlebags sat on the bed. The bedding and the rest of the decor were the same as what he had from the original room. It looked fine to him, but he guessed they had more to do. His saddlebags were moved to sit on top of the chest at the foot of the bed. His horn lit up as he reached out to see if there was any pony or magic in the room besides himself. His magic faded out as he confirmed that he was alone. The blankets were pulled back and he slid his swords into place, then got under the blankets himself. His head lowered to the pillow and his wings fell to the sheets as well. His mind went blank as he fell asleep.

He awoke to the sun coming through the windows. He grumbled and turned his head the other way, pulling the blanket over his head. After a few minutes, he snarled and brought his head up, exasperated. Once he had awoken it was nearly impossible for him to go back to sleep, he knew that fact about himself but that didn’t mean he would not still attempt it. He got out of bed, after throwing the blanket back. The stallion crawled out of bed and walked into the bathroom. He combed out his mane, having removed the tie from it. Once it was cleaned up he replaced the tie and then combed his tail free of knots. He laid the comb back on the counter and walked out into the room once more. He decided that staying in the room all day was out of the question. The Alicorn would check with Luna to see if he was needed or if he could teleport back to the farm. His horn lit and he was going to send her a note but thought better of it. That seemed rude to the mare and, after strapping his swords back on his back, he left the room and started down the hallway. He saw that one of the doors was open a foot and he paused when he heard an angry yell.

“Damned leeches. That's all they are! I’m simply a stepping platform to them.” A male voice hit Oblivion's ears. “They don't see the pony behind the title. All they see is a chance for them to improve their social standing. All I want is some pony to treat me like a pony and not a prince. I’m adopted by Auntie Celestia, so I'm not a blood relative. All they want is to take.” His voice pitched as he mimicked. ”Oh, Blue Blood when can I meet the Princess? Will you take me to her, I would so love to meet her.” He snorted as he finished.

Oblivion could hear the anger in his voice. The Unicorn looked around the door jam, his Spirit Sight showed him a torrent of emotions. But the one that stood out among all the anger, pain, and malice, was sorrow. The white stallion had blond hair and had a golden four-point star on top of a dark blue four-point star. He wore a collar around his neck that appeared to be formal attire. Oblivion had never seen such a collar so he was not sure what to call it. After a moment he chose to ignore it. He felt his medallion shudder. He backed up and looked down. His medallion itself was not shuddering it was his armor. He stepped back for a moment. ‘Perhaps the armor has more of a purpose than just as protection. Let's see what happens.’ The black Unicorn let the armor slide over his fur when it finished, he looked back around the door.

The white pony’s head had lowered until it was barely above the ground. Oblivion’s eyes widened at what he saw. Standing, or hovering, beside the pony was a dark shape. It reminded Oblivion of some of the wraiths that he had fought before. Though its current appearance was not immediately familiar to him. His eyes narrowed and his vision focused on the wraith. Its body was tall and thin and resembled a human up to its arms, which were unnaturally long and ended in wicked long claws. Its shoulders were narrow and its head was thin and gaunt. A pair of horns rose up from the top of its head and curved back till they looked like they were touching the back of its head. Oblivion suddenly realized that he knew of a creature that was similar to this one. It was called a Hym, which feeds on the guilt and pain of its victim. Oblivion himself had only seen one once. The victim had to have committed a crime and even then, the Hym is only visible to the victim. They will whisper and talk to the victim, slowly driving them to insanity. Oblivion had done battle with one once and it was a long fight.

Oblivion was just unsure what it was feeding off. As if sensing his uncertainty his armor tightened around him. The crown came forward and a piece of it covered his eyes. He pulled his head back and reached a hoof up to try to pull it out of his eyes. Everything around him went black. His head went forward as he tried to shake it off his head, and a bright light off to the side caught his attention. The aura around the white pony was pulsing. Oblivion turned his head as the colors brightened then faded out. He watched as the Wraith fed off the pony's emotions. ‘His sorrow and pain. That's what it’s feeding off. Interesting so this armor can see more clearly when needed. That pony is in danger. That thing feeds off him too much and it could prove fatal. Though if it is anything like a Hym it won’t kill it’s host, it might just plunge him into a constant depression to keep that food source going. Hmm. There has to be an emotion that can drive that back. Maybe not destroy it completely but slow it down. I’ve seen love do incredible things but I can’t think of a good way to bring that about. I don’t even know who this pony is. There has to be something else… Maybe a friend could help. But who in this castle would be suitable? They can’t know that they are trying to help him.’ Oblivion paused and brought his head back. His magic pulled the armor back into its normal place, as he tried to consider his options. He suddenly sighed. “I suppose I am the best option. Though this will prove difficult since I am a novice in this aspect as well. But perhaps that is exactly what is needed.”

Oblivion put his head back into the doorway and slowly stepped forward. “Pardon me.”

The white pony jumped and bumped the window sill. He turned an outraged eye to the black stallion. “How dare you invade my space! You uncouth foal! Do you know who I am?”

Oblivion looked at him with a blank look. “Actually, I have no idea who you are.”

The stallion stared back at him. “By Equestria, your serious.”

“Indeed. Now I do apologize for overhearing your ranting. But I could not help but hear that you seem to be upset, very upset. I may not be a normal pony for you to converse with but I will listen if you would like.” Oblivion responded to him.

The white pony stared at him. “You much of what I said?”

“Damned leeches was what I heard first.”

The pony stared and lowered his head. “So almost all of it.” He stared at the ground.

Oblivion saw the figure bend over the white stallion. He walked forward and put a hoof, hesitantly, on the other shoulder. “I will keep my silence. I require nothing in return. Each of us has our demons, I will not begrudge you yours.” He said to him.

The stallion brought his head up in response. “Who are you?”

“My name is Oblivion Shadow. I apologize for not introducing myself.”

The pony gaped at him for a moment. “The stallion that Aunt Luna brought here?”

“She didn’t bring me here. She asked that I come to the castle yesterday and I agreed. She asked that I spar with her for fun and then join her for coffee. You are?”

“My apologies. I am Prince Blue Blood.” He gave a slight bow and looked back to the other stallion.

“You still seem troubled. If you would like we can walk, and I will listen or you can wallow longer?”

Blue Blood balked for a moment before considering. “I.. think I would like to take you up on that offer.” The white pony stepped forward and Oblivion led him into the hallway, closing the door behind them.

The two stallions walked into the hallway and Oblivion waited for him to speak. “I suppose that explaining why I was so upset is a good start?”

Oblivion smiled at him for a moment. “Or I could guess.”

Blue Blood slowed for a moment then hopped to catch up. “That will not be necessary.” He paused and looked to the other. “But what do you think is the issue?”

“You wish for a pony to treat you as they do anypony else. Somepony that sees past the Prince and is willing to ignore it. You have created a shield around yourself as an effort to keep ponies away, but at the same time you desire a true relationship.” He started to continue but he stopped when he realized that Blue Blood was not with him. “How close was I?”

Blue Blood stared at the ground. Oblivion backed up and prodded the stallion with his hoof. “Your good. I had thought I was hiding everything well. How could you see all of that? We have known each other for less than five minutes.”

“I know because I can tell. I am a lot of things Blue. But I am not a fool. I understand what it is like to hide who and what you truly are. You fear ponies knowing what is under your mask because you fear their rejection. Whether you like it or not, I am certain that is true.” He said more at Blue Bloods attempt to argue. The white stallion went silent as he looked at the taller black Unicorn. “I have spent all my life looking beyond what ponies want me to see. I look behind the mask for the truth. Since that's the only place you will find it.”

Blue Blood looked at him and watched as the other Unicorn started forward once more and motioned for Blue Blood to keep walking with him. He walked forward and brought his head back up as they continued. “You were right. I use my Prince mask to try to keep ponies that would use me away. It works most of the time but sometimes it's not enough.”

Oblivion nodded. “Sometimes ponies don’t get the message and still persist?”

Blue Blood nodded sadly. “I do not enjoy shunning them but I am so tired of being used and thrown away when they can’t get what they want.”

The stallion sighed and Oblivion looked to him. He could see the creature leaning down to the pony once more. “Well, if it helps, I see the pony behind it all. I am aware that I am only one pony, but I am willing to see beyond, perhaps that is a start?” The creature fell back at the sudden change in its host.

His head came up and he stopped once more. Oblivion stopped and looked back at him. “You most likely have better things to do than listen to my...”

“You're what? Foolishness? Blue, it is not a foolish notion to want to be understood by another. In fact, I know several mares… By the Gods now I recognize your name.” Oblivion snorted at his own stupidity.

Blue Blood looked confused at the other stallion. “You knew my name?”

“Well to be specific I heard it once in passing. A mare that I know has expressed a desire to meet you.” Oblivion paused at the other's look. “Calm down. It's not for your title. If I know anything about that mare its that she doesn’t have a selfish bone in her. She is the embodiment of the Element of Generosity. Her name is Rarity.” Blue Blood looked to him, desire in his eyes. Oblivion gave a low grin. “I truly have your attention now.”

The white stallion gave a slight flush before looking away. “Do you know her well?”

Oblivion shrugged. “Well enough. I have only recently come to this area. But she is easily one of the most giving ponies I have ever met and I have spent all my life traveling. I’m not certain of the whole reason behind her desire to meet you but if I have learned anything about her and others it’s not for a selfish reason. She is a mare with class and is a business pony in her own right. Her intelligence is clear when you speak with her.” Oblivion looked to Blue Blood who was listening intently. “She might be the one to give you what you desire most. Don’t look at me like I'm wrong, Blue.”

Blue Blood looked down as they walked. He looked to the other for a moment before he spoke. “You have mentioned her and I must admit I do wish to meet her. But I get the feeling that she does not live in Canterlot.”

“No, she does not. She is in Ponyville.” Oblivion admitted. Blue looked disappointed but stayed silent. “But that is not so far away considering.” He stopped talking when the figure righted itself once more. “But if you wish to send her a letter I’m sure she would respond in moments. I can also send the letter personally if you wish.”

“How can you do that?”

“A spell I developed that uses my magic to send a letter to any pony I wish it to. Which reminds me I need to send a note to Applejack.” Blue Blood looked at him. “My employer.” Oblivion's horn lit up and a scroll and quill and inkwell appeared. Blue Blood watched as Oblivion scrawled a note, and the scroll rolled up and vanished a small burst of blue flame. “See? I can send it instantly. Don’t worry about me reading it when it is sent. Once I receive it I will forward it to Rarity.”

“How would I send it to you? I do not have that ability.”

“Hmm. Give me some time to think about that. I need to confirm a couple of things before I give a definitive reply.” He paused when a letter appeared in a blue flame. His magic held it and unrolled the note. He knew it was from Applejack. “What about Apple Bloom's school at noon?” He stopped in his tracks. “Shit.” He looked around. Blue looked at him as he stopped. “I may have to send Luna a letter anyway. I forgot that I had given Apple Bloom my word. Damn it all. Okay. I’m going to need your help. Do you know where Luna or Celestia might be?”

Blue looked thoughtful before he responded. “Auntie Celestia should be at court and Aunt Luna should be asleep.”

“Could I trouble you to lead me to Celestia?”

“Its no problem. You only have an hour to get back to Ponyville that's impossible by train.”

“I’m aware. But I won’t be using the train. I’ll teleport as I did yesterday.”

Blue Blood stopped and stared at the Black Unicorn.

“Can’t stop Blue, keep up.”

“That is impossible.” He said as he trotted to catch up the Unicorn. “I have never heard of anypony teleporting that far, successfully. Turn left there.”

They moved through the corridors. “I have been told that as well. Twilight said it many times to me the day before and yesterday. That does not change the fact that I did yesterday morning.”

Blue Blood looked at him and blinked. “What kind of Unicorn are you? I don’t think even my Aunts can port that far.”

“I’m a different kind of Unicorn it seems.” He let Blue Blood take the lead and followed him through the long hallways. They reached a set of large doors.

“Okay, now I’m not sure who is in the court right now. So we should probably wait... What are you doing? You know Twilight as well?”

“Yes. She moved to Ponyville recently. I’ve been helping her with her magic and she has allowed me to question her about Equestria.” Oblivion looked to the door before turning to it. “I apologize but I do not have time to wait for them to finish blathering at their monarch. I will apologize inside.”

“No wait, you can’t.” Blue grabbed at the other's fur but Oblivion slid from his grasp as Blue Blood stood agape at him.

Oblivion's magic grabbed the doors and pushed them open. The room went silent as the black stallion walked inside. Celestia even looked stunned at his intrusion. “My apologies, but I have a simple request that will take but a moment of your Princesses time.”

He started forward as the room erupted. Oblivion paid them no attention at all as he reached Celestia. “My apologies once more.” He stopped and looked to the rows of yelling council members. His horn lit up and they went silent. Each one had a ring of blue flame around their jaws, silencing them. “Gods below. How do you put up with that? Anyway. Please tell Luna that I greatly enjoyed my time here but I have a prior engagement in Ponyville that I simply cannot miss. Can you pass that along to her? I do not wish to wake her if she is resting.”

Celestia broke out of her stupor and nodded. “Yes, I will inform her when she wakes.” She leaned forward. “You must show me that spell. I have been trying to silence them for half an hour.” She snickered behind a hoof.

Oblivion chuckled. “I’ll make note of it. Thank you for your aid. Enjoy your council.” He turned and as he closed the door he released his magic and let the others speak once more.

Blue Blood still stood in amazed silence. “How did you? Why? What just happened?”

Oblivion chuckled as he regarded the other. “You will be pleased to know that I believe I have an idea of how you can send the letters to Rarity through me. Hold still for a moment.” Oblivion tipped his horn till it tapped against Blue Blood.

Blue Blood jolted as a spell went into him. Oblivion pulled back and waited for the other to steady. “Simply hold the letter in your own magic and focus on me. My own magic will connect to yours and it should catch hold of the letter on its own. Here.” A scroll appeared in front of them. “Try it.”

Blue Blood focused and held the scroll in his golden aura. “Can I have a quill and ink as well?” He looked sheepish to the other stallion.

Oblivion shrugged as he conjured the requested items. Blue Blood took them and began writing. He paused suddenly and looked to the other Unicorn. “Follow me. I’m finding myself at a loss for words.”

Oblivion nodded after giving him a look. They walked off to the side and outside into a sprawling garden. “What's wrong?”

“I am trying to write something to Miss Rarity, but I am finding myself lacking. “

Oblivion barked a laugh. “Just tell her the truth. She will appreciate it. Tell her what you have told me. You will feel better if another is ready and willing to hear from you. You keep letting yourself fall back into the Prince facade you have. I can understand that you need it to deal with some ponies. But, being yourself is often harder than hiding. Try her and you’ll be surprised.”

Blue Blood seemed to take heart from his words as the stallion focused on the scroll and wrote. Oblivion walked away from him to give him some privacy. He was surprised to see animals that normally would avoid him coming closer. A very large cat with tawny fur and paws as large as his hooves walked slowly up to him. It was easily as large as most dogs that he had dealt with that weighed a few stones at the lightest. He remained still due to the impressive size of the cat. Normally cats hissed and backed away, their backs arched. He watched as it came up and started nosing his right foreleg. The cat sat in silence and Oblivion moved his claws out of his right hoof and scratched the cat's chin. He was even more surprised when it began to grumble a purr at the scratching. He saw Blue Blood out of the corner of his eye and he sheathed his claws just in case. The big cat rumbled still and grabbed his hoof when he stopped. The cat saw the other Unicorn and growled as it ran off.

“None of the animals here are used to ponies. I’m amazed she took a liking to you.” Blue Blood observed as he approached.

“As am I. Cats usually hate me,” Oblivion commented. “Have you finished?”

“Yes. But I am nervous that it will not be enough. I hope she can see that I do not wish to be known as just a Prince.” He replied.

Oblivion put a hoof on his shoulder. “Rarity is not a foolish mare. I will not ask what you said to her as that is personal and meant for her.” His horn lit up as his saddlebags appeared around his body. Blue Blood stared but shook it off. “Alright. Let's see if I did that spell transfer correctly.”

Blue Blood focused his magic and thought of the black stallion. The letter vanished in a flash of flame and appeared in Oblivion’s magic. “Perfect. I will deliver it to her when I get back to Ponyville.” The letter disappeared into his saddlebags. “When you send one, put Rarity’s name on the outside so I know who to give it to.”

“Perfect, I was going to ask how you will be able to tell if I send you one or her.” Blue Blood looked relieved.

Oblivion was pleased to see that the Wraith seemed a bit weaker. The fog that came off of it seemed weaker. “That reminds me. Rarity will be at the Gala as well. I can’t remember its exact name only that it sounded foolish to say.”

“The Grand Galloping Gala?”

“Yes, that one.”

“You truly are not from around here.”

“I thought I told you as such. Anyway. It has been a pleasure to meet you Blue Blood. I look forward to our next conversation. But until then I must head back and see to my other obligations.” The black stallion commented.

“The pleasure has been mine. I feel better than I have in quite some time. I must admit I was not sure about you when you walked in the door of my quarters. But I am glad that you did. Till next time, my friend.” Blue Blood held out his hoof.

Oblivion took his offered hoof and shook it. “Till next time.”

“Send me a note when you arrive. I know you said you can make the teleport but I have never heard of it before.”

“Sure. That spell will make it simple.”

Oblivion focused his magic once more and waited till the pressure was equal to what it was the last time he used it. In a flash of azure flame, he vanished.

Blue Blood stared at the place where the black Unicorn had been and he could see that there was no mark left on the grass. He shook his head in amazement.

“Quite the feat is it not, nephew?”

He spun to see Luna walking to him. “Yes, it is. I was not certain that he was telling the truth when he told me.” A blue flame burst in front of him. A scroll hovered and Blue Blood opened it. “I made it just fine.” Blue Blood laughed at the short note from the Unicorn. “Well, least he made it.”

“Are you alright nephew?” The Moon Princess asked.

“Yes, why?”

“Thou seem lighter. Not that we are not glad to see this change. It is nice to see you smiling. Our sister had commented that thou seemed melancholy and unwilling to be around anypony. Any reason for the pleasant change?”

Blue Blood was quiet for a minute. “Well, I think I actually made a friend who has no desire to use me for his own gain and is honest instead of telling me what I want to hear. He did also put me in contact with a mare that sounds like she could be what I have been looking for.”

Luna smiled. “He is full of surprises that one. He is the Element of Spirit for a reason.”

Blue Blood whirled to look at her. “He’s one of the Elements of Harmony?”

Luna blinked and nodded. “Indeed. He is the Element of Spirit. He is the only one who kept the Element with them. Perhaps when next thee meet thou can ask him to show you the armor he received. Tis quite the sight to behold.” She replied with a smile. “He is also our first friend as well.”

Blue Blood looked to her and gave a small smile. “I guess he is. Thank you, Aunt Luna.”

10: Story time with a Witcher...

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Oblivion appeared in front of the barn around the same spot that he had left. Applejack yelped at his sudden reappearance.

“Y'all need ta warn a gal afore ya do that.” She told him as she put a hoof over her chest.

“Sorry about that AJ. I was in a hurry. I’ll get ready to go to Apple Bloom's class.”

Applejack opened her mouth but he vanished in flame before she could speak. “Ah’m really startin’ ta hate that teleportin’ thing. He uses it too well.” She yelped again as he reappeared. His saddlebags were gone and his cloak had taken its place despite his mane being pulled back as well. “Tarnation! Oblivion walk like a normal pony.”

He chuckled. “If I walk there, I'll be late Applejack.” He quipped.

Applejack scowled at him. “Smart pony.” She replied to him. “Y'all get goin'. Those foals are pretty excited fer yer arrival.”

“Still have no idea what stories to tell them, besides the one.” He replied as he looked at the road.

“Y'all could tell ‘em anythin’ and they’d be pretty happy.”

“Still. Oh well, will see how this goes.”

“Git goin.” She said, but he was already gone. “Tha’s infuriatin.”

Oblivion appeared at the entrance to the schoolhouse and started to knock on the door when it flew open. He backed up a couple of steps to avoid being hit by it. The air rushed past him, moving his forelock to the side. Apple Bloom was standing in the doorway with an enormous grin. “Yer here!” She jumped forward, grabbed his right hoof, and began pulling him inside. He allowed himself to be pulled and when he was inside the filly was forced to let go by Cheerilee. The mare nodded to the back of the classroom and he walked back on his own. Foals turned to stare at him as he stood at the back of the room.

“Everypony, face forward please,” Cheerilee spoke to them.

Several foals groaned but did as she asked. He only half listened as he looked around. All the foals spirits gave off a happy light except for one. The foal that he had put in her place twice before was giving off a light that was subdued compared to the others in the class. While his curiosity was piqued a bit he didn’t act on it. He had stepped in with Blue Blood due to the severity of the issue. This filly was not nearly to that point. Besides he didn’t need to step in for every sad pony. That would be exhausting and pointless. Even these cheerful equines had their bad days.

He looked back to the front and saw that they were learning some form of mathematics. He had never paid much attention to it. Just enough to know the amounts of his potions and how much to use or not to use. His skill set was more specific in that regard. Maybe he would read some mathematics books from Twilight’s library. After several minutes a small bell alarm went off on their teacher's desk. The foals all whirled in their seats to look at him. He stared back and arched his neck slightly at the stares he was getting.

“Okay everypony. I know you're all excited for Mr. Shadow to speak. But we will still wait for Apple Bloom to introduce him to all of you. Now everypony, be quiet and respectful.”

Apple Bloom jumped off her seat and went to the front of the class. She motioned for him to join her with one hoof. The Unicorn walked to the front of the class and stood beside her.

“It’s mah pleasure ta introduce mah eldest brother, Oblivion Shadow.” She started.

“Isn’t Big Mac your older brother?” A spindly cream Pegasus with a brown mane and tail raised a hoof as he spoke.

“He is, but Oblivion is older than he is.” She replied. “Anyway, Oblivion is a really powerful Unicorn and he is not from around this area, so he’s gonna talk about some of his adventures from where he is from. He’s also somethin’ called a Witcher.” She looked up to him and he nodded to her. The filly went back to her seat and he looked over the foals.

“As she said I have only been in Equestria for a few weeks now. To answer the immediate question a Witcher is basically a monster hunter. My purpose is to protect ponies from monsters when needed or sometimes it’s the other way around. There are times when a Witcher must protect a monster from ponies. Many monsters do have a mind of their own and are capable of reason and higher thinking. While others are not. A Witcher stands in between monsters and ponies and maintains peace between them. If needed we eliminate a monster that is causing chaos so that the others can live in peace. When I call on you tell me your name so I know you.” He finished and looked to the foals.

One raised her hoof. She was a light gray with darkish gray mane with a thick streak of light gray. Oblivion looked to her. “I’m Silver Spoon. What kind of monsters have you met?”

Oblivion looked thoughtful for a moment. “Many of these names none of you will have heard of due to them being from the same place I am. I have fought Leshens, various types of trolls, elementals, various wraiths, fiends, chorts, and drowners to name a few. Each one is different and must be fought differently.”

The foals gaped at the number of different types of monsters that there were. The cream Pegasus raised his hoof again. “My name is Featherweight. What type of monster have you helped? You said that you help monsters too.”

Oblivion nodded. “I did say that. Most recently I was called on by the alderman of a village.” He paused at the confused looks. “The elder of the village.” The foals nodded and he went on. “They asked that I use the knowledge I have to find out what was scaring the villagers so badly that they refused to go into one of the orchards. I asked around but none of the villagers could give a good description of the type of monster. After doing some investigation I went into the orchard to see what I could find.” He paused as several small hooves went into the air.

A filly with various shades of purple in her mane and a greenish-blue coat looked to him. He nodded at her. “I’m Lily Longlocks, just Lily. Why didn’t the villagers help you?”

“It wasn’t that they did not help. They were simply too frightened to try to get a good look at the monster. It had never come near the village so they never got a clear look at it. They were too fearful to try. Fear can stop even the boldest of ponies in their tracks. It's not that these ponies didn’t wish to help out they were simply letting their fears stop them from going into the fields that the monster had been in. They were afraid that it would hurt them or worse so they avoided the entire area.”

He looked at a colt with a short mane and tail, a deep green coat and a pair of scissors for a marking. “I’m Snips. Were you scared to?”

Oblivion shook his head. “Fighting monsters is what I have been trained to do. Fear is not something that I concern myself with. While I’m sure fear is there for normal ponies it is not something a Witcher truly feels. If I felt anything, it was the anticipation for the fight that I might be walking into.”

A white foal with a light blue mane and no marking was next. “Shady Daze. How do you fight monsters?”

“I will get to that soon. Unless you don’t wish for me to finish the story?” The remaining hooves went down and the foals went silent. Oblivion chuckled before continuing. “Upon walking into the woods I heard what sounded like singing. Granted, it was very off key and the voice resembled somepony stepping on gravel. That alone gave me an idea of what I was dealing with. I saw the glow of a fire and looked around a tree to get a good look. What I saw was not a great surprise though I could understand why ponies were afraid. I was looking at a medium sized rock troll.” The foals gasped and leaned forward in their seats.

Oblivion looked around them. The eagerness on their faces was clear. So he continued with his tale. “It was actually singing and that was the sound I was hearing. Rocks trolls are not incredibly intelligent but they are capable of using basics tools and using some amount of reason. I have met many trolls and have been able to get them to move on rather than fighting them. I walked out from behind the tree and walked slowly towards the troll. I made sure to stomp a bit since I normally walk in silence, the troll turned to look at me and after a moment he charged. I jumped out of the way but he came at me again, so I pulled my silver sword out of its scabbard and used it on the trolls thick hide. After a few minutes, it was becoming clear to me that it was not trying to hurt me. It seemed to actually be trying to drive me away.”

A hoof hesitantly went up. A creamy white filly with glasses and a red mane and tail looked to him. He nodded at her. “I’m Twist. Did it really attack you?” She asked, her voice was nasally and quiet.

“No, it didn’t necessarily attack. To me, an attack is a violent act that holds malice and anger. This was not the same. The troll appeared to be trying to scare me away, not hurt me, despite my blade cutting it a few times.” The foals nodded and looked to him once more. “After going around in a circle for several minutes I stopped and put my hooves in the air. I was aware that the troll might ignore it and hit me anyway, but it was a risk I had to take. It was a couple of feet away when it stopped.” He paused and the foals were leaning forward as far as they could. He glanced to the side and saw their teacher was also listening intently. He had to fight not to smile. “It stopped and looked right at me. I told it that I just wanted to talk. It accepted that and I put my sword away so that the conversation would stay civilized. I asked it why it was scaring the village ponies. It had to think about it but finally responded that it was trying to go back to the mountains but ponies were getting in the way. I have to admit I did gape at it for a moment before I realized a very important detail. The troll...was lost.”

The foals stared and Apple Bloom snorted a laugh. Several foals giggled and Oblivion shrugged. “How could it be lost?” Diamond Tiara shouted. “Is it really that stupid?”

“As I said trolls are not very smart. Though they do understand insults.” He said and the filly cringed. “It was confused about the right direction to go. It did not realize that the mountains it was looking for were in the opposite direction. After a few minutes of trying to tell it what direction to go, I decided to simply take it there. Took about an hour to reach the base of the mountains but once we reached it the troll left to go into them once more. I did get a hearty thank you from the beast as a reward for my efforts. I returned to the village and informed them that the orchard was safe and they had nothing to be afraid of. As a thank you from them I was given a bed for the night and they gave me a few crowns as well. In the end, the villagers were able to harvest their food once more and it ended with no bloodshed.”

The foals cheered and clapped their hooves. Cheerilee joined in as well. “That was a wonderful tale, Mr. Shadow. I’m sure the foals have lots of questions for you.”

“I will answer as best I can.” He looked up and saw Apple Bloom straining for his attention, her hoof high in the air. “Yes, Apple Bloom?”

“Ya said ya used a silver sword. Do ya have it wit ya?” She asked.

“I carry it with me, yes. I am trained to carry two different swords with me. One is silver and is used on monsters. The other is steel and is used to fight ponies if ever needed.” The foal's eyes all widened.

“I’m Snails. Can we see them?” A dark orange foal with green mane and tail and a snail on his flank asked.

“I can show you what the steel sword looks like, but not the silver.” The Unicorn replied.

“Why just the one?” Apple Bloom asked.

“The silversword is not meant to be shown off. It has a purpose and is not meant to be gaped at. A Witcher's swords are weapons that we use efficiently and they are treated with a great deal of respect. Even other Witcher's do not ask for another's silver sword. The steel is less dangerous and is meant to be seen. The silver has been enchanted and has oils on it that are meant to poison or hurt monsters. Besides, I'm not certain your teacher would like a weapon brandished in class. I can blunt the edges with magic if needed.” He looked to the mare and gave a sympathetic look. He knew that the foals would now gang up on her in an attempt to see the sword, itself.

Cheerilee looked to the students and Oblivion could see that they were all looking pleadingly at her. The mare sighed in defeat. “Please blunt the edges as much as possible.” She said to the Unicorn, who nodded. His horn lit up and the desks were all moved into a circle.

“This way it can be seen from all angles.” Oblivion's horn remained lit and it pulled the steel blade out from under his cloak. The blade had the runes going down the blade. They were greater runes which increased its strength, durability, lightened the weight of the blade, and added fire damage to its strikes. The blade gave off a red glow due to the runes. He looked to the foals who all gaped at it.

“Oooohhh.” They all leaned forward and stared at the blade. Cheerilee had gotten up and come forward as well. She stared at the long blade.

“I have never seen such a blade.” She commented.

“It's native to my homeland. It has three runes buried inside it. It also has an oil burned into the blade that makes it sharper.” He explained.

A blue foal is dark blue hair raised a hoof. His marking was a bow and arrow. “I’m Archer. What are runes?”

“A rune is a small stone that can be applied to a weapon or piece of armor. The effect of the rune varies but, for example, one of the ones buried in this blade is a rune representing fire. So when it is used it has the ability to set an object aflame. Runes also have other effects that can vary. Some can use ice, others poison. While an armor rune can strengthen the armor or give a strong boost to the wearer.” He explained. The foals all leaned in, attentive.

Oblivion laid the sword on top of one of the desks. “Okay, pass it around. Don’t worry it only looks heavy. A rune inside it makes it lighter than it looks.”

Featherweight reached for it and put a hoof on it. “Wrong,” Oblivion said as he watched. “Here, grip the hilt here and then put your other hoof on the blade itself. Not the edge, the flat of it. This way the weight is easier to hold. It is light but not light enough for a foal to hold it one hoofed.”

The Pegasus followed his instruction. He could feel some weight to the weapon but as long as his hooves were in the right place the weight was not too much. Oblivion watched as the weapon slowly went around the circle. “Can we see the silver?” Archer asked. “I mean not the blade, but the rest of it.”

Oblivion considered then shrugged. “Very well. You can see the scabbards of both blades. But do not try to pull the silver.” Oblivion's horn lit and the baldric that housed both weapons was unbuckled from his barrel. He held them in his magic and laid them on the opposite side of where the steel blade making the rounds. He watched as the filly named Diamond Tiara looked with wide eyes at the silver scabbard. There were symbols moving down and along the sides and length of the scabbard. The gray pony beside her took the offered weapon and gazed at it as well. Oblivion watched as the two weapons were handed around. The foals followed his instructions about the handling of the two blades.

Apple Bloom raised a hoof when the steel blade was in front of her for a moment. “Is it supposed ta be broken?”

Oblivion’s head spun to look at her. “What?”

“The sword, it's broken.”

He took the two steps to her desk and looked down at it. He was horrified to discover that the filly was right. The blade had a chip in it and the chip extended to a hairline crack in the blade. Oblivion lifted it in his magic as he looked to it. His eyes narrowed and he scrutinized the slight crack. “All right, the crack is not dire so you can keep looking at it.” He set it back down and the foals happily went back to pass it around. He turned to Cheerilee. “Is there a forge in town?”

She looked thoughtful before answering. “I think so. Applejack might know more than I do.”

“I’ll ask her later. Thank you.” He replied as he looked back to the foals. They were happily looking at the bare blade of the steel sword and looking at the ornate scabbards of the silver and the baldric. He watched as the steel sword was handed to join the baldric. Oblivion used his magic to slide the sword back into place within the scabbard. Once they all had seen it he returned it to its place on his back. The Unicorn walked out of the circle and his magic moved the desks back into their original place. The foals all laughed and smiled as they were moved. Cheerilee stood up and stood beside him, facing the foals.

“Does anypony have any last questions for Mr. Shadow before the time is up?” She asked.

The foals raised their hooves and Oblivion looked at each of them before deciding to call on a dark brown foal in the back.

“Have you ever had to fight a monster for real?”

Oblivion nodded. “Many times.”

“What kind?” Archer called out.

“I had to fight a Leshen most recently.”

“Whats a Leshen?”

“A Leshen is often called a woodland spirit or a wood guardian. They are found most often in the deep woods or areas that are thought too wild for ponies to inhabit. They come in several types. Depending on their age they can be as old as the woods they inhabit or very young. It depends on the area.” He answered. “The last one I came in contact with was an Ancient Leshen.”

“Did you win the fight?”

Oblivion stopped and considered. ‘I can’t say that I lost or won due to waking up here.’ He gave them a small smile before answering. “Well... I can say that neither of us won.”

“Can we see the rune?” Silver Spoon asked.

Oblivion looked to her and his head tilted slightly. “How do you mean?”

“I mean, can we see the type of rune it is?”

Oblivion thought for a moment. “One moment.” His horn lit and a greater fire rune appeared in his magic. He set it down for the foals to see and Silver Spoon held it in her hooves.

“It's really light.” She observed and passed it to Diamond Tiara.

“Its meant to add no weight to the blade it is embedded in.”

Diamond Tiara looked to the blade across from her and then to the hoof size rune. “How does it fit in the sword? It looks too big.”

“It shrinks depending on the weapon. When it is embedded you have to use a certain amount of force to implant it. For example, when I placed that rune in the weapon I had to hold it against my leg and push to force it into the place I wanted it in. With the right amount of force it shrank to fit the spot I wanted it in.”

Apple Bloom held up a hoof and waited till he nodded to her. “How many runes are there?”

“In that blade?”



“What are they?” Featherweight asked him.

“Devana, Morana, Dazhbog.” The foals and their teacher stared at him before he went on. “Devana can cause a wound to bleed more, Morana is a poison rune, and Dazhbog is for a flame.”

The foals looked to the steel sword and then to him. “Is it bad to hold it?” Apple Bloom asked.

“No. I suppressed the runes so it is safe to hold.” He informed the fillies and colts. The black unicorn watched as the rune went around the circle as well. His horn lit up and the other two types of runes also appeared. He carried a good stock of the runes at all times due to changing weapons fairly often if needed. If he had the weapons broken down then he could retrieve the runes in question but he didn’t always have that done. The Morana rune gave off a faint green light and seemed to be a favorite among the foals. Devana gave a red light while Dazhbog gave off a faint fiery orange effect. The weapons finished their rounds and the black pony put them back in their place around his body and waited for the runes to finish.

Apple Bloom looked to him and put her hoof up once more. “Yes?” He looked at her.

“Our sis mentioned that ya have armor too.” Oblivion nodded. “Can we see it? Or does it have runes too?”

“I don’t use it unless I need it and it does not have runes. I use armor glyphs in it instead.” He replied.

“What kind?” Snips shrilled.

Oblivion managed not to cringe at the volume. “In the armor, there are ten glyphs. They are, Mending, two Igni, two Aard, two Yrden, two Quen, and Binding.” He gave their names and looked to the foals for their attention. They waited for him to explain further. “As a Witcher, I have the ability to use what we call Signs. They are not magic, instead, they are a skill. Mending is exactly what it sounds like. It aids in healing any wounds at a faster rate than normal. On a Witcher, it speeds up our natural regeneration.”

“So you heal faster than normal ponies?” Lily asked again.


The foals talked amongst themselves for a moment before looking back to him. “Igni is for the flame. What that glyph does is strengthen my Igni Sign. It makes it more powerful. Yrden means to trap or slow. Its also made stronger by the glyph. Quen is for the shield.” He stopped and stomped a hoof as Quen went over him. Covering him in a golden light that circulated over him. The foals gasped and stared. Mischief flit through his eyes. He back out of the circle and looked to Cheerilee. “I think this one is okay for a demonstration.”

The mare gave a slight grin. “How?”

He looked around the room for a moment before his steel sword appeared in front of the dark pink mare. “Go ahead and swing it. Don’t worry about hurting me. Between Quen and my own abilities it won't even leave a bruise.” He informed the hesitant mare.

She looked to the foals who were all leaning forward to get the best view. She reached up and took the hilt in both hooves and looked at him. “You're certain of this?”

Oblivion looked to her and nodded. She breathed and swung the blade at him. It glanced off his shield and tossed her back several feet. She yelped as the shield repelled the attack and tried not to let the blade hit the ground. The foals cheered as Oblivion turned to the side to show that he was completely unhurt. The foals cheered more at the sight that he didn’t even have a scratch on him and his fur was not even out of place. He took the blade from Cheerilee and set it back in the scabbard.

“That little ones is how Quen works.” He said to them and went back to standing in the circle. “The last one is Binding. It helps protect against bleeding. Meaning it also works to prevent any injury from getting worse. It works in tandem with the Mending glyph.”

The foals listened intently to his words and hooves went up as he finished. “Do you have any of those?”

Oblivion considered before his horn lit and the glyphs appeared and he set them on the desks to be looked over. The glyphs and runes worked their way around the desks until they reached the black unicorn as he sent them back to his saddlebags at the farm. The foals looked to him as they waited for him to speak. “Any further questions?”

Hooves shot into the air and he fought not to hang his head, after realizing the foolishness of the statement. ‘Of course, there are more questions, stupid thing to ask of them.’ He thought to himself. He nodded to Featherweight once more.

“Have you always been a Witcher?” He asked, setting his hoof on his desk.

“For as long as I can remember, yes.”

“Have you ever wanted to do anything else?” Silver Spoon asked.

Oblivion saw the sideways look from Diamond Tiara but chose to ignore it. “No. I was trained and raised to be what I am. I can say that I have never really wished to be anything else.”

Diamond Tiara leaned forward. “What does your cutie mark even mean?”

Oblivion looked back to the horribly named marking on his flanks. “It has the School of the Wolf symbol that matches my medallion.” The foals looked to the jewelry around his neck. “It also has my two swords behind it. It shows my school where I was trained and my strength with my proficiency with the swords I use.” He was guessing about the meaning but decided not to concern himself too much with it. It was meant to be ambiguous. Thankfully, the foals accepted the answer and the filly looked sheepish as she leaned back in her seat. ‘Nice try, you little fool.’ Oblivion thought to himself, well aware of her attempt to throw him off.

The foals chattered about his answer. A small bell went off again. “All right, everypony. Thank Mr. Shadow for speaking today since we are out of time.”

The foals all waved and spoke at once and Oblivion bowed his head to them as he made for the door. He looked back and Apple Bloom beamed at him. He gave her a small smile as he left. He closed the door behind him and started to head back to the farm. His mind went over the day so far and he was even quieter than normal. ‘This place is very different from what is natural to me. Those foals have the chance to grow up to be anything they choose. Whereas, in my world there really is not much chance for a child to grow up to be anything. Their roles are chosen almost at their time of birth.’

He stopped and looked back to the school house for a moment before continuing. ‘If I am to remain here then what do I need to become? A monster hunter is next to useless in a world without monsters. Do I just choose to become a farmer? Or do I aspire for greater? AJ said that Alicorns are always the ruling class for obvious reasons. The power difference between myself and even Twilight is quite vast. Though even I can tell that she is a strong Unicorn in her own right. But how do I fit in then? I’m not from this world and I am unsure of how I even got here or if I will be taken away from the ponies here. Which begs the question, do I want to go back at all?’ Oblivion stopped once more and looked out over the field and he could see the start of the Apple orchards from the crest of the small hill. He sighed and ultimately jumped the fence next to him and trotted into the Everfree forest, pulling his steel sword from his back and starting to do some exercises that would occupy his mind for a time.

He galloped past the old trees and let his wings extend above his head. They stayed even with his head to avoid hitting any low branches. The black stallion plunged to a halt and glanced around him. He had stopped in a very small clearing and he put his sword in front of his snout and closed his eyes. He could hear the gentle hum of the runes in the blade, the forest rustling around him, small animals running through the underbrush, and larger creatures in the distance. He was not interested in hunting at the moment, though he would before heading back to the farm for the night.

11: Bucking Hell...

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Applejack walked toward the schoolhouse as her eyes scanned the fields along the way. She hadn’t seen Oblivion all day and he hadn’t come back from talking to Apple Bloom’s class. The Unicorn hadn’t seemed any different from normal when he got back from Canterlot but she wasn’t certain half the time what was normal for him and what was him holding back. She walked to the schoolhouse and saw the foals crowding by the gate and watching intently. When she came into full view they walked away. She walked up and Apple Bloom was waiting.

“Hey, Sis. Where's Oblivion?”

“Oblivion takes ya to school. Ah pick ya up.” Applejack reminded her.

“Ah know. Ah thought that he would have stayed around and just took me home too.” The filly responded to her elder sister.

Applejack paused for a moment before she started leading Apple Bloom home. “How was the talk he gave?”

“It was amazing! He’s a great story teller. Did he tell ya all about it?”

Applejack shook her head. “Nope. He hadn’t come back to the farm when ah left.”

Apple Bloom looked to her before replying. “So he ain’t, home yet?”

Applejack nodded. “Don’tcha worry none. He’s a big pony and can take care a hisself. He’ll come home when he’s ready. Did he seem okay when he left?”

“Kinda. I mean he was real quiet. More quiet than normal, even fer him. We asked about the last monster he fought and he didn’t seem happy ta talk bout it. Then we talked about the runes and stuff his swords use.”

Applejack stopped and looked to her little sister. “Did he seem angry?” The filly shook her head. “Tired?” Again she shook her head. “Sad?” Apple Bloom paused and considered.

“A little ah think. He seemed to be thinking when he left.”

“Well, maybe he just needed some time alone. Ya know how some ponies are.” She reassured the filly despite her own misgiving. They reached the farm and Apple Bloom ran in to look around. Applejack knew that she was looking for Oblivion. The orange mare found Big Mac and pulled him aside. “Has Oblivion come back yet?”

“Nope.” Big Mac responded with his usual drawl.

“He ain’t come back from talkin’ ta the class. Ah figured he would be back by the time Ah got back with the filly. Could he have gone huntin?”

“Ah don’t think so. Ah’m not sure when the last time he did hunt was. Ah, don’t ask since that's his business. But ah haven’t seen him.”

The siblings looked up as a flash of blue flame appeared off to the side of them. Oblivion snorted as he stepped away from the spot where he had teleported. He saw the siblings staring at him and walked to them.

“Where ya been?” Applejack asked him as he came to stand by them.

“I went to the Everfree forest to practice my swordsmanship and get something to eat. Figured I should do that before harvest tomorrow.” The Unicorn replied. “Since I did not think that you would appreciate the possibility of your trees being nicked.”

Applejack nodded and the three adult ponies walked to the north orchard, which had a hill that could be used to look over the fields. The three stood in silence for a time before Applejack spoke up. “Boy howdy. We got our work cut out fer us. That there's the biggest bumper crop o’ apples ah’ve ever seen.”

Oblivion said nothing as he looked over it as well. Big Mac nodded. “Eeyup. Too big fer ya ta handle alone. Oblivion and Ah’ll be helpin’.” The red farmer commented. Oblivion nodded once but still said nothing.

Applejack looked over at him. “Come on, Big Mac. Ah haven't met an apple orchard that I can’t handle. Ah’ll take a bite out of this here crop by tomorrow's end.”

“That’s what ah mean. Biting off more than ya can chew is what I mean. Good thing Oblivion and I are here.” He drawled.

Oblivion looked at him sideways and couldn’t help but think that was the wrong thing to say. Applejack looked affronted and turned to look at her brothers. The Unicorn looked away instead of seeing the annoyed glare growing on the mares features. She looked to Big Mac who also remained impassive. “Are you saying that my mouth is makin’ promises my legs can’t keep?”


Oblivion had to fight the urge to hit Mac in the back of the head at the comment. But at the same time, he figured that he was a hired hand so it was not his place to interfere.

“Why of all the… This is your sister Applejack, remember? The most loyal of friends and most dependable of ponies?”

She advanced on Big Mac and Oblivion stepped a couple of feet to the side. The mare pushed Mac back till her snout was level with his. “But that’s still only one pony, and one pony plus hundred of apple trees, just don’t make any sense.” He drawled to his sister. He looked nervous as the mare’s eyes narrowed.

“Don’t use yer fancy math to muddy the issue. I said ah can handle this harvest and ah’m gonna prove it. Oblivion!” The mare hollered.

“Hmm?” The Unicorn looked to her.

“Ya’ll are gonna be the judge.” She started and waited until she had his attention. “Mac and I are gonna have us a contest. We will split the orchard down the middle and whoever finishes first wins. Y'all will watch for who finishes first.” She told him. Oblivion looked at them. Applejack looked determined, while Big Mac looked to the other stallion, his features a mix of surprise and dread.

“Are you certain that working together isn’t a better idea? You’ll exhaust yourselves trying to...”

“Nope. Nothin’ to it Oblivion. This is how we are gonna settle this.” She stopped him mid-sentence, stomping her hoof.

“I understand that AJ, but still...”

“No. Oblivion, yer the outside pony, so ya are perfect ta judge this.”

Oblivion snorted and shook his head. “Very well. Under one condition. I have the authority to call it off if it gets out of hoof. Deal?” Big Mac nodded his agreement. Applejack paused but grudgingly agreed. “Good. Now if you will excuse me, I need to visit Rarity before it gets too late.” The stallion teleported outside Rarity's shop. His magic gripped the letter and conjured it before him. He walked into the shop and the little bell above the door announced his entry.

“One moment, please.” Rarity’s sing-song voice called out to him.

The black Unicorn waited as he looked around him. “Oblivion darling. It's so good to see you. I trust your trip to Canterlot was eventful?” The white mare asked him conversationally.

“It was certainly interesting. I met a pony there that you might be interested in. But first here. A letter for you.” His azure magic moved the letter to her and she took it in her grasp.

“Why thank you, dear. Did Ditzy take it to the wrong house? Again?”

“No, this one I am delivering.”

“Why, thank you then.” The white mare opened the letter and began to read it. Her eyes widened and she looked to him. “Oblivion darling, you met him and spoke of me to him?”

Oblivion nodded. “He was quite upset when I met him. It took a few minutes but I remembered that Twilight had mentioned his name, that you wanted to meet him.”

“When did I mention him?”

“During that ticket fiasco.”

She blanched. “Urgh, not my best moment darling. I am trying to forget it. I still feel awful for what I said and did to poor Twilight.” She looked back to the letter and a smile crossed her muzzle. “Do you mind waiting a moment while I reply to him? He said to send it back through you since you have a spell that connects to him for the letters.”

“I have no problem with that Rarity, take your time.”

“Please follow me, dear. I’ll make some tea or would you prefer coffee? I had heard that you prefer coffee.”

“That would be greatly appreciated Rarity, thank you again.”

“My pleasure darling. Please sit.”

The mare motioned for him to sit at her table and she began prepping some coffee for him. Oblivion sat in silence looking around the room. It had fixtures that he had not seen before and others that were familiar. The scent of fresh coffee filled the room and he inhaled the scent, enjoying the aroma.

“Cream or sugar darling?” Rarity levitated the aforementioned items.

“No, thank you. Black is fine.”

“Very well dear. Here you are. I will try to respond quickly.” She held a quill and scroll.

“Please, take your time. I am in no hurry and I will drink my coffee quietly as you respond.”

“You are a dear, Oblivion. I will not ask how you met him since that is between you too. But it seems as though it was a good thing you did. So I thank you as well.” The mare reached over and patted his hoof.

The black Unicorn closed his eyes and nodded to her. He opened them and focused on his coffee while the mare wrote. He was glad to see that she was not rushing and was taking her time replying. ‘He needs another pony on his side. I am glad to see that she has accepted his letter and appears to be understanding. Though I was certain this would be the case one can never tell how another will react for certainty. Though I should have expected no less from the Element of Generosity.’ Oblivion sipped his coffee and waited.

As a Witcher, he was gifted with patience. A tracked monster may not return to its lair right away so one had to learn to wait. After several minutes Rarity set her quill down and rolled up the scroll. Oblivion's magic gripped the scroll and it vanished in blue flame. He looked thoughtful and then nodded to her. “It arrived safely.”

“Thank you ever so much, darling. I can’t thank you enough for putting us in contact. I had never considered that being a Prince might be more of a burden on somepony rather than a gift. It has certainly made me think more about it and I have decided that I will be as supportive as I can and ensure that he has another friend to speak to. That reminds me, how are you liking the design I added to your cloak? Quite fancy is it not? It goes so well with your black coat and silver mane.”

“It was a bit of a surprise, I must admit. But I am not one to fuss about a generous gift. While I was surprised, I do thank you for your effort.” Oblivion replied. The mare beamed and he finished his coffee. “Should he respond to you I will bring it over. Or would you prefer that I teach you the spell so that I can send it to you? I can’t create a link between the two of you due to this type of magic being linked to my flames but I can make it easier for you if you would prefer.”

“Oh, it’s fine darling. Just means you and I will be able to chat every now and then. I am so interested in the fashion styles where you are from.” She said with a wave of her hoof.

“I will try to make time to discuss it with you after the harvest season at the farm. Thank you for the coffee Rarity and I am glad that you have decided to be there for Blue as well.” He turned to leave.


Oblivion rolled his eyes. “AJ has rubbed off on me more than I thought. I gave him a nickname.” Rarity hid a smile behind her hoof. “Though he seemed to appreciate it. First time I used it I actually expected him to protest, but not a word about it.”

“Perhaps it made him feel like you were treating him like a pony not a royal?”

“I think that may be the exact reason. Anyway, have a good evening Rarity.” The stallion gave a bow of his head and headed for the door.

“Have a nice evening darling. Don’t work too hard during the harvest.”

He looked back and gave her a faint smile. The stallion stopped just outside and vanished in a flash of blue flame. He reappeared in front of the barn and walked into the farmhouse. He went upstairs while the rest of the family ate dinner. He laid down on the top of the quilt and opened a book while he let himself wind down from his hunting and training earlier.

‘Tomorrow should be an interesting day. Due to this asinine challenge of AJ’s this could go one of two ways, good or very bad. It will be my job to ensure that it does not get out of hoof. I just hope that if I say so AJ will relent. Big Mac, I’m not concerned about, its the other Apple sibling.’ Oblivion looked up as a hoof rapped gently on the door. He closed his book and looked to the door.

“Come in.” He said as he made sure his cloak was in place for a moment.

Apple Bloom walked into the room and climbed up onto his bed to face him. “Today was so awesome, big brother. That story was great and every pony loved it. The others are trying to convince Miss Cheerilee that she should ask you to come in again. Some of the colts are wanting to see how you use that steel sword. Ah told em that ya aren’t one fer showing off. But the boys really want ta see it. But everypony wants ta hear more stories. If Miss Cheerilee says it's okay, would ya mind coming in again?”

Oblivion looked to her before he considered the question. “I’m not sure of another story I would tell little one. Most of the other stories I have are not very...gentle. I have spent all my life fighting so most stories I have are about that.”

Apple Bloom considered what he said. “Well, what about the other Witcher's? Do ya know any stories about them?”

“Of course I do. There are many stories from when we all winter at the keep but those are adult stories for the most part. Some might be okay but I would have to think about it.”

“So would ya come and tell more stories?”

Oblivion looked away from her and sighed. “Maybe. I would need to think about it.”

Apple Bloom beamed and nodded. She walked up and hugged his neck then jumped off the bed and out the door. He watched her and gave a slight shake of his head. He looked up and watched as Applejack walked in. He moved his book back to the desk and waited.

“Ah forgot ta ask ya how yer trip went. Ya have fun?”

“It was an experience yes. Luna and I had a good time with our sparring match and then had a long discussion about how she is doing since being returned to her true form, who she learned her technique from, among other things. Though now that you mention it is there a forge in town?”

“Ah’m glad ya had fun. And yeah, there is, why?”

“My steel sword has a hairline crack in it. Apple Bloom noticed it while she was looking at it when I passed them around.” He paused, Applejack gaped at him, he rolled his eyes at the stunned look from the orange mare. “I blunted the blade and forbid them from drawing the silver blade. Cheerilee approved it.”

“Oh well, that's fine then. Sorry about that. So ya let them see the steel but not the silver. Why?”

“The silver blade can’t be handled. One of the runes in the blade gives it the ability to poison any pony that touches it. Among the other properties that make it too dangerous to be handled except by myself or a proper master-craftsman or crafts-pony. Plus its a blade with a very specific purpose and is meant to be respected.” He advised the orange mare. “But can you give me a rough idea where the forge is at some point? It disturbs me that the blade is damaged.”

Applejack nodded and looked at his back. She knew that the weapons were there despite not being able to see them. “Not a problem. Ah’ll show ya after we finish the harvest. That comes first, and showing Big Mac that Ah am the faster apple bucker is important.”

Oblivion looked at her. “Yes, it is important. Do remember that if either of you gets out of hoof I will stop you. Whether you like it or not.”

“Yeah, yeah, it’ll be fine.” She started when Oblivion's magic clamped her mouth shut.

“Don’t brush that off, AJ. If needed I will lock you in the barn with one of my locks.” He threatened. He only released the mare when she nodded.

She rubbed her jaw for a moment before turning to leave. “Don’t forget, up early tomorrow.” She left the room and Oblivion started to close it when Big Mac knocked on the door jam.

“Ah know ya are goin’ ta head ta sleep but ah wanted ta talk to ya for a minute if ya don’t mind.” The red stallion waited by the door until Oblivion spoke.

“Come in, Big Mac. I’m still awake, so feel free.”

Oblivion was a bit surprised to see the farmer looking upset. Oblivion's magic closed the door as a courtesy. Big Mac saw it and gave a thin smile.

“Ah know that ya are gonna watch over this here contest that Applejack has made up. Ah know that ya won’t let it get too out of hoof but I have a request.” Oblivion laid in silence and waited for him to continue. “Can ya help me with my half?”

Oblivion tilted his head. “Are you all right?”

“Eeyup. Just a bit miffed at Applejack. She is going overboard with this again.” The farmer heaved a sigh and looked to the other stallion.

“I will watch over her as well, Big Mac. I will help you as well. But why are you having me help out?”

“Applejack didn’t say that we had to do it all alone. She needs ta learn that one pony can’t do it all and ah’m worried that her stubbornness could hurt herself or somepony else.”

Oblivion thought about it for a moment before he nodded to Big Mac. “Very well. I think you are right in that she is so focused on trying to outdo you that she is losing sight of the big picture. I’m more concerned that she will overdo it and it will affect others.”

Big Mac nodded and turned to the door. “Can ya make sure she doesn’t hurt any pony? Ah know that it will use yer magic but can ya make the damage not so bad?”

Oblivion looked at the stallion. He looked down at his medallion with the Element of Spirit surrounding it and he pushed the breast collar out and let it be visible. “I will do what I can Mac. I will stop her from doing permanent damage but not all of it. You are right. She has to learn.”

Mac looked at the collar around his neck and nodded. “Thanks, bro.”

He left and Oblivion watched him leave. ‘Bro huh? Another odd thing to get used to, I suppose.’ He looked out the window by his bed and used magic to close and lock the door. He slid his cloak over his head and laid it down on the desk. He chose to skip a bath and simply go to sleep. He stretched his right wing and heard the joints pop. The other wing he checked before moving it too much. The bandages had been removed and he had been letting it get some air. So far as he could tell the gash had almost completely healed and new feathers were growing in as well.

He slowly extended the limb and heard the joints pop due to lack of movement over the past couple of days. His wings collided gently with the ceiling and close to a foot of their length folded against the ceiling. He folded them back against his body and teleported himself under the blanket to avoid getting up. He gave a wry chuckle at his own laziness. “Now I see why sorceresses use portals all the time. It’s that much simpler and faster.” He moved his swords off his back and laid them in their normal place beside the window. He pulled his mane out of the tie that AJ had given him. He laid his head on the pillow and listened to the other ponies in the house. After a while, he slept and the world faded around him.

Oblivion's head snapped up and he looked around. It was still dark out and he looked around him. The rest of the armor crawled across his fur and locked into place. Each rune was alight in the armor and he looked to his swords, moving onto his back as he got up. He moved the quilt back and tossed his mane back into the tie and moved silently down the stairs and out of the farmhouse. His hooves made no sound as he let his claws come out of his hoof and he walked silently on them. He broke into a brisk trot and narrowed his eyes to search for tracks or anything else that would give him a clue. His skin crawled and he could feel a light sweat going over his fur. He stopped suddenly as a pair of tracks were shown to him. There was still heat in them and he followed it.

“Could be a Drowner or a Nekker. But what is one of them doing here, in this world? Granted the same could be said about me.” He muttered to himself. “The tracks are similar but there is no scent. Drowners are pretty distinctive, same with Nekkers. What the hell is going on?” Oblivion stopped again and raised his head. His nose scented the air around him and he reared up to stand on his rear legs to try to see more. The Witcher went back down to four legs and started trotting forward once more. He was over halfway through the northern orchard before his ears pricked. His head came up and he listened. He could hear what sounded like a Nekker. “What the hell? Nekkers are pack monsters. There are usually more than five but not more than fifteen. Why am I only hearing one?” He crept forward so as not to alert the creature he was close by. Oblivion looked around a tree and his nose caught the scent of dirt, blood, and death. The Unicorn pulled his silver blade from its sheath. The blade gave off its own silver glow and the runes skittered across its flawless surface. The blade was 40 inches long and razor-thin. The stallion slid out from behind the tree his blade ready but he found nothing. The scent was fading, leaving nothing for him to follow.

“Gods below. What is going on? This is the third time that something has had me chasing my tail. This time it was too close to ponies.” His body moved across the ground and he analyzed every glade of grass and tree. There were faint tracks in the dew-covered ground but nothing clear. The silver blade was slid back into its sheath. He could tell that the Nekker had been there but seemed to have vanished. The black pony looked up in the trees and even thought about trying to fly up to the tops of the trees but after spreading his wings he decided not to. He couldn’t risk being injured before the harvest later that day. Especially since the Alicorn had no idea how to fly. He gave a loud snort and shook his head. His horn lit as he used it’s light to look around him. His orange eyes made it easier to see in the dark but he needed some light for a moment.

After searching the area once more he sighed and, instead of teleporting, walked back to the farmhouse and his own bed. ‘How odd. I know I heard it and the scent is unmistakable. How did it vanish like that? Nekkers have no magic.’ He halted as a thought struck him. ‘Wait. Since I now have magic could a monster from my world have magic now as well?’ Oblivion cringed at the thought. He looked back and found nothing. “That's a foolish idea. I’m making too much out of that idea. A Nekker would have no idea how to use magic if it got it. They burrow and I would have noticed the signs of digging. Those claws leave distinct marks behind. Even if they would vanish like I do a Nekker would not know what to do.”

He walked back to the house, but stopped outside and turned back to the orchard. “Anything gets close to this family and I will destroy it. This home and town are mine to protect. I may be a Witcher, but even I can grow accustomed to a way of life. These ponies have opened their homes and their lives to a stranger. I will not fail them. Normally a Witcher is for sale but they have earned my protection.” The Unicorn spoke to no pony in particular but himself. He looked to the skies and saw that the sun was beginning to rise. He ported himself to his room and shed his cloak. His mane was already tied up but he pulled it out and tied it tighter and moved the majority of his armor back into the breast collar and left that in its place. He opened the door to his room and walked downstairs. He looked behind him and saw Big Mac yawning as he followed the Unicorn. Oblivion reached the table and sat down with him.

Big Mac looked at him and noticed that he still wore the breast collar of his Element. “There a reason why yer wearing that?”

Oblivion looked back to him. “Since I am going to be using a fair amount of magic it is easier to have it on to prevent any possible headaches. Plus, it has several runes that I use that can help with strength and power levels.”

Big Mac nodded in understanding. “Ah see. That makes sense.” He looked up as Applejack trotted down the stairs.

“Morning, boys!” She hollered to them.

Oblivion growled a bit and said nothing as he pinned his ears. Big Mac greeted his sister with a nod as she started pulling out ingredients for breakfast. Big Mac looked to Oblivion who gave a slight nod that he was with him still. They ate pancakes in silence and then walked outside into the crisp morning air. Applejack turned to look at the two stallions, Oblivion was slightly behind as he quietly closed the door, so as not to wake the older mare and filly, who still slept.

“All right, you two. Big Mac, you gonna take the north or south?” She started.

“Ah’ll take the north.” He replied to her.

“All right and ah’ll take the south. Oblivion y'all go in the middle and take the baskets from each orchard and get them into the barn. If the barn gets filled up with all of mah apples then putting them on the side of the barn is fine as well.” She said and turned to look at the apple trees.

Big Mac looked sideways to Oblivion who gave a barely perceptible nod. The two siblings parted and went to their respective orchards with Oblivion following Applejack. She reached the far end of the orchard and turned to look at the first tree.

“Well, Ah better get kickin’. These apples ain’t gonna shake themselves outta the trees.” She looked away from the tree as the ground began to shake. “What in Equestria? Ow!” She yelped as an apple hit her in the head. “Oh no. A stampede!” She looked to Oblivion who shrugged. “Stay here. Ah’ll be right back.” She took off toward town.

Oblivion teleported to where Big Mac was already bucking the trees free of apples. “Applejack ran off. Something about a stampede.” He reported.

Big Mac stopped. “A stampede? Where?”

“She was headed for town.” Oblivion started as Mac ran off also.

“Stay here and start bucking the trees. Ah’ll be back.”

Oblivion looked up to the tree as the farmer vanished. “Buck the tree? Seriously?” His horn lit as it pulled the apples out of the tree and he set them in the baskets. “Rarity wanted some of the first apples in exchange for that fabric.” Oblivion looked to one of the baskets and after pulling out the rotted or bad apples he put an R on the side of it and set it to the side. He continued with the tactic until his ears caught the sound of hooves. He looked back to see Big Mac coming toward him. The farmer's eyes widened at the baskets that were set out in a row.

“Wow. Ah suppose that tellin’ ya not ta use magic should have been the first step.” He said to the Unicorn.

“Come again?” Oblivion set the full basket down and looked at him sideways. “How long would it have taken you to do this much?”

“Most of the day. But this is the way we Apples have done it since the beginning.”

“I understand that, but you left without informing me of one detail.” Oblivion paused and waited for Mac’s attention. “I don’t know how to buck a tree without almost breaking it or leaving hoof prints in the bark. I have bucked Apple Bloom from a tree but left a large dent in the tree. I also set aside a basket for Rarity, since she wanted some of the first apples from the harvest in exchange for the fabric Applejack ordered.”

Mac started and put a hoof to his face. “Ya’ll are right. That's mah fault. Ah’ll take over and ya can start moving the baskets.” Mac said as he went to the next tree. “Ah fergot all about Miss Rarity’s apples. Thanks, fer taking care a that.”

Oblivion nodded and used his magic to pick up all the baskets and walked them to the barn. He walked over to Applejack and picked up the baskets from her side as well. He walked back to Big Mac and watched how he kicked the tree with just enough force to jog the apples lose. Oblivion turned around, put his weight onto his forelegs and kicked the tree behind him. His hooves connected with the tree and he used Quen to prevent the apples from hitting him. He looked up to find Mac clapping his forehooves together. Oblivion put the stray apples into the basket and then took all of the baskets to the barn. This process went on all day, with him walking back and forth. After a while, he started teleporting between the ponies. He stopped using a teleport when Applejack scolded him for it. He started to argue with her about how much easier it was when he shook his head and walked the baskets to the barn as he had been doing. ‘This is going to be a long few days.’

For Oblivion, the days dragged by as his patience and endurance were tested. He heard that the town wanted to honor both of the siblings for saving it from the stampede. While he admitted it was a good thing they had done, he couldn’t help but think that a large celebration was going a bit overboard. He bucked a tree when Big Mac looked over to him and whistled.

Oblivion looked over to him and waited. “Applejack and I are busy. So can ya go to the party for us and thank them for the award?”

“Why in the Hells do you want me to go?”

“We’re both busy with the harvestin’. Please?”

Oblivion sighed in defeat. He was honestly too tired to argue. “Very well. I'll be right back.”

The black Unicorn started to walk to town. “Ya might wanna teleport. It starts in a little bit.” Mac yelled to him.

Oblivion whirled on him and glared as he teleported.

He arrived in the town square and stood behind the stage. His head was lowered as he tried, and failed, to look interested. The mayor ascended the stairs and stood in front of every pony.

“Ah-ahem. And so, with no further ado, it is my privilege to give the prize, Pony of Ponyville Award, to our beloved guests of honor, two ponies of the utmost trustworthiness, reliability, and integrity. Ponyville's most capable and dependable friends: Applejack and Big Macintosh!” She yelled the last part.

An aggravated Oblivion Shadow stepped onto the stage platform. The Unicorn stallion looked at them and shrugged as he started forward. “My apologies for being here instead of the Apple siblings. Both are working tirelessly in the fields for harvesting. I was asked to be here on their behalf to accept this honor in their stead. Now if you will excuse me.” He said to the crowd and his magic picked up the large trophy, which still seemed overkill to him.

Twilight stepped forward. “Oblivion please give them our regards, will you? And thank them for their help.” The purple Unicorn asked him.

Oblivion looked back and nodded before he teleported back to the farm. He set the trophy in the kitchen and teleported to Applejack.

“The town says thank you.” He sniped at her.

The orange mare turned to him. Exhaustion was written all over her. “Mighty kind of ye to go get that Oblivion.”

He waited for her to say more but she went back to the trees. He snorted and teleported back to Big Mac.

“The town says thank you.” He parroted the same response to the red stallion.

Mac turned to him and walked over to him. “I appreciate ya doin’ that for us Oblivion. Why don’t ya sit down and rest fer a minute? Ya look plum tuckered out.”

Oblivion blinked and in response sat down heavily on his rump. He looked down at the ground and saw the state of his collar and blanched. “Oh, disgusting.” His flames went over his body and incinerated the straw and dirt off the breast collar.

Mac chuckled and went back to bucking trees and picking up the fallen apples. “Ya hunt monsters through mud and Celestia knows what else, but ya cringe at straw and dirt.” The farmer came over to him and gently pushed his shoulder. Oblivion looked at him.

“That's a different story. Out in the forests and whatnot, there are no baths.” The black stallion jabbed back at him.

Both of them glared for a moment before laughing. Oblivion stood up and picked up the baskets of freshly harvested apples and walked them to the barn. He went to Applejack's side and did the same. The next morning was the same as all three of them going into the orchards. Apple Bloom was being walked to and from school by Granny Smith due to the siblings all working. Oblivion moved more baskets and turned around to find Twilight’s light coming through the front gate. He waited for her to reach him.

“Oblivion. Are you all right? You look exhausted.” She said and placed a hood on his shoulder.

“Well, I can honestly say that tracking monsters is easier than this half the time.” He replied with a long sigh.

“What's going on? You came to town yesterday and looked pretty rough around the edges.”

Oblivion snorted and looked to his breast collar, to find it covered in dust and mud again. He brushed it off with a hoof and snorted. “Ugh.” He growled and looked to the purple mare. “Here is the current situation. Applejack is acting like a petulant foal. Before harvest even started Mac commented that he was glad there would be three of us to do the harvesting since pretty much every tree was covered in apples. Applejack took it badly and then challenged Mac to an apple-bucking contest. They split the orchard down the middle and have been going almost non stop. Mac in the north and AJ in the south. What AJ does not know is that Mac has me helping him for the purpose of teaching her a lesson. She’s worked herself nearly into the ground and I am the unfortunate fool stuck as the go-between. I am this close to calling it off.” He held his forehooves an inch apart.

Twilight cringed at him and brushed the dirt off of his fur. His coat was a dull gray due to dirt and dust. “Okay, how can I help?”

Oblivion barked a laugh. “Mac is easy his side will be done in 2-3 days Applejack 4-5. You can try to talk some sense into her. But I will warn you of this, you stand a better chance of getting Spike to not sleep in.” He quipped to her.

Twilight hid a smile behind her hoof. “Well, I can at least try. If I need to talk to you where will you be?”

“I’m headed over to buck a few trees for Big Mac, pick up the baskets, and then over to AJ for the baskets.”

“Okay, I'll try.”

“Good luck. You’ll need it.”

Oblivion teleported over to Big Mac who handed him a glass of lemonade. Oblivion had to fight the urge not to drink it all in one gulp. He drank the cold liquid slowly with the red farmer and then bucked a few trees before picking up the baskets. He found Twilight looking frustrated as she stood in front of the barn waiting for him.

“So, as fruitless as I told you?” He said as he put the baskets in the barn.

She huffed as she turned to him. “How can a pony be so stubborn?”

He laughed for a moment before looking at her. “Well, she is supposed to uphold her promises to others over the next couple of days. I think she is going to go help Rainbow, then pinkie pie, and lastly Fluttershy. Given how worn she is I don’t anticipate this ending well. I did give Mac my word that I would help those that are affected to a degree. So let me know if any of the affected ponies are seriously injured. Since you will be around those affected more than I will be.”

Twilight nodded. Applejack had mentioned Oblivion’s ability to heal once. “Hopefully we won’t need you. You seem worn out as well.”

Oblivion nodded and headed over to AJ’s half. The mare was standing and snoring in one spot. Oblivion frowned and walked up to the mare. “AJ.” No reply. “AJ!” He shouted at her with no response. “Applejack!” He yelled at her and she startled awake, tripped and fell flat on her nose. The mare jumped to her hooves, rubbing her snout.

“Tarnation Oblivion, don’t scare a gal like that.” She admonished him with a glare.

“I would apologize but that would require me being sorry.” He responded as his magic picked up the baskets. He held them and saw Applejack stick her tongue out at him as he left.

The next morning Oblivion watched as AJ left to go help Rainbow Dash. Oblivion looked at Big Mac who also looked a bit concerned.

“Y'all gonna follow her?” The red stallion asked.

“Nope,” Oblivion replied as he looked at the paper from that morning. “She needs to realize that her actions affect more than just us.”

“Ya'll still sleeping on the floor?”

Oblivion sighed. “Yes. It’s not fair to Granny Smith to have to wash sheets every day just because all of us are too exhausted to take a bath. I’d fall asleep in it anyway. I expect a nice long bath after this is finally over.”

Big Mac nodded. “Maybe we will have to visit that spa thing that the girls have mentioned.”

“A what?”

“Is called a spa. The ponies there take care of ya so ya can relax in it and do nothin’ so ah hear.”

Oblivion put a hoof to his chin. “Could be worth it. Make Applejack pay for it.” He said with a chuckle. ‘The only problem could be my wings. Perhaps keep the tie around my fetlock to keep them hidden. Will look to a solution later.’

“Oh yeah.” Big Mac laughed with the other stallion and hoof bumped him, as they got ready to go to work.

They went into the north orchard and started to work. Though a bit slower than before, due to both of them being worn down. Oblivion's ears flicked when he faintly heard his name being called. “Excuse me, Mac. I’ll be right back.” Mac nodded and Oblivion teleported to the barn.

Twilight saw him appear and looked nervously to him. Rainbow Dash was with her. “I know we had agreed that we would have you heal anypony only if it was dire. Well, Applejack launched Rainbow through the air and she crashed into my balcony.”

Oblivion barked a laugh at the blue Pegasus's expense. “Okay, so what is broken?”

Rainbow looked at him. “Nothing broke, as far as I know, but my wings are killing me.” She commented.

Oblivion blinked at her then looked to Twilight. “You're serious? Twilight this does not count as an emergency.” The mare looked to the ground.

“I know and I said that as well. But Rainbow..”

“Look if you can help me then you should. I’m one of your friends too.” Rainbow jabbed at him.

Twilight's eyes widened and she rounded on the mare. “Rainbow Dash! That is out of line. You know that Oblivion cares and he is right. I told you that you being sore is not a reason for him to heal you. You're being selfish.” The purple mare was stern and anger showed.

Rainbow looked away from them both. “But..”

“No.” Oblivion glared down his snout at the mare. “You are a child in the form of a mare. You think yourself above simple things and believe that another can solve your problems for you. Your injury has nothing to do with me. You speak as if we are friends Rainbow Dash. But we aren’t. You and I have nothing in common and at this moment I have no patience for a self-centered little filly.” He snapped, spun around and vanished in a flash of blue flame.

Big Mac looked back to him as he reappeared. “Y'all okay?”

“Just aggravated. Rainbow dash got thrown through the air and crashed into Twilight’s balcony. I had told Twilight that if any pony was seriously injured due to Applejack's stubbornness to bring them here and I would help. Rainbow will be a bit sore but no broken bones, just a selfish filly. She may be loyal, but she’s self-absorbed.” He replied and gave one of the trees a harder kick than he meant to. Hoofprints were left in the bark. He looked too big Mac. “Sorry.”

“It's all right. Ah’ve kicked em harder than that afore.” Mac patted his shoulder and let the subject drop, knowing that the black Unicorn was in no mood to discuss it.

It was hours later and AJ had left to go help Pinkie Pie with baking. He and Mac both looked a bit nervous at the possibilities of that. “She’s always been good with baking.” Mac had told him.

Oblivion looked at him. “I hope so.”

Around two hours later, Oblivion’s ears caught his name being yelled. “I’ll be right back. I get the feeling that the baking didn't go well. I can hear Twilight by the barn again. Hopefully, it’s nothing serious.” Mac looked back at him.

“Ah hope not. Let me know. Hopefully, ya don’t need ta use more magic. Ah, think yer starting ta run on empty.” The red farmer commented.

Oblivion nodded. “I’m having to rely on my armor more than I intended.” He admitted.

Mac nodded. “And Ah think ya may have lost some weight. Which isn’t healthy fer ya.”

Oblivion looked back and found that it seemed Mac could be right. The black stallion clicked his tongue and teleported to the barn. He saw that Twilight was facing him looking upset. He walked up to her and stood by her.

“Twilight, are you alright?”

“I’m okay, but a bunch of other ponies aren’t. Applejack helped Pinkie bake and now a lot of ponies are very sick.”

Oblivion groaned. “I knew it would not end well. All right, how bad is it?”

“None of them can keep anything down. Even water is out of the question. I’m not gonna ask you to fix it completely but can you help them be able to drink some water?” She pleaded with him.

Oblivion looked away from her for a moment. “I will help Twilight. This does sound like a true emergency. Lead the way.” His horn lit up as he sent a message to Big Mac, giving him the basics and that he would explain when he returned. Twilight trotted to the gate and looked back to him. He broke into a long lope and she galloped ahead of him. His long strides made it easy for him to keep up with her. He could see a Spirit that was familiar to him, Pinkie Pie.

“Figures that she ate a few of them.” He commented. Twilight looked back and gave a weak smile.

He slowed with her as they went into the tent. A creamy white pony with a red cross on her flank and a nurses hat came up to them.

“Thank you for coming back Twilight we need all the help we can get.” The mare looked to the thin black pony with her. “Does he need our help as well?”

Twilight started and looked back at him. “Oh no. He’s just built to be thin. He’s here to help as well. Oblivion, don’t overdo it okay? Please be careful.”

She patted his shoulder as he passed by her and walked into the center of the tent. His horn lit up but then went out. His own energy spent as he tried to call upon more. He growled and called on the rest of his spirit armor. It crawled over his fur and he felt it’s strength flow back over him. His horn lit and slowly every sick pony was engulfed in the warm blue flame. Pinkie Pie looked at him from her place in a bed. Her eyes were dull and showed a well of pain. Oblivion closed his eyes and focused his power to go out to the sick ponies. Each one slowly started to look up at him. Amazement in their eyes. Pinkie sat up and stared at the black stallion. His magic faded and he panted for a moment before looking at them. He turned to leave and head back to the farm.

“Wait! What did you do?” The nurse asked him.

“I healed the worst of it. They might want to go for light foods for a day or so, but they will be fine. I have work to do so if nothing else is needed.” The stallion explained.

Twilight looked up as the ponies all appeared brighter. “Oblivion, I had no idea you could do that. It was amazing.” The purple mare gushed and the other Unicorn shrugged.

“I did what was needed. Nothing more. Though I will ask that next time look at what you're going to eat before you eat it.” He commented as he teleported back to the farm. He landed, roughly a few feet from Big Mac.

“How did it...go...” The farmer looked to Oblivion, who now had his full armor on. Encased in it from head to tail. Oblivion slumped to the ground and sighed.

“Gods below, that mare is going to be the death of me.” He commented before standing.

“How bad was it?”

“None of them could even drink water and that alone can be fatal. So I healed the worst of it. But I had to call upon the rest of my armor to do it.” He replied as he picked up the baskets that Mac had finished. “Thankfully, the day is almost over and we should finish with your half tomorrow.”

Mac considered what he said for a moment before he reached over and his hoof grabbed a chunk of Oblivion's long tail. Oblivion yelped and sat down. “Sorry, bro. But Ah think ya need ta rest for the rest o’ the day. Ya have overdone it and the fact that ya need yer armor is proof ah that. So settle down fer a bit.”

Oblivion set the baskets down and, for once, did exactly as he was told. His head laid down between his hooves and he laid in silence. Mac patted his hip before going back to work. Oblivion let his mind fade and he chose to meditate for a while.

Mac looked over and saw that the stallion appeared to be sleeping so he tried to be as silent as he could so as not to disturb him. The red stallion looked at his elder brother and he could tell that Oblivion’s armor was loose on him. He hadn’t seen all of it before but he was sure that it had fit better before the Applebuck season. He decided that when it was over he was gonna have his brother go hunting and make him a nice meal when he got back. Plus, he would ask about that spa thing and have Applejack pay for it. He was about to go back to his bucking when he heard movement. He looked over to find that Oblivion’s head had come up.

“Oblivion! So yer over here nappin’! Apples don’t lay down on the job!” Applejack yelled from a few feet away. The orange mare walked over and, much to the black ponies surprise, sunk her teeth into his ear and started to drag him after her.

“What the? Applejack, let go!” Oblivion roared at her. Pain tore through his ear and he dug his hooves in to stop his forward movement. His horn flared and his used it to pry her jaws off his ear. “Do not do that again.” He said to her as he rubbed his ear. He was about to say more when a tug on his tail stopped him.

“Ah told him to take a second since he’s been running all day.” Mac came forward.

Applejack shifted her gaze to her brother. “Well, he needs to make sure that mah apples are moved.”

As they started to argue Oblivion teleported to Applejack's side and picked up the five baskets. He glared at them as he teleported to the barn and put them off to the side due to it being full. He teleported back to the arguing siblings. He looked between them and snorted. He reared up and used Aard to push them both back and silence them as his hooves struck the ground.

“That's enough! I moved the baskets Applejack and you're going to bust my ass over five baskets that were nowhere near you? Mac is correct he asked if I wished to rest for a moment and I took him up on the offer. You need to slow down and get the facts and make an educated decision before you fly off the handle at the wrong pony. This discussion is over. Go back to your side of the farm.” She opened her mouth to argue. “Now!” He roared at her.

The ground trembled at his tone, Applejack shrank back and fled. Oblivion sighed and sat down. Mac came over to him and sat down.

“Was it really only five baskets?”

He nodded. “I almost brought them with me to drop on her, but decided not to.”

Mac laughed. “Thank ya fer stopping that. I just didn’t think it was fair ah her to go after ya.”

“Your right, it wasn’t fair. That is why I acted as I did. It was also only a matter of time before she noticed that you are almost finished with your half. I’ll just need to make sure to keep her at bay tomorrow. It should be interesting, she is helping Fluttershy tomorrow. Not sure if I should be dreading the outcome or if I will laugh.”

Mac looked away from him after a moment. “Ah hope it works out okay. Miss Fluttershy is a sensitive, caring pony.”

Oblivion looked to the other stallion before he chuckled. “Some pony hoping she’ll come around?”

Mac jolted at Oblivion’s implication. “Well she’s helped us out plenty o’ times and she always asks about tha’ farm and mah family and ah...” Mac caught the little mischievous grin on the muzzle of the other before he realized he’d been had. “Oblivion. That was low.”

“Not really. I’ve done worse to my fellow Witcher's.” He quipped back. “Look, Mac, if you like the mare say something, You know Fluttershy is too shy to say anything herself.” The black stallion commented to the other. “I won’t say anything, it’s your business.”

Oblivion said as he picked up the baskets that Mac had finished and walked away from him. Mac tried to get the blush to go away from his face. He knew that Oblivion had been teasing him in his own way. He stood up and went back to work.

As morning dawned the next day Mac and Oblivion went to the north while Applejack left, her dog Winona in tow, to help Fluttershy. Oblivion could see that Mac was more nervous about that then he had been with the others.

“Easy Big Mac, she’ll be fine,” Oblivion said and patted him on the shoulder.

“Yeah, ah know.” He followed the other stallion and started finishing up the harvest of the northern orchard.

Applejack came back an hour or so later and Oblivion began walking between them picking up the baskets. He saw Twilight coming in the gate with an annoyed look. She saw Oblivion and walked over to him.

“This has to end.” She declared.


“Yes. She terrorized a bunch of baby bunnies, they went through town and ate every piece of foliage available and, though I'm not sure how scared a few ponies.” She paused when Oblivion laughed.

“Scared by a bunch of bunnies?” He looked back at her.

“Yeah, I don’t understand it either. Granted some ponies faint at the slightest little thing but still. Has Applejack learned her lesson yet?”

Oblivion shrugged. “She got herself into an argument with Mac and I last night. But I doubt she learned anything. Mac and I will finish in a bit so feel free to talk to her. Bring her to the barn when you're done and she can see how a team works instead of going alone.” He said to her and the mare nodded.

He went back to Big Mac and helped clear out the last of the trees on their side. Both took the last baskets to the barn and waited out front. Oblivion looked out and he could see that Applejack had about a fourth left. If you were inside the orchard then it would be difficult to see the hidden part of the southern edge. Plus in an exhausted state and not thinking clearly, it would be easy to miss. He looked up to find Applejack trotting in front of Twilight.

“Ah did it.” She declared and stomped her hoof. She looked to Big Mac and Oblivion. “How do ya like them apples?” She posed with her head high and looked to the stallions.

Big Mac walked over to her and turned her to see the empty trees and the full barn. “Um, how do ya like them apples?” He said.

Oblivion walked up to her and then turned her to see the unfinished section of her side. “How about that?”

Applejack's eyes narrowed to pinpricks and she started mumbling. “Where did all the apples, what, how?” Then she fainted.

Oblivion's magic caught her and lowered her to the ground gently. “Well, who wants to break it to her that she’s been fooled when she comes to?”

“Ah will. Was mah idea.” Mac stepped forward.

Oblivion nodded and Twilight put her muzzle a few inches from Applejack and started saying her name. “Applejack.” She waited. “Applejack.”

The orange mare slowly opened her eyes. “Huh?”

“Oh good, you're okay. Now Applejack, I completely respect the Apple Family traditions. You always help any pony in need so you need to try to put aside your stubborn pride and let your friends and family help you.” Twilight said to her.

Applejack looked around to the rest of the orchard and sighed. “Okay Twilight, yer right.”

“Now, Applejack I insist...what?”

“Yes, Twilight. Please, ah could really use yer help.”

Twilight sighed and helped her up. The mare looked to her brothers and sighed.

“Ah’m so sorry ya'll. I said things that weren’t true and I acted like a fool. Oblivion ya were right, I was acting like a filly and I should have noticed that yer wearing all yer armor. That’s not a good sign. It means yer exhausted and yer magic is running low. I’m so sorry.” The mare walked slowly up to him and Oblivion sat down as she wrapped her forelegs around his neck. He let his head sit on her shoulder and patted her back.

“I know you are, AJ. You were so focused on outdoing your brother that you lost track of all else. I forgive you for your foolish pride. Just next time stop and think first.” He said to her. The mare pulled back and sat down. Oblivion used his hoof to wipe aside a couple of tears threatening to spill over. “Now, I think Mac has something to say as well.”

Mac stepped forward and put a hoof on her shoulder. “The reason ah finished is cuz I asked fer help.”

Applejack's eyes widened. “Ya, what?”

“Ah asked Oblivion ta help me finish the first cuz ah knew ya were gonna go crazy with this here contest ya made up. Oblivion went around behind ya fixing up the ponies that ya have hurt.”

Applejack startled. “What ponies?”

Twilight came forward and explained. “Rainbow strained a few muscles from crashing into my balcony. Pinkie and a bunch of other ponies ended up sick from those nasty muffins that you two made.” She explained. Applejack went from concerned to horrified. “Oblivion healed the sick ponies so that they could drink water again. But he had to use his full armor to do it.”

Applejack looked back to the Black Unicorn. “And he ran himself so ragged between us that he’s lost some weight as well.” Mac threw in. Oblivion clamped his mouth shut with magic.

Applejack looked at him. “Ya have?”

“It’s not dire, AJ. I’ll be fine.” He assured the mare and then released Mac’s jaws as well.

Applejack fell down to her belly. “Ah can’t believe ah didn’t notice. What kinda sister am I if I didn’t see that ya were suffering? Ah’m so sorry.”

Oblivion reached out and ran his hoof over her mane. “I’ll be fine Applejack. Nothing a good meal and a bath won’t cure.” He said to her.

She looked up as he kept running his hoof over her mane. “Ah’ll do anythin’ ta make it up to ya.”

He shook his head. “It's okay, AJ. As I said, its nothing I can’t recover from.”

Mac stepped up and put a hoof on her as well. “Ah do have an idea though.”

Applejack bolted up and looked to him. “Anythin’.”

“Y'all mentioned that spa thing.” The mare nodded. “Well, he’s been laying on the floor to keep from gettin’ everything dirty so that Granny’s not washing all the time.” He was about to say more when Applejack caught on.

“Ah, course. I’ll take ya there myself. Both of ya, my treat. Ya need ta have yer fur washed and yer mane trimmed. They’ll take care ya.” The mare stood up but stumbled. Twilight went to her side and helped her stay standing.

“I think somepony needs to rest.” The purple Unicorn commented.

The two stallions agreed and stepped back. Twilight went with Applejack to put her to bed. Oblivion and Big Mac both looked to the barn and started organizing the baskets to make it easier. As Oblivion used his magic and Mac his muscles, the two of them shuffled the baskets and got them into a better position, making it easier to get to them. When they finished both of them went into the house to relax a bit before bed. Both lounged in the front room, with Mac on the couch and Oblivion stretched out on the floor. Both looked up as Twilight came into the room. She giggled at the two stallions as they were lounging.

“You two look comfortable.” She giggled at them as they looked to her.

“Could be worse,” Oblivion said to her as he rolled over to face her.

Mac nodded. “Eeyup.”

“Well, it seems like she did learn her lesson. I may not have liked what happened, but you two were right, it took a shock like this to make her see it. But are you sure your okay, Oblivion?”

“I’ll be fine. Feel a bit drained but nothing dire. I’ll survive.” He assured her. He laid his head down on the floor.

Twilight walked over and sat by his head. “Well, I’m glad you both are okay. Tomorrow the girls and I will help Applejack finish so you two can relax and take it easy. That reminds me. Oblivion, Rainbow wanted to apologize to you but she hasn’t seen you. So, tomorrow I think she will apologize for her behavior. I gave her quite the lecture afterward as well.”

“Good. She needs to learn that just because I can do something does not mean that I will.” He responded.

“Agreed. Plus, you're already tired so it was a smart move not to heal a few sore muscles.”

Mac nodded to them and went back to lounging. Oblivion rolled to his belly and looked around him. He had left his armor on throughout the day and he had a feeling it was what was keeping him going. The runes in it seemed to be active at all times. One of them was a greater mending rune, so it was constantly healing him. He laid his head back down and looked to Twilight before closing his eyes.

“So, how has he been doing Mac?” Twilight whispered.

He heard Mac shift on the couch and look to her. “He’s been doing well, Miss Twilight. He works hard and is not afraid ta speak up and set things right. Even though he seems ta have magic with no limit he uses it wisely. Unless he’s teleportin’ all over just ta frustrate AJ.” He chuckled and Twilight joined him.

“Yeah, I only recently started using teleportation, but he's far better at it than I am. I mean, his being able to teleport to Canterlot and back is far more skilled than I am.”

He heard Mac shift. “Ain’t ya a student o’ the Princess?”

“Yes. But I don’t think even the Princess can teleport that far.”

“Really? How could he have surpassed an Alicorn without bein’ one?”

None saw the slight twitch go through the black Unicorn. They continued talking over him as he lay silent. ‘Will have to come clean on that eventually. Maybe just to Twilight though. She’s a Unicorn as well with a fair amount of power as well. It would make the most sense. Though I am concerned that she will blather it to the Princess. Perhaps inform Luna first. No, she has enough on her plate, what with coming back into her crown just recently after a thousand-year absence. The other mares aside from AJ could be okay. Actually no never mind. Pinkie Pie would insist on a party or something like that. I can barely tolerate that mare normally. She has already broken a few laws of nature that I am aware of. Will speak with Twilight another time. She is the best option of the group since AJ already knows.’ He flicked his ears back to the conversation above him.

“I’m glad that he has a family around him. When I spoke to him it didn’t seem like that was something he knew about.” Twilight observed.

“Ah agree. When we mentioned it he looked ready ta run. But his leg gave out and Granny set him straight. At first, he would flinch at the word and if we called him brother he would cringe a bit. But lately, he seems to be gettin’ used to it.” Mac told her.

Twilight giggled. “That sounds about right. He had mentioned that he never had friends either, so I’m glad to see that he is slowly growing used to it. He’s not one to allow himself to be pushed into anything.”

“I can hear you both, you know.” He said and brought his head up. Both ponies startled and looked away from him. Twilight sputtered, while Mac was silent with wide eyes. Oblivion snickered and looked at them. “You both need to make sure a pony is asleep before you talk over them.”

Twilight calmed and looked at him. “Well, you looked asleep.”

“She’s right, ya did.”

“I can look that way if I choose to.” He replied to them.

Oblivion chuckled at their expense before he got to his hooves and shook himself. He sighed as dust came off his coat. “Damn.” He growled at the state of his armor and coat. Oblivion looked up as Apple Bloom came inside and ran up to them.

“Wow, that's a ton of apples in the barn. Did ya'll finish the whole thing?”

Oblivion shook his head. “No, there is some left that will be finished tomorrow.” He told her.

“Wow, so that's what yer armor looks like?” She said as she stared at the armor.

“It normally looks better, but yes.”

“It's still really shiny.” The filly said as she looked at the leg guards.

Twilight stood up and used her magic to lift Apple Bloom onto her back so she could look at the armor more closely. She reached out and ran her hoof over it, brushing away a layer of dust.

She wrinkled her nose. “Okay, it is dusty. Oh, Ah know. Ya want me ta wipe it off fer ya?”

Oblivion shook his head. “It's fine, Apple Bloom. I will tend to it later. Though I appreciate the offer.” He said as he started for the kitchen.

Apple Bloom jumped off Twilight’s back and followed behind him. “Ya sure?”

He nodded to her and he walked outside.

The filly didn’t follow him outside. She went back into the family room and looked to the two adult ponies. “How did he get so dirty? He hates that.”

“Its been a very long week, Apple Bloom. We are all dirty and tired.” Mac explained. He was about to continue when the house shook, then a roar of anger came from outside.

Twilight looked to Mac.

“Oblivion.” They both sounded off and took off outside. “Stay, Apple Bloom.”

Twilight reached the kitchen door first and saw that the baskets had fallen over and the apples scattered. Oblivion was standing in front of them, his back arched, and his teeth bared. Twilight searched around frantically. She started to yell to the black Unicorn when he charged forward and raced, at a full gallop, past the barn and into the field behind it. Twilight took off after him with Mac on her heels. The mare raced after him and saw a sword emerge from the air and she saw him hold the hilt in his teeth. Even in the sun, the blade glowed silver. Twilight dug in and tried to catch up with him. She had to skid to a halt when the black pony suddenly stopped in his tracks. Twilight heard Mac coming up behind her, then heard him yelp. She looked back and Mac rolled into her.

“Oh no!” Twilight rolled forward and found herself underneath Oblivion, who looked down at her, he blinked a couple of times, sword in his teeth. “I am so sorry.” She flushed and tried to crawl out from under him. “Eep.” The mare stopped when she realized that Mac was right behind her on the other side of Oblivion's legs.

She looked back to him and found that he didn’t seem angry, more amused.

His horn lit and he teleported a few feet ahead of them. The sword in his jaws vanished and he went over to the tangled ponies. He held Twilight under the forelegs and pulled her out from her place half under Mac's flank. “Are you all right?” he asked her.

“I’m okay, just..mortified.” She said as he helped her to her hooves.

Oblivion shook his head and went over to Big Mac. He hauled the red stallion to his hooves as well.

“Sorry bout that. Ah, slipped on the long grass. Mighty sorry, Miss Twilight.” He said to her.

“It's okay Big Mac. Accidents happen. But, what happened Oblivion?”

The black Unicorn looked away for a moment. “It's nothing. Sorry about that.”

Twilight stood up and smacked his shoulder with her hoof. “We can’t help, if you don’t tell us.”

Oblivion started at the strike, but he sighed in response. “That's the thing Twilight, you can’t help. What I sensed is not able to be felt by any of you. Not that you are not capable, it's just that I am trained for it. I sensed something that reminded me of a creature from where I am from. Its happened a few times now. Just as I get close to it the feeling vanishes. I keep chasing my tail and its becoming… more aggravating.” He explained.

Twilight looked thoughtful. “Do you have any idea what it might have been?”

He turned to look at her. “A wraith.”

Twilight looked at Big Mac, who shrugged. “A what?”

He sighed before continuing. “A wraith. A spirit that has departed this world under bad circumstances and is connected to something that was left behind. They can be cleansed, but you have to find the item they are attached and burn it to attract them to you.”

“Why in Equestria would you want them to find you?” Twilight asked Mac nodded.

Oblivion sighed at the interruption. “That is the only way to free them. You have to defeat them and cleanse their true spirit. Otherwise, they will continue to plague and kill ponies.” he explained.

Twilight and Mac looked at each other. “And you defeat these often?” She asked.

Oblivion nodded. “Their actually pretty common where I am from. Ponies attack and kill each other, which can create a wraith. There are many different types so it can depend on what kind they are and when they will appear. If I’m right, the one I was after is a Noonwraith. A Noonwraith is the spirit of a young mare that has died in a violent way right before their wedding. They are driven mad with pain and anger so they wander the fields close by where they died searching for their unfaithful husbands or lovers.” Oblivion stopped and looked to the two ponies, who looked nothing sort of horrified. “Anyway they have the ability to kill ponies and they need to be removed from an area to prevent bloodshed. But unless I see it I can’t be truly sure.” He explained.

Much to his surprise, Twilight’s spirit shifted color to show, what he had learned was curiosity. “That is so interesting. I never thought that there could be so many types of monsters. How many wraiths do you know of?”

She leaned forward to listen. “Well, there are easily five to ten that I actively know of and...”

Twilight leaned into him as he spoke. Mac looked at her and gripped her long tail in his hoof and pulled her back. She looked back and suddenly flushed scarlet. “Oh, sorry. I get a little carried away. Umm. Anyway, so it’s gone now?”

Oblivion looked at her. “Yes, I can’t sense anything nearby and they are hard to track without a clue as to who they once were.” He admitted as he started to walk back to the farm. Twilight and Big Mac fell in beside him.

Twilight kept looking to him. “So, a Wraith is the ghost of a pony?”

Oblivion looked to her for a moment before looking ahead. “No. They are the spirit of a pony driven mad with pain and betrayal before they died. Usually, they have a pretty sad story that goes with them. I have seen ones that were killed by lords of or by stallions who wanted them but were spurned.”

Twilight looked away and thought about his words. “That’s so sad. I can’t believe that another pony would do that to another. You're from outside of Equestria?”

“Yes. Very far away.”

“It sounds like a very violent and cruel place.” She said Mac nodded beside her.

Oblivion looked to the ground for a moment. “Yes, it is. It is nothing like this place. I have to admit I keep waiting for this place to fade away and reveal itself to have been a dream and nothing more.” He admitted. “That it is a dream of a world that can never exist outside of a hope or dream because in my world it would be impossible.”

Twilight looked at him as he spoke. “But it is real.”

He chuckled. “Perhaps. Or maybe I’m actually dead and this is the place we go to when it ends. Who knows?” He replied, a small smile on his muzzle.

Twilight stopped and stared at him. Both stallions stopped to look at her. Twilight stared at him then her eyes looked down. Mac suddenly nudged him. The black Unicorn looked over to him. Mac motioned him to go to her. “Why?” Oblivion mouthed.

Mac rolled his eyes and whispered back. “She’s sad. Go comfort her.”

Oblivion's head went back. “You say that like I know how.”

“Ya do it for Apple Bloom all the time. Give ‘er a hug and tell her it’s okay.” Mac punched his shoulder, got behind him and gave the Unicorn a shove.

Oblivion walked forward and rolled his eyes. He looked back and found Mac walking back to the house. The black Unicorn walked up to the still mare and lowered his head to hers. He saw tears falling down her muzzle. He started and found himself at even more of a loss. The stallion reached his head down and gave her a gentle nuzzle to the side of her head. Twilight sobbed and lunged into him. Her hooves around his shoulders. He put his forelegs around her and held onto her. He stroked her mane with his hoof and tried to calm her. She gripped his mane and held him close.

“You are real. I swear you are.” She said through her sobs. “I want you to be real. You're a good pony and a wonderful friend.” She hiccuped and stopped speaking.

“I did not mean to upset you, Twilight. I meant that this place is so different from where I am from it’s like a paradise. That is what I meant. I know I am real. I’m covered in dirt and grime and I can only do that if I’m alive.” He said to her. She hiccuped through a laugh and held onto him. “And the fact that Mac socked me in the shoulder hurts and pain doesn’t happen to dead ponies does it?” He said to her. She gripped his fur but nodded. He slowly pulled her away from him and set her on her rump. “Twilight, look at me. Come on, look up.” He cajoled her. When she didn’t look up he put a hoof under her chin and made her raise her head. “See? I’m right here. You're going to have to work harder to get rid of me.”

The mare smiled and rubbed her eyes to get rid of the tears. “I just never thought things were so different. The kingdom you're from sounds so different and scary. You keep so much of it to yourself that it seems to not match up to you when you talk about it. And you don’t say anything even if you hurt. Why?”

He sighed and put his hoof down. “Where I am from an injury can be fatal. Not just because of the pain or infection, but because if somepony sees it they might come after you. Even an armed Witcher is not immune. They seek to rob another of what they have so as to better themselves. Even if it means covering their own hooves in blood. So showing pain, is a weakness one cannot afford. I am sorry that it has upset you but I cannot change how I think that easily. Do you understand? It's like in a wolf pack. They never show they are hurting because the wolf under them will go after them for their position in the pack.”

Twilight nodded in understanding. “It just sounds so scary but when I think about it you don’t show anything.”

Oblivion looked away. “There is a different reason for that but I think I have given you enough to think about. Come, I’ll walk you home.” Twilight stood up and walked up to his side. He turned and started walking with her. Oblivion stayed beside her as they walked through the field toward town. I may wait to tell her more. Specifically about the wings on my back. But when is the right time to tell her? I upset her badly today now that I think of it. I will tell her more when I think she has had enough time to process the knowledge I gave her today. She is a pretty tough pony to be able to understand what I said and still show interest. I’ll worry about it another time.’ They walked into town as the sun began lowering and they got to the door of the library.

“Thanks for bringing me home. I’m sorry I cried on you, I was just so shocked that I wasn’t sure how to react.” She said to him.

“It's okay, Twilight. I’m here if needed.”

Twilight smiled and nodded to him. “Anyway, thanks again. Be careful about going back. Even though if anything does meet up with you I feel sorry for it.” She quipped to him.

Oblivion gave a low laugh. “Agreed. Just because I’m here doesn’t mean I have lazed in my training.”

She giggled behind a hoof and opened the door. “Night, Oblivion.”

“Sleep well, Twilight.” He said as he turned to head back to the farm. The black stallion walked back along the road in silence. His armor sat along his body and he looked back at it as he walked. He could see that it was dirty, but it was not what stopped him. The Unicorn lit his horn to shine a light on the armor itself. Sections of the armor were ill-fitting at best. “Perhaps I have lost some weight.” He let his horn dim and started back down the path. He reached the house after the sun had set and he walked up the stairs. He saw one light still on in the hall as he walked to his room. Apple Bloom was still awake. The Unicorn walked up to the doorway and looked in. Apple Bloom was sitting at her desk erasing a line on her homework page. She gave a frustrated sigh and looked up. She saw Oblivion in the mirror by her desk and she spun in her seat.

“Oblivion, just the pony ah need.” She stood on her chair and motioned him to join her.

The Unicorn walked in and sat down beside her chair. He looked to the paper and saw that it was blank. He looked to her for a moment. “All right, I'll bite, why do you need me?”

The filly beamed at him. “Whats a troll look like?”

He titled his head at her. “Why?”

“Ah need ta draw an animal from another place. A troll is perfect. It's not from here and it's sure ta get me an A on this here paper.” The filly bounced in her seat as she explained.

“Why not choose something that you know what it looks like?”

“Cause every pony is gonna draw somethin’ from here. I want it ta stand out. Ya don’t need ta draw it for me, just describe it.” She explained.

Oblivion looked to the paper and put his hoof close by the top. “Put a straight line across the paper here.” She looked at him. “Trust me.” He told her and the filly shrugged but did as he told her. “All right, now put another close to the bottom of the page.” He waited as the filly did as he asked. “Well done. Now put the last one directly in the middle.” She gave him a confused look but still did as he told her. “All right, now, I will teach you how to draw a troll.” He told her.

Her eyes lit up as she bounced in her seat. “Y'all can actually draw?” She asked him. “Can ya show me? Don’t show me a troll, but, what about somethin’ else?”

Oblivion thought about it for a moment. His horn lit up and a scroll and quill appeared. The quill moved across the page as he drew on it. After a few minutes, he turned it around and Apple Bloom put her hooves to her mouth and squealed. It was a rough sketch, but he had drawn her sitting at her desk.

“It’s perfect. Ya are really good!” The filly took the paper from him and held it in front of her. “Can ya really teach me ta draw like this?”

“You won’t draw just like that. I have been drawing for a long time, so I have been practicing all along. You will develop your own style that is different from mine. Shall we start?”

The filly bounced in her seat and nodded. Time went by as Oblivion instructed her how to draw a troll on her own. The filly was glad to find that Oblivion was patient with her and when she made a mistake he helped her to use it to her advantage. Neither of them noticed Applejack standing outside the door and listening. The orange mare smiled and ducked away from the door when Apple Bloom shouted with joy.

“Ah did it!” She yelled.

Oblivion shushed her with a hoof. “It's late, Apple Bloom.”

She cringed and he removed his hoof. “Sorry. Ah’m just so excited. Is this really what they look like? Can ya draw one?”

Oblivion nodded, a second scroll appeared in his magic he drew a rock troll as he knew them and showed it to the filly. She beamed at the image and held her own drawing next to his. Oblivion saw the beginning of disappointment. “Remember that I have been drawing for many years little one. For doing this in 30 minutes you did very well.” He leaned in by her ear. “Just between you and me, one of my fellow Witcher's, Lambert, can’t draw at all. He’s terrible.” He whispered to her, She giggled and hugged her troll drawing to her. She leaned over and hugged him.

“Thanks, Oblivion, your the best big brother in all Equestria!” She hugged his neck tightly.

Oblivion started but after a small sigh, he ran a hoof over the fillies mane and gave her a gentle nuzzle. “Okay, time for little fillies to go to bed. Come on.” He told her and she jumped off the chair and trotted to her bed. She stopped and put her drawing into her saddlebag. She jumped up and crawled under the covers. Oblivion went up to the door and waited until she was situated.

“Night, Oblivion.” She whispered.

“Good night, little one.” He said back and turned off the light.

He closed the door and turned, to find Applejack smiling at him from the other side of the door. He paused and then walked past her.

“That was sweet of ya ta help her. Ya didn’t have ta stay up and teach her how ta draw. But ya did.” Applejack smiled at him.

The stallion stood beside her for a moment. “There is a saying where I am from ‘give a pony a fish and he will eat for a day, teach him how to fish and he will never go hungry.”

Applejack blinked. “Tha’s true. Though I don’t think any pony sides you eat fish. Y'all are a pretty wise pony, Oblivion.”

“Everypony, where I am from, eats whatever they get their hooves on. The second time I have been told that.” He commented.

“Who else told ya? And everypony?”

“Luna. And yes, everypony”

Applejack gaped at him. “The Princess said ya were wise too?”

Oblivion nodded as he pushed the door to his room open. “Yes, during our discussion. I told her my opinion of her and she informed me that I was wise. And that I reminded her of their teacher.” Applejack motioned for him to keep speaking. “A pony named...Star something.” The Unicorn paused. “Gods I’m getting old if I can’t remember things from a week ago...Star swirl.” He said to her with a smirk.

Applejack chuckled. “Ah don’t know who he is, but Ah bet Twilight does.” Applejack commented. “That’s what happens when yer over a hundred years old. Yer birthday cake will be an inferno.” Oblivion looked at her.

“My what cake? And why would you light a cake on fire?” He asked her with a slight tilt of his head.

Applejack stared at him before answering. “Yer birthday cake. We celebrate the day yer born and have a cake with candles on it. Ya don’t have that where ya are from?”

Oblivion shook his head. “No, and I don’t even remember what day I was born on. To be honest I have no desire to celebrate such a thing. There is no reason. I’ve been in this world for over a hundred years Applejack no reason to celebrate that.”

Applejack looked thoughtful. “Well, we could celebrate the day ya arrived or… No.” She replied.

Oblivion glared at her till she relented. “No. There is no reason. I am aware of the day I arrived and that is fine, there is no need to celebrate it. You should rest more, AJ. You worked yourself into the ground.” He said as he turned toward his room.

“Ah know. Ah’m getting somethin ta eat real quick. Care ta keep me company?”

He started to say no but decided that staying up for a bit more wouldn’t hurt him. “Very well.”

Applejack led him down the stairs and into the kitchen. She made a couple of sandwiches for herself and sat down. Oblivion looked out the window.

“Mac said ya led him and Twilight on a merry chase through the field and then ya made Twilight cry.” She accused through bites of her sandwich.

“Oh for the love of the Gods. That was not intentional. She asked what I was looking for. I explained that I had felt what could have been a wraith. She asked what I meant so I explained. I admit that I forgot that ponies here are trusting and kind to each other. She was simply shocked to hear that where I am from it is the opposite.” He explained.

Applejack nodded. “Ah must admit that it was a shock when ya told me. But ya were nice ta make her feel better. So ah’m glad ya were with her.”

“I suppose. Since I caused the upset it was my job to fix it in a way. You will be pleased to know I am considering informing her about…” He paused to make sure it was just them awake. “My being an Alicorn. The only thing that gives me pause is that I would not wish for her teacher to know. She has a strong bond with Celestia, while I do not. I have no desire to be a Prince or anything of the sort. The idea is ridiculous.” He said to the orange mare.

Applejack looked at him. “I actually think ya would be a good pony as a prince.” Oblivion’s head snapped to look at her. The look he gave her said ‘are you serious’. “Ah’m serious. Ya are a good pony. Ya know what it's like to have nothing and still move forward. Ya fight when needed and talk when needed. Ya know how ta read ponies. Ah could go on but ya get the idea. These are qualities that one needs as a Prince.” She looked to him and set her food onto her plate. “Ah heard that ya met Prince Blue Blood.” Oblivion looked startled. “Ah needed ta ask Rarity a question and she was tryin’ ta decide what ta write in a letter to somepony. She will give it to ya tomorrow probably ta send. She said that ya had met with him and were helpin’ im. Ya didn’t have to. Ya went out of your way instead.” The mare paused as he looked away.

“I didn’t actually remember who he was till later. I simply heard him when he was ranting and stuck my nose in it.”

“Ya didn’t have ta. But ya did. And from what she said ya have made him think if ya as a friend. His first friend.”

Oblivion started and looked to her. “What?”

She laughed at his response. “Yeah. He sees ya like the first true friend he has. That's important ta a pony. Especially one that felt like he was alone. See yer also a giving pony. Ya give of yerself. Do ya expect Apple Bloom ta pay ya fer teaching her to draw?”

“Hells no. Pay me with what?”

Applejack laughed. “Exactly. Ya expect nothin’. Ya may not be from here Oblivion but ya belong here.” She said as she went back to her food.

‘I belong here? How does she draw that conclusion? So I helped a couple of ponies that means…Okay, maybe it means more to ponies here than I thought. But still, that's a hell of a conclusion to draw. I’m not even from this world. I’m more concerned that mine feels like it might be bleeding into this one. So I have to...Oh, Gods, she has a point. I have taken it upon myself to not just protect these ponies, but improve things as well. What have I gotten myself into?’ He looked out the window and sighed. “I’m not from here, AJ. How can I be one of them when I’m nothing like you?”

Applejack looked at him. “Ya don’t need to be born here ta be one of us. Ya are one of us. Yer a pony like us, ya bleed, ya get angry, ya care about others. Ya are a mite bit different but that’s not a reason to throw ya away. The Element of Spirit chose ya fer a reason. Ya got a big heart and a great spirit. Ya have yer moments like any other, but all in all Ah’m proud ta call ya mah oldest brother.”

Oblivion looked away from her for a moment. “That's another thing I don’t understand. Not sure I ever will. I’m an outsider, I always have been.” He said as he looked to her.

“That doesn’t matter more.” She said her voice firm. “Yer family and that’s that.”

Oblivion scratched the back of his head with a sigh. She ate her sandwich, leaving him to puzzle through what she had said. She finished her food and got up. Oblivion stood with her and followed her up the stairs.

“Night, Oblivion.”

“Night, Applejack.”

The Unicorn went into his room and closed the door. He moved his swords to the desk after checking the hilt of his silver sword to make sure that his teeth hadn’t left any marks. He had felt his magic tiring and he chose to carry it that way, instead of in his magic. He was glad to see that it had no marks on it and decided that he needed to have AJ show him to the forge to see if he could get his steel sword tended to. He laid down on the floor and laid his cloak over his back. He left his armor in place so it would help him recover overnight. The stallion laid his head down on the floor and flicked his tail so it wrapped around his body. He laid his head down on top of the end of his tail, after it hit him in the nose, and went to sleep.

He woke up to the rooster crowing. “I hate that bird.” He grumbled as he stood up. He shook himself and laid his cloak on the desk. He looked over his body and found that he was still caked in dirt and dust. “Ugh, this is vile.” He opened the door and made his way downstairs. The rest of the Apples were waking up and he went outside instead of sitting at the table. He looked up and saw a group of familiar spirits coming toward the farm. The mares all walked through the gate and saw him. Applejack came outside and smiled.

“Thanks, fer coming ya'll.” She shouted at them.

“Least you're welcoming them.” Oblivion snipped at her.

“Of course, Ah’m being welcoming their gonna...oh. Haha. So now yer a funny Unicorn.”

“Only when you make it easy.” He quipped and walked away from her.

“Hey, Ah got an idea.” She said and pulled his tail.

“Oh?” He backed up and looked at her.

“Yeah, Rainbow is gonna apologize right?” Oblivion nodded. “Well, ask her ta help ya with that spell. Ya can’t be an Alicorn that can’t fly.”

He looked at her for a moment before the side of his mouth raised. “True.” He responded.

Applejack chuckled and welcomed the mares. Rainbow held back for a second as she hovered behind them. She dropped to the ground, inhaled and then walked up to the Black Unicorn.

“Hey, Oblivion. Can I talk to you?” She asked.

He looked to her and saw Twilight look over. “Sure. Follow me.” He led her off to the side.

“Okay, so I umm...” She looked away from him and swirled a hoof in the dirt. “Look what I'm saying is… Well...”

Oblivion looked away and Applejack held her hoof up telling him to wait. He looked back to the light blue mare.

“Ugh! What I mean is, I’m sorry. I was a jerk to you and you didn’t deserve it. I deserved to be called a little filly and I was wrong about what I said.” The mare panted when she finished. “Friends?” She held out her hoof.

Oblivion looked at the offered hoof. “On one condition.”

The mare jumped into the air. “Name it.” She said to him.

“Help me test out a new spell.” He stated.

The mare stiffened and looked at him. He kept his stone face as she landed on the ground. “How new is this spell?”

“I have used it once before. All you have to do is concentrate on your knowledge of how to fly. For a strong flier like yourself, this will be easy.”

She looked nervously away from him. “You sure that’s what I can do for you?”

“Positive. Though if you can’t I’m sure Fluttershy or another Pegasus would be able to help me. Twilight already helped me so I know it can work on a Unicorn. I just need to test it on a Pegasus.” He stated.

Rainbow cleared her throat. “Well, I’m not so sure about this idea.”

“Very well. I’m sure Fluttershy will help me out.” He said as he turned away from her. “She is such a giving friend.” He said for the sole purpose of goading the competitive mare.

Applejack had an ear turned to them and had to fight a laugh. Twilight also grinned.

“No, no .” Rainbow grabbed his tail and yanked it back.

“Ow.” He yelped as she yanked him back.

“So Twilight already did this?” Oblivion nodded and he pulled his tail from her grasp. “And if not me then you’ll ask Fluttershy?” Nodded again. “Okay, so this must be really easy if Twilight can do it.” Twilight frowned at the mare. “So what do I do again?”

“Just focus on your knowledge of flight. Such as how to fly, the angles, etc. Nothing too difficult I assure you.” He said to the mare.

“Okay, that sounds easy. So how is this gonna work?”

“I will copy that knowledge using my magic, the information will then go to me.” He informed the mare.

“Okay, this sounds almost too easy.” The mare sat down and looked to him. “Okay, go ahead.”

“All right focus.” His horn lit up and the mare concentrated. Oblivion gave a coy smile. “Granted I used this on another Unicorn so I have no idea how a Pegasus will respond.” He said quickly and tapped his horn to the mare's head.

“Wait, wha...” Rainbow went silent as Oblivion’s magic circled her. After ten seconds the magic flared and he pulled back. He shook his head and Rainbow blinked. “You said that just to freak me out!” She accused.

Oblivion rubbed the back of his head and grinned. “Yes. Yes, I did. You earned a few jabs for your behavior the other day. But since the info I received from you was quite helpful I will let that go and forgive you. Just remember that just because I am able to do something does mean that I can. Do not forget that. If it is an emergency then, by all means, come to me for help but if not, then don’t.” He informed her. Oblivion turned and smacked the dumbfounded mare in the nose with his tail.

He reached the other mares and Applejack nudged him. “That flick of your tail was revenge for her nearly pullin’ yer tail out?” Oblivion nodded.

She chuckled and turned to the girls. “All right. I need yer help finishing the harvest. There's not much left but we need the help and... okay maybe more help than I thought.” Her eyes fell on the barn.

Oblivion looked over at it hung his head. “Shit, I forgot. Hang on.” He trotted over to it and his horn lit up. His azure flame surrounded the fallen apples and baskets. They all lifted up and the baskets all sat down in long lines and the unbruised apples were dropped into the baskets while the rest were held above Oblivion's head. He looked to Applejack. “What do I do with the bad apples?”

Applejack looked over to the bin that the pigs ate from. Oblivion nodded and the bad apples were dropped inside it. He walked back to them and stood close by. Applejack looked at him and laughed. "That makes feeding the pigs easier.” She said with a chuckle.

Rarity came over to Oblivion and held out a letter to him. He nodded and it vanished with a flash of light. He informed her that it had arrived safely after a moment of thought. The mares all went forward and started pulling apples from the trees and moving the baskets from one spot to another. Big Mac joined Oblivion by the picnic table and watched. The two stallions had been told to enjoy sitting and relaxing. Mac nudged Oblivion, as Applejack came out of the house, balancing a tray on her back.

“How about ya’ll take a little break?” She hollered. “Ah got some fresh Apple Juice for ya!” The other mares came over and sat around the table with the two stallions. “Ah can’t thank ya’ll enough for this help. I was acting a bit stubborn.”

Twilight looked to her. “A bit?”

Applejack looked sheepish. “Okay, a mite stubborn. Ah’m so very sorry. Ah know the town gave me the prized pony award, but the real award is having all of ya as my friends and family.”

Rainbow Dash leaned back a bit and sighed. “That apple bucking sure makes you hungry.”

Spike came forward from the shade of the house. “I have just the snack for all of you.” He showed them the muffins that Applejack and Pinkie had made that had made so many ponies ill.

Oblivion blanched at the site. He could see a couple of dead worms in them. “You must be jesting.”

“Spike. I threw those away. Where did you get them?” Even Pinkie looked disgusted.

“From the trash.”

All the assembled ponies cringed.

Spike walked to them and held them out. “Sure, you don’t want a nibble?”

Oblivion caught a look from Twilight and nodded. His magic picked up the muffins and Spike looked horrified as they were incinerated. Applejack sighed. “Thanks, Oblivion.” The stallion nodded. “Ah don’t need ta be reminded of my bad choices.” Applejack looked back to the other mares and smiled.

Oblivion went back to sit by Big Mac and the two stallions moved to lounge on a stack of hay bales. Oblivion let himself collapse backward and looked over to the red stallion. The farmer looked back and then collapsed back as well. Oblivion looked out to the fields and let himself calm and go still. The Unicorn laid his head down on the straw between his hooves.

“They look comfy,” Fluttershy commented.

“Eeyup.” Applejack responded. “Ah told em ta just relax since they worked hard ta teach me a lesson.”

Oblivion looked over for a moment. Mac shifted and laid down beside him. “So ya gonna take this time ta go hunting?”

“I might.” The stallion replied.

Mac was quiet as well. Oblivion looked to the mares and found them to be heading to the orchard to finish up. The stallion stood up and walked down the haystack. He shook himself free of any hay that clung to his coat. He looked back to Big Mac, who nodded his understanding. Oblivion trotted toward the orchard and broke into a gallop as he weaved through the trees. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Twilight look up as he ran past. He paid no attention to her as he went past. He ran into the Everfree and slowed to a trot. The Unicorn went into a familiar clearing and shed his hair tie. He hung it up on a high branch and opened his wings. He let them open to their full length, as he allowed them to move slowly. The Alicorn checked the joints on them and was pleased to find that the left had healed well and there was no soreness in the joint. Feathers had grown back in, to hide any scars that remained from the tear. He thought for a moment about flying but decided that he was not going to in the state he was in. The Alicorn had no doubt that he could keep himself from injury but he decided not to test it. The Alicorn finished tending to his wings and then pulled them back against his sides.

Applejack looked around her as the other mares came back to the barn after finishing up. Twilight lowered the last baskets to the ground and released her hold on them. The purple Unicorn looked at her friend and smiled.

“That's the last of it, Applejack.” She said and waved her hoof at the baskets.

“Thank ye, Twilight!” She replied. The orange mare looked over the apple orchard and grinned. She turned to thank her brothers but found that only Big Mac was there. She trotted over to him. “Hey, Big Mac?” He opened one eye and looked at her. “Where’s Oblivion?”

“Went hunting.” He replied.

Applejack nodded and turned to look in the direction of the Everfree. “Well, least he’s getting a good meal. Ah still feel awful for the way ah treated him.” She hung her head. “Ah was so focused on mahself that I didn’t see how he was hurting.”

Big Mac stood up and put a hoof on her shoulder. “We all make mistakes. Oblivion isn’t holding a grudge.”

She sighed. “Ah, know he isn’t. He’s not that type of pony. Even though, Ah wouldn’t blame him if he did.” She started to say more but a flash of blue flame caught her attention.

Oblivion walked out of the flame and shook himself before walking up to the siblings. “I see everything has finished already.”

Applejack nodded. “Ya feeling better?”

The black Unicorn nodded. “Yes, thank you. A good run and a meal will do that for a pony.”

Applejack looked relieved as she regarded him. “Ah’m glad ya’ll are feeling better. Been a long week and ya’ll worked hard.”

Oblivion looked to the other mares who were gathering by the picnic table. The black stallion walked over to the table with Applejack and Big Mac at his side.

“Thank ya again girls. Ah know that I haven’t been a very good friend this week. But I’m glad ya’ll are here ta help out.” Applejack said to them as she looked at each of them. “Y'all are welcome ta stay for dinner and ah’ll make the best apple pie ah’ve ever made fer ya.”

The girls all cheered and thanked the orange mare for the offer. The day wore on and the two stallions were chased away from doing any kind of work by every mare they came across. Oblivion gave up after having a rake thrown at him and settled under his normal tree to relax. Mac joined him after taking a broom to the flank, courtesy of Applejack. Both of them lounged under the until the bell for dinner sounded. Mac went inside while Oblivion conjured his book and chose to read instead. He looked up when he heard the door close and saw Twilight walking up to him. He waited for her to reach him before he closed the book.

“I wanted to ask you about your homeland.” She laid down beside him.

Oblivion looked to her and nodded. “All right. I will answer as best I can.”

“You don’t have any family aside from those you call your brothers.” He nodded. “So you don’t have any foals of your own.”

Oblivion snorted and barked a laugh. “No. I am a Witcher, we’re sterile.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “So you are not able to sire foals?”

“No, none of us can. As I have said before a Witcher is not born, we are made. It takes years of training and a trail that we call the Trial of the Grasses to make a Witcher.”

Twilight looked stunned for a moment before continuing. “Applejack mentioned that to me when I asked her if she knew anything about a Witcher. What is this trial?”

Oblivion looked away from her as he thought it over. Twilight waited as he paused. “The Trial of the Grasses is an incredibly painful trial which young Witcher apprentices are subjected to. It requires the consumption of special alchemical ingredients and affects the physiology of each candidate. Its how we get our signature cat eyes, agility, and reflexes.” He explained to the mare. “Myself and a few others were put into further tests to enhance our abilities further. I took to the Trail easily and recovered quickly from it. So I was put into a trail to further enhance my body and skills. There were six of us on the trail and only 2 survived it. Myself and one other. It took a few days to come around, but I slept it off thankfully.

Twilight’s eyes were wide and she stared at him. “I thought it was a physical test, but its an experiment that alters your body.”

“It can also affect the mind. For example, I don’t really remember anything from before the Trial. Bits and pieces perhaps, but nothing concrete.”

Twilight startled and stared at him. “You have no memory of your parents or siblings?”

Oblivion shook his head. “I don’t even know what my name was before. I was given the name Oblivion Shadow by one of my instructors. I accidentally hit another student too hard and he didn’t wake up for three days. So I earned the name Oblivion. My surname came from how I was able to sneak up on Vesemir and steal his crossbow off his back. I was in the shadows at all times and made no sound as I moved.”

“You lost so much to become what you are.”

“True, but I gained so much more.” He said and Twilight leaned slightly toward him as he opened his muzzle once more. “I asked Vesemir who I used to be one. He didn’t know my name, but he did give me a few other details. I used to have dark brown hair, blue eyes and came from a small village at the edge of the Northern Realms. I was brought to Kaer Morhen by another Witcher that had opted for a different method of payment instead of coin. He invoked the right to call upon whatever my father saw first when he returned with the Witcher to his home. The first thing they saw was me. So I was forfeited to the Witcher and taken to Kaer Morhen. Apparently, I did not argue too much about it and took to the training immediately.” He informed the mare.

Twilight looked away then back to him. “So, he took you like payment? For what?”

“He had saved my father's life from a monster and tradition at the time dictated that the Witcher could choose his reward. That Right is no longer used since no School trains Witcher's any longer.”

“You said that before. Do you ever wish that you had not been taken?”

“No. I am fine with how I am. I have no memory of what I used to be, so this is all I have known.”

Twilight nodded and looked down at her hooves. “What else is there? This Trial sounds horrific but you lived through it. Did all the others that you trained with?”

Oblivion looked away and cleared his throat. “No. Typically only three in ten colts survive the Trial. The others die in agony or have to be put down later.”

“Put down?”

Oblivion sighed and looked at her. “That may not be the best subject to broach.” He started.

“I’m not a foal. I can handle it and I will not cry...This time.” The purple mare replied.

Oblivion sighed and nodded. “Very well. It means that we put them out of their misery. A dagger to the heart is effective.”

Twilight gasped and put a hoof to her mouth. “You kill them?”

“Would you rather we left them as broken husks? Understand Twilight, the Trail breaks a colt and then works to rebuild them. Some can’t survive the trial itself. Those that do can still die later. Death is a mercy for those that fail the trial. Those that do not wake up and move on are left broken and dead inside. So ending them is a mercy.”

Twilight was silent as she listened. “So when you told Nightmare Moon that you had been broken once was a reference to the Trial.” She looked to him and he nodded. “Wow. I didn’t think of that. So it sounds like several made it from your class if there were six for the advanced trial.”

Oblivion shook his head. “No only two survived in my group. The other five for the advanced trial were from older groups. I was 8 when I went through the trial. The oldest was 12.”

“And you and one other made it through the final trial.”

“Correct. He was 11.” Oblivion replied to her.

Twilight looked away from him as he finished speaking. “It's all so different. Your homeland is a world away from Equestria. Its almost like it’s a different world entirely. Thank you for talking to me.” She said to him.

“Anytime. I have no problem speaking with you.”

“What can I do to help you?” She looked at him and smiled.

He looked thoughtful. “Nothing is needed. But I would like to work on some more spells with you. It was interesting to see the different styles we use and how they can be used in tandem.”

Twilight nodded, “I would like that as well. It was interesting to work with you and I enjoyed the conversation.”

Oblivion nodded in agreement. “Then we are agreed.”

He looked over her shoulder to the front door and the other mares came outside. “I’ll keep what you told me to myself. I think it would be frightening if it came from me.”

Oblivion nodded. “Thank you for your discretion, Twilight. It is appreciated.”

The mare nodded, stood up and brushed off her purple fur. He stood with her and set his book on his back. The mares said their goodbyes and left through the front gate. The sun was still up as the Unicorn walked into the house. Apple Bloom saw him come in and ran up the stairs. Big Mac chuckled.

“She’s gettin’ a bath ready fer ya. We decided that ya should get it first.” The farmer said to him.

Oblivion shrugged and looked to the other stallion. “I appreciate that.” He heard the water start and started up the stairs. He walked past the bathroom and into his room. The book levitated to the desk and he set it down. He stretched and flexed his claws before putting them back into his hoof. He heard small hooves coming down the hall and turned to look back to the door.

“It's ready, Oblivion. Mac is gonna bathe in the mornin’ since the harvest got done pretty fast.”

The stallion nodded and walked to the bathroom. He walked inside and closed the door behind him. He turned off the water when it was high enough in the tub and pulled his hair out of the tie, he pulled off his cloak, laid it on the counter as well, leaned his swords against the counter, and looked into the mirror. His ribs were showing more than before and he hissed at the sight. “Perhaps I should have this looked into.” He mused to himself. The black pony turned away from the mirror and stepped into the tub. He laid down and the warm water went over his back and his wings went under the water as well. The Unicorn laid his head down and let his eyes close. The hot water relaxed him and he let his body lay in silence. After a time he stood up and used the soap to wash the dirt and dust out of his coat, hair, and wings. When he was finished, he drained the tub and used his flames to dry himself off. He put his mane back up in the hair tie and opened the door to leave.

Applejack stopped at the top of the stairs. “Well, yer back to yer normal look. Yer coat looks much better and yer mane isn’t a dull brown.” She said to him as he paused to look back at her.

“Thank the Gods. Next time, we are doing the whole thing together and none of this racing shit.” He told her.

Applejack nodded. “Agreed. Ah’m so sorry, Ah know ya’ll aren’t mad but still, Ah was a selfish jerk.”

“You learned your lesson and that's good enough.” He responded to her. He looked back at his back where his swords were hidden. “Where is the forge?”

Applejack looked up at him and nodded. “Ah’ll take ya there in the morning.”

“It's fine. Just give me directions and I will be fine. I’ll go after I get back from dropping off Apple Bloom. After I drop her off I will come back and do a few things then head out to it.” He paused when Applejack looked away from him. “Yes?”

“Tomorrow we have ta move the apples or they might start ta go bad. So it might be a couple of days before we can get it repaired.” She said to him.

Oblivion growled for a moment before he sighed. “Very well. One job comes before the other so I will do what I can. Perhaps I will see if there is a spell to help them not go bad so we don’t have to rush them.”

Applejack looked at him. “Ya think there is such a spell?” She seemed thrilled by the idea.

“I can look. If not, I am sure I can make one.” He replied.

Applejack paused as she thought for a moment. “Well if it’s gonna hurt ya then don’t do it. Ya has been through enough this season.”

“It required no effort to make the other spell. So I’m not too concerned about this one. Besides, I refuse to have that produce go bad after all the effort we put in.” He replied with an indignant snort.

Applejack regarded him with a smile. “So long as it doesn’t affect ya then I'm all for it.”

Oblivion nodded and walked back to his room. The book on magic was still on his desk so the Unicorn opened it and flipped through the pages as he searched for a specific topic. “Where the Hells?” He muttered as he went through the book. “Damn it to Hell. I’ll just teleport and ask Twilight.” He walked out of his room and found Applejack standing in her room. He rapped his hoof on the door jam.

The mare spun around to find him in the doorway. She blinked a few times but composed herself. “Yes?”

“I’m going to go to Twilight’s library for a few minutes. It's still early enough in the day to not be awakening her. I have a magic question for her.” He informed the mare, who nodded.

Oblivion's horn lit and he vanished. He appeared inside the library and was surprised to hear a yell.

“By Celestia!” He looked over to find Spike hiding behind a small table with a horse head on it.

“Evening Spike.” Oblivion greeted the baby dragon.

“Jeez, Oblivion! You scared me.” Spike put a hand on his chest and breathed.

“Calm down. My apologies. Where is Twilight?”

“I’m right here. What happened?” The purple mare said as she came out of the kitchen.

Oblivion turned to the mare. “I have a question for you.”

Twilight nodded and motioned for him to sit by the table. He obliged and waited for the mare to sit as well. Twilight waited for him to speak as she sat across from him. “Is there a spell that enables one to keep food preserved longer?” He asked her. “Or is it not able to be done?”

Twilight put a hoof to her chin and looked away from the black stallion. She looked to a shelf and one of the thicker books levitated to her. “As far as I know there is no spell like that. Well, there are short-term ones but nothing for an extended period of time. But let me look.”

Oblivion waited as she scanned the pages of the book. He looked back to find Spike putting other books away. Several of the shelves had gaps in them and the Unicorn looked around to find several thick books sitting on the ground. Oblivion picked one up in his flame and looked to Spike, who pointed to the middle shelf. Oblivion slid it into place and then picked up another. As Twilight searched Oblivion helped her assistant finish shelving the books. They were on the last book when Twilight set the book she had down and closed it.

“There is no spell for long-term storage. Most things that ponies eat are able to last a long time by themselves. With the exception of produce, which has different properties.” She told him.

Oblivion slid the last book into place and looked back to the mare. “Hmm. Well, I guess I will have to look into how to preserve them myself rather than use a spell already in existence.”

Twilight looked to him, curiosity in her eyes. “You're going to create another spell?”

“That seems to be my only option. Though I am going to need to see if an apple rots in the same amount of time here as it does elsewhere.”

“I wouldn’t think they would be too different. An apple is an apple.”

Spike came forward and leaned against Oblivion’s left shin. The stallion looked at him. “Well can’t you just give it a timeline to last as long as you need it to and just refresh the spell every now and then or just stop time?”

Oblivion and Twilight looked at the dragon. Oblivion looked up and gave a wry chuckle. “Well put, Spike, well put. That is actually exactly what I needed to hear. I had not considered the idea of using time itself as the catalyst for the spell. By using a type of time spell I can harness the natural flow of time that would affect the apples and slow or maybe even stop time entirely for that amount of time or until I decide to release it. The time would then start up as normal and not accelerate. I simply need to see how to have the spell only affect the production and not the area around it. I would need to find a way to replicate the spell over every apple versus the whole area.” Oblivion said aloud. He was quiet as he stopped his musing.

“Wait, so you're talking about warping time itself to slow down or stop so the apples won’t go bad?” Oblivion nodded. “That's insane. Nopony can harness time like that and then focus it. Your talking about an aging spell. Only the highest level unicorns can use those.”

“Twilight, I’m not going to be aging anything. I’m talking about stopping it, not accelerating. I have read about age spells and while I will be using the time it will not be moving forward or back. I will be stopping it.” He amended her.

Twilight stared at him. “You don’t know what this could do. Even high-level mages don’t mess with the flow of time.” She started to rattle off reasons when Oblivion's magic clamped her jaws shut.

Spike looked up at the tall stallion. “Can you find a way for me to be able to use that spell?”

Twilight glared at the dragon. “I think not Spike. Twilight, what I will be doing is very small in comparison to what you are thinking. I understand your reservations, but I am certain that I have a firm grasp on this spell. If you wish to watch and make sure I do not foul it, then come by the farm in the morning. That is when I will be casting it after I drop Apple Bloom at school.” He released her jaws and she rubbed her mouth.

“Okay, I will come by to see this spell. I still think this is a bad idea. But if you can accomplish it then that's impressive by itself.”

Oblivion nodded to her and pushed Spike off his leg before he teleported back to his room. He could hear that the others were getting into bed. His magic pulled the blankets back and he set his swords in their normal place and crawled into the bed. He stayed up for a few more minutes going over the spell in his mind and refining it. After an hour of thought, he gave a thin smile and settled down onto the pillow. ‘This should be interesting.’

12: Applebuck Aftermath...

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Oblivion woke up with a start as the rooster crowed. The Unicorn growled and moved the blanket back. He pulled his swords onto his back, put his cloak on, and opened the door to walk out. He looked down to his medallion and moved the hoof guards into his body. He decided that the guards were less likely to be noticed than his breast collar. He looked at the guards and found them to be comfortable and he knew they would be perfect for what he had planned. Applejack started to open the door when his magic pulled it out of her grasp.

The mare halted and waited. “Mornin.”

“Good morning, Applejack.”

“So how did yer meetin’ with Twilight go?”

Oblivion gave a light smile before responding. “Well, she is telling me things are impossible again. But I am certain I have the spell ready. I’ll cast it when I get back from taking Apple Bloom to school.”

Applejack nodded. “All righ’. Just make sure it’s not gonna hurt ya.” Her eyes looked to his forelegs and saw his leg guards. “Expecting it ta give ya trouble?”

He looked at her. “No. This is more precaution than anything else.” He admitted.

Applejack nodded to him and let him walk down the stairs ahead of her. Oblivion sat down at the table with Big Mac and Apple Bloom. The filly smiled as she pulled her drawing from her bag.

“Mac, look what ah drew!” She gave her brother her drawing and waited.

Mac looked from the drawing to her and then back it. “Wha’ is it?”

Apple Bloom smiled widely. “It's a Rock Troll. Oblivion told us about ‘em when he talked ta mah class. He taught me how ta draw one last night.”

Big Mac looked at him. “Ya saw one a these fer real?”

Oblivion nodded. “Many times.”

Big Mac cringed and gave the drawing back to the filly. She put it back in her bag and let her saddlebags hang on the back of the chair. Applejack came down after getting Granny Smith up and moving then moved to the kitchen.

“Y'all are sure ta get a good grade, Apple Bloom. No other pony has drawn a creature from so far away.” Applejack said to her and the filly smiled even wider. “Y'all be sure ta tell em’ who helped ya if they ask.”

Oblivion shifted to give Granny Smith more room. The aged mare used his shoulder as a stand as she got into her chair between him and Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom looked over to the black pony and pouted.

“Ah wanna sit by Oblivion. Ah wanted ta talk ta him.” She whined.

Oblivion leaned forward to look at her. “Apple Bloom, that's enough. We can talk on the way to school, as before.” He told her.

She looked ashamed before she nodded to the stallion. “Sorry bout that. Ah forgot that the harvest was done so ya can walk me ta school again.”

Oblivion nodded and looked back to the window. Applejack poured oatmeal for the family but paused as she reached Oblivion. He took a sniff and leaned back away from it. Applejack held back a giggle and went to Big Mac, who was also suppressing a laugh. The black Unicorn stood up and skirted out the door to avoid Granny Smith trying to make him eat. He was fine due to his large hunt last night. The stallion went outside, to what was becoming his favorite place, to wait for the filly. He dozed in the shade of the tree and suddenly jolted awake. He looked up and found that, if they didn’t hurry, Apple Bloom would be late. He loped to the door and stuck his head through.

“Did the time for school change while we were working?”

Apple Bloom looked up. “No, why?”

“Ah. Well, if you want to be on time we are going to have to run.”

Apple Bloom's eyes widened in horror and Applejack looked out the kitchen window.

“Ah, plum lost track time. He’s right Apple Bloom, ya need ta hurry.” Applejack said to her youngest sibling.

Apple Bloom jumped out of the chair and Oblivion used his magic to put her on his back. She held onto his mane as he whirled around and took off for the gate. He jumped the fence and took off running. Apple Bloom held on as her eldest brother galloped hard for the school. She looked up, but couldn’t see anything past Oblivion’s long mane as it struck her in the face. She knew that they were going fast, but she wasn’t sure how fast. She hunkered down against his back and held his mane and cloak in her hooves.

“Faster, Oblivion! Ah, can’t be late!” She yelled at the stallion.

Oblivion snorted and dug his claws into the ground, pitching forward. “Hold tight.” He shouted at her. Apple Bloom was to busy holding on to notice that his cloak moved to bunch under her. Oblivion pulled out his wings and flapped them in stride to give him more speed. The information he had gotten from Rainbow about how to fly was already coming in handy. He saw the schoolhouse in front of him. He didn’t slow as he neared it and moved his wings back into place. The Unicorn sheathed his claws and brought his head up to catch Apple Bloom if needed. He plunged to a stop and used his magic to place the filly on the ground inside the gate. She started to run to the door when she stopped.

“Why are you stopping?” Oblivion couldn't stop himself from shouting at her.

“Mah drawing!” She wailed.

Oblivion thought back. “Shit.” He hung his head before his horn lit and her saddlebags dropped onto her back. She turned to him and smiled.

“Best big brother ever!” She yelled as she went inside.

Oblivion stood by the gate and panted. “Gods below.” He cursed as he caught his breath. He turned to leave and walk back to the farm.


He looked back to find Cheerilee coming out of the schoolhouse. “Gods, what now?” he muttered as he turned back to her.

“I’m amazed you got her here in time. Apple Bloom said you ran the whole way here. That's impressive, all the way from Sweet apple acres is not a short run.” She said, to the still panting stallion.

“As long as we made it, then it's fine.” He replied.

“Indeed. Well, there is something I wished to discuss with you.”


“Yes, after you came in to speak with the foals last week they have not stopped talking about it. So I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind speaking to them again. Many of the foals would also like to see some of your sword work. Even some of the parents are interested as well. Their children have been speaking almost non stop about Apple Blooms eldest brother. A story would be fine as well. Even I have to admit that it was quite the story to hear.”

Oblivion considered what she said. “Not sure what they are hoping to see with my swordsmanship.”

“I think they are just looking to see how it is done.”

“So more or less just an exercise that uses the sword?”

“That is what I am thinking yes.”

“I will think about it. Do I need to give an immediate answer?”

“Oh no, take your time. I haven’t even thought of a date for this yet. Though if not the sword then please consider at least telling them another story. I’m sure Apple Bloom hears many of them.”

He shook his head. “She has heard the same as the others.”

“Really? I would have thought that they were bedtime stories.” She stopped when Oblivion laughed.

“Gods no. The other stories I have would either keep her up or give her nightmares. I would need to think back to some of my earlier experiences for a suitable story.” He replied to her.

“All right that makes sense. Thank you for considering it.” She replied and started for the schoolhouse.

Oblivion turned and started to walk back. He looked to the ground and he could see that he had skidded several feet when he tried to stop for the gate. Further back he could see the claw marks in the soil and he gave a light chuckle. He got back to the farm and saw Twilight coming up to the gate as well.

She saw him and trotted to meet up with him, Spike on her back. “What happened to you?”

He looked at her and looked over his shoulder. His hind legs were covered in fine dirt and his leg guards were covered in fine dust as well. He groaned. “Gods dammit. Apple Bloom was going to be late, so I ran her to school. I didn’t slow down, and ended up skidding.”

“Ah’ve never seen a pony run that fast afore.” Applejack trotted up to them and stopped. “Y'all cleared that fence by a foot. Guess yer running around the fields and jumpin' trees shows.”

He let Twilight walk into the farm first and he followed. Spike jumped from Twilight's back to Applejack's and then looked to Oblivion, who glared. The dragon jumped to the ground. The group walked to the barn where Big Mac was waiting.

He turned to look at Oblivion who came to stand next to him. “Ah hear that yer gonna work some pretty fancy magic.”

Oblivion grinned and shook his head. “I suppose you could call it that. The plan is to make it so that the apples will last longer and not spoil. Giving us time to move them as we need to rather than as fast as possible.”

Mac looked to the Unicorn and nodded. “Ah have ta admit, that would be nice.”

Oblivion jolted as a spark of blue flame erupted in front of him. Two letters appeared in front of his nose and his magic held them. He shook his head and looked to the letters. One was for himself and the other Rarity. Oblivion sent the one for Rarity to his saddlebags and opened the other.

Oblivion Shadow;

I know that I have not written to you since our meeting Canterlot. I wanted to thank you for putting me in contact with Miss Rarity. You were right about her character and that I should trust her as I trust you. Aunt Luna said that you were her friend as well. It made me think about what a friend is. I realize that you are the first pony that has tried to approach me without an ulterior motive. I thank you again for that. You are a very perceptive pony and honestly, I was quite shocked by it. But after doing a fair amount of thinking I have decided that you are my friend and that I am glad to have been interrupted by you. So once again I thank you. Oh, do you remember that cat that came to you while we were in the garden? The caretaker says that the she-cat has not been eating and is even more aloof than before. I am wondering if she did not bond with you while you were here? If you have the time I would ask that you join me in Canterlot once more and allow me to give you a proper tour and help the caretaker with the cat. Respond to me when you are able.

Your friend,

Blue Blood

P.S. Aunt Luna sends her greetings and shame on you for not saying goodbye to her.

Oblivion smiled and gave a snort. He sent the letter to his saddlebags as well and then looked back to the barn of apples. He looked to the others and they all stepped back to give the stallion room. Oblivion lowered his head, closed his eyes, and his curved horn glowed with azure flame. It pulsed over the apples and held them in his magic. The Unicorn focused his vision and opened his eyes. His cat eyes narrowed and he focused on the apples in his magic. His Spirit Sight glowed around them and he was surprised to see the aura fluctuating around the apples as the spell covered them. Each apple was covered and he began working the spell to encompass them all. He called on magic from the bit of his armor that he had with him and it flared to blind the ponies watching. As he lifted his horn and the pressure built in his horn, when he felt its peak, he released it. The force pushed him back a foot and he sank to the ground for a breather.

“Oblivion!” Twilight yelled as he sank down.

Oblivion heard her yell and looked to see the mare loping up to him. He sighed and stood up as she drew up next to him.

“Are you all right? I told you that..”

“Easy Twilight, I’m fine. Just used more force than I thought it would.”

“How do you feel?”

“Actually, not too bad. No immediate fatigue, headaches, or anything that I was thinking might crop up. It actually was not as difficult as I anticipated.”

Twilight stared at him. “You are the most mysterious pony I have ever met.” She looked at him for a moment, then away as she shook her head. “I don’t understand it. You can teleport to Canterlot, create a memory copying spell, then create a time spell without any of the above draining you even in the slightest.”

Oblivion shrugged. “I’m not sure myself. Though I am curious if it worked.”

“Well, we will find out as the days go on.” Applejack replied as the siblings walked up to them.

Oblivion nodded. “Perhaps. Hold a moment.” The black unicorn's horn lit up once more as the apples were covered again. The magic flared then went still once more. “All right, I altered it to have time start for the product once it passes out of our hooves to another pony. They will not immediately rot or some such. They will age normally.”

Applejack stared at the Unicorn and a wide smile spread over her muzzle. “Ya are full a’ surprises.”

Big Mac nodded and hoof bumped his elder brother. Twilight stared at him for a moment before shaking her head and giving up. Spike had to shake his head to pick his jaw up off the ground. Applejack went over to the apples, picked one up and handed it to Twilight. A small spark went over the apple and she looked at it.

“There's no magic in it anymore. I could feel a tiny bit of it before, but now there's nothing.” The purple Unicorn told the others. She looked at the apple and was about to bite into it when Spike took it and stuffed it into his mouth.

“It's great! Oblivion needs to make more apples out of oranges though. Those are the best.” The purple dragon commented.

Applejack glared at the dragon, who ignored it. Oblivion rolled his eyes, while Mac chuckled. Twilight looked annoyed back at the baby dragon. Oblivion looked away from the ponies and out into the fields. Applejack looked at him and waited a moment before speaking.

“Ah said ah would take ya to the forge in town. So now that ya have done this fer us, Ah can show ya where it is.” She said to the black stallion.

Oblivion turned to her and nodded. “Thank you. Lead the way. I would like to get it repaired as soon as possible.” The black pony walked over to her and waited.

Twilight looked to them and followed as Applejack led them onto the path toward town. “Why do you need a forge?”

Oblivion looked at her. “My steel sword has a crack in it. My swords are of vital importance, so I need to have it repaired.” He responded as they walked.

Twilight looked at him and couldn’t help but notice that there was no sword with him. “How do you plan on having it fixed when you don’t have it with you?” Oblivion looked to her and moved his cloak to reveal the two hilts over his right shoulder. Her eyes widened and she looked at him. “Do you always carry them?”

The stallion nodded and moved the cloak back into place. He could choose when the swords showed and when they did not. His magic had made them visible for a moment as he showed the hilts to Twilight. Applejack said nothing as she led them toward the end of town. A breeze went past the tall Unicorn and a familiar scent caught his attention. The scent of burning metal caused him to lengthen his stride. Twilight and Applejack had to trot to keep up with him. Applejack got in front of him and stopped in front of an open forge. Oblivion stopped behind her and looked to the building. The front was open and he could see the forge itself pushed back in the building. The sound and scent were familiar and comforting to him.

“Hey! Torque!” Applejack yelled. “Ah have a customer fer ya!”

Oblivion cringed at the yelling but waited in silence.

“Jeez Applejack. I can hear you just fine.” A steel-gray Earth pony came forward and looked at her. His pale blue eyes glared at her for a moment before he smiled and greeted the orange mare. He had an anvil and a hammer on his flank.

“Had ta make sure ya heard me.” Applejack quipped.

The pony shook his head and looked behind her to the other ponies. “So I’m guessing the customer is the tall one?”

Applejack nodded. “This here is mah eldest brother Oblivion Shadow. Ah expect ya ta treat him well. Though if ya don’t he will put ya in yer place.” Applejack laughed as she looked back to the black stallion.

Torque looked past her as Oblivion walked up to the forge. “Well, that's quite the horn you got there. I have never seen one that curved. But I’m not one to judge a pony by their appearance. So I hear that you need something forged.”

“Not quite. I need to see if I can have an item repaired.” Oblivion explained.

The gray pony leaned on the front counter and looked to the Unicorn. “Really? What could you need to be repaired? I don’t see you carrying anything...with… Oh wow.”

The pony stared as Oblivion brought the steel blade out of hiding. His magic laid it on the counter in front of the pony and waited. Torque stared at the blade in front of him. The blade was 40 inches long and made of the purest steel. Torque almost didn’t dare touch the blade. It was a half-inch thick, it appeared to have been folded and had a line of markings going down the center of the blade. He saw the hairline crack in it and immediately looked at it.

“Well, I’ll be honest with you, I have never seen a blade like this. Who crafted it?” Torque looked at him.

“A master weaponsmith from where I am from. I have no way of getting in touch with him to repair the weapon.” The Unicorn explained to the earth pony.

Torque Looked back to the weapon and sighed. “I will be honest with you. A weapon like this needs a masters touch. How long would it take you to get home to have it repaired by the maker?”

Oblivion looked thoughtful. ‘I don’t even know how I got here.’ “Months or longer.”

Torque cringed. “That far away?” The Unicorn nodded. “All right, you okay with me looking at it closer? I haven’t dealt with a weapon if this quality. I would rather not take it and foul the weapon if I can’t actually handle it.”

Oblivion nodded. “I appreciate your honesty and it’s fine if you look at it. Just don’t make the damage worse. I’m sure you will be careful but I must ask for extra caution. Also, be sure not to strike it on anything, as that might activate the runes buried in the blade.” He advised as well.

Torque looked down tot he weapon. “Runes? How old is this blade?”

Twilight looked away at Torque’s look. A smile played on her muzzle as Oblivion sighed. “Runes are used frequently where I am from. To answer the question the blade is barely two months old. I implanted the runes just before I arrived here.”

Torque looked dubiously at the weapon on his counter. “All right. Give me a few minutes.”

Oblivion watched as the earth pony took the weapon deeper into the forge. He leaned back onto this haunches and waited.

“Can’t ya just repair it like ya do everything else?” Applejack asked.

Oblivion scoffed. “Gods no. I know nothing about how the weapon was damaged. I also know nothing about the forging of it. I refuse to try my magic on it due to it possibly damaging it further. It was not created with magic but with hard work and sweat from a weaponsmith.” He replied to her.

Applejack nodded to him and looked back to the forge. Twilight walked up with Spike on her back.

“So you need to have it fixed? What broke it?” Spike asked.

Oblivion thought about the times he had used it. He jolted and put his hoof to his face. “Gods below.” He groaned as he scrubbed his face a couple of times.

“What?” Twilight asked him.

“It’s my own fault. I used it unnecessarily in my sparring match with Luna. I used it in a style that I am unused to. Dammit, all.” He cursed as he waited for the blade to be returned.

“Oops?” Spike commented.

“What?” Oblivion replied.

“It means a mistake.” Twilight clarified.

“Oh. Well, then yes. A very foolish oops.” He responded as he waited.

“So ya broke it when ya were sparring with Luna?” Applejack asked him.

“Yes. I had to alter my style due to the injury to my right hind.” He looked into the forge to see what was being done, but the earth pony had gone around the corner. “Luna’s style is similar to the older Witcher of the Cat style that I fought against years ago and… Oh no.” Oblivion cringed at the yell that came from the forge.

“Holy Goddess!” Torque yelled from inside and came running around the corner, his mane singed and his face blackened. He turned back to the corner and then to Oblivion.

“You were not kidding about that rune activating. I barely tapped the thing.” He commented.

“I did warn you not to strike it.”

“I tapped it. With a hoof, not a hammer.” The forge master commented. “Just how sensitive is that thing?”

“Apparently more sensitive than I thought it was. I suppressed it the last time it was used and blunted it, but to look over it the blade needs to be unaltered.”

“That's true but, by the Goddess, that weapon is far too sensitive.” The pony sneezed and looked to the other stallion. “I will tell you now I am now even more convinced that you need to take that thing to the royal forge in Canterlot. It's far too advanced for me and those runes need special handling.”

Oblivion growled. “I was afraid of that.”

Torque looked apologetically at him before he looked back to the weapon, hidden behind the wall. “You think you can pick it up from there?”

“Your that worried about touching it?” Oblivion chided.

“That thing tried to kill me. So I am reasonably cautious with it. But to answer the question, yes.” The forge master replied.

Oblivion chuckled as his horn glowed as the blade appeared in front of him. He shifted his cloak and moved the blade back into the scabbard.

“Hold it!” Torque yelled.

Oblivion started and looked to the singed pony.

“What is that one?” He pointed to the second hilt showing over Oblivion's shoulder.

The black Unicorn looked at him. “Its the second sword I use. I have two at all times. The steel is for fighting ponies. The other is a silver blade that fights monsters exclusively.” He responded.

“Can I see it? I have never seen anything like it. Even from here I can tell its something even more unique than the steel.”

Oblivion looked to the pony and saw that he was staring at the hilt. Oblivion pulled the scabbard with the sword inside off the baldric and laid it on the counter. The steel gray pony stared at the silver scabbard with the ornate dual wolf head hilt. He swallowed at it and reached to touch the hilt, but paused as an afterthought.

“Is this one as dangerous as the other?”

Oblivion barked a laugh. “Even more so.”

Torque looked nervous but reached for the hilt anyway. He slowly pulled it out of the scabbard and squinted at the ethereal glow that came from the silver blade. His eyes widened as he pulled it free. It was the same length but had a stronger glow to it. The blade was even thinner than the other and had runes flowing across its surface. It was clearly a specialized weapon and Torque knew, instinctively, that it was meant to be handled only by a few. He laid it slowly on the counter as he looked it over.

“The same pony made this?”

“No. This one was made by a master craftsman. I had to travel even further to find a pony that could craft it.” Oblivion replied as he watched over the weapon.

Twilight and Applejack looked at the glowing weapon. Spike was leaning over Twilight's side to stare at it. “Wow.”

“Ya said it, Spike.” Applejack said. “Ah can see why ya keep it hidden.”

The three ponies looked at the weapon and then to its wielder. “You use this?” Twilight whispered to him.

Oblivion looked at her. “Yes. Why are you whispering?”

Twilight startled. “I didn’t even realize I was.”

Oblivion looked back to the blade and he could see that Torque was enthralled by it as well. Oblivion's magic surrounded it and slid it back within the scabbard. The blade went back to his back and slid into its place on the baldric. Torque watched as it disappeared under the cloak on Oblivion’s back. The Unicorn caught the disappointed look from Torque and had to stop himself from grinning. He looked around and saw a couple of the foals from Apple Bloom's school walking through town. They spotted the black Unicorn and waved to him. He gave a polite nod before turning away from them.

“How much would it cost to make a steel sword like this one?” He asked the other pony. Torque looked at him, then looked away, worriedly. Oblivion caught what he had said and shook his head at his own foolishness. “I mean a plain blade of this one's design? Just a plain blade with no runes or anything of the sort?”

Torque gave a relieved look to the stallion and looked away for a moment, while he thought it over. “A forty-inch blade, including hilt?” Oblivion nodded. “Well. I have plenty of materials and so forth. It would take me around two days to complete and cost around...” The pony put a hoof to his chin while he thought over the cost. “About 35 bits.”

Oblivion blanched and looked away.

“What could ya need the third sword for?” Applejack drew up next to him.

“The foals have asked that I give a demonstration of my swordplay. I am of the opinion that using my true blade is out of the question. I need to have one that is a plain weapon that I can use for simple jobs. Using my steel blade during my match with Luna was a mistake that I will not make a second time.” The stallion explained.

Applejack nodded. “That’s a good point. Using that fancy blade ah yer’s is a bit of a problem. Those foals really do like ya.”

Oblivion shrugged. “Not sure why.”

“Well, you're a very different pony.” Torque spoke up. “Even I’m interested in knowing more.”

Oblivion was silent as he looked to the forge master. “I will put in a request for the blade as soon as I am able to. Thank you for your help and I will keep you updated.”

The black stallion turned and Twilight stayed with him. Oblivion paused when he saw that they had left Applejack behind. The orange mare ran to catch up and smiled at him in silent thanks.

“Ah should take ya to the bank as well. Need ta set up an account for ya ta keep yer bits.” She told him as they walked. “They have banks where ya are from?”

“Yes. Though I rarely use them.” He responded as they walked. “As much as I travel it is difficult to go back to a place without them thinking that I am not returning at all when there is no movement on the account.”

Applejack nodded and led him toward a building close by the town hall. It was a white building with small windows on the main level. Oblivion looked at it and walked with the two mares. Twilight used her magic to open the door and let Oblivion and Applejack walk in ahead of her.

“Would it be possible for them to alter currency?” Oblivion asked her.

Applejack looked thoughtful. “Ah think so. What do ya mean?”

“For example, I have the coin from where I am from. Would it be possible to exchange some of it?”

“I think so. We would need ta ask.” The orange mare walked up to one of the tellers and waited with the other ponies.

A few minutes passed and a brown stallion motioned for them to approach.

“Hey Caramel.” Applejack greeted the pony behind the counter. “This is Oblivion Shadow. He works for mah family. We need to make an account for him. Ah was also wondering if ya can look at some currency for him to see if it can be exchanged.”

The brown pony nodded. Oblivion stepped forward and waited to be addressed. “Full name is Oblivion Shadow. Typical spelling?” Oblivion nodded. “Profession?”

“Farmhand.” Applejack jumped in before the black pony could respond.


Oblivion looked at him. “Is that necessary?”

The pony looked up at him. “Well it's not required but it helps with..”

“Then I will keep that to myself.” The black stallion replied.

Caramel looked uncomfortable but said nothing. “How long have you worked there?”

“Three weeks to a month.”

“Address is Sweet Apple Acres?” Another nod. “All right, that is started up and ready for use. You can add funds to it when you are ready.” He looked to the Unicorn and waited for him to nod his understanding. “You mentioned the possible conversion of currency?”

Oblivion nodded. His magic reached out and gripped a few crowns from his saddlebags and laid them on the counter. The gold coins shone up at them and the brown stallion reached for them and picked one of them up. “This one is heavier than a typical bit. Can I take one of these and put it against a regular bit?”

Oblivion nodded and leaned back. Caramel took the crown and went into the back. “Didn’t occur to me that the weight would be different. Though I have not handled one of those bits before.”

Applejack looked to him and shrugged. “Ah’ll put yer salary in this week. Granny is giving ya a bonus for helping all those ponies over the last few days.”

Oblivion started to protest but closed his jaws at Applejack's look. “Very well.” He said to her.

Twilight giggled behind her hoof and looked back to the counter. “Decided not to fight that one?”

“I know when an argument is not going to go anywhere. She and I can go around in circles but I have no desire to teach myself a lesson in futility.” He replied as the pony came back out.

“Ya okay, Caramel?” Applejack looked to the other pony.

“I’m okay. Just a bit surprised. Did you know that this is pure gold?” His gaze sharpened from the blank far off stare he had returned to them with.

Applejack and Twilight spun to look at him. Oblivion looked to the brown pony and nodded. “Of course it is. I don’t accept anything else as payment where I am from.”

Caramel had to hold his counter for a moment before he recovered. “So in your village, you were paid in gold?”

Oblivion looked at him for a moment before replying. “I traveled, so I was never in one place for very long, but yes.”

“Okay so I did a check in weight and metal consistency and the value of this in bits is actually quite high.” Oblivion waited for him to continue. “The conversion rate for this to bits is around 48 bits per piece. Maybe higher. I would need to melt one of these down to get the full metallurgy but close to 50 bits if I am being honest.”

Applejack stared at the banker then looked to Oblivion. “How many of those do ya have?”

Oblivion looked thoughtful for a moment before continuing. “In my saddlebag, I carry around ten thousand. I use them to repair my armor, weapons, and buy food if needed.” He stopped when he heard a loud thud. Applejack put her forehooves on the counter.

“Caramel!” She ran to the other side of the counter while Twilight and Oblivion looked behind it to find that the stallion had passed out. Applejack fanned his face with her hooves.

“Gods below. Is he all right?” Oblivion asked the mare.

“Ah think he was just shocked. Give him a second or two.” She stepped back to allow the pony some room as he stirred. “Take it, easy pardner. Ya okay?”

The brown stallion stood slowly and nodded to the mare. He looked up and found Oblivion and Twilight watching. His eyes connected with Oblivion’s and he wavered. Oblivion’s horn lit up and his magic held the stallion upright. “If you are going to pass out again, find a chair first,” Oblivion said to him and he pulled his magic back.

“I’m sorry. I just was not ready for your response.” He said to him.

“I can see that.”

Twilight put a hoof on Oblivion’s shoulder. “Stow the sarcasm.” She said to him.

“I don’t plan to exchange it all. That would be madness and would probably upset the economy. I was going to use a minimal amount just to get myself started.” He replied to the purple mare.

Twilight nodded. “How much were you thinking?”

Oblivion looked to the banker before he went on. “I was going to use ten but since their value is higher than I had anticipated I’ll use five instead.”

Twilight nodded. “Sounds appropriate.”

Caramel nodded as well. “I can put these five into the works to be converted. Give me a few days and I will have an answer about their full value for you.” Oblivion nodded and put two more coins on the counter. Applejack came out from behind the counter and stood with them. “I’ll put the amount that we come to in the account as soon as I can. If I see you in the meant time I'll update you.”

“It’s more likely that you will see AJ before me. I give you permission as the owner of the account to inform her of the basic details, such as the value, and ask her to inform me.”

Caramel looked at him before responding. “That was easy and formal.”

Applejack laughed. “He’s not as formal as he used ta be. But ya still needed that confirmation.”

“True. Thank you for your permission. I will hopefully be able to speak to you directly if not then I will talk to Applejack.” The brown pony said to him.

Oblivion nodded and backed up. The black Unicorn walked out with Applejack and Twilight on his heels. “Have to admit that was surprising. I assumed the currency would not be so different. But according to what we have heard it is a vast difference.”

Twilight drew up next to him. “Well, a bit is made out of various base minerals. Such as iron and brass. As far as I know, there is no gold in it. So it makes sense that a pure gold bit would be worth significantly more than a regular one. What are they called where you are from?”

“We call it a Crown. There are other variations of it but this is the most common. Some are called Florens or an Oren, but a Crown is the most likely to be used lately.” The black Unicorn replied to the inquisitive mare.

Twilight trotted to walk beside him. Applejack walked behind them as Twilight asked more questions about his homeland and she gave a slight smile.

“Careful Oblivion! She will never run out of questions.” Applejack teased him. Oblivion looked back and a glint in his eyes made Applejack slow down a bit. “Which is good. Ya have yer other friends...please don’t tease me back.”

Twilight snorted a laugh at Applejack's sheepish response. “Eating your words already?” He replied.

“Maybe a bit. Ah, keep forgetting that ya are quick with yer own barbs.”

“My emotions are dampened due to what I am so it makes it difficult to tease me. I lost the ability to be embarrassed years ago.” He informed the mare.

“I know how it was done.” Twilight chirped and looked to her companions. “I mean, he told me and I remember.” The purple mare looked to the ground.

Oblivion chuckled and started walking once more. “Ya told her more than ya have told me?” Applejack trotted to catch up with him. Twilight on her heels.

“She asked.” He responded. “I saw no reason not to reply to her so yes I did tell her more.”

“Oh, that's good then. Ah’m glad ya did.” She started to continue but a look from Oblivion silenced her.

“She knows some things, but not all.” He said to her, his voice low.

The farm mare nodded. Twilight walked with them as they went to the library.

“Thanks for letting me see that spell this morning Oblivion. I’m still mystified how you accomplish things but I’ll let it go. This time.” She said as the front door opened and she went inside.

Applejack walked with the stallion as they made their way back to the farm. Oblivion caught Applejack looking at him out of the corner of his eyes and turned to her. “Yes?”

“Just wondering. How much is a monster worth?”

“Depends on the monster. A drowner is worth less than a fiend.”

She glared for a moment before continuing. “Ah mean what is the average. Like a fiend?”

Oblivion looked away for a moment. “The last one I dealt with had a long list of deaths attached to it. I think after bringing back the head it was close to 500 crowns.”

“Ya cut off its head?”

“Of course. Have to provide evidence of the kill.”

Applejack looked sick for a moment. “Ah saw that drawing of the troll. How do ya cut off that ones head?”

“Slowly and carefully. Cut wrong and your knife will snap.”

Applejack looked away from him. “So what story would ya tell the foals this time?”

“I truly have no idea. Showing a few sword exercises is the easier option. All the ones that immediately come to mind are a bit gruesome for a group of foals.”

Applejack looked at him. “What about stories about Witcher's?”

Oblivion barked a laugh and looked to the mare. “Oh, those are most certainly not foal friendly. Especially, if you want a story from Lambert.”

“That bad?”

“Lambert is an ass. He’s a good Witcher, but he’s still an ass.” Oblivion replied.

“How so?”

“Witcher's have a skill called Axii. Basically, it can influence the mind of weak ponies and get them to fight for the Witcher instead of against them. Its a version of mind control. We also use it to get answers or calm a pony down that might be hysterical.”


“One of Lambert’s favorite uses is to use Axii on one bandit then set him loose on his fellows while Lambert watches and kills the ones that remain later.”

“Oh my.” Applejack looked to the road as they walked.

“As I said, he’s an ass.”

“Ya weren’t kidding. What about those sorceresses ya mentioned?”

Oblivion stopped. He looked away for a moment. “I don’t know a great deal about any of them. I have spoken with Triss and Yen at length but I know very little of them personally.”

“Old wound?”

“No. I have never been anything more than another Witcher to them. Geralt is the one that gets himself tangled up with them. I’ll pass.”

“Ah see. So what about stories about him?” Oblivion started walking again. “Did ya do any contracts with him?”

“Actually I did. He and I ran together for a few months once. Were on the Isle of Skellige. Met up with an old friend, a druid, by the name of Ermion. Had to settle a dispute between Jarls sons. That was a nightmare.”

“What's a druid?”

“Its a pony that can influence and control the weather, plants, animals, and is a pony that the locals turn to for help when needed.”

“So what happened?”

“Skelligers love to fight, drink, raid and kill each other. They also can never agree on anything except who to fight next. Usually, anyone that isn’t from the isles is a target. Geralt and I were a common target. Though most Skelligers realize that fighting an armed Witcher is a fast way to your death. We came upon Ermion trying to dissolve a dispute between the sons of two Jarls.” He looked at the mare. “The leader of the family. We managed to get ourselves smack in the middle of it and get challenged to combat. No swords, just hooves.”

“That sounds painful.”

“Oh, it was. A Skelliger is shorter than I am but stockier than Big Mac. It's like hitting a brick wall. I don’t even remember how it got started or how we got roped into it.”

“Did you win?”

“Of course. We got beat around the ring by our opponents but the nice thing about being a Witcher is that we can take a few hits and shrug it off. I ended up back to back with Geralt and we switched opponents. His opponent was slower than I am but faster than him. Mine was his height but built like a wall. It took some time but we won. Though we had our fair share of bruises for our efforts. The plus to the encounter was earning a hell of a reputation and the sons were forced to listen to the druid as part of the agreement.”

Applejack laughed. “So ya won but got beat up on the process?”

“True, but we still won.”

“That's all that mattered?”

“Talk to any Skelliger and yes.” He replied with a laugh. “And in this case, ask any Witcher and that was the case.”

The two ponies laughed as they walked through the gates. Oblivion went to find Big Mac and Applejack went into the house.

Oblivion helped the red stallion pick up the orchards and waited till they heard the dinner bell.

13: That's a Griffin?..

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It was 3 days later and Oblivion went downstairs to join the family for breakfast. The morning was the same as any other with the Unicorn taking Apple Bloom to school and dodging any questions about speaking to the class. After doing several chores he was pulled aside by Applejack.

“Can ya go to the forge and pick up an order for me?” The orange mare implored him.

Oblivion looked at her. “Very well. Anything else I need to do in town?”

“Nah, that was it. Ya don’t have ta hurry back. So take yer time. Ya said that ya needed a new book anyway.” Oblivion nodded and turned to leave. “Oh, the forge has already been paid so ya can pick it up and go.” Oblivion looked back and nodded to her.

Oblivion walked into town with his cloak sitting on his back covering his swords and his thin physique. He went into town and walked past Twilight’s library, deciding that he would drop by afterward. The Unicorn walked through town and looked around him. Ponies went about their day and he walked silently past them. As he neared the main market he saw Pinkie hiding behind a bush. He neared her and gave a low nicker to alert her that he was there. The pink mare whirled around and a look of glee went across her features. Oblivion had a moment of dread before the mare grabbed his shoulder and hauled him down to hide behind the bush as well.

“Pinkie, what in the..” He was silenced as her hoof went over his mouth. He glared in response.

“Oblivion!” She whispered to him. “You are the perfect pony.”

She removed her hoof and he moved to put his hooves under him instead of laying on his side on the ground. “What is going on?”

“I’m watching over Gilda.”


“Rainbow Dash’s friend from Junior Speedsters Flight Camp.”

“And I care why?”

“Twilight says I’m just being a judgie pants.”

“A what pants?”

Pinkie turned to look at him. Her hooves held the sides of his face and her muzzle pushed against his. “A judge judging pants.”

Oblivion rolled his eyes and pushed her back. “Very well. Whatever you just said. That does not explain why you, and now me, are hiding behind a shrub.”

“I told you, I’m watching her.”

“Watching her for what?”

“She’s been really mean to me. I wanted to hang out and do more pranks with Rainbow, but her friend showed up and told me to buzz off. She popped my balloons and let me fall. She’s mean.”

Oblivion stared at her. “Seriously? You dragged me into the dirt for this?”

Pinkie looked affronted at him before responding. “I need your help. You can watch her with me and tell me if I’m being a...”

“Stop. For the love of the Gods, don’t say it. So you want me to sit here to see if you're being judgmental or not?” Oblivion stopped her before more of the words that made no sense escaped her muzzle. “If I try to leave will you let me?” The mare shook her head. “I thought not. Fine. I will watch her with you. But, be quiet.”

Pinkie closed her mouth and nodded, frantically. Oblivion sighed and looked out the small hole Pinkie’s hoof held open. His eyes widened at what he saw. It was a Griffin, albeit a very small one. She was about the same size as the average mare and he managed to not draw his silver blade. As he watched the creature he could see that she frightened Granny Smith, which annoyed him but he let it go. Then she stole an apple from the cart. He looked to Pinkie who inhaled, then looked to him. He nodded.

“I did misjudge her! She’s not only a mean meanie pants, she’s also a thief. No no no. Maybe she will put it back?”

Oblivion looked at her. “You must be jesting.” His head went back around to see Fluttershy walking backward leading a group of ducks across the street.

“All right, little ones. Come this way. Mama duck, your free and clear.” She said to the family.

The Griffin turned when the Pegasus bumped into her. “Hey.”

“Please, excuse me,” Fluttershy said to her, her voice quiet.

“I’m walking here.”

“Oh, um, I am so sorry, I was just trying to.”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Why don’t you just watch where you are going, doofus!” The Griffin looked to the now terrified pony.

She started to inhale to yell at the pony when Oblivion felt his own anger come forth. “That is enough!” He roared at her. The Griffin choked and Fluttershy turned to the angry black stallion. His orange eyes glowed.

“Who are you?” The Griffin barked at him. He could see that she was trying to frighten him like she had all the other ponies around her.

“I am the last pony you want to meet.” He replied.

“Well, I can take you no matter how weird you look.”

Oblivion barked a laugh. “That’s rich, coming from a hybrid.”

The Griffin blinked at his reply. “Who do you think you are anyway? Some great pony protector?”

“I am nothing of the sort. What I am is a Witcher who has fought countless monsters and taken down more than my fair share of true griffins. You, little creature, are a poor excuse for a being.” Oblivion stepped away from the bush, even as Pinkie tried to grab his leg, and advanced on the hybrid. “I have fought griffins three times your size and I have their heads to prove it. If you wish to do battle with somepony, then pick one that will fight back.” He challenged her as he stopped a few feet away.

Gilda looked at the enraged stallion, who was easily two heads taller than she was. She looked around her and found ponies were backing up and giving them room. “Fighting a pony is no fun. All of you are too weak to fight me.” She started to say. She was surprised when the stallion lunged forward, his shoulder rammed her sternum, sending her rolling.

“You will find that I am anything but weak. Come near these ponies again and I will break you like the little bird you are. Now get away from here.” He snarled as the griffin pulled herself to her feet. Stunned at the impact.

“I don’t have to do..”

“Now!” Oblivion’s voice rolled over her and sent her sliding back. A touch of Aard helping to get his point across.

“You're crazy!” She yelled and took to the sky.

“Perhaps. But at least I am not a bitch.” He responded and turned to Fluttershy who had come to hide behind his hind legs. “Are you all right?”

The butter-yellow mare looked out at him from behind his tail. “I’m okay. That was really brave.”

“Brave had nothing to do with it, Fluttershy. What she was doing was cruel and I refused to allow it to continue.” He said to her as he waited for her to come from behind him. He looked up when he heard hooves stomping. Ponies were stomping their hooves at him and smiling. Pinkie jumped out from behind the bush and her forelegs surrounded his neck as she jumped up and down, half choking him.

“That was so superly awesome and brave! You showed that meanie griffin the door and gave her the boot.” Pinkie let go of him and kicked one leg in the air and then fell to the ground. Though that did not seem to dissuade her bubbly antics. “I am so glad you came by. No pony would have done that! You're so wonderfully nice and.” Her mouth was clamped shut by the black Unicorn. She floated slowly to the ground and looked at him, half pouting.

“Thank you for the compliment, Pinkie but I think that is enough.” The mare nodded and he released her. “Now if you will excuse me, I have an order at the forge to pick up.” He started to go past her when Pinkie grabbed his tail and held on, stopping him. “What now?”

“I have a perfect idea.” The pink mare replied to the stallion, who’s tail she held with an iron grip.

Oblivion tugged his tail but the mare refused to let go. “Why do I get the feeling that I have no choice, but to help you?”

Pinkie grinned and looked at him, his tail in her hooves.

“For the love of... All right, if I help will you let go? Since I get the feeling that if I try to walk away I will end up dragging you.”


“Fine. What is this plan of yours?” He regretted his words moments later.

Pinkie wrapped a foreleg around his neck then another around Fluttershy and pulled her to their side as well. “You guys are gonna help me welcome our dear friend Gilda.”

“Friend?” Oblivion and Fluttershy unison-ed. “Did you see the same fight I did?” Oblivion replied.

The mare dragged them both off down the path, with Oblivion fighting to free his head from her leg. They reached Sugar Cube Corner and she finally released them. Fluttershy collapsed to the ground with a quiet noise and Oblivion panted. He rubbed his neck and looked to the bouncing mare. She pulled out boxes of party supplies and looked to the Unicorn and the Pegasus.

“Come on you two! We need to get decorating.” She said and tossed a box at them.

Fluttershy squeaked and closed her eyes. Oblivion's magic caught the box and he rolled his eyes. His magic set it down in front of them and he tapped the cringing Pegasus gently on the shoulder. She opened her eyes and grinned sheepishly at the stallion.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this. Pinkie, I know nothing of parties. With that being said, why am I here?” He said to her as his magic raised streamers from the box.

Fluttershy reached into the box and pulled out more decorations. “You're here so that that mean Griffin can’t come after you.” Pinkie hollered from the front counter.

Oblivion stopped and looked at her. “Seriously? That poor excuse for a griffin couldn’t hurt me if she tried.”

“Well, I know that silly. But she doesn’t. This way she won’t see you till the party.”

Oblivion shook his head and gave up. “What am I doing with all this?” Party supplies hovering in his azure flame.

“Help him out Fluttershy, I got invites to give away.” The mare was a pink blur out the door leaving the others staring in shock.

“How does she?” He looked to the Pegasus who shrugged.

“It’s Pinkie.”

The mare returned and found that with Oblivion's magic he was able to take what Fluttershy told him and put the decor in its place. “This is awesome! Oblivion that fancy magic of yours is the best thing since icing!” She ran up to him.

“No don’” The stallion found himself in a vice grip once more. His windpipe was being crushed as the mare squeezed him. His horn lit and he teleported away from her, panting. “Gods. Now what?” He gathered himself and stood back up.

“Now I bake a coffee cake for you and cupcake for Fluttershy while we wait.” The mare bounced into the kitchen and was gone.

“I’m not hungry.” He told the Pegasus quietly.

Fluttershy giggled and smiled. “I didn’t mean to seem ungrateful for your help.”

He looked back at her. “Did I seem upset at you?”

“Well no, but.”

“Then I’m not. I don’t expect gratitude at every turn. I didn’t do what I did for fame or anything of that sort. I did what had to be done. No pony deserves such treatment. Especially since you were polite to her and apologetic. Her behavior was unwarranted. I have put nobles in their place, a baby griffin will not stop me.” He looked back to the Pegasus. “Is that a full-grown griffin?”

Fluttershy nodded. “Yes, I think so.”

Oblivion scoffed. “Gods below. That is Equestria's Griffin?” Oblivion lowered his head as he tried to hold back a laugh. “And I thought the sea serpent was comical.”

Fluttershy watched the stallion and walked over to him. “What are they like where you are from?”

The Unicorn raised his head to look at the Pegasus. “They would give you nightmares dear Fluttershy. And I will not be responsible for that.”

The Pegasus squared her shoulders. “They can’t be scarier than Gilda.”

Oblivion looked at her. “As you wish. The ones I am used to are 3 times larger and have claws that are bigger than my hoof, wings to block out the sun, shall I continue?”

Fluttershy shook her head. “You have fought something like that?”

“Many times.” He replied. He looked to the kitchen as a crash sounded from the back.

“I’m okay!” Pinkie yelled.

He shook his head and looked back to the Pegasus. The Unicorn looked to the mare. “Though I am still unsure of why I am here. I can almost understand why but to be honest even if that Griffin did come after me, it would be the last mistake she made.”

Fluttershy sat down and looked thoughtful for a moment before replying. “Perhaps it's more to avoid Rainbow dash. Gilda probably told her what happened, so she is probably mad. And if you are here then Rainbow can’t find you.”

Oblivion put his hoof over his face. “That's probably true. That fool mare won’t ask for the rest of the story before acting. The Element of Loyalty, my rump.”

Fluttershy shrugged. “She is loyal, but this time I think she will side with Gilda. Even though we all know you don't act unless you feel you have to. We all know that, but I’m not sure what Rainbow will do.”

Oblivion sighed and his shoulders sagged for a moment, before straightening. “Well, we will see.” The stallion looked up and watched as Pinkie came out of the kitchen with a tray balanced on her back.

The pink mare smiled as she approached them. “Here ya go Fluttershy. One cloudy cupcake for one of the best helpers in Equestria!” She gave her a white cupcake with light blue frosting. “And for the most bravest pony in Ponyville, one coffee cake.” Oblivion levitated the treat off the platter and nodded to the mare.

Oblivion ate the treat in silence with the two mares as they waited. “So how many ponies did you invite?”

Pinkie paused in her chewing and looked away. “Umm. Our friends and most of Ponyville I think. That way it's a super-duper, fabulously, fun, and..” Blue flame went around her mouth.

Oblivion's horn was lit, as she glared at him. “The whole town would have been a fine answer.” He admonished the mare, who still glared at him.

Fluttershy giggled behind a hoof as she finished her treat. “Thank you Pinkie, that was a nice snack.”

Oblivion released the mare's mouth. “Your so welcome, Fluttershy. You guys are the best party decorating helpers ever!” The mare jumped into the air and spun several times.

Oblivion looked at her. ‘And there goes another law of nature broken. Not to mention gravity.’ He shook his head and put it out of his mind, as simply Pinkie being herself. Behind him, he heard a knock on the door. His magic opened it when Pinkie nodded and ponies began walking inside the shop. Oblivion stood up and offered a hoof to Fluttershy, who flushed as she took the offered limb and Oblivion pulled her to her hooves. Oblivion watched as more ponies walked inside. He stood to the side as ponies began to mingle and talk to one another.

‘Our worlds are very different but sometimes similar. Parties here are more about enjoying another's company more than political wrangling. I must admit this is preferable to the balls that I have been in but I still do not like the crowds. This space is far too small for so many ponies. Though they seem to be comfortable with it.’ His musing was interrupted by the arrival of several lights that he knew well. Twilight, Applejack, and Spike came through the door. They saw him and smiled. He returned the gesture with a nod and stayed in the corner where he could see the only exit, the front door. He looked to see a blue light with a tawny one following close behind. ‘Here we go.’

The stallion saw the blue Pegasus looking around and her eyes fell on him. He watched as they darkened and she looked to the griffin that had walked in with her. She pointed a hoof and the other nodded, as she saw him as well. Rainbow hovered over to him and stopped close by him.

“What are you doing here?” She asked venom dripped from her words.

“I helped to decorate at Pinkies' behest.”

“No. I mean why are you here. This party is for my friend Gilda and you aren’t welcome after what you did to her.” The mare replied.

“Are you even going to ask why I acted as I did? You know full well that...”

“Go away. You are not welcome here or anywhere.” The mare flew closer to his muzzle. “Get out!”

Her scream silenced the party around them. Oblivion looked back to the angry mare and sat down. “No.” Was his reply.

Rainbow glared at him. “I told you to leave and I mean it. You're a jerk that bullied my friend for no reason...”

“I’m a jerk?” Oblivion stood up, outraged. “You are a fool. I acted as I did to protect the ponies that she was stealing from and frightening. She pranked Granny Smith, which I can let go, but then she stole from the same cart. Fluttershy was leading a family of ducks cross the street and bumped into that hybrid. She apologized. Instead of acting like an adult that Griffin then began to terrify her, that is when I stepped in. I will not allow a pony under my protection to be abused and treated poorly. Be angry all you like, but direct that in the right place.” Oblivion spoke to her.

Rainbow looked stunned for a moment before looking to Gilda. “Is that true?”

The Griffin looked at the mare and shrugged. “Come on, Dash. You gonna believe that crazy pony, instead of me?”

“That crazy pony is a friend of mine as well. He doesn’t do anything without a reason. Hey Flutters! You here?”

Fluttershy came forward and looked to the other mare. Oblivion saw Gilda glare, trying to frighten the shy mare. Oblivion growled at her and the griffin spun to look at him instead. The butter-yellow mare stopped in front of Rainbow Dash, who let herself land on her hooves.

“Oblivion is right. She was so mean and I even apologized. I was just leading some cute little ducks across the street and I bumped into her. She yelled at me and I was so scared of her. Oblivion stepped in and stopped her from bullying me. He did push her, but he didn’t try to hurt her. I think he was trying to scare her like she had scared everypony else.” The mare admitted and looked at the blue Pegasus in the eye.

Rainbow turned to look at Gilda with a stunned look on her face. “You stole from Granny Smith and tormented Fluttershy for bumping into you?”

The griffin sputter before answering. “Oh come on, Dash. Your gonna believe these lame ponies? You can’t be serious!”

Oblivion put a hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder and gently moved the shy Pegasus to stand at his own shoulder. She hid behind his leg and stayed close to him. The stallion was not anticipating a fight but he was not going to allow Fluttershy to be in the middle of it should it happen.

“These lame ponies are my friends. This is not why I wanted you to meet them. You're my friend Gilda, but I won’t let you be a jerk to them.” Rainbow said to the Griffin, who stared at her.

“Your siding with these lame-o’s instead of cool birdy like me?”

“Is that all you care about? Being cool? If that is so important then maybe we have nothing in common anymore.” Rainbow dash backed up to stand in front of the other ponies. She looked to Oblivion who nodded. “Oblivion doesn’t act unless he has to. I can’t believe I forgot that. Fluttershy doesn’t lie. But you do. If being cool is what a friend of yours is supposed to be then, I guess I'm not.”

Oblivion looked to the Pegasus. “Well put, Rainbow Dash.” Oblivion stepped forward, Fluttershy clung to his side as he moved. He stopped by Gilda and lowered his head to look her in the eyes. “Now as for you. Get out. Unless you are about to change your attitude, then leave. You are not welcome among them.” Oblivion said to her.

The griffin was silent as the stallion spoke. “You can’t be serious, Dash. Your gonna let him throw me out?”

Rainbow looked to Oblivion, who gazed at her from behind his forelock. “Yup. He’s right, if your gonna be a jerk then you need to go. If you can be civil then you are welcome to stay. I wanted my old friends and my new friends to meet and get along. But if this is how you are going to treat everypony, then he’s right and I will stand with him.”

Oblivion looked back to the Griffin, as she backed up a step. “You aren’t kidding. Dash I can’t believe this. You’d pick these stupid ponies.”

Oblivion's reared up, swiveled his body to stand in front of her and brought his hooves down. Aard pushed the griffin out of the door rolling her head over tail. She landed in a heap outside and looked up to find the stallion the doorway. “I find you here when I leave, I will pluck you. Do I make myself clear?”

The Griffin jumped into the air and took off. The stallion sighed and shook his head. He turned back to the ponies. Rainbow looked, stunned, at the stallion. “How did you do that? I didn’t see any magic.”

“It wasn’t magic. A simple skill.” He responded.

“Still, pretty cool. But anyway, I’m sorry Oblivion. I should have asked you what happened. It's not like you wouldn’t have told me. I just assumed that she as telling the truth.” Rainbow said to him.

Oblivion walked up to her and put a hoof on her shoulder. “It's not wrong to believe in another's words. Just remember that there are two sides to every story.” He removed his hoof and Rainbow turned to look at the other ponies.

“Sorry about that, everypony. I didn’t know she was such a jerk to everypony. And Pinkie, I’m sorry that she ruined the party that you made for her. I’m really sorry.” Rainbow apologized to her friends.

Oblivion looked as each pony smiled and forgave the mare. After several minutes the stallion slipped out the door and started to go to the forge. His ears flicked back and he looked back to find Rainbow flapping after him. He stopped and waited for the mare.

“Hey, I know I said I was sorry to everypony else but I figured I should apologize more to you. I was a lousy friend to you. You have every right to be angry. But I am so sorry. Is there something I can do to make it up to you? Another spell test or anything?” The mare said to him as she landed.

Oblivion was quiet for a moment. “Nothing comes to mind, Rainbow. I appreciate you coming to apologize personally. I see no reason to drag it out and have you owe me anything. It's fine. I don’t hold anything against you. Don’t dwell on it.” He told her. The mare looked at him and he sighed. “I’ll remember that you owe me till a later date. Deal?”

The mare smiled and agreed. “You gonna come back to the party?”

“No. I have other things to accomplish, but thank you for the offer.”

Oblivion watched as she went back to the party and he walked to the forge. The black pony walked in silence as he neared the forge. He could see Torque look up and wave to him. Oblivion nodded and trotted the rest of the way.

“Here to pick up Applejack’s order?” The pony asked.


“Stay there. I’ll bring it right up.”

Oblivion watched as the gray earth pony walked into the back of the forge and around a corner. Oblivion looked around the shop and found everything from silverware to shields. Each was made of iron or other metals. Very few items were made of pure steel. Though he was curious as to why, since steel was more durable, he pushed the thought aside and chose to ignore it. The gray pony came back into view and set a bundle on the counter. Oblivion looked at the shape and watched as it was unveiled. His eyes widened at the steel sword in front of him. It was almost identical to his own. The hilt was simplified, unlike the original. Oblivion looked to Torque who smiled.

“Applejack asked me to make it for you. She was insistent that it remains a secret. Judging by your response, you had no idea.”

Oblivion shook his head slowly as he looked up from the weapon. “I should have suspected something.”

Torque chuckled and wrapped the blade back up, then gave it to Oblivion. The black Unicorn laid it across his back and thanked the forge pony before leaving. “That sneaky mare.” He said to himself as he walked back to the farm. He jolted as he remembered that he needed to reply to Blue Blood and pulled a scroll and ink from his magic.

Blue Blood,

I would be glad to come back to Canterlot and get a tour of the city. I am unsure how I can be of much help with the feline but I will certainly be willing to do what I can. I am free this weekend and will be able to teleport to the same place as I left last time. I do need to visit the Royal forge to have a sword repaired if possible. Let me know if this suits you and I will make sure to appear on time. Thank you again.

Oblivion Shadow

Oblivion rolled up the scroll as his magic flared and sent the letter. He could sense that it had arrived safely. He continued forward and walked through the front gates of the farm. The black pony walked up to the stairs in the house and into his room. He pulled the silver scabbard of his steel sword off the baldric and set it inside the wardrobe. The new one was set onto the baldric and it merged with it, the same as the first one had. He would use the new blade so as not to further damage the Wolven blade that he carried. He closed the wardrobe and locked it before he left the room once more. Upon going outside, he found Big mac hauling some of the barrels of apples around the barn and trying to get them all to fit inside. Oblivion walked up to him and his horn lifted the barrels.

“Where do I put them?” He asked the farmer. “You direct and I will move them.”

Mac nodded and the two stallions slowly began to move the barrels around the barn to get them all to fit. Apple Bloom ran around them playing with a ball. Occasionally, it would bounce against the legs of one of her brothers, who would kick it away for her to chase after. That game continued until Oblivion began picking it up with his magic and tossing it away from them before it ran underneath one of them. After a while, Apple Bloom tired and started to flop down on the ground close by her brothers. Oblivion gripped her in his magic and dropped her onto his back. She huddled down into his cloak and mumbled about playing some more before falling asleep. The Unicorn cast a glance back to her and moved his wings up to her sides to keep her in place. He looked back to find Mac looking knowingly over to the other stallion. Oblivion snorted and looked back to the barrels. His ears flicked back to see Applejack coming through the gate. She trotted over to the stallions and smiled when she saw Apple Bloom cuddled into Oblivion's back.

“Ya missed a fun party.” She told him. “There were plenty of games and a ton of food to try.”

“It's fine. I’m certain I was not missed. Besides, I had a blade to pick up.” He said as he looked over his shoulder to the mare, who grinned.

“Ya did pick it up in time, afore he closed.”

“Yes, I did. You did not need to do that for me, Applejack. I will repay you when I am able.”

Applejack snorted and waved a hoof at him. “It’s a gift. Ah figured ya would like this better than a spa trip.”

Oblivion gave a small grin and nodded. “True enough. Not really interested in ponies messing with my coat.”

Applejack reached onto Oblivion's back but stopped when she realized he was too tall for her to get the filly off of him without waking her. The filly was covered in blue flame and dropped gently onto Applejack's back.

“I may be going to Canterlot this weekend to meet with Blue Blood.”

Applejack nodded. “Sounds like fun. Be sure ta enjoy yerself.”

“Blue wishes to show me around Canterlot. While I was there last one of the great cats in the garden came up to me. Blue thinks she may have bonded to me since she has been refusing to eat and is more aloof than before. Surprising to me since most felines can’t stand me.”

“Well, ya better help her then. Ya might end up with a nice cat as a pet. What kind is she?”

“I have no idea. Have seen panthers her size, but they are built thinner than she is.”

“Wait, a panther? So not a little kitty?’

“No. She is far larger than that. Her shoulders come up to my chest.” Oblivion looked to the barn and set the last barrels down in the places Mac pointed to. Applejack recovered and closed her jaw. His magic faded as he turned to the house with the others. A scroll appeared in front of him and his magic held it.

Oblivion Shadow

I would be delighted to have you visit this Saturday. Is noon all right with you? I have a couple of duties to attend to in the morning but after that, I will ensure that my schedule is open. It will be good to see you, my friend. Aunt Luna will want to see you as well. If you are amenable then we could have dinner with her that evening. We will discuss more that day and see what plans you would like to make. Thank you again for the response. Talk to you soon.

Blue Blood

Oblivion looked to the letter and pulled out a scroll of his own to reply.

Blue Blood

That plan sounds just fine. I will arrive around noon on Saturday and we can either go to the forge first or later. I am not picky about what order things are done in. So long as it is part of our agenda it is fine by me. It will be good to see you as well. Till then.

Oblivion Shadow

Oblivion sent the letter and walked inside. The evening passed by with little interest and soon the house was ready to go to bed for the night. Apple Bloom woke up with a start and came running downstairs. Oblivion was looking to the stairs as she came down them.

“Did ya bring my ball inside?” She asked the ponies at the table.

Oblivion's horn lit up and the ball appeared in front of the filly. She reached out and her small hooves gripped the toy. “Thanks, Oblivion.” The black stallion nodded and looked back to the table. The filly walked over to the table, set her toy by the chair legs, and jumped onto her chair. “Hey, Oblivion?” The black Unicorn looked to the filly and waited. “What games do ya’ll play where yer from?

Oblivion looked from her to her siblings and then back to the filly. His orange cat eyes closed as he considered what she said. “Children play in the streets and their games are of hunting or being knights, I suppose. Witcher's do not play such games, so I do not know.”

Apple Bloom and her siblings leaned forward and gaped at him. “Ya’ll didn’t play?” The filly gaped at her eldest brother.

Oblivion shook his head. “There might have been games, had we not been in training all our lives.”

“Not even when yer chores were done?”

Oblivion barked a laugh. “No. We did not have chores, Apple Bloom. We had our training from morning till night and sometimes into the night. We had to learn from a huge amount of books about the monsters in our world, how to fight them, what the signs were for them and more. We also had to learn swordsmanship. So we had no time for games, little filly.”

The siblings looked away from him as he spoke. “So ya never got to be a colt?” Applejack said to him.

Oblivion could hear the sorrow in her voice. “Being a colt never really crossed my mind. Our lives were kept busy with other things that were just as important.” The Witcher knew that he had to say something to assuage the concerns of the family. They seemed to be surprised that he and others were not allowed to play as children. “We had to grow up fast to ensure that we were ready to be on the Path. I do not regret my time there.”

Apple Bloom stood up and looked to him. “Let's go play, Oblivion.” She jumped off her chair and rolled her ball toward the door.

“What?” The black Unicorn turned to look at the filly.

“Come on now.” She said over her shoulder.

“Apple Bloom. It's dark out.” He told her.

Apple Bloom stopped and looked back at him. “You can make lights with yer horn, right?”

Oblivion sighed and stood up. He pushed open the door and watched the filly go outside. His orange eyes looked to the others who shrugged. The two ponies went out in front of the farmhouse and Oblivion used magic to create fonts of light in the air above them. Sconce’s of blue flame flickered in the air.

“Okay. Will start out simple, since ya haven’t played before.” The filly said to him and kicked the ball over to him.

Oblivion looked down at it and sighed. He gave it a gentle kick back to the filly who chased after it. She kicked it back to him and it rolled off to the side of him. The Unicorn used his magic to bring it back to them.

“Nope, no magic.” The filly admonished the stallion. Oblivion looked back and set the ball down in front of her. “Ya have ta chase it. More fun that way.”

Oblivion closed his eyes for a moment. “I fail to see how chasing after the ball is fun.”

“Ya’ll will see. Just try it. Don’t let it stop rolling, just get behind it and kick it back.”

He sighed and nodded as the filly gave it a hard kick to the side. He grumbled at her as he trotted after it. He trotted over the top of it and used his left hind hoof to kick it back. “Nice kick!” Apple Bloom yelled as she ran after the ball. Oblivion turned around and walked back toward his original place when the filly kicked it again. He trotted to the side and kicked it back to her.

‘Reminds me of some of the coordination exercises we did at Kaer Morhen.’ He mused as he kicked the ball again. After several minutes both ponies were chasing after the small ball and Oblivion found he was having to lope after it more often. He knew that the filly was sending it in every other direction to force him to move around more. ‘Two can play that game.’ He gave it a kick off to the side of her and she had to run hard to catch it. Applejack and Big Mac watched from the kitchen door as they played.

“Not sure he is playing, so much as fightin’ back.” Applejack commented.

“Eeyup.” Mac replied to her.

Apple Bloom was beginning to tire and the ball was beginning to get away from her. She missed it and had to go chase it down. The filly brought it back and panted to her eldest brother.

“Okay, Ah think yer getting the hang of it.” She panted and collapsed to her belly.

“Not very difficult. We had an exercise similar but it was used to make our reflexes better.” He responded as he walked over to the filly.

“So ya have played.”

“It wasn’t considered playing since we didn’t have any fun with it. We got punished if we were too slow.”

Apple Bloom cringed. “Why?”

“As a Witcher, we have to be fast to avoid injury. So, being too slow is unacceptable.”

“Yer teachers were crazy.”

Oblivion barked a laugh. “I can’t argue with that.”

He extinguished the sconces of magic and picked up both the filly and her toy. He set them inside and walked in behind her. Applejack laughed as Apple Bloom flopped back to the floor.

“He gave ya quite the run fer yer bits, filly.” Applejack prodded her youngest sibling with a laugh.

“He’s bigger than me.” She complained.

“You're the one who wanted to play.” He responded. “Not my fault you picked a fight with a full-grown stallion.”

“Ah didn’t fight ya.”

“Its an expression.” He replied. “I think that is it for tonight, little one. Time for bed for you.”

Apple Bloom stood up and looked to him. “Tell me a story?"

Oblivion looked at her and paused before answering. “Not tonight. I can’t think of any stories to tell you right now.”

The filly huffed and went up the stairs. Oblivion looked to her siblings and sighed. “Mostly since the stories I have are not good bedtime stories.” The others nodded and they all headed upstairs.

14: A New Ally...

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The next 2 days went by quickly as they moved the apples out to be sold and Oblivion met up with the bank to discuss the currency he had. They agreed that if he was to put more of his own into circulation that the economy of the area would be disrupted. He informed them that he planned on only converting the currency every now and then if needed. Otherwise, he would earn it as normal. Saturday rolled around and Oblivion switched out his newer plain steel blade for the broken one. He walked out to the front of the house and his magic surged as he teleported.

Blue Blood stood in silence as he looked around him. He looked to the side, as a flash of blue flame went off to the right. He smiled at the black Unicorn that stepped out of the flame.

“Its been too long, my friend.” He said to the other stallion as he walked up to him.

Oblivion looked at him and nodded at his approach. Blue Blood extended his hoof and Oblivion bumped his hoof against it. The white pony started and then broke into a laugh. He clapped the black stallion on the shoulder and stood by him as they moved out of the garden. Oblivion stopped as a twinge of discomfort went through him. The black Unicorn looked back away, as Blue stopped walking as well.

“What is it?” The white pony turned to face the other.

“I’m not sure. Something What is in that direction?” He asked as he pointed a hoof to the right.

“Over there… That’s the menagerie. Why?”

“Whatever I’m feeling is over there. Follow me.” The Witcher moved to follow the faint light he was seeing. It was familiar, a gentle ocean blue that rippled like the waves themselves. But it was no longer bright and soothing. The light was muted and gave off a feeling of pain. His hooves made no sound as he walked into a small clearing. A light green pony, with gentle gray eyes, and a tree cutie mark turned to look at his ears heard Blues hooves on the leaves.

“Didn’t hear you coming. But she did.” He looked to the tawny she-cat as she laid on the stone.

Oblivion stayed where he stood, as he gazed at her. Her tawny coat had faded to a near white. Her bright feline eyes were dull and faded. Her claws were broken and frayed to the pads and she barely breathed. Oblivion felt Blue bump into him as he passed and his gaze was torn from the she-cat.

“What has happened to her?” The prince asked, dazed at her condition.

“I do not know. She was the strongest of them a mere 3 weeks ago. Now she clings to life by one ruined paw. I do not understand it myself. If I had to guess, I’d say she's heartbroken.” The caretaker began to explain to the stunned prince.

“No. She is not.” Oblivion spoke aloud. Both ponies looked to the black stallion as he stepped forward. “Her spirit has fallen.” He stated to them. The black stallion stepped forward, to stand before the ailing cat. Silver armor slid over his body and covered his fur. The two ponies stared at him, as the armor slid into place and the stallion stood tall before the great cat. The silver armor gave off its own glow as it sat on its wielder.

“Who in Celestia’s name are you?” The caretaker asked him. He stepped forward, as though to protect the she-cat.

Oblivion looked to the caretaker. “You have nothing to fear from me. I can save her.”

The green pony stared and him and blinked before Blue gripped his mane and pulled him out of the way. Oblivion stepped closer to her and reached out a hoof to stroke her fur. It was coarse and rough under his hoof. Her eyes suddenly focused and she looked at him. He could see a spark in her eyes. He gave a low laugh. “You're not done yet. You will rise as you are meant to.”

Oblivion stepped away from her and his horn lit. Azure flame engulfed the cat and he distantly heard the caretaker yell. Blue must have intervened since the pony didn’t touch him. Magic poured from him and covered the she-cat. Layers of it coated each strand of her fur. Oblivion closed his eyes and gathered more of his magic to him and layered it into the cat. His armor trembled on his body and he gathered the last of the magic that he needed from it and pushed it into the cat. He opened his eyes as the magic forced him to grit his teeth and hold it, for longer than he intended. A pulse went through the air and a flash of light and a slight concussion wave tossed the other two stallions off their hooves.

Blue Blood looked up to find the black Unicorn still standing. A trembling breath escaped his friend as smoke drifted off the silver armor that adorned his body. Blue stood up and took a hesitant step toward him. Oblivion groaned and let himself sink to the ground. Blue yelled his name and jumped to his side, preventing him from landing roughly on the ground. Oblivion panted and drew in the air slowly.

The black Unicorn looked up and watched as the she-cat got to her paws. Aqua blue stripes covered her shining white fur. Long saber teeth came from her upper jaw and her eyes were now a vibrant blue that shone in the shadows. Oblivion had heard of a Spirit Tiger before but they were mere myth, even after the conjunction of the Spheres. She now stood before him, proud as she was meant to. Oblivion gave a quiet snort.

“That's better. Now you are as you should be.” He breathed to her. Blue stiffened next to him as the cat looked to the stallion and then bumped her head against his, just below the curved black horn. Oblivion looked up at her when she pulled back and climbed to his own hooves. He swayed for a moment and Blue stayed beside him. The cat rubbed her head against his armor and purred to him.

“Well, I’ll be.” The caretaker stepped forward. “I had no idea that she looked like this. Is this what she is meant to be?”

Oblivion nodded, “Yes. I’m not sure why but she was hidden within the other form. For what purpose, I don’t know, but it was time for the illusion to end.”

“How did you do that?” Blue nudged the other stallion, looking for an answer.

“I bear the Element of Spirit. I could see that she was losing hers and needed to be released from what held her back. I used my magic to free her and reinvigorate her spirit. Without that, she would have died here without ever running free again.”

“Your one of the Elements of Harmony?” The caretaker stepped away from the stallion as Oblivion drew up to his full height and stepped away from the prince.

“Yes, I am. Through that, I can see the Spirit that rests within each being and sees if it has broken or not. Hers was beginning to fail.”

“You sensed it when you got here.” Blue pointed out. “You were drawn to her.”


Oblivion turned to leave only to have a low growl stop him in his tracks. He turned to look at her as she stared at him. Her fur giving off an ethereal glow. The stallion turned back to her and waited. She walked up to him, her stride fluid. She drew up next to him, raised up onto her hind legs and draped herself over his back and rumbled a purr to him.

“Gods below.” Oblivion cursed and squared his hooves. “Get off me, you infernal feline.” She rubbed her head along his back and refused to listen. His swords dug painfully into his back and his right-wing popped under her weight. Her long claws were out of her paws and they held onto his cloak and armor. Blue chuckled at the sight. Oblivion released a growl of his own and the cat stopped. The stallion snarled and the cat let herself fall off his back and then walked to stand beside him. She rumbled back to him and he stared at her. “Interesting.”


“I can understand her. She wishes to follow me. My connection to the Element of Spirit drew her to me before.” He stopped as a look of regret crossed his face. “Her condition was due to my absence. I did not realize that she had bonded to me. She linked her Spirit to mine last I was here. My ability to see her spirit and rejuvenate it is what helped to bond her to me fully. Dammit, I had no idea my absence would cause her such pain.” The stallion brought his head down to nuzzle the feline. “You have my apologies, lady. You are welcome at my side till you decide I am not worth the effort.” He said to her. “What is her name?”

The caretaker startled and stuttered before answering. “She does not have one. I have called her many things but she has never responded to them.”

Oblivion looked to her and her eyes were endless and familiar. “Sasa.” The cat purred and rubbed her head on him once more.

“Wait, you are going to take her?” The caretaker said as he stepped up. “You can’t. She belongs here.”

Oblivion raised his head and his orange eyes narrowed. “It is her choice. You cannot enforce your wishes on her.”

“It is not me. She belongs to the Princess.”

Oblivion looked at him then barked a short laughed. “She belongs to no pony. She is her own and chooses her own path.”

The stallion stepped forward once more. “I can’t let you take her. I won’t.” He reached for the Tiger's fur to pull her away.

Oblivion did not move as the others hoof held onto Sasa’s fur. The cat roared and lunged at him. Her paw slapped him off his hooves and he rolled a few feet away. Oblivion reached for her and his hoof grabbed a chunk of her fur and he pulled her away from continuing her attack.

“Easy now, Sasa, easy. He is not worth dirtying your claws.” The stallion cooed to the angry cat, smoothing her ruffled fur. She crouched down and circled herself around Oblivion’s armored forelegs. “I would advise against touching her again.”

The light green pony rolled to his belly and stared at the still snarling she-cat. Oblivion continued to soothe her as she relaxed around his hooves. Blue stepped forward and stood in front of Oblivion.

“By my right, as a Prince of Equestria, I am gifting this noble animal to my closest friend, Oblivion Shadow. Should this displease my Aunt I will speak with her myself.” Blue Blood stood at his full height, his Prince mask on full display.

Oblivion gave a small grin at the display before him. The wraith that held the white stallion was significantly weaker now than it had been when he had first intervened. Even with Blue using his mask just now the Wraith had a tentative hold on the pony. Oblivion was glad to see its diminished state. He raised back up to his height and set his hoof back on the ground, loosening his hold on Sasa’s fur. She had quieted and was laying in silence by his forehooves. Blue Blood turned to him and gave a slight nod of his head in the other direction. Oblivion turned to leave after giving a low growl to Sasa. The great cat stood and followed after the stallions.

Blue looked over to him. “I get into trouble with my beloved Aunt I will very upset at you.”

Oblivion laughed. “If Celestia gets her knickers in a knot over it she can take it up with me then. Since I am the one at the root of it.”

Blue looked at him and shook his head at the choice of the others words. “Well, that works as well. Shall we head to the forge then?”

“Lead the way.” Oblivion stayed beside him and he could sense that the she-cat was not far behind. He felt her fur brush against his left thigh as she stayed close to him. The hallways narrowed and the air grew warmer the deeper they went into the palace.

“It's in here. Okay, so the forge pony is named Steel Horn. He's a...well, there is no nice wording.” Blue stumbled.

“An ass?”

The prince startled and looked to the other. “Well to put it bluntly yes, and rude.”

Oblivion chuckled. “Then we should get along fine. I’ve been treated poorly most of my life so bad manners have no effect.”

The black pony walked past him with the feline trailing. Blue sighed but followed as well. The black Unicorn entered into a large room with a vaulted ceiling and several systems that seemed to be filtering the air in the forge. He could see enormous bellows and several huge furnaces. As they neared the center of the room Oblivion heard something off to his right and turned to find a pony charging them. He carried a blade in one hoof as he moved to them, 3 legged. Blue yelped when Oblivion shoved him back and brought out his own blade, damaged or not he would use it if he had to. The charging pony slid to a stop at the sight of the armed Witcher. A roar shook the cavern as Sasa leaped to his side.

“By Celestia's ass, what is that?” The pony yelled.

Oblivion’s orange eyes narrowed and he glared at the pony in front of him and Sasa. The pony had mottled shades of brown, his mane black and had a bellows for a marking. His hooves were covered in thick leather coverings that were tied just above his fetlocks. His mane was cut short, his tail the same. Sasa continued to snarl. Oblivion didn’t move, as he waited for the pony to act.

“Are you going to answer or not?”

“Answer what? You charged me for no reason and you expect me to cooperate?” Oblivion growled back.

The pony looked stunned before his head reared back and he laughed aloud. “Hah! You have some stones between your hind legs.”

Oblivion continued to glare, his sword held in his magic, Sasa snarled and roared as she could sense the anger coming from Oblivion himself.

“You have nothing to worry about from me, swords pony. Even if I had clashed with you that cat of yours would have shredded me in no time.” The pony walked over to the forge as he spoke.

Oblivion lowered the blade and put a hoof on Sasa’s side to calm her. The blade hovered by his side as he calmed the Tiger and she rubbed her head on his chest. Oblivion shifted and turned to face the pony, who now stood behind a short countertop, he had set the blade down to the side of the counter and looked to the stallions and the she-cat.

“So, what do I owe the pleasure gents?” He looked to Oblivion and his eyes fell to the armor that covered him. “Buck me. What kind of armor is that?”

Oblivion looked down and felt his hackles raise. Sasa growled but Oblivion stamped out his own feeling and calmed her.

“It is the armor of the bearer of the Element of Spirit.” Blue Blood stepped up and spoke for him.

The pony stared at it then glanced at the prince. “Well, well. Welcome to my humble forge, your highness. To what do I owe the pleasure?” He looked back to the armor on Oblivion's body.

Blue Blood had to fight not to growl at him and hold back his own anger. Sasa roared at the pony and he startled. Oblivion laughed at the cat's behavior.

“My lady does not appreciate your tone, good stallion,” Oblivion said, sarcasm in his voice.

The forge pony looked to the black stallion and laughed. “She is a perceptive girl. My apologies.” He looked to the still growling feline. “My apologies, fine lady. I will try to be more respectful of those you protect.” Sasa sat down and watched the pony closely. “I don’t think she believes me.”

“She is a Spirit Tiger. She can see beyond words.” Oblivion told him. His horn glowed and the silver armor crept back over his fur and vanished into the breast collar around his shoulders.

“Remarkable. The Element of Spirit, you say? Beautiful. Anyway, you didn’t come here to chat so what can I do for you?”

Oblivion laid the steel sword on the counter. “What do you see, forge master?”

The pony heard the challenge from the stallion and looked intently at the blade in front of him. Oblivion saw his eyes cover the blade. “This is a hell of a blade. Where was it made?”

Oblivion smirked. “The Northern Realms.”

The pony looked up. “The hell?”

“Very far from here. My homeland.”

“I see. Well, the pony that made this needs to be treated as a god. This blade is remarkable.”

“You think it is grand?” The pony nodded fervently. “It is the lesser of two.” Oblivion leaned back on his rear legs and waited. ‘Typical bargaining. This is nothing compared to the haggling I have done for my payment.’ The pony looked to him and a smile went over his muzzle.

“Your good. But how do I know that you tell the truth?”

Oblivion smirked again and his magic moved his cloak to the side, exposing the hilt of his silver sword. Even in the low light, it gave off a glint in the low light. “I do not lie when it comes to my swords.”

“By the great Goddess, what is that?”

“The sight of it will be your reward for an accurate assessment of the blade in front of your snout.”

“Hah! I was right about you. All right, you have my undivided attention. What you have hidden under that cloak is certainly worth a peek at the blade on my table. Pardon me, boys.” The pony reached down picked up the sword and retreated.

Blue walked up to him and leaned close. “Are you sure about letting that uncouth pony take that blade?”

Oblivion snorted. “If he has the bullocks to steal from me then I have misjudged him. Besides, would you take from me in his hooves?”

“Hell no,” Blue commented then covered his mouth with a hoof.

Oblivion looked to him in mock shock. “Well put.”

“I blame you for that slip.” The prince said to him.

“I can accept that,” Oblivion replied with a smile.

Sasa purred and rubbed her head on Oblivion then on Blue Blood. “Why did she get annoyed when he spoke to me?”

“She can sense the Spirits of others through me so she can sense you as well. Are you upset that she took a liking to you?”

“Of course not. I’m actually flattered. But that does not answer..” He looked from the cat back to the forge as the pony emerged, soot-stained and missing half his forelock. “What happened?”

“This crazy blade of yours has magic on it!” He said as he set it down on the counter.

Oblivion smirked. “Actually, it doesn’t. It has three runes buried in the blade. One of them happens to be a greater burning rune. I did forget to mention that if you strike it, it might activate the rune.” Oblivion took the weight off one hind leg and made sure the other pony knew that he had withheld the information deliberately

Steel Horn scowled at the black stallion. A wide smile broke out on his muzzle and he laughed. “You are my favorite kind of pony. Too smart for your own good, and full of piss and vinegar!”

Oblivion shrugged. “I’ve been called worse.”

“All right, my friend. There is a hairline crack to the blade. Though not deep it will grow if used. The runes in the weapon could make for a tricky fix but I can accomplish it. It will take me one week to accomplish. I have to work with the steel in the blade to dilute it.”



“You dilute that blades steel and I will skin you.” Oblivion's expression was blank, his eyes sharp. Sasa growled at his side.

“All right. Two weeks. Can you remove the runes?”

“Unfortunately, I cannot. I can put them in and replace them but I cannot remove them by destroying the rune itself. One of the runes inside it is hard to make so I would rather not mess with it.”

Steel Horn looked at the blade. “Any way you can fully suppress the runes?”

“I have suppressed them before but I am not certain if I can maintain it from afar. I do not live in Canterlot. I can see if I can enchant an item to suppress the rune but it would need to be in constant contact with the blade. The hilt at the very least.” Oblivion supplied.

Steel looked thoughtful for a moment. “Would an inhibitor ring work on it?”

Oblivion scoffed. “Its a rune, not a Unicorn horn.”

“Worth a thought. All right, so if I wrap a wire around the hilt would that work for an enchant?”

Oblivion started to answer when his ears perked and he looked back to the entrance. He could hear hooves and armor moving towards them. Oblivion kept his eyes looking back and waited. Sasa stood up and watched as well.

“Steel Horn! Have you finished my… Oh my apologies, I did not realize anypony was here. That explains why you're not trying to test the durability of a blade on me this time.”

A stark white stallion covered in royal purple armor with golden pieces and accents came into view. He had cyan blue eyes and his mane was dark blue with a cyan streak in it. The pony stopped and waited a few feet away. His eyes looked from the black Unicorn with a curved horn, to Blue Blood, then to the large feline standing at the side of the Black Unicorn.

“What in Equestria?” He stared at the cat and waited. Oblivion relaxed and Sasa mimicked him. She yawned, ran her tongue over her long incisors, and sat back down. “I have never seen an animal like that… her or him?”

“She.” Oblivion supplied.

The stallion paused before he looked back to Blue Blood. “Prince Blue Blood. I am surprised to see you here.”

“Normally, I am not anywhere near this place, that's true, but my friend here needed to have a sword repaired. We will be leaving to go tour Canterlot when his business is finished.” Blue Blood said to the new pony. He looked to Oblivion and then back. “Captain Shining Armor, it is my pleasure to introduce Oblivion Shadow.” Oblivion looked at him to stop him from continuing. Blue bit down on his tongue and looked to the Captain.

“It's nice to meet you, Oblivion Shadow. For the sake of speed, please just call me Shining.” The Captain said to him.

Oblivion nodded. “Just Oblivion is fine.”

Shining looked back to Sasa and continued to stand back.

“She is called Sasa,” Oblivion told him and set a hoof on Sasa’s hip due to him still facing Steel Horns counter.

“Beautiful name,” Shining replied with a nervous look to the great cat.

Oblivion looked back to Steel and waited. The pony brought out a small wire and wove it around the steel weapons hilt. Oblivion's magic covered the wire and he focused on enchanting it to suppress the power of the runes till it was removed. “Don’t remove that wire unless you want them to backlash on you,” Oblivion warned.

Steel nodded and watched as Oblivion’s magic withdrew and the color on the blade vanished. The Unicorn picked up a small hammer and after backing up several feet he struck the blade with it and cringed. When nothing happened he struck the weapon several more times before he was satisfied.

“Well, it didn’t try to kill me this time.” He said, with a triumphant smile. “As for that crossbow, you ordered Captain its almost ready. The mechanism is giving me a bit of trouble.”

Oblivion looked at him. “The trigger or draw?”


Oblivion thought about it for a few moments. “Hoof pulled or magic?”


“Leave the trigger pull open, don’t enclose it. Normally, it is enclosed to prevent being pulled accidentally. If you make it a bit harder to pull that could avoid an accidental shot.”

The forge master and the other stallions stared at the Black Unicorn. Steel Horn looked away and to the side. “That would actually work. I hadn’t thought of leaving the trigger open and stiffening it. How did you come up with that?”

“I have looked over designs for crossbows many times and am familiar with the concept.” The black stallion responded to him.

“Well, you're certainly full of surprises. So this blade will be ready in two weeks. If I have any trouble with it should I send a letter?”

“You can give the letter to me and I will send it to him. He created a spell that allows immediate delivery.” Blue Blood stepped up to the counter.

“That is perfect. Though I will be sure to be mindful of the train times since you mentioned that you do not live in the city.” Steel replied.

“There is no concern about the train schedule. I can teleport here if I am needed.” Oblivion informed him. That statement earned him stares from Steel Horn and Shining Armor. “Really? I can teleport back and forth at will. I fail to see how that is as shocking as it seems.”

Blue Blood laughed. “Even my Aunt’s would be unable to travel that far. Let alone multiple times a day.”

“It is not as difficult as it seems.” Oblivion looked to the ponies around him. “Is it really so incredible to hear that a pony can accomplish a long-distance teleport?”

Shining Armor looked away for a moment. “Maybe Starswirl the Bearded could have accomplished such a feat but none since him.”

“I have heard that pony mentioned but have not looked up anything about him. I will look into it later. Blue you mentioned a tour of Canterlot. Allow me to discuss payment a moment then we can go.” Blue nodded and stepped back to allow him room. Sasa leaned into the black stallions hip and he glanced back at her for a moment. “What will be the cost of the repairs?”

Steel Horn looked at Oblivion’s back, his eyes hungry. “Well, if I could see what you happen to be hiding under that cloak of yours then we will see if there is a cost.”

Oblivion chuckled before his magic moved his cloak and pulled the blade free of its scabbard. The silver glowed in the low light and the runes danced over the blade. Steel Horn stared at it, his mouth slowly dropping open. Oblivion laid the blade on the counter and the ponies all gaped at it. Ice blue went across the blade with tones of red under it. Steels magic started to circle the weapon but Oblivion’s own quashed it and pushed it back. Steel Horn looked at him, questioning.

“Its a more deadly weapon than the first,” Oblivion explained.

Steel Horn looked from him to the weapon. “If I fix the other one for free, can I touch this one?”

Oblivion saw Shining Armor stare at him, shocked. Oblivion looked thoughtful. “Hold the hilt. Any more than that and I am not responsible for the outcome.”

Steel looked to him and a wide grin spread over his features. “Done.” He reached up and his hoof held the hilt. “Its lighter than the other, due to the thinner width. Same length though. How do you use this effectively? It's too light for combat.”

Oblivion shook his head. “I use it for fighting monsters exclusively. It's not designed to fight ponies. Where I am from monsters run rampant and my type of pony is needed to combat them. The steel is meant for fighting ponies.” Oblivion informed him.

The forge pony lifted the blade and turned it to the side. “This blade is a work of art. I was convinced the other had no rival but this...This is a masterpiece. A blade this fine is one that has a name. We call them a Tru weapon. One that is singular and has no equal. What is it called?”

Oblivion looked at the blade before he answered. "It does not truly have a name. It is called a Legendary Wolven Silver. The Steel is a Legendary Wolven Steel.”

Steel Horn looked affronted at the reply. “You must be joking?” Oblivion shook his head. “By the Goddess. If you don’t think of a name for it I will. In Equestria, a blade that has no equal is named by its wielder or the creator.”

Oblivion looked to the sword and frowned. “Where I am from a blade is just that, a blade. They are a tool. While I treat mine well I am not emotionally attached to them. I understand that I will replace them. Though I do have some blades that I have kept for years, this one is one in a long list of Silverswords that I have wielded.”

Steel Horn looked away from him. “I understand. I will tell you now that you will not find a weapon of this caliber in all of Equestria. It is alone in that regard. Same with the Steel.” Oblivion nodded. “Well, I had better finish that crossbow and start on that steel sword of yours.” He let go of the weapon as Oblivion’s magic covered it and returned it to its scabbard.

The pony backed up and carried the steel blade in his magic as he picked up a partially finished crossbow as well. Blue Blood looked to his friend and motioned for them to leave. “I told you he was different.”

Oblivion chuckled as he pivoted on his heel to stay even with the other stallion. “I did not doubt you, Blue.”

The Prince stopped and looked back to the Captain. “Would you care to join us, Captain? You have lived in Canterlot as long as I have.”

Shining looked unsure for a moment. His eyes went from the Prince to the black stallion and then to the cat at his side. Oblivion chuckled. “She’s harmless. She only acts if she must and even then it’s a warning, nothing more.” Oblivion tried to ease the stallions nervousness.

Shining looked away from her and smiled. “Well, I would be happy to help show you around. I have plenty of time before I must report to the Princess.”

The stallions left the forge and walked into the city. Oblivion found himself looking in all directions as the two ponies guided him around the city. It was clear that they knew Canterlot well and were happy to show him around.

“Ahh, there it is.” Blue stopped and pointed. “That is one the best spots in Canterlot. Everypony knows who Donut Joe is.”

The building was plain but even Oblivion could smell the pastries inside. He looked over to Blue. “And what is a donut?”

Both stallions eyes widened as they stared. Blue stared at him and Shining tapped him on the shoulder. “By Celestia, your not kidding. All right, we need to go inside.” Shining walked forward with purpose, his hoof gripping the collar of Oblivion's cloak. The black stallion allowed himself to be pulled, the scent from the shop interested him.

The three stallions walked inside and were greeted by a stallion who smiled warmly at them. “Welcome! What can I treat you stallions to? Shining! Its good to see you. And you as well Blue Blood.” The tawny-colored pony said to them as they entered. “Brought somepony new with ya this time?”

Shining stopped pulling when they reached the counter. “Good to see you as well Joe. This is Oblivion. He’s new to Equestria and we are showing him around the city.”

“So of course you have to bring him here for a snack. What kind of donuts do you like?”

Oblivion looked from the glass counter to the questioning pony. “I would not know. I have never had a pastry like this before. And before you look hurt by that statement bear in mind that where I am from such things do not exist.” He stated.

Joe looked unsure for a moment before he recovered. “All right. I like a pony who knows exactly how to explain himself. All right well what sweets do you like?”

Oblivion sighed. “I don’t. I am not a fan of very sugary items. I prefer black coffee as a drink, for example.”

Joe nodded. “Perfect, I have just the creation for you then.” He moved away from the counter and over to one of the glass containers.

“A coffee doughnut?” Oblivion commented with a dry tone.

“Not at all. I just created this little beauty.” He set a black pastry on top of the counter for Oblivion to see. “It's a pure cocoa doughnut. Cocoa itself is pretty bitter to most ponies so they don’t like the flavor. But since you seem to prefer the bitter side of the spectrum I think this will suit you well. Go ahead, give it a try, on the house.”

The pony nudged the treat toward Oblivion, who gave it a dubious look. He straightened and looked at the pastry. It had no frosting unlike the others and had a hole in the center of it. Though he had never seen anything like it he was not about to be rude to the generous pony and his magic picked it up. He gave it a cautious sniff before taking a bite of it. It had a slightly sweet taste, though not overpowering. Oblivion had eaten cocoa before and found this to be preferable. The dough was firm but not to the point of being tough. He swallowed the mouthful he had and put the rest of it in his mouth.

Joe smiled at the stallion. “Well, I’d say that's a good review.” He laughed and moved back to the counter and opened it again. He held out several other donuts and the other unicorns picked up one for themselves as well. Joe placed another doughnut on the counter for Oblivion who picked it up and walked to a table with his companions. A low grumble sounded from in front of the counter. Joe leaned forward, his eyes widened at the Tiger looking up at him. “By Equestria. Where was she the whole time?”

Oblivion smirked. “Behind me. Do you have anything that she might like as well?”

Joe looked thoughtful as he looked at the cat. Sasa sat down and seemed to be waiting patiently for him. “Well, I don’t have anything with meat or catnip. But I can check. Hang on pretty girl.” Sasa sat, patiently and waited for the pony to return. Joe came around the counter and held out his hoof. He held out a plain doughnut for the feline. “Sorry girl but I don’t want to make you sick. So a plain one is good for now. I’ll work on a doughnut for you later.”

Sasa looked to Oblivion, who nickered to her. She leaned forward and took the treat from his hoof. She swallowed the snack and rubbed her head on his hoof as a thank you and walked over to where her chosen and the others waited. The great cat laid down and rolled onto her back and batted at Oblivion's tail. The black stallion flicked his tail in response and ignored the cat. “So what is that you do, Shining?”

The Captain looked to the Black Unicorn. “I train the guards and tend to any matters of security within the palace and the city.”

Oblivion looked at him and sat back in the chair. “Interesting. So you are in charge of the overall security of just the castle or more within the city itself?”

Shining looked at him and nodded. “All of the above. Any breaches of security are brought to my attention and I address them.”

Oblivion smirked. “So were you made aware of an attempted attack on a guest of the Princess nearly a month ago?”

Shining pitched forward. “What?”

Oblivion craned his neck a bit to look at the dumbfounded pony. “Apparently not. It was late at night when it happened. The pony in question was accused of plotting against Luna and Celestia.”

“Wait.” Shining looked away from him as he thought it over. “How do you know about that? That is an incident that has been kept quiet at Princess Luna’s request.”

Oblivion leaned back and chuckled. “Its nothing then.”

“How do you know about it?” Shining pressed.

Oblivion took a small bite of his doughnut and said nothing in reply. Off to his left Blue put his hoof on his face and sighed. He raised his head and looked to the others before he cleared his throat. “He was here when it happened.” He explained. Shining looked to the Prince. “Oblivion was asked to come and have a sparring match with Aunt Luna.”

Shining looked to him. “That was you?” Oblivion nodded. “I heard about that match from my guards. They said it was quite the show. They said that Princess Luna was defeated easily by another pony.”

“Also true,” Oblivion commented as he reached his foreleg down to ruffle Sasa’s fur. “I enjoyed sparring with her, even if it was an easy fight.”

Shining’s eyes widened. “Easy?”

“Yes. I have been doing battle all my life due to my profession so defeating her was actually easy. I held back to make the fight last longer.” Oblivion explained. “It was quite enjoyable for me. Luna appeared to have enjoyed herself as well. We had coffee afterward and I was asked to stay the night due to the late hour.”

Shining put his head in his hooves. “You didn’t really slap her across the flank with your sword, did you?”

Oblivion couldn’t stop the slight grin that tugged at his muzzle. “Perhaps.”

Blue Blood blanched and coughed through a bite of his food. Oblivion patted him on the back as he coughed. Shining Armor stared at him, his mouth slightly agape. “By Equestria you did.” A smile tugged at the Captain’s mouth and he hid it behind a hoof. Oblivion gave an affirmative nod and that was the last straw for all three stallions. Oblivion chuckled as Shining laughed and Blue Blood scrubbed his face with his hooves as he laughed. Shining got control of his laughter and looked to the Black Unicorn.

“I can’t believe you did that.” The stallion spoke through a laugh. “Why?”

“I admit I may have gotten carried away. I have trained ponies before and that was a common enough way to motivate them to perform, if only through a desire to hit me back.” The Witcher replied as he finished laughing.

“Unbelievable.” Blue put a hoof over his mouth as he shook his head.

“Is it that hard to believe, Blue?”

Blue Blood shrugged. “Actually, not really. Considering how you are, now that I think about it.”

Shining sat back and inhaled. “So how did you meet Blue Blood?”

Blue looked to him and a smile went over his muzzle. “He heard me complaining to myself and barged into my room to ask about it. After listening to him talk I realized that he cared not a bit that I am a Prince.”

“What? So there was no formality?”

“There was some but I think that was more out of habit than due to my title.”

Oblivion shifted. “True. There was no reason for me to bend my knee or anything of the sort. I treat ponies the same no matter who they are. Blue is just a pony to me, same as you or any other.”

Shining smiled. “I have to admit that it is refreshing. I’m used to ponies saluting and having to act my part. I can imagine that it is difficult for you as well as Blue Blood. But how are you with the Princesses?”

Blue looked away and closed his eyes for a moment. “He treats them like any pony as well. Last time he was here he barged into the council chamber to give Aunt Celestia a message for her to deliver to Aunt Luna.”

Shining looked stunned. “You used the Princess as a messenger?”

“She was the most logical choice to pass it along. While I can send a note directly to Luna, I chose not to awaken her.” Oblivion informed the Captain of the guard.

Shining sat back once more and shook his head. “But you did show the proper courtesy to her correct?”

“And how should I have acted? Bow, as I approached?” Shining gave a slight nod. “Then no. Where I am from I do not even bend my knee to Kings and Emperors.” Both stallions looked to him. Blue was the first to recover.

“Geez.” Blue laughed out loud as he ate the last of his treat.

Shining stared for a moment before sighing in apparent defeat. “Where are you from anyway? It must be very different if you need a weapon like the ones you carry?”

“My homeland is constantly at war with someone. Monsters roam the fields and peo..ponies are always the ones who suffer.” He said to the other. “My kind is called Witcher's and we exist to keep monsters and ponies separated.”

“Monsters? Such as?”

Blue leaned forward to hear the answer as well. “Leshens, Trolls, Forktails, Wraiths, to name a few. We are trained to fight them and keep ponies safe from them or vice versa.”

“I have never heard of those monsters before. I’m guessing they are indigenous to your home?” Shining replied.

“Not originally. They were brought to my homeland by a phenomenon we called the Conjunction of the Spheres. It brought many things into my homeland. Monsters and magic among them. Originally ponies did not have such magic. It was brought into our world by chance, I believe.” Oblivion explained to them.

“And that is why you carry swords like what we saw earlier?”

“Yes. They are required. As I said earlier steel is to fight off ponies and the other is for monsters. Though why ponies still attack an armed Witcher is beyond me. Though I suppose even a common bandit might get in a lucky shot.” The black Unicorn commented with a snort.

“Well as much as I would rather sit and chat I must get back to the castle to make my report. Thank you for a nice afternoon, Oblivion, Blue Blood. It was a pleasure.” Shining Armor got out of the booth and stood at the front of the table.

“Pleasure was ours Shining,” Oblivion said to him as the stallion nodded, the Captain went to the counter and paid for his meal, before leaving the shop. “So what time are we meeting Luna?”

“This evening. She asked that we meet up with her before she raises the moon.” Blue replied.

“Understood,” Oblivion said to him as he got out of the booth as well. He nudged Sasa out of the way and backed up to wait for Blue.

Blue paid for his meal and followed the black pony out of the shop. “This way. There are a few more things I can show you before our dinner with Aunt Luna.”

Oblivion nodded and the tour resumed. Blue Blood showed him one of the many public parks and then into the more industrial section of the city. The pair moved through to the suburban areas. Oblivion marveled at the tranquillity of the area. Ponies walked leisurely around with their families, enjoying the world around them. The black Unicorn paused on the sidewalk and watched the ponies. Blue looked back and saw Oblivion standing in silence as he looked around. Sasa stood at his shoulder and rubbed her head on him. The Prince walked back to him and stood in front of him, waiting.

“Are you all right?” He finally asked after standing quietly.

Oblivion looked at him and gave a short smile. “I’m fine. It's just so...different. Where I am from ponies do not linger in the streets unless they have no other place to go. Beggars on every corner, the streets are blood-drenched, and the scent of death lingers. But here, there is none of that. Not that I am complaining. It's just a bit much to take in.” Oblivion fell silent once more.

Blue stood silently with him. “I cannot imagine your world, my friend. I must admit that your homeland sounds terrifying. But the important thing is not to dwell on the differences. You are here, now, and this is life in Equestria. It's not perfect and there are troubles but at the same time you have moments like this.” Blue moved a hoof around him. Oblivion's gaze followed his hoof and saw that he was talking about the peace around them. “I won’t say that you should lower your guard. Since I don’t think you can, but to enjoy it when it happens.”

Oblivion looked around once more before he sighed. “Enjoy things when they happen?” Blue nodded. “I’m not sure I know how. I look around and I see the escape routes, ambush points, and places to hide if needed. I’m not able to change my thinking. That is no one's fault but my own.” Oblivion looked back to Blue Blood. “But I thank you for staying by me while I think it over.”

Blue chuckled. “I would not have left you here alone. You are my friend Oblivion. And I am learning that no matter what I will stand with you.” Blue said to him and put a hoof on the other unicorns shoulder. “We can stand here as long as is needed. You decide when we move on. I like this area of town so I am happy to watch as well.”

Oblivion snorted but did not move. Never, even in other countries that he had been to, was it this quiet and peaceful. His eyes scanned around him, Sasa grumbled to him and rubbed her shoulder against him. The Witcher finally moved forward, though his stride was slow as he continued to look around him. He looked up the street to find a pony-drawn carriage coming down the street. Oblivion chuckled at the sight. As it went past them he paused to watch it as it vanished. The stallions walked forward, ignoring the looks they got due to Oblivion's size and the great cat walking with them.

Blue Blood led Oblivion back to the castle to meet up with Luna for dinner. They walked into a dining room and waited for the Moon Princess to join them. Oblivion looked to a door and watched as Luna looked in. She looked at Oblivion then to her nephew, who’s back was to her. She gave a mischievous look at him and Oblivion gave a slight nod in understanding. The mare tiptoed up behind her nephew who remained oblivious to her presence. She reared up and was about to shout when Oblivion nudged Sasa and the great cat roared, scaring them both. Luna plopped down onto her rump and stared. Blue Blood went stock still and whimpered at the sound. Blue Blood recovered first and looked to the cat.

“Sasa! What in my Aunt’s name was that for?” He demanded. He stopped and was surprised to see Oblivion holding his side with one hoof as he tried not to laugh. “Oblivion Shadow! You prompted that feline to do that. What if she startled my Aunts?”

Oblivion looked up and pointed with his hoof, behind the prince, who looked back to find Luna sitting a foot behind him. “Aunt Luna!” The Prince went to her and was about to admonish his friend further when Luna broke out into laughter. The mare fell onto her back, holding her sides as she giggled.

“Thou got us!” She shrieked with laughter.

Blue looked back to Oblivion to find the stallion looking proud of himself as he stroked the cat's fur. He sighed and stood by his aunt. “Are you all right, Aunt Luna?”

“We are fine, dear nephew. We wanted to surprise thee but our friend got us both instead.” She giggled as Blue Blood helped her to her hooves. Oblivion walked over to them, with Sasa in tow. “Thou appear to have made a friend Oblivion.”

Oblivion looked to the cat, who had sat down beside him. “Well, I suppose you could say that.” He replied, looking back to the mare.

“She is not one we have seen before. Where did thou find such a magnificent creature?”

“She is from our menagerie, dear sister.” Oblivion looked up to watch as Celestia came forward. “Though I have not seen her look like this in a millennium.”

“So you knew what she is? And allowed her to rot inside a form that is not her own?” Oblivion said to the advancing Princess.

She paused and looked to the cat. “I put her in that form that's true. I did it to protect her.”

Oblivion leaned onto his haunches. “Oh?”

“She is a creature of another world. I don’t know where she is from. But she was not able to return to it. I could not understand her, but I knew that she was dying in this world. I did not wish to see such a wonderful creature die simply because I could not help her. So I changed her form so that she could live on. She allowed me into her dreams to see that she is from a world far removed from Equestria. I could not send her back, I did not know how. She was able to tell me that she would wait for her chosen to find her.”

“Chosen?” Blue asked.

“Yes. A pony that could free her and keep her alive as well. She seems to have been freed by you, Oblivion. The caretaker had told me that she was ill and I feared the worst when I saw her early this morning. It brings me great joy to see her now. Thank you for saving her.” Celestia smiled at the black Unicorn.

Oblivion looked down to Sasa. “So you waited all that time to be freed?” He growled to the cat and she stood up and rolled her upper body onto his back once more. “Not again. Get off.” Oblivion arched his back to try to dislodge the feline, who purred and nuzzled the back of his neck. He sighed and stepped away from her, forcing her to plant four paws on the ground.

Celestia laughed and walked up to the great cat. “I am glad to see you well. You have found the pony that you waited so long for.”

Sasa purred at the Sun Princess and looked back to the Black Unicorn. Luna stepped forward and looked to her sister. “Will thou be crashing this dinner as well, sister?”

Celestia shook her head. “No, not this time Luna. Please enjoy yourselves.” The white mare turned and walked out of the dining room.

Luna turned back to the two stallions and smiled. “Please let us sit and dine together.”

Oblivion nodded and he and Blue moved to sit. Luna sat and the two stallions sat in the chairs on either side of her. Luna clapped her hooves and two ponies came out with platters hovering in their magic. Drinks were served and Oblivion sampled the spirits of this world. He shook his head and set it down. ‘If this is the alcohol of this world then I sincerely hope that my saddlebags are as endless as they seemed to be. Which means my own stock is still there.’ He requested coffee and stuck with that as dinner was served. As the evening wore on they retired to one of the great balconies as the sun began to lower in the sky. Luna’s magic raised the moon while the two stallions watched. Sasa lounged at his hooves and purred.

Blue sighed and looked to the black Unicorn beside him. “You have seen her raise the moon before?” Oblivion nodded. “I have never thought of it before. I have watched Auntie Celestia raise the sun many times but I sadly did not think of the moon after Aunt Luna’s return. I regret that I did not think of how that might make her feel.”

Oblivion looked to him, interrupting. “There is nothing to regret Blue. I’m certain Luna holds no anger toward you. Ponies are still getting used to having her back. It would be unreasonable for her to expect an instant change. I have found Luna to be anything but unreasonable.”

Blue looked stunned before he smiled and looked back to the moon. “It is lovely, Aunt Luna.”

The Alicorn mare turned back to them and smiled. “We thank thee nephew. We are glad that thou are here with us to see it. Our friend Oblivion has seen it before but now we are glad to have shared it with thee as well.” Luna turned to them and came over to nuzzle Blue Blood fondly.

Blue Blood smiled at her and nuzzled her back. Oblivion looked down at Sasa as the cat rolled into his forelegs. He rubbed her chest with his hoof. He looked back to the others. “It is getting to be time for me to head back to Ponyville. Though it shall be interesting to teleport with Sasa this time. I have not teleported with another living being.”

Luna turned to him. “Thou can stay the night again. I’m certain Celestia would not mind having breakfast with both of you.” Luna told him as she put a hoof out to Sasa.

The Tiger saw her extended hoof and stood to walk under the hoof. Luna smiled as she stroked the soft fur. Oblivion looked thoughtful. “It might be best if we did stay so I have time to consider how to teleport Sasa. I do not wish to hurt her.” The black stallion went quiet as the cat purred under the attention of Luna.

Luna smiled and put her hoof on the ground. “Thous room is still available. Thee are a clever stallion so we do not doubt that thou will think of a way to protect her.”

Oblivion nodded. “She and I will stay the night and leave after breakfast in the morning.”

Blue nodded and placed a hoof on the other's shoulder. “I’ll lead the way. It’s time for us to retire dear Aunt. Thank you again for joining us for dinner. It was a pleasure to watch the moon as well. Thank you for that as well.”

Luna beamed at her nephew and nodded. “We are glad thou liked it.”

Blue Blood led the other Unicorn toward the royal wing of the palace and opened the door for him and Sasa. The black stallion was silent as Blue led him to his own door and bid him good night. The prince stroked Sasa's fur and then went to his own room.

“Oh, tap your horn against the door. That will unlock it.” The prince turned back to advise the other.

Oblivion nodded. “Thank you, Blue. Rest well.” The black stallion tapped his horn against the door and heard the lock click open. He pushed the door open and the Spirit Beast ran inside with a delighted growl. Oblivion watched her and closed the door behind them.

15: Painful Truths...

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He leaned his flank against the door and stood silent. “How do I teleport you?” He said aloud as he watched the cat explore the room. She looked back at the sound of his voice and padded silently over to him. She rubbed against his chest and looked to him.

She stared at him and his eyes connected with her own. If you will it, I will appear.

Oblivion started and looked to the great feline. The stallion shook his head and put a hoof to his muzzle. “Gods below. Is it that simple?” The cat waited for him to continue. “I teleport, then call upon you?”


Oblivion pushed off the door and stood straight. “Well, that solves that issue. It is a bit awkward to talk to you telepathically though. Do me a favor and around other ponies calm down. You nearly gave me a headache with your constant chatter.”

Sasa grumbled at him. “I have waited a thousand years for a pony of your caliber. I think I should be allowed some freedom after so long.”

“Why wait for me? I’m sure there are plenty of ponies that could have acted in my stead.”

“There were none. The cat stomped a paw and earned Oblivion’s attention. “Your connection to the Spirit of this world is what drew you here. Like me, you are not from this world.”

Oblivion had looked away from her, but that comment drew his attention. “You can tell?”

"Yes.” She nodded, solemnly.

Oblivion looked away from her for a moment before he leaned against the side of the bed. “It’s not that obvious, is it?” Sasa laughed in his mind and shook her head.

“Like you, I can sense the Spirits of the ponies and creatures around us. But you can see far more than I can. You are directly connected to Equestria’s Spirit. The world itself knows you. I know that sounds strange but think of it. Your magic seems to have no limit am I right?”

Oblivion looked to her and pushed away from the bed. He began to pace as the cat spoke. “I have wondered about that but put it out of my mind. You meant to tell me that I can see into this world and that is the source of my magic?”

“Yes. You were brought here for a reason. I do not know what it is precisely. But I do know that Equestria's Spirit answers to your call. Your magic has no limit and you are not bound by the same rules as other ponies. I will let you in on details about the Element you bear. The cat stopped and waited for him to look to her. Oblivion stopped pacing and waited for her to go on. “Only an Alicorn can wield the Element of Spirit. A normal pony can use it once. It uses the spirit of its bearer as the fuel for its power. The Element of Magic may lead the Elements of Harmony, but Spirit is the power behind it. The power that cleansed Nightmare Moon was the combination of them all, but the strength behind it was yours.”

Oblivion looked away from her and then down to his medallion. “So you are saying that a regular pony would be left broken by the Element of Spirit?” Sasa nodded and waited. “Gods below. What the Hell am I doing with this thing then? I have never had magic. If you know anything of where I am from then you know that Witcher's are many things but they are not a sorcerer. How is it that when I came here I suddenly have magic and am one of the ruling class, an Alicorn? That’s madness.” Oblivion went back to pacing as energy began to pulse through him, requiring him to move.

Sasa waited before she spoke again. “I know it is a lot to take in. But I speak the truth. To wield Spirit one must be an Alicorn. That is how Celestia and Luna were able to use it before. What you once were is what made you what you are now. You may think a Witcher is devoid of magic. But you aren’t. Sure your power comes from the mutations that made you what you are, but you were chosen to survive that trial. You fought through that pain and the hell that came with it to emerge on the other side of it alive and well. You said yourself that you took to the mutations and survived with minimal recovery time.” Sasa stopped and looked to him.

Oblivion looked to her as he paved and nodded. “True enough. But can that truly have been through, a force of will then?” Oblivion asked her as he moved. “And I never discussed that topic with you.”

“No, you did not. But through you, I can see the memories of this world that you have made.” She spoke to him. Oblivion stopped and looked to her, his eyes beginning to blaze. “Okay, that was poor phrasing on my part. I can’t see the memory exactly, but I can feel it. You speak to me, not just through your words, Chosen. I feel the World Spirit that you wield and it tells me of the past. In time, I will not need to listen to it. I will be with you so the memories of your words will be within me. I cannot see your memories. Not only is it impossible for me, but I am aware of your stance on mind reading. I wish to continue living so I will never be a party to something that would cause you pain.”

The cat waited as Oblivion breathed deeply and released a low snort before resuming his pacing. “Very well. That is cleared up. But that does not answer the question of why me exactly. There are ponies...gods dammit...people of higher skill than I am. Those who wield magic normally and have the knowledge to use it. Why not them?”

Sasa purred for a moment before she responded. “They did not earn it.”

Oblivion stopped and looked to her. “Come again?”

“You earned every bit of the power you wield. You have never faltered in your cause and your strength is known. Other Witcher's know of you because of your strength and courage. You take on any monster er no matter the possible cost. You protect ponies...” The cat paused, and a chuckle went through Oblivion's mind. “Anyway. You protect those that earn it and never break. You know of the pain and have had those who tried to break you.”

Oblivion looked away from her as memories surfaced. He snorted and shook his head to rid himself of them. “I try not to think of those times. No doubt you feel them?”

“I did not. I told you that I feel and hear the past but I am not intruding on the past before Equestria. I may know a few things of you but it is only things that have been mentioned.”

He stopped and looked to her again. “How could you know that there are those who have tried?”

She looked away for a moment. “Those who stand fast are always those that understand what it means to feel more than most. I know that you have suffered at the hands of those who have tried to prove themselves your better. Only to have you break them in turn.”

Oblivion started pacing once more. He stopped and looked to the window. “True enough.” Oblivion walked to the window and pushed it open. His forelock was pushed by a light breeze as he looked back to the cat. “I bear the scars of those times and they remind me of why I do not fall.”

Sasa purred as she stood and walked over to him. “You understand and see the truth behind lies and can see the mask that ponies wear. In the time that skill will be called upon I am sure. You are a force to be reckoned with, Chosen. And I pity those that find themselves the opposite of you.” Sasa went quiet as she sat in front of him. Watching him as he looked out the window. “I am with you. I was shocked to see you at first. I wanted to speak with you but you were not able to hear me.” Oblivion glanced at her for a moment. “I sensed you the moment you walked into my territory. It was like seeing the sun after being in a cave for years. Blinding and warm. But a bit frightening as well. After being alone for so long it was frightening to approach you and walk in this world once more.”

“Why would you fear that?”

“You understand being alone, yes?”


“Imagine being alone for so long then being thrown into a room full of ponies.”

Oblivion cringed and glanced at her. “Fair point.”

“I live because you are strong enough to hold the World Spirit and use it. As long as you wield the World Spirit I do not die. You can bring me back from the Abyss with the strength of your own call.”

“So in essence, you are immortal?”

“Essentially yes. Same as you.”

Oblivion startled and his head spun to face the cat. “Come again?”

Sasa looked to him. "You had no idea?”

“Clearly not. I had heard that Luna and her sister were over a millennium old but I did not think that applied to myself as well.”

“Its different with you. They can be killed though it is very difficult. A wound that would normally be fatal to any pony is not for you. Your heart may still but it cannot be truly stopped.”

Oblivion looked outside and was silent. Sasa waited as he thought over the news that he would never die. “That sounds like a hell of its own. To live on and watch the world go by without you. Every pony that you meet will one day fall and you are stuck watching it happen.”

Sasa nuzzled his shoulder. “I know it seems that way. But another way to look at it is this. You protect the Spirit of the world which means ponies and other beings can continue to live on. You guide their spirits and help them. Your helping Blue Blood, are you not?” The cat waited for him to acknowledge the comment. He nodded slightly. “That is part of you as well. You can see an ailing Spirit and have the power to purify them through force or through other means.”

Oblivion looked to her. “So I could cleanse the wraith that is attached to him through sheer force?”

“Yes. Though that is not a good idea in some cases. You have an enormous amount of power chosen. Sometimes a Spirit that is so badly hurt, can be broken if you try to force it. By befriending Blue Blood you are strengthening his Spirit and making it so that he could one day be strong enough to survive a cleansing. Otherwise right now...”

“It could break him.” Oblivion looked outside.

“Yes. You are a wise pony Chosen. You use the knowledge you have as a Witcher to decide the best action.”

“I decided on that action after I saw the wraith. My armor covered my eyes and showed me the extent of the damage. Is that normal?”

“Actually, I am surprised it did that. Your power was able to call upon the armor and use it to amplify your sight to show you the true strength of the corruption. You are a wonder, my Chosen.”

Oblivion said nothing as he processed what he had been told. “Immortal...” He whispered. Sasa said nothing as he listened to the word from his own voice. “What have I gotten myself into?”

Sasa nuzzled him, trying to comfort him. “I am with you. So long as you will have me I will be at your side.”

Oblivion sighed and looked at her. He ran his claws absently through her long fur. “I understand that I was chosen for this role. But truly what is the purpose? I am an Element of Harmony, but you have told me that I am the true power behind it. And while I can wrap my mind around that. I am... struggling with the rest of it. This world chose me from all the other worlds?”

Sasa nudged him. “Not quite. While it brought you here you chose your role. That day, with the Leshens, you felt yourself fall, did you not?”

Oblivion looked outside. “I did not fall.”

Sasa felt emotions beginning to roil within him. “That was poor phrasing as well. I meant that you felt that pain and then nothing?”

“I woke up here.”

“Correct. Why do you think that is?”

Oblivion looked down to his hooves. His hoof left her fur and he held the claws outstretched in front of him. “I died there, didn’t I?”


Oblivion looked to her, confusion in his eyes. “Then kindly explain.” His voice was sarcastic but he still sought the information.

Sasa sighed but answered anyway. “Your body fell, but your Spirit did not. It screamed out and Equestria heard it. You did not wake immediately. The body that you have had to be made. It took several months to create your body. Equestria started the process, but you took over and made yourself into what you are now.”Oblivion put his hoof down and looked at her. Sasa’s vibrant blue eyes looked to him and waited for any response.

“So it took months for this body to be made and then given new life?”

“Yes. As I said you took the reins, so to speak, and made yourself. Your horn was made by Equestria but for the most part, you are a self-made stallion.”

Oblivion scoffed and looked up. “Self-made? Hardly. I seem to be dancing to a tune played by a bard I cannot see.” Oblivion moved away from the cat and started pacing once more. “How can I make myself when I have no knowledge of what happened after the fight?”

“There is evidence of it but I do not wish to hurt you by showing you.”

The cat stopped at the look the stallion gave her. “There is a way to prove what you have said?”

Sasa nodded and looked to the ground. “Yes, but it will hurt you to see it. I do not mean your mind, Chosen. Your body bears the scars of your past life. Especially the one that destroyed you.”

Oblivion looked away from her and breathed deeply. “Sasa there are some things that must be seen to be believed. I appreciate that you do not wish me any pain. But.” He walked to her and put a hoof under her chin and forced her to look at him. “I must know.”

The cat looked away from his eyes but didn’t move away. She stood up and looked to him. “Please understand that even if I show you the truth it will not change what you are now. It’s just that some things cannot be hidden fully and they leave a mark even across worlds. Please remember that.” Sasa stepped back and reared up on her hind legs. She put her paws on his back. “You might want to use a spell to soundproof the room. By revealing the scars on your body it brings the pain of that hidden memory with it.”

Oblivion nodded and his horn lit covering the walls. His cloak disappeared from his back and he laid his swords on the bed. “All right Sasa. I understand you are not happy with this idea. But you have given me a huge amount of information. I have spent the last couple of months living in a world that I was certain I would wake up from and find that I was still in my world and that this was a dream. I have to come to terms with what I have been told in a way that I can understand. I was made from the pain of the Trial of the Grasses.”

Sasa grumbled. “I know Chosen. But that does not mean I will like this. Can I at least share the pain with you?”

Oblivion turned to look at her. “Why in the Hells would you want to do that?”

The cat put her head down on his neck and nuzzled him. Her tongue ran over his fur. “Because I already do not like the thought of anything hurting you. I live because you saved me from fading into the Abyss. It was by your decision that I am here and able to share this life with you. You gave me my name. I have never had a name and you gave me one that you hold dear to your own heart.”

Oblivion turned his head to look at her. “I know. I have used that name on every companion that has stood with me. I gave you that name due to the fact that I expect you to be at my side till the end of times. Before I anticipated that to be when I died in this world. Now I know that I will not die and it is comforting to know that I will have another that knows of the ponies I have met and will recall them as well. I do not ask this of you to cause either of us grief. But I must understand and this is how it must be done.”

Sasa licked his neck once more before she sighed and leaned more of her weight into his back. Oblivion squared his hooves and felt her claws digging into his back. The pain was minimal and the black Unicorn waited. Sasa sighed once more and her claws plunged into his back. Oblivion groaned but didn’t move.

“Look back Chosen. Sasa said through their link.

Oblivion looked over his shoulder as his back ripped open. A tear that went from just above his tail all the way to his neck tore open. Blood flowed from it as tendrils went across his back. He knew the wound when he saw it. It was made by a Leshen. He had been hit by the attack that used the roots of the trees around him before. His voice died in his throat as his head went back to face front and lowered as he panted. Pain ripped through him as he gasped for air. Sasa’s claws were still buried deep in his body. The great cat tried to soothe him through their link but he couldn’t hear her voice. His heart pounded and his blood rushed through him. His wings raised from his back and extended their full size. He panted as pain tore at him.

His mind showed him the last moments of his fight with the Leshens. He watched as he called for his mare and saw her approach him at a gallop. He reached for her saddle, only to have roots tear into them both. He had watched as the mare, which had been with him for nearly 15 years, screamed in pain as she fell with him. Oblivion gasped as he realized that she had died with him. A ragged roar tore from his throat as he grieved for a lost companion. He didn’t hear the Spirit Cat calling, trying to soothe and comfort him, to reach him through the pain that she knew was coursing through him.

Blood dripped down his legs as the wound in his back began to heal and scar over. Sasa removed her claws and jumped back as he collapsed. The Alicorn panted as he tried to recover. His wings lay extended on the floor. The cat jumped to avoid stepping on them. The pain from the wound began to fade but the knowledge of the mares fate tore at him. He tried to get back to his hooves but fell with each attempt. He felt a weight drop over his shoulders and pin him to the floor. He bucked against it but his struggling did nothing to dislodge the weight from his body. His strength gave out as he collapsed to the floor, sweat-drenched and exhausted. He panted and dragged air into his ravaged lungs. He suddenly felt a vibration along his body and found Sasa purring against him as she had pinned him. He looked over his shoulder to her. His blood covered her paws and he let his head collapse back to the floor of the room.

“Speak to me. Please, speak to me Chosen.The cat begged him as she purred against him.

As much as he wanted to speak to her his voice failed him and he laid in silence, panting. His breathing evened out and it ceased to hurt to breathe. He could feel the wound in his back fully heal and the pain vanishes. He gazed back to find Sasa licking his fur. He could feel that her weight was still on him as she tried to comfort him. A tremble went through his body and he groaned. Sasa jumped off him and laid down by his head.

“Talk to me.” The cat rubbed her forehead against his face. “Talk to me, Oblivion.”

“That is the first time you used my name.”

The cat jumped in surprise and stared at him. He didn’t stand, instead continued to lay quietly on the floor. She stared at him and he heard her swallow. “You answered to it. Please tell me you’re all right.” She begged of him and licked his cheek.

“I’ll live. It’s harder to come to terms with the death of my mare than the rest of it.” He admitted and rolled onto his belly. Sasa came to sit by his head and nuzzled him.

“That’s what I was most concerned about. But I do not think she regretted anything. She went to you to try to save you. I think she knew what she was galloping into. I would have acted the same in her hooves.”

Oblivion looked at the spirit beast for a moment before he sighed and leaned into her shoulder. “Perhaps.” He looked over his shoulder and saw a great scar under his fur. “That’s going to show now isn’t it?”

“I wish it did not.”

“It’s fine. I am actually fine with it. It’s a reminder of what I have lost, and what I have gained. Thank you for trusting me to get through that on my own.” He looked back to the cat for a moment before leaning into her once more.

“Please, do not ask me to do anything like that again.”

“I would hope that there is nothing else besides that last memory that I need to know.”

Sasa shook her head and nuzzled him. “No, that was the last memory of the life you left behind.”

Oblivion rolled away from her and started to get to his hooves. He groaned as his newly scarred back trembled and he fell back to the floor. Sasa stood up and moved to help him to his hooves. Oblivion pitched forward and Sasa moved to his side and supported him as he stood. He panted for a moment before he took a shaky step and nearly fell to the floor. The cat stood in front of him and pushed him up.

“Nice catch.” He commented.

She gave a low growl but remained silent. She angled him toward his bed and ushered him in between the sheets to sleep. He folded his wings in and they laid against his sides. His coat was sweat-drenched and he growled. “I need a bath.”

“You need to rest first.” The cat replied to him. Her voice was sharp as she leaped onto the bed and laid down on the other side of him, against his back.

He looked over at her. “Was that sass? I think you just sassed me.”

The cat growled but Oblivion could hear the laugh under it. The cat huddled against him and purred, trying to get him to relax and sleep. “Just rest.”

Oblivion laid his head down onto the soft pillows and tried to sleep. He kept seeing his mare dying in front of him and he started awake each time. He heard Sasa purring to him and he tried to focus on her, his current companion. Grief tugged at him as he lay in silence. The stallion closed his eyes and dozed for several minutes before the image of his former companion flashed before his eyes. “Gods dammit.”

“I am sorry, Chosen. I wish that she had not fallen as well.” The ethereal cat laid her head on his shoulder.

Oblivion sighed. “I know. I keep thinking that if she had not fallen with me then she would still have been attacked, but those thoughts are not easing my mind.”

The cat purred and nuzzled his shoulder as best she could. “She loved you more than you know. How old was she?”

“She was 16. I got her shortly after she was weaned.” He explained. “I rescued a man from a group of drowners and he knew that a Witcher is needed to be paid. So I followed him back to his home. He admitted that he had no money and told me to choose anything from his farm. At the time I was walking so I needed a horse. I saw this spindly little foal and asked about her. He informed me that she was newly weaned. I informed him that I needed a horse, so I would take her. He had to agree, so that was how I came to own her. I walked her back to the stables that I had left my tack and equipment. I walked with her for a time until she was strong enough to hold me and trained her as well. She could run for hours and still have more left to give.”

Sasa chuckled. “Seems like your nature rubbed off on her. You don’t quit either.”

Oblivion looked at the cat for a moment. “Perhaps.”

“Don’t remember her death. She lived beside you and I think she would have fought with you. Your bond to her was strong and it drove her to greater feats to keep up with you. You are a difficult pony to keep up with. Though I have no doubt that she was with you and loved every day.” Oblivion laid his head back down to the pillow. “Try to rest. Think of the good times with her and the times that she was with you. Focus on her life, not her death.”

Oblivion chuckled. “No Witcher dies in his bed. None of our horses do either.” The stallion closed his eyes and forced his mind to think of the times that the mare had watched over him. Memories of the mare washed over him and he let himself relax.

The stallion opened his eyes and looked around him. The light was filtering through the window shades, he looked over his shoulder and saw Sasa sprawled over the other side of the bed with her head and back pressed up against him. Oblivion used his magic to push the blanket back and stand up. The stallion looked back and he could see dried blood on the sheets and he grimaced. He looked to the floor and saw a dried pool of blood on the floor. His horn lit up and he used the flame to burn the blood off the floor. His coat was messy and in different directions from the dried sweat. He walked into the bathroom and used the brush to clean up his mane and tail. “I need a curry comb or something to get rid of the sweat in my fur.” Oblivion cringed and looked at his fur in the mirror.

“You are a handsome pony, Chosen.” Sasa grumbled as she came to stand in the doorway.

Oblivion scoffed. “I think not. This is vile. My fur feels like its stiff and my skin itches from it. I still have dried blood all over me. Not an easy conversation to try to explain this.” The stallion snorted and looked to the cat.

Sasa chuckled and walked up to him. She ran her tongue over the fur of his shoulder. She tried to clean him off, but he skirted away from her. The cat sat down and waited for him to finish brushing out his tail. He walked past her into the room and pulled his swords and cloak onto his back.

“All right. Shall we go and meet up with Blue Blood to have breakfast with Celestia?”

“We shall Chosen.” The cat yawned and stood up at his side.

Oblivion went to the door and used his magic to push it open. He left the room with Sasa on his heels. The black Unicorn looked to the hallway and waited as he saw Blue Blood coming out of his door as well. The other stallion looked over to see the pair closing the door as well. Blue looked at him and smiled.

“Good morning, my friend.” He greeted him.

“Morning, Blue. Sleep well?”

Blue Blood looked unsure for a moment. Oblivion snorted at him. “Well I did sleep, but it was hardly restful.”

“Oh?” Oblivion drew up by the other and waited.

“I had a nightmare that recurred through the night. I was in the castle foyer and it was dark. There were candles all around and shadows went over the walls. I turned to see them and shape was jumping through them.” He looked to Oblivion who nodded that he was listening. “I finally caught a look at it and it was terrifying. It was standing on its hind legs and had long limbs and a pair of horns. The creature saw me looking at it, and it smiled. Or at least I think it was a smile. Its mouth was full of sharp teeth that looked like they could tear me apart.” Blue stopped and looked to the Witcher.

“If you can keep going go ahead. I will listen.” Oblivion encouraged him best he could. Sasa walked up to him and nuzzled the Prince. Blue seemed to take heart at the presence of both of them.

“It was just standing there, with that wicked grin, watching me. Suddenly I could hear voices all around me. They were speaking in some language that I couldn’t understand. I couldn’t move as it began to move toward me. Black smoke was coming off of it and it just got closer and the whispering got louder till it was all I could hear. It reached for me and then I woke up. I couldn’t sleep after that.”

Oblivion put a hoof on his shoulder, while Sasa nuzzled him, purring. “It may have been a dream, Chosen. But it has hurt him.”

Oblivion looked to the cat and knew that she was right. Blue’s spirit appeared to have taken a strong hit and caused it to falter. The Wraith had strengthened. Oblivion looked away for a moment and then back to Blue. “Well if it happens again just remember that you are the master of your own mind and all that is attached to it. A dream can be many things. It could be that it is showing you something about yourself that you need to overcome, for example.”

Blue Blood looked to the black stallion and sighed. “So it might mean that that creature was the mask I wear?”

Oblivion nodded. “That is possible. You simply have to decide that you are better than it is and it has no power over you. Those whispers could be the fear you have of others seeing the real you. But that is a guess on my part.”

Blue looked thoughtful. He reached a hoof up and stroked Sasa’s fur. “So it boils down to being stronger than it makes you feel?”

Oblivion nodded and stepped back. Sasa purred under Blue’s hoof and nuzzled his shoulder. “Shall we go and have breakfast?”

Blue nodded and turned to lead them. “Well said, Chosen. I think he needed to hear that.”

Oblivion nodded and followed the other Unicorn in silence. The black Unicorn said nothing in reply to the cat. He glanced down to his forelegs and saw that there was dried blood on his forelegs as well. "Should have used magic to get the blood off my fur as well." He thought to himself as he focused on following Blue Blood.

Sasa walked beside him. “Perhaps but you still need to teleport home and, despite wielding a World Spirit, that takes energy. And you are learning how to wield the Spirit from Equestria and your armor. That takes time. I am glad to know that you are not a foolish pony that uses it irresponsibly. You are a wise and strong pony."

Oblivion looked down at her for a moment. “Flattery will not get you any food from my plate.”

Sasa grumbled in reply. “That is not my reasoning...Okay, a bit. I’ll be quieter today.”

Oblivion chuckled. Blue led them through the halls until they reached the dining hall once more. They entered and Blue Blood gave a low bow to Celestia as she was waiting for them. Oblivion acknowledged her with a nod and walked into the room, Sasa on his heels.

“I hope you both had a nice visit with Luna?” She asked as they sat down.

“Quite. I had not thought of asking her if I could see her raise the moon. It was a lovely sight to behold.” Blue responded.

“Yes, she has no equal in that. I was a poor stand-in for her. No other pony can make such beautiful art with the moon and the stars.” Celestia agreed. “Did you enjoy the evening as well Oblivion?”

The black pony looked to them and nodded. “I had seen her raise the moon before but it is a sight every time. I am glad to see that it no longer seems to tire her as it did last I saw it.”

Celestia looked at him and nodded. “Well, I appreciate both of you joining me for breakfast. It has been a while since any pony was at my table this early? What would you two like to drink?”

“Coffee for me, thank you,” Oblivion responded.

Celestia nodded. “And what would she like?” The mare pointed to Sasa who was looking over the table as well.

“Milk is fine for me, Chosen.”

Oblivion looked to the cat for a moment. “Milk should be fine for her.”

Celestia nodded and clapped her front hooves. Oblivion recognized one of the ponies that came out as the one that had shown him around the last time he was here. Treats was her name if he remembered right. She took their requests and left the room. Celestia continued to question the two stallions about the day before. She asked Oblivion if he had enjoyed his tour of the city. He informed her that he had enjoyed the tour. He tuned out as Celestia and Blue spoke. “Sasa?”

The cat turned an ear to him. “Yes, Chosen?”

“So that does work. I can speak to you like this.”

“Yes. I’m glad you discovered it. Will make things easier.”

“Any ideas about how to further strengthen Blue Blood against that wraith? As much as I would like to simply rid him of it, especially after it went after him last night, I know that it would hurt him to do so. I refuse to harm him in an attempt to save him.”

“I agree. His spirit was attacked by that creature and it has shaken him deeply. Unfortunately, you’re right about simply removing it. We could bring in more ponies to befriend him but I also think it might be overwhelming.”

“I’m certain it would be. Perhaps I will speak with Rarity and see if she can throw him a letter with some encouragement?”

Sasa was quiet as she considered what he said. “That might be for the best. Bringing more ponies could cause more harm than good. I think asking more of Rarity is our best option. She is willing to see behind the mask and speak to him as another pony. Perhaps have him visit Ponyville?”

Oblivion looked away from her and back to the other ponies to make sure that he was not too far behind the conversation. “Not sure if that is a good idea. Just because ponies will see him and possibly seek him out. The last thing we need is for that mask of his to crop up and ruin any progress he has made.”

Sasa looked at him. “That's true. I had not thought of that. His Spirit is very delicate at this point in time. Perhaps making it a point to come to Canterlot more often?”

Oblivion leaned back in his chair and thought over what the cat has said.Perhaps come here once a week?”

Sasa looked at him and nodded. “That actually is a good idea Chosen. Perhaps use it as a...what do they call it? Boys day?”

Oblivion gave her a sideways glance. “Horrid way to put it but, you understand the concept. Perhaps bring in Shining Armor as well. They seemed to get along.”

“Perhaps eventually. For now, I would suggest just the two of you. I have an idea. He enjoyed that visit to the doughnut shop correct?” Oblivion nodded. “Then do that once a week. A small gathering for the two of you to meet up and talk. I think that attention would go a long way with him.”

Oblivion looked back to the ponies as breakfast was brought to them. He put a couple of waffles on his plate and laid the bowl of milk on the floor for Sasa. The large feline purred her thanks and started to drink. Oblivion picked up a couple of waffles and covered them with a light drizzle of butter. They ate in silence and Oblivion thought over what he and Sasa had discussed. He finished his food and set the plate aside. He looked down to Sasa and found her to be licking the bottom of the bowl. He waited for her to finish then picked it up. The Tiger sat up, her head clearing the top of the table.

“Did you enjoy your meal Oblivion?” Celestia asked him.

“Yes thank you. As much as I would like to stay longer I do need to return to Ponyville. I do have to get to work.” The black stallion commented as he stood up from his chair.

“Of course. Thank you for joining me for breakfast. It was a pleasure to have you.”

Oblivion nodded to her and waited for Blue Blood to lead him out of the room. The two walked down toward the menagerie when Oblivion had shown up before.

“Hopefully I will see you soon my friend,” Blue said to him as they walked.

Oblivion looked at him. “Well, perhaps I could come back next Saturday?” Blue turned to look at him. “Perhaps make it a weekly event? It would be nice to get away from the farm every now and then.” He stopped and waited for the other stallions' reply.

“I would like that. It would get me away from the tedious council meetings and what not.” The white pony replied.

“Then it is settled. Meet here at noon on Saturdays?”

“Sounds fine to me. Here we are. Did you figure out a way to teleport with Sasa?”

“After thinking about it I may try to summon her after I teleport.” He said to him.

“That is a clever idea. Have you never teleported any pony before?”

Oblivion nodded. “I have yet to teleport another living being. I can summon, but I have not used a teleport.”

“That is surprising considering your magic skills,” Blue admitted as they stopped in the grass. “I would offer to help but.”

Oblivion chuckled and held up a hoof. “No need to offer Blue. I have no need to try it out at this time. I will see you next week.” His horn lit up as he looked away.

“Wait.” Oblivion stopped and looked back to him, letting his horn extinguish. “What is all over you?”

Oblivion looked to him. Sasa sat next to him. “Busted.”

“I went for a run this morning and did not bathe once I returned.”

“I can see that but that is not when I meant. Are you hurt?”

Oblivion looked to the other pony. “A couple of minor scratches, nothing more.”

Blue Blood looked to him and appeared unconvinced. “Very well. Please take care of those cuts when you return to Ponyville.”

Oblivion nodded. “They will be addressed as soon as I return. Thank you, Blue. I appreciate the concern.”

“Of course. Have a safe teleport, my friend.”

Blue backed up to give the other Unicorn room. Oblivion's horn glowed with azure flame and he let the pressure build and then released his magic and was gone in a flash. Blue looked to Sasa who looked bored as she waited. Her ears perked and she purred at Blue Blood as she vanished as well.

“Impressive. It seems to have worked. Will be nice to have a day to spend with my friend. And not in boring meetings.” The Prince said to no pony as he walked into the castle.

Oblivion appeared in front of the barn a usual and focused on Sasa. She appeared beside him and gave a low growl.

“We need to work on an actual teleport, Chosen. That was not a pleasant experience.”

“Quite you’re grumbling. Perhaps next time you would prefer to walk.” He sniped at her.

“Cranky?” She asked with a tilt of her head.

Oblivion groaned. “My back is hurting a bit. Sorry about that.” He sighed and ran his claws over her fur.

Sasa purred as she rubbed against him. “I am sorry that it hurts you. It will fade in time. Would you prefer I take that pain for you?”

“No, it’s fine. I’ll live.” He told her as he looked around for the lights of the Apple siblings. He saw Big Mac and started off to greet him.

The farmer was quiet as he looked at the now barren trees. Oblivion walked up behind him and waited before speaking. Sasa padded up next to him and waited. “Mac.”

The red pony jumped and turned to look behind him. “By Equestria Oblivion. Ah still think ya need ta wear a bell.”

“And as before I will keep that in mind.”

The red stallion saw the cat beside him and stared. “So that’s the cat ya were gonna help. Applejack mentioned it yesterday.”

“Yes, this is her. She is called Sasa.” He replied.

“She friendly?”

“Yes.” Oblivion gave the cat a gentle nudge. “Be nice or I will buck you.”

He saw the cat glance at him as she walked over to Big Mac. She sat in front of him and purred. “I’m always nice.” She replied.

Mac reached out and laid a hoof on her fur. He stroked her fur and the cat sat still and let him pet her. “She’s beautiful.” He commented. “Applejack said ya told her she was a big cat, but Ah didn’t think she was this big.”

Oblivion chuckled and nodded. “She was smaller before I helped her.”

Mac nodded. “Ya look like ya could use a bath. Yer furs all fouled up.”

Oblivion gave low groan. “Don’t remind me. But I still have my own work to accomplish. Any idea what I should be doing?”

“Taking a bath.”

“Haha. Funny pony. Seriously.”

“Well, we need ta go around and check each tree ta see if it needs to be rested this year or not.”

“And how in the Hells do you check that?”

“Well, it's hard ta explain. How about you stick with me and I will tell you a number and you write it down. When we are done Ah will look ta see what area has the highest score?” He explained.

“All right. That sounds fairly easy.” Oblivion focused his magic and a scroll and quill appeared in his magic.

He followed Mac through the orchards and after a couple of hours, the farmer looked through the papers and decided that the very far orchard would be allowed to go dormant and the other orchard across from it would be brought out of a dormant state. The two stallions walked back to the house and met up with Applejack. Mac told her what they had found out and she agreed.

“So did ya have fun in Canterlot?” She asked him. She looked to Sasa and was introduced as well. “Well ain’t she just a sweet little thing?”

Mac looked to his sister. “Little?”

“Well, not so little. Since she is close to my height.” Applejack commented. “But anyway, so ya had fun?”

“It was fine, thank you.” He replied to her.

“Even though he needs ta clean off.” Mac threw in, earning him a glare from Oblivion.

“What are ya covered in any way? Ya hate getting dirty like that.” Applejack said to him.

“It happens.” Oblivion replied.

“But what are ya covered in? Looks like mud or something.”

Oblivion said nothing in response for a moment. “It’s fine.”

“You may want to run Chosen. They will not stop asking.” Sasa advised.

“Well, I think I will go and wash off. My skin is starting to itch and it’s uncomfortable.” He replied as he walked past them, Sasa on his heels.

Oblivion trotted up the stairs and let Sasa into his room. He laid his swords inside the wardrobe and went to the bathroom. “You stay there.” He said to Sasa as he left the room. She rumbled a reply and laid on his bed. Oblivion went into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. He pulled off his cloak and laid it across the counter. His swords leaned against the door. He could see that there were blood spots on the inside of the cloak and he would need to have it washed again. He looked over his back and saw the deep scar as it twisted across his back. His mind went back to last night and the memories that it brought.

He shook his head to clear it and used his magic to start the water to fill the tub. He looked over the rest of his body and saw that it was in poor shape. He had lines of dried blood going down his sides and legs. It had left marks and matted his fur in place. The Alicorn was quiet as he pulled his wings from his sides and saw that they had blood stains on them as well. He knew it was from him lying on the floor. The tub filled and he stepped into it and laid down. He let the water go over his back, immediately the water began to change color. It was a mottled red and he cringed. His skin trembled under the heat of the water and the scar on his back shifted.

The black Unicorn looked back at the scar and cringed. He dunked his wings into the water and let the water loosen the dried blood and wash it off. He laid in silence as he let the water loosen the dried blood and sweat. Once that was done he stood up and used the soap to wash his fur and wings. He had to dunk the bar of soap several times to get the blood off of it. He used his magic to pick up water and wash the soap off. It took time but eventually, the suds from the soap lost the red tinge. The stallion stepped out of the tub and let it drain. He looked to see if there was a ring on the tub and was glad to see that there was none. His magic dried him off and he laid his cloak over his back to hide his wings. His ears flicked to find out where the family was and found them to be outside. He laid his swords over his back under his cloak and walked out the door to his room. Sasa looked up at him as he walked into the room.

“You look refreshed.” She commented to him. “Do you feel better, Chosen?”

Oblivion shrugged. “Now that all that dried blood and sweat it out of my coat, yes. I have trekked through marshes, swamps, and bogs but they bothered me less than this did.”

“It’s perspective. In your world, you do not have any way to avoid those places. Whereas in Equestria, you can.”

“Perhaps. Though I will need to speak with Rarity to have my cloak cleaned.” Sasa tilted her head. “It has blood on it as well. Probably from me wearing it.”

The stallion closed the door fully behind him and pulled his cloak off and laid it on the bed beside the cat. He looked to his swords and found that there blood spots on it from sitting on his back. The stallion looked to the wardrobe and summoned his saddle bags. The left opened and he pulled out his sword and leather treatment kit and pulled the silver blade out of the scabbard. He placed his saddle bags back in the wardrobe. The plain steel blade levitated to the baldric and it snapped into place. The Alicorn used leather soap to clean the scabbard of the weapon and wiped it clean. He held the hilt of the silver blade in his claws and applied a sword oil to the blade. He laid down on the floor and concentrated on the blade, so as not to activate the runes.

“Why don’t you blunt it and suppress the runes?” Sasa shifted till she was looking over him to watch what he was doing.

“I never blunt the silver blade. Thankfully I know how to handle it. I have been cleaning and tending to these swords for over a hundred years.” He said to her. His voice was quiet, despite knowing that the Apple family was outside.

Sasa purred and leaned her head down to nuzzle him. The stallion gave no indication of acknowledging the affectionate cat. He focused on tending to the weapon held in his claws. His wings flicked at his sides and he allowed them to lower to the floor and lay, boneless, against the ground. Sasa jumped off the bed and came to sit at his side.

“That blade is truly a beauty to behold, Chosen.” She said to him. She admired the blade as he used a cloth to rub the oil into the blade.

“It is one of the finest that I have wielded. I have others, but this one is the best of them.” He admitted to her.

“You have others with you?”

“Yes, though I am not sure how. My saddlebags seem to have no end as well. They have every item inside them, including ones I had stored in Dandelions inn.”

Sasa looked away from him for a moment before going back to watching him work. “Perhaps your saddlebags are similar to your magic?”

Oblivion stopped and looked to the open wardrobe, where his saddlebags hung. “I suppose that is possible.” He reached out to the saddlebags again and brought them back to him. The right opened and several steel and silver blades were levitated out of them. Sasa looked surprised at the weapons and stared.

“You weren’t kidding about them being with you. A blacksmith would drool over any one of these.”

“All were made by various master smiths. As I said my saddlebags seem to hold them all without any issue.”

Sasa growled in reply and nodded. Oblivion suddenly chuckled and the blades were placed back in and a bottle appeared in their place. He sent the saddlebags back to the wardrobe and set the bottle beside him. He popped the cork and took a drink of it.

“Ahh. Nothing quite like Mahakaman spirit. The spirits from last night were a grave disappointment.” He shook his head as the drink burned his mouth and throat for several seconds.

“What is it?”

“Plainly speaking, it is alcohol. Though a great deal stronger than what is here so far as I know.” He set it back down and went back to tending to the weapon in his claws.

Sasa leaned over and sniffed the bottle. She pulled back and sneezed as it burned her nose. “By my claws! Is it meant to burn like that?” She rubbed her nose between her paws.

Oblivion gave a low laugh at his companion’s expense. “Yes, it is supposed to burn. It’s a strong drink in my world.” His ear flicked as he heard the front door open and hooves came up the stairs. His magic pulled his cloak down and he laid it over his back, hiding his wings. The door opened and he waited.

Applejack pushed open the door and found him lying on the floor with the enormous cat sitting by him. “So this is where ya’ll are hiding. Ya didn’t come back out so Ah wasn’t sure where ya were.”

Oblivion looked at her. “Am I needed?”

Applejack shook her head. “Nah. Just checking on ya.”

Oblivion nodded and looked to the desk. His magic pulled the hair tie to him and he pulled his mane up so that he could put his cloak back on the bed. Applejack looked and saw the hilt of the silver sword.

“Ah still can’t get over how pretty that sword of yer’s is. Ah went ta pay Torque the next day and he was still starry-eyed over it.” The mare suddenly looked serious.

Oblivion looked to her before saying anything. “Yes, Applejack? You look to have something on your mind.”

“I need ya ta decide about speaking ta Apple Bloom’s class again or not. A lot of the foals are waiting for fer ya ta choose.”

“Damn.” Oblivion sighed. “Using my sword in a demonstration is not a normal thing for me. Any exercise I do is meant to hone my skills to kill. I don’t use it lightly, AJ.”

“Ah know that but the foals don’t. All they know is that they like ya.”

Oblivion went silent as he considered. Sasa nudged him with her snout to get his attention.

“You could teach them.” She looked to him and growled.

Oblivion looked at her. “Are you out of your mind?” He voiced to her.

Applejack looked at him, her eyes searching. “Who ya talking to?”

“I can understand Sasa. I was speaking to her.” He informed the orange mare.

Applejack’s eyes widened. “Just her or can ya hear others?”

“Just her.”

“For now.” Sasa piped in.

Oblivion looked at her with a short glare. “She commented that I should teach them instead or a demonstration.”

Applejack looked at him. “They would love that Ah think. Ah know Apple Bloom would. Maybe they use wooden swords for play?”

Oblivion looked to the mare. “You are considering this? Applejack I have not trained any pony in a long time. I did for a time before the School’s stopped training Witchers. To anypony else, the techniques we use are not kind. Our methods are meant to mold a colt into a Witcher. Celestia commented that I should train their guards. I declined since my training is from the School of the Wolf and is meant to break a pony and turn them into a Witcher.”

Applejack looked away from him as she thought it over. “Well, then they liked the story ya told.”

Oblivion sighed. “I’m aware that they enjoyed it. But I had to alter that story to make it appropriate.”

“Ya did. But couldn’t ya do that with others as well?”

“Perhaps tell them of a new monster?” Sasa said to him through their link.

“Such as?” Oblivion turned to her and waited.

The cat appeared to be thinking as Applejack stepped forward. “What about using a story about another Witcher?”

Oblivion snorted. “Any stories that I have heard are pretty vulgar or brutal. Witcher's tell each other the stories for a good laugh. Then again.” Oblivion looked to the sword in his hoof for several moments. “There is one that I have heard from Geralt.”

Applejack and Sasa both looked to him. “What was it about?”

“He was searching for a charge of ours that has gone missing. She has the ability to travel through time and space. Her name is Ciri. Well, that’s the name she goes by. Her true name is much longer and has several titles attached to it. He was searching for her in a war-ravaged area called Velen. Several clues were given to him and he was searching for a witch that Ciri had quarreled with. He met up with a Godling, they are mischievous, but generally not harmful.”

Applejack nodded at him. “That sounds like a nice story.”

“He did have to kill a few drowners that tried to attack the Godling as he followed it but nothing horrific. I suppose that one would work. I always take on contracts that are more brutal in comparison.”


“I’m good at them I suppose. I have never really thought of it. I just take a contract that comes my way and see if I can accomplish it. I have yet to find one that has beaten me. Until recently anyway.’

Sasa cringed a bit at his thought and nudged him with one paw. “Failure means that you died Chosen. You did not die in the true sense of the word.” She said to him through their link.

Applejack smiled. “Ah think that would be a good story ta tell. The foals would love it. And Ah heard that ya can draw so ya could draw out parts of the story.”

Oblivion blanched. “Why in the Hells would you want me to draw a Drowner? They are hideous at best.”

“How bad can they be?” Applejack replied.

Oblivion gave her a blank look before his horn lit and he summoned a quill and scroll. The quill drew over the blank surface and after several minutes he turned the drawing so Applejack could see it.

She yelped at the sight and looked to him. “Okay, maybe don’t draw a drowner.” Oblivion nodded and the drawing was incinerated. “Whats a Godling look like?”

Oblivion looked to her and summoned another scroll. He drew the small figure and turned it to her.

“They look harmless. Ya could show off that one.” Oblivion looked at it and it was incinerated. Sasa looked to the stallion and purred. “Seems like we got it figured out. So when ya take her ta school tomorrow ya can tell them.”

Oblivion nodded. “Very well. Though I still have my reservations about it. But I will relent in this case. Though if they ask for sword work I will decline.”

Applejack nodded in understanding and left his room. He sighed as she pulled the door closed for him as she left. He destroyed the quill and drawings in his grasp and looked back to the blade. He finished cleaning it and slid it back into the scabbard. He looked to the cat as she sat by him.

“I do not understand why they enjoy my company so much. I understand that I am different but how is that important enough to ask for my presence again?” He asked the feline.

Sasa looked to him and shrugged. “Perhaps it is because you are different. That means that you are different from them and a children's nature is to seek out what is different and try to understand.”

Oblivion snorted and gulped some of his drink. “Perhaps. But it is odd to me either way.”

Sasa giggled in his mind. “Perhaps that is a good thing, my Chosen. You have always been scorned and rebuked. But now children are seeking you out for a story and whatnot. Have you ever been around children?”

“If you count Ciri yes. But if not then no. I have nothing against children, I simply have next to no experience with them. Though Ciri is a different story entirely.” He said to her.

“I do not know anything about her, save what you have already said. But she sounds like a unique person.”

“You have no idea. She is a queen of several countries. But we did not truly know that when Geralt brought her to Kaer Morhen. She was good at the training and we all spoiled her to some extent. Vesemir and Geralt especially. But that is to be expected. Vesemir was her uncle. And Geralt… He was a father to her. That's how she always saw him and he did nothing to stop that thinking.”

“What were you to her?”

Oblivion chuckled and looked down at his hooves. “A taskmaster probably. She and I never had a very close relationship. I cared about her that is true, but I never let it go further than that. Perhaps I should have. Too late now for that thought.”

Sasa bumped her head against his. “You have the chance to be that now. You have three ponies who are siblings to you now. Blood does not always equal family. I’m sure Ciri knows that you would have jumped the continent for her if she needed you.”

“True enough. I bent for her every now and then. I did let her ride on my shoulders when she was young, so long as she did not pull my hair.” Oblivion chuckled as he thought back to the young girl.

Sasa purred through a mental laugh. “See? She knew you well. She learned from you and you from her. I’m sure she will miss you. Did she go through the mutations?”

“No. She never did. She went through much of the training but not that far. Vesemir always said that she was not the fastest or the strongest of his trainees, but she had three times their character. I had to agree with him when he said that. She was a spitfire, there was no arguing that.”

Sasa nuzzled him and laid down beside him. Oblivion corked the bottle of spirit and set it in the wardrobe. He leaned back against the bed when he heard the door downstairs bang as it closed. “Here we go.” Apple Bloom reached the doorway and knocked gently on it. “Come in.”

The door opened and Apple Bloom yelped at the sight of the large cat. “Wow. Applejack was right she is big. She’s so pretty though. Whats ‘er name?”

“She is called Sasa.” Oblivion informed the filly.

“Can I pet her?”

“Ask her.” Oblivion deadpanned to the filly as his magic leaned the baldric against his bed.

Apple Bloom looked at the stallion then to the cat who turned to look at her, blue eyes shining. “Umm, can I pet you?”

Sasa stood up and laid down, facing the filly. She nodded and Apple Bloom walked up to her, lifting a hoof to stroke her nose. “She’s so soft.” Apple Bloom giggled as she petted the cat.

Oblivion said nothing as the filly cooed at the cat. “She’s a sweet little filly.” Sasa thought over to him. Apple Bloom looked to her eldest brother and walked around the feline to stand in front of him.

“Applejack said ya were gonna tell mah class another story. Was she tellin’ the truth?”

Oblivion looked to the filly and sighed. “Yes. I will inform… ack.” His breath cut off as the filly wrapped her forelegs around his neck in a tight hug. He shifted to try to breathe easier but found that the foal had a tight grip. He held his breath as he waited for the filly to release him. She let go and he released the breath he had been holding.

“This will be so much fun!” Apple Bloom gushed as Oblivion breathed air into his lungs. “The others will be so happy ta see ya.”

Sasa laughed at Oblivion as he breathed. “She got you, Chosen.” The cat purred as she continued to laugh. Oblivion's horn lit and the cat yelped like a small bit of lightning hit her flank. She turned to glare at him and he smirked at the cat.

“Calm down Apple Bloom. I know you are excited but, calm yourself.” He said to the bouncing filly.

Apple Bloom stopped and turned to her eldest brother. “But.”

Oblivion held up a hoof as he got to his hooves. “As I said I know you are excited but hold back a bit.”

The filly looked to the floor then up to him and nodded. “Oh. I needed ta thank ya as well.”

The Unicorn looked to the filly and waited. She ran out of the room and he heard her coming back a few moments later. She was holding a piece of paper in her teeth and handed it to him. He turned it over and saw the drawing of the troll that he had helped her to draw. A 100 was written in the corner along with several colorful images. He looked down at her and gave the drawing back to her.

“Ah got a perfect score! Ah made sure ta tell anyone that asked who had helped me to make the drawing. They were all asking about it when Miss Cheerilee handed them out on Friday. She showed mine ta the class.” The filly gushed to him.

Oblivion nodded to her. “I’m glad it got you the grade you wanted. You did a good job drawing it.”

“It was really great to draw it on my own. You were really good at telling me how to draw it without doing it for me. Thanks again, big brother.” Apple Bloom hugged his leg and left his room.

He watched her go and looked down at Sasa. “Not sure I will ever get used to being called that.” He said aloud.

“You will in time.” She said to him as she leaned against his shoulder.

Oblivion walked out of the room after locking the wardrobe and putting his swords onto his back. The stallion walked down the stairs, with Sasa on his heels and went outside to help if they needed him.

16: Poor Choices...

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Oblivion awoke feeling warmth against his back. He looked over to the window to find Sasa with her back to his. A few seconds later the rooster sounded off and Sasa jumped. Oblivion snarled. “I really am thinking of turning that bird inside out.” He commented as Sasa growled as well.

“I will help you do that.” She replied.

He pushed the blanket back and got out of his bed. Sasa jumped off of it as well and stretched, showing her teeth and claws. She shook herself and waited as Oblivion placed his swords on his back and laid his cloak over his back. The tie in his hair was replaced and his wings and swords vanished under the enchantment. He opened the door and started out it when Apple Bloom trotted past it. She smiled at him and Sasa and kept going. He walked down the hall and down the stairs behind the filly. He sat down by the table and Sasa walked under it and laid down to stay out of the way.

Applejack started cooking as the rest of the family joined Apple Bloom and Oblivion at the table. Granny Smith used his shoulder to help herself into her chair and Oblivion was still to allow her. It was several minutes later that Applejack set a plate of pancakes on the table. She picked up two and was about to set it on the floor for Sasa when she looked to Oblivion.

“Can she have any?” The orange mare asked, even as Sasa sniffed the plate and tried to bat at the hoof that held it.

“Ask her. Her stomach, not mine.” Oblivion said as he ate his own.

Applejack blinked then looked to the large cat. “Ya want these, pretty kitty?”

Sasa grumbled and Applejack smiled as she set the plate down. “That makes you sick it’s not my fault.” Oblivion thought to her.

“I will be fine.” Sasa said back to him as she ate.

Oblivion finished his share and stood up to go stand outside. Granny Smith put a hoof on his mane and he stayed in place, at the old mare's request.

“Ya’ll sit quiet and wait for the others ta finish.” She said to him and went back to her breakfast.

Oblivion sat back and waited. Sasa finished her pancakes and rumbled up to him. His magic picked up the empty plate and set it by the sink with his own. He waited for the others to finish and stood up when they were done. Apple Bloom trotted outside and played with a ball while she waited for Oblivion to walk her to school. The stallion walked out with Sasa behind him. Apple Bloom kicked the ball toward him and Sasa jumped on it, her paws batting it back to the filly. Oblivion watched as the two played. Sasa looked to him and batted the ball to him. The black stallion cringed for a moment before kicking it back to them. Apple Bloom kicked it to him next and the stallion grumbled but played along. He looked to the sun and put a hoof on the ball to stop it.

“Time to go Apple Bloom.” He said as his magic held the ball aloft.

“Aww. But we were havin’ fun!” She whined.

Sasa sat down by Oblivion and waited. “That may be, but you can play with her after school.” He said to her and the ball went into the house and sat by the door. Apple Bloom groaned but walked with the stallion and cat to the school house.

Sasa trotted ahead of them and looked around her. She avoided talking too much instead of relying on her eyes and ears. “This is a beautiful place, Chosen.” She said to him as she walked ahead of them. He chuckled and kept moving. They reached the gates and Apple Bloom ran to the door to get Cheerilee. Foals started to come over to him but stopped at the sight of the large feline. Oblivion put a hoof on her back and pulled her back to sit down at his side.

“You're frightening the foals, Sasa,” he told her.

Sasa looked up and saw the hesitant foals. She blinked, then laid down to make herself seem smaller. Apple Bloom and Cheerilee came back outside and approached him.

“Stay down.” He told her and waited for them to reach him.

Cheerilee stopped at the sight of the cat. Apple Bloom stopped with her and looked up at her teacher. “Oh, she’s really nice. She just a big ol’ pretty kitty.” The foal said and walked over to Sasa. She put her forelegs around Sasa’s snout and hugged her. The cat purred.

“She’s harmless, I assure you,” Oblivion said to the mare.

The foals took his words to heart and suddenly Sasa had several foals petting her striped fur. Cheerilee came over and stood by the gate. Sasa didn’t move as the foals petted her. Her brilliant blue eyes looked up to the mare. Cheerilee searched out and her hoof stroked the cats wide head.

“She’s beautiful. Wherever did you find her?” The teacher asked.

“The menagerie in Canterlot.” He answered.

“Chosen.” Sasa’s voice rang out in his mind and looked down to her.

“She was a gift from a friend. She took a liking to me and after seeing her with me they decided that she wanted to stay at my side.” He said to them.

“How kind of them. She is certainly a gentle animal. She stays with you?”

“Yes. She does not like to be away from me it seems.” He responded to the mare.

“Well thank you for bringing her with you. The foals seem to like her.” Cheerilee said to him and put her hoof back on the ground. “Apple Bloom says that you have agreed to tell the class another story.”

Oblivion removed his hoof from Sasa’s back and placed it on the ground. “Yes, that is true.”

Cheerilee smiled. “That's good to hear. Would it be all right if I allowed some of the parents who wish to hear from you attend as well?”

Oblivion leaned back on his haunches and considered it. “Sasa?”

“I think it would be interesting Chosen. The fact that these foals enjoy it so much is a good thing. Plus it will get you used to crowds.”

Oblivion had to stop himself from cringing at the thought. “That would be fine.”

“Well done.” Sasa said to him as she purred.

“All right, every pony time to go inside. Say goodbye to Mr. Shadow and his kitty. I will arrange a time for you to speak to them again. I will let you or Apple Bloom know when I have figured it out. I will ask you before hoof though.”

The foals all waved and went inside. He could hear Apple Bloom telling them the cat’s name was Sasa as they went inside. “Let's head back.” He said to her as she stood up and shook the dirt off her belly. She stayed at his side as they walked back to the farm. He looked up and could see Applejack at the gate she saw them and waved. Sasa trotted up to her and waited for Oblivion to reach them.

“Ah’m heading into town. Care ta join me?” The orange mare asked.

Oblivion nodded. “Sounds fine. I had planned on going to the library and getting a new book anyway.”

“Perfect then lets head out. We can go to the library first. Twilight is an early riser as well so we won’t be wakin’ ‘er.” Oblivion walked with her and Sasa stayed at his hip. Applejack looked to the cat and frowned. “Ya sure bringin’ her is a good idea?”

“Even if I tried to leave her she should follow. And I see no reason to leave her behind. She lives in this place as well. So they had better get used to her.” He replied and showed no signs of leaving the cat behind.

“Ah suppose that's true.” Applejack looked to the cat. “Ah’m sorry pretty girl. Yer owner is right. Not fair ta leave ya behind.”

Applejack went back to looking forward. As Sasa growled and bumped Oblivion’s hip. “Owner? Hah!” She said to him. Oblivion chuckled but said nothing in reply.

They reached the town and reached Twilight’s library. Applejack knocked on the door and Spike opened it.

“Hey Applejack! Hey Oblivion! Hey...Wow!” The dragon slammed the door after seeing the blue striped cat next to Oblivions hip.

Oblivion could hear Twilight asking him what was wrong. Oblivion snorted and his magic pushed the door open. He let Applejack in first and then Sasa walked in. He followed them and then let the door close. Spike had been pushing against it and when Oblivion let go he fell onto his back on the floor. Twilight’s eyes widened at the sight of the large feline.

“She’s harmless. She is my companion.” Oblivion informed the purple Unicorn to assuage any reservations. Twilight looked to her and waited. “She is called Sasa.”

Twilight smiled at the cat. “What a lovely name.” She walked up to the cat and stopped in front of her. “Can I pet her?”

Oblivion looked back at Sasa, who looked to him. “Ask her. Not my fur your asking about.”

Twilight looked to him then felt fur against her shoulder. She looked down to find the cat rubbing her head against her. “She’s so sweet. Where did you find such a lovely cat?”

“She was a gift.”

“From who?”

“Blue Blood. She was one of the cats from the menagerie. She took a liking to me and didn’t like to be parted so he gifted her to me.”

“How kind of him. I have never heard of Blue Blood being kind to anypony. I’m glad the rumors about him were wrong.” She said as she petted the feline.

“Well, mostly wrong.” Sasa said. Oblivion gave her a light kick in the hind leg with his rear hoof. “Ouch.” She griped to him.

“So how can I help?” She said to her friends.

“I was looking to pick up a new book,” Oblivion stated to her.

“Oh sure. Did you want Equestrian History volume 2 or History of Magic volume 3?”

Applejack snickered. “Ya memorized what books he has?”

Oblivion watched as Twilight flushed. “Well, he’s the only one who was interested in those subjects so it was easy to remember.” She replied and turned to the shelves.

“I would like the History book. I appreciate that you remembered Twilight. It made the choice easier in my opinion.” He said to the mares. Twilight smiled and her own magic pulled the book from the shelf.

“Here you go. History of Equestria Volume 2. I have 3 and 4 if you would like to borrow them as well.”

Oblivion’s horn lit as a book appeared in front of him. “Here is History of Magic volume 2. I almost forgot about it. Your mentioning it reminded me, and yes, volume 3 as well.”

Twilight pulled the other book off the shelf and took the offered book from him as he took the 2 books and laid them on his back. Spike sat up from his place on the floor and saw Sasa once more. He yelped and took off running. Azure flame covered him and he found himself sitting in front of the saber-toothed cat. He closed his eyes and waited. He opened them when he felt a rough tongue licking him. Sasa purred and held him in her front paws.

“He’s so small.” She gushed to Oblivion through their mental link. “Just the perfect size to hold and snuggle.”

Spike blinked and looked at the affectionate cat. “Why is she holding on and licking me?” He asked as Oblivion’s magic released him.

“She likes you. Not in a predator kind of way Spike. She’s being affectionate. I think she sees you as a small cub. Which means that you are meant to be taken care of.”

Spike looked to the adult ponies. “But I’m not a baby!” He yelped as the cat continued to hold him.

“I never said you were. You're small.” Oblivion stated to the baby dragon.

Spike glared at the stallion as the mares giggled. “But I have to help Twilight with her magic. We are on the last trick.” He complained and struggled against the cat, who laid down to hold onto him easier.

“Trick?” Oblivion looked at her.

“Yes. We were about to try growing magic.” She explained.

“Oh? And how does that work?” Oblivion asked her, his interest piqued.

“Basically creating something small from nothing. I’m going to create an item and place it on Spike.” The mare explained.

Oblivion looked at the mare for a moment before giving a quiet snort. “May I join in on this exercise? If not then may I at least watch?”

Twilight looked at him, surprised. “Well, you can join in but I think this exercise is way below your skill level, Oblivion.” She admitted to him. “Plus, you can already do growing magic.”

Oblivion tilted his head slightly. “I can?”

“She means your conjuring, Chosen.” Sasa told him.

Oblivion started and looked to the cat, then back to Twilight. “You mean the items I conjured?”

Twilight nodded. “Its why I was so surprised when we first met. You summoned a small bag of treats than a mirror. Since then you have done teleportation over vast distances, repairing the damage done to a ceiling and a wagon wheel without any tools to use in exchange, and.”

“Wait. Exchange?” Twilight looked at him. “You mean using items as fodder to repurpose into a new object correct?”

“Somepony read the chapter on Magical Exchange,” Twilight said with a smile. Oblivion nodded and waited for her explanation. “Right. Applejack told me about the ceiling at Sugar cube Corner and the wagon wheel at the farm. Your magic seems to ignore all the rules and does as you wish it. I said once that it seems to be that you decide on an outcome and it moves to accommodate. You are easily one of the most powerful unicorns I know of, without being an Alicorn.”

Twilight looked away and missed the sideways look Applejack gave the black pony who looked down to the cat with him as it groomed Spike. “Well ah gotta head into town. Ya have fun with yer magic.” Applejack turned to walk out the door. She turned to glare at Oblivion. He knew why she was glaring but he still had to decide the right time on his own. He nodded to her that he understood and closed the door behind her.

Your choice, Chosen. I know you mean to talk to her about it. You seem most at ease with her than the others. You still have some formality with the other mares. But with this one, you are calmer and there is little to no formality with her. And I like her as well. She is intelligent and… Fine.” Sasa went silent at her Chosen's low growl and went back to toying with Spike.

Twilight looked back at him and smiled. “But I am not about to say no to you wanting to join in on practice. So if you wish to join in then I welcome it. I can question your technique later.” She said and turned to the cat, who held Spike. “I know he is small and cute Sasa. But I need him back.” She said to the feline, who chose to ignore her.

Sasa held Spike firmly in her paws. Twilight sighed and looked to Oblivion.

“Sasa,” Oblivion said her name, and the cat glanced up at him. “Release the dragon.”

Sasa sighed and stood up dropping Spike to the floor. “Ruin my fun.” She said to the stallion as she laughed.

Spike stood up and looked at himself. “I’m covered in giant cat drool.” Sasa roared at him and Spike ran to hide behind Twilight. “I mean...umm… that pretty cat cleaned me off, which was so nice of her...and...umm…She’s not gonna eat me, is she?”

Oblivion chuckled. “No.”

Spike backed up and fled into the kitchen. “Be right back.”

Oblivion reached out a hoof and petted Sasa’s fur while they waited. They did not wait long as Spike came running back out and stood next to a tall whiteboard. “Okay Twilight, make with the magic.” He said to her.

“Okay, here we go.” Twilight horn lit with a magenta aura and she concentrated. A magenta gleam surrounded Spikes' mouth. The purple Unicorn's magic flashed and left a mustache in its wake. Oblivion looked at it and tried not to laugh.

“Pfth.” Sasa snorted and hid her head in Oblivion’s side. “Is he kidding?”

Oblivion kept a stone face as he looked at Spike stand in front of a mirror, facing Twilight. “You did it Twilight! 25 Tricks and counting. Check growing magic off the list.” He reached up with a marker and checked it off the list. “I think this is the best trick so far.” Oblivion started as the dragon posed with one hand on his chin and the other on his hip. “Well hello, Rarity. What’s what? Oh, it’s nothing. Just the perfect mustache.”

Oblivion had to hide a slight grin. Sasa was not so composed. She had her paws wrapped around Oblivion’s left foreleg and her sides were quaking as the cat tried to hide her laughter. The stallion said nothing as he looked at Twilight, who rolled her eyes.

“As handsome as you look Spike it’s only for practice and it’s gotta go.” Her magic lit up and covered the fake facial hair.

Spike put his claws over it and tried to hide it. “Oh come on Twilight! I need to show Rarity. No!” It vanished in a flash of magenta. “Blast.”

Twilight giggled, then looked to Oblivion who had narrowed his eyes and a glint of mischief went through his orange eyes. His horn lit up and Twilight looked to see Spike covered in the azure glow. Spike looked nervous as Oblivion’s magic covered him. Oblivion waited for a moment, waiting for the pressure to build when it was enough he released it. Spike found himself with a different mustache that pointed up at the ends. Wearing an outfit that dandelion would have worn. The shirt was a deep purple with gold ornaments along the collar. The pants were bunched at the knees in a similar color to the shirt. The boots were knee-high and a deep brown in color. Spike looked in the mirror and blinked. Oblivion looked to Sasa who had released his leg and was on her back. The cat howled with laughter in his mind. Twilight held her sides as she too fell to the floor. Spike looked at the black stallion.

“What did I do to make you hate me?” He asked.

Oblivion bit his tongue but found himself leaning forward and holding his sides as he tried not to laugh. Sasa stood up, looked at the dragon, and fell to her side. Oblivion straightened and his horn lit once more. “I don’t hate you, Spike. Never insult my companion.” He said as the ridiculous outfit vanished.

Spike looked down and sighed in relief. “I will never say anythingbad about that glorious cat again.” He vowed, saluting the stallion.

Sasa stood up and leaned against Oblivion’s side as she breathed. “Oh thank you. That was one of the funniest things I have ever seen.”

Oblivion reached over and stroked her fur. Twilight climbed to her hooves and gasped. “Oh, wow, Oblivion. That was incredible. I don’t even mind that you showed me up. That was worth it.” Spike glared at the still giggling mare. “Okay. Sorry Spike, but it was really funny. Anyway, we were going to head out and get a treat. Would you like to join us?”

Oblivion nodded to her and opened the door for them. The mare trotted out with Spike next to her and Oblivion followed with Sasa at his hip. He closed the door behind him and caught up to walk beside the mare.

Spike looked at her as they walked. “Twenty-five Twilight.” The mare flushed at the praise. “Twenty-five tricks and counting. Aren’t Unicorns only supposed to have a little magic based on their Cutie Mark?”

Oblivion glanced back to the ridiculous marking on his flanks. Then he looked back to hear Twilight’s explanation. “That's true. For ponies who are talented in cooking, or sewing, or things like that. But what if a Unicorn's talent is in magic?” She said to him.

“Just like you, huh Twilight?” Spike said to her.

“Oh, Spike there are plenty of Unicorns that are far more talented than I am. I’m sure there are several right here in Ponyville.” Twilight looked to the side of her. “Oblivion is one of those ponies. He has more magic than I do.”

“Because I was made to wield the Element of Spirit.” He said to Sasa.

The cat rumbled her agreement as they talked.

Spike looked at the tall stallion. “Well, he doesn’t count.”

Twilight looked at the dragon. “How does he not count? And he’s right there Spike.”

Sasa moved to look around Oblivion’s legs to look at the dragon. Oblivion stepped in front of her to block her view. Easy. He is partially right. I have an advantage by being able to tap into the Spirit of a world.” He said to the cat as he stayed in step with the mare and dragon. Sasa fell back to walking at his shoulder once more. Oblivion’s ears flicked as he caught ponies pointing out the large cat walking next to him. Both of them ignored the talk as Oblivion’s ears flicked back to listen to the sound of small hooves racing toward them.

“Lookout.” He jumped to the side, taking Sasa with him as two colts raced past, taking Spike with them.

Oblivion recognized them as being in Apple Bloom's class. “I thought the class was still in session at this hour.” He observed as Spike tried to talk to the racing foals. They came to an abrupt stop that sent Spike rolling as the two adults and a large cat caught up with them.

Spike came up to them, having recovered from being thrown by the two colts. “Snips, Snails what is going on?”

The tall Unicorn, Snails, looked to the group of them. “Haven’t you heard? There is a new Unicorn in town.” He said to them.

The short one, Snips, reared up, excited. “Yeah! They all say that she has more magic than any other Unicorn ever.”

Spike scoffed at the proclamation. “No way. That title goes to Twilight here. Or maybe Oblivion.”

Twilight blushed and looked away for a moment before addressing the colts. “Where is this new Unicorn?”

Oblivion's ear picked up on a loud bang close to the town center. Snails reared up as he turned around. “She’s in the town square! Come on.”

Snips whirled around and took off. “Yeah, let’s go!” He yelled.

Twilight looked to Oblivion, who shrugged. She broke into a lope with Spike running to keep up and Oblivion and Sasa on her heels. They ran into the town center and Oblivion cringed at the fireworks. Oblivion slowed to a walk as they neared the stage. Fireworks and effects sounded, causing Oblivion to pin his ears from the noise. A light blue mare wearing a wizard's hat and a star-covered cape stood on the stage.

“Come one, come all! Come and bear witness to the Great and Powerful Trixie!” The mare yelled to the crowd.

Fireworks went off behind the mare as she reared up on the stage. Oblivion and Twilight moved through the crowd to stand with the other mares. The audience was awed at the fanfare. Oblivion rolled his eyes and looked to the mares beside him.

“Watch in awe at the great, magical feats of the Great and Powerful Trixie! Watch as Trixie performs the most astounding feasts ever witnessed by pony eyes!” The mare yelled again to the crowd, triggering more fireworks.

Rarity scoffed. “My, my what boasting.”

“Come on, no pony is as talented as Twi...umm...hey Rarity….Mustache!” Spike yelled and fled from the mare.

Oblivion shook his head at the dragon. Twilight pulled up next to Rarity. “There’s nothing wrong with being talented is there?” She asked the others.

“Nothing at all. ‘Cept when a pony goes around showin’ off like a school filly with fancy new ribbons.” Applejack said.

“Just because one can perform a great amount of magic does not make one better than the rest of us.” Rarity said to them.

Oblivion watched as Twilight shrunk a bit from the proclamation from the white mare. He started to speak when more fireworks stopped him and he cringed. He watched Rainbow Dash hover by them.

“Yeah. Especially when you have me being better than the rest of us.” She said aloud. Oblivion and the other mares glared at her. “Eh uh I mean...Magic schmagic...Boo!” She said to keep the others from glaring at her.

“Well, well, well, it seems we have some neigh-sayers in the audience,” Trixie said to the crowd. Oblivion cringed at the horse joke. “Who is so ignorant, that they would challenge the awesome magic of the Great and Powerful Trixie? Are they not aware that they are in the presence of the most magical Unicorn in all of Equestria?”

Oblivion shook his head and sighed, bored at the mares boasting. Rarity looked away at the other ponies. “Just who does she think she is?”

Spike had returned from hiding and was to the side of Oblivion and Twilight. “Yeah. Since we all know that Twilight is the...”

Twilight silenced him with a hoof, earning her his attention. Oblivion flicked an ear to listen to her while she spoke to the dragon. “What? What's wrong Twilight?”

The mare whispered to him. “You see the way they reacted to Trixie’s boasting? I don’t want them thinking I'm a show-off.”

Fireworks went off on the stage. Oblivion sighed. “This is tedious.” He commented to Sasa through their link.

“I agree. This is a one pony show and it’s dull to the point of being painful.” The cat replied. “I can’t see how Twilight thinks the others will think her a show off for putting this pathetic little mare in her place. I alone could do that as well. Will you be stepping forward, Chosen?”

“No. I have nothing to prove to these ponies. Should any pony be seriously hurt then I will act but otherwise no. There is no reason for me to take part in this foolishness.” He replied to the felines questioning.

“I agree. Her friends will not think her a show-off. There's showing off and then there's standing tall. Having pride in one's skills is a basic mindset.”

Sasa nudged his shoulder and turned back to the stage as more fireworks went off. Oblivion watched as Twilight rejoined the group to watch Trixie. Rainbow Dash flew up to the mare and hovered close to her.

“So, ‘Great and Powerful Trixie’. What makes you think you're so awesome anyway?” The mare asked.

The pale blue mare scoffed. “Why, only the Great and Powerful Trixie has magic strong enough to vanquish the dreaded Ursa Major!” The crowd was impressed by the fanfare and commentary of the mare. Oblivion took the weight off his right hind and leaned back as the mare continued. “When all hope was lost, the ponies of Hoofington had no pony to turn to. So the Great and Powerful Trixie stepped in to help and with her awesome magic she vanquished the Ursa Major and sent it back to its cave deep within the Everfree forest.” Fireworks sounded off and the stallion cringed.

Oblivion shook his head at the name of the town. “That can’t be a real name. Then again I said the same thing about Ponyville.” He said to Sasa, who chuckled.

Snips and Snails had to shake their heads to pick their jaws up off the ground. They stared at the mare with clear admiration.

“What?” Snips exclaimed.

“No way!” Snails yelped.

“That settles it.” Snips yelled to the crowd.

“Trixie truly is the most, amazing, most talented, most magical Unicorn in all of Ponyville.” Snails said.

Snips reared up and flailed. “No. In all of Equestria!” He shrilled.

Oblivion rolled his eyes but stayed silent.

Spike on the other hoof had no such control. “How do you know? You didn’t see it. Besides everypony knows that Twi...” He stopped when a zipper went over his mouth closing it, sending a glare to the mare beside him.

Oblivion narrowed his eyes but still kept his silence.

Trixie laughed from her place on the stage. “It's true my enthusiastic little admirers. Trixie is most certainly the best in Ponyville.” No pony said anything in response to her. “Don’t believe the great and Powerful Trixie? Well then here is a challenge to all of you Ponyvillians, anything you can do, I can do better. Any takers, anypony? Or is Trixie meant to go down in history as the greatest equine that has ever lived?” She reared up and fireworks went off behind her.

Oblivion shook his head, fighting a yawn, bored of the spectacle. Spike unzipped his mouth and lunged to grab Twilight's fetlocks.

“Please! Ya gotta do something, she’s unbearable.” He whined to the purple mare.

Twilight looked at him and shook her head. “There is no way I am using my magic now Spike.”

Trixie looked around the crowd and pointed into it. “How about you?” Oblivion heard Twilight gulp and saw her shrink back a bit. “Well, little hayseed?”

Applejack started then her eyes took on a hard edge to them. “That’s it ah can’t take no more of this.”

Spike stood up and cheered for the orange mare. “You get her AJ.”

Applejack pulled a rope out from behind her, Oblivion stared since the rope hadn’t been with her before, but he ignored it and waited. “Can yer magical powers do this?”

She swung the rope with her tail and jumped over it. She flicked her tail and the rope went out to snag an apple off a tree and brought it back to her mouth. She crossed her front hooves and looked to Trixie as the crowd cheered. “Top that, Missy.” She jeered.

Trixie smirked. “Oh, ye of little talent. Watch and be amazed at the magic of Trixie.”

The music went through the air as the rope snaked up and then went around AJ’s legs and turned her onto her back and shoved an apple into her mouth.

“Once again the Great and Powerful Trixie prevails.”

Applejack glared at the other mare. Oblivion shook his head as Applejack hopped off the stage. She went to the side and Oblivion met her there to help with the rope. His magic removed the rope as the orange mare spat out the apple. She glared back at the other mare.

Rainbow Dash went up to the stage to confront the boasting mare. “There no need for you to go struttin’ around and showin’ off like that.”

Trixie looked to Pegasus. “Oh?”

“That's my job.” She said and took off.

The Pegasus went around the windmill causing it to spin. Then broke through several clouds and stopped in front of the sun. Oblivion could see her as she posed and he rolled his eyes. The mare turned back and picked up speed as she flew through the holes in the clouds that she had created. Water followed in her wake as she flew and circled the windmill again causing it to spin faster. She screeched to a halt on the stage and the water that was following her struck her fur and caused a rainbow to appear above her. The crowd cheered at the display.

“They don’t call me Rainbow Dash for nothing.” She stated with a cocky smile.

Trixie's magic covered her horn. “When I'm done with you the only thing they will call you is a loser."

Magic covered the rainbow and it spun to hold Rainbow. The blue mare was spun in circles and then deposited on the ground. Her eyes spun in her head as she tried to recover. “I think I’m...Gonna be sick.” Rainbow whimpered as she slowly got to her hooves.

“Seems like any pony with a Dash of good sense would think twice before challenging Trixie.” The pale mare laughed.

A dark cloud spun into existence behind Rainbow as AJ helped her to her hooves. A bolt of lightning lashed out and struck the mare in the flanks, causing her to yelp in pain. The crowd laughed at the mare.

Spike looked to the group. “What we need is a Unicorn to show this Unicorn who's boss.”

AJ nodded to the dragon. “A real Unicorn to Unicorn tussle.”

Oblivion looked to Twilight beside him who looked away from them, stuttering.

“Enough, enough all of you. I take your hint. But Rarity is above such things. Rainbow Dash and Applejack may behave like ruffians, but Rarity conducts herself with beauty and grace.” The white mare said to them.

Trixie pointed to her. “Ooh. Afraid you’ll get a hair out of place in that rat's nest you call a mane?”

Rarity’s eyes narrowed and she growled. “Oh, it is on.” She ascended the small stairs to the side of the stage. “You may think your tough with your so-called powers, but there is more to magic than your brutish ways. A Unicorn needs to be more than just a muscle. A Unicorn needs to have style.” Her magic gripped a part of the curtain and pulled it from the stage. It swirled around the mare and created a dress on her and did up her mane in style. “A Unicorn is not a Unicorn without grace and beauty.”

Spike stared as he spoke. “Rarity won’t let Trixie get the best of her. She’s strong and beautiful and...” A flash of light silenced the dragon.

Even Oblivion blanched at the sight before him. Rarities mane had been turned a very unflattering shade of green with sticks in it. Sasa backed up a step and looked away. “Oh wow.” The cat thought to him. Oblivion said nothing in reply. The crowd gasped as Rarity looked at them, panicked.

“What did she do? I know she did something to my hair. What did she do to my hair?” She panicked.

“It's nothing,” Twilight said to the mare.

“It’s fine,” Rainbow commented.

“It's gorgeous.” Applejack said as she stared.

"It's stunning," Oblivion added.

“It's green.” Spike deadpanned.

Oblivion grimaced and slapped the back of the dragon's head with his hoof, eliciting a cry from the dragon. “Cute, but foolish.” Was Sasa’s comment from Oblivion's side. The stallion nodded as he put his hoof onto the ground.

Rarity looked up and saw the disaster that was her mane. “Quick, I need a mirror. Somepony get me a mirror!” She paused as Spike's words sunk in. “Green hair? Oh, Goddess, not green hair!” She fled the stage and the ponies parted to let her through. “Such an awful color.” She wailed.

Oblivion cringed as the mare ran away from them. “That's gonna take a while to fix.” He commented aloud. Twilight nodded in agreement.

Spike looked to then turned to Oblivion. “Oblivion?”

The black Unicorn looked at the green dragon and shook his head. “No.”

The mares looked to him as well as the dragon. “But you could show her up easily. You can teleport to Canterlot!”

Oblivion said nothing for a moment. “I have nothing to prove Spike. Besting that pathetic little mare is not important in the grand scheme of things. Her boasting comes from her own faults. I only stayed in case she hurt somepony. Applejack, Rainbow, Rarity may have hurt pride but nothing that means I need to take over.” He explained.

“Too frightened to try your hoof against me?” Trixie goaded him.

Oblivion looked up at her and gave a slight smile. “Little mare. If I chose I could banish you from here without a moment's thought. Battling you would be an abuse and waste of my abilities. I am aware of my own power and am aware of its capabilities. You, little foal, are a waste of my time.” He said to her. Her jaw dropped as he spoke. “So no Spike. I will not be intervening. Now if you all will excuse me. I have to speak to Rarity. Though I may have to fix that disaster of a mane of hers to speak with her.” Azure flame engulfed him as he teleported. Sasa growled at the mare then vanished as well.

Oblivion was outside of Rarity’s boutique and his ears caught the sound of the sobbing mare. “Gods below.”

Sasa sat next to him and purred. “If you fix it she will be in better spirits.”

“I know.” He raised a hoof and knocked on the door. There was no response so he gently pushed it open. “Rarity?” He waited for a response. “Rarity, I know you are here. I need to ask you a favor.”

Sasa walked forward and tilted her head into the back. Oblivion looked to where the cat had pointed and found the mare laying on a red couch with velvet fabric. She looked up as he rapped his hoof on the floor. She startled and huddled into the back of the couch.

“Don’t look at me! I’m hideous.” She wailed.

Oblivion rolled his eyes and his magic covered her mane. A gentle flash and the damage had been repaired. “Rarity, your hair is fine.”

She looked up and her horn lit to cast light on her mane. She sat up and stared at him. “Oh, Oblivion! You fixed it?” The black stallion nodded. The mare got up and trotted to him. She threw her forelegs around his neck and held onto him, he balanced his books on his back. “That is so very kind of you darling. I must return the favor.” Before she could keep going Oblivion's magic held his cloak in her vision. She looked at it and reached out with her own magic. “Of course, I will clean it up, dear. I will make sure it is done by the morning.”

“Thank you Rarity. I also would ask you a minute of your time.”

“Of course dear. Please come to the kitchen and I will make you some coffee.” She said, her voice sing-song as she trotted past the kitchen.

Oblivion sat down. Rarity messed with the coffee maker while he watched.

“Its called a washing machine, Chosen.” Sasa said to him.

“A what?” He replied.

“Its used to wash clothing. Though normally only ponies that deal with fabric and such, use them.”

“So how does it work?”

“It uses electricity to power the parts inside it. The parts inside then spin a drum where the soap and water are. Then when that is finished it is moved into the box next to it to dry, ironically called a dryer. Faster than hanging it outside to dry.” She explained.

“Hmm. Interesting.” Rarity came back into the kitchen and started to brew the coffee. “Another machine?”

“Yes. That one is a coffee maker. You need to borrow a book on machines and mechanics.” Sasa quipped to him.

He looked down to glare at the cat before looking back to Rarity. He set his books on the table and to the side as he waited. A few minutes went by and she poured a cup for him and one for herself. She set him down and his magic held it for him as the mare sat down as well.

“You had something else to ask darling?”

Oblivion sat back and nodded. “Yes, I was in Canterlot over the weekend on invitation from Blue Blood.”

Rarity leaned forward. “Oh, how is he? He hasn’t responded to my last letter. He seemed a bit down, to be honest.” She replied.

“That's what I wanted to speak to you about. He seems to be having a bit of a hard time. I have set it up with him to visit every Saturday to have donuts with him. That seemed to raise his spirits a bit, but I am wondering if you would be willing to throw another letter to him and encourage him some. I don’t expect you to lay it on thick. Just enough to lift his...spirits a bit.” Oblivion sipped his coffee and waited as the mare thought over what he had said.

“I would love to write to him again. I see no reason not to. I will not ask him any direct questions so that he does not know you spoke to me about it. One moment dear.” The mare got up and left the kitchen.

“Sasa?” The cat looked up at him from her spot by his hooves. “Is it possible to reach out to check on a pony that I know. To see how they are faring?”

Sasa looked at him. “Interesting thought. It should be possible. Since you are connected to the Spirit of Equestria and everything is connected to that. There are some exceptions but nearly everything.”

“Any idea how to accomplish that?”

“I assume it could be done through focus and channeling. But I am not sure, Chosen. Your magic molds to your wishes so I would think that it is up to you.”

Oblivion set his coffee down and bowed his head. His horn lit and he focused on Blue’s Spirit. He found it and held onto it. Rarity came back into the room and stopped as Oblivion's body was covered in his own flames. Sasa was watching in silence. Oblivion jolted and the magic faded.

“Shit.” He grumbled.

“Darling, what in Equestria were you doing?”

He looked up to finds the mare looking at him. “My apologies, Rarity. I was trying to see if I could feel Blue Bloods Spirit from here to see how he is doing.”

Rarity's eyes widened. “I had no idea you could do that dear. Did it work?” She asked him as she sat down a scroll and quill in her magic.

“It did work yes. He appears to be upset about something. Though without being there I am unsure as to what it is.” The black pony told her.

Rarity immediately began writing. “Well, I cannot allow him to go through the day without some friendly encouragement.” She proclaimed.

Oblivion leaned back in his chair. “I’m not sure what is wrong but he’s got that mask on full display.”

Sasa sighed. Damn. I hope one day he will not need it.”

“As do I.”

Rarity looked as Oblivion picked up his coffee and took a drink. “Here we go, dear.” Oblivion nodded and his magic gripped the letter as a spark went off and it was sent. “On the way." Rarity smiled as she sipped her coffee. “I am truly grateful for your help Oblivion dear.”

Oblivion looked to her and his head tilted slightly. “Oh, you mean your mane?”

She nodded. “Yes, it was quite a shock.”

Oblivion leaned a bit forward as he spoke. “It's fine, Rarity.”

“Did you or Twilight put that boastful filly in her place?”


She stared at the stallion for a moment. “No? Why ever not?”

“I did not do anything since I do not need to prove anything. I understand that each of you was humiliated but that is not a reason for me to act. Had any of you been injured then I would have acted. But injured pride is not something that needs immediate attention. Though fixing the damage to your mane was needed.”

“What about Twilight?”

“I’m positive that she did nothing as well. Though her reason is different than my own.” He admitted to the white mare.

Rarity sat back and nodded. “I understand. Well hopefully that Trixie will learn her lesson and stop her boasting.”

“One can only hope for so much,” Oblivion replied. “Well thank you for the coffee and washing my cloak. I must get back to the farm and see what needs to be done.”

“Thank you again for your help, darling. I shall deliver your freshly washed cloak to you tomorrow morning.”

“That's not needed.” He started to say as the mare raised her head at him. “But if you insist I will not argue with you. Thank you Rarity. Come on Sasa.” He said to the cat as she yawned and got up to follow him.

“She is simply beautiful Oblivion. I would have spoken up sooner but we were chatting.” Sasa purred at the compliment and brushed her fur against the mare's shoulder. “Oh, how soft. Those stripes have given me an idea. Pardon me, darlings but I must create.” She said as she trotted away from them.

Oblivion shrugged as she disappeared and they left through the front door and walked through town to the farm. He walked through the town square and the stage was still there but no performance. He stopped and saw that the pony was behind the stage. He started walking again after choosing to ignore her. Sasa padded at his hip and trotted to keep up when Oblivion started to trot back to the farm. The Unicorn trotted through the front gate and found Applejack and Big Mac standing by the barn.

Big Mac waved the Unicorn over. Oblivion walked up to them, noticing that Applejack appeared to be angry about something judging from the emotions coming off her. He stopped and waited for them to speak.

“Ya could have helped.” Applejack said to him.

“Helped with what?” He asked her. Sasa leaned against his hind leg.

“When we were getting our tails thrown around by that Trixie.” She said, her voice accusing.

Oblivion's ears went back for a moment. “What would that have accomplished? Her magic is weaker than Rarity in terms of raw power.”

Applejack looked at him. “Ya can tell that?”

“Of course I can. That's another reason why I did not act. All she was doing was manipulation magic. Not true conjuring etc. Think about it. She used your rope, the rainbow Dash made, and Rarity’s hair. Nothing major. She was doing it to try to humiliate you. Nothing more.” The black stallion responded.

Applejack looked to Mac who nodded. “Still ya have enough skill that ya could have done sumthin’. Twilight ran off instead of helpin’. Ya, both could have shown her up.”

Big Mac looked to his sister. “Now hold up. Oblivion is a lot of things Applejack but he wouldn’t have done nuthin’ unless he felt it was right. If nopony got hurt badly then ah’m with him. He was right not ta jump in. Ya remember him fixing yer mistakes.” Mac said to his sister. Applejack cringed at the mention of her mistakes days earlier. Mac looked to their elder brother and motioned for him to follow. “All righ’ let's go and shift the apples so we can start gettin’ em ready ta move out.”

Oblivion nodded, his horn flared as he sent the books to his desk, and followed after the red pony. “So what are we doing?”

“We gotta get ‘em ready ta ship out. We got orders ta fill and the apples need ta be made ready ta move out. When we ship em ya may need to drop yer spell on ‘em.”

Oblivion nodded. “I can if needed.” Big Mac directed the Unicorn as the two of them, with Sasa helping as she could, moved the apples into separate parts of the barn with the labels of their buyers on them. The evening wore on and they finally finished.

Oblivion looked to the labels. “There is seriously a pony named Filthy Rich?”

“Yup been a long-term business partner ah ours.”

Sasa suppressed a laugh by pushing her head into Oblivion's side. The Unicorn said nothing as he shook his head. “Well, whatever suits them I suppose.” He said before turning to Mac. “I’m going to take Sasa hunting. We’ll return around the normal time. You don’t need to wait for us.”

Big Mac nodded. “Well happy huntin.”

Oblivion nodded as he looked to Sasa, who danced on her paws. “Come on, Sasa,” Oblivion spoke to her as he galloped. The cat bounded beside him and slid under the trees that the Alicorn leaped. Oblivion reached his normal clearing and waited for the cat to fully catch up. He started trotting down a game trail as he tracked a small herd. He released his mane from the tie it was held in, allowing his wings to show as he spread them from his sides. He suddenly stopped and his head raised. Sasa drew up by him.


“Hold.” He ordered.

Sasa sat down and waited for him to move. When he did she slowly followed him, her paws quiet on the grass. Oblivion stopped after several minutes and looked around him. His ears flicked and his nostrils flared as he scented the air. He stopped and looked in front of them.

“What in the Hells is that?” He whispered.

Sasa looked in front of him and leaned back at the sight in front of her. The creature was enormous. Easily 40-50 feet tall. Its fur was a deep purple and shone like a star. It had flecks of lights in its fur and a short tail behind it. It walked on its hind legs and had teeth coming out of the side of its mouth that was similar to Sasa’s front teeth. Long claws that were easily 4-5 feet long were on its paws. It had a blue marking on its forehead and appeared upset. It looked around frantically and snarled. Oblivion’s sword shone in the darkness of the Everfree Forest. Sasa spread her long claws and waited for her Chosen to signal her. Oblivion watched it as it moved around. It suddenly looked in the direction of Ponyville and started to lumber in that direction. Oblivion looked in that direction and cursed as he took off after the monster. He got in front of it and stopped, sliding in front of the beast. The beast looked down and saw the black Alicorn. It lowered down to four legs and swiped at the stallion, who leaped deftly to the side.

“Sasa, distract it!” He hollered to the cat.

Sasa ran around to it and leaped onto its shoulder, digging her claws into its skin. The animal roared and swiped at the cat, who jumped away. She jumped around its forelegs and swiped her claws across its fur. She leaped in and out of its the immediate vision and tore its flesh with her claws, enraging the beast even more.

“Sasa, get away from it!” Oblivion yelled and the cat raced away from it as she looked to the sky to find Oblivion hovering in pace watching the fight. He had sheathed his blade and turned his body to angle down to the animal, his horn lit with a flame and a fireball raged down at the animal. It struck just in front of the beast and it roared in reply. Oblivion dove and his body collided with the beast's back, knocking it to its belly. His sword tore across its shoulders and the beast screamed in pain. The black Alicorn lifted back into the air, sword ready for another attack. The beast pulled itself to its paws and lifted itself to stand on its hind legs. Oblivion flapped to gain more altitude and watched for a moment.

“Sasa start driving it back to the cave!” He commanded the cat as he began to harry the beast.

“At your command!” The ethereal Tiger responded as she began to swipe and bite at the animal's legs, driving it forward.

Oblivion landed in front of the animal and dared it to chase him. His sword blocked swipes from the animal as it was moving forward. Sasa could see paw prints in blood as she bites at its fur. Oblivion teleported out of its sight as Sasa drove it into the cave. Oblivion landed on the side of the cave and looked to Sasa. He opened his mouth to speak when he teleported to her and shoved her to the ground. The cat started to complain when an arm snaked out of the cave and struck Oblivion, sending him rolling. The Alicorn grunted as he was struck and rolled several feet away from the Tiger, who stared, stunned. Oblivion stopped rolling and laid still, unmoving in place. One wing pinned under him and the other crumpled on the ground.

Sasa stood up and looked at him.

“Chosen?” She whimpered to him through their connection. “Answer me.” She pleaded with the stallion, who remained silent. “Oblivion?”

The animal started to come out of its cave but stopped when a loud growl hit its ears. The azure flame flickered off the body of the cat, the growl grew into a vicious snarl as the feline rounded on the beast. Her fur stood up down her back and flames poured off of her. She lunged at the animal and slashed its nose. It yelped and scuttled back into its cave as Sasa stood in the mouth of it, snarling at the animal, daring it to try to leave. The flames slowly died as she suddenly brought her head up as she heard a quiet groan. The flames vanished as she turned to look at Oblivion's crumpled form. The wing that wasn’t under him shifted and moved. Sasa roared as she ran to him and leaped over his body to be in front of him. His eyes were closed as he groaned.

“Chosen? Oblivion?” She said to him, her voice pleading.

Oblivion opened one eye and blinked to clear it as she saw the great cat lying in front of him. The stallion shifted but growled when pain tore at him. Sasa scooted as close to him as she dared and purred. He moved his legs one at a time. Checking for any breaks. He was going to be sore but nothing appeared broken. He slowly sat up and opened his other eye. He looked to the distressed cat and laid in place. He glanced behind him as he flexed his wings. Neither wing appeared damaged. Sasa stood up and began licking his sides and hip. He hissed in pain as her tongue went over his skin. He looked and found that the skin on his ribs and flank had been torn open by the animal's long claws. Sasa kept licking the torn flesh as Oblivion hissed.

“Easy Sasa. Gods below.” Oblivion growled at the cat as her tongue bit into the wounds.

She raised her head and growled at him. Oblivion pinned his ears and looked back at her. She looked back to the wounds and resumed cleaning them. Oblivion got his forelegs under him and tried to stand, only to have the cat pin him. She laid her hip across his shoulder and pinned his body under her. He looked up and was staring at the sky from his place under the great cat. He groaned as her tongue pulled his skin.

“Okay, Sasa can I at least sit up? And for the record your hurting me more than the tears are!” He yelled at her.

Sasa stopped and got off of him. He sat up and laid with his hooves folded under him. He groaned and looked to assess the damage. The cuts went from just behind his shoulder to his hip. So they were close to a foot and some inches long. The cuts were raw, their edges frayed. He sighed and stayed on his side as he looked for his sword. His horn lit as he summoned it and it went into its scabbard on his back. Sasa sat down at his side and looked at the ground.

“I’m sorry, Chosen.” She said to him.

Oblivion looked to her, questioning. “Why are you apologizing?”

“I was not paying attention. You protected me, it should be the other way around.” She lamented. “I am meant to be at your side and watch over you. Not have you injured in my stead.”

Oblivion listened to her as she spoke. “I don’t recall asking you to be a shield for me Sasa.” She said nothing in reply. “I choose what I do. Even if you asked me to let you get hit I would not do it. You know better than that.” He said to her.

The cat looked up and her blue eyes caught his. “Still. If I had been watching the cave and not you then I would have seen what you did, and ducked.”

Oblivion chuckled and reached out a clawed hoof to grasp her fur. He pulled her coat till she moved as he wanted her to. She fell over his other foreleg and he laid the other over her, after releasing her fur. He held the cat as she pushed her head into his chest, pressing her ear against him, hearing his heartbeat.

“I’m all right.”

Sasa pushed against him and purred. He sighed and let the cat stay where she was until she wanted to move. The wounds were shallow and he was not concerned about them. They would be fine until he cleaned them later. As much as he appreciated Sasa’s attempt to help him by, grating her tongue over the ragged wounds had only made the pain worse. The stallion laid in silence with the feline against him for several minutes when the cat finally stirred and stood away from him. He reached a clawed hoof forward and lifted her head to look him in the eyes.

“I chose to protect you. You are my companion and I know you would do the same for me.” She nodded and he slowly got to his hooves. “All right we need to check on Ponyville...what the Hells is that?” He motioned for her to look up as a bear floated past them, encased in a magenta aura, into the cave.

Sasa looked at it then back to him. Oblivion’s mane was pulled back by his hair tie and he whirled around to face the town. “Come on Sasa.” He said as he galloped for the town. “I know that aura, that was Twilight.” He said to her as they ran. He jumped a fallen tree and gave a low hiss as his side stretched with the impact. Sasa growled at him as he slowed for a few strides. Oblivion caught up to her and they raced for Ponyville. He led the cat into town and galloped past several ruined buildings and into the town center. He slowed as he saw Twilight, Spike, and the other mares. He walked toward them.

“Twilight!” He yelled.

The purple mare whirled around to face him, a wide smile on her muzzle. “Oblivion!”

The stallion stopped at an angle close to her, keeping his wounds out of her line of sight. “What happened?”

“We brought an Ursa to town.” Snips said to him.

Oblivion blinked then looked to the colts. “Wait, what? Those things are real? I thought that fool mare made it up.”

Twilight giggled as Trixie snorted. “They are real, just very reclusive.”

Oblivion shook his head. “So that's what happened to those houses I saw on my way in?”

Twilight cringed. “Yes. Those will get fixed over the next couple of days.”

Applejack walked up to him. “Ah’m sorry ah got so sore at ya. Mac said ya went for a run after ya finished workin’. Ya have a good run?”

He knew that she was being discreet about the real reason for his trip to the Everfree. “It was fine,” Sasa growled at him. He turned to look at her and growled back. The cat sat down and sulked. Applejack looked at him and shook his head.

“So we were just discussing their punishment when you arrived. Any ideas?”

Oblivion looked to the questioning purple mare. “I only came in when I saw a flying bear.”

“Oh, that was the Ursa Minor.” She told him.

Sasa looked up. “Wait.” Oblivion held up a hoof. “Minor?”

“Yes. The minor was woken up by those two and followed them into town. It was pretty cranky at being woken up.”

Oblivion looked to the ground for a moment before he looked to Sasa. “So that big one was looking for her cub?” Sasa nodded. “Gods dammit.” He cursed aloud and looked to the colts. “This is where you thank whatever Gods you believe in that I was in the Everfree and stopped a bear the size of 2 houses from waltzing into town,” Oblivion's voice dripped with venom as he spoke to the colts.

Twilight spun to look at him. “Wait, you went up against an Ursa Major?”

Oblivion looked at her. “I was going to leave it alone till it started walking toward town. Sasa and I drove it back into its cave.”

Applejack looked at him, eyes wide. “How in tarnation did ya drive it back?”

“Through force mostly. Sasa harassed it from the rear and I forced it to focus on me and chase after me. It worked so no complaint.” He replied. “I’m more aggravated by the fact that I attacked a parent that was looking for its child.”

Sasa walked up to him and rubbed her head on his shoulder. He ran his claws through her fur. “Least you came out of it unscathed.” Applejack said to him as she put a hoof on his right shoulder.

Oblivion cringed and leaned away from her hoof. Twilight and Applejack looked at him. “Are ya okay?”

“I’ll be fine.” The stallion assured them. Sasa growled but was silenced with a look.

Applejack rounded on him. “That’s what ya said before and ya had a bad leg.”

Oblivion gave her a blank look before he sighed. “I will be fine.”

Twilight didn’t appear convinced as the stallion spun on his heel to leave. “Well, I can repair the damage in the morning after they have cleaned up the wreckage,” Oblivion stated as he walked away.

Twilight teleported to him and put a hoof on his side. He growled and side passed away from her. She looked to her hoof and saw that it had blood on it. She looked up to Oblivion and her horn lit up. Its light showed her the tears across his rib cage. Oblivion stood in place as the light stayed on him. Twilight fell to her haunches at the long gashes. Applejack came over and stared.

“They will heal.” He said as he started to walk away once more. Twilight's magic gripped his tail.

“No, not this time.” She said to him. The mares magic held his tail and she walked to stand in front of him. “I let the other injury go because you were laying quiet and it would be okay. That was nothing compared to this. I know you don’t like to be messed with but this is serious. What happened?”

Oblivion flicked his tail and Twilight let her magic release it. “I protected Sasa from a last-second attack from the Ursa Major. I was not about to allow her to be hurt. Not when I can prevent it.”

Twilight looked to Sasa as the cat hung her head. “I guess she’s not happy about that either?”

Oblivion looked to the cat, reached out, and pulled her fur till she was against him. She wrapped her paws around his right foreleg and stayed there. “Yes. She was less than happy with my choice to protect her.” Sasa whimpered and held his leg, her ear against his chest. Twilight walked over to the cat and gently pet her fur.

Twilight looked to him as he ran his hoof over the tiger's fur, to comfort her. “I can’t say I like the result but I would do the same for Spike, or any of my friends.” She said to him. “But I want to take you to the hospital to get those cleaned. Please, don’t argue with me this time.” Twilight pleaded.

Sasa whimpered, almost pleading. Oblivion looked to the mares and sighed. “Very well.”

Twilight smiled and her horn lit up. A flash of magenta found himself, Sasa, Applejack, and Twilight standing in front of the desk. He shook his head to clear it. Sasa grumbled and released his leg. A mare that he recognized from a week ago walked up to them. She stopped a couple of feet away from them and smiled.

“I remember you. You're the stallion that healed those ponies that had food poisoning. How can I help you?” She said to them, a warm smile on her muzzle.

Twilight stepped forward. “Nurse Redheart this is Oblivion Shadow and he got hurt fighting an Ursa Major and keeping it from coming into town.” She pushed Oblivion to the side and he showed the gashes to the mare.

She gasped and turned to another hallway. “Follow me, please. Your cat must stay with the others.” Oblivion nodded and started following the light gray mare. “I need a wound care team now. Room eight!” She yelled and ponies came to her.

Oblivion followed her and walked into a room when she opened the door for him. The black stallion stood in the center of the room in the mare's direction and waited. A pony in a white coat walked in and looked at the wounds on his sides.

“I am doctor Secret Heart. What did you do to yourself, my friend?” The pony had a blaze down the middle of his face with a light roan coat. Oblivion couldn’t see his marking but decided that it didn’t matter.

“I was hit by an Ursa Major while protecting my companion.” He answered.

The pony looked at him. “An Ursa Major? What is that?”

Oblivion's horn lit and projected a picture of the animal onto a nearby wall. The ponies gasped and he released the magic. The doctor and the nurses looked at him and started to get to work.

“Okay, we need to knock you out to clean these wounds.” The doctor explained.

“I’ll be fine.” Oblivion interrupted.

The ponies looked at him. “This will be very uncomfortable for you, Mr. Shadow. I do not wish to cause you any unneeded pain.”

Oblivion turned to look at him. “I appreciate that sentiment. But I am not comfortable with being unconscious when I have a choice. I can promise you that I will not move during the procedure.”

The doctor looked to a nurse. “Bring me the paperwork for denying anesthesia.” Redheart turned and left the room.

The others went back to preparing the room to clean out the long tears in Oblivion's skin. He looked to the door as Redheart walked back into the room with a clipboard held in one hoof. She extended it to Oblivion who held it in his magic and used his magic to sign his name. With that finished he looked back to the doctor who seemed stunned.

“Usually ponies who are denying anesthesia give in when they see the paperwork. You didn’t even read it.” The doctor said, his voice quiet.

Oblivion glanced over to him, a small smile played on his muzzle. “Pain is not something that bothers me. I feel it certainly but it does not stop me.” He assured the ponies.

“Very well. Just hold still. Let us know if you need to lie down or it hurts too much we can try to numb the wounds themselves. We will be first cleaning them out and then we will apply a medicine that will help in healing. I will apply a salve to it and then it will need to be wrapped and stay in place for 3-4 days. After that, you will need to come back here for a bandage change.”

Oblivion nodded and the doctor set to work while the nurses helped. Oblivion was still as the wounds were cleaned. “Sasa?”

“Yes Chosen? Are you all right?”

“I’m fine. This is going to take some time.”

“So you are talking to me to stop the boredom?”

“Exactly.” He replied with a chuckle.

“Well I’m glad that the injury has not stopped your sarcasm.” She responded.

Oblivion looked to the wounds and he could see bloodied gauze being thrown away and the wounds soaked to loosen the dried blood and torn tissue. He looked away and gave a low sigh. “And I thought Trixie’s performance was tedious.” The stallion winced and glanced back as they cleaned out the deepest of the cuts. Perhaps sleeping through this would have been better. Then I could have ignored it and it would be over faster and I could leave.”

Sasa chuckled in his mind from the waiting room. “Well if it helps the mares are still here. Twilight is going to walk a rut into their floor with her pacing. Applejack is doing tricks with her hat. And I am sitting by the door. I have to admit I have scared a few ponies. Without you there to reassure them they tend to run away.”

“Then stop sitting in the doorway.”

“I should but I can’t seem to move away from it. I’m watching for that nurse that ushered you away from us.”

“She’s in here. So it will take some time before she returns. They are still working on the front part of the gashes. Go lay down or get Twilight to stop pacing. It's unfortunate that you cannot speak to them as well.”

“I agree. I suppose trying to stop Twilight could be amusing, but I also think she would walk over me.”

Oblivion winced and glanced back as the doctor removed a shard of Ursa’s claw from his side. Secret Heart looked to him and grimaced.

“You weren’t kidding about the size of the animal.”

Oblivion gazed at it. “No, I was not. Try being right next to it.”

The nurse giggled and went back to her work. The shard was laid on a table. “I must tell you that I am going to try to stitch these the best I can. Parts of them have had the flesh removed so there is nothing to lose and will need to grow back on its own.”

Oblivion nodded and looked back to the small window. Time went past and he let his mind slip and meditate. He felt a prod to his shoulder and he opened his eyes to look back.

Secret Heart held up a roll of bandages. “All right, so it’s clean and the salves have been put on it. Now we are going to put some treated gauze on it and then wrap it in place. So once more you need to hold still.”

Oblivion nodded his understanding. He raised his wings and swords up further to keep the extremities out of the way. The ponies wrapped his chest and angled the bandages to circle the top of his legs and then wrapped them around his girth from shoulder to hip. The bandages stood out against his onyx black coat. The nurses stepped back to give him room to move. He moved his shoulders to see how tight the bandage was and if he could breathe with it.

“How does it feel?” Redheart asked when he stopped moving.

“It’s fine.” He responded.

“Good, now follow me and I will take you back to your friends and your pet.” She walked out with Oblivion trailing. “The front desk already got your information from Miss Applejack. So this way you can give your preference for your bill. You will need to come back in 3 or 4 days to have the bandage changed so I would recommend paying when you're given a clean bill.” She explained as they walked.

“Understood. That will have to do. Thank you for the information.” He said to her as they neared the waiting room where the girls waited.

He could see Sasa’s head poke out of the door and she growled as she saw him approaching. She ducked back in the door. Redheart opened the door and asked them to come out. Twilight was out the door first and looked to the stallion.

“Wow. Is he going to be okay?” She asked the nurse.

Redheart nodded with a smile. “He’ll be fine. No exercise for a week and very light work. Come back in 3 to 4 days for a bandage change. ”

Oblivion looked at them. “I can work just fine. I'll use magic instead of muscle if needed.”

Applejack nodded. “That works. We’ll let ya rest a bit first.”

Sasa was at his side and nuzzled his chest, careful of the bandages around his body. “That will work.” He replied to the farm mare. He turned to the counter and gazed at the young stallion behind it.

“Your information was given to us by Applejack, so now we just need to figure out your billing.”

Oblivion nodded. “I will pay in full once the last treatment is completed.”

The appaloosa nodded. “I’ll make note of it.”

“Is there any approximate amount?”

“Not at the moment. That is done after the bandage change. Then they will have a better guess of the treatment plan.” He supplied.

“Very well.”

“Did you really fight an Ursa Major?” Oblivion turned back to the pony and nodded. “I’m not sure if that was brave or foolish.”

Oblivion chuckled. “I was going to leave it alone until it started to head for the town.”

“So you only went after it when it targeted Ponyville?” Another nod from the other stallion. “Okay definitely brave.”

Oblivion shrugged, earning him a twinge through his shoulders. His wings settled onto his back and his swords sat in the right place off his side. Sasa stayed at his side as the group left the hospital.

“Ah’m surprised they didn’t try ta keep ya overnight.” Applejack said to him as they walked.

“They could have tried. I’d have insisted on signing another form if I had to.”

“Another form?” Twilight asked.

“I declined being put under anesthesia and signed a waiver.” He answered the inquisitive mare.

Twilight stared. “So they cleaned it for 3 hours with you awake?”

“It was 3 hours?” He looked up at the moon and found that she was right. “Hmm. Didn’t feel like it. But yes, I was awake for it.”

Applejack shook her head. “Crazy stallion.”

Oblivion gave a slight shrug, careful not to overdo it. “Pain is something that I can ignore. I was trained to do just that. So ignoring it and continuing to move forward is not outside of my skill set.”

Both mares looked at him before sighing as well. “Try to be careful then. I know you are a strong pony but seeing you torn up like that was scary.” Twilight said to him. “I wouldn’t be able to move.”

Oblivion looked to the purple mare. “It's not that bad of an injury. The gashes were not that deep.” Both mares turned to stare at him. He snorted and looked at the heavy bandage around his body. “Okay compared to other injuries that I have had these are nothing. But here I suppose they are pretty brutal-looking.”

Applejack shook her head and sighed. “Ah give up. Ya have no concept of how bad an injury looks. But that's how ya are. Trying ta change ya is impossible.”

Oblivion smirked and looked ahead. Twilight walked with them to the farm then teleported back to the library. Applejack walked Oblivion to the house and ushered him upstairs.

“Did ya get in a good hunt afore that critter showed up?” She asked, her voice a whisper.

“No. The Ursa caught my attention before we even got started.” He informed her as he opened his bedroom door.

Applejack cringed. “So ya haven’t eaten yet?” He nodded. “If ya go too long without eating meat it starts ta hurt ya. Maybe ya can take Sasa with ya and she can do the hunting?”

“Might have to. I can’t move as easily as I should with these bandages on. I can’t run either. She will have to do the majority of the work, as much as I hate to admit it.” He admitted. Sasa grumbled and batted at his tail, trying to urge him to go into his room. The stallion looked back at her and gave a small grin. “Easy girl. I’m not made of glass.”

Applejack chuckled. “Git ta bed. Afore that pretty kitty ah yers gets mad at ya.”

Oblivion walked into his room as Applejack went past him to go to hers. He closed the door then let himself lean back against it and sigh. He let his head hang down and closed his eyes.

“Chosen?” Sasa nuzzled the side of his head and neck.

“I’m fine.” He said to her.

“I don’t believe you.”

He gave a dry chuckle. “I know you don’t.” The black Unicorn pushed off the door and raised his head. The stallion was silent as he stood for a moment.

“Are you in pain?”

“No. Not really. I probably should be but it's not registering I suppose. Though I’m sure I’ll feel it in the morning.” He stopped when he heard hooves coming down the hall and walked a few feet forward, away from the door. A soft knock was on his door. “Come in.”

Applejack peeked in the door and smiled. “Ah forgot ta mention that the doc gave me yer prescription fer some pain killers and antibiotics. Ah’ll get them in the mornin.” She said to him.

Oblivion nodded. “Thank you, AJ.”

“Doc said that they used a numbing salve on yer wounds ta help with the pain till tomorrow. So it might wear off overnight so ya need ta take it easy.”

Oblivion nodded. “That explains why I don’t feel any pain. I stopped paying attention to them part way through so I’m not sure when they did that.”

“He said they did it at the end so that it would last longer. He was amazed ya weren’t screaming. The biggest of ‘em was really deep and had a piece of the claw in it. But anyway. Ah’ll pick that up in the mornin’. So ya just relax.”

The stallion nodded and watched her leave. The door closed and Oblivion looked to the cat as she jumped up onto the bed and waited for him to do the same. He laid his swords against the wardrobe and undid the binding on his mane. His wings were against his sides. Oblivion’s magic pulled the blanket back and he slid under the quilt. He avoided laying on his right side and waited as Sasa shifted till her back was against his.

“Get some rest Chosen.” She purred to him.

“You as well.” He replied to her. He was silent as he shifted and closed his eyes, trying to relax enough to sleep. His mind went back over the fight. He knew that Sasa could not die so long as he wielded the Spirit of Equestria, but that had not stopped him from jumping to protect her. He should have kept driving the animal deeper into the cave. Instead, he had stood there like a fool waiting. He had been trained better than that. The stallion berated himself for his own faults and as his mind blanked.

17: Recovering with Time...

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The rooster sounded off and Oblivion startled awake. He heard Sasa growl as he groaned. “I really hate that bird.” He said aloud. His magic gripped the blanket and he pushed himself to his hooves. Pain tore through him and he gasped as he dropped to his knees. Sasa was by his side in moments.


Oblivion panted as he waited for it to pass. “Easy girl.” He whispered to her. He inhaled and got to his hooves slowly. “I’m okay. Just moved too fast.” The black Unicorn got to his hooves and moved away from the bed, pushing Sasa gently out of the way. She mewed at him as he waited for his body to calm before he moved again. The door opened and Applejack looked in.

“Ah heard something hit the ground, ya okay?”

“Yes. I’m fine. Just very sore.” Oblivion said as his swords landed on his back and he cringed out from under them.

“Ya might want ta leave them off fer today.” Applejack whispered.

Oblivion inhaled and tried to lay them on his back again, but was unable to let them sit in place. “Dammit.” He muttered as he opened the wardrobe and set them inside it. His magic locked the door as he pulled his mane up and hid his wings. He looked up and cringed as his neck and back popped. He looked up and Applejack was watching him, concern in her eyes. “I'll be fine. Just sore and a bit stiff.”

Applejack looked at him. “Just take it slow and easy. Ah think ah’ll take Apple Bloom ta school. No arguin’. Ya are in a bad way and it will hurt you more ta move about. Ah need ta get yer pain killers anyway. Which ya really need by the look of it. How long can ya go without meat?”

Oblivion stood in silence as he considered. “It’s been a couple of days, so maybe 2 more.”

“All right. Come down when ya are ready. Take it to slow all right.”

Oblivion nodded and waited until she was out of the room before he moved. His shoulders were stiff and a dull ache was consistent with each step. “Must be from flying.” He thought to the cat beside him.

“That was the first time you flew?”

“Yes. I copied Rainbow's knowledge of flight so I do know how to fly. Just never did it till yesterday.” He stepped out of his room and Apple Bloom walked into his leg. He winced but didn’t falter.

“Ah’m sorry ah...” Apple Bloom's eyes fell on his sides were heavily bandaged. “Wha’ happened?”

Her eyes were wide and scared as he looked to her. “It’s all right Apple Bloom. I stopped a monster from coming into Ponyville. It got a lucky hit, that’s all. Applejack will be walking you to school today though.”

She looked crestfallen but didn’t argue. The filly walked to the stairs and down them. Oblivion was behind her but he waited till she was off the stairs before he reached them. He looked down and hesitated before starting down them. The Unicorn stepped down one step and his body screamed at him to stop. “Sasa.”

“Yes?” The cat asked from behind him.

“Grab my tail and pull me back. I am not walking down the stairs.”

The cat picked up his tail in her teeth and pulled gently till he had all four hooves at the top of the stairs once more. His horn lit and the stallion teleported down the stairs. He stood by the table and watched. He didn’t sit as he had a feeling that sitting would be the easy part. Getting back up would be nearly impossible. He looked behind him to find Big Mac coming down the stairs. Oblivion moved out of the way from the red pony to pass by him. Mac stopped and stared at the heavy bandaging.

“Applejack mentioned that ya got hurt, but Ah didn’t think it was that bad.” He commented.

“It’s not in my opinion, but other ponies disagree.” The Unicorn replied.

Oblivion was having to remind himself that he had actually taken a bad hit from the Ursa Major and that he was now paying for it. His body complained at the slightest movement. He started to leave the kitchen and head outside when a hoof grabbed his tail.

“No, ya don’t. Ya are gonna stay inside fer a minute.” Applejack said to him. He titled his head slightly. “Granny wants ya ta wait fer her.”

“Oh no,” Oblivion grumbled under his breath.

He flicked his ears as the old mare started down the stairs. He looked to the stairs as she got to the bottom and looked around, her eyes settling on the Unicorn.

“Ya got yerself in trouble again? What did you do this time?” She asked as she walked to him.

“I stopped an Ursa Major from hitting Sasa.” He told her, his voice flat.

The green mare looked to the cat, who hung her head. “Ya did?” He nodded. “Well, ya saved her then. Ah’m proud ah ya then.”

Oblivion's head spun to look at her, even as pain raced through him at the movement. “Pardon?”

“Ya did a brave thing protectin’ ‘er. Not many ponies woulda jumped in front of a big critter.” She said as she gently put a hoof on his shoulder, careful to keep her touch light. “Ya care bout her. Ah’m proud of ya fer acting as ya did. I may be upset that yer hurt but ah understand why.” The old mare walked up to his neck and wrapped her hooves gently around his neck. “But be careful ya hear? As proud as ah am, ah hate seein’ ya hurt.” She said and released him to go to the table.

Oblivion stared at the old mare for a moment before using his magic to slowly walk outside. His ears flicked back as Applejack spoke up. “Hey, Mac? Can ya take Bloom ta school while ah go get the pain killers from the doc? Ah think he really needs them.”


Oblivion listened to them but didn’t comment. He walked to his usual tree and stood under it. He let his body lean against the tree trunk and waited. He looked up when out of the corner of his eyes he saw a purple light coming towards the farm. He knew it was Twilight and she had Spike with her. He watched as they came through the gate and she saw him under the tree. Spike jumped off her back and ran up to him. Twilight used her magic to set her saddlebags on the ground.

“Wow. You really are bandaged up.” Spike said.

“Brilliant observation, Spike.” Oblivion deadpanned to the dragon.

Twilight snickered as she reached him as well. “How are you this morning?”

“Sore and stiff, if I am being honest.” He replied to her.

“That bad?”

“That bad.” He conceded.

“It must be bad if you're admitting to it.” She said as she drew up close to him. “Are you sure you should be outside leaning on a tree and not inside on a soft bed?”

“I’m okay to move a bit. Nothing strenuous.” He stopped when AJ came out of the house and broke into a lope as she passed him.

“Ah’ll be right back with yer medicine.” She hollered as she went by.

He nodded as she went through the gate. He kept watching as a royal purple light that was Rarity came through the gate as well. She carried his cloak in her magic in front of her. She paused when she saw him. She was there last night but she and Rainbow had left before he got there.

“Oblivion darling! What in Equestria happened to you?” She cried out as she neared him.

“He fought an Ursa Major that was coming into town after the baby that the Colts lured into the town. It would have left Ponyville in ruins. But he drove it back to its cave but, it tried to hit Sasa and Oblivion jumped in to protect her so he got hurt instead. Applejack and I took him to the hospital to get patched up.” Twilight explained.

Oblivion gripped the cloak in his flame and laid it over his bandaged body hiding the white bandages. “Thank the Gods those are hidden.”

Sasa came out of the kitchen and sat down beside him. Rarity stood next to Twilight and looked to the wounded stallion.

“You should lay down and rest dear.” She said to him.

He nodded. “I know, but I have no desire to lay down since I am certain that if I do it will be more difficult to stand back up, magic or no.” He responded.

Twilight grimaced. “Well, Applejack went to get medicine that the doctor prescribed for him.”

“Pain killers,” Oblivion said as he leaned on the tree.

“Oh my. Well, I hope you feel better dear.” Rarity excused herself and left them behind as she trotted back to town.

Twilight and Spike stayed by him as they waited for Applejack to return. Mac came outside with Apple Bloom, who ran over to hug Oblivion’s leg before they left for school. Spike stood by his legs and waited. Oblivion looked to the gate as an orange light loped through them. Applejack trotted over to him and pulled two bottles out of a bag.

“Okay, this one is yer pain killer and the other is the antibiotic. Ya need to take both in the morning and both at night before bed.” The mare opened the bottles and pulled one of each out and held them in her hoof. Oblivion's magic picked them up and he summoned a glass of water. The stallion swallowed the pills and sent the empty glass to the kitchen.

The stallion stayed where he was, leaning against the tree. Applejack went back into the house. Twilight stayed with him. It took roughly a half an hour, but Oblivion felt the pain killer kick in and he gave a low sigh.

Twilight looked to him. “Feeling a bit better?”

He looked to the mare and nodded. “Yes, though I am not sure how long it will last with my metabolism.”

Twilight nodded. “Hopefully it holds on. Otherwise, we may need to talk to Nurse Redheart.”

He nodded and lowered himself slowly to the ground. Sasa sat beside him as he let his head fall to the ground in front of his folded forelegs. The cat nuzzled him and he groaned back at her.

“Chosen? Are you all right?”

“I’m fine Sasa. Just tired.” He spoke to her.

Twilight giggled. “I think it does have a side effect. Could cause drowsiness.”

“Yup it does.” Applejack commented as she came out of the house with a pillow and blanket. “Ah thought it might so Ah figured ah should get these ready, but Ah got sidetracked with helping Granny.” She patted his neck and he raised his head up and she laid the pillow under him and tossed the blanket over him. “Ya can take a nap out here.” She said, gave his shoulder a gentle pat and trotted away from him as he laid his chin on the pillow. The purple mare laid down close by him and pulled 2 books out of her saddlebags. She set one on the ground and used it as a prop for the other one.

Oblivion glanced over to her. “You don’t have to sit here with me. I’m sure you have better things to be doing.” He commented.

“Something better than sitting with one of my friends, who got hurt protecting the town and his cat? Oblivion, there is nothing I should be doing, that is more important than this.” She told him.

The black stallion stared at her for a moment, before looking forward once more. “Very well.” He said to her and closed his eyes.

“Get some rest, Chosen. You have earned it.” Sasa said to him as she laid down beside him. Oblivion groaned and let his mind slip away as he slept.

His eyes opened slowly as a bite of pain jarred him from sleep. He saw Sasa napping beside him and Twilight had Spike laying against her side as she read. She was still beside him. He slowly raised his head, releasing a hiss of pain as his neck popped as he moved. Twilight looked to him and waited.

“Are you all right?” She asked him.

Oblivion looked to her and nodded slowly. “The soreness is coming back.” He stated to her. The mare gave a concerned look and waited for him to continue. “So I am not sure if I can move easily or not.” He admitted to the mare. Sasa stirred and woke up beside him. She gave him a gentle nuzzle and waited at his side.

“Do you need another pain killer?” Twilight asked.

“As nice as that would be, I'm sure that they are not meant to be taken aside from the times that I was told.” He said to her.

“Need to ask Applejack since she is the one that has the instructions for them,” Twilight said. She looked to Spike and found him to be happily napping.

Sasa stood up and trotted away from them. “I will be right back Chosen.”

Oblivion nodded and looked to Twilight. “She’ll get her.”

Twilight smiled. “Don’t move too much. We will just wait till Applejack gets here.”

“How long was I asleep?”

Twilight thought for a moment. “About 4 hours, give or take a few minutes.”

Oblivion’s eye widened. “Hmm… Longer than I thought.”

“Not too surprising.” She said. Oblivion looked at her. “We were up late getting your injuries treated and you still got up really early like normal. Then your body is still trying to heal so it’s using its energy to that end. So I’m not surprised that you fell asleep so quickly, with the help of a strong pain killer.” She said with a coy smile.

Oblivion chuckled and looked the way Sasa had left. He cringed, the bones in his neck grinding slightly, but he ignored the discomfort. Applejack walked over to them with Sasa at her side.

“Ya woke up. Ah been by a couple of times ta check on ya and ya were fast asleep.”

“Did you need me for something?” He asked the orange mare.

“Nah. Just checking in on ya. Though Twilight has been staying with ya so I might not have needed ta.” The mare said.

“His fast metabolism might be working against us Applejack,” Twilight said to her. AJ looked at her and waited for an explanation. “I think the pain killer that should last most of the day is actually starting to wear off. I think he may need one that is taken every 6-8 hours.”

Applejack looked to the black unicorn. “Are yer injuries startin’ ta hurt?” Oblivion shifted, trying to move his legs and winced. “Never mind. Ah’ll go to the hospital and ask. Ah had forgotten about that.” The orange mare turned to the gate and broke into a gallop.

“No, it’s fine… Gods dammit.” He said and sighed.

Twilight looked sympathetically at him. “You know she was gonna go anyway. Soon as we mentioned that the pain killer had worn off. Hopefully, the doctors can understand what she means and figure something out for you. In the meantime why don’t you put your head back down and just relax? You look as though your neck is bothering you.”

“It’s nothing major.” He said but still, put his head back down on the pillow. Sasa laid down and rubbed her head on his shoulder. Twilight looked back to her book and read. “Perhaps I can try to heal my own injuries?”

Sasa looked to the stallion as his thought reached her. “No. That spell is you healing them through their connection to the World Spirit. You are connected as well, but you cannot heal your own spirit.”

“So it wouldn’t work?”

“It’s possible that it would make it worse.”

Oblivion grumbled but acquiesced to the Tiger's logic. He glanced at the gate as AJ loped through it. She had a bag on her back. Twilight looked to her and waited. Oblivion started to raise his head, but the grinding stopped him. “I’m beginning to think I need to have my neck looked at.” He grumbled to the cat, who nuzzled him.

“Okay, Ah got ya taken care of. The doc said that the medicine we have is okay to take more often, he said at the most every 6 to 7 hours. But he also gave me one that will help if we are out and about with ya. This one is as needed. So if ya are out and yer wounds hurt more and it’s too early for one of the big ones then we use this one. Ah’ll get the other one fer ya.”

Twilight was quiet as she looked to the black pony. “Well, that takes care of that for you.”

Applejack came back outside with a glass of water and held out her hoof for Oblivion's magic to take both medicine and water from her. He swallowed the water and medicine and gave the glass back to her. The mare accepted it and turned to go back into the house. Oblivion sighed and looked to the sun. It was early afternoon if he had to guess and he laid in silence as Twilight went back to her book as Spike continued to snore. Time went by him and he felt the pain fade and he relaxed a bit under the blanket. Sasa watched over him and nuzzled him occasionally. He looked to the gate as his ears picked up on Apple Bloom running through the gate with Mac on her heels. The filly ran up to Oblivion and stopped in front of him.

“How are ya doin’?” She asked the black unicorn.

“I’ll be fine, little one.” He assured her. “In time.” She looked unconvinced and sat down by him. “Sasa, will you take her to play?” He thought to the cat. Sasa stood up and walked to where Apple Bloom’s ball was sitting by the barn. The cat batted the ball till it bumped into Apple Bloom's tail. The filly looked to the big cat who batted it again. The filly smiled and stood up to play with her. “Thank you.” He thought to her as the cat played with the filly.

Twilight watched and smiled. “That's so cute.” She looked back at him and smirked. “You asked her to do that to get the filly away from you, didn’t you?”

Oblivion said nothing as he looked to Twilight and winked at her. The mare giggled. Mac smiled and looked down at his injured brother. “Ya all righ’ laying on the ground?”

Oblivion glanced at the red pony and gave a slight shrug. “Will have to be, since I’m not moving.” He commented.

“Can ya move?”

“Slowly, I’m sure. Though I have yet to really try, since this morning.” The black pony replied.

“Call me when ya try to move. Ah don’t want ya pulling yer stitches or anythin’ like that.” Mac asked.

Oblivion looked up at him and started to nod, but his neck twinged and he looked to the farmer. “Got it.”

Mac nodded and walked back to the orchards. Twilight watched as Oblivion cringed and stayed still. “Are ya alright? Aside from the obvious.” She amended at the blank look from the stallion.

“I’ll live.” She gave him a stern look and he sighed. “My neck is bothering me. Moving it causes some discomfort and it feels as though the bones are grinding on each other.”

The mare looked away and then back to her book. “Is it a painful grinding or just the sound?”

Oblivion thought about it for a moment before he responded. “It’s more discomfort and the pain is slight but constant when moved.”

“How far up your neck?”

Oblivion looked at her, his look said ‘seriously?’. She looked sheepish before explaining. “I brought a book about anatomy and bones with me, so I was trying to see if I could help.”

Oblivion's eyes softened as he nodded in understanding. “It’s just above the middle of my neck.”

“Okay, so it’s a cervical injury. Since that’s the name of the entire neck bone system that’s not helpful, but since we can narrow it down a bit that’s helpful. So it sounds like the bones are pushed together and need to be realigned. So you need a chiropractor.”

“A what?” Oblivion watched the mare.

“Somepony who can realign the bones safely.”

“Ahh. That makes sense. I would need to wait till this heals. Otherwise having some pony pulling on me won’t help it. Or how is it done?”

“It could be done in your current condition. So long as they are careful. I would think to fix it sooner rather than later would be in our best interest.” She observed and Oblivion nodded slowly. “I’ll look around for a chiropractor in Ponyville for you.” She waved a hoof to silence the stallion as he opened his mouth to protest. “You don’t know where to look and it would require you to walk through town to search. You’re too injured for that right now.”

Oblivion growled, but couldn’t argue with her assessment. The mare went back to her book and Oblivion laid in silence. Spike snorted and smoke curled out of his nose for a moment before he yawned and stretched. The baby dragon looked to the stallion and smiled.

“You’re awake. You were out cold for a while. Are you feeling better?” Spike asked as he sat up. “Twilight said that we had to be quiet so that you could rest and start to heal. But now you are awake so I can talk to you.” Oblivion glanced at the dragon and waited. “I need your advice.”

Oblivion slowly raised his head slightly and waited before responding. “What could you possibly need my advice with?”

Spike looked away then over to Twilight. “Hey, Twilight?” The mare looked to him. “Can you go for a walk? I wanna talk to Oblivion. Ya know, guy stuff.”

Twilight rolled her eyes and got up. “I want a drink anyway.”

Spike watched till she went into the house. “Okay, perfect so I need your help with Rarity.”

Oblivion looked to the dragon and tilted his head. “What about her?”

Spike looked uncomfortable and fiddled with his claws in his lap. “Well, ya see, I kinda… Umm...” Spike stuttered over his own words. Oblivion snorted. “I have a crush on Rarity.”

Oblivion stared at him for a moment. “All right. So what do you need my help with?”

“How do I talk to her? I mean I want to see if she likes me. What do ya think?”

Oblivion was silent as he considered. “Spike, I am not the best one to judge what is the best way for you to approach her. I’m sure she cares for you as well. But I cannot say for certain what kind of care it is. Trying to impress her and whatnot is probably a waste of time.” Oblivion said to him. “That being said I am not certain that Rarity sees you as a romantic interest, so much as a friend of hers. That is simply my take on the situation.”

Spike frowned and slumped. “But ya think there might be a chance?”

Oblivion said nothing. “I suppose it could be possible, but the chance is also remote as well. But again, that’s my opinion.”

Spike looked away from him and then back, a wide grin. “So I have a chance. I mean she isn’t with anypony.” Spike beamed at the black stallion, who sighed and laid his head back down on his pillow. The dragon turned to the house and waved. Twilight walked out the door and came back over to them.

“Get the advice you needed Spike?” She asked as she folded her legs under her.

“Yep.” He chimed as he sat down, reached into her saddlebags and pulled out a book of his own. He leaned back against Twilight, with a content sigh.

Oblivion was quiet as he let his eyes close. The pain was gone and he let his shoulders and back relax. Under the enchantment, his wings laid loosely against his sides. His eyes opened and he looked up to find Mac sitting beside him as well. The red stallion was quiet as he looked down to find Oblivion watching him.

The pony smiled and stood up. “Time ta get ya inside. Supposed to be a storm tonight so we need to ta move ya.”

Twilight packed up her books and Spike jumped onto her back. Oblivion’s magic picked up the blanket and folded it off to the side and laid the pillow on it. Sasa stood on the other side of Big Mac and waited. Oblivion moved his neck slowly and slowly got his forelegs out from under him and got them in front of his chest. He pushed himself up and sat upright. Mac moved to stand beside him in case he fell so he could catch him. Oblivion tried to pitch forward but hissed when his wounds complained. Sasa walked behind him and started to push his flank with her shoulder. Mac held his leg and they pushed, pulled him to his hooves. Oblivion had stiffened when Sasa had begun pushing him but went silent as they got him to his hooves. The black pony sighed and nodded to the others. His body ached as his skin trembled.

Twilight smiled. “Well, I will let you go inside and relax in there, out of the incoming rain. I’ll come by tomorrow morning if I find a chiropractor.” She said to the two stallions.

Both stallions acknowledged the mare’s statement as Mac picked up the blanket and pillow and led the black Unicorn inside. Twilight teleported herself and Spike and they were gone in a flash of magenta light. Oblivion walked slowly behind the other stallion with Sasa behind him. Mac led Oblivion into the front room so he could collapse onto the couch and lay quiet. The unicorn did as instructed and let himself fall onto the soft couch. Sasa laid down by the couch and listened as the rain began to fall.

“Hopefully it will be easier for you to move tomorrow.” Sasa commented from her place on the floor. “How are your wounds?”

“The pain has dissolved into more of a dull ache. It sharpens if I move more, but if I take it slower it’s fine. Though you will be hunting for both of us if needed either tomorrow night or the day after.”

Sasa looked up at him and nodded. “I understand. Just inform me when you wish to go to the forest and I will be with you.”

Oblivion leaned back into the couch and sighed. His right side was still sore so his breathing was shallow. He laid his head on the armrest and closed his eyes. The stallion looked up as he heard hooves on the flooring. He opened one eye to find Granny Smith walking to him. He shifted to be able to look at her. The aged mare came up to him and a smile graced her muzzle.

“Applejack said ya stopped that big critter from comin’ ta Ponyville.” She said to him.

Oblivion looked to her and nodded. “Sasa and I drove it back to its cave.”

The old mare smiled once more and reached out to lay a hoof gently on his cheek. “Ya are a rare pony. Ah’m proud of ya. Thank ya fer protectin’ all of us.” She ran her hoof on his cheek and smiled at him.

Oblivion gazed back at her and felt a small smile tug at his mouth. “I choose what I do.” He said to her, his voice was quiet. “I just happen to run into it.”

Granny Smith smiled and turned to walk away from him. “Ya rest up ya hear.” She said over her shoulder as she went into the kitchen.

Oblivion watched her leave and looked down at Sasa. “It just happened to be that we ran into it.” He thought to her.

“That may be true, Chosen. But to them, what you did is a feat of courage and strength. They admire it and wish to praise the pony that accomplished the feat.” She said to him.

Oblivion leaned back and thought over what Sasa had said for a moment. “Still. It was not that big a deal.” He thought to her.

“Not to you. But even I was in awe of your swift action. All I could do was follow your direction. You knew exactly what to do and how to accomplish your goal. You are willing to put yourself on the line to protect those that you have met and even those that you haven’t. It is considered normal to run away from a creature such as we faced. While you run into the flames, others would run away from them. That courage is meant to be admired.” She said to him.

Oblivion blanched and gazed into the kitchen where the Apple family was gathered. “I knew that if a creature that size went into town lives could be lost. That was my only thought on the subject.”

Sasa purred and rolled onto her back. Her paw batted his hoof. “That’s just how you are, Chosen.”

Oblivion gave a quiet snort and waited. The others finished making dinner and Apple Bloom walked into the front room.

“Ya want me ta bring ya yer dinner?” The filly asked.

Oblivion's ears flicked back as he looked to her. “No, it's fine. I'll join you in the kitchen.” He said to the filly, who looked unsure of his statement.

“Are ya sure ya should be moving?”

“I’m sure. I’m sore, not crippled.” He replied and pushed himself slowly to his hooves.

Applejack looked into the room and found him walking up to the kitchen. “What in tarnation? Ya need ta stay down.”

“I’m all right to move a bit, AJ. As I told Apple Bloom. I’m sore, but not crippled.” He said to the orange mare, who looked even less convinced.

Big Mac watched as his elder brother walked into the room and sat down in his usual place. Applejack grimaced as she saw the bandages around his body. She went to the counter and pulled his medicine forward and gave it to him. She set a plate of spaghetti in front of him. The stallion took the medicine and ate his dinner with them. He finished and instead of leaving the table as normal he stayed in place and waited. The rest of the family finished their food and Apple Bloom helped with the dishes. Granny Smith turned to face the black unicorn.

“Ya head ta bed now. Yer body needs ta rest so it can heal. Ya can relax tomorrow as well. No arguin’ youngin’.” She said to the protesting stallion.

Oblivion groaned and looked to Sasa, to find the cat chuckling under the table. She hid her snout behind a paw as a laugh hissed from her. He glared for a moment before he reached forward and gripped her scruff in his hoof and used that to pull himself to his hooves. Sasa growled and planted her paws to keep herself from sliding forward as Oblivion pulled himself up. He rotated his shoulders slowly when he stood and smirked at the grumbling cat. The unicorn could feel the pain killer acting and decided that he would rather go to bed than argue with any pony or feline, so he teleported to his room. He heard Sasa growl as she bounded up the steps after him. His magic opened the door and she trotted inside. The door closed and the black stallion removed his cloak, laying it over the desk and stretched his wings. He winced and the joints popped, muscles pulled and he inhaled as he let them go back to his sides and then drop to the ground. Sasa watched him, waiting for an explanation.

Oblivion looked at her and shook his head. “They hurt.”

“Not surprising. You rolled over them and then landed on one of them. I’m just happy they didn’t break. Then you would not be able to hide them.”

Oblivion nodded slowly in understanding. The black wings moved from the ground to his sides and stayed in place. It was early in the evening but his body was exhausted and he needed to rest. He knew that but he stayed standing for a moment. Sasa jumped up onto the bed and laid facing the window. Oblivion's magic pushed back the quilt and he slowly got into bed as well. His wings laid flat on his sides. The stallion looked over Sasa's body and out the window. He flicked his ears and listened to the storm outside. He laid his head down and let his mind drift to sleep.


A scream tore him from sleep and he pushed the blanket back. He knew who had screamed. He teleported to Apple Bloom's room and saw the filly was sitting up, holding a stuffed rabbit and sobbing. Oblivion walked over to her and stood by her bed.

“What is it, little one?”

The filly sniveled and jumped out of her blankets to hold onto his fur. He leaned into her bed and patted her back with his hoof. He flicked an ear back to find Sasa coming into the room as well. Applejack and Big Mac looked into the room as well.

“What in tarnation is goin’ on?” Applejack asked.

Oblivion looked back and gave a shrug. He stiffened as his wounds complained. Instinct had moved him to get to the screaming filly as quickly as possible. Sasa jumped onto the bed and nuzzled the sniveling filly. Outside thunder roared and lightning split through the skies. Apple Bloom flinched and whimpered at the sounds. Applejack and Mac walked in and stood by him.

“Ya’ll alrigh’?” Mac asked him, quietly.

Oblivion gave a quiet groan and nodded. “I’ll survive.” He commented dryly.

Mac patted his shoulder gently then looked to the trembling filly. “She never has been a fan ah storms.” He admitted.

“Why would she call for me?” Oblivion asked them both.

“Well, yer the eldest. So she thinks ya’ll protect her.” Applejack said to him.

Oblivion snorted and looked down as the fillies grip on his fur tightened. He tried to shift, but the filly refused to budge. His ribs complained and Oblivion had to fight not to growl at the sudden pain stemming from the wounds. Applejack cringed as she saw that his body was twisted and the bandages on his side were twisted with him. She came around and tried to get Apple Bloom to release his fur so he could move. The filly broke into tears when her hooves were removed from Oblivion’s fur. The stallion exhaled as he shifted and his wounds calmed.

“Apple Bloom,” Oblivion said to her. The filly stopped crying and looked to the black stallion. “It’s all right. Being afraid is not something to be ashamed of.”

She nodded and turned to her siblings and Sasa, who nuzzled her again. “It's just scary.”

Oblivion gave a slight smile. “I’m sure it is. But you can choose to be afraid or not. It's all your choice.”

Apple Bloom flinched when thunder peeled once more. “Well ah don’t wanna be scared but...can ya stay here with me?”

Oblivion’s ears went back as he looked to her. “You want me to sleep in here?”

“Yeah. Ah mean ya don’t have ta but I’d like ya too. My bed is big enough to fit us both.”

Oblivion’s ears flicked forward at her words. “Sleep on your bed with you?”

Apple Bloom nodded and waited. The Unicorn looked to the siblings, who simply smiled. He sighed and stood beside the bed. “Very well. You’re going to need to move a bit. You are in front, I’d rather you didn’t kick me.”

Apple Bloom moved and Oblivion laid down on her bed behind her and let her huddle into his chest and neck. Sasa laid down on the floor and Mac tossed Apple Blooms quilt over them.

“Night ya’ll.” Applejack said and left the room with Mac, who turned out the lights.

“I’m certain to feel this in the morning.” He commented to Sasa, who purred.

“Most likely. Still, it is sweet of you to agree to her request. Thankfully, she is small so you don’t have to worry about her falling. And her bed is wide enough for you to sleep on without falling off the edge.” The feline replied.

He could hear the humor in the cat’s voice. “True enough. I’m simply hoping that I don’t end up in a worse condition than yesterday morning.”

Sasa stood up and gave his hoof a gentle nudge. “If needed I will wake Applejack in the morning to get your pain medicine.”

He shook his head, sure that the cat could see him. “I’ll be fine. I can teleport if needed.”

Sasa nodded and laid back down. Oblivion looked to the filly snuggled against him and he watched her sleep for a few minutes. The stallion laid his head down on the pillow and closed his eyes. His ears flicked as thunder went off outside. Apple Bloom cringed in her sleep and huddled harder against him. Oblivion used Axii to calm her so she could sleep without fear. Several minutes passed and he finally slept as well.

Oblivion's eyes opened and he lifted his head, only to wince at the short stab of pain. He looked down at the sleeping filly and shifted to get off the bed. Apple Bloom’s grip on his fur had loosened and he pulled away from her easily. He used his magic to open her bedroom door to stop AJ from using a pan to wake them. He looked behind him to see how far the edge was and yelped when he fell off the bed. He landed heavily and laid in silence on his back. Sasa grunted as she woke up. Oblivion laid on his back, panting. Pain stabbed through his body and he let his head fall to the ground as he tried to slow his breathing. He closed his eyes and started to roll over, but stopped when he realized that he would have to roll onto his right side, which was out of the question. The unicorn’s eyes opened when soft fur rubbed his cheek.

Sasa stood by him, concern in her luminous blue eyes. “Chosen? Don’t move too much. I doubt that you are able to move too much. It makes me wish that I had laid down on this side of the bed. Then you would have at least landed on something soft.” She said to him, nuzzling his face in an attempt to comfort him.

She looked up as the door opened and Big Mac walked in. He glanced from Apple Bloom, who still slept, to Sasa. The red pony walked to her and looked down at the black unicorn. Oblivion gave him a blank look.

“Wha’ happened?” The farmer asked him.

Oblivion sighed before answering. “I underestimated the width of this bed and when I tried to get off it without waking the filly and I fell off the other side.”

Mac cringed. “Ah’m guessing that yer injuries are screamin’. Ya need some help?”

Oblivion closed his eyes as he inhaled. “I would appreciate the help, yes.”

Mac reached out his forelegs and his hooves gripped the fur on the unicorn’s shoulders. He used it to pull him gently away from the side of the bed so he could roll over onto his other side. Oblivion rolled to his side and slowly hauled himself to his hooves. Apple Bloom was sitting on her bed watching them. The black stallion groaned in pain and breathed as he worked to relax his body to allow for the pain to recede. Mac stayed by him as he recovered.

“Mornin’ ya’ll.” Applejack greeted them as she came into the room. “So, Oblivion, how was yer...night? What happened?”

Big Mac looked to his sister. “Fell off the side of the bed. He was tryin’ not ta wake Apple Bloom.”

Applejack cringed and came to stand in front of the ailing stallion. Oblivion closed his eyes as he breathed. He pushed the pain into the back of his mind and straightened. His slitted orange eyes opened. “I’m all right. Was a bit of a shock, hitting the ground first thing in the morning.” He admitted to the siblings. Sasa nuzzled his chest and purred to him. Apple Bloom jumped off her bed and tapped his foreleg to gain his attention.

“Ah’m sorry.” She said to him, her voice was quiet.

“For what?” The unicorn was unsure what she had to be sorry for. “You didn’t push me off the bed. I fell off due to not knowing exactly how wide or thin it was. So it was my own fault.” The stallion reasoned.

Apple Bloom hung her head for a moment before responding. “Are ya sure?” The stallion nodded. “All right. But next time wake me up and ah’ll move.”

Oblivion nodded and started for the door. The family followed him down the hallway with Sasa bringing up the rear. The unicorn teleported down to the table and sat down beside it. He trembled for a moment before his body calmed and went still.

The others reached him and Sasa went under the table, as had become her normal place. Oblivion declined breakfast and nopony argued with him as he took the pills offered to him and drank them down. He stayed with them as they ate and waited for them to finish. He stood up slowly when they finished and levitated the dishes to the sink and went outside. Walking was easier and the pain had lessened to a more manageable level. Sasa followed him outside and waited with him. His ears flicked as he caught the sound of hooves. A bright purple light came through the gate and trotted up to him.

“Oblivion. I have good news for you.” Twilight said to him, her excitement palpable.


“I found a chiropractor for you in Ponyville. I spoke to them last night after I left and they said that you could come in at any time. I’ll go with you since I don’t think you know where the Ponyville spa is.” She informed the listening stallion.

“Your right, I do not know where that is. Sounds like a good plan in any case.” He responded. The unicorn had to admit that he was looking forward to having his neck fixed and helping to ease the pain that it brought.

“It might take two visits to make sure that it stays corrected. But they were pretty confident that it would only take one. But it does depend on how bad it is.”

Oblivion nodded to the mare. Applejack came outside and walked up to them. “Hey, Twilight.”

“Morning Applejack. I just came to let Oblivion know that I found a chiropractor for him in town. I’ll lead him there when he’s ready. Did he already take a pain killer?”

Applejack nodded. “Yup, a few minutes ago. It should kick in pretty quick. Ya’ll can take Apple Bloom ta school and then go into town.”

Twilight nodded. “Sounds fine to me.”

Oblivion nodded and his horn lit up. The black cloak settled onto his back and he pulled the tie out of his mane. He shook his mane as best he could and then put it back up to keep it out of his face. He stood with the mares and chatted with them as they waited for Apple Bloom to get ready. The black unicorn looked to the door as Apple Bloom came outside to stand with them.

“Ready?” Twilight asked her.

“Ah’m ready.” She said to the group.

“Ah. Hang on.” Applejack turned and ran back into the house. She returned a minute later with a bottle. “Here are the other pain meds the doc gave ya. Keep ‘em with ya. I’d say put ‘em in yer saddlebags, but ya can’t wear them.”

His magic surrounded the bottle and held it close to him. There was a flash to the side of him as Twilight vanished. A minute later she reappeared with her own saddlebags around her girth. She took the bottle from him and set it inside her saddlebags.

“There. Now we can keep them with us and not have to use your magic to do it.” She declared.

Oblivion nodded and started walking to the gate. He looked back and tilted his head to the gate. Apple Bloom and Twilight followed him. Applejack disappeared inside the house as the three ponies left the farm. His pace was not as fast as normal so the mare and filly stayed with him. His head was lowered due to it hurting less. Twilight gave him a concerned look as they walked. Apple Bloom trotted merrily in front of them. Oblivion sighed and stayed silent. Sasa stayed at his side purring encouragement to him.

“Almost there, Chosen.” She said to him, with a gentle nudge to his shoulder.

He sighed again, giving her a slight nod. The schoolhouse loomed up in front of them and Oblivion’s pace slowed as they neared it. Apple Bloom waited as the two adult ponies neared the gate. She trotted through it after giving Oblivion a hug and thanking Twilight for walking her to school. The foals waved to the stallion and he nodded back to them.

“You okay?” Twilight whispered to him.

“I’ll live. Simply tired. Apple Bloom woke us all up last night due to the storm.” He informed her.

“Yeah, it was a pretty violent one.”

“Yes, she woke up screaming and asked that I stay with her. She insisted that I sleep next to her. I obliged but this morning I tried to get off the bed without waking her and ended up falling off the side of it and wound up landing mostly on my back.”

Twilight cringed and looked at him, sympathy in her violet eyes. “That’s definitely a rude awakening. So, if you weren’t hurting before, you are now, I take it?” The stallion nodded, but stopped and cringed when the bones started grinding. He gave an annoyed snort. “Don’t worry. We’ll get that fixed.” She said, her voice quiet and sympathetic.

He looked to her, his eyes agreeing with her before he looked away. The black unicorn looked up as Cheerilee came out of the building. She reached the two unicorns and stopped.

“Apple Bloom said that you fought an Ursa Major? I thought Twilight sent it to its cave?” She asked of the pair.

“I did. But I sent back an Ursa Minor, a baby. Oblivion met up with the parent when it was starting to come toward Ponyville. He and Sasa drove it back into the cave.” Twilight informed her.

“Oh, so that’s what she meant. She also mentioned that you got hurt and that was why you didn’t bring her to school yesterday. I see some bandages on your chest, but nothing dire thankfully.” Cheerilee said with relief in her voice. Twilight reached over and lifted up his cloak, revealing the bandages around his girth. The dark pink mare gasped and put a hoof over her mouth. “Oh my. Should you even be up and walking?” The mare asked of him. Concern plain in her voice.

“I’ll survive. Twilight found a chiropractor in town so that is where we are going.” He replied.

Cheerilee looked at him. “Still. It must be painful to walk around like that.”

He said nothing and gave a small shrug. “It’s tolerable.”

The dark pink mare appeared unconvinced. “But how did you get hurt?”

Sasa growled and hung her head as she sat down. Oblivion glanced at her and stomped his hoof, calling the cat to his side. The ethereal cat walked slowly up to him and sat at his shoulder. He ran his hoof over her fur, comforting her. “The animal went into its cave, but then turned and swiped at Sasa. I pushed her down and was struck instead. She then finished pushing it into the cave.”

Cheerilee looked down at Sasa and found that the cat still had her head hung. “Not very happy about that, is she?”

“Oh, certainly not. She was quite distressed by it.” He answered, as Sasa growled and pushed her head against his shoulder, as firmly as she dared.

“Well, just shows how much you care for her. I’m glad that you will be all right.”

“Thank you.” He said to her and put his hoof on the ground, as Sasa stayed in place at his shoulder.

Cheerilee looked to the clock on the outside of the schoolhouse and smiled at the ponies. “All right I need to start class. Rest up and I hope the appointment with the chiropractor goes well for you.”

Twilight nodded and turned, leading Oblivion into town. The black pony stayed at her side, with her matching his pace. Sasa stayed close even as ponies began to turn to stare at the large cat. They walked through town and Oblivion was starting to grow even more tired when Twilight stopped.

“There it is.” She pointed to a nearby building with one hoof.

He looked up and gazed at the building. It was tan with a deep green roof with points jutting out from it. Small windows adorned the front and sides of the building. The door was a deep pink with hearts on the face. He looked sideways at Twilight who smiled.

“I know it doesn’t look like the right place, but trust me. You’ll feel better in no time.” She assured him.

Oblivion walked with her and she opened the door to allow him inside first. Sasa trotted through the door after he and Twilight closed it behind her. A bright blue mare with deep blue eyes and a flower on her flank greeted them.

“Good morning.” She said. She had an accent that Oblivion couldn’t place. But he ignored it as she continued. “Welcome to Ponyville day spa. What do we owe the pleasure?”

Twilight stepped up to the counter. “I was here last night and spoke with Aloe. She arranged for my friend, Oblivion Shadow, to have an appointment with the chiropractor this morning.”

“Ahh, I remember her mentioning it. This way please.” The mare came out from behind the counter and opened a side door for them to walk through. “I am Lotus Blossom and please follow me.”

The ponies walked through the door and the blue mare led them into the back of the building. Oblivion glanced around him and saw ponies having their hooves filed and others sitting in an enormous tub. He looked away and refocused on Lotus Blossom. Sasa stayed close to the stallion as they followed the bright blue mare. Lotus stopped next to a room and opened the fabric curtains for them. Inside was a long table that was heavily padded and covered in a plush white blanket. The walls had shelves of bottles on them. Oblivion’s sense of smell was being overwhelmed and he looked back to the two mares with him.

“Aloe mentioned that your friend was injured in a fight and that it needed to be comfortable to avoid hurting him further.” She remarked as she reached up to the wall and pulled aboard with paper on it and held it in front of her. “So injuries are to the right side, neck, and most likely back, avoid pressing on areas covered in bandages.” She looked to the stallion, who used his magic to lift his cloak up to show her. “Ahh. Understood. All right so it appears to be the mid-neck that has been injured and is needing to be realigned. You can hang up your cloak on that hook over there.” She pointed to a hanger on the wall. Oblivion used his magic to hang the clothing on the wall at her instruction. The mare cringed at the bandages around the stallion’s body.

Twilight cringed at them as well. Mostly due to knowing what was under them. Oblivion's skin twitched and he reached a hoof back to scratch his left shoulder. Sasa found a corner and pushed herself into it to avoid getting in the way. Lotus looked from the clipboard to the stallion and smiled.

“All right, just lay down on the table. Legs on either side of it. Make yourself comfortable and he will be with you shortly.” She said, hung up the clipboard, and left the room.

Oblivion looked at the table and then back to Twilight. “It’s fine. It just looks uncomfortable.”

“Really?” He replied, sarcasm dripping from his words. The mare gave him a stern look and he deflated a bit before walking over to the table and laying down on it with his legs on either side of it. “Comfortable my flank.” He retorted to the mare.

“Just lay quiet and relax. Or try to. Once you relax it will be fine.” She said to him as she pulled a chair over to sit on.

They sat in silence for several minutes before the curtain moved to reveal a large white pony. His mane was a blond Mohawk and a short tail. His body reminded Oblivion of Letho of the school of the viper. All corded muscle. His legs were short and he had a barbell on his flank. His eyes were a bright red. The pony turned to pick up the clipboard and Oblivion started to see that he was a Pegasus. His wings were tiny at best.

“Can he really fly with those?” Sasa asked him.

“I doubt it, but I am not sure. I’m more concerned with how he is going to help me with those tiny legs.” He replied through their mental link.

“Good point.” Sasa responded, her voice held doubt.

“Okay!” He yelled. Twilight startled and Oblivion pinned his ears, cringing. “You hurt your neck in a fight?”

Oblivion glanced sideways at him. “Yes, that’s accurate.”

“My name is Bulk Biceps and I will be your chiropractor today. Mind telling me what happened?”

Oblivion sighed and spoke. “I met up with an Ursa Major in the Everfree forest when I was out for a run with my cat, Sasa. She’s over there.” He pointed a hoof back. Bulk looked startled as the cat gave him a respectful bow of her head. “We drove it back into its cave, but it turned around and struck out at Sasa. I teleported, pushed her down and took the blow myself. I rolled a few times and I’m pretty sure that’s when I injured my neck.” He explained. Glad to see that the first yell seemed to be the last one.

“So an impact injury.” The pony mused as he looked over the notes. “How would you describe the injury?”

Oblivion considered for a moment before responding. “If I lift my head it feels and sounds as though the bones or something is grinding and the pain could be described as sharp and lasting when it happens.”

Bulk was quiet for a moment. “All right. Sounds like you might also need to have your back aligned. I will gauge if that should be done today or later. Is there any pain in your back?”

“Yes. When I was thrown I landed heavily and rolled. So a back injury is not that much of a stretch.”

Bulk nodded and set the clipboard down. He walked up to Oblivion's back and set a hoof on it. The stallion flinched but didn’t move otherwise. “High pain tolerance?” He asked. Oblivion smirked in response.

“Very high.” Was Twilight's response.

Bulk nodded and applied easy pressure to different places on Oblivion's back. After a few minutes, he stepped back. “Well, I think that aligning your back would be beneficial. Having your back placement as skewed as it is will only lead to making your neck worse. So, we will work with the immediate pain first then look to the other.”

Oblivion gave a slight nod of understanding as he laid still. “So, what’s the plan now?”

“I will start out with your neck and get that tended to. What I need from you is to just relax and let me move it as I need to. I will not lie to you and say that it will not hurt or be uncomfortable. Just trust that I know what I am doing and will ensure that it is more comfortable for you in the end.” Bulk said to the black pony.

Oblivion looked back at him and considered for a few moments. “This is no time to be thinking of how to act, Chosen. Let the pony do his job. That’s why you are here.” Sasa barked at him. The stallion sighed and gave a short nod. He closed his eyes and relaxed as best he was able. He heard Bulk move to stand in front of him and then pick up his head.

Oblivion grimaced but was silent. The muscled pony turned his head and the bones grated and then turned it the other way. Oblivion stayed still and silent. Bulk suddenly jerked his head and a serious of pops sounded in Oblivion’s ears. He kept his eyes closed, but he had to fight not to act. Bulk repeated the motion with the other side then ran his hooves up and down Oblivion’s neck. The muscles tensed under his hooves and he circled on them to relax them.

“How bad is it? Any ideas?” Twilight asked.

“Well, it’s not good. It may take a couple of more sessions to completely subvert the damage. By aligning his back that will help. I’m hesitant to handle his back due to the injury to his ribs on the right side. So I may have to use a different method of aligning it then I would normally.” He informed the inquisitive mare.

Bulk went back to moving the black unicorns head and shifted it to try to alleviate any further grinding. He lifted Oblivion’s head higher, only then did the black stallion react. He jerked back slightly and Bulk lowered his head. Oblivion’s orange eyes opened and he looked to the pony.

“Okay, that settles the range of motion question. So hold your head up high is the more painful position?”

“So it seems.” Was the reply.

Bulk started lifting his head in slow increments and Oblivion closed his eyes once more. It took over an hour to get it to where Oblivion could lift his head without the shooting pain. Bulk stepped back and let Oblivion move on his own. The black stallion shook his head and sighed in relief.

“Finally. Thank the Gods.” He breathed.

“Better?” Twilight asked him.

“Much. Thank you.” He said to the other ponies.

Bulk smiled. “Yeah!” He yelled. The other two cringed. “All right now we have to decide if we are going to start with your back. As I said, I would have to use another method versus doing it by hoof like I would normally.”

“And that method is?” Oblivion inquired.

“It requires a certain amount of force.” Oblivion sent him a blank look. “Basically, I pull your tail really hard and then find the right angle to pull the bones into place. Its usually only done with some ponies due to having to find a pony of close to the same height. The problem with you is, not your height, but the fact that your back itself is bruised badly. Anypony else would be unable to walk.”

Twilight looked from the black pony back to Bulk. “Is it dangerous?”

“If done wrong yes. I will not say that I am an expert, but I do know how not to hurt him. So long as we do not raise his head at the same time we will be fine. So you would need to keep your head down and try not to tense or move.”

Oblivion looked at him and considered his options. “So the only thing stopping you is the concern that it will cause more pain?” Both ponies nodded. “If it works then I’ll deal with it. Pain is not something I am unused to. So if you think it will help then I will cooperate.”

Bulk nodded and moved to stand at Oblivion’s tail. He picked it up and wrapped some of it around his hoof to hold onto it. He leaned back a few times to check the angles to ensure that it was done properly. Oblivion kept his head down on the table, cooperating with the other pony. He flinched when a slight tug went through him.

“All right. So if you can try to make sure that you do not move, then I will start pulling gradually. I’ll adjust as I need to so just stay as still as you can, keep your head down, and hold onto the floor if possible.”

Oblivion nodded and set his hooves onto the floor. He used them to grip the floor and looked back to Bulk and nodded. He set his head back down and waited. A slight tug went through him and he didn’t react. Bulk used a series of short and quick tugs to figure out the best angle to realign the black pony’s spine. He looked to the side and found Twilight and Sasa standing at the front of the table.

“Hold on.” Bulk warned.

A hard yank went through him and Oblivion grunted at the pull but remained still. His back popped a few times and Bulk released the pull. He leaned back again and started a slow pull. Oblivion’s hooves held fast and his body remained in place.

“Relax.” Bulk barked at him. Oblivion snorted and closed his eyes, focusing. “There we go.”

Another series of pops were heard as Oblivion's back began to realign. None of them could see, but his wings had risen from his sides and were fully extended, the tips folding against the ceiling. Oblivion growled quietly as his spine lengthened and he could feel the pressure dissipating.

“Okay. One. Last. Pull.” Bulk panted.

Oblivion snorted that he understood. Bulk leaned back onto his haunches and gave as hard a pull as he could, which considering his muscled body was considerable, and a series of loud cracks resounded. He began to slowly release Oblivion’s long tail. When he had finished he let go and sat back with a groan.

“That was more difficult than I thought it would be.” He commented. “So, give me a second and I’ll see how we did.”

Oblivion said nothing as he laid in silence. He opened his eyes and looked to the mare and cat. Both were looking between the black stallion and Bulk himself, the latter panting slightly. Oblivion laid his black wings back along his sides. It no longer hurts to move them. Bulk finally got to his hooves and stood next to oblivion’s back, applying slight pressure. After several minutes he stopped and smiled.

“Well, it worked. This will help keep your neck in place as well. Let me check that and see how it was affected, if at all.” He moved his hooves along Oblivion's neck, checking the location of the bones themselves. “That’s in perfect order as well. We will need to do one more session for your neck but I think that will be fine as well. I don’t anticipate any issues with your back. You have the muscle structure to keep the bones in line and stop any problems with it. You can get up when you’re ready.”

He barely finished that final sentence, before Oblivion was in motion. He rolled off the table and stood on his hooves. He raised his head and sighed when the pain was nearly gone. Was now more of an ache. His arched his back and despite the complaint of his ribs his back was better, despite the bruising.

“How is it?” Bulk asked.

“It’s a marked improvement. Thank you for the effort.” Oblivion replied. His ribs hurt from the treatment, but he could ignore it without trouble.

Bulk looked pleased and smiled at the stallion. “I’m glad to hear that. Your spine is surprisingly flexible. It’s not rigid like most ponies.”

“Is that a bad thing?” Twilight asked.

“Not at all. I’d say he has an advantage actually. His flexibility gives him the ability to bend and flex more than another pony. For example, he can arch his back much higher than we just saw and if he falls, like a cat, he can twist around to land on his hooves. It’s remarkable that his body seems to naturally bend. That is what made it harder to align him. His body was trying to compensate for the pull that I was doing by shifting itself into a better position, or trying to.” He explained. Oblivion said nothing. “The only thing that is even a bit similar is the spine of a Pegasus. Their spine moves with their wings, to a certain extent.”

Oblivion stayed silent as he listened to the explanation. “That’s what a Witcher is designed to do. Even before the wings, I could move unnaturally well. It’s one reason why people think we are an unnatural being. The mutations alter our bodies, though I had never thought much about bone structure.”

Sasa nuzzled him in reply. “It would makes sense in a way. Musculature and even your blood were altered was it not?”

Oblivion gave a slight nod to the cat before listening to Bulk once more. “Anyway, now we should probably do one more alignment then you should be fine. Will only need to do your neck. Your back is fine.”

Oblivion thanked him once more, pulled his cloak off the wall and put it back in place, and left the room with Sasa and Twilight behind him. He stopped at the counter and Lotus waved him off saying it was taken care of. He looked to Twilight who shook her head, she didn’t pay for him. They walked outside and Oblivion paused.

“All right, now I need to find out who paid for that. I refuse to be shown charity when I am perfectly capable of paying.” He said when they got outside.

Twilight shook her head. “How about you take it easy and I will ask around?” She negotiated with him. The stallion gave her a blank look. “I’m serious. I’ll look, you’re already exhausted from today. So I will try to think of who all knew that you fought the Ursa Major and get answers for you.” She waited as he regarded her. His orange eyes were slightly narrowed and she fidgeted for a moment. “Please?”

Oblivion sighed and his shoulders sagged for a moment. “Very well. I’ll leave this to you then. You’re not wrong when you say I'm tired. It just doesn’t sit well with me to have somepony going behind my back like this. Applejack rewarding me with a new sword was different. That had been partially agreed upon before it happened.” Twilight tilted her head at him. “She reasoned that instead of a spa trip that I would prefer a new blade. We had agreed on the trip during that harvesting fiasco.” Twilight nodded in understanding.

“I’ll take care of this. You need to rest. That reminds me are you in any pain?”

“Some, but nothing dire. That last yank pulled me some, so I had to brace more than intended.” He explained to the purple mare.

Twilight’s magic lit up her saddlebag and she pulled the bottle out and read the labels. “Okay, take 2 as needed for pain. Okay, can you conjure some water?”

Oblivion nodded and his horn was covered in azure flame. Twilight held two of the small pills in her magic and gave them to him. He swallowed them with the water and destroyed the glass in his magic. Twilight put the bottle back in her saddlebags and waited as Oblivion sighed. His ribs ached and he shook himself to rid himself of the itching sensation from the bandages pulling his fur. Twilight looked at him, sympathy in her eyes.

“I’ll be fine. Once these bandages are removed I’m going to run before they put more on me.” He vowed.


“It Itches. I can ignore it for a while but this is becoming maddening.”

Twilight looked thoughtful as she regarded the bandages on his body. “Hmm. Hold still.” The stallion waited as she walked up next to him and pushed his cloak out of the way. She could see that his fur was being pulled by the edges of the bandages and that was beginning to itch. She brought up one hoof and laid it gently on his side. She rubbed that spot and watched as Oblivion turned to her. Her touch was light, but it was enough to help it seemed.

“A bit lower.” He instructed.

Twilight smiled and brought up her other hoof and sat down beside him. She rubbed his skin with her hooves and Oblivion had to stop himself from collapsing in relief. After a couple of minutes, Twilight looked to him. “Better?”

“Yes. Thank you.” Oblivion said to her.

The mare stood back up, put his cloak back in place, and shook the dirt off herself. “It’s not permanent, but it helps for now.”

“It’s good enough. Thank you again.”

“No problem. Back to the farm?”

“I was going to go to the bank to convert a couple of crowns. But now I find that I do not need to. So yes, I suppose we should head back.” Twilight nodded and walked next to him. Sasa followed at his hip. “It is nice to finally be able to move my head without any pain.”

Twilight nodded. “I can’t even imagine how much that hurt. Bulk seemed surprised that you could move at all. Though I do wonder something.” The stallion waited for her to continue. “The reason why your back is so flexible is due to that Trial right?”

“Yes. It alters the body of the initiate. Apparently, that includes bone structure to a degree as well.”

“It’s remarkable what it can do. But it comes with a heavy price even if you live through it.” Oblivion nodded in agreement. “Anyway enough of the gloomy subjects. What a fun story you know? Maybe about you and the other Witchers? You mention that you share stories all the time when you meet.”

Oblivion chuckled. “Such as? Most stories are vulgar at the best of times.”

Twilight considered for a moment. “There must be just a fun experience.”

Oblivion suddenly chuckled. “There are a few. Most of them are drunken escapades though.”

Twilight giggled. “So let’s hear one. I’m a grown mare and since Spike isn’t here I can hear them.”

Oblivion chuckled and thought about it for a moment. “All right. One of the times all of us were at Kaer Morhen together for the winter. It was Geralt, Lambert, Eskel and myself. Vesemir was there, but not part of this stupidity. We were up late playing cards and, of course, drinking ourselves stupid. So I was on one side of the table with Geralt. Lambert and Eskel on the other side. After a few hands of cards, Lambert decided it was time for a contest. Of course, we knew he meant a drinking contest. So he told us about a game a student from one of the magic colleges taught him. One pony says ‘I have never...’ if the others have done that thing they take a shot, then it’s their turn. So we all decided to play. Cause we’re idiots.” Oblivion started. Twilight giggled and waited for the rest of the story. “Lambert started out since he was the one who knew the game best. He said ‘I have never had to jump out a lover’s window.” Twilight giggled and waited for him to continue. “I didn’t drink, Geralt didn’t, and Eskel did.”

Twilight barked a laugh and put one hoof over her muzzle. “Needless to say of course we had to ask. He was sleeping with the wife of a noble, who vehemently, hated Witchers and all non-hu... non-ponies. His wife did not hate Witchers. In fact, she was quite fond of them, especially Eskel it seemed.”

Twilight looked shocked. “So she was sleeping with one behind her husband’s back?”

Oblivion nodded. “Several times might I add. Hubby came back early one night and Eskel had to jump out a window to avoid getting her and him in deep shit. Granted he left a very expensive piece of armor behind. He went to the house a few days later and found it in the bushes outside. We assume that she saw it and tossed it out.”

Twilight laughed aloud and bumped his shoulder with hers. “Okay, so that means its Eskel’s turn. What did he say?”

“He said ‘I have never fallen down drunk while tracking a contract.’ I expected Lambert to fall on his sword with that one. He surprised me by not drinking. Geralt however, did. So, of course, we had to ask. He told us about a monster that he had to bait by being completely and utterly soused. So he walked down the narrow streets of Oxenfurt singing the maids of vicavaro at the top of his lungs. And to answer the question it is a really vulgar and rude song that drunks will use to piss off guards. So he walked around the streets by the tavern since it seemed this monster, which turned out to be a katakan, had a thing for the blood of drunks.”

“Wait. Whats a katakan?”

“A higher vampire. Not the worst of them but fast as hell and just as mean. So it took a bit, but it eventually came after him. So Geralt had to fight it, drunk off his ass. Thankfully he is no slouch with a silver blade, even tossed, so it fled and he had to sober up quickly to chase it down.”

Twilight smiled. “Good for him. Okay, his turn.”

“All right, so, Geralt looks at each of us and waits for a second. Now bear in mind that at this point all of us have been drinking for a few hours at least. ‘I have never taken fisstech.’ Geralt, Eskel and Lambert didn’t drink, I did.”

“What is fisstech?”

“It’s a drug, a very nasty one. It’s highly addictive and in large doses is fatal.” He informed the mare.

“Why in Equestria would you take that?”

“It was not intentional. It was an accident. I took a contract to put an end to some bandits that were murdering and pony napping merchants and peasants.” Twilight waited patiently. “So I found their lair which turned out to be hidden in the underbrush and opened the hatch. I found them and after fighting a few of them, I turned to the others and got a face full of it. Of course, me being the fool that I was, I inhaled. And that’s how you ingest it. At first, I was not sure what they had hit me with.”

“How did it affect you? Your body has been altered.”

Oblivion sighed and a smirk went across his features. “Basically it induced a state of heightened attack.” Twilight looked at him. “Basically it made me angry, very angry. It hurt like hell and burned. My lungs were on fire, my nose bled and I was half blind. A Witcher is not immune to losing their temper, though it takes a long time to get us to it. I have to admit it was one of the most unpleasant experiences I have been through.”

“How long did it last?”

“To damned long in my opinion. I ran out of targets and eventually just collapsed. The drug put my system into overdrive and ran through my store of energy in a half hour. Normally that lasts days. Needless to say, I collapsed among the bodies and came to the next morning, with a pounding headache and covered in the Gods knew what. I picked up a few pieces of paper and realized I'd been hit with a huge dose of fisstech. Hoping it would slow me down, or kill me. Should have killed me, but due to the enhanced Trial, I did it just hurt like hell. Never thought I would be happy about being experimented on.”

Twilight chuckled. “Okay, so now it’s your turn. Did anyone get Lambert to drink?”

“Oh yes. ‘I have never fallen on my own sword while drunk.’ Any Witcher with brains knows to keep the weapons away from yourself when you drink. Otherwise, it ends badly. Only Lambert drank on that round.”

“Oh no.”

“Oh yes. So we have to ask the story. Lambert took a contract on a bunch of drowners. Nasty bipedal creatures that feed on the living. So he got rid of them, they run in groups, but aren’t a major problem for an experienced Witcher. So he took a few heads as proof and went back to the village Elder. This is one of the only times I have ever heard of a village being thankful to a Witcher. They led him to the tavern and bought the drinks.”

“Oh, this won’t end well.”

“With Lambert it never does. But it’s usually hilarious. After several hours and a few drinking contests later Lambert is so pissed drunk that he can’t see straight. The locals lead him outside so he can puke out there and leave him be for a few minutes. They came back to find one of the village children standing with Lambert's steel sword in his hands. He was smart enough to not have them on his back in case he fell, but he set them down by the fence and the little kid grabbed one to play with. Lambert looked up from the fence he was laying on and despite being tossed he saw that the sword the kid was trying to swing around was his own. Unfortunately, he stood up, yelled at the kid, scared the brat, who turned and Lambert found himself with his own sword in his leg.”

“Oh, ouch.”

“Yeah. The kid screamed and dropped it which made the injury worse and ran. Lambert would have followed if not for the ground coming racing up to meet him. Passed out and had to be taken care of by the village. He woke up with a screaming hangover and a heavily bandaged leg. Lesson learned. When you get yourself pickled that badly put the swords on your saddle first. Kids won’t go near it.”

“What if he got attacked in the tavern?”

“Use your fists and speed. A Witcher is able to fight without the swords, it’s just faster with them.”

Twilight laughed as they walked through the front gate. Apple Bloom was out front playing and she smiled at the sight of the two ponies. Twilight leaned into him for a moment and spoke. “Will have to hear more stories another time.” She chuckled and Oblivion glanced back to her.

Apple Bloom ran up to the pair and stopped in front of them. “Ya feel better Oblivion? Applejack said ya were gonna get yer neck fixed.”

“I’m doing better Apple Bloom thank you for asking.” He said to her as she bounced on her hooves.

“Good. Can ya play?” She asked.

“Unfortunately not, little one.”

“I got her.” Sasa jumped forward and batted her paws at the now squealing filly. The cat chased her till they reached the ball and she pawed it to the filly.

Apple Bloom played with the cat as Oblivion and Twilight laid down under a tree. The mare folded her legs under her and suddenly giggled. Oblivion looked at her and waited for her to explain. “I was just thinking of how that game would end up if it was all of our friends.”

Oblivion thought about it before he snorted. “Gods, I don’t even want to think of how Pinkie Pie would behave. She breaks enough of the rules of nature as it is.”

Twilight laughed. “That’s true. But I still think it would be interesting.”

“No doubt of that. The question is how can any pony get drunk on the weak booze here? I tried some while I was in Canterlot and it was weak at best. It would take a barrel or two to end up drunk or even close to it.”

“I haven’t tried many drinks, but I wouldn’t think that it would be so different from your own.”

Oblivion barked a laugh, interrupting the mare. The black unicorn was silent as Twilight waited. “If I gave any of you the alcohol that is from my homeland you'd be under a table in no time.”

Twilight looked affronted at the stallion and grumbled. “What makes you so sure of that?”

His eyes laughed at her as his horn lit up. A green bottle appeared in front of her. “This is called Mahakaman spirit. It’s on the stronger side.”

His magic removed the stopper and Twilight leaned forward to give it a sniff. Her nose immediately burned and she snorted trying to rid her nose of the burning. She rubbed her nose with a hoof and coughed. “What in Celestia’s name? Oh, it burns.”

Oblivion put the lid back on it and sent it back to his saddlebag. “Warned you.”

Twilight waited till she could speak without coughing before replying. “You drink that?”

“Of course. Is a favorite of a good friend of mine.”

“Oh, by the sun. That was awful.”

“Sasa sniffed it as well and that was her response as well.”

Twilight coughed and recovered from the surprise. “How can any pony drink that? Oh, wow that hurt. Do you not breathe when you drink it?”

“I breathe just fine. I’m not surprised it was so startling for you. The spirits I tried before were like juice in comparison.”

“Anything is weak compared to that stuff.” A serious look crossed her face. “You’re not drinking that in your condition are you?”

“Gods no. I’m many things, but stupid is not one of them.”

“I thought not, but I wanted to ask.”

Oblivion looked to Sasa as the cat and filly ran around, kicking up dust as they played. He watched then laid his head down to watch them. Twilight moved one leg and put a hoof on the front of his shoulder, earning her his attention. “I’m glad you’re feeling better. It was terrible seeing you in so much pain. Even though you are a master of hiding it I can only imagine how much it truly hurt.”

“It’s fine. I’ll live through it and keep moving forward, same as always.”

She removed her hoof and folded it back under her. Oblivion closed his eyes and relaxed his body. His neck and back felt better so he ignored any lingering soreness in them. He knew that his back had been pulled on and he would feel that pull tomorrow. At that moment he only felt tired and a bit drained. His magic was fine, it was his physical strength that was lowered.

Oblivion’s head snapped up and he groaned at the sudden stab of pain from his right side. It faded in moments but he paused none the less. Twilight was still by him, but she had a book with her. The purple mare looked to him as he looked around him, startled. Sasa stopped playing with Apple Bloom and looked to the black stallion. He looked away from the mare and started to get to his hooves.

“What is it, Chosen?” The cat could sense that he was on edge.

“There is something here.” He replied to her through their link.

“What is it?”

“I’m not sure. It’s to the right of the barn. Farther in the field.”

“I’ll check. You remain here.” The cat turned and ran in the direction he had mentioned.

“Gods dammit. Of all the bad timing.” He griped quietly.

“It’s fine Chosen. I can borrow power from you if needed. If I get overwhelmed I will call for you. You can use magic as a ranged attack.”

“Agreed.” He said to her. “I’m not sure what you’re looking for. Anything out of place.” He saw Sasa’s light slow down as she began to search the area.

“Oh my, that stench.”

“Describe it.” Oblivion ordered the cat.

“Dirt, blood, and hang on...” Sasa went silent as she walked. Oblivion waited, silent, for the cat to continue. “Water?”

“Drowner.” Oblivion said to her. “Can you hear how many?”

“No. The scent is fading. There is no sign of it that I can see. Your eyesight is better suited to this than I. I am a hunter, but you are superior to me in tracking. That is frustrating.”

“Yes it is. It has happened before.”

“Oh? How often?”

“This makes four. Nekker, Noon wraith, drowners. Gods. What is happening? It seems as though my world is bleeding into this one. The monsters are never close to ponies but close enough to catch my attention.” He considered for a few moments before continuing. “Could it be due to the fact that I am here?”

Sasa was quiet as she trotted back to the farm. “I do not have an answer for you, Chosen. It seems as though it is bleeding into it some. Seems to be minimal but that could change. I do not believe that you are the cause.”

“They appear close to me but far enough away that they vanish before I get to them. Is it possible that when I came here there was overlap? Similar to the Conjunction of the Spheres?”

“You’ll have to explain what this is Chosen. I can get information from your memories but I choose not to since you do not like mind reading.”

“I’ll explain later. Just get back here.”

“Very well.” The cat agreed and started to trot faster.

Oblivion sighed and cursed under his breath. He turned to find Twilight watching him, intently.

“Are you alright?”

“I’m fine. Why?”

“You woke up suddenly and stared out past the barn. Sasa took off like a shot and you had this intense look to you.” Her eyes lit up as she understood. “Was it another Wraith?”

“No. According to what Sasa could scent out it was probably a Drowner. Without being there myself I can’t be positive. But the scent she described is familiar.”

“What is a Drowner?”

Oblivion considered his options before speaking. “A drowner is a monster that lives in bogs and rivers. They are normally a pack creature. Groups of 4 to 10 are not uncommon. They are a bipedal being that is normally a cowardly creature, but every now and then they will become predators. If a lone pony should wander off a trail, or stumble upon them then they better hope they can run fast. They are fast and will pull their victim under the water and drown them. Shall I continue?”

“No, no I’m good,” Twilight said to him as Sasa walked up to them and flopped onto the ground. “I’m glad you didn’t run after it yourself. I think that would have torn your stitches and caused bleeding.”

“It’s true that it might have. Whatever it was has vanished just like the others. Once again I am left chasing my tail, with nothing to show for it.” He commented.

Twilight set her book on her back as she stood up. “Well, I am going to head back to the library. I decided to wait until you woke up. I didn’t want you to wake up alone. But now that your awake and have Sasa at your side I can head back and start asking around for who paid for your treatment. I’ll talk to you as soon as I find out anything.”

“I appreciate the help, Twilight. Thank you again for your help so far.”

The purple mare looked to him and smiled. “Glad to help out. Get some rest Oblivion.”

The stallion nodded and the mare teleported in a flash of magenta. Sasa rolled over and wriggled till she was beside him. “I’m glad you don’t seem to be any pain Chosen.”

“Whatever pain there is, is not dire.” He looked over and saw the bright orange that was Applejack's aura coming toward him.

Applejack came out of the orchard to find Oblivion looking in her direction. She walked over to him and stopped. “Ya’ll are awake. Ah came by a couple of times and ya were out cold.”

“How long was I out?”

“2 hours or so.” Sasa supplied.

“Ah’m not sure. Twilight woulda knew the answer ta that.”

“Not a problem, Sasa knew the answer as well,” Oblivion said to her. The cat purred in reply.

“Well ya gonna go huntin’ this evenin’?”

“I had intended to yes. I will wait till Granny Smith goes to bed then teleport to the forest.”

Applejack looked away from him for a moment. “Well, ya could just tell ‘er.”

Oblivion’s ears went back and he looked to the mare. “Oh?”

“Yeah. Yer gonna have to bring it up eventually. So why not now. Since yer injured she checks on ya at night ta make sure yer okay.”

Oblivion stared at her. “How do I not wake up?”

“She is not perceived by you as a threat, so your system does not react. You do react with a slight movement but not enough to awaken you.” Sasa supplied. “I wake up and see her but that’s due to being a light sleeper.”

“Hmm.” Oblivion chose to let that go and move on. “True enough. Would be simpler than trying to sneak off every time.”

“Exactly. Ah’ll take Apple Bloom with me ta do a couple of chores.” Applejack said as she called for her sibling and led her away from the house.

Oblivion got slowly to his hooves and walked toward the old mare, who sat in her rocking chair on the porch. “Granny Smith. If I may have a moment of your time, there is something I wish to speak to you about.”

The old mare leaned forward in her rocker and smiled. “Ah course, sonny. Ah got all the time in the world fer ya.” She said to him as he neared the porch and stopped on the other side of it, the railing between them.

“I will be going into the Everfree forest this evening, please let me explain before you react.” He cut off the mare’s protests before she could start. “Where I am from ponies eat more than just hay and flowers. We are omnivores. Meaning we can eat anything. From plants to meat.” He paused and waited for the reaction, which if judging from her grandchildren, would be interesting. To his surprise, the aged mare waited for him to continue. “So I use the forest as a hunting ground rather than hunt around town and risk upsetting every pony.”

The mare considered what he said. “How are ya gonna hunt injured like ya are?”

“Sasa will be doing the hunting till I recover. I will stand back and let her take care of it. I would rather not make my injuries worse.”

“Well, that’s good ta hear. So ya need ta eat meat?”

“Yes. I did attempt to go without it while I was here and it resulted in me getting sick.”

Granny Smith nodded. “Well tha way ah see it if ya need a special diet then ya have to have it. Just be careful.” Sasa went up onto the porch and sat by the green mare, who reached down to hug her. “Let this here kitty do the work fer ya. Ah want ya ta be healthy and if ya need ta eat meat to be healthy then ah won’t argue with ya. Mah grandchildren need ta be happy and healthy.”

Oblivion stared at her for a moment before closing his eyes. He opened them as he questioned the mare. “So you are not going to argue with me about killing animals?”

Granny Smith grimaced at his words. “Well it is a lotta take in but ah want ya ta recover from yer wounds and be healthy. Ya been tired and worn down the past couple of days. If this will help perk ya up then ah say git hunting.”

“I thank you for your understanding. Applejack and Big Mac are already aware of this so it was decided that this was the best time to mention it. The only one who does not know is Apple Bloom. I planned on keeping it from her till she is a bit older. Unless you object.”

“Nah. The filly needs ta grow up some.”

“I agree.” Oblivion backed up and started to turn away when he heard Sasa growl. He glanced back to see Sasa jumping away from the chair.

“Ah’m sorry pretty girl. Ah didn’t see yer paw there.” The mare bent over and the cat allowed the mare to pull her to her and console her. “Ah know. Ya stay right there. Ah’ll be right back.”

The mare slid out of her chair and walked into the house. Sasa walked over to him and waited with him. “You seem shocked?”

“I was expecting a reaction similar to her grandchildren. Disbelief and some arguing, but then acceptance after a bit of time. I was not ready for acceptance without an argument.”

“As far as she is concerned if you need to eat something different then that’s what you need to do. So long as her family is healthy and happy then so is she.”

“But I am not one of them. Not in the literal sense.”

Sasa laughed and swatted his leg with her paw. “You think blood is what ties you? You know better than that Chosen. Like the others, you are considered one of them. Despite you being from another world entirely. It does not matter to them.” Sasa stopped as Granny came out of the house on three legs.

Oblivion looked to the old mare and looked at the little box in her hooves. She sat back and put it in front of her face. “All right. Ya turn ta look at me and hold still. Git that kitten a yers ta hold still and pretty fer me.”

“Oh! It’s a camera. Hold on Chosen.” Sasa jumped to him and pressed her forehead to his hip and pushed him till his side was facing Granny Smith. She pulled his cloak to make sure the bandages on his ribs were hidden. Sasa jumped to land in front of him and sat down by his hooves. “It’s a small machine that holds an image and places it on the paper. It's permanent and its how many ponies keep their memories of times past. Now look at her and don’t scowl.” The cat admonished the confused black stallion.

He looked to Granny Smith who smiled behind the camera. “That’s perfect.” She hollered and held the camera in her hooves.

A bright flash went off with a popping sound and Oblivion stayed stock still. White dots covered his vision and he shook his head. “By the Gods.” He muttered.

“Ah got it!” She waved a hoof through the air with a piece of paper in it. She held it in her hoof and held up the camera once more. Oblivion groaned but held still for the picture. A second flash and he cringed once the camera was lowered. Sasa growled as she walked up to the old mare and looked over her shoulder. Oblivion waited for the spots to fade before he followed suit. Granny Smith reached up to his mane and pulled him around to stand behind her. In her hoof were the two photos. Oblivion hid his surprise at the perfect images in her hoof.

“What do you do with them now?”

“Now? Ya follow me. Ah’ll show ya.” The green mare ambled off and they followed her into the house. She went into the front room and pulled two thick books off one of the bookshelves. She hopped on to the couch and looked to the black pony and tiger. “This here is the photo album. Come over here and see.”

Oblivion walked over and looked over the top of the book. He could see several photos of the family and watched as she stuck the one of him and Sasa into the book and wrote the date and time on it. She closed that down and opened the other, laying it over her lap. “This one is the family album. The other is for fun and chronicles all the important events. Ah forgot ta get yer picture afore.” She opened the book and laid the photo inside it and made sure it stuck. She wrote on it as well and labeled it. She looked to the stallion and leaned forward. She planted a gentle kiss on his forehead, just below his horn. Oblivion started and looked at her. “Now ah got all mah grandchildren in the book.”

Oblivion looked to her, having recovered from the kiss from the old mare. “Should I really be in that book? I have not grown up here nor am I related.”

Granny Smith laughed as she regarded the black unicorn. “Ya may not have been born and raised here, but that doesn’t matter. Now, be careful and safe on yer hunting trip.” She said as she got off the couch and started outside.

When she was out of sight Oblivion looked down to Sasa. “What just happened?”

Sasa looked back at him. “You just came muzzle to muzzle with pure love. A parent feels such a thing for their offspring and in this case, Granny Smith is happy to call you one of her own. Even if you are her senior.”

“That's another thing. They know little of me. I am hiding that I am not from their world, am an Alicorn, am older than any of them, I wield a World Spirit with unlimited magic, and am immortal.”

“You can tell them all of those things Chosen. I am certain that they will not cast you out for it. Love is many things. It just means that they are attached to you and cannot imagine it without you. You are limiting yourself by those secrets you hold.”

“Perhaps. But I do not think I am ready for them to know, as of yet.” He admitted to the spectral cat.

“I understand. Eventually you will be ready to let them in.”

The stallion said nothing in reply. Instead, they started back outside when the Apple family started to come inside. Oblivion sat down at the table with the others and watched as Apple Bloom did her homework, Applejack and Granny cooked, while Mac set the table. Sasa crawled under the table and stayed quiet. As dinner began Oblivion declined. The elder ponies giving him a knowing look. As they ate he sat in silence.

“Why do you not just use your magic to hunt?” Sasa asked of him.

“Where is the sport in that? There is no sport in it.”

“That's true but in your state it would be safest.”

“I have you for the hunting this evening. Besides, would you like me to grab our dinner or work for it?”

Sasa was quiet. She lowered her head as she replied. “Good point.”

Oblivion looked down to her for a moment. As they finished their meal Oblivion stood up and teleported upstairs. Sasa bounded after him as he walked into his room. He would wait till every pony went to bed before he left for the forest. He laid down on his bed and picked up one of the books he had borrowed from Twilight. Sasa lounged on the floor as Oblivion read about the next stage of Equestria's history. Despite finding the folk tale of windigo’s foolish he supposed that since he was not there he would let it go. Even if it did make no sense. Applejack leaned into his room and got his attention.

“Have a good night. Be careful.” She said to him, a smile played on her muzzle.

“I will thank you AJ.”

“So how did Granny take the news?”

“Surprisingly well, actually. You and Mac looked frightened for a time, but there was none of that with her. Even decided to take a picture of us for an album.”

“Oh, she finally did? That’s good. Ah was beginning ta think ah would need ta do it for her.”

“Not needed in this case.”

Applejack chuckled and moved back to the door. “Well, have a nice walk.”

“I will, thank you.”

She left the room and Oblivion looked back to his book. His ears flicked and he listened for the rest of the family to go to bed and sleep. It took some time but he was rewarded for his patience. “Come Sasa.” The cat grumbled as he stepped off the bed and teleported himself, then summoned her.

“All right so how are we going to accomplish this?” The cat asked of him.

“You know how to hunt. I’ll show you a few areas that are usually inhabited.” Oblivion moved ahead of her and led her into the forest.

“I have to admit. The ponies aren’t kidding when they say this place is creepy.” The cat commented as she followed the black Alicorn.

“It doesn’t seem that way to me. Then again I have spent all my life in forests worse than this one.” He replied to her.

“That’s true.” She pulled up next to him as he stopped and pointed ahead of her.

A small herd of deer grazed in front of them. Sasa slunk forward, minding the wind and ensuring that her paws were quiet as she stalked ahead of her. She looked back only once and Oblivion nodded to her that he would wait.

They returned back to the farmhouse a couple of hours later and Oblivion climbed into his bed with the cat by the window. He sighed and laid quietly, his wings lazed by his sides and he pushed his head into the pillow and let himself drift off.

18: Staring down a Dragon...

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Thursday came and went as Oblivion helped around the farm using only his magic. He was more than ready for the bandages around his barrel to be removed due to his skin starting to itch and being unable to take a bath due to them. It was early in the morning, the sun was barely coming up. Twilight met up with him on his way to the hospital to get the bandages changed.

“Oblivion! Glad I caught up to you. I figured it out.” She declared to him as she drew up next to him.

“Figured out what, exactly?” He asked her in return.

“I found out who paid for your treatment.”


“It was Ponyville.”

The stallion stopped. “Come again?”

“Well, technically the mayor, but a lot of ponies chipped in.” She explained. “So the mayor found out that you went hoof to hoof with the Ursa Major and were injured protecting Ponyville. You declined any compensation when saving Derpy so she asked for the spa and the hospital to send all bills to her office. As a thank you.”

Oblivion stared at the mare for a moment. “I did not do it for glory.”

“We know that. You’re not that kind of pony. But still, everypony wanted to help out. They know that you have only been here for a little while so they wanted to say thank you without coming after you.”

“Gods below.”

“It’s not charity by the way. The mayor just wanted to do something for you that was less...Invasive than a celebration. She asked Pinkie about that and Pinkie mentioned that you don't like that kind of thing. So this was her other option.”

“It’s certainly better than a party or anything of that sort. But still. This cannot be cheap.”

“No, but I think the mayor decided this was the best option in regards to what you did. I asked her and she said that a party was cheaper but didn’t seem to be enough for the courage you showed. So this was what she decided on. Plus you are not the type of pony to enjoy a party.”

“How did she know if I went to get my neck checked?”

“She didn’t. She went to the businesses and told them to give her the bills for any treatment you got.”

Oblivion growled and started walking once more. Sasa rubbed her head on his shoulder to try to calm him. “I can’t stop this, can I?”

Twilight shrugged as she walked with him. “You probably can, but it’ll take a lot of fuss.”

Oblivion groaned. “Next time I'm not going into town. I’ll tend to it myself, as I have always done.”

“I think not. This was bad and you needed help. Don’t be stubborn.” Twilight scolded the black pony.

Oblivion stayed silent as he tried not to think about it. He sighed and focused on his current goal. They neared the hospital and walked in the front doors. Twilight stayed with him and Sasa as they stopped in line to wait for their turn. Oblivion’s ears flicked as he caught snippets of conversations. He reached the front of the line and was told to wait for one of the nurses to take him back to check the wounds. The unicorns agreed and stood off to the side. Twilight ran her hoof over Sasa’s fur and stood silent. He looked up as Nurse Redheart came around the corner, her eyes connected with his and she motioned him forward to follow her. Twilight kept Sasa back with her and they waited.

She guided him into a room and asked that he wait for a moment while she got the doctor to speak with him. Oblivion agreed and leaned his left hip into the exam table. After several minutes the door opened once more and a familiar pony walked in. Doctor Secret Heart came in and closed the door after Redheart, who carried a tray with tools on it.

“So how are your injuries doing?” He asked the black unicorn.

“Tolerable. The day after was the most difficult but it has been improving steadily since then. Pain is easily ignored.”

The doctor shook his head. “You are the only pony I have ever met that sees pain like that and does their best to ignore it and succeeds. Well, let’s get these wraps off and see how it’s doing.”

The pony’s magic held a pair of scissors and they cut through the bandages slowly. Redheart pulled them off and tossed them in a trash can beside them. The doctor pulled them off the main part of the cuts and clicked his tongue. Oblivion turned to look and he could see that some of the stitches had been pulled.

“Damn,” Oblivion muttered.

He looked down and saw Secret nod, agreeing with him. “Yup. Stitches got pulled and some snapped. Nothing horrific but it means we need to redo it. So we need to stitch them again and wrap them. Thankfully we only need to wrap the worst of it. So basically the middle of it. The sections that the skin was ripped away will have to grow back on their own. Though it looks like they already are. Looks like you have some regeneration abilities.” Oblivion nodded. “Well, we can get these cleaned up and redone then get you on your way.”

Oblivion grumbled but agreed. “Dammit.”

“Are you all right?” Sasa asked. Worry in her voice.

“Have to have the stitches redone. Some of them pulled and tore. Damn, I was hoping to have this finished. Have to be re-wrapped. These things itch.”

“Ask about that, then.”

“I have a question.” Secret looked to him, waiting. “Is there a way to take a bath with these? They are chafing my skin.”

Secret moved a light, flipped a switch and light-flooded from it. “Well. You aren’t kidding. So we need to alter how we are doing this. So we need to put padding on these and a salve to help soothe your skin. You dealt with this till now?” Oblivion nodded. “That must have been driving you crazy. Next time come in and we will look into it. Though I honestly would rather there was not the next time.”

Oblivion chuckled. “That makes two of us.”

Redheart gave a salve to Secret and he coated Oblivion's chafed skin and laid cotton on it and then wrapped that area to protect it from further chafing. Secret left it alone and moved onto cleaning the wounds once more and then stitching them closed. Oblivion held still through the procedure, waiting for it to end so he could leave.

“Gods this is tedious.”

“It’s all needed, Chosen. Those wounds would have been devastating on any other. A pony of Twilight’s height, for example, could have been killed.”

Oblivion paused at the example. “Good point. Suddenly being that much taller than other ponies is not a bad thing.”


Oblivion went silent as he looked back to the ponies tending to him. Secret stopped and looked to the black pony, his eyes were apologetic. Oblivion sighed. “We have to cover the whole thing don’t we?” Secret nodded. “Well if it has to be done then I can’t argue with it. No matter how much I would like to.”

The ponies applied more salves and the wrapped his barrel once more. They made sure that the bandages didn’t rub against his skin and fur. The gauze was put under the bandages and against his fur to prevent chafing and Oblivion thanked them for their efforts. Redheart led him back out rejoin the mare and feline. Twilight looked concerned when she saw the full wrapping on him. He explained the situation and she cringed.

“Well, it looks like you’re stuck again.” She quipped to him.

Oblivion snorted and tried not to snarl. “So it would seem. Dammit to the Hells.” Twilight giggled and nudged his shoulder. They walked outside and Oblivion stopped, his nose in the air. “Do you smell that?”

“Smell what? I don’t...What is that?” She said as the scent hit her nose.

“That would be smoke.” He supplied. Sasa growled as she got a nose full of it. “Look up.” He instructed.

Twilight followed his gaze and found herself staring at a cloud of pure black smoke. “Oh no.” She looked to the black unicorn. “I’ll teleport us to the library.”

“All right. I’ll summon Sasa when we get there.”

Twilight nodded and put a hoof on his shoulder. He closed his eyes and felt the magic pull him and he opened his eyes to find himself in the library. He reached out and summoned Sasa to his side. Spike was holding a scroll in his claws and he gave it to Twilight, who blanched. She looked to the black unicorn.

“We are in so much trouble.” She deadpanned to him.

“Oh? Do tell?”

“Have you ever dealt with a dragon? Like a full-sized one.”

Oblivion looked at her. “No. Witchers are of the opinion that we leave creatures like dragons alone. We can fight them, but its part of our code that we try not to. And they are very rare. Why?”

Twilight looked nervous as Oblivion’s horn lit up. “It’s a dragon that’s causing the smoke.” She said before he could take the letter. “Princess Celestia wants us to encourage him to leave so we can clear the smoke.”

Oblivion cocked his head. “She can’t do this herself?”

Twilight looked to him and glared. “The Princess is busy making sure no pony panics. Now I’m going to go and tell the others to meet us here. We need to get ready to go after the dragon.”

He watched as she left through the door. The unicorn looked to Spike, who shrugged. “It was a valid question in my opinion. One would assume a Princess should be able to accomplish something.” Oblivion commented.

Spike laughed. “Told the wrong pony that.”

Oblivion shrugged. “Well, this should prove interesting.” Oblivion’s horn lit and his swords appeared in front of him. He shifted his cloak and slid his swords into place. He cringed as he adjusted them on his back.

“Are you sure about wearing them, Chosen? Your back is still healing.” Sasa asked.

“I am not going anywhere near a dragon without them.” Oblivion countered.

“Fair point.” The cat admitted.

He stopped moving them when he found a spot that the pain was lessened and he could ignore it well enough. The door opened and Pinkie bounced into the room, followed by Rarity, AJ, Rainbow, Fluttershy and lastly, Twilight, who closed the door behind them

The mares stopped in front of Twilight as Oblivion side passed toward one of the bookshelves. “What in the name of all things cinnamon swirl is a full-grown dragon doing in Equestria?” Applejack asked the purple mare.

Oblivion rolled his eyes at the commentary from the mare. “Sleeping,” Twilight said, her voice short.

Oblivion already knew that, but he still scoffed. The girls all looked nothing short of confused. “Apparently he’s napping and is breathing smoke." The black unicorn supplied. “So we have been tasked with ‘asking’ him to sleep elsewhere."

“That doesn’t sound healthy. Breathing smoke the whole time.” Pinkie said aloud.

Twilight turned to them as she levitated items into her saddlebags. “Okay girls...” A low snort sounded off. “And colt. We have been given this task by the Princess. So we cannot fail. Or Equestria will be covered in smoke for the next 100 years.”

The mares gasped. Oblivion looked outside and could see the smoke in the air. Twilight turned to the others. “Okay everypony. We need to gather our supplies quickly since we have a long trek ahead of us. Meet back here in an hour or less.”

“Ahh yeah. This is gonna be epic!” Rainbow shouted.

Oblivion noticed that Fluttershy appeared less than thrilled about the situation and nervously looked around as they were ushered out to prepare.

“Hmm.” Oblivion looked to the butter-yellow Pegasus as she walked out with the others.

The mares filed out to gather their own supplies. Applejack paused beside the black stallion. “Ya’ll don’t worry none bout yer supplies. Ah’ll carry anything ya need. Ah don’t have a lot of things ah’m gonna bring. Ya can’t wear yer saddle bags anyway.” She said to him.

Oblivion nodded. “True enough.”

The orange mare leaned into him. “Ya have yer swords though, right?” Another nod. “Careful bout wearing ‘em. Yer back isn’t fully healed. Besides, how are ya feeling?”

“A bit sore, but nothing that can’t be managed.”

The farm mare nodded and left the library, leaving the stallion with a fretting Twilight. Oblivion laid down as he waited for the others to return. Twilight turned to him and fidgeted for a moment.

“Umm. Oblivion?”

The stallion raised his head and looked to the mare.

“I was thinking that it might be best if you stayed behind. Your wounds aren’t healed and… You’re going one way or the other, aren’t you?” She replied at the look from the black unicorn.

“Exactly. I could teleport to you after you leave. So to avoid that I will simply be going with you. If I need to I will teleport back but I do not anticipate that happening. If the dragons of this kingdom are anything like mine, they can be easily reasoned with.”

Twilight nodded. “So you think this will be pretty easy?”

“Easy, sort of. Life-threatening, no.”

The purple mare smiled and went back to her preparations. “Are you really so sure, Chosen?” Sasa voiced to him.

“I am not sure. I don’t feel anything out of place around us. But, I don’t think I have enough control of the World Spirit to judge.”

“You have great power with it, but overextending yourself will not do any good. You wield a fair portion of it, but your right, not enough yet to search outside of ponies that you know or are acquainted with" The Tiger responded. “Least not outside your own species.”

The stallion watched Twilight pack, with Spikes help. His head lifted after a half hour or so and turned to alert the unicorn. “Rarity and Applejack have returned.”

Twilight startled and turned to look at him over her shoulder. “How do you know it’s them?”

“He has that Spirit Sight, remember?” Spike put in.

Twilight put her hoof over her face. “I forgot. Okay, time to go outside.”

The mare started for the door as Oblivion pulled himself to his hooves. He walked out the door with Twilight and joined the other two mares. They looked over the map, Twilight had pulled out of her saddlebag and went over the routes they could use. Pinkie arrived next covered in party supplies. Oblivion lifted them off her and she reached for them, then stuffed them into her saddlebag. Oblivion looked up to find Rainbow flying over to them and landing. He looked around and saw Fluttershy’s pale yellow spirit approaching them. She joined them and stood back, whimpering.

“All right, everypony. I’ve gone over the map and I have charted the fastest route to get us to the dragon’s cave. We will need to keep a good pace if we want to reach it before nightfall.” She looked over her shoulder to the tall stallion. “Oblivion. If we start to lose our way can you guide us as you did before?”

The stallion grabbed the map out of her grasp and looked at it. “Should be fine.” He responded. He gave the map back to her and the mare started going over it again.

Fluttershy walked over to the focused mare and tried to speak with her. Oblivion listened with one ear on the other mares and the other on Twilight and Fluttershy. The Pegasus stopped a bit to the side of the mare.

“Umm. Twilight? I know you’re busy.” Fluttershy spoke to Twilight, who mumbled to herself as she poked at the map in her magic. “But if I could have a second...”

“Yup. Well, we could go this way.” Twilight muttered.

“So I was thinking that I could just stay here in Ponyville.” She whispered.


“Oh, good. I’ll just stay here and...”

“No! You have to come. Your way with animals will certainly come in handy.” Twilight cried out as the Pegasus tried to back up.

“I really don’t think I...”

“Oh, and don’t worry about your little friends in the meadow. I asked Spike to watch over them.” Twilight said to her and pointed her hoof to the baby dragon off to the side.

“Yeah, I got it covered Fluttershy.” The dragon said to her. The animals spooked and jumped off him, using him as a platform. “Hey, wait up!” Spike chased after them.

“I really don’t think he’s up to the task, so...Eep.” She whimpered again as Twilight moved away from her to face the others.

“All right, everypony! Move out.” Twilight shouted to them as she led them.

Oblivion waited for them to pass by him and Sasa. Fluttershy followed, meekly after them. Oblivion waited till she passed him to follow the mares. They walked forward for the better part of an hour and a half till they reached the base of a mountain. Oblivion looked up it and waited for the mares to decide on a course of action.

“Will you be all right to climb this, Chosen?” Sasa moved to stand beside him.

“Will have to be. I won’t let them go alone to face a damn dragon. I’m the only one with any battle experience. I don’t doubt they can defend themselves but they do not have the experience that I offer.”

“That is true. But my question still stands.”

Oblivion considered how to answer her for a minute. “Will find out. There is next to no pain so it should be fine. So long as the dragon doesn’t attack I see no reason why I would need to act.”

A loud roar went over them and the ponies cringed. “What was that?” Rainbow voiced for all of them.

“That, was a dragon snoring.” Twilight piped up with an explanation.

Fluttershy looked up from her place in front of the black unicorn. “It’ high.” She cringed down.

Rainbow looked back to the other Pegasus with a scowl. “Well, it is a mountain.” The pale blue pony looked up the mountain. “I’ll go and check it out.”

“Hold it. Ah think we had better stay together. Safety in numbers, ya know.” Applejack spoke up as she looked up the incline.

“Fine.” Rainbow conceded as she hovered with the group as they started up the side.

Rarity looked to them as she smiled. “I hear that the only thing that shines brighter than a dragon's scales are the jewels they use to build their nests.” She shook at the implications. “Perhaps if I play my cards right I can convince him to part with a few.”

Pinkie trotted up to stand by the white mare. “Welcome to my cave, Rarity. Care for a diamond?” She said, her voice graveling as she spoke to imitate a dragon.

The mares laughed as Twilight looked back. “Girls. This is no laughing matter. Fluttershy, you’re the expert on creatures. What do you think the dragon will act like?”

There was no reply and they all looked back down the incline to find Fluttershy at the bottom with Oblivion behind her. The mares all looked to her and waited.

“What are you waiting for? Oblivion just give her a push.” The stallion shook his head as Rainbow groaned. “Ugh! Are you waiting for a written invitation?”

Pinkie looked to her saddlebags. “Oh. I think I have one of those.” Confetti came out of the bag and covered both Earth pony and Pegasus.

Fluttershy hunkered down closer to the ground. “It’”

“It is a mountain. You could just FLY up here.” Rainbow yelled to her.

“Come on, Fluttershy, get those wings moving.” Pinkie chimed to her, encouraging the mare.

“Okay.” Her wings opened and they slowly lifted her up.

A loud snore rent the air and Fluttershy yelped, her wings snapped back to her sides and she fell into the bush beside her. Rainbow hit her forehead with her hoof.

“This will take all day.” She complained.

“Can ya get ‘er moving, Oblivion?” Applejack asked.

“Not needed.” The stallion replied. His magic lifted her up and laid her over his back. Her weight pushed his swords into his back, but he could ignore the discomfort easily. Her legs hung on either side of his body and gently bumped his sides. He climbed up to join the mares, with a barely conscious Fluttershy on his back.

“Ya okay ta carry her?” Applejack asked. “Maybe have Sasa do it.”

“It’s fine. She’s light.”

Oblivion walked past them and up the mountain. Sasa looked to them as Twilight, Rainbow, and Rarity all stared at the stallion's flank as he passed by them. “You’re being admired, Chosen.”


“Three mares are staring holes in your rump.” She teased.

Oblivion stumbled as he looked at the cat at his hip. “You must be kidding.”

“I am not kidding. I have told you before. You are a handsome pony.”

“Sasa?” He looked away from the cat. “Stop talking.”

The cat laughed in his mind as he shook his head. He kept going until he reached a lip that led to another path. He jumped up to land on it and waited for the mares to join him. Fluttershy stirred and looked down. Oblivion looked back to her and waited. She yelped in surprise, as he lifted her off his back and set her on the ground. She looked sheepish as he regarded her.

“Thank you, Oblivion. I’m sorry to cause trouble.” She apologized.

“It’s fine Fluttershy. You’re not a heavy pony so it was no trouble.”

The other mares reached them and looked around. “Well. We are on the right path. So it should be fine from here on.” Twilight said to them.

The mares nodded as they began walking. They arrived at a small jump and the other mares jumped across, leaving Oblivion and Fluttershy on the other side. Pinkie jumped back over to stand by the yellow mare.

“Come on. Fluttershy, it’s just a little jump.” Twilight encouraged the other mare.

“But it’s so wide,” Fluttershy said aloud.

Oblivion rolled his eyes and waited. Sasa walked over to it and jumped over to join the others.

“You could just leap over.” Applejack said, her voice quiet.

“I...” The dragon snorted and she quivered. “I don’t know.”

Even Oblivion couldn't stop himself from putting his face in his hoof. “Gods below.” He muttered to himself.

Pinkie looked to the mare. “It’s not very far, just move your little rump, you can make it with a hop, skip, and a jump. See?” She sang to them.

Oblivion pinned his ears. “She starts singing I will teleport to the other side till I can’t hear her.” He said to the ethereal cat. Sasa chuckled.

“We don’t have time for this,” Twilight said to the others, who nodded.

“A hop, skip and a jump, a hop, skip and a jump.” A blue clamp went over her muzzle as azure fire covered both mares, Oblivion moved them both to the other side of the foot-wide jump. He stepped over it and set them down. “I’m not listening to that.”

The mares laughed as they started the other direction. Oblivion brought up the rear as before, keeping Fluttershy moving forward with the others. They moved forward and after a mile or so Twilight looked back to them. She put the map away and spoke to them.

“Okay, we need to keep it down in this area. According to my map, this an area that has frequent landslides or avalanches. So keep it down every pony.”

Oblivion looked pointedly to Pinkie who hunkered down to remain quiet. “An ava...ava...” Fluttershy started to speak only to be silenced by Oblivion putting a hoof over her mouth.

The black stallion looked to the mare. “Silence Fluttershy. It will be fine, just keep walking.” He said to her and nudged her to keep moving. She moved forward slowly with the others.

Oblivion walked slightly behind them with Sasa at his side. He looked up the slopes and he could tell that the rocks were precarious but they were stable at that time. “Would not take much to send those rolling.” He commented to Sasa.

The cat gazed up and gave a visible cringe. “I agree. Thankfully all of them are quiet. I would rather not run from a landslide.”

They walked along the center of the path and under several spindly trees. He looked up at the trees and ducked under them. Leaves fell off them as Rainbow went under them. Oblivion wasn’t paying attention when one landed on Fluttershy’s back. The mare stopped and her head came up.

“Avalanche!” She screamed out.

Applejack stuffed her hoof in the Pegasus's mouth to silence her. Oblivion glanced up to the rocks, in time to see them quiver in their place. His eyes widened as he looked back to the mares.

“Run.” He said to them.

The mares all took off at a hard gallop. Hooves drummed across the rocks as the slide started. They scattered and Oblivion cursed. His ribs burned as he galloped. Sasa stayed at his hip and growled. Oblivion looked up and skidded to a halt as a boulder taller than himself dropped in front of him. “Shit.” He barked out as his horn lit and Quen skid over his body. His armor lunged over his fur and he raised the shield and it covered Rarity as well as himself. The mare saw the shield and jumped to stand close to the black unicorn. The shield covered them in a dome of azure flame. He looked up and saw the others running in various directions. He watched as Twilight was shoved by Applejack to avoid being crushed. The slide went past them and some boulders rammed the shield covering Oblivion, Sasa, and Rarity. The slide finally came to an end and Oblivion dropped the shield once it calmed.

“Are you all right?” He asked Rarity as the mare stayed close to him.

“Yes, darling, thank you. That was a brilliant idea.” She said to him as she stepped away from her place behind his shoulder.

“It was a pretty spur of the moment, but I am glad to see it worked.”

“Did it hurt you to use it dear?”

“No. I’m fine, but thank you for the concern. Come, we should check the others.” He said to her as he walked past her.

The mare followed him as they reached the others.

“Every pony all right?” Applejack asked.

“I am, thanks to you,” Twilight said as she gave Applejack a grateful nuzzle.

Pinkie bounced in place as she giggled. “Whee! Let’s do that again.”

Rarity scoffed. “I think not, dearie.”

Rainbow suddenly pointed to the pile of ricks behind them. “I think we have a new problem.”

Fluttershy hung her head. “I’m sorry.”

“Aw, no big whoop sugar cube.” Applejack consoled her.

“Yeah, it’s okay. We just need to...go over.” Twilight said her voice tired.

The group trekked over the large pile of stones and started down the other side. Oblivion crested the top of it and looked down. He walked slowly down the incline. Fluttershy suddenly squealed and slid down the incline, taking Rarity with her. The two mares ended up at the bottom of the hill. Rainbow went over to help Rarity to her hooves and Oblivion teleported to them as well.

“My apologies.” Rarity said to the pale Pegasus.

“Not your fault.” The mare replied as Fluttershy whimpered. Her voice accusatory, as Oblivion grumbled.

The black stallion helped Fluttershy to her hooves as they all got to the bottom and waited. Rainbow flew over to Twilight and spoke with her about how wise it was to bring along Fluttershy. “Are you sure of bringing her along was a good idea?”

“We’re about to find out. There’s the cave.” She said to the other mare as she paused at the mouth of the cave.

Twilight turned to the assembled ponies and waited for their attention. “Okay, we made it. Now Rarity and Pinkie Pie. You make a diversion to distract the dragon in case it gets hairy in there.” The two mares nodded. “Applejack, be ready with the apples in case he decides to attack.”

The orange mare tossed an apple into the air and kicked it into a tree, shattering it into a pile of mush.

“But it shouldn’t come to that since Fluttershy and I will go in and talk to him. Oblivion.” The stallion looked to her. “You’re our last resort. If nothing else works then we might need your help. If it gets a really bad retreat, we’ll follow you.” Twilight said to him.

Oblivion nodded and moved his cloak back, away from the hilts of his swords. Sasa growled and stayed by him. The purple unicorn turned and walked into the cave. Oblivion waited as Fluttershy hid behind him. “Twilight? I think your missing somepony!” He yelled at her. He heard the mare's hooves stop, followed by her voice ringing out. “Oh, come on!”

The mare came back out and looked around. Oblivion turned to reveal the trembling Pegasus. Twilight walked over to her and Oblivion got out of the way. “Come on Fluttershy.” She bit her wings and that brought the Pegasus's head out of the dirt, where she had buried herself. “We have to do this...Now...Every second that dragon stays here is another acre covered in smoke...Ooh.” She grunted and pushed, trying to move the mare. Twilight fell forward as the other mares tried to push as well. Oblivion stayed in place and watched.

“I...I...I can’t go in the cave.” Fluttershy said to them.

“Ugh. So she’s scared of caves now?” Rainbow said.

Oblivion pinned his ears but raised them after a moment.

“I’m not scared of caves. I’m scared of...” Her voice dropped off and the mares couldn't hear her.

“What?” Twilight asked from her place behind the Pegasus.

Oblivion heard her and stared. “I’m scared of...” More mumbling from the butter-yellow mare.

Twilight walked in front of her and asked again. “What?”

Fluttershy inhaled. “I’m scared of dragons!” She yelled as a snore rent the air and black smoke enveloped them. Rainbow flapped her wings to clear the cloud.

The smoke cleared and everypony looked for Fluttershy. Oblivion snorted and pointed behind him. Twilight saw the end of Fluttershy’s tail behind Oblivion hind legs.

“But, Fluttershy. You have a wonderful gift for dealing with animals.”

“Yes. Because they’re not dragons.”

“Oh come on. You dealt with a huge manticore single hoofed like it was nothing.” Rainbow said to her.

“Yes. Because he wasn’t a dragon.”

“Spike is a dragon. You’re okay with him.” Pinkie said.

“Yes, because he's not a huge, gigantic, terrifying, enormous, teeth-gnashing, sharp-scale having, and horn-wearing, smoke-snoring, could eat a pony in one bite, totally all grown-up dragon!” Fluttershy said to the group.

Another loud snore shook the ground and more smoke came at them. Oblivion used his shield as Rainbow got rid of the smoke once more. Fluttershy whimpered.

“But if you’re so scared of dragons, why didn’t you say anything before we left?” Twilight asked her.

“I was afraid to.”

Rainbow put her hooves over her face as she hovered above them. AJ walked over to the shaking mare.

“All of us are scared of that dragon.” Rainbow scoffed and Oblivion snorted. “Well, most of us are scared. But we still have a job to do. So get in there with Twilight and show that dragon that what yer made of.” Applejack encouraged her.

“I...I...Just can’t.” She said, tears in her eyes as she turned to leave.

“Oh, Fluttershy,” Twilight whispered.

Oblivion looked to the retreating mare and teleported in front of her. She looked to the black stallion, sadness in her eyes. He reached out a hoof and set it on her shoulder. “It’s all right to be afraid, Fluttershy. The key is not to let that fear control you. You have the choice of letting it control you or becoming its master. You may not think that’s true, but I see courage in you. You can choose to show that courage or let it continue to hide within you. I can’t tell you what to do or how to do it.” The black unicorn said to the mare as she looked up to him. “Your choice, Fluttershy. They believe in you. Now believe in yourself and you will not falter.” He said to her as he walked back to the others. Twilight had gone inside the cave when he got back.

The stallion listened as Twilight tried to reason with the dragon. He heard a deep breath and he put up his shield once more. Twilight came out of the cave coughing and sputtering. The smoke cleared on its own and Oblivion dropped the shield. “Thanks, Oblivion dear.” Rarity said to him, the stallion nodded.

Rarity stepped away from the group and started for the cave. “Clearly this situation needs some charm. Pardon my dears. I shall return.”

The mare trotted into the cave and Oblivion could hear her talking to the dragon. He cringed when he caught a snippet of the conversation, which was followed by a roar and the mare ran out to the group.

“Not so effective, was it?” Oblivion asked her. The mare pouted as she nodded and was silent.

“What in tarnation?” Applejack said as she looked at Pinkie, gaining the attention of every other pony in the area.

Oblivion stared at the pink mare, who wears one of the most ridiculous outfits he had ever seen. And he had seen some of the clothes Dandelion wore. She had a multi-colored box around her body. It was green with an orange ribbon around it. She had oversized glasses on her face and what looked like webbed feet on her hooves. A noisemaker was in her mouth and balloons tied on her tail.

“Darling, you look ridiculous.” Rarity commented and Oblivion nodded in agreement.

Pinkie blew the noisemaker and the stallion cringed. “Exactly. Laughing together is a sure-fire way to get somepony on your side.” She reasoned.

“Or antagonize them,” Oblivion said in response to the mare.

She smiled and waddled into the cave. Oblivion looked in and his eyes narrowed allowing him to see further into the cave. “A red dragon. Great.” He said under his breath as he watched. Pinkie walked up to the dragon and greeted it with a noisemaker and a loud hello. He watched as the dragon swiped at her and the pink mare fled.

She waddled out missing some of her outfits and the balloons were deflated. “Apparently he doesn’t like laughing or smiling.” She said and shook off her outfit.

“That’s it!” Rainbow yelled. “We’ve tried persuasion, charm, and whatever the hell Pinkie Pie does. No more wasting time.” The mare turned to the cave and started in.

“Oh no.” Oblivion took off after her, his teeth found her tail, and she dragged him several feet and right into the dragon’s nose. He grunted with the impact.

The stallion let go of the rainbow mare’s tail as he stared into the dragons slitted eyes. “Shit. My apologies, good dragon.” Oblivion hoped being apologetic would work in his favor as it pulled back to stand up. The dragon snarled and Oblivion knew that the beast was not happy. He spun around and saw Rainbow staring at him.

“Fly, you foolish mare.” He yelled to Rainbow as he ran for the cave entrance.

The mare tore through the air ahead of him as they went into the light, a gust of air behind them sent Oblivion’s cloak over his head and rolled Rainbow into the other mares. Sending them rolling. They got to their hooves only to be sent rolling into a rock with another gust of air. They laid there dazed. Oblivion jumped in front of them and pulled his silver blade. The red dragon came out of the cave and roared. It went down to four legs and stared, angrily at the black stallion. Oblivion charged the beast in silence and slid under its nose to distract it. His blade nicked the belly of the dragon and it roared as it lashed out at him. He stood up and turned to look to the animal.

“Chosen, jump!” Sasa’s voice rang through his mind as he jumped straight up, avoiding the thick tail going under him.

The mares sat in silence as the stallion roared back to the beast, challenging it. He charged back and leaped at the animal as it stood up. Oblivion landed against its belly and dug his claws into it to help him stay in place as he used his sword to parry attacks from its claws. Its paws soon bled and it pitched forward in an attempt to crush him. Oblivion backflipped off its chest and landed on his hooves. He squared off as the dragon dropped to its belly and watched him. It snarled and Oblivion stared back at it. The drake lunged forward and its jaws snapped shut on the spot Oblivion had been.

“Sasa!” Oblivion yelled. The cat leaped to his side and kept pace with him. “Keep it occupied. We need to drive it away from the mares.”


“I’ll try to turn it around and you harry its flanks as we did with the Ursa,” Oblivion ordered as they dodged the dragon’s tail.

“Understood.” Sasa ran around to hide on its other side as started pushing it to turn around.

The stallion got to the back of the dragon and roared at the dragon. It looked back but didn’t turn. Sasa leaped out of the shadows and raked her claws along its tough skin. She couldn’t draw much blood but it was enough to annoy the beast. It spun to her and Oblivion dodged its tail. It swung its tail once more and Oblivion jumped to avoid it. The stallion looked up to see the tail coming up at him. He braced as it hit him hard in the air and sent him rolling along the rocks. He jumped to his hooves and charged it once more. The azure flame began to cover his body as he ran to it. His wings spread from his sides and he jumped with their aid. Oblivion landed high on its back and he used his claws to run up its back as it thrashed, trying to dislodge him. Sasa continued to harry its front, forcing the dragon to split his attention. It thrashed as the two attackers harried it.

Oblivion ran past the long spines on its back and reached its head. He knew that if he brought his blade down in the right place it would kill the dragon. Instead, he released the claws on his forelegs, reared back, and brought them down on the back of the dragons head. It stopped thrashing and wobbled as it reeled from the strike. It recovered and reached back to grab the stallion. Oblivion pulled away but the dragon got a hold of his right foreleg and pulled. The black unicorn was forced to let go or risk being torn apart. The flames bit at the dragon’s skin but it refused to release him. It roared as it threw the pony to the ground and released him, confident that the battle was over. Sasa stopped and looked to the small crater. Oblivion stood up and watched as surprise flickered on the dragon's face.

His body screamed at him to stop but when he glanced to the mares he could see that they were terrified. He refused to fail them. Blood dripped slowly from his snout as he snorted to clear it. His right foreleg was wrenched and had been dislocated and then popped back into place when he hit the ground. The stallion could hear the mares whimpering and he moved to stand in front of them once more. The dragons head lunged down and Oblivion raked his claws across its nose. The drake yelped in surprise and pulled away, covering its snout with its paws. Oblivion panted as he watched the dragon. His orange eyes blazed and azure flame once more covered him. His armor had stayed in place and had managed to absorb most of the impact. His legs trembled as he fought to stay standing. His body was not healed, his energy was low and it hurt to breathe. The impact from the ground had reverberated through him and he had blacked out for a moment but forced himself to stand and protect the mares. “I cannot fall.” He muttered and glared at the drake, who had paused.

“How dare you!” A voice sounded behind him.

Oblivion flinched and looked back, as Fluttershy flew up to the dragon and landed on its snout.

“How dare you hurt him? Listen here mister, you may be big and scary and just because you’re big does not mean you can be a bully! You may have huge teeth, and sharp scales, and snore smoke, and breathe fire, but you do not-I repeat do not! Hurt! My! Friends! Do you understand that?”

Oblivion started as the dragon cringed under the Pegasus and whined. “You must be kidding.”

Sasa walked over to him, her claws stained with dragon’s blood. “What am I seeing?”

“I don’t have a damned clue.”

“Well?” Fluttershy leered at the dragon.

“But that black one hit me.”

“I did not! I ran into you by accident and I even apologized!” Oblivion yelled, outraged at the gall of the dragon. “I stopped the rainbow one from hitting you harder than I did. I ran into him as I was stopping her!”

Fluttershy looked to Rainbow, who nodded. “He said he was sorry?” She looked to the dragon, who hesitated. Oblivion's blade hovered next to him.

The dragon nodded. “And you still attacked him?” Fluttershy grilled the animal, who nodded. “Well, that is unacceptable. Oblivion did nothing to harm you until you attacked them. He was protecting every pony.” The dragon looked away.

“By the Gods, he’s submitting.” Oblivion scoffed and stopped himself from chuckling as the pain went through his chest.

“Now, I am sorry for your injuries, but I know Oblivion and he could have done much worse if he chose to. He was trying to drive you away. Right?”

Oblivion nodded in response. “Yes. Where I am from Witcher's do not fight dragons unless there is no choice. Even when we speak with them if we can or try to drive them away from ponies. We prefer to have no bloodshed if we can.”

The dragon looked sheepish as he looked from Fluttershy to the black unicorn. “Now apologize for hurting him.” The dragon snapped his head to look at the Pegasus.

“But, but I...”

“No buts.”

The dragon lowered his head to Oblivion’s level. The black pony wheezed slightly as he stared back at the dragon. “I’m...I’m...I’m sorry.” The dragon said to the stallion.

Oblivion could see that there was no lie or malice in the dragon’s expression and he sighed. “Thank you for the apology and it is accepted good dragon.”

The dragon gave a little smile and lifted his head up to look to Fluttershy. The mare ran her hoof on his muzzle and smiled. “There you go. See? Oblivion is not scary either. Now gather your things. You need to find another place to sleep that does not affect other creatures. The smoke can cause a lot of harm to others.” She lowered herself slowly till she was in front of the other mares and Oblivion.

“I knew you could do it,” Twilight said to her and held her in a tight hug.

“I didn’t. It was Oblivion who told me I could if I chose to.” She said.

The others went to the mare and congratulated her as the dragon came out of the cave with his treasure and took to the sky. Sasa looked to the stallion and nosed him. Oblivion hissed as she pressed against his right shoulder.


“I’ll live.”He whispered to her.

He looked to the mares and allowed himself to fall to the ground, exhaustion biting at him. He laid on his left side and panted. Sasa was by his head as he wheezed, his breathing labored.

“Oblivion!” Twilight yelled as she saw him. She ran over to him and stood beside Sasa. “Oblivion, how bad is it? You got thrown to the ground, I should have known you weren’t going to be okay after that impact!”

“I’ll live, Twilight. Calm down.” He said to her, his voice was quiet but easily heard. Applejack and the others came over to him as well.

Applejack reached out to his cloak and moved it aside. His armor had blood on it, the mare moved to face his right side and looked past the armor as best she could. It looked like the bandages underneath were bloodied as well but she couldn’t tell. She laid the cloak back in place. His breath wheezed from him and he didn’t move. “Ya’ll be okay pardner. We’ll get ya taken care of. Can ya teleport?”

Oblivion looked at her. “Teleport where? The farm?”

“Nah, the hospital. Ya need ta get looked at. Ah’ll meet ya there later when we get back. Twilight, can ya teleport us there?”

Twilight shook her head. “I can’t teleport that far yet. Oblivion can, but I would rather he didn’t transport all of us in his condition.”

“Ah agree. He’s never teleported another pony afore. We need ta get him into town.” Applejack replied.

“I’m right here. You don’t need to talk over me.” Oblivion said to them.

“Ah know yer here. But yer spent.” Applejack reasoned.

“I can pull energy from my armor if needed. Should be enough to get back to town.” He responded.

“You’re certain? If not, then teleport there if you can.” Twilight said to him. She placed a hoof gently on his mane.

“I can make it back easily. Will be a bit slow.” Applejack looked to him and the others waited for an explanation. “When he tossed me my right shoulder popped out of the socket, then back in. So it’s a bit wrenched.”

The mares nodded as he got to his hooves. Rainbow landed on the ground and looked at his hooves. “I have a question for you.”


“When you hit that dragon on the nose, there were a couple of cuts.” She started but paused when the stallion looked to her.

He held out his forehoof and let his claws show. The mares all looked shocked, with the exception of Applejack. “My hooves are clawed. Not abnormal for my kind.”

Twilight looked at them and analyzed them without touching the hoof. “How do they hide? I have seen your hooves before and never saw these.”

“They hide within my hoof and unless you know where to look you can’t tell they are there.” He turned his hoof over and pulled his claws back into the hoof to show how they were hidden. Twilight stared at Rainbow as she whistled at them.

“Well, I wasn’t expecting that. But that fight was epic and frightening. How do you know how to fight like that?” She asked as they started back the way they had come.

“I was trained to fight like that. Most monsters that I fight are larger than I am. So fighting something bigger than myself is not surprising. Though a dragon is not something I have fought before. I am surprised it didn’t use fire.”

Fluttershy walked next to him as he limped heavily on the right fore. Twilight and Applejack led the way as Rarity and Rainbow stayed on his other side. Pinkie bounced in front with the other two and smiled. As time went by Oblivion paused once and, the mares stopped with him, despite his insistence that they could go ahead. They refused to leave him behind. Oblivion focused on his armor and pulled as much power as he dared from it. He felt it go through him and he walked with them. His stride was better and the pain wasn’t as sharp. They reached town and Applejack and Twilight guided Oblivion to the hospital once again.

“Was just here this morning.” He commented.

Twilight chuckled. “Yeah. They’re going to be mad at you.”

Oblivion breathed and walked in the door with the mares at his side. He stood in the line once more and waited. Sasa stood close by and looked down. Small drops of blood were pooling slowly under him. She looked around and roared. Startling every pony near her, Oblivion included.

“Sasa. What in the Gods name are you doing?” Oblivion said to her.

“You’re bleeding.” She replied as ponies moved away from them.

“I’m aware of that. So what is the problem?”

“You’re bleeding all over their floor.”

Oblivion stopped and looked down, to find the cat was right. “Shit.” He looked up as a nurse came around the corner. The stallion had a tan coat with a pill bottle on his flank.

“What in Equestria was...that?” He stopped as he saw the blood under Oblivion. “Actually never mind. Can you walk?”

“Yes, I can.” He informed the pony.

“Good, follow me.” He hurried off and Oblivion limped after him. The pony looked back and cringed when he saw the severity of the other stallions limp “Okay, can you tell me what happened?”

“You’re not going to like it,” Oblivion said as the pony walked beside him. “I and the others went to remove a dragon from the area to prevent it from covering Equestria in smoke.”

“I heard about that. So you went to stop a dragon?”

“Essentially yes. The idea was to persuade him to move elsewhere. It worked but not after a fight. I know how to fight monsters and other creatures that are larger than I am. But a dragon is a new one to me. I got thrown out of the sky once and then after I hit it in the head when I was standing on it, it got a hold of my right foreleg and used that to throw me to the ground. My shoulder was dislocated but went back into place.”

“Did you black out?”

“For a second, yes.”

“And you got back up, I assume?”

“True. I had to protect the others. They were thrown back by the dragon and I was the only one still standing.”

The tan pony looked away and shook his head. “Have we seen you before?”

“Yes. A few days ago. I was also in here this morning to have a bandage change.” Oblivion responded.

“Who is your normal doctor?”

“Secret Heart is the one that I have met before.”

“I see. Okay, in here.”

Oblivion walked into the room and was greeted with machines that he had never seen before. He recognized some that had been in the last room with him. He assumed they were all meant to be helpful, but some looked like they were designed with torture in mind.

“All right, so I need you to remove your armor and set it over here.” He motioned to a counter off to the side.

“No need.” Oblivion's curved horn lit up and the armor crawled over his skin and back into its place. Oblivion tightened the binding in his mane and laid his bloodied cloak on the counter. He sent his swords to the wardrobe in his room at the farmhouse.

The pony stared at the bloodied bandages around his barrel and trotted over to a door and pushed a button. A loud beep went through the air, the black unicorn cringed but refocused when the pony came back to him. He walked to the other side of the black stallion and moved a wide bed next to him.

“Okay lay down on this. I can see that you’re tired and having you stay standing is cruel.” He said to him, Oblivion nodded in silent reply.

He laid down on the bed and rested on his left side. The door opened and several nurses walked in, Redheart among them. She gaped at him then her eyes widened at the blood coming off him. She saw the small pool under where he had been standing and started barking orders.

“We need an IV line as soon as possible, blood pressure monitor, heart rate and pulse checked, and get in touch with Secret Heart. He knows this patient.” She hollered and the ponies scrambled. She came over to him and stopped. “What happened?”

Oblivion explained what had transpired and waited. Her eyes had widened and she stared. The doors were tossed open by magic as Secret walked in, his pace quick. He rounded on Oblivion and looked him over. He was covered in dirt and blood. The black ponies coat was a dirty brown and had blood coating his fur. His eyes were tired but still held the same fire that they had when he first met the black stallion. Oblivion watched him as he looked to the nurses.

“I already called for the basics with him,” Redheart advised.

“Perfect then we can cut off this bandage off and see the damage. Judging by the blood loss I’d guess it split and possibly lengthened.” Secret started.

“Sir. We might want to x-ray that right shoulder. It was dislocated due to wrenching and being twisted. He also blacked out momentarily due to impact with the ground.” The tan pony from before supplied.

Secret looked to him and sighed. “You never make it easy do you?”

Oblivion chuckled but stopped when his chest tightened. He wheezed for a moment before recovering. “Of course not.” He quipped.

The doctor came up to him and listened as the black stallion breathed. “Chest x-ray as well. Seems to have trouble breathing. All right. So I am going to suggest that we have you sleep through this.”

“Very well.”

“Now I insist since this will be painful and...Wait...You’re not going to request to sign the paper again?” Secret stumbled over Oblivion's agreement.

He snorted, dried blood on his nose. “Not this time. I’m able to ignore pain, but I’m not foolish.”

“Oh, well wonderful. Okay, so prep the anesthesia and adequate painkillers as well.” Secret began tossing around new orders as the nurses scrambled. Secret took a pair of scissors and began cutting the bandages as Redheart held his right foreleg in her hoof as she rubbed alcohol on it. She held it still as she pushed a sharp needle into a vein to start an IV. Oblivion looked to Secret and watched as the bandages were removed. The cuts in his sides were torn open and the stitches were all ripped open. The tears had been torn open and they had been torn further. The longest of them had ripped past his hip and stopped there. Secret clicked his tongue and leaned back.

“Well. I can’t say this is good. When you got thrown, I’m guessing you landed heavily?”

“Very,” Oblivion responded.

“All right we need to move you and the best option is to move you after your under the anesthesia. So we will wait till that is done and take care of it.” Secret admitted. “I know you have high pain tolerance, but leaving you awake for this might be considered cruel and unusual punishment.”

Oblivion nodded to the stallion. “It’s fine. I can understand it. But if you don’t mind informing me how this all works? Where I am from we don’t have things like that.”

Secret stared for a moment before he recovered. “Basically, anesthesia just puts you into a heavy sleep. Pain and whatnot have an effect on it and we try not to keep any pony under it for very long. For you, it might be a while since it’s been noted that you have an advanced metabolism. So for you, we have to keep an eye on it and ensure that you are at a safe level of unconsciousness. But, if needed we will bring you around if we need to. Otherwise, we will simply keep you under and let you rest for a time.”

Oblivion nodded his understanding and looked over as Redheart put a needle into the IV and put a new drug inside it. “Okay, so it will probably hit you pretty hard since your energy is already depleted so I advise that you lay down ahead of time.”

Oblivion nodded and laid back, glad that the bed was long enough. He felt nothing as he laid silent for a moment. He felt warmth go over him and his vision began to narrow as he started to fall asleep. At first, he fought it but discovered it was a losing battle. He let his mind slip and he knew nothing after that.

19: A Night Forgotten...

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In the waiting room Sasa paced by the door. The nurse had taken her Chosen away quickly for treatment. She stopped as she felt his presence fade to a dull flame in her mind. Oblivion had a powerful presence about him and suddenly it was gone. “Chosen?” She awaited a response from him but received nothing. She stood up and pawed at the door.

“Sasa?” Applejack stood up and came over to her. “Easy pretty girl. He’ll be fine.”

“Applejack, is something wrong with her coat?” Twilight asked.

Applejack looked down to the cat and watched as her coat lost its ethereal look and became more solid. The sea blue shadow that always came off her was gone and her coloring was muted.

“Wha’ happened?” Applejack asked and tried to pull the giant cat away from the door. Twilight came over to help and together they pulled the cat away from the door.

“Chosen?” She kept calling out to him but received no answer. She knew he lived due to him being immortal, but she could still feel panic edging into her voice. “Chosen!” She growled and tried to pull away from the mares. Normally they would not be able to pull her away from the door, but since her connection to Oblivion is what gave her that power, with his presence so diminished she lost that strength. Her sight faded to what was normal for a feline in Equestria.

She had lost the ability to see the Spirits of those around her and she felt panic rushing through her. As much as she tried to calm herself she felt iller at ease. She looked to the mares as they tried to calm her. She saw the concern in their eyes as they held her back. Applejack was family to her and Twilight was close to the same. She turned to them and buried her head under them, whimpering, she hoped to be close to them and surrounded by their scent would be enough to calm her rising panic. Oblivion did not permit himself to be put under anesthesia so it had to be something else.

“She’s shakin’ like a leaf. She’s connected ta Oblivion. Could somethin’ have happened ta him?”

Twilight shook her head. “I hope not. If something did then they would tell you at least. You’re his contact on the paperwork.” She replied to the orange mare as they both sat by the trembling feline. Running their hooves over her fur and holding her close.

Sasa could feel them close to her but it was doing little to quell her fears. Logic told her that he was fine and would probably scold her for overreacting. But the other half of her mind was jumping to conclusions. Oblivion was a powerful Alicorn, the likes of which had never been seen in this world or any other. A Spirit strong enough to handle a World Spirit and bend it to his own will. Equestria may have fashioned his curved horn but his Spirit surpassed her and created his own form. The only thing he had no control over was the part that made him an Alicorn.

She had told him before that only an Alicorn could handle the Element of Spirit. But right now those details were at the far reaches of her mind. All she wanted, was to feel his presence in her mind. She knew that her own presence had faded without him there. He didn’t need to be beside her but his connection to the World’s Spirit gave her the ability to stay with him and enabled her to access his powers as well. She huddled into the mares and stilled.

“She scared a somethin’. Ah just don’t know what.” Applejack whispered to the other mare as she stroked the tiger’s fur.

Twilight looked worriedly to the cat between them. “I’ll go and ask about him to see what's going on,” Twilight said and stood up. The purple mare stood up as the door opened.

Sasa sat up and looked to the door. Redheart stood in the doorway. “Chosen?”She whispered, not expecting a reply, but still hoping. She turned around to face the door and listened to the mare.

“Figured I should give you an update on what’s going on with Oblivion.” She said to the small group.

“Yes please,” Twilight said as she helped hold Sasa back as well.

“All right. So we did an x-ray of his right shoulder and chest and the right shoulder was violently pulled out of the socket and then pushed back in. The problem with that is that it was done badly so we had to dislocate it again and then put it in the proper place. That stallion has bones made of steel and heavily muscled. He’s not bulky but his strength made it hard to manipulate the bones. So it took a lot of effort and he is going to be sore. With the chest x-ray, we found that his lungs have been bruised. Nothing horrible, but it is still going to hurt for him to breathe. Thankfully, his internal organs appear undamaged and were well protected.”

“What about the cuts to his right side?” Twilight asked. She held onto Sasa, half to keep the cat with her and because it made her feel better to have her there.

“Those ended up pretty bad. The worst of them actually tore and now goes from his shoulder to just past his hip. We have to stitch it closed and then bind the sections that tore with the correct clips. I won’t lie and say that he’ll be up and running in a day. He needs to be kept quiet for at least a week. The wounds themselves take a back seat to the damage to his lungs. If pressed that can become troublesome. The medication we sent him home with before is not a strong enough pain killer. We will prescribe a new drug for him that can be taken just as often as the other but is stronger to handle the injuries that he has. The doctor advised that we keep it on a schedule with him and keep the stress minimal. He recommended that the medicine be given every 6 hours that way there is next to no interruption in the pain removal.” Redheart informed to the mares. “He also is going to a very pronounced limp in that right foreleg. We will send him home with a large cooling pad that can be used for a much longer time span. We will also send a sling to hold it in place on his shoulder and part of his chest. He is pretty bruised up so don’t be surprised if he’s not in a great mood.”

Applejack sat back and chewed her lip before speaking. “Ah am curious. How did ya get him to allow ya ta mess with ‘em? He hates anypony fussin’.”

Redheart grinned. “He agreed to be put under anesthesia The doctor was surprised when that stubborn pony agreed. He was exhausted already so messing with him in that state was akin to cruel and unusual punishment. He went down quickly so the strain was nonexistent.” The mares looked surprised. “Oblivion is a strong pony, but he lost a significant amount of blood, so his body was fighting a losing battle and putting him under was the kindest thing to do.” Her smile faded as she thought back. “The problem we have is that we have no idea what blood type he is. We stopped the bleeding but his blood pressure was so low that we had to pump him full of fluids and wait to do anything with him. He scared us all at one point though. His blood pressure and heart rate dropped and the machines panicked. Alarms went off but we found out that it was a natural reaction for him.”

Applejack looked at her, confusion on her face. “Natural?”

Redheart nodded to the confused mares. “His body acted as best it could to help itself. His blood pressure slowly climbed due to his body pulling back and basically relaxing. It slowed down its own vitals in an effort to help itself recover. His blood type is unknown currently due to us not running any blood testing unless we have his express permission. We did do the basic testing to make sure there is no infection, but nothing intensive. So, for now, we are just treating when we can and let him rest. I’m not sure how he was still standing when he got here. He lost enough blood to have him pass out. But I have to ask, where is he from?”

Twilight shrugged and looked to Applejack. “Ah think he called it the Northern Realms. Not in Equestria.”

“I see. That explains a few things then. From the little bit of blood we got from him it was strange to view through the microscopes. His body reacts differently to drugs so we had to do a bit of trial and error. But we finally got the right mix for him.” Redheart explained to them. “You can see him in a while. We still have him under and are working on the wounds at this time. One of us will come and get you once we finish with him.”

“Thank you, Redheart,” Twilight said to her with a small smile.

The mare left the room and closed the door behind her. Twilight held Sasa’s fur and sighed. “Thank Equestria he’s okay. When Sasa started to panic it made me nervous.”

Applejack nodded. “Same here. Ah never asked him about his connection ta her. By the way, she was actin’ had me worried.”

The mares breathed with relief. Sasa collapsed to her belly and sighed. She wanted to reach out to him but since he was unconscious he would not respond. The Spirit beast laid silent as the mares ran their hooves over fur, soothing her and them. Applejack and Twilight stayed on the floor with Sasa and leaned against her. The cat stayed down and the mares stayed by her. Even though she knew that Oblivion was fine she was still wound tight, her nerves frayed. She was glad to hear that he was not in any pain but she was still upset. The mares with her were as well. Sasa could sense the anxiety from them. Her own anxiety was not helping. She sat up and rubbed her forehead on Applejack's shoulder, trying to soothe the anxious mare. Once Applejack looked to her, she pawed at Twilight, who laughed at the cat.

“Well, ah figure that he’s gonna be okay. Even though Ah wanted ta hit ‘im fer getting hurt worse. But then ah think of what might’a happened without ‘im.” Applejack said as she stroked the cat’s fur.

Twilight blanched and frowned. “None of us could have stopped that dragon. I can’t teleport that many ponies. Without him, it would have been different. I keep thinking that Fluttershy would have acted sooner but I don’t think she was close by. I didn’t ask her how close she was. But if the fight had lasted much longer then I’m not sure how long he would have lasted.”

Applejack shuddered at the thought. “Ah don’t think he would have let himself fall. Ya have seen ‘im. He would have used every bit of power he could get from his armor if he had ta.”

“That’s true. But if it hurt him to even breathe then...”

“Nah. That’s enough a that. He’d never give up. End a that.” Applejack shook her head and made a slashing motion with her hoof, ending the conversation.

Twilight nodded and looked to Oblivion's tiger. “He’d have been fine. He has Sasa helping.”

“True.” Applejack smiled and they went back to tending to the feline between them.

“I have never seen him have any temperament issues so far.” Twilight commented to draw their attention away from more somber subjects.

Applejack looked thoughtful. “He got pretty upset at Apple Bloom once, but he didn’t show any anger toward any pony. His voice was stern, but not all that angry. If we fuss over ‘im he gets a little short. But ah think that’s because he doesn’t like or wants the attention.”

Twilight nodded. “He has a very even temperament. He’s not docile by any means but he has moments I suppose.”

Applejack laughed. “They are rare times, but he will raise his voice if he needs to. He has at me a couple ah times. But ah deserved it.”

Time passed by and both mares leaned against the cat and drifted off using her as a pillow. Sasa stayed still, supporting the dozing mares, and stared at the door. She would speak up every now and then to see if he was coming around but was met with silence each time. She laid her head down and closed her eyes.

The door opened and Twilight jolted as Sasa growled an alarm. Both mares sat up and looked to the door. The tan stallion that had led the black unicorn away was standing in the doorway. Sasa quieted as the mares stood up and Twilight put a hoof on the cat's shoulder.

“I was asked to come and get you when he was moved. He’s still out cold and heavily drugged, but he is able to come around on his own.” He turned to lead them, then stopped and looked over his shoulder. “I would also recommend not touching him until he is awake. He’s really bruised up. Neck and up should be okay.” He advised and the mares nodded.

The pony led them down the hall and into a separate wing of the hospital. The wing was quiet as they passed by rooms with ponies that were resting up and healing. He stopped by a door and opened it for them. Twilight and Applejack went first and Sasa trailed them. Oblivion laid motionless on the bed covered up to the mid barrel with a warm blanket. A large ice pack laid across his shoulder to help with the swelling. His black coat was clean of any dirt and blood and he seemed to be comfortable. His breathing was shallow but steady. An IV was on his foreleg, along with a blood pressure cuff. A clipboard hung at the end of the bed with various measurements and vitals. Behind them, the door closed and Twilight drew up next to him. Bandages covered him from girth to hip and around the front of his chest. Twilight looked back to Applejack who tried to smile but failed. A magical gauge was around the base of Oblivion’s horn, monitoring his magic output and strength. Sasa walked up to Oblivion’s head and put her head up by his and nosed the black stallion.

“Chosen?” She said to him. She still received no response from the unconscious pony. She sat down to watch him sleep instead of trying to wake him.

The door suddenly opened and Secret walked in. “Applejack?”

The orange mare turned around and nodded to him. “Ah’m here.”

“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Secret Heart. I’m the one that has been patching him up.” He said to her.

“It’s nice ta meet ya.”

“I need to speak with you about Oblivion if I might have some of your time?”

“Ah, course.”

“Is it all right if I stay or should I go?” Twilight asked from her place at Oblivion's shoulder.

“That’s up to Applejack. She is the contact on his paperwork.”

“It’s fine. She’s close ta him as well.” Applejack voiced. “She will most likely be helpin’ with him.”

“That’s actually what I was hoping for,” Secret said to the mares as he leaned back on his haunches and picked up the clipboard at the end of the bed. “Cause, if his past is any indication, he’s active, very active.”

“Yeah, he is.” Applejack agreed.

“Well, you need to find a way to keep him quiet for at least a week. His body cannot handle much, if any strain. I know Redheart went over the laundry list of issues with him but left out the big details so I could go over them with you.” Applejack looked nervous and waited for him to continue. “Don’t worry, he’s not dying. He’s hurt, but he’ll be okay with time. First, he did end up with a minor concussion for getting thrown to the ground by a dragon. Still, am not sure how he survived that, but he’s a tough pony. That will probably fade first, just don’t hit him in the head with anything. No matter how much you might want to at times. He might end up with a headache, but with the medication, we have him on he won’t feel much if anything. Understood?”

Applejack nodded and looked back to find Twilight with a scroll and quill, taking notes. The purple unicorn looked up as they were silent and them staring. Her ears pinned back and she looked sheepish but didn’t stop.

Secret shook his head and went back to the clipboard in his hooves. “Next is his breathing. No doubt you noticed that he had a wheeze when you brought him in. Well, come to find out his lungs were both bruised. The bruising is not so severe that we need to keep him for a few days while it eases up. So he will be able to go home this afternoon. Right now his breathing is shallow due to his body compensating for the strain. He does this naturally on his own. We have nothing to do with it.”

Both mares looked to the sleeping pony, then back to the doctor. “So he’s able to breathe like that and be okay?” Twilight asked. “Is that okay for a pony his size?”

“Yes and no. A pony his size should be breathing much deeper than that. But his system has slowed itself down, heart rate, pulse, all vitals have been naturally adjusted on its own. So without any medical interference, he is supporting himself. But that does not mean he can run a marathon. The lungs themselves need a week to heal to an acceptable level. So he is supposed to only walk, no trotting and definitely no running. That will put a strain on those lungs and his airway could fail.”

Both mares stared at him, then nodded. “He’ll walk if ah have ta hobble him mahself.” Applejack vowed.

Secret chuckled. “You might have to. Granted with that right shoulder as damaged as it is I’m sure he’ll be fine with walking or standing. When the dragon threw him he did pull back for a moment and that is what wrenched the muscles in it and allowed for it to be pushed it out of the socket. We had to dislocate it a second time in order to get it into the joint at the proper angle. His walking back here on it made that worse. But it’s understandable why you walked back instead of teleporting. A wise choice and keeping him at a slow pace was the best plan.”

Applejack and Twilight nodded and waited for him to continue. Twilight looked to the black pony, who remained unmoving. Sasa laid her head in front of him and rubbed her nose against his forehead then pulled back to watch him.

“All right, so the biggest issue with the cuts to his sides is that he tore them wide open. The largest of them has been pulled apart. It was the one that was responsible for the amount of blood. He did lose a fair amount of blood, but his body is able to compensate for that. So the stitches that we put in were ripped and we stitched them shut again. Given time, they will heal.” He paused and looked to the mares. “Do either of you know what could have caused the deep scar on his back?” None of them saw Sasa twitch at the question.

“Scar on his back?” Applejack asked, with a tilt of her head.

“Yeah, come here.” Secret stood up and set the clipboard down. He moved to Oblivion’s back and moved the blanket back. Along Oblivion’s back was a scar that went from his neck to the base of his tail. It had tendrils that went along the sides of his back and toward his ribs.

“What could have caused that?” Twilight asked.

“I was hoping you knew. None of us can figure out what could have done it. It honestly looks like tree roots going out to his sides. It’s strange since the scar itself is somewhat new, but the way his fur is covering it makes it seem older.” Secret said to them and laid the blanket back over Oblivion’s body.

He picked up the board and sat back on his haunches. “So I do have a question for you.” The mares waited.“We placed a magic monitor on his horn and set it to monitor his power levels and alert us if it was low. It went off.”

The mares looked nervous. “His magic collapsed?” Twilight asked.

“No. That would be easy to figure out. It shattered because it could not handle the amount of magic he had going through the horn and his body.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “That’s impossible. Those are designed to handle even an Alicorn. How could it possibly break?”

Applejack listened and could not stop the baffled look that went over her face. “So if he broke one, why is he wearing one now?”

“We altered this one to simply monitor the magic in him. Even then it nearly broke so we had it simply tell us that there is magically going through him. Not how much. Otherwise, he would have shattered a few more. What kind of Unicorn is he? I have never had a patient with as much power as he has. To put this in perspective his body is able to convert magic and use it as energy.”

Twilight looked to him. “I know he can use the power from the armor that he wears. But are you meaning he can use raw magic the same way?”

Secret nodded. “That’s exactly what I mean. He has raw magic going through him at all times. If he chooses, he can convert that raw magic and use it. Though I don’t think he does.”

Applejack looked thoughtful. “It’s not hurtin’ ‘im is it?”

“Oh no. It’s helping.” He replied to the farm mare.

“How so?” Twilight came to stand by Applejack.

“It’s actually helping him to heal. He has natural regeneration, but that seems to be aided by the raw power going through him at all times. So it is constantly filtering through him and regenerating him. Any idea how old he is?”

“Ah know he is older than mah brother Big Macintosh, but not an exact number. Ah never asked fer it.” The mare admitted. Which was true. She didn’t have to lie since she had never asked for an exact number. She just knew he was over one hundred years old.

“I just assumed he was in his mid-twenties,” Twilight said to them.

“Well, it might actually be impossible to tell you an exact age.”

“How so?”

“The raw magic going through him is aiding in healing and possibly doing more than that. He could actually be very slow to age. So he could actually be much older than he looks. We would need blood tests to tell us more, but we do not have his permission to run more extensive tests.”

“You mean he could be fifty or sixty and still look twenty?” Twilight said, her voice doubtful.

“Exactly,” Secret said to her and waited after speaking for it to sink in.

Twilight stared for a time before she responded. “That’s different.”

Secret shrugged. “The amount of magic going through him is not detrimental to his health. But it is an anomaly in terms of normal ponies. Anyway. I will leave the two of you to sit with him should you choose. We will discharge him this afternoon to be safe.” The stallion hung the clipboard on the end of the bed and left the mares in the room with the unconscious stallion.

The door closed behind him and Applejack looked to Twilight and they both grinned. “Witcher.” They intoned together.

“That has to be the reason why the dragon didn’t kill him. It couldn’t.” Twilight commented with a giggle.

Applejack nodded. “With that magic goin’ through ‘im and bein’ a Witcher, it couldn’t stop him.”

Twilight smiled and looked back to the stallion. “But one thing is sticking with me. Could it be a part of who he is to have that much magic? He said that a Witcher does not have any magic. He only uses the Signs but I got the impression they are not so much magic as a skill. He can use them without the use of his horn. I mean I knew he was powerful but to have magic going through him that can slow down aging. I know that he is older than he looks but it never occurred to me that he was that much older. He never mentioned anything?”

Applejack shook her head. “Like ah said, ah never asked ‘im for an exact number. Ah figured that was his business.”

Twilight nodded. “That’s true. It is rude to ask another ponies age. I know I don’t like the question personally.”

Applejack walked over to the bed and stood by him. “All ah care about is that he’ll be okay.”

“Yeah. Anything else is irrelevant. Your right.” Twilight admitted and let it drop. “Are you going to stay with him?”

“Ah need ta head home and tell Granny and the others what happened. Do ya mind stayin’ till ah get back?”

“Of course I don’t mind. I’ll stay here with him till you get back.” Twilight told her friend and sat down in a chair to wait.

“Thank ya, Twilight. Ya want me ta check on Spike?” Applejack said to her with a smile and headed for the door.

“If you don’t mind, yes, please.” Applejack nodded and opened the door. Twilight watched the other mare leave and looked back to Oblivion himself. Sasa stayed at his side and watched over him. Twilight looked out the window and watched the stars as she waited. Time passed, she turned her attention to Sasa. Her eyes widened as the cat’s fur returned to its normal state and her eyes brightened. She gave a happy purr and backed up a step or so. Oblivion groaned and his eye opened a slit as he shifted on the bed. The purple mare stood up and walked to stand by Sasa.

One eye cracked open and he growled under his breath. He could see Sasa looking to him and a purple light beside her, that he knew to be Twilight.

“Gods below.” He growled. He shifted once more and tried to move.

“No, don’t move too much.” Twilight laid a hoof on his neck, applying gentle pressure.

“Take it easy Chosen. You need to be still.” Sasa whispered to him.

He raised his head a bit and opened his eyes fully. He looked around and was greeted with a plain room with a window above his head that took up most of the upper wall. Chairs sat across the room as he looked around it. Sasa came up to him and pressed her forehead gently against his neck.

“How do you feel?”

“Like hell,” Oblivion replied, his voice was quiet as his breathing was still shallow.

“Well, you got tossed around by a Dragon, so I’d say that’s about right.” Twilight quipped to him.

Oblivion snorted and looked up. A ring was around his horn and he suddenly glared at it. His horn flared and the ring lit up with an odd gray color, it gave a loud squeal before it shattered.

“Oh no. Wait.” Twilight tried to stop him before he broke it but she was too late. “Damn.”

“You allowed that to be put on me?” He said to her. His voice was quiet still but she could hear what sounded like outrage under it.

The mare titled her head. “Why would I stop them?” Oblivion arched his neck at the comment. “It was a magical monitor.”

“A what?”

“Its job is to monitor a unicorns magic to make sure it doesn’t bottom out. It’s for your safety. If a Unicorns magic fades out too much it can hurt them and damage their horn.”

“Oh shit.” Oblivion cursed under his breath and looked to the pieces of the ring. The door flew open and they both turned to look as Redheart stood in the doorway.

“Are you all right? The ring alerted us that something was wrong then stopped transmitting.” She saw the remnants and sighed. “Another one?” She sighed once more and walked over to his bed, Twilight moved out of the way, taking Sasa with her. The earth pony moved a trash can over to the bed and used her hoof to move the pieces into it. “That’s the third one that couldn’t handle your magic. I think it’s safe to say its fine and we can stop monitoring it.” Oblivion said nothing in response. Twilight also held her silence. “It’s good to see you awake. Any pain?”

“It’s minimal at best.” The black unicorn answered her.

“Good. That means we can now just maintain that level. We will discharge you later this afternoon. Use your magic sparingly to avoid any strain on your body for now.” She advised as she moved the trashcan back to the wall and headed for the door.

“Very well,” Oblivion replied as she closed the door behind her.

“You could have told her you broke it,” Twilight said to him.

“So could you.” He said back.

The purple mare started and then smiled. “Yeah. So why didn’t you?”

“She didn’t ask.”

“That’s beside the...Really?”

Oblivion was silent as he waited for the purple unicorn to stop sputtering at him. Sasa put a paw over her snout as she laughed.

Twilight glared at him then broke into a wide smile. She giggled and put a hoof over her muzzle. “That is so like you.”

“She speaks truth. You never give more than what is asked unless you choose to.” Sasa chuckled.

Oblivion suddenly started and hissed as his shoulder spasmed under the cold pack. “What time is it?”

“Umm... A little before five in the morning. Why?”

“All right, so there is time.”

“For what?”

“I gave my word that I would meet Blue Blood at noon.”

Twilight gaped at him for a time before recovering. “You do realize that you are in no condition to be walking around? Redheart even told you to use as little magic as possible. Teleporting to Canterlot is not a small amount of magic.”

“True enough. But I am a pony of my word.”

“I know that but surely you must see the drawbacks to this?”

“I do. I’m not blind nor am I stupid. If you have an idea, then feel free to tell me. But at this time I need to keep my word to him.”

“Are you crazy?!” The mare shrilled.

Oblivion cringed at her volume but recovered. “No, I am not. I am simply saying that I do not intend to break my word to him.”

Twilight sputtered before she forced herself to calm down. “Okay, yelling will not solve anything with you. Give me a second.” She said and turned away from him. He could hear her breathing deeply before she turned back to him. “Okay, I understand that you wish to keep your word. But I think Blue Blood will understand if you send him a letter. I’m sure he would not wish you to hurt yourself further.”

Oblivion sighed and leaned back slightly. “I’m aware of that possibility.”

“Then send him a note. In a couple of hours. I don’t think the sun is even up yet.” Twilight commented to him, the mare turned around and sat back down in one of the chairs.

“Most likely not. Bloody hell.” He replied and let his head lay back down on the pillow.

Sasa walked up and nosed his cheek. “You should rest Chosen. You have had a very long few days.”

“True enough. But I need to figure something out for Blue Blood.” He replied to the tiger.“If what I saw the other day is still active then that mask is strengthening the wraith attached to him. If that goes on too long it could hurt him and cause his spirit to fall.”

“It’s up to you, but I agree with Twilight. Perhaps wait till next week when you have some of your strength and stamina back.”

The stallion was silent as he closed his eyes. There was no doubt that he was tired, but his mind was still working. He had a sense that Blue was struggling and the part of him connected to the Spirit of Equestria urged him to act. His body ached and pain occasionally went through him when he breathed too deeply. The stallion had bruised his lungs before and knew that his body would act accordingly to minimize the damage and start healing. His energy was low and he could feel exhaustion biting at him as he let himself relax. “There has to be a way that I can still meet with him. Twilight and the others won’t like it but I have no choice. My own comfort comes secondary to this.” He shifted and let his right foreleg stay still in place to prevent moving the cold pack strapped around his body, keeping it in place. He heard the door open and his ears flicked to listen.

“How is he?” Applejack walked into the room, it sounded like she was trying to keep her hoof steps quiet.

“He woke up while you were gone. He broke another magic ring when he came around. And I kind of got into an argument with him.” Twilight whispered to her friend.

“What about?”

“He set up an appointment to meet Blue Blood today at noon. He said he gave his word and he won’t break that. I tried to explain that he can’t go walking around in his condition but I think I would have had better luck arguing with a wall.”

“Eeyup.” Applejack piped up. “Well, ah suppose he will be going to Canterlot later.”

“You aren’t going to stop him?”

“It’s useless ta try ta stop him. Ah can ask him but ah know him well enough by now to know he will do what he thinks he should. Even if it means hurting hisself a bit. Best ah can do is to ask ‘im ta take it easy.” Applejack commented.

Twilight huffed and leaned back in her chair. “I know he will, but I wish he would consider how it affects the rest of us. We know he is a pony of his word but still, there are limits. Or there should be.”

“Ah know. Ah don’t disagree with ya. But fightin’ with him is a losing fight. Like ya said, a wall will give before he does. If ya let him know ya are with him and ask him ta take it easy he’s more likely ta listen to ya. Forcin’ ‘im won’t work.”

“I guess. He’s not unreasonable, just stubborn.”


Oblivion opened his eyes and looked to the mares. Twilight was leaned back in her chair with Applejack just to the side of her, her saddlebags sitting on her back. “I think that’s the first time I have heard of you giving up on anything, AJ.” He commented, startling the mares.

Applejack turned to him and chuckled. “Well. Ah don’t wanna give up like that. But ya are yer own pony and fightin’ with ya is never any fun for anypony. So workin’ with ya is better.”

“True enough. I appreciate the understanding. I have no intention of running around Canterlot. I intend to sit on my tail for the most part and chat.”

Twilight looked to him. “If I had asked you what would you have said the same?” He nodded to the other unicorn. “Ugh. Arguing with you didn’t help anything. Applejack is right, supporting is easier than fighting with you.”

“Also true. I don’t intend to spend the entire day in Canterlot either. A couple of hours maybe, then return to the farm.” Both mares stared at him, disbelief clear on their faces. “You act as if I am completely oblivious to my own state.”

Twilight shook her head and managed to recover first. “Sorry about that. I guess I got used to arguing for a bit. It’s not that I think you’re oblivious, just stubborn.”

“I am stubborn that is true, but I’m not a fool.”

Applejack nodded after recovering as well. “Well ah’ll talk to the front desk about lettin’ ya out earlier. Ah know they won’t like it but its yer choice. Not like they need ta do anythin’ else with ya.”

The orange mare walked out the door, she poked her head back in and looked to the purple mare. “Oh, Spike is fine.”

“Thanks.” Twilight watched as Applejack closed the door and she sat back in her chair. “Sorry about yelling at you.”

Oblivion raised his head off the pillow and looked to her. “It’s fine. I’ve been yelled at before, so it didn’t bother me.”

“Even so. It was uncalled for.”

“Apology accepted, Twilight. Don’t worry about it.”

She smiled and sat quietly. He set his head back down on the pillow and closed his eyes once more. He heard Applejack’s hooves on the floor and they turned to hear her when she came back into the room.

“Okay. Ah got it settled. Can ya send a note ta yer friend letting ‘im know ya might be late? They said they will try ta get ya out by 1130 or noon.”

“That’s fine. It would be unreasonable to assume they can do that on short notice. I won’t hold it against them if I am late.” He said from his place on the bed.

He heard AJ walk over to the chairs and sit next to the purple unicorn. “Ya’ll can go home if ya want, Twi. Ah’ll be here.”

“Okay, I’ll leave him to you Applejack. Hey, Oblivion?” She walked over to him and he opened his eyes to look at her. “I wanted to thank you for what you did. You could have killed that dragon, right?”

“Yes. But there was no need. I may have gotten banged up for my act of mercy, but nothing dire.” He said to her and raised his head once more when she stayed in place.

She wrapped her forelegs gently around his neck and hugged him. “You are a very special pony and I’m so glad you were there with us. It could have been different without you. So, thank you so much for being you.” She said.

“I wasn’t going to let you all go alone. As I mentioned to Sasa, I am the only one with any battle experience. Besides, better me than any of you. I have a few advantages as a Witcher.”

Twilight smiled as she held him. “Just get better, okay. I’ll come over and we can practice some more magic or you can tell more fun stories.”

“I’ll look forward to it. Till then.” The unicorn mare let go of him and walked out the door. Oblivion laid back down and caught the grin on Applejack’s face. He sighed and looked at her. “All right. I know you’re going to try to tease, so get it out of your system.” He said to the mare, his face impassive.

She scowled. “Ya know ya ruin it just like that. It’s not fun if ya don’t react.”

“I lost many of my emotions a long time ago AJ. Embarrassment is one of them. I don’t feel many things. So it’s pretty much wasted on me.”

“Ya mean ya don’t actually feel anything?”

“I feel some things but they are minimal. Some things you can work with, anger, for example, is one that persisted but it can be toxic if allowed to run too much. So I keep a lid on the emotions I have left.”

“That’s sad ta hear. Ya never talk about it.”

The stallion looked to the mare. “You never asked.”

She snapped to look at him. “So if ah ask ya would tell me?”

“Within reason, yes.” He said to her. “If I think that an answer will upset you too much then I will hold back until a later date.”

“Makes sense.” She said to him and looked to her hooves. “How much does Twi know?”

“She asked about the Trial of the Grasses, what creates a Witcher and a few other small details.”

“Oh, so she knows that part?” He nodded in response. “Did ya leave anypony behind?”

“How do you mean?”

“A special somepony?” He tilted his head at the term. “A wife?”

He barked a laugh and then wheezed for a moment. “Gods no.”

“Really, ah would have thought ya had somepony.”

“No. I stay out of romance. Geralt gets himself tangled in that spider web enough for all of us.” Oblivion said after getting his breathing back under control.

Applejack was quiet as she thought. “Ah just thought there was somepony special since ya act so nice ta us and Apple Bloom. Just thought ya had family and foals.”

“No. I have dealt with foals before, but nothing extensive. Twilight mentioned a similar assumption. As a Witcher, I do not have the ability to sire foals of my own.”

Applejack stared at him. “Why not?”

“The Trial of the Grasses is to blame for that. Our bodies are altered during the Trial so some things are lost in the exchange.”

The mare stared at him before turning to gaze out the window. “That’s sad. Ya would be a good father.”

Oblivion snorted. “Unlikely, but I suppose it was a nice compliment.” The stallion closed his eyes and let his mind wander some. He had never once thought of having children of his own. Ciri had been enough of a handful to manage. He had threatened to toss her off the battlements more than once during her training. He had come to Kaer Morhen at Vesemir’s request for a season to help with her training. At the end of it, he was amazed he had hair left. The number of times he had put his fingers through it and nearly smacked his head into the nearest wall he was even more surprised that he and Ciri had survived it. He cared about her, but not to the extent of Geralt and Vesemir. They were on more intimate terms with her, while he had stayed back.

“What about yourself? Any plans to have foals of your own?”

Applejack started and sputtered as she looked to the black pony. “Well if ah found the right pony ah might. But I haven’t really been lookin’ since ah work so much.”

Oblivion chuckled quietly. “No need to panic Applejack it was a simple question.”

Applejack covered her face with her hooves as it turned red under her fur. “Was that revenge fer asking bout yer love life?”

“Not at all. If I had been trying to tease you I would have kept talking, and not end with a question.”

She said nothing as the blush began to recede. “Ya can be brutal when ya want ta, ya know that?”

“Oh certainly. You should hear what happens when I verbally abuse my fellow Witchers. That is brutal.” He informed her.

“So, ya tease them more than us.”

“Of course. Ponies are more sensitive to such things. Witchers are used to such things and we expect it from one another.”

Applejack sighed and let her hooves fall to her lap. She smiled and started to giggle. Oblivion chuckled with her as she laughed. “Yer fellow Witchers must have pretty thick skin ta deal with ya all the time.”

“We all do. I give as much as I get, so it evens out.”

They lapsed into a comfortable silence. Sasa stood up and pressed her nose to Oblivion’s muzzle. The pony opened one eye and looked to the cat. “How are you feeling, Chosen?”

“Like I got trampled by a Fiend, thrown by an Ice Giant, and chewed on by a pack of Nekkers.”He responded to her inquiry.

“That good?”

“Yeah. Damned fabulous.”

Sasa chuckled and nuzzled him once more. “Are your wings all right?”

“Seem to be. I checked them on the way back and they seemed to be in one piece.”

“Good to hear.”

The unicorn closed his eye and let himself doze. His ears flicked to listen, listening to the hospital around him. The door opened a few hours later and Oblivion opened his eyes. He had fallen back asleep and awoke to look to the door. Redheart walked in and closed the door behind her.

“All right, so we have processed your discharge and we would be very pleased to know that you plan on taking it easy for a couple of weeks.”

“That is the plan. I do have an obligation for this afternoon, but I plan on sitting quietly for it.” He informed the nurse.

“So I have heard. Well, there is no stopping you, but kindly take it easy. I would prefer for you do not need to have us repair the damage again.” She said to him, her voice stern.

“Understood.” Oblivion used his magic to push the blanket back as Redheart came over to tend to the IV on his leg.

She removed the IV and applied a wrap to it prevent it from bleeding. When she finished he got off the bed after she stepped back to make room for him to move. He was stiff but there was no soreness or immediate pain. He was certain that there was a pain but it was being suppressed by the heavy painkillers in his system. Applejack stood up and took the offered paperwork from Redheart as she turned to lead them out of the room. Oblivion limped after them, in silence. Sasa stayed at his hip and occasionally nudged his leg alerting him to her location. The black stallion stopped at the front with Applejack and completed the paperwork. He didn’t bother asking about the total for the visit. It was not that important currently. They walked outside and Applejack stopped as they reached the road to head back into town.

“All right. Ya heading out?” She asked.

“Yes. I am a couple of minutes late but that should be fine. I will be in touch later.”

“One second.” She reached into her saddlebags and pulled out a small bottle. “Here are the medications from before. Ah’ll have the new ones ready for when ya get back. Just take a couple ah these before ya go.” He nodded and used his magic to create a glass of water and swallowed the two offered pills. “All right ya have fun and take it easy. Send me a letter when yer gonna come back.”

He nodded and his horn lit up and he teleported to the Canterlot menagerie. He shook his head and looked up to find Blue Blood standing a few feet away from him, with an expression of what could only be fury on his features.

“Do you have any idea how long I have been here?” He said, his voice low.

Oblivion summoned Sasa, who sat beside his shoulder. “I am only late by a few minutes. I can explain...”

“No. I have been here for 10 minutes waiting. You are usually early so I ensured that I finished my duties for Auntie Celestia early to ensure that YOU would not be kept waiting.”

Oblivion looked at the angry stallion and found the Wraith behind him to be stronger than before. “Shit. We need to calm him down quickly.” Oblivion started to open his mouth when the other stallion stomped his hoof angrily and went on.

“You have no consideration for how difficult it can be to make time to set aside for a casual meeting. You...”

“Enough!” Oblivion barked out. His chest tightened but he continued. “Is this temper tantrum of yours going to go on for much longer? I will not be treated this way by you or anypony. If you would listen you would find that the reason for my tardiness is actually quite valid. I’m sure you heard of the Dragon that was breathing smoke close by Ponyville.” He waited for the other to give a nod. He breathed in to try to alleviate the pain in his lungs. “Very good. Then you must know that the Elements of Harmony were tasked with ‘asking’ the beast to go elsewhere.” Another nod. “We did accomplish our task but not without there being bloodshed.” Oblivion’s magic tossed his cloak off his side and he turned to let the other see. The heavy bandages on his body showed a clear white against his black fur.

Blue Bloods' eyes widened as he took in the sight before him. Oblivion placed no weight on his right foreleg as he turned, the bandage around his lower foreleg clear as he shifted. Sasa moved away from the stallion as he looked to the other pony. “How in Equestria?” Blue Blood whispered.

“The dragon attacked, despite attempts to speak to it. I am the only pony in the group who is battle-tested, so it fell to me to protect the others. I chose not to kill the dragon, despite being able to if I chose to. My mercy earned me bruised lungs, which are currently causing a fair amount of pain, a side full of stitches, a concussion, and a severely wrenched shoulder. But I ensured that I would be released from the hospital in time to meet up with you, despite several arguments with a great many ponies. So that is why I was late. By a few minutes.” He said as he stopped to breathe.

Blue Blood stared at him and looked to the other stallion as he panted. “You fought a dragon yesterday?” Oblivion nodded. “But still came to Canterlot? Why?”

Oblivion waited for his breathing to even out before he answered. “Simple.” Blueblood looked at him and waited. “I gave you my word that I would be here. I never break my word, no matter the circumstance.”

Blue Blood was silent as his words sunk in. “Even though you are so badly hurt you still made sure to come here?”

“Of course. We made an agreement. Every Saturday at noon we will meet up to partake in...Donuts I think they were called.”

Blue Blood suddenly sat down and hung his head. Oblivion started toward him but stopped as a hiss of pain escaped him. Sasa ran over to the downed pony and nuzzled him. The pony’s spirit roiled around him and Oblivion recognized pain and sorrow coming from him. He replaced his cloak into its place and limped slowly to the other stallion. He stopped in front of the Prince and waited. He would have put a hoof on him but it would have meant moving his shoulder.

“Blue Blood?” Oblivion said his name and waited, there was no response, at first.

“My friend, I am so sorry.” He whispered.

“I’m sure you had your reasons...”

“No! There is no excuse for me to treat you like a cur.” He said and looked up at the black stallion. “What kind of friend am I if I do not listen to you? You tried to explain everything to me with patience and all I did was act like a spoiled foal.”

Oblivion chuckled. “I do not hold it against you. I knew something was bothering you.”


“As the Bearer of the Element of Spirit, I can reach out and check on ponies I know to see how their Spirit is faring. I reached out to check to see how you were doing after Rarity mentioned that you had not responded to her letters and seemed upset. I could tell that for some reason you had that mask of yours on and seemed quite upset and angry. So I knew that I needed to be here no matter the circumstances to check on you. You were...”

Oblivion halted when a Blue Blood put a hoof over his muzzle. “So no matter what, you check in on me and the others?” Oblivion nodded. “Does that hurt you to do?” He pulled his hoof away and put it back on the ground, waiting for the reply.

“No. It does not hurt me at all.” Oblivion explained, without revealing too much. “I check in on the others as well. Rarity seemed worried so I checked in on you. I can’t see what is causing the distress, but I can tell when there is an issue. I decided that a simple letter was not strong enough and that I should be here instead.”

“So you chose to come here even though you were in a hospital? How long did you get to rest before coming here?”

“After being released?” Blue Blood nodded. “I didn’t. I slept there overnight then came here after being discharged, as per our agreement.”

Blue looked to the other pony and let his head hang after seeing that the other spoke only truth. Sasa nuzzled him again and purred as she tried to soothe the Prince of Equestria.

“Well said Chosen.” She told the black pony, who nodded. She put her head under Blue Bloods and forced him to look up.

The black stallion stood in silence, waiting. Blue pulled himself to his hooves. He breathed in and exhaled slowly. “I owe you a great apology. Even more, than I think I can repay. Please know that I am so sorry for how I have acted.”

“I know.” Oblivion interrupted. “Put yourself at ease, Blue. I hold no grudge and am not angry with you. All I ask is that you think things over before you act. So would you like to explain what has happened to put you so on edge?”

“Not here no. Let’s go into town. Can you walk that far? I can call on some ponies with a sedan chair?”

“A what?”

“It’s a flat cushion that four ponies carry while you sit on it.”

“Gods no. That just sounds mortifying. I can walk that far.”

“All right.” Blue led them out of the menagerie, staying at the other unicorn’s side as he limped. “Oh. I checked on your sword earlier this week.”

“Oh? And how is the progress?”

“Steel Horn finished the crossbow after looking into your suggestion and was able to finish it faster than he thought so he started on the repair a few days ago. He estimates late next week.”

“Excellent. The replacement I have is fine but I find myself missing the original.”

Blue smiled and went silent. They walked into town and into Joe’s Donut Shop. “Blue Blood and...Something Shadow. Sorry about that.” The tan pony apologized.

“Oblivion." The black unicorn supplied his name to the embarrassed baker.

“Ahh yes, that’s right. All right then. You’re usual Blue Blood?”

“Yes thank you and two cups of your best coffee.”

“Coming right up. And I know you liked the doughnut from last time so I’ll bring ya a few. And you, lovely kitty, might like what I crafted for her. Hope she likes fish.”

“I do yes.”

“She does,” Oblivion informed him after the cat gave him the answer.

The two sat down at a booth and Sasa laid down under the table to avoid being stepped on. Donut Joe brought over the coffee and poured a cup for them both. Blue sat across from him and waited till he walked away before speaking.

“So about this week.” He began and Oblivion turned his ears to listen intently to the hesitant pony.

“Take your time. Not like I’m expecting the whole story in one breath.” He assured the nervous pony.

“Of course not. I’m just not even sure where to start.”

“How about after I left?”

Blue looked to him and nodded. “That day was fine, it was after that things went sour.” He paused. “Auntie Celestia asked me to sit in on a council meeting for her. That’s not new, I have done it before for her, many times. So I agreed. Normally the council meetings are about taxes and whatnot. This was different.” He stopped and looked to his hooves.

“How so?” Oblivion encouraged him to continue.

“They were talking about education. Normally, a boring subject at the best of times. But this time they wanted to enhance the curriculum and start excluding different students from certain subjects.” He looked to the black unicorn, who leaned forward to listen. “For example, they wanted to remove Earth ponies and Pegasus from Magical History, since they can’t actively use magic. Or Physical Education only for Earth ponies. Then add a new subject on a flight for Pegasus. Thereby not allowing the other species to understand the workings of the other pony’s talents.”

“How does that make sense? I am a unicorn and I choose to learn the mechanics of flight and how an earth pony uses their magic to grow crops. The knowledge may not directly affect what I can do but it is pertinent. What they are discussing is nothing short of...Gods, what are the words? I read them in Equestria's history...Species Exclusion”

“I agree. I started to speak out about it but was drowned out. I was trying to avoid using my mask as you encouraged me to do.” He hung his head. “I tried everything. I even stood on the table.”

“I would love to see that.” Sasa interjected.

“Silence.” Oblivion admonished her.

Blue opened his mouth to continue but stopped when Joe approached the table, two plates on his back and one in his hoof. He set the plate in his hoof on the ground for Sasa and the others in front of the two stallions. Oblivion took a sip of his coffee and set it down in favor of one of the treats in front of him. Both stallions looked down when a low growl went through the air. Sasa was sniffing the treats and growling at them. Joe looked a bit nervous until the cat held the plate in her paws and eagerly devoured the donuts on it. She licked her jaws and front teeth then gazed up at the pony who made them.

“I suppose she enjoyed them?” Joe spoke out.

“Seems to have,” Oblivion replied.

Sasa looked to him and purred her approval to him. “Well, that pretty face earns her a couple more.”

Oblivion rolled his eyes as the pony walked away. Blue had remained silent and was back to staring at his hooves. Oblivion leaned back. “Go on.”

Blue startled and sighed. “Well, when nothing worked I just got so...angry at them. I finally lost my temper. I slammed my hooves on the table and just yelled at them. I used that stupid Prince mask and they finally listened. I informed them that excluding foals from classes just because they cannot fly, or use magic means nothing. Every foal should understand each other etc. I spent a half hour yelling at them. When I finished they all just nodded and wouldn’t even look at me. I told them all to leave and sat alone when they were gone. I’ll be honest I was pretty pleased with myself for a moment until I realized what had happened.”

“You used that Prince mask to subdue them.” Oblivion supplied.

“Yes. I didn’t even give them the chance to comment or argue. I kept thinking that I was in the right and that they had to be put in their place. Even if their place was cowering before me.”

“You realized that’s not the pony you are,” Oblivion stated as he held his coffee in his magic.

“Exactly. I almost hid under the table when I realized what I had said. I pretty much went after each one of them and told them they were wrong and knew nothing. I had no right to act that way. I was just so tired and angry that I...”

“Snapped?” The other nodded. “Everypony has a moment where they have to make a choice Blue. Sometimes that choice is wrong or times it is right. Losing your temper is a normal reaction...let me finish.” He added when the other opened his muzzle to argue, then shut it again. “But attacking another pony, even with words, is unacceptable. You above all know that. Having had it done to you before.”

Blue Blood nodded and took a bite of his food. “What do I do? I want to apologize but I can’t seem to find a good way to speak with them. Auntie Celestia and Luna found out and I have been removed from hosting the council meetings.”

“And the reason for that is?”

“Because I need time to realize what has happened and make amends. How can I make amends if I can’t get them all in one room? I don’t think they would appreciate me going to their personal homes.”

Oblivion was silent as he listened. He could see that Blue regretted what had happened and wanted to make it right. “I can understand why they did what they did, but at the same time. Admonishing you when you clearly regret your actions, therefore giving you no chance to repent for it is foolish.” Oblivion stated, bluntly.

Blue Blood looked to him. “Then what can I do?”

Oblivion considered for a moment. “Is it possible for you to call upon them on your own?”

“How do you mean?”

“To call an emergency meeting and require their attendance? That way they cannot avoid it for fear of repercussion.”

“I suppose I could, but I’m certain they would not want to be near me.”

“That is why it is required. They have no choice, but to attend.” Oblivion said to him. He leaned forward against the table, gently due to the wounds on his barrel.

Blue Blood was quiet. “Even if I call upon them do you really think they will listen to me?”

“Blue. One thing I have learned while I have been here is that ponies here are very forgiving. Even if you do not think you deserve it they will forgive. It’s in their nature to. They will no doubt be upset but they will let it go. Leave the mask behind and explain yourself. Acknowledge what you said and did and then explain what drove you to act the way you did.” He explained. “Perhaps they did not realize that they were in fact excluding your opinion completely from the conversation.”

Blue was quiet. “How do I face them though?”

“With dignity. Hold your head high and accept what you said and explain it to them. If you speak truly they will know. Give these ponies a chance.”

Blue looked up. “If I call this, can you be there as well?”

Oblivion’s ears went back for a moment at the request. “Why would you need me?”

“It’s easier to be me around you. I think it would be easier to leave the mask behind me if your there to stop me from using it. I would, of course, have a chair for you so you’re not standing due to your wounds. And I would like to get this done with, quickly.”

“So you wish to do this now?”

“Yes, if you can.”

Oblivion sighed and leaned back. His wings flicked against his sides and he waited before he answered. He looked to the other stallion and he could see the uncertainty in the others spirit. “Very well. Might be best to do this quickly anyway. If you need me there, then I will attend as well.”

Blue looked nothing short of relieved as he let himself sag against the booth. “Thank you, my friend.”

“Good choice, Chosen. He is pretty shaken up by this.” Sasa said from under the table.

“I agree.”

“When we go back to the castle I will request to have the requests sent out. But keeping it from Auntie Celestia will be impossible. All requests still go through her. She might not allow it.” He lamented quietly.

“Allow me to handle Celestia. She will permit it. I’ll give the request to her myself.”

Blue looked to him and a small smile graced his muzzle. “You’ll probably bully her into it.”

“I might.” Oblivion joked back.

Blue gave a laugh and picked up his coffee. “A toast to a good friend.” He said and Oblivion raised him as well. The two cups clicked together and Blue smiled.

Joe brought out a small bag of donuts for Sasa as they paid and left. They reached the castle and Blue Blood led him through the halls as he started drafting a meeting notice. “I’ll meet you at the council chambers that you were in before. Do you recall where it is?”

Oblivion considered for a moment. “Yes, I believe I can find it. I will have Sasa remain here with you.”

“Perfect. Here is the request for Auntie Celestia. I’ll take care of her. I’m sure she would like to eat those treats from Joe anyway.” His own magic took the letter and gave it to the black unicorn while taking the bag off Oblivion’s back.

“Go ahead and start the request for their attendance. It’s early enough in the day to have them here before dinner with their families if they wish to argue about that.”

Blue nodded and watched as his friend's horn lit up with azure flame as he focused on Celestia's spirit and used that to reach her. He vanished in a flash of blue flame. He appeared a few feet from Celestia's throne and sighed. The monarch looked stunned to see the black unicorn. Oblivion sighed and limped over to her.

“I have a request for you.” He stated to the Alicorn, who took the note in her magic.

“How are your wounds? Twilight made them seem quite severe.”

“To some they are. Where I am from this is nothing small as well but worked around.”

She gave a grim nod and opened the letter. She read it and looked to the black stallion. “I’m afraid I cannot approve of this.”

“And your reason is?”

“I love my nephew dearly, but his behavior was beyond what even I can allow.”

“I can understand your hesitation. But. He is quite distressed by what happened. Did you ask him why he acted the way he did?” She hesitated in her answer and Oblivion stared. “You have no idea?”

“I gave him the chance to explain but he did not give a very good reply. He was unwilling to speak of it.”

“With good reason. I know what happened from what he has told me.”

“Why would he speak of the incident to you and not me?”

“With me, he does not need to be anything besides a pony. To those around him, yourself included, he is a Prince.”

“He is a Prince. That is why his behavior was reprehensible and he has not tried to make amends for it.”

“He is trying to. Would you rather he go directly to their homes and apologize?” She said nothing in reply. “That seems unreasonable. By calling on them to come back to the council chambers he can speak with them altogether. Therefore making it easier for all of them.”

“By requiring their immediate presence? How is that not upsetting them?”

“It has upset him for long enough. You are one of the blindest monarchs I have ever met.” Celestia and her guards stared at the black pony. “You see the suffering of these nobles, but not of your ‘beloved’ nephew. I can see it and I have known him for far less time than you.”

“How can you know that better than I can?” Celestia asked.

“Gods below. I am the Bearer of the Element of Spirit. You wielded it once, did you not gain the ability to see the Aura of the ponies around you?”

“Not in terms of exacts no. I could see some, but not enough to form much of a response to them. Why do you mention it?”

“I can see much more than that. His spirit is being torn at by guilt and regret for what happened. Your solution was to bar him the ability to make amends with the ponies he upset. If you are that concerned about it, I will be there with him. He is close to me so I will prevent any issues within the chambers. If you do not approve of it I will find a way around you. I will not allow him to suffer needlessly.” Oblivion stated to the mare.

Celestia stared at him, shock in her eyes. “You can see the damage being done?”

“Yes, clear as daylight.”

The mare looked back to the scroll and then to the black unicorn. “You will be with him?”

“Through it all, yes.”

“Then with that covered, I will happily approve this. Please help him. If what you say is true, then please help him.”

“I intend to.” Oblivion took the approval from her as the great doors at the end of the room opened. He looked back to find several ponies walking in. He looked to them and all he could see was anger coming from them. “Gods below. What is the issue with this group?” A deep green stallion came up the throne and bowed to the Princess before rising. He had a cutie mark that was a mallet of some sort.

“Princess. I received a council summons from Prince Blue Blood. You told me and the others that he would not be calling for any more meetings. What is the meaning of this?”

Celestia looked sideways to a smirking black unicorn. “That was quick.”

“Is this what you meant by going around me if needed?” She asked him. He locked his eyes with hers, seeing the laughter in them.

“Well, even I am a bit surprised at the speed he took it to heart. Though I am hardly upset at the notion of getting this done quickly.” He answered the white Alicorn.

She sighed. “I have approved my nephew's request to speak with all of you together.”

“Princess with all due respect. I will not be in the presence of that rude pony that has no respect for the ideas of others.”

“Enough,” Oblivion said aloud. His voice was quiet but held strength under it. “Would you like to enlighten her about the topic of the discussion itself or should I?”

The pony sputtered. “Who do you think you are? Princess, I demand an explanation as to the identity of this pony that has the gall to speak to me this way.”

“Justice, please calm yourself. This is Oblivion Shadow, Bearer of the Element of Spirit. He is here to aid in the discussion between you and my nephew.”

“I will not hear of it. Element bearer or not. This pony has no right...”

“Silence, you foal.” Oblivion roared. His own patience frayed. “I care not one whit about what you will allow or not. You are secondary in this situation.” Oblivion stated. He advanced on the ponies that were standing, now stock still. His shoulder popped in the joint, but he forced it to hold him. “You will walk into that council chamber and you will listen, and listen well. I have fought dragons, fiends and all manner of monsters and walked away with a victory. You will be nothing before me. I will not listen to your foal whimpering any longer.” The ponies all stared at him. “Am I clear?”

The ponies nodded as Celestia hid behind a hoof. The ponies started to file out of the room and Oblivion breathed. “That was quite the declaration. Are you all right?”

Oblivion focused on breathing as he nodded. “I will be fine. That took a bit more effort than I anticipated.” He walked after the group of ponies. “Is that all of them?”

“Yes. That is all. Please sit and rest Oblivion. You look exhausted.”

“Well, I will after herd that group where they belong. Can’t have them running off. That reminds me. They were discussing changes in education.” Celestia waited for him to continue. “Segregating the foals into groups. Unicorn only curriculum that excludes Earth ponies and Pegasus from magic-related events and vice versa.”

Her eyes widened. “Please tell me that was a joke.”

“Celestia, I’m a Witcher. Do I look like I am jesting?”

“No. No, you do not. I cannot believe that was even suggested.” She looked away from him and down to her hoof boots. “Oblivion. I do hereby give you and my nephew the ability to abolish all ideas of that nature from now on.” The black stallion gave a slight nod and limped to the door. “And Oblivion?” He stopped and looked back at her. “Thank you for staying with him.”

Oblivion gave her a nod before leaving the room, closing the doors behind him. He walked behind the council ponies and ensured that they made it to the room ahead of him. He walked in to find Blue Blood standing with Sasa at his side.

“Stay at his side.” He instructed the cat.

“I will not let him stand alone. Where will you be?”

“Behind them.”

Oblivion sat down behind them at the wall, taking the weight off his front and leaning back into the wall. The ponies took their seats and waited. The black unicorn gazed past them to the Prince.

“Chosen, he is shaking.” Sasa warned him.


Oblivion stood back up and came around to a gap in the table. “I will say this now and you will listen to my words.” Every set of eyes in the room looked to him. “There will be no discussion of a curriculum that will exclude a certain breed of the pony from any class. Myself and Bl...Prince Blue Blood has been given absolute authority by your Princess to prevent any ideas that could limit the foals learning from ever crossing this table again.”

Blue Blood looked across the table and Oblivion looked at him. His eyes were hard but they let the other pony know he was there.

“Thank you for attending. I wish to apologize for my prior behavior. I was frustrated by the lack of communication and let my temper get the best of me.” Blue Blood began.

“That is hardly an apology, Prince Blue Blood.” One pony interrupted.

Blue Blood had to work not to cringe. Oblivion stepped back from his place and walked around the table. He leaned close to the interrupting pony. “You will hold your tongue till he has finished speaking. This is part of the problem. Unless a pony puts you in your place you do not even allow them the dignity of speaking uninterrupted.”

“You have no rights here...” Another interrupted Oblivion.

The black unicorn turned to them as Sasa gave a loud roar. Silencing them all. “Good girl.” Oblivion praised the cat. “Here is part of your problem. Nopony is willing to listen to the other. I’m amazed Blue Blood didn’t yell at all of you sooner.” Several opened their muzzles, only to have a ring of azure flame surround them. The same flame that covered Oblivion’s curved horn. “Be silent all of you. That ring will remain till you stop acting like petulant children and learn how to listen. I have dealt with a classroom of foals more disciplined than the lot of you.”

He grew up next to Blue Blood. “Speak.” He said to the other stallion.

“Thank you Oblivion. He is right. While I regret my actions I know what caused them. You will not listen to any pony. Not even each other. I stood on this table trying to speak to you like a normal pony. None of you would listen or even turn a glance at me. So my actions were from desperately trying to work with you. I have been coming to these meetings and found that nothing is ever accomplished. These meetings are a joke to any pony who has had the displeasure of going to one. Nothing ever happens and all that we leave with is anger and frustration. Any one of us could change that and make these meetings something that we can actually accomplish a goal.”

Blue paused as he looked around. He was quiet as Oblivion spoke next. “Where I come from there are no meetings where ponies can discuss things. Areas are ruled by a single house or family. There is no ability to have choices. It is all done at the whim of the family head or Lord of the area. You have no choices.” Oblivion said to them. His voice was strong and unwavering. He sat back and leaned his flank against the wall, letting it hold him up. “You would squander this chance to make lives for the ponies better by bickering and arguing like children in the streets. Normally I would simply inform you of what is going to happen as I do where I am from. Equestria does not work like that. But by the Gods, I will silence you to force you to listen to a pony that is not yourself.”

Blue Blood gave a small smile as he looked to the assembled ponies, rings of flame still around their snouts. “Please, leave those on for now.” He whispered to the black pony, who nodded. “As I was saying, I am sorry for my behavior but it has also let me see what the biggest problem is. We do not talk so much as yell and scream at one another. By nodding, has that solved anything?” The two unicorn stallions looked around there was no response. “I thought not. So here is what I propose. We try to remember what we learned in school and listen to every pony. I was not kidding when I said these meetings are seen as a joke since we never accomplish anything. I treated them as a joke. I have and I admit to that. It was the part of my day that I dreaded and I was the first to think that beating my head into a wall would get me further than even trying to speak up.”

Oblivion looked to the ponies and he could see understanding finally starting to dawn on them. “About dammed time.” He muttered under his breath. He leaned further into the wall. His body was tiring and his wounds were starting to ache. Sasa moved to stand between the two unicorns and sat down between them.

“Are you going to be all right, Chosen?”

Oblivion didn’t respond for a moment. “Yes.”

She gave him a gentle nudge. “I think you need to lay down before you fall down.”

“You find me a spot in this cramped room and I will.”

The cat started around the room while Blue Blood continued to speak to the group. Oblivion looked down and was surprised to find the ground moving under him. “Oh no.” He whispered to himself. “Sasa.Get back here.” The cat was back to his side and he looked to her. “I’m going to pass out.”

“Oh no. Okay, can you teleport to your room here?”

“Maybe. Why?”

“Better to fall there than on the floor here. It has a rug in it.”

“True enough.” His horn brought a scroll and quill to him and he jotted a note to Blue who read it and looked to him before the pony vanished. Sasa ran to the door and started to claw at it.

“Hang on, girl.” Blue Blood opened the door and the cat took off at a hard run for the bedrooms. “Oh no, Oblivion.” He looked back to the council who were massaging their jaws. The note had told him to keep working with the council, but he worried more about the injured pony than them.

20: Healing Within...

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“Chosen! Open the door.” Sasa was at the door to the Royal Wing but the door was locked to her. She looked around her and found that there was no pony nearby. She had left Blue Blood at the chambers with the other ponies. The she-cat stepped back and focused on Oblivion's magic. It rolled over her as the blue flame began going over her fur. She looked at the door and focused on the door itself. She backed up and took off for the door. She was a few feet from it when she vanished and appeared on the other side.

“Oh, by my claws, that was lucky. I haven’t used my blink ability in over a thousand years. Only by pulling from him can I even accomplish it.” Smoke came off her fur, and she shook herself to get it off her.

She turned and started down the corridor. She ran up to Oblivion's room and found that it was cracked open. She pushed it open and stopped in her tracks. Oblivion collapsed on the floor, his breathing shallow. She trotted to him and nudged his cheek. There was no response from the exhausted Alicorn. The cat went to the bed pulled the blanket off of it, and laid it over him to keep him warm. She laid down beside him and purred.

“I’m here.” She whispered to him as she pushed her paws under his head so he might be more comfortable. She laid her head on the floor to let him keep his ears open and sighed.

Oblivion groaned and shifted. His body complained at the movement, and he growled.

“Easy Chosen. You barely made it back here.” Sasa said to him. Even in his mind, her voice was quiet.

“Yeah, I'm aware. Gods, that was a bad idea.”

“Which part?”

“Staying there this long.”

“Well, you did what was right. Even if it did backfire on you, it was still right to stay by him.”

He looked down and found that his head was on her paws, and a blanket had been laid over his back. “Hells, what time is it?”

“A bit after 7 I think.” She responded.

“Damn. Need to send a note to AJ.”

“Or you can relax and lay quiet for a bit.”

“How long have I been out?”

“Maybe an hour and a half.” She replied. “Not long enough. You exhausted yourself helping Blue Blood. Which was needed, but still. Using everything you have, which is not much, is reckless. Needlessly reckless.”

“Maybe. We can argue later. Someone is coming.”

“Who is it?”


The door opened the rest of the way, and Blue Blood looked in to find Oblivion still on the floor with his head on Sasa’s paws. “By my aunts. Can you get up?”

“Not at the moment, no,” Oblivion replied.

“I shouldn’t have asked you to stay. That was selfish. I’m so sorry.” Blue said as he walked around Oblivion to stand in front of him.

“It’s fine. It was my choice. How did it go after I left?”

“Surprisingly quiet. It seems to have their ability to speak removed sobered them up enough to listen.” Blue chuckled. “Though I think they were scared you would return if they got out of line.”

“If it worked, then use it,” Oblivion replied.

“Still. I should have made arrangements for a spot for you to lay down. You limped back with them and then stayed standing. Next time, you’re sitting your tail in a sedan chair. Whether you like it or not.” He vowed.

Oblivion raised his head from Sasa’s paws. The side of his head hit the cat square behind her long fangs. She yelped and pulled back. “Dammit!” Oblivion yelped and put his head back down. One of her long teeth had bumped his cheekbone. “That was a horrible idea.” He said as he brought up a hoof to massage his cheek.

Blue held back a laugh as his friend grumbled and Sasa shook her head. He smiled and began to laugh at their expense. Soon, the Prince was lying on his side laughing. Oblivion rolled onto his belly and looked at the cat, who was rubbing her chin on her paws.

“Well, that hurt a bit.” He said aloud. Blue Blood laughed even harder at the comment.

“Hurt you? I’m seeing stars.” Sasa griped.

Oblivion looked at her and chuckled. “Sorry, girl. If it helps, I think you bruised my face, even if you can’t see it. One of the only spots that isn’t injured.” He commented, earning even more laughter from Blue.

Blue Blood finally calmed and looked at them. “I do have a question. How did she get past the door?”

“Door?” Oblivion asked.

“The door to enter this wing, it has that magic lock on it.”

“Oh. I have no idea. I woke up, and she was here. Why?”

“There was a scorch mark on the door. It rubbed off easy enough, but still.”

Oblivion turned to look at the she-cat. “Any explanation?”

She looked at them and tilted her head. “It should have left no mark at all. Though I did use power from you, which manifests as that azure flame, so I suppose it could have...”

“Less musing, more explanation, Sasa.” Oblivion deadpanned to her.

“This would be so much better if I could hear her as well. Otherwise, you look like a crazy cat pony.” Blue said to his friend.

“Bloody hell. Okay, hang on.” Oblivion horn lit, and Blue felt a wave of magic go over him. “Try that.”

“What did you do?” Sasa asked.

Blue’s head snapped to look at the cat. “By Equestria, I understood her.”

She looked back at them and gave a toothy grin. “Right sorry. I do have a short-range teleport. It’s called Blink. I can blink through an object if I can do it.”

“So you used my magic to blink through the door?”

“Well, you weren’t there to open it, and Blue Blood was busy.”

“I would have come with you if you had waited a second.” Blue Blood snapped at her.

“Fine, fine. I was in a hurry, I apologize.” Sasa said, more to placate him. “Anyway, so I used that skill to get past the locked door. I had to get here to check on him. Thankfully, I didn’t have to use it again. It would have taken more power to use again so quickly.”

“Well, at least I could crack open the door for you ahead of time,” Oblivion said to them.

“That’s quite the skill. Sounds like it uses a fair amount of magic. Am I right?”

“It does yes. I could use it all the time in my world once, but now that I am here, I can’t. It takes more power than I have on my own.”

Blue Blood looked at the black stallion. “So you took his magic and used it to blink through a magic door that Auntie Celestia made herself for security?” Oblivion looked to the cat, who pinned her ears at the error she had just made. “How much magic do you have anyway? According to what I know of that door, it can drain a pony that tries to break through it. Won’t hurt them but will leave them tired enough to be there still when the guards get there to apprehend them.”

“Well, I am not a pony. So it can’t drain me.” Sasa supplied.

“That’s true. But his magic is Unicorn magic. So it should have attacked that.” Blue reasoned back to her.

“Maybe, but can it fight an Element of Harmony?” Oblivion replied.

Blue Blood stopped and shook his head. “I doubt it. Not much can fight that. That’s why Auntie Celestia calls them Equestria's best line of defense.”

“Well, they do have some power. That’s true.” Sasa replied.

“Some?” Blue Blood said to her.

“Sorry, I just meant that their power is mostly to cleanse evil, right?”

Blue looked away and considered the cat’s words. “I am not entirely sure. I haven’t read much about them. I talked to Aunt Luna about it, but she wasn’t sure. She said that the Elements don’t have much power without a source, I think. Not sure what she meant. But she said that when Aunt Celestia used them last, it was the only time she could use them alone. Without the two of them, they could not be used again, so they became lifeless to her.”

“So Celestia and Luna wielded the Elements a thousand years ago? And Celestia used them to imprison her sister on the moon? Hence the prophecy that was mentioned.” Oblivion commented.

“Yes. My aunt doesn’t like to talk about it, even now that Aunt Luna has returned.” Blue said, his voice solemnly.

“I would imagine she wouldn’t. It’s something that she, no doubt, views as a great failure on her part.”Sasa added. “I remember when it happened. I hadn’t been in this world for very long and was not far away when Celestia used the elements. They were dormant for a time, I believe until she used them. I was able to find her due to the Elements. When I reached her, they were inactive, lifeless around her. They had fallen to the ground and appeared dead.”

Oblivion was silent as she finished. “Every pony has a time that they regret an action. None of us is immune to that fact.”Oblivion replied. “Royalty is especially prone to such things. They hold life in their hooves and must decide what to do with it when they must. They can send their subjects to death or give them life. All of that power is their hooves, and they must use it correctly or lose the trust of their people.”

Blue Blood nodded. “That’s correct. You are quite knowledgeable for a pony that has no respect for monarchs.”

Oblivion chuckled. “Just because I do not bow and scrape does not mean I do not respect them. I treat them as I would any pony. I respect what they do, but that does not mean they have my loyalty. I will not bend my knee and swear fealty.”

Blue sighed and shook his head. Sasa chuckled at them. “You will never get him to bow, Blue Blood.”

The white pony chuckled and nodded to her. “I know. I think Aunt Luna prefers it to the title anyway. Not sure about Aunt Celestia.”

“Whether she likes it or not is not my concern. I have informed her of my reasons, and she accepted them.” Oblivion stated bluntly.

Blue rolled his eyes but relented. “So, are you going to stay here for tonight or head back?”

“I will head back. I wanted to visit with you for a while and then return. Unless you still need me.”

“No. You have done enough, my friend.” Blue said as he stood up. He held a hoof and helped pull the other stallion to his hooves. “Till next week, then?”

Oblivion looked to the wraith over Blue’s shoulder and found it had withdrawn. It was weaker but still actively feeding off the pony. “Yes. I’ll see you next week.”

“I look forward to it,” Blue said with a smile. “I’ll close the door once you’re gone.”

Oblivion nodded, closed his eyes, and focused on pulling magic into his horn. He vanished in a flash of blue flame.

He opened his eyes and found himself in front of the farmhouse. He exhaled and looked around the farm.

“There ya are,” Applejack called out as she looked out the front door to him. “Was beginning ta wonder bout ya.”

“No need. It was a longer visit than I intended.” He explained.

“As long as yer alright, it’s fine by me.” She said to him and opened the lower half of the door as he approached her. “Ya look plum tuckered out though.”

“It has been a long day, yes. If you excuse me, I think I will turn in.” Oblivion said to her as he walked past her.

“That’s fine by me. Here, let me get the medicine the doctor prescribed fer ya.” She closed the door behind him as he waited by the table. The mare set a glass of water and three pills on the table for him. He drank them down and set the glass in the sink for her. “Ya rest up, ya hear?”

“I intend to. Thank you, AJ.” He said as he moved to the stairs.


Oblivion put his face in his hoof and focused on Sasa. The cat appeared in the kitchen, her eyes narrowed at him. “Sorry about that.”

“It’s all right. I know you’re tired.” She replied to him as she rubbed her head on his hip.

Oblivion looked up the stairs and teleported up them. Sasa bounded them behind him and caught up with him as he opened the door and walked into his room, closing it behind him. He removed his hair tie and set it on the desk. He stretched as much as he dared and suppressed a yawn. His magic moved the blanket back, and Sasa jumped up to lay in her normal spot in the window. Oblivion got into bed slowly and pulled the blanket over his back. His wings relaxed under the blanket and laid softly against the mattress. He sighed, and his head fell heavily to the pillow.

“Get some rest chosen. You have had a very rough couple of days. Take it easy for a time.” Sasa said to him as she huddled gently against his back and left side.

“I know. Been a long time since I have been this worn down.”

“I’m sure it has been. Had you decided to kill the dragon, then you would have only pulled your side a bit, instead of ripping it open.”She observed to him.

“True enough.” He said to her and sighed once more as he closed his eyes.

“Rest now.” She encouraged, her voice calm and soothing.

“Sounds like a good idea.” Oblivion let his mind drift and finally fell into a dreamless sleep.

Sasa sat up as the night began to give way to dawn. She looked to the window and then to Oblivion himself. The black stallion slept peacefully, his breathing shallow but even. She wanted him to be able to sleep longer and jumped over his body, landing softly on the bedroom floor. She reached out to him and pulled magic away from him. She looked to the door and focused on being on the other side of it. She closed her aqua-blue eyes and jumped forward.

Her eyes opened, and she made a pleased noise when she found she was on the other side of the door. Oblivion’s azure flames remained on her as she trotted downstairs and blinked through the door again to go outside. The flames dissipated and vanished from her body as she trotted to the chicken coop. A rooster came outside, and Sasa eyed the animal. “Not today.” She said to herself as she growled loudly at the animal. The rooster stopped, and its beady eyes fell on the large saber cat. It cackled and ran back inside the coop.

“Now, you will stay in there until I choose to leave this spot.” She stayed by the coop, and anytime the small creature started to come outside, she would growl, and it would run back inside. She cast her eyes to the house and Oblivion's window. She remained in place as the sun rose.

Oblivion opened one eye and looked around him. He closed it and raised his head, opening both eyes. He looked back and found that Sasa was not in her normal place. “Sasa?”

“You’re awake?”

“Yes. Where did you wander off to?”

“I’m outside. I decided to prevent that loud animal from waking you. You needed to rest more, so I scrolled it back into the coop. It’s a very annoying little creature.”

“I agree it is. How long have you been scaring it?”

“About an hour and a half.”

Oblivion startled and got slowly out of his bed. He groaned as his wounds complained, but he ignored it for the moment. “You can stop harassing that bird.”

“I was just starting to enjoy myself.” She replied.

He looked to the door and saw a light scorch mark as Blue had described at the castle. “You blinked through the doors, didn’t you?”

“Yes, I did, why?”

“The doors are scorched.”

There was silence from the cat. “Damn.” She cursed. “I forgot about that.”

“Thankfully, it’s easy enough to brush off. We need to find a way for you to do that without leaving markings behind.”

“I agree. For now, we will wait to discuss it. Are you all right to move?”

“I can manage.” He replied as he brushed out his mane and tail, replaced his cloak and hair tie, and opened the door.

The black unicorn teleported down the stairs and found a glass of water and pills on the counter with a note to take when he woke up. He swallowed them and walked outside to the porch. He could see AJ’s light out in one of the fields, and Big Mac was in town, so far as he could tell. Sasa neared him and stopped to nuzzle him affectionately.

“Applejack seemed surprised to see me out here until she saw that the rooster was inside the coop. She found it quite entertaining.” Sasa said as she stood before him.

“I bet she did. A large cat keeping a rooster trapped in a coop.” He replied to her.

The cat chuckled as he limped past her toward Applejack's spirit. “Try teleporting, Chosen. Would be faster.”

“Except, I haven’t been over there, so if it’s a crop field, I could end up standing on their food.” He reasoned to the sabercat.

“Ahh. Good point.” She agreed and walked with him.

Oblivion looked up as he neared the edge of the field. He recognized the plants like carrots and waited for her to look up from the water system she was tinkering with. The farm mare looked up and waved to him. He remained in place and waited for her to reach him.

“How are ya feeling this mornin’?” She asked him.

“Could be worse, I suppose.” He told her.

“Well, least yer up and moving. Did ya send that there kitten Ah yers ta scare the roosted this morning?”

“No. She did that on her own. Though I must admit, I don’t mind that she did.”

“Ah, bet. It’s easier ta sleep in if that fowl don’t crow in the morning.” She agreed. “But ya probably needed the extra rest.”

“It was nice to sleep a bit longer, I agree.”

“Apple Bloom wanted ta wake ya up, but we all told her ya needed yer rest.”

“I’ll see her this evening.” He commented.

“Also, did ya burn the door?”

Oblivion cast a glance to Sasa, who looked to the ground. “I did not no. Sasa has an ability that allows her to do teleporting over short distances. She uses magic from me to accomplish it. We will work on a way to prevent it from leaving a mark next time. It can be brushed off easily enough. It’s not a full burn.”

“Ahh, Ah see. Well, so long as it’s not dangerous, it’s all right.”

“It isn’t.” Sasa added.

“I can assure you it's fine,” Oblivion added.

“All right. That’s all Ah needed ta hear. Ya, go back to the house and rest up some more. Ya may be able to hide the bandages under yer cloak, but Ah know they are there. Now ya head on back.”

“I can help, you know. I don’t need to be coddled.” Oblivion argued.

“Ah’m not. Ya did enough. Ya fought a dragon, Oblivion. Ya said yerself Witcher's avoid them. And ya threw yerself into the fight ta protect all Ah us.” She said to him. Her voice pleading as she explained. “Ah’m not pitying ya. Ah want ya ta relax and let yerself heal for a bit. If Ah am near the house or that tree ya like, Ah’ll ask ya ta move something with magic. But fer now ya should rest more.”

Oblivion listened to her and sighed. “Dammit to the Hells.” He said as he nodded to her. “Very well.” His horn lit as the mare smiled.

Sasa met him under the tree he was lying under in the front, snuggling against him as much as she dared. The black pony kept his head up and looked around him. What is it Chosen?”

“I don’t know. Just this feeling.”

“Oh? Can you describe it?”

“Just restless, I suppose. I keep feeling like I need to move.”

“Has this happened before?”

“A few times. It usually meant something was out there, and I should be watchful. But here, I can’t sense anything beyond the normal. It’s disconcerting.”

“I imagine it would be. I can walk around for you and see what I can find if it will ease your mind at all.”

Oblivion was silent as his eyes scanned the area. “Yes, thank you.” He said to her.

Sasa got up and trotted away from him. Oblivion laid his head down and waited for her to report in. After several minutes, the cat checked in with him. “Chosen?”


“You need to come to me. You must see this.”

Oblivion brought his head up and pulled himself to his hooves. His horn flared, and he teleported to the cat's side. On the ground in front of her was a mutilated human corpse. “What in God's name?” He muttered as he lowered his head to look at it. There were deep gashes through the chest and abdomen.

“What could do this, Chosen? And how did this human get here?”

“I do not know. Give me a moment.” Sasa backed up as Oblivion moved the corpse's head and found it had nearly been removed. Sasa put a paw over her nose as the smell hit her.

“By my fangs. What is that?”

“That is a combination of smells. It’s mostly rot, but it also has venom in it.”

“From what?”

“Could be several monsters. Arachas, Griffin, etc. This man was torn into by a drowner, though.”

“How can you tell? The body is half mangled.”

Oblivion looked at her grimly. “Not my first time looking at a corpse.”

Sasa shook her head and backed up a step. “By all that is unholy. What do we do with it?”

“Well, we can’t bury it here. Some pony will find it. The smell alone will be noticed. ”Oblivion brought his head up and looked around them. “It’s far enough away from the populated area that I can get rid of it. It’s not a proper burial since there is no family to return him to. But this will have to do.”

Oblivion's horn lit as he backed up a few strides. His horn flared, and azure flame flowed over the body. It began to disintegrate and turned to ashes. The smell got worse, and Sasa gagged beside him. Oblivion glanced at her but did not stop. A few minutes passed, and the corpse was nothing but ash. A small hole appeared in the ground, and Oblivion laid the ashes inside it and covered it with fresh dirt.

“That will have to do for a grave.” He said to the cat beside him. “I don’t know who he was or where he was from so I cannot give any final rites to him. Hopefully, this will allow his soul to pass on.” Oblivion said aloud. He used his magic to stomp down the dirt and tossed a few sticks and leaves over the tiny grave.

“It is the best you can do for him. But that doesn’t explain how he got here.” Sasa pointed out.

“I know. Is it possible that portals are opening from my world to this one?”

Sasa sat down and tilted her head as she considered his question. “I wouldn’t think so. But you know more about such things than I do.”

“Possibly. But that doesn’t help us now. If my presence threatens this world, I must find a way to rectify it.”

“I don’t think you are the cause, Chosen. Perhaps something hung on when you were brought here, but I don’t think you are the direct cause. If anything, it would be Equestria that holds the blame for it.”

Oblivion sighed and turned back to the farm. “Come on. We can think of such things later.”

“Agreed. You need to rest more. How is that feeling of yours?”

“Gone now.”

“So it is a kind of fore telling.”

He looked at her as they walked. “Come again?”

“It’s not that you see the future so much as being guided a bit by it. I think it’s due to the extra mutations you went through that have given you the ability to feel that something is around you.”

“Interesting. It’s not all the time, just now and then.” He replied as they walked through the front gate.

Oblivion got to the tree as Big Mac came out of the house. “There ya are.” His eyes landed on the black pony. “Applejack said ya should be here, but when I came ta check on ya, ya weren’t here.”

“I needed to check on something. I didn’t go far.” Oblivion assured him.

“All right. So long as yer okay.”

“I’ll be fine.”

“Good ta hear it. Was surprising ta hear that ya were in the hospital. Applejack said what happened, and Ah, gotta admit, that was frightening to hear. Ya took on a full-grown dragon?”

Oblivion chuckled. “Not my favorite thing to do, but yes.”

Mac chuckled and nodded. “Yeah. Ah’ll get ya a blanket and pillow so ya can nap out here.”

Oblivion didn’t bother arguing. He laid down in place and waited. Mac came outside a minute later, laid a quilt over his back, and set the pillow on the ground for him to use. He returned to his chores and left the black unicorn alone to sleep it off. Oblivion laid his head down and closed his eyes. “I was just asleep.” He commented to Sasa as she huddled against him.

“I know. But try to rest more anyway.” Sasa said to him.

Oblivion growled but kept his eyes closed. Under the bandages, his skin trembled, and he shifted to lie more on his left side.

“Can’t get comfortable?” Sasa asked him as she moved out of the way of his hooves.

“It’s not that. I’m not comfortable to begin with.”

“Well, maybe being inside is better? The couch, perhaps?”

Oblivion was silent as he considered. He opened his eyes and lay silent. The unicorn moved his legs and pulled them close to his body. He rolled onto his legs and used magic to fold the blanket and stand up.

“Going inside?”

“Yes. This is just frustrating.” He replied to her.

“Right behind you.”

Oblivion limped inside, walked into the living room, and let himself collapse onto the couch. Sasa set the pillow on the armrest, and Oblivion laid his head back on it. The blanket was tossed over him, and the sabercat lay on the floor before the couch.



“I’m glad. You weren’t comfortable outside.”

“Normally, I’m fine, but not today, it seems.”

The cat was silent as Oblivion sighed and pressed his back against the couch. His eyes closed, and he tried to relax. His lungs were still bruised, and it hurt to breathe, but it was nothing that he could not move past. He let his body compensate for the injuries and tried to sleep.

A loud bang woke him with a jolt. Sasa growled as she was awoken as well. Oblivion sat up swiftly and released a harsh gasp as his lungs burned at the sudden inhalation. He put a hoof against his chest and tried to breathe normally. His chest tightened, and he gave another low gasp. Apple Bloom came running to him. Her eyes were large and worried.

“Oblivion! Yer home.”

He nodded and tried not to gasp again as he tried to pull air into his body. He turned and gave a low cough as Sasa stood up and pressed her head against his chest. “Easy, Chosen.” She encouraged him. Applejack had been with Apple Bloom, and she trotted in after the filly.

“Apple Bloom! Ah told ya” She paused when she heard the ragged breathing coming from the stallion. “Oh no.”

Sasa pressed against him. Stay with me, Chosen. Mimic my breathing.”

He gasped once more and groaned. “Gods, that hurts.” He told her through their connection.

Oblivion focused on her and had to work at slowing his breathing. It was ragged, and pain tore at him. He didn’t see Apple Bloom try to reach for him. His head and neck fell to Sasa’s back, and he stayed there as he listened to her breathe. Applejack pulled the filly back and held onto her. It took a few minutes, but his breathing finally calmed, and he sat back, taking his weight off of Sasa. “Good girl.” He whispered to her.

“It’s all right. I’m here.” She replied and sat down.

Her elder sister still held back Apple Bloom. He cast a glance at the orange mare and sighed slowly. She pushed the foal back and stood up, watching him.

“Are ya gonna be okay?” She whispered to him, leaving the filly behind her.

“I’ll be fine.” He said to her. Even to his ears, his voice was strained and held an edge. He leaned heavily into the couch and tried to calm his now frayed nerves.

“Ya don’t sound fine,” Applejack said as she put a hoof on his shoulder for a moment.

“I know. That startled me, and I inhaled. It was a deep breath, and that hurt.”

“I can see that.” Applejack looked at him.

“I wasn’t ready for it. And it stretched my lungs when they weren’t ready.” He explained and put his hoof down away from his chest.

“I’m surprised ya moved inside. Yer usually outside.”

“Couldn’t get comfortable. I am sore, and trying to relax on the ground was difficult. Sasa suggested we move inside.”

“Smart girl,” Applejack commented and stroked the cat’s fur. “Ah’m sorry, big bro. Ah, didn’t know ya had moved. Ah didn’t go by ya when I went ta pick her up, so Ah didn’t know ya had moved. But that doesn’t mean ya can slam doors, Apple Bloom. Ya know better.” She said and turned to look at the filly.

Apple Bloom looked to the stallion, who sat on the pillow and breathed quietly. The yellow filly walked up to the couch, and Oblivion moved his head to lay on the edge of the couch and looked back to her.

“Ah didn’t mean ta hurt ya.”

“I know that, little one. But still, you did, and you have to be careful.”

“Ya can’t be slamming doors.” Granny Smith’s voice rang out.

Oblivion looked to her as she approached him. The old mare reached out and laid a hoof on his cheek. “Ya are a right mess this time.” She said to him. Oblivion gave a low noise but said nothing. She pulled her hoof back and looked to the foal. “Ya knew he was hurt, and ya still ran around like a crazy filly. We told ya ta be careful. Yer sister told ya that his breathing was bad.” Apple Bloom drooped and hung her head.

Oblivion started to open his mouth when a hiss stopped him. Sasa shook her head. “Not this time, Chosen. They are right. Even you could face further injury to your lungs if they do not heal independently. They will heal, but it will be delayed by further damage. Do not bail her out this time around.”

Oblivion closed his mouth and gave a slight nod. As much as he wanted to tell Apple Bloom he would be fine, he knew they were right. Even his body could only take so much punishment. His lungs still burned, and he tried to keep his breathing quiet and even. It hurt more with each breath as his body adjusted to compensate.

“Ya can’t run around and slam doors in this house no more.” Granny declared. “Ya walk like yer supposed ta do and look out fer yer family. Especially when they are hurt and need ta be takin’ it easy. Fightin’ a dragon is dangerous and it could’a been worse.”

Apple Bloom looked to the ground and nodded. Applejack looked back as Big Mac came inside as well.

“Ah heard a door slam when Ah was coming back in.” He said as he approached. He stopped and saw that Apple Bloom was clearly on the receiving end of a scolding, and he could hear Oblivion breathing. “What happened?”

Applejack stepped forward. “Apple Bloom came running inside, and the door slammed loud enough fer ya ta hear it. It startled Oblivion, and he breathed in too deeply. His lungs can’t handle that yet, so he’s having trouble gettin’ it under control again.”

Mac looked at the black pony, who gave a barely perceived nod. Mac walked over and listened. Oblivion’s breathing tore through him as he breathed slowly. His breathing was shallow and ragged, but he was still breathing easily.

“Ya’ll hurtin’?” He asked the pony.

Oblivion looked away from him and to the others. “Yes.” He answered.

Granny Smith looked at the black unicorn, and a worried look went over her features. “Ya’ll needs ta relax, and we will tend ta this. Applejack, ya stay here with ‘im.”

Applejack nodded and sat by the stallion's head by the end of the couch while Mac and Apple Bloom followed Granny into the kitchen.

“What will she do?” He asked her, his voice low.

“Not sure. When Ah told em all about what had happened, Granny went pale, and Mac stared out the window. Apple Bloom kept asking if ya were gonna live, which of course you are. Ah told her that ya were home, and she started running fer the house. Ah didn’t think ya were inside till Ah didn’t see ya outside. Ah, gotta admit, though, she knows better than to slam the doors like that. Looks like it scared poor Sasa as well.”

“Yes, it did. I nearly jumped out of my fur.” The cat complained. “But hearing your breathing was the worst part. Seeing how much pain you were in only made that worse.”

Oblivion said nothing as he continued to let himself adjust. “Was a bit of a surprise, I will admit.”

“More than that. The doctor said that ya can’t breathe as deeply as ya should, and pushing it could make the damage last.” She said to him. “Yer breathing would always be bad like this. This is as serious as it gets, Ah think.”

Sasa pushed her head against him again, and he ran his claws through the fur under her chin. He said nothing. Sasa purred as he petted her fur.

“Are you doing better, Chosen?”

“Yes thank you. The pain is lessening, and it seems to be loosening up. The muscles in my chest are not as tight.” He replied to her.

“Good.” She said and sat back on her haunches. “That was frightening enough for all of us.”

“Agreed.” The black unicorn nodded to her and looked at Applejack. “I’m all right now. Took a bit, but it’s calmed.”

“Good ta hear. Ah’ll let Granny know yer okay.” She said and turned to the kitchen.

Oblivion laid his head down on the pillow and let his eyes close. His body called for more rest due to the sudden strain. His ears caught Applejack, letting them know he would be all right. He cracked open one eye and saw them look back at him. The unicorn opened both eyes and looked back. They looked nervous for a moment as he shifted on the couch. Applejack held up her hooves to stop him as he started to get up. He halted and laid back.

“What in the name of all that is unholy?” He whispered to Sasa, who was also watching them.

“You weren’t listening to them, were you?”

“I try not to eavesdrop.”

Sasa grunted and then looked at him. “They're worried about you.” Oblivion gave a low noise. “You fought a dragon, Chosen. Your body shows the cost of that fight. It will take time for it to heal, and they are worried about how you will heal.”

“I will heal just fine.” He argued quietly.

“I know that. But they are frightened. Your trouble breathing scared them. You are family, and a member of their family suffers in front of them.”

Oblivion started and looked away from the cat. “Dammit.” He muttered under his breath.

“I know you will be fine. But as I said, they do not.”

“There is no way to convince them, is there?”

“Not really. There is no way to prove to them that you are not just healing but are immortal. The damage would have been there longer but healed slowly over time. Unless you wish to explain immortality to them.”

“Not really, no.” He admitted.

Applejack peeled away from them and came back into the front room. She stopped by him and smiled. “Yer gonna be okay though, right? Despite the little mishap now? Ah dropped yer cloak off with Rarity. Ah’ll pick it up in the next couple of days.”

“Yes. I will heal just fine. It might take longer, but nothing will be permanent if that concerns you. Thank you for tending to that for me.”

“That was mah big question yes. So you’ll be okay now?”

“Yes,” he answered, his voice holding his usual strength and seeming to put her at ease. I’ll be fine, in time.”

The orange mare looked relieved and looked back to the other ponies with a smile. “Ah’m helping the town git ready fer a big storm tomorrow so Ah won’t be home till late. The Pegasus ponies fergot a shower earlier in the week. So now we have ta makeup fer it. Ah figured Ah would mention it so that ya know ta stay inside if ya can. That way ya don’t get rained on. Apple Bloom is gonna be home tomorrow. That is why she was at school on a Sunday instead of tomorrow.”

“I appreciate that. I think I will follow that advice then. I wondered why she was going to school on a weekend. To prevent having to take her and pick her up tomorrow.”

“Eeyup. Gonna just stay inside and relax?”

“That is the new plan, yes.”

“Glad ta hear it. If ya need anything tomorrow, let us know, ya hear?”

Oblivion looked over her shoulder and saw the rest of the Apples waiting. He gave a quiet sigh. “These ponies, I swear it.” Sasa chuckled at his thoughts. “Very well. I have no desire to wander around. My shoulder is sore enough; I don’t need to tempt it.”

“Glad ta hear it. Ya need ta take it easy.”

The orange mare returned to the kitchen and explained to the others, who also smiled. Apple Bloom walked slowly into the front room and jumped onto the couch before him. “Ah’m so sorry. Ah knew ya were hurt but Ah didn’t want it to be true, so Ah thought if I got to ya fast enough then I would be right about it.”

Oblivion looked at her and listened. “Apple Bloom, just because something sounds bad does not mean you can make it untrue.” He used a hoof to lift her chin to look at him. “I was hurt in a fight with a dragon. The details that your sister gave you are correct. Wishing for something does not mean it will be the way you want it. As much as I would rather not be hurt, that is the reality. It is not pleasant, but it is the truth.”

Her eyes held tears as he spoke to her. He looked over and he could see that Sasa was still upset about the situation and was watching quietly. “Ah just don’t want ya to hurt.” She hiccuped.

“I know that. But it is the truth. I cannot change that, and neither can you. Hoping for it to be untrue will not change the reality of it.” His magic lifted the blanket away from his sides. The bandages still showed a bright white against his black fur. Her eyes widened, and she hiccuped again. “I do not wish you to be afraid of being near me, Apple Bloom, but this is the truth.”

She leaned forward and held his hoof in her tiny ones and cried. Sasa softened and leaned forward to press her nose against the filly's back. Her cries were quiet, and she held his hoof. Normally, she would have huddled against his chest, but she didn’t want to hurt him further by huddling against him. Granny Smith and the others came out into the room, and they watched the filly as she held onto his hoof and cried. Her cries quieted and finally stopped. She looked at him, and he watched her. His hoof went to her face, and he wiped away her tears.

“I will heal, Apple Bloom,” he said as he reached over and gently nuzzled her to console her.

“Ah, know. Ah, just...”

“It’s all right. As I have told you before. Learn from your mistakes.” He told her and leaned back.

“He’s right,” Granny said to them.

“All right, move, little one. I’m tired of laying here.” Oblivion finally spoke up.

Apple Bloom jumped off the couch as Oblivion shifted to stand. He pulled himself to his hooves and looked at them. They backed up to give him room and waited as he shook himself off carefully and used his magic to fold the blanket and set the pillow on top of it. Granny Smith reached up to him and gently touched his cheek before walking away from them. Mac reached over and patted his good shoulder before leaving for the kitchen. Apple Bloom hugged his leg and followed her other brother. Oblivion stood in silence as they vanished from sight. He sagged for a moment before straightening and walking forward. Sasa bumped his hip gently to alert him to her location.

21: Rainy Days...

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Oblivion shifted in his sleep as Sasa sat by the window watching over him as he slept. She had stayed up to listen to him breathe through the night. A few times his breathing would hitch and he would growl for a moment before it evened back out. The saber cat was silent as she listened. Her Chosen was still once more as she laid back down beside him and laid her broad head on his neck. After making sure that his airway was intact and would not be bothered by her position she went back to her vigil. Her aqua eyes closed, but she did not sleep.

Oblivion opened his eyes and looked around him. Sasa was not by the window but he knew where she was. He looked out the window and saw the sabercat by the chicken coop once more. “You can leave it alone, Sasa.”

“I can now.” She replied and started for the house. “Did you sleep well?”

“Seem to have yes.” He moved off the bed and leaned his rump back against it as he brushed out his mane and then his tail. The Unicorn walked out of his room and down the stairs into the kitchen. On the table was a glass of water and medicine for him. He swallowed it and set the glass by the sink as usual. Sasa met him downstairs.

“Care to take a short walk?” She asked him as she nuzzled him. “Will help with any stiffness.”

“Sure.” He limped out with her and she led him around for a time. He looked up at the gloomy sky as clouds moved in. “It still baffles me why the weather can’t move on its own here. It's fine in the forest but out here it requires guidance.”

“I’m not sure why it’s like that. Though I agree it is odd. It’s always been like this though. Ever since I first got here.”

Oblivion was quiet as he looked to the clouds. “Not gonna be a pretty night.” He observed. His ears flicked back as Big Mac ambled up to him. “Morning, Mac.”

“Mornin’. Ya sleep okay?”

“Yes I did, thank you.” He responded.

“Glad ta hear it. Ya look a bit better.”

Oblivion chuckled. “Did I look that bad?”

Mac started and looked sideways to the other stallion. “Well ta be honest yes ya did.”

He gave a light chuckle. “I’m not surprised. Wasn’t at my best.”

“Ah would be surprised if ya were. Ya fought a dragon and lived through it.” Mac observed. “Ah am glad yer gonna be okay. It was a bit startling ta hear from AJ how bad a shape ya were in.”

“I’ll live. Better me than them.”

Mac was silent. “Ah’d better have it that no pony gets hurt.”

“As would I. But if it has to be any pony. It’s better that it’s me. I am the only one that is battle-trained and can take a few hits.”

Mac was silent. “Well, looks like their gonna get started pretty soon. Ah better start pulling the loose limbs down from some of the trees.”

“Do you want any help?”

Mac stopped and looked to him. Oblivion lit his horn for emphasis. Mac smiled. “Ah fergot. All ya need ta do is pull the stray limbs down and get ‘em out of the way. Put em in that there shed.” He pointed a hoof to the shed by the barn.

The unicorn nodded and pulled a few branches loose with magic. Sasa ran under them and picked up the branches that fell. After an hour Oblivion sighed and pulled another branch down. Sasa stopped and looked to him as he reached for another.



“I think you need to get off that leg.”

“It’s fine for now, Sasa.”

The cat gave an angry yowl. Mac turned to look at him as she glared at the black unicorn.

“Watch your head.” Oblivion barked at her. The cat perked and jumped away from the tree. A branch landed where she had been and Oblivion gave her a smug grin before holding up the branch and moving it to the shed.

Mac shook his head and laughed. Sasa grumbled as she stalked over to the black stallion. “That was the last one, calm down,” Oblivion said to her.

“He’s right, pretty girl,” Mac shouted.

Sasa looked to him and then back to the trees. All were groomed and ready for the incoming storm. She shook her head and looked to the two ponies as Mac drew up beside his elder brother. “Ah think she may be a bit sore at ya.”

Oblivion nodded. “Most likely.”

Sasa walked up to them and rolled onto her back, hitting them with her paws. Both stallions backed up under the assault. She stood up and shook her fur free of dirt and leaves.

“Time fer us ta head in.”

“How do you figure?”

“Look up.”

Oblivion looked up and saw the skies beginning to darken. “Well, shit.” He replied as they turned for the house. Sasa ran past them and Oblivion heard the sound of rain beginning to hit the ground. His horn lit and he teleported inside. Outside Mac yelped as the rain hit his fur. Oblivion opened the door so he could run inside. His flanks were drenched and he glared at the black unicorn. “Sorry wasn’t ready for it to come down that fast,” Oblivion said to him. “Plus, I haven’t tried teleporting a pony before. I wasn’t sure you wanted me to start with you.”

Mac blanched at the mention of it. “Ah‘d rather get soaked ta be honest.” The roan looked back as Oblivion closed the door fully. “Hope Applejack got into cover afore this came down.”

Oblivion nodded. “I’m sure she’s fine.” He assured the other pony. Mac nodded and moved as Oblivion went into the front room and let himself fall to the couch. Sasa laid down in front. “I can check on her if you're so concerned.”

Mac looked over to him and nodded. “Won’t hurt ya will it?”

“No. Takes next to no effort.” Oblivion closed his eyes and reached out to the mare. After a moment he opened his eyes and looked to the other stallion. “She’s fine. She is at the library with Twilight and Rarity.”

“Glad ta hear it.” Mac thanked him as he left the room.

He watched till the red pony was out of sight before he used his magic to pull the pillow and blanket to him. “Though she isn’t very happy about the situation.” He added to Sasa.


“Yeah, both she and Rarity seemed to be unhappy with their current situation.”

“Well, they are opposites. Applejack is a workhorse and Rarity is not. So it’s not surprising that they would butt heads. But at least they are out of the storm.”

Oblivion nodded his agreement and laid back. “I’ll check in every now and then I suppose.”

“Sounds reasonable.”

He shifted and pulled his legs fully under him and let his eyes close. He heard hooves on the stairs and recognized them to be Apple Blooms. She wasn’t running and it sounded as though she was trying to be quiet. He cracked open one eye and saw her walking up to him. He opened his eyes fully and looked to her.

She paused in front of Sasa, a large notebook on her back with crayons on it. “Can ya teach how ta draw more things?”

“Do you have another assignment?”

“No. It was fun the last time. Maybe Ah’ll get mah cutie mark in the drawing.” She said to him and set the book and crayons down. “Can ya draw something else from yer world too?”

“Such as?”

“Well, ya mentioned monsters that ya had fought afore.” She looked thoughtful. “One ah them maybe?”

He shifted and looked down at her. “Which one?”

She looked to him and shrugged. “Can ya name ‘em again?”

He sighed and nodded. “Godlings, Drowners, Nekkers, wraiths...”

“A wraith. That sounds fun.”

Oblivion had to stop himself from scoffing. “Which kind?”

“There are lots?”

“Yes. But we will use the easy one for now then. Just a general Wraith. Make your lines like the last time.” He instructed her as he watched. The filly made the 3 lines and Oblivion began giving her basic instructions. He looked up when Granny Smith came into the front room and went to her recliner.

“Do they always look like this one?”

“No. Wraiths can look different depending on their type.” He replied to her. “We are doing basic wraith.”

“What is a wraith anyway?”

Oblivion paused as he considered his answer. “They are ghosts in a way. Spirits that cannot pass on to the next world because they feel that they have been wronged.”

“Are they scary?”

“They are if you don’t understand them. It’s best to avoid them unless you can fight them and put them to rest.”

“Like you?”

Oblivion nodded. “Yes, like me.”

“How many have you fought?”

Oblivion raised his head as he considered the question. “Over my whole career?” She nodded. “Hundreds, if not more.”

“Why? Ponies can’t move on?”

“That is one reason. Where I am from ponies are always at war so there is suffering. Many ponies pass away without finishing things in their lives so they have many regrets.” He explained to her.

“That’s so sad.” She said to him.

“It is, yes.”

Apple Bloom looked to her drawing and went back to it with Oblivion instructing her.

Mac came into the room and looked over his little sister's shoulder to see what she was drawing and wrinkled his nose at the strange image. “Wha’ in Equestria is that?”

Apple Bloom turned to her brother and smiled. “It’s a Wraith. Oblivion’s teachin’ me.”

Mac looked to the stallion. “Ya fight these too?”

“Yup. He can fight lots of them.” Apple Bloom chimed in.

“True enough.” He agreed. Oblivion went quiet as Apple Bloom ripped the drawing out of the book and held it up.

The filly jumped up and ran the drawing to her grandmother. “Granny, look at what Ah made.” The old mare leaned down and took the paper in her hoof. She stared at it and smiled at the little foal.

“Ya did a good job.”

“Oblivion’s teachin’ me ta draw.”

“Well, ya listen well to ‘im then.” She said to her.

“Ah will.” She came back over to where Oblivion laid on the couch.

Mac laid down on the floor by the couch as well. “I can move so you can use the couch as well Mac.” The red stallion shook his head and flopped onto his side. The unicorn rolled his eyes and let his head fall to the pillow. “Suit yourself.” He commented.

Sasa stood up and stretched before laying back down. “How are your wounds Chosen?”

“They ache, but nothing terrible. The drugs they gave me seem to be doing their job.”

“Thankfully. Try to rest some more.”

Oblivion closed his eyes and let his mind wander. The corpse from the day before came to mind as he tried to think of how it could have arrived in Equestria. The corpse had been mutilated badly but it was still clear what it had been. He would look into it more when his wounds were healed. Or at least to the point where he no longer needed to be covered in bandages. His mind began to slip as he allowed it to sleep once more.

He snapped awake and looked to the side of him. Sasa sat up and yawned, glancing over to him. “Chosen?”

“I’m all right. Just startled myself awake, I think.”

“So long as you are all right.”

“How long?”

“About 2 hours or so.”


“We will need to go hunting at some point in the next couple of days. That will help you heal faster.”

“I agree. We will have to wait though. Don’t think either of us wants to go out in this.” He said as he indicated the storm outside.

“I am fine with some rain, but not a downpour.” The cat griped at him.

“I agree. I would rather not have to deal with it.” Oblivion replied.He closed his eyes and reached out to Applejack once more. “Didn’t think she could get more annoyed.”


“Yes. It would seem she and Rarity are clashing more than before. Twilight seems pretty content but not sure about the other two.”


He opened his eyes and gave a low snort before getting to his hooves. He stretched gently to avoid any pain and walked to the kitchen. The others were having an early dinner and Oblivion sat down by the table with them. When they finished eating he went up the stairs to his room and laid on his bed. He picked up the history of Equestria Volume 2 and propped it open on his pillow to read. Sasa laid down on the other side of him and purred as she rubbed her head against his good shoulder. He read through the first chapter and looked up as Apple Bloom came in the door.

“Can ya draw me somethin’?”

“Such as?”

“Can ya draw Sasa?”

The stallion’s horn lit as a scroll and quill appeared for him to use. He sketched out a picture of Sasa sitting by the chicken coop and after a bit, he gave it to the filly. She giggled and held it to her.

“Thanks, Oblivion. Ah wanna put it on mah wall.” She ran out of the room on three legs and down to her own room.

“On the wall?” He muttered.

“Yes. It is normal for foals to put things up on the walls. If they like it and they can get it to fit there then they can see it.”

“Interesting.” He replied. “Never thought that she would want it on the wall. But if it helps her then I suppose I am not one to judge.”

Sasa rumbled her reply and went back to laying at his side. He went back to his book. After another few chapters his head snapped up and he looked in the direction of town. His connection to the other Elements of Harmony caught his attention at the imbalance between two of them. He focused on them and found that they were fighting about something. His ears flicked and then pinned as it grew worse. His horn lit as he started to teleport when Applejack's light shifted and calmed. Rarity was still upset but was calming as well. He let his magic fade as he relaxed. Sasa had sat up and was watching him, intently. His muscles had tensed and the unicorn let go of the breath he had held for a moment.


“I’m all right. I just felt something go wrong with Applejack and Rarity. If it had continued I would have acted.”

“What happened?”

“I’m not sure. They were fighting about something and it was going on for quite a while. But they calmed and now seem to be all right.”

“That’s good to hear. What would you have done?”

“Probably not much. Ask for an explanation and leave it at that. Beginning to find that I need to pick the right fights.”

“How do you mean?”

“I have enough power to prevent just about any problem that we face. Is that an accurate guess?”


“So I need to limit myself to what I do interfere in and what I step back for.”

“So what will you do?”

“In some battles you hold back your strength for when it is truly needed. I will have to act accordingly.”

“So you hold back and act as a backup plan?”

“Basically. If it gets out of hoof then I will step in but not before then.” He admitted to the feline. “My power is not meant to be spent on small things.”

Sasa sat up. “I agree. So you would have simply spoken to them?”

“Yes. Something tells me that it would be more than enough.” He admitted.

“You are a wise pony, chosen.”

Oblivion scoffed. “Not so sure about that.”

She chuckled and laid back down as he looked back to his book. The rain continued to fall outside. It beat against the window and Oblivion was quiet as he listened around him. The Witcher was quiet as he went back to reading about the history of Equestria. It mentioned more about the 3 leaders of the pony tribes and more of the details of their mutual reign. It still baffled him how an outside creature that fed off negative emotions had made it into a historical setting. He had his doubts about the validity of the belief.

He gave a low snort and went back to reading. As the night wore on he found himself nodding off and put a marker in his book and set it aside on the desk. Sasa looked to him and waited as he moved under his blanket. He laid his head down and reached out to the mares once more to check on them and found them all to be in much better spirits and enjoying each other’s company. His eyes caught his look of amusement as the stallion let himself nod off.

Sasa looked at him and nuzzled the back of his neck gently as he slept quietly. She looked to his blanket, which had fallen away from his shoulders and was bunched up by his ribs. She gripped a corner of it in her teeth and pulled it back up to his neck and let it fall gently on him. She didn’t want him getting cold on top of his wounds. She laid down and put her back against him and slept as well.

Oblivion startled awake and looked around him as he rolled onto his belly. Sasa grumbled as she shifted in her sleep. His breathing was slow but the pain still went through his chest as he adjusted. He pushed the blanket off his body and slowly got out of his bed. The stallion adjusted the tie in his mane and opened the door to the hallway. The Witcher could feel something reaching out to him and his magic was fluctuating in response. His mind went over possibilities as he went down the stairs and out the kitchen door to the outside. The rain had stopped and the world smelled of rain and damp soil. He stopped and inhaled, he had always enjoyed the scent of rain and the after-effects of it.

A sound behind the barn caught his ears and they flicked to listen. He focused his vision and he could sense the vibrations of sound from the air around him. His steps were slow to prevent himself from limping too badly on his injured shoulder. The sound continued and he flared his nostrils to try and pick out a scent but nothing caught his nose and he lowered his head as he rounded the corner of the barn. He paused and looked past it. Nothing struck him as out of place and he swung his head to the sides to try to narrow down the location of the sounds. He walked slowly around the side of the barn and started for the fields behind it. The sound was toward the end of the field and he growled about the slow pace he had to use. He didn’t dare teleport due to not knowing what he was going to face. ‘If this disappears by the time I get there I'm not following another of these again.’ He grumbled silently and continued. The sound remained as strong as he approached.

He paused when a shrill screech caught his ears. He had heard that sound before and he raised his head to look over the chest level grass. His eyes widened as a human burst from the grass and raced to him. The stallion stared at the man saw him and whistled. The man’s eyes were wide and frantic as he careened toward the stallion. He reached Oblivion, who was still shocked to see a human, grabbed his mane and vaulted onto Oblivion’s back. His heels collided with the black ponies ribs and he knotted his hands in the silver mane. Oblivion jolted as a monster pulled from the grass. Several Nekkers jumped out and ran for the human and the stallion.

“Oh shit!” Oblivion’s horn lit up and he summoned his sword from his room. The human gripped his mane and Oblivion cried out as his heels once more struck the ponies bandaged sides. “Don’t kick me!” He yelled to the terrified human.

“Run, you stupid horse!” He screamed and pulled violently on his mane, trying to direct him, as his heels struck him again.

Oblivion cried out in pain and bucked, the human went over his head, but his grip in the long silver mane was tight and he landed in front of Oblivion’s body. He screamed as the Nekkers jumped for them. Oblivion’s silver blade shone as it carved the first Nekker in half. The human screamed as the black stallion whirled and a powerful buck sent the next monster sailing backward. Oblivion’s blade carved them as they came after the two souls in front of them.

The 2 or 3 that remained stopped their attack and Oblivion watched as the space behind them warped and swirled. The monsters went still, as though dazed and stared blankly. The corpses lit on fire and the human screamed as the flames reached for him. He clawed at the black stallion, who began to back away, dragging him. A portal appeared and the human got to his feet and lunged for the stallion once more. The air around him began to thin and Oblivion’s bruised lungs, which were already screaming, now began to clamor for more air as it thinned around him. He looked to the human and found that the portal was after him.

“Let go!” He yelled at him.

“Keep going!” He screamed at the pony.

“No, let go!” Oblivion cried out. “It’s after you. It will take you back.”

The human was beyond listening to him. Oblivion stopped and held his breath. The human screamed and stood, trying to jump on the black ponies back once more. The portal intensified and the wind tore at his mane and fur. The man’s grip began to loosen and he screamed. His grip broke and the portal swallowed him.

Oblivion released the breath he was holding and looked up. The corpses were gone, as were the remaining Nekkers and the human. He raised his head and flicked his sword to remove the blood from it. He shifted to look around him and his ribs tore at him. He gasped and fell to his knees. His silver sword fell from his magic as his magic faded suddenly. His body screamed in pain and he panted under the strain. His rear legs collapsed and he fell to his left side in the grass. He couldn’t stand as he laid in a pained heap and stayed as still as he could. “Shit.” He gasped out and cursed himself for standing slack-jawed under the attack. He should have pulled away from the human faster to avoid being jumped on. Instead, he had stood there like a damned fool. He closed his eyes as he let the pain wash over him, waiting for it to fade.

“Chosen!” Sasa screamed out in his mind and he cringed.

“Sasa.” His voice was weak even in his mind and he felt the cat panic.

The Witcher stayed still and waited as he could sense Sasa approaching him at a hard run. The Tiger reached him and immediately began to look him over. Her nose pressed against his cheek as she checked on him.

“Chosen? What in the blazing Hells happened? Why are you out here?” She questioned him. He didn’t answer her. His eyes remained closed as he panted. “Chosen?” Her voice was growing frantic.

“Yes?” He replied to her. Still weakened and still laying in the damp grass.

“Why are you out here?” She asked him again.

“There was a...” He started to reply but his voice failed him as a tremble went through him. He was silent.

Sasa pushed his cheek once more and rumbled a growl to him. “Chosen, can you speak?”

He panted and one eye opened as he looked to her. Pain in his eyes as he weakly shook his head. He could barely form a thought as it was. She put her forehead against his and was still.

“Chosen. I know you hate mind reading but let me see what happened. Will you let me see it?”

He was still as he closed his eye. “Yes.” He whispered to her and was silent once more.

She pushed against him as she accessed the memory from him and gasped when it was done. “So portals are opening between this world and yours?”

He gave a weak nod and opened his eyes to look to the cat. “It was after...” He panted and stopped speaking.

“Chosen, stop. Don’t speak, just lay still. Gods, what is going on?”

She laid down beside him on the damp ground. He closed his eyes and tried to recover. His body ached and the injury to his side throbbed. He was silent as Sasa purred, comforting him. The black Unicorn gulped and tried to roll to his belly. Sasa jumped up and laid over his shoulder, stopping him from rising.

“Chosen, no. Stay still. You can’t move now. Your body can’t do it. Stay still or so help me I will sit on your shoulders and pin you to the ground.” She threatened him with a snarl.

Oblivion collapsed and was still. Truth be told laying still was less painful and he allowed himself to be held gently on the ground. Several minutes passed and he was able to breathe easily and the pain eased. He sighed and opened one eye to look at his companion. “Okay, I’m all right.” He whispered to her. She shifted and rubbed his cheek with the bridge of her nose.

“You will still lay quiet.” She said to him. “What possessed you to come out here alone? You’re in no condition to be out here alone.” She admonished him with a growl.

He sighed. “I didn’t know, I didn’t sense any monsters when I was walking out here. The human showed up first.” He whispered to her.

Sasa sat down by his head as he stayed still. “I saw that, but still, Chosen. That was foolish.”

“I know that now.” He replied. He moved slowly to his belly and stayed still.

Sasa stood and rubbed her head on his neck. “You have this habit of terrifying me.”

He scoffed and sighed. “Sorry about that.”

She sighed and stayed by him. “Can you stand?”

“I’m not sure. I don’t think anything is torn, just bruised.”

“Good. Try to stand, slowly.”

Oblivion nodded and got his forelegs under him and started to pull himself to his hooves. His ribs seized up at the movement, he yelped as he collapsed. Sasa yowled and was at his head as he fell to the ground once more. His breath tore through him as he stilled. “No.” He whispered to her. She looked around them and growled. “I can’t.” He hated to admit it, but moving was out of the question.

Sasa sat down and growled, anxiety beginning to eat at her. “Can you teleport?”

“I’m not sure.” His horn lit and he focused on his room. A stab of pain went through him and his magic failed. He panted for a moment as he stopped and let himself fall to his side once more. “No.” He whispered. “I don’t understand it, but I can’t.”

Sasa stood up and looked back at the farmhouse. “Might be due to the residual magic in the area. It’s giving me a headache. Stay still. I’ll get Mac.” She took off for the house as he laid in silence.

Oblivion was silent as a shiver went through him. He let his mind wander as he waited. His pride was a bit hurt at not being able to move, but common sense won out over his wounded pride. His eyes opened as he heard hooves in the grass. Mac slid to a stop and trotted to him.

“Wha’ in Equestria?” He brought his head down to the downed Witcher.

“I know,” Oblivion said to him. “I’ll explain later. But safe to say I...”He paused to breathe. “Did something stupid.” He finished.

Mac helped pull him to lay on his belly. “Can ya stand up?”

Oblivion shook his head. “Tried a few minutes ago and that’s when Sasa left to get you.” He explained.

Mac looked to the farm. “Ah’ll be right back. Ah don’t think carryin’ ya is a good idea.”

Oblivion shook his head once more. “I agree.”

The red stallion galloped back the farm, Sasa stayed with Oblivion, as he laid still on the ground.

“Are you cold, Chosen?” She asked him as a shiver went over his skin.

“I don’t feel cold.” He admitted to her, even as his skin shivered.

“Well, you keep shaking.”

“Not sure if that is cold or just adrenaline.”

“Well, both could be working against you right now.” She reasoned. The cat came over to him and laid across his back. He could feel the warmth from her fur and he sighed. “So you were a bit cold then?” She teased.

“Seems like it. Laying on the ground after heavy rain can affect even me it seems.”

Sasa stayed against him as his ears flicked as Mac approached them. He paused when he saw Sasa laying across Oblivion’s back.

“She thinks I’m cold.”He assured the other stallion.

“Well layin’ in the grass like ya are.” He said to him. He had hitched himself to a small wagon and pulled it out to the field.

Oblivion looked at it as Mac pulled it as close to the black unicorn as he could. He unhooked himself and came over to Oblivion’s side. The Unicorn pointed a hoof to the sword in the grass. Mac nodded, the red pony walked over to it, picked up the hilt in his hoof and laid it by the top of the wagon, out of the way. He leaned down and gently put one of his hooves under Oblivion’s left side.

“All right. Ah’ll get as much under ya as Ah can and get ya on yer hooves then into the wagon.” Mac said to him.

Oblivion nodded and Sasa got off his back and stood at his shoulder. Mac supported him as he got to his hooves. Oblivion groaned as his forelegs nearly gave out. Mac moved under his chest and Sasa pushed his flanks and he fell onto the wagon. He cursed under his breath as he panted and laid on his side for a moment as Mac and Sasa moved his legs. He said nothing as Mac got back into the trappings and started back for the farm. Sasa jumped onto the wagon as well and rode beside Oblivion.

Oblivion groaned quietly. Sasa looked to him. “Chosen?”

“I cannot believe this. I am being hauled like a bale of hay.” He looked over his shoulder as Mac ambled through the field. “This is humiliating.” He flared his horn and growled as the magic failed again. “That hurt.”

“I told you. There seems to still be interference from the portals you saw. I can’t even use my own abilities. It’s still giving me a headache.”

Oblivion cringed and relaxed as best he could on the wagon. He looked over his shoulder as Mac looked back to him and the black unicorn gave a thin smile. Mac smiled at him and looked forward. They reached the barn and Oblivion shifted to move but hissed when his ribs twitched under their bandage. Sasa stood up as they came to a stop and picked up the silver sword in her teeth.

“Can ya teleport to yer room from here?” Mac asked him.

“Hopefully. There was some sort of interference out there and I couldn’t use my magic.” Oblivion informed him.

“Ah was wondering what was wrong, but didn’t wanna pry.”

Oblivion’s horn lit as he cringed a bit as he waited for the backlash that didn’t come. He let his horn dim as he looked to Mac. “Seems okay now. I suppose I’m far enough away from it.”

Mac nodded. “Well go ahead and get back to yer room. Kitten already has yer blade.” Sasa had jumped off the wagon and was walking into the kitchen already.

Oblivion looked to the other stallion. “Thank you, Mac.”

“Ah, course. Though what were ya doin’ out there anyway?”

Oblivion thought about it for a moment. “Remember when I felt something when you were doing that walk of shame in Ponyville?” Mac grimaced but nodded. “Well it was like that, only this time there was something there.”

Mac looked surprised and unhitched from the wagon to stand closer to listen. “What happened?”

Oblivion had a moment of thinking that he should just gloss it over but decided to only change a couple of parts. “I followed a sound out there and didn’t see or hear any actual monsters until I reached where you found me. I was attacked by a group of Nekkers.” Mac tilted his head. “Small two-legged monsters with very large claws and wear the skulls of animals on their heads.” Mac looked nervous as Oblivion continued. “Don’t worry they're gone. But another animal was hiding from them. Also, two-legged but not nearly as dangerous. It saw me and jumped on my back and tried to get me to run away and escape. Where they are from ponies are used as mounts for them. So the reason I was knocked down like I was due to him kicking me repeatedly before I bucked him off and used my sword to kill a few of them before a portal opened to take them back. Including the harmless creature. The corpses were destroyed before Sasa even got to me.”

“Ah was about ta ask about that.” Mac waited as Oblivion started to get off the wagon. He held it in place and the black unicorn put his hooves on the ground.

He let his rear legs on the ground first before he tried to put weight on his forelegs. They hit the ground and his right leg gave out. His shoulder popped and he growled as it gave way. Macintosh grabbed him and held him up as he growled. “Shit. It’s my shoulder.”

“Ah thought it was healing?”

“It was.” He said aloud. “I think I may need to walk 3 legged for a day or so.”

“Chosen?” Sasa came back outside and walked up to them.

“My shoulder is popping.” He said to the cat as she stopped in front of him.

“Well, damn.” She said to him.

“Yeah.” Oblivion walked slowly forward, keeping his right leg off the ground. He stumbled and nearly fell, Sasa was under his chest and kept him standing. “Dammit to the Hells!” He cursed and his horn lit as he teleported to his room.

Sasa joined him upstairs as he stood by his bed. Blue flames arced over him as he used them to clean off the dirt and blood. He growled for a moment before he heaved a sigh.

“Chosen, stay awake for a bit. Mac is getting that ice pack for you.”

“He told you that?”

“No. I watched, then he told me.”

Oblivion stopped and looked slowly to her. “Smart ass.”

She chuckled and rubbed her head on his hip before jumping onto the bed into her normal spot. He stayed standing as Mac came up the stairs.

“Ah figured ya might need this.” He held the ice pack up for Oblivion to see, then set it on the unicorns right shoulder, wrapped the straps around him to hold it in place. “Ya’ll go back ta bed and rest. That shoulder can cool fer now.” Mac stood by as Oblivion climbed back into his bed. “Ah’ll look at the door tomorrow.”


“Yup. Sasa here crashed through it. That’s what woke me up. She came running back and Ah followed her to ya.”

Oblivion looked to the Spectral Tiger, who looked to the bed. “I was in a hurry.” She admitted.

Oblivion sighed. “I’ll fix it in the morning.” The Unicorn said to him.

“If yer up in time, then Ah’ll leave it to ya but if not ah’ll take care of it.” The red pony said to him. “But Ah bet yer gonna sleep in after tonight.”

“That is a possibility, especially if Sasa goes down to scare the rooster.” Oblivion agreed and settled under the blanket.

Mac walked out and closed the door behind him. Sasa nuzzled his neck and he shifted into a better position. “Bloody Hells.” He cursed as he found a comfortable spot. “I’m gonna catch Hell in the morning.”


“You know he’s gonna mention this to Granny Smith and AJ.”

“Oh. Yeah. That’s a guarantee.”

Oblivion snarled at the cat, who laughed. The stallion sighed and closed his eyes. “Should have grabbed a painkiller. I get the sense that I’m gonna feel this bit of stupidity later.”

“You might want to put that blade back with the others.” Sasa pointed out. “And you most likely will be quite sore in the morning.”

He opened one eye and looked to the silver sword sitting by the wardrobe. His horn lit and it went back in its place. Oblivion was quiet as his shoulder trembled under the ice pack. Sasa sat up and looked at him. He shifted some more, grumbled a bit, then let himself sleep once more.

Sasa watched him as he fell asleep. She looked outside, to the backfield where she had found him. She had awoken to feel pain arc through her body. It had lasted only a moment but it had been enough to scare her. She had immediately looked for him and found him gone. Panic had lanced through her mind as she screamed for him. He had answered but the reply had terrified her even more. It was weak and she could hear the pain in his voice. She had blinked through the bedroom door but had lost his magic and crashed through the kitchen door, which thankfully was not locked. Otherwise, she would have thrown it off the hinges if she had to. Sensing him had been easy, finding him lying on the ground had not been. She had expected to find him standing and cursing about something or another. She had not been ready to find him half-conscious on the ground.

“Don’t do that to me again.” She whispered to him.

He had been laying so still she had stopped in her tracks for a moment. His ragged breathing had told her he was alive. Despite knowing he was immortal, she still feared for the life that pulsed through him. His blood was as valuable to her as her own, if not more so. She looked away and laid back down at his back.

“Why did I not sense his pain until after he had collapsed? The portals that appeared when the monsters and the human were taken away, could they have been blocking his connection to me?”

The tiger laid her head over his slim neck and stayed quiet. Her eyes closed as she thought over the repercussions of those portals opening close to town or the farm itself. So far they had been pretty far away from it but she was nervous that would change in time, putting Oblivion on the front lines once more. She knew that he would not allow anything to harm the ponies of Ponyville. She sighed and let herself sleep.

Oblivion snapped awake and looked around him. The room was the same and he could feel Sasa behind him. Sasa’s head was on his neck, showing that it was early in the morning. She had not gotten up to stop the bird yet. The ice pack on his shoulder was cool but was warming up on his skin. He slid his neck out from under the cat’s neck and his magic moved his blanket off his body. The Alicorn stood up, opened his door and went into the hall. He walked slowly down the stairs and removed the ice pack to set it aside and allow it to recover. The stallion looked to the door and found it to be half off the hinges. His magic covered it and repaired the damage caused by Sasa running through it. His mind was awake and he went outside to lay under his normal tree. He slowly laid down and thought over the events of the early morning.

“How could those portals be created from nothing?” He pondered aloud, his voice a whisper. His ribs were sore, but it was not unbearable. He gave a wry chuckle. “Now I am glad that I treated my mare kindly and was never cruel with my riding. Having your ribs kicked hurts more than I thought it would. I’m glad I trained her to answer to voice and reins.” He said with a laugh and went silent once more.

His mind went over what he knew of portals from his conversations with Triss, Yen, and a few other sorceresses. They had been tight-lipped about how it worked until he had shown that he was a Witcher and was not able to create a portal. Only then did they release the asked for information. A basically operated when a sorceress creates it. They have a place in mind when it is made and that is where it goes to. Some cannot be activated without a crystal that houses the desired destination. Oblivion had more experience with those types.

Despite his normal distaste for them he was occasionally forced to use them if the situation needed it. The Witcher was not alone in his abhorrence for them. Every Witcher hated using them, instead preferring the long route, by horseback or walking. Oblivion had voiced many times that he would rather walk than take a portal. Portals made his stomach turn and they were never comfortable to use. Yen had tossed him through a few portals and he had griped about it endlessly afterward as revenge on the woman. Triss was a bit more subtle but still had to force him. The Sorceresses of the Lodge were a strong cabal of the most powerful sorceresses in the world and were well known for their skills in magic. His thoughts stilled as he felt Sasa awaken and panic.

“I’m outside, Sasa.” He voiced to her.

The cat stilled and he watched her aura going through the house and finally outside. She trotted up to him and nuzzled his neck. “What are you doing outside, Chosen?”

“Just needed to think. Those portals from earlier are concerning. The fact that this time there was something there instead of the false alarms from before makes me think the one making the portals is either getting sloppy with them or is figuring out how to keep them open longer.”

Sasa sat down and thought over his words. “That’s true. Usually, they are gone by the time we reach them.”

“Portals in general close after the caster reaches their destination. So the fact that they are opening again to send whatever has walked through the back is odd. Typically a caster much focus on the destination they want and the portal closes after they go through it. These ones are being reopened after an amount of time. I am no expert on portals by any means but even I can tell something is wrong with these ones. The Nekkers from yesterday stilled when the portal reopened and looked dazed before it took them back. There were several of them. One for the Nekkers and the other for the human.” He explained to the cat.

Sasa thought back to the memory she had seen from Oblivion's mind and nodded. “That’s true. I still don’t think you are the cause but I agree that something is odd. A corpse one day and living monsters and human the next.”

Oblivion shifted and pulled his legs tighter under him. “Am I truly the only one that was brought here?”

“So far as I know, yes.” Sasa answered him quickly. “I may not have the power you do but I can tell when something is out of its place. You are the only one that was brought here. If there had been another they would have appeared close to you and you would have seen them.”

Oblivion was quiet as he processed her words. “Interesting then. Some pony or someone must be making these portals. It’s the only way for a portal to be made. I don’t think the mechanics of it would change too much with it being here. Am I wrong?”

“No. You are right. Magic from your world would change to match it here. For example, a portal would act the same as it would there. Unless all casters can teleport across worlds.”

“No. So far as I know only Ciri can accomplish that. Granted a caster would give their right arm for that skill.” He admitted

Sasa looked worried for a moment. “Could Ciri be trying to find you?”

“Unlikely. Geralt maybe, but I am not in that inner circle of hers. Even Lambert is more acquainted with her than I am. I was never one to spar with her outside of training.” He admitted. “Plus, if my body fell in my world there is no need to find me.”

Sasa sat back deeper on her haunches as she thought over his words. “Still though. You are family to her. When did you last see her?”

“I saw here last in Skellige. We did battle with the Wild Hunt there. She fought with the Wild Hunt then vanished. Geralt said she lived through the experience, but I didn’t ask for more details.”

“So you fought for her?”

“Of course. Geralt met up with me and asked that I come to Kaer Morhen to help in the battle with the Hunt.”

“I thought it was in Skellige?”

“The final battle was. Geralt explained that Ciri had been hidden away on the Isle of Mists. He was going to go get her, but the moment he left with her the Hunt would know and show up to try to take her. So he would take her to Kaer Morhen after gathering more allies to our side to fight them. I had helped him get as far as he did but had parted ways with him when he got sent to the capital of Nilfgaard, Vizima, with Uma. I don’t bow, scrape, or address him by any title, so the Emperor and I are on even worse terms than he is with Geralt.” Oblivion paused as he chuckled at the memory of the Emperor’s attendants nearly fainting when he addressed him casually. “I gave him a rough idea of where I might be and he managed to find me. He needed all the help they could get. I started out for the keep once I finished my own contract.”


“The ugliest man alive and someone who was the victim of a curse. We found that he was connected to Ciri somehow.” He explained. “We found him and started for Kaer Morhen when a group of guards surrounded us and informed us that the emperor wanted an audience. I declined and parted ways after giving Geralt my approximate location.”

“He found you later?”

“Yes. All the manpower he could get headed for the Witchers Keep of Kaer Morhen.”

“I’m guessing you won that fight?”

Oblivion was silent as he looked away from the cat. “We did, yes.”

Sasa watched him for a moment. “What happened?”

“We were doing pretty well considering the numbers they had over us. We had traps and magic and allies but even that can only last so long. The hunt broke through the main gate and into the courtyard. Yen had been maintaining a barrier to keep out the cold that the Hunt brought with it. A cold that could freeze you solid and kill if not dispelled in a safe amount of time. A normal human would die in a moment but the Witchers and allies in Kaer Morhen are made of stronger stuff. But even still. Those of us in the open were frozen solid. Only Vesemir and Ciri were spared, due to him pulling her down to hide behind a stone wall. It only affects those it hits. They fought back but Vesemir was killed. I never asked how.”

“Why not?”

“No Witcher dies in his bed. That is a truth we all strive for. The how did not matter, due to the reality of it staring us in the face. Ciri took it hardest of us. We were all close but we did not grieve the same as she did.”

“But you still grieved with her.”

“In our own way, yes. It upset her at first, but it’s hard for those who have not done the mutations to understand how we are. Ciri understands in a way but it still seemed cold to her how we acted. We burned the body as tradition demanded and we waited by him till the end.”

“That’s how a Witcher grieves then?”

“Yes. Like I said in our own way.”

Sasa laid down beside him and sighed. “But you still fought for her. I’m sure she knew that you would stand by her till the end of times.”

“It nearly was.”

“How so?”

“If the Wild Hunt had succeeded the world would have fallen with it. They wanted Ciri for the power in her blood. They wanted to use her power to save their world, I think. But, in saving theirs ours would have fallen to the White Frost and ended.”

“So instead their world would end?”

“Maybe. I never stopped to ask them.”

“Well, fighting for your life is a more pressing concern.” Sasa chuckled.


They went silent, and Oblivion laid his head on the ground. “Chosen?” The sabercat finally piped up.


“Do you regret accepting that contract?”

Oblivion startled and raised his head to look at the cat. “What prompted this?”

“Just wondering.” She said to him and was quiet.

“At times maybe. But this is the reality. I can’t change it and it’s better to keep looking ahead. The past is easy to look back to and regret. It's moving forward that is difficult.” He replied. “I don’t believe in Fate or Destiny. Some do, but I don’t place much stock in it.”

“But you do feel some regret?” She pressed.

“Perhaps.” He answered her. “But I also chose to come here in a way. So it’s my own fault if I do.”

Sasa went silent at his words. He lowered his head back to the ground and went quiet. Letting the cat ponder through on her own. The Alicorn looked to the house and saw the Apples getting up for the day. His magic reached out and found that Applejack was awake and with the other 2 mares. Mac came downstairs and looked outside, he saw the black pony under the tree and nodded to him. Oblivion startled as the rooster crowed and he turned to glare in the bird’s direction.

“I truly cannot stand that animal.” He muttered as he got to his hooves.

Sasa purred in reply and walked with him to the house. Mac opened the door for him and stepped back to let him in. The red pony went to the counter and picked up the ice pack.

“When yer done with this go ahead and put it in the freezer.”

Oblivion looked at him. “In what?”

Sasa laughed and put her head against Oblivion’s hip. Big Mac looked to the other stallion. “The Freezer.”

“I heard that part. Where I am from there is no such thing.” Oblivion explained.

“Oh.” Mac moved back and opened a large white box. Oblivion had never paid much attention to it before. He limped over to look at it as well. Mac laid the ice pack into the bottom and closed it. “Just put it in there. That will freeze it so ya can use it again. Otherwise, it gets too hot and won’t help ya.”

“I see. So this is how you keep food cold, I assume.”

“That part freezes things the other side just keeps ‘em chilled.”


“What do ya use where ya are from?”

Oblivion looked at him. “Depends on the area. In most areas, a cellar is dug into the ground to keep things cooler. In areas with snow, a cellar is dug deep in the snow to keep items frozen or very cold.” He explained.

Mac looked interested but kept his questions at bay for the time being. He didn’t want his brother standing on his bad leg too long. He looked to it and found that it shook under Oblivion’s weight. “Ya need ta get off yer leg.”

Oblivion nodded. “I know. It’s stiff and sore, but not unbearable. Thankfully the activity this morning doesn’t seem to have done any lasting damage.” Oblivion advised him.

“Still. Ya should probably get off of it. That ice pack will be ready in a couple of hours. Ah’ll take Bloom ta school.”

Oblivion inhaled and looked to the stairs as Apple Bloom came down the stairs. “Very well. After this morning staying off of it is the wisest solution.”

Big Mac smiled and nodded to the Black Unicorn, who then teleported outside.

22: A Jokes effect...

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A week went by and the wounds to Oblivion's body dwindled and the stitches were removed. Leaving open wounds in their wake as the skin healed and his fur grew back. He had been cleared to not need to have the wounds covered and was able to return to his normal activity, much to the doctor’s surprise. Oblivion informed them that he was able to regenerate and heal faster than was normal for most ponies. He walked into town with a book on his back, intending to return it to Twilight, with Sasa on his heels. He caught her and Spike as they were leaving and he set the book inside before joining them to go into town. He was trying to find Applejack anyway. She and Apple Bloom had gone into town but hadn’t returned to the farm yet.

“It’s such a wonderful day. The sun is out and I bet that everypony will be out to enjoy it.” Twilight commented.

Oblivion’s ears flicked. “Strange, I don’t really hear any ponies besides us. Least not in the near vicinity.” He replied to her.

Spike stood up on Twilight’s back to look around as they stopped. “Does my breath stink?” He asked them and breathed out in their direction.

“No,” Oblivion replied.

“Not more than normal Spike,” Twilight told him as her eyes scanned around them.

Spike suddenly crouched down on her back, his claws in her mane. “Could it be zombie ponies?”

Oblivion looked at him. “What in the depths is a zombie?”

Twilight looked at him. “A pony that is raised from the dead that eats brains. But that’s fiction. They aren’t real.” She informed him.

“I have seen many kinds of monsters, but zombies are a new one. So I will withhold judgment on the validity of them.”

Spike glared at him for a moment before Oblivion looked to Sugar Cube Corner. “Psst.”

Twilight startled and looked to the black stallion, who pointed his hoof behind them. Pinkie was poking her head slightly out the door and motioning for them to come to her.

“Get in here.” She said to them. The two unicorns walked slowly over to her and she grabbed their forelegs and pulled. Oblivion hissed as she pulled his right leg, which was still healing. The door slammed behind them.

“Pinkie. What are you doing alone in the dark?” Twilight asked her.

“It’s not just her.” Oblivion pointed out as his horn lit, showing the others as well. “So this is where you and Apple Bloom are.” He added as he saw Applejack and Apple Bloom. Rainbow gasped as the place was covered in light and grabbed a towel. She zipped over and covered Oblivion’s horn.

“Rainbow. What are you doing?” He asked her. His voice was bland as he glanced up at her.

She held the towel in place and looked down at him. “I’m saving you.”

He jerked his horn. “Saving me?” He tried to pull away from the mare, but she held tight. “Get off me.”

“Put out the light and I will.” She bargained.

“Fine.” He let his aura fade and the mare let go.

“Why are all of you hiding in the dark?” Twilight asked.

“We’re hidin’ from her!” Applejack said and pointed out the window.

Oblivion walked to the window and looked out as a pony in a brown cloak dug at the ground then looked to the window. He scoffed at the mares, except Twilight, as they all gasped and ducked.

“Are you serious?” He asked them.

Apple Bloom walked up to Twilight as Oblivion moved away from the window and back to the others. “Did ya see her? Did ya see her, Oblivion? Ya see, Zecora?” Apple Bloom asked of him.

“I saw a pony in a cloak look at the window.” He started.

“Then all of you freaked out.” Twilight finished.

“She glanced this way… Evilly.” Pinkie said to them both.

“So you all freak out for no reason then?” Twilight commented.

“Ya call protectin’ yer kin nothing?” Applejack exclaimed. “Why soon as Apple bloom saw her she was shakin’ in her hooves.”

“Ah was not.” The filly replied.

“So Ah swept her up and brought her in here.”

“Ah walked here mahself.” Apple Bloom argued.

“Ya know, fer safe keepin.”

“Applejack Ah’m not a baby. Ah can take care of mahself.” She kept arguing.

“Not from that creepy Zecora ya can’t.” Her elder sister said to her.

The filly looked to Oblivion, who shook his head at them. He went back to the window to watch the pony.

“She’s mysterious,” Fluttershy replied.

“And creepy.” Rarity toned in.

“Sinister,” Rainbow said as she hovered.

“And spooky!” Pinkie hollered out as she ducked around Oblivion, who side passed away from her.

Twilight put her hooves to her face and gasped. Then looked even more unimpressed at the group. “Really?”

The cloaked pony tossed back her hood and looked around, her eyes fell on the building and the mares were sent skittering as they gasped and ran. Twilight and Oblivion looked back outside.

“Will you stop it?” Twilight yelped to them as they finally settled.

Rarity hid behind Oblivion's tail as she looked out the window. “She has stripes! So garish!” Rarity cried out.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “She’s a zebra.”

“A what?" Rainbow asked.

“A zebra. Her stripes aren’t a fashion choice, Rarity. She’s born that way.”

The fashion-forward mare gasped and fainted. Oblivion caught her and set her on the floor gently.

“Born where? Ah never seen a pony look like that.” Applejack said as she shivered.

“I’m not sure where. But she isn’t from around here, and she’s not a pony. My books say that zebras come from a faraway land. Where does she live?”

“That’s just it. She lives in the...The Everfree Forest.” Applejack informed her.

A clap of thunder went out startling them all. Oblivion looked back at Spike who was getting into the cupboards. “Dammit to the Hells, Spike.” Oblivion hollered at him.

“Sorry. I’m hungry.” He explained.

Oblivion’s magic gripped a random cupcake and stuffed it into his mouth. Spike swallowed and panted as it had been blocking his airway. Oblivion's glare made him sit down quietly. The stallion snorted and looked back outside.

“That forest ain’t natural.” Applejack shook as she spoke.

“Gods forbid.” Oblivion toned in, his voice flat.

Twilight giggled.

“The plants grow.”

“Animals care for themselves.” Fluttershy quietly added in her two cents.

Rainbow lowered herself to the floor. “The clouds move...”

“All on their own.” The three mares intoned together.

Rarity fainted again as she came around. Oblivion laid her down again, with a shake of his head.

“And that wicked Enchantress Zecora lives there doing her evil...stuff! She’s so evil, I wrote a song about her!” Pinkie added in.

“No,” Oblivion said to her as he looked back over his shoulder.

“Here we go.” Rainbow deadpanned.

‘She’s an evil enchantress

She does evil dances

And if you look deep in her eyes

She'll put you in trances

Then what will she do?”

Oblivion’s magic clamped the mares jaws shut. “As I said...No.”

“Thank you Oblivion.” Twilight thanked him as she looked to the other mares. “I can’t believe all of you. This is nothing but gossip and rumors. What have you seen Zecora do that be evil?”

“Well, once a month she comes into town,” Rainbow said her voice quivering.

“Oh, frightening.” Oblivion deadpanned to her.

“Then she lurks by the stores.” Rarity finally spoke up as she got up from her fainting spell.

“Oh no,” Twilight said in a fake voice.

“Then she digs at the ground.” Fluttershy supplied the last reason.

“Good gracious!” Twilight tried to look scared but then failed deliberately. “Okay fill me in. But none of this is bad. What if she is just coming into town to visit?”

Apple Bloom moved to stand by the purple unicorn. “Yeah. What if she’s just bein’ neighborly?”

Applejack pushed her aside. “Apple Bloom. Let the big ponies talk.”

“Ah am a big pony.” She said to herself. She looked up at Oblivion as he watched the mare outside.

He looked over as she opened the door and walked out. He started to follow but stopped when some pony tugged his tail.

“Oblivion ya said ya know curses.” Applejack said to him.


“Tell Twilight that they are real!” She told him.

“A curse is a malevolent spell, Applejack. Their purpose is to inflict pain or suffering onto another.” He replied.

“They aren’t real,” Twilight said to them.

Oblivion flicked his ears. “I have cleansed enough of them to disagree. Perhaps here they are far rarer. But I have yet to even get a whiff of one here. So I am inclined to say that until I see the evidence of one I will say that they are rare.” He compromised.

“What if she is digging for innocent creatures?” Fluttershy asked. Her voice shook as she spoke.

Twilight snorted at him. “Anyway, I am sure there is a reasonable explanation as to why she acts as she does. If any of you had the courage to talk to her I'm sure you would find that I am right.” The well-read mare said to them.

Pinkie leaned forward. “I hear she eats hay.”

Twilight groaned. “Pinkie I eat hay, you eat hay!”

“But I heard it’s the evil way she eats hay.” Pinkie said.

Oblivion started for the door, but a hard yank on his tail stopped him. He hadn’t realized that Applejack still had a hoof-full of his tail. He glared back at her. “And you are yanking on my tail why?”

“Ta keep ya safe.” She explained.

He snorted. “From what?”

“From Zecora. Yer not fully healed. She might get ya.”

Oblivion barked a laugh and pulled his tail from her grip. “You must be kidding. Even at my worst, that little mare can’t hurt me.”

“Yer not healed.” She said again and reached for his tail.

Oblivion side passed away from her and started for the door. “You can stay in here and act like fools but I am going out there. Especially since Apple Bloom is already out there.” He said and opened the door.

“What?” Applejack started for the door and he opened it as they all followed. Sasa grumbled as she went out the door with him. They reached the edge of the forest and ran further in. Oblivion looked at the blue flowers around their fetlocks and snorted at the odd smell. Sasa sneezed and backed out of them.

“Apple Bloom! Ya get back here this second.” Applejack hollered.

The filly startled and looked back. Oblivion's magic covered her and lifted her into the air. He set her on her elder sisters back.

“Beware. Beware, you pony folk. Those leaves of blue are not a joke.” Zecora cried out to them.

Oblivion listened and looked down at the flowers. ‘Leaves?’

“Yeah, right back at ya Zecora!” Rainbow yelled as the zebra vanished.

Oblivion backed up out of the flowers, due to the smell.

“You! Why didn’t ya listen ta yer big sister?’" Applejack scolded Apple Bloom.

“But I...I...” Apple Bloom stammered.

“Who knows what kinda curse she coulda put on ya.” Applejack went on.

“There is no such thing as curses,” Twilight shouted to them.

“That’s rich, coming from miss magic pants herself.” Rainbow taunted.

Twilight huffed. “My magic, real magic, comes from within. It’s a skill that one is born with. Curses are artificial, fake magic. It’s made with conjured potions and incantations, basically all smoke and mirrors, nothing real.”

“I hate arguing with you, but that’s not all true Twilight,” Oblivion said to her.

She turned a glare to him. “Not right now, Oblivion.”

He snorted and turned to leave.

“He’s right Twi. You’ll find that some things really are true.” Applejack said as she followed him.

They got back to the farm and Applejack looked to him as Apple bloom ran off. “Hey.” She reached out and poked his hip to gain his attention.


“Could she have cursed us back there?”

“No. It requires anger or at the very least malicious intent. That was no curse. It sounded more like a warning.” He started but stopped when Applejack waved a hoof at him.

“Nah. She was tryin’ ta curse us.” She said as she ran off.

He shook his head and looked to Sasa. “It was a warning. Sounded like she meant those flowers around us.”

“All I know about those is that they stank.” The cat said as she wrinkled her nose.

“I agree.” He looked up as Apple Bloom and Applejack began to argue again. “Gods below.” He said as he went to them.

Oblivion awoke and opened his eyes. He found himself looking at the window to the outside. He rolled over and ran into Sasa. “Sasa...” He stopped at the wall of black fur in front of his snout. “Oh...” He sat up and found himself looking down at his own body. “Sasa!” He yelled.

Her body jerked at the shout and she jumped off the bed. She landed heavily and spun to the bed. “Chosen...” Her eyes fell on...herself…

“Look down.” He commanded.

She followed his command and looked down to find a pair of black legs ending with clawed hooves on the floor under her. “Oh no...” She said aloud. She sat down and clamped her...hooves over her mouth as Oblivion’s voice came out of her mouth. She stared back at her own body, which now housed Oblivion.

“Chosen...” She whispered to him.


“What happened?” She whispered to him.

Oblivion jumped off the bed and landed in front of her. He sat down and spoke to her. “It would appear that we have had our consciousness switched. I do not know of any magic that is strong enough to mess with me at the very least.”

“I agree.”

“Don’t talk out loud. It’s strange enough talking to myself.” He asked of her.

“Right.” She spoke to his mind as before. “What do we do?”

“We find out what in the flaming Hells is going on. You stay by me and do not speak.” He added as he went to the door.


He stopped when he collided with the door and found himself sitting on his haunches. A snort sounded behind him.

“Don’t you dare…” He said to her.

“Hahahaha!” She burst out laughing and sat back on her rump, holding her sides.

The door flung open and Mac looked in. “What in tarnation happened?”

“Do not ask.” Oblivion said. He sighed when he realized that he could not be heard. He spun around to face the laughing pony and swatted her in the face.

“Ow.” Sasa yelped and sat up straight. “Sorry, Chosen.”

Oblivion clenched his jaw and turned to Mac. The roan reached out and rubbed his hoof over the cat’s forehead. Oblivion cringed and moved out from under the hoof.

“Ya’ll okay, bro?”

Oblivion spun to look at the pony. “Yes.” He heard his own voice say.

“Ya sure? Ah never heard ya laugh like that.”

“Gods below!” Oblivion yelled and turned to Sasa. “Move.” He ordered.

Sasa stood up and moved the pony’s thin body around Mac. The roan looked confused as Oblivion swatted at the pony’s heels.

“I’m going, I’m going.”

“Stop it.” He said to her.

She went silent and waited by the kitchen table as Oblivion reached the bottom of the stairs and glowered at her. She put her head down and tried to look smaller. Oblivion sat down and looked to her. “Okay, this is no curse that I know of. Anypony who has the ability to swap us needs to be addressed. Any ideas of who it could have been?” He questioned her as she sat down by the table as well.

“I’m not sure. No pony has enough magical power to alter anything about you. Least none that I can think of. As the...” She went quiet as he growled.

“You’re speaking out loud. Try not to blather things out.” He reminded her.

She put her hooves over her mouth and nodded. Mac was staring at them when Sasa flicked her ears. Oblivion looked toward a sound coming from upstairs. As far as he could tell it was screaming, but it was shrill and squeaky. Sasa started to open her mouth, but Oblivion shook his head. She stayed quiet as he stood up and went upstairs as the sound died out. He pushed open Applejacks' bedroom door and walked up to the bed. The scream went out again but stopped abruptly when he approached.

“Sasa! Yer a sight fer sore eyes!”

He looked down and his eyes landed on a mouse-sized Applejack. She scrambled over the quilt and up to him.

“If you think our situation is funny, you’ll die upon seeing Applejack.” He said to Sasa through their connection.

“Okay, pretty girl. Ya gotta get me ta Oblivion. He can fix this crazy hex Zecora put on me.” Applejack said as she jumped to land on his snout. He ignored the fact that he was being called a female for the moment. He held still as she climbed up his face to stand on the top of his head. He turned and went down the hall to join Sasa and Mac in the kitchen. He walked slowly down the stairs and sat down in front of Sasa.

“Oblivion!” She squeaked. “Y'all need ta fix this. Use yer magic!”

Sasa stared at her and a grin went to her muzzle. She put her hooves over her mouth as she began to laugh. Applejack stared at her as she walked down the cat’s nose and stopped at the end of it. “Control yourself, Sasa.” Oblivion said to her. He would have said more but he felt something pushing against his mind. He went silent as he focused on it.

“Sorry.” She said.

Applejack blinked as she stared at the black pony. “Oblivion?”

Just tell her that we appear to have been affected as well.” He advised the feline. He shook off the odd feeling and looked back to the group.

“I would love to Applejack. But I can’t.” Sasa said to her.

“Why not?”

She looked away and swirled a hoof on the ground. “Well, Oblivion and I have been affected by whatever this is as well.” She explained. “I am Sasa.”

Applejack sat down heavily on Oblivion’s snout as she processed what she had heard. “Wait, so yer in Oblivion’s body?” Sasa nodded. “And he’s in...” She paused and looked back to the face of the cat.

“Yes,” Sasa told her.

“Oh, wow.” Mac snorted and sat down. “So yer bodies got switched?”

Sasa nodded. Laughter escaped from Mac as he held onto the table. “What’s goin’ on?” Apple Bloom came downstairs, hearing the laughter from her sibling.

Mac calmed and looked to the filly. "Well, look on the cat’s nose.” He instructed.

She followed his instructions and saw her elder sister sitting on Sasa’s snout, looking bewildered. She blinked in surprise as Mac went on.

“And Oblivion and Sasa got switched.” He said through a laugh.

“What do ya mean?” She asked. She went up to Sasa, in Oblivion’s body and looked to him.

“He means that I am Sasa and am in Oblivion's body, while he is trapped in mine,” Sasa explained, with Oblivion’s voice.

Oblivion focused once more as a feeling went over him. His eyes widened as he realized what he was feeling was an emotion that he had not felt in over a hundred years. His mind clamped down on the feeling and it raced as he went over the possibilities. “How did...Oh no. When we were switched I have her emotions. She still seems to have her, it’s just her normal. Oh, Gods below.”

The filly startled and looked to the feline. “Oblivion?”

He gave a slow nod to avoid unseating Applejack. Her eyes widened and she sat down heavily. “Are ya gonna be like that forever?” Fear crept into her voice as she looked between them.

“No. I don’t think so. We just need to find a reversal.” Sasa said.

Apple Bloom stood up as Oblivion set Applejack on the fillies back. He reached for the stallion, pulled his mane, and dragged him outside. “Ow. Chosen?”

He released her and rounded on the pony. “We must fix this.” He stated.

She paused and looked at him. His voice had a hard edge to it that shocked her.“Why? Aside from the obvious.”

“I have not had emotions in over a hundred years.” He informed her.

She paused then her eyes widened. “Oh no.” She looked to the now pacing cat. “Okay. We should go to Twilight. She might have an idea. How could this have...?"

He stopped and sat down. “That zebra did not curse us. Of that I am certain.” He began to pant and suddenly he growled. “Oh no.”

Sasa watched him and jolted in surprise. “Breathe, Chosen.” She said to him and walked over to him. She put a hoof on his chest as he pulled in the air.

“What is...?”

“Panic attack or anxiety." She explained.

He focused on his breathing and forced his racing mind to halt and focus. His eyes closed as he let his mind go blank for several minutes. He opened his eyes to find that Sasa had been joined by the Apple siblings. He stood up and started for the front gates.

“Where ya goin’ Sa...Oblivion?” Applejack squeaked.

“Twilight,” Sasa explained as she walked behind him. Apple Bloom trotted to catch up as they walked toward the library.

Oblivion focused on his current goal and refused to pay attention to the emotions biting at his mind. He refused to acknowledge them due to him no longer knowing how to truly handle them. He saw the library looming in front of him and he headed for the door.

“Chosen, wait,” Sasa yelled to him.

He paused as he remembered that he did not have his magic. He waited as Sasa used her hooves to open the door for him. They were greeted with a small form of chaos as Twilight and Spike appeared to be going through the books. He waited as Sasa and the others walked in behind him.

“Twilight,” Sasa said aloud. He heard his own voice as it caught the purple unicorn’s attention. She spun around and Sasa snorted a laugh.

Twilight’s horn was limp on her head and was covered in blue spots. Oblivion bit down on the laugh that hit him and pushed it down. Sasa was not too controlled. She laughed behind a hoof as Twilight’s frantic gaze fell on the black unicorn.

“Oblivion! I’m so glad you’re here. You can fix this, right?” She said to him as she walked up to the stallion.

Sasa controlled herself and shook her head. “I’m sorry, Twilight. I can’t.”

“Why not?” She shrilled.

“I don't know how to use Oblivion’s magic,” Sasa replied.

“Just tell her, dammit.” Oblivion sniped at the pony.

“Our minds have been switched. You are speaking to Sasa, not Oblivion.” She explained in a rush.

Twilight stared. “Oh no. Spike keep looking!” She spun and went back to her books.

“Stay calm, Chosen.” She said to the angry Witcher.

Oblivion turned away from them and focused on pushing the emotion back once more. “Gods dammit.” He said as he closed his eyes to focus.

He looked up as the door opened and Pinkie came inside. He stared at her before shaking his head. Sasa chuckled at the pink mare. Her tongue was swollen and could not be fit into her mouth, so it dangled like a dog when it panted. It was covered in the same blue spots as Twilight’s horn.

“A pfurse.” She said. Spit flew off her tongue as she tried to speak.

Spike turned to her and giggled. “A purse?”

Twilight had turned to see her exuberant friend. “What in Equestria happened to you?”

Pinkie tried to speak through her tongue. “Zecora. She put a fpurse on me!”

Spike cringed as spit flew onto him. “Oh nasty. Say it, don’t spray it.” He yelped.

A loud thud startled all of them and Oblivion had to close his eyes for a few moments once more. “Gods, this is exhausting.” He complained.

Sasa nuzzled him and looked to the window. Rainbow crashed into the wall, repeatedly.

“She said.” Thud. “Ow. Trying to...”Thud. “Ow...a curse.” Thud.“ She put a...Ow! Curse on...Ow! Us.” She yelled at them as she hit the wall of the library.

Pinkie reached up and opened the window for Rainbow to come in. She crashed face-first into a bookshelf and fell to the ground, books landed on top of her as she recovered from the impact. Her limbs were tangled in the ladder that Spike used for shelving the books. Oblivion glanced over to her and found that reason for her trouble flying due to the location of her wings. They were low on her sides, almost on her belly, causing her to fly upside down.

“I’m afraid that I have to agree with her.” Rarity spoke up as she walked in.

Oblivion cringed at the state of the mare. Her hair was drawn into long dreadlocks that nearly dragged the ground. She had to keep her head up or the dreadlocks in the front of her face would drag the ground. Twilight and Spike cringed as well and Sasa chuckled again.

Applejack chose that moment to pipe up from Apple Blooms back. “Ah told ya Twilight! It’s a hex!”

“It is not.” Sasa groaned.

“How can you be so sure, darling?” Rarity asked, pushing her mane out of her eyes with a hoof.

“Oblivion is an expert on curses and all things that fall into that category. He says it is not a curse due to there being no malice or evil intent. It is not a hex or anything like that.” Sasa explained.

Oblivion turned around as Fluttershy walked in and stayed out of the way. Rainbow looked at the black stallion before she spoke. “So did you get cursed to talk about yourself in the third person?”

Sasa rolled her eyes. “No. I am speaking for him since he is trapped in my body. I am Sasa.”

The ponies all blinked at them then they looked to the stoic cat beside the black Unicorn.

“Oblivion, darling?” Rarity looked at him. He nodded. “Oh my. Well, that does explain a few things.”

“Yeah, Oblivion doesn’t laugh,” Spike commented.

Oblivion felt his emotions spike and he closed his eyes, to calm them once more. Sasa nuzzled him as he opened his eyes to look at the mares. Twilight wore a look of concern. “Are you okay?”

“I’ll be fine.” He replied.

“He says he will be fine. Both of us will be happier when this is reversed.” Sasa informed them.

“Well just fix it already. You have magic Obli...oh.” Rainbow started but caught on after a moment. “Well, damn.”

“Yes. If I knew how to use his magic I would have ended this charade already. But unfortunately, my skill with true magic is severely limited. I can’t even get his horn to alight.” Sasa informed them. “Only he can truly use it.”

“You have used it before. When you fought back the Ursa Major and the dragon.” Twilight replied.

“That wasn’t magic. I can pull magic from him to make myself stronger, but I can’t manipulate it. You might be thinking of my ability to Blink. Correct?”

Twilight nodded. “That’s a teleport, isn’t it?”

“No. Not really. A teleport can send a pony or others to a new place. If I keep working with it and if Oblivion chooses it can do more, but at the current level it is not possible. Plus, it has a very short range, about 3-6 feet. Whereas Oblivion can teleport long distance due to his magical strength.”

Twilight nodded. Rainbow stayed in her place tangled up with the ladder. “So can he pull the magic from you then?”

Oblivion sighed and shook his head.

Spike suddenly burst into laughter. “This is hilarious. All of you are hilarious. Spitty Pie, Hairity, Rainbow Crash, Apple Teeny, Flutterguy, Oblivion Switch, and...” Spike looked thoughtful, as the mares glowered at him. Sasa growled at him. “I got nothing, Twilight Sparkle...Nothing.”

“Haha! Hilarious Spike.” Twilight said to him.

Oblivion snarled at the new name. He kept his new emotions in check by ignoring them. Though that only worked part of the time. ‘We need to fix this.’ He stated. ‘Before this drives me insane.’

He turned to the door and walked out of it. His mind went over how to find the mare. And decided that following his nose was the best option. The Witcher walked in silence as he made his way to the Everfree. He walked around the blue flowers, the more he thought about it the more he was thinking they had something to do with the current situation. He focused on tracking the zebra, so as to keep his emotions in the back of his mind. ‘Gods, will I be glad when these are gone once more.’

The Witcher tracked the mare to her home. He stopped to have a good look at it before he approached it. It was another house that was built from a tree. The branches were gnarled and reached into the higher branches, entangling among them. He looked to the front door and advanced on it. He stopped in front of it, remembering that he did not have the magic to open it, and rapped his paw on the door. It opened to show the zebra who stared at him.
He sat down and waited for her to respond. “What pleasure do I owe, this creature of the wood?”

‘What the hells?’ He stared back at her. ‘Oh Gods, she speaks in rhymes.’ He raised a paw and wrote a message in the dirt with one claw. “I am from Ponyville. I had my mind swapped with my companion. Is there a way to reverse this?”

The zebra came out of her home and turned to look at the message. “You walked through Poison Joke. Its blooms though are not a joke.”

He nodded. “True enough. Is there a reversal?” She nodded. “I must inform you that some of the ponies I was with believing that you cursed them. While I know it’s foolish they will be more difficult to convince.” He advised her.

“Yet you come alone, why come on your own?”

He grimaced at the rhyming but let it go. ‘I am a Witcher. Curses are something that I know about and are able to discern them.’

“Then I thank you for your keen mind, now let us begin a cure for your misplaced mind.” She rhymed and started inside.

Oblivion's ears flicked and he looked back at Apple Bloom came up to him. “Whatcha doin’ Oblivion?”

He waved his paw across the ground and wrote out a message to her. “Finding a cure. What are you doing here, little one?”

“The same thing.” She told him.

He stood and shook himself free of dirt and walked into the house with the filly on his heels.

Sasa looked to her side and stopped upon realizing that Oblivion was gone. She looked around them and saw nothing of The Witcher. “Chosen?” There was no reply to her call as she tried to reach him through their mental connection. She could sense him but he did not reply. He was pushing back his emotions and that was hampering her calls to him. Since it was her body, her communication depended on her state of mind and his magic.

“Twilight?” She said to the unicorn mare.

“Yes, Obli...Sasa?’

“Oblivion is gone.” She said, worry in her tone.

The purple mare stopped her searching and looked around. “Oh no.”

“Apple Bloom and Applejack are gone too.” Rarity noticed.

“Oh no. They went to Zecora.” Sasa said to them.


“Why not? She is the only other pony who might know of a way to help.” Sasa reasoned to them.

“Then that’s where we need to go. Spike stay here and look for a cure.” Twilight said as she walked out the door with the others. “How is he doing?” Sasa was quiet. “That bad?”

She didn’t reply, simply broke into a trot as they went to the forest. The black unicorn broke into a lope as she followed the signature from Oblivion. They reached a house and stopped as they looked at it. Sasa trotted up to the window and saw Oblivion laying on the floor beside a cauldron. Her eyes widened and she whinnied in distress. Twilight came up to her and gasped.

“Oblivion!” She whispered.

The mares all gathered around and looked inside. “Nice décor. If you love creepy.” Rarity observed with a shudder.

They watched as she walked around the cauldron singing. Spitty suddenly jolted "She Sthe sthtole my sthong! Shthe shtole mm mm!”

“She stole your song? Pinkie that sounded nothing like your song.” Twilight said to her.

She nodded and looked at them. She lunged and gripped Flutterguy’s hooves in her own and whimpered. Flutterguy sighed and opened her mouth to sing.

She’s an evil Enchantress

And she does evil dances

And if you look deep in her eyes

She will put you in trances

“If you do not stop her from singing that ridiculous song, I will!” Oblivion yelled to the cat.

“Stop singing!” Sasa yelled.

Flutterguy stopped and shrugged at Pinkie who looked annoyed. Sasa looked into the house as Oblivion stirred and stood. “Chosen! You’re all right.” She breathed in relief and danced on her hooves.

“I’m fine.” He walked to the door, opened it and came around to them. Zecora paid him no attention as he moved. “What in the God's name are all of you doing outside?”

Sasa parroted his question to the mares. “We came to save you!” Flutterguy called out.

“Save me? From what?” He asked and Sasa said it aloud.

“From Zecora, dear. You appeared to be injured on her floor.” Rarity explained to him.

He shook his head. “You mares are far too quick to panic. Even in this form do you truly think she could hurt me?” He asked them, through Sasa.

Twilight looked at him as he sat down. “So you’re all right?” He nodded. “Why did you leave the library?”

“We were getting nowhere, so I chose to go to Zecora. She gave us a warning before so she should know something. Turns out I was right.” He explained.

“Hiya every pony!” Apple Bloom hollered, startling them.

“Yeehaw!” Applejack sitting on Rainbows belly flew through the open door.

Oblivion heard several loud crashes from inside, then a splash. “No!” He yelled and spun to go back into the hut. His paws landed in fluid and he looked down at it. “Dammit to the Hells!”

The others came inside and looked to the destruction around them. The masks from the walls had fallen and the cauldron had been spilled all over the floor. Oblivion stood in it and snarled. Sasa walked up to him and put a hoof on his shoulder. She was surprised to feel him shaking under her hoof. It took only a moment for her to realize that he was holding onto his rage by a thread. She looked up as Applejack jumped up from the crash site and stood on Rainbows back.

“We got ya now! Ya, turn us all back right now! Ya cursed us all...” She didn’t get to speak any further as blue flames coursed over the feline in the room.

Oblivion roared in anger and the mares all went silent. “You foolish little mares! You would condemn some pony that you do not know simply because she is different.” He roared at them. Much to every ponies shock, they could hear him. “You fools. She was creating the antidote!”

He whirled on them and began pacing, his paws splashing through the spilled brew. “Zecora was warning us about that blue flower we stood in yesterday. It’s a plant called Poison Joke and what happened to all of us was no God's damned curse.” He raged at them. “If any of you were intelligent enough to listen, you would know that.”

Sasa shrunk back at the flames that poured over him. The Witcher was beyond her reach as he raged. She hunched down and whimpered as the flames flickered over him. She could hear him panting as he stopped speaking and the flames began to pull back as they all stared at him. Zecora had backed up as far as possible, same with the others. Apple Bloom hid behind the door and waited for him to calm down. The Witcher panted as the strain from the events of today caught up with him and he flopped down to his belly and closed his eyes. “Gods below.” He muttered to himself. ‘This is why Witcher’s do not have emotions. We can’t handle them on top of everything else that we are.’ He thought to himself and stood up. He walked slowly to the door and left them behind him.

Apple Bloom peeked out from the behind the door as he went by. They all stayed silent for a minute after he left and it was Twilight who spoke first. “He’s right.” She looked at Zecora. “I am so sorry.”

Spike trotted in, a book under his arm. “Twilight...I...What's wrong?”

“Oblivion let us have it,” Rainbow said from her place on the floor.


“I never knew he could get that angry with anypony,” Twilight said.

“He was helping Zecora make the antidote fer ya'll.” Apple Bloom said. “He had to go run around quite a bit ta get some of the ingredients that were too dangerous for me ta get, while Zecora got the rest of the brew ready.”

Sasa sighed and stat up. “So he was resting when we showed up?” The zebra nodded. Sasa put her head down and sighed. “What have we done?”

Twilight walked up and set a hoof on her shoulder. “Can you call him back when we finish the brew?” Sasa looked at her and nodded. “He should be the first one we use the antidote on.”

“I agree. We ruined his effort and I'm not surprised that he was upset now that I think of it.” Rarity admitted.

“How can we help Zecora?” Twilight asked.

The zebra smiled at them and nodded. “Mix a new brew I certainly will, I am missing one herb from Ponyville.”

“But whenever she comes to town everypony hides.” Apple Bloom pointed out.

Sasa stood up and made for the door. “Sasa?” Twilight called out.

“We have a town to educate. If I have to break down doors to get that plant she needs I will. I refuse to leave my Chosen to suffer if I can fix it.” She vowed and walked out the door.

Twilight and the others caught up to her as she marched into town. It took time but the ponies finally calmed and allowed Zecora to get the plant she needed. The Ponyville day spa allowed them to use one of their soaker tubs to make a large amount of the brew needed. Twilight looked at Sasa who nodded her understanding.

“Chosen?” She called out to him.


“Oh good you answered. I was worried you would didn’t answer before. Are you all right?”

“I’m fine. What do you need?”

Sasa bit back any further questions. “We worked with Zecora to create a new batch of the antidote. We are at the spa.”

“Very well. I’m on my way.” He replied to her.

“He’s coming.” She reported to them.

The mares all nodded and sat back as they waited. Several minutes passed and they all looked to the doorway as Oblivion walked through it. Sasa jumped up and nuzzled him, she led him onto the platform above the pool. He looked down at the greenish liquid and blanched. He yelped as Sasa pushed him into the water and jumped in after him. His head broke the surface as he looked around him, water dripping off his fur. He looked to the side and found the tiger looking back at him. He looked down and found his hooves in the water.

“Thank the Gods.” He said as he sighed.

Sasa rumbled and splashed him with her paws. He cringed out of the way and teleported out of the tub. He looked up as Lotus and Aloe started drying his mane and fur with towels. He allowed them to dry him off and teleported the binding in his mane to wrap around his fetlock, to avoid his wings showing. The mares all watched him as he sat down and allowed himself to be handled.

“Are you all right, Chosen?” Sasa asked him as she crawled out of the tub.

“Yes. That will never happen again.” He vowed.

“Well, now we know to avoid that plant.” She told him as she sat down by him.

The mares all clamored into the tub and gave excited noises as the jokes were removed. Sasa nuzzled his shoulder and purred at him.

“Any reason for the affection?” He asked her.

“Just glad that you are more comfortable.” She explained.

“I should apologize for losing my temper. That was untoward.” He replied to her.

“No. There is nothing to apologize for.” She said to him. He glanced over to her, questioning. “You attitude was deserved. Apple Bloom told us about your working to get that brew correct. Anypony would have been upset. You had every right to lose your temper. No pony was upset at you for it. But I am curious. Why did you react as you did about Zecora?”

He startled and Lotus muttered an apology, thinking she had hurt him since his wounds were on that side. “I know what it’s like to be in her hooves. Being judged for what you are instead of who. A Witcher is always hated and used. Then thrown away when they finish with us.”

Sasa was quiet. She knew that Witcher's were not treated well but hearing more details from him upset her and explained his attitude. She remained at his side as they finished drying him. The black stallion stood up and shook out his mane and tail of any lingering water. He heaved a sigh and sat back down. Sasa tilted her head to him.

“I’m fine. Simply tired. I do not miss having emotions. They're exhausting.” He informed her.

She chuffed at him and nodded. “It can be.” She looked back to the mares as they laughed and splashed each other. Twilight jumped out and dried off before trotting up to Oblivion.

“Are you all right?” She asked him.

“I’m fine.” He replied.

Twilight nodded and a smile stretched over her muzzle. “It’s good to see you back in the right body. I’m so sorry about earlier.”


“When we treated Zecora so badly and ruined the antidote you were helping to make.” She explained.

“Oh. Yes, that was upsetting. Already forgiven Twilight.” He said to her, with a dismissive wave of his hoof.

She blinked. “You were so angry before.”

He looked away for a moment before explaining. “That was due to being in the body of another. Because the body I was in was not a Witcher I ended up having emotions again. I have not had those for a very long time. So it was...startling to have them again.”

“That’s why you were like that?”

“Among other factors yes. But that is the main one. I was angry, that’s true. I also understood how it felt to be in Zecora’s hooves. Treated the way she was simply because no pony wished to understand. A Witcher is hated, used, and then thrown away when not needed. So I understood it more than any other.”

Twilight sat down and looked to him. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine.” He interrupted. “I’m not upset about it.”

“But you were.” She reasoned.

“For a short amount of time, yes.” He agreed.

Twilight glanced back to the others as they chatted. “We should have been more understanding. You’re an expert on curses and monsters. We should have listened to you.”

“It happens. It’s difficult to change perception when it’s as ingrained as it was. They were convinced that they were correct and no pony was going to convince them otherwise. Knowing about curses and saying that they are, in fact real did not help.”

“Still. You are a very knowledgeable pony and we should have all listened to you.”

“In the future, you will. Learn from your mistakes and move forward.” He said as he looked past her to the others and then back to her.

“You’re a very smart pony, Oblivion.”

“Sometimes.” He admitted to her.

“Or maybe just stubborn.” She said with a giggle.

“I am that as well.” He said to her.

Twilight laughed as they all laughed at Applejack, who was stuck in a bucket of water that they had put aside for her so as not to drown in the larger tub.

Oblivion stood up and teleported himself to the farm. “Gods, that was exhausting.”

“Oblivion!” Mac ran up to him and waited for a reply.

Oblivion waited for him to continue, then realized what the other stallion was waiting for. “It’s me, Mac.”

“Thank Equestria. Ah, need yer magic fer a minute.” He said and led the other stallion to the side of the barn. A large hole with a wagon stuck in it greeted them.

“What the Hells did you do?” He asked Mac, who looked sheepish.

“Ah fergot ta set the brake.” He admitted with a grimace.

Oblivion groaned and his magic covered the wagon, pulling it free with the barn wall. He repaired it and set it aside as his magic covered the wall and a flash of azure flame repaired the damage. He looked at Mac and shook his head as the roan looked sheepish and started to move the wagon back into its normal place.

“Ya gonna go ta Canterlot on Saturday?” He hollered.

Oblivion nodded and waited for the other to come back to him. “I always do. I appreciate the understanding and you giving me Saturdays off.”

“No biggie. Ya got a life outside the farm and that’s fine. ‘Sides, ya got other friends.” Mac informed him and patted his shoulder. “Would be kinda cruel ta keep ya working all the time.”

Oblivion shrugged. “If it was needed then I would understand but I thank you none the less.”

The roan nodded and left him where he stood. Oblivion inhaled and released as his body ached and a tired groan escaped him. He walked over to his usual tree and allowed himself to collapse under it. He laid down and closed his eyes, glad that he was back to normal. Having emotions again had been a shock and not one he was looking to repeat. He considered the effects of having those once more but chose to push the thought out of his mind. The unicorn was quiet as he heard Applejack, Apple Bloom and Sasa coming back toward the farm. He remained in place as they neared him.

“Chosen.” Sasa loped over to him and nuzzled his cheek.

“Ya left so quick ah was sure ya were still angry.” Applejack said as she neared him.

“No. Simply tired.” He replied.

“Ah have ta admit, Ah like ya better this way.” Applejack said to him. He opened one eye and looked to her. “Yer scary as all hell when yer angry. Ya keep that held back all the time?”

“No. Normally I have no emotions. So keeping it held back is very simple. When I was swapped with Sasa her body has emotions so they were there without me truly knowing it. So what happened was an effect of the situation and my own frustration.”

Applejack looked at him in response to his explanation. “So yer emotions are just gone?”

“No, they were removed. I told you a Witcher is made. The Trial that created me destroyed my emotions.” He looked thoughtful for a moment. “Correction, I have some emotions just none of them are very strong.” He closed his eyes and relaxed once more.

Apple Bloom trotted up to him and prodded his shoulder. He cracked open one eye and glanced to the filly at his side. He could see the ball on her back and immediately knew what she wanted. “Damn.” He commented.

“I got her.” Sasa reached a paw up and batted the ball off the fillies back and off to the side.

“Sasa!” Apple Bloom yelled and chased after it. She bounced it back and the cat sent it rolling once more.

Oblivion closed his eye once more and sighed as he laid quiet. Applejack gently put her hoof through his mane. The Unicorn opened his eye once more to look at her. She was stroking his mane and staring at the ground.

“Applejack?” He said her name and raised his head.

She startled and stood up. “Sorry. It’s...uh...nuthin’...” The mare turned and fled.

His horn lit and picked her up, bringing her back to him. He set her down as he sat up. “What is it?”

“Ah wanted ta say Ah’m sorry bout not listening to ya.” She said to him.

“Why do I not believe you? Applejack you can’t lie. You’re terrible at it. What is actually on your mind?” He questioned her.

She fidgeted as he waited. “Ya were pretty frightening.”

He startled. “You were afraid of me?”

“Yeah. Ah never seen ya like that. Come ta find out ya don’t have that emotion normally so how come?” She paused as he shifted.

“How come it was so strong? Or how come I couldn't control it?”

“Both?” She said to him.

“It was as strong as it was because I couldn’t control it. I have been a Witcher for over a hundred years AJ. Over a hundred years of not having emotion. Think of that for a moment.” He advised her.

Applejack looked thoughtful. “Oh. That would be a bit upsettin’ wouldn’t it?”

“Now imagine you suddenly have them again. All of them. At the same time.” He said to her, forcing her to contemplate his actions. Applejack grimaced and looked to him. “Exactly. It was very...overwhelming and unwanted. Do you recall the times where I had to turn away from everypony?”

She nodded as she thought back. “Ah just thought ya were annoyed.”

“Not really. I was trying to get the emotions under control once more. I was pushing them back to avoid having them attack me once more.”

“Attack you?”

“Sasa referred to it as an attack. I think it was a panic or anxiety attack. I was unsure how to handle them and that uncertainty only made things worse. So I was having to push them all back and try not to let them run rampant. That snowballed and eventually even I lose my temper.” He admitted.

Applejack nodded. “Sorry bout all that. Ah shoulda listened to ya. Yer an expert on monsters and curses. Ya would know if it was a curse or not.” She said to him, a small smile played on her muzzle.

Oblivion nodded. “Even if I had been able to reach all of you would you have listened? Consider how unwilling you were to listen even when I told you that curses were real but not common here.”

Applejack cringed and nodded her understanding. “Ya make a good point.” She admitted. “Are ya feelin’ okay?”

He tilted his head at her question. “How do you mean?”

“Ya seem a bit worn out is all.” She told him.

“I see. I am a bit worn but nothing to worry about.” He admitted to her.

“Now Ah know yer okay. Tryin’ ta make things about ya not too bad.” She said with a laugh.


She stood up and smiled at him. “Thank ya fer explaining it to me.” She said to him.

He sank back to the ground with a nod to her. “It won’t do me any good if you’re frightened of me.”

Applejack nodded to him and started for the house. “Gonna eat dinner with us?”

He shook his head and she smiled as she turned and went into the house. Apple Bloom and Sasa were still playing off to the side as Oblivion sighed and relaxed once more. His body relaxed and he allowed his mind to wander.

23: Meetings and Revelations...

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Oblivion woke up to the sound of the rooster crowing. He growled under his breath as he rolled out of his bed and onto his hooves. His muscles trembled under his fur as the Unicorn stretched. His magic pushed open the door as he looked over his shoulder at the sleeping spectral tiger.

“Sasa.” He said to her and the feline snapped awake and yawned.

“Good morning, Chosen.”

“Morning.” The Black Unicorn was quiet as he went out the door and down the stairs. It was Saturday morning and the stallion went out the door and stopped outside and looked back for a moment.

“I am going for a run Sasa.” He informed her.

She grumbled back to him. “Do you want me to come with you?”

“If you wish to you can. I’m all right on my own otherwise.”

“I’ll stay here. If you need anything let me know.” She replied.

He said nothing and turned to trot through the orchards and toward the Everfree. His mane pulled free of the binding and let his wings spread out from his back as he broke into a long lope and let his muscles fully warm-up before he began to push them. He weaved through the trees. Using them to stretch out his muscles and warm them up. The black wings stretched up from his back and he could hear the joints crackle as they moved. He brought them back down as he weaved through the trees. His gait stretched out and he broke into a hard gallop. He galloped headlong through the forest and headed for a favorite area that had many obstacles and fallen trees.

Sasa woke up what felt like minutes later, but she knew it had been a couple of hours. She sat up and yawned, running her tongue over her long incisors and stretched. The spectral tiger jumped off Oblivion’s bed and trotted downstairs. The others were there and Applejack looked up as the cat sat down in Oblivion’s normal spot. The orange mare looked confused, as she didn’t see her eldest brother with the cat. Sasa shrugged and that seemed to settle the mare for now.



“Are you coming back?”

“I am on my way.” He responded.

She could sense that he was coming back to the farm, but she didn’t have an accurate timing on him since it seemed he wasn’t going to teleport. He had taken to going running in the mornings recently. She didn’t ask him what had prompted his choice to start this new routine. Applejack laid a plate of pancakes on the floor for her, she purred her thanks and ate her share. She finished and began nosing the plate toward the ponies, so one of them could pick it up. It was covered in azure flame and she rumbled her thanks as Oblivion set the plate on the counter and walked in the door.

“Mornin’ Oblivion.” Applejack greeted him.

“Good morning, AJ.” He responded and sat down as Sasa laid under the table.

“Ya hungry?”

“No thank you. I’ll eat in Canterlot.”

“Oh yeah. Ah fergot it was Saturday.”

“It’s fine.”

Apple Bloom ate her food quickly and jumped down from her chair. “Oblivion!”

“Yes, little one?”

“Wanna play hide and seek?”

He looked at her, his head gave a slight tilt. “Hide and what?”

She stopped and looked at him. “It’s a game.”

“I figured that much. What kind of game is it?”

“Oh sorry. Ah fergot ya didn’t play any. I run and hide then you come and find me. If you find me then we start over and you hide. No magic though.” She explained to him.


She looked at him and waited for him to respond. “Sasa can play too!” She said and hugged the cats face. “How long before ya need ta leave?”

Oblivion looked to the clock on the counter. “Around an hour and a half.”

She smiled. “Plenty of time ta play with me. So will ya play? Ya can even hide first. Then ah will try ta find ya and Sasa.”

He looked to her and then to the siblings. Mac smiled and nodded at him. “Ah don’t have any work fer ya ta help with. Its yer day off anyway.”

Oblivion looked to Apple Bloom and was going to decline when Sasa nudged him. “It will be fun, Chosen.” She said to him.

He sighed and nodded. “Very well. Are there any other rules?”

“No. Ya count ta 30 then ya yell out to everypony, ready or not here I come. That lets ‘em know that yer coming.”

He nodded his understanding and Apple Bloom ran out the door with Sasa and Oblivion behind her. She ran to the barn door and turned to face them.

“Okay ya go ahead and hide.”

“Are there limits on distance?” He asked her.

Apple Bloom looked thoughtful, a hoof to her mouth. “Umm...Just not too far away.”

He nodded and turned away from her. He heard her start counting and took off at a trot. He found a patch of bushes but passed by them. ‘No magic, huh.’ He found one of the trees and looked up into the thick branches. “Hopefully I can hide well enough up there.” He teleported himself into the tree and was able to hide his tall frame among the branches and waited, his ears strained to listen for Apple Bloom to yell. He heard her and he stilled, in the branches. He had pulled his tail up to prevent it from giving away his location. This reminded him of hiding and waiting for a monster to come back to its lair.

Apple Bloom looked away from the barn door and took off running to try to find her brother and Sasa. After several minutes she ran around the side of the pigpen and giggled when she saw the tip of Sasa's tail. She went over and grabbed hold of it, the cat yowled and jumped away from her. She spun as Apple Bloom giggled and looked at the ruffled cat.

“Okay ya wait by the barn while I look for Oblivion.” She said and walked away from the cat to look for him.

She looked through the orchard and couldn’t find him. She went back to the barn and stood by Sasa. “Ah can’t find ‘im.” She said to Sasa who purred at her. “Okay come out, Oblivion. Ya win.”

The stallion appeared in front of her and looked to her. She smiled up at him. “Finished already?” He quipped.

Apple Bloom giggled and nodded. “Yer pretty good at this. It’s Sasa’s turn to be it. So we go hide. Count ta 30 Sasa.”

Oblivion teleported back to his original spot and waited.

“No cheating, Chosen.” Sasa said to him.

“I simply went back to my original spot. No tracking then.” He said back to her.

Sasa snorted back to him. He held onto the tree branch with his claws and stayed still. He looked down and Apple Bloom ran underneath him and watched her jump into a large bunch of bushes. The filly vanished inside them and was still. He watched her for a moment before he heard a loud roar. Sasa was warning them and starting to search for them. She loped past him and the filly and stopped as she looked around. He closed his eyes and listened. His eyes gave off a glow in low light, so he closed them to avoid being spotted. Sasa gave a low growl. He stayed still as he heard a quiet giggle go out. ‘Oh Apple Bloom. That was an error.’ He thought to himself as he heard a squeal and Sasa found the filly. He cracked open one eye as Apple Bloom got out of the shrub and hugged the cat.

“Did ya find him?” She asked Sasa.

The cat shook her head. Apple Bloom huffed and looked around them. “Okay how about we work together and find ’im?”

Sasa nodded and started off to hunt for him. Apple Bloom went the other direction.

“Fer never having played this afore he’s really good at it.” She mumbled to herself.

He watched as the filly and the cat ran in separate directions away from his hiding place. Oblivion kept his eyes closed and used his ears to find the locations of the seekers. Minutes ticked by as they kept searching. The black pony opened his eyes as Big Mac came toward him. Mac looked at the trees and Oblivion sat in silence. Mac looked up at the tree he was in and his eyes widened at the orange eyes staring back at him.

“Whoa, Nelly!” He yelled and backpedaled. He recovered and came back to the base of the tree. “Good hidin’ spot.” He said and looked away as Apple Bloom came into view.

“Big Mac, have ya seen Oblivion?” She asked him.

“Nope,” Mac told her.

The filly groaned and stomped a hoof. “Sasa and I can’t find ‘im.”

Mac chuckled. “So he’s outdone ya?”

“He’s impossible to find!” The filly wailed.

Oblivion sat in the tree and fought back a grin. ‘Being a Witcher is once again working in my favor.’ He thought to himself as the filly pouted.

“Ya give up then?” Mac asked her.

“Yeah.” She looked around her and inhaled. “You can come out! You win again!” She yelled and started for the barn. She passed by the trees and out of sight.

Oblivion teleported to the ground and looked to Mac, who grinned. “Ya gonna keep that spot, ah assume?”

“It works for the purpose. I’m a bit surprised I can balance those tree limbs. I was not sure they would hold my weight.” The stallion admitted.

Mac chuckled. “Yer not a heavy pony so it would hold ya.”

Oblivion snorted and teleported to the barn. Apple Bloom and Sasa were waiting for him. “Okay. Where do ya keep hidin’?”

“If I told you it would no longer work for hiding, would it?” He reasoned.

Sasa chuckled and nodded in agreement. “Okay let’s switch ta playing with the ball.”

Oblivion shook his head. “I’m going to have to decline.”

Sasa batted the ball away from the filly to entice her to play. They ran off and Oblivion walked to his usual tree and laid under it. He watched them play as time ticked by him. He lifted his head as a letter appeared in front of him. He unrolled the scroll and read through it.


I am hoping this note finds you well and I am hoping you can help me in Canterlot. I’m afraid I need you to teleport here as soon as possible. I find myself in a bit of trouble. I had hoped to have my work done by noon as usual, but I could use some help.

Blue Blood

Oblivion chuckled and sent the letter to his saddlebag.



“I am going to Canterlot early. Take care of things here.”

“Enjoy your visit.”

His horn lit and he teleported to Canterlot early. He found himself in the menagerie as usual and he glanced around him.

“Oblivion! Thank Equestria!” Blue ran over to him and greeted the black Unicorn.

“Morning Blue.” He greeted the Prince and waited as he drew up by him.

“I am sorry for the abrupt request. But I could use your help.”

“I understand and it’s fine. What do you need?”

“I need you to help me get through my list of meetings. I told Aunt Celestia that every Saturday I need the afternoons, but she heaped all this onto me with no consideration!” He shouted in frustration.

“Easy, Blue.” Oblivion put a hoof on his shoulder to calm him. “Then we had best get started. What do you need me to do?”

“If you could help me keep them in line and on schedule?” Blue said to him as he led them into the castle. “I know they will calm down if your there to help keep order. No pony dares to argue with an Element bearer.” He stopped and looked to the black pony. “Oh. That sounds like I am using you for my own ends...” He hung his head as Oblivion gave a light snort.

“I understand the meaning behind it. If I felt I was being used, I would have mentioned it.” Oblivion informed him and nudged the other stallion to keep him moving.

Blue recovered and walked to keep up with the Black Unicorn. Blue Blood stopped and pulled two clipboards out of his magic and handed one of them to Oblivion. A quill appeared as well and they both looked at the paper. Oblivion cringed at the long list of appointments.

“Gods below. How much work did she give you?” He asked.

“Enough to have me in a panic,” Blue replied.

Oblivion sighed and looked to the list in his magic. “Very well. Let’s start shall we?”

“Might as well. All right, so first up is a meeting with the Department of Agriculture.”

Oblivion grimaced and looked to the Prince, who wore a similar expression. “Why in the Hells did she give this to you?”

“He is one of the council members I yelled at...”

“So she’s punishing you?”

“I don’t think so. Least I hope not. I apologized for that.” He admitted.

Oblivion walked in silence as they reached the first appointment. The doors opened and the council pony turned and blanched at the sight of the Black Unicorn. Oblivion said nothing as he waited for the doors to close behind them.

The day wore on and, due to Oblivion keeping the talks on task, they were able to get the list of meetings down considerably by the time they reached the end of the day. Blue sighed and leaned on the other pony as they stopped between meetings for a drink.

“I’m done.” He complained.

Oblivion chuckled as the pony pulled himself back to his own hooves. “It has certainly been a long day. What's left?”

“A meeting with the Head of the Department of...” He paused.



Oblivion said nothing as a bark of laughter escaped him. Blue looked to the ground and shook his head. “Okay, maybe I am being punished.” He said aloud.

The black stallion started forward as Blue sighed and walked with him. Blue opened the chamber doors and walked in, Oblivion on his heels. The pony within the room looked to the Prince and gave a grim nod. He blanched at the sight of the Black Unicorn and looked away from him. It was the same dark green pony that had spoken out to Celestia before when the last meeting he had been in was called. He had never asked for his name. The doors closed and Blue and Oblivion both sat down across from the other stallion.

“Thank you for coming. I’m sure you remember my companion.” He pointed a hoof to Oblivion besides him.

The green pony nodded and looked at them. “I was unaware that this meeting would be attended to by an Element Bearer as well.”

Blue Blood nodded. “I know it is a bit unorthodox, but normally I have this day off and we meet up once a week for a meal. My Aunt asked me to tend to these meetings for her and I asked Oblivion for his aid in keeping things on schedule.”

“Understood. Well, I have asked for this audience to discuss the school budget and upcoming curriculum.” He said to them.

Oblivion fought back a grimace and waited. ‘Gods this will be tedious.’ He thought to himself as he strained his ears to listen.

Several hours ticked by and a basic budget was started and a curriculum that benefited all foals was settled upon. Oblivion waited till the green pony left the room, then a harsh sigh escaped him. Beside him, Blue put his head in his hooves and scrubbed them over his features.

“By Equestria. That was worse than normal.” Blue voiced, his voice tired.

“I was going to ask if they are always like that or if it is just our luck?”

“I would have to say our luck.” Blue admitted. “I don’t know about you, but I could use a stiff drink.”

Oblivion gave a short chuckle and nodded. Blue got up from his place and led the other pony out of the room and down the hall. They dropped off their notes with the court scribe and left the castle and went into the city. Blue led the way and they walked into a building that was plain on the outside and mimicked that on the inside a simple bar stretched the length of the thin building. Blue guided the other Unicorn to a place and they sat down as the bartender came up to them, a smile on his muzzle.

“Out late this evening, Prince Blue Blood.” The pony said as he stopped by them. He had a cocktail glass on his flank and his coat was a deep gray, almost black, with a rouge mane and tail.

“I know, Shots. Had a very long day. This is my friend, Oblivion Shadow.” He said in reply and motioned to the stallion next to him.

Oblivion gave a polite nod as the other smiled. “Nice to meet you Oblivion.” He looked back to Blue, his smile continuing.
“Want your usual?’

“Yes, thank you.” He glanced at Oblivion. “Just pick something that you like. My treat, the least I can do for your help with all those meetings.”

Oblivion looked at the bottles behind the counter and scanned them. “What's the strongest you have?”

The bartender looked at him his gaze curious. “How strong are we talking? You want to light your throat on fire or just a light run?”

Oblivion smirked and looked to the questioning pony. “I have tried some of the booze here and it was a weak disappointment. So as I said, the strongest.”

The pony gave a cocky grin and looked to Blue, who shrugged. He stepped back and pulled a bottle out from behind several of them. It had no label and the pony set it on the counter. “This is one that I made. I call it Dragon Fire.” He opened it and Oblivion’s keen sense of smell immediately caught the scent of it. The scent had a hint of honey and barley. It had a slight burn to it but nothing terrible. “Care to try it?”

Oblivion leaned back and nodded. He filled a shot glass with it and slid it toward the Witcher. Oblivion’s magic gripped it and he gave it a stronger sniff. He gave a short snort and then downed it in one gulp. He gave a slight shake of his head as he set the glass down. His throat burned and he snorted. “Not bad.” He said to him.

Both ponies stared at him, flabbergasted. “I have tried a sip of that and it hurt to breathe,” Blue commented.

Shots were silent as he stared. He shook his head as he went to making Blue’s drink, realizing that one of his best customers was still waiting. He set the drink in front of the Prince and went back to the Black Unicorn. “What are you used to drinking?”

Oblivions horn lit and a familiar bottle appeared in front of him. He set it on the counter. “This is Mahakaman Spirit, a personal favorite.” He pushed it up to the bartender with one hoof and waited.

The pony picked up the bottle, uncorked it and gave it a sniff. He gasped and put a hoof over his nose. “By the Goddess!”
He set it down and backed up as he groaned. “You drink that…?” He watched as Oblivion picked it up and took a long drink from the bottle. He set it down and licked his lips to show it didn’t hurt him. “You have a stomach made of steel.”

Oblivion barked a laugh and shook his head. “Not really. I have been drinking this for a very long time. At first, I reacted much the same way but not any longer.”

Blue reached for the bottle and Oblivion allowed it he gave a very hesitant sniff and recoiled. “Oh no.” He cringed and set it down. “You, my friend, are out of your mind.”

“I’ve been told worse.”

They went back to their drinks, as Oblivion sent the spirit back to his saddlebags and waited as a larger glass of the Dragon Fire was given to him. Shots went back to his cleaning and the two Unicorns fell into easy conversation.

“So why did she land all that extra work on you?” Oblivion pressed.

“I think it’s because she is going to Ponyville tomorrow. It’s a casual visit though…” Blue responded as he sipped his drink.

“Hmm. Casual visit. I’d bet my life that the ponies in town will make more of it than it is.”

“How do you figure?”

“No doubt Twilight will overreact and lead herself into a panic.”

“She always was a serious pony.”

“You know her well then?”

“No. I went to Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns with her for a time. She was reclusive and more interested in books than other ponies.” Blue advised.

“Sounds about normal for when I first met her. Polite enough, but distant.”

“Given how good you are at reading ponies you had that pegged in the first minute of meeting her.”

“It was not difficult.” He took a sip of his drink and went quiet.

“How are the other Elements doing?”

“Seem to be well. If you’re asking about Rarity she seems the same as usual. Wrapped in her work and such.” Oblivion replied he opened his mouth to say more as he stopped and looked away from them. A strange feeling rushed over him.
His ears flicked as he listened.

“What is it?” Blue asked.

“I’m not certain. Just an odd feeling. One moment.” Oblivion closed his eyes and focused. His senses reached out and his element with them. He opened his eyes when his scanning found nothing. “Hmm.”


“No. Whatever it was is gone.”

“Hopefully it was nothing severe,” Blue said to him, his magic still holding his drink.

Oblivion turned back to the bar and lifted his drink as well. He gulped it down and set the empty glass down. Blue shook his head as he did the same. Shots came over and filled their glasses as he went to greet other customers that had walked in. The ponies passed by him and Oblivion was quiet. A smirk suddenly crossed his muzzle and he looked to the white pony.

“Though we did all have a bit of a joke played on us yesterday.”

Blue leaned a bit toward him. “Oh? I’m surprised any pony can prank you.”

He sipped his drink and set it back down. “It wasn’t a pony that did it.”


“It was a plant. It was called Poison Joke.”

“I think I've heard of it.”

“Well, I don’t recommend wandering through the leaves.”

“Do tell.”

Oblivion related the tale and soon Blue was laughing not just at Oblivion himself but at Rarity and the other mares, as well.

“Spike nicknamed you all?” He gasped out as Oblivion finished the descriptions.


“What did he call you?”

“I was Oblivion Switch, I believe.”

“Dare I ask about the others?”

Oblivion looked at him. Blue was slowly ending up drunk but Oblivion was not worried. “Let’s see. Spitty Pie, Hairity, Rainbow Crash, Flutterguy, and he couldn’t up with anything for Twilight.”

Blue chuckled and shook his head. “So what was it like being Sasa?”

“It was an experience. Not as tall and being a female was more than I wished to contemplate at the time.”

“Oh wow. Keep going.”

Oblivion continued the tale and waved off Shots when he came around. He nodded as Blue hadn’t seen him coming. He was going to have to carry him if he kept going. Shots brought over two glasses of water and carefully took the empty glasses away. Blue looked to the glass and took a drink of it.

He blanched and gave the glass a dirty look. “That is gross. What kind of drink did he give me now?”

Oblivion smirked as he answered. “It’s called water.”

“Oh. Well, it’s nasty.”

Shots was still close enough to hear the inebriated Prince and he bit back a laugh. Oblivion pushed it back to him with a hoof.

“Give it a chance. Just drink it slowly.” He advised.


“Since if you guzzle it you might end up sick and I would prefer you didn’t throw up on my hooves,” Oblivion stated.

“Fine.” Blue agreed and sipped at it.

Oblivion shook his head and gave a light chuckle, before he continued the tale, at Blues insistence. When he finished the story, he looked to Shots and called for the tab. “You can repay me in the morning,” Oblivion said to the Prince, who was holding onto the counter. He pulled the bits from his saddlebag and gave them to Shots as he guided Blue out the door and into the street. The prince leaned on his shoulder as Oblivion walked him slowly down the street. The clock chimed and Oblivion listened to tell what time it was. It was past 2 in the morning and the black pony grimaced as Blue stumbled against him. He reached out and ensured he did not fall as he stopped, allowing him to regain his balance. The Prince suddenly brought his head up and a grin went over his muzzle.

“How far are we from the castle?” He asked.

“Not far. A few minutes perhaps.”

“Race ya there.” The white pony took off at a run.

Oblivion sighed and shook his head. He lunged forward and caught up to the other stallion and kept pace with him. They neared the front gates and Blue Blood galloped through them and into the flower gardens. Oblivion stayed at his heels to keep him out of trouble. Blue suddenly halted and Oblivion ran into his flanks, sending them both sprawling. Blue stood up and stared at the ground. Oblivion stood up and came to stand beside him.

“Are you finished with your run?”

“Yes. But...I think I'm gonna be sick.”

“Oh, Hells no.” Oblivion pushed the pony till his head was in a group of flowers and he held back his mane as he threw up in Celestia's flower garden.

Blue heaved and Oblivion held him up. When he finished Oblivion pulled him back to prevent him from falling into the flower bed.

“Oh, by my Aunt’s this is horrible.” Blue groaned as he laid on the ground.

“That’s what happens when you drink too much,” Oblivion stated as he put a hoof on his back.

“How come you’re okay? You drunk...drank more than me.” The Prince whimpered at him.

“I have a faster metabolism and my system can filter out poison if needed. It would take a few bottles of the drink I showed you to get me drunk.”

“That’s...not fair,” Blue said to him.

“Perhaps not,” Oblivion replied and patted him on the back.

Blue got to his hooves and swayed. Oblivion held him up and let him lean on him as they went inside. They reached the Royal wing and Oblivion tapped his horn against the door to open it. The double doors swung open and the two ponies walked through them and Oblivion stopped him outside Blues room and looked to him.

“You need to open the door, Blue.” He said to him.

“Ugh, not so loud.” He griped and tapped his horn, gingerly against the door.

The doors opened and Oblivion walked him inside and up to his bed. The Prince pulled off his collar and climbed in with a groan and hid under the blanket. A muffled thank you came from under the blankets.

“You’re welcome,” Oblivion said aloud as he left the room.

The black stallion nudged the doors closed and went to his own room next door. His horn opened the door and he closed them behind him. He checked the room and when he was sure he was alone, he removed the binding in his mane and let his wings stretch out from his back. He went into the bathroom and looked over them in the clear light. He pulled out several feathers that were out of place and preened the feathers as much as was needed. With the knowledge from Rainbow, he had gained the information on how to tend to them properly as well as how to fly. He also checked the healing wounds to his side and then went back to preening. Once he had finished tending to them he went back to the room and pulled back the blankets on his bed. He slid under them and pulled his legs under him. He settled into the pillow under his head and then glanced back to the window. He used his magic to close the curtains to allow himself to sleep in even if only for a few minutes.

His eyes snapped open and he rolled to lay on his legs. His wings flicked under his blanket and he pulled his hair tie around his fetlock and got out of bed, now that his wings were hidden once more. The black Alicorn opened the doors to the balcony and looked out. A stiff wind moved his mane into his eyes but he didn’t move to fix it. His connection to Equestria’s Spirit caught his focus. He reached out to it and gasped when the enormity of the Spirit he was connected to rolled over him. It covered his mind and he felt his own Spirit shifting within him. He closed his eyes and shook his head to rid himself of the feeling of it.

The stallion returned his focus to the disturbance he could feel. It moved and shifted at the edges of his reach. He reached further out, forcing his magic to reach out as well. He knew that Sasa had warned him against over-doing it and trying to control more than he was ready for. Whatever the disturbance was he had to find it and see if it was a threat to the ponies around him. He touched it for a brief moment and then felt it push back against him. Oblivion used his magic to push back and called on more of the World Spirit to get him the answers he wanted. A shiver went through his body and he felt something give way. His body crumpled to the stone ground, panting. He kept pushing back and he cried out as he felt something break within him. His mind collapsed and his body fell completely to the ground, still.

He felt a breeze go past his face and he opened one eye and viewed a blue sky. He looked to the side and saw rolling hills of green grass. Oblivion sat up and rolled off the rock to stand on his hooves. He wobbled and went to his knees. He growled as he looked down at the grass and his hooves...hands. “What in the Hells?” He pushed himself up and he stood once more on his feet. The Witcher looked down to find that he once more wore his armor. The black and gray were in the same places that he recalled. Chain mail in places with black accents. He shook his head and looked around. Only grass and sky as far as he could see.

“There is nowhere in any world where a landscape like this exists, outside of a painting.” He walked forward, the grass was soft and gave under his boots. He stopped and raised a hand in front of him.

“Did I die this time? That’s impossible. According to Sasa, I’m immortal. Not that I'm thrilled about that notion, but I can’t be dead.” He moved his fingers and let it fall back to his side. His ears caught the sound of hooves and he spun to face the sound.

A pure white mare charged him. He stared for a moment then squared himself with her, refusing to run. The mare plunged to a stop and halted barely a foot from him.

“That is why you are here now.” Her voice rang through him. She spoke aloud, but he could feel her words as well. Her voice was calm and serene, ageless. Her blue eyes were deep as the sea, endlessly bright and full of life.

Oblivion relaxed and looked to the mare. “What do you mean?” She reached out her nose and he laid his hand on her cheek. Her fur was soft and warm under his hand. “Better question, who are you?”

She laughed quietly. “You know who I am.”

Oblivion looked to her and her eyes sparkled with mirth. “Equestria?”

“Yes. I am the Heart of this World. I am its Heart, as you are its Spirit.”

Oblivion ran his hand over her fur. “You say I am the Spirit of this world. Were you the Spirit before me?”

She looked away from him for several seconds. “No. There was another before you.”

“What happened to him?”

“He is still among us.”

“Then why do you need me?”

“Because I had to seal him.”

Oblivion looked to the mare. He put his other hand on her other cheek and lifted her head to his own. “Why?”

The mare chuckled. “I had hoped you would not ask.” She sighed and tried to pull away, but his grip was iron. “He became corrupted over time. He became cruel and angry. His view of this world became perverted and he started tormenting the Spirits of the ponies versus aiding them.”

“Why would he attack the ponies?”

“He started to view them as less than himself. They became nothing to him, nothing but insects to quash under his heel.”
Oblivion started and grimaced. The mare continued. “He began to allow the Spirits of ponies to degrade and suffer, leaving them to fall, then denying their Spirits any comfort at the end. Part of the purpose of a Spirit Guardian is to comfort and protect the spirits of the ponies of this world. He perverted that purpose and became a being of darkness and cruelty.”

“Why do you not be rid of him then?”

She looked to the ground and then pushed her forehead into his chest. He stroked her neck with one hand and the other remained on her cheek.

“This is the most I could do. Now his judgment falls to you.”

Oblivion looked down at the mare. “Me?”

“Yes. Only you can remove him. He has been entrapped for over one hundred years. I can watch over the Spirits of the ponies and creatures, but only he had the ability to either remove corruption or fight for them to purify them.”

“So ponies and whatnot have been suffering from this ‘corruption’ for a hundred years?”

“Yes. Only the Spirit of this world can truly purify them. I have been a poor substitute.”

“So I have to destroy him?”

She nodded into him and sighed. “To truly hold this worlds spirit yes. While you have free rein with it he still holds a part of it. You must end him for it to be whole. Your power will be incomplete until then.”

Oblivion stroked her neck and thought over what he had been told. “How long did he rule?”

“Over fifteen hundred years. He was part of it just after the beginning of the land itself. I found and appointed him when this world was young. The creatures of this world were young and needed the guidance of a Guardian. He filled that role perfectly and led their spirits to achieve great things. He was here even before the Alicorn Princesses. But as time went on he began to corrupt as well. Until there was nothing left of the kind, warm, being that he once was.”

Oblivion held her head as she pressed against him. “So he began to see the spirits of this world as his toys to throw away and tear apart?” She nodded. “Sasa has told me that I can remove the corruption from a pony by using force. But sometimes that can do more damage than good. Did he use that on ponies?”

The mare nodded. “Yes, he did. In time he began using that power and others to experiment on ponies. Using his power to throw them further into corruption and despair.” Oblivion started and his hand stopped petting her fur. “He wanted to see how much a spirit could suffer before they died or had to be put down. You and he can choose if a spirit is too far gone to be allowed to exist. If it comes to that you can put that spirit into Limbo or ascend them to be purified in time. Normally a spirit does this on its own. But depending on the corruption you may have to act. Your connection to this world is just beginning so you can only sense the corruption of those within a certain distance. In the time that will grow.”

The Witcher went back to petting her and stood silent for a time. “Using a ponies spirit for fodder is...unacceptable. I may not be from here and am not originally a pony, but I cannot allow this. No one, pony or otherwise, has the right to damn another just because they can.”

The mare pulled back and smiled. “And that is why you are the right one to take over. As Sasa has probably explained you chose this purpose. I brought you to this world but you now craft your own future. I am glad to be able to meet you in person.”

“That brings up my next question. How am I here? And I'm not a pony.”

“I thought you might like to see yourself like this again. To remember what you once were. You are here because you are unconscious.”

He groaned. “I overdid it.”

“Yes. You placed a huge strain on your body and it failed you. Despite that, you kept going and still pushed forward. At the moment your body is collapsed and unconscious. It will take time for it to recover from the shock. Your spirit is here with me due to it also being shaken.”


“Your body is meant to house a Spirit as powerful as yours, but even it is only ready for so much. You reached too far and then forced your magic to supplement the power of the World Spirit to reach even further.”

“There was something there. I could sense it, but I couldn't reach it.” He explained to her. “How do I become more able to wield it? Or does that come with time”

“Time.” She replied.

He growled under his breath and moved to lean heavily against her side. She looked back to him and a smile crossed her muzzle. “You expect great things of yourself and push yourself even further to accomplish them. But at the same time, you hold yourself back until you feel that you are not accomplishing something. You are a force to be reckoned with and nothing stops you once you have made a choice.”

He looked to her and gave a slight nod. “True enough. So how badly have I hurt myself this time?”

She looked at him and gave a slight cringe. “If you did not have the amount of raw magic going through you at all times then the strain would have killed you.”

He grimaced and leaned against her. “I come here and I become careless.” He chastised himself as he scrubbed his face with his hands.

She laughed and nudged him with her nose. “Not really. You are a cautious pony...person.” She giggled at her own slip of the tongue. “You monitor all that goes on around you and then act upon what you find. It is not surprising that you pushed yourself in your search for more information. That is what you have always done. This time it was simply out of your reach, but not by much. Given time that distance will be nothing to you. How far away did it feel?”

“It honestly did not feel as though it was farther than Canterlot. Maybe a bit beyond it but not far.”

She nudged him. “It was halfway across Equestria.”

He spun to look at her, his eyes wide, he composed himself after a moment. “That can’t be.”

“I assure you I am certain.” She informed him.

He stood straight and regarded the white mare. “Gods below.” He leaned his back against her and went quiet.

“You are already able to command more of the World Spirit than I thought you would be able to. You have the focus and the mental strength to handle it. Due to your history as a Witcher, you have the ability to limit your reactions and that prevents your power from running over you. Even if it did spiral out of control, you are able to reel it back in quickly. That shows that you are more than capable to wield it, effectively.”

Oblivion was silent as he pondered her words. “But I am not ready to confront him, am I?”

“No.” She admitted. “You are all that would stop him from harming the ponies that you protect. In time, you will be ready for him.”

“What would make me ready?” He asked. “How do you determine it?”

“When the time comes you will simply know. I am sorry that I do not have an exact time or reasoning.”

Oblivion was silent. “So it’s a waiting game?”


He sighed once more and rested his back heavily against her side. “How long will it take me to recover?”

“You did a vast amount of damage to your psyche. So it will take some time.” He looked to her, his expression sharp and pointed. “Twelve to twenty-four hours. Possibly thirty-six hours.”

“Bloody Hells.”

Blue Blood groaned and rolled over under his blankets. His head pounded and he grimaced. “By the Goddess, what made me think that drinking that much was a good idea?” He whispered to himself.

The Equestrian Prince wriggled and slid out of his bed and made for the bathroom. His magic gently gripped his comb and he began to tame his wrecked mane and tail. He walked out and looked to the nightstand where his collar sat. He started to pull it on but thought better of it. The stallion opened his doors, avoiding looking at the bright morning sun due to the throbbing in his skull. He knocked on Oblivion’s door and waited for the stallion to answer. A minute passed and nothing happened. Blue tried the door once more and there was still no response. He pushed the door open and looked in. He didn’t see the other Unicorn and that concerned him. He started into the room and paused as his eyes found his friend. Oblivion was collapsed on his balcony. His silver mane ruffled in the light breeze as Blue gulped at the sight.

“Oblivion.” He said aloud, his headache was forgotten.

The black Unicorn didn’t respond. He remained still and no sound came from him. He walked slowly over to him and stopped at his side. Oblivion’s breathing was slow and even. The black pony was collapsed to his side and remained motionless. Blue nudged him with a hoof but received no response. He backed up and ran for the doors. He dashed out them and found a guard. “Call on the court physician. Have him come to the room of Oblivion Shadow. Also, awaken Princess Luna. She will want to know if this.”

The guard saluted and took off running down the halls and vanished from sight. Blue ran back to stay at the black pony’s side till help arrived.

“Oblivion.” He tried his name again but got no response. He paused as a flash of deep blue appeared and Princess Luna stepped out of her teleport.

He looked from her nephew to the unconscious stallion at his hooves. Her eyes widened and she blinked before looking back to Blue Blood. “What happened?”

“I don’t know. I found him like this and then called for help.”

“What is wrong Luna? I heard a guard saying to send our physician to Oblivion’s room and...What is going on?” Celestia walked in and her eyes fell on the stallion as well.

“We do not know. Blue Blood found him like this.” Luna replied.

Celestia walked over to him and looked to the stallion. They all looked to the door as the physician and two of his assistants walked into the room.

The pony was a pale blue with a heartbeat symbol on his flank. “Princesses and Prince. Why have I been summoned...Never mind.” He said as he approached them and his gaze landed on the black pony. “Excuse me.”

He walked between them as they all backed up to give him room to look over the black stallion. He put a hoof in front of Oblivion’s nose and the other against his throat to check on his pulse and breathing. “His breathing is shallow but steady.
Bring me an oxygen tank. Perhaps if we support his breathing it might bring him around a bit.”

They placed a mask over Oblivion’s snout and turned the valve on the tank they brought with him. While they allowed that time to work, the pony pulled open one of the stallion’s eyes and checked it. “His eyes are like a cat, but they react normally to light.” He closed the eye and sat down next to Oblivion's shoulder. He looked back to the ponies assembled. “We should move him to the infirmary. He is heavily unconscious and there does not appear to be any wounds or injuries that could leave him in this state.”

He stepped back as the two Unicorns with him holding out a stretcher and gently moved the pony onto it. The doctor stayed back as they left and looked to the Royals.

“Any ideas what could have done this?” Luna asked.

“I have no idea at this time. He is not injured and does not appear to have been drugged either. Any ideas?”

Luna shook her head. “I was not aware he was in town. He lives in Ponyville.”

“We meet up every Saturday,” Blue informed them, as the doctor nodded and left to follow the stretcher.

Celestia looked away for a moment. “I am sorry nephew. I did not mean to interrupt your weekly meeting. I have to leave, but please keep me updated on his condition. I will inform Twilight and the others when I visit them today.”

“Thank you, Tia,” Luna said to her as she left.

Blue started forward and groaned as his headache pounded again.


“I’m okay Aunt Luna. Just...hungover.” He admitted with a sheepish glance back at her.

Luna blinked at him, then chuckled. “Went drinking with a Witcher, did thee?”

“Yes. But now I wonder if it didn’t hurt him?” Blue said to her.

Luna walked up to him and wrapped a foreleg over his shoulder and pulled him to her. “We are certain it was not thou that did this. Thou care about him and would not hurt him. A simple drink after work will not do him harm.” She advised him and held him close to her. “When he awakens we will speak to him.”

Blue nodded and nuzzled his aunt and walked with her toward the infirmary.

Oblivion was silent as he considered what the mare had said. “Can I see him? Or will I awaken him?”

She looked at him and nodded. “I can take you to him.”

Oblivion gripped her mane in one hand and vaulted onto her back. He balanced easily on her back, as his hands held her mane. She looked back at him and he looked down to her. He tilted his head and held her mane as he smirked at her. She whinnied and reared under him. He leaned forward and gripped her sides with his legs as she took off at a hard gallop. His fingers gripped tightly as they tangled in her long mane. Her strides ate up the ground and carried him over the grass plains at a speed he saw sure was not natural but he didn’t care. Rows of hedges appeared as the mare angled herself to jump them. His mare had never been a great jumper so he had not pushed her. Equestria soared over the hedges and he felt a slight grin tug at the side of his mouth. He held onto her as they neared a dark shadow on the horizon. He leaned over her neck to speak to her.

“What in the Hells is that?”

“It’s his prison. I had to contain the corruption that he had caused, as well as him. What you see is the result.” She called back to him.

Oblivion stayed in place as he looked ahead of them. The mare slowed and fell into a ground-eating trot as Oblivion sat up on her back. He looked at the darkness as she stopped and he slid off her back. He walked carefully over the scorched ground and stopped when his enhanced vision landed on an enormous clear crystal. A pony sat inside of it, his body contorted at an unnatural angle. The blood-red pony was silent as Oblivion approached the crystal. There was no movement as the stallion stared at the pony.

Oblivion was quiet as he looked over his shoulder to Equestria and found her to be watching. He reached out and set his hand on the crystal. Black flame lanced out and he pulled back with a shout. The flames cut into his palm and he yanked back, his blood splashing the ground. There was still no movement from the crystal and he backed up a couple of steps, holding his hand.

“Gods dammit.” He said as he pulled off his glove, letting it drop to the ground, and checked the deep gash. The wound burned and hissed as he gazed at it. The edges were blackened and there appeared to be poison leeching into the flesh around it. He backed up a couple of more steps and looked up to the imprisoned pony.

“Are you all right?” The mare asked as she put her head over his shoulder. “Oh no.”

“I’ll be fine.” He said to her.

“I’ll purify that.” She said to him. “That is pure corruption. While it cannot affect your mind or Spirit it can cause great pain.”

“It aches at the moment.” He replied as he held up his hand for her to see.

She reached out her snout and breathed on the injury. He grimaced at the spike of pain from his hand but remained still. A black mass began to ooze from the wound and he started at the sight. It wriggled and tentacles split off from it and writhed in the open air. It oozed down his hand and wrist and then dropped to the ground.

“What in the…?”

“That is the corruptions true form. A grotesque creature that feeds on the purity in a beings spirit.”

“So since I rule a World Spirit, I'm a huge draw for it?”

“You would be yes, under normal circumstances. But it can’t handle the intensity of your Spirit. You are like the sun and it is trying to touch you.”

The small black mass writhed as it laid on the ground. Oblivion stared as it suddenly sped over the ground and back to the crystal. The mass merged back into the crystal surface and the Witcher turned his head to look at her.

“Can it think even away from the main body? Or is it simply instinct?” He asked.

“It’s a homing instinct. It seeks out the main body and then returns to it. As much as it would love to devour you, it does not have that ability.” She explained.

Oblivion was silent as he looked over the crystal from his current position. His eyes scanned it and the pony within it remained still. He stared at the pony within and a feeling of unease struck him. He shuddered suddenly and rolled his shoulders to rid himself of the strange sensation that jolted through him. The mare suddenly pulled him to her and held him in place. The Witcher glanced over to her and waited for an explanation. Warmth seeped into his back and he looked away from her.

“How long have I been here?” He suddenly asked her as he raised his hands to rest on her snout and forehead.

“Believe it or not you have been unconscious for almost a day.” She supplied.

He started at the information. “It doesn’t feel like it has been that long.”

“Time is different in this space. Your body is almost fully healed and you will be able to return to it shortly. Your friends are waiting for you.”

“My...Oh, Blue.” Oblivion smacked his hand to his forehead. “He’s no doubt thinking he hurt me. Dammit to the Hells.”

“How could he have hurt you?”

“We went drinking that night. I know him well enough by now to know he is probably blaming himself.” He explained to her. “I am slowly strengthening his spirit till I can either remove the wraith attached to him or he can cast it off himself.”

She held him tighter to her at the information. “You have changed since you arrived in Equestria.”

Oblivion stroked her nose but stopped at her words. “How do you figure?”

“Before you only considered your next contract and how to act around the humans that you were protecting. Was that not exhausting, even for a Witcher?”

He paused as he resumed petting her nose. “Perhaps at times. But it is something that one becomes accustomed to as well. Over the years I have grown accustomed to being used and then thrown away. People are fickle creatures that will take what they need from you and then attack you to try and take back what they have given. I was once attacked by a village after completing the contract they had set out.”

She nuzzled him and held him. “Why?”

“They didn’t want to pay me. They agreed to the amount and I returned with evidence of the kill and they attacked me after I left the Alderman’s home. I took a pitchfork to the ribs for my effort but still managed to escape.”

“I cannot understand it. You did a service for them and they tried to kill you?”

“It happens. I’d have praised the wielder of the pitchfork if I had not been working in trying to evade them.” She glanced at him as he spoke and he explained. “He hid in a blind spot and caught me a glancing blow. Sometimes it’s not a monster or a swordsman that kills you, but a peasant who gets lucky.”

Equestria was silent as she held onto him. “You have become more willing to accept the goodwill of those around you. It takes more courage to accept others than to push them away. Your good heart shines through in the actions that you take in this world. Your strength gives courage to those who are around you and you stand tall, willing to help them stand at your side. I’m happy to see the change.”

The Witcher was silent as he listened to her. He sighed as a wave of fatigue went over him. He slumped to the ground and fell back against the forelegs of the white mare. “What?”

“It’s all right.” She said as she laid down behind him, allowing him to lean against her shoulder. She put her nose against his hand and he cupped her nose, gently. Feeling her warm breath going over his skin. His head fell against her and he sighed once more. “Looks like it’s getting to be time for you to wake up.” She pulled her head away from him, then nuzzled him gently. “Close your eyes, dear one.” Oblivion closed his eyes and let himself relax against her.

His eyes snapped open and a low gasp escaped him as he sat up. He looked around him and saw Blue Blood sitting in a chair beside him.

“You’re awake.” The Prince stood up and reached the side of the bed in a few short steps. “Are you all right?”

The black Unicorn looked over himself and found that he had a mask over his snout. He reached up to pull it off when Blue Blood put his hoof over his.

“Leave it alone.” The Prince told him and leaned back on his haunches. “You've been unconscious for almost 36 hours.”

“I’m okay,” Oblivion said to him and stayed still.

“What happened?”

“I overdid it. I felt something that was off and reached out to find it. By doing that I overtaxed myself, without realizing it.”

“Reached out?”

“I can sense when something is wrong with the Spirit around me so I was checking on something and it was further away than I thought it was. By reaching as far as I did I overtaxed my body and it used the last day or so to recover.” His eyes landed on Blue, who didn’t look convinced. “I apologize for worrying you.”

Blue nodded and walked to the door. “I'll let them know you’re awake.” He opened the door and walked out, leaving the black Unicorn alone.

“Chosen!” Sasa’s voice rang out as she yelled.

Oblivion cringed and his ears pinned. “Easy, Sasa.”

“Easy? Easy, you say?” She yelled at him. “You have been unconscious for almost two days and you want me to be calm?”

Oblivion grimaced at her shouting and sighed. “I simply overtaxed myself. I’m fine.” Sasa said nothing after he spoke. “I apologize for worrying you. But I assure you I am fine.”

“Fine.” She huffed.

Oblivion shook his head and reached to remove the mask from his face. He set it aside and his ears flicked to the door as it opened. Luna trotted in and threw her forelegs around his neck.

“Oh thank the Moon thee are all right.” She said as she nuzzled his neck.

He blinked in surprise, then put a hoof on her back. “I’m sorry I worried you as well.”

“Our nephew said you overtaxed yourself. We ask that you not do that again.” Luna said to him as she let go and stepped back.

“I’ll make note of the request.” He said with a short laugh. He got off the bed and stood in front of Luna as the door opened once more and Blue walked in with a pony on his heels.

“Good to see you awake, Mr. Shadow.” The pony said to him.

Blue stopped and turned to the pony behind him. “Oblivion, this is Dr. Beating Heart. He’s been watching over you while you were here. He determined that your short coma was due to internal factors.”

Oblivion nodded to the pony. “Thank you for your consideration.”

“It’s fine. So Prince Blue Blood tells me that you know what happened to you.” He said as he stopped in front of the Unicorn.

“Yes. I overtaxed myself using one of the abilities I have as the Element of Spirit.”

The doctor nodded. “All right, but that does not explain how it did not damage your body.”

“It was a skill that did not require any physical activity. It was mental.” Oblivion advised.

The assembled ponies looked to him and stepped up to stop the flow of oxygen from the mask. “I ask that you do not overtax yourself and allow yourself to fully recover. While you are awake and alert at this moment, I encourage you to not do anything strenuous.”

“No teleporting to Ponyville.” Blue tossed in.

Oblivion looked at him. “How else do I get back?”

Blue shook his head, exasperated. “Like every pony else, the train.”

Oblivion was quiet. “I have never ridden on one.” He stated his expression blank.

“No time like the present then,” Blue stated.

Oblivion fought back an argument. ‘I can’t tell them the truth, yet.’ He said to himself as he looked to the other ponies who nodded. He grumbled as he followed the other stallion. He could see that Blue was upset and he trotted to draw up next to him.

“Blue.” The other pony said nothing, simply stared ahead as they walked. Oblivion fought back an annoyed snort and tried again. “Blue Blood.” Using his full name seemed to jog his attention as his ear flicked to listen. “You did not hurt me.”

The Prince stopped in his tracks. His eyes were wide as he looked at the black stallion. He looked away and stared at the ground. “You were unconscious for almost 2 days after we went out and...”

“Enough. You hold no fault. Blaming yourself is not an option. As I said I am the one that reached beyond my ability...current ability.” Oblivion said and then amended his own statements.


“No. This is not a discussion we are entertaining. The what-ifs you are using on yourself have no effect. What has happened cannot be changed and no amount of guilt will change anything.” Oblivion stated and started walking once more.

Blue started and trotted to keep up with him. Oblivion stayed with him as they left the castle. Blue Blood led him toward the train stations and then led him toward a side building. He pushed the door open and led the other Unicorn inside.

“Okay since you have never dealt with a train before I figured that showing you one and letting you see how it works would be better than tossing you inside it and expecting you to be okay,” Blue explained as they walked into the warehouse.

Oblivion walked up to the large metal cylinder and examined the outside. It had rust in places but its shape was not altered by the patches. Blue Blood walked up to it and pressed a button and a section of the door lowered to create a set of small stairs. He reached out a hoof to sit on them and pulled back at the feel of it.

“You willingly ride in this thing?” Oblivion asked.

“Yeah. They are the easiest and probably the safest ways to travel.”

Blue stepped up and walked into the train car. Oblivion looked in from his place outside as lights went on inside the old car.

Blue Blood looked back to him and motioned for him to follow. The black Unicorn stepped into the disabled train car and glanced around. There were seats that went up to the sides of the small path. The rest of the lights turned on and Oblivion saw the length of the train car was close to 30 feet. He walked up to the path behind Blue and looked at the windows.

“See not so bad.” Blue teased.

Oblivion grimaced. “I still do not see why you wish for me to sit one of these for 2 hours instead of teleporting. I can assure you I am fine. Any fatigue has long since passed.”

Blue looked back. “Just deal with it.” He snapped. He put a hoof over his mouth at his tone and looked back to the Black Unicorn.

“Well said,” Oblivion said with a smirk. “Still though, while I appreciate the concern I am able to teleport.”

Blue sighed. “I know you probably can. But just to ease our minds would you mind just riding the train this one time.”

Oblivion sighed. “Very well. But if I get partway there and decide I do not like the train, I will teleport.” He replied.

Blue held up a hoof in a defeated gesture. “That’s fine.”

Oblivion turned and left the still train car. Blue Blood turned off the lights and followed him out of the old warehouse. They walked up to the train depot and Blue Blood stood beside him as they waited.

“Should be arriving in a minute or two. They are usually right on time.” Blue advised.

“That’s good to hear,” Oblivion replied to him and leaned back on his haunches. A loud whistle made him pin his ears as the train came into view. “Quite punctual.” He said aloud and Blue nodded. The train reached them and slowed to a stop.

“Here you go. This one goes straight to Ponyville, no stopping. So you will be home in no time.”

“Thank you. I will see you next week then?”

“Yes. Till next time.” Oblivion bid him farewell and walked into the train car.

He found a seat by the front and sat down on the seat to wait for it to pull away and head back to Ponyville. His eyes looked around as he waited, the car had a pleasant scent and he watched as ponies filed into the car and took their seats. After ten minutes the whistle sounded off again and the train jolted forward. Oblivion’s eyes widened and his claws flexed within his hooves. He looked to the other ponies and none of them appeared concerned by the movement. The Black Unicorn stilled as the train went into motion. After several minutes he found himself still tensed and sweat began to bead on his fur.

The Unicorn stared out the window for a moment as the train continued, it gave a slight shift and he stiffened further. The stallion looked ahead and watched as the room looked like it was lengthening and he leaned back in his seat. His claws threatening to tear the seat under them.

“No.” He declared as his horn lit up and he teleported to Ponyville.

He appeared in front of the barn and he sighed in relief at the sight of the farmhouse in front of him. The black pony was quiet as he breathed for a moment. The train had been an experience he had no desire to experience again. The size of it had not bothered him, it was the motion he disliked. The Unicorn shook his head and put the experience out of his mind as he looked around him. He saw Applejack and Big Mac off to the side of the barn and he walked around to greet them. The stallion looked back as his ears flicked. He looked over his shoulder as Sasa crashed into his flanks.

He yelped as he fell forward. He fell to his side and glared at the feline, who was purring and nuzzling his withers and neck.

“By all that is Unholy.” He said as he tried to get out from under the cat's girth. He looked up as a laugh caught his ears. Applejack was holding her hooves over her mouth and Mac was smiling from ear to ear. “I’m so glad you both are amused. Kindly get this infernal animal off me.”

Applejack came up and grabbed one of the cat’s front paws as Mac pulled the other. They hauled the cat off his back and allowed him to stand. Sasa turned and nuzzled his chest and shoulders. “Ya did scare us all. But flattenin’ ya won’t help that. But ya look okay. Princess Celestia came down to Ponyville for a visit and told us that you had collapsed. Ya sure yer okay?”

“I’m fine. I simply overused one of my abilities and overtaxed my system. It needed time to recover. Nothing more.” He said to the siblings who looked uncertain.

“The Princess couldn’t give us any details about ya so we were worried about ya. Twilight was beside herself about it. But maybe it was a good thing ya weren’t here.”


“Yes. It was awful. Ponyville was infested by little creatures called Para sprites.” Sasa supplied.

“Para sprites? What in the Hells are those?”

Applejack sighed. “They look like a little ball with wings. They eat anything and everything in sight. They ruined Ponyville.”

“That bad?”

“Yeah. Miss Mayor was in a flurry and Ah thought Twi was gonna pull her mane out when her spell didn’t work.” Applejack explained. “Well, it worked but they stopped eating food and went after everything else. And after they eat they burp another one.”

Oblivion blanched. “How bad is the damage?”

“Not bad enough ta call on ya,” Mac said to him.

Oblivion nodded in understanding. “All right. I’ll leave it to all of you then. How did you get rid of them?”

“Pinkie Pie did it.”

“How in the Hells did that pony accomplish that?”

“With music,” Mac said.


“Yes, she played a lot of instruments and just led them outta town. All in a line. The Princess thought it was a parade for her so she didn’t know that the decorations in the town had been eaten. She couldn’t stay for some reason.” Applejack explained to him.

“Hmm.” Oblivion was quiet as he considered what he had been told. “Well, I suppose even the oddest of us have their moments to shine.”

Mac chuckled and nodded. “Eeyup.”

Oblivion turned to the house and walked inside with the siblings.

24: Iron Ponies...

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Oblivion came in from one of the farm fields, where he had been checking on the sprinkler system as he heard a shout of laughter from Sasa ring through his mind. He walked over as Applejack and Rainbow finished up a game of horseshoes. With Rainbow on the losing end. The pale blue mare grumbled as Applejack gloated.

“I hate losing,” Rainbow growled.

“Yer a good athlete there, Rainbow. Ah’m just better.” Applejack laughed.

Rainbow looked to her, a sour expression on her face. “So you think your the best in Ponyville?”

“Ah was gonna say Equestria, but that might be gildin’ the lily a bit.”

“...And I know I’m the best.” Rainbow replied. “So how about I prove it?”


Oblivion backed up a step and started to walk away. “Hold up there, pardner.” Applejack said as she spotted him retreating.

“Shit,” Oblivion grumbled and looked back to them.

“We have an Iron Pony Contest. That will determine who is the best in Ponyville, once and for all.” Rainbow said to her.

Applejack looked to Oblivion, who rolled his eyes. “Ya know what? Yer on.”

‘Saw that coming.’ Oblivion thought to himself.

Applejack opened her mouth and Oblivion clamped it shut. “No, not this time. You railed me with that fool contest between you and Big Mac. I will not be helping with this one.” He said to her, turned on his heel, and walked away from the mares, Sasa on his heels.

“Can ya just help set it up?” Applejack shouted at his retreating back.

Oblivion stopped and looked back at her. “Is that all?”

Sasa chuckled at him, his expression unbelieving of the mare.

“That's it.” She agreed, Rainbow nodded with the orange mare.

Oblivion looked unconvinced but nodded. “That is all I am doing.”

Applejack nodded, a smile crossed her muzzle. “Thanks, bro. Can ya ask Twilight if she’ll be the judge? Yer goin’ ta take yer books back right?”

“I’ll mention it to her.” He agreed and walked to the house.

Sasa waited outside as he went upstairs to get the books and set them on his back. He came back outside and the feline joined him as they went into town.

“So how do you think this contest will go?” Sasa asked him as they walked.

“Rainbow will probably win.”

“What makes you think that?” Sasa asked. “Applejack has more stamina.”

“AJ is a workhorse. Rainbow is a Pegasus. Even if they are even on the ground, I doubt Rainbow will stay on the ground.” Oblivion pointed out.

“That would be cheating though. AJ doesn’t have wings.”

“I agree. But that is my opinion. Rainbow hates to lose just as much as Applejack, the difference is that AJ does not have wings to fall back on. So Rainbow will use that to her advantage.”

“Can’t you say anything?”

“I could. But they need to come to their own conclusions. I can’t be solving their problems for them. I have told them before. Just because I can do something doesn’t mean I will. If somepony gets hurt I might speak up, otherwise, I will remain a spectator.”

Sasa grumbled and went silent. They reached the library and Oblivion knocked on the door. After a minute he pushed the door open and walked inside. Books littered the ground and Oblivion was careful to step over a few that were closest to the door.

“Twilight?” He called out to the studious mare.


Spike came running out of the back and tripped over a stack of books. Oblivion caught him and set him in Sasa’s paws. The great cat purred and began nuzzling the dragon, who huffed and glared at the Black Unicorn. Twilight came out of the back and smiled at the stallion.

“Afternoon, Oblivion. Finished with work already?”

“Not all of it but enough that I can take a break and give these back to you.” The books levitated off his back and he set them on the table. “What in the world are you doing? It's a bit late in the day for rearranging...Even for you.” He commented.

“Haha,” Twilight said to him, a laugh under her snide reply. “No, I was checking on a few things before the big race day after tomorrow.”

“Race?” Oblivion asked, his interest piqued.

Twilight sat down as Oblivion moved several books out of the way and sat down across from her.

“The Annual Running of the Leaves. It's a tradition.” She said to him.

“Running of the Leaves? I haven’t heard of it.”

“When Fall comes the ponies help nature by running through the trees on a set course and knocking down the leaves.”

“Wait.” He put up a hoof and the mare paused. “The leaves can’t fall on their own?” Twilight looked at him and shook her head. He put his hoof over his face as his claws extended to rub down his face. “By the Gods...Anyway, you were saying?”

“I’m guessing they do that on their own where you’re from?”

“Among other things, yes.”

“Anyway. So the ponies run and the leaves fall from the trees.”

“I see. Before I forget Applejack and Rainbow are having a contest and would like you to be the judge.”

“Not another strange contest.” She groaned.

“This one actually has a name. She called it an Iron Pony Challenge or something to that effect.”

“Oh, that one I have heard of. Its a contest between athletes to determine skill. I can judge for it. When?”

“Tomorrow.” He replied.

“Okay, no problem. Have you ever been in races, Oblivion?”

The stallion was quiet. ‘I raced on my mare normally, rarely on foot.’ He looked to the mare and nodded.

“Any tips?”


“I want to run in the Running of the Leaves. So I have been reading up on running strategies. But asking an accomplished racer means first hoof expertise.”

He was quiet for a moment. “For a novice runner, I recommend staying to the back of the pack. It may seem like you are setting yourself up to lose, but when the rest are getting tired you start to increase your pace and start to slowly pass them. By doing that you have paced yourself and have enough energy to get by them.”

“So pacing is the most important thing?”

“In a distance race, absolutely.” He replied. “Any time you rely too heavily on sheer speed is setting yourself up to fail and exhaust yourself before you have a chance to win.”

“Okay. Thank you, Oblivion. How many races have you won?”

“All of them.” Twilight gaped at him. “I have yet to lose a race I have entered.”

“You should race in the Running of the Leaves. The more ponies running the better.”

He looked to the feline, who nodded her agreement. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

“It’ll be fine. You’re a resident of Ponyville. Not like you’re going to use any spells or anything to win.”

“Of course not. That’s unfair.”

“Exactly. It’ll be fun.” Twilight cajoled him.

“Hmm. I haven’t done a distance race in a while.” He admitted.

“See you’ll be staying in shape.”

“Despite you going running every morning.” Sasa added.

“All right. Could prove interesting.” He gave in and shrugged as the mare smiled. “Well, I should get back to the farm and finish up any tasks that are left. I also have been asked to set up the courses tomorrow.”

“With your magic that will be easy,” Twilight admitted and stood up as well. “Thank you for the advice on racing. It’ll come in handy day after tomorrow.”

“Glad to have been of service.”

“Did you want any new books?”

Oblivion paused as he considered. “Actually. Do you have anything on a pony named Starswirl the Bearded?”

Twilight blinked. “Of course. He’s only the greatest Unicorn to have ever lived. The spells he created are still used today.”
She gushed. “Why?”

“Luna mentioned him a couple of times, so I figured reading up on him would be beneficial,” Oblivion admitted to her.

Twilight smiled and motioned for him to wait. She took off up the stairs and headed for her room. He waited as she came back with 3 books held in her magic. “The life of Starswirl the Bearded, Spells of Starswirl, and advanced spells of Starswirl. These are from my personal library.”

He looked to her as his magic gripped the books. “Are you sure you are all right with me borrowing them?”

“Of course. I know you’ll take good care of them. Enjoy.” She said to him.

He nodded to her and set them on his back. “Thank you, Twilight. I’ll take good care of them.”

“I know you will. I’ll see you in the morning?”

“Yes. Till then.” He said as he turned for the door. “Come on, Sasa.”

The cat grumbled, nuzzled Spike once more and then let him go with a fond lick. Spike growled under his breath as he watched them leave. Oblivion opened one of the books and started to read as they walked. He moved easily around ponies in the street due to his connection to the world spirit.

“You’re making that look too easy.” Sasa teased.

He stopped and looked up. “Blood of the Gods.” He muttered as he set the book on his back and started to navigate the streets normally.

“Good book?”

“Has a good beginning. Will see about the rest of it.” He replied.

“Will be interesting to see you reading the spell book.”

“How so?”

“Knowing you, you’ll be testing out the spells.”

He grimaced a bit as he looked to her. “True.”

“Just wait to try them with Twilight.”


“Good perspective.” Sasa quickly replied. ‘Plus the two of you are adorable together.’ She thought to herself.


They reached the farm and met up with Applejack as she moved hay bales, creating an arena. Oblivion sent the books to his room and joined the mare. She instructed him on where to place items and asked him to make bleachers as he had for the reunion. The stallion obliged and remade them. It was just one set so they were easy to place in the right spot and leave alone.

“This Iron Pony Contest is perfect ta sort out the best athlete in Ponyville.” The mare said to him as he moved another hay bale.

“Sure.” Oblivion agreed with her.

“So ya gonna support me while Ah win?”

He glanced over to her and shook his head. “I’m a bystander this time around, AJ. You’ll be fine.”

She gave him a sour look as Sasa went up to her, purring. “I support her.”

“Sasa is on your team, though.” He said to her.

“Kitten knows a winner when she sees one,” AJ replied, ruffling the cat’s fur.

‘Sure, for all the good it will do.’ Oblivion thought to himself and went back to arranging the hay bales to make the walls of the arena.

“Looks good. Thank fer the help, big brother.”

“Of course.” The stallion walked to the house to get in a bath before dinner.

Morning came and Oblivion went for his usual run before the Iron Pony Contest. His thoughts fell on the race the next day.‘Is it fair of me to race though? I have an unfair advantage by having a vast amount of experience with racing itself. Plus I have been trained for endurance and my body is altered due to the mutations. I can run at a gallop for days or longer. Perhaps I am overthinking it though. No pony knows about that except the mares and they haven’t mentioned it. Twilight would have if she thought it unfair.’ Oblivion reasoned as he jumped a fallen tree and kept going. His mind was elsewhere as a scent suddenly assaulted his nose.

He skidded to a halt and stood up on his hind legs. He scanned the area and lowered to all four hooves. Ears flicking in all directions as he closed his eyes and focused his senses. He suddenly jumped back as roots tore out of the ground. The area he had been was broken as the roots receded. Dread went through him as he recognized the attack pattern of a Leshen. His eyes scanned and he saw the monster. He gathered himself and leaped the broken ground and galloped after the monster.

The black Alicorn stopped and scanned the ground. Leshen left no tracks so he was trying to catch a scent. A screech sounded off and he lunged forward as a Nekkers claws tore the air where he had been. The stallion cursed colorfully under his breath as his silver blade was at his side. He had summoned the blade and used it to cleave the Nekkers arm from its body. He stayed in motion to avoid the Leshens attacks. The Nekker vanished as it dug into the ground.


The black Alicorn waited, his ears flicked and he leaped back as the Nekker came from the ground. He cleaved the monster in half and let the pieces fall to the ground. He spun to search for the Leshen as a portal appeared once more. The pieces of the Nekker vanished and he heard an angry wail that he recognized as the Leshen. He waited as the portal closest to him vanished. He didn’t hold the ground with his hooves, as a test to see if it was after him as well. When the vacuum didn’t pull him, just ruffled his mane and a tail he watched as it dissipated.

“What the...” He muttered to himself before he flicked the silver blade to rid it of any residual blood.

He allowed himself to relax a bit as he scanned the grounds and went into the Everfree further to investigate where the Leshen had been. All he found was the tangled roots of its final attack before the portal took it back to his world.

“It’s not after me?” He said aloud. “I’m not from this world...Wait.” He considered his thought before he gave it a voice. “I am from this world now. My body is from here while my Spirit originated in the Northern Realms. So those portals can’t hurt me. Or they aren’t big enough to take me as well.”

The black Alicorn sent the silver blade back to its place in his room and considered what little he knew of portals and the magic that controlled them. He was not an expert on their mechanics but so far the size of the portal dictated its strength.
Though that raised more questions since a Leshen was taller than him. Unless it went by weight, which meant that Leshen’s weighed more than he did. The stallion shook his head and groaned as more questions were raised. He chanced a look up and found that if he didn’t hurry he would miss the start of the contest. The Witcher snorted and spun around and ran back the way he had come.

He found his wings well-hidden as he leaped a fence and galloped back to the makeshift arena and slid to slow himself down. He trotted up to it as Applejack and the others stood next to it. He could see Rarity and Pinkie Pie in the stands, while Sasa, Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rainbow stood in the arena. Sasa looked to him as he trotted up to them.

“Have a good run, Chosen?” She asked him as he halted beside her.

He said nothing as he glanced at her and gave a slight shake of his head. The feline tilted her head, her eyes were curious. “Ran into a Nekker and a Leshen.”

Her eyes widened. “You’re remarkably calm about that encounter.”

“Didn’t hurt me, so I’m not alarmed. I did see if the portals could pull me into them, but all they did was ruffle my mane.”

She looked away from him and back to the ponies. “So they aren’t after you?”

“Or they are dictated by size, but that makes no sense either. A Leshen is bigger than I am and it took that as well as the dead Nekker.”

Sasa sat down as she thought over what he had said to her. “Dead Nekker? I assume its demise came at the end of a silver blade?”

“You would be correct in that assumption.” He replied.

“Oblivion! Over here!” Applejack hollered and motioned him to them.

He trotted over to them and stopped beside Twilight, who gave him a smile in greeting. The mares explained how the contest worked and his role would be to change the items for the events. Twilight would be the judge while Fluttershy kept the scoreboard up to date. The first event was the barrel weave. Oblivion moved the barrels into place at Twilights instruction while Applejack and Rainbow warmed up. Spike stood up on Twilights back and looked around.

“Hello everypony, and welcome to the first annual Iron Pony Competition!” Spike hollered.

Oblivion looked over his shoulder. “Spike. Who in the Blazing Hells are you talking to?”

Spike looked sheepish as he looked to the stallion. “Umm, well, all of them.” The dragon pointed to the few ponies in the stands.

The Unicorn rolled his eyes as he finished setting up the barrels and left the arena, leaving AJ and Rainbow inside.

Twilight looked to him and he watched in silence as the event began. Applejack took off and Spike clicked the stopwatch.
She weaved around the barrels and Oblivion heard her curse as she nudged a barrel. She raced back and crossed the line. Spike stopped the timer and looked down at it.

“17 Seconds!” He shouted out.

“That’s faster than mah record at last year’s rodeo,” AJ said as she looked to them.

“But we add 5 seconds for hitting the barrel,” Twilight said to her.

AJ cringed but nodded. “22 Seconds ain’t bad.” She looked to Rainbow and a smile went over her muzzle. “Hey don’t be nervous. It’s all in good fun.” She said and nudged Rainbow.

The Rainbow mare took off for the barrels and weaved around them, flawlessly. Oblivion counted it off in his mind and watched as she passed the finish line. He knew she had been faster than the orange mare, though not by much.

“18 Seconds.” Spike hollered.

Applejack gaped then smiled at the other mare. “Are ya sure ya ain’t a rodeo pony?”

Rainbow gaped as well. “I can’t believe I won that.” She admitted.

Oblivion moved the barrels out of the way and set up a tall bell for the Test of Strength. The object was to buck the tower and get the striker to hit the bell. Whoever hit it harder won. He waited as Rainbow, who had won the last contest went first. She backed up and kicked the striker, the piece of metal went up and struck the bell. It shrilled and Twilight looked at it and marked down the speed.

“Good job, Rainbow.” Applejack cheered. “Mah turn.”

She backed up and pulled up her hind legs and kicked the metal striker. It rocketed up and struck the bell hard enough to knock it off the hinges that held it in place. It fell but Oblivion caught it and held it as he moved the tower to make room for the next event.

“Applejack wins,” Twilight said aloud.

Fluttershy put a 1 up in Applejacks score to match Rainbow. AJ walked past Rainbow and looked over her shoulder as the other mare gaped, her jaw open.

“Years of Appelbuckin’.” She said and kicked the tree above Rainbow, causing apples to fall and hit her on the head.

Oblivion cleared out the arena in preparation for the event, Bronco bucking. Spike cringed as he sat down on Applejacks back. The mare took off and bucked the dragon off after 5 seconds. Spike cringed as he prepared to hit the ground, but was saved by Oblivion, then dropped onto Rainbow’s back. Once he was settled Rainbow started to buck. She unseated the drake after 4 seconds. Spike hit the ground and winced as he stood up.

“Rainbow Dash wins the Bronco Buck,” Twilight announced.

Spike wobbled over and leaned on Oblivion’s lower leg. “I think, I lost that one.” He winced and fell onto his face.

Sasa nuzzled him and helped him stand with one paw. He patted her fur and walked back to Twilight, who looked apologetic at the dragon. “Next is calf roping.”

Spike’s eyes widened in horror and his shoulders slumped. He walked back to the center of the arena and waited for the signal for him to run. Applejack held her rope and waited for the bell. Once it sounded, Spike took off with the mare trailing. She sent the lasso flying and it wrapped Spike as she looped it around his legs and then stepped back to admire her work. Spike grumbled as she let him go from the rope and he walked back to his original place. Rainbow signaled she was ready and Spike took off once more. Rainbow tried to throw the lasso but ended up wrapping her forelegs and sending herself sprawling. Spike looked back and collapsed laughing in place.

“I don’t think making the ‘calf’ laugh himself onto the ground counts Rainbow,” Oblivion said to the grumbling mare.

“Applejack wins this round,” Twilight shouted.

As the morning went on the games continued. Rainbow beat Applejack in a contest of who could balance the most rubber balls for the longest amount of time. Applejack tied them again when she was able to toss a bale of hay the farthest.
Rainbow won the Hoof Wrestle, then Applejack bucked a hoof ball the farthest to bring it to 4-4. After a couple more events, they were tied at 5-5. Oblivion glanced over and found the stands were full and many ponies were standing to watch the contest.

“Hey, can ya make another bleacher?” Applejack asked him as she saw the crowd.

The black stallion nodded and his horn flashed as a duplicate bleacher appeared and the ponies immediately congregated to it and sat down to watch the contest. Oblivion looked back to the mares and watched as his prediction came true as Rainbow began to use her wings. Beside him, Sasa growled in displeasure.

“That’s not fair.” She said to him.

“I told you.” He responded.

“I know you did. Doesn’t mean I like that the prediction came true.” She said back to him.

“I agree. But it’s not my place to say anything.”

“How do you figure?”

“If it was a contest against me then I have a vested interest in it being fair. Though competing against me is very different from competing against AJ.”

“That’s true.” She huffed and watched the contests play out.

Rainbow used her wings in every contest after that. Oblivion set up the challenges and Twilight kept score. Rainbow flapped her wings during a push-up contest, long jump, and balancing chicks on her wings to get them over some mud. The score was 14-5 when the last event came up. Tug of war started and Rainbow was beginning to lose when she flapped her wings and held Applejack above the mud pit.

Applejacks' eyes widened, then narrowed in anger. “Yer cheatin’.” Applejack said through the rope in her mouth.

“I’m sorry, I can’t understand you with that rope in your mouth,” Rainbow said to her in response.

“No, don’t...” Oblivion started to say to her as she opened her mouth.

“Ah said...oh no.” The orange mare plummeted and landed with a splash in the mud pit below her.

Rainbow laughed as she flapped to hover in place. Oblivion said nothing as he reached out to help AJ out of the mud. The workhorse scowled in anger and then glared up at the Rainbow mare. The crowd cheered as Fluttershy put up the new number for Rainbows score, 15-5.

“I win. I am the Iron Pony.”The pale mare declared and flexed as she landed.

“Only because ya cheated.” The mare said as she shook herself free of mud.

Oblivion grimaced as he was covered in mud. He fought back a growl and used a hoof to wipe himself off. Twilight helped get the mud off him as well. The stallion looked up as Rainbow looked affronted at the accusation.

“How did I cheat?” She said. “Sounds like sour apples to me.”

“Ya used yer wings.”

“You never said I couldn’t use them.”

“Ah didn’t think Ah had ta tell ya ta play fair.” Applejack said to her.

“I would have won even without them,” Rainbow replied.

“Prove it.” Applejack said to her.


“Tomorrow is the Running of the Leaves. Ah challenge ya ta race me in it.”

“Easy as pie.”

“Hold on. There is one condition. The point of it is to run. So no using yer wings.”

“Fine. No problem.” Rainbow said to her and spit onto her hoof.

Applejack did the same as they shook hooves. Oblivion blanched at them and looked to Twilight, who looked equally disgusted.

“That’s disgusting.” Sasa said to him.

“I agree.”

Twilight shook her head and looked to the stallion. “That’s just gross.”

“You’re not the only pony thinking that.” He responded.

Twilight shuddered as she looked at her friends. “Do you want to go to the race grounds with me? I want to see them so I know the route. It’s posted, but I want to check just in case.”

“Sure. Can’t hurt to know the route and any issues with it ahead of time.”

Sasa chose to stay behind as the two ponies walked away from the farm and through town. They reached the start line and began to walk through it.

“Any other tips for a beginner racer?” She asked him as they walked.

“Know your opponents. Make note of those who could compete with you and anticipate them.”

She giggled. “You make it sound like I'm going into battle.”

He snorted. “In a way you are. You seek to win, am I right?”

She nodded.“I don’t expect 1st place, but I plan to medal yes.”

“Always look at the first place. Never look for anything less. The moment you don’t is the moment you might lose. Every action has another action behind it.”

Twilight looked at him, then to the track under their hooves. “You are definitely the biggest competition then.”

A chuckle escaped him. “True enough.”

“How long have you been racing?”

He looked thoughtful for a moment. “Are we counting training?”


He looked ahead of them and steered them around a cluster of small rocks. “Probably longer than you think.”

“That’s vague.”

“I apologize, but the timeline would seem very...odd.”

“Oh come on, now I have to know.” The mare danced on her hooves.

“You won’t believe me.”

“Try me,” Twilight said to him, a challenge in her voice.

“Hmm…Over 100 years.”

Twilight’s eyes widened and she stopped in her tracks. She watched as he stopped and looked over his shoulder to her.
“Over a hundred years? How old are you?”

He snorted. “How old do you think I am?”

“Late 20’s.”

He barked a laugh. “I look that age? I would have thought my silver mane would make me older.”

“Not really.” She started, then trotted up to his side. “Are you serious?”

“Yes. I am over 100 years old. Witcher’s age very slowly.” He said to her and started walking once more.

“You’re over a hundred years old?”

“Yes. I think it’s close to 125 or so. I’m not certain of the exact number though. I stopped keeping track.” He admitted.

Twilight loped after him and drew up at his side. “Does any pony else know that?”

“Applejack knows, but that's all. I trust you can keep that between us?”

Twilight nodded. “Of course. I had no idea. You don’t seem any older than the rest of us.” She admitted and looked ahead of them. “I knew you were older than Big Macintosh, but not that much older.”

He gave a short chuckle. “Applejack pointed out that I am older than Granny Smith.”

Twilight laughed and bumped his shoulder with her own. “That’s true. I promise to keep it to myself.” She looked to the path as he skirted a tree stump and guided her around it. “I’ll always listen. Your one of my best friends, so I promise to always listen to you.”

The black Unicorn looked to her for a moment. “I appreciate that. That sentiment goes both ways. I may be low on the emotional scale, but I am rather good at listening.”

Twilight giggled and walked with him. “You don’t have to have emotions to be the perfect listener.”

“True enough.” He chuckled under his breath as she walked with him. ‘Perhaps the wings would be a bit much on top of my age at this time, but...’ His mind went over the possible outcomes and then chose to wait. Applejack knowing of his breed was enough for now. As they reached the finish line Twilight trotted between the poles then spun back to face him as he walked past them.

“I win!” She shouted and laughed as he shook his head at her.

“I let you win then.” He replied.

“I won fair and square. First over the line.” She said to him and faked an indignant snort.

“Sure.” He said, sarcasm in his voice.

She giggled and they began walking back to town.

“Having fun, Chosen?”

“Fun is not something that I know of Sasa. You know that.”

“Question still stands.”

“How would I know if I am having fun?” He asked her.

“Well for you it means not nearly as tense, not looking for the next fight, etc.” She supplied.

He considered her words for a moment. “Well I am relaxed if that is the question.”

“Good enough.”


“Just wondering.” She said, a laugh in her voice.

He said nothing as they walked back to the farm. Twilight picked up Spike and thanked Oblivion for his advice before heading for the library. The rest of the day was taken by cleaning up from the contest earlier.

Oblivion put the hay bales in the barn loft and started to head back when he stopped. A shudder went through him as he scanned the area for the source. The Black Unicorn was quiet as his ears flicked in various directions as the feeling continued to ripple over him. He walked away from the barn and out into the orchard. He broke into a fast trot and followed the feeling as it strengthened. He paused as a scent caught his attention. He sniffed the air as the scent was familiar but he was having trouble placing it. As he neared it a strangled gurgle caught his attention, he veered to the left to follow the sound. What he found at the edge of the Everfree stopped him in his tracks. He knew the scent, the smell of flesh burning. He looked down and gazed at the man in the grass. His clothes still smoked and he had tears in his eyes. His eyes widened at the sight of the black stallion.

Oblivion sat down and lowered his muzzle to be close to the man. “You're from the Northern Realms?”

The man’s eyes widened. “Yes.” He croaked out as his breath caught in his throat.

“Don’t speak too much. I am from the same place. The difference is that you will not survive.” Oblivion stated.

Tears fell from the man’s eyes at the blank statement from the black horse. The horn from its forehead shone and blue flames went over the man’s broken body. He whimpered in his throat but stalled when the pain faded. He looked at the horse and sighed in relief.

“I can’t make the pain go away forever. Your body will die slowly, for that I am sorry. But can you tell me what happened?”

The human nodded. “Ah was in the fields with my youngins’ teachin’ ‘em.” He croaked at the mention of his children, but he kept going. “Ah heard a crash like thunder and looked up. A door of fire shone near us. I sent mah boys runnin’ ta the house and all I could do was scream as I felt the fire on mah skin. Ah been burned afore, ya know gettin’ to close ta the fire but this was worse. Ah seen boys hit by wraiths, but Ah didn’t see one.”

Oblivion nodded as he spoke. “I would have sensed a wraith. I am a Witcher.”

The man stared at him. “Ya don’t look like any Witcher ah ever seen.”

Oblivion gave a dry laugh. “I once walked on two legs. I was brought here months ago.”

“But ye are alive.”


“An ah’m gonna die here?”

Oblivion nodded and the man gave a gasping cry. “I am sorry for that. So you didn’t see a mage that could have cast the door of fire?”

“Nah. There was no one near me. None but mah young un’s. Ah’ll not see them grow.” He said a sob escaped him. “Ah’ll ne’er see ‘em and mah wife. Ah’ll not be buried on mah land.”

Oblivion kept his magic channeling to keep the pain back, allowing him to grieve. “If I can I will try to get you back to your land. I cannot promise it, but I will try.”

“Ah never met a Witcher afore. Ah can say that Ah heard things but ya don’t seem to be a bad ‘un. Ah thank ye fer yer help.”

“And I appreciate that. It’s rare that my kind is thanked.”

“Seems cruel not ta say a kindness to ya. Yer helpin’ me.”

“Most are not that mindful.” Oblivion felt his magic fluctuate as the man’s life began slipping away from him.

The human must have noticed as the flames around him shifted and brightened. “Yer workin’ hard ta help me?”

“You do not deserve to die in agony.” He replied.

“Ah hope mah kids are as kind as ye.”

“If they have the mind that you do to treat others then they will grow up to be like their father,” Oblivion said to him.

“Ye have a name?”

“Oblivion Shadow.”

“Ah ne’er heard of ye. But that ain’t a bad thing. Now Ah know yer name and mah spirit will remember ye.” He gasped as his body began to fail. “Ah don’t wanna die like this. Slow like.”

Oblivion looked at him. “I can end it for you. Painlessly.”

“Can ye?”

Oblivion reached out, his magic settled around the human’s heart. “May the Gods guide you.” He said to him and his magic gripped the human’s heart and his life ended in that instant. The man went silent and his body relaxed as death gripped him. Oblivion watched as the light had been with him faded and was gone. He had killed many men in his life but none had asked him to end their suffering. ‘That was...rather unpleasant.’ He thought to himself as thunder sounded off behind him. Winds pulled at his mane and fur but did not try to take him. He picked up the man’s corpse and let the portal take the corpse back to his own land. The portal pulled the body and vanished as quickly as it had shown up. Oblivion stood silently as his mind went over what the man had told him.

“Seems to be random appearances. But this is the second burned body. It sounds like he was burned by the portal itself. The monsters, on the other hand, had been pulled at by smaller portals. That one was normal-sized, over 8 feet tall and 6 or so feet wide.” He mused aloud.

“Chosen.” Sasa said as she neared him.

He startled and looked to the cat. “Yes, Sasa?”

“Are you all right?”

“Yes. Why?”

“You didn’t come back after moving the hay bales. The others are worried and you weren’t answering me.”

“Oh. My apologies. I’ll head back.” He moved past her and walked back to the farm.



“You have an odd scent on you.”


“Yes. Smells a bit like smoke.”

He slowed for a moment, but kept walking. “It’s nothing.”

The she-cat bumped his hip with her shoulder but didn’t ask any more of him.

He awoke earlier than normal due to the race being an hour after dawn. He got out of bed and shook himself free of any remaining desire to sleep. Sasa yawned and waited till he moved to leave the room, after brushing through his mane and tail. He adjusted the tie in his mane as he moved and walked down the stairs. Sasa followed him and walked out of the house behind him. He broke into a trot as he went to the library to walk with Twilight. Sasa stayed close to him as they trotted into town.

“Warming up before we get there?”

“Pretty much.”

Twilight walked out the door and saw him trotting to her. “Morning Oblivion!” She called.

“Good morning Twilight.” He greeted the mare.

Spike was on her back, he cringed when Sasa nuzzled him. He tensed, waiting for her to pull him into her paws, but she did nothing else.

“It’s fun teasing him.” She said to the black Unicorn.

The group trotted to the race grounds and stood in line to get their numbers. Twilight pinned the number 42 on her flank, over her cutie mark. Oblivion took the number 48 and put it in place as well. Sasa went to stand by Spike as they waited for the racers. Applejack and Rainbow were up in front of them at the starting line. Rainbow had a rope around her barrel pinning her wings down to her body.

“That's effective.” He thought to Sasa who chuckled in agreement. The two unicorns walked up to the line and stood beside the others.

“Twilight? Oblivion? Wha’ in tarnation are ya both doin’ here?” Applejack looked at the pair.

“We are racing as well,” Twilight said as Oblivion gave an affirmative nod.

Applejack looked a bit concerned at the black stallion but said nothing. Rainbow snorted a laugh. “Your both racing? Good one Twilight.”

“We aren’t kidding.” The purple mare said.

“What? Seriously? You’re not athletes. Oblivion may be...a little bit. But you’re not an athlete. You’re an egghead.” Rainbow said to them.

Oblivion pinned his ears in annoyance for a moment before he ignored the mare. ‘Egghead?’

Twilight looked affronted and looked to the trussed-up Pegasus. “I am not an egghead. I am well-read.”

“Egghead.” Rainbow snickered quietly.

Applejack chuckled before speaking. “Have you ever run a race?”

“Well...No. But I do know a lot about running.”

“And you got that information from?” Rainbow said to her.

“Books. I have read many on the subject. And I got advice from Oblivion, who has run many races.” The purple Unicorn said, confidence in her voice.

Rainbow held her sides as she laughed. “What did you read? The Eggheads guide to running? You stretched your eye muscles to warm up?” She fell over as she laughed.

Twilight scowled at her. “Scoff if you must. But the Running of the Leaves is a Ponyville tradition, and since I am here to learn, I’ve decided I should experience it as well.”

Applejack turned to look at her. “Well, that’s just dandy, Twilight. Good luck.” The farm mare snickered behind a hoof.

“Yeah. See ya both at the finish line...tomorrow.”

Oblivion looked up as Pinkie Pie hovered above them in a balloon. Spike perched beside her. “Are you ponies ready?” She hollered into a megaphone.

Spike leaned over to talk into it. “Get set!”

A loud bell went off and the ponies all ran ahead. Oblivion set himself into an easy lope and allowed the main group along with AJ and Rainbow to run ahead of him. Twilight pulled up next to him and matched his pace. He looked at her and gave a nod of understanding. He had no problem with her keeping his pace. He had more than enough stamina to surpass her and the others. She looked around them to the trees and the scenery.

“It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?” She asked as they ran.

“Quite. Perfect for an easy run.”

They both looked up as Applejack was suddenly with them, having tripped and fallen on her face as the group passed her.
Oblivion and Twilight trotted up to her as she climbed to her hooves.

“I don’t believe it!” She yelled.

“What is it?” Oblivion asked her as they halted.

“Rainbow tripped me,” AJ exclaimed, irritation in her voice.

“Really?” Oblivion said to her. She looked to him as he pointed a hoof just behind her. “You hit a rock, AJ.”

“He’s right. Be more careful and watch where you put your hooves.” Twilight advised her as she caught up with Oblivion as he went back into his easy lope.

“Hayseeds!” Applejack yelled and ran ahead of them.

“She won’t keep up that energy will she?” Twilight asked.

“Not a chance,” Oblivion replied.

Twilight sighed and shook her head, exasperated. They ran in silence until they came upon Rainbow with her snout in the dirt. “Seen this before,” Oblivion observed. Twilight snickered.

“Are you okay, Rainbow?” Twilight asked.

“The farm pony tripped me.”

“Do you ponies ever watch where you’re going? You tripped on a stump.” Twilight said as she pointed to the stump in the path. She and Oblivion knew it was there due to walking the track the day before.

“I see a big cheater is all I see,” Rainbow said, venom dripping in her voice.

“Applejack would never cheat, Rainbow. You know her better than that.” Twilight said to her.

“It’s just a game, Rainbow. Calm down.” Oblivion said as he loped past her, tired of the foolishness.

Twilight caught up to him and stayed with him as they ran. They neared the bend in the road to find Rainbow leaned up against the signpost, chuckling.

“I’m sure to win now.” She said as the two unicorns neared her.

“Not really. Everypony just passed you.” Oblivion said as he went by.

“What? Oh hell.” She said as she ran past them.

Oblivion snorted. “This is foolish.”

“I agree,” Twilight said to him. “Come on. Time for us to move?”

“Yes. Keep up, Twi.”

“Right behind you.” She said as she stayed at Oblivion's hip as he ran forward.

Oblivion lengthened his stride as they neared the main pack of racing ponies. He provided a break in the dust for the mare behind him, preventing it from hitting her in the face. The black stallion broke into a slow gallop as he neared the front of the pack. He glanced back and Twilight was still with him. She saw his look and a smile crossed her muzzle. He motioned with his head for them to keep going and she nodded. Oblivion dug in and pushed ahead as the purple mare laughed, enjoying herself. Oblivion looked ahead and quickened his pace, Twilight still at his hip. Oblivion glanced to the left and watched as ponies began falling back, tiring.

“Amateurs.” He muttered as he ran ahead.

His long stride carried him forward as he galloped ahead he put an ear back and found Twilight still with him. Her breathing was faster but she wasn’t laboring with the current pace. He kept his eyes trained ahead to avoid obstacles. He would move away from things in the way and Twilight stayed at his hip. Oblivion looked up and found they were in the lead. A grin tugged at his muzzle as he ran ahead. A glance over his shoulder saw Twilight smiling happily as she galloped. Oblivion looked ahead and he could see the finishing line. He went a bit faster and Twilight lunged to keep up with him.

“Run, Oblivion!” She yelled as she laughed behind him, clearly having fun.

He looked back and nodded at her. His stride lengthened further and he lowered his head.

Twilight watched as the black stallion surged ahead of her. She smiled as she tried to run faster, even as the finish line loomed ahead of them. She laughed as he passed the finish line far ahead of her and everypony else. ‘So that’s how a racing pony runs.’ She thought to herself as she went past the finish line. She looked around as she slowly stopped and saw the black stallion ahead of her.

“Well done, Oblivion.” She said to him as she trotted up to him. “I’ve never seen a pony run that fast.”

“It’s not easy to keep up with me. You did well.” He replied.

They both got their prizes and stopped for a drink as well. Twilight looked up as Applejack and Rainbow neared the finish line. They were embroiled in a fight as they fell across the line.

Pinkie bounced up to them, Spike on her back. “You tied.” The baby dragon told them.

Applejack and Rainbow looked to the happy pink mare. “For first?” They intoned.

“For last.” Pinkie said with a wide smile.

“Last!” They cried out.

“Then who won?” Rainbow asked.

Twilight walked up to them and their eyes widened. “You won?” Applejack said as they viewed the gleaming medal around her neck.

“Oh no. But I did get second place. Which is pretty good considering I have never run a race before.” She said to them.

“Then who won?” Rainbow asked.

“Oblivion won,” Twilight said to them and stepped back as the stallion approached.

A large gold medal hung around his neck and a blue ribbon was pinned to the front of his shoulder. He lowered his head to them, a smug look in his eyes. “My streak of never losing a race continues.” He said to them and backed up a step.

Applejack looked at him. “Ya both ran so low and Ah saw ya looking at the scenery!”

“We were pacing ourselves. Just like my books said. I took Oblivion's advice as well. As soon as the other ponies started to tire Oblivion and I ran ahead. I stayed with him and once we were close to the finish he took off for the ending. With his help, I came in second.”

“I can’t believe it. Twilight beat us. Oblivion beat us worse.” Rainbow said as she looked at the other mare.

“Yup.” Applejack replied.

“Wasn’t all that hard considering your behavior.” Twilight pointed out.

Both mares cringed at the observation.

“We were pretty poor sports.” Applejack lamented.

“Sounds like an important lesson was learned.” Celestia walked up from behind Oblivion and stood by the mares.

“Princess!” Rainbow and Applejack yelped as the Sun Princess approached them.

“What are ya doin’ here?” Applejack asked her.

The Alicorn smiled. “Fall is one of my favorite seasons. I came to the witness the running of the leaves myself.”

“Sorry, ya had ta see us bein’ such poor sports.” Applejack said to her.

“Unfortunately, because you two were too busy tricking each other many of the trees still have their leaves.”

“I reckon we can fix that Princess. Wanna go for a run mah friend?” Applejack said as she stood and looked to Rainbow.

“Yeah. Would be good to stretch my legs.” Rainbow replied.

“Oblivion?” Applejack said to the stallion.

“I already ran once today. This one is all yours.” He said to them.

“Let’s go.” Rainbow took off with the orange mare on her heels.

“Least they learned something,” Twilight said to them.

“True enough.” Oblivion agreed.

He watched as Sasa crouched down and slunk forward. He backed up a few steps realizing her goal. He reached a hoof forward and slowly pulled Twilight back by putting his claws in her tail. She backed up and then saw where he was looking. She smiled and put a hoof over her mouth to not laugh. Sasa stopped when the dragon moved but didn’t turn around.

Spike felt the impact to his back as he yelped and found himself on the ground, under a large tiger. Sasa purred and nuzzled the purple and green dragon as he groaned and sat still as the cat toyed with him.

“Why is it always me?” Spike asked.

“He's just so cute.” Sasa said to them.

“She says you’re cute,” Oblivion explained.

“What?” Spike said as he managed to turn around to look at the stallion. “I’m a dragon. We aren’t cute.”

“Yes, he is.” Sasa argued.

“She disagrees.” The stallion relayed to him.

Spike grimaced and sat quietly as the cat nuzzled him. Twilight laughed and her shoulder brushed against the tall stallion.
He glanced at her for a moment before shaking his head at the feline, who held Spike in an iron grip.

25: Winter begins...

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Oblivion was quiet as he loped through the fetlock high snow. Sasa trailed after him as he broke through the snow, creating a path for her. He had changed his normal route to cover more ground around the farm and run close to the Everfree as well.

“Are you all right, Chosen?” Sasa finally asked him.

“Yes. Why?”

“You seem more tense than usual.”

He slowed to a trot as he considered her words. “Do I?”


He slowed to a walk as he thought it over. “How so?”

“You have been getting up earlier than normal for a few weeks and have even changed your normal running route to cover double the ground. I’m worried you are pushing yourself too hard. Something is bothering you.”

The black stallion stopped and looked over his shoulder as the cat stopped behind him. “I suppose I am surprised that no portals have appeared. They were fairly frequent for a while, but now they have all but stopped. I’m waiting for it to happen.”

“Ahh. So that’s why you are ranging further.” The cat gave a low chuffing sound as she regarded him. You can’t be expecting for them to appear all the time, Chosen. I know you view them as your responsibility, but you can’t be everywhere.”

He looked back in front of him and considered. “Is it possible that they are appearing somewhere else?”

The cat was silent as she thought it over. “Why would you think that?”

“If the portals are not after me, then perhaps they are beginning to range further as well?”

“I don’t think so. They seem to be appearing only near where you were found. I don’t think they...” She stopped as a scroll appeared in his magic. “From Luna?”

The deep blue stationary gave its sender away. He opened it and read it aloud for the feline to hear.

Oblivion Shadow:

We request thous presence in Canterlot as soon as thou read this. There has been a development that our sister and I need thy expertise on. Please come quickly, it is imperative we speak with thee.

“What in the world?” Sasa said to him.

Oblivion teleported to the farm and then summoned Sasa. Applejack was just coming down the stairs as he walked in. “AJ.”

“Mornin’ Oblivion. Yer up early.”

“Indeed. I need to head to Canterlot. Luna has requested I counsel her and Celestia about something. She did not explain in her letter, but it seems urgent.” He explained. “I apologize for the abruptness...” He stopped when AJ held up a hoof.

“The start of winter is slow fer the farm so it’s fine. Can’t do much in the snow anyway. It sounds like it’s a big deal. So, off ya go.”

Oblivion nodded to her and vanished in a flash of azure flame. Sasa waited and then disappeared as well. He appeared in the menagerie in his usual place and summoned the cat to him. Sasa was quiet as he lengthened his stride into a ground-eating walk and strode into the castle. He walked through the halls and up to the throne room doors, which he pushed open with a shove of magic. Guards turned to him, their horns lit with magic as they regarded him.

“Oblivion Shadow!” Luna hollered in her Royal Canterlot Voice and trotted up to him. She wrapped her forelegs around his neck and hugged him. “We are so glad to see thee. Thank thee for coming quickly.”

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the guards relax and go back to their positions. “It’s good to see you as well, Luna. Your letter said it was urgent.”

Celestia stood up as Luna walked him toward the throne. “Luna is right. We have been receiving reports of strange creatures appearing near towns. We have had reports of ponies being injured and a couple of strange deaths. Some ponies have given descriptions of the creatures and none of our experts can place them.”

“Do you happen to have the descriptions?” Oblivion asked when she paused for him to speak.

Luna nodded and her magic summoned a small stack of reports. His magic took them from her when they were held in front of him.

“The top 6 are fatalities,” Luna advised.

He nodded and the top 6 papers hovered around him as he read them. He finished the reports and looked to the Alicorns. “2 Wraiths, 1 Rock Troll, 1 Leshen, 1 Ice Elemental, 1 Harpy.” He said them aloud as he read through the reports. “I could be wrong, but I doubt it.” He said to them and set the fatality reports aside. “The wounds described on the corpses are clear to me.”

Luna and Celestia both stared at him, eyes wide. “You can tell just by the description of the wounds?” Celestia asked him, her voice quiet.

“Yes.” He answered. “I am certain that the wounds were created by the creatures that I mentioned. I have spent my whole life dealing with creatures that make these type of injuries and therefore dealing with the corpses they leave behind.”

Both mares looked disturbed as he explained. “We have never heard of these creatures,” Luna said.

“They are native to where I am from.” He admitted.

“How are they here then?” Celestia asked. “Are they following you? If so, why?”

“Good questions. To be honest I do not think they are following me. If they were they would be around Sweet Apple Acres and not out in the middle of Equestria.” He admitted to them. He went through more of the reports and found only a few of them had interactions with the monster in question. Most ponies had fled from them before anything could happen.

“Oblivion,” Celestia spoke up.

The stallion looked up from the reports hovering in front of his snout. “Yes?”

“Where you are from you hunt these creatures, correct?” She asked.

“Yes. A Witcher is essentially a monster hunter.” He said back to her and looked back to the papers around him.

“Can we hire you?”

Oblivion stopped reading and looked over the top of the reports. “Hire me to do what, exactly?”

“We would like to hire you to investigate these attacks. You are the only pony with any knowledge of these events. It would be foolish of us to send any pony else and risk more lives.” Celestia said to him. Oblivion moved the papers back into a stack and looked to her. “You would, of course, be paid for your services and anything you need will be provided to you. If we receive any further reports they will immediately be sent to you through Luna. Our guards will take you to anywhere you need to go.” The stallion looked unsure of that so she explained. “A chariot will be provided to you. It will fit both you and Sasa since I don’t think she will let you go alone.”

Sasa rumbled and nudged his hip. He glanced back to her and nodded.

Luna stepped to her sister’s side and looked at him. “What is the proper rate for your services?”

Oblivion stopped. Beside him, Sasa snorted a laugh. He looked at the monarchs and answered. “I was paid per monster back in the Northern Realms.”

“And what was normal?”Celestia asked.

“It depends on the monster. A Wraith is worth more than a drowner, a fiend, worth more than both of them combined.”

Celestia looked a bit nervous. “Okay, so you mentioned the ones that are responsible for the deaths. What are they worth?”

Oblivion looked back to the fatalities and a quill appeared in his magic as he wrote the amounts then turned them into bits. Sasa looked over his shoulder and cringe.

“Oh wow. They are gonna have a heart attack.”

“I’m aware. I don’t think the monsters are still there. If the portals take them back after a while then there is no monster to worry about. Now it’s simply trying to find the cause.” He replied to her as he considered. “The cost of a Wraith depends on the type. This one appears to be a normal Wraith. I deal with them frequently so their cost is less. Be reminded this amount is done considering if the Wraith is still there and needs to be dealt with.” The mares nodded. “I have also put into account if the Wraith is not there, then the amount is halved.”

“Please just tell us,” Celestia said to him.

“With the Wraith, $4,000 bits.” He replied.

Luna coughed and turned away as she cringed.

“A Wraith is worth more than that.” Sasa said to him.

“I know, but I have no desire to bankrupt them.” He replied to her.

Celestia stared at him, then shook her head to recover. “$2000 without the Wraith.”

He nodded and waited as the mares recovered. “Bear in mind this is a rough amount. It is contingent on the Wraith still being there and if I can figure out its location and if I can get rid of it.”

“You will be paid regardless. If only for your time.” Celestia replied to him.

He nodded and waited. “A Wraith is a fairly weak monster compared to the others that I think are there. If I find I am wrong then I am wrong.” The mares looked at him. “But I am certain that I am not wrong.”

“Okay, we have recovered,” Luna said and turned back to him. “Is that the most thou will charge?”

Oblivion snorted. “As I said, a Wraith is the weakest of those that have been mentioned. According to these reports the attacks...” He summoned his map from his saddlebags and looked over it. “Happened a fair distance from each other so it rules out that they are connected in some way. Which is beneficial to my investigation of the areas. It does mean travel time, but that is normal. It’s not abnormal to travel for days tracking or investigating an attack or a monster.”

“So how much is a troll?” Celestia asked.

“One that has killed is more expensive than one that has not, due to it possibly no longer being willing to listen to reason.”

Luna tilted her head. “This a monster that can reason?”

“At times. Rock trolls have minimal intelligence, but they have enough to be spoken to if you’re willing to decipher their speech. Their pattern is simple but the words are often...altered.” Both mares looked at him. “For example, soup is often pronounced swoup.”

Celestia cringed at the example. “So words are altered like that?”

“Similar. It often depends on the troll.” He admitted to her with a casual shrug as he went back to looking at his map and the reports.

“So how much is a troll that has killed?” Celestia asked.

Oblivion looked at the report and then to the mares. “A troll that has killed is worth around $9,000 bits.” He paused then went on. “A Leshen on the other hoof is considerably more due to their having various types.”

The mares cringed as he spoke. “Types?” Luna asked.

“Yes, a Leshen that is older is an Ancient Leshen. If that is what is there then it is far more dangerous. The younger they are the better. They are still deadly, but they are easier to handle.”

Celestia looked to him and inhaled to calm herself. “Please tell us the worst case for that creature.”

Sasa nuzzled him. “Think of it as an Ancient.”

“I am and I do not like the idea of facing one.” He replied as he rolled his shoulders. “That one will be at least $20,000 for a young Leshen and $40,000 for an Ancient. That is an amount I will not budge on. With or without the Leshen those prices are non-negotiable.”

The Alicorns blanched. “Thou are quite wary of them,” Luna observed.

“Very much so. I have faced many of them and have nearly been killed by a few of them. Of the monsters in these reports, they are the most likely to be able to even kill me.”

Both mares grimaced as they looked to the other.

“The Harpy will be $12,000. The Ice Elemental will be $15,000.” He said to them. “As with the Troll and Wraiths that amount is halved if I do not have to fight the actual monster.”

“We will have to look into what we can do. Those amounts are staggering. Where are you getting those numbers?” Celestia asked.

“Those numbers come from the fact that I have had some of the currency that I was paid in the Northern Realms converted here. It is 50 bits to one crown.”


“That is the normal currency that is used. It is given that amount due to the Crown being made of gold and not copper or other base metals. If you wish to have it evaluated again that is your choice.”

“We trust thee,” Luna said to him. “In thous opinion, what is the order that thee would be investigating it?”

“Leshen, Elemental, Troll, Harpy, Wraith.” He replied. “The two Wraiths are close to each other, so it is easiest to check on them last.”

Celestia nodded. “Based on what you have said then we must check into the worst of them first.”

“Yes. If the Leshen is still there then more deaths will happen. It is not a matter of ‘if’ but when and how many.” He replied. “Leshen are fiercely territorial and do not approve of anything in their territory. A pony that stumbles upon one is not long for this world unless they can manage to get away.”

“And can a pony get away from one?” Luna asked.

“No.” His voice flat. “Even experienced Witcher’s have trouble evading their attacks. A Leshen can vanish and reappear in a different area and then attack from afar. They are one of the worst creatures to go against due to that fact. They also have the ability to call on nature itself to attack with. They use an attack that puts the roots of trees through their opponent. They have claws as long as my foreleg and they have no qualms about using them.” He informed them, his voice matter of fact.

Both mares cringed and shrunk back at the description. “Thou have seen these attacks first hoof?”

Oblivion looked away from them and out to the sky outside the balcony. “Yes.” His voice was quiet but strong. The scar on his back trembled and he looked back to them. “Many times.”

Celestia stood up. “We will call on our financier to get your payment for this creature ready. Do we pay you now?”

“No. I’ll bring back news of the creature and then you can pay me.”

“How about we pay half now and half upon thous return?” Luna piped up.

“That works as well, though I am not sure which type I will be facing if it is still there.” He said to them and looked to the reports once more.

“We will pay the $20,000 and if the Leshen is a young one then that will be the payment, if it is not, then it is half,” Celestia said to him.

“Very well.” He said to her and looked to Sasa. “These ponies are far too trusting. I could just say it was an Ancient and it was actually not one.” He said to her.

“True. But they know that you will not lie to them.” She said to him.

He sighed and regarded the Alicorns. “When did you want me to start looking into this?”

“Now.” Luna piped in.

Celestia looked at her sister and sighed heavily. “We would like the investigation to start as soon as possible.”

He chuckled and nodded. “Very well. I will meet these guards at the farm and we can leave from there. Will give me time to speak with the Apples. Is it all right if I keep these reports? I can go over them as I am able.” Celestia nodded and he sent them to his saddlebags.

“Sounds like a good plan. Thank you, Oblivion. The safety of our ponies is paramount. If anything new happens we will alert you. Do you have the ability to send letters to me as well?” Celestia asked him.

“Would help to be able to send to her during the day.” Sasa said to him.

The stallion walked up to her and tapped his horn to hers to give her the ability to send a letter to him. She started at the contact and then looked at him as he backed up. “That will allow you to send letters to me and vice versa. It uses my flames to send them. To send to me you need to focus on my magic and it will connect to you on its own.” He informed her and walked away from the throne. He reached Sasa as a scroll appeared in his magic. He looked over his shoulder to find Celestia smiling at him.

“Just checking it.” She admitted.

“You need to let Blue Blood know that you will not be attending your boy’s day.” Sasa reminded him.

“Dammit.” He cursed under his breath as he focused on Blue’s Spirit. It was close by. The black Unicorn walked toward him and found him coming out of a meeting. The stallion looked exhausted and frowned deeply as he stood still.

Oblivion gave a loud whistle, startling the Prince as he scanned for the culprit. “Oblivion!” He shouted, any annoyance about the rude whistling forgotten at the sight of his friend, and trotted over to the black pony. “It’s good to see you. What brings you to Canterlot?”

“I just got out of a meeting with your Aunts.” He replied.

“Oh? I haven’t heard anything.”

“Have you heard about the strange creatures in Equestria?”

“Yes. Aunt Luna mentioned it in passing.” He stopped as Sasa approached. “Sasa. How are you doing?”

The she-cat nuzzled him, purring. “I’m doing well, Blue Blood. I’m glad you see you in good spirits.”

“A bit tired from the constant meetings, but I am glad to see you both. So what did my Aunts want to discuss the creatures?”

“As a Witcher, I am basically a monster hunter, among other things. So they have asked that I investigate the creatures and if needed put an end to them.”

Blue Blood looked concerned for a moment before speaking. “That does sound right up your alley. I suppose they were also asking for the rate to pay you?”

Oblivion nodded. Sasa laughed in response. “They asked. Though I think they were unprepared for the honest reply.”


“Sasa, silence,” Oblivion said to her.

Blue looked at his friend. “How bad?”

“I have had some of the currency from the Realms appraised here and converted so I used that as a base for the rate of pay.”

Blue looked nervous. “And?”

“I thought they were gonna faint.” Sasa shouted and fell over laughing.

Blue looked at her as she rolled onto her back, laughing. “I just got out of a budget meeting. Am I going to need to go back into it?”

“Perhaps,” Oblivion said to him.

Blue sighed. “How bad?”

“Do you want the total for all of it or just the starting creature?” Oblivion asked.

“Start is fine.”

“$20,000 for a regular Leshen and $40,000 for an Ancient.”

Blues eyes widened and he stared. The white stallion gulped and sat down. “Oh, by the Goddess.” He said, his voice strained. Sasa stood up and nuzzled the stunned pony.

Oblivion put a hoof on his shoulder. “I wanted to let you know that I might miss our meeting on Saturday. Depending on the status of the investigation I might be preoccupied.”

Blue shook his head and climbed back to his hooves. “I understand. This is an important task and needs to be addressed.”

Oblivion nodded. “I need to head back to the farm and inform Applejack and the others that I will be leaving for a time. I wanted to let you know before I left Canterlot for today.”

“Thank you for the warning. I appreciate you taking the time to tell me rather than send a letter.” Blue admitted with a thin smile.

“I figured spoken word was better,” Oblivion said to him. “I do need to be going, Blue. If needed feel free to write to me. I will answer as quickly as I can.”

“Thank you. Good luck and stay safe.” Blue said and watched as Oblivion vanished in a flash of blue flame. Sasa gave him a quick nuzzle, then vanished as well.

Oblivion appeared in front of the barn and sighed. He looked around and found Mac closest to him. He trotted to him as he summoned Sasa. “Mac.” He said to him as he approached.

The roan jumped and turned back to him. “Oblivion.” He opened his mouth to say more but the stallion held up one hoof.

“I need to speak with the others as well. Something has come up and I will be gone for a time.” He said.

Mac looked startled and nodded. “Ah’ll meet ya in the kitchen. Granny is still inside ah think.”

Mac went to the house and Oblivion looked around to find Applejack. “Sasa. Stay with them while I get AJ.” He reached out and found that she was in the library with Twilight.

The cat nodded and he teleported to the library. He appeared inside of it and he faintly heard Spike yelp at his appearance. Both mares stared at him for a moment before recovering.

“Oblivion. How did it go?” Applejack asked.

“I need to speak with you and the others.” He said to her, his tone tense.

“Somethin’ wrong?”

He looked thoughtful for a moment. “Nothing here, no. I need to take a leave of absence for an unknown amount of time from the farm.”

Both mares stared at him. “You’re leaving?” Twilight asked him.

“For a while. I‘m not sure how long.”

“Why?” She asked.

“There have been some unexplained creatures sighted in Equestria and I have been contracted to investigate them by Celestia and Luna.”

“Strange creatures?” Applejack said. “Like ones where yer from?”

“I’m certain that is exactly the same as the ones where I am from.” He admitted. “There have been a few deaths and I am going to look into them.”

“How many?” Twilight asked.


“That’s terrible. Is it dangerous for you?”

“It could be. But I am the best for this job. These creatures are ones that I am well versed in and am the only one that can combat them if they are still there.” He said to her. “But I need to speak with all of the Apples, AJ. Except, Apple Bloom.”

The orange mare glared at him. “Yer not gonna wait ta talk to her?”

“I can’t. Celestia assigned a group of her guards to transport me there, and they will be coming directly to the farm. I will be leaving when they arrive.”

“You’re not teleporting?” Twilight asked.

“Not this time. I have several reports to look over and I am not sure of the exact locations. My map is detailed, but I have no desire to land in some ponies flower patch.” He reasoned.

Twilight nodded in understanding. “Can I come as well?” Oblivion looked at her. “Not with you, sorry. I meant to this meeting. Or is it for a family?”

“I do not mind. It’s up to AJ.” He said as he turned around and found Spike looking up at him. “Yes, Spike?”

“You’ll be okay, right?” The young dragon asked.

“Of course. I have been fighting monsters for a very long time. So there is no need to worry about me.” Oblivion said to him and rubbed his hoof over the baby dragon’s scales.

He teleported back to the farm and looked back as his medallion shuddered as Twilight and Applejack appeared in a flash of magenta. He nodded to them and walked into the farmhouse and held the door while they came inside.

“What’s goin’ on now?” Granny Smith said to him.

“I wanted to let you know that I will be away from the farm for a while. I am unsure of the time frame.” He told her. The old mare looked concerned but stayed quiet as he explained. “Due to some unknown creatures being seen Celestia and Luna have asked that I look into the phenomena. My occupation as a Witcher makes me able to identify and get rid of any monster that may be the culprit.”

“Why do ya need ta go through?” Mac asked.

“There have been a few deaths due to the creatures. I was given a written description of the bodies and was able to identify the exact monsters that could create such wounds. There is no other pony that can combat these creatures, aside from a Witcher.” He informed them.

Granny Smith was quiet for a time. “Yer gonna make sure no more ponies die?” He nodded. “Ya make sure ya come back. Ah want ya back here in the same way ya left.”

“I plan on it. I have no desire to throw myself at any of these creatures. I know how to fight each one and am aware of my own limits. I wanted to let you know so it is not surprising when I’m not here.”

The ponies nodded in understanding as Sasa grumbled to him. “The guards are outside.”

Oblivion looked out and was glad to see that the chariot was not one of the white ones he had seen before. It appeared to be one of Luna’s. The guards were a mix of 2 pony types, there were 2 with bat-like wings and 2 regular Pegasus. The chariot itself was close to 10 feet long and 5 feet wide. It was a deep blue and had a blue gem on the front of it. It was raised around 2 feet off the ground and had a storage compartment under it for luggage. Oblivion's horn lit and his saddlebags appeared around his barrel. His cloak appeared and he folded it into the bags as well. His swords appeared on his back and he adjusted them into place. He walked outside and waited as Sasa jumped onto the chariot and made herself comfortable as she waited for him. He looked back to the Apples and Twilight who looked nothing short of worried.

The black stallion jumped into the chariot and sat down, facing front. He reached into his saddlebag and pulled out a few of the reports. He looked up as Twilight put a hoof on his shoulder.

“Be careful.”

“It’ll be fine.” He said to her. “Monsters are my specialty. So I don't anticipate any issues.”

“Can you teach me the spell to write a letter to you?” She asked.

Oblivion tipped his horn to hers and linked them through the spell. “There. That should do it. When you want a letter to go to me just focus on my magic and it will connect to it.” He explained to her.

Twilight nodded and stepped back. One of the Pegasus in front looked back and Oblivion gave a deep nod to him, signaling for them to take off. The chariot pulled away and Oblivion cast a spell to make sure that the reports didn’t blow away from him. He set them down and he laid down to read them. Sasa had sat up and waved a paw to the ponies on the ground.

“Chosen.” She said as she laid down by him.


“Any ideas?”

“Not so far. The attacks are spread out, aside from the Wraiths, so I don’t think they are from the same portals. If there are portals involved, then it makes things more challenging.”

The cat was quiet as she looked at the papers in front of him. He laid out the separate fatalities and started to put the sightings in line with the creature they went with. Only a few of the reports did not go in line with the fatalities.

“The Leshen is the one seen the most often.” He said with a growl. “Wonderful.”

Sasa rubbed her forehead on his shoulder. “Well, it’s a good thing we are looking into that one first.” She said to him. “Despite your hesitation.”

He looked up at her comment. “Am I hesitating?”

“A bit.” She replied. “Not without reason. Your last interaction left you...”

“Enough.” He said to her, stopping her from commenting further.

She went quiet as he looked to the reports of the Leshen's activity. He looked at the oldest one. “They talk about the totems the Leshen use to mark their territory.” He paused as he picked through the reports and looked at one of them.

A rough sketch of one of them caught his attention. “Well, damn.”


“It’s an Ancient.”

“You’re certain?”

He held up the picture and showed it to her. “Positive.” He said with a sigh. He was quiet as he thought back to the fights he had been in with Ancient Leshen. The attack with roots was enough to have him running in circles around it.

“How do you fight them?” Sasa asked.

“Slowly. They are vulnerable to fire, relict oil, and the silver blade.”

“So your Igni Sign is effective?”

“If you can get close enough yes. The trouble is getting close and ducking the claws.”

Sasa grumbled and leaned on his shoulder. You should rest Chosen. You were up pretty early. You can analyze more of the reports when we arrive.” She said to him.

Oblivion flicked an ear to show he had heard her, but he didn’t comment. His skin trembled once more and he looked back to the scar on his back. He put the reports into his saddlebag but didn’t rest immediately. Sasa purred against him and sat up. She laid her head on his back, turned to the side to avoid digging her teeth into his back. The black stallion shook his head to avoid going over the last fight he was in with a Leshen. He laid his head down and tried to doze at the feline’s request.


Oblivion raised his head and sat up. Sasa sat beside him as they landed. The chariot stopped and the Witcher jumped out of it, Sasa behind him. The feline stretched, yawning. The guards began unhitching themselves from the chariot. Oblivion pulled the reports from his bag and looked up as a pony approached them. The gray pony stopped at the sight of the cat at his side. A disk on his flank and a hoop of some sort. Oblivion approached him, Sasa at his hip, and stopped in front of the pony.

“Are you the one who sent in the initial report of the monster?” Oblivion asked.

“Yes, I’m the mayor of this town. I’m Quick Shot.” Sorrow in his voice as he responded.

Oblivion nodded at him. “Understood. Has it been seen since the incident?”

“No. Hasn’t been spotted since it killed.” He said and stopped. The pony choked on the last word and gulped.

“Take your time,” Oblivion said to him, despite wanting to have his questions answered as quickly as possible.

“We stayed out of the forest since then. The Princess sent a letter that an expert was being sent. You’re the only one?”

“Yes,” Oblivion said to him. “The creature that attacked is called a Leshen. It’s called other things, but that’s the name it’s known by.”

“A Leshen? Where did it come from?”

“That is what I am here to find out.” He replied, setting the report back in his saddle bag. “I need to speak with every pony that saw it. The more I know of it, the better.”

“What do you plan to do?”

“If needed, simply find out its location, otherwise, I will kill it.” The Witcher stated.

The ponied eyes widened. “You can’t fight that monster.”

“I have fought them before.”

“Well, you do have a few guards with you, so you might be able to stop it.” The gray pony said, looking back to the guards.

Oblivion looked back. “They will not be helping. They do not know how to fight it. I have been trained to fight these creatures, among others. They would be a liability in the fight. If it comes to that.”

Quick Shot looked about to panic as Oblivion walked past him and toward the edge of the forest. Sasa was quiet as he looked into the forest. “How far into the forest was the body found?”

Sasa grimaced at the flat tone from the Witcher. The pony gulped and looked to the black stallion. “About 30 feet in.”

“Understood. I am sorry for your village’s loss.”He replied.

The gray pony nodded and walked over to him. “Can ya not talk about him?”

Oblivion turned to look at him. “Why?”

“His wife is still grieving.”

Oblivion looked back to the woods. “I have to ask though. The more I know, the more likely I can get rid of it or find out where it went or if it is gone.” He informed him. “Unless I can just ask you?”

“I don’t know much. I’m not sure what he was doing out there either. It was agreed that no pony would go in there until the expert arrived and made sure the forest was safe.”

Oblivion was quiet. “So it was forbidden to go in there, but he went anyway?”

Quick Shot nodded. “Yes.”

“The question is, why?” Oblivion said. “No pony who fights a Leshen lives. Unless you are trained and have the experience, there is no way to survive the fight.”

A sob sounded out behind them. Oblivion looked behind them and a pale pink mare, wearing a black dress stood behind them, tears falling from her eyes. Quick Shot looked to him as the black stallion regarded the mare.

“This is Bright Fire’s widow, Peony.” Quick Shot told him.

Oblivion turned to the mare, who stared at him. “My condolences,” Oblivion said to her, his voice quiet.

She nodded and looked away from him. Sasa walked up to him and sat down at his shoulder. “We need to work on being sympathetic.” She said to him.

“I’m a Witcher, Sasa. I don’t have the emotions for that.” He thought back to her. “If I try to fake it, then it comes out worse than it just did.”


Quick Shot backed away from the feline. “She is harmless. You have nothing to fear from her.” Oblivion told them as he motioned to the cat. “And we need to work on you being approachable.” He thought to the cat.

She said nothing in reply and laid down on the ground beside him, trying to look less intimidating. Quick Shot reached out to her and she put her head under his hoof. He stroked her fur and she purred.

“She’s a very large cat.” He said.

“She’s harmless to ponies,” Oblivion said to them, he turned to look back to the forest.

Sasa looked back as Oblivion walked several steps into the forest and stopped. Her ears flicked as she looked at him. “Chosen?”

He looked back and saw the ponies staring at him. He backed up and rejoined the mayor and Sasa. “I think it might still be here.” He said to her. Sasa grumbled and stood up to join him.

“What makes you think that?” She asked.

“A feeling.” He responded. He looked over as one of the guards came up to him.

“Sir.” The pony who spoke was a fiery orange. He was covered in armor so any other markings were impossible to see.


“Do you want us to unpack the chariot?”

Oblivion looked back to it and nodded. “Go ahead. See to any set up that is needed. Feel free to rest, as well.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“And your name is?” Oblivion asked him before he turned away.

“Oh, sorry sir. I’m Silver Buckler.” The pony gave a light bow to the black stallion, who nodded in response. “Just Silver is fine.”

“Understood. Just Oblivion, then.”

“And she is Sasa, correct?” Oblivion looked to him. “Captain Shining Armor mentioned you both a while back.” He explained.

“Is that why you are here now?” Oblivion asked.

“No, sir. I volunteered.”

Oblivion looked to him. “Why in the Gods name would you want to volunteer? This is not going to be very interesting. None of you will be fighting these creatures if they are still in the area. Especially not this one.”

The Pegasus nodded. “We know. But think about it, sir. We guard doors normally.”

Sasa snorted a laugh and laid down as she covered her snout with her paw. Oblivion chuckled and nodded. “Fair point.
Carry on.”

The pony laughed and trotted back to the others. Oblivion glanced at the villagers and found most of them to still be watching him. He gave a light sigh and turned to them.

“Who was the first to spot the creature?” He asked them.

“That would be Quiver.” Quick Shot informed him.

A spindly pony approached him and hunched down under the gaze of the tall black unicorn. “He’s bare of age.” The stallion thought to himself as he looked at the pony. Sasa turned around and sat beside him.

“Be nice, Chosen. I’m not sure if he’s more terrified of the Leshen or you.” Sasa said to him.

“I’m hardly terrifying.” He responded.

“You’re close to a foot and a half taller.”

“Bloody Hells.”

Quick Shot came forward as Oblivion pulled the reports from his saddle bag. He went through them and found the first one. He sat down and his magic held the paper at his other side. Sasa purred as the mayor sat down by the nervous pony.

“This is…I never asked your name.” The mayor said to him.

“Oblivion Shadow.” He supplied. “I was asked to investigate the creature that was spotted in the nearby forest.”

The pony finally looked up at him. His pale blue eyes were wide as he stared at the unicorn. “You're here to stop it?”

“If that’s what’s needed, then yes.”

“You’re going to fight it?” Oblivion nodded. “But it’s huge.”

“You said in the report it was a pony and a half high.”

“It was bigger than that.” He interrupted.


“It was 2 ponies or...” He looked at Oblivion. “Closer to half a pony above you.”

Oblivion considered. “Makes it about 8-10 feet tall. About average for an Ancient Leshen.” He muttered to himself. “Have you seen it since?”

The pony looked nervous and looked at the ground. Quick Shot spoke up for him. “Of course not. It’s been forbidden.”

Oblivion glanced at the young stallion. “But I get the feeling that you have seen it since.”

“Of course...”

“Enough. I am not asking you. Kindly go and look for the other ponies that have seen the beast.” Oblivion said and waved a hoof for the mayor to leave.

The mayor scowled at being sent away but was met with Oblivion’s blank look. He walked away, sullen.

“Now. You can be truthful.” Oblivion said to him.

The pony was quiet. Nervousness bit at the small pony and he bit his lip. Oblivion sighed and his hoof waved as he cast Axii and waited for it to take effect before he asked again. “When was the last time you saw the monster?”

“Last week.”

Oblivion blinked as he thought it over. “You saw it just after it killed that pony?”


“Why did it not attack you?”

“I was hiding in the brush. I’m smaller than a lot of ponies so it’s easy to miss me when I'm covered in the brush.”

“So how long has it been here?”

“A month.”

Sasa leaned forward and stared at the pony. “Our reports only go back 2 weeks.” She commented to Oblivion.

The black stallion was quiet. “You didn’t mention it to any pony else?”

“I told Bright Fire. He saw it one day when he came to get me and bring me back to the village. I saw it coming and pulled him into my hiding place. It didn’t see him.”

“So why did it see him the next time?”

“He wasn’t hiding in the right spot. I made a hiding spot so I could see it without getting seen.” Quiver replied.

“Can you show me the right spot to hide in?” Oblivion asked him.

The pony nodded and stood up. “He won’t be around here so we won’t get seen.”

Oblivion got to his hooves and followed the dazed pony into the forest. A cry went out and he reached out and held the pony’s tail to stop him. Quick Shot trotted up to him. “He is showing me where he last saw it. I’ll make sure he comes back alive. If we see it then I will kill it.”

“Kill it with what? Your hooves?” He asked.

Oblivion looked to his back and his horn lit as his swords showed up on his back. “There is no point hiding them right now.” He thought to Sasa, who growled in agreement. “I use a silver sword to fight monsters like this one. They can’t fight against it. Now move.” He said as he pushed past the mayor and Quiver docilely led the way.

He followed behind the pony as he walked through the brush and then stopped. Oblivion drew up next to him and stared. One of the Leshens totems stood above the little hold in the ground that the pony was pointing to.

“Gods below, no wonder it ignored you.” He said as his eyes narrowed as the totem gave off its own energy, making his medallion tremble slightly. “Shit.”

“He doesn’t hurt you if you’re hiding there.” Quiver said to him.

“And I know why. He attacks you he’ll destroy the totem that marks his territory. So Bright Fire was not in the right area when it found him.”

Sasa growled and bumped Oblivion’s hip. Oblivion stopped as his ears went back. “Run back to the village. Now.” He released Axii and Quiver shook his head, then turned to the Witcher, whose eyes were narrowed and glowed orange. The pony cried out and galloped back the way they had come.

Sasa snarled as Oblivion pulled his silver blade and waited. “Sasa. Hide.”

The cat looked to him. “What?”

“You can’t fight this thing and I don’t have time to work with you.” He shoved the feline into the bolt hole, despite her yowling. “Now, silence.” He commanded.

His ears flicked as the sounds of wood snapping and moving approached him. His magic flared as he sent his saddle bags back to the chariot. The scar on his back trembled for a moment before he crouched down, waiting. The Leshen appeared off to his left and roared. Oblivion looked to it from the corner of his eyes and slowly turned his body toward it. The runes in the blade glowed as he spun it in his magic. He felt the ground tremble and he danced to the right away from the explosion of roots in the place he had been. The stallion dashed forward and jigged to the side to avoid the slashing claws. The silver blade bit deep into the bark of its hide and the Leshen vanished in a flurry of crows. The black pony cursed as he ducked away from the birds and rolled to the side.

Sasa snarled in the bolt hole as Oblivion went still, listening. She went silent so as not to distract him. Her claws dug into the ground and she trembled, wanting to protect him. She growled as she saw the Leshen reappear behind the stallion.
She started to speak when a row of flame lanced behind him, striking the Leshen.

The Ancient Leshen cried out and vanished once more. Oblivion was silent as he used Aard to extinguish the flames. He was still as he listened. He heard nothing as he cast his eyes around him. The sounds given off by the Leshen was gone.
“Leshens don’t run.” He thought to himself. “They attack till they can’t anymore.” The black stallion waited for several minutes before he allowed himself to move out of his stance.


“You can come out.”He said to her and waited for the cat to reach him.

“Next time, you will not be stuffing me into a hole.” She started.

“Silence.” She went quiet at his tone. “Come on. It’s gone.”

“A Portal?”

“No. It left. Which is odd for a Leshen.”

“What do you mean? It was losing the fight.”

“That may be, but a Leshen does not flee anything. I’m an invader in its territory.” He explained.


Oblivion led her back to the village, stopping occasionally to listen for the monster. They reached the village and found Quiver waiting for them.

“You’re alive?” Quiver said aloud as they approached.

“Yes. We are.” Oblivion said to him as he walked over to the chariot. Silver walked up to them.

“We got your tent ready, sir.”

Oblivion looked over at the taller of the tents and nodded. “Thank you.”

“Of course, sir.” The Pegasus gave a nod of his head and walked back to the others.

“Incoming.” Sasa warned him.He turned and was confronted with Quick Shot.

The black stallion waited as he stopped in front of him. “You placed one of us in danger. He barely made it back to the village.”

“Barely? I sent him back at the first sound of the Leshen. It took another 3 minutes for it to reach me. He was in no danger of being attacked.”

“He’s right. I didn’t even see it.” Quiver said as he walked up to them. “He sent me back to protect me.”

Sasa growled at the mayor as he looked from Quiver to Oblivion. “That pony was in no danger or I wouldn’t have taken him with me. Otherwise, I would have left him here and searched alone.”

The mayor leaned back as Oblivion raised to his full height. “Did you gather the ponies that have seen the monster?”

The mayor looked away from him. Oblivion growled in aggravation. “Very well, I will ask them myself since you have proven incompetent in the task.” He snarled.

Sasa cringed and watched as the stallion walked past them. “He’s tired and getting cranky. He’s more stressed about the Leshen than he lets on.” She thought to herself.

“Easy Chosen. Those ponies are already scared.”

He stopped in front of them and breathed before he spoke. “Thank you for still being out here. I need to know if any of you have seen the creature that reported it. If you have would you be willing to stay and speak with me for a time? The more information I have on this creature the easier ridding you of it will be.”

Several hooves went up at the mention of him getting rid of the Leshen. Sasa came over and sat beside him. She saw the look from several of the ponies and laid down at his side. Several ponies came over and sat down a few feet from him.
Most were mares and a couple of stallions waited for him to speak further.

“Thank you for your time.” He began. “Quiver has already told me what he has seen. How many of you have seen the Leshen before 2 weeks ago?” No pony raised a hoof. “Okay since 2 weeks ago?” All of them raised their hooves and waited for him to speak further. “Thank you. And since?” No hooves were raised.

“It was forbidden for a reason.” One mare said to him.

“True enough. Leshen is a hoof-full no matter who you are. Now I apologize but I must ask this. Why was Bright Fire in the forest after it had been forbidden?”

Several mares looked to him. “I heard him arguing with Peony.” A chocolate brown mare piped up.


“I’m not sure what about. But Bright Fire stormed out after a good hour. We found him the next morning.” She said to him.

Oblivion was quiet for a moment. “I understand. So he went to the forest to calm down?”

“No.” A mare in the back spoke up.

Oblivion looked over them and saw the mare and waited for her to continue. “There’s a patch of flowers that Peony likes.
He asked about them. I mentioned that the monster was still around. He said that Peony angry was worse than the monster. He mentioned that he knew how to hide from it.”

“If he had been in the right place then maybe he could have hidden. But his location seems to be far from where the totem is.” Oblivion went quiet as he considered. “So he went to the forest to get flowers for his wife to make up with her?”

The mares nodded. The chocolate brown mare looked to him once more. “How long before the monster is gone?”

Oblivion looked to her. “Depends. This one is not acting like a normal Leshen. Normally a Leshen will not run from the fight due to them being very territorial. So this one fled the fight with me before I could finish it off.” He responded to her. “Just means that I will have to track it.”

“How can you track it?” Quiver asked as he sat down with the other ponies.

“There are a few ways to hunt a Leshen. They can be tracked due to them leaving marks on trees and rocks, more territory marking. Or I can destroy their totems and bring them to me. Destroying the totem is the fastest way but I want to find the others and use the one that is farthest from the village to avoid any issues.”

The ponies nodded in understanding. Quiver raised a hoof and waited for the black unicorn to look to him. “You said that you knew why it never attacked me?”

“Yes. Your hiding place is directly under one of the totems. Attacking you would have destroyed the totem. Leshen are not stupid. They are not as intelligent as others, but they do have the ability to reason.” He explained.

One mare looked to Quiver. “You hid from it?” The stallion nodded. “Why didn’t you tell everyone where to hide?”

Oblivion flicked his ears. “Since no one was allowed to go into the forest what point is there in telling you?”

“We could still have used it then. We use the forest to survive.” A gray mare said, her voice tense and her jaw stiff.

Quiver hunched down. “The spot is really small. Bright Fire barely fit in it.”

“He knew?”

“By accident. He came in to get me and bring me back to the village. I saw it coming and pulled him in so it wouldn’t see him.” He replied.

The mare stood and advanced on the timid pony. Oblivion put a shield in front of him and growled at the group. “Blaming a pony will not bring the dead back to life.” The group looked at him. “All we can do now is keep going forward and remove the threat to the village. We can avoid further death by continuing to look ahead.”

The ponies nodded and the shield dropped when the mare walked back to her original place. Oblivion continued to ask questions until the sun began to set. He thanked them for their help and went over to join his guards as they chatted. He sat down and listened to them as they spoke about training and finally getting away from the palace. The small fire cast their shadows and the flames danced in their pit.

“So, Oblivion.” Silver addressed him after a few minutes. “Shining Armor said you were a Witcher. What is that?”

“A Witcher is basically a monster hunter. We are trained to fight monsters and protect ponies. Or sometimes it’s vice versa.”

“So that’s why the Princesses called on you for this job?” One of the bat ponies asked him.

Oblivion nodded.“I have been trained to fight and protect ponies.” He informed them. ‘Even if they are coming from my world.’

Silver was quiet for a moment. “So what does a Leshen look like? So we know what to avoid.”

“If you see it then I advise flying. Running is useless since they can put roots through you on the ground.” Oblivion advised before explaining. “A Leshen can stand between 6-10 feet tall without the rack of horns. The horns come from their head being the skull of a deer. They are bipedal, so their arms usually reach down past their waist and hips. They end in claws that are as long as my foreleg. They typically wear a long cloth around their waist that is held in place with ropes and decorated with small skulls. They can control wolves and call on them to help them in battle. They can be covered in moss and will wear the bones of smaller creatures on their arms and calves.” He stopped at the horrified looks from the ponies. “You asked.”

Silver shook his head and gave a nervous chuckle. “Yeah, I did. Well, I think I can speak for all of us when I say that this monster is all yours.”

Oblivion nodded in agreement. “As I said you all are not here to fight with me. Leave the monsters to me. Its what I’m designed for.”

“Designed?” Another bat pony asked.

“A Witcher is trained from a very young age and we are meant to fight monsters. Its what we do.” Oblivion had to stop the grimace when he slipped up. ‘The less they know the better.’

“What are the other one names?” Sasa asked him.

Oblivion closed his eyes as he thought it over and realized he had no idea. “You’ll have to forgive my manners. I don’t know the names of the rest of you.” He said as he looked to the 3 other ponies.

They startled and then laughed. “Oh damn. I forgot.” The other Pegasus said as the others laughed. “Cloud Striker, sir.”
His coat was a very pale blue with a deep brown mane and tail. A cloud with a lightning bolt through it was on his rump.

One of the bat ponies leaned forward. “I’m Vantage Point. I go by Vantage.” His marking was a series of 3 targets. He had a deep blue coat. His mane and tail were a couple of shades lighter.

“I’m Cross hairs. Just Cross is fine.” The other was not as loud as the other winged ponies and was nearly drowned out by the others. His coat was light blue with a black mane and tail with a crosshair for a marking.

“Nice to meet all of you. I‘m Oblivion Shadow and she is Sasa.” He said and waved a hoof at the cat at his side.

She rumbled a greeting to the ponies, who smiled. “They seem like a nice group.” She said to him as she laid quiet.

“They are soon going to be very bored.” He replied. He tuned out the chattering of the ponies and listened to the forest beside them. There was no sign of the Leshen that he had fought earlier. He went over the strategies that he knew of the creatures and then what was known to him about their behavior. The Leshen fleeing the fight was not normal and disturbed him a bit. He jumped when Sasa nudged his shoulder and he looked to her.

“Sorry Oblivion, but can I ask ya something about the monster?” Silver said to him.

“You weren’t listening, were you?” Sasa teased.

“Sorry about that. I wasn’t listening and missed what you said.” He said to them.

Silver looked to the others. “How dangerous is this thing?”

“The Leshen?” They nodded. “It’s an Ancient Leshen. Ponies speak of them in legends and stories and those that do meet them are often never seen again. Some druids that I know view them as a protective force.”

“Druid?” Point asked, interested.

“A Druid is a pony that has gained mastery of the elements and can tame and bring beasts to their side.” He stopped as he thought back to what he had read on the Leshen, then repeated it to the assembled ponies and cat. “At the heart of the forest lies a secret. In a place born of darkness and primeval nature, resides a mighty and terrifying guardian. Immune to steel, it is believed the Leshen is nature’s way of protecting the forest and the animals that live within it from the threat ponies started to pose upon their ravaging expansion deeper into the lands.” He stopped as they stared at him. “That is how some books describe them. While that could be true, I have never seen a forest die without a Leshen.”

Cloud shifted and looked at the black pony. “You have fought these before?”

“A few times, yes. Some ponies find ways to live with them so I’m am not called upon to help them. Only when they kill do I get a call about them.” He replied. “But to answer your question Silver. It’s a very dangerous type. Ancients have several hundred years under their belts so they can use strategies, so the fights are usually very long and just as difficult.”

Silver grimaced. “Will you be okay?”

Sasa looked to Oblivion as he responded. “I can’t promise I will come out of it unscathed. This Leshen is already acting out of character for its kind.”

“How so?” Cross piped up.

“Leshen are very territorial. If you enter their territory they will come after you if they notice you. Sometimes you can get away with hiding, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. This one started a fight with me then fled. That is far out of normal. They do not retreat if an invader has been found in their territory. Even their kind are targeted.”

“So they don’t work in groups?”

Oblivion shook his head. “Never. The fact that this one fled a battle with me is concerning.”

“So you aren’t sure how to fight it?” Silver asked.

“Oh no. I know how to fight one. Just because it acts out of the normal does not mean its weaknesses have changed. I just need to watch it for anything else and adjust to it.”

Vantage was quiet before he spoke. “If you need help, please call us. We might not know anything about them, but we are here to support you.”

“I understand that. I appreciate the concern.” He said to them.

The ponies quieted and started to go to their own tents for the night. Silver set up the fire to keep going for a while.
Oblivion nodded to him and assured the Pegasus he would put it out before he turned in. Oblivion stayed up and waited till they were in their tents before he pulled his silver blade free of the scabbard and summoned his saddle bags. He pulled out his Relict oil and layered it on the blade. The brownish liquid flowed over the weapon as he slowly used a cloth to coat the weapon. He rubbed the oil into the weapon, holding it in the claws of his right hoof.

“What is that?” Sasa asked him.

“Relict oil.”

“And that does...what?”

“It is poison to a Leshen.”

“You’re concerned about this one.”

“It’s acting out of the ordinary. While I do not expect them to all be the same it’s concerning when they stray this far from the normal behavior.”

“Plus, you don’t like them already.”

“True enough.” He stopped rubbing the oil on the weapon and looked to the scar on his back. “Last encounter did not work in my favor.”

“That’s true, but this time you are more than ready for it. Last time there were two of them and you got caught in the middle.” She pointed out to him. “So when you go against this one, how can I help?”

Oblivion went back to tending to the blade as he considered. “If it summons wolves I will leave them to you. Those create an issue when fighting them.”

“Understood. So you will be looking for the totems and finding the one that is farthest away from the village?”

“Yes. I may have you stay at the nearest one and when I find the next one have you destroy it and then join me at the next one, while I find the third. By destroying them all the Leshen will be drawn to the last one when it is destroyed. That way it is the farthest away.”

“So I break the first one, then the second and you break the third?”

“Exactly.” He went quiet as he continued to tend to the blade.

An hour ticked by as Oblivion continued to layer the Relict oil onto the blade. Using as little of it as possible for the time being. His ears flicked to the tents and he sheathed his claws as Silver came outside. The pony seemed shocked to see the black pony still awake. He came back and sat down by him and tossed a few sticks onto the fire.

Sasa sat up and walked over to him. She nosed his neck and gave him a gentle nuzzle. He smiled and stroked the cat’s soft fur. Oblivion could see the pony was tense and seemed upset.

“Something on your mind, Silver?” He asked.

The pony jumped and stilled as he let his hooves fall away from Sasa’s fur. “Am I that obvious?”

“Only to a Witcher.”

“A Witcher can read ponies pretty easily then?”

“It’s part of what we are,” Oblivion replied, still focusing on the blade.

Silver was quiet as Sasa made her way back to Oblivion’s side. “That’s quite the sword.”

“Silver is harmful to monsters.”

“And that glow?”

“Hmm. Silver gives off its own glow at times. This blade has 3 runes buried in it. That’s where the color comes from.”


“They are stones that give the blade an effect. For example, this one has 3 greater runes within it. One is a Zoria or Greater freezing. That causes the blue in the blade. Then it has Chernobog for added attack strength and the final one is Veles which strengthens my Signs. A type of magic that does not use my horn. They are a skill, not magic.” He explained.

Silver stared at it and then to its wielder. The pony looked away and to the ground once more.

“Silver?” Oblivion said to him, his voice raised slightly.

“I can’t sleep. I keep thinking about what you said about this monster.”

“Oh?” Oblivion stopped rubbing in the oil and looked to the pony. “You don’t need to worry about it. You will not be facing it.”

“I know that.” Silver snapped at him, interrupting him then he paused as he realized his tone. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to snap. You’re our superior so snapping at you is out of line.”

“You’re superior?” Oblivion looked at him.

“Yes. According to the Captain, you’re the equivalent of his rank.”

The black stallion stared at him. “Really? Whose idea was that?”

“Princess Luna and Princess Celestia. Captain Armor agreed. Your combat ability alone gave you the rank. Besting Princess Luna in combat helped.”

Sasa chuckled and put a paw over her nose. Oblivion shook his head. “I suppose arguing with you about it will prove ineffective?”

“Yes, sir.”

“You don’t need to call me sir. It is fine to use my name.” Silver looked to him with a thin smile then away from him again.

Silver was quiet. “I volunteered for this post, but I want to be useful as well. I know that we can’t fight monsters since we aren’t trained for it. But, there has to be something we can do.”

“Throw him a bone, Chosen.” Sasa advised.


“Give him a task. He is a soldier they need something to do.”

“Well, gathering information would save me time. I’m taller than most ponies so I appear intimidating. The swords across my back don't help with that. The ponies might be more willing to talk if some pony similar to themselves is asking the questions.” He reasoned. “Leaves more time for me to track the monster and gather the information that way. I’m better suited to track than I am to questioning.”

“You seemed to do okay earlier.” Silver pointed out.

Sasa snorted and the stallion grimaced for a moment before his normal expression set back in. “Not particularly. Witcher's are a bit low on the emotional scale. Our emotions are limited, so feeling empathy and what not is more difficult for my kind.”

“Oh. So saying you feel their pain…?”

“Would be a blatant lie,” Oblivion said to him.

“Oh.” Silver went quiet as he considered. “Well, if it’s something we can do to help, then we should. I don’t like sitting and doing nothing.” Oblivion started rubbing the oil in the blade once more as Silver watched. “What is that stuff?”

“Relict oil. It's poison to a Leshen and others like them.” He answered.

Silver leaned closer to the blade and watched as the blade seemed to soak in the oil and hold it. The brownish liquid didn’t discolor the weapon if anything it glowed brighter.

“Where do you get a blade like that?”

“I had it crafted before I came here. It was made by a Master Swords pony in Toussaint. He was the only one able to make a weapon capable of handling the monsters in that area. I had a few contracts to complete so waiting for it to be finished was not that bad.” He admitted. “I was using an older blade at the time.”

“You have more than one?”

“Of course. You have more than one suit of armor, correct?”

“Good point.” Silver admitted to the other stallion. “So how long did it take?”

Oblivion stopped and thought back to the timeline. “About a month, I believe.”

“A month!" He exclaimed. “For the one blade?”

“Yes. He had already made a steel version for me. I sent the crowns ahead along with a request so that one would be ready when I arrived.”

Silver stared at him, then glanced to the blade still on his back, in its scabbard. Sasa nudged the black pony. “Show him the other one. He can hold that one right?”

Oblivion gave a short sigh and his magic pulled the steel from its scabbard. “You can look more closely at this one if you would like.” Oblivion held the blade close to him and the orange pony nearly grabbed at the weapon but managed to hold back as he reached slowly for it. A layer of azure flame stayed on it for a moment, suppressing the runes.

“It’s beautiful. It’s not as bright as the silver, but it’s stunning.” Silver admitted as he held the weapon carefully in his hooves. “This one has runes as well?”


“Which ones?”

Oblivion glanced up at the questioning pony, then back down to the silver blade. “Dazhbog, Morana, Devana.” He said aloud and then looked up and at Silver’s befuddled expression. “Dazhbog is a Greater burning rune, adds fire to attacks. Morana is poison, does exactly what it sounds like. The last is Devana if it strikes, it makes the wounds worse. “

“Ouch. None of those sounds pleasant.”

“Not supposed to be.”

Silver chuckled at the frank response from The Witcher. “You know, I’ve met you before.”

“Oh?” Oblivion didn’t look up at the statement.

“Yeah, when you came to spar with Princess Luna.” That caught Oblivion’s attention and he glanced up once more, prompting the orange pony to continue. “I watched the match in the courtyard. All I could think was how out of my league both of you were. It was like watching a dance that I couldn’t master no matter how much I worked. I wanted to be mad about it but you were both working so hard that I knew it was from a lot of time and practice for you two to be as good as you were.”

Oblivion chuckled. “True enough. Both of us have been working at the art for a long time. Even now I still find ways to improve and work on it. If I slacked off my instructors would beat me even from the grave.” Oblivion commented, earning a laugh from Silver.

“But I watched the fight. When you slapped the Princess I had to hold my muzzle to not laugh. The Drill pony was furious.
He was still mad even after you both left. But I saw you again later that night. Granted it was a brief meeting.”

“How so?”

“You were chasing a pony and we got in the way. Me and two others.” Oblivion looked up and stopped tending the blade to listen. Silver chuckled at the memory. “You came around a corner and we were in the way. We ordered you to stop and you jumped over us, after yelling for us to move.”

“I remember that. I was after the pony that had come into my room.”

“Ah, so that was why. You jumped us and left us all gaping as you went around the corner. What was wrong with your eyes, now that I think of it?”

Oblivion looked at him, then nodded in understanding. He narrowed his vision and Silver gasped as the orange color narrowed and only the slit irises remained. “I can narrow my vision to track monsters and it allows me to see tracks that might otherwise be hidden. It’s natural for me.” He replied and allowed his vision to return to normal.

“That’s pretty cool. Anyway. So we gave chase but didn’t find you. We heard a crash and ran up to it to find the door kicked off the hinges and you standing in there with those 3 mares. I knew that if you chose to turn and fight we were gonna get our tails kicked, badly. But instead, you vanished. There was no teleport, you simply vanished. I went back the other way and was nearly ran over by Princess Luna. So I followed her and found you had never left the room and now had one of the mares held in your aura. Princess Luna was furious.”

“I remember that. So you were one of the guards. I apologize for my behavior that night. I was quite...annoyed by that mare’s audaciousness.”

“Second Sight is a really good clerk, but she gets ideas that she can do much more. She has some talent with magic but not enough to do much more than what you saw.” He explained. “How did you burn her anyway?”

“Igni.” He said and looked back to the Silver blade. “It’s one of the Signs that I mentioned. Basically, it gives a Witcher the ability to toss gout of flame. I can either create a stream with it or a wave. I used a wave of it when I felt her in the room.”

“Ouch.” Silver cringed as he listened. “Well, I was surprised when the Captain asked if any of us wanted to accompany you on a mission to investigate strange creatures. I admit I was hoping to be able to talk with you and maybe ask about your sword work. But I find myself simply wanting to be useful instead.”

“And I have mentioned how you can be of help. I will not lie and tell you that you will be running into battle at my side.
Since that would be an egregious lie. By gathering the information that I need we can cut down on the time it takes to rid the area of the monsters. Since information gathering is not my strong suit, I can focus on what I am good at.”

Silver nodded. “Thank you for that. I’m gonna go back to sleep. You should get some sleep as well.”

“I will. Good night, Silver.” The pony extended his hooves to give the steel blade back to its owner and watched as it went back into the scabbard on Oblivion’s back.


The pony went back to his tent and closed the front of it. Oblivion's ears flicked as he listened around him. He put the cloth away and placed the remainder of the oil back into his saddle bag. His magic picked up the blade and he sent a gout of fire down the blade to burn the oil into the blade. After it cooled he slid it into the scabbard and slowly got to his hooves. The stallion rolled his shoulders and shook himself free of any stiffness. He kicked dirt onto the fire and made sure it was completely out before he left it. Sasa stood with him and walked to the tent that was his. She pulled back the opened and the stallion walked inside. Several blankets were layered on top of one another to make it more comfortable with a thick pillow at the top. Oblivion used his magic to turn it around, so he could see the door at all times. Sasa walked over to it and waited as he set his swords on the ground beside him and he folded his legs under him as he laid down.

“Good night, Chosen.”

“Night, Sasa.”

26: Discovery...

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Oblivion woke up and his ears flicked in various directions before he opened his eyes. Beside him, Sasa still slept. He slowly stood up and walked out of the tent and stretched outside, under their illusion, his wings stretched and extended their full length. His swords appeared on his back and he moved his shoulder blades to get them into the right position. Silver and Striker were both awake and appeared to be practicing. He walked slowly up to them and watched. He watched their hoof work and shook his head.

“Freeze.” He barked out. Both stallions froze in place as the Unicorn stallion walked up to them. “Are you trying to kill or annoy each other to death?”

They both stayed still as he reached out a hoof and shifted Striker’s right hind outward and then shifted the pony’s upper body to match. He pushed Silver’s hip until it was in line with his shoulder and then backed up.

“Now strike.” He ordered and waited.

“Ouch!” Silver yelped as Striker’s practice blade slapped him across the hooves. He dropped his sword and held his hooves to his chest, pain lancing through them.

“Don’t stop,” Oblivion ordered and Striker leaped forward, chasing the ailing stallion, a grin went over his muzzle as Silver yelped and fled.

“Better.” Oblivion said as he watched. “Disarming your opponent is the easiest way to win a fight. If they don’t have a blade it is easier for you to take them on. Do not rely solely on the sword in your hooves, though.” He walked up and picked up Silver's practice blade. “Watch.”

He held it in his hoof and spun it over his hoof and changed his stance for the shorter stallion. “Now.” He ordered and Striker went after him. He tried to strike Oblivion’s hooves but the black stallion dropped the weapon and socked the other pony, sending him rolling backward. Oblivion spun on his right hind leg, lowered his body, grabbed the blade from the ground, and Striker looked up as the weapon tapped his throat. Oblivion leaned back and his magic gave the blade back to Silver.

“Just because this is practice does not mean that you stop. Your opponent is not going to stop when you drop your blade or yelp in pain. They will kill. Remember that and do what must be done to win. The blade is an extension of you. When I hold one of mine it is not a sword. It is attached to me and is simply an extension.” The two stallions listened intently to the black stallion. “I have been doing sword work for a very long time. My instructors trained me to not need to the blade. For example, sock you in the nose. Hitting a pony in the nose will always make their eyes water. That blurs their vision and makes them easy to attack.”

“That’s true. My eyes are still watering.” Striker replied as he held his nose.

“So you could tell that our stance was wrong just with a glance?” Silver asked.

“Yes. I have trained ponies before. It was either fix it now or wait till I saw your names on a tombstone.”

Both stallions cringed at the example. “Thankfully Equestria is pretty peaceful.” Striker pointed out.

“Is that a good reason to be complacent?”

Both stallions sat there, looked to each other, and then wisely, shook their heads. “Why don’t you train ponies now?”

“You just saw the kind version of my training tactics. Normally, I would have beat you both like a drum, then expected you to get up and redo.” Both cringed. “My training tactics are meant to train Witcher's, not guards. A Witcher is a killer by trade. It’s what we do. Whether it is monsters or ponies that is our fate.”

Both looked shocked but waited for him to say more. The stallion opened his mouth then shut it as his head tilted, his ears flicked toward the forest as he listened. Both guards were silent as they waited for him to relax. Muscle trembled under his fur and his silver blade was halfway out of its scabbard, his ears picked up on the sound more clearly and the silver went back to its sheath as the steel began to pull out of its own. He listened, then he relaxed and let it go back into its sheath.

“Sir?” Striker asked, his voice quiet.

“It’s nothing,” Oblivion said to him.

“Seemed like something.” Silver said to him.

“It’s gone now.”

“The Leshen?”

“No. That’s why I was listening. If a Leshen approached I would have told you to get into the air immediately. Leshen tend to stay in the forests they use as their territory. This was no Leshen.”

“What was it?”

“Honestly, it sounded like a pony.”

“But the villagers stay out of the forest. Right?” Striker said as he stood up.

“Yes. This was not a villager. They are cautious as they move. This being was not.”

“Any ideas?” Striker asked him.

“A few, but none that I will mention at the moment,” Oblivion said to them.

Silver stood up and looked to the Black Unicorn. “If we practice more, will you keep helping?”

“No.” Oblivion gave a flat reply and moved to the edge of the forest.

“Are you alright, Chosen?” Sasa asked, as she walked out of the tent and trotted up the stallion.

“I’m fine.”

“More than I can say for Silver and Striker. Did you beat them up for fun?”

“Hardly. Their stances were atrocious.”

She chuckled and nuzzled his shoulder. She sat down and waited for him to move. “So what is it?”

“I heard what sounded like a pony in the forest.”

“The villagers are to scar...”

“Wasn’t one of them.” He interrupted the saber cat.

She looked from him to the forest, surprise lancing through her. “Who would be crazy enough?”

“I’m not sure. But I intend to find out.” He looked over his shoulder to Cloud and Silver, who were assessing their bruises and stepped back. “Striker.”


“I want you in the air. Look for anything that could be out of place in a forest. Stay within 5 miles of the village. Do not exhaust yourself. If you see anything, I want it logged and then come back to report it. Do not attack it. Is that clear?”

“Crystal, sir.”

“Good. You may approach it so long as it remains unaware of your presence. It sees you, you WILL flee. How long can you fly in that armor?”

“I can fly for half a day fully armored, sir.” Striker responded and saluted.

“Good, I want you in that armor, now.” He commanded and the pony took off for his tent.

Sasa sat at his side. “Sasa.”


“You’re on the ground. If you see anything out of place, pony or Leshen you call on me. The Leshen I am not as worried about as the possibility of a pony in there.”

“Understood.” She said and nuzzled him before she ran into the forest.



“You’re in the village. I need you to make sure that there is not something that is being hidden from us. You’re the most approachable of the group of us. They have seen you before so you’re the least likely to be completely ignored. The other two, Cross and Vantage, why are they not up as well?”

“Their breed is a Thestral pony. They're more nocturnal. That’s why they are in the Lunar Guard.” He replied.

“Ahh, that makes sense. Bat type.” Oblivion tapped his hoof as he thought. “Okay, they will watch over at night. All right, you’re in the village. I will monitor the forest from the edges. I might range away from the village. Stay aware. If needed come find me should anything come up, I’ll be pacing the outskirts of the forest. If I have to, I’ll bring Sasa back and have her stay with you. She can reach out to me if needed.”

“What do you mean, sir?”

“She is connected to me through my Element of Harmony. Because of it, she is linked to my mind and me to hers.”

“Oh. So she can talk to you?”


“Understood. Should I be in armor?”

“No. We need them to talk to you. If you go in armored, they are less likely to approach you. The armor is a sign of authority and can be frightening to ponies.” He replied. “Which is why I am not wearing mine.”

“Understood, sir.”

Oblivion looked to the fiery orange pony, who awaited instructions. “Go.”

He pony saluted and took off into the village, which was just waking up. He stayed in place as his ears swiveled on his skull. He didn’t hear the sound of hooves within the forest. The Witcher could sense Sasa moving through the trees. He snorted and flicked his tail, striking his flanks as it moved. He danced on his hooves and broke into a controlled lope and stayed at the edges of the forest as he moved. He stopped as a scroll appeared in his magic. His magic held it and opened it for him to read.


Apple Bloom is pretty upset that you’re not here. Can you send her a letter? That way she has something of yours to make her feel better?


Oblivion growled and sent the letter to his saddlebags. ‘I will send her a letter when I have time. Right now this needs to be addressed.’ He thought to himself and resumed his run. The stallion was quiet as his hooves took him along the edge of the forest. He stopped after over an hour and halted.




“Give it time, Chosen. I had a scent but I lost it. When I have anything more I will call you.” She replied and he felt her moving away from him.

The stallion danced on his hooves and started back the way he had come. No other sounds caught his attention as he loped in silence. His hooves made no sound as he loped forward. The Black Unicorn was quiet as he moved, his mind going over the possibilities and finding that nothing explained the sounds from before. A pony in that forest made enough noise to catch his attention and then vanish. A portal made noise, which left a teleport. But his medallion would have caught the magic used by a teleport.

Even Twilight’s magic made his medallion tremble when she used a teleport. He slid to a stop as his ears perked and he waited. A sound caught his ears and he focused on it. He closed his eyes and focused on his ears. They moved slowly as they followed the noise. The black stallion reached out to Sasa and found her to be close to the sound. She was tracking it. He stayed silent, not reaching out to her and distracting her.

Time ticked by him as he waited for any signal from the feline or the ponies under his command.



“Come to me.”

His head raised and his horn lit as he teleported to the she-cat. He looked at her and she pointed to the ground in front of her. A burn mark was on the ground. The marking was old and had been there for several weeks. He looked to it and then brought his head up. “It’s a portal. This is a similar size to the portals that I have seen before.” He said to her. She sat down and waited for him to continue. “This is the spot that the Leshen first arrived. What makes no sense is how it’s still here. Usually, they reappear and take them back.”

Sasa nodded then walked away from him. “Over here.”

The stallion trotted to her and saw a portal burn, though smaller than the other one. “Odd. This one is smaller.” He muttered to himself and his vision narrowed as he analyzed the ground. Even though time had passed tracks could remain if they were not tampered with. Hoofprints showed in the ground, though they were barely visible.


Sasa waited as he began to follow the faint trail. The tracks stood out enough for him to track and stay on its trail. Sasa followed him and waited as he focused. The stallion tracked for over an hour and then stopped. His ears flicked as a whistling sound caught his attention. His vision was still narrowed as he listened.

“Chosen, duck!” Sasa yelled at him and collided with his flank.

The Unicorn fell to the ground and looked up as a bolt of ice went through the air above him. He lunged to his hooves and began to scan the area around him. The sound of hooves on leaves caught his attention, he lunged forward to chase it. He cleared a fallen tree and kept running. The sound was close to him as he chased it down. He lengthened his stride and started to gain on the pony in front of him. He caught a glimpse of a pinto pony as it ran ahead of him. A heavy cloak flowed behind the pony as the stallion began to catch up. He lengthened his body as he tried to grab the long cloak. A pair of brilliant green eyes looked back to him and the pony winked at him, causing him to pull his head back.

A wall of ice erupted from the ground behind the pony. Oblivion dug his claws in and tried to turn to the side. His momentum had him crashing into the ice wall and then through it. His body screamed as small shards of ice tore at him and he was flung head over hooves. He landed violently on the ground while shards of ice fell around and onto him. He faintly heard Sasa crying out to him, as his ears rang and his head spun. He closed his eyes as he lay still.

Sasa cried out as she saw Oblivion crash into the ice wall and screamed as he went through it. She could feel the pain that was going through him. She reached him and called his name. She got no response to her pleas.

“Chosen!” She cried out, trying to get him to focus on her voice. She could sense that he was losing consciousness. “No, stay with me.”

She pushed against him, trying to get through to him. She stood up and looked back to the remains of the wall. It was over a foot thick. “That’s why it hurts so much.” She panted. “Oh. You can be mad about this later.” She said to him and jumped to land in front of him. The feline laid down and put her forehead against his and focused on his connection to her. She reached out to him and began to pull the pain from him and put it on herself. She panted against him as pain assaulted her. She kept pulling from him until she could feel him coming around. “Chosen?”

Oblivion’s eyes opened as Sasa spoke to him. He groaned as his body lay still. He could feel the pain ebbing and he looked up to find Sasa with her eyes closed and her forehead against him. Understanding hit him and he pulled away from her, stopping her from pulling more from him.

“Sasa. Why did you...?”

“You can be mad later.” She panted to him. “But for now...Please...Tell me you’re okay?” Her voice was broken and halting.

His ears pinned when he realized that her voice was not that way due to pain. She was crying. She stood up and staggered into him. Her paws wrapped around his neck and she nuzzled him, frantically.

He sighed and raised a hoof to stroke her fur, but stopped with a grimace. He looked to his right hoof and found that he had snapped off two of his claws at the second joint. When he had tried to stop he had dug them in and they had torn under the impact. He set his hoof back down and raised the left. His fetlock hurt a bit, but his claws were intact. The Alicorn looked to the ice wall and cringed at the sight of it. Sasa cried against him.

“I’m okay. Easy girl.” He said to her and used his left hoof to pet her fur. She slowly calmed and released him from her paws. “It’s not like you to panic like that.”

“You could have snapped your neck or your back. Even on you, that would have left you’re crippled, in a forest, with a Leshen.” She pointed out.

He closed his eyes as the truth of her statement struck him. “That is a very good point.”

He slowly got to his hooves, ice shards falling from him. Several large shards were embedded in his skin but they would melt in time. He growled under his breath as he set his right hoof down. Blood flowed slowly from the wounds as he looked around them.

“Damn.” He muttered.

Sasa sniffled beside him and rubbed her head against his chest. His skin trembled as the shards began to liquefy due to the warmth of his blood and body. “It was a mare, a Unicorn mare.”

Sasa looked at him. “I can honestly say that right now, I do not care. Come we need to get back to the others and get your wounds tended.” She gave him a solid push and he had to work to stay standing.

He relented to the shoving feline and began to limp back to the village. He started to light his horn but chose not to. The last thing he needed was to show up in the middle of the village bloody. He stopped next to the ice wall and watched as it began to melt as well.

“That was terrifying, Chosen.” Sasa commented through the pain that she had taken from him.

“I did try to stop.” He added to her.

“I know. And you tore out a couple of claws doing it. But I think if you had hit it harder, you would have been unconscious before hitting the ground.”

“I agree. Was a hell of a spell. I didn’t even have enough time to counter it.” He replied to her. “She looked back and winked at me as I got close to her, next thing I see is a wall of pure ice.”

“The cheek!” Sasa replied, her voice indignant.

“I was not particularly impressed either,” Oblivion added as he began walking back to camp. Time passed them as they walked back.

“Oblivion, sir!”

Oblivion looked up as Striker descended to land in front of him. The pony panted as he caught his breath. “Sir, I wanted to…What happened?”

“There was a pony in the forest that is not from the village. Sasa and I went after her.” He explained.

“And she beat you up, sir?” Cloud asked.

“No. The ice wall she conjured did. I nearly ran her down when she created a foot thick ice wall.”

“Ouch.” Striker cringed and looked over the pony in front of him. “Hell of a wall, sir.”

“Yes. Was quite the spell. I was too close behind her to react. So I ended up running into it and then crashing through it.”

“That explains the cuts.” Striker replied.

“True. So we are walking back to camp.”

“Why not teleport?”

“I did not want to arrive in the village bloody. That might make them panic further.”

“Good point. The Thestral ponies are up and moving, sir.”

“Good. So what were you needing to tell me?”

Striker cringed. “I found a shattered ice wall...sir.” He muttered and looked away from the black stallion.

Sasa chuckled and leaned against Oblivion. “Well, least I know you were looking.”

Striker cringed and nodded. “Didn’t see any sign of the Leshen or anything else, sir. I’ll head back and have Cross ready a first aid kit.”


“Yeah, he’s the medically trained pony of us. We always make sure to send one medical trained pony on any excursion.” He explained.

“I’ll meet you there in a bit.”

“Don’t rush it, sir.” The pony took off and started for the camp.

Sasa chuckled again as Oblivion started walking once more. The cat stayed at his side. “How are you doing Chosen?”

“I’ll live. I’m more concerned about my claws.”

“They will grow back. It might take a bit and you won’t be able to use the other claws on that hoof though.” She admitted.

“Lovely.” He commented.

He limped on the still bleeding hoof and had to keep it lifted to jump down any inclines. He nearly fell on a couple of them and had to take them slowly to avoid falling onto his face. He finally reached the camp and even he had to admit that he was tiring. Soon as he reached camp Cross descended on him and ushered him into his tent to be treated. A light turned on when they entered, turning on when the pony touched it. The Thestral waited till he laid down before he started to treat his injuries. Sasa laid down behind him and was silent. Cross cleaned and bandaged his chest and shoulder as they had multiple puncture wounds in them. He looked down to the right hoof and reached for it.

“You’re going to be surprised by what it looks like. I will warn you now.” Oblivion advised him.

The quiet pony nodded and took the bleeding limb in his hooves and stared at it as the claws showed. Oblivion didn’t try to keep them hidden. The pain in the hoof was enough to have him not keeping the intact claws hidden. The pony shook his head and pulled a small stand up to sit between them. He set the hoof on the stand and began cleaning the torn flesh of his claws. Oblivion didn’t move as he cleaned the wounds. It took more time than Oblivion thought it would to clean and tend to the torn claws.

“Are all your hooves clawed, sir?” Cross asked as he finished cleaning it and applied a salve to the wounds and began to wrap it.


“How did that happen, sir?”

“I am a Witcher and our bodies have been altered. One effect is having clawed hooves.”


They went back to being silent as the Thestral continued to wrap the Unicorns hoof. Once it was finished he wrapped a sling around his body, keeping Oblivion’s right leg up by his body. He left the tent and watched as Silver came running back into camp. He glanced to the side and found Sasa laying quietly beside the dead campfire.

“Sir.” He ran up to Oblivion and slid to a stop, saluting.

As much as he wanted to stop them from calling him 'sir' he knew it was a losing battle to argue with a habit that strong. “Yes?” Silver looked him over. “I spotted a pony in the forest and gave chase. I got close to her but she conjured an ice wall and I crashed through it. Was too close to stop.”

“A mare? Bright green eyes? Heavy cloak?”

Oblivion stared for a moment, then nodded. “Yes. A pinto. Have you heard anything?”

“She’s not from around here. A couple of ponies have seen her before. She never comes to town and disappears like a ghost. They didn’t say anything about her coloring. So you got closer to her than they did. Will you be okay?”

“I’ll be fine. We need to find out about this mare. I lost track of her after hitting the ice wall.”

The orange pony nodded. The Thestral’s were quiet as they waited for any further instructions. Oblivion was silent as he stood on three good legs. Sasa still laid by the dead fire and was still. The Unicorn reached out to her.

“I’m fine, Chosen.”

“You could have...”

“No.” She replied. “You were losing consciousness. Letting you black out in that forest was not an option. There was an unknown pony and a Leshen. Not an option.”

Oblivion was quiet as he considered her reply. “That mare didn’t seem worried that I was able to catch up to her.”

“I don’t think she was. I think she knew we were there.”


“Yes. She attacked you, meaning she knew who you are, to a certain extent. She must have known why you were here as well. It’s hard not to know that a Bearer of Harmony is on his way.”

Oblivion cursed under his breath about the Element of Harmony. “That damn thing is going to get me in more trouble than I could find on my own.”

Sasa chuckled in his mind. “Perhaps. But it is also helping you to use your abilities.”

“True enough.”

A hoof tapped his shoulder and he looked to find Striker looking at him. “Sir. What do we do now?”

“Well, now we have the Thestral’s as well.” Oblivion looked over his shoulder to find all four soldiers waiting for him to speak. ‘Bloody Hells.’

Sasa laughed once more as he looked at her. He looked to the forest, then to the two Thestral. “I assume you two have enhanced vision at night?”

Cross and Vantage nodded at him. “Yes, sir.” They intoned to him.

“I want both of you in the air. Are you light armor or heavy?”

Cross was quiet. “Heavy armor, sir.”

“Then I want you up high. While the light is active I want you with Striker. Watch his back while he’s in the forest. Vantage?”

“Light armor, sir. Mine is the same design just lighter metal.”

“Good. Then I want you down low. Sasa?”

“I’m okay.”

“You’re with Vantage.”

“Vantage if you spot anything tell Sasa and she will contact me.” Oblivion gave his orders then looked to Silver who was awaiting his orders. “Silver, your back in town. Till dawn hits that is your territory. Somepony must know this mare. She can’t live in the forest and survive out there easily.”

Silver nodded and ran back to the still active town. Sasa stood up and gave Vantage a nudge into action. He ran for the tent with Cross behind him. She went to the three-legged stallion and sat by him.

“Will you be acting as back up?”

“Very funny.” He responded. “If I must act, a few busted claws won’t stop me.”

“I know.”

“Stay with Vantage. If you need to use my power then go ahead. I want you either at his side or under him.”

“Understood.” She replied. Then a chuckle escaped her. “Command suits you, Chosen.”


“It does. You understand the strengths of every pony and act accordingly. You are well versed in strategy and how to put any strength to good use.”

“Perhaps. But that does not mean I enjoy having command.” He replied to the feline at his side. “You are all right to move then?”

“Yes. I’m okay. It’s already beginning to fade to where I can ignore it. More of a dull ache.” She admitted to him.

“Good. Here comes Vantage.”

The Thestral trotted up to them and started to make a few adjustments to the armor. The breast collar of the armor was a deep purple that went back to his shoulders and ended in a couple of spines along the edge of the back of his shoulders. The saddle portion of the armor was a lighter blue with pale blue and white lines along its edges. The helm had a deep purple fin that went midway down his neck. The helm went down to guard his snout. The final piece was the set of hoof boots he slipped on as he stood by Oblivion.

“I’m ready, sir.” He stood tall and waited for further instructions.

“All right. Fly as fast as you can safely through the trees while still being able to notice anything out of place. Sasa will run under you and Cross will stay up high.” He looked up at the tent. “Cross?”

“Here, sir.” The other Thestral ran out of the tent, nearly tripping over his hooves as he approached.

“You stay up high. Just above the tree lines if possible. Keep an eye on Vantage and Sasa if you can. Do not range too far from them.”

“If we see this mare?” Vantage asked.

The black turned to the forest and paused. “She has magic at her disposal to try to avoid it if you can. Have Sasa contact me and I will help as I can.” Sasa purred to the two ponies, who smiled at the feline. “I assume you are stronger at night?”

“Yes, sir. We have higher attributes in the moonlight. Our skin can burn in the sunlight unless covered or we use a special sunblock. Don’t worry we have plenty of it.” Vantage added at the look from their commander. “We heal faster in the moonlight, our strength is greater and we are faster. But that’s only at night.”

“Understood,” Oblivion said to them. “Ready?” All three ponies and Sasa all nodded to him. “Go.”

They saluted and took off. Cross and Striker took to the air as Vantage galloped to the forest with Sasa at his side. He took to the air as they reached the forest edge. The feline ran just under him as they vanished from sight. Oblivion watched the forest edge, his ears flicked as he listened. ‘This had better not be a wild goose chase.’ The black Unicorn shifted on his three hooves and waited for any news.

Sasa ran underneath the Thestral and used her own senses to look around them. Above her Vantage scanned around them as the sun began to set. She looked above them and caught a brief glimpse of the other two ponies above the canopy. She glanced at Vantage as he scanned as well. The spectral tiger was quiet as she started to look around her, looking for anything out of the normal. Time went past them as they found nothing. Above them, she knew that Striker had left them and went back to camp. His was a pony for day use, while the Thestral’s were meant for the night.

Vantage reached down and swatted at her when he missed he flew down and pushed her to the ground. “Easy girl.” He whispered to her at her growl. “Ahead of us.”

Sasa looked past the trunk they were hiding behind as the Leshen walked into view. She shuddered at the sight of it but was silent. Beside her Vantage gulped at the appearance of the creature. She chanced a look up and watched as Cross landed on a high branch and hid among the leaves of the tree. The cat looked back and stared. The pinto mare came into sight and approached the Leshen. As she neared the monster it went still and was silent. It didn’t attack her as she approached it. She reached out and set a hoof on the monster's bark skin. Sasa huddled into the ground, unnerved at the smile that crossed the mare’s mouth.

“Don’t worry my beautiful monster. You can tear them all apart soon enough. But the black one needs to be alive. He bears one of the Elements of Harmony. I want it. Even if I can’t use it, I want to see if I can break him and then use him to control it. He may know how to fight, but he has never seen you before. No pony has.” She cooed to the monster as she rubbed her body along its legs and claws.

Sasa looked to Vantage, who looked nothing short of disgusted. “I’m gonna puke.” He whispered to her.

Sasa nodded and turned back to the scene ahead of them. The mare started speaking once more as they stayed silent.

“So when you kill them to make sure to hold the black unicorn. I hurt him earlier so holding him will be easy. I do wonder how the Element will act if I just rip out his heart and drown the Element in his blood.” She visibly shivered at the thought. “Oh, what face would he make if I did that?”

Sasa fought back a snarl as she listened. Beside her Vantage shuddered. “She’s insane.” He whispered and Sasa nodded in agreement.

“Or I wonder if I could enslave his mind? A stallion like though would make a formidable bodyguard. Not to mention he looks to have some experience with mares. A stallion that looks like that is no slouch in the bedroom.” She mumbled something to herself, a shiver going through her. “A good lover as well.”

Sasa fought back a gag as the mare thought over options of what to do with Oblivion. Vantage put a hoof over his mouth and looked away.

Sasa knew she should reach out to Oblivion and tell him what was going on, but she paused. He was injured and running on those torn claws would hurt him. The mare was a fair distance from the camp and he was safe in his current location. Even as this insane mare plotted to enslave him if she could. The feline knew that Oblivion would never fall to mind control, but that didn’t mean it couldn't hurt him.

“I want that pony alive though. If I can’t have him, then I'll kill him and take the Element. If my informant is right he has it with him. The only one that refused to let the Princess have it.” She gave a visual grimace at the mention of Celestia. “That stupid ruler has no idea what she let him keep. That gem is worth more than anything in the world. Although I will have to ask him where it is. If he did leave it back in Ponyville then this whole ruse has been for nothing.”

She swayed on her hooves and gave a dramatic huff. “Does any pony have any idea how much effort it took to bring those monsters here? No. No pony has any idea of the power and time it took. I was sure that the one death would make them send him, but no. They are just that stupid, that it took six dead ponies.” She fell to her rump and looked over her shoulder to the Leshen. “But you. Oh, my lovely slave. You were the perfect one to bring here. I had no idea what I had found when I used that teleport and you came through it.” She stood up and walked back to it. “So perfect.”

Sasa’s eyes widened. ‘She’s the cause?’ She said to herself, focusing on the mare.

Vantage looked nothing short of murderous as he watched the mare. “She did all this, to get to him?”

Sasa put her paw over his mouth as he spoke aloud. The Leshen twitched and spun to look through the forest. The mare did the same. Sasa chanced a look up at Cross and found him well hidden. Vantage cringed down as Sasa pulled her paw away from his face. A rabbit tore from the undergrowth. The Leshen lashed out, impaling the creature on the gnarled roots. The body was mangled as the roots held it. If she had not seen it, Sasa would have had to work to figure out what it had been.

The mare smiled. “How bloodthirsty you are.” She cooed to the Leshen as it stilled once more. “It’s okay. I don’t mind that you like to kill. That works for me.” She said and rubbed her body along the Leshen once more.

Sasa fought back a sigh of relief. Vantage closed his eyes and gave a soundless prayer. The feline fought back the urge to hit the stallion in the nose. He almost got them caught. A rabbit saved their tails from being maimed and having to call on Oblivion to help them. ‘Saved by a rabbit. I will never let myself live that down.’ She said to herself as the crazed mare walked away from the Leshen.

“Well, it’s time for me to get some sleep my little pet. You can kill any pony that comes into the forest. Actually, find a pony to kill in the forest. That black stud will come into your territory if a pony dies. Ponies care far too much for each other these days. But leave that little stallion alone. He made a hidey hole under that creation of yours was a lucky stroke of genius. He’s just a little thing with a lucky streak.” She said and vanished with a flash of green.

The Leshen shuddered and moved away from them, free of whatever holds the pinto had on it. The cat and Thestral's waited till it was gone then emerged from their hiding places and took off for their camp.

“Chosen!” Sasa yelled to him. She felt the stallion startle as he reached out to her.

“Where in the Hells have you been?” He asked her. “I reached out to speak with you and got no reply.”

“What do you mean?” She asked as she ran back to him, keeping pace with the Thestral's.

“I could feel you, but there was no response to my calls to you. The only reason I didn’t come after you were due to Striker and Silver convincing me not to.”

“Remind me to thank both of them. I will explain when I get back. Trust me, it will be worth it.” She bargained with the stallion.

She could sense the stallion relax as he waited for the small group. They broke through the tree line and Sasa skidded to a halt. She looked for the black unicorn. She lunged to him and wrapped her legs around his foreleg and nuzzled him.

Oblivion looked at the cat as Cross landed next to Vantage, both panting and heaving for breath. “What in the Gods name is going on?”

Vantage looked to his superior and paused, the mare's words drifted through his mind. He shivered and his stomach visibly heaved. “Pardon me, sir.” The pony ran off to the side and emptied his stomach into a bush nearby.

Cross went over and patted the others back as he heaved. The Thestral pulled himself out of the bushes and fell to his rump. He spit off to the side and blinked as a glass of water hovered beside him. Azure flame held it as he took it and washed his mouth out. He spit the mouthful of water into the bushes and downed the rest of the drink. Azure flame covered it again and it refilled, hovering by Cross. The medical pony took it and sat down as he slowly drank the water in the glass. A bowl appeared on the ground and Sasa let go with one foreleg and drank from the offered bowl, she finished then wrapped her leg around his again and nuzzled him again.

“Thank you, sir.” Vantage said to him, a weak smile on his muzzle.

“Normally I would say for you to sleep on it and then tell me. But clearly, this cannot be delayed. So spill it.”

Vantage cringed and inhaled. “We found the Leshen, sir.”

Oblivion looked about to scold him but held back. “And?”

“We didn’t fight it. I pushed Sasa into the ground and we hid behind a fallen tree. It was elevated off the ground and we could see the Leshen on the other side of it. About ten to fifteen feet away.”

“Go on.” Oblivion said as he sat down and Sasa finally released his leg, lying beside him.

“That mare showed up, the pinto.” Oblivion started and waited for him to go on. “Sir. She’s insane. Completely batty.”

Sasa snorted and nodded. “He’s not kidding. Even I think that mare is severely unhinged.”

Oblivion said nothing and waited. “She’s after you, sir.”

Oblivion tilted his head slightly before composing himself. “Why is she after me?”

“She’s after the Element of Harmony.” Cross supplied.

“Jokes on her. It can’t be used by any other.”

“She doesn’t care.” Vantage went on. “She can control the Leshen...”

“What?” That caught his full attention.

“She went up to it and treated it like it was a puppy. She even nuzzled the thing.” Cross said, a shudder going through him. "She talked to it like it could understand. She planned all of it.”

“Okay, calm down,” Oblivion said to them. “Your story is jumping around.” He looked to Sasa, who nodded. She leaned her forehead against his shoulder as he watched the memories from her. He pulled back and shook his head. “Oh, that’s vile. But how is she using the portals to summon the monsters she’s using?” He mused aloud. “The teleport was normal magic, but other than that how is she controlling it?”

Striker and Silver came forward. “Sir?” Silver asked.

“She is after me. More specifically the power to control the Element itself.”

“How could she use it? It's attuned to you though, right?” Striker asked.

“True,” Oblivion said to them.

“She doesn’t seem to care.” Vantage added. “She did say that she wanted to see if she could mind control Oblivion and use him to control the Element. And more...” Vantage stopped.

Oblivion rolled his shoulders at the thought of being that crazed mares lover. Sasa growled and nuzzled him. “Anyway,” Oblivion said to them. “As I said, jokes on her. Even if she did rip my heart out and cover the Element in my blood that would do nothing. It would be as dead as I would be.” Striker stared at him. “Her words, not mine,” Oblivion added. Vantage looked like he was going to be sick again. “The problem is how is she controlling and summoning the monsters that she has? Did she say anything about there being more?”

“No. Made it sound like she could only make a portal and wait to see what came through it,” Cross said to him.

“That would make sense in a way. I’m no expert on portals, but that does align with what little I do know. They cannot be used without a mage or a unicorn operating them. Their purpose normally is to transport a pony from one place to another. I have not heard of one being able to cross this far of a distance though.” He looked to the forest. ‘Though being able to cross worlds is new to me as well. Unless this mare has powers like Ciri.’

“Sir.” Cross stood up.

“Yes?” Oblivion watched out of the corner of his eyes.

“You should head back.”

Oblivions' head turned to look at him. Sasa stared at the Thestral. “Oh?”

“She is after the Element and you with it. You cannot be lost here, sir.” Cross explained. “Without you, the other Elements will not function, correct?”

“True enough,” Oblivion said to him. “But I am also the only one who can fight the Leshen. Even if I taught the four of you, you would fail to stop it.”

“Sir. With all due respect, that’s not important.” Striker added. “The Elements of Harmony are the biggest weapon Equestria has. They act as the first and last line of defense for the entire kingdom. They cannot be allowed to fall into the hooves of an enemy. Especially not this one. She is clearly insane and the fact that she would first try to mind control you to use it is proof. If that failed she would kill you and try to corrupt the Element with your death. We cannot allow you to fall into her hooves.”

Sasa sat up and looked at Oblivion, who stared at the guards, his orange eyes narrowed slightly. Chosen. They do not know that the Element cannot be tainted and it will never fall into the hooves of another. It can only be yours, they do not know that.”

The black unicorn sighed and looked at the Solar and Lunar Guards. “I understand your explanation. But let me put this into perspective. If any pony goes into the forest, they will die. That is not a matter of if, but when. If she has control of it then it can obliterate this village and all the ponies in it. If she is as insane as it seems then she will not stop with just this place. She will continue. An Ancient Leshen is a force that even my kind can be killed by. A Witcher is meant to fight monsters of all types. An Ancient Leshen, while rare, is a vicious opponent.” The guards looked unsure as he explained. “If she can control it then this place will be removed from the map.”

They startled. Silver stepped forward. “Can you stop it?”

“If I have been sent away, then no. Granted, I would love to see any of you try to stop me.” He stated to them and the guards looked noticeably nervous at the declaration. “Which is why I have a better idea.”

They all looked at him, Sasa included. “Oh?” She said to him, curiosity hummed through her.

“If this mare can control it then we use that against her. She can’t be in two places. According to the vision I saw from Sasa she has to be fairly close by or it acts normal. She might have the ability to summon it to her since it fled from a fight with me earlier, which is outside of the normal.”

“Okay. We are definitely listening.” Vantage said.

“Good. If I’m right then we can kill it, but it needs to be quick. So I propose a two-pronged assault. During sunset is when all of you can be utilized, correct?”

The Thestral’s nodded. “Our powers are a bit diminished, but not by much,” Cross replied.

Striker and Silver nodded. “We can still see just fine and our strength is normal at that hour.” Silver added.

“Good. Then we will use the four of you to harry that mare. Sasa will help you find her and then I will summon her to my side to help with the Leshen. You four will give that mare a run. I will attack the Leshen and kill it as quickly as I can to stop her from using it against you.” He stopped and considered before continuing. “In the meantime, we need to go on as if nothing has changed. The last thing we need is that mare getting a whiff that she was spotted. The main difference will be that the four of you are going to be put through a training regime of my design.”

“I thought you said you weren’t going to train...” Silver said.

“I did.” Oblivion interrupted. “But if you are going to go against a unicorn, of unknown ability, you need to know magic and how to fight it. I will not lie and say it will be easy. My techniques for training have killed before. I will not be kind to you. I will work with the Thestral’s at dusk and the Pegasus at dawn.”

The ponies looked nervous but steeled themselves and nodded. “We will not disappoint you, sir.” Silver vowed and the others agreed. Sasa purred at them.

“She will be helping as well. It is possible that the pinto could call on other monsters. I am not sure if she can or not. So you will work with Sasa as well. She will act as some of the smaller monsters that could be summoned as well.” Oblivion waited for them to nod in understanding. “I suggest you find something that you value above your own life and hold it close.”

“Why?” Cross asked.

“It might be what helps you get up after I have broken you,” Oblivion said to him. His voice was steel and the ponies gulped.

Sasa looked at him and she saw a Witcher. Her Chosen had fallen back and a true Master Witcher had taken his place. Sasa stood up and regarded him as he waited for them to reply.

Silver stood tall and looked to their commanding officer. “Sir. We will not fail you or any pony. Please do not hesitate to train us. We will always get back up.” He vowed.

Oblivion snorted. “Good. If I have to peel you off the ground after you fail, then you’ll wish you had not volunteered.”

The other three stood tall and Oblivion looked over them. Sasa came over and stood with them, her head high. “I will help them as well, Chosen. Their strong hearts will not give up and they will not fail you.”

“I know you will. We will see if they have what it takes to stay standing or not.” He said to her before regarding the ponies once more. “Sasa vouches for each of you saying that you have hearts that are strong enough to handle what I throw at you. Do not prove her wrong.” He said and turned away from them, facing the forest.

Silver and the others looked to the feline who looked to each of them and purred. “They have the spirits to do this, Chosen. Have faith in them.” She said to him and she regarded the stallions.

“Faith?” He whispered to himself. “We don’t have time for that.” His voice was quiet as he spoke aloud. He had no doubts about their spirits. He could see that they burned brightly and he could sense the resolve in them. But at the same time, he had to put these ponies through hell to get them to handle anything that mare might have up her sleeves.

“Striker, Silver get some food and rest. We start at dawn.” He said loud enough to be heard. “Cross, Vantage, back in the air. Nothing strenuous. Both of you stay above the tree line. Scan for the Leshen. I don’t anticipate your finding it. But if you do find it, then Vantage you come back. You’re the faster of the two of you, lightly armored makes for swift flight.” He said to them.

The stallions did as commanded and followed his orders. Striker went to their tent and brought out two meals for them and they sat at the fire to eat. Silver began trying to start the fire once more. The fire came to life and the Pegasus reeled back with a yelp. He looked at the blue flame as it died out and went back to the normal orange and red. A glance to their superior showed his horn fading. “Thank you, sir.”

Oblivion gave a stiff nod but didn’t look back. His leg stayed bound to his body as he listened around him. Sasa laid down by the two stallions as they ate. As minutes went by they finished their food and Silver walked up the black pony.

“Sir. Should we leave a portion out for you as well?” He asked.

“No, it’s fine. I have my own. Thank you for your consideration.” Oblivion responded.

Silver nodded and gave the other stallions shoulder a gentle pat before walking away.

Sasa watched them go into the tent and then looked to Oblivion. “Liar.” She said to him as she walked up to him, sitting down beside him.

“I didn’t lie per say. I just omitted that I had already eaten the night before we left.” He admitted to her.

She chuckled and bumped his shoulder with her own. “How is your hoof?”

“I’ll heal in a couple of days. Not sure how long before the claws are back to normal though.”

“Hopefully quickly. Training those ponies three legged will be difficult.”

“They will be learning to avoid magic and how to counter it. I don’t need to move as much for that.”

Sasa looked at him, mischief in her eyes. “Are you sure you don’t just want to be a kept stallion?’”

He looked down to her. “Gods no.” He replied as Sasa laughed in his mind. “Gods, I heard that in your memory and I had to stop myself from cringing. The way she said it was...unsettling.”

“Try being right there when she said it.” Sasa shuddered at the memory. “I thought Vantage was gonna be sick. I nearly retched as it was.”

“I can imagine. Just the thought is enough to make my skin crawl.” He admitted to her.

“Is that why you hesitated to lash out when they wanted to send you back to Canterlot or Ponyville?”

Oblivion gave a rare laugh. “Perhaps. But at the same time, my interest is piqued. A pony that can control a Leshen is worth fighting and trying to understand. The true downside is that your ability to see spirits is limited and I didn’t have time to analyze it when I was chasing her.”

“That’s true. You said you couldn't reach me. What did you mean?”

“You mentioned once that you could sense me once, but I didn’t answer.”

“True. That was when you got beat up by that human.”

Oblivion glared for a moment at the implication. “Yes. I think there is something with the portals themselves.”

“But there was not portal with the mare.”

“True. There must be a reason why I couldn’t reach you. Perhaps an item or something that she has. I couldn’t see anything around her neck or on her that would make me think she was jamming the signal.” Oblivion was quiet as he thought back over the memory from Sasa. “Perhaps there is something to do with the portals made by her. I wonder if she was making the ones from before as well.”

“How do you mean?”

“The ones that appeared by the farm. If she was looking for me then they would have been near me. Perhaps the stronger they get then the more they interfere with our communication ability.”

Sasa was quiet. “Interesting hypothesis.”

“Can’t prove anything unless we get that pinto to talk.”

“Yep. You should rest Chosen. I’ll stay up and watch over the camp.”

Oblivion sighed and nodded. “The Thestral’s come back, wake me.”


Oblivion limped to his tent and walked inside. He settled down onto his blankets and curled himself into a ball and let his mind slip as he slept.

27: Training from Hell...

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“Chosen. The Thestral’s have returned.” Sasa’s voice pulled him from sleep.

The stallion yawned and pulled himself to his hooves. He came outside and looked to the Lunar guards. Cross motioned for the unicorn to come over to him as he pulled out the first aid kit. Oblivion sat down by him as he removed the sling around his leg and unwrapped the limb to clean it. His eyes widened at the claws. They were already beginning to recover.

“Faster than I thought it would be,” Oblivion said aloud.

“So this is normal?” Cross asked him.

“Normal? I’m not sure. I haven’t torn out claws before.”

Oblivion leaned over the hoof and Cross began to apply salves to it to keep it from becoming infected. The torn flesh was mending and the hard claws were already beginning to regenerate. Sasa walked over to him and looked to his hoof as well.

“I am curious of something.”


“Why not train them together? Would be easier.”

“I want them to be able to act independently. If they are all together it does give them more of a formation, but it can also slow them down. This way they can function separately while still being aware of the others.” He explained. “Having two separate groups’ means they can use their pair tactics instead of a group of four. They will learn to be aware of the others, but not depend on them at all times. Their tactics will be different. Since the Thestral’s are stronger than the average pony I will have them on the ground. The Pegasus will be in the air, so there is no issue with them colliding.”

“I see.”

The sun began to rise and Oblivion nodded for the feline to wake the other two ponies. She opened the front of the tent and a loud roar sounded. Loud yells were heard from inside as the two ponies awoke. She walked in and harried the two ponies till they were staggering outside the tent, yawning.

“Morning,” Oblivion said to them, as Cross bound his leg back into position.

“Sir.” They both intoned and waited for instruction.

“A very light breakfast. The first day of training is the worst. I would rather you didn’t throw up on my hooves.”

The two Pegasus nodded and Striker went back to their tent for two rations of food.

“You two eat and rest up. You’re at sunset.” Oblivion said to the other two guards, who nodded and followed command as well.

“Sir?” Silver said to him as he finished his breakfast.

Oblivion looked at him. “Yes?”

“Will we be doing sword work?”

“No.” Both sets of guards looked uncertain at the blank reply. “You will first be learning about magic itself. I assume you have basic knowledge of it.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good, then we can simply review the basics and move onto theory.”

They were silent as they each finished their food and the Thestral's went to their tent to sleep. Silver and Striker stood up and walked over to the black stallion. Sasa sat down with them and they waited.

“What is magic?”

“Magic is the use of mental will of a unicorn that can turn an idea into a reality depending on the mental ability of the caster?” Silver piped up.

“Depending on the pony that is true. The pony we are dealing with has enough skill to conjure an ice wall over a foot thick and teleport. Teleportation is not an easy skill. It requires a certain amount of focus and control. So we will be going into this fight believing that she is able to accomplish more than that. You will not be using a sword against her.”

“Sir!” Striker said to him. “How can we battle her?”

“You will not be trying to kill her. We need to capture her alive if we are going to get any answers. I will be teaching you how to exhaust her and wear her down.” Both ponies went quiet. “But first, we will be enhancing your stamina and agility. I will have the Thestral's on the ground to harry her while you two are in the air.”

“Any reason for that?” Silver asked.

“The Thestral's have higher strength and in the moonlight, they can recover from injury faster. You two are better in the air. Both of you are armored, you can withstand more of a frontal assault.” Oblivion explained to the questioning ponies.

The black stallion stood up quickly, his horn lit up, and Sasa yowled as she jumped away from the incoming blast. Silver yelped as both of them were blown back by the incoming magic attack. Striker scrambled away but was still thrown head over hooves. Silver shook his head and looked up as the stallion's horn lit up again. He took to the air with Striker on his heels.

“Avoid it as long as possible,” Oblivion shouted to them. Another blast of magic tore through the air and the two stallions found themselves fleeing from the multiple blasts of azure flame that were coming after them.

Sasa watched from the ground as they zigzagged and spun to avoid the magic flame. She cringed as Silver was tossed from the air, he slid along the ground and laid still, groaning. Striker kept going as he waited for the blasts to come at him. They didn’t follow him so they were normal projectiles, not homing.

Sasa trotted over to Silver, who began to sit up. He shook his head and looked up, watching his fellow Pegasus. The blasts made no sound as they went through the air.

Oblivion watched as the pony wove through the air. He focused his magic and sent out three azure flames and the pony in the air yelped as one struck him. He fell to the ground and rolled to a stop at the edge of the forest.

“Ouch.” He grumbled.

“Not bad,” Oblivion said as he teleported to them.

“You can teleport as well?” Silver asked him.

“Of course. How do you think I know the requirements of teleport so well?” Oblivion asked him.

“Good point.” Striker said as he sat up and regarded the unicorn. “How did we do, sir?”

“Not bad, considering.”

“Considering?” Silver asked him.

“That you are up against a Witcher, as well as an Element bearer.” Oblivion clarified. Both ponies smiled then looked to the stallion, waiting for his next attack. “Good. Never think the fight is over. Knights and all that believe each fight is an honorable one. True warriors know better.”

“What do you mean?” Striker asked.

Oblivion sighed. “Did you learn nothing when I punched you?”


“Exactly, you do what you must to win. Even if it means kicking your opponent between the hind legs.” Oblivion said.

Striker and Silver cringed at the comment but nodded. “So we fight to win and leave any honor behind?”

“Exactly. I fight to win. No matter what I have to do I will not fall. My goal is to be the one standing at the end.” Both stallions nodded in understanding. “Now up.”

Both stood and waited. “Now avoid the same magic, together. I trust you both know how to move in a formation?”

“Yes, sir.” They intoned.

“Good. Show me.” His horn lit and the ponies nodded to each other as they took to the air. Time ticked by as he drove them nearly to the ground only to have the pair switch sides and kick off the ground.

“Interesting.” He commented to himself.

Sasa sat by him, watching the pair as they spun and jigged in the air to avoid the flames. She could see that they were beginning to tire, their movements not as precise or controlled as they had been. Oblivion kept driving them. Finally, after over 2 hours Silver began to fall behind. Striker adjusted to the new pace, even as Silver worked to give more. They slowed as a fireball arced between them and Striker reached over, gripped his partner’s fur and drove them to the ground. They looked at Oblivion as the stallion continued to harry them. They galloped across the grass, dodging. Sasa leaped into the taller grass and ran low, parallel to them. She jumped and slammed her broad chest into the two ponies, knocking them off their hooves. Both cried out as the cat slammed into them. Striker jumped to his hooves, ready to keep going, even as Silver panted beside him. Oblivion stopped and teleported to them.

“So two hours at full tilt is the limit, Silver?” He asked.

Silver pulled himself to his hooves, his legs shook, and his wings brushed the ground as he looked to the black unicorn. “I...can...keep…ugh.” The pony dropped to the ground. He kept trying to get up, refusing to fall behind. He panted, his sides heaved for air.

“Two hours at a hard flight is nothing to be ashamed of.” Sasa said to Oblivion. “Most ponies can’t handle it for that long.”

“Considering that I did not let up and harried you at every corner the fact you lasted that long is impressive. Take a moment to think back on the activity.” Oblivion said to them.

Silver paused as he thought. His eyes widened as he realized what the unicorn meant. “We actually didn’t do too badly.”

“We’re better as a pair.” Striker said.

“Exactly. Your strength comes from that formation. You are able to dodge and fight longer information.” Oblivion informed them.

Silver sat up and regarded the stallion. “That was the point of the exercise. Why didn’t you just tell us?”

“What is the point of teaching you if I give you the answers?” Oblivion asked him in return.

Both pursed their lips and then a wry chuckle escaped Striker. “He makes a good point. Learning it the hard way means we remember it, right?”

“Precisely. Take a few minutes to get some water. Then we move on to the next exercise.”

“There’s more?” Silver asked, his voice gave a low pitch as he stared at the other stallion.

“Of course. I did warn you.” Oblivion said as he walked away from them.

Silver groaned and collapsed back to the ground. Striker pulled him to his hooves. “Come on. We have to keep going. We committed to this so we have to be useful.”

“I know, but damn.” Silver groaned again but stayed standing.

Sasa walked with them as they got back to camp and found water waiting for them. They slowly drank it. They both knew not to gulp it down and then try to run on it. Oblivion said nothing to them as he waited for several minutes.

“What will you have them doing next, Chosen?”

“I am debating on combat training or simple strength building.”

“Combat meaning?”

“Hoof combat. A blade will be useless in this fight. We need her alive.”


“You will be acting as their opponent.”

The feline looked to him, her head tilted slightly.

“They work best as a team. Silver being as tired as he is is actually the perfect situation. Striker has more stamina so it will teach him to watch over a falling comrade and it will motivate Silver to act differently and try to keep up, therefore enhancing his own stamina.”

“I see.” She admitted and looked to the resting ponies. “I don’t think they were totally prepared for the run you are giving them.”

“No. They were not prepared.” He said to her. “But that works in my favor. They have no idea what is coming and that will sharpen their focus.”

The two stallions stood and approached Oblivion. “Sasa.”

“My turn.” She said as she stood up and charged the two ponies. Striker shoved Silver to the side as the cat ran past them, then spun, having dug her long claws into the ground and then attacking them once more. Silver looked to the black Unicorn for a moment then back to the attacking feline. Both stallions dodged her blows until they ran into each other and took a full attack by the feline.

“Sasa,” Oblivion said. She stopped and waited. Her aqua eyes sparkled as she waited for his command. “Now.”

She lunged at them and they dodged away from her. She lashed out with her hind legs, her hind paws struck Striker in the chest, sending him rolling back. Silver jumped to his side and then shoved him away from the cat.

“Come on, Strike.” Silver yelled.

The pale stallion got to his hooves and shook his head. He breathed in, the hit from Sasa’s paws had knocked the wind out of him. Oblivion said nothing as Sasa pushed them. The azure flame began to ripple across the cat’s fur as she didn’t let up in her attacks. Striker stayed at Silver's side as they both fought back. Neither had any idea how long they had been fighting with the feline, who didn’t seem to tire. Flames danced over her as she suddenly vanished.

“What the?” Silver murmured.

Silver felt the impact on his back and hind legs. He cried out as the pain hit him. He collapsed under the weight of the enormous cat as she stood over him, her paws on either side of him. Her girth leaned down on him, limiting his breathing.

Striker had jumped away at his yell. The pale blue Pegasus saw his partner under the cat. The cat snarled and roared at him, the claws on her right paw bloodied. Striker felt anger rising inside him. His wings spread as he growled back to the feline. “Get off him.” He snarled to her.

Sasa snarled and growled. “Oh, now he’s pissed.” She commented to Oblivion who had turned his head to watch, instead of simply listening.

“Finally. I wondered what it might take to get one of them to react.” He commented to her.

Striker lunged at the cat. She swiped a paw at him as Silver struggled under her. He gave a quiet gasp, pulling air into his lungs. His right hind leg hurt and he knew Sasa had dug her claws into him. He tried to kick at her, but his body had nothing left to give. As much as he hated to admit it, he had to wait for rescue.

Striker backed up and regarded the cat. He lowered his body and pawed at the ground. He charged forward and jumped as she swiped at him. Sasa gave a yelp as his shoulder crashed into her. He opened his wings and used them to start pushing the cat. Her front teeth grazed his shoulder as he pushed her.

“Let him win Sasa. This is perfect.”


“Just don’t make it too easy.” Oblivion amended.

She huffed at him and growled, digging her claws into the ground, just enough to allow her to fight him a bit. She used her other paw to swipe at the pale Pegasus. Striker groaned as her claws scratched over his neck. She gave a startled noise as he flapped his wings harder and finally tossed the cat away from Silver. Silver sat up, gasping as he pulled air into his lungs.


“I’m okay. Thanks, Strike.” Silver tried to get to his hooves, but the cat's claws had dug out his hind leg, he couldn’t stand on it. “Shit. My leg.” He said to his partner.

Striker leaped over him and stood between Silver and the feline as she stood up. Her back arched making her appear even larger than before, she snarled viciously at the ponies. Then her fur went back to normal, she sat down, and a deep purr rumbled through the cat. Both ponies stared at her.

“She says well done.” Oblivion’s voice startled them both and they looked at him.

“Sir?” Silver said, his voice quiet.

Azure flame covered both stallions. Striker looked at his shoulder and watched as the wound healed. Silver stood up slowly, his leg healed as well.

“You did well against her.” He said as he turned to face them.

“Sir. Was that at your order?” Silver asked.

“In a way. I needed to see what each of you would do.” He explained. “Silver you kept trying despite knowing that you had no chance of getting away from her. So you placed your faith in Striker to help you out. Not a bad thing. Ponies have great faith in their fellows. Your ability to look to Striker and know that he would not flee, despite the ferocity of the feline is a testament to the trust you have in him.”

Sasa walked up and nuzzled both ponies, a purr rumbling through her.

“Striker. You refused to let your fellow be left behind. Were you afraid of her?”

Striker looked away and then back to the stallion. “Terrified, actually.”

“So why not run?”

“Silver has been my partner since we got to training. He’s always been at my back. I can’t leave him behind. He’d never leave me behind.”

“Oh? So it was loyalty then?”

“That too.”

“And what else?”

“I...was furious. I had to stop her. She had clawed him and I knew he was tired. He needed my help.”

“There it is,” Oblivion said to them.

“He’s got a bit of a temper.” Silver admitted.

“Not always a bad thing. Had you lost control of it you would not have been able to stop Sasa. But you didn’t.”

“How can you tell?” Striker asked.

“Anger is not always a detriment to your abilities. If allowed to run wild then it can spell disaster. But when focused it can create strength instead of blindness. You used it to toss Sasa off your comrade.” Oblivion replied to him. “When one loses their temper it means many things. It can signal a loss of control and cognitive thought. But it can also signal the end of a fight. The fact that you could stand to protect Silver, who had been disabled by Sasa’s claws says that you had more to give if needed.”

Striker was quiet. “But, I’m exhausted.”

“You are that’s true. But by using that anger properly, you had more left. Yes, you would have collapsed had you kept going but the fact that you focused it and harnessed that strength means you have a rudimentary understanding of how that anger works.”

“I got in trouble for my temper a lot in training.” Striker admitted. “Silver bailed me out of cleaning duty and other tasks.”


“Yeah, he would help out or even take the blame. He didn’t have to, but he did anyway.” Striker claimed and sat quietly before continuing. “He started teaching me how to keep it in check and eventually I kind of stopped worrying about it.”

“You suppressed it, basically,” Oblivion observed.

“I guess so.”

“By doing that you learned how to control it to an extent.”

“So are you going to put the Thestral's through the same run?” Silver asked, humor in his voice.

“No. Theirs is different since they are on the ground.” He informed them. “Both of you eat and rest.”

“I’m gonna be sore tomorrow.” Striker complained.

“Oh definitely.” Silver laughed as he stood up. “Sir?”


“Thank you for healing us. How did you do that?”

“The Element of Spirit can do many things. And you’re welcome.” Oblivion replied. “Send the Thestral's when they are up as well.”

Both stallions nodded then turned to walk back to camp as the sun began to set. Sasa walked up to him and nuzzled his chest.

“How long before you think they can handle their task?” She asked as she sat down to clean her paws of blood.

“I’m not certain. The Pegasus doesn’t have the stamina for a prolonged battle at this time. But since I will be going after the Leshen they only have to hold out as long as that takes. Which will not be very long. Not several hours like they have been trained in today. But I want them to be able to hold out if needed.”

“And the Thestral’s?”

“We will see. They are in direct combat so we need to see how long they can last against you. When they get here start running them.”

“Understood.” She leaned against him as they waited for the Thestral's.

At camp Silver and Striker both collapsed next to the still active fire. “So your thoughts?” Silver asked.

Striker groaned. “I admit I was not ready for any of that.”

“Me neither. I had no idea he was going to sic Sasa on us. That was terrifying.”

“She definitely made us work for every second that we were on our hooves.” Silver said to him.

Both Pegasus went quiet as they thought over the training from the day. “Thankfully he didn’t ask us to go patrol. I’d fall out of the sky like a rock.” Striker commented.

“No joke.” Silver chuckled. “The Thestral's have no idea what’s waiting for them.”

“Oh no. They’re going to be surprised...Very surprised.” Silver gave a malicious smile to his comrade.

“Should we just not mention it?” Striker asked.

“I think we should sit here like the training was nothing and we are fine.”

“Are you serious? I can’t even stand upright.”

“No, come on.” Silver said and hauled himself to his hooves, though it took visible effort.

Striker groaned and stood up as well. “Okay fine. But we sit by the fire. Standing is not an option.”

“Why not?”

“You idiot. Our legs are shaking.” Striker commented.

Silver looked down and found his legs quivering under him. “Right. Yeah, sitting is better.”

The two stallions sat by the fire and waited for the others to awaken.

Sasa trotted into camp after a while and the Pegasus put their hooves over their ears as Sasa put her head in and roared, awakening them. She looked at the two ponies by the fire and they smiled at her. She tilted her head and walked over to sit by them. Cross and Vantage came out of the tent, they gave a nod to the two Pegasus.

Vantage came over to them and sat by them while Cross grabbed their food. “So how was training?”

“Not too bad.” Silver responded.

Sasa spun to look at him. Mischief suddenly sparkled in her eyes as she purred. “Oh, this is hilarious.” She laughed back to Oblivion.


“Silver and Striker are making it seem like training was nothing big.”

“What? Why?”

“To fake out the two Thestral’s!” She laughed through their connection.

“Gods below. When they get here, attack them, hold your claws for now.” He said to her.

“My pleasure.” She replied, laughter in her voice.

Vantage took his portion and started to eat with his partner. Striker was quiet as he ate slowly. Cross looked to them. “So you two are okay?”

“Yeah. Why?” Striker asked.

“Well, the way it sounded Oblivion was gonna put us through the wringer.” He admitted.

“It’s hard to do as sore as he is.” Silver said to them. “Plus can you imagine fighting two ponies on three legs?”

“That’s true,” Cross admitted. “But that hoof is healing well.”

“Don’t want to hurt it.” Silver said.

“Hmm.” Vantage was quiet as he finished his meal. “Well. It’s our turn now. Any advice?”

Silver looked thoughtful, while Striker put food in his mouth, to stop himself from spouting off. “Just be on your toes, I guess.”

The two Lunar guards trotted after Sasa after she stood and motioned for them to follow her. Once they were out of earshot Striker collapsed inward and groaned. “Oh by the Sun, my back. I thought I was gonna snap in half-sitting here.”

Silver broke into a laugh as he held his sides and fell backward. “Oh man. They are in for the rudest of awakenings.”

“I can’t believe we just did that.” Striker said as a laugh bubbled up in his throat.

“I can.” Silver howled from his place on the ground.

As she walked with the Thestral's she heard a bout of laughter from behind them and she laughed in her mind.

“Stop laughing and hurry up. Time is wasting.” Oblivion chastised her.

“Fine. Once more ruining my fun.” She complained.

She broke into a trot and the two ponies stayed with her. They all saw Oblivion ahead of them and the ponies loped toward him as a loud growl went out and Sasa swatted Cross to the ground and then slammed her hip into Vantage sending him rolling.

“Whoa.” Vantage yelled as he looked up as Sasa went after Cross. “Cross get up.” He shouted to the other Luna guard.

Cross rolled to his hooves and started to open his wings when he felt pressure around his barrel. A ring of azure circled his barrel, his wings pinned to his sides. “Vantage!” He yelled as the others noticed it as well.

Vantage stayed on the ground as he dodged a leaping swipe from the feline. “Come on, Cross!”

The two Thestral's ran to join up and they faced out, their hips touching as they watched the cat. She circled them, growling.

“This could be a problem, Chosen. They are used to fighting together. She observed.

“True. So charge in and get under them. Force them to separate. They well-matched as a pair. They know the other well enough to not need to act differently. Vantage wears a light armor watch for speed from him. Cross is the one with the stamina due to wearing heavy armor. Force them to move.”

“Understood.” She charged them, watching for their reaction.

Vantage inhaled, held his breath for a moment, before opening his mouth and releasing the breath he held, a scream rent the air. Oblivion leaned back, pinning his ears.

Sasa stopped and fled under the sound. “Oh, by my claws!” She shouted, fell to the ground, and put her paws over her ears.

“Oh, by the Hells,” Oblivion said aloud as he shook his head to clear it of the ringing. He looked up as Vantage charged him, a smirk on the Thestral's face. “Well played. Go after the one giving the orders.”

Oblivion leaned onto his good foreleg and spun a bare second before the Lunar guard reached him. His hooves struck the pony in the chest, sending him rolling, away from the black unicorn. He spun back to the front as Cross approached him from the side. Sasa struck Cross and sent him rolling as well.


Oblivion lowered his shoulder and shifted his weight on his three good legs. “Lets.” He said, a smirk on his muzzle. He charged them with Sasa at his side and the battle began again. Vantage found himself scrambling under the assault from the taller stallion. He reached Cross and they tried to defend together.

“Three legs isn't stopping him.” Vantage shouted to Cross, who nodded.

Oblivion charged them, his stride unaffected by the missing leg. He rammed the pair of them and sent Vantage rolling, Cross managed to hold his hooves and tried to fight back. Sasa jumped over Oblivion's back and collided with the pony, sending them both rolling. She snarled and growled as she kept Cross on the ground. She laid over the pony, pinning him and limiting his breathing, the same as she had with Silver.

“Keep him, Sasa.” Oblivion barked out his commands.

Vantage saw his partner down and he inhaled once more. Oblivion pinned his ears and charged him again. Vantage started to scream, Oblivion ducked to the side, put up his good leg and close lined the Lunar guard. Vantage hit the ground with a loud cry of pain. He coughed and hacked from his place on the ground. Oblivion put one clawed hoof on the pony’s chest and held him. Vantage started to inhale once more.

“I wouldn’t,” Oblivion said and spread his claws. “You need at least two to three seconds for that sound to charge within your chest. It draws power depending on how long you hold it.” Vantage released the breath he had inhaled at the sight of the unbroken claws. “Good choice.” Oblivion pulled his claws back into his hoof and held the pony there for a moment before jumping back from him. “Let him up Sasa.”

Sasa rumbled and let the pony up. Cross coughed a few times before looking for Vantage. The other pony got to his hooves and walked over to his partner. Sasa reached Oblivion and sat down beside him.

“They did well.” She said to him.

“Agreed.” Oblivion replied to the cat. “They are suited well to combat.” His magic released their wings and they walked up to him.

“Sir? How did we do?”

“Considering you brought me into the fight, not bad at all.” He admitted to them.

“Though bringing you into the fight was a poor decision,” Cross said under his breath.

“True. But it was unexpected. Acting out of the ordinary is not a bad thing.” Oblivion watched their reaction. “Vantage.”


“That scream. What in the Hells is that?”

“It’s a skill that some Thestral's have. Most aren’t very good with it though, so it’s hard to control.” Vantage admitted.

“You seemed to control it fairly well.”

“I can control it. I just can’t use it very often.”


“Yeah, three times a day is my limit.”


“It hurts and can backfire if you overuse it.” Vantage explained. “I have overused it before and tore up my throat for my efforts. It can damage the lungs as well. Cross has had to stop me from overusing it before.”

“So that’s one reason you are paired?” Oblivion commented.

“Yeah. Cross and I also grew up together.”Vantage replied.

“So you have used it once. Or does the interrupted one count?”

“It counts,” Cross interjected.

“Hmm. How long would you hold it if not pressed for time?” Oblivion asked.

“The longest I have held it was five seconds. It starts to hurt after that.” Vantage responded.

“Hmm. Keep that skill hidden for now. The less our adversary knows, or hears, the better.” Oblivion advised.

“Yes, sir.” Vantage agreed.

“Sir.” Cross voiced. Oblivion looked at him. “Are you all right? I know your hoof wasn’t used but...”

Oblivion shook his head. “The other wounds were minor at best and have already healed. Just waiting on my foot to heal as well.”

Both Thestral's looked at him. “Already healed?” Cross asked as he approached and put a hoof through Oblivion's fur. The cuts that had been there yesterday from the ice wall were indeed gone.

“I heal faster due to being a Witcher. My body has been altered so it’s not abnormal for small wounds like that to heal in a few hours or less than a day.” Oblivion advised them.

Vantage looked to the confused Cross. “That’s a nice effect.”

“It can be. You heal with the moon, I heal in time.” Oblivion clarified further.

“So a Witcher is not a skill so much as a body type?”

“In a way. But that is not a subject for now. You two will be one harrying that pinto on the ground. Stay out of the air. Let Silver and Striker take care of that.”

“That’s why you pinned our wings?” Cross asked.

“Yes. You need to be on the ground. She has magic and now you will be doing an exercise similar to what they did. They were working on dodging magic in the air then did battle with Sasa.”

“Those lying...” Vantage cursed under his breath. “Sorry, sir.”

Sasa laughed and laid down, her paws over her muzzle as she laughed.

“They did fool you, yes.” Oblivion admitted. “Sasa laughed about it the whole time.”

“She knew?”

“Of course. She told me and then I adjusted things to match. Though from what I could tell they were laughing at your expense as well.”

Vantage fumed in silence while Cross was quiet. “I thought something seemed off.” Cross admitted.

Vantage looked to him. “Then why didn’t you say anything?”

“I...well...I don’t know.” Cross admitted, sheepish at the other pony.

Vantage sat down and scrubbed his face with his hooves. “You're killing me, Cross.”

“They could have poked them and they would have collapsed!” Sasa wailed with laughter and rolled to her side.

“She makes a good point.” Oblivion said aloud. “You could have touched one of them and they would have fallen over. I ran them into the ground.”

Vantage looked back toward camp, his eyes narrowed. “They are so gonna get it.”

“Let it be.” Oblivion said to them.

“But, sir?”

“It all worked out. You learned a lesson.”

“Never believe the Solar guard.” Vantage muttered,

Sasa giggled. “No. Keep an open mind and do not allow others to color your experience.” Oblivion advised.

Vantage looked to the ground. “That too.”

Cross smiled and patted the other on the shoulder. “He’s right. We should have known better than to relax just because they seemed okay. Sir, what is next?”

“Sasa?” Oblivion looked at her. She rose from the ground and stood by them. “What you saw her do is called Blink. It’s a very short-range teleport that is exclusive to her. She can draw on my power to use it. That’s why she is wreathed in my flame when she is preparing to use it. Never assume that just because she is an animal that she does not have a few of her own tricks. She can access my magic. Contemplate that for a moment.”

Vantages eyes went wide. “The Element.”

“Precisely. Neither she nor I am limited in our power. She can access the Element the same as I can. Example.” Oblivion's horn lit and his armor crawled over his fur. The crown settled into its normal place and Oblivion could feel his body recovering with it in place. It settled into place and sat, covering his fur. “I can draw greater power and strength from my armor. Never assume that what you are seeing is the end of the ponies abilities. I did not know about that scream of yours Vantage. It was a bit of a shock.”

“You recovered quickly from it though.” He pointed out.

“I am designed to recover. Nothing short of a room of Leshens is going to shock me into not being able to move. That being said it is a skill that will remain hidden for now.” Oblivion focused and the armor slid back into its place. He left the guards on his forelegs just in case. “I will leave a piece of it in place just in case. It will aid in healing as well.”

Both Thestral's were quiet as they waited for the black stallion to continue. “Sasa.” He waited as the cat refocused on him. “Do you recall from the memories I showed you how Nekker acts?”

She was quiet as she considered his request. “Yes. I remember them. Nasty little creatures.”

“That they are.” He replied to her then looked to the other ponies. “This way.”

He led them further into the tall grass and waited. “Sasa is going to attack you in a way that is similar to how a monster that I know attacks. Your job is to avoid her.” Oblivion informed them and teleported a short distance away to a small hill. “Sasa?”

“I’m here.”

“Go.” He watched as the she-cat slunk through the grass and approached the watchful ponies. They had put their hips together and their bat-like ears flicked as they listened for the cat. Oblivion focused on her and she paused.

Sasa looked back in his direction and took a step forward. Her body was light and she realized that Oblivion had imparted his silent movements to her. She moved with no sound thanks to him. She approached the Thestral's from the side and angled herself to jump for Vantage. She neared him and paused, watching them as they looked around. She waited to both of them to be looking away from her as she sprung. Her broad forehead collided with Vantage’s shoulder and the pony yelped as she then put her teeth around him and dragged him several feet before letting go and stalking them once more.

“Damn it!” Vantage barked out. He stood up and then felt the impact in his back once more. Sasa pinned him for a moment, then dragged him again. She let go and vanished. “Ouch.” He grumbled and stood back up. Cross reached him, but then was taken as well. He cried out and Vantage loped after him. He found his friend slowly getting up. Vantage had a bite mark from Sasa’s teeth on the back of his neck where she had bit down and dragged him. She had gotten more of his mane versus his skin due to her long incisors. She had pulled Cross by his foreleg.

“We have to stay moving. Better to run into her than be flattened.” Vantage explained.

Cross nodded and they galloped off. Cross had a hitch in his stride on his foreleg. Both of them moved through the grass, trying to figure out how to track the cat.

Oblivion watched as they ran, weaving and trying to locate the cat before she got them. He cringed slightly as Sasa caught Cross once more and dragged him several feet before releasing him and vanishing once more. As time went by they began to wait for her to attack and then react. She usually caught them and hauled them off their hooves but every now and then they dodged her and fled. They began dodging at the slightest movement of the grass around them and veering away from it. Vantage was the first to start slowing. His stamina was lower due to his armor not slowing him normally. Cross could no longer due to having higher stamina from the heavy armor he wore.

“Sasa.” He reached out to her and she paused. “I want to see how Cross does alone. Find a way to stop Vantage, he’s starting to lag anyway. If needed get him and hold him.”


He watched as Sasa got close to the Thestral and then sprung. She collided heavily with the unprepared pony and pinned him. A paw went over his mouth and she silenced him. Her body pinned him to the ground.

Vantage felt the impact reverberate through him and he gasped. Sasa pinned him to the ground and covered his mouth with one enormous paw. He tried to push against her but felt her weight drop onto him. He gasped as his breathing was slowed by her weight. He started to inhale but found he couldn’t get enough of a breath to do anything. His lungs cried out as she held him down. ‘Damn. Cross, a little help.’ He thought to himself.

Cross stopped when he realized that he was alone. He waited for Vantage to jump up, cursing about the feline. But there was no response. The other Thestral was gone. He looked to Oblivion but the unicorn was still as stone. He spun around and still nothing in sight. The medic was quiet as he hunkered down in the grass. The fear bit at him. Vantage was the brave one.

Oblivion watched as the pony hunkered down. “Interesting.”

“Chosen? Is he okay?”

“I’m not certain. He’s down, but he’s not hurt.”

“He’s alone.”

“Yes. And he’s not coping well with that fact.”

“Well shit. Should I let Vantage go?”

“No. We have to get him moving.” Oblivion looked to where he knew Vantage was, pinned by Sasa. “Sasa don’t hurt him, but let him holler.”

“Got it.” Sasa shifted and moved her paw away from his mouth and leaned on one of his legs. Vantage cried out and she recovered his mouth and shifted off his leg. She gave him an apologetic nuzzle and went still. Vantage looked at her, his jaw clenched as he tried to struggle again, to no avail.

Cross started at the pained shout from Vantage. He stood up and looked around. “V?” He yelled and went quiet. His ears flicked, trying to find him. His friend needed him to find him. He sounded hurt. Cross trotted in one direction and stopped to listen. He galloped several feet and slid to a stop, his ears flicking. “Vantage!” He cried out again.

Oblivion watched as he seemed to be trying to locate him but was having no luck. “How is he doing Chosen?” Sasa's voice rang in his mind, asking about the pony.

“He’s running in circles. He wants to find him but can’t seem to do anything. Odd. His ears should be just as sharp as a bat. Or at least close. But he seems to be working on panicking.”

“Not good.”

“No it isn’t. He can’t seem to get his bearings. Let Vantage go. This is a lesson in futility.”

Sasa leaned off Vantage and let him sit up. She purred and nuzzled him. “That’s enough!” Oblivion shouted. Cross saw Vantage and smiled.

“V.” He galloped up to them, with a look at the cat. “You’re okay?”

“I’m fine. She didn’t hurt me. She leaned on my leg but I think she just wanted me to make a noise. She let off it right away and even nuzzled me. Not sure what the point of holding me down was though.”

“The point was to see if Cross could find you.” Oblivion stated as he neared them.

“Oh.” Vantage was quiet.

“Cross. You seemed to shut down at the loss of Vantage in the area. I had Sasa let him cry out to see if we could entice you to act.”

“So I was right. She wasn’t trying to hurt me.”

“No. The purpose was to get Cross moving from the spot he had hunkered down in.”

Vantage looked at Cross, who was staring at the ground. “Cross. Come on, really?” The other Thestral said nothing in his own defense.

Oblivion was quiet as he waited for any response. “Vantage. Care to explain?”

“Well.” Vantage was quiet.

Sasa nudged him but there was no response. Oblivion snorted. “Very well. Do you know of any other Thestral that can fulfill the role we need?”

“One that has the medical side and is able to fight?” Vantage asked.


“Cross is fine he just needs...umm...” Vantage searched for the right words.

“Vantage, I do not have time to coddle him. Unless you would rather put your life on the line and hope he can defend you from that pinto mare. She will not stop just because he hides. If she can attack me that quickly what can she do to you if your partner cannot function?”

“Does he want the Element to be taken and you murdered?” Sasa asked. “Put that in front of them. I think it will kick them into a reply.”

Oblivion looked at Sasa and brought the guards on his legs back to the medallion and then pulled the wolf-shaped gem off his medallion and into his hoof. “Do you want her to take the Element of Spirit? Without it, the other Elements cannot function, thereby rendering them useless. She would try to corrupt it by bathing it in the blood of its Bearers heart, which she would tear out to test on it.”

Vantage looked at the Element in Oblivion’s hoof. “Cross. Either you tell them, or I will.”

Cross raised his head. “What?”

“You heard me. He’s right. We need the Element safe. Our job is to support him and now part of that is keeping that crazy mare from taking the Element and murdering its bearer. Tell them the truth.” Vantage to his friend. His voice had a hard edge to it.

Cross looked to the ground and then to the Element. He was quiet. Oblivion turned his hoof to the side and Cross watched the element fall from his hoof and land on the ground, with a dull thud.

“I’m half blind in my right eye and deaf in my right ear.” He finally admitted in a rush, hanging his head in shame.

Vantage looked relieved and watched as Oblivion's magic picked up the Element and returned it to its place. “So that’s why you hid.”

“Yes, sir. I’m sorry.” Cross said and looked up to the black stallion.

“Well, that complicates things.” Oblivion stated.

Sasa walked up to the ashamed pony and nuzzled him. “What's the plan now, Chosen? We can’t send him away.”

“I know that. I wanted to know what his reasoning was and sending him back would simply break him.” Oblivion looked at the pair of Thestral's. “So this is the main reason you are paired. Vantage knows how to communicate with you if you can’t hear him fully or see him.”

“Yes. I rely mostly on body language to assess the situation.” Cross explained.

“He must have a hard time understanding you then.” Sasa added in.

“True. I don’t react normally.”

“All right we may have to adjust this. Cross cannot be on the ground without hearing the mare and seeing her. Vantage you are still on the ground. Your speed on the ground and ability to scream like that cannot put elsewhere but in the ground.”

“What if we put Striker with him?" Sasa chimed in.

Oblivion glanced at her. “Might be our only choice.” He said aloud.

“Sir?” Cross said to him.

“Might have to trade up to the teams. The main problem there is getting Striker to work with Vantage and vice versa. Will keep Silver in the air and pair him with Cross. Cross.”


“Your role will be altered. I can’t have you on an active flight with Silver if you can’t see or hear him. Silver is an active flier, very agile. That is why he and Striker work well.” Oblivion explained. “I’m not going to send you packing, but I will need to alter your role.”

“I understand sir. And I am sorry for not saying anything sooner. I didn’t realize that we would be doing more than just pitching camp.” Cross explained.

“Information would certainly have been helpful sooner. But what’s done is done and there is no changing it. Now we simply walk forward and work with what we have. Come. We need to speak with Striker and Silver about this as well. Getting to be time to wake them anyway.” Oblivion said as he looked back to camp and started walking back.

Cross followed behind them, his head low. Sasa walked up to him and nudged him. She purred and tried to encourage him. Cross gave a weak smile. “Thanks, girl. But I just messed everything up.” He lamented and walked with her.

She rumbled at him and nuzzled him again. “Chosen.”


“He’s not taking this well.”

Oblivion looked over his shoulder. He could see the Thestral’s spirit and it was diminished. “Bloody hell.” He cursed to the feline before he glanced to the Thestral. “Cross?”


Oblivion faced forward as he spoke to the Thestral. “Yes, telling me sooner would have been beneficial. But better I know now versus when we are in the middle of a fight with her. Just because we have to alter the plan does not mean all is lost. It does not mean you have killed any of us. It just means that the groups to handle the pinto are different. You will have to learn how to read and help Silver and he will do the same. Vantage will have to learn to run with Striker. All that means is that things are different, not impossible.” He explained and went silent.

Cross nodded. “Thank you, sir.”

Oblivion snorted and kept walking, Vantage at his side. “Well said, sir.” Vantage whispered to him.

Cross held his head up a bit as Sasa purred at him. “You said something, didn’t you?” Cross said as he regarded the feline. She looked away, trying to look innocent. She looked at him, a sly wink escaped her as she trotted ahead to the black pony’s side.

They reached camp and Sasa roared to wake up the still sleeping Solar guards. They shouted, then groaned and walked slowly out of the tent.

“Sasa. I hate you.” Silver said to the cat as he walked out.

Strike walked out and groaned. “Sir? The sun isn’t even up.”

Oblivion sat down and waited for the stallions to reach him. “I am aware. We have a change of...” Oblivion's ears flicked and he held up a hoof to silence them. Twigs snapped and the sound of wind sounded in his ears. He closed his eyes and focused on his ears. They flicked and he tilted his head to give them height. The black unicorn was quiet as the sound faded. His hoof went back to the ground and he waited.

“Sir?” Cross asked him.

“The Leshen was close. Relatively close.” Oblivion explained.

“Is it here?” Sasa asked, turning to the village.

“No. It’s gone from the area.”Oblivion clarified.

The ponies and cat visibly relaxed as Striker and Silver approached and sat down heavily, sore from the run they did earlier. “So what’s going on?” Striker asked, through a wince as he tried to straighten his back.

“We have to make a couple of adjustments to how we are approaching the upcoming fight.”

“Why?” Silver asked.

Oblivion looked at Cross for a moment. “Cross is blind and deaf on one side.”

Both Solar guards looked to the Thestral. “Oh shit.” Silver muttered, then looked to the black stallion. “Okay, how do we work with him? I assume you already have an idea.” Striker nodded and waited.

Cross looked up and stared at the two other guards. “We will be switching up the teams. Striker?”


“You will be working with Vantage on the ground.”


“Silver you’re still in the air.”

“With Cross?”

“No. Cross has a different goal.” He looked to the stunned Thestral. “Your goal is to find out how that mare is controlling the Leshen. I get the feeling whatever she uses is hidden under that thick cloak. So if you see a chance, remove it.” Cross nodded. “You will be working with Silver as well, though. You have to be able to dodge and avoid any magic that she sends your way.”

“Understood, sir,” Cross replied.

Striker suddenly looked horrified. “Wait! Do I have to be up right now to practice again!?”

Oblivion couldn’t stop himself from sitting heavily and putting his claws over his face. “Gods below.” Oblivion left his claws over his features as he sat in silence. “No. You can try to sleep longer if you wish.”

“Meh. I’m awake.” Striker said and looked resigned.

Sasa chuckled and looked to the unicorn. Oblivion was quiet as he put his hoof back on the ground. “You need to rest as well Chosen.” She pointed out. “I can train them to avoid me.”

“Not right now we can’t Sasa.”

“Sir?” Cross put a hoof on his shoulder and waited for his attention. “You should get some rest, as well. You haven’t slept. Training us back to back will just leave you vulnerable to being hurt by the crazed mare.”

“Smart little thing, isn’t he?” Sasa pointed out.

“I am fine for now. My kind can go for several days without sleep.” Oblivion replied.

“But your body is trying to regrow two broken claws.”

“I know. Thank you for your concern. But training the group of you currently takes precedence.”

“Well, we need to get onto the right schedules to train on now.” Silver pointed out. “Since our teams are being changed. Either I stay awake or Striker does. Or we work for a little while then go back to sleep.”

“Better plan.” Striker said aloud. The group looked at him. “We patrol for a while and get used to working with a different pony. Then we sleep to try and get on the right schedule.”

“Smart little ponies.” Sasa said. “The only snag is that Cross is a Thestral. The sun hurts him.”

“The sun is up when you would be training with Cross. Thestral's don't do well in the direct sun.” Oblivion replied.

Cross and Vantage nodded. “Oh shit. Sorry, I forgot.” Striker said to them.

Cross looked at them. “That should be fine. I’m not going to be able to attack her from the air as well as Silver will be. I’ll be supporting from the shadows, right?”

“True enough. Silver and Striker. A patrol from the air with Sasa on the ground. Stay away from the mare and if you see the Leshen leave.”

“Yes, sir.” They saluted but both groaned and tried not to look as sore as they were.

“It wasn’t that bad,” Oblivion said to them.

“Sir. We guard doors.”

Oblivion sighed and nodded. “Just go.” He said and shook his head as they took off. “With armor, you twit!” He yelled at them.

Both of them cringed and came back. “Right.” They went to retrieve their armor and then took to the air. Sasa ran under them and loped into the forest. Oblivion watched as they vanished into the forest.

“Sasa, if you find the mare, avoid her.” He said to the cat as an afterthought.

“Why? Aside from her being crazy.” The feline replied.

“If she gets an idea of the connection between you and me then she could be even more dangerous. The last thing we need is for her to try going after you or the guards in the meantime. We will be ready for her in time.”

“Understood. I will avoid her as well. She was creepy enough on her own. Any ideas why she can control the Leshen?”

“I wish I had a concrete idea. There is no record of any monster of their type being able to be controlled that easily. She didn’t give it any commands which are strange. Makes me think that she can point it in a direction, but can’t truly tell it what to do.” Oblivion pointed out .“I have heard of mages trying to harness elementals and golems as guardians for a location. But I have never heard of a Leshen being used.”

Sasa was quiet. “That would make more sense. A golem is created by the mage correct?”

“Yes.” He replied. “They have more control for that reason. But she did not create the Leshen.”

“Thankfully. That would be truly frightening. When we saw her the Leshen didn’t move much as she was near it. It attacked that rabbit but that was it.” She replied to him. She glanced to the Pegasus’s to make sure they were still above her. “Oh. Don’t forget to send a letter to Apple Bloom.” She reminded him.

Oblivion cursed but realized that he needed to assure the filly everything was fine. His horn lit as he conjured a scroll and quill.

Apple Bloom:

I am sorry for not speaking to you before I left, but I was needed elsewhere. I am not sure how long I will be gone, but I will try to keep in touch through Applejack.


As far as notes went it was pretty short. He grumbled as he pulled another scroll and began to draw on it. He drew their camp and placed Sasa sitting by the fire. When he was finished he rolled the two papers together and with a flare of his flames, the messages were gone. As he waited his mind went over what he knew of how monsters were controlled. He had heard of various tales from the other Witchers but had little experience with them himself. His type of contracts were not in buildings and he tended to range farther than most for his own.

He had run into other Witchers more often than most due to the range of the contracts he went after. Lambert tended to stay in cities, while Eskel did more minor contracts. Geralt did both fairly equally rather than lean toward one type. He was better with people, while Oblivion was not. While he had been with Geralt that was the most contracts he had done in a city in years. It reminded him why he chose to stay in the wilds. He snorted and looked up as Sasa and the Pegasus returned to camp. They greeted him and Sasa gave him an affectionate nuzzle. He watched as they went to follow his earlier instructions.

28: A Test of Mettle...

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The days went by as Oblivion trained the guards in their new pairs. Silver turned out to be more than capable of flying solo and still maintaining speed and control. Striker and Vantage were on the ground and it took time for them to get in sync. Vantage was much faster than the Pegasus on the ground. Oblivion set the Pegasus to the air above the Thestral and by altering that formation they were able to stay in pace with each other. Striker would take to the ground in places and then vault over Vantages back to keep the formation from being too linear. Oblivion started to work out how they were going to bait the mare. The Leshen was simple to bait, the mare would not be.

“Chosen?” Sasa trotted up to him as Vantage and Striker galloped across the grass.


“How are they doing?”

“Better considering. By altering where Striker is we have made it harder for the mare to counter them.”

“Hopefully.” Sasa added.

He looked at her and then back to the ponies. “Start attacking them. We need them to be able to act without you or I.”

“Understood.” She turned and ran back to them. Their path was erratic due to Oblivion randomly firing magic at them. She stalked them for a time, then lunged and was able to trip Vantage, who recovered and began calling out to Striker.

The two ponies began to act as Sasa harried them. They didn’t seek to hurt the cat as she attacked. They changed their positions more frequently and began to further alter their run patterns. He watched as Sasa was forced to attack them more boldly without any cover. “Well done,” Oblivion said to himself as he watched from a small hill. He began firing magic at them as well.

Striker hollered a warning as they turned into the magic and both dove to the ground, avoiding the blast. Sasa yelped and ducked as well. She sprang up and yowled at him. He gave a non-committal shrug and continued. The ponies avoided the magic but were caught by the cat more often as a result. Striker suddenly yelled for a direction change as Vantage hollered for Sasa. Both listened to the other's warning and avoided both. Sasa jumped at Vantage as the magic went over her back.

“Chosen!” She hollered through their link.

“Your fine. It’s harmless.” He chided her.

“That’s not the point.”

“Yes, it is. Keep going.”

She grumbled, but recovered and began her attack once more. Oblivion was impressed when the two ponies were able to avoid almost all of the attacks or were able to use Sasa to take the blow for them. The sun dipped down and Oblivion called for the end of the exercise. Both ponies panted as they stopped and started to walk toward him.

“How did we do, sir?” Striker asked as they stopped in front of him.

“Pretty well. Especially considering you were dodging both Sasa and my magic. Well done in getting Sasa to take the blows a few times.”

“She’s not to mad about that is she?” Vantage asked.

“No. She is more upset at me than you.” Oblivion pointed out as Sasa swatted at his hooves.

“Oh, thank Celestia.” Vantage said, relief flooding his voice. He reached out and stroked the cat’s side as she stopped batting at Oblivion’s hooves. “I’m glad to see that you’re back on four legs, sir.”

Oblivion nodded. “As am I.” His hoof had healed and the newly healed claws were folded back in their place within his hoof. They had finally healed earlier that morning.

“Even if that does mean that now you can start coming after us.” Striker added, with a chuckle.

“Also true,” Oblivion replied.

“What else do we need to work out?” Vantage asked as he sat down.

“The only main concern we have now is to find a way to bait the mare. The Leshen will be easy to bait. The mare…not as much.” Oblivion informed them.

Vantage was quiet as he considered. “Is there a way to use a portal to draw her?”

“How so?” Oblivion asked.

“Like a dummy portal. She said she can use them. So one that is not her own would draw her attention, right?”

Striker nodded. “That’s true. She would have no control over it and if she is after the monsters that come from it then she would want to control the monster from this one as well.”

Oblivion was quiet as he thought over what they had said. “I might be able to replicate a portal. Though it is not something that I have tried.”

“Or is it possible to make it seem as though you are out there alone with the Element?” Vantage tossed out another idea.

“That would be an interesting option, Chosen.” Sasa added at the second suggestion.

“True.” He responded to her. “Both could work. In all honesty, the portal might be our best bet. But that hinges on her ability to sense if a portal opens or not.” He considered both options as the others waited. “Go ahead and head back to camp and rest. I’ll join you shortly.”

The ponies nodded and started for camp. The black stallion stood silently as he thought over how a portal would need to work. “I can possibly create one, but it would need to give off enough power to be noticed.” He said aloud.

“Just make it seem as though a monster even bigger than the Leshen is coming through. There is no way she will be able to resist it.” Sasa pointed out.

“True enough. But the question remains. How would it work? I would need to be by the totems to distract the Leshen and make it so that she cannot issue commands to the Leshen. It would need to give a big enough signature to attract her and draw her out.”

“Agreed. Perhaps create an item that they can use after getting a signal from you?”

“Or you can be with them then alert me when she takes the bait so I can bait the Leshen.”

“That would work. An item for the ponies that they can use once I reach them after destroying the first two totems then meet up with you after they use the item and the mare shows up?”

“That could work.” Oblivion agreed. “It would need to be an item that can be destroyed and give enough time for them to hide while they wait for her to appear.”

“Exactly.” Sasa replied, her voice hopeful.

Oblivion pivoted on his heel and started walking for the camp. His mind went over ideas for how to enchant an item to mimic a portal and how that would need to be used. ‘An item that can be broken and still use a spell to create the fake portal. Glass is the easiest option but also the most fragile when being transported. Perhaps clay or a form of pottery?’

The black Unicorn was quiet as he kept thinking in silence. “Sasa.”


“Any ideas about the type of item that they could use? I am thinking of one that I can enchant with a spell and they can break it on the ground then hide.”

“That would work. What type of item though?”

“That is what I am asking you for, I had thought glass or perhaps a type of clay?”

“Clay might be our best option. Its sturdy enough to handle being moved around.”

“Agreed. Glass is the other thought, but it’s not as sturdy without having a spell on it as well. I would rather not overdo the number of spells on it.”

“That’s true. Clay is our best choice then. Can you make an item like that?”

“I can, yes. Now we have to figure out what it should be.”

“A thought for later. What exercise will Silver be doing this morning?”

“Currently I have not thought of it. While he has shown that he is capable of making turns and bursts of speed, he has not been able to attack during that time. He can use that speed for around an hour, but after that, he slows and falters.”


Oblivion said nothing as they reached camp and joined the others as they ate. Cross was sitting with Silver and they appeared to be discussing something as the others approached. Silver looked up and regarded the black stallion.



“I have an idea. Vantage and Striker told me about how we need to bait the crazy mare to make her come after us without the Leshen.”

“That’s true. I have been discussing it with Sasa and have an idea as well. But I will listen.”

“What if we leave her in the forest? I know that we were going to bring her out into the open. But what if we leave her in the forest?”

“And why would we do that?” Oblivion asked, his interest piqued.

“Well, that way Cross can hide easier as he gets close enough to fulfill his part in the plan. Out in the open, that’s made more difficult.”

“I see your point. But the best areas to keep her are too close to the totems. Sasa has been scouting areas and the best spots that she found for engaging the pinto are close enough to the Leshens the last totem to possibly allow her to flee to its location and use it against all of us. Since her goal is the Element keeping it away from her at this time is our best course of action.” Oblivion explained to him.

Silver looked sheepish as he nodded. “Good point.”

“Questioning is not a bad thing, Silver. If you do not know the answer or have ideas of your own then I welcome you bringing them forward.” Oblivion advised the stallion.

Silver nodded and accepted his food from Cross. “What will we be working on?” Cross spoke up.

“Cross. You will be working with me. We need to work on your technique for approaching a pony when they are distracted and getting an item from them. So we will be using my cloak and medallion for the exercise. Silver. You will be running with Sasa. She will be running erratically and your job will be to stay with her. No matter her pace and movement.”

Both ponies nodded. Cross looked a bit unsure at the prospect of working with Oblivion specifically. Silver reached out and rubbed his hoof on Sasa’s forehead. She purred in response.

“How long will I be matching her?”

“Till Cross can take my medallion off me.”

“So till the end of forever?” Silver replied.

Oblivion shrugged. His horn lit up as he brought his cloak out and it settled over his back. He conjured a belt that went around his barrel. His medallion lifted from around his neck and he tied it to the strap around his body. It sat midway between his shoulder and hip and the medallion dangled from it. Cross and the others watched as he finished his preparations. Vantage and Striker went into their tents and settled down to sleep. Cross covered the fire and waited for Silver to finish his meal before they set out, trailing behind the Black Unicorn. They reached the usual training area and waited for further instruction.

“All right. Silver with Sasa.” The pony saluted and trotted after the Spectral Tiger. “Cross. I do not expect you to be able to take the medallion from me without my knowledge. As a Witcher, my senses are heightened and the odds are very much against you. If I am calculating correctly then the pinto will stay in one place or possibly walk around as she will only be seeing the three of you. Now that might also make her cautious since she may or may not know there are four of you. Since she seems to go to bed around the time that you switch then she may or may not know of the training with you and Silver, if she is paying that close of attention at all. Having the Leshen under her hoof may have also made her complacent. If that is the case then it works in our favor.”

“I understand. So the point is for me to approach you and try for the medallion?”

“Correct. Again I do not expect you to be able to take it. But the point of this is to see your approach and how to improve your chances of reaching for it.” Oblivion said to him as he began walking slowly away. “Begin.”

He looked back as Cross crouched down and vanished from sight in the taller grass. The black stallion walked slowly around, occasionally changing his course as he also kept an ear turned to listen to Silver and Sasa. He stopped and looked to his left as his eyes connecting with Cross.

“Try again.”

Cross nodded and waited as Oblivion walked away from him again. Time ticked by as he glanced over to Sasa and found her to be zig-zagging, then stopping and turning back as Silver managed to keep pace. Cross was caught each time, but his technique was slowly improving. The black stallion stilled as his ears listened for the Thestral. He looked over as Cross burst out of the grass and jumped over his back, gripping the cloak in one hoof as he tried to pull Oblivion off his hooves. Oblivion staggered and dug his claws into the ground as he managed to keep his hooves. He felt the belt around his barrel shift on his body as Cross’s other hoof gripped it and tried to yank it off the stallion. Oblivion released his hold with his claws and bucked against the other ponies hold. Cross yelped as Oblivion spun, tossing the pony to the ground and dragged him for a foot or so. Cross let go of the cloak and belt and laid on the ground panting.

“Well done.” Oblivion praised him as he held out a hoof to help him up.

“I got the belt, but I forgot to let go of the stupid cloak.” Cross berated himself as he was pulled to his hooves.

“As I said. The odds of you getting it were very slim. But you did well considering.”

“Considering I was going against you. So should I try again?”

“No, I think that will be enough for this evening,” Oblivion said to the Thestral. He looked up and gave a shrill whistle.

Sasa loped up to him with Silver above her. The feline reached him and gave his shoulder an affectionate nuzzle. “How did they do Chosen?”

“You both did well. If I was any other pony then Cross would have gotten the medallion and escaped with his last attempt.” Oblivion informed them.

“Way to go Cross.” Silver praised the Thestral.

“Good for him. Silver did very well keeping me close. Very rarely did he lose sight of me.”

“According to Sasa you also did well Silver. It’s almost time for us to confront the pinto and see what we can find out.” Oblivion informed them and looked to the forest for a moment before continuing. “Now we will be getting the four of you together to see how it works with all of you.”

“How will we be doing that?” Silver asked.

“Sasa will act as the mare and the four of you will confront her as a group. We will give a couple of days to get used to moving together but you will still act as independent units. But for now, that will be all for this evening. We will start getting the four of you on the same schedule and see how it goes.”

Sasa led them back to camp and Oblivion started the fire as they neared it. Oblivion returned his medallion to its place around his neck and sent his cloak back to his saddlebag. He hadn’t worn it consistently in weeks. He sat by the fire with the ponies as they chatted and went over tactics. Sasa laid down at his side and waited as he considered their next move.

“Chosen? Will we be confronting her soon?” She finally asked of him.

“Soon enough. I need to create a portable portal for them to use to draw her out. In the meantime, we need to get you and the four of them working on tactics. It’s about halfway through the day. We may need to wake up the other two to get them on the same schedule as Silver and Cross. We will be confronting her at sunset.”

“That makes sense. So should I wake them?”

“In a bit. Give them as much time as we can before we bring them in on the plan.’

Sasa was silent as she nodded and went back to listening to the two ponies. Oblivion’s horn lit as he started creating a small totem made of red clay. His magic twisted the ball of clay and it began to form a small cylinder. The edges were contoured and gave off a waterfall effect and tapered to the bottom. The surface rippled as Oblivion closed his eyes and began to work on creating the portal spell. His mind focused on what he knew of portals and began to weave the mechanics of the spell into the small carving.

Sasa and the ponies watched as the glow from Oblivion's horn grew brighter and the carving began to ripple as the Unicorn layered a spell onto it. She said nothing so as not to disrupt him. The stallion’s eyes were closed as he focused on the spell he was using to enchant the item for their purposes. She looked to the ponies and found them to be staring at the Unicorn. Their eyes were wide as they felt the magic washing over the item and slowly growing in power. Cross looked over at Silver, who was awestruck as he stared.

Oblivion's magic peaked and a bright flash went over the item and a slight concussion wave went over them. The item floated slowly to the ground and the black pony gave a sigh as he opened his eyes. He looked at the carving and gave a pleased snort at his handiwork.

“Sir?” Silver spoke up.

Oblivion looked at him. “It’s fine. This holds what I am hoping is the correct portal spell. We can’t test it since it would draw her here and we aren’t ready for her at this exact time. I might have made it stronger than it needs to be but that can work in our favor. If she was thrilled about the Leshen then she will come to this portal hoping for something bigger than it was.”

“What could be bigger than that thing?” Silver asked.

“Fiends, Wyverns, Cockatrice, to name a few. They are larger than the Leshen is.” Oblivion informed them.

Both ponies looked nervous as they listened. “Yikes.” Silver replied and looked at the carving again. “So that little thing will make a portal big enough for her to sense? A Dummy portal I mean?”

“Precisely. It will have enough power behind it to draw her attention. We need to explain how this is all going to work for all of you. Sasa, wake up Vantage and Striker.”

The cat nodded and went into the tent that housed the other two ponies. A loud roar shook the tent and a series of loud shouts followed along with a fair amount of colorful cursing as they yelled at the she-cat. They both came out of the tent following the cat.

“Sir?” Vantage asked of him as they regarded him.

“My apologies, but it is getting to be time for the four of you to start working on your skills as a group. I also have created a way for us to attract her attention. So the full plan is needing to be discussed.” Oblivion advised the two ponies.

Striker gave Vantage his dinner and they both sat down. “So what is the plan?” Striker asked.

Oblivion picked up the carving and waited for them to look at it. “This will draw her to you. You will engage her in the open fields. Using the forest would be ill-advised due to the proximity to the totems and it would be easier for her to evade in the forest and possibly reach the Leshen.”

Vantage stared at the carving. “Okay, I give. How is that little thing going to get her attention?”

“It is enchanted with a spell to create a dummy portal that will catch her attention. It has enough power that it will make it seem as though something larger than the Leshen is going to come through it.”

“Oh. That makes sense.” Vantage nodded and went silent.

Oblivion gave a slight nod and continued. “Sasa and I will break the first two totems. Once the second has been broken she will join the four of you. Once she reaches you, break the carving and then hide. The portal it will create will look exactly like the ones that have been bringing creatures to her. Once she has reached all of you attack her and begin working on exhausting her and capture her when able. Sasa will then inform me once she has reached all of you and I will bring her back to aid me in the fight with the Leshen. I will break the final totem and that will bring the Leshen to me. Once I have finished with it I will come to you.”

The four guards looked at each other. “So we just have to tire her out and hope she falls before we do?” Striker said aloud.

“Yes. I do not anticipate the fight with the Leshen to take very long. I have fought them before and I know how to kill them. If needed I will send Sasa to aid you. But that is only if needed. Leshen can summon creatures to aid them so her purpose is to keep them off my tail while I deal with the Leshen.”

“I get it.” Silver piped up. “Hopefully we can take her down before you get there. She is after you and the Element so we have to work harder to stop her before you arrive.”

“By the time I finish with the Leshen I have no doubt that she will be tiring. Taking on three of you actively while another harries her heels and uses stealth will be forcing her to fight on two, even three, fronts.”

“That just sounds exhausting.” Striker added.

“It is,” Oblivion advised. “But it means she will tire faster. If we play our cards right then the Leshen will be down before she has the chance to try to call upon it. Otherwise, this will have all been for naught.”

“We won’t fail, sir,” Cross said to him.

“I would hope not,” Oblivion said to them.

“You trained us for this job. Each of us knows our part and we will act as is befitting of the training you have done with us.” Vantage said to him, pride in his voice.

Oblivion nodded and let silence fall between them. As much as he would rather do this on his own, he knew that he had no choice but to utilize the ponies as he had trained them. The Witcher had never been one for commanding others, despite having done so before. But this situation required he use the ponies with him. The Black Unicorn was quiet as he started to think over how to approach the mare if they did capture her. As much as he would like to simply imprison her he was sure that even if the guards ran her down she would act up as soon as he showed up. Granted showing up with his usual trophy slung across his back might silence her for a time. He always removed the heads of his contracts as proof of their demise.


Oblivion looked up as Cross spoke to him. “Yes?”

“When we do wear her down, how do we contain her?”

Oblivion was quiet as he considered the question. “How are ponies arrested here?”

“With hoof cuffs and if needed, an inhibitor ring. Why?”

“Just seeing if there was a vast difference or not. Do we have the ability to contain her in that fashion?”

“No. We didn’t bring anything with us.” Striker advised. "Were told that we would just be supporting you, not helping."

Oblivion growled under his breath. His horn lit as he penned a note to Celestia, asking her for a package containing the items they needed. He stopped before sending it, however. The Unicorn paused as he considered whether informing the monarch about the mare was wise or not. The last thing he needed was her sending more guards or arriving herself to help. Instead, he rephrased the request as a just in case any pony gets in the way. The note flared and he sent it to her, awaiting the reply.

A reply came to him in the form of a small package with his name scrawled in elegant script across the top of it. ‘Perfect.’ He set the package ion the ground and opened it. Three pairs of hoof cuffs and two inhibitors gleamed in the box. He set it beside the guards and they nodded in understanding.

“Go get your armor. I have a few improvements to make to them.” He commanded.

The ponies did as he said and brought the armor out for him to see. His magic surrounded it and lifted Strikers first. The golden armor glowed as Oblivion altered the color. The colors shifted to match more of the pony’s natural coloring with accents of the same color as the grasses around them. It would be easier for him to blend in with the color changes. The helm also streamlined and now no longer had that ridiculous plume on it, but had slimmed down to cover the ponies neck and protect it. The body armor shifted to be thicker but retain its mobility and weight. A pair of the hoof cuffs slid into place on the front of the left shoulder. The inhibitor ring also slid into place beside the cuffs. Oblivion set Strikers armor to the side and focused on the rest, using Strikers as a model for the others. Each was matched in color to the owner of the armor and tailored slightly to each pony’s job. Sasa sat beside the black stallion as his magic covered their armor and finished the changes.

He breathed out and looked to the stunned guards. “Try them on. Make sure they fit as they should. Better to alter them now and get the fitting correct than try to fix them later.”

The guards all slid into their armor and tried moving in it to make sure it fits well. Cross looked a bit uncomfortable and looked to their Captain.

“Sir? It’s a bit tight around my neck.” He said, his voice was quiet as he voiced his concern.

Oblivion nodded and his horn lit, azure flame covered the armor and it slowly widened as Oblivion's magic pulled the metal into place. Cross nodded as it fits properly and Oblivion released the magic spreading the metal.

He looked to the others as Striker stretched and a groan escaped him as he looked at it. “Bit tight on the shoulders. But it should fit fine. We haven’t been wearing it so the metal should be fine. And you didn’t change the sizing.” He reasoned out.

Oblivion snorted. “Last time you wore it was before I started training you. You have put on muscle since then. It does not fit properly since it was fitted to you prior to working with me.” Oblivion supplied the reasoning to the group.

“Oh.” Silver commented. “In that case mine doesn’t fit right either. It’s rubbing my wings.”

Oblivion nodded and began the adjustments as they were brought up from the ponies. Each armor was refitted and soon each pony had their armor fitting as though it had been molded to them, to begin with. Vantage stood tall in his refitted armor and smiled.

“I like it better now. It used to feel like a set of armor. Now it feels like…like it’s meant to be there.” He observed, to the agreement of the others.

“That is how it should fit. I have my armor tailored to me and it is meant to fit like your own skin. The last thing you need to be worrying about when doing battle is if your armor can handle it.” Oblivion replied.

“So the armor from the Element?” Cross asked.

“Fits as though it is a second skin, as it should be. My armor is always designed this way. I accept nothing less from it.”

“Thank you, sir.” Silver said to him.

Oblivion gave a slight nod of his head and looked to the forest for a moment before he sat down and rested for a moment.


“Yes, Sasa?”

“You should take some time to rest. Give them some instructions and I will work with them.”

He gave a light snort and nodded to the feline. “For now you will be working with Sasa. I am going to take the time to rest up after altering your armor. Use the time to learn how to maneuver in the armor and how to coordinate at least basics with each other. Sasa will be on the ground and she will instruct you as needed. While she cannot speak to you with words she is capable of actions. Listen to her and she will guide you for now. When I return all four of you will rest and then we will start fine-tuning our plan in the evening.” He explained to them as he stood up.

“Yes, sir.” The four intoned to him as he moved to his own tent.

“They are yours, Sasa.” He said to the cat as he went inside. He laid down on the blankets, curled his body and laid his head down on his tail, ignoring the pillow. His mind went over plans and ideas for the confrontation but he pushed them aside as a yawn bit at him. The Witcher slept as he pushed ideas to the back of his mind and laid his head down over his hooves.


Sasa’s scream tore him from sleep and he bolted to his hooves. “Sasa?”

“Help!” She cried out to him.

A flash of pain went through him and he teleported to her. He took a moment to take in the scene and then he backflipped away from a Nekker. He watched as the small monsters were everywhere. Cross bucked one away from him as he kept his flank to a tree. Vantage and Striker raced across the grounds as they also kicked and bit at the monsters. Sasa roared as she rammed several of the creatures to get them away from Silver. The Pegasus yelled to the cat and jumped back into the air.

Oblivion watched for a moment as he summoned his blade and dove into the fray with the group. He galloped and ran down two of them, his claws digging into the creature's flesh and rending it as he went over them. His blade cut through the next one as he ran past it. He collapsed his forelegs and then his hind legs as he slid under the high jump from another one and cleaved it on two. He jumped to his hooves and looked to the next one.

Silver looked down as Oblivion charged in. The Pegasus dove down and used his speed to knock three of the monsters away from Sasa. The feline growled as her claws tore into one of them and tossed it away. Vantage and Striker galloped across the ground, forcing the creatures to chase them, making them easy for their Captain to attack and cut down.

Sasa tore through the Nekker in front of her and looked up as Oblivion cut down two more. They were endless. A deep cut went through her right flank, stopping her from running. A snarl tore from her as she put her long front teeth through the chest of another Nekker and tossed it to the side.

Oblivion stopped and looked around them. His head snapped behind him like a bolt of ice arced toward him. His shield came up and the ice shattered against it. The pinto stood on a hill not far from the attack site. As much as he wanted to attack her directly he knew that the ponies with him and Sasa were in need of him more. He glanced back as a portal opened behind him. He growled as more Nekkers poured from it, after a delay of several seconds. Another ten joined the fray. He looked to the mare as she turned and galloped back into the forest. Oblivion called on his armor and it surged over his fur and covered him. He spun and charged down the hill. A Nekker jumped onto his back as he galloped past the group of them. Oblivion snarled as he careened down the hill. He could feel impacts on his shoulders and withers as the Nekker tried to disable him. The Witcher bucked as he tried to dislodge the creature, to no avail. Oblivion plunged ahead once more as the muscles in his flanks tensed and he used his own momentum to flip himself onto his back, crushing the monster under the weight of his body. He heard a strangled gurgle as the creature died. Oblivion rolled to his hooves and plunged ahead once more.

“Striker, Vantage, to me!” He yelled over the din of the fight. The two ponies galloped to his side and their swords appeared in Oblivion's magic. “Cut them down.” He commanded them. Silver stopped above them and Oblivion gave him a blade as well, issuing the same command. Cross suddenly found himself with Striker at his side and Vantage pulling him away from the tree he had been using, they stayed with him as the creatures kept up their attack.

Azure flame rushed over Sasa as her wounds were healed and she cut through the Nekkers in front of her to join Oblivion. The black stallion tore through the creatures and kept up the attack as well. Sasa looked over him and jumped over his back to stop a Nekker from landing on him. The feline stayed at his side and ran beside him as he drew the attention of the majority of the Nekkers. The fight went on as Oblivion galloped through the center of the battle cutting down any monster unfortunate enough to be in his path. Sasa leaped over his back as needed. A group of Nekkers ran toward him and he slid to a stop as they surrounded him. Sasa leaped onto Oblivion's back and swatted at the monsters from her place.

“Chosen, your wings!” She shouted to him, fearful of what could happen to the appendages if a Nekkers claw got to them.

“They're fine.” He barked at her as she kicked a Nekker off his flank.

Sasa swatted at another and slid off the stallions back with a yelp. Oblivion gave an angry snarl and reared up. Magic covered him as he channeled it, it gathered on his hooves and then he slammed his hooves into the ground. A concussion wave went out and tossed the monsters to the ground. Azure flame followed behind the concussion and lit the monsters aflame. They screamed and writhed as the flames burned through them. The guards galloped to him and squared off beside the black Unicorn, should any of the monsters survive the flames. The flames subsided and the screaming stopped, abruptly. The corpses burned and began to disintegrate. The ponies panted as they waited to see what happened next.

Silver gagged as the scent of the burning Nekkers hit him. He held his sword in his jaws as he covered his nose with a hoof, trying not to vomit. He wasn’t alone in the attempt as the others gagged and fought to keep their lunch down. Oblivion gave a loud snort and his blade flicked, blood sailed off it and landed on the ground.

Sasa panted, her legs shuddered as she tired. She reached out to Oblivion and pulled from him, strength flooded her once more. “Chosen? What just happened?”

Oblivion growled as he let his nerves calm, his armor slid over him and ended in the breastplate. He left that alone as the minor cuts he had on his legs began to heal. He sighed and his swords appeared on his back and the silver slid into its sheath. “That was a preemptive strike. And we just showed her that we can handle her attacks.”

“She was here?” Striker asked. His breath tore from him as he panted.

“Yes. At the edge of the woodland. This was a challenge. She was testing to see what we could do. She wasn’t ready for the fight we were able to put up and used that last group of Nekkers to get away.”

“Nekker?” Cross asked.

“That is what those small monsters are called. She ran away as they came out of that last portal. Which means she can summon them but it seems she cannot control them as much as I might have thought. She can point them in a direction, but nothing more than that.” Oblivion reasoned.

Striker sat heavily and panted. “Sir?” Oblivion cast a quick glance to him. “That was horrifying.”

Oblivion scoffed. “That is normal for where I am from. Being attacked by that many monsters is a normal day for my kind.” The ponies looked horrified at the admission. “Are any of you injured?”

“A few cuts, but nothing serious. I’m okay. Thanks to the armor. I could feel a couple hit me but they couldn’t get through it. Is that because you altered it?” Silver asked.

“Yes. I did thicken the metal and enchant them as well.” Oblivion admitted to them.

“Enchanted?” Vantage asked.

“They are enchanted to aid against ice. The mare has shown that she uses ice mostly so I enchanted your armor to ward against it. You will feel the cold, but it will not stop you.” Oblivion informed them. “I did it as an afterthought.” The ponies glanced at each other, then back to the Unicorn among them. “She drew first blood, now it’s our turn,” Oblivion said. His voice firm, unflinching and held the promise of action.

“Chosen. They can’t fight right…Oh.” Sasa started to argue when a look from the stallion stopped her. “Sorry.”

“We will use the rest of the day to recover then we take the fight to her and push our advantage. She has seen that we can fight together, but we will have more than a few tricks up our sleeves. We can still use our prior plan to draw her out, in fact with the loss of so many creatures she will be more likely to fall for the bait. When she loses the Leshen it will be all the more surprising.”

The small group panted as they recovered from the attack. Several minutes passed and the group collected their thoughts. Oblivion walked away from them, analyzing the grounds, searching for anything that he could use to track the mare.

“What happened?” He turned back to the group and began to question them. “How did this get started?”

Silver shook his head and thought back to the fight. “To be honest it all happened so fast that I’m not even sure how it happened.” He admitted. Oblivion’s glare told him to continue. “We were galloping with Sasa trying to tire her as we would the mare. Cross was tracking her as she ran around us. I dove for her, but stopped when a smell caught my attention.”

“Where did the scent come from? What direction?” Oblivion asked him.

Silver paused as he thought back. “It came from…” He paused and looked around them. “The left of me…” He stopped and began to turn his body to face the same direction as when he had first caught the scent. “It was that way.” He pointed a hoof to the left of them and Oblivion trotted in the direction he indicated.

Oblivion stopped and walked slowly around in the direction of Silvers hoof. His eyes narrowed and he tracked the Nekker tracks. A small group of them stood out and the stallion tracked them over the trampled grass. He paused as a burn pattern appeared. A portal had been opened allowing the Nekkers to enter and attack the group, who was distracted by their exercise with the feline. Oblivion looked back to them and found that the tracks were a quarter-mile from them and allowed the Nekkers time to get a running start before they reached the group. Oblivion followed them and rejoined the group.

“A portal was opened over there, it allowed the Nekkers time to get a running start before they reached you. There were around eight of them if I read the tracks correctly.”

“Sounds right.” Striker admitted.

“What happened after that?” Oblivion continued questioning them.

Cross took over from Silver as the Pegasus paused in thought. “They went after Sasa first. Vantage and Striker were with her so they were attacked with her. But they seemed to be aiming more for Sasa than us. Not sure why though.” Cross admitted.

Oblivion paused. “Sasa has a stronger magical signal than you do. She is connected to me which means she carries the signature of the Element of Harmony I bear. That could be why she was the one they chased down first. It could also be that she is the biggest of the group, therefore more of a threat to them. Nekkers fight in large groups so they can take down larger prey. Sasa would be the logical choice for them.” Oblivion supplied.

Sasa growled but nodded. Striker looked up as a thought struck him. “Did she send them after us?”

“Yes. Of that fact, I have no doubt. I’m not sure if she is able to create a portal and know what is coming through it or if it’s random. Before I would have bet it was a random stroke of luck. But seeing as how she sent two groups of Nekkers after us my theory of it being random is less stable. She did attack from the hill that she was watching from as well.”

“She attacked?” Sasa asked him.

“Yes. I crested that hill and a few moments later she sent a bolt of ice in my direction.” Oblivion supplied. “My shield blocked it, but she still attacked. When I joined the fray she sent the second portal out… It was delayed though.” Oblivion stopped as his train of thought went in a new direction.

“Sir?” Silver spoke to him as he went silent.

“Hold,” Oblivion ordered as he went quiet. He trotted back to the spot of the first portal. “Approximately how long were you in battle before I arrived?”

Silver blanched. “Felt like hours but I’m not sure. Sasa?”

“I called for you a couple of minutes after they reached us. So perhaps two minutes, at the longest.” She supplied.

“Two minutes.” Oblivion trailed off as he stood by the portal, then trotted up to the top of the hill where the mare had attacked him. He turned to face the hill and waited several seconds before he trotted to the spot of the second portal. “There is a time limit.” He muttered to himself. “It’s an object that she carries. But what kind?” He muttered to himself as he trotted around the area, tracking the Nekkers fight with the group. He stopped after a minute of activity.

Silver and the others waited for him to rejoin them. The Black Unicorn was quiet as he walked toward them, pausing every few steps. Sasa sat down and watched him. She didn’t reach out to him so as not to disrupt him. He finally rejoined them.

“Whatever she is using to summon the portals it has a time limit. The second portal took close to ten seconds to release the monsters. That could mean one of many things. One could be that it takes a second for them to come through it or it could mean that it has weight capacity or some such. But I would bet that it has a time limit of some sort. She summoned one portal but didn’t realize that I could reach all of you before the time was up. I think she may have overtaxed the item when she called on the second portal. We should strike as soon as possible. With her, on the defensive, we have the advantage. A portal that is outside her control would be even more tempting now that I have had a look at the area.”

“So she can’t summon the portals very often?” Cross asked.

“If I am right, yes, that is the case. If I am wrong, then I’m wrong. But if not, then we have the advantage. It makes your role even more important, Cross. She will have the item with her when she reaches you at the new portal.” Cross nodded back to him to signal he understood. Oblivion was quiet as he looked over the remains of the battlefield. None of the guards spoke as he started to lead them back toward their camp. “I think you have done enough for this evening. Unless you would like to continue the exercise?” He asked with a glance over his shoulder to the small group.

“No, sir.” Silver piped up for the group. The others shook their heads almost frantically.

Sasa chuckled at their response and trotted to catch up to the long-legged stallion. “What is the plan now Chosen?”

Oblivion was quiet as he thought it over. “Well, for now, we will wait till tomorrow. Give them a chance to recover from their first true fight and see how the morning finds them.”

“And after?”

“I plan on going into the village to inform them to stay in their homes and not go near the forest till I say otherwise. After that, we will lure the Leshen to me and then have the others start the fight with her.”

“So we are moving forward with the main plan?”


“What makes you think they might bow out?” She asked him as the Witcher was still silent.

“A real battle is what they just went through. I have seen many Witcher candidates do just fine till they are battle-tested. Once the adrenaline wears off they fall apart. These ponies have only ever known peace and all that comes with it. A battle was a thought, not a reality. They were forced to kill today. Their blades covered in the blood of another creature. We will see how they do when the adrenaline wears off fully and they are forced to face what the day brought.”

Sasa was quiet as she looked back to the guards and found them all walking in silence. None of them spoke after Oblivion addressed them. She looked ahead as the camp loomed. Oblivion instructed them to get some food and relax. Sasa remained silent as she stayed close to them as they got out of their armor. The ponies joined Oblivion at the campfire and sat quietly. Sasa laid down beside Oblivion as the Witcher pulled his silver sword and began to clean the blade and reapply the Relict oil to the naked blade.

“Sir.” Vantage was the one who finally spoke up.

Oblivion glanced up from the weapon. “Yes?”

Vantage was quiet as he opened his mouth to speak then closed it as he inhaled. “Are they always like that?”

“Is what like that?” Oblivion asked. He knew what he meant but knew from experience that getting them to speak more would help them come to terms with the battle they had just survived. His magic held the cloth as he held the hilt in his claws and used a cloth to coat the weapon.

“Are battles with monsters and ponies always like that? Or was this not like any others?” Vantage finally clarified.

“Every fight is different.” Oblivion supplied. “Every monster has its quirks and every pony has its own style. Asking me if the fights are all the same is like asking if each of your feathers are identical.”

“So this fight was different from all the others you have fought?”

“In its own way yes. I have never had a pony summon portals to bring monsters through to use them to attack others. So in that respect, it is different. But I don’t think this is what you are wanting to ask me.” Oblivion commented. The Witcher set the blade and oils aside as he regarded the pony’s across the fire from him.

Sasa stayed by him as he waited for them to gather themselves. Silver looked up at the Witcher and inhaled. “How did you do after your first battle?”

Oblivion looked at him and thought back to his first true contract. “My first real fight was with a rock troll. A creature that has skin made of stone and uses its fists to pummel its enemies. The fight lasted for what felt like hours when in truth was maybe thirty minutes. It was exhausting and throughout the fight, I kept trying to remember what they were weak against and how I could win. In the end, I got in a lucky strike and crippled the beast. I can remember collapsing after it was done and simply staring at the body. The adrenaline still ran through my system and I simply sat there.”

“So fighting monsters is the same as ponies?” Cross asked after a long pregnant pause.

“No. Of course, fighting a pony is vastly different. For the most part, a monster acts on instinct. While ponies act on the thought, most of the time. It’s harder to guess what a pony will do.” Oblivion informed them.

“How many monsters have you fought?” Striker finally spoke up after keeping his silence for longer than the others.

Oblivion gave a dark chuckle. “Hundreds if not more. You must realize that killing monsters is what I am made for. The Northern Realms and the other countries call out for Witchers when the creatures get out of control and are too close to civilians.”

Silence pervaded once more. Sasa rumbled to the black stallion. “They need you, Chosen. They have never had to kill anything before.”

Oblivion sighed. “To answer the question that all of you have, but will not speak, the answer is no. You won’t be the same after today. You have blooded your blades, which is more than any of your fellows have done. You are changed by the act. It was either you or them and you chose to survive. No one can fault you for that.”

Silver exhaled a breath he had been holding. “You have killed other ponies?”

“Yes,” Oblivion replied.

“Why?” Striker asked him.

Oblivion inhaled as he thought over the answer. “Normally?” They nodded. “Normally they die due to attacking me. I will not lay down and die for their benefit.”

“Why would they attack you?” Vantage gasped out.

“It seems a foolish idea, no?” Oblivion shifted and went on. “Why they attack an armed Witcher is beyond me. I carry supplies within my saddlebags. So instead of working to get the same supplies, they choose to steal them. It’s easier and if you get the right target it can be profitable. I will not say that killing another is easy. The day it becomes easy is the day I have lost whatever soul I have left. Taking the life of another is never meant to be easy.” He reasoned to the small group. “I will not say that I have not killed more than my fair share of monsters and ponies. The place I am from is vastly different from Equestria. Wars are waged and ponies die. Monsters cross the fields and ponies die at their claws. That is a reality that does not exist here. What you have done today sets you apart from those you have trained with. Only the four of you will ever be able to understand what was done today. If one of you wished to speak of it to another, then you would seek out those who will understand you. Meaning the other three are those that you would seek out. No other will understand what you mean when you speak of this day.” Oblivion said to them. His words rang through them and the truth bit deep.

Silver clenched his jaw and looked to the Witcher, who remained expressionless. “What about you? Do you seek out others to speak to?”

Oblivion inhaled again and shook his head. “No. There are so few Witchers left that I would be wasting my time seeking them out.”

“What do you mean?” Cross asked.

“I am from the School of the Wolf. There are only four of us remaining. It would be a waste of my time to seek them out. If we do meet up then we will take the time to speak about our contracts and other things. But we do not hunt each down for that purpose.”

“Who are they? The other four?”

Oblivion was quiet for a moment. “They are named Geralt, Lambert, and Eskel. Including myself, that makes four.”

“It used to be five.” Sasa said to him, her voice quiet and somber.

“I know of one other and he is from the School of the Viper, Letho.” He added. “Last I saw any of them was months ago.”

“How do you handle not being able to talk to anyone about…anything?” Vantage asked, his voice pitched slightly.

Oblivion looked at them. “A Witcher is not born, we are made. Because of that, our emotions are severely limited. As I am sure you have all noticed.” They nodded and he continued. “Because of that I do not feel lonely nor do I long for the presence of my own kind. I will help them should they have a need but we do not need to be constantly around each other. I have gone years without meeting up with the others. We might winter in the same place every now and then, but not always.” He informed them. “That is just how we are.”

Cross looked to the ground and inhaled. “So you are always alone?”


“What about Sasa? Isn’t she always with you?” Striker asked, with a glance at the ethereal cat.

Oblivion put out a hoof and ran it through her fur for a moment, then set it back on the dirt. “She has only been with me for a few months.”

The ponies stared at him then looked to the feline, who nodded. “So before her, you simply remained alone?” Silver asked.

“Yes. If my fellow Witchers had need of me and they were able to contact me then I would join them for as long as was needed. But for the most part, all of us are on our own. We cross the lands of ponies picking up contracts on monsters and tending to curses should the need arise." Oblivion was quiet as that truth sunk in. “Each of you now has to look back on what happened today and decide if you are able to continue. I will not lie and say that it will be easy moving forward. Taking the life of another is no easy task. While your next task is simply to subdue the pinto mare you will have to outfight her. A monster is very different from a pony, but the blood is the same. No pony will blame you for feeling what you do now. Feeling nothing is not an option that you four have. None of you are Witchers. You are ponies who have done what you needed to survive. None can blame you for that. If they do then they have never needed to act as you have today.”

Sasa stood up and went over to the ponies. She sat down and purred to them. The group looked at her as she sat in front of them. Cross reached out to her and she put her broad head under his hoof and he lunged forward into her shoulder. She remained still as the Thestral shook. He buried his face in her fur and was silent. His body trembled against her and she nuzzled his mane, trying to comfort him. Oblivion stood, his orange eyes connected with the other guards, he gave a slow nod to them and turned away, giving them privacy. He heard Sasa grunt as the others held onto her as well.

“Well said, Chosen. And thank you for turning away for them. I don’t think they wanted to look weak in front of you.” Sasa said to him as he began walking away from the camp.

“I know. There is weakness and then there is trying to feel nothing at all. They are smart enough to know that holding that emotion back is not the smartest thing to do. I do not fault them for it.” He replied to her as he broke into a trot. “Let me know when they have calmed.”

“I will.”

Oblivion trotted along the edge of the forest and let his hooves lead him as he moved. He had no exact destination in mind when he left the camp. He thought back to the Witchers he had trained and recalled that while a couple had survived beyond the first couple of contracts he remembered those that hadn’t. Though he could not cry for them he had grieved in the only way Witchers knew how. He had honored them by surviving and remembering them, best as he was able. He slowed to a walk and let his hooves keep moving him forward. He turned to look into the forest and stopped as he looked into it. The Witcher watched as the forest stretched out before him. He had spent all his life going through forests like this one and finding the contracts buried within them. The black stallion looked over the body that he had been made into upon coming to Equestria.

“An Alicorn. Never once would I have thought this was my fate.” He whispered to himself as he flicked his wings under their illusion and spread them up and over his head, allowing the joints to stretch after being landed on by Nekkers and Sasa during the fight. They folded back to his sides after the Alicorn stretched them and flapped the wings several times. The former mutant human craned his head back and stared up to the skies above. He closed his eyes as the air-cooled slowly around him.


He brought his head slowly back down and reached out to Sasa. “Yes? Have they calmed?”

“Yeah. They're okay now. They just needed a moment to be allowed to panic, I think." She replied to him. Her voice gentle and calm.

“On my way back to you then.” He turned as he spoke to her. “Should I teleport or walk?”

“Walk.” She told him. “They are still a bit frayed. You suddenly appearing might startle them.”

“Very well.” The stallion began the walk back to the camp.

29: Threats End...

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Oblivion opened his eyes and allowed himself to lay silent for a moment as he listened. He could hear the Thestral’s and Pegasus outside. Sasa was huddled against his back in her normal spot. He raised his head and listened to the great cat breathing. After returning from his walk last night the guards had been tight-lipped and quiet. Oblivion had lifted his silver blade to him and retired to his tent to finish coating the blade with oil and finishing cleaning it.

“Sasa.” He reached out to her and she stirred.

It was morning and he had to admit he was a bit surprised to hear Vantage and Cross were awake and out. He sniffed the air and the scent of rain was in the air.

“Chosen?” Sasa sat up and yawned. She stood and stretched as Oblivion got up and shook. “Good morning.” She then greeted him as he lashed his weapons to his back.

“Morning, Sasa. I trust you slept well?” He questioned her.

“I did, thank you. I hear the others are awake already.”

“They are yes. I am thinking we need to press our advantage.”


“Yes. I plan on going to the village and advising them to stay in their homes till they hear otherwise. The attack yesterday makes me think that she might be about to flee on us. We cannot allow her to escape us now.” He informed the cat as she nodded to him.

“I agree. She attacked yesterday and we are all that is stopping her from attacking the village.”

“That as well.” He agreed.

Sasa laughed in his mind as he spoke to her. The black stallion opened the front of his tent walked out into the overcast morning. The guards looked to him as he walked past them to his usual place. Sasa purred to them and joined her Chosen. Oblivion looked at each of them as they settled.

“Sir.” Silver finally piped up and regarded the other stallion.

Oblivion looked at him. His attention on the other pony. “Yes?”

Silver gulped and then looked to the others, then to Sasa. “We are ready sir. If you need us to mobilize then we will. I can say that yesterday was a lot to take in, but we were trained by you and because of that, we were able to come out without any injuries. Any other time those things would have slaughtered us. So we owe you a great debt. I know you probably don’t see it that way, but we will stand with you and use the training you have given us.” Silver said and stood. The stallion stood tall, trying to show that he was ready to follow the black stallion.

Striker stood with him. “I don’t think I can kill another pony, but I will not let that crazed mare have you or the Element of Spirit. You are our superior, our trainer, and a friend.”

Cross and Vantage stood as well. Oblivion looked to them as well. Vantage smiled and stood tall as well. Cross looked a bit hesitant but soon stood proudly as well.

Oblivion snorted and stood as well. “We will put our plan into action today. Soon as I finish warning the village to be on guard we will begin our plan to put an end to the threat this mare poses.” Oblivion stated to them.

“Sir.” The guards intoned together and moved to get their armor prepped as Oblivion started for the village.

“That was surprising.” Sasa said to him as they moved.

“How so?”

“They were quite shaken last night and doubted themselves. But they seem to have figured it out while we slept. I’m glad that you do not doubt them.” She clarified to him.

“They will be fine,” Oblivion replied to her as they neared the town.

They walked into the village, Oblivion glanced around him as ponies stayed out of the tall stallion’s way. The Witcher glanced around, his eyes searching for the mayor. The black stallion wandered for a moment before he spotted the pony in question. “Finally.” He muttered to himself. He trotted the rest of the distance to the pony and drew up to him, his height demanding the elder pony’s attention. Quick Shot turned to him and waited for him to speak.

“We will be dealing with the Leshen in short order. I do ask that every pony go home and stay there until I give the all-clear.” Oblivion stated to him, his voice flat and left no room for argument.

The mayor looked nervous for a moment. “When are you going to kill it?”

“In an hour or so. Why?”

“We got a pony missing.” He replied a nervous glance was cast to the forest.

Oblivion waited for a moment to see if he clarified. When he didn’t say anything else the Witcher sighed. “Who is missing, how long?” He pressed his questions at the pony.

“Quiver is missing.” He finally admitted after a delay of several seconds.

Oblivion thought about the name as the image of the spindly pony came to him. “Why in the Great Hells would he vanish?”

The mayor danced on his hooves for a moment before answering. “He got into a fight with Peony.”

Oblivion paused. “The dead pony’s widow?”

“Chosen!” Sasa chastised him at his words.

Oblivion gave a slight cringe. “Pardon me.” He paused as the mayor continued to stare at him as if he was the Leshen. “Bright Fire’s widow is the one he argued with?”

Quick Shot recovered and nodded. “Yes. Not sure how long he’s been missing. We just now noticed.”

Oblivion paused. “You just now noticed he’s missing?” The mayor nodded. Oblivion put a hoof over his face as he sighed, annoyance breaking into his tone. “Is there anypony who might have an idea of when he did vanish?”

“No pony remembers when they saw him last. Peony refuses to talk to anypony.” He admitted to The Witcher.

“Sasa.” Oblivion looked to the cat at his side. “Get Silver. He was in the village a couple of days ago.”

The feline nodded and ran back for the camp. As they waited Oblivion kept an eye on the forest at the edge of the village center. As he waited he glanced around him as ponies began to gather. He grimaced as he was reminded why he would send Silver into town. He drew far too much attention. His ears flicked back as Sasa trotted to him with Silver on her heels. The pony’s armor sat easily on his frame.

“Sir?” Silver immediately addressed the black stallion.

“Silver. Last you were here did you happen to see that young pony named Quiver? He’s a very young stallion.” Oblivion asked him.

Silver looked thoughtful for a moment before he replied. “Spindly thing, looks like his legs are too long for his frame?”

“Exactly,” Oblivion replied, nodding at the description.

“I was in here two days ago and he ran past me. Sounded upset if the sniffling is any indication. Bumped into me on his way through the village center.” Silver supplied.

“What general direction?”

Silver turned his own body and then looked in the direction he had last seen the other pony. He pointed a hoof toward the edge of the village center. “If I had to hazard a guess he was headed to the forest. But no pony is allowed in there, right?”

Oblivion growled under his breath. “That is correct. But that particular pony has figured out how to hide from the Leshen. It does not attack him in the hiding spot he created.”

“How in Equestria did he manage that?” Silver asked, his expression disbelieving.

“He made a hiding place under one of the Leshens territorial totems. It can’t attack him without tearing the totem apart. They make the totems and never change them, so far as I have heard. That’s why Witchers use them to lure the Leshens to them. It’s the fastest way to get their attention and ensure that they attack the Witcher.” Oblivion turned to the forest. “I’d bet my entire contract fee that I know where he is now.”

“I will not be taking that bet, sir.” Silver replied and looked to the forest as well.

“Dammit to the Hells.” Oblivion spun and headed for the forest. “Quick Shot. Get every pony into their homes and, for the love of the Gods, do not come out until I say it is safe.”

“You cannot command us.” A mare shouted out to him.

Oblivion halted and glanced over his shoulder at the group of assembled ponies. “Very well. You may stay out in the open should you choose. If it chooses to attack at the first totem then it will no doubt notice all of you standing here slack-jawed. Which means it will attack the village. Your lives are your own and you may throw them away as you see fit.” He stated, his voice clear and unyielding.

The ponies looked at Silver, who nodded. “It will attack all of you instead of him. We want it to attack him.” Silver said to them and turned to follow the black stallion.

Sasa stood up and snarled at the ponies. Her back arched as her hackles raised. Silver looked back to the ponies then to Sasa.

“She’s trying to say that you should run home,” Oblivion said to them as he flicked his tail and left the villagers behind as he walked to the forest edge. “Unless you suddenly have grown tired of life.”

The ponies scattered at the roar that erupted from the she-cat. Oblivion watched for a moment then turned to the forest, giving it his undivided attention. Silver stayed at his hip till he reached the edge and stopped.

“Silver. Get the others ready. I will send Sasa with you. She will join me once I have gotten this fool little pony out of the way. Be ready. I do not know what his status is but it is possible that the pinto might have already found him. She knew of him so far as we know.”

“Yes, sir.” Silver saluted. “I’ll make sure everyone is ready for your signal.”

Oblivion’s horn lit as the clay vial appeared in his magic. “Here is the dummy portal container. Sasa will give you the signal when she is ready. She will return to me after sending you and the others to the field. She will destroy the first two totems and then join you to make sure the mare appears. Once she has she will rejoin me for the fight with the Leshen. I will join you afterward.” Oblivion gave the Pegasus the plan and waited for him to give a sign of his understanding.

“Yes, sir.” The pony saluted, waited for Oblivion to send him away and galloped with Sasa back to the others.

“Be careful Chosen. We don’t know just how unhinged this mare truly is.” Sasa reached out to him as they left him behind. “Stay safe.”

“Keep them in line Sasa and get them in position when I call for it.”

The she-cat vanished with the Pegasus and he then walked slowly into the forest. His ears flicked, listening for any sign of the Leshen or the crazed mare. His nose scented for anything that he recognized. His steps were silent as he kept his head on a swivel, looking for anything out of the ordinary. He reached the first totem and found the niche in the ground empty. He growled curses under his breath. His eyes narrowed as he looked for tracks or blood. His eyes focused on a set of faded tracks in the leaves. It was clear to him that Quiver had been dragged out of his hiding place and then shoved ahead. The other tracks were heavier and a scent struck his nose. Winter always smelled clean and crisp to him. That was the scent he was picking up on now.

The Witcher followed the tracks slowly through the forest. He stopped every few steps to look around him, his ears listening for anything out of the ordinary. He caught the sound of panting in front of him. He slowly advanced and found himself at the edge of a small clearing. In the center was Quiver. He was shaking as he looked frantically around the clearing. The small stallion was hobbled and staked to the ground, preventing him from escaping. Oblivion crouched down, behind a stand of the brush as the pinto mare came out of the forest on the opposite side of the clearing. Quiver heard her and his head looked back to watch her approach. She had not changed since he had last seen her. Her coat was a bit dirtier than last he saw but not enough to hamper her it seemed. Her cloak sat on her body and hid her barrel and flanks. It appeared to be a thick woolen fabric. Her green eyes were bright and had a look to them that made the Witcher bunch his legs to get away from her. The air she gave off was unsettling, his nerves were taut and his muscles were ready to launch him into a gallop if needed.

She walked up to him and put a hoof on his cheek. “Oh, don’t look so scared, little one. I don’t want to hurt you.” She crooned to him.

Quiver looked around, then back to her. “Can I please go home?” He asked her. His voice was quiet and shook as he spoke to her.

“Oh, so polite.” She said to him and patted his head a couple of times. “That’s what ponies in this day don’t do anymore. They have no respect, so they are not that polite. You on the other hoof, are so polite.” She crooned and appeared to pout for a moment before her gaze hardened. “I am so sorry little one. But I need you here.”

“Why?” The little pony asked of her.

She looked at him and blinked. She seemed to almost not remember that he was there or was surprised by his questioning her. Recognition suddenly hit her and she smiled again. “I need your help.”

“You do?”

Oblivion saw the mares smile widen as she nodded. “Yes. Do you know the black pony that Celestia sent?”

“Yes. I met him.”

“I want to talk to him.”

“You do?”

“Why yes!” She gave a happy chirp at his question and leaned back on her haunches. “He holds one of the Elements of Harmony.”

“He does?”

“Yup. I want to talk to him about it.”

“What does it do?” He asked her.

The mare spun to him and stared. Quiver began to shake even more at the look from the crazed mare. Her eyes were wide as she regarded the little stallion. She suddenly smiled once more and gently bopped him on the tip of his snout.

“Why, he has the Element of Spirit.” She informed him and spun in a circle on her hind legs. She smiled as she came back down to the ground and regarded the stallion. “If my reading is right, which it is, that Element is the greatest of them. Without it, the others cannot work, which makes them…completely…useless!” She shrieked out the last three words of the sentence and a laugh bubbled from her.

Quiver shook even more at the laugh from the mare. Oblivion felt his skin twitch at the sound. Her laugh grated over him and made his skin crawl.

“I’m sure if you asked he would talk to you. He looks scary, but he’s not so bad.” Quiver said to her.

She grinned at him and then patted his cheek. “Oh, you poor naïve little thing. I want the Element.” Quiver shrunk back from her. He said nothing as she patted him again and began to circle him. “I know he’s a strong pony. But he’s just another pony that my little pet can mutilate. Unless he agrees to help me. Granted even if he doesn’t maybe I can try to find a way to convince him that he and I could be so much more.” She said aloud and rubbed her body over Quiver, which seemed to terrify the pony even more. “If that doesn’t work, then I plan on carving his heart out and drowning the Element in his lifeblood.”

Quiver shook and pulled away from her. “Why?! Why would you do that?”

“Because that Element is the most powerful item in Equestria. If I can harness it then I will own Equestria. Not even those fool Princesses will be able to stop me. Without that final element, the others won’t even be able to act either. If I did the correct reading, which I did, then I just need to do the right ritual and the Element will bow to me. Granted I would prefer that he simply bow to me.”

Quiver struggled to get away from her as she began circling him once more. The pony hunkered down against the ground as if hoping it would swallow him and he’d be free of the crazed pinto. Oblivion focused on her as the light of her spirit finally showed, muted and writhing. He pulled his Element and his crown slid over his eyes giving his Sight a boost in power. The mares Spirit was shattered. The light from it was muted and broken. Oblivion couldn’t tell what had caused the damage, but he didn’t see any sign of any corruption like what he had seen before. Even the corruption of the former Spirit Guardian was not what he was seeing with her. She was, very simply, broken. As much as he wished to understand, he knew, on a level, he could only feel, that there was no saving her. She was gone in the truest sense of the word. He pushed the crown back as he regarded the mare. One would have thought he would feel something if only pity for the broken creature before him. But he felt nothing for her, though he was sure he should. He waited as she began to calm her circling of the terrified pony.

“You will draw them here, I hope. I know it’s taking a while for them to worry about though. I swear ponies these days make everything so much more difficult than it has to be. Do you have any idea how much work it took to finally get that stallion out here?” She said to him.

Quiver shook his head at her question. “No.”

“I made sure the monsters were seen. Did that get those two stupid monarchs to take an interest?” She looked to Quiver, who shook his head. “No. You would think that would have been enough to get their attention. I mean, Hello, strange monsters on your territory, really close to ponies! But no. So I figured out there had to be more reason for them to send some pony.”

Quiver looked at her. His ears pinned in greater fear as she waited for him to respond. He sniffled. “Like what?” He squeaked out.

The mare smiled at his reply. “I had them kill a couple of ponies. But still no response. So I figured maybe some more would do it. And do you know how many it took?”

He frantically shook his head, but she waited for him to speak. “No.” He squeaked.

“Six! Six dead as a doornail ponies. What kind of a ruler waits that long?” She said and shook her head. “I swear when I take over I will be much more attentive to my little ponies.” She crooned.

Quiver hunkered down even further, he whimpered as she finally stopped behind him and sat back on her haunches. Oblivion watched from his place as she seemed to suddenly lose her focus, staring into blank space. For a moment he wondered if she had spotted him. But then she shook her head and regarded the trembling pony.

“Don’t worry though. Soon as that black stallion gets here I’ll let you go.” She said to him.

Quiver looked out from his forelegs and glanced back to her. Tears went down his face as he looked at the insane mare. Her smile only seemed to scare him further and he buried his face in his hooves. She stood and patted his back, the stallion whimpered at her touch. Oblivion looked around the clearing, searching for any sign of the Leshen. His senses told him it was nowhere near the mare. Oblivion hoped it remained that way. He breathed in and prepared to advance on the mare. He had to make it seem as though he had just found them, in his search for the missing Quiver. Though he intended to help him it was not his primary goal. ‘I have to get her to release him. I can’t submit to her, that’s out of the question. There must be a way to reach her sanity, if only for a moment.’

Oblivion glanced around him once more and then inhaled as he went over his limited options. “Gods. Appealing to people’s better nature is Geralt’s strength. Hell, that man can get trolls to cooperate. This is not my strong suit.” He whispered to himself as the mare started to mutter to herself for a moment before her ears perked up and she spun around, checking her surroundings. Oblivion backed up several steps and closed his eyes as he focused his energy on his task. He took a step forward, trying to step on dry twigs to alert them to his approach. When he was still silent he gave up the attempt and walked through the brush. The sound it made was impossibly loud to his sensitive ears but the mare and Quiver both startled at his approach.

Quiver looked up from his hooves and nearly burst into tears at the sight of the Black Unicorn. The mare reared onto her hind legs, a giddy expression crossed her muzzle. “There you are.” She called out to him.

Quiver stared at him. “Here I am,” Oblivion replied to her.

She stepped up next to Quiver and watched the stallion. “I have so wanted to talk with you.”

“Really? There are easier ways to get my attention.” Oblivion said to her, his tone calm as he engaged the mare in a conversational approach. He needed to see how she would react with him in the area and gauge her mind as best he was able. The thought of using Axii on her struck him, but he needed to be closer to her. Though considering how shattered she was, he was unsure if it would even work. Her mind appeared to be just as broken as her spirit.

She smiled and giggled. “I know there are easier ways. But this way made sure I have all of your attention.”

Her smile made his fur stand up on his neck but he kept his stone face. “That is true. So what is your goal, miss?”

“Oh. I am so sorry.” She suddenly yelped. “I forget my manners. Here I was praising the little one here for his manners and I forgot mine.” She began to fret back and forth behind Quiver. “My apologies. I’m Winter Snow.” She gave a polite bow of her head. “And you are?”

“Oblivion Shadow.” He replied and gave a polite bow of his head.

She stopped her fretting and glanced at him over her hooves, which were now covering her mouth. “Now that is a name. Quite the name for a stallion, I have to admit. Your parents were more creative than most.”

“I gave myself my name, through my actions.” He clarified to her.

She stopped and a smile that sent a shiver down his spine showed as she lowered her hooves. “Even better. I have an idea.”


“Yes. You wield the Element of Spirit, right?”

“I do, yes.”

“Run!” Quiver suddenly yelled to the Witcher. “She’s going to…Oof.” He began to say more as the mare smacked him in the back of the head with her hoof.

Oblivion managed not to cringe at the sound of the pony being struck, his face remained impassive. She looked at him. “Sorry about that. Are you going to run?” She suddenly asked of him.

“I had not intended to, no.” He replied.

“Oh wow. Perfect. You get more perfect the longer we chat. I have to wonder though. Are you alone or are your cute little guards here too?”

“It’s just me, I can assure you,” Oblivion assured her.

She looked at him, her expression an unsettling mixture of suspicion and desire. She suddenly brightened and giggled. “Wonderful. It’s good to deal with an honest pony. For a moment I was afraid you would lie to me.” She paused and looked at him. “You wouldn’t lie to me, would you?”

“Currently I have no reason to mislead you,” Oblivion replied to her. 'Least not yet.'

“If you needed to would you?” Her words rushed out of her mouth.

“And why would I need to?” He countered.

She paused and her mind appeared to be trying to understand him. Her eyes went to the left and her head slowly tilted with them. Oblivion looked at Quiver who was whimpering in the dirt once more. Oblivion knew that he could use magic to save him but he had yet to test teleporting any pony. The last thing he needed was to kill him while trying to save him. The stallion was not nearly big enough to fight the mare if he did use magic to free his legs from the hobbles. The mare suddenly jerked and Oblivion swiftly retrained his gaze on her.

“No reason!” She chirped out. “Your fun.”

“I’m glad you think so.”

“I really think you and I could be good friends.”


“Yuppers. Wow, that sounded really foalish. Umm, forget I said that okay?”

Oblivion gave her a bland look and nodded. “Very well.”

“You really are exactly as I hoped you would be.” She crooned.

“I’m glad to hear you’re pleased with me so far. Now if I may ask?” He began to ask her when she spoke up.

“Go ahead. Oh sorry, you were still talking.” She looked apologetic, then sat back on her haunches. “Please go on.”

“Thank you. Would it be possible for you to free the little pony you have hobbled?”

Her eyes suddenly blinked almost frantically as she suddenly looked to the pony at her hooves, as if seeing him for the first time. “Oh him. Forgot all about him for a minute. I was having more fun chatting with you. Umm. Well, what will I get if I release him?”

Oblivion knew that he had to be even cleverer so as to keep her from snapping. “I will still be here to chat with you after he has gone. I do not intend to leave.” He reasoned to her, to try to emphasize that he was relaxed around her took the weight off his right hind leg and waited for her to speak.

She regarded him again before looking to the black stallion. “Hmm. How do I know that you won’t just teleport away? I know you can teleport, your better at it than even me.” She said to him. He saw a hard edge come to her features as she looked at him.

“Thank you for the compliment. Though I admit, you are better with ice than I am.” He said to her and watched as she smiled and seemed to accept the compliment, her features softened some at his words. “I also must admit that I am terrible at teleporting ponies. So I can only teleport myself at this time.” He admitted to her.

She blinked and then a wide smile crossed her muzzle. She reached back into her cloak, a dagger in her hoof. Quiver squeaked and hid his face once more. Oblivion didn’t flinch. She reached down and sawed through the rope holding him to the stake beside him. “Okay, run along. The adults need to chat now, little one.” She said as she shooed him away from her. “Do leave those hobbles alone though. I don’t want you to alert my pet. With those on your legs, he should leave you alone.”

“Thank you for your consideration. Quiver.” The pony looked at him, having not moved from his place on the ground. “Go ahead and walk slowly back to the village. They will tend to you there.” He said to the pony.

Quiver slowly got up but stumbled in the hobbles. He staggered to the side and fell against the mare's legs. His eyes went wide as the mare looked down at him. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.” He cried out to the mare.

She smiled after a moment and helped him to his hooves. “Lead with your other leg. I know it seems weird to use that leg instead, but if you go slowly you’ll be fine.” She advised him and tapped his left leg with the tip of the dagger, to show him what to do.

He stared at her and nodded. “Thank you. Thank you, miss.” He said to her and began too slowly walk away from her.

Oblivion watched as she smiled after him and shooed him once more. The pony walked up to Oblivion who nodded to him. “Keep going. The way is clear. Just head straight back from my position.”

Quiver nodded and left the two ponies behind in the clearing. Oblivion looked at her. “You have my thanks for his release.”

“Of course. It was no trouble. I actually was starting to feel kind of bad about hobbling him so tight. Such a wee little thing.” Oblivion waited as she seemed to be considering something. “Anyway. Back to what needs to be talked about.”

“And that is?”

“The Element, of course.” She said to him as she sat down in place. “You have to know that I would like you to give it to me.”

“I figured as much.” He admitted to her. “Though I would like to know how you intend to get me to release the Element.” He said to her. His voice was stern but held no malice or cruelty in it.

“Wow. You are so polite. Anyway. Well, I will pull back my new little pet, the monster those ponies called you here about, and not let him come back here. That sounds like a good deal, no?” She said to him. Her smile once more made his fur stand up.

“That is quite a promise. But if you have the Element, which I do not have with me, then how can I guarantee you will be true to your word?”

Her expression darkened. “You don’t have it with you? Then what is that armor I have seen you wearing?” She giggled suddenly, her eyes opened wide, the whites of her eyes showing through. Oblivion had seen that look before, it was a bad sign.

“I have a piece of armor that responds to the magic that I keep with me. I can show it to you if you would like.” He said back to her, hoping he had not made a critical error.

“You have more than one set of armor?”

“Of course. Do you not have more than one cloak or dress?”

She paused at the sudden logic. “Good point. Can you summon it?”

He shook his head, trying to appear morose. “I am sorry to say that my magic is not that far-reaching. I left it with Princess Luna before I left Canterlot, for safekeeping.”

“No one told me that!” She shrieked.

“I made sure to tell no pony when I left it behind. For the safety of the Element, I chose to leave it with a pony I trust, just in case I did not return.”

The mare looked at the ground, her eyes darting from one side to the other. Oblivion gauged her reaction as he waited. She seemed to be struggling with the new information. “Sasa?” He reached out to the feline. When he got no reply he knew that the mare was somehow able to jam them. The portal generator that she had was close enough to jam his magic and stop his connection to the feline. He waited as the mare began muttering to herself. Ice began to float around her as she raised her head and the ice shards slammed into the ground around her as she screamed.

“You left it?!” She shrieked.

“Yes, I left it behind.” He reiterated to her.

“Well, that just won’t do.” She said as she looked to him. “You see I need that Element. No pony understands it as I do.”

“Oh? And how do you mean?”

“I have been researching that Element since you and those little mares uncovered it. You see it has the power to break anypony that stands up to me.”


“Yes. Oh, you poor beautiful stallion. You know nothing of the item you got, do you?” She crooned to him.

Oblivion fought back a snide remark and simply waited for her to continue. When she stayed silent, he spoke up. “I know that it can sense magic…” He started and gave a slight pause after his words, to entice her to continue.

“Oh, it does so much more than that. It can actually cause the right pony, which it seems you aren’t, to be able to break the spirits of any pony you choose. You see even the Princesses would fall to its power. It is the element that the others, even together, cannot stop.” She paused as he listened to her ramblings. “I think you know more about it than you think.” She said, her features contorting.

“And what makes you say that?”

“You have yet to even look nervous or uncertain of anything I have said. No pony is that calm.” She said to him. Her face contorting into one of fury.

“I do know a few things about it. But the reason I do not appear uncertain is that I can’t.” He replied to her, hoping to distract her, even for a moment.

“Can’t?” She suddenly stopped and her face fell to curiosity. “What do you mean?”

“My emotions were taken from me when I was young. I don’t have the ability to be shocked or concerned.” He informed her.

She paused as she considered his words. “You mean, you’re broken?”

He considered her phrasing. “I suppose you could view it that way.”

“So you’re just like me.” She suddenly looked very happy and she danced on her hooves. Glee glinting in her eyes. “Ponies broke me a long time ago. But jokes on them, they paid for it.”


“Yeah. I was really young and other ponies beat me when I did something wrong. Or they thought was wrong. I bided my time. It took a few years, but I waited. I was oh so patient.” She began walking very slowly toward the black unicorn. He didn’t move or flinch at her slow approach. Her steps were punctuated with frost appearing on her hooves, leaving frost in her wake.

He stayed still at her approach. Her expression was one of pure madness. Oblivion remained impassive, despite her expression making his skin crawl and his medallion shudder on its chain. He could feel his Element also shuddering. Though he wanted to look down to see it he remained silent and still. His connection to the World Spirit had his head ringing as it screamed. He wasn’t sure what had it reacting, even though he had a basic idea that it was the mare itself and her shattered mind that had it reeling.

She stopped five feet from him, her smile even more disturbing up close. “So when they thought I was too broken to fight back they let their guard down. I had waited so long for that one chance.” She said to him. Ice began leeching over the ground at her hooves.

“What happened? Since they let their guards down?” He said to her, even as he was preparing to teleport at a moment’s notice.

“I slit their throats. It was almost too easy. You know how you plan for everything and then what happens is really nothing compared to what you want it to be?”

“I have an idea of what that means yes.” He replied to her. She suddenly spun away from him and trotted several feet away from his position. ‘She’s becoming even more erratic. If I push her too far she could be too much for Silver and the others.’ Oblivion considered his dwindling options as she spun to him once more.

“But it was still so satisfying. I had my revenge. Did you get your revenge?” She asked him, her eyes pleading. “You must have. A stallion of your skill must have enough kills under your belt. But how was that first one?”

He waited as she looked at him. Her gaze was desperate for a connection that was not there. His mind lurched to a halt as he realized that telling her anything might toss her over the edge. She would either think they were connected or she could go into a rage over the truth. He waited a moment before he looked into her eyes. “I didn’t need to kill them.”

“Oh? Did they die before you could?”

“No.” His voice was flat as he responded to her almost desperate query. “I was made into what I am. I am a monster hunter, a Witcher by trade and design. I was created from the agony of the Trial of the Grasses. I broke during the Trial.” He said to her. She smiled and nodded in understanding. “But here is the difference between us, little mare. I was then reforged, reborn in steel and silver. And I do not break, I break others that stand against me. You have made a grand error.” Her eyes darkened as he spoke. He had had enough of her madness. “You will never be able to break me, nor can you handle the power of the Element. I can guess the torture you endured and if I was able I’m sure I would feel something. An emotion called Pity.” He said to her a snarl came through his expression and he regarded the mare.

“I will cut out your heart and when I have the Element I will drown it in your blood and then the Element will be mine to command.” She vowed to him as her horn lit.

A rare smile crossed his muzzle. It had the desired effect on the mad mare. She backed up under the malicious smile from him. His smile stayed in place as his own horn lit, bathing the overcast lighting in azure flame. He raised his head as he regarded the mare. “You allowed yourself to fall to madness. I will never fall and you will never have what you seek. The Element cannot be corrupted and you will never be able to touch its power. I am well aware of what it can and cannot do. I am half tempted to let you hold it. If only to watch it destroy you.” He said to her.

She leaped back, further away from him. Her horn called on the ice, it circled around her as she glared at him. A medallion was levitated from within her cloak and fell around her neck. Oblivion was ready for her to summon a portal that is what he waited for.

“If you won’t give yourself and the Element to me willingly. Then I will make you!” She screamed as her magic lit the gem on the necklace.

Oblivion's muscles seized as his breath hitched in his throat. He knew what she was doing, mind control. He began to pant, trying to draw breath through the agony coursing through him. The unicorn was able to stop himself from collapsing to the ground as the mare poured magic into the gem, strengthening it and making its hold on him stronger. Oblivion gasped as he fought against it. He’d had others try to mind control on him before, but their attempt was nothing compared to the new horror he found himself facing. His mind started to slip in her direction, he snarled as he fought back against it. He coughed as he tried to breathe deeper, through the pain. His attempts were becoming even more painful as he plunged to his hooves, forcing his body to focus and bringing his mind into focus.

He felt the medallion around his neck shaking violently on its chain. He reached out to the medallion and the Element of Spirit surged over his frame and slammed into place. His crown rushed into place and he felt it slide down over his eyes, which he had closed. He panted as the armor began to shake in its place on his body. He drew in a ragged breath and pushed outward, with the armor and his connection to Equestria doing the work. The azure flame surged over the ground as the soil under his hooves began to shake. The mare stayed focused on him but her footing was not as good as his was now. His eyes remained closed as he put his head back and a roar tore from his throat. Ice struck him as he released the magic held within his horn and armor. It surged over the ground, knocking the mare from her hooves, and sending her rolling into a tree. Her hold on his mind now broken he collapsed to his knees, panting. The visor over his eyes receded and he looked to her as she staggered to her hooves.

“I will have what I want.” She snarled at him.

“Not today.” He replied. Exhaustion bit at his muscles as he recovered slowly from the battle with her.

“You cannot stop me. I will make this world mine and I will break it. If I have to burn it to the ground to do it.”

“You can try. But you know the Elements are united still. How do you plan to combat them?” He asked her.

“The mind control may not have worked on you but are the others so strong?” She sneered. “They will fall and I will use them to kill you first.” She vowed to him as she spun and fled through the forest.

Oblivion pushed himself to his hooves but soon collapsed back to his knees. “Dammit.” He cursed as he allowed himself to gather his strength.

“Chosen!” Sasa’s voice tore into him and he startled.

The stallion growled as his head was already ringing. “Sasa.” He said to her. His voice was tired but intact. He got to his hooves and gathered his energy. Strength flooded him as the armor acted. He was taken aback by how it was reacting without his command. It pushed strength into his shaking body. The armor gave off a glint in the low light as azure flame-licked off its surface.

“What is going on? It’s been over an hour.” She asked of him, her voice was frantic.

“It’s okay. I’ll go to the third totem. This ends today!” He said to her as he pushed his body into motion, his hooves hammered into the ground as he galloped ahead. “Be careful with her Sasa. She knows she can’t control me so she may try again. Keep harrying her, do not let up. Change of plans.” He slid to a halt.

“What is changing? Talk to me.”

“I will tend to the Leshen. Break the portal creator.”

“Chosen, no. We stay with the plan.” She started to speak.

“Sasa! Not now. Break it and harry that mare. Do not let her stop. I pushed her over the edge, now it’s your turn. Make sure they have the shackles and inhibitor rings ready. I want her captured.” Oblivion stated as he plunged toward the first totem.

He could sense the displeasure from the cat. “Chosen. Please rethink this.”

He leaped a fallen tree. “Sasa. Do as I command.” He said to her as he blocked her from his mind and destroyed the first totem as he plunged past it. Normally he wouldn’t take that tone with her. But he dared not waste the energy from the armor. He was not sure how long it would last. He felt Sasa in the back of his mind as she began to move the guards and he felt the fake portal when it activated, even from over two miles away. ‘Might have made that a bit too strong.’ He thought to himself as his medallion shuddered. He crashed through the second totem as he leaped the log it was attached to. He slid to a halt as he came up to the final totem. His ears listened as he heard a roar from deep in the woods. The Leshen had taken notice. He quickly removed the binding in his mane, letting his wings show.

He reared up and used his hooves to shatter the final totem. He spun and waited for his quarry to appear. He closed his eyes and reached out with his senses. He leaped back as roots ripped through the ground where he had been. The silver blade hummed as he withdrew it from the ornate sheathe on his back, it spun once in the air. He watched as the Leshen began to approach him, the Witcher was silent as he charged the Leshen then veered to the side as the claws tore through the air. He lashed out with Igni which scorched the monsters hide. It vanished in a burst of crows and was gone. His hooves carried him carefully over the ground as he circled, cautious of where it might appear, which turned out to be right behind him. He lashed out with his hind legs and his hooves struck the monster's bark skin. Azure flame-licked off his body and burned the Leshen who vanished once more.

He paused as he waited, his ears flicking to listen around him. He paused as he felt nothing around him. The ground shook under him and he leaped forward to avoid the attack. His hind leg slipped in the mud and the roots wrapped his right hind leg. One speared through his hock and he yelped in pain. The armor once more reacted as azure flame licked over the roots, burning them. Oblivion leaped away as the Leshen appeared and its claws rent the air. They glanced off his flanks as he ran by the monster, the silver sword striking it deep in the front. He cast a swift glance to his right hind leg and found azure flame coursing over the injury. He looked away from it as the Leshen roared and seemed to give up on its vanishing act.

A roar shook the air and Oblivion cringed as his ears rang. Wolves ran out of the forest and confronted the stallion. Oblivion stared at the creatures as he had never seen beasts such as these before. Their bodies appeared to be made of sticks and twigs. Their eyes gave off a yellow glow that shone in the low light of the overcast late afternoon. Oblivion watched as they began to approach him, their steps deliberate as they looked at the Black Unicorn. Saliva dripped from their mouths as they approached. Oblivion was silent as he kept an ear trained on the Leshen behind him and the creatures in front of him. One lunged at him and he used the flat of the silver blade to simply bash the creature, shattering it across the ground. He blinked as the creature then reformed from the pieces.

“Well, shit.” He cursed as he leaped away from the newly reformed monster and took to his heels around the area.

He didn’t flee, but a part of his mind was still tired from the fight earlier and he had to force his mind to stay focused. They cut him off and he slid to a halt, he pulled up his forehooves and slammed them down sending a gout of flame along the ground, setting fire to the stick wolves. They howled as they burned and the Unicorn turned his focus back to the Leshen who was also circling around him. He snarled as he charged it and began to slowly cut it apart. The wolves attacked at fairly regular intervals and he was able to beat them back using a generous amount of Igni’s flames. The azure flame that went over his body and armor served to keep them off him as well.

One managed leaped past his defenses and was able to get a grip on his wing. He howled as pain lanced up the appendage and into his shoulder and back. He discovered it had a grip on the long feathers at the bottom of the wing. He brought his blade down and cut through them, freeing the wing from its grasp. The wolf tumbled back, a mouthful of useless feathers. He brought down another gout of flame and incinerated the monster. He reared back, keeping his wings lifted off his sides to protect them. He looked around him and gathered more of his flames. He focused them onto his hooves and strengthened the flames as much as he dared. He slammed his hooves down and released the flames that he was holding there.

Azure and red flames tore over the ground. The wolves howled as they burned and the Leshen screamed as it too died. Oblivion sent a blast of Aard over the ground to extinguish the flames. Only the Leshens head remained, though it was a bit scorched. He panted as his eyes looked around him. The area around him was torn and badly burned. He looked at the cut feathers on his wing and decided that losing a foot of feathers was better than losing the wing itself. His magic replaced the tie in his mane to hide his wings. His body trembled as he placed the silver blade into its sheath and picked up the head in his teeth. He placed it on his back and pushed himself into a gallop to join the others.

Sasa looked up as she collided with the plunging mare once more. She could see that Silver was starting to tire as he attacked the mare from above forcing her to duck and run harder to avoid him. Ice would lance from her that they all had to avoid. She had summoned a small portal but only a couple of Nekkers came through it. Cross kept leaping at her from the tall grass and colliding with her. He had managed to pull the thick cloak off her body, exposing her patched fur and burned hind legs. Sasa had been surprised to see the scars that covered the mare's form. But her anger at whatever had been done to Oblivion drove any sympathy from her mind. She knew he had been hurt but she wasn’t sure how. Striker and Vantage dogged her every step, harrying her at every turn. They had managed to avoid the ice from her so far but they were tiring. The mad mare careened ahead but found Sasa and the others blocking her escape.

A loud thud sounded as a bundle hit the ground between her and them. The Leshens head sat between them. Its horns were scorched and the white of the skull had scorch marks on it as well. The mare panted as she stared at the severed head. The guards all stared at it as well. Oblivion reached them and they parted to let him through.

The mare stared at the head, tears pricked her vision as she stared. “My little pet.” She said aloud.

“Your pet has paid the price for murder,” Oblivion stated as he stopped in front of the head.

Sasa growled from his side and regarded the crying mare. “Is she crying for a dead Leshen?”

Oblivion said nothing in reply. “Cross!” He shouted and the Thestral leaped from the grass and slammed into the mare, pushing her to the ground on her side. Striker leaped forward and held her down as Silver put an inhibitor ring around her horn and backed up to look at her. Cross pulled a small gem off her waist and jumped back to avoid the mares now flailing hooves. Silver and Striker held onto her as she flailed. A hoof struck Silver under the eye and he grunted in pain. Sasa jumped in and laid her shoulder over the mare’s flanks, pinning her and stopping her flailing hind legs.

Oblivion walked up to her and reached for the gem around her neck. She lunged at his leg trying to bite into it. He turned his hock to the side and let her try to bite him. As she bit down he pushed his hoof back and struck her in the snout. She yelped and released her bite as tears welled up in her eyes again. His claws gripped the gem and he yanked it off her neck. She looked at him with a murderous gaze. He held it in his hoof and looked from it to her. His grip on it tightened and the next thing they heard was the sound of the gem beginning to crack and shatter in his grip. She screamed in rage as he turned his hoof to the side and let the shards fall to the ground in front of her snout.

“It’s over.” He said aloud to the group.

The striker pulled out the bindings from their place in his armor and placed them on her forelegs while Silver bound her hind legs. They pulled her to her hooves and waited for Oblivion to give them more instructions. She snarled at the group as they regarded her now that the fight was ended.

Oblivion looked at her. “The other monsters that you called upon. Are they still in the area?”

“Of course they are. Why would I stop them from having fun? Plus, I hope one of them is able to kill you.” She snarled at him.

Oblivion snorted. “If your Leshen could not accomplish that then the others have no chance of accomplishing the task.”

“I will have the Element and I will kill you.” She snarled at the black unicorn.

Oblivion snorted as he looked to her. “I feel I should tell you one small detail that I was not clear on.”

She looked at him, waiting for him to speak. “And what is that?”

“It’s about the Element.” He said as he lifted his head to his full height. “I always carry it with me. I trust no pony, but myself with its safety.”

The mare’s eyes widened as she looked at the shining silver armor on his body. She snarled and lunged at him, enraged at his deception. “I will kill you, you bastard!” You screamed as the guards held her back.

“Not today.” His horn lit as magic covered her and she collapsed to the ground, out cold. Oblivion sighed deeply and sagged back on his heels.


“I’m all right.” He said aloud to the feline.

“Sir?” Cross said aloud, earning him the Unicorn’s attention. “What was that gem you broke?”

Oblivion was silent as his eyes went to the shattered pieces at his hooves. “It was a gem to control the mind of another being.”

Sasa roared as she realized why Oblivion had broken it. “I will kill her! How dare she try that on you?” Sasa raged from her place at Oblivion’s side.

“It's fine now Sasa,” Oblivion said to her and put his hoof in her fur, holding the sabercat back from performing her own murder.

Oblivion sighed and looked back to the village. “I’ll head to the village and let them know that the threat is passed.” His magic lifted the Leshens head to his back and he started for the village. Sasa walked with him as the others lifted the unconscious mare and carried her toward camp. “What is the punishment for murder?”

Silver stopped to think it over as he walked with the black unicorn. “Well, she is responsible for six murders so I think it’s a required life sentence.” Oblivion's head snapped to look at him. “Why? What is it where you are from?”

“She would be hung most likely or public execution. Depends on the area.” Oblivion admitted.

“Wow. That’s brutal.” Silver replied.

“Not really. There are worse punishments, to be honest.”

They lapsed into silence as they walked into the village and past houses. Ponies looked through the shutters and stared at the black pony as he walked toward their town hall. Quick Shot looked out the window and tentatively opened the door to address them. “Is it safe?”

“Yes. The Leshen is dead.” Oblivion informed him and waited till he approached them before he moved. The unicorn reached back over his shoulder and sunk his teeth around one of the antlers of the Leshens head on his back. He dropped it, unceremoniously onto the ground between them. Quick Shot looked like he would be ill as he stared at the scorched head of the monster.

“That’s what killed Bright Fire?”

“Yes. It’s an Ancient Leshen. Thankfully, it was the only monster in the area.” Oblivion advised him.

The mayor looked to the head on the ground. “Why do you have its head?”

Oblivion started at the question. His tired mind suddenly caught up with him and he realized that bringing the head for proof was not needed with overly trusting ponies. “Where I am from a trophy is used as proof of a kill. It’s an old habit.” He admitted. Silver picked it up and set it on his back, as he chuckled at the admission from the unicorn.

“Did Quiver make it back?” Oblivion suddenly asked as he recalled the young stallion.

“Yes. He’s in the town hall.” Quick Shot admitted. “Said you were able to get a very unstable mare to release him and let him come back to the village. Is that true?”

“It is yes. She was responsible for bringing the Leshen here. She will be taken to Canterlot for sentencing.” Oblivion advised.

“That’s good to hear. Thank you for all you have done. I know we were hardly welcoming to you and I am sorry for that. We were afraid and you are very different from most ponies so we were uncertain. Please accept a foolish old pony’s apology.” The mayor bowed his head and looked to the stallion.

“It’s already forgiven. Being disliked is not new for me so I barely noticed it. I learned a long time ago to not be bothered by it.” Oblivion admitted to him.

“Still. It was not very welcoming of us. But I am glad to hear that you do not hold a grudge for it. Where you be heading now?” Quick Shot asked. “Back to Canterlot?”

“For the moment, yes. We must drop off our prisoner and then leave to tend to the rest of the mess she made.” Oblivion informed him.

“The rest of it?” Quick asked him, his eyes curious.

“She brought five more monsters that need to be tended to. So once dropping her off is completed we will be leaving to tend to them.”

The mayor grimaced and nodded to them. Oblivion turned and led Sasa and Silver out of the village. The others were sitting around the campfire, waiting for them to come back. Silver set the Leshens head in the chariot and then sat down with the others. The Witcher sat down with them and slowly lowered himself to the ground, laying his head over his hooves. Sasa nuzzled him as he closed his eyes.


One orange eye opened as he looked to Vantage. “Yes?”

“Where are we headed to next?”

“We need to take the mare to Canterlot for their judgment. After we will head for the next location where a monster was sighted. If it still lives then I will kill it and move on to the next one. Once the list is done then we will be finished with the hunt.” Oblivion replied, closing his eye once more. Silver gave him a map of where they were going and pointed to the next location with a hoof.

“Oh no.” Vantage said aloud. His voice filled with dread and he looked away from the map to Cross, who also cringed.

Oblivion opened both eyes. “What is it?”

“The town we are going to next.” Vantage explained.

“What about it?”

“Another Thestral lives there.” He continued.


Vantage looked to the map again and sighed. “He is the biggest pain in the ass I have ever met.”

Sasa chuckled at the unhappy look from both Thestral’s. Oblivion raised his head from his hooves and regarded them both. “Okay, I’ll bite. What makes you say that?”

Sasa nuzzled him again as she could sense that he was tiring and starting to lose his temper. She tried to support him as she also listened to the Thestral’s.

“It’s a mining town according to him and brings in a lot of ore for Canterlot. Whether that’s true or not I’m not sure. I never cared enough to look it up.” Vantage admitted. “But he loves to get in the way of things and claim he’s helping. I’m concerned that the moment we land he’ll stick his fool nose in your hunt.”

Oblivion glanced between them as Cross nodded in agreement with the statement of the other. “Will he be there?”

Both nodded. “He’s on vacation,” Cross added.

Oblivion sighed and lowered his head back to his hooves. “If he gets under hoof I will ask Luna to call him back to Canterlot, post haste. Otherwise, I will put him in his place myself.” Oblivion added and the ponies chuckled.

Vantage nodded. “Hopefully it doesn’t come to that and he takes the hint to stay out of it.”

“When has he ever taken a hint?” Cross asked, misery creeping into his voice.

“Never. But first time for everything right?” Vantage pointed out.

Sasa chuckled at them and watched as Oblivion closed his eyes and, much to her surprise, slept where he lay. After an hour she started to nudge him to try to get him to sleep in his tent. She had just enough warning to pull back as Oblivion awoke, an angry snarl tore from him as he brought his head up from the ground. Sasa leaned back as his fanged teeth clicked shut as he growled and lowered his head back down to sleep once more. The feline looked to the guards and found them to be staring, a mixture of fear and shock on their faces. Striker looked at the cat as she looked away from the group.

“Sasa?” He whispered as she turned to look at them. “Don’t do that again.”

She nodded and stepped away from the now sleeping Witcher. She used one claw to write in the dirt. “Oops.”

Silver leveled a blank glare at the feline, then looked at her message once more. “Oops? That’s it? You wake him up, he freaks, and you say oops?”

She gave a slight nod and rubbed the dirt to clear it for a new message to them. “Sorry.”

“Wow, he was angry,” Cross said aloud, his voice quieter than normal.

“Very. I guess the fight with the Leshen was more tiring than we thought.” Vantage said to the group.

Sasa shook her head at his comment. “Not Leshen. Mind control.” She wrote out.

Silver looked at the message then to the tiger. “Is it really that tiring?”

“To fight it, yes.”

“I guess I never thought about it,” Cross added.

Sasa rubbed her paw over the dirt once more. “It very hard to resist.” She rubbed her paw over it again. “Had to use Element.”

“Oh.” Striker said aloud and looked at the others. “I get it.” He looked to the others. “Oblivion had to fight it while protecting the Element, right?”

Sasa shook her head. “No, used Element.” She scuffed her paw to write more. “Armor is Element.”

“So he had to use the armor?” Silver asked of her. She nodded in reply. “But the Element is not a part of him. Least not in the literal sense.

“Yes it is.” She wrote to them.

“Oh no,” Cross said to them. “That’s why he’s exhausted. The armor is the Element and he had to use the power from the Element itself to protect himself from mind Control?”

Sasa nodded almost frantically. “Close enough.” She wrote to them.

“By using that to protect his mind he had to call on the Element to work within his body, instead of outside it?” Cross continued.

Sasa appeared thoughtful as she wiped her paw over the dirt once again. “Kind of.” She wrote down.

“Still close enough?” Vantage asked.

Sasa nodded and then looked to the Witcher. “Leave him alone.” She wrote to them and then laid down beside the unicorn once more.

“Duh.” Silver commented, much to the amusement of the sabercat.

They checked on their prisoner and moved her into the tent with Cross and Vantage. They then retired to their own tents, after wishing Sasa good night. They chose to leave Oblivion to wake up on his own. After several hours, he began to stir. He opened his eyes and raised his head as a yawn pulled from him. Sasa sat up with him as he stood up and made for his tent, his magic snuffing out the fire.

“What time is it?” He asked her as he laid down on his blankets.

“Very early.” Sasa replied to him. “Sorry about trying to wake you earlier.”

“Hmm…” Oblivion's tired mind tried to comprehend her but failed and he simply grunted in reply. His mind collapsed back into sleep as the she-cat laid down with him.

30: A Gems Memory...

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Oblivion snapped awake. His mind rushing into focus on the disturbance that awoke him. His connection to Equestria’s spirit screamed out for him to respond to it. His eyes looked around him to find himself in the lush valleys that told him he was within Equestria. The Witcher vaulted to his feet and chuckled.

“Well if the sudden lush paradise didn’t give away where I am the sudden reappearance of my hands is certainly telling.” He quipped to himself as he began to scan his surroundings.

His ears perked and he looked over his shoulder to see the white mare trotting to him. She stopped and reached out her nose to nuzzle his cheek.

“Welcome back, Oblivion.” She said to him. “I am sorry for calling on you like this. Normally I would have waited for you to be further asleep or unconscious.” She said to him, remorse in her voice as she nuzzled him once more.

He stepped away from her and turned to face her. “I assume the matter is dire if you have reached out to me this way.”

She nodded. “Yes. You came into contact with a spirit that has been…” She paused and seemed to be looking for the right terminology.


“Yes.” She nodded and then sighed. “What can you tell me?" She smiled at the look he gave her. "I do not pry into the world as much as you might think. Allowing the beings of this world to live without my interference is my goal. They have no need for me to be in their immediate lives. I try to stay in the background.”

Oblivion tipped his head and began to walk. The mare drew up beside him. “Shattered is about the only word that I could think of when I looked closer at her. Our first interaction with her was not exactly friendly. She was spotted by Sasa and two of the guards that were sent with me to investigate the possible appearance of creatures from my world.” He paused as she nodded. “I do have a question for you.”

She looked at him. “Can I guess the question?” Oblivion nodded to her as she looked ahead of them, keeping an easy pace with him. “You are wondering how much I know about the portals that have been connecting with your world.”

“Yes.” He replied. “They were appearing within the vicinity of the farm. Only recently I was informed of their much further reaching. The mare had an object with her that allowed her to create the portals. Though she had no way of knowing what would come out of them.”

She sighed and looked at him. “I can sense when the portals are made. They are not portals as they are tears in the seams of the world itself.”

“Does it have anything to do with my arrival here?”

“In a way, yes.” She replied. “Don’t give me that look. I can see you internalizing it and bringing the blame on yourself.” Oblivion looked away for a moment, then nodded in understanding. “If anyone is to blame it is me. I was searching the worlds for a being that could handle the Spirit of this world and protect the ponies and other creatures. I almost didn’t turn an eye to your world but a feeling came to me and I found you. I connected to your world and brought your spirit to Equestria. By doing that I did… Attach to it for a time.”

“All right and what effect has that had?”

“The balance of this world was… Skewed a bit when I brought you here. You will always still have a connection to your own world. That cannot be changed or altered. You cannot go back to it but you will always have a sense of it. Maybe not consciously, but you can feel it.”

“That fore sense I have every now and then?”

“Yes. You can sense when a tear has happened or will. You may not know its exact location or what has come through, if anything, but you will still feel it.”

Oblivion was silent as they walked in silence for a time. “So when I have that feeling of restlessness then I know a tear is happening or will happen?”

“Yes. You may not be able to immediately find it but you will feel it.” She said back to him. “Your connection is growing slowly stronger and it is beginning to give you a clearer insight into the World Spirit itself. So the tears are a remnant of when I acted before, not a direct result of your arrival.”

“So will they end on their own? Or do I need to invest a greater amount of time in hunting for the creatures that come through?”

“They will never wholly vanish. But the ones close to you will diminish in power. The ones that have been made unnaturally are not an effect of either of us. Though I am curious about how this mare was able to create them.”

“It’s an artifact of some kind. I am not sure of its specifics.”

“I will wait until you know more. In the meantime, please continue.”

Oblivion nodded. “She attacked myself and Sasa earlier in the day but nothing came of it. Anyway, she was seen by the others and she actually outlays some of her goals to the Leshen that she had gotten from an open portal. She was able to tame it to an extent with the same artifact I believe. So she said that her goal was to claim the Element and use its power as her own.”

Equestria snorted a laugh. “There is no force on any world that would give her power over it. I should know.”

“As I informed the mare later.” She nodded for him to continue. “After training the guards to be able to wear her down we began our goal to subdue her. I met up with her in the forest and used the Elements Sight to look at her. Her spirit was broken beyond anything that I could even comprehend. It wasn’t even corruption that can be traced back in time to the former Guardian. She was broken over time by others.”

“What do you think of what you saw?’

Oblivion was silent as he thought back. “To be honest I felt next to nothing for her. As far as what I saw she was so shattered that all I saw was madness. She had broken on a primitive level. Even if a being is broken they can maintain themselves when their mind holds onto a bit of their sense of self. By doing that they can recover over time. But.” The mare waited as he shook his head. “Without that last bit of herself, she has recreated herself in a way that allows her to function. Though I do not think that function is due to a strength of character or spirit itself.”

“That is your viewpoint?”

“Yes. Though it may be flawed to some due to my lack of an emotional tie.” He admitted.

The mare was quiet as he went over his explanation. “What did you sense from her when you first saw her?”

Oblivion was quiet as his mind went back to when he had drawn up her when she was with Quiver. “When I drew upon her, her spirit was diminished to the point that it was barely discernible. I wasn’t sure if that was due to her pulling it back and keeping it muted or if there were other factors. With the use of the Element, I found that she had been broken.” He paused. “As far as sensing anything from her, no. I did not sense much of anything from her.”

Equestria nodded. “That is your opinion based on what you saw and felt?” He nodded in reply. “Do you think she could be helped?”

Oblivion shook his head. “Honestly, I do not think so. I am aware that I should be looking to aid those that are a dire need, but this one. I am not sure there is a remedy for that, least, not one that would benefit her in any way.”

Equestria nodded. “Sometimes a being may be too far gone. There are times where that is the truth we face.”

“I will say that I commend her for rebuilding her mind, but she has lost all sense of the being she was, to begin with, and has lost all sight of it.”

The mare paused and turned to face him as he halted beside her. “So in your opinion what should be her fate?”

Oblivion was quiet. “What are the options? Currently, she is slated to return to Canterlot. Though a life sentence for her seems… unwise. There is no rehabilitation for her.”

“As the Guardian, you can remove her spirit. Thereby removing the chance that it can ascend and be healed. If it is as far gone as you say then that might be the kindest option.” She informed the Witcher, who nodded. “Other options are to see if you can break through the self-imposed corruption to see if anything remains of the pony she once was.”

“I think trying to remove it would do more harm than good. It would probably kill her.” He replied.

Equestria nodded. “It is up to you. Whatever your choice remember that you are the final decision on spirits that have been damaged enough to warrant your action. As time goes on and you gain more control over the World Spirit then you will be able to teleport yourself to the location of the spirit in question and tend to it that way. But that will happen in time. For now, you can continue on your current path.” She nuzzled him once more. “Enjoy your day.” She whispered and pushed his shoulder roughly with her nose, sending him backward.

Oblivion snapped awake and his head raised as he looked around him. His ears flicked and he heard the guards outside with Sasa. He stood up and shook himself, removing any remaining sleep from his body. He began to reach out to Sasa when a voice cut through his thoughts.

“I will kill all of you!” The mare screamed out from the chariot.

Oblivion sighed deeply and waited for a moment to see if she spoke more. When she remained silent his magic opened the front of the tent and he walked into the morning sun.

Silver was the first to notice him as he walked up to them. “Sir!” He called out to the black pony. “Good to see you up and moving sir. Sleep well?”

“I did yes. Thank you for asking.” He replied and stopped close to them, turning to the side. “So how is our…Guest doing?”

“Oh, she’s fine. Been screaming at us for about an hour. Lucky you for being able to ignore it.” Vantage added in, his voice tired.

“Being able to sleep through her wailing would have been nice. I think Sasa started to keep an eye on her at some point last night. She was out here when I came out.” Striker added into the conversation as the mare glared and growled at them.

Sasa growled in annoyance. “I was out here to watch over her yes. Though I wish I could have knocked her out. She came to a couple of hours ago. Any ideas on how? Your spell should have kept her out cold.”

“It would have had Equestria not wished to speak with me.”

Sasa growled and nodded her understanding. “And what did she want?”

“She wished to ask my opinion on this one. The state of her spirit. She could sense when I came into contact with her. She could feel how broken she is so she wished to speak with me about it.”

Oblivion walked over to her and waited as she glared at him, her eyes full of hatred for him. He paused, waiting for her to react. “I will kill you and the Element will be mine. Maybe not right this second, but I will have it.” She vowed, venom dripping from her voice.

“That will never happen. The Element is not capable of being corrupted. I should know since I am the only being that can wield it. But I do have a question for you.” His magic held up the gem that she had been wearing, then one that could create the tears into his world. “Where did you get this?”

“You want me to tell you anything?” She snarled. “You lied and then killed…my…” Tears welled in her eyes as she recalled the death of the Leshen. Her eyes went to the head that was lying by the campfire. “I will have revenge for it.”

Oblivion sighed and shook his head. “Do you think that monster had any feeling for you? That is even more preposterous than thinking you can command the Element.”

She lunged at him but the bindings stopped her from touching him. Silver and the others had attached her shackles to the chariot, preventing her from escaping. “I will have what I want. You will not be able to stop me.”

Oblivion rolled his eyes and turned away from her. “Do not grow complacent with her bindings.” He advised the guards, who looked uncertain. “The last group that relaxed around her wound up with their throats slit.” He added as he walked past them.

Silver and the others startled and stared at the mare, who smiled at them. Her smile set them all into checking her hobbles and ensuring the ring on her horn was properly set and unable to be removed. Sasa chuckled in his mind and nuzzled his chest as he sat down beside her.

“That was just to terrify right?” She chuckled to him.

“No. That was what happened to the ponies that shattered her.” He replied.

Sasa gasped and looked to the mare, a growl rumbling through her. “She tries to hurt any of you and I will rip her throat out.” She vowed and snarled at the mare.

Oblivion ran his claws through her fur. The guards returned to their places and sat around the fire. They would look over to her as she struggled for a time against her bonds.

“Sir,” Cross spoke up. Oblivion looked at him. “Did she really?”

“That is what she revealed to me when we spoke.” He began.

A scream sounded from the mare. “I told you that because you are like me. You’re just as broken.” She raged at him.

Striker looked to him. “What does that mean?”

“She asked me why I do not show emotion. I explained that I do not truly have many of them. The emotions I do have are heavily muted. So I informed her that I had been broken once. But I was reborn from steel and silver. So a very different end result.” Oblivion explained. “She shattered to the point of losing all sense of self. She slipped into madness and has no way to get out of it. It is all she knows and all she can ever be.”

The mare stopped her raging and stared at him. “I am not mad.” She yelled.


“Yes. I am enlightened.”

Silver snorted and hid his muzzle behind a hoof, struggling not to laugh. Striker fought back a grin as well. Oblivion glanced to her, amusement in his eyes as Sasa fell to the ground laughing.

“Enlightened?” Vantage yelled at her. “You are a murdering psycho. How is that enlightened? You used the deaths of ponies to try to attack the Element of Spirit. You are nothing more than a lunatic.”

She paused as he spoke. Oblivion watched her carefully as she blinked, seeming to be startled by the Thestral’s vehemence. Even Sasa had looked at the pony, surprise in her features. She stood up and walked over to the Thestral, who was half standing. She nuzzled him and he sat back down, breathing a bit heavier for a moment. He sat down, looking a bit ashamed of his outburst.

“Sorry, sir.” He said aloud.

“What are you apologizing for?” Oblivion asked him.

“I let her get to me.” He replied, staring down at his hooves. “We have to be better than she is and keep ourselves calm.”

“Alright. So why did you lose your temper at her?” The Witcher asked him, his voice calm and collected.

Vantage was quiet as he swallowed before answering. “My little sister is kind of like her. Not that crazy, but still a bit off-kilter. She’s still nice, but she has no grasp of the real world and how to act in it. So seeing this mare made me think of her.”

“I see,” Oblivion responded. “I do not blame you for the outburst. As a way to distance yourself from the… Corruption of this mare, think of the good that your sister has in her.” He advised the shaking Thestral. “She has remained clean despite her disability and that is a strength of a different kind. Do not forget that.”

Vantage sniffed and looked at the black stallion as he spoke. A smile began to crawl over his muzzle. “Your right. She’s still sweet and gentle and good.”

“She is a sweetheart,” Cross added in.

Silver and Striker both smiled and patted the Lunar guard on the shoulder. “She sounds like a fun filly to be around.” Striker spoke up.

Vantage nodded, agreeing with the Solar guard. Oblivion looked to the mare, who had gone quiet when Vantage spoke up. Oblivion watched her as she blinked then sat down to stare at the bottom of the chariot. Sasa glanced over as well and found her still and quiet.

“Should have asked him to speak up sooner. He shut her up.” Sasa said to him through their link.

“I don’t think it was him yelling at her. I’m certain that it was the content of what he said.” Oblivion replied to the feline.

“You think so?”

“Yes. By showing that a pony similar to her does not have the same temperament I think it showed that she chose her fate. She sees for the moment anyway that she has made herself into what she is.” Oblivion advised at the cats questioning tone.

Sasa stood up and walked back to lay by Oblivion's hooves. He ran his claws through her fur and was silent. “Still we need to find out how she got this gem?” Sasa pointed out.

Oblivion nodded and stood up once more. He walked up to her and stopped, his hooves silent as he approached.

“Where did you get this?” He asked her once more. His voice quiet and calm.

She glanced up at the jewel, her eyes stayed on its glimmering surface. “It was a gift. Part of a promise.” She replied. Her voice sounded hollow and the passion from earlier gone.

“A gift? From who?” He pressed her gently for more answers.

She was still for a moment as the gem seemed to entrance her. “Asmara. She gave it to me. Said with it I could call on a new world to help give me what I want.”

Oblivion startled for a moment at the name that fell from the mare’s lips. “Who is Asmara?”

“She said she came from far away and that I reminded her of herself when she was young. She gave it to me and told me to use a bit of magic and put the magic into the gem. If I did that then the jewel would help me.”

“Help you do what, precisely?”

“Help me to get revenge.”

“On who?”

“Everypony.” She said, her voice sounded dead and hollow.

Her voice grated over him and made his fur stand on end. He kept holding the jewel aloft as it seemed to calm her to an extent. It seemed to have the same effect on her as it had on the monsters that she summoned. Made her tractable and quiet. He fell silent as his mind went over what she had said. He knew of an Asmara from the Northern Realms but he was having trouble thinking they were the same.

“Chosen?” Sasa’s voice startled him from his thoughts and he glanced back to her over his shoulder.


“Are you all right?” She questioned him.

He backed up several steps and put the gem away, removing it from the mare’s sight. She blinked and began to snarl at him once more. He sat back down and waited for his thoughts to clear. “I’m fine.”

“You seemed a bit startled.”

“The name she spoke. I have heard of a person with that name in the Northern Realms. It’s troubling that the same name has popped up here.”

“What type of person?” She began to ask.

“One that is just as bad as this one. But not as chaotic. A sorceress of some power and influence. Not enough to get added to the Lodge, but known.”

Sasa growled, her ears pinned as she tried to put the thought out of her own mind. “Someone is like this?”

“Not exactly the same. As I said she is more calculating than crazed. She was one that the others knew of but few have had interactions with. She stays out on her own for the most part. This is more troubling to me than the monsters that remain.” He admitted to the cat.

Sasa nodded. “Can you reach out to Equestria about it? She might know more.”

“I can try to. I have never reached out to her on my own. She usually calls on me.”

“Worth a try.”

“True enough. Perhaps meditation will give me the clarity I need.” He admitted to her. “Keep the guards here and the mare monitored. I will return in a while. Just leave me be for a time.” He replied to her as he stood up and began to leave the camp.

“Sir?” Silver asked as he walked by.

“I have an idea. I need to reach out to a friend. I will return once I have finished. Keep her under observation and ensure her survival. But to do not let her free under any circumstances. Sasa will remain to help.” He advised them as he kept walking.

“Yes, sir.” They intoned.

Oblivion broke into a gallop as he distanced himself from the camp. He waited for his senses to kick in and tell him how isolated he was. Once he had that sense wash over him he slowed to a walk and folded his legs under him and closed his eyes. His mind slowed at his command and he began to slow down his breathing and bring his other functions down to a diminished level. He reached out to his armor and it slid over his form and settled into its place on his body. His crown slid into place and he called upon its power to lower his eyes and grant him a deeper Sight should he need it. The black Unicorn's eyes remained closed as he began to reach out to the Spirit within the world itself and reached out to hold it gently to him.

He breathed in and then out slowly. “Equestria.” His voice whispered her name and he focused on her as he reached further, slowly so as not to overextended himself a second time.

A whinny answered his call and he opened his eyes as warmth fell over him. He looked up to find the white mare trotting up to him. He remained in place, just in case he was seeing things. Her form was brilliant to the point of being painful under the enhanced Sight of his crown. He closed his eyes as she neared him and then felt her warm breath on his cheek.

“I am here.” She whispered to him.

His crown slid back to its place at his command and he opened his eyes to find her folding her own legs to lay in front of him, a smile on her muzzle. He raised his head slightly as he beheld the mare.

“You are learning quickly.” She praised him, her smile persisting.

He nodded at her. “Took some trial and error.” He admitted to her. “So are you here or am I?”

“I am here in a sense. For example, if we stood up and moved your body would remain here. You reached out to me and our spirits are within the expanse of the Spirit of Equestria itself. You called upon it and it answered giving you access to a part of its world.”

Oblivion nodded and stood up with her. He walked several feet away and looked back. His eyes widened as he saw that his body remained in place. “That’s a bit… Disconcerting, I admit.”

She giggled and nuzzled him. “It can be. In time projecting your spirit will become second nature to you. Within the Spirit World, you can cross great distance with nothing more than a thought. But I am sure you did not call me to practice.” She teased.

He chuckled. “You are correct. I spoke with the mare and she breathed a name that I know of from my world. Is there a chance another has crossed over?”

She shook her head. “No. I can promise you that the gateway to come here is closed. It can be prodded and small things can sometimes come through but consciousness cannot pass through it. No matter the magic that they bring to bear.”

“What if they are in the exact same place that I?”

She shook her head, ending his speech. “No. I promise you if that were possible I would be the first to tell you.”

“So the name is a coincidence?”

She looked thoughtful and bade him walk with her. He was silent as she thought for a time. “It is possible that the mare here is a mirror.”

“A mirror?”

“Yes, a mirror image of the being that you know. She is not an exact copy so do not worry about any memory crossing the worlds. But they do have some similarities.”

“She had knowledge of the tears.”

The mare paused looking to him, questions in her gaze. “What?”

He reached out and pulled the gem from memory to show her. She gazed at it, curiosity in her eyes. “This is the gem that our prisoner was given by this other mare to use.”

Equestria looked to him, her footsteps stopping as she looked at the jewel. She reached out a hoof and it floated to her, hovering above her hoof as she inspected it. “This is.” She began but paused as the gem glittered.

“It’s a gem of some strength, even I can sense that about it. It’s not overpowering but it seems to have an ability to pacify some around her.”

“How do you mean?”

“I held it near Winter Snow and she became, tractable. She answered questions and seemed to have no thought or emotion during the time she was staring at it. When I removed it from her sight she reverted to how she was before, vicious and raging.”

The white mare was quiet as she looked back at him. “This gem is from a very special place. I know what it is.” She said and the image vanished. “Come with me.” She said and took off at a hard gallop.

Oblivion leaped into motion and ran at her hip. He watched as the forest swept past and he found himself crossing seas in a few strides. He focused on keeping up with her and slowed to a trot as she led him to a cave, its entrance barely visible.

“In here.” She spoke aloud and walked through the trees and foliage.

He walked behind her and entered the cave at her heels. “What is here…” He paused as something pushed back against him.

Equestria looked back to him, sensing he was not at her back. “I know it feels… Wrong. But please believe me. You are safe here.”

He nodded and walked up to her. The feeling persisted but he pushed it to the back of his mind. They walked through a gap that would not have been able to fit either of them in a body. His mind focused ahead as he could see something at the end of the small road they were on. Equestria pushed ahead and he stayed with her. He froze in his steps at the cavern ahead of him. The ceiling was over a hundred feet above him. From wall to wall it was as wide as it was tall. The walls glittered and shone, despite there being no light. The mare waited as he looked around them, slowly coming to terms with their surroundings.

“Where in any world?” He whispered out loud.

“That's the thing. This is a Conjunction.” She explained.


“It is a meeting place of sorts. This is where I was when I found you. It holds power that even I cannot truly fathom. The gem that you found, it came from here.”

“How? We couldn’t fit our bodies. The only way on was through the Spirit Realm.” He spoke out as he walked up to her, despite the cavern feeling as though it was pushing him away.

“That is true. This place protects itself with great magic. So I am unsure how a single gem escaped.” She admitted as he drew next to her.

“Could it have been taken in the past?” He asked her.

“I suppose it is possible. But I do not know.”

“Is there any way to find out how this one was taken?”

She paused, seemingly in thought. “Perhaps.” He waited as she looked to him, once more. “You might be able to.”


“Yes. Your connection with this place is innate, due to your past. Perhaps if you can channel through the gem you can see how it was broken away and taken.” She said to him, excitement in her voice. “I cannot since I have no true connection to his place aside from using it to find you. Which is not a strong enough connection.”

“How could this help you to find me?”

“I channeled my power into this place. It can act as a focus and then allow me to begin to look to worlds and beyond them. You have a stronger connection here than I ever will. You were brought here through the walls of this place. These crystals are a part of you in a way.”

Oblivion inhaled at the implications but held his tongue for a moment as he sorted his thoughts. “So this place is where it all began?”

“Yes.” She replied. “This place was here even before this world had truly begun. It was the beginning and it remains to this day.”

“Interesting. Then why do I keep feeling like its pushing against me?”

She smiled. “Because you share a piece of it. But it realizes that you are a living being which it holds some, fear of. So I think it is a bit…Confused.”

“You speak as if it has a mind of its own.”

“Not so much a mind. Simply a consciousness that is neither good nor evil, right or wrong. It exists beyond such things. So using it and the gem we have I am confident you can access the memories held in that gem.”


“Yes. It is a living being in a way. Not in the same way as you. It does not breathe nor does a heartbeat inside of it. But it sees and remembers.” She informed him as he watched her. “Will you try?”

Oblivion sighed. “I don’t really have a choice. Do I need to real gem?”

“You can call upon it from this realm. The cavern remembers the missing jewel.” She advised and stepped back to give him room.

He inhaled once more and folded his legs under him once more. He reached out and the gem seemed to grow more tangible to him as he focused on its surface. Soon it appeared to be the real thing in front of his gaze. He closed his eyes and reached out to the cavern around him. It began to pulse under him as his horn lit and covered the gem in his mind. He held it as the pulsing grew deeper and began to resonate through him. His mind reached out to the gem and the cavern around him. He gasped as something seemed to collide with him and he jolted. He grit his teeth and held onto what he had found. His mind fell away and he found himself once more standing in the cavern.

“Shit. I think I failed.” He spoke aloud and tuned back to where Equestria stood. The cavern was empty as he spun on his heel. His senses told him the cavern was empty.

From behind him, a laugh sounded out. He startled and turned. A red stallion stood in the opening of the cavern.

“Been a long time trying to find this place. Should have known it would prove… Challenging.” He said aloud and looked over his gouged and damaged body.

His fur had been rubbed off in places and gouged open in others. His right foreleg was jutting at an odd angle, indicating it had broken. Oblivion looked at him as he knew who he was looking at. The former Guardian. Oblivion looked around him and watched as the torn stallion limped into the cavern.

“This is what she has been hiding from me for so long. Well, not even the Heart of the World can hold me back forever. In time she will understand why I am about to break through this place. So much power is held here.”

Oblivion held back a shudder as the other's voice slid over him and he sneered in response. “So you are the reason behind this gem?” Oblivion spoke aloud, fully aware that he could not be heard.

The stallion walked several feet and looked down at his broken foreleg and shredded body. He growled and reached out to the world Spirit. It cried out as he commanded its power to heal himself. It shuddered and bent to his will. Oblivion could feel it screaming out in protest as a black mass bubbled under his fur and repaired the wound. Oblivion pulled back as the Spirit Realm screamed in protest and his head rang with it. Even in memory, he could feel its pain and anguish. The red pony walked up to one of the walls of the cavern and set a hoof on its surface.

“You will give me what I want. If I have to tear this cavern apart I will have the jewel within it. With it, I can spread my reach even further. Ponies will fall to me and I will have all that I have ever wished for. No pony will dare to oppose me. Not even Equestria herself can stop me.”

He reared back and struck the cavern wall. Oblivion could fell it shudder at the violence of the strike. It cried out as the beating on the cavern wall went on. The red whirled and kicked the walls with enough force to finally break off a piece. The cavern shuddered at the violence of the impact and Oblivion felt it react.

The cavern surged with magic and the red ignored the upheaval. He picked up the gem, a vicious smile on his features. He regarded the gem and began to leave the cavern. He stopped as the cavern began to tremble under his hooves. Oblivion turned around and watched as a being emerged from the center of the cavern. Crystals covered its body as it pulled away from the ground. A pair of eyes flowed out of the crystals as they undulated over the surface, covering it in layers of gems as it grew. Oblivion backed up as the power of it surged around him. The cavern itself fed this monster.

An Elemental of incredible proportions emerged from the upheaval of the cavern. The red backed up as its gaze landed on him. It stood an easy twenty-five feet tall. Its limbs were two to three feet wide with a barrel chest. There were no discernible features aside from the pair of, now glowing eyes. The eyes held the gaze of the red as he stood still. Oblivion backed up until his flank collided with the back wall. He watched as the creature surged forward, with a speed that was shocking for its size.

The red leaped out of the way and rolled to his hooves. He stood up and seemed to be expecting the creature to be slow to turn. Oblivion started as the creature stopped in its tracks and whirled around striking the red in the flank, knocking him sprawling. He yelped at the impact and gathered himself once more. He leaped away from its strike and brought forth his own magic to bear against it.

“Magic won’t work.” Oblivion breathed out. “This place is magic.”

As if confirming his thought the Elemental shrugged off the darkness that the other threw at it. His eyes widened as he jumped away. “No! This cannot be happening. I have what I want and nothing will stop me.” He bellowed at the creature, who didn’t flinch at the venom in his tone. He began to pull a huge amount of his own magic to himself and pointed his horn at the creature.

Oblivion watched as the Elemental seemed to be waiting for the red to finish his channeling, almost as if it was curious. The red screamed as he released a mass of Corruption that brought Oblivion to his knees. His mind screamed out at the intense feeling that pulsed over him. He stood back up as the mass struck the Elemental. It paused and the red smiled, his triumph seemingly clear to him. He looked at the jewel in his hoof and began to walk past the Elemental.

“Never assume you have won. An Elemental is an opponent you don’t turn your back on.” The Witcher spoke aloud to himself. “Especially one that size.”

As if agreeing with his assessment, the Elemental lashed out and struck the red in the ribs, sending him violently into the far wall. The pony cried out as his bones broke and blood welled in his mouth and throat. He spat it out and watched as the creature began to approach him. His horn lit and he called on more of the corruption that he had created to him. It covered him and he allowed it to flow into him as well as cover him. He stood up, his eyes sunken and they burned in their sockets.

Oblivion pulled back as he felt his stomach lurch. His body was reacting to the corruption. It felt evil to him and he struggled against it. As he tried to pull away he watched as the Elemental reached out and gripped the reds throat in its hand and crushed it. The pony fell to the ground, but then stood back after a beat of several seconds. Corruption surged out from it and wrapped around the Elemental. The creature pulled away as the darkness wrapped it completely. The red laughed at the struggle.

“I own this world! You think a few rocks can stop me!?” He screamed as the creature once more pulled away.

Oblivion felt his body beginning to heave at the feeling of corruption. He could feel it as if it was covering his body and slithering down his own throat. The red walked past the Elemental once more and headed for the exit. Oblivion found himself calling out to the crystals, telling them to fight.

He paused as the cavern seemed to hear his call and it heaved once more. The red yelped as the Elemental pushed aside the corruption and charged for the offending Guardian once more. He lunged from the exit and was nearly through when the elemental got hold of his hind leg and the bones crunched in its grip. The red screamed but was able to pull away, by leaving much of his flesh behind. The memory began to fade as the Elemental pulled back and screamed at the loss of a piece of itself. Oblivion felt his world collapse and he fell with it.

“Oblivion!” Equestria called out his name.

The stallion roared as he plunged to his hooves. Sweat drenched his coat as he panted in place. His stomach heaved and he retched where he stood. He coughed and backed up, his eyes scanning the cavern walls. They fell on the spot where the gem had once belonged. He stared at it then let himself fall to his knees. He looked to Equestria, who was waiting for him to speak.

“It was him.” He finally breathed to her.

“Him?” She parroted back to him.

“The Fallen Guardian. He’s the one that took the gem.”

“What?” She cried out, disbelief in her voice. “How? I never told him of this place.”

“I know you didn’t. He knew you were hiding something so he found it on his own.” Oblivion sniffed and pulled himself to his hooves. “He broke the gem from the wall. He wanted to use it to spread his reach even further. The cavern reacted and broke every bone it could before he managed to stall it long enough to escape.”

Equestria gasped and fell to her rump. “What else?”

“That was the only thing it showed me. I should have been more specific with what I needed to see.” Oblivion berated himself for his own errors as he began to pace. “I didn’t need to see the beginning…I…Dammit.”



“It showed you what it wanted you to see. Perhaps it sees that the Guardian of old began this and its thinking you can fix it.”

“If I redo this will it show me what I want to see next?”

“I do not know. I have never asked anything about this place. If you want to try then I will stay with you but you are in a bad state right now.”

Oblivion nodded. “I Know. That was a bit…Disturbing to see.” He admitted and began to calm his nerves and rein his sense back in. “It’s a not reality in the literal sense but you feel it as though it were. He used the World Spirit to heal himself and it bucked and screamed against him.” She walked up to him as he paused in his pacing. “That was most unpleasant.” He commented and she gave a thin smile in reply.

Oblivion closed his eyes and breathed, pulling in air to his body and letting hit relax and calm. Once he was sure he could handle another dive into the story of the gem and he laid back down and reached out it once more. Equestria laid down at his side, her shoulder touching his. He nodded to her, a silent thanks for her support then refocused on the gem once more.

He opened his eyes slowly. He found himself staring at the front of a store. “Oh come on.” He growled under his breath. “I made sure to focus on her name.”

“Striking Sky!”

A yell startled him and he spun as he heard a name called. A turquoise Pegasus mare trotted behind him, a wide smile on her muzzle. She looked to be a few years older than Apple Bloom, but not by too much. He turned with her and watched as she trotted up to a pair Pegasus ponies. They were both taller and he guessed they were her parents. They embraced her and began to walk down the street. The Witcher looked back to the store but found himself watching the family. He growled and took off after them. Oblivion trotted after them and followed several feet behind them.

“So did you see anything new?” The father asked.

The older filly shook her head. “No. They had really nice jewelry, but nothing that seemed special enough for grandma.”

“Don’t worry we will find something for her.” The mare said to her.

Oblivion watched as they walked to a new store and stopped in front of it. Oblivion couldn’t read the sign on its door and watched as they opened the door and walked in. He blinked and found himself inside the store with the family. His bearings caught up to him and he watched.

“Excuse me.” The filly spoke out to the storekeeper.

Oblivion pulled back as the ponies features were marred and undulated under his fur. He had no features that showed he had a face at all. The ponies showed no fear at what they saw. Oblivion paused as he realized that the gem did not know the pony so it did not know his features. The Unicorn shook his head to clear it and focused ion them once more.

“What can I do for you?” The store clerk asked.

“I’m looking for a necklace. It’s a gift. So it needs to be really special.” The filly informed him.

He seemed to think and then addressed the small family. “I have an idea. Got this in a sale years ago. Never found anyone that it spoke to.” He said and reached back to a drawer behind him.

“No.” Oblivion breathed. “No…Not…” He paused as he saw the gem from the cavern appear from the drawer. It was still unrefined and had rough edges. It had never been treated.

The filly gasped at the brilliance of the jewel. Her parents walked up to stand with her as she smiled at the jewel in the ponies hooves. “Never thought I would be able to sell it. It’s never been refined or shaped so I’m not sure if you can. I know it’s not on a necklace but maybe you can do something with it.” The sales pony said to them.

Oblivion could feel the gem beginning to speak. It was a constant sound in his ears. Sounded like rushing water, but a sound was deeper within it.

The filly and her family stared at it and smiled. She looked to her parents. “It’s perfect. I know a place that can cut it down and make it perfect. They have the perfect chain.” She told them.

“Are you sure this is the one?” Her mother asked her.

“Yes. I have never been so sure of anything in my whole life.” She told them. Her excitement was palpable as her father looked to the pony behind the counter.

“My girl has an eye for gems so what’s the price on it?” He asked.

Oblivion watched as they began to haggle over the stone's price. His mind screamed to leave it and run but he knew that was not an option. A price was struck and Oblivion heard the gem still calling as it changed hooves. The pony had wrapped it in a nice bag and gave the bag over to them. Oblivion gasped as a screech sounded in his mind. The sound grew in his ears and he closed his eyes, trying to block it out or lower the volume. He opened his eyes and found himself in a new store.

“Uncle Cutter!”

He turned even as his head pounded. The filly raced into the store as another pony turned to her. His features marred, same as the other one. Oblivion refocused on the filly and her family. The gem in the same bag as before, held in her teeth.

“What do I owe the pleasure, pretty girl?” He called out to the filly as she reached him, setting her bag in the counter.

“I found it!” She cried out. Delight in her tone.

“Found what?” He asked her.

“The perfect gem!” She cried out as her wings fluttered lifting her onto a chair. She pulled the gem out of the bag and set it on the counter. “Isn’t it perfect for grandma?”

Her uncle was quiet as he lifted the jewel, analyzing it. “Well, I’ll be.” He said to her. “I think you picked out the best gem in the whole of Equestria.” He said to her.

The filly giggled and smiled to her uncle. Oblivion pushed a breath of air out of his lungs and pulled in another breath. His lungs burned even as he breathed. He listened as they began to speak, the ringing in his ears was growing, making it harder to hear them over the din it caused.

“Well, what kind of cut should we use?” He asked the filly.

She looked thoughtful for a moment, before responding. “Umm. What about that one?” She pointed a hoof to the poster behind him, showing the same cut as the gem that Oblivion held in his possession now.

“That one?” He asked her. “Are you sure? That one is pretty difficult.” He admitted to her.

“It’s perfect. Grandma will love it. Can you do it?” She asked of him.

The filly bounced on the cushion as he nodded. “I’ll try it out. Haven’t done it in a while but I’ll give it a try for you.”

“Thank you!” She shrilled and jumped the counter to hug him.

Oblivion backed up as the sound began to pulse as he watched the stone being cut. Each cut rang through his body, pain that was enough to tear him apart sounded through him. The stallion found himself on the floor of the work room as the gem was cut. He closed his eyes as he waited for it to finish, knowing that the gem was going to be cut and that he was going to feel the pain it felt and have to get back up to see the rest of its memory, despite the assault. The sound continued assaulting his ears. His eyes opened and he lunged to his hooves as the gem was polished and then he was out at the front counter once more.

His head hung low as he tried to focus through the screaming in his ears. “I know you’re hurting.” He panted as he saw the gem being finished and set aside. “But torturing me won’t change that.” He snarled at the jewel.

“Uncle Cutter!” The filly’s voice cut through him and he looked up as she flew in to see the gem.

Oblivion raised his head and went over to the counter with her. She squealed with joy as he pulled a silk cloth off the gem. Revealing the glowing gem underneath. It was an enormous gem, even in a beveled silver setting.

“It’s still such a large gem, Cutter.” Her mother spoke up. Oblivion hadn’t even heard them come in.

“I know. I was going to break it into smaller pieces but.” He paused and Oblivion had a moment to thank the Gods that he hadn’t cut it deeper. “But it was too nice a gem to do it. The quality of this jewel is incredible. Even in that rough facing from before.” He admitted to them.

“It’s so beautiful.” The filly admitted to them. “How did you make it so perfect?” She called out.

“By breaking my skull in.” Oblivion replied, snidely. He sighed as he missed what the reply was. “That was untoward. They have no idea what they are messing with.” He said aloud. Suddenly he halted. “Wait. If the gem is not in the hooves of the Guardian that means he has been sealed. So how did this get into the hooves of a retailer?” His thoughts slammed into focus as he realized that the gem hadn’t been taken from the fallen, it has been released into the world by him. Oblivion looked back to the family. “Oh no.”

His head pounded and the pulsing began to speed up. He looked up as the front of the store gave way as it was being beaten on. Oblivion blinked and he was outside, he gasped as the Elemental shattered the front of the jeweler. He jumped back as the front completely gave way. Stone and glass shattered as it was pulled from its foundation. Oblivion heard the ponies inside screaming as they looked up to the front. He watched as the filly reached for the gem and slid it into her saddle bag. Her mother placed her on her back and spread her wings to fly. Her father and Uncle did the same.

“What is that thing?” Her father yelled above the shattering glass and breaking metal.

“I have no idea. Let’s get out of here.” Her mother yelled back.

Oblivion watched as they took to the sky and avoided the grasping hands of the Elemental. “They won’t make it.” He whispered. The pounding had lessened and his eyes followed them as they flew. His own wings flicked against his sides, but he kept them down. He knew what was about to happen.

The Elemental picked up a chunk of the store front and threw it at the fleeing ponies. He closed his eyes as he felt the impact on the father’s body. His own body shuddered and he panted as the pony died, in that instant Oblivion knew he had died instantly. An impact like that was unable to be survived through. A scream resounded as the Uncle dove to catch the falling body, only to be struck by another chunk of cement. The impact resounded through the Witcher as he watched, silence pervading around him.

“Gods below.” He whispered as the bodies fell and landed, wetly on the street.

He looked away from the street and looked up as the mother turned and saw her family die in front of her. On her back, her daughter screamed and cried as her family was being ruined before her eyes. Oblivion's own heart raced in his chest as he watched. He could feel their fear due to the gem being with them, so close to their grief and sorrow. The Elemental reached down and picked up another chunk of the storefront. Oblivion felt the fear tear into the mother and her filly as they watched. Oblivion's wings spread and he took off for them. He got in front of them only to feel the concrete go through him. A wet crunch sounded behind him and he breathed as he looked over his shoulder, the mare’s chest caved in and she began to drop from the skies. He watched as the mare was able to stop herself from colliding with the street. Protecting her daughter from the impact with her own body.

The Witcher descended, surprised at his own actions as his hooves landed close to them. The filly sat up and looked down as her mother told her to run and then died in front of her. She screamed in grief as the Elemental neared her. Oblivion looked over his shoulder at the creature and then to the filly as she stood up and faced the monster. Her whimpers broke against Oblivion and his body shook under the weight of the grief, terror and sheer rage from the young mare. His eyes looked to her and his connection to the World Spirit suddenly screamed out at him. He cried out as he was driven to his knees by the sheer sound.

The filly screamed and he watched as she broke. Her mind and spirit broke within her and she was left with the feeling of rage and revenge. He watched as she glared at the beast and then watched as the gem in her saddle bag began to glow. She pulled it from the bag and held it before the creature.

“It can’t attack if the gem is in its path. It can’t risk breaking it.” Oblivion breathed out as he watched the scene unfold.

He watched as he was proven right. The creature watched as she held the gem in front of her. “You want this?” She screamed at it. Fury in her voice as she shook with rage. She looked at the bodies of her family and snarled at the monster. “Well it belongs to me now and you will never have it back. I will break you with it. You took my family. You killed them!” She screamed and the gems glow increased.

Oblivion gasped as she poured her rage and pain into it. He looked at her and he knew that she had no idea that she was reaching into it and, in her own way, corrupting it. The Elemental screamed and Oblivion cried out as the Elemental's pain reflected back on him. The creature reeled back as the gem pulsed and drove it back into the ground. It vanished and the filly screamed once more as she threw the gem at the ground where it had once been. Oblivion watched as she fell on her mother’s body and cried. He could feel her grief, despite not having the emotion himself, and he found himself mourning with her. He looked up as ponies came out of the shadows to see what had happened. For the first time since the memory began the Witcher looked around him and found that he recognized parts of the city.

“Holy Gods. It’s Canterlot. This happened in Canterlot.” He said aloud as Royal Guards came forward to see what had happened and what needed to be done.

A guard went to the filly as his fellows laid white sheets over the bodies of her uncle and father. They tried to pick her up and get her away from the corpse of her mother, but she lashed out and drove them away from her. A mare walked up to her and knelt beside her. She gently put a hoof on the filly’s back and rubbed her back, gently. The filly looked up, her face tear stained and looked at the guard as she removed her helm and gave her a little smile.

“My mom.” She whispered. Her hooves gripped the fur of her mother. “She won’t wake up.”

Oblivion saw the guard look at her. “I know sweetie.” She said and held out her forelegs to the filly. Who allowed herself to be bundled into her chest, where she finally collapsed, holding onto the warmth of the mare with her. “It’s going to be okay.” She whispered to her, stroking her mane. “It’ll be okay.”

Oblivion looked over to the gem and watched as a guard began to reach for it.

“NO!” The filly screamed and tried to escape the embrace of the mare. “It’s mine!” She screamed.

The guard picked it up and trotted it over to her. “It’s okay. I was gonna ask if you knew about it.” He explained to her, his voice soothing as he also stroked her mane, soothing her. She calmed under their soothing voices as he put the gem into her hoof. The filly pulled it to her chest and held it tightly.

Oblivion watched in silence. “So that is what happened to it on this day.”

“Whats your name sweetie?” The mare asked her as she nuzzled her mane and soothed her.

“My name?” She whispered back.

The mare nodded into her mane and held her closer. He watched as the filly seemed uncertain for a moment. Then her gaze sharpened and landed on the spot where the creature had been. “Asmara.”

“That’s a pretty name. What does it mean?” She asked, trying to focus the filly on something other than her grief.

“It’s from a story that mommy read me once. I don’t want the name I was given anymore. It hurts too much to keep it.” The mare nodded into her mane, letting her work through it on her own. “It means vengeance.” She finally spoke its meaning and Oblivion felt himself shudder at the tone of her voice.

He breathed as time flashed past him. The filly grew under the care of her extended family, into a strong Pegasus mare. Her name had been legally changed to Asmara. He had seen her make that choice early on in her life and had felt the grief that came with the total loss of herself. She was still aware of herself and held her heart close but she had let the filly she had been fall away. As time had gone on she had allowed ponies to think that she was fine and that she had moved on. When in truth she had done nothing of the sort. Her memory remained clear on what had killed her family. She kept the gem with her at all times and refused to allow any pony to handle it.

Oblivion watched as time slid to a stop and restarted. He looked up as he saw the mare, now renamed, Asmara walking through the countryside. He could see her spirit was broken and torn but was still intact in places. As she kept moving he saw the mare, Winter Snow. They had met in a book store, Winter Snow was frantically researching the Elements of Harmony. She caught the eye of Asmara due to the frantic writing.

“What are looking for?” Asmara asked her, after watching her for an hour or so.

The pinto mare looked up, a smile on her muzzle. “The Elements of Harmony are back in the world.” She said, her voice blank and matter of fact.

“So I have heard.” The Pegasus responded.

“I need to get them.” She went on. “Or at least one of them. According to this the Element of Spirit is the most potent of them.”

“Oh?” That seemed to catch the other's attention. “How much more powerful?”

“Overthrow monarchs, destroy lives, that kind of power.”

Asmara looked to the gem around her neck. “What kind of power does it use? Does it use stone and gems?”

“It is a gem. So that’s possible.”

Oblivion watched as the mare grinned. His skin crawled at the look that crossed her. "What if I asked you to help me find a monster?”

The pinto looked up at her. “I really don’t need a monster. I am one.”

“What if you could control other monsters?”

That seemed to gain her the full attention of the pinto. “You have earned my attention. But do something good with it, or I’ll kill you too.”

“Why kill me? You have bigger fish to fry.” She replied, the threat having no effect on her.

The pinto looked up, realizing that her threat had not scared the Pegasus in the slightest. “Oh, this could be fun. You’re a bit like me it seems. So what do you want from this, relationship?”

“I am looking for a special monster. I have been hunting it for… Oh, ten years now.” She replied.

“That’s a hell of search time.”

“It is. May I sit with you?”

Oblivion shuddered as the two mares sat and began to talk. He watched as days went by and then weeks as they met and spoke often. The Library came into focus once more. They began to compare their desires and in time they seemed to find an agreement.

“I will let you borrow the gem that brought about the deaths of my family and it will allow you to connect to monsters, real ones. And in exchange, you get the Element of Spirit. Then, once you have it we meet up and all I want is to use the Element to summon the monster that I want. Then once it is dead you can have the Element back and I get my necklace back. Deal?”

The pinto smiled. “Deal. Whats to stop me from just running off with it?”

Asmara smiled, her down more disturbing than the other. “I will hunt you down, to the ends of Equestria, and skin you alive. Try me.” She whispered into the other mare’s ear.

Winter Snow smiled. “So a deal then. I love this new thing we have going.” She added as the gem landed in her hooves. “So how do I use it?”

“Just hold it in your magic and give it a little push. Not too much or you’ll break even more. So just enough to call on a portal. Once it appears, stop channeling. Once that happens the monster that comes through, if it does it’s not a guarantee, will not attack you or hurt you. You can, to an extent, control it. Then use it to get the Element.”

“I still need to find it.” The pinto lamented.

“I already did.” Asmara replied.

Oblivion cringed as he realized that he had been hunted without knowing it.


Yes. A friend of mine works in the palace. She said that the Element of Spirit is held by a stallion. A black stallion. He has combat experience so it is believed that he is actually plotting to harm the monarchy. Whether that is true or not, is beyond my concern. But he carried it with him, normally. Not sure if it’s all the time or not. But worth the risk, no?”

Oblivion listened as he realized that accusation sounded familiar. An image of the clerk from his sparring fight with Luna crossed his mind. The mares name was Second Sight. He remember her well enough. He cursed as he realized that he had been set up months ago. This had been brewing for a long time. Now he had the gem and he had to decide what to do with it. He could return it to the cavern and move on or…

“Dammit.” He cursed as the mares began to part ways.

“How do I find you after I have the Element?” The pinto asked her before they parted.

“Oh. Don’t worry once you have the Element I’ll find you.” She replied, her smile sweetly terrifying.

“That is so cryptic, I love it.” The pinto trotted off, the gem dangling around her neck.

“Soon. I will have all that I ask for.” Asmara said aloud to herself.

It was the last thing Oblivion heard before he snapped back to the cavern, the gem showing him all he needed to see. He panted as he collected his thoughts, Equestria at his side, waiting.

“I know what happened to it, I know how, and I know who had it.”

“You found your answers?”

“Yes.” He replied as he stood up.


“I know where to start. It all began in Canterlot. I’ll start there. I need to place the monsters on the back burner for now. They can wait, this gem will not.”

“Are you going to return it to this place?”

Oblivion paused, then shook his head. “Not yet.”

Equestria's eyes flashed for a moment before she paused as well. “Why not?”

“I need it to end one problem before it festers even further. This gem has broken another mare besides the one I have with me.”

Equestria startled the flash of anger gone from her gaze. “Oh no.”

“Yes. This one is even worse in my opinion. She plans and plans for the long term. I was a target before I even knew it was happening.” He replied to her. “For now I have the information that I need. I give you my word that I will return it to its place.” He vowed to the mare.

She nodded. “I understand. I know you are a pony of your word. I am sorry for the moment of doubt that I had.”

“No apologies are needed. I would have questioned myself as well in your hooves.”

She smiled and nuzzled his neck. “Then back to your body, it is. Just focus on it and you will be back within it in an instant.” She informed him. “Good luck.”

He nodded to her and closed his eyes to focus on his own form. He felt an impact and then opened his eyes. He looked around and found himself in the field that he had mediated in. He stood up and groaned as his joints popped under him. “Ouch.” He griped for a moment shaking his limbs to get more feeling into them and beginning his walk back to the others.

“Welcome back, Chosen.” Sasa voice rang out to him.

He chuckled as he walked back to them. “Good to be back, and do I have a tale for you.”

31: Moving Forward...

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Oblivion rejoined the others around the campfire and conjured a glass of water for himself as he sat in silence. The Guards said nothing to him as they waited for him to speak on his own, chewing through their evening meal. Sasa nuzzled his shoulder, waiting for him. The cup vanished in a small burst of magic and he gave a low sigh.

“So how did it go?” The feline finally spoke up as she waited.

Oblivion was quiet as his mind went over the information he had received. “It was an… experience.” He finally spoke aloud.

“Sir?” Silver questioned him as he regarded the black stallion.

Oblivion thought over what he would say without revealing more than was needed. “I have used a different skill to see if I could find out more from the gem that we took from her.” He tipped his horn in the crazed mare’s direction, as she glared. “By focusing on it I was able to find out who had the gem before her and the story behind it.”

“Is that why you were gone all day?” Vantage spoke up.

“Yes. It takes time and a great amount of focus and channeling.” Oblivion replied. “I found out that it all began in Canterlot.”

“Oh?” Cross asked as he looked up from his meal.

“Yes, do any of you recall a case where three Pegasus was killed by an unknown assailant? Leaving their filly alive?”

Silver thought about it and looked to Striker, who shrugged. “Nothing comes to mind.” He admitted.

“Hmm.” Oblivion's horn lit and he conjured a scroll and quill in his magic.


I have captured the one who is responsible for bringing the monsters to Equestria and orchestrating the deaths of the ponies in the reports. I have found that there is a much larger case involved in this. I need to have the information on a case that happened several years ago in Canterlot. The case showed the deaths of three Pegasus and left their daughter alive. If possible I need access to the information from this event. I have found the item that is being used to create the tears in the world and is bringing creatures here from a great distance. I have the item in my possession and I will be keeping it with me to prevent it from being used, even if by accident. Please ensure that the information needed is available upon our arrival to the capitol by noon.

Oblivion Shadow

His horn flared as the scroll rolled up and was sent to the Princess of the Night. He sat back heavily on his haunches for a moment before his orange eyes fell on the pinto in the carriage. In the growing dark they gave off their natural glow and he watched her till she laid down in the chariot to avoid the gaze of the Witcher.

“Sir? What do we do now?” Striker asked him. “Are we going to Canterlot or keeping her with us when we go to the other locations?”

“We will be going to Canterlot first thing in the morning. We will arrive before noon and her fate will be chosen then. I have research that must be done to understand the one who is pulling the strings in the background.”

“Sir?” Vantage piped up.

“According to what I have found the gem that she was using belongs to another. She allowed it to be used so long as Winter was able to get the Element then it would be used to call upon a creature that is responsible for the deaths of ponies a few years ago.”

“Oh wow.” Silver replied. “So that thing is not a pony made the item?”

“No. It comes from far away from here. It has a connection to Equestria and is used to call upon the tears that we have seen.” They looked at him at different terminology. “The portals.” The Witcher clarified.

“Okay, so we will be turning everything over to the Princesses, gem included, and then heading back out to the next location?” Striker asked of him as he nodded.

Oblivion closed his eyes for a moment, they opened as he gave a shallow sigh. “No.” The guards looked at him, questions in their gaze. Sasa looked to him as well, her head tilted slightly. “I will be dropping off the mare that is true. But we will be delaying the next location for a time as I go through the information that I need for the mare that once held the gem. As for the gem. It will be staying in my possession.”

The mare sat up, an angry cry sounding from her. She struggled against the bindings and began to yell incoherently at the group. Oblivion growled under his breath as his horn lit, covered in the azure flame of his aura. It covered her and she slowly sank back to the bottom of the chariot, her mind blank as he let her slide into unconsciousness.

“Thank you for that, Chosen.” Sasa nuzzled him as her voice rang through his mind.

Oblivion nodded and turned back to the group, now staring at him. “I am aware that normally all evidence would most likely be turned over for further investigation.” They nodded. “But in this case, I will have to keep this one piece with me. I will answer what questions about it that I can but for the most part, I will keep my theories to myself for now.”

Silver looked to the others and finally nodded. “All right. Are you going to inform…” He paused as a scroll appeared in the black pony’s magic. The deep blue stationary told Oblivion who was reaching out to him.


Once thou arrive please bring the pony to my sister and me. We will speak with her in the morning about the reports thou are looking for. In the meantime, rest and bring the suspect back to my sister and me for punishment.


Oblivion sent the scroll to his saddlebag and waited before he spoke. “We will be leaving early in the morning so I suggest each of you get as much rest as possible. We need to be back in the capital before noon.”

The guards all nodded and left for their tents. Sasa stood up and stood across from him, listening. Once she seemed satisfied that they were not going to come back out she regarded the black stallion.

“All right, Chosen. Spill.” She said to him as she sat down in front of him.

Oblivion gave a quiet groan. “It was an experience.”

“Were you able to call upon her?”

“Yes. That was a success, she seemed quite impressed by it.”

“I’m sure. Summoning her must be a more advanced ability. But that does not answer my question.”

“I am aware.” Oblivion felt his gaze fell to the cat in front of him. “Come here.”

He reached out and placed his forehead against her own, allowing her access to the memory within him. He felt the cat shudder as she saw the memory flash through her own mind. He pulled back and waited as she processed the facts.

“So the mare, Asmara, was created by the deaths of her family?” She whispered out, after a few minutes.

“Yes. In a way. The true root of the issue is the old Guardian once more. Once more he meddles in the lives that should be protected. His desire to advance even further cruelty upon those in this world grows more… Aggravating the more I learn.”

Sasa nodded, a purr rumbling through her. “What will you do now?”

“Now? We find this mare and if needed discover what all she knows. I have asked Luna for the files of the attack in Canterlot. Once I have that information I will be able to make a more formal deduction. For now, my choices are limited.”

“True enough.” Sasa was quiet as she was still processing the brutality she had seen. “It is still upsetting seeing what had happened.”

“It is yes. Even I could sense what they felt due to the gem in close proximity. Though the emotions were not my own I could still ‘feel’ from them.”

“Least this time you could stop the emotions easier.” Sasa teased. “Last time…not so much.”

He chuckled and nodded to the cat, agreeing with her words. He stood up and went to his own tent. “Sasa.”

“I’ll stay out here and make sure she is okay. Even though her dying of exposure is not something I would lose sleep over.”

Oblivion shook his head and nodded to the feline as she laid down beside the chariot. He went into his tent and laid down on the floor of it. He made sure to set his swords to the side as he laid his head down. His magic reached out and he gripped the gem and pulled it out of his saddlebag. It glittered in the azure flame of his magic and he stared at it. He sighed and thought over the memories stored within it. He had never thought of any gem as possibly being a living being. Living to an extent anyway. He understood that this one came from a place that is the center, the conjunction as she called it. Breaking a piece of it traumatized the gem itself. In a way, it had also been broken and the cavern had used the Elemental to try to retrieve the shard. While it was unclear why the creature had not attacked again. Though as he was thinking of it he suddenly brought his head up as the realization struck him.

“The violence of it. That’s what drew it. The former Guardian traumatized the entire cavern with the violence of breaking it from the wall. Slowly cutting the gem into its current appearance drew the Elemental from a far greater distance. Canterlot is a very long way away from it.” Oblivion was silent as his whispers set on his ears.

He looked at the gem and slowly set it around his own neck. He was ready to throw it off him if he sensed the Elemental or any disturbance. As he set it gently in place beside the Element of Spirit and his medallion the gem was quiet. He had been able to feel the magic inside it before, now it was muted and had fallen quiet. He looked to the Element around his medallion. He figured that the proximity of the Element had brought about the change in the gem. Oblivion laid his head back down and allowed his mind to fall into sleep once more.

“Chosen.” Sasa’s voice reached him and he awoke at her call.

“Sasa?” He reached back to her and waited for her to respond. “Is it time to leave?” He wasn’t sure what would have brought her to wake him.

“No. It’s still dark out. But I have a question for you.”

“Go ahead.”

“Where is the gem?”

“I have it around my neck. Why?”

“Please come outside.”

He got to his hooves and opened the tent flap. He whinnied and fell to his haunches, rolling over his shoulder to stand on his hooves. His magic lifted his sword and he gripped it in his teeth. He slowly opened the tent flap once more and walked outside. His muscles were tensed and he stared at the Elemental before him. He skirted around it and came to stand beside Sasa, who was sitting and staring at the creature. He looked down to her, his teeth clenched around the hilt of the weapon. The Elemental did not move as he slowly released his blade and let it hover in his magic.

“How long?”

“About five minutes.”

“And you waited to say anything, why?”

She looked at him. “I was not sure what it was until the eyes appeared. At first, I thought it was something from Equestria until the glowing eyes appeared. It slowly came out of the ground right where it is now. It hasn’t moved an inch. It just stares. Very creepy.” She said to him. Giving him the information he requested from her.

Oblivion walked over to it and, though he didn’t like doing it, used the end of his blade to poke the creature and leaped away from it in case it attacked. When it didn’t move he turned and delivered a heavy buck to the creature's arm. It remained still. Oblivion walked over to it and put a hoof on it. The Elemental shifted under his hoof and both he and Sasa yelped and jumped away from it. Sasa leaped over the chariot while Oblivion backflipped away from it, landing close to the she-cat.

Sasa snarled at it but slowly calmed. “It…Why did it suddenly move?” She asked the Witcher, her breathing panted as she focused on calming her racing heart.

Oblivion went back to the monster and walked to stand in front of it. It remained as still as before. It did not track him as he moved around it. The Witcher inhaled and then set his hoof on the Elementals chest and it straightened slightly at his touch. He pushed it and it slowly moved back at his command. As he moved it back to the other side of the camp he stopped and it went still once more. Sasa walked over to him and nudged his hip.

“Okay, so it’s…Harmless?”

“Not in the slightest.” Oblivion corrected. “It’s still the same being. The difference is that I…am fairly emotionless. So there is no emotion for it to process through the gem.”

Sasa looked to him as he spoke aloud. “So since you’re not pouring any intent into the gem it’s not acting?”

“I think so. To an extent, it knows me.”

“How do you mean?”

Oblivion paused as he realized that he had shown her the memories not the conversation with Equestria. “I came from the same cavern as the gem. To an extent, I am connected to it. A part of it remains with me. So it might be that it is… confused about my intent and who I am.”

Sasa walked up to it and nudged it with a paw. She jumped back, but it remained still. She reached out again and Oblivion reached with her, giving a slight push in her direction. It shifted and Sasa yowled as she ran for cover. She looked back from the side of the chariot to find it still, with Oblivion's hoof on it. She snarled at him and stalked back to where he stood.

“Chosen. Bad time for teasing.” She told him, even as she chuckled through their connection.

Oblivion removed his hoof and nodded to her. He reached down and held the gem in his hoof. The elemental shifted at the slight touch of Oblivion's hoof to the gem. Oblivion released it and softened his touch on the jewel. The Elemental stilled as he was careful with the gem in his grasp. Sasa managed not to yelp when it moved and watched Oblivion as he moved. He side passed around the creature using the gem to turn the creature. He pushed magic into the gem, slowly. The creature’s eyes lit as it moved more quickly with the stallion. He released the gem and let it sit by the medallion once more.

“Interesting.” He spoke aloud as he circled it once more. “It responds to magic due to the cavern being drenched in magic itself. It reacts to it naturally. Using that its movements become sharper and more fluid. With just my touch it will stiffly move, but loses that fluidity.”

Oblivion stopped and raised the gem and the Element off of his neck. His magic held them gently in front of the Elemental. It remained still but the eyes glowed brightly. Oblivion set the gem back on his neck and held the Element aloft. The Element didn’t react as he held it closer to the creature. As he looked at it he could see that it had gotten slightly less bulky, but was still considerable. The medallion began to trembled more violently the closer he held it to the Elemental. As he tapped it against the creature it reached for the Element.

“Shit!” Oblivion shouted as he backed away. It went still once more as he backed up.

Beside him, Sasa panted as she had run from it as well. “Don’t do that.” She chided him.

“I wasn’t sure what it would do. I admit I did not expect it to reach for it.” The Witcher placed the Element and the medallion back around his neck and analyzed the possibilities. “All right, I wonder.” He whispered aloud and advanced on the Elemental. He put a bit of his magic into the gem and also made a request of the creature. He watched, shocked, as it slowly went back to the earth below his hooves. Sasa stared at him as he looked to her then back to the ground in front of him.

“Did you tell it to do that?”

Oblivion nodded and asked it to return. It bubbled out of the ground but he sent it back before it could fully emerge. Sasa yowled at him as he held the germ aloft. He set it back in place and sat down by the dead fire. His mind raced as he went over what he knew. Which, unfortunately, was not much. Oblivion was quiet as he quickly realized that having the creature at his command gave him a huge advantage. His mind poured over what he had seen and he knew that if he used the Elemental in the right way he could draw Asmara to him.

“This could work.” He muttered as he stood up and began pacing.

“What could work?” Sasa asked him as she sat down beside him.

“The mare is looking to try to summon the Elemental.”

“The one you now have in your back pocket?”

“Yes. She hungers for revenge on it. So if we let it be seen a few times or even bring it into Canterlot then it will draw her to it.”

“Okay but we need to keep the gem away from her. What do you think she is really after?”

“To be honest I am not exactly sure. She wanted to use the element to summon it to her and then I assume destroy it with the power the Element holds.”

“Well. Surprise, surprise the Elemental tried to take the Element of Spirit.” Sasa snipped back.

“Precisely. I’m not sure if she is aware of that as a possibility or if she is assuming a gem of greater or equal power could bring it to her. Her exact reasons are not clear. But I would assume that since she seeks revenge that she wishes to destroy it.”

“One would assume.” Sasa agreed.

Oblivion reached out his own sense but the Elemental was hidden from him. “So long as strong emotions are not projected to it then the Elemental should remain inactive.” He explained. “If trauma is done to the gem then it will react violently to try to retrieve or just kill the one harming it.”

Sasa chuffed at his side and nuzzled his shoulder. “Well then having it in the hooves of a Witcher is most fortunate then. Emotions are not your strong suit, Chosen.”

Oblivion grunted in agreement and then stood up once more. His pacing lasted for several hours until the sun began to rise on the horizon. Sasa had chosen to lay down and doze now that he was awake. The guards came out and Cross squeaked a cry of surprise as Oblivion paced on the other side of the fire. The Witcher paused and regarded them as he waited for them to speak or move.

“Sir.” Silver came forward. “How long have you been awake?”

“A few hours. A new development came up and I have been thinking it through. Nothing more.” He assured them. “We need to get everything pulled down and ready to leave. I will alert the town and then we will leave.” He ordered and began to walk toward the village.

He heard the guards moving and felt Sasa bump her head against his hip to alert him to her location. His stride was fluid as he reached the town hall after several minutes of walking. He rapped his hoof on the door and waited for any movement.

“It’s still very early Chosen.” Sasa advised him as there was no response.

“I am aware. But we need to get moving and get into the air.”

“You know what the worst part is going to be?” Oblivion paused and looked to her, his gaze questioning. “We have to ride in the chariot with that crazy mare.” Sasa quipped to him.

Oblivion paused and a snort of amusement escaped him as he nodded to her. “That is true.”

“Can you keep her knocked out?” She asked him. “Please?”

“Will see how it goes. Perhaps she will stay quiet for a while.”

“Are we talking about the same mare? Happens to be a pinto unicorn, bald spots that look like old burns, psycho, has a nasty habit of screaming that she is going to kill you?”

Oblivion grinned for a moment nodded. “Yes, sounds like the same one.”

“You’re giving her too much credit, methinks.”

Oblivion shook his head and rapped his hoof once more on the door. He backed up as he heard movement inside. The mayor opened the door, looking more than a bit surly at the Witcher.


“Cranky.” Sasa muttered through their link.

Oblivion said nothing at the cat’s commentary. “I apologize for the early hour but, I am letting you know that we will be leaving this morning,” Oblivion replied to him. His tone was diplomatic and left no room for any argument.

“Oh. Well, thank you again for what you have done. I’m glad it has been sorted out and we will wish you well on the return journey.” He smiled and held out a hoof to the Element bearer.

Oblivion shook his hoof and turned to leave. His ears caught the mayor closing his door behind them. As he moved through the silent village he paused at a sound off to the side of him. His senses reached out and he could hear the sound of hooves coming toward him. He came to a stop and waited for the pony to reach him. A mare came around the corner and slid to a stop at the sight of him. Oblivion looked at her and recognized her as Bright Fires widow, Peony. She regarded him for a moment walked up to him.

“I heard that you’re leaving.” She said to him.

“That is true. Is there anything that you have need of?”

She shook her head and then looked at him. “They told me that you killed the monster that killed my husband. Is that true?”

“Yes. It fell to me and will not kill another.”

She looked to the cat beside him, then back to him. “I heard that you took its head as proof of its demise.”

“Also true. It’s an old habit.” He admitted with an absent shrug.

“Can I see it?” She asked of him. Her voice quivered as she for him to reply.


“I want to know. I have to know. I have to see it.” She replied to him.

“Okay. But why?”

“I need to know what it was. I look at the forest all I can do is shake. I keep thinking the monster could be anywhere, anything. I know he wouldn’t want me to be terrified of the forest we met in.” She told him, tears in her eyes.

Oblivion nodded and lit his horn to summon the head of the Leshen to him. It appeared in his magic and he set it on the ground between them. She gasped and backed up several steps. She swallowed and sniffled but walked up to it.

“What is it?”

“It’s called an Ancient Leshen. They are rare and very reclusive.”

“So are there more?”

“No. This is the only one.” He informed her.

“What will happen to this?” She asked as she nudged the scorched head.

“That is usually up to the one who calls on a contract. Some wish to keep it and others want it destroyed. Sometimes I have kept them as a trophy.”

She was quiet as she sat down and put her hooves on the head of the Leshen. She lifted it and looked at the dead eyes of the animal skull. Her eyes went over the scorched antlers and stood up slowly with it, her eyes took on a hard glint. Oblivion backed up a step, pushing Sasa with his flank. The mare screamed and tossed the skull violently to the ground. She jumped to it and brought her hooves down on the flat skull.

“Chosen?” Sasa voice held concern as the mare cried while she stomped the skull.

“It’s fine. Let her work through it. She needs her own closure for what has happened. Everypony handles their grief and loss differently. She needs a face to blame for the loss. By attacking it and beating it she is not only gaining closure, but she is conquering a fear she has gained.” Oblivion reasoned to her and the feline nodded at his reply.

After a few minutes, the mare stopped her assault on the skull and sat down to cry. Sasa nudged his hip and he went to the sobbing mare. He reached out to her to help her to her hooves. She gripped his hoof and lunged into his chest. He started, but allowed her to cry on him, her hooves gripping his fur. Sasa came to her and nuzzled her mane. She reached out and Sasa put her head under her hoof to allow her to hold her as well. The Tiger purred to the mare, comforting her. Oblivion looked up and found Striker and Vantage watching from the other side of the plaza. They both nodded and smiled as the Witcher stayed with the mare. After several minutes she quieted and stood up, wiping his fur of her tears.

“Thank you. I am so sorry about that. I just…” She sniffled and apologized to him.

He held a hoof up and silenced her. “It’s all right. Everypony needs to grieve in their own way.” He said to her, his voice quiet.

She smiled and nodded at him. “Now I can go back there and not be afraid of what might be lurking. I can live with timber wolves and the like. But that.” She pointed to the skull on the ground. “I needed to know that thing and that it was gone. I needed to know what it looked like.”

Oblivion nodded as he picked the skull up in his magic and set it on his back. He bowed his head to the mare, who smiled and walked out of the plaza with the two guards at his back, who bowed to her as well. They stayed at his hips and moved with him through the village. He looked up as ponies were gathering at the edge of the village, close to their camp. The other guards were waiting and shrugged at his look of curiosity. He joined them and watched as the mayor came forward.

“I know you are all leaving this morning. But we needed to send you off the right way. We were all rude and cruel to you when you arrived. We barely helped you and all you had come to do was protect us. So we have all gathered here to thank you properly and send you off with your heartfelt blessings.”

Sasa purred loudly to the crowd and moved among them, rubbing her soft fur over their bodies. Many reached out to hug and hold the she-cat. Sasa nuzzled foals and mares as she walked by and then walked to the chariot to await the others. Silver and the others walked through them and were given the same treatment as the she-cat. They were thanked as they moved through and gifts were heaped on them. Oblivion managed to hide his cringe and began his own walk through them. Hooves went over his fur as he moved through. Quiver stopped him and wrapped his legs around the stallion’s neck, thanking him for saving him once more. Oblivion nodded to him and walked past. He felt several small bundles added to the head on his back and he tried not to shake as the burdens were placed. He reached the others and turned as the bundles were pulled off his back by Silver and Cross. He looked to the group assembled as the guards got into the traces for the chariot. Oblivion shifted the mare over to the back of the chariot and jumped in to sit in place. He looked back to the group and his eyes widened as they all bowed their heads in respect to him as the chariot began to pull away. Sasa roared her thanks to them and stood with her paws on his shoulder. Oblivion nodded his head to them as the chariot lifted and headed for the skies.

“That was a wonderful send off.” Sasa said to him as she sat back down beside him. “Such kind ponies.”

“It was a bit of a surprise.” He admitted to her.

“And that last part.” Sasa said to him as she rubbed her forehead on his shoulder. “They understood, Chosen. That you acted only to protect them and that was all you came to do. That was profound.” She whispered to him.

“I saw it.” He replied. He had thanked them in his own way for the gesture. “It was a… welcome first.” He admitted.

He went silent as he ensured that his saddlebags held the reports that he had gotten at the beginning and he lit the Leshens report aflame. “That’s the end of that one.”

Sasa growled and laid down. He laid down beside the she-cat, pushing his mind back into a meditative state for the long trip, and fell silent as they flew back to Canterlot.

Oblivion opened his eyes and watched as they descended on Canterlot Castle. Oblivion sat up and watched as Silver and Striker, who was upfront looked back and he indicated the front entrances. They nodded and angled the chariot to the decided place. The wheels landed and they slowly stopped the rolling chariot. Oblivion looked back and found the mare curled into the back of the chariot, looking a bit fearful of the castle. Silver and the others looked to him as he jumped from the chariot and pulled the mare out as well. His magic held her aloft as she was refusing to walk on her own. He set his saddlebags in their place and ensured his swords were hidden under the enchantment. Sasa grabbed the Leshen head by one of the antlers, it dangled from her jaws. Oblivion started for the doors, he paused as they were opened for him, revealing Luna waiting for him.

“Dearest Oblivion!” She shouted, her Royal Canterlot Voice resounding over them. She trotted down the stairs and threw her legs around his neck in greeting.

“Luna. It's good to see you as well.” Oblivion said to her as he patted her on the back. She let him go and looked to the mare in his azure flame.

“Is this the one thou found?”

“It is.” He replied.

She scowled, but then looked to him, her smile returning. “Come.” She called out and trotted up the stairs. Oblivion followed behind her and found Blue Blood there as well. He nodded to the other stallion and they exchanged a fond hoof bump as he passed by. Blue fell in behind him a few steps with Sasa at his shoulder. The she-cat nuzzled him and he smiled at her.

“We have made sure the papers thou needed are ready for thee to see,” Luna said to him as he walked at her side. “It took a fair time but our sister and other help were able to help find them.”

“I’m glad to hear it, Luna. I need to read what we know about the events of that day.”

“What is it that thee are looking for?”

“There was a filly in that report that may have been an associate of the one I have with me. She gave her the item I now have to use to control the monsters she summoned. I have a full verbal report ready for you and Celestia.” He informed the Alicorn.

Luna nodded and walked with him to the throne room. She threw the doors open herself and trotted inside. “Dear sister!” She called out. “Oblivion hast returned with the culprit!”

Celestia smiled and regarded Oblivion. “I’m glad to hear it. Luna informed me of your letter and I am so pleased to hear of a resolution to these unfortunate events.” She said to them as they neared her.

Luna trotted up to sit with her sister and wait as Oblivion set the pinto in front of his hooves. She cringed down into the floor and wouldn’t look up to them. The stallion didn’t force it and waited for them to speak further.

“Oblivion. Thank you for going and stopping the creature that was harming our subjects. Which type was it?” Celestia asked.

He looked over his shoulder and Sasa brought the head forward and laid it in front of the sisters. She trotted back to him with a chuckle ringing through their connection. Luna looked at it and lifted it in her aura. Celestia cringed at the skull face of the Leshen and looked to him.

“An Ancient Leshen.” He informed her.

“I see. We will ensure the rest of the agreed-upon amount is put into your account.” She assured him and cringed once more at the Leshen head. “May I ask why you have the head?”

Oblivion chuckled. “It’s a habit. Where I am from ponies require proof or they try to get out of paying you.” He advised her.

“I see.” She watched as Luna finally lowered it back to the ground. “And the pony with you?”

“This is Winter Snow. She is the one that was summoning and bringing the monsters into somewhat populated areas. Her goal was to try to lure the Element of Spirit out.”

“She was after thee?” Luna asked. Her voice had an edge of anger to it at the implication that he had been in danger.

“That was the aim yes. She wished to acquire the Element and take control of it. Her ultimate goal was to use its power to subdue both of you or kill you and take over as its ruler.” He supplied further information to the Alicorns. “As you can see it failed.”

The mare twitched but remained silent at his hooves. Celestia regarded her for a moment before returning her gaze to the stallion. ”Is that all?”

“Not really. She used the Leshen to draw me out of the capitol and into the area where she was. She was initially discovered by Sasa.” The cat growled at the mare in reply. “She called upon me and we chased her but ultimately lost her.”

“I’m surprised she escaped you,” Celestia said to him.

“She had help in doing that by conjuring a foot think ice wall for me to crash through.” He replied.

The Alicorn’s cringed and nodded to him. “That would work.” Luna quipped.

“It did. I lost track of her. I sent out Sasa and the two Thestral’s to scan the forest for the mare. They discovered her and went to the ground to see what they could learn of her. She was quite talkative to the Leshen that was there as well. She outlined her desire to have the Element in her possession and find a way to force it to answer her command.”

“And how would she gain that skill?” Celestia asked.

“Her idea was to drown it in the lifeblood of its bearer.” He supplied. “By cutting out my heart and using my blood to corrupt it to her purposes.”

Luna blanched at the description and blinked as she thought of what he had said. Celestia went from shock to anger at his words. “And would that have worked?" She asked. Her voice had an edge to it that did not go unnoticed by the Witchers ears.

“No.” He answered. “It is impossible to corrupt the Element.”

“Good to hear," Luna said aloud. “Next?”

“They returned to me and I listened to what they had heard and began to devise how to put a stop to her. By using the guards that I had with me we set out to subdue the mare and get rid of the Leshen as well.”

“So you were able to capture her, clearly. How did you kill the Leshen as well?” The Sun Princess asked.

"That task was twofold. At the same time that I would engage the Leshen, the guards and Sasa would tend to the mare. I created an object that they could break to gain her attention. After an attack by her, I was able to deduce that the item she uses to summon the tears…portals has a timer. It cannot be used in rapid succession and requires time to cool down. By using that time and forcing her to action we were able to force her hoof. The object I created was a small clay statue that held a spell inside of it. The spell was designed to mimic a portal that was of considerable size.”

“Clearly it worked.”

“Indeed. Though the plan hit a slight bump when she took a pony from the village as a prisoner and bargaining chip. He was released when I reached her and spoke with her. She then attempted to use another artifact.”

“And the purpose of that one?” Celestia asked.

“Mind control.”

Luna whinnied and stood up. “Thou fought it?”

“Yes. With the use of the Element and a few tricks of my own, I was able to resist it. After that failed she ran off and I commanded Sasa to spring the trap while I tended to the Leshen. After it fell I joined the others and we were able to subdue her and take her into custody.”

Luna stayed standing. Her eyes were murderous as she stared at the mare. “And thou have the artifact?”

“Not that one, no.” He answered. She looked at him. “I shattered it. It no longer has the ability to be used on anypony. “

The Alicorn’s sighed in relief and Luna finally regained her seat and waited. Celestia stood and came down to look at the huddled mare. “Her name is Winter Snow?”

“Yes. That was the name she gave me during our conversation.” Oblivion affirmed to the Princess.

“Why would you wish to kill the Bearer of an Element to kill even more? What was the goal?” She asked the mare.

She refused to speak and the Sun Princess looked to her. “I have an idea,” Oblivion said to her. He tipped his horn for her to back up. He removed the gem from around his neck and held it before the crazed mare. She stared at it and once more, and he watched as he saw her relax. “Ask again.”

Celestia looked confused but nodded. “Why would you want to kill and Element Bearer to steal the Element he holds?”

“To take revenge.” She replied. Her voice was unfeeling and devoid of emotion.

Luna shuddered at the tone of the mare’s voice. “Revenge on who?”

“Every pony.” She replied.

Luna came to stand by her sister. “Why?”

“I was abused and beaten and they were able to break me after years of torture.” She supplied. “I was able to escape them when they decided I would never fight them and would be docile to them. When they slept and lowered their guard I killed them and escaped. I found out that the Elements had returned to Equestria and I was researching them. I wanted the most powerful of them. The books I found said that the Element of Spirit is the most powerful of the seven. I knew it would be perfect and I researched it further. The Element has the ability to possibly break any pony that the bearer chooses and leaves them a broken husk, devoid of everything.” She informed them.

Celestia looked to Oblivion who still held the gem aloft. He nodded to her that this was not new to him and she looked away from the pinto mare. “And with the Element, thou could break any pony who stood against thee?” Luna piped up.


Oblivion looked to the sisters. “Do you need to hear more?”

“No. Release her,” Celestia said as she went back to her seat.

Oblivion walked away from her, removing the gem from her sight. She blinked, then snarled at him as he returned to his place behind her. He showed no care for her growling at his hooves and ignored it. Sasa began to growl at her, the mare stopped as Sasa bared her fangs at the mare. She stopped and resumed her silence at Oblivion's side.

“The files I asked for. Luna mentioned that they are available?” Oblivion went on.

“Yes. We were able to locate them after Luna mentioned them and we were able to find them for you.” Celestia nodded to him, her horn alight and the files appeared off to the side of the group.

“She is all yours then. I will search for her accomplice.” He replied and went to the table the Princess had conjured.

“Wait,” Luna spoke up. He paused and waited for her to speak. “Accomplice?”

“Yes. The gem is not originally hers. It belongs to another mare. It was given to her to use to summon the portals and to control the monsters it brought forth.” He supplied at the request of the Moon Princess.

“Thankfully thou now bear the gem.” She whispered.

“Yes. There is another that we should be asking about this mare, Asmara.” He replied.

“Who?” Celestia asked.

“Second Sight.”

“What? Why?” Celestia asked, confusion marring her features.

“She was the one who told Asmara that I was the bearer of the Element. She still believes that I am an assassin or some such that will kill either of you. Since I am combat trained.” He replied.

Luna was silent as his words went over her. Her eyes narrowed and her lips pulled up in a soundless snarl. The pale blue mare stepped off the dais and began to stalk toward the door. Oblivion teleported to her and held her back. “Please move. We must find end stop this threat.”

“Not yet.” He said to her and placed his shoulder against hers. She stopped and looked at him. "She is the contact that the mare I will be looking for has within your inner circle. We will need to silence her but for now, does anypony know of Winter Snow being here?”

“None outside of those assembled. We called upon our nephew to welcome you and he was told of this letter. He is of our inner circle. One more has been alerted and should be joining us shortly.” She supplied and allowed him to turn her back and walk back to her sister.

Oblivion paused as the door opened and a familiar white stallion trotted in. Shining Armor trotted into the room and bowed his head to the Princesses. He panted for breath as he stood at attention.

“Please forgive my late arrival. I was cleaning up the room and I lost…” His eyes fell on a smirking black stallion. "This is…You did this? Oblivion!” He yelled and rounded on the stallion. He trotted to him and wrapped a foreleg around his shoulders. “Well least you’re all right. But did you have to cause such a stir? I was buried in the records room for hours looking for files from fifteen years ago.” He complained good-naturedly to the Witcher. He released him and backed up. “So what is going on? Princess Luna gave me a letter that you had sent and we used that to find the documents. But why are you after them?”

“I am after the filly inside the report.” Oblivion supplied to the confused Captain of the Royal Guard.

“The one in that report gave the mare, Winter Snow, the jewel that Oblivion wears in order to summon the monsters and use them to lure him out into the open,” Celestia informed him.

Shining looked at Oblivion, who gave an agreeing nod. “Well, that was a bad idea.” He replied, much to Lunas amusement. “But why are you after the filly?”

“The jewel is part of a much larger plan. Her goal is to use the Element that she wanted Winter Snow to steal and then use it to summon the monster that is in those reports. The one that killed her family.” Oblivion supplied.

“Oh.” Shining blinked in surprise and nodded his understanding. “Very well. How can I help?”

“Asmara is her name. She has a contact inside the palace that has been supplying her with information.” Shining waited as Oblivion spoke. “The clerk, Second Sight is the one that alerted to who I am and that I bear the Element of Spirit. Which is the one Element that Winter Snow wished to control due to the power she read that it has.”

Shining nodded. “I know that clerk. How could she think that supplying another with that information is a good idea?”

“She is the one that sent the guards after me that night I was here.”

Shining looked thoughtful for a moment then realization dawned on him. “Oh no. So she is the one that told our prisoner that you have the Element?”

“No, she told Asmara who then reached out to Winter Snow. The plot is a bit difficult to hold onto at times. But she is the one that put everything in motion. If we are looking for the mastermind behind this then it is Asmara.” Oblivion informed him.

“So should I bring in Second Sight?” Shining asked the Princesses. Luna nodded fiercely, while Celestia shook her head. Shining looked at them both as they laughed and then looked to him.

“We do not want to tip our hoof too early to her,” Celestia replied. “Though her belief that Oblivion is here to harm us is becoming an obsession. She is still of the belief that he is going to harm my sister and me.”

“Oblivion wouldn’t. Well, he did hit Princess Luna with his weapon but…” Shining stopped as a chuckle sounded from Luna.

She broke into a giggle at the memory. “That was a good day. We enjoyed ourselves and are thankful for Oblivion sparring with us.” She giggled and composed herself after several moments.

“You hit her?” A small voice sounded out from the floor.

Oblivion looked to Winter Snow as she spoke. Her voice was quiet and barely above a whisper. “During a sparring match yes.” He replied to her, seeing no reason to lie to the trapped mare.

“So you hate her?” She asked. Her eyes stayed on his face as she spoke.

“No. I do not hate her. It was a sparring match. The thump to her flanks was in good fun, simple teasing.” He replied to her.

“But how can you be around them when they have more than you do?”

Oblivion titled his head at her statement. “More? How do you mean?”

“They have more inside of them. They have all the things you don’t.” She squeaked to him as he approached.

“You mean emotions?” She nodded at him. “Ahh, I see your point. It is true they feel more than I can. But that is not a reason to hate. I do not envy them for the emotions that I was stripped of so many years ago. I am designed for one purpose, to be a Witcher. I am nothing more or less than that. It is what I am and hating somepony is not going to change anything. Hate is simply another emotion that I do not feel.” He replied to her, his voice quiet as he spoke to her.

She sniffled and buried her head in her bound hooves. Oblivion backed away from her and went to the table with the documents he needed. He could feel the gazes of Luna, Blue, Shining and the others bearing into his back. He glanced over his shoulder at them. “Yes?”

“Thou truly cannot feel?” Luna asked him.

“No. That was stripped from me when I was made. A Witcher is made by the Trial of Grasses and that is what removes our emotions, but leaves us with our abilities as well. I did lose my emotions, but I gained the abilities that have saved your ponies.” He replied to them as he began to look through the papers in front of him. Sasa joined him and began to look through the documents with him. He glanced up as Blue joined him.

“So what am I looking for?” He asked.

“Anything that might give me a clue about her current whereabouts.” He replied as papers hovered around him, gripped in azure flame.

The Witcher tuned out the discussions about the mares punishment and focused on the massive pile of papers in front of him. After two hours he sighed and leaned back on his haunches. Blue was sitting on the floor with papers hovering around him as well. Oblivion looked back and found that they were still discussing her fate. He would have thought it would be easy due to there not having a death penalty. He popped a crick in his neck and groaned.

“I got it!” Blue yelped.

Oblivion looked to him as Sasa started and glowered at him. Blue looked apologetic to the big cat and stood up, rubbing his sore flank as he gave the paper to Oblivion. “Sitting on the floor for too long.” He complained.

Sasa chuckled at him and he glared at the cat as her laughter rang through his mind, due to still being able to hear her. Oblivion grumbled as well as he rotated his shoulders and scanned the page. It detailed the next of kin and found that she had been raised by various family members, which he already knew, but it gave the addresses. Most notable was the grandmother. She was most often at her home.

“Well, it’s a start.” He said aloud to the other two.

Blue nodded. “I know that area. It’s an upscale area in Canterlot. Old money that type of thing.”

Oblivion nodded. He moved away from the table and slid the paper into his saddlebag. He walked past the others and headed for the doors, Blue and Sasa on his heels.

“Oblivion,” Celestia called out to him. He paused and looked back to her. “Where you are from what is the price of murder?”

“For the deaths of six?” She nodded at his reply. “Death.” He said and walked for the door, his magic opening it as he walked out.

32: Visiting the Past...

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Oblivion's stride was swift as he walked out of the room, Sasa, and Blue on his heels. The Prince caught up to him and looked to him as they walked.

“You know where the address is?” Oblivion asked him.

“Yeah. I know where it is. I’ll take you there. So what you said about the punishment for murder?”

“Is accurate. It can depend on the location if there is a public death or not. Sometimes they are jailed instead, but often they are not.” Oblivion responded.

Blue was quiet and led the Unicorn to a section of the city that they had not been into. Oblivion stayed with the white Unicorn and remained quiet as they navigated the streets and finally reached home at the end of one of the long streets. The house was two-story and boasted a tall entry way. Pillars of white porcelain held up the front of the entry. Behind it stood a tall blue door that stood close to ten feet tall if Oblivion had his measurements correct.

“So do we knock?” Oblivion asked as they halted in front of the door.

“Well.” Blue paused and looked around the door. "There’s no bell which is kind of odd for this area, so knocking is our only choice.” Blue reached up and rapped his hoof gently on the tall door.

The two stallions and Sasa stood outside and waited for the door to be answered. After over a minute Oblivion looked to Blue Blood, who was beginning to look uncertain. Oblivion held up his hoof and rapped his hoof on the door with more force than the other. He saw Blue cringe out of the corner of his eye. A few seconds later a pony opened the door to receive them.

The pony was a shorter stallion than Blue, but he held his head up high as he looked at them. His eyes were a dull gray that matched his coat. He wore a black and white suit and appeared to be scrutinizing the two ponies.

“How may I help you, gentle colts?” He said to them.

His voice was a bit nasally and grated over Oblivion ears. The black stallion was quiet as Blue gave a polite bow of his head. “Good afternoon. I am Prince Blue Blood and this is Oblivion Shadow. We are here to speak with the lady of the house, if at all possible.” Blue replied to him.

Oblivion was aware of Blue using a bit of his mask, but he appeared to have it fully under control so Oblivion ignored it. The wraith around him was weakening so Oblivion let the mask go as he waited with him. The pony startled and bowed his head to Blue Blood and moved to the side, motioning for them to come inside. The inside was just as grand as the outside of the estate. The first thing they saw was a rather grand staircase the curved around the edge of the left side of the room. Oblivion felt a tug on his saddlebags, his head spun and he danced away from the ponies gripping hooves. He stumbled and looked startled as Oblivion stared at him.

“I can carry them,” Oblivion spoke to him, his voice terse.

“Very well.” The other said and started to walk away from them. Blue Blood motioned for him to follow and the black stallion followed at the Princes hip.

“Chosen?” Sasa voice reached out to him. “I got locked outside.” She said to him.

Oblivion snorted and summoned the feline to his side. “How in the Hells did you get left outside?”

“I was not behind you when the pony opened the door. I went to look at some of the grounds and when I came back you two were inside.” She explained as they followed Blue Blood.

“I see.” He replied with a chuckle under his breath at her expense.

They walked out into a large garden with enough flowers and trees to rival Celestia’s garden at the castle. The roads were winding and they were led deeper into the garden. Oblivion reached out to the gem around his neck and pulled it off his neck to store it in his saddlebag, out of sight. They reached a dome made of metal and had ivy crawling up it on all sides aside from the front where it had been cut to accommodate an opening. Inside an elderly Pegasus sat in silence with her paper and a cup of tea. Oblivion could smell the tea as they neared the large gazebo. Their guide turned and waited for them to stop.

“May I present, Mrs. Fleeting Skies.” He spoke aloud.

The mare looked up and smiled as she saw the stallions. Her coat was a pale blue with her mane that rivaled Oblivion's own in coloring. Though, while he was clearly silver with some white, hers was more of a stark white.

“And who might my guests be?” She asked kindly.

“Your guests this afternoon are Prince Blue Blood and Oblivion Shadow.” He spoke to her.

She continued to smile at them. Her smile faltered as she laid eyes on Sasa. “Did you bring a very large cat with you?”

“Yes. She is my companion and is with me at all times.” Oblivion replied.

“I see. Please take a seat and join me for afternoon tea.” She composed herself and spoke to them.

Blue walked up and took a seat with his back to the door while Oblivion went to the opposite side, allowing him to watch the garden entrance and any who might have followed them. Her butler picked up the teapot after setting cups in front of the two stallions. Oblivion covered his cup and politely declined while Blue Blood accepted the offer.

“Would you prefer something else?” She asked Oblivion.

“I am fine, but I thank you for the courtesy.” He replied to her.

“Please, just let him know and we will do what we can.” She cajoled.

“Coffee is fine, thank you.” Oblivion replied to her and nodded to the butler.

“Would your lovely companion like anything? I have some imported cream that my own kittens adore.” She said to him, her eyes landing on Sasa.

Oblivion looked to the cat and she nodded to the mare and butler. They both looked at her, then to Oblivion. He nodded and returned his gaze to their hostess. The butler trotted back the way they had come and returned minutes later with a large saucer of cream for the spectral cat.

“To what do I owe the pleasure of your company this afternoon? I assume it is not a social call?” She said to them as she sipped her tea. “I have not attended a social gathering at the palace in many years, but I do know of you Prince Blue Blood. I am sorry to say that I do not know of you, Mr. Shadow.”

“I have not been in Equestria for very long, only a couple of months. So it is to be understood that I am not well known.” Oblivion replied to her, falling into a way of speaking that he had used with nobles in the Northern Realms.

“Still, I am a poor host if my guests are not properly known. But I thank you for the understanding.” She said to him as she set her teacup down on its saucer. “So to what do I owe the pleasure?”

“I have come here to ask about your granddaughter, Asmara.” Oblivion supplied.

She looked away, her eyes saddened. “Such a wonderful child. Tragedy struck early in her life.”

“I have heard. It’s unfortunate what happened to her.” Oblivion said to her. “Her name came up in an investigation I am involved in.”

“Oh? What could possibly have happened?”

“The creature she claimed killed her parents and uncle. I am trying to find out if the creature could be involved in the deaths of other ponies that have come to the attention of the Royal Guard.” Oblivion said to her. He caught a look from Blue Blood at the lie he had spun, but the Prince seemed to understand it and nodded in agreement.

“Truly? I had thought that the creature’s description was kept from the public.” She replied to him.

Oblivion's face remained impassive as the mare tried to trip him up in his story. He had worked with enough nobles to know the trap when he saw it. “Many details were withheld. But due to the connections of ponies being murdered by an unknown creature in some farther placed towns and villages I was told of the case and have been looking into it.”

She nodded. A pleased look crossing her face at his easy catch of her words. “Not unused to politics are you, Mr. Shadow?”

“Not in the slightest. Where I am from using politics is a daily occurrence. Learning how to maneuver is something I mastered very early on.” He informed her, his voice matter of fact.

She laughed and her smile widened. “Well played.” She said to him.

Blue Blood smiled and managed to hide a laugh behind his teacup. Oblivion continued speaking to her. “Do you have any idea where she could be? Several details are missing from the reports of that day and I am trying to nail down a sketch of the creature. As she is the only one that saw the creature that day she is the only eyewitness.”

“I understand. Unfortunately, I have not seen her in a few months. I have been trying to locate her, but so far I have found nothing of note. She was so deeply hurt by the event that I never pushed her for information about that day. It was all I could do to hide her from the papers and questioning by Guards day after day.”

Oblivion sipped his coffee and nodded his understanding. “I understand. Any ideas would be of great benefit. If it is the same beast then any knowledge she has of any possible weaknesses would be of great benefit to protect the lives of the ponies in the affected areas.”

“I recall her mentioning that it did not attack her. When I asked her why she was quiet about it. She did mention that her necklace scared it off.” She replied to him.

“Necklace?” Oblivion asked her, feigning ignorance. The item in question sat docilely in his saddlebag.

“Yes. It is a large gem of reds and blues in color. She never took it off and became very upset if anypony tried to touch it. She had me hold it for her a few times, but she was never far from the jewel when it was not on her person.”

“Any idea where it came from?” Blue Blood asked.

“She said that her father had bought it from a small store in Lower Canterlot. They took it to her uncle on her father’s side to have it cut and set into a necklace. It was to be a gift for me, but when the incident happened she did not want to give it up. I did not blame her for that since it reminded her of happier times. I often wondered if keeping it was a way for her to cope with the tragedy.”

“That is possible. So you are unsure of her location?”

“Yes, I wish I did. Perhaps seeing the creature destroyed or found would bring her some peace. She became very troubled and acted out in her teenage years. She calmed after a short time, but there was still something wrong with her.”

“How do you mean?” Blue asked.

“She became focused on her revenge for a time and then seemed to move past it, but every few months the focus would return to her.”

“If I am right, then I may have an idea where it is. I have been trained to fight monsters and remove them if needed. Because of that specialty, Celestia has asked me to look into the events of that day and narrow down the details of the creature.” Oblivion replied to her. “Asmara’s aid could be instrumental to the removal of this creature.”

“I see. The thing I find myself worrying about is her peace of mind. She has been hurt by this for so long that I worry dredging it up could have a negative effect on her psyche. She became very fragile after it happened and the slightest thing sent her into fits of screaming and rage. She calmed in time, but even now she has nightmares of the creature and the death of her family.” She looked sadly at the house. “I made sure her room faced out into the garden, it seemed to help calm her.”

Sasa looked up as she finished her cream and purred to the mare. “There is more there than what she is saying, Chosen.”

“I know. I’m letting her talk and see what comes of it.” He replied to the cat’s observation. Oblivion had been watching her Spirit as they spoke. At times it had roiled showing grief and sorrow, but other times it showed deceit. He was no fool and recognized the lies when his ears caught them. Oblivion sighed and leaned back into his chair. “It’s unfortunate that she never gave a full description of the creature. I was hoping that she had mentioned it to you or others and then I could just use their words to sketch it and not need to involve her till the creature is dead to give her closure.”

The black stallion put his hooves together, seemingly in deep thought. His magic held his coffee and he sipped it as he waited to see what she would say. The mare looked at him and then rang a small bell beside her saucer.

“One moment.” She said to him.

Her butler returned to their location and she waved him to her. “Please go to my room and bring me the small chest inside the third drawer of my desk.” She ordered.

He nodded and was gone as he went to follow her request. She sighed and looked at the two stallions with her. Blue looked confused at her as they waited. “May I ask what he is retrieving?”

“I will show you in a moment. Please wait.” She said to him.

Blue nodded politely and sat deeper in his chair. The butler returned minutes later carrying the small chest on his back. He pulled up another chair and set it on the chair beside her. She opened it with a key that was around her neck and began to search for something inside of it. She smiled and pulled out a file folder.

“This has a description that she wrote down days after it had happened. She also did a rough drawing.” She said and pulled both items out of the folder.

Oblivion's magic held them both as he looked over the drawing. It was similar to the creature he now had under his control, but it was clearly done by a pony that was no artist. He set it aside with a short sigh and read the written description. His magic flared and he summoned a scroll and quill to his side. As he read, he drew it as he saw it in the description. After several minutes he finished and set both down on the table. Blue gave a quiet whistle at the drawing. Oblivion had drawn what was on the paper and there were a few differences, but the description was very close to what he knew of the Elemental.

“This should do it. Hopefully, we can avoid involving her. Though knowing about the gem would help.” Oblivion added as he gave the papers back to her.

She reached into the chest and pulled out several photos. “I have photos of the gem when she was wearing it. Please look at these.”

Oblivion took them and looked at the jewel. He nodded and gave them back to her. “That will be of help.”

“That gem is her pride and joy. I hope you have no need for it.” The mare said to him as she locked the chest once more.

Blue Blood looked at him and gave a barely seen nod. Oblivion used his magic to reach into his saddlebags and produced the gem. The mare’s eyes widened at the sight of the jewel and she stared.

“Where did you get that? Has something happened to her?” Her voice held disbelief and she was clearly upset at the sight of the jewel.

“No. I know nothing of her whereabouts or anything of the sort. This was taken from a mare that claims it was given to her. So as you can see we need to speak to your granddaughter.” Oblivion said to her as the gem hovered in his magic.

She looked away from it and nodded. “I agree. I shudder to think what happened for her to give it up. Did this other mare say anything?”

“She did. But what she said is under investigation due to the content of her claims.” Oblivion told her as he set the gem back in his saddle bag.

She nodded once more and rang the little bell once more. Blue looked to the black pony and waited as he remained still and silent. The butler trotted up to his mistress and waited.

“Please call on my Private Investigator and summon him to the house. It has become imperative that Asmara is located. I must know that her life is not in danger. Did this other pony say anything that she was hurt or…Anything?”

“No. Her claims were a bit outlandish, but nothing murderous toward Asmara. Our concern is that she is not involved in any way. We do not believe so, but we need to confirm it.” Oblivion informed her.

Beside him, Sasa gave a quiet chuckle in his mind. “You are a very devious pony, Chosen.”

Blue Blood nodded. “Right now our concern is for her safety. We want to know what happened, how she got the gem, and if she knows anything else.”

“I understand. Tell him to get over here now.” She relayed to the butler, who nodded and took off at a lope to deliver the message.

Oblivion and Blue both stood up and pushed their chairs back into the table as they stood to leave. “Thank you for your cooperation. We hope to hear from you as soon as possible about her location or her status. Also, I will leave the drawing of the creature here for her to check. If it is what she recalls then I will know exactly what to look for. At this time we are trying to locate it and possibly either contain or kill outright.”

The aged mare nodded. “That would bring her some closure to know that it is gone. I will alert you as soon as he arrives. He is away at the moment, but I will send him to the castle post haste.” She assured him.

“We look forward to hearing what he has discovered. If needed we can help in his search as well.”

Oblivion waited till she nodded and they both moved through the lush garden and back to the front of the house. They left the home and began walking down the street back toward the castle.

“Wow. Remind me to let you talk next time I’m stuck in a budget meeting.” Blue said to him.

Oblivion chuckled in reply. “No, thank you. Dealing with politics makes my skin crawl. Monsters are easier to understand. I don’t have the patience for it anymore.” He admitted.

“So I have seen. You clamp the mouths of council members without batting an eye.” He jabbed at the other.

“True enough. Now we just need her to play her hoof and we will see how it goes.”

“Why did you show her the gem?”

“It shows her that we have something credible, not just theories. It will also let Asmara know that Winter Snow failed. Now the only way she can get the gem and the Elemental is to come forward and plead her case. If that fails, I will draw her out using the Elemental itself.”

“But that thing is a killer. Why would you want to draw it out?”

“Depending on who is holding the gem is how it acts. Don’t worry about its actions, I will take care of it.” Oblivion assured him.

The walk back to the castle was quiet. Sasa padded beside them. “Donuts, Chosen? He seems upset by something.” She sent her thought directly to him, instead of broadcasting it. “I see the shop is close by. I think I want a fish donut.”

Oblivion glanced to the Prince and nodded to the feline. Sasa growled and took off for the shop. She paused in front of it and walked in without the stallions. Blue laughed at the feline.

“Seems she’s hungry.” He chuckled as they followed her inside.

“So it seems.” Oblivion agreed and followed him inside.

They sat down as Joe saw them and nodded to them. “I know your orders. Go ahead and have seat boys. I got yours as well, kitten.”

Sasa purred her thanks and laid down at Oblivion's hooves. “Blue. Are you all right?”

The Prince startled and looked down to the feline. “Am I that obvious?”

“Not really. But, we noticed.” She replied.

He looked to the black stallion who nodded. “She is right, Blue. What is on your mind? You have been rather quiet since I arrived this morning.”

Blue put his head in his hooves. “It’s just that the idea that you have been targeted for the Element is… Hard to understand. It can’t be controlled by any other pony.”

Oblivion was quiet as he listened. “It is not the first time I have been the target of attacks.” He pointed out to the other stallion.

Blue looked at him and sat back as Joe set their food and drinks in front of them. “How was it done back in the Northern Realms?” He looked up as Joe walked away. “I mean if a pony targeted you?”

“If that happened then it was likely that they would need to confront me for anything to happen. A Witcher is not a being that is easily snuck up on. Nor do we react normally to poisons. Therefore, if some pony is sent to kill one of us then they have to pray that they have more skill than we do.”

Blue chuckled. “Well, you bested Princess Luna so I don’t think any pony could kill you.”

“That will not stop them from trying.” Sasa replied.

Oblivion nodded to the cat. “Also true. We do not fall easily.”

Blue Blood was quiet as he considered what he had said. “You are also fairly well versed in how to maneuver with politics. The last time I saw you like that was when I asked for your help with the education council.”

Oblivion nodded. “Politics are not a new action for me. I have dealt with my fair share of nobles and the like. I did attend parties that were hosted by friends and while there one must be on your toes to avoid slipping.”

“How so?”

Oblivion took a bite of his food and sighed. “Last time would have to be when the King of Skellige passed on. I was present for his funeral with another witcher, Geralt.”


“Yes. In the Northern Realms and those around it, there is a single ruler above all others. King Bran had passed on and it was time for those that wished to take over had to show their hoof. In that time a new ruler is judged and chosen. During that time it is not abnormal for the candidates to try to show that they are more suited to the task by completing a task that is viewed as worthy of the title.”

“Who won?”

“Crach An Craite’s daughter, Cerys won. She will make a fine ruler. She thinks before she acts and has the patience of a priest. I have to admit I was hoping she would win over her brother. While he has valor and courage in spades, he is not a ruler that tends to his people first. He was more into raiding the mainland than seeing to his people.” Oblivion replied to him.

Blue Blood was quiet. “So you had to maneuver through that minefield I assume?”

“Oh yes. As for Witcher's, we are viewed differently by the Skelligers. They see us as an opportunity to test their mettle. While the mainland sees us as mutants and freaks we are received differently by Skelligers.”

“So they use you to test their strength?”

“Among other things, yes. It is not out of the ordinary for us to be challenged to combat, racing, cards, etc. You name it and I have probably been challenged to it on the Isles of Skellige.” Oblivion commented and drank his coffee. “To be honest, I prefer Skelligers to the cities of the mainland. It’s quite easy to know exactly where you stand among them. If one does not like you. they are certain to make sure you are aware of their opinion. While the mainland simply tried to ruin you through commerce or whatever else they can conceive.”

Blue nodded. “Sounds like something that I have seen before. Businesses that are destroyed by political wrangling and such.”

“Exactly. It is far simpler on the Isles.” Oblivion commented as he finished his food and coffee. “Better?”

Blue chuckled and nodded. “Yeah. Thanks for the sit-down.”

“It’s no trouble.”

“So long as you are feeling better then it is a well worth distraction.” Sasa commented from her place on the floor.

Oblivion slid out of the booth and waited for Blue to stand as well. They paid and left the shop, heading for the castle. Oblivion paused as he heard hooves behind them. The hoof falls were heavy and showed that they were at a fast trot. Oblivion walked slowly forward, his ears flicked back to listen. Beside him, Sasa listened as well. The steps slowed as they neared him and he looked over his shoulder as the steps stopped as he looked back. He was greeted by Striker who smiled in greeting.

“Striker?” Oblivion said as he stopped.

“Sir. I’m sorry to interrupt but the Princesses are asking for you to return to the castle.” He said to him, his wings flicking against his sides.

“For what purpose?”

“I’m not sure, sir. They didn’t say anything.” The guard replied.

Oblivion snorted and nodded. “Very well. We will head in that direction.”

Striker nodded and took to the air. Oblivion grumbled but began the walk back to the castle. “What could possibly be important enough to draw us back now?”

“Perhaps they are having trouble with the prisoner?” Blue replied.

“Perhaps. She is easy to handle so long as you can find a way to silence her. Otherwise, she does grate on one's nerves.” Oblivion admitted.

Blue broke into a trot with Oblivion at his hip. Sasa trailed them as they weaved through the growing crowds and ascended the steps to the castles main gates. They neared the front and the doors opened to allow them to walk in. Oblivion slowed to a walk with Blue and Sasa and reentered the throne room. The guards nodded and stepped away as they moved along the long carpet. Oblivion was surprised to see the mare still in the same place. He neared them and stopped a few feet away from Winter Snow.

Luna was quiet as she shrugged to the black stallion. Celestia came down from her seat and stopped beside the prisoner.

“I am sorry to call you back here, Oblivion. I know that you are investigating other leads, but I could use your perspective.” Celestia said to him.

Oblivion was quiet for a moment. “Very well. How can I be of aid?”

“When you left you said that the punishment where you are from for her crimes is death.” He nodded in reply. “What is your opinion?”

“My opinion of the laws here or her crimes?”

“Both?” Luna replied as the pale blue Alicorn looked to him, a slight smile on her muzzle.

“I am not well versed in the laws of Equestria. As far as the punishment for her crimes I was under the impression that there is no death penalty.” He reasoned to the white Alicorn, who nodded. “So that leaves confinement.”

“That is true. I am wondering if you think she can be reformed or…” Celestia began.

Oblivion snorted a laugh at the mention of reforming the maddened mare. “Surely you are jesting?”

Celestia shook her head. “Do you believe she is beyond help, then?”

“Only a little. So far as I have known those who have fallen to madness have no recourse. They have lost the sense of who they are or once were. I can see the Spirit of this mare and I can tell you that it has fallen beyond all repair or aid.”

“That is true you can use the Element to see more than we can.” Celestia said aloud. “So your opinion is that she is beyond all help?”

Oblivion nodded. “Without a doubt. Even if I were to reach out to her with the Element it would be a waste of time and effort.”

Sasa growled at the mare and bumped his hip. The black stallion glanced over to her and then back to the white Alicorn. “So you have no doubt that she cannot be saved?”

“Celestia. You can ask me variations of the same question as many times as you like, my answer is going to remain the same.” Oblivion said to her.

The mare looked sheepish and nodded to him. “My apologies. I find it difficult to give up on any of my ponies.” She began.

“I’m not yours.” Winter snarled.

Celestia looked to her, pity in her eyes. “I know that’s how you think it is. But you will always be one of mine.”

The pinto snarled and looked back to the carpet under her. “Just have him kill me.”

Celestia startled and Luna stared at the mare. “Thou wish to have thou’s life ended?” Luna asked her, her voice pitched in surprise.

“Yes. It’s a waste of time trying to get me to like you and your laws. I will kill again if I can.” She snarled. Her mouth curled into a cruel smile and she tilted her head back.

Blue Blood backed up a step and bumped Oblivion's other hip, clearly disturbed by the mare. Oblivion said nothing to her for a moment as he waited for her to say more. “You have no desire to continue living?” He said to her.

“There is no reason. I won’t get what I want. All of you think you can just put me in jail and I’ll be all fixed so you can feel better about yourselves.” She replied. Her gaze fell to the black stallion. “Well. Except for you. You don’t give a damn. So just end it or leave me alone.”

Oblivion was quiet as he waited for her to fall back into a sullen silence. He looked at the two Alicorns, who stared at the mare. “Celestia, Luna.” The mare’s looked to him. He tipped his horn to the side and walked several feet away. They joined him and he spoke quietly to them. “The mare is many things, but she is not wrong.”

“Oblivion. Are thou saying that ending her life is preferred?” Luna asked him.

“I am not saying that it is ideal. What I am saying is that you must choose to either let her go or sit her in a cell to rot till she dies.” Oblivion clarified.

Blue Blood looked to her and then back to the group. “She is pretty much asking to die.”

Celestia glanced over her shoulder then back to Oblivion. “We haven’t done an execution in almost a thousand years. I abolished the practice shortly after I lost Luna.”

“Do not do a formal execution. She wants to be seen and recognized. Deprive her of that. Public execution is not what I had in mind.” Oblivion replied.

“So what do you suggest?” Blue asked.

“What I am suggesting is that for the first time in her life somepony gives her what she wants,” Oblivion stated. “She has been beaten and broken there is no denying that.” The others nodded as he spoke. “From what I have been able to gather she has always been at the mercy of others and their choices for her.”

“So by giving her death, we are giving her choice?” Celestia replied.

“Yes. None have given her choice and mercy.” The black Unicorn commented. “By showing her this bit of mercy she may even tell us more that may have been left out.”

“So we use our mercy to get her to give anything else up?” Blue asked.

“Precisely,” Oblivion said to them.

“She is asking for you to be the one that kills her. Are you?” Celestia said to him.

Oblivion scoffed. “Celestia. I carry two blades. Silver is to bring monsters to their deaths. Steel is for ponies.” He reminded them, with a glance at the blades on his back.

Celestia backed up with a heavy inhale and walked back to the mare. She reached out her hoof and picked up the mares chin, to look her in the eyes. The monarch looked up and tipped her horn. The guards nodded and left the room at her command. She looked at the mare once more. “Winter Snow.”

The mare’s glass eyes looked at her, hatred brimming within them. “What?”

“I know that you have been hurt by many ponies in your life. But do you truly wish to throw your life away? I am more than willing to try to help.” She began.

“No. I don’t want any help from you or anypony. The only pony that can help me is the black one. He is the only one that understands anything at all. None of you pretty ponies will ever understand me or even him. So make your choice. Either leave me alone or let him end it for me.” She snarled and bit at the mare's hoof.

Celestia pulled back and looked to her sister. Luna walked up to her and nuzzled her before addressing the mare. “We have heard thou’s request. Thee understands that by asking to die thou have asked for something that has not been done in a thousand years?”

“I am well aware of what I want. None of you understand anything. You all sit up here in your castle and look down on the ponies, thinking you are doing good and helping them. You are blind.” She snarled. Venom dripped from her tone as the two Alicorns leaned back at the vehemence in her tone. She inhaled to speak, but a loud stomp stopped her.

“That’s enough,” Oblivion said to her. “Spitting venom at others will do nothing for you.”

She smiled. “I know. You get it. Even though we aren’t on the same side, you’re the only one who gets it.” She said to him.

Blue Blood hung back and cringed against Sasa, who nuzzled him. Oblivion walked up to her, his horn alight with his azure flame as they surrounded the hobbles on her legs. They disintegrated under his flame and she rubbed her hocks at the removal of the bonds. She stared at him as he watched over her.

“You have another choice. You can either hold still and die on your knees or die on your own terms.” Oblivion said to her. He knew that this could backfire on him, but he was gambling on any information the pinto still withheld.

She stood up and stared at him. Her expression confused as she backed up a step or two. “You’re saying that I can fight back?”

“If that is how you wish to die, then yes.”

“And everypony agreed with this?”

“No. I am acting on my own.” Oblivion replied to her questioning.

She was quiet as she seemed to be weighing her options. “You know.” She said aloud, a smile crossing her muzzle. “For once, I really don’t want to fight. Usually, I do.” She said, tears pricking her eyes. “I don’t want to fight you. You’re the only pony that understands how much it hurts. Seeing every pony who has everything that you don’t. Even if you say that you don’t have emotions you still know them. You still know that they have more to them. That one thing that makes them… Whole.” She said as she sat down and looked at him.

Oblivion walked up to her and sat down in front of her. The mare smiled and sniffled. “So what is your choice?”

“I want you to kill me. I want it to be you. You have to be the one to end it.” She replied to him. “Can I ask something from you first?”

“Depends on the request,” Oblivion said to her. She motioned with her hoof for him to lower his head. He looked at her for a moment, before he lowered his ear to her mouth.

Sasa tensed as Oblivion's head lowered to the mare’s mouth. She couldn’t hear what she said but she was nervous all the same. The she-cat looked to the ponies at her side and found them to be equally uncomfortable. Blue tensed and pushed against her side. She nuzzled him and purred, trying to ease his nerves. The Prince nodded to her and waited with them in silence. Oblivion closed his eyes, as she spoke. Sasa cringed as the mare turned her head to the side and planted a kiss on Oblivion's cheek. His eyes opened and he nodded to her. None of them saw the blade as it was drawn.

Oblivion slid the weapon through the mare’s back, the weapon piercing her heart. He reached out his leg as the mare's body fell forward. His magic pulled the steel sword from her back and with a flick of his magic any blood fell from the blade. He slid the weapon back into the scabbard at his shoulder. He held her gently and lowered her to the ground. He set her head down gently and closed her eyes. His magic conjured a blanket and laid it over the mare’s body. The Witcher backed up and looked up to the assembled royals.

“It’s over.” He said to them.

Blue gulped and found his voice first. “What did she say?”

Oblivion looked back to the fallen mare. The black stallion was quiet for several seconds. “She asked that she be buried in her hometown. She told me where it is and that it was destroyed by the ponies that took her so it can’t be found on a map.” He reported to them.

Celestia breathed out a staggered breath and looked at him. “Are you okay?”

Oblivion looked at her, a moment of confusion in his gaze for a moment before he realized what she was asking. “I’m fine. My steel blade has been covered in the blood of many. It is not my first mercy killing if that is what you are asking.”

“Thou have ended the life of another before?” Luna asked him.

“Yes. Disease and war run rampant in the Northern Realms, so ending another's suffering is not uncommon.”

Sasa walked up to him and sat down in front of him. She leaned her broad head against his chest and purred, wrapping her right foreleg around his.

Celestia looked to the body of the pinto and back to him. “I am sorry that you had to do that.”

“I’m not.” Oblivion cut her off before she could say more. “She did also give me a few more leads on how to find Asmara.”

Blue looked at him, his eyes widening. "So she gave up the last bit of info? The information that you wanted?”

“Yes. It was a gamble to try to get her to come clean completely. I was ready for it to fail, but it proved lucrative.” He replied.

Celestia looked disturbed, her gaze going back to him. “You gave her what she wanted simply to get that information from her?”

“For the most part, yes.”

The Alicorn stared at him. “That was almost crueler as keeping her alive.”

“Perhaps. But in the end, it was her choice. That is what she wanted most.” He added. “So in a way, we both got what we wanted.”

The monarch nodded and called the guards back into the room with a sweep of her magic to open the doors. They trotted back in and came down the carpet toward the group of them. She looked to the stallion who nodded to her. His horn lit as he conjured a stretcher for the mare’s body. He also pulled a scroll and quill from his magic and wrote down the direction, name, and location of the mare’s village for her burial. He gave it to the guards as they picked up the body and laid it on the stretcher. Oblivion watched as the body was removed and he looked to the bloodstain on the carpet. His magic reached out and he burned the blood away from the carpet, leaving it unmarred. Sasa released his leg and stood with him.

“We have a few options now.” He went on. “We know that the clerk in your employ is in contact with Asmara. How she reaches out to her I do not know. She didn’t say anything about it.”

“Give me a second,” Blue said aloud. Oblivion paused and waited as the stallion breathed in and held his breath. He released the breath he was holding and nodded. “Okay. I’m good.”

Oblivion nodded to him and went on. “We are also waiting on Asmara’s grandmother to reach out to us about the private investigator that she has searched for her granddaughter. Should she find him then she is to reach out to us? It could take some time for him to return to the city. In the meantime, I will look into another lead that Winter gave me.”

“Which is?” Celestia asked.

Oblivion shook his head. “Not this one. Unfortunately, this lead is more than a bit risky. I will be tending to this one alone. It must also remain secret. Should her contact learn of what I was told then it will have all been for naught.”

Sasa looked at him as he backed up from her as well. “Chosen?”

“Remain here, Sasa,” Oblivion said to her as he began to walk out of the throne room. “Should my plan work, then we will not need to use her grandmother to find her. Until then, I will be working alone.” Oblivion stated as he left them in the throne room. “Do not reach out to me, Sasa. This must be done my way.”

“Chosen? There has to be a way that I can…”

“No.” Oblivion stated to her and shut down the connection between them. He heard Sasa yowl in surprise and he sensed her racing for the door. His horn lit as he teleported away from them.

33: Back Track...

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Oblivion teleported himself out of the castle and back to the forest they had just left. Winter had told him to look around and he might be able to see an item she left behind. According to what she had said it would help him to find and understand Asmara. Though he knew her story well, he had to admit that earning a further understanding of her motives and possible thought process would aid him in later interaction with her. As he began to walk slowly through the trees to a location that she had described briefly to him he paused as his eyes scanned his surroundings.

“Go into the forest beyond where we first met. Look for two trees. You’ll know them when you see them. Go past them and look for a sign. I had a feeling that meeting you might be the end for my plans, so I made arrangements and left it for you to find if you knew about Asmara. I promise you one thing… It will be clearer once you get there.”

Oblivion looked around him as his eyes scanned the area. He was about to walk to his right when he stopped in his tracks. He looked between the trees and a laughed barked from him. He jumped over a small fallen tree and was confronted with two trees that were bent toward each other. They crossed to form a very large X. As he stared at the symbol he had to give the mad mare credit, her description had been right. He walked forward and stood in front of the trees. His eyes narrowed as he looked over the tree trunks and a scent caught his attention. It wafted from behind the trees and he ducked under them to follow it. It smelled faintly of chemicals that he could recognize as being used in the preparation for a body for burial. His nose led him as he scented the trail, setting his hooves slowly down as he tracked forward. He felt the ground slope and paused as he looked around him. He startled and a loud yelp escaped him as the ground collapsed under his hooves. He spread his hooves and dug his claws into the sides of the small pit. He stopped a few feet away from the bottom and an exasperated grumble pulled from him.

“Stupidity.” He cursed at himself as his horn lit and he teleported out of the hole.

With his hooves firmly back on solid ground he glanced around. His head tilted as his eyes scanned around him, noting slight indents in the ground. Oblivion walked over to one the areas he had seen and set his hoof on the top of the mound and watched as it caved in. He groaned under his breath and began to pick his way through the numerous traps and falls. The stallion paused as he looked around him and a growl escaped him.

“This is foolish. There are more than enough traps here to delay me. While I have plenty of time, I loathe wasting it.” A chuckle suddenly escaped him as he spread his wings from his sides. He had not used them much during his time here, though now seemed to be a good time to work on his hovering. He had the information from Rainbow about how to accomplish hovering, but he had not used the information. As his wings slowly beat and he lifted from the ground, he suddenly tilted and his hooves went back to the ground. With a quiet snarl he pushed off the ground, his wings catching and allowing him to move without touching the ground. His nose led the way as he allowed himself to go back to the ground after a short five minute flight. His hooves went back to the ground as a patch of dirt caught his attention. It was raised slightly and the soil on top had been disturbed. He prodded the ground with a hoof before his horn lit and he used his magic to shovel layers of the earth aside. A sudden shine caught his attention as he moved a layer of dirt away from the hole. His magic reached out to grasp the small bundle and levitated it in front of him. His magic pulled away the thick cloth around it to reveal a medium sized crystal. The surface shone and glittered in his aura. He leaned closer to it and felt the cold coming off of it.

“It’s not a sheer crystal. Its ice.” He spoke aloud as he turned the shard around to analyze it.

“So you found it!”

A voice shrilled out and he balked, dropping the ice shard. His ears flicked as he scanned around him, trusting his ears. When nothing showed up around him, he paused as his mind went over the voice. “That was her voice.” He whispered aloud and reached out to grasp the crystal in his clawed hooves. No sound came from it as he moved it in his hoof. “Maybe…?” His magic gripped it once more and it spun slowly in his aura.

“I had a feeling that I might not be able to beat you so I figured I would leave something behind for you. While I hoped that you and I could get together and be on the same side, I think I knew that it was not going to happen. So I decided that if I lost then I would leave something behind for you. I know I’m not the best pony to some. But I think you will understand things better than another pony.”

Oblivion dropped the ice into his hoof, interrupting the voice coming from the shard. The black stallion was quiet as he twirled the ice on his hoof. “Hmm.” His mind went over the possibilities that the ice shard could be a trap or another mind game of hers. While he knew that was a strong possibility, his mind leaned toward the mare being stable enough to not try to harm him again, after their second meeting. While her death had ended things completely now he still remembered the meetings before that clearly. His aura picked it up once more and Winter Snow's voice flowed easily from it.

“But I digress. So you may wonder about this little gem I made here. I found an old spell book and there was a spell to create an item that could hold a message and send it to a pony. It is called Eternal Messages. I created it in ice so it's my version. Now I would think that this would be so much easier to use, considering that letters are subject to the postal service. But this little gem does have a limitation. While it is being created you have to think of the pony you want to read it. Now that is a problem. It only reacts to magic. So it kind of means only a Unicorn can use it. So that’s a bit of a pain. I wasn’t sure it would work at all since I don’t know your name. So I focused on the Element of Spirit. Figured that was close enough. But I also left more presents for you. I put my saddlebags at the bottom of this hole. Now I admit that I put them in there and then forgot what I was doing. In my defense, I was busy trying to figure out how to make you mine or to kill you, so I was a bit…Scattered. But then as I was covering the saddlebags, I remembered that I still had the ice shard in my hoof. I know, crazy thing to forget.” Oblivion heard the mares giggle resound in his ears. His skin twitched and his wings flicked at his sides. “But then I remembered and I will wrap it up and put it down in the hole for you as well. But for now, I still need to explain things.”

Oblivion heard her sigh and he could make out the sounds of grass and leaves as she was walking and speaking from beyond the grave. His ears flicked as he locked past the shard and began to uncover more of the hole and reveal the dirtied saddle bags.

“I know that ponies won’t understand what I have done. Sometimes I don’t even understand it. But in the end, I keep moving and always remember my goals. You seem like you’re the same. Asmara said that you were a pony to be reckoned with. I honestly didn’t believe her when she said that you had defeated Princess Luna in combat. But after seeing you tear through the monsters I have to admit she was right. It seemed effortless. I…” She paused and Oblivion stopped pulling the saddlebags out of the hole to regard the gem in his magic. “I…” Oblivion sat back on his haunches as he heard a sniffle come from the shard. “I envy you. I did from the moment you were mentioned. But at the same time, I wanted to be better than you are. After seeing you in motion I know that you’re beyond me. I honestly think I can out think you. But I…I know I can’t outfight you. But, that’s no longer an issue. Anyway. Inside my saddle bags, I have left the tomes that I…borrowed from a certain library in Canterlot. Don’t worry about it. So I left them in there for you. You should probably read through them. They have information that I don’t think is meant to be known by common ponies. Asmara and I borrowed these tomes from a section of the library that had a sign saying forbidden on it. Honestly, they put a sign like that up and it’s a challenge!” She laughed and Oblivion still heard her walking, her voice resounded around him, making it sound like she was walking around him. “But to lay things out. Asmara and I aren’t friends to be clear. She is broken in other ways. She let me use the gem on her necklace since she had found out how to use it to summon monsters. Which is perfect for what I wanted. I had no idea who held the Element I wanted.”

Oblivion set the gem down and reached a hoof into the hole and gripped the girth strap with his claws and pulled it to him. While he was not as concerned about the books as he was the information about Asmara he still held the curiosity of their contents. The saddlebags were sat down in front of him as he sat down and reached into with his magic to levitate the tomes around him as he read their titles. The thickest of them had no title on its front and he reached up a hoof to spin the tome around to see the spine and the back. Still, there was no title. He pulled it to him and held it in his hoof as he opened it. His eyes widened at the simple title on its inner cover. ‘Pre-history: The Beginning of Magic’ Oblivion closed it and set it inside his own saddle bag. His orange eyes fell on the next one which also had no title. He opened the inner cover and startled. It had a simple line that held the mare’s name. He immediately recognized what he was looking at, the mad mare’s journal. He opened the first page, checking to see if he was right.

“So this is the first time I have ever used a journal or diary. I hope it helps with the thoughts I can’t get to stop running through my mind. I have been told by a few ponies that it helps them. I’m not sure I believe them. They only want me to be like them. Docile and quiet, giving in to what I am told to do.”

Oblivion closed the journal and slid it into his saddlebag. The other two were brought to sit in front of his snout for him to look at. The tomes were the next two volumes of the history books. He had read through the history books in Twilight’s library and they started at a certain time in history. Oblivion slid them into his saddlebags and glanced to the gem on the ground. His claws reached out and he held it gently in the grip of his claws. The black Alicorn was quiet as he suddenly tossed the gem into the air and his aura gripped it, starting the mare’s voice to run aloud once more.

“I wanted to do more. I know I should have given myself a smaller goal. But at the same time, why bother with small dreams? Go big or go home. I have heard that said many times and at first, I ignored it, thinking it was a foolish thing to say. But as I kept going I started to agree. So I dreamed of leading the world. Can’t get much bigger than that can you? But if you’re hearing this then I lost. Which is actually kind of okay? So as I finish this message to you I leave you with a few gifts. One is, of course, the contents of my saddlebags. Happy reading! Another gift is this Eternal Ice. Once you have heard this message the gem will store it and you can use the gem to give a message to another pony. It still will only work on Unicorns so bear that in mind. They also need to be a bit better at magic than the average commoner. So they should be able to summon it or you have to supply the magic. Good luck figuring that out. So here is the end of the message for you. I have a feeling that you will have gotten me to speak with you and you’ll have more information. So I guess I can give you the few things that I know. If you go to the farthest location of the monsters I brought to Equestria. You will find a pony at the edge of town. Past him is a desert. If you pay him, he will take you to an old ruin. Inside that ruin is a hideout. I used it many years ago and I told Asmara about it. I think she uses it more than I ever did. So if you go there you might find her. It doesn’t have a name. Or if it does I don’t know it. It’s a long walk through so take a lot of supplies. Okay, I think that was it. I keep thinking that there is more I should tell you. I included my journal in my gifts to you. Don’t worry about reading it, there is nothing mind shattering in it. I used it to write down my thoughts, they become deafening after a while.” She paused and Oblivion heard her halt in her walking. “I guess that it everything. In the end, I got a few things I wanted. Which is more than most. But in the end, I was stopped once more. I don’t mind though it seems. I must be as crazy as ponies think since I am leaving gifts for you, even as I know what the future holds for me. I won’t live through our encounter, and that’s okay. In the end, I hope I can choose how my life ends or at least be given a chance to speak. Okay. Good luck on your hunt, Element of Spirit. I wish you a swift hunt. Goodbye.”

Oblivion waited as the mare's voice faded out and went silent. He set the Ice into his saddlebag and looked back to her saddlebags on the ground in front of him. He looked into them and found they were empty. Oblivion's magic engulfed them and burned them into ashes. He pushed himself to his hooves and refilled the hole with the dirt he had displaced. He shook himself and shifted on his hooves as he analyzed his options. Sasa would have joined him if he permitted it, but he wished to continue on his own for now. He had grown accustomed to the feline’s presence, but this time his mind yearned for solitude.

His wings flicked at his sides and he released the binding on his mane, allowing it to fall onto his neck. The black wings spread and he rolled his shoulders before he looked to the sky, a beat of his wings later and he tore through the air and began to fly above the tree line. He glanced to his wings and a slight smile tugged at his mouth as the wings held firm under his weight and the winds around and under him. ‘A desert at the end of the road? Interesting.’ He pulled out his map and angled his body toward the horizon and with another beat of his oversized wings the ground gave way as he tore through the air above the ground.

34: Depths of the Sands...

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Oblivion's wings held firm as he glided on a high thermal of warm air. His eyes scanned the ground beneath him, watching for the deserts edge. As his eyes narrowed he paused in his flight and hovered as he scanned his map. He looked around and found that he was not far from the last sighting of a monster not of Equestria. The Witcher put the map back into his saddle bag and angled his body to plummet to the ground below him. He flared his wings and slowed to allow himself to land safely. The black wings held firm as he allowed himself to drop to the ground and fold his wings to his sides. His magic pulled his long mane back into the binding and his wings were hidden once more. The black stallion trotted quietly through the woods till a familiar sound caught his ears. He flicked an ear toward the sound and waited as a moan sounded. The sound was shrill enough to catch his attention. He spun on his heel and galloped to the right. A shrill scream caught his attention as he plunged forward.


Oblivion angled for a large fallen tree and leaped it as the sound of heavy panting caught his ears. The stallion glanced down and saw a stallion collapsed on the side of the tree, his features twisted in terror. The black stallion’s hooves struck the grounds and he plunged to a halt. His orange eyes landed on the wraith hovering at the edge of the clearing. Oblivion's magic gripped the hilt of the silver blade on his back. He glanced back and squared himself to stand in front of the terrified pony. The monster stayed over twenty feet away from the armed stallion. Oblivion's eyes focused on the creature. In one hand it held a luminescent lantern and the other a broadsword. The face was shadowed by a ragged cloak and the body of the creature obscured by a ragged robe. Oblivion started to walk toward the creature as it moaned and shimmered in the sunlight.

“What are you doing?” The pony yelled to the stallion as Oblivion broke into a slow trot.

The silver blade slid silently from its scabbard as the stallion broke into a gallop for the last few steps. Oblivion's blade sliced the air as it clanged against the rusted blade of the wraith. Oblivion backflipped and cast Yrden on the ground around him and backed up several steps to get the wraith to enter the circle around it. The body went from incorporeal to solid and the Witcher attacked. His blade cut into the wraith and it moaned as it fled from him and evade a strike of his to get out of the circle. Oblivion recast the spell and kept his blade up to guard as the wraith began to circle him.

“Come on,” Oblivion whispered as he waited, his patience once more at the forefront. The black stallion waited as the wraith circled, his body faced the wraith slowly, watching it intently. The wraith howled and Oblivion stepped back to the edge of the circle and the wraith rushed at him. The Witcher spun on his heel and allowed his body to brush over the rags of the wraith, his fur ruffled by the inhuman air of the monster. Oblivion had never noticed the feel of the wraith as it brushed past him. His sword bit deep into the monster and it fled from him once more. The wraith left no scent as it blinked out of sight, leaving Oblivion glancing around for the creature. His eyes slid closed as he recast Yrden and stepped to the center of the circle and listened. His ears moved slowly around him, listening for the telltale sound of the wraith reappearing. A sound to his right caught his ear and he spun his blade around his body, earning a scream from the wraith it is was caved and vanished for the final time. A small flash and the body vanished to dust. Oblivion scuffed his hoof through the small ash pile and slid his blade back into the silver sheath. He allowed the circle of Yrden to vanish and slowly walked back to the stunned pony.

“Are you alright?” Oblivion asked him as he stopped in front of him. The pony was a tan brown with brown hair that reminded him a great deal of Pinkie Pie. The pony wore a bright yellow shirt. Oblivion reached out and pulled the pony to his hooves.

“You…stopped it?” The pony’s voice was quiet as he looked back to where the monster had vanished.

“It’s gone. It won’t return here.” Oblivion assured the pony. “Why are you out in the middle of a forest?”

“Oh.” The lanky stallion looked to him and a wide smile swept across his face. “My cheesie sense went off and led me here.”

Oblivion paused and stared at the stallion. “You’re what?”

The stallion smiled and began to dance on his hooves. “My cheese sense. It led me to here. Not sure of the exact reason, but must have been to meet you.”

Oblivion stared for a moment before giving a slight shake of his head. ”Well. You are free to do as you like. Travel safely.” The black stallion turned and started to leave the pony behind him, intent on his task.

"Wait up!”

Oblivion paused and waited as the pony reached him once more. “I’m Cheese Sandwich. Nice to meet you…”

“Oblivion Shadow.”

“Well, you did save me so I should help you as well.” He began.

Oblivion waved a hoof absently at the lanky pony, as he began to walk once more. “That’s not necessary. I have a purpose out here as it is so there is no need to repay me.”

“Wow. What are you doing out here?”

“That monster was one of a few that I am hunting down. It is my job to remove them.”

“What kind of job is that?” The pony asked, his head titled comically far to the right.

“I am a Witcher.” At the ponies even more ridiculous tilt he explained. “Basically, I am a monster hunter. Ponies pay me to find and destroy monsters. It is what I am trained to do.”

Cheese Sandwich stared at him as he spoke, keeping up with the stallion’s long stride. “Who pays you to do that? I have never seen a monster like that one.”

“It’s called a Wraith. Basically, it is a pony that has died with things left undone. Least that is what ponies think they are.” Oblivion explained.

“Well, I can help you then!” He cried out and began to hum a tune as he started to lead the black stallion. “This way to the town.”

“It’s truly not…”

“Nonsense!” Cheese exclaimed and trotted merrily in the lead.

Oblivion sighed and allowed the pony to lead him. Oblivion checked his saddlebags to ensure that they were tight around his barrel as they walked. The tan pony led the Witcher out of the forest and into the small border town. The pony began to bounce into the town and smiled to the ponies as they looked to him and the other stranger behind him. Oblivion rolled his shoulders and prepped to speak to the leader of the town and confirm to him that the wraith was the only one in the area.

“Over here!” Cheese shouted to him as he stood next to a large orange pony in a grey suit.

Oblivion reached them and waited to be addressed. Cheese put a foreleg around the black pony’s shoulders and pulled him close, forcing Oblivion to drop his head lower to accommodate the other's reach.

“This is Oblivion Shadow. He stopped a monster outside of town. You should have seen it!” Cheese let go and began to demonstrate the fight to the crowd as he spoke.

Oblivion sighed and turned his focus to the mayor and away from the exuberant stallion. “There was a report made of an attack by an unknown monster in the nearby forest.”

“Yes. We did send a request for help. Though I would have liked for that help to arrive sooner, rather than later.” The pony’s voice was nasal as he tried to look down his snout at the Witcher.

Oblivion felt annoyance creeping into his mind as he raised his head to its full height and looked down at the rotund pony. The mayor leaned back on his heels for a moment at the sight of the much taller stallion. “This town was actually the last on my list to investigate, due to the lack of activity on the monster's behalf. It was known that it had not come near any of the towns in the area for over a week. While the others were more threatened due to their immediate proximity to the area of the attacks.”

The mayor stared at the black pony as he explained the situation. Oblivion inhaled and waited as the pony began to open and close his mouth as he searched for words to refute. Cheese Sandwich suddenly burst into song and Oblivion rolled his eyes as he regarded the mayor once more. “I will send a letter to Luna and Celestia and inform them that the danger to this area has been erased. Due to the other reported being a few miles away I will leave them as they are for now. I'm sure you are aware of what areas these threats had appeared in?”

The mayor said nothing as he stared at the stallion. He sunk back a bit as he shook his head. Oblivion sighed and pulled his map from his saddle bag. He focused on it and copied a section of the map for the mayor to keep.

“Here are the areas that were reported. I advise that you avoid the areas that are not marked out. The Leshen that was in the area of another town has been removed as well. Due to the lower likelihood of the wraith here coming after your town I did not come here first. The other two wraith sightings are several miles from here and I expect you to avoid them.” Oblivion advised as he began to walk away from the ponies.

“So what do we do now?” The mayor yelled at him.

Cheese jumped to him and wrapped a foreleg around him. “We Party!” He yelled and zipped away from the small group.

Oblivion gave a quiet groan. “Gods. It’s a male version of Pinkie.” He shook his head and began to leave.

“Now, you wait here!” The mayor suddenly shouted to him and began to advance on the taller stallion.

Oblivion paused and waited as the rotund pony rounded on him and began to speak.

“Now see here. You will go and remove all of the threats that are around us. You have been assigned this task and you will complete it.” He said to the stallion.

Oblivion kept his expression blank as he listened to the pony. The Witcher waited for him to breathe before breaking in to speak. “I understand your concern. While I understand it I do not have to bend to your requests. Due to Luna and Celestia placing their trust in my abilities that they do not need to monitor me in any way.”

“Now see here…”

“No. We are done. I have no reason to acquiesce to your requests or demands. The immediate threat to your town is gone. The others are far enough that I am not concerned about it.” Oblivion sidestepped and moved away from the pony. “We are done. You have a party to attend it seems.” The black stallion walked away. His hooves were silent as he walked down the dirt road. His hooves carried him out of the town and toward the edges of the desert. His magic pulled a scroll and quill from his magic.

Luna and Celestia:

I have removed the wraith on the map I am enclosing. Was a simple wraith that I destroyed. Kindly update Sasa as well. I will reach out to you when I have more news.

Oblivion Shadow

Oblivion sent the letter with a flash of his magic and kept up his easy pace. As he neared the edge of the desert and paused as he looked for the pony that Winter Snow had mentioned in her message. A sound off to the left caught his ear and he trotted toward it. A large cart laden with various materials sat at the edge of the desert. Oblivion stopped as he looked over the cart.

“For the love of…Oof!”

Oblivion started and backed up as a voice sounded from the other side of the cart. The cart visibly wobbled slightly and Oblivion trotted to the other side to find the source of the sound. He paused at the sight of a pony that appeared to be stuck under the cart. The pony was a light gray and his tail was a stark white. A beach was the marking to his flanks. His flanks and tail were straining to pull himself out from under the cart. Oblivion paused and walked back to the other side of the cart and fell to his knees to look under the cart. His orange cat eyes adjusted and he found a pony staring at him from the darkness.

“Well, hello there.” The pony spoke out as his eyes connected with Oblivions.

“Greetings.” Oblivion responded.

“Nice ta see I’m not the only fool out here.” He said as a derisive laugh escaped him. “I’m Sand Comber.”

“Oblivion Shadow.”

“Ahh, nice ta meet you. You think you could help a pony out?”

“Oh?” Oblivion waited for a moment before he spoke. “I assume you would like me to help you out from under the cart?”

“If you would, I’d be grateful.”

“Very well. Do not move.” Oblivion advised as he pulled his head out from under the cart and got to his hooves. His horn alight with an azure flame he wrapped the cart in his magic and slowly picked it up off the ground, allowing its owner to escape from under it. Oblivion walked around it and waited for the pony to get away from it before he set it back down.

“Thank you for that!” Sand Comber sat down and began trying to get the feeling in his limbs back due to being stuck under the cart. “Well, I assume you need something or you would not have been in this area.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Well. No pony comes here if they can avoid it. The desert is nasty to any who go into it. I was born in it so I know better than any pony how difficult it can be.”

“I see. I am looking for a ruin that was mentioned. I was told to look for a pony on the edges of the desert that can either take me to it or can show me the way on a map.”

Sand Comber looked thoughtful and began rooting through his cart. Oblivion opened his saddlebag and pulled out a canteen of water. It was an item of magic that he had gotten in a trade. It was always full of fresh water. It had proven invaluable more than a few times in his travels.

“Well. I don’t have a map that can get you there. But, I can show you the way. I can get you close to it, but not to the front gates.”

“Why not?” Oblivion found himself asking as he set his water back in his saddle bag.

“Well. The area is supposedly cursed. No pony knows what the ruins are from or if they are even pony in origin. I have heard that pony’s from the various universities and what not tried to use it and some of them were never seen again. They went inside of it and those that were left refused to talk much about it. So no pony goes near it now.”

“I see. Well, I need to get to the ruins. You can get me as close as possible then I will continue on my own.” Oblivion said to him as he looked out to the desert.

“You sure?” Sand Comber looked dubiously from Oblivion to the desert. “I can tell that you’re not gonna budge on this. So I’ll get you as close as I can. Have you ever gone through a desert?”

“A few times. I am aware of the dangers that hide under the sand.” Oblivion replied as the pony pulled his hooves out of the cart and turned to the black stallion.

“Yer gonna have a hard time out in the desert.” He said as he looked at the other stallion.

“How so?”

“Your coat.”

Oblivion closed his eyes as he understood with the other meant. His black coat would not do him any favors in the sun's heat. Oblivion opened his eyes as Sand Comber once more dove into his cart, searching for something.

“Hold up! I think I have something.”

Oblivion said nothing as he approached the cart and waited for the other pony to emerge from within it. When he did he was carrying a bundle wrapped in thick paper and bound with a string. Oblivion stepped back and helped the pony to get off the cart and get his hooves back on the ground. He turned and opened the bundle. A white cloth sat inside of the bundle. He turned to Oblivion and held it up for the black pony to see.

“Now this will keep ya cool.”

“Looks like it will help at the very least. The color will shed the sunlight.” Oblivion admitted as he regarded the cloth.

“It’s not just a simple fabric. I got this from a traveler many years ago when I helped him cross the desert. He said that with a touch of magic it can keep a pony cool for as long as some magic is washed over it every few hours. Since I’m no Unicorn it’s not very helpful. It will keep the sun off me but nothing more than that. Since you were able to lift my cart I assume you’re a unicorn of some skill and power.”

“True. So I layer my magic over it and it should keep me cool? Did I understand that right?”

“Ya got it right. Well, let’s get it settled on ya then see if yer magic with work.”

“Very well.”

Sand Comber pulled the fabric out of the bundle and tossed it over Oblivion's back, with the help of the Witcher they wrapped two corners down his forelegs and the others around his hind legs. A second swath was layered around his head and neck, to protect his head and neck from the blinding sun. Sand Comber backed up and inspected their work.

“All right. That should save your tail from baking out in the sun. Now give it a blast of magic.” The stallion said to him, eager to see if it worked.

Oblivion nodded as his horn lit with his aura. His magic went over every piece of the fabric, layering magic onto it as he had been told. His medallion vibrated as the cloth suddenly tightened on his form and he snorted at the hold. He was about to pull it off when the feeling of cool air threaded into his fur. He paused as he looked to the cloth as it began to cool his skin and seep that coolness into his body. Allowing him to relax as he stopped pushing magic into it and waited as it settled on his body. It covered his body and stayed in place as he moved.

“Did it work?” Comber asked as he watched the black stallion.

“It does work, yes.” Oblivion replied to him and approached the other to allow him to see it in action on his own.

He reached out and put his hoof on Oblivion's shoulder and he could feel the cool cloth and he gently wedged his hoof under it beside his shoulder and felt the coolness coming from the cloth itself. “Well, I’ll be damned.”

“You doubted?” Oblivion asked.

“Well, I never tested it. I didn’t doubt yer magic. But I wasn’t sure if the claims were true or not. But I am glad to see that it does work. Otherwise, you would have had a very hard time out there.”

“I agree. This will make things far simpler.” Oblivion admitted. “So I assume we will head out in the morning or are you ready to head out now?”

“You want to head out now?”

“I can if needed. You are the one who decides when we go or stay. I can probably find my way but I would rather not waste time hunting for the ruins when I can go with you directly to them.”

“Sounds right. Well, I was gonna go into the desert when I got stuck under the cart so we can go once I fix the axle.”

Oblivion looked to the cart and leaned down to look under it. He lifted it once more and saw the broken axel Comber had mentioned. His magic covered it and he set it down once the repair was complete.

“Well, that makes it much easier. You’re quite the helpful one to have around.” Comber admitted as he got into the traces to pull the cart.

“It’s nothing. Lead on, then?”

“Yup stay close you hear. If a storm kicks up get under the cart and stay there till it passes by.” Comber informed him. Oblivion nodded and stayed at Combers side as they walked into the desert. “I can tell you’re a strong pony so I will ask that you follow my lead out here and we should be fine.”

“I will defer to your knowledge in this case. I am not used to traveling through deserts. I have done it very few times and the ones I went through were not very big.” Oblivion admitted and stayed at the others side.

“Good ta hear. I’m getting tired of fighting with ponies about how to handle the desert.”

Oblivion nodded and stayed as close as he was comfortable with as they began to cross the sands. Oblivion kept his claws sheathed as they walked. Comber led him up the side of a dune and they stayed atop it allowing them to walk single file. Oblivion would push the cart if needed, should it get stuck in the sand. The hours dragged by as Oblivion followed the other through the heated sands. He could feel the heat through his hooves and he paused as his right forehoof burned for a moment. He lifted his hoof and flexed his claws, allowing the sand to escape from under his claws.

“Well, this is a problem.” He muttered to himself as he leaped to catch up with the cart and Sand Comber.

“You okay back there?” The stallion called out to him.

“I’m fine.”

“Your hooves burning yet?”

Oblivion gave a quiet groan. “You could have warned me of this issue.”

“I have to be honest, I forgot. When we get past this dune I’ll get some boots for ya.”

“Does it matter what kind of boots?”

“Nah. They just need to keep your hooves out of the sand a bit.”

“I have something then, keep going,” Oblivion assured him from behind the cart.

“All right.”

Oblivion reached into his saddlebags and pulled a pair of old boots that he had at the bottom of his saddlebags. His magic warped them and he slid the thick leather onto his hooves. He mirrored the boots from his Spirit Armor and hoped they would work. While it was not so much pain to have the sand under his claws, it did cause discomfort that he did not need at this time. Oblivion trotted to catch up with Comber as he had needed to stop to fashion the boots. Sand Comber had kept a steady pace that Oblivion could easily keep up with. As the sun began to go down the pair crested the dune and found themselves in a flat area that Comber recognized as one that he had used to camp overnight before. Oblivion began a fire while Comber erected the tent.

“Make sure that fire is a good one,” Comber said to him as he finished with the wide tent. Oblivion looked to him and a slight tilt of his head begged further explanation. “Most ponies don’t realize that the night gets pretty cold in a desert. Most think it’s hot all the time.”

“Ahh understood.” Oblivion stepped back and his magic flared and the fire grew in strength. “It will last this way.”

“Well, that is definitely strong enough to keep us warm tonight,” Comber admitted and sat down opposite the black stallion. “So why are you after the old ruins?”

“I'm looking for some pony.”

“Ahh, a lover?”

“Hells no,” Oblivion replied. “She is thought to possibly be involved in the deaths of several ponies. She did not bring the monster that did it but she aided in their involvement in the deaths of others. I am looking to speak with her.”

“I see. Well, hopefully, you find her then. She has anything to do with the monster that’s plaguing the village back there?”

“Possibly. It was summoned from far away and then left to attack ponies. The mare that summoned them has already been caught. I’m after her partner that supplied her. I was told she might be in the ruins.”

“That makes sense. It would be a good place to hide. Nopony goes there.” Comber was quiet as he sat across the fire. “So I would assume you brought supplies for the trip out here?” Oblivion said nothing but looked to the saddlebags still strapped around his barrel. “Good, I assume you brought food then?”

“You did not?”

“Of course I did. But I needed to know if I needed to feed you as well. Have to ration it if needed.”

“No, I’m fine,” Oblivion assured his guide as he pulled out some dried fruits and jerky from his bag. He had neglected to go hunting earlier and was having to use his supplies from his saddlebags.

Both stallions fell into silence as they ate and lapsed into silence. As the night went on Oblivion allowed his head to fall to the sand as he thought over the past few days and how to approach his current goal. He was silent as his mind went over the possibilities and how to act on them.

“All right into the tent you go,” Comber said to him, startling him out of his thoughts.


“It’s safer inside. You stay out here your libel to meet up with the scorpions and other creatures that will seek you out for your warmth. You ever waked up to snakes on you before?”

Oblivion raised his head and paused. “Once.” The black stallion stood up after the admission and walked to the tent flap as Comber lifted it up for him to go inside.

“I thought so.” The other said with a loud laugh.

“Silence.” Oblivion shot back as he laid down facing the tent opening as Comber zipped it shut and laid down as well.

“All right rest up. We have a journey ahead of us. It will take about five days to get to the ruins. Longer if we run into a storm.”

Oblivion nodded in understanding, set his saddlebags beside him, and laid his head down, allowing himself to sleep. Several hours later he awoke as the sun was beginning to rise, slowly. On the other side of the tent, Comber still slept. Oblivion looked around them to make sure that there were no animals in with them and he gave a loud snort to wake his traveling companion. Sand Comber startled and awoke to find Oblivion already standing. The black stallion shook himself and his magic gripped the zipper and he stepped outside ahead of the other stallion. Oblivion slipped his saddle bags back into place on his girth and waited for the other to be up as well.

“You weren’t kidding about that fire.” Comber admitted when he came out to find the fire still blazing.

“You made it seem like it being there would be helpful, so I left it alive while we slept.”

“Not a bad thing. Have to admit that magic keeps looking more and useful the more I see it used.”

“It has its benefits. But it has severe limitations as well.”

“Everything does. Depends on how it’s used I think.”


They lapsed into silence as they broke camp and began to pack it back into the cart. Oblivion snuffed the fire and helped Comber get back into the carts traces.

Their days continued this way for the next four days. As they trotted down a dune Comber looked back behind them and paled. Oblivion paused as he drew up next to him and waited.

“Run!” Comber suddenly yelled and surged forward.

Oblivion leaped forward to keep pace with him. “What's wrong, Comber?”

“Look back!”

Oblivion looked back and was not able to stop his own ears from pinning back at the sight of the enormous sand could gaining on them. “Why are we running? You claimed that we had to hide during a sandstorm.”

“I did say that. But, if it’s that big we are doomed.”

Oblivion looked back again and reached out to grab Comber, driving him to the ground. The gray stallion yelped as he hit the ground, above him, Oblivion tossed his hood back to reveal his tall curved horn. Oblivion stood over him, his horn alight with his azure flames as a dome surrounded them.

“What in the world?” Comber sat up as the dome of azure flame went over them, blocking the sandstorms winds.

Oblivion poured magic into the shield and kept his magic alight as he kept the shield working. He could feel the winds buffeting the shield's exterior. Oblivion sat down and kept his horn lit, he could feel his magic being pushed and he had to keep a constant flow of magic into the shield above them. It was the same one that he had used to protect rarity and the others several times. Though he had not needed to keep it active before. He could feel it draining him as it held its place above them.

“You going to be okay to keep that up?” Comber asked him as a snort pulled from the black stallion.

“Will have to be. It falls we won’t survive that storm outside it.” Oblivion said to him as he kept the shield above them.

Comber looked concerned as the black pony closed his eyes and breathed deeply. Oblivion was silent as he could hear Comber moving around beside him. He opened one eye and saw the concern etched in the others face. “I’ll be fine.” He tried to assure the pony.

Oblivion closed his eyes once more and reached for more of his magic, bringing it to bear against the howling winds outside. He felt it shudder against a gust and he winced at the pounding. He reached out to the Element around his neck and it surged forward, he felt his armor wrap around him. Concealed by the cloth around his body. He channeled the power of the Element into the shield and above them, it stabilized and the flames strengthened and the shield stopped trembling above them. Oblivion breathed out and opened his eyes to see around them.

“You sure you’re…” Comber turned to speak to him once more but paused at the sight of the silver and onyx crown he now wore.

“I’m fine.”

“And the crown means…?”

“Nothing. It’s a piece of a set that can amplify my magic. It's helping to stabilize and strengthen the shield I’m using.”

“Oh, so it’s magic?”

“Essentially, yes.” Oblivion gave a simple reply to avoid trying to explain that he bore the Element of Spirit, one of the seven Elements of Harmony.

Comber went quiet and sat down to wait out the storm under the shield. “So you can keep that going for a while?”

“Yes. It will stand so long as I have the magic to feed it.”

“And you’re not gonna run out of gas are you?”

“Out of what?”


“Oh. No, I’m fine. It will hold as long as needed.”

“As long as you’re going to be okay then I guess we will just wait it out.”

“How long do they usually last?”

“Depends on the storm. Haven’t seen one this big before, so I’m not too sure. But, hopefully, it will pass by us.”

“Then I suggest we get comfortable unless you wish to keep going?”

“How in the hell would we do that? You can move this shield of yours?”

“I don’t think it would be too difficult. It will stay with me. How close are we to the ruins?”

“A few hours. Pretty close to them.” Comber admitted and looked to the stallion with him. “I don’t think we should move though.”

“Why not?”

“The last thing we need to do is tamper with your magic. While I trust that you can move it with us, I don’t want to chance losing it.”

Oblivion nodded and sat in silence. As the time ticked by the two stallions sat in silence. The shield remained above them and covered them as it maintained its strength. Comber moved things around on his cart to stabilize the weight as they waited. Oblivion said nothing as they sat in silence as the hours tricked past them.

“So how often had you needed to use this shield of yours?”

Oblivion paused as he thought back. “Maybe three times. But not for any length of time.”


“Last time I used it was for a few seconds to avoid being struck by falling rocks and the other time was to prevent inhaling smoke from dragon fire.”

“So not for very…Wait, dragon fire?”

“Yes. A dragon had decided to roost outside of Ponyville so some of us were tasked with moving him to a new roost.”

“And you used the shield for that?”

“Not really. I used the shield to protect myself and others from the smoke. Otherwise, another moved the dragon to a new roost.”

“So the shield?”

“Will be fine. It can withstand so long as is needed.”

Comber nodded and sat down beside Oblivion and watched the storm rage around them. The black stallion sighed and looked out as well. The hours passed by and Comber was dozing on the sand as they waited. Oblivion stood up as the winds began to subside and he looked out to the sands. “Comber. Wake up.”

The grey stallion started and stood up as well. “About time.”


As the winds faded Oblivion allowed the shield to fall slowly around them. A mound of sand surrounded them, but with a short blast of magic, Oblivion knocked it back, allowing the cart to go past easily. Oblivion brought his hood back up and it settled back into place, covering his ears and shrouding his face in shade. As they walked toward another dune Oblivion willed his armor back into its place around his medallion. Comber scaled the dune with Oblivion pushing the cart from behind. At the top of the dune, Comber stopped and called for the Black Unicorn to join him.

“There you go.” He said and pointed down the dune.

Oblivion joined him and saw that he was pointing to an obvious ruin a mile away. The Element bearer nodded and looked to his guide.

“Just head for it and you’ll reach it in no time. Just be careful about going in.”

“I will. Thank you for your help, Sand Comber.”

Oblivion backed up and began to pull the cloth off of his body.

“Keep it.” Oblivion looked at him. “I can’t use it. I have the gear that I use. It’s only useful if there is magic involved. I’m an earth Pony, no obvious magic.”

Oblivion allowed the cloth to go back into place and nodded to the other pony. “Very well. What do I owe you for the journey and your guide services?”

Comber looked thoughtful. “Well. How about you tell me the truth.”


“Yeah about that crown of yours. You’re a prince, aren’t you?”

Oblivion shook his head. “No. I’m no prince. The crown is a piece of a larger set of armor.”


Oblivion nodded and pushed his armor from the Element around his medallion. Comber stared at the brilliant silver and black armor that he could see pieces of through the cloth around Oblivion's body.

“Where did you get something like that?”

“I bear the Element of Spirit. One of the seven Elements of Harmony.”

Comber’s eyes widened and he stared at the black unicorn stallion. “So your one of the Elements?” Oblivion nodded. “I heard about them, but never thought I would see one. There are seven like yours?”

“No. Mine is the only set of armor. There are five necklaces and one other crown.”

“What are they?”

“The other Elements?” Comber nodded. “They are Loyalty, Kindness, Laughter, Honesty, Generosity, Magic and Spirit.”

“Well, I have seen it all now. I bet there are not many that can say they traveled with an Element of Harmony.”

“Perhaps. What do I owe you for the journey?”

Comber shook his head. “I can’t charge you.”

“Why not?”

“You saved my life out here, more than once.” Oblivion tilted his head slightly at the statement. “Your fire kept me from having to leave the tent to check on the fire. I saw the tracks and other signs around the fire in the morning. Lots of scorpions and snakes. I didn’t have to fear your flames. You helped get my cart up the dunes.” Oblivion scoffed quietly as the other kept speaking. “That shield of yours was the final payment to me. I would not have survived that storm alone. Without you, I’d have been toast. That means I probably owe you. Plus you fixed my cart without asking for any kind of trade or payment.”

“You owe me nothing,” Oblivion interjected.

“All right. How about we say that we are even and call it at that?”

Oblivion sighed and nodded. “Very well. Thank you again for guiding me this far, Comber.”

“Of course. You be careful and good luck.”

“You as well. Safe return journey.” Oblivion replied as Comber slowly turned to follow the dune crest away from him.

The black stallion turned to look at the ruins and began to slowly slide down the dunes steep side to the flat ground. Oblivion slid to the ground and kicked away from the steep side of the dune and began the last part of his journey to the ruins. He pushed his armor back into place and looked ahead. He broke into a ground-eating trot and began the final leg of his journey.

35: Ruins across the Worlds...

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Oblivion stopped to analyze the ruins that lay before him. The structure was old and crumbling in places. The walls along the right were crumbling in place, clear that they had been the ones facing the storms, causing the damage. As he advanced on the structure he was reminded of the design of the old Elven ruins that he had traveled through more times than he could remember. After circling the ruins once he finally found a gap that could pass for a door. As he squeezed through he caught a scent of water. He paused and looked in the direction of the scent. When he heard nothing he pushed with his hind legs and finally squeezed through the gap. The black stallion shook himself to get the sand off of him from the trot up to the ruins.

His ears flicked as he listened intently. He could hear the sound of water dripping off to the left of him. The Unicorn angled his body and walked silently through the narrow hallway. A cough ahead of him halted him in his tracks. Oblivion looked ahead and found that even his sight was having trouble with the darkness. His magic flared and he reached into his saddlebags for his Superior Potion of the Cat. He breathed in and downed the foul-tasting potion in one gulp. He closed his eyes and waited for the telltale sensation to flow over him. The feeling of something crawling over his skin went over him and he opened his eyes. His natural eyesight had now been greatly enhanced. He was able to see perfectly in the pitch darkness as though it was the middle of the day. The world had taken on a gray tinge with colors being muted a bit more than normal. He shook off the feeling of crawling on his body and walked forward once more.

Oblivion paused as he saw a shape flicker over the wall. He could smell the scent of burning wood and he slowly advanced. His natural grace enhanced further as his hooves remained silent on the stone floors. He peeked around the corner and saw a pony hunched over the fire, trying to make it larger. As he looked closer he could see that it was a Pegasus mare. As he watched the tan cloak she was wearing slipped, revealing her turquoise coat.

“Found you,” Oblivion whispered to himself and backed up and stayed out of sight.

The Black Unicorn was quiet as he stayed silent and still. It took time for a Witcher potion to wear off, especially one of the higher end ones that he carried. They were designed to work for hours and continue for as long as a track might last. As he reached back to his saddlebag to get a full potion of White Honey to clear any toxins from the Cat potion out of his system and nullify its effects. His ear flicked as the mare began to move. He glanced back and found her heading for a doorway across the room.

“Damnit.” He cursed under his breath and set his hoof down and left the Cat Potion in effect. The toxins in the potion would filter out on their own in time.

The black Unicorn stepped into the room and stomped his forehoof. The sound was dull due to the leather boots he still wore. The mare yelped and spun to face him. Her eyes widened at the sight of the black stallion. His face was obscured by the hood he still wore. He made no move to change the appearance or to speak to her.

“Who are you and how did you find this place?” She asked. Her voice was low, but Oblivion's ears caught it easily.

“I think you are well aware of me.” He replied to her.

“The Element of Spirit, I presume?” She replied and squared herself to face him.

Oblivion gave a gentle tilt of his head to her, affirming her statement. The mare was silent as she stared at him. Oblivion said nothing in reply to her stare and waited as the silence stretched between them. Asmara shifted on her hooves as the silent room began to draw on her patience.

“So how did you find this place?” She finally spoke to him.

“I was told where this place was and had a guide show me the way,” Oblivion responded. His voice was firm but not loud in the small room.

“Winter Snow?” Oblivion nodded. “So she betrayed me?”


“She’s back in Canterlot laughing at me I suppose?” She said to him, venom beginning to build in her voice.

“No. She is dead.” He responded.

Asmara paused and blinked at his blank statement. “You killed her?”

“Yes. I was the one that did the final blow. She was captured and brought back to Canterlot several days ago.”

“So how did you kill her? The Princess doesn’t have a death penalty.”

“That is true. They asked what the punishment is where I am from and I informed them that those that commit murder are not permitted to live further.”

“So they let you kill her?”

“No, she asked that I kill her. I gave her what she wanted.”

Asmara was silent as he spoke. When he was silent she sat back on her haunches and stared at him for a moment. “You know, it’s easier to talk to somepony if you can see their face.”

“Very well.” Oblivion tossed his head back and the hood of white cloth slid down his neck and rested on his withers. “Better?”

“Yes.” Asmara was quiet as she stared at the Black Unicorn.

Oblivion said nothing as she looked over his features. The mare was silent and sighed suddenly as she sat down. “So you came to kill me as well?”

“No. Should you attack, then I will act, but otherwise, your death is not what I am after.” Oblivion informed her. “I have spoken with a few ponies and they have asked that I bring you in alive.”

“And will you?”

“I have no intention to harm you, at this time. I have already spoken to your grandmother…”

“You leave her out of this!” Asmara screamed, her body lunging to her hooves.

Oblivion was quiet as the mare panted, her anger rolling off her in waves. Oblivion watched as her own spirit roiled and tumbled through her. It held the same broken feel to it, but she hadn’t tripped into insanity, as Winter Snow had. “She is searching for you as well. No doubt to help you.”

“I told you, leave her out of things. You don’t deserve to talk to her.” She snarled. “No pony will take my family again. I will stop anypony that tries.”

“She is in no danger and was going to aid me in finding you.”

“There is no way that she would help you. She knows how I hate anypony in my business.”

“I informed her that the monster your family was killed by had been sighted once more.” He said to her. He knew that she would latch onto what he had said.

Asmara stopped and her eyes widened as she stared at him. “Did it kill anypony?”

“Not at this time.” Oblivion left out that he controlled the Elemental. “Your grandmother expressed the desire for you to be there and perhaps aid in the destruction of the creature.”

“You have no idea what that thing is. I have to admit it would be interesting to see you try to kill it. That thing will easily break you as if you were nothing. You stand no chance, but it’s cute how you think you could.” She laughed as she spoke to him. “Besides I know you lied to her to get her to help you track me down. Besides, there is no way you could summon that thing without killing yourself in the effort. So, you’re welcome to try. And I will be there when you fail at it.”

Oblivion said nothing as his horn lit, ready to use his magic to stagger her and teleport her to Canterlot. Asmara smirked and stomped her front hooves onto the ground and a slight concussion went over the ground. Oblivion tensed and let his horn fall dormant. He was about to speak when he felt the ground pitch, he slid a bit as he was wearing the boots on his hooves. The movement stopped and he cursed under his breath as the mare galloped through the open doorway. He plunged ahead as the room pitched again and he crashed his right hip into the door frame but still moved ahead. He paused as he lost sight of her for a moment.

His eyes were still under the influence of the Cat Potion so he saw her running across the room below him. Oblivion was silent as he scaled the balcony banister and jumped down to land a few feet behind her. She yelped at the sight of the stallion behind her and plunged through a nearby door. Oblivion went through the door as he realized that the room was slanted and he felt the impact on his right side as he was knocked off his hooves. He looked up as a pair of hooves landed on his right hind leg, the mare's eyes were half-crazed as she stared at him. Oblivion growled and kicked at her as his back collided with what he thought was a wall.

Asmara smiled at him as he looked to her. “Goodbye, Element of Spirit.”

Oblivion looked over his shoulder to find an active portal. His hindquarters and ribs had already gone through the portal and he reached his hooves out to grip and had enough time to realize that his claws were still covered as his horn was alight to teleport him to safety. He looked up to focus on where he was going when Asmara’s hooves hit him in the chest and neck as she hovered close. His body slid back and the last he saw was the mares smile as his mind blanked.

Sasa laid at Blue Bloods' hooves as he worked in his office. He sighed and leaned back in his chair. He reached out and set his hoof on Sasa’s broad forehead and rubbed his hoof through her fur. She purred back to him.

“Nothing yet, girl?” He asked her as she sat up.

“No. I haven’t heard anything from him. Not sure if I should be worried or angry.” She admitted to the Prince.

Blue Blood chuckled at her reply. “Yeah, I know the feeling. I keep thinking that if he needs help he will reach out to one of us, but then I remember who I am talking about.”

Sasa laughed at him and nodded. “I was going to say something about that, but you beat me to it.” She chuckled but went quiet after a moment. “But I miss him.” She admitted.

Blue looked to the spectral cat and nodded. “Yeah. You don’t really realize how much you rely on somepony till their not there.” He admitted back to the she-cat. Blue looked back to his papers when the door opened.


“Aunt Luna. It’s early you to be awake.” Blue said to her as he got up from his chair to nuzzle her in greeting.

“We had trouble staying asleep.” The Moon Princess said to him. “Sasa?”

“Nothing sorry.” She said.

“She says nothing so far, Aunt Luna.” Blue parroted for the she-cat.

Luna looked dejected at the news and hung her head for a moment. “Are we still able to send a letter to him?”

“Yes. Rarity said that Applejack got one from him a week or so ago, but that was it nothing since. So I think we can.”

Luna brightened and a scroll and quill appeared in her magic as she began to pen a letter to the Element Bearer. She finished and focused her magic on him and the scroll vanished with a flash of her blue aura. “There that should get…” They all paused as the scroll reappeared and fell to the ground in front of the mare. There was no flash of azure flame that foreshadowed a letter from the black Unicorn. She blinked at it and then looked to her nephew and the she-cat. “Nephew?”

“Umm… Sasa?” He looked to the cat who was also staring at the returned mail.

“Did he write anything?” The cat asked.

“Open it, Aunt Luna.” Blue said to her. “He might have replied that fast.”

The Moon Princess opened it and turned it back to them to show that there was no reply from the stallion. The three of them stared at it and Sasa roared as she realized that the letter had not gotten to him.

“CHOSEN!!” She screamed out to him, Blue cringed and covered his ears as her scream hit him as well.

Blue Blood reached back and pulled the cat into his forelegs and held her as the cat continued to cry out for Oblivion. Luna dropped the scroll as her aura was extinguished and her eyes widened and she looked to the others in the room. She inhaled and Blue had enough time to put a silence shield over him and the sobbing feline.

“TIA!” Luna bellowed her Royal Canterlot Voice on full display.

She looked back as Blue Blood got to his hooves, still holding Sasa, as a flash of golden light appeared.

“Luna! Is something the matter?”

Luna stared at her sister and then nodded. Her magic picked up the scroll she had done and held it up for her sister to see. “We sent this to Oblivion. Allow us to show you what hath happened.” She focused once more and it vanished once again. “Wait for it.” The scroll reappeared and dropped to the ground in front of the Sun Princess. She waited as Luna picked it up again and opened it. “No reply. If he replies it is shrouded in blue flame.”

Celestia looked to the scroll, to her sister, and then to Blue Blood. “Nephew?”

“She’s right. He didn’t get it.”

“Can you send one?” She asked, clear hope in her voice.

Blue Blood nodded, laid Sasa on the floor, and picked up a piece of parchment, wrote a few words to his friend and sent it away with a flash of magic. It reappeared and fell to the ground as well. He opened it and it was still blank. “He doesn’t answer, Aunt Celestia. I wrote down that it’s an emergency and there is no response. It’s not like him.” He said to her, clear worry in his tone.

Celestia looked to the cat on the floor. Sasa was silent as she stared at the near wall. The Sun Princess walked to she-cat and put a hoof gently on her shoulder, earning her a look from the feline. “Sasa?”

The cat shook her head and went back to staring at the nearby wall. “You haven’t heard from him at all?” The cat gave a barely perceptible shake of her head and remained silent.

Celestia looked up and saw the fearful faces of her nephew and sister. “We will send ponies out to search for him. I will call on Twilight to help the search. Your right, nephew. This is too far out of character for Oblivion. We need to start to look for him. We need this done quietly so as to avoid panicking anypony.” She started to speak more than looked to Sasa. “Sasa?” The cat blinked and glanced at the mare. “We are going to need your help. You know him better than anypony in the world. We need you.”

Sasa was quiet, despair bit at her mind but she knew that they would need her ability to sense him. She got to her paws and nodded. “I will do all I can. We must bring him back home.”

Blue Blood spoke for her and the mares smiled at the she-cat. “Sasa, can you tell if he’s alive or hurt?” Blue asked her.

“If he was gone I would be as well. I am connected to his life. I can’t sense him at all, but since I haven’t lost my magic he is okay.”

“Your magic?” Luna asked.

“Yes. I have the magic that I came with. I also am connected to his magic. The last time he was unconscious my connection to him lessened causing my fur and body to be more corporeal. My skills and other things are impossible without his magic to help me. Since I have not lost my appearance then he is not that far gone.”

Luna and Celestia nodded in understanding. “That’s good to hear. Blue Blood the guards that were with him, we will need them to help. This must be kept quiet. If pony’s learned the Element of Spirit was missing then it might cause many to be upset and panic. The Elements are the greatest defense Equestria has, without Oblivion they cannot function.” Celestia said to them.

“Sasa. The guards, what were their names?” Blue Blood asked the she-cat.

“Striker, Cross, Vantage and Silver.” They stared at her, as Blue Blood parroted her reply. “Right. Silver Buckler, Cloud Striker, Cross hairs, and…” Sasa thought back and tilted her head in thought." “Vantage Point. Two Lunar and two Solar guards.”

Blue Blood nodded and started for the door. “Come on, you know what they look like.” He shouted back to the cat as he went through the door. Sasa at his heels.

“Luna.” Celestia looked at her sister.


“Do you have any idea where he might have gone?” She asked, pushing the door closed.

“No. He did not tell any of us. Even Sasa has been pushed away. Though I now wish I had spoken up about it. He is more than capable of handling himself. But his disappearance this time is concerning to us.”

“I agree. It’s not normal for him to vanish like this. I will send a letter to Twilight for her to speak with Applejack. Perhaps he mentioned something to her about his whereabouts.”

“We doubt that he did, Tia. He keeps to himself unless needed. Thou know that.”

“I know, Luna. But should ponies find out that the Element of Spirit is missing many could panic? Plus, he has the Element with him at all times. Not only is its wielder missing, but so is the Element itself.”

Luna looked to her sister as dawning came over her. “We had forgotten that.”

“As did I. This is becoming more and more worrying, sister. Have you ever seen him dreaming?”

“No. We don’t think he does.” Luna replied. “Since he has been altered as a Witcher. We think it could interfere with us connecting to him in the dreamscape.”

“I had not thought of that. All right. We have to find him while hiding that he is missing. Please help Blue Blood. You three are the ones in Canterlot that know him the best.” Celestia smiled at her sister and Luna nodded as she went for the door.

“Sister.” Luna looked back, as Celestia turned to her. “We will find him. Do not doubt.”

Celestia smiled and nodded to her younger sister. She watched as Luna vanished galloping to catch up with Blue Blood and Sasa. The Sun Princess pulled a piece of paper from Blue Bloods' desk and penned a letter to Twilight.

My Dear student:

An emergency has come up and I need to speak with you and your friends. Please come to Canterlot as soon as you can.

Princess Celestia

She sent the letter in a flash of magic to Spike and looked out the nearby window to the city below her. “Oblivion Shadow, where are you?” She whispered aloud as a reply letter came to her.


Only a single word was on the paper, showing that Twilight had not penned it herself. Celestia turned and walked out of the office and started for the throne room, she still had a few meetings to attend, though she knew she was going to have trouble focusing on the proceedings. But she had to maintain normalcy and not let anything slip. She whinnied in surprise as a door flew open and a pair of Thestral’s galloped headlong down the hallway. One looked back and his eyes widened in horror.

“V!” He shouted to the still running pony.

“Cross, we don’t have ti… Oh no.” The other looked back and saw the still surprised Sun Princess staring at them both.

The two ponies came back to her and bowed in apology. She waved a hoof at them and bade them stand upright. “Your Vantage and Cross, I assume?”

“Yes, Princess. We were told to meet with Prince Blue Blood and Sasa in the council chambers. Not sure why but it sounded urgent when Princess Luna came in yelled at all of us.” Vantage explained.

“Royal Canterlot Voice?” Celestia asked then with a smile.

“Yes.” Cross squeaked out.

“Then I will not delay you further.” She said to them and they bowed and took off running in the other direction. She sighed and made for the throne room, hoping that it proved to be nothing more than a mistake on Oblivion's part. Even as she thought it, she knew that was not possible.

36: Search...

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Twilight looked out the window as the train barreled over the landscape. She glanced at her friends as they all sat close by. Spike sat beside her, reading a comic book. Rarity sat across from her and regarded the other Unicorn quietly. On the opposite side of the aisle, Applejack and Rainbow were arguing about some contest or other. The purple Unicorn wasn’t listening to them.

“Twilight?” Rarity reached out and prodded the other Unicorn as she spoke.

“Yes? Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.”

“Did Princess Celestia say what it was she needed us for?”

“No. The letter just said that she needs to talk to all of us. She didn’t specify anything. That’s what has me worrying.” Twilight replied and admitted her concerns to the other mare.

“It’ll be fine, Twi.” Applejack said to her, having given up on arguing with Rainbow and looked to her friend.

“I know. But I can’t help but be concerned.” She replied.

“It’ll be no problem,” Rainbow said aloud.

Twilight tried to look assured, but her smile faded as she looked back out the window.

Celestia looked up as Shining Armor trotted into the room, Blue Blood on his heels with Sasa. He paused and bowed to the Sun Princess.

“Thank you for coming quickly, Captain.” She said to him.

“Of course, Princess. Blue Blood said that it was urgent, but impressed that we needed to be subtle about hurrying back here.” He began and Celestia silenced him with a hoof.

The Princess looked up and waved for the guards at the doors to leave and close the door behind them. Shining watched and waited patiently as the door clicked. “Captain. Have you had any contact with Oblivion Shadow recently?”

Shining shook his head. “No. Not since I got those files for him. Why? Does he need help?”

Celestia shook her head. “That is the problem, Captain. We have had no contact with him since a few days ago. Blue Blood and my sister have tried to send a letter to him and it was returned. The spell that is used to send the letters comes from him. Blue Blood, if you don’t mind?”

Blue Blood nodded and picked up a scroll and quill. He wrote a few words and showed it to Shining Armor. The Captain watched as Blue rolled the paper and focused on the spell. The scroll vanished and a few seconds later it returned and dropped to the floor. The Prince picked it up and opened the scroll. He turned it to Shining and found that it was still blank of any kind of reply.

“Either he is sending them all back, which I doubt, or he’s not getting them at all.” Blue Blood explained. “Aunt Luna tried to send one and it bounced back as well. Oblivion always replies, it might take a bit but he doesn’t send back with no reply. According to Sasa, she can’t sense him either. While he did block her from finding him when he left she should be able to at least reach out to him. She isn’t finding him.”

“Sasa had mentioned that he is still alive due to her still being alive as well. She is connected to him and his magic. So we know that he is alive for the moment.” Celestia explained. “So at this point, all we know is that he is missing.”

Shining Armor looked concerned as he thought over what he had heard. “So has anypony had any contact with him since he left?”

“No,” Celestia said to him.

Shining looked to her, alarm spreading over his features. “And the Element?”

“Is also missing. He has it with him at all times.” Blue Blood replied.

Shining stared at them for a moment before he pulled in a deep breath and pursed his lips before speaking. “That’s…not a good sign. Oblivion is an Element Bearer. While he stays to the shadows, ponies know that it exists and that it’s there to protect ponies. Does anypony else know?”

“No. My sister and I, Blue Blood and Sasa. So far we are the only ones aware of his disappearance. I also tried to send him a letter and was met with silence. I had written that Canterlot was burning to the ground and that got no response.”

Beside Blue Blood, Sasa snorted a laugh. “That would have gotten his attention. There is no way he would not have responded to a message like that.” Sasa said to Blue Blood who spoke for her.

“Precisely. So now we must face the fact that he is missing and adjust to it. Captain, I hope that I can ask you to take a couple of the guards that went with Oblivion on his last mission. Perhaps he went back there and then moved on. He’s not an easy pony to miss. A stallion taller than Luna would stand out.” Celestia said to the Captain, who nodded.

“And these guards are…” He paused as the doors opened and four guards galloped into the room, followed by Luna.

The group slid to a stop and saluted Shining Armor before bowing to Princess Celestia. “These are the guards that were with Oblivion. Luna, did you tell them anything?”

The Moon Princess shook her head. “No. We did not mention anything. We thought it would be easier if thou spoke to all of them.”

“Thank you Luna. Now.” She looked to the guards and breathed in before speaking. “All of you are well acquainted with Oblivion Shadow, Element of Spirit?”

They nodded. “Yes, Princess. He trained us to help bring the mare back here. Has something happened?” Silver stepped forward and addressed the Sun Princess.

“Yes. No doubt you are aware of him being able to send letters through his magic and that Sasa has a direct connection to him through magic as well.” They all nodded to her. “Well. We attempted to reach him through a letter and it…bounced back I suppose is the best way to say it. It never reached him. The spell he created for it does work and takes the letter but moments later it returns unseen. We have even sent letters to him with dire emergencies detailed and we get no reply.”

“That’s… Not like him.” Striker spoke up as they listened. “He isn’t one to ignore dire circumstances.”

“We agree. So I would ask that a couple of you go with Captain Shining Armor back to the town that you just returned from. I am hoping that he went back there and was seen. While he is easily able to avoid detection we can only hope he was seen anyways.” Celestia said to them.

“I’ll go.” Striker said and stepped forward.

“Me too.” Vantage spoke up and stepped up with the Pegasus.

Shining Armor nodded to them. “You know the locations of where he might have gone then?”

“I know the one we got back from. And I have a rough idea of where he was going to need to go for the other monsters.” Striker replied.

“Perfect. We will set off as quickly as possible. We can’t waste any time in finding him.” Shining replied.

“What about the Element?” Cross asked, his voice quiet.

Luna looked at her sister. “It is also missing.”

Striker looked to the others. “That…Is not a good thing. Without it, the others can’t function.”

“True. So time is of the essence.” Celestia admitted to them.

“Let’s go. We need to hurry. Are you all right with flying in the dark?” Shining asked the Solar guard.

“Sir. Oblivion wouldn’t abandon us due it being dark so I’ll do what I can. Besides, Vantage is a Thestral. I may not see great in the dark, but I know I can depend on him to watch out for me if I get off course.” Striker admitted.

“I will take the other two then if that is all right?” Blue Blood spoke up, Silver and Cross nodded to him. “We will begin to scan the city and surrounding territory for him. If we are lucky he did not go very far. While that is incredibly unlikely, it is still worth checking into.”

“Sounds like a good start. Thank you.” Celestia said to them.

Shining bowed to the Princesses and turned to leave with the guards on his heels. Blue Blood was on his heels. He paused as he realized Sasa was not with him. “Sasa?”

“I will stay. Twilight may need help as well.” She replied to him and sat down beside the Princesses. “She cannot speak to me as you can, but I will make do. Good luck.”

“Good luck to you as well, Sasa,” Blue said to her as he left the room behind Shining and his guards.

Luna waited till the door closed once more and looked to her elder sister. “Sister.” Celestia looked at her. “We must find him. Without Spirit, the Elements cannot function. Not only that but he is a dear friend to many ponies.”

“I know, Luna. We will do everything we can to find him. We need to keep it quiet for now. We will search for him in the shadows. That is where he stays normally, so he may be doing that now as well.”

Luna shook her head. “The Element is secondary now, Sister. If he is not replying to letters he has disappeared. We must be ready to act if is in need.” Luna's voice held a promise of action.

Celestia nodded. “Your right. I just hope its nothing to serious. For the sake of those who care for him.” She began to say more as the doors opened and Twilight and her friends trotted in. “Here we go,” Celestia whispered and Luna jumped to sit beside her. Sasa trotted away from the Alicorn’s and down to the group of young mares.

“Princess Celestia, Princess Luna,” Twilight said to them and bowed with her friends and Spike. She hugged Sasa as she went by to greet the others. “Why is Sasa…?” She shook her head to focus on what her mentor was saying.

“Twilight. It’s good to see all of you. Thank you for coming so promptly.” Celestia addressed them.

“What is going on, Princess?” Spike asked.

Celestia paused and Luna gave her a gentle nudge with her shoulder. “Twilight can you send a letter to Oblivion?”

“Yes. He taught me how just before he left. Spike.” She looked to the dragon as he pulled out a scroll and quill and looked to her. “Oblivion, I hope your hunt is going well. Let us know. Twilight.”

Spike nodded, rolled up the scroll, and gave it to her. Twilight’s magic sent the letter and her eyes widened when it reappeared and landed at her hooves. She blinked as she and the others all stared at it. “That was quick.” Twilight said aloud, nervousness in her voice. Her magenta aura picked up the scroll and opened it. Her eyes widened when she saw that there was no response from the stallion. She looked at it and rolled it up again, her magic sending it to the Black Unicorn. It fell to the floor again and she looked to the Princesses.

“None of us are able to reach him. I and others have tried to reach him to no avail. So far it appears that…That he is actually missing.” Celestia said to them.

“Missin’?” Applejack piped up and came forward. “What ya mean missin’?”

Celestia sighed and looked at them. “So far no pony has been able to reach him. According to Sasa, she cannot reach him either. While that can mean many things she did point out that he has not passed on. She informed us that had he fallen she would have as well. So we are certain that his life is not in any danger." Applejack looked to the floor and then to the she-cat.

“Why are ya here, kitten?” The farm mare asked her.

“Oblivion left her here. I will explain. He went to dispatch the monsters and was successful with the largest of the group. During that hunt, he came across a young mare that was able to summon portals that could bring forth the monsters. While he did not explain the exact usage he had determined that the mare, Winter Snow, was able to summon these portals by using a gemstone of unknown origin. After discovering her Oblivion put a plan to capture her and get rid of the monster at the same time. Clearly, the plan worked and he took possession of the mare and the gemstone she used. She was brought here for sentencing and Oblivion was able to find out who she was working with. He received more information from her and chose to follow a lead on his own. None of us could stop him when he chose to leave Sasa with us and follow the information given to him.” Celestia gave them the short version and hoped that was enough.

“So he went off on his own?” Applejack spoke up and Luna nodded. “Ah’m gonna tan his hide fer this.” Applejack vowed to the amusement of her friends.

“We need to find him for you to do that, dear.” Rarity said to her.

“So what do we do?” Rainbow asked.

“What about the mare that gave him the information? Can we ask her what she told him?” Twilight asked.

Celestia and Luna paused and shook their heads. “No. Unfortunately, we cannot ask her anything. She…”

“She chose to die for her crimes,” Luna told them.

“What?” Fluttershy squeaked out at the information.

“Oblivion is the better option to ask about why, but she chose it.”

“I have never heard of the execution or anything?”

“There was no execution. Winter Snow asked that Oblivion be the one to end her life.” Luna informed them. "She said that he was the only one who understood her and that was her choice.”

“Understood her?” Applejack questioned.

“Yes. I’m not certain of her exact meaning but, Oblivion seemed to know what she meant. But now we need to find him.” Celestia admitted to them.

“She’s right. Then we can have a party for him!” Pinkie said aloud, her excitement obvious.

“He doesn’t like parties, Pinkie.” Applejack pointed out.

Pinkie paused for a moment. “Oh well. I’ll still throw one for him. Just all of us, then.” She said her smile wide.

Twilight rolled her eyes, but Pinkies' antics had brought a smile to the rest of them. She looked back at Celestia. “Okay, where do we look?”

“Actually, I was going to see if any of you have any idea where he might have gone. It is also possible he could still be in the area. We have kept his disappearance quiet. The news that the Element of Spirit has vanished could make ponies very nervous. So at this time, I am hoping you all might have more of an idea where he might be. Or anywhere he might have needed to go alone.”

“Sasa?” Twilight looked to the feline.

Luna’s magic created a box of sand for the cat to write her own replies. She yowled her thanks and sat beside the box, using one paw to write.

“I do not know either.” She wrote.

“So no idea why he left ya?” Applejack asked her.

Sasa rubbed out the prior message. “No. He seemed to be in a hurry, but I did not get a chance to argue with him.”

“He just left?” Fluttershy asked her.

“Yes. Walked out the door and teleported.” She replied.

“But you can find him?” Rainbow asked her.

“He blocked me out.” She replied.

“That’s a problem then.” Twilight replied and Sasa nodded. “So we should check around Ponyville at least. He runs through the Everfree so we can’t rule it out as well. If he was checking on those portals then we should look closer to home. He seemed to be checking on those. Some were close to home.”

The mares all nodded as Sasa moved to gain their attention. “He had put a hold on hunting the other monsters. He focused on searching for the mare that had partnered with Winter Snow. Asmara is the mare’s name.”

“Asmara? Never heard of her.” Rainbow said aloud as she read the message.

“None have. The gem that Winter used to summon the portals was loaned to her from Asmara. It can open the portals to allow the monster to come through, but she couldn’t control what came through. So she ended up with that bit of variety of monsters.” Sasa explained.

“All right. So we need to hunt for Asmara?” Pinkie asked.

Sasa tilted her head. “Why?”

“She might know where he is.” She reasoned and bounced in place for a moment.

“Not that the idea doesn’t have merit but, I don’t think it wise to go after her.” Sasa replied. “If he found her then he would have brought her back here. We have reached out to her grandmother, the relative that raised her after the death of her parents. She has an investigator searching for her as well. So if they had found her, we would know.”

Rainbow leaned back on her haunches and scrubbed her face for a moment. “We need to get him a book on how to stay out of trouble.”

“Yeah. He‘s worse than you.” Applejack shot back to her. Rainbow scowled at the orange mare. “But ya got a point. He seems ta attract it.”

“Maybe. But we still need him back safe and sound. He informed us that he had dismissed another monster several days earlier, but nothing since.” Celestia broke in.

Twilight nodded. “Okay girls. We should head back and start searching as well. I know the Everfree Forest will wait for us to go into till tomorrow. So we need to catch the train and head back. Princess?” She looked to her mentor who nodded with a smile. “Okay let’s go. We’ll keep silent about it as well. Thank you for letting us know.” She said and the group raced for the doors.

Luna was quiet as the doors closed once more and she sighed. “It is late sister. We will take over the night.”

“Thank you, Luna. We’ll find him. Or he’ll show up and wonder why all of us are frantically searching for him.” Celestia joked to her sister.

“That is more likely, we think.” Luna admitted with a chuckle.

Equestria startled and reached out to the world she embodied. She gasped at the sudden feeling of loss. “What has happened?” She whispered aloud as she began to gallop through the world itself, her form immaterial as she ran. As she ran the world fell away as she searched for what had brought the feeling onto her. She reached out further and a hard gasp sounded from her as she plunged to a stop.

“Oblivion.” She whispered as she realized the black stallion was gone from her side. “No, no, no.”

She plunged ahead once more, searching for the signature that he gave off. Anxiety bit at her mind as she realized that she could not find him. As she plunged ahead she reached out to the world and she could feel that it was slowly going out of balance. With the power of the world Spirit now missing there was no pony to protect it. She reached out to it to try to command it again but yelped as it pushed her back. It no longer recognized her as the one who ruled over it. Only its wielder could call upon it.

“Without him, the ponies will begin to falter. Those that he protects are in danger of being hurt. There must be a way to find him.”

She plunged ahead once more, her body slipping through space to the Conjunction cavern. She slipped within it and calmed herself. She reached out to it and yelped at the sudden attack from it. The ground shuddered and it concaved as a monster pulled from the earth itself. She recalled Oblivion mentioning an Elemental protected the cavern. It turned to her and made to attack her. She cried out and fled as fast as her hooves could carry her and spun once she was away from the cavern. “Oh no. Oblivion still has the gem from within it.” She spun slowly as she tried to think of another way to find him. The black stallion was needed. The Spirit of the world needed to be balanced. Oblivion didn’t have to act to keep it balanced. Simply by being, he created the balance that was needed. She calmed herself and stopped spinning and breathed deeply. She glanced at the cavern and chose not to approach it again. She was not sure why it had attacked her, but she had a feeling that the missing gem was the true culprit.

“Okay. Let’s see.” She began to pace as she thought over what she knew. She had not been able to command the World Spirit due to it now having its master, Oblivion. “Okay, He can’t be dead, that’s impossible. That Elemental acted to protect that cavern from me. Though I do not understand why. I have gone there many times and even stayed within it. Oblivion is still alive but his location is unknown to me.” She snarled in frustration as she realized that there was nothing she could do. A hard stomp of her hoof sent a tremor through the surrounding area.

Equestria was quiet as she sat down, realizing that there was nothing she could do to help or find him. Her head hung as she tried to think of anything that could be done. Upon finding no options obvious to her, she felt despair biting at her. She knew that he was more than capable of taking care of himself but that did not stop her from worrying. She stood up and snorted. “I’ll check on those close to him. They might know something that I do not.”

The mare reared to her hooves and tore over the ground. Her strides were ground eating and she reached Canterlot in moments. She paused and reached out to the ponies that were closest to the Black Unicorn. She felt Luna and focused on her. She watched as Luna jumped from dream to dream, searching. “They have lost him as well.” She whispered aloud and reached out to the other Elements of Harmony. She found them to be traveling and reached out to them. She galloped after the train and galloped alongside it, listening as they discussed where to look for their missing friend. She slowed to a stop and paused. “Dammit.” She cursed quietly under her breath and looked out of the lush landscape.


Oblivion groaned and opened one eye. His body felt heavy and stiff. The black Unicorn slowly raised his head to look around him. His mind clicked into place and he slowly got to his hooves. He expected to wake up in a different part of the ruins. But now as he looked around him all he could see were trees and endless green. His ears flicked as the sounds of the forest washed over him. He looked back to his body and shook himself to remove the leaves and dirt from his body. His hooves danced on the mossy grass under him for a moment before he focused his attention. The heat washed over him and he looked to the cloth still wrapped around his body. He focused on the cloth and startled when his magic did not activate at his command.

“What in the?” He looked up and his curved horn was still in place and didn’t appear to be damaged. He snorted and tried again, still nothing. “This is a problem.” He muttered and looked over the rest of his form. He sat down and pulled the boots off his hooves and set them on the ground in front of him. He reached back and began to pull the smooth cloth off his body and folded it as best he could with claws. He opened his saddlebag and set both the boots and cloth into the bag at his side. “All right. Now to see what is wrong.”

The black stallion stood on and walked slowly forward. His hooves silent on the spongy ground as he moved. His ears flicked as he moved past the ring of trees around where he had awoken. He stopped at the sound of voices ahead of him. He paused and waited as the sound approached him. His eyes widened at the sight of humans on horseback. He pushed himself back and stayed as hidden as possible. As they passed him he watched from the shadows of the trees.

“Oh, Gods.”

37: Honor and Blood...

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Oblivion backed up and stared at the men as they passed by him. The Witcher inhaled deeply and was silent. His mind grasped the concept that he was no longer in Equestria and was most likely back in the Northern Realms. He sat and reached into his saddlebag for his map. His eyes scanned the paper as he thought back to when he had fought the Leshen and gone to Equestria and analyzed his map for the location. He found it after a moment's search and stood up to see if he could see any road signs. He gave a quiet groan and walked three-legged out to the road after looking for any humans. His ears flicked as he listened before turning the bulk of his attention to the signs and the map in one hoof.

He checked the signs against the map and found that he was close by Honorton and he angled his body slightly to the left fork and slid his map back into his saddle bag. He pointed his hooves down the road and began to follow it, intent on gaining his bearings and then finding a place he could easily hide. His ears flicked as the sound of pounding hooves caught his attention. He jumped back into the forest and walked as close to the edge as he dared. The hooves slowed and stopped and he paused, careful to remain silent as he walked. As long as he was cautious, the stallion was fairly certain that he could remain unnoticed, so long as he did not do anything foolish. He could hear the men on the road but ignored them as he moved through the tall grass and small trees.

“There it is!”

Oblivion stopped and looked up to find one of the men staring at him from the trees. Oblivion sighed and cursed his own stupidity as he angled to go deeper in the trees. He heard hooves and startled as a rope settled around his chest and shoulders.

“Ah got it! We can make some coin offa this thing!” The man shouted as he pulled the rope taut, while the other joined him.

Oblivion rolled his eyes and turned to look at them. He was certain that as soon as he spoke they would drop the rope. He sighed before he spoke aloud to them. “I will give you a moment to either remove this rope or I will remove it myself.” He informed them and waited for them to react.

The first man, an older human paused and stared at the stallion as he spoke to him. The other also stared, too stunned for words. Oblivion reached up with one clawed hoof and gripped the rope in his claws, then pulled it over his head and dropped it to the ground. The Witcher turned and walked away from them. He heard a yell and watched as they charged him. “Bloody Hells.” He cursed as he plunged ahead. His hooves dug into the soft ground as he moved. The Witcher's strides lengthened as he ran from the humans behind him. He could hear them shouting to each other, but chose to ignore the content of their yelling. He saw a large fallen tree and angled for it and lunged to clear it. His body sailed over the tree and he yelped as his hooves struck the hillside under the tree.

“Shit.” He cursed as he fought to keep his hooves under him as he slid and plunged down the hill.

He kept his claws sheathed to avoid damaging them and allowed his body to compensate for the angle. He looked ahead and growled at the drop at the end. The black Alicorn was quiet as he began to gather himself to stop but quickly realized that he was moving too quickly. He gathered himself as he hit the edge and pushed off of it, his black wings unfurled and caught him as he began to plummet to the water below. He paused as his wings held firm under him and he gave a sigh of relief as he gathered his bearings and aimed for the hill above once more. The men who had given chase had pulled up their horses at the fallen tree.

The black Alicorn caught their attention with a sharp whistle. Their eyes widened to an almost comical size as he hovered within shouting distance. He looked at them and he snorted to them as he allowed his body to angle toward them and paused a few feet from them. The black stallion was quiet as he stared back and then gave a chuckle as he barrel-rolled to the side and took flight in the direction of the road he had been following.

He looked under him for a clearing to land in but found a seemingly endless sea of forest under him. As his wings remained firm he had to wonder how long he could fly on them. While he had the knowledge of how to fly, he had not tested it to finds out his endurance. He looked to the gently beating wings and shook his head, deciding to land when he had the chance. The sun was slowly setting as he saw a small clearing, he angled down to it and once close enough to the ground he banked his wings and they backpedaled allowing him to land easily. His hooves thudded gently against the grass and he scanned the area around him.

“Not sure where I am exactly. But that can be remedied later. For now, I will remain as far from people as possible. Thankfully if those two fools talk about seeing me, I’m certain they will not be believed. I would have had trouble believing their words if they spoke to me before.” He began to walk away from the clearing as the wind shifted and a scent caught his attention. “Wait. I know that scent.” He turned back and trotted after the scent, allowing his nose to lead him.

He paused at the edge of a small village as the scent of blood and death permeated the entire area around him. The scent led him forward as he peered around a house to see the center of the town. His eyes focused quickly in the low light and he stepped out from behind the house as he could see the people of the village appeared to all have been killed. He approached the body of the first villager he could see. He paused beside the body of a woman, sprawled on the ground, face down. He saw the wound stretching across her back, shoulder to hip. The Witcher focused and used his sense to analyze the scene as he walked slowly around the village. He approached a house by the edge of the town that appeared to be bigger than the others in the village. He slowly pushed the door open and walked inside. He angled toward the left and walked through a slim doorway and into an office.

“House is well done. The desk and everything in it is expensive. Whoever had this place had some coin to their name. Especially surprising since Velen is a hole where things go to die.” He glanced to the side and found a Leshens head on the floor.

“All right, so they have a monster problem. Or did. So someone took the head of the Leshen and brought it back for payment.” He paused and looked outside to see a barn close by. “Odd. Who would bring a head back if the village is dead?” He went back to the other side of the home and found a woman close to the fire. “Fire is still going. This just happened.” He looked to her and found her to have a single sword wound to the chest.

He tried to turn back but realized that his body was too long for the room to turn back. The stallion huffed for a moment and backed through the doorway. As he left the house he started for the barn. It was a typical barn that was deep enough for two stalls, nothing more than that. Oblivion looked into the first stall and found a slaughtered cow on the floor of the barn, its blood coating the ground. A new scent caught this attention as he looked to the second stall. A pitchfork laid in the dirt of the barn floor and he picked it up in one hoof and he could see that there was blood on the prongs.

“Someone got stuck with this at some point. Whoever it is had drunk a potion at some point. Smells of alcohol, Earthball, and…Wolfsbane.”

He set the pitchfork down and glanced to the man closest to it. “Arm has been severed just above the elbow. Typical spin strike if done correctly.” He looked to the old man slumped at the back of the stall. He looked to him and He could see the deep wound to the man’s torso. The wound was clean and he could smell something else on the body. The scent was faint, but it was Hanged Mans venom. A sword oil that was made by a Witcher. The oil was old and clearly had been on the blade for a long time and was swiftly fading.

“That answers the question of who could have done this. Now only a Witcher can drink potions that have that set of ingredients. A Witcher massacred this town. But the question remains, why?” He looked back to the elder man and found his hand clenched tightly around something. He used his claws to gently pry open the man’s cold fingers, revealing a silver chain. “Tore that off someone in the fight.”

He left the chain in its place and left the barn. The Alicorn walked over to a nearby house and pushed open the door. He found a woman slumped against the wall and went over to her. “Knife wounds. All shallow, but it hit an artery each time. Bled out, she didn’t fight back.” He glanced up and his eyes landed on the body of a child. He sighed and went to the figure. He rolled the child over and the boy’s throat had been cut, nearly decapitating him. “This was…unnecessary. What harm could the child have done?” He whispered as he raised his head to his full height. He walked to the other room and pulled a threadbare blanket off the bed and laid it over the child’s body. He bowed his head for a moment, then turned back to leave.

The stallion looked back to the door and saw a small figure race past. “Wait! Gods dammit.” He cursed quietly as he left the house. He paused as his hoof kicked something on the ground. A small doll stared up at him. The toy was clearly well loved. It was maybe the length of a child’s forearm in size. He reached down and picked it up gently in his claws. “Someone will be looking for you.” Oblivion said aloud and began to follow the tracks on three legs. The black stallion went into another house and turned into the side room, as the figure jumped through a window.

The stallion snorted quietly. “Well played.” He backed up and left the house. He walked around the house and picked up the trail behind it. His ears flicked and he heard the soft sound of crying. His hooves were silent as he trotted to a thick tree and waited for a moment before walking around the tree. A young girl stared at him as he came to stand in front of her. Her clothes were soaked from the recent rain and her long brown hair was pulled into a tight braid. She wore the typical clothing of a peasant. A long shirt tied at the middle with a rope and tan pants. Her pale brown eyes were scared as the black stallion looked to her.

Her eyes widened and she began to whimper. “No! Get away! Horse monster! Murderer!”

Oblivion paused before he spoke to her. He lowered his head so he was not towering over her. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

“You’re just like him! Cat eyes.” She began to hyperventilate as the black stallion listened to her.

“Cat eyes?” She nodded. “Did he have two swords on his back? Like these?” He nodded to the weapons over his shoulder.

At his question, she began to whimper and then looked at him. “Not tellin’ you nothin’. Go away!”

Oblivion's first thought was to simply use Axii on her and then get the answers from her. He hesitated as his claws flexed and he recalled the doll in his claws. He sat down and held out the doll for her to see. Her eyes widened at the sight of the toy and she then looked to him. “Is this yours?” He asked her, his voice low and quiet.

“Yes.” She replied, her voice quivered as she spoke.

“He has a name?”

“Ma…Ma…Master Freckleface.” She replied to him.

“Ahh. Cute name. And yours?”

“Millie. Can I have him? Please?” She said to him.

Oblivion looked to the toy in his claws and then back to the girl. “Well, I don’t think Master Freckleface will be of any help to me on the Path. So he’s all yours.” He extended his hoof and for a moment he was concerned that she would balk at the sight of his claws. The girl reached out and snatched the toy from him, ignoring the claws on his hoof.

He waited as she hugged the toy tightly to her and then looked to him. “What happened here?” He asked her gently, trying to avoid frightening her more than she already was.

“The woods…They’s haunted by a spook. Uncle Sobemir said we needed ta find us a Witcher. So they made the sign for one. A Witcher came to help, but…” She paused and looked at him.

“But what, Millie?”

“He had evil in his eyes.” She sputtered out to him. “He left and then came back, with the spook's head.” She said to him. He remained quiet and waited for her to continue. “They were inside Uncle Sobemir’s house and I heard them arguin’. They was yellin’, and cursin’. They came out and went to the barn.”

“And? What happened?” He cajoled her to continue.

“They started screamin’. Then he came out covered in blood and started killing everyone. Those closest he went after first. Then everyone else.” She whimpered and gripped her toy. “Me mother and brother too.”

She began to cry once more and Oblivion waited for her to quiet once more before he asked for more of her. She quieted and looked to him. “And what happened then?”

“He let me go. I don’t know why. He ran off. Toward the circle, we use to make offerings to the Gods. I hid in the barn and found this.” She reached into a pocket and pulled out a medallion. She held it out to him and he took it from her.

“School of the Cat. Great.” He set the medallion into his saddlebag and looked to her once more.

“Are you the same?” She asked of him.

He shook his head. He put a hoof under his own medallion and held it out for her to see. She leaned in and stared at it as he spoke. “I come from the School of the Wolf.”

“So you’re not the same?”

“No, little one. Same job, but I do not attack innocent people.” He said to her.

She leaned back and stared up at him. “Are all Wolf Witchers horses?”

Oblivion chuckled at her question. “No. They aren’t. It just happens to be what I am. I used to be human, once.”

“What happened? Did a witch get ya?” She asked him, her eyes pleading for him to continue.

“No. A witch did not do this. I chose to be what I am.” He replied to her with as close to the truth as he could get. “It’s hard to explain. But anyway. Do you have any more family?”

“My Auntie. She lives in Oreton.” She replied to him, becoming more comfortable talking to him as time went by.

Oblivion got to his hooves and looked down to her. “All right. I’m going to go and see about this bad man. I want you to stay here and be as quiet as you can. Okay?”

She nodded and hunkered down into the tree trunk, clutching her doll. Oblivion turned and trotted away from her as he found specks of blood that held the scent of a Witcher’s potion. He trotted down a game path as his ears perked and he caught the sound of breathing, a bit labored and he could hear the groan of pain that sounded off occasionally. It was about a half mile from the village. He paused before he stepped out to face the Cat. He reached back and held the Cat medallion in his hoof before he stepped out into the shallow mist around the altar.

The Witcher looked up and saw the medallion first. “Well, well. A Witcher of the Wolf… Haven’t seen one of…” He stopped speaking as Oblivion came into full view.

Oblivion waited for him to act, but he remained in place. “I think this belongs to you.” Oblivion held out the Cat medallion and then tossed it to him. He caught it and stared at the Alicorn.

“So they have made a horse into a Witcher?” He replied and caught the medallion in his hand. “Bringing me my medallion. And they say that our craft has no merit.”

“I am not just a horse. But our craft has gained an even worse reputation. Not many folks will forget that massacre.” Oblivion said to him.

“Yeah. So what now? You gonna fight with me?”

“Not at this moment. I care enough to ask your version, nothing more.” Oblivion replied.

“Well. Who are you? Or who were you before you were turned into a horned horse?”

Oblivion paused before answering. “I am Oblivion. And you?”


“So, what happened?”

“You know what happened.” He got up and walked to the altar and then looked back to the Alicorn. “Guess how much they wanted to pay me for the Leshen? Guess.”

Oblivion thought back to his last contract. “Fifty crowns?”

“Hah. If only.” He turned away then shook his head as he looked back to the stallion. “Twelve. Twelve crowns to risk my neck.”

Oblivion raised an eyebrow at the amount. ‘That’s almost insulting.’ He thought to himself. “What was the agreement?”

“More than double that at least.“

“Hmm.” Oblivion said nothing and waited for the Cat to continue.

“I took the contract. I figure since you’re here, you saw the post as well?” Oblivion shook his head. “How did you come here then?”

“I was close by when I caught the smell of blood.” Oblivion exclaimed.

“So even as a horse, you’re still a Witcher?”

The stallion nodded. “Body is different, nothing more.”

“So, I went and killed the thing and brought back the head. You know, normal situation.” Oblivion gave a slight nod as he listened. “So, I ask for the payment and they start the usual whining. Oh, Master Witcher, me youngin’s are starving, there’s a war going on, the soldiers took it all. Have mercy. You know, the usual attempts to avoid paying.”

Oblivion nodded. He had heard those arguments many times as well. A client haggling after the job was done is not a new occurrence. “Yes. Sounds familiar. But that’s no reason to kill.”

“I’m getting to that. So I tell them that I’m fresh out of mercy and that if they don’t pay they’ll wish they had the Leshen back. They get a grim look and then come clean. ‘Okay Master Witcher, calm down. We hid some in the barn, to keep the Baron’s men from getting it.’ They motion for me to follow and I did. Can’t believe I fell for that old trick.”

Oblivion nodded at the admittance at the statement. He had made that mistake before as well. Only took once of taking a shovel to the back for him to never do that again.

“So we go into the barn and the alderman is talking and the other comes up and catches me with the pitchfork.”

“So you massacre an entire village?”

“What would you do? Go complain to the Magistrate? I admit. I lost my temper. Badly. That’s my bad and I admit it. I’m used to shit bounties, being cheated, them always begging for less, and when I won’t budge they spit on me when I pass. But for them to murder me, over a few crowns? I’m supposed to protect whoresons like that? I drew steel and didn’t stop till the ground was slick with blood.”

Oblivion remained quiet as he spoke. He had to admit that he knew what the other Witcher meant. He had been through many of the same problems and been attacked, lied to, and betrayed his fair share of times. He regarded him for a moment before he spoke. “Why did you spare the girl?”


“The little girl. The only survivor.”

“Oh her. I was going to but... She reminded me of my sister. She’s the only one I remember from before the Trials.”

“Ahh. A lot of innocents died in that village.”

“Yeah. That is my bad. I got a bit carried away.”

“Not the first time?” Oblivion asked him, half expecting him to lie.

Gaetan looked to him as he sat back down. “What? You gonna kill me, Wolf? Then draw your blade. Don’t try to force me to confess.”

“Then get up.” Oblivion's voice cut through the light mist and the other laughed.

“So what was the point of that little chat?”

“I allow folk to defend themselves, unlike you.” Oblivion stated.

“Well. Aren’t you just a defender of the downtrodden?” He said as he got to his feet. “Can I take a drought of Swallow?”

“No.” The other looked surprised at the cold reply.

“Wow. That’s cold. How can you fight me like that anyway?”

Oblivion waited as he reached over his right shoulder and drew his steel and waited. “You’ll soon see that I have no issues with my form.”

Oblivion watched as a familiar golden light went over the others form as he activated Quen. The Alicorn was silent as he waited for the other to move. He finally stood and unsheathed his own steel and then charged at the stallion. Oblivion tossed his sword into the air and snapped his jaws around the hilt. A stomp of his hoof sent the other back as Aard rolled over him. Oblivion lunged to him and shoved his shoulder into the chest of the other, knocking him to the ground. The Cat rolled over his shoulder and back to his feet. He advanced once more and Oblivion spun, his hooves collided with the shield and it splintered under the attack. He spun to face him once more and sent a shield of his own over his body. Oblivion rammed him once more and brought his head down, his blade cutting into the other's shoulder.

The Cat yelled and jumped away from the stallion. He snarled as the Witchers stared at one another, waiting for the next bout. Gaetan watched them a low growl bubbled from him and he charged then spun to the side, his sword outstretched and Oblivion pulled back, the blade nicked into the front of his chest, leaving a cut two inches long in the meat of his chest. Oblivion jumped back and growled at the slight sting.

“You got first blood, but I got mine.” Gaetan taunted.

Oblivion growled through the hilt of his blade. He waited and slow realization coming to him as he realized that he was not as good with a blade when it was in his jaws. Gaetan lunged and Oblivion dropped the steel to the ground and reared, his hoof catching the other Witcher in the jaw. He jumped back and the Cat rubbed his jaw and smiled.

“Nice hit.” He replied to the stallion.

“Easy to hit when you’re sloppy.” Oblivion chided.

The other's eyes narrowed as anger rolled over him. Oblivion charged him and the other spun to avoid him. Oblivion spun his hip and slammed his flank into the side of the other Witcher. As he reeled back, Oblivion kicked out to the side with one hind leg, it collided violently with the other shoulder. Oblivion heard a distinctive crack of bone as the shoulder of the other began to give out. Gaetan turned to him, holding his breaking shoulder as Oblivion braced, ready. The Cat put his sword in his other hand and glared at the Unicorn. Oblivion waited, his patience showing as the other fidgeted on his feet for a moment. Gaetan charged him and Oblivion lunged into him. The others sword dug at the outside of his right shoulder, Oblivion brought his head down and a wet sound escaped Gaetan as he gasped. Oblivion looked up and found that his gamble had worked. His horn was sharp and more than capable of causing injury. It had gone through the Cat Witcher's left ribs and he pulled away from the Alicorn. He stepped back a short distance and brought his sword arm up. Oblivion knew he was in a tight spot and reared back as high as he dared, flaring his large wings. The stallion snarled as the air from his wings threw the other to the ground. Oblivion reached down and picked up his steel in his claws and spun. He drove the weapon into the chest of the downed Witcher. The sword dug into the earth under him and Oblivion watched as he gasped for a few seconds, then stilled.

“May the soil lie light upon you.” Oblivion said aloud.

He gripped his blade in his claws and wiped it off on the man’s shirt, then slid it back into place. He paused as the others sword caught his attention. He reached down and picked it up after he cleaned it off he could see that it was well made and, while shorter in length than his own blade, it would make a good addition to his collection. He rolled the dead Witcher to his side and cut the scabbard off his back. He sat back and tied the sword in scabbard next to the others on his back. He was hesitant to try his saddlebags for more than what they held at that moment. He turned to face the body, then walked away with a derisive snort. His attention went to the small cuts on his chest and shoulder. The cut to the chest would heal in a short time. His eyes fell on the deeper gash on his right shoulder. While it bled sluggishly he knew that it was superficial and would not be of any trouble to him. He began to trot back to the village when he saw a shallow pond. He went to it and dunked his horn and forehead into the cool water, washing it of blood. Once done he shook himself free of water and looked to the village.

The stallion trotted back to Millie, to find her snuggled against the tree trunk where he had left her. She looked up and a smile crossed her young face. She stood up and waited for him to reach her. “Yer back! I didn’t know if ye would come back. But ya did.”

He nodded to her as he spoke. “Yes. I’m fine. He will not hurt anyone ever again.”

“Will you take me to my Auntie?” She asked him.

“Yes. Come now, little one.” He began to turn as she spoke up.

“Can I ride on your back?” She asked of him, her voice quiet.

He looked back to her and looked to the sky, as though in deep thought. He glanced down to her and nodded. “I suppose. So long as you promise not to pull my hair.” He replied to her as he knelt down.

“I promise!” She said to him, a wide smile crossing her mouth.

“All right then.” He waited as she scrambled over his wings and onto his back. He got to his hooves and turned to leave for the village.

“You have wings too?”


“Can ye fly?”

“I can, yes.” He flicked his wings out and hovered a foot above the ground for a moment, to Millie’s clear delight, as she squealed with glee from her place on his back. He dropped gently back to the ground and began to walk once more.

She hugged his neck and sat quietly on his back as he walked her the mile to Oreton. He helped her slide off his back as they reached the back of the house that belonged to her family. “Go ahead and bring her around back here.” He said to her and the child smiled as she skipped around the front.

“Auntie!” She chirped.

“Millie! Ye naughty child, what are ye doing here?”

“Come with me.” She said to her Aunt.

Oblivion watched as she dragged her by the hand to the back to the house. Her eyes widened at the sight of the horse behind her house. She advanced on him when Millie tugged her hand to stop her. “He saved me.”

“He did?”

“Yes.” Oblivion spoke up as he knew he was going to need to explain things.

She stared at him as he spoke to her. “You are a talking horse?”

“No. He’s a good Witcher.” Millie said to her, her smile beginning to fade at the mention of the profession.

Oblivion said nothing to her immediately. “I do talk, yes. I am a Witcher, despite how I appear. Don’t worry too much about it.” He said to her after a moment.

“But ye…” She began.

“I know. It’s not a common sight. Don’t worry about it. I am one of a kind, I assure you.”

“Very well.” Her tone was guarded as she heard his words.

“I found her in the village. Why don’t you go and play little one?” He said to her and nudged her away from them with a hoof. She nodded and did as she was instructed. “The village was massacred, she’s the only survivor.” He explained once the child was out of earshot.

“Massacred? By who, bandits?”

Oblivion paused. He was inclined to tell her the truth, though he had a feeling she would react badly to the knowledge. “It was done by a Witcher from the School of the Cat.”

Her eyes hardened for a moment before she spoke. “Then folk have the right of it then. Heartless and cruel. Murderers the lot of ye.”

“Not all.” Oblivion responded, his tone flat. He was used to the hatred that came from him being a Witcher. “He paid for the action with the ultimate cost.”

“Ye think that’s all it takes? Fer folk to ferget?” She snapped back to him.

“No. They won’t forget. They will continue to fear and hate us. That will not change. I have grown used to it. It doesn’t matter in the end. I didn’t come to make peace. You’ll look after her?” He said to her.

She sighed and her shoulder slumped at his question. “Truth be told, she be better off with ye.”

“You call me a murderer, then you entrust this child to me?” He said to her, his neck craned up at her words.

“Ye shan’t let her walk around with an empty belly. I got four grandkids of me own. Was six, but buried two last winter. Hard to live on naught but bark soup.” She explained, her voice tired.

Oblivion could hear the defeat and sorrow in her voice as she glanced to the little girl, playing several feet away from them. He looked to the little girl and sighed. He sat down as he reached back to his saddlebags. He pulled a small pouch of coin and checked the amount before he looked to her.

“Here. Use this for food only. There are one hundred crowns in that pouch. If I come back here and find you drinking…” He left the threat open as his claws dropped the pouch into her hands.

She looked into the pouch, then to him, shock in her expression. “So much? Gods reward ye. Ye aren’t like any Witcher I heard of. Ye are a good un’. A thousand blessings on you, Master Witcher.”

Oblivion nodded and walked over to the child. “Time for me to go, little one.”

She stood up and looked up at him. “Why?”

“A Witcher is always moving. It’s a part of what we are. We are always on the Path.”

She nodded in understanding and looked to the ground. “You come to visit me?”

“I might. Take care and behave, little one.” He leaned forward and nuzzled her gently and backed away from her. She nodded and looked up at her Aunt as she came to her.

“Come, Millie, dear. We’s gonna do some shopping, yer Aunt will make ye some pancakes. Come now.” She said to her and took her hand to lead her away. Her Aunt looked back to him and a smile crept onto her features and she nodded, respectfully to him.

He nodded back to her and backed away from the house. He glanced once over his shoulder as he went into the fog that covered the forest floor, as the day began to fade to the dark of night.

38: The Effect of Loss...

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Twilight looked out the window as the train hurtled back to Ponyville. The fact that Oblivion was missing weighed heavily on her. She glanced at the others and found them all to be quiet and somber. Even Pinkie was quiet. Sasa had laid down on the floor by Twilight's hooves. Spike sat on the floor of the train and ran his claws through the she-cats fur. The feline hadn’t said anything since they had left Canterlot. Despite having the sandbox that she could use to write messages to the ponies around her. Twilight looked back outside and sighed.

“So any ideas, Twi?” Applejack asked her from her seat across the aisle.

Twilight gathered her thoughts before speaking. “Well. Where does he usually go to? I know he runs in the mornings.”

Applejack was quiet for a moment. “He runs in the Everfree. Sasa.” The feline looked to her at her name. “You know the paths he uses. Can you lead us in?” Sasa nodded in response to the farm mare.

The feline said nothing as the train kept up a steady pace. She focused and reached out to her Chosen once more. But as with all her other cries to him, all she received was silence. She looked to the purple Unicorn closest to her and then laid her head back to the train floor. Reaching out to him so far had netted no results for her. As the train weaved around a corner she sighed. ‘He would have responded by now if he could. So, that means that he is unable to reply. The question is then, why?’ The she-cat though over the possibilities as the train began to slow to a halt. She rose with the mares and felt Spike jump to her back, his claws gripping her long fur. She looked back to him and purred before moving to keep up with the others.

Twilight looked back to the others and led them back to the library to discuss their next course of action. “Okay girls. We need to check around see what we can find out. Perhaps, somepony has seen him recently. While this is unlikely, it is still an avenue we should look into.”

“Why don’t we put up fliers?” Pinkie piped in, earning a grumble from the feline a foot away.

“We can’t,” Twilight responded.

“We need to keep the fact that the Element of Spirit is missing a secret Pinkie, dear.” Rarity responded.

“Oh.” The pink mare nodded and sat down at the reminder.

“What about the Element?” Applejack suddenly spoke up.

“What about it?” Rainbow looked to the orange mare. “It’s gone too…Remember?”

“Not what Ah meant, Rainbow.” The mare snapped back. “Ah mean can we use the others to find it?”

Twilight blinked at the reply and sat back on her haunches, contemplating the idea. “I am not sure if that would work but it can’t hurt to ask about the chance.” She replied and pulled a scroll and quill from the nearby table and penned out a question to her mentor. “Spike.” She gave the scroll to the baby dragon, who sent it with a quick puff of green fire.

“You think it would be that easy?” Fluttershy asked.

“It would be hardly easy. But, you would think that due to the connection between them that they would be able to sense each other. Oblivion keeps his Element with him at all times, so the idea would be to use the connection of the Elements to find him.”

Sasa suddenly nosed Twilight and sat by her. The Unicorn nodded and the sandbox appeared close to her, allowing her to speak aloud. “That will not work.”

“Why not?” Spike asked her.

“They need all the Elements to even function. Spirit is essential to the group of them. That particular Element is also very potent. While the other six are strong alone, the full power of the Elements can only be activated by the Element of Spirit. It is the main power source behind them.” She clarified through several messages.

Twilight grimaced as she finished speaking the feline’s message aloud. “Well, that answers that question. So, for now, they are useless?” She asked.

“Unfortunately, yes.” Sasa replied.

As if to emphasize the point Spike burped and a scroll dropped into his claws. The baby dragon unfurled it and read it aloud.


While the idea to use the Elements had not been discussed until now, I have to admit that the strength of the Elements comes from the Element of Spirit itself. So without the power that particular Element holds the others cannot fully charge. While I wish this was different my sister and I spoke of this and were reminded of the power needed to use the Elements is not currently available. Do not lose hope my faithful student.


“Damn.” Rainbow cursed under her breath. “I have to admit Sasa, I hoped you were wrong.”

Sasa nodded. “Me too.”

The mares were silent as Spike set the letter aside and sat down. “Well, we can’t do anything right now since it’s too dark to see anything. We don’t have Oblivion’s vision to guide us through the dark. So... Meet back tomorrow morning and we can start following his running paths.”

The mares nodded and slowly got their hooves to leave. Applejack stopped and looked to Sasa before she left the library. “Ya’ll staying here, Sasa?” The sabercat nodded and Applejack smiled as she left, closing the door behind her.

Twilight waited till they were gone and groaned. Her magic pulled maps and other materials from the shelves and she motioned for Sasa to join her at the table. Sasa looked over the materials and then to the mare at her side.

“Okay, Sasa. I’m hoping that you and I can figure out a start point and then use the maps to lead all of us through the forest.” Sasa nodded and looked to the map in front of her.

Spike climbed onto the table and sat on the edge closest to Twilight. “So do you really think he is close by?” He asked the educated mare beside him.

Twilight looked away from him at his question, then back to the map. “I need to believe that he is close to us, Spike. While I can’t help but be concerned for him I need to focus on what I can do right now. Otherwise…” She paused and sat down. “Otherwise, it feels like we lost him and I won’t find him, no matter how hard I look for him.”

Sasa leaned in and nuzzled the mare and purred to her. The she-cat ran her tongue over the mare’s fur, smoothing it. Spike reached over and set a clawed hand on her shoulder and tried to smile for her.

“We’ll find him. Twilight. Right, Sasa?” Spike looked to the feline, while he tried to sound upbeat for the saddened mare.

Sasa reached back and wrote a message in the sand for the mare. “Of course. Though I can’t shake the feeling that he will simply show up and wonder why we are making such a fuss.”

Twilight giggled at the message and nodded. “That sounds like something he would do. Then he’ll brush it off and keep going.” She chuckled and a smile crossed her muzzle.

“Yeah. He will so do that.” Spike replied.

Twilight sniffled and looked back to the maps in front of her. “Okay, Sasa. So he usually starts out at the farm.” The feline nodded. “So does he use the same entrance that we used the first time we went into the Everfree?”

“No.” Sasa replied with a flick of her claws in the sands. “The one off the northern orchard.”

“That’s really far out of the way.” Twilight replied to her.

“True. Understand that he does not walk or trot this route. He actually is at a quick lope and then into a gallop the closer he gets to the forest.” She supplied.

Twilight put a mark on the back end of the map and sat back on her haunches as she went over the map. “What route does he use inside the forest? There are a few trails inside the forest that are mapped out.”

Sasa shook her head again at the mare’s inquiry. “He uses game trails mostly. He avoids the main roads.”

“Why in Equestria would he do that? It’s dangerous.” Twilight replied.

Spike looked at the mare for a moment. “Twilight. You do realize what pony you’re talking about, right?”

Twilight's eyes widened and she was silent, a flush went over her cheeks as she gave a nervous chuckle. “Good point, Spike.”

Sasa chuffed and nuzzled the mare. “The trails he uses are not on the maps. I can lead you easily enough.” Sasa wrote out and waited as the mare nodded. Clear sadness in her eyes as she looked to the maps.

“It’ll be okay, Twilight. He’ll come back. Its Oblivion, he’ll be fine.” Spike said to her, cheer in his voice as he jumped off the table to land beside the mare.

The mare smiled weakly but nodded to him. “Okay. Time for bed then. The girls will be over early so we need to get some rest. You coming up with us, Sasa?”

The feline nodded and got to her paws, following them up the stairs. She paused at the top of the stairs and looked out the window, toward the moon. “Be careful, Chosen. Please be careful and return to us.” She whispered out to him.

“What were ya out doin’ all day?” Granny Smith questioned Applejack as she came through the door.

“Ah was helpin’ Twilight and then we needed to go to Canterlot ta help out the Princess.” She replied. She had been asked to keep his disappearance quiet, so she skirted the truth as much as she could allow herself to do.

“Ah. So that’s what ya were up ta.” She nodded and sat down at the table. “So ya eatin’?”

Applejack nodded and smiled as her grandmother began to go up the stairs. Big Mac sat down at the table with her and they waited till the elder mare’s door closed.

“So what were ya really up ta?” He asked her. She was quiet and her jaw clenched as she didn’t look up at his words. “AJ?” His voice held more force than his earlier inquiry and he waited, leaning forward on the table between them.

“He’s missin.” She finally whispered.

Mac leaned back slightly at her words and his ears flicked forward, uncertain that he had heard her right. “Who’s missin’?”

She looked up to him at his question. Her eyes watered slightly at his glance. “Oblivion.” She finally whispered aloud.

Mac startled and looked at her, certain he had heard wrong. “Oblivion. Our Oblivion?” He asked her, hoping he had heard wrong. She nodded, silent. “How long he been missin’?”

Applejack inhaled and thought it over. “A few days, ah think.”

“So, he went ta help get rid o’ some monsters and that’s when he vanished? Ah thought he had others with him? What about Sasa?”

"He came back after getting rid of one of the monsters and then left again. When he left Canterlot, he left Sasa at the castle with the Princesses. Then he teleported somewhere to follow another lead.” Applejack kept quiet about some of the details she had heard in Canterlot. “They tried sendin’ a letter to him and it came back without him readin’ it. They said that there was a huge emergency, one that woulda brought him running back and there was no response.”

“Ah see.” Mac was quiet as he thought over what he had been told. “So, do ya have any idea where he is?”

“No. He didn’t tell anypony where he was going, just that he was looking into something on his own.” She responded.

“Ah’m gonna give him a talkin’ to about that.” Mac replied and leaned back on his haunches. “But we gotta find ‘im first.”

“The girls and I are going out tomorrow to see if there is any trace ah him close by. He goes for runs in the morning so we hope we can find anything on his running route.”

“He doesn’t follow the normal paths.” Mac informed her. Applejack looked at him, her eyes questioning. “He follows the game trails. He uses them when he hunts.” Mac informed her.

Applejack's eyes went wide as she realized that her elder brother was correct. “Ah fergot. Ah fergot that he hunts. How could Ah ferget?”

“Ya are a bit stressed ah think. So it’s okay.” He said to her, his voice landing on the soothing side of chiding her. “Well. Ya can tell Twilight in the morning and she can figure it out with ya.”

“Sasa is over there with her, so I’m sure she has mentioned it. Well. I mean she will mention that he follows the game trails. Not why he does.” She amended.

“That’s true. Can Sasa speak ta ‘er?”

“The Princess made a sandbox for her to use her claws to write messages in. We brought it back with us.”

“That makes it easier. Ya just focus on what ya can do, it’ll work out.” He said to her and stood up to go upstairs. “Ya need ta rest as well, Applejack.”

She nodded and got to her hooves as well, following him up the stairs. She stopped next to Apple Bloom's door and slowly pushed the door open. The filly slept quietly as Applejack approached her and sat down beside her bed. The orange mare looked up and saw the drawings Oblivion had taught her to do, as well as the ones he had done for her. The farm mare looked to her youngest sibling and closed her eyes as she tried to hold herself together. ‘Nothing in the world could stop Oblivion, he’s an Alicorn.’ She thought to herself and slowly got up from her place beside the bed and walked to the door.

She closed it gently behind her and went to her own room. She closed the door behind her, walked to her nightstand, flicked the light on and sat down next to her dresser. She pulled the tie out of her hair and set it down, brushing her mane and tail and slid into her bed, turning off the lamp at her bedside. She laid staring up at the ceiling as the fact that the black stallion seemed to have vanished began to bite at her. She inhaled and released the breath she was holding. She spun around and buried her face in the pillow, allowing herself to cry for a few minutes as she thought about the missing stallion.

Sasa awoke from her place on Twilight's floor beside the bed and looked at the baby dragon in his basket beside her. She sat up and saw his blanket had fallen off of his form. She picked the blanket up in her teeth and gently laid it over the dragon. She looked to Twilight and found the mare to be sleeping peacefully as the she-cat left the room and walked out past the kitchen and into the main floor. She looked up and saw the window above the door and sat down, allowing the moonlight to ghost over her fur. She sat in silence as the moonlight washed over her and she could feel the calm of the night coming over her. Her nerves had been on edge since the discovery that Oblivion was missing. While she had been upset that he blocked her out and left her behind, she had a pretty good sense of why he had acted as he did.

“Chosen. You could have simply told me to stay. I would have argued, but in the end, I would done as you had asked of me.” She whispered through the connection she had to him. She only received silence in reply, but it was helping her to speak to him. She laid down in the moonlight and curled herself into as tight a ball as she was able and closed her eyes. The stallion’s loss weighed heavily on her as she tried to sleep once more. She laid in silence but soon found herself looking back to the moon.

“Chosen. Please be safe. You are needed here. But most of all…” She whispered out to him, as a choked breath escaped her. “You are loved.”

Oblivion was silent as he pushed his body back against the small cave that he had found. His wings pulled from his sides and he wrapped himself in their warmth as much as he was able, without damaging them. His saddlebags sat on the ground beside him as he allowed himself to rest, having spent the majority of the day racing at a near gallop. His body had easily kept up the hard pace he set and his wings had flown him over canyons and other dangers. He had run into a few Nekkers on the way but they had fallen quickly and he continued his trek. His ears flicked, listening as he closed his eyes and sighed.

“There must be a way to get back. My place is no longer here.” He whispered to himself as he opened his eyes and looked out of the opening of the cave. “I am no longer of the Northern Realms.” He spoke aloud as his ears flicked at the sound of laughter. A couple of young humans entered his vision and he watched as they ran together and laughed, enjoying the cool night air. He raised his head and watched as they trotted from his sight. He sighed and looked back to his Alicorn form.

“I am no longer welcome here.” He whispered and lowered his head back to the dirt of the caver floor. “I am now a visitor here.”

The Alicorn went quiet as he hugged his wings around his body and let them keep him warm and comfortable as he laid in silence, his eyes closed, giving his mind to the darkness of sleep, his thoughts setting on the world he belonged to and strove to return to.

39: A Medallion Found...

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Oblivion opened one eye as the dawn broke. His body alert as he flicked his ears, listening for anything nearby. His wings flicked as he got to his hooves, shaking the feeling of sleep from his form. He reached back and wrapped the girth strap of his saddlebags into place and removed his map. He had traveled several miles from the last town, Oreton. He sat in silence as he scanned the map in his claws.

“Oreton was to the southwest, so I am heading in the basic direction of the borders. Now how would I track down a mage?” His mind went over possible options to try to return to Equestria but nothing short of a magic portal would work.

His mind raced over the mages he knew and he grimaced. He was on good terms with only a few mages or sorceresses. Most he did not trust enough to see him in his current form. He folded his map and set it in his right saddle bag and angled his body for the nearest border. The area he was currently in was right between two separate countries. His direction now was to head for the joined border and choose where to go from there. While flying would be easier and much faster he was hesitant due to humans looking to the skies. He paused as he gave a short shake of his head.

“Humans…Have I truly stopped seeing myself as being among them to the point where they are a species to avoid?” He asked himself as he began to walk forward once more.

The black Alicorn was quiet as he picked his way through the bushes and trees of the dense forest. He paused beside a pond and looked down. His orange eyes glared back at him from the darkness of his fur. His fur was dirty and blood matted his fur on his chest and shoulder. He looked over his form and found that he was covered in dirt and dried mud. His wings were dirt-covered, changing their lustrous black to gray. He groaned but didn’t start to try to fix the issue. “If I need to hide what I look like, then dirt can do that just as well.” He commented to himself, despite having grown accustomed while in Equestria to a regular bath.

His hooves carried him over the dense grasses and toward the center of the area, a fetid swamp that he had passed through with Geralt, months prior. He saw a small tree in his path and hopped over it, his hooves struck the ground and he sank up to his knees in the muck. A deep sigh escaped him and he looked down to the ground that now had engulfed his hooves. The Alicorn tried to pull his hooves out of the muck but it held fast.

“Gods Below.” A curse escaped him as his wings pulled from his sides and he used the power in the wings themselves to get out of the mud pit he had jumped into.

A hard sucking sound hit his ears as he finally pulled himself free. He set down a few feet forward and shook himself, trying to dislodge some of the mud. He stilled as a sound caught his ears. A strangled gurgle caught him as he looked around him. His wings laid against his sides as he listened. The sound of bubbling water sounded close by. His eyes widened slightly as he was able to recognize the sounds. “Drowner.” He whispered as he jumped into a hard gallop through the muck and swamp grasses. He was forced to slow when the trees narrowed and nearly blocked his exit. He rammed into the trees and felt them giving way under the pressure from his body. He yelped as the pain went through his right flank. He kicked out instinctively and was greeted with a loud crunching sound followed by a wet sound. A drowner fell to the soupy ground after the hard buck from the Witchers heels. Oblivion gripped the muck with his claws and surged through the trees. He found himself in a semi-open area and spun to face the drowners behind him.

He reached back and his silver blade slid from its sheath and he set it in his jaws and waited. There were three to five drowners and they weaved through the trees as well, their gaze hungrily focused on the black stallion. He ignored the stinging pain from the gashes in his flank and focused on the monsters before him. When they stopped and backed away from the circle of trees he had crashed through he watched, surprised at their sudden retreat. The Witcher watched, his brow furrowed, as they vanished into the muck of the swamp. The black stallion waited for several minutes before sheathing his blade and looking to analyze the gashes in his flank. The drowner had caught him just behind his hip and had torn the flesh for several inches.

“That’s what I get for showing my heels. Next time I’ll just fight in place. Worst that can happen is I get flanked again.” He said aloud to himself as he turned to leave the swamp. A familiar tree stood tall behind him. The tree stood on a small hill that elevated it out of the swamps muck. He walked around the small hill and found the entrance to the small cave that a Godling, called Johnny called home. He remembered that strange little being with some fondness, despite him being a post Conjunction being. A Godling was generally harmless, but they wielded powerful magic of their own, depending on their own situations. The entrance was shrouded in light-colored moss and nearly hidden by hanging roots and more of the soft moss.

“Hmm. Wonder if Johnny is home?” He leaned into the entrance and looked around as best he was able. ‘Perhaps he can add some insight into my current situation.’

“Johnny?” He called out into the small hole in the ground and waited for a response. He kept his eyes trained on the entrance, recalling how the little Godling had managed to startle both himself and Geralt when they had looked away from the entrance. Johnny had chosen to appear at that moment, earning a startled reaction from both Witchers. “Not here then.”

Oblivion stepped back and looked away. He waited for several seconds before looking once more, finding nothing looking back to him. ‘Thought he might pull the same trick again.’ Oblivion admitted to himself as he stepped back and leaned back on his haunches as he looked away from the tree, focusing on where he should head to get out of the swamp. The black Alicorn started to walk away from the tree as something impacted on his back. He yelped and immediately bucked when the object remained he plunged ahead and bucked several times. When that failed he plunged ahead and then put his head down and somersaulted himself forward, landing violently on his back. A shout of surprise sounded as the Witcher hauled himself to his hooves and began to reach for his sword when a childlike laugh caught his ears.

“Hello, Johnny.” He said aloud and turned to look at the Godling, who skipped in place, clapping in amusement at the now soaked Witcher.

“Not sure how you know me, but I’m no boor, I'll greet ya.” He chirped out and jumped to the ground, several feet in front of the Witcher.

“It has been a while since we last spoke.” Oblivion admitted, trying to shake his coat dry.

“And you are?” Johnny asked him.


“Oh, the other silver hair! Been a long time, you know. You should check in with your friends more often.” The Godling chastised him with a wide smile.

Johnny was as he remembered him to be. Wide yellow eyes, a wreath of twigs around his head and a red scarf around his neck. He stood close to four and a half feet tall.

“That is true,” Oblivion replied.

“Though I think I may have ya confused for another person.” Oblivion waited as he kept speaking. “The person I knew by that name was not a…Whatever you are.”

“That’s not very polite.” Oblivion chided him, in good humor. “Neither is falling on them from on high.”

“Yeah, sorry about that. I was a bit surprised when you flipped over to try to land on me.”

“What would you have done?” Oblivion asked him.

The Godling was quiet. “Maybe…stop and look back…or nah…probably the same thing.”

“I thought so.” He replied. “I have need of some information, Johnny.”

“Wait.” The Godling held up his hands and waved them at the Alicorn, earning him silence. “You still haven’t told me what you are. Or what you once were. There is a lot of magic around you. It’s actually hard to focus on it. Not sure what happened to ya, but you are not from here.” He said to the listening stallion.

Oblivion sighed and took the weight off his right hind leg. “Very well. Where would you like me to begin?”

“How do you know me?” He questioned.

Oblivion gave a short sigh. “You are going to make me remind you?” The Godling smiled widely. “Very well. We met when I and another Witcher, Geralt, came through here seeking a young woman. She was dropped off in the swamp and made her way into the Crones' hands by accident.”

Johnny looked at him intently and nodded. “I remember that. She interrupted my morn.”

Oblivion nodded. “That she did. Geralt and I helped you to find your lost voice after it had been taken from you and hid in a crow’s nest on high. Above a waterfall, I believe.”

“Ah! Yes, I know you now. But you were a human before.”

“I was never a full human, Johnny. I am a Witcher, still, am.” Oblivion clarified. “Though my form is a vast change than the last we met.”

“Right. So, what happened?” Johnny asked, his eyes going over the form of the Alicorn.

“It’s a long story. Basically, I was in a fight with two Leshen and when I was struck by one of them I awoke in a different…a world I suppose is the right word.”

He paused as Johnny’s eyes widened and he stared blatantly at the Witcher. “So that’s why you reek like that!”

Oblivion felt outraged boil in him for a moment, before it was quashed. He had forgotten that for the most part, Godlings speak exactly what they are thinking. His face was blank as he looked at him. “Pardon?”

“Oh. Well, I guess reek is the wrong word. It’s like when lightning hits. You know that smell?” Oblivion nodded. “It’s like that only there’s more to it. I guess that’s not clear enough.”

“Its fine, Johnny. I understand what you mean.” Oblivion assured him before he could go on a long tirade about the feel and smell of the stallion.

“Right. So what do you need me for?”

“I just need to ask a few questions.” He replied to the childlike creature before him. “I am hoping you can clear up a few things. I am unsure exactly how I am back here.”

Johnny walked up to him and vaulted onto his back, earning an angry look from the stallion under him. “You start walking and talking. Standing there all day is boring.”

Oblivion fought back a snarl and inhaled a breath before speaking further. “I had found the target of a hunt inside some ruins. She was able to kick me through an active portal and I awoke in the Northern Realms once more.” He replied as he picked his way through the swamp. He looked back at his passenger as he spun around and laid his back over the black Alicorn’s withers.

“What ruins?”

“They did not have a name. Though they did resemble some of the ancient Elven ruins that I have been in.” Oblivion clarified.

“Okay. So they were from here?” Johnny piped up.

“Perhaps. Though that makes no sense.” He replied. “They had been there for a very long time. According to those I spoke with.” He grunted when Johnny’s feet landed on his flanks, one of the deep claw marks. “Kindly watch where you put your feet.” He said over his shoulder.

“Right.” Johnny sat up and looked to the gashes. “So what happened then?”

“I found myself here. This was about three days ago or so.”

Johnny sat up and jumped off the stallions back. “So you’re from another world now, then?”

Oblivion paused before he spoke. “It seems that way.”

“Oh, don’t sound so put out by it.” The Godling chided him. “Besides, you seem to be okay there. Or are you planning on staying here?”

“I do not wish to remain here. I have a purpose to fulfill.” He replied, surprised at his own wording.

“Thought so. So you need a way to travel across worlds. I have heard tales of a way to move like that. But not personally.”

“These stories say anything about how?”

“Something about a tree… I think.” The Godling shrugged as the stallion snorted in annoyance. “Okay, okay, fine. Stay.”

Oblivion watched as the Godling jumped up and scaled a slim tree and looked out. “Okay, you remember the Crones place?”

“Unfortunately.” Oblivion replied from the ground.

“Well, they have books and that’s how I heard this story.” Johnny replied to him and began to climb down the tree. “Oh!” The Godling slipped and fell from the tree. Oblivion lunged up and got a mouthful of the red bandana around the Godlings neck. He gripped it in his teeth and as he gently set the Godling back on the marshy ground.

“Nice.” The childlike creature said to him after straightening his bandana. “Okay, come on.”

He swung one thin arm and bade the Witcher follow closely behind him. Oblivion kept an easy pace just behind the Godling. The last time he had been anywhere near the Crones place was when they had helped the Bloody Baron to find his wife and take her away to find a cure for her madness. He had avoided the place since. It made his skin crawl and the odor from it was vile, death and blood in equal measure. Johnny looked back to make sure he was close by and started to forge ahead. The Alicorn trotted to keep up and then lengthened his walking stride to keep up. They reached the small village and they both paused. Oblivion listened as the wind went through the trees and the old houses creaked. He remained at Johnny’s side as the Godling tried to look less nervous. Oblivion waited, the last time he had tripped around in this area his medallion had shaken enough to make noise on its silver chain.

“I don’t sense anything.” He said aloud, startling the Godling by his hooves. The child looked up at him.

“Me neither. But, I don’t like it.” He replied, his voice thin and quiet.

“Neither do I. But, if that story you recall is here, then we will look for it.” He said and began to walk toward the buildings. Oblivion glanced back and found the Godling stomping his feet for a moment before seeming to gather his courage and chasing after the stallion.

”I haven’t seen the Crones since the Sabbath.” Johnny remarked.

“I know that two of them fell.”

”What!?” Johnny yelped, his eyes wide.

“To the lass that you met there.” Oblivion responded to his high reply.

“That little thing?” He replied, his expression uncertain.

“Yes. She was trained by Witchers and has a power of her own…” Oblivion paused as the thought of the young woman caught his focus. “A moment. She can trip across worlds. Is it possible that she could send me back to the one I came from?” He asked the Godling.

Johnny looked thoughtful but shrugged in response. “I don’t know. You don’t have magic here so you can’t jump the worlds with her.”

“That’s true. Avallac'h is the only one that I know of that can travel with her.”

“Avall…what?” Johnny asked.

Oblivion gave a low chuckle at the response from his current traveling companion. “An Elven Sage.” Oblivion informed him. “He hid her for years to avoid the Wild Hunt.”

“So she fought the Crones and got rid of two of them?”

“Yes. She did that while Geralt went after Imlerith.”

“Oh? And?”

“He was victorious of course.” Oblivion replied as he waited for the Godling to finally draw up to his side. Oblivion began to walk forward when his medallion began to shake, violently on its silver chain. “Wait…” Oblivion paused and spoke in a whisper as Johnny began to walk past him. The ground under his hooves trembled and the Witcher lunged forward, his teeth digging into the red cloth and the nape of the Godlings neck. A childlike scream sounded as Oblivion yanked him back and threw him to land several feet into the swamp. Oblivion saw the child stand up and a furious look was on his face. The look went from anger to fear as he looked past the Alicorn.

Weavess emerged from the mist in the center of the small village. The Crone had one eyes covered and the other emitted small insects from the holes in it. A red cap covered her head and her clothes were still rags and a pair of legs came from her abdomen. She moved in an odd fashion as if she was twitching at all times. While that had not been the case the last time he had seen her, he doubted that she would be glad to see him. She didn’t speak as she stared at him and then bad to the Godling. He heard Johnny whimper quietly and the Witcher shifted to block her view of him with his flanks. The Crone was silent as her head angled back to stare at him.

“I can sense you.” She said to him, her voice quiet and was carried on the breeze.

“I’m sure.” Oblivion replied to her.

“You were here once. Though your form was of a man once.”


“We helped you once.”

“You did. In your own way.” He responded to her. “Your sisters fell to Ciri on the day of the Sabbath. The same day that Imlerith was felled by my fellow Witcher.”

She jerked and a quiet cry escaped her. “We lost favor that day.”

“I don’t think you much cared about the Wild Hunts favor or any others.” Oblivion interrupted her. “But you did take something from her. I want it back.” Oblivion said to her as he remembered Ciri speaking of losing Vesemir’s medallion.

“The medallion?” She reached into a pocket under her rags and produced the mentioned wolfs head medallion. “I will be keeping it. As payment for the loss of my sisters. I will add yours to it and then hunt down the other Witchers. When I finish there will be none in the world.” She snarled to him and swallowed the medallion.

Oblivion fought back a growl and simply regarded her. He recalled what Ciri had told him of the fight with the three Crones and he knew that he was going to have to employ a hit and run strategy with the Crone before him. He could tell that she had become more crazed since the loss of the sisters and he planned to use that to his advantage. He reached back and pulled his silver sword from its baldric and gripped it in his teeth. He figured that he could use one hoof to strike her, despite not having as good a movement with his claws. If all else failed he would use his teeth and claws on her. His horn had shown itself to be sharp and able to be used as a weapon as well.

He side passed away from Johnny, who had wisely hidden, his eyes on the single Crone. She reached at him for a moment then began to move with him, mirroring his movement. The Crone was silent as she waited for him to move. Oblivion tapped one hoof and Quen slid over his form, the gold hue of the shield showing him it was active. He knew that he still had Relict Oil on the silver sword so it would bite at the Crone and make any wounds worse. The Crone screamed and charged him, the stallion spun to face her and charged her as well. She swung to hit his face and he reared to his hind legs and stuck out with his forehooves. His claws reached for her and she vanished in a burst of crows. Oblivion jumped back and began to walk slowly around, waiting for the Crone to reappear.

The black Alicorn stopped and closed his eyes, allowing his ears to do the work for him. The flapping of wings caught his focus and he spun to the right, avoiding an attack from Weavess. He spun his body back and his blade cut into her shoulder. She screamed and vanished once more. Oblivion looked to the weapon and saw blood dripping off it. He snorted at the scent and flicked his head to remove the blood from the blade. He jumped forward at the sound of wings and evaded a strike from the Crone's own claws. Her fingers were long and ended in a set of broken nails, their edges sharp. She charged him and he bucked, hitting her in the face with one of his hooves.

Oblivion yelped as one of her hands caught his right hind leg, barely missing tearing his hamstring. He jumped forward to avoid her and she charged him again. While he was a bit taken aback by her methods he could see that madness over her own loss had affected more than he thought it would have. He spun to face her and reared up to meet her. She clawed at him and was able to cut into his girth, barely behind his saddlebags. He pulled his right foreleg over and was able to swipe his claws over her face. She reeled back and screamed as blood streamed from her face. Oblivion went to the ground and realized that he had blinded her. He barely heard the cheer from the Godling as he charged her once more. He lowered his head, dropped his sword, and his horn tore into her. She screamed and her hands gripped his head as she flailed her nails tearing into his shoulder and along the right side of his face. He flung his head back and she sailed over his back and collided violently with the ground behind him.

She screamed and clawed at her punctured abdomen, the legs that came from her flopped to the side of her body. Oblivion shook his head and jumped to finish her off. His hooves came down on her chest and she tore at him once more. Her hand grasped his right foreleg and she pulled on it, trying to pull him to the ground, where he was more vulnerable. Oblivion pulled back from her as his wings pulled from his sides. The oversized wings beat mightily as he was elevated by them. The Alicorn snarled at the strength of her grip as his wings lifted him from the ground and he shifted his body in the air and took off. He heard her screaming and he looked down to find her grasping his leg with both hands. The stallion barrel rolled to try to dislodge her.

When her nails dug into his hock he snarled and angled for the ground, intending to slam her into the ground to loosen her grip. His wings folded tight to his body as he angled for the ground. Allowing his body to gain speed as the ground rushed up at him. He flared his wings just before hitting the ground and she collided with the earth and released his leg. Oblivion backpedaled in the air to land several feet behind her. She wailed and flailed as much as she was able on the ruined ground. Oblivion looked around and heard a short whistle. Johnny held his sword and he tossed it into the air and Oblivion spun to catch it in his claws and then he used his momentum to drive the blade through the Crone, ending her insanity.

Oblivion backed up a step as she stilled. He inhaled a breath and held it for a moment then released the breath, calming himself. He looked to the Godling, who came to his side and watched as the corpse remained still and silent. While the fight had been short it took a toll on the Witcher and he groaned as his wounds acted up. He growled as the pain hit him, and then looked to the Godling.

“I apologize for throwing you, Johnny. I didn’t think I would have enough time to tell you to run.” He said to the Godling at his side.

“It’s okay. I know why you did it. Though if you had yelled…” He said and then paused.

“You would not have moved.” Oblivion responded while he paused.

“I would have…Okay, no your right.” The Godling shook his head and regained his usual good humor.

“Well if you don’t mind holding still, I can dress that wound for you.” Oblivion offered, seeing as how he had caused it he knew that decorum said he should help if he was able.

“Nah, I’m okay. You’re in need of more help than I am.”

Oblivion snorted and nodded. “True enough.” Oblivion removed his saddlebags and pulled out his potions. He hadn’t used them before since he had no way to make them again in Equestria. He found his Superior Swallow potion and downed the liquid. He growled at the familiar taste and sat quietly, feeling his energy return to him. It helped, but he knew that he had tears along his neck and face as well as the cuts to his fore and hind legs. Oblivion sighed as he rooted through the same saddlebag. He was looking for a specific potion. He set the others on the ground and kept searching for the one he needs.

“Don’t touch those.” He said without looking up as Johnny reached for a potion.

“I wasn’t gonna touch it.”

“Yes, you were.” He still didn’t look up as the Godling snorted at him and turned away in a huff.

Oblivion pushed a potion aside and cursed as he realized that he didn’t have the potion he needed. “Damn.”

“What?” Johnny asked him as he looked back at him.

“I don’t have the potion that can help my wounds. Will have to make do.”

“You can’t just make it?”

“I can, yes, but it takes time.” Oblivion looked up and he stood up to go back to the Crones corpse. He yanked his blade from her body and grimaced as he reached into her gut and began to search for the Wolf Medallion.

Johnny looked at him and made a retching noise as Oblivion pulled his hoof out with the Medallion in his grip. “That was nasty,” Johnny said to him, seemingly forgetting to be mad at the Alicorn.

“Yes, it was.” Oblivion agreed and shook his hoof to dislodge the blood and bile from his hoof. Oblivion limped over to the small stream that ran through the village and washed off his hoof in the waters.

“Why did you want that anyway?” The Godling asked as the Witcher returned to his saddlebags.

“It’s not for me.” He replied, setting the medallion on the ground beside him.

“Who’s it for?”


“Oh. That lass that you searched for. Why does she want it?”

“It belonged to another Witcher. He died protecting her at Kaer Morhen and she had the medallion as a memento of him. The Crone yanked it off her neck and took it. Ciri was pretty upset about it.”

“You gonna find her?”

“If I can’t, I’ll have it sent.” Oblivion reached into his pack and found the mutagen he needed for the Ekhidna Decoction. He found his mutagens in the right place and set about making the one he needed. “Hold this.”

Johnny cringed as he held the slime in his hand. It was a dark grey in color and he grimaced and pretended to retch at the sight. “I don’t wanna!”

“Too bad.” Oblivion quipped back to him. The Godlings tone reminding him of Apple Bloom. “It’ll be just a moment.” Johnny stuck out his tongue at the Witcher but cooperated.

Oblivion removed several vials of liquid. He found a bottle of Dwarven Spirit and set it aside. He found the Ribleaf that he needed and set it aside as he pulled out the mortar and pestle that he carried with him. He set the herb inside it and then reached for the other herb he needed. Berbercane Fruit was the final ingredient he needed. He set the herb inside the mortar as well and then took the mutagen from the still shining Godling. “See? Was not too long.” He jabbed at the Godling, who tried to look outraged, but failed as he smiled. The Witcher reached back and downed another gulp of the swallow potion and began to grind down the mutagen and herbs.

“You have all the other potions, but not that one. Why?” Johnny asked as he looked around the Alicorn’s body to watch.

“When I was in the other world I think it was one of the potions that got broken.” He admitted and then slowly added a few drops of spirit. “In that world, there are no Ekidnas. So I had no way to remake it.”

“Oh. That makes sense.” Johnny admitted and shrugged at the explanation.

“Why don’t you try to find the book you mentioned?”

“But I want to watch this.” He said.

“I won’t be done with it for an hour or so.”


“It has to soak into the spirit, then it has to be allowed to ferment in the potion bottle,” Oblivion explained.

Johnny threw his hands in the air with an exasperated sound and skipped toward the abandoned houses. Oblivion waited till he was gone and then began to grind the herbs and liquids together. The black stallion worked in silence and listened in case anything tried to sneak up on him. The Alicorn paused and looked at the deep tears in his neck and shoulders. He could feel the deep gashes on his face. He pushed the pain out of his mind and went back to his task.

Johnny returned over a half-hour later, book in hand. Oblivion had finished making the decoction and now was allowing it to ferment. “Found it?” Oblivion asked him as he approached.

“Yup. Gran must have moved it the last time I saw it. Was in the last house instead of the first.” He shrugged and set the book down in front of the stallion. “It done?”

“It is complete. It needs to ferment and when the color changes its ready to be used.”

“So what will it do?”

“It will use a large portion of my strength and energy and convert it into healing. Basically, it takes the strength I have to power it. That will allow my wounds to heal quicker.”

“So it’ll drain you?” Johnny gave him a strange look at the explanation.

“Yes, in a way. It will not completely drain me, but that is the reason I have been using the Swallow potion to augment my strength. So it should not drain me as much as it could.”

Johnny shrugged and flopped down beside the stallion. “What color will it turn? It’s a weird green red now.” Johnny looked at the bottle and then to the stallion.

“It will turn a deep blue.”

“Darker than the sky?”

“Yes. Think of the darkest night sky.”

“Oh. That’s a good color.” Johnny commented and began to thumb through the pages of the book.

Oblivion nodded and went back to check the wounds on his body. He stood to check the deep gash on his hind leg and was amazed it had missed his hamstring. The Alicorn was quiet as he sat back down and checked the smaller gashes around his right hock. After deciding that the wounds would heal with the help of the decoction and some rest he looked back to Johnny. “So what is the tale you are searching for?”

“I can’t remember the name of it,” Johnny said to him as he read the first few lines of each chapter.

Oblivion managed not to chide the Godling and simply sat in silence, waiting. He allowed his mind to wander as time ticked by him. The fight with the Crone had not gone as he had thought it might. He had anticipated that she would act differently due to the loss of her sisters but he had thought that she would be as unhinged as she was. He glanced over to the body and shook his head.

“Hey!” Johnny shouted. Oblivion startled and looked to the Godling, his expression blank. The Godling said nothing as he pointed at the potion. “It’s blue.”

Oblivion looked to the potion and nodded. “Finally.” Oblivion picked it up and uncorked the bottle. It had an earthy scent that was soothing to the nose. Oblivion glanced at Johnny, who was watching him intently. “Yes?”

“Can I try it?”


“Why not?”

“Witcher potions are toxic to anyone that has not been modified to handle them.” Johnny stared at him as he spoke. “It will kill you.”

“Oh.” Johnny looked away and back to the book, no longer interested.

Oblivion downed the potion, set the bottle to the side and folded his forelegs, laying down beside the Godling. Oblivion sighed then activated Quen. An action that used some of his power would activate the potion. The stallion grunted as the drain was immediate and he snorted in response. Exhaustion bit at him as he tried to remain conscious. Johnny laid down in front of him and began to tap him on the snout, keeping him awake.

“Stay awake, Witcher,” Johnny said to him. “Not a good place to take a nap.”

Oblivion raised his head and shook it to try to alleviate the feeling of sleep. “It took more than I thought it would.”

“Oh? So why did you turn on the golden…thing?”

“It activates the decoction. Without a skill that uses some of my power then it will remain dormant. The toxicity is the same, but it does not activate the purpose that I needed it for.”

“Well, that was bad planning.”

“Indeed.” Oblivion felt the drain wearing off, as his wounds began to knit together and heal.

“Wow. It really works though.” Johnny said to him and he stood up to watch as the gashes in Oblivion's neck began to heal.

The Witcher was quiet as he closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them a moment later. He looked to the book and then to his Godling companion. “Johnny?”


“Any luck with the book?” He asked.

“Oh right.” He flopped back to the ground and began to look through the thick tome once more.

Oblivion said nothing and simply waited as the Godling read through portions of the chapters. The black Alicorn closed his eyes and pushed his mind into meditation to allow his body to heal and recover its energy. He would down another Swallow Potion if he needed to, but for now, he would just allow the Toxicity to wear off on its own.

“Found it!” Johnny suddenly yelled. Oblivion looked to the Godling and then to the book. He sighed and looked back to the Godling. “Forest of Time and Space.” He quoted to the stallion.

“Ciri has a similar title. Hers is the Lady of Space and Time.” Oblivion replied.

“Well, it’s what she does, isn’t it?”

Oblivion nodded. “So, are you going to give it to me to read? Or are you planning on reading it to me?” Oblivion said to him.

Johnny looked at the book, then to the Witcher. “Nah. I’ll read it.” He finally said and turned his body to lean against the shoulder of the tall black stallion. “So long as you can stay awake!” He said to the Witcher.

“I’m fine. But your concern is appreciated.” He replied to the Godling.

Johnny gave a loud laugh and leaned heavily against the stallion's shoulder. “Okay, so here we go. The story of the Forest of Time and Space.”

40: A Story of the End...

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“The forest is home to a tree that lives deep within its heart. The tree is said to have been brought into creation by the Conjunction of the Spheres. That day that gave our world magic also joined our world’s life to others beyond the void. The creation of the forest itself was brought on by the magical surge that created the Conjunction and brought our world into the next era. The tree in its heart is said to have the knowledge of the world nestled within its branches.” Johnny paused and looked at the Witcher beside him. “You awake?”

Oblivion cracked open one eye and looked to the Godling at his side. “Yes.”

“Didn’t look like it.”

“Just because my eyes are closed does not mean that I am not listening.” The Witcher pointed out and closed his eye.

Johnny huffed, but read on. “The Forest hides in the seams of the world and cannot be found unless one has been gifted with sight beyond sight. It is never in one place and is not reachable by mortals.” Johnny looked to the Alicorn, who gave a quiet snort as if sensing the look from the Godling. “The forest holds life and death within it, the span of a mortal’s life passes in an instant within the depths of the forest. Only those who can Trans…transes…” Johnny tilted the book to the side as he looked at the words.

“Which one?” Oblivion opened his eyes and leaned over the Godling's shoulder, as the boy pointed to the word. “Transcend.” He said to him and went silent once more.

“Right. Only those who can transcend mortality will be allowed to move within the forests great bounds. Life can begin and end within the Forests depths and the Heart of the worlds.” Johnny paused once more. “What does that mean?” He asked, his face scrunched up for a moment as he looked to the Alicorn.

“Which part?” He replied to the Godling.

“Life begins and ends.”

“That can have several meanings. It depends on who is reading it.” The Godling gave him a confused look and he went on. “For example, I might think that means that your life is ended when you enter the forest. Or it could mean that when you enter you are reborn.” He replied.

“Why can’t things be simple?” Johnny asked and looked back to the thick book in his hands. When the Witcher offered no reply he went on. “Okay, so I think this part is a story of the forest.” Oblivion nodded and waited as Johnny shifted and then turned to lean against the stallion's shoulder. “Okay. The Forest of Time and Space and the one who lived within it.”

“His eyes opened and the world around him blazed into life. The wilderness stretched for miles around him and the child looked to the depths of the skies above him. He pushed himself to his feet and walked slowly across the expanse of grass and trees. The world hummed around him as he closed his eyes and opened them to find the clear water lake ahead of him. The child broke into a run and slid to a stop at the bank of the lake. He leaned down, a wide smile on his face as he looked at his own reflection.

His youthful face gave no indication of his true age. His blue eyes blazed back at him within the depths of the water. Skin that was soft as silk was shown in his reflection. He smiled once more and his teeth gleamed white in the water. His arms were longer than was natural for a being of his size but that did not change what he was. He was the one who ruled over a Forest that was ancient in its own way. The boy stepped back and began to run once more. His goal was the trees closest to him. His mind immediately formed what he wished to do. His intent was to swing into the trees heights and find something to eat within the branches of the tree. He leaped for the tree and the branches moved to help him. The forest answered his wish with action and ushered him into its high branches. His control of the forest was without fault and he smiled, laughter pulled from him as he hugged the trees thin trunk. His thin arms gripped the tree as the branches moved to give him the highest fruit from the tree.

As he ate he looked out from the branches of the trees and saw the deep forest, dark and foreboding in the distance. He had lived among the trees and animals for as long as he could recall. He had never breached the darkness within the Heart of the Forest. He had come close to it once and had been driven back by a feeling that had left him breathless and sweating. He had turned and fled from the feeling of the Forest's heart and chose to stay away from it for the rest of his days. That had been untold years ago. Time flowed slowly within the Forest and the child was happy with it the way it was. He had chosen to remain on the outskirts of the forest and to give his joy back to it as he moved through time. His eyes landed back on the Forest Heart and he shook his head to banish thoughts of its depths from his mind. His heartbeat within him and he laughed as the trees began to move in the winds. They called to him to run among them and he jumped from the tree and did as they had asked.

Time. It was not a concept that he had through much of. He lived and that was all he knew. It had never occurred to him to think of things differently. He had seen animals in the forest die of age and then he had watched their families as they moved on. He had seen a human once and had been shocked to see the human cry as they looked upon the forest. He had been behind a tree, at the trees urging, and watched as the human sobbed on the grass. He had remained hidden as they remained on the ground for a length of time. After a while, the human had lunged their feet and ran into the forest. As he ran alongside, sheltered by the tree trunks the human screamed in a language he did not know and plunged ahead. The child skidded to a halt at the edge of the deep forest and watched as the human had plunged into the dark depths, out of sight. As he walked the edge, staying far enough away to avoid the feeling that would come over him if he got to close, and watched.

He startled back as a scream sounded from within the dark. He pulled back further at the sound of feet and hid once more. The human came into view and the child cried out. The human's face had warped and was transforming into another creature. The clothes began to burn away and ash fell to the forest floor. Their skin blackened and also warped on their frame. As the limbs lengthened the creature screamed once more and lunged forward, desperation in its stride. The child reeled back as the creature breached the calm forest once more and went still on its malformed legs. The creature was silent as the night and then fell forward. He watched, waiting for the creature to stand. He dared not get to close to it. Fear was not an emotion he knew. The feeling of hesitation was new for him. As he watched the body of the creature began to collapse in on itself. As he watched a new sound caught his attention.

A horse stepped from the darkness and walked deliberately toward the body. Its black fur shone in the dark as it moved, hooves silent on the leaves. It reached the body and dug its teeth into the creatures collapsing body. As the body was thrown back the way it had come the horse began to follow the body when it paused and looked over its shoulder, toward the tree the child hid behind. The child sunk down to hide behind the tree, as it whispered for him to be silent and still. He didn’t know how long he remained but finally, the trees calmed and the child stood up and ran from what he had seen. He ran till he was in a small clearing and paused to look back. His mind did not understand what he had seen.

The forest suddenly went silent around him. As he stilled with it he heard something, something was coming after him. The forest suddenly lurched and screamed as it warned him, begging the child to run. The forest had never lied to him and he did as it bade, and ran. His ears heard something coming and he dared a glance back. His vision was dominated by the black horse. It galloped after him, its stride ground eating as it came after him. He cried out and ran faster. Behind him, the horse remained close at his heels, but he dared not look back, the galloping hooves rang through his ears. The rhythmic sound of the black horse’s hooves spurred him on. When the sound vanished he looked back and found that he was running alone once more. As he slowed to a stop he kept watching behind him and then sighed after a short time and turned around to walk back to his favorite group of trees.

He bumped into something and yelped in surprise. He fell back and looked up, ready to speak, but his words remained unspoken. Eyes red as blood looked down at him. The black horse had gotten ahead of him and now he was staring up at the animal. The horse remained silent as it breathed. He started to back away as the animal nickered, a sound that caught his attention and made him look to the horse once more. Its eyes, while still red, softened and it shook its head slightly at him. He was quiet as the animal reached out its nose and sniffed his face. A smile crossed his face at the warm air of the creature's breath went over his features. The horse backed up as he slowly got to his feet and regarded the horse. The horse was easily taller than he was and its coat was black as the darkest of nights. Its red eyes still blazed but it no longer caused him to worry. He stepped up and laid a hand on the horse’s warm cheek and he began to stroke the animal’s soft, warm fur. The black horse nickered once more and the boy gripped a piece of the horse's long black mane and began to lead it to the trees he liked best. The horse followed him, docilely. He led the horse to the trees and introduced the horse to the trees, his young voice filled with eagerness and excitement.

The trees were silent as he tried to speak to them. When the trees began to respond they called on him to cast the beast away, send it back to the darkness. The child didn’t understand them. The horse was kind to him and had not hurt them. When he questioned them they once more called for it to be driven away. When the child defended the horse the trees went silent and shunned him. He stomped a foot at their stubbornness and turned back to the horse, stroking its fur and telling the animal it was going to be okay. The horse huffed a breath against the child’s chest and he laughed at the animal’s soft touch. He reached for its matted black mane once more and led the horse away from the trees that were being so cruel. He went to another group and while they also showed concern they chose to follow the child’s wishes and allowed the horse to graze in their shade and dropped fruit from their branches for the horse and the child to eat.

The child decided that maybe if the other trees saw how gentle the horse was they would no longer desire it to be chased away. He led the horse to the lake and coaxed it into the clear, clean water. The horse balked and pulled back but the child hummed to it, calming the nervous animal. He led the horse into the water and began to give the animal a much-needed bath. As he washed it the water around them began to darken, though the child assumed the horse was very dirty. He asked the horse to lean down so he could wash its mane and the horse complied. It took longer than he thought but the horse's tangled mane gave way and he was able to wash and brush it back to health. The horse nickered to him and shook its head, splashing water on the child. The child laughed and began to splash the horse in play. The animal nickered and did the same. Soon both were soaked through and the child led the black horse out of the water and walked with it as they dried off.

He brought the horse once more to his favorite trees and asked them to look at the horse and see that it was not going to hurt anyone. That’s it now had a lustrous coat and its red eyes held no cruelty within them. The trees were hesitant as the child spoke to them. Behind him, the horse was quiet as they spoke. With time the trees gave in to the child’s words and welcomed the horse as well. The child kept the horse away from the depths of the forest, believing that the horse had been hurt in the forest heart as well. So long as he kept it away from there and showed it kindness then it would remain kind as well. Time passed as it always did and the horse was now the child’s constant companion. Anywhere the child ran the horse was at his side. In time the horse allowed him to sit on its back and they ran across the land together. The child laughed and grew to care deeply for the horse. He bathed it frequently and began to weave charms he had crafted into its long mane and tail.

Years passed by and the child and horse were inseparable. The child awoke one morning to find the horse gone. He jumped to his feet and called for the animal. He reached out to the trees and they led him to the lake. The black horse stood on its banks and looked back to the child as he ran to the horse’s side. The horse nickered to him and looked out to the water. The child started at the darkness of the water. The water had been clear before, the child looked to the horse, who nickered and rubbed its head against the child’s shoulder. The child reached out and wrapped his arms around the horse's face and stroked its fur. The child pulled back from the horse and told the animal that together they would find out what had hurt the lake. The horse nuzzled him and they began to search for any corruption.

More time passed and the lake only darkened, soon only black water came from the shores of the lake. The shores began to corrupt as well and the land began to cry out in pain. The child searched for the cause, with his companion at his side. He sat astride the black horse as they hunted for the cause. In time the screaming of the forest was becoming too much for the child to bear. His head rang and he often could not move from the pain of the land and trees. The child could feel the horse’s warmth close by and the horse didn’t leave him to suffer alone.

In time the cries slowed and he was able to stand, with the horse's help. He leaned heavily on his friend and the horse led him to the lakes shore and then toward the forest depths. The child pulled the horse to a stop and began to pull it back in the other direction. The horse whinnied to him, trying to keep moving forward. The child cried as he tried to make his friend understand why he didn’t wish to allow it too close. He had learned that he feared what might happen to the horse if they got to close. The child told the horse that when he had first seen the horse it had been corrupted by the heart of the forest and that he feared it would happen again. He told the horse that he had not known fear before. As time had passed he began to learn what fear meant. He feared losing the horse and the friendship that he had with it. He looked to the horse and told it his fears and cried into the horse’s warm fur.

The horse nickered and nuzzled the boy as he cried. He was shocked when the horse spoke to him. It had never spoken before. He stared at the horse as words came from it. The horse told him that it had wondered if the evil that was hurting the child came from the Heart itself. It wanted to look and see if there was a way to protect the child and ease his pain. The child stared at the horse and asked why it hadn’t spoken before now. The horse nickered and told him that it did not think it could, so it never tried. But his pain made it wish to speak to him, even if only a little to try to put the child at ease. The child lunged forward and wrapped his arms around the horse’s nose and held tightly to it. He finally backed up and told the horse that he would go with him and they would see what they could find. The horse asked the child if he was certain, due to knowing how much the child disliked Forest's heart. The child smiled and said that if the horse could walk forward with no fear, then he would walk with it.

The horse nickered and bade the boy stay close. Together they walked and the closer they got the colder the air grew and the child began to worry about them getting closer. The horse told him to take heart and they would do it together, as they did everything else. The child smiled and wrapped his hand tighter in the horse’s mane. It walked quietly with the child clinging close its fur and the horse stopped just before the border where they had first met. The horse asked the child if he was all right and the child shook his head. Cold and fear began to cover him and his body shook and trembled at the darkness before him. The horse looked to him and said that the child should remain there for a moment. When the child asked the horse what it meant it said that it was going to go into the Heart and find out how to protect the child. The child stared at the horse for a moment, as the animal pulled away from him and walked into the darkness. A lock of its black mane stayed with the child as it walked away from him. The horse's black coat blended in and soon vanished into the depths.

Time passed by and the child began to worry about the horse. He began pacing the edge and then calling for his companion. As he grew more worried an animalistic scream stopped him in his tracks and he whirled to face the darkness. Fear bit at him as the sounds neared him. He backed up as the sound of hooves overcame him and he began to call for the horse. As the horse lunged out of the dark, patches of its lustrous black coat burned and discolored. The horse screamed for the child to run away as it thrashed against the darkness. The child lunged forward and gripped the long black mane. The horse cried out for the child to run, but the child refused to leave his friend behind. Whips of red magic tore from the darkness and looped around the horse’s girth and flanks. The horse screamed as it fought to free itself. The boy held its mane and yanked back, intending to rescue the horse that had become as precious to him as his own existence. The horse fell to the ground and thrashed as it fought. The boy gripped its head and called for the horse to keep fighting. The horse screamed in pain and begged the child to run away.

Telling the child that the trees had been right all along. The horse had not realized that it was hurting the child. Tears formed in the horse’s eyes as the child understand what was said. The horse begged him to run away, to stay safe and without the horse's corruption, the land would recover. The child yelled to the animal, asking it why it was fighting so hard to be free of the evil if it had been helping it all along. The horse cried out that it had grown to care for the child as if the boy were its own foal. The child cried as the black mare fought. He yelled for her to fight, to not give up and that he would protect her as well. That they would find a way to stop the darkness from using her and then she would be free. The mare screamed as she fought to stay with the child. The darkness roared and the mare screamed once more as she was pulled from the child’s grip. Her black mane ripped in his hands as she vanished into the dark. He fell backward and stared at the mare’s cries went silent.

He stood up and screamed for her to come back to him. His heart raced in his chest and he waited for her to respond. The child had never known what a parent was and had never wanted one. But the immediate loss of the black mare sent his mind reeling. He had not paid attention to the horse’s gender before that moment. He had not cared that it was a young mare that was at his side. Her love for him was clear as his thoughts stayed on her. The gentle voice that had just now spoken to him. The voice that had soothed him as they had walked forward. The feel of her warm fur as he slept beside her. The warm breath that tickled his face. His mind snapped under the weight of the loss of the mare. His blue eyes began to blaze and slowly become as red as the horses had been once. He reached out to the forest, the trees screamed as he commanded them to attack the darkness. He was going to avenge the mare and find her again. No matter what it took, she would be at his side again. The land reared up and the world became awash in the sounds of trees snapping and water boiling in response to the hatred emanating from the child of the Forest. He walked forward, fear banished at the loss of the mare and his feet thudded against the broken ground. He walked forward, no longer caring about what was around him, and he would have her back. That was the only thought he had as he forced the wood to attack and kill itself.

All he wanted was the black mare. He didn’t care about anything else, all that his broken mind could see was her black coat and the warmth she gave. The voice that was gentle and soothed his mind. As his mind was breaking further, his body began to warp into the form of his own hatred the forest heart loomed ahead of him. He screamed for it to give her back and the Heart screamed in rage and attacked the child. He commanded the forest to subdue the heart. One way or another it would give him what he wanted. The battle was short and the heart screamed in defeat. He screamed for it to return her. He would let it live if it gave her back. The Heart screamed and receded, revealing the body of the mare. Her coat was burned and her skin broken. He stared at her broken form and slowly walked up to her. The black mane that he had loved to brush for her was torn and burned. As he knelt beside her she saw the charms he had put in her mane and a scream of loss ripped from him. He fell to the mare’s neck and begged her to speak to him. Her silence only made him scream louder. His rage built and he looked to the Heart and commanded it to submit to him.

The heart pulled away, but the man stood and went to the form it had chosen to take, a black mass of tentacles and stepped forcefully down onto the mass. The Heart laughed and told him that he had killed her. That his care for her had poisoned her body and allowed her to die. The man was silent as he looked to the mare’s body, his rage boiled once more and he stomped harder, earning him a scream from the creature. He swore that it would suffer for all time if it was the last thing he did. His mare was gone and it was the Forest's fault.

He commanded what remained of it to take on a form that he chose. The forest gathered what remained of itself and transformed itself into a living tree. The tree held the basic form of a horse, its branches spreading out as her mane and tail. The mare’s body was enclosed inside the tree and that became her tomb. The man was silent when it was done and collapsed to his knees. His skin was gnarled and his hands had become claws and his teeth daggers in his mouth. He looked to one hand and found her mane still clutched tightly in his grip. The charms he had woven into it remained and he screamed as the loss poured over him once more. He huddled into the trunk of the tree and sobbed his tears giving the tree life. He looked to the tree and he knew that she was within it, finally safe.

He stood and commanded the tree to hold time within its branches. Ordering it to become the nexus for all the worlds. Despite, never caring about it he had always known that the worlds were connected to each other. Not truly separate as one would have thought. The tree bent to his will and the branches reached out, linking the worlds. He looked to the tree and once more huddled against it. He could feel hunger, thirst, and pain wash over him, but he remained in place. His body merged with the tree and he died within the tree, finally at the mare’s side, he swore they would never be apart again as he breathed his last.

Many point to this as the day the Conjunction of Spheres happened. The moment the child’s rage had overcome him was the moment the worlds collided. The loss that shaped him became the magic in the worlds. Magic overcame the bounds that the worlds had to separate them and then overran it. Creating the beings and creatures that now cover the worlds. Within the tree, the mare and her child lie. Her love for the child created the kind of magic that heals others and brings light to the worlds. The man’s rage created the monsters that claw at people’s minds. The love he held for the mare became the pathways that connect the worlds. While only a few can trip across them most never see beyond them. The way to find the forest is to look for the breaks in the world’s seams. Only those who have met death and walked away can move within the branches of the tree and become more than they once were. Only those who death cannot touch will be permitted to choose their way.”

Johnny stopped reading and closed the book. He laid it down on the ground and blinked. The Witcher was silent behind him. Johnny stood up and walked away from him as he wiped tears from his eyes. Oblivion set the book inside his saddlebags. He made no move to stand and thought over what had been read. He looked to Johnny and then back to the swamp around them. His body had fully healed and he was regaining his strength as he remained still. Johnny suddenly came back to sit in front of him.

“Okay, so now what?” He asked the Witcher.

“Well, there is only one person I know that can trip across space and that is Ciri. Last I heard she was Toussaint with Geralt. So if I want her to see if she can open a pathway for me I need to find her.” He reasoned.

“That makes sense. But, Toussaint is pretty far away right?” The Godling pointed out.

“Not as far as others. But, it is a fair distance. I need to get back though.”

“Back to the new home?” Johnny reasoned to him.

Oblivion paused as the words went over him. He nodded and got to his hooves. He slid his saddlebags into place and tightened the strap. His path was set as he looked to the Godling by his forelegs. “Thank you for your help, Johnny.” He said to him.

“Ah. It was nothing. But it said only those who have walked away from death can use the paths. Any ideas?” The Godling asked.

Oblivion nodded and turned to walk away from the swamp and leave the country of Velen behind him. A tug on his tail gave him pause. Johnny was at his shoulder, his eyes searching. “In the world that I wish to return to, I cannot die.” He said to the Godling.

Johnny’s eyes widened as he stared at the stallion. “You can’t die?”

“No. I cannot. So, perhaps that will help me when I find this tree. If it is real. My hope is that Ciri can sense it and find it that way.” He replied and looked out to the swamp. He leaned down and gave Johnny a gentle nuzzle and began to walk away.

Johnny watched as the stallion walked into the fog and vanished from his sight. “Good luck, Witcher. You’ll find your way home.” He said aloud and smiled as he balanced on one leg for a moment and then ran back to his part of the swamp, a childlike giggle sounded before he too vanished into the fog.

41: Sasa will Lead...

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Twilight rolled over and cracked open one eye. She sighed and started to roll over to sleep a bit longer when the image of a black Unicorn flashed through her mind. She startled and sat up, clutching her blanket in her hooves. The mare panted for a moment, fear in her eyes.

“Oblivion.” She whispered aloud and pushed her blankets away from her.

The Unicorn mare quietly got out of her bed and went for the bedroom door. In his basket, Spike snored quietly and she smiled at him before a feeling of alarm spiked through her. Her eyes scanned the room and she didn’t see any sign of the large sabercat, Sasa. She left the room, her hooves hurrying over the wood floor.

“Sasa?” She whispered aloud as she scanned the upper floor.

She got to the steps leading into the main library when she stopped in her tracks. The feline was curled up a few feet away from the front door of the Library. The mare gave a quiet sigh of relief as she descended the stairs. As she neared the cat the large form shifted and a pair of aqua blue eyes looked over the cat's shoulder to see her. The great cat purred in her direction and yawned, her oversized incisors gleaming white.

“There you are,” Twilight said to her and approached the cat as she got to her paws.

Sasa reached out and nuzzled Twilights' cheek and purred. Twilight’s horn lit and the box of sand came over to her and was set close by. “I didn’t see you when I woke up. I was worried.”

“About what?” The cat replied by drawing into the box of sand with a claw.

Twilight sat down and regarded the feline. “Well. What if you vanished as well?”

The feline purred and regarded the mare. “I am not going anywhere. I was just watching if he returned.”

“Good. We need you to lead us today.” She replied with a small smile, getting to her hooves.

The cat nodded and stood up as well. She followed behind the purple mare and joined her in the Library’s kitchen. The purple Unicorn went about her morning routine as the cat stood off to the side. Spike soon joined them as Twilight set a plate of waffles on the table for her and Spike than a plate on the floor for Sasa.

“So what’s the plan, Twilight?” Spike asked her as he ate.

“Well. Once the girls get here we will have Sasa lead us and follow some of the game trails that Oblivion uses and see what we can find.” She replied. “If we are really lucky he will be there.” She replied and looked to the feline, who had tilted her head and was giving Twilight a look. “Though…That’s really unlikely.”

“So why are we looking then?” Spike asked.

“Mostly we are looking for signs of him. If he went through this area then that will give us a timeline.” She reasoned.

“Oh. That makes more sense.” Spike admitted,

“Sasa.” The cat looked up from her plate and waited for the mare to continue. Twilight’s horn flared and the box of sand appeared, allowing the cat to respond. “Do you know all the paths he uses?”

“Yes. I have been with him while he runs. So I know the trails.” She replied.

“Why does he run in there anyway? I know he can handle himself, but it seems kind of dangerous, even for him.” Spike pointed out as he looked to the Spectral Tiger.

“For him it’s more like where he is from.” She explained. “The land is wild and that is normal to him.”

“Oh.” Spike nodded and shoved the last of his food into his mouth.

Sasa pushed her plate to Twilight and the mare’s magic picked it up and set it in the sink with the rest of the dishes. The mare set them there and then moved into the main room and started to scan the map with Sasa close by. A loud knock on the door had Spike opening it for the others to come in. Applejack led the others inside and they all sat around the small table and looked to the purple Unicorn.

“All right, Twilight. What's the plan?” Rainbow asked as she hovered close to the other mare.

“Well. I talked with Sasa last night and she said that Oblivion doesn’t really use the main trails. He runs the game trails.” She replied.

“So that means we have no idea what he does?” The pale blue mare said with a defeated sound.

“No. Sasa should know ‘em.” Applejack pointed out. “She goes with ‘im.”

“Exactly. Sasa will be the one leading us. I don’t expect to find him in there, but hopefully, we can nail down a timeline. See if there is any sign of him recently.”

“Yeah, the odds of finding him are pretty slim,” Rainbow added.

The others nodded and Sasa purred to them as they began to get to their hooves. “Too bad I can’t speak aloud to them. Will have to speak with him about allowing me to speak to them.” She said to herself and got to her paws. The ponies began to file to the door and Sasa followed them outside.

Twilight led the group toward Sweet Apple Acres and then waited for Sasa to join her and lead the group. The feline slid easily in front of them and began to lead them through a normal running path for the Black Unicorn. She looked over her shoulder as the others fell into a clustered group and kept pace. The purple Unicorn was quiet as the edges of the Everfree forest loomed ahead of them. Behind her, the others had gone quiet as well. Sasa paused at the edge of a group of thick trees and turned to the group. The feline grumbled and began to move each mare into a straight line and made sure that Spike was sitting safely on Twilight's back. She went back to the front and checked them to make sure they were in the line and then she went into the trees, Twilight gulped and followed the cat’s long tail. She glanced back and made sure the others were behind them and then focused on keeping up with the pony-sized feline.

Sasa looked back and was glad to see the six mares and one drake behind her. She trained her gaze on the game trail that wound in front of her. Sasa's eyes followed the worn path and kept an ear trained behind her for the mares. She could hear them staying close to her as they went deeper into the Everfree. Sasa paused and sniffed the air before she kept walking.

“Sasa?” Twilight's voice whispered.

The she-cat stopped and looked back to the Unicorn at her heels.

“Are we okay?” She asked.

Sasa nodded, then resumed her slow lead. Their trek continued for close to an hour before the feline brought them to a small clearing and stopped to allow them to rest. She watched over them as the mares gathered close to her.

“How far does he run?” Rainbow asked. Her voice pitched in disbelief as she questioned the cat.

Sasa looked to the purple Unicorn who nodded and summoned the sandbox for the cat to respond with. “He usually runs over five miles.” She informed them.

“Five miles?” Rainbow stared at the cat, her eyes wide. “Geez. What time does he leave the house?”

“Just before dawn normally.” She replied. A swipe of her paw left the sand blank to allow for her to speak more.

“Geez. Does he never sleep?” Spike asked.

“He does. He just needs less than you do.” She responded to the drake’s inquiry easily.

“He’s a Witcher, so that would make sense,” Twilight spoke up.

Sasa nodded. “His body has been enhanced. So he needs less rest.”

“Remind me to never ask to be made into a Witcher. It sounds awful.” Rainbow replied.

Sasa chuckled and nodded to the mare. “No more Witchers are being trained by any of the Schools that remain, so it would be impossible.”

”Ah’ve never asked him what needs ta be done to be made into one.” Applejack spoke up.

Twilight looked to the feline who nodded. “I asked him once.” She said aloud. “It requires a few potions to be administered. I don’t know their individual names but the whole process is called the Trial of the Grasses.”

“That sounds easy enough,” Rainbow replied. “Sounds like you just drink it and then you’re done.”

“Not really.” Twilight informed her. “The potions alter the body and can be deadly.”

“How deadly?” Applejack asked her.

“According to Oblivion only three in ten candidates survived it.” Twilight informed her.

“Wow.” Rainbows eyes widened and she looked at Sasa, who nodded. “And he was a lucky one then?”

“Yes. He was also chosen to be put into further experiments to augment his abilities further. So Oblivion has done the Trials, twice.” Twilight advise her.

Rainbow stared at her. Fluttershy looked away from her and shook her head, solemnly. Twilight was quiet as she remembered the long discussion she had with the other Unicorn about the Trials. “I asked him about the process some time ago.”

The others were quiet as the information sank in. None of them had ever thought to ask him more than what he gave them. At the front, Sasa was quiet as she stood up and walked a few feet away from them. She was quiet as they all considered what Twilight had said. The Tiger sat down and closed her eyes as she tilted her head back to the skies. ‘Come home, Chosen.’ She thought to herself and then tried to reach out to him once more, only to be met with silence. She didn’t want to admit how fearful she had become of his continued disappearance. Her nerves were shot and she had to fight not to flop down and whimper in place. While she knew that he lived and was going to be all right she still felt her nerves fraying and she had to keep herself together. She opened her eyes and looked back to the resting mares and drake.

She began to get up when a sound caught her attention. She flicked an ear and looked to the right of where she sat. The leaves rustled gently in a breeze and she searched for the sound. Their scent was being blown behind them by that same breeze. She knew that there no Timberwolves in the area, Oblivion had chased off a small group of them the last he had been here. She got to her paws and slowly approached the direction where the sound seemed to be coming from. In the deepest part of her heart, she hoped it was Oblivion. But the logical side of her mind knew better. She stopped when the bush rustled and she growled as it began to shake. She flicked an ear and Twilight and the others were now watching her. A familiar scent caught her nose and she yowled and backed up. The smell of death and earth filled her nose as a Nekker burst from the bushes and howled at the small group.

“What the hay?” Applejack yelled as the creature howled at the feline.

“Twilight!” Spike cried out as he gripped the mare’s mane.

“Sasa!” Twilight yelled at the cat as she gathered her friends together.

The feline flicked an ear to them but her eyes didn’t leave the Nekker. “They don’t know anything about this creature. They’ll be hurt.” She reasoned to herself as the Nekker jumped to one side and she followed. “If they get hurt…Oblivion…Will never forgive me.” She realized as a snarl tore from her. Her mind snapped into focus at the thought of failing him. She charged the Nekker and swiped her claws at it, driving it back, away from them. She followed it as it jumped back once more. The Spectral Tigers' eyes never left the monster in front of her.

Her ears told her that there was no more of them, just one. While that was uncommon, she kept her focus on the monster ahead of her. The monster wailed at her and she roared in reply. To her surprise, the Nekker stopped and was silent. She was about to relax her stance when it snapped to its senses and lunged for her. The cat knew how to fight Nekkers from her battling at Oblivion's side and she jumped to the side and her claws raked over its chest and right rib cage. She chased it as it swung its arm, ending in foot-long claws at her, she jumped to evade and drove her front fangs into its throat and chest. The creature gurgled and its claws bit into her fur. She yowled through the mouthful of flesh and felt the pain in her shoulder deepening. She closed her eyes and refused to release her hold. She suddenly smelled burning flesh and her eyes flew open. The Nekker screamed as blue flames began to lick over its body. Sasa pulled her teeth free and backed up as the flames engulfed the creature and it fell to the ground, dead.

“Chosen!” She whirled in place and searched around her. She was sure it was Oblivion who had come to help her. Her senses reached out to him, but only silence responded to her calls. She spun in place and searched the nearby forest and found no sign of him. Despair crashed against her as she realized that he was not there. Her heart ached as she collapsed to her belly on the ground.

Twilight watched as Sasa spun in circles, her eyes searching. The she-cat fell to her belly and yowled in pain. The Unicorn walked up to the cat and reached out to stroke the scruff of her neck, careful of the tears in the cat's shoulder. Sasa looked to her and her eyes closed. Twilight knew that the cat had thought the same as she had, that Oblivion had come back and had brought his flame down on the monster. But a scan of the area showed that they were alone.

“I know, Sasa. I thought the same thing.” She whispered to the mewling feline and laid her head on the cat’s neck. “I thought he was here too.”

“Sasa, sweet girl.” Applejack came to her and went to the cat's other side and laid her head against her.

Twilight looked up as the others all came to the crying feline and surrounded her, each laying a hoof or leaning their weight against her, trying to comfort her. The great cat went quiet as the mares tried to comfort her. She opened her eyes when as Spike patted her nose and ran his claws through her fur. Twilight nuzzled her and then stood up.

“Okay, we need to head back to take care of your shoulder, Sasa.” She tried to sound confident but her voice cracked and failed her. She sat back down and stroked the cat’s soft fur. She went silent, as Sasa stared ahead of them.

Twilight looked up as a portal opened and the Nekkers body was pulled swiftly into it. It vanished with a crash of thunder and she stared at it. A wisp of smoke was all that remained of the position of the portal.

“Chosen…Where are you now?” She asked him. Reaching out to him and trying to reach him with all the care that she had within her.

Oblivion was silent as he landed in a clearing and pulled his wings close to his sides. He had been flying for most of the day. His wings folded easily to his sides and he sat down as he reached into his saddlebag for something to eat. He had found the border to Toussaint earlier and had flown high over it to avoid being seen. Toussaint had less forest and more open ground to accommodate the vast fields of grapes for wine. He had chosen to land after finding a rare span of thin trees with a small clearing by the edges. The stallion was quiet as he ate and after finishing his impromptu meal he pulled out his map and scanned it.

“Okay, so I am…Where the hell am I?” He complained quietly as he scanned the map. “I need to find...” He paused as he tried to recall the name of the vineyard Geralt was gifted with. “Corvo…Corvo…Corvo Bianco. Gods, I’m getting old.” He complained as he scanned the map.

His claws held the map as he scanned the area around him as his ears flicked. He could hear humans on the road close by and he stowed his map to listen to them. The black stallion was quiet as he approached the trees on the side of the clearing and trained an ear to the roads.

“That road is nearly impassable.” A man complained from the other side of the trees. “The Dunn Tyne road is impossible.”

Oblivion stepped back, ignoring the other men with him as they spoke. He pulled out his own map and scanned it for the name he had heard. His eyes found the crossroads and he groaned. “Barely inside the border. God’s damn it.” He complained and then angled his body to the direction of what he hoped was Corvo Bianco. If not then would have to risk looking at some of the road signs. “Well. I have my direction so now I just need to follow it and hope that Ciri is still there. If she has returned to Vizima I am going to need a backup plan. I can ask Geralt to call her here but that is the last resort.”

He stowed his nap and began to follow the road at a distance. His body showed no signs of needing rest and he kept up a brisk pace. "I should be able to reach the vineyard in a day or two. Maybe less if I fly, but I can’t get direction in the air.”

The Alicorn fell quiet as he moved within the darkness of the trees. He moved with a purpose and he focused on his goals of returning to Equestria and seeing his task through to the end.

42: Edge of a Desert...

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Oblivion walked forward. His hooves taking him through the dense forests that littered the hillsides of the country of Toussaint. The black Unicorns ears flicked as he listened for the telltale sound of the burrowing giant centipedes. He had fought enough of them the last time he was there to last him a lifetime. As he traversed the slight hills that lay before him the Witcher was quiet as his mind went over the possibilities and he made sure that he was set in his own path. The stallion remained silent as his eyes were trained ahead of him. He didn’t look back nor did he allow himself to deviate from his course. As much as he knew that using his wings would get him to his destination faster he was leery of using them. At his sides, the great black wings flicked and he paused to look to the wings. They extended from his sides and spread to their sixteen-foot wingspan. He knew that they were oversized, but it had not bothered him. In his mind, they were a size that would hold a body that was his height and weight.

He leaned back onto his haunches and breathed as he unbuckled his saddlebags to tend to a chafe line that had been rubbed into his skin. He had not paid much attention to the straps of his saddles bags until the last few hours. He could see that it had chafed deeper into his hide than he had thought. He clicked his tongue at himself and dug into his saddlebags for a strip of cloth to wrap the straps in to prevent any further problems. He wrapped the offending straps and slid them back into place. The black stallion got to his hooves and once more trekked forward. He weaved through the copse of trees and looked both ways before jumping across a well-worn road and into the shade of the trees once more. His clawed hooves thudded dully against the leaf-littered ground as he broke into a slow trot to cover more ground. While he had been setting a steady pace toward the vineyard that Geralt now owned. He had not spent as much time in Toussaint as his fellow Witcher, but he had been there long enough to decide that the nobles were even more insufferable than in the other countries.

His ears flicked as he halted his trot and listened. Under him, the ground trembled and he grimaced as a curse spilled from his lips and he broke into a hard gallop. Behind him, he heard the grounds rupture as a giant centipede burst from the ground. Dirt peppered his flanks as they erupted from the ground behind him. He glanced back to find three of the creatures lunge back into the soil and race after him. The Witcher could feel the vibrations of their movement under him and he growled under his breath as he spread his wings and took to the air. His wings held firm as they held above the ground, close to the tops of the hanging trees. The creatures burst from the ground and the stallion fought the urge to slay them from above. It served no purpose. He could get away from them and didn’t need to destroy the monsters. He looked up and saw the day fades to night and gave up on staying on the ground for the time being. He flapped his wings just enough to hover as he scanned the near roads to see if he could spot a sign that would give him an idea of his current direction.

He gave an affirming sound as he spotted a crossroads and angled his body to land close by. He scanned the road signs and he gave a pleased sound as he read the signs. The sign that earned a noise from him pointed to the Cockatrice Inn. A location that he had been to previously. It was a good spot to reach before he stopped to make sure that he was heading in the right direction. As he spun to jump into the shadows of the trees once more a quiet sound caught his focus. His right ear flicked to listen back the way he had come. His first thought was that the centipedes had followed him further than he thought, but after a moment he realized that it was not a monster. A man fell from the trees and rolled onto the dirt road. The scent of wine caught his nose and Oblivion watched in silence, waiting for the man to stand up. When he rolled to sit the human saw the black stallion and squinted as he stared ahead of him. When he said nothing the black Alicorn waited as the scent of wine grew stronger. Oblivion snorted as the scent rolled over him with the slight change in wind direction.

“Well. I don’t have to worry about you trying to harm me. You’re already marinated in a few bottles of wine.” He said aloud and watched as the man tried to stand. “I wouldn’t.”

His words came too late as the human face planted with his rear in the air. A giggle escaped the man as he fell to the side once more. Oblivion sighed and shook his head slowly. The black stallion walked slowly over to the prone human and used a foreleg to hoist the human and allowed him to lean against his shoulder. The man wrapped an arm around the stallion’s withers and held on desperately. Oblivion groaned as the man’s breath rolled over him. “Gods below man. What did you drink?”

The human laughed at the stallion’s commentary and looked to see the black Unicorn staring back to him. “I drank…” He wavered in his standing and Oblivion moved against him and held him up. “Right…I drank, it all!” He cried out in a merry tone.

“Grand. Do you mean an entire vineyard or just half the wine cellar?”

“The wine…Umm…” The human looked uncertain suddenly as he pondered the words.


“Yes!” He shouted and wrapped a hand in Oblivion long silver mane. “Now…My new friend…I need to get back to work. I can’t be seen talking to anyone…Not even a marvelous being…such as you.”

“Can you walk?” Oblivion asked him in a bland tone.

“Ah course!” He drunkenly shouted.

Oblivion gave a disbelieving snort and watched as the human pushed away from the stallion’s body and was able to walk several feet before he began to wobble and then collapsed to the dirt once more. Oblivion sighed and walked over to the collapsed man. He was laying on his back and saw the face of the stallion enter his vision. A wide smile crossed his face and he reached out to the stallion. Oblivion sighed and allowed the man to grip his long mane and use it to stand once more. He gripped Oblivion's saddlebag strap across his back and the stallion began to slowly walk forward.

“Where do you live?” The Unicorn asked. Though after asking he was certain the human had no idea.

“I am from…Rave…” He sagged against the stallion, who had paused for a moment.

“Castel Ravello?”

“Yes, my friend.” The drunk replied merrily.

“It’s past where I am heading. Though I can go to my destination then send you on your way, once you have sobered up some.” He reasoned.

The human sagged again and Oblivion got his shoulder under him and was able to get him to fall across his back. The human had finally passed out and was now asleep draped across Oblivion's shoulders. The stallion shrugged under him to move the body farther down his back. The man’s body laid on top of the stallion’s large wings and saddlebags. Oblivion ignored the light snoring now coming from the human on his back and started to walk in the direction of the Cockatrice Inn. He was going to have to gallop over the bridge that the Inn was on due to his appearance and now that he had picked up a passenger he could not fly. Though the body would hide his wings well enough. It was his horn that would give him still more issues now. He walked as quickly as he dared and contemplated how he could hide his horn.

He paused and a sound of laughter came from his muzzle but ended just as quickly as it began. He shifted the human and reached into his saddlebags. A leather helm caught in his claws and he pulled it free of the saddlebag. He sighed in relief as the helm had been altered to accommodate his equine head and neck. He slid it into place and his horn now appeared to be a part of the armor he was wearing. The leather helm ended just past his withers and he shifted the human once more to land across his body. He checked his image in the puddle once more and was pleased enough with what he saw staring back at him. The leather had some decoration and had small runes and gems that came from the forehead down to the sides of his muzzle and gave it the appearance of being an ornamental piece.

“Good enough.” He said aloud and once more started down the road for the Inn.

He was certain now he would be able to pass over the bridge at a trot to avoid being stopped. He was hopeful that he appeared to be a horse that was taking his drunken rider home. He had seen many horses that new the roads well enough the take the path on their own. As the night dragged on his hooves did not stop nor did he change his swift pace as he came around a corner and he could see the Inn and the bridge it rested on.

“Let’s see if this works.” He commented aloud and broke into a smooth trot, so as to avoid possibly awakening the human on his back.

The stallion’s long legs carried him swiftly to the top of the bridge where the Inn rested. As he reached the top he had not earned the attention of many people so far. He was forced to slow down due to a wagon slowly crossing before him. He looked to the right and found that even as think as he was he could not get past it. On the left were more riders that were going with the wagon. A quiet groan escaped him as he was forced to slow to a walk. His ears flicked as people began to laugh and jeer at the body on his back.

“Tipped one too many.” One called out and the others laughed with him.

Oblivion ignored the laughter and walked behind the wagon in silence. He looked up and the wagon stopped at the call of one of the riders. Oblivion could see that they were now looking to the black stallion behind them. His mind sharpened as he focused on them and listened in.

"That drunk has quite the horse. Even has some fancy armor on.” One commented as the driver leaned out and looked back to the stallion behind them.

The driver gave a quiet whistle and nodded in agreement to the rider with him. Oblivion suppressed the urge to curse at them about holding up the whole bridge, but he had to play his part. “Must know the way home, too.” The driver replied after staring for a moment or two.

“I agree. Taking his drunk master home.” Another rider commented. A sly grin crossed his mouth as he stared. “Think it would matter if that horse gained a new home?”

The riders smiled and nodded to the driver. “Just keep in front of it. Once we get to the other side we can change up a horse or two.”

Oblivion listened to them and realized after listening that they were travelers as well. Merchants from across the border if he had their accent right. Most likely Novigrad. ‘This should prove interesting.’ He thought to himself as he slowly followed the wagon.

“No bridle on it either.” The first rider commented as he stared at the black stallion. “Must be very well trained. It takes a lot of time to train a horse to take you home without a bridle. Most would have bolted and run home alone.” He replied as the others chuckled. “Or he sold the bridle for wine.”

Oblivion listened and began to formulate his own plan. ‘Most thieves are likely to release a horse that causes a scene or become unmanageable. All I have to do is act out.’ He thought to himself. ‘Even in the dark people will hear the ruckus and look into it.’

As they finally reached the end of the bridge the riders blocked him in and he halted in place. One reached out to grasp the bottom of the helm he wore and he pulled away, his head higher than the man could reach. While the Witcher had never worried about his full height he now gauged himself to be over sixteen hands tall at his withers. Which put him at his natural height before Equestria, six foot two inches. He snorted and pranced as the man kept trying to reach for his head.

“Damn thing is taller than I thought.” He complained to the others.

“Grab the mane then. Worst he can do is yank it out.” Another yelled back.

“I like the length it’s at, but your right, it’ll grow back.” He lunged for the black stallion’s mane and paused. “It’s got swords across its back, under the drunk.”

“What?” The driver looked back and gave the rider a strange look.

“It was a while back, but I have seen swords like them. On a Witcher.”

“Wait. So that’s a Witcher across his back?” The other rider hollered.

Oblivion said nothing as they yelled back and forth. “There any Witcher's around here?” The man close to him asked aloud.

”There was the one that the Duchy hired.” The driver called back.

“Well. No matter. We can drop off the swords and the drunk on the road and take the horse. Just have to act fast.” He lunged for the stallion’s mane once more and grabbed a handful.

Oblivion snorted and began to pull away. He pinned his ears and bared his teeth as the human began to pull him in another direction. He pawed at the ground, trying to appear every bit of a Witcher's own horse. He had seen his mare Sasa react badly to being handled by anyone other than himself.

“Let him go!” The driver shouted as the stallion lunged for the man’s arm and bit down.

Oblivion's sharp teeth bit into the bicep and released quickly. His goal was to have it appear more of a vicious horse bite that broke the skin versus the teeth of a predator. The human shouted and released the stallion’s mane. Oblivion fought the urge to spit out the blood in his mouth and instead lunged at the human once more. Giving him more incentive to get out of the way, adding to the torn arm.

“Let him go!” The other rider hollered and pulled the other horse out of the way.

Oblivion broke into a controlled gallop and lunged past them. His passenger remained in place as he raced around a bend in the road and slowed to listen to the men he had left behind. He could hear them commenting on the stallions bite and how they needed to have it looked at. He looked up and found a new road sign that he could read easily enough with his odd angle. A sign pointed down the main road reading Corvo Bianco.

“Finally.” He muttered and began to trot down the road toward his goal. A slight chuckle escaped him as he recalled the men he had left behind. “Fools.” He said aloud and kept up a brisk pace. “Hopefully that will be the last of the foolishness till I reach the vineyard. If I arrive and find that Ciri has left for Vizima I am going to be rather annoyed.” He commented as he trotted ahead.

“So no pony has seen any sign of him?” Blue Blood asked the pony. “He’s hard to miss. A tall black Unicorn.”

The gray pony shook his head and walked away from the questioning Prince. Blue Blood gave an audible groan as he looked to the guards he had with him. Cross stayed close to Silver due to his deafness. He had mentioned it to Blue Blood, who had nodded and told him it would be fine. He could still be of great help to the search. Silver looked back to the Prince and shrugged.

The Prince walked over to the other ponies and shook his head. “Well. No pony has seen anypony that looks even a little like him. No pony in the area has a coat that dark.”

“Same here. No sign of any pony in the area either. This is becoming more concerning the longer we are here.” Silver replied.

Blue Blood looked to Cross who shook his head as well. Blue Blood growled under his breath for a moment before he nodded to the two guards with him. The Prince of Equestria looked back the way they had come and then to the map they had made as they looked for the Black Unicorn.

“Hopefully, Shining is having more luck.” He grumbled. “I’d give my right hoof for a good clue.”

Silver chuckled and nodded. Cross looked to them and agreed. The Thestral raised his head slightly as a thought struck him. “Prince Blue Blood?”

Blue flicked an ear and looked to the quiet stallion. “Yes?”

“Where did the note that the Princesses receive come from?” He asked quietly.

Blue Blood paused as he thought over the question and probed his mind for the memory. “It came from the desert. Well, a village close by the edge of the Sahorsean desert.” He replied.

“Well. Shouldn’t we try there? He was there when he sent that letter.”

Silver blinked and then smacked his hoof to his own face. “I cannot believe none of us thought of that.” He groaned and looked to Blue Blood, who had a similar expression.

Blue Blood smiled as he realized how stupid they had been. “I’m going to pretend that was the next part of our plan and…Ahh…Cross was reminding us of our…Timeline…”

Silver nodded almost frantically. “By Equestria.” The solar guard broke into laughter as he wrapped a foreleg around Cross’s shoulders and laughed. “Thank Faust, you’re here Cross. Or we would have forgotten our…Deadlines.” He replied as the Prince began to chuckle as well and Cross gave a meek smile.

“Yes, the deadlines,” Blue replied and began to walk back to their carriage. He slowed and, looked to the guards behind him. “This is never spoken of again.” He said to them and tried to elegantly flee for the carriage ahead of them.

Behind him, Silver erupted into laughter and Cross giggled as well. “What are you talking about? I don’t even know why we landed here first.”

“We needed a little break?” Cross volunteered meekly.

“Yes. We needed to land for a bit.” Silver replied and patted his fellow guard on the back and trotted after the still fleeing Prince, who was laughing with them.

“We need to send a letter to my Aunts about our change of course.” Blue Blood said to them as they reached the carriage and they nodded in agreement.

Blue Bloods' horn lit up as he pulled out a small machine that had an enchantment inside it that it would send any letter to the intended recipient immediately. He quickly penned a letter to his Aunt Luna, due to the later hour and sent it to her. The pale stallion set the little mailbox back into the carriage and climbed in, as the guards finished getting into the traces. The Prince sat quietly as they finished and looked back to him and he nodded to them.

Luna cracked open one eyes as a letter puffed into existence, drifted down and landed on her snout. She sneezed and it landed on the ground in front of her. Her blue aura gripped it unfolded it to for her to grip in her hooves.

Aunt Luna:

We didn’t find anything in the area of the monsters. So we are going to check in on the desert that Oblivion was close to when he sent the last letter you received. Hopefully, we get some good news.

Your nephew,

Blue Blood

She nodded to the letter and set it aside as she got out of her bed and stretched. She teleported to her sister's side and had her read the letter as well. The Sun Princess smiled and nodded her understanding.

“We are pleased to hear of their progress.” She said to her elder sister.

“So am I.”

Blue Blood watched as the carriage covered the ground quickly and it fell away beneath them. As they began to descend the Prince looked over the side of the carriage and waited for the Pegasus to come to a halt. The guards quickly got out of the traces and met the Prince next to the carriage.

“Okay, so we need to find out if anypony saw him. The least we need is an idea of the timeline maybe.” Blue said to the others with him.

“I agree.” Silver responded with Cross nodding his assent.

They walked into town and started to look around them. Blue blood trotted deeper into the town with the others on his heels. He paused beside a mare and waited for her to look up to him.


“Pardon me. I am looking for a friend of mine.” Blue replied.

She scoffed and then sighed. “Let me guess. A black unicorn.” Blue Blood blinked at the mares tone, but then simply nodded to her. “Geez. This pony must be the most searched for Unicorn in history.” She replied, her voice sarcastic. ”You are the second group to come through here looking for him.”

“Second?” Silver asked.

“Yes. Another group of three came through here yesterday.” She replied.

“A white Unicorn with a Pegasus and a Thestral?” Silver asked her.

“Yes. They took the road out of town to find this other pony. I told them if they were interested in the desert then they needed to wait for Sand Comber to come through or they would not survive the desert.” She replied to them and walked away from them.

Blue Blood blinked as she departed and he opened his mouth to give her a royal piece of his mind when Silver bumped his shoulder hard enough to stagger him slightly.

“I know. Rude as hell. But come on Prince Blue Blood. We need to see if the Captain, Striker, and Vantage found anything yet.”

Blue Blood regained his balance and huffed, but allowed the Pegasus to guide him away from the town and back to the carriage. The guards got back into the traces as Blue jumped into it behind them. They took to the air and Blue Blood began to scan the ground for any sign of Shining and the guards with him. As the Pegasus and Thestral began to bank, Blue spotted their carriage and shouted for their attention. He pointed and they nodded as they saw what he was pointing at. They landed next to it and jumped from the traces as well. The group began to trot down the edge of the desert and the forest that was close by.

“Silver!” Blue Blood called to the Pegasus close to him.


“Go ahead of us. Fly as far as you can and see if you can spot them.”

“Got it.” Silver shouted and gave a bow of his head as he took to the air and quickly was far ahead of them.

Blue Blood slowed to a walk and looked up at the sun. “Geez. Never thought I would be anywhere that I did not like my Aunt’s sun.” He commented, earning a quiet chuckle from the Thestral at his side.

The Equestrian prince watched the ahead of them and perked up when he saw Silver coming back to them. The Pegasus dropped to the ground ahead of them and smiled. “Found them. They are ahead of us, but they said they’ll wait for us.”

Blue Blood smiled. “Good news. Okay, let’s go.”

“Go ahead. Cross. You and I need to get the carriages. They have all of the supplies. We will catch up.” Silver said as he ushered the Thestral back the way they had come.

“Can you get them both alone?” Blue asked them.

“We can. We use two normally to make it easy for both of us. But we are able to pull them alone. It’s no big deal. Go ahead.” Silver replied.

Blue Blood nodded and broke into a lope and pulled away from the guards. As he ran his mind went over ideas about how to find the pony the rude mare had mentioned, Sand Comber. He looked up after several minutes and saw Shining Armor and the others waiting. He quickened his pace and reached them after another minute. The Captain of the Guard saw him and a wide smile crossed his muzzle.

“Blue Blood!” He shouted and trotted to greet the panting Prince as he slowed to a walk. “Its good to see you. I assume you had an epiphany similar to ours?”

“Yeah. If you mean that I was reminded about the letter that he sent to Aunt Luna and then realized that we were in the wrong place? Then, yes.” He responded.

“The same one then. I was reminded about it the day before. I am embarrassed to admit it had not occurred to me.” The Captain replied.

“Same here. We had agreed to never mention it again.” Blue replied with a chuckle.

“I like that option,” Shining admitted with a wry smile.

They waited as the other stallions joined them and helped them out of the traces. The guards greeted their counterparts and set aside to plan their next move.

“Have you had any luck?” Blue asked.

“If you mean finding Oblivion, no,” Shining responded. “We have been watching for a pony named Sand Comber.”

“We were told that we needed to find him or die in the desert.” Silver piped in.

“By a rather curt mare, I assume?” Shining asked.

“The rude one? Yes.” Blue added.

Shining nodded. “The same mare then. But that doesn’t matter. We have been combing the desert edge for this pony since yesterday. So far nothing.”

Blue Blood cringed. “I had hoped you had already found him.”

“Same here. I haven’t seen any tracks coming out of the desert either. So at least we haven’t missed him. So, Oblivion has been missing for close to two weeks now.”

“Almost, yes. It just becomes more unlike him the longer it goes.” Blue admitted.

“Agreed. I may not know him as well as others but it does not seem normal for him to vanish like this. Especially to the point that Sasa can’t reach him.” He replied. “Silver. You and Striker go ahead and start scanning the edge of the desert in opposite directions. Don’t overdo it with this heart. No armor either.”

The guards saluted and took to the air. Blue Blood sighed and looked back to the Thestral’s and saw they were trying to stay in the shade. “Oh!” Blue Blood got up and trotted back to the carriages. “Cross, Vantage, come here.” He called for the two ponies and began to rummage through the bags they had with them under the carriage. He pulled out a set of robes that they could wear to keep the sun off of their skin. “Here, wear these. Aunt Luna had them packed in case you two were out in the sun too long.”

The two guards looked grateful as they took the sun armor that the prince gave to them. Blue went back to the Captain and sat down. Shining smiled as he regarded the Prince. “I had no idea those were there. Thank you for that Blue Blood.”

“It’s no problem. Aunt Luna gave me a list of things that she had packed and I asked her about it. She said she had forgotten to give you any so she added in a second set just in case we ran into each other. Thestral’s are a bit sun intolerant.”

“I had been keeping Vantage hiding in the trees.” Shining chuckled.

“Effective. But not a lasting solution.” Blue jabbed at the white stallion.

Shining laughed and nodded. He looked back the way Blue had come and stood up. “Incoming.”

Blue moved out of the way and watched as Striker streaked toward them. He landed in front of them and saluted the Captain before speaking. “I found him. And he knows Oblivion.”

43: A Desert to Scale...

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Shining and the others waited as Silver rejoined them as the group galloped back with Striker in the lead. They reached the pony that Striker had found. He was sitting in the shade that his wagon afforded him, drinking some water. The group of ponies approached him and sat down with him in the shade of the wagon. Striker sat closest to the pony as he finished his water.

The grey pony looked from one pony to the next and then back to Striker. “So all of you are looking for him?”

“Yes. He’s a dear friend.” Blue Blood replied.

“Didn’t give off that impression. He was pretty quiet, to be honest. Didn’t talk much about anypony.” He commented.

Shining snorted a laugh. “That’s not surprising. It’s how he always is. I have to ask where you took him.”

Sand Comber looked to the Captain and leaned further back. “Why?”

Blue looked at Striker who gave a short shake of his head. “We are trying to find him. He went missing shortly after leaving Canterlot.”

The Earth Pony was quiet as he looked at them. “So what did he do?”

“How do you mean?” Silver asked.

“Well. Two of Celestia’s Solar Guards, Two of Princess Luna’s Lunar Guard, the Captain of the Royal Guards, and a Prince are hunting him.” Comber replied with a look at each pony as he spoke.

Shining looked at the pony. “Didn’t know we were that obvious.”

“You aren’t. My brother and sister work in the palace. One is a Solar Guard and the other a cook. They have mentioned ponies to me and described them. I’m not sure of all your names, but I remember descriptions well.” Comber replied to them. “If you’re here to hunt him then he either did something that you don’t like or the Princesses don’t like.”

Silver breathed out and smiled. “A few weeks back me and the other guards here were part of a group that was sent with him to hunt down monsters that had appeared and were killing ponies. Oblivion found the monster but it was found out that there was a mare with the monster and she could command it. He trained myself and others to aid him in the fight against her.” He paused and the grey pony listened. “He was able to destroy the monster and then take the mare into custody after we helped him wear her down. We brought her back to Canterlot where she admitted that she had help from another mare. He left all of us in the capital to hunt her down. The last letter we got from him came from this area.”

Shining and the others stared at the Pegasus as he spoke. The Captain started to reach for him when the Earth Pony laughed.

“Okay. So you’re not here to harm him.”

“No,” Blue said loudly, then covered his mouth.

"And you’re not here to steal the Element of Harmony he carries?” All six ponies turned to stare at Comber as he took a sip of his drink, seeming to enjoy the stunned looks from the group. “Just making sure. He saved my tail a few times. I wouldn’t have led you to the ruins he wanted if you were out to harm him.”

“Saved you?” Vantage asked, his brows knit as he looked away then back to the pony.

“Yup. That magic of his is pretty strong. He saved me when I got trapped under my wagon and repaired it without a fee. He kept a fire going all night and kept the creepy crawlies away. Then when we were close to where he needed to be a sandstorm came down on us. That storm would have killed us both if not for the dome shield he put over us and kept it up for hours till it passed. I owe him still in my opinion. He said we were even, but I still feel indebted to him.” The pony explained.

Blue nodded in understanding. “You’re not the only one he has extended a hoof too. I also feel that I owe him more than I can repay. I would not allow harm to come to him either. I don’t blame you for acting as you have. And he obviously trusted you enough to see the Element.”

“He used it to boost his magical power during the sandstorm. I only saw the crown from it and he explained what it was after the storm passed. I asked him and he told me after a moment or so.” He replied.

Blue nodded. “It’s not surprising that he didn’t mention any of us. That’s not how he is. If you want a pony to hold secrets then he is the one you should ask.” Blue chuckled as he spoke.

“I only knew him for a few days, but he was easy to be around. Not one to talk when not needed and he didn’t fight with me about who knew the desert better.” Comber admitted to them.

“He’s easy to be around.” Shining replied.

“Unless he is training you.” Cross muttered.

The others looked to the normally silent Thestral, who then looked panicked when they all looked to him. The other guards fought back a laugh but failed.

“He’s right.” Striker laughed. “He trained us and made us work for every moment.”

“The upside was that we gained a lot of techniques and some muscle.” Vantage admitted.

“Now that I think about it what happened to your armor?” Shining asked them.

“…Oh, that.” Silver looked to the others and they were staring at him. “Oh, come on. Oblivion altered them. He made them lighter and stronger.”

“How?” Shining asked the solar guard.

“Magic?” Silver replied with a grin.

“By Equestria.” Shining put a hoof over his face and rubbed his face. “I’m going to speak with him about that.”

“Please don’t make him undo it.” Striker quickly asked. “My armor is so much better now than it was. It fits perfectly.”

Shining groaned and scrubbed his face with both hooves. “And you as well?” He glanced to Silver and the Thestral’s, who nodded. “Geez.”

Blue chuckled at the exasperated Captain and refocused on the Earth Pony. “So you led him into the desert and then?”

“He wanted to go to a ruin that is pretty deep into the sands. Said the mare he was after was there. Not sure how he was gonna get back, but he didn’t seem to be worried about coming back.”

“Well he can teleport to Canterlot, so I guess…What?” Silver asked as they stared at him.

“That is not well known, Silver.” Blue replied, his voice tense.

“Oh…Oops?” The pony looked sheepish as the others shook their heads at his clueless state.

“He can teleport that far?” Comber asked. “I admit I have never heard of that. Granted I never really thought much of having magic till I saw what he can do with it.”

“Oblivion is exceptional. That amount of power is not normal.” Blue added in. “Though I would not mind having that kind of magical strength.”

Shining nodded. “I agree. But at the same time, you have to be even more careful when that power is there. Oblivion doesn’t seem to do more than he needs so I have to give him praise for his level of control. A shield that can withstand a sandstorm is worth acknowledgment.”

“He said he had not used it for hours before. Only used it a couple of times for short amounts of time. But he did seem pretty comfortable with it. All right. Since you do seem to be friends of his then I can lead you to the ruins that I took him to. Has he really not come back?” Comber asked.

Blue shook his head. “He made a spell that allows some Unicorns to send a letter to him. Myself, both Princess Celestia and Luna, and a few others. We tried to send a letter to him and it bounced back. There was no flash of his blue flames or any response.”

Comber looked concerned for a moment as he got to his hooves. “A spell can do that?”

Blue Blood stood up and summoned a scroll in his magic. He scrawled a nonsense symbol over the paper and then focused on Oblivion. The scroll vanished and then a few moments later reappeared. Blue Blood opened it and then turned it back to the group, showing no response.

“Even if he is busy, he replies. We sent letters to him saying that Canterlot was burning and we needed his help, but no reply and no flash of flames.” Blue explained as he dismissed the scroll. “Can you take us to where you left him?”

Comber looked up to the skies and then nodded. “I can, yes. You’re all going to need to wait until morning. Need to gather supplies and make sure the group of you can handle the sun.”

Shining looked back to the Thestral’s and looked uncertain. “Thestral’s are not meant for the sun. They are nocturnal.”

Both Thestral’s nodded and tried not to look miserable under the remaining sun. “Whatever it takes we will see this through, Captain.” Vantage said as he stood up. “Oblivion would never leave us behind. How can we do less for him?”

Shining smiled at the two ponies. “I don’t doubt your dedication. I simply am not sure how long you will last in the sunlight. How far is the journey?” He asked Comber as the Earth Pony looked to him.

“Five days,” Comber replied.

Shining grimaced as he glanced to the two Lunar guards. Vantage squared his shoulders. “I can make it.” He said to the Captain.

“Very well. Cross?” He glanced to the second Thestral.

Cross looked nervous and the others glanced among each other before Silver looked up, a smile going across his features. “He can stay here. Somepony needs to watch if anypony comes looking for us. No one will be able to tell them where we went if there is no pony here. You okay for that, Cross?”

Vantage looked to his longtime friend and smiled. Cross raised his head and nodded. “Yes. I’ll watch over everything here.” He agreed, looking relieved.

“That’s settled then. With a pony still here then anypony can find us. Should anything happen to the rest of us.” Shining agreed an easy smile on his muzzle. “What do we need to have for the journey, Comber?”

“I’m going to assume none of you have traveled through a desert before?” He replied.

Shining nodded. “I have once before, but it was a long time ago. So I will defer to you for this one.”

“Sounds good. So we need to keep the sun off the rest of you. Have to admit I’m jealous of your coat there Captain. Perfect color to keep the sun at bay.” The pony replied, a gentle laugh in his voice. Shining chuckled in reply. “You and the Prince are the only two that won’t need to cover up completely. The lighter the color the better.”

“Blue is fine.” Blue Blood spoke up as he took a step forward, looking at the grey Earth Pony. His voice was quiet. He tried to look more confident speaking to a new pony, but his nerve was a bit frayed.

Sand Comber nodded. “That’s fine by me. Makes it easy to remember. I gotta admit now I know who you are. Prince Blue Blood?”

Blue gave a quiet groan at the full name with the title. “You’re correct. But out here I am just another pony that needs your help.”

“Well. You’re definitely nicer than my sister said you were. Maybe she caught you on a bad day. Happens to the best ponies.” Comber replied with an easy smile as he dove up to his shoulders in his wagon.

Blue cringed at Comber's words but tried to hide his grimace. Shining bumped his shoulder and gave him a confident smile. “It’s fine.” He whispered to the Royal and went up to the wagon.

The guards smiled at him as well, trying to give a silent show of support. Blue inhaled a sharp breath then released it, trying to push the bit of anxiety away and went up to the wagon as well. “What do we need to do?”

“Well, we need to wrap your hooves.” Comber replied.

“Why?” Silver asked.

“Do you like to have your hooves burned?” Comber asked as he looked up from the wagon.

“No.” Silver replied quickly.

“The sand is hot and if you’re not careful it can burn the bottom of your hooves. Even Oblivion had to wear boots.” Comber chuckled as he gave a bag to Silver who took it from his hooves and set it aside. “Also need to take a few hoods to keep the sun off your face. I have sunscreen here as well for you and the Captain.”

“Shining is fine, Sand Comber. You’re the boss on this trek.” Shining commented as he took a bag from the gray pony.

“Sounds good. And just Comber.” He tossed the third bag to Vantage who caught it and set it on the ground behind him.

“Okay, that’s the last of what I need for the group of you. We will make the boots tonight and let them harden overnight. Oblivion had his own so I didn’t need to make any for him. So who’s first?”

Nopony volunteered, so Blue Blood stepped forward first and sat down when Comber pointed to space in front of him. The grey Earth pony pulled a square of leather out of one bag and set it on the ground. “Hoof in the center, please.” Blue nodded and did as he was instructed. Comber began to twist the leather around his hoof and partway up his foreleg and then tied it above his hock and then applied glue around the leather to hold it in place. He repeated the process with the rest of Blue’s hooves and then pulled them off to allow them to dry.

“They’ll hold snug once they dry. Next.” Comber called out and did the same for each pony.

They finished and Comber prepped a set of hoods for each of them and set them aside as well. Once the preparations had been made the ponies all settled down for the night, resting before the journey the next day.

Blue Blood laid awake for a moment before he got up and went to sit by the deserts edges. He was quiet as he looked back to the others and found Shining sitting up, watching him. The captain got up and sat down beside the royal, quiet.

“Are you alright, Blue Blood?” The white pony asked.

“A bit nervous. I have not really been too far outside of Canterlot.” He admitted.

“You’ll do fine. Truth be told I would have been surprised if you were not a bit apprehensive. But your dedication to finding Oblivion is strong. At first, I was not sure if sending you out to help search was a good idea. As you said, you haven’t left Canterlot for anything like this before. But you were the first out of the gates.” Shining replied. “So you have more drive than the rest of us combined. Trust in that.”

Blue gave a non-committal sound and a weak nod at the captain’s words. “I have never needed to have that drive before. I shunned other ponies and stayed away from them. Oblivion kind of forced me to think differently. He caught me so off guard that I had no idea how to react to him at first.”

“I think Princess Luna felt much the same way.” Shining chuckled. “She had not faced any pony that could beat her so easily in combat and Oblivion had done it twice. Once, as Nightmare Moon and then against her personally.”

“I never saw that.” Blue admitted.

“According to several of the trainees and others, it was quite the spectacle. He chased her around the training yard and then swatted her across the flanks.”

“I heard about that part. I also heard one of your drill sergeants got pretty sore at him for it.”

“Oh. Yes, he did. He was furious. But they couldn’t say anything when Princess Luna began to laugh and dismissed them.”

Blue chuckled and looked over the seemingly endless sands ahead of them. “That’s quite the daunting sight.”

“The desert?” Blue nodded. “Yes, it is. If you let it scare you then all you’ll do is worry about it. I keep thinking that five days is nothing in the end. If he is there then it has been longer for him.”

“I doubt he is there.”

“You never know. We have no idea where he is. If there is some magic there that is stopping him, then we need to be ready for it. You and I are the Unicorns in this group. Between the two of us, we should be able to help. We have the speed and tenacity of three of the best guards the palace has to offer. And Sand Comber knows the desert. This group should have no issue making it. And we have Cross watching for us to return. We will find him and come back. If we play our cards right then we can find him, bring him back, and then go home safely and let those who are waiting for us to return know that we did it or that we tried our best. That is all we can do.”

Blue got an impish look and regarded the other stallion. “Yes, my cousin will be waiting for you no doubt.”

Shining looked back to him. He gave a groan and looked away. “I’m not the only one who has some pony waiting. I’m told you have been writing letters to a mare.”

Blue grinned and nodded. “True. But I haven’t actually met her.”


“Oblivion introduced us through letters. She lives outside of Canterlot.”

“Oh. Long distance. That’s not for every pony. But those who can handle it usually have a bond stronger than if you met them once then wrote. She must be around Ponyville if Oblivion knows her.”

“Yes. She is a friend of your sister.”

“Oh!? Which mare?”

“Rarity, the Element of Generosity.”

“Ahh. I see. I haven’t heard anything personally, but I hear the whole group is the very personification of their element. So, I have no doubt of her character.” Shining replied. “Don’t tell my sister anything, by the way.”

“Fine. I will keep quiet. I won’t mention it.” Blue replied. “Cadance would hurt me if I did anyway. She already swore me to secrecy.”

Shining chuckled and got to his hooves. “I’m going to catch a few hours of sleep before the morning. I advise you do the same, Blue.”

“Thanks. I’ll do the same.” Blue Blood followed him and got to his hooves. He laid down on his own sleeping bag and fell asleep with the others close by.

Blue Blood snapped awake as a hoof nudged his shoulder. Silver nodded to him as he awoke and sat up, a yawn pulling from him. He shook his head and banished the sluggishness from his body as he stood up and shook. Around him, the others were waking up and grabbing a light breakfast while Sand Comber was finishing the last minute preparations for the start of their journey. The Prince looked up and trotted over to Shining Armor.

“Did you send an update to my Aunts already?”

Shining startled and shook his head. “No. I forgot to be honest. Can you take care of it?”

“Sure. Just make sure they leave some breakfast for me.”

“I got your back.” Shining replied with a light laugh.

Blue Blood trotted to the carriage and his magic gripped the mailbox and he set it on the ground beside him as he wrote out a swift note to his Aunt Celestia, informing her that they were going into the desert to see if there was any trace of the missing stallion in the ruins that a guide had taken him to. He slid the scroll into the box and it sent the letter on its way. The pale pony opened the box and found a reply had been received and he pulled it out to read through it.


Thank you for letting us know that thou are doing well. We will await the next update from you and the Captain. Be safe and tread softly.

Celestia and Luna

Blue Blood smiled and set the letter back inside the mailbox. The box was replaced back on the carriage and he trotted to the others. Shining Armor levitated a plate to him and he sat down by the dead fire to eat his share. Sand Comber joined them and began to fit the guards who had already finished with their boots and the hoods that would help keep the sun off of them.

Silver stepped into his boots and waited as Comber cut the edges of the upper boots to make them uniform around his foreleg. The process continued and Blue Blood finished his food and stepped into his boots. After they had been fitted the all placed any items they needed into the wagon Sand Comber used and moved items around to make sure that it did not overburden the grey Earth pony.

“Okay. So you two bring up the rear in case we need to push the wagon up hills.” Comber motioned for Striker and Silver to walk behind the wagon. They nodded and moved into place. “Now have Shining and Vantage on the sides. Depending on the time of day we will have Vantage switch back and forth on the sides. A Thestral will have a hard time constantly in the sun.” The mentioned ponies moved into a place with a nod of acknowledgment. “Blue Blood. You’ll walk up from with me. I don’t doubt your strength, but…”

“No. I understand. I’m the least likely to be able to push or pull the wagon.” Blue Blood replied with a knowing smile.

“Just didn’t want you thinking I’d singled you out or thought you were weak. You’ll help as needed. If the ones in the back need a bit o’ help then you’re the one that will help them.” Comber replied, clearly pleased that Blue had taken no offense. “The ones on the sides will help out pulling if I get tired. That okay?”

“Sounds like a solid plan to me. Vantage and I will switch out with you if needed.” Shining replied.

“Perfect.” Comber smiled widely at the group and set himself in the wagon's traces. “Here we go. Keep up with the pace I set.”

Blue Blood walked next to the pony and set hooves into the desert and looked at the rolling hills ahead of him. ‘Oblivion. Wherever you are, I hope you’re safe.’ He thought to himself as they went forward.

44: An Old Friend Found...

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Oblivion looked up the narrow path that he recognized. The sun had gone down already and the night had begun to set in. He had wanted to arrive there before the sunset but the slight altercation earlier had slowed him down. The Alicorn was quiet as he walked up the hill toward the vineyards stable. As he neared it he saw Geralt’s mare, Roach standing untacked in the stables only horse stall. The mare raised her head to see him and nickered to him. He had always gotten along well with Geralt’s horses and this black mare was no exception. He walked over to her and she reached out her nose to him. He raised his claws and scratched under her chin.

“Hello, lovely girl.” He said softly to her. “Please tell me that your owner and his ward are here.” He said to her, his voice a whisper.

A gasp caught his attention and he looked to find a man he recognized by sight staring at him. The Alicorn laid his hoof slowly back to the ground and watched in silence as the man walked up to him.

“You are not from here.” He said, timid as he approached the tall stallion.

Oblivion remained quiet as he approached, he knew enough to know that speaking now would be a bad beginning to the evening. If he remembered right this was the steward of the vineyard, they called him a Majordomo. But for the life of him, he could not recall the man’s name. He wore a pair of dark-tinted glasses on a thin wire frame. His clothing consisted of a dark coverlet with a tan shirt under it. His clothing was in the typical Toussaint style with the thighs covered in a very poufy style with the lower leg covered in a darker color and he wore a pair of boots that went up to his ankle. Oblivion said nothing as he timidly reached out and gripped the lower part of the leather mask he wore to hide his horn and allowed the man to tug gently on him, leading him out of the barn.

“You are not a horse that I have seen before. Though the leather you wear is clearly an ornament of some type. Come now.” He said and began to lead the Witcher toward the main house. “We also must tend to the passed out man that rides you. No saddle, no bridle, is rather…foolish.” He said aloud and the stallion managed to snort in reply.

Oblivion allowed him to lead him and when they reached the main courtyard the steward halted him and was glancing from statues in the courtyard to the stallion. “Stay.” He said and began to mount the steps.

Oblivion managed to not roll his eyes at the declaration, though it was a struggle. He glanced back to the man on his back and he was still drunkenly passed out in place. Oblivion shook his head and looked up to see the front door. He couldn’t see it completely and he backed up several steps to watch the door. The front door opened and a familiar white-haired man appeared. He approached the small fence and stared down at the stallion in the courtyard.

“Do you know that horse and his rider?” The steward asked and he joined him at the fence.

“Can’t say that the horse looks familiar. Never seen a horse with an ornamented headdress like that outside of games and other events.” Geralt replied, his voice stoic.

Oblivion watched as the other Witcher pushed off of the fence and started down the dirt ramp to the courtyard below. His stride was fluid and carried him silently down the ramp. His orange cat eyes shone in the low light of the evening moon. He kept his hair back in a ponytail at the back of his head, similar to the hairstyle Oblivion had adopted in Equestria. It kept his hair out of his face and eyes. He wore a white shirt that could be outfitted along the back with a Witcher's blades and held in place by the leather straps running across his chest and back. A deep scar ran from just under his hairline, through his eye and curved to go under his cheekbone. He had other slight scars along his face that didn’t take away from his looks. The others were older and had faded while the largest of them was clearly the newest.

Geralt reached out and laid a hand on Oblivion's neck, patting it gently. “Easy boy.” He said and reached under the unconscious man’s chin and lifted his face up. “Don’t know this guy. Not sure why he ended up here. Unless the stallion sniffed out Roach and came to visit.”

Oblivion had to admit it was good to see him. He had never been particularly close with any of his fellow Witchers. Though should they need him, he would come to their aid at a moment’s notice. They would do the same for him. He had missed them to an extent, but now he needed to get Geralt alone and speak to him. Geralt dropped the man’s head and began to pull on the body, Oblivion snorted and pulled away.

“Easy now.” Geralt said to him and moved to stay at his side.

Oblivion could feel his hand go back to his neck and he kept going in circles, trying to drive off the skittish majordomo. He snorted and rolled his eyes at the timid man’s approach.

“Barnabus? Go back inside, he seems nervous with the two of us here.” Geralt ordered and glanced at him.

“If you insist.” He replied and fled back to the house.

Oblivion stopped his prancing as soon as he heard the door close and looked to the other Witcher. Geralt stopped trying to handle the drunk on the stallions back and looked to the horse more closely.

“Quite the set of eyes you have, boy.” He said as he now stared back at the stallion and put his hands on the sides of the stallion's face.

His grip was gentle as he looked over the stallion’s features, though they were obscured by the helm he wore. Oblivion had never had scars that went over his face. His worst scars were the newest on his back and the old ones along his chest and sides, with one of the worst to his outer right thigh. They were hidden under his thick fur now, so they could not easily be seen. Geralt was silent as he stared at Oblivion. The stallion stared back, his eyes not blinking as the Witcher backed up a bit from him. The Witcher's nose suddenly twitched slightly and Oblivion waited for him to speak.

“I know that scent. But that’s not possible.” He said and backed up from the stallion, his hands dropping to his sides. “That scent is from a Witcher's concoction. The man you carry is no Witcher.” Geralt had now backed up over a foot from the waiting stallion. His hand moved to the dagger he kept on his thigh and a snort from the black horse made him pause.

“Geralt.” Oblivion finally could not hold back and speak to the now uncertain Witcher.

Geralt jerked back like he had been physically struck. He looked up and around and saw nothing. Oblivion waited and took a step up to him, stretching out his neck to put his muzzle beside the other man’s ear. “Your guard is down.”

Geralt yelped and leaped back a considerable distance from the stallion. His eyes were wide, but that was the only indication of the alarm in his gaze. The Witcher finally put the dagger away and stood across from the stallion. His eyes stared as he seemed to be searching for the right words. “Oblivion?”

The stallion gave a bow of his head and held his head higher, allowing Geralt to see his lips moving as he spoke to him. “Well done. It’s been a while since we last spoke.”

“It has been some time. What happened to you?” He asked, his voice searching as his eyes went over the stallions frame.

“First, can you remove the drunk from my back? His weight is pushing my swords into my spine.” The stallion replied and nodded to the man on his back. “He is from Castel Revallo. That was the name he gave before passing out completely.”

“I know the place. I’ll have him sent home come first light. Or when he wakes up.” Geralt pulled the drunk off Oblivions back and took him to the stable and laid him down in a stall to sleep off the last of his drunken stupor. “Where have you been and what happened to you? Run afoul of a sorcerer?”

Oblivion gave a wry chuckle. “No. It’s more complex than that, I fear. It’s no curse, so relax.” He replied and Geralt nodded to him as he spoke.

“Over here. We can speak freely over here.” He said and motioned for the stallion to follow him.

Oblivion followed his fellow Witcher to an open area under several large trees in the far back of the property. The stallion was quiet and waited till they reached their destination before looking to Geralt and shaking his head.

“One moment.”

Oblivion sat down and reached his hooves up to pull the helm off and dropped it to the ground beside him. He watched as Geralt’s eyes widened at the curved horn that remained after the helm was removed. Oblivion stood up and his wings spread from his back and stretched out, their size on display as he rolled his shoulders to get the stiffness out of the appendages. He shook his head once more and let his mane settle against his neck.

“Much better.” He said aloud as his wings settled back into their place at his sides.

“What in the God's name are you?” Geralt asked, his voice held a hint of uncertainty.

“That’s rude.” The stallion chided the other Witcher. “But a valid question. I am what is called an Alicorn.”

“And that is?”

Oblivion chuckled at Geralt’s blunt speech. “From what I know it’s a mixture of all types po…horses. An Earth Po…Earth horse. A Pegasus and a Unicorn.”

“Earth horse?”

Oblivion growled internally. “A type that is bred for working the land. The others are sky and magic.” He explained.

“Odd. I have heard of the other two in myth, but the first is not known to me.” Geralt replied and reached out to gently pull the curved horn down for him to look at. “So this has magic?”

“Normally, yes. But in this world, it’s just a horn.” Oblivion clarified. “Let me explain.”

Geralt backed up and nodded. “Please do.”

“First. How long has it been you last saw or heard from me?”

“Almost a year.” Geralt replied after a moment of thought.

“Gods. Hasn’t been that long to me. But I suppose time moves differently.” He replied and then began to speak more to the attentive audience he now had. “I took a contract to kill a Leshen and during that fight, a second one appeared. As you can imagine the fight was grueling at best.” Geralt grimaced and nodded in understanding. “So I was able to get them to focus more on each other and called for my mare.” Oblivion paused and looked toward the stable that housed Geralt’s black mare. “Anyway. She reached me, but so did the Leshens attack.”

Oblivion paused and turned to show the scar across his back to Geralt who grimaced visibly at the large scar. “As you can imagine the ending was predictable. Both of us fell.”

“It killed you both?” Oblivion nodded. “That explains why you vanished into thin air.”


“So how are you alive?”

“I awoke in another world. I was put into this form by the Heart of that world, it is called Equestria” Geralt raised an eyebrow and looked at him. “I know. The name threw me as well. If you heard the names of some of the other places you would have to hold back a laugh as well.”

“Hmm. So how did you get there? None of us can travel like Ciri can.”

“Of course not, that’s impossible.” Oblivion replied and turned to face the Witcher. “I was brought there by the Heart of the world. She brought me there when this part is a bit odd, so bear with me.” He informed the Witcher who leaned against the tree trunk and waited. “She brought me there to help stabilize their world. It needed somepo…Ugh. Live there long enough and their way of speaking catches you. It needed someone to guard the Spirit of their world. What that means is that my job is to make sure that their spirits do not fall to corruption or other problems. I also keep the World Spirit in balance. Though if I’m not sure what happens if I am not there.”

Geralt was silent as he listened. “So without you, their spirits will fall and break?”

“If I understood correctly yes. I have never been gone to test the theory.”

“So how did you get back here?”

“That, believe it or not, was an accident.” He admitted and shrugged. “I was sent to find a pony that had… What?”

“Pony?” He had given the horse Witcher a look that told him he was laughing in the inside.

Oblivion growled, then snaked out his neck and nipped his teeth into Geralt’s forearm. The Witcher yelped at the bite and backed up, looking at the bite. “What kind of teeth do you have?” He complained. “I’ve had Nekker bites that hurt less.”

Oblivion opened his mouth and showed the sharp fangs that hide inside his mouth. “I have been told they look like I have a mouthful of knives. Accurate description?”

“Yes. Please continue.” He replied and held his hand over the bite.

“They call themselves ponies. So that is what I call them as well.” He replied and waited for Geralt to go back to the tree and pay attention. “Anyway. The pony I was sent to find was hiding out in an old desert ruin. Turned out the ruin looks almost identical to the elven ruins we have here. I confronted her inside and she was able to push me through an active portal. I came to a forest in Velen. The only difference is that I was not in my original form.”

Geralt checked the bite to his arm and then looked to the black Alicorn. “I have to admit that’s quite the tale. I believe you though. You’re not the type to exaggerate things like this. Especially since your standing here talking to me as a horse…Alicorn.”

“Hard to argue the fact of it, that’s true. So I ran into Johnny in Velen. He brought to my attention an old tale about a tree that can connect to other worlds. Though I cannot use it as far as I could tell. I can probably get it to react, but I am thinking I may need Ciri’s help to get back.”

“Ciri? Why?”

“The Lady of Space and Time. According to the tale, only those who can see the seams in the worlds can use the tree. And the only ones who can trip across those who death cannot touch. Only those who have met death and walked away can use the paths it will show.”

“Ciri has never died, nor come close.” Geralt replied.

“She has not, thankfully. But I have.” He replied.

“Right when the Leshen reached out and hit you.”

“That was the time I walked away from it. The other is that death cannot touch me.” Geralt pushed away from the tree and gave him an uncertain look. “In that world, an Alicorn is immortal.”

Geralt’s eyes went wide as he leaned back to the tree. “You cannot die?”

“No.” The stallion breathed back to him and looked out over the vineyards. “Believe me, that is a fact I am still grappling with.”

Geralt pushed away from the tree once more and approached the stallion. “I am sorry.” Geralt said to him and reached out to the stallion.

Despite having their emotions locked away even a Witcher can feel if they are inclined to. Oblivion allowed the Witcher to lay a hand on his head, just under his horn and he closed his eyes at the contact. They were silent as time slowly slipped past, and they remained still as stone. After several minutes Oblivion opened his eyes and nodded in thanks to the other Witcher.

“Have you seen Ciri?” Oblivion asked.

“Yes. She should still be in Toussaint.” He replied.


“She was coming here most days. She went out to see if she could get an invite to Anna Henrietta’s next ball. She should return late tomorrow.”

Oblivion nodded. “I will need a way to hide my horn and wings while I am here. Unless we can go to her.”

“We might have better odds of finding her there. Her aids have been trying to get her to back to Vizima.”

“I need to speak with her first.” Oblivion said, his voice held a bit of urgency.

“I agree. I can get Roach ready and we can head out now.”

Oblivion nodded, Geralt stopped and picked up the helm from the ground, and trotted with Oblivion back to the courtyard. Once they reached it they slid the helm back into place and Geralt trotted up the ramp to alert his majordomo that he would be heading for the capital city. Oblivion went to stand by Roach and waited for the Witcher to return. The Witcher returned, after changing into his own armor and began to saddle up his mare and Oblivion stood in silence, waiting. He tacked her up and then approached the black stallion, a rope halter in his grasp.

Oblivion looked at him, then back to the rope. “I know, Oblivion. But if you’re just following me then it will make people wonder how.”

Oblivion grumbled but nodded. “Fair point.”

Geralt slipped the rope over his head and fastened the rope halter in place, then tied the rope to his saddle horn. He reached back into Roach’s stall and pulled out her rug. He unfastened the saddlebags from Oblivion's body and clicked his tongue at the clear chafing from the straps. The saddlebags were set aside and he undid all the buckles on the blanket and tossed it over Oblivion's back, hiding his swords and wings. He buckled the girth strap loosely and then buckled the chest straps and the strap that went around his hind legs.

“Thankfully, you’re not too much longer than Roach so this will fit for now. Now you just look like an extra horse with some ornamented gear. Traveling with me should help keep people away from you.” Oblivion nodded as he picked up the saddlebags and fastened them to Roach’s saddle. At Oblivion's glance, he explained. “Those have rubbed a line through your skin. Roach is fine carrying them until we go to send you back.”

“That will have to work then.” Oblivion agreed and waited for the Witcher to mount and then trotted at the mare’s side as they left the vineyard. “Hopefully we can catch her and soon all will go back to normal.” Oblivion said aloud as they moved to the main road.

“I agree. While I am glad to know that you are alive, it is clear that you are needed elsewhere.” Geralt admitted as they trotted forward. “I am glad that you are alive, Oblivion.

“That makes two of us.” The stallion replied with a chuckle. “I do feel that I am needed there. If only for the balance that I help provide. I can hope that the World Spirit is under the Hearts control once more. That will mean the ponies are safe until I return. Otherwise, I am not sure what will happen if I am gone for too much longer. Time seems to move slower there.” He stopped speaking as they passed a wagon. “So I am not as worried about the time frame.”

“That’s how it sounds. But still. We do not need to tempt fate.”

Oblivion nodded in agreement and looked ahead of them. ‘I hope they are all well. Sasa watch over them in my stead.’ He thought to himself and hoped in a way the feline might have heard him.

Sasa yowled as the bandages were placed on her shoulder and then tightened. Fluttershy rubbed her fur as she made sure the wrap would hold and keep the wounds clean.

“I’m so sorry.” She said and tried to placate the yowling feline with attention.

Sasa stopped her complaints and rubbed her forehead against the mare's shoulder. “I’ll be fine. Just have not needed any tending in a long time.” She wrote out in the sandbox.

“I‘m just glad you’re okay.” Twilight said to her as she stayed close to the feline. “Are you going to go back to the farm with Applejack?”

“No. Unless I am needed I will remain at the Library.” She replied after scratching out her last reply.

“It's fine, kitten. If Ah need ya, Ah’ll come get ya. But if ya hear from him?” Applejack said to her.

“You will know.” Sasa replied. “You will hear me and Twilight screaming.”

Twilight smiled and nodded at the cat’s commentary. “She’s right.”

The mares chuckled and then were quiet as the small group began to leave Fluttershy’s house.

“Be careful everypony. It’s dark out.” The butter yellow mare said to them as they left.

“Thanks again, Fluttershy. Have a good night.” Twilight called back to her and waved. Her magic kept the sandbox close to them, allowing them to pause to use it if needed.

Sasa walked just in front of them and made sure they stayed on the path. Her cat eyes allowed her to see the path easily as it led them toward town. Her mind went over the sight of the Nekker and the blue flames that had fought it with her. She could not use his flames without her connection to him. What had drawn them to her aid she didn’t know or understand? She had never had the need to test his flames so she had simply not bothered to try her luck with them. Behind her Applejack and Twilight followed her in silence. She looked back to them and they paused to allow Applejack to head home to the farm.

“Get home safely.” Twilight said to the orange mare, hugging her and then backing up.

“No problem, Twi.” The mare assured her friends. “Ah’m glad we sent Spike back first. Is pretty dark out.”

“I agree.” Twilight smiled.

Sasa was quiet as she nuzzled the orange mare and they watched till she left their sight. Twilight still held the sandbox and the two began to make their way to the library. Sasa watched the path ahead. She glanced to the side and saw the sad look on the purple Unicorns face. Sasa purred and then gave the mare a gentle bump with her hip. The mare yelped and looked at the now smirking cat.

“Very funny, Sasa.” She chided and then bumped her back.

The pair made it back to the library and sat down in the main front room. Spike joined them after a few minutes and sat down close by.

“Hey, Sasa?” He spoke to the feline as she looked to him. “Where did those blue flames come from? I really thought Oblivion had come back.”

Sasa nodded her head. She raised a claw and began to write a reply to the dragon. “So did I. I was certain that he was going to step out of the forest.” She replied.

Twilight was quiet as she read the message from the cat. “I thought you could use his flames when you needed them?”

“Not without him being somewhat close by. I haven’t been able to call on them as I would normally since he left Canterlot.” The cat clarified.

“So you can’t use any of your skills?”

“I still have my normal abilities. For example. I can’t use my blink ability to its full without his magic.” She replied. “Its power is weakened significantly without him. I can’t go through a door without his power to amplify my own.”

“Oh. Wow. That’s a bummer.” Spike replied.

Sasa nodded. “Normally, I would be able to do basic skills. My eyes sight and other are fine but without him, they are weakened. I have my appearance and my sight, but I do not have the magic to accomplish anything else.”

“Appearance?” Twilight asked her.

“Do you recall when he was injured by the dragon?” They both nodded. “When he was unconscious then my appearance changed, did it not?”

“It did. You lost the mist that comes off of your fur and became more tangible.” Twilight replied.

“She did?” Spike asked.

“You weren’t there, Spike.” Twilight replied. “I never mentioned it.”

“I lost my enhanced vision as well. So. That tells me that he is not injured or unconscious. Just missing.” Sasa replied to them.

Spike looked to the Unicorn mare and then back to the feline in the room. “So that means he’s not hurt?”

“Correct.” Twilight replied as Sasa nodded. “He’s just not…here.”

Sasa nodded again and gave a one-legged shrug. “For now we only have one option, we wait.” She wrote to them. “We have no other choice. We are not the only ones out hunting for him. We must hope they find something.”

“Who?” Spike asked her.

“Luna, among others, is trying to find him through her connection to the Dreamscape. We have to hope she finds a clue.” Sasa said to them.

“Hopefully, she finds a clue for us.” Twilight said aloud. “It was pretty clear that he had not been in the forest since the day he left. So that was a dead end. But what in Equestria was that thing that attacked us?”

“That was a Nekker.” Sasa wrote to her. “It’s a monster that I have fought before.”


“With Oblivion. I had heard of them from him but I had never been near one until we went hunting the monsters that were killing ponies. The mare that we found sent a portal full of them after the guards and myself. We were training and allowing Oblivion to rest in peace.”

“What was wrong with him?” Spike asked.

“Nothing. He just had not slept in a few days.” Sasa responded with a purr. We were attacked by easily ten of them. I called out to him and he came to see what was wrong. I and the guards fought at his side as he drove the mare away and killed the group of them.”

“Wow. Over ten of those things?” Spike said to her, his eyes wide. Fear in their depths as he stared at her.

“Yes. It was overwhelming to see. But a Witcher never blinks.” She replied.

Spike shook his head. “I would have blinked, I admit it.” He said with a nervous chuckle.

Sasa reached out and nuzzled the baby dragon gently. “You have friends who will look out for you, little dragon. You are not alone.” She said to him.

Twilight nodded and ran her hoof over his spines in comfort. “Exactly. And when Oblivion comes back you will have him to back you up as well.”

“Yeah. You’re both right. I can’t wait for him to come back. I want to ask him about the other monsters he’s seen.”

“If you ask nicely he might even draw them for you.” Sasa wrote to him.

“That’s right! He can draw.” Twilight commented. “Can he draw the monsters as well? We have seen him draw the runes but nothing more than that. I don’t think.”

“He can. He taught Apple Bloom how to draw a Wraith and a Troll.” Sasa commented back.

“That’s so cool.” Spike replied, the fear leaving his eyes, leaving only wonder and awe in its place. The baby dragon jumped up and looked to eh feline and mare. “I’m gonna go to bed. You gonna stay up for a bit Twilight?”

“Yes. I have a few things I want to ask Sasa about.” She replied and nuzzled the drake.

“Night.” Spike yawned and headed for the stairs.

Once he had gone the mare looked to the cat. “So you can’t use any of the abilities that need him?”


“So how did that flame come about?” Twilight asked her.

“I honestly have no idea. I wish I did. I truly thought it was him.” She replied.

“Me too.” Twilight said to her, her head hung as she remembered the feeling of relief at the sight of the blue flame. Then the crushing loss that came from finding out he was not there with them.

“Perhaps it is there in case of dire need?” Sasa wrote out.

“Maybe. A delayed response?” Sasa tilted her head at the wording. “Sorry. I mean what if it’s the flame he left with you in case you needed him but he wasn’t here with you to help?”

“I suppose that’s possible. But still not something that makes sense to me.” Sasa replied.“I can only use his magic if he is close by. If I had tried to Blink through a door when he was gone from Canterlot I would have run into the door.”

Twilight giggled at the feline’s response and reached out to her books, her eyes scanning the titles. “Magical theory volume…5.”

The book hovered from its place on the shelf to land solidly in front of the mare. Her magic scanned the pages and finally stopped once finding the pages that she sought. “Here we are. Residual Magic. The act of having magic is dependent on them…Blah blah…Nope…No…Wrong paragraph.” Twilight scanned the page once more, a curse rolling off her lips as she scanned it once more. “There we are. Okay, it says that residual magic can be left in place when the magic is used often enough or if the magic is potent enough to leave an aftereffect of itself in place.” Twilight read it aloud and looked up to the feline across from her.

“Well. The magic from him is certainly strong enough to leave an echo of itself behind I suppose.” Sasa responded.

Twilight nodded in reply and set the book down on the table. “So does that mean it cannot be used again? Or will it respond if you are in need of it?”

“Without a way to test it, I have no idea.” The Spectral cat replied.

“Right. I have no desire to find another of those things to test it out. So he fights against those?”

“He does, yes. He is obviously much better at it and they fall quickly to him.” Sasa replied, her tail flicking behind her as they spoke.

“That was…terrifying.” The mare spoke up, her voice low as fear lanced through her at the memory of the creature.

“They are. I froze when I first saw one. He, however, has fought hundreds of them, if not more. He doesn’t fear them. Despite having his emotions taken from him he can feel to an extent.” Sasa wrote out. “But he has grown used to them and does not even blink any longer at their appearance.”

“I can’t even imagine fighting those on a constant basis. I would be a nervous wreck if I was in his hooves.”

“Like I said. His emotions are nearly gone so he does not feel the fear. He has to view them differently than a normal being.”

“What do you mean?”

[i]“He does not see them as anything more than a monster that needs to be fought. Kind of like a morning warm up.” Sasa explained. “I cannot speak for him, nor can I say that is the exact way he sees them but I can tell you that he does not fear their claws.”

“Do they have teeth?” Twilight asked her. “Maybe if I can understand them more I won’t be so scared.” She explained at the uncertain tilt of the felines head.

Sasa nodded and began to explain what she knew. “I do not know as much as he will. But I can explain what I do know. They do have teeth, but they are not their first means of attack. The claws that you see are their main way of fighting. They use them almost exclusively. I’m certain that they will use their teeth if needed but I have not seen them use them personally.”

“So the claws are used first?” The feline nodded. “So the teeth, are used…after the fight is over? If they won?”

“Yes. For more details, we would need to speak to Oblivion.” Sasa replied.

“Yeah. That’s what I thought. He needs to just write a book about them and then I can read it.”

Sasa nodded, a growling laugh coming from her. “I do not know if they have types, but I have only seen the one type, thankfully.”

“That’s comforting.” Twilight replied, sarcasm in her voice.

A laugh rumbled once more form the felines chest and she reached out to nose the mare's shoulder. Twilight rubbed her forehead and stood up, her magic returning the book to its place on the shelf.

“I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to go to bed.” Twilight said as she turned to the stairs. “It’s been a stressful day.”

Sasa nodded and began to follow the mare up the stairs. Her shoulder ached but she could ignore it long enough to mount the stairs and follow Twilight into her room. The feline laid down on the floor close to the baby dragon’s basket. She waited as Twilight got into her bed and huddled under her blanket and fell asleep. Sasa could hear her breathing change as she relaxed and fell into a deeper sleep. Sasa sat back up and looked to the window in her room. The Spectral Tiger looked through it to the moon high in the sky.

“Chosen.” Sasa’s voice was quiet as she tried to reach him once more. She was met with silence and she collapsed back to the floor in frustration. She allowed her eyes to close for a moment and then they snapped open as the feel of magic caught her attention and she sat up. She got to her paws and looked out the door to the hallway the connected the bedroom with the rest of the library. She walked out on silent paws and found a familiar Princess sitting out in the main library. Sasa walked down the steps and reached the Princess of the Night and nuzzled her gently.

“Sasa. Our friend, how have thee been injured?”

“A Nekker was in the Everfree and it came out when we appeared. Oblivion would never forgive me if something happened to any of them.” Sasa replied to the question Alicorn mare.

“Does thee need anything?”

“No. I am fine. I will heal just fine. But thank you anyway.”

Luna nodded and sat back at the cat’s insistence. “We have had no luck in finding our missing friend.” The mare said to her, sorrow in her voice.

“It will be okay. Oblivion is not gone completely.” Sasa insisted to the mare.

“Is thee certain?”

“I am connected to him and I would die without him. He was rendered unconscious once before and I lost my intangibility, my heightened senses, and the mist that comes from my coat. I have not lost any of that. That tells me that he is awake and in good health.”

“Are thee certain?” She asked again.

Sasa nodded and rubbed the sand to allow her to speak to the mare. “Yes. I have never been more certain that he is all right. While he is not here to prove it, I know in my own heart that he will return to us. Have faith in him.”

“I want to believe what thee says. But we are…afraid.”

“Of what, Luna?”

“Of losing our friend. He was the first that we were able to speak truthfully too.” The mare admitted after a pause. “He did not expect us to be anything more than we are.”

The cat replied, a tilt of her head showing her confusion at the mares words.

“We did not need to be a ruler in his presence, we could be a simple pony. He asked us how we were doing and normal points of conversation. There was no formality in his words.”

Sasa nodded in underrating. “That is how he is. He can see past what is on the surface. He will return to us, Luna. How the same faith in him that he has in the rest of us.”

Luna closed her eyes and wrapped her forelegs gently around the tiger and held as tightly as she dared, her grip light to avoid hurting the cat. “Thou are right. We are not giving him the credit he is due. Our friend has never doubted us, so we must believe in him as well.”

Sasa nodded as the mare released her and nuzzled the mare. “Let the others know that we have not seen any sign of him here. There was no recent sign of him in the Everfree.” She relayed to the Royal.

“We will alert our sister. The others have gone to the last place that he was seen. He sent a letter alerting us to the Wraith that he had put down.”

“I remember that.”

“Yes. Blue Blood and Shining Armor both went into the near-desert.”


“Oblivion had asked a pony to take him to a ruin inside the desert. They found that same pony and he is leading them to the ruins. We will not have any contact until they return. We hope to hear good news.”

“I hope so. Even a sign of him would be nice to hear. If they find him that would be even better.” Sasa replied.

“We agree.” The Alicorn replied with a smile. “If we are alerted to anything we will send a letter. How are the others doing?”

“Everyone misses him. I think Twilight and Applejack more than the others.” Sasa admitted. Luna gave her a questioning look and the tiger went on. “Applejacks family adopted him when he came to Equestria. So they are close to him and I think she has not told Granny Smith or Apple Bloom that he is missing. She told Big Macintosh but he will keep it to himself unless asked to do otherwise. I know it would crush little Apple Bloom. Granny Smith would be devastated as well.” Sasa informed her.

“We did not know that. We will make sure to be careful of our words.” Luna replied. “And Twilight?”

[i]“She and Oblivion get along well. She has always been the first to ask him questions about where he is from among others. He borrows books from the library so he is here fairly often. His desire to know things is not quite equal to hers but they seem to get along well.”

“It is good to hear that he has been welcomed and is part of so many other lives. I know he is well liked by our nephew and the Captain as well.”

“That’s true. I hope they find a trace of him.” Sasa replied.

“As do we.” Luna stood up and made for the door. She looked back and smiled warmly at the tiger.

She vanished out the door and Sasa watched as she began to use the Dreamscape to return to Canterlot. Sasa waited till she vanished and then moved back to the stairs and began back up the stairs to Twilight's bedroom. She stopped and glanced back to the night sky and a smile tugged at her muzzle as she moved back to the bedroom and laid down on the floor close to the bed.

“Good night, Chosen.”

45: All It Takes...

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Oblivion was quiet as they walked toward the capital city of Beauclair. He had not spent a great deal of time inside the city last he was in the area. He had helped Geralt with a few contracts for the Duchess but had not remained. Beside him, Roach walked easily over the dirt roads with her rider sitting in silence as well. Oblivion looked to the sides of them as they walked.

“So what is it like?” Geralt suddenly spoke up, jarring Oblivion form his thoughts.

“You’re going to have to be more specific,” Oblivion replied.

The other Witcher looked to the stallion. “What is it like being a type of horse?”

“Oh. That.” Oblivion looked back to him for a moment before watching the road ahead once more. “It’s not as different as you might think. While using a sword is a bit more difficult, my other senses are the same as always. Four legs also mean that I am much faster than I used to be.”

Geralt snorted. “Do you miss what you once were?”

Oblivion was quiet as he considered the question. “There are days. For the most part, I’m alright with what I have become. There are times where I would not mind having my body back, but then I am reminded that my body is gone.”


“The Leshen saw to that.”

“Ahh. That’s right, I had forgotten.”

“You’re younger than I am and you’re forgetting things.” Oblivion teased him.

The other Witcher gave a slight tug on the halter and Oblivion snorted in response. Another tug stopped him and he opened his mouth to berate the other when his head was jerked back again. His eyes looked ahead and he saw a group of familiar men approaching.

“Them again?” He whispered. “I ran away from them earlier.” He quickly whispered to the other Witcher, who gave a barely seen nod in response.

Geralt started forward once more. His gaze trained ahead, his body ready for any tricks as the men approached them. The small group paused as they caught sight of them and pointed to the black stallion. The one that Oblivion had bitten earlier nodded to his cohorts and approached them.

"Excuse me."

Geralt pulled roach to a stop and the black stallion beside them paused as well. "Yes?"

"That stallion. We lost a horse that looks like him earlier. Broke free of our cart and took off." He paused in from of them as he spoke.

"You did?" Geralt replied to him. His voice was bland and his expression bored as he regarded the lying man in front of him.

"Why yes. I thought we had lost him for certain. He's our best riding horse." He went on.

Oblivion snorted and shook his mane. The long strands settled on his neck and he listened for the rest of the conversation.

"You’re best riding horse?" Geralt asked him.

"Yes. Its a miracle it is. My good man, you have done us a huge favor. Not sure how we can thank you properly for finding him." He dismounted from the horse he rode and approached the black stallion.

Geralt backed up Roach and the black stallion spun his flank to the side and regarded the men. "I have to admit I do not believe your tale. But I will give you the chance to prove your claims." Geralt replied.

"He's my property. I don't have to prove anything to you mutant." He replied, his tone giving way to annoyance as he let the insult slide off his tongue.

Geralt was quiet as he looked to the black stallion, who winked up at him and the Witcher gave a slight grin at the side of his mouth. "Very well. Here."

Geralt tossed the rope lead to the ground and man snorted and reached for the lead. He gripped the rope and turned to walk away with the stallion. Oblivion walked several feet forward and then dug in his heels and refused to move. The human grunted in surprise and looked back to the horse. He tugged the rope, aggressively and the stallion stayed still, unmoving. He glanced at the silent Witcher and then to the horse.

"Always a stubborn thing he is." He said aloud and watched as Geralt leaned forward on his saddle, resting his arms on the saddle horn. "Come on boy. Time to go home." He pulled on the rope lead and glared at the stallion as he still stayed in place.

Oblivion sighed and reared up, his hooves cutting the air as he spun to walk back to his fellow Witcher.

"Oh no, you don't." The human lunged up to him and grabbed ahold of the rug on his shoulders. He yanked back and Oblivion snaked his head back, his teeth clicking as he missed the man by no more than a centimeter.

"Release him." Geralt said aloud. "I can defend him if need be. That horse's owner would be very upset if I lost him."

"That drunk?"

"Hardly. That was the horse's handler. His owner is in the city and the handler was allowed to use him to leave the city. The horse is trained to return to my home if needed. He has also been taught to not allow himself to be handled by anyone aside from a few." Geralt said to them. HIs voice was stoic as he spoke.

'Lies.' Oblivion thought aloud, a chuckle ringing through his mind.

"And who is his owner then?" Another man shouted as he approached as well.

"Cirilla Fiona Elen Raiannon." He replied.

The men stopped at the name as it rolled over their ears. They knew who she was. She was the daughter of the Emperor of Nilfgaard. The man holding the stallion’s rope and rug dropped them after a stunned moment. Oblivion turned to regard them for a moment and then reached down and gripped the rope in his hoof. He gave it back to Geralt and turned to stand side by side with Roach. The men stared at the horse for a moment as Geralt nudges Roach into movement and they parted to let them pass.

After serval minutes Geralt pulled off the side of the road and was not able to stop the bark of laughter that tore from him. "You could have picked it up with your mouth, like a normal horse." He said to the stallion at his side.

"Perhaps. But, if I did that then I would be eating dirt for a few miles and I would not have the appearance of a horse fit for a Queen." He replied. His own laughter breaking out as well.

Geralt leaned into Roach's neck as he laughed as well. "Gods. They will be telling that story for years to come." He said aloud as he got his mirth under control.

"No doubt. But well worth it." He replied.

Geralt leaned back into his saddle and led the stallion back to the road. "Well. We should get you back to her as soon as possible then."

Oblivion smirked and gave a nod. As the sun began to come up the Alicorn was quiet as he regarded the rising sun. "You know. In that other world, the sun and moon do not rise on their own."

Geralt spun to look at the stallion as he finished speaking. "Surely you jest?"

"No. The moon is raised by one Alicorn mare and the sun risen by another."

"Same as you are?"

"Yes. Same type."

"You do not raise a celestial body though."

"No. Thank the Gods for that." Oblivion replied. "Lucky for all of them. I do not think they would appreciate the hours that I keep."

Geralt chuckled. "Most likely not. You were always the first to rise."

"Still am. Unless there are different circumstances."

Geralt nodded. "I can recall a few times all of us slept in."

"Yes. Usually after a night of heavy drinking." Oblivion replied. "That last time was particularly brutal."

Geralt chuckled. "Yes. I still recall us trying to find Eskel after he went to get food and vanished."

Oblivion nodded as a chuckle broke from his throat. "Yes. I remember that. We found him outside the main keep, in the rain, sleeping on the ground with that goat next to him."

"You recall correctly. We were tracking him inside and stumbling all over."

"Yes, we were. Lambert had stolen Vesemir’s hat and was imitating him the whole time. Kept asking us why we had to kneel down to follow the tracks from Eskel."

"I had no desire to puke all over the floor." Geralt replied.

"Hah! That was why. I honestly couldn't recall the reasoning."

"If it helps I also lost a chunk of time from that night."

"Do you recall dressing up in Yennefer’s dresses?"

Geralt looked up and then to the stallion. "Oh, Gods. I do now." Oblivion barked a laugh. "You didn't join us for that?"

"No. I retained some of my good sense." The Alicorn paused as he recalled the night. "That, and none of it would fit."

"Right! Your shoulders were too broad."

"Yes. Nearly split one of her dresses before I gave up and resigned myself to making sure that the channel was clear for the rest of you to try to contact that Elven Sage."

Geralt shook his head. "That was a terrible idea."

"In hindsight it was. At the time we were convinced that we were geniuses. Had convinced ourselves that we could ask the Sage to come and party with us. Horrible idea."

Geralt nodded. "Gods. I'm not sure how we are never killed by many of our antics."

"I can remember asking myself the next morning what ages we are. Gods. I'm the eldest and I never stop to think if it's a good idea."

"I blamed it all on Lambert."

"Of course. So did I. I still say it was all his fault."

Geralt snorted a laugh as they approached the gates of the city. "Time for you to lose your voice."

"True enough. Don't get us into trouble."

"I shall endeavor not to." Geralt replied.

The streets were cobbled and the sound of their hooves echoed. Oblivion looked to the buildings around them as they moved through the streets. His orange eyes landed on the storefront of the master smith that had created the blades on his back. He had enjoyed meeting and working with the man and still thought highly of him. As they passed the main square Oblivion watched as people went through the streets as the Witchers passed them. Oblivion watched as the people gave no sign of surprise to see the mounted Witcher. They paid little attention to him and the horses with him. The black stallion was silent as he allowed Geralt to lead him through the streets. As they neared the bridge that connected the castle towers to the rest of the city they began to follow the winding road up the main castle. They stayed silent as they finally reached the gates of the castle and Geralt hopped off Roach’s back and gripped the reins of both horses. He walked up to the stairs with them trailing.

“Hold there.” One of the guards approached him and bid the Witcher halt in place.

“Is Ciri still here?” Geralt asked the man.

His armor shone in the sunlight as he stopped ahead of them. He wore solid plate armor from head to toe and a long sword hung from his left hip. He wore no helm as he regarded the Witchers horses and his eyes landed on the armor Geralt wore. It was similar to Oblivion's own when he had used it before Equestria but it was strong and would deflect any attacks for a time.

“And why do you need to know?” He asked.

Geralt was quiet. Oblivion snorted in annoyance and waited for him to go on. “I am Geralt of Rivia. I am the Witcher that was called upon to remove the monster that was murdering people and then saved the life of the Duchess’s sister.”

The Knight went pale as Geralt spoke and he began to nod. “Anything else I should say to her?”

Geralt glanced back to the black Alicorn behind him. “Yes. Tell her Oblivion has returned and wishes to speak with her.”

“Of course. A moment.” The man turned and tried to be graceful as he raced up the steps and vanished through the door.

Oblivion nudged the Witcher in front of him. “Well said. That kid nearly filled his armor.”

Geralt chuckled and nodded. They waited in silence as time ticked past them. The doors flew open and Ciri trotted down the stairs to the Witcher she knew as a father. She threw her arms around his neck and shoulders and smiled at him. She backed up and began to look around her.

“They said Oblivion had come back and needed to talk to me. Where is he?” She questioned him.

Geralt was quiet as he spoke to her. “Can we speak in private?”

“Of course. I know a spot that we can talk.” She replied and looked to the guards as a man from the stable approached as well. “He can take the horses.” She said and motioned to the animals.

“Just Roach.” He said and handed the mare’s reins to the stable hand, after pulling Oblivions saddlebags off the mares back and tossing them over his shoulder.

Ciri gave him a strange look but nodded. Oblivion watched from just behind the Witcher as he regarded the young woman. Her clothes were much the same as last he had seen her. A white shirt with the same trappings that could hold a sword over her back if needed. Though she no longer carried a blade as often, if ever. A belt held her shirt in place and had turquoise gems set into the buckles. Her pants were the same dark olive with her boots reaching up over her knees. As they walked into a garden she kept looking back to the rug covered stallion and finally came to a stop deeper in the garden. She spun to Geralt and smiled.

“Okay. We should be fine here. So where is Oblivion? You said he was here and needed to talk. So where is he hiding?” She pressed him.

Geralt stepped to the side allowing the black stallion to look at her. Oblivion raised his head to look to her and his eyes looked to the young woman. She creased her brows and reached out a hand to him. It laid gently on his cheek and then the other hand fell into the same place on the other side.

“His eyes.” She whispered aloud and Geralt nodded to her.

“They look familiar?”

“Yes. All of you have eyes that are more yellow. But Oblivion…His were orange from the multiple trials done on him.” She paused as the stallion was quiet. “Oh, Gods. He got turned into a horse by a curse?” Her voice pitched at the question.

Oblivion barked a laugh and snorted. Geralt chuckled as well. “Quite the imagination, little swallow.” He said to her.

The woman yelped and jumped back from the stallion. She stared at the stallion raised to his full height and regarded her. “Oblivion…That’s your voice.” She whispered.

“I am here, little one.” He said to her, allowing her to see that it was the horse before her speaking.


“It’s a…strange story.” He admitted and Geralt nodded beside him. “But first. I have a gift for you.” The stallion pulled his saddlebags close and reached into one of them. His claws wrapped around the medallion and he pulled it out and held it tightly. He extended his hoof and held it out to her. Ciri reached her hands out to his hoof and he dropped the medallion into her hands. She opened her hands and her eyes fell on the medallion. She looked to him and then back to the medallion.

“Is this?”

“It’s his. I recovered it. I knew that you mourned its loss.” He said to her and put his hoof back to the ground.

Her eyes welled up for a moment as she held the wolf medallion tightly and then looked at the stallion. “You got it back from that crone?”

“Yes. She lies as dead as her sisters now.”

She walked up to him and tossed her arms around his neck and shoulders. Oblivion dropped his head to her back and held her in return. She released him after a minute and slid the medallion into her pocket, making sure it was in place and safe before she spoke to him once more.

“What happened to you?” She asked him.

“It’s a long story. But I will tell it as best as I can.” He said to her as he spoke.

Blue Blood panted as he helped push the wagon up a steep hill. In front of them, Sand Comber had rigged the second set of traces for Shining to help him in front. They had just ridden through a sandstorm under the cart and found that the only way to free it was to haul it up a newly formed sand dune to get back to the route Comber knew. The Prince glanced at the ponies with him and they were pushing with all they had as well. Blue Blood gave an angry snarl and he pushed away from the back of the wagon and his horn lit up.

“Hang on.” He yelled and began to use his horn to dig the wheels out. His hooves dug as his magic tossed shovel sized mounds of sand away from the wagon. He heard Shining yelling as Silver began to do the same on the other side of the wagon. After a few minutes, he stood up and went back to the rear of the wagon. He put his hooves in place and glanced at the two guards with him, who nodded.

“Push!” Blue yelled and the pony’s pushed the wagon forward.

Shining lunged into the traces around his chest and shoulders and the wagon began to move slowly. He looked at Comber who was straining against the traces as well. They had discussed going back but found the dunes were higher behind them and scrapped the idea. The wagon began to inch forward as the ponies pushed. In the back, he could hear Blue Blood, Vantage and Silver groaning as they pushed the cart. The Captain didn’t dare look ahead, just in case they were barely even moving and the sight of so little progress might make him pause. He kept his head down and pulled as hard as he could, making it go forward.

“Okay stop.” Comber yelled.

Shining panted as he looked up and realized they were at the top of the dune. He sighed in relief and allowed himself to sit down in the traces. “By my Aunts!” Blue Blood cursed from the back of the wagon. Shining fought a laugh at the relieved voice of the Prince.

Blue walked up to join the others and looked down to see how steep the grade was going down. “Oh no.” He groaned and stared down. Silver and Vantage joined them after a few moments.

“Oh come on.” Silver yelled and sat down heavily. “This day just gets worse.”

Comber chuckled and nodded. “You’re not wrong. This is not the worst I have seen but it’s certainly not the best.” He admitted.

“Okay. You’re the expert, so how do we go down this without getting run over?” Shining asked the other pony.

Comber looked down it and sighed heavily. “Very slowly. Which mean we need to make a couple of adjustments.”

Comber got out of the traces and bade Shining remain in place. He walked to the right side of the wagon and pulled a section of wood out of the side. He trotted to the other side and did the same. “Okay. So Vantage and Silver?” The two guards nodded and waited for his instructions. He rooted through some of the contents of the wagon and pulled out a set of traces and buckled each guard into the wagon. They were now facing the blocks of wood and they waited for further instruction.

“Okay. So going down the Captain and I will be trying to keep it slow. Your job is to help out. We will set the pace and you two will have to match us. So if we start losing it you two will be able to hold it.” He looked to Blue Blood after a moment. “How strong is your magic?”

“If you’re asking if I can levitate that wagon for several minutes while you adjust, you’re asking the wrong pony. I can hold it for a short amount of time. I’m not anywhere near Oblivions level.” He admitted.

“Perfect. I just need it to stop. So no holding it up in the air. Just apply the brakes.” Comber replied with a wave of his hoof.

Blue Blood nodded and waited as the others finished and Comber got back into his traces. The pony started forward with Shining matching his pace and angles, despite being taller than the other pony by a hand or two. The Prince was quiet as he watched for any sign of problems as he walked closer to the wagon, but far enough to avoid getting pulled under it should anything happen. He looked to the stallions in front and saw Shining pull his head back farther as his face screwed up in what looked like pain and Comber began to utter a string of curses that made Blue Blood pin his ears back.

“Pull back!” Shining yelled and the two guards dug in their heels and tried to hold it back to allow the others a brief rest.

Blue Blood watched intently as they began to struggle. His horn lit and his aura covered the wagon and he pulled back. He hoped to slow it just enough and he forced more of his magic and strength into his horn. He didn’t wait for them to call out for his aid. His magic strained as he yanked back on the wagon. His teeth ground as he struggled to hold the wagon back enough to help them.

Shining looked back as the load got easier and he saw the Princes aura surrounding the wagon. He looked and found Blue off to the side, his eyes closed as he forced his magic to hold onto the wagon. Shining knew that if he overworked his magic then it would backlash onto him and could cause injury. He looked to Comber who panted at his side and a quick glance to the guards found them to be recovered as well.

“Blue! Release it!” Shining screamed at him.

His head looked back as the Prince's aura faded and he panted as the wagon fell to their shoulders once more. They carried it down the rest of the dune, having slid down a fair portion of it while Blue Blood had tried to hold it for them. They reached the bottom of the dune and a sigh of relief escaped all of them.

Blue Blood slid down the rest of the dune and reached the bottom, joining the rest of the group as they rested and collected themselves. Comber helped Silver and Vantage out of their harnesses and moved them back into the wagon and slid the blocks of wood back into place as well. He stood in silence as they rested as well. Shining sat down and panted as he stepped free of the traces, he stood up and joined Blue off to the side.

“Well done.” He said to the Prince.

“Thanks. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to do enough to be of help.”

“I’ll be honest. Your timing…was perfect.” Shining replied to him. Blue looked to him and waited as he went on. “It was beginning to hurt to hold it back. If you hadn’t stopped it I don’t know if all of us could have stopped it. So all credit to you for your help.”

Blue Blood looked to the white stallion and nodded. “Thank you.”

“Are you okay? That was a lot of magic you used. Are you certain you’re all right?” The Captain pressed.

“I think so. It’s been a while since I used that much magic all at once.” He admitted.

“Exactly. Stay close and walk with Vantage in the shade for a while. We don’t want to push you too far. I’ve overdone it before and the exhaustion hit later.” He informed the pony at his side.

“I’ll stay close.” Blue agreed.

“Good. Keep us informed if you start to have trouble.”

Blue nodded as Shining went back to instruct the guards. ‘I should be okay. But I can understand their worry.’ He thought to himself and looked out to the seemingly endless sand. They once more got into motion and Vantage stood close to him and bumped his shoulder.

“It’ll be okay Your Highness.” Vantage said to him. “Oblivion will have left some clue. Even he has to leave tracks.”

Blue nodded. “I hope so.”

Vantage nodded and they set a brisk pace as Comber led them once more. Blue Blood kept up easily and was silently pleased with himself for being able to keep going after the use of his magic. He was beginning to feel tired but he attributed it to the arduous trek thus far. He held his head up as they walked and kept up with the Thestral at his side.

Vantage looked to the Prince beside him and he could see that he was starting to tire. Though he stubbornly kept his head high and stayed in pace with the rest, Vantage had seen enough Unicorns that burned out to keep a close eye on him. Time ticked by as the Prince began to stumble and his head lowered. Vantage slowed down his own pace and thankfully the Prince mirrored him and he allowed them to begin to fall behind. He opened his mouth to yell at the others when Blue Blood bumped into him as he collapsed.


Vantage stopped as Blue Blood collapsed and the Thestral looked up to find they had fallen farther behind than he thought. They were out of the yelling range. Silvers' ears were not as sharp as a Thestral. Vantage looked down at Blue Blood, who moaned in pain as he laid still. Vantage looked at him and began to pull him onto his back.

“Hold on!” He yelled to the Prince as he got him settled on his back and raced as fast as he dared with the shaky pony on his back.

He started to get closer but the stallion on his back groaned and fell once more. The Prince slammed into the ground and laid still, his breathing strained and his body was beginning to shake. Vantage looked back up and inhaled. The Thestral scream tore through him and the air vibrated at the tone.

Silver stopped at the shrill sound that sounded behind them. He stopped and looked back to faintly see Vantage behind them. A form on the ground had Silver yelling to the others with them.

“Captain!” He yelled and jumped to stand close to the other stallions. “Vantage fell behind. I think there is something wrong with Blue Blood.”

“What makes you think that?” Shining asked as they came to a halt.

“Vantage is the only one who is standing.” He replied, his voice clipped.

Shining turned back to see what he meant and his eyes widened and his hooves dug into the sand and he galloped back to the Thestral and fallen Prince, with Silver at his hip.


“Sir.” Vantage had sat down and was trying to shield the Prince with shade from his own body. “I tried to carry him but he can’t hold on. I swear I tried to…”

“Stop. I know you did everything you can Vantage. Getting our attention was the most important thing.”

“I heard you scream.” Silver said to him as he stood next to the Thestral.

“I wondered what that was.” Shining admitted as he began to check on the Prince at their hooves. “It’s exhaustion. His body is not used to bringing that much magic to bear. It overtaxed his body. We need to get him out of the sun and try to get some water into him.”

“He’ll be okay though?” Vantage asked, nervousness in his voice.

“Yeah. He just needs us to help him as he saved us.” Shining replied.

“Here.” Comber passed them a canteen with water and trotted back to the wagon. He searched the wagon and pulled out a small blanket and trotted back to them. “Okay, here we go. Wrap him in this. It will help keep the sun off a bit and will keep him warm overnight. We will lay him across your backs and you can carry him. We can set up the tents here for tonight. I don’t think we should keep going too far anyway. More dunes ahead.” Comber informed the group.

Shining nodded and helped to wrap up the now unconscious Prince and his magic lifted him to land across Silver and Vantages backs. They stayed close enough to purport the other pony but not close enough that he might fall between them. They rejoined Comber and the stallion started to set up camp to allow them all to rest easily. They set Blue Blood in the tent to let him rest and Vantage stayed inside to keep an eye on him. As the night set in the group also settled into rest after eating.

“Rest easy everypony. It was a long day.” Comber said to them as they settled in.

46: A Race and a Memory Stirred...

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Ciri stared as Oblivion finished his story to her. He had explained everything that included how he had come to return to The Continent. The young woman listened closely to him and when he finished she had sat down on a near bench with Geralt. Her eyes traveled over his form and then back to his eyes. She stood up and looked under the rug at his shoulder and he flicked a wing underneath it to show her as much of it as he was able. She released the rug and then looked to his head and pushed the helm off as much as she could to see the long curved horn.

“I have never been to a world that sounds anything like the one you are talking about.” She admitted to him, sadness in her voice.

“I do not doubt it. I simply need to know if you can think of a way I can get back to it.”

“What about using a portal in one of the Elven ruins we have?”

“I don’t think that will work here,” Oblivion admitted. “I would need to find the rest of that ruin. Then I hope that the portal in Equestria connects to the one I found.”

Geralt nodded in understanding and was quiet once more. Ciri sat back down and the stallion stood closer to them as they considered their options.

“Perhaps a Sage can help us?” Ciri mentioned, looking to the Witchers.

“I’m not sure about that.” Oblivion replied. “I did speak with Johnny and he mentioned a tale he had heard about a forest that contains a tree that is connected to the other worlds. It's constantly moving and cannot be reached by natural means. According to what he read the tree holds the worlds in its branches and roots. Only someone who can see the seams of the worlds and trip over them can find it.”

“That’s just a story though.” Geralt replied.

“Normally I would agree.” Oblivion responded. “But this told of those who could use the roads the tree creates. I have learned that even stories have truth buried within them. We would be wise to look at all avenues.” The Elder Witcher replied.

Geralt nodded again. “Your right. I discounted it too quickly.”

“What story is it?” Ciri asked. “The library here is huge and I bet I could find it.”

Oblivion went back to his saddlebags and reached within one. He pulled the book from inside it and walked three-legged back to the young woman. “I brought it with me.” He admitted. “The story was called The Forest of Time and Space.”

Ciri nodded to him and opened the book, her hands flipping through the pages as she searched for the story he spoke of. She paused as she found it and began to scan through it. Oblivion waited as she read through it. When she was done with it she leaned her elbows against the open book and closed her eyes in thought.

“Okay. So I have to admit that some parts are kind of similar to how my powers work. But a Forest that holds the tree?” She went quiet for several minutes as she scanned the pages once more. She suddenly startled and a smile spread over her features. “I have seen a few really big forests. Maybe some of them can help? The people in them were quite wary of humans though. Maybe they will react better to you?”

“It’s possible. There should be some way…” He stopped and nickered in the direction of the entrance to the garden.

Ciri stood up and a barely hidden groan escaped her. A man toddled into the garden and fixed his gaze on her. Oblivion held back a snort at the oafish man’s attire. His tunic was a faded brown while he had placed a yellow vest over it. Oblivion could almost hear the fabric pulling as it was stretched over his stomach. His leggings were of the same brown and he wore a short pair of boots.

“Lady Cirilla.” He said to her. “You left in such a hurry that I was not able to finish my tale to you.” He said to her.

Oblivion gave a shake of his head as the man’s voice went over his ears. It grated but he chose to ignore it. One look to Geralt and he glanced at the Alicorn who blinked to him. An unspoken message that if needed they would try to help the young woman escape the noble that had found her hiding place.

“Yes. Well. I was asked to help my…”

“Yes. I saw. But I suppose being out here is a much more, pleasant location to continue our talk.” He began to walk toward her.

Ciri cast a look back to Geralt and Oblivion, who gave a slight nod to her plaintive glance. Geralt stepped up and gripped Oblivions rope in his hand handing it to Ciri with a slight flourish.

“Ciri. I was able to find your beloved horse and brought him back to you. I was not able to run him due to him accepting no rider aside from yourself.” He said to her and motioned to the stallion.

“Huh?” She glanced at the stallion who gave her a gentle nip. “Oh. Right. Yes of course. I simply cannot get anything done without him. His disappearance was devastating.” She replied, her back now to the noble, who had stopped at Geralt’s words.

“You would ride that old nag?” He said, his voice growing nasally and congested. “Well. I have horses that would shame that beast in my stable. I would be happy to gift one to you.” He said to her and resumed his slow advance.

Ciri looked to Oblivion who lowered his body and she finally vaulted onto his back. Allowing her to avoid the man’s hands as he reached her. She looked down at him and was able to hide her look of disgust. “I appreciate the kindness of your gesture but, this stallion is the finest anywhere.” She replied. “He was a gift.”

“From who?” He immediately asked.

Ciri was quiet as Geralt stepped forward once more. “From the Master Witcher of the School of the Wolf.”

Oblivion managed to choke back the bark of laughter in his throat and held his head higher above the nobles head, succeeding in dwarfing the rotund man.

“Bah. A nag for sure then. I assure you, my dear, I can offer much greater. The beast I have with me could surpass this sad creature.” He replied a wave of his hand had him slapping Oblivion in the shoulder.

The Witchers exchanged a glance and a slight quirk of Geralt’s mouth told Oblivion they had the same thought. The stallion snorted and snaked out his mouth to nip the man’s upper arm in response to the strike to his shoulder. Geralt immediately interposed in between them as the man began to shriek in supposed pain.

“Oh! That beast bit me. Such an uncultured, untrained beast. I demand it be put down.” He wailed.

Ciri broke into laughter as he flapped his arms and backed frantically away from the now still Alicorn. Her arms propped her up as she leaned into Oblivions neck. She leaned over his neck once more after composing herself, her smile wide. “Good one.” Oblivion arched his neck and pranced in place as the noble finally stilled.

“My Lady. That beast needs to be put down immediately for its attack on my person.” He began.

“Oh be quiet.” She snapped at him. “You hit him first. He was letting you know that you were too close and he didn’t appreciate your hitting him. He is well trained and quite the gentle horse when asked to be.”

Her voice silenced him and he stared at the woman as she defended the stallion under her. His eyes were huge as he stared at her. “Well. Then I will have to bring this up with the Duchess.” He replied.

“Go ahead.” Ciri snapped at him. “No one listens to you. You seem to think you’re so much better than everyone when in fact you hold no lands or respect.” Oblivion snorted and nodded in reply. “You can tell Anna Arietta whatever you want. I will also tell her that you are calling for the destruction of a horse that is worth more to me than anything and that you are reacting to a little nip. You act as though he disemboweled you. I don’t think that will even bruise.” The noble stared at her as she finished speaking. “But since you claim to have the superior animal then I will make you a deal. If your horse can beat…Kelpie…In a race then I will end him myself.”

Oblivion glanced back to her and she shrugged at his glance. ‘Kelpie…Gods.’ He complained internally at her choice of name. The man sputtered at her direct challenge and finally nodded.

“Very well. I will get the beast and my best rider and meet you at the track.” He rushed out and began to waddle back to the castle.

Ciri jumped off of Oblivions back and looked at him, her expression sheepish. “Sorry, Oblivion. Was the only way I could think of to get rid of him. While I’m certain that the Duchess would side with me I would rather not include her.”

Oblivion sighed and nodded. “Very well. While I agree that Anna would not have touched me, it is better to avoid conflict with her directly.”

“Okay if you are going to race then we need to get your swords off your back.” Geralt spoke up. “Unless having Ciri sit on them is fine with you?”

“I wondered what I was sitting on.” Ciri chuckled.

“I would rather she did not dig them into my back.” The Alicorn admitted.

Geralt unbuckled the front of the rug around his shoulders and reached for the blades buckled around the stallion’s body. Ciri helped him pull the rug back until they could easily find the buckle for the baldric and unbuckle it. Ciri rubbed her hand over the visible chafe marks on his barrel. She glanced at him and he shook his head. Geralt held the three swords and looked to the second steel that he carried with a glance at the stallion.

“I’ll explain that another time.” Oblivion whispered as the tug was replaced and buckled in place once more.

Ciri trotted out of the garden and called for Roach to be brought back. Geralt and Oblivion joined her as they waited for the mare to be brought to them. The young woman looked back to the stallion and hid her face his neck and mane as she spoke to him. “Are you sure it’s okay?” Her whisper would have gone unheard were it not for the Witchers keen ears.

”It will be fine, little sparrow.” He said to her, his own voice a bare whisper.

Ciri nodded to him and stepped back from the stallion. Roach was brought out to them after a few minutes and Ciri vaulted to Oblivions back after tying the end of the rope into the bottom of the mock halter on the stallions head. They trotted down the winding castle road and down into the market and through the city. As they neared the tourney grounds they slowed and waited by the starting point of the racetrack. It was an idea that had been implemented at the end of the grand tourney to allow for more use of the grounds.

Ciri began to move around on his back and he flicked his wings against her legs to give her an idea of their general location. She moved around a bit more and then found a spot that allowed her to not sir directly on the appendages and waited for their competition. As the sound of hooves drew closer Ciri turned on his back to see the noble and several more riding up to them. A few carriages had driven up as well. As the mob gathered Ciri looked down to the stallion, who looked back to her and a sly wink removed her concerns about the crowd.

“You have raced against larger crowds.” Geralt replied. “Plus I don’t think Oblivion will allow you to lose.”

“Gods no.” Oblivion replied. “My pride will not allow it.”

Ciri laughed and ran her hand through his long mane. “This should be fun then.” She said aloud. “Thanks for this Oblivion. That man has been following me around for days.”

“This should shut him up then.” Geralt replied.

Oblivion nodded and waited as their competitor pranced toward them. The mare was a fine animal. Even to Oblivions less informed gaze, he could see that she was well-bred. Her chestnut coat gleamed and her eyes were bright. As the mare came to a barely controlled stop a couple of feet away the young man on her back looked to the relaxed stallion and the woman on his back. The lad was no older than thirteen if Oblivion had his age’s right.

“My Lady.” He said to her and bowed his head in respect to her.

Ciri smiled at him. “It’s a nice day for a race. Should be fun.”

“I hope so.” His voice was quiet as the noble approached on foot.

“Well now. This will be quite the race. This mare comes from one of the best stables in Toussaint. Her sire is a champion racehorse and she has many wins to her name as well. I must apologize to you, My Lady. I had meant to use a different horse for sport but she is the one that is the most rested. So I am sorry for the loss that will happen.”

“I appreciate your apologies. I will try to mimic them when I say them back to you. This stallion comes from the very best that any world has to offer. The one who gifted him to me assured me of his strength and courage. There is no horse that can win against him. He is a Witcher's horse.”

The man snorted through his nose and looked to the lad on the mares back. “Be sure to allow the mare to get a good work out. After all, she has the bloodline of champions.”

"Blood isn’t everything.” Ciri snarled at him. “Heart is the most important.”

The noble scoffed and walked back to the crowd as a young woman held the rope that would be dropped to signal the start of the race. Geralt walked Roach away from them and stood off to the other side to watch the race as it was run. As the woman held the rope then stallion stood with his head outstretched slightly and his muscles bunched under him. Beside him the mare pranced, biting at her bit.


The rope dropped and the two horses surged forward. The mare pulled ahead of the stallion and her rider kept her moving as he watched behind them to keep her in front of the stallion. Oblivion snorted as Ciri leaned over his neck, her legs clenched on his sides and wings. Oblivion glanced back to her as the dust began to hit him in the face. He looked down at the mare's hooves as they tore over the dirt track. Inside the track was a ditch that had been dug to hold a small water moat. He lunged to gallop outside the track and through the grass. His stride lengthened and the boy on the mare glanced back, his eyes wide as the stallion gained on them ion the outside. Ciri held his long mane in her hands as she stayed as still as possible on the stallions back.

Oblivions claws dug into the turf and he surged forward his long legs racing as they came around the turn and he drew up next to the galloping mare. The boy leaned over her neck, asking her for more as the stallion began to gain a lead on her. The mare lengthened out as she strove to keep the taller stallion at bay. Oblivion dug in and his long strides carried him ahead of the mare. He remained on the outside, giving him an easy path. Ciri suddenly yelped and he looked back as the boy tried to kick at her. Oblivion was about to slow so he could land a punishing bite to the lad as the child began to yell apologies to Ciri.

“I’m sorry!” He shouted as he tried to unseat the young woman.

“Oblivion!” She yelled at him.

In response, he veered wider and gave them distance from the mare. The stallion’s claws tore up the earth under them as he pulled ahead of the mare slowly as they neared a gate. It was designed to keep the horses in the track but since Oblivion was outside the track it was now in his way. Going back to the track meant he would have rammed the mare and her rider. He gathered himself and leaped the gate as it came up to them. Ciri held onto him as he landed and once more pulled ahead of the galloping mare. He heard the boy yell as the stallion veered back to the track and thundered toward the end his lead increasing with each stride. The black Alicorn sheathed his claws and thundered past the finish line. He slowed down slowly and trotted back to the front as the mare crossed the line a few seconds behind him. Oblivion rejoined Geralt who congratulated Ciri as she ran her hands through the tangled silver mane. The Witcher reached out and ran a hand over Oblivions neck as well.

“It matters not that you crossed the line first!” The noble yelled.

“I thought it was the point to cross the finish line first?” Ciri replied to him, her voice sarcastic as the noble's face reddened.

“Your nag left the track. That disqualifies that beast from the race. My mare could have walked at that point and she would have still won.” He replied, spittle coming from his mouth.

“Oh please,” Ciri replied. “You’re just angry that her rider couldn’t kick me off my horse.”

He stiffened and the lad went still as stone as the accusation was made. “I knew of no such thing.” He replied.

“Oh really? That poor kid was yelling how sorry he was as he was doing it. You terrified that poor kid into winning no matter the cost. You are a disgrace.” She snarled. “I might tell the Duchess about your poor sportsmanship myself.”

“The Duchess would no doubt take my side. My family has known hers for many years. You would be laughed out of court.” He sneered.

“I doubt that.”

Oblivion wasn’t able to hide the smirk that crossed his muzzle at the voice that sounded up from the other side of Geralt’s mare. From behind the mare, a young woman in a black hood emerged. Her clothing was well fitting as she crossed her hands in front of her and waited. Her boots were heeled as she stood easily on them. Their black leather went up to her calves and ended just below her knee. Her black riding pants were fitted and sat well on her frame. Her hood covered the majority of her tunic but its fine craftsmanship could not be mistaken. She waited as she knew had the attention of everyone in the area. The boy on the exhausted mare stared at her and the noble blinked at her appearance. She reached up and pushed back her hood. Revealing the long chestnut hair of Anna Henrietta, Duchess of Beauclair.

Geralt stayed mounted on Roach’s back and he bowed his head politely to her. Ciri slid off of Oblivions back and mirrored his actions. Oblivion watched as Her Grace stepped forward. Her stride flowed despite the uneven track ground. She waited till she was at the black stallion’s hip and then turned to address the crowd.

“I witnessed the entire race from my place beside Witcher Geralt of Rivia. The mare was in the front at the beginning and the stallion took to the outer shoulder to gain an easy running lane. Despite the horse running on the grass, it does not disqualify him. Nor does it mean that his rider wished for him to do this. Young Cirilla allowed the stallion to have his head and the horse chose what to do.”

Her voice rang clear as she spoke. The noble shrank back as she laid her eyes on him and then passed him over. Oblivion watched as she seemed bored with his foolish posturing. The Alicorn was still as she stood at his hip and went on.

“Now. Due to the fact that I watched the lad trying to kick Cirilla from her horse is an action that is reprehensible. Impertinence and rudeness are something that I cannot allow.” She looked to the lad on the mares back and he slid slowly from the horses back. He came to kneel in front of her, awaiting her punishment. “Now. Toussaint is a place of honor and fairness. I will only ask you once why you acted as you did. While I have my suspicions I would ask that you speak truthfully.” She addressed him.

The lad gulped and looked up to her. “I…was told that if I lost that I would be thrown out and my hands removed.” He whispered.

The Duchesses' eyes widened and she knelt down, placing her hand on the boy’s shoulder. “Who told you this?”

The boy said nothing as he turned his head to look at the noble that had started the argument. The woman stood up and held out her hand to him. The boy took it and she pulled him to stand safely behind her. She looked to Geralt and gave the boy a gentle push in the Witchers direction. Geralt nodded and moved to stand just behind her. She approached the noble and addressed him, a sneer on her pretty face.

“I will ask you only once about what I have heard. I expect truth and nothing more.” She said to him. “Lord De-achy. Did you threaten this child with injury and then intend to render him homeless? If you did I expect a good reason to be brought up. There will be no torture in my court. Speak.”

The noble sputtered and looked to the lad hiding behind her. He approached the Duchess and smiled at her. Oblivion shifted and walked a few steps closer to the both of them. No one moved to stop him as a horse was allowed to move as it felt like. The noble waited for a few beats before speaking. “I did say that. But in truth, I have no intention of harming the child. He has been a good servant and the mare seems to enjoy his company. I am ashamed to admit that I let my anger get the better of my better judgment when I spoke.”

“And why did you lose control of your temper then?” She asked, her head high as she spoke.

“Lady Cirilla’s horse had bitten me earlier as that is why this race was held. I must admit that I did let myself lose some of my composure. I would not have hurt the boy.” He said to her and hung his head.

Oblivion snorted as he listened. ‘Lies.’ He thought to himself and remained close to the Duchess as the youth hid behind her. The black stallion was silent as he stood as close he dared. She looked down her nose at him as she regarded her options.

“Very well. I have heard your take on the situation and I can assure you that the race was fair. So I give the victory to Cirilla and her black stallion.” The Duchess said aloud, her voice carrying across the crowd, who nodded in agreement.

De-achy nodded and smiled at her as she spun away from him. She placed a gentle hand on the boy's shoulder and handed him the reins of the mare. He took them from her with a smiled and rubbed the horse’s nose. Oblivion was quiet as the Duchess turned to Geralt and Ciri.

“That was a well-done race, Cirilla. I would beg to know where you found a horse of such quality. But I heard that he is of Witcher stock and was gifted to you by a Master Witcher. I trust you will be returning to the palace? Or will you go to Corvo Bianco for some rest?”

“I will be joining Geralt at Corvo Bianco, Your Grace.” Ciri replied to her, a smile on her features.

“Ahh. Well, then enjoy your free time. I enjoyed your race.” She smiled back and made for her own mount.

Ciri stood next to Geralt and scratched Roach’s ears. Oblivion watched as the Duchess stood in her stirrups to catch a last glimpse of the area. Oblivion watched as the noble’s features darkened and he lunged for the boy. He grabbed a handful of the lad’s hair and yanked him away from the mare. Oblivion watched as he raised a hand and it thudded heavily against the boy’s skull. Oblivion snarled and lunged forward. His jaws went around the man’s forearm and he bit down with as much force as he dared. The mare screamed and the boy fell to the ground as the stallion reared up and the man dangled in the air from his arm. The boy scrambled back as the stallion stayed on his hind legs, his knife teeth tore into the skin of the man’s arm. Blood flowed from between his jaws and down the man’s arm, staining his clothes. Geralt and Ciri both reacted fastest and Geralt pulled the boy away from the stallion’s hooves, while Ciri called to the stallion to release him.

“Oblivion! Drop him. We saw what happened! The kid is safe, we got him.” She tried to reason as the stallion finally spat out the man’s torn and bleeding arm.

Ciri went up to him and laid her hands on his neck and gripped the rope halter. She pulled him away from the mow screaming and moaning human heap on the ground. Oblivion gave him a passing kick to the ass as he went by. The boy clung to the Witchers arm as the stallion was brought to stand by them. Ciri looked up as Anna returned to stand in front of the fallen noble.

“Did you see that animal!? It attacked me!” He screamed. “I want it dead and then I want its hide!” He screamed, his eyes maddened and rolling.

The Duchess looked at him and then walked away from him to the small group. She reached out for the boy and he cringed away from her hand. She walked up to him and put her hands on his head. “Are you hurt?” She asked him. He looked up at her, his eyes welled with tears as he looked down from her face fear in his gaze. “You are in no danger from me, my child.” She said to him, her voice gentle. “I wish to ensure that you are unhurt by that fool.”

The lad startled and then looked at her. “I think so.” He whispered to her.

“Good. Cirilla?”


“That horse. He is more than he seems, is he not?” She asked the young woman.

“He is trained to protect. He chose to protect the boy as well as us.” Geralt replied to her.

“Ahh. That is a well-trained horse. I recall a Witcher that had the name of Oblivion as well. Or did I hear wrong?”

“No. You heard right.” Ciri clarified. “And, yes same name.”

“I see. Well. I would love to bring all of you back to the castle and get you cleaned up.” She held the boy's hand and turned back to the noble who was now clutching his arm as he stared at her. “You are a disgrace. You would harm a child that did his best to race within the rules. Do you have any family there child?”

“No. Just me, Your Ladyship.” He said to her, his voice quiet.

“Good. Well in that case. I would like for you to come to the castle as well. I need a youth that is good with some of our more skittish horses and has a gentle hand for them.” She regarded the boy as his eyes widened to an almost comical size. “Also that young mare. Can anyone else ride her?”

“No, My Lady. She’s terrified of most people.” He said to her as he looked to the upset mare a few feet away.

“Please go and get her.” Anna said to him and she watched as he approached the mare and was able to calm her enough to bring her to the Duchess. “I think this mare needs a new home.”

The noble’s eyes widened as he heard her. “But she is one of my…”

“Enough from you. You have disgraced my court and I will not allow it to continue. This boy is now under my home and the mare is now his. Do you wish to argue with me?”

De-achy shrunk and shook his head at her declaration. “No.”

“Good.” She spun back to the boy and smiled at him. “Now take her back to the castle and give the stable master this note.” She penned out her commands and gave the note to the boy who nodded, starring at her with wide eyes. “He will get you settled and see to it that your mare is fed and stabled comfortably. Go ahead.” She said and patted his shoulder, urging him onto the mare and on his way at her command.

He turned and bowed low to her. “Thank you, My Lady. I will do all that I can to be worthy of your kindness.” He vowed and took to the mares back and raced away from the still lingering crowd.

Anna turned to the crowd and made a shooing motion with her hands. The crowd began to disperse while the attendants for the injured man came to collect him. Once the area was deserted Anna turned to them and reached her hand out to lay on Oblivions cheek. Her eyes lingered on his brilliant orange eyes and she smiled.

“I know only one man who had eyes like those.” She said aloud, her voice quiet. “One who knew me many years ago and helped me through many difficult days.” She said and her hands moved along his head and muzzle.

Oblivion reached out his snout to her and a whisper of his own caught her ears. “Show the world the heart that beats within and they will see you as you are.”

Her eyes widened and she backed away from the stallion. Ciri and Geralt stared, surprised at the stallion speaking up to her. She put a hand to her mouth and stared at the black stallion. Her eyes roamed over his form and fell to the curved spiral horn. She reached out to him and he tilted his head forward, allowing her to run a hand over the horns smooth surface. She looked to Geralt and Ciri who looked uncertainly back to her.

“You have much to explain.” She said to them.

Ciri opened her mouth but was silent. Geralt simply nodded to her. Oblivion raised his head and nodded to her as well. The Duchess turned and walked back to her tethered horse. She mounted the calm mare and looked to them. Geralt mounted Roach and Ciri jumped to ride double with him. Oblivion tossed his head and the rope halter landed over his head and slid down his neck, out of the way. They joined her and began to the slow trot back to the city and the palace. Oblivion paused as they left the tourney grounds and looked out over the land once before galloping to catch up with them. His medallion had begun to shake and he had paused to look over the grounds. When it faded to nothing the medallion stilled he was forced to ignore the crawling feeling going over his skin. He reached the others and stayed with them as they left the grounds.

47: A Ruin Courting Death...

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Equestria spent her days traveling to see how the ponies and other creatures of the world were faring with Oblivion missing. As more time went by she was realizing that the effects of his loss were beginning to spread. Ponies and other creatures were being drawn to despair with not truly knowing the cause. As she walked the cities and towns the more she could sense the failure of the spirits of the ponies she could see.

“Oblivion.” She whispered aloud.

She began to speak further when the wailing of a foal caught her ears. The mare went to a near window and gazed into the front room of the home. Within in a family sat in the front room, various activities in front of them. The youngest, a foal of a few months old was crying endlessly and his mother was doing her best to placate him. She narrowed her focus and she could almost make out the light of the foals spirit and she could see that it was not hunger or normal afflictions that tormented the tiny foal. She looked to the family and they were in the same state.

“Without their spirit, they will die. Our spirits give us our will to live and to continue with our tasks. Without a guide, the World Spirit can falter. If that should happen the results could be devastating. I am no longer able to command the world Spirit. It only answers to Oblivion, and him alone. There must be a clue to his location. I cannot give up searching for him either.” She whirled and took to her heels once more.

The snow-white mare galloped over the lands and they fell away under her hooves. She slowed as the desert stretched out before her. She had last seen some of those connected to Oblivion traveling that way. She focused on their beating hearts and her hooves cast the sand into a storm behind her. The winds tore over her form as she followed their essence and it led her deeper into the desert. As she drew upon them the storm behind her angled away from their camp, she would not allow any harm to come to them while she was near. As she listened her ears flicked was they spoke about their search and the destination they had in mind. She paused as the faint essence of another caught her attention. She looked to the tent and walked through its sides and into the tent. A pony lay wrapped in a blanket and nestled gently on a bedroll. She went up to the figure and she paused as she recognized a friend of Oblivions, Blue Blood. She could tell that he had exhausted not just his magic but his body as well. He was struggling under the strain and she laid down beside him.

His breathing was shallow, but even and he gasped for breath occasionally. She lowered her head and laid as close to him as she dared. Her presence would help him in time but she paused as she considered what her interference might wreak. She looked away from him for a moment and her thoughts fell to the black Alicorn once more. Oblivion himself was tending to this one, strengthening his spirit and helping him along. She sighed and looked at him once more. She reached her snout out to him and gave him a gentle, but firm nuzzle. She breathed over him and her proximity would help to strengthen him and allow him to rest easy. She closed her eyes as she stayed close to him for several minutes. She raised her head away from him and looked to him as she got to her hooves. His essence was strengthened and his magical reserves were quickly regenerating, relieving the strain from his body and mind.

“You have done well.” She whispered to him. “I will do all I can as well. Do not lose heart.” She gave the sleeping pony a gentle nuzzle as she left him behind her.

Equestria was silent as she left the tent behind and listened into the other ponies at the camp. Her hooves came to a stop as she came to a stop next to Shining Armor. All of them were in good shape considering the deserts atmosphere but her presence would bolster them a bit for the rest of the journey.

Shining was quiet as he listened to Comber relate to them the rest of the journey and about when they would reach the ruins. From what they had been told, Oblivion had intended to return on his own and had not asked Comber to wait for him. While the Captain was not too surprised about the circumstances he found himself wishing Oblivion had left messages or anything that could be used to track him. But in that same thought, he knew that the Witcher would not permit any track to be done or any trace of himself to be found.

“So you didn’t go into the ruins with him?” Silver asked.

“No. That place is cursed. Ponies either come out changed or don’t come out at all. I can’t help but wonder if it got him as well?” Comber replied.

Silver shivered and looked to the Shining who shook his head. “I doubt there is anything nefarious inside. If there is then we will find a way around it and see if we can locate our missing Witcher.” Shining said aloud.

Vantage was quiet as he watched around them for any snakes or scorpions that were drawn to the fire. He sat quietly next to Striker as he listened to the others. Comber shrugged at the Captains words.

“I know that it’s hard to imagine such a curse or things of that sort. But how can ya explain an Element of Harmony not coming back from it?”

Shining shut his eyes for a moment before opening them once more, his face grim. “I know it seems to give credence to the thought of a curse. But the way I understand it a Witcher is a master of many things. Including understanding curses. If there was a curse then he would have been able to get past it. Is it possible that the ruins stretch out further underground?”

“It is possible. Most explorers didn’t get very far inside. Said something about unknown doorways and strange creatures.” Comber admitted. “Most that came out either left with more questions and no answers and nothing to show for it.”

“That’s discouraging.” Striker spoke up.

“It sounds that way. But if Oblivion is inside then we owe it to him to do whatever we have to do.” Silver said to them.

“I agree. We need to bring him back or find a trace of him to lead us to him. We can only hope he slipped up and left a trace behind that we can use as a clue.” Shining admitted.

The other nodded and Vantage got up from his place and headed for the tent to check on Blue Blood. “Be right back.”

“I am regretting leaving Cross behind,” Shining said as the Thestral vanished into the tent. “We could use his medical training.”

“We all know basic, but he has the advanced training.” Silver explained at Comber's look. “He went to further training that the rest of us passed on. In hindsight, I’m wishing I had the forethought to look into it anyway.”

“Hindsight is twenty-twenty. We can regret all we like but it won’t change anything.” Shining said to them as Vantage returned to the campfire. “That was quick.”

“He’s doing great. His breathing is steady and even, doesn’t seem to be in any pain. He’s just sleeping it off now.” The Thestral sat down and shrugged at the confused looks from the others.

“Well. Don’t; look a gift horse in the mouth.” Comber advised.

“Agreed. I’m glad to hear that he will be all right. I have to admit I am feeling better after sitting out here for a while and relaxing to an extent.” Shining admitted to them.

They nodded and Comber got to his hooves. “Well. I’m gonna hit the hay for the night. We should reach the ruins by late morning if we up our pace a bit. We’ll see how every pony is in the morning.”

Shining nodded in agreement and led the others in behind the earth pony. The Captain glanced around the campfire and his eyes focused on a figure that was moving away from them. He jumped past the fire and stared at the figure vanished into the sands and was gone. He shook his head and the image of a tall mare vanished from his mind. The stallion convinced himself he was simply tired and that he was seeing things in the sand. He went back to the tent and laid down in his own place beside Blue Blood and was pleased to find that Vantage had not been exaggerating about his improved condition. The Captain laid his head down and pulled his own blanket up over his back as he settled down to sleep till morning rose.

Equestria left them as they retired for the night. She was glad to see their improved conditions when she left. While she did not hold the Spirit of the world at her call, she was still the Heart of the world. Oblivions' place was to safeguard their spirits while hers was to bring life to the world and allow it to grow and breathe. She galloped over the sands as she looked for the ruins they had mentioned. While she had been walking the world since its creation it was in a constant state of flux and change. She loved nothing more than to walk the world and see how those who had grown in it lived. She crested a tall dune and looked down to find old ruins.

“Must be the place.” She whispered aloud and allowed herself to slide down the sides of the dune.

She started for the wall, ready to walk through it when she paused as a feeling of uncertainty went over her. She reached out a hoof and set it against the wall of the structure. The ruins seem to have a pulse of their own that she was beginning to see as she analyzed the outer wall. She began to trot around the structure, searching for an entrance when she saw a set of hoof prints in the sand. They were far too small for it to have been Oblivion. They appeared to belong to a mare. Equestria trotted inside and stopped just inside the broken entrance. Her own hooves thudded dully against the stone floor as she began to walk slowly forward. Her steps echoed through the room as she turned a corner and found an old camp. It had not been used in a long while. She poked at a few of the items but nothing piqued her interest as possibly belonging to the missing Spirit Guardian.

“Well. What's down here then? She whispered as she angled to look into the next room.

She paused in her steps at the strange shimmering doorway. The edges reminded her of Oblivion's own azure flame but the center was of the purest black. The flames seemed to reach to the center and she approached the doorway slowly. She paused outside of it and her own magic poured forth as she reached out to try to discern what she was looking at. Her magic rebounded to her and she saw no change in the appearance of the door. She was quiet as she began to look around the room. It was a large circular room with a center that was sunken in and had more of the doorways that she was standing in front of. The others appeared to have other colors and some were dead and held nothing in their frames.

“Oblivion. Did you fall through one of these?” She asked aloud as she tried to see any other sign of him.

She groaned quietly as she looked back to the first one that she had found. As she was passing by it she paused. Her eyes focused and she saw a chunk of silver hair caught in the stone frame. She smiled at the sight of the mane hairs.

“This one then?” She whispered aloud as a smile crossed her muzzle. “So you went through this door? You must be stuck somewhere that is blocking your magic. Imagine a fabled Witcher getting stuck in a ruin? I will tease you endlessly for this.” She laughed as she trotted into the doorway, her smile wide.

She closed her eyes as the strange door passed by her as she walked into it. Her eyes opened, expecting to find a separate room that she had been sent to. She looked around and found herself in the other room looking at the center of the room with the other doors. Her smile faded, giving way to a look of confusion. She looked back up to the other door and then to the other ones at her level. She looked at the new doors and found them to have varying colors inside their frames. One appeared to be the same type as the one she had used before but it was rimmed with a golden light instead of the azure flames. Others had the appearance of purple ripples on water, others purple flames covered the entire doorway. She shied away from the purple flames and looked to the golden-hued door. She advanced on it but paused at the sight of another doorway rimmed in red flames. She spun to look at each door as an uncertain grumble broke from her.

“How do I know what one to use?” She asked aloud. “Oh, Oblivion. How did you know what one to use? I have changed my mind. I don’t think I will be teasing you at all.”

The white mare trotted up the golden door once more and breathed in before she stepped through it and closed her eyes. She opened them to find herself outside and on the other side of the ruins. She spun around and there was no active doorway, just a dead frame. She gave a frustrated sigh and trotted around the ruins once more to get back inside. She returned to the blue door and trotted through it, once more in the other room.

“Okay. So not the gold door.” She looked to the others and scanned each one, trying to decide which might be a better choice. “Oh by the Worlds…Purple it is.”

She walked up the doorway framed in purple fire and pushed herself forward, closing her eyes. She yelped as she walked out of the doorway and there was no floor. She fell through the air and landed in the deep water. She broke the surface and scanned the room around her.

“Oh geez.” She groaned. “Okay, now to get out of the water. I’m not certain I want to think if there is anything in it.”

She saw a small pathway and jumped out the chilly water and up to the small platform. Her eyes scanned the area and she slowly mounted the steps that spiraled up from the spot she had come to find. Her steps were slow and cautious as she made sure to look around any corners. She had no way of knowing what might be in the area. While she was curious about her surroundings but cautious enough to not race headlong ahead. She came to a large arched doorway and she looked slowly around the door jam and looked to the great stone room in front of her.

“What in the Worlds could this be used for?” She asked aloud.

She walked into the room and found that the room was empty aside from another doorway at the far end. Its doorway was the same red flames that had brought her to her current location. She trotted up to the door and looked over it. Her first thought had been to walk through it, but she paused.

“The last red one brought me here. So will this red one send me back? Or to a new place?”

She looked around her and found that the doorway was the only thing in the room aside from herself. She sighed and walked into the red doorway and opened her eyes on the other side. She was back in the room with the other portals once more. She grumbled and made a mark in front of the gold and red, showing that she had tried them already.

“Okay purple water or purple flame?” She looked between the two and paused as she tried to make up her mind.

She looked up and her eyes scanned the stone ceiling above her. Her thoughts sharpened as she steeled her heart and walked into the purple flames of the doorway. Her eyes screwed shut and she only opened them when the subtle warmth of the flames died away. She looked cautiously around the room and slowly walked forward. The room was barely lit and shadows danced along the walls and ceiling. She paused as a sound caught her ears. The sound of something being dragged across stone caught her focus. Equestria was silent as she stopped in her tracks and waited for the sound to give her an idea of its location. She began to walk forward once more as the sound stopped and all fell silent. The white mare jumped when braziers blazed to life around the room and the ground she stood on lit up with a pattern under her hooves. She whinnied in surprise and backed away from the markings. A growl caught her ears and she listened intently. Her eyes widened at the sight of the creature on the other side of the room.

It was on all four legs and its skin was discolored and small spiked came from its back and ran down its shoulders. Its limbs ended in foot-long claws that made her cringe away from the monster. Its mouth opened and it roared at the white mare, who raised her head high to watch the creature. The Worlds Heart was quiet as the creature began to move to the side, its eyes on her. She began to mirror its movement and made sure to keep a fair distance from the creature across the room. It stopped its pacing and charged at her. She whinnied and took to her heels as it lunged for her. Her hooves thundered over the stone floor as the creature caught up to her. The room’s size prevented her from gaining a sizable lead on the monster at her heels. She looked back as it lunged for her hind legs, she bucked as it neared her and her hooves struck it in the face, sending it rolling away from her.

She paused and then chased after it, rearing up to try to crush it with her hooves. Her hooves thudded against the stone as the creature rolled away from her. She charged after it, a scream tearing from her as she continued to chase after it. Her teeth flashed as she dug her teeth into the monsters hide and dragged it backward and tossed it away to the side as it cried out and swung to strike her. It was silent as the mare snorted and stamped her hooves, ready to chase after it once more. She stared at it as it began to pace away from her. She scanned the creature’s body and noticed that it appeared unnaturally thin and gaunt. As she watched it slunk away from her and she trotted after it, ensuring its retreat. It collapsed a way from her and she allowed herself to check more of the room around her.

As she scanned the room she was not seeing any sign of an exit doorway. Her mind went over the possibilities as she stopped and glanced back to where the monster still lay. She could not sense anything from the monster and chose to leave it alone and keep her distance. She grumbled after a few circuits of the room and walked back to the original door. It was still active and she walked back through it, her eyes opened to find the first room once more. Her hoof made a mark in front of it like the others and turned to face the door of purple waters. She paused in front of the doorway and tried not to think of what horrors could be behind it. She steeled her nerves once more and trotted through the door. It rippled over her fur and she shuddered at the strange feeling it left in its wake.

Her eyes opened wide as the unmistakable smell of death assaulted her nose. She screamed in horror and scrambled backward, trying to go through the doorway once more. Her flank collided with the wall and she looked back to find the doorway had gone dead. She looked forward once more as the bodies of ponies and other creatures lay before her. She remained in her place as her eyes searched among them. She saw a path off to the side and plunged down it, desperate to get away from the bodies and the scent of blood, death, and decay. Her nose burned and her eyes watered as the scent followed her steps. She slid to a halt as a wall loomed ahead of her and she turned left to go down the next set of stairs. As she reached the bottom of the stairs her hooves splashed into the water as she looked down at the liquid she stood in. The smell was less intense and she allowed herself to try to calm.

“Oh, by the Worlds.” Her voice stammered out of her as she tried to calm her nerves and end her own shaking.

Her legs shook under her and she closed her eyes as she breathed, focusing on breathing evenly to calm herself. She opened her eyes and began to walk through the knee-deep water and deeper into the room. The smell of death permeated the area but it was beginning to fade the more she walked. A splash sounded in front of her and she stopped once more to listen. Her hair stood on end as the sound began to draw closer. It sounded like a fish thrashing on the shore. She could hear the sound of breathing, panting, and gasping as it drew near. The white mare’s eyes widened at the sight of the hunched creature before her. She looked past it for a moment and saw the active doorway. The creatures white sightless eyes stared at the mare as she began to dance on her hooves. Its teeth were dagger-sharp and varied in color from green to yellow. Its skin was pulled tight over its frame and varied in color from blue to red and pink. Its long arms ended in four-fingered hands with two-inch claws. Its forearms were covered in bones that were lashed in place with rope. If the monster stood up it would have been close to the mares own height. Its skin was pockmarked and wart-covered and it made very little sound. The creature stayed a safe distance from the mare and both of them were still and made no move to advance or retreat.

The monster suddenly charged the mare and she startled and veered to the side, avoiding the monster's touch. Her eyes were trained solely on the purple light of the doorway. She cried out as the creature's hand landed on her flank. Its claws dug in and the mare bucked as hard as she could and sent the creature rolling, a wet sound echoing in the mare's ears. She plunged ahead and galloped through eh door and slid on the stone floor of the room as she fell to her knees and went still, panting. Her body shivered as she tried to regain her composure. Her flank fell to the ground as she covered her face with her hooves and tried not to break into sobs. She had been alive as long as the world had been alive and had seen many horrors. But what she had seen in that final room had shaken her badly.

The white mare cried quietly as she laid on the floor of the room. After several minutes she pulled herself to her hooves and looked to the blue flame doorway above her. She gathered her own magic and used what she could gather to jump back to the top of the room. Her hooves landed and she swayed on her hooves for a moment. Her magic was once more pushed back to her as she sat down and rubbed her face with her hooves.

“What other horrors does this ruin hold?” She whispered aloud. “Those creatures are from your world, aren’t they Oblivion? You said you could combat the monsters of the world, but never did I imagine that those were the ones you meant. Your world…is truly a more different place than I had known.” Her words echoed against the stone walls and fell silent around her as she looked to the blue flames once more. “If your friends go through those doors with the purple coloring they could be killed by those monsters. No doubt that all the ponies that didn’t get out of here were killed by those creatures and left to rot and were food for those things. If those that are searching for you end up down there?”

The shallow cuts to her hip hurt and she looked over her shoulder to check on the cuts. Her magic was still being interfered with so she knew that she would have to get back outside to have the cuts heal within a few moments. She shook her head and began to leave the room, heading for the outside. She paused as she looked to the random belongings on the floor. An unused scroll caught her eyes and she looked back to the blue flame door. She picked up the scroll and the quill with it, scrawling a note to the ponies she knew would be reaching this place by late morning.

To those who come into this ruin,

Do not use the gateway this note is attached to. All magic is negated while inside this place. Unless you wish to use all the magic within you to escape you will be heading for a fate worse than death within the strange doorways. I have been through them and barely escaped. The black Unicorn you search for is not here any longer. Please heed my warnings. Those who have come before us did not leave this place and are no longer with us. Please take heed of my words. I give you my word that he is no longer here. Look next to this note and you will see that he brushed against the doorway.
Please be careful!

A Friend of Oblivion, Element of Spirit

She pinned the scroll to the doorway, close to the chunk of Oblivions silver mane. “Please listen to me.” She said aloud and backed away from the gateway, her hooves carrying her out of the doors and into the light of a new dawn.

She inhaled as her own magic came back to her and she sighed in relief at its return. AS her wounds healed she glanced back to the ruins and a sigh escaped her once more. She missed the black Alicorn as his friends and family did. She hoped that he was well, wherever he had been taken. While she was sure that he had been in the ruins, she was not so certain of what happened to him after that. The white mare debated on staying and making sure that the ponies did not use the portals. She considered going back in and labeling the golden doorway as safe but decided that she had interfered enough. She reached out to the world and her body vanished as she went back to her own plane of existence to rest after her own search. “Good luck, my ponies.” She whispered as her form vanished.

Blue Blood opened one eye and glanced around him to find Shining and the others asleep close by him. His other eye opened and he was shocked to find himself wrapped into a warm blanket and he struggled to escape it without waking the others. He finally was able to free himself and he rolled carefully to his hooves, still trying to avoid waking his companions. He opened the tent flap and looked out to find Comber sitting quietly by the fire. The Prince of Equestria walked out and sat down across from the earth pony.

“Good to see you up again, Prince.” The other stallion said to him as he sat down.

“Thank you. I apologize if I slowed us down.” He replied and hung his head a bit as he spoke.

“Not at all. If we kept pushing some pony might have been hurt. So you actually did us a favor. I wanted ta thank ya again for your help.”

“I barely helped, Comber.”

“You give yourself far too little credit. You held that wagon back and gave me and the Captain and the other two a chance to breathe so we could handle it. Otherwise, we might have gotten run over by it.”

“I doubt Shining would have let that happen. His magic is stronger than mine, after all.”

“Maybe. But can he do it while he is holding back a wagon, trying not to fall down a dune, with his eyes closed, and holding a wagon in a full stop? I think not.” Comber replied.

Blue Blood was quiet as the other pony spoke to him. His mind went over the memory of the day before and he tried to tell himself that he had done what the others thought he had. “I suppose you have a point. But I’m sure he could have helped more.”

“If you insist. But I doubt it.” Shining piped up as he came out of the tent and sat down. “I was barely keeping my hooves under me.”

Blue Blood looked as the other spoke up. “So you say but…”

“No. Enough Blue Blood. You did more than you give yourself credit for. You said that you hadn’t used that much of your magic in a long time. I believe that but at the same time, you did a very good job of saving all four of us. Silver and Striker, while strong in flight, are not the greatest on the ground. Their strengths lie in the air. So they were lashed to the wagon as well. So they could not go to the air. In essence, you saved all of us by giving us a chance to breathe. I am certain we would have been run over if not for that burst of magic.”

Blue was quiet as he listened to the words of the other stallion. “Perhaps, you have a point.” He finally admitted.

Shining chuckled and nodded. “No reason to lie to you.”

The ponies laughed and Comber nodded to them. “Time for breakfast lads.”

The earth pony gathered his materials and Shining helped him to cook while Blue went to awaken the two and get them out to the fire. The group sat in silence and waited as the food was made. Vantage sat down next to the Prince and yawned.

“Feeling better?” He asked.

“Yes thank you.” Blue replied.

“Glad to hear it. You went down really fast and I have to be honest I was kind of worried you had gotten hurt for our sakes.” He admitted with a sheepish look.

“I’m a bit surprised that you bounced back so well. Last time I saw a Unicorn drain themselves like that they were pretty out of it for a couple of days.” Striker spoke up as he took his breakfast from Comber’s outstretched hoof. “Thank you.” He said to the Earth pony and smiled.

“To be honest I feel perfectly fine. I am a bit surprised as well. I have done that once before but I was much younger and bounced back after a couple of days. So I am a bit surprised that I don’t feel sore or even a bit tired.” Blue responded.

“Odd. I’m not complaining but that is a bit of a shock.” Silver spoke up as he took his breakfast and began to eat.

“Agreed. But as you said I’m not complaining that you’re back to normal.” Shining piped in as he gave the Prince his food and sat down with his own as well.

“Is it normal for a Unicorn to drain themselves like that and then be laid up?” Comber asked. “I only know a couple of Unicorns and they have never mentioned it. But none are on the level as the Unicorns I have met recently.”

“It’s not a good idea to drain yourself often like that. It will eventually cause permanent injury. I’ve overdone it as well but bounced back after a couple of days. It can often depend on the pony for how long it takes them to recover. Some a couple of days, others a couple of weeks.” Shining informed them as they all sat around the fire.

“Wow.” Comber looked shocked as he looked to the two Unicorns. “Had no idea magic could be that dangerous. I never thought about it. So the magic that Oblivion does?”

“Is beyond what a normal Unicorn can do,” Shining admitted with a shake of his head. “That Unicorn has an Element of Harmony backing him up as well. Even without it, I am certain he is a strong Unicorn. But I have never really spoken to him about it. Teleporting to Canterlot and back is a feat I have never heard of. Though I have never seen him accomplish it.”

“I have.” Blue admitted. “He and I meet on Saturdays for lunch and he teleports to the gardens and then back to Ponyville when we finish.”

Shining nodded. “I believe it, but it’s still hard to imagine.”

The others nodded as Striker suddenly chuckled. “You haven’t seen anything. Ask him to train you and see how long you last.” The Solar Guard said with a laugh.

“By Equestria no.” Silver replied and Vantage nodded with him.

“Once was enough for me.” The Thestral replied.

“He couldn’t be that bad.” Shining said to him.

“Ask him then.” Silver replied, a clear challenge in his voice. “He will run you into the ground and then tell you to get up and keep going.”

Shining looked at the three guards who nodded at Silver. Blue Blood looked to them. “He’s that bad?”

“Worse.” Striker piped up. “Plus he has Sasa. He set her on us a few times to keep us running. You want to try to outrun that cat and his magic?”

Shining looked nervous as the other spoke. “I’m not certain any longer, to be honest.”

“A Witcher is not to be trifled with. He had a couple of his claws yanked out in an accident with that mare Winter Snow. So when he was training us he set the cat on us. So we tried to include him in the fight and we found out that three legs or four, does not matter. He will destroy us one way or the other.” Vantage said and leaned haughtily back on his haunches.

“That was an awful idea.” Striker said to them, his mouth slightly agape at the others words.

“It was yes. Cross and I got slapped around by a tag team of a Witcher and a giant feline.” Vantage replied with a laugh.

“Ouch. Just the thought sounds painful.” Comber admitted. “How big is this cat of his?”

“Her shoulders are level with Oblivions chest.” Blue replied. “But she really is a sweet kitty.”

“When you’re on the same side.” Silver replied. “We saw her in an actual fight, and it was terrifying.”

“Oh?” Shining asked as he set his empty plate aside.

“Yeah. That crazy mare set a bunch of monsters on us and Oblivion was not with us, he was resting at camp. She put those front teeth of hers through a monster and killed it in one bite. Those claws shredded her fair share by the time she had called out to the Witcher for help.” Striker said aloud.

“Geez. It’s hard to think of a monster that could do what I have read about in those reports.” Shining replied. His expression grim as he recalled the details.

“Cross and I saw the Leshen once. And it was terrifying to look at. I couldn’t imagine how any pony could fight against something like that. But Oblivion did and won.” Vantage replied.

“Was it proven?” Shining asked.

Vantage and the other guards smiled and nodded. “He brought the head back to Canterlot as proof.”

Shining startled. “That’s…oh by Equestria, seriously?”

“Yes.” Silver laughed at the baffled expression from their Captain. “When we asked he said that it is normal to bring back the head or some proof of the animal's death. So bringing back the head is normal where he is from. So he was acting out of habit.”

Comber looked ill as they spoke of the decapitated head of a monster. “That’s an odd habit.” He said aloud and began to pick up the dishes from the rest of the group.

“It worked well though.” Silver replied. “No pony could argue that he didn’t really fight and kill it. Which I guess is the point. When ponies don’t believe you then you need proof.”

“True enough.” Shining admitted. “Okay we should reach the ruins by lunch so let’s get moving.”

The guards nodded and began to help break down the camp and set the wagon and prep it for travel. As Comber killed the fire the others finished packing their supplies and were dressed and ready for travel once more. They stayed with him as the wagon moved easily over the now still sands.

“If we get another sandstorm, I quit.” Silver hollered from the right side of the wagon.

The others all laughed at the proclamation from their companion. “Your resignation is not accepted and I do not tolerate desertion. If you do I will be forced to ask the Element of Spirit to hunt you down.” Shining called back to him.

“…On second thought, I love my job.” Silver replied and plastered a smile on his muzzle.

Striker laughed as he flew a few feet above the wagon. “Good choice. The last thing I want is to try to stop a Witcher from dragging you back to Canterlot.”

“Yeah, no.” Silver replied with a laugh.

The group made their way over the sands and the dunes were small and made for an easy journey as they crested a dune they were greeted with the sight of the ruins a half-mile off. Comber nodded to the ruins and tried to smile.

“There they are. This is close to where I left Oblivion when I turned back. I’ll wait down there for ya.” He said to them and led them down the small dune and to the ground on the other side.

“Sounds good, Comber.” Shining said to the nervous pony and nodded to the gathers. “All right. Our turn guys.”

The five ponies made their way cautiously to the ruins and began to walk around them to try to find a way inside. Striker trotted ahead and hollered to the rest to join him when he found an entrance. The other three joined him and they all looked cautiously inside the ruin before they all backed away from the front and looked back to each other.

“So, who’s going in first?” Silver asked. “Not It!”

“Not it!” Blue Blood, Vantage and Striker were next to opt out, leaving a stunned Captain.

“Are we really going to use that foal’s game to decide who goes in?” They all nodded as he groaned and then a stern look went over his face. “I outrank you.”

“You don’t outrank me.” Blue Blood said to him, a smirk on his muzzle. “I technically outrank all of you.”

Shining and the others guards looked to the now smirking Prince of Equestria, a mix of horror and laughter on their faces. Silver looked away as he was close to losing himself to laughter at the smile on the Prince's muzzle.

“I think you should go and be the first Captain,” Blue said to him.

“You’re kidding me. Now you pull rank?” Shining said to him.

“Yes.” Blue replied, his voice flat as he looked back to the other pony.

“Damnit all.” Shining cursed under his breath and looked into the doorway of the ruins. “I expect help if something comes after me.” He said and he looked over his shoulder.

They nodded and smiled as he looked ready to thrash each of them in turn. Blue Blood still smirked as his friend looked at them. “We all called out of going first, you didn’t. I’m just upholding the rules.”

“Rules my ass.” Shining cursed back.

Silver leaned against Blue Blood as he laughed, no longer able to hold it back. Vantage chuckled behind a hoof, while Striker laughed as well. Blue Blood smiled wider and a chuckle escaped him. “Don’t worry. If you need help, we will help. And we won’t tell anypony if you scream.”

“HAHAHA!” Silver laughed himself to the ground with Striker and Vantage now having to sit down at the Princes taunting of their Captain. “Okay now that we are all much less tense, shall we?” Blue said aloud and then motioned for Shining to get going with a hoof.

Shining mustered a glare for the Prince and then looked back to the dimly lit ruins. “Great, just great.” He whispered to himself and walked inside, his head on a swivel as he scanned the small room. “Left all of our armor on the carriages back with Cross.”

He scanned the room and made sure to watch in every direction as he moved forward. He crossed the first small room quickly and then into the next one. He looked back and the others were sitting at the entrance waiting for him to give the call that it was safe. He was quiet as he moved out of their sight and into the next room, which was just a bit larger than the other one. He saw the remains of a camp in the room and walked over to it, hoping to see something that would be of use.

“Nothing that looks like it was Oblivions.” He whispered and moved forward, his steps slow and cautious.

“Anything?” Blue yelled to him causing him to jump and nearly yell curses back at them.

“No!” He yelled back.

He went around the next corner and through the doorway to find a shimmering door on the left side of the room. “What in Equestria is that?” He advanced on the strange door and reached out to it when a scroll caught his attention and he gently gripped the bottom of it and read it to himself. As he finished reading it and saw the chunk of mane that had to be Oblivions he groaned.

“Get in here!” He yelled back at them and waited for them to join him.

Blue was the first to reach him with the three guards at his hips. “What did you find?”

“A letter from a friend of Oblivions. Sounds like somepony else is looking as well and beat us here.” Shining reported and pointed to the note. “Look at the side of the stone doorway.”

Blue leaned in and his eyes widened slightly at the chunk of mane. “That’s Oblivion mane. So he was here but is gone?”

“Yeah. This friend of his already checked this door and apparently, it leads to nothing good.” Shining said to them.

“What's it say?” Vantage asked from his place behind them.

“To those who come into this ruin,

Do not use the gateway this note is attached to. All magic is negated while inside this place. Unless you wish to use all the magic within you to escape you will be heading for a fate worse than death within the strange doorways. I have been through them and barely escaped. The black Unicorn you search for is not here any longer. Please heed my warnings. Those who have come before us did not leave this place and are no longer with us. Please take heed of my words. I give you my word that he is no longer here. Look next to this note and you will see that he brushed against the doorway.
Please be careful!
A Friend of Oblivion, Element of Spirit.” Shining parroted to them and waited as they responded.

“Well damn.” Silver said aloud.

Vantage groaned and looked at the others. “Well, now what?”

Blue Blood sighed in defeat and went to the middle of the room. “Wow. I think the letter means these doorways.” He said aloud and pointed down the circular chamber below them.

The others came up to him and nodded in agreement. “Geez. I don’t even want to know.” Striker admitted.

Shining nodded at the Solar Guards comment. “If our ‘Friend’ is right then its suicide to mess with these…doorways.”

“Agreed. Now what?” Blue asked.

Shining looked grimly to them and shook his head in defeat. “As much as I hate to say this, we go back to Canterlot.”

“With nothing to show for our efforts?” Blue replied.

“We know he was here. We have proof of that.” He nodded to the note and the mane hairs in the stone door jam. ”we use what we have and see if the others found anything. I don’t like it either, believe me, but we don’t have any leads.”

“Trying to track a Witcher.” Silver said aloud, his voice a whisper. “The way he spoke made it seem like you couldn’t track his kind. I kind of believe it now.”

Blue nodded. “I agree. Well. We had best get back to Comber and see about heading back home.”

They nodded and began the slow walk out of the ruins. Shining stopped as they left and looked back to the ruins. “Damn you, Oblivion. Where are you?” He asked in a whisper as he turned to go back to where Comber awaited them.

“Captain!” Silver suddenly yelled.

Shining looked ahead and saw a group of ponies flying to them. He trotted to join the others and waited as they landed. They had the chariots that they had brought with them plus one more. Princess Luna stepped off the new carriage and walked to stand in front of the group of them. They bowed their heads to her and waited as she spoke.

“We have received word that the mare that Oblivion Shadow had been asking about has returned to Canterlot. Her grandmother sent word of her return.” She said to them.

Blue cringed as the Princess of the Night used the Royal Canterlot Voice to address them all. “Aunt Luna?”


“We can hear you just fine.” He said to her.

“Oh. My apologies, nephew.” Blue shook his head and a warm smile crossed his muzzle.

“So Asmara is back?” He asked the Alicorn mare.

“Yes. She returned a couple of days ago. Her grandmother wished to give her a couple of days to rest before she alerted us to her return.” She related to them. “How did thee fare here?”

“We know that he was here. We are not the only ponies searching for him. A friend of his got here first and left us a warning that the ruins inside are deadly and that we shouldn’t go into the magical doorways inside. We also found a good chunk of his mane in the stone next to one of the doorways. So we know that he probably went through one but is not in the ruins anymore. Meaning he most likely already got out of them if they had any effect at all.” Shining reported to her.

“Thee have the note?”

Shining showed it to her and she read over it. Her eyes narrowed for a moment as she looked at the chunk of silver mane. “That is his mane. Well, we had hoped though would have better news. But it is refreshing to hear that we are not the only ones searching for him. Any idea of who it could be?” They shook their heads in response. “So we will head back to Canterlot and see what we can find out about this mare.”

“If Oblivion came here then I would assume that the mare he was after was as well. So she may know something.” Shining replied.

“We agree. We expect her to explain herself.” Luna said to them as she went back to her carriage. “We have brought your means of travel as well and also brought ponies to carry you home. Thee must be tired from the journey.”

“What about Sand Comber?” Shining asked.


“He’s the pony that brought Oblivion out here and then brought us as well,” Blue replied. “We need to get him back to the edge of the desert as well.”

“We understand. Where is he?” Luna asked them after a moment of thought.

“Should be over this way,” Shining replied and trotted off to the side, leading them to the waiting Earth pony. “Comber!”

The gray pony peeked out from under his wagon and slid out from under it at their approach. His eyes went wide at the sight of the Alicorn princess and threw himself to the ground at her hooves. “Your Highness!”

“Thou are Sand Comber?”


“We will make sure that thou are brought back to the edge of the desert. Thee have done a great service and will be rewarded as well. We are grateful for the help thee has given to our search.” Luna said to him.

“I’m glad to have been of help, Princess. Oblivion is a good pony, no reason not to help try to find him.” Comber spoke up.

Shining and the others stood off to the side as Luna organized how to get Comber's wagon and himself back to town. The Captain sat down by the carriages and heaved a short sigh. “Damn.”

“He will come back. Not in his character to vanish and never come back.” Silver said to him and sat with him, the others slowly joining him.

“I know. It’s difficult to accept that we did not find more evidence of him. But for now, we will have to trust that he will make his way back on his own.” The Captain reasoned t them.

“He will.” Blue Blood said as he sat down with them. “He will come back.”

“Blue is right. We just have to wait and trust him.” Vantage added.

They sat in silence and waited as Luna finished her tasks and bid them get into the carriages and they would return Canterlot. The group nodded and did as she asked of them. Shining and Blue Blood both looked back to the ruins as they were lifted and were flown away from the desert. The ruins became nothing more than a speck on the horizon and the Captain looked back to the front and waited as the land fell away from under them.

48: A Tale From an Illusionists...

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Oblivion stayed close as they reached the front of the castle and paused as stable hands came to gather the horses. One reached for Roach’s reins and then grabbed the rope that served as Oblivions halter. Anna Henrietta turned at the soft snort from the black stallion. The Duchess took the lead rope from his hands and led the stallion forward, up the stairs and into the grand entrance. A man approached as Geralt and Ciri fell in behind her.

“Your Grace that horse does not…” He began to speak as the Duchess stopped and looked to him.

Her eyes landed on the man and he stopped speaking at her stone gaze. He bowed his head and backed away from her and she led the black stallion and the others forward. She said nothing more as they walked through the halls. She paused outside a room and placed her hand on the door. A rune shone under her hand the door clicked as it opened at her touch. She led the Witchers inside and locked the door behind them.

“All right. So I assume that there is an explanation? Oblivion Shadow?” Her eyes held his as he raised his head to his full height and he gave a slight nod to her. “We have not spoken in many years.” Her voice had dropped and was a bare whisper she regarded him.

Oblivion said nothing as he lowered his head and tipped it forward, allowing the helm to fall off of his head, revealing his curved horn. Geralt stepped forward and released the buckles on the rug the stallion wore and pulled it off of his form. Oblivion shook his body and his wings spread to their full sixteen-foot length and then allowed them to settle on his sides. The Duchess’s eyes went wide as she beheld the Alicorn before her.

“What in the world?” She whispered.

She moved to him and she ran her hand gently along the length of the stallions curved horn. Her hands then went to the great wings that were held easily at his sides. He watched as she pulled the wing gently away from his side and he flared the wing, eliciting a yelp from the Duchess. She turned to look at the stallion, his eyes sparkled with mischief as she swatted his shoulder and went back to examining the wing.

“This is amazing.” She said aloud. “Can they be used?”

“Of course,” Oblivion replied to her.

She gave him a look and the stallion backed away from her. His wings began to flap lazily and his hooves slowly left the ground as he hovered. Her eyes widened at the sight of the stallions wings holding him easily above the ground. He closed them and dropped the foot to the ground with a resounding thud of his hooves. He shook his head, his mane falling to his neck as he approached her once more.

The Duchess was silent as she laid her hands on his face and set her forehead against his own, under his horn. She backed up after a moment and turned to Geralt and Ciri. “How did this happen?”

“We did not know about it until recently. He appeared at Corvo Bianco last night and I brought him here to meet with Ciri.” Geralt explained.

Anna Rietta turned to Ciri who explained that they were trying to find a way to send him back to the world that he had come from. Anna held her hand up for silence and Ciri went quiet.

“You would leave us once more?” She asked of the stallion.

Oblivion was quiet as she looked to him. “I am needed there. My purpose in this world is done.” He replied to her.

“Your life is still here.” She replied to him.

“Not anymore. I died months ago, Anna. This world no longer holds my life in its claws.” He said to her. “In that world, my presence keeps balance and allows those of that world to go about their lives in safety. While I do miss those that I left behind here, I am needed there.”

“So you wish to leave this world behind?” She asked.

“Yes.” He said to her.

“But you are not dead.” She began.

“I died from an attack by two Leshens. I was brought to the other world by the Heart of that world. My purpose is to protect them from those that would try to break them.” Oblivion interrupted her. “Without me, their spirits will fade and die.”

The Duchess was quiet as he explained the nature of what they needed him for. “They need you in the body of a horse?”

Oblivion barked a laugh. “Yes. They are horses in that world.”

“That sounds…unbelievable.” The Duchess responded.

“I have been to worlds that had creatures that I had never seen before,” Ciri spoke up from behind the Duchess. “Just because a being is in a certain form here does not mean that they are in that same form in another world.”

Anna nodded in understanding. “So then what is your plan?”

“We need to find a way to reach a forest that has a tree that holds all the pathways to other worlds in its roots or branches.” Ciri replied and pulled the book with the story out of Oblivion's saddlebag. She held it in front of the Duchess and showed her the passage about the tree. Anna looked thoughtful as she read the words on the page. She walked away from Ciri, a hand to her mouth as she thought it over. She finally turned back to them, her hands clasped in front of her.

“Geralt. Do you recall the book I hid my sister within?” She asked.

Geralt nodded. “I do. It held fairy tales within it. Syanna and I had to traverse the stories to get out of it.”

“Yes. The Land of a Thousand Fables. Illusionist Artorious Vigo created it for my sister and me to play with. It began to degrade after the year 1252. But I digress. That was not the only book he left for us.” She said to them. “There was a second book. It was not to be used. It was given to me when I was older to keep safe. Syanna and I never knew of it until later.” She paused and went to a bookshelf and pulled out a group of four books, revealing a compartment which she opened to pull a thick book out of hiding. “It is called Path of the Worlds. I did not know what it meant until years later. I was clever enough not to open it fully but what little I saw was a sprawling forest. It stretched forever, with no end. I do not know if it will help now. But as soon as it is opened fully you are brought within it. What the world in this book is like I do not know.”

She held the book out for the stallion to look over and his medallion began to tremble on its chain. Geralt’s began to react as well and the two Witchers looked to the book in her hands. Geralt slowly approached the book and watched as the Duchess held it closed as they looked at it.

“It has enough magic coming off of it to send both medallions rolling,” Oblivion said aloud. “Anyone with sense can feel it, even if they were silent we would have known. You as well Ciri.”

They nodded as he spoke and the stallion leaned back on his haunches and watched as Anna held it to her and then sat back to lean against a table. “It is not to be trifled with. I was warned many times before it was set into my hands.” Anna informed them. She was quiet as she looked at the black Alicorn. She opened her mouth to speak further when a loud knock sounded through the room. She looked to Geralt who took the hint and tossed the rug back over Oblivions body and Ciri place the helm back in place.

The Duchess held the book close as she opened the door a crack to see who had knocked on the door. Her steward looked to her and bowed his head to her. “My apologies for the interruption, Your Grace. Your afternoon court is ready to be tended to.” He said to her, his voice low and quiet.

She nodded and looked over her shoulder. Oblivion was silent as they waited for her to decide what to do, given the situation they were in. She gave a quiet huff and looked to the steward. “Unfortunately an emergency has come up and I must attend to it. Please inform those that are here that I will attend to them at a later date.” She replied, her tone diplomatic, but firm.

“Of course, you’re Grace.” He said to her and she closed the door.

“I can wait an afternoon, Anna.” Oblivion said to her, as Geralt and Ciri removed the rug and helm from his body.

“It’s not just you, Oblivion. I suppose I am stalling, one of the petitioners has been requesting I remarry.” She replied, her tone clipped and annoyed.

“Ahh. That again?” Oblivion replied to her, humor in his voice. “I would have thought they would have given that up by now.”

“Unfortunately not. If anything they have become more insistent since my sister’s return.”

“That’s most likely why. Your sister is older and I think they are concerned that she will argue your rule.” Oblivion reasoned to her. “Has Syanna shown any desire to rule?” He asked her.

“No. I spoke to her at length and she wishes to do things her own way. I, of course, support her choices. She says she has been free for so long that carrying the Duchy holds no appeal for her.” She replied, a shrug going over her shoulders.

“Well. Most nobles are not happy unless they are sticking their snouts into another’s business, where they do not belong.” Oblivion replied to her.

“You are more correct than you know.” The Duchess replied. “Anyway. We will need to find out a safe way to use this book. I do not wish to be stuck within it. So it would be wise of us to try to anticipate its magic.”

Ciri stepped up and put her hand on the books cover. A visible pulse went over the books cover and she pulled back from it. Geralt placed a hand on her shoulder, ensuring she was safe. Oblivion fought back a snort at the sight of him still trying to protect her. ‘Some things never change. Though I have to admit, I hope they never do.’ He thought to himself as they looked at the book and set it down on a near table.

His eyes went over the room and he walked over to a pair of doors that would go out to the small balcony. The Alicorn was quiet as he gave the doors a strong push and they opened to allow him to step outside. Despite growing used to the homes and castles of Equestria he still yearned for the outdoors. He stepped out onto the balcony and stood in silence as the wind whipped his mane away from his neck and tossed his forelock out of his eyes. His orange eyes scanned the skies.

Geralt looked to the stallion as the two women spoke about the book and how it could be used safely. He walked out to join the stallion and was quiet as the Alicorn sighed and cast a glance to the other Witcher.

“Are you all right, Oblivion?” He finally asked after several minutes of silence.

“I’m fine. I still do not enjoy being inside for too long.” He replied, his voice sounded weary but still held its strength. “Some things you never grow out of.”

“That’s true. You have always been the one to leave the safety of a building, choosing the wilds over the safety of walls.” Geralt commented.

Oblivion chuckled and nodded. “True enough. I still do. Thankfully I am not needed indoors most often so I am outside if I have the option.”

“What will you do if this fails?”

Oblivion looked to him and then back to the skies. “Let us simply pray it does not fail. Otherwise, things for them will go downhill swiftly. If this book fails then we will need to look elsewhere. Though I have confidence that we have the beginning of a path to send me back. We simply need to walk down it a bit for the rest of the answer.”

“You were always the one that could see ahead of the rest of us. No matter the situation you were a step or more ahead. Nearly drove Lambert insane a few times.” Geralt replied with a friendly nudge to the stallion’s girth.

Oblivion gave a short chuckle and nodded. “I did much of it just to annoy him. While others tiptoe around him to avoid a conflict I tend to go after one. He has his reasons for his bitterness and I will never begrudge him for it. But that does not mean I will pass up an opportunity to chide him over it.”

“That’s true.” Geralt responded. “But now we have to focus and find a way to send you back alive.”

“I‘m fond of the alive part.” Oblivion replied, a bit of sarcasm in his tone.

Geralt chuckled and went back inside, leaving the stallion to his silence once more. He reached the two women and they looked over to him as he paused and then looked back to see Oblivion joining him.

Oblivion was quiet as they circled close to him and began to explain their ideas to him. While they knew that they needed to open the book they were unsure where to open it. If it needed land to expand for them then they would end up damaging the castle and the city around it. Oblivion agreed that was not an option.

“What about the tournament grounds?” Oblivion asked. “Are they frequently used anymore?”

“Not really. They are maintained since the tournament is coming up but they are not used for much. The race with you was the first thing they had been used for in some time.” She explained at his question.

“Could we use it then?” Geralt asked.

“It is certainly possible. The only issue I can think of is that they are public. While most avoid the grounds it is possible that some people will be passing through them.” Anna explained.

“Any other places that you can think of?” Ciri asked.

Oblivion thought it over and then looked to the other Witcher. “What about the empty field behind Corvo Bianco?”

Geralt looked thoughtful at the Alicorn’s comment and then nodded. “It is more likely to be private. The only people who come there are the occasional merchant or wagon with supplies. But they never got beyond the courtyard.” Geralt responded.

“So that might be our best choice?” Ciri asked.

“Yes. I think so.” Geralt commented.

“But if we have Anna there then how private could it be? You know half the countryside will flock there if they know of her.” Oblivion replied. “Unless you can hide as you did earlier once more?” Oblivion directed the question to her as he spoke.

“I can yes. Though it would be easier to do late in the evening.” Anna responded quickly to the inquiry from the stallion. “I do require that I be present for this.”

“Of course.” Oblivion responded, his response quick to assuage her. “The book belongs to you and we are in need of your aid with it. Leaving you out of it is not an option. If things become dangerous then I will push you away, which is non-negotiable.” Oblivion reasoned with her.

She nodded in understanding and looked to the small group. “Then it is decided. We will use Corvo Bianco to open the book and see how it reacts.” The Duchess was quiet for a moment before she looked to them. “Shall we all head out this evening or should I join you?”

“Would be easier if it was all of us at once. Easier to hide in a group, Anna.” Oblivion said to her.

“That is true.” She replied, a slight smile on her lips. “Until then, have you all eaten?”

Geralt shook his head and Oblivion mirrored him. Ciri said that she had eaten a few snacks earlier but was hungry once more. Anna looked to them and asked they write down what they wished to eat. Geralt looked to the Alicorn with a questioning look.

“I assume you don’t eat grass with those teeth.” He questioned and Oblivion flashed his dagger teeth for the others.

“No. I can eat it but I prefer meat. I can eat anything the same as before.” He replied with a snort.

“That can be arranged.” Anna spoke up and took the list from the Witchers and then opened the door to have it delivered to the kitchens by one of the guards. “There it will come to us and we may dine here. If that is agreeable?”

They nodded to her and they all sat close to a table to wait for their meals before they left for Corvo Bianco.

Blue Blood groaned as they reached Canterlot, while he loved the city he did not like going back without the black Unicorn at their sides. He had hoped that his friend would be there and simply be trapped or hunting something within the ruins. When that was shown to not be the case he had fought not to be discouraged. He tried his best to keep himself upbeat for the others but his disappointment bit at him like a fly. As they began to descend he glanced over to Shining Armor who was staring ahead without any discernible expression. He looked back as Luna's chariot stayed with them, descending to land as well. The wheels of the chariots hit the ground and he waited for it to stop so he could jump off. A sigh escaped him once more as he grabbed his own luggage and set it across his back.

“Nephew!” Luna shouted out to him, stopping him in his tracks.

“Thee were with Oblivion when he questioned the mares grandmother. We ask that thee attend the meeting with her.” She said to him.

“Certainly.” He replied to her. “When is she arriving?”

“Should be before supper.” She said to him as they moved from the courtyard to the castle gates.

“That works just fine. I can get in a bath and a quick meal before she arrives.”

“Yes. That will certainly help with any fatigue. Can you aid us in questioning her?”

“I can certainly try, Aunt Luna.”

“Good. We will see thee later then.” She took to the hair after he gave a nod to her.

Blue Blood trotted up the steps and made for his room. His magic opened the doors and he slammed them shut behind him. He tossed his bag to the ground close to his bed and went into his bathroom to start a bath. He thought back to what he remembered of Mrs. Fleeting Skies and realized that he did not remember as much as he thought he did. He recalled the conversation but he was unclear about how much of it he could easily recall. As the tub filled he turned off the water and stepped into the warm water and laid down to relax for a few minutes before joining his Aunts in the throne room for the audience with Asmara.

49: One Final Hunt...

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Oblivion stood in silence as their meals were brought into the room. He remained in the back until the servant left the room, after giving the black stallion a strange look. Anna made sure that all of them could reach the food easily and sat down to eat with them. As they all ate Oblivion indicated what he wanted and Ciri placed it on a plate and put it in front of him, allowing him to eat with them.

“After this, we shall need to figure out a way to have you sneak out,” Ciri said to the Duchess.

“I agree. I should be able to leave from my room. But if there is a guard on duty then I will be stuck in place.” She admitted to them.

“Same room as before or a new one?” Oblivion asked her.

“One above my old room. So the balcony above the one you recall.” She replied.

Oblivion nodded in understanding and went back to his own meal. As he considered their options he looked to the Duchess and raised his head once more. “You can still ride fairly well, I assume?”

“Of course. You helped to teach me if you recall.” She replied.

“I do recall. Is your balcony large enough for me to land on?” He asked her.

The group looked to him and understanding went through Geralt’s eyes first. “That’s actually a good idea.” He said aloud.

Oblivion said nothing as the Duchess understood his meaning. “You would fly up there to pick me up?” She asked him.

“That is what I am thinking. It might be easiest if we truly wish to avoid the guards.” Oblivion admitted to her.

She sat back in her chair and considered the Alicorn’s words. “You have a strong point.” She admitted and nodded to him. “I will open the balcony window to allow you to land easily enough. I would recommend landing sideways versus pointing toward the doors.”

“Understood. Sounds easy enough.” Oblivion replied.

“That’s almost not fair.” Ciri joked. “She gets to ride the flying Alicorn.”

Geralt chuckled and Oblivion rolled his eyes, good-naturedly at the young woman. They dined in silence and when it was finished they spoke about how they would meet up at Corvo Bianco. Once their plan was laid out Anna excused herself as night fell and Oblivion moved with the others to head outside and then into the area off to the side, allowing Oblivion to easily take off to pick up Anna. They tossed the rug and helm onto his body and let him outside.

“We will wait for a few minutes then send you up to get her. Will you meet us down here or at Corvo Bianco?” Ciri asked him.

“I think our best option for that is to see how she is able to hold on. If she is going to fall we will land and run there versus flying.” Oblivion replied as they walked down the hallway. He had his nose against the young woman’s cheek as he spoke in a whisper.

She nodded and they stood outside and waited for a few minutes until Oblivion gave them a signal and they removed the rug, fake halter, and helm to allow him to see and move freely. The stallions great wings beat and he reared up to allow his wings the most beat and they lifted him from the ground and he angled to the castle's towers. He stopped high in the air and looked down to locate the room Anna had mentioned. His orange eyes caught sight of the balcony he needed and he tilted his body downward and his wings held firm as he plummeted out of the skies and swiftly banked to allow himself to land sideways on the balcony. He landed silently and grimaced as the curtains were blown away from the doorways from the force of the air from his wings.


He heard a soft whisper and he nickered in reply. Anna peered around the curtain as relief showed on her face. She carried a small pack and laid it across her body and then went to his side. “Will they notice?” He asked her.

“No. I told them that I was not to be awoken under any circumstances. So they will remain outside my doors until I open them.” She replied to him.

He nodded and bowed as low as he was able to allow her to get onto his back. She settled into place and leaned down to look at him.

“Do I place my legs in front of your wings or behind them?” She asked.

“Behind is probably for the best. Limiting the movement of the joints could be bad for both of us. I will go as slowly as I can. I suggest you hold tight, Anna.” He warned her and she gripped his mane fiercely in her hands.

He felt her legs clench around his sides and he looked over the side of the balcony and looked down to where the others waited. He looked back and she nodded to him. He nodded and put his hooves on the railing and jumped as gently as he was able. He grunted under the effort and allowed himself to fall in the air, eliciting a startled yelp from the Duchess on his back as he righted his body while his wings got under him and they beat easily, leveling out his flight. He glanced back to ensure that she was all right and his wings beat faster as he strove to keep his flight as even as possible. He had not flown with any weight before then, though he was not going to mention that if he could avoid it, and he was able to right his flight and the Duchess looked up from her place on his back and he heard her gasp.


“I’m fine. I was just looking around.” She yelled at him.

“Good there they are.” He called back to her and a hoof pointed to Geralt and Ciri, riding double on Roach.

The black Alicorn hovered above the Witcher's horse and waited as they looked up to him, despite the winds from his wings. Geralt looked up to the hovering stallion and nodded to him.

“Anna!” Ciri yelled to her.

“Yes?” She called back.

“Are you okay to ride with Oblivion in the air or would you prefer on the ground with us?” She yelled at her.

Anna looked at the stallion and then to those below them. Oblivion looked back as a small smile grew on her face. He could see the excitement under her normal visage. “I will fly!” She yelled at them and Oblivion nodded at her decision. The stallion beat his wings and they took off once more. Oblivion made sure they were higher up before he began to leave the city under them. Anna held tightly to his mane as they flew and looked down as the stallion flew easily ahead of the others.

“Where are they?” She yelled after a fair amount of time.

The stallion straightened out his wings and allowed himself to coast and lose altitude to check the main roads. As they flew overhead he could see Roach at a hard gallop ahead of them.

“There!” He shouted to her and pointed a hoof to them.

“Can you fly over them?”

“Of course.” He replied and he aimed his wings and after several beats, he was over their heads and Anna yelled down to them and Ciri looked up and laughed as Geralt looked up as well and shook his head at the flying stallion.

They stayed close to them as they angled for the entrance to Corvo Bianco and Oblivion beat his wings to fly over the top of the vineyard and into the back fields that they had spoken about before. His hooves landed easily on the ground and they waited as Geralt and Ciri ran to the back to meet up with them.

“I say again. It’s not fair that you got to ride the flying horse.” Ciri complained despite the wide smile on her face.

Anna slowly slid off of Oblivions back and gave a slight shrug at the other woman’s teasing. Geralt joined them after a few minutes his pace hurried as he reached the other Witcher. He paused and reached out to Oblivion, gripping a handful of the stallion’s mane and pulling him off to the side.

“We have a problem.” He muttered to the Alicorn.


“Yes. A Knight dropped off a contract request for a monster in the area. While Corvo Bianco is not in the affected area it is close enough to cause concern.” Geralt replied to his curiosity.

“That could be an issue. What kind? Or are we running blind?” He asked.

“According to the contract, it could be a higher vampire.” Geralt replied.

Oblivions head whipped around to stare at him. “Are you certain?” He asked, his voice lowered in pitch and volume.

“Yes. This is why I brought the request to you as well. Between the two of us, we should be able to identify and dispose of it quickly. No doubt it will get a clue about us when we open that book.”

“True enough. The magic from it alone will draw a crowd if they can sense it.” Oblivion admitted. “Damn. It’s never easy.”

“Of course not. We’re Witchers.”

“True lost our emotions and any good luck we might have had,” Oblivion commented. “We need to get Anna to the house with Ciri. Unless you have the sword Ciri gave to you when she walked away?”

“No. I don’t have it with me.” Geralt admitted. “You know she will fight us about not helping with the fight.”

“Of course she will. She was raised by Witchers. But she turned her back on that life and now must deal with the consequences of her choice. If needed I will talk to her.” Oblivion replied to him.

Geralt nodded and walked back to the two women and explained the situation. Oblivion looked over his shoulder and realized that his swords were still on Roach’s saddle. His orange eyes went back to the others as Ciri got a familiar look in her eye. A look of pure stubbornness that she had gotten from Geralt himself when she was a child. Oblivion gave a quiet sigh and walked up to them as Ciri informed Geralt that she would be helping him and not running to hide away in his house.

“Cirilla.” Oblivion's voice cut through the argument and all three turned to look at him.

“Oblivion! I can help you. I may not have my sword but…”

“No.” He said to her, his head raised above her, forcing her to look up to him.


“No. You cast away the sword in favor of the life you lead now. You knew that you could not turn back and you made your choice. While your skills are useful, the sword is not your life any longer. When you cast it aside you also cast aside the fight.” He said to her, his voice stern and matter of fact.

Ciri looked down to the ground, her hands clenched into fists at his words. “I can borrow a sword.” She argued.

“Enough. This is a job for a Witcher, not a Princess of Cintra, among other titles.” Oblivion cut her off before she could begin to argue further.

“But you can’t use a sword.” She pointed out.

“You would wish to try me then?” Oblivion asked her. Ciri went silent at the Eldest Witcher's words. She hung her head and was quiet. “You will remain here with Anna. If you insist on picking up a sword then I’m sure there are a few inside of the house.” She looked at him, hopeful. “Do not think that means you are joining us. You will only use the sword to protect Anna should we fail.”

Anna stood off to the side and remained quiet as the young woman finally nodded and gave in. Oblivion lowered his head to her and gave her a gentle nuzzle before he looked to Geralt and motioned for them to leave. The Witchers left the two women behind as they headed for the stable. Geralt pulled Oblivions swords off of his saddle and buckled the baldric back in place on the stallion’s girth. Once they were settled Geralt gripped Roach’s saddle horn but stopped as the stallion snorted.

“Will be faster to fly.” He said aloud.

Geralt looked back to him and nodded. “True. But I did not think you would want your swords digging into your back.”

“You want to be on the ground with a possibly higher vampire?”

Geralt’s eyes widened slightly at the reply. He inhaled and shook his head. “No.” He gripped a hank of Oblivions long mane and vaulted onto the stallions back.

Geralt shifted until Oblivion gave a signal that he was all right in the position he was in. The Witcher held tightly to his mane Oblivion spread his wings and took to the air as the two women came into the courtyard and watched them leave. Geralt shifted on his back and held tighter to the stallions back. The stallion watched as the ground fell away, careful not to fly too high. They stayed above the tree lines and both scanned the grounds under them for any signs. Oblivion slowed and stopped in midair and pointed a hoof to gain Geralt’s attention.

“We can start there!” He shouted to him and the other Witcher nodded, gripping the thick silver mane tightly.

Oblivion dove to the ground and his wings flicked to allow him to pull back and land hind legs first. Geralt slid off the stallion back and began to look around them when Oblivion snorted and pointed to a side of the small clearing.

“Something drained this poor fool.” He said aloud as the two-legged Witcher joined him to look at the body in the bushes.

“Something tore his throat wide open.” Geralt said to him.

“Agreed. Normally a higher vampire is not that violent unless something has gone very wrong. I don’t think this is a true higher vampire.”

“I agree. Haven’t met any higher vampires that leave a mess this bad. Any ideas?” Geralt asked.

Oblivion looked closer at the body and as a scent went past his nose. He paused and looked to the other Witcher. “Take a closer sniff. It’s a venom I’m not familiar with. Least nothing comes to mind.”

Geralt did as instructed and he was thoughtful. “I’m not sure. I have smelled this before.”

“It’s almost like a fleder, but in a higher consistency.” The Elder Witcher commented absently.

“Oh no.” Geralt looked unhappily at the stallion, a grim look to his features. “ProtoFleder.”

Oblivions' mind clicked into place at the name and he groaned as well. “Damn. I haven’t fought one recently, you?”

“Yeah.” Geralt replied. “To get the Beast of Beauclair to appear I went to a place in the area that housed another higher vampire.”

“There is another around here?”

“No this was different. This one was called an Unseen Elder. A nasty, very old vampire that hates any and all contact with the outside. Nearly killed me to get him to call on Detlaff to meet me.”

“Detlaff? Isn’t he a friend of Regis?”

“Yes. Had to kill him to save Syanna.”

“Oh no. That is never a good idea. You or I can’t fully kill one of them, only another higher vampire can. Oh shit. Regis.” Oblivion replied.

“Yeah. Regis is not anyone’s friend now as far as vampires go.”

“Damn. Okay so is a ProtoFleder still the same in basics as a normal one?”

“Pretty much. Just faster and meaner.” Geralt replied.

“Great. Just great.” Oblivion growled.

Geralt nodded and they both began to try to find any tracks or sign of the monster in the vicinity. Oblivion walked carefully around the edges of the small clearing and his eyes narrowed as he raised his head as a strange light caught his attention. A small red light darted around within the trees and the Elder Witcher cautiously gave a quiet whistle to Geralt and used a hoof to beckon him over.

“What in the Hells is that?” He asked.

“That’s the ProtoFleder.” A look from Oblivion made him say more. “They give off an odd light that persists until you kill them.”

“You couldn’t have mentioned that sooner?” The black Alicorn asked him.

Geralt gave a shrug and they backed up, allowing themselves time to get ready before they challenged the monster. Geralt unhooked the saddlebags from Oblivions barrel and leaned them against a tree. Oblivion kept an eye on the beast while Geralt went through his saddlebags for potions.

“Black Blood?” Oblivion whispered to him.

“If you plan on getting bit sure.” Geralt replied.

Oblivion fought back a snide reply and nodded instead. “What then?”

“Anything that will help with your own speed, signs, and lifesaving.”

“So Quen, Yrden, Vampire Oil, and a dose of Ekkimara, and maybe a secondary of Katakan?”

“You can use two of them. I can’t handle toxicity that high.” Geralt reminded him.

“Right. Maybe Golden Oriole? If we do get nipped, then it won’t poison us.” He replied.

Geralt paused. “That’s actually brilliant. I don’t plan on getting hit but that is a good standby. Will be highly toxic though.”

“True. But I would rather have them on board rather than worry about it when we are fighting it.” Oblivion replied as he maintained his watch on the veering monster.

Geralt pulled the specified potions from the saddlebags and then grabbed the ones he would use as well. He downed his and Oblivion could hear him groan at the flavor. “Your turn. You can replenish your stock from mine at Corvo Bianco. I doubt the monsters you need are there.”

Geralt took his place while the stallion looked to the potions that had been set out for him. “Wonderful.” He hadn’t needed to use these many potions at the same time in quite a while. His claws held the first and he downed them swiftly. The liquids mixed with the mutagens slid down his throat and he bowed his head as he felt the effect begin moments after they hit his system. He glanced to Geralt and veins of color had appeared over the Witcher skin, his eyes blazed, and his skin had paled further. Oblivion snorted as the double Decoctions hit his body and he shuddered as they went through him. He panted for a moment as he then chased them with the Superior Golden Oriole. Geralt was still as the stallion placed the bottles in his saddlebags, oiled both their silver blades, and then waited for the creature to still for a moment.

“This should get its attention,” Oblivion said as he put his sword hilt in his mouth and stood in front of Geralt and gently pushed him back with a flick of one wing.

The black Alicorn channeled as much power into his Signs as he could and reared up. He slammed his forehooves to the ground casting Aard as he did so. The trees bent as the upgraded Sign hit them, causing a fair amount of sound as they broke and the earth trembled. The ProtoFleder stopped and now was seeing them for the first time. It raced to them and the two Witchers backed away and distanced themselves from the other. Geralt looked to the Elder Witcher and his eyes widened for a moment before Oblivion's orange eyes glanced to him and he refocused on the incoming Vampire.

“Least it can’t fly,” Oblivion muttered and his wings pinned tightly to his sides.

Geralt remained silent and both of them cast Yrden as they waited for it to appear once more. Oblivion waited and then closed his eyes. His ears flicked as he listened intently around him. Under his hooves, Yrden hummed and he cast Quen as he waited. His heels lit as he heard a growl behind him, his rear hooves collided with the creature’s chest, sending it away from him for the moment. The stallion spun and his Silver blade cute the air behind him as he jumped back, forcing the creature to chase him into Yrden.

Geralt rolled behind the creature as it focused on the black stallion and was able to drive his blade into its side as it screeched and vanished. The Elder Witcher nodded to him and they both refreshed their use of Quen and Yrden and once more began to wait for the right moment to attack. They fell still and Geralt watched as Oblivion closed his eyes once more and his ears flicked to listen. Geralt went back to watching around him as the creature appeared in front of him and its claws slashed at him and he backflipped away. It swung once more and its claws glanced off Quen and the shield exploded back against the monster and it screeched as the backlash pushed it back. Oblivion reared up and drove his claws into the creature’s tough hide. The stallion pulled back and used his claws to toss the monster aside with raw strength then slashed it with the blade in his teeth. It vanished once more and both of them groaned at the vanishing act.

“That gets old fast,” Oblivion said through his clenched teeth.

Geralt nodded and now stood at Oblivions back as they both cast Yrden, overlapping their signs to keep the monster in the circle. Geralt slid along Oblivions flank and stopped at his hip. His own sword gripped in his teeth. The well-oiled blade gave off its own glow as the black ichor of the creature’s blood blemished the tip and one edge. The stallion was quiet as they both listened and looked around as the monster suddenly appeared across from them and seemed to be waiting for them to move as well.

“I hate it when they get smart.” Geralt muttered.

“Agreed,” Oblivion said as he turned to face the creature at Geralt’s side. “I’ll drive it to you. Perhaps my being its size will come in handy for us. If I have to I'll make it chase me.”

Geralt paused but nodded and stayed within the circle that they had made from Yrden. “If it gets a hold of you, fly.” Geralt replied.

Oblivion nodded and left the circle and stood ten feet from the monster and tossed his head. His claws dug in and he charged the monster and it charged him in reply. It vanished and Oblivion spun his body in a circle, His flank struck the creature and it lost its footing. Oblivions claws ripped into its hide once more as it pulled away from him. The stallion leaped back as it swung its claws. Quen exploded as it was struck and the shield gave way, exploding in response to eth force of the blow. Oblivion skirted the edge and began to drive the monster toward the other Witcher. Geralt waited and Oblivion made sure that the creature was too occupied with his attacks to look behind him. The monster's legs entered the circle of Yrden and Geralt lunged ahead and drove his blade into its back, twisting as he drove it forward. The monster shrieked and fell forward, Oblivion baked away as it fell and waited as it stilled on the ground.

“Good strike,” Oblivion commented as he watched Geralt yank his sword from its back.

“Went down easier than I fought it would.” Geralt replied, his voice uncertain and questioning.

“Should it have done more?” Oblivion asked.

“The last one I fought was a terror to battle.”

Oblivion felt a sense of uncertainty creeping into his mind, setting his nerves on alert. The Alicorn watched as Geralt spun to grab the saddlebags and Oblivion inhaled as the monster moved. It stood and lunged to get its jaws on Geralt. Oblivion leaped into its back and tried to drive his horn through its back but the monster showed its speed and shifted just enough to avoid a direct hit, allowing the horn to drive through its side and embed there. Geralt shouted as Oblivion spun it around, knocking the younger Witcher to the ground with his flank. The creature claws dug at the Alicorn’s shoulders and then Oblivion could not stop the cry that pulled from him as the monster's fangs dug into his right wing.

“No!” Oblivion yelled as the appendage was being mauled.

The ProtoFleder teeth dug deep into the wings feather, muscle, bone, and began to shake its head like a dog with a bone, shredding the feathers and muscle under the skin. It released the Alicorn’s shoulders and yanked away, tearing its own side open as it yanked the wing. Oblivion pulled away and lunged forward trying to use his own blade to remove the monster's head or encourage it to release him. It yanked back and the stallion was dragged by the wing in its teeth. Oblivion dropped his sword when it proved to not be effective in the close quarter’s fight he was in. His nerves screamed and his own blood hit the ground as the wing gave way.

“Hold him!” Geralt roared at the Alicorn.

Oblivion spun and tried to buck the creature as it yanked the wing once more. Oblivion had no way of flying with the monster holding onto the middle of the folded wing, shredding it in its teeth. The stallion planted his hooves, allowing the monster to yank the wing and he forces the pain to the back of his mind and focused on making room for Geralt to attack it. The monster adjusted its bite and Oblivion felt its teeth grinding against the bones and tearing through the meat of the wing.

Geralt was beside him and struck the monster in the face, but it refused to drop the appendage in its teeth. The younger Witcher spun away and picked up the stallion’s dropped the blade and began to dual wield them to attack the monster. They were both now straining to pull away from the monster as it then spun, twisting the wing in its jaws, twisting the joints in the wing and earning a cry from the stallion.

Geralt spun to cut into the monsters hide and his blows struck true. The two Vampire oiled blades dug at its hide and then it yanked away from them with a strength that even Geralt was surprised at, considering how much blood it had lost. Beside him, Oblivion moaned in pain and pulled back, but the creature was able to pull him off his hooves and dragged the Elder Witcher forward. The stallion was dragged across the bloodied grass Geralt lunged forward to try to cut the wing free. He could see the bloodied feathers that littered the ground.

“Burn the damned thing!” Oblivion roared at him.

“What about…?”

“Do it!”

Geralt cupped his hand and made the sign for Igni. A stream of flame poured from his hand and struck both the wing and the Vampire that held it. The monster screamed and Oblivion roared in pain as the feathers and flesh burned under the intense flame. The stallion tried to lunge to his hooves but the creature grew even more erratic and yanked the stallion forward.

Oblivion felt the heat as it struck his wing and he couldn’t hold back the roar of pain that came from his throat. He could smell the burning flesh and feathers as the monster screamed and yanked him forward once more. He dug in his claws and was able to stop himself from being dragged. He tried to get his hooves under him but the creature's grip held firm. Geralt came up to his side as the stallion stopped his slide. The monster was still trying to drag him forward and Oblivion roared as his own strength was beginning to fail. He closed his eyes and prepared to tell Geralt to cut the wing away and kill the beast in the confusion. A surge of strength poured over him and he felt a familiar strength pour into him. His armor lunged over his body and slammed into place. He felt the decoctions in his system react as the armor boosted his abilities and made their effect stronger.

The Alicorn pulled back and his hooves gripped the ground as he got to his hooves. His body was on fire as he yanked the monster with a strength of his own and he roared as the pain faded away, leaving only a rage that he did not know he had deep within himself. At his side, Geralt had fallen back at the appearance of the armor, still holding both bloodied swords. The stallion's eyes blazed as the azure flame began to flow over his body, the armor glowed with its own silver light as the flames coursed over it. The stallion reared back, his undamaged wing began to beat. The wind from it beat against the monster until it finally fell and the stallion screamed as it dropped the mangled wing and the stallion looked over his shoulder to find Geralt already in motion. The two swords plunged into the monsters back and it roared as it got its feet, throwing Geralt off his feet with one flailing arm, tearing across his armor and exploding the shield that was in place. Oblivion had dropped to his hooves and now lunged forward, his horn ablaze with azure flame as he plunged the curved horn into the monster's unprotected chest.

Oblivion waited as the ProtoFleder stopped breathing and he allowed the body to drop from his horn and to the ground. The body crumpled and landed in a heap at the stallion's hooves. Oblivion breathed and a groan pulled from him as the mangled wing lay on the ground at his side. Geralt looked to the stallion and ran to the other side of him and gripped the torn wing as the stallion laid on his side. The Witchers both cringed at the wreckage of the wing on the ground. Oblivion dared not try to move it. What little of it that has been left unscathed from the dagger-like teeth had been burned beyond recognition by Igni’s flame. Geralt went back for Oblivions saddlebags and dropped them at the Alicorn’s side and began to go through them.

Oblivion stared down at the wing and he knew that it was most likely beyond saving. The appendage had been decimated by the creature’s teeth and the flames had destroyed the rest of the feathers and muscle. He wasn’t certain he could move it at all. Geralt pulled out the kit he had for wounds and also found other potions.

“Okay, so we need to remove the toxicity you already have before we add more to it.”

Oblivion looked at him and nodded in understanding. “I should have a few doses of Superior White Honey in there.” He replied.

Geralt nodded and was able to find them and pull them out. “Okay so if we want to try to heal that then we need to dose you a few times.” He had pulled out Superior Swallow while he was speaking as well. “Do you have a Troll Decoction in here as well?”

“I should.” He commented and was about to move to help find it when the pain came from the limb and he remained still.

“Don’t move. I’ll take care of it.” Geralt said to him and pushed a hand on Oblivions other wing.

The stallion nodded and waited as the other Witcher finally seemed to find everything he wanted. He stood up and knelt down in front of the Alicorn and held the White Honey potion in his hand. He uncorked it and Oblivion nodded to him and allowed him to pour the contents into his mouth and he swallowed it, then waited for it to take effect. Oblivion stiffened as the pain from the attack came back to him and he bowed his head to stop himself from screaming. Geralt reached under his head and yanked his head back up, pouring a decoction down the other's throat. Oblivion gagged but held it down and felt the pain being pushed aside once more. He then pulled another potion up and forced it past Oblivions sharp teeth. Oblivion hacked and coughed as the potion went down his throat and he could feel the potions mixing and beginning to work. The pain stopped and he looked at Geralt.

“What the hell was that last one?”

“I think it was a White Rafford.” He replied as he turned the bottle over in his hand.

“You think?”

“It’s not the same color as the one I have.” He replied.

“Please do not guess.” Oblivion requested.

“Is it helping?”

“Yes. The pain is gone. But my concern is if it is even possible to heal…this?” He said as he looked to the mangled wing at his side.

“I know. We will get it back. While we wait for those to work a bit more can you explain what this is?” He asked as he sat down and pointed to the silver armor the stallion wore.

“It’s an armor set that comes from the other world. I didn’t think it could work here since I do not have magic. It’s a part of a larger set that six others hold pieces for.” He replied.

“And the crown?”

Oblivion looked to the crown set behind his horn. He could see that it was splashed with blood from himself and the monster they had killed. “It’s a piece of it as well.”

“You look like a horse Prince.”

Oblivion snorted and a smile tugged at his mouth. “Funny.” He replied, his tone sarcastic.

“Anyway. Drink up!” He stuffed a swallow potion under his nose and Oblivion chugged it down as well, to join the others already flowing through him.

“Okay. Now to activate Quen and let it work.”

Oblivion activated Quen and the draw from him was immediate as agony tore over him and he cried out at the sudden pain. Geralt lunged forward and wrapped his arms around the stallion's neck, trying to hold him as still as possible. Geralt reached back and gripped another bottle of White Rafford, popped the lid, forced the stallions jaws open and poured it down his throat, then closed his jaws, forcing him to swallow the liquid. Oblivion pitched against the other Witcher but was unable to get to his hooves due to the pressure on his neck that was pushing him back and against the ground. Oblivion panted as the new potion hit him like a ton of bricks and he bucked against Geralt’s hold.

Geralt held onto the Alicorn and he could feel the stallion gathering himself to try to buck and he pushed harder against Oblivions chest and neck, desperate to keep him on the ground. Geralt closed his eyes as he restrained the Alicorn as best as he was able when his eyes opened the armor on Oblivions body was alight once more. He didn’t stop in his attempts to keep him still as the armor was once more covered in azure flames. The flames swirled over it and he looked up to find the wolf gem on the crown alight. It blazed with black and azure flame as it seemed to grow in power. He watched as it pulsed and the flames flowed down Oblivions head and over his body. He shifted his head to watch as the flames went over the mangled wing, then turned back and went to the joints that connected the wing to his body.

Oblivion screamed as they began to burn the wing joint and Geralt watched as the wing was being destroyed and Oblivion bucked against him. He planted his feet firmly and pushed with as much force as he had left, desperate to keep the stallion on the ground. Geralt looked away and saw that both wings were now aflame. The Witcher was stunned as he closed his eyes. ‘I’m sorry, Oblivion.’ He thought as he could smell the burning feather, flesh, and bone. The stallion screamed in agony and the Witcher held tightly to him. ‘Please, just pass out!’

Geralt felt Oblivion sag against him, the stallion was drained and had nothing left to fight with. He laid the Alicorn’s head on the ground gently and stayed at his head, running his hands along the stallion’s neck, trying to comfort him. Oblivion wheezed under his hand, sweat had darkened his fur, and in its place, he had begun to shake. The stallion’s body had nothing left to give as it laid still. Geralt watched as the Elder Witcher's eyes closed and he finally fell into unconsciousness. Geralt leaned back on his heels and sat down heavily. He looked up and found the wings to still be burning. He hacked at the constant smell, but he didn’t dare leave the Alicorn’s side. He laid a hand on Oblivion's neck and stroked his sweat-drenched fur.

“Stay with me, Oblivion. We still need to send you home.” He whispered.

The Witcher was silent as he watched the black Alicorn ensuring that he was still breathing. His own body was beginning to shiver due to the high toxicity in his body, but he dared not drink White Honey yet. His own body would be able to hold out until it no longer needed to. He looked down at Oblivion and wondered if the stallion had any idea what that many potions had done to his body. After the potions and decoctions had taken effect before the fight the stallion’s body had veins of silver over his fur. His body had looked the same as a Witcher who had high toxicity would have but it had spread all along his body. That was why he had paused and stared before the fight. He had never seen anything so widespread.

“Those extra Trials did a number on your body. It shows even now, so many years later.” Geralt spoke aloud, mostly to hear his own voice. “I remember asking Vesemir about it and he said that he was surprised you were still alive, you were never the biggest or strongest in that second group. When the Trials were done to you, the methods were pretty archaic, according to Vesemir. They took bets on which ones would survive, and your survival cost Vesemir a hundred crowns. But he said that afterward you had lost all memory of who you once were and even your name had been burned away.”

Geralt stood up and retrieved the two silver blades and wiped them free of blood and slid his own back to its place on his back. He walked back to Oblivion and slid the cleaned blade into its place on the Alicorn’s baldric. The Witcher looked back to the corpse and he walked back to it as he pulled a knife from his belt and skillfully cut the head off and then he threaded a rope through the creature’s skin and set it off to the side of the Alicorn. He went back to the stallions head and knelt down beside him.

Geralt’s hand laid on the stallion’s neck and he sat down heavily next to him. His body shuddered and he laid down, his head on Oblivions neck. He was still fighting back gagging from the persistent smell from the flames. He had not seen flames like those in his long life and he wondered where they had come from. Even as he considered where they could have come from his eyes began to close and he clenched his fist tightly to try to stay awake. He sat up but found his eyes still closing. He tried to stand but collapsed backward, his head landing on the ground. He shifted and his head laid on Oblivion's neck once more and his vision began to dim at the sides. Geralt’s last thought was that he hoped nothing came after them, they would both be killed where they had fallen.

Oblivions eyes fluttered open and he realized that he must have passed out at some point. His body felt heavy and he could hear breathing close to his ear. He raised his head to find Geralt passed out beside him, his head on his neck. He would have been angry until he saw the thick veining from the toxic decoctions along the other's face. They had darkened and Oblivion could see that he had overdone it and was passed out due to the inherent poison in them. The stallion tried to get his hooves folded under him but his body felt like it was weighted with pure iron. He laid in silence as his nose caught the scent of burned flesh caught his attention and he tried to look at his own body to see what had happened to it. Geralt’s spot on his neck prevented him from seeing past him. The last thing he remembered was the agony of something that happened along both of his wings. Geralt had been under his jaws and was forcing his head up. He recalled the sudden increase of the agony and the overwhelming scent of flesh burning and that was the last coherent thing he could recall.

“I still have my armor on. I can’t help but hope it will go back into its place when this is over.”

His voice was strained and he sounded hoarse as if he had been chewing gravel. His body still felt heavy and he waited a few minutes for his strength to begin to come back to him. As it did he became more aware that his body no longer hurt, just heavy. He snorted and looked to the Witcher on his neck. Geralt made no move to awaken and the stallion growled under his breath.

“Geralt.” He said aloud and waited. The young Witcher didn’t move and he grumbled. He considered simply getting up but decided that allowing Geralt’s head to crack into the ground was not only rude it was cruel. “Geralt!” He finally simply shouted at him and the other jerked and gasped as he sat up swiftly, a groan of pain tearing from him. “Drink some White Honey now,” Oblivion commanded.

Geralt looked at him and nodded, picking up the only remaining potion on the ground beside them. He chugged it down and waited as it took effect. Thirty seconds passed and the veining in his face and the brightening of his eyes faded and he was back to normal. He looked to the still laying down Alicorn and a sigh of relief escaped him.

“You’re okay?” He asked.

“I feel okay aside from my body feeling like it has been weighed down,” Oblivion admitted. “Dare I ask what happened?”

Geralt hesitated and then looked to the stallion. His eyes widened and he slowly motioned for the Alicorn to remain still as he slowly got to his feet. The Witcher moved out of the stallion’s sight line and Oblivion felt him brush against his shoulder.

“Your armor lit up and fire came from it and it covered your body and wings. I looked to that crown and the wolf gem lit up with a black and blue flame.”

“Black Flame? That’s a new one.” The stallion replied, his expression asking for more information.

“It went down your body and then went back to the joints that connect your wings to your body and began to burn them away.”

Oblivion jerked at the admission and he closed his eyes at the implication of the others words. He opened his eyes once more as Geralt had stopped speaking to wait for him. He nodded to him and waited as he went on.

“I stopped watching at that point and focused on keeping you from getting up. Last I saw they were still burning and I collapsed against you and that’s the last I recall.” Geralt informed him.

“I see. And now?” Oblivion asked, his voice hesitant.

“Can you get up?”

“I can try to.”

“Well close your eyes and get up. It will be easier to see that way.”

“Very well.”

Oblivion closed his eyes and waited as Geralt gripped thick hanks of his mane and began to pull as the stallion struggled to roll to his belly. His legs folded under him as he paused to get himself ready to push himself to his hooves. Geralt adjusted his grip and Oblivion unfolded his forelegs to pull himself up. He lunged forward and Geralt yanked hard on the thick silver mane. He got to his hooves. But staggered as vertigo rolled over him for a few moments.

“Oh no, you don’t. You’re not allowed to fall down again.” Geralt said aloud as he yanked harder to steady the Alicorn’s body in place.

“Okay. I’m up.” Oblivion reported to him and the young Witcher released his grip on the silver mane in his hands.

“Good. Okay. So go ahead and see what happened.”

Oblivions jaw clenched for a moment as his orange eyes opened and he hesitated before looking to his back. His eyes widened at the sight of both his wings healthy and dragging on the ground at his sides. They were both intact and the right, which had been so badly mangled, was now intact and appeared to have already recovered from the attack. He stared at it for a moment and a glint of color caught his attention and he spread his wings. He looked surprised at the silver gradient that now covered his feathers from tip to stock. The silver blended into the solid black of his coat easily and appeared as if it had always been that way. The Alicorn stared at it and then looked to Geralt who looked as uncertain as he was.

“I assume that is new?” Geralt asked.

“Very. They did not have that before. While I am not unhappy about the full recovery of the wing I am wondering about this addition. You said that they were being burned?”

“Yes. The flames attacked the joint and went down from there.” Geralt clarified at the mystified look from the stallion.

Oblivion was quiet as he looked at the wings that laid with much of their length on the ground and he raised them up and over his head. The joints were stiff and the muscles seemed to groan under the request from him. He watched and his eyes widened at the sight that they had not only gained a gradient color but they had grown in size as well. The Alicorn looked from one tip the other and they had gained close to eight feet in length, giving him just over a twenty-four-foot wingspan. The muscles were stiff and a small amount of pain came from them as he began to beat them slowly, allowing his body to get used to the larger wings and allowing his wings to stretch out as well. Geralt was quiet as the stallion tended to the wings.

“Did they get bigger?” He finally asked after a few minutes of watching the wings beat slowly in place.

“Yes. They gained about four feet on each side. The joints are a bit stiff and the muscles are sore but nothing that cannot be worked out in time.” He replied and folded the newly remade wings at his sides.

“I’m glad they were not destroyed but are you going to be okay?”

“I will be fine. Now to find a way to get the armor to return to its normal place.”

“Which is?”

“It normally surrounds my medallion and rests there.” Oblivion replied and looked to the medallion that sat around his neck.

“How do we get it to go back?” Geralt asked and flicked the medallion with one finger.

“I have no idea.” He admitted and snorted. “I did not think it would work at all without magic. So I actually am not sure why it acted the way it has.”

“Could it be the weight your feeling?”

“No. That’s fading the longer I’m up and moving.” He replied to the other's question. “So I would assume that it will continue to fade as we get out of here.”

“Agreed. Though this time I think we should walk.” The stallion nodded as the other went on. “Let us get out of here. That corpse is starting to smell worse by the moment.”

Geralt nodded, picked up the monsters head and slid it over the hilt of the stallion steel blade to carry back, and stepped up to walk at Oblivion's shoulder. Geralt picked up Oblivions saddlebags and slid them into place on the stallion’s barrel and then made sure they were sitting properly to avoid hurting the Alicorn’s skin. The stallion shook himself and began to walk forward. The black Alicorn was quiet as they began to pick their way away from the clearing, searching for the main road. Geralt placed a steadying hand on Oblivions shoulder and the stallion looked to make sure that he was doing all right, despite both of them beginning to feel exhaustion creeping upon them. They reached the road and both of them breathed in relief at the even terrain, making it easier to travel. The darkness made it easy for Oblivion to remain unnoticed. His wings remained tight against his sides as they walked easily along the dirt road. Oblivion glanced to his armor and it remained sitting easily in place, adding next to no weight to his tired body.

“So how are you going to hide those wings now?” Geralt asked.

“Carefully. In the other world, I use an item I enchanted to hide them. I enchanted a tie for my hair and that hides them and makes them impossible to see or feel. I may have to adjust it due to their new size.” He replied.

“Magic, huh?” Geralt said to him.

“Yes. Imagine my surprise when I realized that I had magic at all.”

“Truly. The one Witcher that curses about magic the most.”

Oblivion chuckled at the comment. “True enough. I still curse it often enough. But it has its place.”

“Especially if you are the one who monitors the world. Must be a needed skill.”

“I do wonder what it would be like without it, but then I recall that I control the Spirit of that world. So magic is a part of it, the way I see it.”

“I would think so.” Geralt went quiet for a moment as they walked. “Do you regret taking that contract?”

“The last one?” Geralt nodded and he considered the question for a moment before replying. “There are times yes. But in a way, I think it is how it must be. In this world, I was always more of an outcast and remained out of sight. Traveling with you the last time was the most time I had spent in a city in years. I always knew that I would fall one day and that thought never concerned me. I always thought of it as something that would happen when it was needed. Death is a mistress we all court as we go through our lives, a Witcher even more so than most. So I was never afraid of the inevitable.”

“That’s one way of looking at it.” Geralt replied to him.

“Not the most popular way, truly.” Oblivion admitted and Geralt gave a silent nod to his words. “But in a way, it helped to keep me sane at the same time. I made sure to live my life as I went through it versus praying to avoid death. I never looked back at my past and tried not to second guess any of my past choices.”

Geralt nodded again and they fell into silence once more. Oblivion stayed quiet as they walked and as time went on his body began to recover more of its strength and he looked to the breast collar around his chest and shoulders as it glinted through the blood and dirt. The silver armor began to shudder and the stallion stopped as it moved over him. Geralt stopped at his side as his armor slid over his body and slowly rejoined its normal place on his medallion. The armor vanished once more and he glanced at Geralt who was staring at the medallion that was now rimmed by silver.

“That’s what you meant.” He said aloud and shook his head in disbelief.

“I told you what would happen.” He replied, a slight grin on his muzzle.

“You did yes. But that does not mean I would have believed it. Come let’s get back to Corvo Bianco and get you sent back where you belong.” Geralt said and clapped the stallion's shoulder and began to walk ahead.

Oblivion nodded and trotted a few steps to catch up with the other Witcher. He glanced back and his eyes fell on the repaired right wing and he elevated the wing slightly from his side to see the solid silver that now dominated the visible long feathers. His eyes roved over the appendage and he replaced it at his side and drew up shoulder to shoulder with Geralt and walked with him. He knew that this was the last hunt they would have together and a part of him mourned that loss. It would be the last time he would be in this world and the thought dragged against him and he nearly slowed down to draw out his time on the Continent.

But at the same time, his place in Equestria reminded him that they were now without him. The Apple family that called him a grandson and brother. The foals that loved his stories and looked to see him in the mornings when he took Apple Bloom to school. The mares that called him their friend and comrade. Twilight who was as new to friendship as he was and her love of learning and books. Spike and his fear of him at first but now he called out to the stallion as well. Applejack who had been the first to reach out a hoof to him, opening her heart and home to a stranger and then calling his family. Rainbow Dash who grated on his nerves with her boasting but he knew that he could call on her and she would answer within moments, no matter the call. Pinkie Pie, who had the confidence to stand out and call out to a stallion that did not understand her exuberance. Rarity, who gave of herself no matter the need of another and asked for nothing in reply. Fluttershy, who reminded him to take things slowly and wait for the time to show his courage. The mares were only six that showed him that life was more than the next contract. The longer he was away the more his heart yearned to return to them, even though he would never admit it if asked. Emotions were minimal with him but he could understand them and he could feel something, though only at a fraction of the others.

He stopped and looked to the world around him and he heard Geralt’s boots halt on the dirt road ahead of him. The Alicorn breathed in the scent of the world around him and exhaled after a moment of holding his breath. His eyes closed as he listened to the world of the night and his mind drifted to Luna and Celestia. The two royals that also extended a hoof to him despite his obvious training. He understood Luna easier than most. Her isolation spoke to him as he understood it and had lived that same isolation.

Celestia, he understood as well. Her choice to fight her sister was a decision he could understand. A Witcher that he had been raised around had begun to fall to corruption when they were fairly new to the Path. He chose to take money for the lives of people versus monsters. Becoming nothing more than an assassin. Oblivion had come to hear of it through an older Witcher who had only barely escaped his blade. He then hunted the other Witcher and was forced to put him down. A man who had been a brother to him through their training had fallen to his blade. He did not allow himself to forget that day. Nor did he forget the anger and pain that came from the action of killing him. Oblivion made sure he never fell to the same temptations that had taken his brother Witcher. He then made sure that none of the remaining Witchers fell to that state. While the act of killing his brother was not what Celestia had done, he still remembered the pain from it.

“Oblivion?” Geralt called to him after he had still for several minutes, lost in thought.

“Yes? Sorry. Was lost in thought.” He replied and walked forward to rejoin him.

“Must have quite a few thoughts.”

“Admittedly yes. But it’s nothing. Let’s go.” He said and stayed at Geralt’s side as they walked forward once more.

“Will you be all right?”

“How do you mean?”

“I mean going back?”

Oblivion glanced to him. “I’ll be fine. I’ll make sure of it before I rejoin them.”

“That’s not really what I meant.”


“Yes. Will they accept you once more?”

Oblivion chuckled and nodded. “It’s in their nature. They are creatures that forgive in moments and never hold a grudge. I have no doubt that I will be seen and my return celebrated among those who are close to me.” He replied.

“You hate parties though.” Geralt laughed.

“True. I might allow them to throw one this time. I have learned that sometimes the party is not for the one that has their name on the banner.” Geralt looked to him, his gaze uncertain. “It is for those who were left behind.”

“I see.”

Oblivion was quiet as Geralt stumbled and grumbled as he got his feet back under him. The Alicorn stopped and waited as the younger Witcher regained his footing. “Come.” Oblivion knelt down and pointed his horn to his back as he looked at the other Witcher. “You watched over me, least I can do is get you home.”

Geralt’s eyes widened and he finally nodded after a few seconds of hesitation. He vaulted to the stallions back and settled his legs under the broad wings and patted oblivions neck in thanks. “Thank you.”

“Of course.” Oblivion walked forward after ensuring that the other was situated in place.

The black Alicorn was quiet as he once more walked forward. Geralt sat in silence, his hand still on the stallion’s neck. Oblivion could sense that Geralt was on edge about something but he chose not to pry. His place was not to pry into the other's state of mind. If he wished to speak of it then he would lend an ear. For now, they were silent, a silence that they both felt and were able to understand what was under it the silence, a growing sense of loss and grief that was advancing on them all. Oblivion knew that the time that he would have to say goodbye for the final time was growing near and he as not looking forward to the loss that was encroaching on his mind.

50: A World Left Behind...

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Geralt sat in silence on his back as the stallion broke into an easy trot. Geralt held a hand on his withers and the other held a tight hold on a hank of the stallions silver mane. They reached the entrance to the vineyard and the stallion cut through the rear of the field and broke into a slow lope as he saw the house ahead of them. He slowed to allow Geralt to slide from his back, taking the monster head with him and then retrieve the women from the house. Oblivion waited as they came back out and he glanced at the two-legged Witcher.

“Come on. First, we need to replenish your decoctions and potions. I’ll give you the extras I have of some of the mutagens for when you can’t get them where you are.”

Oblivion nodded in agreement and followed the other down into the lab that he had discovered in the cellar of Corvo Bianco. Oblivion marveled at the size of it as Geralt began to unload the saddlebags Oblivion carried and pulled out the vials that he needed to replace. He looked back as Ciri came down the stairs and reached out to him and looked to the transformed wings at his sides. “You’re all right?” She asked him.

“Yes. I’m sure to be sore from it, but I am fine.” He assured her.

The young woman appeared unconvinced but finally nodded after a moment’s hesitation. She trotted back up the stairs and outside to rejoin the waiting Duchess. Geralt quickly went through the potions and their ingredients and restocked all of what Oblivion had used and was missing. Oblivion looked over Geralt’s shoulder as he added the mutagens into a container of their own, labeled it and set it inside the saddlebags on Oblivions body. The ones that needed time to process he put back into the saddlebags to cure and finished restocking the others supply.

“That should keep you going for quite a while.” He replied and led the stallion out of the cellar. “You may need to get creative and make new ones to use the supply from over there to make them.”

“I never did well in making my own but I suppose one is never too old to learn.” He replied with a chuckle.

Geralt nodded and they joined Anna and Ciri in the courtyard and walked out to the clearing. Anna drew up to him and laid a hand on his neck, as they walked but remained silent. They reached the end of the field and Geralt handed Anna her bag, which he had tossed over his shoulder, and she pulled the book from within it and held it in front of them, as the others were soon standing around her. She looked to the two Witchers as, if waiting for their approval to open the book.

“Are we ready for it to be opened?” Anna finally asked.

“I am hesitant to open it personally. We have no idea what could happen.” Geralt admitted.

“I agree. But we have to take the chance to try to send Oblivion back. I don’t think he wants to live here in that form.” Ciri replied with a nod to the Alicorn.

“She has a point,” Oblivion admitted. “While I am glad to have seen you all, I no longer belong here.”

Ciri clenched her jaw at his words. “But you are still cared for.”

“That is true. And that is something I would not trade for either world. But I am needed there.” He replied to her.

Anna breathed in and then released the breath slowly as she gripped the book. “Then we will open it now.” She finally spoke, her voice held finality and the others nodded. “I have seen magic similar to this before so I would recommend closing your eyes unless you wish to be blinded,” Anna said to them as her hands shifted to hold the book in a better position.

Oblivion watched as she gripped the book and closed his eyes when its pages. He could feel the world shifting around them and he braced himself with his claws in the soil and waited for it to end. His medallion trembled violently at the amount of magic and he could feel the Element he wore heating up against his fur. He shook himself to prevent the Element from burning his fur and waited as the ground suddenly pitched under him and his claws dug in as he heard a loud yell from the others and he opened his eyes at the sounds. The others were being rolled down a tall hill and he looked past them to see a drop at the bottom. His body went into motion and he gathered speed as he galloped down the hill and reached Anna first. He slid his wing under her and stopped her rolling. She gripped the grass in her hands and stopped as he galloped past her, aiming for Ciri.

Oblivion leaped to land close to the young woman and the same wing helped her to stop her rolling and he galloped past her to gain on Geralt, who was already trying to slow his own slide, having gotten himself up. Oblivion watched as the Witcher tried to drive a dagger into the hill but lost his grip. Oblivions wings tore from his sides as he leaped into the hair. Allowing the wings to do their job of holding him. He got close to the Witcher and his eyes widened as the edge loomed and he beat his wings faster to try to get his claws into the others armor. He lunged forward but his grip failed as he simply tore the collar of the armor and Geralt went over the edge. Oblivion heard a scream as he closed his wings and dove after the Witcher. He dove and was soon next to the other Witcher and angled his body close to him and Geralt understood his aim and he reached out to grip the stallion’s mane and he pulled himself to Oblivions back and gripped the thick mane and held tightly to him with his legs. Oblivion wings snapped out and he angled to glide upward and his wings beat, propelling them upward and over the edge. Oblivion stayed above the ground as he flew up to rejoin Anna and Ciri at the top of the hill, where they had started.

“Are you both okay?” Anna asked them as the Alicorn nodded.

“Aside from the initial terror, yes.” Geralt admitted.

Oblivion nodded and shook himself as he inhaled and held the breath for a moment before releasing it. “That was quite the introduction to this place.”

“Could do without being scared to death,” Ciri added.

“Agreed,” Oblivion replied and then began to look around them.

The clearing they stood in was surrounded by a forest so thick that no light seemed able to penetrate the darkness. As they gathered their wits and recovered from the initial fright the others soon joined him in looking at their surroundings. Oblivion broke from them and began to walk closer to the forest edge, which was close to twenty feet away from them. He glanced back to find the others on his heels. The Alicorn reached the forest edge and looked into the trees.

“It’s just darkness. I don’t see any light coming through it.” He said as he glanced over his shoulder as the others joined him.

“I don’t either,” Anna said aloud as she drew up next to him.

“Can't even tell the trees apart it’s so dark.” Geralt said and glanced to the stallion who nodded in agreement.

“Oblivion can you fly up and see if there are more clearings?” Ciri asked him.

Oblivion nodded and backed away from them, his wings extending and carried him up and over the forest canopy. He winged his way over the forest and waited for an opening. Nothing opened for him as he flipped around and hovered in place for a moment as he tried going to the right and then left. He snorted and winged back to the others. His hooves hit the ground a minute later as he landed close to them a shook his head.

“Nothing. It goes on endlessly. Nothing to the sides of us either. I would have to try the other side as well to be certain that we are truly surrounded.” He related to them.

“Odd,” Anna said aloud, her expression uncertain.

“Ciri?” Oblivion looked to her and when she did not reply he looked to her.

Her eyes were staring far away and she did not move when he called her name. Geralt reached out to her and the stallion nosed him to stop him. He shook his head and they waited as Ciri finally blinked and looked at them.

“Okay. Something is here.” She said to them. When none of them spoke she went on. “I’m not sure what it is but it’s got magic and it’s not friendly.”

“Can you sense anything Geralt?” Oblivion asked.

The younger Witcher shook his head. “Nothing on my end. You?”

“Not at the moment.” Oblivion focused and tried to reach out with his own senses. He found nothing as he shook his head and shrugged to the young woman. “Can you lead us to it?”

“I think so yeah,” Ciri replied. “But I don’t know if we will be okay coming out near it. Oblivion can Anna stay on your back? Just in case?”

“Of course. Anna.” Oblivion knelt, allowing the Duchess to vault to his back and settle quietly behind his wings. He pinned his wings down against her legs, ensuring that she would not fall from his back if he jumped away.

Ciri nodded and waited as Geralt got behind her and Oblivion behind him. The young woman led them forward, picking her steps carefully. The stallion made sure to follow at a slight distance and keep a close eye on Geralt’s back. On his back, Anna shifted and he could hear her quietly grumbling about sitting on the stallion’s swords and saddlebags. He didn’t say anything to her and allowed her to complain a bit as they followed Ciri forward. Oblivion ears flicked as they moved deeper into the forest and as they moved Oblivion could feel something creeping over him. His skin trembled at the sensation and he gave a low snort of discomfort as the feeling grew in strength. He finally halted and shook himself, trying to shrug off the strange sensation. He trotted to catch up with Geralt and Ciri and fell back into line, the feeling still present.

“Are you all right?” Anna asked him as they walked.

“I’m not certain.” He admitted. “Are you?”

“I feel a bit out of sorts but nothing dire, I suppose.” She replied.

“Hmm…” Oblivion shook himself once more as he trotted to keep up once more. “It’s just a feeling that keeps going through me. I’m not certain what it is or what causes it, but it is nearly constant.”

Geralt looked over his shoulder at the stallion’s words. “You’re not the only one.” He admitted and rolled his shoulders.

“You as well?” Oblivion replied as the other nodded at his words. “Ciri?”


“Anything?” Anna called out to her.

“No. I’m okay. Why?”

“Something seems to be eating at our dear Witchers.” Anna relayed to the other woman.


“They can sense something but nothing clear.”

“Okay. We are getting closer to what I’m seeing though, so maybe that’s what you’re sensing?”

“I hope so.” Oblivion replied. “Otherwise this will drive us both insane.” He called to her.

“We’re close. Just hold on.” She said to them, picking up her pace as she walked. “Bit delayed on sensing anything aren’t you?” She teased, trying to distract the fidgeting Witchers.

“Says the Princess with Elder Blood.” Oblivion teased back.

Ciri chuckled and shrugged her shoulders. They followed behind her and the forest began to shift ahead of them. Oblivion reached ahead and gripped Geralt’s armor in his teeth as he gripped Ciri’s arm, waiting for it to stop moving. On his back, Anna held tightly to his mane as she watched the woods stretch and fold in on itself.

“What is it doing?” She whispered to the stallion, who shrugged in response, his voice silent due to having a mouthful of the Witcher's thick armor.

“I don’t know.” Ciri related to her.

Geralt watched intently, his eyes roaming over the forest, waiting for it to act. Oblivions claws dug into the ground under him, his body lowered to allow himself to recover if the grounds pitched once more. The black stallion was quiet, his breathing even as he waited. The transformation came to a halt as the small group was quiet, waiting. Minutes passed as they waited to be certain that it would not move any more than it already had. Ciri finally looked over her shoulder and nodded to them, moving forward once more. Geralt released her arm and Oblivion released the mouthful of armor he held and followed behind them. The feeling still persisted and he chose to ignore it as best he was able. AS they came out into the new clearing the four of them paused just inside the border and waited as the woman in front of them looked around them.

“Ciri?” Geralt finally spoke after a minute of silence.

“It’s around here. But I’m not sure where.” She admitted to them.

Anna jumped down from Oblivions back and came to stand with them as she glanced around the small clearing. “Well. Standing here will get us nothing. I suggest we, cautiously, move ahead.”

Oblivion nodded and walked forward, leading the way. The stallion’s skin trembled as the feeling set in and remained, despite his attempts at ignoring it. As he moved his ears flicked and his eyes scanned the edges of the clearing and he paused in the center of the clearing and waited as the others drew up next to him. His eyes narrowed as he saw what appeared to be a small pond close to the edge of the clearing. He glanced at the others and they had seen it as well. He broke into a trot and reached the pond ahead of the others and glanced into the waters.

“Seems to have no bottom.” He said aloud as they joined him.

They looked to the bottomless pond and Ciri looked to him. “What do you think?”

The Alicorn was quiet as he looked from the pond to their surroundings. His eyes saw nothing out of the ordinary. He opened his mouth to speak when a sound caught his attention. Beside him, Geralt also began to look around them. Oblivions ears flicked and he caught sight of something above the trees. The sound of wings approached him and he looked to it as the others stared in the direction he knows looked. The Witchers were silent as they watched as what looked like a swarm approached them. Oblivion shifted and spread his own wings to allow the others to stay behind them. Anna placed a hand on his flank, allowing him to know where she stood, Geralt and Ciri mirrored her and the stallion stood ahead of them. As the swarm approached it came to a halt at the edge of the clearing and stayed in place.

“It’s like they're waiting for something,” Anna whispered, knowing that the Witchers would still be able to hear her despite her quiet speech.

“I agree. But what?” Geralt replied to her with a question of his own.

Oblivion stood ahead of them, his eyes trained on the swarm and he looked down to see the surface of the pond trembling. The ripples were constant and did not end as if footsteps were causing the disturbance. Behind him, Ciri suddenly slapped his flank and he glanced back to her, his eyes narrowed.

“That’s what I was sensing.” She said to him and pointed to the waiting swarm.

“Great.” Oblivion griped and looked to the swarm once more. “Run for the trees.”

“Why?” Geralt asked.

“Something is about to happen. Look to the pond.” He instructed and Geralt did as instructed, his eyes widening slightly at the ripples.

“Run.” He spoke only the one word and began to herd the others ahead of him, with Oblivion at their heels.

The Alicorn looked back as the swarm moved. His vision was dominated by the swarm and the sound rattled his ears as he pushed the others ahead and they reached the tree line a bare moments before the creatures of the swarm would have had them.

“What are those things?” Anna asked them as they hid among the trees.

“They look like a small type of gargoyle,” Ciri said to her. “But those are normally bigger, right?”

“Yes. Much bigger.” Geralt affirmed to her. “Normally a gargoyle is man-sized or larger. These ones are the size of a harpy.”

“I agree,” Oblivion commented as he watched the swarm. “There are thousands of them.”

“Now what?” Ciri asked.

Oblivion gave a non-committal shrug of his shoulders and waited. His eyes scanned the swarm as it circled endlessly in the clearing. Oblivions would catch small gaps and he could see that the pond was undisturbed. They were staying away from it. “Odd.” He whispered aloud and he lowered his head and body to the ground and laid down to see if he could see under the swarm and into the clearing. He got to his hooves as he confirmed that the swarm was avoiding the pond entirely.

“What is it?” Geralt asked him.

“They're staying away from the water. They’re giving it a wide berth while they are circling here.”

“Why?” Anna asked.

“I’m not sure. But I think we fled too quickly. We might have been able to stay close to it.” He admitted.

Ciri knelt down to look as well and she nodded. “He’s right. Hey. Do you think I can get close to it?”

Oblivion and Geralt looked to her at her words. Geralt looked to the circling swarm and then back to his ward. “Are you certain you want to try that?”

“We have to do something. That pond is important. I’m not sure how important but it’s important.”

“I agree. She can port herself to it and back if needed. When we were there the surface was rippling. I’m not certain if it was connected to the swarm or something else. Try it, but be cautious.” Oblivion said to her and she nodded.

Ciri vanished as she used her powers and Geralt dropped to the ground to watch the pond as she was next to it. “She made it.” He said aloud and Anna gave a sigh of relief.

“And?” She spoke up.

“She’s just watching the surface. She reached into it but she pulled back and vanished.” Geralt reported and the young woman reappeared as he finished speaking.

“Okay. Oblivion.” The stallion looked to her as Geralt got to his feet. “I need something of yours.”


“I’m not sure. But I kept seeing a flash of silver. So you’re the only one here with silver. So either a bit of your mane or a feather maybe?”

“Both are fine.” He replied and waited as she tried to gently pull out a silver feather and then cut a small hank of his mane.

“Be right back.” She chirped and was gone a moment later.

Geralt once more dropped to the ground to watch and he looked up to the stallion. “She dropped in both and the water erupted out of the pond.”

Oblivion dropped to this knees and looked to confirm what the other had said. “By the Gods.” He whispered as he confirmed the other words.

The waters of the pond had darkened and became black in color. Oblivion's mind went to the story from the book and he watched as Ciri backed up from the edge of the pond and looked back to them. Oblivion wanted to call her back but he wished to see what was going to happen. The swarm screamed as the waters rained down on them and their flight became erratic. Their formation broke down and Oblivion heard Ciri scream as they dove at her. The stallion lunged to his hooves and looked to Geralt, who stood with him. The two of them shared a glance and Oblivions wings pulled from his sides.

“Anna. Remain here.” He told the Duchess, who nodded. “Geralt.”

The younger Witcher leaped to his back and the stallion’s wings lifted them into the air. The great wings beat against the trees and leaves fell from the canopy as they took to the air. Oblivion cleared the treetops and angled for higher. The Alicorn’s gaze stayed on the swarm as they were above it. The water from the pond still rained down and the swarm continued to scream in response to the rain. Oblivion saw the young woman on the ground close to the pond and his eyes widened. She wasn’t moving. On his back, Geralt saw her as well.

“CIRI!” Geralt yelled to her and she remained motionless.

Oblivion folded his wings and allowed them to plummet, his goal was to land beside Ciri. He flared his wings feet above her and landed heavily. Geralt leaped from his back and was beside her in a moment. Oblivion stood above them, trying to shield them from the small creatures. Oblivion brought his wings down, to avoid them being shredded and waited as the other Witcher tended to the woman on the ground. The monsters swept over his body as he stayed still. He felt one tear into his withers and try to stagger him. The stallion dug his claws into the ground and allowed them to ram into him, he refused to fall.

“Geralt?!” He shouted to the other Witcher as he lowered his head to avoid being hit in the head and face.

“She’s not waking up.” He hollered back.

“Is she breathing?” Alarm crept into the stallion's mind as he called back to him.

“Yes. But she isn’t responding to us.” He cried back.

Oblivion shifted his body to get his head as close as he dared to them and look over her as well. She had several cuts from the monsters but nothing that would have knocked her unconscious. “Damnit.” He yelped as another set of claws cut into his flanks. "Ill shield you. Get her out of here.”

“And how are you going to do that?”

Oblivion spread his wings, allowing them to be rammed into as he stood nearly over the Witcher on the ground and angled his wings to lay over them. “Just go.” He said as he felt the collisions to the appendages. He willed them to hold firm as the monsters screamed continuously. Geralt got his arms around Ciri and began to move as quickly as he could, half dragging her toward where Anna waited. Oblivion could barely hear the Duchess screaming to them to hurry. He grimaced as a set of claws tore into both wings as they went over them. He didn’t look up as the wings held firm and strong in place.

As they neared the edge Anna reached out from under the still swirling swarm, trying to get a hand on Ciri’s arm, to help drag her to safety. Oblivion pushed forward and stuck his body in between the Witcher and Ciri and the swarm. The swarm rammed into him with more force than he was ready for and it nearly toppled him. Geralt ducked under his belly with Ciri and Anna was able to stand and grab a hold of her. Together they got her to safety and Geralt reached back to grab Oblivion when the stallion cried out as something gripped his hind leg and tail. He kicked out with his other leg as it dragged him back.

“Oblivion!” He heard Geralt and Anna screaming his name as he was pulled away from them.

Geralt watched as the stallion vanished and he was left reaching out to empty space. He started to go forward when Anna gripped his armor.

“You go out there you’ll get killed.” She shouted at him as she was holding him back and held Ciri in her other arm. Geralt nearly pulled away from her but stopped and nodded to her. “If you think that will stop that Witcher you don’t know him as well as you think.” She said to him when he allowed her to pull him away from the swarm's edge and back to Ciri.

“Ciri.” Geralt called her name and slapped her cheek gently to try to rouse her.

“Do you have any water or anything we can splash on her?”

Geralt shook his head. “No. All of the supplies were placed in Oblivions saddlebags.” He admitted.

“Grand.” She replied, her voice sarcastic.

Geralt looked back to the wall of monsters and he strained to hear anything that might tell them the Alicorn was still alive. He could hear nothing as time went on and he finally gripped Ciri’s shoulders and then gave her a harder slap with one hand. She cried out and flailed as she came to and he held her arms down to her sides as Anna spoke to her, trying to calm her.

“Oblivion.” She said aloud as she stilled. “I know what to do. Where is he?”

The others hesitated and then Geralt looked behind them. “In there.” He said to her, his voice low and his face grim.


“When we couldn’t see you he and I took to the air to get you back. You were collapsed by the water and he protected us as I dragged you here. He got pulled back in there after we got you to safety. We haven’t heard from him since.” Geralt said to her.

Ciri looked to him, her eyes hoping that he was wrong. “No. We have to get him out of there. I can...”

“No, you can’t,” Anna said to her. Cir opened her mouth to argue and Anna held up one hand to silence her. “I understand you want to save him. And believe me, you are not the only one who wishes his safe return to us. But running into that swarm blind will make things worse. When we get him back, and we will, what do we need to do?”

Ciri was quiet as Anna’s words struck true and she finally nodded in understanding and Anna placed a hand on her shoulder. “We need to jump into the water.” She whispered to them.

“You’re kidding?” Geralt replied.

“No. I saw a tree in the ripples. I think it’s the one we need. It was huge and it didn’t appear to have any kind of sky or land limiting its growth. It went on and on. We need to get to it. But we need him to do it. He has to go in first, then us.”

“How do we make sure we all go to the same place?” Geralt asked her.

“Well, I’ll grab a chunk of his tail and then you hold hands with me and we jump after him. Since the water reacted the way it did to his feather and mane then it needs him first. It’s the way it is right now because not all of him went through it.” She explained.

“Bloody wonderful.” Geralt cursed and looked back to the swarming gargoyles. “Let’s hope he finds a way out of that.” He motioned to the wall of monsters and they nodded in agreement.

Oblivion looked back as he was dragged to his side and then pulled along the grass. Above him, the swarm screamed and he saw the gargoyle-like creature that had a hold of his hind leg. It bore a strong resemblance to a gargoyle in the head and shoulders but its body was elongated and its hind legs had vanished into the rest of its body. He snarled at the creature, his teeth bared as he dug his claws into the ground, halting the dragging motion and he felt it stop and release his leg. The stallion lunged to his hooves and lowered his body as the creature was still. Oblivion watched it intently, his ears flicking around him to avoid being caught unawares by the circling swarm.

“You are not welcome here.”

Oblivions eyes widened slightly at the words that slithered out of the creature’s mouth. He remained on guard as the swarm screamed endlessly in his ears. The stallion remained silent as the monster remained still, its tail occasionally flicking behind it. Oblivion snorted and finally spoke in reply. “How do you know if I belong here?”

“You are not of thissss world. You are wrong.” It called back to him.

“That does not explain anything.” Oblivion countered.

“Your life ended.”

Oblivion was quiet as he ensured that the monster and its swarm were not going to attack him immediately. “It ended here once. But I did not choose to return to it.”

“Musssst leave.”

“I will once I know how.” He replied. “I have no intention to remain here.”

“The waterssss. They will lead you.”

Oblivion looked beyond the creature and saw the still erupting water of the pond. “So I need to walk through it and then what?”

“Then the right path will open up. You musssst go.”

Oblivion looked from the pond to the creature and for a moment considered going through it. He paused at the thought of not saying anything to the others and hesitated. They had brought him here and given him their aid in returning him back to Equestria. He shook his head and raised his head high as he spoke to the creature.

“I will leave when those that came with me are allowed to come with me. Not before.”

“NO!” It shrieked.

Oblivion pinned his ears at the shrill sound and stood his ground. The monster lunged at him and he reached back for his weapon and the silver blade snaked out and cut a line through the creature’s neck. The shrill scream ended as the head fell behind it and to the ground. The body stayed up for a moment before falling to the ground as well. The swarm screamed and their flight became more erratic, driving the stallion to the ground, his ears firmly pinned to his skull. He could feel the occasional claw slice through his fur as he kept his wings pinned tightly to his sides. He closed his eyes and waited as the sound began to die out and the deafening sound of wings began to subside. The Alicorn got to his hooves, flicked the sliver blade clean of blood and slid it back into the sheath, and looked to the pond.


His ears flicked and he looked to find Ciri running toward him, Geralt and Anna on her heels. She slid to a spot in front of him and he regarded her, his orange eyes giving off their slight natural glow. She threw her arms around his shoulder and neck and held onto him, her grip tight. He wrapped his neck down and held her close.

“Are you all right, Ciri?” He asked her, his tone quiet.

“I’m fine.” She replied and released her hold on him and stepped back a few steps. “Are you?”

“I’ll heal. Nothing serious.” He replied.

“What about your wings? Geralt said you used them to protect me and him.”

Oblivion extended his wings and allowed the young woman to look over them. “I’m actually surprised that they were able to withstand the punishment. But I am not going to complain about it either.”

Ciri chuckled and nodded. “Okay, well I know what to do now.”

“I need to go through the water?”

She stared at him and nodded. “How did you?”

“That thing told me.” He said to her and pointed his horn to the dead monster. “Seems it knew that I am no longer from this world and was trying to get me to leave sooner. I clearly declined their request. Unfortunately, it seemed to think that I was slower on the draw. Was able to kill it without getting into too much of a fight over it.”

“Clean slash.” Geralt commented as he looked at the corpse.

“Not a bright monster to be honest. But now we know what to do. I assume you will be following me through?” He said to the group, who nodded in reply.

Oblivion led them to the still erupting water. The rain that had been falling on them since it happened remained as the Alicorn stopped and waited for the others to be ready for him to lead them through. “I assume I need to go first?”

“You would be right. The only reason the water is like it is because of you. I used a bit of my hair and it did nothing. But I added yours and this happened. So I’ll be behind you then Anna and then Geralt?”

“Works for me,” Oblivion replied and waited as Ciri gripped Anna’s hand then gripped a hank of the stallion’s thick silver tail. Geralt took the young woman’s hand and oblivion waited till they looked to him before he walked forward, his stride slow to allow them to keep up easily.

Oblivion was silent as he closed his eyes as the feeling of the water went over his fur and he waited as the scent of water filled his nostrils and he breathed slowly as he led them through. His orange eyes stayed hidden behind his eyelids until he could feel the heat on his fur. His coat was soaked through from the waters. His orange eyes opened and he kept moving as a tree loomed ahead of him. He tore his gaze from it and looked back to the others. They emerged from the waters, dripping wet and came to his side.

“I saw it in the water but it didn’t look like this,” Ciri admitted.

Oblivion breathed as he regarded the tree ahead of them. The trunk itself was easily twenty or more feet wide and its boughs stretched into the skies. He didn’t see an end to the limbs of the tree. But what held his attention was the bark of the tree. It was the same crystal that covered the cavern that Equestria had shown him. More importantly, it was the same as the gemstone in his saddlebag. He left the gem on his bag until he deemed he might need it.

"You saw it?” He asked Ciri as she stared at the tree as well.

“Yeah. I saw it in the ripples before I added your feather and mane. So this is what it was showing me. But the image was not very detailed. Now that I see it I can’t believe what I’m seeing, to be honest.” She replied to him.

Oblivion nodded and waited as the others came to grips with the enormity of what they were seeing. “It's bigger than I thought it would be.” He admitted.

“You’re not kidding.” Geralt replied and patted the stallion's shoulder. “So now what?”

Oblivion shook his head and they glanced at Ciri who shrugged. The stallion walked forward, his steps deliberate as he watched for any movement from the tree itself. As he neared it the tree remained silent and he was soon close enough to see his reflection the crystal bark. The Alicorn was quiet as he reached out a hoof and tentatively tapped a claw against the bark, and waited for any reaction. He gave a quiet sigh of relief when nothing happened and looked over his shoulder to the others as Ciri joined him. The young woman reached out and her hand laid on the crystal bark. She left her hand there and glanced at him as he gave a slight shrug as the ground shuddered. Their eyes connected and they both backed away from the base of the tree.

Ciri was faster to rejoin the others and he was on her heels, backing up as quickly as his hooves would allow. The ground trembled and the earth in front of the tree began to bunch and tear. Oblivions' eyes narrowed as he stared at the grass. The earth tore open and stones began to come out of the ground. Oblivions eyes were wide as he watched and the sight of the stone was enough to have him backing up and reaching into his saddlebags.

“Oblivion?” Geralt asked him as he saw the stallion rooting through the saddlebags on his barrel.

“Keep away from that thing.” He advised and continued to look through the saddlebags on his left side.

“You’re kidding,” Ciri called to him.

“No, I’m not. I know what is coming and I can stop it if you can buy me time.” He called back to them.

“Damn. Okay. You take Anna and get some distance. Ciri and I will keep it back.” Geralt yelled.

Oblivion nodded and waited as Anna got to his side and he pushed her away from the tree and close to twenty feet away. She went to his other saddle bag and opened it.

“What am I looking for?” She asked him, her voice hurried.

“A gemstone. It’s made of the same crystal as that tree.” He replied as he searched. She nodded and dug into the saddle bag at his side.

Geralt pulled his silver sword off his back and look to Ciri. “Get Oblivion's silver sword.” He yelled to her, she teleported to the stallion’s side.

He watched as she told him what she doing, he nodded in agreement, she then returned to his side. He watched as the creature came from the ground and now stood before them. It was enormous. Even for an Elemental, it was huge.

“Geralt?” Ciri whispered to him.

“I know.” He replied and bumped her arm with his elbow. “Stay out of its range. We just need to occupy it while he gets whatever he needs.”

“Understood.” She replied and lowered into her stance and held the blade aloft.

Geralt could see the runes running the length of the silver blade and for a moment he felt a tinge of envy at the blade but his mind quickly ignored it and focused on his own task. The Elemental was easily more than twenty feet tall and dwarfed the two in front of it. Crystals covered its body and they undulated over its form as it began to solidify and become more focused ion its form. Geralt waited as eyes came out of the crystals and a roar that could shake the heavens came from the creature.

“Oblivion?!” He yelled to the Elder Witcher.

“Working on it.” The stallion hollered back to him.

He looked over and saw Oblivion shed the saddlebags and toss them to the ground to allow him to search them easier. Geralt refocused on the Elemental and gave the stallion the time he needed. He charged the monster and slid under a wide-armed swing and his blade thudded dully against the monster's leg. He gaped for a moment at the blade as it could not cut into the creature. Ciri teleported into view and Oblivions sword cut at the monster as well. It swung at her and the young woman teleported to avoid the swing. Geralt rolled away from the monster's legs and rejoined the young woman.

“Just keep it occupied.” He said and went back to ensure that the monster's focus was on them.

Ciri grunted as she raced at it once more, the blade in her hands stabbed and she rolled out of the way of it. Geralt backed up and charged as well. He swung his own blade and it chipped away at the crystals on the Elementals body. But he could not see any dents on the creature's form. As time ticked past Geralt could feel exhaustion beginning to bite at him, as he paused and backflipped away from the monster, trying to force it to chase him. He glanced away from the fight to find Ciri attacking as well. His body was beginning to show the exhaustion as his movements were beginning to slow and he cursed under his breath as he attacked once more.

Oblivion glanced up as the others waged a losing fight against an Elemental he knew they could never defeat. Anna cursed under her breath as she pawed through the saddlebag. Oblivion Cursed colorfully as a shout caught his attention. He looked up as Geralt rolled over the grass and came to a stop on the ground. Oblivions eyes widened as the exhausted Witcher struggled to his feet and held his sword up, ready to go on. Oblivion snarled and reached into the saddlebags once more. His claws found what he wanted as he held it up as he spun to gallop t the others and get in between the monsters and them. He tossed the gem into the air and closed his jaws around the chain that held the gemstone. His teeth clicked close on the chain and the Alicorn’s claws tore into the earth as he galloped to protect the others. Behind him, Anna screamed as the monster picked up a stone and prepared to throw it at the other Witcher.

“Geralt! Down!” Oblivion screamed at him as he neared the other Witcher.

Geralt wisely dropped to the ground and the stallion stood over him, ready to take the stone if the need came. He focused his mind and forced his will to the gem in his teeth. The Elemental paused for a moment and then released the stone in his grip. The stallion pushed back, trying to mitigate the impact of the stone on his chest and neck. The impact was punishing but not as bad as he had been ready for. His body rolled backward and he went head over tail as he landed on his side. Oblivion got to his hooves and took the chain in his claws and slid the gemstone around his neck. As he did he calmed his mind and went still. He closed his eyes and waited as he forced the calm onto the gem that now hung around his neck. He waited as silence caught his ears and he looked up as Ciri pulled Geralt to his feet and they looked back to the Alicorn behind them. The Elemental had stopped in its place and now was stone still.

Ciri looked back to him as he walked up to them. “Are you all right Geralt?” He asked the Witcher.

“I’ll live.” He replied and stayed standing. “What did you do?”

“The gemstone I’m wearing came from the same cavern that created that thing.” He replied.

“You’re kidding?” Ciri said o him, her eyes wide.

“No. I have been to the cavern and I know the history of the gem. This Elemental is the protector of that cavern. The gem I hold was stolen and used to hurt others. The gem reacts to the emotions of the one who holds it. I can also use it to command it.” He informed them, as Anna joined them. “Since I lack the emotion it can feed upon it goes silent. Though I have to admit that I haven’t seen it this size in a while.” The others looked to him and he went on. “The size depends on the situation I assume.”

Ciri was quiet as she slid the silver sword back onto Oblivions back and then approached the monster. She reached out a hand and it moved, causing her to yelp and leap back. She looked back to find Oblivion with a slight grin to his muzzle.

“Very funny.” She chided him, though a smile tugged at her mouth.

“Now what?” Anna asked as she rejoined them and slid Oblivion’s saddlebags back into their place on his body.

“Well. I touched the tree and that thing came to us. But I touched it now and nothing happened. So I guess, now, maybe it’s up to you Oblivion.”

“Oh?” He replied.

“Yeah. It came when I touched the tree. But I’m not the one who can command it. Maybe it can take you back.” She reasoned.

“That would make sense, in a way. This started with the one who came before me.”

“What do you mean?” Anna asked him as he looked at the still Elemental.

“The previous Guardian was the one who stole the gem, to begin with. So in a way, it makes sense that it now falls to me. I will be returning the gem to the cavern when I am done with it. So it comes full circle.” He replied.

Anna was quiet as she set a hand on the Alicorn’s shoulder. “So it is time for us to say goodbye?”

Oblivion glanced back to her and nodded. “So it seems.”

Ciri clenched her jaw and stayed at his side. Geralt looked at the Elemental and then to the ground before him. Oblivion said nothing as they came to terms with the fact that he was going to be leaving them behind. He was also coming to terms with the fact that he would probably never see any of them again. He walked forward and then turned back around to face them. The three of them regarded the stallion in silence as his orange eyes regarded them.

Anna stepped up to him and she wrapped her arms gently around his face, her hands on his cheeks. He heard her sniffle and she pulled away from him to look him in the eyes. “You must promise that you will try to return one day. Even if only for a moment.” She said to him, her hands caressing his forehead, her touch feather-light.

“I am not sure if I will ever be able to. But, if I can, I will.” He said to her.

Oblivion reached back to his wings and yanked two feathers from his wings, one silver, and one black. Anna took them in her hands when he gave them to her. She smiled and kissed his forehead, just below his horn. She backed up, tears spilling from her eyes as she tried to smile for him once more. Ciri stepped up to him and threw her arms around his neck and shoulders. Oblivion held her tightly to him as she gripped his mane in her hands. Ciri released him after a minute and she pulled a dagger from her boot and looked to him. He turned his head to allow her to cut a hank of his silver mane. She cut out a small chunk and backed up from him, tears in her eyes.

Geralt stepped up to him and the stallion said nothing as they simply stood in silence. Neither said anything as the seconds ticked away. Geralt looked to him and the orange eyes of the Elder Witcher watched him in return.

“You can’t ever come back, can you?” He finally asked.

Oblivion whispered his reply. “No.”

“Don’t lie to me.” Geralt asked him.

“I won’t. You and I have been brothers too long for that. I will never forget our last hunt, nor will I forget any of the time that I spent with you and the others. You are my brother and a new form or a new home will not change that.” Oblivion said to him.

Geralt nodded. The Witchers were quiet as Geralt walked up to him and also held the stallions head close to him. Oblivion waited as the other held him close. He could feel the other's heart beating through his armor. Oblivion could feel the sense of loss echoing through him. Geralt pulled back and the stallion once more yanked two feathers from his wings and bade the Witcher cut a chunk of his mane as well. The Witcher’s were silent as nothing needed to be said as they parted. The Alicorn was quiet as he turned away from them and looked to the still Elemental. As he began to reach out to command it he heard a choked cry and glanced back. Anna had turned away and was hiding her face behind Geralt’s shoulder. The Alicorn stopped and went back, her sorrow beat against him. His snout reached out and he nudged her one last time.

“I will never truly leave you.” He said to her. “So long as you remember me, and think of me every now and then, I am never truly gone, dear one.” He whispered to her.

She cried out and turned to him, burying her head in his long mane and sobbing against his fur. Oblivion turned his head to her and wrapped his neck around her as best as he was able. His wing came down and he wrapped it close to her. She sobbed against him and he didn’t move or speak. He remained beside her as long as she needed. Ciri ran her hands through the stallion’s fur and Geralt set a hand on the stallion shoulder. When the Duchess quieted he pulled back and she sniffled as he looked to her.

“Anna.” He said to her. She looked at him. “I am leaving you behind, but I will never forget. I remember you as a child and trying to learn how to ride a horse. I remember those times and I cannot forget them. I will remember the time I spent with you.” She gave a sniffle but he could see the beginnings of a smile on her face. “Those are times I cannot forget. I treasure them as I do the others. I am always with you, even if I am not at your side. You lead your people and you protect them well.” He said to her.

“You taught me how to love and how to love them.” She whispered to him.

“You already knew how. You were just being stubborn.” He replied and she smiled at his words. “You are the best of them, and they know that. Now lead them and show them the heart that I know you have. I will not forget.” He said to her, his voice a bare whisper as he nuzzled her one last time.

She smiled for him and breathed in through the tears still in her eyes. He looked to Ciri and nuzzled her as well. “And I will not forget you either, Little Swallow. No matter how upset I was with you I never thought of you as anything less than one of us.” He said to her.

Ciri breathed in as she tried not to cry as well. “I won’t forget, Oblivion. You were always family to me. I knew that I could count on you. No matter what I needed. You were always there.” She said to him.

“I may not be at your side now, but I am with you. Your courage will serve your people well. Show the world that a lass taught by Witchers has the courage of a nation.” He said to her.

“I will. I promise.” She said to him.

“I’ll hold you to that.” He replied to her, his voice quiet.

Oblivion glanced at Geralt who laid a hand on his neck for a moment before patting his hand and then putting his hands down to his sides. Oblivion looked to the Elemental and approached it, he stopped a few feet from it and waited as he looked to the gem around his neck. One last glance over his shoulder and he issued the command to the Elemental. “Take me home.” He whispered aloud.

The Elemental surged forward, its hands gripped the stallion’s shoulders and Oblivion grimaced as the bruises on his body complained at the handling. The Elemental turned to the tree after lifting the stallion off his hooves and holding onto him. Oblivion looked over his shoulder as the tree began to glow and the bark on its surface began to ripple and undulate as they approached. He kept his wings tight to his sides as the trees glow was growing blinding and he was forced to close his eyes. He felt a bit of resistance as the Elemental took him through the tree.

The Elemental tore through the portal and into the ruins. Oblivion paused as he looked around them to ensure he had his bearings before he dismissed the Elemental completely. The monster set him on his hooves and backed away several feet at the Alicorn’s unspoken instruction, then vanishing into the ground once more, until summoned. The portal behind him began to flicker and he spun to look through it once more. Ciri and the others were calling out to him, though he could not hear what they were saying. He bowed his head to them, a rare smile crossing his muzzle as the portal died and went dark. He closed his eyes as the loss of those he held dear weighed on him. He had said his goodbyes to them but that did not mean he would toss their memory aside. His orange eyes stared at the portal, almost as if hoping it would open once more. When it remained dark he backed up away from it and his eyes closed for a minute as he recalled the world he had left behind.

51: Balance Restored...

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He looked over his shoulder to check that his saddlebags were in their place, his wings were undamaged and his body was in fairly good shape, aside from the dried blood, dirt, and mud. His eyes scanned the area around him and he could see more than his own hoof prints. His eyes narrowed as the impressions came to life before his gaze. He could see at least five individual hoof tracks and he paused as he looked at them. A familiar scent caught this nose and he looked around the room. The scent was faint but the scent of trees, grass, and water told him who had been there.

“Equestria.” He whispered her name and a chuckle escaped him. “Even you were out hunting then.”

He went silent as he moved out of the inner room and back to the front chamber of the ruins. His eyes followed the slight impressions of hooves outside and he squinted at the bright sunlight that rained down on him. He inhaled the scents of the desert and a sigh escaped him.


Sasa laid in silence in the library, with Twilight still scanning maps and known routes, desperate to find a way to track the missing Unicorn. She huffed a sigh and looked to the mare. She started to gather herself to sit up to write out a message for the anxious mare when she stopped, her form caught between laying down and sitting, her body had stalled in place. Her mind rushed into focus and her eyes began to scan the room.

“Chosen?” She reached out to him, her voice tentative with fear leeching into her tone.

Silenced greeted her and she nearly collapsed to her belly as something shifted, her body began to feel lighter and the pain from her Nekker wounds began to fade. A startled yelp from Spike brought the mare’s attention to her as well. Sasa looked down and watched as azure flames slowly crawled over her, her fur brightened, the ethereal mist coming from her coat strengthened, and the flames ate through the bandages on her body, leaving healed flesh in its place. She looked at Twilight who had a hoof over her mouth, her eyes wide.

“Sasa?” Twilight whispered as the flames vanished, leaving only the renewed sabercat in its place.

Sasa sat up fully, her body renewed and any pain vanished as she looked at the mare. A roar pulled from her and she stood up, her broad forehead rubbing against Twilight cheek. Spike came to her side and she ducked her head to lick him across the cheek. Her body felt light and her steps were giddy as she pranced around the room. She flashed a toothy grin to the drake and Unicorn mare, then she reached out once more.

“CHOSEN!” She screamed with joy through their link.

At first, there was no reply and she stopped in the center of the room, her head tilted as she listened.

“I am here.”

She roared once more and jumped in both surprise and glee at the voice that reached back to out to her. Twilight stood up at the feline’s clear joy and the cat stooped to smile once more to the mare.

“Sasa?” She whispered and the cat waited for her to speak. “Is he…?”

She nodded frantically, her paws dancing under her. Twilight stared and then a squeal of glee left her as she jumped to the feline, wrapping her forelegs around the cat’s neck and dancing in place with her. The two laughed and tears slid down Twilight's face. Spike stared at them for a moment before he spoke up.

“So he’s back?” He asked, his voice tentative.

“Yes!” Twilight cried out, her voice held joy as she reached out and pulled the dragon into an embrace with the spectral tiger. “Where is he Sasa?”

The feline stopped and a sheepish look crossed her face as she shrugged. “Chosen?”


“Where are you?”

“There is an old ruin in the desert. I’m just outside of it.”

Sasa was barely holding her joy in check. His voice sounded the same as always and she could sense him once more. His strength calmed her and she wanted nothing more than for him to summon her so she could huddle against him, breathing his scent once more and nuzzling her face into his fur. “When are you coming back? We need to see you.” She called back to him.


“You’ve been missing for almost a month!” She nearly shrieked at his unconcerned tone. “All of us have been frantically searching for you. Blue and Shining even went to the desert to find you. Wait you're at the same ruin?”

“Should be. I can see hoof prints that are a bit more recent than my own around the ruins.” He responded to her, his voice beginning to sound weary as the spoke.

“Are you all right? You sound tired?”

“I’ll live. Has been a long few weeks. How are the ponies?”

“They are worried sick about you. Luna has been searching the Dreamscape for you nearly constantly. Blue Blood and Shining went to an old ruin in the desert and came back with nothing. All of us searched everywhere for you, even a tiny trace of you.” She replied her words rushed as she explained herself. “Celestia has been doing everything she can to make sure no pony finds out that an Element of Harmony vanished without a trace. Twilight and the Apples have been missing you dearly.”

“How are the pony’s spirits?”

“I don’t know. I couldn’t see anything without you. But it has been a bit dreary lately if that helps.” She replied to him as Twilight and Spike were now hugging with tears of joy in their eyes as she spoke to the Alicorn. “I won’t lie and say that you have not been missed. They need you, Chosen.”

She could hear a sigh come from him as she waited for him to speak further. “I understand. Where are you?”

“I’m at Twilights library. I have been here since you went missing.”

“I could sense that something was wrong with you, what happened?”

“Oh. We went to search for you in the Everfree and a Nekker attacked us. I fought with it and it got its claws into my shoulder. But your magic saved me, again.”

“It did?” His voice questioned.

“Yes. Twilight and I are thinking it was a remnant of your power. Azure flames burned the creature to death. It was deceiving though.”

“How so?”

“It made us all think you have come back. The truth was that you were still missing and the flames had simply come to my aid when I needed it. You were still gone.” She replied, her voice held sadness as she related the tale to him.

“I see. That would make sense. Should be amusing in a moment though.”


“I haven’t used my magic in quite a while.”

“Why not?”

“I am a Witcher.” He began to explain to her. “I was sent back to the Continent and there I do not have magic. So my horn became just another weapon in my arsenal.”

“By my claws. That would be an adjustment.”

“It was. But nothing that cannot be handled.”

“Are you going to come back here?” She pleaded. “Please come back or summon me to you.”

“Not yet.”

“Why?!” She cried out to him.

“I am going to try to recreate the balance with Equestria itself and hopefully start to allow the ponies and other creatures to begin to heal from my absence.” He related to her, calmly.

Sasa huffed and her shoulders sagged a bit at his reasoning. “I hate that I agree with you about that. So you’re going to push the World Spirit to regain its natural balance?”

“Yes. I’m not sure how much it will take to try to keep yourself under control and don’t tell anypony I am back yet.” He replied to her.


“What did you do?”

“I may have been in the same room with Twilight and now she and Spike are crying for joy at your return.” She admitted.

“Gods below, Sasa.” He chided her and she cringed a bit at his reprimand. “Inform them to keep it to themselves. No letters, nothing until I figure out what to do.”

“Right. Hang on.” She turned to Twilight and began to yowl to earn the mares focus. Twilight slid the sandbox to her and waited, her expression worried. “He is back. But he wants it kept quiet for a little bit.”

“Why?” Twilight asked.

Her mind raced as she thought over what to say. “He’s in the middle of nowhere and wants to work on how to get back first.” She replied hoping the mare would agree. “He just wants to hold off till he’s close by.”

Twilight sat back and after a minute she nodded. “Okay. But let him know that he needs to come back. We all really miss him.”

Sasa nodded and reached out to the black Alicorn. “Okay. They will keep it quiet until you say so. Any idea of a timeline?”

“I’m not sure. I have no real way of telling just how out of balance everything is.”

“Will you call on Equestria herself? Or right it on your own?”

“I’m not certain yet. I’m going to reach out to it as much as I can to get a sense of the damage.”

“Sound plan.” Sasa replied. “Please be careful.”

“I will. I have a pretty good sense of my limit. I will reach out to you when I am done.”

“Please don’t overdo it.” Sasa was quiet as she looked to the now quiet pony and drake. “He’s fine. Just needs to find out what he wants to do.” She reported to them, a toothy smile on her muzzle.

Twilight smiled and nodded in understanding to the feline. “As long as he’s okay.” She replied.

“Yeah. It’s great that he’s back though. Everypony will be so happy to hear about it. When we can tell them.” Spike replied.

Sasa nodded and they began to look forward to the return of the Black Unicorn. Spike burped and a letter appeared from his emerald flames. He gripped the scroll and unrolled it for the mare to read. Twilight held it firmly in her hooves and read it over. She looked to the feline and drake as she folded it and set it on the table.

“Princess Celestia wants us all to go to Canterlot. The mare that Oblivion was searching for is back in Canterlot and she wants us to be there when they question her. We need to get the others. Can you let Oblivion know so that he will meet us there? Once we are all there ask him to join us?” Sasa nodded in agreement and began to head for the door with the drake and mare on her heels.

Oblivion went silent as he contemplated how to accomplish his task and see how much damage he would need to repair. He rolled his shoulders as he spread his wings and allowed the light wind to go through the feathers. He had grown to depend on the appendages more while he was gone. His magic had been gone and he had no other choice but to use what he had available to him. Though he had decided to look into a book about anatomy and see exactly where the magic of a Pegasus was used for flight or if his wings were more of a simple version.

The black Alicorn was quiet as his wings propelled his body into the air and he raced upward to the clouds above him. His breathing was steady as he leveled out just under the cloud cover and allowed himself to soar easily on the upper thermals. He was looking for a clearing that had plenty of room for him to lay low and analyze the damage to the World Spirit that his absence had created. As his wings held him aloft he watched the ground beneath him and he slowed his flight at the sight of a wide open field. As his body angled down his wings held firm allowing him to back wing to land, allowing his hooves to hit the soft grasses silently.

He set his saddlebags aside and folded his legs under his body. The black stallion was silent as he closed his eyes and reached out to the World Spirit at his command. He felt it kick back against him and he pushed against the sudden upheaval, bringing it once more to his control. As the World Spirit came under his command once he could hear the sound of hoof beats galloping toward him. He kept his eyes closed as his ears flicked to listen.


He heard Equestria scream his name as he opened one eye and looked to her as she slid to a halt. The white mare looked at him as he stayed in his place on the ground. He closed his eye and looked back to the task ahead of him. The World Spirit lunged to his command as he called on the Element around his neck it surged into place on his form. The silver armor shone in the sunlight and the stallion pushed his will into the World and it moved under his command, surging over the world and the creatures within it. Oblivion pushed the World Spirit and it reached out to the ponies and other beings that it held in its grasp and touched each of them in turn. He used the World Spirits' power to reach the creatures of the world and begin to heal the damage from his absence.

Equestria stared at the black Alicorn as the World Spirit poured over the world and began to repair the damage. She could feel the world itself calling out to him and he answered the cries of the spirits under his protection. She could see the magic that poured from the Alicorn and she watched as it reached as far as he dared and began to heal the world. She leaned back on her haunches and waited as he began the process of aiding the World Spirit and repairing the damage done to it and the spirits of the creatures of the world.

A smile crossed her muzzle as she watched him. “Welcome Home, Guardian.”

Oblivion breathed out and then got to his hooves. The white mare was waiting as he finished the task before him and he settled his saddlebags back into their place and then he regarded her. “Hello, Equestria.”

“Welcome back.” She said to him and wrapped her forelegs around his neck, nuzzling him.

“Thank you for the welcome.” He said to her and patted her back with a hoof as she released him.

“You have been sorely missed.”

“So I have heard. Sasa has already informed a couple of ponies. I asked her to hold off telling everyone until I was back in the area.” He replied as they began to walk away from the center of the field that he had been in.

“Probably a good option.” She said to him and kept an easy pace at his side.

“Sasa said I have been gone a month. Is that accurate?” He asked her.

“Don’t believe her?” She bumped him with her hip, teasing. “She is not far off. A little under a month actually. But in her defense, I have no doubt that it felt much longer. It is good to have you back.”

“Did you tend to the World Spirit in my stead?”

“No. It will no longer answer to any pony, aside from you. Even though I have been here far longer and bear the Heart of the Worlds I was not able to help it. I did try, but it rejected my touch.” She commented to him. “You are its Master and Guardian. None can command it as you can. What were you doing with it just now?”

“You could not tell?” He asked her. She shrugged a bit and regarded him. “I started to heal it. I could tell that the World Spirit had begun to slowly degrade so I set the process in motion to heal the damage caused by my absence.”

“I thought as much. I could feel it shift and I followed the signature back to you.” She said to him.

They fell into silence as Oblivion kept tabs on the state of the World Spirit at his command. Beside him, Equestria allowed him his silence as they walked across the clearing. The Alicorn was quiet as he regarded the world around him and his hooves stilled as he paused and closed his eyes. A gentle wind went through his mane. He could feel it as it brushed over his fur and then it mixed into his feathers. He could hear Equestria at his side as she waited for him to move once more. He reached out to the World Spirit and it answered his call and he could sense that the World was beginning to heal. He reached further and found the spirits of those close to him. His eyes opened once more and he could sense that they had been hurt by his disappearance as well. He had thought their own Elements would safeguard them. While he was not pleased to see how they had fallen as well he knew that they would be all right given time.

“Will you be going to them now?” She finally asked after a minute or so.

“No. Not right away. I need to make sure the World Spirit will do what needs to be done to heal and ensure that it is ready to be left to stand alone once more.” He replied to her.

“I see. Some of them went to that ruin in the desert to find you.” She said to him.


“Yes, Blue Blood was among them. And so did I.”

“You as well? I found your scent there, so that confirms it.”

“Yes. I had hoped that you were simply stuck inside the ruin after I discovered that magic is negated inside it. I had hoped to find you and simply be able to tease you about being stuck afterword. But that was clearly not the case. I went into the portal that had a bit of your mane stuck in its frame and ended up in the center of the next room at the bottom. There were four more doors there and only one of them led outside.”

“And the others?”

“They led deeper. Two were harmless enough but the other two were not. There were monsters inside that I assume you would be able to identify.”

“Probably.” He admitted and waited as she went on.

“Both creatures were horrible. One I was able to fight off and the other was in a lair of corpses and death.” She said to him. “A truly horrible way to die.”

“Could be any number of monsters. Many make their nests from the bones and whatnot.” He replied. He could see that the memory alone upset the normally upbeat mare and he began to walk forward, attempting to draw her focus off the memory. “But you made it through and I hope the others did not go through the portals.”

“They did not. I left them a note to avoid them at all costs.”

“You did? I thought you did not interfere.”

“Normally I don’t. But I felt I had to. You would not want to come back to find your friends dead or missing. I chose to interfere because I did not wish for you to shoulder a burden that did not belong to you. Their blood would have been on my hooves in that case.” She admitted to him, her voice somber and her eyes down.

Oblivion stopped and pressed his shoulder against hers and gave her a gentle nuzzle to try to calm her mind. “Thank you for that then.”

She looked at him and a smile slowly crept onto her muzzle. “Your welcome. They're waiting for you.”

“I know. I will rejoin them soon.”

“How was it back in your original world?”

“It was different.” He replied and once more they walked forward at his movement. “It was different since I was in this body.”


“Yes. Those who knew me were shocked to see an Alicorn in front of them rather than my original body. I can only assume, that is due to it being destroyed by a couple of Leshens.”

“That’s true. That form died there. This is the only one that has a heartbeat.” She replied. “Who did you see once more?”

“I was able to see Geralt, Ciri and Anarietta. I have to admit I will miss them. Even now the loss of them weighs on me. But I will not forget them and they will never die so long as I remember them.”

She was quiet as she listened to him. “And they will never lose you so long as they remember?”


Equestria was quiet as she looked back to the rest of his body and paused in her steps. “What happened?”

“To?” He asked her as he paused.

“Your wings and your mane.”

Oblivion looked to his mane and a sigh escaped him. Several hanks were missing and the missing hair showed against his black coat. “I did not realize they had taken a hank that close to the roots.” He replied.

“They cut your mane? Why?”

“To keep a piece of it. I allowed it. I also tore out a few feathers for them to keep.” He responded to her. “My wings changed after a fight with a monster with Geralt. The right-wing was mangled beyond repair in the fight. My armor appeared and according to Geralt who was holding me down while I healed the wolf jewel on the crown blazed with azure and black flame…”

“Black flame?” She yelped and stared at him.

“Yes. He said that black and the blue flame went across my body, down the broken wing and then back to the joints of both wings and started to burn them away. He passed out soon after and when we awoke they were like this and gained eight feet in length.” He stopped at the frightened look in her eyes. “Equestria?”

“Black flame…can’t be.” She whispered.


The white mare regarded him and pulled in a staggered breath. “Have you ever seen that black flame before?”

“No. I was working on falling unconscious when it came around. Why?”

“Black flame is the purest of flame.”

“How so?”

“It’s not pure as in purely good. It is pure destruction. The only flame that cannot be stopped with water or earth. It will burn endlessly unless the one that wields it commands it to return to them.” She explained and Oblivion gave a slight tilt of his head at her words. “For example. If you willed it to burn through a mountain, it would. If you wanted it to stop it would. But you have to have the strength for it to feed off of. It takes the strength from its wielder and returns it when the task is done or it is summoned back to you. It cannot be stopped once unleashed unless you have the will to command it.”

“Interesting. I had no knowledge of its existence until now. I also have no desire to test it.”

“In time we will. We must. It is not to be taken lightly Oblivion. If it rests in you then you need to be able to control it in case it slips past you. Some who used it claimed that it had a mind of its own. Or at least a sense of self. But it is not dire at this moment to try it out.” She replied and shook her head as she finished speaking. “For now we will keep it in mind and wait till a later date to try it.”

“Agreed. So long as ponies are not in any danger from it I will be mindful of it but I will ensure that I do not try to call on it. I will wield the force of the World Spirit before I fall to that option.” He said to her and she nodded.

A smile went over the mare's features at his words. “Good to hear. Now I am sure that your family misses you. Finish your task and return to them.” She said and hugged him close before she backed away from him.

“Till next time then.” He said and bowed his head to her as she smiled widely and her form slowly vanished.

The Alicorn was quiet as he stood in silence now that the mare was gone. He allowed his head to drop a bit and a weary sigh pulled from him. Despite his eagerness to return to the others, his body had not been able to rest fully in over a week. He contemplated resting for a while before he returned to them. The black Alicorn was quiet as he glanced back to his mane and a wry smile tugged at his mouth and his horn lit with his azure aura. He trimmed his mane to match the shortest of the missing hanks and then he gathered it into his normal hair tie. His wings vanished under their normal enchantment and he tested it out before he looked to the clearing he was in and found the biggest of the trees to rest under.


“Yes?” The feline responded swiftly to him.

“I am going to rest for a bit.”

“Are you all right?”

“Simply tired.” He replied to the saber cat.

“Feel free. We are on our way to Canterlot.”


“Celestia sent a letter saying that Asmara is back in Canterlot. She asked that we join them there. I was going to reach out to you when we arrived there.”

Oblivions head raised to its full height and his thoughts traveled to the gem around his neck. He took the gem off and slid it back into his saddlebag. “I will join you there. Let me know when you are all safely there.”

“I will. Rest for a while Chosen.” She replied, her voice soothing.

“I will.”

The Alicorn laid down under the tree and allowed his eyes to begin to close as he thought of the return to Canterlot. ‘Should prove interesting.’ He thought to himself as he allowed his mind to go blank as he finally slept.

Blue Blood walked out of his room and trotted down the hallway toward the audience chamber to help his Aunts question Asmara. His body ached for sleep but he knew that they needed him and he refused to fail them. As he neared the chamber he breathed in as the guards opened the doors and he trotted inside to find his Aunts already there with Fleeting Skies and a younger Pegasus mare at her side, he assumed she was Asmara. Her coat was a bright turquoise in color while her mane was a lighter shade of the same color. Her eyes were pale but a chill went down his back as her eyes landed on him. He wasn’t sure why but he felt even more uneasy now that he had seen her. He went to his seat beside Luna and sat down with a smile to his Aunts.

“Thank you for joining us Blue Blood.” Celestia said to him with a warm smile.

“Of course Aunt Celestia.” He replied to her and looked to the older Pegasus mare. “It’s good to see you again, Lady Fleeting Skies. I assume this is your granddaughter, Asmara?”

“Yes. It is a pleasure to see you again as well my Prince. Asmara returned a few days ago and I figured I would give her a chance to rest and relax before we came here to speak with all of you. I apologize for not calling upon you immediately.” She replied to him with a smile.

“It’s perfectly all right. We are glad to see that you returned safely.” Celestia said and addressed Asmara as she spoke.

“Thank you for the kind words.” Asmara replied.

Blue Blood hid the shiver that threatened to go down his back as she spoke. He glanced at Luna and she had looked to him and he could see a familiar emotion in her eyes. They were both uncertain of the young mare among them.

“My grandmother told me of an investigator that had come to ask about the attack on my family when I was a filly. She said that he had drawn a picture of the monster from the description I had made.” Asmara spoke up as they listened to her. “You were there for that, Prince Blue Blood?”

“Yes. I was there when he drew the monster.” Blue Blood confirmed.

“He was quite the artist I have to admit.” Asmara said and pulled the drawing from her bag. She laid it on the table and Celestia’s magic covered it and she looked at the monster on the paper.

“Quite the brute, isn’t it?” She said aloud.

Luna took the drawing and her expression was surprised at the drawing. “What is that thing?”

“I am not sure what the name of it is.” Asmara said. “I simply called it a nightmare.” She replied.

Luna gave a slight flinch at her words and Blue Blood put a hoof on her lower foreleg. “You have not seen this monster since?”

“No. I pity any pony that tries to stand against it. If it has appeared again then I hope no pony has been hurt.” She replied.

“We were told that you had been hiding in an old ruin in the desert. Is that true?” Celestia asked.

“I was, yes. It’s a private place that’s very quiet. I go there when I wish to get away from ponies.” The Pegasus replied.

“The investigator that drew that has since gone missing. He was guided to the ruins that you were in and has not been seen since.” Celestia said to her. “Did you happen to see him?”

Asmara was quiet and then shook her head. “No. I didn’t see any pony there. If he used any of the strange doors in there then he might have gotten trapped.”

Blue Blood seethed under his calm mask. He knew that she had been there and he did not think for one second that Oblivion would have gone through any of those doorways. If he had then he would have come out easily. He tried not to appear angry at the mare before him. He glanced at Luna and found her to be holding her own mask in place.

“We doubt that.” Luna spoke up. “He is a Witcher and kills monsters and removes curses as a part of who he is. While the doorways might have slowed him down, we have great doubts about the odds of him being harmed by them.”

Asmara was quiet as Luna spoke and she looked to her grandmother when the Moon Princess finished speaking. “I did not know that. I am sorry, I meant no offense. I still didn’t see him there.”

Celestia nodded as she spoke. “I appreciate you telling us. You know a mare by the name of Winter Snow?”

“Yes. She and I met. She was a bit disturbed but not a bad pony. Why?”

“She had a gemstone that she said belonged to you.”

“She had it?” Asmara’s voice was slightly raised as she looked to the Sun Princess. “I lost it a few months ago. I didn’t even think of asking her about it.”

“She was in possession of it. It is no longer in her possession at this time.” Celestia went on. “It was retrieved by our investigator and he was in possession of it when he went missing.”

Asmara’s eyes widened at the Princesses words and herb hooves gripped the table. “He has it?” She said aloud. “But, how…”

“Due to his disappearance, the investigation has been put on hold.” She went on. “Are you certain you did not see him?”

“He had it?” She whispered aloud. “That’s not possible.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow at her as she was no longer looking at any of them. She was staring at the tabletop. Blue Blood stared at her, his nerves on edge. He leaned slightly more forward and he could see that her eyes were wide and unblinking. He said nothing as he glanced at his Aunts who also seemed to be waiting for her to say more. Her grandmother was silent as they waited for her to go on.

“Asmara?” Celestia said her name, her voice quiet as she regarded the mare.

Her head jerked up to see them, her eyes wide and had a crazed gleam to them. “That bastard had it with him?” Her words held venom as she spoke.

“He did.” Luna said aloud. “Now where is he?”

“I have no idea. But if he should survive the portal I tossed him into, then I will kill him myself for stealing that jewel from me.” She snarled.

Celestia startled at her vehemence and Luna looked ready to leap the table. Blue Blood stood up, his hooves on the tabletop. “You did what to him?”

“I kicked him through one of those portals in the ruins. If I had known he had my gemstone then I would have killed him first, then take back what is mine.” She replied. “That foolish mare couldn’t even stop him. So she gave me up and sent him after me. Did he even really kill her I wonder?”

Blue Blood remained standing as the Pegasus spoke. “He did. I was a witness to it.” He growled to her.

She looked at him, her eyes crazed as he spoke. “Lucky for her he was so understanding. I would have made her suffer. You have no idea what that gem can do. You’re all so focused on your own lives that you have no idea what awaits in the dark. That monster destroyed my parents and my uncle. It broke them like they were toys. It didn’t come after me since I had the gem with me and I would still have it if that fool mare hadn’t gotten caught by a lucky stallion. You all seem to think he can save you from that monster. He can’t. It will kill you too. If he has the gem then it can run rampant at any time. I pity you.” She snarled.

Celestia remained stone-faced at the mare’s venom laced speech. “He killed the monsters that were brought from the gem. He slew them easily and you wish to tell us that this creature would not fall to him?”

“It would leave him a smear on the ground.” She growled.

“I think that will be enough.” Fleeting Skies finally spoke up and slowly got to her hooves. “We will be leaving now. All you are doing is upsetting my granddaughter. I will not allow it to continue.”

“I’m afraid that she is not going anywhere.” Celestia said to her. “She is the only one that has seen our missing investigator and has admitted to pushing him into a portal that could very well have killed him or might have left him severely injured. Until he is found or evidence of his survival is found she will remain here.”

“I think not.” Fleeting Skies replied. “I will keep her in Canterlot but I am not going to allow my only grandchild to be tossed in a dungeon. What she has said could simply be a psychotic break and has no basis in truth. I’m sure you have seen her records.”

“We have and we think she knows more about both his disappearance and the deaths of the ponies that Winter Snow murdered to get to him.”

“Murder?” The elder mare gasped. “You would accuse her of murder?”

“We are not saying she killed anyone. We are saying that she gave the gem away to allow Winter Snow to use the gem to create portals that drew monsters to ponies and allowed it to kill them.” Luna said to her.

“What my sister means is that she was complacent and is, therefore, an accomplice. Until our investigator is found we will hold her here in comfort. I have no desire to imprison her in the lower dungeons.” Celestia clarified.

Asmara broke into a peal of laughter. “You mean the Element of Spirit? So one of your precious Elements is missing? I sent him through that portal.”

“Element of Spirit?” Fleeting Skies looked stricken at the words from her granddaughter. “You mean to tell me that black Unicorn was one of the Elements of Harmony?”

“Yes. One of the seven ponies that wield the Elements of Harmony.” Celestia replied.

“Without him the other Elements are useless. That Element is the strongest, without it the others are just a bunch of pretty paperweights.” Asmara growled and sat down.

Blue Blood remained standing as he regarded the mare before them. Beside her Fleeting Skies had sat back down and looked stricken. “What portal did you send him through?”

“The blue one. I couldn’t toss him over the railing to reach the others so I used that one.”

“How did you know what it would do to him?” Celestia asked her.

“I watched a couple of ponies use them before. Using the blue one up above sends you to the lower floor and you have to choose from the others to try to getaway. They used one of the purple ones and never came back.” She replied. “I have to admit I was a bit surprised when he didn’t appear in the room below. So I just assumed it killed him outright and I left.”

“You knew?” Fleeting Skies looked to her, her eyes wide and horrified.

“I’m sorry, Grammy. But yes. I did know.” Asmara replied, her tone soft when addressing her grandmother. “You can keep me here as long as you like but I have no idea where he is now. Good luck finding you’re missing Element.” She sneered.

Beside him Luna was staring at the mare, her eyes focused and held anger that Blue Blood found both frightening and justified. He looked to his Aunts and they were both staring at the audacity of the Pegasus mare before them. A knock on the outside door drew their attention for a moment and Blue Blood went to the door.

He pulled the door open slightly as a guard regarded him. “Twilight and her friends are here. Princess Celestia called for them.”

Blue Blood nodded. “Where are they?”

“In the throne room, my Prince.” He replied.

“Understood. I will let my Aunt know. Thank you.”

The guard nodded and Blue Blood slowly closed the door and then went to his Aunt's side. “Twilight and the others are here in the throne room.” He whispered to her and she nodded.

“Asmara, you will come with me and we shall meet with those who are also hunting for him and you will tell them what you know of him. Fleeting Skies. I am sorry, but you will be escorted home. Your granddaughter will remain here.” She said to them. Her voice was iron and held no room for arguments. The older mare nodded, her expression numb as she gave a gentle kiss to Asmara’s cheek and then left the room ahead of her. “Come.” She said and led them out of the room. Luna looked murderous as the Pegasus was shackled and led to the throne room.

Blue Blood could feel a cold drape coming over him. He was finding it hard to think that they had left the ruin and had not looked deeper for him. He suddenly looked back to the mare. “Did you leave a note behind?”

“No. Why would I?” Asmara sneered at him.

Luna pulled up next to him and he looked to her. “That note was not written by her. So somepony else did use the portals and warned us of them. So I know he made it out of there.”

Luna nodded and gave him a gentle nuzzle. “Thou should rest Nephew. Thou have been searching for days.”

“I know. I wish I could. I was tired going into the meeting, but now I’m wide awake.” He said to her.

“As are we.” She admitted to him. “Now we fear what may have happened.”

“Me too, Aunt Luna.” He whispered to her and nudged her shoulder with his own. “Will you be heading into the Dreamscape?”

“We were going to, but now that we have heard what was said, we find ourselves, hesitating.”

He nodded and lagged behind with the Moon Princess. Both of them trying not to fear the worst. As they fell farther behind Luna tried to smile as a thought occurred to her. “Is Rarity not among the ponies that will have come with Twilight Sparkle?”

Blue Blood stopped in his tracks and a look of fear crossed his face. “Oh no.” He said aloud. “I have not written her since this began.”

“We do not think she will be upset at thee.” The mare replied.

“She doesn’t need to be. I’m ashamed enough as it is.” Blue Bloods head drooped and the Alicorn mare nuzzled him gently. “I have been rude to her.”

“We are certain that she will not say that.”

“Of course not. She’s too kind for that.” He lamented.

“Then apologize if thee feel that it is warranted.” She said to him.

Blue Blood nodded and raised his head once more. He and Luna rejoined the others and walked into the throne room. The doors opened and they walked in. Celestia sat Asmara at the bottom of the stairs and bade her stay in place. The mare simply smiled and looked to the mares and baby dragon across the room. Her expression faltered a bit at the sight of the enormous saber-toothed tiger at Twilight side. Blue Blood and Luna walked up to join Celestia and sat down beside her. He kept his focus forward, trying not to look at the mares.

Sasa trotted up to the Royals and greeted each one in turn. She lingered next to Blue and sat beside him. A purr rumbled through her and he gave a weak smile in reply.

“Are you all right, Blue?” She asked him.

He looked to her and ducked his head to hide behind her. “Yes.” He whispered.

“I don’t believe you.” She teased.

“I have not written to Miss Rarity since this began and I fear that I have been cruel to her.” He whispered to the feline.

Sasa rumbled a laugh and nuzzled him. “The only way to get a letter to her easily had vanished. I know that she does not blame you for it. You are too hard on yourself, Blue. It will be fine.” She assured him and nuzzled him further. “You need to remember why you were not able to write and if you think she is angry then apologize to her. Rarity is no fool.”

Sasa sat quietly beside him. Her own heart was pounding, she knew who was coming to them. She had but to call on him and Oblivion would once more be among them. She missed him desperately and was elated at the thought of him walking through the doors or even teleporting into the room. As the moments ticked past her, she finally could no longer stand it and reached out to him.

“Chosen?” She reached out to him and received no immediate response. Panic lanced through her and she went still.

“I’m here.” He replied to her. “A moment.”

She could hear the weariness in his voice and waited a moment before she spoke. “Sorry Chosen. I panicked for a moment.”

“I know. I felt it.” He replied to her. “I assume you made it to Canterlot?”

“You are correct. But it looks like Asmara upset all of them already.”

“How do you mean?”

“Luna looks furious, Blue Blood is nearly trembling, and Celestia looks like she is about to banish the Pegasus mare to the moon.” She related to him. “I do not know what happened.”

“Find out if you can.”

“I will. Hold on.” She replied and looked to the pony beside her. “Blue?”


“What happened?”


“Before we got here. All of you look like you’ve been badly shaken.”

“Oh. We had a meeting with Asmara and her grandmother. She lost her mind when we mentioned that Oblivion has the gemstone. She admitted to kicking him through one of the portals and said a few things that were pretty…upsetting.” He admitted to her.

“Oh.” The feline replied. “Do not worry. It will be all right.” She assured him and reached out to the black Alicorn once more. “She said a few things in a meeting with them that hurt them. She admitted to kicking you through the portal after they admitted that you hold the gemstone.”

He replied. “That stone is the only connection she has to that day. I assume they are all assembled?”

“You assume correctly.” She said to him. “Please come.” She added to him.

“I’m already here.” He replied to her.

Sasa searched the room and her own senses came into focus and she realized that he was outside the door. Her head lifted and she stared at the door at the end of the room. “Welcome home, Chosen.”

52: He Returns to Their Side...

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His ears flicked forward as he finished speaking to Sasa. His mind reached out to the Elemental, ensuring that it was close to him and he could call upon it at any time. With the knowledge that it was close, he slid the gemstone back into his saddlebags and closed his eyes for a moment as he gathered himself. The solar guards stationed outside the throne room doors stared at him as he breathed in and pushed the doors open with his shoulder. Every set of eyes in the room turned to the doors as he emerged from behind them. He could feel their stares as he began to walk forward. His hooves thudded dully against the red carpet that led to Celestia and Luna. He could see the shocked stare of Asmara as she stared at him from her place on the floor before them. He glanced to the side and found Twilight, Applejack and the others staring at him, clear joy in their eyes. He could see that Luna had stood up and was watching as he walked toward them. Celestia stared as he stopped for a moment as he looked to the side of them. The mares and Spike stared as he then walked to them.

Applejack stared at him as he stopped in front of them. He was covered from horn to tail in dirt and mud. She opened her mouth to speak but no sound came from her. The black stallion was right in front of her and she had nothing to say. She knew that she should be angry at him and tell him off for vanishing but nothing came from her still open mouth. As she tried to speak again a strangled hiccup broke from her, and she breathed in to avoid crying aloud. Oblivion was quiet as she finally broke from her silence and sob tore from her as she jumped forward and wrapped her forelegs around his neck. The farm mare had never been one to cry when others could easily see her but the fact that he was right in front of her once more was too much for her to hide. His forelegs wrapped around her and he held her as she cried. She startled as Sasa nuzzled closer to her and she wrapped one of her legs around the furry feline and held onto her as well.

“You’re in so much trouble.” She finally croaked out.

“I’m sure.” He replied and she chuckled at his voice.

He sounded the same as always and she pulled back from him and he released her and sat down to look at her. His orange eyes blazed back at her and she smiled. “Yer gonna have to tell Granny and Apple Bloom what happened.”


“Ah told Big Mac ya were missing, but I couldn’t tell Granny and Bloom. Ah knew it would hurt them even more than it hurt us.” She admitted and felt the weight of that secret come off of her shoulders.

“Understood.” He replied to her.

Twilight came up to him as Applejack backed up to allow the others to get closer to him. Spike jumped from her back and she lunged to him to hug him as well. His fur was dirty and matted in places but she paid no attention to any of that. Spike jumped to the stallion's shoulder and held onto him, laying partially cross the stallion’s withers. Twilight watched as Oblivion looked to the baby dragon, who looked to him, realizing that he had not asked to jump to his back. Oblivion said nothing and held Twilight as Spike laughed and held onto the stallion, a smile crossing his face. Twilight closed her eyes as tears spilled from her eyes, falling to the Black Unicorns fur.

“Welcome home.” She whispered to him and held him tighter.

“Thank you.” He said to her.

The purple Unicorn was quiet as she released him and wiped her tears away, her smile stayed in place on her muzzle as the black Unicorn sat in silence before them.

She stepped back and watched as Rarity and Fluttershy both went up to him, hugging him tightly as he allowed them to hold tightly to him. The Unicorn mare looked at him and she could see that he had not only mud and dirt on his fur but she could see splashes of dried blood but she didn’t see any wounds on his body so she chose to remain quiet about it. She scooted to sit next to Applejack, who still sniffled at the sight of her eldest brother. She wrapped one foreleg around the other's shoulders and smiled at her.

“It’s gonna be okay now. He’s back and everything can go back to a new normal.” She said to her friend, trying to bring a greater smile to her face.

“Ah know. But it’s hard when Ah think of how long he was gone before anypony even noticed. He’d been gone a week or more when we realized that he was gone.” She admitted.

Twilight nodded to her. “I know. But he came back. It took a little bit but he’s with us again.” She replied.

“Yer right. Ah, need to be happy that he made it home to all of us.” She said and hugged the purple Unicorn tightly.

Rainbow hoof bumped the stallion as Rarity and Fluttershy released him and Pinkie bounced up to him and began to speak much too fast for any of them to easily understand her and they all simply laughed as Oblivion nodded to her and sighed as his horn lit and stopped her bouncing and speaking for a moment and he set her down gently.

“I would prefer no parties but I am going to assume that you are going to host one anyway.” He said to her and she nodded frantically in reply. “Then I will attend but do recall that I am not fond of sweets.” He reminded her gently and she nodded she released his magic and she leaped up to hug him as well.

Oblivion was quiet as the mares laughed at his words to Pinkie and he glanced over his shoulder as the Royals remained in place waiting for him to return to them. The stallion got to his hooves and, after looking to the mares and waiting for Spike to slide from his back to the ground, he walked back to the others. Luna jumped from the elevated spot she sat in and hugged him tightly.

“Welcome home, my friend.” She said to him.

“Thank you, Luna.” He said to her and patted her back as she held him.

The Lunar Princess released him and waited as Celestia came down from her seat and hugged him as well. Behind her, Blue Blood stood patiently.

“Thank Equestria you’re okay.” She said to him and released him after a few moments. “You’re not hurt?”

“No. I’m fine. A bit worn out, but otherwise fine.” He related to her.

“That’s good to hear. You have been sorely missed.” The Sun Princess said to him.

“So I have been told. Sasa was quite deafening in her glee as well.” He replied as the feline in question nuzzled his hip and nodded at his words.

“She was the most upset I think.” Blue Blood admitted as he approached the stallion.

“How have you been, Blue?” The black pony asked.

“As well as I can be I think.” He replied. “When this is over I will need your help though.” He whispered to the other as he hoof bumped the other Unicorn.


“Yeah. I’ll explain later.” He replied.

Oblivion nodded to the other stallion and looked to the mare that sat on the floor close by. His eyes met hers and she glared at him, a look he recalled from their last meeting. Her spirit roiled within her and he could see her anger coming to the surface as well.

“You could have mentioned before that you had my necklace.” She spat at him as he approached her and stood in front of her.

“You did not ask about it.” He countered. “I am not in the habit of giving more than what is asked for.”

She glowered at him as she shook her head at his words. “Right. And you would have told me the truth?”

“I had no reason not to at the time.” He replied to her.

Behind him, Celestia, Luna and Blue Blood all moved to their prior positions and waited as the stallion spoke to the Pegasus further. The mare went quiet as she looked to the others around her then back to the stallion ahead of her.

“So gonna sentence me now?” She sneered.

“Not yet.” He replied. “For now I want to know how all of this came to be. How did you come to the decision to release the gemstone you view as so precious to a mare that you barely knew?”

“How do you know how long I have known her? For all that you know I could have known her all our lives.” She replied.

“Her village was destroyed when she was very young and she was taken and abused by those that destroyed the village and only escaped when they grew complacent with her binds and she killed them as they slept. It’s not possible for you to have known her that long.” He replied to her swiftly. “You met her at the library where she was researching the Elements of Harmony.”

The mare was stunned at his knowledge of details that she had not mentioned to anypony else. “How do you know that?”

“I have a magic of my own little Pegasus. You would do well to recall that detail. The gem you had was stolen from another location and its power is what drew the monster that killed your family. When your Uncle cut the gem it summoned the Elemental and drew it to you. It attacked those it viewed as the enemy. You survived due to holding the gem and it would not risk damaging it further.” He related to her, her eyes going wide as he spoke further.

“You can’t know that.” She said to him.

“I know a great deal more than that. I know that you were born to another name. You took this one when your mother died in front of you and you told the guards to call your Asmara as it means Vengeance.” He said to her.

The Pegasus mare tried to back away from him as he spoke. His tone was a matter of fact and he spoke with absolute confidence in his words. Her eyes were wide as she realized that he knew more than she had thought. The black stallion stared back at her, his orange eyes were bright as he regarded her, his expression unreadable. She looked to the others and they were all waiting for him to go on.

“Striking Sky.” He spoke aloud her name of old and she stared at him once more.

“I had my name changed a few years ago.” She replied.

“I know. But that does not change the name that you discarded in favor of the one you have taken.” He said to her.

“You know more than I gave you credit for. But I have no reason to listen to you either.” She said back to him.

“Perhaps not. But you carried the gem for a long enough time to have come to understand something of it. Am I incorrect?” He asked her and she glared at him.

“I know that I want that monster dead. I figured that the only gem strong enough to fight it would be one of the Elements of Harmony. Winter Snow was after the Element of Spirit. I agreed to let her use the gem and see if it could draw you out.” She snapped at him.

“True. And you were told that I bore the Element that was needed.” He said to her, his tone matter of fact.

“How do you know it isn’t common knowledge?” She snapped back.

“If anypony was asked who bore them I doubt they could easily pick out either me or the others from a group of ponies. Don’t act the fool when you are not one.”

Her eyes widened at his sharp tone and then snorted. “A friend told me.”

“A clerk here in the palace, by the name of Second Sight.” He supplied.

She stared at him and a snort broke form her once more. “She gave me up as well?”

“Not in the slightest. She has no idea that you have been brought up on charges I assume?” He said and looked over his shoulder to the Royal sisters, who nodded. “She has not been made aware so far as I know.”

“That’s a bit surprising I admit.” The Pegasus replied. “She hates you, you know.”

“I gathered as much from our first meeting.” He commented.

“Yeah. She’s pretty set in her opinion that you’re evil.” She chuckled as she spoke.

“I have been hated by many and all have failed to end my life, so I am not as concerned as one might think.”

“She was so mad when you were allowed to attack her. That was quite the magic trick by the way.”

“There was no magic being used. What she was struck with is a skill that I have.”

“Skill? Using fire without magic or a torch? Right.”

Oblivion looked at her and stomped one hoof as a small bit of Igni flashed and she yelped at the sight. She looked up to check his horn and found that there was no aura surrounding the curved horn. She stared and then looked to the small curve of burned carpet left behind.

“Okay. So maybe it is a skill.” She admitted and looked to him. “She still hates you though.”

“That is her choice. I do not particularly care if she cares for me or not. Did she know of the plan you had to give the gem to Winter Snow for her to use?”

The mare shrugged and gave him a bored expression. “Sight and I went to school together. She’s the only good friend I have. She knew that I was asking around about the Elements of Harmony and she told me about you. So I told Winter about you and she was so happy about it that it was almost annoying. But I figured that having her focus on getting the Element was going to work out for both of us. After all, a gem strong enough to go against mine is worth possessing.”

“Her efforts proved for naught as thee can now see.” Luna spat to her.

“Yeah. I wasn’t sure if she would be good enough but I figured she had the magic to maybe grab the Element and just run for it.” Asmara replied.

“Clearly not,” Celestia spoke up.

Sasa snarled as she sat next to the Black Unicorn. A look from Oblivion silenced her as she nudged his hip once more. The stallion as quiet as he regarded the now silent mare.

“Her magic was enough to catch my attention and she was able to evade me once but not twice. I took both items that she had from her.”

“I was gonna ask about that other necklace she had. The one that she said could mind control ponies. I guess it was a lie as well.” Asmara interrupted him.

“No. It did as she said it would. It simply could not control me and I shattered it once I got a hoof on it.” He supplied.

The mare paused for a moment. “Well, I suppose it can’t control the Elements of Harmony then.”

“It tried and might have succeeded had I not been a Witcher.” He admitted.

“A monster hunter in Equestria. I have to admit that’s new. But I can’t help but wonder where these little doorways sent you.”

“Do you wish to know that badly?” He asked and she shrugged but looked expectantly at him. “It sent me back to my own land.”

“Ya went all the way back ta where yer from?” Applejack asked him.

“Yes. It took time to get back. I had to ask for help from a fellow Witcher and a couple of others.” He said to Applejack. “But I have returned because I am needed here and here is where I will remain.”

The others smiled at his words and he refocused on the Pegasus mare once more. She glared at him as a door off to the side opened and a mare walked in. Oblivion immediately knew her and he watched as she approached, her eyes looking at the forms in her magic. Her green coat and her magnifying glass marking told him who she was. She paused when she was close to ten feet from the dais where the Royals sat.

“Princess. I am sorry to disturb you, but I brought those…” Her eyes widened as she saw the black Unicorn looking over his shoulder to her. Her magic faltered and she dropped the documents she carried.

Oblivion stared back at her for a moment before he saw her eyes fall to the shackled Pegasus at his hooves. They widened further when Asmara shrugged at her in response to the stare she was receiving from her Unicorn friend. “Asmara?”

“Hey there Second Sight. How are you doing?” The other replied.

“I’m not sure now.” She responded.

“Second Sight, you are close to this young mare?” Celestia asked, her voice calm.

“Yes. She’s a close friend. We grew up together. What is going on, Princess?” She asked and stepped forward. “And what has he done to her?”

Luna looked annoyed as she opened her mouth to speak, only for Celestia to nudge her into silence. “She is being detained at this moment.”

“What did he do?” Second Sight persisted.

“He has done nothing wrong. We asked him to investigate the reports of strange monsters that were killing ponies in the outer villages. He put a stop to one of them and detained another mare that had been bringing the monsters here for an unknown purpose.” Celestia explained. “She was questioned and it turned out that she was using a gemstone to summon portals to another land to summon the monsters. Her goal was to take the Element of Spirit and use it to subjugate me and my sister.”

“Nothing can do that though.” Second Sight said to her.

“The Element of Spirit is the strength of the Elements of Harmony. It is possible that it could exactly as she hoped it could.” Celestia’s replied.

Oblivion said nothing and allowed the possibility of her words being true to hang in the air. The clerk’s eyes widened once more at the implication for the Sun Princess's words. He cast a glance to Asmara who was looking to him as they spoke.

“So it came to our attention that the gemstone was owned by Asmara herself. And after further investigation, Oblivion discovered that the gemstone was given up willingly to draw him out to allow the Element to be stolen from him. Six ponies have died from these monsters that were summoned and released. That was known to your friend and she is counted as an accessory to murder. That is why she is being detained at this time.” The Princess went on.

“What? But how do you know he didn’t cook all this up on his own?” She replied, pointing a hoof to the Witcher.

“That is preposterous,” Luna spoke up, her voice showing her disdain and clear anger at the implications. “Oblivion Shadow is a Witcher of renown and has no reason to fabricate any of what you have heard. We also spoke with the mare, Winter Snow, and she confirmed everything as well.”

“Second Sight, your anger towards him is beginning to border on obsession. We have spoken about this.” Celestia said to her.

“But.” She tried to argue. “Assie would never hurt anypony. I have known her all my life.”

“That may be but she has admitted to giving the gem to Winter Snow, knowing what she planned to do with it,” Celestia said to her.

“But he doesn’t like me so he could have gone after my best friend in revenge!” She argued.

“I forgot all about you until you were mentioned recently,” Oblivion spoke up at her outburst. “I care very little what you or any other may think of me, so I forgot you as soon as I left that room that night.”

Luna snickered behind a hoof and Blue Blood rolled his eyes at the Witcher’s words. Celestia smiled and nodded in agreement. “Oblivion is not a pony that concerns himself with petty revenge, Second Sight. He has not asked about you since that night nor has he spoken of any kind of dislike toward you. I am afraid that your claim has no standing.”

She stared at the Princess of the Sun, her mouth slightly agape as she listened to the Princess speak. She looked from the Royals to the black Unicorn that still stood with his back to her, showing that he did not consider her any type of threat to his own safety. At his hooves, Asmara had taken her eyes off of the stallion and was now looking to her friend. Oblivion paused as the clerks head lowered and her eyes were now shrouded behind her forelock. The black Unicorn turned his body till his side facing her as her horn lit and was shrouded in her aura.

A loud click caught his attention as he looked to Asmara to find the shackles opened and she jumped away from him as he reached out a hoof to her. A smile crossed her muzzle as she waited for him to take a step toward her before her bracelet flashed and a tremor went through the floor under his hooves. His claws gripped the carpet as the mare took flight and broke through the near stained glass window. Oblivion galloped after her and watched as she flew away from them. He was aware that his own magic could bring her back but he paused as a thought caught his attention.

Beside him, Luna snarled as the mare paused in the air and watched them. “No Luna.” He interrupted her as her horn lit up.

“Why?” She asked of him as her aura faded.

“I have a better way.” He replied and his magic pulled the gemstone from his saddlebag and it slid over his head and sat easily around his neck. He looked down at the city below and saw where it had all began. He gave a shrill whistle to the mare and pointed a hoof down to the city. His horn lit and he teleported to the ground below. He spun as he lifted the gem around his neck, allowing the sun to strike it and it glittered in the sunlight. Asmara dove toward him and he dropped to the ground as she tried to take it from him.

“That’s mine!” She yelled at him as she spun in the air and paused to wait for him to stand.

“I am aware. It was once yours, but it now belongs to me.” He said to her and dropped the stone to lay close to the Element around his neck.

He watched as her eyes widened, he could see her spirit roll within her, rage bubbling to the surface at his claim. She dropped to the ground and watched him closely. Oblivions magic reached out and gripped the gem, calling the Elemental to his command.

53: An Unknown Appears...

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The road began to tremble as what felt like a small earthquake began to roll the earth under them. The enraged mare's eyes remained on him and he allowed it as the Elemental began to pull from the ground twenty feet away from them. He heard ponies screaming as they scrambled to get away from the moving ground. Asmara finally looked away from him and her eyes widened as the monster from her past and the one that still haunted her nightmares pulled free of the ground. Its dimensions had changed only a few feet due to the commands that the Witcher had given it. She stared, fear slowly coming to her eyes and face as it remained still and silent in place.

“Whoa, Nelly!” Applejack cried out as she and the others paused at the edge of the small town square.

Oblivion glanced to them as they all paused at the sight before them. The Royals were not far behind as Celestia teleported herself and Blue Blood down to the city with the others, joining Luna. Twilight looked to him, fear in her eyes as he stood thirty feet away from them, the Elemental between them. Asmara looked to him as the monster remained still.

“What have you done?” She asked him.

Oblivion looked to her and his will reached out to the monster, willing it to advance several steps. The others cried out and scrambled away as Asmara backed up several feet at its movement. “You wished revenge!” Oblivion yelled to her. “Now is your chance. Or will you flee?”

The Pegasus said nothing at his words while the monster was still. Oblivion reached out to the Elemental and released his hold on its movement, allowing it to move freely. The creature shifted in place and its eyes scanned over the ponies close to it. At his side Sasa stood in silence, her body tensed and ready should the need arise. The creature’s eyes finally landed on the mare that once held the gem in her possession. Oblivion could sense that a part of the mare’s body remembered the magic that came from the gemstone itself. A part of her retained an understanding of the gemstone and the Elemental itself.

As the monster regarded her the Pegasus was still as stone. Oblivion kept a close eye on the situation, should the need to command the Elemental arise. He watched as the bracelet on her foreleg flashed and she took to the air. He watched as an aura surrounded her form and her speed increased. He watched as she banked and the bracelet flashed once more. He could see the aura increase around her as it formed a bubble-like a globe around her. She collided violently with the Elemental and it staggered as she struck its head. The globe around her faded and she gained altitude once more. The Elemental roared and slammed one large foot into the ground, upending several slabs of stone and dirt. It picked one up and tossed the slab at the still flying mare. When she dodged it Oblivions own magic gripped the stone slab and brought it back to the group of them and set it aside. The mare wheeled in the air and once more charged the creature. Her bracelet once more flashed and the shield once more took its place around her. Oblivions' orange eyes followed the battle as it went on. Asmara employed much the same tactic as she attacked the creature.

Twilight and the others stood in stunned silence as Oblivion allowed the mare to fight the monster that had come from within the ground under their hooves. She glanced to the Elemental as the Pegasus collided with it once more, knocking a chunk of stone from its shoulder. She looked to the Princesses and they were watching closely as well as the monster tossed stone slabs at the mare and Oblivion brought them back. She watched as the Witcher hadn’t moved from his original place and said nothing as the fight went on. Her horn lit as she planned to teleport to his side to ask him what his plan was. He looked to him as his head slowly turned to her as he slowly shook his head.


Oblivion looked to the feline as he looked back to the fight. “Yes?”

“Why stop her from coming to you?”

“I do not need help with what I am doing.” He replied as his magic once more pulled a slab of stone back to them. “I cannot keep an eye on her as well.”

“What are you planning, Chosen?” She nuzzled his shoulder as she questioned him.

“You will see.”

The feline at his side was quiet as the mare began to tire, her anger and rage failing her. Oblivions eyes followed her as the bracelet on her leg flashed faintly and she charged the Elemental one last time. As she neared it the shield around her failed and the Elemental swung an arm toward her. A faint cry came from her as the Elementals hand gripped her in its hand. Oblivions horn glowed with azure flame as the mare struggled in the creature's grasp, while the Witcher commanded the Elemental to hold her. Oblivions' horn remained alight as he approached the Elemental, who still held the mare tightly. Around his neck, the gemstone glowed brightly as the Elemental turned to face the stallion.

“What is going on?” Asmara raged to him as her eyes fell on him. “What did you do?”

The black stallion was quiet as the Elemental waited for his command. Oblivions' orange eyes gave off a slight glow as he looked back to her. “I gave you what you have wanted for so long. You fought the monster from your nightmares and did not die from it.” He eased to her.

“That’s not what I want!” She screamed at him.

“You must realize that you can’t kill it.” He said back to her.

“Everything dies.” She snapped at him.

“Not everything.”

Asmara snarled at him as she struggled in the monsters stone grip. “Now what?” She growled. “Why hasn’t it killed me?”

“After holding the gem for so long you don’t know anything about it. What you hold is a gem that is older than anypony here. It was stolen from a place of great power and when they finished with it they released it into the world. Your family was unfortunate enough to come into contact with it and cutting it apart only enraged the Elemental that was to protect and retrieve it.” He said to her. His voice was quiet enough to not be heard by the others as he spoke to the Pegasus mare.

“What insanity are you spouting?” She growled.

Oblivion sighed and levitated the gem in his magic. “You live because I have willed it.”

“What?!” She screamed at him.

“I command the Elemental. My will commands it and I do not wish for you die today. So I have commanded it to hold you still.”

The mare's eyes widened as she listened to him speak. “That’s not possible.” She whispered.

“I assure you I speak the truth.”

“How could you control it? That’s impossible.”

“I am a Witcher of the School of the Wolf. My emotions were taken from me a long time ago. When I hold the gemstone there is no emotion for it to feed off of and react to. You hold it then it reacts to the rage and pain you feel for the Elemental.” He replied to her. “Your pain feeds it to act in rage and attack. Without that, it is dormant, as you can see.” Oblivion released his magic and the gem fell to his chest, by the medallion. The Elementals eyes went dark as it remained in the same position that Oblivion had commanded it to stay in.

Asmara’s eyes were wide as the reality began to soak in. “That’s not…How could you…Why?” She leveled a glare at him as the reality sunk into her mind. “You are using it to torment me then?”


“Then why?”

“Closure.” He said to her, his voice quiet.

She was still as he spoke only the one word. “Closure? You think I want that?”

“No. I know it’s not what you want. But it is what you need. I’m not saying to forgive, but even you must realize the folly of holding onto the rage you have and expecting yourself to be able to kill something that it not killable.”

“I told you, everything dies.”

“And I told you not everything. Some do not have the option of dying in peace or dying at all. You’re striving for something that is impossible. Surely you must have noticed that the Elemental will not fall. You knocked a few stones from its hide but nothing more. Not even if you have the power of a Unicorn could you destroy it? If it fell it would go back to the ground and come back twice as fierce and with the same lifespan.”

“You don’t know that!”

“I do. I have lived far longer than most ponies and I have seen Elementals like this one before and they do not fall for very long. Even if I stopped one and sent it to the ground it would return the next day. They are of the earth and soil.”

Asmara had tears in her eyes as he spoke. “It would never stop?”

“No. The only way to end this fight is with your death or to return the stone to where it belongs.”

“And that’s what you’re going to do?”

“Yes. I will be leaving from here to return it to its proper place and that will allow those connected to it to recover.”

“Or I can take that stone back and break it.” She snarled out.

“Not possible. Surely you noticed over time how the stone did not chip or scuff after the cuts that were made by your Uncle. It cannot be hurt again.”

“That’s not…”

“Possible? I assure you it is. You have wasted your life pursuing something that you have no business tangling with.”

“How come it never attacked me before?”

“You were not a threat to it. Shall I show you what it considers a threat?”

“How can you do that? By throwing emotion at it? How stupid.”

Oblivion removed his medallion and held it in his magic. The medallion shone in the sunlight and he brought it close to the Elementals hand and it reached for the medallion and the Element of Harmony that was wrapped around it. Asmara cried out in surprise as Oblivion pulled back and slid the medallion back over his head and let it settle back against his chest.

“It considers the Element an enemy. I found this out when I took it from Winter Snow. If she had been able to take the Element from me then bringing them together would have been deadly for you both. Even if she held my Element of Harmony there is no way she could have controlled it and you would not have been able to stop the Elemental from attacking the Element and probably killing you both.” He informed her.

She was silent as he explained. “So I would never have gotten my revenge, even with the strongest of the Elements?”

“No. You would have been the next one it killed.”

Sasa growled at the mare as she tried to glare through tears. The Pegasus was silent as she looked away from him and to the Elemental that held her. Neither of them said anything as the mare began to understand what he had been telling her.

As her thoughts cleared and she began to understand what he had been telling her all along. His ability to control the monster that had haunted her for years tore at her and filled her heart with anger. Her body trembled in the monsters grasp and she found herself at its mercy and by extension, his. The Black Unicorn was silent as he regarded her, his orange eyes bright. She looked to the growling tiger at his side and she knew that if she tried to hurt him the cat would tear her apart. The cat’s huge front teeth were enough to give her pause. Her bracelet was out of magic and it would take hours for it to recharge. She looked back to the stallion and found he was not looking at her any longer. His gaze was traveling around him, he seemed to be looking at the destruction of the courtyard around them.

“Worried about the cost of the little fight you let go on?” She snidely said to him. “I’m sure those chunks of stone have hurt some pony.”

She wanted a look of shock or even pain to cross his eyes but nothing happened as he suddenly tipped his horn to the side. She looked over and her eyes widened at the sight of the pile of stone slabs that stood in a pile off to the side. “Or not.” She said aloud and huffed at the sight. “You could have stopped me before when I kicked you through that portal.”

“Probably.” He replied to her.

“So why let me fight back?”

“I am not in the business of forcing you to do anything. It is not my place to command you. I had not intended on slinging you over my back to bring you back here.” He responded to her.

“So why? Why would you even let me fight this thing here? Even though you knew it was pointless.”

“It may have been pointless but you would not have accepted that had I told you. You would have thought I lied to you.”

He was quiet as she looked away to the pile of stones once more. “So you're trying to let me realize that what I was doing was…just…what?”

“Drawing it out. It’s like a wound that has been allowed to fester too long. Eventually, you have to choose.”

“Which is?”

“Either lance it and let it heal or let it kill you slowly over time.” He replied to her.

Asmara stared at him and her eyes filled with tears as his words began to sink in. The stallion was quiet as he allowed her to process things on her own time. As he waited for her to speak his medallion trembled and he looked around him to locate the source.


Sasa collided with his shoulder, shoving him to the side, and knocking him off his hooves. The cat cried out as he rolled to his hooves and looked up to find several ponies advancing on him slowly from across the courtyard. They broke into a trot as screams began to sound out from around them. Oblivion looked up as fires began to spring up from around the courtyard. Sasa slowly got to her paws and she came to his side, a heavy limp in her right foreleg.



“Can you run?”

“Yes. But I will not leave you.” She said to him.

“You have to. I need you to help the others get ponies to safety. We stepped into something and I can’t stop this if I am worried about them and you.” He snapped at her.

The feline looked from him to the advancing group of ponies and back to him. “What do we do?”

“Lead them. Find those that need your help. Talk to them through Blue Blood.”


“Now go, Sasa. Please.” He said to her and pulled his steel sword free of its scabbard.

Sasa nuzzled him and limped to the stunned ponies. Oblivion watched as they leaped forward to gallop up to him. He planted one black hoof and a flick of one fore hoof sent Quen into place over his body. Around him, Yrden created a circle around him. He backed up a few steps and waited for them to reach him. The black Unicorn looked to the others and watched as they fled from the area to tend to the city around them. He saw Celestia and Luna take to the air and wing their way away from him. His magic reached out to command the Elemental to raise itself to its full thirty-foot height and keep the Pegasus out of the way.

The ponies reached him a moment later as they entered the circle ahead of them. The stallion in the front cried out as his hooves slowed and he reared up as Oblivions sword swung toward him and it nicked across his skin over his belly. He spun away from a mare as she lunged to him, her horn alight as she fired a blast of magic at him, trying to throw him from his hooves once more. The black stallion whirled around, his hooves collided with her chest, sending her rolling back with a scream of pain.

None of them said anything and the Witcher was just as silent and they began to spin through a dance that would only end when one or all of them fell. Oblivion was well acquainted with the dance that he was now embroiled in, the dance of death. The stallion was silent as the other four ponies surrounded him and he let his ears flick back to listen to the movement of the other two behind him while his eyes stayed on the pair in front of him. His ears flicked from one to the other as they moved. Quen still shone over his body and he reached out to the other blade on his girth and pulled the blade he had taken from the Witcher of the Cat and brandished them both in his magic. He did not dual wield often but he was good enough to use it now.

Sasa ran between Twilight and Blue Blood as they ran from house to house and tried to get as many ponies out of danger as possible and then get back to the Witcher as quickly as she could. On her other side, Blue Blood was with her since he could hear her speak. She looked to the next house and her ears picked up the sound of sobbing.

“Blue!” She cried out to the stallion as she slid to a stop. “In here.”

The stallion lunged into the house, Twilight on his heels as they called for the ponies inside to come to them. They came out of the house a minute later, three ponies ahead of them. Twilight lit up her horn and sent a blast of magic into the air to alert any guards close by to come to them and pick up the injured ponies.

“Cross?” Sasa said as the Thestral came to them, his wings flapping swiftly to get to them as quickly as possible.

“Cross?” Blue looked up at the cat's yowl of greeting. “It’s good to see you, Cross. Are you alone?”

“Yes. I can carry them, don’t worry. Oblivions training did nothing if help me get stronger.” The Thestral said to them as he bustled the two foals onto his back and then hovered above the mare with them. He wrapped his forelegs around her barrel and after making sure the little ones were holding tight he took to the air.

“Safe flight!” Blue called out to him.

The Thestral looked down and nodded as he vanished above the houses. “Next!” Sasa shouted and led them onward.

“Sasa, is Oblivion okay?” Twilight asked her as they ran.

“Yes. He will be fine. If he needs help he can command that the Elemental help him.”

Blue stared at the feline as he related the cat’s words to the purple Unicorn. “He can control it?”

“Yes. That gemstone he wears can control it. He doesn’t have enough emotions to make it attack out of his command. So it answers to him. I don’t know everything about it but he can use it.” She stopped at another house and pushed against the front door. “Inside.” She called to blue Blood.

Twilight’s horn lit up with her aura as she blasted the front door from its hinges. “Come outside!” She yelled into the house as a foal and a stallion stumbled out of the house.

“Thank you. The door was blocked!” He said to them as the purple mare sent a blast of magic skyward once more.

“You’re safe now,” Blue said to him and they all looked up to the sky as one of the royal guard descended and picked them up to take them to safety.

“Keep going. Twilight said. “Sasa lead on.”

The feline forged ahead, despite the pain in her shoulder, and led the two Unicorns forward. “We are getting to the end of the street. Where are the others?” She asked as they got to the end of the street and Blue Blood sent out a golden blast of magic into the air.

“Blue!” A voice called out from above them.

“Silver?” Blue recognized the armored Pegasus. “Where are the others?”

“Your friends are by the park, Miss Twilight. They are moving through the parkway houses.” Silver related to them.

“How far do the fires go?”

“They stop a mile ahead of the blue districts.” He replied. “The fires are getting pushed back but the damage is pretty significant.”

“At least the fires are getting pushed back. Any known casualties?” Blue asked him.

“A few dead yes.” He replied with a sad expression. “But most that we find are injured. So far as I know only around five are dead. The rest injured or scared."

“Where are Striker and Vantage?” Blue asked. “I thought the four of you had been put into a group due to the training from Oblivion.”

“They went to him.” Silver replied, a slight smile on his muzzle.

“They did?” Twilight asked. “Why?”

“Oblivion trained the four guards that went with him to hunt the Leshen. Because of that, we were put into a specialty group that is going to be under his command to hunt monsters.” He said to them. “But now isn’t the time to discuss this. Come. I’ll lead you out of danger and to the others. Other teams are covering the other direction so your magic is needed elsewhere.”

The two Unicorns nodded and Sasa backed up from them. “You’re going to be okay now. I need to get back to him.” She said aloud to Blue Blood.

“Be careful Sasa. Keep him safe, we just got him back.” Blue said to her and he rubbed a hoof over her head and she purred in reply.

“I will. Be safe.” She said to them and whirled to leave them behind her as she galloped back to The Witcher.

Oblivion snorted as he backflipped away from a hard buck from one of his attackers. The mare he had kicked was standing off to the side, firing magic at him and waiting for an opening. His body was used to combat but his body was tired and worn from his journey to return to Equestria. He could sense that Sasa was a distance from him and he focused on the ponies ahead of him. The group of four lunged to him and he sent a gout of Igni and they cried out as the flames licked at their flesh. The Black Unicorn was still quiet as he conserved his energy and only attacked when he was going to be able to drive them back. The flames faded and he lunged ahead, his blade licked over the pale stallion's shoulder and embedded deep into the meat of his shoulder. The pony screamed and pulled away, blood splattered the ground as he rolled away.

Oblivion reared back as two of the remaining ponies lunged to him and he released his claws and they tore at the ponies who were closest to him. His claws tore at the neck of the mare and she cried out and pulled back. The remaining stallion spun and a solid buck landed on Oblivions lowered chest and diaphragm. He grunted as the kick pushed him back and he staggered as his breath was violently pushed out of him. He snorted and tried to get to his hooves to avoid them. He looked up as a blast of magic tore toward him and he turned his head to allow the magic to impact his neck and not his face.

A sound of impacted metal caught his ears and he looked up to find a pair of armored guards standing in front of him. “Sir?” Vantage looked back to him.

“Vantage?” Oblivion started to get up but paused as he pulled air into his lungs.

“I got you.”

A pair of hooves pulled him to his hooves and he looked to the other guard. “Striker? What in the Gods name are you two doing here?”

“We can explain later, Sir.” Vantage said to him. “I think we have the fight to finish.”

"We stand with you, Sir.” Striker said to him and they took positions on either side of him.

“Very well.” He agreed and stepped forward, the two guards flanking him.

Sasa galloped through the city, racing back to where still Oblivion fought. Her shoulder burned from the attack earlier but she refused to slow or let it stop her. Her body flowed over the ground as her natural grace allowed her to cover a greater distance with the least amount of effort. She could sense that Oblivion was tired and he needed to rest, but she knew that he would not be able to rest yet, not until this was over. She was glad to hear that Striker and Vantage would be joining the Witcher ahead of her and she allowed herself to go as fast as she dared with her injured shoulder.

She came to a sliding stop as a scream caught her attention. She looked around her and began to scan the surrounding buildings. Many of which were still on fire and she stopped as the door a house ahead of her was thrown open and a pony fell out of it. She trotted up to see that the pony had died and she looked inside to see a small foal sitting in the middle of the doorway. The foal cringed at the sight of the large cat and she blinked as he whimpered and began to cry louder. She looked around, hoping to find a pony that could tend to the foal but her eyes found nothing that could draw attention to her and her need for aid.

“Oh my.” She whispered to herself and walked slowly to the foal. “Hold still little one.” She willed it as she spoke to herself.

Her jaws went gently around the small pony and she gripped him as tightly as she dared. Her front teeth made it difficult for her to grip him but she made sure to have a strong grip on his mane and what little skin that she dared to hold in her teeth. The pony whimpered and began to sob as she carried him out of the house.

She looked down the sides of the streets and tried to focus on what little sense she had in the World Spirit through Oblivion. She focused on the light that came from those she was close to. The closest to her was Luna. She focused on her and began to trot toward the mare. The foal whined in her jaws and she slowly broke into a run to get him to safety. As she raced forward as she could hear the sound of wood snapping around her. The foal cried out as she jumped a fallen tree and his cries made her pause. She lowered him to the ground to get a better grip on him and he started to paw at her to get her away from him. He rolled onto his back to stop her from picking him up. She snarled and the tiny pony went still as she rolled him to his hooves and picked him up once more. Her jaws held him as gently as she dared and once more began to run to safety. She focused on Luna's signature and slowly she neared the Alicorn Princess.

“Luna, where are you?” She said aloud and began to search the skies as she navigated the burning streets.

In her jaws, the foal was quiet as he curled up into a ball to avoid the fires as the enormous cat cut down an alley to avoid the fires. The feline slid to a stop at the sight of the fire at the end of the alleyway. The foal began to cry once more as she scanned the area around her. Her eyes found a slim pathway that had been made by a fallen roof and she jumped to land on it, digging her claws into the wood and she slowly scaled the roof pathway, with the foal in her teeth. She reached the top of the roofline and she began to scan around her, a dark blue Alicorn caught her attention.

“There you are.” She said to herself and after making sure the roof was safe she lowered the small pony onto the roof and inhaled.

Her roar shook the rooftop and the foal cried out as he covered his ears with his hooves. She watched as Luna spun in the air and saw the saber cat and flew toward her. Under her paws, the roof shuddered and Sasa reached down and took the foal roughly in her teeth. The roof began to give way and she gathered her muscles and leaped for the roof next door. She gasped as she missed the roof and she felt the impact of magic as it gripped her and the foal in her jaws.

“Oh thank the Gods.” She breathed as the Alicorn’s blue aura carried her and the foal a safe distance and then to the ground.

Sasa felt grass under her paws as she was sat down in the nearby park. Luna dropped to the ground and went to the felines head. Sasa gently set the baby pony on the ground and looked to the mare.

“Sasa, did thee save him?” The Alicorn asked her.

The cat nodded and nudged him from his place on the ground. As he uncurled from the fetal position he was in he saw the Moon Princess and began to cry loudly. She reached down and picked him up gently in her hooves. The Alicorn held the baby close as she tried to comfort him. Sasa started to leave but a loud cry stopped her as she glanced back to see the foal reaching for her. She went back to him and pressed her nose against his fur and he gripped her fur with his hooves. Luan stroked his mane and back as the feline purred, trying to calm his cries.

“Thou made a new friend, Sasa.” Luna said to her.

Sasa shrugged and nuzzled the baby until he calmed. Luna held him close and used her magic to check him for any injuries. She could tell that Sasa’s teeth had cut his neck a bit but it was not enough to do any lasting harm. As the baby quieted and released the feline's nose the mare held him close to her body.

“We will stay with him, Sasa. Thou are needed elsewhere. Oblivion will need thy help.” The mare said to her and held the foal close as the feline nuzzled her as well.

Sasa turned and fled from them as she raced for the stallion’s location. As she ran over the wreckage of houses and lives her mind went over what this could have been. When they attacked Asmara looked surprised as well. So the feline was sure that they were not with her. But that still left the question of who they were and why they were doing this. She pushed such thoughts out of her mind as she came out of smoke and into the courtyard. She was glad to see that Oblivion had indeed been joined by Vantage and Striker. The two guards were at the stallion's flank and they were countering attacks from the three ponies around them. Sasa looked up as a blast of magic glanced off of Strikers' armor and the Pegasus growled at the impact.

The feline looked up and saw her target. She crouched down and began to stalk toward the Unicorn, hiding among the remaining bushes and fallen trees. As she neared her the mare shifted and she stilled in place. Her aqua eyes focused as she burst from hiding and attacked the Unicorn mare, who screamed as the enormous tiger filled her vision.

Oblivion heard a scream and he chanced a look up as Sasa savaged the Unicorn attacking them from afar.

“That looked like it hurt.” Striker yelled as he flicked his sword around to land on the pony’s hock, forcing him to drop his weapon, exactly as he had been taught by the Witcher.

Oblivions Wolven Steel slid into the flesh of his direct attacker, earning a shrill cry from the pony as he pulled back and fell a few feet away, his blood coloring the ground ahead of them. Oblivion turned to the two that were remaining and his magic gripped the gem around his neck and commanded the Elemental to take the remaining pony into its other hand and contain him. The Elemental gripped the stallion, who cried out and tried to pull away from the monstrous creature. The final pony prepared to attack the group of ponies, a last ditch effort.

“Vantage?” The Thestral looked to the black Unicorn. “Can you knock him out?”

The Thestral grinned and looked to the pony. “Yes, Sir.” He inhaled as the pony lunged for them.

Sasa covered her ears as the Thestral released a scream that shook the air and the pony in front of them screamed as the sound tore over him, shocking his body and ears enough to force it to shut down. He fell unconscious to the ground ahead of them. Vantage wavered for a moment and Oblivion gripped his armor, holding the stallion upright.


“I’m okay sir.” He replied and shook himself. “It’s been a while since I used that.” He replied.

“Well done.” Oblivion praised the Thestral. “Now can you explain why…?” Oblivion paused as his body sank to the ground, exhaustion finally catching up with him as he sat and breathed.

“Sir?” Striker was at his side a moment later.

“I’m all right. It’s been a long few weeks.” He admitted and tried to pull himself to his hooves but found that he didn’t have the energy for it.


“I’m all right Sasa. Just worn down.” He said aloud to her. “Striker, bind that one so when he wakes up we have him ready for questioning.” Striker nodded an went to the fallen pony to tie him up with the cuffs held in his armor.

The feline came up to him and sat down in front of him, her head pressed against his chest as a deep purr rumbled through her. The black Unicorn was quiet as he sat still, allowing his body to recover some of its energy before he stood once more. After several minutes he could feel that it would take time for him to stand and move once more.

“To the depths with it.” He cursed and his magic summoned a vial from his bag.

The stallion pulled the cork on the bottle and swallowed its contents. He set it aside and breathed out as the foul tasting brew went down his throat and he could feel strength surge through him, allowing him to stand on his own hooves once more. He sent the bottle back to the saddlebags. The guards were quiet as he got to his hooves and shook himself. His magic slid the swords back into the silver sheathes on his back and he looked to the Elemental that was towering over them.

“Sir?” Vantage asked him.


“What was that? You looked completely worn out and now your better.” Striker spoke up as well.

“That was a dose of Swallow. It’s Witcher’s potion that regenerates wounds and strength.”

“Can we use it?” Striker asked.

“No. Potions I use are meant for a Witcher and us alone. They are lethal to others.” He replied to them.

“Oh. Water is good for me. I like water…and breathing.” Vantage said to them.

Sasa chuckled and nuzzled the armored ponies in turn. “At least all of you are all right.”

“We’re fine Sasa,” Oblivion said to her. “But that does not explain why both of you are here versus out with the other guards.”

“Oh that. Well. Since monsters are still around Princesses Celestia and Luna decided to create a small group to tend to the monsters. Since the four of us were trained by you, she put us under your command.” Striker explained.

“Under my command?” Oblivion said to him.

“Yeah. You’re the monster expert but having back up can’t hurt. So when there is a monster to hunt the four of us will accompany you to tend to it.” Vantage added.

“Lovely,” Oblivion replied, sarcasm in his tone.

“It will be fine, Chosen. They know how to work with you. It’s better than taking green ponies with you every time.” She pointed out to him.

“Fair point.” He said to the feline. “She makes a good point. It will be easier to tell you four what to do than four greenhorns.”

“See? Perfect. And it gets us out of the castle.” Vantage chuckled.

Oblivion looked up to the two ponies that the Elemental held and he could see Asmara glaring daggers at the captured stallion. Oblivions eyes widened as the stallion aura was fading and he commanded the Elemental to set the pony down in front of him. The pony fell to the ground, foam coming from his mouth.

“Dammit,” Oblivion said aloud as his magic covered the pony, trying to revive him and remove the poison.

“Chosen…He’s gone.” Sasa said to him as she sniffed the body.

“Shit.” He cursed as his magic faded from the pony and the body was still.

“Sir?” Striker said to him as they drew up on his sides. “What happened?”

“He killed himself rather than be questioned. I can’t save him from it. It’s too strong of a poison.”

“I thought you could heal though?” Vantage asked.

“I can. But I can’t fix what he did to himself.”

“It was acid,” Asmara called out to them, from above their heads.

“Acid?” Vantage questioned as the Elemental lowered her to their level. “That’s not an easy way to go. It’s pretty painful.”

“I assume it was. But he didn’t even whimper when he swallowed it.” She related to them.

“That’s odd.” Striker said as he looked to the Witcher.

“Not unheard of though. It’s caustic and fast.” He replied.

“How so?” Asmara asked him.

“Concentrated acid is strong enough to melt the airway and destroy everything in its path when ingested. I’ve seen what acid from a few monsters can do to flesh and it’s not pleasant. Doesn’t matter what it’s trying to burn through. Flesh or metal, most can’t stand against it.” The Witcher informed them.

Vantage grimaced and Striker looked like he was going to be sick at the information from the black stallion.

“Wow. Yeah, not a good way to die.” Asmara commented and looked down at the pony from her place in the monsters grasp. “So now what?” She asked him.

“Now? We find out who these ponies were.” Oblivion replied to her. “But first, what do we do with you?”

Asmara shrugged absently. “At this point, I really have no desire to fight you or this thing...” She punched at the Elementals stone grip. “Anymore. So can you let me down?”

“Will you stay on the ground without being shackled and not fly away?” Oblivion asked her.

“Fair point.” She replied after a moment’s thought and leaned back into the monster's hand. “Even if I did fly away, couldn’t you just bring me back?”

“Yes. Though I haven’t had time to test teleporting a pony.” He admitted to her. “I can teleport Sasa but I haven’t tried another pony.”

“Yeah. Please don’t test it on me.” Asmara added and went quiet as the others returned. “Oh goody, the others are back.”

Oblivion ignored her sarcasm as the others approached him. They all looked to the five bodies on the ground. “The farthest one fell to Sasa, these two to myself and Striker, and this one killed himself rather than talk. We did capture that one alive though.” He admitted and pointed to each pony as he spoke.

“That’s good to hear. Are they connected to you, Asmara?” Celestia asked.

“No. Not my circus, not my monkeys.” She quipped back and looked to the questioning Royal.

Oblivion cocked an eyebrow at her choice of words but said nothing in reply. “We can question him when he comes to about what this was.” He replied as he motioned to the destruction around them.

“Can you fix it all, Oblivion?” Twilight asked him.

Oblivion looked around and tilted his head slightly as his eyes scanned their surroundings. “Perhaps.” He replied as his horn lit and he pushed out his magic to cover what he could and his eyes widened as he pulled back his magic as the World Spirit shuddered under him and he shook his head. “Not all at once.” He replied.

“Are you serious?” Asmara jabbed at him. “You can repair all the damage?” She laughed at the thought and stared at the stallion.

“Given some rest, I should be able to get to most of it. But at the moment I don’t think it’s a good idea at this time.” He said to the others, ignoring the incredulous stare from the Pegasus mare.

“That’s true. Ya did just get back from a long journey.” Applejack piped up as she approached him. “Ya look pretty spent.”

“He was until he downed some portion of his, now he seems better.” Striker said aloud, earning him a blank stare from the Black Unicorn. “Sorry.” He cringed down under the glare and looked away from the unicorn.

“You’re just asking for an ass-kicking, aren’t you?” Vantage jabbed him. “You’re on your own if he decides you need more training.”

“What?!” Striker looked stricken as he looked at the Black Unicorn. He gulped and jumped to hide behind Blue Blood, who looked back to him. “No…” Striker whimpered from his hiding place.

“We shall see,” Oblivion replied and the Guard cringed at his words. The stallion stepped away from them and went to the unconscious pony. “We should move him indoors and check to make sure that he doesn’t have any poison hidden on his person to avoid him committing suicide,” Oblivion said to them as he levitated the unconscious pony.

The others nodded and followed close behind him as the Elemental also moved with them, carrying Asmara, who groaned as the monster carried her. “Put me down, damn you!” She shrieked as the monster followed obediently behind the Witcher.

54: Returns and a Boon...

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Oblivion paused outside the palace doors as his magic sent the Elemental back to the ground and he gripped Asmara in his magic and removed the bracelet on her leg, despite her cursing at him when he took it. She sulked in his magic as she was brought back to the throne room. He set her down and her shackles were replaced. Second Sight was silent as she was placed close by her. The Unicorn mares own hooves were shackled and an inhibitor ring sat on her horn. The pony that had been detained was lowered to the ground and shackled as well. His hooves were shackled as they waited for the others to join them once more. Oblivion looked him over and didn’t see any bottles or anything on him that would make him think that he would be able to kill himself should he awaken.

“Do you know him Second Sight?” Celestia asked her.

“Who? Him?” She replied and looked to the unconscious stallion. “No. Never seen him before today.”

The royal nodded and looked to the black Unicorn who shook his head as well. The guards that were now assigned to him joined them and stood behind him, information. Oblivion looked to them and then to the Royal Sisters who snickered at his blank look. The stallion was quiet as he considered their next moves. Sasa stood beside him and bumped his hip to alert him to her presence.

“How many monsters remain Oblivion?” Celestia asked him.

“Four, I believe.” He replied.

He reached back to his saddlebags and pulled the reports from within and his magic held the report of one of the Wraiths and it was incinerated as he looked to the others. He held up the remaining four and the Alicorn’s nodded in understanding. He set them back in his saddlebags and looked back to them once more.

“I can go and finish these and return as quickly as I can. Since you have, unknown to me, assigned me a set of guards then it should be finished quickly.” He said to them as the four guards looked away for a moment as he spoke.

“Not today,” Celestia replied to him. “You have been sorely missed and your friends and family have need of you at their sides for a while.”

Oblivion glanced to the group and mares and they nodded as smiles crossed their muzzles. “True enough.” He replied to her.

“Yer not goin’ nowhere.” Applejack said to him with a stamp of her hoof. “Yer family needs ta see ya fer a bit.”

Oblivion nodded in understanding to her and waited as the Alicorn’s looked to the detained ponies. “So what is their fate?”

“Asmara and Second Sight will be tried in separate trials. I may call upon you to help layout the timeline of things. But for now we will detain them further and the pony that you captured will be interrogated at a later date.” The Sun Princess went on.

“Understood.” He replied to her.

“How long can the remaining monsters be allowed to move on their own?” Luna asked him.

Oblivion was quiet as he considered her question. “None of them are in immediate proximity to the original reports. I do not anticipate that they will interact with ponies so long as they are given a wide berth. If they are tested then they will attack. I recommend that the reporting ponies be alerted to their proximity and request an update.” He advised.

“Consider it done,” Celestia said to him. “We will have a copy of the reports sent to you immediately when we receive them.”

Oblivion nodded as Blue Blood approached him. Oblivion lowered his head to the stallion. “You said that you had need of my help before I departed?”

“Yes. I have not sent a letter to Miss Rarity since this happened and now that she is here I find myself hiding from her.” He admitted with a sheepish stance.

“That is all?” Oblivion replied quietly. Blue Blood glared at his reply and the black Unicorn nodded in understanding. “I would recommend simply apologizing to her now. Trying to send her a letter later will only confuse and upset her.”

“I know but…how?”

Oblivion shook his head and a heavy sigh escaped him. “Stay with me a moment.” The black stallion raised his head and looked to the mares. “Rarity? Can I trouble you for a moment?”

“What?” Blue Blood gasped and looked ready to bolt, a look from the black stallion kept him in place.

The mare approached him and a kind smile crossed her features at the sight of the Royal. “It is good to meet you face to face Blue Blood.” She said gently to him.

“The pleasure is mine.” He whispered back.

Oblivion managed not to roll his eyes and looked to the mare. “I believe that Blue has been lax in his letters and has not sent one recently.”

“Well of course not. I would have been shocked had one arrived. Since you are the one that gives them to me, Oblivion dear.”

“Precisely.” Oblivion replied and broke away from the two ponies to allow Blue to speak on his own.

Sasa remained close by the Prince to allow him to take courage from her presence and hopefully ease the nervousness he felt. The black Unicorn approached the other mares and they waited as the others spoke. Twilight reached out to him and set her hoof on his shoulder, rubbing away some of the dirt and dried blood.

“Are you okay? You’re filthy.” She said to him.

“I’ll be fine. Nothing a night's rest can’t cure.” He replied to her.

“And a bath.” Applejack added at the sight of him. “Ya are covered in dirt and mud.”

“That’s true. I could use a bath.” He admitted and looked at his fur.

Spike jumped from the purple Unicorns back to the floor and then trotted up to Oblivion's leg. “Hey, Oblivion?”


“Can I get a boost?” He asked.

Oblivions magic covered him and he looked shocked when the Unicorn set the baby dragon on his back and didn’t seem concerned by the action. “You’re okay with me sitting on your back?”

“It’s fine. I suppose after having a few others sit on my back I’m not as worried about it.” He admitted.

“Who sat on your back?” Spike asked, his eyes wide and curious.

“A Godling, a drowner tried, and a few others.” He replied. “They weighed more than you.”

“Cool. Whats a Godling?”

“A two-legged creature. Fairly small and lightweight given the size of the creatures around them typically.” Oblivion replied.

“You let it ride on your back?” Spike asked, his eyes uncertain as the stallion looked back to him. “You HATE anyone on your back.”

“True. I suppose in time it’s something I got over.” Oblivion replied and looked back to the ponies in front of him.

“Wonder upon wonders.” Applejack teased. “And you’re okay with a party as well. Who are ya and what did ya do with my brother?”

Oblivion shrugged and looked over his shoulder as Rarity hugged the nervous Prince. The Unicorn said nothing as she rejoined them and Blue Blood motioned for him to come to him. On his back Spike huffed and Oblivions magic set him on the ground and he trotted to the prince.


“Thanks for that. I was afraid to even talk to her.” He admitted.

“It’s fine. I told you it would be fine.” Oblivion replied.

“I said the same thing if you recall.” Sasa teased.

The Prince chuckled and nodded as the she-cat joined them. He rubbed his hoof over her fur and looked to the mares that were hobbled and sitting at the base of the throne beside an unconscious stallion.

“What will happen to him?” Sasa asked.

“We will put him in protected custody to prevent him from hurting himself,” Blue replied to her. “While that happens we will work on what more information we can get from Asmara and Second Sight. I hope that this is as far as their business goes.”

“I think so.” Oblivion replied to him. “So far as I can tell their plan did not extend past the Elemental.”

“That’s a relief. So you’re going home?” Blue asked.

“I will when they reach it. I do not like trains.” Oblivion admitted. “I did not stay in the last one very long before I teleported myself home.”

“Geez.” Bleu shook his head. “Well then what will you do while they are on the train?”

“The gem needs to be returned to its place.” Oblivion replied and looked to the gem around his neck.

“Oh. Good point. The last thing we need is that gemstone getting lost somewhere. I will send a note to you if we need anything. For now, I am going to take a nap. Haven’t really slept well in a while.” He admitted.

“Get some rest Blue.” Oblivion held out his hoof and bumped it against Blues as he nodded, a wide smile on his muzzle.

Oblivion looked to the mares as they waited for him to rejoin them. He walked back to them as Blue left the room after waving goodbye to the others. “I will join you when you reach Ponyville. While you are using the train I will return this gem to its place and join you then.”

“Oblivion!” Celestia called out to him.

He looked over his shoulder and she motioned for him to join her. The black unicorn walked over to her and Luna and waited for her to explain.

“Is it possible for others to use that gem?” She asked.

“Not really. If they pour an emotion like anger or pain into it then the Elemental can be summoned and can kill those it finds. If they attempt to damage the gem the Elemental will attack those who are near to it and those it sees as a threat. Why?”

“I was wondering if it could be used to protect Equestria.” She admitted to him.

Oblivion stared at her for a moment before he blinked and shook his head. “Absolutely not.” His voice was firm as he placed the gem into his saddlebag and closed the lid.

“Are you certain?” She pressed. “Think of how many lives it can protect…”

“No.” Oblivion stated and turned to leave. “It is not meant to be handled by ponies or any others, Celestia. I can see what you mean but using it will create more death than you realize. When it was taken from its original place it was used to harm ponies and cause them to fall to despair and eventually kill them. I will not permit it to be used by anypony. Not even myself.” He said to her.

“Leave it, sister.” Luna said to her and set a hoof on her shoulder. “Our friend is correct. If he says that it is dangerous to the ponies then we must listen to his words.”

“You're right. Thank you, Luna. Please keep it safe Oblivion.” She finally said and a smile went over her muzzle.

Oblivion rejoined the mares and Spike and Sasa was on his heels as they left the throne room and through the halls to access the city around the palace. “You gonna stay with us while we wait?” Spike asked him.

“Yes. I’ll stay with you until then.” He replied and nodded to the baby dragon at his hooves.

“Cool.” The dragon petted the stallion’s leg and looked at his clawed hand. “Are you bleeding?”

“Not that I am aware of.” Oblivion replied and lifted that leg to inspect what the drake was saying. “No. It’s most likely dried.”

“So you got hurt?” Twilight asked him as they all looked to him.

“I did at one point. I am fully healed so it does not need to be addressed at this time. The remaining mud and blood will come off when I get a bath this evening.” He replied and looked to the train tracks.

“So you’re…Okay?” Fluttershy asked him.

“Yes. Nothing permanent.” He replied to her and a nod of his head.

“Are ya certain?” Applejack asked him. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she regarded him.

“I promise you I am in no pain and am not hurt.” He assured them. “Simply tired. The journey back here took time and no small amount of effort." He admitted to them.

“Long as yer okay.” Applejack said to him as the train pulled to a stop in front of them.

“I will send Sasa with you to allow her to tell me when you arrive in Ponyville.” He said to them and the cat groaned at him. “I don’t think the cavern I need to get to will allow you within it. The last thing I need is for the cavern to fight against you.” He responded to her grumbling.

“Ah. I see. That makes sense. Be careful Chosen.” She replied and boarded the train with the mares and Spike.

Oblivion waited for the train to pull away before he teleported away and into a distant clearing. He lifted his saddlebags off of his girth and set them on the ground. His magic removed the gem and he set it around his neck once more. His magic lifted the saddlebags and he sent them to the wardrobe in his room and made sure that it locked as well. His wings pulled from his sides as he removed the tie from his mane and looked back as his wings spread. He waited as they extended to their full length and he gave them an experimental flap before he took to the air. His wings beat easily as he gained altitude and allowed his wings to hold aloft. The tie vanished from his magic and went to his saddlebags. He could resummon it at any time. The black stallion was silent as he flew, his wings speeding him through the air. He knew that he was not as fast as Rainbow but he had no desire to be that fast, he enjoyed the flying that he did on his own.

Oblivion was quiet as he reached the cavern's general location. He looked down and tried to see any land mass in the endless sea beneath him. His eyes scanned and found nothing. He stopped in the air and hovered as he looked around, his expression uncertain for a time. He looked down at the gem and his magic held it aloft before him. As he looked at it a pulse went through him and he waited as a whirlpool appeared below him and he allowed himself to slowly lose altitude and hovered a few feet above the pool. His orange eyes narrowed and he realized that he was close enough to find it now that he had the gem to guide him. His magic glowed brighter as he summoned a potion from his saddlebags. The Killer Whale potion sat in its bottle in his magic and he gulped it down and shook his head at the taste. It flowed down his throat and he could feel a slight coolness go over him as it took effect. He sent the bottle back to his room and looked down. His wings snapped closed and he allowed himself to plummet into the water and he gasped at the sudden cold.

His magic set the gem back in place around his neck as he allowed the whirlpool to spin him and then push him out the bottom of it. He had gulped in a breath and put his head underwater, despite the stinging salt water he opened his eyes and was able to see underwater reasonably well. Due to the potion, he could see even better the deeper he dived and it allowed him to hold his breath longer. As he dove the gem glowed around his neck and he could see the cavern entrance ahead of him as he could feel his lungs starting to burn, signaling that the potion could only do so much for him as he swam for the entrance. He recalled the entrance and was uncertain if it would be easy for him to gain entry. He knew that holding his breath would only do so much for him and even he would need to breathe.

His eyes widened as the Elemental reached out of the entrance of the cavern and a hand gripped him tightly and he was yanked through the mouth of the cavern. His eyes closed as he was thrown into the cavern and he rolled to his hooves, his magic blazing as the Elemental flowed back into the cavern and vanished. He blinked at the spot it had been and then looked around him. The caverns walls glowed and he would see a dark spot in the cavern wall.

“Well, that makes putting it back easier.” He admitted aloud and walked over to the small gap. “It was cut, not sure how well it will fit now.”

He pulled the gauge and chain from it and the cavern shuddered and he waited to see if he was now being seen as a threat. When there was no further movement he slowly pressed the gem back into place. The cavern wall shuddered and moved to accept the piece of itself that it had lost so long ago. Oblivion held it in place to ensure that it remained where it was needed and when the wall accepted it once more he moved away and his hoof went back to the ground. He backed up as the wall continued to shift and move. He said nothing as they all began to push outward and the ground around him shifted and he watched as it shifted and undulated under him. He dared not dig his claws into the floor of the cavern to avoid creating an issue with its guardian. The movement stopped and he looked around him as a voice came from within and echoed through his mind.

He pulled his head back as images flashed through his mind. Images of his life on the Continent and then forward to the life he had in Equestria. His head rang with the speed that they were shown to him. He shook his head free of the ringing that now went through him and he waited in silence for the next action. An image of the former Guardian went through his mind and he focused on the image and recalled the image he had of the prison he was kept in. The cavern shuddered as he focused on the image in his own mind. The cavern continued to shudder but went silent quickly. An image of a white mare crossed his mind and he countered with one he had of Equestria and the cavern shuddered once more. The image of the red stallion returned to him and he used the one from before and the cavern pitched under his hooves and he was thrown off his hooves and he rolled into the wall. He looked back to ensure that his swords were in one piece and were not damaged. A relieved sigh escaped him as he got to his hooves once more.

“What does it want? The former Guardian is the one that removed the gem and I just returned it. So what is the missing thing it wants?” His mind raced and he focused on what it had shown him so far. “Does it want Equestria?”

He looked around and the walls continued to shift and move as he thought over what he had seen. “Or is confused about me?”

He knew that the cavern had been attacked by the former Guardian and that Equestria had later used it to locate him and then bring him here. He focused and brought forth an image of the fight with the Leshen and then began to push that memory outward. The cavern pitched but he held his footing as it went suddenly still. He waited as an image of the Leshen came back to him and he focused on the fight once more and pushed it outward.

“We know you.” A voice boomed outward and he pinned his ears at the volume as it echoed in the confined space.

Oblivion gave a quiet groan and shook his head. “I was brought here.” He responded.

“Yes. We called on thee and the Heart of the World gave thee a task.”

“Yes. I was called on to become a Guardian to the World Spirit and those attached to it.”

“Yes. We remember. Thou were fated to die in that past world and thou refused to fall.” The voice called out. “Thou refused to die.”

Oblivion said nothing in reply immediately. “Sounds about right.” He admitted and waited as the cavern continued to move.

“Thee have returned a piece of Us. What is the price?”

Oblivion paused, caught off guard by the question. “The price?”

“Yes. Thou are a being that charges for the lives of those you have slain. Thou will slay the one that attacked Us?”

“In time I will yes.” He replied. “I am not able to end him now. I don’t have the knowledge of the World Spirit and the power it holds.”

“Thou will though?”

“Yes. He will fall in time.”

“We shall wait for that time. But thou have still righted a wrong done to Us.”

“Yes. That is true.” Oblivion admitted.

“Thee have earned a Boon of Us.”

“A boon?” Oblivion asked. “You wish to reward me for returning what was stolen?”


Oblivion was quiet as he thought it over for a moment. “There is nothing that I have need of.”

“Thou were sent away from this world for a time. Thou came back.”

“Yes. I am needed here. Those from the Continent do not need me any longer. My body there is dead and gone. While I will never forget them they do not need me any longer.” Oblivion replied, hoping the cavern understood him.

“Thee ask of nothing?”

“Correct. I cannot think of anything that I need.” He replied.

There was a long pause in the conversation as the walls of the cavern gently shone in the dark. “We wish to gift thee of ourselves in turn.” The reply came to him. “A piece freely is given.”

The cavern rotated and the stallion gripped with his hooves and hoped to not be thrown from his hooves once more. The cavern stilled suddenly and he nearly overbalanced. The caverns floor began to brightly glow and a section of it faded and began to form into a basic shape. Oblivion leaned over it and his eyes watched as the ground concaved in. He was shocked at the shape that was becoming clear to him. A sword of crystal came from the ground and lifted free of the floor of the cavern. He could see the hilt becoming solid with the same stone as the floor of the cavern. He watched in silence as the blade was close to the same length of his normal blade and it held the same crystal gemstone as the walls. It spun slowly in the air before him and a second item raised as well. He looked down at the item became a small band of crystal and he backed up a step as it moved toward him.

“Raise thy foreleg, it matters not which one.”

Oblivion had the feeling that this was important and he raised his right foreleg and the band circled just above his hock and sized to stay in place on his leg. He moved his foreleg and it did not move and he watched as it glowed for a moment and then went back to its normal coloring. Ruby and sapphire colors filtered through it, constantly changing as a mix of both. He looked up as the sword began to glow and it spun to face him, the tip pointed to him. He braced himself as it moved and vanished in a flash of golden light. The particles in the air hovered and went to the bracelet around his hock. A second blade came forth from the ground and did the same thing. As he watched it went to the bracelet as well.

“Thou have always carried the swords of your worlds making.” The voice boomed to him. “These are of this place and are mixed in pieces of many worlds. These will not break nor fail, We can ensure that. So long as this place stands so will the gifted blades. Should thou have a need they will come with not a thought. That band cannot be moved and will never fail.”

Oblivion raised his leg and looked at the shifting colors of the band on his leg. “So I will not need my swords on my back any longer? And these will come to me at any time I need them?”

“Yes. They will react to thou’s body and will be what you need. Should thou need to slay a monster of your world or this one, then that blade will come to you. Though need not to force the action.”

Oblivion stood silent and his mind thought silver and the blade appeared before him it hovered in pace, ready for him to grip with his magic or a hoof. He thought of the steel and it hovered in the other place as it was sent back to the band on his leg.

“Thou have done Us service and We do not wish that to be forgotten. Thou returned Our piece with no thought of rewards. Thee are needed here and We will see thou again one day.”

Oblivion sent the blade back to the band on his leg and he looked to the cavern around him. He turned to leave, he reached the exit and paused in place. He turned around and bowed deeply to the cavern around him. The Witcher was silent as he looked up and the caverns walls and floor flashed colors around him and he gave a rare smile.

“Thank you.” He said as he turned back to the exit.

It opened and allowed him to leave. “Thou are worth keeping in this world, do not forget.”

The words echoed through him and he inhaled as the waters crashed over him and he swam for the surface. His wings spread and propelled him upward. His head broke the surface as his lungs burned and he gasped for air. He looked around him and he looked over his body and found the embedded dirt and dried blood coming loose in his fur.

“Well. A bath is no longer required.” He thought to himself. His body ached as exhaustion still bit at him and he allowed himself to float in the water.



“We are home.” She said to him, her voice soothing.

“I will be there in a moment.”

The black Alicorn was quiet as he looked at the band around his leg and his magic settled around it and it didn’t come off. He groaned for a moment and then his eyes widened as a thought struck him. His magic circled it again and he switched the enchantment from the tie in his hair to the band on his leg. He could turn it on and off at will. He looked back and saw that his wings had vanished, while his swords were still visible. He left them in place as he focused on the teleport back to Ponyville.

55: Explanations and Parties...

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Oblivions eyes closed as his horn lit and he teleported to join the others at the Ponyville train station. His eyes opened as the train whistle sounded. He gave a low sigh as the exhaustion bit at him once more. The Unicorn could feel the weariness deep in his muscles and he was beginning to understand the reference when the phrase bone-tired was used.

“There ya are.” Applejack called out to him.

He looked up as the mares and Spike trotted out of the train and Sasa was close on their heels. The stallion nodded to them and waited as they reached him. Sasa nuzzled him as they all turned to walk into Ponyville. The mares had surrounded him as they walked and their voices went over his ears as they walked. He was quiet as they moved slowly through town. His muscles had begun to tremble as he walked and he could feel that he didn’t have the strength left in him to go to much farther without rest. He had not rested fully in between leaving Equestria and journeying through the Continent. He had not slowed down even after his return to them.

“Chosen?” Sasa voice came to him.

“Yes?” He said back to her.

“They are asking you a question.” She replied.

The stallion shook his head and looked to the mares who were looking to him as they stopped in the center of the street. “My apologies. I did not hear the question.” He said to them.

“Are ya okay, Pardner?” Applejack asked him.

“I am simply worn out. Nothing more.” He replied and waited as they looked to him.

“I was asking if you wanted to have your party today or tomorrow.” Pinkie asked him, her eyes wide as she waited for him to reply.

“Tomorrow might be for the best.” He replied to her.

“Will give him a chance to get some rest, Pinkie.” Twilight reasoned to the exuberant Earth pony.

“That works for me.” She replied in a sing-song voice.

He regarded the mare and gave a slight nod in agreement with her and began to walk forward with them at his sides. The stallion’s ears flicked as he tried to listen to them closely. He growled when he stumbled and managed to get his hooves back under him and keep up with the mares. At his side, Sasa purred and bumped his hip. He swayed and she yowled quietly as she pressed her head against his hip to steady him. The black unicorn was quiet as the cat edged up closer to his shoulder and gently pushed the pink mare to the side and took her place.

“Chosen? Are you going to make it to the farm?” She asked him.

“I should be fine. I do not think I can go further than that.” He replied. “I do not have the energy left for more.”

“Have you slept at all since you left?”

“I did. But it was not a frequent occurrence.” He admitted to her.

“You still need to explain what happened to Mac and Granny.” She reminded him.

Oblivion held back a loud groan at the feline’s words. “I had forgotten about that.”

“I can tell. They're talking to you again.”

“Gods.” He glanced to the mares and they were quiet as he regarded them. “Again?”

“You sure you’re okay?” Fluttershy asked him.

“I will be fine.” He said to her.

“Ah was asking if ya wanted to talk to Granny now or later.” Applejack asked him as she turned to face him from her place next to Twilight.

“I…” Oblivion paused as he stumbled. He sighed as they looked to him. “I suppose that doing it now is for the best.” He replied.

At his side Sasa snarled and bumped his shoulder, causing him to stagger. His body lurched to the side and Twilight placed her hooves on his shoulder and pushed against him.

“Nope. Yer goin’ ta bed.” Applejack said to him. “A quick bath, though yer not very dirty anymore, and then sleep.”

Oblivion cast an annoyed glance to the smug feline at his side and she looked away, her expression veiled. “I had to swim a bit to replace the gem back where it belonged. It cleaned me up a bit.” He replied. “If I need to explain to them then I will.” He replied.

“In tha mornin’. Yer gonna drop where ya stand if we let ya.” Applejack said to him.

“Possibly.” He responded quietly.

“Then ya have to tell us what happened.” She went on. “But first we get ya home ta rest up. Apple Bloom still thinks ya were huntin’ monsters, and that’s why ya never sent a letter.”

Oblivion thought to argue but his body shuddered as exhaustion bit at him and he gave a tired nod in reply. The group once more began to walk with him in the center but they were no longer asking him anything. His head dropped as they arrived and he looked up as the fence for the farm loomed ahead of them. He didn’t say anything as they went through and walked toward the farmhouse. A shrill scream caught his attention and he glanced up as Apple Bloom raced across the ground toward him. Her eyes were wide with tears as she galloped for him. The stallion said nothing as she reached him and he nuzzled her as she reached up to grip his head in her forelegs. His eyes closed as she held him tightly. His magic covered her and he set her on his back, allowing himself to move as she hugged his withers and neck. He looked up as Mac came out of the barn at her cry and his eyes widened at the sight of the Unicorn and he trotted toward them. Oblivion reached the front porch of the house and leaned against the railing. The broad stallion smiled as he reached them and held up a hoof and hoof bumped the exhausted Unicorn.

“Ya look okay. Aside from bein’ tired as all get out.” The red stallion said to him.

Oblivion nodded at his words. “It’s been a long trip.” He replied, aware that the filly did not know he had gone missing.

“Ah can tell. Ya need to clean up and get some rest. Been a long time.” The red pony said to him.

“We can meet up tomorrow so you can answer questions about what happened,” Twilight said to him.

Oblivions magic reached out and set the filly on the ground and she ran for the front door to get Granny Smith. Oblivion sighed and looked to the purple Unicorn. “Agreed. At the party will be fine then?”

“Yep. I know you don’t like parties so it will just be all of us, right Pinkie?” She asked the pink mare who had started to bounce in place at the mention of the party.

“Yuppers.” She chimed back. “Just your friends.”

“Understood,” Oblivion replied and looked up as the Elder mare came out of the house.

“Perfect. Then we can talk to you tomorrow.” Twilight said as she and the others turned to leave. She hugged him one last time before leaving.

“Well. There ya are.” Granny Smith called out to him.

“I’m here.” He replied to her, his voice quiet.

“Ya need ta rest and have ya eaten?” She asked him.

“I’m fine. I ate yesterday night.” He replied to her.

“Good. Ya look thinner than afore. Ya need ta rest.” She came up to him and he raised his head as she approached. She reached out and set a hoof on his neck. “Ya first need a bath.” She said aloud and he gave a slow nod. “Apple Bloom?”

“Got it!” She shouted and ran back into the house.

Oblivion said nothing as the filly disappeared. Granny Smith set her hoof on the ground and looked to him. “Yer gonna fall asleep on us where ya stand. Ya eaten the right stuff?”

“Yes.” He replied to her questioning. “I am sorry that it took a while to return.” He replied to her.

“Well. Yer home didn’t go nowhere and yer bed is ready fer ya. Made sure ta keep it clean and ready. Yer chores can wait a few days while ya get back to yer hooves.” She said to him.

Normally Oblivion knew that he would have argued about his role on the farm. “Understood.” He replied to her, giving no argument. He was too worn down to fight about it.

Granny’s eyes widened for a moment as he agreed with her and she walked up to him to hug him close. “Welcome home.” She said to him. “Ya been missed. Ya went missing on us.”

Applejack startled at the older mares words. “Granny he was…”

“Ah know when ya aren’t telling the whole truth, Applejack. Ah know he was gone for a while.” She replied. Her forelegs still held the black stallion, who didn’t refute her observation. “But yer home now. So long as yer safe and sound, Ah am not worried about the particulars.”

“Understood.” He said to her as she pulled away from him. “I will explain another time.”

“Good. Now git yerself cleaned up and to bed.” She said to him and turned to go back into the house.

“Got it.” He said aloud and watched as she went inside.

“Ah was that obvious?” Applejack asked her two brothers.

“I have told you before, you are a terrible liar,” Oblivion replied to her and she blushed at his words.

Eeyup.” Mac agreed with a chuckle at his sister’s expense. The red stallion hoof bumped him as he went by and into the house. Sasa stayed on his heels and he walked up the stairs as Apple Bloom came out of the bathroom and stepped aside for him to use it.

“Ah’m glad yer home. Ya have to tell me some stories or draw some of the monsters ya seen!” She said to him and hugged his leg once more.

“I don’t think many of the stories are safe for filly ears but I can draw some of the things I have seen.” He said to her as she nodded, clear joy in her eyes.

The black stallion watched as she trotted happily down the stairs and out into the front of the house with the others. Sasa watched as he went into the bathroom and took the tie out of his mane. A snort caught his attention and he looked to the feline.

“What happened to your mane?” She asked him as she chuckled.

He looked up to the mirror and he sighed at the hanks that were missing, even though he had trimmed it close, it was still clear that a portion of it was missing. “I gave part of it away.” He replied to her.

“You did?” She asked. Her voice was gentle and quiet as she questioned him.

“Geralt, Ciri, Anarietta.” He replied to her.

“Oh.” The cat was quiet, all mirth gone from her tone. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to tease.”

Applejack came up the stairs and saw that he was standing in silence inside the bathroom while Sasa remained outside of it. “What in tarnation are ya doin’?” She asked him and then saw that his mane was shorter close to his withers. “What happened?”

“I trimmed it.” He replied, already knowing what she meant.

“Well. Ya get cleaned up and head to bed. Ya sure ya ain’t hungry?”

“No. I ate already.”

“Good ta hear. Ya take yer time, but try not ta fall asleep.” She teased and walked back the way she had come.

“Enjoy your bath Chosen.” Sasa said to him as she went to his room and pushed the door open.

The stallion kicked the door closed and regarded his mane once more before he reached back and his claws turned the knobs to fill the bathtub behind him. Oblivion was silent as he waited for the bath to fill. He glanced at his back and his horn lit as he sent his swords to the wardrobe ahead of him. He looked to the mirror and his orange eyes gave off their slight glow from behind his long forelock. The tub behind him filled and he turned the water off and stepped into the warm water. He glanced at the band on his leg and a flick of his magic and his wings showed through the enchantment as he washed them off the dried blood and dirt. He ran the soap through his fur and laid down in the warm water. The water quickly turned a rust red mixed with brown. He grimaced and laid quietly in the water, allowing it to warm his tired muscles. He laid his head on the edge of the tub and a low sigh escaped him.

“Feeling better Chosen?” Sasa asked him, her voice gentle.

“Admittedly yes.” He replied. “Spent the last few weeks on the run and now I have the chance to stay in one place and rest.”

“You were exhausted. It was pretty obvious at the end of it. Even when you returned to us you were still on the run. Hopefully Luna and Celestia can get answers from that pony you took captive.”

“One can only hope for so much. If they are willing to choke down acid then we must assume that they are willing to endure anything to stay silent.” He pointed out.

“That’s true.” She replied. “Stay awake in there or Applejack will tease you.”

“I am awake. She has tried to tease me many times and my lack of emotion makes it difficult, to say the least.”

Sasa chuckled back to him. “I have a question though.”

“Go ahead.”

“You removed the tie from your mane and your wings were still hidden. Care to explain?” She asked him.

“Oh. Did you see the band on my foreleg?”

“I was going to ask about it but I forgot.” She replied.

“It was a gift from the cavern itself. Equestria said that it has a sense of self and it created the band and the two swords that hide within it.”


“They are made out the cavern itself and pieces of the others worlds it is connected to so I can use them as I did my original weapons. The band is in place and I can turn the enchantment on and off at will.” He explained to the feline.

“Oh. That certainly makes things simple for you.”

“I don’t have to worry about them getting fallen on.” He replied.

Sasa laughed. “That’s true. You don’t have to check on them if you land on them. No more bruising your back if you land on them either.”

“That’s a strong point.”

The cat went quiet as he relaxed and closed his eyes for a moment and then stood up slowly. He spread his claws to make sure that he didn’t slip. The stallion pulled a towel from the door and began to dry himself off to avoid soaking the bathroom. He stepped out and looked to the water to find it was a dark red and mud-brown mixture.


He emptied the bathtub and looked to the wings on his back. He spread one of them and looked it over for any damaged feathers. A cursory check told him the wings were fine and in good shape considering. He waited as the tub emptied and his magic burned away any stains and he reapplied the enchantment to his wings just in case any pony was close by. He pushed the door open and walked across the hallway to his own room and walked inside. The room looked identical to how he had left it and he stood in the doorway for a moment.

Sasa looked up at him from her place on the bed. She purred loudly to him and he shook his head slightly and walked into the room. He closed the door behind him and he looked out the window as he stood next to the bed, silent. The sun was beginning to set as he looked back to the room around him. The books he had borrowed from Twilight still sat on the end of the desk. It was exactly as he remembered it. The black stallion sighed deeply as his magic turned the enchantment off and he rolled his shoulders and stretched out his back.

“What happened?” Sasa suddenly asked him.

“To what?” The Alicorn asked her in reply.

“Your wings. Am I seeing silver on them? And they seem bulkier?”

“Yes. They are larger than they used to be.” He admitted and pulled his right wing from his side and extended it a few feet to allow the cat to see what he meant.

“They look beautiful with the silver on them.”

“It is an improvement I agree,” Oblivion admitted to her as he let the wings hang loosely against his sides.

The stallion stretched out his shoulders further and he could hear the joints crackling as his magic pushed back the quilt on his bed. He slid under the blankets and moved so his wings were well hidden and he laid his head on the pillow. Sasa moved on the bed behind him and he felt her lay her head on his back. She purred loudly to him as he closed his eyes. He sighed as he laid quiet and his mind went black as he swiftly fell into the darkness of sleep.

Sasa looked up as the door was slowly pushed open and she stood up on the bed, her paws on Oblivions side, and ready for whatever came through the door. Her lips back from her teeth as she couldn’t smell any scent coming from the doorway. She waited as the door stopped midway and didn’t open further. She jumped to the floor, clearing Oblivions side to avoid waking him. Her ears flicked forward and she listened intently. Her paws were silent on the hardwood floor and her nose scented the air ahead of her. She poked her head around the door and looked into the hallway. She didn’t see or smell anypony near the door. ‘I am not the tracker that he is but I can follow a scent.’ She thought to herself as she moved a step forward. She moved out into the hallway and moved to the top of the stairs to see if there was any movement. She saw nothing moving in the dark house and she walked back to look down the hallway and check the doors down the hallway. Each door was closed except for Apple Blooms and she looked in to find the filly asleep in her bed. The spectral tiger was quiet as she moved back to the stallion’s room and walked inside, closing the door behind her. She jumped back to the stallion’s bed and hopped over his still form. He growled in his sleep at her movement but quieted as she laid back down.

“Odd.” She said aloud and laid her head back on his back.

Oblivions ears flicked as the rooster crowed outside and he grumbled at the sound. He growled and pushed his face into the pillow for a moment before giving up. At his back Sasa yawned and she purred as he pushed the quilt back as his hooves hit the floor. He shook any remaining sleep from his body as he stood tall. His horn lit as he turned the enchantment on and his wings vanished once more. He placed the tie in his mane to keep it under control and out of his way. Sasa jumped from the bed as he opened the door and began down the stairs to the kitchen. The Unicorn reached the table and his ear flicked to listen behind him as Applejack’s hoof steps came down the stairs behind him.

“How ya feeling?” She asked him.

“Just fine. Thank you.” He replied to her.

“Ya look a lot better. Ya were asleep on yer hooves yesterday.” Applejack replied to him, a smile on her muzzle.

“A good night sleep works wonders.” He commented as he sat at the table.

“So how come ya were so tired. Ah’ve seen ya run longer than ya did and be okay.” She questioned him as she pulled out ingredients.

“I had not actually slept a full night since I left Canterlot the second time.” He replied.

“Oh. That’s crazy.” She replied and looked back at him. “Why didn’t ya find a place to sleep for the night?”

Oblivion paused as he considered her question. “Most ponies where I am from do not welcome others. I avoid the cities out of habit and those who I around did not welcome those that they do not know.”

“Oh. Well, that’s crazy talk. Ya wouldn’t have ‘urt ‘em.”

“Of course not but they have all been taught to worry about themselves and their first. I cannot fault them for it. Plus, Witchers are not welcome in any place. We are not like them.” He went on.

“So they don’t like ya?”

“More like they hate my kind.”

Applejack paused and turned to look at him. The black Unicorn was quiet as she processed what he had said. “Hate?”

“Yes. My kind are not naturally made, we are created. That makes us outsiders among them. I explained this before.” He replied to her.

“Ah know. It still is hard ta imagine.”

“I know. But that is how it is.” He looked over his shoulder as Apple Bloom walked down the stairs, her other brother at her heels.

“Ya are still here.” She chirped happily.

“Yes.” He replied to her.

“Mornin’ Oblivion.” Mac greeted him.


Sasa laid down under the table as she had before and soon granny Smith joined them as the scent of breakfast began to waft from the kitchen. Applejack set a plate of food down in front of each of them and then another for Sasa who fumbled her thanks. Oblivion ate his portion in silence with the others and when he finished she set the plate in the sink and waited for the others to finish.

“Everypony is gonna be happy ta see ya.” Apple Bloom said to him.

“Really?” He said to her.

She smiled wide and nodded at him. “You everypony kept asking where ya were. Ah told ‘em ya were hunting monsters for the Princesses and they didn’t believe me at first. But Ah took the picture of Sasa that ya made fer me and they decided Ah was tellin’ the truth.”

“I will draw the others when I have time.” He replied to her, knowing that she would ask at some point.

“Thanks!” She chirped and bounced in her chair.

“Did ya get rid of ‘em all?” Mac asked him.

“No. There are four remaining. I got rid of the worst of them, then once more by accident and the others are remaining.” Oblivion replied.

“Not surprisin’. Ya were occupied.” Mac said to him, a knowing nod to the other stallion.

Oblivion gave a slight nod. “Unfortunately yes. I will be leaving at some point to finish them in the next few weeks. I am waiting on an update from Celestia to let me know if those near to them are in any immediate danger or not. That will dictate whether I leave sooner or later.” Oblivion explained.

“Just not too soon. Ya hear?” Granny spoke up. “Ya need ta rest up. The journey took a lot out of ya.” She said to him, her voice firmer than normal.

Oblivion nodded in agreement. “I agree. I won’t be helping anypony exhausted.”

“Good.” She said and smiled as he agreed with her.

“Chosen?” Sasa piped up from by his hooves and he looked down as she nosed the plate out from under the table. His magic picked it up and set it by the sink to join his own. “And I need to speak with you at some point this morning.”

Oblivion looked to her, his expression questioning. “Understood. On the way back from the school?”

“That is fine. It’s not pressing but I feel I should mention it anyway.”

He gave her a nod and ran his claws through her fur. The others finished eating and the stallion walked outside with Apple Bloom on his heels. She drew up next to him as he walked her to school. He looked around the road, a road that he had not walked in over a months’ time. Sasa walked on his other side and she bumped his hip, alerting him to her place.

“Ya need a haircut.” Apple Bloom said to him.


“Yeah. Yer tail is all tangled and so is yer mane.” She informed him and he looked over himself to find that she was accurate.

“I will look into it.” He said to her.

“Rarity might be able to.” She supplied.

“I will ask her later tonight.”

The filly nodded and trotted close to him as they walked ahead. They neared the school and she loped ahead of him to the gate. “Hey, everypony! He’s back.” She shouted to the others.

“Oh, Gods.” He cursed under his breath at her shouting.

“Now you’re in trouble.” Sasa teased him gently.

He looked up as the foals all came to the gate and they shouted and called as he neared them. He reached them and he could not distinguish one from the other as questions were thrown his way at a rapid pace. He waited as they finally went quiet. The foals all crowded around his hooves.

“Why were ya gone for so long?”

“There were ponies that needed a Witcher.” He replied.

“Apple Bloom said ya were hunting monsters.”

“She was right.”

“Prove it.” A familiar filly sneered from the back.

Oblivion looked to her and she stared back at him. He could see that she had not changed much since the last he had seen her. “Unfortunately bringing my normal means of proof is frowned upon.” He replied to her.


“Since I take the heads of the monsters I slay for proof of their deaths. I don’t think your fellow students wish to have nightmares about a headless Leshen.” He explained.

Several foals grimaced and the filly went quiet. He looked up as Cheerilee came out and a smile went over her muzzle at the sight of the black Unicorn.

“Well, look who came back. Apple Bloom told us of your job for the Princesses.” She said to him as she joined her students.

“She was not wrong. There are a few more left but the worst of them has fallen.” He said to her.

“That’s good to hear. All right little ponies. Time for class.” She said and turned around to lead them to the school house.

“Will ya still tell us another story?” Featherweight asked him.

“Possibly.” He replied to him. “For now we shall see.”

She nodded to him in agreement and he watched as they went into the classroom and the front door closed. He sighed and turned to walk back to the farm. “So what did you need to speak to me about Sasa?”

“It’s something that happened last night. You always close the door to your room, correct?”

“Of course. You know that.” He replied to her.

“Well it opened last night. Was a bit after midnight. And I woke up go find the door slowly opening a bit. I watched it and it was open enough for me to be able to walk through it but no more than that.”

“And I was?”

“Very asleep.” She replied. “I would have awoken you if I sensed anything wrong with it.”

“True enough. Go on.”

“I left the room and there was no scent or any tracks that I could see. Granted you are the better tracker of us so I might have missed something but I didn’t smell anything. I looked down the stairs and there was nothing moving and nothing down the hallway. I checked the others and they were all asleep as well. But there was nothing.” She said to him.

Oblivion slowed and he was quiet as he considered her words. “Odd.” He admitted to her and resumed his pace.

“If I had sensed anything amiss I would have called upon you.” She reasoned to him.

“I know. You are no fool, Sasa.”

A quiet laugh rang through his mind. “Contrary to some things you have said.”

He didn’t reply and simply nodded at her. She fell silent as well and they walked back to the farm. They walked through the front gate and he looked over the nearest orchard, his eyes landing on the tree that he was always close to normal and a dry chuckle escaped him as the feline led him into the house.

“There ya are.” Applejack called out to him from the front room

“They had questions.” He explained and walked into the front room.

“Ah bet they did.” She laughed and he sat down on the couch.

Granny Smith and Mac were in the room as well and he knew that now was the time to answer the questions he knew that they had been holding back sine he returned, allowing him to recover a bit before questioning him. Granny Smith looked to him and she leaned slightly forward.

“So what happened to ya?” She asked.

“Do you want from the beginning?”

She looked thoughtful for a moment. “Ah assume ya vanished after ya fought that first monster?”

“Not to long after that yes. I took the pony that had brought the monsters here back to Canterlot and about a week after that is when I was sent back to my own land.”

“How did she send ya back that far?”

“She kicked me through a portal in an old ruin in the desert.” He replied to her.

“How did ya get out to a desert?”

Oblivion considered his response. “I was led out there by a pony that knew the way. He took me out there and I went in to find the pony that was a part of the plan.” He replied. “She was the one that had given a powerful magic item to the mare I had already captured to draw on a monster from her past. When I confronted her she was able to toss me from my hooves and then kick me through the portal.”

“So that sent ya home?” Granny asked him.

“It’s not a home if one has no desire to go back to it.” He countered.

“So when ya were there ya were tryin’ ta get back here?” Applejack said to him.

“That was my plan, yes.” He agreed. Granny Smith looked to him and he waited for her to speak further.

“Ya could have stayed there, where ya were born, yer other friends?” She asked him, her voice quiet.

He didn’t answer her right away. He was sure that he had a pretty good idea what she wanted from him. “I have no place there anymore. I am not needed. Those that knew me are beyond needing my presence.” He replied to her. “Whereas here I have a purpose that I need to fulfill. I have never run away from a task in my life. I do not plan to start now.”

Granny Smith smiled as he spoke. “Good ta hear. Yer family ta us, and we need ya here.”

“I know. I am here now.” He said to her.

“Ya still got a job ta do?” Mac asked him.

“Yes.” He replied. “I am a Witcher and that is a truth that cannot be argued with. My purpose is twofold. I am here when I am needed, but at the same time I will still answer the call that I was made for.”

“We won’t stop ya.” The elder mare assured him. “We want ya safe and sound but we know that ya have yer job, outside of the farm. Ya were meant to protect ponies from monsters.”

“I was made for it.” He replied to her.

“Ya are more than ya made to be, Ah think.” The mare said to him.

“True enough.” He responded. “I will do my best to keep you informed.”

“Just make sure ya always come home.” The elder mare’s voice was firm as she spoke.

“Understood.” He replied to her.

“Ya gonna be here for a while?” Mac asked him.

“Yes. I will wait for Celestia to send me an update on the monsters that remain. For now I will remain here.”

“And rest up.” Mac added.

Oblivion gave a dry chuckle and nodded. “For now.”

The old mare settled back in her chair and Oblivion got to his hooves. He walked out of the front room and out past the kitchen and outside. The black Unicorn looked around and he walked slowly around the farm, walking a route that he would have used to run before.

“Going to do some hunting before the party, Chosen?” Sasa asked him as she stayed close to him.

“I should.” He admitted. “At the moment I’m just looking around.”

“What for?”

“I’m looking to make sure that nothing has happened since I left. Any portals or monsters that are not meant to be here.” He clarified for her.

“Ahh, that makes sense.” She replied and followed closely behind him as he led her into the Everfree forest.

Oblivion walked into town with Applejack and Sasa at his side. The farm mare led him toward the Library. The black Unicorn was quiet as she knocked on the door and Twilight opened the door wide.

“There you are. Come on in.” She smiled as the door was tossed open to let them walk in.

Pinkie bounced up to him as he looked around the Library’s interior. Streamers and balloons hung from the shelves and he shied as she reached for his head. She was holding a party hat and he pushed her hooves away and shook his head at her.

“You should wear it too!” She giggled at him.

“I think not.” He replied.

Sasa hopped up to her and the party hat was placed on the large feline instead. Oblivion looked at her and she shrugged. She led him forward and he was brought to a table that had a large cake sitting on it. The mares and Spike sat around it and he joined them after a short delay.

“Welcome home Oblivion,” Twilight said to him.

“Indeed. It’s good to have you back with us dear.” Rarity said to him.

“I bet you have a bunch of fun stories to tell us.” Pinkie said to him, her expression bright.

“Not as fun as you think.” Oblivion replied to her.

“Just about you findin’ a way home?” Applejack said to him.

“Pretty much.” He agreed with her. “Simply finding out where I was dropped off proved a bit of a challenge and then finding a few others that could help me find the way back as quickly as possible.”

“Who did you ask?” Twilight asked him.

“Geralt, Ciri, and Anarietta.” He replied.

“Geralt’s another Witcher, right?” Twilight asked him.

“Yes. Same school as mine.”


“Ciri was a ward of Geralt’s as a child and she is like a daughter to him. She also has magic of her own.” He explained to her.

“Ah’m kinda wonderin’ why ya didn’ use yer magic to just teleport back here.” Applejack asked him.

“As a Witcher I do not have magic there. So there was no way for me to teleport.”

“So yer magic was gone?”

“Yes. My horn simply became another weapon to be used.” He replied.

“Wow. How did you lose your magic like that?” Twilight asked him.

“Witchers do not have magic as I have explained to you before.” She nodded as he spoke. “Just because I do here does not mean that I will always have it. There it is not possible for my kind to use. So even if I had it I would have been unable to use it.”

“Wow.” Fluttershy said aloud. “It’s good to have you back home, Oblivion.”

“It is good to be back, Fluttershy.”

Pinkie got up and began to cut into the cake in front of him and he could smell that it was a very large coffee cake due to his aversion to sugar. She cut a piece for each of them and put a candle on each one. She lit each candle and looked around at each of them.

“Now we blow them out together.” She said merrily. “And one for our kitty.” She called out and brought out a different cake for Sasa. She set it on the ground and lit another candle for the tiger.

“Very well.” Oblivion said to her.

The Witcher looked up as each pony took a breath and he mimicked them. They all blew out the candle close to the same time and Sasa purred in reply. Oblivions magic pulled the candle from the cat’s food and she happily bit into her cake. Oblivion took his fork and bit into his food as well.

“So darling may I ask you something?” Rarity asked him and he looked to her in reply. “What happened to your lovely mane and tail?”

Oblivion looked back to his tangled and matted tail and shrugged. “Didn’t have time to tend to it. I was busy at the time.”

“Celestia preserve me.” She replied to him.

“I was told by a small filly that I should ask about where to get a haircut.” He admitted.

“I can take care of that dear.” She assured him.

“I would appreciate it.”

“It’s no trouble.” She assured him. “Twilight, do you have a pair of fine scissors?”

“I think so hang on.” The purple Unicorn went to look as they waited.

“I can wait, Rarity. I am in no hurry.”

“I know dear. But I can’t let that…go uncorrected.” She replied to him.

He rolled his eyes and waited as Twilight came back. “I found a pair of scissors and a brush as well.”

“Thank you dear.” She got up from her chair and motioned for the stallion to join her.

Oblivion obliged her and sat down in front of her. She made a noise and he watched as she pulled a chair to stand behind him.

“You’re still too tall, darling.” She said to him.

He felt her pull the tie from his mane. Out of the corner of his eyes he saw Applejack tense and then look confused as his wings remained hidden. She clicked her tongue at the hanks that were missing by with withers.

“Darling. What happened to your mane?” She asked him.

Oblivion was quiet. “I gave a few pieces away.”

“To who?” Fluttershy asked him.

“A couple of friends that I will never see again. I will not see them again so I left them a piece of my mane as a memento.” He explained.

“Oh. That is quite a personal gift.” Rarity gave a pleased sound as she began to brush through his mane and trim the ends of it. “This will be the easy one. It’s your tail that will prove troublesome.”

“You can cut it shorter if you need to. I’m not that attached to it.” He said to her.

“Of course not. Your tail is lovely long. I wouldn’t dream of cutting it apart.” She said to him, affronted at the mere idea.

“If you insist.” He said to her.

Twilight sat down in front of him and began to question him about meeting up with his fellow Witcher and how he was doing. The Witcher answered as best he could without giving away that he was from a different world entirely. Rarity pulled his mane back into the tie and trimmed the ends as she needed to and patted his shoulders to get him to stand. She put the chair back and he sat back down to allow her to handle his tail easily. She had to admit that she did not think it was as bad as it was so she did have to cut several inches off the end of it.

“Stand up for me, dear.” She said to him.

Oblivion stood up and stepped to the side to allow her to check the newly cut strands and trim as needed. She put the scissors to the side and began to brush through the long strands. She trimmed it again as he fielded questions from the others. Sasa sat quietly with them as they spoke at length and rarity finally gave a pleased sound as she looked over her work.

“Much better. I ended up cutting it more than I wanted to but it will grow out.” She said to him.

“Thank you for your time Rarity. I appreciate the effort.” He said to her.

She smiled and he checked to find that his tail was now a couple of inches above the ground where it used to drag by an inch or so. It didn’t bother him and he flicked his tail absently. He sat back down with the others and they continued to question him about his adventures. He was quiet as they discussed things for a moment and he could feel a sense of calm come over him as he listened to them. He was at ease among them and he knew that he was where he was supposed to be. But the loss of those he left behind bit at him still.

“They would not want you to dwell on them Chosen.” Sasa said o him as she rubbed against his side and laid down next to him.

“That’s true.” He replied to her.

“All you need to do is remember them every now and then and they will be at your side. Same as you will be for them. A world away is only what you make it be. It's only a barrier if you wish for it to be.”

Oblivion sighed quietly and leaned a bit against the feline. “Understood.”

She chuckled and leaned on him, her warmth seeping into his fur.

56: Releasing a Burden...

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Oblivion looked to the trees behind him and bucked the nearest one. He had been back among them for several days and Granny Smith finally decided that he was back to his normal energy level. While she still complained about him being underweight she finally agreed to let him go back to work. Sasa batted apples into the bucket and picked up extra ones as he picked up the extras. The feline nosed the others to him and he set them aside. He filtered them as he went and tossed the bruised or ruined apples aside to toss to the pigs as he went by their pen. The black stallion’s magic gripped the bucket and he set it aside to be picked up later.

“You could send it to the barn with magic.” Sasa pointed out.

The stallion snorted and nodded. “I know. But last I did that I was informed that it landed on another bucket and nearly ruined all of them.” He pointed out to her.

“Oh. That is a problem.” She agreed and walked to the next tree with him. “You don’t have to kick the trees though. You can use magic.”

The stallion stopped and looked up for a moment before he looked back to the feline who had begun to laugh. “You remind me of that now?” He replied to her.

“I was thinking that you were bored and were doing things the traditional way but you, actually weren’t?”

“No. I was without magic for a month and got out of the habit.” He admitted to her. “Though the exercise is fine for me.”

Sasa chuckled and waited as he kicked the tree and dislodged the apples on the lower branches. Oblivions horn lit as he held the bucket and filled it as he picked them up. Azure fire covered the apples as he set them in the bucket and off to the side. The stallion was quiet as he looked to the trees once more and backed up to the next one. He repeated the process and after a few more hours he picked up the baskets as he made his way back to the barn and held them aloft in his magic as he set them in place within the barn. The Unicorn shook his body for a moment and looked to the gates as Rarity came trotting toward him.

“Oblivion!” She called out to him.

He walked toward her and she looked relieved as he reached her. “Yes?”

“Can you send this to Blue Blood please, dear?” She said to him and gave over a thick letter.

“Of course. A moment.” His horn lit with flame as the letter left her hoof and it vanished with a flash of his magic. “Done.”

“Thank you, dear. I forgot to ask you the other night at your party. It was nice to finally speak face to face with him.”

“How was he?” He asked her.

“Nervous.” She replied with a smile. “Poor thing was afraid that I was upset with him for not writing.”

“He seemed pretty concerned.” He admitted to her.

“I told him there was nothing to worry about. Took a little convincing but he seemed okay in the end. Thank you for your help.” She said.

“It’s no trouble. I’m glad that you were able to assure him.”

“Oh yes. He did also ask for a dance at the Gala as well.”

Oblivion nodded as she spoke. He was glad to hear the Blue was moving out of his comfort zone and was willing to take a chance on asking the Fashion-forward mare to dance. “Good to hear.”

Rarity nodded to him and looked pleased. “Well, I will let you get back to work. I apologize for the interruption.”

“No trouble.” He replied as she trotted back the way she had come.

Sasa came to sit next to him as he looked around him. “Chosen?”


“Are you okay?”

“Yes. It’s simply quieter here.” He replied to her.

“I would hope so. I have not been to The Continent so I do not know. But Equestria is very different.”

“True. Be thankful for that.”


“You would have been hunted.” He replied to her.

The cat grumbled and looked back to him. “That’s probably true.”

Oblivion gave a dry chuckle at her tone. His skin trembled and he shook himself in response to the restless feeling going over his mind. He pushed it aside and started to walk back toward the orchard when the sound of small hooves caught his ear. He looked over his shoulder as Apple Bloom and her friends ran past him. He watched as they stopped and they waved to him. He nodded to them as he went back to the orchard. His hooves carried him silently through the trees and he reached the bunch that he had been working on and slowed once more. His hooves stopped and he started to kick when a whistle caught his attention. Sasa nodded to the front of him and he narrowed his eyes as Applejack approached.

“Sorry about that. Ah knew ya didn’t see me a bit ago so Ah whistled to make sure Ah didn’t end up behind ya.” She explained and he nodded in reply. “Ya doin’ okay?”

“Yes. Why?”

“Ya are quieter than normal.”

“How so?”

“Well quieter and you always seem ta be lookin’ off. Like yer looking past all o’ us.” She replied to him.

“My apologies. I am simply getting used to things again. I’m sorry if I seem…different.” He explained to her.

“Oh. No, it’s okay. Ah was jus’ makin’ sure yer okay. Ah don’t; expect ya ta be the same as before. Ya got sent back home so it takes time ta get used ta things again.” Oblivion nodded to her as she paused and went on. “Rarity wanted ta talk to ya later today. If ya get some extra time afore dinner.”

“What about? She was here earlier asking that I send a letter for her.”

“Me and Twilight went to her ta get a button on Twilights dress fixed and she offered to make us all new dresses for the Gala. She decided to make us all some and she asked that you stop by later so she can measure ya.”


“Yes, fer yer outfit.”

“Oh, Gods. I can find something. She doesn’t need to concern herself with it.” He began but paused when Applejack shook her head.

“Ah mentioned that ya would probably decline but she said ta get yer tail over there anyway.”

Oblivion fought back his inclination to roll his eyes and simply nodded. “Very well. I will finish what I am doing and head over.”

“Sounds good. Ya be careful ya hear.”

He said nothing as she walked away from him and he looked to Sasa who shrugged.

“I assume that they don’t want you overdoing it since you just got back on your hooves. You were much thinner than when you left Chosen.” Sasa said to him.


Oblivion said nothing in reply and bucked the tree instead of using his magic. Sasa walked around him and began to push the apples into the bucket as he worked. His magic covered the apples on the ground and he dropped them into the bucket. He paused and looked past the trees and sighed once before going back to his chores.

Oblivion knocked on the boutique's front door and a voice called for him to come in. He pushed the door open and walked in with Sasa on his heels. “Rarity?” He called out as the mare came into sight.

“Oblivion! Perfect timing dear. This way.” She said to him and motioned for him to follow her.

He fell in behind her and she led him into the back of the shop where she kept her materials and he was careful to avoid the bits of fabric and ribbon on the floor around his hooves. “I’m not interrupting you?”

“Not at all. I asked for you to come by and I am glad that you were able to make some free time for me.” She replied quickly to him. “I need to get measurements to make sure that I do not mess up your suit for the Gala. You’re not a difficult pony to imagine in the right suit but your weight tends to fluctuate more than normal and your height makes things a bit more challenging.”

“Is she calling you fat?” Sasa jabbed at him.

Oblivion cast a look to the chuffing feline. “Unlikely. You weigh more than I do.”

“What?!” Sasa yelped and stopped in her tracks and looked back to her body. “That was rude Chosen.”

“Perhaps.” He said to her. “I assure you Rarity you don’t need to worry about it. I can get my own outfit together.” He advised her. “You have better things to do than worry about my waistline.”

“Nonsense darling. You must be amazing as well. I have the right colors for you I just need to make sure your suit fits you well.” She assured him.

Oblivion started to argue further but he closed his mouth and sighed. “Is there a point to arguing with her further?” He asked the feline.

“You can but you will probably give up before she does.” She replied and joined him as he stopped when the mare stopped him.

He sighed again and waited as she pulled out a tape measure and approached him. Her magic carried a piece of paper as she measured him and wrote it down for later use. He stood still as she moved away from him and looked over her notes.

“Well, I will make the shirt and coat big enough for you to be able to gain a few pounds dear.” She said to him.

“I think she is thinking you are emaciated.” Sasa said to him.

He glanced at her. “Unlikely.”

“Okay. That is perfect. Now hold still while I see about a few colors for you.” She said and he stood for her as she had asked. “How are you doing now that you are back to work?”

“I’m fine. It’s nothing beyond me.” He replied.

“I know that the others are concerned though.” She said to him and he looked to her as she went on. “You seem a bit…withdrawn. You are not being cruel or anything, just a bit distant. Perfectly normal in my opinion. You were sent back home and it takes time to relax as you did before.”

“Am I that bad?” He asked her.

“As I said, dear… Hold this.” She said and he reached out and gripped the fabric gently in his claws. “You are simply adjusting once more. It’s not fair to assume that you will be the same as before. It would be unfair of us to assume that you can turn a switch and be the same pony as before. Thank you.” She said to him as she took the fabric from his grip.

Oblivion was quiet as he processed what he had been told. He knew that he was still underweight, as Granny Smith loved to remind him of every meal and he was not as he had been before. Sasa was silent at his side as rarity moved to her workbench and her magic picked out a series of colored ribbons and brought them back to him. He knew that he had missed things as he had been gone for a month or so. He had been informed of things by Sasa through her memories and he was up to date as well.

“Are you all right dear?”


“You seemed a hundred miles away for a moment. Lift your hoof please.” She said and tapped his right leg.

He raised his hoof and she took it on her own and measured him further. “I’m fine. Just deep in thought. I suppose that is what they mean by being distracted.”

“I suppose. I personally would be surprised if you did anything less. Your home is very different from here so you had to go back to the way you were when we all first met you to survive there am I right?”

“Yes. Pretty much.” He admitted to her.

“And you left your friends and those who are close to you again.” She went on. “It would be cruel of us to ask you to throw them aside right away.”

Oblivion looked down to her and then to the feline, who nodded to him. “You are different than before Chosen.”


“You are mourning in your own way.” She said to him.

“Am I?”

“Yes. Before they did not know that you had fallen and that is easier to put aside than leaving them yourself. It is easier to put things aside since they would have no way to know that you had died in that world. Now they know that you died and no longer can be with them. You left them behind by your own choice.” She reasoned to him.

Oblivion was quiet as he flicked an ear to the white mare in case she spoke to him as he considered what Sasa had said to him. He had felt grief when he left them behind, he had not thought of it as a tragedy even though he would miss them. His heart did not hurt as most would think as he thought back to them. They were family but he did not view them as being gone. Rarity got to her hooves and put the measuring tape around the base of his neck and measured as she set a series of colors over his back and she tossed the measuring tape away and went back to the colors.

“Now. Do you have a preference for colors?” She asked him.

“Not really. I tend to lean toward darker colors if I have the choice if that matters.”

“Any reason why?” She asked.

“If you are wearing bright colors in a fight they always see you. It’s impossible to sneak up on monsters in bright colors.” He replied to her, his tone matter of fact. “The silver on the armor is the brightest I have worn.”

“That is true. You do look nice in silver. So I will use silver in the accents. Perhaps a dark coat and a silver undershirt.” She said aloud and her eyes brightened with ideas and she turned to the workbench to write and sketch out her ideas.

Sasa purred and nuzzled his shoulder as the mare looked to the feline. “Uh oh.” She spoke as the mare came up to her.

“And for our lovely feline here.” She said and the taupe measure went to the cat’s sides as she was brought to stand and be measured.

“You were saying?” Oblivion said to her.

“Yeah. I stepped in that one.”

“I mean this in a very nice way Sasa dear. But have you been eating more than normal?” Rarity asked the cat who stared at her.

Oblivion barked a startled laugh at the feline’s astonished blinking look at the mare. “Who is she calling fat?” He asked her.

“Oh shut up you.” She growled back at him.

“She has been staying with Twilight while I was gone which meant that she was not going running with me in the mornings. We just recently started that again.” He explained to the mare.

“Oh. I am sorry Sasa. I just need to make you something to go with his suit since you are of course coming with us.” Rarity said to the feline who was still staring wide-eyed. “Perhaps a sash or something similar. Something that does not cover the full-body, we do not want to cover up that luxurious coat.” The mare stood up and walked back to the workbench, muttering as she walked.

Sasa sat down heavily and looked back at her own body and then at him. “Am I fat?” She asked him.

“Why?” He asked her.

“I’m just asking. Not that I am worried, I am a Spectral Tiger, not a model.” She replied and looked away from him for a moment before she looked back to her waist and then to him.

“You will be fine. If you are concerned then make sure to get up and run with me in the mornings.” He said to her.

“So I am fat.” She snapped back at him.

Oblivion said nothing as a quiet sigh escaped him. “Rarity?”

“Yes, dear?”

“Sasa is now convinced she is fat.” He said flatly to the mare, who looked back to him, horrified.

“Oh no, darling.” She said as she came back to the feline who was looking to the ceiling, anywhere but at the mare and stallion. “No dear. What I meant is that you looked different than before. I assume it was because you were eating more out of worry.” She explained and the cat slowly looked to her. “My mother ate herself into three dress sizes when my father was hurt in an accident. I did not mean to hurt your feelings my darling.” She said and wrapped her forelegs around the feline's shoulders.

Sasa leaned into the mare and nuzzled her neck. “So I’m not fat?” She asked him.

“Not fat?” He said aloud for the mare who could not hear her.

“Of course not. You are an amazingly beautiful tiger Sasa. I meant that you were so upset that you did the same thing my mother did. When my father was well again they walked and did things together and she was back to her normal size and self in a few weeks. Now that he is back I know that you will be back to the normal we got used to. I did not mean to upset you.”

It’s okay. I was just surprised.”

“She says that she is okay and that she was simply surprised by the phrasing of the question.” He clarified and Sasa nodded as he spoke.

“I did not phrase that well I admit. Please accept my apologies Sasa dear.”

The feline nodded and stood up to nuzzle the mare happily. Rarity stood up as her magic brought several swatches of color the feline and set them against her fur. She held them up and gauged Sasa’s like or dislike of the colors. A rich blue was brought to her and the feline nodded enthusiastically.

“I agree. That color will be lovely against your stripes. That is the color I will use for your dress shirt Oblivion dear. It will match her perfectly. I am thinking of a sash or an ornamented scarf for you dear.”

Sasa looked thoughtful and walked to the bench and looked at the drawings. She growled and nosed one to gain the mare's attention. Rarity joined her and looked at the drawing.

“Are you certain dearie?”

Sasa nodded and Rarity looked back to him. “Are you taking a date darling?”

“No,” Oblivion replied flatly. “Why?”

"Sasa has requested a sash and collar.”

Oblivion looked at the feline who looked much happier than a moment ago. His normal reaction would have been to disagree but considering the felines melancholy a moment ago he shrugged. “If that is her choice then it is her choice. I will not argue with her.”

“Very well.” Rarity said and her magic lifted the drawing up and she tacked it to a corkboard and wrote Sasa’s name on it. “Well. For the collar do you have any preferences about leather?”

Oblivion looked at the feline. “An actual collar?” He said to her.

“Yes. I have been thinking of it for a while. I know that I am not a pet but the sight of me has brought many to fear me. I do not look tame and friendly. I would hope that a collar or something similar would help.” She reasoned to him.

Oblivion listened and nodded to her. “It’s your decision.” He said aloud and Sasa nuzzled the mare.

“Very well. Come with me a moment dear. Are you all right there Oblivion?” She asked.

“I’m fine where I am.” He assured her and she led the cat to the side.

Oblivion walked over to a window and looked out and into the town. He watched as ponies went by and went on with their lives. Sasa’s words had struck him and he considered them in silence. ‘Am I mourning them?’ He considered what that meant and looked back to how he left them the first time and the circumstances of the second. His mind told him that he had no reason to mourn them as they would live their lives and he knew that they did not need him any longer. He was no longer needed. He could hear the mare and feline speaking in the only way they could and he could hear the one-sided conversation. He filtered it out and went back to his own thoughts.

“I am fine here.” He whispered aloud. “I have a purpose here and nothing can alter that. I made my choice.”

He looked over his shoulder as the mare and feline nodded and spoke back and forth. Rarity held up several types of leather and the feline made her choices. The faces of Geralt, Anna, and Ciri flashed over his vision and he jolted at the sudden memory. He shook his head and closed his eyes for a moment as he pushed the memory back and walked back to his original place in the room as they returned.

“She has chosen a lovely color. I will send it to the blacksmith and have it made and then I will alter it to suit you.” She said as the feline trotted the few feet to him and nuzzled his shoulder.

“I trust you will not allow her to look poorly Rarity. I do not doubt that it will suit her.” Oblivion replied as the feline purred loudly at his side.

“Of course not. She will look as amazing as the rest of us.” She replied.

“I will probably finish the girl’s dresses first then get to work on your suit and her sash. Applejack will probably come over earlier in the day. Is it all right if I pass the note to you the same as I did today?”

“That’s fine. Either way, the message will get to me.”

“Perfect. Thank you for your time dear. Take care of yourself.” She said to him and he nodded in reply.

“I will. Thank you Rarity. Do I pay you when it is done?”

“Oh no, dear. Your suit will take little effort and her sash is actually very simple. I will see about costs if you insist but otherwise I will simply expect you to tell those who ask who made your suit.” She replied.

“If you insist. Let me know if payment is needed.” He replied to her.

Sasa stayed at his side as they left the shop after being walked out by the busy mare. Sasa pranced as they walked back toward the farm. His steps were slow as he moved silently forward. He heard a yell and paused as Apple Bloom and her friends ran up to him.

“Oblivion!” She called out and hugged his leg. “What are you doin’ in town?”

“Rarity needed to speak to me.” He replied.

“Ya goin’ back home?” She asked him.

“That is the plan yes.” He said to her.

“Can ya let Applejack know I’m right behind ya. Ah’ll be a few minutes. Okay?” She said to him.

“Very well. Do not be late little one.” He said to her and began to walk forward once more.

“Thanks, big brother.” She yelled and ran off.

Oblivion nodded back to her and Sasa purred as she stayed with him. “Are you okay, Chosen?”

“Why?” He replied to her.

“Rarity was right about the others being worried about you.” She admitted. “You're quieter than ever and seem to be really distant from them. I’m not saying you should be exactly the same as you were before, but.”

“I know.” He said to her. “I don’t know what all of you want me to be or what you wish I was.”

Sasa paused for a moment but jumped to stay at his side. “Chosen?”

“I am not the same as before and I cannot be the same as before. I will not be something that I am not.”

“I know. And I do not want that for you. You are the strongest pony I know. But you’re hurting in a way that I am not sure how to help you.” She went on. “You left them behind.”

Oblivion stopped and she looked at him. “I chose to leave them behind.” He clarified. “Their faces are etched on my mind and I cannot change that. My time with them was over. I was not needed any longer and so I chose to return here. This is my fate and no amount of thinking back can change it. I cannot be different.”[/i] He said to her, his tone harsh as he spoke.

Sasa nodded and sat down in front of him. “I know. You’re needed here and they love you for that. Even ponies that will never know you feel your presence and what you give them simply by being. You are needed here and as you said nothing can change that. But…But even you feel the hurt that came from leaving them. You are very good at pushing it away though. I’m not asking you to fall to your knees and cry. I know that you can’t. But don’t let it poison you either.” She whispered to him.

Oblivion looked to her and she looked back at him, her eyes clear and their color glowed a vibrant blue. He sighed as his eyes closed and he began to walk away from her.

“Chosen?” She called out as he walked away from her.


“Will you try something for me?” She asked him.

“Such as?”

“Run.” She said to him and he looked back to her. “Just run and see where it takes you. I know it sounds strange, but please just do it…for me?”

His eyes narrowed at her for a moment. “What will it accomplish?”

“I don’t know. But I think you can confront things easier when you run through them. When we would run in the mornings you always seem to be thinking clearly when we got back. I’m not asking you to run a route. Just run and don’t stop till it feels right.” She said to him. “I will talk to the Apples and let them know that you are working on something and I will tell them about Apple Bloom.”

Oblivion turned back to her and she stayed sitting in the pathway. Why do you think this…?”

“Just do it you stubborn Witcher.” She snapped at him. “Please.”

Oblivion watched her as her vibrant eyes glowed back at him. His hooves began to carry him away from her, leading back to the farm but he stopped after a few feet. He heaved a loud sigh and looked back to where she still sat in silence. “Very well.” He said back to her and he heard her purring as he left the path and took to his heels.

His hooves thundered over the grass and dirt as he tore through the trees. The black Unicorn galloped forward, his hooves leading him. He didn’t know where he was going and he didn’t care how far he went. His body lengthened as he galloped. He saw a fallen tree in his path and he gathered himself and leaped over it. His hooves hit the ground and he looked over his shoulder to the path he was making for himself. He looked over his back and his horn lit, dispelling the illusion over his wings and allowed them to rise from his sides. The large wings stayed close to his body but far enough to feel the wind going over the feathers. His eyes went forward and he pushed himself through the forest. He slowed as he felt a change in the forests atmosphere.

“And now I am in the Everfree.” He said to himself.

He pranced in place and took to his heels once more. His stride lengthened as he galloped over the grass and into the deep untamed forest that stretched out ahead of him. His wings spread and he slid to a stop at the sight of a wide open field ahead of him. The Alicorn was silent as he stood still. His skin trembled as his wings fell away from his body and laid across the ground, as though boneless. A breath of air tore from him, his breath was ragged. His mind went over the events that led him to be thrown away from Equestria and he closed his eyes as the memories washed over him. The battles that raged in that world and the peace that he came back to. His hooves danced under him as his wings came back to his sides and he galloped onward, no thought guiding him.

The stallion panted as he drove himself onward. His heartbeat steady in his chest and his breathing even. He could sense the world around him and it moved in accordance with the demands of time itself. The World Spirit shifted around him and he could sense those close to him. It shifted and undulated around him, connecting him to all that was close to him. He looked up and the blue sky greeted him. At his sides, his wings lifted from his sides. Normally he did not fly in Equestria, but he could feel the skies reaching out to him. He trotted forward till he found another slight clearing and he walked into the middle of it. His wings fell away from his sides and he allowed them to begin to beat. The wind kicked up from their movement and He took to the air.

The ground fell away as he took to the air. He drove his body upward and he broke through the cloud barrier. He paused and his wings held him aloft as he looked over the clouds and toward the bright sun. The Alicorn stallion was silent as his eyes stared ahead of him. He looked to the grounds as the clouds parted, allowing him to see back to the ground below him. He looked up as his wings carried him higher, he could feel the temperature of the air changing but it had little effect on him. His body reacted and shifted to allow him to tolerate the colder air.

His wings gave a powerful beat and he closed them. His body hovered for a moment before gravity caught up with him. He fell through the air, his back to the ground. His eyes closed and he allowed himself to free fall. He had come to depend on the great wings on his back and now he was once more relegating them to sitting hidden once more beneath a spell. He could hear the air rushing past his ears and through his fur. His heart began to pound as he free fell. His eyes opened and he rolled in the air to face the ground once more. He watched as the ground rushed up at him and he opened the black and silver wings, asking them to catch him. They caught the air and he came to a full stop in the air. He grimaced at the strain that radiated down into his back and shoulders. The muscles strained slightly as he commanded a stop instead of a glide. He came to a stop just above the tree line and he stared down, his eyes wide and unblinking.

He looked up as the pull in his shoulders and back faded to nothing and he felt his mind beginning to clear. The stallion’s eyes closed once more as he moved his head to face the skies. His orange eyes opened as he winged his way back upward. He breached the cloud layer once more and kept going. Once more he paused high in the air, the cold trying to bite at his body. He watched as the moon began to rise in the horizon and he recalled the time he had seen it rise with Luna. The look of joy in her eyes when he agreed to see it rise with her. The clear happiness it had brought her to have him there. His mind held the memories of the ponies close to him as he angled his body to fly through the air, instead of freefalling once more. He flew toward the horizon and pushed his wings to greater speed. The wind tore at his fur and feathers but he ignored it as his mind went over the many things he had been a part of in Equestria.

Flashes of the battle with Nightmare Moon, sparring with Luna, telling stories to Apple Bloom class, harvest time with the Apple Family, meeting Sasa, battling a dragon and an Ursa Major, and others flashed through his mind. His wings snapped shut and he plummeted, his eyes closed and his wings tight to his sides. His heart began to pound and his breathing quickened, adrenaline pushing into his bloodstream. His eyes snapped open as the ground was closer than he had anticipated and his wings snapped open, his body straining as they caught the air. Oblivion panted as he stopped barely a foot above the tree line. He panted as adrenaline poured through him, his breathing caught in his chest as he hovered. His shoulders were tight and the muscles in his back taut. The Alicorn was silent as a ragged breath tore from him.

His breathing slowly evened out as he hovered, his wings beating slowly to keep him aloft. His mind cleared and the realization of all that he had left hit him hit him and he closed his eyes. The Alicorn angled to the ground and sat down heavily. His heart broke at the loss of those that had been his family since as long as he could recall. The Witchers who were his brothers and Ciri who had been a young ward to them all at one point. Anna who he had known throughout her life, as a child and as an adult grown to protect her people. The young Witchers that he had trained and watched die, the people he had met and those that had fought against and with him. His chin went to his chest as he closed his eyes. A feeling of loss rushed over him and his head went back as he released a primal sound that came from deep within his body. A roar that tore from him, shaking the air around him and he panted when it was gone. His skin trembled as he stood tall as the world went on around him. He got to his hooves and breathed in the cool night air.

Sasa sat with the Apples as they ate in silence. Oblivion had not joined them and Sasa could sense that he was actually a fair distance away from them. She had made up a story about him checking if there was a monster close by. The feline had assured them that he was fine and that he would return as soon as he was sure that everypony was safe. They had agreed but it was clear that they were worried about him out of their sight. They had lost him once and it made them nervous to not have him close by them, they could not reach out and touch him. Sasa purred to them, making sure that her appearance told them that she was in contact with him and he was safe. AS safe as a Witcher could be anyway.


She startled as Oblivion reached out to her. “Yes, Chosen? Are you feeling better?”

“I am.”

“Did running help?”

“Not really.”

She nearly growled at his reply. “Did anything help?” She asked him.

“Yes. Flying helped more than running.”

“You flew in the open?” She replied to him, her tone surprised.

“From deep in the Everfree, but yes. I grew to depend on my wings in the Northern Realms and I find myself missing them.” He replied to her.

She purred and the ponies all looked to her as her tail flicked happily behind her. “I am glad that you are feeling better. Are you going to walk back or teleport?”

“I will walk for a while. How are they?” He asked her.

“They are worried.”


“You. They are worried about you not being at their sides. They worry that you will be taken from them again. I told them that you were checking on a possible monster sighting and that you would be back before long.” She explained to him. “But that does not change that they worry about losing you again.”

“I’m not going anywhere.” He replied to her.

Sasa paused as she could hear something in his voice, it was raw and he sounded like something was wrong. She stood up and walked to the front door. “Call me to you.” She said to him.

“Stay with them. I will make my way to you.”


Her voice was stern and she hoped that he could hear the insistence in her voice. She did not hear from him and she could feel that he was not moving. Her heart quickened in her chest and she looked to the family who was now looking at him. Applejack, Granny Smith, and Mac were looking at her as she stood silent and still. She smiled at them, her teeth showing as she vanished.

Oblivion looked to the feline as she appeared at his side. She purred and nuzzled him, her paws wrapped around his foreleg as she stayed close to him. He stayed still as she got to her paws as he began to walk back toward the farm. His hooves thudded easily on the grass and leaves as they walked.

“Oddly insistent.” He said to her.

“You sound much better, but you still seem off.” She explained to him. “I do not want you to act as you think others want you to.”

“I am not acting.” He said to her.

“I know. I am just glad that you seem lighter.”

“How do you mean?”

“You were moving like you were being held down or held in chains. Your movements were not as fluid as before. As you move now I can see that you have shed something that was holding you fast. I am glad to see it.”

He paused and she purred loudly at his side. “Maybe I did leave something behind and now I am free of it.”

Sasa purred louder as he began to walk forward once more. The stallion was quiet as they walked together. They had not been able to leave the farm and Ponyville for over a week due to the insistence of Granny Smith and the others. Twilight and their other friends were always checking in on him to make sure that he was doing all right. Now that they were alone once more Oblivion could felt that he could breathe easier. While he was not sure what she had meant by his movements he was sure that she had a different perspective.

“Shall we walk home?” She asked him.

He looked at her and nodded. “For now.”

57: Dresses and Suits...

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Oblivion was silent as his magic pulled a few apples from the tree and he tossed them into the bucket and then he lifted the buckets and he set one onto his back as Sasa picked one up in her jaws. Mac had fashioned a bucket with a handle that would allow her to carry the apples as well. His hooves were silent on the ground as he moved toward the barn. He broke into a trot as he neared it and he trotted through the open barn door and set the buckets down as Sasa tipped her bucket over and the apples inside slid into an empty bucket that had been set aside for her to use. He walked out of the barn and made to go back to the field as a shout caught his attention.

Applejack loped toward him and she slid to a stop as he waited for her. “Rarity said fer ya ta come by ta check on yer suit.”

“Very well. Did she ask for me to arrive now or later?”

“She said now if ya can.”

“Understood. Sasa?”

“I’m here.” She said to him as she set her bucket down and joined him.

He walked out of the farm gates with the feline on his hip and into the town. It had been about a week since Rarity had taken his measurements and Sasa’s as well. The black stallion trotted through town and reached the boutique doors. Sasa knocked her paw against the door and a shrill call sounded from inside.

“That was an odd noise.” Sasa said to him and he nodded in reply.

“I agree.”

He pushed open the door and walked back down the back hall as he could sense where she was located. He was greeted with five dresses on mannequins and Rarity sitting among them, prodding at the hem of one dress that looked like it had been designed for Applejack. Sasa stopped and stared at the dresses around them.

“These are beautiful, Chosen.” She said to him.

“Sasa says that the dresses are beautiful Rarity. She is quite taken with them.” He said to the mare.

He could see that her spirit had taken a little bit of a hit and she looked up at the feline and got to her hooves.

“Thank you, dear. But it seems they are not quite what the others wished for so I will be redoing them.” She admitted and walked away from the mannequins.

“Redo them!?” Sasa yelped and went to the mare. “They are lovely. What could possibly be wrong with them?”

Oblivion parroted the cat’s words and Rarity seemed to take heart from the felines words. “Thank you again, dear. But the customer is always right.”

“Not really. The customer is often an idiot. A sword merchant said that to me once after I saw him arguing with a customer that refused to pay the agreed on price.” Oblivion said aloud as he walked up to one of the dresses and looked at it closer. Rarity stared at him as he raised a hoof to look at the collar of one of the dresses. “What do they expect from you?”

“I am not sure, to be honest. Perhaps the colors are not correct?”

“They did not tell you what was wrong?”

“No, not really.” She said to him as she moved to a separate bench. “Over here, dear. I have your jacket and shirt ready. I am toying with the idea of a vest for you so bear with me.”

Oblivion stood still at her request as the mare set pieces of the suit jacket in place. It was a deep black with a layer of shimmer over it to distinguish between it and his natural coat. The fashion mare removed the pieces and sewed it in place as he stood there and he slipped it on to help her tailor it as needed. He pulled it off and she gave him the shirt and he slid into it and buttoned it in place while Sasa sat patiently off to the side.

“Okay try this vest. I’m not sure if I want to keep it on you or if the jacket and shirt are enough.” She said to him as he did as she had asked. She reached out and began to move the jacket around on his chest to show the bright silver vest from under it. “What do you think Sasa dear?”

Sasa came to stand next to her and Rarity shifted the jacket to hide the vest and then show it again. The cat grumbled and used her nose to hide the vest. Rarity nodded to her. Oblivion removed the jacket and the vest, replacing the jacket in place. Rarity once more tailored it on him and she was careful of the pins to make sure that he didn’t get poked by one of them. She pinned the sleeves and then helped him get out of the jacket and shirt.

“Thank you, dear.”

“Are you all right?” He asked her as there was little improvement in her spirit.

“Why do you ask?” She asked him as she motioned for Sasa to come over to her.

“You are not your normal self.” He replied as she pulled out a sheer fabric in rich blue color.

“I suppose it was a little bit of a shock when they did not like even a single piece of what I had made.” She admitted as she tied the fabric gently around Sasa’s neck and then wrapped it loosely around her forelegs and then looped it back to go up to her legs once more.

“That would be a shock I agree. I am unsure why they said nothing for you to change or improve on. One would think that if they had a complaint they would have voiced it.” Oblivion said to her.

“I agree.” She said as she changed the size of the blue fabric and tightened it around the cat’s legs. “But I will try again and they will certainly love them this time.”

Oblivion said nothing as she finally smiled at the cat who nodded in agreement with the new design of the fabric. “If you need anything, let myself or Sasa know.”

“I will darling. Thank you for asking about me. I should have the collar I designed for you later in the week Sasa. I trust you will not be participating in our fashion show Oblivion?”

“A what show?” He said and Sasa moved to stand next to him. She focused on him and he got a hint at what the mare was talking about. “Oh no.” He replied once the image left his mind form the feline. “That will not be something I will participate in.”

Rarity nodded and ushered them out of the boutique. They began the walk back to the farm and Oblivion shook his head. “Do ponies truly participate in those?”

“It’s quite popular among the fashion community.” She replied to him. “She seemed pretty upset about those lovely dresses.”

“She did. I am not sure why they would have turned them down. Are they paying for them?”

“Not that I am aware of.” Sasa admitted.

“Then do not look a gift horse in the mouth. Get grateful for what is freely given.”

“Your right. Perhaps we can ask Blue to help?”

“Perhaps. I will be there tomorrow so I can ask him about it. Maybe there is just something that both of us are missing.”

Sasa nodded to him as they walked out of town and toward the farm.

Oblivions eyes opened as his teleport faded and he looked to Blue who waited for him in their usual place. Blue Blood approached him as he summoned Sasa.

“Welcome my friends.” He greeted them as he hoof bumped Oblivion and hugged Sasa. “It’s been too long since we had our day out.”

“I agree.” Sasa said to him as they left the gardens and made their way out of the palace complex.

“How have you been since you came back. You said that you had been forbidden to teleport here for a while. You finally got permission?”

“It took time to convince Granny Smith I was fine to travel but yes,” Oblivion replied, his exasperation clear.

“Well in her defense…” he said and poked the other stallion in the ribs. “You do look like your being starved.”

“I am fine. I am beginning to think I need to start wearing my cloak once more.” The black Unicorn commented.

“Not needed. Just put on weight and you should be fine.” Blue assured him.

“You say that like he can.” Sasa chuckled to them.

Blue Blood looked to the stallion who shrugged as they walked. “That’s true. I don’t think I have ever seen you weigh more than this. Well, maybe a little but not by much.”

Oblivion sighed in annoyance as they reached the donut shop. The pony looked up, surprise on his face at the sight of the stallion and feline.

“Well, I’ll be. Been a while since I saw you two.” He called out as they approached the counter. “Usual?”

“Yes please, Joe,” Blue called out as they sat down in their usual place. “Thank you.”

“Not a problem just hang on colts and kitten.” He called out to them and the cat who purred in reply.

“So what else is new?” Blue asked.

Oblivion began to explain why he had been placed under house arrest and what had been happening since then. He went on about how the ponies had reacted to his return and for the most part, they had adjusted easily. Joe brought over their food and refilled the coffee twice as they talked and ate.

“So Rarity is looking to have a fashion show with her friends and you?” Blue asked, a smile on his face.

“Not with me, no. Though I am uncertain how it will work out.” Oblivion replied.

“What do you mean?”

“They denied the lovely dresses she had made for them.” Sasa said from her place on the floor. “They are gorgeous.”

“Why did they decline them?”

“I am not sure. They did not tell her what they wanted instead and I assume they think she can figure it out on her own. I am to meet with her in a couple of days to check Sasa’s sash and my suit.” Oblivion informed him.

“A fashion show huh?” He said and a hoof went to his chin as he thought it over. “I know of a few ponies in the city that love to see new fashion ideas. Perhaps I can bring them to Ponyville to see her designs. From what I have heard the designs are amazing. If what you two have said is correct.”

“If I could I would wear a couple of them.” Sasa said to them.

“High praise.” Oblivion teased at her.

Sasa batted at his hooves and chuckled in reply. “I clearly don’t have the form for them though so I will default to the mares themselves. Would you wish to come down to see the show with us Blue?”

The stallion stiffened at the mention of it but he calmed after a moment of thought. “Do you think she would mind?”

“Not at all. I think she would love to see you. Might help raise her spirits a bit as well.” The cat assured him and nuzzled his leg.

“I think I will then. I am not busy later in the week so I think it would be good for me to get out of Canterlot for a little bit.”

“I agree,” Oblivion said to him. Oblivion looked to the wraith that still held onto the stallion but it had been beaten well back by this time and it was becoming opaque in color. Oblivion would mention it to him one day and remove the remainder of it by force.

“Should I take the train or use a zeppelin?” He asked.

“If you are able try to work on teleporting him Chosen.”

Both stallions leaned out to look at her from her place on the floor. “I have yet to teleport anypony Sasa. You know that.” Oblivion chided her.

“I am aware. But it is not all that different from summoning me. Simply think of the act with Blue at your side and you should be fine to move him as well. If Blue is willing to trust you enough not to hurt him.”

“I trust him just fine.” Blue snapped at her. “Sorry.” He said to her at her startled look.

She chuckled at them and nuzzled him again. “No harm done. I am simply saying that the stronger a bond to the other pony is easier. Who better to try it with than Blue Blood?”

Oblivion sat back up and considered what she had said. “She’s not wrong in that sense.”

“That’s true,” Blue said and righted himself as well. “How about we go back to the garden and do short-range teleporting.”

“That’s a better plan that trying the long-range first. Safer.” Sasa agreed and Oblivion nodded.

They got up and paid while Joe wished them a good night. The moon was rising as they made their way back to the palace complex. Blue Blood led him into the gardens, close to the menagerie. He looked around them and a breath escaped him as he looked to the trailing black stallion.

“Okay, this should be good enough,” Blue said to him. “So we can see if you can teleport me to…” He looked around and then up to the towers. “That tower.”

Oblivion looked to where he was pointing and he could see that there was no sign of any pony inside the towers. “Very well.”

“Just include him in the spell, Chosen,” Sasa said to him alone.

Oblivion reached out and his hoof gripped the stallion's shoulder. Blue Blood closed his eyes as Oblivions horn charged. Oblivion released the spell and he tried to include Blue within it. He teleported to the tower and he looked to the stallion next to him and found that Bluer had not teleported with him.

“You left him here, Chosen.”

“I noticed.” Oblivion said back to her and teleported back to the others.

Blue opened one eye as Oblivion reappeared and he looked around to see that nothing had changed. “Forgot me?”

“It seems so,” Oblivion replied.

“Focus on moving us to a different location,” Blue instructed. “It’s not the spell that you need to focus on. It’s the act of moving both of us more than the use of the spell itself.”

Oblivion nodded as he listened to him. He reached out and gripped the stallion's shoulder again and his horn charged once more as he focused on moving the pair of them. His eyes closed as he teleported once more and he could feel Blue’s shoulder under his hoof.

“Did we move?” Blue asked.

“Yes. It seems this time we got it right.” Oblivion replied s the other opened his eyes and looked over the edge of the railing.

“Well done,” Blue replied. “Normally when teleporting a pony for the first time it’s pretty disorienting but I feel fine so the spell is smooth upon application.”

Oblivion charged his horn again and teleported both of them back to Sasa. The cat purred in praise as they reappeared back with her. She nuzzled them both as they stood in place.

“Well done. I think you have the hang of it now.” Sasa praised. “Now try to teleport greater distance. Perhaps back to the front of the shop?”

Oblivion nodded and gripped the other's shoulder once more. His horn charged and they teleported to the front of Joe's shop. Blue looked at him, a smile on his muzzle.

“Well done. I am pretty confident in teleporting further now that I am seeing how smooth the movement itself is.” He said to him.

“Should be easy enough to go further if needed.” Oblivion agreed and his horn sent them back to the waiting feline.

She purred at their reappearance and nuzzled them. “I do not think it will be an issue to bring you to Ponyville in a few days, Blue.”

“I agree. Thank you for indulging me in testing it first my friend.”

“Not a problem. Thank you for the instruction in the mechanics.” Oblivion replied to him. “Till next time then?”

Blue nodded as he backed up to allow them to leave for Ponyville. Oblivions horn charged and he teleported back to Ponyville and summoned Sasa a moment later. The stallion breathed and the pair of them looked to the farmhouse ahead of them.

“Home again.” Sasa said to him. “Are you going to go inside?”

“No. I think I will go hunting. Care to join or will you make sure they do not panic at my absence?”

“I’ll stay with them. Can you write a note that I can give them to make sure they get the message?”

Oblivion nodded and his horn summoned a scroll and he wrote out a note for the adult ponies and unformed them that he had gone hunting and would return in time. Sasa took the scroll in her teeth and he opened the front door for her and then trotted toward the orchards to leave for the Everfree. His stride lengthened as he broke into a hard gallop and released the spell on his body to allow his wings to show as he broke into the Everfree and galloped deeper.

Oblivion walked into town to meet with Rarity about his suit and Sasa’s sash. He knocked on the front door and a cheerful voice called out to him and he walked deeper into the boutique. He found the white mare sewing a swath of dark purple fabric with designs over it.

“What is that?” Sasa asked.

“Sasa is wondering what that fabric is.” He said to her.

“It’s part of Twilight’s dress.” She replied and set it aside as he approached.

Sasa looked closer at it and gave him an uncertain look. He shook his head as the mare picked up a black jacket with silver borders and silver accents. Her magic picked up a dark blue shirt and held it out to him. He nodded at her implication and he slipped into the outfit as she waited. The Witcher was quiet as she looked at it and a wide smiled went over her muzzle.

“Simply perfect.” She said to him. “Now to decide if it needs a tie or not.”

“Not.” Sasa said to him.

“What did she say?” Rarity asked him as the feline pushed against the mare’s hooves.

“Not.” He parroted.

The mare giggled at the feline and nodded. “She is a better judge I suppose. Well now to leave the shirt slightly open or buttoned up.” She looked uncertain and then looked to the cat who nodded t her. She unbuttoned two of the top buttons and then backed up to look to him. “Darling?”


“Can you make the chain on your necklace a bit longer?” She asked him.

Oblivion looked down and his magic covered the medallion and the chain lengthened slightly at her instructions. “There?”

“Perfect. It was just needing something in that space.” She explained.

Oblivion watched as her magic brought a mirror to him and he looked at the jacket and suit combo and raised his head to allow himself to see the full effect. Sasa walked behind him and grabbed his tail in her teeth and pulled him to the side. He shifted and she released his tail as he came to a stop and he could see that the jacket ended just in front of his hips.

“And it has a bit of size for you to gain any weight.” She added as he looked at her. “I know you’re naturally very lean, but still, you never know.”

Oblivion removed the suit and his magic held it aloft as she took the pieces and set them back onto the mannequin to keep it in order. Oblivion watched as she looked at it and her hoof ghosted over the fine fabric and her eyes roved over the clothing. Sasa walked over to her and sat down at her side. Oblivion looked around and he could see the dresses that had been made for the others still in place on their mannequins off to the side. His eyes went over them and he knew that they were made specifically for each mare. He said nothing as a sound from the mare got his attention.

“And your collar is here Sasa dear.” Her magic gripped a fabric wrapped item and she walked over to Oblivion and allowed Sasa to see it as well.

Oblivion watched as Sasa danced on her paws and watched as the mare unwrapped the item for the excited feline. Oblivion saw the glint of the gemstones as the black leather was unveiled. Sasa purred as the sight of the collar. It was close to three inches wide and had small sapphire stones inset into the leather. It had designs that went over the leather, they looked similar to the designs that went over his own armor. He looked to Sasa who had gone still at the sight before her. Rarity looked to her and a look of uncertainty went over her features at the still cat. Oblivion said nothing as the cat looked to the mare and a wide toothy smile and her tongue went over the mare's face.

“It’s beautiful!” The cat shrieked in his mind.

Oblivions magic picked up the collar as the feline nuzzled the mare happily and she stumbled under the affection. He cringed under the happy crying of the feline and he gave a hoof to Rarity to help her back to her hooves as the feline backed up to allow them to move. Rarity took the collar in her hooves and she put it around Sasa’s neck and buckled it in place. The cat walked to the mirror and looked at the collar that she wore. Rarity picked up the sheer fabric sash and wrapped it around the cat’s neck and then wrapped it down the cat’s forelegs. Sasa purred loudly in pleasure at the sight of the completed look.

“It’s good to see her so happy with it.” Rarity said to him at the cat’s clear pleasure.

“You have done very well with both our outfits Rarity. Though nothing less is expected of you. I did not doubt that it would be exactly what was needed. Now she will feel better about ponies seeing her and perhaps they will not be as afraid of her as they once were.”

“Is that her reason for it?”

“Yes. That was her explanation to me.” He explained. “Perhaps this way they will not see her as a wild tiger.”

“That is a good point. Well as long as it helps her then it is more than worth it. I added the designs and gems after I got it back from Torque.”

“I figured that was where you sent it. Your dedication to your craft shows.”

The mare seemed happier as he spoke and he waited for the spectral tiger to finish watching herself in the mirror. Sasa trend and went to the mare to nuzzle her once more.

“I love it. It is lovely.”

He parroted to the mare who smiled widely at the cat in response.

“What is she going to wear?” Sasa asked him as she left the mare and sat next to him.

“She is wondering what dress you are going to wear.” He said to the mare who looked startled and then looked at the desk on the other side of the room.

“I haven’t been able to finish it yet.” She pulled over the unfinished dress and the design that she had drawn of it to show them.

“That is gorgeous.” Sasa said to her and purred.

“She says it is lovely and will suit you well.” He said to the upset mare.

“It will be done later.” She said as Oblivion looked at the drawing and then to the rough dress. Her magic set it aside and pushed the mannequin it sat on to the far back of the room.

Sasa looked uncertain as the mare took the sash off the cat’s body and set it over the mannequin that held his own suit. She looked to them and Oblivion started for the door, Sasa on his heels. “Off you go dears, I still have a few things to finish for the day after tomorrow.”

“That’s when this show of yours happens?” Oblivion asked her.

“Yes. It should be…fine…” She said to him and her magic opened the door and the pair left the room as she closed the door behind them.

“That was not very confident.” Sasa said to him.

“I agree.” He replied and began to walk back to the farm to finish his own tasks.

The day dragged past and he watched as the sun began to lower in the skies and he followed Applejack into town and once he saw the stage. He left Sasa with them and the cat happily trotted toward the back of it to join Rarity and the others. Oblivion teleported to the Gardens to find Blue Blood waiting for him.

“Ready?” Oblivion asked him.

“Yes. I have to admit I am looking forward to this. It will be nice to show Rarity my support for her work. How has she been?” Blue asked him.

“I am not sure. She was a bit uncertain last I saw her.”

Blue looked concerned as he approached the black Unicorn and he reached out to grip the stallions shoulder. Oblivion horn charged and they both were sent to the center of Ponyville not far from the stage. Blue saw the stage and a smile went over his mouth as they began to approach it. The stallion stopped in his tracks as Spike began to speak and his eyes went wide.

“Break the lights.” He said aloud.


“Break the lights! Oblivion break the lights!” He shouted and looked to the stallion.

Oblivion’s horn charged and the light bulbs shattered in response. The cream stallion galloped ahead, Oblivion loping behind him. Spike was trying to calm ponies as the pair of them crashed through the cloth that hid the back of the stage. The Prince was quiet as Oblivion came up next to him.

“Why in the Gods name did I need…to…” Oblivion began to question him but his voice went silent at the sight before him.

He could see the dresses that the mares wore as they looked angrily at the two stallions. Twilight wore a single piece of fabric that went from shoulder to past her tail and obscured her from behind the same fabric that he had seen when he had visited Rarity a day before. She had a head piece of four stars in wires that were held on her head. Pinkie had an enormous yellow bow on the front of her chest with a green shirt behind it. A cupcake sat on the top of her head and a frilled skirt that reminded the stallion of a frilled lizard sat around her body. A set of balloons was tied in her tail and held it aloft. Fluttershy had a bird’s nest on the top of her head and two-colored flowers around her neck. Her dress went off the back of her body that had odd shaped flowers on it that were pink and white. It had flowers that looked like they were growing out of the bottom of it. Applejack had a pair of mud boots on all four hooves with a tall red hat that had a green apple on the front of it. An apron sat across her body with a green bandana around her neck. Rainbow Dash wore a helmet on her head that had all of the same colors as her mane. Her forelegs were covered in gold boots that had rainbow colored fabric that went around the whole of her leg.

“What in the God's name?” He said as his eyes took in the sight before him.

He could feel a sense of revulsion coming over him and he fought back a gag. He looked at Sasa who was laying on the ground with a paw over her snout.

“I know. Their awful.” She said to him.

Rarity looked at the two dumbfounded stallions who were now reduced to blinking and staring in revulsion. “Hello, Blue Blood and Oblivion.” She said to them.

“Rarity my dear, what is this?” Blue asked her.

“They designed them.” She said to him, misery in her tone. “They are exactly what they wanted. What happened outside?”

“I was asked to break the lights and now I know why.” He explained to her.

“I asked him to,” Blue admitted and approached the mare. “I asked him to so…those...” He pointed to the dresses. “Would not be seen by the ponies outside.”

“They're perfect,” Rainbow said to them at the stallion expressions.

“Why did ya have at do that?” Applejack asked him.

“Have you honestly looked in a mirror?” Oblivion asked them.

“Of course we have,” Twilight said to him.

Oblivion looked to Rarity who looked as though she would like nothing more than to crawl into a hole and hide. “You must be kidding. Even though I am Witcher even I can tell that what you are wearing is hideous and do nothing for any of you. You look as though you got dressed in the dark.”

The mare’s looked to him as he spoke and Rarity giggled at his words. She approached him and hugged him tightly. “Thank you.” She said to him as she released him and went to Blue Blood, hugging him tightly as well. She looked at the others and breathed in to explain. “I was trying to do exactly as each of you asked even though I agree with Oblivion's description. These are the worst dresses I have ever made and I hate them.” She said to them and they looked at each other.

Oblivion could see the understanding coming over them and they looked around to the stallions and the mare that had been trying to help them. Twilight looked at her friend and her face was a mask of apology.

“Rarity I am so sorry. We didn’t even give the dresses you made a chance. We should have looked at them as they were intended, as a wonderful gift. I am so sorry.”

“It’s fine. I’m just glad that you understand.” She said.

“We ruined this right proper.” Applejack said to all of them. “It’s a good thing Oblivion broke the lights.”

Oblivion looked at the mare and he saw her look to the stage and a look of regret went over her features. His horn lit up and he summoned the dresses to appear with them. The mares looked at them and then to him. He summoned his suit and Sasa’s sash and then looked to the mares and Blue Blood.

“Put them on. I will distract the crowd with Sasa while you get ready. Once you are ready I trust you can handle the rest?” He asked and they nodded. “Good. Blue Blood?”


“Can you help Spike to announce and make sure that it goes well?”

“Of course. Are you really going out there?”

“As much as I would rather not, we need a distraction. I will repair the lights as well. Sasa?”

“I am here.” She nosed Rarity who set about getting her sash in place.

Oblivion pulled his suit close and his magic set it in place. He shuddered at the thought of what he was about to do as Blue Blood slipped through the shroud and went to Spike.

“Since the beginning of time Ponies have sought after the perfect suit and dress to bring their features out into the light. The art of expressing one's innermost beauty was thought to be unattainable! It is no longer! Ponyville’s own Rarity is the mistress of the art! Behold the beginning of her art!” Spike shouted into the mic and the shrouds pulled back to reveal Oblivion.

The black stallion pranced slowly forward. The shine in the fabrics doing exactly as he wished and sparked in the low light as his magic slowly repaired the lights, adding to the effect of the colors. The silver lining of the jacket shone against the black jacket and he pranced with his head raised to the end of the runway. His silver mane and tail glittered in the light as he moved slowly forward. He stood tall at the end of the stage, his head held high as the floor began to rotate slowly. He looked back as Sasa walked slowly out, her stride calm and the sheer around her forelegs shone with the small gems that seemed to have been added at the end. They were not there last he had seen. The feline’s collar shone in the light, the sapphires shining in the glaring lights. Oblivion looked to the crowd and they stared at the spectral tiger's form, her natural coat shone and the ethereal mist that came off her added to the effect.

She joined him at the end and he looked carefully around and then back to the end of the stage. Blue Blood had moved back and was motioning for him to come back. Oblivion nudged Sasa gently and the feline pranced back, in step with him as they walked down the stage as the pony’s applauded. He reached the end of it and dipped out of the light and into the back of the stage. The mares were ready to go out and they began to slowly walk out there on their own.

“Gods.” Oblivion cursed under his breath as he looked to the mares.

“Well done,” Blue said to him.

“Never again.” He vowed.

The last mare went through the shroud and the Witcher looked to Rarity who had regained her joy and watched.



“Her dress?” She whispered to him, through their link. “Can you bring it here and make it for her?”

Oblivion looked to her and nodded. His horn flared and the half-made dress appeared. His magic flared once more and he focused on the image he recalled from the drawing. The fabric moved and gems went into place. Sasa watched and Blue stood in stunned silence as the dress came together. Rarity looked back as the glow from the azure flame of Oblivions magic became brighter. His magic peaked and he released the spell, leaving the completed dress in place. The golden tiara sat on the dresses back and the stallion panted for a moment before he looked at the stunned mare.

“It’s perfect.” She whispered. “How did you do…this?”

“I remembered the drawing and did it to your specifications. Perhaps you should get into it and join them.” He said to her and pushed the dress toward her.

The mare had tears in her eyes as she moved off to the side and got into the dress. Blue held out his hoof and she took it and he guided her out into the light as well. They heard Spike announce her as well and Oblivion watched her join the others at the end of the stage.

“You’re a genius,” Blue said to him.

“Sasa’s idea.” He admitted as the cat purred.

“You’re not a bad model.” Blue teased.

Oblivion snorted and shook his head. “I will never do that again. Pomp and circumstance at its finest.”

Blue laughed at his tone and looked to the end of the stage. “I’m glad you asked me to come. She’s brilliant at her craft. I can see the couple of ponies ZI told about this at the end.”

“You were able to get them to come at such short notice?”

“I may have made it seem really important and that as a Prince I wouldn’t dream of missing it.”

“Well played.” Oblivion praised.

“There is no way they will not want some of her designs in their own shops now. I can see Hoity Toity already practically drooling over them from here.”

“That is an actual name?” Oblivion asked.

“I know, right?” Blue laughed.

58: The Next Hunt...

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Oblivion tossed the hay bale up to the loft and looked back to the front of the barn as Sasa trotted in to join him. The she-cat picked up her own bucket and walked back out to drop off the pig slop for Big Mac to use. She came back in and sat down close to him.

“Okay I am starting to miss hunting monsters.” She admitted with a laugh.

Oblivion chuckled and nodded to her. “It is something I have more experience with I agree. Farm work is not something I have a great deal of knowledge about.”

“True. I keep wondering if we need to actually look into those other monsters on that list. But you asked that you be alerted to them if they came close to ponies, right?”

“Yes. I asked Luna to monitor the situation and alert me if needed.”

The feline sighed and fell to her belly. “I really don’t want to carry another bucket of…”

As he stopped as a scroll of dark blue stationery appeared in Oblivions magic. He looked at her. “Be careful what you wish for?” Sasa got to her paws and came up to him as he unrolled the scroll.

One of the monsters that you had named for us has begun attacking ponies once more. We ask that you hunt it down and remove it if possible. We are not sure if you wish to meet with us now or later about going to hunt for the monster. Let us know.


Oblivion rolled up the scroll and set it aside as he considered his options. “Meeting in person might be the easiest option.” He said aloud.

“I agree. Should let Applejack or Granny know that you’re leaving for the evening.”


The black stallion left the barn and angled for the front porch where Granny Smith sat. He reached her and waited for her to take notice of him, her eyes partially closed. The black Unicorn gave a loud snort and the mare startled and looked to him.

“What ya need?” She said to him.

“I will be going to Canterlot for a meeting with Luna. I should be returning by the end of the night but I will keep you alerted for any changes.” He replied to her.

She nodded and his magic flared as he teleported away from the farm. His eyes opened and he looked up as the Canterlot gardens stretched out in front of him. He summoned Sasa and walked into the castle. He looked up as a yell caught his attention and a familiar pony trotted toward him.

“Oblivion!” Shining called out to him and hoof bumped his friend and fell in beside him. “What brings you to Canterlot?”

“Luna sent me a letter about one of the monsters on the list. I came to discuss it with her.” He replied and Sasa nuzzled the other ponies shoulder in greeting.

“I wondered why she was in a hurry earlier. That explains why she pulled Striker and Silver out of drills.” He responded with a nod.

“She is a bit ahead of herself. Depending on the monster we may not need to act that far ahead.” Oblivion said to him.

“Still. Better to have them ready instead of sitting on their hooves.” He admitted. “I have to admit the training you gave them has made them the ones to beat during sparring drills.”

“I did not do that much,” Oblivion said to him.

“For the type of training, we do you did a lot for them. Though I do have to ask. Did you tell them to fight dirty or is that they're own doing?”

Oblivion barked a laugh and looked to the Captain. “I told them that honor is what you make it. If you win the fight it doesn’t much matter how.”

Shining shook his head in defeat and laughed. “Why am I not surprised?”

Oblivion gave a silent shrug and walked ahead. “Winning a fight is a matter of skill and determination. I showed them how to fight and they now have the option to use those skills. If you know how the body reacts to certain actions then you can shorten a fight to a mere moment versus a few minutes. It’s a matter of action and how to work with that action.”

Shining sighed and led the stallion through the throne room doors where both Luna and Celestia looked up to see him walking toward them. Luna jumped off the throne and trotted to him to greet him.

“Oblivion!” She called out and hugged him as he stopped at the base of the dais. “We had hoped thou would come to join us soon.”

“Your letter made it seem as though time was of the essence. I assume I was correct?” He asked.

She nodded and rejoined her sister. “Thank you for coming to us Oblivion,” Celestia said to him.

“Which monster is it?”

“Straight to business?” She replied to him.

“I do not see any reason to delay.” He replied. His ears flicked as the sound of the doors opening caught his attention.

He looked back to see his guards coming through the doors. They wore the armor that he had altered and they trotted to him, taking their places at his back. He gave Shining a side look at the Captain hide a smile behind a hoof. Oblivion looked back to the Princesses above him and waited for them to speak.

“It is the one that you called a Wraith,” Celestia said to him and she paused as he took the weight off one rear hoof at the information. “It has been getting closer to ponies and has not retreated.”

“The Wraith is the weakest of the group of them. It can kill I agree but it is not the fastest of them either. It is easy enough to outrun.” He replied to her.

“While that may be true it is attacking ponies that get even a bit close to it. It seems to be getting closer to the village.” She went on. “Can you be rid of it swiftly?”

Oblivion nodded. “It’s not the strongest. A few goods hits from a silver blade and it will fall, that I can assure you.”

“Do thee have the time to tend to this?” Luna asked him.

“I do. Given a few days, I can have it removed.” Oblivion said to her, his voice certain.

Luna smiled widely as he spoke and she looked to her sister who smiled. “That is good to hear. Do you need some time to alert the rest of the Apple Family?”

Oblivion closed his eyes for a moment as he realized that they were going to throw a fit about his leaving again, but he nodded. “I will teleport back to them and let them know. I will return here and we can leave from here.”

Celestia nodded in agreement as the black Unicorn spun to leave and his guards began to gather their own supplies under his command and he teleported back to the farm with Sasa.

“You know they are going to freak right?” She said to him.

He sighed and nodded. “I am aware.”

“Granny is going to tan your hide.” She replied to him, a laugh in her voice.

The stallion nodded and looked to the house to see the family gathered in the kitchen. He walked into the house and sat down at his normal place. Sasa laid down under the table and waited as they finished their meal. Apple Bloom was ushered off to her room to do her homework, while he spoke to the others.

“Ya look like ya got somethin’ on yer mind.” Applejack said to him and sat down. “Ah figured sendin’ the filly to ‘er room was a good plan.”

“I do have something I need to talk to you about that’s true.” He agreed and waited as the mare sat down. “I received a letter from Luna alerting me to the presence of one of the monsters that remain from my hunting. It has begun attacking ponies and needs to be removed.”

“So ya have ta go?” Mac said to him.

“Yes. It is slowly getting closer to a nearby town and the closer it gets the more likely it is that a pony could be killed.” Oblivion nodded to the red stallion.

“But ya just got back.” Applejack said to him.

“While that’s true, I took on the contracts from Luna and Celestia and I will fulfill them,” Oblivion said to her.

“Ya need ta be here,” Granny said to him. “Yer family needs ya here.”

Oblivion looked to the elder mare and shook his head. “For what purpose? Everything that I do on a daily basis can be done by others. I was made to be a Witcher, not a farm pony.”

Granny looked at him, a stubborn expression went through her features. “Yer a farm pony now.”

“I am not made to be one. While I will do my part I was not designed to be a farmer. I was made to be a Witcher, I am designed to hunt monsters and tend to curses. I am letting you know that this is what I am doing. I am not asking for permission.” He said to her and got to his hooves. “I will keep you as informed as possible and alert you when the hunt has ended.”

His hooves carried him outside, Applejack on his heels. The mare set a hoof on his shoulder to stop him from teleporting. His orange eyes fell on her as she stood up and hugged him tightly.

“Just be careful, ya hear.” She said to him and released her grip on his neck and shoulders. “We just are scared about losin’ ya again. It took ya a long time ta come back.”

“I do not anticipate one Wraith giving me any trouble. A Leshen would be a concern but I have killed more than my fair share of Wraiths. They fall easily once you find them.” He assured her.

“Be careful.” She said to him as his horn lit up and he teleported away from her.

He opened his eyes to see the gardens once more and he summoned Sasa to his side as he went to find his team.

His eyes went out over the skies as the chariot moved toward its destination. He looked to Sasa as they moved, she laid at his side quietly, and the clouds flashed by as they began to descend. Oblivion was quiet as they landed and Sasa sat up and yawned. The Witcher jumped from the chariot and his saddlebags went to sit on his barrel. Sasa jumped out to land at his side and she stretched out and licked over a patch of her fur that was out of place. Oblivion walked forward while the guards began to unload their gear and the tents that they would use again for the duration of their stay. His eyes narrowed as a pony began to trot toward them. Sasa growled at the pony as they neared him.

A Thestral approached them and slowed at the sight of the tall stallion. Sasa stepped forward and stood a few steps ahead of him, her aqua eyes trained on the approaching pony. Oblivion looked back to Vantage and Cross.

“Vantage.” He said aloud.


“Do you know this Thestral?”

Vantage came to his side and his shoulders slumped and a groan escaped him. “Oh no.”

“What is it?” Oblivion spread his claws in the dirt, ready for any threat.

“It’s Sight Line.” He groaned.


“The Thestral I mentioned before.”

Oblivion was quiet as he thought back to the last time they had spoken and he nodded at the memory. “Will he be an issue?”

“No, sir.” Vantage replied. “I’m not sure how he’s here. His vacation was over a couple of weeks ago. How the hell did he get here before us?”

Oblivion reached out to grip Sasa’s fur when she growled louder at the pony as he stopped wisely several feet away from them. Oblivion breathed in and a sigh pulled from him as he exhaled. “Keep him back Sasa.” He said to her and the feline growled and advanced a step.

“Sir?” Vantage said to him.

“I want to know why he is here. I dislike not knowing his motives.” Oblivion said to the Thestral.

Vantage nodded to him and bowed his head at the unspoken command. He walked down to stand beside Sasa and he yelled for the other Thestral.

“Sight Line.” He said aloud.

“Vantage. I thought that was you.” The other replied.

“Why are you here? Your vacation is over.” Vantage pressed.

“I heard that you were coming here and I mentioned to the Captain that I am from this village. He said that I should be able to help and told me to hustle back home.” He explained.

I may have to have a word with Shining Armor about this.’ Oblivion thought to himself. ‘I dislike having my team undermined. His presence has already caused a delay.’

Oblivion stayed back as Vantage came back to him. “Sorry, sir. Looks like the Captain sent in for him. He’s a pain in the ass so I’m not sure how much help he will be.”

“I will speak with Shining about this. I do not appreciate surprises before I begin my own work. We will adjust to him but he will either be of no help or prove to be helpful. While I am doubtful of his usefulness I will allow him to approach.” He looked to the still growling tiger and a shrill whistle went from his lips. “Sasa. Let him near.”

The tiger came back to him and she sat down at his side. "So this is the one that they do not like the presence of?

Yes.” He said back to her as the pony came to a stop in front of him.

“You must be Oblivion Shadow.” He called out.

Vantage stiffened at his side and he walked forward. “Show the proper respect, Sight Line. You are in the presence of an Element of Harmony and one who is the same rank as the Captain himself.” Vantage snarled.

“Oh right.” The other said and waved a hoof in the air at the other Thestral. “Relax Vantage. Sorry, sir.”

Sasa growled at him and looked to Oblivion. Can I slap him into the ground?

Do not tempt me.” He replied to her. “Apology acknowledged. What is your business here?”

“I was sent to help out since this is my home town. Don’t worry with my help this mission will take no more than a couple of days…Sir.” He said to the Witcher.

Oblivion looked over his shoulder as the other guards came to stand in their place at Oblivion’s command. The four guards took their place and stood at attention, waiting for his command. Oblivion said nothing for a moment before he looked to them and spun to look at them.

“Vantage.” He said to them.


“I want you to start scanning the forest with Striker. Use your vision to guide his flight and see if you can spot anything out of place. What you are looking for is this.” He said as he pulled an old drawing out of his saddlebags to show the two ponies.

“Sir!” They intoned and took to the air after scanning the drawing.


“Sir?” The Pegasus came up to him and waited.

”You’re in the village with Cross. I want to know how close this Wraith has gotten. I will meet with the mayor…”

“I can take you to him.” Sight Line interrupted.

Oblivion paused and looked over his shoulder to the cocky Thestral. Sasa snarled and lunged at him, driving him back. “Keep your tongue in check,” Oblivion said to him. “Go.”

Silver and Cross loped past the stunned Thestral and ran for the village. Oblivion breathed in again and stroked Sasa’s fur as she sat at his side once more. I really want to hit him.” She growled to him.

I know. Before the evening is out I might allow it. Or at least turn away.” He replied to her.

Please do.” She quipped and stared.

Oblivion turned to the Thestral and walked past him. His claws folded back into his hoof as he walked forward. He could hear the Thestral on his heels and Sasa looked back as he stayed a few steps back. The black unicorn was quiet as he walked into the small town and began to make his way through town. He looked to the side as the Thestral trotted past him and started yelling as he vanished around a corner. Sasa looked up at him and the stallion cast a glance to her and he gave a knowing nod to her. They both knew that he had gone ahead to find the mayor of his hometown and Oblivion fought back a growl under his breath. The black Unicorn came around a corner and a pony rammed into him and he paused in place. He looked down to see the Thestral from before looking to him.

“Oops.” He said and backed up from the chest of the black stallion. “Anyway. Here is the mayor of the town, Hazel Berry.”

Oblivion looked to the Earth Pony ahead of him, the stallions grey eyes looked out from a dark brown coat of fur. Oblivion saw a cutie mark of a large nut tree on his flank but he ignored it and chose to address the pony in front of him.

“I was contracted by Celestia and Luna to rid the area of a monster that looks like this.” He said as he pulled out the picture he had drawn of the Wraith.

The mayor looked at the picture and nodded. “Yup. That’s the monster all right. Used to stay away from the village after it killed and for a while, we thought it was gone. It showed up outside one of the fields and has been flitting around that area for about a week or so.”

“Have you had any trouble with ponies getting to close to it?”

“Nah. Most keep their distance.”

“And the one that was killed?”

“Young fool that she was. Good young mare but…”

“She was a firecracker.” Sight Line broke into the conversation.

Both stallions looked to the Thestral and Oblivions orange eyes glared down and the pony went silent. “You were saying?”

“Well, she was feisty and was sure that she could drive it off for good. Didn’t even know she had gone after it till the next morning. Poor thing was curt to pieces by it. It never showed any weapons at…”

“Yeah, it did. After that it did.” They were interrupted once more and the Thestral stood up nearly in between them.

“Sasa?” Oblivion said her name aloud.

Sasa came up to him and forcibly backed him away from them. He saw the mayor flinch at the large cat but his eyes fell on the collar around her neck and he looked to the Witcher who nodded to him.

“She is my companion. Harmless unless forced to be otherwise.” He informed him.

“Ahh. Well, so long as she behaves she’s welcome here.” He said to them.

“Thank you for that. She will defend if needed but she is at my side for a reason.” Oblivion replied to him. “You were saying about it being armed?”

“Yes. It didn’t look armed at first but as he said it was after she went after it. It was a bit aggressive after that but after a couple of days, it gave up and went back to the forest. I do have to ask. How did it get here?”

Oblivion paused as he considered his reply. He cast a glance to the Thestral who looked annoyed at the large cat blocking him but he remained silent. “It was brought here by a portal that was created by another and now I am cleaning up the mess left behind.”

The Earth pony nodded in understanding. He lowered his head and Oblivion matched him. “Can ya take that one with ya when ya leave?” He said with a nod to the Thestral.

Oblivion snorted. “I have no need of him and I may send a request to have him recalled if he insists on getting in the way further. I have my team with me and they are more than enough to end the threat posed by this Wraith.”

“Wraith? And please take him with you. Nice enough unless he gets a sniff that there might be glory in the mix.”

“Oh Gods one of those?” Oblivion growled.

“Yep. Nice enough but then he gets it in his head and he turns into a glory hound.” He replied, his expression laughing. “You get paid more than me ta handle him.”

Oblivion tilted his head at him. “Not really.”

Sasa growled and he flicked an ear as the Thestral tried to go past her as Striker landed close to him.

“Sir!” He said and saluted the black Unicorn.


“We saw it. Vantage is keeping it in sight.” He reported and waited as Oblivion looked past him to the forest.

“Pardon me.” He said to the mayor and took off at a fast gallop, Sasa falling in at his side. Striker fell in at his hip as the black stallion charged out of town.

Oblivion cast a look over his shoulder and he could see both Sasa and Silver in place with him, keeping in stride. His eyes went to the skies as he galloped over the grass and dirt. Vantage circled and Oblivion charged harder at the sight of the flitting Wraith. He dug deeper, his claws tearing into the grass as Striker and Sasa fell back at his unspoken command. He summoned his weapon from the band on his leg and he cast Quen as he galloped forward. He kept his armor back in case the fight ended faster than he thought it would. He slid to a stop as the Wraith flit out of sight for a moment as the stallion tapped his hoof to cast Yrden onto the ground.

Oblivion was silent as he stood in place, his body still. His weapon hovered at his shoulder and his ears flicked, listening for the monsters telltale sounds. He had fought hundreds of Wraiths if not more and he knew them well. He spun as it attacked his flank and he jumped back, drawing it further into Yrden. The black stallion cut the air and the Wraith screamed as it fell back and the black stayed still once more, his hoof tapping a new circle of Yrden over the old. Hs orange eyes looked closely around him and he slowly began to turn. The Elder Witcher’s ears flicked as the sound of wings came toward him and he looked up as the Thestral collided with him and knocked him out of the circle and they rolled over the ground. Oblivion lost grip on his blade and allowed it to drop into the grass as he rolled to his hooves. His eyes scanned the area and his ears flocked as the Thestral got to his hooves.

“Saved you just in time!” He crowed. “That thing was going for your back.”

“Silence.” Oblivion breathed as he tried to listen.

“No need to thank me. Just doing my job and helping.”

Oblivion horn lit as a ring of magic silenced the chatty Thestral and he looked around for the Wraith. “Damn. It’s gone.” He complained and released the Thestral’s mouth.

The black stallion relaxed and his magic gripped his weapon and it vanished as he sent it back to the band on his leg. Striker and Vantage joined him, Vantage glared at the other Thestral. Sasa snarled as she approached the Thestral and began to drive him back. Oblivion breathed out an angry sigh and turned to look at them.

“What in the Gods name are you doing?” He finally asked.

“What?” Sight Line replied. “I just saved you. I knew you would need my help out here. I’m not surprised you need all four of them at your back. You just stand there like you have a huge target on your back.”

Oblivion stared at him as Sasa growled and she sat down in front of him. “Striker?”


“Get the others here,” Oblivion commanded, his voice firm.

“Yes, sir.” Striker took to the air and vanished over the treetops. “Now. Kindly explain why you think I need your help.”

Sight Line stepped around the growling feline and stood in front of the Black Unicorn. Sasa came to stand next to him with Vantage, who still glared hotly. “Well, you need all four of them. But anyway, I figured I would hang back just in case and sure enough you did need some help. That thing would have carved open your flank if not for me.”

“Did you not see the first part of that fight?” Vantage asked him.

“Not really. I saw you standing there in the back, not doing anything Vantage. I mean come on he clearly needs help out here.” Sight Line went on.

Vantage looked to Oblivion who said nothing as the Thestral spoke. “He doesn’t need our help unless he says otherwise. You just ruined his hunt.”

“Hunt? Hah!” He laughed at Vantages wording. “That would have been a massacre. Come on. You have to know better than that. I mean I know that we were told he can handle himself but from what I saw he was about to be killed.”


“Welcome back Striker. Silver, Cross.” He addressed them and they saluted. “I was just being informed of my failure at killing the Wraith by this pony here.”

Silver looked stricken and his eyes darted from Oblivion to Sight Line and back. “Seriously?”

“Yes. It has been quite the…education.” He replied.

Cross came up to him and looked at Sight Line who looked cockily to them. “You’re kidding, right?” He said aloud.

Oblivion looked at him, hearing his voice above a certain volume surprised the Witcher and he nodded. “Not at all. Shall I tell you what happened?”

Sight line looked uncertain for a moment before he took the weight off one hind leg and waited. “Please do.”

Oblivion looked at them and began to speak. “I came where \Vantage circled having been told by Striker that the Wraith had been seen. Sasa and Striker fell back and I activated Quen…”

“Queen... what in Equestria?” Sight Line said to him.

“Quen. It’s a shield that a Witcher can create without magic and it deflects the attacks of monsters and ponies.” Oblivion explained. “I also activated Yrden. Which is used to either slow down ponies or it can force an otherwise incorporeal Wraith to become solid enough to cut with a silver blade.”

“Oh. That’s interesting. But you weren’t using it before.” Sight Line said to him.

“How are you certain? Do you even know what it looks like?” Silver asked him.

“Well, it’s a wall of magic.” He said to them.

The guards looked to him and Oblivion tapped his hoof. A ring of purple runes went over the ground, surrounding the black stallion. Sight Line looked to the ground and looked embarrassed for a moment and then back to the black pony.

“After that, I was able to draw the Wraith to the circle and while it attacked first I was able to attack and cut it as it fled the circle. Once it fled I was able to recast Yrden and allow it to cover the old version and regenerate the effect it has.” As Oblivion spoke, Sight Line began to look nervous as the black stallion’s voice remained confident and firm. “As I waited for the Wraith to return I waited in one place and was able to listen for the sound of the Wraith coming toward me. Before that happened I did hear the sound of your wings and was able to turn to stop from attacking you in its place.”

Sight Line looked uncertain as the stallion finished speaking. The guards were all staring at him, their expressions were angry and annoyed as Sight Line shuffled his hooves.

“Oops.” He replied and leaned back on his haunches. “I can still be helpful though.”

“You're just here to try to get the glory of it. Oblivion is the only one that can fight these monsters and live through it. How long have you been hunting them Oblivion?” Silver asked him.

“Long enough to have killed more than a few hundred Wraiths.” He replied as their eyes widened in shock at the numbers. “I am the eldest of the Witchers of the Wolf School. I have trained my fellow Witchers to survive attacks from monsters that you have only seen in nightmares. All you have accomplished is allowing the Wraith to live longer and therefore you have placed your fellow equines in danger due to your own arrogance and glory-seeking.” Oblivion said to him, his voice loud enough to command attention.

Sight Line looked to the ground at the black stallion's hooves and for the first time had nothing to say. Vantage looked at Oblivion who nodded s the Thestral stalked up to the other.

“Anypony gets hurt or dies and it will be your fault.” He snarled. We could have been leaving already except you decided that you know better than a pony that has already killed a monster that could have carved you and all of us into pieces with barely any fight. We were taught by him to run away and fly from it.” Vantage paused and looked over his shoulder. “Sir?”


“Do you have a picture of the Leshen?” He asked.

Oblivion paused and nodded after a moment’s thought. He reached into his saddlebags and pulled out a sketch pad that he had used years earlier. He scanned through it and his magic let it hover in front of the Thestral’s.

“Look at it.” Vantage snarled.

Sight Lines eyes went wide at the picture in front of his nose. He reached out and his hooves gripped the paper as Oblivion released the pad and his horn went silent. His eyes went to the black stallion who said nothing as he looked to the paper once more.

“I can still help you.” He began and gave the sketchpad to Vantage who groaned out loud. “You don’t know the area…”

“I do not need to know it,” Oblivion replied and took the sketch pad back and set it back in his saddlebags. “I was made to hunt monsters and that is what I am here to do. I do not need your aid and I will not ask for it. But…” Oblivion paused as an idea struck him. “Do you wish to audition to try to replace one of my team?”

The guards spun to him and Sasa stared at him, a surprised noise escaping her. Sight Line looked at them and nodded. “Of course. Anything they can do, I can do.” He assured the black stallion. “Anything.”

Oblivions eyes took on a mischievous glint. Sasa and the guards took notice and relaxed under his gaze. The stallion looked to the high grass fields and walked toward them. The group followed him and Sasa bumped his hip as she stayed at his side. The black Unicorn reached a slight hill in the field and stood atop it. The guards took their place at his flanks and waited as the other came up to them, his expression cocky and self-assured. Sasa sat down at his side and waited for him to speak.

59: A Wraith Falls...

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Oblivion looked over the field and then looked to the arrogant pony that stood off to the side of his normal team. He breathed in and turned to face the Thestral.

“Your first test will be to keep up with Sasa in the air. My team has been trained to tail and stay with her no matter her movement and abilities. Your task is to equal that skill that they have trained for.” Oblivion said to him, his voice strong and demanded attention.

Sight Line glanced at the others and nodded at the Black Unicorn. “Easy.” He said as he looked at the large feline. “She’s huge. Not hard to keep up within the air.”

Oblivion looked to Sasa as the feline bristled and he could sense the anger that surged through her. His guards looked from the Thestral to Sasa and they backed up from her as her fur stood up on her back and shoulders. Oblivion waited as Sight Line pretended to stretch out and he waited for the feline to start to move.

Sasa?” Oblivion spoke to her through their connection. “I trust I do not need to say anything about you breaking him of his arrogance about your size?”

No...” She replied and stalked past the stallions and out into the tall grass.

Oblivion waited for her to get a fair distance from him before he spoke. “Go.”

Sight Line stared at him for a moment before he took to the air. The Thestral searched for her and he dove down to follow her and the Oblivion could sense when the cat took off, her paws silent as she raced through the grass.

“Sir?” Silver spoke to him as the black Unicorn turned back to face the field.

“Yes, Silver?”

“There is no way he can keep up with her. We barely can if she gets serious.”

“No. He will fail to keep her close. Not only does she have the experience of fighting against you and the others she has me in the wings as well. He does not bother to gauge her skill and instead has blundered into a trap she has already laid in wait.”

“Plus. I think he, pissed her off.” Silver said to him as a laugh broke from him.

“Yes, he did.” Oblivion agreed.

Oblivion watched as the Thestral fought to stay above the feline and he felt when Sasa reached out to him to pull on his magic to allow her to Blink. He saw a flash of blue flame as she vanished. The Thestral stopped in the air and he didn’t see that Sasa was now behind him and she leaped up and her jaws closed on his tail and she yanked him violently from the air and dragged him back toward Oblivion and the others.

“Ouch.” Striker cringed out loud. “That’s gonna leave a bruise.”

The other nodded as they fought back their laughter. Sasa dragged the yelling pony to Oblivions hooves and dropped his tail with a snarl and came to sit next to him. Sight Line rolled to sit and he rubbed his back and the back of his neck.

“You failed,” Oblivion said to him as he ran a hoof over Sasa’s fur.

“You didn’t say she was going to attack me.” He argued as he got to his hooves.

“You believed that she would not treat you as an enemy?” Oblivion said to him, forcing surprise into his tone. “You have insulted her and you thought she would be kind to you?”

“How did I insult a cat?” He replied. “It’s just an animal.”

Sasa got to her paws and advanced on him once more. Her paw lashed out as she slapped him to the ground. “You are a waste of time and oxygen. You have no place among these ponies and you will never be their equal.” She snarled out.

Oblivion spoke her words aloud as the Thestral got to his hooves, rubbing his face. “She is a Spirit Beast. She is much more than an animal.” Oblivion said to him.

Sight Line stared at her as the tiger sat down and snarled at him. “Oh.” He said to her. “Oops.”

Sasa’s eyes went wide as she stood and slapped him again. “Oops!? You little brat! I will beat manners into you if I have to!” She snarled and Oblivion spoke for her once more.

Vantage and the others came forward and stood at the Tigers back, ready to help her should she need them. Sight Line stared at them as Oblivion said nothing more. Oblivion stepped forward and ran his hoof over the enraged feline’s thick fur.

“You have already failed your task. If you wish you can try for the second test. Should you fail that then you will stay out of the way of my hunt. You are not needed here should you fail again.” The Witchers voice was assured and firm.

“I can still do whatever they can.” Sight Line vehemently replied.

“Except apologize.” Striker growled.

Sight Line looked at the Solar Guard and shrugged. Oblivion gripped Sasa’s fur as she lunged at him again. Her paws pushed him back but he stopped her from mauling him. Oblivion had to lean back on his haunches to keep her back as she snarled and yowled. The guards reached out and held her as Sight Line stayed away from her. She finally calmed after several seconds and Oblivion released her fur.

“Silver.” Oblivion barked as the guard released the cat’s fur and spun to him, saluting. “Into the air.”

Silver was in the air a bare moment later and Oblivion knew that he would stay above them to see what was going on. Oblivions magic pulled his belt from his saddlebags and it hovered in front of the Thestral.

“Put this around your barrel.” He commanded and the Thestral wisely did as he was told. His medallion had been wrapped around the belt and it hung on the belt, just off his shoulder. “Your job is to avoid Silver in the air and Cross on the ground.”

“What?” Sight Line sais as he looked up to Silver, who hovered several feet above them.

“This is an exercise that was used to train them to work in tandem. You will be harried on the air and ground. Cross?”


“You know what to do,” Oblivion said to him and the Thestral nodded, jumping into the tall grass. “You must avoid them and bring the medallion back to me. The start is at the other end of the field.”

“Okay. So I just need to get this little necklace back here to you?”

“Yes,” Oblivion replied.

“Sounds simple enough.” Sight Line replied and his wings began to spread but a ring of blue magic surrounded him, pinning them down.

“On the ground is where you will remain. This exercise was used to train them and they did well, if you wish to be half their equal then accomplish this on the ground.” Oblivion said to him, as the Thestral stared at the ring of blue magic.

“Fine. Still sounds easy enough.” He replied, his tone cocky and self-assured.

Oblivion tipped his head to the field and the Thestral ran for the other end. The Witcher looked up at Silver who nodded in silent understanding. Sasa still growled as Striker and Vantage petted her.

“I want to hit him again.” She growled.

“I know. He will fail once more do not worry.” He assured her and ran his claws through her fur.

She nodded to him and sat down in place with the guards. Oblivion watched as the Thestral reached the other end and waved to Silver who looked to the Black Unicorn.

“Begin!” Oblivion roared out and Silver dove for the Thestral.

Silver dove for him and Sight Line ducked under his attack and barely avoided the attacking Cross. Cross missed him and went back into the tall grass. Sight Line raced for the other side and Oblivion watched as Silver dove on him once more, this time he knocked the other pony to the ground, but missed the belt on his body. Sasa watched intently as a chuckle went through her as Cross collided with him as soon as he got to his hooves. He rolled to his hooves and began to zig-zag through the grasses as he reached the half way point. Oblivion felt no concern as he barreled toward them from across the field. His eyes followed the scene easily as their spirits guided his gaze and he felt a snort of laughter break from him as Cross jumped over Sight Line, his hoof gripping the belt as he pulled the Thestral to the ground and Silver dove down on him as well. The Pegasus gave a shout as he took to the air and winged his way back to Oblivion, medallion in hoof.

“Got it.” He said as he dropped it into Oblivions claws.

“Well done.” He said as Cross came to him, the other Thestral on his heels.

“You didn’t say that either of them could take it.” He complained.

“You expect me to hold your hoof?” Oblivion replied to him. “My team is designed to fight at my side without complaint, not argument is given unless needed.”

Sight Line looked angrily at the black Unicorn as Oblivion released his wings. “If you let me fly that would have been over faster.”

“I am not here to play to your strengths. Do you think I left them to their strengths and did not train their weaknesses?” Oblivion replied. “You have no place among them. You have failed both tests and will now be on the sideline.”

“I can still…”

“No,” Oblivion growled. “You have failed. And I will not allow you to ruin this hunt nor will I permit you among my team. You will simply get under hoof and your aid would prove to be useless to us. Glory seeking fools are not welcome among them.”

Sight Line’s jaw clenched as the Unicorn spoke. “But…”

“Enough Sight Line.” Vantage said to him. “You’ve lost. Oblivion is equal to Shining Armor and his word is law. You have lost and he has said that you are not welcome here with us. Get used to it.”

Oblivion gave a slight nod as Vantage spoke. “He is correct. There is no place for you here.”

Sight Line’s eyes hardened into a glare as he looked at the taller Unicorn. “What if I can beat you in a fight?”

Oblivion couldn’t stop the surprise that went through his eyes for a second as he stared for a moment. “You cannot beat them.” He said as he indicated the guards at his sides. “What makes you think you can defeat me, the one who trained them into what they are now?”

“Scared?” Sight Line teased.

To Oblivion's surprise Cross broke out a laugh and put a hoof over his mouth to hide a smile. The others joined him and snorted a laugh. Sasa began to chuckle and soon was on her belly with her paws over her snout as she laughed.

“She’s laughing at you too.” Silver said as he sat down to laugh.

Sight Line growled at them and looked back to Oblivion as he stepped forward. “Very well. You can choose the contest.”

Surprise went through the Thestral’s eyes as he looked back to the fields around them. “Hoof combat.”

“Very well.” Oblivion agreed and walked away from the guards and feline, who still laughed.

Oblivion sent Quen over his body and cast Yrden once more. He backed up to the far end of Yrden and waited. The purple runes glittered across the ground and he allowed them to be seen by the Thestral. Sight Line stayed on the outside of the runes and his jaw clenched as he focused on the black Unicorn. Oblivion had to admit that the Thestral had his smaller size to his advantage. The Elder Witcher was silent as he began to circle forcing the other to move as he wanted him to. Oblivion had years of experience behind him and he knew how to force his opponent to make a mistake that would cost him dearly. The black stallion paused and began to walk the other direction, forcing the other to mirror him. His orange eyes glowed from their sockets. His muscles trembled as he allowed his body to alter its own physiology in preparation for the fight, dispute that it would not be a long one.

Sight Line lunged across the runes and tried to punch the taller stallion. Oblivion spun his body and used his hip to push the other off his hooves. Oblivion went after him, his claws sheathed as he tried to drive them down on the other's body. Sight Line managed to evade him and got to his hooves once more. The black pulled back and began to circle once more, allowing Yrden to fade on the ground, it's fade signaled by the sound of breaking glass. Oblivion watched as the other looked down for a moment at the sound and the black stallion charged him at that moment. His shoulder collided violently with the pony's head and chest. The other shouted and rolled back as oblivions own teeth sank into his tail, spinning him around and then using it to toss him away from the Black Unicorn’s hooves.

Oblivion faintly heard a groan from the Thestral as he tried to get up and Oblivion spun to stamp his forehooves down on either side of the Thestral’s head. The other was still as the hooves slammed into the ground, kicking up dust and dirt onto him. The area was silent as the guards and Sasa had watched the short fight with interest.

“You have lost for the last time,” Oblivion said to him and reared back to get away from the frozen Thestral. “I believe you will be taking the sidelines permanently at this time. Your aid is not needed or wanted.”

Oblivion rejoined his team and began to walk away from the field, intent on trying to hunt down the missing Wraith once more. He heard the Thestral getting to his hooves as his team and Sasa fell in at his back. His hooves were silent on the grass as they walked toward the edge of the forest. He paused as the sound of wings caught his attention as Sight Line landed by them once more.

“I can be of help to you still.” He pressed.

“No, you cannot. You know nothing about how to work in a team. You are out for your own glory and fame and anything else falls to the side of that goal. The purpose of the team I have is to protect ponies from the monsters that hide in the shadows. We will not be known for these contracts and if we are we will be avoided.”

Silver and the others had stopped with him and gave a grim nod. They remembered the battle with the pinto mare and the Nekkers. Their hooves had come away red from the battles. They had been told that they would walk away changed from the fight and Oblivion had been right. They were not the same ponies that they had been. The black Unicorn was quiet as he looked away from the Thestral.

“Your aid would put others at risk and cause the deaths or injuries to others. You are not welcome among us.” Oblivion snarled to him, the decision clearly final.

Sight Line was silent as the black unicorn once more began to walk away, leading the silent guards at his back. Sasa looked back at him and she growled a clear warning to him. Oblivions hooves carried him into the trees of the forest and he looked down to the ground and focused his sight to try to ascertain where the wraith had fled to.

Oblivion led them out of the forest once more and they came out close to their own camp and the guards moved to the camp and began to check it over, making sure it had not been tampered with. Oblivion stood silent just out of the interior of the camp. His ears flicked as he made sure that they were safe and that there was nothing close to them.

“Sir?” Silver called out to him.

“Hmm?” Oblivion flicked an ear to him.

“You eating with us?”

“You should probably join them Chosen.” Sasa advised.

“Yes.” He replied with an affirmative nod.

Silver nodded and set aside rations for the black Unicorn as well as the others. Oblivion came to sit with them and the food was passed around to each of them. Oblivion ate his share quickly and got to his hooves. The black Unicorn was silent as Sasa came to sit next to him.

“Do you think that will be the last we have to worry about that arrogant little brat?” She asked him, her tone annoyed.

“Hopefully.” He replied to her. “If nothing else perhaps it will take him down a peg or so.”

“You think so?” She asked.

“Unlikely.” He replied with a derisive snort.

“One can only hope for so much.”

Oblivion was silent as she finished speaking. His natural inclination was to think that they would be hearing from the Thestral once more. If he needed to he would send a request to Luna or Shining to recall him.

“Hopefully the tail whipping you gave him was enough.” Sasa commented. “Dented his ego heavily when you thrashed him into the ground.”

Oblivion nodded to her but said nothing in reply. The Tiger leaned against his shoulder for a moment before she went back to the camp with Oblivion on her heels. The black Unicorn sat back in place and the others looked at him as he sat in silence.

“Do you think Sight Line will get in the way now?” Vantage asked.

“I can’t say what he will do now. The ball is in his court.” Oblivion replied to him.

They were quiet as the Unicorn looked back behind them to the town at the edges of the camp. Sasa laid down among them and Cross ran his hooves through her long fur. Striker suddenly started to chuckle and Silver and the others looked at him.

“Sorry, I was just remembering the look on his face when Oblivion slammed down his hooves on either side of his head.” The Pegasus admitted with a laugh.

Silver snorted a laugh and nodded. “It was pretty funny to see.” He said and put his hooves on his eyes and widened them. “They were this big.”

Cross chuckled and Vantage snorted a laugh. “I have to admit it was the highlight of my day.”

“Is he always like that?” Sasa asked and Oblivion parroted for her.

“Yep.” Vantage said to her with a nod. “Been like that since always. The Drills instructors wanted to thrash him so badly. But even after they finished with him he still thought he was a top pony.”

“Sir?” Cross spoke up and Oblivion looked at him. “Have you ever had a pony that was like him?”

Oblivion thought back to the Witchers he had trained and nodded. “Yes. One.”

“Was he as bad or better?” Silver asked.


“They can get worse?” Striker asked.

“Oh yes,” Oblivion admitted. “I had one Witcher in training that was certain that he was going to be the best there ever was or would be.”

“And did he learn his lesson?” Silver asked.

Oblivion shook his head. “No. He made it through training but all of us hated him.”

“What happened to him?” Cross asked.

Oblivion was quiet as the memory came back to him. “I was contacted by an old friend after they heard about a Witcher that had taken on a contract close to him and had not been seen since he took the contract,” Oblivion said to them and they listened closely as he went on. “I went out there as I was the only one in the area. I found the contract giver and he informed me of the direction of the monster and I set out to find it. I tracked for about a day and found his last camp and went on from there. I found his pack and then found him.”

“And?” Striker asked him.

“He was pretty torn up by the katakan that was in the area. He ran into the fight with no prep and assumed that he would succeed. He was barely alive when I found him.” He said to them and they cringed. “I was able to stop the katakan and get him into town.”

“Did he survive?” Cross asked him.

“For a few days,” Oblivion admitted to them. “He lived for another three days before he had nothing left to give and his hubris killed him.”

Striker shook his head. “Geez. Was he any good at being a Witcher?”

Oblivion nodded. “Had his mindset been different he could have almost been Geralt’s equal.”

“I assume Geralt is one of the best?” Striker asked.

“Geralt is one of our best. Like me, he took to the training and mutations and was subjected to further Trials.” Oblivion said.

“So he’s as good as you are?” Striker asked.

“I have a few years on him but he is very good at his job. He and I have worked together many times. There is no other Witcher I would want at my back.” Oblivion admitted to them.

Sasa sat up and nuzzled him as he spoke. Striker and the others looked impressed by the Witchers words.

“Did you train him?” Silver asked.

“Some of it was done with me. I was only there for a few seasons with him before I left on the Path. I didn’t have much to do with his training but they asked me to remain for a while due to the advanced Trials done on him that were also done on me.”

“So they did the same thing to him?” Cross pointed out.

“Not exactly the same. The ones done on me were less…gentle. I was one of the first that they did it on. The ones done on him were smoother and while they were still lethal to most he did well with them.”

“Lethal?” Striker commented.

“Yes. The regular Trials are often fatal to more than half of the candidates. In my second Trial, only I and one other survived. Geralt was the only one to make it if I remember right.” Oblivion said to them.

Striker looked surprised as he listened. “So it’s got a huge fatality chance?”

“Yes. Always has.” Oblivion nodded at him.

“What makes it so lethal?” Cross asked.

“The chemicals that we use for the Trial of the Grasses are made of herbs and other items that are mixed together and then administered slowly over time. It changes the internal structure of the candidate and turns them into a Witcher. It is not meant to be kind to them and it kills though that cannot handle the Trials.”

“Wow.” Silver looked to the Witcher as he shook his head. “So it’s used to weed out the weak?”

“In a way. It’s not meant to kill all candidates but it is not meant to be kind to them. Three out of ten survive at best.”

The guards shook their heads and Oblivion said nothing to fill the sudden silence. Sasa laid down at his hooves and as the stallion fell silent. Oblivion got to his hooves and walked toward his own tent as a scream tore through the air. The Witcher was silent as his ears flicked forward as he listened intently. He spun as a flash of light caught his attention and he jumped the feline and took off at a hard gallop. His eyes narrowed and the tracks came out of the ground and he followed them, his legs churning as he galloped. His ears were forward as he listened intently. He slid to a stop and the smell of blood caught his nose and he lowered his head to follow it.

“Not animal blood.” He whispered aloud and began to creep forward as his ears flicked and his nose scented the air around him. “Leads this way.”

He walked forward, his nose leading the way as he looked ahead and up around him. His ears flicked as he walked ahead, his hooves silent on the grass. The Witcher stopped as the sound of panting caught his attention and he stayed still and silent as his ears flicked in the direction of the sound. His hooves carried him silently toward a small copse of trees and he looked into the trees as the smell of blood washed over him. He looked into the trees and a pair of wide eyes stared back at him.

A young mare stared out at him and the Witcher could see that she had come into contact with the Wraith. A deep wound went across her shoulder to her chest and ended just above her right foreleg. Her eyes were wide and she panted at the sight of the orange-eyed Witcher.

“Is it still there?” She sobbed.

Oblivion raised his head and his ears flicked as he listened and he finally shook his head to her. “No. It’s gone. Why are you out here?”

She said nothing as the Witcher began to pull back the trees to get to her and see if he could move her safely. Once he got the trees back he could see that her legs were in good shape but it was clear that she was more terrified than happy to see him. His magic picked her up gently and he set her gently on his back.

“He said it would be okay.” She whispered as Oblivion began to walk her back to town.

“Who did?” He asked her.

“Sight.” She said. “He said that it was probably gone by now and… I stupidly believed him!” She wailed as she gripped the black Unicorns mane and sobbed against him.

Oblivion paused as she sobbed and his ears flicked as Sasa joined him, her eyes widened at the sight of the sobbing mare. She spun back and left him behind, an unspoken command on his mind as she ran for Cross. The medically trained Thestral was needed as the black Unicorn broke into a smooth gaited trot and headed back to the camp. His senses told him that the Wraith was indeed gone from the area and he tried to keep his stride fluid to avoid jostling the mare on his back.

“Chosen?” Sasa called out to him.


“How far are you?” She asked him.

“A few minutes. I’m trying to avoid jostling her too much. Bring Cross to me so he can look her over and we can gauge her injuries and what she will need.”

“I will lead him to you.” She assured him.

Oblivion slowed once more and allowed the distraught mare to hold onto him still. Her cries had quieted and he cast a glance over his shoulder as he trotted slowly forward.

“I am having my companion bring one of my team to us. He is medically trained and can begin to help you.” He said to her.

She looked to him, her eyes puffy and tears stained her cheeks as she nodded to him. “Thank you.” She whispered and buried her face in his mane.

Oblivion gave a slight nod and looked ahead as Sasa came into view, Cross on her heels. He carried a thick bag in his teeth and he paused as the black Unicorn reached them and the Thestral hovered close to the mare. She looked up at him as he gently prodded her hoof and she sniffled as he hovered close to her.

“The gash goes from just behind her neck across her shoulder to her chest just above her right foreleg. Appeared to be close to an inch deep. The Wraiths blade caught her but the damage is low.” Oblivion said to the Thestral and the mare hiccupped at the mention of the monster that had attacked her. “Thankfully.” He added and she nodded.

“I ran away from it, but I got caught in the trees where you found me.” She informed him.

Oblivion looked back the way they had come as he thought about what she had said. “Might be treating that area as its own territory. Otherwise, they normally follow.” He muttered to himself as Cross began to look over the mare. His magic gripped her gently and he set her down in place.

“We can’t be here! What if it…? What if it comes after us?” She began to call out and cry as he set her down.

“It will be okay,” Cross assured her. “He is a Witcher that is trained to hunt and kill monsters. The one that attacked you is in more danger than you will ever be now that he is with you.” He assured her with an easy tone and a soft smile.

She looked back to the black Unicorn who nodded in reply. “I am here to hunt it and destroy it. It will not come near you so long as I am with you. It gets too close and it will die for the effort that I promise you.”

She went quiet as both Cross and Oblivion spoke to her. Her eyes went wide as Sasa came up to her and sat down at her side. The great cat leaned her head and nuzzled the startled mare, a purr rumbling through her. The mare grimaced as Cross checked the wound and she reached out a hoof to Sasa who pressed her head under the mare's hoof, comforting her.

“We should get her back to town. The wound is big, but it’s not life-threatening.” Cross advised as Oblivion looked back at him. “Your assessment was right about the depth, sir.”

Oblivions magic covered her once Cross had packed the wound and wrapped gauze around her body to keep it in place and comfortable on her form. Oblivion set her back on his back to keep her from walking on the wound and stretching it open. The small group made their way back toward the town as Oblivion kept one ear listening behind them as Sasa trailed behind them, watching their backs. Silver, Striker, and Vantage waited for them at the edge of the forest and joined them to go into the town and get the young mare more help.

Oblivion stood back as a small group of ponies huddled around the wounded mare, helping Cross tend to her wounds. The Thestral was quiet as his instructions were followed by those around him. Sasa stood with the black unicorn and watched the crowd.



“Why was she out there? It seems…ill advised.”

“She was given information that it was okay to go back to the forest.”

Who in the…Oh.” She began to argue but understanding dawned over her and she shook her head. “That stupid…”

Oblivion said nothing in reply to her as she shook her head and growled under her breath. “She trusted what he said. There’s no fault to be had in that case.” He replied after a pause.

“He is the last pony I would believe if I had the choice.”

He’s of the Lunar Guard. In this case, he came from among them and rose to that height, so he is to be trusted.” He explained to her and she nodded in understanding. You and I know otherwise but to her perhaps he is to be believed. They do not consider that he could have been wrong in his assurance.”

“He’s wrong now.” She replied and he nodded in silent reply.

Oblivion looked up as the mayor came up to him, anger in his eyes, his spirit roiling. “He told her to go out there?”

“I was told that he mentioned that it should be fine for her to go out there. He thought that it had moved on by now.” Oblivion replied, explaining what he had been told. “Though he was…incorrect.”

“I can see that.” Hazel snarled at the Witcher who glanced at him. “Sorry. It’s not your doing and I have heard that you did put him in his place prior to this. She is my daughter.”

Sasa’s head spun to the mayor and she purred at him, her head rubbing against his shoulder. Oblivion nodded. “There is nothing to apologize for. I was not offended by your tone.”

“Thank you for understanding.” He replied and patted the black Unicorn's shoulder. “What is your plan now?”

“I will go into the forest and kill the Wraith. Keep ponies out of the forest no matter who they are. I will place my team in place and they will help to keep ponies in place and keep them calm. I assure you that the Wraith will fall.”

The mayor nodded and went back to his daughter and held her close. Vantage came over to the black stallion and stood at attention as the others joined him, except Cross, who was still tending to the mare.

“I want the town’s ponies to remain within the town. None are permitted into the forest.” He commanded and they nodded as he spoke. “If Sight Line shows up, detain him. Sasa go ahead of me and see what you can find. Both of us tracking it will find it faster.” Sasa nodded at him and she raced ahead of him and broke into a hard run as she hunted with him. They nodded as Oblivion walked away from them, leaving them to their tasks.

Vantage and the others watched as he vanished into the dark forest, his black coat allowing him to vanish. The Thestral looked to the Solar Guards as they pulled away from him and took their places at the edges of the town, looking into the forests. Vantage glanced over his shoulder as Cross left the group and rejoined the guards.

“We just need to make sure that everypony stays out of the forest. You okay taking a spot on the perimeter?” He asked the other Thestral.

Cross nodded and took his place far off the side and stood at attention, his eyes on the forest. Time ticked past as Vantage kept his eyes solely on the forest, his ears flicked forward and back as he listened intently for any sign of the monster or the Witcher that led them. He heard a shout and his body turned to face the direction of it as Silver lunged out of line and began to drag something out of the edge of the forest. In his hooves, Sight Line growled and yelled at the Solar Guard that held him.

“I think I got something.” Silver called out and he reached into his armor for a pair of hobbles and slapped them onto the stunned Thestral’s forelegs.

“What are you doing?” He yelled. “I’m one of you.”

“No. You're actually not.” Silver replied, his tone clipped. “We were commanded to detain you when you were found.”

Silver dragged the angry pony off to the side as Vantage glared at the cuffed pony. Silver clapped his hooves together and took his position once more. “Takes care of that problem.”

“You’re going to be in trouble when they find out you cuffed me for no reason.” Sight Line said to the Solar Guard.

“Nope. I was following orders so I am in the clear.” Silver replied with a smile. “Oh and do not fly. I can out fly you so you have no chance of getting away. Just letting you know.”

“You? Please. I have seen you fly before Silver. I can outfly you easily.”

“Maybe you used to be able to.” Vantage called out. “Not anymore. Now you’ll be lucky to see his ass as he leaves you in the dust.”

He caught the look Sight Line gave him but he chose to ignore it and let the other sit and cool his hooves. He knew that Oblivion had given them their instruction and he would be damned if they would fail them.

“Get these off me at least. This is embarrassing for both of us.” The Thestral complained. “Come on, Vantage...”

“Shut up for once in your life.” Striker yelled at him. “Goddess preserve me. You never shut up.”

Vantage bit back a bark of laughter as Cross giggled from his place on the other side of Vantage. The Lunar and Solar guards broke into laughter for a few moments before they regained their composure and went back to their primary task.

“Real funny.” Sight Line whined. “So none of you are out hunting with him?”

Vantage shook his head. “Of course not. We aren’t supposed to be out there. Hunting is his job.”

“Or maybe you’re just not good enough?” The Thestral replied.

Vantage put his head back as a laugh broke from him. “We aren’t needed for a Wraith. It’s not something that he would need help with.” His mind went to the injured mare and he looked to the other pony, his eyes held his own anger. “Granted it would have been dead earlier if you hadn’t interfered. Instead, you then spouted off once you had been thrashed by him and told somepony that it was okay to go into the forest.”

“I didn’t tell anypony it was safe.” He countered.

“Maybe not. But you did tell her that the Wraith was probably not in the area.”

“Maybe.” He replied with a shrug.

Silver looked to the Thestral and Vantage could see the rage in the orange ponies' gaze. Vantage nodded and left his position to confront the other pony.

Vantage pulled him to his hooves and punched the other back down to the ground. “You could have gotten her killed!”

“What the Hell, Vantage?” Sight Line yelled as he tried to rub his jaw. “What are you talking about?”

“She went into the forest!” He yelled and understanding went over the other Thestral’s features. “If not for Oblivion hearing her screaming for help she would have been killed. He found her and got her out of there and to Cross so he could check her. She would have died out there.”

Sight Line stared at him as he spoke. “What?”

“She was in there and it found her.” He snarled, his hoof raised to hit him again. “Oblivion heard her and got her to safety. Your stupid choices nearly cost her life.” Vantage growled and put his hoof back on the ground. “You have a big mouth, Sight Line and it nearly killed somepony. But what do you care? You’re just in it for the glory. You just want the recognition, that’s why Oblivion said no to you joining us and why he didn’t want your help. You don’t care about anypony except yourself.”

Sight Line was silent as Vantage pushed him back into his place by the wall and went back to his own place. He glanced at the others and they all gave him an agreeing look and went back to watching their own sides of the forest.

Oblivion trotted forward, his ears searching for the sound of the Wraith and any sign of it. He could sense Sasa far to the right of him as she also hunted for any sign of the Wraith. Oblivion had noted that like the Leshen it did not stay true to what he knew of them. It had fled combat with him when Sight Line had interfered and even now it did not hunt for him and Sasa. He had thought that it would treat the area as if it was its own territory but so far it did not act as if it cared about the area. His hooves were silent over the grass and leaves as his orange eyes glowed in the low light and he scanned the area.


He reached and felt Sasa’s alarm as his horn lit and he teleported to her. He looked to her as she ducked under the Wraiths blade and he summoned her to his side, removing her from the path of the monster. His horn lit as one of his crystal blades came to his command and it hovered at his shoulder as Sasa leaped out of his way as he cast Yrden over the ground around him. Another tap of his hoof and Quen slid over his form as he backed up to draw the Wraith close. It floated over the ground and lunged to him as he ducked down and allowed the blade to go over his back as he brought his own blade up and cut against the monsters now corporeal form. It screamed and fled from him as his blade struck true.

Sasa remained out of the way as he advanced and recast Yrden. The crystal sword hovered close to him as he waited for the Wraith to react once again. He knew that he could chase the thing across the ground but his patience would be rewarded. His body was relaxed and his stance stayed in place as the Wraith flit around him, he stood in the center of Yrden and waited. Quen’s golden shimmer flowed over his fur and he was calm as his ears followed the sound of the wraith as it moved around him. Its lantern rattled in its grip and it gave away its place as it lunged at him. He spun in place and his sword once more cut into the Wraiths solid form.

It screamed and he pressed his attack. The crystal blade glowed with a red glow as it cleaved into the Wraith. He recast Yrden as he went and the Wraith was constantly on the defensive until it managed to get away from him and was rendered incorporeal. The Witcher paused in place and waited for the Wraith to move once more. He looked over his shoulder and watched Sasa ensuring that it did not turn to leave him behind. The great Tiger was vigilant as she circled slowly around and behind him. His ears flicked and he spun as the sound of the lantern came closer to him and he backflipped away from the sound, leaving the Wraith to swing at the empty space he had been in.

“Come on.” He whispered as it swung once more and his blade blocked it in turn.

The Wraith hovered close by as the Witcher watched it as it began to sway in place. Yrden glowed under his hooves as it circled out from under him at the tap of his claws. He knew enough to know that he could not outlast it but he could out fight it. He lunged forward and began to goad the Wraith into acting against him. He was not shocked when it fell to the bait as they normally did and lunged for him, its rusted weapon outstretched. He pivoted on his hind and swung his blade down, cleaving the monster in half. It erupted into ash and fell to the ground as his blade passed through it. Oblivion glanced to his weapon and he could see the bright purple glow coming it. Its glow matched Yrden and he cast Quen and it glowed gold with the strong purple shining through as well.

“Interesting.” He muttered to himself and put the thought of the weapons potential into the back of his mind.

Sasa purred as she neared him and nuzzle his shoulder. “Well done, Chosen.”


He sent the crystal blade back to its place and a small bag appeared in his magic as he scooped some of the ash into it. He held it as Sasa reached out and gripped it in her teeth after he closed the tie on the bag. She turned to lead him back to the town and he fell in at her side.

Oblivion came out of the forest and he could see Striker look at him as he emerged. Sasa trotted up to them, the small bag hanging almost comically from her teeth. Silver looked at her as he came to stand with Striker who was trying not to laugh at the feline.

“I’m guessing it’s in there?” Silver asked and pointed as Sasa nodded.

“Yes. Old habits die hard.” Oblivion replied.

“Nopony left the village, but one did come back.” Vantage said to the Witcher and motioned over his shoulder to the bound Thestral.

“So I see.” Oblivion looked at him for a moment and then looked back to Vantage. “And the reason he is for once silent?”

“I may have hit him.” Vantage admitted.

Oblivion snorted a laugh and nodded in understanding. “I can understand the desire. Does he know why he has been detained?”

“Yes.” Striker said to him. “Vantage informed him and we supported him.”

Oblivion could tell that they were unsure if they had gone too far and the Witcher was prepared to back them up no matter the situation. He had trained them well and their temperaments were well known to him. He looked to them and gave a slight nod in reply.

“I am sure that you did as was needed. I have no doubt of this.” He said to them and they looked visibly relieved as he walked to the Thestral. “You have been told why you were held back. Do you have anything to say about what you have heard?”

The Thestral looked at him after several seconds and shook his head. “Is she okay? Nopony would tell me.”

“She will live, last I saw. Your failure to hold your ego in check is the cause of her wounds. You should be thankful that her life was not ended by the Wraith and she was able to escape it.”

“You heard her calling for help?”

“No. I heard her screaming.” Oblivion clarified and the pony jerked in response to his words. “I was able to follow the blood left behind and found her hiding in some trees. Thankfully for her, the Wraith chose to leave her behind instead of pursuing. Had it followed her she would have fallen to it.”

Sight Line looked at the ground and said nothing in reply. Oblivion had chosen to be competently clear with him and allow it to sink in. The Witcher backed up a step and allowed Sasa to show him the bag that held the Wraiths ashes.

“The Wraith is gone. She holds the ashes that remain of it.” He said as the Mayor came toward them.

He paused as a sigh of relief tore from him. “Thank Celestia for you. And you.” He said as he turned to Sight Line who cringed at the sound of his voice. “What you have done is not easily forgiven. You nearly killed my daughter. The actions of this stallion and his guards have saved us and her.”

Sight Line nodded as he stared at the ground. “I’m sorry.” He whispered.

Vantage spun to look at him, his eyes wide. “Never heard that come from his mouth before.” He whispered to Silver who nodded in agreement.

“Some things can be forgiven and others cannot,” Oblivion said to them. “It is now your choice of his fate. I will be informing Shining and Luna of what has happened here.”

“I can’t forgive you yet. But it’s not me you need to ask to forgive you.” Hazel said to the Thestral.

“I know.” He replied. “I don’t think she will want to see me right now though.”

“Probably not.” Her father agreed. “Ya need to go back to Canterlot and make amends there to the ponies that you tried to use.” He said as he pointed to the team that stayed at Oblivions command.

Vantage and Cross looked surprised as Silver and Striker shrugged. “Your fate is not mine to decide. The Wraith has fallen and that was my task to complete. While you delayed its demise I would not have allowed it to live longer than early morning.” Oblivion admitted and turned to his team. “Get things packed up. We are done here.”

They saluted and galloped for the camp to do as instructed. Hazel looked at the black stallion as he glanced over his shoulder and his magic removed the hobbles on Sight Lines forelegs. The Thestral looked uncertain as he rubbed his hocks.

“You can get back to Canterlot on your own I assume?” Oblivion asked him and he nodded in reply. “Good. I trust that you will explain why you were not allowed to aid us?”

“Yes.” He said quietly. “I’ll come clean about it.”

“Good,” Oblivion said to him and began to walk away from him and toward the camp that was in the process of being broken down. His magic gripped the bag that Sasa held and he sent it to his saddlebags. Sasa bumped his hip as she came to walk alongside him.

“Another falls.” He whispered aloud as his hooves carried him silently over the grass.

60: Competition...

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Oblivion looked to the castle as they landed and the Witcher stood silent as Sasa yawned at his side. The carriage came to a halt and he jumped out of the confines of the carriage. The Witcher set his saddlebags in place on his barrel as the guards took to returning the carriage and unpacking as needed. The black stallion walked through the front door and into the hallway leading him to the throne room. The doors were pushed open for him as he walked toward them. He said nothing as he walked through them and Sasa chuckled as the guards closed them. He approached the pair and they both smiled at the sight of him.

“Welcome back, Oblivion,” Celestia said to him and smiled as he gave a slight nod to her.

Luna smiled widely and came down to hug him before rejoining her sister. “Thee met with success?”

“Naturally,” Oblivion replied to her. His magic gripped the small bag of ashes and it was dropped in front of them.

“I assume this holds the remains of the monster?” Celestia asked him. “At least it is not as startling as the last monster.” She went on as he nodded to her.

“Least this time you did not drop a head in front of them.” Sasa laughed.

Oblivion chuckled as she bumped his shoulder. “It is not a full head this time around. Wraiths turn to ash upon defeat.”

“Thank Equestria for that.” Celestia chuckled as the small bag vanished into his saddlebags once more. “We have not heard anything about the other monsters. Once we do we will reach out to you once more. I will have your fee sent to your account.”

Oblivion gave a slight bow of his head as he spun to leave the room. The feline on his heels as his horn lit to teleport them back to the farm. He paused at the sight of the Captain of the Guard.

“If you do not rat him out I will find Blue Blood to do it for me,” Sasa vowed to him.

Oblivion sighed and nodded to her. “Shining?” He called out and the pale white stallion turned to see the black stallion approaching him. “A moment of your time.”

“Of course. What can I do for you? How was your hunt?” He asked as they hoof bumped.

“It was a success,” Oblivion said as they fell into place and walked slowly down the hallway.

“A Lunar Guard came to me and mentioned that the village you were going to was his own. Did he make it in time to be of help?”

Oblivion nodded in reply. “He made it in time but he was far from helpful.” Oblivion countered and at the others look he went on. “He is known to the guards that I had with me and they dreaded his attempts at aiding us. He challenged them to take their place at my side. He failed every test I gave him to test him in the skills they had developed over time with my training.”

Shining grimaced. “I had heard that he was a bit of a glory pony but I thought he would shelve that desire to help his own. I trust I was incorrect?”

“You were. When he failed to impress in those tasks he challenged me.” Oblivion said.

Shining’s eyes went wide and he shook his head. “Damnit.” He cursed under his breath. "Am I correct in assuming that he lost?”

“Quickly. He was defeated quickly and sent on his way. I had thought that would silence him but I was incorrect as well. While sitting with my team I heard a scream in the woods and went to investigate. A young mare had ventured into the woods upon being told the Wraith was likely gone and that it was safe.”

Shining stopped in his tracks, his eyes wide. “You’re kidding me? No, you’re not. That’s not your style.” The Captain shook his head and a low growl escaped him as he looked to the black stallion once more. “Is she all right?”

“She will be fine. I got her to Cross for initial treatment and the village took over after that. But she was also the Mayor's daughter.”

A bark of laughter escaped the angry Captain of the Guard. “The irony of that does not escape me. And then?”

“I instructed my team to guard the edge of the forest while I hunted the Wraith. They were also told to detain Sight Line when he reappeared. When he did they acted as commanded. When I returned he was subdued due to the thrashing he had received from vantage and the others. Before you ask it was mostly verbal.”

Shining nodded and began to walk forward with the Witcher at his side. “By the Goddess. When he gets back here he will be lucky to still have his position if I have my way. I will not allow any pony to act in such a way that could bring disgrace upon the Guards, either Solar or Lunar.”

“He did not uphold any sense of honor. Even after he had been bested by not only my team but also by Sasa he did not accept that defeat.”

Shining shook his head and a snarl tore from him. “I will have his tail for a banner when he gets back here. I will speak with Princess Luna as well, as the Lunar guard is under her normally. I have been leading them until recently.”

“I will leave that to you and her then. For now, I will return to Ponyville until more of the monsters have been sighted. Until later.” He said to the Captain, who hoof bumped him in reply and walked away to tend to this own tasks. A flash of blue flame and a scroll dropped into his magic.


We are all in Cloudsdale to support Rainbow for a competition. Please join us soon.

Twilight and the girls

Oblivion looked at the scroll then to Sasa who waited for him to speak to her. “Cloudsdale?”

“Oh that’s where Pegasus ponies are from. What are they doing there?” Sasa asked him in reply.

“Something about supporting Rainbow Dash in a competition.” He responded as his horn flared to teleport to the others.

His eyes opened as Twilight and the others stared at him. He could see that Twilight’s horn was lit with her magenta aura, her eyes wide and blinking as he looked back at them.

“Yes?” He said to them as his horn lit to summon Sasa.

The great cat appeared at his side and she vanished into the clouds. A loud yowl came from her as his magic gripped her once more. His eyes were wide as he levitated her back to him and she trembled in his magic.

“Hang on.” Twilight suddenly called out and her magic covered Sasa as well. She cast a spell and he waited as Sasa still trembled, her aqua eyes were wide. “Okay put her down.” She said and released her magic.

Oblivion set her down carefully, his horn still lit to allow him to grip her if needed. She said nothing as the ponies all stared at her. Oblivion allowed his magic to fade as her paws were solid on the clouds. The black stallion waited as his companion finally calmed down and he raised his head to speak to them but he paused at the sight of the hovering Rarity.

“What is going on?” He finally asked.

“Sorry, only Pegasus ponies can walk on clouds. Except for you, I guess.” Rainbow said to him as she patted the feline.

“That explains why Sasa fell through them. But what is going on with those?” He said as he tipped his horn to Rarity.

“Aren’t they marvelous?” She gushed and spun in the air to show them off.

“They are something,” Oblivion admitted as he looked at them. The wings were close to ten feet tall and about as wide. They had colors flitting through them and appeared the same as a butterfly’s. “How?”

“I found a spell that makes temporary wings, but it was too difficult to do more than once. So I found an easier spell that lets the rest of us walk on clouds. So that is how those happened.” Twilight informed him. “But how are you able to stand on clouds?”

Oblivion shrugged and looked to Sasa. “I am of the Northern realms. Perhaps that could have something to do with it. Have you recovered?”

“That was terrifying. I would rather fight a pack of Nekkers than do that again.” She said to him.

Oblivion chuckled and patted her fur. “I did not know either so we are both at fault.” He said to her. He parroted her words to the others and they all giggled.

“Those were scary.” Pinkie said to her.

“Would rather fight them than fall through the clouds again.” The cat replied with Oblivion speaking for her.

“So what do we do now?” Oblivion said to them.

“Fluttershy and I can show you guys around. None of you have ever been here so there will be plenty for you to see.” Rainbow said them and turned to lead them forward.

Oblivion stayed close behind them as they walked into the city. The roads were all made of clouds and even the buildings appeared to be made of the same material. While he was curious how it could be made strong enough handle the weight of ponies and everything else that came with them he also figured that it was written into the mechanics of the world itself and if he tried to understand it all at once he would end up with a migraine for his efforts.

Ahead of them, Rarity was basking in the attention the wings brought her and Twilight called up to her to warn her about them. “Be careful with those wings, Rarity. They're made from gossamer and morning dew, and they're incredibly delicate. Be careful not to bump them into anything.”

“Or get too attached to them.” Sasa groused.

“I sure would like to see where the weather is made.” Applejack said to the others.

Rainbow looked over her shoulder to them, a smile crossing her muzzle. “Okay everypony almost there. But we need to get into the right gear for it. Hopefully, we have something tall enough for you Oblivion.”

“If not then I will wait outside.” He assured the mare.

They paused as Rainbow and Fluttershy opened a closet that was outside the large door of a building. It was built the same as an inn but it ballooned out from the back and grew in height and width. The mares all got into small jackets of stark white and he watched as Fluttershy pawed through them and found one in the back that looked to be broad enough for him to wear. He slid into the jacket but it was tight across his shoulders and he looked at them and shook his head. He got out of the outfit and gave it back to the pale yellow mare.

“I will wait out here. Sasa cannot go inside without the same outfit I assume?” He said to them.

Rainbow looked apologetic to him and he waved a dismissive hoof to her and leaned his flank against the wall to wait for them to return. Sasa laid down at his hooves and he allowed himself to sag against the wall for a moment before he rolled his shoulders and stood straight once more.

“You feeling better?” He asked her through their connection.

“That was terrifying. I was not kidding about the pack of Nekkers.” She replied.

He gave a wry chuckle and nodded. “I don’t doubt it.”

“Have you free fallen like that? Without wings?” She asked him.

He was quiet as he considered her question. “Yes. A few times.”


“I do not recommend it.” He admitted. “I was on a ledge fighting an elemental and it slammed its arms onto the ledge just as I hit it for the last time and the ledge broke away.”

“Oh by my claws.” She whispered. “Go on.”

“It was the first time I free fell like what you described. I remember looking over my shoulder and seeing nothing but darkness under me. I fell against the side of the mountain and rolled down the length of it. It ended and I fell through the air once more. It was pure chance that I fell into the sea and I was able to start swimming.”

Sasa nuzzled him and nodded her head. “I was not expecting that when it happened.”

“Neither was I if I am being honest. I assumed that since I was standing just fine that you would as well. That was my own lack of foresight.” He replied to her.

“I don’t think either of us was ready for it. I didn’t even think to ask about the letter telling you to go to Cloudsdale. I should have asked. You’re not in the habit of telling more than you need to. We both failed to ask more.” She reasoned to him.

“Fair enough.” He said to her and they fell silent.

They were silent as minutes ticked by and Oblivion looked up as the sound of hooves caught his ears and he looked to the front doors as ponies came out of them talking about Rarity’s wings amongst themselves.

“Oh, Gods.” He cursed under his breath.

“Geez.” Sasa hung her head for a moment as they waited for the others to return to them.

The Witcher saw them coming and his eyes widened slightly at the sight of Rainbow Dash’s diminished Spirit. “What happened?” He asked as Twilight trotted up to him.

“We were going through the factory and when we got to the room with rainbows Rarity made a bit of a show and her wings showed colors through the wings and created a very pretty effect. One pony said that she should join the competition and now she is going to join in.” She informed him.

“Okay, that explains how. But what happened to Rainbow?”

“She’s really upset about the competition and I don’t think she can compete. She’s already convinced she will lose.”

Oblivion rolled his eyes and looked at the rainbow maned pony. He looked up to Rarity who hovered above them. His eyes narrowed at her as she was still enamored with her wings. ‘Those need to go.’ He thought to himself and he nearly lit his horn too but through them but he paused. ‘They need to be able to pull themselves up by their hooves and move forward.’ His horn went out and he looked to Sasa who nodded to him, a silent agreement to his own thoughts.

“I will not let them get hurt, but I can’t solve their problems for them.” He reasoned to her. “She can get past this.”

“It won’t hurt you to say something to her though. Perhaps she just needs a bit of a kick in the tail.” Sasa replied to him.

Oblivion fell in step with the pale blue mare who looked dejectedly at the ground as they walked. “Rainbow?”

“Yeah?” She said to him, her voice faint and beaten.

“Beaten already?” He said to her and she glanced to him.

“I can’t do the Rainboom so I might as well not even try.”


“The Sonic Rainboom is an aerobatic maneuver. I did it once when I was a filly but I haven’t been able to do it since then.” She informed him.

“What allowed you to do it back then?”


“Perhaps if you can recall what allowed you to accomplish it then will allow you to do it once more.” He reasoned to her.

“It’s hopeless. Why even bother?”

“I did not take you for one to quit so easily,” Oblivion said to her. “You have a choice to make now, Rainbow. You can falter and fail to accomplish what you dream of. Or you can spread your wings and rise to stand above it. You have the potential to rise. Your friends know this and will stand at your back. Show them all your courage.” He bumped her shoulder as finished speaking and broke away from her.

Her eyes followed him as Sasa came to stand by her and nuzzled the pale mare. They came to stand in front of a structure that reminded Oblivion greatly of a coliseum. The more he looked at it the more certain he became of the fact that is exactly what he was looking at. They gave Rainbow and Rarity their last words and the rest of them went to the spectator section. Twilight had to convince the ushers that Sasa was no more than a pet at the entrance to allow her entry. Oblivion looked at the giant cat as she went over to them and began to purr. She began to rub her head against the first stallion who blinked at her and a smile went over his face as his eyes fell on her collar and he allowed her in. They took their seats and Oblivion watched as Celestia joined them and took her own place and waved to the crowd.

“She got here quickly.” He said to Twilight who giggled.

Sasa roared in cheer as the Wonderbolts were announced and they tore across the sky, streams of smoke coming from their tails. They moved into a line, then into a bunch and exploded outward with a flash of fireworks. Three of the six took their place close by the monarch and waved to the crowds. Oblivions eyes narrowed at the sight of the three. Two of them were in high spirits while one of them was not. His eyes stayed on the stallion and they narrowed as he tried to make out more of his features from under the costume he wore. The only features he could easily see was his dark blue almost black mane, a pale blue coat that was paler than Rainbow herself, and his cutie mark on the costume. It was a yellow lightning bolt with a pair of white wings on either side. Oblivion committed it to memory and would look for the pony at a later date. His spirit was not in danger at the moment but he would need help later if he did not improve on his own.

His attention went from the Wonderbolts to the mares and Sasa as they cheered for the first pony to come out. “What numbers are Rainbow Dash and Rarity?”

“I’m not sure. I think Rainbow signed up really early so she should be in the top five.” Fluttershy replied to him. “Rarity should be last or close to it.”

He nodded and went back to watching the event in front of him. The fliers did their tricks and the next one moved into place as time went on neither Rainbow nor Rarity showed up. Oblivion leaned out to look at the curtain and he could see the spirits of both mares still inside. They paused in between performers and Oblivion watched as Rainbow and then Rarity came out from behind the curtains and the stallion blinked.

“What is she wearing?” Sasa asked him.

“I am not sure. It’s not flattering in my opinion. But who am I to judge when I wore armor almost one hundred percent of the time.” He admitted to the feline.

“True. But she looks like a cross dresser.”

Oblivion snorted a laugh and coughed to cover it. “I can’t argue that.”

“You can’t comment because it’s hideous. If I could make an expression it would be one of horror mush like the one Blue wore when he saw the dresses from before.”

“That was awful.” He admitted.

The music began and it was a classical mix that was very, unlike Rainbow. As she began to get herself together Rarity was spinning and flitting around above them. Oblivion looked back to the pale Pegasus and watched as she began to weave through the pillars. Sasa roared, cheering for the Pegasus as she moved.

“There she goes!” Twilight yelled, glee in her tone.

Oblivion watched her closely and he was pleased to see her doing well until she bumped one and spun into a wall. He cringed for her and Sasa rumbled in sympathy. Rarity spun in front of them and began to twirl more as Rainbow gathered herself and took to the skies once more as well. She began to spin the clouds and appeared to have finally gotten her nerves under control. She spun the fourth cloud and it went out of control from her and collided above Celestia’s seat. Sasa gave a visible cringe and looked at Oblivion who shook his head.

“She’s still letting little things get in her way.” He said to the feline who nodded.

Rarity began to head for the upper air and Rainbow followed her up, going higher than her counterpart. He watched as Rarity came to rest in front of the sun.

“Aren’t those made of dew and gossamer?” He asked Twilight who sat at his side.

“What are?”

“Those wings you made?”

“Yes. Why?”

“Just making sure.” He said to her as he went back to watching the mare as the wings cast colored light down on the coliseum.

“Oh that is pretty.” Sasa said to him.

He gave a slight nod as he watched. His eyes widened as the wings disintegrated and she began to plummet to the ground below. Oblivion rose and jumped down to the pillar ahead of them as he watched as she fell past him and the Wonderbolts went past him. He waited as they reached her and her flailing knocked each of them out. He jumped from the pillar and allowed himself to free fall. His wings spread under their illusion and he beat them once to give him more speed. He didn’t care if they were seen now he needed to save them.

“Chosen!” Sasa yelled to him. “Rainbow is coming!”

He flicked an ear back to hear the sound of the mare approaching them. He looked back as she came abreast of him and he nodded to her as she went past him. The air around her began to bend and shift. As he watched as a bit of lightning began to go around her, the colors of the rainbow beginning to flow over her as a loud boom like thunder went through the air and he watched as she took off, a rainbow of sparkling light in her wake. He folded his wings back into place as his horn lit and he teleported himself back to the others and waited as the rainbow went over them and then under them. He allowed a slight smile to tug at his mouth as the mare came back to the ground to hear the cheering around her.

He watched as Rainbow looked around them and then her eyes landed on her friends. Fluttershy was jumping up and down screaming as the others cheered. Sasa roared and Oblivion was quiet as the mare's eyes fell on him and he bowed his head to her and she smiled. She mouthed thank you to him and he gave her a sly wink as a smile went over her muzzle.

The group stood off to the side of the coliseum with Rarity standing in the hot air balloon that had gotten them up to Cloudsdale. Oblivion stood with them as they spoke of the event.

Rarity looked contrite as she spoke to the Pegasus mare that she had upset. “I want to apologize to all of you for getting so carried away with my... beautiful wings. I guess I just lost my head.”

Oblivions eyes narrowed slightly at the mention of the wings but he ignored it and let it go. “You learned your lesson I would hope?”

“Oh most certainly.” She assured him. “I got carried away and let all the attention go to my head. I took your thunder from you Rainbow Dash.”

“It’s okay. I just wish I could have met the Wonderbolts when they were conscious.” She admitted with a shrug.

Oblivion said nothing as the three ponies she had helped came up behind her and one of them reached out to tap her shoulder. Oblivion watched as her eye widened and she stared at them, a hoof going to her face.


One of them spoke to her as the other two stood at her hips. “So you're the little pony who saved our lives. We really wanted to meet you, and say thanks.”

Oblivion said nothing as Celestia approached them and stood a bit off to the side. Sasa went up to her and nuzzled the mare affectionately. Oblivion walked over to her and leaned his head in to speak to her. “If she had not been able to save them would you have acted?”

“Of course. But you were closer than I was. Would you have?” She countered him with a sly smile.

“Naturally. But I am not able to teleport more than one pony at a time.” He admitted to her.

She looked at him and he chuckled. “What would you have done then?”

“I would have levitated all of them and teleported myself back to bring them here.” He replied quickly to her earning him a bit of a shoulder bump from the chuckling white Alicorn.

“Of course.” She replied quietly.

He watched as she approached the small group who bowed low to her.

“Hello everypony.” She greeted them.

“Princess Celestia. I am so sorry for ruining the competition that Rainbow would have surely won. She is the best flier of all of them.” Rarity said to the monarch.

“I agree,” Celestia said to her with a wide smile. “That's why, for her incredible act of bravery and her spectacular Sonic Rainboom, I'm presenting the grand prize for Best Young Flyer to this year's winner, Miss Rainbow Dash!”

Rainbows' eyes went wide once more as she began to repeat her earlier excited mantra as the crown of golden wings was placed over her head. Oblivion stepped back with Sasa as they were once more chatting excitedly.

“You scared the hell out of a lot of ponies when you jumped off that pillar.” Sasa said to him.

“I’m amazed they even noticed me.” He replied to her.

“Oh they noticed when the tall black Unicorn took a head-first dive off the pillar and into the air.” She responded, a laugh in her tone. “I’m amazed Celestia did nothing though.”

“She would have, had Rainbow and I failed.” He countered. “She knew that if Rainbow did not succeed I would have finished what she started.”

“That’s a fair point. You would have saved them. So what would have happened if you needed to show your wings?”

“Then they would have shown and I would not need to worry about hiding the fact that I am an Alicorn.” He admitted with a slight shrug.


“And that would have been horrifying.”

Sasa chuckled and nuzzled him as Rainbow flew off with the Wonderbolts close to her. “She got what she wanted.”

“Yes she did.” Oblivion chuckled and nodded to the feline. “She earned it though.”

“I agree.”

Oblivion paused in his conversation with Sasa as Rainbow suddenly paused and made awaiting motion to the others as she flew back to Oblivion and hovered close by.

“I guess I owe you a big thank you.” She said to him and rubbed the back of her neck with her hoof. “You were right. I just was so convinced I was not going to win that it was hard to hear. But you were right. So thanks. I heard what you said when I realized that Rarity was in trouble and it helped me shake it all off.”

“I knew you would not fall Rainbow. It’s not in your nature to fail when you are needed.” He replied to her.

“But you would have saved them all…”

“Only if you had failed.” He replied quickly, cutting her off. “You didn’t need me to save them.”

She smiled and hugged him tightly for a second before letting him go as he pushed her away and toward the Wonderbolts who had waited for her. She went back to them and the mares all looked at him as he rejoined them to catch a ride back to the ground below.

61: Performances and the Everfree...

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The morning had been uneventful and he bucked a set of trees in the back of the property with Sasa picking up the ones that rolled away from him. While using magic would be faster he opted to do it the other way. His ears flicked as Applejack came trotting to him. He paused and waited as she came out of the trees. She smiled at the sight of him and approached him.

“Time ta go into town.” She said to him.


“Apple Bloom and her friends have a talent show tonight. We need at be there ta support ‘er.” She explained.

Oblivion nodded and his magic levitated the barrels of apples as Sasa picked up her own bucket and they began to go back toward the barn. “So what are they performing?”

“Ah’m not sure. Ah think it was a song of some kind.”


They reached the barn and he set the apples inside and walked with the orange mare toward town. The black stallion walked into the auditorium and went to the backstage area to help Apple Bloom and her friends with anything. He tilted his head at the sight of them in their hoods. They turned to him and he saw the makeup and a glimpse of the costumes under the hoods. He fought back a near cringe and remained stone-faced. Sasa tilted her head and blinked at the sight in front of her.

“What in the world?” She said to him.

He shook his head at the cats questioning glance. “Who is doing what?” He asked, trying to sound supportive.

Twilight looked at him as he asked and she nodded in agreement. “Are you singing Sweetie Bell?”

Scootaloo looked at them and shook her head. “No, I’m singing.”

“And I’m dancing.” Apple Bloom informed them with a gleeful expression.

“Oh,” Twilight said to them and a smile went over her mouth. “I see. And what are you doing Sweetie Bell?”

“Props.” She replied. “Made them all myself.”

Oblivion looked to the crate they had with them and to the large pieces that surrounded them. He had ignored them when they first came into the backstage area. But now that he saw them it was obvious that nopony with any carpeting skill had put them together. Sasa walked up to one of them and reached out to sniff them as it trembled at her presence and she pulled away and stepped back as it stilled.

“Chosen that is going to fall apart and hurt somepony.” She rushed out to him.

“I’ll keep an eye on it.” He agreed.

They waited as the other acts went on and finally it was their turn. They tossed off their hoods and Oblivions eyes widened at the outfits they wore. Sasa snorted a laugh in response to them. Apple Bloom wore a bodysuit of black with white marking in some places along her legs white stars littered the suit, along with a bandana of the same fabric. Scootaloo wore a bodysuit with a high collar with pink and blue streaks along with the purple fabric. Sweetie Bell’s looked torn in places of the pink fabric with green striped throughout. Sasa snorted once more and hid behind his shoulder.

“Who made those?” She asked him.

Sweetie Bell did.” He supplied. I don’t think she has the same talent as her sibling.”


They ran out onto the stage, which had darkened for them to set up. He watched as they moved the props into place and stood on the center pillar. The music started and they began to sing. Oblivion pinned his ears back as they shouted out loud and Sasa went to the ground and put her paws over her ears. He watched as the props were moved and his azure magic covered the occasional piece to prevent it from falling on them. Thankfully it looked like a special effect when his magic intervened. Sweetie bell ran to activate a smoke machine and she ran around like a pony possessed to get things into place. Oblivion would have felt bad for them had he been able to, but he also could feel the beginning of a headache. At his side, Twilight and Applejack also cringed.

“Ah can’t watch.” Applejack said aloud as she hid behind her hooves.

Twilight set a hoof on her shoulder as she sat down as well. He watched as Apple Bloom kicked a piece of the props and her hoof got stuck. Sasa yowled and ran to the back of the prop piece as Oblivion held it still for her. She pushed her forehead against the ponies hoof and it popped out from where it was stuck. Oblivion kept an eye out for any falling materials but mercifully it ended after a minute of torture on his ears. The crowd was silent for several seconds, leaving the three fillies in shock as no one clapped for them. Oblivion chanced a glance out to the crowd as they burst in raucous laughter. He grimaced as the fillies skunk off the stage and into the backstage.

The fillies looked upset and crestfallen that their performance had resulted in laughter instead of clapping. Apple Bloom stood in between Oblivion and Applejack. She leaned against her elder brothers legs and he leaned down to give her a gentle nuzzle.

“Did you do your best?” He asked her quietly.

“Yeah. But we got laughed off the stage.” She whimpered to him.

“It matters not what the crowd did. It matters if you did all that you could do with the time you had.” He replied to her.

She nodded to him but she still hung her head as Sasa laid down in front of her and nuzzled her face. The filly hugged the cat's snout and nuzzled her back. The black Unicorn went quiet as the fillies shuffled as they waited for the awards to be called out. The fillies went back out to the stage when they were all called out front to start the awards ceremony. They watched as Cheerilee and Spike went out to hand out the medals and awards. Spike carried the medals and handed them to Cheerilee as they were announced. Applejack sighed and Oblivion could see the unhappy look that sat on her face.

“And finally, the last award of the night goes to... the Cutie Mark Crusaders!” Cheerilee called out with a wide smile to the three fillies.

Applejack looked out to the stage, her eyes wide with shock. Twilight smiled and Oblivion gave a short nod to the stage as Apple Bloom looked back to him. They paused as they waited for the rest of the announcement.

“Their award is for the Best Comedy Act of the night!” Their teacher went on.

Oblivion chuckled as Sasa laughed and pranced in place. “That works.” He said aloud, his voice quiet under the loud applause. The fillies were given their medals and they pranced back to the others backstage. They came back to the others and each looked excitedly back and forth between them.

“Did we get our Cutie Marks?” Apple Bloom asked as they all tossed off their costumes to reveal nothing on their flanks. They looked dejected and sat down in place, their eyes downcast.

“All things in good time,” Oblivion said to them.

Apple Bloom got to her hooves and smiled at him. “Mah brother’s right. We just need to keep trying.”

The other two got to their hooves and agreed with her. Twilight went up to them and began to talk to them.

“Well done girls.” She praised the group of them.

“We didn’t get our Cutie Marks though, which is the prize we really wanted. But I think we know what to do now!” Sweetie bell explained.

“Which is?” Twilight asked. “I’ll make a special report to the Princess for it.”

"Maybe we were trying too hard to make something work.” Sweetie bell admitted with a sideways look at her friends.

“And?” Twilight encouraged.

And instead of forcing ourselves to do something that we are not meant for.” Scootaloo added in.

“Go on,” Oblivion spoke up.

“We each should be embracing our true talent!” Apple Bloom piped up.

“Which is?” Applejack asked with a hopeful smile.

“Comedy!” All three of them intoned to finish the thought.

Oblivion was not able to stop his hoof from colliding with his face as he dragged his claws over his face. Sasa hung her head and shook her head in disbelief. Applejack stared at them and she rolled her eyes good-naturedly.

“One day,” Twilight said as she looked back to the others with her.

“Gods preserve me,” Oblivion grumbled as Rarity and Rainbow Dash joined them to collect the other two fillies. He and Applejack collected Apple Bloom and moved to take her home for the night.

Oblivion trotted through the Everfree with Sasa close on his heels as he hunted. His ears flicked as his eyes scanned the game trial for fresh sign.


A shout caught his attention and he looked up as the light that came from Fluttershy shone brightly back at him. “What is she doing out here? Fluttershy hates the Everfree more than most.” He said aloud as Sasa drew up next to him.

Shall I investigate?” She asked him and he nodded to her.

He watched as the cat took off for the mare and waited as he went back to scanning for food. His steps slowed and he advanced at an easy walk, waiting for Sasa’s reply to him.

Chosen?” She called out to him through their connection. “Come to me.”

His horn flared as he hid his wings and then teleported to the feline’s location. His eyes focused on the butter-yellow mare as she looked more nervous than normal. “What is going on?”

“I’m looking for the girls.” She admitted.

“Girls?” He replied. “The fillies or mares?”

“Fillies.” She clarified. “I’m watching them for the night to allow Rarity to get some work done. They wandered off to find a chicken of mine that is lost. I didn’t know they had left until a few minutes ago. I followed their tracks here but the tracks are gone.”

“So they came out here after a chicken?”

“Yes. I know they are in trouble though. There is a Cockatrice out here somewhere. It froze Twilight in stone back there.” She said and pointed behind her.

“In stone?” He asked her.

“They can turn you to stone if you look into their eyes.” She told him.

“That’s new.” He admitted. “I have slain my share of Cockatrices but the stone thing is new. I have never seen one that could do that. So if I have to fight one I should do it blindly.”

“We need to find the girls quickly or they could be turned to stone as well. Then we can try to find out how to help Twilight. Can you track them?”

Oblivion nodded and turned back to the trail in front of them. His eyes narrowed and the subtle changes in the ground became clear to him and he picked out the hooves of the three fillies. He led the mare and cat forward as he broke into a trot to follow them. Orange cat eyes scanned the area as he led them through the trails. He broke from the main road and onto a game trail that he knew fairly well from his own hunting expeditions. The Witchers blood pumped through him at the prospect of a fight and his heartbeat steadily in his chest. At his side Sasa stayed close as Fluttershy stayed behind them, keeping up with the fast trot of the Monster Hunter.

“They are staying on the game trail thankfully. That will make tracking them easier.” He said aloud and the mare behind him stayed on his tail as he slowed, his ears flicked forward.

He could hear the muffled sound of talking ahead of them and he broke into a lope as his ears led the way for him. His eyesight went back to normal as he broke through the foliage to reveal the fillies ahead of them. Fluttershy galloped to them and Oblivion stood to watch for any sign of a monster.

“Girls we need to get back to my cottage now.” She said to them and began to usher them the way they had come.

Oblivion watched as nothing happened and he stepped to the side to allow Fluttershy to keep pushing them out of the Everfree.

“But we need to find your missing chicken.” Apple Bloom commented.

“We can look in the morning,” Oblivion said to them.

“But we can be Cutie Mark Crusader critters catchers!” Scootaloo replied and pushed against Fluttershy’s legs.

“Not tonight you can’t.” She said. “Not with a Cockatrice about.”

“A what-atrice?” Sweetie Bell asked, confusion crossing her face.

“It’s a monster that has the head of a chicken with the body of a snake. Now come on.” She rushed out and tried to push them further.

“A cockatrice. That just sounds silly.” Apple Bloom replied and they jumped away from the butter-yellow mare.

Fluttershy fell forward and stumbled back to their hooves and jumped back in front of the now laughing fillies. Sasa snarled at them and they paused as Fluttershy jumped ahead of them. The fillies stopped as they saw the chicken in the bushes behind them. Oblivion rolled his eyes and his horn lit as he was about to grip the chicken when a second one popped out the same bush, his magic faded at the sight.

“Two of them?” Apple Bloom commented. “Were two of them missing?”

“We still found it,” Scootaloo said as she walked toward the chicken.

“Scootaloo stay away from it,” Oblivion called to her and she paused as the second chicken hissed at her.

Oblivion darted forward and pushed her back toward Fluttershy. The monsters main body came out of the bush, revealing a five to the six-foot-long snake-like body. It screeched once it was free of the bush and the fillies creamed and fled with Fluttershy and Oblivion on their heels. They tore through the brush with Sasa at their sides to make sure they didn’t split up. The fillies slid to a halt and they began to scream anew at the sight of Twilight encased in stone. Fluttershy slid to a stop by them and tried to gather them up once more to usher them out of the Everfree. But they had become more than a bit panicked and were no longer able to listen as well as normal.

Oblivion spun to face the creature and he recalled what Fluttershy had said about its gaze and closed his eyes. He filtered out the screaming and focused on the sound of scales on dirt and stone.

Chosen!” Sasa called out to him.

“When I tell you to attack it and try to throw it away from them.” He said to her. “It will be more difficult since I cannot see it.”

“If I can I will tell you when it is near.” Sasa said to him.

He nodded and waited as the sound came closer to him. The loud hiss caught his ears and he pivoted on his heels and lashed out with his hooves. His horn lit and his crystal blade came from within the band on his leg. His magic gripped it and his magic had it hovering ahead of him. The same hiss \caught him and he lunged forward, his eyes still firmly shut as the blade caught only the air. His only goal was to keep it away from the girls and let them get together to escape.

“Right!” Sasa yelled.

He spun to the right and spun the blade in a wide arc to the side of him.


He lunged forward and swung his blade ahead of him.


He heard Apple Bloom call his name but he remained focused on what he was doing.


He spun tightly to the left and jumped back as well. His hooves lit upon the ground and he waited for the sound of the beast to come with him.

“How far am I from them?”

“About fifteen feet now.” Sasa related to him.

Gather them to flee.” He said to her.

“Go forward and you’ll be able to hit it with your shoulder if you spin!”

He lunged forward and his body and spun as instructed. His right shoulder collided with the monster and it squawked in surprised as he tossed it away from them. He opened his eyes as it away from them and he looked back as Sasa darted past him and her teeth sunk into the meat of the creature's body and she shook it in her teeth and tossed it away into the trees.

“Go!” He yelled as he spun to the ponies and began to herd them away.

A scream from behind them stopped him in his tracks as Scootaloo had gotten separated from them. Fluttershy cried out as the monster went after her. The mare galloped forward and got between the filly and the cockatrice. He started to go forward but the feeling of hooves on his fur stopped him. Apple Bloom had a hold of his leg. He stopped and stayed where he was, ready to throw his blade if needed. Sasa started to stalk forward to tear the creature apart once more as Fluttershy began to speak.

“You! Just who do you think you are, going around turning others into stone?”

Oblivion watched as the creature screeched to a halt and stared back at her. The black stallion said nothing as she continued to berate the hybrid further.

“You should be ashamed of yourself. I have a mind to find your mother and tell her what you've been up to, young man. Now you go over there and turn Elizabeak and my friend Twilight back to normal, and don't ever let me catch you doing this again. Do you understand me?”

It squawked in dismay and it folded under her gaze and Oblivion rolled his eyes as it ran away. “Why do I bother?” He asked the tiger as she sat next to him. She chuffed and rubbed her head on his shoulder as he shook his head. The mare came back to the girls after picking up Scootaloo in her hooves.

“I’m sorry we snuck out of the house against your rules.” Sweetie Bell said to her.

Apple Bloom came out from behind Oblivions leg as the stallion glared down at her. “You’re in trouble for that just so you are aware.” He said to the filly who cringed and nodded.

He looked up as a chicken toddled over to them, disoriented and it slid to the ground after joining them. Oblivion looked over his shoulder as a wobbly Twilight started toward them. He went over to her and put a hoof on her shoulder to stabilize her.

“What happened?” She asked and rubbed her head.

“What's the last thing you recall?” He asked her.

“I’m not sure. A chicken?” She said to him.

Oblivion helped her to join the others who began to fill her in on the night’s events. She looked to the black stallion as they spoke.

“What were you doing out here anyway?” She asked him.

“I was out for an evening run.” He replied quickly. “Couldn’t sleep.”

“Liar.” Sasa chuckled.

“Thank Celestia for insomnia,” Twilight replied with a laugh.

“Sometimes it works in one's favor.” He agreed.

They began to walk back toward Fluttershy’s cottage and Oblivion peeled off to go in the other direction.

Chosen?” Sasa asked him as he went back the way they had come once the others were out of sight.

“I have a different task to complete. I’m going to hunt down the monster.”

“Why? Are you going to kill it?”

“No. I need to be able to fight against it without you shouting out instructions.”

“Oh, training.” She replied and caught up to his hurried pace. “Goodie.”

62: Dogs and Tracks...

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Oblivion looked up from his work to see Spiked running frantically away from the direction of the gorge. He gave a slight tilt of his head at the sight and he paused at the oddness of the dragon’s normal easy-going gait.

“He looks a bit panicked,” Sasa spoke up.

“I agree.” He said to her and broke into a lope to catch up with the baby dragon.

His longer stride had him a foot behind the baby dragon when Spike reached the others in town. He ran up to them and panted before them.

“Aaaah! Rarity... woods... jewels... dogs... a hole... taken... Save her!” He yelled at them.

Oblivion said nothing as they blinked at the baby dragon and Twilight set the baby dragon on her back and headed off for the gorge. Oblivion brought up the rear as they galloped ahead. Sasa stayed close at his side as they ran.

“So what is actually goin’ on?” Applejack asked as they galloped forward.

Spike had recovered enough to finally give a better description. “Rarity and I were gem hunting when some other guys showed up.”

“Guys?” Pinkie asked him, her head tilted almost comically sideways.

“They were Diamond Dogs.” He explained. “They grabbed Rarity and disappeared down a hole in the ground.”

“This’ll be easy. All we gotta do is get ‘er outta a hole in the ground.” Applejack said with a smile.

They reached a hill that should have overlooked the flat gorge. As they crested the hill even Oblivion paused at the sight of dozens of holes in the ground.

“Okay, maybe not so easy.” Applejack amended.

The group made their way to the bottom of the hill and began to investigate the holes that were closest to them. Sasa looked down a hole that was close by him and Oblivion looked down another one. A gasp from the side of him caught his attention and Twilight looked up to him, dirt covering her face as the hole was filled in. Oblivion looked up as the holes were slowly being filled in. Sasa yowled and sneezed against the face full of dirt. She shook her head to clear her face and whiskers of the dirt.

“Lovely creatures.” She complained. “When I get my claws on one I’m going to rend them limb from limb.”

Oblivion reared back as the hole he was watching was filled in. Sasa growled as all of the holes were steadily being filled in. The black stallion waited as the others all tried to get past the filled-in holes by digging through the layer of fill dirt. Oblivion looked around them and began to track through his ears where the diamond dogs were. He found a hole that was not filled in and his magic covered the dole to keep it dark to prevent the dogs from noticing the open hole. The Witcher waited as girls were tossed around by the dogs and then seemed to be reminiscing when he rolled his eyes and gave a shrill whistle to get their attention. The mares and Spike looked to him as he motioned for them to join him. Once the sounds of digging had left them he showed them the open hole.

“Oblivion you’re a genius,” Twilight said to him.

“Easy.” He said to her and held out a hoof to stop her from approaching the hole directly. “Our best option is to use bait to lure one of them out for either capture or to follow them.”

They nodded as he spoke and Spike held up a large blue gem for the stallion to see. “We can use this.”

Oblivion nodded and Spike brought out a fishing line and pole to hold it above the lip of the hole. The stallion stayed back with the others and waited for the diamond dogs to take the bait. He flicked an ear as they all spoke to Spike, praising him for using the gem from Rarity. His ears flicked forward as the gem vanished and he lunged forward and gripped the line in his claws. The line went taut as Spike jumped to his back and tried to keep the line under control. Sasa gripped his tail in her teeth in case she needed to pull and Twilight had a grip on the cat’s tail in turn.

“Shit.” He cursed under his breath as he was hailed forward through the dirt. “Pull!”

His voice was tense as he yanked back on the line, digging his hooves in, hoping the others would be able to haul back enough to keep him from going into the hole as well. His hooves slid forward as he was pulled to the edge of the hole and his torso was pulled into the hole as Spike held tightly to his mane.

“Harder!” He yelled back as he struggled to remove himself from the hole.

The Witcher was able to pull back enough to get his upper body out of the hole once more but a yank from within the hole had him tumbling forward. He closed his eyes as his body was pulled through the twists and turns. He yelped as he collided with the unforgiving ground and he grunted as Sasa and the others fell onto his back. Spike groaned on his back and Sasa snarled as she tried to get out from under the ponies.

“Ouch,” Oblivion growled as he pulled himself out from under the mares and shook himself free of dirt. “Everypony alive?”

“That was fun!” Pinkie yelled as she got free and bounced around the room as the others got to their hooves.

“Ah think so.” Applejack said to him as she rubbed her back with one hoof.

Twilight got to her hooves and stretched out to alleviate any pain of her own. “I’m okay.”

“Yeah same here,” Rainbow called out. “Fluttershy, you good?”

“Oh yes. I’m fine.” She replied to the pale blue mare.

“Okay, now what?” Rainbow asked as she looked around them. “That’s a lot of pathways.”

“Indeed.” Oblivion agreed as he scanned the room around them. Holes covered the walls and ceiling above and around them. “This could prove to be a problem.”

“You can see our spirits can’t you Oblivion?” Twilight asked him. “Can you follow Rarity’s?”

“I can see her yes. But that does not give me a way to follow her. For example.” He said as he went to a wall and pointed. “She is beyond this wall somewhere.”

“Oh boy.” Applejack said to him. “Not as helpful as Ah was hopin’ fer that ta be.”

Oblivion shook his head and went back to them. “I never claimed it could find her in a labyrinth.”

“That’s true,” Twilight admitted.

“What about following the gemstones?” Fluttershy pointed out.

“It would make sense that they would take her where she could find them the most gems at once.” Oblivion agreed. “But can any of us track gemstones?”

Twilight shook her head and Spike looked at the two Unicorns in disbelief. Oblivion shook his head as Sasa nuzzled his shoulder.

“Can’t ya make a spell fer it?” Applejack asked him.

“Not quickly. The spells I have made were broader searching. Time is relative and memories are not anything physical. I haven’t done a search for a physical item and my form of tracking is for monsters, not gemstones.”

“Twilight you know how to find them.” Spike suddenly said as he tugged on the mare’s mane.

“Huh?” She looked at him as he stood by her. “No, I don’t.”

“Yeah, you do. Rarity showed you once, didn’t she?” He asked her.

“Oh wow, your right she did. Now just give me a second while I remember it.” She said and her horn was covered in her magenta aura.

Oblivion watched as the mare's eyes lit up as the spell completed and she looked to her friends. “Follow you?” He said to her.

“This way everypony!” She called out as Spike jumped to her back and they fell in line behind her.

Oblivions ears flicked ahead as he caught the sound of a mare sobbing. “Ahead of us. We are on the right track.” He said to the purple unicorn who nodded in reply as they burst through an open doorway and into a wide empty room.

Sasa growled in annoyance as he scanned the room and began to walk ahead, his eyes trained on the far wall. His ears flicked as a sound above him caught his attention and he looked up as a group of burly large dogs fell from on high and landed on the back of each pony. He balked at a makeshift bridle was fastened over his face and his eyes went wide.

“Oh hell no.” He cursed as he took off ahead and bucked several times.

“He’s still there Chosen!” Sasa called out as Oblivion bucked.

“Not for long.” He growled to her.

The stallion reared up when his hooves came back to the ground and he fell backward landing solidly on the dog on his back. He got to his hooves as the dog whimpered and he reared up, intending to put his hooves through the offending dog’s small skull as it rolled away from him and took off yelping. The others had mimicked him and had bucked their own passengers as well. He snarled as they fled and Sasa chased them out of the room and slammed the metal door shut behind them. Oblivion gave an angry snort and turned to the far wall.

“She is through there or close to it.” He said to the others as they joined him.

Spike climbed up his leg and the black stallion said nothing as he reached down and pulled a stone stake from the ground and sat on the stallions back. “Forward Oblivion! Time to rescue fair Rarity.”

“Pardon?” Oblivion said as he looked back at the baby dragon.

The dragon shrugged and looked defeated for several seconds. “Come on Oblivion just once work with me.”

The black stallion sighed and faced the metal door. He tapped his hoof and Quen slid over his frame. “Just this once.” He grumbled and Spike smiled widely as the stallion reared up and charged the door. He pulled his head back to keep any of the metal doors from hitting Spike and looked away as he ran into the door frame, allowing his chest and shoulders to take the majority of the hit. Quen erupted in its own explosion and knocked the door away from them and off to the side. The stallion plunged to a stop, his head ringing.

“Chosen?” Sasa said as she came up to him. “That did not look…pleasant.”

“Never again.” He complained to her. “I will never accommodate the dragon again. My head is ringing.”

“Lady Rarity! We are here to rescue you!” Spike called out as a small group of dogs came toward them.

Oblivion shook his head and squared off as the dogs charged them.

“Save us! Please, save us! Make it stop! Please!” They yelled as they fell to the ground ahead of the ponies.

“What the hell?” Oblivion said to them as they groveled.

They began to call out their own complaints as the group stared at them, eyes wide as rarity came around the corner. The stallion shook his head and rolled his eyes as Spike slid to the ground, allowing the Witcher to leave them to tend to his still ringing head.

“My head is still ringing.” He griped to the cat.

“Are you going to be okay?” She asked him.

“I will live. That door was solid. I didn’t think it was as well reinforced as it was. I anticipated it falling easily. Quen’s explosion saved me from falling flat on my muzzle.” He informed her as he rubbed his head.

Sasa nuzzled him and purred as he recovered. He went back to the mares as Rarity pointed to the wagons of gemstones that she had received. Apparently, the dogs did not want them either and were more than happy to allow her to leave with them.

“Oblivion darling. Can you find a way out of here for us?” Rarity asked him as they got hooked up to the wagons.

The stallion nodded and his eyes narrowed as the tracks showed plainly against the ground. He heard the mares talking as he led them forward and he tuned them out to allow himself to worry about directing them safely out of the dog’s network of tunnels.

Oblivion tossed the bad apples into the pig trough as he passed by like the sound of screaming caught his attention. His ears flicked as Sasa rumbled a growl as the stallion took off, his hooves silent on the packed dirt. Sasa ran at his side as he changed course as the screaming ended and began again. The Witcher followed the sound as he slid to a halt at the ladder of the Crusaders clubhouse. He blinked as the sound was coming from inside.

“Apple Bloom!” He hollered over the sound of the screaming.

A moment later and the front door swung open and the filly looked surprised to see him. “What is it Oblivion?”

“Why are you screaming?” He asked.

“Oh. We are trying out a new idea for our Cutie Marks.” She explained. “Scream Therapy ponies.”

“Scream Therapy?” He asked as his head gave a slight tilt.

“It’s supposed to help release stress. But they are doing it wrong. The stressed pony is the one screaming.” Sasa explained.

Oblivion sighed and shook his head. “I don’t think you’re doing it right.” He replied to her and she tilted her head as he went on. “The pony that is having a problem is the one that is supposed to be screaming. It’s not a job for another pony to do for them.”

“Oh. I wondered about it.” Sweetie Bell agreed from behind Apple Bloom.

“Why didn’t ya say nuthin’?” Apple Bloom asked the other filly.

“I don’t know.” She replied.

Scootaloo pushed past the yellow filly and looked down at the Witcher and his feline companion. “Did you hear us?”

“Kind of hard not to hear you three.” He admitted. “I think half of Ponyville heard you.”

“Do you have any ideas we can try?” She asked, her wings buzzing at her sides.

Sasa and Oblivion shook their heads in reply. Sweetie Bell stared at him for a second before her eyes went wide and she brightened.

“Can you teach us to use a sword?” She asked.

“Oh absolutely not,” Oblivion replied quickly.

“Why not? How old were you when you were taught to use one?” Scootaloo asked him.

“That is not the same,” Oblivion replied. “I was taught after being turned into a Witcher.”

“Can we be Witchers?” Scootaloo asked him. “We could be Cutie Mark Crusader Witchers!”

He pinned his ears at the sudden yell at the end and shook his head. “No. There are no schools training new Witchers any longer. So there is no chance of that.”

The three fillies grumbled at his reply and he ignored the sounds of displeasure from them. At his side, the large feline rumbled a purr as the stallion spun on his heels to leave the fillies to their crusading.

“Oblivion wait.” Apple Bloom suddenly yelled at him.

He paused as the sound of the fillies hooves on wood rattled over his ears. She caught up to him and came around to the front of him, her eyes wide.


“Can ya teach us how to hunt as you do?” She asked.

“Hunt?” He asked her. “Do you mean how I track?”

“Yeah, that.” She amended and nodded as he spoke. “Like how ya found me that time I broke your stuff in your saddlebags.”

“You want to learn how to track monsters?” He asked them as the other two joined the yellow filly.

“Do ya have time?” She asked him, her eyes wide and pleading.

At his side, Sasa chuckled as he considered the request. “It’s better than sword work.” She jabbed at him.

“Fair point.” He replied to the chuckling feline. “I can teach you a few things. Nothing that will allow you to hunt real monsters but we can use Sasa to teach you a few things.” He agreed.

“YAY!” They shrieked out and he pinned his ears.

“First thing about tracking is to know what you are looking for. In this case, we are looking for the tracks of a very large cat. Do you know what a cat paw looks like?” He asked them as they listened to him.

“Umm…Like a dog’s paw?” Scootaloo asked.

“Not really.” He replied and had Sasa pick up one of her paws to show them. "See how her paw pads are laid out?” He said as he pointed to the paw pads. “When you’re tracking your looking for a rough shape of the print. You’re never looking for perfect prints, only pieces of the print.”

The fillies looked as he instructed them. He gave the cat back her paw and she went over to the block of sand and pressed her paw into it as Oblivion led the fillies to it. He pointed to the paw print and began to show them what the outline was to look for. He knew that if he didn’t keep it interesting then he would lose them quickly. The Witcher began to explain how to look for the shape of tracks and how to know what direction the cat had gone.

“Sasa can you put down your paw and make it appear as if you went a different direction mid-step?” He asked her and the cat nodded. She pressed her paw down and then turned the direction of her paw as she stepped away. “Now look at the shape of the print. What do you see?”

Apple Bloom put her muzzle close to the track and stared. “It’s not the same print. It’s a different shape.”

“Very good. What part?” He pressed her.

“The main pad. It’s wider and…” She paused as she tried to figure out more details.

“It’s rounded.” Sweetie Bell supplied.

“Exactly. That means that the cat changed direction. Instead of going the same forward direction she changed direction while the paw was on the ground. That means we need to look at the other directions and see if we can find other tracks.” He informed them.

“So we would need to look around the print for more paw prints?” Scootaloo asked.

“Yes. Sometimes the prey changes direction to get rid of a predator or a predator changes direction to try to confuse those that might hunt for it. It changes depending on what you are looking for.”

“So when you were looking for me you were looking for pony tracks?” Apple Bloom asked as she looked to him.

“Yes. Small pony tracks.” He said to her.

“Does it change if you’re looking for a pony?” Sweetie Bell asked him.

“Not really. Here.” He pressed his hoof down into the sand and they watched as he then pressed his hoof down and turned it to show a change in direction. “See how the hoof is changed as it turns?”

The fillies nodded as he spoke and he could see them looking at the track closely. He looked down and he could see the impression of his claws in the sand and he cursed at himself for a moment before he decided it did not matter if they knew.

Apple Bloom looked at the bottom of her hoof while he spread out his claws for them to see. “What the?”

“I am a Witcher. All my kind have clawed hooves.” He said to her. “It’s how I am.”

“Wow.” Scootaloo impressed as she reached out a hoof to poke at one of his claws. “That’s awesome.”

“What do you need them for?” Sweetie asked.

“I am a Witcher. I use them to fight monsters.” He said to her and they nodded as he folded his claws back into his hoof and went back to the lesson. “As you can see the change of direction is there as well.”

At his words, they looked back to the print and refocused back on his lesson. “It rounds out the same as Sasa’s print.” He supplied them as they nodded as they saw what he meant.

“So it’s the same for any animal?” Scootaloo asked.

“Not always. Some creatures are built differently but in this case, yes. In this case, they are the same.” He replied to her.

“This is so cool.” Apple bloom gushed. “Ah never get ta spend time with ya since ya got back.”

“I have been busy.” He explained to her. “But we have time right now.”

She nuzzled him and he brought his head up to tell Sasa to make a tracking path for the fillies for them to follow. “Be sure to step heavily in places. I will be with them and wait for us at the end of the path. You will be the reward at the end.”

“Understood.” She replied and slunk away as the fillies began to rapid-fire questions.

The she-cat slunk along the ground and reached the beginning of the apple orchard and began to stomp her way across it, weaving through the trees. She ensured that it would be easily seen and if needed Oblivion would be able to help them. She reached the edges of the Everfree and she stomped onto the main road and followed it for several strides before she weaved off the main path and toward Zecora’s house and then veered off to a small clearing she and Oblivion had used for hunting several times. She giggled at the thought of the little fillies following the winding track and the thought made her laugh. She didn’t do any tracking backward since that would be beyond their skill and would only upset them.

“Done Chosen.” She called out and waited for them to find her.

Oblivion looked up as Sasa called out to him and he looked as the fillies watched him. “I think something is missing.” He said to them.

The fillies stopped and began to look around them when Sweetie Bell gasped. “Sasa is missing!” She shrilled out to the others.

Oblivion nodded at them. “She is. I’m not sure exactly where she is.”

“It’s up to us to find her. Come on Big Brother!” Apple Bloom said as she took off at a run.

“Do you know which direction to go?” He asked as the filly slid to a stop.

“Oh…oops. We can track her though.” She replied with a sheepish look.

“Over here,” Scootaloo said. “I found a track.”

Oblivion joined her as she pointed to the cat’s paw prints. “Well done. Now follow it.”

They nodded and the three of them began to track ahead and they paused when the tracks vanished by a tree. “Did she go up the tree?” Sweetie Bell asked as the fillies looked up and went around the tree.

“No over here,” Scootaloo called out as she found the next print.

“Nicely done, Sasa.” Oblivion praised the feline from afar and he heard a low laugh in return. “Good find.” He praised the Pegasus who smiled in reply to him. “Keep it up.”

Oblivion fell in behind them as they slowly made their way forward. They lost the track when it entered into the Everfree but a bit of help from him and they regained the cat's trail. The Witcher watched as the group found the main road and then found the cats tracks once more.

“This way!” Apple Bloom called out to her friends.

The fillies trotted forward as Oblivion followed behind them. They followed the main road for a while then the tracks veered off to the left and began to go into the forest. The fillies paused and he was on their heels.

“I am with you so it is allowed.” He said to them. He was aware that they had been grounded after their last adventure into the Everfree. “I will explain if anypony asks.”

They smiled at him and took to looking for the next track in the cat's trail. It took them a moment but they found it and began to follow the trail deeper into the forest.

“This is close to Zecora’s.” Apple Bloom observed.

“That’s true. Could she be waiting there?” Sweetie asked him.

“Do you think she would make it that easy?” Oblivion asked them.

“Nah.” Apple Bloom replied.

"No way.” Scootaloo agreed.

“Then lead on.” He said to them and they put their noses back to the track.

Oblivion watched as they entered into an area that had a lot of vegetation on the ground and they looked uncertain as they began to walk around. Finally, Apple Bloom looked back to him and he nodded to her.

“Come back.” He said to them and they rejoined him as he pointed out an imprint in a leaf. “Sometimes the track is not as easy as it had been. Sometimes you’re not looking for a track in dirt. Anything soft can leave a track, like a leaf.”

They looked at the leaves and slowly began to follow the track, though their progress was markedly slower due to the different terrain. They made slow progress and he only needed to help them occasionally. Scootaloo found the next track as they left the leaf litter and made their way into the grass. They stopped and looked back at him.

“Okay for tall grass you aren’t looking for tracks on the ground any longer. Their useless to find in this high of grass. So now you are looking for broken grass and anything that looks out of place. Look ahead and around you.” He instructed them and the three of them began to do as he had told them.

“Here!” Sweetie Bell called out and they ran to her to see a small bit of fur. "That is light like her fur. Is it hers?”

Oblivion came up to her and his eyes narrowed as the cat's scent washed over his nose and he nodded as his eyes went back to normal. “Good eye. That is her.”

The filly danced on her hooves as the others joined her and began to slowly walk into the grass. Oblivion stayed behind them as his eyes narrowed once more and he could see the trail plainly ahead of him as they slowly walked ahead of him. They paused and he watched as they turned to look at him.

Sweetie Bell gasped at the sight of his eyes but he waited for her to speak. “I can’t find anything.” She said to him.

“You’re doing very well.” He assured them and he watched their spirits brighten. “Look for things that are broken or out of place.” He reminded them.

“Here. Bent grass?” Scootaloo called out as she pointed ahead of them. “That’s not normal unless somepony walks on it right?”

“Correct.” He replied with a nod of his head.

He could sense that Sasa was just ahead of them and he knew that they would soon spot her bright coat. Sure enough, he looked down as they went forward several more feet and Sweetie Bell saw her first.

“There she is!” She shouted and jumped out of the tall grass and loped out the big cat, her friends on her heels.

Oblivion emerged into the clearing as the girls surrounded the cat who purred loudly at their excited greeting.

“We found her.” They intoned and looked to their flanks, hopeful. He watched as they became upset at the lack of Cutie Mark on their flanks.

“You did well. But learning a skill is not the same as a special talent. You still have the potential to find out what makes you, you.” He said to them as he reached them. “You were able to find Sasa despite her making it a bit difficult for you. That’s is something to be proud of. Should you need to you will now be able to find your way home or find others if you wish to.”

They looked at him as they spoke and he could see the smiles coming back to their muzzles. “Ya mean if we got lost?”

“Exactly. You would be able to track your own steps backward and find your way if possible. It’s not always possible. For example, if it rains it’s difficult to track in. But you did well for a first time outing. That is a feat to be proud of, little ones.”

They all looked happier as he turned to lead them the short way out of the forest and back toward the farm. Sasa stayed behind them as they chatted happily between themselves.

“Well said Chosen.” Sasa praised him.

“They did well for their first time. You chose a good path to lead them on.” He replied to her.

“It was fun.” She said to him with a chuckle. “I knew they would succeed.”

“As did I.” He replied.

The black stallion walked ahead as the three fillies followed him back onto the farmlands and he was quiet as they ran ahead of him to see if they could find Granny or Big Mac. Oblivion looked to the farm entrance and broke into a trot as Applejack sat in front with the wagon that she used to sell goods out of in town.

“AJ what are you…doing? What in the hell?” He asked as he stared at the side of the wagon.

“It’s a promotion. Since Fluttershy is a big fancy model now.”

He stared for a moment before he replied. An image of Fluttershy with a bottle of juice sat on the front of the wagon and on the banner as the farm mare sat happily under the banner. He looked up as Sasa blinked at the sight and her head tilted to the side.

“Do I even want to know how this came about?” He asked the orange mare who smiled and shrugged. “No. Never mind. I’m good.”

He angled back to the farm and decided that this was not something he needed to worry about and that it would be fine in another’s hooves. He did not need the aggravation that was already growing behind his eyes.

“Not my circus, not my monkeys?” Sasa asked him.

“Exactly.” He agreed.

63: Meetings and Fire...

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Oblivion opened his eyes in the Canterlot Garden and was greeted by Blue Blood with a friendly hoof bump. He summoned Sasa to his side and she nuzzled Blue in greeting. The three of them headed into town for their normal seats at Joe's. They reached the donut shop and Joe looked up and nodded to them as they went to their usual place.

“How are you Blue?” Sasa asked him as she laid down by their hooves.

“Not too badly. Aunt Luna keeps telling me I should do field work more often and I keep reminding her how bad I am at it. Though I am positive she is teasing me.” He admitted with a wave of his hoof.

“Most likely,” Oblivion replied.

Blue shrugged. “Not sure why she thinks I was of any help out there. Shining and your guards did most of the work out there.”

“Perhaps. But without you, they would not have known where to go. They would have been searching futilely in some places.” Oblivion pointed out.

“And only Shining would have gone out. That would have kept all four guards with him. Keeping them from searching a larger area. Plus I hear none of you recalled the letter that had been sent.” Sasa jabbed at him.

Blue looked down at the cat and glared. “Yeah…That’s true. We agreed never to mention that again I thought?”

Oblivion looked at him and the Prince was quiet. “How did you forget the letter I had sent?” He finally asked after a pregnant pause.

“Well not all of us are Master Witchers who track and hunt down clues for a living,” Blue replied, sarcasm dripping from his tone.

Sasa chuckled and Oblivion put up his hooves to placate the Prince. “Perhaps not. But that should have been a tip-off.”

“Maybe for you. It took Cross reminding me about it to get us on the right track and then we…What?”

Oblivions' gaze went from the Prince to look past him. The Witcher's eyes scanned the area behind him. A feeling of unease washed over him and he searched for it. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Joe come to them and set their food and drinks down and then give Sasa her food as well. The pony left them and Oblivion continued to look around them.

“What is it, Chosen?” She asked him as she sat up.

Oblivion didn’t answer her as the source of the unease walked through the front door of the shop. A young stallion walked into the shop and Oblivion immediately recognized the spirit in front of him. It was the same Wonderbolt from the Competition. The stallion had not noticed them and was focusing on speaking to Joe.

“Chosen? He is from the Competition isn’t he?” Sasa asked him as she got to her paws.

“Yes. Same pony.” He replied aloud to her.

“What is going on?” Blue asked them.

Oblivion looked away from the Wonderbolt and back to the confused Prince. “He was at the Young Fliers Competition in Cloudsdale and I saw him there. I could see then that his Spirit is in rough shape. Nearly as bad as your own when I first met you.” He said to the Prince who looked shocked.

“That bad?” He asked and his companions nodded. “That’s Soarin from the Wonderbolts. He holds the military title of Commander in the unit. Which makes him second in command to Spitfire.”

“You know him?” Sasa asked him.

Blue looked away from them and rubbed the back of his neck with his hoof. “Not well. I have met him a couple of times but it was not a nice meeting. I was acting out and he took the brunt of it a couple of times.” He admitted.

“You are not that same pony now, Blue,” Oblivion assured him. “Something is breaking him and he is not doing well under the pressure. He is fracturing.”

“Chosen? Is there a Wraith like Blue Blood?” Sasa asked him personally, keeping her words only to Oblivion.

“No. There is nothing attached to him.” He assured her.

The cat looked relieved as she looked at the pony once more. “That’s good to hear.”

“I can call him over if you like.” Blue volunteered and Oblivion nodded. “Hey, Soarin!”

The pony started and looked back to the Prince who was half standing in their booth and gave a weak wave as Joe came back to him at the counter. Oblivion kept an eye on him and was about to act on his own when Sasa nuzzled his leg and got up with her own plate in her teeth. She stood off to the side of him, just close enough to stay out of his sight but close enough to be in his sight if he turned to her. Oblivion was about to call her when the pony set a box of donuts on his back and carried a coffee in his teeth. He turned and found the enormous feline in his direct sight. He yelled, dropping the coffee to the floor, and his wings flared as they pushed him back and away from the cat. She looked innocently to him as the food and drink fell to the ground, ruined.

“Ya okay there Soarin?” Joe asked him as he looked over the counter to Sasa and the panting pony.

“I’m fine. But…What is that? And why is it in your shop?” Soarin asked him, his voice strained.

Joe made a dismissive motion of his hoof toward Sasa who came up to him with her plate and pushed it onto the counter with her nose, the picture of a well-behaved patron. “She’s okay. A bit big but nothing but a good girl. She must be after her favorite donut. She and the others are in once a week. She’s with them.” He said and pointed to Oblivion and Blue.

Soarin looked at the pair and then looked to the cat and then to Joe. He sighed in clear defeat and came back to the counter. “Can I get a mop and trash can? I’ll clean it up.”

“Nah! Ya have a seat. I’ll get you a new box and a coffee. Gonna be a bit I have to wait for the new batch to finish up. You just go back to yer seat kitten. I’ll bring ya yer food.” Joe said as he pushed Soarin away from the counter.

“You can sit with us while you wait.” Blue called to him.

The pony looked uncertain but approached them with Sasa on his heels. Blue scooted over to allow Soarin to join them. Sasa sat down with her head at the edge of the table and she looked at Oblivion, a chuffing sound coming from her.

“Your welcome.” She said to him.

Oblivion said nothing in reply to her cocky admittance and looked at the new pony at their table. “I will reimburse you for what happened. She is my companion and I do not think she is truly aware of her size and the effect it can have on some ponies that do not know her.” Oblivion said to the pale blue Pegasus.

“It’s okay. I was just startled by her. She’s not…mean is she?” He asked nervously as she leaned her head toward him.

“Not at all,” Blue assured him. “She’s a wonderful cat.”

Sasa scooted herself over to the nervous pony and rubbed his foreleg with her head, a deep rumbling purr coming from her. Sasa pulled away from him and bowed her head in apology.

“She is sorry for what happened. She did not realize that you had not seen her.” Oblivion translated to the other pony.

“She…what?” Soarin asked.

“She is connected to me and is able to speak through me should she choose. I can tell you what she says.” Oblivion informed him.

“Oh.” Soarin looked a bit less frightened of her when he reached out to her and she allowed him to pet her long striped fur. “She’s huge though. I never thought something…Somepony her size could be that quiet.”

“She’s large but she’s still a cat,” Blue said to him. “Oh, my manners are terrible. Soarin this is Oblivion Shadow, Oblivion this is Soarin.”

“Nice to meet you,” Soarin said to him.

“Pleasure is mine,” Oblivion said to the Pegasus who nodded. “She is Sasa.”

The feline bowed her head once more and laid down at their hooves. “Is he okay?” She asked them. “He looks terrified.”

“Are you okay Soarin?” Blue asked, taking his cue from the feline.

“I’m fine. Just a bit…surprised you called out to me, Prince Blue Blood. Was a pretty friendly greeting.”

Blue cringed and looked to the black stallion for a moment who locked his gaze for a moment then looked back to the pale stallion. “I admit the last time we spoke was not my best moment. I was rude to you and you didn’t deserve it.”

Soarin looked shocked at the Prince's admission and shook his head. “It’s fine Prince Blue Blood. It’s nothing.”

Blue shook his head. “You did not deserve the rude treatment I gave you upon our last meeting. It was untoward of me and I am sorry for it.”

Oblivion watched the exchange and he could see Soarin beginning to calm down a bit as Blue spoke to him. The Pegasus gave a slight smile as Blue Blood apologized to him and then looked at the black stallion.

“You were at the Young Fliers Competition. You were the crazy Unicorn who jumped off the pillar and free fell after that other Unicorn.” Soarin said to him as recognition hit him.

“What?” Blue asked. “The only other Unicorns your around beside me are Twilight and…Rarity. What happened?”

“I will explain later, for now, our guest does not need a rehashing of what happened,” Oblivion said to him. “To confirm your memory, yes I was there.”

“Why in Equestria did you jump off that pillar?” Soarin asked him.

“If you could not save them then I would. If Rainbow did not act then I would have. Either way.” Oblivion said to him.

“Most ponies would not have even thought of that option.” Soarin said to him.

Blue chuckled as he sipped his coffee. “Oblivion is not one to think about failing if needed. If the situation comes to it he will act as needed.”

“Why?” Soarin asked.

“I am a Witcher. It is my place to protect ponies if needed.” Oblivion supplied.

“A Witcher?” The Pegasus looked confused.

“A monster hunter,” Blue informed him.

“I can also destroy curses and hexes if I know enough,” Oblivion replied. “But I don’t think that will answer your question of why I acted as I did.”

“Not really.” Soarin admitted,

“He’s also one of the Elements of Harmony.” Blue informed him after a moment.

Soarin looked to the black pony and his jaw opened slightly. “I heard it was a group of mares.”

“All but one. I am the Element of Spirit.” Oblivion said to him. “I am outnumbered six to one.” He replied with a quiet chuckle, as his magic held one of his donuts and he bit into it.

Soarin chuckled in reply. “That is definitely being outnumbered. Princess Celestia didn’t mention names or anything when we were told the Elements had returned. But we also didn’t ask. I know that the Elements are the last line of defense if needed, while the rest of us are the front line.” He replied, bitterness in his tone.

Oblivion watched as Blue’s ears flicked at the inflection in the voice of the other and he looked back to him. The Prince said nothing about it and simply nodded that he had understood. The black stallion looked to the Pegasus and nodded.

“That is what I have been told. I admittedly know very little about the Wonderbolts personally and my knowledge of where they sit in the military hierarchy is even more lacking. I had thought they were not in the military but the use of the military terminology and your own words makes me rethink what I thought I knew.” He admitted.

“Yeah. We are part of the aerial branch of the military. We have our own commanders and leaders but we are still used for that purpose.” Soarin replied.

Oblivion gave a slight nod of understanding as he considered what he had been told. “Are you given the choice of going into combat or not?”

Soarin looked surprised by the question before he looked at the striped cat and then to his hooves on the table. “What brought that question on?”

“Just a question,” Oblivion replied.

“Not really,” Soarin replied a bit hotly. “Most ponies don’t think to ask a question like that without having a reason.”

His gaze was fixed on the other orange eyes as Oblivion leaned back in the booth. His posture was unconcerned by the expression of annoyance on the other's face. The Witcher could see his spirit toss and turn within him and it was tearing him apart. Oblivion leaned forward and put his forelegs on the table between them.

“Very well. Allow me to ask a different question then.” The pale Pegasus nodded and leaned back in his seat. “Allow me to mention what I see about you then. You are being broken down by something in your life that is slowly breaking you apart. You’re breaking.” The Pegasus stared as the stallion spoke. Oblivions orange eyes were bright as he spoke.

“What the hell are you talking about? I am fine.” He tried to sound more confident but Oblivion could hear the quiver in his voice. “What makes you think you can tell anything about me?”

“I know the way he said it is odd but you would not be the first he has helped. He is helping me as well. He is just incredibly blunt about these things. I know how this sounds but if he sees something he will speak about it.” Blue said quickly in defense of the blunt black Unicorn. “Can you explain further?”

“Due to the Element, I am able to see the Spirits of those around me. Not only the other Elements but others as well. It allows me to see if they are in need of help or not. I use that to determine if they need me to act or not.” Oblivion explained.

“Is that how you knew to help me as well?” Blue asked him.

“Yes. I heard you speak first, and that is what drew me to you. While at first, it was just to see what was happening now I have come to enjoy your company so it worked out well for both of us.” Oblivion replied.

Blue nodded and looked back to Soarin who was watching them, his ears flicking as they spoke. “It’s good to hear that I am getting better still. It’s becoming easier to be myself with ponies versus using my mask.”

“Mask?” Soarin asked.

Blue nodded at the others question. “Sorry, that’s what we have come to call it. It’s easy to use a fake mask to keep others at bay versus dealing with them. I was a cruel jerk to other ponies in order to keep them away from me.”

Soarin nodded in understanding and leaned back in his seat. “How do you even know?”

“I can see the lights that come from you and others. Depending on the brightness or other factors I can tell what is wrong. While I do not know the cause I can see the damage that is being caused.” Oblivion informed him further. “Do you have any idea what could be causing you to be broken down?”

Soarin looked away from them and back to Joe who had his back to them still. Oblivion could tell that he was trying to figure out what to do now. The pony was quiet as his eyes flit from side to side. Oblivion was sure that if he pushed he would talk. But at the same time, he knew that if pushed he could close off and that would be the end of it. The black stallion leaned back and waited for the Pegasus to think it over. The pale stallion jumped as Joe called out to him and he slid out of the booth and approached the counter. Blue Blood looked at Oblivion who said nothing in reply.

“Soarin, wait for a second,” Blue called out as the pale stallion got his order and went to the front door. The Prince went to him and leaned into him slightly. “I know he’s about as blunt as a hammer but he knows what he is talking about. I won’t tell you what to do but if it gets to be too much then there is nopony better to talk to about it.”

“Is that your opinion or are you looking for a new way to humiliate me?” Soaring replied.

Blue cringed and shook his head. “I deserved that.” He said and the Pegasus looked shocked at the admission. “The last time we met was when I was not at my best. I was throwing ponies away from me as fast as possible and it was easier than trying to find if they could be the friend I needed. I was convinced that nopony would understand me and that stopped me from giving anypony the chance they deserved.”

Soarin looked at him and then to the black stallion that was quietly waiting for them to finish their talk. His eyes fell on the stallion with him and he heard a rumbling purr from the feline who had come to him and nuzzled his shoulder gently. She licked his shoulder and went back to the black stallion.

“She’s really a sweet cat if you let her show you. Please judge Oblivion for who he is and not for my mistakes. Oblivion is low on emotions but he is the one to talk to if you need a pony in your corner. He is a pony that can support you if you feel yourself collapsing under anything.”

“I will think about what you said.” The pale blue pony whispered.

“If you want to send him a letter than I can send it to him for you. He made a spell that can connect enough to send letters through his magic. I promise you on my Aunts I will not read it. I will simply act as a mailbox.” Blue said to him, a soft laugh on his lips.

“Thank you Prince Blue Blood…” Soarin began to speak but the Prince shook his head.

“Just Blue is fine. I use my name more than title lately. I am just another pony outside of the castle and you don’t need to worry about titles. I answer to my name more often nowadays.”

Soarin nodded and a slight smile went over his mouth. “Got it. I’ll take what you have said and I’ll think it over.”

Blue nodded and backed away to give the stallion room to leave easily. Blue went back to the black stallion and sat down in place. Joe brought out Sasa’s plate and set it down for her and she ate is slowly.

“Do you think he will reach out to you?” Blue asked him.

“That’s up to him.” He replied. “I will not force him. That being said I am sure he will reach out eventually.”

“So you can see the spirits of ponies around you?”

“Yes.” Oblivion commented back to him. “It allows me to judge if I need to act for them or not. You were the first I looked at to help.”

“And I’m doing better than before?”


“He means that you are much happier than you once were.” Sasa added in. “While he is not as eloquent I will tell you that you are a much more pleasant pony to be around.”

“That’s good to hear.” Blue admitted with a chuckle. “Now what happened at this competition?”

Oblivion chuckled and began to recount what had happened. They finished their drinks and went to the counter to pay and left the shop, still chatting about the previous days encounter.

Oblivion looked up as Applejack trotted toward him, her hooves kicking up dust behind her. “We need ta get a move on.” She said to him once she reached him.

“And where are we going?” Asked her as he kicked the tree and caught the apples in the barrel.

“Down to Sugarcube corner.” She said to him as his magic gripped the barrel. “Party is gonna be gettin’ started.”


“Yeah. The Princess is in town and Twilight set up a party for her. Ah think it’s mostly ta get to know us better but Ah’m just guessin’.”

Oblivion rolled his shoulders as they made their way toward the barn. “She knows us all well enough. What need is there for a party?”

The farm mare shrugged and waited as the black stallion put the barrel into the barn as Sasa came from the orchard, her fur ruffled and in all directions.

“What happened to you?” He asked her as she neared him.

“Never again.” She replied.

“Never again, what?”

“I will never offer to help out the three fillies on my own. They decided to try to be pet groomers.” She explained and shook herself free of any remaining water. “That was awful.”

Oblivion gave a bark of laughter and explained to Applejack who looked apologetic to the feline. “That doesn’t sound any fun.” She said to the cat who had begun to groom her own fur.

“It wasn’t. That was a terrible idea.” She groused as the black stallion led them out of the gates and toward town.

“Oh good, you’re here,” Twilight said as they reached the building.

“Yup. Had ta collect him and Sasa but we made it.” Applejack assured her.

Twilight gave them a nervous smile and nodded in agreement. “It’s good that you’re all here. Thanks for coming.”

“Why are we needed?” Oblivion asked her. “Celestia knows us all well by now.”

“I know she does. But it can’t hurt.” She replied to him.

Oblivion fought back the urge to roll his eyes and stood back as the finishing touches were added and Celestia arrived from the back of the building. She took her place as the others arrived and he walked up to give his greetings to the Sun Princess.

“Afternoon Celestia.”

“Good Afternoon Oblivion. How have you been doing?” She asked him conversationally.

“I am well. How is Luna?”

“She is doing much better. I think having made her own set of friends is helping her greatly. Thank you for your help in that.”

“No thanks are needed.” He replied to her.

“Hello, Sasa.” She said to her as the tiger came around the table and the white Alicorn hugged the cat tightly for a moment before releasing her. “How have you been?”

A sandbox appeared from Celestia’s magic and the feline sat down beside it. “I am well. Good to see you in such high spirits.”

“Thank you. I do enjoy being among my little ponies. It is a pleasure.” She replied.

Oblivion walked over to Applejack who was now sitting at a table and looking between utensils and plate in front of her.

“What are you doing?” He asked her.

“Tryin’ ta figure out which fork does what.” She replied to him, frustration in her tone.

Oblivion sighed and pointed with one claw. “That one starts out with a salad.” He advised.

“How?” She asked.

“I have been to more than my fair share of formal engagements. Manners are one thing I was forced to learn whether I liked it or not.” He replied and thought back to the many lessons from Yennefer and he bit back a cringe. “After that is the one on the right closest to the plate for the main dish.”

The mare looked relieved and dug into her food. “Thank Equestria.”

Sasa rejoined him as he took up a place close to the front door. His natural choice was to avoid the party as much as possible but chose to remain. He watched as Celestia spoke to her student and to the ponies around her. His ears flicked as Fluttershy joined them and the Pegasus mare was brought before Celestia as well. His eyes narrowed as a birdcage was revealed and a sickly bird was revealed.

“What is that?” Sasa asked him as she rejoined him. “It looks like a plucked chicken.”

He gave a short chuckle and nodded to her. “I agree. It doesn’t appear healthy, or long for this world.” He admitted as it hacked and coughed.

“If it dies can I eat it?” She asked him with a laugh.

“Not my call to make.” He replied with a shrug to her.

Sasa rumbled a laugh and shook her head at the de-feathered avian. “No matter how you look at it that is an ugly animal.”

“Fluttershy seems to agree if the look on her face is too believed.” He said to the cat who nodded.

“Looks like a cross between horror and uncertainty.” The tiger commented.

“Agreed.” He shook his head and went back to watching the ponies around him. Sasa nudged him and pointed a paw to Rarity who was wearing her Gala dress to the gathering. “A bit overdressed I think.” He said to the cat.

Sasa laughed and nodded. “Oh by my claws. That is the very definition of what overdressed looks like. Look it up in a dictionary and that is the picture of it.”

He nodded in silent agreement and sighed. “How is she going to avoid getting it messed up in this small space?”

“I’m not sure. She can’t teleport so that’s not an option.” Sasa replied.

“She can’t?”

“No. Not all Unicorns can. It depends on magical strength. Her levitation is her strength as far as skills go.”

“Makes sense.”

“I still cannot believe the state of that bird. Is it her pet?” Sasa asked him as she looked back to the birdcage. “That is an act of cruelty.”

“For the bird or Fluttershy?” He asked as the mare looked even more upset at the hacking bird.

Sasa laughed as he spoke and nodded in reply. “Both?”

“Both.” He agreed and they shared a bark of laughter.

“You do realize we look like the most antisocial ponies in this whole room.” She suddenly spoke up.

He looked around at the others around them and nodded. “I do now.”

“Standing off to the side gossiping.” She chuckled.

Oblivion shook his head and looked at the feline. “You had to point that out?”

“Yes!” She yowled and broke into laughter, sitting heavily onto her haunches.

Ponies turned to look at the cat as she leaned against him. He shook his head once more and tried to ignore her laughter. One of the guards went to Celestia’s side and began to speak to her quietly.

“Parties over.” He said to Sasa who nodded at his side.

The stallion said nothing as Celestia got to her hooves and addressed the assembled ponies. “Really? Well, if I must... I'm sorry, everypony. I'm afraid I have to cut the party short. The mayor has requested an audience with me. Royal duty calls. Thank you for a wonderful time. It's been a joy getting to know you all better.”

She began to walk through the throng of ponies and they all bowed low to her as she passed them. Oblivion gave a slight bow of his head and Sasa purred as the Alicorn paused to address him.

“One of the monsters has been sighted close to ponies but fled when they showed up in number.” She said quietly to him.

“Which one?” He asked her.

“The one you called a Harpy.” She replied as she petted Sasa gently.

He nodded and replied to her a moment later. “Makes sense. The troll or Elemental would not retreat in the face of a few ponies. Harpy’s will fight if they have the number but one alone will flee if there are more than it.”

“It’s not dire to attend to but I wished to let you know. I will ask for more details and get them to you as soon as I can.” She said as she made for the door.

He gave a slight bow to her as she left. He skirted out the door and began to make his way to the farm when a shout caught his attention.

“Oblivion!” Rarity called out to him.

He stopped and trotted back to the mare. “What can I do for you?”

“I was hoping you could send this for me?” She asked him and her magic held a letter out to him.

“Not a problem.” He focused and his magic sent the letter on its way.

Rarity smiled. “Thank you dear. I was going to ask when you arrived at Brunch but you were busy speaking with Princess Celestia and I did not wish to interrupt.”

“Nothing to worry about.” He assured her.

They parted and the black stallion began to trot to the farm when a hacking cough caught his attention. He paused in the middle of the street and looked around as Fluttershy passed him.

“She has Celestia’s pet.” Sasa said to him as she joined him.

“How do you know?” He asked her. “Aside from the hacking cough.”

“I saw her leave with it. I stayed back to get a few cupcakes before they were taken away.” She explained to him.

“Oh Gods. What in the hell is she going to do with it?” He asked her.

“Probably try to help it.” She replied. “Though I’m not sure how. That thing has maybe three feathers left on its whole body. What are you thinking?”

“Just a stray thought.” He replied.

“Such as?”

“I read in one of Twilight’s books about the creatures that are in this world and I can’t help but think that, that bird’s symptoms are familiar.” He admitted with a shake of his head.

“What do you mean?” Sasa asked him.

“I’m not sure. Never mind.” He dropped it and began to move away from the feline who continued to watch Fluttershy as she vanished from sight.

“Come on Chosen. Do you still have that book?”

“No. I gave it back.”

“Come on. Let’s drop by the Library.” She said and bumped his shoulder. “We both know it will start to drive you up the wall eventually.”

Perhaps.” He replied and shifted his stance to walk toward the Library.

“Here it is.” He spoke aloud as his magic pulled a book from the shelf.

Sasa rumbled in praise as she rejoined him. “So it was a type of bird?”

“Something similar I think.” He replied and leaned back on his haunches as his magic flicked through the books contents.

“What kind of bird loses all its feathers like that? Isn’t that nature’s way of telling the bird and those around it that it’s sick?” She questioned.

“Normally yes. I have seen griffins lose feathers when ill but nothing that causes the bird to lose all its feathers. Besides, why would she not treat it if it is in fact sick?”

“That’s a fair point.” Sasa admitted as she sat down beside him.

His eyes scanned the pages and he finally stopped when he reached the section for avian. “Here we go. Birds, blackbird, crow, no… It was an odd breed.”

“So keep scanning.” Sasa encouraged.

“It wasn’t a normal breed of bird if I remember right.” He said as he turned the pages. “Here we are. Phoenix.” He looked to Sasa and his eyes closed as he pushed the book away from himself and rubbed his claws over his face. “Of course it’s a mythical animal. It’s not a real animal, what is this?”

Sasa chuckled at his annoyance and he looked down to her as she spoke. “What is fake in your world Chosen is real here.”

He groaned as she spoke. “That’s true. Okay so according to this a Phoenix will shed all of its feathers in order to be reborn. So it kills itself when it gets old and needs to regenerate itself.” He looked at the cat who shrugged. “That’s one way to wish to light yourself on fire.”

“Sounds like a lot of work.” She replied as he shut the book, slid it into place on the shelf, and turned to head for the door.

The front door opened and Spike walked in. “Hey, Oblivion and Sasa. What are you two up to?”

“Needed to look something up. Sorry for the intrusion Spike.” Oblivion said to him.

“No problem. It’s a Public Library after all.” The dragon piped up and walked for the back of the room.

They left the Library and the black stallion was quiet as he considered what he had found out. “So she is waiting until it bursts into flame and comes back from the ashes.”

“Apparently.” Sasa replied cheerily.

Oblivion shook his head in disbelief and started to walk back to the farm. A shriek off to the side stopped him and he watched as Twilight and Fluttershy ran past him. “What in the world?”

“The bird is in front of them.” Sasa said as she broke into a trot to follow them.

“All this effort for a bird that is trying to kill itself.” He grumbled as he loped to catch up to the feline.

Sasa slid to a stop as he caught up to her as the bird fell from the fountain in the center of the town square and burst into flame. Fluttershy had leaped to catch her and was left catching only ash and dust in her hooves, tears filling her eyes at the sight in front of her.

“Oh that’s upsetting.” Sasa quipped.

Oblivion slapped her in the back of the head and she yelped in pain. “Hush.” He snapped at her.

Twilight sat down heavily and Oblivion set a hoof on her shoulder. “I know it looks bad, but that is a Phoenix. She will rise again.” He whispered to her.

“What?” She spun to look at him, her eyes wide. “What do you mean it’s a Phoenix?”

“I looked it up earlier. The symptoms reminded me of something I had read so I looked it up earlier. She will rise from her own ashes as they always do.” He informed her.

Twilight blinked and looked behind him and bowed her head. “Princess?”

Celestia came up behind him and he flicked an ear to her as she looked to her subjects. “What is wrong my student?”

“You’re ummm…” She paused as she stumbled over the words and looked at Oblivion.

“Your pet was taken and Fluttershy attempted to tend to it. Though it would appear as though they were unaware of the birds breed at the time. Or this would have been a different conversation.” He said to her and she giggled in reply. “It has burst into flame already.”

Celestia walked up to the small pile of ashes and lowered her head to the ash pile. “Oh, stop fooling around, Philomena. You're scaring everypony.”

The ash pile began to shake and the Phoenix erupted from it, renewed. The Phoenix landed on Celestia’s back after flying around above them for several circuits.

“A phoenix is a majestic and magical bird. While it appears healthy and happy most of the time, every so often it must renew itself by shedding all of its feathers and bursting into flame.” She looked to the ponies assembled and lowered her voice a bit. “Rather melodramatic, if you ask me.” She raised her voice after they all chuckled. “It then rises from the ashes, fresh as a daisy. All just a normal part of the life cycle of a phoenix. I'm afraid mischievous little Philomena here took the occasion to have a little fun with you, Fluttershy.”

Philomena squawked and flew over to Fluttershy and nuzzled her gently.

“You were only teasing me?” The yellow mare whispered as the Phoenix set a feather into her hair.

Celestia’s horn lit and a letter appeared in front of the black stallion. His magic held it and he unfolded it to reveal a contract for the harpy that had been discussed earlier. “Closer to ponies than we thought?” He asked her and she nodded.

He focused on the letter and read over the details. The harpy had come around and gotten close enough to get into a fight with a pony in an attempt to drag him off. He had gashes across his shoulders and a twisted hock as he had fought back. Sasa stood up on her hind legs and read the letter over his shoulder. His breathing was steady as he considered the timing of the attacks.

“I suppose we should get ready then?” Sasa said to him as he nodded and turned away from the group.

His hooves were silent on the compacted dirt. “This one will be a bit more difficult. This one is airborne.” He admitted to the cat.

“Without using your own wings you mean.” She replied as she stayed at his side. “We will need a Pegasus.”

“Yes we will. Silver is the fastest of the group. But Vantage is the stronger of the four.” He reasoned to her.

“True. But Silver can move during the day easier. Are you going to bring only one?” She replied.

“I am thinking that is all I will need.”

She sighed and nodded at him. “If you think that will be enough. Will we be leaving now or later?”

“Now.” He replied to her and broke into a trot. “I will send a letter to Celestia later and then teleport to the city to get Silver.”

“Can he carry you with the carriage or does he need help?”

“We will find out. If he needs another then we will call on Vantage.”

“Understood.” Sasa replied and stayed at his side as he moved forward.

64: A Harpy's fall...

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Oblivion walked quietly into the castle and focused on the spirit that he knew to be Shining Armor. He found him outside in the training grounds supervising the training of the recruits.

“Shining!” Oblivion called out.

The white stallion spun and smiled in greeting at the sight of the Black Unicorn. “Oblivion! How are you?”

“I am well. And yourself?”

“Doing just fine.” He replied merrily and looked out over the training ground.

Oblivion paused at the sight of a familiar Thestral. Sight Line was shining a pile of swords off to the side. Next, to him, Sasa broke out into laughter and nuzzled the Captain in praise.

“Sight Line! Get over here.”

Oblivion looked up as the Thestral groaned and trotted over to the sparring line. He picked up a sword and stood against one of the recruits. He braced as the recruit broke into a flurry of blows on the sword until a swift kick to the hocks sent the taller Sight Line rolling.

Oblivion snorted at the sight of the diminished Thestral. Sasa was now laying on her side laughing at the sight before her.

“It’s perfect!” She wailed through her laughter.

Shining looked at the clearly overjoyed cat and looked at the black stallion. “He called her a fat animal.”

“Oh. Oh, that explains so much.” Shining laughed through his teeth as Sasa pulled herself to her paws and sat down beside him. “This is week one of his new daily routines. He is to shine and polish every piece of weaponry and armor in the armory. And he is the sparring partner for the new recruits, until further notice.”

Oblivion nodded in approval. “Many think the rulers of a kingdom would have the most lethal punishments. I have found that not to be the truth. It’s the military commanders that have the punishments that will leave a lasting impression on the subject of the punishment and the ones that see it.”

Shining nodded in agreement. “Exactly. Princess Luna received your letter about him and I went to speak with her and she wanted to banish him from the Lunar Guard. I talked her out of it and asked her to leave it to me. He is on day two currently and is already regretting his choices in life.”

“I can see that. I came to ask you if I can borrow Silver.” Oblivion said.

“For?” The white pony shook his head. “Never mind. I forgot that he is part of your team and you can pull him anytime you need him.”

“Is it possible for him to pull that carriage alone?” Oblivion went on.

“Yes. We have smaller ones that are designed for a one pony team. It depends on the distance.” Shining informed him.

“Perfect. I only need him at the moment. The monster that I am going after is airborne and I need speed to drive it to the ground.”

“Ahh, that explains that. He has gotten to be one of our fastest in the Solar Guard. I assume that is due to you putting him through a training regime of your own?”


“They have all taken to the training after you with ease and have become the ones to beat in sparring. They fight differently than how we trained them but they are very good at it so I haven’t thought to change it.” Shining said to him. “I would ask you to train the others but I get the feeling that you won’t.”

“No. I trained them out of need, not a choice.” Oblivion replied to him. “They were needed to act in my stead and I would rather they not died for their attempts.”

“Understood. I’ll send for Silver.” Shining looked to the guard at the door and they nodded and the mare took to the air. “Be a couple of minutes. He’s on-air patrol during the afternoon. He’s one of the only ones that can last all afternoon without stopping. Only Striker can keep up.”

“Does not surprise me. Striker was already the longer flying of the two of them and now Silver can match him. This time I need Silver’s speed.” Oblivion explained.

The pair fell quiet as Sight Line saw the Witcher and cringed low as he went back to the pile of swords he was still working on. The Witcher said nothing as he slunk by. A flurry of wings caught this attention and his ears flicked back as Silver Landed a few feet away from him and he saluted the two stallions.

“Captain Armor.” He said as he looked at Shining. “Captain Shadow.”

“Oh, Gods.” Oblivion cursed quietly at the rank he had been given. “Why?” He said as he looked at Shining.

“You can best Princess Luna in a fight, you beat a monster that the rest of us can only see in nightmares, and you are one of the Elements of Harmony. It was mostly Princess Luna’s idea.” Shining admitted to him.

Oblivion put his head back in exasperation but remained silent as Sasa got to her paws and went to nuzzle the Pegasus. “I need your aid in the fight with the newest monster, Silver.” He stated to the Pegasus after a moment.

“At your command.” He replied and rubbed Sasa’s fur. “When?”

“Now,” Oblivion said and turned to leave the Captain behind. “Till next time Shining.”

“Good hunting, Witcher.” He called back.

Oblivion looked down as the land fell away under them. He was quiet as Silver pulled the single chariot through the air. At his side, Sasa eagerly looked over the sides and watched as the lands fell away.

“I have to admit I do enjoy flying like this.” Sasa said to him as she sat down.

“It does have its merits.” He agreed with her.

“Though you would rather it be your own wings doing the flying.” She teased.

“True enough. I grew to depend on them when I was returned to the Northern Realms. But for now, they will remain hidden.”

“For now. Eventually, somepony is going to put two and two together and get four instead of Unicorn.” She went on.

“Possibly. When that happens we will worry about it. For now, I will allow them to remain ignorant. We have a fight with a Harpy to worry about at this moment though.”

“That’s true. Just a normal Harpy?”

“Not sure. There are several kinds. It depends on what it is for how we act against it.” He replied to her. “Normally they live in groups of between three to ten or more. So one by itself is meant to be treated as a singularity. That changes its behavior.”

“Good point. How close are we landing to the village?”

“Not close. I am hoping we can avoid the debacle of the last few hunts and avoid the town. We will let them know when it’s gone but not before unless there is no choice. They have already been told to stay away from the areas it has been seen.”

“That’s lucky.” Sasa admitted and laid down at his side. “So I have to ask. Why Silver? Vantage is stronger, even in the daylight. Striker is just as fast and has more stamina versus Silver.”

“Silver is more even-tempered. It takes effort to rile him more than a grimace. Striker has stamina but he has a temper. Vantage is Thestral, which is not a problem, but he is also a bit more feisty than Silver. Things get under his skin faster than the Solar Guard.”

“Oh. So it’s a matter of temperament.”

“I need steady for this fight. He will be directly harrying the Harpy in the air to drive it down to me. I need steady, not fire.”

Sasa nodded in understanding as she listened to him. “I see. Now it makes more sense.”

Oblivion fell quiet as the chariot began to descend and Silver looked back to them.

“We will land two miles from the village on the edge of the mountain!” He called back and Oblivion nodded.

Oblivions hooves gripped the floor of the chariot as they landed on the thick grass. Oblivion jumped from the chariot and Sasa stayed close behind him. The Pegasus unhitched himself from the chariot and joined the black unicorn as he went over the map that they had been given by the complaining ponies. The map had been sent to Canterlot and then given to Oblivion when they left. They placed the chariot off to the side and out of sight as they began to make their way to the far side of the small town. As they moved Oblivion could see that places of the fields had been abandoned and left for the time being.

“There should be ponies working in these fields.” Silver said as they passed them.

“They would be if not for the Harpy,” Oblivion informed him.

“That’s a good point.” Silver admitted. “So what is a Harpy exactly?”

“A Harpy is an aerial monster. It walks on two legs but it does have the use of its two arms as well. It has large wings that can carry its body easily. It depends on which type of Harpy we are dealing with if you are also asking about behavior. Typically they live in large family groups.”

“I’m guessing we are dealing with a single monster?”

“You’re correct,” Oblivion affirmed for him. “It attacked a full-size pony recently and that tells me that it is a solitary Harpy versus a group of them. The group would have fallen on the pony from above and killed them in place. This one tried to haul them off.”

“Yikes.” Silver cringed as he stayed at Oblivion’s hip. “So how come only I’m here?”

“I need speed, stamina and an even temper for this hunt. Your job will be to drive it down to me in the ground.” Oblivion explained further.

“Oh. But still, why me?”

“You have the evenest temper of the group. You do not get upset or anger quickly or easily. I need your steady mind for the hunt.”

“I get it.”

“Striker is your equal it’s true. But he tends to let things get under his fur more than you. Vantage and Cross are also more than capable as well.”

“Cross is quieter than me though.”

“Quiet isn’t the problem. I will be yelling instructions to you and he cannot hear me easily.”

“Oh. That makes sense. Vantage is faster and stronger than I am. He is a bit quick to temper though.” Silver thought it over. “Okay, I get it.”

“Precisely. Vantage is the normal choice given most situations but you are a close second to him with Striker at your heels. Cross is good for maneuvers but he is not suited for spur of the moment plans.”

“Okay, so what are we doing? Or what are we looking for?”

“We are looking for anything that might give a clue about where the Harpy is or has been. If I can get a scent on it I can usually track it.” Oblivion replied as he began to look around the abandoned fields.

“Understood. So feathers or things like that?”

Oblivion nodded and the Pegasus went to conduct a search of his own and Sasa left his side to hunt for any clues on the Harpy’s movements or its type. Oblivion moved quickly through the grass and wheat as his eyes narrowed and he scanned for any signs of the creature. His eyes scanned the area as he moved through the area. A low yelp caught his attention and he looked back as Silver came up from the ground rubbing the top of his head and Sasa looked at him.

“What did he do?” Oblivion asked her.

“He wasn’t looking and ran into me.” She replied.

“I see.” Oblivion said nothing more as he went back to his own tasks.

Oblivion went back to his own search and the scent of blood caught his attention. He looked around and the scent led him to the right and he found an area of torn up dirt and some blood. ‘This is where it tried to take the pony.’ He thought to himself and went about mapping the attack in his mind. The attack had been a short one but it had covered some ground and he could see where the pony had fled after the fight with the Harpy. He backtracked and was able to see exactly where it had begun and a few drops of blood guided him toward the thick forest. The drops led him slowly forward and he could tell that the Harpy was struggling to navigate the woods. A sparkle off to his left caught his eyes and he looked up to see a small bit sized crystal in the grass.

”What in the world?” His claws picked up the small crystal and he rolled it in his claws.

“Chosen?” Sasa called out to him through their connection and his eyes returned to normal at her interruption.


“Where are you?” She asked him.

“On my way back to you. Stay where you are.”

“No problem.”

He started back to them on three legs as he gripped the crystal in his hoof. His steps were silent as he walked and he emerged from the forest as Sasa and Silver met him at the forest edge. They stopped with him and he gave a quiet sigh as he showed them the small crystal that he had found.

“What does this have to do with anything?” Silver asked.

“Some monsters can use limited magic. In this case, its a Harpy that feeds on dreams and uses crystals to store them for later.” Oblivion informed him.

“You’re kidding?” Silver said to him and looked to his face and back to the crystal. “You’re not kidding. What kind of Harpy does that?”

“Celaeno,” Oblivion replied as his magic gripped the crystal and he set his hoof back on the ground. “They are not easy to find. This type will use caves and mountains if they so choose to house their nests. This one is acting out of the ordinary due to being alone. I was not able to find any sign of it in the forest. We might have to try a different tracking tactic.”

“Different tactics?” Silver parroted and Oblivion nodded. “Like what?”

Oblivion was quiet as he considered his next move. His eyes widened slightly as an idea struck him. “We might need Luna.”

“Princess Luna?” Silver looked shocked at the black unicorn’s admittance. “She rules the moon.”

“That’s true she does. But she also rules the realm of dreams. She has the power to find ponies based on their dreams. My thought is that if she can isolate the dreams of the ponies in the town, then she can track them.”

“Oh that’s very clever Chosen.” Sasa praised.

“Really? That’s…That’s actually really cool.” Silver said to them a smile growing on his muzzle.

“Who do you think watches over you as you sleep? Luna keeps you safe from nightmares and other dangers that the night can bring.”

“Wow.” Silver’s eyes were wide as he considered what he had been told. “I’ll have to thank her for it. I know I had a few nightmares after the Nekker attack.”

Oblivion’s horn lit as he penned a letter to the Princess of the Night. “Hopefully she can come quickly. Otherwise, we may be camping for a day or two.” Oblivions horn flared as the letter was sent to the Alicorn.

“Do you think she will come out here to help?” Silver asked as the flames died out.

“It is up to her. It is a request for her time and it is up to her if she wishes to come to the field. Either way, it will take time to find the Harpy.”

“How do they take their dreams?”

“I am not sure how it works. All I know is that they store them in the crystals and feed on them as needed. They bind the dreams directly to the crystals. They take nightmares and good dreams from ponies and feed on them at a later date.”

“Interesting.” Sasa said to him as she sat down at his side. “So it is done by a form of magic?”

“Yes. They are also smarter than most Harpy’s and have over time developed a small form of intelligence.” Oblivion replied to her aloud.

Silver leaned against a nearby tree and waited for a reply from the Princess of the Night. They began to walk back to the chariot as Oblivions magic flared and a letter on dark blue stationery appeared. His magic gripped the scroll and it unrolled. His eyes scanned the paper and it rolled back up in his magic and a flash of azure flame and it was gone.

“She will join us this evening after raising the moon.” He said to the Pegasus.

“Wow. That’s kind of amazing. I’ve never heard of any time that Princess Celestia left Canterlot for a request like this.” Silver admitted with a shrug of his shoulders.

“Each pony is different and Luna may wish to help out more than her sister in the field. Celestia may delegate more than her younger sister.” Oblivion replied. “We can wait for her at the edge of the wood.”

Oblivions medallion shook slightly on its chain and he looked up as Luna made her way toward them. He had given her their exact location in the letter he had sent earlier. Her chariot came to the ground by theirs and the Thestral’s remained where they were as she left them. The pale blue mare joined them and appeared nervous at the sight of the bowing Silver. Sasa walked up to her and nuzzled her gently. She walked up to Oblivion and gave him a gentle hug and watched as Silver got to his hooves and regarded her.

“What doth thee need from me, Oblivion Shadow?” She asked of him.

“We are looking for a Celaeno Harpy. A variety of Harpy that feeds on dreams. My thought is for you to try to track the dreams themselves. They store them in crystals similar to this one.” He informed her and held out the crystal he had found earlier.

The pale mare took the crystal from him and turned it over in her hooves. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she stared at the piece of crystal. “We have never heard of a creature sealing dreams within the crystal. Are thou certain of this ability?” She finally asked.

“I have hunted them before and they have been well documented. They store the dreams in the crystal for later use. Many do not have an issue with them due to them removing nightmares and dreams alike. My thought is for you to use the ponies in the nearby town as a starting point and perhaps be able to track the Harpy by using the dreams against it.” He replied.

“We have never used dreams as a means of finding ponies before. There has never been a need. But if thee are certain it could be used to that effect then we will attempt it.” She said back to him. “What is thou’s plan for after we find the monster?”

“Silver will harry the Harpy from the air and drive it to the ground so that I can get to it. I could use magic to drag it from the sky but I enjoy the challenge and I am loathed to use it.” He said to her as he could see the question in her eyes.

She nodded in understanding and looked to Silver who was waiting in silence for them to finish speaking. Sasa sat at his side and remained quiet as well. The stallion was quiet as he considered how to proceed now that Luna had joined them.

“It will probably be easiest to begin our tracking in the area of the last attack. This way.” He led the small group back to where the last attack had taken place and allowed Luna to look at the scene and get herself situated.

The Alicorn was quiet as she closed her eyes and Oblivions' eyes widened slightly as the light around her changed and he could see what looked like tendrils of her magic coming to her at her command. They joined her horn and she looked to be focusing on a single pony instead of the group. She gasped and her magic faded and she looked to him, her expression uncertain.

“We are not finding any active dreams. Could this being have already taken them?” She asked him.

“I am not sure how long it takes them to harvest a dream. But instead of using the dream itself, perhaps use the pony as a means of finding the dreams.” He said to her.

She nodded and he watched as she tried again. He could see that her spirit was a mix of nervousness and fear and he could tell that she was very uncertain now that she was out in the field with him. He hoped that she would calm as time went on and she got used to the fact that she was out in the field. She released her magic once more and looked at him, her face a mix of regret and uncertainty.

”We are sorry to be unable to help.” She said to him.

Oblivion was quiet for several seconds before he spoke to her. “You’re overthinking it, Luna. Try to calm yourself and focus. You allowing your nerves to get the better of you. I have every confidence in your ability to track a dream.”

She looked to him as he spoke and nodded in reply. “Thou art right. A moment.”

He watched as she breathed deeply for several seconds and began again. Oblivion watched as the tendrils of magic came to her once more and she began to push the tendrils out farther and her head came up and a smile crossed her muzzle as her magic intensified and a single tendril lanced away from her and into the forest.

“We have found it.” She shouted and began to lope away from them.

Oblivion and the others caught up to her and joined her as she tracked forward. The Black Unicorn was silent as his eyes narrowed to detect any changes to the terrain. He would be able to warn the charging mare should anything change. At his hips, Silver and Sasa ran as close to his body as they dared and stayed with him as he and Luna leaped a fallen tree. They plunged to a halt at Oblivions command as his ears flicked. At his side Luna still onto the signal tendril of magic that she had been tracking. He heard the screech as the Harpy came after them from above. He pushed Luna to her knees and Silver dove for the ground with Sasa.

“Silver! Take to the air and fake injury. An injured pony would make for a good meal. Draw it out of the forest to where we were before.” He ordered as the orange Pegasus took to the air as commanded.

The orange Pegasus vanished into the trees as the others wheeled around and charged back out of the forest and into the moonlight. Luna stayed at his side as he scanned the skies. Sasa burst from the edge of the forest as Silver came into view, his flight erratic. The Harpy was above him and she dove for him and he dropped out of the sky a few feet to avoid her talons.

“Get above her and drive her down!” Oblivion yelled to him and the pony acted as commanded.

Luna gasped as the Silver got above the Harpy and it screeched at the fact that it had lost the high ground and dodged as he dove at it. Oblivion watched as Silver gigged in the air and struck out with his hooves at the monster's head. He managed to kick one of its wings and it lost a few feet in altitude. It spun and went after the swift-winged pony with its own talons and Oblivion growled from his place on the ground. His horn lit but a thought stopped him a moment later.


The Alicorn looked to him for a moment as understanding came over her face. Her wings spread and she took to the air and joined Silver in the air above them.

“You can do this Luna!” Sasa cheered as she roared from the ground.

“Drive her down!” Oblivion called as his own magic summoned one of the blades from the band on his leg.

The blade spun in his magic as the Harpy was being driven by the two flying ponies. Lunas hoof boots crashed against the monster's shoulders from above and Silver rammed the monster's chest with his shoulder and kicked away a moment later to avoid the claws. Together they began to drive her down to the waiting Unicorn.

“Way to go Princess!” Silver praised her as he kicked the monster's wing.

Luna startled and the monster took advantage of her hesitance and charged her in the air.

“FOCUS!” Oblivion roared and the mare kicked viciously in reply to the charge. “Drive her to the ground!”

Luna turned and kicked the Harpy in the chest and it wavered in the air as Silver crashed into it once more. His shoulder collided with the Harpy’s back, his wings beat as he pulled back and bucked his hind legs into the space between the Harpy’s wings and knocked her to the ground. Luna dove down and landed violently on one of the Harpy’s wings. Oblivion heard the bones snap in the appendage as he charged into the battle. She laid her weight on the same broken wing and Silver came to rest on the other wing. The Harpy managed to knock the mare off her wing and looked to the charging stallion. Oblivions sword swung and it cut through the Harpy’s broken wing and the severed wing fell to the ground.

Sasa charged in as he backed up to read his next assault and the cat bit deep into the remaining wing and pulled at it to hamper its ability to keep standing upright. ”Chosen!”

Oblivion paused and his magic swung the blade as it carved into the monster's chest and he pulled back as the Harpy swung its claws at him and he leaped back and used his magic to throw the weapon through the Harpy’s vulnerable chest. The monster screamed as the blade cut into its body and fell to the ground between them. The black unicorn looked at the others and found Silver to be standing off to the side panting as Luna breathed slowly to calm herself.

“Well done.” Oblivion praised them all as he pulled the weapon from the monster's body and used it to sever the head completely. He nudged the head off to the side and looked back to the other ponies.

“We are sorry,” Luna said to him once she calmed.

“For what?” He replied.

“We nearly let it escape.”

“That was my fault. I didn’t mean to distract you, Princess Luna.” Silver said to her and hung his head in apology.

“Twas not you.” She assured him. “We have not been treated as another pony by anypony other than our sister and Oblivion. We were simply shocked.” She admitted.

“You did fine, Luna,” Oblivion assured her.

“Thou had to remind us to focus on our goal.” She replied.

“Perhaps but it would not be the first time I have had to yell at my team and it will not be the last. You simply lost focus for a moment, nothing more than that.” He replied to her.

“We were still nervous about going into battle once more. We were concerned about it and it got in the way of our actions. Thou’s quick acceptance of us was welcome but still a surprise.”

“You still did well for your first time out since your return,” Oblivion assured her.

“I didn’t mean to upset you if I did. I was just trying to encourage you to keep going.” Silver replied. “I guess I didn’t think about it at the time.”

The Alicorn looked at the Pegasus and a small smile tugged at her muzzle. “We thank thee for the praise. It is a welcome thing to hear since our return.”

Oblivions horn lit as he looked at the remains in between them. His magic covered the body and the azure flame began to burn through the body. He looked up as Luna smiled and he could see that her spirit was once more shining brightly within her and she seemed to have recovered well from the fight and the shock that came with it.

“When was the last fight you were in that was like that?” Silver asked her, having fallen into a casual way of speaking to her easily due to Oblivion's normal speech with her.

She chuckled. “It has been many years since we were in a fight. We must admit that it was refreshing to be out of the castle and back among our subjects. We had been nervous about going back into the world that had changed so much since our banishment.”

“You will be fine.” Silver told her as Oblivion finished burning the corpse. “You came out here today to help save your ponies. You could have stayed in the castle and sent somepony else, but instead, you came out and helped. I think you’re doing fine.”

“He is right Luna. You are doing as well as to be expected. Nopony expects you to be perfect and for you to already be able to move forward like it never happened.” Oblivion said to her. “As I told you before, your story never ended, just one chapter of it.” The mare smiled and nodded to him as he spoke to her. “Let none tell you who you are and what you stand for. You stand for your ponies and you stand for them always. Do not forget your oath and duty to them.”

“Thou speaks true. We once failed in that oath and we will not let that happen again.” She assured him.

“I don’t doubt it, Luna,” Oblivion said to her.

“She will be fine.” Sasa said to him and he gave her a slight nod in agreement.

“And now we go back to Canterlot and scare your sister once more with a head.” He said to her and the mare's eyes went wide as a smile went over her mouth.

“The look on her face! Will be perfect.” She replied and he gave her the sack that now held the head of the harpy. “Shall we?” She pranced ahead of them and Silver laughed as he fell in behind her with Oblivion and Sasa bringing up the rear.

65: Planning and Stories...

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Oblivion looked up as he walked into the castle and began down the hallway toward the throne room. Luna and Silver on his heels as he moved through the hallway. The guards at the door saw him and they nodded their heads as they pushed open the door for him. He walked silently into the room as Celestia greeted them.

“So this is where you ran off to little sister,” Celestia said as they reached her.

“Oblivion called on us for our aid.” She said to her as she came out from behind him. “We have a gift for thee.”

Luna’s magic held the bag aloft and Oblivion said nothing as her magic dropped it in front of her elder sister. Celestia reached out and opened the bag, revealing the fresh head of the Harpy. She gave a loud shriek and pulled back. Her eyes narrowed as her sister began to laugh and Oblivions orange eyes regarded her as she pushed the bag away from her.

“Very funny Luna.” She growled.

The Moon Princess giggled and nodded as the elder sister tried not to laugh with her. “We are glad thee enjoyed our gift.” Luna teased as Silver tried not to laugh aloud from his place behind Oblivion.

“As you can see the Harpy has fallen,” Oblivion said to her as Silver finally broke down and laughed behind him. “I assume the others have not proved to be too much of an issue at this time?”

“Your right,” Celestia said after regaining her composure. “The two remaining monsters have not been seen. I will forward your fee to your account for the Harpy.”

Oblivion gave her a slight nod and spun to leave the room. Sasa nuzzled Silver who had regained control of his laughter and the Pegasus fell in behind the Black Unicorn. They left the throne room as Celestia began to speak to her younger sister about her jokes. The doors closed behind him and he turned to look at the Pegasus.

“That was all I needed of you Silver. You may return to your tasks within the Solar Guard.”

Silver saluted him and spun to walk away from them. Sasa nudged his shoulder and Oblivion ran his claws over her fur as his eyes looked around them. He saw the spirit of Blue close by them and he moved to greet the other stallion. His hooves were silent as he went through one of the many grand ballrooms and out of another tall doorway and out into the greeting area for the Gala.

Sasa trotted past him and down the stairs to greet Blue Blood who stood at the bottom of the stairs as he yelled orders for the décor. She sat down at his side and waited for him to notice her. Blue turned toward her and came muzzle to muzzle with the widely grinning feline. He yelped and jumped back from her, his hooves ready to carry him away as he fled.

“Sasa.” He breathed out as she purred. “By my Aunts.” He panted as he patted his chest with one hoof.

She got to her paws and went to nuzzle him affectionately. “Hello Blue.” She said to him.

“You're here so I assume so is Oblivion.” He said as he looked behind them and smiled at the sight of the black stallion.

“Morning Blue.” Oblivion greeted him and hoof bumped the other stallion. “I am surprised you’re out here decorating. I would have thought you had others do that for you.”

“Normally yes but I decided to be more active in it this year. Figured my input can’t hurt. Should be the same as every other year.”

“Boring?” Sasa asked him.

Blue nodded. “Very. It always is the same, with the same ponies invited and the same ponies getting in trouble.”

“Trouble?” Oblivion questioned.

“The ones who say too much and insult some other noble or something similar. Happens every year.” Blue replied with a shrug.

“Sounds like it will be rather uneventful.”

“I have to admit I am looking forward to it this year since Rarity will be there this time around. I am looking forward to spending some time with her.” Blue admitted.

“She will be getting what she wishes for the event then. The others might be sorely disappointed.” Oblivion commented.

“How so?” Sasa asked him.

“Rarity wished to get to know you better at the Gala while the others had different ideas. Applejack is hoping to make some money for the farm by selling goods here.” Oblivion explained.

Blue tilted his head and looked uncertain. “The event is catered so selling items is going to be pointless for her. She will end up standing by herself.”

Oblivion knew that it was not his place to interfere with the mares ideas but even he felt he had to say something in her place. “Would it be possible to have local food as well for those that wish to sample it? She is pretty determined to help the farm with the proceeds.”

Blue looked thoughtful as the black pony spoke. “It can’t hurt. A moment.” He said as he went to a pony that was setting up the tables that would be used for the food and spoke to them.

“Sticking your nose in things, Chosen?” Sasa teased.

“Perhaps a little.” He admitted to her. “I would rather she did not waste her time standing in a corner alone when she could instead be enjoying the evening with her friends.”

“You included?”

“Hardly. I intend to find an out of the way place and stay out of politics. I have always lived in the shadow and I intend to remain in the shadow.”

“So you say.” She jabbed at him.

Blue blood came back to them at a trot, a smile across his muzzle. “Okay, that should be no issue. I asked for a message to be sent to Sweet Appel Acres asking for them to contribute. We will pay for the food from them of course.”

“Well done Blue.” Sasa praised and nuzzled the pony.

The white pony accepted the praise and looked back to the stallion. “What about the others? Perhaps with enough warning, I can help them as well. I would hate for them to walk away angry or disappointed from the event.”

Oblivion looked thoughtful as he thought back to what he had been told. “Pinkie is looking forward to the party itself. Though I am guessing she is unaware that it will be a quiet affair. I think she is expecting more.”

Blue looked nervous and shrugged after a moment. “Not sure what I can do about that. The music has already been chosen and I am not sure what I can do for her. Perhaps she can help with…ummm.”

Oblivion could see that Blue Blood was desperate to do more for the mare as he didn’t wish for her to de disappointed. “Perhaps you can help her during the event? At the moment it’s hard to see where she could fit in.”

“Might have to,” Blue admitted with a shake of his head. “The music is the same as always and is quiet and classical, not modern and certainly not interesting.”

“Perhaps Rainbow can be helped. She is wishing to have time with the Wonderbolts.” Oblivion went on to distract him.

“I can get her a pass to get into their area so that she doesn’t have to try to get invited by one of them directly. Otherwise, she has to get one of them to invite her and they will be busy with pictures and publicity.”

“She will no doubt appreciate the free pass,” Oblivion said to him and the other ponies spirit brightened. “I know that Twilight is hoping for some time with Celestia to talk with her. About what I do not know but that is her business.”

“Aunt Celestia will be at the top of those stairs greeting everypony as they come in. Twilight could stand with her but I don’t think they will be able to get through many conversations.” Blue replied to him.

“Fluttershy simply wants to be in the menagerie with the animals. That is her only purpose for coming here on that night.” Oblivion said to the other stallion. “I know that you had told me that the animals inside are reclusive and flee from unknown ponies.”

“They did when I was there.” Sasa said to him. “We stayed away from the ponies that often came into the area to either see the animals or to flee other ponies. I stayed away during my time there.”

Oblivion shook his head. “I will warn them just in case. Things are not always going to be as they imagine so one must be ready to adapt.”

“Hopefully they will understand and come to realize that perhaps in time the Gala can be made interesting but not with such short notice. Maybe they can help with the next one.” Blue reasoned.

“It’s not your fault they got their hopes up Blue. We will let them know. I would say you have been reasonable and be impressed that you can directly help at least two of them. Rarity does not count.” Sasa said to him.

“That’s true. Thank you, Sasa.” Blue said and rubbed her fur with his hoof. “What about you my friend?”


“You’re going to be in attendance I trust?”

Oblivion gave a short sigh and nodded. “Yes, I was invited.”

“You seem so thrilled.” Blue teased.

“I have been to more than my fair share of events like this and they are boring at best. As I have told many ponies who asked they are filled with politics and weak booze.” Oblivion replied.

“Unfortunately you're right,” Blue said to him. “They are not the most scintillating entertainment.”

“What entertainment?” Sasa said to him, her voice bland.

“Fair point,” Blue said to her with a chuckle. “I’ll leave it to you to let them know what the Gala is really like. I will send the pass to you to give to Rainbow Dash. Will that be enough?”

“That is fine. Feel free to send it to me when you can. Do not stretch yourself too thin Blue.” Oblivion advised.

Blue nodded and he looked back as a pony came up to him and he looked to the black stallion. “You may be right to tell me that.” He said.

“We will leave you to your work.” Sasa said as Oblivion hoof bumped him and began to walk away.

The great feline stayed on his heels as he pulled away from the other stallion and left the busy work to those that were more accustomed to it. As he paused outside the entrance he turned back to look through the doors. His orange eyes could easily see what was going on inside as his horn lit and he teleported back to Ponyville.

Oblivion’s eyes opened as he appeared close to the orchards. Sasa appeared next to him and he shook to rid himself of any lingering effects of the long-range teleport. The feline nudged his hip as he began to walk away from the barn.

“Where to Chosen?” She asked as she fell in at his side.

He said nothing in reply to her as a feeling of unease washed over him. His hooves stilled in place as the feeling went over him in waves. Sasa was quiet as his ears flicked, listening intently. His skin trembled as the sense of unease kept going over him.

“Chosen?” Sasa voice caught his attention as he looked to her.

“Follow me.” He said to her as he broke into a hard gallop. His hooves were silent over the grass as he led the feline into the orchard. He slid to a halt as the feeling became more intense. His ears flicked as he listened around them, the spectral tiger was silent at his side. He caught the scent of blood and his nose guided him the rest of the way into the Everfree Forest. His hooves carried him over a fallen tree and deeper into the forest than he normally went. Sasa stayed close to him as he moved.

His orange eyes scanned around him as his ears flicked and he slid to a halt. The scent of blood was still in his nose as his orange eyes narrowed and a set of tracks caught his focus. His eyes followed the track as he began to trot forward, his stride steady as he moved. The Witcher was quiet as the scent of the blood finally told him what he was tracking.

“It’s animal blood.” He whispered aloud as he slowed to a walk. “But there is more to it.”


“The blood comes from an animal but there is more to it.” He switched back to speaking to her through their connection to avoid any unneeded sound alerting their quarry they were close.

“What is it?”

“I’m not certain. The scent is subtle, but it is there.” His eyes remained narrowed as the tracks faded to nothing and he was left following a scent of blood. “It's familiar but I cannot place it.”

Sasa put her nose to the ground and he could see her eyes sharpen as she pulled back and her aqua eyes looked at him. “It’s almost like the same scent as a horde of bugs. You know how a hive of termites smells.” She said to him.

“That’s what it is.”

“What? A horde of termites?”


“A what?”

“An Endrega.” He said to her as he began to scan around him. "A very large buglike creature."

“Oh goodie.” She replied with a sigh. “How big?”

“Depends on the type.” He replied as his horn lit and a vial of oil appeared in his magic.

Oblivion quickly called on one of his weapon from the band on his leg and he spilled the contents of the vial on the weapon. He started to pull out a cloth to use on it when the weapon seemed to drink in the oil. He stared at the weapon as it took on a greenish hue. His eyes widened slightly at the weapon as it hovered in his azure aura. He sent the vial back to his saddlebags and allowed the weapon to hover easily by his shoulder.

“What kind are we after?” Sasa asked him as he turned to follow the scent further.

“I’m not sure. They're all different. Hopefully, we are only after drone or a warrior. Anything bigger than that is troublesome.” He admitted to her.

He could hear the great cat behind him and he said nothing in reply as she huffed. “I hope we run into nothing except a corpse.”

He snorted in reply as he moved forward. His magic kept the weapon close as he moved, his hooves carrying him easily over the forest floor. “If it’s a drone harry it close but avoid the front of it. I will take care of the front.”

“And if it the other type?”

“If it’s a warrior go after the sides and avoid the tail. It can charge you in an attempt to throw you to the ground. Its tail and mouth are lined with venom so avoid them.”

“Great.” She replied sarcastic. “What are you going to do then?”

“The same as you. I will hammer a section of its shell in an attempt to break through it. When I do I want you to attack it exclusively. I can resist the venom but I have the potions to counter it if I am infected with it.”

“Can you up your own resistance?”

A potion appeared in his magic as she spoke and he downed it as the scent of blood became stronger.

“Never mind.”

“I didn’t’ want to use it unless I was sure what kind we are after.”


“It’s a warrior.”

[i]“Great. Just great.” She cursed as the creature came into view.

The creature was over ten long and was carried over the ground by six segmented legs. The legs were black and tan with splashes of green in places. The long tail stretched out behind it and ended in a club like an appendage at the end. At his side, Sasa growled and he breathed in as the Endrega moved to reveal a deer on the ground. The monster spun as it saw them and it screeched in reply to them. Sasa snarled as it charged them. Oblivion jumped off to the side and kicked the monster as it passed him. It screeched as Sasa clawed at its hide.

“By my Claws you were not kidding about its hide. I can’t get through it.” She called to him as she deftly avoided the monster's claws.

“I warned you.” He replied and his blade came down on the monsters left side.

He could hear the chitin creak in place as he pulled back and leaped away from the Endrega. Sasa roared as it went after her and she began to lead it around him, allowing him to strike at its hide easily. The Elder Witcher said nothing as he dodged the monster's tail and brought the sword down once more. The creatures hide began to cave under his continual assault and the monster switched to attacking him instead of chasing the smaller target.

He spun to face the creature and gave the sign for Axii. The Endrega staggered as he drove his weapon into the creatures weakened carapace. The sword pierced the monster's armor and dug deep into the monster's guts. The insectoid oil poisoned the monster from the inside as it came around and thrashed against the weapon and its wielder. Oblivion yelled to warn Sasa to avoid it as he fled under the creatures thrashing.


[i]“I’ll keep its attention on me. Attack where I struck it.” He ordered and she moved to do as he had instructed.

He watched as the Endrega came after him and he bucked as it dove for his flanks. The chitin around its face buckled under his hooves. Its fangs had been pushed back from the impact and it shook in an attempt to free them and return them to their natural place. Sasa dug her claws into the vulnerable place on its side and it screeched as it tried to avoid her. Oblivion threw another Axii at it and it staggered under the sign. Sasa dug into the broken section and Oblivion set his blade against the monsters vulnerable head. The Endrega broke free of Aaxi's power and lashed out against both the tiger and the Witcher by spinning in place. Sasa was thrown to the side while Oblivion took the impact against his shoulder.


“Same method.”

Sasa leaped back into the fray and he drove his weapon against the creatures to hide and head. It spun on him to try to thump him to the ground with its thick tail, but he backflipped away from it to avoid the tail. Sasa dug her canines into the wound and the creature began to slow in its fight. Oblivion drove the monster back as his hooves crashed against the thick chitin of the monsters head. It screeched and bucked under the cat’s assault. Oblivion said nothing as it spun one last time, sending Sasa rolling. He backed up and let it exhaust itself until it sank to the ground.


“It’s done.” He said to her as he sent his blade through the top of the creatures head and into the ground under it.

“Finally.”[/i] She complained. “Are you alright?”

He looked over his body and found he had a small wound from the creature’s first spin and he nodded to her. “I’ll dress it when we get back to the farm. The potion I took is called Golden Oriole. It gives immunity to poisons.”

“Oh. That makes things less stressful.” She admitted as she came to sit by him. “How many of those do you have?”

“More than enough. But I will still harvest what I can from this thing. I can use some of the parts to make potions and oils.”

Sasa nodded and sat down to groom her fur after the fight. “Only a Witcher can drink those correct?”

“Correct.” He replied to her as he began to peel back the Endrega chitin.

“I thought so.”

He said nothing in reply to her as he pulled the chitin back and removed the pieces that he needed. The Witchers horn lit as he summoned vials to store the pieces of the Endrega he needed to use and he sent them back to his saddlebags. He got to his hooves and backed away from the corpse.

“What do we do with this? It didn’t get taken away like the others.”

“I was waiting for the portal to appear to take it. That’s why I hurried to get the parts of it I need.”

“Could it be that once the gem was returned they end up staying here?”

Oblivion said nothing as he considered what she said. His horn lit as he began to use his flames to burn through the monster's corpse. Sasa gagged beside him as the scent of the burning corpse washed over her. Oblivion stood in silence as the scent went over him. He had been around worse so it had little effect on him.

“It is possible that the portals were affected by the presence of the gem. I can’t help but hope that there will be no further portals.”

“Are you sure about that?” She questioned him and he turned to look at her. “I mean that you might end up being bored.”

He was quiet as she spoke and his mind locked on what she had said. “There is bored and then there is cleaning up after another’s mess.”

“I mean that you are completing what you were designed to do instead of what you are meant to do here. You are the Guardian and steward of the World Spirit. Your purpose is different here than it once was.”

“I have come to terms with that. I am aware that one day I will not be needed to exterminate monsters and my purpose will change.”

“You can say that you are aware but awareness does not equal acceptance, Chosen.”

He was silent as she finished speaking and he said nothing in reply as the last of the corpse burned to ash. He remained quiet as he turned to head back to the farm, Sasa on his heels.

He stood in his room with his own first aid kit out as he cleaned out the small wound from the Endrega. It was small enough that it did not require any bandages. Sasa laid across the side of the bed and watched as he finished and set his things aside. He picked up the vials that he had used earlier and began to work on making a new batch of them. His ears flicked as the sound of the front door caught his attention. He set the potions on the shelf within the wardrobe and locked the doors once more. Sasa jumped off his bed and was down the stairs ahead of him.

Oblivion came down the stairs and found Applejack and Apple Bloom in the kitchen. The two looked up as he entered into the kitchen. Both of them smiled as he approached while Sasa nuzzled them in turn.

“Big brother. How did you get yours?” Apple Bloom asked him.

“How did I get what?” He asked the filly.

“Yer cutie mark? We asked everypony else and got their story.” She explained, her face expectant as she looked at him.

He stared at her for a moment before he looked to Applejack. “She right. She and her friends questioned all the others and they told ‘er their story. Now it’s yer turn.”

Sasa looked over her shoulder to him, her eyes bright with laughter. His eyes fell to the expectant filly. Applejack looked at him as well as they waited for him to speak. ‘Oh Gods.’ His mind went over the tales he could spin for the filly and he finally found one that might suit his needs.

“I was not much older than you are now.” He began and Apple Bloom sat down to listen. “It was during a lull in our training that myself and a couple of others chose to leave the main training area and explore the area around Kaer Morhen. We found an old ruin in the forest and decided to explore it. We had been told to stay out of that area by the instructors but that didn’t stop us from doing exactly as we had been told not to.”

“Did ya get caught?” The filly asked.

“Shall I finish or pause for you to question me?”

She stopped and her mouth clicked shut as he went on. “I and two others went into the ruins after finding nothing interesting outside of them. We chose to explore the upper section instead of going immediately to the basement. We found very little that could interest three young…colts within the rooms we could get to. The eldest of us decided that we should go back to the basement and see what we could find down there.” He paused for a moment as they kept listening intently. “We went down the rotting stairs and into the basement. At first, none of us saw anything that could hold our interest for more than a few minutes. After several minutes we found a room in the back that we had not seen when we first went down there.”

“Was there a monster in there?” Apple Bloom asked him.

He shook his head. “There was nothing in there when we went in.”

“What bout after?” Applejack asked him.

Oblivion gave a tilt of his head, a bit of laughter in his eyes as he went on. “We all were too busy to notice the Foglet that crept in at our backs.”

“Foglet?” Apple Bloom asked as he paused.

“It’s a monster that walks on two legs and can command the fog around it. They stand around five feet tall with long arms that end in large claws. They are an enemy to any traveler at night.”

Apple Bloom eyes went wide as he spoke. Applejack leaned back on her haunches as she sat down. “Did you see it?”

“No. I saw the fog as it was around our ankles and called out the danger to the others. My fellow Witchers in training all turned as it vanished from sight. They have the ability to vanish from sight and blend into the fog.” He explained.

“How did ya fight it?”

“We fought it the only way we knew how. Like young fools. We knew to use the weapons on our backs but none of us knew how to fight in a group. I nearly took the head off one of them and I nearly lost a leg.” He replied with a shrug. “We were young and foolish. I got kicked back and was the only one to know how to use the signs that we had been taught. I knew how to use Aard but I was not so adept at the others at the time. I pushed past the others and cast Aard, causing the monster to show itself. In the confined space the Sign did more damage than it would have normally.”

“What happened then?” Apple Bloom encouraged him to keep going.

“The others followed my lead and we used Aard to push it back. We pushed the monster toward the back of the room and fled out the door. I had taken a sword to the leg and was not as fast as the others and was swiftly left behind.”

“They left ya?” Applejack said to him, shock in her voice.

“They were just as frightened as I. I didn’t blame them then or now for leaving me behind. Had our roles been reversed I might have done the same. The Foglet caught up to me and the only thing I had with me was my silver sword. It was old and dull but it would do. I was able to push it back with Aard but it was not going to let its meal escape that easily.” He said to them. “I got thrown to the ground and held up my blade in time to deflect its claws. I spun the weapon and pushed the hilt as hard as I could toward the monster and caught a lucky break. It caught in the monster's chest and stayed in place.”

“Did it kill it?” The filly asked him.

He shook his head. “No. The weapon was so dull it could barely cut butter. It pulled back and I was no longer armed. I had lost my weapon in a desperate attempt to drive it off.”

“Did you run?” Applejack asked him.

“No. I was foolish enough to stay still. It turned back to me and came after me again. In a panic, I used Aard one last time. Our signs are limited in how often they can be used in a row and I was out of time on mine.”

“Why can’t ya use them more?” Apple Bloom asked him.

“They use our strength when they are used. They are not magic and they come from the strength and power of the Witcher.” He explained. “Each Sign takes energy to use. I was nearly out of energy to use them.”

“Keep goin’.” Applejack said to him once he had explained.

“By using Aard when I did I was able to push the sword further into the Foglet. It didn’t kill it but it did drive it back far enough for me to get out of the ruins. I could hear people coming so I knew that help was coming but I also knew that if the Foglet came out of the ruins that it would get to me before they did. I looked back and limped toward the sound of the voices, I looked back and the Foglet was coming toward me. I knew that I was in trouble and that I would fall before they got to me and I chose to gamble one last time.” He said and paused to allow them to follow him. “I charged the Foglet and reached for the weapon that was embedded in its body. I cast Igni with what I had left and burned through the Foglet, using the weapon as a guide. It melted the hilt of the weapon but it did as I needed it to. The weapon burned into the Foglet and it died in that last bit of fight with me. It fell forward and landed on me.”

“At least you won.” Applejack said to him.

“I did yes. But I paid for it. I was unconscious when the others got to me and they thought me dead. One of the instructors caught sight of my mane under the Foglet and he tossed it back to find me under it. He dragged me out from under it and they took me back to the keep. I woke up a couple of days later to find my leg bandaged and I was confined to my bed until I healed and then I could get on with my punishment for going to the ruins in the first place.”

“So you still got in trouble?” Apple Bloom said to him, her eyes wide. “But you won the fight!”

“I did yes. But I would not have gotten into the fight if I had done as I was told.” Oblivion countered and she nodded as her face fell. “A few hours later one of the instructors came up to me with my practice sword and dropped it on the bed. The hilt had melted and the blade itself had warped within the monster's body. I had heated it up enough that it had begun to melt inside it. I basically cooked the Foglet from the inside out and that is what killed it.”

“Ya got lucky.” Applejack said to him with a smirk.

“Oh yes, I did. I knew that at the time as well. He did pause before he left the room and told me that I should look myself over and make sure I still had all my parts intact. I took that to mean I was missing something and began to do as I was told. He stayed in the doorway and he was there when I realized that I had gotten my cutie mark.”

“Did you scream?” Apple Bloom asked him.

“No. I didn’t have the energy for it but I was among the first to get mine so I was able to show that off to the others when I came back to drills.”

“So ya were among the first?” The filly questioned and he nodded.

Oblivion simply nodded. He had made up the last part of the story to tie it into what Apple Bloom had asked for. In truth, they had simply told him that he was going to have a scar with a story. He still had the scar, though it had dulled over the years and was barely noticeable now. His black fur now hid all his scars and he had no need to point them out. Apple Bloom didn’t ask him for anything more and he stretched his shoulders.

“What did the other foals say when ya came back?” She asked him.

“I was praised for killing the Foglet. We had not learned about them yet so I was the only one that could say I had killed one. I had to clean every sword in the keep and still get my own drills and practice in so I ran ragged for a while.”

“What about the others?” Applejack asked.

“They had to run extra drills and tend to Kaer Morhen itself. I was not punished as bad since I had been wounded and still killed the monster.” He admitted. “I didn’t get punished as badly as the others.”

“Did you ever do anything like that again?” Sasa asked him, a laugh in her voice.

“No,” Oblivion admitted after he parroted her words. “I stayed in line and did as I was told for the most part. I didn’t stray far from the keep after that little excursion. I got into enough trouble on my own within the keep.”

“Like what?” Apple Bloom asked him.

“I think that is enough stories for tonight little one.” He said to her and pushed her to her hooves and toward the stairs.

“He’s right Apple Bloom. Ya ate plenty at Pinkies and now its bedtime.”

The filly grumbled but did as she had been told. Applejack looked at him once she was out of sight.

“So how much did ya cut out of that story?” She asked him.

He snorted. “Over half of it.” He admitted with a chuckle.

66: Lies and Golems...

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Oblivion trotted into town with Sasa on his heels. He had finished the most recent history book that he had borrowed from Twilights library, it was balanced easily on his back.

“Last night was fun.” Sasa said to him as she came up to his shoulder.

He nodded to her and kept up his easy pace. “It was quite the sight.”

“Until Spike passed out in the punch bowl.” Sasa replied with a chuckle.

“He is a baby dragon. I am not shocked that he did not last the duration of the meteor shower.” Oblivion replied to her.

Sasa chuckled and nodded as he spoke. “Still. Poor thing was worn out.”

Oblivion was quiet as they neared the Library and he rapped his hoof on the doorway. Sasa pushed open the door and he followed her in. Inside the Library had nothing out of the ordinary but as he moved inside something felt off to him and he paused for several seconds. His orange eyes scanned the room as he searched for the cause and his eyes fell on an owl that was perched close to the doorway.

“He’s new.” Sasa said to him as she also regarded the bird, who was now watching the enormous feline closely.

“Hey Oblivion,” Spike called out as he came into the room.


Sasa walked up to the baby dragon and nuzzled him as he glared at the owl across the room. “What do you need?”

“I need to return this,” Oblivion said to him as the owl took to the air and removed the book from the stallions back. “That’s new.” Oblivion watched as the owl set the book down on the table and went back to his perch.

Oblivion could see now that the upset he could feel was coming from Spike. Oblivions eyes narrowed slightly at the sight of the diminished spirit from the young drake.

“What's with the owl?” Sasa asked as it kept watching her closely. “And I have no need to attack it. So it can stop staring.”

“What's with the owl?” He asked Spike.

“He’s the new junior assistant for Twilight.” He growled.

“Junior Assistant?”

“Yeah. I’m her number one assistant and he’s number two. His name is Owlowiscious.” Spike informed him.

“Owlo…what?” Sasa said to him and he shook his head.

“She can’t pronounce it,” Oblivion said and tipped his horn to the questioning feline who had tilted her head. “I haven’t seen him before.”

“He showed up this morning. So what else did you need from me Oblivion?” Spike said to him as he looked intently at the stallion.

“I don’t need anything else, Spike. I simply needed to return that.”

“Anything new to read?”

“I still have the books on Starswirl I borrowed from her. I’m good for now, thank you for asking.” Oblivion assured the drake. Spike looked defeated as the stallion made to leave. He paused for a moment as Sasa rejoined him. “Are you all right Spike?”

“I’m fine. Just perfect.” He grumbled.

“Yeah that’s convincing.” Sasa said to him.

“That did not inspire confidence, Spike.” The stallion informed him.

“No, it's fine. I’m just making sure you were okay.”

“I’m fine Spike. I’m more concerned that you seem defeated by something.”

“What makes you think that?”

“You’re forgetting that I am a Witcher and it is my job to know when someone is lying,” Oblivion informed the drake who shook his head and tried to look thrilled with a wide smile. “I can also see your spirit.”

Spikes smile dropped at the reminder of what Oblivion could see and he scratched the back of his head with his claws. “It’s nothing. Just not used to the owl.”

“It’s not like he’s here to replace you. His purpose is to help you as well as her. You fell asleep in a punch bowl last night which shows how tired you were so you are allowed to take it a bit easier with the owl around.” Oblivion said to him.

Spike nodded and seemed to brighten a bit at the stallion’s words. “I know. It’s just different.”

“Different isn’t bad. You’ll get used to it.” He said as he turned back to the door and made to leave.

“Thanks, Oblivion.”

“You’re welcome.”

Oblivion ears flicked as a soft knock came from his bedroom door. He had retreated there earlier once dinner had finished reading. His magic covered the door and it swung open to reveal Apple Bloom.

“Spike is here. Said he wanted ta talk to ya.” She told him with a wide smile.

“Thank you.” He said to her and his magic covered the book about Starswirl and set it on the desk nearby.

He got off the bed and Sasa joined him as he walked out of the room and down the stairs. He went to the front door and walked out to find Spike standing outside with a pole that carried a small pouch on the end of it.

“Spike?” Oblivions' voice made the baby dragon turn to face him.

“Hey, Oblivion.”

“It’s late out for you. I’m sure Twilight will be most upset that you’re out this late.” The stallion said to him as the feline walked out past him and up to the baby dragon.

Spike didn’t reply as Sasa nuzzled him. “Chosen. I think he plans to run away.”

Oblivion said nothing as he considered what she had said. “Going somewhere, Spike?”

“Twilight doesn’t need me anymore. She has Owlowiscious to help her.” Spike said to him, sorrow in his voice.

“I’m sure she will always have need of you Spike. You cannot be replaced.” Oblivion said to the dragon who shook his head in reply.

“I did something unforgivable,” Spike said to him.

“And that is?”

“I tried to frame Owlowiscious for killing a mouse and she caught me. She also found out I lied about one of the books in the library.”

“Disappointment and dismissal are different things, Spike. That is not grounds to throw you away from her side. I think you might be overreacting.” Oblivion said to the baby dragon.

“No, I don’t think she wants me with her anymore. She has him now.” Spike replied and looked more dejected.

“Then why did you come to me?” Oblivion asked bluntly. “I may be low on emotions but I am good at reading ponies. You have no desire to run away Spike. You want somepony to stop you.”

“I just wanted to let you know you were wrong. That’s all.” Spike defended and tried to look certain.

“I’m sure.” Oblivion his voice heavy with sarcasm. “If you’re so intent I will walk with you for a time.”

Spike nodded and began to lead the stallion away from the farmhouse. Sasa nudged his hip and her paw pointed to the ground. Spike was leaving tracks behind that would no doubt lead anypony to him.

“Leave them. Better to have others looking if the need comes.” He said to the feline who nodded in agreement.

“What makes you think she would throw away years of friendship with you for an owl that she only recently met?” He questioned as he drew up next to Spike.

“He’s better at all my jobs. He got her breakfast ready and he didn’t lie to her.”

“So you told a lie about a book?”

“Yeah. I was looking in it and I sneezed. It burned the book and I didn’t tell her when it happened. I just put it back and hoped she didn’t notice.” He admitted, his voice depressed.

“That’s one small mistake that can be remedied with an apology and an idea of how to fix it. Find a new copy and offer to work for it.”

Spike shook his head and Oblivion bit back a sigh and walked forward with the baby dragon as they moved deeper into the orchards. Sasa stayed close behind them as the baby dragon walked them forward.

“And what else makes you think that she wants nothing more to do with you?” Oblivion pressed.

“I tried to frame Owlowiscious with a fake toy mouse and some ketchup,” Spike said to him. “That was when she said she didn’t love me anymore.”

Oblivion paused in his steps for a moment before he went over what he has been told. “You used a fake mouse to frame the owl for killing it in the house I assume?”

“Yeah. I thought that would make Twilight not like him anymore.” Spike admitted. “All it did was make her hate me.”

“I greatly doubt she hates you. She will be even more upset when she finds you gone, Spike.” Oblivion pointed out.

“Nah. She won’t notice. I told you she doesn’t love me anymore.”

“I doubt that. I have seen ponies in this place do many things but hate has not been one of them. Upset at each other? Sure. Angry, sure. But never hate. Hate is something that comes from deep within. It devours the spirit until it is all that is left. Twilight is not the type to hate.”

“You sure about that?” Spike asked him.

“I am certain. And I have no doubt she will be searching for you as soon as she realizes you’re gone. We both know that.”

“You’re getting close to the Everfree Chosen.” Sasa advised from behind them. “If you’re going to take him home now is the time.”

“Spike. Twilight would never replace you. You know better than this. If you would stop to think about what you know of her does this seem like an unforgivable sin?”

“She doesn’t need me,” Spike said as he stopped and turned to face the stallion. “You can tell me that a hundred times and I know that she’s never going to forgive me.”

“You do not know her as well as you think if that is what you believe. I have known her a fraction of the time you have and I know she would forgive. I will not stop you but I wish you would listen to yourself.”

Spike stopped with him and looked at the Black Unicorn. “You’re not going to stop me anymore?”

“I can’t stop you if you’re not going to listen. Your loved Spike but you have convinced yourself that there is nothing left for yourself. Twilight will hunt for you and I will help her find you so she can tell you herself what I have already told you.”

“You can’t tell her where I am,” Spike said to him, his voice insistent.

Oblivion snorted a laugh. “You can’t stop me from telling her and you can’t stop me from tracking you.”

“Then I just have to get far enough away.”

“I have tracked monsters for days and weeks at a time. Your welcome to run but I will help her find you.” Oblivion assured him.

Spike looked at the confident black unicorn and then to the feline who stood behind them. She purred to him and tossed her head back the way they had come, trying to get him to go back with them. Spike turned with a determined look to his face and walked away from them. Oblivion growled under his breath as they stayed in place.

“Chosen?” Sasa came up to him and looked at him. “Why aren’t you following him?”

“We will. But not close. He may be a baby dragon but he is still a dragon with sharper ears than most ponies. In a minute or so we will follow.” He assured her.

She nodded at him and sat down in place to wait for his signal. “I cannot believe he is so convinced that Twilight will just stop loving him for one small incident. As you said disappointment and dismissal are two very different things.”

“When you are young it is hard to see the difference. She has always been there as his caretaker and moral compass. When that is questioned it feels as though it has been shattered and cannot be repaired. It’s hard to see past it.”

She huffed and got to her paws. “I suppose you have a point.”

“We will make sure he is safe until Twilight gets here. I’m not going to leave a baby out here without somepony watching over him. Come.” He said to the feline who nodded to him as he began to track the baby dragon.


“Finally.” He said aloud as Twilight joined them.

“How long have you been out here and have you seen Spike?” She questioned, ignoring his impatience.

“We have been out here since Spike left us at the edge of the Everfree and we have been watching the cave ever since we found that he had gone into it.” He explained to the mare.

“Oh thank Equestria. Why in the world is he out here?” She went on.

“He seems to have convinced himself that you no longer need or love him.”

“WHAT!?” She yelled in shock and Oblivion pinned his ears. “Sorry.”

“I had much the same reaction when he told me. I was not able to change his mind so I allowed him to go on but we trailed him here.”

“Why does he think that?”

“You became disappointed in him for the damage to a book and the attempted framing of the owl. That made him question the relationship he has with you and this is what drove him out here.”

“Oh no. I was mad at him sure, but I would never be that mad at him.” She said, desperation in her voice.

“I told him the same thing but he was certain he had the right of it. And now here we are.”

“So he’s in the cave. Is he alone?”

“For now. The cave is large so I am unsure what lives in it. We should…” His ears flicked as the sound of limbs breaking caught his attention and he held up a hoof when Twilight began to speak to him. “Down.”

He reached up and pulled the mare and the owl on her back to the ground as a green dragon came from behind several trees. The dragon headed for the mouth of the cave and then into the cave.

“No…no…” Twilight whispered as the dragon vanished into the cave.

“Shit.” Oblivion cursed as he stood up. “Twilight you wait out here. Sasa and I will go in there and distract it long enough for Spike to flee.” He looked up as Owlowiscious landed on his back. “And the owl will help it seems. Once you get him on your back run for it.”

The mare nodded as Oblivion and Sasa moved to the mouth of the cave. Owlowiscious hovered close by as they moved into the cave. His ears were trained forward as they walked briskly into the cave and he could hear Spike talking.

“Sasa. Run ahead and get its attention the owl and I will be behind you.”

“Got it.” She replied and took off at a hard run.

Oblivion waited as the cat roared and then he charged in as the dragon spun to face them. “Spike! Run!” He roared out as the baby dragon saw his chance and took to his heels.

Oblivion didn’t use his sword as he had no intention of remaining to fight the beast. The dragon leaned down as Owlowiscious took to the air and flapped in his vision to obscure where they were. Sasa bit at the dragon’s calves and Oblivion spun to deliver a punishing kick to one of its front paws. He looked up and watched as Spike ran for the cave mouth and vanished from sight.

“Sasa! Run for it.” He commanded the cat and she took to her heels. “Whatever your name was, come here!” He hollered for the owl and it soared for him as his horn charged.

The Unicorn sent a blast of magic intended to dazzle the dragon’s eyes long enough for them to flee. The beast roared as the blast exploded in front of its eyes and it roared again at the sudden light. Oblivion waited as the owl gripped his fur and Sasa raced past him as he ran. He ran outside and easily tracked Twilight's hoof prints as they ran. His claws dug into the ground as he ran for the mare who was waiting for them half a mile away. Oblivion slid to a stop as Twilight joined them with Spike on her back.

“Thank Equestria you're all okay.” She said, relief in her voice.

“Thankfully it didn’t try to follow.” He said to her.

“That blast of magic you sent at it knocked it senseless.” Sasa said to him as she panted at his side.

“As long as everypony is okay that’s all that matters,” Twilight said to them. “Spike, what were you thinking? Oblivion said you thought I didn’t love or need you anymore.”

“Yeah. You have Owlowiscious to help you out and didn’t need me.” He replied to the mare.

“Oh, Spike. Sure I was disappointed in you but that doesn’t mean that I don’t love you. You are one of my best friends and my number one assistant. The reason I asked Owlowiscious to help out is that owls are nocturnal. You’re a baby dragon and you need to rest at night. It was never to replace you, he was just there to help out at night when he is awake anyway.” She explained.

Spike glanced at the owl that was still perched on Oblivions back. “Owlowiscious I’m sorry. I guess I was just jealous and thought you were out to take my job. I’m sorry.”

Owlowiscious looked at the dragon and seemed to nod at him in response. Oblivion said nothing as the owl remained in place on his back.

“And thanks Oblivion.”

“Hmm?” The stallion glanced at the dragon as he spoke.

“You did exactly as you said you would and showed Twilight where I was.”

“I didn’t show her. She found me. Sasa and I were outside the cave when she found us there.” He informed the dragon who looked back at the mare.

“Owlowiscious found your footprints in the ketchup you used to try to frame him and led me out here. He led me to the Farm and then when the tracks faded he found Oblivion.” She informed them.

Oblivion said nothing as the owl hooted from his back as Twilight led them back toward the farm. Sasa nuzzled the dragon as they walked and then moved back to Oblivions side.

“That was a bit of excitement for the evening.” She said to him as they walked.

“Was not a boring evening that’s true.” He admitted.

“Now to go back home and rest for the night.”

He gave a quiet nod to the feline and moved ahead of her as they walked. His hooves were silent on the grass as they moved back to the farm in the dark of the night.

Oblivion was still as he meditated, Sasa sitting at his side. His ears flicked absently as he focused internally. He worked to establish a stronger connection to the World Spirit under his control and he thought that through focused meditation he might achieve more control over it. He had enough control of it to know when a pony was in trouble close to him. So far he had only been warned of a large upset in it once and nothing since then. So far his efforts had not yielded any results.

“Anything Chosen?”

His ears flicked as she spoke. “Nothing so far.”

She sighed and laid down at his side. “Hours of effort for nothing Chosen?”

“This is not meant to bring about great results immediately. It takes time.”

“I am aware but I figured you would have something to show for your efforts by now.” She replied.

Oblivion said nothing in response to her impatience. His concentration had been broken by the impatient felines questioning. His body trembled as he got to his hooves and shook himself heavily. His tail flicked as he began to make his way back through the orchards. He had ventured into the back half of the orchards for his meditation. The black Unicorn had to admit that the feline was not wrong about his progress with the World Spirit. He would have thought that he would have had more progress by this point.

He opened his mouth to speak to her as his medallion began to shake on its chain. He went silent as he began to search around him for the source, his body beginning to tremble in anticipation. His eyes narrowed as he searched the trees around them for any signs. Sasa got to her paws at the sight of him. She stood waiting for him to move as he began to slowly move in a circle, gauging his medallion for the direction he needed to go.

A heartbeat later and he dug his claws into the turf and took off into the back of the orchard. Sasa yowled as she fought to stay on his heels as he tore through the orchard, his body subtly angling to allow the medallion to continually gauge the strength of the disturbance he was chasing. He plunged into the Everfree and galloped deeper into the thick trees. He slid to a halt and waited as his eyes resumed scanning the area.


“Something is here.” He said to her as she drew up alongside him.

“Any ideas about what it could be?”

“Not yet.”

She fell silent as he began to spin slowly once more, his medallion had fallen silent. A low vibration through the ground caught his attention and he dug his claws into the ground to get a sense of direction from the ground under his hooves. He followed it as it guided him to the left and he walked deeper into the forest itself, chasing after an unknown quarry. He paused as a sound caught his attention, a low bellowing sound that vibrated through him and the world around him. He paused as he looked up and a sight caused him to spin to hide behind a nearby tree.

“Shit.” He cursed quietly as he pushed Sasa to the side and out of sight as well.

“What is it?”

“Golem.” He replied to her as he bit back a string of curses.

“And that is a?”

“They are matter brought to life by a mage. They have no mind of their own and only live to accomplish one task that they are given.”

“And you are worried about it why?” She replied to him. “It’s no Leshen.”

“No but I prefer the Leshen. A Leshen can bleed.”


“This one is made of rock and silver blades will barely scratch it. They take time to kill.”

“I don’t mean to add to your worries but you have a promise to upkeep this evening.” Sasa pointed out.

“Is this really the time to reminding me of something?” He snapped at her.

“It’s Pinkie’s birthday party at the farm.”

Oblivion fell silent and he hung his head for a second as he bit back another stream of curses. “I may be late depending on the Golem.” He admitted to her. “I may send you back with a note on your collar.”

“Send me back?” She growled.

“You can’t fight this one. Your claws are as useless as mine against it. One hit from it and it would knock your head off your shoulders.”

She paused at his admission and crept around him to look at the monster in question. He watched as she leaned out and then looked back to him. “Okay maybe you have a point. How do you plan to fight it if your sword is useless?”

“Carefully. Fire and poison are useless against it. Yrden can slow it down so I can pound away at it but it slows it down doesn’t stop it.” He replied to her.

“Those are what you use most though.” Sasa pointed out and he nodded. “So what will you do now?”

“If I have the right oil I’ll use it, which can help to weaken it. I don’t have any of the correct bombs to use though.”


“Dimeritium specifically. But I do not have any and I don’t have the materials to make one. Last one I fought I used a larger blade than I have with me and that seemed to be able to chip away at it easier. But my crystal blades aren’t large enough for that tactic.”

“Do you still have that blade?”

“No. I sold it to Eskel a year ago.” He admitted with an annoyed expression, as Sasa looked at him. “It was more his style of fighting than mine. I rely on speed and stamina while he goes for brute force.”

“Ahh. Well, now what?”

“Now I send you back since the party should be getting started by now and I call on my saddlebags to see what I have with me.”

He summoned his saddlebags and a scroll and quill. As he wrote out the note to Applejack and the others his magic rooted through his bags for the right oil. He gave a pleased sound as his magic pulled out a vial of the correct oil.

“Lucky.” Sasa said to him and he nodded in reply to her. He threaded the note into Sasa’s collar and clipped it in place by the buckle of her collar. “What does it say?”

“Basically? I’m fighting a monster and will be late.” He replied to her as his magic summoned one of the crystal blades and he began to soak the weapon in the oil.

The Witcher watched as the blade drank in the oil and its color altered to dark blue to match the oil. He also pulled a potion from them and drank it down quickly. He could feel the potion go through his body as his nerves felt as though they were on fire and he breathed through the feeling. He sent his saddlebags back to his room after replacing the empty vials within it. With his saddlebags gone, he leaned up against the tree once more and breathed in the scent of the forest around him. His crystal blade hovered at his shoulder as he turned to look down to Sasa.

“Go.” He said aloud to her as he spun out from behind the tree and advanced slowly on the Golem.

The tiger took off from him as he moved slowly. His orange eyes remained fixed on the Golem as it spun to face him. The Witcher was silent as he walked slowly into the small glade that the Golem now seemed to guard. It didn’t move as he stopped more than ten feet away from it. The Witcher was quiet as he waited for the Golem to make a move of its own. He watched as it prepared to move and suddenly broke into a charge. He gigged to the side as it charged past him and collided with the same tree he had hidden behind only a minute earlier.

He spun in place and scored several hits on the Golems thick rock hide and backed away when it turned back to him. He could see that the blade had scored deeply and he hoped it had been deep enough to allow the oil to do its work. He quickly cast Yrden and paused on the outer edge of the circle of runes.

“Come on.” He whispered to himself and waited.

The Golem walked heavily toward him, the ground shaking under its steps. Oblivion watched the heavy arms swinging at its sides. Each arm could weigh over one hundred pounds each and could remove his head from his shoulder easily. He would not admit it if asked, but he hated fighting Golems. Oblivion prepared to advance and see if a flurry of attacks could do the same amount of damage as it had done to others he had faced.

He charged forward and the Golem swung at his head and he dodged under the strike. His blade once more went over the Golems hide and he spun to stay behind it and began to string together a barrage of hits that he hoped would stagger the Golem. He cast Yrden once more and the Golem slowed down and that allowed Oblivion to keep attacking. The Golem staggered under the impacts and Oblivion kept up his attack. The Elder Witcher backed up as the golem regained its feet and swung at the Witcher.

He dodged out of the way and put some distance between himself and the Witcher. As Yrden once more was tossed over the land he paused and waited as the Golem turned to face him. His mind went over how to face off against the monster and he went that upsetting its charge and its fists were the main problems he faced. It bore down as it charged him and he cast Aard as it entered into Yrden circle. It was knocked off balance and Oblivion rolled around to attack the back of the golem.

He fell into a series of swift attacks, his hooves danced over the short grass as he spun in a tight circle, his blade swung in time with him as he scored numerous hits on the golems hide. It staggered under the assault as he drove it to the ground. He descended on the monster as it rolled to get up. He summoned the second weapon and it spun in his magic as he drove the oiled blade through the monster and left it in place, allowing the oil to keep working.

The Golem managed to get to its feet as he rolled away from it. It began to shudder as he backed up. It lowered itself and charged the Witcher. Oblivion cursed and dove out of the way.

Sasa ran to the barn and focused on the open upper door. She gathered herself to jump and leaped through the open doorway. The feline paused as Twilight was the first to see her. The purple mare wore a party hat and approached the cat.

“Sasa. You made it.” She called out as she neared the tiger. “Where’s Oblivion?”

She stopped at Sasa’s side as the cat tilted her head to show off the note attached to her collar. Twilights magenta aura pulled the note free and unrolled it. She scanned the note and looked at Sasa who nodded in confirmation.

“Hopefully he is going to be okay. Whatever he is fighting must be pretty big if he sent you here instead of helping him.” She said to the cat who nodded again.

Sasa reached out a paw and brushed back the straw that littered the barn floor. “He will join us here.” She wrote out and Twilight nodded.

“Wil he be okay though?” She pressed.

“He has fought this kind before.” Sasa replied. “While he does not like them he will win.”

The mare nodded and looked back at the others. She set the note down on a nearby table and rejoined the group with Sasa at her heels.”

Oblivion leaped back as the golem slammed its fists into the ground, enraged by the stallions continued attacks. It charged him and he spun out of the way to allow it to run itself into a tree. He attacked the rear once more and spun to attack once more. The monster roared and he backed away as he let Aard roll over the monster once more.

Aard did its job and pushed it back toward the tree. Oblivion didn’t chase it as he had used it to keep it from spinning on him. He had already been hit once and it had sent him rolling through the grass and dirt. He hadn’t bothered to brush himself off after being thrown to the ground. Instinct drove him to finish the fight as the golem began to slow down, the oils finally beginning to take more effect. He had left it embedded and called on the secondary blade that stayed within the band. The golem was beginning to shudder as the oils took effect and the potion he had drank allowed him to fight on with greater strength and resilience.

“Come on.” He whispered as the blade spun in his magic and his claws flexed in the dirt.

The golem spun to face him once more as it shuddered and pieces of it began to give way, pieces of its body were beginning to fall away and its size began to diminish. One arm fell to the ground with a resounding thud and the Witcher watched as the main body began to crumble. It charged him once more but halfway to him it fell to the ground and crumbled into dust.

His crystal blade fell to the ground as his magic reached out for it. The blade hovered in the air as his magic covered it and it moved back to him as he sent both backs to the band on his leg. He shook himself as the adrenaline from the battle began to wear off and his muscles trembled for several seconds before he shook himself once more. His hooves carried him to where the golem fell and he could see the imprint of the monsters upper form. He paused before he began to paw his way through the dirt in search of the pieces he would need to recreate a few of the potions and oils he had used.

“Finally.” He sighed as he finished his search and sent the pieces to his saddlebags, then he whirled in place now he was ready to head back to the farm.

“Welcome to the party Chosen.” Sasa greeted him as he came through the barn doors.

He said nothing to her as he joined them. Twilight turned to see him and she smiled at his approach. She pointed her horn at a party hat and he shook his head. He mouthed the word no to her and she let it drop.

“You’re filthy.” Sasa teased. “Did you get hit by that thing?”


“And? I see your head is still attached.”

“It caught me in the flanks.”

“Did you win the fight Oblivion?” Fluttershy asked him.

“Yes. The threat is gone.” He assured her.

“Ya look like ya fought a dirt pile.” Applejack said to him.

“I did. It was a golem which is made of earth and magic.” He replied.

The mares looked to him and then back to Pinkie who smiled as she blew out the candles on her cake.

“Let’s party!” She shouted.

67: A Night to Remember...

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Oblivion stood outside of Rarity’s boutique with Sasa and Spike as they waited for the mares to finish getting ready. The stallion stood with his flank pressed against the wall with Sasa lounging at his side. The feline sat still so as not to get herself dirty, after a talking to from Rarity she remained still and careful. Spike stood close to him as he also had been warned against getting dirty.

“Looking forward to tonight, Oblivion?” Spike finally asked as he looked to the tall black stallion.

Oblivion shrugged absently. “I trust it will be like most parties I have been to and will be uneventful at best.”

“You’ve been to parties like the Gala before?”

“A few times yes. All of them were the same in context and were boring and had bad food and even worse booze. I do not hold out much hope for this event.” He admitted to the baby dragon.

“It will work out fine, Chosen. Perhaps Blue will be able to make things more interesting.” Sasa said to him.

“I’m looking forward to it. I will get to spend time with everypony and be able to show them around to my favorite spots and hang out.” Spike said to him.

“They all have their own goals for the evening Spike. They have plans that they are looking to do and I do not think being shown around Canterlot is on the list.” Oblivion pointed out to him.

“They will still have some time to hang out with me,” Spike said as he leaned against the tree trunk of the Library.

Sasa nudged the stallion's shoulder as she rocked on her paws in place. Oblivion could see the boredom that was starting to eat at the large feline. He knew that it was probably the same feeling that was beginning to bite at him. He pushed away from the wall and began to pace slowly in front of the Library. He was careful not to kick up any dust and keep his suit clean as Rarity had nearly begged of him.

“Hopefully each of them will get what they wanted from the event. I would hate to see them disappointed.” Sasa said to him.

“We will see. I know that Rarity and Rainbow will be getting what they want from the event but the others I am not so sure of.” Oblivion replied to her.

He stopped as the front doors of the Boutique opened and Twilight came out with an apple in her magic. She set it down on the ground as the others joined them to watch the mare. Her magic covered her horn as it began to spin the apple as it ballooned and transformed into a red apple-shaped carriage that would hold all of them comfortably. Oblivion watched as it was made and his medallion trembled for a second as the magic worked. The mares all stared as they beheld the carriage and they all grew more excited as time went by.

“It can hold all of us comfortably,” Twilight said as she smiled to the others. “Now for the next part. Fluttershy?”

The butter-yellow mare came forward and dropped off four small white mice. “They’ll be okay right?”

“Of course.” The purple Unicorn assured her as they both backed up from them.

He watched as Twilight’s magic covered the group and Oblivion closed his eyes as the light grew bright and obscured the mice from view. His medallion shuddered and Oblivion placed a hoof on it to still its movement. He opened his eyes to see four mice that had been turned into horses. He said nothing as Sasa tilted her head at the sight of them and looked at him as she remained still and silent.

“Don’t move.” He said to the feline who gave a barely seen nod at his command.

He said nothing as he looked down at Spike who was smiling widely at the sight of the large mouse horses. A loud whinny caught his attention as Rarity’s cat landed on the rear of one of the horses and the group took off uncontrolled.

“I had nothing to do with that.” Sasa said to him and he nodded to her.

“I am aware.” He replied to her.

“Now what do we do? They were supposed to pull the carriage for us.” Twilight lamented.

Sasa stood up and nudged him. He looked at her as he stepped one hoof forward. “Offer to pull it.” She said to him. “Unless you think you can teleport the carriage?”

“I am not sure if I can.” He admitted. “I can pull it.” He voiced aloud as he walked up to the others.

“Not in that suit you can’t.” Rarity said to him.

“I can take it off to pull the carriage.” He assured her.

“Treat it as a single item and you may be able to teleport it.” Sasa said to him.

“I can also possibly teleport it with you inside.” He added.

“Ya can’t teleport other ponies.” Applejack reminded him.

“True. But in this case, I am teleporting the carriage that just happens to have you in it.” He explained.

“Might work,” Twilight said to him. “Do you think you can? You’re the only one that might be able to teleport it and us at the same time.”

“Can’t hurt to try it,” Oblivion replied to her. “Finish getting ready and if I can’t teleport it then I will pull it.”

The mares seemed to agree with his choice and went back into the Boutique to finish getting ready. Spike came to stand close to him as the decision seemed to have been made. The baby dragon leaned against his foreleg and sighed.

“Do you know where to land if you teleport?” He asked.

“I know where the entrance to the event is. I was there with Blue Blood a few weeks ago.” He replied to the dragon.

Sasa came to stand close to him as a sour expression flit over the dragon’s features and then vanished. Oblivion chose to ignore the look and allowed time to tick past him. The Witcher closed his eyes and allowed himself to slip into meditation as they waited.

He opened his eyes as the door to the Boutique opened and the mares filed out in their gowns. Oblivion went to the carriage door and opened it with a slight bow as they laughed and got into the carriage.

“Don’t overdo it Oblivion,” Twilight said to him as she leaned back out the door as he held it open.

“It will be fine.” He assured her and waited as Sasa and Spike jumped inside with them.

“Take it slow and easy Chosen.” Sasa encouraged him from inside.

He said nothing in reply to the feline as his magic covered the carriage and he breathed out a deep breath as he focused on the entrance to the Gala. His magic flashed and he opened his eyes to see the carriage in front of him. A glance to the side showed him that he had managed to teleport the carriage to the correct place. He pulled open the door and looked at the ones inside.

“We are here.” He said to them and opened the door wide for them.

“Well done Chosen.” Sasa praised him as she jumped from the carriage.

“I was not sure it would work.” He admitted to her and he heard her chuckle.

“I had no doubts.” She said to him as she nuzzled the front of his chest.

Oblivion looked to the front of the Gala and a familiar pony jogged down to meet them. Blue Blood stopped a few stairs up and composed himself before he descended the last few steps and joined the stallion.

“I saw a flash of your magic and I knew you had arrived. But how did they all get here?” He asked quietly.

“I teleported the carriage that they happened to be in,” Oblivion whispered back to him.

“Genius. That’s one way to get around not knowing how to teleport a group.” He chuckled and hoof bumped the Black Unicorn. “Teleporting an item is easier than a pony.”

“Precisely.” Oblivion agreed.

Blue Blood smiled when Rarity came out of the carriage and she smiled at the sight of him. The mare came forward and he trotted over to her and bowed his head to her. He looked past her as Rainbow and the others came to stand at the bottom of the stairs with Oblivion.

“Rainbow I have something for you,” Blue said as he held out a foreleg to Rarity, who giggled as she took his offered leg. “You will need this to get close to the Wonderbolts this evening.”

Rainbow looked at him as he held out a lanyard to her. She took it from him and her eyes went wide. “This is a VIP pass.” She gasped out.

“Yeah. I heard you were hoping to meet up with them again.” He said with a glance at the Witcher. “That will make it easier for you to get near them.”

“Wow. Thanks so much, Blue Blood. This is awesome!” She said as she hugged the pass close to her chest and then placed the lanyard around her neck.

He looked at Fluttershy who was staying slightly back from the others. “Fluttershy. I know you're hoping to be around all the animals from the menagerie but there are really skittish around ponies.” He advised as the mare had looked crestfallen. “I’m not telling you that you can’t try, I’m just warning you that they might not come to you right away. You have free use of the grounds just take it slow with them.”

Fluttershy looked to him and smile crept over her muzzle as she angled away from the group and toward the menagerie. Oblivion walked up the stairs with the rest of them and he heard a slight noise behind him and cast a glance over his shoulder as Applejack paused.

“Why is our brother here?” She asked him.

Oblivion looked in the same direction of her gaze and he saw Mac walking up the side of the hall and into the room from a side entrance. He walked back to the mare, who was staring the direction that Mac had vanished.

“I spoke with Blue Blood a few weeks ago about what you had planned for the Gala and he explained that the Gala is catered. Which means no pony would have wanted to buy food when they can eat for free. You would have been wasting your time.” Oblivion explained.

“Is that why ya told me not ta bring mah cart ta sell from?”

“Yes. Thankfully you caved in that regard and I had no need to argue with you about it. Mac is here supervising the goods and making sure that there is plenty to go around. The food and his time have been paid for so the farm will see a tidy profit.” He informed her and she stared at him as he spoke. “All you have to do now is enjoy the Gala with your friends.”

“Ya sneaky pony. Ya got it all planned out. Yer the one that told ‘im about Rainbow and Fluttershy?”

“Yes. I explained what each of you was after and he decided to try to help where he could. He seems to have been able to do more than I had thought.”

“Still ya could have told me.”

“I did not see the contract for the catering until yesterday when Mac asked me about where he needed to go. Sasa wished to tell you later as a way of surprising you. I can show you the contract if you need further confirmation.”

“Ah believe ya. Ah’ll meet up with our brother and see if he needs a break or sumthin’.” She said to him and patted his shoulder. “Ya did us a solid favor, Oblivion. Thank you.”

She walked past him and Oblivion said nothing in reply to her thanks and allowed her to go ahead of him. Sasa joined him as the orange mare went past them and she joined him as he slowly followed behind the group as they walked into the hall. A tap to his shoulder brought his attention to Blue Blood who stood off to the side with Rarity.

“I was able to change the music to be a bit more upbeat and fun as well. It’s not perfect but it is all I was able to do in the short time I had. Pinkie Pie should enjoy the upbeat atmosphere.” The Prince said to him, clearly pleased with himself.

“Well done. You did well on any last-minute changes. I’m sure each of them will be happier now.”

“The only one I can’t help is Twilight. I can’t do anything about my Aunt being able to spend time with her. Unfortunately, that is outside of my skills.” He admitted sadly.

Oblivion shook his head and patted the stallion's shoulder. “Let me worry about that one. I have an idea for her.” He assured the stallion who looked at him, curiosity in his gaze.

“Feel free to do what you can so long as it is safe and does not hurt you,” Blue said to him. “You have a tendency to overdo it for others.”

Sasa chuckled and nodded. “He is right.”

Blue chuckled as Sasa’s voice rang through both of them. Oblivion watched as the pair walked back into the crowd, their spirits bright. Sasa chuffed in contentment as she stayed close by Oblivion's side as he turned to make his way up the next set of stairs to greet the Sun Princess. He stood in the line and he could see Twilight joining the queue behind him.

“So what is your plot?” Sasa asked him as they waited. “You mentioned that you have a plan.”

“I have an idea. It will depend on Celestia if it will work or not. You will hear of it as she will.”

“Spoilsport.” The cat chuckled as they moved slowly forward.

He waited in silence as they finally reached Celestia. The mare looked surprised to see him in the line for a personal greeting and she waited as he drew up closer to her to speak.

“Your student wishes to have time with you for the evening.” He informed her.

“She can join me here but I fear I will not be able to talk much with her.”

“If you will indulge me a moment, I might have an idea to create a fix for that problem.”

“Please. Join me and tell me what you are thinking.” She said to him, a hint of mischief in her gaze.

“Do you have a spell that allows you to walk among your ponies without them knowing it is you?” He asked her as he drew up next to her and kept his voice low but loud enough for her to hear.

“Do you mean a transformation?”

“Or something similar.”

“Yes. I have one I can use.” She assured him as she greeted another pony.

“Is subterfuge allowed at such a lofty event as this?”

She cast a sly look his way as she gave a barely seen nod. “What do you have in mind?”

“After reading through a spellbook I know of a mimicry spell that might be able to get you out of this tedious job and out among your ponies with your student at your side.”

“How do you mean?”

“I can create a dummy that can be told to follow a few basic commands that will free you from your task and allow you to walk away.”

“That would be preferred to standing here all night.” She admitted with a sigh. “But how would you command it?”

“I will watch what you are doing and command it to follow what you did and take your place. I am modifying the spell slightly to keep it looking authentic. It will vary in what greetings it gives and allow you to walk away. Can you have your spell ready?”

“Yes. I will be ready when you tell me.”

“I will leave Sasa with you and she will tell you when to activate your spell. Your student is coming up, tell her to wait for you out by the pillars. Sasa will stay with you and allow you to leave the group here unnoticed.”

She nodded and he left Sasa in his place as he walked away from her and down into the crowd. Sasa sat down at her side and the great cat nuzzled her shoulder as the ponies came to see her. He stood close enough to keep an eye on the greetings and the variations that she used and committed them to memory. He watched as Twilight came to her and was told where to go by a grinning Celestia. His horn began to glow as he pushed back into the crowd and into the shadows of the pillars.


“Got it.”

He watched as Sasa nudged the Sun Princess whose horn lit up a bare moment later. Sasa stood up and blocked the mare for a moment as Oblivions spell went into place. Only a high-level unicorn would be able to see the change in the Princess’s demeanor. Her movements became slightly less fluid but she still sounded the same and acted the same as always. Sasa shielded the transformed Princess as she fled across the stairway and toward the pillars where her student waited. He dropped his spell after imparting the commands to the mimic and then went into motion to find Twilight.

He found her standing alone as the others had gone to do their own things and she was now standing on her own. He joined her and she smiled at him as he drew up close to her. “Follow me.” He whispered to her and broke away from the mare who looked stunned.

“But…” She said nothing and broke away to trail in his hoof steps.

He could sense Sasa doing the same with Celestia and they met up in the middle. He pulled them off to the side and Sasa pushed the illusion clad Celestia toward the confused Unicorn mare.

“Oblivion what is going on? I was told to wait there by Princess Celestia.” She said to him, her voice urgent.

“I am aware. You will have all the time in the world to be with her now.” He said and his gaze turned to Celestia in her current form.

Ahead of him, a pale cream Unicorn mare with pastel pink hair stood watching them a smile on her muzzle. The mare chuckled as she leaned forward and nudged her student with her hoof.

“He orchestrated an escape for me to be with you for the evening, my dear student.” She said to the Unicorn.

“Princess…” Her mouth was covered with an azure ring as she nearly shrieked.

“Not so loud or the cover is blown.” He whispered to her.

She nodded and he removed the ring of flame and let her speak once more.

“He helped me to escape to help you have a nice evening with me. He used a mimicry spell I believe that made a copy in my place. Sasa allowed me to use her as a shield to escape them when I used my transformation spell.” She explained.

“Mimicry. But that’s not a spell for…” Twilight began but stopped when she looked at Oblivion.

“It was in Starswirls book you lent me. I modified it slightly for our needs. You have your wish.” He said to her and she smiled widely as she turned to her mentor.

Twilight hugged the mare and walked off at her side. Oblivion sighed and moved back to the shadows for a moment. He could hear the upbeat DJ music coming from the next room and he could see a flash of bright pink that would flit through the crowd of dancing ponies. He felt Sasa pull up close to him as he breathed out a breath into the air.

“Well done Chosen. Each of them is getting exactly what they wished for. Did you mean to help each of them was it a happy accident?” Sasa questioned him.

“I planned to do what I could to minimize their disappointment. I was not sure how I was going to pull it off but Blue helped greatly with it. By taking care of the music he did what I could not do for Pinkie. He took care of her for me.” Oblivion admitted as he moved toward the ballroom.

He looked around a corner and he could see Applejack helping Big Mac at the table with several ponies who were surrounding the table. His orange eyes looked back over his shoulder toward the Menagerie and he glanced back to Sasa.

“Sasa. Go back to Fluttershy and let me know how she is doing?” He said to her.

“Why?” She asked as she stood at his side. “Are you planning on helping Big Mac to have some extra time for her?”

He said nothing and tipped his horn back the way they had come. Sasa nudged his shoulder as a chuckle rang through his mind from her. He said nothing as he waited for the feline to report in. He knew that it was not really his place to try to set up the yellow mare bit he knew that Mac was too cautious to help himself. While he was aware that he might be overstepping he did not halt his intent.

“Chosen?” Sasa called back to him and his ears flicked. “She is having no luck with the animals out here. Any help would be appreciated I think.”

He said nothing in reply as he made his way to the table and shimmied his way to the back of the tables to join the siblings. He leaned his head close to Mac and pulled the roan’s short mane back for his attention.

“Ya need somehin’?” Mac questioned.

“No. But I know somepony who could use your help.” He replied. At the stallions pricked ears he went on. “Fluttershy is outside attempting to connect with the animals of the menagerie. Sasa reports that she is in need of some help and I cannot help her. Animals avoid me typically.” Oblivion reasoned to him and the roan's eyes widened at the implication from the Black Unicorn.

“She needs some help?” Mac asked in reply.

“Not a huge amount but the more skittish animals are avoiding her. Perhaps you can help her more than I would be able to.” Oblivion said to him.

“Well, Applejack is here so she could watch over the food for a little bit,” Mac said as he brushed past the black stallion and made for the exit.

Oblivion nodded to him and waited as he disappeared through the doorway. “Mac is on his way Sasa.”

“You sneaky thing.” Sasa chuckled back to him as she waited. “Playing matchmaker, Chosen?”

“Perhaps. Only because he is too shy to start on his own.” He responded.

“There he is.” She reported to him. “I will leave them be to allow him to do his part to help her.”

Oblivion got out from behind the table and waited for the feline to return to him. He could sense the cat as she came back to him and he felt her nudge his hip. She drew up to his shoulder and he could sense the amusement coming from her as the stallion looked around them once more.

“Chosen to the right.” Sasa suddenly nudged him.

He looked to the right and found Soarin walking past them with a pie on his back. The pale stallion had not changed much in the time since Oblivion had first met him. His spirit was still in the same condition and he could see that it had not worsened in a short time. His ears flicked as the stallion walked into the VIP section of the ballroom. His eyes followed the pony as he went and sat down away from the crowd and picked at his food. Sasa took a step forward and looked to the Black Unicorn.

“Chosen?” She asked him. “What will we do?”

“He has not reached out to me but there is more than one way to help him. A moment.” He said back to her.

His eyes fell on a familiar mare that was standing in line to get admitted to the VIP section. Rainbow stood in the line and appeared to be growing more impatient. Oblivion walked toward her, his mind set on his next course of action. If he wished he could speak to Soarin himself but he had a feeling that it was not his place to pry further.

“Rainbow?” Sasa questioned as they drew up alongside the mare.

“Rainbow?” He called out as he stopped next to her.

“Hey, Oblivion. This line is huge.” She complained.

“I’m sure you are not the only one waiting to see them. Though your pass card might allow you to skip the line but first I have a question for you.” He said to her.

“Sure,” Rainbow said and turned to face him. “What do you need?”

“I’m sure you know the name of each Wonderbolt that is in their roster.”

“Of course.”

“That one was at that flying competition.” He said as he pointed to Soarin.

“That’s Soarin. He was pretty quiet when I met them before. Didn’t seem all that interested in talking said his thank you and that was it.” She admitted.

“When you get in there it looks like he would be the easiest one to talk to. He’s on his own and since he is still a Wonderbolt you could get some questions answered by him if you wish.”

Rainbow looked thoughtful as he spoke and nodded as he finished. “That’s true. You make a good point. Now to see if you were right about this VIP ticket of mine.” She said to him and moved up to the front.

Sasa stood with him as he watched them allow her inside and she turned to look at him, an excited grin on her muzzle and he gave a slight nod at her exuberant smile. The Witcher watched as she made her way to the lone Wonderbolt and greeted him.

“Well played Chosen.” Sasa praised him as he leaned back on his haunches.

“Perhaps he is like Blue Blood and simply needs to be heard. We shall see what plays out.” He replied.

He looked around them and his orange eyes fell on a back door that was slightly ajar. Sasa stayed close by as he walked for the door and slid outside. A sigh escaped him as the wide-open space greeted him. He leaned his flank up against the wall as Sasa sat down beside him.

“You did well to help those that you can, Chosen.”


The black stallion flicked an ear back to the party and he could hear the music as it thrummed through the air. Sasa leaned against his shoulder and a purr rumbled through her. Oblivion was quiet as he allowed his body to relax in the cool night air.

68: Labyrinth

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Oblivion raised his head as a sense of disquiet rolled over him. He rolled to his belly and looked around the room. Nothing stood out as out of the ordinary as Sasa stirred behind him. He reached out to the World Spirit and it didn’t seem out of balance or anything that would have called on him to act. He lowered his head back to his pillow and rested his chin upon it, ready to attempt to go back to sleep, it was early even for him.

“Chosen?” Sasa spoke up from behind him. “Do you smell chocolate?”

Oblivion raised his head as he cast a glance back at her. “What are you…?” His nose scented the air and he paused as he closed his eyes and a deep sigh escaped him. “Yes I do and why are you asking me that?”

“I think we have a problem with the weather.” She admitted and sat up on the bed.

“Really?” He sat up and turned to look at her as his eyes fell on the window. The window was caked in a thick substance and it was the cause of the scent.

“We need to look outside.” She said as she jumped his back and landed on the floor, waiting for him.

He slid out of bed and his magic pushed open the door for her. He followed the feline as she bounded down the stairs. His magic threw open the top of the door and he looked out as his nose was overwhelmed with the scent of chocolate.

“What in the world?” He whispered out as he looked around the farm.

“It’s chocolate milk. Lots of it.” Sasa informed him as she stood at the door.

“How did this come about?” He said to her and the feline shrugged.

“I have no idea but it’s definitely out of the ordinary. Maybe we should get out there and ask somepony?”

“It’s too early for anypony except maybe Twilight to be awake. Even the rooster is silent.” He said to her.

“Perhaps but she might have an idea.”

“True enough.”

Oblivion pushed out the lower half of the door and took to his heels through the soupy rain. His hooves thudded dully through the growing mud as Sasa yowled at his side. His coat was soon covered in the chocolate rain and it matted in place as he neared the Library and knocked on the front door. He was not surprised when it took time for the door to be opened to reveal a yawning Twilight Sparkle.

“Oblivion? Sasa? It’s really early, even for you.” She said to him and he nodded in reply.

“I agree but we have a situation. If you look behind me.” He said to her and he watched as her eyes went wide. “Exactly. It’s raining chocolate milk.”

“Come in.” She rushed him and the grumbling feline inside and her magic summoned towels for them.

He used one to sponge the thick liquid from his fur while she attempted to dry Sasa. “How could this happen?” He asked her as she looked to the windows that were covered in the thick substance.

“I have no idea. It could be a prank but nopony would prank the entire town with this.” Twilight reasoned to him.

“I agree. But that still leaves the question of why it is raining milk.”

“The weather team must be aware of what is going on.” Sasa said to him. “Ask her if she can get in touch with Rainbow Dash.”

“What are the chances of Rainbow knowing what is going on?”

The purple Unicorn looked thoughtful as she considered what he said. “Well, the weather team should have some idea of what is going on around here. I can’t help but wonder if it is just us that is experiencing the odd weather or there is more to it.”

“Can’t hurt to ask her.” He replied as he put the towel aside and made for the front door. “Where is the office for the weather team?”

“Come on. I’ll go with you.”

Sasa got up and joined him as the mare opened the front door and the three of them ran through the thick rain.

Oblivion shook out his mane as they walked into the town hall and down to the weather office. His silver mane was slowly turning brown from the rain and Sasa’s coat was losing its coloring and slowly turning brown as well. Twilight pushed open one of the doors and walked inside with Oblivion on her heels. They were greeted by pure chaos inside the large room. Ponies were running in all directions and orders were being yelled out. He could see Rainbow toward the back and she saw the tall black Unicorn and flew toward them.

“We know it’s raining. What we don’t know is why and we did not do it.” She said to him.

“I figured from the general chaos of the room that you were unknowing of the situation. Are you aware that it is raining chocolate milk?”

“Is that why your hair is light brown?” She asked as she picked up his forelock and let it drop back to his head.

“Yes.” He replied and tilted his head to get his sodden mane out of his eyes.

“We have no idea why it’s raining since we did not set it up to rain. The clouds moved in on their own and this is what we have got.” She explained with a shrug.

“I suggest you let somepony in charge know about the chocolate rain,” Twilight said to her. “I don’t know of any cloud that this could be coming from.”

Rainbow nodded and took off for the other side of the room. Oblivion looked around the room and it was filled to the brim with stressed ponies. He glanced at Twilight who looked nervously back at him. Pegasus ponies stood off to the side and argued with each other about the rain clouds as Rainbow came back to them.

“I’m gonna go out and look at the clouds. You guys okay to stay here for a second while I check it out?” She asked as the two Unicorns nodded.

“She is more than welcome to go out in that soupy mess.” Sasa said to him through their connection and she sat down heavily in place.

Rainbow Dash took off for a window and zipped through it and out into the rain. Oblivion waited with the others as the minutes went by and the mare came back covered in pick goo. He stared at her as she came to land close to them and Sasa stood up to go to her.

“The clouds are made of cotton candy.” She deadpanned to those around her as she tried to get it out of her fur.

Oblivion summoned a set of towels for the rainbow maned Pegasus and she began trying to get the sticky material, out of her fur and mane. Several ponies had come forward as she had landed and were now trying to help her with her fur. Oblivion spun on his heel and walked out with Sasa at his side.

“Any ideas Chosen?” She asked him as he stopped to look outside.

“I can’t help but wonder what could have caused this. Nothing I have ever seen or read about makes this seem possible. Even for this world, it is out of the ordinary.” He replied to her.

“I have to agree with you. Even for Equestria where many things are possible, chocolate milk rain does seem a bit farfetched.” She admitted to him as she sat down beside him.

His ears flicked back as Twilight rejoined them and he looked over his shoulder at her expression. “Any ideas?”

“I think I have a spell that can help this. It’s a failsafe spell.” She replied to him as she drew up to him.

“You think it can stop this?” Sasa asked with Oblivion speaking for her.

“I think so.” The mare replied. “I might need a bit of your help to make sure it’s strong enough.” She added as she looked to the Black Unicorn.

“I will do what I can.” He said to her with a nod of his head.

“Come on. Let’s hurry back to the Library.” She said and took off into the rain once more with Oblivion and Sasa on her heels.

Oblivion trotted back to Sweet Apple Acres with Twilight and Sasa at his side. He paused at the sight of the havoc on the ground and in the air. The cotton candy clouds had amassed above the farm and Rainbow was trying to corral them with the corn in the fields popping at a frantic rate. He looked at the trees to see that the apples had grown to three times their normal size and had attracted many animals to feed on them. Fluttershy was staying close to the animals and doing her best to try to stop them. He watched as the rabbits closest to her grew long legs and began to trot around the Pegasus.

At his side, Twilight pulled out her spell book and looked to him as his own horn lit up with hers. His contribution was to make her spell stronger and he focused on her horn to enable himself to channel into her magic. Spike had joined them now that it was later in the morning and he was up and ready to help out. The spellbook hovered close to her as she read through it again to make sure she had it right and she concentrated on the spell. A blast of purple and azure flame went out around them and the circle of magic went over the nearby grounds. Oblivion looked out over the grounds and saw no change.

“My fail-safe spell…failed,” Twilight said aloud and looked to the stallion and then to the baby dragon at her side. “Now what do we do? Oblivion can you fix all of this?”

The black stallion was about to answer her when a voice whispered in his ear and he turned his head to see the faint outline of a white mare in the orchard. He was silent as her figure faded completely from his sight and he shook his head.

“No.” He replied simply.

Sasa tilted her head at him and nudged his shoulder. “Chosen?”

“I will explain in a minute.” He replied to her and she nodded quietly in reply.

“So we have to give up?” Spike said to the purple Unicorn.

“No, we go to plan B.” She said and looked from the clouds to the animals and then to her assembled friends. “Rainbow can you gather all of the clouds in one corner of the sky? Then Applejack can you bring those clouds to the ground?”

Rainbow saluted and took to the air. As she gathered them all they parted to reveal a spot that Pinkie had found to drink the falling chocolate rain and she looked confused for several seconds as the clouds left. Applejack slung a rope up and circled the clouds and began to drag them down to earth. Twilight motioned for the butter-yellow mare to join her and she whispered in her ear and got an understanding look from the Pegasus.

“Oh dear. I hope none of the animals see these delicious chocolate-filled cotton candy clouds. I'd hate to have to share them.” Fluttershy called out and the animals stopped what they were doing and made a dash for the bundle of clouds as Applejack tied them down to a fencepost.

“See Spike? Never give up. We can do some much more as a group than we can alone.” She said to the baby dragon who nodded as a burp of green fire escaped him. Twilight’s magic opened the scroll and she read it over and her eyes went wide after a second. “We need to get to Canterlot. The Princess needs us.”

Oblivion said nothing as they began to move out and he looked at Sasa. “I need to speak with Equestria. Go with them and let me know when you arrive in Canterlot.”

“Understood. Is that why you didn’t remove the clouds?”

“Yes. Go with them.” He said to her and the great cat nodded as she broke away from him and took off for the mares.

The black stallion watched as they vanished from sight and he turned to head deeper into the orchard. He left in the same direction he had seen the white mare leave and he waited as the sound of hoofbeats caught his ears and he followed them until he found her in a clearing within the Everfree. He could feel the area around him shift as he joined her in the same wide-open fields as before.

“Good morning.” She said in greeting to him as he approached her.

“Morning. I trust you have a reason why you did not wish me to help them?”

“You can’t. This chaos is caused by another immortal.”


“Discord. He is the spirit of chaos and disharmony. He has returned after being imprisoned by Luna and Celestia many centuries ago. They used the Elements to seal him in stone so many years ago.” She informed him as he drew up to her.

“So I cannot fight him?”

“You can. He can be injured like any other but he is needed in the world the same as you are. Harmony has its other side just as there are two sides to a coin. You hold much the same power as he does but the difference is that you are naturally the opposite of him. He ruled this world before the Alicorn’s and it was a land of chaos and unrest. You have seen some of that chaos already. While it is a small taste it will become much worse in time. You are meant to guard and protect the ponies of this world and he can do the same if he is so inclined. His power can go either way and can bring either good or evil.”

“So I can fight against him but I cannot undo what he has done?”

She paused as she considered what he had said. “You have the power to undo anything that he does but in time he would seek you out and that is a battle nopony would win.”

“He is immortal as we are then?” She nodded as he spoke. “Then I have no reason to fight him personally.”

“He cannot hurt you if that is what you are meaning. He can see that there is more to you than the other Element bearers. While he cannot tell what exactly it is he knows that you are the bigger threat among them. Magic cannot win without the Spirit to drive it onward.” She replied.

Oblivion fell silent as he considered what she had said. He could sense that something had been out of the ordinary this morning but he had not been sure what it was. “He broke free this morning?”

“Yes. Early this morning. The World Spirit would have known this immediately and informed you.”

“It did. I was not sure what it was calling out to me about but now it makes sense. So far I am not sensing any huge upset from this other immortal.”

“In time, it will. The World Spirit is a sensitive being and it is very in tune with those attached to it. A large number of ponies affected will draw its focus and yours. For now the upset is small, but in time it will grow until it is calling out for action from its Guardian.”

“Then I will hold back for now. So long as the upset remains small I can allow the others to start on a course of action. I will remain in the shadows.”

“That would be the best course of action. The other Elements will be needed to reseal him. Hold yours close and do not let it escape your notice should anything happen to it. Discord has but to snap his claws and the world moves in his command. He is not one to destroy his toys but he does make things much more difficult.”

“Lovely.” Oblivion cursed under his breath. “Can I combat what he does to the others or should I let it go?”

“I would act as you see fit. You’re no fool Oblivion Shadow. If you feel that action is needed then you must act. But understand that trying to combat Discord on every action will only feed him to greater acts. You will be fighting a spirit that is as strong as your own and just as unwilling to lose.”

“Wonderful.” He replied and looked back the way he had come. He could see the Everfree through a mirror behind him. He had passed through it when he came to speak to her. “He was thwarted by Luna and Celestia years before, why?”

“They rose up against him upon finding the Elements of Harmony. They sealed him in stone and that would have left him sealed forever had the Elements not been passed on to a new set of bearers. That weakened the spell that held him in stone. In time all of Equestria will fall to chaos.”

“That cannot be allowed to happen. I will act as needed for now.” He replied to her. “Sasa?”


“Call on me after you hear about Discord. I already know about him.”


“Discord. A spirit of chaos. Call on me after that.”

“Understood. We just got here. I trust you are getting more information about this Discord pony?”

“I am yes.” He looked back to Equestria, who had remained silent as he spoke to the sabercat. “So what does Discord look like?”

“He is a Draconequus.”

Oblivion stared at her as she spoke and his head gave a slight tilt at the name. “A what?”

She giggled as an image appeared of the creature on the ground for him to see. Discord had the head of a pony with two different styles of horns. He had two wings one pony and one dragon wing. He had one lions paw and the other was a dragon's claw with a long body that stood on one cloven hoof and one lizard's leg.

“He is easy to spot,” Oblivion admitted.

“Discord has never been one to hide in a crowd. He can be quite flashy and is always one to speak up.”

Oblivion said nothing while the image on the ground faded and he pondered what he now knew. His natural inclination was to fight back against the creature but now he knew that would not end with a victory. He was going to have to keep what he knew in check while he allowed the others to lead the chase for this Discord creature.



“She is getting the Elements out for the others to carry.”

“Understood.” He replied to her and looked to Equestria. “Till next time.” He said to her as he bowed his head to her.

“Good luck.” She said as he turned to leave her behind.

His horn flared as he felt the portal cover him and fade behind him. He glanced back as the portal vanished and his magic flowed as he teleported to Sasa. The girls all looked at him as he appeared and Celestia nodded to him as he joined them.

“Welcome Oblivion.”

“Celestia.” He said back to her.

“Good of you to join us. Your Element is with you I assume?” She said to him and he looked down at the wolf emblem around his medallion. She looked relieved as it remained with him and her aura held a familiar blue case. “Have no fear my little ponies. I have total confidence that you can defeat Discord with these.” She said as her magic opened the case and held it out to them.

Sasa tilted her head at the sight of the empty box as the others gasped and Celestia dropped the box in shock.

Her eyes were wide as she stared at the empty box that now sat on the ground. “That chamber is protected by a powerful spell that only I can break! This doesn't make sense!”

A peal of laughter echoed from the hallway as Oblivions ears flicked, his medallion shuddered on its chain and he reached a hoof out to it to silence its rattling. He could sense that Discord had found them and was close by.

“Oh, what fun is there in making sense?”

A flash of anger went through Celestia's eyes as she looked around them. “Where are you Discord? Show yourself.”

A loud chuckle went through the hallway as they looked around them. “Did you miss me, Celestia? I missed you. It's quite lonely being encased in stone, but you wouldn't know that, would you, because I don't turn ponies into stone.”

Celestia stomped a hoof and anger flashed through her eyes once more as they took on a hard glint. "Enough. What have you done with the Elements of Harmony?”

“I just borrowed them for a teensy bit.” The sound of snapping fingers echoed through the hall as the stained glass window shifted to reveal the Draconequus. He lounged on the images within the stained glass.

“You’ll never get away with this Discord,” Celestia growled, her tone ice.

A snort of disgust went through the air as the image of Discord looked at his claws on one paw and shined them on his fur. “I had forgotten how grim you can be Celestia. It’s really quite boring.”

Oblivion looked up as Rainbow flapped higher in the air, her spirit rolled in anger. “Nopony insults the Princess.” She growled and flew for the stained glass window.

Oblivion watched as the crashed into the window and stuck to it. He was sure that the window was going to shatter but it remained intact. The rainbow mare pulled back from the window and shook her head. A laugh pealed through the hallway as Discord began to move through the stained glass to the one that held the purification of Nightmare Moon.

“You must be Rainbow Dash, famed for her loyalty, the Element that you represent."

“I’ll always be loyal to the Princess.” Rainbow informed the Draconequus.

Rarity walked up closer to the stained glass and scoffed. “I can't believe we're wasting our time talking to a tacky window.”

“The beautiful Rarity the Element of Generosity, if I am not mistaken.”

“So ya know who we are, big deal.” Applejack stepped forward to stand close to the fashionista mare.

“Oh, I know more than that, honest Applejack.” He said as the image of him grew in size on the glass window, blotting out the other images.

“It seems you know our strengths as well,” Twilight said to him.

“Yes, Twilight Sparkle, and yours is the most elusive element, magic. Fluttershy's is kindness and Pinkie Pie's is a personal favorite of mine - laughter.”

At her side, Pinkie began to snicker and laugh. “Pinkie!” Twilight shouted and the pink mare broke into laughter.

“He’s standing on your head!” She wailed and fell back laughing.

Oblivion looked up and the pink mare was technically right. Discord was dancing on the image of Twilight in the stained glass window. He had shrunk back down to size to accomplish the feat. Oblivion said nothing that might antagonize the creature to turn its attention to him. He planned on keeping his own Element close and avoiding it being lost to the Draconequus. At his side, Sasa growled intermittently.

“And of course who can forget the most powerful of the Elements, Spirit.” Discord called out and Oblivion raised his head to stare back at the stained glass image.

“Stop stalling Discord!” Celestia shouted.

“Oh, so boring, Celestia. Really? Fine, I'll tell you, but I'll only tell you my way. To retrieve your missing Elements, just make sense of this change of events. Twists and turns are my master plan. Then find the Elements back where you began.”

Another peal of laughter rang out and echoed through the room. Oblivion said nothing as he began to run his claws through Sasa’s fur to calm her.

“What do ya reckon he meant? Twists and turns and endin' back where we started?” Applejack questioned as she drew up close to Twilight.

Oblivion thought it over as Twilight began to pace in front of one of the clear windows. He looked to Celestia and found her to be concerned as he sidled up closer to her.

“You had no way of knowing that he could get through your spells. I assume you had one on that chest?” He said to her.

“Only I could get through that spell. I tested it myself.” She whispered to him.

“He is the embodiment of chaos. Chaos is exactly what it sounds like. It’s unpredictable at its heart. You could not have predicted it.” He said to her.

“I suppose you are right. Chaos cannot be predicted.”

“The labyrinth!” Twilight yelled out. “Twists and turns! I bet Discord hid the other Elements in the palace labyrinth.”

“Could it really be so simple?” Sasa asked him and he looked to the feline at his side.

“I can’t help but think it’s not that simple with this creature.” He agreed with her.

“Good luck, my little ponies. The fate of Equestria is in your hooves.” Celestia said as she approached the mares.

Oblivion walked past her and looked out the window to the labyrinth below them. “Back where it all began.” He whispered aloud.

More laughter erupted above and around them as they began to leave the hallway.

Oblivion stood in front of the labyrinth with the girls behind him. Sasa stood close to him as she looked at the entrance. Fluttershy cringed back behind them, her eyes fearful as she beheld the entrance.

“We have to go in there?” She whispered out.

Rainbow looked to her own wings and shook her head. “Nope! Dopey Discord forgot about these babies! I'll just do a quick flyover and we'll have the Elements in no time.”

Oblivion felt his medallion shake and he looked up at Rainbow as a flash of magic went over her and her wings vanished. Oblivion’s horn lit up to keep her from crashing violently to the ground and set her on the ground.

“My wings!” She shouted and terror crossed her face as she beheld her back.

Fluttershy looked at her back and horror crossed her face as well. Another flash and Oblivion looked to Twilight and Rarity who were now staring at each other’s foreheads.

“Your horn!” They intoned and then both looked up at their own heads. “My horn!”

Oblivion closed his eyes as he suddenly felt magic wash over him and he opened his eyes and looked up. His horn remained in place. A sigh of relief escaped him.

Sasa had looked at him as well and she leaned against him in relief. “Your horn is a part of what connects you to the World Spirit. It cannot be trifled with so easily it seems.” She said to him.

“He is as immortal as I am. The world will not allow us to foul too much with each other it seems.” He replied.

A roar of laughter went out as a flash of light caught their attention and drew it back to the front of the labyrinth. “You–You should see the looks on your faces. Priceless!” Discord called out as he laughed.

Twilight advanced on him and squared her shoulders. “Give our wings and horns back!”

“You'll get them back in good time. I simply took them to ensure there's no cheating. You see, this is the first rule of our game: no flying, and no magic.” Discord said as he laid a foreleg over the mare’s shoulders.

“First rule?” Rainbow asked him.

“The second rule is that everypony has to play or I win.” He said as he stood upright and his head tilted until he was near upside down as he looked at the Black Unicorn. “What the?”

A flash of light found him next to the unicorn and he reached out and poked the tip of Oblivions horn. The Witcher felt his medallion shudder as the magic went over him and he shook his body to rid himself of the feeling. Discord backed away as Sasa came around to the other side and swiped her claws at him.

“How are you not affected?” He said as he stared at the stallion.

Oblivion said nothing and allowed the creature to draw his own conclusions. At his side, Sasa snarled and her fur arched up along her shoulders and back. The Witcher was quiet as that seemed to annoy the Draconequus as he snapped his claws and Oblivion felt the medallion shudder once more. He shook himself free of the magic that Discord put over him and it faded from him.

Oblivion looked at the draconequus as a look of anger and annoyance crossed its features. “Yeah, you can go.”

Oblivion fought back a yell as he felt the world around him shift and he was thrown off his hooves. He heard Sasa call out as darkness covered him and he fell forward. His vision went dark as he fought back against the magic that was now moving through him.

69: Chaos Falls

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A voice called out to him through the dark and he shifted in place. His body was heavy and felt weighted down as he struggled to move. His thoughts were sluggish and it took him time to process that it was Sasa reaching out to him. Her voice was faint and he focused as her voice reached out to him once more.


“Sasa?” He called back to her.

“Oh there you are.” She sounded relieved as she spoke to him. “Where are you?”

He opened his eyes and looked around him, the area was dark and he could not see any landmarks. His orange eyes focused and he could make out the shapes of things just out of his sight range.

“I have no idea.” He admitted to her as he struggled to get to his hooves.

“Try to find out. I can’t sense you.” She replied to him. “I can hear you but if I needed to I would not be able to find you. Discord has agreed to bring you back if they get to the center of the Labyrinth. Are you okay for now?”

“I’m fine for the time being. He doesn’t seem to have hurt me in any way. He only sent me away from you.”

“Understood. I’ll let them know. Keep me informed.”

The Elder Witcher rolled to his belly and forced his body to stand as the weight began to lessen on him. His legs shuddered as he forced them to hold himself up. He began to look around him as the weight began to fall away and his legs easily held him. The area was dark and shapes flit through the darkness as the stallion tried to focus on them individually.

“Where am I?” He whispered to himself as he lit his horn.

The shadows screeched and he backed up a step at the sudden noise. The shapes flit away from the light of his horn and they fled into further darkness. He looked down as a reflection caught his attention. His horn remained alight as he looked to his hooves and he could see his own reflection in the road beneath him. He went to his knees and a crystal road stared back at him.

“Crystal roads are not common in Equestria.” He muttered. “Interesting.”

He got to his hooves and followed the road forward. Shapes loomed ahead of him as he approached them. His head tilted slightly as he found a wall in front of him. He looked around it to discover that he was staring at the side of a house. The house was made of the same crystal as the road he stood on. The Witcher looked across the street to see more the outlines of more houses as his eyes adjusted fully to be able to see past the light of his horn.

“Okay, so this is a town of some kind. Follow the road.” He muttered as he moved around the nearest house and back onto the road.

He could hear the scrabbling of claws and the sound of muted growls coming from the edges of the light of his horn. His hooves were silent on the crystal road as he walked slowly down the crystal road. Shapes and sounds flit at the edges of his vision and he strained to see them. His magic reached out to his saddlebags and was pushed back.

“Hmm… I can’t access my saddlebags and Sasa can’t find my location. This is shaping up to be quite the problem. Wherever Discord sent me is proving to be a mystery by itself. For now, I can’t use the World Spirit just in case it destabilizes where I am and makes things worse than they already are.”

His musing was interrupted by a roar coming from behind him. He looked back as the sound of claws on crystal caught his ears.

“That’s getting closer and louder.” He said aloud and took to his heels as he listened behind him.

He could see a large structure ahead of him and he galloped for the base of it. As he neared it he extinguished his horn, he could see the wide stilts the structure stood on and he slid behind one of them as his ears pricked to listen, intent on the one who had pursued him. The sound of claws passed by him as a roar shook the air and he could feel the vibrations as they rattled through him.

“Gods below.” He whispered as the sound faded.

He looked out and cast his eyes around him. The Elder Witcher stayed still and silent as his ears pricked and listened. He had met many monsters that sounded similar to what he had heard they were not the same. This creature had given off no scent and from what he could tell had left no track, despite the sounds that had come from it. Once it had completely faded he emerged from his hiding place and left his horn extinguished. His orange eyes gave off a sight glow in the pitch darkness around him.

Shapes flit out of his sight and he was constantly looking around him for the source. He stayed in place and closed his eyes. His ears focused on the sounds that the shapes might make and he honed in on a single sound. His ears stayed focused and he slowly began to walk forward, following the sound of weeping. His claws came out of his hoof and they clicked on the roads smooth surface, the only sound he made as he moved.

He opened his eyes when the sound became louder and he could see a vague shape twenty feet ahead of him. He advanced slowly on the shape and it did not move or flee his approach. He stopped and looked around him as the sounds went silent around him. Even the shape no longer made a sound and his instincts began to scream for caution. He approached one step at a time, the closer he got the more the shape began to look like a pony.

He reached out a hoof toward the shoulder of the ‘pony’. Instinct began to scream at him to back away and he paused before touching the figure. His eyes widened as the figure began to move and turn to him. He pulled his hoof back and his claws gripped the road under him. The face that turned to him was a horror even to him. Its eyes were missing and the flesh was sloughing off the bones. Flesh hung loosely in places and it's teeth, were much like his own, shown back at him through the pulled back lips as the face lunged forward to bite at him and he leaped back. His sword was in his magic a bare moment later as the figure vanished into the darkness.

His horn lit and bathed the area in the light once more. His eyes scanned the area around him. He could not see any sign of the figure and that only made him more on edge. He could hear the sounds of claws and the scream sounded out once more. Shadows flit through the edges of the light and he watched as he began to move in the direction that the figure had fled. His claws clicked as he moved slowly forward. His hooves left the crystal road and onto soft grass.

As he walked his mind went over what monsters he knew of that could hold the figure that he had seen. His mind came to the same conclusion the first time he had considered the options, there was no monster that he knew of that could wear a figure that looked similar.

“It must be something that I have not encountered. Or something that is native to Equestria and I have not seen before.”

His sword stayed close to him as he moved. His horn cast a wide light around him as the shadows continued to tease and avoid him. His magic flowed easily from him as he bade his horn to light a larger area and bathe the shadows in the light. He watched as the shadows screamed and evaporated in his magic as the light came over them.

“Interesting.” He mused aloud.

The Witcher fell silent as he moved through the grass and found a wall of darkness ahead of him. His hoof reached out and he pushed it against the wall ahead of him. He leaned forward and tapped his horn against the wall and it rippled under the touch. He pulled back as the feeling of being closed in came over him. He was not sure where the feeling had come from but he knew enough to know that it wasn’t from him. His eyes scanned the world around him as the sound of claws faded out once more.

“So once again, where am I?” He said to himself as he considered what he knew.

He lowered the enchantment on his wings and spun around to take to the air. His wings held him aloft as he soared for the sky. He slowed his flight as the feeling of being closed in washed over him once more and he spun to allow his wings to beat as he put his hooves on the ceiling of the dome he was in. He had seen Rainbow fly upside down before and now he found himself using the maneuver. His claws clicked against the dome and he pulled one hoof back to rake his claws over the dome as it rippled under his claws. His sword grated over the dome and it did not even scratch the smooth surface.

“What in the Gods name?” He whispered. “Sasa?”

“Chosen? Did you find out where you are?”

“No. I know I’m in a dome of some kind that is perpetually dark.”

“Dark? Can you describe it?”

“How are you and the girls doing?” He questioned her.

“I’m okay but I have no idea about the others. We got separated by Discord.”

“Great.” He muttered aloud. “I can’t find a way out of this thing.”

“Can you get out through magic?”

“Might be my only option. How much time has gone by since I vanished?”

“A couple of hours, or so.”

He was about to respond to her when the sound of claws caught his attention and he looked to the left to find nothing as the sound grew louder. He spun to the right as the sound of breathing in his ear forced him to release his hold on the domed ceiling. His eyes widened as the figure from before braved the light to attack him. His wings collapsed and he allowed himself to free fall. His wings opened as he spun to face the ground and they stopped him from colliding with the ground. He dropped to the ground and his wings folded to his sides once more.

“That was a bit of a shock.” He deadpanned as he looked up to see the figure fade into the dark once more. “Wonderful.”



“Can you describe where you are?”

“It has crystal roads and the buildings are made of the same thing. With a structure in the center of the city, also made of crystal.”


“Yes. Hard to dent and they seem unaffected by the monster that is rampaging around within the dome. I didn’t get a good look at it but it was big enough to force me to run and hide from it.”

“Sounds familiar. I mean the description of the area, not the monster.” She clarified to him. “Hang on. Discord is here.”

Oblivion stood in silence as he waited for the feline to reply. His hooves danced under him as the feeling of entrapment went over him and he braced for the figure to attack him once more. When nothing happened he remained on edge.


He nearly went to his knees as Sasa screamed through their connection. He could feel her body becoming undone as he reached out to her. He could feel her coming apart and he reached out to her form, instead of her mind. The Witcher grunted as magic flowed over him from her. He could sense that it was not her own magic and he knew it to not be his own, which left Discord. The black Alicorn reached out to the World Spirit and he filtered it through himself to her.

"Sasa!?” He called out to her and received only silence.

He pushed more magic into her in response to her silence. He could sense that she was not conscious and he worked to stabilize her form. He was not sure what Discord had done to her but he had felt the pain and terror that had lanced through her in response to the Draconequus. His magic flowed from him as he funneled it into the sabercat.

“Sasa?” He reached out to her once more as he felt her coming around.

“Chosen!?” She called out to him once, he could sense her panic.

“Your fine. I got you.” He assured her as she calmed.

“He…he...used his magic on me after he realized that I could not talk to him. He said that hurting me was the same as hurting you. I’ll kill him.” She snarled.

“Are you okay otherwise?” He asked her.

“Yes. I’m all right. That hurt Chosen.”

“He tried to break you in my place.” Oblivion reasoned.

Sasa was quiet as she seemed to consider what he had said. “Chosen you should stay away from this creature. I don’t think it could break you but I would rather you not run the risk.” She said to him.

“Right now I think I am far enough away to avoid most anypony.” He admitted as he looked around him.

He looked around him as the world around him rippled. “Interesting.” He said aloud and waited for it to go back to normal. “I think I may be able to get out of here by using magical force. It seems to act differently…Wait.”

He went silent as he reached out to the area around using his magic. He filtered in the power of the World Spirit and it rippled around him. He brought out the Element around his neck and the area screamed at the magical presence of the Element. He pushed the Element back and it went silent once more.


“I tried to use the magic of the Element and the area screamed as though I had burned it.”

“I think I know where you are.”


“The only place that sounds like what you describe is The Crystal Empire. It was banished by its ruler over a thousand years ago. Celestia and Luna fought against that ruler, who I can’t recall his name, and when defeated he banished the Empire with him.”

“That might explain the roads and buildings but the only pony I have seen is a horror of dead flesh and blood. I don’t think that is a pony of this world.”

“Maybe it is a product of the spell used to banish it? What about the other crystal ponies?”

“I haven’t seen any ponies. All I have seen are bits of shadow and they avoid me and the light my horn gives off.”

“They were banished from this world so there is a chance that is the form they have taken on since then.”

“That’s…I suppose that’s possible.” He agreed. “That explains where I was sent but…”

He paused as a feeling of unease went over him and he spun to confront anything that came toward him. Nothing came toward him as he spread his wings and waited. His ears flicked back and forth as he scanned the area around him.


“Nothing. Just a feeling. I touched the dome and every now and then I will get the feeling of being trapped and it signals something coming toward me. This was different and so far nothing has come.”

“Be careful Chosen. We have a new issue.”

“Such as?”

“I think Discord did something to everypony.”

“How so?”

“Rarity is convinced that a very large boulder is a diamond of equal size. Applejack is a liar. Pinkie is a very grumpy pony that if you so much as chuckle she is even angrier. Fluttershy is just plain rude. And Rainbow just flew away and left us here. And since we did not reach the middle or the end of the Labyrinth he has no intention of bringing you back.”

“So they are acting the opposite of their Elements?”

“Pretty much.”

“Stay with them while I get out of here and I will join you when I can. I can escape on my own.”

“Got it. Be careful.”

He turned and pulled his wings down to his sides as he broke into a trot to take him back to the wall of the dome. He reached the wall of the dome easily and with nothing coming out of the darkness to drive him forward. His claws dug into the turf as he reached out a hoof to tap the wall. It rippled under his touch and his horn illuminated the wall ahead of him.

“Okay, how much magic do I need to get out of here?” He asked himself as he began to call upon the World Spirit.

He gathered magic into his horn and began to channel it to cover his body. He reactivated the enchantment over his wings and continued to channel more magic. The glow from his magic grew and the shadows fled as his body was saturated in azure flame. He closed his eyes as the pressure within his horn grew and he opened his eyes as a roar sounded off behind him. He spun to face it as the monster from before raced toward him. Red eyes stared out from the mass of darkness and he thought he saw a pony inside as his magic spiked and he vanished in a blink of an eye.

He opened his eyes and sagged in his own skin as he beheld the front doors of Canterlot castle. He sighed as he brought his head back up to his full height and walked into the castle. He could see the light from Celestia in the main throne room and he angled to meet with her. She had been there when the Empire had been sealed and he felt she should know how he was sent there. He would rejoin Sasa after he spoke with her. He pushed open the throne room doors, for once the guards didn’t bother trying to stop him.

“Oblivion? What are you doing here?” She called out as she came down from her throne to greet him.

“Discord sent me away once he realized that he could not take my horn.” He informed her.

“Your horn?”

“He took the horns of the Unicorns and the wings of the Pegasus for a game in the labyrinth. They needed to reach the center to…find the Elements. Oh, Gods.” He suddenly cursed as he realized that he had been right. “Sasa. The Elements weren’t in the Labyrinth were they?”

“No. We were right. They are in Ponyville.” Sasa confirmed. “We were right when we said that it would be too easy to find them in the labyrinth.”

“The Elements are in Ponyville.” He said to the monarch who looked surprised. "They were never in the labyrinth.”

“And are they on their way to them?”

“Yes.” He assured her. “Anyway. The reason I came here first instead of rejoining the others is that I was sent to the Crystal Empire.”

“What?” Celestia’s eyes were wide as he spoke. “That was banished over a thousand years ago.”

“I know. Sasa informed me. I figured I would inform you that it seemed to be able to be reached.”

“Discord sent you there?” She repeated to him to confirm and he nodded his head. “Hopefully that does not mean the spell on it is weakening.”

“The spell on Discord weakened due to the Elements changing hooves. I used my Element in there and the whole dome it was enclosed in shuddered. If nothing else the Empire remembers them. I would be on the lookout for the Empire in the future.”

“You make a strong point about the spell weakening. If it does return I hope we are ready for it.”

“You will have others to help you no doubt.” He said to her. “But in the meantime, I had to use a vast amount of magic to escape it.”

“Discord did not pull you out of it?”

“No. He had informed them that if they made it to the end of the Labyrinth then he would bring me back. Since they did not reach the end nor the middle he did not have to act on his promise to bring me back.”

Celestia pursed her lips and anger rolled through her spirit and he shrugged, dismissing the issue. “We would have found a way to bring you back had you failed.” She assured him.

“I know. But I am able to rescue myself in this case.”

“Chosen! The Elements are failing!” Sasa called out to him. “We need you here.”

He glanced to Celestia and gave a polite nod to her as his horn flashed.

His eyes opened as the light from the Elements invocation failed in front of him. Sasa looked back to him as she fell to the ground behind Twilight. His head gave a slight tilt at the sight of the group of mares and the baby dragon who wore Rainbow Dash’s Element around his neck. Fluttershy threw her Element necklace aside and rarity greedily picked it up and sprinted back to the side of a large boulder.

“Care to explain?” He asked Sasa as the feline came to him and nuzzled his shoulder.

“Twilight decided that since I am connected to you that I would be a suitable stand-in for you and Spike would be Rainbow Dash. That clearly did not work.” She informed him as he turned his attention to twilight.

“I can see that.”

He could see the mare’s spirit rolling within her and for the first time since he had met her, she began to falter. His ears pinned back as she lowered her head and he stared as her tail and hind legs began to turn grey. Like the others, she was beginning to fall.

“Giving up already?” He asked her as he approached her.

“I can’t fight him alone. All our friends have turned into whatever they are or always have been.” She sniffled.

“They were tampered with. Discord made them what they are now. Think of it Twilight. What do you know of them? What did you know of them before they stepped into the labyrinth? Their greatest feature. Rarity.”


“And now she is a greedy pony that covets items above others. Fluttershy?”

“Kind and loving.”

“Now turned cruel after the labyrinth. Applejack?”

“Honest to a fault.”

“And now she is a liar. Rainbow?”

“Loyal no matter what happens.”

“And she suddenly chooses to abandon us all. Pinkie?”

“Always fun and laughing.”

“Suddenly angry and hates the sound of laughter.” He said to her.

“What does it mean?” She asked.

“They did not suddenly become this on their own. They became the opposite of their Element. Discord knew that if we were not in sync then the Elements would fail. He is a spirit of disharmony and chaos. Disharmony is the opposite. Without harmony, we will fail in our attempts to stop him. He knew that and he used it against us. We can still fight back Twilight.”

“But without the others, we can’t stop him.” She said to him.

“Then bring them back. Show them who they really are and bring them clarity. I will stall Discord and try to lessen his impact on this area. I can stop the spread of his chaos if you give me some time.”

“Chosen?” Sasa asked him as she drew up alongside him. “I am with you.”

“I will send Sasa with you to allow me to know when you have the others with you. She will keep me updated when you are close.”

Sasa gave him a sideways look but ultimately did not argue with him. She walked to the mare and nuzzled her as the last of the grey coloring vanished from her fur. Twilight smiled as the cat joined her and she looked at the Witcher as he began to walk away from her.

“Do you know where he is?”

“I can find him.” He assured her. “When you have all of them Sasa will guide you to me. I will keep him in check as long as I can. Bring them back Twilight and they will stand with you once more.” He said to her over his shoulder as he broke into a trot.

Oblivion looked ahead as the spirit of the draconequus stood out ahead of him. He brought forth his armor from the Element and let it settle in place as he reached the top of a checker box hill and found Discord sitting in a throne atop another hill. The Witcher was silent as he slid down the hill and walked calmly toward the creature that had started to watch him closely. The draconequus watched as he came to within a dozen feet of him and stopped. Oblivion breathed in and his horn lit as he focused on a section of the checker box landscape and his magic pulsed as he dismissed the pattern, leaving only natural green grass and trees.

Discords eyes widened slightly at the stallion. “So you made it back somehow. I can’t help but think there is more to you than the others. Trying to steal your Element was useless and sending you away didn’t seem to work in the long term.”

“You did send me far away that is true. But you didn’t take into account my own magic and how I am perfectly capable of rescuing myself.” Oblivion replied as he rolled his shoulders.

“You act as if you could stop me. Without the Elements, you can’t change anything.” He growled.

“Maybe not. But I can make things more difficult for you.” He replied and his horn charged once more as he dismissed another section of checker box grass.

Oblivion watched as Discord raised his paw and snapped his fingers returning the area to its previous appearance. His horn charged once more and he dismissed the full area once more and used his magic to expand the circle that he corrected.

“Chosen, we have Applejack.” Sasa reached out and informed him from afar.

“Keep going. I have his attention on me.”

Discord growled and his fingers snapped as Oblivions horn charged and removed any piece of chaos magic that the draconequus created in the immediate vicinity. He could see the anger from the creature as he was constantly having to redo his work. Oblivion kept his armor in place and his horn alight as he interfered with the creature’s actions. Discord snapped his fingers and appeared close to the stallion who avoided him as he reached for the stallion’s horn once more. Oblivion pulled back and began to trot around the area, keeping the draconequus moving and chasing after him.

“We have Fluttershy.” Sasa called out.

“Keep going.”

He moved into a lope as Discord came after him in earnest. The creature managed to get a near grip on the long silver tail and that spurred Oblivion to move faster and keep Discord at arm’s length at least. The draconequus stopped and both fingers snapped as chaos rolled over the land and Oblivion was forced to bring more of his power to bear and sent out a powerful pulse of magic over the area around him and corrected the entire area, including Discords throne. The creature's jaw dropped and he glared at the stallion who had stopped and was now watching him in reply.

“Now I know there is more to you than I thought before. So how about we team up instead. We could wreak some lovely chaos.” Discord said his voice low.

“I think not. I am perfectly fine being on the other side of this fight. You can affect the world around you and so can I. I will correct what you make so long as I can.”

Discord had steam coming from his ears as the stallion spoke. He began casting his own spells more quickly and Oblivion kept up by using an area of effect type of spell that corrected large swaths of land versus small spots.

“We have Rarity and Pinkie! We are looking for Rainbow Dash. Keep him on you Chosen.” Sasa called to him.

Oblivion began to fire magic of his own at Discord, forcing the draconequus to act on many fronts. While the creature was quick with his casting when it was the only task he was doing, he slowed down when forced to act on more than one front. Oblivion broke into a hard gallop as he fought back against Discord with more magic. As he circled Discord he could see the draconequus growing angrier with him as time went by.

“We are coming Chosen!” Sasa informed him. “Keep him distracted.”

Oblivion slid to a stop and watched as Discord spun to face him, his body twisted and in place. The Witcher was quiet as Discords body spun to realign itself in place. His ears flicked back as the sound of hooves caught his attention and he glanced in their direction. He watched as Sasa came around the corner of a card tower with the mares on her heels. Each of them wore their Element around their neck as they neared him. He paused as Twilight drew up close to him and the others joined them quickly. Sasa came to stand at his side and a snarl pulled from her as the Draconequus went back to his throne.

“Oh, all of you again?” He said to them as he stared down at them.

“That's right. You couldn't break apart our friendship for long.” Applejack said to him as she regarded him once more.

Discord looked at the farm mare and his claws began to glow as he gripped the necklace of each mare and drew them to him. “Don’t lie to me Applejack. I’m the one that made you into a liar, so I should know.”

“Knew it.” Sasa quipped and roared as the mares hung on his grasp.

Twilight’s horn glowed as she focused on retrieving them. Oblivions horn lit as he channeled magic into her horn to make the spell stronger. He watched as her magic flashed and she teleported to land in the middle of the mares. Oblivion continued to channel into her horn as she cast a shield spell and used it to get her friends out of Discords grip. He lowered the ball of magic to the ground and they were set down close by him. His horn went dormant as he walked to stand closer to the group of mares.

Twilight looked to each of them and then back to the grinning Draconequus. “I'll tell you what we've learned, Discord: we've learned that friendship isn't always easy, but there's no doubt it's worth fighting for!” She called out to him as the creature made a face at her as he got out of his throne and hovered close to her.

“Ugh, gag. Fine, go ahead. Try and use your little Elements. Just make it quick. I'm missing some excellent chaos here.” He said to her as he went back to his throne and sat down, a cocky grin on his face.

“All right everypony. Let’s show him what friendship can do.” Twilight said to him and she closed her eyes to focus on the Element that she held.

Oblivion closed his eyes as his armor began to tremble on his body. He could feel the other Elements begin to activate as he stood motionless. He opened his eyes as Twilights eyes opened to reveal the white magic of the Element of Magic. Azure flame poured over his armor and he could feel their magic begin to trigger. He looked up as the rainbow tore away from the group of them and arched through the air and down toward the now uncertain creature. As the colors went over the Draconequus he contorted his body as he tried to fight against the onslaught of the magic that was being brought against him.

Oblivion watched as grey stone inched its way up Discords body and then farther up his body more quickly. His head was covered and Oblivion watched as his expression was one of fear and uncertainty as he fell to the Elements once more.

“That would be Elements of Harmony with two wins and Discord with zero.” Sasa quipped, cheerfully from her place on the sidelines.

The magic faded and Oblivion felt his armor slide across his body and go back to surround the wolf medallion around his neck. He looked at them and he could see each one's spirits were bright and back to their normal. At his side, Sasa rubbed her head against his shoulder and he could feel her sigh.

“Back to the way it belongs.” She said to him and he nodded in reply as the world around them righted itself and returned to normal.

70: A Prison of Chain

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Oblivion was silent as he walked back towards the barn. Sasa trailed behind him, a bucket of loose apples in her teeth. His hooves kicked up dust on the barn floor as he walked inside and took the bucket in his magic.

“Will you be joining the girls during their picnic today, Chosen?” She asked as he dumped out the bucket.

“No.” He replied easily. “I’ll leave that to them.”

Sasa chuckled in his mind as he moved to go back outside the barn. A feeling of unease washed over him and he immediately began to look around him. It faded as quickly as it had come and his orange eyes scanned the area around him and he moved out of the shadow of the barn doors. He reached out to the World Spirit and it directed him back the way he had come, out into the orchard. Sasa bumped his hip and he glanced back to her for a moment.

“Oblivion!” Applejack called out to him.

His ears flicked to the orange farm mare and he looked to her as she approached him. He released his hold on the World Spirit and allowed it to go dormant. Sasa walked forward and nuzzled the farm mare as she stopped close to the black stallion.

“Ya gonna come to the picnic today?” She asked him.

“No. I am not needed at it and I have other things to do.” He replied to her.

“Ya sure?”

“Positive.” He said to her.

The mare looked uncertain at him as he assured her of his choice. She finally nodded and he began to move back into the orchard. He paused for a moment and looked back at the mare.

“I am going to look into something that caught my attention. I’m not certain what it is but I need to check on it.” He said to her and she nodded.

“Just be safe ya hear.” She replied and he nodded in reply to her.

He began to walk into the orchard and was soon out of sight of the farmhouse. Sasa stayed at his hip as he broke into a ground eating trot. He reached out to the World Spirit once more and it began to lead him to the source of the feeling of unease. His eyes scanned in front of him and he slowed to walk as he neared the source. The scent of grass, water, and the stormy sky wafted over his nose and he followed the scent closely. The scent and the World Spirit guided him farther into the orchard and out past it.

“Into the Everfree Chosen?” Sasa asked him as she followed him.

“That’s where it is leading me and I think I know who I am searching for.” He replied to her.


He said nothing in reply and simply led her onward. ‘Only one carries a scent so pure.’ He thought to himself as he moved. His nose led him forward and the World Spirit helped to guide him. He drew to a stop at the edge of a clearing and he snorted at the sight of the white mare. She smiled as Sasa roared in greeting.

“Hello, Sasa.” She called out to the feline as she drew upon her.

“Can you hear me?” Sasa asked her, her voice quiet.

“I can hear you just fine,” Equestria said to her as she nuzzled the feline. “I am this world’s Heart, I can hear and speak to any who live within it. Even those that came from afar.”

Sasa said nothing and rubbed her fur against the mares white coat. The mare said nothing further as he approached her. The stallion was quiet as Sasa spoke for him.

“What did you need of us?” She asked her. “You called us out here?”

“I did call out to him. I have need of the World Spirit, Oblivion.” She said to him.


“The prison I placed the first Guardian has been weakened by Discords tampering of the world. While Chaos is needed in the world it was not needed in that quantity and it tampered with his prison. Can I call upon you to help me strengthen the prison?” She explained.

Oblivion gave her a slight nod and she smiled in reply. “I will do what I can.” He said to her.

“I am sorry Sasa. While you are a Spirit Beast, you are not of this world and I cannot take you with us.” She apologized to the feline who nodded to her.

“I understand. I will rejoin Applejack and the others. Be careful Chosen.” Sasa said to him as she went back to his side and nuzzled his shoulder.

Equestria smiled and a portal of light opened off to the side of her. “This will take us directly to his prison. Follow me.” She approached the portal and vanished into it.

Oblivion glanced down at Sasa who bowed her head for a moment before she began the trek back to the farm. He knew that she would be fine due to the chance that nothing is going to attack a full-grown tiger. She had weapons of her own to fight if she needed to. His claws flexed in the grass before he followed the white mare through the portal. His eyes adjusted quickly to the sun-drenched land of her world. The smell of fresh grass and sunlight washed over him as he looked past the white mare.

Orange eyes fell on the prison that held the former Guardian. It came from the land like a spike and had darkened with time. When first he had seen the great crystal it had been clear. Now it had grown dark, obscuring the red pony within. He looked at Equestria and she looked, grimly back at him.

“The corruption has begun to try to eat through the crystal and free him. I cannot reinforce the crystal alone.” She admitted at his look.

“You will have my help then.” He assured her. “How do I reinforce it?”

“All you need to do is add the strength of the World Spirit to it. Between the power of the Heart and Spirit, it will be fine.” She assured him. “We can reinforce it with a bit of time.”

He nodded in agreement to her and she walked up to the crystal. His medallion trembled as the world around him began to shift gently under his hooves. His horn lit up as his magic covered the crystal. Equestria looked back to him and he called on the World Spirit to his command. He felt it rear up at his command and he brought it to bear against the crystal. His power flowed over it as Equestria’s led the way. The World Spirit reinforced the crystal prison and he heard it groan under the power of the both of them.

“Are we risking shattering it?” He asked her.

“No. It was made to be stronger. We are not in danger of harming it. Feel free to test it should you wish.” She said back to him.

“I think not.” He replied.

Magic coursed over the crystal and he watched as it darkened further. The World Spirit poured over the blackened earth and crystal prison. His orange eyes scanned the crystals rough surface. Inside it, the red stallion was still and silent. If his face was any indication of the mental state he had been in that the prison had been a shock. He glanced to the mare as his magic guided the World Spirit.

“How did you trap him here?” He asked her.

She snorted in reply. “I managed to trap him through trickery and by bringing as much of my power to bear against him. He tried to bring the World Spirit against me but he found that he could not use it to harm me.”

“It cannot harm you? Same as it cannot harm Discord?”

“You misunderstand. Your power can do Discord harm if you wish it to. Discord is needed in the world as much as you and I but his power can do much harm like yours. We do not go to war with each other out of respect for the element of the other. I suppose I was not clear before. We are all needed. As the sun and the moon are needed so too are we. The ponies and beings of this world cannot survive if we go to war.”

Oblivion was quiet as he considered what she had said. “So when he brought the World Spirit against you how did it affect the world around us?”

“It was not what it did, it was what it could have done. If our fight had gotten going, the world outside this place would have been greatly affected. Thankfully he fell into my trap and was imprisoned here before he could bring the World Spirit to bear. I was able to break his connection to a point and take the World Spirit under my own control.”

“What trap did you lay?”

“I laid only what would hold his interest. An option to experiment on the ponies of the world. I feigned interest in what he had been doing and his ego drew him out. Thankfully he did not see the revulsion in me as he described his plans in great detail. In time I drew him here.” She said as her head turned from him to the crystal. “Even at that moment, I feared he would come to understand what I had planned.”

“You were able to trap him here and remove him from the world. That is to be admired.” He said to her as she nodded.

“I came to appreciate what I was able to accomplish in time but at the time I cannot describe the fear that went through me. I do not think I would have been able to trap him if he had been you.” She admitted. “You are a hunter and you see what he would have missed. You would not have fallen for the ruse.”

“I would not need to be tricked.” He replied as his magic went over crystal. “How can we strengthen it further?”

“Do you have any ideas?” She asked as the Heart of the World threaded through the crystal.

Oblivion looked up at the crystal and the World Spirit surged at his command. Chains of power wrapped around the crystals face and shackled it in place. Chains went from the ground to the crystal and power rolled from him and into the chains. The chains rattled as they were lashed in place and he could see Equestria watching him as he finished. She nodded at his look and the world shifted under him as she mimicked his actions. As he channeled into the crystal he could feel that time had slipped past him but he maintained his work as Equestria shook herself and sighed.

“That should do it.” She breathed. “I cannot thank you enough for your aid Oblivion.”

“You said that the World Spirit was needed to chain him further and I see no reason not to answer your call.” He replied to her as he throttled back his magic and allowed it to go dormant and silent once more.


His ears flicked as Sasa reached out to him. “Yes?”

“We may need your help.”


“I think Twilight has slipped into insanity.” She replied.

“What?” He said aloud and Equestria chuckled at the slight tilt of his head. “What is she panicking over now?”

“I am not sure. She came to the picnic and said that she needed our help writing a letter to Celestia. Something about not having sent one this week and she was going to get in trouble for it.” She replied to him. “We are going to the Library since it appears she chose to make a problem to write about and drove everypony into a…ummm.”

“Into what?”

“I’m not sure how to describe it to be honest. They were all fighting over a stuffed animal that she had placed magic on and then Celestia came and dispelled the magic and now she is meeting Twilight in the Library. We are heading there to try to keep Twilight from being sent back to Canterlot.”

“Celestia would not send her back. That’s ridiculous. I will meet you there in a moment.” He said to her and he could sense the cat was on the move with the others. “Gods below. I leave them for a day and they get themselves into trouble.” He groaned and looked to the white mare who was trying to hide her laughter behind a hoof.

“I am done here Oblivion. You have things to tend to with them and it sounds like they need you.” She said as she bowed her head to him. “Go to them.”

He nodded to her as a portal opened close to him and he walked through it.

Sasa could sense that Oblivion had come back to them and she cast a glance over her shoulder told her he was close and moving quickly. She purred loudly and Fluttershy looked to her as they pushed open the Library door. Fluttershy looked in the direction the feline was looking as the dust was kicked up as the stallion came into view.

“Welcome back Chosen.” She called to him as he slid to a halt close to her.

“I can’t even leave for an afternoon.” He grumbled quietly as he went into the Library.

“Here is what happened from my perspective.” She said as she leaned her forehead against his shoulder and shared what she knew.

A groan escaped him as he walked into the Library. Celestia was watching the mares as they begged for Twilight to remain in Ponyville. Fluttershy approached her and despite her clear nervousness spoke for them.

“Please, you’re Highness. We all saw that Twilight was upset. But we did nothing to help her.” Fluttershy spoke as loud as he had heard her speak in some time.

“We just thought what she was worrying about was pretty much worthless so we didn’t do anything for her,” Rainbow admitted with a shrug.

“None of us tried to stop her when she ran off looking even more upset,” Applejack added.

Oblivion cast a look to the smiling Princess of the Sun and he caught the mischief in her eye as she waited for them to go on. ‘What are you plotting?’ He thought to himself as he watched the scene unfold.

“Please don't take her away from us just because we were too insensitive to help her,” Fluttershy said with a choked sound.

“Looks like all of you learned a pretty valuable lesson here today.” She finally spoke up as her eyes scanned the group of them.

They nodded almost frantically as Oblivion sighed and shook his head. Sasa chuckled through their connection and he watched as she got up to go to Twilight. The feline nuzzled her and then began trying to tame her wild mane with a solid lick of her tongue. Twilight said nothing but groaned under her breath at the attention.

Spike laughed as he pointed to the mare. “Now you know how I feel when she does that to me.” He said to her with a laugh.

Twilight said nothing in reply to the baby dragon as Celestia spoke up once more.

“Very well. I'll forget Twilight's ‘punishment’ on one condition.” She said as she held up one hoof and they all nodded in reply to her. “From this day forth, I would like you all to report to me your findings on the magic of friendship when, and only when, you happen to discover them.”

Oblivion fought back the urge to roll his eyes as the Princess made for the upper levels of the Library, Twilight on her heels, after being released from the cat's grip.

“What were ya up to all day?” Applejack asked him. “Ya said ya were checking on something. Ya have any luck?”

“It was an old monster track. I have been watching and tracking it so I was seeing if anything had changed.” He lied to the mare.

“Liar.” Sasa teased.

“You want to explain to them that I was helping the Heart of this world strengthen the prison of the former Guardian of the World Spirit?”

“No.” Sasa quipped back to him.

Twilight came back down the stairs and rejoined them. “We have a letter to write.” She said to them.

“Ya heard her. Take a letter, Spike.” Applejack said to the baby dragon who nodded and pulled out a scroll and quill. “Dear Princess Celestia, we're writin' to you because today we all learned a little somethin' about friendship.”

Fluttershy smiled as she stepped forward to speak. “We learned that you should take your friends worries seriously.”

“Even if you think she has nothing to worry about.” Rainbow piped in.

Rarity cleared her throat daintily and added. “And that you shouldn’t let your worries turn a small problem…”

“Into an into an enormously huge entire-town-in-total-chaos Princess-has-to-come-and-save-the-day problem.” Pinkie chimed in.

Twilight looked at Oblivion who shook his head. “I don’t think I have anything to add that has not already been said.”

The purple mare smiled as Sasa nuzzled her cheek. Applejack came to stand next to the baby dragon as they finished their letter. “Signed, your loyal subjects.”

Oblivion looked up as Sasa returned to his side and nudged his shoulder as they continued speaking. “So what did you end up doing?”

“I used the World Spirit to strengthen the crystal prison and added some extra strength to it as well.”

“Is that why it took so long?”

“It was an afternoon.” He chided her as she laughed.

He looked up as the mares began to disperse. Applejack tapped his shoulder and he left at her side. The orange farm mare led him back toward the farm and Sasa stayed close by them.

“Ah fergot ta mention that Nightmare Night is comin’ up.”

“Nightmare what?” He asked her as they walked.

“Nightmare Night. It’s a holiday that is celebrated in the fall.” Sasa supplied and he looked back to Applejack.

“A holiday? Very well. What is needed?”

“Yas need a costume fer it.” She went on.

“Are you kidding?” He asked her. “So it’s a masquerade?” He said to Sasa who shrugged and nodded.

“Kind of.” She replied. “I’ll explain it better in a moment.”

“Mac is takin’ care of the hayrides and he’s dressin’ up.” She went on. “Ah’ll be watching over the bobbing apples and some of the games. Might have ya take Apple Bloom around ta get candy. She might have more fun with ya around.”

Oblivion shook his head. “Perhaps. Is it really necessary that I have a costume?”

“Yup. It’s required. Ya gotta get in the spirit o’ the Holiday.” She said as they walked through the gate of the farm.

The orange mare left him in front of the farmhouse and he turned to face the Spectral Tiger. “Explain this to me.” He said to her and she nodded.

“I’ll start off with what I know of it. It’s an annual holiday that is very well-loved by the ponies of Equestria. Even from my place in the Royal Menagerie, I could see the decorations and the lore that came with it. Ask me and I will explain what I can.”

“Why do I need a costume?”

“Every pony involved dresses up. Many ponies dress up as monsters or as ponies they admire in time or heroes are common. We have time to fashion a costume for you. Perhaps Rarity will have an idea for you. Hopefully, I can participate this year.”

“If I have to dress up then so do you.” Oblivion said to her and she purred at his words. "Does it have anything to do with Luna? The name gives me pause about it.”

“It is based on the Legend of Nightmare Moon. It’s not the same I promise you but she is still feared by many. The Legend is diluted and is based around the foal friendly version. Now that she has returned I hope that she finds the same joy in the holiday as her subjects. It is a well-loved and celebrated holiday that plays a strong role in pony culture.”

“I’m not sure she will be pleased with it. Since it seems to revolve around the fear they hold of her.”

“Fear is many things Chosen. It’s not always the terror that ponies are after. Some enjoy the thrill that comes being scared.” She replied to him. “I hope she can see that.”

He said nothing as he considered what he had been told. He started as Sasa suddenly got to her paws, her eyes bright.

“I know the perfect costume for you.”

“Dare I ask?”

“An Alicorn.” She said to him. “You would not need to hide anything.”

He blinked as she spoke and he had to admit the idea had merit. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

“I think it’s a marvelous idea. Between your wings and your Armor, you would cut a fine figure Chosen. We can fashion a way to hide the joints in your wings with a thick cloak since the fall season is colder anyway. Trust me Chosen.”

“I trust you enough but we shall see if this is an idea or not.”

“Now to think of what would go with that costume for me.” She said as she made for the farmhouse door.

71: Nightmare

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Sasa pushed Oblivion's open saddlebag to the floor. ‘I just need his sketchbook.’ She thought to herself as she nosed the saddlebag. The feline had asked him to unlock the wardrobe in their room for her to get to his saddlebags. He was helping Mac with some of the chores and she was looking for inspiration for a Nightmare Night costume. She had thought of maybe being a royal guard to complement the stallions Alicorn, but after a few days, she chose to put that idea aside.

“Chosen?” She called out to him, frustration in her tone.


“Where in the Worlds is your sketchbook?” She asked him, frustration in her tone.

“It’s in my saddlebag.” He replied.

“I know that. But which one?” She questioned.

The saddlebag opened and she watched as the sketchbook slid out of the bag and bumped against her paws. She huffed and nosed the saddlebag back into the wardrobe. “Thank you.” She called out to him as she nosed it open. She found herself staring at a rough sketch of a Leshen and she grimaced at the memory of the creature.

“No.” She said as she turned the page to show a Wraith. “No.” She turned the page one more time and began scanning the pages. “No. No. No. No. No. No. What is this? This could work.” She said to herself as she stopped turning the pages. “Chosen?”

“Busy.” He replied.

She shook her head and closed the book, taking it in her teeth and carrying it out of their room. The tiger made her way down the stairs and into the kitchen. The front door to the farmhouse was open and she walked calmly out into the bright sunlight. The scent of fall wafted over her and she inhaled deeply as she made her way toward the Witcher. She came around the barn and found the Witcher levitating a large section of the fence. Across his back a set of wide wooden stakes were balanced and she paused as she chose not to approach him and risk upsetting the balance on his back. Across from him, Mac cursed under his breath as he dug out post holes for the stakes on the others back.

“You’re busy.” She said to him and she sat down in place.

“I told you.” He growled to her.

“I was going to ask about a sketch in your book but I can wait.”

He narrowed his eyes at her as he tried to keep the load on his back from shifting. His magic flowed evenly and she set the book on the ground gently to avoid damaging it. Mac came over to him and took one of the posts from his back and set it in place. She waited as they worked and then began to scan the pages once more, her claws gentle on the pages. She found more sketches of monsters and even a few she did not recognize and others that made her turn the pages faster to avoid looking at them.

“You should sell your art Chosen. Ponies would pay a great deal for an artist to draw for them.” She said to him.

A shallow grunt was all she got in reply as the pair moved to the next post hole and she mirrored them, following quietly. Minutes passed as she waited and finally the book was picked up from the ground and he dusted off the covers as he grimaced at her.

“You could have held it up off the ground.” He griped at her. “Now what did you want?”

“I think I found a good idea for my Nightmare Night Costume.” She said to him.

“And why did you need my sketchbook for it?”

“What better place to find ideas?” She countered and he rolled his eyes.

“And what did you find?”

“Let me show you.” She said to him.

He held out the book to her and she set it gently it on a nearby patch of grass and began to look for the picture she had found. She scanned past images of monsters and found what she was looking for. It was a newer drawing and was toward the end of the book.

“There. Who is this? And the ones behind it are of other people as well.”

He looked to the page and then shook his head at her. “That’s Geralt. The drawings behind that are Ciri and then Anna.”

“Another Witcher. Can I use him for a base for my costume? They were the ones who saw you last.”

“It’s your decision, not mine. Nopony is going to know what or who you are. They were the ones that saw me off yes.”

She fell silent and did not ask about the people in the book further, sensing that it was still a bit of a sore subject for him. “Oh well. I was going to think of something to compliment your costume but all my ideas fell flat. But this looks like it could be fun. Can I borrow a couple of your swords?”

“You’re serious?” He asked her.

“Absolutely. It will be perfect. Please?”

He closed his eyes and shook his head at her. “Fine. It’s your choice. But you’re not using my good blades.”

“Of course not. I’ll use the old ones that you don’t use or have outgrown. Anything more than that is foolish.” She stood up and nuzzled his chest as his magic picked up the sketchbook once more. “You need a new sketchbook Chosen. That one is on its last legs and is almost full.”

“I’ll look into one eventually.” He replied as the book vanished as he sent it back to his saddlebags.

“You can afford one.” She teased.

“Perhaps.” He responded and made his way back to Mac.

The she-cat was quiet as she considered what she needed to do for her costume to be perfect for the holiday. She had never been able to participate due to her place in the menagerie and had never had reason to before. She was genuinely looking forward to the event.

“We just need to bunch up the cloak around the joints and that should hide them. They will look authentic but we can pass them off as fake.” Sasa said to him as he flicked his wings at his sides.

“I still think dressing up for this event is ridiculous.” He griped to her.

“I know but it is an important part of pony culture and it will be fun. Try to enjoy yourself a little.” Sasa teased as she nosed the cloak into place around the joints of his wings.

“And if somepony asks about who made them?”

“Magic.” She quipped back to him.

He sagged in his fur for a moment before giving up arguing with the determined cat. He looked back as she nosed the cloak and he used his claws to do what she had said around the joints. His silver armor sat in place and they had placed the cloak over it and then bunched it around the joints of his wings to hide them. His tail flicked absently as he looked at the mirror in the corner of the room. His silver and black wings sat easily on his sides.

“To keep them easily looked over we should hide the silver on them. Your opinion?” Sasa suddenly asked as she sat back on her haunches.

He looked to the long silver feathers and raised his right wing from his side. He focused and his horn lit as the silver feathers faded to black once more. He raised the left and put them next to each other for the feline to look at. She tilted her head and made a non-committal noise as she considered her options.

“Leave them alone. The silver is pretty.” She said to him and the silver once more bled into the feathers at her words.

Oblivion kept the wings raised as he looked at the feline. Her body was covered by an old set of his armor that he had altered for her to wear. She wore an old pair of gauntlets on her paws that had been altered by him as well. A pair of his old swords sat across her back, their hilts across her right shoulder. She had sat still as his magic had drawn out the old scars onto her fur to complete her Witcher costume. She moved to the bedroom door as he pushed it open with his magic and walked out the door behind her. His tall wings clipped the ceiling and the door frame as he went down the stairs. They made their way out of the farmhouse and out into the farm. Oblivion looked up as Mac pulled one of the hay carts towards Ponyville and the black Alicorn fell in at his side.

Mac looked at him and a smile threaded over the ponies muzzle. A black cloak with an apple skull fell across the ponies back and flanks. A top hat crowned his head and dark eyeliner had given the stallion's eyes a sunken-in look. “Ya goin’ as an Alicorn?”

Oblivion nodded. “Was Sasa’s idea.”

“Ya got the height fer it. Ah trust yer magic made ya a pair o’ wings?”

Oblivion nodded once more and Sasa purred from her place at Oblivion's side. Mac came to a stop as he tried to see the costume on the cat's form. Sasa came out from Oblivion's side and stood in front of the red stallion.

“Yer a…” He paused as he looked over the costume and Sasa turned to the side to allow him to see the rest of the costume. “Monster hunter. She’s what you are.” He finally said to her and she nodded.

“She’s a Witcher that I knew back in the Northern Realms. But close enough.” Oblivion said to him as the stallion began to pull the cart once more.

Oblivion stayed close to him as they moved into Ponyville and the red pony peeled off to go to his own task. Sasa purred as she looked over the costumes and the decorations stretched out in front of her. She trotted ahead of him and into the town.

“Hurry Chosen.” She called out to him.

“It’s not going anywhere.” He said to her. “Calm down.”

“I have never been able to participate in Nightmare Night before now. I admit I am more than a bit excited to experience it.”

“I can see that.” He said to her as she paused in the middle of the street to wait for him to join her.

His wings flicked in place as he moved and he could see others turn to look at the feline as he rejoined her. His orange eyes gave off a slight glow in the dark of the growing night. He drew up to Sasa and she led him into the crowds.

“There’s Apple Bloom and the others. Granny looks thrilled to be out so late.” The cat said to him and her paw pointed to the unhappy-looking elder mare.

Oblivion chuckled under his breath at the look from the matriarch. She was standing out in front of Twilights Library and the stallion moved to come up behind her. Applejack had thought to have him take them around but the fillies had chosen to have Granny Smith take them instead. Oblivion had been asked if he had his heart set on taking them and he reminded them that he did not know much if anything about the customs of the holiday originally. He looked over their heads and he could see the costumes of the mare and Spike as they handed out candy to the fillies. The elder mare and fillies walked away as Oblivion approached the doorway. Sasa purred out a greeting to them as they saw her and the stallion behind her.

“Happy Nightmare Night Sasa and you to Oblivion,” Twilight said to him.

“To you as well.” He replied to her.

Spike looked at the great cat and his head gave a slight tilt at the costume she wore. “What are you supposed to be?” He began until he saw the dual swords on her back and he snapped his claws at the sight of them. “Oh, you’re a Witcher.”

Sasa nodded and nuzzled the baby dragon in praise. Twilight giggled at the sight of the cat and then looked at the stallion. “And Oblivion is an Alicorn.” She said to him and he nodded. “Are they magic or mechanical?”

“Magic.” He replied to her. “Similar to what you did for Rarity.”

Twilight nodded as she looked at the pair of silver tinged wings. “I love the silver on them.” She said as she went over the rest of the costume. “Is that the armor from the Element of Spirit?”

“It is yes.” He said to her with an assenting nod.

“That’s not really what it’s meant to be used for.” She said to him as Spike tapped the armor on Oblivions right foreleg.

“So long as it is mine to command I will use it as I see fit.” He said to her. A glance at Sasa had the feline nodding to him. “But in my defense, it was her idea.” He said with a tilt of his horn to the tiger at his side.

“It completes the look that I had in mind perfectly.” Sasa said and he parroted her words for the mare.

“What is the name of the costume then?” Spike asked her. “It must have a name since you designed it.”

“He is a warrior prince.” She explained to them and then looked at the black Alicorn. “Find the humor in the fact that they are seeing them for the first time and they have no idea that they are real Chosen.”

“It is proving interesting to see the reactions to them. They can believe they are fake due to the holiday.” He replied to her.

“Precisely. They have no idea that they are seeing the real wings of a true Alicorn.” She chuckled through their connection.

Twilight and Spike nodded at the cat’s explanation and came out of the Library and into the growing night to join the stallion. She paused to show the cat her costume and Sasa tilted her head at the sight of the get-up.

“I have no idea who or what she is.” Sasa admitted to him as she nodded enthusiastically to the mare.

“Starswirl the Bearded,” Oblivion said aloud for the feline. “Looks pretty much identical to the illustration in the biography you let me borrow from you.”

“Pinkie said I looked like a weirdo clown and Spike asked if I was one of the old ponies at the retirement home.” She groused and the baby dragon looked away from her as Sasa laughed.

Oblivion looked at her, his expression blank. “Makes you glad I don’t have the emotions to laugh at that.”

“I have to admit, I kind of am.” She admitted to him with a bark of laughter.

He shrugged at her reply and stood at her side as they made their way into the main celebration. They stopped at several games and booths while Spike gathered candy and other treats into his arms. Oblivion paused at the sight of a lone cloud coming toward them. Sasa stared upward with him as it stopped to hover over the group who had been joined by Pinkie and several foals in costumes.

“Rainbow.” He said aloud and the mare made a hush motion at him. He tilted his head at her as she reared back on the cloud and slammed her hooves into the surface of the cloud. Lightning flashed and Pinkie squawked and the foals screamed as they took off running.

Spike fell backward and began to choke on a piece of candy. “Rainbow. That wasn’t very nice.” Twilight called out to the laughing mare.

“Oh lighten up old-timer. Nightmare Night is the best night for pranks!” The rainbow mare replied.

Sasa pushed Spike up and began to ram her forehead into his back to help him. “Look what she did to poor Spike.” She chuckled as Oblivion gave the baby dragon a solid thump to the back with one hoof to dislodge the blockage in his throat.

“It's all in good fun. Oh! Oh! There's another group over there!” Rainbow said as she zipped away from them to terrify another group of ponies.

Twilight’s horn lit as she laid a recovering Spike across her back. Oblivion said nothing as the purple mare huffed and led them toward the games area. Applejack looked up as they approached her and her eyes went wide at the sight of the great wings that stood raised above the stallions back. He gave her a sly wink and she smiled as laughter flit through her eyes.

“Howdy everypony.” She called out to them as they neared her.

“Happy Nightmare Night Applejack,” Twilight said to her.

“Nice costume.” She said to them and Sasa held her head up at the praise.

“Thanks! I’m a dragon.” Spike said as he jumped off the mares back.

“I reckon with that beard yer some kind o’ country music singer.” She said to Twilight as she prodded the beard.

Twilight groaned but didn’t say anything as the mare looked at Sasa. “Yer a Witcher. How’d she get ya ta let ‘er use yer swords?”

“She’s using old ones that I no longer need.” He replied to her. “Otherwise she would have been out of luck had I not had any others with me.”

Sasa nodded that he was right and sat down at his side. “What's with the face though?” Spike asked as he prodded the cat.

“She asked to be made up to look like an old companion of mine, Geralt. He has several scars and one of them is to the face that goes over that eye. I had to draw it in place for her.” He explained.

“You don’t have any scars,” Spike said to him.

“I do. I just keep my face out of the way of monsters and weapons. Others are not so quick on their feet.” Oblivion added.

Twilight giggled and looked back at him. “You have one big one on your back. The doctors asked us what could have made it when you were in there and we had no idea.”

Sasa visibly flinched at the mention of the great scar on his back. “I hate that they noticed that one.” She lamented.

“Leshen.” He said to them. “Two of them managed to catch me and I took the hit to the back.” He explained.

“Ouch.” Applejack said to him. “Ah’m not sure what a Leshen is but it must have been bad to scar like that.”

“I hate fighting Leshens.” He admitted.

Oblivion shook his head as the sound of feedback went over them and he pinned his ears at the sound. Sasa stood up as the others moved away from the games as Applejack prodded his shoulder.

“Ya let them out to be seen so yer gonna tell everypony bout ‘em?” She asked him.

“No. They are simply part of the costume.” He said to her. “It was Sasa’s idea to dress this way and I have to admit the irony is amusing to know that they are real and not the magic I am saying they are.”

Applejack grimaced as he spoke. “Ya should at least tell the others. Ah can keep ‘em secret like ya want but ya should tell them.”

“I will in my own time. At this time they will remain hidden.” He replied to her.

The orange mare looked uncertain as Sasa nuzzled her. “For now they are fine the way they are. I can understand both sides of the argument but you cannot tell him what to do with his own body.” She said and the stallion spoke for her and the farm mare nodded as he spoke for the cat.

“Ah know. Ah just hate hidin’ it from our friends and family. Ya know they would keep it secret if ya asked ‘em to.” She explained.

“I know they would. But I would rather not place that burden on them if I can avoid it. Do you really think Apple Bloom would be able to keep her silence?” He asked in reply.

The mare looked uncertain and finally nodded at him. “Ya got a point there.”

He opened his mouth to speak as the sound of screaming stopped him and he looked back to the center of town. Sasa trotted in the direction of the screaming and she looked over her shoulder to him.

“It’s Luna.” She called to him and he nodded in reply.

“Excuse me.” He said to the farm mare who waved him away.

He walked to the feline and then made his way toward the center of town with her. He could see the Alicorn mare in the center and he could hear her speaking the closer he got to her.

“She’s yelling at them.” Sasa said to him and he nodded. “She didn’t have any trouble talking to you and the others before.”

He paused on the outskirts of the crowd and listened as she tried to get the Mayor to speak to her. “What is the matter with you? Very well, then. Be that way. We won't even bother with the traditional royal farewell.”

“Traditional farewell?” Sasa asked him and he shrugged. “Oh no. Come on we should go and get her.”

“Agreed.” He said to the cat and moved through the crowd carefully.

He looked up as Twilight seemed to have come to the same conclusion as he did and he trotted to join her as they moved. He lowered his head slightly to speak to her as they walked along the road. “So what happened while I was speaking with Applejack?”

“Princess Luna made a bit of a dramatic entrance and I guess it scared everypony since nopony would even look at her. I think they still think of her as Nightmare Moon.” She explained.

“I see. That explains why nopony spoke to her. She was a bit loud though.”

“Yeah. I’m not sure why she was yelling at them.” Twilight admitted as they walked. “There she is.”

Oblivion looked up and he could see the blue Alicorn at the base of a statue of Nightmare Moon. “That’s ominous looking.” He said to the feline who nodded in agreement.

“Princess Luna? My name is…”

“Star Swirl the Bearded. Commendable costume! Thou even got the bells right.” Luna said to her as she got to her hooves and turned to face them.

Oblivion held back to allow Twilight to speak to her easily.

“Thank you! Finally! Somepony who gets my costume! Uh, I just came to welcome you to our celebration! My actual name is-.” She said to her, glee in her tone.

“Twilight Sparkle.” She said as her wings rose from her sides and she began to rise into the air, the wind kicking up around her. “It was thou who unleashed the powers of harmony upon us and took away our dark powers!”

Oblivions ears pinned back as she shouted and Twilight managed to hold her ground in the wind. Oblivion watched as she righted her costume and looked at the mare. “And that was a good thing right?”

“Of course. We could not be happier. Is that not clear?”

“It sounds like your yelling at me,” Twilight said to her.

“But this is the traditional royal Canterlot voice! It is the tradition to speak using the royal ‘we’, and to use this much volume when addressing our subjects!” Luna said to her as she shouted the mare back afoot.

“Lower your voice a bit, Luna.” He said as he came out of the shadows and the mare's eyes fell on him.

“Oblivions Shadow! Our dear friend thou are out for the holiday?” She said as she approached him, a smile on her muzzle.

“Sasa has been eagerly awaiting the event so I am playing along.” He replied to her as she threw her forelegs around his neck, hugging him tightly.

Sasa nuzzled the mare as she released the Elder Witcher. She hugged the great tiger and backed up to look at the pair of them. She looked at the pair of wings that rose from Oblivions back and a wide smile crossed her muzzle.

“Thou dressed up as an Alicorn?” She asked happily.

“It was Sasa’s idea.” He replied to her, nodding to the grinning feline.

“Thou dressed up as well?” Her eyes went over the felines form as the cat showed off her costume by spinning in a circle. “Thou make for a fine Witcher.”

“I told you ponies would know the costume.” She teased him.

“True. But they do not know which Witcher you are.” He replied.

“Details, details.” She dismissed.

Twilight drew up close to them and smiled at the sight and sound of the calmed down Alicorn mare. “What brings you to Ponyville Princess Luna?”

“Our sister told us to go out and experience the holiday. We chose to come to Ponyville since it is close to Canterlot and our friends are here as well.” She replied easily with a wave of her hoof. “But we must remember to keep up our traditional voice in the presence of our other subjects.”

“Perhaps you shouldn’t,” Oblivion said to her.

“Why?” She asked as she gave a slight tilt of her head at his words.

“Maybe that’s why your arrival was met with mixed results?” Twilight said to her. “I think if you just changed your approach a bit, you might be met with a warmer reception.”

Luna looked at her and then to Oblivion who nodded to her. “Change our approach?” She boomed out and Oblivion pinned his ears.

Twilight righted her costume and Sasa shook her head as the purple mare spoke up. “Lower the volume all the time?”

“Oh. We must keep with tradition and use our Voice.” She began as Oblivion began to shake his head.

“Not in this day and age you don’t,” Oblivion said to her. “That was useful over a thousand years ago. It no longer has a place in this day and age. Unless you are planning on shouting commands on a battlefield.”

She looked startled by the bluntness of his words and she shrunk back a bit. “We are not sure we can.”

“We can ask Fluttershy for help,” Twilight said to them, earning her a look from the feline and Witcher. “She’s the perfect one to teach Princess Luna how to lower her voice all the time. She can speak normally with us but asking other ponies to help will get you used to speak normally to others.” She explained the looks from the others.

Sasa gave a low growling noise and shook her head. “I don’t think I have seen any sign of Fluttershy since this began. I would think that she would not particularly enjoy Nightmare Night.”

“I haven’t seen her so far,” Oblivion said to the Unicorn.

“She’s probably at home. Nightmare Night is a bit much for her I think.” Twilight explained.

“Makes sense. All of this would be quite frightening to her.” Sasa said to him and he nodded in agreement with her.

Twilight pulled up next to him and the small group began to walk down the road.

“Don't worry, Princess. Fluttershy can give you some great pointers. She's delicate and demure with the sweetest little voice.” Twilight said to Luna as they stopped in front of the mare’s home.

“Go away! No candy here! Visitors not welcome on Nightmare Night!” Fluttershy shouted at the door.

Oblivion looked over at Twilight as Luna looked at the door, a look of surprise on her face. “Yeah, she’s quiet normally.” He assured the Alicorn mare.

Twilight gave a nervous laugh and approached the door. “Fluttershy, it's me, Twilight!”

The door opened slightly and Fluttershy was able to peek out from the crack in the door. “It is you. Ah, and Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon?” She slammed the door in their faces as she screamed.

Twilight looked at the door and then to the pair of Alicorns. Oblivion shrugged and Twilight gave another nervous giggle. “Hang on.” She said to them and pushed her way into the small house.

“Normally she’s more welcoming.” He assured the mare.

“They have never liked us.” She began to say to him.

“They will given enough time. You are adjusting to them and they need time to do the same thing. Nothing is immediate in life Luna, you know this.” He said to her and she seemed to understand.

She fell quiet as he spoke to her and she gave a quiet nod. The door opened once more as Twilight shoved Fluttershy ahead of her and held her in front of the Alicorn mare.

“Fluttershy... you remember Princess Luna?” She said as the Pegasus shivered at the sight of the mare.

“This could go one way or the other.” Sasa said to him.

“I agree. If one of the ponies who freed her is this frightened what about the others.” He said to the feline.

“I agree. This is not a good sign for the rest of Ponyville. Maybe if we went back and tried to see what we could do to help from there?”

“Maybe. But do we risk getting too far away from her and Twilight and not be able to act as needed?”

“That’s…a fair point.” She agreed and sat down at his side. “For now we should probably stay close and try to keep ponies calm. Or keep Luna calm.”

“I don’t think Luna is going to be the issue.” He admitted to the cat. “We will have to wait and see how this plays out for now.” His wings flicked and he allowed them to relax on his back.

“Don’t let those fall too far Chosen. Or they might look more real than we are ready for.” She warned him and the wings snapped back into their raised position.

His orange eyes looked forward as Luna sat down in place, her horn alight. “I thank thee, dear Fluttershy! Our normal speaking voice shall surely win us the hearts of thy fellow villagers.”

“Well that’s a good thing.” Sasa said as Oblivions ears flicked to listen behind them.

He looked back as Pinkie led a group of foals toward the cottage. “Fluttershy! You've gotta hide us! Nightmare Moon is here and...” Her eyes went wide as she saw that Fluttershy was in Luna’s grasp. “Ah! She stole Fluttershy's voice so she can't scream when she gobbles her up!”

The foals began to scream as they all turned and fled from the road. Luna dropped Fluttershy in a heap and made to follow them. “Nay, children, wait!” She bellowed and a hoof went to her mouth as she realized that she was yelling once more. “I mean... nay, children, no, wait.”

Sasa went to the Alicorn and nuzzled against her shoulder, trying to comfort her. Oblivion went to her and patted her shoulder in sympathy. He could see that her spirit, while normally bright, had taken a hit when the foals had screamed and run from the sight of her. Twilight joined them and tried to remain upbeat to raise her spirits once more.

“Come on, princess. Time for plan B.” She said to her and began to lead them away from the cottage.

As they re-entered Ponyville ponies caught sight of the tall mare and once more quivered away from her. He watched as Luna cringed as each fled from her. Her spirit roiled and he could see that she was growing disheartened by the fear that was aimed at her.

“It is of no use, Twilight Sparkle. They have never liked us and they never shall.” Luna said to the purple Unicorn.

“We can get through this. With a little help, they won’t be afraid anymore. We just need to show them that you’re just like them and I know just the pony to help with that. Applejack is one of the most likable ponies in Ponyville. I know she will have some ideas to help us out.” Twilight assured her.

“Give them a chance Luna.” He said to her and she raised her head to look at him and nod.

Twilight trotted ahead of them to speak to the orange mare and Oblivion ears pinned as she also cowered at the sight of the blue Alicorn. Sasa growled and the mare jumped back to her hooves and smiled.

“All you gotta do is have the right attitude. Loosen up a bit, be positive, play a few games, have some fun.” She said as she approached the mare.

“Fun? What is this fun that thou speakest of?” Luna asked as Applejack finished speaking to her.

He watched as Luna approached a party game with spiders and looked from the small fake spiders to the web and then back to the pony manning the game. Sasa went up to the game and took a spider in her teeth to show Luna. The cat put it in her paw and tossed the spider toward the web. She fell far short but Luna seemed to get the idea and tried to throw the spider as well. Much like Sasa’s attempt, it fell woefully short of the web and she looked back to the mares.

“You can do it, Princess!” Applejack encouraged her from the side.

Luna looked back to the web and took another spider in her hoof. She tossed the spider and it landed solidly on the web. Sasa purred in praise and rubbed her forehead on the mare's shoulder.

“Ha! Your Princess enjoys this ‘fun’! In what other ways may we experience it?” She asked as she spun around to face Applejack and Twilight.

A knowing look passed between the two mares as they began to show her around the stalls and other games. Ponies began to follow them as the Princess of the Night played among them. Oblivion stayed close as Luna’s spirit burned brighter with each passing game.

“How is she doing, Chosen?” Sasa asked him as she played a matching game with Luna.

“Much improved. It seems all it took was a few games to gain their belief. So long as she manages to keep her voice down I think she will do fine.” He replied to the spectral tiger.

Sasa was quiet as she went back to her game with the Princess of the Night. When they had finished he walked with them as they approached a catapult. He paused as he saw the siege weapon and looked down at Sasa as she drew up next to him.

“What in the Realms is this?” He asked her.

“Pumpkin Chucking.” Sasa replied. “The purpose is to hit the target as close to the bullseye as possible. The closer to the center the more points you get.”

“I see.”

“You should try it Chosen.”


“Because it’s fun.” She said to him.

“Oblivion.” Applejack called out and he turned to look at her. “The Alicorn’s should compete.” She said to him.

He shook his head and moved toward the second catapult. His magic levitated a pumpkin into the bucket of the catapult. Luna looked over to him as she placed her hooves on the bucket and waited as he did the same. He pushed down and released the bucket as she did the same. He watched as the pumpkins soared through the air and hit their targets. He was slightly off the center of the target while Luna got a perfect bullseye. He turned to her and bowed his head in defeat to her, earning him a laugh from the mare.

“See?” Sasa said to him and he shrugged at the cat. “It’s fun. Now my turn.” She said as she pushed past him. “Plus it’s great for friendly destruction and stress relief.”

“I’m sure it is.” He replied as Luna went into the crowd and he stayed back to allow Sasa to play with the catapult. “Do you need help? He asked her as she struggled with her chosen pumpkin.

“No. Half the fun is getting it into the bucket.” She quipped back to him.

He watched as she pushed the pumpkin over the ground and started to push it into the bucket. It fell to the side and she growled as she pushed it back into place. He heard a low growl come from the cat as the pumpkin rolled away from her once more. She glared at the errant piece of produce and stalked over to it to push it once more.

“Problems?” He asked her and she looked at him.

“Can you put it in the bucket so I can destroy it?” She asked and she watched as the pumpkin was levitated into the bucket of the catapult. “Thank you.”

He backed up to allow the feline to put her paws on the bucket and push it down. The pumpkin arced through the air and struck the same target as his. He looked at the cat as a bout of laughter came from her. Oblivion opened his mouth to speak to her when the sound of a scream went out behind him.

“What the?” Sasa said as she stopped her laughter and joined him.

Oblivion watched as Pinkie and the foals took off running once more. “'Tis a lie! Thy backside is whole and ungobbled, thou ungrateful whelp!” Luna yelled to the fleeing group. Oblivion watched as the village ponies began to back away from her and the mare looked stricken. “Fair villagers, please do not back away. Let us join together in... Fun!”

The Alicorn looked around her and she gripped another of the spiders and tossed it toward the ponies who looked fearfully away from her. The ponies backed up another few steps and the black Alicorn began to walk toward the mare when her horn lit up with her blue aura. Her magic acted as a bolt of lightning that struck the bowl of fake spiders. Sasa walked up to one and she startled back as it began to move and its small fake eyes glowed red. A yelp went through his mind as the spiders spilled from the bowl and began to move across the ground. Sasa called out as the spiders went over her paws and shoulders.

“Get it off!” She cried out.

Oblivions magic summoned the cat to his side and she stood by him shaking for several seconds. Oblivion looked around as ponies panicked in the street and his magic gripped a pole as it fell and he laid it gently on the ground. Twilight’s magic covered a table and lifted it up as ponies nearly crashed into it. The spiders went to the web and all of them went to the middle of the web and Luna looked back to the crowd that was now too panicked to hear her. Sasa ran out to try to keep ponies from getting hurt with Applejack. Oblivion lifted up a stand and his magic picked up a pony that nearly crashed into it and then he set both back down. His magic picked up several ponies as they nearly crashed into each other.

“Do not run away!” Luna said to them.

He could hear Luna trying to be heard but his focus was on keeping ponies from getting hurt.

“As your princess, we command you!” She kept speaking, though nopony was listening to her.

Oblivions magic gripped a pole that the Mayor was holding onto after climbing up it. His azure flames held the pole in place to keep it from falling to the ground. A few feet away Twilight was holding several ponies in her aura as she did damage control with him.

“Be still!” Luna bellowed out and ponies immediately fell to the ground around her.

Oblivions wings flicked in place as he set the ponies he had in his magic down and then pried the Mayor off the pole she was clinging to and set her safely on the ground. Twilight did the same as him and set ponies in the ground and came to stand close by him. Sasa and Applejack joined them as the Alicorn mare raged.

“Princess, remember! Watch the screaming!” Twilight advised her from her place at the black Alicorn’s side.

He watched as Luna lifted herself into the air and began to address all those assembled. “No, Twilight Sparkle! We must use the traditional Royal Canterlot Voice for what we are about to say. Since you choose to fear your princess rather than love her, and dishonor her with this insulting celebration, we decree that Nightmare Night shall be canceled! Forever!”

He felt Sasa cringe into his side as the mare took off out of sight. Oblivion had seen the state of her spirit as she had left them behind. His eyes searched the area around them as he found Luna not too far away.

“Come.” He said to Sasa as he broke away from the group and broke into a trot to find Luna.

Sasa stayed close to him as he moved in between houses and she purred at the sight of the downtrodden Alicorn mare.

“Luna.” He shouted to her and she paused at the sound of his voice. “Wait.”

Her eyes were sad and her spirit had lost its bright light and was muted. “We were right. They have never loved us and they never shall.” She lamented.

“I admit that it has not gone the way we had wished. But canceling the holiday will do nothing except to frighten them further. It has upset you that’s true but at the same time, you have been gone for a thousand years. You expect them to come to terms with that as you have?”

“We wish to be loved as the Princess of the Moon. And we are still nothing but feared.” She replied to him.

“Love cannot be forced.” Sasa said to her as Oblivion spoke for her. “You may love them as your subjects but they need time to see you for who you are and not who you once were.”

Luna sat down and Sasa went to her and allowed the mare to hug her close. “We do not know what to do.”

Oblivion reached out and patted the mare's shoulder. “They do not know either.” He whispered to her. “I admit that I know very little of this holiday but if I were to judge it based on what I have seen from ponies just tonight it is well-loved. It is not meant to cast cruelty on you personally.”

“I have never been able to participate until now and I looked forward to it. I know it seems like it is meant to be an insult to you but it is not meant that way. Do you see how all the little ponies go out in their costumes to gather candy in the darkness? They are out in the dark with your moon lighting their way.” Sasa said to her as the mare released her from the hug.

Luna was quiet as she looked up into the sky at her moon. “We are lighting the way for them?”

“Yes. They can be out and see the world around them because of your moon. Nightmare Night is popular and well-loved. You are a part of the story of Nightmare Night and Nightmare Night is based on the fears of the night that’s true. But it is not you that they fear.” Sasa said to her. “They fear what once was.”

Luna was quiet as Oblivion looked over his shoulder to see Twilight trotting toward them, the bells on her costume jingling as she approached. The Unicorn reached them and looked at the saddened Alicorn.

“I’m sorry it hasn’t worked out the way we wanted it to. But Nightmare Night is one of the most loved Holidays.” She said to her.

Luna was quiet as Twilight spoke to her and she looked at the Black Alicorn who nodded at her. “But they still fear and dislike us.”

Twilight looked uncertain as Sasa rubbed her forehead against the mare’s fur. “There must be a way to show them that she is not what they think of anymore.” Sasa said to him.

“Pinkie is the one inciting all the screaming and running away. Perhaps if we get her on board and she can stop the screaming.” Oblivion reasoned to them.

“That’s perfect. We just need to talk to Pinkie.” Twilight said to him and began to lead them back toward Ponyville’s center. “Though we should get her alone otherwise it will just end up the same as before.”

Oblivion stood off to the side with Luna as Twilight lured Pinkie into the alleyway with a line of candy. “I can’t believe that is working.” He whispered.

Luna looked around him and shrugged as she leaned back out of sight. Sasa chuckled and shook herself. “I can. She loves candy.”

He cringed as Twilight tackled the other mare and pushed her up against the wall of one of the houses. After several tense seconds, she looked back to the end of the alleyway and Oblivion motioned for Luna to go out to the other mares. The Alicorn mare sighed and went out to try this new plan.

“The ringleader of the frightened children. Hast thou come to make peace?” Luna said to her as she held out a hoof to the other pony.

Oblivion looked up as a solitary cloud floated over them and he made out Rainbows Spirit as his horn lit. A bolt of lightning of his own struck the mare as she struck the cloud. Thunder bayed out as the pink mare screamed and ran. Rainbow yowled about the hit to her flanks as she sped away with the cloud. His horn remained lit as he reached out for Pinkie. Twilight beat him to her and she tackled the mare once more. He looked back to Luna who had sunk to the ground. Sasa sat down in front of her and purred.

The mare didn’t say anything as he stood close to her. Twilight came loping back to them, a wide smile on her muzzle as she slid to a stop. "Princess Luna! I've finally figured out why you're having so much trouble being liked!"

Oblivion stood far behind the statue of Nightmare Moon and his horn lit up as the foals all dropped off their candy in offering to Nightmare Moon. The final foal came to the statue and Oblivions horn called on a gust of wind and lightning to split the skies. Sasa stayed close to him but hid in the trees with Twilight.

“Citizens of Ponyville! You were wise to bring this candy to me. I am pleased with your offering. So pleased that I may just eat it... instead of eating you!” Luna bellowed.

Oblivions ears pinned as the foals all screamed and ran away as they had been doing all night. The stallion came out from hiding as the wind and lightning faded. Twilight came out of the forest with Sasa as Luna spat out a pair of fake fangs into her hoof.

“I am not sure that did what you wanted it to do.” She said to them.

“Just wait and see,” Twilight said to her.

“Wait for what? For them to run away again?” Luna asked.

“Give it a chance Luna. It’s a solid plan.” He said to her as his ear flicked back at the sound of small hooves.

The small foal tugged Luna's mane, asking for her attention. “Um... Princess Luna. I know there's not gonna be any more Nightmare Night, but do you suppose maybe you could come back next year and scare us again anyway?”

Luna's hoof went to her mouth as shock rolled through her. "Art thou saying that thou...likest me to scare you?"

“It’s really scary but fun.” He said to her and she stared at him as he spoke.

Oblivion looked at Sasa as the cat drew up at his side. “That takes care of that.” He said to her and she nodded.

72: A Trolls End

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Sasa sat up and looked over to the black Unicorn as he set up the bleachers and other items in place for Applejack. It was for an event called the Sisterhooves Social and Oblivion had agreed to help her set it up. His magic flowed easily as he set items in place as Applejack called out where they needed to go. She watched as a scroll appeared in front of him and he kept the items levitated as he read through the contents of the scroll. The spectral feline got to her paws and padded over to him as the scroll vanished and he sent back a quick reply.

“Chosen?” She asked him.

“Was Luna. Apparently, they have questions about one of the monsters and I need to meet with them.” He replied to her as he looked to Applejack. “This is the last one that I can help with. Luna has asked for my help with one of the monsters from before.” He informed the mare and she nodded.

“Not a problem. Just need ya ta put that bleacher over here and that should be it.” She reasoned to him and she watched as the bleachers were set where she wished them to be.

Oblivion summoned Sasa after a moment and he walked silently into the castle. The guards all looked at him and he recognized one of them as Striker. The Solar Guard perked up at the sight of him and Sasa and the black Unicorn paused for a moment beside him.

“Sir?” Striker said to the still stallion.

“Be ready,” Oblivion replied and the guard nodded in understanding.

Sasa nuzzled him as Oblivion pushed open the doors and walked into the throne room. He walked down the red carpet and came to stand at the base of the dais and he looked up at Celestia.

“Oblivion? I admit that I did not know you were coming.” Celestia said to him.

The doors to the side were thrown open and Luna came loping through them. “Sister. Our friend is on his way and…he beat us here.” She said as she came to stand a few feet away from them.

“I told you I was coming quickly.” He said to her.

“Thou did but we did not think it would be so soon.” She admitted as she joined her sister.

Celestia smiled warmly at her sister and looked back at him. “We have received no new sightings of the monsters recently. That being said we have received news of a couple of ponies that have gone missing.”

“I see. What does that have to do with the monsters you contracted me to remove?” Oblivion asked her bluntly.

“The missing ponies are close to the one thou called a Troll,” Luna said to him.

His horn flared and his azure flame summoned a map that he had copied and drawn the locations on. He looked at the Troll's location and then looked up at Luna as a new set of paperwork appeared close by him and he began to read over it. His orange eyes scanned the documents as he sighed and the paperwork went back to Luna and back to his saddlebags.

“Are they connected Chosen?” Sasa asked him.

“Possibly. It’s possible the Troll may have eaten them.” He replied to her and he watched as she startled and stared at him.

“Ate them?” She said to him.

“How long have they been missing?” He asked the mares.

“A week. We gave them a few days to see if they had simply gone from the village and would return. So far they have not yet returned.” Celestia said to him.

“Does thou have any ideas?” Luna asked him.

He leaned back on his haunches as his mind went over the ways he could tell them what he suspected. “It is possible that the Troll does have a connection to their disappearances.” He replied.

“You seem hesitant,” Celestia said to him, her tone uncertain.

“My reasoning for that is that you will not like my thoughts on what may, and probably has, happened to them. It is possible that the Troll has eaten them.” He admitted to her.

He watched as their eyes went wide and Celestia stood up from her place. “Eaten them?”

“Yes. Trolls will eat anything that does not eat them first. While they can be spoken to they are simple creatures.” Oblivion said to her.

“They did nothing to it why would it eat them?” She pressed.

“It doesn’t matter if they did anything to the Troll. They are there and it can eat them since they are smaller and weaker than it is.” He reasoned to her.

“Thou are certain?” Luna said to him as she sat down.

“Certain? No. Without being there and seeing evidence I cannot say for certain what has happened to them.” He replied.

Celestia sat back down as he spoke and he could see the thoughtful look that crossed her features. “How do you know that it might have eaten them?”

“History. I was traveling with another Witcher when we came across a Troll that had been employed by a group of soldiers to protect some boats. The soldiers left the Troll to it and when they returned the Troll had pulled the boats onto the shore, ripped them apart, and made a wall of them. When the soldiers realized what had happened they attacked and were put into a pot for stew for later.” He explained. “The only reason we were not on the menu is that we came peacefully and asked the right questions.” He left out how they had helped paint a soldier's crest on the boat's remains and how the Troll had informed them what had happened and they let him go.

“They asked him to protect the boats and he destroyed them?” Celestia said to him.

“In his mind, he was protecting the boats. Trolls are not the most intelligent beings but they can be reasoned with in most cases. It depends on the Troll.” He responded.

“How does thou beat them?” Luna questioned.

“The same way you beat any monster, silver blade. Their skins are rock hard but they still bleed. They are one of the few monsters that cannot be fought by flanking them. Only a head-on fight is an option and even running away is a gamble.” Oblivion stated.

“Thou cannot run from them? Do they roll into a ball to give chase?” Luna asked.

Oblivion chuckled at her question. “Thank the Gods no. They throw rocks with amazing accuracy. Nearly got my shoulder broken by one such throw.”

“You mentioned that you can reason with them,” Celestia said to him and he looked to the Sun Princess as she went on. “How do you reason with a Troll?”

“Same as you do with any creature. Though I am admittedly not very good at it. My fellow Witcher Geralt could talk them into dancing under the moon if he wished them too. Most often I end up in a fight with them when words fail. I can explain things to them but convincing them is not my strength.” Oblivion admitted with a casual shrug. “You can at times outwit them with a riddle or a game of that sort.”

“If it has truly killed and…eaten…our ponies please remove it. A creature that can justify eating innocent ponies cannot be allowed to remain.” Celestia said to him and he nodded in understating. “Is it possible for it to live peacefully?”

Oblivion took the weight off one hind hoof and shrugged. “I have not seen it done personally. There are a few near Kaer Morhen that we live around but they do not interact with us normally. We keep our distance and they do the same since there is more than one of them. They keep to themselves. How they would react to ponies around them I would hazard a guess to say that they would not react well.”

“Thou do not think they could be taught not to eat ponies?” Luna inquired.

“In my opinion no. They would understand it for a time but in that same breath, they would not see any reason to stop them. I have met a few Trolls that were kept as guards but they were supplied with food and other things to entertain them. It’s not common.” Oblivion replied to her.

The Royals looked thoughtful as Sasa nudged his shoulder. “I do not think we can leave this one alone and risk it harming somepony.”

“I agree. Bart is a different Troll and I do not think I have met any others that we're able to be tamed as he is. Especially not one that has been placed among ponies and then left to fend on its own. I’m amazed it did not attack and eat ponies sooner.” He admitted to her.

“Thank you for your counsel Oblivion. I ask that you remove the Troll and do not allow it to eat anymore for our subjects. Hopefully, you are wrong and it hasn’t eaten them. Do they imprison ponies?” Celestia asked him.

“They do yes. Though not for any long amount of time. Only until the water for the stew gets to the right temperature.” He replied blandly.

Luna looked unhappily to her elder sister who nodded in understanding. “Please ensure that our ponies are safe Witcher.”

“I will do what I can.” He assured them. “I will need my team ready to move out. While I will not need them to fight the Troll I will use them to hunt for it.”

“They are yours to command and if you say you need them then they are yours,” Celestia said to him.

Oblivion nodded and turned to leave the room.

“Oh!” Celestia called out and he looked back to her. “No need to bring back the head. I trust your word.” She assured him, as Luna broke out into raucous laughter.

He pushed through the doors to find his four guards waiting outside the room and he said nothing to them as they fell in at his back as he led them out of the castle.

Oblivion looked over the edge of the chariot as he scanned the ground as it fell away under him. At his side, Sasa looked to the four guards that pulled the chariot. The black Unicorn remained quiet as a town came into view. He disliked having to interact with the ponies of the town, preferring to get to work and avoid them entirely. In this case, he did not have much choice and he needed them to narrow down the search area. As he looked over the area he could see the village was smaller than Ponyville in comparison so searching the village for information would prove simple. It was not bordered by the forest and had fields stretching out around it. Most of the homes were rural and had acres between them, they got closer together the closer to town but for the most part, they were a rural style of the town.

“Chosen? It looks like they border a mountain on the one far side.” Sasa pointed out.

“I see it.” He said to her as he looked beyond the forest and to the mountain range beyond it. “That’s the other side of the Everfree I believe. Now I know where we are. I have been to this village when I was leaving to find Asmara.”

“I think your right.” She agreed as the chariot began to descend slowly toward the village. “So they should know you?”

“Their mayor should remember me. I put him in his place before.”

Sasa pulled her head back into the chariot as it struck the ground and rolled to a stop. They were within the town's limits and the black Unicorn jumped from the chariot. His saddlebags were placed on his barrel while several ponies came to greet them. His orange eyes watched as two of the three fell back to allow the elder of them to approach him. His pale green eyes were bright against his orange coat. His coat was darker than Silvers and the guard said nothing as Sasa looked between them.

“You have returned.” He said to the Black Unicorn.

“I was sent when a few ponies went missing and had not returned.” He stared blankly. “Silver, Striker.” The two Solar guards stood at attention as he spoke to them. “Take to the air and see what you can find.”

“What are we looking for?” Striker asked him.

Oblivion pulled his sketchbook from his saddlebags and his magic turned the pages as he searched for the sketch of the Troll he had done before. He showed them and they both grimaced and took to the air. Both of them quickly branched out from their starting point and were soon out of sight. The rotund mayor waited until they were out of sight before he looked at the stallion.

“I trust you will be removing the threats around us this time?” He asked.

“The Troll has not been seen but it is time to remove him from the area should the opportunity present itself.” He stated.

“Just do as you have been commanded…”

“Commanded? None can command a Witcher. We are contracted but we have the ability to decline that contract. Be thankful that I have chosen to complete this contract at all. Trolls are not difficult once you know how to fight them. I chose to come here at all to help out Celestia and Luna. I am the only one that can fight these monsters with any chance of success.” The black unicorn spoke bluntly to the Mayor who stared, his eyes wide and his mouth slightly ajar.

Sasa chuckled in his mind as he looked to the other two ponies that had come with the mayor. One of them approached and he tried to smile past the now blinking mayor. “Welcome to our town. I own the inn here and we would be happy to extend you our hospitality for the duration of your stay. I can lead your attendants to your rooms.” He said as the other approached and bowed his head to them. Oblivion opened his mouth to decline when Sasa nudged his shoulder.

“Let them house you Chosen.”


“I think Celestia or Luna sent a note ahead and that was included.” She reasoned to him.

He bit back a sigh as he nodded. “Vantage, Cross. They will take you to the inn and see to it that everything is set up. I am going to wait for the Solar Guard to return to see if they found anything.”

“Yes, sir.” Vantage said as they reached into the chariot to pull out their supplies. “Should we take your saddlebags?”

Cross stood close to accept them as Oblivion unbuckled his saddlebags and the Thestral took them and laid them across his back. Oblivion said nothing as the mayor seemed to finally snap out of his stupor and he walked away grumbling about etiquette and other matters. Oblivion allowed a sigh to escape him as he turned back to face the direction of the forest and mountain.

Sasa watched as the two Pegasus winged their way back toward the village. Silver and Striker made their way back to inform them of what they had seen. At her side Oblivion stood, his orange eyes fixed on the two ponies. She scanned the nearing Pegasus for any injury having heard about how well-aimed a rock could be from as Troll. They landed several feet away and she breathed a sigh of relief that neither of them appeared hurt. A quick shake of their heads and Oblivion spun on his heel to lead them into the village. She nuzzled each of them in turn and fell in behind the Black Unicorn.

“Thankfully they did not surprise the Troll. I was afraid they would come back injured from a rock.” She admitted to the stallion.

“Thankfully that did not happen. A rock thrown could have knocked them out of the air.” He replied.

She fell silent as she nodded to him.

Morning came and Oblivion walked out of the inn into the crisp morning air. Behind him, the four guards trailed sleepily behind him. They had insisted that he wait for them in the morning and while he had been loath to wait till later he had found himself waking them up a half an hour ago. A later hour compared to his normal routine. Sasa padded silently at his side and she chuckled at the four ponies behind them.

“I don’t think they thought you would grow bored and wake them this early Chosen. Though this is late for you.” Sasa said to him as he paused in the town’s center.

He looked to her for a moment before he began walking once more. “I want to get this done before the Troll takes another victim. If ponies stay away from it then they should be safe enough. But we both know that those fields belly right up to the forest where it might be hiding.” He replied to her, his pace steady.

“You make a strong point Chosen.” She agreed.

“So what is the plan for this morning?” Striker asked as he bit back a yawn.

“You will be in the air with Silver while Cross and Vantage are within the forest. You will shadow them from above and watch their backs. While their armor protects them from the worst of the sun we need to keep them out of the direct sun. So you will watch over them.” He commanded, his voice strong.

The four of them perked up at his words and flicked their wings in anticipation of the command that they knew would come when he was ready. “Is that why you had us get into our armor first thing in the morning?” Cross asked quietly.

“Yes. If you spot the Troll I expect you to withdraw. Even those in the air are not safe from this monster. It has the ability to throw rocks with shocking accuracy. I ran from a group of them once and took a rock to the back despite my zig-zagging and it nearly broke my shoulder.” Oblivion said back to him.

Cross looked nervous as the Witcher spoke and he was looking even more nervous when he finished speaking. Oblivion stopped as a pony ran toward them. She looked stricken as she slid to a halt a foot away from them.

“Have you seen my son?” She asked frantically. “He went out with a friend last night and neither of them has returned.”

“How many?” Oblivion asked her.


She opened her mouth to say more when Oblivion looked over his shoulder. “Go.” He said to the guards at his back and they took to the air a bare second later. “They will look from the air. Why would they have gone to the forest or out into the fields?”

“They're young and foolish.” She admitted with a shake of her head. “They were told not to go out there when night falls but I’m afraid they did anyway. My son is fast so no monster could have caught him…right?”

“This one may not be fast but it could have stopped him other ways. We will find them.” Oblivion said to her and broke into a trot as he went around the frantic mare and headed for the fields. He looked to Sasa as she drew up to his shoulder. “Or what’s left of them.” He cursed under his breath and she growled in reply.

Striker looked down and he could see Cross flitting through the trees. Silver kept a close eye on Vantage while he tailed Cross from above. After what they had been told by Oblivion he was worried that they would find the colts bodies. He had glanced at the others seconds before they were commanded into the air and he had seen the same look on each of their faces. The same dread had come over each of them. Each of them worried about what they might find should they meet up with the monster.

Vantage looked straight ahead of them as he and Cross maneuvered through the threes, intent on finding the colts or the monster. While he would prefer to find the colts he knew that they might come into contact with the monster just as quickly. He had not had much time to ask about the monster they hunted. He cursed himself for not questioning the Witcher more while they had eaten the previous night. His wings beat and with each beat, they propelled him further into the thick trees. He glanced over at Cross who was almost frantically looking around them while he watched ahead. He trained his eyes back in front of them as Cross shouted and he skidded to a halt in the air.

“What?” He asked his cohort as he looked up to see the Solar guards had stopped with them.

“I thought I saw something.” He replied and looked warily to the other Thestral.

“If you think you did, you probably did, then let’s check and get back if needed.” He said quickly as the others nodded in agreement.

“Right,” Cross said to him and he could hear the hesitation in the voice of the other.

Vantage looked ahead as they went to ground and began to creep forward. As they neared and Cross pointed ahead of them he peered around a tree to find a large pot and a fire simmering. “What the?” He mouthed to Cross who shrugged. Vantage leaned further around the tree when Cross’s hoof gripped his fur and pulled him back. A hoof went over his mouth as he opened it to speak and Cross shook his head frantically. The sound of heavy footsteps caught his ears and they flicked to listen.

Silver inhaled as a mass of rocks that he had seen before moved toward the small campfire that Cross had found. “Oh shit.” He breathed as Striker hovered next to him.

The other Pegasus breathed out a shaky breath as the rocks moved toward their fellows and then past them. It moved around the camp and Silver nearly broke into a string of profanity-laced speaking as the sound of screaming caught his ears. He looked at Striker who gave the signal for a slow descent into the trees and he nodded in understanding as they slowly descended. His heart was in his throat as he recalled the warning about thrown rocks that they had just received. He pushed a tree branch gently out of the way as his hooves reached the treetop. He paused as a branch snapped and he looked down to see Vantage and Cross staring wide-eyed at the pair of them.

He gave them the signal to not move and after seeing that the monster had paid them no attention he went back to his descent. His hooves landed on a branch and he nearly wrapped his legs around in desperation. He looked down as the screaming went quiet and he looked past the fire and he thought he saw a pair of colts. He cursed under his breath about not having the Thestral’s eyes and looked at them. Silver pointed his hoof and they nodded. A tap to his shoulder nearly had him screaming as Striker hovered above him.

“I think I see them.” He whispered. “I can get back to Oblivion if he isn’t already in the forest.”

Silver nodded and motioned for him to go. The other Pegasus pushed the branches out of the way and took off. Silver breathed out a sigh and looked back down to the trapped Thestral’s. They couldn’t move without attracting the attention of the monster. The orange Pegasus gave them the signal to hold their position and they nodded to him. “Oh man, what did we get ourselves into?” He breathed out and he held onto the tree limb and prayed to the Sun and Moon that he was hidden by the leaves.

Striker tore back toward the town. He looked down, just in case Oblivion was already in the trees. A loud roar shook him and he halted in the air and nearly screamed in return. He looked down and he saw the Spectral Tigers glinting fur and he dropped out of the sky to meet her. Several feet in front of her stood the Elder Witcher. He breathed out a sigh of relief and saluted as his hooves hit the ground.


“You are in quite the hurry,” Oblivion said to him as he looked over his shoulder to them.

“We found it. And Cross and Vantage are pinned down. But it hasn’t seen them but if they move it will. Silver is hiding in a tree and the colts are still alive we think.” He rushed out.

“I told you to stay away from it.” The Witcher growled.

“I know. We didn’t see it until it came into view. Cross found its campfire and they were on the other side of the tree when it came into view. The colts are on the other side of the campfire but it's right in between us and them.” He replied quickly.

Oblivion said nothing as he looked ahead of them. “We were tracking the colts when Sasa spotted you. How far?”

“Not too far. I think I can lead you there unless you can track the colts easier?” He said to the Captain.

“I can track it but keep an eye out just in case it reaches us in the same amount of time,” Oblivion replied to him.

“Yes, sir.”

Oblivion looked back to the set of tracks he had been following and put his nose back down to follow them. Striker stayed close as he moved and broke into a trot to hurry the process along. Now that he knew they were alive he quickened his pace. He raised his head as the tracks faded and those of a fully grown Troll took their place.

“This is where the Troll picked them up. His tracks are easy to follow.” He said aloud as he began to move into a faster gait to follow the trail.

He could hear Strikers hooves on the grass and leaves as the Pegasus followed behind him. He trained his ears forward as he listened for the sound of the Troll or the colts. He slid to a halt at the sound of screaming and a quick glance to Striker had the Pegasus taking to the air once more.



“Stay behind me and out of sight. The last thing I need is it seeing you as food.” He said to her and the feline nodded as a shiver went through her body.

He broke into a trot once more and he paused to look around a tree as the scent of fire wafted over his nose as the wind changed direction and blew the scent toward him instead of to the side. He looked past the tree as a Rock Troll came into view. To him, it looked like a typical Troll with a yellow belly and the gray rocks along its back and arms. While he had dealt with many Trolls he had only conversed with a few of them and that usually dissolved into a fight. He did not have Geralt’s silver tongue.

“Here we go.” He muttered as he stepped around the tree and into the Troll's direct sight.

The Troll stared at him for several seconds and for a moment the Witcher wondered if it saw him at all. He looked to the pot and he saw a small pony struggling in the bubbling water. He walked carefully to the pot and reached a clawed hoof into the simmering water and pulled the colt out of the water. The colt shook and trembled as he was set on his hooves on the ground.

The Troll seemed to snap out of his stupor and Oblivion braced as it charged him. Sasa leaped from the shade of the tree and took the colt in her teeth and ran off with him. Oblivion pulled one of the blades from the band on his leg and parried a strike from the Troll. He used the blunt of his blade as he parried and backed away. He opened his mouth and ducked as the Troll swung at his head. The Troll's fist was driven into the trunk of the tree and the Troll shouted as he reeled back.

“Now easy,” Oblivion shouted ad the Troll stared at him once more. “I pulled the tiny pony from the water so it didn’t boil him alive.” He reasoned and hoped his speech was simple enough.

“Small pony good meal.” The Troll replied.

“Not a good idea though.”


“Yes. Ponies call a Witcher when you eat them.”


“Yes. I am a Witcher.” He replied.

The Troll seemed to think about what he had said and leaned back on his heels. “Pony taste good though.”

“Did you already eat some ponies?”

“Yes.” The Troll replied with a dumb nod.

‘Dammit.’ Oblivion cursed to himself. “You can’t eat ponies anymore. They called me to stop you.”

“Witcherses taste good too?”

“No. Witcher taste horrible.” He replied quickly.

“What eat then?”

“Anything else.” He replied quickly. “Deer, rabbits, pigs. Those you can eat and nopony will mind.” He reasoned and at the same time, he recalled that Celestia had requested he remove the Troll due to it eating ponies. Now that he had confirmed that it had eaten at least two to three ponies and nearly ate two colts he was in a bit of a bind with what his options were.

The Troll looked about as thoughtful as a Troll could while it processed his words. Oblivion looked over as Sasa remained just out of sight with the colt in her teeth. She had turned her head and her mouth was wrapped around the colt’s midsection his body behind her front teeth. He could see Cross and Vantage standing just behind her and Silver and Striker above them. His sword hovered by his shoulder as he waited for the Troll to speak once more.

“No, eat pony?”

“No. No more ponies.” He replied.

“What if they easy meal?”

“No. They are not an easy meal when they call on me to stop you.” Oblivion snapped at him.

The Troll looked at him and then its eyes fell on the blade at his shoulder. Oblivion laid the weapon across his back in a peaceful gesture and the Troll once more focused on him.

“Witcherses tricky.”

“Not when we don’t need to be.”

“Why come here and talky talk?”

“I chose to listen first.”

“Witcherses don’t listen, Witcherses slash and kick.”

“We do when we must. But if I can get you to understand that you can’t ever eat or hurt ponies again then I don’t need to use the sword.” He reasoned.

“Chosen. Are you really trying to reason with a creature that ate a bunch of ponies? Celestia asked you to remove it.” Sasa asked him from her place.

“Remove has many meanings.”

“That’s…true. But still.”

“Witcherses not going to hurty?”

“Are you going to hurt me?”


“Then I have to reason to fight you.”

The Troll leaned back further on its heels and watched the Witcher for any sign of lying and found nothing in the Witcher's orange eyes. Oblivion remained on alert as the blade balanced on his back, ready for his magic to grip should he need to. Sasa heaved a loud sigh and sat down, keeping the colt in her teeth should she need to run.

“I have an idea,” Oblivion said and the Troll looked at him. “How about you let the other pony go and we go to the town to show them you won’t hurt them?”

“But hungry.” The Troll said and gripped his belly.

Oblivion nearly broke out into a paragraph of profanity but bit his tongue. He heard Sasa chuckle in his mind and he looked over to her. He didn’t dare leave to go hunt something for the monster while the colts and his team were still in danger. His eyes fell on the Troll once more and he breathed out a breath.

“I see.”

“Shall I hunt something Chosen?”

“You might need to. I don’t dare leave him alone with you, the guards and the colts.” He said back to her and looked to the Troll. “How about if my…pet goes to get some food for you and then you let them go?”

The Troll looked over at Sasa who bristled at being called a pet and then back to him. “Witcherses not lying?”

“No. I will stay here with you and she will bring you dinner.” He responded.

“Fine. Kitty bring dinner or eat pony.” He said and pointed to the remaining colt in the makeshift pen.

“Fair,” Oblivion said as Sasa set the colt down and licked his fur as she raced away from them.

“Pet?” Sasa said to him as she ran away from them.

“I doubt he would have understood the word companion.”

“That’s true. I admit you are probably right about that. I will try to hurry.” She said to him.

Oblivion said nothing as the colt looked at him and he motioned for him to stay where he was. Silver and the others started to move forward and Oblivion nearly yelled at them to stay out of the way. They must have seen the look in his eyes since they stopped and remained just out of sight. Time inched past them as the Troll waited for the cat to return. Oblivion fought back the urge to simply fight the creature but he managed to hold back his own base instinct.

“Hungry.” The Troll whined.

Oblivion bit back a growl as he looked at the Troll. “I know. Just wait a little longer.” He said to the Troll and hoped he did as he was asked.

The Troll growled and looked back at the other colt. Oblivion watched the Troll closely for any sign that he was going to go for the colt. Should he choose to eat the colt, the decision would have been made about the Troll’s fate. His ears flicked as Sasa came up behind him, a large rabbit in her teeth.

“I was not able to get a deer.” She admitted as she brought the rabbit to the Troll and dropped it at his feet.

“There you go. Dinner.” He said to the Troll as it picked up the rabbit.

He sat down and his stubby teeth dug into the rabbit’s body. Sasa went to the others and he watched as the Troll ate the rabbit. The Elder Witcher looked to the others and he could tell that they were repulsed by what they were seeing. They did not eat meat and as such it terrified and repulsed them to see it being done. He said nothing as blood dripped from the body and down the Troll’s arms and onto the ground. The fur and bones were tossed aside as it finished the rabbit and leaned back.

“Still hungry.” It complained.

Oblivion once more bit back a stream of profanity as he fought back the urge to simply kill the Troll. “For now that is going to have to do. The ponies might have ideas about where to find more food that you can have.”

“Ponies know?”

“Maybe.” He replied and waited as the Troll got to his feet.

“Ponies’ tell where to find more. Show me ponies.” He said as he approached the Witcher.

Oblivion backed up as the Troll got closer to him and a hand went out and Oblivion reared back as it closed empty on where his neck would have been. His sword tumbled from his back and he summoned it to his magic as the Troll stopped and reached for him again. He teleported a few feet away and was now in front of the Troll.

“I will lead you but you can’t touch me.”


Oblivion took note of the more aggressive stance the Troll was taking and he hoped they had some clues where there was more game to be had. He looked back as the guards retrieved the colt and took both of them into the air above them. He glanced upward as they fell into formation above him. Sasa trailed behind them, keeping an eye on the Troll. Above him, the guards stayed as close as they dared and he could see them checking their location in relation to his. Once they were out of the forest Silver came to walk close to him.

“Should one of us go to the town and get the mayor?” The Solar guard asked.

“Might be for the best,” Oblivion replied.

The Elder Witcher watched as the guard left them behind. Above him, the remaining three stayed close with their gaze now on the Troll instead of him. They watched it closely and Sasa stayed close behind the slow-moving Troll. Striker and Vantage carried the two colts on their backs both kept an eye looking between the Witcher and the Troll.

“Is this a good idea Chosen?” Sasa asked him as he trained his eyes ahead of him and his ears on the Troll.

“I am wondering that myself. Depending on how things turn out maybe it was a bad idea. My thought is that if they can point to an area where they have seen more animals than usual that it can hunt there versus using the village as a hunting ground.” He admitted to her.

“That is a solid idea. How do we know that the mayor will be helpful in that regard?”

“We don’t. For all we know he could incite panic and then we have no other options but to adjust and possibly kill the Troll.”

“Hopefully this goes smoothly.” Sasa’s voice was hopeful.

He said nothing in reply to her as he looked back to see the Troll eyeing the group above him. He stomped his hooves and the Troll looked back to him. Cross came down to him and hovered close to his head.

“Sir, should we take the colt’s home or…”

“Get them out of here. The fewer distractions the better.” He said to the Thestral.

Cross nodded and went back to the others. Cross remained behind as the others winged their way to the village, leaving them behind. Sasa growled as the Troll began to pick up speed and Oblivion looked back as it drew up closer to him. He quickened his pace and broke into an easy-paced trot. It allowed him to remain in the front and keep the Troll in between himself and Sasa.

The village loomed ahead of him and he could see the nervous mayor ahead of them. Cross winged his way back to join his fellows and stood off to the side of them. Oblivion slowed to a walk and the mayor leaned back on his haunches at the sight of the Troll bearing down on him. The Witcher stopped several feet from the rotund pony and the Troll drew up a foot ahead of him.

“Where more food?” The Troll asked and the mayor stood in front of him, staring at the monster.

Oblivion came to stand in between them and prepared himself to mediate and translate. “He is wondering where there is more game that he can eat inside the forest.”

The mayor came to stare at the black Unicorn and then to the Troll. “We do not hunt so I am unsure of the request.”

Oblivion looked at the Troll who looked back at him. “Ponies not hunt. Ponies not sure where to hunt. Ponies share other food.”

The Troll's small eyes stared at the mayor who looked even more nervous as the monster looked from him to the other assembled ponies. “No dinner?”

“Ponies not eat meat. Ponies share other food.” Oblivion said to him.

“What food?” The Troll asked as the ponies began to shuffle their hooves.

Oblivion watched as ponies came forward with samples of the base food they would have eaten. Hay, oats and other fruits and vegetables were brought forward. His orange eyes followed the Troll's movements and its gaze soon fell on the ponies themselves versus the food items.

“Chosen, this was a bad idea.” Sasa said to him.

“I am beginning to think the same thing. I don’t know why I bothered. I am not Geralt.” He admitted with a litany of curses running through his mind.

“You tried to foster peace Chosen that is not a bad thing. If he had not eaten the ponies I would agree with you completely. Celestia and Luna would have been thrilled to hear that you tried at the very least. You might have been able to convince him that ponies would taste like dirt or worse. But not after he has eaten two ponies.”

Oblivion watched the Troll and he could see that the monster was considering which pony would taste better than the others. He began to move forward when the Troll rounded on him.

“No dinner here! Give small pony back.” The Troll said and swung at the Witcher, who ducked under his arm.

“No,” Oblivion said as his sword came forward at his command. “Ponies’ do not eat meat and cannot give you meat that they do not have. You must hunt on your own.”

The Troll roared at the stallion’s words and looked ready to attack the ponies assembled. Oblivion jumped to land in the Troll’s immediate line of sight and keep its focus on him. Sasa went past him and began to herd the ponies away from the center of town. His team moved to mirror her efforts and got the ponies out of the way. Oblivions blade whirled in his magic as the Troll charged him. He skirted to the side and avoided the blind charge and his blade struck the Trolls flank in an attempt to further entice the monster to focus on him.

“Chosen. Get that thing out of town before he collides with somepony.” Sasa said to him as ponies screamed and fled.

The Troll turned to face him and the Witcher began to back up one hoof at a time to draw the monster to follow him. It put its head down and charged him once more. He moved to the side and once more waited for it to pull out of its charge as he charged toward it to entice it to follow him. He angled to allow his blade to strike its arm as he passed by it. Earning him its undivided attention. The Troll reached for him as it ambled forward and he blocked with his blade and its arm scraped down the length of the blade as he redirected the attack. The Troll stumbled forward and he pirouetted out of the way and his blade spun to cut into the Trolls underarm.

The Elder Witcher said nothing as he flicked the blade to remove any blood from it. Quen flowed over his body with a tap of his hoof. Yrden flowed over the ground a moment later and he backed up to the edge of the Signs range. The Troll charged into the Sign and his movements slowed as Oblivion charged into him and his blade swung, cutting deeply into the belly of the monster. It roared and swung, catching the stallion in the shoulder. Oblivion rolled away from the monster and got to his hooves as Quen exploded into the monster, knocking it back a step. Oblivion stayed back as his blade glowed golden in his magic, hints of purple were held within the blade as it was held in the azure flame of his magic.

Oblivion watched as it backed up from him and picked rock from its stony hide. “Shit.” Oblivion cursed under his breath as he took to his heels and refreshed Quen. The stone was thrown toward him and he ducked under it else it would have struck him in the head and knocked him off his hooves. He looked up as another rock collided with shoulder and knocked him from his hooves and onto the ground. He rolled over his shoulder and back onto his hooves. He rotated his shoulder and he did not feel anything more than a bruise. He breathed a sigh of relief and went back to circling the Troll who followed his movements. He dashed into be closer to the Troll and it stepped back at his sudden closeness.

He swung the blade once more and it scored a glancing blow to the Troll’s upper body. Oblivion spun and bucked, his hooves hitting the Troll in its exposed belly. The blow hit the fresh wounds from his earlier attack and Oblivion could feel the body giving under the hard buck. Oblivion backed away as it leaned down and brought its arms over its head. He recognized the move and stayed back as it exploded into motion and slammed the ground with both arms, expecting the Witcher to be under the blow. Oblivion had fought enough Trolls to know that the blow could not be parried or stopped. He tossed Axii and the Troll staggered as he closed the distance once more and scored another cut to the exposed belly.

The Witcher danced on his hooves as the Troll looked down to the damage on its body and then to the stallion. Oblivion's eyes narrowed as he watched the Troll’s dumb expression turn to one of rage. The Witcher was silent as he charged the Troll once more as it swung at him and he allowed the strike to fall on his shoulder as Quen exploded stunning the Troll as his sword came down, scoring several swift strikes. Blood began to flow from the deepening wounds as the Troll swung once more and Oblivion teleported away from it.

Sasa watched as Oblivion battled the Troll. He had led the creature far enough away to avoid the homes and businesses of the ponies of the town. She could feel; anxiety building up in her as he fought alone. She dared not interrupt him or try to help as he moved. She knew that if she interfered it would throw off his fight and could lead to him being hurt. She did not know how to fight such a monster and she left him to it. That did not mean she did not cringe anytime he was struck or came close. Beside her, his team stood in rapt attention at the fight in front of them. They had not seen the Witcher go into battle before and were seeing it for the first time.

“Wow.” Silver breathed out as he watched.

She looked at him and gave a nod as he looked at her. She knew that they were amazed at the speed of the attacks and the exact strikes. The feline turned her eyes back to the fight and she cringed as a wide swipe from the Troll sent the Witcher rolling over the dirt. He rolled to his hooves and she watched as the golden light of Quen slid over him once more.

Oblivion spun his weapon in his magic as blood dripped from the Troll’s body. He said nothing as the Troll grew more enraged and desperate. It charged him and he spun to the side, keeping his weapon from striking the Troll's thick rock covered back as the cuts to the Troll's body began to split and grow worse with movement. The black stallion spun the blade and he gave chase and drew up to the side of the Troll. He watched as the Troll’s body began to bleed more and he knew that the shallow cuts were deepening and would split the Troll’s body if it did not stop its attack.

The Troll spun to hit him and he ducked under the attack and feinted to the side, drawing the Troll to spin to face him and he drove his weapon into the Trolls exposed belly. He twisted the weapon and the Troll roared in pain and swung for him. He backflipped away and watched as the Troll grasped at the sword that he had left behind. Oblivion charged him once more and the Troll swung as he slid under the arm and spun to buck the weapon deeper. He spun once more and his claws gripped the hilt and he yanked the weapon free. The Troll screamed as the weapon was torn from him and Oblivion backflipped once more.

The black Unicorn watched as the Troll gripped the wound as blood slipped between its fingers and onto the ground. It began to teeter back and forth as it struggled to stay standing. His orange eyes did not leave the Troll as it collapsed forward. Its breathing was labored as it struggled in the dirt. Oblivion watched as it died in front of him. He felt nothing as the Troll died in front of him and he simply thought of it as another monster that he knew he had to remove for the safety of others. He waited for over a minute for anything with the Troll’s body to change and when nothing did he allowed a sigh to escape him as he rotated his shoulders.

He looked to the body and his magic rolled the body over as his magic gripped any parts of the internal organs he needed for any potions later. His magic tore the ingredients free and blood dripped from the sphere of magic that held the parts. He summoned a flask to hold the pieces and deposited them in the flask for later. He flicked the weapon free of any remaining blood or gore. The blade was banished into the band on his leg and he looked to the assembled ponies who had borne witness to the fight.

He could see the horror written in the eyes of the ponies that had watched. He could see the disdain and shock in their eyes and they backed up a step as he began to walk toward them. He could see the shock in the eyes of his team as he moved toward them. Sasa stood up and nuzzled him in support as he stopped in front of them. The mayor was pale and shook at the sight of the dead monster and the Witcher who had killed it.

“What about the body Chosen?” Sasa asked him.

His horn lit with his azure flame and he watched as it covered the body and began to burn through it. The body was burned to nothing in a matter of moments and no evidence of the body remained. Tracks and blood were the only indications that anything had happened. Oblivion said nothing as he looked to the mayor. The pony stared at him, shock and horror in his eyes as the stallion approached him. Oblivion saw his team turn to watch him as he approached the mayor and the rotund pony stepped back as the black Unicorn paused to speak to him.

“There is nothing more around you that could endanger your ponies.” He said to him.

The mayor gave a numb nod as he retreated from the Witcher. He seemed to get his voice back and he sputtered for a second before speaking. “Now get out of our town. It’s hard to tell who the bigger monster was.” He replied, fear in his voice.

Oblivion gave a slight nod and spun to leave. Sasa snarled as she fell in behind him and his team fell in behind her. He glanced over his shoulder as ponies began to murmur and whisper as he passed by them. The owner of the inn they had stayed at rushed past him and stopped in front of the inn.

“We will get your things. Will be faster.” He rushed out as several employees raced past him.

Oblivion said nothing as he waited. Several minutes passed and their things were brought outside for them. Silver and the others went through their bags and nodded to the stallion as Cross gave him his saddlebags. Oblivion buckled them in place and spun to leave the inn behind. Whispers hung on the air as he passed by several ponies on their way to the chariot that stood off to the side of the town hall. Silver growled under his breath about ponies but stayed quiet behind the Black Unicorn.


“Yes Sasa?”

“Are you all right?” She asked him, concern in her voice.

“Yes why?”

“They’re not very grateful.” She whispered to him.

“Nothing I am not used to. Very few ever see the battle that takes place between a Witcher and our quarry. I am not surprised by how they reacted.” He commented to her.

She went silent at his words and stayed at his side. They reached the chariot and his guards got into the traces. He jumped into the back and Sasa joined him after a moment. When they did not move he looked at the Solar and Lunar guards and waited for them.

“Sir?” Striker spoke up after several seconds.

“Yes?” He replied.

“It every battle like that?”

“No. Each one is different. Only the end result is the same.” He said to him.

“And the reaction?”

“It varies. Very few ever see the battle itself, only the end result.” He assured them. “I am not concerned with their fear of me. That is not new.”

“They could have said thank you.” Vantage said to him as he looked over his shoulder. “And you told us that we would not be the same after our last battle. Are you changed by every fight?”

“No. I am not affected by each and every fight. I recall some of them more than others but for the most part, it is just another fight that I must win.” Oblivion explained. “You had never been in a fight before, especially not one that you needed to fight for your life. That is the part that changes somepony and how they see the world around them.”

Cross and Silver were quiet as they began to pull the chariot forward. They walked through the town as there was not enough room to take off easily and Oblivion had told them not to push themselves needlessly. As they neared the edge of town a shout caught his attention. He looked up as the guards stopped as a mare ran toward them.

“Please wait.” She breathed out as they came to a halt. “I know that they told you to leave. But please know that I am thankful for what you did. I may not have liked the sight of it but I know you did what you must. You brought back my baby and you brought him back in one piece. So all I have to say is…Thank you.”

Oblivion watched as she bowed her head for a second and he gave a returning nod to her. “Your welcome.” He said to her and a wide smile went over her muzzle as she backed up to give them room to leave.

Oblivion said nothing as they began to gather speed to leave the ground and Sasa roared back to the mare. “Changed my mind. Not all of them are useless jerks.”

“They cannot be what they are not. They cannot be happy when they are terrified. They will come to terms with the battle on their own.” He said to her.

“So they will come to thank you later?”

“In time perhaps.” He replied.

73: Lies and Truths...

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Oblivion was silent as he looked up to see the filly walking through the front gate with a set of spinning plates on her snout. He had remained in Canterlot overnight and had just returned. He looked at her as she saw him and her eyes widened at the sight of him and she stopped in her tracks. He summoned Sasa to his side and the filly's eyes grew wider.

“Odd.” He muttered to himself at her behavior.

“What is it Chosen? Oh, there’s Apple Bloom.” Sasa tilted her head as the filly remained still. “What is wrong? What did you do?”

“I have done nothing. Though I am curious about what she is doing. She went still at the sight of me.”

“That’s…odd of her. Usually, she is thrilled to see you when you come back from a hunt.”

Oblivion stayed still as the filly took a cautious step toward him. A smile crossed her muzzle as she broke into a trot and went past him. She said nothing to him as he watched her go past. Sasa rumbled a purr to the filly who zipped into the house ahead of them.

“Okay what did you do? She’s acting as if you caught her hoof in the cookie jar.” Sasa said to him as she stared up at him.

“I did nothing I assure you.” He said to her as he headed for the door.

“Two cutie marks?” Applejack called out as he opened the front door. “Oh welcome home Oblivion.”

“Afternoon everypony.” He said as he found the others in the room as well. “What were you saying?”

“Apple Bloom has two cutie marks.” Applejack explained to him and pointed to their youngest sibling.

He looked at the filly and he could see a hoop like marking, which explained the twirling hoop on her tail and another that showed a pair of spinning plates. His brow quirked at the nervous filly. She cast a nervous glance his way.

“Ah got mah cutie mark and then ah got another one.” She finally spoke up to him.

“I see that.” He replied to her and he could hear the slight quiver in her voice.


Sasa spoke out to him as he looked at the filly in between him and the rest of the Apple family. He could see that the filly was tired from her day but he still had the feeling that she was deceiving them. His own mind was running through possibilities as the filly began to speak to the others. Sasa drew up close to him and nudged his shoulder. His orange eyes went over the proud and happy faces of those close to him and he bit back his own words of doubt.

“Chosen what is it?”

“She’s lying about something.”

“How can you tell?”

“Years of reading people tell me that she is hiding something. I may not know much about cutie marks but I know that having two is rare or even impossible.”

“That’s true. The odds of having two of them are so rare it’s laughable.” She agreed. “But at the same time it could happen. But you don’t seem to agree.”

“I still believe she is lying.”

“And nothing will change your mind about that.” Sasa admitted.

“No. I have been lied to by everyone from kings to jesters and I will not ignore the signs in front of me.” He replied as his eyes scanned the room.

“So will you tell them your thoughts?”

“I am…not sure. I can see the joy in their eyes about the chance of her finally getting her marking. But at the same time, I wish to prevent them from getting too much more involved in this lie she has crafted.”

“It might not be a lie…”

“Do not ignore what is in front of your muzzle.” He snapped at her.

Sasa flinched and looked at the filly in front of her. “I am not ignoring it Chosen. I do not have your eyes or experience. What do you see from her? What does the World Spirit tell you?”

“It tells me she is lying. Her spirit is in turmoil and it roils within her.” He replied to the feline.

“So she is being deceptive?”


“Then you have to tell them or at least talk to Applejack.” Sasa encouraged. “She will listen to you if only because she knows that you are more than a Unicorn.”

“True enough.”

He waited as the filly headed for bed and she trotted past him and up the stairs. Granny Smith was not far behind her and Big Mac behind her. His horn lit up and a wall of azure flame stopped Applejack from going up the stairs. She turned to look at him, an unspoken question in her eyes.

“I need a moment of your time.” He said to her and she nodded as she came to stand in front of him. “I think there is more to what we are being told.”

“What ya mean?”

“I don’t think she is telling the truth.” He began.

“What ya mean? Ya mean Apple Bloom?”

“Yes. I can tell that she is being deceptive about something. When I came back she did everything in her power to avoid myself and Sasa. That is a sign that something is wrong. I am seeing too many red flags to ignore what I am seeing.”

Applejack stared at him as he spoke to her. “Ya mean she is lying about her cutie marks?” He nodded as she spoke. “How can ya doubt yer little sister like this?”

“I do not doubt that she has been wanting her cutie mark badly. But I do not think she is telling the whole truth.”

Applejack stomped a hoof as he spoke. “Nah. Ya need to believe in her as we do. Just cause she didn’t fawn over ya when ya came back from a three-day trip doesn’t mean she’s a liar. A pony can’t fake a cutie mark.”

“With enough magic or potions, anything can be made true. I do not doubt her desires. I doubt the truth of it. I have been lied to by many and have learned from the experience. I will not be told to believe something when I do not see it be true. I know she is lying.” He replied, his gaze firm.

Applejack’s spirit rolled within her as he spoke. He could see the anger that went through her eyes as he spoke to her. She spun on her heel and went up the stairs, refusing to speak with him further. Sasa sat down at his side as he sighed and shook his head. “I cannot be told to believe what I do not see.”

“I know Chosen. I know.” Sasa said to him and she leaned against his shoulder in comfort.

Oblivion lay awake as the sound of tapping caught his attention and he flicked an ear to listen. “What in the God's name?” He muttered after several minutes.

“Make it stop.” Sasa said after a few minutes. “It’s driving me crazy.”

Oblivion rolled out of bed and his wings vanished under their usual enchantment. His magic pushed open the door and Sasa jumped off the bed behind him. The Unicorn started down the hall as Applejack came out of her bedroom door. Her eyes landed on him and a flash of anger went over her as he went past her, following the sound of tapping.

“What is that?” She asked him.

“I have no idea but it’s driving Sasa to insanity.” He replied as the cat growled.

He came to the filly’s door as the lights in her room were still on and he pushed open the door. She was tap dancing in one corner of the room. He stared as she looked at him, her eyes wide and desperate. Applejack drew up next to him and blinked in shock at her sister.

“Make it stop.” The filly moaned and that seemed to snap Applejack out of her shock.

The mare went into the room and tried to stop the filly’s tapping hooves. After several attempts the filly’s tapping sent her rolling and Oblivions magic stopped her from hitting the wall. She looked at him and he said nothing to her as his magic picked up the tapping filly.

“Any ideas?” She asked him.

“None.” He admitted. “We need help with this. Twilight might have a book that can help.”

Sasa sighed as the tapping sound finally stopped and she fell in behind the two ponies.

Oblivions azure flame carried the tap-dancing filly through the early morning air. He looked ahead as Sasa trotted past them to the Library and she spun to the side to slam her hip into the door. They reached the door as it opened to reveal, a tired-looking Twilight. She smiled at the sight of them and her smile faded to concern at the sight of the filly.

“What's going on?” She asked as they paused to explain.

“She now has three cutie marks,” Oblivion explained.


“Yes, she is now tap dancing and cannot stop.”

Twilight pushed open the door and they walked into the Library and she closed the door behind them. Oblivion kept the filly off the ground and his magic kept her hovering a few feet off the ground. Twilight’s horn lit as her magic pulled several books from the shelves and they began to hover around them. Oblivions magic gripped one and it hovered in front of him as he scanned the pages.

“I think I found it.” Twilight finally piped out.

“Oh?” Oblivion asked her as he set the book he had been looking through down on the table.

“Cutie Pox.”

Oblivion stilled as he looked at the tapping filly. “Go on.”

“This puzzling pony plague afflicted a population of ponies back in the Paleopony Period.” She said to them and paused as the others looked from her to the filly and then back to her. “Random cutie marks appeared all over the ponies' bodies, causing them to perform all the talents that came with them.”

“Just like me.” Apple Bloom said to them from her place hovering close by.

“So we know what it is but is there a cure?” Applejack asked urgently.

“There is no known cure.” Twilight read to them as a look of dread crossed her face. “There has to be something.”

Oblivion watched as she frantically flipped the page and reread the pages and then shook her head after careful checking. Sasa purred to her and rubbed her fur against the mare's shoulder.

“The cause of the breakout was never discovered. The Cutie Pox disappeared quickly as it appeared." Twilight admitted.

Sacré bleu! Plus de marques de cutie! Qu'est-ce c'est?! Je parle Français?!” Apple Bloom said and looked startled at the words that came from her mouth.

“That makes four marks,” Oblivion said as the others looked startled. “What?”

“What language is that?” Twilight asked him.

“Why ask me?”

“You have traveled more than we have.” She reasoned to him. "Plus you said you knew several languages."

“While true that does not mean I know it by name,” he replied.

“It’s French.” Sasa supplied. “She said, Darn it! More cutie marks. What's this? I speak French?!”

“Sasa knows the language and she said. 'Darn it! More cutie marks. What's this? I speak French'?!” He repeated to the others. “How do you know the language?”

“A caretaker for the menagerie spoke it and I picked it up from him.” She explained.

He said nothing about Sasa speaking the language and looked back to the others who were still processing the newest information. Applejack suddenly looked at him, her eyes wide.

“Oblivion ya can heal her.” She said and pointed a hoof to the hovering filly.


“Ya can heal ponies. Ya did it for Rainbow and the others afore.” She reasoned to him and he nodded that he recalled what she meant. “Can ya heal her now?”

“I can try to. Don’t be too shocked if it doesn’t work.” He warned her and she nodded.

The Witcher looked to the filly, who looked nervously from him to her sister and back to him. His magic strengthened around her and the flame grew in intensity. He called on the World Spirit to reach out to her and it surrounded her as well. He layered its power over the filly’s body and he called on it to heal her through her spirit. The magic suddenly bucked against him and he pushed it farther and he felt the World Spirit trying to withdraw against his command and he allowed it to withdraw. The Elder Witcher fell silent as he pulled his magic back and looked at the others.

“I can’t heal whatever it is. I can try to slow it down but there is nothing to heal.” He explained.

Twilight breathed in a deep breath and looked to the front door of the Library. “Do what you can Oblivion. We will have to do what we can to help her as well. We just need to figure out our next move. There has to be somepony we can get to help.”

“Or a certain Zebra.” He replied. “Zecora works with herbs and natural remedies. Maybe we just need a natural cure versus a magical one.”

“You’re a genius,” Twilight said to him as she pulled Spike onto her back and her magic pushed open the front door for the rest of them. “Come on.”

Oblivion carried the filly as they made their way through town. As they moved he looked back as the filly gasped and a marking of a chisel and he recognized the mark as a sculpting tool. The marks began to appear quicker even as he tried to slow them down to allow them more time to get to Zecora. His magic layered over her and he pushed as much magic as he dared against her small frame. A quick glance to the mares with him showed their concern as Twilight broke into a trot and he followed closely behind her and Applejack. Spike ran after them and he looked up as ponies began to notice the filly as she was being carried.

“What in the world?” A pony asked as Spike stopped with them to see what new markings had appeared.

“It’s nothing to worry about. It’s just an incurable disease called Cutie Pox.” He said to them as he sat down to rest.

Oblivion closed his eyes as his head lowered for several seconds as he opened his eyes to see that the street was now deserted. Sasa looked at the baby dragon who was looking around them with a shocked expression. A new mark appeared on her fur and Oblivion looked to see that it was the mark of a chimney sweep. Sasa came up to the filly as Oblivions magic held her closer to the ground.

“I thought I had removed their fear the last time that I visited here. But doors are barred and shutters shut. Guess I should've stayed inside my hut.” A voice called out.

Oblivion looked to the side of the as a familiar zebra approached them. A sigh of relief escaped him as a new marking of an accordion appeared on the filly’s body. Twilight and Applejack looked gleefully at the zebra as she stopped near them.

“Zecora! We were just going to see you. Apple Bloom has the Cutie Pox and we were coming to you to see if you know of a cure.” Twilight explained to her.

Oblivion looked at her as a math symbol appeared and the filly stared reciting math problems aloud. “But magically yer here! Was yer zebra sense a-tinglin'?”

“My 'zebra sense' did not bring me round, it was a special flower that I needed found. I thought I picked enough to fix all the potions I had to mix, but after my visit from Apple Bloom, some had mysteriously left my room. Apple Bloom! What do you say? Did this flower just walk away?” She replied as she looked to the filly.

Oblivion set the filly down and she began to lift weights as the mark appeared on her fur. He said nothing to her as she went through the motions that the mark brought. He looked away from her as Zecora looked to the filly and when the young pony said nothing in reply she seemed disappointed. Oblivion fought back the desire to put the filly directly in the eye of the zebra.

“A cutie pox cure I have forsooth, for healing power is in the Seeds of Truth,” Zecora said to them.

Applejack nodded quickly and looked expectantly at the Zebra. “Well give ‘em to her quick. Afore it gets worse.”

“The Seeds of Truth do hold the cure, but one must speak words, true and pure.” She replied and pulled the seeds out of her bag.

Apple Bloom avoided looking at the zebra and Sasa came to stand closer to the group of them. Applejack took the seeds and dug a quick hole in the path to bury the seeds and covered it. “Alright, they're planted, now somepony tell the truth!”

Silence echoed around them as Apple Bloom began cleaning windows of the stores around them. The street was vacant as the small group looked around for a pony to tell the truth and get the seeds to grow for them. Sasa looked nervously to the group and sat down at his side. They were at the doorway of Sugarcube corner and in the doorway Pinkie looked nervous and her eyes darted between them.

“Yesterday I told Mrs. Cake that I ate two corn cakes, but I really ate three!” The group looked to the raised mound of dirt in the road and nothing happened. “Okay, six! I ate six corn cakes!” Still, nothing happened and Pinkie looked panicked.

“I ate an extra donut even after I said I was on a diet last time in Canterlot.” Sasa said to him and he looked down at her and parroted her words. They looked at the dirt and still nothing. Sasa looked at the sun and then back at him. “Okay, so it was two donuts. “ He spoke for her and still nothing happened.

“Your turn!” She yelled at him as Apple Bloom tap danced toward him.

He turned his eyes to glare at the filly as she began to spin in a tornado around them. Sasa stood up and got out of the little pony’s way as she moved around them.

“Make it stop!” Pinkie called out and covered her eyes with her hooves.

Sasa whimpered and he felt annoyance bite at him and his magic covered the filly and stopped her spinning. His orange eyes were sharp and held a spark of anger within them. The filly stared at him as his magic held her in front of him. “Tell the truth, Apple Bloom.” He growled at her and set her next to the dirt mound.

“Ah can't stand it anymore! It's me! Ah admit it! Ah didn't earn my cutie mark! They're all fake! Ah figured the Heart's Desire would help me get what Ah wanted most! So when Zecora left her hut, Ah mixed up a special potion and put the rest of the Heart's Desire in it!” She called out.

The group of them looked as the mound shook and a flower sprouted from the dirt. Oblivion gave a quiet sigh as Apple Bloom reached down her head and ate the whole bloom in one bite and chewed. She swallowed the plant and laid down on the dirt road. Oblivion watched as the many marks began to vanish in the order that they appeared. The filly heaved a sigh as she slowly got to her hooves and looked at the assembled ponies. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her two friends coming out of a nearby alley. Apple Bloom saw them and an apologetic smile came onto her muzzle.

“Apple Bloom?” Sweetie Bell said to her as they approached.

“Are you okay?” Scootaloo asked her cautiously.

“Ah'm great, and Ah've never been happier to be a blank flank. But Ah'm awful sorry Ah lied, 'specially to you gals. Ah was so desperate for mah cutie mark, Ah just got carried away. And Ah'm really sorry Ah snuck those flowers from ya, Zecora. Why, Ah wouldn't blame ya if ya never wanted me to come by again.” Apple Bloom replied to them and then looked to the Zebra.

The zebra looked kindly at the ashamed filly and a smile crossed her muzzle. “Now, Apple Bloom, do not be silly. You are always welcome, my little filly. With each mistake you learn something new, growing up into a better you.”

“Apple Bloom. Would you like to write to the Princess about what you learned?” Twilight asked her and the filly nodded enthusiastically.

Oblivion looked past the filly as Applejack tapped his shoulder and he walked off to the side with her. Sasa remained with the others as the stallion waited to see what the farm mare needed of him. She scuffed the ground with one hoof and her eyes fell on him.

“Ah owe ya an apology.” She explained.


“Yeah. Ya was right about the Cutie marks on Apple Bloom. Ah didn’t believe ya when ya said she was lyin’. Turns out ya were right.” She said to him.

“I hold nothing against you. You had every reason to disagree with me and you chose to believe in her while I did not.”

“Ya wouldn’t have said she was lyin’ without reason. Ah just didn’t wanna believe ya.” She said to him.

Oblivion looked at the mare as she apologized. “I do not blame you for not believing me. I took the chance that you would not believe what I said and I was not shocked. I do not blame you.”

She looked relieved as a sigh pulled from her. “Ah’m glad yer not sore at me fer it. Ah should have given ya the benefit of the doubt and listened. But Ah was so sure she was tellin’ the truth and that ya were wrong.”

He shook his head and she paused as she spoke. “Don’t worry about it AJ. I’m not angry or upset about what happened.” He assured her and she seemed to understand.

He watched as she went back to the group and Sasa came to his side. He leveled a look at the feline and she looked to the ground. “I trust you know that my telling the truth would not have changed anything.”

She nodded somberly as he spoke. “I know Chosen. I did not think beyond helping her and I let it blind me. She was the one that needed to tell the truth, not the rest of us. I am sorry.”

The black Unicorn said nothing as the feline laid her head against his shoulder. Hidden under their veil of magic, his wings flicked against his sides.

74: A Mask Thrown Aside

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Oblivion looked up as Rainbow came out of the tree she had been napping in. The Pegasus mare looked at each of them for several seconds before she asked what they were doing in the park.

Applejack patted Winona’s back as she responded to Rainbows questioning. “Why, we always round up our critters fer a regular ol' Pony Pet Playdate in this park.”

“You do?”

“Same time every week. Well most of us.” She amended as Sasa growled. “Ah dragged ‘im along when he was done with his morning chores, even though Sasa ain’t a pet.”

Oblivion sighed as the mare explained. He was watching the time to ensure that he was not late to his meeting with Blue Blood in Canterlot. He had agreed to come to the playdate as long as they understood that he and Sasa would be leaving shortly. He listened with one ear as Sasa left her place close to Rainbow and rejoined him.

“How are we on time Chosen?” She asked as she sat close to him.

“We have about ten minutes until we need to teleport. Until then we can…what is she doing with Rainbow?” He asked as Fluttershy began to carry Rainbow away from the group of them.

“Rainbow said something about maybe getting a pet and since Fluttershy has so many at her house she is going to help her find one.” Sasa clarified for him.

“Lovely. That frees us from needing to worry about offending her with this gathering.” Oblivion replied.

“I agree. We could probably leave now and Blue would meet us there. He is usually early just in case.” Sasa said to him.

Oblivion gave a slight nod to the cat as he looked to Twilight who was closest to him. “Twilight. I will be leaving to go to Canterlot.”

“Have fun.” She said to him with a wide smile.

He reached out to set a hoof on Sasa and his horn flared as he teleported them.

“You’re early.” A voice said to him as his eyes opened and he could see Blue Blood standing several feet away from them.

“We finished our tasks and chose to come early,” Oblivion explained as Sasa approached and nuzzled the Equestrian Prince.

“Shall we?” Sasa said to him and both ponies fell in behind her.

Sasa sat down at the side of the table with them as they waited for Joe to bring out their food and coffee. Blue Blood ran his hoof absently over the cat’s fur as she purred.

“So how have you been?” He asked as he leaned into the table.

“I have been well. And yourself?”

“Doing well actually. I had heard that the ponies from your last hunt were anything but grateful.”

“Where did you hear that?” Sasa asked him.

“I may have overheard it from Striker and Vantage.” He admitted quickly.

“So you were eavesdropping?” Sasa teased. “Why Blue Blood a Prince of Equestria eavesdropping on common guards. What would the nobles think?”

“They would use it as ammunition against me.” He replied quickly. “Which is why I made it look as though I had something wrong with my hoof to try to make it less obvious.”

Sasa broke into a laugh as Blue tried to look serious but his mouth quirked into a grin and his serious expression failed to hold. Oblivion gave him a blank look before he shook his head and Sasa laid down and placed her foreleg over her snout as she laughed. Blue Blood shrugged as a smile went over his mouth and he chuckled.

“You heard correctly in any case,” Oblivion replied. “They were pretty upset about the lack of attention we received from the town’s ponies.”

“Didn’t bother you much did it?” Blue asked him.

“Not as much as others. I am used to not being thanked at the end of a contract. Most contract givers will thank me but mostly they simply wish me to take the coin and leave. Being told to leave is not out of the normal for me.” Oblivion informed him.

Blue leaned back into the booth and shook his head. “I still cannot see how they would tell you to leave when you had done them a courtesy.”

“They saw the fight in front of their eyes. Normally I would have fought the Troll out of sight and they would not have seen anything. But this time I tried to allow the Troll to give them a reason to allow him to exist alongside them.”

“You allowed it?”

“Yes. I had thought that if I could get the Troll to not eat them then…”

“Eat them?” Blue exclaimed.

“You did not get all of the story did you?” Oblivion asked him blandly.

“I only got what I overheard.” He replied.

“I suspected the Troll of eating adult ponies. When we arrived I sent out two of them to look over the area and they returned with nothing. The next morning we were informed that two foals had gone missing overnight. I sent the guards into the forest and took Sasa into the forest to track the foal's hoof prints. Striker came back and found me in the forest to alert me that they had found the Troll. They could also hear the foals screaming.”

“By the Goddess. And what happened next?”

Oblivion paused as Joe brought over their food and drinks. They dug into the donuts and Oblivion sipped his coffee as Sasa purred her thanks to the Unicorn.

“Go on.” Blue prompted.

“So we met up with the Troll and I spoke with it to ascertain if we could get it to understand that ponies are not food. I rescued one of the foals from the cook pot and Sasa got him out of the way. I informed the Troll that it could not eat ponies and I was able to find out that it had eaten the other missing ponies.”

“And it did eat them?”


Blue shuddered at the thought of the pony eating monster and leaned forward in the booth. “Is that normal?”

“It’s a monster. Many monsters will eat whatever they can catch. In this case it was a couple of ponies. I convinced it to ask the ponies for an area where more games had been seen that might allow it to hunt on its own and not target the ponies. I sent the guards and the foals back to town ahead of us and they alerted the mayor to the fact that I was leading the Troll back to them.”

Blue Blood sighed and waited as the stallion went on. “The Troll did not react well to finding out that ponies do not eat meat so they had no way to tell if game animals were close by since they did not pay attention to such things. I ended up fighting the Troll in view of the ponies of the village. While it was not what I would have preferred it was how things ended up. I ended up killing the Troll and they were witnesses to the entire scene.”

“And they were too scared to thank you properly.” Blue finished for him and the black stallion nodded. “Still being told to get out of town right away was untoward and unfair. Did anypony give you the thanks you deserved?”

“One did. The mother of one of the foals. She was the one that had alerted us to the missing foals in the first place and she did give her thanks.” He admitted. “I gave up trying to always gain their thanks back in the Northern Realms.”

“Still. You deserved a thank you. But I can see that you moved past it long ago and it does no good to draw it out.” Oblivion nodded as he spoke. “So now you only have one left?”

“Yes. An Ice Elemental remains out of the six that were brought to my attention. I am not sure of its exact location but in time it will fall as the others have.” He replied.

Sasa sat up from her plate and gazed over the table at the pair of them. Oblivion ran his hoof over her fur as Blue chewed his food and Oblivion sipped his coffee. The black unicorn looked past the Prince and to the diminished Specter that stood behind him. It had grown nearly transparent and its height greatly diminished. Oblivion was quiet as he considered his options. The Witcher could remove the specter now without worrying about harming Blue as a side effect. The act would still leave Blue rebuilding himself but he had been doing that almost since the beginning.


Sasa’s voice broke him out of his thoughts and he looked down at her. “Yes?”

“What are you planning? I can see the look in your eyes.”

“I am thinking that it is time to remove the corruption from Blue. He is strong enough now to handle it.”

She appeared shocked at his words as she looked at the Prince of Equestria. “Are you certain?”

“His spirit has strengthened significantly since I first met him. There is no reason to delay unless he feels otherwise. I will discuss it with him if you would prefer.”

“I think that would be a good idea. If only to allow him to consider it.”

Oblivion said nothing in reply to her words. Blue Blood finished his food and leaned back into the booth. “Blue. You are aware that I am able to cleanse the spirits of those around me, correct?”

“You had mentioned it off hoof once. When we were discussing Soarin you had talked about it.” He replied.

“How do you feel that you have been doing?”

“I think better. I haven’t needed to use my mask in quite some time. Why do you ask?”

“I will come clean about the reason I began to help you. When I looked at you I could see what reminded me of a Hym that is rare where I am from. It feeds off guilt and sorrow that it gains from its host. In this case your sorrow and anger.”

Blue looked horrified as Oblivion described the monster. He looked around him and then to the Witcher. “How can I not see it?”

“You have seen it. Do you remember that dream you had once about the creature that came after you?”

Blue looked thoughtful as he thought over the question. Recognition went through his eyes as he nodded. “I remember that. So that was what I saw?”

“Yes. To a certain extent, it will try to harm you and cause you to become what it needs to sustain itself. But it will not do so much damage to cause you to fall completely.”

“What do you see now?”

“It was once taller than I am and now it is just over your shoulder and it has grown weaker. Its form was once solid and dark now it has grown see-through.” Oblivion explained. “That shows how weak and powerless it has become.”

“So what do you wish to do now?”

“I think you are more than capable of surviving me removing it completely.” He explained.

Blue looked surprised at the black Unicorn but nodded. “If you think it can be done I trust your judgment.”

Oblivion nodded as he finished his coffee and Sasa nuzzled the Prince’s leg. “You are more than strong enough Blue Blood.” She assured him.

The Prince of Equestria smiled at her words and the black Unicorn slid out of the booth and looked at him. “The timing is up to you. I can cleanse you of it or we can wait.” He said to him.

“Will it change anything if we wait?”

“Not really. It might weaken it further but it will not leave you so long as it can feed off you. While you are not giving it much to feed off it will not flee unless forced.”

Blue Blood said nothing as he got to his hooves. “No time like the present.” He said with finality in his voice.

Oblivion gave a slight bow of his head and Sasa watched as they paid for their food and left the shop.

Blue Blood led the way into the Menagerie and Oblivion waited as they ventured deeper into the trees. Oblivion looked up as they came into a small clearing and Blue Blood looked over his shoulder to the Black Unicorn.

“Will this work?” Blue Blood asked, nervousness creeping into his voice.

“I think so. I do not anticipate any difficulties with removing the last of the specter.”

“Don’t worry Blue. We would not allow anything to happen to you.” Sasa assured him, her voice gentle and soothing.

“I know. I never thought of that mask as a living thing before. It’s a bit…disconcerting.” He admitted.

“It’s not so much the mask. This specter drives those it attaches to either self-harm or madness. In your case it drove your paranoia and distrust to higher levels than you would have done on your own. I have dealt with maybe one Hym in my time and that was many years ago. They are rare at best and not easily forced to move on.” Oblivion explained. “My goal is to remove it and the weight that comes with it.”

Blue nodded and sat down close to the center of the clearing. “What do I do?”

“You? Nothing.” Oblivion said as he approached the pony. His horn illuminated and one of his blades appeared and hovered in his magic. Blue Blood looked nervously at the hovering blade and then back to the Unicorn. “Trust me.” He said to the pony nodded and closed his eyes.

Sasa stepped back to the edge of the forest as Oblivion reached out and set his hoof against the Princes chest. His connection to the World Spirit roared to life at his command and he pushed back his Unicorn magic and allowed his horn to blaze with the white fire of the World Spirit as he allowed it to course through him. Through meditation, he had learned how to separate his magic and he used that skill now. The power of the World Spirit thrummed through him as he pushed it into the stallion’s body.

He looked up as Blue exhaled and inhaled a shaky breath and went still once more. He closed his eyes and focused on the specter and hoe to rid the stallion of its influence. He knew enough about Hyms and their ilk to know that removing them from the host was the easy part. He hoped that it had become weak enough that he would be able to kill it quickly without endangering the other pony or Sasa. He pushed as much of the World Spirit into Blues body as he dared and he could sense when it connected with the spirit that rested within the pony.

Oblivion breathed in a deep breath and reached out to the spirit within Blue and then wrapped the World Spirit around the pony’s body as well, using it to shield him. His hoof pressed tighter against the other chest and he opened his eyes to keep an eye on the specter. The being did not move as he tended to the pony before him. He once more focused on the spirit in front of him and the World Spirit surged as he commanded it to purge the pony before him. Blue gasped aloud as Oblivion grimaced as he began to pull his hoof back slowly.

The specter leaned over the pony and Blue yelped as it seemed to sink claws into his fur. Oblivion called on more of the World Spirit to protect Blue and it answered his call. White fire began to play over Blue's body, pushing the specter back. As the specter reeled back Oblivion used the time to begin to pull the resulting corruption from the pony. As he pulled, Blue put his hooves up and they grasped Oblivions hoof and foreleg. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Sasa got to her paws and start to come toward them. He glanced at her, she stopped, and once more sat down to wait.

He trained his gaze on his task and began to slowly pull back. The specter tried to lean over the pony once more and the white fire drove it back, the pure fire of the World Spirit grew to protect one of its ponies at its Guardian’s command. He said nothing as Blue leaned against him and his hoof pulled away from the body of the other and Blue cried out as Oblivions hoof was pulled out of his grasp. He collapsed forward and Oblivion leaned forward to keep him from hitting the ground muzzle first. Blue gasped and panted as Oblivion looked at the mass of corrupted spirit within his hoof.

It was a small amount compared to what had been there in the beginning. The World Spirit stayed within him and Oblivion looked back to the pony as he commanded it to heal what had been done. Blues eyes opened and he looked up at the stallion that now stood over him. His eyes widened at the sight of the mass of darkness Oblivion held and the white fire that coursed from Oblivion’s horn and covered his own body. He started to sit up but Oblivion shook his head to tell him to stay still. Oblivions horn blazed as he commanded the World Spirit to attack the darkness. When it bucked under his command he withdrew the command and his own magic came forward. Azure flame lanced from his horn and burned the corruption until there was nothing left of it.

When that was done the World Spirit began to recede and Oblivion allowed it to retreat as it had healed and protected Blue and was now no longer needed. The black Unicorn sighed as the white flame died out and his task seemed complete. He reached out a hoof to Blue who accepted it and he was pulled to his hooves. Oblivion opened his mouth to speak as the specter reared up behind the pony and Oblivion pulled Blue forward and tossed the Prince behind him. Quen slid over his body as the specters claws went over the shield. It exploded outward and the specter was pushed back and vanished.

“Sasa! Get him out of here!” He commanded the feline and she surged forward to push Blue out of the way.

Oblivions blade spun in his magic as he listened around him and Quen slid across his fur once more. His armor rushed to cover his body under the golden shield. The Hyms claws could rend flesh easily enough if it got the chance and he had already decided to not give it the chance. Yrden flowed over the ground and Oblivions ears flicked as he listened intently. He did not hear anything and he reached out to the World Spirit to see if it could be used to sense the Hyms movements. A sudden surge in the World Spirit had him backflipping and the Hym was slowed by the Sign. He surged forward and his bade scored across the specter's shadowy body. It teleported shortly after being struck and he was left waiting for it to reappear once more. The Witcher was silent as he waited, recasting Yrden and waiting once more.

“Sasa! What was that?” Blue asked the cat, he was becoming frantic the further they fled.

She looked back at him and finally stopped as she decided they were far enough away to keep him safe. “I am not sure if it has a name. It is a type of specter that was attached to you.”

“That is what it looked like?!” He shouted.

“Yes. I never saw it either. Only he could see it and now he must end it before it comes after you again. That is why he had me get you out of there. It was going after you.”

“Me?” Blue panted as he tried to speak. “Why me?”

“You are still its host. It does not want to change its host when it knows that it can feed off you. So it will try to get back to you.” She reasoned and he slowly came to understand.

“But…I thought that it would be dead once it was cleansed?”

“I do not know the details. I cannot even tell you all that he did to remove it. I know that what he pulled from you was the corruption that had leeched into you due to its touch.”

“That’s what that mass of black…goo was?”


Blue shuddered and she pushed against his chest as he sat down and wrapped his forelegs around her. He panted slowly as he held her and she nuzzled him, trying to comfort and calm him. “But that was…How?”

“I cannot tell you everything since I do not know. But I know that you are now safe from that thing and Oblivion will end its life. Do not think that you have done anything wrong. How do you feel now?” She asked to distract him.

“I feel…lighter I guess.” He admitted and gripped her fur in his hooves. "I didn’t know it had any weight and yet I feel like something has been lifted from my shoulders and back. I don’t understand it.”

She purred against him and nuzzled his neck. “There are many things that we cannot explain. What you just experienced might be one of those things. If you ask he will explain what he can. I think he knew that the specter might act out and that is why he had his blade ready. He sought to protect you from it and was ready for it.”

Blue Blood slowly released his grip on her fur and she scooted back and looked at him. She could see that he was a bit disoriented and he had the look of a pony that had been through a violent storm and had survived it. She leaned forward and pressed her nose against his cheek.

“You look better.” She said to him, trying to keep him calm.


“Yes. You seem lighter and no longer seem to have a constant air of gloom around you.”

He seemed to take heart at her words and he reached out to pet her fur. “Will he…?”

“Of course. It is not the first specter he has fought.”

“He said he had only met up with a creature like that once though.”

“Do not doubt in his strength Blue.” She chastised him gently, a laugh in her tone. “A wraith and a specter are not that different. This one appears slower than the ones we have seen so far. Its strikes are easily dodged. I do not doubt he will join us quickly.”

He calmed slowly as she spoke and he finally nodded in agreement with her. He looked back the way they had come and a deep sigh escaped him as he tried to remain calm and collected. She looked back in the same direction and waited with him, a purr still rolling from her throat.

Oblivion leaped back as he dodged another blow from the specter. His blade lunged forward as he scored another blow to the creature’s body. It screamed and vanished as he settled back into what had become routine for him. He cast Yrden and waited once more. He stood in the center of the Sign with his connection to the World Spirit helping to guide him. It warned him when it appeared but he dared not try to use it to attack. It had been unable to attack the corruption and he chose to use it for the early warning.

“Come on.” He whispered out and he slowly spun in a circle.

The black Unicorn closed his eyes for a moment as the World Spirit twitched and he spun to face the Hym as it attacked. Its claws scraped over his back as he put his head down and Quen exploded as he scored his blade several times on its hide and it screamed once more as it vanished. It did not disappear from sight as it reappeared several feet away. He was surprised to see it retreating and he chased it down as Quen slid over him once more. He chased it and it spun to attack him. He buckled his legs and slid under it, his blade cutting it in half. It screamed one last time and died from the silver blade.

He got to his hooves as it turned into ash and the remains littered the ground. He scuffed his hoof through the remains after he looked to see if any components had been spared its death but nothing remained but ash. His blade spun in his magic once more and he sent it back to the band on his leg with a thought. He straightened and rolled his shoulders as he turned to focus on Sasa and Blue. His hooves began to carry him toward the lights that he knew to be Sasa and Blue Blood.

“It’s been quite some time. Are you certain he is all right?” Blue asked the feline as she sat beside him.

“I assure you he is fine. I would know if he wasn’t.” She assured him. “You worry too much. I am sure that he is fine.”

“I believe you but I can’t help feeling…uneasy.” He explained. “I feel like I just got put through a washing machine on spin cycle.”

Sasa turned her head to look at him. “I know you feel uneasy and I am sure that it was quite the harrowing experience. But I know that Oblivion would not have done it if he thought it would harm you. You were ready to be rid of the specter that stood over your shoulder. That thing could not be allowed to hold sway over you for any longer than it already had.” She replied as she leaned her shoulder against him.

Blue opened his mouth to speak as Oblivion came out of the trees and his eyes fell on them. “You seem upset Blue.” His armor slid back to the medallion around his neck as he approached them.

The stallion looked at the unhurt Unicorn and he nodded. “You’re…all right?”

“Of course. While that Hym was not the same as the last one I fought that does not mean they are fundamentally different. Each fight is different but the basics remain the same.”

“How did you know what it was?”

“A Hym is one creature that does not outright attack its targets. It chooses instead to feed on the target's guilt, tormenting them to the point the person goes completely mad or they commit suicide.” He explained and Blue shuddered. “In your case, it fed on your sorrow and anger at being used and thrown away by those around you. According to a book I studied a Hym cannot be exorcised in the traditional way. Meaning I could not outright fight it.”

“So you have to find a new way to remove it?” Blue said to him.

“Correct. By using the Element of Spirit to help cleanse and heal you it allowed me to drag it away from you into this realm where I could fight it. It is classified as a Specter by Witchers but it is called many things. Most call it a demon and that term seems to stick normally.” He replied, leaving out the World Spirit and its part in the feat.

“Is it gone, Chosen?” Sasa asked as she got to her feet.

“Yes. It has been exorcised and defeated.” He said to her with a nod. “You are in no danger of it coming back or tormenting you further Blue.”

“So it’s gone forever?”


Blue sat down heavily and his gaze fell to the grass in front of him. “Am I supposed to feel like something is missing or like I’m…?”

“Like a piece of yourself has been removed and you can feel that it was vital to yourself?” Blue nodded and looked up at him. “That’s will pass with time. You will come to find out that you did not need that piece that was the Hym. In time you will come to realize that it was the creature and not truly yourself.” Oblivion assured him.

“Give it time Blue.” Sasa reassured him. “You are now cleansed of the being that was using you and making your feelings of pain and loss only so much worse. If I understood it right the reason for your feelings so much stronger and your sorrow that much greater was due to the Hym.” Oblivion nodded as she spoke. “Then in time, you will no longer feel such a sense of loss. You were tormented by that creature for so long that it became a part of you. You do not need it to be whole.”

Blue stood shakily and Oblivion reached out a hoof to steady him. “I’m getting a headache.” He complained.

“Not out of the ordinary. You will recover. It was a bit of a shock to your body to be…forcibly cleansed.” Oblivion reasoned. “You will be fine.”

“I really hope so.” He admitted and looked at the cat and his friend. “I think I am done for the day. I hope you don’t think me rude but…”

“Not at all. Get some rest.” Oblivion assured him.

Sasa nuzzled the tired pony and he put a foreleg over her back and hugged her close. “Till next time then?” He said to them with a weak smile.

Oblivion nodded to him and set a hoof on Blue's shoulder. His horn flared and teleported them to the royal wing of the castle. Blue looked relieved and went for his own room. Oblivion’s horn flared and he was sent back to Ponyville. He summoned Sasa to him and she purred as they were outside the farmhouse. He sighed and rolled his shoulders as he made for the house.

“There ya are.” Applejack called out to him.

He paused as the farm mare walked up to him. “Can ya teleport to where any one of us is?”

“I can yes. Why?”

“Rainbow Dash get ‘erself hurt in the gorge and Ah was wonderin’ if ya could heal her?”

“What did she do this time?” He asked.

“She was racin’ a bunch of critters to find out what was the best pet fer her and she got caught in a rock slide.”

He looked at the orange mare and she shrugged. “I suppose that is dire enough to warrant help. One moment.” He said as he focused on the other Element of Harmony. His horn flared and he teleported to Rainbow Dash’s location. He looked up at the cloud house and knocked on the door. The Pegasus opened the front door with one wing in a sling and several bruises and cuts across her body.

“So you did get caught in a rock slide.” He said to her and she nodded. “I was asked if I could help you. If you wish I can heal the worst of it.” He stated and she looked startled at him.

“You will?”

“If you wish.”

“Well if you could heal my wing I would appreciate it.” She admitted and pointed to the appendage.

He nodded to her and his horn lit as his magic covered the wing and he called on the World Spirit and the Element to heal the mare. The magic coursed over the wing and it gently healed it and he removed the sling and set it aside as his magic faded.

“Try it out.” He said to her.

She stretched the wing out carefully and a smile went over her face as she found that it was back to normal and had been healed. “Thanks, Oblivion. I know last time was a stupid reason to ask you to heal anything so I didn’t even think about asking.”

“If it is dire or something that needs attention then I do not mind helping. I may disagree with your reasoning but I do not wish you to suffer needlessly. So far as I can tell it was nothing more than a dislocation and some straining. But having had that happen before I know how much it can hurt, so I am willing to help in this case.” He explained to her.

“Thanks.” She said as she looked behind her. “Oh meet Tank.” She said and moved to the side, revealing a tortoise.

“That won the race?”

“Kinda. He rescued me from the gorge and then carried me back to the finish line. So I had said that the pet who crossed the finish line with me won and he did.” She explained.

“He won the race with you? I am certain that you tailored that response so that you could keep the pet that helped you versus the one that left you in the dust.” He replied.

Her eyes went wide as he spoke and she looked to the tortoise and then back to him. “Shh.” She said to him. “Don’t say anything?” She said and put her hooves together to beg his silence.

He sighed deeply and looked away from her. “I know nothing.”

“Thanks.” She said to him, a wide smile going over her muzzle.

His horn lit as he prepared to teleport back to the farm. “Till next time Rainbow.”

“Later Oblivion.”

His horn flared and he was back in front of the farmhouse. He was met with Applejack who looked expectantly at him. “Taken care of. She will be sore and have a few cuts but the wing is repaired.”

“Good ta hear. Ah knew ya would help, a little.” She said and patted his shoulder. “So how was yer meetin’ with Blue Blood?”

“It was…eventful.” He replied and made for the farmhouse.

“Well done Chosen. Both ponies will be better for your help.” Sasa praised.

He breathed deeply and gave her an assenting nod. “Well. Rainbow will be able to fly sooner that is about all that I did for her.”

“Still. That is important to her.” She reasoned back to him. “And Blue Blood?”

“That one will take time. He will feel the way he does now for a time and then it will fade. In time.” He replied to her as he pushed open the door to his room.

75: A Town in Shadow

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Sasa was quiet as she trailed behind the black stallion. He was leading them on their morning run and she was trailing behind him. She was not much of a runner if she was being honest but he seemed to enjoy the exercise and she did not wish him to do it alone. Her paws fell heavily on the compact dirt as his hooves were silent on the dirt and stray leaves. She looked up to see him slide to a stop and a feeling rolled over her.

Oblivions ears flicked ahead of him as his eyes stared ahead of him. The World Spirit rolled under and through him as he reached out to the sense of disquiet that plagued him. He closed his eyes as the world around him shifted. He opened his eyes and ahead of him was a town. He didn’t recognize the buildings he was seeing. His eyes scanned the buildings for anything that would tell him where it was and how to get there. He stepped forward and the vision ahead of him began to shimmer and fade. Oblivion watched as it vanished in front of him and he reached out to the World Spirit as it began to calm once more. A tap to his hip got his attention and he looked back to see Sasa waiting for him to look at her.


“You felt it as well?”

“Yes. Whatever it was it was strong enough for me to get a sense of it as well. What were you looking at?”


“You were watching something. Your horn was alight and you were seeing something that had your attention.”

“My horn?” He replied as he looked up at the appendage and it was silent. “I was seeing a town. I do not know where it is or what it is called. All I know is that there is something wrong with it.”

The feline was quiet as he began to walk forward, his pace slower than was natural for him. His steps were slow and his gait halting as he tried to think over what he had seen.

“So you think you can find it just from what you saw?” She finally asked him after several minutes of silence.

“I am not certain. I may have to have the World Spirit guide me more than normal. If that is the case then I will have to summon you to me when I reach that town.”

“I understand. What do we do now?”

“Now? We find the others and I let them know that we are leaving town.” He replied.

She gave a quiet nod as she drew up beside him as he broke into a trot. He kept up a steady pace as his horn lit, calling his saddlebags to his body. They clipped around his barrel as they reached Ponyville. His Sight guided him to the other Element bearers as they were clustered in the center of town, close to one of the wells. As he neared them he could hear them praising Rainbow for some action that she had done recently. Twilight looked back and she smiled as he approached them.

Sasa came to stand next to him and she purred as the group turned their attention to him. “I will be leaving town for a few days or so. Something has come up and I need to look into it.”

“Everything okay?” The purple mare asked him, concern written on her features.

He looked at her for a moment and then back to the others. “Truth be told I am not sure. It’s simply something I must look into.”

“A monster?” Applejack asked him.

“Perhaps. I am not sure at the moment.” He replied to her.

“Are you going to take Sasa with you this time?” Fluttershy asked him.

“Yes. She will be going with me.” He said to her. “I do not think she will allow me to go alone.”

“Nope.” The cat said to him.

“Probably a good thing. You always find trouble.” Rainbow teased.

“It tends to find me I agree.” He shrugged in reply. “I will keep in touch and let you know when I think I will return.”

“Just be careful ya hear?”

He looked at the orange mare and nodded to her. He backed up several feet and his horn lit as he called on the World Spirit to guide him. His magic charged and he vanished as the World Spirit showed him the way.

He opened his eyes as he reached out to summon Sasa and his eyes widened at the sight before him. It was the same thing he had seen earlier but the feeling from it was worse than it had been when he had been alerted to it. Sasa appeared at his side and she blinked as she stared at the blank walls ahead of her. The buildings were of average size but their colors were muted and awash in a light fog that hung over the town like a shroud.



“Is this the place?”

“It is.”


He could hear the nervousness in her tone and he bumped her with his shoulder to soothe her. He looked further in as ponies walked among the buildings and didn’t seem to notice the stallion or the large cat at his side. He could see that their spirits were diminished and were muted.

“What am I looking at?” She finally asked him after a moment’s hesitation.

“What do you see?”

“Do all ponies have a color like this?”

“Yes. I can see them. Though these are muted and dulled. Normally their colors are a bit brighter so this tells me there is a larger issue than just one pony.” He replied to her.

“The World Spirit would not have summoned you for just one pony. But how widespread is this?”

“We will find out.”

He walked forward past an unseen border and a sense of overwhelming depression and loss washed over him. He staggered under the sudden assault.


He looked over his shoulder as Sasa approached him and she crossed that unseen line and she cried out at the sudden attack and she reeled back, away from him. He reached out to the World Spirit and its power washed over him and he used it to push the depression away from his mind. White fire flowed from his horn and covered his body as he pushed back and took a step forward. The feeling of depression faded and the World Spirit washed through him. The World Spirit was calm, serene and he allowed that feeling to fill his mind and the white fire absorbed into his fur and his horn fell dormant. He raised his head and looked back behind him to see Sasa.

“Sasa. You can come forward.” He said back to her.

He watched as the feline remained where she was and didn’t move toward him. “Chosen…I don’t want to go into the town.” She said to him.

He could hear the uncertainty in her voice as she spoke to him. He stayed in place as she sat down at the border. “You can approach Sasa. I will use the World Spirit to protect you. But if you wish I can send you back to Ponyville and I will keep in touch with you through our connection. The choice is yours.” She stayed still as he began to walk away from her. He knew that she would make her choice in the next few steps that he would take.

“Chosen wait!”

He paused as her voice called to him. He looked over his shoulder as she walked a step forward.

“Please just wait. I’m coming.” She said to him and started to walk toward him.

His horn lit as he called on the World Spirit once more. White fire flowed from him and covered the felines form as she crossed into the town. He watched as she took a step and she paused as the feeling washed over her and he strengthened his hold on her allowing the white flame to grow stronger as she took another step. She joined him and the depressive feeling was gone from her and she nuzzled his shoulder in thanks as he began to walk forward with her at his side once more.

“That was…frightening.” She admitted to him.

“I figured that judging by your reaction. I was shocked as well. What do you see in front of us?” He asked her to distract her.

“Not much of anything. I can see limited things due to my connection with you. But I can only see spirits that are particularly strong. I can see the other Elements but not much more than them.” She admitted to him as they began to walk slowly into the town.

He nodded as they reached the ponies that were milling around in the streets. He stopped to allow them to see him and the large cat with him and he was ready to explain about her as he usually did. He watched as they did not react to the cat or himself as they milled about. He took a tentative step forward and he paused as a pony approached them. The stallion stared ahead of him and bumped into Oblivion's shoulder but said nothing as he kept going. The black Unicorn watched the pony leave him behind and he glanced down to Sasa who was watching the pony as well.

“That was weird.” Sasa said to him as he began to pick his way through the small crowd once more.

“It was unexpected.” He agreed.

“They seem to either be ignoring you or…”

“Or they are completely unaware that I am even here.” He finished for her.


“Now to find somepony to talk to about this if possible. Otherwise, we will need to walk into this blind and fumble our way through things.” He said to her as they moved slowly through the streets.

The she-cat stayed close to him as they moved into the center of the town. A well sat at the center of the square and they paused beside it. Sasa rumbled a low growl as a mare bumped into her and nearly trod on her tail. She huddled against the side of the well as they scanned the area around them.

“Any ideas?”

“I am thinking.” He replied.

“Think faster. They're starting to creep me out.” She admitted.

Oblivion looked beyond the ponies of the square and reached out to the World Spirit once more to try to ascertain more details from its side of the equation. He closed his eyes and expanded his senses to cover the area around them. The World Spirit slid through the world around him and he used it to try to guide his actions. The Elder Witcher was silent as his connection to the World Spirit began to guide his steps. He could hear ponies ahead of him as he moved. He kept his closed eyes trained forward as a light began to glow ahead of him. He opened his eyes to see a stallion standing outside of a house. Oblivion could sense the anger and sorrow coming off of him and his spirit roiled within him.

“Did you find one, Chosen?” Sasa asked him as he stopped.

“Hmm.” He replied as he stood still.

“You can’t be serious!” The pony yelled at the closed door. “I left for a reason.”

Sasa said nothing as she watched the pony in front of them. “He’s definitely more animated than the others. Now what?”

“Now? We speak to him.” He replied to her.

As they spoke the young stallion huffed and spun away from the house, his dark green eyes landed on the pair of them and he paused. “And you are?”

“A simple visitor. Nothing more than that. You?” Oblivion replied.

“Right. Yeah you’re a bit too…bright to be from here.” He replied, his tone sharp.

“I could say the same of you,” Oblivion replied quickly.

“I’m from here. I left a few years ago to try to make something of myself.”

“And you have returned for?”

“I came back to get my parents to come with me. I have enough room in my new home for them.”

“I see,” Oblivion said as he leaned back on his haunches. “It seems they are refusing to speak to you."

“I don’t understand it. I left on good terms with them. It was never this bad here. It has always been kind of gloomy and the air has always been heavy but it was never this bad before. I don’t understand it.” He explained as he looked back at the firmly closed door.

Oblivion looked around them as ponies continued to ignore their conversation. “This place has always been this way then?”

“It wasn’t this bad. Ponies used to talk in the streets. Granted it was never very lively but now they’re just…”

“Despondent.” Oblivion supplied and the other stallion nodded. “Interesting.”

The other stallion gave him a sidelong look at his words. “Yeah, that’s a word for it.” Sarcasm dripped from his voice as he spoke.

Oblivion ignored the remark and looked around them once more. The ponies around them were silent as they moved slowly about and he looked to the building that held the stallion’s family. He could see the severely muted spirits of the ponies inside and he reached out to the World Spirit to analyze them closer. It bucked under his request but his command was iron as it reached out to them. Sasa sat down beside him and waited as he worked. The World Spirit slid over them and he was able to see the corruption that bit at them. He was surprised by the amount that covered them and he pulled back from them as the World Spirit slid back and went dormant once more.

“Interesting.” He muttered.

“What?” The stallion said to him and approached him.

Sasa stood up as he got closer and she gave a low growl to stop him from getting too close. He looked at the giant feline and he stopped five feet away from them.

“She dangerous?” He asked and pointed at the Spectral tiger.

“Not really. If pressed then she will act but for the most part she is harmless.” Oblivion replied to him.

“Right.” He said and leaned back on his haunches as Sasa’s growl faded out.

“This town has always had a fog over it?” He questioned.

“No that’s new. It was always kind of gloomy but this low fog is new and it’s creepy to be honest. All the more reason to get my parents out of here.”

“Hmm.” He said nothing more as he turned to walk back toward the center of town. He stopped and looked over his shoulder. “The center of town is the well correct?”

“Yeah. That’s dead center.” He replied. “Why?”

“Curious.” He replied and began to walk away once more.

Sasa stayed at his hip and bumped him to let him know where she walked. “He’s following you Chosen.” She alerted him.

Oblivion cast a glance over his shoulder to see that the feline was correct. The stallion trailed behind him and he chose to ignore him for the time being. “Leave him.” He said to the feline and focused on his own thoughts.

“Understood.” She said to him and went quiet.

He reached the well in the center of town and paused beside it. He reached out to the World Spirit and called its power to his horn. White fire flowed over his horn as a short gasp went out from behind him. He ignored the sound and closed his eyes as he channeled into his horn. He commanded the World Spirit’s flame to go over the town. He opened his eyes and he watched as a circle of white flame went out from under his hooves and poured over the streets, touching each pony in the town. He winced under the sudden strain and he called on more of its power to alleviate the strain and it faded as the circle of magic grew wider and grew in strength.

“Holy shit.”

He heard the green-eyed stallion speak but he ignored him further as the World Spirit fluctuated and moved through him and into the world around him. He could sense each pony was deeply infected with the same corruption the former Guardian had loosed upon ponies in his own time. From what little he knew they had been infected before and the town as a whole had been infected. Only recently had it become this severe. The circle of white flame reached the edges of the town and paused at his command. He recalled the circle and it slowly went back over the town and gathered more information to him as it moved. He closed his eyes for several seconds as he went over what he knew and he opened them once more as the circle reached him and was absorbed back into his horn. The white flame went out and he sagged for a second as he breathed out a low sigh.

“What the hell was that?” Sasa growled and the pony ignored her warning as he came toward them. “No, you can growl all you want, but you need to explain what that was? Did you hurt anypony?”

“No. They are fine. I still do not know who you are.” He replied and turned to face the angry pony.

“Who I am? Who the hell are you?”

“My name is Oblivion Shadow. She is Sasa.” He said and the feline gave a slight bow of her head in reply. “I believe that holds up our end of proper introductions.”

The stallion stared and he breathed in a deep breath and seemed to calm. “I’m Arrow. Now what was that?”

“It was a spell that I was using to try to figure out what has caused the problem. I am going to try to figure out how to get rid of it.”

“You are? Why? You don’t live here. Why should you care?” Arrow questioned.

Oblivion paused as Sasa stood up and purred. “You are a Witcher Chosen. Tell him that.” She said to him.

“I am a Witcher and it is my job to find out if there is a curse or some kind of problem that needs to be sorted out here.” He replied as he ran his claws through Sasa’s fur. The feline purred under his claws and he waited while the other processed what he had said.

“That still does not explain why.” He said to him, though his tone was calmer.

“Do I need a reason? Or would you prefer it be left the way it is?” Oblivion countered with a question of his own.

The stallion looked around them before he sighed and shook his head. “No, I guess you don’t need a reason to help but it is a bit odd. But if you can find a way to fix all of this then you’re welcome to try.”

“So good to have his permission.” Sasa said to him, her voice sarcastic.

Oblivion said nothing in reply to her tone as he stopped petting her fur and he looked around them. “How long have you been gone?”

“Three years.” He answered as he drew up closer to avoid the other ponies in the square.

Sasa hissed quietly and Oblivion leaned back on his haunches. “So in three years or less, it has become like this?”

“The last letter I got from my parents said that things were getting worse but that was a few months ago. I never thought they would drop contact with me and when I came back not even open the door.”

“That means it got worse gradually over time. Either that or it was within the last couple of months that things descended into this.”

Sasa looked up at him and she nudged him to earn his focus. “You vanished for a month and that put the balance of the World Spirit out of sync.” She pointed out and he nodded at her as he understood her point.

“It’s possible. It could be that the corruption was in a type of balance with the World Spirit and it was held at bay up until that balance was disturbed.” He replied and she nodded. “Since then the balance has been restored but the balance here did not recover. So, in essence, they are being broken down by the corruption that was placed here. That still leaves where the corruption came from originally.”

“That’s true. But it is a good start.” She replied.

“Where are the town’s records?” He asked Arrow who looked uncertain before he responded.

“They’re in City Hall. But I don’t recommend going there.”

“Why not?”

“The ponies there are even worse when it comes to listening. I tried there earlier and they didn’t even try to fake interest.” Arrow commented with a dismissive shrug.

“I see. Let’s see what we can find out.” Oblivion said as he looked at the other stallion.

“Your funeral,” Arrow said as he motioned for the Witcher to follow him.

Oblivion stared at the wall of glass in front of him. Beside him Arrow smirked knowingly as the mare behind the glass ignored them. Oblivion gave the wall a low kick to gain her attention. She sighed and looked toward the far wall behind her.

“You must be kidding me,” Sasa complained.

“I warned you,” Arrow said to him.

Oblivion sighed and looked down the hallway. “Is there a records room?”

“Yeah. But it’s locked up tight and they hold the key.” He said and pointed to the ponies behind the glass.

“Where is it?”

“This way. Maybe if we stand by it they will notice.” He said and motioned for them to follow him once more.

They made their way down the hallway and made a sharp left to come to a dead-end and face a door that read RECORDS in block lettering. Arrow put his hoof on the doorknob and tried to open it to no effect.

“Told you. Locked tight.” He said and backed up a step from the door.

Sasa looked from the Earth pony to the Unicorn and then to the door. Oblivion watched as a wide toothy grin went over the felines features as his horn lit. Arrows' eyes widened as the azure flame covered the doorknob. A loud click sounded out after several seconds and his eyes went even wider as the door swung gently open.

“You…You picked the lock?” He whispered frantically.

“Yes,” Oblivion said blankly as he went into the records room with Sasa on his heels.

“We could go to jail for that! Ever heard of Breaking and Entering?” Arrow whispered.

“Do you want to know why the town suddenly spiraled into depression or not?”

Sasa hissed out a laugh at the stunned pony’s expression. “Well yeah…but…Oh, we are going to jail.” He whispered and walked into the room with them and closed the door quietly.

Oblivion said nothing and began to scan the file boxes for the earliest records. His orange eyes fell on an older box toward the back and his magic pulled it out from under the others. “We are looking for when the town began to decline. Any signs of what may have caused it. If we start at the earliest records then we can work our way forward in time.”

“Give me a box.” Arrow groused and Oblivion set the next box in front of him. “We go to jail I’m blaming you for it.”

“Fair enough,” Oblivion said to him as he set a stack of papers in front of Sasa for her to go through.

76: History...

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Oblivions magic held several weeks’ worth of records as they hovered around him. Across from him, Arrow pushed a file way from him and Oblivion heard him give a quiet sigh. Next to him, Sasa nosed a file away from her and she began to look through the next file the Witcher had set out for her. They had been coming to the Records room for almost four days in a row. They had moved through the earliest records and he was now getting closer to the more current records. So far he had realized that the town had started like any other and the depression that went over the town was not as old as he had thought. It was fairly recent as in the last few hundred years that the records had become more specific and detailed major events that happened within the town.

“Anything?” Arrow breathed out as he turned a page.

“Not yet,” Oblivion said to him and his magic set a file back into the box he had been going through.

“By the Goddess.” He groaned and scrubbed his face with his hooves. “This is worse than school or work.”

“He has a point.” Sasa said to him.

“Hmm.” He said and went back to the files that still hovered around him.

Arrow glared at the Witcher and said nothing as he tossed a file into a nearby box. “I almost want to get caught so this torture will end.” He growled.

“Have you found anything that can narrow down the time frame Chosen?”

“Not so far.” He replied to her.

His magic skimmed through the nearest file and his orange eyes went over the file as his gaze fell on an entry that seemed out of place with the rest of the file. He set down the other files and his magic held it steadily in front of him. In the middle of a lengthy story about a festival came an entry about a single merchant.

‘He came towards the middle of the festival and his cart was filled with items that nopony had seen before. When asked he said that he was a traveler that wished to spread his items to those who could both afford and appreciate them. While his way of speaking was odd he was, of course, welcomed among us. Never have we met such a strange pony.’

Oblivion read the entry a second time and while he was not sure why it stuck out to him. The pony that was being spoken of did not seem out of the ordinary as far as merchants went. He had met his fair share of odd merchants and that didn’t seem out of the ordinary to him. He looked to the next few days and the merchant was spoken of several times and his antics and his wares were described. The merchant had made himself to be as memorable as possible and his wares were soon all over the town. When asked about his stock he said that he could find more wares and he was pleased that they were so popular.

“Hmm.” Oblivion gave a quiet noise and set the file out of his direct sight for several seconds as he thought about what had been detailed. It seemed odd to him that this merchant was so focused on. He skipped a couple of paragraphs and flipped to the next page to find that several items had been drawn and described. Effigies of strange Gods and paintings of ponies and places that had never been seen before. Oblivion’s magic pulled out a blank scroll and he began to sketch the old drawings onto a new scroll to get a clearer look at them. As he went over a picture of a panting he paused as it began to look familiar to him. He finished the sketch and Sasa leaned over his shoulder to look at the image and she tilted her head as her aqua eyes scanned it.

“It looks like Equestria.” She said to him.

He looked from her to the image and then back to it as he nodded in silent agreement. Sasa sat down at his side and watched as he finished the second sketch of an effigy and he could see the resemblance to the Heart of the World. The white mare that he knew began to become more focused and he looked at the page of descriptions and he could see that white mare was in several paintings and other images. His eyes widened slightly as he began to scan through the descriptions for any details of the merchant himself. He flipped to another page and his eyes focused on what he had been looking for.

‘A stallion of purest red with a dark red mane. He has never given us his name and tells us that he is a simple merchant and nothing more. I am not sure what to think of this and so far my fellow ponies are pleased that he has chosen to stay among us longer than the festival.’

“Red?” Sasa whispered to him.

“It can’t be.” Oblivion whispered. “Sasa?”


“When was the former Guardian sealed?”

The cat tilted her head at his request for a moment as she looked thoughtful for several seconds. “Just over a hundred years ago.”

“It could have been him. This is from just over two hundred years ago.” He replied to her.

His orange eyes scanned the dates and he found that it was around fifty years before the Guardian was sealed that this red stallion arrived among them. He found an entry that detailed how the red pony had left in the middle of the night without anypony knowing he had left. Even ponies that had been awake during the night did not hear the sound of a cart. He flipped the pages and over time he began to notice a shift in the writer’s way of speaking. It became more negative and self-deprecating. He paused as he read over a note about a secondary file and his eyes scanned the file boxes and his magic pulled it out from among a separate stack and he sat up and his claws went through the files until he found what he was looking for.

“Chosen?” Sasa asked him as he pushed the box a bit out of the way and his magic flipped it open for him to read.

His eyes widened as he saw the images of a crime scene and the descriptions of murder began to be laid out in front of him. As he read through it detailed the scene and the state of the accused pony. The mare had been covered in the blood of her husband and she had been raving about how she got him before he got her. The file showed all of the evidence and her confession was written down and she had been sent away for testing. It did not say what had happened to her after leaving the town.

“Strange.” He whispered and his magic went back to the original file and he kept them both hovering close by him as he settled back down to his belly to read through them side by side.

“What is it?” The spectral tiger asked him as she laid down at his side.

“It spoke of a pony coming to town during a festival and how the ponies reacted to him and his wares. He vanished in the night and nopony saw anything of him after that night.”

“Odd but not damning.” She replied.

“A month or so later ponies began to descend to depression and paranoia. If the writer is any indication of the others.”

“You mean they were being affected by something the pony left behind?”

“Perhaps. Maybe the items he brought that they bought from him.” He reasoned to her.

“Does it say who he was?”

“No. But I think I know who he is.”


“The former Guardian is a red stallion with a darker red mane and tail. Same as this pony.”

“Oh.” The cat pulled her head back as he spoke back to her. “I hate to say this but similar coloring does not mean it was him.”

“I agree. While it’s similar I will not look only in his direction. Without further evidence, it’s hard to say if it was him or not. Though from what I know of him I would not put it past him.”

“What do you mean?”

“He used the ponies as fodder for his experiments. He would let their spirits fall to the corruption that he planted within them. The more I read about this the more I wonder if he found a way to infect an item with that same corruption and then sell it to ponies?” He said to the feline who nodded as he spoke.

“You make a good point, Chosen. But still, we would need to know more if we can say it was him or not. Though it would fit into what you know of him.” Sasa agreed. “What else is there?”

He looked back to the criminal file in front of him and he flipped through the pages of crimes and his magic pulled out the next file from the box and it held more crimes and they're accused. “Ponies are becoming more violent and cruel. Not like the ponies we know that are here today.”

“That is…upsetting.” She admitted and looked at the files in his magic. “What does the day to day file say about it?”

He looked back to the first file and it had become clearer that the pony writing it was falling to depression. Day to day activities was glossed over as though they had no merit until it seemed another pony had taken over the task. The new pony detailed how the crimes were becoming more violent and that the jail in town was becoming fuller and ponies were being shipped out to other areas since they didn’t have any more room. Oblivion looked at the crime file and he flipped through it until the dates matched up and he moved through the files in tandem.

“Here we go.” He whispered aloud and he noticed as Arrow looked up at him.

“What?” Arrow asked as he set a file aside and pushed the box away from him. “What did you find?”

“I’m not certain. It tells of a time when the ponies of this town fell to violence and cruelty. They seemed like they were going mad and they searched for the reason.”

“So they were trying to find out why everypony went crazy while we are looking for why they aren’t doing anything.”

“Basically,” Oblivion replied. “It details their crimes and what was done with them. The pony that was writing down major events in the record was replaced with somepony else when they seemed to fall to depression and could no longer write it.”

“What happened next?”

“I’m looking,” Oblivion replied as he went back to the files in his magic and he set aside one of them and pulled out the next recorded events and observations.

He saw Arrow put his head back and then he went back to his box. He read through the next few entries as a pony was called to the town to try to understand what had caused the violence

The Unicorn that was sent came to the village and began to investigate what may have caused their problems. Oblivion kept reading as Sasa huddled closer to him and he leaned against her shoulder for a second as she read over his shoulder.

“So this Unicorn was sent to find the reason behind their collective madness?”

Oblivion gave a quiet chuckle as he looked over the pages. “Basically.”

Oblivion kept reading and the Unicorn that they didn't give a name to had come to the same conclusion that Oblivion himself had. The items themselves were found to contain something that they were not able to identify. The Unicorn told them that they needed to be gathered up and destroyed. Oblivion read on as the items were gathered and then they were set aflame by the Unicorn and the ashes were cast into the well.

“Why would they put the ashes within the well?” Oblivion thought to himself and he found himself wondering if he had been right that the well was the direct center of the town. If that was true then some places were built on a nexus and there was a greater purpose to the well.

“You said the well is the center of town.” Oblivion said, startling Arrow as he spoke.

“Yeah. Geez, warn a pony before you speak up that loud.” He said as he placed a hoof on his chest and breathed out a breath.

“Is there a reason it was placed there or was the well there first?”

“The well was there first, I think. Old stories said that the well was there when the founders found this place so they used it since it provided fresh water.” Arrow explained. “Whether that’s true or not is up to you if you believe that kind of thing.”

“I see. That was all.”

Arrow gave an annoyed look as he went back to his files. Oblivion skimmed over the next few entries as the violence seemed to fade overnight and the Unicorn left over the next few days and only the depressive atmosphere remained.

“Anything Chosen?”

“Yes. I think I have an idea of what happened.”


“Yes the former Guardian or whoever he was brought the items here with the purpose of them infecting the town with the corruption they held within them. In doing so they drove the ponies to violence and cruelty. A Unicorn was sent to find out the cause of the violence and he found that the items were the direct cause so he had them gathered and then burned. The ashes were thrown into the well and left there.”

“Into the well? Why?”

“Perhaps they believed that the pure water from the well would finish cleansing the ashes and there would be no lingering effects from them. I have seen that done before.”

“And what happened when they did that where you’re from?”

“It either did exactly as they wanted or it corrupted the well and any who drank from it.”

“Oh wow.” Sasa leaned against him as she considered what he had said. “So what do you think it did?”

“I don’t think it corrupted the well. At least not as much as it could have. It could have been devastating to this town.”

“Okay so what caused the problem they have now?”

“I think it did corrupt the well in a small way. It could have also sunk into the land and that could be the cause for the current problem. The World Spirit was under Equestria’s control until I was brought here. That kept the worst of it at bay. But when I vanished from this world and was sent back to my world it removed the protection that this town had.”

“Which allowed the corruption within the land and water to gain a foothold and affect them more than it had been allowed.”


“Okay. You may be onto something with your Guardian theory. That does seem like something that he would have done.” She agreed and leaned heavily against him.

“I would like to be wrong. But from what I know this is what he would have done as an experiment on the ponies of this world.” He replied to her and she shuddered against him.

“To use them as fodder like this though. That’s…more than cruel.”

“According to Equestria that was what drove him. We call it cruelty, he called it progress.”

Sasa shivered and Oblivion looked back at the file and he could see that the town had recovered but never returned to what it had been before the merchant and his items. Oblivion set the files aside and pulled himself to his hooves.

“Find something?” Arrow asked Oblivions magic covered the remaining boxes and placed them back in their places.

“Yes. I think I know what happened.”

“Really? You figured it out by going through these boxes over a few days?”

“Sometimes research is all it takes.” He replied as the other stallion stood up.

“Right. So?”

“It seems the well played a part in your town’s history. Two hundred years ago a merchant came to town during a festival and sold his items. When he left they were left behind and they slowly infected the town with something that led them to violence and cruelty. From what I can tell several ponies died and a Unicorn was sent in to see if he could find out what had caused it. He found that the items caused the problem. The paintings and other items were gathered up and burned, their ashes cast into the well. The thought behind that is that the pure water from the well would cleanse them and no further issues would come of it.” Oblivion explained.

“They did what? So the well is poisoned?”

“Not really. Now I am guessing that this is what happened based on what I know of magic and the corruption that came from the items. I do not think the well is completely corrupted. I believe that corruption is the cause for the sudden decline. I think there was something that was holding it at bay and that was lost recently.”

“Careful Chosen.” Sasa whispered to him.

“What could have been there?” Arrow asked him.

“I am not sure. Some form of magic that could have been left behind by the Unicorn that is mentioned. I am not sure what it was or what caused it to fail recently. It could be that it was not meant to hold it at bay for so long and time simply caught up to it.”

Arrow looked thoughtful as the Witcher spoke. “Okay. So that is a possibility and now I have to ask. How do you plan on fixing something you can’t see?”

“Magic held it at bay, magic can cleanse it if done properly,” Oblivion replied. He intended to use the World Spirit and his flame to cleanse the town and the ponies within it.

Sasa sat up and looked at him as he spoke. “Be careful. That’s a lot of magic to bring to bear. Even you can only handle so much of the World Spirit. This might need to be done in two separate parts.” She advised.

“I’m aware.” He assured her.

“Could that Unicorn have left something that poisoned over time? Or is that not possible?” Arrow asked quietly.

“It’s possible but if that was the intent then he chose to accomplish the goal after his own death. I assume that he has since died and that would mean he would not see the end of his plans.” Oblivion reasoned.

“That’s a good point. So whatever it was is no longer protecting us. So we need to find out how to fix it.” Arrow replied with an understanding nod.

“Yes. I can fashion a spell that can cleanse the town and then the ponies. It would need to be done in two parts.”

“Can’t do it all at once?”

“I might be able to but that would put a huge strain on my horn and possibly damage it.” He lied. Truthfully he did not know if that was possible but he was not going to admit that.

“So you can fix it if given the chance? Or you think you can?”

“Yes,” Oblivion replied easily and pulled himself into a sitting position.

“Do you think the Fallen Guardian knew that they would burn the items?” Sasa asked.

“I’m sure it was a possibility. He did not strike me as foolish from what I have heard of him. I can ask Equestria for more details if needed. I may have to reach out to her anyway before I do this.”


“I will be calling on a large portion of the World Spirit. I need to know if that is possible with my current abilities. I will be asking it to cleanse the land and then the ponies in much the same way that I did Blue Blood.”

“Oh. That is a good question to ask.”

He got to his hooves as the last box was replaced and they were left in the room with no sign that they had been going through the boxes for over four days. The Witcher moved toward the door and he could hear Arrow fall in behind him. He stepped outside the door and a feeling of disquiet rolled over him and left him standing statue-like in place. Sasa bumped into his flank and he could hear a startled sound escape her.


The World Spirit rolled under his hooves and he began to walk forward, his eyes wide as he followed its guidance. Behind him, he faintly heard Arrow speaking but his focus was not on the stallion or the feline that followed him. He stopped outside the town hall and his eyes went down the streets as the ponies had vanished. He could sense that they had gone back to their own homes and left the streets deserted. His hooves began to move under him as he angled his body toward the edge of town where he and Sasa had entered days earlier.

“Stay here with him.” He said to the feline who grumbled but turned to stop Arrow from following.

He didn’t see how she managed to stop him from simply avoiding her but he was sure she had found some way as the pony did not follow him. He stopped as his orange eyes fell on a dark figure at the edge of the town. He advanced and stopped just before the unseen border. The figure was nothing but darkness and his orange eyes glowed dully back at the figure before him.

“You can’t save them.”

A voice like breaking glass echoed over him as the figure didn’t move. There was no mouth to speak with but it spoke all the same. His ears flicked ahead and he focused on the image in front of him.

“And who are you to tell me what I can and cannot accomplish?” Oblivions' voice was sure and strong as he spoke.

“I am the one that will decide their fate. Your magic cannot stop what is coming for this place Unicorn.”

The Elder Witcher said nothing in reply as he waited for the figure to speak more or to elaborate. His claws flexed in the compact dirt as he waited and watched.

“Who are you?”

“It does not matter who I am. You cannot undo what has been done. This place belongs to those who move the world.” The voice said as it shifted to the side and began to walk away from the town. “Try as you will but you will fall with them.”

Oblivion said nothing as the figure vanished into shadow and faded from sight. The Witcher said nothing as the World Spirit stabilized around him and receded once more. The black Unicorn leaned back on his heels as a snort broke from him.


77: A Cleansing Started...

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Oblivion was quiet as Arrow paced in front of him. The stallion was nervous as Oblivion had finished explaining what his plan was for cleansing the town. Beside him, Sasa watched the other pace and she huffed and then she laid down as Oblivion sat in silence. Arrow paused and looked at the black unicorn and began pacing once more.

“So you can clean up the fog and all the negative things in town?”


“With just one spell?”


“And only you can do this?”


“By my claws how many times have we been over this?” Sasa complained from her place on the floor by his hooves.

“This is the third time.” He replied and waited as Arrow kept pacing.

“How do I know you’re not going to make it worse and your magic won’t hurt somepony?”

“You don’t.” Oblivion replied easily. “You have to trust that what I am doing is for the benefit of your hometown. The spell is not designed to cause harm.”

“So the one where you heal the ponies. Is that a new spell?”

“No. I have used it once before. Admittedly it was not on this large of a group but the process is the same.” Oblivion said to him.

“So that spell is old but the other one is new?”

Oblivion sighed and nodded. “Yes. It’s the same principle as the second spell but it is meant to cleanse the earth that the town rests on.”

The stallion stopped and regarded the ever calm Witcher and finally sighed in defeat. “You don’t rattle easily do you?”


“And you’re about as bland as it gets.” He added. Sasa lifted her head and rumbled a growl at the pony who shrugged. “It’s not meant to be an insult. It’s just that he is.” He said to the feline who glared.

“Leave it alone. I am meant to be this way.” He said to her and the cat huffed and lowered her head once more.

Oblivion pushed himself to his hooves and advanced on the inn room door. They had taken the room several days earlier when nopony appeared to take their bits they simply picked one and took the keys. Arrow had argued but after realizing that nothing would be able to stop the Witcher he had given in. Sasa sat up and yawned and Arrow watched as the black Unicorn made for the door.

“Now what are you up to?” He questioned.

“For the spell, I am about to use I need time to focus and meditate on how best to use it and work on how much magic I need to channel into it. You may come with me if you wish but I will not be doing anything that needs supervision.” He said back.

“Right. So you’re not going to be breaking into any more buildings?”

“No. I will be by the edge of town, close to the Everfree.” Oblivion said as his magic opened the door. “Should you need anything ask Sasa. She can contact me and I will return if needed.”

“Right, the talking cat.” He said with a sideways look to Sasa who grumbled at him once more. “Not a bad thing just…weird.”

“I am starting to dislike his honest streak.” Sasa said to the Witcher as he left the room.

The black stallion walked easily out of the inn and into the town. His hooves carried him out of the town and toward the edge of the Everfree. He paused at the border and he folded his legs under him and breathed in a deep breath before closing his eyes to focus on calling Equestria to him. He used the World Spirit to reach out to her and he heard the sound of hooves minutes later. He opened his eyes to see the brilliant white mare standing a few feet from him. She smiled brightly at him as he stood and regarded her.

“You are getting quite good at that.” She praised.

“Thank you. I have a few questions if I may?” He replied to her.

“Of course. What can I do for you, Guardian?” She approached him and came to stand at his side as he began to walk with her.

“I trust you noticed the problems of this town?” He began.

“When I arrived I did. I am not alerted unless there is a large loss of life. Same as you are alerted when there is a great loss of hope and spirit.” She replied.

He nodded as she spoke and waited for her to finish before going on. “I have found that there was a merchant that came here close to two hundred years ago and he brought with him items to sell. While that is not out of the ordinary for a merchant for some reason he made sure to stand out more than would be normal.”

“I see. Please go on.”

“He sold many of his items and then left in the middle of the night. Nopony saw him leave and he vanished into the night. Many of the items he sold were drawn and described in a file I read through. I drew out some of them to detail their appearance. What do you see?”

His magic held out a drawing of one of the paintings and her eyes widened as she looked it over. She stopped and looked closely at the drawing and then her eyes fell on him. “Would it be terribly vain of me if I say it looks like me?” She said back to him as he shook his head.

“That is the conclusion Sasa and I came to. Somepony used you as a base for their art. Many of the sculptures bear your likeness as well.”

She looked upset by what he had told her and he sent the drawing back to his saddlebags. “There is no mortal alive that knows what I look like. I go to great lengths to stay unseen. If I am seen it’s nothing more than a moment if that.”

“The merchant was described as a red stallion with a deep red mane and tail.” He said to her.

Her eyes went wide as her head snapped to look at him. “No.”

“If you are thinking that it is him then we are of the same mind.” He said to her as she slowly shook her head.

“No…it can’t be.” She said to him as she pawed at the ground with one hoof. “I cannot believe that he would do something to an entire town.”

“Would you put it beyond him?” He asked her as she pawed once more.

She was silent as she considered his words. He could see how disturbed she was by what he had told her. He watched as she closed her eyes and gave a slow, sad shake of her head.

“I wish I could say that he was not that cruel… but he was. It is possible that he did something to this entire town. What has he done?” She asked, her voice low and he could hear the sadness within it. “Please tell me that I was able to stop him before it was made worse?”

He shook his head and he heard her breathe in. “He left and the items were corrupted and began to infect the ponies. In time they began to become depressed and violent, paranoid. They fell far enough to commit murders and other cruelties.”

“Oh by the Worlds.” She said and he could see the sorrow in her eyes as she regarded him.

“A Unicorn was sent to try to find out what had caused the sudden violence. He came to the conclusion I did that the items were what was causing the sudden problems. The items were all gathered up and destroyed. When they were naught but ash they were cast into the well.”

“Their drinking well? Why?”

“I think the Unicorn chose it for the fact that it was a pure wellspring. Perhaps they believed that the pure water would cleanse the ashes and they would do no further harm. I have seen it done and I have seen it do exactly that. I have also seen it fail.”

“And it failed here.”

“Not really. While the well does have some corruption I do not think it was enough to cause this level of harm on its own. The town was always a bit subdued according to what I have found but it was never to the point of despondency that it is now. I think that it was kept at bay when you took the World Spirit and kept it under your wing. Then I took control of it and it was kept at bay as well.”

“Go on.” She urged him to continue, curiosity in her eyes.

“But then I was cast out of this world and back to mine. That left the World Spirit with none to guide and protect it. It became unbalanced and this town lost its protection from what was within the well and the lands. Without a properly balanced Spirit, this town fell.”

“Oh no. I knew the World Spirit was out of balance but it refused my direction. I was able to take it most of it from him when he was cast out but when you came to us I gifted all of it to you. You might be on to something.” She replied.

“Sasa and I think the same thing. Without me the World Spirit was lost and this town’s only protection was lost. Now it is up to me to right it.”

“Correct. But how do you propose to right an entire town?” She asked and began to walk with him once more. “I know you have cleansed Blue Blood but this is an entire town that needs the same treatment. It would take you weeks to heal each of them.”

“I plan to do it all at once.”

“All of it?”

“I will cleanse the land and the well first. The next day or so later I will tend to the ponies.” He informed her.

She fell silent as he finished speaking and her bright blue eyes regarded him for several seconds before she snorted. “I know that you will do as you feel is right but please be careful. Your control and connection to the World Spirit is greatly improved. But…I do not know if you can harness enough of it to accomplish what you wish to do.”

Oblivion considered what she had said and nodded ion understanding. “If I cannot harness enough of it then I will accomplish it in two steps. Cleansing the land and the waters can be done in two steps. But cleansing the ponies is where I will have to push myself a bit. I do not wish to leave them suffering for longer than I have to. Each one is despondent enough to stop interacting with each other and I have even broken into two buildings and they did not notice. They do not see me or Sasa and only one has been able to explain things to me.”

“One of them is immune?”

“No he left the town three years ago and only came back to try to get his parents to move away to live with him,” Oblivion explained. “He is definitely not affected by the pall over the town.” He added.

She smiled lightly at his words and she paused in her walking. “I support you. But please take your time with cleansing them. I advise doing each one or in small groups as you channel the World Spirit. Do not try them all at the same time. But if you do, be ready for it to backfire on you.” She said to him, her tone warning.

“I will be careful. I have another question for you.”

“Please go on.” She said as they began to walk once more.

“Yesterday after we had found out the fallen Guardian is the one that might have harmed this town I was alerted to something at the edge of town. I left the pony with Sasa and went to see what had caused the World Spirit to seek my attention. When I came there I was met by a pony that was made of darkness.” He explained and the mare tilted her head at his description. “There was no other color. Here let me show you.”

His horn lit as he showed the white mare the image from his memory. She gave a quiet gasp and shook her head. “I have never seen anything like that personally. Although…” He watched as she came to a stop and her expression was uncertain as she looked at him. “It is possible that it is a remnant.”

“A remnant? What is that?” He questioned.

“It’s a piece of corruption or a spell that is left in place of a pony or magic-user. In this case I think it could be a remnant that was put in place by the Fallen to monitor his work.”

“It did not give off the feeling of being less than a pony.”

“I am not sure then.” She admitted as she drew up close to him and urged him forward at an easy pace.

“Hmm.” He gave a quiet noise as they walked. “Is it possible that ponies were aware of what the Fallen was doing and supported him?”

“I doubt it. He was far too vain for that. While I think he would have enjoyed them admiring his work I don’t think he would have done much more than that with them.” She replied with a derisive snort. “It could have been a pony from some distance throwing their image for you to see. It would take a Unicorn of some skill to accomplish that though.”

“Anything that I should worry about in the long run?” He asked her.

“I don’t think so. Nopony can go against you in terms of raw power. But their ability to know that you were in town and seeking to correct it is disturbing. I would recommend staying alert and on your claws.”


“I did not sense anything during the time that you might have been speaking to this dark pony. But I will keep an eye out just in case. I will try to seek out places that might have been affected. As your connection to the World Spirit becomes stronger you will have the ability to seek out pockets of corruption and right them from afar should you choose to. Though going there is recommended instead.” He nodded as they walked. “I do recommend using the well as a focal point.”

“It is the center of town so that was my intention.” He agreed. “By using the center of town I can send out a circle of magic that can hold the entire town within it. I did something similar when I arrived here but that was simply to find out the extent of the issue.”

“Now you will be using that same method but then coupling it with the World Spirits power to cleanse. You might consider using your armor as well as a buffer to your magic.”

“I had not thought of the armor before you mentioned it. It does provide a significant boost to my magic so it can only help.”

“The Elements are meant to cleanse and can heal if used properly so the ability that you are going to be using would work well when put together.” She told him as they moved easily through the grasses.

“So the elements were not originally meant to defeat, so much as cleanse and purify?”

“Not really. They have that ability but they lose their power when being used against others to cause harm. There is a chance of them being lost when used to harm others.” She explained. “I am no expert on them but they were meant to help in their own way.”

“I see. I will have to read more on them when I am able. I had never considered what their original purpose was.”

“It is not well known how they came to be or where they came from but in time they became what they are now.”

Oblivion fell silent as they walked and the white mare looked over his withers to the afflicted town and sadness crossed her face at the state of the town.

“They will be saved. There is no need for you to be so saddened.” He said to her as she looked back at him.

“I know you will not abandon them but it is still upsetting to see them. I am the Heart of the World and I wish only joy for those who live here. It is sad to see them this downtrodden. Despite knowing that this will end in the next couple of days it is still saddening to me.”

He said nothing to her as they stopped and she stared at the town. He leaned his shoulder against hers in silent support.

Oblivion walked silently toward the center of the town and the well. It was early enough in the morning that nopony was out and they didn’t run the risk of a pony getting caught up in the middle of his task. Arrow followed closely on his heels with Sasa. The young stallion had wanted to question him further but Sasa had silenced him. The black Unicorn stopped beside the well and he looked down into it for several seconds. He was not sure exactly how deep the infection was but he knew that it could not be allowed to continue. His magic hummed under his skin and his connection to the World Spirit remained strong as he began to prepare to channel it through his horn once more.

“So how is this going to work?” Arrow asked him, his voice quiet.

“You have nothing to worry about. I will take care of the town and the lands nearby. Do not interrupt and there is nothing to worry about. Stay back with Sasa.” He replied.

Arrow gave a grim nod and he sat down by Sasa as the feline purred. Oblivion braced his hooves and his horn lit as he called on the World Spirit once more. White flame covered his horn as he sent out the same circle to hold the whole of the town within it. His own magic was held back as the Elemental armor slid over his body and set itself in place. His eyes closed as he began to channel more of the World Spirit into his horn and into the world around him.

Sasa watched as the black Unicorn began to call on the world around him and she felt it faintly as it came to bear. Beside her Arrow looked nervously at the thin layer of white flame that stayed on the ground and she bumped him to try to comfort him. She watched as the thin fog that had covered the ground began to swirl slowly on the ground and begin to circle toward the Witcher. She watched in silence as the magic coming from him grew in strength.

“Wow,” Arrow whispered under his breath as the glow from the white flame grew in intensity.

Oblivion felt the World Spirit coming to his command and he began to command it to cleanse the land around him. He set it to seek out the corruption in the land and purge it. He opened his eyes as the flames began to seep into the ground around him. The white fire vanished into the ground, leaving nothing in their wake as his horn remained alight with magic. He could feel the flame as it burned gently through the land and began to gather the corruption to it. He looked up as the fog that permeated the town began to gather around him as it swirled in a small vortex. He said nothing as it gathered and swirled before him.

His orange eyes followed the vortex as it moved in front of him and the white flame from the earth came roaring to life within the land itself. He grunted as he channeled more power through his horn and supplemented the World Spirit with his own magic as his horn was covered with an azure and white flame. They began to swirl together and he turned his gaze back to the vortex that remained in front of his eyes. His own magic roared to life as he called on it to control the vortex in front of him as it began to grow in power. He heard Arrow shout and he looked over as Sasa pushed him back and away from the well and the Unicorn.

“Be careful, Chosen!” She called out as she moved.

Oblivion refocused on the task before him and his magic began to cover the vortex and he worked to force the cyclone to become smaller and at the same time he called on the World Spirit to continue its task. In the back of his mind he heard Equestria’s warning and he pulled back on the amount of force he was using and the World Spirit leveled out and began to pull the infection from within the land. He felt it begin to draw it out and he waited for it to bubble to the surface. Ahead of him, the vortex was still growing in intensity and he pushed more of his magic to quash it before it grew any larger. It had grown to the height of the nearest home and he poured his own magic into containing it.

“Holy shit!” Arrow screamed from several yards behind him.

Oblivion didn’t look to the stallion until Sasa roared in alarm. He looked back to her and then he could see what had upset her. A tar-like liquid oozed from the ground and the stallion with her was trying to find somewhere to get his hooves off the ground. Sasa was on his heels as they jumped to a nearby cart. He knew that the World Spirit was driving the corruption from the ground and it was now coming to the surface. It covered the ground a bare half-inch tall and he watched it for a bare second before he returned to watching what was in front of him. The Elder Witcher groaned under the strain of using both magic’s and he put his head back as his magic pulled against him. The vortex began to pull away from him and its winds broke free of his magic and began to whip the ooze on the ground, splashing it against a building. He snarled and his razor teeth bared as he channeled more into his horn and he could feel that he was nearing his limit but he ignored the warnings ringing in his ears.


He heard Sasa call out but he chose to ignore the feline. He sent more of his magic into the vortex and he pulled it back into a pocket of magic and its winds were once more held within it. His orange eyes gave off their dull glow as he focused on what he needed to do next. Azure flame held the vortex and he began to use pure force to quash the vortex and force it to disperse. The World Spirit came back to the surface and he focused it on gathering the corruption to the center of town with him. He focused once more on the vortex and his magic began to flare and sparks of flame were thrown into the air as he began to increase the pressure on the vortex to shrink. His magic pressured the vortex into the smaller space and it began to falter under the constant pressure from the azure flames. Oblivion called on the flames to take the air from the vortex and force it to fail. He watched as the flames did as he commanded and he was pleased when the vortex began to fail and was finally ruined.

He looked down as his own magic receded and the World Spirit once more became his only source of power and magic. The Witcher watched as the World Spirit pushed the corruption across the ground and it was soon a ball of liquid darkness in front of him. His eyes closed as he brought the World Spirit to bear against the corruption and it drew the last bit of darkness into the ball that he had before him. It swirled slowly in the ball he held and he once more brought his own magic to the front and allowed the World Spirit to recede. He held it within his magic and he felt his armor tighten against his body for several seconds as strength flowed into him. The Witcher began to use his magic to burn through the corruption and turn it into ash and then into nothing as he called on the azure flames to burn hotter and burn longer. Nothing was left when his magic finally faded. His silver mane settled on his neck, it had been blown back at some point, though he did not know when and his forelock fell into his eyes.

He panted as he brought his head up to his full height and he called on the World Spirit to check the land around them and it flowed once more through the world around him and came back to him with nothing that caused any alarm. The grounds had been cleansed and he closed his eyes for several seconds as he breathed out a deep sigh. He could hear the sound of hooves on the compact dirt and he looked over his shoulder as Arrow and Sasa approached him. Fatigue bit at him as the World Spirit left him and he sent his armor back into place around his medallion.

“Chosen are you okay?” Sasa asked him as they reached him.

Oblivion did not immediately respond to her as he waited for the fatigue to fade or grow worse. He opened his mouth to speak as exhaustion rolled over him. He sagged and went to his knees as they buckled. Sasa was at his side as he folded his hind legs under him.

“I’ll live.” He assured her.

“Are you sure? Your horn was smoking.” Arrow pointed out.

Oblivion looked up at the curved horn and if it had been smoking before it was not now. “I will be fine.” He said to him, though the stallion looked unconvinced.

Sasa nuzzled him as he breathed in a deep breath and held it for several seconds and then released it slowly. He began to push himself to his hooves and sagged back to the ground with a groan.

“Yeah. Not okay.” Arrow accused.

“He has a point, Chosen.” Sasa said to him.

Oblivion said nothing in reply as he looked at both of them. “It took more than I thought it would.” He admitted.

“I can see that. Now, what do we do with you?” Arrow asked him as he came to stand in front of the downed Witcher.

Sasa nuzzled his shoulder as she stood close to him. “Now we let you rest for a moment then we get you back to the inn so you can rest.” She said to the Witcher as she sat down beside him.

“That seems to be our only option. I don’t think I can do much more today.”

“You can’t do anything more today unless you want to hurt yourself.” She replied.

“True.” He said to her and then looked at the stallion who was waiting for a reply. “I cannot do much more today. I will finish the job tomorrow.”

“Sounds fair. Considering what I just saw that sounds pretty fair to me. I have no idea exactly what you did but it was quite the thing to watch. Aside from the black goo coming from the ground. I guess that is what you meant when you talked about the infection in the land?”

“Yes. That is the physical form it takes.” Oblivion informed him. “It is better to avoid touching it so your plan to get away from it was well done.”

“Yeah. Me and your cat ran for the hills.” He said with a laugh. “A little warning would have been nice.”

“I did not know that is what was going to happen. I have never used that spell on such a large area.”

“And the fog?”

“That was unexpected. I had to use a separate spell for it.” Oblivion replied easily. Though he had lied about using two forms of magic he knew that the Earth Pony would not know the difference and the lie would go unnoticed.

Oblivion laid still for several minutes before he pushed himself to his hooves and this time did not collapse. Arrow got up next to him and made sure he stayed standing. The black Unicorn began the slow trek back to the inn with Arrow and Sasa close at his side.

78: Cleansings and Mysteries

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Oblivion stood beside the well once more and his horn was alight with his azure flame as he closed his eyes to focus for several seconds. Behind him, Arrow and Sasa stood off to the side and waited for him to begin. They had both been warned to stay out of the way and stay back from him. White flame covered his horn as he pushed back his own magic and summoned the World Spirit to its task. He opened his eyes as the circle of white flame flowed over the ground and encircled the entire town and all the ponies who lived within it.

He glanced over his shoulder and a chuckle broke from him as Arrow pushed Sasa up onto the same wagon from the day before. The World Spirit reached out and he felt it touch each individual pony and he could feel each of their spirits as they connected to him. White flame flowed from his horn and he began to focus on healing the ponies slowly and stretching out the World Spirits power appropriately. His ears flicked around him just in case the shadow pony from before made another appearance. He had informed Sasa about it and she had agreed to keep an eye out for him.

“Be careful Chosen.” She cautioned and he gave a slight nod in reply to her.

He said nothing to her and focused on his own task. The World Spirit held each pony in its grasp and he began to focus on healing ponies in groups versus all at the same time. Minutes ticked past him as the ponies began to be soothed by the World Spirits touch. The results encouraged him and he drove forward with his plan to tend to them. He summoned his armor and it slid over his form as a buffer to his own strength.

“Chosen! To the right!” Sasa called out in warning.

He stopped his progress and looked in the directions Sasa had called out. His orange eyes fell on the dark pony as it came into the center of town. It said nothing as it stopped twenty feet away from him and waited for him to speak up. Silence pervaded as they stared back at each other. The World Spirit bucked under his command and he stopped its progress and it stayed with him, its power humming through him.

“What do you think you are doing?” The pony finally spoke up as the silence went on.

“I am healing this town.” Oblivion deadpanned.

Oblivion was not able to tell if there was any change in expression due to it not having much of a face. There were no eyes that looked back at him as the silence went on once more.

“I warned you of trying that.”

“You did. I simply chose to ignore it.”

The pony stomped a hoof and Oblivion watched as corruption flowed from its body for a moment. His vision narrowed and he could see that its form was inkier than it was blackened. Corruption flowed over its body and it moved over its form in a slow-motion that was missed unless looked for. Oblivion was silent as he watched and his vision shifted once more.

“Leave this place and you will live. Remain and I will break you with them.” He sneered.

Oblivion said nothing in reply as he flicked an ear back as Sasa moved from the wagon to the ground, he could hear her paws as she stalked around them on the edges of the town center. His orange eyes glowed from under his forelock and he straightened his body stared at the blackened pony.

“I will not leave them to you,” Oblivion growled. “They are mine to protect.”

“Then you will fall first. They belong to one who is greater than you.”

Oblivion called on his own magic and it flared under the World Spirits white flame. It gathered on his horn and the two magic’s began to swirl together. His horn held both magic’s in check as he gathered a ball of azure flame and sent it toward the dark pony. It phased through him and the black Unicorn stared for a moment as a feeling of surprise went through him for a moment. He watched as Sasa emerged from the shadows behind the pony and she began to stalk slowly toward him.

“Keep working on the ponies Chosen. I will tend to this intruder.” She snarled to him.

He watched as she slowly approached and he sent the World Spirit back to its work and it began to cleanse another street of the despondency that hung over them. The blackened pony began to walk toward him and Oblivion braced in case Sasa did not reach him in time. The Spectral Tiger lunged out of her low stance and her shoulder collided with the pony and staggered him. He focused on the feline who roared a challenge of her own. Oblivion said nothing as the pony sent a bolt of blackened ooze at the feline who took to her heels to draw him away from the Elder Witcher.

Sasa snarled as he sent another ball of darkness at her and she stopped and evaded it once more. A frustrated growl escaped the pony as it missed her. She could sense the amount of magic being channeled into the world around her and she swore to keep this pony away from him no matter what it took from her. The glow from Oblivion's horn grew and she found it was growing harder to keep her adversary focused on her instead of him. She charged him as he turned back to the Witcher as a ball of corruption was thrown at her. She slid to a stop and braced as the ball hit her in the chest and she was thrown off her paws and rolled backward. She got to her paws and shook herself before she charged in once more.

She rammed her shoulder into its flank and it staggered under her assault and bucked, striking her in the side. She rolled to her paws and came after it again. She snarled as she dug her teeth into the pony’s hind leg. Her long incisors speared into its lower flank and she yanked back, staggering her prey. Her aqua blue eyes were narrowed as she held and they widened as the ponies body began to undulate and it wrapped her snout and cut off her breathing. It was the same inky black liquid that had covered the ground the day before. She yowled and began to pull back violently. It released her and a blast from the pony sent her rolling and she stayed down this time.

“Stay back Sasa. He is mine.” Oblivion voice cut into her and she panted in reply.

Oblivion watched as Sasa stayed on the ground and he released his own magic and it went dormant once more. The World Spirit hummed through him and he held back on his efforts at cleansing the ponies and focused on the fight in front of him. He knew his magic had no effect and thought later had one of his blades in his magic and he held it close to him as the other pony waited.

“You are mistaken if you think that will have any more effect than your pet did.” It sneered.

Oblivion spun the weapon in his magic and stepped away from the well. The weapon was made of the world itself and he put his strength behind it as he waited for the other to make his move. The other pony charged him and he braced as he pirouetted out of the way, the weapon sliding over the other's shoulder and down his side in a thin straight cut. Oblivion watched as corruption oozed from the shallow gash and the other seemed shocked by the change in the situation.

The weapon was steady in his magic as he spun it again and waited. He couldn’t tell if there was any magic commanding the form or if it was what Equestria had called a Remnant. If he had more time he would have been able to analyze it further. Oblivion charged in as the other backed up at the realization that the weapon was able to damage it. The corrupted form reeled back as he swung the weapon and it carved into its chest and shoulder. The Witcher pressed his advantage and stayed in step with the other pony and slowly carved into its body and it began to bleed corruption across the ground.

The corrupted tried to fire a volley of darkness but the actions were parried by the Witcher as they danced across the central square and back toward the well. Oblivion spun and his hooves bucked the corrupted off its hooves and onto the ground. It got to its hooves and lunged away from him. As he squared off with it he heard the sound of a laugh.

“You may have stopped me this time. But next time I will ensure that you are too late. I must admit I never considered you would have more than magic at your disposal. That weapon is not normal is it?”

Oblivion stayed ready to go on as the other spoke. “Its origin is not something that you will need to worry about for much longer.”

“That’s true. I will leave here, but I will leave you a little gift, savior of the ponies.” The pony sneered.

Oblivion’s eyes widened as the form began to bubble and he charged forward as it erupted and corruption spewed across the square and began to sink into the ground. A curse rolled from Oblivion's lips as the light from his horn grew in strength and the second ring of white flame went out over the ground and he commanded it to sink into the ground to intercept the corruption that had been forced into the ground. He looked up as Arrow made his way to Sasa to check on the still laying down feline. He could sense that Sasa was all right but he sent a burst of his own magic over her form and healed any injuries the feline might have had.

“I am fine Chosen. Thank you.” She assured him as she got to her paws.

Oblivion refocused on the World Spirits efforts and he sent out a command for it to connect to the remaining ponies. He could sense that there was a little under half remaining and he commanded it to cleanse them all at once after he finished with the land again. He could sense the immediate strain as it worked and he could feel the cost of using it to cleanse on two different fronts. He called on the white flames to drive the corruption from the land and bring it to the surface. He watched as it bubbled up to the surface once more and he was able to gather it into a ball once again and he focused on the ponies and began to cleanse all of them.

Sasa could sense the great amount of magic being used and a glance to Arrow told her he could sense that something had changed. She wanted to tell Oblivion to be careful but she didn’t dare distract him. Her heart raced as she waited for him to be done. She looked back behind them and a few ponies had ventured out of their homes despite the white flame on the ground and were staring at the Black Unicorn. She looked back to the Witcher and his armor glowed as the white flame grew stronger and brighter.

“Is he okay?” Arrow asked her as he leaned close to her ear.

She had to admit she was not sure what she could tell him that would be close to the truth. She turned to look at him and nodded. She motioned over her shoulder for him to see the ponies and he immediately ran to them to keep them back. She got to her paws and joined him.

Oblivion could feel the strain biting at the edges of his mind as he channeled the World Spirit and commanded it to cleanse the remaining ponies. He reached out to the ponies closest to him and he could feel how they began to awaken from the fog that had held them. He closed his eyes as he willed the World Spirit to finish and he felt the magic from the World Spirit peak and it called all of the corruption it had gathered through the cleansing and brought it to him. He could feel the circle of white flame returning to him and he could hear the sounds of screams and cries as ponies saw it rescind from them. He opened his eyes as a large ball of darkness hovered in front of him. He allowed the magic of the World Spirit to begin to rescind as his own azure flame took over from there and he slowly burned through the ball of corruption.

He breathed out a deep sigh as the magic faded and he felt the armor around his body tighten on him and he felt a bit of strength flood through him and he remained still to avoid wasting the strength he had received. He looked to the paths around him and ponies were slowly filling the streets as they came to the center of town, following the circle of white flame. He saw Sasa standing beside Arrow as two ponies hugged the stallion tightly. Her aqua eyes turned to him and he kept his head high as she began to walk back to him.



“Well done. They are themselves once more.” She said to him.

“So I can see.” He replied and sighed once more.

“Are you okay?”

“I will be.”

“That was an enormous amount of magic that you channeled. I am certain you have overdone it.” She scolded.

“I know I did. It would have been fine if he had not corrupted the grounds once more.”

“That’s true.” She admitted. “What was he?”

“Equestria guessed he was a remnant of the power that was used here before. I do not think that is true.”

“I agree. That was far more than a remnant.”

“She also guessed it could be a pony of some skill casting it from a distance. I am leaning more toward that than I am the others after that exchange.”

“I agree. Could it be another Unicorn?”

“Most likely.”

“Lovely.” She said as she reached him and sat down in front of him. “You need to lay down and rest now I should think. Before you fall down.”

Oblivion said nothing in reply and gave her a silent nod of agreement. He closed his eyes for several seconds as the sound of whispers reached his ears. He opened his eyes to see a wide circle of ponies had surrounded them. Arrow walked up to him, his expression worried.

“You’re not going to die from all that are you?” He asked.

“No.” Oblivion breathed out. “Simply exhausted.”

“Okay good.” He replied, clear relief in his voice.

Oblivion looked at him as he could feel himself beginning to tremble. Sasa growled in alarm and stood up in front of him. He looked at the feline as his knees gave out and he collapsed to the ground. His vision went dark as he hit the ground.

Sasa sat in front of the bed that Oblivion laid on inside the inn. He had been unconscious for two days since he had cleansed the town and its ponies. She knew that it had taken everything it had from him and she was now left waiting. The silver armor that covered his body creaked as he breathed and she waited in silence for him to open his eyes. Many ponies had come to the room asking about him. So far Arrow and his family had been warding off spectators and keeping it quiet around them. A quiet groan caught her ears and she put her nose in front of his and she watched as he began to wake up. She pulled back to avoid startling him and returned to waiting patiently for him to look back at her.

Oblivion opened his eyes and was greeted with the face of a smiling feline. He remained quiet as she stared at him.

“Where am I?” He asked her as he stayed still on the bed.

“Arrow and his family brought you back to the inn to let you rest.” She informed him.

“Dare I ask how long ago that was?”

“Two days.” She replied. “Last time you overdid it you were out for a day I think.”

Oblivion groaned as he sat up and swung his rear legs over the side of the bed. He focused on the medallion around his neck and his armor slid back into place around it and was still. There was a quiet knock on the door and it slowly opened at Sasa’s low growl. Arrow poked his head in through the gap and his eyes widened at the Witcher.

“Bout time you woke up. Was wondering if it had in fact killed you.” He complained.

“I assure you I am fine,” Oblivion replied. “Is everypony all right?”

“Yeah. Everypony is even better than they were before. I’ve never seen them so lively. It’s a bit odd but I admit that I am glad to see it.” He replied and pushed open the door and stood by the doorframe.

Sasa got to her paws as Oblivion pushed himself off the bed and stood on his hooves once more. Arrow regarded the Elder Witcher and backed up as Oblivion came toward him as his horn lit. His saddlebags appeared around his body and he left the room open as Sasa fell in behind him.

“What are you doing now?” Arrow questioned as he fell in behind with Sasa.

“There is no reason for me to remain if what I came to do is done.” Oblivion reasoned. “I plan to pay for the room and leave.”

“Good luck with that.” Arrow laughed.

Oblivion looked over his shoulder as he started down the stairs. “Meaning?”

“You’ll be lucky to leave without a parade in your honor. Pretty sure a few mares will be thinking of naming their foals after you.”

Oblivion paused on the stairs and looked at the stallion. “Tell me you’re kidding.”

“About the foals maybe but the parade I’m not kidding about. I explained what had happened and what you had done and everypony was shocked you accomplished it but pretty damn happy about it.” Arrow admitted.

Oblivion began down the stairs and walked to the front desk and waited as the sound of hooves came from the back room. A pony came out from behind a pair of curtains and her eyes widened at the sight of the black stallion.

“You’re awake?” She shrilled.

“Yes. I apologize for taking one of your rooms and I am happy to pay for the use of it.” Oblivion began but stopped when she shook her head.

“Not gonna happen sweetheart.” She said, her tone stubborn.


“You’re not paying for anything. You saved all of us when you didn’t have to.” She explained. “Now I assume you have other things to be doing so get going. I won’t accept a single bit form you.”

Oblivion said nothing as a sigh escaped him and he looked over his shoulder at Arrow who looked back at him with a smug grin.

“Told you.” He said and a smile crossed his muzzle. “Come on. My parents wanted to meet you.”

“Why?” Oblivion asked him as he made for the front door.

“Same reason everypony wants to meet you.” He replied. “It’s called being grateful and wanting to thank you.”

Oblivion bit back a groan and fell in step with the other stallion and allowed him to lead the way.

They reached the small house after several stops and many thanks from ponies on the streets. Arrow pushed open the door and Oblivion walked inside with the feline on his heels. Arrow slid past them and walked into the front room with them on his heels.

“Here he is mom. Dad!” He greeted the mare in the front room and hollered for the other.

“I heard the door. And I see ya brought him with you.” A stocky red stallion said as he came into the room from the right.

“Sorry for shouting. Didn’t know you were that close.” Arrow apologized and stepped aside for them to see Oblivion.

A stocky mare looked at him from her chair and she got to her hooves, her coat was pale pink with a white blaze down her nose. “Welcome to our home, Oblivion.”

Oblivion gave a slight bow of his head in reply to her greeting. “Thank you.”

“The way I hear it you’re the one who is owed our thanks.” His father said to him. “I’m Aviator and that is my wife Calista.”

“You owe me nothing,” Oblivion assured them both.

“How did you know we needed help though?” She asked him.

“Good luck Chosen.” Sasa chuckled as she sat down at his side.

He was quiet for a moment as his mind raced. “I had heard from a merchant that he had been through here and there appeared to be an issue. I was in the area so I chose to investigate.” He lied easily and waited for them to reply.

“That makes sense. Anypony that came through here would have gone pretty much unnoticed. Most of us stayed in our homes unless we had to leave them.” Calista replied and nodded to him.

“I noticed that first. Ponies’ failed to notice me and the cat that travels with me.”

“She would have gotten ya noticed quickly before.” Aviator informed him. “Not sure what caused it but pretty soon it got hard to even get out of bed in the morning and even the smallest thing became impossible. Didn’t even hear him knocking and yelling at the door when he came to see us.” He said as he pointed to Arrow.

Arrow nodded and looked over at the Black Unicorn. “That was some pretty potent magic you used to fix everything though. I have to admit I was not sure you could do it after that pony, or whatever he was, attacked you. Where did you learn that kind of magic?”

“I learned the base spell from a book but over time I changed it and was able to strengthen it to correct the land and village.” Oblivion lied to them.

He heard Sasa chuffing next to him and he chose to ignore her mirth. The ponies seemed satisfied with what he had told them and were ready to move on in their questioning.

“I have a question,” Oblivion spoke before they could.

“Go ahead,” Calista said to him, her voice calm.

“I read of a merchant that came here many years ago and he left items behind that corrupted the town.”

“Ahh, ya been reading the old records,” Aviator said to him and the black stallion nodded. “That doors locked though.”

“I picked the lock to get in.” Oblivion freely admitted and their eyes went wide.

Arrow looked at the ground and then to the pair of stunned parents. They both looked at him and he shrugged with a deep sigh.

“I did try to stop him.” Arrow informed them. “But I did end up helping instead. He figured it all out with the help of the records so it ended up being a good thing.”

His parents both looked from him to each other and soon broke out into laughter. Aviator approached the black Unicorn and slapped him on the shoulder.

“I knew I liked ya.” He laughed. “Arrow mentioned ya simply took a room at the inn and that ya didn’t seem too worried about the breaking and entering.”

“I planned on paying for it once everything was done,” Oblivion explained.

“I doubt you’ll end up paying for anything. Hell, ya might leave here with a few bits in your pocket.” Aviator chuckled as he dabbed one of his eyes.

“I don’t need any pony’s money. I acted as was needed.” He assured them.

“So ya say but they might not see it that way.” Aviator replied as he made for a chair beside his wife. “Ya read up on the history of the area that’s clear. What more did ya need to know?”

“The Unicorn that came to rid the area of whatever was causing the issue. Did he leave any records of what he did or what he suspected?”

“Not that I know of,” Calista replied to him softly. “Although…”

“Hmm?” Oblivion looked at her as she looked thoughtful.

“There was a rumor that at the time he had dropped something extra into the well.” She admitted. “It was never written down exactly what it was and only a few knew about it. As far as I know, he never said what it was.”

Oblivion’s ears pricked as she spoke. At his side, Sasa leaned against his shoulder. “He dropped something into the well? How reliable is this rumor?”

“My grandfather was the mayor back when that all happened,” Calista explained. “He stayed close to the Unicorn when he showed up. Truth be told I would hope he did not mistake some of the ashes for anything real. He always said it was something more than ash.”

Arrow looked back and forth from the Unicorn to his parents and a sigh escaped him as the Unicorn looked thoughtful. “You’re going to search the well aren’t you?”

“If there is anything down there that can explain what happened then I need to know what it was.” Oblivion replied. “is the well straight down and it ballons at the bottom or is it a straight drop?”

“I’m not sure,” Aviator admitted with a shrug. “Never thought about it personally.”

Calista shook her head and Arrow shrugged. “I am simply asking to avoid breaking a leg jumping into it,” Oblivion said as he turned to leave their home.

“Jumping into it?” Arrow yelped as he turned to follow the Unicorn. “You’re out of your mind.”

Oblivion said nothing in reply as he led the pony out of his home and into the town, heading for the towns well once more. “We need to know if it is something that can explain what happened back then and now,” Oblivion replied as Sasa fell in at his side.

He heard Arrow sigh deeply as the stallion grumbled under his breath about crazy Unicorns and their pets. As they emerged from the streets and into the center he made a straight line to the well and gazed into the darkness within it. Sasa came to stand at his side and peered into the well.

“Be cautious Chosen.” She said to him. “This well was the source of the corruption before.”

“It has been cleansed and now it is as pure as it ever was.” He said to her. “Do not worry about it.”

“I know you cleared it. But that does not mean that what might be in there is not corrupted still.” She explained.

He gave her a nod and backed up as his magic pulled his saddlebags from his barrel and set them beside the well. Arrow pulled up beside them and he looked from the well to the Witcher and back to the well.

“Oh man, you’re really going to do this. That opening is barely big enough for a normal-sized pony. You’re not a normal-sized pony.” Arrow pointed out.

“I am aware,” Oblivion replied.

“Be smart about this.” Arrow went on. “Just use magic to find it.”

“I don’t know what I am looking for.”

“Look for something out of place. It can’t be that hard.”

“It’s not a matter of difficulty so much a matter of knowing what to look for. If I can’t see what it is then how do I know if it is useful?”

“Ugh.” Arrow groaned and threw his head back for a moment. “You are out of your mind.”

“I have been told worse,” Oblivion said as he put his hoof on the lip of the well and jumped the edge.

His shoulder scraped the wall of the well and he straightened his legs to keep them close to his body and he gasped as he hit the water. He shook his head underwater and then kicked for the top. He panted as his head broke the surface and looked around him. The bottom had morphed into a cavern and he looked around him as his orange eyes gave off a dull glow in the dark of the well. He looked up and he could make out the shapes of ponies who now looked down at him.

“I’m fine Sasa.” He reached out to the feline.

“Understood. I will let the crowd know.” She chuckled back to him.

He kicked his legs to keep his head above water and he narrowed his vision as it focused and he began to scan the walls. Nothing jumped out at him and he looked down into the blue water and his vision remained focused as he held his breath and dove down. He summoned his wings and they beat in the water to propel him deeper, faster. His claws dug into the mud and he held himself in place as his wings stilled to keep from throwing up dirt and silt. His orange eyes stared into the water and he looked in the immediate vicinity and found nothing close to him. Over two minutes went by and he finally went for the surface to get a breath of air. His wings pushed him up and his head broke the surface once more.

“Now for the other side.” He muttered and swam for the left side of the room.

He dove down again and his wings propelled him deeper as the ground sloped away from him and he dug his claws in again for purchase. He began to move slowly through the water and his eyes scanned for anything out of the ordinary for a well. He angled for the slope and dug slowly through the dirt for anything that he could latch onto. When nothing came up he swam for the surface. He looked up to the smooth sides of the walls of the well and he stopped to think about how the item would have moved if it had been thrown into the well with the ashes.

“It would have bounced from wall to wall until it hit the water. If there is any current then it would have moved through the cavern and down that slope over time.”

His horn lit as he summoned a potion from his saddlebags. The killer whale potion appeared in his magic and he popped the cork and downed the liquid quickly. His skin shivered as it took effect and he took a breath and dove for the slope once more. His wings beat and he was at the bottom quickly and he dug his claws into the mud and began too slowly make his way down the slope. He could see that the cavern was being fed from a larger body of water and he angled his body to follow the water. His wings pushed him through the water as he scanned the bottom and the walls.


“Busy.” He replied and left it at that.

His wings beat steadily as he moved and over five minutes had passed and he knew he was growing low on time. The killer whale potion was not meant to last forever. He was about to teleport out of the well when a gleam caught his eye. He paused mid-wing stroke and he focused on a side passage and angled his body to go down it. He could feel the killer whale running its course and his wings beat harder in the water, propelling him faster. He breathed a few bubbles as he paused ion the small cavern and his eyes scanned the surface as he pushed one wing up to see about a ceiling and the wing curved in the water, showing him there was no air pocket. He scanned the bottom and his eyes landed on a small glimmer of silver. He dove for the bottom as his lungs began to burn. His claws dug into the mud and he reached out for the silver item and his claws surrounded it and he called on his wings to vanish as his horn lit.

Sasa paced beside the well as Oblivion remained gone. Beside her several worried ponies now stood with them. Arrow had explained why he had jumped into the well and what he was looking for. Most were concerned that he would drown before he found anything and Arrow made sure to assure them that he had the magic to teleport so he would be fine. Sasa had informed him that the Witcher was able to teleport and that he was in no danger. Even though she herself knew he would be okay she still felt worry bubbling in her mind.

She sat down in her original place and waited as a flash of azure flame went out and she yowled as she rolled backward and jumped to her paws. Oblivion stood in place, water dripping from him as he panted and breathed deeply. She came up to him and looked at him closely.

“Tell me you didn’t nearly drown yourself?” She accused.

[i]“I’m fine.” He said to her.

“Tell me it was worth the near-drowning.” She growled. He held up one hoof with something gripped tightly in his claws. “Nice.” She praised.

Oblivion shook out his mane and body and breathed in as he recovered. Sasa grumbled as the water hit her fur and he sat down heavily in place and looked at what he had found. His claws opened to reveal the small silver tube. His eyes narrowed and he could see how it worked upon closer inspection. He gripped the other side of the tube and pulled. A ripped piece of cloth unfurled as he pulled gently. He was not able to read what was written but he knew a map when he was looking at one. Behind the writing was a section of a map of Equestria and a small symbol was written off to the side of it.

“What is it?” Arrow asked him.

“It’s a map of some kind. I can’t read what is written on it though.” He admitted as he turned it around to show the stallion.

“Yeah, I have no idea,” Arrow admitted after looking at it. “So that was what you found? That little thing?”

“Sometimes the most important items are not the largest in size,” Oblivion replied.

“Yeah, yeah.” Arrow groused.

“Can we go home now?” Sasa asked him as she looked at the small item as he released his grip on it and it went back into the small silver tubing.

“Yes.” He replied and sighed as he got to his hooves and placed his saddlebags around his barrel. “It is about time we leave. Everything should be fine now.”

“You have quite the fan club here,” Arrow said to him with a look over his shoulder.

Oblivion looked past him to the surrounding ponies. “I did what had to be done.”

“I know. But still.” Arrow replied.

Oblivion said nothing as his horn lit. “If anything happens to send word to Celestia or Luna. They will get the message to me directly.”

“Got it. I’m leaving for home as well but I’ll make sure they know.” Arrow assured him. “Good luck with whatever you do.”

“You as well,” Oblivion said to him as Sasa nuzzled the pony gently.

His horn lit and he vanished in a flash of azure flame. He summoned Sasa a moment later and he sighed as she appeared at his side. His hooves were silent as he began to move across the farm's front orchard. He looked up as Applejack came through eh front gate and trotted forward at the sight of him.

“Welcome home. Yer back just in time.” She said as she neared him.

“Just in time for what?” He asked her as she stopped near him. “And what are you wearing?”

He looked at the full-body costume she was wearing and his head gave a slight tilt. She looked sheepish for a moment before a smile crossed her muzzle.

“Was just somethin’ we used ta help Rainbow be a little humbler.” She explained. “Ah’ll tell ya everythin’ inside. So how come yer all wet?”

“I did a bit of swimming.”

“A bit?” Sasa said to him.

He said nothing in reply to the feline as he followed the orange mare into the house and closed the door behind them.

79: Birthdays...

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Oblivion looked up as Twilight came back into the room with several books hovering in her magic. His magic took several of the books from her and set them on the table in front of him.

“Why are you needing so many books on language?” She asked him.

He showed her the little slip of cloth that was hidden in the silver tubing. Her purple eyes scanned the map piece and she tilted her head and looked back at him.

“That’s why.” She quipped.

“I don’t know what it means or even what it is. This is a good place to start.” He replied.

Sasa rolled onto her side on the floor and looked at him for a moment before she yawned. “Do not forget to give her birthday present to her.”

He glanced down at her and bit back a reply. His magic opened the first book as Twilight sat down on the other side and regarded him for several seconds before she opened another of the books.

“You do not need to help if you have better things to do.” He said to her and she waved a hoof at him.

“It’s fine. I’m waiting for a letter from Rarity about my party anyway.” She said and dove into the book ahead of her.

“If you insist.” He replied.

He fell silent as he began to scan through the pages of content. His magic held the map piece and he held it up next to several samples of writings and languages.

“Can I ask you something?” Twilight suddenly spoke up.

He looked up from the book he was reading and waited for her to go on.

“Do you ever regret leaving your land behind?”

He looked at her for several seconds before he shook his head. “I have played my part there and I am needed here.”

“So you say but are you really okay with it?”

“I am a Witcher Twilight. I tend to not dwell things like that.”

“I know but still.” She said to him. “There was a lot that you left behind. All your fellow Witchers and friends.”

He stopped reading and looked at her for several seconds before he spoke. “I do know that I have left them behind. But that does not mean that I have forgotten them. They are with me so long as I do not forget.”

Her eyes widened and a smile crossed her mouth. “That’s true. It just seems that you never talk about them so I was wondering if it was hurting you.”

“I am fine.” He assured her. “I came to terms with the reality that I may never see them again and I have come to terms with it in my own way. Witchers tend to do things in a way that is hard for most to understand. We do not grieve publicly and we do not show what is in our minds so easily.”

“How does a Witcher grieve?”

“In silence.”

“What do you mean?”

“I spoke of this with Sasa once. When one of our numbers died months before I came here we burned the body as tradition demands and we stood by in silence.”

“You burned him?”

“It is traditionally how our dead are honored. We stayed with the body until there was nothing but ash remaining. That was how we grieved for him. Others do not understand it because they are not Witchers.”

“How did he die?” She asked quietly. “Was it old age?”

Oblivion barked a laugh. “No. We have a saying about how a Witcher dies. No Witcher dies in his bed. We die in battle, not of age.”

She fell quiet as he spoke and opened her mouth to speak as there was a knock on her front door.

“Excuse me.” She said as she went to the door.

She came back into the room after a moment and her magic opened a letter and she scanned it as he watched. “It’s from Rarity. She’s staying in Canterlot because Opal is sick.” She said aloud for him to hear.

“The cat?”

“Yeah. I hope it’s not too serious. I’ll get with the girls and maybe we can move my party there. Do you mind if we move it?”

“It’s your party, not mine.” He replied as he turned to look at her. “Do you want your gift now or later?” He asked her before Sasa nagged him again about it.

Her eyes lit up as he spoke and she closed the door behind her and regarded him. “Is it okay if I have it now?”

“It’s up to you.” He said to her and his horn lit as he summoned the wrapped gift and set it in front of her.

Her magic covered the gift and she pulled the wrapping paper off of it and pushed it aside. She tilted her head and opened the second box, which fell open on its own and she stared at the contents. A complete set of spell books done by Starswirl the Bearded sat in front of her with a small notebook on top of it. She opened the notebook and her smile widened as she beheld what was drawn inside. He had drawn out several of the monsters and items from his world and made notes about what they were for her. She had always asked him about his world so he went ahead and drew many of its details out for her. She set down the notebook and jumped the box set and collided almost violently with his back as she hugged him.

“Oh by Equestria thank you!” She gushed as she held him.

He tried not to pant as she squeezed his windpipe and patted her shoulder as he tried to turn around. She let him go long enough for him to turn around and hugged him again.

“How did you know I needed that set to complete my collection?” She asked him.

“I asked.” He replied. “You mentioned that you were missing it but had never been able to find them together.”

She let him go and sat down in front of him. Her magic gripped the notebook and boxed set and brought them to sit beside her. “How did you find one? I’ve been looking for years and never found one.”

“I had some help from Blue Blood. He knows a few rare booksellers in Canterlot and other areas so I sent letters to them through him. One of them came through.” He admitted.

“I’ll have to send Blue Blood a thank you letter for his help.” She said and then help the notebook to her chest. “You drew all of this?”

“Yes. It holds a few monsters you have asked about in greater detail and what little I know about dragons as well. I also detailed a few of the other Witcher schools.”

Sasa came over and Twilight eagerly hugged the feline as she purred. “Thank you as well, Sasa. I know you helped.”

“Actually this is from her.” He replied and his magic summoned a small envelope.

Twilight’s magic took her from him and she sat back down and opened it. Inside was a small fang on a necklace. Her magic levitated it out of the envelope and it spun in her magic. The fang was just over two inches tall and curved as one of her fangs. The coloring was translucent and its color changed depending on how the light hit it. The mare looked at Sasa who ran her tongue over one of her fangs. Upon closer inspection, it was smaller than the other and appeared whiter.

“Is it one of her fangs?”

“Yes. Where she is from it is a gift one gives to someone who is close to their heart. Far more personal than a book.” He supplied as Sasa nodded her head. “She insisted.”

“How did you…?”

“I may have broken it off and then healed it for her.” He admitted and the mare looked horrified. “It did not hurt her as much as it gave her a sore mouth. The fangs do not have nerves going through them as our teeth do. They can be broken and they will regrow in time.”

“Oh thank Equestria I was afraid it hurt her.” She admitted with a breath. “Sasa it’s beautiful. Did you shrink it down for her as well?”

“I did, yes.” He reached out with his claws and gripped the thin silver chain and opened the lock. She turned around and pulled her mane out of the way to allow him to place it on her. “There.”

She turned around and looked down at the small fang around her neck. “It’s so pretty.” She reached out and hugged Sasa once more and nuzzled the cat. She backed up and her hoof touched the fang and she hugged him once more. “Thank you so much both of you. I can’t even imagine how hard it was to find those books and how much time it took to draw all of that out. Sasa your gift is so personal and I will always treasure it.”

Sasa looked at him and he nodded. His magic covered the feline and she grinned under the azure flame.

“Your welcome.” She said to her.

Twilights eyes went wide as she could hear the cat talking. “I can hear you.”

“I asked Oblivion to allow me to speak to you through his magic if I wished. Where I am from if we are impacted by another in our lives we give a gift that symbolizes that bond. I gave you one of my fangs to symbolize the bond we have. It shows that you and I have been through many trials and we have not bent, nor have we broken. We do not have birthdays where I am from but this is the perfect time to give that to you. It is also connected to me through the same magic that binds me to him.” She said and looked at the Black Unicorn. “If you should ever be in great need then you can call out to me and I will help you. He can send me anywhere you are and I will stand with you. That is my gift to you.”

Twilight smiled as the feline spoke to her and tears were in her eyes as she listened. The magic faded from the cat and she purred in place as Twilight lunged to hug her once more. “You wonderful tiger.” She whispered.

Oblivion was quiet as the mare sniffled and backed up from the feline. The mare wiped her eyes and regarded both of them, a wide smile on her muzzle. “Thank you both so much.”

“Your welcome,” Oblivion said to her and leaned back against the table as she gathered herself.

“You guys are one of my very best friends.” She said and smiled wider for them.

“Not going to admit the small fortune you paid for those books?” Sasa teased as the mare gushed over the necklace and her new books.

“Never.” He replied.

Sasa laughed and nodded at him. “Good idea.”

“You’re going to be in Canterlot tomorrow right Oblivion?” She questioned.

“Yeah, I’m meeting with Blue Blood. That’s why I was going to end up missing your birthday party.” He replied.

“Want to bring Blue Blood to my party?”

Oblivion tilted his head slightly at her. “Pardon?”

“Rarity can’t make it so I am going to see if we can move my party to Canterlot. Then you won’t miss it either.” She explained. “I know you meet Blue Blood every week so I was thinking he could join us if he wanted to. Otherwise, you can still have your boy’s day in the morning and meet with us in the afternoon?”

Oblivion considered what she was saying and he nodded. “I can ask him if that is all right with him. It’s up to him if he is up to it.”

“I’ll talk to Pinkie since she is organizing my party.” She said as she got to her hooves and her magic carried her books toward the stairs. “I’ll be back. I’m going to put these away so I can read them later.”

“He will probably be fine with it. Though he might panic about not having a gift for her.” Sasa said as the mare vanished upstairs.

“I don’t think he needs to worry about it on such short notice.” Oblivion replied as his horn lit and scroll and quill appeared in his magic.

Oblivion opened his eyes and Blue Blood greeted him with a hoof bump as he summoned Sasa.

“I hope you don’t mind while I do some quick shopping,” Blue said to him as they began the walk into town.

“Not at all. What are we looking for Blue?” Sasa asked him as they moved forward.

“I know you told me I don’t have to worry about it but I simply cannot attend Twilights party without a gift for her. What did you two get her?” He asked as they walked.

“Remember those books I was looking for?”

“Yes. The ones from Starswirl if I remember correctly.” Blue said after a moment’s thought. “Did you ever find a copy of them?”

“I did and I purchased them for her birthday present,” Oblivion replied.

“You did what?” Blue said as he stumbled. “I can’t even imagine what those would have cost.”

“It’s fine,” Oblivion replied with a dismissive nod. “I also got a notebook and filled it with information and drawings from where I am from for her. She has always been interested in where I am from so I included things about it for her.”

“Wow. That’s well thought out. What about you Sasa?”

“I gave her one of my fangs.” She replied simply.

“You gave her a fang?”

“Yes. Where I am from the better the bond you have with someone the more personal the gift. I asked Oblivion to break off one of my fangs and shrink it down for a necklace for her. She might be wearing it today and you can see it then.” She said to him.

“You broke off one of her fangs?”

“The fang does not have nerves going through it like you and me so all it did was give her a sore mouth for a day. I healed it and a new one grew in.”

“Wow. That’s quite the gift Sasa. You both gave her well thought out gifts and now I need to find something for her.”

“She will be pleased with anything you get her Blue.” Sasa told him, her voice soothing as the pony began to look stressed.

“Still. I should ensure that it is suited to her and she will enjoy it.”

Sasa sighed and shook her head as the Prince moved forward, determination in his steps. The cat looked at the black Unicorn and he shrugged as they moved to catch up to the Prince’s faster pace.

“What about a new dress?” He asked the other stallion.

“I think we would need to have her sized for one.” Oblivion breathed out.

“Damnit.” Blue cursed under his breath as they passed a dressmakers shop. “So she loves books and anything else?”

“Not that I can…Astronomy.” Oblivion replied as he thought back to what he knew. “Now that I think of it she is fond of astronomy.”

“Why didn’t you mention that sooner?”

“I had forgotten,” Oblivion admitted.

Blue blood huffed and changed direction. “Okay come one. How are we on time?”

“We are late,” Oblivion replied. “I already sent a note to her about it.”

“How late?”

“About an hour,” Oblivion grumbled.

Sasa sat down as Blue Blood looked stricken and turned to get his bearings and began to trot down a nearby street. Sasa got to her paws and growled as she and Oblivion kept up with him.

“In here, come on.” He said and raced into a storefront.

Oblivion looked up at the sign and it had the celestial bodies adorned across it. Inside were several telescopes and accessories for them. Blue Blood was looking almost frantically down an aisle as they rejoined him.

“Does she have a telescope?” He questioned.

“Yes.” Sasa grumbled.

“What is the scope on it?” He asked, ignoring the temperamental feline.

“I have no idea Blue,” Oblivion replied.

“Okay without knowing what it is then getting her a new one is an option.” He spoke to himself as he began to walk down the aisle. “But without knowing if she has a preference about brands that might be ill-advised.”

Sasa hung her head and leaned on Oblivions legs. “He’s going to make me crazy.” She said to the Black Unicorn.

“What does she have for it?”


“Does she have a carrying case? Or a kit to shine the lens?”

“As far as I am aware she does not have a case for it. As far as the kit I do not think so.” Oblivion replied. “I have never asked about it.”

“I know what to get her then,” Blue said after a moment's delay. “A new carrying case with a few maintenance accessories will be perfect for her. Plus, a new book on the constellations.”

Sasa heaved a sigh and followed the pony as he led them deeper into the store.

“Truth be told I have never been to a friend’s birthday party.” Blue Blood admitted as he balanced the box on his back with its bright wrapping paper.

“Really?” Sasa said to him and he nodded to her. “I find that hard to believe.”

“I have been to the parties of nobles and their ilk but not one for a friend. Not since I was a foal anyway.”

“That’s sad to hear Blue.” Sasa said to him, sadness in her voice.

“It’s okay. I get to experience that now. Better late than never right Sasa?”

“That’s true.” She admitted. “No doubt Twilight and the others will be overjoyed to see you. Even if we are almost two hours late.”

Blue cringed at the reminder of the time and looked at the gift on his back. “It was worth it. I hope.”

“She will be very pleased with what you have chosen for her,” Oblivion assured him.

“So it’s in the ballroom right?”

“Yes. According to the direction it’s easily found.” Oblivion replied.

“I think I know where it is,” Blue said to him and they changed direction as he led them.

Sasa purred and fell in behind him with the black Unicorn. They reached a set of grand doors and the sound of music could be heard and Oblivions magic pushed the doors open and a loud boom went off.

Oblivion startled and one of his swords was in his magic before the sound had faded from his ears. Blue dropped to the ground behind him and Sasa roared a challenge. His orange eyes searched around them as the mares all stared at the group of them. Twilight put her hoof over her mouth and a giggle broke from her.

“Oh no. I tried to tell her that was a bad idea.” She giggled out.

Pinkie was off to the side looking up from the side of a table that she had hidden behind. “Oops.” She whispered out.

“I think you scared them all to death Pinkie,” Rainbow said to her.

“By the Gods.” Oblivion cursed as the blade vanished back into the band around his leg. “Do not do that again.”

Pinkie nodded as the others began to laugh. Blue Blood got to his hooves and panted through the fright and his magic picked up the box from the ground and Sasa growled at the pink mare as he walked toward the mare.

“I am sorry we are late. It is wholly my doing.”

“You okay Chosen?”

He looked at her before she broke into a laugh of her own as he waited for the adrenaline to fade before he moved. Twilight giggled as he finally began to walk toward her and the others. He noticed that Rarity was missing as he looked around and did not see her with them.

“I know its last minute but here. I dragged poor Oblivion and Sasa around to find something perfect for you.” Blue said to her as he set the gift on a nearby table.

“You didn’t have to get me anything,” Twilight said to him. “I know we interrupted your meeting with Oblivion.”

Blue shook his head and waved away her explanations. “It is customary to always have a gift for somepony when it is their birthday.”

She finally gave up and shook her head with a wide smile. Blue Blood set it down on the table with the others and he began to look around them for the missing Unicorn mare as well. Oblivion opened his mouth to speak as he saw Rarity’s spirit coming through a far door heading toward them. He tilted his head at the croquet mallet she was carrying in her mouth. He watched as she came to a halt at the sight of the Prince.

The white mare joined them and Oblivion looked up as Rainbow tilted her head slightly. “Uh, what's with the croquet mallet?”

“What croquet mallet?” Rarity asked as the mallet muffled her voice.

Blue blood said nothing for a moment before he pointed to the mallet in her mouth. “That one, dear Rarity.”

She looked down at the mallet in her jaws and she quickly put it aside with a sheepish glance to the group of them. “Ooh, that croquet mallet. I- well I, you know, the truth is... the truth is…”

“Were you at that other party in the garden?” Twilight asked her with a smile.

“Well, I…I…” Rarity stammered out as the purple Unicorn addressed her.

“It’s the annual Garden Party.” Blue Blood supplied. “It’s pretty exclusive.”

Rarity looked at him for a moment and her expression screamed for him to be quiet. “Well yes…”

Oblivion nudged the Prince into silence and he stepped back to be level with the black Unicorn's own shoulder. Sasa came up to him and nuzzled the Prince's shoulder.

“Let it be.” She said to him gently. “I think there is something to be explained here.”

Blue looked nervous for a moment before he nodded in understanding. Twilight’s eyes were bright as she regarded the other Unicorn.

“Rarity, I'm surprised at you.” She said to her.

“Twilight, I assure you I can explain…”

“I never realized that you were such a savvy business pony.” Twilight gushed.

“You must understand! I…” Rarity began to speak but stopped as Twilight’s words registered with her.

“All of those ponies look so posh. And with the Grand Galloping Gala coming up, I bet you could totally get some of them to buy your dresses. Very smart!” Twilight went on.

Rarity stared at her for a second before she picked her jaw up off the floor. “Woo, why yes, I-I didn't want you to think I was being rude, so that's exactly the reason I didn't tell you. The one and only reason.” She said with a nervous smile.

Twilight smiled brightly and patted the mare on the shoulder. “Oh, well, you didn't have to do that. You should totally go over there and mingle!”

Rarity’s eyes went wide and she quickly hugged the Unicorn mare. “Twilight, you really are the best friend a pony could ever ask for. I don't know why I ever thought you wouldn't understand.”

“Understand what?” Oblivion said to her. His tone sharp.

“Nothing.” She quickly said to him as she released the other mare. “See you girls, later.”

“Hey, wait up! We're your friends! I'm sure they won't mind if we check out the party too! C'mon, you guys! Let's show them how to party Ponyville style!” Rainbow said to her and led the others toward the doors.

Oblivion watched as Rarity’s eyes went wide as she stared after them. “Oh no.” She whispered out.

Blue looked at the mare as she fled out the door after them. He looked at the black Unicorn who stood in silence next to him.

“Did I miss something?” He finally asked.

“Yup,” Sasa replied. “But that’s okay.”

Blue walked forward and headed for the garden. They walked out to see a pale grey stallion with a blue mane and tail talking to Twilight.

“That’s Fancy Pants. Not surprising to see him here.” Blue informed them. “He probably invited a couple of the ponies that are here.”

“You’re being stared at Blue.” Sasa advised him as she bumped his shoulder.

“Damn.” He breathed out and held his head up higher.

Oblivion said nothing as ponies turned to look at the Prince and they backed up at the sight of the large feline. Sasa stayed close by them as she held her head up to show the collar around her neck, using it so show that she was no threat. They reached them as Rarity came up to the posh pony and pointed away from the purple Unicorn.

“Fancy Pants! Come with me! I'd like to show you this, er, thing that's over there. On the other side of the room.” She said as she pointed.

“In a moment, my dear. This lovely filly from Ponyville was just about to tell me who made her charming dress.” He said to her as he once more looked to the purple Unicorn.

“That dress? Oh, who cares it’s just a plain…” She started.

Twilight looked at her closely for a moment before her smile widened. “Oh, don't be so modest! This dress you made is beautiful!”

Oblivion ears flicked as glasses shattered around them and Rarity looked as though she had swallowed something. Fancy Pants turned to look at the white mare.

“You know these ponies?” Fancy Pants asked her.

“Oh, here we go,” Sasa muttered.

Rarity looked about to panic before she seemed to gather herself and breathed in a deep breath. She looked at each of them and then smiled for Blue Blood. “Yes. Yes, I do know them. They may not be as sophisticated as some of you Canterlot ponies, but they are my best friends. And they are without a doubt the most important ponies I know.”

“Important? Those ruffians?” One pony said to her.

“Don’t make me laugh!” Another called out.

Others nodded and agreed with her. Oblivion saw Blue Bloods hackles start to rise as he opened his mouth to speak.

“I, for one, find them charmingly rustic.” Fancy Pants said and beat him to it.

Blue Blood nearly bit his tongue as he deflated. Fancy Pants looked around them at the other ponies who were now simply openly staring at him.

“And I think the dress you made for your friend is lovely.” He said with a look at the fashion-forward mare. “I dare say every mare in Canterlot will be wanting one.”

One mare came forward and addressed her quickly. “I’d like to order one.”

Fancy Pants gave her a sidelong look and then turned back to Rarity. “Er, yes, now then. How about you introduce me to your friends?”

Rarity smiled and turned to them once more. “It would be my pleasure.”

She pointe each of them out as she introduced them and Fancy Pants said a word or two to each of them. The party began again around them and Twilight seemed pleased with the direction her birthday had taken. Oblivion hung back with Sasa as the party moved around them.

“Not going to join in Chosen?” She teased.

“No.” He replied simply. “I think I can see enough of it from where I am.”

He watched as Twilight began to open her gifts from her other friends and she was thrilled with each item. She came to Blue Bloods and Oblivion could see the nervousness in the stallion’s body as he watched. The purple Unicorn squealed with delight at the sight of the carrying case and other small items. Oblivion breathed a sigh as he leaned his flank against the wall and waited for the evening to go on.

80: Helping Another

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Oblivion opened his eyes and he was surprised to see another pony with Blue Blood. Soarin looked nervously from the Prince to the Black Unicorn. His horn lit once more as he summoned Sasa to his side and the she-cat stared at the pale blue stallion before a purr rumbled through her in greeting.

“Hello Soarin,” Oblivion said to him and approached them with Sasa at his hip.

“Hi.” Soarin replied quietly. “Sorry if I’m imposing or…”

“I told you it was fine,” Blue assured him with an easy smile. “You’re always welcome among us, right?”

Oblivion nodded in agreement and Sasa continued to purr loudly. “As he said. You are welcome to join us Soarin.”

“It’s good to see him again.” Sasa said to him and Blue Blood spoke for her and Soarin seemed to take heart from the cat’s easy acceptance of his presence.

“Shall we?” Blue said and motioned for them to move out of the menagerie.

“Lead on, Blue,” Oblivion said as he fell in behind the white pony.

Oblivion sat down after greeting Joe and affirmed that he was asking for his normal and Blue followed suit. Soarin got his order set and joined them at the booth. Sasa sat down beside the table and regraded the ponies with her.

“So what is on your mind, Soarin?” Oblivion asked him, his voice quiet.

The Pegasus breathed in and looked from the Unicorns to the table and back to Oblivion once more. “I was going to reach out to you sooner but between practice and the Wonderbolts public image I just haven’t had the time.”

“Understandable,” Oblivion replied. “I am here now.”

“I just…you asked me what could have been hurting me before.” Soarin began and he paused.

“I did yes.”

“What do you see?” He asked, his voice hesitant.

“I can see that you are being choked by something. I can see that it is slowly breaking your spirit.”

“I just…I don’t hate the Wonderbolts. Let me make that clear right now.” He said to them and Oblivion nodded as he spoke. “I just…”

“You resent them,” Blue said to him and leaned back into the booth.

Soarin’s eyes were wide as he nodded slowly. “They put performance and awards above their ponies. I am just so…tired.” He admitted with a small rush of air.

“How did you come to be among them?” Oblivion questioned.

“I tried out a few years ago and was accepted. I was sold the spiel about how they help protect Equestria and at the time I was looking for something. I didn’t know what it was but they knew.”

“You were looking for a purpose.” Oblivion supplied and Soarin nodded. “They preyed on that state of mind and sold you a rosy picture of what it would be like. And you fell for it.”

“Yeah. Hook, line and sinker.” Soarin admitted bitterly. “I thought it would solve that feeling of being out of place and not having any idea what I wanted and for a while it did. But as time went on I found out what it was really like and as it went on I was trapped by it.”

“Have you ever thought of just leaving?” Blue asked him, a look of concern on his features.

Soarin barked a laugh and nodded. “I have thought about it so many times. But I also don’t know how to do anything else except fly.”

“What would you rather be doing?” Oblivion asked.

“I’m not sure. I would still like to be involved in flight in some way but not as a Wonderbolt.” Soarin said in reply.

“Have you talked about it to anypony else?” Blue went on.

“I tried to talk to some of the others but they were less than receptive. I was told pretty plainly to suck it up and deal with it.”

Blue cringed and shook his head as Joe came to their table and set their orders in front of them. He lowered Sasa’s plate to the floor and patted the feline before he left them to their conversation. Oblivion took a sip of his coffee and leaned against the back of the booth before he spoke.

“Have you considered simply leaving the Wonderbolts?” He paused at the angry look he got from Soarin. “I ask because I do not know how the system works.”

Soarin’s expression softened and he nodded as he sighed. “I could but I would be dishonorably discharged. It’s not anything detrimental to me so they don’t acknowledge it. I’m not hurt in a fight, I’m just tired of it. That blemish on my record would stop me from being able to get a better position elsewhere. The Wonderbolts are a, you retire or you’re a quitter type of organization.”

“Meaning?” Oblivion went on.

“Meaning if you’re not a Wonderbolt when you die then you are nothing to everyone around you. It should be that your military record is hidden from an employer but it’s not. They can look at it and see that I quit and was discharged instead of retiring.”

“And you’re not of the age to retire,” Blue muttered. “I know what you’re talking about.”

“You do?” Soarin said to him as he sipped his coffee.

“I’ve read through the military records and he’s not wrong.” He said with a glance at the other stallions. “He would be discharged but that would stain an otherwise exemplary record and it would prevent ponies from hiring since the Wonderbolts are in the public eye and you’re fairly well known.”

Oblivion was quiet as he listened to the explanation from the Prince and he sighed quietly. “Now I understand it.”

“I can see why you’ve just put up and shut up about it,” Blue said to him.

“I just am tired of putting up with it and you’re not wrong. I feel like I’m slowly cracking.” Soarin admitted as he put his hooves over his face and leaned into them.

“Pretty heavy case of burn out,” Blue said and the Pegasus nodded. “Don’t they allow you to take a break in that case?”

“I’ve taken a break because of that and it didn’t help though. I came back and it was all the same thing.”

“Even if you take a break from it, it will not change the damage.” Oblivion pointed out and Soarin sagged into the booth. “You need to find a new career.”

“If you can think of one let me know.” The Pegasus growled.

Sasa stood up from her meal and nuzzled his foreleg. The Pegasus turned to look at her and he stared into a vibrant pair of aqua blue eyes. He put his hooves on her fur and ran his hooves through it. He looked back at Oblivion and the stallion said nothing as Sasa purred.

“We are with him Chosen. He needs to be heard.” She said to him and he nodded to the cat.

“We are with you Soarin,” Oblivion said to him, his tone quiet. “While I cannot change the Wonderbolts I can assure you that you are not alone.”

Soarin looked back at the Unicorn, his eyes wide and a shocked expression went over his features. Blue nodded and a smile went over the Prince's features. Sasa put her head under his chin and her purr grew in volume. Soarin gripped her fur and he laid his head to the side and leaned his cheek against her fur.

“Oblivion is right. You aren’t alone and we will always listen.” Blue assured the Pegasus. “I may not know much about flying but I do know how it feels to be used and thrown aside. Which is what the Wonderbolts are doing to you.” He said as the Pegasus let go of the cat and sat back in his seat. “I do not think it can be fixed instantly but I will do what I can to try to find a loophole to help you. There has to be something.”

“Don’t go out of your way.” Soarin began but stopped at the dismissive wave of Blue Bloods hoof.

“Nonsense.” Blue interrupted. “It’s not any trouble. You are now a friend to us and we will back you up as best we are able. I saw you at the Gala talking to Rainbow Dash. Is she another you can talk to besides us?”

Soarin shrugged and leaned against the table. “Kind of. She was fun to talk to but she is pretty set on joining the Wonderbolts and I am not sure what I can tell her about them. I don’t want to make her regret her desires about joining. They have good points and bad. Just I ended up more on the bad side of it.”

“How do you deal with the pressure that comes from the performances and public appearances?” Blue questioned.

“I don’t deal with it well. I’m not very good at smiling and nodding like some of the others. I tend to just move forward and stay out of the limelight. I just can’t do it anymore. I can fake it for some but not all the time.” Soarin admitted.

“He needs an outlet to either talk to someone or do something else that might help rejuvenate him a bit. I can’t see his spirit very clearly but his body is close to spent.” Sasa said to the two stallions that could hear her. “Can you help that a bit Chosen?”

Oblivion looked at the stallion and he could see what Sasa meant by the pony being nearly spent. He said nothing in reply and Blue opened his mouth to speak when Oblivions horn lit. Soarin looked up at the azure flame as it grew in strength and slowly covered his body.

“What are you doing?” He asked, his voice uncertain.

“It’s okay,” Blue assured him. “Sasa noticed that you seem to be on your last legs in terms of your body tiring out. She doesn’t want you to get hurt so she asked him to see what he could do to help.”

“Oh. He can do that?”

“You’d be surprised,” Blue said with a chuckle.

Sasa put her head under his hoof and he petted her fur absently as the glow grew stronger. Oblivion reached out to the World Spirit and it was able to guide his magic to allow him to help re-energize the Pegasus’s body and give his Spirit a bit of a boost as well. His control of the World Spirit had grown in strength and he knew enough to be careful when using it. Soarin’s eyes went wide as the magic began to do its work and he stopped petting Sasa as he looked at his hooves and then to the Black Unicorn. The azure flame began to die out and Oblivion could see that he had been buoyed by the influx of power form the World Spirit and Oblivions own magic. The glow faded and Oblivion said nothing as the stallion breathed deeply.

“Wow.” He breathed out and looked at the Black Unicorn. “How did you do that?”

“The Element of Spirit is able to sense those that are failing and it can help when needed. It can’t fix what is causing the hurt at the moment but it can help to support you as we work on it ourselves.” Oblivion explained.

Soarin looked at his hooves once more as Sasa nuzzled his hip and he patted her once more. “Thank you.”

“How do you feel?” Blue asked him, concern etched on his face.

“Better,” Soarin admitted with a slight smile. “I mean the weight of what I do is still there but I don’t feel so exhausted by it. I can feel that my muscles aren’t as worn out and I feel like I could fly for longer than normal.”

“Thank Equestria.” Blue breathed.

“What has it done for you?” Soarin asked the Prince.

Blue Blood looked at him for a moment before understanding went through his eyes. “Well. It was a little bit different. He actually removed what was wrong with me when I was ready. Sasa?”

Sasa purred and looked at the stallions. “Basically you were being smothered by a monster. So you needed a Witcher, but more than that you needed a friend and to be understood. In that respect, you and Soarin are the same.” She replied and Oblivion spoke for her. “The difference is that there is no monster that needs to be removed from you.” She said as she looked at the Pegasus. “You need to be heard and understood along with a new career.”

Soarin nodded in understanding and he sighed. “I do need a new job.” He gave a raw chuckle.

“You do. But for now, you need help to be able to survive the one you have. It is slowly breaking you into pieces and you have never had the chance to be heard without being told to toughen up. With Blue, he needed to be heard first and that helped his spirit become stronger and was able to withstand the forced removal of the monster that was attached to him. So we will help to strengthen you and to support you through your trials and help you in any way we can.”

Oblivion finished speaking for her and Soarin stared at the feline as her bright eyes looked back at him. She reached out and set her nose against his fur and breathed steadily, warming his skin.

“Wow. You did all that to help Blue Blood?” He asked her and she nodded. “Suddenly I don’t feel like I’m on my own.”

“You aren’t,” Blue assured him and Oblivion gave a quiet nod.

“We are with you,” Oblivion said to him, his voice calm.

Soarin opened his mouth to speak as the shop door opened. A courier looked around the building and looked at the group of ponies. Soarin turned around in the booth and Oblivions aw the look of dread cross the pale blue Stallions features as the courier caught sigh to him.

“Commander Soarin. Message for you sir.” He said and presented the note to the stallion.

“Got it.” He said and took it from the pony.

The courier turned and left the shop as Soarin read through the letter, his expression becoming concerned. He looked over the top of the note and looked at the Black Unicorn.

“You live in Ponyville right?”

“Correct. Why?”

“I just got ordered to fly to there to tend to a dragon attack.”

“Dragon attack!?” Blue yelped and then leaned down when Joe looked at him. “Sorry.”

“Yeah, apparently we fly out now. I’m the backup lead in case anything gets out of hoof. The others are already on their way there now. Any ideas?”

“The only dragon in town is Spike and he’s a baby dragon. And he…was acting a bit out of sorts last I saw him. I will meet you there.” Oblivion said and slipped out of the booth.

“Go, I’ll pay,” Blue said to him and the black Unicorn nodded.

Sasa growled as she got to her paws and he set a hoof on her shoulder as she stood close to him as he teleported both of them.

He looked up as his magic had dropped him in the middle of town and he heard a roar coming from just outside town. He galloped out of town with Sasa on his heels and he could see an enormous dragon as it headed for the mountains.

“That can’t be our little Spike!” Sasa shouted to him.

“It is.” He replied. “The spirit is the same color. Even if the body is not the same size.”

He watched as the Wonderbolts flew over his head and he headed for the dragon's legs. Spike was halfway up a mountainside when Oblivion reached the bottom of it. He kept his swords in place since he had no intention of using them on the baby dragon. The black Unicorn dug his claws into the compact stone and dirt and began to move up the mountainside, intent on the dragon. He watched as Spike trapped the Wonderbolts and then slammed the water tower into the side of the mountain, trapping the Wonderbolts inside it. His horn flared and he teleported to land on top of the water container.

“Oblivion!” Rarity’s voice caught his attention and he looked up as she was wrapped in the dragon’s tail.

His eyes went wide for a second at the sight of her and his magic reached out to take her when Spike caught sight of him and soon the dragon's face obscured his sight, preventing him from seeing the mare. He kept his orange eyes on the dragon’s snout and stared back at him. Spike raised one paw to slap him to the ground and Oblivion teleported to land on his back. He didn’t dare lay into the baby dragon with his claws, instead, he simply held on. Spike looked around for him and then he seemed to feel the weight on his back and he looked back to see the black Unicorn.

The Witcher said nothing as he held on and Spike reached back for him. He teleported once more and landed on the water container and he began to reach out to Rarity once more. The dragon caught sight of him and reached out for him. Oblivion backed up as far as he was able on the water container, preventing Spike from getting a grip on him. The dragon roared in anger as it stared at the black stallion. He could hear Rarity calling out as he teleported to Spikes back once more and turned to her. His magic gripped the mare and the dragon’s tail tightened on her and he released her. He didn’t dare pull on her in case the dragon's grip tightened on her and risk harming her.

“Look out!” Rarity yelled and he looked back as Spikes paw got ahold of him and pulled him to face him.

Spike roared at him once more and turned to throw him back toward Ponyville. Oblivion dug his claws into the dragon's hand to avoid being thrown through the air and Spike growled at the sudden pain.

“Sorry Spike,” Oblivion growled and held on tighter.

The dragon opened his paw and found Oblivion had dug in and was refusing to move as he waved his paw, trying to dislodge the stallion. The dragon closed his paw and squeezed. Oblivion grunted under the pressure, his horn lit as he pushed his magic out, forcing Spike to open his paw. The dragon pulled back his paw and threw the stallion. Oblivion growled as he was thrown from the dragon's paw. His wings spread from his back, under their illusion, as he summoned them and they righted him in the air, allowing him to teleport back to the dragon. He landed on Spikes back and he opened his mouth to speak when the sound of Rarity’s voice caught his ear. His wings were sent back and he listened as Rarity spoke to the dragon, telling him about his generosity and kindness. Oblivion nearly spoke but he stopped as the dragon's body shook and began to shrink.

“Oh shit.” He cursed as they were suddenly in the air and then plummeting.

The Unicorn reached out and gripped the other two in his magic as he teleported to the ground. In the back of his mind, he knew that he had not teleported more than one pony before but that thought was pushed to the back of his mind. He heard Rarity gasp as they appeared on the ground.

“Oblivion?” She called out as the stallion righted himself and looked over to her and the baby dragon.


“You’re all right?” She asked him.

“I’m fine. Are you?” He replied to her and approached them.

He was a dozen yards away when the others joined them, Sasa galloped to them and she nuzzled Oblivion's shoulder to check on him, and Spike looked upset as they all looked at him.

“I’m fine dear.” She assured him.

“Spike?” He asked as the baby dragon looked at the ground.

“I’m fine.” He whispered out as he looked at the small gashes in his hand.

“I don’t believe you.” He replied as his magic went over the injury and slowly healed it.

Spike sniffled and looked at the group of them as they watched him. “I did all of that.” He said and pointed to the town and the damage that had been done.

Rarity smiled and approached the baby dragon. “Spike, I just have to tell you how absolutely proud I am of you.”

“Proud of me?”

“Yes. It was you who stopped... w-well, you, from destroying Ponyville. You are my hero, Spikey-wikey!” She said as she leaned down to kiss him on the cheek. Spikes' eyes widened and he put his hand to his face.

Oblivion sidled up to Twilight and leaned his head down to her. “What happened?” He asked her.

She giggled and patted his shoulder. “I’ll tell you later.” She replied and he nodded in reply to her.

“Does this one look like it?” Sasa asked as they went through the language books Twilight had brought down that they hadn’t tried yet.

He held up the small piece of paper for her to look at and compare and he heard her growl and he brought it back to his book and began to go through the pages of language samples.

“Chosen we have been going through these books for two weeks.” She grumbled to him. “I don’t think anything will compare to it. The map piece is older but the language could be even older.”

“I am counting on it being older.” He replied. “The odds of it being something simple are remote at best. So we should start with the oldest and work our way forward.”

She growled and leaned her head to the side and laid her head on the table. “By my claws this is tedious.”

“Research usually is.” He countered. “If there is nothing in this set of books then we may need to ask Luna about the books within their Library.”

“Oh goodie. I’ll hide my enthusiasm.” She grumbled and looked back to the book in front of her.

He ignored the sarcasm from the feline and flipped the page in his book. Time ticked past him as he neared the end of the book and a side note caught his attention. It spoke of an older version of the language and its writings with a footnote of the page to be checked. His claws flipped the pages of the book and he looked closely at the writings on the page. He placed the map piece next to the sample and he found that it was similar but not exact. The writing was different but the language itself seemed to match closely.

“Maybe.” He whispered out and Sasa’s ear flicked to listen to him as she stared at a page in her book. “This is close.”

“How close? Close as in exactly the same or close as in kind of?”

“Kind of.” He clarified.

“Great.” She muttered and laid her head on the table once more.

Oblivion looked closer at it and then his magic opened a second book and he flipped through the pages intently as he searched for a second language. He set the pages close to each other with the sample in the center and his eyes widened when he realized that they matched each other when combined.

“Son of a bitch.” He cursed quietly and the feline looked over to him, her aqua eyes bright.


“It’s a combination of two or more languages. This piece has these two and it looks like one other. I’m not sure what it says though. If I can get my claws on a copy of both languages and their wording I might be able to translate it.” He said to her and she looked intently at him.

“Any ideas?”

“No. But I get the feeling the language might not matter.”

“Don’t tell me that. We have been buried in books for two weeks. Every day after work we come to look over them. Don’t even tell me that it was for nothing.” She snarled to him.

He bit back a snide remark and looked at the shelves around them. His magic gripped a world geography book and it hit the table with the other books and he began to flip through it with the torn piece in his magic.

Sasa growled as Twilight came down the stairs and his ears flicked to her as she neared them.


“Maybe.” He replied as his horn glowed brightly in his magic as his map of Equestria appeared in his magic.

“Haven’t seen that map in a while.” She said to him and he nodded.

“Haven’t needed it in quite a while. Have you seen these two languages used together before?” He asked her as he spun the two books to face her and she scanned the contents of the pages and after some thought, she shook her head.

“Can’t say that I have. I admit I am not as well versed in language as I would like to be. You already know more than I do.” She admitted with a regretful glance to him.

He looked up as her horn lit and a small suitcase appeared and she began to look around the room and setting items aside. Sasa sat back and arched her back to work out the stiffness and she got to her paws.

“Is she almost ready for the play?” Sasa sked and Oblivion spoke for her as the mare looked uncertain for a second.

“I think so. Are you two going to come to watch it?” She asked them.

“I don’t think so. If I’m right I know where this is now.” He said to her and showed her the map. “Oh, it fits in there if you hold them close together. So you’re going to go see what is there?”

“I wish you would come with us.” She said to him, her tone unhappy with his choice. “But I can understand why. You said that it was connected to what you were investigating last time you were out of town. I can understand it but I still wish you would be there to see it.” She admitted.

“Normally I would simply go and wait until later. But since the last place I was had to be protected, I do not wish to leave wherever this is without help.” He replied and she nodded.

“I understand it. I just don’t have to like it.” She replied with a smile.

He gave a chuckle and went folded his map and sent it back to his saddlebags. “You will have to tell me about it when you return.” He said to her.

“I would rather go to the play.” Sasa grumbled.

Oblivion looked at the feline as she groused and growled. “You can go if you would prefer.” He said to her, his tone clipped.

Sasa startled and a sheepish expression crossed her face as she shook her head. “No. I’ll stay with you.” She replied quietly.

“Uh oh.” Twilight laughed. “Be nice to her.” She teased.

“I am nice.” He replied. “I am simply pointing out her options.”

“Uh-huh.” Twilight teased.

“I mean if she wants one of us to go then I will go.” The feline amended and a soft laugh broke form her.

“If you want one of us there then Sasa will go in my place.” He said to the Unicorn mare.

“If she wants to go then she is more than welcome. But I think she should stay with you.”


“Yeah. You tend to get into trouble on your own.” She teased with a wide smile.

He shook his head and looked back at the laughing mare. “That is true. It does seem to find me often enough.”

Twilight laughed and began to gather her things. Oblivion began to put away the books back in their place and Sasa watched as his magic copied the names of the languages and summoned his saddlebags. Sasa sat down close by him and waited as Twilight finished her preparations and began to recheck her items.

“I’m sure you have it all accounted for.” He said to her and she startled as he spoke.

“It never hurts to double-check.” She replied.

“True. But I think you’re on your fourth double-check.”

Her cheeks flushed and she looked away from the pile and away from him. “Anyway. Good luck. Are you heading out now or?” She stopped at the sight of his saddlebags and she sighed. “Never mind. So will we see you when we get back?”

“I’ll be here. If not I will send a note to you about it.”

“Okay. Be safe and try not to get into trouble. Sasa it’s your job to make sure he doesn’t.” She said to the feline who purred in reply.

“If you need anything send me a note and I will do what I can,” Oblivion said to her.

“Got it. Have fun.” Twilight said to him as his horn lit and he vanished. She shook her head and went back to her own preparations.

81: A New Task

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Oblivions eyes opened as he felt the magic of his teleport fade into nothing. At his side, Sasa grumbled a low growl and he looked forward. In front of them, a town stretched into the distance and he moved forward at the sight. His magic hummed under his skin as he walked confidently forward. In front of him, the town stretched out and then opened into a town center much like the prior town that he had been to. Ponies milled around him and appeared to be healthy and their spirits bright. At his side, Sasa was quiet as they began to walk forward once more toward what looked like a town hall.

Oblivion was silent as ponies whispered and backed up at the sight of the two of them. He did not fault them for their caution as they were both new and unknown. His orange eyes gave off their gentle glow and they finally reached the town hall and his magic pushed the doors open and he walked easily inside. He paused once inside and his eyes fell on a window into a room and he stepped up to look inside. A mare looked up after several seconds and she yelped at the sight of the tall Unicorn.

She recovered after several seconds of staring and she smiled stiffly. “How can I help you?”

“I am looking for this area on the map,” Oblivion replied and his magic slid the torn map piece to her and she scanned it for a second before she nodded.

“Oh, I know where that is. I can’t say I know the writing but this is a map to the cave just outside of town.”

“Is there anything I should know about it?” Oblivion questioned as he took the map piece back from her.

“Only that it’s haunted.” She replied easily.

“Haunted?” Sasa snickered through their connection. “Are they kidding?”

Oblivion ignored the feline and focused on the mare in front of him. “What is the story behind it? And how long has it had that stigma?”

“It has been haunted for over two hundred years.” She supplied. “Or at least that’s as far as the records go back for it.”

“Can you direct me to it?” Oblivion asked her.

She gave him an uncertain look before she shrugged and stood up from her seat. “Go to the edge of town, to the west, and follow the footpath. While it’s still haunted young fools still go to it to test their courage. Follow the path and you’ll find it.” She instructed as she leaned out and pointed.

Oblivion gave a slight bow of his head and spun on his heel to leave. He looked back as a gasp went out and the mare was staring at the feline as she turned to leave as well. She looked from the fleeing feline to him and he said nothing in reply to her wide-eyed look. He walked out of the town to the west. He said nothing as his eyes narrowed and the tracks appeared for him and he lowered his head slightly to follow them. Sasa padded quietly behind him and stayed on his hip as he led her forward.

“Are you able to follow the track easily, Chosen?”

“Yes. It’s not difficult. They were clearly not trying to hide what they were doing when they made the trail.”

Sasa sighed and came to walk at his shoulder. “Young ponies are brash and many think they are invincible and will do things they should not.” She said to him.

“Youth are foolish.” He replied. “No matter what they are that is a truth. We have seen that with Apple Bloom occasionally.”

“Your referring to the cockatrice incident aren’t you?” She replied with a laugh.

He looked back at her and a nod pulled from him. She laughed at his responses and he went back to tracking the hoof prints ahead of them. Several minutes went by with him leading them and a cave soon loomed ahead of them. He paused outside of it and Sasa stopped with him.

“Well we found it.” She said to him and he nodded in reply. “Now what?”

He opened his mouth to speak when a scent wafted over his nose. He lifted his head to his natural height and breathed deeply. Sasa must have seen his reaction as she did the same and a snort escaped her and she raised a paw to rub her nose.

“By my claws. What is that smell?” She asked him.

“I’m not sure.” He replied.

He gave another sniff of the air and he thought over the scents that he knew. The scent was not foreign in the way that he was shocked by it but he was at an immediate loss for what it was. He moved several steps forward and paused once more. Sasa remained behind him, waiting for him to figure out what it was.

“It smells similar to an Endrega but it’s not as strong.”

“If you tell me there is an Endrega in there I’m going to the play with Twilight.” Sasa replied quickly.

Oblivion looked over his shoulder to the feline who sat down and waited. “I don’t think so. It doesn’t smell like any kind that I know. It’s simpler than that… It’s …bugs.” He suddenly recalled the scent and he looked at Sasa as her head tilted.


“A cave of them.” He replied.

Sasa stood up and joined him at the entrance and she looked at him. “You’re telling me it’s a cave full of bugs?” He nodded in reply. “I swear we can never just walk in, get what we need, and leave. It’s never easy.” She cursed and a growl escaped her.

Oblivion gave a short chuckle at her words and he reached out to the World Spirit and sent it ahead of them. He was ready for it to return with a cave of small bugs but it responded as it would to a pony or something similar and he pulled it back to him. His head tilted slightly as he waited for more information. He flicked his ears forward and closed his eyes as he focused his ears and listened. When nothing came back to him he began to enter the cave, slowly, caution in his step. Sasa walked with him and bumped his hip to alert him to her place. The World Spirit had told him of the emotions ahead of him and they were upset and scared.

“Interesting.” He whispered and he heard Sasa huff behind him.

“How much further?” Sasa complained.

“Not too much more.” He informed her.

“Are you sure it is not an Endrega that is in here?” She questioned.

“I am positive. According to the World Spirit, it is something like a pony though I’m not sure exactly.”

“What do you mean?”

“It came back with emotions that are not known to bugs. The ones ahead of us are scared and upset and that was what the World Spirit picked up on.”

Sasa said nothing in reply as his ears flicked to listen ahead of them. His ears flicked forward as the sound of whispering caught his attention. His eyes glowed gently in the darkness as he walked forward, a slight glow beginning to illuminate the path ahead of them. Sasa gave a low growl as they walked forward and she moved to bump his hip to stay close to him.

“Is that a light ahead?” She asked him, her voice quiet.

He said nothing in reply and simply nodded as he slowed his pace and his ears remained forward as the whispers grew louder to his sensitive ears. He was not able to place what they were talking about as he drew closer. He stopped just before the path opened up and he looked carefully around the corner. His eyes focused on a group of close to ten ponies that were staying close to the center of the opening. Behind him, Sasa was silent as he looked over the group and he slowly moved forward and allowed them to see him clearly. The group stared openly as he approached them.

“Excuse me.” One of the called out to him.

Oblivion said nothing as he drew to a halt several feet from them and waited for them to speak. Sasa had moved and was directly behind him, allowing herself to hide behind him. His nose sniffed the air and the scent of bugs grew stronger as they moved to look at him. One of them gulped and spoke to him despite his silence.

“We need your help. One of us is lost and we need help to find her.” She explained.

Oblivion said nothing in reply and simply watched them. They appeared more upset by his silence than if he had spoken to them. He reached out to the World Spirit and it flowed around him and he focused its power on the group in front of him. His eyes widened slightly at the sight that was illuminated. Each of them was shown to be smaller than their actual size. They were wearing the skins of the ponies and their forms were hidden within them. He had heard of monsters that could wear the skins of their victims but he had not come into contact with them all that often.

He backed up a step and Sasa moved with him, a low noise coming from her as he moved. “The smell is coming from them?” Sasa asked.

“Yes. It grew stronger the closer to them we got. I’m not even sure what they are. They're wearing the skins of those ponies.”

Sasa growled behind him as he spoke to her. He pulled his head up to his full height and he gathered his voice to reply to them. The group looked nervously from each other to him as he lowered his shoulders slightly to be able to move easily if they moved toward him.

“You can drop your illusions or the skins of the ponies you are wearing. I can see through them.” He said to them.

Each of them looked from him to each other and then back to him. “We arent hiding anything.” One said to him.

Oblivion bit back a remark and chose to be diplomatic instead. “I can see through them and you are not ponies. While I am unsure of exactly what you are I can say that you resemble a bug.”

Each of them looked angry as he spoke and he watched as green fire enveloped each one and he stared at what was left in their place. Their bodies were smooth chitin with a dark grey coloring. Along their backs were a coat of chitin that was a deep blue with ragged wings standing up or laying against their backs. Their legs had deep holes that went through them and their bodies were unnaturally thin. Fangs had grown from their mouths and looked as though they were small versions of Sasa’s own front fangs. Their horns were shorter than most adult Unicorns but they had a gentle curve to them that mimicked Oblivions own. Sasa peeked out from behind him a disgusted yowl escaped her as she went back to hiding behind him. Oblivion lowered his head slightly as the front five of them began to advance on him.

“Wait!” A shout went out from behind them as one of them came forward and jumped to land between them and the lone stallion. “We don’t need to fight him. He can see through us but that does not mean he is a threat.”

Oblivion said nothing as the voice hissed out from the creature between them. He said nothing as it looked over its shoulder at him. He made no move to fight them and it seemed to take heart from that fact.


“If they do not attack then I have no reason to defend.” He replied.


As they watched their fellow-creature Sasa came out from behind him and came to stand at his side. The creatures in the front yelped at the sight of her and reeled back. The one in the center looked over its shoulder once more and its eyes went wide at the sight of the Tiger with him. Oblivion said nothing as it turned around slowly and its eyes flit between the two of them.

“She will not harm anypony so long as she is not given reason.” He said to them.

The creature stared its eyes wide and then gave a stiff nod. “What are you doing here?”

“I came here to search for an item. It’s a small silver tube with a map piece inside.” Oblivion said to them. “I was unaware that this cave was lived in. The town’s ponies believe it to be haunted so they typically stay away from it.”

He chose to be civil as they did not appear to be threatening and now seemed curious about him and the feline at his side. “We frighten the ponies to keep them from coming in. We have seen what you’re describing but we don’t have it here.”

Oblivion nearly groaned as he had a feeling where this conversation would lead. “I assume you want something in return for it?”

They nodded as he fell silent. “Are you really considering helping them when you could probably find it on your own without them?” Sasa asked him.

“I could easily do that or I can work with them and get it faster. I have no desire to fight the entire group of them without knowing what they are and their abilities.”

Sasa gave a short snort of agreement and fell silent at his side. Their spokes pony came and looked at him and seemed to finally decide what it was going to say to him in return.

“One of us has gone missing. We want you to find her and bring her back.”

Oblivion bit back a sigh and leaned back on his haunches. “How do I know you will uphold your end of the bargain when I know nothing about any of you?”

The front creature looked affronted and hissed at him in reply. “We may be Changelings but that does not mean we are liars.”

‘Changeling. Interesting. Never heard of them.’ He thought to himself. “Very well. What can you tell me about when it was last seen?”

She.” It snarled. “She was last seen two days ago.”

“My apologies,” Oblivion replied.

The Changeling looked surprised by the apology but seemed to relax as it went on. “She went deeper into the cave system and we aren’t sure which way she went.”

“Did she fly or walk?”

“She can’t fly due an deformed wing. She’s always on the ground.”

“Understood. Lead me to where she was last seen and I will start my search there. I will warn you about lying to me though. If I return with her and you do not have what I am after I will remove you from this cave personally and quickly.” Oblivion snarled as they parted to let him and the leader walkthrough.

They stilled under the threat and their leader nodded. “We understand. It will be waiting when you return. Even if she is dead can you still bring her back to us?”

“No matter the condition she is in I will return her to you.” He assured them.

He fell in behind the lead Changeling and followed a few steps behind. He reached out to the World Spirit and called on it to tell him more about the creatures that were around him. It told him that they were not to the power level that could compete with him and he would have been able to subdue them easily in a fight but he had chosen diplomacy instead of his usual force.

“So can you tell the difference between them yet?” Sasa asked him as she bumped his hip.

“I think the one in the lead is a female. I am not sure since their scents are so mixed together and it is harder to distinguish one from the other.” He admitted. “What are all of you doing living in this cave?”

“We once lived under our Queen in the badlands.” The leader informed him. “We sought shelter here and stayed.”

“What drove you out?”

“She did.” She replied. “We fled from her and sought shelter here during a storm. We were all tired of being terrified of her temper and her cruelty. Every day was more terror for our lives and we fled from her in the night when she was away.”

Oblivion said nothing at first as she spoke. “I see. Can’t say I wouldn’t have done the same thing in your hooves.” He replied.

She looked over her shoulder and a smile tugged at the sides of her muzzle. “Thank you.”

A growl tore from Sasa as Oblivion looked back at her as she glared at one of the Changelings that had gotten too close to her. Oblivion said nothing for several seconds as the affected Changleings fled from around her and gave the feline a wide berth.

“Can you keep her under control?” One asked, its voice high with fear.

“I am not her master. She makes her own choices and I will support her if the need comes. Give her the space she wishes for and she will remain passive.” He advised.

“Right.” One of them replied, sarcasm in his tone.

“Damned thing nearly stepped on my paw.” Sasa informed him.

“They will stay away from you now.” He replied.

Sasa grumbled as she fell in at his side and they began walking at a more hurried pace. They reached a cavern with several paths and the leader stopped and looked over her shoulder at him as she drew up next to her.

“This is where we think we saw her last. At least that’s what we think.”

“They think?” Sasa growled.

“You are not sure?” He questioned.

“We got back to our usual sleeping area and she was not with us. We retraced our steps and this is where we believe she was last. We searched as far as we dared and then came back here and started to try to figure out how to find her on your own when you showed up. Do you think you can find her in this maze of paths?”

“I have been tracking monsters for many years’ through fair days and storms. I do not doubt that I can find her given the time.”

“Pretty confident for a pony.” One growled.

“I am more than just a pony, lucky for your friend,” Oblivion replied, his tone confident. “Otherwise it would be hopeless and I would have fought you for what I seek.”

They all stared at him as Sasa chuckled through their connection. The small group looked at the ground and at each other as he began to move away from them.


He looked over his shoulder as the lead female came up to him and shuffled her hooves as she looked at him. “Who are you? I don’t want to call you ‘pony’ when you come back with her.”

“Oblivion.” He replied.

Her eyes went wide for a second as she nodded and backed up to the group once more. “We’ll wait here for you to come back.”

Oblivion gave a nod of understanding and looked back to the grounds around them. He reached out to the World Spirit and sent it through the cave system. His will called on it to find a sign of life within the cave to tell him if he was looking for a live Changeling or a dead one. It was not able to tell him where she was but it could tell him if she lived. His head came up as it found a sign of life of some size within the cave. He looked over his shoulder at them for a moment and then back to the front. He called the World Spirit back and let it fall dormant.

“She is alive.” He said to the feline as she drew up beside him and put her nose to the ground.

“That’s good to hear. It would be awful to have survived fleeing from a terrible Queen and then dying here alone.” Sasa replied.

His eyes narrowed as he focused on the ground and began to work on discerning the ages of the tracks he could see. He walked slowly around to each entrance and finally found what he was looking for. The tracks were older and had been partially obscured by the tracks of the others. He looked back at them for a moment before he snorted and began to track her deeper into the caves. Darkness covered him and he paused after several minutes once the tracks began to fade as the darkness covered him.

His horn lit and the light was cast across the enclosed pathway. Next to him, Sasa hissed at the sudden light and he called on a vial of Cat potion. He quickly drank down the potion and he felt it take effect a few moments later and he extinguished his horn as his eyesight became clear as day. His hooves were silent as he followed the faint tracks as they soon became the only track he could see. He pulled his head up slowly and the tracks were clear as he moved down the cramped pathway.

“How far do you think she went?” Sasa asked as she trailed behind him.

“Since she did not simply follow the path back I assume she is more than a bit lost. According to the World Spirit, she is deep within the cave system. So far she lives but I am not sure for how long. Granted I also am not sure what she would eat down here where there is nothing.” He replied.

“I feel bad for her. She’s stuck down here alone and no doubt missing her fellow Changelings.” Sasa commented and he nodded in reply.

“We will find her and return her to them. When we find her I will teleport us back to them and then we can get what we came here for.”

The hours fell away as he tracked ahead with the feline on his heels. Sasa had fallen silent earlier as time had passed by them and he remained quiet as they walked deeper. He had used the World Spirit earlier to check up on their quarry and she appeared to be still and not moving from her place.

“Is she still okay, Chosen?”

“So far yes. I can’t tell what condition she is in but she is still alive.”

Sasa sighed and fell in at his side, her paws quiet on the stone floor. His eyes remained on the track above him and he stopped as her steps became hurried and she seemed to be running toward something instead of away from it. He looked back and Sasa moved to the side as he walked back and began to scan for anything that might have been chasing her. Nothing showed itself and he walked back to the Spectral Tiger and rejoined her as he followed the tracks. He pulled up as the tracks ended at a steep incline.

“So this is why she wasn’t able to just go backward,” Oblivion said to the feline who nodded in agreement.

“Without her wings, she would have been stick down there. Now what?”

“Now?” He looked at the feline with a blank look for several seconds before he looked down the incline.

“Chosen?” She said to him. “No.”

“We have no choice.”

“No.” Sasa said to him.

“Come on. What was it Apple Bloom called you once? Fraidy cat?” He said to her and she huffed at his wording.

“Very funny. I have never met a funnier Witcher.” She grumbled. “You’ll break a leg going down that and I’ll land on you.”

“It will be fine.” He said as he moved forward to the edge of the incline.

His claws spread and he began to slowly start down the steep incline. He leaned heavily on his heels as he began to slide slowly forward. He could hear Sasa yowling behind him as he focused on his own descent. His claws dug into the stone as much as possible as he kept his weight balanced on his hindquarters, intent on not slipping down the slope. He glanced back and Sasa was still at the top of the slope, waiting for him to reach the bottom. His front hooves slipped and he leaned back heavily and slowed the near slide. Above him, Sasa growled and he could sense how agitated she had become. He spread his claws as wide as possible and dug them as deep as possible into the stone allowing him to almost walk down the incline.

“Chosen?” Sasa’s voice as hesitant and careful as she reached out to him.

“Hmm?” He replied with a sound rather than words as he focused on his descent.

His rear hooves slid and he fought to keep them under him. He leaned his weight more toward center mass and that allowed him to center his balance. He ignored the yowl from above as his eyes narrowed on a gap in front of him. He was able to stop his descent just in front of it and he looked down it to see that it had no bottom that he could see. He was able to tell that the missing Changeling had not fallen in which meant she had jumped it at the last second. He didn’t see any blood on the other side and his nose didn’t smell anything odd.

“It’s never easy.” He grumbled. “Sasa?”


“I’ll summon you when I get to the bottom. There’s a gap in the center of the descent that you would fall into if you weren’t controlling your slide.”

“Oh. Yeah. I’ll wait.” She agreed and he could sense the relief that went through her.

He looked ahead of him and his hooves stood on the edge of the gap and he gathered his muscles to jump the gap. He leaped for the other edge and his hooves hit the edges and he leaned back when he landed to avoid slipping too far forward. His forelegs slid on the small stones and he dug his claws in to try to stop his slide. A curse rolled off his lips as he slid forward, gaining speed. He spun around and dug all of his claws into the stone. He looked back and he could see the end of the incline coming and he spun his body back to face forward. He gathered himself once more and leaped once he neared the bottom. His hooves hit the ground and he came to a stop with a sigh of relief that he had not fallen.

“I’m at the bottom.” He said to the waiting feline.

“Thank goodness. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. The jump was a bit of a challenge but not too bad.”

His horn lit as he summoned the feline to his side and she nuzzled him after the magic faded from her. “Did our Changeling fall down that gap you mentioned?”

“No. Seems she was able to see it in time and jump it. I didn’t smell any blood or anything so I assume she came out unscathed.” He replied.

“That’s lucky.” She replied. “Why didn’t you teleport to the other side?”

“I was not sure of the incline on the far end. If I wanted to fall down the rest of it then I would have teleported.” He reasoned to her.

“Ahh. That makes sense.” She admitted with a shrug of her shoulders.

His eyes found the tracks easily in the dirt and he followed them forward. His eyesight began to dim and he cursed as the Cat potion began to fade. His horn lit and bathed the area in azure flame. Sasa looked at him as he walked forward, his eyes trained on the ground ahead of them.


“Cat potion wore off. I don’t have anymore and it will take time to make more of it.” He explained.

Sasa nodded in reply. “So it lasts for several hours at best?”

“That’s the Superior Cat Potion. The lower tiers of it are shorter. I have been tempted to mix up a stronger variety but I have not had the time or a lab to experiment with it.”

“You could probably use Twilights lab.”

“She has a lab? An Alchemy lab?”

“Well it’s a science lab, but science and Alchemy can go hoof in hoof at times. I’m sure she would be happy to help you if you asked her.”

“She would enjoy it I would think.” He replied as he walked ahead with the feline at his side. “Maybe when we get back I will ask her about it.”

Sasa nodded once more and she stayed close by him as they moved deeper into the caves. As they walked they came to a stop and found their way blocked by a cave-in. Sasa growled in annoyance and Oblivion looked around them.

“This is a problem.” He admitted. “This is new I think. The walls gave in recently.”

“Tell me that is not the way she went?” Sasa lamented.

“It is.” He replied and Sasa growled as she put her head back. “Her tracks go under the stones.”

“Perfect. Now we have to find a way around it and at the same time track her. Any ideas Chosen?”

Oblivion was quiet as he walked up to the cave in and scanned the fallen stones. His magic flared as he pushed against the top boulders and they gave in slowly under his magic.

“Careful.” Sasa cautioned.

His magic pushed gently and one of the stones gave way and fell to the other side. He paused and his eyes scanned the pile and his ears were trained forward for any sound that would come before a further cave in. He pushed a second rock and it fell away as well. Sasa walked up the pile slowly and reached the top of it and pushed her head through the pony-sized gap.

“You won’t be able to make it through this gap Chosen. You’re too broad-shouldered for it. Twilight would have trouble with it.” Sasa informed him.

He snorted a reply. “All I need is to see the other side so I can teleport to it. I dislike teleporting without knowing where I am going to land if I have a choice.”

“You’ve done it before.” Sasa pointed out.

“That’s true. But if I can avoid it I would rather know where I am landing.” He admitted. “Is it stable enough for me to climb?”

“If you’re really careful maybe.” Sasa commented and looked over her shoulder to him. “Do you want me to come back down and you can summon me like before?”

“That would be our best option. This place will come down on us if we force our way through."

Sasa slowly made her way back down to him and slid down to land in front of him. His claws flexed in the loose dirt and stones and he began to climb slowly up to where Sasa had been sitting. He paused as the dirt slid under him. Sasa growled from her place and he looked back as she began to pace.

“Careful Chosen. You’re a light pony, but you’re not that light.” She advised.

He was quiet as he looked back to the pile of stones and slowly moved from spot to spot, placing his hooves slowly and carefully into each spot as he moved up. His claws dug in and he reached the top and he looked past the stones and his horn illuminated the space behind the cave in and he was able to make out the floor from his place. His horn flared and he teleported to land behind the cave in. He breathed a sigh of relief as he summoned Sasa to his side. He spun to leave the cave in behind them as it shifted and rocks fell in to block the hole they had made. His horn remained alight as he led the way.

“Well. Not going back that way anyway.” Sasa remarked and he nodded.

Sasa yawned as he stopped to look around them as another cavern stretched out around them. He paused as a new scent caught his attention. At his side, Sasa raised her nose to the air and sniffed deeply. He looked around them, his horn glowing brightly. He illuminated his horn further and light-flooded around them. Sasa growled suddenly and she backed up a step as a shout caught his attention.

“RUN!” A voice screamed out above them.

He looked up as a Changeling looked down at them from a small burrow above them. His ears perked as the sound of rustling leaves and snapping twigs caught his attention. The scent was familiar to him as he sent more magic into his horn, illuminating the entire cavern.

“Oh great. Timberwolves.” Sasa grumbled.

“Is that what they are called?”

“Yes.” Sasa replied as the wolves began to circle them. “They’re not incredibly smart but they're clever enough to know how to use their numbers.”

“They were called on by the Leshen from before so I have faced them before,” Oblivion replied as his sword came from the band on his leg.

Sasa roared out a challenge as one of the wolves charged her. She whirled around and swatted it to the ground and then chased after it, hitting it hard enough to send pieces flying. Oblivion looked up as they charged him and he spun to turn his blade to the side to bludgeon them and cast Igni as he went. Fire laced over the ground and ignited the wolf’s bodies as they yelped and cried out.

“Behind you!”

Oblivion ducked down as a wolf leaped for him and he used the broadside of the blade to smash the wolf into pieces. He backflipped away from the group and he glanced at the blade as he bade Igni travel up the blade and he charged the wolves with it in his magic. Sasa slapped another to the ground and he cast Igni to light it on fire. The blade carved the air as he dashed another wolf to the ground, its body aflame. The wolves began to yelp and cry as they fled the cavern. Sasa roared and chased them as they fled. Oblivion snorted and his sword twirled in his magic as he extinguished the fire that rippled gently over the weapon. He glanced at the sword and he looked at it as it had taken up a deep red color. The color faded as the flames died out.

He looked up as the sound of hooves on stone caught his attention. The Changeling was trying to climb out of her hiding spot and his horn lit as his aura covered her. He lowered her to the ground and she sat down heavily in front of him. Sasa came trotting back, a satisfied look on her face.

“That was fun.” She quipped and sat down behind the Changeling.

The Changeling looked back and she shuddered at the sight of the cat. “She’s not gonna eat me is she?” She whispered.

“Oh by my claws eww.” Sasa grumbled and her tongue came out of her mouth as she gagged.

“I guess not.” The Changeling said as Sasa finished gagging.

“You’re in no danger from her. Your fellow Changelings sent me to find you.”

“Why? You’re not one of us.”

“They were a bit desperate I think. They have something I want and I agreed to trade you for it.” Oblivion replied to her.

She stared at him for a moment and blinked at his blunt reply. “Well. Least you’re honest. So how are we going to get back to them? The cave fell in behind me.”

“I can teleport us back to them easily enough.” He assured her.

She looked at the horn on his forehead and then to the feline behind her. “All of us?”

He nodded. “It will be fine.”

His horn had remained lit through their fight and he reached out and his magic gripped each of them and azure flame flashed as they vanished.

His eyes opened as the flare of magic faded and he heard the yells of the other Changelings as they dove away from the flare of magic. The Changeling he had with him hissed in surprise. Sasa growled at her and she fell quiet as the others stopped howling and looked at who had returned. Sasa sat down and Oblivion looked around them for the leader of them that he had made the deal with. His magic gripped the Changeling he had with him and he turned to find her staring. She looked from the Changeling in his magic to him and back to her.

“You found her.” She breathed out.

“It was our agreement that I find her and you turn over what I want.”

“What if we don’t have it?”

Oblivion looked at her, his expression blank and she shuddered under the look she was getting. “Then I send her back where I found her and drive the rest of you from this cave as I promised.” He replied simply.

Her eyes went wide as she looked at another Changeling and motioned for him to join her. “No, we have it. Here.” She said as she took it from him and held it out.

Oblivion moved the Changeling closer to the others and set her on the ground between them. They met in the middle and he reached out a hoof to the Changeling and she dropped the silver tube into his hoof. His magic covered it and the small map piece unfurled, revealing more of the unknown writing. He gave a solemn nod to her and stepped back. The Changelings swarmed their friend as his magic released her and each checked on her as she slowly got to her hooves. Oblivion said nothing as he turned to leave them behind. Sasa fell in at his side as he moved to leave them behind.


He stopped in his and looked over his shoulder as the lead female came forward once more. “How did you find her so quickly? We looked everywhere.”

“I followed her tracks.” He replied simply. “I was made to track down any contract I am given. This was another contract to be completed.”

She looked at him closely as a smile tugged at her mouth once more. “Thank you. You said your name was Oblivion?”


“Thank you Oblivion. We won’t forget this kindness. In a world where there is no love for a Changeling, it’s nice to see one pony who is not going to hurt us for what we are.”

Oblivion said nothing for several seconds before he nodded at her. “I have been in your hooves many times. I was the one tossed aside so I can understand what you mean. Give ponies the chance to get to know who you are and treat them as an equal and you will see things change over time. It’s never easy or quick but it is worth trying.” He said to her and she nodded in reply as he turned to leave.

82: Next Hunt

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Oblivion looked up as a flash of azure fire went out from his horn and his magic gripped the letter that came from within it. At his side, Sasa sat down and he unrolled the scroll and read it over.

“That’s not Luna’s stationery.” Sasa said to him and he shook his head in reply.

“It’s from Celestia.” He replied.

“Oh? What does she need?”

“The Ice Elemental has been seen.” He replied. “She is asking that we go and remove it before it vanishes again.”

“Makes sense. Do they tend to stay away from ponies or do they confront them?”

“It depends on the situation.” He replied as his magic incinerated the letter. “If they are confronted they react violently and need to be removed, so that is what we will be doing.”

“How often have you fought them?”

“Often enough. I prefer to stay out of the snow so I tend to fight the other types more often.” He admitted as he made for the farmhouse.

“Granny is going to be upset at you for missing the Zap Apple Harvest.” Sasa said to him as she fell in at his side.

“I took the contract with Luna and Celestia and I cannot back out of it. I will explain the situation to her.”

His magic flared as he called on his map and his eyes scanned the paper as he looked where it was located. His eyes scanned the parchment and a snort pulled from him as his magic sent it back to his saddlebags. His hooves were silent on the dirt path as he made his way to the farmhouse where Granny Smith was giving directions for the upcoming harvest. He knew that the ponies were in front of the barn preparing for the zap apples that were coming in. He had needed to have it explained to him twice before he realized that the Apple Family was serious about it and he chose to keep his comments to himself and simply do as he had been asked.

“So what are you going to say to them when you mention that you have to leave?” Sasa asked him.

“The truth.” He replied simply.

“I know that.” Sasa snapped at him. “I mean…”

“I know what you mean. I am not going to bargain or plead. I am an adult and I am capable of explaining why I am leaving.”

“True.” Sasa agreed and bumped his shoulder. “Still. They are going to need all the help they can get with them. It sounds like it’s pretty labor-intensive.”

“I will try to be back in time for it. It starts in four days according to Granny Smith.” He replied and skirted around a few crates.

The black Unicorn broke into a trot as he neared the barn and he drew to a halt as a stallion approached the group. Oblivion didn’t recognize him and his eyes narrowed slightly at the filly that was with him. He recognized the filly that was tormenting Apple Bloom, Diamond Tiara. His orange eyes went to the stallion as he approached the elderly mare, leaving Apple Bloom with his foal. His ears perked forward and he listened as the other filly spoke. He could hear her asking Apple Bloom how she dealt with the embarrassment of her grandmother.

“Why that little.” Sasa growled and walked forward, leaving the black stallion to follow behind her.

The feline came and sat down behind the filly and Oblivion joined her. Several seconds went by before the filly went silent and looked over her shoulder as her father banged on the pot that was now firmly placed on Granny Smiths' head. The foal looked nervously from the cat to the stallion as Oblivion lowered his head and glared at her.

“I suggest you go back to your father before I ask you what you were talking about and then ask it to be explained to the others.” He growled.

Diamond Tiara yelped and fled from the pair of them. He raised his head and looked at Apple Bloom, who looked miserable. Sasa leaned down and nuzzled her warmly and the foal rubbed her hoof over Sasa’s fur.

“Do you believe in what she said?” Oblivion asked her.

“What do ya mean?”

“Are you ashamed of the way your grandmother acts?”

Apple Bloom looked surprised at his question and he waited for her to respond. “Ah’m not. Ah just never thought of it that way.”

“You never worried about her antics since she is your family and you care for her no matter how she is? Or did it take the words of a bully to show her in a different light?”

The filly looked uncertain as the other stallion took Diamond Tiara and left them behind. She shook her head and pulled the hood of her rabbit costume down and let it fall onto her back. Her face was a mask of indecision as she looked from him to her grandmother and then to the ground. He stepped back and left her with Sasa to allow her to think it over on her own without him telling her what to think.

“Granny Smith.”

“Yes?” Granny Smiths voiced echoed in the pot that was still on her head as his magic covered it and pulled it off of her, setting it aside.

“I received a letter from Celestia informing me that the final monster has been spotted close to ponies and it needs to be removed.”

“Ya leavin’ now?”

“In a bit, yes.” He replied.

“Ya gonna be back in time for tha harvestin’. We need all hooves on deck.” She said to him and her legs wobbled as she spun in a circle.

“I will try. You said it would come in four days correct?”


“The Elemental is in the mountains so far as I can tell and I will be taken there from Canterlot. I will try, Granny Smith.”

She gave an agreeing nod and leaned back on her haunches. “Well then ya better get ta work. Make it back on time and be careful, ya hear?”

He gave an agreeing nod and backed up as his horn lit, summoning his saddlebags as he looked at Sasa. The feline moved away from Apple Bloom after giving her a last nuzzle and then joining him as his horn lit once more, teleporting them to the Canterlot menagerie. His eyes opened and he strode forward with Sasa on his heels. His magic pushed open the doors and as he walked into the castle, headed for the throne room. His senses told him where Celestia was and his hooves carried him toward the light that he knew was hers. One of the guards at the door perked at the sight of him and he recognized Silver as the guard smiled in greeting.

“Hello Silver.” He greeted the stallion.

“Hello, Oblivion.” He replied. “You here to meet with Princess Celestia?”

“She sent word to me about a monster and I came to discuss it with her.”

“Got it.” He replied as he pushed open the door and got out of the way to allow the black Unicorn to walk into the throne room.

Oblivion paused as he got halfway through the door. “Be ready.”

Silver nodded in understanding as Oblivion left him behind. Sasa stayed on his heels as she purred at Silver before going through the door. The mare at the end of the carpet brightened as he drew closer and she smiled brightly.

“Hello, Witcher.” She greeted and he gave a slight bow of his head in reply. “I have to admit you are quite prompt when it comes to the monsters.” She teased.

“Would you rather I drag my hooves?” He asked in reply.

She chuckled and shook her head. “No. I appreciate your haste in dealing with them. So far this one has not confronted any of the ponies but I am afraid it might if it remains close to them.”

“How close did it come?”

“Close enough to scare a group of them into fleeing back to the village. They had heard of it but had not seen it before then.”

“Is it the same village that first reported it?”

“No. It is actually a town over now and seems to be on the move.”

“Perfect,” Oblivion replied, his tone dry. “Did they see enough to tell what direction it was going?”

“I believe so. The report I received was not specific in that regard but they are waiting for your arrival to tell you more. One of the ponies that saw it closely is waiting to help you when you get there. Will you be going there now or tomorrow morning?”

“Do I need to wait? I can teleport there if you have details about the town and its location.”

“I would rather you didn’t teleport there and startle them.” She replied, her tone apologetic. “It is a settlement of Earth Pony’s and for the most part they have very few dealings with strong magic.”

Oblivion nodded in understanding. “Understood. Then I will take Silver and Vantage with me.”

“They are yours.” She agreed. “Are you sure about taking the Thestral? Do you plan to hunt the creature in the dark?”

“No. I plan on hunting during the day unless something has changed since they sent word to you. Do you have need of him here?”

“No. He is one of your team and they are always at your disposal. I was simply curious. I will send for them both.”

“Silver is at your door so he will need to be relieved.” Oblivion pointed out.

“Perfect.” She chimed merrily and got to her hooves. “If you wish to gather him and head for the front door then I will have Vantage and a chariot meet you there. I will gather the things that will be needed and make sure they are packed on the chariot and ready for you.” She said and he nodded in reply. “Thank you again for taking these contracts Oblivion. Sending anypony else would have cost us lives and no small amount of time.”

“I was made and trained for it. That is the difference between me and them.” He replied and she nodded.

“They will meet you outside. Thank you again Oblivion. Happy hunting.”

The black stallion pivoted on his heel and Sasa moved to follow him as he went past her. She gave the Princess a toothy smile and he heard the mare call out to her as they left. He paused as Silver looked at him, questions in his eyes.

“Come on Silver,” Oblivion said to him and he looked over his shoulder as the guard fell in behind him.

“What the…?” The other guard called out as Silver turned back to him and shrugged comically.

“Captain Shadow said to follow. I’m not arguing with him.” He called back

Sasa barked out a laugh as Silver fell in behind them and she nuzzled him as they walked. Oblivion bit back a comment about the rank but chose to let it go as it was out of his hooves by now.

“So what’s the plan, Sir?” Silver asked from behind him.

“We are heading out of town to deal with the final monster from the contracts that I was given. The Ice Elemental is toward the mountains and I will show you where once Vantage joins us.” He replied.


“This should be fun. Why are you bringing Vantage if I may ask?”

“Should I not?” He replied.

“Don’t get me wrong I like Vantage. I’m just asking since you will not be hunting at night and they have sensitive skin in the sun.” She replied.

“His ability to scream makes him valuable to stun the Elemental. I can use Aard on it but the scream might be used to similar effect should the need arise.”

“Oh. That makes sense.” She replied and an agreeing sound purred from her as they made it outside and waited for the chariot.

Oblivion pulled out his map and moved it to allow Silver to see. The Royal Guard looked closely and his eyes narrowed as he focused on it.

“Oh. I know where that is.” He piped up, excitement in his voice.

“You do?” Oblivion asked.

“Yeah. We had a training camp out that way a couple of years back. The town was close by but we had to stay out of it since there were quite a few of us and we didn’t want to upset the town’s ponies. Should I go and grab a few things for the trip?”

“I think Celestia was taking care of it,” Oblivion replied.

“Oh that’s nice of her.” Silver replied and waited with them as the chariot came around the corner with Vantage at its helm. “Perfect timing Vantage.” Silver chuckled.

Oblivion looked over the side as the chariot descended through the mountain air and toward a small clearing that seemed clear of snow. They were within a ten-minute trot of the town and they had agreed to go there in the morning since they arrived mid-evening. He jumped from the chariot as it came to a stop and he watched as Vantage and Silver unhitched themselves and began to unload the chariot. Oblivions magic gripped several items and lifted them above their heads. He set them down as he reached out to the world around them. Sasa growled as Silver walked around her and she looked at the black Unicorn as he looked out over the terrain.


“A moment.”

He called out to the World Spirit and through it, he reached out around him to find any trace of the monster and anything connected to it. It might not have been a creature of his world but that did not mean he could not sense it. At first, he found nothing close by and he began to send it out further when a shout caught his attention. He looked back over his shoulder to see Vantage on the ground with his flank in the air. Sasa broke out into laughter as she went to him and he slowly got to his hooves.

“Sorry.” Vantage breathed out as embarrassment went over his features.

“You okay?” Silver asked.

“Yeah.” He replied and rubbed his hock. “I slipped on ice.” He admitted.

“You sure you’re okay?” Silver pressed.

“Yeah. Just embarrassed.”

Sasa went over to him and nuzzled him in support. He rubbed his hoof over her fur and went back to what he was doing. Silver grumbled as his hooves slipped and he looked to Vantage and a chuckle broke from him.

“If it’s not one of us slipping around it’ll be both of us.” He joked. “Careful Oblivion.”

Oblivion turned and walked back toward them, his claws spread to keep him on his hooves. Both guards stared at his hooves before their faces fell to grumbling about the fairness of it as they went back to their tasks. Sasa laughed through their connection and she used her own claws to walk easily around the snowy campsite.

“That’s just not fair.” Silver laughed out.

Oblivions horn lit as he lifted the guards and everything they had brought with him into the air above him. Sasa growled as she was also lifted and he teleported to the chariot as a fire began to race over the ground in waves. Ice and snow melted under the intense heat as he sent magic over it. Once the snow and ice had melted he sent fire into the soil to dry it out to allow them to move easily on the surface without danger of slipping and falling in the mud. Once he was done he set all of them down and both guards simply stared openly at him before a smile crossed both their mouths.

“Very nicely done.” Vantage commented and Oblivion chuckled in reply.

“It won’t help me if you’re constantly slipping and falling over yourselves.” He replied.

“That’s true.” Silver laughed as he went back to setting up the tent.

Oblivion watched as the tent was raised and it was big enough for all three ponies and Sasa to share. He turned and looked out over the ground and his magic pulled out several sticks and he used magic to duplicate them. He set them up in the middle of the grounds and waited for the others to finish what they were doing. The black Unicorn walked back into the main camp and waited for the others to join him. Sasa came to stand next to him as they finished and she sat down contentedly beside him.

“All done.” Silver called out and Vantage nodded.

“Same here.”

The two ponies came to join him and they sat down on the other side of the fire as his magic lit the tinder and azure flame blazed between them. Vantage smiled as the heat went over him and Silver sighed.

“Much better. So what are we hunting this time?” Silver asked.

“Tell me it’s not a Leshen?” Vantage asked quickly.

“No. Not a Leshen. Leshen tends to stay in forests and avoid mountains unless they have forests. This is an Ice Elemental.”

“A what?” Silver asked him. “Do you happen to have a drawing of one like the others?” He asked carefully.

Oblivion thought about it and then nodded as he summoned his sketchbook and his magic flipped through the pages. He found what he was looking for held it out to the others. “It’s an old sketch so it’s not as clear as the others.”

“It’s fine for me. So it’s a walking mini-mountain of ice?” Vantage asked.

“Basically,” Oblivion replied.

“Great.” Silver grumbled. “So how do we, you, fight it?”

“Carefully,” Oblivion admitted and his sketchbook went back to his saddlebags as they sat within the tent. “Normally I would use Dimeritium on it but I don’t have any.”

“A what?” Vantage asked him.

“A specially made bomb.”

“That sounds painful.” Sasa commented.

“If it’s used against you it is. It interferes with the magic that gave the Elemental life and can disrupt it. It can’t stop it completely but it will slow it down. Otherwise, if I use Yrden to make sure I can slow it down and get behind it then it’s not too difficult an opponent.”

“Get behind it?” Silver asked.

“Fighting an Elemental from the front is usually frowned upon since their hands are made of solid rock or in this case permafrost. They could knock your head off your shoulders with a good swing.”

Vantage gave an audible gulp and shook his head. “Yeah no. That sounds bad.”

“I might have need of you during the fight.”

“What?” Vantage looked stunned and uncertainty crossed his face as Oblivion went on.

“Your scream might knock it back a step or two. Just enough to allow me to get in a few good hits.”

“It can still be hurt by your silver sword right?” Silver asked him.

Oblivion nodded. “Yes. You have to be careful with them though since it’s a very quick way to blunt and dull your blades.”

“Are yours sharp enough?” Vantage asked.

Oblivions horn lit and one of the blades came from the band on his leg and hovered in front of them.

“That’s a new one.” Silver said to him and Oblivion nodded.

He didn’t explain where the weapon had come from and allowed the pair of them to see it. “These will not dull easily if at all since they are made of crystal. I am not as worried about them being damaged as I was with my old weapons.”

“So your old ones might have been damaged by this monster?” Vantage asked.

“It is possible,” Oblivion commented.

He fell silent as his magic summoned a rune from his saddlebags. A Greater Chernobog rune gave off a slight red glow in his magic as he put it up next to the sword. He had not had the time for though to try to implant runes into the weapon. As he pushed them together the blade seemed to swallow the rune and it vanished into the crystal blade. He watched as the symbol from the rune was etched into the crystal blades surface up by the hilt. He looked at the others and they were staring as he looked over the weapon.

“Interesting.” He muttered and called on a Devana rune and placed it up to the weapon and it was also taken into the sword, its symbol appearing on the blade.

“What just happened?” Sasa asked him.

“I implanted a rune into the weapon.” He replied with a glance to the feline so the guards knew who he was answering.

“You can do that? What's a rune?” Silver questioned.

“A rune is a stone that can be implanted into a slot that is built into a weapon. I had not tried any runes on this blade as I was not sure if it could take them.”

“So it can?” Vantage asked.

“It seems so. The question now is how many can it use?” Oblivion said as he called on another rune.

“What's that one?” Silver asked.

“Veles.” Oblivion pressed the rune to the weapon and it swallowed the rune easily, its symbol joining the others. He glanced up as they all looked at him and he sighed gently. “It strengthens my signs and simply gives them more power.”

“Oh. That’s helpful.” Vantage replied.

Oblivion pulled out one of each rune that he had with him and held them one at a time to the weapon. To his surprise, each rune was taken in by the weapon. He let the bit of surprise he felt to show on his face as he regarded the weapon. The symbols glowed gently in their respective colors from the center of the sword. He sent the weapon back to the band on his leg and repeated the process with the second weapon.

“What's the difference between them?” Sasa asked him.

“One is for monsters and the other ponies Sasa. You know that.” He chastised the feline as she cringed.

“I thought about that after I asked.” She chuckled. “I mean how does the magic know which one it needs?”

He paused as he finished implanting the last rune into the blade and thought over what she had asked. “I‘m not sure, to be honest. I assume it does it through magic. I summon them depending on what I need. Typically I call on the steel sword if I am not sure of what I am fighting.”

“You have called on them both before though.” She replied.

“True. I simply used both as needed, I assume, they both will cut if the need is there. One just does more damage than the other.”

Sasa laid down beside him and rested her teeth against the ground for several seconds before she piled one paw on top of the other and placed her chin on top of her paws. He could tell that her fangs were barely not digging into the ground as she sighed and watched the two guards. Vantage had pulled out a pair of rations for the two of them and then looked at Oblivion who shook his head in response.

“Not eating?”

“Already did.” Oblivion lied easily. “Go ahead.”

Sasa rumbled a loud purr as the pair of them settled in to eat their meals.

Oblivion opened his eyes and he raised his head as Sasa leaned against his side. The feline’s fur was warm against his side and he looked to the other two ponies as they continued to sleep soundly. His orange eyes closed as he focused on his ears to listen to what might have awoken him. His ears flicked slowly to listen around them. A slight rumble caught his ears and he reached out to the World Spirit to give him further information. Nothing came back to him as the World Spirit called out to anything close by. His eyes opened and they narrowed as he listened once more. Nothing came to him and he lowered his head back to the tent floor as nothing caught his attention.

“Chosen?” Sasa whispered to him, her eyes bright in the dark of the tent as she regarded him.

“Nothing.” He replied.

“Must have been something to get your attention. You usually sleep pretty easily.”

“I was not able to find anything after using the World Spirit to scan the area.”

“It can only find what has a Spirit and is connected to it in some way.” She replied. “Even animals can be found by it. So whatever it did not have a spirit or is immune?”

“I doubt it is immune.” He commented and she huffed gently in response. “Might have been the snow shifting around us.”

“That’s true. You tend to wake up for things like that if you hear it.”

He closed his eyes as she leaned heavily against him for several seconds before she settled back into her place. His ears still flicked as he waited for something to happen as he chose to simply go back to sleep and he would scan the area in the morning to see what he could find. Animals left tracks and he would see if there was a reason the World Spirit failed to find anything.

Oblivion awoke as the tent walls rustled under the wind outside. Beside him, Sasa slept easily and Vantage and Silver still slept as well. He slowly got to his hooves and sighed as he slowly moved away to allow Sasa to sleep. His magic opened the tent flap and he hastened outside, closing it behind him. He slowly moved around the camp and his eyes narrowed as he searched for any sign that anything was near them overnight. Nothing jumped out at him as he scanned the cleared ground around their camp and he slowly expanded his search and was soon trotting over the snow as he searched. He snorted as nothing showed itself and he was left wondering what it could have been that woke him.

Annoyance bit at him for a second before he dismissed it and moved back to the tent. “Sasa.” Dawn was still a bit away as he waited for the feline to respond.

“Hmm…?” She mumbled back at him as he woke her.

“Wake the others. We have a hunt to start.”

He backed up as he heard the feline inhale and a roar tore from her as the two guards yelled in surprise and Oblivion opened the tent flap as they clamored to leave the tent. He stepped aside as they fell over themselves in shock and panted as they came to a stop near the dead campfire.

“What the…?” Silver breathed out in a rush.

“Time to start,” Oblivion said to him and the stallion watched as Sasa came out of the tent and joined him.

“Got it.” Vantage breathed and stood straight as he breathed deeply.

Oblivions horn lit the dead campfire and it burned brightly as they gathered around it once more. “We will leave in half an hour for the town and gather what information they have.”

“Do they know we were coming?” Vantage asked.

“I am not sure, to be honest. A mare was said to be watching for us and she has information we need to commence the hunt.” Oblivion explained.

“Understood.” Silver said as he sighed and stretched out his wings.

Sasa yawned and leaned against his shoulder for several seconds before he got to his hooves and looked in the direction of the town. His nerves were already on edge and he was ready to begin his contract. His body shivered slightly as he closed his eyes and forced calm to go through his body. Minutes ticked past as the others finished preparing for the hunt and he looked over his shoulder to find both guards armored and ready to follow him. The Witcher started forward and led them toward the town, his companions close on his heels.

83: Trail of Ice

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The town stretched out ahead of them as they walked into it. The houses were lined up side by side similar to Ponyville and he walked further into it and began to look for anypony he could speak with. He knew it was now just past dawn as the sun rose higher in the brightening sky. Several ponies stopped and stared as the small group came upon them. One of them stayed frozen in place as the Unicorn bore down on him. Oblivion paused in front of him and decided that this pony would work to answer a couple of his questions and lead him to the mare that knew more.

“I was contracted to remove a monster made of ice that was seen near here. I was supposed to meet with a mare who had seen it.” He stared and the pony’s eyes widened as understanding dawned on him.

“Oh. You’re looking for Crystal. It’s pretty early for her to be out and about but I can lead you to her house.” He replied and spun to lead them when Oblivion nodded. “I didn’t think anypony would come to tangle with that thing. Crystal was with the group that saw it close up and she helped to send the note to the Princess.”

“Celestia has a contract with me to remove it,” Oblivion replied.

“Princess Celestia hired you?”


“What makes her think you can get rid of it? I mean magic might not work on it.” He replied and glanced over his shoulder. “Magic isn’t a fix for everything.”

“I don’t plan on using magic. I have killed its kind before and I will do the same to this one.” Oblivion commented.

The pony looked over his shoulder, his face pulled up into an expression of confusion. “How?”

“They can be killed if you can beat them down or can weaken their connection to the magic that made them and then gave them their task.” Oblivion supplied.

“See? Magic.” He grumbled and led them forward.

“What's so bad about magic?” Vantage whispered to Silver.

“I haven’t seen any Unicorns here so maybe they just don’t deal with it much?” Silver whispered back.

“Still. Have a bit of respect for the one sent to help you.” Vantage sneered.

Sasa growled and nodded in reply to the Lunar Guard. Oblivion let the conversation going on behind him and kept his usual demeanor as they moved down another road. Their guide stopped in front of a house and knocked gently on the door. Oblivions ears flicked forward as he listened for any movement. He didn’t hear anything as the stallion knocked gently again. Oblivion sighed and gently moved him out of the way and picked up one hoof and beat his hoof loudly on the door several times. His ears caught a shout of surprise and the sound of a pony moving quickly toward them. The door was flung open to reveal a bleary eye angry mare.

“Who in Celestia’s name is…?” She stared at the tall black Unicorn and blinked several times as she leaned back on her haunches. “And you are?”

“I was sent to speak to you about the monster you saw. I have been contracted to remove it.” Oblivion supplied and the mare nodded in understanding.

“Got it. So they sent a Unicorn to fix the problem?” She said with a look at the black curved horn that rested on his forehead.

“Seriously?” Vantage whispered.

Sasa nudged him as the mare leaned out and saw the pair of them. A smile went over her face at the sight of the two guards in full armor. “Now it makes more sense. They’re going to do the fighting while you throw magic at it.”

“Not exactly.” Silver replied. “We are here to do as he tells us and so far we are not participating in his hunt.”

“Then how are you going to fight it?”

“I was a Witcher before I was a Unicorn.”


He looked at the feline as the others looked at him. “Meaning I was not able to use my magic before I was trained to fight monsters with sword and hoof.”

“Nice.” She said with a chuckle.

“So you are going to fight it hoof to hoof?” Crystal asked him, uncertainty in her eyes.

“Yes. Magic is not the only answer and I plan on using skill before I fall back on magic.” Oblivion replied.

“Oh.” She said and looked sheepish as she lowered her head slightly. “Sorry.”

“It’s fine. I am not easily offended or worried about what you think I can or cannot accomplish. What do you recall about it?” He answered.

“I’ll show you where we saw it.” She said as she reached to the side of the door, pulled on a thick coat and backed up to allow her to move out of her home. "Thanks for leading them to me Cutter. I’ll take over from here.”

The stallion nodded happily and trotted away from them. The mare was a creamy purple with a blonde mane and a formation of crystals as her cutie mark. Oblivion fell in next to her as she guided them to the edge of the town. She led them outside of it and into the snows that surrounded the village. She paused for several seconds and looked back and to the sides as she seemed to regain her bearings.

“Okay we were about here and it was over there.” She said and pointed away from them.

Silver took to the air and landed twenty feet away and she motioned for him to keep going and he moved back five feet and she motioned for more. At thirty-five feet she nodded and he stayed still as he sunk into the snow. His wings beat to keep himself from falling to deeply into the snow and she smiled as he hovered.

“It was about there. Thankfully it didn’t seem too worried about us and kept going that direction.” She said and pointed to the mountain behind Silver.

Oblivions horn lit as his sketchbook appeared and he scanned it for the picture of the Ice Elemental he had drawn. He found it and lowered it for her to look at.

“Yep. That’s pretty much exactly what it looked like. You’ve seen them enough to draw them?”

“I have fought many of them where I am from. There are many varieties but the ones in ice are more difficult to handle when you find them out in this element.” Oblivion replied as he sent his sketchbook to his saddlebags.

“Wow. Okay, I take back the comments about you needing them to help you.” She said and motioned for Silver to come back to them.

The Pegasus rejoined them and shivered in his armor for several seconds before Sasa leaned against him to warm him with her fur. The mare was quiet as the Witcher scanned the mountain as far as he was able to see and sighed quietly.

“We can go alone from here.” He said to her.

She looked surprised she spoke. “Are you out of your mind?”


“You’ll freeze before you can kill it.” She argued. “Well you have the magic to keep you warm, but they will freeze.” She amended and pointed to the two guards with him.

Oblivion looked over his shoulder to see the guards trying not to shiver and Sasa standing between them as they leaned against her for warmth. He cursed himself for forgetting that they were not mutated as he was to ignore cold.

“Okay. So come back to my house and I have a few extra coats they can borrow. I might have one you can wear. It might be a bit snug since you’re a bit broader shouldered than most ponies though.” She said as she motioned for them to follow her.

Oblivion spun on his heel and motioned for the others to follow her. They walked back to her house and she opened the front door and walked inside motioning for them to wait for her to come back.

“Sorry.” Silver muttered.

“For?” Oblivion said as he looked at the Royal Guard.

“You could be hunting it and instead we are waiting for a coat.” He began.

“It’s fine. Truth be told I had forgotten you were not equipped for cold.” Oblivion admitted. “I can ignore the cold easily enough but you cannot.”

“Ignore cold? Let me guess, magic.” She said as she came out of the house with several coats draped over her back. “I make and sell coats for my business so I have several you can use. So let’s try and fit each of you and see how they fit. You first.” She said as she pointed to Vantage.

“I am made to ignore the cold. Magic has nothing to do with it.” Oblivion replied as Vantage walked up to stand in front of her.

“If you say so. Okay, the armor needs to go unless you can make it fit over the coat.” She said and Vantage shook his head as he began to peel off the armor.

Vantage looked over his shoulder and Oblivion said nothing as the mare held out a coat to him for him to try on. He slid the coat over his body and cringed as it stretched his shoulders. She bade him give it back to her and he tried the next one she gave him. He slid into it easily and stood comfortably in front of her.

“Much better.” She chirped happily. “Okay, now you.” She said and Silver came up to her, having already slipped out of his armor.

“What about you Chosen?” Sasa asked him.


“Maybe you should wear a coat as well.”


“Accept the goodwill of these ponies and it will go a long way with them.”

“Excuse me?”

“They are leery of magic and you are very magical. Let her ‘help’ you and they will start to see you more as one of them instead of the strange Unicorn that has no expression.” She explained.

He closed his eyes to hide him rolling them. The black stallion opened his eyes as Silver gave a happy noise and nestled down into the coat he had been given. She smiled as he looked at her and then she looked back behind the orange Pegasus to the Black Unicorn. Oblivion bit back a deep sigh and instead walked up to her as Silver rejoined the Lunar guard. The mare looked at him and held up a coat and then shook her head and tossed it over her shoulder and into the house.

“Try this one.” She held up a deep blue coat and his magic took it from her grip.

She gave a slightly sour look at the azure flames of his aura as he took the coat and slid his limbs into the sleeves and stood in front of her as she waited for him to speak. He rolled his shoulders and stretched out his body to check if he was able to move easily or not. His wings would be useless under the thick coat but he was prepared to not use them anyway. He could tell that the coats were designed with some extra give in the limbs and girth so it was not too tight around him.

“How does it fit?” Crystal asked him.

“It fits well. Thank you.” He said to her and the others nodded in thanks.

“The only problem is that we can’t fly with them. But I’m not gonna look a gift pony in the face.” Silver said to her with a chuckle.

“I admit I wish you could wear your armor to keep that thing from hitting you but your kind of…what are you doing?” She began but then paused as the Unicorns horn lit up with his aura.

Oblivions horn lit as his magic picked up the set aside armor and it hovered over the two guards and they stood still as his magic worked over them. It covered them as well as the armor and the armor began to shift and move under his command. He glanced at Crystal and she was wide-eyed and staring. The armor disappeared and then reappeared on the guard's bodies and she gasped as it moved to sit in its usual place over the coats. The guards remained still as the magic slowly faded away and they both smiled as they moved to test the placement of the armor.

“How did…? Why…? That’s not going to damage those is it?” She sputtered.

“If it does I will repair the damage. I do not wish them to go out completely unprotected.” Oblivion replied.

“But you are unprotected?” She pointed out.

Oblivion looked at her with one eye before his armor slid over his body and settled over the coat. The bright silver metal glowed under the bright sun and she stared in reply to the sight. Silver chuckled at her expression.

“His armor is kept in that necklace he wears.” He informed her. “He’s never without it.”

“That’s…pretty handy I have to admit.” She replied and her eyes went over the silver armor as it vanished back into the medallion around his neck.

“Magic has its place. Sometimes it’s not needed and others it’s the only option. It depends on what you do when you find yourself in those situations.” Oblivion said to her as he turned to walk back the way they had come. “We will return these to you when the monster is dead.”

He heard her tell the guards to be careful and they told her not to worry about them. Sasa fell in at his side and she chuffed happily as they moved out of the town and into the snows. He slowed his pace to ensure that the two guards kept up with him. He knew that their wings were held under the coat and armor so they were now ground-bound. Sasa fell back a step as they began to trudge through the snow. Oblivion spread his claws to keep snow from getting in between them and they kept him from sinking too deeply.

“This sucks.” Silver groused.

Vantage panted at his side and nodded. “Really? Tell us how you feel Silver.”

Sasa’s laugh echoed through his mind as she listened to them. Oblivion looked over his shoulder as the two guards struggled. He could tell that they were tiring and he paused as his eyes searched for any sign of their quarry. So far he had not seen any tracks in the deep snow and he was growing annoyed that they were on the wrong track. He called on the World Spirit once more and its power rushed up to meet him. He focused on it and issued a command for it to search for life signs, similar to what he had asked of it when searching for the Changeling. While this was different he was sure it was possible.


“A moment.” He said aloud and the two guards came to stand just behind him as a small wind ruffled their manes and tails.

He closed his eyes as he sent the World Spirit away from him and across the snows. His eyes opened a minute later and he altered their course slightly as he was able to get a ping on something ahead of them. The World Spirit receded went dormant as he moved forward. Sasa purred loudly as she stayed at his side.

“Anything?” Silver asked.

“I think I know where it is.” He called back.

“Thank Equestria.” He admitted and fell in behind them. “Can I ask you a magic question?”

The Elder Witcher looked over his shoulder to the Royal Guard. “Go ahead.”

“Is it possible, for you to enchant something that would allow us to walk on top of the snow?”

Sasa stopped in her tracks with the black Unicorn. Vantage broke out into laughter as Oblivion looked back at them and his horn lit with his azure flame. “I’m not sure.” He admitted.

Silver looked at the sky for a moment and Oblivion could see him mouthing a silent prayer. Oblivion levitated all of them above the snow and he focused on keeping their hooves from sinking. He lowered Sasa back to the snow and she began to sink into the snow. He growled and brought her back up and after weaving a different spell he lowered her once more. Her paws stayed above the snow line and he let her drop a few inches to the snow, testing to see if she would sink or not. Silver smiled as the cat stayed on top of the snow and they were all lowered to the snow several seconds later. Each of their hooves stayed on top of the snow.

“Yes. I love magic.” Silver crowed.

Vantage laughed with him and nodded. “I wish I had thought of it sooner.”

“As do I,” Oblivion commented as he led the way once more. “You might slip if you’re going to fast so be aware.”

“Got it. I’d rather slip on top of the ice then trudge through it.” Silver commented.

“He was breaking the path for us.” Vantage pointed out. “So it wasn’t that bad.”

“I know but still. It had to be tiring for you, Sir.”

“It wasn’t that bad,” Oblivion said back to him.

“Do you know where this thing is? I haven’t seen any tracks or anything.” Silver began as Oblivion stopped and looked back over his shoulder as a trail appeared. “Never mind.”

“Very nice.” Sasa praised. “Remind me to give my praises to the World Spirit once more.”

Oblivion raised his head higher as he came to a stop and reared up as the sound of snow shifting caught his attention. The stallions with him paused and Sasa stayed silent and unmoving as he searched, his ears flicked intently. He lowered his hooves back to the snow and broke into a gallop as he let his ears lead him forward. He heard Silver and Vantage shout as they tried to keep up with him. Sasa stayed at his hip as he moved and he came to the top of a slight hill to see the Elemental trudging through the snow under him. He had followed its tracks until they had vanished and now he could see them clearly in the land behind the monster. Silver and Vantage joined him and they both dropped to their bellies to avoid being spotted even as Oblivion did not.

“Geez. It’s bigger than I thought it would be.” Silver admitted, his voice quiet.

“It’s of average size,” Oblivion replied quietly.

“Says the tall Unicorn.” Silver grumbled.

Sasa chuckled and nuzzled the Pegasus as she looked down at the Elemental. “Now what Chosen?”

Oblivion did not immediately reply as he watched it closely. He could not see any reason for it to be simply wandering into the snows. From what he knew Elementals were bound by whatever command they were given upon their creation. If it had been told to kill then it would have killed everything in its path with stopping. The fact that it only killed one pony before vanishing made him pause and watch it carefully. If it had been told to kill then it would have attacked the group of ponies that spotted it. He cursed himself for not asking if Crystal knew if it had seen them or not.

“Damn.” He whispered and his magic picked up the snow around him and balled it into a tight snowball.

“You’re not gonna throw that at it are you?” Vantage asked him, his voice nervous and quiet.

Oblivion said nothing in reply as he hurled the snowball at the Elemental from his place above it. The ball of snow collided with the elementals back and exploded in a burst of snow and ice. Oblivion waited for it to turn to look but it continued to move forward. He saw the others duck down and peer carefully over the ridge of the hill as the Unicorn waited.

“Didn’t work?” Sasa asked him, her voice uncertain.

“More like it has no idea that we are here.” He replied carefully.

“Meaning we could lob a rock at it and it wouldn’t react?” Silver replied.

“Possibly,” Oblivion said back to him.

“Let’s not test that okay?” Vantage said, his tone cautious.

Oblivion jumped forward and allowed his body to slide down the snowbank and he jumped once more to the ground. The snow was disturbed by the Elementals passing and the stallion was careful for if it did react to his presence. When it did nothing and still moved forward Oblivion walked to within ten feet of its back and his magic lashed out and struck it in the back. Ice fell from its hide as it still ignored him. Oblivion paused and waited for anything to happen and when nothing did, he teleported to land in front of it. He could hear Silver and Vantage gasp and shout for him to be careful as Sasa slid down the snowbank to join him.

“Chosen?” She called out as she came to stand behind it.

“It’s not reacting.” He informed her.

“Okay. Now what?”

“Why did it kill one pony before and now it’s…docile?” He questioned aloud, fully expecting no reply.

Silver and Vantage slid down the bank and joined Sasa and waited for him to issue their orders as the Elemental kept moving forward. Oblivion watched as it neared him and he waited for it to react the closer it came to him. It was about five feet away from him before it seemed to see him and it swung one arm at the stallion. Oblivion backflipped away from it as his magic summoned his sword into his magic. He landed ready to fight it and put it down when he looked up to find that it was docilely moving forward once more.

“What in the God's name?” He cursed quietly as he moved to the side to allow it to trudge past him.

“Any ideas?” Sasa asked him as they joined him off to the side of the path.

“Sir?” Vantage asked as the stallions joined him.

“I’m not sure,” Oblivion admitted. “Usually they are tasked with killing what their creators put in front of them. This one seems to have no direction.”

“So where’s the creator?” Silver asked.

“Back in the Northern Realms.” He replied.

“What?” Silver questioned.

“It is one of the monsters that Winter summoned and let loose,” Oblivion explained and Silver nodded as he recalled. “It seems this one was not given any directive to kill beyond anything getting in its way.”

“So it swung at you because you were blocking the path?” Sasa asked.

“Exactly. I was in the way. I think the pony that was killed by it was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.” Oblivion commented.

“Great. Now, what do we do with it?” Silver asked as he looked at the Elementals retreating.

Oblivion broke away from them and once more trotted after it. He sent his sword back into the band on his leg as his eyes scanned over the Elementals body. He drew up next to it and waited to see how it would react. When nothing happened he moved to trot ahead of it and see if there was a purpose behind its forward motion. He reached out with the World Spirit and scanned the area ahead and found nothing that would draw the Elemental's attention.

“Can we trap it?” Sasa asked him as he pulled the World Spirit back and let it recede.

“We might have to. The issue will be keeping it trapped. They can break out of anything so long as they can swing their arms.” He replied to her as he stayed out ahead of it, avoiding being directly in front of it.

The she-cat joined him and the two guards flanked the Elemental as it moved. “What do we do now?” Silver called out.

“I’ll look ahead of us and see what is in front. If we can trap it then we will have no other choice.” Oblivion called back.

“Can’t you just kill it?” Vantage yelled.

Oblivion knew that he would have no issue killing the monster. He hesitated since there was no threat to himself or anypony. He knew that it had killed one pony already but it so far had been harmless. The Unicorn was quiet as he went over their options.

“We need to trap it somehow.” He muttered.

“I’ll look ahead to see if there is a cave or anything ahead that we can use. You stay with it and make sure the others are safe in case it changes its mind about being harmless.” Sasa said to him as she broke into a lope and left them behind.

Oblivion kept as close as he dared and the others remained just close enough to help if the need came.

“What's she doing?” Silver yelled.

Oblivion looked back at him and walked to the side of the path and let the Elemental walk past him, giving it a wide berth. “She is looking for a cave or something that we can use to trap it.”

“And you don’t just kill it?” Vantage asked.

Oblivion gave a short sigh and shook his head. “I don’t like killing something that is no threat. There is no immediate threat to anypony out here in the middle of nowhere.” He explained.

“But it killed before.” Vantage pointed out.

“That’s true. But we have proven that it only fights when something is in the direct path. Otherwise, it leaves us alone.”

Oblivion kept silent as they followed behind the Elemental. He could sense Sasa far ahead of them and he waited for her to send word back to him. His magic hummed under his skin and his body was ready to act should the need arise.


Oblivion paused as the she cat’s voice rang out. Silver and Vantage paused and waited as he began to move forward again. “Yes Sasa?”

“I think I found a cave that will suit our needs. It’s not directly ahead of the monster but it’s not far off.” She relayed to him.

“It will do. Come back to us and you can direct us toward it. In the meantime, we need to find a way to get it to follow us.” He replied.

“I’m on my way.” She replied and he could sense that she was in motion.

“Sasa found a cave that we can use to trap it.” He replayed to the others.

“Will that work?” Silver asked.

“For now. We will need to find a way to either keep it there or incapacitate it there.”

“How do we do that?” Vantage asked, his voice uncertain.

“I am not certain. But it is better than leaving it to its path.” Oblivion commented.

“That’s true.” He replied.

They fell silent as the Elemental trudged ahead. Sasa rejoined them and began to lead them subtly to the side. The Elemental seemed to be following the path ahead of it and Oblivion watched to see if there was a way to influence its path. He loped to get ahead of it and looked to see if he could shift the path it was following. His magic reached out and he began to lay a path ahead of them, ice and snow moving out of the way. Silver and Vantage remained behind the monster as Sasa joined him and helped him to lead the monster toward the cave she had found.

“It’s following the cleared path?” She asked and he nodded in response. “That makes things simple.”

He nodded as his magic acted like a snow shovel and he began to lead the way. Sasa stayed slightly ahead of him and she altered the course as needed and led him to the cave. He looked back and he could see the cave she had found looming up behind them. It was a snow cave that had an opening close to thirty feet high with a twenty-foot width.

“Wow.” Silver called out. “Nice find Sasa.”

The feline purred loudly as they came to walk on the sides of the Elemental. They were close to five feet away from it just in case it chose to swing at them.

“How deep is it?” He asked her and she paused for a second as she thought.

“About fifteen feet in there is a wall. It’s not very deep. But it was the best of them.” She admitted.

Oblivion said nothing in reply and simply nodded that he had understood her. The Elemental did not stray from the path that had been made for it as they neared the cave and Oblivion made sure the path led directly into the cave. He got out of the way as the path ended at the entrance and the elemental walked docile into the cave. They watched as the Elemental walked in and stopped at the back of the cave. Oblivion watched closely as it suddenly reared back, its back arching as a roar tore from it.

“Oh no.” Silver said and shrunk back as the monster began to tear at the back of the cave. “What if it caves-in, will that kill it?”

“No,” Oblivion replied, his voice ice.

“Now what?” Sasa asked as he searched his memories for an option. “It’s only a matter of time before it gets through that. Either the cave falls in or…Chosen?”


“I have an idea.” She replied and turned to face him.

“I’m all ears.” He replied, his voice bland.

“Your magic can do many things with the World Spirits backing. The Elemental may not be connected to the World Spirit but it can be used.”

“Get to the point.”

“Use the World Spirit to enforce your will on it. Coupled with your magic and its reach you should be able to command it.”

He turned to look at her as his mind went over what she had said to him. He went over what he knew of his magic and what the World Spirit had been able to accomplish before. He wanted to argue that it was not designed to mind control anypony but when he came to that thought he was reminded that he was not looking at a pony or any sentient creature. While the Elemental had some form of intelligence it was not created to think for itself. The Elemental roared and attacked the back of the cave. He could see that it had carved out a large depression in the back of the stone cave. The stone and ice gave way under its strength and brute force.

“Any ideas?” Silver asked as he backed up a step.

“Just one,” Oblivion admitted and his horn lit as his magic covered the monster's body.

He summoned the World Spirit and white fire began to mix with the azure flame of his aura. The Elemental stopped its assault on the back of the cave and was still for several seconds as Oblivion began to push against it with his magic and his commands. It turned and faced them and Silver yelped as he and Vantage jumped to stand at Oblivions hips. Sasa roared in challenge as the Elemental roared back at her.

Oblivion commanded the World Spirit to create a channel that he could use to issue his commands to the Elemental. He thought over what the magic that created it was and he realized that if he used the channels that were already built into it then he might be able to use them easier than making his own.

“Captain!” Vantage cried out as the Elemental took a step toward them.

Sasa growled and her back arched as she readied herself to fight. Oblivions magic hummed as he poured magic into the Elementals body, searching for the magic that created it, to begin with. It took another step as Silver yelled and Oblivion could sense the fear that came from both of the guards. He sent more of his magic into the monster and his eyes widened slightly as he found what he was looking for. The Elemental began to walk toward them slowly and Silver pressed himself against Oblivions hip.

“Stop.” Oblivion spoke, his voice commanding.

Silver and Vantage froze as Oblivion's voice rolled over them. They both heard Sasa give a happy chirp and they looked up to see that the Elemental had frozen in place at the Unicorns command. They stared for several seconds as the magic that covered the Unicorn's horn and the Elemental faded out. Sasa sat down and purred as the monster was still as the stone it stood upon.

“What just happened?” Vantage finally croaked out.

“Sasa had the idea to use magic to try to command it. By using enough magic I was able to enforce my will upon it by using the magic that created it originally. Now it will answer to me.” He replied.

“So you’re now its master?” Silver asked and Oblivion nodded. “That’s quite the feat.”

Vantage and walked slowly forward and reached out a hoof to tap the icy arm of the Elemental. Nothing happened as he backed up and breathed out a deep sigh of relief. “I have to admit I’m getting more and more jealous of Unicorns as we go.”

“Tell him not to use you as a base for all Unicorns.” Sasa chuckled. “You’re not the same as the others.”

“I’m not one you should base the strength of Unicorns on,” Oblivion informed him. “My abilities are different than most.”

“That’s true but still.” Vantage replied.

Silver chuckled as he walked forward and tapped the Elemental carefully. “Wow. It’s, even more, intimidating up close. What are you going to do with it now?”

“I’m not sure.” He admitted. “I could leave it here and issue the command to remain still for eternity.”

“Or you could use it.” Sasa said to him and he looked at her. “Let’s take it home with us.”

“What in the God's name makes you think that’s a good idea?” He asked, his tone incredulous.

“Hear me out.” She went on. “Imagine how helpful it would be for the harvests? We have time to get back in time to help with the Zap Apples and imagine how much it could haul for us.”

He looked blankly at the feline for several seconds before he looked back at the monster in front of them. “I’m not sure I can teleport it.” He admitted.

“Probably not. Well maybe.” She replied and her head tilted in thought. “Worth a shot. Try teleporting all of us back to the camp?”

He looked back at her and a small sigh pulled from him and his horn lit and covered all of them in his magic. He could feel the magic pulling against him as he gathered the magic to teleport the Elemental. They vanished in a flash of azure flame and they dropped to the ground at the camp a moment later. Sasa yowled as they hit the ground from a foot up. Silver shouted as he fell and Vantage managed to keep himself on his hooves as Oblivion cursed as he landed. The Elemental was still as it hit the ground and the ground shook under the impact.

Silver got to his hooves and Sasa nuzzled him to ensure he was unhurt. The feline looked at the Witcher as a short pant of exertion pulled from him.

“You okay?” Vantage asked.

“I will be fine.” He assured the Thestral. “I don’t know if I can teleport it long distance.” He admitted.

“How are we going to get it back to Canterlot?” Silver asked.

Oblivion looked at it and breathed out a sigh as he sat down and closed his eyes for several seconds. The sun was beginning to set behind the mountain as he contemplated what to do with the monster he now commanded. His orange eyes opened as he looked at each of them and shook his head.

“I’m not sure how we are going to get it back.” He informed them.

“What are you going to do with it?” Vantage asked.

“I will keep it. So long as it has somepony to command it, it is harmless and will only do as it is commanded. Now that I am have taken over as the one that controls it I am not concerned about it attacking ponies randomly.” He replied.

“Okay. So what will it be doing?” Vantage questioned.

“It will work on the farm doing tasks that it is given,” Oblivion told him.

“Oh, that would work. Can’t hurt anypony so long as you’re close by.” Silver said.

Oblivion opened his mouth to speak as a flash of azure flame went out and a letter dropped into his hoof. His magic unfurled the scroll and within it was a letter from Apple Bloom. He read through it and he tilted his head slightly as she begged him to come back in time for Family Appreciation Day the next day. He righted his head and looked at Sasa as she put her paws on his shoulder to read it as well.

“What the?” She questioned and he shrugged. “She sounds terrified.”

“You noticed that as well.” He replied. “Not sure what the problem is but I suppose I will have to explain to her that I cannot be back in time, especially now.” He thought to her as he looked at the Elemental.

“Why is she so upset?” The feline questioned.

“I’ll ask her.” He said as his magic summoned a quill and he wrote a reply to her and sent it with a flash of his magic.

He said nothing as the reply didn’t come and he was soon looking over his shoulder to the village and contemplating trying to get the coats back to the mare now or in the morning. He got to his hooves and looked at the guards as they sat tiredly close by the tent. Sasa seemed to know what he was thinking and she shook her head stoically at him and he nodded in understanding.

“We will go into the town in the morning and return the coats to Crystal.”

“I was going to ask about that.” Silver admitted. “But I figured you were the one leading this mission so I would defer to whatever you chose.”

“Both of you are tired from the snow so I think it would be better to allow you to rest and recover before we try to trudge home.” He replied.

“How are you going to get that thing out of here?” Sasa asked.

“I am not sure.” He replied. “I may have no choice but to try to teleport it and the supplies we have.”

“Your good but I’m not sure you’re that good.” She admitted as Silver and Vantage set up the wood for a fire and the Unicorn set them ablaze. “That’s a lot of weight that you would be needing to move. You have the magic to do it but the spell itself is not designed for that kind of weight.”

“It’s a lightweight spell.” He replied. “Will have to try it anyway.”

“It might exhaust you to attempt and slow us from going home tomorrow.”

“Even if we are delayed we will still make it in time for Zap Apple harvest as we said we would.” He assured her.

“That’s true.” She agreed.

He moved to sit at the edge of the fire and he could see the Elemental standing still off to the side, where it had been dropped. “Quite the trip.” He whispered and Sasa chuckled in his mind.

Oblivion knocked on the door and Crystal promptly opened the door and a sigh of relief sounded out from her. “I honestly thought it had killed all of you and that was why you didn’t come back last night.”

“We did come back but we went to camp and slept it off and then came to return these to you.” Silver explained.

Oblivions magic levitated the coats and she took them back from him. She looked over them and she smiled. “They look even better than when I gave them to you.”

Oblivion didn’t tell her that he had put magic over them to freshen them before they came back into town. Silver seemed to decide the same thing as he shrugged and smiled at the mare. Sasa gave a chuffing sound at his side and rubbed her head on his shoulder. Crystal backed up and set them back inside her home and then came back to the door and looked at the tall Unicorn for several seconds before she sighed.

“I owe you an apology.” She said to him and he waited as she went on. “I judged you based on the fact that you can use magic. You kept your word and got rid of the monster so it can’t come back to get us. That means you went out there to fight it and protect us all. So, thank you.”

He said nothing for a second as he gave a slight bow of his head. “Your welcome.”

She smiled and the Unicorn turned to leave with the others on his heels. They trotted through town and kept up the pace as they got back to camp and the waiting Elemental. Silver stared at it and then looked at Oblivion.

“I have to be honest I wasn’t sure the command thing would work if you weren’t close to it.”

“The command stands so long as it lives.” He replied.

“Nice.” Vantage said with a chuckle.

They had spent the first part of the morning packing up camp and pulling the chariot close to allow Oblivion to teleport it easier. His magic reached out and covered everything around him that was theirs and the Elemental was still as he began to call on his magic to power the spell and hope it worked. He had read about teleportation’s failing and causing a backlash against their caster but he simply hoped he could overpower it and make up for the weight issue. He could feel the spell as it went off and he closed his eyes as a flash of Azure flame went out, signaling their departure.

Oblivion opened his eyes as the magic of his teleport faded. He looked around them to find that they had made it intact to the menagerie, his usual spot to land. He looked at the others and found all of them had made the trip as well and so had their newest acquisition, the Ice Elemental. He sighed as Sasa bumped his shoulder and to his surprise staggered him. She yowled in alarm as he nearly toppled over. He spread his claws and they latched onto the stone and grass under them, keeping him from falling.


“I’m okay.” He said aloud as the two guards had started to come toward him and they paused as he spoke. “That took no small amount of effort.” He admitted.

“You okay?”

“I’ll be fine. Teleportation is not designed for that kind of weight.” He informed them and pointed his horn at the Elemental for several seconds.

“How did you get it to work? That thing weighs tons.” Silver asked.

“I overpowered the spell to make up for the weight.”

“Oh. What would have happened if that didn’t work?” Vantage asked carefully.

“It would have dropped us off in the middle and backlashed or it would not have worked at all.” Oblivion supplied.

“Perfect. So magic has its fair share of drawbacks.” Vantage admitted as he looked nervously at the Unicorn. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Nothing resting won’t cure. I will see how it is later and then we will find out if I can make the teleport to Ponyville or not.” Oblivion informed him.

The guards nodded and moved to take the chariot away. Oblivion summoned his saddlebags to his back and moved to walk into the castle. He looked over his shoulder to the Elemental and a quirk of a smile edged up the side of his mouth. Sasa looked from him to the Elemental and then back to him as a wide toothy smile crossed her mouth.

“Follow.” He commanded and the Elemental perked up and walked to follow the stallion.

Its steps were deafening as it went up the stairs and stayed a few feet behind the black stallion. The guards shuddered as it went past them and into the castle. His magic pushed open the throne room doors as they reached them and Sasa slipped in ahead of him to make sure no ponies would get stepped on. The guards at the doors stayed back as the nine-foot-tall Elemental walked in on Oblivions heels.

“What the hell is that?” One whispered to his fellow.

“I don’t know. But I’m gonna stay away from it.” The other replied and they went quiet.

Oblivion looked to the end of the carpet and he could see Celestia staring at the creature that followed the Elder Witcher. He came to the bottom of her throne and stopped and the Elemental came to a stop two feet behind his flank.

“Oblivion…What is that?” She asked him.

“This is the Ice Elemental.” He said and looked over his scheduler.

“You brought it back here?”

“It’s harmless.” He assured her as he turned to look at her.

“Why didn’t you kill it?” She questioned.

“There was no reason. It did not attack us when we were near it. The only time it attacked is when I was directly in front of it and blocked its path. Otherwise, it ignored us.”

Celestia looked uncertain as she got up from her throne and came down to look closer at it. She reached out a hoof and set it against the chilled ice of the Elementals body. She pushed against it and it didn’t move under her hoof. She looked at him and he nodded to her.

“Follow.” He commanded and side passed to the left. The Elemental moved with him and stayed as close as it could without stepping on him.

She watched carefully, wonder in her eyes as it followed the Witcher. Oblivion broke into a trot and it moved faster to stay with him. The floor trembled under the weight of the monster and he slowed to keep it from cracking the flooring. He returned to standing next to her and it went still in place.

“Wow.” She said to him and a smile tugged at her mouth. “Well. Least it’s not a head.” She chuckled.

“Not this time.”

“How did you get it back here?”

“I teleported it.” He admitted and her head spun to look at him.

“You teleported it…and the guards, and everything that went with you?”

“Yes. Though it required a large amount of magic to balance out the weight.”

“I was going to ask about that.” She admitted. “Teleportation is limited in its abilities. I am impressed.”

“Glad to see you are pleased.” He replied.

“Am I allowed to give you a tip?” She asked as she went back to her throne.

“A what?” He asked in reply.

“A tip. It’s a bonus on top of your fee.” She explained.

“Oh. If you wish to.” He replied.

“I will have the fee sent to your account along with a well-earned bonus for the speed that you removed them all. Thank you again for all that you have done Witcher.”

Oblivion gave a bow of his head and turned to leave but he paused as Celestia opened her mouth to speak further.

“Will you be resting for a time before attempting to teleport home with…that?”

“Yes, I think I will.” He admitted. “The last thing I need is to collapse when I get it back to Ponyville.”

“If you wish you can leave it in here behind the throne and then recover it when you wish to leave.” She offered.

Oblivion nodded and walked around to set the elemental in place behind the throne. “Stay.” He commanded and the monster settled into place and he moved away from it and the Alicorn mare smiled as he came back around and looked at her.

“Careful no pony messes with it. I have it commanded to remain here but if tampered with it will move.” He advised.

She nodded in understanding and he moved to leave her behind. “Get some rest Oblivion.”

“Thank you, Celestia.” He replied and moved to leave her throne room.

Oblivions eyes opened as he breathed in and sat up from his bed in the Royal Wing of the castle. At his back, Sasa slept quietly and he ran his claws down his face before his magic tossed the blanket back off of his body. He shook his head and blinked several times to clear his vision. He looked over his shoulder to see Sasa yawning behind him.

“Rest well Chosen?” She asked.

“Yes.” He replied and pushed himself to his hooves. “I don’t think there will be any issue teleporting the Ice Elemental now.”

“That’s good to hear. It will be easier since the distance is less than what you had done before.” She replied.

He stretched and rolled his shoulders before he moved to the doors and pushed them open to leave. He moved down the hall and pressed his horn against the door to open it and leave the Wing. The black Unicorn was quiet as Sasa fell in at his hip and he made his way toward the Throne Room to retrieve the Ice Elemental and head back to Ponyville. They reached the throne room and he pushed open the doors and walked into the room. He paused for a second at the sight of several ponies in the room. Sasa made a chuffing sound next to him as he began to walk forward and walk past all of the ponies assembled.

“Good afternoon Witcher.” Celestia greeted him.

He gave a slight bow of his head to her and headed for the rear of her throne. The Ice Elemental stood still in the same place he had left it. He could hear ponies whispering about the black stallion that had not replied to the Princess and other topics as he stepped a foot back from the Elemental.

“Follow.” He commanded and the Elemental responded by straightening its back to follow him.

He walked out from behind the throne and headed for the doors with the monster on his heels. Ponies yelled as they saw it and they reeled back to stay away from it. He glanced at the Alicorn and she was hiding a smile behind her hoof as they reeled back.

“Peace my ponies. The Witcher has complete control of the creature behind him. You are in no danger from it, I assure you.” She said to them and they looked at her, their eyes wide.

The Elder Witcher said nothing to them nor did he speak to help their fears as he led the monster out the doors and toward the menagerie. His magic hummed under his skin as he began to think over how much he needed to pour into the spell to make it back to Sweet Apple Acres.

“Ready to go home in time for Zap Apple Harvest?” Sasa questioned.

“I suppose.” He replied.

“You sound thrilled.” She teased.

“I suppose it’s a good thing we will be there to help.”


“But this signals the end of the contract and it’s always different to see the end of a long contract.”

“Plus it means your back to be a farmer, instead of a contracted Witcher.” She replied. “It’s not that you are a poor farmer Chosen but its clear what you are best suited for.”

He gave a light sigh and led them out of the castle. His horn began to charge as they went still outside of the castle. His magic covered both Sasa and the Elemental as he charged his horn and poured magic into the spell. He closed his eyes as he cast the teleportation spell and they vanished in a flash of azure flame.

He opened his eyes a moment later to see the barn in front of them. He had chosen not to appear in front of the farmhouse in case ponies were in front. He sighed as the strain faded and he looked at Sasa who purred at his side. He opened his mouth to speak to her when the laughter of a familiar filly caught his ears. He looked over as Diamond Tiara laughed as Apple Bloom who was in her rabbit costume. His eyes narrowed and he looked at the Ice Elemental.

“Do it.” Sasa encouraged.

Oblivion walked forward with the monster on his heels. He angled his body to have the elemental stand directly behind the filly. A chill of ice came off of its body and Diamond Tiara stopped her laughter as the chill went over her flanks. Apple Bloom's eyes were wide as she stared behind the other filly. Oblivion stood to the side as the filly turned her head slowly to look behind her. Her eyes went wide as she looked up at the Elemental.

“Ahh!” A scream pulled from her as she backpedaled to get away from the monster.

Her father and the others whirled to stare as Diamond Tiara beat a hasty retreat from the monster's presence. Oblivion stood close by as Sasa fell to her side and laughed at the filly’s terror. The black Unicorn said nothing as Apple Bloom backed up a step and she looked from it to him and then back again.

“It is harmless Apple Bloom.” He assured her and she looked blankly at him for several seconds before she walked up to the monster and tapped her hoof against it.

“Are ya sure?” She questioned.

“I swear it.” He replied. “It responds to my commands and will not act beyond what is commanded.”

“Ya brought back a monster?” Applejack asked him.

“I did. It was harmless when we found it and I chose not to kill it at the time. I chose to bring it back and it can do as it is commanded on the farm. When not in use I will store it within the barn for safekeeping.” He replied as the orange mare approached it.

He looked back as Diamond Tiara hid behind her astounded father. Filthy Rich was silent as Granny Smith laughed. “That’s one way ta do things.” She laughed. “Ya brought back a helper.”

“I did. I said I would be back in time to help and I brought this to aid us further.” He replied to her.

“With that, we can harvest twice as much as normal.” Applejack marveled as she prodded the monster with one hoof.

Sasa pulled herself off the ground and rejoined them as she nuzzled Apple Bloom.

84: Babies and Witchers

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Oblivion looked at the trees as the Ice Elemental stood close by, having been commanded to the spot by Oblivion. He had been told by Applejack that they had to harvest as much as possible due to a caterpillar invasion. While he had simply looked at her she had glared back at him and he had simply shrugged and commanded the Elemental to follow him into the trees. Sasa had chuckled at his response and was now picking up apples from the ground, pushing them into her bucket as he picked them up in his magic and dropped them into one of the several barrels he had scattered around them.

“Don’t believe in the caterpillar invasion, Chosen?” Sasa teased as she picked up her bucket.

“It’s not that I do not believe in it.” He replied. “I simply fail to see the severity of it. I could simply divert them if the need came but she is not going to listen to alternatives.”

“That’s true. You could have just as easily incinerated them all and that would have been the end of the issue.” She admitted.

His magic picked up several filled barrels and he turned to the Ice Elemental. His horn brightened as he reached out with his command through his magic. The Elemental moved and picked up the barrels closest to it and fell in behind the stallion as he moved. Sasa carried her bucket next to him and they moved toward the barn. He looked up as a frantic looking Mr. and Mrs. Cake were moving toward him. He could see their twin foals in a saddlebag around her barrel and he paused to see what had them both so upset.

“Oblivion. There you are.” Mrs. Cake called out and he waited as they both came up to him.

He looked back and he could see Pinkie Pie on their heels. The pink mare bounced jovially behind them as they came to stop in front of him.

“We need your help.” Carrot Cake said to him, his tone stressed.

“What is wrong?” He asked them and he looked over his shoulder to the Elemental as it stilled behind him.

“We need you to babysit.” He quickly explained.

“Hah!” Sasa barked a laugh in his mind.

“We have a large order that we have to fill and we lost track of time with the twins and we could use a babysitter.” Mrs. Cake explained further.

“And you came to me?” He replied.

Sasa snorted and dropped her bucket of apples and sat down to laugh. [i]“Oh by my claws! Can you imagine?! You? Babysitting?!” She howled as she laid down and draped a paw over her snout as she broke out in laughter.

Oblivion ignored the laughing feline and he looked at them as he shook his head. “I am currently working and am not able to…” He paused as Applejack loped up to him.

The orange mare pulled his mane till his ear was close to her mouth. “Ya can go ahead and help them. We can handle the caterpillars. Well, we can if ya can give yer new pet the ability to take orders from us.”

Oblivion looked at the Elemental and his mind went over what he knew of them and he shook his head. “As far as I know there is no command that would give you control of it.” He replied. “I have never heard of one accepting the orders of another other than its creator.”

“You’re not its creator.” Sasa pointed out.

“While that’s true I am not sure how to command it to listen to her without the aid of magic. Anything more complex than follow I use magic to convey.” He reasoned back to the feline.

He looked up as Mr. and Mrs. Cake looked nervously at him as he sighed and looked at the Elemental. His horn lit as he tried to convey a new command to the Elemental through his magic. The Witcher was quiet as his magic faded and he looked at Applejack.

“Try it.” He said to her.

“Umm. Follow me?” She asked it and the Elemental remained still.

Oblivion shook his head and the orange mare shrugged. “Worth a shot.” She admitted. “Ya can still go ahead and help 'em.”

“I have no experience with infants.” He admitted.

Applejack stared at him for several seconds before she looked at the pair of nervous ponies as Pinkie bounced happily behind them. “Why don’t ya work with Pinkie and take care o’ ‘em with her?”

He looked at them and then to the farm mare. “I don’t mean to sound cruel toward Pinkie but I think they are trying to find anypony besides her to watch them.”

Applejack blinked and then looked at them and the pink mare. “Ya might be on ta somthin’ there.”

Sasa purred beside them and they looked at her as she walked over to the foals and put her nose close to Pumpkin Cake. The foal reached out and tugged the feline’s long whiskers. Sasa pulled back and snorted as the foal cooed.

“Never mind. I was going to say that they can’t be that different from cubs but I may be mistaken.” She said to him and joined him.

Oblivion sighed and looked at them and nodded in defeat. He knew that he was going to end up helping them so he figured fighting it was simply wasting their time and his. The parents looked thrilled as he closed his eyes and bit back another sigh. Sasa rumbled a laugh as he accepted his place and waited for any instructions from them.

“We will meet you back at Sugarcube Corner and we can go over the list and other things before we leave.” Mr. Cake said to him and the Witcher nodded in reply.

Pinkie looked defeated as they turned and trotted back the way they had come. Oblivion could see that her spirit had taken a bit of a hit and he closed his eyes for several seconds before he addresses the mare. “Pinkie. Since I am now watching over a pair of foals I am appointing you as my assistant for the night.”

Her eyes went wide as he spoke and Applejack chuckled as the mare bounced into the air as she laughed. “This will be so fun Oblivion. We can play with them all night, or until its bedtime, and we can have the most fun ever.”

Oblivion had to admit he knew very little about infants and even less about how they were treated but even he knew that babies needed to sleep just as much as they needed to play. The babies would need to rest and be fed in equal measure and he was suddenly regretting his choice to include her.

“Please remember that you are helping me with them and not the other way around.” He reminded her as she stopped bouncing to listen. “Infants require more than simple play.”

“I know. But they love playing with me. So this will be great.” She said as she turned and motioned for him to follow her.

“Gods below.” He cursed under his breath as he fell in behind the mare.

“Chosen. What about the Elemental?”

He looked back and his horn lit as he gave the Elemental the command to return to the barn and wait for him to return. His horn stayed alight as he teleported to land in front of Sugarcube Corner and summoned Sasa as he knocked on the front door. It was thrown open and Pinkie reached out to pull him inside. He looked back at the front door and then to her as he tried to think of how she had gotten there before him.

“Just let it go. Sweep it under the same rug as you do with her normal antics and you’ll end up with less of a headache.” Sasa advised.

He shook his head and looked at the parents as the foals sat on the floor between them. Mrs. Cake looked up as he walked up to the counter and they both looked relieved to see him.

“You asked Pinkie to help you?” She questioned.

Oblivion nodded as Sasa came to stand with him. “She lives here and is more likely to know where things I may need are located.” He explained. He chose to omit that he could see how disappointed she had been when he had agreed.

Both of them seemed to accept what he said and Mr. Cake vanished into the back as he began to gather what they needed for the delivery. Pinkie was bouncing around the room as the twins laughed and giggled at her antics. Sasa walked over to join her and Oblivion could see the wide eyes of the foals as they stared at her.

“Now, here is a list of things that they may need and how to get in touch with us if anything happens and you need us.” She said and held out a list to him.

His magic gripped the scroll and it unfurled in his magic to lay across the floor. He stared at it for a second before he looked at the nervous mare and nodded. “Understood. If I need anything I will consult your list.”

He could see the nervousness that went through her as she looked from him to her foals and then back to him. “Have you ever babysat before?”

“No.” He replied easily.

Her eyes went wide and she stared at him. “Never?”


“Nicely done Chosen. Now she’s even more worried.” Sasa chastised him from her place with the foals.

“I will make sure that they are in the same condition as when you leave. If I have need of anything I will reach out to you but I doubt we will have much to worry about. Between the two of us, we should be fine.” He said to them with a glance at the pink mare behind them.

“If you’re sure.” She replied.

“It will be fine.” He said to her.

Mr. Cake came out of the back and began to usher her forward. Oblivion rolled up the scroll and his magic set it on the counter. Oblivion said nothing as they both looked back at the foals and then hurried out the door. He looked back as the foals saw their parents leave them behind. The Witcher watched as their faces began to screw up in a sour expression and he had a moment of regret before they both began to cry.

“Oh no.” Sasa said to him. “Do something.”

“Such as?” He replied to her.

“Pick them up?”

“And do what with them?”

“Sometimes just walking them around helps?”

He raised an eyebrow at the feline as Pinkie looked at him and he sighed at her. “You pick up the filly and I will handle him.” He said to her as his magic picked up the colt.

Pinkie looked at him as they kept crying and he watched as she set the filly against her body and held her close. He mimicked her and began to walk around the room with the colt huddled against his fur. The foals crying began to quiet as he moved and Pinkie was soon on his heels as he circled the front end of the home.

“Now what?” She asked him as he moved.

“I have no idea.” He admitted.

“What's that list say?” Sasa asked him.

His magic gripped the list and it unfurled once more. His eyes scanned the document as he walked and he was soon reading through a list of what-ifs a mile long. The foal began to chew on his mane and he flipped his head to get his mane out of his mouth. Pinkie giggled as the filly chewed on her mane and she pulled it away as well.

“I have a way to make them laugh.” She called out to him.

“Oh?” He replied and looked over his shoulder at her.

“This way.” She said and led him off to the side and he looked around as she set the filly at a small table and he set the colt with her.

“When in the Gods name did you set this up?” He asked her and she shrugged and picked up a broom to talk into.

He stared blankly as the foals watched her as she tried to make jokes on a makeshift stage. Sasa sat down with them and he saw her head tilt to the side as she stared. He stared as she began to bounce around the room on her tail when the jokes failed to make the foals laugh. Oblivion moved off to the side to stay out of the way and he kept an eye on the foals to make sure they did not move from where they had been placed. He cringed as Pinkie suddenly tripped over her own tail and she rolled toward him and he moved out of the way as she struck the cupboard behind him. He looked down at her as something hit him in the back. He looked back as flour-covered his back and flanks. Pinkie was covered from head to tail in the white powder.

“You must be kidding.” He nearly broke out cursing as the sound of laughing caught his ear.

The foals were laughing as Sasa chuckled at the sight of both of them. He sighed and looked back at the mare with him as she looked up at him.

“Oops. But it worked. They’re not sad anymore.” She said to him, justifying the end result.

Oblivion said nothing as his horn lit and covered them both, removing the flour. “I fail to see the entertainment in that.”

“It was kind of funny though.” She giggled as she got to her hooves.

“I will assume your right and now we need to feed them.” He replied as he saw the clock on the wall.

“Okay dokey. That should be easy enough.” She said as she picked up Pumpkin Cake and his magic picked up Pound Cake.

“Here are their high chairs,” Pinkie called as he followed behind her into the kitchen.

He set the colt in the chair and Pinkie got into the fridge while he stayed close by them. He watched as she set the bowls on the high chair trays and they both watched as the foals stared at them in reply.

“Oh geez.” Sasa said to him and she walked to sit in front of the foals. “Here’s what you need to do. Find a spoon."

Oblivions magic reached out to the kitchen around him and he found a spoon within one of the drawers. “Now what?”

“Pick up a little of the food in the spoon and give it to him gently. Let him clean the spoon and then repeat.”

Oblivion did as the feline instructed and his magic levitated the spoon up to the foal’s mouth and he leaned slightly forward and ate what was on the spoon. Pinkie stared at him for several seconds before she went for a spoon and mimicked what he did.

“How did you do that?” She questioned.

He looked at her for a second as his magic gripped the spoon and repeated what Sasa had told him to do. “I had a little help.” He admitted and tilted his horn toward the grinning feline.

“Oh, such a smart kitty.” Pinkie said as she patted Sasa’s nose.

“I remember a few things from pony’s talking about their kids. I have never been around them personally but it makes sense that they can’t eat like a normal pony and would need some kind of help.” She explained. “A spoon made the most sense considering that they are eating mush.”

After several minutes of them feeding them they foals seemed done and Oblivion set the spoon in the half-empty bowl and turned to look for a washcloth to clean the foal's faces as Pinkie began to talk to them. He looked back as Pumpkin tried to eat the table cloth and Pinkie took it away from her. The foal looked upset as Pound Cake raised his hooves and pushed them down onto the edge of the bowl. It arced into the air and flipped back and landed on him. Pumpkin stared at her brother in surprise and began to cry. Oblivion reached back and pulled the bowl off the foal's head as he started to cry. The Witcher looked up at the ceiling for a second to silently curse while Pinkie and Sasa tried to soothe the foals.

“I know.” Pinkie called out and raced for the back of the kitchen.

“What are you doing?” He asked her as he started to clean the foals off to the best of his ability with a washcloth.

“Hold still.” She said to him and pushed her body up against his as she threw a bag into the air.

It landed heavily against his head and it burst open to reveal a cascade of flour that fell across both of them. Oblivions' eyes closed as he fought against the desire to curse at the pink mare. He opened his eyes to see her giggling nervously at him as the foals laughed.

“Oh…Oh my Chosen.” Sasa giggled as he snorted sending a small cloud of flour away from his nose. “You look like a pinto.”

“Do not do that again.” He said to the mare as she got to her hooves.

“It worked though. Their happy.” Pinkie argued.

“And we are covered in flour…again.” He informed her as he got to his hooves and his horn lit to get rid of the flour once more.

Pinkie shrugged and he managed not to sigh in exasperation with her as he picked up both foals and turned to her with them hovering in his magic. “Where is the bathroom since it’s time for their bath?”

“Oh, this way.” She quickly answered and he followed on her heels.

Oblivion watched as the foals played in his magic as he moved them through the air gently as Pinkie filled the tub with water. She looked back at him and he set them slowly into the warm water. Sasa sat down beside the tub and he sat down beside it as well. Pinkie began to blow bubbles above them and they began to giggle and he sighed in relief until the bubbles popped and both foals began to cry once more.

“Oblivion, make some bubbles that can’t pop.” Pinkie said to him.

His horn lit up and azure fire bubbles began to float around the foals. They stared happily and began to bat at the flames. Pinkie sighed with relief as she began to wash their manes free of food and dirt. Sasa reached out and nosed one of the bubbles toward the foals and they lunged for it, splashing water onto the cat’s nose. She yowled and back up, knocking Pinkie half into the tub. Oblivions magic gripped the mare and he pulled her out of the water. The foals looked startled and began to cry in repose. Oblivion sighed and the bubbles that had entertained them vanished as Pinkie walked out of the room.

“Sorry Chosen.” Sasa apologized.

“It happens.” He replied and his magic began to wash the soap off of the foals and they were slowly quieting as Pinkie came back into the room.

Oblivion looked over his shoulder to see her carrying a bag of flour. His eyes went wide as she looked at him. “No.” He said to her and she looked helplessly back at him. “No. Pinkie they are fine. They're quieting down. Flour is not needed.”

Sasa backed up away from him and Pinkie tossed the flour into the air and his magic lashed out to catch it before it burst open. She looked up as his magic glowed brightly, holding the bag of flour in the air above them.

“I told you no.” He said to her as she reached up and smacked the bag of flour with her hoof.

Behind him the babies sniveled and whimpered as the flour cascaded down from the bag. His magic held the bag as it had broken open when Pinkie hit it. It covered him and the mare with him. He looked at Pinkie, his expression blank as it coagulated on her fur due to her fur being wet. Sasa looked at him as the foals howled with laughter and Pinkie smiled.

“They love it.” She said to him as his magic gripped the flour bag above them.

“Do that again and you’re fired.” He said to her, his tone serious.

The mare looked stricken as his magic cleaned them both off and he turned back to the foals and finished their bath.

Oblivion was standing outside the foal’s room as Pinkie played with them while he went over the list once more. His head came up as a smell caught this nose.

“Oh dear Gods.” He said as Pinkie came out of the room to look at him, her hoof over her nose.

“I think they need to be changed.” She said to him, her voice nasally.

“I can smell that.” He agreed and the list vanished into his magic as he walked back into the room.

Sasa was laying on the ground his her paws over her snout as the foals played with their toys. “They need to be changed desperately, Chosen.”

He simply nodded to the feline and his magic picked up both foals and set them on the nearby changing table. Pinkie came up next to him and held out a pair of diapers. His magic held them aloft and he removed the soiled diapers and cleaned them both and replaced new diapers on them. Pinkie took the soiled diapers and threw them out as she tried not to gag. The foals giggled as his magic held them aloft and set them back on the ground to play for a bit longer. Pinkie went back to play with them before they set them to bed and Oblivion looked over his shoulder as they played.

Sasa leaned up against his hind leg as she sighed. “Well, it went pretty well for the most part.” She said to him and he looked back at her. “Aside from the flour incidents.”

The black Unicorn was quiet as he sighed and his horn lit as he summoned the list from his magic and went over the last few items before he turned back to Pinkie Pie. “Okay time for them to go to bed, Pinkie.”

Pinkie looked back at him and her face morphed into one of sadness as the infants both yawned. “Are you sure that they need to go to bed?”

“Positive.” He replied.

She looked disappointed as his magic picked up both foals and set them into their crib. The foals babbled as they were put under their blanket and Pinkie nuzzled them as they both yawned once more. Oblivions magic faded as the foals closed their eyes. He picked up a reluctant Pinkie in his magic and carried her out of the room and closed it gently behind them. He set Pinkie onto her hooves and he began to walk down the hall toward the stairs.

“Are you sure they will be fine?” Sasa asked him.

“They will be fine.” He assured her.

“Are you sure?” Pinkie asked as she pushed open the door to check.

“Pinkie…” He grumbled and turned back to her as a shadow left the room.

His orange eyes caught sight of Pound Cake and his magic lashed pout and captured the foal as he squealed. “I think not, little one.” He said and walked back toward the bedroom with the foal in his magic.

He set the foal against his shoulder as he had done before and went back into the room to find his sister chewing happily on a rubber chicken. Oblivion fought back a slight tilt of his head and looked at the filly as his magic gently removed the chicken from her mouth. He set the chicken back in their toy box and set the colt back in his crib. Oblivion said nothing to them as he turned to leave once more. He stopped as the sound of buzzing caught his ears and he looked back as Pound Cake took flight once more. His expression went completely blank as his magic lashed out and captured the colt once more.

“I think they want to play more.” Pinkie said with a giggle.

“While that might be true it is now past their bedtime.” He replied.

He set the foal back into the crib and his magic created a small dome over the top of the crib that would not allow either of them to escape from it. He looked over as the filly’s horn lit and a toy appeared in the crib for her to chew on. Pinkie giggled behind him as he stared at the foal. His horn removed the dome over the crib as he went back to the crib and stood his head over them. Both foals looked up and he reached into the crib to remove the toy. His claws pulled the toy carefully from the foal’s mouth and he tossed it back into the toy chest.

“We are done.” He said to himself and then his horn lit as the dome went back over the crib and the filly got a mischievous look in her eye as her horn lit and she was surprised when nothing happened.

“What did you do?” Pinkie asked him as she came back over to him.

“Magical disruption.” He quipped.


“Her magic will not work inside of the crib. If she is outside of it then it will work but not inside it.” He explained as he turned to leave the room.

Sasa chuckled as the foals began to whimper. Pinkie looked nervous as the black Unicorn walked to the door and turned to wait for her to join him.

“She can’t have a toy?” She asked.

“If she wants her to choke on it.” Sasa quipped.

“It’s a choking hazard.” He supplied.

“Oh.” The pink mare turned to the foals and shrugged as she leaned over the dome and kissed them both good night again.

Oblivion pushed open the door as she turned to join him. The mare walked out of the room and Oblivion turned off the light for the final time. He would remove the dome once their parents returned home. Sasa padded quietly behind them as they walked down the stairs and into the front of the home. Oblivion looked around the room and he could see that it was a bit messy from the repeated flour incidents.

“We should probably clean up before they come back and see a disaster.” He informed the pink mare and she nodded in agreement.

His ears flicked as the front door opened and Mr. and Mrs. Cake walked inside, their expression uncertain. Their eyes went wide at the sight of the clean lower level and they looked at the two pony’s calmly drinking coffee and juice at the table. Oblivion downed his coffee and his horn lit for a second as he removed the dome over the crib. Both ponies stared and their faces slowly pulled up into a smile as Oblivion led them up the stairs to the foal’s room. They pushed open the door he looked over their heads to see both foals sleeping peacefully in their crib. A feeling of relief went over him for a second before they both looked happily at him as he moved to walk back down the hallway.

“Thank you so much Oblivion.” Mrs. Cake said to him quietly as they walked down the stairs.

“It was fine.” He assured her.

“They were no trouble?”

“They are infants. Trouble is part of their job but they were easily managed.” He replied.

Mr. Cake chuckled and nodded in agreement. “That’s true. I’m glad to see the two of you did so well with them. We weren’t sure how it would do since neither of you has any experience with babysitting.”

“We did fine. Between the three of us, it was handled.” They tilted their head at the number and he pointed a hoof at Sasa who gave a toothy smile in reply.

“We had almost forgotten you Sasa.” Mrs. Cake admitted. “Thank you so much both of you. If we ever need help again we know where to look.”

Oblivion bit back a quick disagreement but held it in. Sasa chuckled through their connection and he looked at her for a second as she shook her head. “Maybe not Chosen?”

“Or not.” He replied to her.

“Had your fill of babysitting?”

“Enough for a lifetime.” He agreed.

85: Ideas and Updates

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Oblivion opened his eyes and he could see Blue Blood and Soarin waiting for them as he summoned Sasa to his side. The feline looked happily to the other two stallions and she padded up to them to greet them. Oblivion joined her and each of them hoof bumped in greeting.

“How are you doing Soarin?” She asked.

“I’m doing better. Blue has been asking for my help in the castle to get me away from the Wonderbolts so it has been easier lately to handle being around them when I know he’s got my back.” Soarin said to her and he smiled as he spoke to her.

“Well done Blue Blood.” She praised and nuzzled the Prince.

Blue scuffed a hoof on the ground and looked at the pair of them. “It won’t work forever. I’m still going through the records and contracts looking for an out that does not involve ruining his chances for outside employment. So far I have come up empty.”

“Give it time,” Oblivion commented as the group of them moved out of the menagerie. “How have you been doing otherwise?”

“Its…I’m not sure how to describe it,” Soarin admitted. “It’s been odd lately though. It’s as if everypony is on edge or something like that. But for the most part, it’s the same as usual. Perform, train, perform, train, rinse repeat.”

They reached Joes minutes later and all of them filed inside and took their usual space. Sasa sat down beside the table and her aqua eyes fell on the Black Unicorn.

“How is he holding up Chosen?”

“It has not gotten worse but it has not improved since last we saw him either.” He replied as he looked at the Pegasus.

Joe greeted each of them by name and vanished into the back of the shop as he gathered their orders. Soarin sat across from the Black Unicorn and Blue took up the place in the center. Sasa purred loudly from her place as Joe brought out their drinks.

“Here ya go boys,” Joe said to them as he set the coffee in front of each of them.

The brown Unicorn walked away from them and Oblivion sipped his coffee as the group settled into their places.

“How is the search for a loophole going Blue?” Sasa asked.

Blue shook his head and his feature fell slightly. “It’s been a process. I have to wade through the document requests and wait for them to release them to me. So far I have gotten ahold of his contract and am cross-referencing it with others that I have. It’s a…very long process. But I will find a way.”

Soarin looked apologetic and he leaned his head into his hooves for several seconds. “I help when I can and answer any questions he has but I don’t think I’m much help, to be honest.”

“You are. I misunderstood several things and you explained to them to me so you have been quite helpful. Otherwise, I would have been chasing my tail several times. Oblivion can support you from the spirit level and I will tend to the paperwork side of it.” Blue assured him.

Soarin looked at the table before he gave a small smile and nodded at the Prince. “Thank you again.”

Blue waved a hoof at the Pegasus as Joe brought out their food and set it in front of each of them. The Unicorn left them to their conversation and retreated behind the counter and his kitchen. Oblivions magic picked up one of his donuts and it twirled in his magic for several seconds as he thought over ways to get around the issues they were finding with Soarin’s status. He looked at the Pegasus for a second as an idea came to him.

“I have a question.” He voiced suddenly and both stallions looked back at him as he leaned back into the booth. “Is there a clause or a section of the contract that says what his status is?”

Blue and Soarin looked at each other and then back to the Black Unicorn. “What do you mean?” Soarin asked in reply.

Oblivion set his donut down and considered how to explain what he was thinking. “I have a group of guards that are assigned to me for any contracts that I take. They are at my disposal at any time that I have need of them. Is there anything in your contract that says where you are placed at all times?”

Blue looked uncertain for several seconds before his eyes widened as he understood what the Witcher was talking about. “Oh, you clever Unicorn you.”

Soarin looked at both of them for several seconds before he looked at Oblivion. “I have heard of them through the grapevine.”

“How?” Blue asked as he looked at Soarin. “They are two very separate groups and the branches don’t really talk to each other in terms of teams.”

“I heard about it when Spitfire and the others mentioned it. They were pretty angry about it.”

“Why? It has nothing to do with them.” Oblivion replied.

“That’s the thing,” Soarin said as he drank his coffee. “The Wonderbolts are considered the front line of the military and instead of the Wonderbolts being brought in a group of random guards were given the position,” Soarin explained.

“Oh. So the upper-tier Wonderbolts got their feathers ruffled about being ignored?” Blue added as he bit into his food.

“Exactly,” Soarin replied.

Oblivion managed not to roll his eyes as a small sigh escaped him. “There was not really any forethought about it. I did not choose them personally, I believe each of them volunteered.”

“That might be true but it still sent an ugly wave through the upper level of the Wonderbolts,” Soarin commented as he chewed the last of one of his donuts. “We were cut out of the loop and the group you now command was made without consulting us.”

Oblivion looked up at the ceiling as Sasa chuckled and rubbed her forehead against Soarin’s foreleg. Blue chuckled and he looked at Soarin as a smile went over his mouth.

“They earned their place at his command. They earned the placement when they needed to be trained by him and according to what I heard the training would have been enough to bury a group of them. I’m not sure the Wonderbolts would have been able to withstand it.”

Soarin looked offended for a second before he shrugged and leaned back in his seat. Oblivion nodded in agreement with the Prices assessment and he sipped his coffee before he spoke.

“I trained them out of necessity. Originally they were there to simply tend to camp and do small tasks that I needed. The situation changed and they were molded into what they are now.” Oblivion explained.

Soarin shrugged and looked at them. “I know. But that does not change that the upper Wonderbolts were pretty pissed about them.”

“What was the point of your question, Oblivion? We got sidetracked.” Blue asked suddenly. “If I recall you were wondering about where he is stationed?” Blue said with a mischievous look in his eyes.

“I am wondering if we can have a Wonderbolt assigned to my group. It would assuage any issues with them as well as allow me to call on him as well.” Oblivion pointed out.

Soarin stared at him and Sasa purred as he finished speaking. “Very clever Chosen.” She praised and nudged his leg.

“While the monsters have not made an appearance since the last one was removed. I should still be able to call on him if I find evidence of one and that will pull you away from them. I have complete control of my team and can call on them whenever I choose. Your leaders would have to agree that I have command of you if the need arises.” Oblivion informed him.

Soarin stared at him as he spoke and he nodded quietly. “That would actually work really well I think. It would go a long way to silence the upper echelons and appease any anger. So you can call on them no matter the situation and the Princesses are okay with that?”

“They created the group that I command. It was chosen without my knowledge that I would have full command of them at any time.”

“How is that possible? The only way I can think of is if you were given a rank and file in the military and was able to use that to command them.” Soarin looked at him as Oblivion nodded. “You actually have a rank?”

“I was given the title of Captain and everything that comes with it, it is equal to Shining Armor.” Oblivion supplied.

Soarin’s eyes went wide as he stared at the Unicorn. “Did you ask for it?”

“No. I was not aware of it until later. It was given to me after I met Shining Armor and he and Luna agreed with the title and I was informed of it later.”

“Wow. I can think of a few Wonderbolts who would be furious with that. Normally one has to be in the military for quite a while to get that high in the chain of command. And all you had to do was beat a monster?”

“I beat Luna in combat first.”

Soarin stared and his mouth slowly opened and then closed as he processed what he had been told. “How in the hell did you beat her?”

“She asked me to spar with her and I ran her ragged in combat.”

“Oh. Okay, that makes sense.”

“I will speak with Luna and Celestia about it and I will let you know when I have any news for you.”

“I appreciate it,” Soarin said to him.

His hooves collided with the post that he was moving into place and Mac chuckled as the black Unicorn turned to look at the offending post.

“It still not in place?” Mac asked as he sat down.

“It’s off-center and it refuses to stay in place. I have braced it several times and it still falls.” Oblivion explained. “They need to be in place or the fence ends up out of place, correct?”

“Eeyup,” Mac replied and got to his hooves to help. “Not usin’ magic on it?”

“I am trying not to. If I cannot accomplish it with hooves alone then I will fall back on magic but not until then. Plus AJ asked me to avoid magic if possible so I am doing as I was asked.”

“Ah get it.”

Mac gripped the wire that was sitting off to the side and he waited as Oblivion moved the post into place and he strung the wire in place. Sasa stood up from her place on the ground and held out the hammer as his claws reached out and took it from her. His claws held tightly as he hammered the nails in place and Mac pulled the wire tight and he locked it in place. Both stallions backed up and oblivion snorted as the post tilted.

“Gods below.” Oblivion cursed.

“How many times ya put it together?”

“I prefer not to mention it,” Oblivion replied. “To hells with it.”

His horn lit up and the azure flame covered the post and the ones with it. He levitated each post and the wire pulled tightly as he placed each on into its post hole and drove them into the soil. Mac watched as the fence was made in seconds and he watched the Unicorn as the flames faded.

“Done.” He said with finality in his voice.

“Ah see that. Ah, won’t mention to AJ how ya used magic for all of it.”

Oblivion clenched his jaw and he looked sideways at the red pony. “At this point, I do not care if she finds out.”

Mac barked a loud laugh as he clapped the Unicorn on the shoulder. Sasa chuckled through their connection and she leaned against his hip for several seconds as his horn flashed and a scroll dropped into his magic. His magic unraveled it and he scanned the contents and his brow furrowed in response.

“Is AJ missing still?”

“Yeah. Said something about sending money soon but nothing about when she would be coming back.” Mac replied with a sniffle.

“Got it. Twilight says they found her but are having issues with her. I’ll see what I can do.”

His horn flared as he called out to the World Spirit to locate the exact location of the other Element bearers and his horn flashed with his azure magic as he teleported himself.

His eyes opened to find a small home in front of him and he saw the girls as they smiled at him as he summoned Sasa. The feline purred at the sight of the other Bearers and she trotted up to nuzzle Twilight. He walked over to join them and he looked around to find that Applejack was not with them.

“Did I misunderstand something in your letter about your finding her?” He questioned.

“No, we did find her,” Twilight assured him. “We were supposed to meet with her this morning and she would explain why she was not going back to Ponyville. But when we checked this morning she had vanished.”


“Yep.” The purple mare replied and she looked from him to the others and then her eyes fell on him once more.

“Gods.” He shook his head and began to look around them.

“Can you find her?” Fluttershy asked, her voice quiet.

He nodded and he reached out to the World Spirit and he asked it to guide his eyes as he searched for the missing mare. He found her and the World Spirit receded and he spun to lead them. They fell on his heels as he broke into a lope and his hooves carried him easily in the direction of the mare’s spirit. A minute passed and he could see her easily and Sasa broke away from them and moved to reach the mare first. A train station loomed ahead of him and he slowed as Sasa neared the mare.

“She looks terrified to see us.” Sasa related to him.


“There she goes.” Sasa called back to him as the mare jumped for the ground.

He watched as she jumped into a stagecoach and it took off into the desert. His horn lit as he readied himself to summon it back to them. He paused as he realized that there were four more ponies’ attached to that coach and he was not sure about teleporting more than one pony.

“We need a coach,” Twilight shouted as they reached the train depot.

His horn lit once more and he made a basic coach for them. They jumped into it and rainbow and Fluttershy took to the traces and he jumped into the wagon with them as it took off in pursuit. He scanned the grounds in front of them and he looked at Fluttershy as she gasped and he looked ahead to find a rabbit in the way. His magic gripped the animal and he levitated it above them as they raced under it and he set it back down in place.

“Why in the God's name are we chasing her?” He asked twilight as they mare looked at him.

“Well, she refuses to come back and won’t tell us why. We asked her and she said she’d tell us and now she’s running away again.” Twilight explained.

He looked ahead and a growl escaped him as his horn lit and he levitated the stagecoach. His ears flicked as the stallions whinnied in surprise and they pulled up next to it. They stopped and he jumped out of the wagon as his magic faded and he glared as the mare made to jump and run once more.

“Do you really think I will be unable to catch you if you try to run again?” He deadpanned to her and she paused as she moved to jump and looked at him. “That’s what I thought. Now, what is going on?”

“It’s none o’ yer business.” She growled at him.

Oblivions horn lit and he picked her up off the coach and he moved her to the ground in front of them. “Since I am technically a family member that makes it my business.” He snorted back to her.

She stared and her eyes looked away from him and to the ground. She moved to get away from him and he reached out to grip her as his claws closed on the strap of her saddlebags. He planted his hooves and the strap ripped and was thrown off of her body and the contents were strewn across the ground. Oblivion dropped the strap and he scanned the ribbons that had been strewn across the ground as the mares all came up and surrounded the pair of them. He had needed to have the ribbon system explained to him by Mac and now he looked at them and a sigh pulled from him.

“Is this why you’re refusing to come back?” He said and his hoof pointed to the ribbons.

She nodded and he shook his head and his expression softened slightly as he reached forward to pull her head up to look at them. Twilight looked at him for several seconds before she looked at the ashamed mare.

“Am I missing something?” She asked the stallion.

“None of those are blue.” He informed her and the purple Unicorn looked at the ribbons and understanding went through her eyes.

“He’s right. Ah didn’t win.” AJ said, her face miserable as she spoke.

“I thought you were going to send back the money?” Rainbow asked her as she hovered.

“I was going to. That’s why Ah was workin’ for Miss Cherry Jubilee. Ah was gonna earn the money and send it home.” She explained.

Twilight gave a small laugh and she stepped over the ribbons and hugged the mare. “They don’t matter. It doesn’t matter that you didn’t win.” She said as she let go of the surprised mare.

“Do you truly think that it matters to everypony if you won any money or not? Is that all that matters?” Oblivion asked her.

Applejack shook her head after a delay of several seconds. “Ah guess yer right. It doesn’t matter. Ah’m worried about facin’ all the ponies back home.”

“It will be fine. They will be happy to see you home safe and it doesn’t matter that the ribbons aren’t blue ones. We are your friends and we don’t care if you win or lose.” Twilight said to her and the others joined her as they surrounded the mare.

Oblivion sighed and he looked at the stallions as they stared at him, their expressions uncertain and the black Unicorn shrugged and they looked at each other and chuckled.

“That was what she was scared of?” Sasa asked as she sat down next to him.


86: Compete for a Place

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Oblivion was quiet as he watched Luna raise the moon. He could sense the magic that pulsed through her as his medallion trembled on its chain. He had joined the mare after sending her a letter with his question about his team. She had replied for him to join her for the evening and join her for coffee. He had chosen to leave Sasa with AJ and the others while he spoke with Luna. The feline had agreed to stay since he would be able to tell her what was going on and inform them.

“What can we do for you, Oblivion Shadow?” Luna spoke up as she turned around.

Her horn lit as a small table appeared in between them and a coffee pot and a teapot appeared. His horn lit in reply and poured both of the offered liquids into the offered cups. Luna looked at him as he lifted his coffee cup and sipped it. He set the cup down and leaned back on his haunches as he looked at her.

“When you wielded the Elements of Harmony which of you commanded Spirit?” He asked her.

She was quiet for several seconds before she considered her reply. “In truth, we do not recall. It did not answer either of us alone. We are not sure what we can tell you.”

“I was simply curious.” He replied. “What do you know about it?”

“We know that with its power we are able to use the Elements of Harmony and unleash their full power. Without Spirit, they are not capable of acting out.”

“Were you able to see anything through it?”

Luna was quiet as she shook her head. “No. Our sister was able to see more of it when we were using them. What can thou see?”

“I am able to see the spirits of those around me. I can gauge the power of them and if they need me to act to help them or not.” He explained and she nodded as she listened.

“Thou did that with Blue Blood if we recall correctly.”

“That’s correct. His spirit was being broken down by a monster that is called a Hym. It latches onto those that feel grief or sorrow and feeds on those emotions and slowly makes them worse. He was being broken down by the Hym and I was able to buffer him further and eventually cleanse him completely of the Hym.”

“So it was a monster that was harming our nephew?” Luna asked.

“Yes. He is now cleared of it and it no longer holds anything over him as it has been destroyed.”

“Thou killed it?”

“I did.”

“Thank Equestria.” She whispered and sipped her tea. “Have thou found others that have need of you?”

“Yes. That is what I am here to discuss with you. One of the Wonderbolts is being broken down in a similar fashion as Blue Blood was. I saw him first at the Young Flyers Competition and then again in Canterlot. I am now watching over him while we work on how to help him further.”

“What does he need?” She asked, her tone intent.

“He is being broken down by the Wonderbolts and their practices of performance before ponies. It is breaking his spirit and I am working with Blue Blood to find a way to allow him to retire early. In the meantime, I have an idea for how to pull him from them when I am in need.”

She looked intently and listened closely as he spoke. “We will help as well. We do not know the Wonderbolts since they are not a part of our troops.”

“I have been told that the Wonderbolts were quite incensed by the formation of my team.” She rolled her eyes and nodded. “I can tell that you have heard their views as well.”

“We have. Our sister is frustrated by their requests for it to be disbanded.”


“Yes. They claim that it is…We need our sister here as well.” She said and got to her hooves. “She should still be awake for another hour. Please wait for us to return.”

Oblivion gave a slight nod as the mare vanished in flash of magic. “Interesting.” He whispered as minutes ticked past him.

A flash of gold went out as Luna and Celestia appeared in a flash of magic. He gave a slight bow of his head in greeting to the elder Alicorn. She sat down and a teacup appeared in front of her and he filled it with the warm liquid.

“I have been told you are asking about the Wonderbolts?” Celestia said to him and he nodded. “Luna mentioned that you are working with one of them to help him with his spirit?”


Celestia sighed and looked back at him. “She mentioned that she was telling you about how the Wonderbolts have been asking for your team to be disbanded.”

“She mentioned it but didn’t seem to have as much information about it and asked you here.” He replied and Luna nodded.

Celestia gave another deep sigh and shook her head. “May I be frank with you Witcher?” Oblivion nodded and she sipped her tea before she spoke. “Your team has become a point of deep contention within the ranks. Shining Armor has spoken of the training and other skills that your team has been taught. I agree that they are to stay within your command but the Wonderbolts have now lodged a protest as well. They say that the team is not within the military structure and therefore they are not to be tolerated.”

“So they are upset that they know more than the Wonderbolts do about combat? If I understood that right?” Oblivion replied.

“Yes. Basically.”

“What a bunch of foolishness.” Luna said as she put her hoof on the table. “The ponies look to him for a reason. His team is trained to fight monsters, not ponies.”

“They are taught to fight both, actually.” Oblivion pointed out. “I agree that they are now outside of the system in terms of the availability that I can call on them with. They are also more capable of answering different threats that may come before them. You yourself have seen them in action during that attack on Canterlot.”

“That’s true. We were both impressed by how quickly they acted and without any hesitation. I trust that is what you taught them?” Celestia replied.

“I did, yes. They are trained to act on my command and if needed to protect outside of my commands. And that has become a point of aggravation I assume?”

“Yes. The Wonderbolts feel that the guards are not meant to be acting outside of their jobs. By training them as you did you altered their job and bypassed the usual channels of ascension for new teams.” Celestia explained.

Oblivion shook his head and sipped his coffee. “I have a way to possibly assuage any further issues.” Both Alicorn’s looked intently at him as he went on. “I suggest we bring a Wonderbolt onto my team and that way they are involved to a certain extent.”

Celestia sipped her tea and considered what he had said. “Interesting thought. I had not considered simply bypassing the channels further and stationing one of their own.” She paused at the knowing look on his face and a chuckle broke from her. “You had planned this, didn’t you?”

“In a way. I am working with one of them already and I am of the opinion that putting him to my team will solve issues that have arisen.”

“Which one?” She asked.


“I have heard little about him but I do know that he holds a high position within the organization.”

“Commander I believe, the second in command.” He supplied and she nodded.

“Is there any other reason why you are stuck on him?”

“His spirit is being broken by the Wonderbolts and their practices. He has already looked into quitting but has been advised that he would lose all benefits and his records would be seen by potential employers and it would harm his attempts to move on.” Oblivion explained. “Blue Blood and I are looking into how to help him with his job but I can further act if he is put to my team.”

Celestia looked surprised as he finished speaking. “So you will be able to call him away from what is breaking him to allow him to recover?”

“Basically. We are looking through the contracts to see if there is some way to get him out of the Wonderbolts legally.” He explained to her.

“Is that why Blue Blood has locked himself in a room with the contracts and other documents?” She asked, laughter in her tone.

“Basically.” He replied and she giggled. “Is it possible to have him placed on my team and use that to alleviate any further issues?”

“It is possible. But the problem we will run into then is that they may wish to test and send their choice to join and not the one you request.” She countered.

“Is there a way to get around that? Soarin has time served and seniority if I understood his placement correctly.”

She looked thoughtful as she leaned back on her haunches. “I suppose I could recommend him as well due to his interactions with you. Your status as a Captain equal to Shining Armor carries weight even among the Wonderbolts. They all answer to Shining Armor if the time is needed and if that comes up they must answer to you as well. Shining Armor is the Captain of the Royal Guard and he is also involved in the military sector that houses the Wonderbolts.”

“And if we got him involved as well?” Oblivion asked.

“That might go a long way to either help or impede. Shining Armor has clashed with their commanders before and it was not always to the benefit of either side. The Captain is very straight forward but he also knows when to bend a bit. The Wonderbolts do not.” She informed him and he gave a slight cringe as he nodded in understanding.

Oblivion downed the last of his coffee and clicked his claws against the porcelain cup. His mind whirled as he tried to think of a way to ensure that Soarin ended up in the right place when it came down to the end result.

“How are things chosen normally?” He asked and both mares looked at him.

“What doth thou mean?” Luna asked, her head gave a slight tilt.

“When I was challenged by one of the Lunar guards when we were hunting the Wraith I allowed him to challenge my team and see if he could accomplish what they did. He accepted the challenge and was not able to defeat them and that was the end.” He saw Luna’s eyes light up as she recalled who he was talking about.

“Are you suggesting that you allow Soarin to challenge the team?” Celestia asked him, mischief in her gaze.

Oblivion gave a slight quirk of the side of his mouth as he simply looked at her. “Perhaps.”

“That could work, could it not sister?” Luna asked.

Celestia leaned back on her haunches and a grin went slowly over her mouth. “That could work. How would you ensure that Soarin wins against them?”

“It’s easy to tell one of them to allow him to win,” Oblivion replied.

Luna barked a laugh and her eyes were wide with laughter. “Yes. We would love to see it.”

“I know that Silver or Striker could be persuaded to take a dive for him.”

“I know that the others would be asking to challenge them as well. Do you think they would be able to hold them off to allow for Soarin?” Celestia asked him, her expression falling from laughter into concern.

Oblivion looked at her for a second before he nodded. “I do not doubt that they could hold them off. If needed I can speak with Soarin about their tactics and I can school them on how to counter it.”

“Very clever.” Celestia said to him. “The Wonderbolts are not ones to take lightly though.”

“I assure you they can handle it. If not through maneuverability then they can move through force.”

“I have heard that they also fight a bit dirty,” Celestia said to him.

Oblivion said nothing and simply looked back at her and she smiled. The three of them said nothing for several seconds before Luna broke the silence and began to laugh out loud. Oblivion said nothing as she giggled and Celestia sipped her tea as a smile stayed on her muzzle.

Oblivion said nothing as a group of costumed Wonderbolts walked into the coliseum. At his hips the group of guards stood at attention, their armor shined and glinting in the sun. A mare led the Wonderbolts forward, at their lead was a mare with orange hair that stood on end. Her uniform was the standard uniform with a pair of goggles on her head. Another mare walked on her left side and her vibrant white mane stood upright on her head, her coat was a cyan blue. On her right side was Soarin and the stallion looked almost surprised as he stared at the group of them. The two Wonderbolts halted while the lead mare walked toward him. He glanced over to his guards and they remained still and at attention.

“So you’re the one that made this team of guards?” She asked.

Oblivions' ears flicked as her voice was loud and reminded him of his instructors back at Kaer Morhen. “They are mine, yes, but I did not create the team itself.”

“You trained them?”

“I did.”

“So you’re here to get a real soldier on your team? One of mine will be replacing all of them.” She said to him.

Oblivion heard a quiet snort come from behind him. His ear flicked back but he didn’t look behind him. “They have fought their share of ponies and stood against monsters as well. I will not argue with you about their qualifications.”

She looked at him and he could see the other two Wonderbolts looking between them. From behind them, he heard the sound of hooves walking over the grass of the turf. He glanced back and he could see Luna and Celestia accompanied by Shining Armor walking toward him. Both rulers were quiet as they took their place off to the side with a respectful nod to the Witcher, as he returned the gesture. Shining Armor stayed just behind him and away from the Wonderbolt Captain. He saw the look that Spitfire gave him even though it only lasted for a second or two. He had been told that Shining and the Wonderbolts did not always see eye to eye so he assumed that was the reasoning.

Oblivion said nothing as Spitfire came to stand close by him and she looked up and down at him. He watched as Soarin stepped back and let the other Wonderbolt, Fleet Foot, come forward. Oblivion stepped forward as Striker and Vantage walked forward with him. Oblivion lowered his head as they came to stand in front of him and the two guards saluted as he addressed them both.

“The object of this exercise is to keep that Wonderbolt from taking the band that will be attached to your leg. She will be working to take it from you. The difference is that there are two of you but Striker will be the one wearing the band that holds the medallion. Do you recall the Nekkers?”

Both guards shuddered and nodded. “They will not get it.” Striker swore and looked down at the band that was now around his foreleg.

“Avoid them at all costs,” Oblivion said to them.

“What about Soarin?” Vantage whispered.

“Silver and Cross will be handling him.” He replied and they nodded in understanding.

Oblivion looked up as Shining Armor came to stand a few feet away and a slight smile sat on his face. He had been briefed by Oblivion on the reasoning for allowing the Wonderbolts to fight for a place on his team. Shining stayed back as Oblivion raised his head and the two guards watched him intently. He gave a slight nod and they sprang into the air and stayed above him.

“Well least they are quick.” Spitfire shouted and Fleet Foot nodded in agreement. “Just take the band off the Pegasus guard.”

Oblivion looked up as Striker flicked his legs and huddled his forelegs against his belly and looked at Vantage. The Thestral nodded and their expressions hardened as the Wonderbolt took to the air. Shining Armor came to stand next to him and the black Unicorn gave him a hoof bump as the two guards came to fly side by side and they gave a slight bow of their heads to the Wonderbolt who sneered in reply. Striker looked down at the black Unicorn who gave him a simple order.


Striker and Vantage took off at speed. “Holy shit.” Shining Armor cursed as they flew and Luna set off a loud bell at the sign from him.

The stallions flew side by side as Fleet Foot quickly caught up to them. She flew upside down to try to grab the band on Strikers' leg. Both of them came to a halt in the air and split their forces. Striker and Vantage flew in opposite direction and Fleet Foot went after Striker.

“Why did they split?” Shining Armor asked him. “Striker has the band.”

“Does he?” Oblivion replied.

Shining Armor looked at him and then back to the guards. “What? They aren’t allowed to switch them. Are they?”

Oblivion cast a glance to the side and Shining slowly broke into a smile as he thought it over.

“Fighting dirty, aren’t they?” He chuckled.

Fleet Foot had caught up with Striker and was after his legs when Striker dropped out of the sky and plummeted toward the ground. Vantage crossed in front of him and they clapped hooves as they went by. Oblivion watched the exchange happen and a slight grin tugged at his mouth. The pair of them split once more and Fleet Foot stopped to watch them closely. Oblivion watched her as she took to the air and charged after Vantage. The Thestral veered and spun back to head toward the Wonderbolt.

“Tell me he isn’t playing chicken?” Shining asked.

Oblivion didn’t say anything as the Thestral charged through the air and Fleet Foot veered off as the Thestral refused to change his direction. He looked at Spitfire and she cringed as the Wonderbolt looked at the Thestral as he streaked past. Oblivion watched as the pair of guards whipped past each other and he saw them exchange the band once more.

“Okay who has it?” Shining asked him.

“Striker has it again.” He informed him.

“When did he get it?”

“Just now.”

“Geez. How do you follow it?”

“I have been taught to watch,” Oblivion replied and his orange eyes stayed on the pair of them.

He watched as the guards flew slightly apart as they whirled and charged toward the Wonderbolt. Fleet Foot cringed as they parted to go on either side of her. She recovered and took off after them. Spitfire was shouting at her from the ground about catching up with them and taking the band. She was embarrassing the Wonderbolts. Oblivion looked past her to see Soarin fighting back a smile. His orange eyes narrowed as he looked back to the flying ponies.

Fleet Foot got up under Striker and the Pegasus slammed on the brakes once more and dropped out of the sky like a stone. Vantage dropped down behind Fleet Foot as she took off after the Pegasus and stayed on her tail. The Wonderbolt glanced back and she stared at the Thestral for a second before she started to gain on Striker.

“V!” Striker yelled.

Oblivion watched as Striker raised one hoof and Vantage sped up, flew over her head and spun in the air to fly upside down as he soared over him and took the band from him. Shining laughed as the Thestral took off toward the ground and the Wonderbolt stopped and watched as he moved. She took off after him and the Thestral charged toward the ground.

“He needs to pull up.” Shining cried out as the Thestral refused to change his direction.

Oblivion said nothing in reply as the Thestral was barely three feet off the ground when he veered and his wings tore through the air as he flew past them. The Wonderbolt had pulled up nearly twenty feet off the ground and watched as the Thestral flew on. Striker tore past her and joined the Thestral. Oblivion watched as they passed the band back and forth, just in case the Wonderbolt was close enough to watch for who had it.

“Geez did you train them to be crazy?” Shining asked him.

“No. I simply told them why we are doing this.”

“That works.”

A loud buzzer went off and the Wonderbolt shouted as the two guards had held her off. Spitfire snarled as the two guards flew to land close by Oblivion and the other two guards. Vantage and Striker panted as they gave him back the band.

“That was harder than I thought it would be.” Vantage said through panting breaths.

“I can’t believe we held her off.” Striker replied and a smile covered his mouth.

Oblivion said nothing as Shining laughed from his place at their side. “That was amazing to watch. Are you sure I can’t convince you to train all of my guards?” Shining laughed as he punched the black Unicorn in the shoulder.

“You don’t want him to train them.” Striker panted. “They will quit.”

Shining laughed and shook his head. “Your turn guys.” He said as he looked at the other two guards.

Cross nodded, but the look of nervousness was obvious on his face as he stepped forward. “Great.” He muttered and looked at the waiting Wonderbolt.

Oblivion trained his ears forward as Spitfire yelled at Soarin about the pride of the Wonderbolts, as he nodded numbly. Shining grimaced and his jaw clenched as he listened as well. Oblivions magic gripped the band and he watched as Soarin walked away from the still yelling mare. He watched as the stallion waited for the two guards to come toward him and take their places. Cross looked at Silver and the pair of them nodded as Silver put the band on his leg.

“Sir. We got this.” Silver said as the pair of them saluted and whirled on their heels as Oblivion nodded.

Shining looked at the pair of them as they walked toward the waiting Wonderbolt. Oblivion watched as Soarin looked past them and to the Witcher. Oblivion gave him a slight nod and the Wonderbolt pushed himself into the air. Oblivion had spent the last few days telling the Wonderbolt how this exchange would work and he knew the Pegasus was well informed. The guards were well informed about Soarin’s strengths and they both knew to play slightly dirty to ensure that his victory appeared genuine. The Witcher glanced at the two Royals who were watching intently.

Shining stood quietly next to him as he motioned for the two guards to take their places. They sprang into the air and joined the Wonderbolt. Each of them hoof bumped the other and he saw Soarin try to give them a smile in return. Luna set off the bell and the group broke apart. Soarin flipped backward and tore through the air, heading for Silver, who wore the band. The Pegasus guard dove for the ground with Cross on his heels. Cross blocked the Wonderbolt as he tried to move forward to reach Silver. Cross kept an eye on Soarin and tapped Silvers flanks to ensure he knew where he was.

“That’s pretty clever actually.” Shining mused.

“Cross is blind and deaf on one side so we are using that to our advantage. Soarin is not strongest in terms of pinpoint maneuvers. But in terms of speed, he is in the upper percentile. So we will use that when he does get the band.” Oblivion replied.

Shining chuckled. “You’re a conniving Witcher.”

“It’s part of the training. Trickery is sometimes the best option.”

“Remind me to never play poker with you.”

“I usually don’t play against normal ponies. Just against my fellow Witchers.”

“That just sounds difficult. Oh, who has it?”


The pair had swapped the band and now Silver was taking Soarin for a quick fly around as the band had been tossed backward and out of his sight. Soarin suddenly stopped after receiving the agreed-upon signal from Silver and he looked up to find Cross. Cross was now flitting through clouds and using the training from Oblivion about hiding to attack as needed. The Wonderbolt soared up with Silver on his tail to find the hiding Thestral. Oblivion watched as they vanished for several seconds and then reappeared as Cross tore out of the clouds and headed for the ground. Silver came up close by him and Soarin stayed in their trail. Cross looked back at the Wonderbolt and Oblivion could barely make it out as he pulled the band off his leg and prepared to toss it to the Pegasus guard.

“Here we go,” Oblivion whispered.

Cross tossed it to the Pegasus and Soarin kicked it into gear and tore between them, snatching the band and racing away from them. Silver moved forward to retake the band and Soarin barrel rolled to keep it. Now it was the job of the guards to use the remaining time to try to retrieve it from the Wonderbolt. Cross moved to stay on his heels and work to keep Soarin at that higher speed. Silver moved up to be beside him and then flipped to be underneath him a move very much like what Fleet Foot had done to the others.

“Run the time,” Shining whispered and looked at the waiting Princesses.

Oblivion said nothing as the Pegasus barrel rolled away from Silver and then dropped out of the sky to head for the ground. Gravity and his own wings speeding him toward the ground. Soarin looked up as he veered up and headed for the skies once more. Silver shouted as he pulled up and moved to follow. Cross cut Soarin off in the air and the Wonderbolt took off in a new direction as the time ticked away. Oblivion glanced at the clock and he could see they had fifteen seconds remaining.

“Come on.” He muttered.

Soarin moved away from the pair of them and Silver caught up just enough to have Soarin’s tail in his face as he flapped his wings to speed up enough to be over Soarin’s back. Cross moved to fly under the Wonderbolt and keep him from dodging them again. Silver sped up and was soon flying over Soarin’s head and he lunged down to take the band as the bell went off. Spitfire yelled in triumph as the three ponies paused in the air and began to glide for the ground. Shining managed to keep his grin off his face as Spitfire approached them. Oblivion remained impassive and blank as the mare trotted to stand in front of him.

“Well now you can get rid of them since Soarin has replaced them.” She shouted.

Oblivion guessed that she was used to being in charge enough that shouting was an intimidation tactic. As a Witcher, he had been roared and screamed at by monsters many times her size and he felt no reason to let her win.

“He will be joining them.”

“What?” Spitfire said to him. “The agreement was for him to replace them.”

“No. That was not the agreement. Your Wonderbolts were not able to beat them completely. Your other Wonderbolt was defeated by the first set of guards.” He pointed out.

“There were two of them.”

“You agreed to them being in groups. I believe you said that they would need more than one to beat them but even then they would still lose.” Oblivion replied.

Spitfire looked annoyed as Celestia and Luna approached them. The Alicorn’s were both wearing wide smiles as they came to stand close by them.

“Quite the show,” Celestia said to them with a wide smile. “It is always a pleasure to see the fruits of the training that goes into both factions of our military. I look forward to seeing what Soarin is able to accomplish working together with the current guards.”

Oblivion kept watching the dark orange mare as she gave a stiff nod. Soarin walked up to them with the band on his leg. He panted as Silver and Cross were close behind him. All three were clearly worn out and swear showed through their fur. Luna grinned as Spitfire looked back at Soarin and nodded to him as she stalked away from them.

“That was harder than I thought it would be.” He admitted.

Silver barked a laugh and nodded. “I was afraid we would screw up the toss.”

“I was terrified,” Cross said to them, his voice quiet.

“You did well.” Oblivion praised.

“It was well done. If I hadn’t been aware of the plan I would have thought it was a stroke of luck for you Soarin.” Shining added.

“It was very well done.” Celestia agreed. “I trust that you can handle things from here Oblivion?”

He gave her a slight nod. “I will tend to things from here.”

Soarin bowed his head to the Alicorn’s as he looked at them. “Thank you for all that you have done.”

“We did very little,” Luna said to him. “The Witcher was the driving force behind it.”

Soarin looked at the Witcher and a faint smile played over his muzzle. “Thanks again.”

“I will make sure to call on you every now and then to aid in getting you away from them,” Oblivion assured him. “While the contracts are gone there is always something that I can call on if I decide to be creative.”

“You? Creative?” Shining teased. “I suppose that can happen.”

“You’d be surprised what he can come up with when needed.” Silver chuckled.

“One problem down,” Oblivion said and they all nodded in agreement.

87: More to Know

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Oblivion sat at the table in Twilights library as the mare came downstairs and looked at him closely for several seconds. Sasa rolled over and looked at the mare as she came down the stairs with the notebook he had made for her. He could see that she had a plan in mind and was looking expectantly at him. He set the language book aside and looked at her, waiting for her to go on.

Twilight said nothing as the seconds ticked past. She looked at the book in front of her and her lips pursed for a second before she seemed to square her shoulders and then looked closely at him. “Can I see the map that you have?”

He gave a slight tilt of his head as his horn lit and it appeared in front of her. She gripped it in her magic and another map came from her magic as she compared them. Sasa shifted and sat up as the mare looked uncertain. Her eyes went from the map to him and then back again.

“Uh oh. I know that look.” Sasa said to him.


“She’s figuring something out.” She replied. “Careful Chosen.”

Oblivion said nothing further as Sasa laid back down on the floor by his hooves. Twilight set the maps down and looked closely at him for several seconds. He remained silent as she seemed to be trying to figure out how to speak up. His orange eyes watched her closely as she inhaled and closed her eyes.

“I know this might not be my business but your map and mine don’t make sense.”



Her magic gripped both maps and they hovered in front of him. He scanned what she held in front of him and he quickly saw what she meant. Her map showed the location that the Northern Realms held as something else. He closed his eyes for a moment before his magic gripped his own map and sent it back to his saddlebags.

“I see what you meant.” He informed her.

“Can you tell me why they don’t’ match?”

“Does it matter?”

She paused at his reply and ran her hoof over her muzzle before she nodded. “It might seem small to you and I know why you don’t seem bothered by it but your one of my best friends and I need to know the truth.”

“Oh boy.” Sasa whispered to him.

Oblivion bit back a sigh and leaned back on his haunches. His claws clicked as he flexed them against the floor. Sasa sat up and regarded the mare closely as Twilight waited for him to speak.

“What do you wish to know?”

“Is the Northern Realms in Equus?”

He was silent for several seconds as he contemplated his options. ‘Clever mare.’ He thought to himself. “No.”

Twilight breathed in a deep breath as he spoke and her eyes went wide. “So you’re not from Equus at all?”


“Explain it to me.”

“Careful.” Sasa advised.

He ran his claws over his face for a second before he stared at the mare. “I am not sure what you wish to know. I am here…”

“How did you get here?” She shouted in frustration.

Sasa cringed at her volume and he closed his eyes as he thought over what he should and should not tell her. “Magic. Put simply. I am not sure of the exact method but I woke up here and you know the rest of the story.”

Twilight looked back at him and then she inhaled and put a hoof to her chest to calm herself. “So you’re not from this world at all?”

“No. The world I am from is called the Continent. There is no other name that I am aware of for it.”

“So when you went missing you were sent back to your world? And how did you get back here?”

He said nothing as he recalled the forest, the crystal tree, and the Elemental. “I was sent back and spent the time I was gone working out how to get back here. I worked with Geralt, Ciri, and Anna to get back here. We used a spell to find a certain forest within a spellbook and then used further magic from Ciri to figure out how to use it. That Elemental I used when I came back?” She looked thoughtful and then nodded as she recalled. “That was how I got back. It had the ability to reach out to where I was and bring me back once I was able to command it.”

“So it tripped across worlds to bring you home?”

“Yes. In a way.”

Twilight was silent as she stared at him, her eyes wide. She suddenly gulped and looked closely at him. “Were you always a pony?”


She pushed back from the table and looked at Sasa who shook her head in silent reply to an unspoken question. “What were you once?”

“A mutant.”

“A what?”

“I was human once but that changed when I went through the Trial of the Grasses. I became a mutant to the other humans that had once been my kind.”

“What is a human exactly?”

“A two-legged creature. I can show you.”

His horn lit as he called on his sketchbook once more and he flipped through it until he found a full-body picture of Lambert and his magic sent the book to her to look at. Her eyes went wide at the image and her hooves gripped the sketchbook. She scanned the image and then looked at him.

“Did you look like this?”

He tilted his head slightly as he thought back to his old form. “I was thinner and taller.”

She looked back down at the sketch and then back at him. “What about the others?”

His magic turned the pages until it came to the last few pages and she looked at the image of Geralt, then Ciri, and then Anna on the final page. “Their pretty.” She whispered.

He said nothing in reply to her utterance and waited for her to speak. The mare set the sketchbook down in front of her and then flipped back to the page with Lambert. She shook her head and leaned back on her haunches.

“It’s just… Wow.” She muttered and looked back at him. “Can you go back and forth? Between worlds?”

“No.” He replied easily. “I am here for the remainder of my time.”

“You’ll never see that world again?”


“And you’re okay with that? Never mind I’ve asked you that before and you're fine with it.” She chuckled and closed the sketchbook. “I still don’t see how it’s possible. You were brought here or you brought yourself here?”

He was quiet as Sasa looked at him and she gave a slight nod in reply to him. She knew that he could not answer with the full truth. He did not wish to lie to the mare, but in the same breath, he could not tell her everything.

“I was brought here for a reason I assume. Perhaps it was to ensure that the Elements of Harmony could be used again. I am not sure of the exact reasoning.” He lied. He knew the reason and he knew it well. “Does it matter?”

She paused and stared at him as a smile went over her muzzle. “I guess it doesn’t matter. But I still wish you could tell me everything. I know you well enough to know that you’re not telling me everything. Are you?”

He remained silent and simply watched as she closed her eyes and her magic covered his sketchbook and it levitated back to his grip. He sent it back where he had gotten it and he watched as she looked at Sasa and then back to him.

“I have more questions for you if you have a bit of time?” She said to him as she sat down across from him.

Her magic flipped through the notebook and she hovered it close to him for him to look at. She held out the notebook and he leaned forward and he could see that she was pointing to a section about Hyms and their kind. He leaned back and she set the notebook down in front of her and waited for him to answer her questions.

“What more would you like to know?”

“Are they really hard to fight?”

“The problem is not fighting them it’s getting them to show themselves long enough to get a silver blade on them.” He replied. “They attach themselves to a pers…pony and feed off the emotions of guilt and sorrow and slowly drive them insane or drive them to suicide.”

“Wow. Have you ever come across one?”

“Once or twice.” He replied.

“When?” She asked, her voice pitched slightly as she spoke.

“Geralt and I were helping one of Crach an Craite’s children to do something worthy of a ruler.” He paused at the look from her. “The former king of Skellige had passed on and the contest for the next ruler was in motion. She had placed her sword on the table and put her name into the running for it. We joined her on Spikeroog as she looked to help Udalryk with his issues.”


“It’s a Skellige name. Their names are usually longer and are a bit more complex than normal.” He informed her. “He was suffering from something that made him harm himself and he believed that it was his dead brother tormenting him from the grave.”

“How is that possible?”

“It depends on the circumstances. The dead do not rest well depending on how they left the world. Basically it was his belief that because he survived a boating accident and his brother did not, he was being haunted for it.”

“How did you cleanse him of it?”

Oblivion paused and looked carefully at her for several seconds. “We tricked the Hym.”

“How do you trick a monster?”

“To get a Hym to show itself you can either trick them or tell the victim about the Hym and cleanse it through force.”

“How do you use it through force?” Twilight asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

“You have to place torches around the room and make sure there is light in the room. Once that is done you have to talk to the victim and then wait for the Hym to make an appearance. You have to fight them in the light as they move through the shadows. It’s not the easy way but it is one option.”

“And the other method?”

“The trick. You can trick the Hym into moving from the victim to another one.”


“Cerys and I may have conspired to trick both the Hym and Geralt.”

“That’s mean.”

“It worked.” He replied. “We used Udalryk’s infant child and fooled him into thinking Geralt had put the baby in an oven and that it was dead. That tricked Geralt into feeling guilty for the death and the Hym moved to him.”

“What!? You put a foal in an oven!?”

“Let me explain.” He said to her and she fell quiet. “We waited for it to move to Geralt and then showed both of them that the foal was fine. Once it was shown that the foal was fine the Hym lost its food source since it is drawn to guilt and without that it dies.”

“Oh… Wow, so how did Geralt react? Was he mad at you two?”

“No. He was impressed that we were able to fool him completely. We gave the infant back to its father and that cleansed the monsters remaining presence from him.”

“Poor Geralt.”

Oblivion chuckled and leaned back on his haunches. “He got over it.”

Twilight chuckled and shook her head. A thoughtful look went across her face and she looked at the medallion that hung around his neck with his Element wrapped around it. “What do you think the Elements could do to a Hym?”

Oblivion looked down at the medallion and then glanced back at her. “I’m not certain. The Elements are not designed to attack monsters, least not that I am aware of. From what I have read of them they are designed to cleanse and protect, not really attack to harm another.”


He nodded. “I do not know everything about them but from what I have seen they are meant to protect. They did not harm Luna when she was banished, nor did they hurt her when we cleansed her.”

“That’s true.” She agreed. “So you think they would not do anything against it?”

“It’s not that I think they will stop functioning. I think they would still work but I don’t think they will be able to do much in combat. There is not a large amount of information out there about them.”

“So they can’t be used against monsters?”

“I do not think they are designed for it.” He replied.

Twilight looked thoughtful as she flipped the page of the notebook. She paused as one stood out to her and she looked up at him. “Whats a Gaunter O’ Dim?”

Oblivion sighed and shook his head. “Master Mirror or the Man of Glass. Not one to foul with.”

“You don’t like him?”

“It’s not so much a dislike as a healthy wariness.”


“Gaunter O' Dim is a powerful being, creating pacts with people in exchange for their souls and is able to control time with a mere clap of his hands.”

“Oh… Wow. So he can do that?”

“Yes. He got Geralt to make a pact with him in exchange for helping him get out of a cage that was a trap from one of his other contracts.”

Twilight stared and she blinked. “What?”

“He had made a bargain with another pony. The other pony, Olgierd, had made a bargain to get his wealth returned to him. That would allow him to then marry his noble mare love and live happily ever after.”

“And it didn’t work like that, did it?”

“No,” Oblivion said with a shake of his head. “Basically, Gaunter loves making loopholes and playing off words to allow him to make his contracts make difficult choices. In this case, it was a choice between sacrificing his love or his brother. He chose to sacrifice his brother and his brother died the next day.”

“What in Equus?”

“Yeah. You don’t make a deal with him if you can avoid it. There was an even worse side effect from the bargain.”

“What side effect?”

“It gave him a heart of stone.” He replied and her eyes went wide. “He no longer had the ability to feel any emotions as time went by. Eventually, the lack of love and stress killed his wife, Iris.”

Twilight’s mouth had dropped open and she was now staring at him. “Oh by Celestia…And what happened to Geralt?”

“He was given three tasks by Olgierd. Once the three tasks had been completed then they would confront Gaunter and he would have to remove the marking he had placed on Geralt since the contract would have been completed.”

“Why would he give him tasks to do?”

“The tasks were for the most part nearly impossible. One of them was to show his brother the time of his life.”

She paused and looked at Sasa and then back to him. “Wait, didn’t he sacrifice his brother?”


“So that’s impossible…How in Equestria did he get past that?”

“He was able to use a spell I think that allowed the brother to use his body to go to a party.”

“He was possessed?”


“Did you ever meet him?”

“Master Mirror?” She nodded. “Yes, I did.”

“And? Did you make a deal with him?”

“Absolutely not.” He replied quickly. “I was warned by Geralt previously and as much as he tried I did not play by his game.”

“That’s good.” She replied as she settled back. “So how did Geralt get out of the deal?”

“He accomplished the tasks that were set by Olgierd.”

“But this Master Mirror doesn’t make things easy so what did he do next?”

Oblivion chuckled and nodded as she spoke. "We had a choice to make. Either let Olgierd die and allow Gaunter to take his soul or free him.”

“Tell me you freed him.”

He nodded. “I admit I did argue with Geralt for a moment but he won the argument. So we had to play his game and try to save both of our souls and Olgierd’s. We played his game and through combat and a riddle. The riddle was that we had to find an unbreakable mirror.”

“Unbreakable mirror?” Twilight replied and looked thoughtful as she thought it over. “Unbreakable… mirror...”

“Keep thinking.” He said to her. “You’re clever enough to get it.”

She looked at Sasa and then back at him as her eyes went wide and a smile went over her face. “Water. An unbreakable mirror is made of water.”

He nodded and leaned forward. “We looked down at the reflection in the water of a fountain and found O' Dim in the reflection. Though the reflection was not exactly what he normally looked like. He had eyes like a snake while his cheek and jawbones had become more demonic-looking.” He said to her. “It was quite an experience.”

“But you did save Olgeird?”

“Yes. Olgierd did not die for his bargain. He gifted Geralt a sword for his efforts but we both decided to never deal with him again. What happened to Oglierd after that I have no idea. Maybe he moved on and died later or he lives still, I don’t know.”

Twilight looked thoughtful as she scanned the information in the journal about Master Mirror and then set the journal down in front of her. “What was the last adventure you had with them?”


“The last thing you did before you left your home?” She clarified and he leaned back and sighed. “I mean, the last thing you did with them all.”

“All of them?” He thought back as she waited for him to speak. “We had to stop the Wild Hunt but that happened months before I left. The last time I was around Geralt before I came back here, we fought back a ProtoFleder.”

Twilights ears flicked at the name and she began to scan the pages once more. He waited as she found what she was looking for. Her magic held the journal aloft and she read through it and then looked over the binding to him.

“That’s a…vampire?” She asked him. “Those can’t be real.”

“I promise you they are where I am from. They come in many varieties and they vary in power.”

“It says ProtoFleder are fast and agile and carry venom in their blood and in their fangs.” She read aloud to him and he nodded. “How do you fight one?”

He chuckled and leaned forward. “Carefully. In this case, there were two of us, but that did not make it any easier. If needed you can drink down a draught of Black Blood to keep their venom at bay and prevent it infecting you. If they do get a bite on you then your blood acts as a poison to them.”

“How many types of potions do you know?” She asked him as she scanned the pages once more. “You go through three or four in here but I don’t know that one.”

He was quiet as he tried to think of how many he knew by heart and carried with him. “I know twelve potions and twenty-five decoctions.”

Her eyes went wide as he spoke and she blinked at the numbers. “How do you keep them all straight?”

“Carefully. I was trained in them when I was young and schooled in each of them by my teachers. If we did not know them by heart then we were punished. I made sure I knew them all, I didn’t want to have to learn the same thing over and over so I ensured I knew them.” He explained.

“You mention Swallow in this journal. How common is that one?”

“Do you mean how often is it used?” She nodded. “It’s used frequently. It allows us to regenerate faster and keeps us on our hooves.”

“So each potion and…Decoction? Has its place?”

“Yes. Each one has its uses and its own drawbacks. You have to know when the right time to use them is or you risk being caught in the wrong situation.”

“You mention toxicity. I thought they were nontoxic to Witchers?”

Oblivion sighed and looked at the feline for a second before he went back to looking at the purple mare. “Each potion is toxic in its own way, even to a Witcher. Depending on your tolerance is how many you can use before it knocks you out. I can take more than normal due to the advanced Trials, but that does not mean I push my luck.”

“For example?”

He thought back to the ones used in the fight against the ProtoFleder. “For the fight with the ProtoFleder, I used a dose of Ekkimara, a dose of Katakan, and Golden Oriole if I recall correctly. Highly toxic but effective for the situation.”

“How can you tell when you’re overdoing it?”

“When we use them we get lines through our skin that grow darker depending on the level of toxicity that we have within our bodies.”

“What does it look like?” She asked and his horn lit as his saddlebags hovered in his magic and he looked at her and waited.

“Oh no. No. I don’t need a demonstration.” She said to him and waved her hooves almost frantically as his saddlebags vanished. “So it just dark lines?”

“Basically. Our eyes dilate and their color fades to black. It can be startling to look at if you’re not ready for it I have been told. It can also depend on the potion that it does to us. For example, potion of the cat. It enhances our eyesight and allows us to see in the darkness as if it was pure daylight. It makes our eyes glow a bit brighter I have been told.”

“So they vary in what they do. Each one does something different from the others and their effects vary to a huge degree?”


She looked back at the notebook and flipped back through it to the vampires that were detailed. “Have you ever met a higher vampire?”

“Yes. Geralt and I are actually fairly good friends with one.”

“With a vampire?”

“Higher Vampires are the elite of their kind and do not require blood to sustain themselves. They exist for years far beyond even me or Celestia and Luna.”

“You're over a hundred and their…oh wow.” She breathed out. “So they never die?”

He shook his head and leaned back on his haunches. “They can be killed but their situation is unique in that regard.” He explained and she nodded as she bade him go on. “A higher vampire cannot be killed by me or a silver blade. Only one of their own can kill them.”

“And if they hurt anypony?”

He tilted his head to the side for a second before righting it and a chuckle broke from him. “That has happened fairly recently actually as I found out.”

“What do you mean?”

“When I was sent back I found out that our friend Regis had been forced to kill one of his own. I assume he had been forced to. I did not ask for many details from Geralt. When a higher vampire is forced to kill one of their own they become the enemy of every other vampire in the world. Regis is now the enemy of his entire species.”

“So they all hate him for killing another vampire?”

“Yes. The one to be killed was named Detlaff. I knew that he was a friend of Regis and they got along well. What happened to cause such a rift I am not sure. I was able to guess that something happened that included Anna Henrietta’s sister, Syanna. I would guess that Detlaff had either gone after her or something similar to cause Geralt to be called after him and in so doing call Regis.”

“Wow. So a higher vampire cannot be killed by a Witcher?”

“They cannot be killed by anything except another higher vampire. Fighting them is pointless and all you will do is exhaust yourself.” He supplied. “Anytime one is brought to our attention we try to see if there is a way to simply speak with them and work it out that way.”

“So they are intelligent?”

“Very. Most have hundreds of years under their belts and have the experience to prove it.” He explained. “If you wish to know more about the world then you ask one of them and see if they will be interested in you enough to talk about their lives and the times they have seen.”

“And Regis?”

“He will talk if you give him the chance.” He replied with a chuckle.

“Who is Anna Henrietta?” She asked. “You mentioned her a minute ago.”

“She is the Duchess of Toussaint.”


“Their ruler. We might call her a Queen.”

“Oh. So she’s not their princess?”

“Oh absolutely not. She is the younger of two daughters. Syanna is her elder sister but seems to have no interest in ruling according to what I have been told. Syanna, Sylvia Anna, was cast out of the family when they were both young.”

“Why was she cast out like that? Didn’t her family object?”

“It was her family that sent her away and cast her aside. I am not sure exactly what was done to end up at that choice but it is what happened.”

Twilight shook her head and looked upset at the truth she had been told. “Did you know her?”

He nodded and sighed. “I met her a few times. I was more involved with her sister than her. I had been asked to see to a monster or two that had been spotted in the area and they took an interest in what I was doing, as the young often do.”

“How old were they?”

“Syanna was…” He ran his claws over his mouth as he tried to remember her exact age. “Somewhere between eleven and fifteen or so. Anna was younger than that. I dealt more with Anna than Syanna and was usually around her teaching her to ride a horse.”

“You were her friend?”

“In a way I was. I was gone before Syanna was banished and came back after for a few years and was found around Toussaint for a while. But I did not remain, as usual, for too many years before I moved on.”

Twilight looked at him and flipped through the book before she stopped on a new page. “Time for a lighter question. What monster do you hate fighting the most?”

He looked away from her and found himself at a loss for what the worst one was. “That’s not an easy one. But if I had to pick one I would say I hate Leshen the most.”

Sasa looked up at him and nodded as Twilight giggled and scanned her book once more. “They’re not in here.” She teased.

“I can show you what one looks like but I did forget them when I was making your gift.” He informed her as his horn lit and his sketchbook appeared in front of her.

She reached out and gripped the book as his magic released it when he found the right page. She cringed and stared at the image. “Yikes. I can see why you would not like them.”

He said nothing about his history with the monster and waited as she began to scan through his sketchbook. She closed it and he took it back before she could go through too many of the pages and find the drawings of those he had left behind. His magic sent it back to his saddlebags and he waited for her to fire more questions at him.

“Back to Master Mirror. What do you think would happen if Discord and he met?”

Oblivion barked a laugh. “I actually think Gaunter would be on our side in that case.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Just that Discord does not operate the same and he would probably rub Gaunter the wrong way. Discord is chaos incarnate while Gaunter operates on wordplay and loopholes for his deals. Chaos does not do deals with others. If Discord did make a deal I would assume that it is subject to interpretation, much like Gaunter but the big difference is how they react to the options they give.”

“You said he loves to force them to make terrible choices. Discord didn’t seem to do that.”

“He didn’t. Discord is chaos and chaos has no way to be predicted easily. Gaunter thrives on the emotions and problems he creates as a result of his victim's choices.”

Twilight shook her head. “Geez. The Northern Realms are complicated.”

He chuckled and nodded. “In many ways so is Equestria.”

She shook her head and a light laugh escaped her. “What about you’re fellow Witchers?”

“Who do you want to know about?”

“What can you tell me about Geralt?”

“Gwynbleidd.” He replied and she tilted her head at the title. “That is what he is called, it means White Wolf. He got the name because of his white hair and pale skin.”

“What language is that?”

“Elder Speech.” He supplied. “It is the language of the Aen Seidhe Elves. It’s one of the only old tongues still in use, the others have faded into nothing. All other languages originated from the Elder Speech.”

“Do you have a nickname like that?”

“No. I tend to avoid ponies and keep to the wilds. Geralt is more often to be found in the cities and towns and is better known than I was.”

“Too bad.” She chuckled and he shook his head.

“I prefer to remain unknown. It suits me.”

He remained silent and simply watched as she closed her eyes and her magic covered his sketchbook and it levitated back to his grip. He sent it back where he had gotten it and he watched as she looked at Sasa and then back to him. She suddenly got a strange look on her face as she looked at him and then back to her notebook. She flipped through it and then closed it as she leaned forward.

"One more thing." She asked.

"Go ahead."

"Whats a horse?"

His ears flicked to face her as she spoke and he felt a sense of disquiet roll over him as he realized what he had said. Next to him SAsa slowly turned her head to look at him as a grin crossed her muzzle.

"Oops?" She giggled to him. "You stepped in that one."

"Gods below. A horse is simply a large pony. Imagine Celestia's height with a saddle and bridle." He began.

"Wait. Wait." She waved a hoof for him to stop speaking. "You mean as a human you ride horses?"

"Of course. Humans are slow on land. It would take weeks or more to get anywhere without the use of a good horse."

"But how can you ride a horse that has thoughts and feelings of its own and... What?" She began to rant as he shook his head.

"I see what you mean but. Horses, where I am from, are not the same as a pony is here. For example, they do not speak, they are normal colors, and they are made to be ridden and used as a beast of burden." He explained and her eyes went wide.

"Did you have a horse?"

He paused and after a seconds delay he nodded. "I had my mare yes."

Twilight looked shocked as the seconds went by. "So when you got mad at Spike for sitting on your back it was because in your world that is what a horse is for?"

"Yes. Basically," he replied.

"What was your mare like?"

He paused once more and he glanced at Sasa as she bowed her head for several seconds. "She was one of five horses I had over the years. She was a grey with a black mane and she was a one rider horse. No other could ride her aside from me. Lambert tried once."

"Ouch." Twilight winced.

"He never did it again." He chuckled. "She carried me through many contracts and even more lands. She fought her fair share of battles and kept me out of the range of attacks if needed."

"What was her name?"


Twilight looked at the feline who nodded and smiled brightly. "Same name as you?"

Sasa nodded and Oblivion said nothing in reply for several seconds. "Geralt and I do the same thing when it comes to naming our companions. He names them all Roach and I name them all Sasa."

"Easier to think of a name when its all the same?"

"Pretty much. Being imaginative is not normally in our skillset. We can be creative if need be but it is not normal for us. Eskel and the others might use different names for them but we do not."

"Even the stallions were named Sasa?"

"Al of my horses had the same name, regardless of their gender."

Twilight shook her head and looked at the notebook. "What happened to her?"

He was quiet and glanced at the table for a second before he looked back at the purple Unicorn. "She died."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"Nothing to apologize for. It happened quickly I hope and she did not suffer."

"You hope?"

"I took on a contract to remove a Leshen. I was fighting one when another showed up. I whistled for her as the two Leshen began to fight each other. She reached me about the time that their attacks did as well."

"Wait you mean...?"

"It killed us both and I woke up here." He replied.

"By Equestria. So you died... back there and then were brought her by magic?"

"So far as I know yes."

"So she tried to rescue you and you both were attacked and you both... died there?"

"Yes." He replied. "You have seen the scar on my back that resembles tree limbs or vines?" She nodded. "That is the scar that was left behind from the attack that killed us."

"Oh wow..." She fell silent as the seconds ticked past.

Oblivion said nothing as she remained quiet. Sasa leaned her head against his shoulder and rubbed against him. He ran his claws through the fur of her chest and waited for the mare to speak further. He could tell that she was considering all that he had told her and that it would take some time for her to come to terms with it.

“If I have more questions will you answer them?” She asked, her voice quiet as she looked up at him.

“Can you keep it to yourself?” He asked in reply.

She nodded as a smile stayed on her muzzle and he nodded in response.

88: A Wager of Apples

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Oblivion was silent as his magic picked up the apples as they fell from the tree and began to place them into the barrels around him. He issued a magical command to the Elemental for it to carry the barrels back to the barn and then return to the Witcher for the next barrel. His magic flowed easily as the apples fell from the tree and into his magic. He paused and sighed as the sun began coming up. They had been up earlier than normal to make cider ready for the day. He had been in the back getting the apples for the next batch ready. He watched as the sun began to peek over the horizon and he rotated his shoulders to relax for a moment.



“You need to come up here. There are some unknown Unicorns with a machine of some kind. And they are all singing. Please make it stop.” She said to him.

“Stay.” He commanded and the Elemental went still in place and his horn flared as he teleported.

His eyes opened and he was greeted with a pair of Unicorns moving around the group and singing to the ponies assembled. His horn lit and azure fire covered the muzzles of the Unicorns and they looked startled as their mouths were clamped closed. He looked at them and he could tell that they were twins with a light yellow coat. They had light green eyes with red and white striped manes and tails. They were dressed in suits that were blue and white stripes with black bowties.

“What in the God's name is going on?” He asked the group as he released his magic from their mouths as he looked to the machine that Sasa had mentioned. “What is that?”

One of the stallions approached him and leaned against his shoulder. “Well hello, my friend. I am Flam. And you are?”

“Oblivion Shadow.” He replied and allowed the stallion to lean on him.

“Well, it is a pleasure to meet you my good stallion,” Flam said to him and motioned for the other stallion to join them. “This is my dear brother Flim.”

Oblivion could see the spirits of both brothers and that allowed him to tell the difference between them. He looked from them to the machine that they had brought with them. He deftly moved out from under Flam and moved to the side to look at it. They watched him closely as he looked at the machine closely.

“Interested in the Super Cider Squeezy six thousand?” Flim asked him.

“The what?” He asked and then shook his head to stop them from speaking. “Never mind. So I assume from the name it’s meant to make cider?”

“You would be correct my friend,” Flam said as he sidled up to the Black Unicorn. “Why it can make twenty barrels of it in the time it would take a smaller operation to make five.”

Oblivion said nothing as his ear flicked back to listen to Granny Smith grumbling about the quality and care they put into their cider. He said nothing in further reply as the pair of ponies went back to the other members of the family and he watched as Sasa came to sit with them, listening carefully. His ears flicked as he listened intently.

“With the use of the use of our machine we could triple the amount of cider that you produce,” Flam said to them.

“Ah don’t know ya’ll. We’ve made cider the same way for so long.” Applejack said to her family and she looked past the Unicorns to the Witcher as he came to stand behind them.

“Here’s an idea,” Flam assured them and went on. “We can work together. You supply the apples, we supply the Super Cider Squeezy six thousand and then we share the profits.”

Both brothers leaned against each other as they looked at them as Film spoke. “Seventy-five.”

“Twenty-five.” Flam went on.

Oblivion snorted and he saw Applejack look perplexed for a second. “Wait a minute. Who gets the seventy-five?”

“Why we do of course,” Flam said to her. “And we will throw in the magic to operate the machine for free.”

“Cider sales keep our business afloat through the winter. We'd lose Sweet Apple Acres if we agreed to this.” Applejack lamented.

Oblivion moved out from behind them and joined the family as he raised his head to look down on them. “I think not.” He said to them, his voice was quiet but it held his usual strength under it.

Mac and the others nodded in agreement and Sasa snarled as the pair of stallion backed up. “Hmph. Very well. If you refuse our generous offer to be partners, then we'll just have to be competitors.”

Applejack looked shocked as she stared at the pair of them. “Ya wouldn’t dare.”

The brothers turned to look at the assembled group of ponies and smiled brightly. “Don't you worry, everypony! There'll be plenty of cider for all of you!”

Oblivions ears flicked as he heard Flim whisper. “Once we drive Sweet Apple Acres out of business.”

Oblivions' eyes narrowed slightly as his ears remained perked forward. He watched as they bundled up the machine and turned it to leave. “What was that?” He growled.

The brothers quickly moved away from them with the machine leading the way. Oblivion said nothing as Applejack and the others watched them leave. Sasa sat close by him and he felt her lean against his leg and rub her head on his shoulder. He knew that they would see more of them if their vow to run them out of business was anything to go by.

Oblivion stood close by the fence as the cider inevitably ran out and the bell was rung to alert the ponies in line about it. Twilight moved to join him and she looked nervously as the sound of clunking caught his ears.

“Here they come.” He said to her and she grimaced in reply.

The machine came to a stop after knocking down a fence and the brothers jumped to the ground and looked around them at the crowd.

“What seems to be the problem here?” Flim called out.

Flam joined him and a grin crossed his face. “Oh my, are they out of cider again?!”

Twilight leaned against his shoulder as Sasa growled. “Oh no.” She whispered.

The brothers walked around them and Oblivion was already working out how to put these two in their place. He moved away from Twilight and the feline as he moved to stand close by the machine. He tuned them out as his horn lit and he called on the Elemental to come to where he stood. He gave it the command and he could sense it come to life as his magic faded. He looked back to the group as the Apples began to speak more animatedly to the brothers.

“What's the matter, Granny Smith? Chicken?” Flim taunted.

Obion could see the elder mare’s hackles rise at the taunt. “What did you call me, sonny?” Granny Smith replied.

Oblivion bit back a deep sigh as they fell into the brother’s trap. He knew what they were doing and he was not going to sit back and allow it to happen if he could prevent it. He moved several steps forward and strained his ears to listen to the conversation and to listen for the heavy steps of the Elemental.

“If you're so confident in your cider, then what's the problem?” Flim went on.

“Tomorrow mornin', right here!” Granny Smith vowed her expression set.

“But I’m afraid we do not have any apples.” Flam lamented.

Oblivion heard the steps of the Elemental and his horn lit to stop its advance until he was ready for it.

“Ya can use our south field! It'll be worth it to teach y'all a thing or two about cider making!” Granny said to them.

Oblivion could see the surprise that went over the sibling's faces as their grandmother spoke.

“Excellent; we have a bet. Whoever produces the most barrels in one hour wins the exclusive right to sell cider in Ponyville.” Flim agreed with a wide grin.

“And after we beat ya, Ah don't want to see you bambahoozlers around here again!” Granny spat at them.

Oblivion stepped forward and Sasa joined him after several seconds. “What does a creation like this cost?” He interjected.

The brothers went silent as they turned to look at him. Applejack waved a hoof at him and he ignored her as the brothers look at him. They recovered fairly quickly and turned their full attention to the Black Unicorn.

“I assure you my good stallion is out of your farm's price range,” Flim said to him.

“Is it?” Oblivion replied and moved to the machine.

The brothers shared a quick look as he pretended to not see the greedy looks that crossed their faces. They had no idea of the funds he had at his disposal and that intrigued them and he knew that they would fall for his ruse if he could get their full focus.

“Even with your farm, you would not be able to afford it.” Flam started and Oblivion turned his head to look at the pair of them.

“I never said I was wagering within the farm.” He taunted and he could see their eyes widen and their interest was now his to command. “Would you be willing to put a bet on it?”

“We are not selling it, my friend.”

“That’s fine. What would it take to wager it?”

Applejack jumped from her place with the others and ran up to him to try to silence him. His magic picked her up and silenced her as he levitated her close by. He looked past the stallions as they spoke quietly amongst themselves and he could see the shock in the eyes of the mares and the family. Mac was staring at him in shock but at the same time, Oblivion could see the trust that was held in him reflected in the stallion’s expression.

“And what would you be wagering?” Flam asked.

“So you would be willing to make a bet with me?”

“If the terms are suitable then perhaps,” Flam said to him.

“Since I do not doubt that the Apples will win this little wager of yours I will stake the cost of the machine twice in their favor.”

Both brothers’ jaws fell open as he stared at the machine and tapped his hoof against the cold metal for a second before he looked sideways at them. He watched them balk slightly as they looked at him.

“You will wager the machine and any and all rights to the cider in Ponyville.” He went on at their continued silence. “The Apples are wagering the quality of the cider and if the ponies say that it is better than you lose.”

“So the ponies make the choice?” Flim asked him once he had recovered from his shock.

“Yes. Seems simple enough, no?”

“What more can you tell us?”

“The ponies will taste-test the cider from both of us, in conjunction with whoever makes the most. The final barrel will be the test from each of us.” Oblivion explained.

He saw them balk and then turn to whisper to each other once more. Applejack waved her hooves at him as she hovered just behind him. He could see her out of the corner of his eye. They turned to look at him and he tilted his head to the side to look at them as a slight smile tugged at his mouth. He saw Twilight shiver at the sight of the small smile and Sasa growled and nodded to him.

“You seem conflicted.” He taunted. “Shall I sweeten the deal perhaps?”

They both stared at him and Flim finally nodded dumbly. Oblivions horn lit as he called on the Elemental to join him. Its steps echoed through the silence. Both brothers looked up and around them as the sound grew louder. The monster came around the side and his horn guided it to his side. The brothers stared once more open-mouthed at the sight before them and he leaned his weight off one hind leg as it went still and his horn went dormant.

“I will wager our harvester.”

“What is that thing?” Flam asked him.

“It’s an Ice Elemental. It is commanded through magic and it can carry many hundreds of pounds more than a pony can. It is also used for defense and protection.” He replied, working to make it seem friendlier than it looked.

“It is commanded through our magic?” Flim inquired.

“Once it has been calibrated yes. Currently, it is attuned to my magic and will not answer to any other master.” Oblivion replied. “Should you lose the cost of such a creature would be wagered as well.”

He saw Twilights eyes go wide as she looked at him and then to the monster. She was well aware of its limitations and had asked him several times about the monster. She was aware that it was unable to be used by anypony besides him. His smile remained in place as they talked amongst themselves again. His ears heard their agreement before they spoke to him directly and he turned to face them.

“You drive a very hard bargain, my friend!” Flim called out. “But we agree to the terms!”

Oblivion gave a slight nod and the pair reached out to shake his hoof. His claws spread as he shook Flim’s hoof and the both of them stared at the claws that now grasped his hoof. He repeated the action with Flam and they both backed up, looking unsettled by the sharp claws. Both of them fled from him and moved the machine away from the area once more. Oblivion released Applejack and she stared at him as he simply sighed.

“What were ya thinkin’?” She shouted at him.

“I have no doubt that we will be able to win against them. I ensured that.” He replied.

“How did ya manage that? It sounded like ya bet yer life on it.” She argued.

“Flim and Flam have the superior machine there is no arguing that fact.” He explained and the Apples flinched.

“How can you be so certain?” Twilight asked him.

“They will inevitably make the machine overwork. By doing that it will create issues with the final product. All we need to do is push them a little bit.” He replied.

“Why in tarnation did ya wager the monster if they can’t use it?” Granny asked him.

“There is nothing to worry about with it since they will be losing and they will owe us their shirts.” He countered.

“Ah hope ya did the right thing, young in.” She replied, her voice nervous.

“It’s nothing to worry about.” He assured her and moved to lead the elemental back to the barn. “Besides, they did not say anything about who can and cannot help us.” He replied.

Twilight stared at him for several seconds before she teleported to land in front of him. “What does that mean?”

“I mean that if we want to push them enough to make a mistake we need to have all of the family helping out. When it comes a time you ask to join in. They will agree since they are confident their machine can outwork a workhorse.”

“Oh.” She was quiet as he moved around her and back to the barn. “Oh that’s devious.”

He paused and looked over his shoulder. “I always win a well-placed bet.”

Oblivion stood off to the side as the family prepared for the competition to start. Just behind him, the elemental stood in silence as Sasa pushed apples toward Granny Smith for her to inspect. The feline held them up and the mare would sniff them to check the quality then she would toss them toward the waiting barrel. Oblivion moved the elemental into place by the barrels that were being set up and his horn stayed alight as he commanded it to move the full barrel to the next station. Big Mac was getting warmed up to run the treadmill to keep the cider moving and being pressed. Applejack and Apple Bloom were getting ready as well. Oblivion saw Twilight and the others off to the side and he gave her a slight nod as she looked at him, a small smile on her mouth.

His ears flicked as the machine's signature sound caught his ears. “Here we go.” He said to the family.

“Attention Everypony!” Mayor Mare called out as the machine rumbled into place. “The teams have one hour to produce as much cider as they can, after which the barrels will be counted and the winner will be named the sole cider provider for all of Ponyville!”

Oblivion could hear the growing crowd as the mayor spoke. He remained silent as the ponies gathered. Each pony got into place and Sasa moved to join Granny Smith and Oblivion ensured the Elemental was ready and in place before they started. He had given it the command to move full barrels of apple cider into place off to the side.

“Are both teams ready?” Mayor Mare called out and looked at each of them.

“Ready!” Applejack replied as the family stood ready to move.

Flim and Flam both yawned and barely moved from their couch. “Ready!”

Oblivion looked up as the hourglass was turned and the time began. Applejack and Apple Bloom began to gather apples and set them in front of the elder mare. She began to sniff each apple and Sasa held one up to her snout while she was reaching for a new one. She sniffed out which ones were good and which needed to be thrown aside and they were then thrown into a shaft that put them to a press that Mac was running on. The Elemental stood ready to move the filled barrels as one was quickly filled and it moved it to the side.

“Great job, y'all! We've already filled an entire barrel!” Applejack hollered.

“I'll bet you those guys don't even have…” Apple Bloom replied as the whole group turned to look at the brothers.

They all gasped in shock as the barrels moved through the machine and were set to the side. Oblivion said nothing and he was not surprised that they were behind them. He simply moved to command the Elemental better from a closed position and it allowed him to look at the mares that stood on the side, where Twilight waited for him to signal her to step in. His magic flared as he sent a small bolt of magic at Apple Bloom to get her moving once more.

“Sorry!” She shouted out and went back to gathering apples and setting them in front of her grandmother.

“Forget them. Focus on your tasks.” Oblivion called out.

Time ticked past and after a half-hour, he looked at the mares that were waiting. He gave a slight nod to Twilight who did the same in reply. She moved toward the Mayor and addressed her easily.

“Um, Miss Mayor! Are honorary family members allowed to help in the competition?” She asked innocently.

“Well, I'm not sure... Flim, Flam, would you object to honorary family members helping?” She asked the brothers as they lounged in place.

“Are you kidding?” Flim replied with a laugh.

“We don't care if the whole kingdom of Canterlot helps. It's a lost cause.” Flam added.

Mayor Mare looked uncertain as she looked at the tiring Apple Family. “Hmm, I guess it's okay. Applejack? What do you think?”

“We have no objections,” Oblivion replied.

“He’s right. Ah'd love to have the rest of mah family helpin' out.” Applejack called out in response.

“Okay, everypony, we're not gonna let those smooth talkers take our friend's farm,” Twilight said as the other mares cheered in response. Each mare ran into the area and Twilight joined Oblivion and began to issue orders.

“Fluttershy, help Applejack with the trees.” She called out.

“Got it.” She replied.

“Pinkie Pie, you're on apple catching detail.”

“Yessir, ma'am, sir!”

“Rarity, you've got a discerning eye. Help Granny Smith at the quality control station.”

“Of course.”

“Rainbow Dash, do you think you can help Big McIntosh press?”

“In my sleep.” She hollered as her wings carried her to join the stallion.

“Alright, everypony, let's save Sweet Apple Acres!” Twilight shouted.

She cast a look at the black Unicorn as his horn lit as the production began to ramp up. Twilight’s horn lit as the barrels were moving faster than the Elemental could move them. Both Unicorns kept them moving and set them in place off to the side. Oblivion cast a glance to the brothers as they took notice of the upgraded production. ‘Only a matter of time before they make a mistake that will cost them it all.’ He thought to himself as he and twilight kept the barrels moving. The black Unicorn moved to stand just off to the side as the barrels piled up and the other side began to pick up speed as well.

“Chosen?” Sasa’s nervous tone came to him as he watched the barrels stacking up.

“Wait for it.” He assured her. “It will work in our favor.”

“I hope your right. We have all three of us working this station and their pile is only getting larger. I hope your bet was worth it.” She replied.

He knew they would outdo them in terms of raw numbers. What he was counting on was quality. Raw power could be battled by strategy and thought. He was counting on their integrity outdoing the brother’s hubris.

“Times up!” Mayor Mare shouted.

Oblivion looked up as the others each dropped in place as the fatigue caught up to them. He caught Twilight before she hit the ground and she smiled at him in response.

“How did we do?” She asked him.

“We did well.”

She smiled as he set her down close to Applejack and the others. He looked at the pile of barrels to theirs and he knew they had lost badly in terms of numbers of barrels. His magic gripped the final barrel and he set it next to the Mayor and she placed a hoof on it as Flim set theirs down beside her as well. The black stallion was silent as he walked over to the Mayor and stood a few feet away as the brothers did the same.

“Flim and Flam have won in terms of the number of complete barrels.” Mayor Mare called out to them.

He heard a series of groans from the mares and Mac as Sasa joined him. “That’s not the end of the contest.” He pointed out.

Mayor Mare nodded as a small table was brought up and the barrels set on either side of it. Each of them was broken into and a spigot attached to them. Three mugs were filled from each one and six random ponies were pulled from the crowd. The ponies each sat down in front of one of the mugs and the Apples waited for the taste test to begin. Sasa rubbed against his shoulder and he ran his claws over her chest. Twilight and the others came to stand close by him and he commanded the Elemental to stand a few feet behind them.

“Now go ahead and try them out, my friends.” Flim cajoled.

Oblivion said nothing as each pony took a drink of the mug in front of them. The stallion watched as the faces of the three ponies who had drunk from the brother’s barrel paused in shock. Each of them spun to face the other direction as they spat out the cider and coughed in revulsion. The Witcher bit back a slight smile as they coughed and hacked. He looked at the other stallions and they looked horrified by their reaction. The other three quickly downed the contents of their mugs and looked pleased by the flavor.

“That was awful.” Comet Tail cried out as he pushed the mug away from himself. “I wouldn’t pay a single cent for that dreck.”

Sweetie Drops ran her hoof over her tongue. “Mine had rocks in it.” She growled.

“I can't get the taste off my tongue!” Cherry Berry said as her tongue hung from her mouth.

They looked enviously at the other three as they sat smiling. He glanced over his shoulder as the Apples and the other Element Bearers smiled at the looks of uncertainty that had crossed the brother’s faces.

“I think we know the outcome of the taste test.” He quipped.

The stallions cringed as he spoke and they looked at him, and emotion much like fear came to their eyes as they realized that they would now need to pay him. He walked past the group and approached the other stallions.

“I believe we had an agreement.” He said to them and they cringed. “What was it again? Oh yes. The machine, cider rights to Ponyville, and the value of the Elemental.”

They pulled back as he spoke and he could see they were thinking of running for it. His horn lit and the Elementals steps thudded against the grass. They stared as it approached and they gulped as he watched them. His horn went dormant as it came to stand just behind them.

“Not thinking of trying to flee from our agreement are you?”

“Never. We would never do such a thing right brother?” Flam said, his voice strained.

“Of course not.” Flim agreed quickly.

“That’s good to hear. I would hate to have to stop you.” He crooned to them and he lowered his head slightly to look at them.

Both of them looked at him and he could see them trying to think of a way out of the situation they had put themselves in. Sasa came to stand close by him and they looked at her as she bared her teeth menacingly.

“Well, we did have a deal that’s true…” Flam began and Oblivions horn lit as the Elemental took a step to land directly behind them.

“Not trying to find a loophole are we?” Oblivion asked as he paused for a second before he went on. “I suppose I can let you go… for a price.”

“They looked hopeful for a second before you said that last part.” Sasa chuckled.

The pair waited as he spoke. “I will let you keep the machine sconce I have little use for it in truth. But I want its worth.”

Their eyes went wide as he gave them his terms. They both looked at each other and then to the monster that stood behind them.

“And how much is the machine worth?” He asked them. They looked back at each other and he could see they were trying to think of what to tell him. “Unless you wish me to guess.”

“No.” Flam quickly replied. “May we speak in private?”

Oblivion nodded and moved off to the side with them on his heels. “What do you wish to say?”

“Can we leave?” Flim asked. “I will be honest and tell you we do not have the machines worth or the monsters with us. Given time we may be able to pay you a portion of it.”

“You wish for me to allow you to walk away and have no assurance that you will pay up? Do you take me for a fool?”

“NO.” Flam once more spoke up. “We underestimated you once already. We would be fools to do it again.”

Oblivion sighed as they looked pleadingly at him. “In truth, I created our bargain to trap you just this way. You let your machine do the work for you and you tried to run a family out of their home. You are swindlers of the worst variety and I was not going to stand by and allow you to harm them.”

“You knew?” Flim asked him.

“I have been around for longer than I look and have been haggling and bargaining for my pay for just as long. You picked the wrong family to try to harm.” Oblivion snarled. “You owe me more than your lives are worth and I will make sure you pay for it. I can assure you that I can have a contract written up in under a minute of what your payment schedule is going to be. There is no more negotiation, only the end result.”

They both stared widely at him as he laid out what had happened. Both of them looked more afraid of him than before and he could tell that they were now realizing that they had stepped into his territory and were now paying for it.

“Write up your contract then,” Flam said to him.

Oblivions magic flared as it appeared in his magic and he set it before them. They stared at it and realized that he had it ready ahead of time and they read over it.

“Your first payment is due next week.” He said to them. He leaned forward, placing his muzzle as close to them as he dared. “Do not trifle with me. I know more than a few ponies that can help me hunt you down.”

Both of them leaned back on their haunches as Oblivion's orange eyes bore back into them. Their own magic flared and they signed the contract. Oblivions magic flared and it was duplicated and one copy went to them with the information where to send the bits and what account they should be placed in. They slunk away and back to the machine as he spun on his heel and rejoined the now celebrating ponies.

89: Tortures End

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Oblivion was silent as his teleportation faded out, and he summoned Sasa to join him and he moved to walk into the castle. He had been asked to come to Canterlot by Luna and Celestia. His hooves were silent on the carpeted walkway as he neared the throne room. The guards outside of it saw him and opened the door as they approached.

“That makes things simple.” Sasa pointed out. “They were either told you were coming or they have long since figured out that if they do not open the door, you will.”

Oblivion looked at her as she chuckled further as they moved into the throne room. The doors closed behind them and they walked up the red carpet to the two sisters. Luna hopped down from the dais and trotted to meet him halfway. She hugged him tightly as he patted her back and she released him to jump to walk beside him. Her spirit was bright as they moved toward her equally bright sister.

“You called?” He asked as Luna rejoined her sister.

“We have a few questions for thee,” Luna said to him.

“I will answer as best I can.” He replied.

“When you returned to us before you were involved in the attack on Canterlot as well.” Celestia began and he nodded for her to continue. “The pony that you have captured is still in our dungeons. We have been unable to get any information from him as of yet. We were forced to put him under constant surveillance due to his attempts to end his own life.”

“Considering the other one was willing to drink potent acid to avoid being captured I’m not surprised.” He replied. “What is it exactly that you need from me?”

“Did anything about the attack stand out to you? Do you recall anything?” Celestia asked him.

He thought back to the attack and all that happened during it. His mind went over the details that he recalled and nothing stood out to him more than the attack itself. His claws flexed on the carpet as he shook his head at them.

“Nothing stands out too much for me. Aside from them attacking the city so brazenly. I would not attack a city that holds two Alicorn’s without reason.” He said back.

“We agree. We have been unable to get anything from the pony thou detained.” Luna groused. “The pony refuses to speak at all."

“She is right,” Celestia said in addition.

“What have you tried?” He responded.

“Everything that we could think of,” Luna informed him. “Our best have questioned him and received only silence in reply.”

Oblivion tilted his head slightly and the pair of monarchs watched him closely. He saw Celestia’s eyes widen slightly as she understood what he meant only a few seconds before her younger sister.

“Oh.” She mouthed and went quiet for several seconds. “I see what you are really asking us. We do not condone torture in Equestria. We have been trying to break him down in other more humane ways.”

He managed not to heave a deep sigh as he spoke. “And how has that worked?” He questioned and she closed her eyes and looked at Luna.

“It hasn’t,” Luna admitted with a sigh.

Sasa growled quietly at his side as the pair of Alicorn’s shook their heads. “They seem to think he would speak to them without issue.”

“Do you have any ideas for humanely getting the information we seek?” Celestia asked him.

“I have been part of many information-gathering attempts. Though you would not approve of the methods that were used. I would use methods that are frowned upon in this situation.”

“Torture is not an acceptable method. Laying a hoof on another to harm them is not permitted in this case.” Celestia said to him.

His eyes closed for a second as he thought over the options and the limits that had been placed in front of him. His claws flexed as he thought it over. He opened his eyes and was about to argue the point when he saw Sasa perk up beside him. Her bright aqua eyes turned to look at him and he turned his attention to her in response.

“Would it be possible to use the World Spirit to entice him to speak?” She questioned.

Oblivion's head gave a slight tilt as he considered what she had asked him. “I am not sure. That might put it in the same realm as what the former Guardian did before me.”

“The difference would be that you are willing to fix it.” She pointed out.

“It is worth looking into though I admit.”

Sasa nodded as he looked back at the royal sisters. “May I have time to come up with an option for you?”

“Of course. Take your time.” Celestia assured him. “We welcome any insight you may have Oblivion.”

“I will look into the options that I know of and get back to you.” He replied to her.

She nodded and Luna smiled as his horn lit, teleporting him and Sasa away from Canterlot. His eyes opened to find the clearing in the Everfree that he often used for hunting. He found it to be devoid of animal life and he sat down in place. He had meditated many times in this spot and it was well known to him to be as safe as the Everfree ever was. Sasa sat down a foot or so away from him and her eyes were bright as she waited for him to explain what his plan was.

“I am going to question Equestria about the possibility of using the World Spirit. I am certain that it is possible but I am questioning the odds of damaging the spirit of this pony if I act rashly.”

“That’s a fair point.” She agreed. “I will watch over you and ensure nothing happens while you are with her.”

He nodded to her and laid down and closed his eyes. He called on the World Spirit and used it to call out to Equestria. He could sense the mare through the World Spirit and he felt himself being moved. The Witcher opened his eyes and he could see the sprawling fields of green grass that stretched as far as the eye could see. He heard a snort to the side of him and he turned to see the mare as she smiled happily at him.

“You called?” She teased.

“I have a question for you.” He responded.

“Of course. What can I do to help?” She asked, her tone light.

“You might not like what I am about to ask you.” He said to her. He saw the nervousness go through her but she stayed in place and motioned for him to go ahead and ask. “Can the World Spirit be used to command another to speak? Or can it be used for torture?”

He watched as she physically shuddered and balked. She backed up a step as she looked closely at him. He knew that she was comparing the question to what the former had done and he didn’t blame her for that.

“I would love to lie to you and tell you that it is not possible but you already know it is possible to use it in such a way. You have been told of the Former Guardian and his use of it.” She replied, her tone sharp. “So long as it is a Spirit that it is connected to it, it can harm it if used in that way.”

“I am not thinking of going after the entire populace. Simply using it to get one pony to talk to me.”


“An attack on Canterlot a few months ago. They have not been able to get him to speak and they have been forced to keep him under constant surveillance due to the chance he may kill himself.” He explained.

“Go on.”

“I need to get him to speak without touching him. I do not plan on harming him beyond my ability to heal.”

She looked thoughtful as she thought over what he had said and he could see her look away from him to the surrounding grassland and then back to him. “You can give it any task you see fit so long as it is not used to kill. I do know enough to tell you that it is not to be used in that way.”

“What happens if it is used to kill another?”

“It begins to corrupt. It is similar to the Elements of Harmony. They are best used to cleanse and protect, not kill. Even the former did not tempt fate in such a way.”

“How would it be accomplished?”

She sighed deeply and looked at him and then to her hooves. “You would need to hold the spirit in question entirely in the Word Spirits control.”

“Is that possible?”

“Your control of the World Spirit has progressed and grown more than strong enough to accomplish such an act.” She said to him. “You would need to pull bits of the spirit free and keep them close enough to be repaired in a short amount of time if you intend on healing the damage inflicted.”

He listened intently as she spoke and he saw her pause and then fall silent. He could see the revulsion in her face and he didn’t push her further.

“I can’t say more. It makes me sick to even speak of it further.” She said to him after a long pause.

“Understood.” He replied to her. “How did you find out this information anyway?”

“When I was working to imprison him he was more than happy to explain the entire process to me. Once I feigned interest in the methods he used he was thrilled to explain it all in great detail.” She shivered at the memory.

“Thank you for the information. I know you would rather I did not use it in any way. If I have my way this will a rare thing to do.” He replied and she nodded.

“I hope the information you gain is worth it.” She said to him, her eyes downcast.

He closed his eyes as he called out to the World Spirit to return him to his own form. He opened his eyes and Sasa was sitting in front of him, watching around them intently.

“How did it go?” She asked as he got to his hooves and shook himself.

“As well as to be expected. She told me how to use it but was not happy about my reasoning.”

“If it’s like what was done by the previous Guardian then I would assume she would be less than thrilled.” Sasa admitted.

“I know what to do now.” He said to her and she nodded solemnly.

His horn lit as he prepared to teleport them back to Canterlot. He teleported back to the throne room and opened his eyes as the magic faded. His horn lit once more as he summoned Sasa to his side. He looked up as Celestia hid a smile behind one hoof. His ears flicked at the huff that sounded out from behind him. He looked over his shoulder to see several Nobles staring at his back. Sasa looked back and he saw her blink at the group behind them. The Witcher was silent as he looked back at the Alicorn.

“Welcome back Witcher.” She greeted.

“Thank you for the welcome Celestia.” He replied.

“Princess Celestia?” One of the nobles stepped forward and Oblivion looked at him from over his shoulder. “Who is this rude stallion?”

“This is Oblivion Shadow, Master Witcher. We have entrusted him with the safety of our ponies from monsters in and out of the Everfree.” Celestia assured them. The Nobles looked at the Witcher and then back to the Princess. “Please wait a few minutes for this to finish Oblivion. Do you have extra time? How are you doing as well Sasa?”

He looked at the feline and she bowed her head to the Alicorn. “I have the time.” He agreed and stepped out from in front of her and stood off to the side.

Sasa trailed after him and he stood off to the side close to where he had placed the Elemental. He closed his eyes and let his mind fall into meditation as time slipped past him.

Sasa moved out from behind the throne and she sat just out of sight as they argued. She moved further out and she watched as she saw the front Noble spot her and he backed up a step. Her ears were perked forward as they tried to ignore her. She felt her mouth pull into a slight toothy smile as they tried to ignore her presence. She was trying not to listen in to what they were talking about. As far as she could tell they were asking her for more land outside of Canterlot and upgrade their standing. She rolled her eyes and looked back at the still Witcher as he was stone still. She had to admit it would be nice to be able to meditate that easily and use it to ignore the proceedings.

“You’re the lucky one here Chosen. They don’t seem to have any intention to speed this up.” Sasa groused.

Oblivion’s ears flicked as Celestia called his name. He looked up as Sasa got up and he moved out from behind the throne and came to stand in front of her. She smiled brightly and Sasa purred at her.

“I have an idea for how to get our guest to talk to us.” He informed her.

“Oh?” She looked surprised and then her face fell slightly as she looked at him. “We do not condone torture.” She gently reminded him.

“I have no intention of touching him.” He assured her.

“How do you plan to get him to talk without touching him? You were already skeptical about our methods before. What are you plotting?”

“The Element of Spirit has many abilities and when used correctly it can be used to coerce someone to speak up if done correctly.” He informed her.

She looked stunned as she leaned slightly forward as he spoke. She looked thoughtful as she seemed to consider what she knew of the Element. He was aware that she had some experience with the Element but he was also aware that she had not had the connection to the World Spirit that enhanced the sight that came from it.

“That can be done?”

“I can see the spirit of the pony and that will allow me to use it. I can react to the knowledge that I get through the Element. That allows me to act as needed.” He replied.

She looked uncertainly at him for several seconds before she sighed and nodded at him. “Very well. We are out of options with him and hopefully, you can make more progress than we have. When would you prefer to do this?”

“Now is fine.” He replied.

She nodded and came down from the throne and he fell in at her hip. “We need to get Luna involved as well. I don’t want her to feel left out.”

He nodded and stayed with her as she led him through the castle. She motioned for him to wait as she went to Luna’s room to get her. Sasa came up to him and rubbed her head on his shoulder as they waited the few minutes it took for the Alicorn’s to rejoin him. He fell in as they led the way down toward the lower sections of the castle.

Oblivion said nothing as they neared a door and Luna pushed it open to reveal a short corridor. He looked over the white Alicorn’s back and he could see a Unicorn sitting in a chair watching the cell in front of him.

“Wait here for a moment,” Celestia asked him and he nodded and waited where she had asked.

She walked past the doorway as the Unicorn got up from his chair to bow to the Alicorns.

“Princesses. What can I do for you this evening?” He asked as the pair of Alicorn’s approached him.

“We need to speak with him,” Celestia said to him and he nodded. “You can wait outside while we speak with him.”

The Unicorns horn lit and Oblivion could hear movement as the Alicorn’s moved out of his way and his horn extinguished as he moved past them and the Witcher. Oblivion came to stand close to them and he could see that the pony had been put into a chair and tied in place. The pony stared at the ground and refused to acknowledge them. Oblivion heard Celestia sigh lightly as she looked at the Elder Witcher.

“He has been like this since we got him in there.” Celestia lamented as the pony continued to ignore them and stare at the stone floor.

“What will thee do now?” Luna asked him.

“Unlock the door and I will do what I can.” He replied.

He watched as the pony gave a slight twitch at his words but still stared at the floor. Luna nodded and her horn lit up as the lock clicked open and he moved toward the door. His claws pushed the door gently opened he moved past the doorway and stood a foot away from the tied pony. He looked back over his shoulder as Sasa stood in the doorway and watched him closely.

“Be careful Chosen. He may be tied up and unable to hurt you but still. Be on your guard.” She said to him. “Be careful with the World Spirit, it can be temperamental.”

Oblivion said nothing for several seconds as the pony finally looked up at him, his eyes were sunken in and gaunt. The black Unicorn was silent as the pony looked a bit startled at the sight of the Unicorn in front of him. Oblivion looked down at the pony, his expression cold.

“What was your goal setting Canterlot on fire that day?” Oblivion asked.

The pony stared at him and blinked slowly. Oblivion let the silence drag on for several seconds before he spoke again.

“Who were the ponies with you that attacked me?”

Behind him, Sasa growled at the mention of the attack. He waited for any reply and the pony remained silent. He said nothing for several seconds before he went on.

“What prompted the attack on the suburban areas of the city?”

Behind him, he heard Celestia sigh and Luna grumbled as the silence went on. The pony continued to stare blankly at the expressionless Witcher. Oblivion said nothing for several seconds as the pony looked down and back to the ground. Oblivion looked over his shoulder and Celestia gave a tense nod of her head. He breathed in a breath and reached out to the pony. His claws gripped the pony’s jaw and forced his head back up to look into the orange eyes of The Witcher. The pony’s eyes were wide as Oblivion's eyes narrowed for a second as they stared at each other. He released the pony's face as he showed that he was going to keep his head up.

“I will ask these again.” He said and the pony stared at him. “What was your goal setting Canterlot on fire that day?” The pony didn’t reply and stared blankly. “Who were the ponies with you that attacked me?” Still no reply. “What prompted the attack on the suburban areas of the city?”

The pony said nothing and Oblivion leaned back on his haunches. He looked back and Celestia looked nervously at him before she nodded again and he turned to focus on the silent pony once more.

“I have given you the chance to answer my questions. Now that we have gotten that out of the way I can question you my way.” Oblivion said to him and he saw the pony's eyes open slightly wider.

His horn lit up and the pony’s eyes went to the appendage and then back to the orange eyes of the Unicorn. The azure fire went over the pony’s body and his eyes grew wider. Oblivion called on his magic to silence the pony’s voice to prevent him from screaming. He knew that if he let the Alicorn know that part of his plan they would disagree with him. Behind him, he heard Sasa purr. He called out to the World Spirit and its white fire flowed over his horn as it merged with the azure flame that was already there. The pony looked even more nervous as the magic changed color and was still surrounding him.

He commanded the World Spirit to surround the spirit within the pony and hold it within its power. The pony’s eyes were looking from him to the Alicorn’s behind him. As much as the pony wanted to get the attention of the Alicorn’s he knew that he could not see around the Witchers' shoulders. Oblivion leaned his head forward and put his mouth close to the pony’s ear.

“If you wish to speak, now is the time.” He whispered.

The pony’s eyes went wider as the Witcher leaned back and waited for the pony to decide what he wanted to do. A stubborn look went across the pony’s face and Oblivion bit back a knowing smirk as the World Spirit rolled over him. Oblivion leaned slightly back on his heels and he commanded the World Spirit to start to pick at pieces of the spirit within its control. The pony stiffened and started pushing back in his chair.

He kept going forward and picked at pieces of the spirit in his grasp and pulled them free. He used the World Spirit to keep the pieces close by to allow him to repair the damage he was causing. The World Spirit trembled at his continued command and he pushed it gently forward to keep it flowing easily. He knew that the World Spirit was not originally designed to be used in this way but it was possible to use it in this way. He moved ahead and the pony grimaced and started to thrash in his chair.

Behind him, Sasa growled and he heard Celestia gasp. His magic covered the chair and kept it from possibly falling and his magic trapped the pony and prevented him from thrashing and kept him still. He said nothing to the pony as he stared at the pony in the chair. His command of the World Spirit pushed ahead and he called on it to pick larger pieces from the spirit in its grasp. He looked at the pony as sweat began to come through his skin and he was beginning to pant heavily.

He heard Celestia start to speak but a growl from Sasa silenced her. The pony looked at him and Oblivion could see fear seeping into the pony’s eyes and face. Oblivion watched closely as the pony’s breath came in short gasps and Oblivion could see the moment he broke. Once he had broken Oblivion set the World Spirit to repair the damage. The white fire faded as the task was finished and his azure fire faded as the pony sagged in the chair.

“He is ready to talk now.” He said over his shoulder to the Alicorns.

The pony looked nervously at the black stallion as he moved to stand beside the pony’s chair. Celestia and Luna approached and drew up in front of the pony who looked at them closely. Oblivion kept back slightly to allow them to question while he supervised. The pair of Royals stared down at the tied up pony and he could see their eyes searching the pony for any sign of torture. Celestia looked at the Witcher and he looked back at her, his expression bland.

The white Alicorn breathed in a deep breath and looked down at the pony. “Who do you work for?”

He looked at the mare and then his eyes went to the Black Unicorn. Oblivion looked down at him and the pony gulped and his eyes went back to the pair in front of him. “I work for a group that tells me what to do.”

“Who are they?” Celestia pressed.

“They are part of the underground.”

“What are their names?” Luna asked.

“I don’t know their names. They tell me what to do and I do it.”

“Why did thee set Canterlot afire?” Luna asked her voice tense.

He gulped and looked at the ground and stared at the floor. Oblivion stomped a hoof and the pony’s head came up quickly and he looked at the black stallion, fear in his eyes. He looked back at the Alicorns.

“We were after the Elements of Harmony.” He replied quickly. “We were told that if we created a big enough stir outside that we could get into the castle to look for them.”

“And for what purpose?” Luna asked.

He was quiet as he shook his head. “I’m not sure. I just do what I’m told.”

“You were stopped outside by me?” Oblivion commented.

“Yeah. We weren’t able to get in since we ran into you.” He replied quickly.

“Do you have any idea why they wished to take the Elements?” Celestia asked.

“I have no idea. One of the others had more information than I did and…”

“I would advise against lying again.” Oblivion interrupted.

The pony stiffened and his head slowly turned to look at the Black Unicorn. Oblivion had seen his spirit shift as he lied to them. His eyes were wide as Oblivions horn lit and he jerked back to looking at the two Alicorns.

“I mean…I knew a little bit about why we were after them.” He amended.

“And it was?” Oblivion prompted.

“You would be amazed at how much they would be worth on the market. All I know is that we were supposed to get inside and take them.” He said quickly. “We were told they were under magic so that’s why we had the Unicorn with us. She was supposed to be able to get through the magic that protected them.”

“I made that magic. There is no way you would have been able to get past it.” Celestia nearly growled.

“Not my area of expertise. We were supposed to get inside and the mare would tell us if she could get past it or not. If not then we were to leave and report back.”

Celestia looked at the black Unicorn as he nodded to inform her that he was telling the truth to them. “Is that all you can tell us?”

“That’s all I can think of.” He replied and looked at Oblivion.

Oblivion opened his mouth to speak as his horn flashed, earning him a yelp from the tied pony. His magic gripped the letter tightly and he heard Sasa growl as he sidestepped away from them.

Celestia watched as he moved away from them with the letter he had received and she looked back at their prisoner. His eyes were trained on the Witcher as he suddenly looked at her.

“Who is he?” He asked as he looked at the Witcher.

“He bears one of the Elements of Harmony that you tried to steal,” Celestia informed him.

“Oh. So the Elements can do what he did?”

“I am not sure what he did.” She admitted. “He was asked to find a way to get you to talk without laying a hoof on you.”

The prisoner stared at her and then to the mare beside her. She knew that Luna had spent the last several minutes glaring at their prisoner. Her light purple eyes went to the Witcher as he turned to them, his steps were hurried as he rejoined them.

“I will be leaving him to you now. Something has come up in Ponyville that needs my attention.” He said to her.

She nodded and looked at the prisoner. “Do you have anything else you wish to tell us?”

“Only that they won’t stop trying to take them.”

“They are no longer here in Canterlot,” Luna growled.

The pony looked startled and he sunk back in his chair and well silent. Oblivions horn lit as he teleported away from them. Sasa vanished a few seconds later. Leaving the pair of them with the prisoner. Both mares turned to leave the chamber, their steps echoing on the stones.

90: Theft of Hope

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Oblivion opened his eyes and his magic summoned Sasa as he looked at the Library in front of him. He could see Twilights light inside the Library and he could see that she was very upset and borderline panicking. His magic gripped the front door and he trotted quickly inside and joined her inside.

“Twilight?” He said to her as her back was to him.

She jerked and looked over her shoulder at him. Her eyes were wide and looked as if she was about to burst into tears at any moment. Sasa trotted to her and nuzzled her cheek and the mare simply stared at him. He moved to join her and she slowly turned back to face forward and stare at the far wall. He reached out and set a hoof on her shoulder and she jerked once more. Her spirit rolled within her and he could see that she was bordering on hysterical. His horn lit as he called on the World Spirit to help him calm her. It rolled over her as she stared at the wall. When her breathing had slowed and she was visibly less stressed he sent the World Spirit back to being dormant and sat down beside her.

“What's going on? You sent me a letter saying I had to come back immediately.”

“Their gone.” She whispered.

“What's gone?”

“Look.” She said as she pointed to the vacant space in the wall several feet in front of her.

His orange eyes scanned the wall ahead of them and after several seconds of looking, he began to look around the room to try to ascertain what was missing. After several seconds his eyes widened slightly as she turned to look at him. Her eyes were tear-filled and she nodded.

“The Elements of Harmony are missing.” She whispered.

“WHAT?!” Sasa shrieked through their connection. “NO. No they can’t be missing.”

“Look ahead Sasa. Their spot is empty.” He said to the feline. “They had a lock on them I assume?”

“They did. If they had broken the glass then the lock would have activated. But there was no lock on the entire case.” She shouted, her panic returning slowly.

“Were all of them in there?”

“Yes.” She lamented.

He could see the panic returning and his horn lit to calm her once more. The World Spirit flowed over her and he saw her calm down and he let it go dormant. Sasa nuzzled her as the white fire faded away from her. He watched as she looked at him and then her eyes fell on the medallion around his neck. Her hooves came up and she gripped the medallion in her hooves. He allowed her to grip it tightly and she looked up at him.

“All but this one. This one is safe and sound. Tell me its here.” She said frantically.

“I assure you the Element is fine. It goes everywhere with me.” He calmly informed her.

He saw her look at the medallion and then to the bright silver rim that went around it. He saw her take a deep breath and exhale slowly. She slowly released the medallion after thirty seconds and her hooves wrapped around her body as she breathed. He leaned down and wrapped one foreleg around her to try to soothe her frazzled nerves.

“Who would have known they were here? We only moved them a couple of weeks ago.” She muttered to herself. “They were supposed to be safe here.”

He held her as tightly as he dared and she seemed to take comfort from him being with her. She stared at the gap in the wall and Sasa got up to stand in front of her to block her from staring at it. The feline looked from the mare to him and he nodded as a silent request came from her. His horn lit and covered the feline to allow her to speak once more.

“Twilight.” She said.

Twilight jerked slightly and looked at the feline. “Sasa?”

“It is not your fault.” She crooned. “You were right to believe they were safe here. They found they could not take the Elements alone due to your safeguards. They were forced to take the whole thing. We will find out who did this.” She assured her.

Twilight looked at her and he could see tears begin to flow from her eyes as her hooves gripped his fur as he held her. “But… Their gone.”

“I know they are.” She went on. “You did what was right to protect them. Do not doubt yourself now. Without the Element of Spirit they are not a full set. If they wish to sell them then they are not at their full value. They will now have to find the final Element. That will bring them to us.”

“You want them to hunt you?” She hiccupped.

“Yes. Who better than a Witcher to be hunted by greedy ponies?” Sasa chuckled. “Do not doubt the strength of those around you. It is not hopeless dear Twilight.”

“But I failed to protect them.”

“You did not fail.” Sasa soothed. “You cannot guard them at all times. No pony can be everywhere at once. There is no blame to be put on you.”


“No. Enough of this Twilight. You have the strength to stand and help us to find them. If you are worried about being judged at fault we will stand with you even in the face of others.” She went on. “We are with you.”

Twilight hiccupped and looked from the feline to the Witcher, who nodded in agreement with the cat. “But Princess Celestia…”

“I will speak with her about this.” Oblivion said to her. “I will leave Sasa here with you to help you begin to figure out when they were taken. If we can figure out a time frame then that will help us narrow it down. That will allow me to work on tracking the case when I return.”

“See? You are not alone.” Sasa crooned and nuzzled the mare affectionately.

Oblivion allowed the azure flame to fade from the cat’s body and Twilight turned to hug him tightly. She nuzzled into his fur and he held her close. She backed up from him after a minute and turned to hug Sasa.

“Thank you.” She whispered to the cat who nuzzled her once more.

“Stay with her.” He said to the feline as he got to his hooves and his horn lit as he teleported away from them both.

Oblivion opened his eyes as his teleport faded and he was in motion a bare moment later. His hooves carried him easily through the castle, toward the throne room. He could tell that there was an audience going once more. He was not sure who it was with but he needed the Alicorn to hear what he had to report to her. He neared the throne room doors and the guards in front of the door sighed as he approached and without a word they opened the doors for him. His clawed hooves were silent on the plush carpet that led to the throne. He watched as Celestia saw him and he could see confusion cross her face as he drew closer.

The ponies that stood in front of her stopped and looked back at him. They sneered the closer her got to them and they moved when it was made clear that he did not intend to alter his course for them. They parted and glared hotly at him as he moved to stand ahead of them.

“I need a moment of you and Luna’s time.” He said to her, his tone sharp.

She looked at him and for a moment he saw irritation flash through her eyes but he stood firm and refused to change his stance.

“Can it wait?” She asked him.


She looked surprised at his tone and finally nodded after a delay of several seconds. Her horn lit for several seconds and he waited as Luna appeared moments later. She looked blearily at her sister and then her eyes widened at the sight of him. She blinked several times as her sister got up from her throne. She looked apologetically to the ponies that stood behind the Witcher.

“My deepest apologies but this is something I must see to. Please be certain that I am not discounting what we were discussing and I will be sure to pick up where we left off when I am able to at the normal hours.”

The ponies looked angrily at the Witcher, who ignored them. The ponies filed out as they cursed amongst themselves. Oblivion waited until the doors were once more closed before he looked at the pair of Alicorn’s. Both of them looked expectantly at him.

“What was so dire that…?” Celestia began.

“The Elements of Harmony have been stolen.” He said blandly to them.

Both mares fell silent and Luna’s jaw slowly dropped open as she processed what he had said. Celestia stared at him as her eyes blinked slowly in response. He said nothing further and allowed them to process what he had said and what their own replies would be. Seconds turned into over a minute before Celestia breathed in deeply and then exhaled slowly as she fought to remain calm.

“I’m sorry?” She whispered out.

“Twilight called me back to Ponyville and when I arrives she was incredibly distraught and at first neither Sasa nor I were sure why. She informed us that the Elements had been taken. I think she is most afraid that she has failed you, Celestia.” He informed them.

“She has not failed me.” She replied.

“I would then hope you would inform her of that.” He responded.

“I will send her a letter once you explain what happened.” He went on.

“I asked her about the case being locked and she assured me that it had a magical lock on it that prevented it from being broken into…”

“Then how did they steal them?” Luna asked.

“They took the entire case.”

“Oh.” Luna said to him as anger began to cross over her features. “How will thou be retrieving them then?”

“Once I am done here I will be going back to the Library to begin to track the case itself. I plan on seeing if there is a magical signature that can be tracked and find the other Elements that way. If not we will be tracking them the old fashioned way.” He informed her.

“If thou have need of help please call us. We will do all we can to aid thee.” Luna said to him.

“If I have the need I will call on you Luna. But tracking is one thing I was made for so I will do best on my own for it to succeed.” He assured her.

“Please tell me you can find them? I trust yours is with you?” Celestia asked him.

“I can find them given time. My Element is with me at all times. If they desire to sell the full set then they will need to take this final one from me to complete the set.” He replied and they both looked at the medallion that rested around his neck. “I assure you it is fine.”

Both of them looked from his face to the necklace and back. He bit back a sigh and called on the Element. The armor slithered across his body and came to rest in its place. Both of them looked relieved to see it safe with him. He called it back into its normal form and the Alicorn’s were quiet as he regarded them.

“Be sure to send a letter to Twilight and keep her calm. She was nearly hysterical when I saw her.”

Celestia looked concerned and nodded as his horn lit to teleport him back to the Library. His magic faded and he found himself in front of the Library. He looked at it and he could see Twilights light from outside and she was panicking again if he was right. He trotted into the Library and Sasa was trying to keep the mare from panicking by nuzzling her constantly. His horn lit as he called on the World Spirit and the white flame covered the mare as she was falling apart once more. She looked at the white fire and her head turned to look at him, her eyes wide. He watched as her spirit calmed and she breathed slowly to help herself keep from crying.

“Oblivion? What do I do?” She pleaded. “Did you see her? How angry is she with me?”

“I did speak with her and she is going to send a letter to you soon. She is not angry with you in the slightest. She does not blame you and is worried about you overdoing it.” He informed her as the white fire faded and he sat down close by her.

“Are you sure?” She asked him.

“I’m certain.” He assured her. “I am going to start looking into tracking the case and see what I can find out.” He looked over her as the feline looked at him from behind the mare. “Go get Applejack and the other girls. I would prefer not to leave her alone in case she begins to panic once more.”

His magic created a short note to the orange mare and it was tucked into the cat’s collar. She slunk away and slipped out the door. He looked back at Twilight and the mare was still trying to breathe and stay calm.

“I just can’t believe that the whole case is gone and I didn’t stop it.” She muttered.

“What could you have done? You were clearly not here and that means you were unable to be able to stop the theft. Celestia said that she was not upset with you and that she would send you a letter about it. I would expect you will be hearing from her soon and you will see that I am telling you the truth.”

“I know you are. I don’t think your lying to me, I just…”

“I know.” He said to her and he reached out a hoof and set it on her shoulder. “You seem to enjoy beating yourself up for no reason. You’re jumping to the worst case scenario and refusing to see the more likely ones. It is very unlikely that Celestia would blame you and punish you for something you could not have controlled.”


“No. Let me finish.” He said to her and she went silent. “Celestia is not going to punish you for the theft. You were not here and if you had been what if they were more than you could have handled alone? Even with Spike, you could have been overpowered. Do you think she would wish you to be harmed trying to stop a theft?”

Twilight looked at the floor and then back to him and she shook her head. “No. She wouldn’t want me to get hurt.”

“Exactly. Now I want you to look at the odds of her being angry at you and the odds of her being glad you’re okay and speak to you about how it could have been stolen?”

Twilight was quiet for several seconds and he could see the numbers running through her mind as she suddenly broke out into a small smile.

“The second one is more likely.” Shew admitted and her smile grew a bit.

“Exactly. You’re jumping to the wrong conclusion and focusing only on the worst case scenario. Look at the more likely scenario and watch as it unfolds in front of you. You’re smart enough to know what would happen and what would more likely happen.” He said to her.

She smiled and turned to more clearly face him. She got to her hooves and threw her forelegs around his neck and hugged him tightly. She nuzzled into his mane and he held her close. “Thank you.” She said to him.

“Your welcome.” He said to her and patted her back.

“Behind you Chosen.” Sasa called out to him and he looked over his shoulder as the feline and the girls were now standing in the doorway.

Twilight looked up as Sasa purred loudly and she squeaked as she let go of him and backed up as her face flushed. He got to his hooves and stepped back to allow the girls to surround the purple mare. His orange eyes narrowed as he began to scan the room for anything that stood out as out of the ordinary. Sasa rejoined him and he looked up as Spike came down the steps carrying a scroll. He startled as the stallion looked at him, his eyes were narrowed.

“What happened?” Spike asked him.

“It’s normal for a Witcher.” He assured the baby dragon.

“Oh. Okay. Hey Twilight.” He called out and the mare looked back as the girls spoke to her. “It’s a letter from Princess Celestia. She says that she is not mad at you and she will be coming by to talk to you directly.”

“She’ll be coming here?” Twilight’s voice was quiet.

“Think of the options and pick the most likely.” Oblivion called out to her from his place near the back of the Library.

She looked at him and nodded as she closed her eyes and breathed to keep herself calm. She nodded and opened her eyes to look at him closely and a smile crossed her face. He went back to looking for anything out of the ordinary and found what he was looking for. He knew the hoof prints that belonged in the area and two sets stood out to him. Sasa stayed back as he whirled on his heel and followed the tracks out the door and to the side of the Library. The Library was not in a very busy area of Ponyville so it was possible that the thieves would be able to move the Elements without being seen.

“Anything?” Sasa asked him as he walked carefully around the Library.

He didn’t reply as he moved toward the back of the Library. His eyes narrowed further as he found a set of wagon tracks in the compact dirt. He raised his head and his eyes went back to normal as he looked at the tracks. Sasa came to stand up next to him she lowered her head to look at the markings on the ground.

“Wagon?” She said to him and he nodded in reply. “How did they get it out of Ponyville without it being seen? Somepony should have seen it.”

“Do you really think they would have seen it and known what it was?” He replied and she looked at him and then shook her head.

“That’s a fair point.” She admitted.

He shifted to the side and began to follow the faint marks in the dirt as the wagon moved through town. The Witcher was quiet as his hooves were silent on the dirt and the tracks led him out of town. He was silent as the tracks headed out of town and their path went toward the Everfree. He lowered his head to scan the tracks for any sign of a change in direction and found that they tracks had not been tampered with to alter their image. The tracks went in to the tall grass of the Everfree and his eyes narrowed to allow him to follow the trail easier.

“Great. Into the Everfree we go.” Sasa grumbled form behind him.

“You’re surprised?”

“No. I just wish for once we didn’t have to traipse through here for answers.” She replied.

He tracked through the grass and into a clearing after over a mile of tracking. Sasa came to walk next to him as he moved into the clearing and he could see the abandoned wagon close by. He moved up next to it and his orange eyes scanned the wagon for any clues and aside from a few scratches in the wood from the case there was nothing that would give any sign of who had taken the case that held the Elements of Harmony. Beside him Sasa gave a low growl and she shook her head as he stood next to the wagon.

“Now what?” She asked him.

He didn’t reply immediately as his mind went over what could have happened to the case and the ponies who had taken it. He began to move around the wagon and his eyes narrowed as he searched for anything more. He looked up as Sasa jumped out of the way and into the back of the wagon to stay out of the way as he began to circle the wagon. He started circling close to the wagon and slowly began to widen his circle as he went around the wagon and his search branched out. He looked up suddenly as an area of trampled grass caught his attention. He moved toward the spot and he branched out as he moved to follow the grass that had been moved and was laying partially over, as though it had been forced to lay down from the force of something moving over it.

“What did you find?” Sasa asked.

“Something…” He began but his words died in his mouth as he focused on what he was seeing.

He followed the grass until it vanished at the edge of the clearing. The tracks vanished and he moved ahead to see if they picked up just beyond the edge of the clearing and he was met with nothing beyond what he had seen. He moved back into the clearing and he backtracked to follow them back to their source and then back to the edge once more. He circled the clearing to see if there was anything more and he was brought back to the edge of the clearing in the same spot. His eyes went back to normal and he nearly ran his claws over his face as Sasa sat up in the wagon to watch him.

“What are you doing?” She asked him.

“There are tracks that lead to the edge of the clearing and then vanish. There is a second set of wagon tracks but they… disappear.” He admitted.

The cat jumped from the wagon and trotted to join him at the edge of the clearing and looks at the tracks. He walked away from her and back to the wagon they had with them and he scanned it once more for any clues. He startled as Sasa suddenly yowled and he looked back as the feline spun to look at him.

“Could they have been using one of the flying chariots?” She asked him, her voice insistent.

His eyes went slightly wider and he looked down at the tracks in the grass. The Elder Witcher moved to stand in between what would have been the wheels and looked at the dimensions compared to what he knew of the flying chariots. He moved his hooves to check the spacing of the wheels and his mind began to race over the scenarios and options that the flying chariot would allow.

“Do you think they stole one or could they be in the guard and they got one that way?” She asked him as he looked over the wagons spacing and the chariots tracks in front of him.

“We will be finding out when we go back to Canterlot.” He said to her.

“Great. More teleporting.” She joked as she rejoined him and they began to walk out of the Everfree.

He trotted into town as Celestia landed close by the Library. He waited for her to go inside and once the door had closed he approached the chariot. The Pegasus guards looked over at him and they chose to ignore him unless they were asked to do otherwise. He moved to the back of the chariot and set his hooves to measure the spacing between the wheels. He looked at the height it would need to be to bend the grasses in the field.

“Well?” Sasa questioned.

“They’re the same.” He replied. “They used one of Celestia’s chariots.”

“Oh boy. Now what do we do?”

“We wait for her to finish and inform her of what we have found. We need to know what the procedure is with the chariots and how there are taken out of the city. For now, we wait.”

“Great.” Sasa griped. “We could just go in and talk to her.”

“Do you want to panic Twilight after we finally got her calmed down?”

The feline raised her head slightly higher and she looked at her and shook her head. “Fair point.”

Oblivion looked up as the Library door opened and the tall Alicorn came out and headed toward the chariot. Her eyes widened at the sight of the Witcher and Sasa sitting happily in the chariot. Oblivion heard Sasa chuckle at the resigned look from the mare as she approached them.

“Normally I am not afraid to see any of my ponies but I admit I am a bit uncertain if I am happy to see you or not.” She admitted with a laugh.

He waited until she got close to him and he turned to look at the chariot. “How are your chariots handled?” He asked.

“Why are we discussing the chariots I use?” She asked him, her tone curious.

“I tracked the case to the back of the Library where it was loaded into a wagon. I followed the tracks to the Everfree where I found the wagon.” He explained. “There were tracks from a chariot much like your own in the clearing. I looked at your chariot and it is nearly an exact match.”

Her eyes went wide at the implication. “You mean that somepony has one of my chariots and used it to get the Elements out of Ponyville without being seen?”


“Oh wow.” She whispered. “So one of my chariots has possibly been stolen or misused? What are you thinking?”

“Again, how are the chariots are handled?” He asked. “Are they signed out or are they assigned?”

“They are signed out when they need to be used by the guards or myself. Are you sure it is one of my chariots or could it also be one of Luna’s?”

“I think Luna’s are taller in the rear.”

“That’s true. Hers do ride a bit higher.” She admitted.

“We can check them as well if you would prefer.”

“That will not be needed. Are you able to come with me back to Canterlot? We can look into the chariots and go over the sign outs for the last few days.” She asked as she got up into the chariot and scooted over to allow him to join her and Sasa.

He hopped onto the chariot next to her and sat down. “I have the time.” He replied.

“We would need to speak with Shining Armor to ensure that the sign outs are current.” She explained as the chariot began to move out.


“He is involved in the sign out process.” She explained.

He fell silent as the chariot took off and headed back toward Canterlot.

91: Who to Chase?

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He was silent as the lights of Canterlot spread out under him and they angled down toward the castle. As they moved toward the castle, Celestia stayed still as the Pegasus closest to her looked back and she motioned for them to keep going.

“Go back to the depot and we will come along.” She cheerfully said to him and he nodded in understanding.

Oblivion watched as they angled towards a different section of the castle and he sat still as they landed within a small depot that held the rest of the chariots that belonged to Luna and Celestia. The chariot stopped and the three of them jumped off the chariot and it was moved back into place with the other few that were stamped with Celestia’s cutie mark.

“Please bring Shining Armor to me. I need to speak with him as soon as possible.” She said to one of the guards and he nodded and took off. “It will be a few minutes.”

“I’m in no hurry at the moment. Once we get the information needed we will see where it leads.” He assured her.

Sasa leaned against his hip. “This could be informative or a total waste of time and effort.” She said to him.

“Agreed. We will find out how the chariots are signed out and if the one that was taken is either signed for or stolen. We will find out soon enough.” He replied.

Several minutes went by and Shining Armor came through a side door and he broke into a trot to get to them. He bowed his head slightly at the Princess and his eyes fell on the black Unicorn that was with her. He gave Oblivion a look as he drew up next to them.

“Dare I ask why you’re here as well?” Shining quipped as he hoof bumped the black stallion.

Oblivion said nothing as Sasa walked up to the Captain and rubbed her head on his chest as she purred. He ran his hoof over her fur and his eyes fell on the Princess as she chuckled.

“We need to look at the sign-outs for the chariots. We have reason to think that one of them has been used inappropriately.” She explained, avoiding the theft of the Elements.

Shining nodded as uncertainty went over his face as he moved toward a side office and returned with a set of documents hanging in his magic. He held them close by as he read them over.

“Only one has been checked out today. Nothing over the past couple of days.” He replied and the papers hovered in his aura.

“How many chariots are there?” Oblivion asked as Sasa came back to him and sat down at his shoulder.

“There should be twenty of them. Twenty Solar chariots and twenty Lunar.” He informed them. “I’ll be right back.”

Oblivion watched as the stallion walked away from them, counting them as he went. Sasa purred loudly as she leaned to the side and bumped her head against Celestia’s shoulder. The Alicorn mare smiled and pet her gently. Oblivion looked up as Shining was trotting back toward them. The Witcher could tell that something was wrong judging by the stallion speed. He slid to a halt and then spoke quietly with them.

“There’s one missing.” He admitted quietly.

Celestia’s eyes went wide as he spoke and Oblivion nodded in understanding.

“Oh shit.” Sasa cursed.

“How do you plan on finding it?” Oblivion asked.

Shining looked at him and his eyes closed as he lowered his head slightly and then looked up at the Black Unicorn. “I actually am not sure. We have never had one go missing before. I will have to think about how to find it.”

“I can help if needed,” Oblivion said to him.

“How did you know one was missing? You don’t seem surprised, even for you.” Shining replied.

Celestia motioned for the Captain to follow her and the group of them moved toward the office. Her magic pushed open the door and they all walked into the room and she closed down the door behind them.

“What is going on, Princess? I’m guessing it has something to do with the missing chariot.” He reasoned as he looked between them.

“Oblivion? If you would not mind?” She said as she looked at the pair of them.

“Simply put?” Both of them nodded and he looked at the Captain. “The Elements of Harmony have been stolen.”

Celestia looked annoyed for a moment at his bluntness but she seemed to recover as Shining’s jaw dropped. His eyes were comically wide as he stared at the Black Unicorn. His eyes did not blink as he stared at Oblivion. Sasa leaned out to look at him and she growled to see if that would shock him back to life. Oblivion finally reached out and slapped him to get him to focus once more. The Captain breathed deeply and finally blinked.

“Tell me you’re kidding.” He whispered.

“No. They were taken some time today while Twilight and Spike were out.” Oblivion supplied.

“How were they taken?”

“They were taken by somepony during the day and she informed me by letter earlier. The case was locked and had a magical lock that Twilight had placed on it.”

“So how did they steal them?”

“They took the entire case that the Elements were housed in,” Oblivion informed him.

“Oh by the Goddess.” Shining groaned and motioned for him to go on.

“I was able to track a couple of sets of hoof prints out behind the Library. The case had been loaded into a wagon and I then followed the wagon tracks out into a clearing within the Everfree. I found the wagon out in a clearing and found a second trail that vanished at the end of the clearing.” Oblivion explained. “The tracks bear a remarkable resemblance to the chariots that are used by Celestia’s Solar Guards.”

Shining closed his eyes and a deep sigh escaped him as he lowered his head. “Oh no.”

“Yes. It appears that we have a problem Captain Armor.” Celestia said to him, her voice cheerful but with an undertone of concern. “Is there any way to track the chariot or the case?”

Oblivion shook his head for a moment before a thought came to him. “Maybe.”

Both of them looked at him for several seconds. “Oh?” Shining said to him.

“I was not involved in the making of the lock itself. But perhaps I can find a way to track the magic that was used.” He explained.

Shining growled as his expression darkened. “We are going to need to find the chariot. I am definitely going to need some help to find it. If we can find it we might find the case itself.”

“Is there any way that it could have been taken by a member of the guard?” Oblivion finally asked after a short delay.

Shining looked unsure and his expression slowly became more and more worried as he considered what had been asked. “I hope not, but there is always a chance.” He admitted.

“What about the shadow organization that the pony we have in custody mentioned?” Oblivion asked the Alicorn.

She was quiet for a second as she considered what he had asked. “That is possible. I do not know much about this organization personally.” She admitted with an apologetic look.

Shining looked thoughtful for several seconds before he held up a hoof to silence both of them. “I might know a bit about them if they are the group I am thinking of. I am involved in the security of the city so anything that might be a threat to the city I am kept abreast of.”

“I would like both of you to collaborate with each other to find the Elements and see if this organization is involved,” Celestia said to the pair of them. “I expect that between you, you should be able to find the Elements and get to the bottom of the theft.”

The Alicorn looked at both of them and her expression became more serious as she reached out and her hoof gently gripped the medallion around his neck. It sat in her hoof and she looked nervously at it and then to each of them.

“You are the only one that still has their Element.” She said as the medallion slipped from her hoof and back to its place on his neck. “Your Element is the only one that is still safe and that will make you a target. Your Element is the strength behind the Elements. Keep it safe.”

He nodded in reply to her. “I’ll watch my back. I have been attacked by more than my fair share of greedy and vicious ponies in my time.”

Sasa came forward and rubbed her head against the Alicorn’s shoulder. “Do not worry, Celestia. I will watch over him as well.”

Oblivion parroted her words and the mare rubbed her hooves over the cat’s fur and smiled. “I know you will Sasa. I am more worried about them getting to close and getting the medallion.”

“That’s only if they figure out the medallion is where the Element is located. So far it is not known where it is. They would only know that the Element is with me but not its exact location.” He replied. “But in the meantime, I will keep it close and assure that it is protected. I can enchant it to always return to me if it is taken from me.”

“If you could do that I would be much more at ease,” Celestia said to him.

Oblivions horn lit as the medallion around his neck was covered in the azure flame. He fashioned a ‘return to me’ spell that he had read about in one of the books by Starswirl that he had borrowed from Twilight. The spell peaked and a flash of azure flame went out similar to when a letter was being sent to him and faded into nothing. He looked at the pair of them and they both nodded, having guessed what kind of spell it was that he had used. Celestia turned to leave the room and she looked over her shoulder at the pair of them.

“Please find them.” She whispered out and they nodded as her horn lit and pushed open the door and left them behind, closing the door behind her.

Shining sighed as the door closed and his head sunk nearly to the ground. Oblivion said nothing as Sasa approached the stallion and nuzzled his cheek. Shining Armor raised his head and squared his shoulders. Oblivion gave a somber nod in an understanding of his new predicament. The white stallion sighed again and moved to the door.

“Come on. We can chat in my office.” He said to the waiting stallion and motioned for him to follow.

Oblivion and Sasa fell in behind him and they have led away from the chariot depot and into the castle itself. Several minutes went by and they came to a side office and the doors were pushed open by the Unicorns magic and all of them went in. Oblivion sat down in a chair that was sitting in front of the dark stained oak desk. Sasa sat down beside him and she chuckled through their connection at the growing stress that grew on Shining face.

“Tell him it’s okay and we will do what we can to help.” She said to him. “He looks so stressed out.”

“We are with you Shining,” Oblivion said to him. The stallion looked at him and his brow creased for a second before Sasa began to purr. “She is worried that you are looking stressed.”

“Oh. It’s fine Sasa.” He said to her. “Thanks for the concern. I’m a bit stressed but it’s not from the idea of working with both of you. It’s just that now I know that the Elements of Harmony are not available to be used in defense of Equestria. That is a huge blow to our defense. We did not have them before but now that we do have them it’s a huge blow.” He explained.

I just wanted to make sure he is okay.” She said to the stallion.

“She is simply concerned that you were not okay,” Oblivion replied and Shining smiled at the feline.

“Thanks, Sasa.” Shining smiled wider and then looked at the stallion. “I want you to have your team with you to prevent the theft of the Element. I know you placed a return spell on it but that is not foolproof.”

Oblivion snorted and shook his head. “I don’t think that will be needed. If I wish to have one of them I will call on them. At the moment I want to be the target.”

Shining went quiet and then shook his head. “You’re the only pony I know that would decline any protection for the Element of Harmony that he possesses. You’re impossible.”

Sasa chuckled and walked up to rub her forehead on the pony’s foreleg and he ran his hoof over her fur. “Are you truly shocked that he wishes to the target and practically beg them to attack him?” She asked as a chuckle rolled through her.

Oblivion spoke for her and the pony shook his head again. “No. Now that I think of it no I’m not.” He admitted. “So what are you going to do now?”

“First I need to know what you know about the shadow group.” Oblivion started.

Shining sighed and his horn lit as a side drawer in one of the cabinets on the other side of the room was covered in his aura. A drawer opened and a file levitated from within the drawer. IT moved across the room and hovered close by the black Unicorn. Oblivion took the file and it was covered in the azure flame of his aura. It dropped into his hooves and he opened it to reveal the few pieces of paper it held. He looked up at Shining, who looked away from his gaze. He could see the embarrassment in the other's body language as his magic levitated the five papers that were held in the file.

Shining sighed and looked back at the Witcher. “Okay, so I have not had as much time to hunt for information as I would have liked.” He admitted. “It’s not as easy as it looks.”

Oblivion said nothing in reply as his eyes scanned the few papers in front of him. “Walk me through what you do know.”

Shining nodded and leaned forward in his chair. “What we do know is that they are set up in a pyramid with the boss at the top of the pile. They branch out downward from there.”

Oblivion was silent and he nodded as his magic pulled out the first paper to let it hover directly in front of him. He looked up from it to encourage the other to keep speaking.

“We are aware that the group is pretty deeply involved in the politics of Equestria and the black market. How deep we are not sure but we know they are there, somewhere.”

“How well known is it that the Elements of Harmony are a set of seven? Or do most assume they are a group of six? Or less?”

“That is a much unknown fact. Most ponies assume they are only in parts of two since the Princesses used them. If anyone chose to look into it deeply then the information is there for the finding. They just have to do a bit of digging for it.” Shining replied easily.

Sasa purred and came to sit next to the black Unicorn as he considered what they knew so far. “My turn to ask a few things.” She said to him and he nodded to her. “Do they know the names of the ponies that are part of this pyramid?”

“No. We don’t know anything about the individual ponies involved in it.” He admitted with a snort.

“Is there a chance that some of the Nobles are involved or is it only the underground?”

Shining looked at her as Oblivion spoke and he sighed and shook his head. “If they are they are careful about it. I’m not sure one way or the other. I would be curious about what they think if nothing else.”

Oblivion was silent as a question came over him. “What do we know about the ponies involved?”

“Unfortunately we have not been able to get any of the ponies involved to talk. Any that we have thought were involved we were not able to get them to talk about it. If I heard right we needed you to get the one we have to talk to get anything from him.”

“I’m not too surprised that they did not talk then. If they were half the pony that we have with us then it’s not a shock that they remain quiet. I cannot use what I did on a large group of them without losing one or two.” He admitted.

Shining’s eyes widened slightly and he leaned heavily into his chair. “And how did you get him to talk? I know you did but I am not sure how.”

“The Element of Spirit is able to do many things.” He replied.

Shining looked nervously at the medallion and then back to the stallion that wore it. “I have to admit that I worry about dealing with them given how little we know about them.” He said and a small smile tugged at his mouth. “Granted there are times that I worry about dealing with you.”

Sasa nodded as her laugh flowed through their connection.

Time ticked past as he and Shining compared notes and discussed what they would need to find out. So far they had decided that they needed to gather more information on the ones that might have stolen the Elements of Harmony. Oblivion leaned back in his chair and Sasa huffed at his side.

“Is it possible that some of the Nobles are in league with them?” He asked suddenly after several minutes of silence.

Shining looked uncertain for several seconds. “I suppose it is possible, but at the same time, I’m not certain. I know very little about the Nobles themselves so I am probably not the one to ask.” He admitted with a shrug.

“What about Blue Blood?” He replied and the white stallion leaned forward and motioned for him to go on. “He lives in that world while you and I do not. I know enough about Nobility to stay away from them as they are normally more trouble than they are worth. He is to be trusted if I had to pick a Noble he would be the only one that I would choose.”

“That’s a very good point. We can trust him with what we know at this time. So what do you think?” Shining asked.

“I think we are left with little choice in the matter.” Oblivion pointed out. “We have to either wait for them to come after the only remaining Element or we chase them down now.”

“We don’t know who to chase is our issue,” Shining replied. “If I knew who to send you after I would have already done it.”

“So we need Blue Blood,” Oblivion replied as his horn lit.

Shining nodded and a scroll and quill were called into his magic. He jotted a quick note for the Prince to meet them in Shining’s office as soon as possible. Shining watched as the flames covered the scroll as it rolled up and with a burst of flame the scroll vanished.

“How do you know if it will wake him up?” Shining asked. “It’s pretty late.”

“I added a bit more magic than it needed so it should startle him enough to wake him up.”

“Oh. Poor Blue Blood.” Sasa chuckled.

Minutes ticked past and both stallions looked at the door as a soft knock went out. “Come in!” Shining shouted.

The door opened slowly and a somewhat bleary-eyed Prince walked in to join them. He looked from the black Unicorn to Shining and then to Sasa.

“Do you have any idea what time it is?” He asked, his tone short.

“Sorry Blue Blood.” Shining apologized. “Normally I would have waited for daylight to speak with you but this is important. Please take a seat.”

Blue scowled at the pair of stallions and came to sit down with an aggravated sigh. “This had better be good Oblivion.”

“I assure you it is.” He replied.

“Okay. So what is so important that it could not wait till morning?” He quipped.

Shining looked at the black Unicorn and motioned for him to speak. “The Elements of Harmony have been stolen.”

“Oh is that it?” He replied.

Oblivion looked at him as the information slowly soaked in. His eyes went from being a bit angry and they slowly widened as a shock went over him.

“I’m sorry. Can you repeat that?” He said after a delay of several seconds.

“The Elements of Harmony are gone. Somepony stole them yesterday.” He informed him.

“Oh. So I did hear you right.” Bleu said to him as he shook his head and looked down at his hooves. “How?”

“Twilight had placed a magical lock on the case that they were held inside. She and Spike were out of the Library and I am assuming several ponies since I was able to see several tracks went into the Library and stole the entire case instead of trying to break the glass and take them.” Oblivion explained.

“Oh by the Goddess.” He breathed out and his eyes were wide. “Tell me you have yours.”

“I do, yes.”

“Okay, so it was definitely worth waking up for.” He admitted and looked between them. “Now what?”

“We are hoping that you will be able to help,” Shining said to him.

“What could I do? I’m not a guard or a Witcher.”

“That’s the idea.” Shining informed him.

“Okay. You’re going to have to explain this to me.” Blue responded.

“The Elements were moved to Ponyville after the incident with Discord. Not many ponies know that and even fewer knew exactly where they would be. So we are wondering if you have any ideas.”

“About who might have taken them?”

“Not exactly.” Oblivion cut in. “We are wondering if you have seen any Nobles or upper echelon ponies show more than a casual interest in them.”

“No. Give me a second.”

Blue looked thoughtful as Oblivion sat in silence with the Captain waiting for his reply in silence. Minutes ticked past as they waited for him to think of anything. He finally shook his head and shrugged at them.

“I can’t think of anypony that has been interested in them,” Blue admitted, his eyes apologetic.

Oblivion nodded and Shining leaned back in his chair. Sasa leaned forward and Oblivion could see her looking between them.

“We had received information that a shadow group within Equestria has been looking for them. That attack on Canterlot?” Blue nodded as the feline went on. “It was orchestrated by them. The goal of that attack was meant to allow them to get close to the Elements as they were within the castle at that time. Their goal was to take them if possible.” She explained.

“Oh wow,” Blue muttered as he leaned back in the chair. “Okay, so they found out they were moved and went after them again, and this time they succeeded.”

“Exactly.” She replied. “What ponies would have been privy to them being moved?”

He leaned back heavily and tapped his hoof for a moment before he looked uncertain. “I know a few of the Nobles were informed of their movement. But they were not told of their exact location.”

“How many ponies know the Element Bearers?” Oblivion asked.

“How many could pick them out of a crowd you mean?” Bleu asked and Oblivion nodded. “None. I can but I have met them and I know you.”

“There must be somepony that got the info for this. We already know that there is an issue in the castle.” Shining replied and Bleu looked alarmed. “Somepony took one of the Solar chariots and that was how they got them out of the area of Ponyville.”

“Oh for the love of Faust,” Blue said as he ran a hoof over his face. “So somepony may have overheard and now we are down one set of Elements?”

“It’s possible. But I doubt it.” Shining replied. “The odds of it being overheard are slim to none at best. So I don’t feel that is where we should be focusing.”

“We lure them out then,” Oblivion said to them and they both looked at the pony who had been quiet for several minutes. “We use the remaining Element to draw them to us.”

“I don’t like putting a target on your back,” Shining interjected. “I know you put that spell on the medallion to have it return to you if you want it to but still.”

“We have little choice, in this case, Shining,” Oblivion replied.

“While that might be true what are you planning?” Blue asked.

“We make it known that one of the Elements is around in a place that we can control.” He began and Shining shook his head.

“You’re out of your mind. We can’t risk them somehow getting a hold of it. While I do not doubt the power of the spell you put on it I don’t want to put you in the position of having to fight for it.” Shining added as he leaned forward and rested his hooves on the desk.

“We do not really have many options.” Oblivion reminded him and the stallion groaned. “Either we wait for them to come after me on their terms to take it or we make them dance to our tune.”

“I hate to point out that he has a point Captain,” Blue added. “If there is anypony that we want them coming after it would be him. What better target than a lone pony?”

Shining looked at Blue with wide eyes. “You’re on his side?”

“In this case? Yeah.”

“Geez. Okay, lay it out for me. How would this work?” He asked.

“We spread the word to some of the higher Nobles carefully about the Element of Spirit being held away from the others at a specific time. That’s your job Blue.” The white pony nodded and the Witcher went on. “We would then choose where to place me to lure them out. When they attack I would subdue one of them and if they do not give up the information willingly then I can get it from them one way or the other.”

“I do not like this,” Shining admitted. “But I like how we have no choice even more. Other options?”

“Or we wait for them to come to me on their own. We allow Blue to spread a rumor or two and let them soak on their own. No doubt they will realize that they only have six of the seven Elements and that will drive them to find it. If they wish to sell a set of magical objects having all of them will drive up the price. So it is in their best interest to have them all.” Oblivion added.

“Okay, I like that even less,” Blue said and shook his head. “Next.”

“We still have to let them come to find me. But that does not mean we will be idle while we wait. I am going to see if it possible for me to use the Element to track the others…What?”

“Not possible. The girls wanted to do the same thing when you vanished.” Sasa pointed out.

“That might be true of the other Elements. But Spirit leads them in power so there should be a way to track them.” He argued.

She shook her head and he growled in annoyance. “Okay, perhaps there is a way I can track the magical signature of Twilights spell if they have not broken through it yet.” He responded.

“That’s an idea actually.” She agreed. “I had not thought of you simply following her magic and letting it lead you.”

“Can you do that?” Shining asked as Blue finished speaking for the feline.

“Worth a try.” He replied. “We are out of options.”

Shining grumbled and leaned back in his chair and scrubbed his face with his hooves. “So we are left with really only two options. One, we let you be a target and we lure them to a specific place and let them try to take it and you subdue one of them. Two, we spread the right rumor and heave them come after you, and you in the meantime track the magic from my sister's spell to try to find the Elements.”

“Pretty much.” Blue chuckled.

Shining growled and leaned forward. “Okay, so either way we are going to have Blue spread a few small veiled rumors about the Element or Elements?”

“We are going to be keeping their theft secret so use the Elements as a whole entity,” Oblivion advised.

“Okay, so we spread the right rumors about the Elements and their value?” Blue asked.

“Their value is a good addition to the rumor,” Oblivion admitted. “I suggest we let them come to me on their terms. I will ensure that I am seen in several places alone and that should draw them out once they know of the Element.”

Shining once more groaned. “I really do not like this. But I understand it. We need to find the missing Elements as soon as possible. So having you draw them out is our best choice. So you draw them out by being seen alone in places and when they attack, which they most likely will if they want the full set, then you subdue one or more of them.”

“More?” Oblivion questioned.

“If one lies to us then we can ask the other one.” He explained.

“You act as if I would allow them to lie,” Oblivion replied a chuckle rolled from him. “The last one I interrogated nearly lost his mind when I threatened his life when I realized he had lied.”

“How did you know he lied?” Shining asked.

“Through the Element of Spirit, I can see the spirits of ponies around me. Their spirits give them away easily enough.” He explained.

“Oh. Well, more than one is still better. One might have more information than the other.”

“Fair enough.” Oblivion agreed.

“Can we still talk about you having your team close by?” Shining asked, pleadingly.

Oblivion started to argue when a thought struck him. “How about just one of them?”

“Deal!” Shining jumped on the chance as the Witcher bargained. “Which one?”


“The Wonderbolt? He’ll attract attention.”

“Not really. Soarin is not the one in the spotlight most often. If I think he is drawing more attention than I think we need I will switch him up for one of the others. By having just one of them they will think they can overpower us and get what they are after.” Oblivion argued.

“Okay, I give,” Shining said with a bark of laughter. “Arguing with you is like fighting a wall.”

Blue laughed at the Captain's voice and fell quiet after several seconds. “You using this as a way to get him away from the Wonderbolts for a while aren’t you?”

“It’s perfect.” Sasa chuckled. “Soarin will be thrilled that he is not going to need to be among the others while he is at your side.”

“Exactly. It works two-fold.” Oblivion added.

Blue nodded and clapped the black Unicorn on the shoulder.

92: Acting as Bait

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Oblivion looked to the skies as a spirit that he was familiar with came into view. He watched closely as Soarin began to glide toward him and the barn. The Pegasus landed with a flap of his wings and visible, relief showed on his face.

“Thank Celestia I found the right place.” He said as he smiled.

“Trouble?” Oblivion gave a gentle tease in reply.

The Pegasus gave a short shrug and chuckled. “I had to ask the others where I was going exactly. Silver and Striker were nice enough to walk me through how to get here in the shortest amount of time.”

“Thankfully you did not get lost.” The Witcher replied.

“Yeah. That would have been embarrassing.” He groaned.

Sasa walked up to the pale stallion and nuzzled him in greeting. “Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres Soarin.” She said as Oblivion spoke for her and the Pegasus gave a warm smile in reply to her.

“Thanks, Sasa.”

“How did the others take your departure?” He questioned.

Soarin grimaced in response to his question. “Spitfire was pretty unhappy with it. She couldn’t say much since it was Princess Luna who came to get me.”

“Luna did?”

“Yes.” He replied with a chuckle. “Spitfire and the others nearly dropped their teeth when she bellowed my name from the side of the field we were training in.”

“Did Spitfire forget that I have the ability to call on my team no matter what they are doing?”

“I think she thought it was something that she could get around.” He admitted. “Princess Luna reminded her of the rules that came with being on your team and Spitfire had to give in and accept it. She did ask how long I would be gone and Princess Luna simply told her until you didn’t need me anymore.”

“Luna can be very blunt when she chooses to be,” Oblivion admitted.

“She was blunt as a hammer.” Soarin barked through a laugh. “I thought Spitfire was gonna drop to the ground with her jaw.”

Oblivion chuckled and Sasa chuffed a laugh at his side. “Come with me.”

The black Unicorn led the way into one of the near orchards where they would be able to speak in private. He turned to face the Pegasus as they came to a stop after a few minutes of walking. Sasa sat down at his side and her aqua eyes regarded the Pegasus.

“I assume you’re going to tell me why I’m here,” Soarin said to him as they went still.

Oblivion nodded. “What I am about to tell you is meant to be kept quiet. It’s known only to Luna, Celestia, Blue Blood, Shining Armor, Twilight and the others, and myself. I trust you can keep it that way?”

Soarin’s face went from laughing to serious in a moment’s notice and he gave a solemn nod in reply. “Understood.”

“You know about the Elements of Harmony and my connection to them.” Soarin nodded. “The Elements were moved to Ponyville after Discords return and they were placed in Twilights control.”

“She’s the Element of Magic?” Oblivion nodded. “That makes sense.”

“Two days ago I was in Canterlot and received a letter from Twilight asking me to join her in the Library immediately.” He said and Soarin began to look concerned. “I arrived to find her in severe distress and she informed me that the Elements of Harmony that were being held in her home were gone.”

Soarin stared at him for several seconds as he finished speaking. “What?”

“The Elements have been stolen.”

“Tell me you’re doing something very out of character and you’re in fact pulling my tail?”

Oblivion shook his head and the Pegasus breathed in a deep breath and held it as shock registered on his face. “No. They were stolen from her home and loaded into a wagon behind the Library and taken into the Everfree.”

“I assume you know this when you followed the trail?”

“Yes. I found the wagon they had used and the signs of a Solar Chariot being used to remove them from the area of Ponyville.”

“Wait.” Soarin yelped. “A Solar Chariot? You mean one of Princess Celestia’s chariots?”

Oblivion nodded. “I will explain how we know that in a moment.” Soarin nodded and motioned for him to go on and he spoke further. “Sasa and I came back to Ponyville after finding the evidence of their movement in the Everfree and Celestia took us with her to Canterlot after she spoke with Twilight. She called on Shining and he was able to show us that only one chariot had been signed out in the past few days. He walked the line of them and found out that one of them is missing as well.”

“Oh no.” Soarin breathed.

“Exactly. So somepony took one of them and used it to steal the Elements of Harmony.” Oblivion explained.

“All of them?” Soarin asked. “I thought you kept yours with you?”

“All of them, save mine.” Oblivion corrected and the armor slowly crawled over his body and settled into its natural place on his body.

“Oh thank Faust.” Soarin breathed.

“I have spoken with Shining at length about who could have possibly known the Elements had been moved to the Library with Twilight. It is not a well-known fact that they were moved. Very few knew about their location. I had interrogated a pony that had been part of that attack on Canterlot months ago and he finally told us that the goal of the attack on the capital was in fact to steal the Elements.”

“So that attack was all to take the Elements and do what with them?”

“Do you have any idea how much they would be worth on the black market?”

Soarin looked thoughtful, and then his eyes went wide. “A great deal.”

“Precisely. Now they have six out of seven of them in their possession.”

“Oh, man.” Soarin looked green as he leaned back on his haunches. “Okay go on.”

“Shining had some knowledge that I was able to add to my own about the group that had been trying to take them the first time. We know precious little but enough to be able to formulate a plan to get them to come after the final Element that they do not have.”

“So you’re acting as the bait?”


“Geez,” Soarin said as he sighed.

“It was done by a shadow group that exists within the shadows of the kingdom. The pony we have in custody was able to tell us precious little about them. He is a simple foot soldier and knew next to nothing about their structure. So far we know enough to formulate our own plans against them.”

“Okay. What do we know?”

“We know that they are structured in a pyramid and their lead from the top and they branch out from the leaders to their sub-leaders, and down to the pawns they use. We do not know the names that they go by or their actual names and that leaves us in the dark as this moment.”

“Great,” Soarin said as he took the weight off one hind leg. “So why am I here? Not that I don’t appreciate getting away from the Wonderbolts for a bit.”

“Your job is to watch my back. You have to be able to give off the impression that it is normal for you to be here with me and that nothing is out of the ordinary.”

“Okay. So some acting is required.” He replied and Oblivion nodded. “Okay, why am I the only one here? Shouldn’t the others be here to ensure the Elements safety as well?”

“I do not want the ponies that will be coming after the Element to be put off,” Oblivion explained.


“I want them to come after it.” He replied and Soarin’s eye widened slightly as he went on. “The plan is for Blue to spread a thinly veiled rumor about the Elements as a while and the location of one of them.”

“Okay. I get the rumor part but why have you decided to act as bait?”

“The goal is to capture one or two of them and question them.” He replied as Soarin nodded in understanding.

“So my job is to defend you or am I supposed to pull back and let it happen in front of me?”

“I expect you to jump in on the fight and provide back up.” He explained.

“That’s what I was hoping you would say.” He said as a smile crossed his mouth.

“You and I are going to ensure that they see us and we will act in a very deliberate manner and fall into a routine that we will adopt today and let them see it. They will be able to easily predict where we will be and at what time.”

“That makes sense since we want them to come after you.”

“We will be going into areas that will be perfect for an ambush and we will linger there for a time. That will be more than enough to give them the chance to come after the Element.”

“What if they manage to pull the medallion off your neck?”

“I placed a Return to Me spell on it and I will be able to call it back to me in the event of it being taken.”

“Do we know if they can block Unicorn magic or not?” Soarin questioned.

“My magic is not easily countered. Even if they manage to take the Element itself I am still its Master and can call it back to me.”

“The others can’t do that?” Soarin asked him, his face a mask of uncertainty.

“The others do not have the magic at their disposal to call them back. Twilight and the others did not have the time to be able to add magic to them to call on them. I do not think there is a way for the others to place that kind of magic on them, now that I think about it. Twilight and Rarity might be able to but the others are Pegasus and Earth Pony. They do not have magic that can affect the physical forms of the Elements.” Oblivion explained.

“I see.” Soarin nodded that he understood. “I got to admit that they have a lot of balls taking the Elements of Harmony.”

Oblivion barked a laugh and nodded in agreement. “I agree. But consider the importance of the Elements themselves and their place in Equestria.”

“That’s a good point.” Soarin nodded. “When I think about it that way I’m not too surprised that they were taken.”

Oblivion nodded. “Our job is to draw them in. Once I have one or two of them I will get the answers we want and then I will see if I can track the magic from Twilight that she had placed on the case the Elements were housed in.”


“Yes. She had them placed in a glass container. She had placed a lock on the entire case and once they realized they could not get past it they took the entire case. I am going to partner with Twilight and see if I can trace her magical signature.” Oblivion opened his mouth to go on and paused as a thought came to him.

The Unicorn looked down at the medallion around his neck and at the Element that was housed around it. Soarin was silent as he looked up at the Pegasus and then his orange eyes went to the feline with him.



“The Element has its own magical signature correct?”

The cat looked thoughtful as her head tilted to the side for a moment. “It does yes. It’s not a very strong one when it’s dormant like it is right now. But it does have its own… magical signature yes. Why?”

“Can I learn its signature and use it to track it if I need to?”

She looked at him as her eyes widened. “Oh you clever pony.” She praised and he gave her a sidelong look as she went on. “You might be able to learn it but I am not sure if you would be able to track it from very far. While your magic cannot be countered it can be slowed. You are able to counter that problem with the World Spirit itself. So it is possible for you to be able to learn it and track it, yes.”

He reached up and pulled the Element from the medallion and held it out to Soarin, who looked alarmed. “I need you to hold this in front of me. The Element itself has its own magical signature that I am going to try to learn and that will allow me to track it should it be taken and if I cannot simply call it back to me.”

“Oh. Okay, I get it.” He replied as he took the Wolf shaped gemstone and held it out towards the Unicorn as it sat in his hoof.

Oblivions horn lit as his aura surrounded the Wolf shaped gemstone. He used magic to reach out to the Element and he could see it shudder in the Pegasus’s hoof. Soarin held it out and stayed as still as possible. Sasa moved to the side to watch as he let his magic guide the way. Magic coated the gemstone and it shivered in his grasp. He reached out his magic and he closed his eyes as he focused on the magic that sat within the Element.

“You can do this Chosen.” Sasa encouraged. “The magic it holds is similar to your own but different enough to have its own signature.”

He gave a barely noticeable nod to her and his magic gripped the gemstone tighter. The Witcher used the magic he held to call on the Element itself. He didn’t see it shudder almost violently in the Pegasus's grasp. Magic flowed easily from him and he could sense the magic within the Element respond as he opened his eyes and looked at it as the gemstone began to pulse in time with his own heartbeat as it had done when he wore it. He felt the magic within it as it aligns with his own and his eyes narrowed as the magic in it began to leech out and it showed up as a dim light in his Sight.

“Got it.” He whispered.

Soarin sat down as the gem nearly fell from his grip and he put his other hoof over the top of it to keep it from falling to the ground in front of him. He looked up as the azure flames dissipated and faded as Oblivion raised his head and he reached for the gemstone. Soarin leaned forward and dropped the now still gem back into his hoof. Oblivions horn lit as he called for the gem to return to its normal place and it seemed to slither up his foreleg, up to his leg, across his shoulder, and to the medallion around his neck.

“Wow.” Soarin breathed.

“I know its signature and if needed, I can track it.” He said to the Pegasus who smiled in reply. “Now we start to walk around and ensure that we are seen.”

Soarin nodded and fell in at his hip as the Unicorn walked past him and back the way they had come. Oblivion was not able to hide the slight tug of his mouth as they walked. Sasa fell in at his side and he heard her chuckling as they walked, her voice echoing through his mind.

Oblivion walked into town with the Pegasus at his hip. They had spent the morning doing some easily done chores at the farm and then their new routine had them walking into town to look at a few stores and then out into the Everfree for what could be called private discussions. It was meant to look as if they were taking a break and simply used the Everfree for that purpose. They would walk into the Everfree and linger within a few of the closer clearings that he had used for hunting. So far they had not been followed or attacked while they were ‘resting’ inside the Everfree. Soarin had attracted some attention at first but no more than what he had anticipated. Rainbow Dash had gushed on him for a day before she had been informed that he was in fact working while he was in Ponyville. Once she had been made aware she had backed off and was now waiting for a sign that it was okay to speak to him again. The Pegasus was now viewed as normal in the town and he was mostly ignored by the ponies in Ponyville.

“Anything?” Soarin asked quietly.

“No. Not so far.” Oblivion replied.

“Ugh.” Sasa groaned as she padded at his side. “This is becoming tedious.”

“Time is our best friend right now and we need to ensure that we are seen.” He said back to her and he heard her growl in reply.

The Witcher was silent as they made their way through the main street and stopped at the Library and walked inside to speak with the still upset Unicorn that lived within it. She looked at them and both of them shook their heads at her.

“Damn.” She cursed under her breath. “I know I shouldn’t want them to attack you but… I want them to attack you.”

Soarin chuckled and nodded. “I know what you mean.” He assured her. “We’ll get them back.”

“I know.” She replied and tried to look confident. “But I hate that I can’t do anything to help you right now.”

“Your time will come after we catch a couple of them. Then you and I will use what we learn and see if I can track your magic that was on the case that held them.”

“Are you sure you can do that though?”

“I am not sure. I have been able to find the magical signature of the Element of Spirit and I have it memorized. If the need comes I can track it should I not be able to summon it back to me if I lose it. I am fairly certain I can do the same in reverse with your magic.”

She looked unconvinced and she sighed deeply, he could see despair biting at her. He moved to set a hoof on her shoulder as she sniffled. Sasa moved up and nuzzled her, purring loudly. He looked back as Soarin moved to come to stand with her as well. Oblivion breathed in as he moved to hug the mare close. He had seen her beginning to fray as the days had passed but he had chosen to leave her alone and see if she was able to pull herself up or if he needed to step in. Her hooves gripped his fur as she hiccupped and buried her face in his shoulder and neck.

“It’s okay.” He said to her as he ran his claws over her mane.

“I just… I should be doing something.” She said to him, her voice strangled as she fought to keep herself together.

“You are doing exactly what is needed. If I had need of you I would have told you. The Element of Spirit is our only way to bring them out into the open.” He said to her, his voice low.

“But… You’re out there doing a job I should be able to do...”

“No.” He interrupted. “Your job is to support and wait for now. When we catch them, and we will catch them, you will play a much larger part in their recapture.” He pushed her away from him and he put a hoof under her chin to make her look up at him. “We WILL get them back. Do you trust me?”

She looked stricken at his question but she nodded quickly. “I have always trusted you.”

“Then trust me now.” He said to her.

She sniffled and nodded. “Okay.” She whispered.

“I will help you bring them back.” He assured her. “I will play my part in the beginning and you will be the one to bring them home, where they belong.”

“What can I possibly do?”

“You hold the magic that can lead us to the case they were housed in. Are you confident that the lock you put on the case is sound?” He asked her.

“It hasn’t been broken.” She said to him. “It would have alerted me when it was broken into.”

“See?” Soarin said to her. “You’re protecting them still. Just from afar.”

She looked at the Pegasus as if seeing him for the first time and a smile tugged at her mouth. “That’s true.” She whispered.

“You are helping us,” Oblivion assured her. “The goal once we have them in custody is that I will question them and then you and I will track the case itself.”

She breathed in a deep breath and released it to help herself calm down further and she nodded. “Your right. Both of you. I can’t give up yet. We will find them and it will be fine.”

“Exactly,” Oblivion said to her as he got to his hooves and backed up a step. “Come on Soarin. We have a schedule to keep up.”

“I’m with you.” Soarin chimed in and moved toward the door.

“Oblivion.” Twilight’s voice was barely a whisper and he looked back at her. “Thank you.”

He gave a bow of his head to her as he made for the front door. He was aware that she had known he would be able to hear her voice even as quiet as it was. He moved out the door, intent on finding their quarry and relieving the stress on the mare. Soarin waited as he pushed the door closed behind them and they walked out into the streets. The Pegasus fell in with him and Sasa purred as they began to walk toward the center of town.

“She going to be okay?” Soarin asked him, his voice quiet.

“In time. I think she was badly shaken by the theft. No matter how stable she wishes others to perceive she is even she needs to crumble every now and then.” Oblivion replied.

“So we need to get them back as quickly as we can?”

“Exactly. It will be to the benefit of all to have them back where they belong.”

“We will get them back.” Sasa assured them as Oblivion spoke for her.

They moved into the Everfree and Soarin fell into line behind him and Sasa brought up the rear. He led them into the trees and into the first of three clearings that they would linger inside. He could hear the sounds of the forest as they moved around him and his ears flicked constantly, listening for anything out of the ordinary. His orange eyes gave off a slight glow in the waning light and he scanned the ground for any signs of pony’s hooves. Nothing stood out to him as being fresher than their own hoof prints from the day before. Behind him, Soarin stayed as close as he dared as to avoid stepping on Oblivion heels.

“Anything Chosen?”

“Nothing.” He replied to the cat as she padded behind them.

The three of them moved to stand in the center of the first clearing and Soarin stood as close as he dared in front of him to give off the appearance that they were simply chatting inside the forest.

“Tell me again how they won’t know that something is off when we are just standing there?” Soarin asked him.

“If they were listening in, which I do not doubt that they are, then we have made it known that we are scanning the forest for any monsters that might be getting too close to town.”

“Right. I forgot that was the new cover story.” Soarin chuckled.

“It serves two purposes. One is that it allows us to control the location of the attack when it comes. The second is that we control the timing. They are dancing to our tune, not the other way around.”

“That’s a good point.” Soarin agreed. “It’s just getting old waiting for them to act.”

Oblivion chuckled quietly. “I admit I would rather they attacked sooner rather than later. But we are also playing by their timeline. They hold almost all of the Elements and that gives them the ability to decide if they chase the final one or not.”

“And if they choose to ignore it?”

“Then we have wasted some of our time,” Oblivion admitted. “But I do not think they will pass up the opportunity to gather the full set and sell it all together. I can imagine how much the set would be worth on the open market.”

“I don’t even want to know their worth. I know the worth of the entire Wonderbolts salaries but I have to admit the Elements of Harmony are probably worth more than we are.” Soarin replied with a wry smile.

Oblivion backed up and they began to move to the second clearing and the others fell in at his flank once more as he moved. He led them down the game trails and he easily picked his way down the paths to the other clearing. He slowed for a moment as a sound caught his attention. A smile tugged at his mouth as the sound of whispering caught his ear. He glanced over his shoulder and Soarin was watching around them as before but Sasa caught his eye and he gave a slight nod and she winked at him in response.

“Finally.” She laughed.

“About time.” He agreed.

He looked ahead of them once more and his eyes narrowed as he looked carefully up and he could see the spirits of ponies shining bright as they hid among the trees. His eyes were trained on the path ahead of them and new sets of tracks stood out to him as he walked the same path forward. A breaking branch caught his ear and he stopped to make it appear as though he had been startled by the sound. Soarin bumped into his flank and he put a hoof on Oblivions leg to apologize. The sound had been just outside of the normal hearing range of the average pony so the Pegasus had not heard it. Sasa stayed behind them and he could hear her claws as they moved through the dirt and grass.

“How many?” She asked him.

“Ten, maybe more.” He replied.

“Enough to give you a bit of a workout.” She chuckled.

“We shall see. I think there are a couple of Unicorns and Pegasus mixed in. But without seeing them I can’t know their exact numbers.”

“I trust your guess.” She replied easily. “Lead us.”

“You okay?” Soarin asked as the Unicorn continued to stay still.

“Hmm.” Oblivion made a non-committal noise as he began to walk forward once more.

He led them into the clearing and his pace remained normal as he made for the center of it. Soarin fell in front of him and took up his usual place in front of the stallion. He looked up at Oblivion and his eyes went slightly wide as Oblivion looked back at him. Soarin gave a slight nod and made it look as though he was searching the ground for signs of monsters and creatures as they had practiced. Sasa remained standing as she also feigned interest in the ground. He pretended to be scanning the outer edges of the clearing while the others scanned the ground. His medallion trembled and warned him of the use of magic close by. He swung his flank to allow him to face the direction of the magic and he looked upward at the farthest tree. He feigned as though he had heard a monster and trained his gaze into the distance.

“Anything?” Soarin asked him, his voice barely a whisper.

Sasa gave a loud growl, signaling him that she had seen them as well. “Their coming out of the trees and surrounding us.”

“I know.” He said back to her. “Their Unicorn is already working on us.”

“Will you be using the armor to ensure its safety? They can’t take the entire piece if you’re wearing it.” She pointed out.

“I might.” He replied.

“You just want to make things more interesting for yourself.” She teased. “Not that it will make much of a difference if they are allowed to take it or not.”

He spun back to rejoin Soarin and he lowered his head to look at the ground, which would allow him to speak to the Wonderbolt easily. “They are already surrounding us.”

“You’re kidding.” The Pegasus said as he began to look carefully at the edge furthest from them.

“Careful.” Oblivion scolded. “They have at least ten or more but I guess no more than fifteen.”


“I trust you can take out any Pegasus that is with them?”

“I can and I will,” Soarin vowed. “How many do we need to keep alive?”

“At least two.”

“Easy,” Soarin growled.

Oblivion could see the steel in the other stallion’s eyes. He could tell that he was ready for the fight that was about to come. Sasa growled and he could see her muscles as they trembled, ready.

“Here they come.” He growled and raised his head.

93: Capture

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Oblivion was silent as he looked to the trail behind him. Soarin raised his head quickly, giving the impression that he had been surprised by the appearance. Sasa arched her back and a loud hiss escaped from her. Oblivion raised his head and he watched as a pony in light leather armor came toward them. He stopped once he had entered the clearing and he looked, smugly at the pair of ponies.

“Where is it?” He asked.

“Where is what?” Oblivion asked coyly.

The ponies face flashed angrily for several seconds before the expression faded from his face. “You know what I am after. Don’t pretend that you don’t know why we are here.”

Soarin’s face twisted in anger as the ponies approached and surrounded them. Sasa growled and she turned until her flank bumped Oblivions hip as she was now facing a different direction. Soarin acted in the same manner and moved to put his flank at Oblivion's other hip. The Witcher held his silence as the annoyance from the lead pony grew. Sasa snarled as a Unicorn came from the side of them and her horn was covered in magic as she held her aura ready. One Earth Pony came to their leader’s side and tapped his shoulder. He leaned his head back and the other whispered in his ear. Oblivion tuned his ears forward to listen in.

“That’s a Wonderbolt, Lock. What do we do with him?”

Oblivions ears flicked at the name that he heard. He could see Lock's eyes land on the Wonderbolt that stood with the Witcher. His eyes narrowed as he looked at the Wonderbolt and he shook his head. Oblivion was sure he knew that meant that the Wonderbolt was not protected and could be killed and left to rot. Lock looked back at the Witcher as the other pony backed away, and his face screwed up slightly as he spoke once more.

“You carry one of the Elements of Harmony. It would be best if you would give it to us.” He growled.

“I will have to decline,” Oblivion replied. “Though I have to ask how you were aware of me.”

“We heard through our sources that a Unicorn holds the final Element of Harmony. You will give it to us if you want to live through this conversation.”

‘So they heard the rumor Blue spoke of. I asked him to use different variations of the same rumor and we can see where the leak is in the Nobles. Now we can cover that hole in the information.’ Oblivion thought to himself. He had asked Blue to vary the rumor slightly after considering their options. It had been an afterthought on his part when he had spoken to Blue about it.

“I will live through this even if I don’t give it to you,” Oblivion commented. “I trust you realize that I mean you will not be leaving here unless I allow you to.”

“Pretty confident for a lone Unicorn. We have a few Unicorns that can counterspells so you seem to be unable to gauge the odds stacked against you. Why they gave the Element to such a fool I will never know.” He replied.

The ponies took another step forward and Oblivion closed his eyes for a moment as he listened to his own breathing for a second before his orange eyes reopened. His eyes gave off their signature slight glow and he felt his wings flick against his sides. He could see the Unicorns across from him lower their stances as they prepared to counter whatever he did. He had read about counterspells and he was aware of their drawbacks. They could only be done at close range and he knew that they would need to get close and he would need to allow them to do so.

“Oblivion?” Soarin whispered.

The Witcher gave a slight nod and he felt the Wonderbolts tail-flick his leg as he brought his wings from his sides and readied himself for the fight to come. He could sense the ponies that surrounded them and he listened as they charged all at once. Soarin took to the air and took the fight to the Pegasi that had taken to the air. Lock charged for the Witcher and Sasa roared as she leaped toward the ponies that charged her. He focused on the ponies ahead of him and found himself with four ponies, including one of the Unicorns. She charged in close and he spun as his flank collided with her, disrupting her spell. His claws snaked out and raked the nearest pony and he heard a scream of pain as the pony reeled back away from him.

The Elder Witcher charged in and his magic hummed over his skin as azure flame licked over his body, dissuading anypony from touching him for fear of being burned. The Element around his neck rocked on its chain as he began to move forward. His ears flicked as Sasa roared and Lock charged toward her. Oblivion watched him as he moved toward the feline, he could not tell what had possessed him to go after the cat instead of him but he chose to take advantage of the lapse in judgment. The single Unicorn that he had hip slammed began to recover and her horn lit as he did in response. She balked at the intensity of the flames that flowed over his horn and he charged her once more.

Sasa roared off to the side of him and he sensed that she was not injured and he pressed onward. The other two Unicorns came into the fray with him directly as a Pegasus was thrown to the ground off to the side of him. A glance up told him that Soarin was doing the job asked of him. The three Unicorns charged their horns and he felt the medallion around his neck shudder at the amount of magic that was being channeled. The Witcher said nothing as his lips pulled back in a soundless snarl and he charged in the last few feet to reach the Unicorns. Under the illusion, his wings flicked and he fought back the desire to use their strength to throw them off their hooves.

His shoulder thudded into the three Unicorns and the one stallion was thrown back over a foot as the mares braced and were able to withstand the impact. His hoof reached out and his claws wrapped around the horn of one mare and he used it to throw her violently to the ground. She screamed as she struck the ground and he contemplated breaking her horn to render her harmless but chose not to after a moment’s hesitation. The remaining mare’s horn went dormant as his claws snaked out and ran across her face and she reeled back with a scream. The medallion stopped shaking as the magic was stopped and the ponies using it had been rendered useless. He allowed the mare to reel back from him as she covered her eyes with her hooves.


Oblivion threw himself down as a Pegasus tore through the air above him, Soarin on their heels. Sasa roared and he sensed pain from her as he looked back to check on her. She was getting to her paws as Lock bore down on her. He lunged to gain on him and his hoof gripped the tail of the other. A shout told him that he had enough of a grip as he pulled him back and tried to throw him to the ground. The stallion in leather whirled on his heel and a sword cut through the tail that the Witcher held in his hoof. Oblivion leaped back as the blade fell and the strands fell from his grip.

“You’re good. I’ll give you that much.” The other sneered. “I can’t help but wonder if you were waiting for us to come to you.”

Oblivion said nothing as another Pegasus was thrown to the ground and a mare screamed as Sasa savaged her. The Elder Witcher looked closely at him as a slight grin tugged at one side of his mouth, betraying his reply. The other stallion growled and charged into the fray with the Witcher. The light armor helped him to move quickly and Oblivion reared as he lunged to collide with the taller stallion. Oblivion spun on his heels to push his hip into the other shoulder. The stallion leaped back and was able to avoid the Witcher.

“Careful with him Chosen.” Sasa warned. “He’s hiding something.”

He said nothing in reply but his eyes flicked to the she-cat for a moment in reply to her warning. Oblivion charged forward as his sword came from over his shoulder as the eyes of the other went wide at the sight of the blade. They were both armed but it was clear which weapon held more power between them. The crystal sword with the runes buried within it glittered and glowed as the weapon hung in the azure flame of his aura.

Soarin came to ground on the other side of him and then Oblivion flicked an ear to him and he suddenly put his hooves on Oblivions back and vaulted over him to the other side. His hooves collided with an Earth Pony that had been charging the Witcher. Oblivion had known he was coming but he appreciated the Pegasus tending to him. The lead stallion said nothing as he seemed to be looking over the weapon the Witcher held and then his eyes flicked to his own. The other grip on his own sword tightened and Oblivions ears flicked forward as he took a step forward.

Both stallions charged forward and the blades collided in a shower of sparks. The rune for flame activated and fire poured down the crystal sword. The other stallion cried out and took a step back as the weapon glowed and the flames flowed as the Witcher spun the blade in his aura and he lunged forward. The other spun to the side to avoid him but the blades fire burned into his shoulder and he shouted in pain and spun further away.

“What are you?” Lock gasped as he looked at the burn to his shoulder.

Oblivion said nothing as the seconds dragged past him. His first inclination was to say nothing but the desire to speak went through him and he gave a rare smirk.

“I am the Eldest Witcher of the School of the Wolf. I have been trained and made to fight monsters the likes of which you will never see. Battling you… Is foals play.” He replied, his smirk still in place.

He heard Sasa laugh in the back of his mind as she roared. Lock stared at him as fury went through his eyes. He looked away from the burn that plagued him and focused on the black Unicorn once more. Azure flame still danced over his form and that still gave them pause. His opponent snarled as he spun the blade across his hoof. Oblivions claws spread as he took the weapon from his magic and the other stallion's eyes went wide at the sight of the claws that now gripped the crystal blade. Oblivion let the blade spin across his claws as the azure flames danced across his body. The Element he bore trembled on the chain and he let the side of his lip pull up into a slight grin.

“You wish to see the Element?” He asked, his tone derisive. “Here it is.”

The silver armor tore from its place around his medallion as it slid across his fur and into its place. The silver shone brightly in the dull light of the clearing and Lock stared at the brilliant armor that covered the black Unicorn's body. Oblivion watched as he stood stunned and his wings flicked under their illusion as he watched him in return.

“You seek what you will never have.” Oblivion snarled and lunged forward.

The medallion around his neck shuddered and he gigged to the side as magic tore into the ground where he had been. He glanced up to see a pair of Pegasus holding a Unicorn stallion between them, allowing him to rain down magic. Oblivions eyes refocused on his target as the sound of wings caught his ears.

“Soarin!” He roared out.

He heard nothing in reply as the sound of wings grew louder as the Wonderbolt tore through the air above him, his target ahead of him. Oblivion heard the Pegasus growl as he soared and he heard the sound of bones crunching a bare second later. He had a feeling that Soarin had been on the opposite side of the clearing but his speed would have allowed him to cross the distance in a bare second if needed. Lock cursed and leaped to clash with the Witcher once more. Swords clashed and sparks flew as the pair of weapons collided violently in between the stallions. Oblivion set his rear hooves and pushed ahead, forcing the other pony to try to push against him. He may not be a heavy pony in general but his height gave him the advantage he needed.

Oblivion tapped a hoof and Quen slid over him, its golden glow mixing with the silver of the armor. The stallion stared as Oblivion's horn remained dormant, no magic flowed from him. Oblivion gave a hard push forward and the other groaned as he fought to stay on his hooves. Oblivion kicked his fore hooves into the air and slammed them to the ground a bare second later. Aard pushed out from his hooves and the lead stallion yelped as he was thrown backward. Oblivion tossed the crystal blade into the air to chase down his foe when his ears flicked and he leaped to the side. An Earth pony slammed into his shoulder and the Witcher grunted under the impact. The impact should have knocked him off his hooves but his evasive maneuver allowed him to remain on his hooves. The sword embedded itself halfway into the ground and stayed in place. Oblivion said nothing as Lock had gotten to his hooves and now had two more at his side, making four if Oblivion included the Earth pony that had struck him.

“Not so confident now are you? Just give it up and we can end this.” The lead snarled.

“You have to know by now that it will not happen,” Oblivion replied.

He growled as his fellow ponies lunged toward the black Unicorn as he lunged for the crystal blade. Oblivion growled as his magic began to lash out for the weapon when his magic went silent. He looked to the side to find a Unicorn that had jammed his spell casting and he looked up as a startled sound came from Lock as he tried to lift the crystal blade from the ground. He strained to lift it but it remained embedded in the ground. Oblivion was a bit surprised by the sudden weight of the weapon but he ignored it as his magic lashed out and summoned his own Wolven steel blade to his magic and he charged in with it at his side. He chose to abandon the crystal for the moment and he would retrieve it later.

The earth ponies scattered as the blade spun in his magic and they lunged to take down the Unicorn that was furiously trying to cast another counterspell. His blade tore into her throat and blood fountained from her as she tried to scream. He turned and bucked her away from him as she bled. He had already chosen several ponies that he would try to keep alive to take them, prisoner, at Shining’s behest. Lock looked stunned for a bare second before he gave up on the crystal sword and held his own up once more. The earth ponies with him stared at the still form of the mare before their faces warped into fury as they squared up with him.

‘Hmm, there is some loyalty among them… Interesting.’ He thought to himself as he waited for them to come to him.

He looked past them as Sasa raised her head and plunged her fangs into the flank of a pony she had gripped in her claws. A scream sounded out as the earth ponies in front of him were spurred into action by the sound. Oblivion spun to the side as the group of three charged the Witcher and he spun the weapon through the air and it lodged into the neck of one of the ponies. The pony dropped to the ground with a thud and the Witcher pulled the weapon from the ponies flesh in a swift motion that also spun the blood from the surface of the blade. Lock howled with rage as he lunged and the weapon glanced off Quen which exploded, knocking the pony from his hooves, sending him rolling backward with the force of the explosion.

“Just die already!” One pony screamed out as a blast of magic was thrown at the Black Unicorn.

Oblivion braced and the magic glanced off the silver armor and he spun away to once more be facing them. He dropped the steel weapon into his claws and twirled it over his claws. His magic hummed under his skin and he felt his wings flick under their illusion. The Elder Witcher said nothing as the ponies seemed to come to a stalemate around him. The remaining ponies gathered behind their leader while Sasa and Soarin rejoined him. He glanced at each of them and found them to be blood splashed but in good shape. The ponies across from them were not in the same good condition. Their leader looked at the bleeding and ragged band and he growled under his breath.

“You're better than I gave you credit for.” He growled.

Oblivion said nothing but raised his head high and the ponies seemed to shrink back a bit. Soarin lowered his body slightly to show he could keep going and Sasa licked her tongue over her bloodied front fangs and a growl poured from her. Oblivion could see that out of the four Unicorns they had only one remained and that one was ragged and he could tell that she was out of magic. Her spirit was dull and her magic was low or completely exhausted. One Pegasus remained as well but they had one wing on the ground, clearly broken. Three Earth Ponies remained including their leader and he was watching Oblivion and his force closely.

“They have lost.” Sasa crowed.

“Not yet.” Oblivion thought back to her. “You told me to be ready. I pass that advice back to you.”

“Fair.” She replied.

Lock raised one hoof and Oblivion watched as his spirit flexed within him and his horn lit to create a shield that would cover the three of them as the other brought his hoof down to the ground. A concussion wave went over them and he jolted as his magic was disrupted and the remaining force took to their heels.

“Shit!” Soarin yelled. “We need them!”


Oblivion roared his command and took to his heels after them. His magic lashed out at the slowest pony and a set of hobbles were tossed onto their legs. They somersaulted head over heels and came to rest on the ground with a stunned shout. Oblivion had taken a number of hobbles and inhibitor rings from Shining when their plan had been created for him to capture as many as he was able. He charged after the next pony and he could see that it was the remaining Unicorn. He summoned an inhibitor ring and a pair of hobbles as he drew up on her flanks. She looked back and her horn lit with what magic she had left. He lunged into her and the ring was tossed onto her horn and the hobbles placed as she fell to the ground. The Witcher dug in and raced for the remaining three. He was most intent on their leader, if he had to kill the remaining ones to get to him then he would consider it an even loss. He could see the remaining Pegasus, Earth pony, and their lead ahead of him, and his claws dug in, asking his body for more speed.

“Faster!” The Pegasus shouted as the group raced ahead.

He saw their leader look back and his eyes widened at the sight of the hard-charging Unicorn. Oblivion's magic hummed and flowed easily as he gripped the remaining hobbles in his magic. His magic lashed out at the lagging Pegasus and the hobbles went into place, sending him reeling. The remaining Earth pony slid to a stop and spun to take on the Witcher. Oblivion’s steel blade spun in his magic as he raced ahead, showing no sign of slowing or altering his course. The weapon spun and he altered his hold on the weapon as he lunged forward and the blade tore through the ponies throat as he executed a spin as he neared him. The spin was designed to allow him to kill his target and keep his speed and balance as well. The pony cried out as his throat was slit and the stallion charged by.


He heard Lock curse as he fought for more distance. He veered into the deeper forest and Oblivion stayed on his heels. The stallions were both tiring due to the long fight from before. Sweat coated the lead pony’s fur and Oblivion could feel fatigue beginning to come into his muscles. He got closer to Lock as he suddenly slid under a fallen tree and Oblivion had no choice but to either go over or under. One look at the tree told him he could not go under. He gathered himself and leaped the tree, his hind hooves nicked the tree, but not enough to destabilize his jump. He saw the leader look back and his eyes were wide as the Witcher charged forward.

He heard a loud groan as Lock once more looked forward and charged deeper into the Everfree. The Unicorn said nothing as he drew closer to the pony. His claws dug into the soil and propelled him forward, despite the earth beginning to give way under him. He chanced a look around and he realized they were getting into the swampier areas of the Everfree. He dug in deeper, intent on getting to him before they ran out of solid ground. His magic lashed out as he was now close enough to see the ponies churning legs. Magic tossed the hobbles into place and Lock gave a loud cry as he fell forward into the mud and grasses. Oblivion slid to a stop beside him and he panted as the exertion was beginning to catch up to him. He said nothing as he reached out a hoof and rolled the panting lead pony onto his side to keep him from suffocating in the growing mud. His eyes were wide as the Witcher watched him closely.

“You say you hunt monsters?” The pony spat at him and the Witcher nodded. “Must be easy when you are one.”

“I know many ponies who would agree with that,” Oblivion replied easily.

Sasa paced in the clearing and Soarin was sitting down in the bloodied grass staring at the path the Witcher had taken. The Wonderbolt looked around the clearing at the bodies that littered the ground. He had been trained to go to war but the need had never come to actually use the skills he had been taught. He glanced at Sasa and the she-cat was still as she waited for the Witcher to return. His lips pursed as he suddenly shuddered, his ears flicked as Sasa growled to gain his attention. He looked back at her and she tilted her head at him, her expression questioning.

“He gonna be okay?” He asked her tentatively.

She gave an easy nod and waited for him to go on. Her ears flicked as she watched him.

“You’re sure?”

She gave a toothy grin and nodded again.

“Not your first battle is it?”

She shook her head and her grin remained for several seconds as she got to her paws and came to sit close by him. Her fur rubbed against his shoulder and warmth came from her body as she sat by him.

“I have to admit I never thought I would be wading into a battle like… This.” He admitted and the cat closed her eyes for a second before she gave a slight nod. “I mean we are trained for battle but all we do is perform and train for that. I guess I didn’t think it would come to… All of this.” He said to her as he motioned to the carnage around them.

She nuzzled his neck and ran her tongue over a shallow gash in his upper right leg. He smiled thinly at her as several ponies were plopped down in front of them as the Witcher came back into the clearing. His eyes were wide as the four ponies were bound and to his surprise, they were magically gagged as well.

“Wow,” Soarin said to him as he watched the clearly tired Witcher.

“I see you got them all, Chosen.” Sasa praised. “Well done.”

“They were fleet, but not fleet enough,” Oblivion replied. “Are you both all right?”

“Nothing but cuts for me,” Soarin replied and got to his hooves to show what he meant.

Oblivions horn lit as azure flame covered both of them and magic flowed to heal their wounds. Soarin looked surprised as the shallow gashes to his body healed and nothing was left behind. Sasa purred loudly as she went to the Witcher as his magic faded and she looked at the pile of captured ponies.

“Are these the ones you had planned on getting?” She asked as she looked at them.

“All but one.” He replied to her.

“Everything work out the way you wanted?” Soarin asked him.

“For the most part. I didn’t plan on them being able to take off but that was easily worked within the moment. Now we will take them back to Canterlot once the bodies here are tended to and they will be held there.”

“How did he disrupt your spell though?”

Oblivion's magic flared as a band hovered in his magic. “He used this. I have seen items like this one used before but I did not notice that he had one as well. It works well but it has limited use and a time limit. He could not use it on me again as I chased them.”

“Interesting. I’ve never seen anything like it.” Soarin replied as the band hovered. “Then again I have never had much to do with magical items so my knowledge is pretty base on that.” He admitted.

“I will hand it over to Celestia and Luna and they can have it examined. See if it leads us to more of their fellows or if it’s a dead end.” He admitted as the band vanished into his magic once more. “I had hoped to have more of them but this will do for what we need.”

Soarin said nothing as Lock snarled against his gag and he tried to thrash against his binds. The others seemed resigned to their situation and didn’t fight back. Oblivion could see their spirits and they were subdued and he could see the exhaustion and pain in them. He didn’t feel anything for the fate that awaited them should they choose not to talk. He knew that Equestria would mourn what he might need to do to them to get them to talk but he knew that she trusted him to repair what he did in the same instant. Sasa said nothing as she got up and padded over to lean against his shoulder.

“What do we do now?” She asked.

“Now?” She nodded. “We call on help to remove the bodies and we move these ones to Canterlot for interrogation. If I am needed for that then that is what we will do. Breaking them should be fairly simple if needed."

94: Questions to be Answered

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Oblivion was silent as Sasa mewled next to him and he opened his eyes as the sun filtered through the dark curtains. He said nothing as she pushed against his back and he could hear her thick fur rubbing against the fabric. The Witcher remained silent as he thought over the facts of where he was and what he needed to accomplish. He heard a deep sigh from Sasa as she also laid awake.

“Are you awake Chosen?” She finally asked after several seconds.

“Yes.” He replied and said nothing further to her.

“What are we going to do?”

“We need to meet up with Luna and Celestia to start the questioning of the ponies we have in custody.” He replied, his voice quiet.

“Oh glorious.” She replied her tone snarky as he nodded. “So are we going to question the lower ponies or just the leader?”

“I think Celestia wanted to question the lower ponies first.” He explained. “While I don’t think that will go anywhere I can see her reasoning.”

“Which is?”

“If I had to guess she is thinking that there may be information that the leader imparted to the ponies with him or that they were told behind his back.”

“Oh. I see.” She replied as she rolled to lay on her belly. “Do you think there is a chance that they have info that he doesn’t?”

Oblivion snorted as he pushed the comforter off of his body and he slid off the bed. “I doubt it. It’s possible but I greatly doubt anypony would risk the information getting out past those that can keep their mouths shut.”

“And you think their leader, Lock was his name right?” Oblivion nodded at her question and she went on. “Right. And you are thinking that there is no way he would have spoken to them about more than their goal?”

“Exactly. The odds are he told them that they were after something I carried but there is no chance he would tell them more than that.” Oblivion explained to her as he ruffled his feathers and stretched out the wings to their full height. The joints popped and he groaned as the muscles stretched.

Sasa yawned and jumped off the bed to stretch as he moved to the bathroom to brush out his mane and tail. His magic flowed as he picked up the brush and a wave of azure flame flowed over his fur as it was smoothed out and the fur gave off a shimmer of health as the flame faded. Sasa purred as he brushed out his mane and tail and set the brush back on the counter. He sighed as a flash of magic went to the band on his leg and his wings vanished from sight. His claws clicked on the polished floor of the room as he let them remain out as he moved toward the door. He lifted his hooves and his claws flexed and slid back into place within the bottom of his hooves. Behind him, Sasa purred and bumped his hip and his magic opened the bedroom door. He closed his eyes for a moment as he focused on finding the Alicorn’s and moving toward them. He walked past Blue Bloods door and toward the dining hall where the two Alicorn’s seemed to be.

“Are they nearby?” Sasa asked him as he moved through the door and out into the main hallway.

“Yes. They’re not too far. I think it’s the dining hall if I recall the design of the castle right.” He replied.

Oblivion didn’t say anything further to her as he led her through the hallways toward the dining room. He could see the spirits of the mares getting brighter as he neared them. The Witcher could see the open doors of the dining room ahead of him and he walked into the brightly lit room and he could see the two mares as they both smiled at the sight of him.

“Good morning Oblivion. And to you as well Sasa.” The white Alicorn said to them as they drew upon the table.

“Morning.” He replied and Sasa purred loudly in reply to them as he sat down in a chair across from the sisters and Sasa sat down next to the chair. “What is the plan for questioning them?”

“Take a moment Witcher. Enjoy a warm breakfast and then we will discuss what we think.” Luna said to him as she leaned forward in her chair.

He said nothing for several seconds before he nodded and waited for the meal to be brought to him.

Breakfast finished and Sasa nosed her plate into his hoof and he lifted it onto the table and leaned back in his chair, waiting for them to speak. Sasa was quiet beside him as she watched the Alicorns. Under their illusion, his wings flicked as he leaned back in his chair and watched as a servant came back into the room and took the plates and cups into their magic, and left them behind.

Celestia suddenly chuckled and leaned into the table in front of her. “You have been more than patient Witcher. I can see that you’re not one to dawdle.”

“I’m used to acting instead of waiting for things to happen in front of me.” He replied with a nod.

“I can see that. I should have known you would wish to act quickly. You acted even quicker when it came to your contracts with us. How would you have done things if it were your choice?” Celestia questioned.

“We would have questioned them the moment they arrived here.” He replied.

“Very well.” She giggled. “I am thinking that we will be questioning the lower ponies instead of the leader that you captured as well. Or do you think otherwise?”

Oblivion said nothing for a moment before he shrugged. “Questioning the lower ponies is an option but I don’t think they will be able to give us anything vital. Our focus should be on Lock.”

“I see.” Celestia nodded and looked away from him for a moment. “If the lower ponies do not give us anything after a couple of them then we will switch to him.”

Oblivion said nothing in reply and simply went along with her choice. “We captured four lower ponies and then we have Lock. While I disagree I will go along with your choice.”

Celestia and Luna both chuckled as he spoke and Celestia tipped her horn toward the door. The Witcher slid out of the chair and Sasa moved to allow him to move ahead of her. Luna trotted in front of him to lead him out of the dining room. Celestia was silent as she moved to go past the Witcher as he tipped his horn toward her younger sister. She moved past him and he fell in behind her with Sasa at his hip. He looked past them as they weaved through the hallways of the castle in a direction that he recognized as the same path they took before. He recognized the doors to the dungeon from before when he had come to question the pony from the attack on Canterlot.

“Do you wish to go first or are you okay following?” Celestia asked him and he tipped his horn to tell her to keep leading. “As you wish.” She chuckled and her magic opened the door ahead of them.

Oblivion said nothing as he looked through the bars at one of the ponies that he had captured the day before. The pony looked nervously between the three ponies ahead of him and then his eyes fell on the feline at their side.

“I’m not sure who he looks more afraid of, you, me, or them?” Sasa chuckled to him.

“Hard to say.” He replied to her. “They hold the strings to his fate so it might be them.”

Sasa growled and the pony cringed in his chair and Sasa chuckled in response. Oblivion looked to the Alicorn’s and he could see Celestia’s expression of compassion in comparison to her younger sister's more intense glare. His eyes fell on the Witcher and Oblivions blank expression seemed to unnerve him even further. He tried to make himself smaller in the chair as Celestia stepped forward and the two guards backed up in response to her presence.

“Hello, my little pony.” He said to him, her tone sweet. “I trust I do not need to explain to you why you are here.”

He nodded in response to her and Luna glared in silence as Oblivion stayed with her.

“Thee need to explain thyself.” Luna bellowed.

Oblivions ears were pinned at her volume as her voice echoed in the hallway. “Luna.” He said to her, his voice barely a whisper. “You don’t need to shout.”

The mare looked uncertain for a moment before she cringed and nodded. “We forgot.” She admitted.

He nodded in silence and his attention went back to the pony in the cell. Oblivion said nothing as Celestia began to speak to the pony further. He listened to her ask her questions and he could feel a bit of annoyance biting at the back of his mind. The Witcher took the weight off his right hind leg and he was silent as the questioning stalled and the Alicorn mare was fell quiet. The Unicorn was quiet as the white mare turned to look at him and he could see the frustration in her gaze. The answers they had been getting were not as detailed as what they had been hoping for. The information she was getting was basic at best. He knew the names of his teammates and precious little else.

“Next one,” Celestia said and moved to the cell next to the first pony.

Oblivion tuned it out and he waited for her to grow tired of getting the same basic answers that she was getting. Sasa leaned against his hip and he leaned back against her. He sighed as an hour ticked past them as the pony in the cell tried to give them what they know even though it was barely anything at all. All they knew was what little Lock had given them when they were called on to hunt down the Black Unicorn. Celestia gave a loud sigh and looked at the Unicorn behind her.

“You were right.” She finally breathed out and Oblivion gave a noise in reply. “We need to focus our efforts on their leader. You were right I just was hoping there was more that they could offer. Do you think asking the other two would help at all?” He shook his head and she sighed in reply. “Well, then I will lead you to him.”

“Well that was time wasted,” Luna growled as she fell in behind her sister.

“It’s never wasted time when you’re hunting for scraps of information, Luna,” Celestia said to her. “But I agree that we need to question their leader and see what he knows. And you are allowed to gloat if you wish Oblivion.” She giggled.

“No need.” He replied. “You already know I am correct, so there is no need for me to rub your snout in it.”

He heard her chuckle and several minutes passed as they reached a separate section of the dungeon and went through a separate set of doors and into a deeper section. The Witcher was quiet as they reached a set of guards that were looking at the group of them and they bowed their heads to the Alicorn’s as they reached them.

“Thank you for watching over him,” Celestia said to them and they nodded in reply to her. “You can take a break for a little while, we will take over from here.”

They bowed their heads once more and headed away from them. Oblivion watched as the pair of them vanished up the hallway and out of sight. His ears flicked and he could still their hoof steps but they were growing faint and finally faded to nothing. Celestia approached the cell and inside Lock was watching them. Oblivion could see that he had been pacing the room due to the dust trail in the room. He had been pacing the front of them by the bars, waiting for somepony to come to see him. Now he was watching them as closely as they were watching him. Oblivion could tell that look of a caged pony and he was fairly sure he knew how he would act. Lock moved to the back of the cell and pulled a chair up to the front and sat down to face them. Sasa grumbled at him and the pony’s eyes fell on her for several seconds before he trained his eyes on the Alicorn’s.

“Well, here we are.” He said to her. “You have my attention.”

“I am going to ask you to tell us what we want to know,” Celestia said to him and he sighed. “I trust I do not need to explain what we want to know.”

“No. I’m pretty sure I know what you want.” He said to her and his eyes fell on The Witcher. “But I’m pretty sure he knows I’m not going to tell you anything.”

Celestia looked over her shoulder to the Witcher and he was quiet as she watched him. “You do have a choice to talk to me though.”

“I know.” He replied to her, his tone easy and unhurried. “I am well aware that I can talk to you. I‘m just not going to tell you anything.”

“You have a choice,” Celestia said to him as she walked a couple of feet closer to the cell.

Lock chuckled and sighed. “Yeah, that’s what you don’t get, Princess. I really don’t.”

“Why do you think that?” She asked.


Oblivion looked at the pony and his spirit was calm and unworried. He flicked his ears to listen as Celestia went on trying to convince the captured pony to talk to them. Oblivion took the weight off one hoof and cocked his hip as the questioning went on.

“So far this is a lesson in futility.” Sasa growled through their connection.

“I agree. But we can’t move in until they are ready for us to act.” Oblivion replied and he could see frustration leaking into Celestia’s spirit.

He glanced to the side of Luna and he could see anger and aggravation flowing over her spirit. The younger Alicorn shifted on her hooves and she sighed as the time went by. He watched the pair of ponies ahead of him and he could see Celestia losing her patience with Lock. It was a slow decline in her patience but it was happening and he was ready for her to break. Time slipped past and he leaned his weight onto his rear legs and Celestia finally gave in. A deep sigh escaped her as she looked over her shoulder to the Witcher.

“Okay. Your turn.” She sighed and backed up to allow him to approach the cell. “He’s all yours.”

Oblivion nodded to her and he passed by her and he approached the cell and Lock watched him approach. He could see the stubborn set of the ponies jaw and he seemed to stiffen as the Witcher stood outside of the cell. His horn lit and lashes went up from the ground and lashed the pony into place in the chair. Lock looked nervous for a moment before he stared at the black Unicorn, his jaw set. Sasa stayed back with Luna and Celestia and he could feel her gaze on his back. Oblivion gave an audible sigh and his horn remained lit as his aura surrounded the lock on the door. The door clicked open and he lifted the bound pony and the chair and set it down in the middle of the room to allow him to move to stand in front or on the side of the chair.

“So you’re lowering yourself to acting in their stead?” He sneered.

“Is that how it looks?” Oblivion replied, his voice low. “Is that what you think just happened?”

Lock looked past him to the Alicorn’s and then back to the Witcher. His eyes fell on the great tiger beside them and Oblivion heard her snarl from behind them. The pony looked away from her and back to him.

“Who is making the rules then?” He asked, his voice hesitant.

Oblivion looked at him for a second before a rare smile crossed onto his muzzle and he let his gaze fall into malice as he stared back at him. Lock leaned back into the chair at the Witchers expression. Oblivion leaned his head down until his mouth was next to the pony’s ear.

“I am.” He whispered into his ear and he saw Lock shudder in response.

Oblivion pulled his head back and waited as the pony stared at him. He could see Locks eyes dart to the Alicorns behind the Witcher. He flicked an ear back as he heard one of them shift their hooves.

“What did he say?” Luna whispered to her sister and he heard Celestia make a noise in reply.

He heard Sasa chuff quietly behind him. He stood in silence as he pony contemplated the situation he was now in. His mind went to the World Spirit as he felt it shift around him as the pony in front of him shifted as well. He could see Lock’s spirit shift as well and he found himself trying to decide whether to use it or not. His mind went over the ramifications of using it or trying to interrogate him on his own. As he considered it the idea of upsetting the Heart of the World crossed his mind as well. He remembered the look on her face as he spoke to her about using it. He cast a glance back to the Alicorn’s and then to Sasa. The feline raised her head slightly and her aqua eyes stared back at him, bright in the dim light of the hallway.

He closed his eyes for several seconds as he went over his options. His eyes snapped open as he decided not to chance to damage the World Spirit. “Not worth it.” He thought so Sasa as she tilted her head slightly at his words.


The Witcher raised one hoof and his orange eyes locked eyes with the pony in front of him. He stomped his hoof and a white aura surrounded Locks's head and the pony's eyes went wide for a second before they went slack and he stared straight ahead.

“What was that? Witcher?” Celestia asked from behind him.

“A skill called Axii.” He said as he looked over his shoulder at her.

“Good choice Chosen.” Sasa praised as he looked back at her for a moment. “Equestria would approve.”

“That’s one reason why I chose this.” He admitted to her.

“What is Axii?” Luna asked as he looked back at her.

“It’s a Witcher skill, a very minor magic that we Witchers are taught. It’s designed to charm or influence the minds of those it’s used on.”


“It affects the mind and can calm ponies when they are hysterical or even control the minds of some.” He replied as Celestia’s eyes went wide as he spoke to her. “The way I use it is to get answers from stubborn ponies.”

“So it is mind control?” Luna asked as she looked past him to the pony in the chair.

“I suppose that’s one way to think of it.” Sasa said to him.

“That is one way to look at it. It’s not incredibly potent but it varies in power depending on who it’s used on. Some ponies are more susceptible to its power while others aren’t.” He informed them.

“This is not the same method as you used before? Is it?” Celestia questioned.

“No. Last time I used the Element itself.” He replied.

“Why would you change your method?”

“The Element can only be pushed so far and I am choosing not to strain it.” He said to her, keeping the truth veiled with her and she nodded in understanding.

He turned his head back to Lock and the pony’s eyes had faded and Oblivion could tell that he was well under its power. The pony looked up at him and seemed to be waiting for the questions to be tossed at him. He breathed in a breath and held it for a second before he released it and focused on the pony.

“What is your full name?”

The pony did not immediately reply and Oblivion could see him trying to fight off Axii’s effects. Oblivion knew it would hold despite the pony’s attempts. Behind him, he heard Celestia make a curious noise and he looked back over his shoulder to see her leaning forward into the bars.

“Can he break free from that skill?” She asked, her eyes uncertain.

“It’s possible.” He replied. “If he had a strong enough mind he would not have been affected by it, to begin with. If his mind was able to shake it off all it would have done was stun him for a few seconds and we would be trying a different method.”

“I see,” Luna said to him and she looked past him to Lock. “So he can’t break free of it?”

“If he hasn’t already then no.” The Witcher responded and turned to face Lock once more. “Once again. What is your full name?”


“How did you know where to find me?” He asked and Lock focused on him as he spoke.

“A noble pony informed the ponies ahead of me in the organization and I was tasked to bring the Element back so they could sell the entire set.” Lock informed him, his tone neutral and bland. “He leaked the information to us in exchange for something.”

“Which noble gave you the information?”

“I don’t know. I was given the information second-hand.” Lock quickly spoke in reply to the Witcher's question.

Oblivion looked over his shoulder and he looked at Celestia. “Does Blue know which noble was given which rumor?”

She nodded. “He knows the exact information each one was given.”

Behind him, Sasa purred as he turned back to Lock. “Leave the details out for now. When we need to we can question it further through Blue Blood.” Sasa said to him and he nodded slightly in reply to her.

“Where have the other Elements of Harmony been stored?”

“I have no idea.” Lock replied. “I was told to find the missing Element and then I would be told where to take it to get it with the others.”

Sasa growled quietly as Oblivion leaned back on his heels. A low sigh escaped him as he considered where to go with his questioning. He waited for a moment as Lock stared toward the front of the cell but his gaze did not fall on anypony specific.

“Who is paying you?”

“My boss pays me once the job is done.”

“How much?”

“The fee was Five thousand bits to retrieve the missing Element from you.”

“How are you paid?”

“The bits are transferred through several local and foreign banks to avoid suspicion.” Lock replied quickly.

Oblivion looked over his shoulder and Celestia looked disturbed at the information from the pony but she nodded to him, asking him to go on. The Witcher was quiet as he went over what he had learned so far.

“How many do you work with?”

“You killed most of my team but typically there are twenty ponies.”

“What is your position in the organization you work for?”

“I am a sub-leader under Hazel.”

“Where were you meant to go once you had the Element?”

“I needed to take it to Canterlot.”

“Where in Canterlot?”

“There is a bar in the red sector that we use as a meeting place called the Rusty Horseshoe. That’s where I needed to go with the Element.”

“What time were you scheduled to meet up there?”

“There was no time frame.”

“Was there a sign you were to give to signal you had it?”

“No, I was just going to show up and go into the back to use the secret entrance. That’s where we meet upon the completion of an assignment.”

“Oblivion.” Luna suddenly called to him.

He looked over his shoulder and the smaller Alicorn was motioning for him to come to them. He spun on his heel and walked the four steps toward the Alicorns. He reached them and they both leaned their horns down to nearly touching his to allow them to be closer to him to speak.

“I trust you're going to take this questioning somewhere?” Celestia asked.

“I had planned on finding out more about this organization that he is in. So far we know nothing about it outside of the bits Shining had originally.” Oblivion informed her.

“I see. I am sorry to have interrupted you.” Luna said to him.

“No harm done. I can refresh Axii any number of times to continue the questioning.” He said back to her as he spun once more and went back to the bound pony. “How many branches are in your organization?”


“Who leads them?”

“Hazel, Sky Star, Penny, and Trapper.”

"What is the name of the pony they answer to?”

“There is no pony.”

His ears flicked as the sound of grinding teeth caught his attention. A quick glance back told him Luna was grinding her teeth and glaring. His ears flicked back to Lockpick and he realized that he needed to change his wording to get an answer.

“What leads your organization?”

“An Abyssinian named Secret.”

He glanced back as Luna relaxed at another quick look from him. “Who leads what section?”

“Hazel leads the military, Sky Star oversees the storefronts, Penny watches over the Treasury, and Trapper is the leader to the research sector.”

“Is there anypony or anyone else that the ponies answer to?”


“And he is?”

“He acts as the intermediary between everypony and Secret. Anything that Secret needs to know goes to Sunder first. He watches over the four factions and reports back to Secret about them or anything else he observes.”

Oblivion fell silent as he processed what he had been told. He had learned about their organization and he knew that he had most likely run close to the time that Axii would wear off. As he considered the timing Lock shifted in his seat and the Elder Witcher looked back at him as he kept going.

“Will your group be missed if you do not return with the Element?”

“We were told to bring it back within one week of leaving Canterlot.”

“How much time remains?”

“Four days.”

His ears flicked as Celestia grumbled under her breath. He watched as Lockpick shook his head and his eyes focused on the ground for a moment and he seemed disoriented. He wavered in his chair and he seemed to have been knocked off his hooves and Oblivion moved back to the cell bars and the two Alicorn’s that waited. Sasa purred as he approached and he said nothing to her as she moved to join them.

“Now we know what the time frame we have is,” Oblivion said to them.

“I have no idea what we are going to do now,” Celestia admitted and her head hung slightly.

“Now we know who they are and we can track them down that way. We know where they meet and when they need to be back. I will see if I can get with Twilight and see if we can track down the case the Elements are in.”

“Explain?” Luna said to him, her expression inquisitive.

“Basically the case has not been broken into since they were stolen. The lock that had been placed on it by Twilight is still sound. She is the link that I can use to track the Elements themselves. Her magic is covering that case and I can use a spell I found in Starswirls book to track her magical signature.”

“I know that spell,” Celestia said to him. “But it is not designed to track the way you’re describing.”

“I have modified it slightly to work the way I want it to. It’s been modified but the basic plan is for it to track her magic and the signature of her aura. I should be able to track it.” He explained.

“Okay, so you’re going to use Twilights magic to track the magical lock she placed on the case itself,” Celestia asked him and he nodded. “Using Starswirls magical detection method?” He nodded once more. “But it’s not designed for long-term tracking so you have modified it to track long-distance so you have modified it to do just that.”


Celestia looked away from him for a moment before she looked back at him her gaze intense. “I trust you know that we need those Elements back with their Bearers?” He nodded. “I am placing my faith and trust in you and my student to track them down now.”

He gazed back at her and gave a simple nod in response. “Using Twilights magic we should be able to track the Elements down. I think I might know where they are.”

“Oh?” Luna asked as her head gave a slight tilt.

“I don’t think the Elements are outside of Canterlot. I think they are inside the bar or close to it. If they are not inside the bar they are within the underground tunnels beneath Canterlot and that bar. The red sector is in the lower end of Canterlot correct?”

“Yes. It’s the other name for the red light district in the lower end of Canterlot. It’s not a large area but it does have many shady places inside of it. It’s patrolled by the guards sparingly but they don’t go in there unless they are needed.”

“So it regulates itself for the most part?” Oblivion asked her and she nodded. “All right so magic is easy to use there and we will have to see how Twilight and I track the case.”

“Please be careful with my student.”

“She is determined to help out in some way. I doubt I could stop her even if I tried.” Oblivion informed her.

“That’s true. She has nothing to make up for or prove to me. I am just glad she was not hurt by the thieves.”

“You and I can tell her that till the day we die but that will not stop her. I will do what I can but do not think she is too weak to defend herself.” Oblivion advised.

“Well said.” Sasa praised as he moved to leave the cell.

“Now we need to move forward. We have four days until they know their team has failed. Once that day passes then we are out of luck and they might move the case and the Elements will be more difficult to track.”

“I agree. What are you going to do now?” Celestia asked him as he left the cell.

“Now?” They both nodded. “We move forward and bring the Elements back to where they belong.”

95: Finding Harmony

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Oblivion walked up to Twilights home and his hoof rapped against the door, loud enough to be easily heard but not loud enough to startle. His ears flicked as he listened and he heard hooves scrambling across the wooden floor. The door flew open and he saw Twilight looking intently at him as Sasa yowled in surprise. Her purple eyes scanned him and she sagged at the realization that it was only him and Sasa. He was not carrying anything in his magic nor was a case sitting in front of her.

“Hello, Twilight.” He said to her and she managed a smile in reply to him.

“Hi.” She mumbled. “Come on in.”

Sasa purred and he waited as the she-cat walked into the room ahead of him. Twilight smiled thinly at him as he walked past her into the front room of the Library. Sasa looked around the room and he was fairly sure she was looking for Spike. Whether it was to torment him or to love on him he was not sure. He reached the table in the middle of the room and stood next to it, he looked back and motioned for Twilight to join him. She summoned two pillows and set one down for each of them.

“Anything?” She whispered to him as she sat down across from him.

“If you are asking for the Elements themselves then I am sorry to disappoint you. I was certain they would not bring the Elements with them when they came to try to take this one.” He said to her as he put his hoof over the medallion around his neck.

She looked up at the ceiling for a moment and he heard a whisper of a breath come from her as she brought her eyes back to him. “How can I help?”

“Do you wish to know what has been done so far?”

She gave a thin frown and looked closely at him. “I hate to admit it but…” She paused as she leaned back on the pillow under her. “I don’t really care. I just need to do something to help.”

“Very well.” He said to her. “I am going to be using one of Starswirl's spells to help us track down the case the Elements are held inside. I will be modifying it slightly to accomplish something more than its original design.”

She looked thoughtful for several seconds before she nodded and looked certain. “I know what spell you’re talking about. But I didn’t think it could be modified at all, if it’s the one I am thinking of.”

“I am altering the part of it that controls the distance it can track from.”

“I didn’t think that could be done. That spell is pretty solid on its own. The downside to it is that you need to have a way to guide it and a direction to search from.”

“Not exactly.” He replied to her.

She looked at him and her head tilted slightly to the right. “Explain.”

“If you power the spell enough it should be able to bypass the limit that it was originally designed with.” He explained to her and she looked back at him and motioned for him to go on. “If I can power the spell enough then the limit that was put on it when the spell was made can be bypassed.”

“That’s a good idea actually.” She said to him. “I never thought about how much power the spell would need. Originally it was designed to find things in a rather small area. Like if I was searching for something I would use that spell to search an area the size of an orchard maybe. It might be able to search in an area that size but it was not designed for it.”

“I agree you are most likely right about that limit. But I think if I overpower the spell I should be able to enhance its search area.” He reasoned back to her.

“Okay, I get what you mean.” She agreed with a nod. “Do you have an idea of where it might be though?”

“I do.” He said to her and she nodded as a small smile came to her mouth. “I will also be adding in a second spell to the first.”

“What spell?”

“It’s a spell that was made to show a location. By using it together with Starswirls overpowered spell we should be able to see where the Elements are being stored.”

“What do you mean by the secondary spell?”

“The spell is one that shows the image in an enlarged photo in front of you. It’s like when you take a picture but this is not a physical image so much as a projection of the sight we will see through Starswirls spell.”

“Oh, I get what you mean. But how do you know it will work?”

“I don’t.”

Nervousness fell over her face and she shifted on her pillow. “Okay, how are you so sure it will do what you want?”

“I am going to power enough magical power into both spells that will allow it to add into the ability to display the image. By overpowering both spells it should be enough to show us where it is.” He explained.

“Okay, so I assume that you know where it is or have a good idea of where it is.” She reasoned.

“I do. I am almost certain it’s in Canterlot.”

“What?!” She nearly shrieked. “Then why are we still here?!”

“Easy Twilight.” He said to her and raised a hoof to stop her from getting to her hooves. “I said I am fairly certain, but not exactly certain. I do not know that it is there without a doubt. I believe it is in the red light district of Canterlot beneath a bar.”

She settled back onto her pillow while nervousness and curiously flowed through her spirit. “Okay. I’m listening.”

“From the information, I have gotten there is an underground group of ponies that are based out of Canterlot. They are the ones that organized the original attack on Canterlot to steal the Elements from the castle. They are also the ones that recently tried to take the Element from me.”

Her eyes went wide and she began to look him over and then her eyes went to Sasa. “And your both okay right?”

“We are both fine.”

“What about Soarin? You didn’t bring him with you.”

“He’s fine as well. He is back in Canterlot with the Wonderbolts waiting for me to call on him if needed.”

She looked relieved and a sigh escaped her. Sasa got to her paws and went to the mare and she nuzzled her as she purred. The feline sat down beside her and laid down in place at her side. He saw her sag for a moment and a chuckle escaped her.

“I kind of wish I had asked more questions or let you tell me everything about when they came after you instead of saying I didn’t care.” She lamented.

He chuckled and shook his head. “Do you wish me to explain everything?”

“No, it's fine. Keep going. I’ll ask if anything does not seem to fit in my mind.” She said. “So how are we going to get the spell to track that far from here?”

“The spell was originally designed as we discussed to track only so far. The way I am altering it will allow it to track all the way to Canterlot if we need it to. It was designed for a mile or less we will be asking it to go much further.”

A shock went through her eyes as she stared at him. “Okay but I do think we have an issue.” She said to him and he tilted his head slightly. “The spell Starswirl designed is pretty slow-moving. It moves slowly to allow you to scan the ground for whatever you’re looking for.”

“I think we can bypass that by overpowering it. By powering it as much as I plan to it should also speed it up. We will start out with it acting normal but if we need to then I will push it a bit further.”

“Okay. So how are we going to get the case back once we know where it is?”

WE will be going into the location and taking it back.”

Her eyes went wide as she stared almost blankly back at him. His bland expression stared back at her as he let the silence go on. She raised a hoof and pointed to herself and he nodded. She then pointed at him and he nodded again. Her hoof dropped back to the pillow and she then looked at Sasa who nodded sagely back at her.

“Oh.” She whispered.

“If you wish to join in then you can but I will not push you into it either so...”

“I will not be left out of this.” She interrupted and her gaze was set with a determined expression.

“I am ready to start the process when you are.” He said to her.

“What do I need to? What is the procedure?”

“I will need you to focus on the case and the spell that it is protecting it.”

“What will Sasa be doing?”

“Sasa will be staying back as she is not able to hide her appearance on her own.” He explained with a glance to the great cat.

Sasa gave a low grumble and Twilight ran her hoof over the cat’s fur. “I can put an illusion over her if we need to. I just think the more power we have with us the better.”

“I agree but I was not able to maintain an illusion on her constantly so I will leave it to you while I tend to the rest.” He reasoned to her and she nodded.

“What are we going to do to get the case back once we find it?”

“We will be using an illusion of our own to get into the bar and into the tunnels that exist under the bar. I have already designed the illusion spell that we will be using once we are just outside the location.”

“How will we get them to let us into the tunnels?”

“We will be using the Element of Spirit to get them to open up to us.” He explained.

“What do you mean by ‘using’ it?” She asked.

“The ponies that came after it was supposed to take it from me and reunite it with the others to allow them to sell it as a full set. Once they see it they will be more than happy to let us walk inside the bar. We can also use the same spell to track the rest of the Elements once we are inside.”

She looked uncertain for several seconds as she considered what he had said. “Okay, I’m on board. I don’t like using the Element of Spirit as bait but you’ve been doing that all along so I guess it works.” She said as a laugh escaped her and he shrugged. “I can’t put an illusion on if I’m using the one on Sasa.”

“I will take care of the illusions on you and me when we get close. Once we are inside you will need to follow me and act like a lackey. I will have an illusion of the pony that led the charge against me. You will be one of the ponies that followed him that we have in custody.”

“Does the organization know you have them?”

“They shouldn’t. We kept their capture silent aside from a few. Only a few trusted guards know of their capture that Luna and Celestia trust. They are the ones guarding them and nopony else knows about them.” he assured her. “If they have found out then this will be a long fight.”

“I’m ready for it.” She said to him.

He saw the determined set of her jaw and he nodded at her, understanding in his own gaze. “Very well. If you are ready then we can start the process now and see where it leads us.”

She nodded and got to her hooves. “Let’s do this.”

He got to his hooves his horn lit as she did the same. “I will focus on your magical signature and we will use that to start the track on the case. Hold still.”

She stood still as his magic flowed over her horn and he focused on learning her magical signature as he had with the Element of Spirit. Her magic was still as he learned her magic and after a moment his magic had it memorized and he allowed his horn to go dormant.

“I have it. I will bring the spell from Starswirl forward and use your magical signature to track the case that the Elements are stored in.”

“Then we will overpower the spell to allow it to reach Canterlot if that’s where they are being stored?” She asked.

He nodded and his horn lit as he focused on the spell from Starswirl and brought it into the front part of his mind to allow him to invoke it. His magic flowed easily as he channeled more power into the spell to allow him to overpower it easily. Twilight stood by in silence as her own magic faded out and she watched him closely.

“Should I do something?” She asked him.

He looked at her and was about to tell her no when the look in her eyes gave him pause. He was not sure why but the look made him hesitate. He went over the spell in his mind and decided that her adding her own magic to it could only add more power and even greater focus to the spell. The Witcher nodded at her and he raised his head to focus on her.

“Channel your magic into mine and by using it then we can add greater focus to Starswirls spell.” He said to her and her horn was covered in her aura and she covered his horn in her aura.

He brought the spell forward and he began to channel even more power into it as he invoked the spell. It flowed easily from him and over the ground. Twilight looked alarmed as a circle of magic went over the ground and slowly sank into the ground under her hooves. She looked at him and he gave her a nod to calm her and she focused on keeping her aura steady with his own. He closed his eyes and he let the magic flow from him and into the ground. He heard Sasa get to her paws and he heard her pad over to him and sit down close by them.

“How is it going?” Twilight asked him, her voice tentative.

“Hold on.” He said back to her and she fell silent.

The Witcher was silent as he sent the magic further around them. He used it in the same fashion that he had when cleansing the village of the miasma from before. The longer he channeled it the more power he was forced to pour into it and the further afield he sent it. Using Twilight’s magical signature and her active aura gave it more focus to track. He gave it several minutes before he added a bit more force to his search and he felt something shift. He opened his eyes and brought the second spell in to allow him to give a picture of where the Elements were being stored. His azure flame became more intense and Twilight backed up a step in response to it.

“Here we go.”

“Did you find it?” Twilight asked her voice insistent.

“I think so.”

An image began to become clear on the floor between them and he shifted it to be broadcast against the far wall instead of the cluttered floor. A dark room was shown on the wall and Twilight looked perplexed as she stared at it.

“Where the hell is that?” She barked at him.

He looked at her and bit back a chuckle at her choice of words. “Hold on a moment.”

He began to pull back his magic to allow them to backtrack through the building that the Elements were stored in. As he pulled back the image flickered until he stopped and it showed a hallway with dim lights. He pulled back further and it flickered and the image went black for several seconds.

“Oh no. No, get it back.” Twilight shouted.


The image came back and it showed a storefront of what looked to him like an old run-down inn or something similar. He couldn’t see any signs to give it a name or anything that showed its exact location. He stared at the image for several seconds before he glanced at Twilight, who looked even more perplexed than he did.

“Any ideas where that is?” She asked.

“I have no idea.” He replied.

He let the image fade again as he pulled the magic back and allowed it to refocus again. It showed a narrow street that was cluttered with trash and broken chairs.

“It looks like the streets of the red-light district,” Twilight said to him.

“Does it?”

“Yeah, the streets can’t handle a chariot or anything they're too narrow. Three ponies might be the maximum that can walk side by side on those streets.”

“Did you ever go into that district?”

“Of course not,” Twilight replied, affronted.

“Then how do you know about the streets?” He teased.

“I asked a guard when he came back complaining about that district and his patrol in it.” She growled.

He cast her a slight grin and she glared at him in response. “Well, it seems we know where to go. But let’s see if we can’t confirm its Canterlot. That’s the farthest I set it to search but still.”

“It can’t hurt to confirm just in case.” She agreed.

He pulled his magic back further and the image flickered. The further he pulled back the larger the image got and it soon showed an image of Canterlot City. He looked at the mare with him and she nodded.

“You were right. Canterlot.” She said to him.

“I was hoping I would be correct. I am fairly certain that bar is called the Rusty Horseshoe. We were told about it by the leader of the ponies that came after me for the Element.” He replied.

“Finally.” She said and looked at him, a smile finally crossing her face.

A grin tugged at the side of his mouth and he looked from her to the wall and back to her. “Know we know where to go and we can get them back. We need to do this in the next couple of days. Otherwise, we will be out of time and they will know that the retrieval group failed to take it from me.”

“So when do we do this?”


“What?!” She asked him as his magic began to fade out.

“We need to do this quickly.” His magic faded and the image on the wall blacked out. “WE have limited time to do it and we have to make sure they haven’t gotten wise enough to move them. They do move them then we are in trouble.”

She looked uncertain for several seconds but then she nodded in response. “Okay. I’m with you. So what’s the plan?”

“Tomorrow you and I will teleport to Canterlot and I will put an illusion on both of us and you tend to the one on Sasa if you wish to bring her.” She nodded with a look at the feline who gave her a toothy grin. “I will come to you just after dawn and I will teleport us to the Menagerie. From there we will go to the bar and get into the tunnels that are underneath it. Then we can get in there and retrieve the Elements of Harmony and bring them back here.”

“Okay.” She broke into a smile and nodded in agreement with him. "What do I need to do when we get there?"

"You will support me from behind. I am combat trained and I am more than able to operate in a confined space if we are in a hallway. Your job is to use your magic to combat them from behind me."

She looked nervous for several seconds but a determination set to her jaw told him that she was not the scared filly that Celestia seemed to think she was. She was a grown mare with the magic to back up her intelligence. He did not doubt that she would be able to provide him the support that he might need if things went wrong in the tunnels.

"Okay. Let's do this."

“Until tomorrow.” He said to her.

96: Harmony Retrieved

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Behind him, Sasa padded silently as they made their way toward the Golden Oak Library. As he neared it he could see Twilights spirit moving around within the Library. If he had to guess he figured she was pacing, waiting. He nearly sighed as he had a feeling she would be up before him even if she didn’t need to be up as early, he was sure she had been. Behind him, he heard Sasa chuff quietly as he had no doubt could now see Twilights spirit as well considering how close they were to the building.

“I figured she would be up before us.” Sasa chuckled through their connection.

“So did I.” He replied aloud.

They reached the front door and he started to knock when the door was thrown open. Twilight stood in front of him, her eyes wide as she stared at him.

“Good morning Twilight.” He said to her wide eyes as she relaxed at the sight of him.


“How did she know we were here?” Sasa asked as she came to stand next to him.

“Sasa is wondering how you knew we were here.” He asked her, though if he had to admit it he was curious as well.

“I put a spell on the ground out in front of the door to tell me when somepony approached it and stood on that spot.” She said and pointed down to the ground beneath his hooves. “It’s a pretty low power spell.” She informed him.

“I see.” He replied as she backed up and let them walk into the library.

His medallion had not shuddered at the use of magic under his hooves showing him that it had been too low power to affect him. He could see the anticipation, nervousness, and some fear that circulated through the mare as he turned to speak to her as she closed the front door. She turned to face him and he watched as emotions seemed to be warring for a spot on her face.

“Are you ready?” He asked her as Sasa purred.

She nodded and looked at the pair of them. “Should I put on the illusion now or should we wait?”

“We will do that once we get to the menagerie. Doing it now risks losing it due to the teleports magic.”

“That’s true.” She agreed and nodded as he reached out and set his hoof on her shoulder. “I told Spike to stay home till we get back.”

“That works,” Oblivion said as his horn charged and he allowed the magic to roll over them as he teleported them to the menagerie.

He looked at the menagerie around them and Twilight opened her eyes and looked at him.

“I have to admit that was the smoothest long-distance teleport I have ever been part of.”


“Normally stretching the limits of a spell means it gets a bit… jerky. But that didn’t do that.” She explained. “Well done.”

“Thank you.” He replied as Sasa purred and nuzzled the stallion's shoulder. “I trust you remember the image that I gave you for the illusion on Sasa?”

“Yes.” She said back to him and he motioned for her to go ahead. “Okay, Sasa. Hold still.”

Sasa stood up and moved away from his side and stood still in place once the mare gave her the signal to stop in place. His medallion shuddered as Twilight channeled magic as it swirled over the feline and grew in strength. Her magenta aura covered the Spectral Tiger completely and with a flash of light, all that was left was a normal unassuming Earth Pony. Twilight looked at him and he gave an agreeing nod as he gave silent approval of the image on the feline. Sasa shook herself to get rid of the feeling of magic on her skin. The illusion moved with her and seemed seamless as it moved with her.

“Well done.” He praised and she smiled as his horn lit. “Hold still.”

She nodded and closed her eyes as she went silent and waited for him to place the illusion on her. His magic gathered and layered itself over the pair of them as he placed illusions over both of them at the same time. He closed his eyes as he focused on the images in his mind. His magic gathered and it ended after a moment's casting. He opened his eyes to find Twilight covered in her own illusion of a Unicorn different from herself. He knew he was covered in Locks image and he made sure by summoning a mirror to allow them to check the illusions movement to ensure they were not stiff or off in their movement or images.

“Looks good,” Twilight said to him from behind the illusion. “I’m one of the ponies that you fought?”

“Yes. You look like one of their Unicorns.”

“And you’re the pony who led them?”

“Yes. He was called Lock if anyone asks you. That way you are able to answer basic questions if the situation calls for it.”

“Do I have a name?”

“No. Your purpose is simply to support. Stay silent and if you happen to be spoken to deflect it back to me and I will tend to it.”

“Got it. Now what?”

“Now we go get the Elements of Harmony and put them back where they belong.” He said to her as he spun on his heel and led her out of the menagerie.

They walked out into the city and Oblivion followed the path that the spell had given him and he adjusted it as needed by what he knew of the city itself having toured it before. The smooth cobblestone streets soon gave way to the red districts' dirty and unkempt streets. Now he knew that he was relying on the magic’s lead to show him where he was going. His directions from the spell from before were all he had to go on now that they were inside the red district. His own sense of direction seemed to be warring with what he knew and he chose to follow his instinct versus the direction he had thought to follow. Minutes ticked past and they were soon in front of the bar from their search.

“It looks exactly like the one from the image,” Twilight whispered to him.

“That’s because it is the same place.” He said to her.

He opened his mouth to speak further when the sight of her spirit stopped him. He could see nervousness and fear as they warred inside her. “It will be fine.” He assured her. “We will retrieve the Elements and take them home.”

“I know your right. But I still feel so… afraid.” She admitted, her voice barely a whisper.

“Then trust in me and what I have done so far. Trust your magic that has protected them so far. The seal you placed has not been tampered with most likely due to them not knowing how to reverse it. You have done the hard part so far.” He replied to her, his tone assured. “Have confidence in your skill.”

“Your right.” She said to him.

Oblivion watched as she gathered her courage and he could see her spirit become stable and he led her forward into the front door of the bar. He pushed the double doors open and the mare fell in at his heels with Sasa and they brought up the rear as he led. He walked into the dimly lit room and his gaze fell on the bar at the side of the room.

“Hey, Lock!”

He turned his head as a pony called for him. He had made sure to practice using a different name by having Sasa refer to him as it for a day. He watched as the pony went to the bar and went behind it, motioning for him to join him. The small group walked up to the bar and Twilight and Sasa hung back slightly to ensure that the attention remained on the stallion.

“Is the path open?” Oblivion asked him in a voice that was not his own.

The bartender paused and seemed to be scrutinizing him as the other stallion remained still. Seconds ticked past and Oblivion made a slight show of reaching into a pouch around his barrel for the Element. He held the wolf-shaped gem aloft and the bartender gave him a knowing look.

“How did it go? He give it up easy?” The bartender asked him with a sly smile on his face.

“We had to fight for it. We paid a steep price in blood for it.” Oblivion replied as he replaced the gem in its pouch.

“I bet.” He replied and tipped his head to the back of the bar.

Oblivion said nothing further as he walked away toward the back of the bar. He heard the bartender mutter under his breath about Lock’s attitude but he said nothing and gave no indication that he heard him. From what he had learned about Lock he had a faintly superior attitude that tended to rub ponies the wrong way. Judging from the bartender’s reaction he had gotten the attitude right. Oblivion reached the door in the back and he pushed it open with the others on his heels.

“Whew.” Twilight gave a quiet exhale of relief but otherwise remained silent.

He heard Sasa rumble in agreement as they both stayed with him. He walked into the room to find that there was no back door or window in the room to show what to do next. The spell had not shown this far and he was at a loss for his next move. He heard a nervous shuffle of hooves behind him as Twilight came to stand up by his shoulder.

“Okay. Now what?” She asked him, her voice had a slight tremor in it.

He said nothing for a few seconds as a strange scent caught his attention. He put his nose in the air and scented deeply. The Witcher was silent as he began to try to follow the scent and it led him toward the back of the room by an old bookshelf. He reached the bookcase and he set a hoof against it and pushed gently on it to see what it would do. Twilight came up behind him and she bumped into his flank and pushed him sharply forward. A loud click went through the air as he pushed against the bookcase. He pulled away as the bookshelf moved to the side and out of the way, revealing a hidden passage. He looked over his shoulder to Twilight who looked stunned. She blinked at him and a smile went over her muzzle as she chuckled.


“Ended up in our favor so no need to apologize.” He replied with a low chuckle.

Sasa chuckled through their connection and he was quiet as he started down the hallway. The hallway was familiar to him from the image of the spell and he followed it down. The further down they went the more the hallway seemed to open op, revealing several side rooms, and a side room mushroomed into a break room of sorts, showing several ponies within it. Oblivion kept his eyes and ears searching around them and for the most part they were ignored. Those that he saw gave him a nod in greeting but no words were spoken. The Elder Witcher scanned each door they came to, searching for the metal door that they had been shown.


Oblivion came to a halt as Twilight and Sasa both looked down to the floor to avoid being noticed or spoken to. A Unicorn came trotting out of the break room and came to face Oblivion. His eyes were a dull grey with a sandy coat of fur.

“How did your hunt go?” He asked and his eyes briefly went to the other two with him but he seemed to ignore them as part of the scenery.

“We paid in blood for our target but we retrieved the Element in the end.”

“You’ll have to report directly to Secret to let him know what happened.” The Unicorn said to him.

Oblivion opened his mouth to reply when the pony looked even more closely at Twilight and Sasa. Despite ignoring them a moment earlier they were now the subject of a look from him.

“Why are they with you? You know grunts aren’t allowed down here.”

Sasa and Twilight immediately looked at the Witcher and he turned slightly to more easily look at them. “If the case is magically locked then we need a Unicorn to get into it. I don’t have the magic to get through that kind of safeguard.”

The pony nodded in agreement and looked back at the Witcher. “That’s a good point. It was held in the home of a Unicorn so it goes to assume she might have put a lock on it.”

“Precisely,” Oblivion replied. “Has the case been moved or is it in the same spot?” Oblivion asked.

“It’s in the same room at the end of the hall. Nopony has touched it. Same metal door as before as well. It got moved thereafter we had a few ponies trying to look at it. Idiots are lucky Sunder didn’t murder them where they stood.” The Unicorn sneered.

Oblivion gave a slight nod of agreement and walked away from the Unicorn who also turned to go back the way he had come. His ears flicked back as that pony also grumbled about attitude and if he could he’d put Lock in his place but he wouldn’t this time. He seemed annoyed but not shocked by the Earth Ponies' actions. ‘Not a well-liked pony are you Lock?’ Oblivion thought to himself with a silent chuckle.

“I know you heard that,” Twilight said to him, her voice a bare whisper.

“Of course I did.” He said to her.

“Why didn’t you respond?” She questioned.

“Lock has a reputation for being a bit of an ass so acting this way is not out of the ordinary for him. Being friendly would have brought unwanted attention to us and made them question us further.”

“I get it.” She replied and a chuckle broke from her.

A smile broke over her mouth for a moment before she fell in behind him and the expression fell from her face. He walked ahead, his eyes scanning for a metal door. Behind him, Sasa’s paws were silent on the stone flooring.

“Are you sure you believe what he said about the metal door considering his disdain of Lock?” Sasa questioned.

“I am sure it will be fine. His spirit spoke truly when he was speaking. Lies are easy to see when they're right in front of you.” He assured her.

Minutes ticked past and Oblivion’s orange eyes fell on the metal door and his memory was struck by the exact image from the image of the spell. Behind him, he heard Twilight give a low gasp and Sasa sighed in relief.

“Finally.” She said to him and he gave a slight nod in reply to her.

“That looks exactly like the door from the magic image,” Twilight said to him.

“Can you reach out to your own magic and see if it’s in there just in case?” he asked her and she nodded.

She looked around to make sure that there were no ponies nearby as her magic flowed from her. He watched as excitement flowed through her a moment later and she looked at him, joy in her eyes. Her horn went silent and as she nodded to him and a smile went over her mouth. The mare moved excitedly toward the door. He reached out and gripped her fur to stop her from touching it. She looked back at him and he pulled her back as gently as possible to avoid yanking her fur. Confusion flowed over her as he put her just behind his shoulder.

“If you open it and there are traps you’ll be in the line of fire.” He reasoned to her.

She looked sheepish as she nodded at his reasoning. He looked back as Sasa put a hoof/paw on the mare’s long tail to keep her from going after the door again. Twilight looked at the feline with a sour expression but the cat’s illusionary face remained impassive. The Witcher moved ahead and looked down the hallway to ensure that there were no ponies as he called on his own magic. The illusion stayed solid as his magic flowed underneath it, casting a slight glow from the intensity of the azure flames under it. His magic flowed as he sent it under the door and it flowed over the floor and he could sense that Twilight was right about the case is inside. Her magical signature was all over the interior of the room.

His magic flowed back from the back of the room and over the door ahead of them. A loud click went out as he disarmed a trap on the door. He looked over his shoulder and Twilight was trying to look anywhere but at him. Her eyes fell on him and a look of shame went over her face for a moment before he gave her a slight nod. His magic opened the door and in the back of the room, the Elements holding case glitters from the dark. Sparkles of light came off of it as it glittered in the light of his aura. He sends his magic over the room once more to check for more traps and when he found nothing he looked back and Sasa removed her foot from the mare’s tail, allowing her to run into the room.

“I’ll check it, hang on.”

“Be careful with it. We still need to teleport it and us out of here. Be quick.” He encouraged.

“I will, just give me a moment.” She said back to him.

He moved into the room and stood close to the center of the room. Sasa remained close to the door, just inside of it, allowing her to listen closely to the hallway. Minutes ticked by as Twilight scanned the case and he could feel apprehension coming into his mind as he looked back at the mare to encourage her to hurry.

“Ponies are coming.” Sasa cut into his thoughts as she spoke.

He flicked his ears to listen and confirm what she had said to him. His ears picked up on multiple sets of hooves approaching. “Twilight hurry. Push it toward me so we can teleport it.”

Twilight looked back at him, confusion in her eyes. “What?”

“Sasa and I can hear ponies coming down the hallway. I can only assume their goal is this room.” He explained.

Panic flowed into her eyes and spirit as she began to try to muscle the case out of the nook it was in and then toward him. Her magic covered it as she began to push it toward him. Sasa jumped away from the door and Oblivion watched as Twilights magic went dormant as she stopped moving the case. Two ponies came into the room with one creature he had not seen before. It looked like a cat that was longer bodied and stood on its hind legs at all times. His Sight told him that there were more ponies outside of the doorway in the hallway. Behind him, Twilight was silent about it and she said nothing in response to the sight. A Pegasus and an Earth pony stood with the cat creature. The two ponies were standing slightly ahead of the cat-like creature and were all watching the small group carefully.

“Lock? What are you doing in here?” The Pegasus asked him.

“We are placing the Seventh Element with the others.”

“And you need to move the case to do that?”

“The case has a lock on it according got my Unicorn. It’s easier to find a workaround if the case is easier to walk around and analyze.” Oblivion lied.

Behind him, he could hear Twilight very slowly pushing the case the rest of the way up to him. It bumped against his flank and she placed a hoof on it and his flank to allow her to be in contact with him when he teleported them. Oblivion focused on the ponies in front of him as he flicked an ear back to Twilight to let her know he was aware of what she was doing. The Witcher watched as the cat seemed to be acting as backup for the pair of ponies. But something told him to keep watching the creature just in case. The spirits of the ponies in front of him were chaotic and nervous as the cat was akin to a calm stream that even the Witcher had to be impressed by.

“Why do we need to analyze it that closely? Surely you could have left it in place?” The Pegasus questioned.

“Not if we want to open it without triggering the lock that was put in place.”

“Why didn’t you do what you were told?” The Earth pony asked him, accusation in his tone.

“I was told to place the…”

“You were told to bring the Element here not put it in the case.” The Pegasus growled.

Oblivion watched as they began to grow more chaotic and the cat grew calmer in the face of their reactions. His attention was slowly being dragged away from the ponies to the feline. Behind him, Sasa gave a low growl as she moved to lean against his hip. The ponies were watching him desperately as the cat calmly watched the proceedings. Oblivion narrowed his sight and he could see a light grey coloring under the long coat the cat was wearing. He glanced to the side as Sasa sidled up to him and pressed herself against his shoulder to allow him to easily teleport her.

“Have you made any progress with it?” The pony asked.

“Have you learned anything further from it?” Oblivion countered.

He heard Twilight give a sharp intake of breath at his rude reply. The pony smirked and nodded.

“Our own Unicorns have had no luck opening it. The magic layered over it is too strong to tamper with.” The pony replied.

Oblivion nodded in silence. “We have only been working on it for a short time.”

The pony grumbled. “You should have brought it to me first.”

Oblivion's eyes narrowed further and the colors from each pony sharpened and the cat remained calm and quiet, just like a typical grunt who is backing up his boss. Oblivion started to speak in reply when the cat gently bumped the pony’s hip with the back of one hand. Oblivion watched as the pony squared his shoulders, showing how he was going to change tactic. ‘Oh, you clever thing you.’ Oblivion thought to himself. A low chuckle bubbled up in his throat as he realized what an Abyssinian was, it was a cat. He had just realized who Secret truly was. And Secret had figured out that he was not Lock.

“How about we drop the act?” Oblivion said to them.

The cat said nothing but his ears did flick forward to focus on the Witcher. The pony stared at him and after several seconds he pulled his head up higher to allow himself to look taller. The cat said nothing as the pony postured.

“What do you mean?” The pony said.

“You’re not who I need to be talking to,” Oblivion said to him.

The pony fell silent as Oblivion looked squarely at the feline that stood behind the pony. The pony slowly looked behind him to see the cat slowly breaking out in a wide cat smile.

“And you’re not one of mine.” The cat growled.

Oblivion felt Twilight push against his hip as she shuddered. He shifted his weight enough to allow him to push gently against her to try to reassure her. Sasa kept her eyes focused on the group in front of her and she nearly hissed in reply to the cat's smile.

“Your right,” Oblivion replied. “And you’re the one they call Secret.”

“Your right.” The cat replied as he stepped forward, his paws quiet on the stone floor. “So who are you?”

“And what makes you think I will tell you?” Oblivion replied.

“You have to be someone involved with the Element itself.” Secret reasoned. “I would think you are the Unicorn who carried the Element but there is no way he would have come out of that fight unharmed. So you have to be working with our lovely Princesses.”

Oblivion didn’t reply and allowed the cat to think he had it figured out. Behind him, the Elements case was pressed solidly against his flank and he leaned back against it to ensure it was in contact with him when he teleported. Secret gave him an unsettling smile as he opened his arms wide, almost as if he was looking for a hug from them.

“Since you managed to make it in here I am going to assume that the real Lock failed, your Element Bearer captured him, and maybe some of the crew he went with. Or just he, and the others died in the attempt.” Secret said to him. “How about I offer you something in exchange for the Element.”

“Oh?” Oblivion replied.

“You were able to get into my base and make it through the ponies that were stationed inside. The only mistake you made was not coming to me directly with the Element. Otherwise, you would have made it out of here with them and none of us would have been the wiser.” Secret said to him.

Oblivion silently cursed himself as he realized that he hadn’t asked Lock about whether he needed to bring it to Secret first or go to the case first. It was a slight mistake but it had gotten them face to face with their leader. Not as much of a mistake as it was a windfall. He could pass the information to Shining, Celestia, and Luna as well.

“So here is my suggestion.” Secret went on as the ponies were silent. “You drop your illusions and show me who you are. Then we sit down and chat about your future in my organization.”

“And if we decline?” Oblivion asked, his normal tone bled through as he replied.

“Then we kill you where you stand. You aren’t a Unicorn I can tell you that.” Secret said to him as he dropped his arms to his sides and put one paw on his hip.

“How can you be sure of that?”

“Unicorns give off a scent that is pretty signature to them. The little pony behind you is a Unicorn and the other one is not a pony at all. I’m not sure what she is, but she’s not a pony. And you, my friend, are no Unicorn.” Secret said, arrogance oozing into his tone.

As far as that cat was concerned he had them dead to rights. Oblivion could feel his magic humming under his skin as he focused on the spirits of those in front of him. Aard would send them back and give him a precious few seconds to gather his magic to teleport. His ears flicked to listen to the mare behind him and she pressed tighter against him. He debated on dropping his illusion and showing himself but he chose to remain unknown and allow Secret to think he had them in his paws.

“So what will it be?” Secret asked as he took a step forward to stand near the ponies in front of him.

Oblivion allowed a slim smile to show through his expression and the ponies in front of him shuddered as Oblivion's own attitude seeped through his illusion. Apparently, Lock was about as likely to smile as he was if their reaction was anything to go by. He raised his front hooves off the ground and slammed them down, Aard rolled over the ground and the ponies and Secret were thrown back by the force of the skill. Oblivion's magic flowed as it flowed to cover the case behind him and the feline and mare with him.

“Stop him, you idiots!” Secret screeched as they all tried to get to their hooves and paws.

Oblivion kept up his illusion despite the temptation to drop it and see how they reacted. The spell peaked and Oblivion felt it as it completed, he closed his eyes for a moment as it activated and they were gone a moment later.

Oblivion opened his eyes as the spell faded and the sound of a harsh gasp caught his ears. He looked up to see Celestia staring at him with wide eyes. His magic faded fully as whispers sounded out from behind him. He glanced over his shoulder to see Twilight still hugged up against his hip with her eyes tightly shut. Several ponies stood behind him and he assumed he had just interrupted another open court for the Sun Princess. He would have apologized had he felt concerned or apologetic for the interruption. Sasa purred loudly as she nuzzled his shoulder and Celestia broke free of her shock and a smile went over her muzzle.

“Greetings Witcher.” She said, her tone merry.

“Celestia.” He replied.

“Please clear the room. I will reopen court this afternoon.” She said and the ponies in the room growled and grumbled but did as she instructed. “How did it go?”

He moved to the side, allowing her to see the golden case that housed the Elements of Harmony. Her eyes went wide at the sight of it and clear glee went over her face. He flicked his tail to flick Twilight in the nose to get her to open her eyes. She opened her eyes as his magic flared once more and their illusions were dropped with a flash of his magic. She looked around them and clear relief went over her face as she realized where they were.

“We did it?” She asked as her eyes fell on the case behind him.

“You did,” Celestia said to her as she came down from her throne.

“Princess Celestia?” Twilight’s voice was stunned as her mentor came down to see them.

“You succeeded my dear student.” She praised. “Well done Witcher, you as well Sasa.”

Sasa purred loudly as she walked up to nuzzle the Alicorn mare. “That was an experience Chosen. I do not care to do it again.” She thought to him through their connection.

Oblivion said nothing in reply as the Princess embraced the young mare as they both looked at the case.

“Your magic held strong Twilight. I am proud of you.” The Elder mare said to her as she released her.

“But it got stolen from me, to begin with.” Twilight lamented.

Sasa growled and looked at the young Unicorn. Twilight looked sheepish at the feline as she was being scolded by the Spectral Tiger.

“I know Sasa but it’s true.” She said to the growling cat.

“While it is true that they were stolen from you, I am glad that you were not there when it happened,” Celestia said to her. “You or Spike might have been overwhelmed by their numbers. Your magic protected the Elements while they were gone and there is much to be said for your magic that they are undisturbed. You should be proud of yourself for that.”

“She’s right,” Oblivion said to her. “Now we can take them and put them back where they belong.”

“No,” Twilight said with a frantic shake of her head.

“No?” Oblivion questioned.

“They were stolen from the library once and if they go back then it could happen again.” Twilight explained. “They're safer somewhere else. Like in the castle, like they were before.”

Celestia shook her head as Oblivion did the same. Sasa walked up and nuzzled the emphatic mare. “They belong with their bearers Twilight,” Celestia said to her. “The closer they are to you the better. We can change the magic on the case itself to not allow it to leave the Library unless the magic is dispelled by you, Oblivion, or myself.”

“I still don’t want them there,” Twilight said, with a shake of her head.

Celestia gave her a kind smile as Oblivion gave a quiet sigh. “They belong with you.”

“She is right Twilight,” Oblivion added. “If they are to be used easily then they belong with us. They were moved to be with you after Discord was able to steal them. It’s best for them to be close to us as their Bearers.”

“You don’t keep yours in the case though.” She argued.

“That’s true and I won’t be putting it there.” He agreed. “But the others do not have the ability to summon them as you or I do. The others would need us to give them to them. You and I can place further safeguards on them to protect them from further theft.”

“But… What if…” She stumbled to speak further.

“It will be fine my dear student,” Celestia assured her. “I do not doubt that if you and Oblivion work together that the Elements will be unable to be stolen at all. Think of what magic the pair of you could do if put to the same action. Your magic and his found the case now imagine what it can do to protect it.”

Twilight opened her mouth to speak but her jaw clicked closed as she considered what they had said. “That’s true…” She agreed reluctantly.

“Between you and I, we can safeguard them to avoid them being stolen twice. The group that took them is unlikely to try again now that we have proven what we can do to retrieve them.” Oblivion pointed out.

“You think so?” Twilight asked him.

“If they have half the sense I think they do then they should be moving on to another target since they were unable to break into the case, to begin with. What would have happened if they had gotten into the case?” He questioned.

“It would have exploded in their face and sent the Elements back to a location I could find them at later after the magic alerted me.” She admitted.

Oblivion scoffed and a chuckle broke from him. “We should have just waited for them to try to open it then. Would have saved us a bit of work.”

Celestia chuckled as she nodded. “They still would have come after you though if they wanted the full set of Elements.” Celestia agreed.

“Can you help me bolt the case to the floor?” Twilight asked as she seemed to be relenting to them.

“I can help you do that yes.” Oblivion agreed.

“Please take them home with you and I know they will still be safe under your guard my student. With the help of our Witcher, they will no doubt be impossible to steal.” Celestia said as Twilight finally nodded in agreement.

“Your right.” She agreed. “I can count on your help Oblivion?”

“Always.” He agreed and she smiled at his response.

“Can I ask you to go after the group responsible Oblivion?” Celestia asked as Twilight once more began to scan the case for damage.

“No.” He replied and moved to stand close by her.

“No?” She asked and he shook his head. “Why not?”

“I have completed what was needed to be done. This is as far as I go. A Witcher does nothing outside of what suits him unless he is being paid.” He informed her and she gave him a sour look. “It is how we are.”

She sighed deeply and nodded. “If I find I need your help I will need a contract?”


“Very well.” She said to him after a delay of several seconds. “Witchers.” She griped for a moment before a chuckle escaped her.

Oblivion moved to stand with Twilight and Sasa as Twilight finished scanning the case. “Are you ready to go home?”

“Yeah.” She said to him. “Can you teleport us again? After you did it earlier and then a few minutes ago.”

“I can handle it, I assure you.” He said to her as his horn lit.

She reached out and put her hoof on his shoulder as Sasa leaned against his hip. He laid his hoof on the case and he looked back as Celestia smiled, motioning for them to go ahead. Azure flame flowed over the group of them as the magic peaked and they vanished in a blink of an eye.

97: Another Choice

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Oblivion said nothing as the hospital loomed ahead of him. He had been told that Rainbow Dash was in there and Fluttershy had stopped by the barn to retrieve him. The Witcher said nothing in reply as the mare walked quietly beside him. He was fairly certain that he had been called on to possibly heal her injuries. According to Fluttershy, her wounds came from a flight accident. He had already chosen to not heal her wounds. If they were severe then they would not have been able to move her at the time of the accident.

“Do you think it is severe?” Fluttershy suddenly voiced from beside him.

“I doubt it.” He replied easily to her question. “If it had been severe then Twilight and the others would have been unable to move her safely.”

“That’s true.” She agreed. “Do you think you can heal her?”

“I can I’m sure. But I do not think I will be healing her if asked.”

“Why not?”

“Sports injuries are part of the job. She is ready to accept that by doing the sport itself. I expect to be hurt in a fight if I am outclassed.”

“Are you hurt often back where you’re from?”

“No. I typically avoid the issue if the need comes. If the injury happens despite my best efforts then I can deal with that. I have ways of allowing myself to heal faster through potions and decoctions. If the need arises.”

She nodded in silence as he spoke and she watched as the front doors of the hospital opened to allow them inside. He fell slightly behind her to allow her to move ahead and lead him inside. As they moved he followed his sight and it led him down the hallway toward a room that was being used to house Rainbow Dash.

“I think it’s this one?” Fluttershy said to him, her voice timid and quiet.

“You’re correct.” He assured her as he came around the doorjamb.

Inside Twilight and the others stood around a bed that Rainbow was laying on. A doctor was in the room explaining that the mare was to rest for several days before she would be released. His ears flicked forward as he listened to her groan about the timeline. Twilight looked over her should as the stallion came into the room. Rainbows eyes went wide at the sight of the black stallion and a grin went over her face.

“Oblivion! Yes, just the pony I was hoping for.” She crowed and smiled brightly at him.

“Yes?” He said to her.

“Can you heal me? Please?” She said to him, her hooves pressed together in front of her as she pleaded.

He looked at the doctor who was now staring at him, his eyes wide. “How severe are her wounds?”

“In terms of severity, they're pretty minor. But badly pulled muscles and ligaments.” He explained. “Why? Are you capable of healing ponies?”

Oblivion looked at the mare for a moment who was now looking a bit less hopeful at the look he was giving her. “Rainbow did you overdo it perhaps?”

“Maybe…” She admitted. “It was a new trick I had to try.”

He rolled his eyes to the ceiling and shook his head at her. “You know enough to avoid injury normally. What was this trick?”

“It was one I saw the Wonderbolts do. I figured I could do it as well.” She explained.

Oblivion shook his head again and sighed. “Why should I heal you?” He questioned and the mare looked stricken for a moment.

“Come on. Please? I don’t want to be stuck here for days or weeks.” She said to him, her tone begging.

“Weeks?” He said as he looked sideways at the doctor who shook his head.

“A few days at the most.” He clarified.

“You can handle that.” He said to her and her eyes went wide.

“But… But… Why?” She stammered out.

“In terms of wounds, this is more severe than what I healed on you before. You are in a spot that will allow you to heal properly and with the observations of the medical ponies. I think you can stay here.”

“But…” Rainbow stared at him.

He watched as she seemed to deflate and she flopped back onto the pillow behind her with a groan. The doctor patted his shoulder and the stallion motioned for him to join him outside. Oblivion pivoted on his heel and followed the pony out the door and into the hallway. As they came to stand in the hallway Oblivion could see that his spirit was a bit hesitant but he seemed to steel himself after a slight delay.

“You did not answer me before.” He said and Oblivion gave a slight tilt of his head in reply. “You are able to heal? Are you a doctor as well?”

“I am no doctor.” Oblivion clarified for him. “I can heal through magic in a way. But it takes time to accomplish.” He lied smoothly.

“But you can heal others?”

“Yes. Why?”

“I have a pony that I could use your help with if you can.” The doctor said to him. “They are in desperate need of more healing than medicine can give them.”

Oblivion sighed. He knew that Rainbow had just set him up to fail by not waiting for the doctor to leave the room before she spoke her request of him. He looked away and back to the room the mares were still in as a pony with a cart full of books came by them.

“I can’t help you.” He said to the pony.

“So you can’t help another even with the ability to do so?”

“You cannot judge whether it would help them or not.” Oblivion pointed out. “For all, you know it could do more harm than good.”

“That’s true.” He admitted. “But in terms of helping others, it's worth trying all our options is it not? And we do not have many options left for her.”

Oblivion said nothing as seconds ticked past him. In terms of feeling empathy for the pony in question, he didn’t feel much of anything for them. He knew that any normal pony would have jumped to help them. But he hesitated due to the fact that he was not wanting to advertise that he could use magic to heal. That was asking somepony to question him for more than he was willing to admit to.

“I will think on it.” He replied, choosing to pass on the option for the immediate moment.

The doctor seemed upset and his jaw clenched for several seconds as he finally gave a grim nod. “If you change your mind come back and ask for me. My name is Doctor Berry. They will call me to the front if you ask for me.”

He spun on his heel and seemed to storm away from the black pony as the mares came out of the room and joined him in the hallway. He said nothing as he fell in behind them as they led him out of the hospital. Sasa had remained at the farm by her choice and he could sense that she was doing something with the others but he was not sure what. The feline had been uncertain about wishing to join him at the hospital and he was sure she had a reason why but he had chosen not to push her.

“What did the doctor want?” Twilight asked him as she slowed her pace to walk just in front of him.

“He was asking that I heal a pony in his care.” He replied.

“Oh. And are you going to?” She asked, her tone had grown quiet.

“No.” He replied easily.

“Why not?” She asked now her voice was quieter and he had to point his ears to her to ensure he heard her.

“It’s not my place to heal those that I do not need to.” He replied. “There is no guarantee that I can heal her in a way that will keep myself from being outed as a way for them to dodge death.”

“I see. If it was one of us though?” She asked him.

He managed not to pause in place as she posed that question to him. He looked at the back of the mare's head for a moment before he replied. “I would have already healed you. There would be no need for a hospital.”

“So we are special?”

“In a way.” He replied.

“Is that fair though?” She asked him.

“It is not my place to save the world.” He replied, but even as he said it he knew it was technically his job to protect a piece of it.

She stopped in place as the others walked away from them. She looked over her shoulder and he could see her expression was almost angry but sadness flowed over her spirit as he watched her. He said nothing as she turned to face him, her body slowly turning to face him. Twilight looked up at him as he brought his head down a bit to allow him to not tower over her.

“Why are we so special then? What makes us different from that pony?” She questioned.

He had no immediate answer as he looked at her. He found himself looking away from her for a moment as she went on.

“We are no different than that pony. The only difference is that we are closer to you than they are. Why can’t you help them? Is it true that you don’t want to or is it that she or he just isn’t one of us? And isn’t as worth it?”

He brought his head back at the implication but said nothing immediately. “It’s not a matter of worth.” He replied.

“Then why?”

“Twi?” Applejack called her name from behind them and the purple mare put her head back to focus on the farm mare. “Everythin’ okay?”

“Yeah.” She said as she turned on her heel and walked away from him.

“Hmm.” He made a noise as the mare paced away from him as his horn charged and he teleported away from them and back to the farm.

Sasa looked up as a flash of azure flame caught her eye. Her Chosen stood several feet away from her and she nearly called out to him when she saw him simply standing in one place and not moving. She padded silently toward him as a loud snort came from him and he raised his head to see her walking toward him.



“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

“Are you sure?” She questioned.


She padded up to him and ran her body along his chest, rubbed her soft fur against his chest, and then nuzzled his shoulder.

Oblivion said nothing further to her for several minutes as he remained where his teleport had set him. At his side, Sasa purred gently as he stood in silence. He was not sure why but Twilight's words had dug into his mind. Normally he would have simply informed her that he did not care much for the lives of others but even now he knew that was a bold lie. He was the Wielder of the World Spirit. His place was to protect the spirits of those that were attached to it and by default attached to him. She was right about how he would have already healed one of them or those closest to him before they got near a hospital. A sigh escaped him as he stood still.


“Am I a fool?” He asked the feline at his side.

“Not normally.” She said in reply.

“Rainbow asked me to heal her and I declined.”

“She will be fine without your help.” She agreed. “Though it’s unusual for you to question that choice.”

“That’s not what I am questioning.” He replied. “She spoke of me healing her with her doctor in the room.”

“Oh no.” Sasa interrupted. “And he wants your help with other patients?”

“Just one for now.” He replied. “I said no but he didn’t take that for a final answer.”

“Of course not.” Sasa sneered. “Because of course your there to heal others and that should be your goal in life.”

He sighed again and gave a slight nod. “It seems that way.”

“So what are you questioning? A random doctor asking for you to heal another pony would not trip you up this much.”

“It’s not the doctor. It’s Twilight.” He informed her as she tilted her head to the side. “She asked if it were one of them would I have said no.”

“Oh… Oh ouch. That’s a bit of a low blow I think.” Sasa said, her tone reserved.

“I informed her that any of them would have not needed a hospital since I would have remedied them long before that.”

“I see. And she is thinking you should have helped.”

“That is the impression I got from her.” He admitted.

“Hmm…” Sasa made a noise in reply as she considered what he had said. “Well you still have a choice to make I think.”

“Yeah.” He groaned. “I already made it though.”

“Not to her you didn’t.” Sasa argued. “Are you just not wanting to use magic?”

“I’m not sure why I can’t do this for them.” He said to her. “For them, I would turn back time to avoid their death but for another…”

“They are precious to you.” Sasa replied, her tone warm and soothing. “They are not the same as the others to you. In your mind stopping their death is paramount while in the others it is the passage of time and might be their time. Witchers have low emotions but they are still there in a small way.”

“Perhaps.” He admitted.

“But for another, that is hard to understand. To them, they are no different from anypony else and deserve to be saved. To you, they are not equal.”

“Are they not then?”

“No.” She said. “Your heart is set on the group of them being protected from time and injury while others do not fall under that umbrella.”

“That what?” He asked her.

“Sorry I forgot you would have no idea what that is. Ummm… It’s a shield from the rain that you can carry around with you. It’s for protection.” She explained.

“I see.”

“What I mean is that you will go out of your way to protect them but not others due to that umbrella.” She said to him. “It doesn’t make you or her wrong, just in a disagreement.”

“Shit.” He said under his breath. “I have no desire to become a healer for the sick and dying when I shouldn’t be.”

“Then don’t. They asked for your magic correct?”


“Then don’t use magic. You’re a Witcher, use something else.” She encouraged.

He thought about what she had said and his thoughts fell on the potions and decoctions in his saddlebags. “A potion.” He said aloud as his thoughts fell on what he knew.

“Exactly.” Sasa praised.

“You could have just told me that.”

“Or I can let that brilliant mind of yours work.” She teased. “Do you have one that is safe for ponies?”

“I might.” He replied and walked toward the farmhouse.

Sasa fell in on his heels and he made for the stairs and up to them to his room. He recalled a potion that he had made once that was not meant to be toxic to anypony else. It was a third of the potency of the Witcher counterpart but it might do the job without getting him involved with his magic.

“You can still keep them at bay by using this instead of your magic that they can call on. This shows Twilight that you will help but not in the biggest way possible. You’re meant to wield the World Spirit not the Life of the World.”

“I’m not a savior of the sick and downtrodden.”

“That’s not your place. Even the others will pass with time eventually but for now, their path is aligned with yours.” Sasa said to him as he opened the wardrobe in his room.

He opened the saddlebags and began to root through them as ingredients came into his hoof from within them. Pieces of the potion came into his claws and he gently set them aside in the amounts that he would need. His eyes roved over the ingredients as he set them aside and after a minute he had enough of them and he closed his saddlebags and put them back where he had gotten them.

Oblivion stood in line in the front of the hospital. Sasa stood silently at his side as his saddlebags sat in their place around his barrel. He glanced back to the right saddlebag and for a moment he debated leaving the line and going to the front but chose to remain in place. A low sigh escaped him as the pony in front of him moved up to the front desk. He put his ears back to avoid listening to what the pony was complaining about. He was far enough back that most ponies would not be able to hear what was said unless they shouted. But for him, normal vocalization was shouting.

“Finally at the front.” Sasa griped under her breath.

“It could have been worse.” He said back to her.

“Not really.” She complained. “We have been in line for an hour.”

He nearly sighed again as she reminded him of how long they had been there. “That’s true.” He agreed with her and fell silent as the pony ahead of him left the front desk open.

“Your turn.” The mare behind the counter said to him and motioned for him to approach her.

He walked up to the front counter and stood in front of her. “I was told…”

“So what is bothering you?” She interrupted.

“Nothing is wrong with me.” He informed her and she stared at him.

“Then why are you here?”

“I am here to meet with Doctor Berry. He asked that I think on something and then come back to him once I had made a choice.” He replied to her.

“Oh. Okay step to the side and I will page him. Who do I tell him is here?” She asked and motioned off to the side.


“Got it.”

He stepped away from the counter and stood off to the side to await the pony he had asked for. Several minutes went by as he took the weight off his left rear leg and cocked his hip. Sasa sat down heavily as she leaned on his shoulder and sighed. He looked down at her as she looked up at him. He gave a slight smile in silent agreement as a pony came rushing around the corner. His eyes scanned the room until they fell on the Black Unicorn. He gave a slight grin at the sight of him and he quickly motioned for the black stallion to follow him. Oblivion fell in behind him as he led the pair of them away from the front room.

“I trust you had time to consider what I had asked?”

“I did.” He replied.

“And? I assume you chose to help or you wouldn’t be here.” Berry replied.

“In a way.” He replied and the stallion in front of him halted in place.

“In a way?”

“Yes. Using that much magic can have results that are outside of what we would look for. So I devised a different way to help this pony of yours.” Oblivion explained.

The stallion turned to look at him and he was in motion after a moment. “Follow me.”

Oblivion fell in behind him once more and they were soon standing in a small room off the main corridor. The Witcher said nothing as the pony stared at him for several seconds before he seemed to gather himself.

“So you’re not going to use magic to help my patient?” He asked.

“Correct,” Oblivion replied.

The doctor seemed to deflate and his expression darkened for several seconds before it faded from his face. “You could just have not come back if that was your decision.”

“I didn’t say I wasn’t going to help at all,” Oblivion replied.

The pony looked at him and his head gave a slight tilt. “Oh?”

“Yes. Where I am from magic can only do so much when it comes to a pony who has been severely injured. I assume that this is the case with your patient?”

“Yes. She was struck by a carriage and run over in a town close to us. We were the closest hospital for her.”

“Ouch.” Sasa commented and winced.

“She cannot be moved due to her injuries or we would have transferred her to Canterlot.” He explained. “So what can you do for her?”

Oblivion said nothing for a moment as he considered what he had with him and if it would be enough to be of help to the mare in question. “Where I am from ponies do not have access to magic readily. So they devise other methods. Usually, ones that are from the natural world and they are surprisingly effective.”

“So that is what you have done?”

“Correct. Where I am from I am what is called a Witcher and we have been trained to create decoctions and potions that will aid us and enhance our bodies beyond what is natural for us.” Oblivion explained. “So that is what I have brought with me. Is she able to swallow?”

“Barely.” He admitted. “So a Witcher is a type of healer?” Oblivion shook his head. “A warrior?”

“Correct.” He said to him. “My purpose is to fight off monsters and ponies who attack me. But that does not mean I do not know my way around a set of ingredients and have done my fair share of experimenting with them when asked.”

“So you think you have one that can help her?”

“Yes. It is a minor version of one that I use. The potion I can use is called Swallow. This one is a simplified version of it that uses the same ingredients but not in a way that would be toxic to a normal pony.” He explained and the other stallion motioned for him to go on. “I believe that this one can get her out of danger. It can’t heal her completely I do not think. But it will set her in the right direction.”

“Will it affect her in any negative ways?”

“If she is allergic to the ingredients of course it will,” Oblivion commented and the doctor nodded in agreement. “Do I think she will be adversely affected by its ingredients…? No.”

“So we need permission from the family to try this,” Berry commented. “I think they will be open to it but I have to speak to them first. Do you have time to answer any questions they have?”

“I do.”

Berry moved away and motioned for the Witcher to follow him once more. He followed him deeper into the hospital until the sound of ponies faded away and was replaced with an overwhelming silence save for the sound of the occasional machine. Sasa fell silent as ponies stared at her and she raised her head to display her collar to try to put their minds at ease. At the sight of the collar, several ponies relaxed and their gaze went to the stallions with her. Oblivion said nothing as they walked until they reached a new section and passed through a set of double doors.

“Be as quiet as you can,” Berry advised as he led them through the doors.

Oblivion said nothing in reply and Sasa stayed silent in reply. Several seconds went by as they reached a room toward the back and the sight of several ponies outside the room greeted them. One stallion stood up as they approached and he seemed to be searching Berry for something as his eyes roved over him.

“Doctor?” He said, his voice thin and almost brittle as he spoke.

Berry smiled at him in response and the stallion seemed to take a bit of heart from the reply. Oblivion came to stand at Berry’s side and waited for the doctor to speak.

“I have something to discuss with you.” Berry began. “But first this is Oblivion.”

“I can’t say I‘ve met you.” The stallion replied.

“You’re not from here I assume?” Oblivion asked.

“No.” He replied. “You don’t look like any doctor we have met.”

“I’m not,” Oblivion informed him.

“Then… Why are you here?” He asked and his eyes fell on Berry once more.

“Oblivion has an idea to help her.” He explained. “I have listened to him and I am sure he would be able to help in a way. But I didn’t want to do this without your permission.”

“What is the treatment?” He asked, his eyes almost desperate as he looked at them. “She’s…”

“It’s… It’s not a normal option.” Berry admitted. “But if we are thinking of doing everything we can then we cannot discount it just because it’s out of the norm.”

“What is it?!” He nearly shouted in frustration as Berry tried to find the right words.

“It’s a potion.” Oblivion supplied.

The stallion stared at him his eyes wide and he looked as though he would fall over. “A what?”

“A potion that I have created for use in this circumstance. Where I am from medicine is not as advanced and magic is both rare and expensive to use.” Oblivion explained.

“You don’t have medicine where you’re from?” He questioned.

“We do but it is far behind when compared to here,” Oblivion explained. “We rely on what we can make and use.”

“So you made something to help her?”


“And you are okay with it?” He asked Berry, his eyes uncertain but the desperation was there in his gaze as he looked between them.

“I can’t say I know what method he has used. But I am thinking we have to try something for her. Medicine… can only do so much for her.” He admitted bitterly.

“What more can medicine do?” He asked desperately.

“Unfortunately, we have done everything we can. Now it’s either we think outside the box or we wait and see.” Berry admitted.

The stallion looked even more haggard than he had a moment ago as he stared at them. His eyes fell on Oblivion as tears filled his eyes. “What is it that you made?”

“It’s a diluted version of something that I use on myself.” He began.

“Diluted? So it’s not as strong as it would be if you were using it? Is she not good enough for…?”

“That’s not the reason.” Oblivion interrupted. “If I gave her what I use it would most likely kill her.”

“Oh.” He replied as he looked back into the room. “So this is the safe version?”

“Yes. It’s safe for a normal pony to use.”


“I am not a normal pony. I am a Witcher and we have been altered in ways that make us able to withstand the toxicity in the potion we use. Otherwise, it would be fatal to us as well.” Oblivion explained.

“Do you think it can help?” He asked Berry who shrugged.

“Honestly?” He said and the stallion nodded. “I do not know. But we have done all we can and now it’s time for us to ask for help.”

The stallion looked back into the room and Oblivion watched as he warred with himself on what to do. “How confident are you that it can help?” he asked, his voice barely a whisper.

“I am sure it can do something for her. It cannot heal her completely, but I believe it can strengthen her and accelerate her own healing process.” He replied.

“Accelerate? So it can help her heal faster?”

“Yes,” Oblivion said to him. “What it does for a Witcher is allow our natural healing ability to work almost instantly. We regenerate quickly without Swallow but with it, it takes minutes to heal versus hours or days depending on the severity.”

The stallion stared at him for several seconds. “So it can help her heal? Even a little bit?”

“Yes,” Oblivion said to him as he reached back to his saddlebag and pulled the purple potion from the saddlebag. “Normally, for a Witcher, this would be orange so this is the diluted version I have created.”

The stallion said nothing as he looked at the purple potion in the black Unicorns hoof. Oblivion watched as his eyes fell to the floor and then back to the room he stood in front of.

“Do it.” He finally said after a minute of silence. “Just do it.”

Berry took the potion from the Witcher and walked into the room alone. He stopped and looked back at the Witcher for a moment. “Any chance of seizure or anything when it is used?”

“No. It should act on its own. The effects should be within a couple of minutes, if not sooner.” Oblivion advised.

He nodded and vanished behind a cloth barrier and Oblivion could hear him talking to the mare in the bed despite knowing she could not answer. The stallion sat down heavily, his head falling into his hooves, as a sob tore from him. Sasa purred gently and moved forward to sit beside him. She reached out to nuzzle him as he startled at her touch and looked up at her. She purred loudly and he reached out to her and let his head fall into her fur. Oblivion said nothing to the ailing pony and he watched as the doctor came back to join them after a minute.

“It’s done.” He said to them and he looked down at the weeping pony. “Have faith in this. In her.”

Oblivion debated turning to leave but he found himself staying in place. Sasa purred loudly as the pony sobbed quietly.

“I hope it does what you hope Chosen.” She said to him. “I don’t think he can take much more.”

“I agree. He’s on his last leg.”

“You already knew that.” She said to him.

“I can see it.” He said to her as he watched the pony’s spirit fluctuate and shudder. “Now all we can do is wait for it to work or not work.”

She sighed and nuzzled the pony against her fur as Berry looked at his watch. “How long should it take?”

“I said it can take anywhere from a second to a few minutes.” Oblivion replied.

A loud beep sounded out as the stallion on the ground shot to his hooves and rushed back into the room, Berry on his heels. Sasa’s eyes were wide as a nurse raced into the room as well.

“Oh no.” She whispered.

Oblivion said nothing as the seconds ticked past him. He felt very little in the way of regret or upset wash over him. He looked back as the nurse came out of the room, her eyes wide. She looked over at him and then shook her head.

Sasa yowled as she saw the mare shake her head. “Chosen.” She whimpered.

“Easy.” He said to her as Berry came out of the room as well.

“I’m not sure what just happened.” He breathed. “She…”

“Lives.” Oblivion finished for him.

“Yes.” He whispered. “Not just that but the worst of her wounds have begun to knit together. How did you…?”

Oblivion have a low sigh as he looked at the bewildered doctor. “I told you what it was designed to do.”

“Yes, you did.” He admitted. “But to be honest I figured it would do a fraction of what you said it could. I didn’t… I didn’t believe you in the least.”

“Medicine can only do so much as you said.” Oblivion pointed out.

An angry look crossed the doctor’s face as he looked at the Witcher. “You just undid all of the work we put in with a tiny vial of liquid. That’s all it took to heal her. That’s it.”

He opened his mouth to speak further when the stallion came rushing out into the hall. His eyes searched for a moment before his eyes fell on the still Witcher. He took the few steps it took to reach him and threw his forelegs around his neck and held him tightly. Oblivion said nothing as the pony sobbed with joy. He patted his back gently though he knew that he should speak nothing came to mind for him to say. Sasa got to her paws and rubbed her body along the pony’s hip and hind legs. Berry finally stopped what he was going to say and simply shook his head. Oblivion said nothing as the pony held tightly to him, his grip is almost desperately tight. Oblivion continued to pat his back as the pony finally released him.

“Thank you. I was sure it would kill her, I was sure of it.” He admitted as tears slid from his eyes. “I was wrong.”

“I do not blame you for not believing me,” Oblivion said to him.

“If you were so sure why did you agree to it?” Berry asked him.

“I had to do something. She would have never forgiven me for not trying. She always thinks outside the box in all the things she does so it seemed to fit right in.” He admitted. “I just knew that she would have done the same for me.”

Oblivion said nothing as the stallion smiled at him, patted Sasa in thanks, and then went back into the room to sit with his wife. Berry shook his head again and looked at the pony with him.

“Any chance we can get you to make that concoction for other patients?” He asked.

“No. I did this as a one-time thing.” Oblivion said to him. “I do not have some of the ingredients anymore. That was all I had.” He lied.

“Damn.” He cursed and looked at the Black Unicorn. “I suppose asking you to make something else that can help is out of the question?”

“Yes,” Oblivion said to him.

Berry looked upset for a moment before he heaved a deep sigh and shook his head once more. “I understand. Thank you for this. I know I was a bit pushy at first and I gave you no credit when you first brought up that potion you had made. I am sorry for that.”

“It’s fine. I was not bothered by it.” Oblivion assured him.

“Well thank you again. I’ll lead you out.” Berry said to him and motioned for the black pony to fall in behind him.

Sasa purred loudly as she fell in at his side and they walked out of the hospital a few minutes later. His hooves were silent on the dirt road as he made his way back to the farm.

Oblivion said nothing as Twilight opened the front door to the Library to find him standing with a book hovering in his azure flames. She looked at him for a moment before she moved aside to let him into the Library.

“Good evening Oblivion.” She greeted him as he came into the front room.

“Evening Twilight.” He said to her as he set the book back in its place on the wall.

“Need one to replace it?” She asked as she looked at the shelves.

“No,” he replied. “I have almost finished the book on Starswirl as well I will bring it back in the next few days.”

“Oh thank you. Take your time with it.”

He moved to leave as she suddenly groaned and her magic covered the door to stop him from leaving.

“I’m sorry.” She said from behind him.


“For what I said when we were leaving the hospital. It wasn’t fair of me to try to guilt you into helping another pony. You aren’t cruel but while I think it would have been the right thing it wasn’t fair to do that to you.” She explained.

He turned back to face her as she watched him. “I am not upset with you Twilight.”

“I know you’re not.” She said with a wry chuckle. “I’m upset at myself for you.”

“It’s fine.” He tried to assure her but she shook her head.

“It still wasn’t fair and I have had a few days to think it over. I was so sure that no matter what happened you should help another pony. But when I thought it over I realized that it wasn’t that you think less of that other pony it’s just that you’re not the only option.”

He chuckled and she fell silent at the sound. “I did end up helping her.”

“You did?” She said back to him her eyes wide. “But you said you weren’t going to.”

“I didn’t use magic though.” He admitted as he looked at the purple mare.

“Then what did you do?”

“I am more than a Unicorn. I was a Witcher first.” She nodded as she knew what he had been. “So I created a potion for her that allowed her to heal from her wounds.”

“You did?” She asked him as her mouth dropped open. “I didn’t think you liked doing that.”

“I don’t.” He replied with a slight grin. “I’m not the best at it.”

“But you did it and it worked?”

“Better than I thought it would be honest. Apparently, her wounds were knitting closed and healing pretty quickly.”

“That’s wonderful Oblivion.” She gushed as she smiled. “I bet her family was happy.”

“Her husband hugged me and cried if that means anything.”

Twilight barked a laugh and nodded. “That is a good reaction. I’m guessing they asked you to do it again?”

“They did yes.”

“And I bet you have a few standing orders for the potion you made.”


“No? I’m surprised.”

“I said I did not have any more of the ingredients. I can’t be the one healing every pony that limps through the door. This was a one-time thing.”

Her smile faltered as he spoke but it returned after a moment. “I see. Well, you did help her and that is a good thing. I’m proud of you for that.”

He didn’t say anything as he made for the door. It was covered in a magenta aura and it swung open for him as the mare smiled behind him. He looked over his shoulder and a slight smile tugged at his mouth as he left the Library. He heard the door close behind him as he made his way toward the farm once more. The slight smile remained as he walked but it vanished when the sound of hooves and wings got his attention. He looked back as Rainbow crashed into the ground behind him. The front door was thrown open once more and he trotted back to see what had happened.

“Rainbow I have the entire series of Daring Do books. You could have just said something and I would have let you borrow them.” Twilight said to her as a doctor was standing by the fallen mare.

Oblivion said nothing as he shook his head and turned to leave the show behind. “Foolish mare.” He muttered as he headed out of town.

98: Unwilling Hearts and Hooves

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Oblivion moved away from the barn as Apple Bloom and her friends went past him dragging a very large card of some kind. He felt his head give a slight tilt as his magic covered it and lifted it over their heads for a moment to allow them to get themselves situated.

“Thanks, big bro.” Apple Bloom shouted out as he lowered it back to their waiting hooves.

“Hmm.” He simply made a noise in reply as he watched them totter out the front gate.

“That was a very large card.” Sasa laughed.

“I agree. But what is the purpose?”

“It's most likely Hearts and Hooves Day.” She replied.

“Excuse me?”

“It’s a holiday.”

“I figured as much.” He replied, his tone sarcastic.

“Sorry. It’s a romantic holiday for couples. Well, typically couples but it is also allowed to show your love and care for others. They are most likely giving that to Cheerilee.”


“Nothing like that where you’re from?”

“Not that I know of.” He admitted. “I stayed out of the cities if you recall so if something like that was real then it stayed in the cities.”

“That’s a good point. Those there would have the disposable income to spend on others like that.” Sasa agreed. “Well I suppose we should get ready to go into town with Mac.”

Oblivion gave a slight nod to her as he made for the far side of the barn to join the roan pony on his errand.

Oblivion's ears flicked as the sound of music went over his ears. He turned to look up at a nearby haystack as Apple Bloom and her friends looked down at the pair of them. Her eyes were wide as she looked at her two brothers.

“You guys doing anything special for Hearts and Hooves day?” Scootaloo asked the pair of them as Mac looked up at them as well.

“Nope,” Mac replied.

“No,” Oblivion said to them as the girl’s ears went forward and glee spread over their features.

He watched as the girls gave a delighted noise as they vanished from the haystack. He could hear them singing and he managed to shake his head before he tuned out their joyful singing. Sasa chuckled as she climbed up the haystack to watch them.

“They're quite excited about something.” Sasa said to him as she watched the trio.

“I’m sure.” He replied to her as he focused on his task.

Oblivion was quiet as the fillies stared up at him. “Can I help you?” He asked them as they stared up at him.

“Not sure if he is the right one girls.” Sweetie Bell commented.

“Pardon?” Oblivion replied.

“Let’s try Mac first.” Apple Bloom advised and the three of them fled from him.

“That was odd, even for them.” Sasa commented and he nodded in agreement.

Sasa moved to the side of the girl’s clubhouse as she moved through the orchard. She watched as they saw her and their grins spread wide. Apple Bloom ran up to her, put a hoof in her fur, and began to tug the feline up the steps of the clubhouse.

“I’m going to be a moment Chosen.” She said to the waiting Unicorn.


“I have been waylaid by three fillies.”

“Better you than me.” He replied and she huffed in response.

She squeezed through the small door and for a moment she was concerned as she could see the materials for potion making on the table. She paused as Apple Bloom was pushing her from behind. She sat down heavily beside the table and waited for the fillies to address her. They knew enough to ask yes or no questions of her so she was sure they would be asking her something.

“Sasa. This is super important.” Apple Bloom said to her as she came to stand with her friends.

Sasa nodded in understanding and waited. ‘This should be good.’ She thought to herself as they seemed to be gathering themselves for something.

“Where mah brother is from does he have a special pony?” Apple Bloom asked her.

Sasa shook her head in reply. The filly’s smiles grew as they looked at each other. Sweetie bell looked especially pleased with the information.

“See he’s perfect. They know and like each other already. So it’ll be perfect.” She replied.

Sasa tilted her head and the three fillies seemed to be ignoring her now. Scootaloo looked a bit less convinced as the other two smiled.

“Are you sure?” She asked. “I mean he’s nice and all but he’s out of town every now and then.”

“Cause the Princesses ask 'im ta be. 'E’s all that she would need.” Apple Bloom pointed out.

Sasa listened intently as they talked as if she were not there. ‘Oh this is getting good. What are these three plotting?’

“What makes you so sure?” Sweetie asked.

“He works really hard and he has enough magic to make anything real.” Apple Bloom pointed out.

“What if Miss Cheerilee likes Earth Pony’s?” Scootaloo asked.

“She and Mac didn’t seem to hit it off like they were supposed to.” Apple Bloom pointed out. “So we have one other stallion ta try.”

“I’m still not sure Oblivion is the right one,” Scootaloo said. “He’s not a lot of fun.”

“Yes, he is.” Apple Bloom argued. “He’s lotsa fun with me. Plus if he needs ta he can protect her from anythin’ that tries ta ‘urt her.”

The others looked at her and finally seemed to agree with her. Sasa bit back a loud laugh as she realized what the three fillies were going on about. She watched as the three of them moved to look at the feline with them and smiles grew on their faces that made her worry about her own safety as they watched her in turn.

“So they want me to meet them in the park and help them with something?” Oblivion asked the feline.

“Yes.” She replied simply.

“Is there any point to them giving you the message versus getting me themselves?”

“I think it was easier.” She answered.

“This had better be worth my time.” He growled under his breath as he made for the front gate.

Behind him, he missed the wide grin that spread over Sasa’s mouth as she fell in behind him.

Oblivion looked up as he neared the park and he looked back as Sasa pointed her head toward the fillies and he maneuvered to meet up with them. Next to them, he saw Cheerilee giving them a dubious look as they waved for him to join them. His hooves were silent on the grass as he neared them and Cheerilee was giving him a bit of an odd look now that he had arrived.

“Hello, Oblivion.”

“Cheerilee.” He replied.

“So what is so important that we needed to meet you three here…” She asked as the fillies jumped to reply.

“Punch!” Sweetie shouted and Oblivion pinned his ears at her volume.

“Excuse me?” Cheerilee asked.

“Punch! We made punch and we were gonna set up a stand and sell it to ponies. But we needed some ponies to test it for us.” Sweetie explained.

Oblivion watched as their spirits fluctuated and he could see the lie as it flowed through each of them. He almost opened his mouth when Sasa chuckled in the back of his mind. He took her laughter to mean she knew as well and was humoring them. He sighed gently and chose to allow this to go on until they hung themselves and he needed to bail them out as usual.

“Yup we need a couple of taste testers.” Apple Bloom said.

Sweetie Bell nodded happily. “We thought you two would be the best options to taste it… Together. So umm... We will just leave it here.” She said as she set the two glasses down in front of each of them and back up. “And we will leave you two alone.”

The fillies zipped off to the side and he blinked blankly at them for a moment as they vanished behind a bush. He sighed again as they called out for Sasa to join them. ‘The day just gets stranger when they get involved.’ He thought to himself as he looked down at the cup in front of him. Cheerilee shook her head and gave him an apologetic look.

“I am so sorry about this.” She said to him.


“I may have told the girls that I did not have a special somepony for the holiday, they first tried to match me with Big Mac, and now it seems that it’s your turn.” She admitted to him with a chuckle.

Oblivion stared at her for a moment before he shook his head. “For the love of the Gods.” He chuckled lightly under his breath. “So what do we do now?”

“I think if we humor them a little bit then it will blow over.” She said to him, her expression laughing.

“I suppose it can’t hurt.” He admitted. “Though since this is over I will be informing them of a few things about matching up unwilling or un-wanting ponies.”

She giggled and picked up the glass in front of her. She held it aloft and his magic reached out and did the same. “To good friends?”

“To friends.” He said as he tapped his glass against hers.

She tipped her glass back and he swallowed the contents of the glass, his eyes went wide as she stared at him. He put his head forward as his stomach lurched. He leaned off to the side and quickly spat out the liquid he had just drank and tried not to be sick further.

“Great, I think I was just poisoned.” He said under his breath. “Are you all right?”

He looked back at her and she was happily staring at him. Her eyes were wide and a little smile sat on her muzzle. She leaned forward and sighed happily as she watched him.



“Are you all right? I think they honestly tried to poison us.” He said to her.

“Will you be my special somepony?” She asked him and leaned even further toward him.

“I thought we had agreed that we were humoring them and that it was not serious?” He said to her.

“But you’re my shmoopy-doopy sweetie-weetie pony pie.”

“I’m sorry, I’m what?” He asked her as he leaned farther back on his haunches.

“You’re my cutie-patootie lovie-dovie honey-bunny.” She cooed at him and reached out to brush her hoof over his face.

“Apple Bloom!” He shouted.

“It worked!” She cried out as she raced up to him with her friends and Sasa on her heels. “Is she your special somepony now?”

“No. What have you done?” He asked her.

“It’s okay you can be honest with your feelings,” Sweetie said to him as she patted his hip.

“And what feeling should I be feeling right now?”

“Love, of course,” Scootaloo said to him, her tone matter of fact.

Sasa chuckled off to the side and he felt himself growing more and more annoyed. “Sasa?”

“Yes Chosen?”

“Did you know about this?”

“Yes I did. It’s just harmless little pony antics.” She reassured him.

“Harmless? She is calling me by names that I don’t think are in any dictionary.” He argued with the cat as the fillies looked at their teacher.

“Are you happy now Miss Cheerilee?” Sweetie Bell asked her.

“Yes, I am. I have a special somepony. A kissy-wissy snuggy-wuggy sugar bear.”

Oblivion leaned even further back on his haunches as she scooted to be closer to him.

“A what?” Sasa asked him. “Did you approve of that name?”

“Of course not.” He griped at the cat as Cheerilee snuggled up to him. “What was that drink?”

“It was a love potion we found in a book from Twilight. It worked just how it was supposed to. But maybe we gave her a little bit too strong of a loving nudge.” Scootaloo admitted.

“Can this be fixed?” He questioned.

“But she’s your special somepony.” Apple Bloom argued with him. “You love her. Right?”

“No. I am a Witcher. I do not have that emotion, Apple Bloom.” He replied as he grimaced as the mare snuggled his shoulder.

“You don’t?” Apple Bloom said to him.

“No. As far as that potion of yours went all it did was make me lose my lunch.” He pointed to the puddle a foot away from him. “So as far as this goes it needs to be reversed. She seems to be fixated on me and I do not feel the same.”

“But it was supposed to work right away,” Sweetie said to him.

“And it did. My body rejected it. You say it was a love potion?” They nodded at his question. “My body treated it like a poison.”

The filly’s eyes went wide as they stared at him. Their eyes went to the mare now snuggled tightly against him and the black Unicorn glaring at them.

“But maybe we didn’t add enough cloud?” Sweetie asked.

“Not enough Rainbow?” Scootaloo asked in reply.

“What if it really is a poison?” Apple Bloom asked her friends as horror went over her face.

“Cheerilee please get off me,” Oblivion said to her as he tried to get to his hooves. “How do we fix this?”

“Can you heal it?” Sasa asked him.

He looked at her as his magic lit and he reached out to her, his magic covering her. He tried to cleanse her but the World Spirit did not react to anything that was within the mare.

“Shit.” He cursed as he shook his head.

“Oh boy. Okay, so we need to undo this now.” Sasa said to him. “They had a book that had the potion in it so maybe there is something about it within the book.”

“Where is the book you got this out of?” He asked them.

“It’s in the clubhouse,” Sweetie said to him.

“Go get it and meet me at Twilight’s Library.” He said to them. “You go with them Sasa.”

The cat nodded as the four of them took off for the farm. He looked at the happily snuggled mare who was now staring at him.

“Okay. So let’s go for a walk.” He said to her.

“Of course my smoopy pony.”

He groaned at the name and made for the library. His hooves nearly tangled with hers and she plastered herself to his side.

“Oh for the love of… Walk straight.” He growled.

Sasa loped behind the galloping fillies as they raced up the steps to the clubhouse. Sasa paced up the steps and put her head into the room. Sweetie was the first to use the book as she scanned its pages.

“Oblivion was right!” She shouted.

“What was ‘e right bout?” Apple Bloom asked.

“It was a love poison.” She said as she turned the book around for them to look at. “What happened is this prince gave it to a princess he liked and it was supposed to be a love potion.”

“But it isn’t one?” Scootaloo asked, prompting the other filly to go on.

“It turned out to be a horrible mistake. There is something about a dragon, the kingdom falling into chaos, and nothing ever making sense. It was all because the two of them were so busy staring into each other’s eyes that they couldn’t perform their royal duties anymore.”

“Oh great.” Apple Bloom replied. “So we turned our teacher into a nonsense spouting nincompoop, mah brother hates us, and put our school in jeopardy.”

“There is an antidote,” Sweetie said after interrupting Apple Bloom before she could spiral further.

“What is it?”

“If we can keep Miss Cheerilee from looking into Oblivion's eyes for one hour then the curse is broken.”

“Only an hour. Oh, that will be easy.” Scootaloo said with a confident look. “We can blindfold Oblivion and that will fix it.”

Sasa looked concerned as the fillies made it sound so easy. She felt unease rising within her as she found herself wishing she had simply told the stallion to tell the mare what had been about to happen and stopped everything before it happened. ‘I’m sorry Chosen.’ She thought to herself.

“So she’s in love with you?” Twilight asked him.

“Yes. Please tell me you can fix this?” Oblivion said to her.

“Well I don’t know what the antidote is but I do know there is one.” She admitted. “It’s actually an interesting story about Hearts and Hooves Day.”


“Yes, it came about when a prince dosed a princess he was fond of with the love potion and it caused the ruin of the kingdom.” She informed him.

“Perfect. So now we need the antidote. This cannot continue.” He said as Cheerilee moved to sit in front of him and stared back at him. “Sasa?”

“Yes I know what you need to do.”

“Which is?”

“Put on a blindfold.”

He blinked in surprise and Twilight was watching him closely. “I need to wear a blindfold?” He said aloud and the purple mare stared at him.


“I have no idea.” He said as he looked at Cheerilee who was smiling brightly. “According to Sasa, I need to wear a blindfold.”

“What in Equestria?”

“I don’t know. Do you happen to have one?”

“I think so. Let me look.” She said to him as she shook his head.

The Library door flew open as the fillies and Sasa barged into the room to find Twilight affixing a blindfold to Oblivion's head.

“Oh, good Sasa told ya.” Apple Bloom said to him.

“Why in the God's name am I wearing a blindfold?” He asked, his tone curt as the blindfold slid into place.

“It’s for the antidote,” Scootaloo informed him.

“Which is?” Twilight asked as she tied it in place.

“You can’t look into each other’s eyes for one hour. That will break the curse.” Sweetie bell explained further.

“Oh, you have got to be kidding,” Oblivion muttered. “And how is she doing now that I can’t look at her?”

“She looks distressed, to be honest.” Twilight informed him.

“Perfect. What are the odds of her making it long enough to last an hour?” He questioned as Twilight climbed down off the chair.

“I’m not sure. She may rip it off you if you’re not careful.” She admitted.

“Just perfect.” He growled.

Behind the blindfold, he had closed his eyes to avoid having to start the hour over if she did lose control and take the blindfold off of him. Minutes ticked past as Twilight patted his shoulder and he heard hooves on the floor as they moved around him.

“This is going to be the longest hour I have ever been part of.” He said and Twilight giggled off to the side of him. “I do hope the three of you realize that your tails are in the fire when this curse is broken.”

“Well, we were just tryin’ ta help.” Apple Bloom argued.

“Forcing ponies who are not already romantically involved together is wrong,” Oblivion growled. “Poisoning two ponies are even worse. You’re lucky I spit it out.”

“Why did you spit it out?” Twilight asked.

“My body did not approve and rejected it.” He admitted. “Does not happen often but it did this time thankfully.”

“And there is nothing to heal?” She whispered to him.

“No. Tried it already.” He said back to her. “If I thought one of my potions would work I’d try it but I don’t think they can do anything except maybe kill her.”

He didn’t see the horrified look on the filly’s faces and she moved to make sure they didn’t panic. “And that would be very bad.”

“Of course. It’s an innocent pony caught up in another pony's machinations. She holds no blame.” He assured the mare.

“See?” She whispered to the three girls as they relaxed.

“Stay under the blindfold.” Sasa advised. “I’m sorry Chosen.”

“For what Sasa?” He said aloud.

“For not telling you so you could tell Cheerilee what it was.”

“What would that have done?”

“The way I understood it is if the ponies are made aware of it then it won’t work. Or will only work partially.” She explained.

“Then why didn’t you tell me?”

“I thought it would be funny.” She admitted. “I thought it would make you both act a little silly and then wear off with your metabolism. It would be nothing more than a fun experience.”

“Next time they are plotting against me I would advise you to tell me.” He said to her through their link.

“I will.” She assured him.

“Sweetums?” Cheerilee called out to him.

“Oh, Gods,” Oblivion muttered and groaned under his breath. “Yes?”

“Why are you doing this?”

“Because you are not in the right mind to be looking at me.” He admitted. “Maybe take her for a walk?”

“Cheerilee?” Twilight said to her and he could hear the mare approach her.

“Twilight?” He heard the dark pink mare reply.

“Why don’t you take the girls for a walk so I can get the nasty blindfold off his face for you?” She reasoned.

“Yeah, we could use a walk Miss Cheerilee.” Scootaloo quickly jumped on it.

“But my shmoopy is here.” She replied.

“You need to let me work on him so you can stare at him some more.” She went on.

“All right.” She finally gave in and he assumed the girls and their puppy eyes helped sway her.

He jerked as she rubbed her nose against his and trotted away from him. He remained still as he heard the front door close. “What in the…”

Twilight broke out laughing at his tone and he pushed the blindfold up to sit on his forehead under his horn. “Oh by Celestia the look on your face.” She howled with laughter.

“Glad you’re so entertained.” He grumbled.

“You went completely rigid when she did that. I have never seen you freeze before.” She gasped out.

“It does not help that I did not see it coming nor did I expect her to rub my nose with what I assume was her own.”

“As I said, you were so still.” She giggled. “When was the last time you froze like that?”

He sat in silence for a moment as he thought back to the past and he felt something akin to annoyance creep over him. “Never.”

That brought a bout of laughter from the purple Unicorn as she held onto the table to keep herself from falling to the floor. “Oh my.” She said as she wiped her eyes and smiled brightly at him.

“I have never frozen like that in my life. Well not since leaving for the Path anyway. Training is different.”

“See even you can be so shocked you freeze up.” She chuckled.

“Again I am so glad you’re entertained by this predicament.” He grumbled further.

“It was so funny.”

“I exist to make you laugh.” He replied sarcasm dripping from his voice.

“Okay, I’ll drop it.” She said to him as she put her hooves up to placate him.

Sasa watched contentedly as the pair of Unicorns spoke. She was hoping that this would bring them even closer if she was being honest. Twilight was not afraid to speak to him and he was more relaxed around her. She could see that Oblivion was trying to remain annoyed but even a chuckle broke from him as he looked at the purple mare.

“You two are adorable.” She said to Oblivion who spun his head to look at her.


“Nothing, nothing.” She said to him.

“How long has it been?” He asked the mare.

“Since the blindfold was put on or since they left?”

“Since it went on.”

“About twenty-five minutes.”

“Great.” He growled. “They can’t stop her for very long. If this poison acts like any of the ones I know it grows more intense as time passes.”

“Do you think it will get worse? Well if you’re talking about regular poisons then I would agree.” She said to him. “So we should be careful of when they come back?”

“Yes. She might try to remove it on her own.”

“Just keep your eyes closed if you can. Can you hold her in your magic until the time wears down?”

“I might have to. I am thinking I will silence her though. I may not be able to be embarrassed but that is horrifying to hear her butcher the language.”

Twilight blinked at him for a moment before her lips pursed as she tried not to laugh. “Oh you mean you don’t like being called sweetums or schmoopy?”

He looked to the mare and his eyes were just wide enough to tell her what look he was giving her. “No.”

Twilight broke as laughter spilled from her. She laughed brightly as he watched her spirit flow with laughter and happiness. He was pleased that she was in such a good mood but he was not thrilled that it was at his expense. He opened his mouth to say something when there was a loud thud on the front door. He looked at the door as Twilight looked alarmed at the sound.

“Oh no.” He said to her as the door began to open.

“Put it back on!” She shouted as he put the blindfold back in place.

“Sweetums I’m back,” Cheerilee announced as she came into the room.

“We tried to stop her from coming back but she dragged us all back here.” Sweetie Bell informed them.

“Good try girls.” Twilight praised. “Thirty more minutes Oblivion.”

“Beautiful.” He replied with more sarcasm in his voice.

“Time?” Oblivion grumbled as the mare was beginning to paw at his face to see him and he deflected her as much as he was able without seeing her.

“Five minutes,” Twilight replied. “So close.”

“And she is getting more desperate.” He grumbled as he tried to grip her hooves in his to hold her back.

“You were right about that,” Twilight commented. “It has been getting worse with time.”

“I am not pleased about being right in this case.” He said to the mare. “Ouch.”

He jumped to his hooves as Cheerilee nearly bloodied his nose with her hoof as she swiped at the blindfold. He held his head as high as possible to keep her from removing the blindfold. He felt it tug to the side as Twilight gasped and it was yanked off his head. He clamped his eyes shut as he felt Cheerilee’s hooves on the sides of his head.

“Keep your eyes closed!” Sweetie yelled.

“No kidding,” Oblivion growled.

He spun on his heel and he opened one eye for an instant as his magic threw open the door. “I can outrun and stay ahead of her for five minutes.” He said as he took to his heels.

“Run!” Twilight shouted.

He raced out the door and he could hear the maddened mare on his heels. He flicked an ear back as Twilight and the fillies ran as well. He could sense the mare close on his heels, though he didn’t dare look back for worry of making eye contact.

“Pony pie!” She cried out behind him.

He cringed and put his claws into the dirt to go even faster to try to outrun her. He said nothing as his legs churned and he could hear her behind him.

“Go faster Chosen. She’s right on your tail.” Sasa shouted to him.

He dug in and his legs moved as he raced for the edges of town. The black Unicorn snorted as a wagon came to rest in front of him. He galloped harder and angled his body for the wagon. “If I can jump it she will have to go around.” He muttered to himself.

He gathered his muscles as he aimed for the wagon and he leaped it with some clearance. He didn’t dare look back as he plunged ahead. The Witcher could hear the hooves behind him and he knew that the love-addled mare was not far behind him. He watched as ponies looked at the group of them as they raced through town.

“Time?!” He shouted to Sasa.

“Three minutes at the longest!” She called back.

“Bloody Hells!” He yelled back to her as he gigged down an alley to try to trip up the plunging mare.

He raced for the outskirts of town and leaped more than a few fences to encourage her to go around and slow her. The Witcher panted as breath tore from him as he kept up his frantic pace. His legs churned at a pace he knew that if he fell it would be the end and they would have to start over with the mare being even more desperate than she was before.

“Run Oblivion!” Twilight yelled from behind him.

“Hells.” He muttered under his breath as he leaped another fence.

“You’re down to seconds I think!” Sasa shouted.

“You think?!” He yelled back.

“Yeah I don’t exactly have a clock!” She argued.

He was about to argue with her further when something hit him from behind. He grunted under the impact as he was quickly tangled up with the pursuing mare. He rolled over her as he closed his eyes and clenched them tight to avoid seeing her. He came to rest on his back with the feeling of being straddled. Hooves fell on his face as his head was shaken back and forth and then it stopped as quickly as it had begun.

“What is going on?”

Oblivion chanced opening one eye and he was pleased to see a bewildered Cheerilee straddling his belly. “Oh thank the Gods.” He said to her as he let his limbs untangle from hers and fall to the ground.

“Oblivion are you okay?” Twilight asked him as she reached him.

“I’m fine.” He replied. “And it’s over.”

“Cheerilee? Are you okay?” She asked the still befuddled mare.

“Why am I sitting…? Oh, Celestia.” She said as she looked down to see where she was sitting.

The mare gave an undignified squeal as she scrambled to get off of him. He sat up once her weight had been removed from his body and he breathed out a relieved sigh as Sasa nuzzled him.

“Better Chosen?” She asked.

“Much better.” He replied.

“Why was I...? What happened?” Cheerilee asked. Her voice was a bit on the hysterical side.

“Let me explain everything,” Twilight said to her.

Oblivion sat in silence as Twilight finished explaining what had led up to the situation she was now in. Her eyes were wide as she listened and she looked at Oblivion and gave him an embarrassed smile.

“I am so sorry.” She said to him.

“For what? You were not in control of yourself when it happened. So I do not blame you.” He said to her. “Them! On the other hoof.” He said as he pointed an accusatory hoof at the three fillies.

Cheerilee nodded in agreement with him as he put his hoof back on the ground as the girls came forward to speak to them. “Now girls. I appreciate you wanting to see us happy and together. But…”

“But no matter how good our intentions might have been, we shoulda never meddled in yer relationship.” Apple Bloom said, interrupting the elder mare.

“Nopony can force two ponies to be together,” Scootaloo added.

“It’s up to everypony to choose that very special somepony for themselves,” Sweetie said to them.

“We’re sorry!” The three of them intoned as they looked at the group of adult ponies who were watching them.

“I’m sure you are,” Oblivion said to them.

“I know you’re sorry. But you will be showing how sorry you are by doing Oblivions work for the next few days. Does that seem fair?” Cheerilee asked him.

He glared at the three of them for several seconds before he nodded in agreement. “That will do. So long as you agree to never do anything like this again.”

“We promise!” They shouted.

Oblivion sighed and leaned back on his haunches as Twilight patted his shoulder. He got to his hooves and leaned on the mare for a moment before he righted himself. “That was enough work for a day I think.”

Twilight giggled and nodded in agreement with him as he motioned for the fillies to start walking to the farm.

99: Sasa's Day Out

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Sasa looked up as the black Unicorn moved away from the exuberant pink mare for the second time in under a minute. She had been slowly invading his space for the last few seconds and so far he looked to be putting up with it until she started hovering in the air again. Sasa chuckled at the discomfort he didn’t seem to realize he was showing until her laugh caught his attention. She got to her paws and moved to the side of him to create a buffer between him and Pinkie.

“Pinkie I am sure that you can handle this alone. What purpose would having me there serve?” He asked her.

Sasa looked at the pink mare as she stopped her advance and seemed to be thinking it over. “Your right I need to think about that before I come to talk to you. You ask lots of questions for a regular Unicorn.” She said to him as she seemed to calm down.

Sasa tilted her head at the inflection in the mare’s voice as she spun on her heel and bounced away from them. She looked at the black pony who was staring after the mare with an unhappy look in his eyes. He glanced down at her and she shrugged.

“I don’t think she realizes half the things she says so I wouldn’t think about her words too hard.” She advised.

“I can’t help but think she knows something.” He grumbled.

“She is pretty in tune with things around here if I am being honest. But I don’t think she has any idea of what you really are and what you are really here to do.” She said to him.

“I can only hope your right.” He agreed as he moved away from her and toward the barn.

She chuckled as she fell in behind him.

Oblivion said nothing as Applejack pointed out a broken tree off to the side. “I assume you want it uprooted?”

“Yup.” She agreed and stepped off to the side to allow him to work.

His magic flared as he bid it grip the tree in its entirety. Sasa stepped back and hid behind another tree as she peeked out from behind it to watch him uproot the tree. He gave a violent magical yank and the tree began to come apart in his grip. The Witcher said nothing as he ripped it from the ground and set it off to the side. Applejack nodded as he glanced her way.

“I trust you want it in pieces?” She nodded at his question. “How many?”

“Just firewood.”


Sasa came out from behind her tree as he broke the tree into pieces and set the pieces in a pile as he finished. He looked at the mare as she motioned for him to head back to the farm and finish his own tasks and he made for the barn. Sasa fell in at his heels as she huffed.

“What is it?” He asked her, sensing the cat’s annoyance.

“I should have stayed at the barn if this was what she wanted.” She groused. “I thought it would be a bigger task than it was.”

He looked over his shoulder at her as she followed him. “Grousing will get you nowhere.”

“I am aware of that.” She said to him. “But I am allowed to complain about walking in the heat.”

“It’s not that warm out.”

“Says the climate-controlled Witcher.” She argued. “You barely feel the temperature from what I can tell.”

“I do, just needs to be an extreme heat or cold.”

“See? Climate controlled.” She pointed out. “You’re like most stallions and you give off a fair amount of heat but it doesn’t affect you, just the poor unfortunate kitten that sleeps next to you.”

“You can sleep on the floor.”

“Or you can.” She snapped at him.

He felt a grin tug at his mouth before he simply shrugged. “The blankets are going to give off that heat and they will be what is warm. That is why I pointed out the floor.”

She was quiet as she seemed to be considering his point. “My point about giving off heat stands.”

He chuckled under his breath as he saw Pinkie dart toward the barn and race inside of it. “Oh no.”

“What?” She asked as she drew up next to him as he slowed his steps. “Oh, it’s Pinkie. That explains your hesitation.”

The mare raced out of the barn and her eyes fell on him as she darted toward him. He stopped in place to allow her to slow down before she reached him. Her eyes were wide as she looked almost nervous before she spoke to him.

“Oblivion, I have a problem.” She said to him.

“I’m sure it’s a small one knowing you.” He replied.

“No, it’s huge!” She shouted and held out her forelegs to show how big her problem was.


“There is a new donkey in town.”

“Okay.” He repeated as she went on.

“I am trying to make friends with him and he is just not liking anything I try.” She said to him. “He keeps telling me to go away.”

“Have you considered listening to him?” Oblivion pointed out. “It might be that he does not appreciate you blitzing him as soon as he gets to town.”

“But I’m friends with everypony.” She argued. “I just need to know how to get him to be my friend from you.”

“From me? What would I know about that subject?” He asked her.

“You don’t like anypony.”

“It’s not that I do not like them I just prefer to stick to my own.” He replied. “I am around the six of you most often for example.”

“So maybe if I get the others involved they can help?”

“No.” Oblivion quickly said to her. “No that will backfire spectacularly.”

“So how do I get him to like me?”

Oblivion sighed as he could feel the beginnings of a headache as it grew behind his eyes. “Give him time. He may prefer his solitude and his life as it is. It’s not your place to change it or try to force anything onto him.”


“It’s not your place.” He said again. “Given time he might be more receptive to your attempts but… You’re going to ignore what I’m saying, aren’t you?”

He was watching the mare as she listened to him and he could see he was losing her attention. Her spirit fluctuated and he sighed again. “You can come with me and help.”

“Why would I do that?” He asked her.

“Then can I borrow Sasa? She might understand what I’m doing better.”

“It’s up to her. She’s complaining about being in the heat so you might be out of luck.” He explained.

Sasa made a noise in her throat as he spoke. “I’m not sure what she thinks I can do. He’ll most likely be afraid of me.”

“He might be more afraid of her than you think. He is new and you’re bringing a large feline to him who happens to be a Spirit Tiger.” He pointed out to her.

“Exactly if he can make friends with her then he can be friends with me.” Pinkie pointed out.

“Solid reasoning, I guess.” Sasa admitted. “Okay I’ll go. You want to give her the sandbox so I can speak to this poor donkey she is fixated on?”

“Do you want the sandbox so she can speak if you want her to?”

“Oh yes. That will be good.” Pinkie said as his horn summoned the sandbox and she balanced it on her back.

“Are you sure you can carry it? I can send it to you.” Oblivion pointed out.

She looked out from under it and seemed to be considering his point. “Can you?”

“Yes. Sasa will tell me where to set it and I will set it down in place.”

He pulled the box off her back as Sasa moved away from him and fell in at the mares’ hip. “Be back in a while.” Sasa said to him as the mare walked for the town.

“Good luck.” He said to her.

Sasa sat down as the donkey didn’t seem to have noticed her yet. He seemed preoccupied with arguing with Pinkie about trinkets he was unpacking. She sighed as the donkey rolled his eyes and they landed on her. She simply looked at him and held her head up to try to show him the leather collar around her neck. A loud bray went out and she cringed as Cranky leaped for the wagon. She was startled as he came up with a broom and slowly advanced on her.

“Oh, no Cranky she is harmless.” Pinkie said as she reached him.

“You’re kidding? I’ve never seen a cat that big but I doubt it’s harmless.” He crabbed at her.

Pinkie walked up to her and wrapped her in a large hug. Sasa groaned under the force of the hug but she managed to run her tongue over the mare's cheek to show how tame she was.

“See? Harmless.” Pinkie said as she nearly lifted her off the ground.

Sasa yowled as her paws were leaving the ground. Pinkie took the hint and set her back down on the ground. Cranky simply stared at her as she released Sasa and then he looked over at Pinkie as he set the broom down.

“So she’s not gonna attack me?” He asked.

Sasa shook her head and the donkey stared at her. “I need the sandbox Chosen.”

Cranky brayed in surprise as a flash of azure flame went out, leaving a box of shallow sand in its wake. She reached out one paw and began to write to him. She looked up as he walked forward and looked down at what she was doing.

“Hello Cranky.” She wrote down.

He looked at her and then down to her message. “Hi.” He said to her.

“It’s nice to meet you.” She wrote.

“So why are you here bothering me?” He asked her.

“I was asked to come to meet you.”


She considered what to say as Pinkie bounced up to him. “She’s a friendly cat that is connected to a friend of mine. He was supposed to come to meet you as well but he was busy so Sasa came to say hello.”

“Another friend of yours was supposed to come?”

“Yeah. But he is not as friendly as some ponies so he didn’t want to. Said I should leave you alone.”

“I like him,” Cranky said to her.

“I think you would also.” She agreed. “But he was busy.”

Cranky scowled at her for a moment before he refocused on the feline in front of him. “So you’re this other ponies pet?”

“Not exactly.” Sasa wrote to him. “But close enough.”

“So what are you doing here?”

“Pinkie is hoping for you to be able to make friends with me.” Sasa admitted.

“Yeah. If you can make friends with her then you can be friends with everypony.” Pinkie said to him as she bounced in place.

Cranky scowled at both of them as he looked back at his still unpacked wagon. “I don’t have time for this.”

Sasa cringed and reached out to the sandbox. “I am sorry to be wasting your time.”

He read the message and Sasa saw his expression soften as he looked at her. “You're fine.” He said to her.

“I understand that you have things you wish to finish and we are delaying that.” She said to him and then once he finished with the message she wiped it clear to go on. “My Chosen said that we had no place to be telling you who to interact with. I agree with him.” She wiped it clean to speak further. “So I am thankful for you taking some time to speak with me.”

Cranky’s expression softened a bit further as she spoke the truth to him. Pinkie continued to bounce off to the side as Sasa spoke to him.

“Chosen?” He asked her.

“The pony she mentioned. That is what I call him. I chose to be close to him.” She said and wiped it clean. “I do think you and him would get along.”

“You do?”

“Yes.” She said.


“He values his solitude and understands the desire to be alone.” She explained. “I came in his place due to his belief that we should let you be.”

“Smart pony.” He said to her.

“He is.”

“I have been around the world searching and I just want to retire peacefully.” He explained to her.

“I understand.” She wrote to him. “He has traveled all his life as well.”

“See Cranky? There are lots of ponies you could meet and be friends with.” Pinkie said to him.

Sasa wished she could curse aloud at the mare for interrupting as she had been slowly working on him by being respectful and gentle. His expression handed a bit as he looked down at the now cleared message in the sand.

“You’re not so bad.” He said to her as he relaxed a bit.

“Thank you for your kindness.” Sasa wrote to him.

“See!?” Pinkie cried, startling them both.

She bounced back and her hip hit the wagon, knocking several items askew. A look of dread on Cranky’s face told Sasa she needed to head things off and try to keep things moving carefully. She was already in the donkey's good graces by being gentle and kind to him, now she was in danger of the exuberant pink mare ruining it. Sasa reached out and gently nuzzled his shoulder and began to write.

“Is there any way I can help you unpack? I will be extremely careful with your items and treat them as if they were my own.” She asked him in as gentle a tone as she felt she was able through her writing.

The donkey looked at her for a moment before he seemed to accept her request and motioned slightly for her to follow him. She fell in behind him and he led her up to the wagon and he gave her a small box to hold in her teeth. She gripped the side of the box to keep her front fangs out of the way. Pinkie moved ahead of her as she asked about an ornament that was now dangling from her hair.

“Set that over there, cat.” He said as he pointed to a corner for Sasa. “Or what was it?”

“Sasa.” Pinkie supplied as the ornament dangled from her forelock.

“Right. Sasa.” He said to her as she very carefully set the box down and moved toward the door with him. “Yes, it’s pretty now put it down.” He said to the pink mare as she set it down.

He went outside with Sasa and gave her another small box to allow her to carry it. Sasa looked over her shoulder as she made for the house and she could hear Pinkie shouting as she asked about a new item. Sasa walked into the house as Pinkie stepped through the floor and the ornament clanked around the room and cut through a hanging lantern. The light crashed down and fell on an open book on the table. Sasa nearly opened her mouth in horror as the book burst into flame.

She looked back as Cranky bumped her tail from behind. “What did you say-ayayayayay! What have you done?!”

Sasa quickly dodged as he ran into her and she managed to get out of his way before he ran her down. She set the box down as Pinkie dumped a vase of water over the book. Sasa watched as Cranky laid down by the book and she could see just enough of his spirit to see sorrow and horror lancing through him. She dared not approach him as Pinkie spoke to him.

“See? All better?” She said to him.

“No, not all better, all soggy!” He shouted.

“I’m sorry Cranky.” Pinkie said o him, her voice sincere.

“Oh, you're sorry! Well, then, everything is fine!” He growled.

Sasa cringed as the donkey grew more enraged as time passed. Pinkie sat up a bit as he spoke. “It’s okay?”

No! It isn't! Listen to me, kid, I will never be your friend!” He said as he herded both of them to the door.

Sasa jumped through the door as Pinkie turned to look at the donkey. His eyes fell on the mare and then on the cat with her. Sasa bowed her head respectfully to him and then looked at him. She hoped he could see her sincerity in her eyes, as without the sandbox she was mute.

“Never, or never-ever?” Pinkie asked him.

“Never, ever, ever, ever, ever!” He yelled and slammed the door as they both stared at the now-closed door.

Sasa turned her head to look at the mare, her expression just as angry as the donkeys had been. Pinkie looked at the enraged cat as Sasa got to her paws and smacked the mare in the back with one paw. She stalked over to the sandbox and yowled for the mare to join her.

“Why did you do that?” She asked the mare.

“It was an accident.” Pinkie lamented.

“I know. But why were you insisting on snooping through his things?”

“I was trying to learn more about a new friend.”

“He doesn’t want friends.” Sasa wrote. “It took me so long to get him to relax.”

“He was being nice to you?”

“Yes!” Sasa wrote for her. “He was even being nice back.”

“He’ll never be my friend now will he?”

“I don’t think so no,” Sasa admitted. “He is rightfully angry with you.”

“What if I fix the book?” Pinkie said to her.

“I don’t think you can.” Sasa replied. “It was nothing but… But he might be able to.”

“He?” Pinkie asked and her head gave a comical tilt as she then looked up as understanding went over her face. “Oh, you mean Oblivion?”

“Yes. He might be able to fix the book.” Sasa informed her. “But that does not mean you should try to be his friend any more than you already have.”

“But if it’s fixed then…”

“No.” Sasa wrote. “He has said no. You need to respect that.”

Pinkie slumped in her fur and looked sadly at the tiger in front of her. “Okay, so you’ll get Oblivion?”

“Yes. Leave the book to me.”

“Okay, I have an idea as well.” Pinkie said to her.

“Please don’t push him any further.” Sasa pleaded as Pinkie left her behind.

Sasa sighed and looked down at the sandbox that sat with her. She reached out to Oblivion and called on him to join her.

“So why am I here?” He asked her. “You were not very explicit in your request.”

“There was an accident with a book and I am hoping you can fix it.” She informed him as he joined her by the sandbox.

“An accident meaning Pinkie did something foolish.”

Sasa said nothing for a moment before she leaned against him and shared her memory with him.

“I see,” Oblivion said to her as she pushed the sandbox with her nose. “Where do you want that moved?”

“Under the front window so he does not need to come out to talk to me if he does not wish to.” Sasa explained as the box was levitated off the ground.

She watched as Oblivion moved the box and set it where she had asked. He went up to the front door and rapped his hoof gently on the wooden door. Sasa could hear movement inside and the window curtains were pushed aside as the donkey looked out to see the feline and the sandbox in front of him. His expression soured as he glared at her. He opened the window just enough to speak.

“What do you want cat?” He growled.

“I brought help.” She wrote to him.

“What help?”

“I brought my Chosen to see if he could fix your book.” She explained.

Cranky looked at her as finished reading the note from her. “Nopony can fix it. It’s ruined. All my memories of her are gone.” He lamented.

“Can he try to repair it?” She pleaded. “If he can’t, I will do everything I can to keep Pinkie far away from you.”

“You can do that?”

“I can try.” She wrote to him as he left the window.

Cranky came back to the window as Oblivion came to stand next to the tiger. “Quite the big pony.” He said as he pushed the ruined book through the gap in the window.

Oblivions magic reached out and Cranky brayed in alarm at the azure flame. “It’s harmless unless I wish it not to be.” He assured him.

“You’re sure about that?”

“I give you my word.” He replied as he opened the book and saw the damage. “I am not sure what I can do, but I will try to repair it.”

“Not sure what you think you can do. It’s ruined.” He whimpered.

Sasa watched as Oblivion said nothing for a moment before he looked at the donkey. “I have a request.”

“Which is?”

“May I touch my magic to you to find the memories that were held within it? I assume you knew this book back to front?”

Cranky looked dubious for a moment before he held his hoof out the window. “You better not hurt me.”

Oblivion said nothing as his magic coursed over the donkey for a moment before he looked back at the book and his magic began to grow in strength as he began to regenerate it from memory. Sasa said a silent prayer to every God she could immediately think of for it to be successful. The magic grew more powerful and a flash of azure flame went out and arced a foot in the air. Cranky brayed and reeled back from the window for a moment. Oblivion closed the book and slid it back through the window to allow the donkey to look at it.

“It safe?” He questioned.

“I assure you it is,” Oblivion replied.

Sasa looked at the donkey as he slowly opened the book and his eyes went wide at it. “It’s… Perfect. Like it never happened.”

Sasa breathed out a sigh of relief and looked at the donkey as his eyes were bright and he seemed to have regained some of the comfort and belief in her that had been lost by the loss of the book. Oblivion gave a slight bow of his head as he looked down at her. She nuzzled his shoulder and purred loudly.

“You did right by me,” Cranky said to them. “You didn’t have to. You could have just walked away.”

“That would not have been right.” Sasa wrote to him. “It would not have been fair to you.”

“Maybe you’re not so bad… Sasa.” Cranky said to her and she brightened at hearing her name from him. “And you. I don’t know who you are.”

“Oblivion Shadow.”

“Thank you,” Cranky said as he opened the window. “So she called you for help?”

“She did.” He replied.

“How? She was in front of my house the whole time.” Cranky asked.

“She has the ability to reach out to me through a mental connection,” Oblivion explained. “Because of that, I am also able to find her no matter where she is. That is how I knew where you were located.”

Sasa purred as they spoke. She looked back as the sound of hooves got her attention. Pinkie came up over the hill to Cranky’s house and Sasa yowled in a warning.

“No!” She shouted through their connection and she saw Oblivion physically flinch as she ran for the mare.

Oblivion looked back as Pinkie came up over the hill but he paused at the sight of another spirit with her. He said nothing as Pinkie approached the door as Sasa growled at her.

“Easy Sasa. She is not alone.” He said to her and she went quiet as he spoke.


“Somepony is with her.” He said back to her as Cranky caught sight of the mare.

“Oh no.” He growled and slammed the window shut. “Go away!”

“But Cranky I really want to talk to you.” Pinkie said to him. “I came to say I’m sorry.”

“Fine, you said it now go away.” He shouted.

“There has to be some way I can make it up to you,” Pinkie called back.

“You can’t. You ruined it all.” He shouted. “The only reason I am even talking to you is that he fixed my book. Sasa helped me fix it.”

Pinkie looked at the pair of them as if seeing them there for the first time. “You were able to fix it?”

“I did.” He said to her.

“Luckily.” Sasa wrote down.

Pinkie deflated a bit at Sasa’s biting comment but she seemed to let it slide off her after a moment. “But I have something for you to try to make up for it.”

“I don’t want anything from you. Knowing you it’s likely to explode in my face.” Cranky argued.

“Goodness you really are Cranky.” The other pony said.

Oblivion looked at her the older donkey and he could see that she was amused by the shouting between the two of them. He looked back to the house as the window was thrown open and Cranky stared out it. His eyes widened at the sight of the other donkey.

“It can’t be. Matilda? Is it really you?” He asked.

“It can. And it is.” She replied.

He came out of the house and stared at her as she approached him. “How did you know I was here?”

“Pinkie came to me and told me about a donkey that had the same scrapbook I did that had the same things in it.” She explained.

“I recognized them from Matilda’s scrapbook and I knew that it had to be important.” Pinkie explained further.

“I always hoped that you would find me here one day,” Matilda said to him.

“I was searching for you as I went from town to town and I finally gave up my search and retired here,” Cranky said to them.

“Does this mean you accept my apology?” Pinkie asked him, nervousness in her voice.

“Yes, Pinkie. I accept your apology and I am honored to call you my friend.” Cranky replied.

Pinkie bounced happily into the air and Oblivion gripped her before she could get started. “We will leave you to get to know each other again. I’m sure there is a great deal you want to talk about.”

“Yes. We have lots to talk about.” Matilda said as she nuzzled the other donkey.

Cranky smiled wide as he nuzzled her in return. “Thank you again Oblivion. You as well Sasa. You were the kindest cat I have ever met.”

“Your welcome. It was my pleasure to meet you.” Sasa said back to him and Oblivion spoke for her.

Sasa turned to leave as Oblivion picked up the sandbox and it vanished with a flash of his magic as he carried Pinkie above them. She struggled in his magic for a moment before he simply glared at her and she went still.

100: A Witchers Job

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Oblivion looked at the map in front of him as it stretched over the desk in his room. The two pieces of the small map were set off to the side. Sasa looked up at the desk as he considered where the two pieces could have been pointing him to. The corner piece he had in his possession had shown him the way to the second piece and the piece he had was an interior piece that was connected to the first by a small margin.

“Any ideas of where the next piece is?” Sasa asked as she looked over the table at him.

“At the moment I am not sure. The language obscures a fair amount of the map itself. Some parts of the map are obscured by the writing. The writing itself is faint in places and then sharper in others. I am not sure if it meant to be that way or if it is due to age.” He admitted.

“Hmm.” Sasa made a noise in reply as he unfolded the second map piece and set it down where he thought it fit in the larger map.

He gave a quiet sigh as he leaned back on his heels and looked away from the map for a moment. “The first one led me to the second so it goes to assume that the second will lead me to another.”

“That would make sense.” Sasa agreed.

“The issue is making it through the writing to see what is under the writing to see where the general area is for the piece.” He went on.

“So is there a way for you to ignore the…” Sasa started and then her voice trailed off.


“I have an idea.” She said to him.


“Yes hold up the piece and try to illuminate it from behind.” She explained. “That might allow you to easily see the designs of the map without the letters.”

He nearly slapped his claws to his face as she spoke and he realized that her idea should have been obvious to him. He chose to ignore the sense of stupidity that rolled over him and raised the small piece in his magic. He conjured a bright sconce of light underneath it and held it over the light to see what was under it. His magic also superimposed the tiny piece onto the larger map to allow him to show what was on the piece and temporarily engrave it onto the map.

“Very clever.” Sasa praised.

He looked at the small piece as the image began to become clearer to him. He watched as the thicker writing began to fade away and only the lighter writing and the map itself remained. Sasa chirped a noise in surprise as it faded and he looked at her as her eyes were wide.

“What just happened?” She asked him.

“I think we just passed a test.” He said back to her.

“What test?”

“Proving that we aren’t idiots.” He admitted, his tone bitter.

She growled quietly and rumbled a sound in her throat. It died before it reached her mouth but the sound was there nonetheless as she sounded out her disapproval of being tested. “That’s rude.”

“It might be but it would go to assume that whoever left these behind would make them less than simple to handle. The first one was easy the next ones aren’t.” He reasoned to her.

“I hate being tested.” She argued. “It’s foolish.”

“I agree.” He said to her as he looked at the map as pieces of it cleared and were placed on the larger piece of the map he was handling. “But now we have the answer of where to go now.”

“We do?”

“Yes. Look.”

He looked up at the map and his magic held it steady as he took a claw and pointed out the location on the map to her. The feline looked at where he was pointing and she nodded with a low purr in the back of her throat. It showed a dot on the map that showed him where they needed to go. He said nothing as Sasa grumbled.

“The Everfree. Of course.” She grumbled.

“The fringes of it.” He corrected. “Looks like it’s either the beginning of it or the end, depending on how you look at it.”

Sasa simply looked at him as he corrected her and he found himself on the receiving end of a glare from her.

Oblivion said nothing as his teleport faded and he called on Sasa. The cat purred for a moment before she began to look around them. “Here we are.” He whispered as he took a cautious step forward.

“Indeed.” Sasa replied. “Now do you have any idea where we go from here?”

“No idea.” He replied quickly and he heard her stumble.


“I am not sure where we go from here.” He replied, clarifying. “I suppose we look round and see what jumps out.”

“Great. I hate it when you do this.” She admitted with a huff of breath.

He didn’t say anything back to her as he moved forward. His ears flicked as he moved along the fringe of the Everfree. He walked within the confines of the forest but he was just close enough to the edge to know where it was. Sasa plodded loudly behind him, as she almost stomped in annoyance at him. He thought about saying for her to act her age but chose not to say it. One thing he had learned in his life was to never mention or ask for the age of any female. He had seen what happened to Lambert when he asked Triss what her age was. It had been ugly and he had learned from the experience of the other.

Time ticked past as Oblivion compared where they were relative to the map he had with them. He knew that they were close to the dot on the map and he kept his pace steady as Sasa seemed to have gotten over her anger with him and was now walking quietly behind him.

“Anything?” She asked, her tone tired and he could hear the boredom in her voice.

“Not really.” He admitted. “So far we are close to the dot on the map if not directly under it but nothing stands out.”

“Beautiful.” She griped. “So should we try to range out a bit from the dot?”

“I am thinking we will need to due to… Wait.” He said to her as something seemed out of place and he stopped in his tracks.

“What?” She asked him as she drew up next to him. “I don’t see why you are freezing in place and… Wait a minute.”

He gave a slight nod as she saw what he was looking at. Ahead of them, the grasses had been trampled in various lines. Paths shot off in various directions and the Witcher said nothing as he looked at each one. He cast a glance from the grass to the trees and several of them had been gouged. Branches were scattered around the ground under them and he kept his ears moving as he took a tentative step into the small clearing.

“Easy Chosen.” Sasa cautioned as she stayed at his hip.

“Hmm.” He made a noise in reply to her words but said nothing further.

His hooves were silent on the trampled grasses as he moved into the clearing. He paused after several steps and let his ears flick to listen as he scanned the edges of the clearing. His eyes narrowed as he searched for anything that stood out among the trees. When nothing lunged out of the trees he took several more steps as Sasa bumped his hip gently. His legs were steady under him and his claws flexed in the grass as he unfurled them. His wings clenched against his sides under their illusion and he found himself tempted to let them unfurl as well. Depending on what they found he would worry about them being seen later.





Sasa said nothing further as he gave her short replies. His nerves were on edge as he strained to listen and see everything around them. He had no intention of missing anything as he began to walk into the middle of the clearing. Depending on what was around them that was the most dangerous spot. A winged monster would have the most time to reach them while he would be forced to go from a dead stop to a run to get away from them. He turned his eyes up and he saw Sasa continue to look around them as he scanned the skies. Nothing went in front of the sun and he didn’t see anything silhouetted against the blue sky.

“Nothing above us.” He whispered.

“That’s good to hear at least.” Sasa replied.

He looked back down to the grass and began to scan each of the trails to find out which was the newest. “Start looking through each of these to see if anything stands out.”

“Like what?” She asked.

“Something not normal for a trail, a track, or a scent that seems out of place for this place.” He responded.

Sasa said nothing as he walked toward the right side of the clearing and she ranged toward the left. He lowered his head as he neared the edge and his nose scented for anything that was either familiar or abnormal for the area.

“Chosen.” Sasa called out to him and he raised his head to see her across the clearing from him. “I think this is out of place.”

“What is it?”

“A tuft of fur.” She replied.

He almost scolded her when he stopped and turned to walk toward her. “What kind of fur?” He asked as he moved to join her.

“It does not fit within anything in the Everfree.” She explained as he drew up behind her. “Here it is.”

He leaned his head down to see the fur as she pointed her nose at it. The scent wafted over his nose and he nearly snorted at the smell. He knew that scent but at the moment nothing came to mind. He drew his head back up to his height as he considered what could have left the fur behind. He looked at the gnarled tuft and the scent continued to waft over his nose as he inhaled its foul smell.

“I know what that is.” He said to her. “But I can’t think of it.”

“I trust you will think hard to find out what it is?” She asked him.

“Let’s follow this trail and see what shakes loose for us.” He said to her as he moved to follow the broken trail.

“Oh sure since that’s a good idea.” Sasa replied, sarcasm in her tone as he cast a glance over his shoulder at her.

The Elder Witcher said nothing in reply to her as he led her down the growth path. It was a wide trail considering that he was used to small game trails. He was not used to seeing such a wide trail in among the game trails. It reminded him of a trail used by some monsters as they hunted. His mind went over the scent that had come from the fur and his mind whirred as he thought over what it could be. He suddenly stopped in his tracks as a wall of stone came up in front of them. His mind slammed into place as the scent grew stronger and he knew what it was.

“Oh, hells.” He cursed under his breath. “It’s a Fiend.”

“Are you sure?” Sasa asked him. “Whats a Fiend?”

“Nothing good.” He said to her as he moved around the side of the wall that they had come upon.

He found the edge of the wall and he carefully looked around the side to see if there was more to the wall or if it ended. He saw a large mound of brown fur off to the side and he nearly broke out into cursing as he saw the sleeping Fiend. He could not see how big it was exactly but from his experience, they were never small. Even the little ones were equal to the size of a small house in his experience, weighing easily as much as a couple of grown cows. He was able to look around the wall further and he could see that the Fiend had been using the ruin as a home for quite some time. The fact that it remained unknown to ponies and others was pure luck so far as he was concerned.

“Pure luck.” He muttered. “Not sure if it is lucky for them that I am here or unlucky for me.”

“What are you mumbling about?” Sasa asked him as she drew up next to him and her eyes went wide at the large monster. “Oh my.”

“That is a Fiend.” He said to her, his voice low to avoid waking the slumbering monster.

“Okay.” She said as she leaned back on her haunches. “So how do we go about avoiding it?”

“Are you sure we should?” He asked her.


“Should we kill it or leave it alone?” He asked her.

“Hmm. I hate that you make a point without saying more than you need to.” She groused. “If we leave it and somepony dies then we are a couple of fools and assholes.”

“Pretty much.” He said back to her.

“What do you need to fight it?”

“Relict oil is a start.” He said to her as he pulled the oil from his saddlebags.

She sat down quietly as he began to pour the oil over the weapon and it drank in the liquid as if it were thirsty for it. She stared at the weapon as it gave off a slightly off-color glow for a few moments before the glow of the runes began to shine once more. She said nothing as he looked around the wall once more to make sure the monster had taken no notice of them.

“So how do we fight it?” She asked him. “Aside from very carefully.”

“You will be harrying it from behind.” He informed her. “Avoid getting caught in its sight. That third eye can hypnotize those caught in its line of sight.”

“How do we combat that then?”

“We can interrupt its focus by using bombs or my signs.” He explained.

“What bomb? Do you have any?” She asked.

“I might have one or two in my saddlebags.” He replied to her.

“Hesitant to use one of them?” She asked with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

“Might be.” He admitted. “I should use it but at the same time I have no way of making more.”



“Use the damned bomb.” She growled at him. “Trying to keep a hold of items in the wings is not going to help you or me right now.”

He chuckled and he had to admit she was right. “Let me see if I have one.” He said to her as he reached into his saddlebag and thought over what he wanted. “If I don’t have one then this argument is moot.”

“How long will it disable the third eye?”

“Permanently.” He responded. “I would normally use the Cat Potion for this but that won’t protect you from it.”

“That potion will do what?”

“Make me immune to its influence.”

“Oh.” She replied. “I appreciate you using the bomb for me.”

A Samum bomb appeared in his magic and he pulled it free of the saddlebag. Sasa looked at the item and she reached out to sniff it absently. The bomb was fairly plain in its appearance but he knew that it was well suited to its purpose. He set it down on the ground by her paws and reached back to see if he had one more in the wings. He was pleased when another appeared at his request, he set it back into the saddlebag and gripped the one of the ground in his hoof.

“Well how are you going to use it?” She asked him.

“Carefully.” He admitted to her. “I can leave it here and summon it when I need it or hold it in my magic and hope it does not get nicked in combat.”

“How do you usually carry them?”

“Usually on a belt.”

“And you fight them with bombs on your belt with the chance of them getting hit and them blowing up on your hip?”

“When you put it that way it does seem foolish.” He said as he looked at her.

“Yeah. Stupid is the word I was looking for.” She commented.

He gave her a sidelong look and she simply looked at the bomb in his hoof. He set it down on the ground by the wall and she nodded in silent agreement. He moved aside from the wall and more out into the open, allowing him to get a good look at the surrounding area they had to work in.

Sasa remained by the bomb and simply stared at him as he moved. “Are you trying to get charged?” She asked him.

“It’s asleep.” He thought back to her, switching from speaking aloud to using their connection.

“For now.” She replied. “Don’t push your luck.”

He said nothing in reply to her and simply stared at the monster as it slept. He contemplated how to get its focus to keeping switching between the pair of them. If he could get it to focus on her and then him then he might be able to get it to not use its hypnosis. Time was not on his side if he wanted the fight to be fairly short. He was trying to avoid it getting out of his hoof and he lost control of the fight. The longer they waited the more chance of the light fading and the monster having more of an advantage based on the dying light.

“Chosen?” Sasa questioned him from her hiding place. “What are we waiting for?”

He said nothing in reply as he summoned one of the crystal blades into his magic and took a short step toward the monster. The azure flame danced over the blade as it hovered in his magic. Sasa said nothing further as she moved away from the wall and kept her eyes on him. He took a short stance and his magic reached out to pick up a large rock and he leveled it in his aura. He slung it at the monster and it awoke with a startling roar. It lumbered to its hooves and it spun to see him waiting for it.

Sasa moved away from the wall and came to stand just off to the side. The monster stamped its forelimbs onto the ground and the ground gave a slight shake at the impacts. It lowered its massive rack of horns and charged almost blindly forward as it went after the armed Witcher. Oblivion said nothing as it charged forward and he collapsed his legs to the side and rolled away from the monster's reach. It lunged one side of its horns to try to gore him and he evaded the rack fairly easily as his blade scored across the beast's shoulder.

“Harry the back Sasa!” He shouted at her.

The cat roared and charged into combat as well and her claws began to tear at the Fiend's hamstrings. The monster spun to try to swipe its claws at the feline and she dodged away from it and Oblivion sunk his blade into its side. It roared in pain as it swung at him and he backflipped away from the creature. He leaped around to land behind it once more as his blade tore into its back and hips. The monster seemed to decide that being close to them was ill-advised as it lowered its horns and charged away from them.

“Interesting.” He admitted aloud. “They never run.”

“So why did it run?”

“I am not sure.” He replied to her quickly as he gave chase. “Stay with it.”

The monster whirled around to face them and Oblivion stopped in place as the Fiend squared up and the ground began to quiver under his hooves. He knew that sign and his magic lashed out to grab the Samum bomb that rested off to the side. The third eye opened wide and Sasa yowled at the sight of it and he saw her close her eyes out of the corner of his eye.

“That won’t stop it.” He shouted at her as his magic hurled the bomb at the creature.

The bomb’s fuse was already lit as it collided with the monster's face and exploded on impact. A bright flash of fire and light was accompanied by a sound that vibrated the air. The monster roared in pain as the third eye was torn apart by the explosion as it pawed at its face in rage and pain as the embers of the bomb still burned. Oblivion set Quen into place as he knew that now the fight would begin in earnest. Sasa roared in reply to the monster's challenge as she squared up to face it as well.

“Same fight just be quick about it.” He advised the feline beside him.

She said nothing in reply as she moved off to the side to allow her to fight without getting under his hooves. The Fiend lowered its horns and charged the pair of them and Sasa leaped off to the side while Oblivion rolled to the side and got back to his hooves after a moment's delay. ‘Might avoid rolling for the next time.’ He managed to think to himself as he moved to chase the monster with Sasa. The Fiend came to a stop and started to spin to face them when Sasa leaped into its line of sight to keep its focus on her as it swung its arms to strike her.

“Get it Chosen!” She yelled to him as she dodged out from under the monster's claws.

He quickly knew what she was doing and he moved his blade into position as he came upon it. His hooves danced as he moved and his blade tore at the monster's hips and back. He called on the second blade as he moved and the Fiend lost focus on the cat and spun to face him. He deflected the claws with the second blade as he moved. He moved easily as Sasa tore at the monster's hide from behind it.

“Get its attention if you can.” He called out to her.

“Not sure I can.” She admitted as she leaped onto the monster's hip and dug her claws and then her front fangs into the monster's back.

The Fiend roared as it arched its back at the sudden weight and pain that came from the feline. Oblivion drove his one weapon into the monster's abdomen and his own claws cut into it as well. It roared again as it swung its arms down on the Elder Witcher and Quen exploded on impact. Oblivion back flipped to get distance and he readied his remaining sword as a scream sounded out behind him.

“What the?!” Sasa shouted in his mind.

Oblivion flicked an ear back to listen as the newly arrived pony screamed again as the monster caught sight of it. He took a chance and spun to look back. A young stallion in hiking gear stood twenty feet behind them. The black stallion said nothing as Sasa yowled a warning and he turned to look at the now charging Fiend. He thought about jumping out of the way when it lowered its horns. He spun on his heel and took off for the pony as he knew where the Fiend was going.

“Get him Chosen!” Sasa shouted. “It’s coming. It’s right on your tail!”

Oblivion dug his claws into the ground as he gained on the stunned pony. He reached him a bare second later and he put one foreleg up as he close-lined the pony and threw him off to the side. The Fiend charged behind him with Sasa on its heels, having removed her teeth from its body and jumped off its back. The pony remained where it had been thrown and the Fiend was now staring almost blankly at the fact that it had not gored the small pony or the charging stallion.

“Stay down!” Oblivion shouted and the pony remained hidden where he had been thrown.

Sasa said nothing as she leaped back into its immediate sight as Oblivion's magic gripped the blade in its back and twisted. It arched its back once more and Oblivion put the second blade into place, twisting it deeper into its body. The Fiend began to flag as its insides were torn and ripped within its body. The Fiend began to thrash wildly as it slowly died. Sasa leaped onto it once more and dug her front fangs into its body.

“Kill it Chosen!” She screeched at him as he pulled both weapons out of the monster's body.

He turned around and pulled up both his hind legs and bucked the monster to the ground as Sasa leaped clear. The monster fell to the ground and he leaped its body to bring his weapons down on the monster's head. He brought both weapons down and together they slowly began to cleave through the monster's thick neck. As he brought them down a third time a resounding crack went through the air as the monster fell to the ground, its head severed. Sasa panted off to the side of him as he pulled the twin blades from the ground and the monster's thick hide. A low breath escaped him as he closed his eyes to allow his body to start to come down from the fight. Behind him, he heard a sharp intake of breath. His ears flicked to listen behind him as the pony they had saved came forward.

“What in the hell is that thing?” He asked.

“It was a Fiend,” Oblivion said to him.

“Emphasis on the… Was.” Sasa said merrily as she began to lick her front fangs free of blood and gore.

“What was it doing here? I’ve never heard of such a monster.” The pony stammered.

Oblivion turned to look at the pony and was greeted with a pony that was a deep orange almost red in color with a blonde mane and tail. He said nothing for several seconds as he looked at the pony who occasionally shivered at the sight of the beheaded monster. Oblivion had to give him credit for not vomiting at the sight.

“It’s not common for the area. I have fought them before and this one had not gotten close enough to ponies to be considered an issue so it was not brought to my attention previously.”

“Why would you have been notified?”

“I am a Witcher and hunting monsters is what I am made for.” He replied easily.

“I’ve never heard of such a pony.” He said his eyes darting from the armed Witcher to the dead monster behind them. “But that being said I am glad to know about you now.”

Oblivion said nothing as he turned his head to look at the dead Fiend. His magic flared as he reached into the body and split it open to find the ingredients that were within the creature’s body. His magic searched easily for them as he instructed them what to look for. Sasa said nothing as he watched as a sphere of magic was removed from the body, blood dripping heavily from it as he sent the pieces to his saddlebags. A sound in front of him caught his attention as the pony was holding his breath as the color drained from his face.

“Oh no.” Sasa said as she went to the pony and shoved him toward the bushes.

Oblivion was not able to stop the perplexed look from crossing his face for a few moments as the sound of retching came to his ears. “Oh.” He said as the feline looked at him, her eyes narrowed.

“You’re one of the smartest ponies I know, but sometimes you’re an idiot.” She said to him.

He said nothing for a moment as the sounds faded, leaving only the sound of heavy panting. “I suppose I deserve that.”

She said nothing as she simply shook her head at him. The pony in the bushes said nothing as he gathered himself and Oblivion’s magic began to eat through the corpse. He tried to ensure that the smell did not make things worse and he created a wind to blow the smell in the opposite direction. By the time the pony came out of the bushes the body was gone and the short wind had been reduced to nothing. He wiped his mouth and looked shocked as a glass of water appeared in front of him.

“Thank you.” He said as he took the offered glass and washed his mouth out. When he finished the glass vanished with a small flash of magic.

Oblivion said nothing as Sasa shook her head again and he saw her look up at the heavens for a moment before she huffed a sigh. “Tell him you’re sorry about that.”

“Why?” She gave him a withering look and he managed not to roll his eyes. “My apologies for that.”

“It’s fine.” He quickly replied. “What were you doing anyway?”

“That Fiend has parts within it that I can use for other things.” He explained simply.

“Like what?” He asked as disgust rolled across his face.

“Potions, Decoctions, and a few different Sword oils.” He said.

“I’m going to assume those things are useful to you.” He said back as he looked at where the monster had once been. “What happened to it?”

“I destroyed the body.” The Elder Witcher explained. “Leaving it to the carrion birds is an option but I have found that destroying it is for the better if possible.”

“Okay.” He said as he shuffled his hooves for a moment. “So you were out here for what reason?”

Oblivion said nothing in reply as Sasa purred. “What do you tell him?”

“I am searching for an item that looks much like this,” Oblivion admitted as his magic showed off the two silver tubes that he had in his possession.


“They were placed by a Unicorn many years ago and I am trying to see what purpose they hold or what is at the end of the map they hold,” Oblivion explained. “I was drawn to this place by the map from this one.”

His magic unfurled the map and he held it up to allow the stallion to look at it. He held it in a way that the dot on the map showed easily through the magic he was holding it in.

“Oh. I think I know where that is.” He replied.

“Do you? I searched and all I found was the Fiend.” Oblivion admitted.

“There is a small old house that stands off in the woods. It’s not used anymore but there used to be an old mare that lived there. She died a few years back, her family chose not to keep the house and they gave it back to the Everfree. They all thought she was crazy for living in it anyway.” He explained.

“Can you lead me there?” Oblivion asked him.

“Sure. I can do that.” He said and held out his hoof. “I’m Dash.”

“Oblivion.” He replied and gripped the other ponies' hoof just firm enough to have a grip for a few moments before he released it.

“Follow me,” Dash said to him as he spun on his heel and broke into a trot to lead them in the opposite direction.

101: Treasure and a new Lesson

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Oblivion said nothing as he fell in behind the pony. Behind him, Sasa walked calmly and silence had fallen between the pair of them. He had not seen anything that warranted him asking about it beyond a basic request of their general direction. The pony with them was not incredibly talkative and that suited the Witcher just fine as he preferred silence if given the choice. He looked ahead of them and a vague shape began to form in the distance. He could see that it was the basic outline of a small home. It appeared to only be about half the size of the Apple Families' first floor if he was judging it correctly. If it had a basement then it might be larger underground but the home itself was very small.

“There it is,” Dash said over his shoulder as he pointed a hoof in the direction the Witcher was already looking. “You can kind of see it from here.”

“I can see it fine,” Oblivion assured him. “So it was occupied until a few years ago?”

“Right. It was an old mare that seemed to prefer the wilds over other ponies.” Dash replied with a shrug.

“I can see the appeal,” Oblivion said under his breath.


“Nothing.” Oblivion quickly replied.

“So you only came here because of that tiny slip of paper?” Dash inquired.

“Yes. I admit it seems foolish.”

“Not really. I come from a long line of outdoors ponies. We go where the feeling tells us and see what shakes loose.” He responded.


“Nice of him to admit he’s crazy enough to go into the Everfree.” Sasa pointed out with a laugh.

Oblivion looked over his shoulder at her for a moment as he gave a slight nod. “Is that what made you go into the Everfree?”

Dash jerked and looked over his shoulder with an uncomfortable look. “Kind of. I do it to get away from family.”

“Oh?” Sasa said as she moved to walk at his shoulder. “Usually ponies tend to stay with family so that’s odd.”

“I assume that there is a reason?” Oblivion asked. He did not really expect an answer but it seemed to be on the other stallion's mind so he asked.

Dash shrugged. “Normally my family is great but they are more invested in my future than I am.”

“Interesting.” Sasa said as she listened in.

“In what way?”

“They run the only factory in the area and it is assumed that I will be taking it over in a few years when they retire. I have no interest in it.” Dash explained.

“So it’s just you?”

“No I have a younger sister but my parents have decided she’s not responsible enough to handle it.”

“Is she?”

“No.” He said as they got closer to the house. “She wants it while I prefer the outdoors. I’m outside most of the day while my sister knows the business inside and out. I worked there when I was younger but had no aptitude for it.”

“What do they view as her place then?”

He gave a derisive snort. “They think she should be a mom and wife only.”

“Oh,” Oblivion replied. “I assume that she does not agree.”

“No,” Dash replied. “They’re a bit old-fashioned. They tried to get her to agree to it when she was younger and learn how to cook and clean but she was not interested. She knows how to do those things but is not going to do them for the rest of her life. I support her.”

“So you could agree to their terms so long as they give her half then?” Oblivion pointed out.

Dash stopped in his tracks and looked over his shoulder. “What?”

“If you truly have no desire to run it then inform them of that and ask that they give it to her. But if they balk at it have them split it down the middle or close to it. You have your half of it and she runs it while you do other things.”

“But if I am getting paid for her work that’s not fair.”

“Rent her the other half of the business,” Oblivion said to him and he saw Dash lean a bit into him as he spoke. “For example, you own the building and she rents it from you.”

“Oh, I see what you’re saying. That might be fairer.” Dash admitted.

“It’s a thought,” Oblivion said to him as he moved past the pony and he made the last few feet to the house in a few short strides.

Dash stayed behind him as he made for the front of the house. The walls were solid but grasses and other foliage were grown high around them. Oblivions horn lit as he found the front door, which was heavily overgrown. The azure flame went down the door, burning through anything on the door and then burning a path for the door to easily open. His ears flicked to listen and nothing moved or ran as he began to open the door. The inside was dark and the windows were blocked by foliage and had been left dark.

“Great. Creepy.” Sasa grumbled as she looked into the house with him.

“You’re surprised?” He teased. “You thought it would be move-in ready?”

“Very funny, Chosen.” Sasa replied.

He walked into the house as dust and dirt were kicked up by his hooves as he stepped inside. Each hoof step was punctuated by a small cloud of dust and dirt. His horn lit to light up the room they were in. The front room had crumbling furniture and what had been left behind after the mare's death was for the most part still there. Dash sneezed behind him as Oblivion looked over his shoulder to see him for a moment.

“They really did just abandon it.” He commented.

“Looks that way.” Oblivion agreed. “So they took only a few things or just left it all behind?”

“From what I heard they took a few things but for the most part, it was all abandoned and left to rot,” Dash replied. “But it looks like they left most everything big behind.”

“So it seems.”

“So now we look around for a silver tube.” Sasa said to him as she moved into the room. “How hard can it be?”

“I can hear the derision in your tone,” Oblivion said to her.

“Are you really talking to the cat?” Dash asked him. “I mean if you are that’s okay, I mean everyone has their thing.”

“She does speak back despite being mute in voice,” Oblivion replied.


“Yeah. I am connected to her through a mental connection so I can hear her thoughts if she wishes me to.” Oblivion explained.

“Oh. So your not a crazy cat pony?”

“Haha!” Sasa barked out a throaty noise in laughter as she shook her head.

“No,” Oblivion responded.

“Sorry,” Dash said to him. “So you’re looking for a small silver thing?”


“Okay. Do you need help?”

“You can if you wish,” Oblivion said to him as his horn grew bright, lighting up more of the front room.

Dash moved into the room with them and began to look through the windows. “Do you think she had it and the family took it?”

“If they took it I will be most upset,” Oblivion said to him.

“I have to ask. Do you deliberately have no expression? Since I haven’t seen you even look upset in that fight.”

“I don’t have the emotions for it, so no,” Oblivion said as his magic began to pull up the cushions and sections of the furniture.

“Oh. So you’re just like that naturally?”

“No. I was made to be like this.” Oblivion replied easily as he put the cushions aside and began to yank open the couch itself, searching the furniture’s innards for the tube.

“Got it.”

Silence went through the room as Sasa moved into the kitchen and vanished around the corner while the two stallions remained in the front room. The couch proved to have nothing hidden within it and he set the remnants off to the side to be ignored now that they had been searched. Dash looked at the remains of the couch and then looked at the chair that the black Unicorn was targeting now.

Oblivion went through the last room in the house and nothing had been found from within any of the furniture or the fixtures in the kitchen or bathrooms. The Witcher sighed in aggravation as he took the weight off his left hind leg and cocked his hip. His ears flicked to listen as Dash and Sasa both came down the hallway toward him. He said nothing as his eyes scanned the walls around the room. He said nothing as Dash came into the room and he could see the look of surprise as the Earth Pony beheld the wreckage of the furniture in the room.

“Well, I guess it’s not here.” He said, breaking the silence.

“Perhaps not,” Oblivion replied, his tone resigned.

“How long did it take us to go through the house?” Sasa asked.

“About two hours.” He replied as he looked at her as she drew up next to him.

“So a waste of time. That’s two hours of our lives we will never get back.” She complained.

“Hmm.” He groaned in reply to her observation as he spun on his heel and made for the doorway.

Dash stepped out of his way and fell in behind him as he made for the front room. AS he gained entry into the front room he could see the remnants of the furniture and pieces of the walls were flaking as he bumped into the wall. The house creaked as he stopped in his place. Dash yelped as he ran into the Witchers flanks.

“Sorry.” He quickly apologized as the Witcher began to look at the walls around him. “What?”

“There is more to look through,” Oblivion said to him.

“What? No there isn’t.” He argued. “We went through everywhere in this tiny house and nothing.”

“What about the walls?”

“You’re kidding? Surely you’re kidding.” Dash said to him as Sasa chuffed quietly next to him. “He’s kidding?” He asked as he looked at the feline who looked at him and shook her head. “Oh, my Goddess.”

Oblivion’s horn lit as his azure aura covered one of the walls and he yanked the drywall from the wall and it fell to the floor. Behind him, he heard Dash groan and Sasa chuckled through their connection. Oblivion began to dismantle the walls around them and he paused as minutes ticked past him. Sasa bumped his hip as nothing fell from the walls.

“Do we need to do this the slow way?” She asked.

“You can think of a faster way?” He asked her as he let his horn go dormant.

“Well you have more than enough power to hold the entire house in your aura. Do you think you could lift it and dismantle it entirely?” She questioned.

He said nothing as he considered what she had said. “That is… very possible.” He admitted as he made for the door. “Come on.” He said to Dash who fell in behind him.

“Changed your mind?” Dash asked as he followed behind him, making sure to keep a fair distance from him this time.

“No. Just my method.” He informed him.

“Oh no.” He groaned as he watched the Unicorn. “So what are you going to do outside?”

“Pick the entire building gup and dismantle it and see what falls out,” Oblivion explained.

“Oh is that all?” Dash said to him, his tone merry. “Wait what? You can do that?”

“I would not have mentioned it if I was unable to accomplish it.” Oblivion pointed out. “Back up unless you want to get hit by the pieces.”

Dash looked alarmed as he made to jump to land behind the Witcher and the feline. Sasa purred loudly as the Witcher summoned his magic to grip the entire house. Azure flame covered the house and it began to shake as he lifted it from its foundation. Dash’s eyes went wide as he stared at the now hovering house.

“Oh by Celestia.” He muttered.

Sasa said nothing to distract him and she cast a glance at the stunned pony, silencing him with a look. The house began to be slowly pulled apart and its pieces scanned for anything silver by the sharp eyes of the Elder Witcher. Oblivion fully expected something to shake loose from the now floating house as he slowly ripped it apart. The stallion said nothing as pieces were cast aside and as the Unicorn went through the house. Siding and wood were cast aside as the outside gave way to the Witcher's magic.

“Go slowly Chosen.” Sasa encouraged.


Oblivion said nothing as the final pieces of the house were cast aside. He remained silent as the last piece fell into the pile he had created. His magic faded out and his horn fell dormant as nothing seemed to have shaken loose of the house.

“Anything?” Dash asked.

“No,” Oblivion replied.

“Great. So that was worthless.” Dash grumbled. “Now how are we going to explain to people what happened to the house?”

“It was abandoned correct?” Dash nodded. “Then no pony should care.”

“They will still question what happened to it,” Dash argued.

“So tell them what happened,” Oblivion argued in reply.

“Ugh.” Dash groaned as Oblivion left him where he was standing.

The Witcher approached the blank space where the house had once been to find the dirt foundation. He snorted as he began to turn to walk away when something caught his eye. A strange mound in the foundation had him pausing before he walked away. His magic lashed out as he reached for the dirt and it was shoveled away from the mound leveling it out to reveal a small box. Oblivion walked to the cleared area and his claws gripped the box he opened it carefully to reveal the cylinder they had been searching for. He said nothing as Sasa chuckled in the back of his mind.

“Find anything?” She asked.

“I found what we were looking for.” He said back to her.

“Finally.” She crowed and he looked back to see her get to her paws.

“Anything?” Dash asked.

“Found it.” He said as he held the cylinder in his claws.

“Oh thank Celestia.” Dash cheered and a wide smile went over his muzzle.

Oblivion trotted the last few feet to rejoin the pair and Dash looked down at his hoof and his eyes went wide at the claws that spread to reveal the silver cylinder. He looked at the Witcher's blank expression and seemed to choose to remain silent about the claws that he was staring at. Oblivion said nothing in response to his silent look and Sasa chuckled at the pair of them. His magic lashed out and gripped the cylinder and unfolded the map piece that it held within. He held it up to allow him to backlight it with his magic and the dark lines of the writing faded leaving the older writing and the map details behind.

“Beautifully done Chosen.” Sasa praised as she looked down at the map piece.

“Was that really all that you were looking for?” Dash asked him after a moment.


“And we destroyed an entire house to find it buried in the dirt under the house.”

“Yes,” Oblivion said again.

“Right… So what is the purpose behind this little thing? Is it a treasure map?”

“I have no idea,” Oblivion replied as he let the map piece roll back into the tube.

Dash stared at him for several seconds before he blinked in disbelief. “Oh for the love of... You have no idea what they are leading you to?”

“No idea,” Oblivion replied blandly. “All I know is that the pieces lead to each other. I would imagine that once they are put together that they will add up to something else to find. If my experience with maps and treasures is correct.”

“Well… I hope you find the rest.” Dash said after a few seconds delay as he shook his head. “Well, I guess this is where we part ways.”

“Thank you again for leading me to the house,” Oblivion said to him.

“You would have found it one way or the other,” Dash said with a chuckle. “If you can fight a monster like what I saw then you can do almost anything.”

“I appreciate the vote of confidence,” Oblivion said back to him. “What will you do now?”

“Now? I’m going to go home and work out how to get what I want with the world and work with my sister versus working against her. She wants the business and I want to be free of it. So between the two of us, we should be able to figure out to get what we want and work with what we get.”

“Good luck with your endeavors,” Oblivion replied to him as he held out his hoof.

Dash gave a wide smile as he shook the pony's hoof. “Thanks. Good luck to you two as well.”

Dash turned to leave the pair of them behind as Oblivion's horn began to light as a tremor went through him. He blinked as an upset of some size caught his attention. Normally he would have not been as surprised by the feeling but it was striking close to home. Sasa looked at him as his horn went dormant.


“Something is wrong with one of the mares.”

“Oh? Which one?”

“I’m not sure.”

He went quiet as he reached out to the group of them and found that Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie seemed to be having a crisis. His horn lit as he teleported himself to within a few feet of the mares that he had focused on. He opened his eyes to find Rarity and Pinkie seeming to be confronting Fluttershy about something. He walked a few feet forward as he summoned Sasa to his side.

“What happened to nice Fluttershy? We want that Fluttershy back.” Rarity said to the butter yellow mare.

A sour look grew on Fluttershy’s face as she looked at the other mares. “No, you want wimp Fluttershy. You want pushover Fluttershy. You want do-anything-to-her-and-she-won't-complain Fluttershy!”

Oblivion blinked at the cruel tone of her voice as she spoke. He said nothing for several seconds as Pinkie put her hooves to her head. “Too many Fluttershy’s to keep track of. Make it stop!”

“Things getting too complicated for your simple little brain. Pinkie Pie?” Fluttershy sneered.

Oblivion felt his eyes go a bit wide at her wording. “That was out of line.” He said to the three of them as Rarity opened her mouth to speak.

The three of them turned to look at the black stallion as he took a few more steps to be to the side of the group of them. Sasa sat down at his side as she gave a low noise in her throat at the enraged mare.

“He’s right. Let’s not devolve into petty insults.” Rarity agreed.

“Why not? I thought petty was what your all about, Rarity. With your petty concerns about fashion.” Fluttershy said to her.

Rarity’s eyes went wide as Oblivion stared at the mare as Pinkie took a step forward. “Hey leave her alone. Fashion is her passion in life.”

“Oh, and what are you passionate about? Birthday cake? Party hats? I can't believe that the two most frivolous ponies in Ponyville are trying to tell new Fluttershy how to live her life when they are throwing their own lives away on pointless pursuits that nopony else gives a flying feather about!” Fluttershy shouted the last part as she stared the three of them down.

“Fluttershy, I think you have made your point,” Oblivion said to her, his tone deliberately bland.

“And who are you to tell New Fluttershy when she is done? You're too busy telling everypony what to do and how to act just because you’re some fancy monster hunter that nopony cares about. Nopony cares about what you have to tell them anymore when all you do is show them how strong you are and how they can’t measure up to you.” Fluttershy snarled at him.

Oblivion felt something stir as she tried to hurt him in response to his words. Sasa stood up and snarled at the mare who was now looking at the cat in anger as well.

“What are you going to do Sasa? You can’t do anything without him around to help you. Even when he was gone you were next to useless when it came to finding him. You can’t even fight off some tiny monster without his magic coming to save you.” Fluttershy yelled at the feline.

Sasa’s eyes went wide as she regarded the Pegasus mare. She said nothing and Oblivion looked down at her as she blinked. Rarity and Pinkie were now in tears as Sasa whirled on her heels and fled the mare. Oblivion said nothing to her as the white and pink mares fell in behind the fleeing feline. Oblivion sighed as he heard a whimpered cry come to him through his connection to the feline. He leveled a look at the offending mare as she held her head up higher as watched them run away sobbing.

“Are you pleased with yourself?” He asked her and she blinked at him. “I do not know what has caused this but look at yourself in a mirror and see what looks back at you. Each of them is concerned for you due to the drastic change in your demeanor. You have become a pony that they do not recognize or like.” He growled at her as he turned on his heel and broke into a gallop to catch up with the group of them.

Oblivion looked across his room to see Sasa lying on his bed with her head facing the window. She had refused to speak when he had rejoined them, Rarity and Pinkie had explained what had been happening while he was gone for the day. Sasa would occasionally look back at him and all he could see was pain and sadness in the cat’s demeanor and spirit. He did not know what he could say to her to get her to brighten up but he knew that allowing her to wallow was not going to be of help to her in the long run.

“Sasa?” She said nothing and simply flicked an ear back to listen to him. “You know that what she said was simply meant to cause you pain and she does not know of your abilities.”

Sasa whipped her head around to look at him and her glare grew in intensity until he sighed in reply to her. He was wondering if she would speak when she simply whimpered and stood on the bed and jumped to bury her face in his chest. He ran his claws through her fur as she whimpered and cried in his mind. He had never been very good at dealing with crying females of any type. He was aware that she needed comfort and he knew that she was looking for it from him. He ran his claws through her fur and sighed.

“You are far more than what she thinks of you.” He said quietly to her. “Your abilities go beyond what they know and her being nasty to you does not change that I would not charge into battle with anypony else at my side.”

She pushed against him as he spoke and he heard her sniffle in his mind. “What if she was right though? Sasa cried. “I can’t do anything without you.”

“You can.” He assured her. “You are more than capable of tending to things without my interference. You may not be able to use the fullest of your powers without my magic… Let me finish.” He said as she looked up at him, her eyes imploring. “You are more than capable of using other skills that do not require me to protect others. I assume that she is talking about the Nekker that you battled while I was gone?”

Sasa nodded, put her head back against his chest, and huddled against him as his claws worked through her fur. “That was one small battle. You were held back by many things in that small clearing if what I heard from Twilight was correct. The area was small and you were still able to protect them. The fact that you jumped into battle for each of them shows your courage.” He said to her and she flicked her ears to show she was listening. “Courage shows itself in many ways. You were willing to put yourself at risk to protect what you held dear.”

“You would have never forgiven me if they got hurt.” She cried.

“That does not matter in the long run. You still waded into a fight you could lose to protect and guard those with you. Immortality aside you still waded into it without considering the consequences that could befall you, correct?”

She pulled back from him slightly and finally nodded after a delay. “They needed me.” She whispered.

He gave a slight breath and put his hooves under her head to force her to look at him. “She needs us now.” He said to her. “I know the last thing you want to do is see the one that was so willing to hurt you but she needs those of us to rally around her now.”

Sasa stared at him for several seconds before she sighed and nodded. “Your right Chosen. She was manipulated into acting the way she is and it is not fair to blame her for what has been said.”

“Consider what we know of her and consider how she will act once she realizes how she has acted.”

“She will be upset.” Sasa whispered. “I can’t allow her to cry despite what was said to me.”

“Despite your own pain you are still greater than most and can forgive her in time.” He said to her as he released her head and let her look away from him. “Shall we?”

“Yes.” She said back to him as she got to her paws and backed up to allow him to move past her.

Oblivion looked up as a pair of spirits he was familiar with loomed up ahead of him as he and Sasa trotted down the road. He could see Rarity and Pinkie ahead of him and he said nothing as they drew up closer to them. He gave a shrill whistle to gain their attention and the pair of them stopped and whirled to look. He could see their spirits brighten at the sight of him and Sasa. They waited for them to reach them before they turned to continue down the street.

“Hello, Sasa. Oblivion dear.” Rarity said to him as she gave him a slight smile.

“Morning.” He said in reply. “How are you this morning?”

“Well, I would be lying if I said that I was not affected by the words that had been spoken yesterday.” She said with a sad look. “But Fluttershy will need her friends so we owe it to her not to fail her.”

“Yeah. What she said. Fluttershy will be super sad when she realizes just how much she has hurt other ponies.” Pinkie said in reply.

“I agree,” Oblivion said to them as Sasa nodded slowly at his side.

“Are you all right Sasa my dear?” Rarity asked the feline who turned to look at the white mare.

Sasa said nothing for several seconds before she gave a toothy half grin and nodded. “I will be fine.”

Oblivion spoke for her and said nothing of how upset the feline had been previously. “So what is the plan? Or is there one?”

“We really do not have a plan.” Rarity admitted. “What do you sense from her? I know you can check in on each of us if you are inclined.”

“From what I can tell she is very upset and seems withdrawn. If that helps.” Oblivion related to her.

“Hmm.” Rarity made a noise in reply as Pinkie tried to smile at the information. “So I suppose we should just let her know that we have come to help her and not upset her further.”

“That is an option,” Oblivion replied. “So what do we do with the one who did this to her?”

“I am not sure we can do anything with him.” Rarity said. “He is a brute of a minotaur that teaches ponies how to be bullies in my opinion.”

“A minotaur?” Oblivion asked as he looked at the mare. “What in the Realms is a minotaur?”

“He is half bull and walks on two legs.” She informed him.

“Interesting,” Oblivion responded. “I have to admit I have never seen anything like that in my travels."

“First time for everything.” Pinkie chirped.

“So what are you going to tell her?” Oblivion asked.

“We need her to know that we are not angry with her after what she said yesterday.” Rarity said to him. “If she is as upset as you say she is then she needs us.”

Oblivion didn’t say anything as they made their way toward the Pegasus mare’s cottage. It loomed ahead of them and Oblivion could see her Spirit inside the building with several smaller lights that he took to be the animals she surrounded herself with. Sasa plodded silently behind him as the three ponies walked ahead of her. Oblivion looked back at her for a moment before her eyes focused on him for a moment before she looked away from him. They reached the front door and rarity cleared her throat and gently knocked her hoof on the front door. Oblivion could see her shift and her spirit seemed to focus on the front door.

“Fluttershy are you in there?” Rarity asked, her voice quiet.

“She’s in there,” Oblivion informed her.

“It’s all three of us... I mean four of us.” Pinkie said to her through the door.

“Go away! Leave before nasty Fluttershy comes out again.” The butter yellow mare called out.

“Oh sweetie we all said things we regret.” Rarity said to her, trying to reassure her.

“We did?” Pinkie asked and Oblivion stared at the white mare for a moment.

“No we didn’t.” Sasa growled.

Oblivion said nothing back to her as she growled quietly. He could see the mare inside trying to hide away from them.

“Pinkie is right. I’m the only one to blame. But you don’t have to worry. I’m never coming out of my house again. Everypony will be a lot safer with me and my mean mouth locked away.” Fluttershy informed them.

“Sweetie. We don’t blame you. Pinkie Pie doesn't blame you, nor do I. Oblivion and Sasa are here too and they are here to help. You just received some bad advice from that Iron Will character.” Rarity said to her through the door.

Pinkie bounced on her hooves for a moment before she spoke. “Yeah! He's the one that made you act super-duper nasty. What I mean is, there are other ways to assert yourself besides yelling at everypony.”

“You can be assertive without being cruel to those around you,” Oblivion said to her.

“I’m not sure I can. I'm too far gone. Whenever I try to assert myself, I become a monster”.” Fluttershy cried back to him.

“Oh, sweetie. You’re not a monster.” Rarity tried to assure her.

Oblivion looked back as the sound of hooves caught his focus. He looked back as a couple of goats and a creature came into view. Oblivion said nothing as the Minotaur came into view and his eyes focused on the black Unicorn as the Witcher turned to face him. Oblivion walked down the small path and blocked him from approaching the cottage. The creature stopped in front of him and Sasa came to stand beside the Witcher to stare at the Minotaur in front of them.

“Word on the street is that Fluttershy doesn't take no guff from nopony! So, Iron Will is here to collect Iron Will's fee.” The monster shouted out.

Oblivion said nothing to him for a moment as the creature tried to move past him and Oblivion simply blocked him by moving with him. Rarity and Pinkie stayed by the cottage front door and allowed the Witcher to handle the Minotaur. The creature suddenly smiled and looked at the black pony in front of him.

"When somepony tries to block, show them that you rock!" He cried out as he reached for the Unicorn.

Oblivion dodged under his arms and his body spun underneath his grip, allowing him to come up just out of reach of the Minotaur. Sasa growled and her hackles rose as she watched them. Iron Will stared at him as surprise filtered across his features. Oblivion said nothing for several seconds before he looked over his shoulder at the cottage.

“There are many ways to be assertive. You can shout and scream and that will leave others more than intimidated by you. But assertiveness can be used in a way that will teach yourself to be prepared for what others bring in front of you.” Oblivion said as he looked back to the still stunned Minotaur in front of him. “Throwing your weight around works well for monsters and beasts but it is not designed to be used on those who are your equals.”

Iron Will opened his mouth to speak as the front door of the cottage opened to reveal Fluttershy. The Minotaur tried to push past the Unicorn and Oblivion slid to stay in front of him. Fluttershy watched the Minotaur from her place as Oblivion looked back to see her face was serene and calm. He narrowed his eyes for a moment before Iron Will put a hoof on him and tried to throw him out of the way. Oblivion centered his weight and altered his stance slightly and that allowed him to maintain his stance.

“You were nothing but a doormat, and Iron Will turned you into a lean, mean, assertive machine! Now, pay Iron Will what you owe Iron Will!” The creature shouted.

Fluttershy walked down to where the Witcher had kept the Minotaur from approaching her and she came to stand beside him. “Umm… No.”

Iron Will’s eyes went wide as the two goats bleated loudly in surprise. Oblivion felt one side of his mouth quirk slightly as she spoke softly.

“Ooohhh, I'd hate to be you right now, because Iron Will is gonna rain down a world of hurt unless Iron Will gets his money pronto!” The Minotaur growled as he put his hooves together.

“As I recall, during your workshop you promised one hundred percent satisfaction guaranteed, or you pay nothing. Well, I'm not satisfied.” Fluttershy informed him, her tone gentle.

Fluttershy stood firm and Iron Will's jaw dropped open for several seconds before he responded to her. “What do you mean? Everypony is always satisfied.”

Fluttershy raised her chin up and addressed him gently. “Well, I guess I'm the first then. But since I'm not satisfied, I refuse to pay. It's as simple as that.”

“Ohh, are you... sure you're not just a little bit satisfied? B-because maybe... we could cut a deal. I-I mean we're both reasonable creatures, aren't we?” Iron Will tried to bargain with the gently adamant mare.

“I’m sorry, but no means no.” Fluttershy addressed him calmly.

“No means no, huh? Nopony's ever said that to me before. Huh... I gotta remember that one. That's a good catchphrase for my next workshop.” Iron Will said softly as he turned to leave them behind.

Oblivion gave a low chuckle as the three creatures walked away. He looked down at the mare as she looked up at him. “Well done.” He said to her.

“Thank you.” She responded.

“You were amazing Fluttershy. You totally stood up to that monster!” Pinkie crowed in delight.

“In fact, you didn't change at all! You were the same old Fluttershy that we've always loved!” Rarity praised as she joined them.

“Don't worry, old Fluttershy's back for good. I'm sorry I took the whole assertiveness thing too far.” She said with a smile as she looked at each of them.

The mare’s smile faltered as she saw Sasa standing on the other side of the black Unicorn. Sasa was staring at the road that led away from them. Sasa remained silent as Fluttershy watched the feline closely. He saw her look up at him and he moved away from the feline to allow the mare to approach her. Fluttershy walked slowly up to the side of the feline and he heard her give a quiet gulp.

“Sasa?” She said to the cat, her voice quieter than usual as she addressed her.

Sasa said nothing and Fluttershy looked at him and he shook his head to show that she had not said anything to him. Fluttershy cringed and looked back at the cat. She sighed gently and he heard her breathe in and hold a breath for a moment before she spoke further.

“Sasa?” She repeated. “I am so sorry for what I said to you. It was wrong and you didn’t deserve it. You have always done what is right for all of us and you never back down from a fight to protect us. I was wrong when I said you were useless without Oblivion. I was wrong about that and I will keep telling you how sorry I am until you decide to forgive me.”

Fluttershy hung her head as the cat remained silent and stared down the road. Sasa looked away from the road and up to him for a moment as he gave her a slight nod. The Tiger heaved a deep sigh, shifted her body to be in front of the mare, and sat down heavily. She looked at the stallion one more and Oblivion gave another nod as he realized what she wanted. His magic flowed over the feline as she looked at the saddened mare.

“Fluttershy.” Sasa spoke her name and the mare's head came up at the sound of the cat’s voice. “What you said was cruel and hurtful. You knew what to say to make it hurt the most.”

Fluttershy cringed at every word from the Spectral Tiger. “I know.” She whispered.

“And I know that you had been influenced by a force that made you think he was helping you. You were a victim as well in this situation. I blamed you for what you said and I felt as though you did not value what I have given and said in our time together.” Sasa went on. “You hurt me deeply and in the end, you were able to stand up for yourself in a way that did not hurt anypony. I sincerely hope you have learned a valuable lesson from this.”

Fluttershy nodded as tears brimmed in her eyes as Sasa spoke to her. “I am so sorry.”

“I know you are.” Sasa said to her. “And for that, I have chosen to forgive you for your words. While what you said hurt me deeply I will forgive you for your words. You are and always will be a dear friend to me and mine.”

Fluttershy sniffled as Sasa reached out and nuzzled her cheek gently. Fluttershy moved to hug the cat as the azure flames faded and vanished. Sasa put a paw on her back as the mare hugged her tightly. A rumbling purr pulled from the feline as she nuzzled the sniffling mare. Oblivion gave a low sigh and said nothing in response to what had been said to the mare and those around her.

102: A New Contract to Follow

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Oblivion said nothing as he stared at Twilight. She was now looking back at him as he debated whether she had actively lost her mind. Sasa was just as silent as she sat beside him having listened to the Unicorn's explanation.

“So we all need to help out Oblivion.” She said to him as she jumped off the dais and came to stand in front of him.

He managed not to ask her about her mental status and instead simply gave a slow nod. “And how do you propose I do that?”

Sasa barked out a laugh and fell to the ground with her paws over her face to allow herself to laugh. “HAHA!! Baby-proofing the world! And she is asking you to do that. You will be alerted to an issue long before she will be!” Sasa shouted to him.

Twilight looked down at the laughing feline and her eyes fell on him. “What did she say? I know she said something.”

He debated on being truthful with her or if lying was the better part of valor in this case. “She is… asking how to ensure that we do not create a larger problem.”

Twilight looked down at the cat. “No, she didn’t, she’s laughing!”

Oblivion reached out, and gave the feline a somewhat gentle kick to the back end, she snuffed her laughter and sat up to look at the mare. Sasa blinked as she snickered in his mind and he managed not to kick her again as Twilight looked expectantly at him. He latched onto something the cat had said and chose to use that to get the mare to stop staring at him.

“She was laughing about how you are trying to baby-proof a country.” He said to her.

“Baby proof?” Twilight asked the cat who nodded in reply. “I am not trying to… Well… Maybe a little bit. It’s just trying to avoid disaster before it happens.”

“Disasters are relative. It might not be as bad as you are convinced it will be.” He countered.

“My future self looked awful. She was in horrible condition and we need to prevent it from happening. She looked like has been through a terrible ordeal.”

“How do you figure?” He asked.

“I just have a feeling that we should be looking for something big to happen soon.” She explained.

Oblivion said nothing as she turned to look as ponies ran in every direction to accomplish things that could cause issues in the future. He managed not to heave a deep sigh and simply shook his head as the purple mare trotted away from him.

Sasa looked around her as bolts and other items were tightened and fixed. “Well the town will be in the best shape it has ever been in after this.”


Oblivion walked into town to see Twilight looking even more upset than she had in the last few days. “Twilight.”

She spun to look at him and he saw the cut to her cheek. “Hi.”

“Are you okay?” He asked her.

“We haven’t prevented anything yet. This still happened!” She said as she pointed to the cut on her cheek.

“What about it?” He asked her as he stopped beside her.

“This was on Future Twilight's cheek. We haven’t prevented anything. I was sure that Cerberus coming here was a disaster. But it wasn’t.”


“The three-headed dog that guards the entrance and exit to Tartarus.” She explained and he stared at her for a moment. “I took him back yesterday so no one from that prison escaped.”


Sasa huffed and leaned her head against his shoulder to allow her to share the information she had about it with him and he nodded. “There ya go.” She said to him.

“Never mind.” He said to her and Twilight nodded absently.

“So we still need to figure out what the disaster is.” Twilight lamented to him.

“Do you want me to fix that?” He asked her, hoping to ground her before she spiraled further.

“Huh? She looked at him and he pointed to her cheek. “Oh no, it’ll heal just fine.”

He shook his head as she moved away from him with a flick of her tail. He looked down at Sasa who shrugged and shook her head.

“I think she’s working herself up over nothing.” She said to him.

“What's new?” He agreed.

“Fair point.” Sasa chuckled in reply.

He said nothing further as he moved into town to get his errands done when a flash of magic went through him and a letter appeared in his magic. Sasa looked at it as he unfurled the scroll and began to read through it.

“Who’s it from?”


“What does she need?”

“Apparently something has come up and she needs my opinion.”

“Oh. I hate it when she doesn’t bother to tell us exactly what she needs.” Sasa admitted with a huff.

“We will soon find out. I’ll ask her if we are needed now or if we can put it off till later tonight.”

“Hopefully later. We have this to finish then we can go.” Sasa pointed out.

He sent the scroll back to her and went on walking toward the business district of town. He didn’t receive a reply so he assumed that later was fine and he would join her in an hour or so when he was done.

His magic faded as he stood in the menagerie. He summoned Sasa and she appeared at his side with a loud purr. His hooves were silent as he walked up the steps and into the castle. By this time he knew the way to the throne room by heart and the guards outside of it opened the door on reflex, choosing not to argue with him or the feline with him. At the end of the red carpet, Celestia waited for them and a gentle smile went over her muzzle as they stopped by the bottom of the throne.

“Good evening Witcher.” She greeted.

“Celestia. What can we do for you?” He asked her as Sasa purred.

“I have heard rumors of a new creature that ponies cannot identify. I am not sure what it could be but if I have learned anything it’s to find others who know more than I do and find experts on topics that I myself am uneducated in. So I will ask the only Witcher in Equestria what kind of creature we might be dealing with.” She explained to him as her magic picked up a scroll from a nearby table and it hovered close to him.

Oblivion took the scroll from her and began to read through what it said. He narrowed his eyes for a moment as he began to try to piece together the explanation of what was written on the paper. He looked away from the scroll and his eyes closed for a moment as he pictured what had been described. His eyes opened wide and for a moment he had to reread what had been written.

“Can’t be.” He muttered as he let the scroll lower in his magic.

“Witcher?” Celestia asked as he looked a bit shocked.

“Chosen?” Sasa questioned.

“If this is right then you have a Giant on your hooves.” He said to her. “And not just any giant but an Ice Giant.”

“I have never seen or heard of such things outside of legends and stories,” Celestia said to him. “Have you come across them?”

“Not personally.” He admitted. “A fellow Witcher has and he described the fight to me. So I am aware of how to fight them but have not done it myself.”

She looked nervously at him for a moment before she took the description from him and set it aside. “How often have you seen these monsters?”

“I have never seen one myself as I said. But they are a rare breed and I have only heard of the Wolf School coming across one maybe twice, three times max.”

“How difficult are they to fight?”

“They're easily twenty-five tall so they have the size and some agility on them which makes the fight more than a bit difficult. Are they impossible to fight…? No. The fight is a bit on the longer side but not as difficult as some.”

“Can I enter into a new contract with you to investigate the chance that my ponies have been disturbed by an Ice Giant?” She asked and he nodded. “What would the cost of an Ice Giant be?”

He said nothing for a moment as he considered how an Ice Giant compared to an Ancient Leshen or any of the others that he had fought. He knew that the price of a Leshen was less than a Giant would be. Sasa purred as Celestia waited patiently for him to think it over. He sighed as he settled on a number and his orange eyes fell on the waiting Alicorn.

“Thirty thousand.” He said to her.

“Fifteen if there is no Giant.” She said back to him.

“That’s a bit much for a missed creature.” He admitted to her.

“I know but it seems fair for you to investigate a rather large area and take the time to do so.” She argued gently with him as she gave a quiet sigh and smiled brightly at him. “Ten then.”

He thought about arguing further but chose to fall silent and let Alicorn win this fight. “Very well.”

“Thank you. I want my pony's safe Witcher. I trust that a Giant eats herbs?”

“No.” Oblivion barked a laugh. “They eat anything. They are particularly fond of meat. Especially pony.”

Her eyes went wide as she opened a large map and her magic illuminated where it had been spotted. “I would hope that you would be swift about this?”

“I can be.” He said back to her. “I have this weekend off from my day job so I can do this easily enough. I’ll pull my team from their regular work and have them go with me. I might need them in a way to work the monster.”

“They are yours and are at your disposal.” She agreed. “Please be careful as well.”

“I will.” He assured her and spun on his heel to leave.

Sasa ran to catch up with him as he left the room and headed for the training area, hoping to catch Shining or one of his team in there. He came into the military sector of the castle and found no hint of Shining Armor but a mare did catch his attention. He looked closely at her from afar and he could see the tall horn with pink and purple wings that showed on her sides. He had not heard of a third Alicorn but here she was in front of him. He watched as she suddenly seemed to tremble and she began to look around her for something that seemed to upset her.

“Oh it’s Cadance.” Sasa said to him. “She’s Celestia’s adopted niece.”

“Oh, so you know her.” He replied to Sasa who nodded.

“I have never met her personally but I have seen her a few times when she was in the menagerie.” Sasa explained further. “Her full name is Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, but she goes by Princess Cadance.”

“I see. Why would she be here?”

“I am not sure.” Sasa replied. “But she seems to be looking for somepony.”

He said nothing and decided not to approach her as her eyes fell on him. She stared at him for several seconds as a tremble went through her. She stared at him and he watched as she took a step back from him and her eyes wavered at him before she turned to flee from him. He said nothing to her as she vanished from sight. He watched as she fled and he had to wonder why she had run from him but at the same time he had a task to accomplish and her feelings mattered very little to him.

“That was odd.” Sasa commented and he gave a slight nod. “Normally she is pretty friendly, from what I know of her.”

“Maybe a Witcher is more than she wants to deal with.” He replied as he began to look around the yard for one of his team. “What is she the Princess of?”

What makes you think she is the Princess of anything?”

He glanced sideways and down at her for a moment before she chuckled.

“Princess of Love.” She replied.

He looked at her for several seconds before he closed his eyes and shook his head before deciding to let that title roll over his back and into the back of his mind. He moved into the training yard and began to look around them to find any trace of his team. A shadow fell over his back and he looked up to see Striker flying in from what he assumed was a patrol through the city. Sasa spotted him and a roar pulled from her to get his attention. Striker yelped along with most of the yard at the sound and he spun to look around him while most had simply frozen in place.

“Oh, hi Sasa.” He said to her once he spotted her bright coat. “Captain!” He called out and saluted.

Oblivion managed not to groan at the title as he motioned for the Pegasus to come to him. “Where are the others?”

“Vantage and Cross should be in the castle sleeping or doing anything except staying out of the sun. Silver is in the castle somewhere, while Soarin should be at the Wonderbolt's training area.” Striker relayed to him. “Should I get them?”

“Yes,” Oblivion said to him. “Point me to Soarin since I am certain that they will not let you pull him from training.”

“Oh, it’s that way through that back door and straight ahead. You’ll see the arena they use right when you leave the hallway.” Striker informed him.

“Meet me there after you get the others and finish packing what you need,” Oblivion said as he made for the arched breezeway to lead him away from the training sector for the guards.

Sasa remained at his side as they approached the inner training ground for the Wonderbolts. His hooves were silent on the grass as he looked up to see several ponies in the air. He scanned them to find that none of them was the pony he was looking for, their spirits were different. He looked out over the grounds and he could see Soarin with a few other ponies as he moved toward them. Sasa rumbled a warning to him as a pony approached him. He recognized her as Spitfire, the lead pony for the team.

“Can we help you?” She asked, her tone defiant.

He said nothing for a moment before he gave a shrill whistle that rang through the air and got the attention of the other ponies in the area. Soarin turned and his eyes fell on the black stallion and he broke into a trot to join him.

“I came for him.” He informed her. “I need him for the weekend.”

“This weekend?” She asked him and he nodded. “But we have a performance, you can’t have him this weekend.”

“As a part of the agreement for having him on my team, he is at my disposal whenever I deem he is needed. I have a monster that I may need him to find and fight. So I need him more than you do.”

She scowled at him and her eyes felon Soarin as he reached them and he saluted the black Unicorn. “Sir?”

We will be heading out in a few minutes. Celestia has taken a contract with me to search for and if needed destroy a possible monster. So I am calling on you for this.” Oblivion told him and the Pegasus nodded in understanding.

“Yes Sir,” Soarin replied and took to the air.

“Gather what you need for a few days if possible. Meet me back here.”

Soarin saluted from the air and took off in the direction of the city. Spitfire growled under her breath and glared at the Black Unicorn. She stormed away from him as he sighed at how much work acting like a superior took and Sasa chuckled as they waited for them to come back.

“Oblivion!” A voice called out his name from behind them.

Oblivion turned his head to look back as Shining approached him. “Shining?”

“What were you up to earlier?” He questioned.

“Depends on when you’re asking?”

“You were seen by a pony and she seemed pretty upset by it.”

“Oh, you mean the pink Alicorn?”

“Yeah, Princess Cadance,” Shining confirmed.

“I didn’t do anything to her,” Oblivion replied. “She took one look at me and fled.”

“Oh, hi Sasa,” Shining said as Sasa purred loudly. “Okay, so you didn’t say anything to her?”

“No. There were no words exchanged between us.”



“She said you ‘creeped her out.” Shining informed him.

“How can I do that without being anywhere near her?”

“It’s just what she said to me. I know you didn’t say anything but I guess you were just close enough for her to get a sense of you.”

“Sense of me?”

“Cadance can sense the feelings and emotions of ponies around her.” Shining explained. “So I am sure she got a sense from you. Did you have anything upsetting on your mind?”

“No. I didn’t…”

“You didn’t have anything for her to feel.” Sasa suddenly interrupted.

Oblivion looked down at the cat who was looking up at him as he gave a slight nod to her. “She has a point.”

“What? What did she say?”

“I do not have the abundance of emotions that typical ponies have. So it’s possible she sensed nothing from me and it upset her.”

“Oh. I forgot. I forgot about the fact that you really don’t have any emotions. That makes sense. That might be why she felt so creeped out.” Shining agreed. “I’ll try to explain to her what you are and see if that helps.”

“Works for me,” Oblivion replied. “She didn’t approach me and instead fled from me so I assumed something had made her nervous and she chose to leave.”

“You’re not wrong.” Shining chuckled. “I’ll talk to her about it.”

Shining hoof bumped him as he turned to leave and a chariot made its way across the skies and landed just in front of the waiting Witcher. Soarin arrived a moment later with his saddlebags across his back.

“Thanks for getting me out of that,” Soarin said to the Elder Witcher with a breath of relief. “I’m all performed out for a while.”

“That bad?” Striker asked as Oblivion and Sasa hopped into the chariot.

“Yeah. She’s been on a tear about perfection lately.” Soarin replied. “Do I fly alongside?”

“You can sit with the Captain if you want to.” Silver replied and pointed to the chariot. “You’re not an elemental so we can carry you.”

“A what?”

“Never mind.” Silver chuckled.

“Think giant monster made of rocks and ice.” Vantage said over his shoulder. “With fists big enough to take your head off your shoulders with one swing.”

“Oh,” Soarin said as he climbed into the chariot with Oblivion and Sasa. “Yeah, can we avoid that kind of thing?”

“We will be going after something much bigger this time around,” Oblivion informed him.

“Oh, goodie.” Silver said to him.

“It might weigh about the same if I am thinking of it right,” Oblivion added.

“Great… I’m thrilled really.” Vantage said, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

Sasa chuckled as Oblivion pointed out the location they needed on the map and Silver and Striker looked at the map and nodded once they had their bearings. The four guards took off from where they were standing and the chariot pulled easily into the air behind them. Soarin settled back and his wings flicked at his sides and Sasa nuzzled him as she sat between them.

“So what are we after?” Soarin asked after they left Canterlot behind.

“We are looking for an Ice Giant.” He replied.

“A what?” Soarin asked as he looked at the Witcher. “I know you said Giant so it should be easy to spot right?”

“Not always. They find a cave or an area they like and they make a home out of it and only venture out if they need to. They tend to let other creatures do their hunting for them if they can subjugate them. If it has a group of Sirens with it this fight will be difficult but not impossible.”


“Their flying serpents that have the upper body of… other creatures depending on the type.” He quickly lied. He was not sure what form their upper body would take in this world and he hoped they were just not in this world.

“Gross,” Soarin said to him. “So how do you fight one of them?”

“Get them on the ground and they're practically defenseless,” Oblivion informed him. “So get in the air and drive them down. Avoid their claws and tails and you’ll be fine. As soon as they hit the ground a silver blade will end the threat.”

“How would one of us kill one?”

“You?” Oblivion asked and looked at the Pegasus for a moment before he let his eyes fall to the other's hooves.

Soarin looked down at his hooves and understanding went through him. “Oh. Hooves to the head and wings.”

“Crushing their skulls is effective. Messy but effective.” Oblivion agreed. “If they are near water avoid the water since they pull you under in an attempt to drown you.”

Soarin looked at him as he listened to the blunt statement. “This just gets better and better.”

Sasa chuckled and nuzzled him once more. “Please tell him that you would save him before that happened.”

“I would not allow it to happen so you do not need to worry about it. Just avoid the edges of the water.” Oblivion said to him.

Soarin nodded and looked ahead to see Vantage and Cross staring aback as they had been listening. Cross especially looked like he was going to be sick as he regarded the Witcher. Silver and Striker did not seem to have overheard what had been said or they were pretending not to have heard. Soarin said nothing and simply sighed as he laid down and kept his head up and looking out ahead of them.

“So an Ice Giant is bigger than the Elemental?” Vantage shouted back.

“Yes. It might outweigh an Ice Giant but not by much.” Oblivion replied to him. “If the Ice Giant were to tangle with an Elemental I am not sure exactly who would win.”

“Yikes.” Vantage said to him as he shook his head. “I have no desire to tangle with either one. I mean I hope we find what you are looking for but I would be okay if it was just a rumor as well.”

“I doubt it’s a rumor but I can see how that would be preferred,” Oblivion said back to him. “The descriptions were fairly clear about the estimated size of the creature.”

“I’m thrilled really.” Vantage said with a hint of trepidation in his voice.

Sasa chuckled and laid down beside the Pegasus as Oblivion said nothing in response to the Thestral. Cross looked to be trying not to whimper as Vantage smiled at him. Soarin chuckled at the look of unhappiness on Cross’s face.

Oblivion opened one eye as the chariot began to descend. He sat up and Sasa rumbled a loud purr as the wheels of the chariot gently came to the ground. Oblivion waited for it to stop moving before he jumped from it and stretched out his body for a moment to alleviate any stiffness. Sasa jumped to land beside him and she yawned as Soarin jumped out of the chariot.

“Now what?” Soarin asked.

“Now? We find the ponies who spotted it first and ask for them to guide or direct us in the right direction. The farmhouse should be a bit behind us.” Oblivion said back to him as he motioned for the guards to follow him, still hitched to the chariot.

They fell in behind him and Soarin brought up the rear as he trained them. He kept an eye on the forest as it loomed beside them and its trees towered over them. Sasa purred brightly beside them as she trotted ahead of them and led the way. Minutes ticked past as they walked along the border of the trees and they came upon a small orchard full of cherry trees. Sasa chirped out noise as she spotted the farmhouse ahead of them and she broke into a short sprint to reach it ahead of them. Soarin and the others watched her suddenly come running back as a pony was now on her heels.

“Help!” Sasa called out.

His horn flared as he summoned her back to his side. The pony that had been chasing her stopped in his tracks as he realized she had vanished in front of his eyes. He looked around him for a moment before he spotted the group of them making their way toward him. He spotted Sasa and he raised his broom once more to come after her. She moved to walk behind the black stallion and keep him in between them.

“I would appreciate you not chasing my companion,” Oblivion said to him as they got close enough for him to not need to shout.

“Companion?” He parroted. “That thing?”

“She is harmless,” Oblivion assured him.

Sasa leaned out from behind him as he came to a stop and stretched her neck to show off the dark collar around her neck. The pony lowered his broom and stared at the collar for several seconds before he nodded at the group of them.

“What can Ah do fer ya?” He asked.

“I was sent to hunt down the monster that you had reported seeing,” Oblivion replied to him.

“Just you?”

“Yes,” Oblivion replied quickly. “I have them as well but they will do very little in terms of hunting the creature.”

The farmer looked uncertain as he looked at the group and then back to Oblivion. “Ya sure, ya don’t need the army of Canterlot?”

“I have been taught how to fight monsters of many types. I assure you I can handle it.”

“If ya say so.” He said though he appeared unconvinced. “Ah’ll show ya where Ah saw it but it’ll be a bit of a trip so Ah’m not sure ya wanna bring that thing wit’ ya.”

“Can we leave it here?” Silver asked him and pointed to the barn. “We can stash it close by the barn out of the way.”

“That’ll work.” The farmer said to him.

Silver and the others pulled the chariot into place and set it beside the barn and pulled their saddlebags from it but a look from Oblivion had them leaving them in place with his. Soarin set his in the chariot with the others and looked back at the Unicorn to lead the way.

“This way folks.” He said and motioned for them to fall in behind him.

“How long ago did you last see it?” Oblivion asked him.

“Bout four days ago. Seems to have a thing fer the cherries. Ah’m losin’ produce on mah trees ta that glutton.” He griped back at them.

“We will see if we can stop that,” Oblivion replied.

“Ah would appreciate it. The back half o’ mah orchard is in danger from that thing. Whatever it is.” He commented. “What is it anyway?”

“From the description, I was given I think it might be an Ice Giant,” Oblivion informed him.

“Giant?!” He squawked. “Those things are real?”

“In some areas.” Oblivion lied smoothly.

“Well, Ah’ll be. If’n ya could get rid of that there critter Ah’d appreciate it.”

“That’s the plan,” Soarin said to him as he led them deeper into the orchard.

The others nodded as the pony looked back at them. “Well, Ah hope ya get rid of it. How do ya think ta make it move on?”

“I plan on killing it,” Oblivion replied. “Unless you want it to come back. It’s more than clever enough to find your orchard and you once again.”

“Oh, so ya can’t make it move on? Maybe to the Everfree?” The farmer asked.

“No. Once they find a good source of food they stay there to come back to it.” Oblivion informed the stallion. “They're smart enough to remember from what I have been told.”

“Ya never fought one afore?”

“No. But a fellow Witcher has and he told me how to fight it.”


“Monster hunter,” Oblivion said to him, quick to ensure that he knew that what he was.

“Well, that’s convenient.” He commented and pointed ahead of them. “Last time Ah saw it was back there. Ah’m not going that afar in. This is yer job ah assume?”

“It is,” Oblivion affirmed.

“Then ya can wade in there fer it.” He said as he pointed to the far edge of the orchard.

“We’ll take it from here,” Soarin said and patted the pony on the shoulder as Oblivion began to lead them forward.

“Be careful ya hear? That thing is huge.” The farmer shouted after them.

“What's the plan if there are no Sirens?” Soarin asked him.

“We will see what we need to do when we find it. From what I know we don’t have to worry about heightened hearing or senses. Their hearing is no better than your own. So keep your ears open.” Oblivion said to the group as they listened in and clustered around his hips.

“Great,” Cross muttered.

“Don’t worry we’ll be fine Cross,” Soarin said to him and patted his shoulder. “We have a monster hunter whose job it is to hunt these things down for fun. So no worries.”

Cross looked less than convinced but gave the Wonderbolt a small smile. “I’m not worried about that. I’m worried about getting out of here in one piece.”

Soarin smiled. “Don’t worry. If we want to we can hit the air and evade it.”

Cross looked up at the Witcher and his eyes fell on Sasa who looked back over her shoulder and a toothy grin was given as she looked at them. “Is flying a good idea?”

“Actually for this one, it might be.” Oblivion agreed. “So if you get overwhelmed getting into the air if you can is not a bad idea. From what I know Giants are not prone to throwing items but I do not know exactly. Geralt was in a cave with one when he took one down in a fight so I am not sure if they are prone to throwing things out in the open.”

“So it could be good or it could be bad?” Silver asked.

Oblivion simply looked over his shoulder and glanced at each of them before he focused in front of him once more. He was not sure how they acted since Witchers very rarely come in contact with giants of any kind. He was sure there were more kinds than just the Ice Giant variety. But he had never seen or heard of them outside of what Geralt had told him or rumors. But now that he had the opportunity to cross his sword against one he felt a bit of apprehension at it but at the same time, that feeling was heavily muted. He glanced back at the guards and he could see how nervous the group was Sasa purred loudly to try to assure them that they were safe with the Witcher.

“It will be fine.” He said to them. “Giants are typically fairly slow. You’re smaller than it is so you will be faster on your hooves than it will be on two legs. Keep your hooves under you and you will be fine.”

“Says the Witcher with clawed hooves.” Sasa teased. “You’ll get moving a lot faster than they will with the use of those claws.”

He looked down at her. “Details.” He said to her and she chuckled in reply.

103: Giants and Time

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Oblivion said nothing as the group walked into the trees. The ponies with him were nervously watching in all directions as his ears flicked and his eyes scanned the area around them for any sign of the monster. Sasa rumbled a low sound in her throat as she stopped and her head pointed to a broken tree off to the right.

“Could that be a sign of our quarry?” She asked.

“Perhaps.” He replied as he moved to inspect the tree.

“What are we looking at?” Soarin asked as he followed him.

“Depending on a few things this might be a sign of our monster.” Oblivion pointed out to him.

“Oh,” Soarin said as he neared the tree with the others. “What are we looking for?”

“Tracks, scent, gouges in the wood.” Oblivion listed off for them.

“Oh. Okay, so we can be of some help.” Silver said cheerfully as he made for the other side of the tree.

Vantage kept an eye on the perimeter as the others surrounded the broken tree. Cross nervously approached the tree and his ears flicked desperately around him. Silver and Striker were quiet as they left the deep analysis to the Witcher. Oblivion’s eyes narrowed as he scanned the tree trunk for any sign of hands or claws. A scent caught his attention as he put his nose close to the tree. He could not immediately identify the scent but it reminded him of winter and the scents that came with it. Though it bore a resemblance to that it also had an earthy tone to it. He had not thought to ask Geralt what the Giant had smelled like.

“Hey Oblivion,” Soarin called out from the other side of the tree.


“Do Giants have claws?” He asked.

“Not that I am aware of but I would assume that they could if their nails get long enough.” He advised.

“Then can you look at this?”

Oblivion moved to join the Wonderbolt and he could see what he was pointing at. Several deep furrows had been dug into the bark of the fallen tree. He extended his claws and held them up close by the furrows. They were similar to what he would have been able to do but at the same time, they were dull and short.

“I don’t think it has claws.” Oblivion said to him. “I think these were made by him just gripping the tree.”

“That’s good news right?” Silver asked as he hovered behind the Witcher.

“It can be if you wish.” Oblivion replied. “At the same time, he is more likely to ball up his fist and hit you with it versus using claws. So it depends on what you view well.”

“You just love to throw ice water on a possibly good thing.” Vantage teased.

“Reality is often upsetting.” Oblivion said back to him.

Sasa chuckled as she rubbed her shoulder against his side. “Let them have their good things.”

“But I suppose that having a fist hit you would be less punishing.” He said to them as he moved away from the markings in the bark.

“Liar,” Soarin said to him with a bark of laughter. “I’ve been punched before it’s no fun.”

“Have you ever been clawed open by a monster?” Oblivion asked him.

“Well no but… Oh, I see what you were saying.” He said to him with a shake of his head.

“I have and I would prefer the punch.” Oblivion commented as he backed up from the tree.

“How about we get none of the above,” Cross asked as he tried not to look as afraid as he felt.

“I can get behind that.” Striker agreed.

Oblivion looked around them and his eyes narrowed as he looked for signs of tracks or further scents. Indents in the ground stood out to him and he moved to follow them a few feet to ensure that they were large enough to have been made by his quarry. After following them for a minute he looked over his shoulder and a shrill whistle escaped him and the ponies all looked to him as he motioned for them to rejoin him. Sasa had remained at his side and she simply grumbled at the shrill noise. The five ponies rejoined him and he began to lead them forward once more. Soarin brought up the rear as Sasa stayed at his shoulder.

“Find something?” Silver asked.

“Tracks.” Oblivion said back to him as he led them.

“Oh. Where?” He asked as Oblivion stopped to listen to him.

Oblivion didn’t respond immediately as he simply pointed after a moment. “That’s one of them.”

“I don’t see anything,” Striker said to him.

“They’re not as deep as I would have thought they would be but they are there nonetheless.” Oblivion said as he began to walk forward.

“Got it.” Silver said as they fell in behind him.

Oblivion watched as the terrain flattened out and the grass gave way to rocks as they followed the trail. Sasa said nothing to him as his eyes remained trained on the tracks as they grew less clear, even to him they were becoming hard to see. He stopped and raised his head to see if the track would give way to common sense. As he trained his eyes forward he could see a gap in the far stones. The Witcher said nothing as he began to lead them toward the gap, further away from the forest that they had spent the day tracking through.

“Oblivion?” Silver questioned using just his name as they stayed in formation behind him.

“The track is fading into the stones so I am using different methods to see if we can find it. Without Sirens or tracks, we are at a disadvantage. But it can still be worked through.” He assured the nervous ponies.

“Why would we need the Sirens?” Soarin asked from behind them.

“They are often not far from the Giants themselves. They use them to hunt and the Sirens will often be fed by the Giant which means they work somewhat together to feed each other. So typically they are not far apart if rumor and Geralt’s experience are anything to go by.” He replied.

“I see,” Soarin called out. “So if we come across flying monsters should the five of us drive them down to you?”

“You could.” Oblivion replied as he glanced over his shoulder for a moment. “Or just kill themselves yourselves.”

“And how do we do that?” Silver asked.

“Drive them to the ground where they are vulnerable and put a hoof through their skulls.” He said to him.

“Oh… Oh no.” Vantage groaned. “Please don’t let there be any Sirens.” He prayed as he walked behind the Witcher.

“Hail to that,” Silver said to him.

Sasa chuckled as they spoke and she put her nose into the air as Oblivion paused and did the same. “Chosen?”

“Wait.” He called out and the ponies went still.

The scent from before had his attention as it was growing in strength. While it was not as strong as he would have liked it to be it was still usable. It was an old track but it would do the job that he needed. He slowly moved forward and let his nose lead the way for several strides before his ears began to flick and listen intently around him. His ears strained for any sound as his eyes narrowed to allow him to see if anything stood out to his enhanced sight. Behind him, the guards and Wonderbolt watched him intently. He could sense their nervous energy as Sasa drew closer to him.

“Anything stands out to you Chosen?” She asked as she stopped by him.

“Maybe.” He muttered as he slowly took a step forward.

Oblivion fell quiet as his ears perked as a sound came to him. The sound of crunching gravel caught his focus and he leaned his ears forward to focus on the sound. It was too heavy to be a pony and he looked over his shoulder to his team and they saw him give a short shake of his head to tell them to stay where they were. Sasa did the same as he took several tentative steps forward. A groan caught his ear and he broke into a swift trot to reach a small copse of trees twenty feet away. He reached the trees and used them to hide his body as he looked beyond them.

“Where are you?” He whispered to himself as the sound of walking slowed and then stopped. “Dammit.”

He sighed as he went to look back as a smell hit his nose. He put his nose high into the air and sniffed deeply. He could smell the same scent as earlier, it was musty and smelled damp. He said nothing as he narrowed his eyes further and focused ahead of him. As he watched the giant came lumbering out of the side of the mountain wall.

“Sasa, get them into hiding.” He ordered the feline.

“Oh no.” She uttered as she did as she was instructed.

The giant did not seem to have noticed any of them as it moved sluggishly out of the shadow of the mountain. Oblivion was certain it had found a cave nearby but he did not intend to hunt it down at that moment. He said nothing as the guards and Sasa joined him and he waited as all of them seemed to give a quiet gasp at the sight of the enormous monster before them.

“By Celestia…” Soarin whispered as he stared at the giant.

“Quiet.” Oblivion whispered as the giant headed toward them.

Oblivion said nothing further as he watched its movements. It moved slowly as though it was truly in no hurry to reach them. He was quiet as he was sure it had not even seen them at that point. It did not focus on them as he said nothing to his nervous team. Sasa remained still as stone as the giant moved away from them. It reached the small copse of trees and then went past it. He turned to look back as it went past him and he spun to watch it.

Oblivion said nothing as he considered what his best options were. He was sure that the giant was heading for the cherry trees. He watched as it lumbered away before he started to turn to the guards with him. A sound from behind him caught his attention and he looked back as a single Siren crawled out of the shadows. It did not fly, as it just dragged itself across the ground. Oblivion said nothing as he watched the Siren. The Witcher said nothing for several seconds before he left the shade of the trees. It seemed to not see him as he watched it wriggled across the ground.

“What is it doing?” Sasa asked as he moved.

“I have no idea.” He whispered back to her. “It could be blind?”

He walked slowly up to it as it continued to wriggle forward. It paused as it seemed to smell him and he stopped when it stopped. It began to make a crooning noise as he watched it closely. Oblivion said nothing as he could sense something from the Siren. He looked closely at it as his medallion began to tremble on its chain. He stared at the siren as a roar broke out from behind him. He spun back to see the giant coming back. The siren began to scream in alarm as the giant returned.

“Oh shit,” Soarin yelled as he looked at Oblivion, asking for orders.

“Get in the air!” He yelled to the five of them.

Each of them took to the air and remained far above the giant. Oblivion called on the crystal blade and it came into his magic and he allowed it to hover silently beside him. Soarin and the others said nothing as the Giant seemed to have either forgotten about them or was intent on ignoring them completely. Sasa remained close by him as she snarled loudly at his hip and he watched as the giant started to walk faster as the siren screamed and wriggled on the ground behind him. He cast a glance back as the siren seemed content to scream and wriggle on the ground. Oblivion looked back to find the giant bearing down on him and he analyzed his options quickly and chose his next few actions swiftly.

“Sasa harry its heels!” He shouted as the feline leaped away from him and swung wide to do as she had been told.

He watched as it broke into a faster gait and stormed past him and Sasa. He watched as it grabbed the siren and turned around to throw the smaller monster. He thought he was about to throw it when the giant went back into the gap in the stones.

“Oblivion?” Soarin called out.

“Stay high.” The Witcher called back.

He waited for several seconds before he took several steps forward to allow him to listen or even see what the monster was doing. The sound of metal gave him pause and he backed up the same amount of steps he had gone forward.

“Chosen?” Sasa said to him through their connection, her voice uncertain.

“Wait.” He instructed as the sound of heavy footsteps caught his attention. “Back up.”

Sasa jumped back and he followed her example as the giant came out of the gap with the siren on its shoulder, its tail wrapped around his neck. Above him Soarin and the others gasped as the giant came out further into the sunlight, dragging what looked like an anchor or something similar.

“Oh shit.” Silver cursed from above them. “Now what do we do?”

“You stay up there for now. Soarin?” He shouted the Wonderbolt’s name.

“Sir!” Was the spirited reply.

“Watch for an opening to see if you can lead the others in a way to knock it off balance.” Oblivion instructed.

“Yes Sir,” Soarin shouted as the others fell in around and behind him.

Oblivion refocused on the giant and its new weapon as the siren screeched from its place on the giant’s shoulders. Sasa looked at him and he gave her a slight nod as she swung wide once more to do as he had instructed of her. Soarin led the guards into a new position as he watched intently for an opening. Oblivion tapped his hoof to send Quen over his form. Its golden light was bright against his black fur. The giant roared as Oblivion kept his blade up and ready for the giant's next move. It leaned back and slung the weapon toward him and he jumped away from where he believed it would land. It thudded dully into the ground and he charged forward to strike at the back of the giant's legs. The front of its legs were covered in wooden guards that had been lashed in place by rope.

“Chosen beware.” Sasa gave a sudden warning as the giant lunged forward with its arms raised.

“Oh.” Oblivion grunted as he backflipped twice to get away from the giant's raised arms.

It slammed its hands into the ground and he simply watched as it raised its arms and straightened its body to look at him. Sasa leaped onto the back of its leg and dug her teeth into its thick skin. It roared and kicked out as her claws dug in and she remained in place. Soarin shouted and the guards fell from the sky in formation and each one hit the giant broadside. All five of them landed against its side and began to push, their wings furiously beating. The giant roared as the siren began to screech and it swung its arm toward the group he heard Vantage shout as the siren claws got his shoulder but he didn’t peel off from the others. The giant tilted as it tried to maintain its stance but the force from the guards and the feline on its leg made it overbalance and it toppled to its side as Oblivion charged in.

“Get him Oblivion!” Soarin shouted as the five of them took off for the sky once more.

Oblivion spun his blade in his magic as the giant flailed and the siren screeched. His blade snaked out and he cut the head off the siren in one swing and the next one cut into the thick neck of the giant. It roared and its arms reached up and would have grabbed his neck had he not fallen to his knees and commanded his magic to dig the weapon deeper into the giant's flesh. The giant rolled to his side and Oblivion yanked the weapon free as he called on Yrden to slow the giant’s movements. As the giant slowed down he jumped to its chest dug his weapon into the front of its neck and twisted the weapon cruelly in its skin. The giant reached for him and he twisted the weapon again as it roared and blood fountained from the wound.

“Chosen?” Sasa called out as she had lost sight of him from her position.

He didn’t reply to her as blood sprayed across the front of his chest and he growled under his breath as the giant began to weaken and go still. His sword remained in its neck as the siren's body slid off its shoulder and onto the ground. The giant’s arms fell to the ground at its sides and he sighed as it went still. He heard the sound of wings above him as he looked up to find the guards all watching him intently. He yanked the weapon free and spun it to remove the blood and viscera from its surface. Quen still glowed over him as he jumped off the giant’s chest and onto the ground.

“Anyone hurt?” Sasa asked him as he shook himself to try to relieve some of the tension in his body.

“Anyone hurt?” He asked them as Vantage nodded.

“Not bad but a little bit.” The Thestral replied as he turned to show the gashes to his shoulder.

Azure flame flowed from Oblivion's horn as it covered all of the guards and healed any wounds it could find. The wounds to Vantage healed in a few seconds and the guard looked thankful as he saw the renewed flesh of his shoulder.

“Thanks.” He said with a wide smile.

Oblivion nodded as he turned back to the two corpses. His magic lashed out as he searched for the parts of them that he could use.

“Careful.” Silver nudged Soarin and the other Pegasus turned to look at him. “This part is kind of nasty.”

“Why?” Soarin asked and Silver simply motioned for him to watch.

Oblivion yanked one circle of magic from the siren and it carried pieces of it for him to use later. He focused on the giant’s corpse and its belly suddenly bulged as he pulled the circle of magic carrying the parts he wanted from it. Soarin yelped at the sight and Silver snickered as the Wonderbolt stared.

“Oh… that’s what you meant,” Soarin commented as Silver chuckled.

Oblivion sent the parts to separate vials in his saddlebags and turned to lead them back the way they had come as his azure flames burned the two bodies to nothing but ash. Sasa fell in at his side as he led the way back to the farmer to inform him that the giant would no longer be stealing his produce.

Oblivion caught sight of the farmer and he walked toward him, his hooves silent even on the fallen leaves. Soarin watched as the farmer did not turn to look at them and he began to stomp his hooves a bit to alert him that they were there. The farmer turned around and found all of them waiting for him to greet them.

“Well Ah’ll be. Yer all still alive I see. Don’t seem to be ‘urt at all either… Or maybe ya are.” He said as he caught sight of the blood that covered the Witcher.

Oblivion looked down and he sighed as his horn lit to remove the now dried blood from his body. “Forgot about it.” He admitted. “We are unharmed.”

“Well, that’s good ta hear. Ah suppose that monster won’t be botherin’ me no more?”

“No. It will not be seen around here again. Your trees should be safe from anypony eating them in great quantities.” He assured him.

“Tha’s good ta hear. Ah was losing money the longer that thing was around. Ya have my thanks all o’ ya.” The farmer said as he smiled brightly at the group of them.

Oblivion looked over his shoulder to assess his team for exhaustion and whether they could fly back now or in the morning. “All right to fly again or do you need rest?” He asked.

“I’m fine. All we did was knock it over.” Silver said with a laugh.

The others nodded and Oblivion nodded as they went to get the chariot from where they had left it. The farmer started laughing as they came back with it a few minutes later.

“Tha’ thing got a lot o’ attention while ya were gone.” He said through his chuckling.

“Oh?” Oblivion asked as the pony laughed.

“Yup. Ah had ma family over fer lunch and they all had ta get a good look at it. They were shocked when Ah told ‘em why it was here.” The farmer continued to chuckle as Silver and the others stopped in front of Oblivion to allow him to jump in. “Fly safe, ya hear?”

“We will. Thank you.” Striker said to him as Oblivion, Sasa, and Soarin got into the chariot. “Ready?”

Oblivion nodded as the guards took flight, their wings beat in time to ensure the flight was smooth. Sasa said nothing for a moment as she settled into cleaning her fangs with her tongue.

“That was not as bad as some of the fights we have been in.” She said to him.

“I agree.” He said back to her. “Having them bring it down to my level was what made it faster.”

“Definitely.” She agreed with him as she groomed her front fangs.

The moon was low in the sky when they returned to Canterlot. He walked into the front doors as Celestia walked past him and she saw him and he could see apprehension go through her spirit. She looked at him then at Sasa and he was about to ask her why she was watching so closely when he realized she was looking for the head of the giant. He chuckled as he shook his head.

“You said not to bother bringing them anymore.” He said to her as he approached her. “Though I am sure I can draw one for you if you wish…”

“No, that is not necessary.” She replied quickly. “I trust you, Master Witcher. I trust since you are back so quickly that the monster has fallen?”

“It did. Was an Ice Giant that had made its home in a mountainside gap on the rocks with a pet siren.” He replied as he drew up close to her.

“Pet siren?” She asked him.

“Yes, Sirens are typically allied with the giants due to them providing food and materials to the giant and it provides protection and food when needed. So they would work together oftentimes. This one was crippled and could not fly and appeared to be blind. But it could still be used by the giant as a weapon. It put the siren around its neck and shoulders and it fought when things got too close.” He informed her.

“Oh my.” She said back to him as she shook her head. “Well at least I trust it is gone and no longer endangering my subjects?”

“No. It has been removed.” He assured her with a nod.

“Oh good. Oh!” She suddenly looked at him. “Twilight is here as well if you wish to see her. I am not sure what she is up to but she is up by the Library.”

“What is she doing up there?” Sasa asked him.

WE will be finding out.” He said to the feline as he began to look around him to locate the mare’s spirit. “Oh Pinkie and Spike are with her.”

“Oh… This is either good or very bad.” Sasa said to him with a chuckle that rang through his mind.

He focused on where they were and his horn lit as he nodded politely to Celestia and teleported himself and Sasa to the mares and Spike. They yelped as he appeared and Twilight stared as he looked at her.

“What in every God's name are you wearing?” He asked her. “And why are you in Canterlot?”

She was standing in front of him wearing a skin-tight black outfit with a bandage around her head, an eyepatch, and the cut to her face still visible. She looked nervous as she tried to come up with a good reply.

“Well we are here to try to stop time before Tuesday morning, which is already here, and she got hurt by trying to do things all week. Now she looks like future Twilight.” Pinkie explained.

Sasa snickered and tried not to laugh at the mare’s misfortune. “I see.” He replied. “I recall telling you to not overdo it, or something similar.”

“I know you did,” Twilight replied. “But I figured I needed to be ready and I guess I did not listen.”

“I can see that.” He said to her as his horn lit and the World Spirit reared up to heal her wounds and he burned through the bandage and eyepatch. “Have we learned anything?”

Twilight said nothing for several seconds before she sighed. “Maybe trying to, I think Sasa called baby proofing, is not going to work typically. And maybe letting the future come and become present is better than overreacting.”

“Perhaps.” Oblivion said to her as he shook his head. “Maybe solve problems when they come instead of making ones up?”

She cringed and nodded. “Yeah, that might be a good idea.” She admitted with a sheepish look.

“Hey Twilight I found something,” Pinkie called out. “I found something! It doesn't stop time, but it lets you go back in time. It says you can go back once, and it only lasts for a few moments. Does that help?”

“Pinkie you’re a genius,” Twilight said to her as she looked at the spell. “Now I can go back and tell past Twilight that she doesn't need to go berserk with worry about a disaster that's never gonna come!”

“Are we certain this is a good idea?” Oblivion asked them as they both looked more excited. “Are we sure that this isn’t exactly what future you were trying to say?”

Twilight stared at him for several seconds before she looked at the spell and began to giggle. “You know you might be right. If it was me from the further then that would be accurate. Which means my past self did not listen and here we are now.” She replied. “Well to keep the timeline right then I should do the same thing right?”

“Perhaps.” Oblivion admitted. “Be careful with it at least.”

“I’ll be right back.” She giggled and cast the spell.

104: By a Tail

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Oblivion sat in the trench with the mares as they waited for the dragon migration to begin. He sighed as time slipped past him and the others talked quietly amongst themselves. Sasa purred at his side as she kept glancing back and forth from one side of the sky to the other. He watched carefully to ensure that the mares were far enough out of the way that they would not be spotted by the dragons that were going to sky-high above them.

“Anything?” Sasa asked him as she looked over at him.

“Nothing.” He replied as he shook his head. He went to say more as something caught his attention in the distance.

The Witcher was quiet as the dots in his vision grew in size. He looked at the mares to see Rarity still on top of the trench. His magic lit and he picked her up and set her into the trench with them. The white mare looked at him as he pointed his horn to the far right of them. Beside him, Twilight spun to look where he was pointing and her eyes went wide at the sight of the growing dragon presence in the skies.

“Wow.” She whispered. “Think they can see us?”

He could hear the nervousness in her voice as he nodded. “Most likely.”

“What?” She asked him as fear crept into her eyes.

“We are not what they are after. So long as we do not draw attention to ourselves then I am sure that they have every reason to ignore us completely.” He assured her.

“Oh… Okay.” She replied and went back to watching the dragons overhead.

Farther to his right he heard Rainbow Dash scoff loudly. “Is flying all they are gonna do?”

Her tone was derisive as she waved a hoof dismissively at the horde of dragons. Almost as if they had been waiting for her comment several of them released a blast of fire that stretched for over a hundred feet. He glanced to the side and saw Rainbow had been silenced and now looked suitably nervous. He snorted at her and she cast a look to him as he looked back at her.

“And your opinion now?” He asked her, his tone flat.

“Well… I mean… Yeah. That was pretty impressive.” She admitted as a sheepish look went over her features. “The phrase ‘fierce’ comes to mind now that I think about it.”

“And quite formidable.” Rarity added as she watched the dragons as they continued to fly.

Pinkie nodded as she spoke. “And super-duper-scary.” She added.

“Yeah. We dragons are a force to be reckoned with.” Spike crowed from his place by the refreshment cart.

Rainbow barked a loud laugh and looked at the baby dragon. “Yeah, right, Spike. That's one of the scariest aprons I've ever seen!”

Applejack and Pinkie joined in on her laughter as Spike looked more upset. “What's wrong with wearing an apron? You won't be laughing when you spill blueberries all over your scales— feathers. That's one tough stain!”

“One tough stain against one lame dragon.” Rainbow laughed further as she rolled back on her haunches.

“You leave him alone, Rainbow Dash! Spike's style is unique. He doesn't have to look like other dragons.

“Or act like them,” Twilight added as she listened in.

“The way they act is going to be vastly different from Spike.” Oblivion added in. “They exist in a very different type of world than he does. Of course, behaviors are going to be different.”

Spike looked at him with a thankful expression as Rarity opened her mouth to speak. “My little Spikey-wikey is perfect the way he is.”

“I don't act like other dragons?” Spike asked as he looked down at his small claws.

“Oh, not even close!” Pinkie laughed.

“But why would you want to, Spike?” Applejack asked him as her laughter faded.

“Yes. You've got something those dreadfully fierce dragons can only dream of.” Rarity assured him.

“What’s that?” Spike asked her.

“Family for one thing.” Oblivion said but his opinion was drowned out by Rarity’s reply to Spike.

“The cutest widdle chubby cheeks! Ooooo!” Rarity said to him as she squished his cheeks under her hooves.

Spike pulled back from her and looked horrified by what she had said. “Cute?! Dragons aren't supposed to be cute! Right?”

“Oh, sweetie, you are turning the most delightful shade of red. It is most becoming.” Rarity said to him as she chuckled.

Spike threw his apron onto the ground and stormed off with a noise of frustration. Oblivion said nothing as the others all made comments about how Spike walked away and he threw his arms up in aggravation as they went back to watching the migration.

“Opinion?” Sasa asked him as the dragon went inside.

“Hmm…” He said nothing back to her as the baby dragon’s spirit was a bit down but not enough to draw the attention of the World Spirit under his command.

Oblivion was getting ready for bed when a flash of azure flame heralded the arrival of a letter. His magic gripped it as he saw that it was from Twilight. She asked him to come to her house to help her with Spike. He sighed as he had been expecting something to come off the comments from their friends. He looked at Sasa who nodded and hoped off the bed. He led her down the stairs and out the front door and broke into a gallop to head into town to join Twilight at the library.

He pushed open the door to find Twilight scrubbing her hooves over her face as Spike lamented about not knowing anything about himself. She saw him and her eyes pleaded with him to step in and help.

“I don't know! For the last time, Spike, you were given to me as an egg. I don't know who found you or where they found you.” Twilight said to him as he grew more frustrated with her.

“That’s all you know?” He raised his voice a bit as he addressed her.

“Easy Spike.” Oblivion said as he closed the door behind him. “WE understand you’re frustrated, but taking it out on her is unacceptable.”

Spike looked sheepish at the admonishment from the stallion. “Sorry, Twilight.”

She smiled and shook her head. “It’s okay. Why don't we do some late-night research? See what we can find out.” She said as her horn lit and she began to pull books off the shelves.

“You’d do that?” Spike asked the mare as she put the books around them. “You too, Oblivion?”

“Of course.” The black stallion picked up a book on top of the closest pile to him and his claws opened it.

Oblivion closed the book her had been perusing and a deep sigh escaped him. “Nothing here.” He said as Twilight closed her book with a rough snort and shook her head.

“Nothing.” She said as she pushed the book aside. “Nothing in this one either.”

“Nothing at all about dragons? This is getting ridiculous!” Spike nearly shouted but a look from the Witcher kept his voice down.

“I know! It's hard to believe, but ponies know next to nothing about dragons. They're too rare and too scary to try to talk to or study!” She said to him as she looked at Oblivion. “What about where you’re from?”

“Witchers tend to avoid them by principal.” He admitted. “I know Geralt has met one and he was able to shapeshift and speak easily with him. I think. I heard the story of that dragon many years ago so do not quote me on its accuracy. But so far as I know where I am from we have monsters that are similar to dragons but not as large.”

“Like what?” Spike asked, his tone imploring. “Small like me? A baby dragon?”

“No. What I am thinking is called a Forktail. Here a moment.” He said to him as his horn summoned his sketchbook. “I think I have a drawing of one.”

He searched the book and found what he was looking for after a few minutes of looking. He turned it around and held it in front of Spike for him to look at. “That is a Forktail.”

Twilight walked over to look as well and she cringed at the drawing. “Can they be talked to?”

“No.” He admitted with a shake of his head. “They are particularly nasty but beatable. Witchers do not tangle with dragons if it can be avoided at all costs. They are very old and very intelligent so far as I have heard. Ponies avoid them out of pure fear.”

Spike's shoulders slumped as a knock sounded from the front of the library.

“It’s okay, Twilight. I'm gonna discover who I am if it's the last thing I do!” Spike declared as the front door opened.

Rarity and Rainbow walked into the library and Oblivion early chuckled when they didn’t bat an eye at the disarray of the library.

“Good morning.” Rarity addressed them as she saw Oblivion and Sasa there as well.

“Morning Rarity and you as well Rainbow.” Oblivion addressed them both as they came into the library.

“Ya wanna join us for breakfast?” Rainbow asked.

“Yes. I’m famished.” Twilight said as she got to her hooves and Oblivion nodded.

“Count me out. I need to get an early start.” Spike declared as he moved around for a few minutes to gather things to him.

“Early start?” Rarity asked him.

“Yes! I'm going on a quest of self-discovery! I need to learn what it means to be a dragon! And the only way I'm gonna do that is to join the dragon migration!” He shouted out as he hefted a small back and stick to his shoulder.

“Where did he find those?” Sasa asked as Oblivion gave a sight shrug at her question.

“Spike, that's nonsense talk! I know that you're a dragon, but those dragons mean business! They're big, and tough, and scary...” Rarity said to him as he watched her.

“And I'm small and meek... and I like to wear aprons. See? This is exactly why I need to spend time with them.” Spike explained.

“All I'm saying is that you could get hurt,” Rainbow explained.

Darling, this time I do have to agree with Rainbow Dash. I don't want those big, ugly, nasty dragons to hurt one little scale on your cutesy-wutesy head!” Rarity informed him.

“I’m sorry but I’ve made up my mind,” Spike said as he walked toward the front door.

Oblivion moved to cut him off and came to stand in front of him, preventing him for leaving. He said nothing as Spike looked up at him. The Witcher looked up to see what Twilight was thinking and she walked up to them.

“Hold it for a second.” She said and they all remained still.

“Don’t tell me you’re okay with this?” Rarity asked her.

“Yes, Spike. I couldn't answer your questions. My books couldn't either. I understand why you want to look elsewhere. I truly believe you need to go on this quest. And we have no right to stop you.” Twilight said to him as she hugged him close.

A slight smile tugged at the corner of his mouth as he moved out of the doorway. “Perhaps you will find what you seek. But do not forget what is behind you either.” He advised the baby dragon.

“I won’t. I promise Oblivion.” He addressed the Witcher and a wide smile went over his features as Twilight set him down in the doorway.

Spike toddled out the door and the four ponies watched as they waved and once he was out of earshot Rarity leaned toward Twilight and spoke through her grin. “We’re following him, right?”

“Of course.” Oblivion replied from behind them as Twilight agreed.

Oblivion said nothing as he looked at the disguise that Rarity had created for them. “Now Oblivion dear you’re going to be in front. You’re too tall for the middle or back end.”

“Right.” He said as he moved into the space with their head and it settled onto his shoulders. “Are we sure that is going to be enough to not get us caught?”

“It’ll be perfect dear. You worry too much.” Rarity said to him as Rainbow and Twilight hopped din behind him and Rarity took up the back end.

Oblivion slowly walked forward as he waited for the others to fall in behind him and get their strides to match him. His magic lit as wind and rain buffeted the group and he made sure the costume withstood the elements. Twilight patted his hip in thanks as he kept them heading in the right direction. Rarity had ensured that the eyes of the costume would allow the black stallion to easily guide them. He had left Sasa behind and assured her he would bring the baby dragon home in one piece.

“There they are.” He whispered to the three mares.

“Hmm?” Twilight asked as she reared up to look and her breath caught in her throat at the sight of the dragons. “Oh by Celestia. There’s so many of them.”

He said nothing as she went back into her place behind him and he scanned the area and quickly regained sight of their baby dragon. Rainbow began to flap her wings and Oblivion found himself having to try to adjust to her as she moved.

“Rainbow if you fly any further I will ground you myself. We are a ground dragon… So be grounded.” He growled back to her as she leaned on his hip.

“Oh… Right.” She said as she went back to the ground. “I’m telling you guys. We will never pass for a real dragon.”

“Oh pish-posh. This costume is fabulous. One of my best creations.” Rarity replied, her voice affronted at the implication by the Pegasus.

“We'll never pass if they hear five voices coming out of one dragon! Now come on, let's go!” Twilight said as she tugged Oblivion's tail to tell him to walk forward.

Oblivion bit back a sigh and he walked them forward to rejoin Spike who seemed to have found some dragons closer to his size. Oblivion joined them and they didn’t give their costume much of a look and ignored them for the most part.

The red dragon leaned down to look at the smaller dragon. “Well, if you weren't just hatched, how come we haven't seen you around before?”

“Oh, well, y'see, I live in Ponyville and…” Spike began to explain.

“Hahaha! Ponyville? That explains it! I knew there was something vaguely pony-ish about you! If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were part pony!” The red dragon laughed as Spike looked uncomfortable.

“No! I’m all dragon. See?” Spike leaned out and gave as much of a roar as he was able.

Oblivion managed not to cringe at the small sound.

“Or maybe you’re a pony in a dragon suit?” A purple dragon laughed and draped their arm around their costume's neck.

Oblivion quickly realized some acting was going to be needed. “Hilarious.” He replied as he willed humor into his tone. Behind him, he heard Twilight gasp.

The dragon let go of him and Oblivion said nothing as he rotated his shoulders. He glanced back to find Twilight and the others looking horrified. He said nothing in reply as they looked nervously back and forth for a moment before Twilight came up to his hip and spoke to him in a whisper.

“Any way you can be less… monotone?” She asked him.

He didn’t say anything back to her and simply looked at her. “Such as?”

“I didn’t think so.” She admitted and went back to her place.

Oblivion looked ahead as the dragons began to burp fire. He looked over his shoulder as Twilight looked even more nervous. The brown dragon burped loud enough to rattle Oblivion's ears and he was forced to cringe down a bit or the flames would have caught the costume on fire. He looked down at them and found them to be looking at him and he quickly realized it was his turn.

“Here goes nothing.” He whispered as his horn lit.

Azure flame poured from the mouth of the costume the dragons all backed up as he let the flame fade and sent a bit of smoke out of his mouth to try to appear more legitimate. The group of them cheered and the purple one once again hung his arm over his neck. Twilight looked up and she barked several laughs from within the costume. The dragons moved onto Spike as he glanced back at Twilight and gave her a slight nod. Spike belched out a flame and a letter appeared in its wake. The red dragon picked it up and opened it.

From the desk of Princess Celestia. Dear Spike, please te– Ha! Get this, guys! Spike's pen-pals with a namby-pamby pony princess!” He laughed as he wadded up the letter and tossed it over his shoulder and it fell into a pool of lava.

Oblivion said nothing as Twilight looked horrified. “What if that was important?”

“Let it go.” He whispered back to her as he focused on what the dragons were saying.

“Maybe tail wrestling will be more your speed.” The red said to him.

Oblivion watched as two of the dragons looped their tails and began to try to knock each other down. Oblivion looked back and Rarity quickly understood.

“Will have to risk this to make sure they don’t hurt him,” Twilight said to him from her place behind him.

He nodded in agreement and stepped forward. “I challenge Spike to a tail wrestle.” He growled, disguising his voice as best he could.

They looked at him, almost as if they saw him for the first time. “Who’s he?” The red asked.

“I think he’s Crackle's cousin.” The purple replied.

Oblivion looked where they did and a dragon who bore a strong resemblance to them roared out from their place on a rock. Once that was figured out the teenage dragons seemed to agree and Oblivion moved them into place to allow Rarity to tail wrestle Spike. Rarity kept her hoof in the tail and it wrapped around Spike's much smaller tail. They made a few noises to show they were fighting and then Oblivion looked back and the others all dropped to the ground with him to show that Spike had won against them. The teenage dragons stared for a moment before they began to cheer. The red dragon lifted Spike by his tail and declared him the winner.

“I can’t believe that worked.” Rarity admitted as she looked up at Oblivion who gave a slight shrug.

Spike looked around them and puffed out his chest a bit. “Alright, who's next?”

Oblivion nearly cursed as Spike was acting cocky. He wasn’t the only one who noticed. The red dragon pointed out a new challenger for him and Oblivion watched as Spike was thrown to the side with very little effort by the other dragon. He rolled his eyes as Spike came walking back to them. The red dragon picked him up and walked him to the top of a hoard of gems and stood him at the top.

The red patted Spike for a moment before a look came into his eyes. “So, Spike, you haven't exactly proven yourself as a dragon yet, have you?”

“But I get an A for effort right?” Spike asked.

“Huh, maybe. Let's see how you do in this next contest.” Garble said as he pushed Spike from the top of the hoard and let him fall to the ground. “King of the hoard!”

Oblivion watched as the dragons all rushed the gem mountain and Spike began to crawl his way up it. Oblivion looked back and the mares nodded in silent agreement. They’d find a way to get Spike to the top. One of them approached Spike and Oblivion slammed his chest into him and knocked him to the ground. Oblivion and the mars were able to avoid falling with him by keeping all of their hooves planted. Oblivion allowed them to slide down the hill for a few feet to make it look like they had slipped and fallen, allowing Spike to get to the top. Oblivion watched as Spike got under the red dragon and his spines came up underneath him and knocked him and the dragon he was grappling with off balance and sent them down to the bottom of the mountain. Spike was now the only one on the top of the mountain.

“King of the…” Spike began to shout as he slipped and fell to the bottom of the mountain as well.

Oblivion heard a quiet groan from Twilight behind him and he looked up to the sky for a moment before he approached them once more. The red dragon approached him and scoffed.

“Looks like this is another fail for you, little Spike. Can't wait to watch you fail at lava cannonball, too.” He jeered.

“Cannonball… What?” Rainbow asked.

Oblivion looked down at the pool of lava under them and he knew that they were at a point where they could not help the baby dragon. He looked over his shoulder and Twilight came forward as much as she was able to and saw what he was seeing and nodded in agreement with him.

“Spikes on his own this time.” She whispered to the others who also agreed and they backed up and out of line.

Oblivion trotted them down to the pool and he ensured they were far back enough to avoid getting hit by the molten earth. He looked up as Spike came to the edge of the rock above them and jumped. A loud smack sounded out as Spike belly-flopped onto the pool of lava. The teenagers all groaned at the impact and surrounded the little dragon.

“Ugh... was I... that bad?” Spike asked as they stared at him.

“No, dude, that was awesome! No pony could live through a belly flop like that! You're one tough little dragon.” Garble told him as he picked him up out of the lava and then dropped him back into it with a small splash.

The group got out of the lava as one of them issued a trumpeting sound through his nose and the dragons all straightened their tails and made a pathway that reminded Oblivion of ceremonies back on the Continent. Spike reached Garble and Garble put his tail against Spike on one shoulder and then to the other, knighting him in a fashion.

“Spike, by belly-flopping so hard, you have proven yourself worthy. I hereby dub you 'rookie dragon', and will now perform the initiation ritual.” He picked Spike up and rubbed his spines with his hand roughly. He set Spike down and the small dragon tottered on his feet for a moment. “Now let’s party dragon style!”

The dragons all cheered and began to eat the gemstones of their hoard and Oblivion looked at the mares who all looked greatly relieved.

The four of them watched as the dragons lazed in the large crater and Spike smiled as he laid among them.

“Man that was a great party.” Spike said, his voice calm and content.

“Great? Huh, maybe by Ponyville standards. Stick with us, Spike. We still got plenty to teach you about being a dragon.” Garble said back to him.

“I'm not going anywhere. The way I feel right now, I could hang out with you guys forever.” Spike said as he looked around him.

He heard the mares all gasp from behind him. He looked back and their faces were a mix of shock and horror at Spike's proclamation.

“Spikey-wikey is going to stay with these awful dragons? Forever?” Rarity said as she looked up at the black Unicorn.

“This is terrible!” Twilight gasped out.

Rainbow shook herself for a moment before she looked at Twilight. “I should have stopped him when I had the chance.”

“No, Rainbow Dash, this is all my fault! I encouraged him to go!” Twilight informed her.

“We can handle this.” Oblivion said back to them. “In time he will realize that he belongs at home, not out here. He is only seeing that fun that he is having now, not how it will be when the fun ends.”

“Y'know, Spike, I think you just might be ready for a real dragon raid,” Garble said as he hauled himself to his feet as the dragons around him began to cheer. “There's a nest full of phoenix eggs nearby, and we're gonna swipe 'em!”

Oblivion was quiet as he listened to the cheering dragons. “I can’t help but think this is a bad idea.” He whispered.

“Aren’t you psyched to go?” The brown dragon asked the small dragon and slapped him to the ground.

“Oh yeah I’m, I'm excited. I mean, I'm psyched.” Spike replied to him as the dragons all nodded in agreement.

Garble began to flap his wings. “Alright then, let’s fly!”

Oblivion was quiet as Spike cast a glance to his back to find there were no wings and his face seemed to light up as the others took to the air. “Uh, sorry, guys! I guess I'll meet you back here at the crater! After the whole raid thing's over? We'll hang then!” He began to turn away when the brown dragon came back and lifted him into the air.

“Shit.” Oblivion cursed as he looked in the direction they had been flying. “We need to follow them.”

“On it!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she threaded her wings through two small holes in the costume and tried to fly.

Oblivion felt himself falling forward with Twilight and Rarity being dragged behind her. His hooves were [pushed forward and he found they were being propelled forward by Rainbow's attempts to fly. The lava pool loomed ahead of them and he spun them around and dug in his claws as his magic reached out and pinned the mare’s wings to her sides.

“Can you not try to kill us?” He asked the mare as she fell against his hip.

“But they took Spike!” She argued.

WE can’t fly.” He argued back, his tone sarcastic.


“We will just have to hoof it.” Twilight added in and the others nodded as Oblivion led them forward and up the side of the crater.

Oblivion led them at a pace he felt the others could easily keep up as they drew up on the four dragons. Oblivion could hear them shouting for Spike to smash something. The closer he got he could see a ruined nest of some kind. He assumed they were asking him to smash an egg. As they drew up behind Spike the dragons were now acting more hostile toward the baby dragon.

“I said no.” Spike said to them, his voice firm.

“No one says no to me.” Garble snarled.

Spike backed up several steps and bumped into the pony’s costume. They tossed it off of them and Spike's eyes went wide as he saw the mares and Oblivion now standing with him. The black stallion said nothing as he was now the only one to stand face-to-face with the dragons at their height. Spike backed up a step as he ended up between Oblivion's front hooves.

“Ooh, scary, hehe! Spike, are these namby-pamby ponies your friends?” Garble asked as he sneered.

“Yes, they are. And they're better friends than you could ever be. Now, if you don't back off, you'll see what us ponies do when confronted by a huge group of jerky dragons.” Spike said as he stepped forward and prodded Garbles belly.

“Oh yeah? And what is that?” Garble asked as he snorted smoke into Spike's face.

“Umm…” Spike backed up until he hit Oblivion's hooves.

“Back Spike. This is mine.” The Witcher said as he summoned one of the blades from the band on his leg.

The teenager’s eyes widened at the sight of the azure flame and the crystal blade. “Not afraid of that.” The brown one growled.

“I’m not asking you to be afraid.” Oblivion deadpanned. “I’m showing that I am ready to fight for him if I need to.”

Garble advanced on him and Oblivion cast a glance back and Twilight nodded. He pushed Spike back to his hind legs and then slammed his front hooves down and sent Aard rolling over the ground ahead of him. The three dragons were all rolled backward and Oblivion spun on his heel and the group of them took off running. Their hooves thundered over the packed dirt as he came to run in the center of them. He looked up at Twilight as her horn lit and he could see that she was trying to teleport them. His own horn was lit and he channeled more power into her horn to help her. He looked back as the flying dragons were catching up with them.

“Now Twilight!” He shouted.

Her horn lit and he felt himself being pulled as her magic covered them and they vanished in a moment. He felt the ground coming toward him and he threw out his forelegs to keep from face-planting into the dirt. He looked up as Twilight groaned in front of him. He stepped forward to help her stand. Spike turned back to them and Oblivion could see the egg still clutched in his claws.

“Phew, that was a close one. Thanks, you guys.” Spike said to them, relief in his voice.

“Of course. What are friends for?” Twilight said to him as Oblivion ensured she was back on her hooves and could hold her weight.

“You're more than friends. You're my family.” Spike said to them as tears welled up in his eyes.

He ran up to them and hugged each of them as they held him in return. Oblivion said nothing as Rarity gave a happy noise as she hugged the baby dragon. He held him and the dragon nuzzled his neck and set him on the ground.

“Anypony know where we are exactly?” Rainbow asked as she looked around her. “Where did you put us Twilight?”

“We are just outside of the Everfree.” Oblivion supplied. “I know where we are.”

“Can you lead us back into town?” Twilight asked him, he could hear that she was tired from teleporting them.

“I can lead us back.” He assured them and took to the front to lead them back into Ponyville.

105: A Remnant Falls

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Oblivion pieced the newest piece of the map he had been chasing into place with the others. So far the pieces had been coming from the same side of the map and each piece fit together with the others easily. Sasa laid off to the side of him, having grown tired of trying to fit the new piece into place and impose it on the larger map that they had borrowed from Twilight. The aqua mist from her fur flowed easily off her body as she slept. Across the room from him, Twilight went through a new book she had acquired for the Library and they sat in a comfortable silence. He looked at the map as he held it up the light and it showed him where to go next.

“Any idea what place this is?” He asked the purple mare.

His voice startled her and she yelped in surprise. “Huh?!”

“This.” He simply said to her and held it out for her to look at.

“Oh hang on let me look at it.” She said as she looked at the map and her eyes narrowed a bit as she stared. “Oh… I know where that is. It’s a town just outside of the Everfree. Not sure what it’s called though.”

“I do not need the name so much as its coordinates. If possible?”

“Oh sure give me a second.”

Twilight walked over to the shelves and pulled out a book to allow her to figure out what the coordinates were for the town. A few minutes went by and the mare came back with a small paper and handed it to him with a smile.

“There ya go.” She said to him.

“Thank you Twilight.” He said to her as he took the paper and his horn lit as she turned back to him.

“You're chasing another piece of that map aren’t you?” She questioned.

He gave a slight nod as his horn went out and she looked to be getting ready to speak further. “Yes?

“What are you hoping to find with those things?”

“I have no idea.” He admitted.


“I have no idea what they will lead me to. I’m just following the trail they're leaving behind.” He replied.

“Any clues?”

“When I found the first one it was at the village that had been plunged into depression and near violence at one point. The Unicorn that was sent to help find out why dropped the first one into the town's well. I found it there after a pony recalled their family member mentioned that the Unicorn had dropped something into it.” He informed her.

Twilight looked interested as he spoke and she sat down and focused on his words. “So do you think it could be a spell or something that is going to be interesting to find?”

“It could be anything.” He admitted.

“In your experience though what could it be?”

He gave a slight chuckle. “It might be anything. In my experience, it could be anything. It could be anything from a book to a pony. Or a monster.”

“Usually it’s a monster isn’t it?” She asked with a laugh.

He gave a nod as she giggled. “With my luck the way it is that is probably what it is. But I intend to find out one way or the other.”

“You’re leaving now for it?”

“I intend to yes.” He informed her. “I trust you’re too busy to come along?”

He was not sure why he had offered but it had felt like the right thing to do. Twilight looked thoughtful for several seconds.

“I wish I could actually.” She replied. “I promised to help with the training for the Pegasus ponies for the tornado.”

“Tornado?” He inquired.

“Yeah, it’s to help get Cloudsdale the water that will provide rain and everything for Equestria. So they need to have a certain amount of Pegasus to reach enough wing power.” She explained.

“I see. Well, perhaps next time then.” He said back to her.

“Definitely. I would like to go along one of these days to see what you are finding out there.”

Oblivion got to his hooves and his horn summoned his saddlebags. “You are always welcome to join me on one of these searches.”

“Not welcome monster hunting?” She teased.

“If I thought I could avoid you getting hurt every time, sure.” He admitted with a chuckle.

“I’ll take a rain check on exploring with you then.” She said a wide smile on her lips.

He nudged Sasa and the feline got to her paws with a wide yawn. “Till later Twilight.” He said to her as he focused on the coordinates he had been given. She smiled and waved the hoof as he vanished in a flash of azure flame.

He opened his eyes from his teleport and a sense of immediate disquiet rolled over him. His skin trembled for a moment before he shook himself to free himself from the shiver that threatened to shake his body. He summoned Sasa and the feline sat down heavily. He stared at the town ahead of him and he strained his ears to listen and he heard nothing close by them. There was no sound of ponies or animals near him.

“It’s really… Quiet.” Sasa said to him, even her voice was a whisper in his mind.

“Unnervingly so.” He admitted to her as he took a step forward.

She fell in behind him and he said nothing further as he led her into the town. The further into the town he got the quieter it seemed to become. The silence pressed in on him from all sides and he strained his ears further to listen for anything of note.


“Ahh!!” Sasa shrieked in his mind as a loud sound erupted from close by them.

His sword was in his magic a bare moment later as he looked to find the source of the sound. A door banged on its hinges off to their right and Sasa grumbled as she tried to relax and let her fur fall flat on her body. Oblivion sighed and he sent the blade back to the band on his leg and his wings trembled for a moment under their illusion. He reached out and his claws circled the door knob he pulled it shut and it closed with a resounding click.

“Sorry.” Sasa said to him as she looked down at the ground.

“It happens.” He assured her as he moved to walk away from the house and its now closed front door.

“Anything?” She asked, as his ears were sharper than her own.

“Nothing that I can find.” He admitted to her with a shake of his head, his mane settled onto his neck.

Sasa fell in behind him and he followed the street toward what he thought might end up being the center of town. His eyes watched intently ahead of them and so far nothing caught his eye and his ears caught the sound of deep silence around them. He reached the center of town after a few minutes and he looked down to see if there were any recent tracks. He narrowed his eyes to allow his enhanced sight to do some of the work for him. He could see what looked like drag marks in the packed dirt of the road and he focused in on the marks.

“Find something?” Sasa asked, her voice quiet in his mind.

“Maybe.” He said back to her. “It looks like something was dragged.”

“Okay. So we are going to follow it?”

He said nothing and simply nodded as he fell into tracking the marks. His enhanced sight allowed him to differentiate the marks from anything else on the road. He looked up occasionally to allow himself to not develop tunnel vision with his current objective. He stopped occasionally to allow him to ensure that he could act if needed.

Sasa sighed suddenly. “How about you track and I will watch our backs?”

He chuckled and nodded in agreement. “Sounds like a fair plan.”

He allowed the feline to do the work of keeping them safe and kept him on the track. The drag marks were still clear as the dirt began to give way to grass. The forest ahead of them stretched out and he walked easily into the shade of the forest. He heard Sasa grumble about the Everfree but he didn’t respond to her quiet complaints. The drag marls suddenly changed and there appeared to have been a fight in the grass. He looked at it from the angle of the one being dragged and now the marks showed that the pony being dragged was now fighting the pull of something or somepony else. The marks suddenly vanished for several feet and then the drag marks appeared once more.

“Interesting…” He muttered as he fell back into the track Sasa grumbled and once more began to watch around them for any threats.

The hours had fallen past him as he followed the track deeper into the Everfree. Behind him Sasa said nothing and allowed him to focus. The Witcher said nothing back to her as the track began to abate and fade into nothing. He made a short noise as the track faded and vanished. He stopped in his tracks and began to look around him and nothing stood out from the normal for him.

“Lost it?” Sasa asked him.

“Yeah. Let me see if I can pick it back up.”

“I’ll stay here where the track was last.” Sasa reasoned to him.

Oblivion moved in slow deliberate circles from where the track had ended. He didn’t find anything the further from the track he went. “Odd.” He muttered as he reached the outskirt of the small clearing. He walked back to the track and put his nose down to see if he would be able to track a scent. A scent of wildflowers caught his nose and he began to see if he could track the scent instead of the track themselves. He motioned for Sasa to remain where she was, she nodded and sat down where she was. He looked at the feline and she gave a wide yawn as she blinked tiredly. He made a short noise in his throat as he tried to follow the scent.

“Anything?” Sasa asked him.

“A scent of wildflowers is all that’s left of the track.” He admitted. “It’s like the pony that was here was… lifted.”

“Like they flew away? So they are a Pegasus and they escaped?”

“I’m not sure.” He admitted with a slight shrug. “I’ll see what the World Spirit has to say.”

“Oh I had forgotten all about it.” Sasa said with a laugh.

Oblivion reached out to the World Spirit and it lunged up to answer his command. He asked it to find ponies around him and after a few seconds, it found what he was looking for. A large number of ponies were several miles away. They were still and didn’t appear to be moving away or toward him.

“Found them.” He said and he began to follow the World Spirit and its direction.

“How much further?” Sasa asked from behind him.

“A couple more miles.” He replied to her through their connection.

“Great.” Sasa said, sarcasm in her tone. “What is the plan?”

“The plan is to find out why they are there and if they are there for a reason.” He said back to her.

“Any ideas why they are all out in the middle of nowhere?” She asked him.

“The World Spirit did not see anything that it is attached to it nearby. So nothing that it could find. We will see once we get to it.”

“Interesting…” Sasa replied. “So nothing with a spirit that it could attach to or find.”

“Pretty much.” He admitted. “It had nothing to find or connect to. I could try it again but I’m sure there is nothing there for it to find.”

“Odd.” The feline said back to him as she padded after him, her paws silent.

He fell silent as the time went past him. He looked over his shoulder to find Sasa lagging behind him. He reached out to her and he could sense that the Tiger was tired. He stopped in his tracks and called on the World Spirit to reach out to the ponies and see if they were injured or in need of immediate help. He found that they were mostly asleep and still. He was about to stop the World Spirits searching when something stood out to him. He reached out further to see if the ponies were upset or injured and from what he could tell they were either asleep and those that were awake were very afraid. Something had scared them badly.

“Hmm.” He made a noise aloud and Sasa sat down heavily at his hip.

“Can we pause for like an hour?” She asked him.

He said nothing for a moment before he looked at her and nodded. “We can pause for three hours.”

Sasa immediately flopped to the ground and sighed deeply. “Thank you.”

“You can’t help if you’re exhausted.” He said to her. He kept an ear out to assure himself that they were alone out on the forest. He looked back as Sasa began to sleep and he looked up to see the place of the moon and through it he could track the time.

Oblivion had allowed himself to stand in silence for going on three hours when the World Spirit began to heave under his command. He looked up and immediately reached out to the World Spirit and it lunged across the land to focus his attention on the ponies that he was following. They were faltering and their spirits were weakening. He took a step forward and nearly ran when he heard a quiet noise from Sasa as she slept.

“Sasa.” He said to her and nudged her with a back hoof.

“I’m awake.” She yelped as he pushed her. “Well I am now.”

“We need to get moving something has changed. The ponies are in trouble.”

“Oh… Well, let’s go.” She fell in at his hip and nudged him that she was ready to go.

He nearly broke into a hard gallop when caution washed over him. That spike of intuition rolled over him and he stopped in place. He recalled that Equestria had said these were a sense of foresight. He knew that something was ahead of them, he might not know exactly what it was but he knew it was there. Sasa ran her tongue over his hip and then ran her cheek along his leg.

“Something is there with them and they are terrified of it.” He said to her.

“Oh? How do you know?” She asked.

“The World Spirit alerted me to the ponies losing their spirits and before I let you sleep they were afraid of something close by them.” He explained to her.

“Why did you let me sleep if they were scared?!” She nearly shouted at him.

“You can’t help if you’re too exhausted to fight. You needed a bit of rest.”

She said nothing in reply for several seconds before she sighed. “You could have used the World Spirit… You’ve done that before on ponies.”

He looked back at her and then his eyes closed as he realized that she was right. He had completely forgotten what the World Spirit was capable of when used properly. “I’ve used it to calm, but I do not recall using it… Oh, Soarin.”

Sasa chuckled and nodded. “Exactly.”

He groaned quietly as he called on the World Spirit to refresh Sasa and the white fire layered over her. He felt it refresh her and she shook herself free of the white fire after several seconds. The Witcher said nothing as he began to pick his way slowly forward through the growing darkness. The tall grass and low-hanging tree limbs only made the travel more difficult as he followed the World Spirits' connection to the ponies. The closer he got the more the feeling of disquiet rolled over him and made his muscles tremble. Behind him, he heard Sasa grumble quietly.

“Something is strange, Chosen.” She advised him.

“You feel it too?” He asked her as he paused to go under a low-hanging tree limb. “I’m not sure what it is but yes, it’s making my skin tremble.”

“That bad? Great that’s comforting.”

“Hmm. Could be nothing or it could be something.”

Sasa said nothing in reply as he made sure the path through the grass and trees was clear for her too pass. They reached a ridge and Oblivion crept up to it and he looked down to find the ponies held at the bottom of the ravine. They were held in what looked it a fenced cage but as he looked at it the more he wondered why they hadn’t simply escaped by jumping the fence. Sasa crept up next to him and she tilted her head at the sight of the fenced-in ponies.

“Why aren’t they escaping?” She asked him.

“I’m not sure. A healthy pony should be able to jump a fence like that fairly easily. The fact that they haven’t is odd… They might be too afraid to attempt escape.”

“Afraid of what?” Sasa asked.

“I’m not sure. We need to get close to them.”

“You’re too tall to sneak up easily on them, Chosen. Let me sneak up to them.”

“Your fur is too bright.” He argued in silence with the feline.

She looked down at her bright white striped fur and he could see her scrunch up her face a bit. “Can you darken my fur with magic?”

“I can try to.” He agreed with her as he backed up from the edge pulling her with him.

His horn lit and he let his magic cover her as she stood and waited. Her fur began to darken as he stood with her and soon it was as black as his own fur. The mist coming off her was still the same coloring but it did not show any signs of the bright colors of before. He looked at her and she looked down at her fur and a wide toothy grin showed as she looked back at him.

“That should do it.” She said to him as she crept back to the edge of the ravine.

“Be careful. I can only do so much from up here if you get into trouble.” He warned her.

“I will. I’ll be careful I promise.” She assured him.

He watched as the feline crept over the edge of the ravine and disappeared from his sight. He went back to the edge of the ravine and watched the feline as she crept silently down to the fenced in area that the ponies were enclosed in. He narrowed his eyes to try to focus on something that might be stopping them from running, but now that the World Spirit was at his immediate command they were too depressed to even try to escape. Their spirits were a bit broken but not so broken that they had stopped functioning.

“Chosen they are all just stock still and staring ahead of them.”

“What are they staring at?”

“I’m not sure let me see if I can get up there a bit further. I’m not scenting anything major, but they are all so still.”

“Be cautious.” He advised.

“I will be.” She assured him. “It’s almost the same kind of lack of scent as the last time.”

“What do you mean?”

“That black pony from before, the one made of black goo.”

“The Remnant?” He asked her.

“Yes, that thing.” She replied with certainty in her tone.

“If it’s here, then you will need me.” He said back to her.

“I haven’t seen it yet. Hang on.” She said to him.

Oblivion said nothing as he watched the feline stalk forward. Her form was silent as she weaved forward, her body black was his own fur and the night seemed to swallow her as she moved. If he did not have his cat eyes he would have lost sight of her. He looked ahead of her and he could not see anything in front of the fenced cage.

“Why aren’t they jumping free? Is the cage special in some way?”

“It’s made of the same goo as that Remnant was. I wouldn’t want to touch it either.” Sasa informed him as she moved.

He said nothing back as what she said made him think. If their cage were made of the same corruption as the Remnant, then if they had touched it, it would have hurt their spirits badly. He waited for Sasa to alert him to what she was seeing. He saw nothing ahead of her but he was losing his sight the further away he had to look. He began to try to follow the feline from above as he slowly moved along the top of the ridge.

“Chosen stop.” Sasa said to him.

He stopped in his tracks at her warning and went still. He said nothing in response to the warning and waited for her to give him any instructions. When nothing happened he crept away from the edge and stayed away from edge and out of sight from anything that might see him from below.

“Something is here Chosen.” Sasa said to him. “Something moved when you were moving from above. I don’t think it knows you’re here but it knows something is up. Stay back and out of sight.”

He gave a silent agreement to her advice and remained back from the edge. He said nothing and waited for her to say more.

Sasa moved forward and she looked back at the fenced-in ponies. They were all standing in silence with their heads lowered almost to the ground. Their eyes were barely open and they simply stood in silence. Sasa paused at the sight of them and a feeling washed over her fur and she managed not to tremble at the feeling that came off them.

The Spectral Tiger began to creep forward once more and the ponies didn’t say anything or even move at the sight of her. She was certain that they could see her if they looked up a bit but they were too busy staring despondently at the ground. The scent of that Remnant caught her nose once more and she paused as it washed over her. She held back a tremble and crept several feet more. A sight off to her left caught her attention as a pony walked toward her. The mare stared at her and a scream tore from its mouth as Sasa froze.

“There you are.” A voice slid into her ears and she looked up to see the Remnant staring at her.

Her eyes went wide as its form undulated and the scent grew stronger as it walked a few feet toward her. She faced the Remnant and the monster simply smirked at her.

“You’re all alone this time.” Its voice slid over her fur and seemed to soak into her. “Come to me little kitten I can make things better for you. Your master is a weak pony and I can make you more powerful.”

Sasa roared in reply and squared up to fight the pony. “Chosen!” She yelled out to the black Unicorn.

Oblivion galloped over the edge of the ravine and slid down the side of it to join Sasa as she called out to him. He could see the Remnant close by her as a pony stood paralyzed, staring at the feline. He sent out a blast of azure flame to fight the Remnant and get its focus on him. He knew that it would not hurt it, but he wanted it to focus on him. He summoned his crystal blade from the band on his leg as he landed on the ravine bottom and the Remnant had spun to face him when the magic had glanced off its corrupted hide.

“So your here as well.” It growled at him as the blade hovered in the azure flame. “I can’t help but wonder how you’re finding these ponies. What are you exactly?”

“You don’t need to worry about that.” Oblivion said to him. “What do you want with them?”

“They’ll will serve. Their spirits belong to another.” It responded.

“And who might that be?” Oblivion pressed.

“You wish to know, do you? They belong to one who is more than the world can handle. You only slow down my plans to honor him.”


The Remnant sneered as it stopped talking and charged Oblivion. The Witcher said nothing as he also lowered his body and readied for the attack that was heading his way. The Remnant charged him and a blade of corruption formed in its grip and it swung the weapon toward him. Oblivion immediately raised his weapon and the crystal blade sliced completely through the Remnant blade. It carved into the Remnants shoulder and it yelled in pain as it reeled back. White fire surged over his horn as the World Spirits came forth. He said nothing as the Remnant reeled back at the sight of the white flame.

“What are you?” It hissed in anger.

Oblivion said nothing in reply as he charged and the white fire flowed over the crystal blade and it swung down to bury itself in the Remnants neck. Oblivion did not stop as the blade dug deep and corruption fountained from the wound. He said nothing as it sprayed over his chest and legs, leaving his body in corruption. The Remnant reeled back and screamed in pain as Oblivions blade bit deeper and dug as deep as he could command it.

“Get him Chosen!” Sasa cheered from behind him.

Oblivion tilted his blade and put his hoof and claws around the hilt. He spun his body to gather momentum and the blade cut through the Remnant's neck, decapitating it completely. The body stayed standing for several seconds before it crumpled to the ground and began to liquefy. Sasa approached as the corruption and it stayed in a puddle on the ground and it slowly began to move along the ground. White fire flowed from his horn as he covered the corruption in the World Spirits fire and the corruption screamed audibly. The corruption began to burn and disintegrate under the white fire and he said nothing as it burned to nothing.

“Do you think that will be the last we see of him?” Sasa asked as she joined him.

“No.” He said to her.


“Corruption like that does not truly die. I’m certain we will see him again. Besides if he is as dedicated to his ‘Master’ as I think he is then he does not have just one font of corruption to live off. I’d guess we have a matter of time before he reappears.” Oblivion said to her.

Sasa looked nervous for several seconds before she looked back at the despondent ponies in the pen. Oblivion looked at it as well and his still alight horn sent the crystal blade back to the band on his leg and the white fire covered the fence and began to burn through it till it vanished. He then turned to face the ponies and used the World Spirit to touch each one of them to allow him to pull them out of the state they had been placed in. The mare that had seen Sasa was staring wide-eyed at him and the enormous feline. The World Spirit reached out and touched each pony covering them in the white fire, the mare shrieked for a second before the fact that it felt comforting and soothing made her pause.

“What are you…? Doing?” She asked.

“Healing you all.” He replied.

She fell silent as the stallion continued what he had been doing and the white flame only grew in strength. Sasa sat down and watched as Oblivion worked. She looked at the ponies and saw them slowly recovering. Oblivion was taking it slow to allow them to adjust easily and without injuring them further. The ponies slowly raised their heads as their spirits were freed of the corruption that had taken hold of them. They stared at the black Unicorn as the white flame began to dissipate and fade. Several of them looked around and found the fence was no longer in place and they smiled as the Unicorn was still and then sat down heavily with a sigh.


“I’m okay.” He said back to her. “Is anypony injured?”

“I don’t think so.” A dark green pony answered his question. “Let me make sure.”

The stallion backed up and began to weave through the others. Sasa walked up to him and began to look at the back good on front of him. She grimaced as it undulated over his fur.

“Perhaps you should cleanse yourself of that goo.” She advised.

“Hmm?” He said back to her as he looked down to see what she was talking about. “Oh.”

White fire once more covered his horn as he commanded the World Spirit to cleanse the corruption on his body. It disintegrated from his body and Sasa made an approving noise when the green stallion returned to the front.

“Nopony is badly injured. Just a couple of cuts and bruises. Nothing more than that.” He replied.

“That’s good to hear. I can get you all back to your village. It’s a bit of a trek but I can get you there.” Oblivion informed them as the ponies began to look at him.

“I’m not even sure where we are, to be honest.” The green pony informed the Witcher. “You know where we are though?”

“Yes. I can get you home. It will take time but I can get you there.” He replied.

“Who are you anyway?”

“My name is Oblivion Shadow.”

“Well, Mr. Shadow. I can honestly say I am very happy you came upon us.” The green pony said with a chuckle.

“What brought you out this way anyway?”

“I came here searching for a small cylinder like this one.” Oblivion replied and his horn lit as one of the tubes appeared in his magic to show them. “Have you seen one like this?”

“Oh yes. I have one. My name is Forest Moon.” The green pony said to him with a smile.

“Pleasure to meet you.” Oblivion replied. “Where do you keep the cylinder?”

“It’s in my home,” Forest admitted. “My predecessor had it before me. It has been passed down to the Mayors of the town when one is elected.”

“I see.” Oblivion replied. “What are the odds of me being allowed to take it?”

“Well you did save all of us and so far have not asked for any kind of payment,” Forest replied as Oblivion motioned for them to follow him. “I don’t see why you can’t have it. What do you need it for?”

“Inside it is a piece of a map that I have been searching for. Each one holds a new piece.” Oblivion explained.

“What are they leading you to?”

“I have no idea. So far each one leads to the next piece. I have a few of them in my possession and the last one led me to your village. When I realized the village was deserted I began to search for all of you.”

“Well, I do not see why you can’t have it. If you can get it open anyway.” Forest explained.


“I’ve never been able to get it open. Even a few other Unicorns have tried to open it but so far no success.”

“Well, we will see if I can work some magic.” Oblivion replied.

“I would think you would be able to open it, Chosen.” Sasa said to him as she trailed at his hip.

“Hopefully. Otherwise, this has been a large waste of time.” He admitted back to her.

“How are you finding your way in the dark?” Forest asked him, his voice cautious.

“I am tracking her paw prints.” He replied and pointed his horn over his shoulder to Sasa.

“Tracking her?”

“Yes, my hooves leave very little to no traces. So tracking her is far easier ttrying to track my own path.”

“It's pitch black out.” Forest observed.

“I am a Witcher. I am designed to hunt and track no matter the conditions. Do not worry I will get all of you home.” Oblivion assured him.

“I’ve never heard of a Witcher.”

“We have been called monster hunters, curse breakers, and trackers. My kind are trained to fight creatures and ponies alike.” Oblivion explained.

“So you can lead us home through the pitch black night and not need light to do it?” Forest asked, his tone giving way to his disbelief.

“I assure you I do not need light to lead you all home. If I need it I will use my horn for light if we need.”

Forest looked uncertain as he looked over his shoulder at the trailing ponies of his village. “Okay. Lead the way.”

106: A Castle Ruin to Search

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Oblivion led the ponies back to their village and Forest happily led the Witcher to his own house. The Mayor Pony was quiet as he pulled the small silver container out of a small glass box and held it out to him. His magic gripped the cylinder and Forest leaned forward as the azure flame worked over the cylinder. An audible click went out as the side of the cylinder cracked open slightly. Oblivion pulled the map piece out and held it up to the light to allow the real design of it to show.

“What in the world is that?” Forest asked.

“It’s a map piece that I have a good portion of already. This one will lead right into the next part. It will lead me to the next piece of the map.” Oblivion informed him.

“What’s at the end of the road then?” Forest asked.

Oblivion managed not to look annoyed as he asked the same question of the black Unicorn again. “I have no idea what is at the end of the path.”

“Well, you’re welcome to stay for as long as needed. I know it’s nearly morning but you’re welcome to use my extra bedroom to rest up before you leave.” Forest said to him as he motioned for the stallion to follow him down the hallway.

“You could use a few hours rest, Chosen.” Sasa said to him as she nudged his hip.

He nearly told both of them that he was fine when he realized that it was the same as before and letting them show him their hospitality was for the best. “Very well. I appreciate the hospitality.”

He followed the green pony down the hall and he opened a door and motioned for the Witcher to go into the room. He did as he had been instructed and he moved to set the cylinder in his saddlebags. Forest walked away from the door and closed it most of the way behind him. Sasa lay down on the ground by the bed as Oblivion lay down. He laid his head down on his tail and closed his eyes to allow himself to rest for a few hours.

Oblivion opened one eye and he saw the green fields laid out in front and around him. He stood up and found himself listening intently for the sound of hooves. He spun to look back and Equestria was trotting slowly toward him. Her white fur shone against the bright green grass and the bright sun. A warm smile went onto her muzzle as she regarded him.

“Evening Equestria.” He said to her and gave a slight bow of his head to her.

“It is closer to morning than evening, Master Witcher.” She teased gently. “But I trust you can explain what I sensed earlier?”

“It was the Remnant again.” He said to her as she knelt to allow him to sit on her back. “I can walk with you.”

“I know.” She said with a bright laugh as he shook his head and vaulted onto her back. “It was?”

“Yes. It had taken the ponies of the village into the forest and caged them in the bottom of a ravine. Sasa and I tracked them to the ravine and the World Spirit led the way when I lost their track.” He explained to her.

“Why did it take them? Did you find out?” She questioned.

“I did ask it. It said that their spirits belonged to the one he serves.”

“Did he say who that was?”

“No. He started the fight when I asked. I was able to put him down but not with any more answers than what I had gotten.”

“Odd.” She said as she began to walk quietly forward.

“He said that they belonged to one that is more than the world can handle.” He replied to her as he sat easily on her back.

She stopped in her tracks and looked back at him. “Is that exactly what it said?”

“Yes.” He replied as he looked back at her. “Why?”

“That is something that I have heard before.” She explained. “The Fallen called himself that when he was still roaming the world.”

He felt a shiver go up his back despite knowing that it was probably him from the beginning. “Interesting. He said that he was using the ponies to honor him.”

She shuddered and began to walk again. “I wish ponies that had felt he was to be honored in any way had chosen to honor somepony else.”

“Why would they honor him?” He asked her.

“Most honored him due to the power he wielded. Some did see what he could do to others and they chose to follow him for it.” She explained to him.

“People and ponies flock to power when they feel they have none.” Oblivion said to her.

“Unfortunately your right.” She said with a deep sigh. “I wish ponies did not need to flock to him. Those that he did interact with were attracted to him and the power he displayed.”

“How often did he interact with ponies?”

“Not often. He only interacted with the ones he intended to use. If not then he typically chose to ignore those that he did not use for his experiments.”

Oblivion said nothing for several seconds before she began to trot forward. His legs clenched on her sides and his hands gripped her thick mane. She broke into a gallop and he looked ahead and he could see the prison that the Fallen was kept within. He was sure that she was bringing him to the prison to assure them both that he was still there. When they reached it she slowed to a stop and he slid off her back.

HE is still here.” She said to him, her voice quiet as they stared at the shackled crystal. “A part of me always fears he will break free somehow.”

“Any way that he could?”

“I’m not sure to be honest.” She admitted, her tone held a slight amount of fear as she spoke. “I wish I could say it was permanent till the world ends but I know better than that.”

He said nothing back to her for a moment as he began to approach the crystal. Its shine was dull as he approached it. He knew better than to touch it this time. He looked at the shackles he had placed around it the last time he had been near it. It was sealed and locked in place. The Witcher said nothing as he looked back over his shoulder at the mare as she stayed away from it. She looked nervously at the crystal and then back at him.

“Thankfully your prison seems to be holding easily.” He said to her and she gave a nervous nod.

“I would like it to last for eternity, but in the end, you need to destroy him at some point.” She reminded him.

“He will fall eventually.” He assured her. “Even though right now we are focusing on those who care to emulate him.”

She nodded and he walked back to stand by her shoulder. “How does the Remnant use the corruption as he did?”

She stopped and stared at him for a moment, her eyes went wide. “What?”

“Before when I met it the first time it used the corruption to infect the ground when I was fighting it. And now when I defeated it, it turned into a pool of corruption that I used the World Spirit to destroy.”

Her eyes remained wide as she stared at him. “Please tell me you’re joking…”

He looked at her as she began to tremble. “No. I’m not kidding.”

She looked even more nervous and he could see fear creeping into her face. “It’s more than just a Remnant.” She whispered.


“It’s similar to a Revenant.” She whispered.

“Which is?”

“He is never dead nor alive and a Revenant is someone alive when they are not meant to be.”

He looked at her and she sat down heavily as she trembled. He walked in front of her, wrapped his arms around her neck, ran his fingers through her mane, and rubbed her ear with his right hand. She leaned into him and he heard her begin to cry quietly.

“Talk to me.” He said to her as she shook.

“A Revenant in this case is a shade of him. He left it behind.” She cried out. “He knew… He knew Oblivion!”

“What did he know?” He asked her as she began to sob against him. “Talk to me.”

He had been around Twilight when she was falling apart and he used what he had learned from her to comfort the Heart of the World now. Equestria sobbed almost uncontrollably against him and he held her tighter as she leaned deeply onto him. Finally, his knees gave out as she leaned all of her weight on the front of her body onto him. He went down to one knee with her as she cried aloud. He felt his knee pop when he landed but he chose to ignore the throb as he continued to hold her.

She finally calmed as he kept running his fingers through her mane. Oblivion said nothing to her as she sniffled and whimpered on his shoulder. She finally pulled away from him and she said nothing in reply to his unspoken question as he regarded her. She shook her head slowly and sighed deeply.

“He knew when I called him here… he must have known.” She lamented.

“Meaning?” He asked, encouraging her to go on.

“A Revenant in this case is a piece of him that he created. Its purpose is to honor and spread his influence. It holds a piece of him and can become as many pieces of him as it needs.”

“So what I destroyed is a piece of him that has been left behind?”

“Yes.” She whispered. “Its purpose is to hurt the ponies and spread its corruption. The more corruption it spreads the better. I had no idea it was there. It’s never been attacking such large groups before.”

Oblivion said nothing as he listened to her and then his mind began to work with the details she had given. “Me.”


“It’s reacting to me.” He replied to her. “The only thing that has changed since he was sealed is me. Before it did not need to corrupt so many so quickly because it could do it slowly over time. With me here, anything it does is going to alert me and bring me to it.”

Equestria stared at him as he explained his thoughts and she nodded. “You're right. I held the World Spirit before you and the Revenant did not need to act. It only needed to be slow and deliberate. But now… You’re acting in response. It acts and it will draw you. I’m not sure it knows what you are though.”

“It doesn’t. That was one of its questions to me. It wanted to know what I was.” He explained.

She looked at him, as dread began to filter into her features. “Be careful. It can’t kill you but it can cause hurt. Never let it know about the others. Once it knows of them it will go after them with a vengeance.”

Oblivion got to his feet, allowing his knee to go back in place. “They will be safe.” He assured her.

Equestria said nothing further as she sniffled. She slowly got to her hooves and her bright eyes fell on him as he watched her. “I’m okay.” She assured him after a minute of silence between them.

He nodded and simply turned to look at the prison once more. The chains kept it locked in place and he walked up to the chains and tapped his hoof against the one closest to him. The chain didn’t move as it remained taut and secure. The mare with him stayed back as he walked around the prison. His eyes roved over it, searching for any visible weaknesses. When none were visible he returned to her and patted her shoulder.

“It’s fine.” He said to her.

“You’re certain?” She asked, her voice small compared to her normally bright voice.

“Yes. I’m certain.” He reassured her as he laid a hand on her back.

“I know your right and I trust you without question… But when it comes to his prison I always feel so unsure.”

“That’s reasonable. You enclosed him in it and it makes sense that the one who did the work would be the most concerned.” Oblivion said to her.

“That’s true.” She said with a light chuckle. “I can’t help but wonder if he let me capture him, as a way to mock me.”

“I don’t think he did.”


“He might have known you were up to something but in the end, he had no way of preventing it here. This is your realm correct?” She nodded as he went on. “You command absolute power here. He has very little command in this realm.”

“You think so?”

“Yes.” He replied as she looked at him. “He might have thought you were up to something but in the end, his ability to fight you fairly was lost when he came here at your request. Well played.”

She laughed at his wording and she finally seemed to be regaining her good humor. “Perhaps you're right.”

He said nothing further as he stood with her, the silence dragging out between them. He felt his body give a slight jolt and she looked at him as he leaned against her.

“Time to wake up Witcher.” She whispered as he closed his eyes.

His eyes opened slowly and he found the sun shining brightly in through the window on the far wall. Sasa laid on the floor at the side of the bed and he leaned over the side of the bed and reached out a hoof to prod the feline awake. The cat's eyes snapped open and she bolted to her paws with a yelp. Oblivion managed not to smirk as the cat turned to stare at him.

“Did you?” She asked as he got off the bed and nodded. “Oh. Scared me to death.”

“You’ll live.” He said to her as he made for the room's only door.

He left the room as his magic summoned his saddlebags to his body and Sasa fell in behind him as he made for the front room. Forest was sitting in his front room when he looked up and yelped as the black Unicorn emerged from the hallway.

“Yer pretty quiet.” He observed as he pulled back into his chair.

“I’m supposed to be.” Oblivion replied. “How are the other ponies doing after being returned here this morning?”

“I had a few come to ask about you but I told ‘em ya were resting. They seemed concerned but I told ‘em that ya seemed unhurt, just tired.” Forest said to him.

“I appreciate it. I’ll head out from here and head to the next location. I’m pretty sure I know where it is.”

“Gonna leave without saying anything?” Forest asked as he got to his hooves.

“Is there anything they need from me?”

“Nah. Just wanted to say goodbye perhaps.” He explained as he made for the front door.

Sasa chuckled in his mind as he held back a sigh. “You’re stuck being paraded around for a little while.”

“Great.” He grumbled under his breath.

Sasa continued to chuckle as he followed the pony into the town.

Oblivion’s teleport ended as he then summoned Sasa to his side. She sat down heavily and looked up at him.

“That took forever.” She groused. “I’m pretty sure you spoke to every member of the village at least once.”

“You noticed it as well.” He growled. “That was tedious. I understand the desire to thank me but that could have been done in one large group at the same time.”

“I agree.” Sasa said to him as he turned to face their new destination. “Castle of the Two Sisters?”

“Yes. I think this is where the next piece is located.” He informed her as he began to walk into the front door.

It was the same door that he and the girls had found when they were first brought to the ruins. He walked into the room and he stopped as the fact that he was going to have to search the ruins began to weigh in him slightly.

“This is going to take forever.” Sasa said as she came to stand next to him. “Any ideas or just go from room to room dismantling it?”

“I don’t think dismantling the entire ruin is a good plan. I don’t; think that the Unicorn would have put it inside a wall. This was done not too long ago so I would think it would be hidden skin deep.”

“That’s a fair point.” Sasa replied as she fell behind him as he walked into the room. “Let the search begin.”

Oblivion sighed as he left the fifteenth room behind. That one had been of considerable size and took more time to search. He sighed as Sasa came up to him.

“Well… That was a waste.” She groused. “I don’t know about you but we have been doing this all day, going through each room with a fine-toothed comb and nothing.”

Oblivion agreed with her but at the same time, he knew that they had to keep looking. “That is true but we have no choice.”

“Can we rest for a bit?” She asked as he began to walk away from her.

“Are you alright?” He asked her. “I can refresh you if needed.”

She sat in silence for a moment before she got to her paws and nodded. He sent the World Spirit to layer over her and refresh her so that she could keep going with him. He led her down the hallway to the next room and she sighed behind him.

“I know it’s time-consuming but we are probably in the right place.” He said back to her.

“Wait, wait.” She said as he stopped and looked over his shoulder at her. “Probably?”

He said nothing for a moment before he nodded. “Yes. The map is more faded than the others so it’s more difficult to decipher. But I am sure this is the right place.”

“So we could be wasting our time with this?” She asked, her voice pitched in annoyance. “It might not even be here?”

“It’s fine. I can say that I am more than sure we are in the right place.”

She huffed and stared at him for several seconds before she hung her head and sighed once more. “Fine. I hope you are right.”

He looked ahead as he moved to the next room. The doors were more ornate than the last ones they had been through, and he noted the faded symbols on them. He could not easily make out what the designs made in their entirety but he took note nonetheless. Behind him, Sasa came to stand beside him and she also looked the doors over.

“I think it’s a ballroom.” She said to him.

“Really?” He asked as she nodded and stood up to push the door open.

The door slid open as the hinges screamed in protest. He pinned his ears as the sound grated over him and Sasa cringed beside him. He shook his head once the sound faded and moved to walk into the ballroom. The room was covered in a heavy layer of dust that kicked up when his hooves moved through it. The walls were intact and appeared to be holding steady despite their age. The ceiling above them was also intact and seemed solid.

“How’s the room?” Sasa asked from the door.

“Seems to be in fair shape, despite its age.” He assured her as he moved further into the enormous room.

Sasa walked into the room with him and she looked curiously around the dark room. “Some light, Chosen?”

Oblivion nodded as he lit his horn and the room was bathed in bright light. She gave a pleased noise and began to look around the room. He said nothing for several seconds as he also began to walk toward the room’s closest edge. He stopped to scan a pillar and he circled it slowly.

“Is there any way you can scan the room with magic?” Sasa asked as she paused a few feet from him.

“Not that I know of.” He admitted to her.

“Damn. I was hoping you might have an idea of a spell for it. Something that could look for the metal in the cylinder.”

He paused as she spoke and he had to admit her idea had merit. He did not have a spell personally that could do as she had asked. But Starswirls book did. His horn grew brighter as he summoned the book to him and he began to poke through the pages, searching for the spell. She came to stand by him as he flipped through the pages. He found the spell and he read through it again.

“Can you do it?” Sasa asked.

He glanced over the book at her for a moment before she seemed to realize what she had asked.

“Never mind. Stupid question.” She said to him as he snapped the book closed and sent it back to the farmhouse.

“I can handle it, I assure you.” He said to her. “The only issue is that the spell is not designed for a room with obstacles in it. It’s meant for an unobstructed viewpoint in all directions.”

“Can you get around that?” She asked.

“I think so. If I use a version of my cleanse spell I think I can put them together to cover the whole room from top to bottom. Typically that spell is used with the World Spirit but this time it needs Unicorn magic.” He explained to her.

“Oh I see what you’re saying.” Sasa said as she came to understand what he had been explaining to her. “Not going to overpower it?”

“Not needed.” He admitted. “The spell doesn’t need power it needs coverage. If we can cover the full area then it will go faster.”

“Okay, I see what you’re saying. Whenever you’re ready.” She said to him as she sat down to wait for him to cast the spell.

Oblivion leaned back on his heels as he channeled power into his horn to allow him to cast the two spells one after the other. He gathered as much magic as he thought he needed and cast the spell to have his magic cover every part of the ballroom from top to bottom. He waited till the spell had touched every corner and every crevice in the room before he cast the second spell. The spells peaked at the same time and Oblivion said nothing as metal pieces began to glow in response to the spell. Sasa looked around them and she sighed as she moved to the far wall to resume her search.

“How long will the glow last?”

“As far as I know it lasts for an hour unless it’s refreshed.” He called back to her as he walked to the nearest wall.

“Great.” She grumbled but soon was focusing on the glowing portions of the walls.

“Nothing on your end either?” Sasa asked as he joined her in the middle of the room.

“Nothing here.” He said to her.

“Lovely.” Sasa said, sarcasm dripping from her voice. “Next one?”

“Yes.” He said to her as he made for the doors once more.

“Lead the way, Chosen.” She said to him as he reached the door and walked back into the hallway. “Going to check the hallway with the spells?”

He paused at her question and for a moment he contemplated it, but something stopped him in his tracks. “No. I don’t think the Unicorn would have hidden it in plain sight. Do you?”

She said nothing for several seconds as he began to walk forward. “No. You make a good point.”

“It’s never that easy.” He said as his hooves scuffed the dirt and dust on the floor as he walked. “I doubt it would ever be that easy for us to find. It will either be in the most unlikely place or it's not there at all.”

“I am hoping it is her and you were right about the map piece, no matter how faded.” She replied as she fell in at his. “Who do you think that Unicorn is anyway?”

“To be honest I have no idea. I at one point thought it could have been a protégé of Starswirl but from what I have read he disappeared shortly after Luna was banished so it could not be him personally. I had thought to ask Celestia if she had an idea who was sent to that first village.”

“Why haven’t you?” Sasa asked.

Oblivion looked over his shoulder at her before he sighed. “I forgot.”

Sasa stopped in her tracks and stared at him. “You… Forgot?”

He nodded and looked back at her as she began to howl with laughter. The feline erupted into laughter as she dropped to the ground and put her paws over her snout. He sighed and waited for her laughter to stop and for her to rejoin him. Several minutes passed as the feline finally seemed to regain control over herself she got to her paws and padded up to him, still chuckling.

“You, Master Witcher of the School of the Wolf, Element of Spirit, Guardian of the World Spirit, curse breaker, and monster hunter… Forgot.” Sasa giggled as he began to walk forward once more now that she had joined him. “I assume you feel a bit foolish about that?”

“You are correct.” He replied, his tone dry.

“Hehehe.” Sasa giggled as she bumped his hip.

He said nothing further as he neared the next room. “Other than laughing yourself into a coma how are you doing?”

“I’m fine. I’m getting tired again but I think that we both could use a nap. You especially.”


“Even you can only go so long. While I am well aware you’re far from your limit it's better not to ever reach that limit.” Sasa reasoned.

“Good point.” He replied as he looked over his shoulder. “Let’s finish this hallway and then we will go back to the ballroom and rest there.”

“That’s fair.” Sasa agreed as the Witcher led her forward. “Now that we have that spell combo this should go faster.”

“That is my thought as well.” Oblivion replied as he faced another door. “It looks like we have about ten left.”

“Okay. Sounds easy enough as long as they are not the same size as the ballroom.”

“And if they are?”

“I may cry. You will have to listen to me cry and whimper.” She informed him.


He pushed open the door to find an office in front of him. Sasa joined him and he heard a pleased sound as it came from her throat. She happily hopped through the doorway and stopped in her tracks.

“Oh shit.” She cursed as he felt his head give a slight tilt.

He walked in and turned to his left to look at what had earned a curse from her. A snort escaped him as he saw the library stretching out in front of them. Sasa whimpered in his mind as she sat down heavily.

“Just great.” She moaned. “Of course it’s a library. Of course it is.”

“Sounds like our luck is holding steady.” He said to her

Oblivion gathered his magic and sent out the first of the two spells and then the second followed in its wake. Sasa waited for the metal to light up and she yowled when the Library lit up with the glow of metal. He rocked back on his heel for a moment as he saw how much was lit up. He sighed again as he stepped forward to take the right side of the room and motioned for Sasa to take the left.

Oblivion reached the end of the library and he looked to the left to find Sasa coming to the end as well. He could see her shoulders were slumped as she reached him.

“I hate this.” She complained. “If this Unicorn was still alive I’d want to maul him.”

He shook his head at her declaration. “It’ll be fine.”

“Says the Witcher with boundless energy reserves.” She quipped. “Now what?”

“Next room in the hallway.”

“If it’s another library I’m going back to the ballroom and going to sleep without you.” She said to him with a laugh.

“Fair enough.” He said to her as he made for the doors. “On the upside, this deducts two sets of doors from our numbers.”

“That’s true. Silver lining.” Sasa replied as he opened the doors to allow her to leave the library.

He angled her toward the next door and opening it proved to be more of a challenge than he had thought. Sasa watched as his magic covered the doors and he used his magic to force them open. Inside was a mess of fallen ceiling pieces and broken wood. Sasa mewled next to him as she looked around.

“Well do you plan on checking it anyway?” She asked as she sat down.

“The spell should make it easy to see what is here or not here.” He replied to her.

Sasa said nothing in reply as his horn lit and the spells flowed easily through him and out into the world around him. Small pieces of metal lit up in front of him and his orange eyes narrowed as he scanned the room. None of the lights were large enough to make him think they were worth hunting down through the rubble. The pieces that were in there looked as though they had been smashed into even smaller pieces.

“Do you think this fell in and broke it?” Sasa asked.

“I do not think so.” He said to her. “None of the pieces are clustered together to show a smashed metal cylinder. Otherwise, I would have begun to levitate the rubble out of our way.”

“Be careful if we need to do that.” Sasa advised. “Pieces of rubble might be the only thing holding other pieces up.”

“I agree. Do you truly think I would have not accounted for that?”

Sasa chuckled and shook her head. “No. I’m pretty sure you had already looked through this room and already figured out where to lift and where not to lift if needed.”

He said nothing in reply as he moved away from the doorway and led her down the hallway to the next door. The next few doors held rubble and broken doors as they scanned each spot for the cylinder and its contents. Sasa had begun to lag a bit behind him as he moved. He cast an ear back toward her and he heard her beginning to breathe heavier. Oblivion knew that he could run the World Spirit over her again but it was near to the last set of doors and that was when they would stop as agreed. He reached the last door and his magic pushed it open to reveal a small office.

“Is it a small office or is it another large room hiding behind the door?”

“It’s a small room.” He said to her as she drew up next to him. “It will be easy to check it. If you wish you can head back to the ballroom and I will join you there in a minute.”

She nodded and spun on her heel to walk back down the hallway ahead of him. His horn lit as he sent the spells out again to illuminate the metal pieces in the room. A large piece of metal shone by the desk and he walked carefully into the room. He did not know if the Unicorn had put the cylinder in there and booby-trapped it or not. He was experienced enough to keep on his claws and be cautious. He reached the large item and his magic gripped the desk and he yanked off the piece that covered the metal. Removing the desk revealed a metal safe on the floor.

“Interesting. This would be a good place to hide anything.” He said to himself as he reached for the safe.

The Witcher said nothing as he began to try to open the safe. He knew that it was most likely locked tight and his magic covered the door and he began to try to find the combination. The combo was quick to fall into place as he quickly spun the lock. It clicked open and he stepped back as the door began to swing slowly open. Inside he found a set of gemstones and nothing more. He grumbled under his breath and he could not help but wonder why these stones had been left behind. Caution edged into his body and he backed up a step before he used magic to grip the stones.

“Hopefully these are not anything particularly special.” He said aloud as his magic brought the gems out into the light of his horn. “So far seems to not be trapped or dangerous.”

He pulled the gems to hover in front of him and as he looked at the gems they were a mix of ruby and sapphire stones. His magic hovered as he opened his saddlebags and set the gems inside of a small bag within them. He backed up and looked over the rest of the room and found nothing small enough to be the cylinder. He growled under his breath and walked away from the desk and out of the room. He knew that Sasa had already reached the ballroom and was waiting for him there. His horn lit as he teleported to join her. The feline yelped in surprise as he appeared.

“You need to warn me before you do that.” She groused.

He said nothing and lay down across from her. His horn lit as a woodless fire appeared in between them and the azure flames cast shadows on the walls of the ballroom.

“Find anything?” She asked.

“I found a safe that had not been cleared out when it was abandoned.” He informed her.


“Yeah, some rubies and sapphires were left behind.” He said to her.

“Any plans for them?”

“Not so far.”

He didn’t see the sly look go through Sasa’s eyes as she looked away for a moment before she spoke. “Maybe make them into something for Twilight.”

He said nothing for a moment as he looked back at the Spirit Tiger. “Why?”

“It would be something nice to do for her.” Sasa explained. “She’s been very helpful.”

“Hmm.” He went quiet for a few moments before he spoke again. “Maybe. But what would I make them into?”

“A bookmark?” Sasa asked.

“I think that would be too heavy for a small book.” He said back to her. “Perhaps a necklace?”

Sasa nodded enthusiastically. “I think that would be quite the kind thing to do for her.”

“Hmm.” He fell silent as he considered what they had said.

He fell quiet as he laid his head down over his forelegs. Across from him, Sasa regarded him for a moment.

“I’m kinda hungry.” She said to him.

His horn lit as he summoned some food from his saddlebags and laid it in front of her. She gave a happy noise and happily dug into what he had given her. He laid his head back down and closed his eyes as she ate.

Sasa watched as he closed his eyes and she could hear his breathing even out after several minutes as he slept. She bit back a smile as she listened to him breathe. “A sweet necklace for Twilight will go a long way I think.” She thought to herself. “They make an adorable couple. She does deeply care about him and if anything he trusts her more than the others. Granted Twilight did figure out where he was from before any other. So what she knows is greater than the others. I do wish he would tell her about his wings but I can understand why he remains quiet.”

The cat said nothing further as she laid her head on her paws. Her front fangs tipped against the floor and she leaned her head to the side to keep her fangs from hitting the ground further. “He claims that all his emotions are gone but I would wager that not all of them are completely gone. That one has persisted in the others so why would he be any different?”

The cat said nothing further as she let her eyes fall closed as the azure flames flickered in front of her. She knew that the rest of the castle was going to take days to go through. She dreaded it but she knew that it needed to be done as quickly as they could. She groaned at the thought of the time that would be needed.

107: A Piece Found

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Oblivion looked up as Sasa growled and he raised his head from the tile floor to look around. He didn’t see anything as Sasa continued to growl as she got to her paws. He got to his hooves as the Spirit Tiger moved away from him and he followed in her wake. She stalked forward, and he waited for her to find what had garnered her attention. His eyes narrowed as he scanned for anything living that might have gotten close to them. Sasa suddenly stopped and he saw her ears flick as she seemed to be searching for what she had seen.

“Tell me you saw something?” She asked as she looked over her shoulder at him.

“I did not.” He said to her as he drew up next to her.

“Shit.” She cursed as she sat down heavily. “I know I saw something. But I’m not sure what it was.”

“What did it look like?”

She sighed and looked up at him. “It glowed, not brightly, but it was still glowing. Does anything from where you’re from glow?”

“Many things in the Continent glowed. I did not hear anything in front of you.”

She grumbled as she looked back the way she had been looking. “I swear to you there was something there.”

“I believe you.” He assured her. “In this forest, it could have been anything. Even something from the Continent could have been possible. Considering how things from my world have been appearing here anything is possible.”

She sighed and her shoulders slumped for a few seconds before she looked at him. “Well I suppose we should get moving on our search.”

“I agree.” He replied to her as he spun on his heel and made for the camp they had made.

The flames faded as he got closer to it and Sasa waited for him to pull some food out of his pack for her. He ate his portion as she ate and after a few minutes, they were moving back to the doors to the ballroom.

Oblivion cast his spells and he watched as the metal shone back at him. Sasa walked up the left side of the room while he scanned the right. He could hear her shuffling through the old leaves and rubble from when the ceiling had caved in. After an hour of searching nothing had stood out to either of them and the Witcher was quiet as he made for the door. Sasa fell in behind him and he could hear her paws thudding dully on the floor.

“So far nothing. We have been through another hallway throughout the day and so far nothing has come through. I’m beginning to wonder about whether you’re right about the location.” Sasa said to him as he made for the next doorway.

He didn’t reply and he could understand why she had doubts. So far they had been through over half the hallway and nothing had come through for them. He stopped in his tracks and pulled out a scrap of paper and his magic illuminated it once more and he showed her. The feline said nothing as she looked at the map piece. She said nothing as he pulled out the map they had gotten from Twilight and he put them on top of each other.

“Okay so you’re not wrong about the location. But it still is annoying that nothing has been found.”

“The location is too large for us to easily search quickly.” He said to her. “So we can only work with who we have at our disposal, which is just us.”

“I know.” She whined. “I just hate how long this is taking.”

He nodded at her as he made for the doorway.

Oblivion teleported the two of them back to the ballroom and Sasa sat down by the flames that he conjured for her. She said nothing and she had been silent for quite a while. He gave her the food from his saddlebags and she eagerly ate what she was given. The cat laid down in place and she watched the fire dance in front of her. He watched the azure flame as it moved and he made sure it was steady. He looked across the fire at the cat as she closed her eyes and he said nothing to her. He curled his tail along his side laid his head down on top of his tail and closed his eyes as well. Normally Sasa was fairly talkative but he knew that she was growing weary of what they were doing and frustrated with the lack of progress.

Sasa opened her eyes and she looked through the fire to the sleeping Witcher across from her. The pony was still as he slept and she said nothing that might disturb him. She looked around them and she sat up as the same glow from before caught her attention. She started to call it out and awaken the Witcher but she paused. She had been staring right at it before and he hadn’t been able to see it. She got to her paws and began to silently stalk the mysterious glow.

“It has to be something.” She said to herself as she drew closer to the glow.

The glow moved and stayed in place as she neared it. The glow was just outside the window and wall. She looked over her shoulder at the sleeping Witcher. She backed up several steps and jumped forward as she gathered her own magic and she blinked through the wall. She managed not to have to draw anything from Oblivion as she went through the wall. She yelped as she fell several feet down the wall and into the brush. She stayed still for several seconds as she regained her footing and she managed not to curse her bad luck.

“Well that was fun.” She muttered to herself.

She looked around and her blue eyes found the glow once more and she began to weave her way through the brush. The Spirit Tiger moved out of the brush and into the clear behind the castle. She said nothing as she followed the glow and she glared as it began to fade.

“No. Don’t you dare fade out, you little... Brat.” She growled as she began to trot after it.

The cat broke into a run as it still faded ahead of her. A sound caused her to stop in her tracks as a moaning call sounded out. She watched as the sound began to fade and she stalked forward once more. The glow began to intensify as it started to come toward her, its movements were jerky as it moved toward her. Sasa said nothing as it moved away from her again. She watched as it seemed to stop its movements toward her.

“Okay, what are you doing?” She asked the glowing thing as it began to go away from her.

She trotted forward and the glowing ball was not moving as fast away from her. The feline was silent as the glowing item stopped as well. It began to alter its shape and she tried to watch it closely as it shifted. She took a few more tentative steps and was now close enough to see that the shape was now a small cat. The Spirit Tiger was careful as she took another step and the small cat moved toward her. She yelped as she threw herself to the ground as it zipped over her head.

“What the hell?” She said as she looked back to find the small cat bouncing in place.

She stood up and turned around and the little cat bounced around for a moment before it zipped at her again. She jumped back and when she found the small cat again she realized what it wanted. It wanted to play. She smiled and jumped after it and it zipped away from her. She pounced after it and began to play with the small cat.

Oblivion said nothing as he watched her play with the spirit cat. He knew that the little one was not a Spirit Beast like her, it was just a spirit. He had heard her fall through the brush under the window back at the castle. He had watched her wander away from him and he had followed from afar to ensure that she was okay. He teleported back to the castle laid back down by the fire and said nothing to disturb her play.

Oblivion opened his eye a slit as the sound of paws caught his attention and he watched as Sasa laid back down across from him. He allowed her to think that he had no idea she had left him for a while. She seemed tired but happy and he could see her spirit was bright and he was pleased to see it shine back at him. He closed his eyes and let himself fall back into sleep for a couple more hours.

Oblivion opened his eyes to find Sasa already awake and watching him sleep. He raised his head as she gave him a wide toothy smile.

“You seem to be in better spirits.” He said to her.

She nodded as he gave her some food. “I slept well.”

He said nothing about the obvious lie and allowed her to think she had fooled him. He ate his portion and he got to his hooves as she finished her portion. He teleported them back to where they had left off. Sasa followed merrily behind him and he glanced back at her as she had a slight bounce in her step. He led her toward the next hallway and they found themselves in front of a set of enormous doors.

“Wow.” Sasa said to him. “Any ideas?”

“Throne room?” He asked her in reply.

“Oh. You might be on to something.” She replied. “Well let’s find out.”

Oblivion used his magic to push open the doors and the hinges screamed as his magic pushed them open. Sasa cringed and Oblivion pinned his ears at the sound. Once they had been opened enough his magic stopped and the light of his horn went out. Sasa bounded into the room and he fell in behind her.

“Holy hell,” Sasa said to him as he joined her.

The room was enormous as he looked up. The ceiling was close to forty feet up and designs covered the ceiling. He didn’t say anything as he scanned the designs and they were a mix of the sun and moon across its surface. The room itself was probably close to one hundred feet wide. The Witcher was quiet as he looked around them. At the front of the room was a single throne. Sasa walked up to it and Oblivion joined her after several seconds.

“Only one throne?” Sasa pointed out.

“It seems that way.” He asked her.

“Maybe they shared it?”

“Do you think they did?”

“I don’t think so. Look at it.”

He looked up at the throne and he could see the sun emblazoned into the stone. He wondered if this is one of the things that upset Luna back in the days of her fall. The Witcher was quiet as he looked away from the throne and back to the room around them.

“Well. Use your spells and let’s see what we find.” Sasa said to him after a few minutes of silence between them.

He nodded back at her and his horn lit as he called on the two spells. One evoked after the other and metal showed around them and Sasa growled as the room lit up. He moved away from the throne and back to the walls and began his search.

Oblivion moved to the doors and Sasa joined him. He sighed and Sasa gave an annoyed sound as she walked out of the room. He was about to follow her when something stopped him in his tracks. His orange eyes fell back on the throne and he knew that there was no glow from it but he remained where he stood. In front of him Sasa tapped his leg and he moved back into the room. He walked back up to the throne and he stood at the bottom of the raised platform that it sat upon.


He didn’t say anything back to her as his eyes narrowed as he focused on the throne. Something felt off to him and he walked up to the throne and stood in front of it once more. He glanced over his shoulder and he saw Sasa walk back into the room. He was about to turn away when he decided to walk behind the throne and see if there was anything that stood out to him. When he got behind the throne it was a blank side and he stared at it and his eyes narrowed as he stared at it. Something stood out in his enhanced sight and his horn lit as he bathed the throne in light.


“I think so. Hold on.”

His horn remained lit as he covered the throne in his magic. He started to lift the throne when the side of it clicked open. His horn faded as he looked at the section of the throne that had opened. Sasa joined him as he reached into the notch and pulled out the cylinder from within the notch.

“By my claws. You were right not to walk away.” Sasa said to him.

“Something felt out of place.” He informed her.

Sasa nuzzled his shoulder as his magic opened the cylinder and he held it up in his magic as the true symbols shone through as the others faded. He pulled out the map that Twilight gave him and he put them together. He could see the next place they needed to go but he was not sure of the exact location.

“Gonna ask about this one or just wing it?” Sasa asked him.

“I think we will ask about this one.” He said to her. “I have no clue about where this could be. According to the order of the map, it’s not that far from here.”

He put the map and cylinder back into his saddlebags and they appeared around his barrel. Sasa sighed relief and she came to stand close by him as he suddenly jolted. Something was wrong with the mares and his horn lit as he teleported close by where they were. He could see the Pegasus lying scattered around them with Twilight sitting next to a giant machine of some kind. While he had no idea what it was he knew that whatever it was they needed it. Sasa trotted quickly over to the girls as Rainbow Dash picked herself up off the ground.

“Are you okay?” Twilight asked her. “Oh welcome back Oblivion.”

“Twilight.” He said to the mare as he joined them. “What is going on?”

“We are working to get to eight hundred wing power to get the water into Cloudsdale.” She explained. “Oh, you were so close to the eight hundred wing power minimum! I'm sorry, Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow hopped to her hooves and looked around her. “Oblivion can you give yourself wings and fly with us? That might give us the last bit of power we need.”

“I cannot. Not that I am aware of anyway.” He said to her as Sasa bumped his shoulder.

“Damn. We've got to try again!” Rainbow said to them as the other ponies got to their hooves.

“You’ve pushed your team to their limit already,” Twilight informed her. “If you break apart again, somepony could get hurt! You should quit, it's not safe!”

Rainbow looked at her fellow Pegasus and they turned to look at her. “No! One more time! I've got to know we gave it our all! If I'm going down, I'm going down flying! C'mon, ponies, let's make this happen!”

The others cheered and showed every sign of getting back into the air. He watched as their spirits had recovered from feeling hurt and were now bright and ready to go. He looked at Twilight and he could see the concern etched in her features.

“They can do this.” He assured her as Rainbow and the others jumped into the air once more.

Spike blew a horn and the ponies began to fly in formation once more. “Okay, here we go... one hundred wing power! Two hundred! Five hundred!”

The wing tore at his fur and mane as the others hunkered down by the machine. He watched as it began to measure the power in their tornado. He dug his claws in to ensure that he did not move.

“Seven hundred! Seven hundred and fifty wing power!” Twilight shouted out.

He looked down as Fluttershy and Twilight remained huddled by the machine. Fluttershy was nervously watching the tornado as the other Pegasus flew. He found himself wondering why she was down here and not with them but he didn’t ask.

“I’m too nervous to look,” Fluttershy shouted to be heard over the sound of the tornado.

“Seven ninety-five! We are so close! Fluttershy, they need you up there!” Twilight shouted at the butter-yellow mare.

“I won’t make a difference!” Fluttershy yelled.

“You can make a difference!” Twilight yelled.

“My measly 2.3 wing power is still too little!” Fluttershy cried.

“It's sticking at seven ninety-five! I don't know if they've got any more in 'em!” Spike informed them.

Twilight looked at him and he nudged the frightened mare and tipped his horn toward the tornado. “You can do this with them. They need you now.”

“Do it for Equestria! Do it for Rainbow Dash! Do it for yourself!” Twilight shouted as Sasa nuzzled the frightened mare.

She looked at Oblivion and he picked her up in his magic and put her into the tornado. His magic held until she was oriented and flying safely. Once she was situated he released his magic and she was on her own. He looked at the machine and he could see the needle starting to move slightly.

“It's moving! She's doing it! Seven ninety-eight! She surpassed her best wing power number!” Twilight shouted to him.

The tornado grew in strength and he watched as water began to pull from the reservoir and up through the tornado. He watched as the needle hit eight hundred and Twilight yelled in excitement.

“She did it! She did it! They all did it!” Twilight shouted.

The tornado began to fade as the water was gone and the ponies stopped flying. Fluttershy was the only pony still flying hard and they used a cloud to stop her gently.

“Whoa, girl, take it easy!” Rainbow shouted as she held the cloud in place.

“What? Did we do it?” Fluttershy asked her.

“Yeah, we did it! You did it!” Rainbow Dash said to her, a wide smile on her mouth.

“Great job, Fluttershy that was awesome!” Flitter said to her as she patted the mare's shoulder.

“Great job, Fluttershy that was awesome!” Cloud Chaser added.

Oblivion looked as Spitfire came up to them and he saw the look she gave him for a moment before it was gone. “Nice job, Rainbow Dash. You may not have set a new record, but you showed a lot of guts.” She said to the pale blue mare.

“Thanks, but if you wanna talk guts, then you've gotta give it to my number one flyer, Fluttershy! Let's hear it for Fluttershy!” Rainbow said as she pointed to Fluttershy.

The ponies cheered and Oblivion said nothing as the crowd moved away from them and back toward town. Twilight looked at him and a wide smile went over her lips.

“I’m guessing you found it?”

“We did yes.” He replied. “We got the first one and it led us to the second.”

“You got two of them?”

“Yes.” He showed her the two cylinders in his magic.

“I’m surprised you didn’t go after this one as well.”

“I am not sure where it is.” He admitted. “I decided we would come back and ask for your opinion too.”

Twilight smiled and she moved back to the town and Oblivion fell in beside her.

108: Pictures and Beginnings

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Oblivion was quiet as Apple Bloom came running up to him. He had seen her intent to speak with him from across the orchard as she had searched. He had stopped at the sight of her, and she was running as quickly as she could toward him.


“Yes, Little One?”

“Ya got yer cutie mark by defeatin’ a monster, right?” She asked.

He waited for a moment as he tried to recall what he had told her, and after a moment’s delay, he nodded, and the story returned to him. “Yes.”

“Have ya ever been a news pony?”

He said nothing as he tried to figure out what she was discussing. “A what?”

“A pony that reports the news.”

“I have never been one of those. I have always been a Witcher.” He reminded her.

She looked thoughtful momentarily before turning and running back to her friends. Behind him, Sasa shrugged as he looked back at her.

“Fillies.” She said to him, a mirthful sound in her voice.

He said nothing as he returned to what he had been doing, the elemental behind him. He had been tasked with uprooting several dead trees at the back of the orchard. His magic was strong enough to do the job, so he used the elemental instead. He led the way as the elemental steps shook the ground enough to signal its approach. He reached the trees with the red ribbons wrapped in one of the branches and sent a magical command to the elemental. It approached the first of the trees, wrapped its arms around the trunk, and began to pull upward.

“Is this a good idea?” Sasa asked as he watched the elemental.

“It should be fine,” he assured her. "If anything goes awry, I am here to fix it.”

“That’s true.” She replied, her tone cautious.

The elemental pulled upward, and the trees yanked free of the earth in which its roots had once held it. The elemental did as instructed, set the now uprooted tree off to the side of them, and moved to uproot the second one. Sasa sat close by him as the trees were slowly uprooted and set to the side. She was quiet as the trees were methodically pulled and set off to the side. Oblivion ensured the trees did not break in the elemental grip. He looked around them, saw the fillies running away from him, and assumed they had found what they were looking for.

Oblivion was quiet as Apple Bloom ran far ahead and darted into the schoolyard. Sasa trotted ahead, and the foals approached her to pet her soft fur. Apple Bloom walked up to her friends, who seemed to be staying back and talking amongst themselves. Cheerilee exited the schoolhouse and advanced on him with a broad smile on her muzzle.

“How are you doing?” She asked him as she reached out to pet the cat.

“I’m well.” He assured her. “What can I do for you?”

“I have spoken with several of the parents, and I was able to find out what dates work for everypony to have you come and talk to the foals again.”


“Yes. The parents are interested in the pony they have heard about from their foals. Do you have any ideas about what you could talk about?”

“I have a few that I can think of off the top. They're fairly tame and do not involve much fighting.” He explained.

“What about your sword?”

He said nothing for several seconds before he nodded. “I can show them drills I have done but will not teach them how to fight with a sword.”

“That works for me.” She said, agreeing with him. “I’d rather they did not learn how to use a sword effectively.”

“I agree.”

“I am thinking next week,” she said to him. Does that work for you?”

“It’s fine for me.” He replied and gave a slight nod of agreement.

She smiled and turned to go back to the schoolhouse. He waited for the foals to all head into the school, patted Sasa, and then headed back to the farm.

“What story will you use?”

“I’ll talk about meeting and working with Johnny.”

“That’s the Godling, right?” Sasa asked and he nodded. “That should be fairly tame. As far as you using your swords. I assume you’re using the extra steel?”

“Yes. I will not be using the actual weapons. The extra steel will do the job.” He replied.

“That makes sense.”She agreed. “Will you show your drawing of Johnny?”

“I plan to, yes. I’ll use the one I already have of him. I’ll show it against the wall for them to see it.”

“What if they ask to see Geralt?” She said to him as they reached the farm.

“I’ll say I do not have a drawing of him.”

“And if they ask for you to draw one?”

“It’ll take too long to draw him.”

“That’s fair.” She agreed.

Oblivion watched the Elemental as it carried the barrels of apples into place on the wagon. The gemstones from the Castle of the Two Sisters hovered in his magic. He was debating on what to do with them. The idea of giving them to Twilight had merit, as a thank you for her continuing help with his hunt for the pieces of the map. They hovered in his magic, and he contemplated his next move. Oblivion knew that she deserved something for her effort. The idea felt right to him, and he knew he had to figure out what would suit her.

“Trying to decide what to turn them into?” Sasa asked.


“A necklace is probably your only option for her though.”

“Not a ring?”

Sasa paused as she looked at him. “No. Usually, rings are worn on the horns of Unicorns. That might be out of place for her since rings are typically worn by engaged or married couples.”

He startled for a moment and nodded in understanding. “I do not think that will happen. So a necklace it is. Any ideas about how it should look?”

Sasa reared back on her hind legs to look at the gems as she looked at them, hovering in his azure flames. “Maybe make them look like they are embedded in stone? Or embedded in… What metal?”

“I am thinking gold.”

“Nice choice. You have seen that yin yang’s right?”

“I have, yes.”

“Make them look like they are in two yin-yangs.” She suggested.

“That’s a good idea.” He praised the cat, and she replied with a toothy smile.

He gathered more magic into his horn and the gemstones were moved to the side as he began to create gold in his magic. Sasa backed up several feet and watched.

“Are you just making gold? Versus buying it?” She questioned.

“Which is better?” He asked her as he looked between the gems and then at her.

“I’m not sure. Well, if you want to create it, then that’s fine. It’ll be cheaper than buying it.”

He nodded as he went back to creating the necklace for Twilight. Golden metal began circulating in his magic, and a chain began to wind. After a few minutes, he set the gems into the sections he had created for them. The ruby slid easily into place, and he had to press the sapphire into place. It clicked into place, and he set the emerald and the diamond into place. Then, he molded the metal further around them to ensure they did not pop out of their position. The necklace hovered before him when it was done, and he looked over the gift. Sasa walked up to him and looked at the completed necklace.

“That’s lovely.” She said to him as it hovered gently in his magic. “It’s dainty but robust enough to handle being worn easily.”

He nodded and sent the necklace to his saddlebags to give to the mare when he saw her next. “It will do the job,” he said to her as he looked back at the Elemental, which had stopped when its task was finished to await further instructions.

Oblivion looked at Applejack as she giggled. He tilted his head slightly at her as she looked up at him. She showed him the paper, and he saw that it was not the usual paper he would read in the morning. It read Foal Free Press across the top of the paper. He looked at the front page and a picture of the Mayor of Ponyville with her mane half pink and half gray. He read the first few sentences and was immediately taken by how rude it came off. He didn’t feel upset for the mayor per se, but he knew that he had to be on the lookout to ensure that he did not end up in the paper being laughed at.

“The Mayor looked less than thrilled.” He said to the farm mare.

“Oh, don’t be like Twilight.” Applejack teased. “She said the ponies in the paper are embarrassed. But Ah think Rarity is right.”

“Right about?”

“It’s just harmless gossip.”

“I’m sure the Mayor is not feeling it’s harmless.” He countered.

Applejack rolled her eyes and walked past him and toward the farmhouse. Sasa looked at him, and he glanced down at her. “Opinion?” He asked the feline.

“Yeah, I’m with you.” She admitted after a pause. “I would dread ending up on the paper and being made fun of. Ponies get to laugh at you all they want, and you did not consent to being photographed and published.”

“We will have to be on guard just in case.” He commented, and she nodded.

Oblivion walked into town and watched as a tiny foal ran through town. He recognized him as being from Apple Blooms class. If he was recalling correctly, it was Featherweight. He was unsure what the foal was carrying before him, but he did not care enough to pursue it and ask. He advanced to the Library and knocked on the front door. Twilight told him he could walk in, but it was still her home. A shout sounded out, and he opened the door and walked in. Twilight was coming into the room, and she smiled as he entered it.

“Hi, Oblivion.” She said to him as he came into the room. “How are you doing?”

“I’m fine, Twilight. And you?”

“I’m having a pretty good day. Been a quiet morning.”

“I have something for you,” he said to her as Sasa lay down in front of the door. His horn lit, and he summoned the box that held the necklace he had made for her. “This is for you.”

Twilight smiled brightly, and her magic took the little box from his hand. “What did you do?” she asked.

He watched as she put the box into her hooves and carefully opened the box. Her mouth dropped open as she saw the necklace in the box. She looked up at him, and her eyes were wide as her magic gripped the necklace, pulled it out of the box, and set it on the table. She held it in front of her, and she looked at it. He saw tears in her eyes as her magic wrapped it around her neck. It was slightly shorter than the necklace that held Sasa’s fang. Twilight showed no inclination to take the one-off and replace it with the new one.

“It’s beautiful. How did you do this?” She said as she tried not to let tears fall from her eyes.

“I found the gems while looking for the last map piece. I made the gold for the rest of it.”

“You… made… the gold?” She asked as she looked at the bauble on the end of the chain.

“I did, yes.”

She opened her mouth to question, but her mouth warped into a wide smile as she began to laugh. “I was about to ask how when I realized who I was talking to. You don’t seem to have rules on your magic so that I won’t question it.”

“I appreciate it. I honestly do not have any idea how I did it.” He explained. “I just did. It’s a thank you.”

“For what?”

“For all your help with the hunt for the map pieces. You have done your fair share of work.”

“Oh. You didn’t owe me anything for that. You’re my friend; I will do anything to help you.”

“And that is why I am gifting it to you. You ask for nothing in return for your help. You deserve it.”

She smiled, approached him, wrapped her forelegs around his neck, and nuzzled into his neck. “Thank you!” She said to him. “It’s amazing, and I love it.”

Oblivion nuzzled her in return, and he wrapped one foreleg around her. “I’m glad you like it.”

Oblivion walked down the street toward the Library once more. He stopped as a pony looked at him, pointing and giggling. He saw the paper in their hooves. Their pointing was from behind the paper, trying to be subtle. Sasa looked up at him as he walked toward the newspaper stand that the pony was standing close by. The closer he got to it, the more nervous the giggling pony seemed to grow. Soon, he fled from him as he reached the stand. He looked down at the stand, and his eyes widened slightly at the sight before him. His magic gripped a paper, and he looked up as the pony at the stand winked at him.

“The cheek.” Sasa said to him as he backed up from the stand and walked several feet away.

“This is why.” He said to her as he showed her the front page.

“Wedding Bells will soon ring! Oblivion Shadow proposes to Twilight Sparkle!” Sasa read back to him. “Oh… My… Claws!”

He looked as Sasa broke into uproarious laughter. “I’m not laughing.” He said to her as she tried to remain upright.

“The look on your face… Priceless.” Sasa wheezed. “Even for you, that was quite the expression. You looked somewhere between annoyed and shocked.”

“Funny.” He said as he looked up to see if he could track Twilight. “I need to bring this to her before it gets traction and embarrasses her.”

His eyes scanned, and he narrowed them to see if he could track her spirit. After a few seconds, he found her. She was within Sugar Cube Corner, and he broke into a trot to join her. As he made his way toward the cake shop, he watched as a flying stack of newspapers produced for the entrance. He could tell Rainbow Dash supported the stack, and she made it inside as he drew up behind her.

“Well, my life is officially over!” she called out from under the stack of papers. "Gabby Gums has made it to Cloudsdale.”

Twilight’s magic lit as she gripped one of the papers in her aura. “Rainbow Dash: Speed Demon or Super Softie?”

“I grabbed as many as I could. But it was too late.” Rainbow moved many of the papers to lay under her as she spoke. “I’m a laughing stock!”

Rainbow landed on the papers as she hid her face under her hooves. Twilight rounded to look over to her right as Rarity read through another paper. “See Rarity? Your so-called harmless gossip can be very hurtful.”

“Speaking of gossip.” Oblivion broke in. “This is the new one.”

He set the paper down in front of Twilight, and she quickly read over the title. Her eyes went wide, and her mouth dropped open. She scanned the photo, and it was two photos. The first was of her opening the small box the necklace had been in, and the other was of them hugging. She looked up at him, and he gave a somber nod.

“When was this… taken?” She asked, her voice small.

“If you look at the angles, it was from the Library’s window over my left shoulder.” He explained, and he watched as she seemed to be moving her body slightly to see what he meant.

“Oh... By… Celestia.” She whispered.

Rainbow got to her hooves and looked at the front cover. “Oh wow.” She said to the purple mare. “I’m guessing this is not what happened?”

“No.” Twilight whimpered. “He gave me this necklace to thank you for my help.”

Rainbow looked as the Unicorn pointed to the medallion around her neck. “It’s pretty.” She said, trying to make Twilight smile.

Twilight looked horrified, and she gently wrapped her legs around herself. “It’s just gossip and lies, but why do I feel so… violated?”

Oblivion conjured a blanket to wrap around her, and she smiled a little at the feel of the soft fabric. “It’s because of the untruths. They seem to grow a life when they are taken so far out of context. This one is particularly wrong. I didn’t think to look at the windows, even though I had seen the little pony taking them earlier.”

“Who was it?” Rainbow asked.

“Featherweight. From Apple Bloom's class… I know who this Gabby Gums is.” He said, and Twilight looked up at him. “The fillies. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Bell.”

Rarity jerked and dropped her paper to the floor. “My sister would never associate with anyone as beastly as Gabby Gums! I resent you even suggesting such a thing, Oblivion.”

“Really? I need you to think about it.” He argued gently with the mare.

“My sister would never do such a despicable thing.” She argued as she seemed ready to end the conversation until a new headline got her attention. “The Drama-Queen Diaries. How could she get her hooves on my diary?”

“Still think it could never be them?” Oblivion said to her.

“How could my sister be Gabby Gums?” She whispered, and her eyes were saddened as she made for the door.

Oblivion said nothing as he looked back at Twilight, who was still huddled under the blanket. He could see that she felt distraught by what had happened and the front page that they adorned. Spike was sitting close by her, and the Unicorn tapped his shoulder to get his attention. He reached out and tapped his horn to hers to get her attention. She looked at him, and he tipped his head toward the door. She nodded, and he picked the blanket off her and set it around her as they made for the door. They walked out of Sugar Cube Corner and toward the Library. Twilight looked up as a pony called out her name.

“When is the wedding?” She asked with a smile.

Twilight stared at her, and a whimper escaped her. His magic covered her, Sasa, and Spike, and he teleported them to the Library. She sat down heavily in the front room and stared at the ground. Spike went to each window and pulled the curtains to hide them from sight. Oblivion nodded at the baby dragon, and Spike came to pat Twilight's shoulder.

“First, it was the Canterlot Snob article, then this.” She whispered as Oblivion sat down in front of her.

“Canterlot Snob?” Oblivion questioned as Spike slashed at his neck to stop the black Unicorn from asking.

Twilight burst into tears as soon as the words left his mouth. He quickly pulled the blanket tighter around her as he pulled her close. Sasa approached her and nuzzled the mares back to try to console her. Twilight gripped his fur and the blanket as he ran his hoof over and through her mane to comfort her.

Oblivion stayed overnight to comfort Twilight. He insisted on sitting by her bed as she slept, ensuring she did not wake up upset. She did awaken a few times after dreams about cameras and flashbulbs. He closed his eyes as the sun rose, and he darkened the window to allow Twilight to sleep longer. An hour passed, and the mare stirred in her bed, and he opened one eye to look at her as she awoke. She saw him by her bed, and a smile crossed her muzzle.

“You did stay all night.” She said to him. “Sasa, too.”

Sasa sat up from the bottom of her bed and purred loudly. “We would not leave you in that state.”

He parroted what she said, and Twilight nodded. “I know. I just have never felt that way before. It was so… invasive.”

“Being photographed in your own home unwillingly would upset even the most stoic. I read the article, and according to Sasa, even I had a strange expression,” he said to her, trying to make her smile further.

She smiled, and he backed away from her bed to let her escape it. Sasa leaned down and began to lick Spike, waking him up quickly. “Coffee anypony?”

“Yes, thank you,” Oblivion said to her as he fell behind her down the stairs to her kitchen.

Twilight sat and sipped her coffee, and he sat across from her and drank his. As Spike ate his breakfast, Sasa drank a plate of milk from his hooves. He could see her spirit had recovered considerably from the shock it had been through the day before.

“I keep thinking what I’ll do if they come back.”

“Well, we could avoid them easily enough. Or barricade the Library from them.”


“Force field?” He asked in reply.

“Oh, that’s a good idea. Between the two of us, it will be potent enough even to keep the photo pony out.” She said to him. “Will you help me with it?”

“Of course.” He assured her as he set his coffee down and followed her toward the front door.

The mare paused and opened the door a crack to look out for ponies before she left the Library. He didn’t say anything about her caution and fell in behind her.

“Okay, so we need to make it strong enough to keep them out but not strong enough to hurt anypony.” She said to him.

“I agree. They can bump into it, and it will push them back?”

“That’s a good idea,” Twilight said as she smiled. “That way, it does not hurt them.”

“You want to lead, or should I?” He asked her.

“I will.” She replied.

He lit his horn, and its azure flame covered hers, allowing him to mix his magic into hers. A dome of azure flame and magenta aura covered the Library in a tall dome. Oblivion watched as she constructed the dome, and he was impressed by how quickly she put the spell together. When she was done, her magic faded out, and he also dropped him.

“Well done.” He praised.

“Thank you,” Twilight said to him as a slight blush crept up her face. "Are you going to go home or stay here?”

“I’ll remain here if you wish me to.”

“That’s fine.” She quickly said to him. “Come on.”

He walked behind her as she led him back into the Library. Sasa was sitting just inside the door, and a slight look stayed on her muzzle. He said nothing in reply and moved past her as Sasa gave a light chuckle.

Hours went by as they read and chatted about Canterlot and other topics. They both perked up as the shield alerted them that it had been touched. He looked out the window to find the fillies looking at the dome. Spike opened a higher window and leaned out to talk to them.

“Twilight and Oblivion were sure you three would come back. They put up a force field to ensure you don’t hurt them worse.” Spike shouted. “Now go try and embarrass somepony else.”

He slammed the window shut, and Oblivion looked over his shoulder at Twilight. The mare looked sad and upset. Her spirit rolled as he returned to her, put one claw under her chin, and lifted her head that way.

“They only win if you let them.” He said to her, his voice soft.

“It just hurts that they did that to us.”

“I know.”

“You even felt something when it happened, right?”

“I did, yes.” He admitted. “Though the feeling was greatly muted, it was still there.”

“How do I let it go?” She asked. “I keep imagining that moment when I read the article.”

“It’s not going to be easy.”

“How do you let it go?”

He said nothing for several seconds as he considered what she had asked. “I do not dwell on it. I cannot change what they have done; I can only change how I react to it.”

“So you just change your perception and adapt to it?”

He considered what she had said, and he nodded. “That’s one way to put it.”

She looked thoughtful and leaned back on her haunches. “Is that hard to do?”

“Not for me. But for you who rely on your emotions, it might be a bit of a difficulty.” He informed her. “But I know you. You are not a mare to be taken lightly with what you can and cannot accomplish.”

“What do you mean?”

“You are a mare of great strength and wisdom. Underestimating you would be foolish.” He said to her, and a small smile began to tug at her mouth. “You can accomplish much with magic or without. Deciding how you feel about something is something that you can handle.”

She smiled brightly as he saw her spirit recover, and he was struck by how bright it was. In Elder Speech, he would describe it as Aine Saov, which means Bright Spirit. He looked at her, and a slight smile tugged at one side of his mouth.

“Well done.” He said to her. “In my world, we have a word for what I see from you.”

She looked at him, her locked with his. “Which is?”

“Aine Saov.”

“What does it mean?”

“Bright Spirit.”

“What language is that?”

“The Elder Speech. It suits you well.” He said to her.

The mare said nothing as she looked away from him and looked back to find Spike looking like he had bitten into a lemon. She shooed him out of the room with one hoof. He quickly ran out of the room, and she hurried close to the Witcher and nuzzled her head under his neck. He laid his head against her neck and gently nuzzled her.

109: Another Story

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Twilight looked at the train door as they all realized the giant cake would not fit. She immediately knew that she would not be able to teleport it onto the train. She had only recently been able to teleport more than one pony and was unsure about moving the cake quickly. Beside her, Pinkie Pie looked between the cake and the train.

“Umm… Any ideas?” The pink mare asked.

Applejack looked at it for a moment before she jerked as an idea hit her. “Ah’ll call Oblivion. He can move it inta the train easy.”

Twilight jerked a bit at the mention of his name. She cared about him and had spent the past couple of days after the paper incident trying to figure out her feelings. She knew she wanted to be close to him but was unsure. She had never been in a relationship before, much less had a coltfriend. Her heart beat faster as a picture of him floated through her mind. Behind her, she heard the sound of purring, and she froze. She knew that purr.

“So what do you need of me?” Oblivion's voice rolled over her ears, and she stayed still.

Pinkie bounced away from her, and she chanced a look back. “We need you to help us get the Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness into the train,” Pinkie said to him.

“The what?” Oblivion asked the pink mare. “Never mind.” He said as he put a hoof over her mouth.

He walked up to the giant cake and looked sideways at her for a moment before a slight smile tugged at his mouth, and he looked away from her. She gulped at how close he was. He walked toward the train, and she fell in behind him.

“So where does it need to sit?” he asked her, and she walked up to stand next to him.

“Here.” She said with a point of her hoof.

“Are you alright?” He asked her as she blushed slightly.

“I’m fine.” She assured him.

He looked unconvinced and glanced at her as his horn lit, and the cake was placed precisely where they had wanted it to go. “Whatever is bothering you, remember what I said before? You are more than capable of figuring it out and moving forward.”

She paused as he spoke, and a smile filled her mouth. “You could tell by my spirit, couldn’t you?”

He nodded in reply. “Of course, Aine Saov. I know you.”

Twilight felt her smile broaden when she used the nickname he had given her. “Thank you—you're right. I’ll figure it out. Are you going to come with us?”

“Unfortunately, I can’t. I am scheduled to speak to Apple Bloom's class in a half hour,” he informed her.

She felt something in her drop a bit as he declined. “Don’t have too much fun.”

“I promise you I will try to restrain myself.” He said to her.

Twilight giggled and patted his shoulder. “Try to at least.”

She watched as he nodded to her and made for the train to exit. She heard him mutter about trains and felt her smile grow a bit further as she watched his hips for a moment before a blush flowed over her face. Rarity looked at her, and there was a sly expression on her face. Behind her, the others filtered onto the train, and she took her place with them to travel to the contest.

Oblivion walked away from the train, and Sasa bumped his hip. “So…”


“Are you two…?”

“Not that I am aware of.” He replied.

“What?!” Sasa yelped. “But you’re… You’re so… ugh.”

“What?” Sasa grumbled behind him as he kept walking. “I am not going to push the mare into anything. The next decision is hers to make.”

“I get the point, but geez. As far as I can tell, Twilight has never been in a serious relationship. Have you?”

“No. Not really.”

Sasa ran up to stand in front of him. “Excuse me? So you’re a?”

“If you are asking if I have ever been with anyone before, the answer is yes. I am not inexperienced.” He replied. “Unlike Geralt, I have never tied myself to any one person.”

“Oh.” Sasa said as he kept walking, and she fell before him. “So you just have no experience in being in an exclusive relationship.”

“That’s true.” He agreed with her.

Sasa stayed at his side as she seemed to ponder what she had learned from him. “I think she just needs time to decide to call you hers.”

“I am fine with that.”

Sasa purred loudly as they neared the farmhouse. They entered the front gate, and Sasa sat down to wait for him. He went inside to grab the steel blade. The black Unicorn went into the farmhouse and up the stairs to retrieve the blade. He picked up his baldric, pulled the Wolven Steel off the baldric, and set the ordinary steel in pace. The baldric moved to accept the scabbard and lashed itself in place. He slid it onto his body, and it felt strange that he had not worn the baldric in quite a while. Oblivion closed the wardrobe and locked it behind him. He walked out of his room, down the stairs, and into the sun.

“Off to the school we go.” Sasa said to him, and he nodded in reply to her.

Oblivion walked up to the school and saw the foals and their families outside the schoolhouse. He could see all of them, and he felt his stomach drop a bit before the apprehension was pushed out of his mind. Cheerilee saw him, and she smiled as he approached. He walked through the front gate and into the area with all of them.

“Thank you for coming, Oblivion,” the teacher said as she approached him.

“Of course. I said I would be here, so here I am,” he said to her.

“That is quite the cat.” One mare said as she stared at the feline.

“She’s harmless. The foals all adore her; her name is Sasa.” Cheerilee assured her.

The adults all looked more relaxed as Cheerilee spoke, and Apple Bloom and the others quickly swarmed Sasa and began to pet her soft fur. Sasa purred loudly as they pet her, and he ran his claws over her head. He waited for the foals to finish petting her and showing their parents that the cat was safe.

“Do you need anything for your story?” Cheerilee asked him.

“Such as?” He asked.

“Do you need a projector to show any drawings or runes? You used the walls last time to show things.”

“I can conjure one if I find I need one.” He assured her.

“Okay, whenever you’re ready then,” Cheerilee said to him.

Sasa sat up as the foals all went to stand with their parents or friends for those who did not have anyone present. Oblivion walked to the front to stand before the group and turned to face them.

“Okay, so this is Oblivion Shadow. If anypony has any questions before he begins, feel free to ask them.” Cheerilee directed from the back.

A stallion motioned to speak, and Oblivion looked at him to give him the chance to speak. “My daughter has said you are a monster hunter. Is that true?”

Oblivion could see the father of it looked like Silver Spoon was speaking. “I am what is called a Witcher. We do hunt monsters; that is true. We have been called many things: monster hunter, curse breaker, mutant. The list can go on. Our job is to monitor the balance between monsters and ponies. If needed, we keep ponies safe from them or vice versa.”

“So you help monsters if you need to?” Another asked.

“Yes. It is not uncommon to find a monster that we can converse with and aid them in finding a balance with the surrounding ponies or ushering them to a new area.”

“What kind of creature can you help that will understand you enough to be helped?” Diamond Tiara's father asked.

“Godlings, dragons, trolls, to name a few.” He replied. “If they are capable of some form of higher thought, then we try to speak to them first.”

“How often does that happen?” He asked.

“Not as often as I would like, but it does happen.” Oblivion admitted.

“I’m guessing you’ll be talking about one you helped today?” Bulk Asked.

“Yes. A Godling named Johnny.” The Witcher replied.

“Is that all for everypony?” Cheerilee asked, and when nopony replied, she motioned for Oblivion to proceed.

“I was in a realm called Velen a few years ago with another Witcher called Geralt. We were tracking our ward, Ciri, and she had been spotted in the area sometime before. We were told she had gotten in trouble with a witch in the area. We tracked her to a swamp in the center of the area, and we began our search there. In the center of the area was a large tree that we both decided to search just in case somepony lived with it.”

“Why would they live with a tree?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Some creatures make their homes within old trees. On the Continent, it is not unheard of for ancient trees to have a type of magic of their own. Things around them are more powerful, grass grows taller, and animals thrive around them. Some monsters choose to live within them.” He explained to her.

She smiled, and the others smiled and nodded at his explanation. Behind her, he could see the adults were about to start asking questions, and he continued to pause to allow them to speak.

“What kind of monsters would live in a tree?” Bulk asked.

“Godlings are known for being fond of old trees and making their homes inside and under the great trees.” He informed him.

“Do they live inside of them just for the power the trees hold?” A mare asked.

“Some do, yes. Some do it because of the likelihood of a larger monster being in the forest, which allows them protection. Allowing the larger monster like a Leshen to do the heavy lifting makes it easy for a much smaller monster to stay out of sight, which is not uncommon.” He explained. “The only issue they may encounter is that the larger monsters can be very territorial. If it’s a Leshen, they must be cautious about where they roam.”

“Leshen is a?” A mare asked.

“A Leshen has many names. Some call them a woodland spirit or a protector of the forest. They are monsters that most Witchers do not enjoy fighting. They are difficult to kill even for an advanced Witcher.”

“Do you fight them?” Bulk asked.

“Many times. Though I have to admit that I do not enjoy fighting them.” He admitted. “They can vanish in a flash of crows, send roots erupting for the ground, and summon wolves to fight for them. They are… A tricky monster to fight.”

“How do you fight all of that?” Cheerilee asked.

“Carefully.” He replied with a slight chuckle. “The easiest way is to take your time and chip away at them slowly. They are too weak to relict oil and fire. Fire is something I can do easily enough. As Witchers, we have our Signs, and Igni is one of them. Through that Sign, we have control over fire.”

“So you use magic?” Featherweight asked.

“No. Well, now that I think about it, Signs are a form of minor magic. On the Continent, I do not have access to magic. I do not know why.” He said before the questions flew. “I believe it has something to do with the amount of magic in one area. But I do not have any proof for that thought.”

The ponies seemed to settle back in, and he told them about Johnny. “Geralt and I circled the tree and found that the bottom of one side had been hollowed out and was tall enough for a foal to have fit through. Geralt leaned in to see if anypony was there, but he did not see anypony. We both looked away, and a slight noise caught our attention. He looked again to find Johnny staring back at him. Geralt jumped back, and I nearly pulled silver in response. But when we both saw Johnny, we realized our swords would not be needed.”

“What does a Godling look like?” Diamond Tiara asked.

“I can show you a drawing I did of Johnny shortly after meeting him. A moment.”

Oblivion called on a thin wall of white and used his sketchpad to impose the image on the much more extensive wall. The ponies all stared as Oblivion focused on the faded lines and sharpened them on the wall. He drew it back in, and the ponies all stared as Johnny took shape. Sasa sat quietly beside him, and a purr rumbled through her as she watched the ponies.

“How big are they?” Scootaloo asked.

“They are about half my size.” He guessed. “They are a rather small monster.”

“How do other ponies deal with them?” A stallion asked.

“With respect and patience.” Oblivion said to him. “Goldings are a rather childlike monster. Villages refer to them as woodland creatures dwelling in burrows and moss-covered hollow stumps on the outskirts of human settlements. They are similar to children in behavior and appearance and, like children, delight in mischief. Godlings are deeply rooted in their home territory and perform acts of care and guardianship to those dwelling near their burrows. They watch over people and animals, but shy creatures by nature, they try to do so while remaining unseen. Godlings are drawn to joy and innocence, delight in the company of children, and usually only show themselves to the young.”

“Is that a book definition?” Cheerilee asked.


“You remember it?” Sweetie Bell asked.

“I was meant to. I was taught mercilessly to remember monsters, or I would die by them if I did not.” He clarified.

“So they friendly?” Silver Spoon asked.

“For the most part. As long as you respect them, they will not harm you. They are easily offended by churlish, ungrateful, or simply rude behavior. So be polite.” He replied. “They are very clever creatures and will gladly perform small services for those in their care, asking only for respect and payment in the form of food or cast-off tools in return.”

“They sound really fun.” Apple Bloom admitted with a laugh.

“Johnny especially is a rather mischievous spirit,” Oblivion said to her. That being said, they also like their peace. When we met him, we asked about Ciri, and he only remembered her because she interrupted his morning routine. It upset him, so he remembered yelling at her, but she did not hear him.”

“So they like to be where the people are close by, but do they like peace sometimes?” Cheerilee asked.

“Yes. When the village a Godling watches over becomes too large, or its ponies forget the old ways, it will abandon its burrow for good and walk off to destinations unknown.” He said to her. “They do not enjoy great groups of people. It’s too much for them to handle, and they will flee an area if that happens.”

“What happened next?” Featherweight asked, his tone excited.

“Johnny came out of his burrow, and we asked him if he recalled Ciri, and all he did was nod. We asked a few more questions, but he did not answer us. Geralt and I thought we needed to move on if he did not want to speak to us. I finally asked him why he refused to talk aloud, and he pointed to his neck, and Geralt figured out he had lost his voice.”

“Was he playing too hard?” Pipsqueak asked.

“No. It was taken from him by the Crones of Crookback Bog.”

“That’s not very nice.” Sunny Daze said.

“Johnny would have agreed with you.” Oblivion said to her. “We chose to help him when he pointed to a far-off cliff. I asked him if that was where his voice was, and he nodded. So we began our trek across the swamp and soon fought to the cliff to retrieve Johnny’s stolen voice.”

“Why would they take it?” Twist asked.

“He spoke badly of them. They took offense and took his voice to keep him quiet in punishment.” Oblivion said.

“That’s so mean.” Sweetie Bell called out.

“The Crones were not known for their kind acts. They made deals and promises with ponies to use them to their advantage. They liked to make every pony believe that they were doing a pony a kindness when, in truth, they were self-serving.”

He waited as the ponies seemed to be thinking over what had been said, and he gave them a moment to think it over.

“What did you fight on the way to the cliff?” Lily asked.

“Drowners on the way there and Harpy’s when we got to the top of the cliff.”

“What’s a Drowner?” Lily asked.

“A Drowner is a monster that walks on two legs with scaly fish-like skin and large white eyes.” He went for a basic description of the monster. There was no need to have parents angry at him if he gave them nightmares.

“And a Harpy?” Apple Bloom asked.

“It has a round head on top of a bird's body. There are a few types of them, but we met with the basic Harpy. Nothing special about them aside from how many there were.” They were now watching him intently, and he continued. “As we got closer to the cliff, Johnny waited behind us to avoid getting into a fight and getting in our way. Once we had cleared out the Drowners, he came to the bottom of the cliff and began to point to the top. Geralt and I made for the top of the cliff and fought off the Harpies. We found their nest, and inside the nest was a small bottle. We assumed this was what was holding Johnny’s voice and took it back down the cliff face to him. We handed it to him, and he yanked the stopper out of it, and his voice returned to him. He began to speak happily, and we realized that returning his voice to the very talkative Godling might have been a mistake.”

The adults chuckled at his commentary, and the foals all smiled brightly. Oblivion extinguished his horn, and the image of Johnny faded, and he removed the wall. Cheerilee stood up, and the foals and their parents began to clap. He bowed his head slightly. Sasa purred by his hooves as he stood and waited for the part he was not thrilled about showing. He understood the foals were interested, but he knew the idea of teaching them his swordwork was horrible. Cheerilee moved forward, and the foals and parents began to back up, and he bit back a sigh.

“What do you need for this next part?” She asked.

He shook his head, and his horn lit as she nodded in understanding. She backed up to allow him to make the area what he wanted. His horn began to clear the area in a circle around him. At the front side of it, he made a training dummy and ensured it was at an angle that everypony could see what he was doing. Sasa moved away from him and sat behind Apple Bloom, who petted the great cat.

“Okay. Just so everypony is aware of this next part. Mr. Shadow will show us some of the swordwork he knows. He will not be teaching anypony anything, simply showing it and explaining.” Cheerilee explained. “Is everypony all right with this?”

Oblivion watched as some adults looked down at the foals before them, and several sighed and nodded. Sasa chuckled and looked back at him. He looked at the training dummy and knew that if he broke it, he could quickly repair it. He ran through his mind the swordwork that he had planned on showcasing. It was somewhat complicated to ensure that small ponies would have difficulty reproducing it effectively. Cheerilee looked at him, and she gave him a little smile and a nod. He returned the look and unsheathed the steel blade he had with him. He gripped the hilt and drove it deep enough into the soft grass to ensure it stood upright.

“Questions?” He asked before he began.

“Stalling?” Sasa teased.

He glanced at her, and he heard her giggle in his mind. Featherweight raised his hoof, and Oblivion nodded to him.

“How long have you been sword fighting?” He asked.

Oblivion paused, making sure to look thoughtful. “I was eleven when I started my training, and I am much older than that now, so it has been a very long time.”

“Well done dancing through that one.” Sasa praised.

Oblivion waited for the next one. He knew these foals well enough to know there would be more. He did not have to wait long as Apple Bloom raised her hoof.

“Go ahead, Apple Bloom.” He said to her.

“How many swords do you own?” She asked.

He leaned back on his haunches. “Probably more than you think. I have been using a silver and steel sword for as long as I can remember. Over the years, I have upgraded and replaced them as needed.”

“What about the ones you had last time?” Featherweight asked.

“Those two?” he asked, and Featherweight nodded. "The silver was about five months old, and the steel maybe six.”

“Where are they?” Sweetie Bell asked.

“They are in my room at home.” He assured her. “They are locked away so nopony can get to them.”

He saw Apple Bloom cringe slightly at the mention of the locked-up blades. “Why don’t you have them with you?” She asked.

“I replaced them.” He replied quickly, his tone calm.

“Already?” Scootaloo asked.

“Swords tend to come and go in my profession. We replace and upgrade frequently. Once the blade's edge fails, then we replace it. If they are well-tended, they have a fairly long life, as long as we do not find something better or ask for something better to be made.”

“Who makes them?” Lily asked.

“A blacksmith typically.”

“Not you?” Bulk asked.

Oblivion barked a laugh. “Not. I have not trained for it and know nothing about the art of working steel and silver. I do not have the skill for it. I have met many ponies on my travels who have the skill.”

“So, who made your other swords?” Lily asked.

“The silver was made in a city named Beauclair. It’s the capital city of Toussaint.” He replied. “I had been there a few months earlier and had the steel made while hunting monsters in the area. The silver was made a month later.” He explained.

“How much does a sword like that cost?” Filthy Rich asked.

“In Beauclair, it cost about two thousand to make. But I also had to have the components made, which I can do to an extent. Either I pay him for the components or make them myself.” He explained. “I chose to take some extra time and make them myself. It took a bit but saved me a fair amount of coin.”

“How much is that here?” Filthy asked.

“Well, I had a Crown checked by a bank here, and one Crown was fifty bits. So I’m sure you can do the math.” The pony’s eyes went wide as they realized what it would have cost. “That being said, I do not think any blacksmith can make the armor or blades I made on the Continent.”

“And that was just for one blade?” Bulk asked.

“Yes. The catch is that each piece is an upgrade to one I already had. For example, to make the Wolven armor I was wearing, it needed to be used to make the new one. If I had asked him to use his materials, the cost would have been closer to fifteen thousand Crowns for each piece of armor.”

Filthy wobbled on his hooves for a moment before she stared at him. “And you make that much hunting monsters?”

“Depends. I may hunt monsters, but I can also hunt and explore as I choose. In the areas where I was, I was able to also search for certain monsters that I know have parts that are well sought after. They fetch a high price if I do not need them for my potions and decoctions. Selling them to the right buyer is quite lucrative.”

“So you hunt and gather as needed?” Cheerilee asked.

“Basically. You’d also be shocked how many ponies hide money and materials in caves and never return for them.” He replied.

“So you were treasure hunting?” Scootaloo asked.

“Basically,” he replied, as the foals all began to smile and the parents looked at him. “Plus, I haggle for my pay with each monster so I can negotiate the best price for myself.”

“Do they ever try not to pay you?” Lily asked.

“Oh yes. That has happened many times.” He informed her. “They do it so they can get the reward of my removing their troubles and still keep their money.”

“Do you have to fight them for it?” Diamond Tiara asked.

“The pony from whom I took the contract?” She nodded as he spoke. “No. Not normally. Simple intimidation usually works. If not, Axii does the job.”

“Is that one of your skills?” Bulk asked.

“Yes. What it does is…” He paused as he realized what he was about to let slip. “It calms a pony and helps them see why they should pay me what I am owed.”

“Hahahaha! Nice recovery!” Sasa howled with laughter in his mind.

The ponies did not seem to realize that he had doctored the answer. “But yes, Monster hunting is one way to pad my coin purse.”

“What does the average monster cost for you to remove?” Cheerilee asked.

“It depends on the monster.” He said to her. “A Drowner costs less than a Fiend, which costs less than a Giant.”

“What does a Drowner cost?” Shady asked.

“Those run in packs, so usually there is not a contract on them, as there is a public request to remove them. For example, I went to a small village that had a board posted with papers asking for certain items or help with things. This board had a request to remove a pack of Drowners outside the village. I took up the posting and removed them. I then returned and was rewarded by the one who had made the posting. Which earned me about thirty crowns.”

“So, not much to you?” Twist asked.

“It all adds up in time.” He said to her. “In the grand scheme of it, yeah, pretty low, but I had fought more than my fair share of Drowners, and fighting them has become an easy chore. So it took me very little time. So it was an easy coin for me.”

“What’s the most expensive monster you have fought?” Snips asked, his voice pitched.

Oblivion leaned back on his heels for several seconds as he tried to reflect on his contracts. “I think I did a Cyclops for six hundred. They weren’t sure what they were up against, and once I had figured it out, I settled on a price. They wanted it gone and did not care what the price was. Easiest haggling I’ve ever done, if I recall right.”

“How do you fight a Cyclops?” Twist asked.

“Show them.” Sasa advised.

Oblivion's horn lit as he pulled his sword from the ground, and the foals all smiled brightly as they realized he would show them how. He spun the blade in the air by his right shoulder. His horn covered the training dummy, and he grew it to the size of a Cyclops. The foals were all awed at the size, and he kept them from moving as he approached them, his sword ready.

“So when you fight a Cyclops, they do not flinch when you hit them. They don’t care when a silver blade hits them. So you can keep your distance for a bit till they charge.” His horn moved the training dummy toward him, and he raised his sword. “Their best weapon is their powerful arms; they will use them to great effect if you’re not paying attention. So when they swing at you, you can either jump back or hope you moved far enough, or better yet, roll around behind them.”

Oblivion jumped to the side and managed to roll till he was behind the Cyclops. He regained his hooves, and he began to attack the training dummy. His sword scored several hits to the fake Cyclops. The foals cheered as his blade hit, and he made the training dummy turn around, so he rolled behind again to be behind it.

“Now, a Cyclops isn’t limited to just swinging its arms in one way. If they raise their hands above their heads, that’s your Sign to get away. They’re about to slam their hands down on top of you.” He said as the dummy raised its arms above its head. “The easiest thing is to roll again, but if it does it again, you’re caught in one place.”

“What do you do?” Apple Bloom asked.

“This.” He said as he backflipped twice to escape the dummy, slamming its arms down. “A backflip is easiest done quickly. It’s a quick way to get some distance. Though there is a downside to it.”

“Which is?” Filthy Rich asked.

“If you're at a longer range, Cyclops can also leap into the air, knocking over anyone or anything too close to where they land. So it’s best to stay close, but not too close.” He said as he jumped forward to land between the dummy and where he had been.

“How do you know how far to back away without being too far?” Lily asked.

“Experience.” He admitted. “I have fought my fair share, and over time, I have learned.”

He spun his sword at his shoulder, making the dummy charge him. Then, he spun out of the way while his blade scored across the dummies' hide. The foals cheered, and the adults smiled at the fanfare.

“That is also an option. The downside to that move is that you must gauge how thick your Cyclops is to ensure you don’t get knocked over or trampled.” Oblivion explained. “But that move is also not recommended. If the Cyclops clips you, you’re in trouble. They may be charging you, but they can still control their charge. Whereas you have just lost control of your spin.”

The foals all nodded in understanding, and the adults keenly watched. “Is there any other way to fight them?” Cheerilee asked.

“Axii can be used to stun and confuse them. Axii is one of our Signs and can be used on most monsters to stun them and get them to focus on something else for a minute. By confusing them, you just gave yourself a few seconds to breathe. Don’t take too long, though.” The Cyclops charged him again, and he jumped out of the way. “Axii does not last forever on a monster that large. Another thing they can do is a wild charge.”

“What is that?” Featherweight asked.

Oblivion sent the cyclops to the other end of the training circle opposite him. “What it does is they charge at you swinging their arms madly while roaring; this, in particular, is almost impossible to avoid as the Cyclops will change its direction mid-charge to try to intercept you if you try rolling out of the way.”

“How do you fight that?” Shady asked.

“Carefully. This is the action from Cyclops, and that’s where Yrden can help.” Oblivion explained. “Yrden is another Sign that means slow or trap. It slows down anything that steps into it except the Witcher. Watch.”

Oblivion tapped his hoof, and a circle of purple runes appeared as the Witcher backed up to its other side. The Cyclops charged, and when it hit the circle, the dummy slowed down significantly, allowing the Witcher to jump in and score many hits with the sword. The foals cheered again, and he jumped out of the way as Yrden broke. Oblivion watched as the foals all called, and he spun the sword once more and turned to allow the Cyclops to attack him.

“This is how to fight a Cyclops.” He said as the Cyclops came after him.

He employed all of the techniques he had shown them, all while keeping an eye on the foals to ensure they were not afraid. He chipped away at the training dummy, the same as he would a Cyclops. He jumped back as the training dummy was about to fall, and he charged it and buckled his legs to slide underneath it. He went under the Cyclops legs and spun his sword, which cut through the last Cyclops' defenses. He got to his hooves on the other side of the Cyclops, and the wood that held the dummy together came apart, and the Cyclops went down and vanished. The foals and some of the parents cheered and clapped as he gave a low bow of his head.

“Well done.” Sasa praised.

He slid the sword back into its scabbard over his right shoulder. The foals got to their hooves and swarmed around him, talking excitedly. Sasa got to her paws and smiled toothily as Cheerilee approached him.

“Well, that was certainly quite the demonstration Oblivion.” She said to him. “Now, now, everypony, let's give him some room. Thank you very much, Oblivion. I’m sure you’ll be the talk to the school for several days.”

Oblivion heard her, and he managed not to say he hoped not, but he knew that it was futile, especially after the show he had just given them. Sasa joined him as the foals went back to join their parents.

“That was quite the show.” Filthy said to him. “It shows how well you know that sword that you didn’t make a single mistake with it.”

“I’ve had time to learn it.” He replied.

“More time than they realize.” Sasa told him with a merry tone.

He didn’t say anything back to her as Cheerilee began to herd the excited foals toward the smaller schoolyard in front of the schoolhouse. His horn lit as he removed the training circle and the fake Cyclops. He finished what he was doing and headed for the front as well.

110: Waters Deep

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Oblivion said nothing as he approached the Library to see if Twilight had any plans. He had finally narrowed down where the next map piece might be. Sasa walked quietly next to him and he could hear her purring as they walked. It had been her idea to see if Twilight wanted to come with him. At first, he had questioned her reasoning but in the end, he did not see any reason to deny the idea. Twilight had expressed a desire to join him once before so he saw no reason not to give her the opportunity. The Library loomed up ahead of him and he walked into the Library and looked around to see where she might be. Her spirit was bright as it seemed to be coming toward him. The purple Unicorn came around the corner and she gave a bright smile at the sight of him.

“Good morning Twilight.” He greeted.

“Morning.” She said back to him as a slight blush approached her cheeks. “What can I do for you this morning?”

“I have found where I believe the next map piece is, and you wished to come along.”

“Can I?” She interrupted. “Sorry.”

“No harm done. If you wish to join us you are more than welcome.” He assured her. “Bring your saddlebags. I am not sure how long we will be gone. It’s a fair distance from here.”

“Should I bring Spike?” She asked as her horn lit to call on her saddlebags.

“If you wish you can. If we run into monsters then he would need to run and hide. While I do not doubt his heart, his lack of fighting ability is an issue.”

“Hmm. Good point. Can we drop him off with Applejack?”

“We have plenty of time to stop there if you want to.” He reassured her.

She nodded and turned back to face the back of the Library. “SPIKE!” She yelled.

Oblivion ears pinned at her volume. Sasa grumbled at his side but said nothing to him. Spike growled as he came into the room. His eyes narrowed at the shouting mare. “Yeah?”

“Can you gather some of your things so we can go? I will go with Oblivion to hunt for another piece of the map he is working on.”

“Awesome!” Spike yelped as the mare paused. “We get to go with him? That’s gonna be awesome.”

“Actually,” Twilight said to him, her voice low. “I’m going to drop you off with Applejack.”

Spike’s eyes went wide and his mouth dropped open as he stared at her. “But… I can help.”

Twilight looked over her shoulder to Oblivion who took her look to be asking for his input. He took a couple of steps forward and Spike looked up at him. “We will be gone for potentially a few days Spike. We will be potentially coming in contact with the normal monsters from the Everfree along with ones that could be similar to new ones. It’s not your heart I do not have faith in. You can't fight those monsters. I cannot be worried about you while I am fighting those. Distractions lead to injuries or worse in those situations.”

Spike looked dejected as he seemed to understand it. “Okay. I’ll be right back.”

His shoulders slumped as he left the front of the Library. Twilight cringed down at the sad look on the baby dragon’s face. “I hate seeing him sad.” She said to him.

“I understand that. While I do not relish upsetting him it cannot be done. Perhaps when he is older he can easily join in. It is for the best this time.” Oblivion replied quietly to her.

Twilight sighed and nodded in agreement. “Maybe we can bring something back for him?”

“Such as?”

“I guess bringing a monster back to him is a bad idea?” She asked with a smile.

“If it was a harmless one, sure.” He said to her as a chuckle broke from him. “He will have to be content with a story or two.”

“Could you draw what we see?”

“I can yes.”

“That could work as well. Maybe draw it and use the story as well?”

“That would probably work well.” He agreed. “It will have to do.”

She nodded and they waited for Spike to rejoin them.

Once Spike had been left with the Apple family the three of them set out. Oblivion teleported them from the farm to close by where they believed the map piece was located. Twilight looked around them and quickly realized that she had no idea where they were.

“Okay, so where are we?” She asked with a chuckle.

He leaned forward and showed her the full-size map she had given him. He leaned over her shoulder and she looked at what he indicated and she nodded. He tapped his horn to hers as he moved to lead her forward. He didn’t see the blush that crossed her face. She looked at Sasa who winked at her and Twilight looked at the ground for a moment before she fell in line with them.

His eyes scanned the ground ahead of them and behind him, Twilight looked as well. Sasa was following the mare and her nose was in the air to see what she would smell. As he searched for anything that might be out of place he found himself taking paths that would not cause trouble for the mare with them. Hours ticked past as they walked and he looked over his shoulder to find the mare seemingly content with their path.

“Anything upfront Chosen?” Sasa questioned.

“Nothing of note.” He replied.

“Are we looking for a ruin or a dilapidated house or what?”

“I am not sure.” He admitted with a slight sigh. “Anything behind?”

“Hah! No.” Sasa replied with a bark of laughter.

“See anything?” Twilight asked him.

“Not so far. I am not sure if we are looking for a ruin or a village.” He admitted to her.

“Hmm. Well, we don’t have a timeline so be sure to analyze everything.” She advised. “Even that big flower could be something interesting.”

“Big flower?” He stopped as he began to look and his eyes fell on a large orange flower twenty or so feet away from them. “Oh, Gods.”

He spun on his heels and his magic picked up the mare and feline and he dashed off the path and into the tall trees.

“What? What is it?” Twilight questioned.

“If I’m right then that flower is an Arachasae.” He told her as he stood ahead of her, ensuring it had no chance to target her.

“And that is a…” She asked.

“It’s an Insectoid from my world.” He replied. “A big one if the size of the flower is any indication.”

“And how do we get past it?” Sasa asked.

“We don’t.” He replied to her.

“We can’t leave it, can we?” Twilight asked.

“No. If it gets near ponies then it would be a disaster. It spits poison from afar to stun its prey and then charges in after them to deliver the final blow.” He explained.

“How do we fight it?” Twilight asked.

“You don’t.” He replied to her.

She looked affronted at him and he had a moment of doubt about trying to hide her away. “I think not.” She said to him. “I’m not Spike. I don’t need to be protected like a fragile glass figure. I can fight with you.”

He paused as she argued with him. She had a point and he knew that she was a mare of skill and her aid could help. “You can’t get hit by it. Every move it makes is going to be laced with poison.” He began.

“Okay, I will stay out of the way and attack from afar. You keep it attracted to you and I will hit from far enough to avoid the poison.” She reasoned.

“She has you there Chosen. She is a mare of great aptitude. So long as she stays back then she can be of help right?” Sasa pointed out.

Twilight stared at him, determination in her gaze and he felt his resistance to her faltering. A deep sigh escaped him as he sat down in front of her. “Very well. But we fight this on my terms.”

Twilight nodded in agreement and pointed her ears toward him to listen intently. “I’m here to listen then.”

He glanced over his shoulder and the monster had not moved from where the mare had spotted it. “Attacking from the front is a fool’s errand. Your job is to stay back and always attack it from behind. Yes, it will keep it moving but that is what you will be doing. It will spin to find you when you hit and then I will hit it. We will bounce its attention back and forth between us.”

Twilight looked at him as he explained. “Oohh. Very clever.”

“If it can spit poison or webs at you, run.”

“I learned a few shield spells from my brother, should I use those?” She asked.

“Actually yes. Can you keep one active at all times?”

“I think so.” She said as she looked thoughtful. “I have never kept one going for an extended time but I am certain I can. What will you be using on it?”

“Igni, Axii, and Yrden are the ones that will be used against it. I’ll keep Quen up and running as often as I can. If I have to let it lapse in favor of the others then I will.” He paused as Twilight narrowed her eyes at him. “The fight will be longer if I play it overly safe.”

“I can last.” She assured him, having realized that was his reason for going with a different style of fighting. “I don’t want you to get hurt, same as you don’t want me to get hurt.”

“Ohh that was a good dig at you, wasn’t it?” Sasa teased.

He sighed again and lowered his head slightly to look her in the eye. “That is true. But your safety is far more important to me than my own ever will be.” He said to her and her eyes went a bit wider. “So we will compromise. I will keep Quen up as often as I can and if it drops then I will try to get it back when able.”

Twilight smiled and tapped her horn to his. “I’m good with that.” She agreed.

“I will stay as close to it as I can to ensure it does not have time to shoot webs or poison your way.” She looked at him and a slight grin quirked one side of his mouth. “And I will take to my heels when I must.”

“Deal.” She said with a bright smile.

Oblivion looked at her for a moment before he raised his head and turned to the Arachasae. “I’ll draw its attention first then you move into position.”

He said nothing as his horn lit and several potions came from his saddlebags. His mind went over which ones he had in easy supply and which ones could be easily recreated. He drew out the Cockatrice Decoction and he popped the lid and drank it down. His skin shivered for a moment as he went back to the saddlebags to pull out the next couple he was going to use. The Golden Oriole was next and he drank it down as well. The Thunderbolt Potion was the final one he would be using for this fight. He drank it down as well and remained facing forward to avoid startling Twilight.

He began to walk silently toward the Arachasae as he heard Twilight walking slowly behind him. His steps quickened as it seemed he had caught its attention. He saw the flower tremble as he approached from the front. It flexed and he watched as poison was spewed from the flower as he jumped to the side and then charged in to face it. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Twilight's shield go into place as she ran to get behind the monster.

“I’ll get it from the side?” Sasa questioned.

“No stay with Twilight.” He ordered and the feline peeled off and was soon at the mare’s side.

He kept its focus as Quen slid into place and the Arachasae charged him when it realized that the poison had done nothing to him. The golden light from Quen shone brightly against his black fur. A blast of magic from behind the Arachasae caught its attention and it spun to focus on the running mare. Oblivion crystal blade appeared in his magic a bare second later as he dug its sharp edge into the monster's thick hide.

“I got it!” He heard Twilight yell over the sound of the Arachasae screeching.

He heard it screech again as it spun back to the mare and he waited a moment before he charged back in and struck the Arachasae with Axii to stun it and allow him to fight its weak spot longer. It wobbled on its legs for several seconds as he drilled his blade into the back of its body and green ichor began to flow slowly from the growing wounds.

“Keep going!” Twilight yelled as he fought.

The Arachasae snapped out of the stupor he had put it in and spun back to him. Its pincers snapped out and caught him in the shoulder and he was thrown down. He said nothing as Quen exploded and the Arachasae screeched at the concussion that went over it from the Sign. He got to his hooves easily and once more faced it as he cast Yrden as it moved toward him. The Sign slowed the monster in place and he watched as Twilight began to lash magic into its exposed back and the monster screeched as she rained down attacks in quick succession.

“Keep it up!” He yelled to her and he watched as she fought the monster.

Yrden faded with the sound of shattering glass and it spun to face the mare. He used Axii once more and it wavered as he attacked its exposed back. His blade cut deeper with each hit and he finally pulled the blade back and jammed it deeper into its back. The Arachasae screeched and began to thrash. His magic twisted the sword in place and it screamed as it began its death throes. He watched as it thrashed and began to lay down. He jumped back and he glanced up to make sure Twilight was staying back, just in case it was trying to fool them. While that would be the first time one had done that in his experience it did not mean they could not do it at all.

“Is it down?” Twilight yelled the question at him.

“Maybe. Stay back till I say otherwise.” He called back to her.

After over a minute of no movement, he allowed himself to get back up to it to yank the blade free. He wrenched it free and when nothing happened he nodded at Twilight. He turned his head away from her as she dropped her shield and joined him. He began to reach into his saddlebags to use the White Honey Potion when he realized that he was not sure if he had any left form when he had fought the Protofleder with Geralt. He closed his eyes and hoped he had some in there. A small bottle appeared in his magic when Twilight came to stand in front of him. Oblivion saw her eyes scan what he looked like and her smile did not fade.

“So that’s what it looks like when you’re using the Witcher potions?”

“Yes. It’s a bit much I have been told.” He replied.

“It’s not as bad as you made it sound. Though the silver in your veins is a bit strange.”


“Yeah, I assume it’s following the veins in your face and neck. It goes almost down to your shoulders. It’s almost pretty in a way.”

He chuckled and downed the White Honey potion and he sat down to allow it to work. After a few seconds, he felt the weight of the potions and decoctions began to fade away. Twilight sat down with him and waited till he got to his hooves.

“I’m thinking we are done for the night?” She asked.

“She handled that very well.” Sasa commented.

“Agreed.” He replied quickly. “I think you're right.”

Twilight nodded as she looked at the dead Arachasae and then back at him. His horn lit as he pulled the parts he wanted from it and sent them to his saddlebags. His azure flame burned through the body as he sent his crystal blade back to the band on his leg.

“Let’s get to an area that does not smell of burned insects.” He said to her as Twilight giggled and nodded in agreement.

Oblivion opened one eye as the sun began to come up and he got to his hooves and made his way out of the tent he had conjured the night before. He looked back to find Sasa was still asleep and he walked out into the early morning light. His saddlebags hovered in his magic as he set them down on the far side of the small fire he created. He pulled ingredients out of them and he set the bottles on the ground in front of him. He had allowed some of his stock to dwindle and he was going to replenish the ones he was able to. As the sun was slowly rising he combined ingredients and began to spin them around him to mix them. He looked up as Twilight began to awaken and he heard her get to her hooves and he watched as she came out of the small tent.

She saw him watching her and a smile crossed her mouth. “Morning Oblivion.”

“Good morning, Aine Saov.” He replied as she sat opposite him.

“What are you doing?” She questioned.

“I have used several of the potions and decoctions over the last few weeks and I did not replenish them. I was given many of the missing ingredients by Geralt before I left and I have been lax in replenishing them.” He admitted. “So I am mixing them by spinning them.”

“Do you need any help?”

“I might in a moment.” He replied and the vials in his magic began to slow their spin and he scanned each one. “Hmm.”

“What is it?”

“This one is not mixing as well as the others.”

“Which one is it?”

“Thunderbolt.” He said as he spun the vial in a tight circle around him for a few seconds.

“May I?” She asked as her magic covered the vial.

His magic released the vial and she took it from him. She looked at the vial for a moment before she looked at him. “What color does it need to be?”

“It’s yellow right now but when finished it should be a somewhat bright green.” He replied. “A little like fresh grass.”

“Okay let me try.”

He watched as the mare got to her hooves and the small vial hovered in her magic. It started in front of her and he watched as she began to spin it in the same way he had for a few seconds. He watched as she began to spin it erratically in her magic. It went right, then left, up, and then down. He felt his head tilt slightly as the pattern was completely erratic and he heard her give a slight groan as the speed increased. As he watched he realized that the vial in her magic was also turning and he felt a bit foolish for not thinking of that sooner. After over two minutes she stopped and a pant broke from her.

“Okay if that didn’t do it then nothing will.” She said to him with a laugh and he nodded in agreement.

She looked at the vial and she smiled brightly when the color of the vial was a bright grass green. He gave a slight bow of his head to her and she gave it back to him.

“Well done.” He said to her and she sat down in her place. “Are you hungry?”

“A bit yes.”

He reached into his saddlebags for some of the rations from his pack and he gave them to her. “If you need more let me know.”

“Thank you.” She said to him. “What about you?”

“I ate before I picked you up.” He assured her.

He saw her brow furrow as she considered what he had said. “Meaning?”

He paused as he realized that she did not know about his ability to eat meat. He said nothing for several seconds as he considered what to tell her. He saw her focus on him as she chewed her rations. He gave a quiet noise and he saw her narrow her eyes at him. His ability to lie to her failed on him and he simply bared his teeth to allow her to see them.

“Oh. That’s quite the set of teeth… Which means… Oh.” She reasoned out as he pulled his lips back into place. “You eat meat.”

“I can eat anything. I am an omnivore.”

“Hmm. Interesting.” She said as she took a bite of her food. “So you hunted for… meat before you picked me up from the Library?”

“Yes. I hunt in the Everfree to avoid upsetting any pony.” He explained.

“That makes sense. I assume that very few ponies know about your diet of choice?”

“You are one of four now.”

Sasa came out of the tent she yawned ran her tongue over her teeth and sat down beside Twilight. “Good morning.” She said as Oblivion set food in front of her.

“Morning.” He replied to the tiger as she dug into the food he had given her.

Twilight smiled as she patted the cat beside her. “Morning Sasa.”

Oblivion led the way as they weaved through the tall grass and brush. Behind him, Twilight stayed several steps back. Sasa brought up the rear as he led them forward. He paused as his magic pulled out the map and the last piece as she imposed it over the map and his eyes narrowed as Twilight came to stand by his shoulder and he lowered the map to allow her to look at it.

“It looks like there is a town in here?” She asked as she looked at the map.

“Okay, so it’s not just me thinking that.” Oblivion replied.

“Is there any way you can see if there are any ponies close by?” She asked. ”Your magic doesn’t have any rules so can you do something like that?”

“There is.”

He called the World Spirit into action and it surged under his command. He called it to his horn and the white flame then poured onto the ground and he watched as it began to flow ahead of them. He saw Twilight's eyes go wide at the sight of it. It surged over the ground and flowed easily in search of anything connected to it. As it moved he watched intently and soon it surged far ahead and he found nothing of interest to it.

“No ponies.” He said to her and the mare looked confused for a moment.

“So how did you do that?”

“Another self-made spell.” He assured her.

“Ahh well done.” She said as she patted his shoulder. “Did it find anything?”

“Nothing pony-like. It found nothing of interest.” He explained.

“Weird that there would be a settlement on the map but nothing in that direction.”

“It is odd but perhaps they were here at one point but the Everfree drove them out?” He reasoned to her.

“That’s very possible.” She agreed. “The Everfree has always been too wild for ponies to easily keep.”

“It operates like my world.” He said to her with a chuckle.

“Oh really?” She asked as he began to walk forward as the map rolled up and he put them back in his saddlebag.

“Yes. The woods are infested with different monsters and humans tend to avoid them if they can. They are the reason cities sprang up in safe zones. Humans chose their locations carefully.”


“Yes. It’s how they made their way through a world changed by the Conjunction of the Spheres.”

“What is that?”

“My world had no magic at one point. Monsters were not a threat as they did not exist.” He explained and she stayed at his side as he went on. “Life was a simple act back then. There were no mages or Witchers. We were not needed until the Conjunction tore the land and changed it. The Conjunction happened and suddenly there are monsters and magic to contend with.”

“So magic just… Didn’t exist?”

“Yes.” He said as he glanced her way. “After it happened Witchers were needed and we were created for the Path. Sorceresses became a common thing and they rose to power within the governments.”

“Like what?”

“There is the Lodge. A cabal of the most powerful Sorceresses on the Continent.” He replied. “They make the rules in some areas and often are tasked with training new acolytes and in some they teach the children of the royalty. They search out new disciples and train them as they are needed.”

“Do you know any of them?”

“I know two. Well, I have met most of them but only know two of them reasonably well.”

“Who were they?”

“They are Yennefer of Vengerburg and Triss.” He replied.

“What are they like?” Twilight asked.

He chuckled as he responded to her. “Yennefer is a smart woman. There is very little that can get past her in matters of politics and magic. I try not to get into spats with her as I might lose that battle of wits.”

Twilight giggled. “You… lose a fight?”

“Those don’t count.” He argued. “Triss is much the same. I enjoy Yennefer’s company more than Triss, to be honest. Triss is too busy trying to get one up on those around her in my opinion. She and Geralt were a pair at one point. But he went back to Yennefer in the end. They are or used to be joined by the magic of a Djinn.”

“What is a Djinn?”

“A Djinn is a being of great power. They can be harnessed by a mage and they must then grant three wishes. Once those are done they are free once more.”

“Oh, like a Genie?” Twilight interrupted.

“That is one type of them.” He replied with a chuckle. “There are four sorts of these beings. Just as there are four planes there are four Djinns. Genies are of the Earth, Djinn of the air, Afreet is of fire, and Marides are of the water.”

“Wow. It’s pretty complicated in your world.” She said to him. “It’s a lot to think of and remember.”

“It can be.” He agreed. “But in time the information becomes as natural as your magic is to you.”

Twilight smiled at his words. “So you said they were tied to each other by a Djinn?”

“Yes. Quite a while ago a friend of Geralts, Dandelion, unleashed a Djinn and it caused quite a bit of havoc in Rinde. Geralt I believe ended up being its master and Yennefer intended to trap the Djinn. But it would have killed Yenn before she got the chance to tame it. Geralt understood that and in a moment of chaos, Geralt wished to die beside Yennefer, knowing the djinn couldn't kill its own master. The djinn granted his last wish, binding Geralt and Yennefer's fates until their deaths.”

“Oh wow.” Twilight breathed out as she considered what he had said.


“Yes?” She said, her voice insistent that he go on.

“A few years ago now Yenn found a Djinn that had been used by another mage and she asked Geralt to help her trap it. She was able to but not without a fight. She tells it to see the binding that held the two of them together and asks it to break it. As far as I know, it did as commanded and they were released from his wish.”

Twilight’s eyes were bright as he spoke and a bright smile spread over her mouth. “And are they still together?”

“I do not know. When I was sent back there I did not think to ask.” He admitted.

“Ugh!” Twilight groaned and her head went back for a moment. “You should have asked. Now I don’t know the ending of the story.”

“My apologies.” He said to her as a chuckle broke from him.

She sighed and her head hung for a moment before she looked up at him, her spirit bright. “Okay, I forgive you.”

“I’m so glad to hear that.”

Oblivion raised his nose into the air as a scent went over his nose. Behind him, Twilight watched him closely.

“What is it?” She asked.

“Water.” He said back to her as he broke into a gentle trot. “Come on.”

He pushed past a set of large bushes and ahead of him was an enormous lake. He paused at the shore and he scanned the surface carefully. Twilight drew up next to him and Sasa sat down beside her.

“Well. We found something at least.” She quipped.

“True.” He replied to the feline.

“What?” Twilight asked.

“Sasa said we did find something at least.”

“That’s true,” Twilight said with a laugh. “Maybe this is where the village used to be?”

“I think you're right. Toward the middle is a chimney, or what’s left of one.” He explained.

“You can see it?” She asked and he nodded. “That’s convenient.”

“Well, it could be underwater.” Sasa pointed out and he nodded.

“Sasa’s right. Now we check underwater for the piece.”

“That's going to take a while,” Twilight said. “Even for you.”

“It will take some time but between us, I think we can manage it.”

“I don’t know about you but I can’t hold my breath forever.”

“Neither can I.” He admitted. “But I can hold it for quite a while with the use of a potion.”

“Oh. That’s useful. Which one?”

“Killer Whale.”

“Oh, that one was in that notebook you made for me. Will it last long enough to search the entire lake? I thought it had a limit of about ten minutes. Fifteen at the most.”

“You're right. But the vial it’s held in was a gift from Yenn. It will replenish on its own without me using more ingredients.”

“Oh, that was nice of her to give that to you.”

“It was a set of five vials. I put the most used in them. Killer Whale being one I was using frequently at the time.”

“Have you used it while you’ve been here?”

“I have.” He replied as he pulled the potion out of his saddlebag.

“That’s a bright orange one, isn’t it?” Twilight chuckled.

“It does have some color. It also gives greater sight underwater. I’ll be able to see easier in the water, even if I end up kicking up silt.” He agreed. “Now we need to get out there.”

“I can do that,” Twilight assured him as she patted his shoulder.

“Then I will leave it to you.” He said to her as she walked a bit away from him.

He sat down with Sasa as he could hear the sounds of breaking limbs and after several minutes Twilight returned with a raft made of trees and it was lashed together with vines. She set it in the water and then jumped onto it to show him that it would hold her at least.


“It looks good to me.” He agreed as he got to his hooves and jumped to the raft with her. “Sasa?”

“Oh hell no.” Sasa said back to him. “Chosen you are out of your mind.”

He chuckled as Sasa lay down on the bank. “I guess you and I are on our own.”

“No faith in my raft-making skills Sasa?”

“Not that. I am perfectly sure that the raft is safe. I just don’t think it’s big enough and I will end up in the water. You’re going to be getting in and out of the water Chosen, as the potion comes back in the bottle. And I do not trust that raft pitching and moving as you get in and out of the water.”

He parroted what she said and Twilight jumped off and went back to the woods. Several minutes passed and Twilight came back with another small raft she lashed it to the bigger one with a vine and then jumped onto the big one.

“There you go Sasa. That way you’re not left behind.” Twilight said to her.

Sasa purred as she jumped into her raft. “Perfect. Thank you Twilight.”

“She thanks you.” Oblivion said for her.

“You should cover her in your magic more often so she can talk to me.” Twilight teased.

“Or I can just do to you what I did to Blue Blood.”


“He can hear her when she wishes him to.”

“He can? But we can’t?” She teased.

“I’ve been a bit slow on that, I admit.” He replied with a shake of his head.

She laughed and his horn lit and cast the spell he had used before to allow Sasa to speak directly to her if she wanted to. His magic faded and Twilight looked at the little raft as Sasa purred.

“Try it Sasa.” He encouraged.

“Can you hear me Twilight?” She asked the mare.

Twilight smiled and nodded happily. “I can hear her. This will be so much easier for all of us.”

Oblivion nodded in agreement and turned to face the chimney in the center of the lake as his magic propelled the two rafts. As they neared the chimney Twilight stood up and began to look down into the blue water. He slowed them down as they came up to the chimney.

“Okay, I figure we can start here.” He said to the purple mare.

“How are we going to find it?” She asked.

“I will use the same spell I have been using to find the others.” He explained. “It’s using Starswirls metal finding spell with a bit of a twist.”

“I know that spell. It doesn’t work unless the view is unobstructed.”

“I add in my spell that bypasses that limitation. That way it can the metal even with the line of sight limit.”

“Okay sounds like a solid plan to me,” Twilight said to him as he picked up the Killer Whale potion and downed it.

“Be prepared to be bored Twilight.” Sasa advised.

“What do you mean?”

“He will be doing the searching of an entire town and we will be up here waiting.” Sasa explained.

Twilight looked at her for a moment before understanding went over her face. “Oh.”

“Yeah. We can’t use the potions due to them maybe killing us so we have to wait as he does this part.”

“Got it,” Twilight said.

“I’ll try to be quick.” He assured them both as he leaned back and fell off the raft. The water rippled and splashed as he gulped in air and then dove down.

Under the water, he swam for the first building as his horn charged and he cast the two spells. Under their illusion, his wings beat and they propelled him faster to the water-logged town. Metal objects illuminated as he went to the first building swam to the door and looked in. Within it small metal objects were bright but none of them looked like the cylinder he was looking for. ‘This is going to take a while.’ He thought to himself as he made for the next building.

His head broke the surface and Twilight propelled the raft toward him, allowing him to grab hold of it and pull himself out of the water. He shook himself free of water and sat down to wait for the vial to refill. He shook his head to get the water out of his ears and drops of water struck Twilight and she grimaced at the cool water.

“Okay, so this is going to be very boring.” She said with a hint of teasing in her tone.

“If I could take you with me I would.” He informed her. “But you can’t use the potion. It will leave you either broken or dead.”


“For example. Geralt used Swallow on a girl that had been attacked by a Gryphon and it had nearly killed her. She survived the potion but it left her mind shattered. She spent most of her time asleep or she had to be taken care of completely. She was unable to do anything for herself again. The young man she was going out to meet was a soldier at a camp we met up with. He told Geralt that he's not certain whether to thank him for saving her life or to be mad at him for not easing her suffering.”

“Oh my,” Twilight said as she looked down at the refilling potion between them. “I will never think of drinking one of those.”

“Exactly.” Oblivion said as the potion refilled to the top once more.

“Is there no way I can go with you?” Twilight almost pleaded.

He was quiet for several seconds as he was not sure what to do with her now.

“I have an idea, Chosen.” Sasa piped up from her raft. “Put her in a bubble, tie it to you and she will be along for the ride without drowning or using the potion.”

Both Unicorns stared at the cat for a moment before Twilight smiled. “I’m ashamed to admit I didn’t think of that.”

“That makes two of us. Hold on.”

Oblivion horn lit and it covered the mare, who held still as stone, and a bubble of azure fire surrounded her. The bubble was large enough that she could easily watch him and move around a bit as she looked around them if she wished. He created a tether that went from the bubble and he lashed it around his girth. He downed the potion and fell back into the water with the mare yelping as she was pulled with him. He oriented himself and began to swim down to the next house. He stopped above the next building and his horn charged and the spell was cast. He looked back at Twilight as she had her hooves pressed against the side of the bubble a wide smile on her face.

“Oh, you clever pony.” She praised.

Oblivion turned to look back at her, a rare smile crossed his mouth and she smiled wider at the sight of it. It fell from his face as he dove down with the mare following.

Oblivion tugged the mare along behind him as he drew up on a large building that was close to the edge of town. He grimaced as the potion began to wane. He knew he could now hold his breath on his own for another couple of minutes. He looked into the building and his eyes locked onto a small five-inch metal piece. He looked over his shoulder and Twilight nodded that she saw it as well. This was the tenth time that they had gone into the water together. The mare had directed it at times and he swam where she instructed. He swam for the cylinder and his claws grabbed the container it was held in and he spun to make for the surface.

“Hurry.” Twilight encouraged. “You can make it.”

He spread his wings under water and they thrust him up the last few feet and he gasped for air as his head broke the surface. He panted for a moment before Twilight’s bubble came up next to him.

“I think you cut that a bit close.” She pointed out.

“I did yes.” He admitted. “I didn’t want to have to wait on the potion again just to get to what I had seen.”

“That’s a fair point.” She admitted. “Where’s the raft?”

He looked around them and he spotted Sasa and the rafts. He began to swim for the raft and Sasa roared as they got close.

“Find anything?” She asked as he pulled himself out of the water and then picked up the bubble to allow Twilight to sit on the raft as well.

“I think so,” Twilight said as Oblivion finished shaking himself as free of water as he was able.

He set the box on the raft and Twilight Magic picked it up and she tried to open it but the lock held firm. She looked unsure for a moment as Oblivion sat down and breathed deeply. Oblivion pulled Sasa’s raft up to sit beside them so she was able to see what they were doing.

“Trouble?” She asked as Twilight tried to open it again.

“It should just pop apart considering it's wood under water. Treated wood like this gets saturated and falls apart after a while. But it’s like iron.” She informed them both.

Oblivion watched as she fought with it. “Force it?”

“I don’t think I have enough pull for that. Let me try though.”

He watched as Twilight stood up and squared her shoulders to let her yank as hard as she was magically able on the box. Oblivion's eyes narrowed and he reached out and tapped her shoulder. He pointed a claw at the back of the box. The hinges were pristine and Twilight's brow furrowed as she sat back down.

“It’s like it never went into the water.” She complained. “This is crazy.”

“May I?” Oblivion asked as he reached for the box.

“Good luck.” She said as she gave it to him. “You might be able to yank it apart, your magical strength is greater than mine.”

He turned it over in his hooves and he stopped to look at the hinges. His claws flexed and he began to pick at the hinges themselves. His claws flexed once more and he began to dig them into the metal and the wood. One claw was able to get underneath the hinge. Twilight watched with curiosity as he began to try to yank the hinge completely off the box. As he pulled Twilight watched as the box seemed to degrade.

“What in Equestria?” She whispered.

“I thought so. The hinge being in such perfect shape is the magic that is keeping it in one piece.” He explained as he kept pulling.

“Well keep pulling. Can you use magic now?”

“I think magic only makes it stronger.” He replied. “Think about how hard you were pulling on it.”

He said as he paused in his pulling. He watched as Twilight looked thoughtful and her eyes widened as she came to the same conclusion.

“I’ve heard of spells on items that do that. It’s not done often nowadays but it used to be popular. The magic was condensed to keep the magical piece pristine and by keeping it in one piece the magic would spread to what it was being used on. In this case, the hinge and the magic then spread to the box itself.”

“Interesting.” Oblivion said to her.

“So keep pulling it apart. Since you are right. Magic just feeds the hinge and keeps it strong. But separating it weakens the box which is what we want. The hinge will remain pristine but the box will die.” She explained.

Oblivion dug his claws under where he had lifted and with a hard yank, the hinge came free. The box began to open as he tore the hinge off it and Twilight watched as he opened the box and she pulled the cylinder out of the box.

“All that work to hide this little thing.” She pointed out. “I hope the thing at the end of this is worth so much work.”

“You’re not the only one hoping that.” Sasa said to her.

“We will see what we find at the end.” Oblivion said as he took the cylinder from her.

His magic unfurled the cylinder and he held up the map to see where to go next. He looked closely at it and Twilight leaned over to see what he was looking at and she shook her head.

“I have no idea where that is.” She admitted as he shook his head as well. “I think Princess Celestia has a bigger map that we can see if it’s clearer on that.”

“That’s an idea. I’ll be there this weekend so that will work well.” He said as he slid the cylinder into his saddlebag with the map. “Ready to head home?”

Twilight and Sasa both nodded as he charged his horn to teleport them home.

111: A Wedding Begins

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Oblivion opened his eyes as the Canterlot Menagerie stretched out ahead of him. Blue Blood stood at the entrance and smiled as Oblivion began to walk toward him. His spirit was bright as they bumped hooves and began to head into the city.

“Shining mentioned that he would join us at Joe's,” Blue informed him.

“That works.” Oblivion said as they walked.

“What does he want?” Sasa asked as she fell in between them.

“I’m not sure exactly,” Blue admitted. “He was kind of secretive about it, to be honest. He had this little look in his eyes like he had been plotting something.”

Sasa laughed as he spoke. “Shining is about as sneaky as you are expressive.”

Blue chuckled at her words, and Oblivion had to admit she had made a point. “Well, we will find out in a moment. He beat us there.”

Oblivion opened the door for the others, and they filed in. “Hello there, colts and kittens. I’ll get your usual ready,” Joe called out as he saw them all file into his shop.

“Thank you, Joe,” Blue said as they joined Shining at their usual booth. “So what is on your mind, Shining?”

The stallion said nothing for several seconds before a broad smile crossed his face. “I’m engaged. So I am trying to figure out who to ask to stand with me at the altar.”

“Congratulations! Did you propose, or did my cousin?” Blue teased.

Shining looked horrified for a moment. “I proposed thank you.”

“Cousin?” Sasa asked.

“Cadance is my cousin through Auntie Celestia,” Blue explained.

“Ahh. Got it.” Sasa replied. “So when is it?”

“When is the wedding?” Oblivion asked.

“That’s the thing.” Shining replied with a concerned look. “It's next weekend.”

“That’s quite the timeline,” Blue said to him. “Any reasoning for that?”

“You’ve heard of the rumors about an attack on Canterlot, right, Blue?” He said, and Blue nodded. “That’s the reason. Celestia and Luna are debating whether I need to place a shield over the whole of Canterlot.”

“Can you do that?” Blue asked, and Shining looked at him. “Not that you are not capable. I assume you would need to hold it for some time.”

“He has the magic capacity for it; it just means he needs to remain awake.” Oblivion added. “Are you capable of being awake for that long without rest?”

“That’s the thing.” Shining admitted as he looked at the black Unicorn. “You mentioned that you had refreshed Soarin?”

“I did, yes.” Oblivion responded. “And you hope I can do the same thing for you?”

“Pretty much.” Shining admitted. “I’m not saying for you to move here for a week. That’s unreasonable. But a couple of days ahead of time, can you pop in?”

“Does your sister know?” Oblivion asked.

Shining cringed and shook his head. “No. And believe me, that hurts. Princess Celestial asked me to remain quiet for now.”

“Hmm. She will be agitated at you when she finds out.” Oblivion commented quietly.

“I know.” Shining agreed.

“Twilight is going to have your tail for a banner.” Blue teased with a laugh.

“I know.” Shining lamented. “I wish I could have been the first to tell her. Princess Celestia will ask her to come a day ahead next week to help plan it. She plans on including all of her friends as well. She was thinking you would help me with security. Nopony better than a Witcher to spot openings in security.”

Oblivion leaned back in his chair as Joe brought their food and coffee. “I suppose it makes sense in a way. When are you wishing me to arrive?”

“The wedding is Saturday afternoon. I would like you here Thursday, if possible.” Shining supplied.

Oblivion magic gripped his donut, and he took a bite from it and chewed it in silence. Once he had swallowed, he nodded. “Very well. I see no reason not to help. You will owe me when it is done.” Oblivion gave a gentle tease at the white stallion.

Shining looked relieved, and a laugh broke from him. “I warned Celestia that you may ask for payment. I remember what you told her about the shadow organization. You needed a contract to be going after them. She decided that she would happily pay you for your service if needed. So if you want it, it’s there.”

Shining continued to laugh, and Blue drank his coffee as Oblivion noted the payment in the wings if he asked for it. He set his donut down in favor of picking up his coffee. His mind went over what he had been asked to do and saw no reason to back down. A slight chuckle broke from him as he realized that the last couple of times he had helped, he had not asked for payment of any kind. Vesemir and the others would have been horrified by his lack of mercenary haggling. As that thought caught him, he realized that Geralt was the same. The younger Witcher only asked for payment when it dealt with the monsters they were created to fight.

“What do you need me to do?” Sasa asked as she leaned her head against Shining’s leg.

“She is asking what you want her to do,” Blue told the Captain.

“Oh. Her job is to help you Oblivion. Even the slightest crack in security will be noticed and fixed between you. Don’t think I forgot you, Sasa.” He said to her. “So… Will you stand with me on my wedding day?”

“I’d be honored,” Blue said to him.

Oblivion gave a slight bow of his head in reply.

Oblivion had explained to the girls that he would go to Canterlot to help Celestia with something on that coming Thursday. Twilight had seemed uncertain of what he was telling her but, ultimately, had let it go. His teleport faded, and he entered the castle from his usual entrance. A scent caught his attention, and he put his nose in the air to get more of a scent. When it did not draw a large enough of the smell to him, he paused and looked at the feline next to him.

“Smell anything?” He asked her, his voice low.

He watched as she looked up at him and then put her nose up to scent the air. Several seconds passed before she shook her head. He tried to gather more of the smell into his nose by following it, but the scent was so faint that he could not discern where it was coming from.

“Damn.” He muttered as he walked further into the castle.

“Something in the air got your attention?” Sasa asked as he made for the throne room.

“I‘m not sure what it is. It’s too faint even to lead me anywhere.”

“That’s odd. Usually, you can follow anything.”

“It’s not that I can’t follow it. It’s that it does not seem to go anywhere beyond that spot. I’ll have to move around to see if I can get a stronger whiff.” He explained.

“Oh, I see what you mean.” She agreed with him after he explained his reasoning. “You’ll have to keep your nose up then.”

He walked into the throne room to find Celestia and Shining in the room. He could see that Shining was tired but seemed to be holding up well. His horn lit with the World Spirit’s fire, covering the Captain of the Royal Guard. He whinnied in surprise momentarily before Celestia began to laugh behind a hoof. Shining turned to look behind him, and he smiled at the sight of the Witcher.

“You need to warn a pony before you cast fire all over them,” Shining grumbled.

“It would not have been as entertaining if I did warn you.” Oblivion pointed out. “Feel better?”

“That’s true. Our Princess got a good laugh.” Shining said. “And yes, I do feel better. I was up most of the night keeping the shield up.”

“Keeping him up before his wedding is not for the best if you want him even to remember his wedding.” Oblivion commented to the Sun Princess.

“I know.” She said with a sigh. “I wish it wasn’t needed. But something is a threat, and until we narrow it down, I have to work with what we have. Your help will be paramount to ensuring that the Captain does not falter. Can I depend on you for this, Oblivion?”

Oblivion looked from the mare to the stallion as Shining gave him a small smile. “I will do what is needed, Celestia. Once it is to the point that the threat has been removed, I will refresh him one last time.”

“I have to admit I had no idea the Element of Spirit was capable of this power you wield. I have to say that I am pleased that you have the control of it that you do.” Celestia said as he leaned back on his heels. “Please stay with him as the day goes on to ensure the Captain has no trouble.”

“You need a foal sitter?” Oblivion teased as Shining stopped to stare at him.

Celestia barked a laugh as Shining glared at the Witcher. “You… I swear… I'd hit you if you weren’t one of my close friends.”

“Worried sick.” Oblivion commented, and Shining growled as he motioned for the black Unicorn to follow him out of the throne room.

The day they were passed quickly as Shining moved through the training grounds. They moved through parts of the city to see if there was anything that he and Oblivion could see that was lacking in their defense. Oblivion saw nothing as they wandered. Sasa trailed them carefully, and her aqua eyes scanned the shadows as they walked.

“Have you gotten a whiff of anything?” She suddenly asked.

“No.” He replied through their connection.

“Me neither.”

He remained in step with Shining as the white Unicorn walked briskly from location to the following location.

Shining kept his pace unhurried, allowing the Witcher to dictate it. Now and then, he would look to his left to see what Oblivion was doing. Sasa walked quickly between them, keeping her head on a swivel to see if she could spot anything of note around them. As the evening crept up on them, Sasa yawned as they paused on the edge of the training yard.

“Nothing stood out to you, I assume?” Shining asked.

“Nothing to be concerned about.” Oblivion replied.

He debated mentioning the scent he had encountered when he walked into the palace but chose to remain quiet. Since it was so faint, he doubted the Captain had gotten a whiff of it. If Sasa had not been able to smell it, then the odds of him being able to do so would have been remote at best. He knew he would remain at Shining’s side overnight while he worked. White flame covered his horn as he called on the World Spirit to refresh Shining while they stood still. Shining smiled as the white flame covered him, and he glanced at the Witcher with him.

“Thanks,” he said, and a laugh bubbled from him. "I know you have better things you could be doing than this.”

“True,” he replied, and Shining looked horrified. "But this is what I choose to do.”

Shining shook his head slowly as the black Unicorn spoke. “You just never say what ponies want to hear. That’s the nice thing about being around you.”

“Oh? Most ponies hate it.”

“I can see why they would, but it’s pretty refreshing. That kind of honesty is hard to come by. Most ponies will say what suits them at that moment, but not you. You say what must be said, no matter the possible consequences. It’s like you’re not aware of what those consequences could be.”

“Oh, I’m aware of what they could be. I don’t spend my time tailoring what I say to suit myself. Any situation can be tailored. It just depends on what the pony wants. I prefer to stick to the truth. It’s easier for everypony that way.”

“You have a point,” Shining agreed. "What if my sister and the girls must also be catered to?”

“They are not immune from blunt.” Oblivion clarified. “Though there are times that I will soften my words a bit. But that does not change what they will hear, which is true.”

“I’m sure they sometimes wish you’d lie a bit.”

“Perhaps. But as one of them said to me once, that is not my style.”

Shining barked out a laugh and nodded. “I could see that being your catchphrase.”

Oblivion chuckled as Sasa giggled in his mind. “Perhaps.”

Oblivion said nothing as the scent grew stronger. He had refreshed Shining that morning, and Shining had begun to do the last bit of the needed planning. Now that he had free roam of the castle, he was once more chasing down the scent from the day before. He was still not sure what it was exactly. The longer he tracked it, he knew that he would get stronger the longer he tracked it. Eventually, he would get to where he would find the source, but for now, he was stuck tracking the dredges of it.

“I still don’t smell anything.” Sasa said to him as she stayed at his side.

“Keep trying.” He said back to her, and she huffed, his tone being curt at best.

He led her through a doorway and paused as the scent grew stronger. He took a deep breath, held the scent within his nose, and breathed it out. Something in the back of his mind came forward, and he tilted his head as he began walking forward again. As he followed it down the corridor, he found himself outside the room one of the girls had been in, and the scent was still more pungent. He began to walk and then paused mid-step.

“It’s familiar.” He whispered.

“Okay, now I smell something.” Sasa informed him. “It’s not tripping any bells for me.”

“I know it.” He muttered as he leaned back on his haunches. “It’s like the Endrega… Changeling.”

“Oh!” Sasa exclaimed. “Your right. It’s the same thing.”

He began to walk forward once more, and he followed the track. Sasa fell in behind him as he hurriedly began to track deeper into the castle. The hours ticked past him as he followed the track away from the more popular areas of the castle. Sasa followed closely behind him as he suddenly stopped, and the World Spirit alerted him to an issue nearby.

“What? Find something?” Sasa asked.

“The World Spirit just bucked. Twilight.” He said as he broke into a trot.

“Oh, that explains why you paused. Lead the way.”

He trotted ahead and quickly ran into a room housed all the girls; Celestia and Shining stood nearby. He trotted into the room to find that the scent of the Changelings was growing stronger with every hoof fall. He got up to join Twilight, where she stood as Cadance stood before her with all their friends and the others. He joined her as she looked upset, and the World Spirit directed him to her.

“May I ask what is going on?” He asks as he stands beside her.

“She is trying to convince everypony that Cadance is trying to hurt me,” Shining said to him. “I was informing her that Cadance would never hurt me.”

Oblivion toned him out as he went on, and his orange eyes settled on the Alicorn mare. His nose was telling him that the scent was coming from her. It was a more pungent scent than the one he had encountered. He considered using the World Spirit to ‘see’ past her illusion, but he chose to wait for Shining to run out of words.

“And you’re not listening to me, are you?” Shining suddenly accused.

“I was listening until I realized that you seem to be intent on marrying a Changeling.” Oblivion replied.

“Oh, for crying out loud!” Shining shouted at him. “She is not a monster.”

“Are you certain?” Oblivion argued gently.

“Okay, I changed my mind about you standing with me. Neither of you will be. You can take my sister back to Ponyville and stay there. Neither of you are welcome here anymore. She was slinging insults, and now you are joining her. I thought you would be more intelligent than this.”

“Are you done?” Oblivion asked, and Shinning was even angrier at the interruption. “I can prove what she and I are saying. I can remove her illusion and prove what I am…”

Green magic covered both of them, and they vanished in a moment. Oblivion got his bearings, and he looked down to see that they were hovering in the air, the green magic suspending them. He pulled Twilight around from under him and held her tightly to his chest and body. The magic faded, and the pair fell to the rocky ground under them. He closed his eyes as he tried to light his horn in time to teleport them back to where they had come from, but the impact with the ground was more punishing than he thought. A sharp pain to the back of his head was the last thing he remembered.

Sasa roared as Oblivion's consciousness faded to almost nothing in her mind. The ones trying to talk Twilight and him down were now staring at where they had been. Even Celestia looked surprised as Cadance gave a deep sigh. Applejack recovered first and she rounded to look at the pink Alicorn.

“What did ya just do wit’ mah brother?” She asked, her tone accusatory.

“Their okay I promise,” Cadance assured them, her tone gentle and calm. “I just sent them where they could cool off, and everypony could relax for a bit and get their heads back in order.”

“And that was?” Rarity asked her.

“The menagerie,” she assured them. "It’s a calm area, so hopefully, they can discuss it and agree. Once we all relax, I’m sure it will be so much better.”

Shining huffed but gave her a gentle nod. Celestia looked uncertain for a moment before she also nodded in agreement. Sasa roared again, and they all snapped to stare at her.

“Easy, pretty girl.” Applejack tried to soothe the enraged feline.

“Where did you send him, you lying Changeling bimbo!” Sasa screamed as she was now mute around all of them.

Sasa lunged forward and tried to get her claws into Cadance, but Celestia acted faster than they did. Her golden aura grabbed the feline before she could savage the other Alicorn.

“No! Let me go!” Sasa roared at the fact that she had been stopped from her goal. “Where is he, and how did you hurt him?!”

Celestia held her aloft, and she sighed. “I will keep her with me until she calms down.”

Celestia informed her. “Right now, I think she is just startled and upset that Oblivion is not in front of her. So, for now, she also needs to calm down.”

“Put me down!” Sasa roared once more as Celestia began to walk away with her in her magic. “CHOSEN!!”

112: A Queen Falls

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Twilight fell off Oblivion's chest, and she groaned as she sat up. "Okay, where are we? Do you have any idea where we are?"

She flicked her ears as there was no response to her questions. She looked back to see that Oblivion was not awake to talk to her. She began to shake him when his head rolled to the side, and she saw the small pool of blood under his head. As she looked further, she saw the rocks they had landed in and how one of them had hit him just right behind his right ear. She breathed out in horror as she stood up and began to try to figure out where they were. All she could see were large crystals, and they stretched to the ceiling far above them.

"Okay, hang on." She said to him as she pulled his body to lay on his side versus on his back. She brushed her hooves over his back to dislodge the rocks in his back. "Oh wow."

She realized that he had protected her as best as he could, and she knew that he had not used magic because they were so quickly dropped. She knew that his use of magic was quick but not as fast as his sword work. Twilight sighed as she looked at the gash behind his ear and realized that it was still actively bleeding. She pressed her hoof to the wound and looked around them again to stop the bleeding.

"Okay, where are we? I don't know of any place that is made like this." She began.

"The caves beneath Canterlot, once home to greedy unicorns who wanted to claim the gems that could be found inside. And now, it's a prison for the both of you."

"Somepony will come to find us," Twilight yelled at the reflection in the crystals.

"And no one will ever think to look for you, either. Most ponies have forgotten that these caves exist, so they are the ideal place to keep the ones who try to interfere with my plans."

"And what plans are those?" Twilight called out to her.

"The plans I have for your brother, of course," Cadance explained.

"Don't you dare do anything to my brother, you monster!"

"You won't be able to stop me, and neither will he. I never expected a pony to be that clever. But down here, you can't do anything to me."

"You can't stop us!" Twilight vowed.

"You'll have to catch me!" she shouted, and when Twilight blasted the crystal she was displayed in, she jumped to another one. "Over here!" She cried as the crystal was blown to pieces. "Nope, over here!"

Twilight gathered more magic into her horn and blasted the crystal wall to nothing. Behind it was Cadance. Twilight's eyes went wide as she charged the mare. She didn't focus on her enough to see the look of recognition, and then fear crossed her face.

"No! Wait!" She yelled as Twilight collided with her and sent them both rolling. "Please! Please don't hurt me! Twilight, it's me! Please, you have to believe me. I've been imprisoned like you. The Cadance who brought you down here was an imposter."

"A likely story." Twilight snarled.

Cadance got to her hooves and faced the younger mare. "Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves..."

"And do a little shake." Twilight sang with her as the pink mare looked over her shoulder with a happy smile.

"You do remember me!" Twilight called out, joy in her tone.

"Of course, I remember. How could I forget the filly I loved to sit for the most."

The mares parted from their hug, and Cadance's face dropped slightly at the sight of the mound behind the other mare. "Who is that?"

Twilight looked back, and her eyes widened as she raced back to Oblivion to check on him. "It's Oblivion." She informed her. "The fake you sent us here after he threatened to expose her as a Changeling, and he used his own body to protect me from getting hurt by the fall."


"Yes, I think we were held above the ground for a moment, just long enough for him to move me to safety, and then we hit the ground pretty hard. He landed on the rocks, and it knocked him out."

"How would he have exposed her?" Cadance questioned.

"I'm not sure. He's a Witcher, so I'm sure he has a way to expose illusions."

"Oh, now I know who you're talking about. Shiny mentioned him to me once. "I saw that black pony at the training grounds, and after I could not feel anything from him, I panicked and ran away. Shining assured me he was safe to be around."

"Yeah. Witchers don't have many emotions, and the ones they have are not very strong." Twilight explained.

"So what do we do?" Cadance asked her. "We can't leave him here."

"We will have to wait until he comes around. Once he does, he can teleport us out of here. He can teleport us where we need to be," Twilight said to her, and the other mare nodded in agreement.

"Hopefully, he comes too quick. In the meantime, tell me what's been happening with everypony."

Oblivion groaned as his eyes opened for a moment before he closed them again. He could sense Twilight and one other close by. He groaned again as hooves pressed against his shoulder.

"Take it easy. You took a pretty bad hit from that fall." Twilight said to him.

He carefully sat up and sat in place. Twilight sat before him, and she kept a hoof on him to ensure he did not fall over or forward. He reached a hoof to the back of his head and looked down at it as much as possible. He could focus his sight just enough to see the dried blood. He sighed as pain dully went through his head. He shook his head slowly, trying to clear his vision.

"Gods below, I'm seeing double." He said to her as she looked concerned.

She leaned forward and nuzzled him gently. "Just take it slow and let yourself recover."

He closed his eyes as he waited for his vision to clear. He sat in silence as Twilight kept her hooves on him as he breathed and occasionally opened his eyes to check how his vision was doing. As the minutes passed, his horn lit as he summoned his saddlebags.

"What are you getting from those?" Twilight asked as his magic pulled out a potion. "Oh, that's Swallow, right?"

"It is. Well done." He praised.

His claws gripped the cork as he yanked it free and down the bottle in one gulp. He waited for it to take effect a few seconds later, and he corked the vial and put it back into his saddlebags. He could sense the mares waiting for him to respond. He opened his eyes as the double vision began to fully clear, and his magic sent his saddlebags back to the wardrobe in his room. He closed his eyes for a few seconds as his magic faded. He opened his eyes again and saw only one of each mare.

"The double vision has faded. I can see normally now," he said to her, and her smile widened at his words.

"I'm glad you're okay." She said to him. "Hold still."

She got to her hooves and reared up to see the gash on the back of his head behind his ear. She watched as it slowly healed and finally closed. She sat back down, and he looked at the other mare to see her overseeing him.

"It is good to meet the real you, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza." He said to her as he looked at her.

Twilight smiled, and Cadance gave him a little nod in response. "I told her what had been going on."

"That makes things far easier."

"And just Cadance is fine." The other mare said to him as she moved to sit closer to the two of them.

"Just Oblivion for me." He replied to her. "Do you know how long you've been down here?"

"I don't know," She replied. "I wish I had an answer for that. What do we do now?"

"It's going to be fine now, Cadance," Twilight assured her. "Now that he is up and running. We can all three of us get out of here."

"What room is the ceremony supposed to take place in?" He asked her.

"The first ballroom. We chose it to monitor the shield from within there if needed." Cadance supplied. "It has a good view of the city."

"I have no idea where that is exactly." He admitted.

"Can you get us close?" Twilight asked.

"How much of a distance is it from the throne room?"

"A few minutes at best," Cadance answered.

"That will have to be close enough. We can go from there."

"Come over here," Twilight said to Cadance as the pink Alicorn approached.

Oblivion's magic covered the three of them, and his magic peaked, and they were teleported out of the crystal caves.

The teleport faded as he began to raise his head when a roar sounded out from behind him. Cadance shrieked as she spun on her heels to look back. He looked over his shoulder to find Sasa staring at him. His widened slightly at seeing her being held in a magic cage. His horn lit as his magic dispelled the cage and released her. She leaped to him and ran her body across his chest and shoulders.

“Where the hell have you been?” She asked him.

"The crystal caves under Canterlot." Twilight supplied the answer for him.

“Oh. That explains why Blue couldn't find you in the menagerie when he looked for you." Sasa replied.

"Where is he now?" Oblivion asked.

"At the wedding." Sasa growled. "They all decided to go through with it instead of listening to Blue when he explained that he couldn't find either of you where she said she had sent you."

"Who put you in the cage?" Twilight asked her.

"Celestia." Oblivion replied for her. "It had her magic all over it."

"What is going on?" Cadance asked. "Have you both lost it?"

"Oh no. Sasa can talk to us, but she talks telepathically." Twilight explained.

"Oh, so she was explaining what had been going on?" Cadance asked them to clarify.

"Yes." Oblivion answered.

"Oh, okay, never mind," Cadance said with a chuckle.

"Lead the way to the wedding Cadance." Oblivion said to her as he turned to face the doors to the throne room.

"Okay, follow me." She said as she trotted toward the doors.

"Oh!" Twilight half shouted as they neared the doors. "The Elements."

"What about them?" Oblivion asked as his magic threw open the doors.

"We need to go grab them if we have time."

"We don't have time to teleport back to Ponyville."

"They're here." She interrupted.

Oblivion stopped in his tracks and looked at her. "What?"

"Princess Celestia asked me to bring them here just in case." She explained.

Oblivion looked at Cadance, who looked more and more nervous as the seconds passed. "Okay, we need to halt the wedding now, so once we do that, if a fight comes to pass, you get the girls and run to go get them. I'll keep the bug occupied."

Both mares agreed, but he fell behind Cadance as they ran for the ballroom.

Oblivion tossed open the doors to the wedding, and everypony looked back as the three of them stood in the doorway. Celestia blinked as she stared at the three of them. Shining didn't flinch, and he stared blankly ahead. Blue looked relieved to see them as he stood behind and to the side of Shining. Cadance stepped forward as the fake one stared at them with fury in her eyes.

"Ah don't understand. How can there be two o' 'em?" Applejack asked.

"She's a changeling." Oblivion called out.

"What she does is she takes the form of somepony you love and gains power by feeding off your love for them," Cadance explained further.

Green flames roared around the fake one, and her form twisted and changed into her proper form. Oblivion gave a slight grimace at the sight of her. She had a body exactly like the changelings he had met before. The only difference between her and them was her height. Her face twisted into cruelty as she stared at them.

"Right, you are Princess. And as Queen of the changelings, it is up to me to find food for my subjects. Equestria has more love than any place I've ever encountered. My fellow changelings will be able to devour so much of it that we will gain more power than we have ever dreamed of!" She called out. "Once we finish chipping away at the weakening shield, it will all, and so will the city."

"Oblivion!" Twilight called out as he pulled his sword and stepped forward.


Twilight and Cadance ran around him as Celestia reared back, and now Chrysalis was facing him and Celestia. She decided Celestia was the more significant threat as the white Alicorn charged her horn. Oblivion watched as Celestia took to the air, and her magic poured toward the Changeling queen. He knew after a moment that Celestia would lose their battle of magic. The Queen had more power than she had stolen from Shining Armor. The white mare was thrown back, and her horn tip blackened when she hit the ground.

"Twilight, go!" He shouted as he charged the Changeling queen.

A loud sound, like the shattering of glass, heralded the loss of the shield. He looked out the window and saw the black forms of the changelings as they streaked down toward the city.

"Shit." He cursed as his blade hummed in his magic.

"You will fall as well." Chrysalis shrieked as she turned to face him.

"Sasa, the little ones are heading for a downed Celestia. Defend her as long as she needs you to." He instructed as the feline ran with him.

"I got her!"

From the corner of his eye, he saw Twilight and the others run out the doors behind him, and his blade clashed with the creature's horn. He grunted as he tried to push her back, and she staggered under the force. He spun in place, and his blade spun with him and nicked across her chest and into her shoulders. She yelled and jumped back and away from him. He charged after her, and her horn lit to send a bolt of magic at him, as she had done with Celestia.

"If she wants to challenge you with magical strength, that'll be her last mistake. I think she got a little bit over cocky when she took down Celestia." Sasa called out to him.

Oblivion's horn charged, and he matched her in power, and the magic collided with hers in between them. She pushed against him, and he let his magic flow evenly as it pushed her back. She tried to push harder and channel more magic into her horn. He applied some force, and it was pushed easily back to her. She was thrown back, and she collided with the far wall with a scream. He walked toward her, his head held high, and his horn still lit.

"Care to try me again?" He said to her, his tone superior and defiant.

She snarled as she got to her hooves and charged her horn again. He recognized that the charge differed from before and erected a shield to deflect the incoming magic. It glanced off the shield and was deflected to the ground to the side of him. She took to the air as he followed under her, his sword ready. Her wings buzzed above him, and magic began to pour from her horn as she endeavored to strike him with it. His sword spun in his magic, and magic glanced off it and was either deflected or wholly absorbed by the crystal blade.

He glanced to the side and found Sasa engaged in a three-way fight while protecting Celestia, who was still on the ground. He didn't blame her for still needing to recover. Magic continued to rain above him, but he decided he was tired of chasing her from above, so he charged his horn to fight back with magic. He created a dome above him and sent it out to attack her and the smaller changelings in the room. It blasted each of them back and knocked their Queen out of the air and to the ground.

“Nicely done, Chosen.” Sasa praised.

He looked for Cadance and found that she had been shackled in place by green goo covering her hooves. He thought of going to her and removing it, but his focus had to remain on the Queen and keeping her occupied. She got to her hooves, and a shriek erupted from her, and he pinned his ears at the shrill sound. Oblivion kept his eyes on her as Sasa roared as the small changelings went after her and Celestia again.

“Incoming Chosen!” Sasa warned.

His ears flicked as the sound of buzzing grew louder in his ears. He looked as if several changeling drones surrounded him to aid their Queen. 'So that's what that shriek was.' He thought to himself. He kept his ears moving as he waited for one of them or her to move. A drone behind him moved first and attacked him from behind. He allowed it to think he had not noticed, and he lined up a hard buck as it got close enough to allow him to either kill it outright or cause severe injury. The drone was close enough, and he bucked it hard and heard the sound of bone and chitin splinter. The drone screamed in pain as it was thrown away from him.

"All at once, you fools!" She screamed as she also waded back into combat with him.

They all attacked at once, and he spun in a circle, his blade cutting deeply into each of them, and they all pulled back as blood splashed the floor. The Queen continued, despite the new cut to her chest. She reared up, and he rose to meet her. His claws dug into her. She shouted as his claws dug into her belly and her hooves thudded down on his neck and head. He felt the impact, but his body immediately knew that it was not severe and that he could easily continue. She spread her wings, and she leaped away from him. Her eyes were wide and full of hate as she stared at him.

"What the hell are you?!" She demanded.

At first, he said nothing as the few drones that could go on joined her, deciding that surrounding him had been a wrong choice. "A Witcher, a monster hunter, a curse breaker, a Guardian is what I am."

She snarled, and all of them charged him this time. He readied his sword as they reached him and spun to buck again. His clawed hooves cut into one drone, which was thrown back as others swarmed him. He backflipped, and as he went back, his sword cut into another as he kept the blade ready during his leap. Another fell, and the Queen screamed in rage as their blood continued to spill and not his. The rest seemed to hesitate as his hooves hit the ground; he charged in among them this time. His blade flashed as Quen slid over his form with a stamp of his hoof. Its golden light covered him and protected him as he moved among them. As he turned to face the Queen, one of the drones lunged at his shoulder, and its hooves collided with his shield. Quen exploded in response, sending the drones back a couple of feet, which allowed him to cut through two more. The Queen and her remaining forces flew to land twenty feet away from him.

He could see that she only had three drones left. Her magic was still strong due to her feeding off Shining for as long as she did. He knew that she was not likely to get into another magical fight with him since he had so easily bested her before. Her drones looked from him to her, and fear was plain on their faces. Her fury was palpable as she stared at him. Her face fell into a malicious smile as she looked behind him.

"Seems your stalling didn't help." She sneered.

He glanced over his shoulder to find Twilight and the others being led back into the room. Judging by the defeated looks on their faces, they could not retrieve the Elements of Harmony. He sighed quietly as he looked back at the Queen. He turned to watch as their hooves were put in place close to Cadance. His back was to the Queen, and she lunged to take advantage. He knew she would try, and he lowered his body and spun low, his sword up, ready to slice into her neck and face. She saw it in time and raised her head. The blade avoided her neck but sunk deep into her shoulder and the side of her chest. She screamed in pain, and her drones quickly grabbed her and ushered her away from him.

"Never underestimate me," he said to her, his tone flat as she stared at him. "I hunt creatures like you as a day job."

"Get her!" Twilight yelled.

"Come near me, and they will suffer for it!" Chrysalis screamed at him as he leaned in her direction.

He looked back as the drones hovered close to Twilight and the others. He closed his eyes, and his body gave a slight tremble as he leaned back on his haunches, showing no sign of moving. He kept his ears listening around him as she was moved away from him and toward a far window, close to her victims but far enough to allow her to survey the view of Canterlot. Oblivion looked up as Sasa began to creep toward the creature. He made sure not to jerk in reaction to her moving.

“No Sasa.” He commanded and he saw her pause.


"You're already seen." He advised her as she looked up to see a drone watching her intently.

"Dammit." She cursed as she returned to guarding Celestia, who was now lying upright on her belly with her legs folded under her. "What do we do now?"

He looked around them slowly. The drones were hovering near their charges, and he could see they were observing. He narrowed his eyes enough to focus their vision and saw that the wounds to the Queen were not being tended. He looked at the few drones watching Twilight and could see a way to get them all out of trouble if the situation went in their favor.

"I can see you thinking from here." Sasa said to him. "Let me in on the plan?"

"I will aggravate her wounds enough to gain the attention of most of the drones. You instruct Twilight to tend to the goo on her hooves." He explained. "Then she needs to release Cadance. Let the Princess of Love go from there. If she can reach Shining, then with her help, his shield might be made viable once more."

“Can you make a shield like he did?”

“Probably.” He admitted.

"Why don't you?"

He considered her question, and while he knew he was capable, he knew he was not there to fix all their problems. Depending on him at all times was not going to help them. He knew that Shining was more than capable of sending the Changelings packing if given the opportunity. His ability to harness the World Spirit aside enabled him to magically overpower their Queen easily. But it was not his place to fix the world for them.

"It's not my place." He said to her.


"They won't always have me."

“Oh. They need to be able to stand on their own four hooves."


"Got it." Sasa said to him as she looked at Twilight. “My turn then?”


"Twilight!" Sasa half shouted to the mare as Twilight looked sideways at the cat and gave a slight nod to show she had heard. "Oblivion will create an opening for you to free yourself. Then go to Cadance and free her so she can get your brother back up and running. He can start his shield again and send these wretched creatures flying. Got it?"

Twilight nodded slightly as she looked back at him. He gave her a wink and a smile tugged at her mouth before she looked away, waiting for the signal. He focused his eyes on the slight wound he had inflicted in the first clash. It was subtle enough that she would not notice it till it became unbearable. He looked up at his horn as he determined how much power he would need. He activated his horn just enough to grip a scrap of flesh on her wounds and then begin to pull on it. The creature jerked as her wounds acted up, and she began to pat at it. He gave a hard yank once she was about to start giving orders. The yank dragged her to the ground, and a shrill, keening scream erupted from her. Her drones immediately went to her, leaving Twilight and Sasa unguarded.

“NOW!” Sasa yelled to the purple mare.

He watched as Twilight cut the goo around her hooves, and she quickly sneaked to Cadance and did the same. "Quick! Go to him while you have the chance." She said to the pink Alicorn.

He watched as Cadance rushed to the white stallion's side and began to try to get him to snap out of the stupor the Queen had put him in. He could not see exactly how she managed it, but he could see her back up, and Shining shook his head desperately as the stupor faded from his mind.

"Wha– where... huh? Is... Is the wedding over?" Shining asked as Cadance stood in front of him.

"It's all over!" Chrysalis said as she got to her hooves once Oblivion had stopped tormenting her from afar.

Twilight looked at her brother. "Your spell! Get your shield back up."

Chrysalis laughed gleefully as she looked over her shoulder to the window. "What good would that do? My changelings already roam free."

Oblivion walked up to where Celestia and Sasa were as he watched Shining try to call on his magic to use his shield spell. Oblivion could tell by looking that the stallion's spirit was exhausted and that heralded his magic failing him. Oblivion said nothing as his horn lit with the white fire of the World Spirit.

"No! My power is useless now. I don't have the strength to repel them." Shining lamented as his head lowered.

"My love will give you strength," Cadance declared as she approached him and wrapped her foreleg around him.

“With a little help.” Sasa said to him and he nodded.

He sent just enough of a boost to the Captain of the Guard to allow him to activate his aura. It wasn't like the boosts he had been giving him lately, but it was enough to help them get started. He watched Shining's aura activate, and the magic began to encircle them as sparks erupted from their horns. Blue picked up Spike and ran for the black stallion and Celestia.

"Oh holy shit," Sasa said as the storm's power around the two ponies grew in strength. “Hold on.”

Blue hunkered down with Spike behind the black pony and repeatedly peeked over Oblivion's back. The magic around Cadance and Shining grew in strength, and Oblivion knew that, given another few seconds, it would be more than enough to send the swarm flying into nothing. He watched as Chrysalis turned to look at them, and her eyes widened at seeing the magical storm behind her. He said nothing as their magic peaked in power, and a circle of magic erupted from them and threw the Queen through the window, and her drones were ushered out as well. The concussion waves went over the ponies; all it did to them was rustle their manes. Oblivion staggered momentarily as the first wave hit him, and he heard a shout.

“Oh shit!” Sasa shouted.

He started to look at her as she threw herself over his back, colliding with Blue Blood as she did. Oblivion nearly fell under her sudden weight. He spread his hooves to ensure he didn't fall as she spread her body across his neck and then along his sides.

“What are you?”

“Your illusion… It’s gone!”

He quickly looked back as her words sunk into his mind, and he looked back to see a silver, black wing poking out slightly from under the feline. His horn lit as he refreshed the illusion spell on the band on his leg. As the magic went over them, he kept his horn alight to ensure the illusion didn't fail again. He could not help but wonder what had happened to it. Sasa stayed on his back to ensure that if they were visible again, she was in the way of them being seen. He said nothing and kept magic flowing into the band, and the magic from their spell began to fade, and the waves of magic faded.

“Whew.” Sasa breathed as she slid off his back. [i] "I think we're okay."

"Thank you for seeing that." He thought back to her as she sat beside him.

“Sure. No problem. I got you're… Uh oh." She said back to him.


"I may not have been as quick as I thought." She said as she tipped her head to his other side.

He looked to his left, and Blue Blood stared wide-eyed at him. The Prince said nothing as he stared at where the wings had once been. Oblivion stared back at him and then shook his head just enough to show Blue to keep his mouth shut.

"We will talk later about those." Sasa assured him as the Prince looked away from Oblivion and to her.

"Okay." He said as he blinked and sat down heavily.

Oblivion looked up as Twilight ran over to help her mentor to her hooves.

"Don't worry about me. I'm fine. You have a real wedding to put together." The mare said as she smiled brightly at her student.

Blue sat where he was and said nothing further as he tried to smile at his Aunt when she looked back at him. Sasa walked up to him and nuzzled him to look like he was just rattled by what had happened. The Princess of the Sun walked away from them, and Blue shot to his hooves and stared at his friend.

"Explain." He said to him.

Oblivion gave a deep sigh as he turned to face the Prince. "What do you wish to know?"

"How long?"

"All along."

"You have always been an Alicorn?"


"And you told nopony, I assume?"



"I do not wish to be the subject of stares and further questions."

"Okay. That's fair." Blue admitted that after a few seconds of delay, he opened his mouth to speak further when he saw Twilight approaching. "Later then."

Twilight hugged the Prince as he passed her, and she ran the last few feet up to Oblivion. "You're okay?"

"I'm fine." He assured her. "You?"

"Yeah. Just a bit tired from all the running around." She admitted. "I trust I can rely on your help planning the real wedding?"

"If you wish, yes." He replied, and she nodded brightly, and he motioned for her to lead the way.

113: His Shield

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Oblivion froze as the World Spirit shuddered. He could sense from it that the upset was not huge and that it was a single pony close to him versus a large number of ones that he did not know. The Witcher said nothing for several seconds before his horn lit with the white fire of the World Spirit, and he bade it to find the pony it had alerted him to. He realized it alerted him to an issue with Shining Armor in Canterlot. He was a bit surprised at the fact that that pony needed help.

“He just got married. Why would he need me?” Oblivion muttered under his breath.

“What?” Sasa asked as she drew up by him. “The World Spirit reached out?”

“It has, yes.” He informed her. “It’s Shining.”

“Seriously?” Sasa asked as he spoke. “He should be on cloud nine.”

“Which is?”

“The pinnacle of happiness.” She clarified.

“Ah. Then I agree he should be. But according to the World Spirit, he is not even close to that.”

He dispelled the World Spirit from his horn and allowed it to fade into the back of his mind. Sasa slid up to his shoulder, and his horn lit with his azure aura, and he teleported them both to Canterlot. He opened his eyes and found them in the middle of the training field. His eyes quickly scanned the area around them till he found a spirit that he was familiar with. Ponies that had stopped what they were doing stared at him as he moved quickly through the groups of them toward his target. Sasa fell in behind him, and he was quiet as he walked. Shining’s spirit glowed dully in front of him as he reached him. Shining was looking at him as he came to stand before the Captain of the Guard.

“What can I do for you, Witcher?” he asked, his voice full of his usual good humor.

“I need some of your time.” Oblivion informed him.

“What do you need?”


“Of course. This way. We can talk in my office.”

Oblivion fell behind him. They walked just inside the castle, and he ushered them into an office. Oblivion sat down in the chair offered, and Sasa sat down beside him. The Captain went and sat down in his own chair, and he looked at the black Unicorn and gave him a questioning look.

“You know of my connection to the Element of Harmony I bear.” Shining nodded as he went on. “Through it, I can sense the spirits of those closest to me and others to an extent.”

“I feel I’m not going to like the next thing out of your mouth,” Shining said as the stallion leaned forward onto his desk.

“It alerted me… To you.”

“What?” Shining questioned as Oblivion nodded. “Me? What about me?”

“It alerts me to when somepony has a deep loss of their spirit. It tells me you are not the self-assured pony you once were two weeks ago.” Oblivion explained.

“I’m fine, I promise you,” Shining said to him. “I think your Element was a bit off.”

“Really?” Oblivion asked. “Then what about what I can see?”

“What you can see? What do you mean?”

“I also can see the spirits of those around me. No matter who they are, they cannot hide from my eyes.” He explained. Shining looked away from him. “Not even my fellow Elements can hide.”

“Which means?”

“You are not the high-spirited pony you once were.”

Shining looked uncomfortably away from him and looked down at his hooves on his desk. Seconds ticked by as he seemed to be trying to decide whether to come clean or to deny it further. Oblivion said nothing to convince him one way or the other. Shining finally snorted as he leaned back in his chair and looked at the ceiling for a few seconds before scrubbing his face with his hooves.

“Okay. Say I tell you there is a problem, what then?”

“We find a way to fix it. You have seen what I can do if needed?”



“Right,” Shining replied. “I forgot about him.”


“I just… can’t shake that I failed.”

“Meaning?” Sasa asked and he spoke for her.

“A fake duped me.” He said bitterly.

“Ah.” Oblivion said as he understood quickly. “She was quite good at her job.”

“Still. I should have known when she acted differently that she was not my Cadance.” He growled. “My sister tried to tell me, then you tried to tell me, and I nearly bit your heads off and didn’t even blink when she sent you away. When I thought about it afterward, you would have teleported back had you been able. Which means you were unable.”

Sasa looked uncomfortable as she shifted in her spot. “He was stressed, very stressed.”

Oblivion spoke for her, and Shining shook his head. “That’s no excuse to let my city fall into chaos and violence. Changelings overran the city, and I was not able to fight. All I could was stand there, brainless.”

Oblivion said nothing for a second as Shining went quiet. “You were subdued due to her magic.”

“I know that.” Shining snarled. “I should have known better from the beginning.”

“Easy Shining.” Oblivion said his voice firm. “We are here for you, not to judge you for your past actions.”

“Or inaction.” Shining grumbled. “I know. I’m trying not to be bitter and angry, but I keep falling into that thought spiral.”

Oblivion opened his mouth to speak when the World Spirit roiled, and he looked away to listen to it. Sasa looked at him as his horn lit with the World Spirits white fire. Shining jumped in his seat at the sight of the fire on his horn. Sasa said nothing briefly as Oblivion spoke to the World Spirit. When he had finished, the flames faded, and he looked back at Shining.

“What was that?” Shining asked.

“The Element.” He lied smoothly. “It alerted to a problem with a group of ponies fairly close to here.”

“Same issue as me?”

“Possibly. Their spirits have fallen deeply and need help.” Oblivion explained.

“Do you need…? Never mind.” Shining began to ask, then stopped.

Oblivion had watched as Shining’s spirit brightened slightly but then fell back. “DO you wish to come along?”

Shining looked at him, and his eyes widened. “Are you sure I can be of help? I can’t even protect those close to me.”

“I think it would help him greatly.” Sasa said to him. “Bring him with us.”

Oblivion glanced at her momentarily before he gave a slight nod at her insistence. “You can come with me if you wish.”

“Maybe getting out of Canterlot will help.” Shining admitted, and Oblivion got to his hooves. “I keep doubting myself and what I can accomplish. Since the wedding, I’ve been a mess. Thankfully Cadance hasn’t said anything.”

“What doubts do you have?” Oblivion asked him.

“I… I keep thinking about how I wasn’t able to protect any pony. You had to fight Chrysalis personally, and my sister helped every pony.” Shining explained.

“Definitely a good idea for him to come along. Helping these ponies will hopefully give him a boost.” Sasa told him as she got to her paws.

“I think you coming with us would be beneficial. Come over here so I can easily teleport us.” Oblivion instructed.

Shining came to stand in front of him, and his horn lit to teleport them.

Oblivion opened his eyes to look at the village in front of them. Shining turned around to look, and he said nothing as silence pervaded around them. There were no sounds coming from the village, and Shining walked a few feet away from them and up to the village border. He flicked his ears, and no sound came to them.

“I got to admit this is making me uneasy.” Shining admitted.

“I agree,” Sasa said.

“She agrees.” Oblivion said to him.

“Where are the ponies?” Shining asked.

“Let me see if the Element can find them.” Oblivion said as he called on the World Spirit once more.

The white fire slid from his horn and fell across the ground. He sent it across the ground, and it flowed easily away from them. Shining stared at the fire as it fell to the ground and flowed quickly away from them. He looked back at the black Unicorn, and his eyes were still wide.

“It can do that?” He asked.

“With the right spell, yes.” Oblivion lied. “We can move behind it, and it will find the ponies for us.”

“And when it does?” Shining asked.

“It will lead me to them.”

“Well, the World Spirit can do this.” Sasa chuckled.

“Hush.” Oblivion whispered to her.

Shining joined him as he walked up past him and into the town. As they walked, the Captain scanned the streets on either side of them, his nervous energy palpable as he tried to keep his ears open.

“Tell him to calm down. He’s making me nervous.” Sasa complained.

“She says to calm down.” Oblivion said to the other stallion. “She says you’re making her more nervous than the silence is.”

Shining jumped at the sound of his voice, stared at the black Unicorn, and then looked at the Spectral Tiger. He realized what had been said and sighed.

“Sorry, Sasa.” He said to her.

“It’s fine.” She assured him. “I just can’t help but think that he’s overthinking.”

Oblivion parroted her words, and the Captain stared at him momentarily before he sighed again. “I know. I keep telling myself I won’t fail this time. There are ponies to save, and I need to step up this time.”

“You’ll be fine.” Sasa assured him. “You have us to back you up. We would not put you in a situation where your success was impossible.”

Oblivion spoke for her, and Shining nodded with understanding. “I know. It’s not your style to set me up to fail. But I can’t help that nagging thought.”

“You’ll step up as you are meant to when you’re needed most.” Oblivion said to him as he began to walk forward once more.

They fell into silence as Oblivion began to scan the area; the World Spirit gave a little jump. He turned his head to look in the direction it had indicated. Sasa and Shining Armor stopped with him as the white fire came back to him.

“That way.” He said as he altered his direction.

“How many?” Shining asked.

“I don’t know. It's just that there are ponies in that direction. I didn’t request more information than that.”

Shining stared at him momentarily before he sighed and trudged with the black Unicorn leading the way.

As they moved, Oblivion looked at the location they were heading toward. “It’s… Familiar,” he muttered as they approached a cave. He paused and began to look around them. A familiar path stood out to him, and he gave a slight chuckle as he angled them for that path.

“Anything?” Shining asked.


Sasa kept up with him as they reached the cave, and the feline raised her head as a familiar scent washed over them. “I know this place.” She said as they walked deeper into the cave.

“We both do.” He said to her as they walked.

“What is that smell?” Shining asked from behind them.

Oblivion didn’t say anything as a pony came around the corner. Her eyes went wide at the sight of the Witcher, and she smiled as she bade him follow her.

“Who was that?” Shining asked.

“I do not know her name.” Oblivion admitted. “I assume they have names, but I did not ask them last time I was here.”

They came around the corner before Oblivion could explain further, and the pack of Changelings stood before him. Shining went around the corner with him, and his eyes widened at seeing them. His horn lit as he yelled in surprise. The changelings yelped in fear as the white Unicorn moved toward them.

“Shining no.” Oblivion said to him, his voice low. “They are not with the ones from before.”

“It doesn’t matter their changelings!” He shouted at him.

Shining prepared to fight them when he was lifted off the ground in Oblivion’s azure aura. He yelped as his horn was snuffed out, and he looked as if the changelings said nothing as he was held aloft.

“Put me down!” He yelled. “They will…”

"They are harmless. They fled Chrysalis as well. Her cruelty drove them to here as a way to avoid her. I met them before, and we had an agreement.” Oblivion explained. “They do not desire to harm anypony. They wish to be allowed to live in peace.”

Shining stared at him as Sasa walked past him. The changeling female in front reached out and patted her broad forehead. His eyes went wide as the changelings looked at him, and they seemed more afraid of him than he was of them. He felt the fight go out of him and shook his head in disbelief.

“Fine.” He growled.

Oblivion set him down on his hooves as he walked past the Captain and walked to talk to them. “Have you seen a large group of ponies? The villagers have gone missing.”

“We have. They went past here two days ago. We changed into plants and huddled in the corner. They didn’t seem to see up but looked terrified when they were driven past here.”


“Yes. There was a… Thing… driving them into the caves. I can’t even tell you what it was. It just looked like pure evil.” One of them clarified.

“Did it look like this?” Oblivion asked as he sent an image of the Revenant onto the nearest wall.

“Yes!” They shouted as one.

“That’s the monster that was with them.” She said to him. “We stayed away from it. It didn’t seem to say anything to them; it just herded them deeper. One tried to run back, but this disgusting black goo flowed from that creature and drove the pony back to the others.”

“The corruption it wields can be very damaging to a pony.” Oblivion informed them. “It’s for the best that you avoided it.”

“Least they are all okay.” Sasa said to him.

Shining stayed back behind him and avoided looking at them. His body was tense and drawn. Oblivion looked in the direction they were pointing, and he walked toward the path they indicated.

“Do you need help?” She asked.

Shining gave a derisive snort as he fell in behind Oblivion. Oblivion ignored the noise and looked over his shoulder at the changelings, who appeared eager to join him. He debated his options, nodded, and tipped his horn for them to join them. He heard Shining grit his teeth as the group fell in around them. The changelings stayed behind him as he began to track the ponies that had come before them.

Oblivion led them forward as his connection to the World Spirit hummed under his skin. His skin trembled as he began to sense that they were drawing close. The light from his horn dimmed as they drew closer to where the ponies were being held. He looked back as the changelings watched him closely. He paused, and they stopped with him and waited for him to speak.

“Can one of you transform and go in there to see the situation?” he asked their leader, and she nodded.

“I can.” She told him that he tipped his head so she could go ahead.

He watched as she transformed into a rat and slid past his hooves and around the corner. He stayed silent as the others remained crowded together. Several minutes went by as the small rat came racing back to them, and she transformed as she came to stand in front of Oblivion.

“Okay, that thing is creepy.” She rushed out.

“Oh?” He asked as she nodded frantically.

“Yeah. I’m unsure what it’s doing, but the ponies are all on the ground. They are alive, I checked, but they aren’t getting up. All around them, that black goo is circling them. I barely jumped it to check on them. I can’t help but fear what would have happened if I had touched it.”

“It would have broken your spirit.” Oblivion explained. “That is what it does. It's gathering ponies for its master. For what purpose exactly, I’m not sure.”

“Okay. What do we do?” She asked. “How do we get them out of there?”

“You stay back and let real ponies handle it.” Shining growled.

Sasa looked back and slapped her paw across his nose. “Be nice.”

“She says for you to be nice, Shining. They wish to help, and we would be foolish not to take what help we can get.” Shining rubbed his nose as Oblivion spoke.

The white stallion said nothing and gave a strained nod. “As you wish.”

Oblivion heard the disdain in his tone but chose to ignore it. “We need to get your group in there to help keep the ponies protected. I can handle the Revenant while the rest of you help as needed. Try to avoid touching it if you can. Shining?” The white pony looked at him, waiting for his role. “Your job is to protect them.”


“There are only fifteen of them, not fifty. They need you to back them up and keep them from touching the corruption. We can’t afford to lose them when they are helping the ponies.” Oblivion explained.

Shining’s eyes were wide as he looked at the black Unicorn. “You want me to?”

“Yes.” Oblivion interrupted. “Put what they are out of your mind. Focus on what they are willing to do to help your ponies. You are now a Prince of Equestria. Act like it.”

Shining jerked at his words. Sasa purred as she nuzzled the stunned Captain. Oblivion backed up and looked at the group of them. “We need to keep the ponies together and, if possible, keep them in one place. Avoid corruption and try to keep them from touching it. I’ll go first, and then the group of you will run in. Ready?”

They all nodded, and Shining nodded bitterly as Sasa purred loudly. Oblivion spun on his heel and headed around the corner. The Revenant didn’t immediately see him, and he walked silently toward him. His magic summoned his sword, and it hovered at his shoulder. The ponies were down on the ground as the corruption hovered and undulated around them.

“You are here.” The Revenant said as he drew up close. “How do you always know?”

“I have my ways.” He said back.

“I’m sure you do. But it seems to be quite convenient for you always to thwart me. But not this time. I have already begun to harvest them. I learned from my past mistakes when honoring my master.”

“I will fix what you have broken then.” Oblivion replied.

“You can try.” The Revenant snarled as it turned around and charged him.

Oblivion flicked his tail as a signal to the others, and he charged the other. They clashed in the middle. His blade sparked as the rune for fire triggered, and the revenant yelled in alarm as the fire spilled down the blade. It shouted in alarm and reeled back. Oblivion watched as it seemed to be considering its next move.

Shining watched as the changelings flew over the top of the barriers and into the cage that held the town’s ponies. Anger coursed through him, but at the same time, he knew that fighting them was not an option. He watched as Sasa jumped to help them, and they began to try to wake and rouse the ponies. He couldn’t understand why they did not hold the creatures to the same anger that he did. They had attacked Canterlot, and their queen had taken Cadance and put herself in her place.

He looked over his shoulder to find Oblivion clashing with the monster of darkness as fire flowed from Oblivion's sword. He started to walk toward the Witcher when a roar sounded out from behind him, and he looked back as Sasa stared at him. He knew she was silently admonishing him, and he nodded at her. He moved back into place as the wall of black goo began to move. He said nothing as it began to move toward him. He erected a shield in front of him, and it clashed against it. As it fell against the shield, he saw the shield begin to crack. His eyes went wide as he danced back to avoid the blackness.

“Damn.” He cursed as he backed up.

He took to his heels as the goo seemed to chase after him. He looked back as it reared over him, and a sudden impact sent him rolling. He rolled to his hooves, and his eyes widened as the corruption swirled around a small prone form on the ground where he had been. One of the changelings had thrown him out of the way and was now on the ground as the corruption had thrown them to the ground instead of him.

“Why?” He questioned as he looked at the changeling. “I… was cruel to you.”

His voice sounded small to even his ears. He stared as the corruption reared up once more. His heart pounded in his chest as he watched it loom above them all. All his doubts came to the forefront of his mind, and he was stopped in his tracks by them.

“You are a Prince of Equestria Shining!” Oblivion's voice cut through his thoughts, and he looked back as the Witcher was now shouting at him. “All ponies are yours to protect! Protect them!”

The words sunk into his mind, and he felt his mind clear. He doubted the worth of his abilities and whether he was worthy of the new title he had gained. Looking at the small form still on the ground, he realized that the changeling had decided he was worth protecting despite his actions. His heart slowed, and he felt calm as the corruption loomed over him and began to come down. His horn shone as he called on a shield of his creation. One similar to the one he had used with Cadance’s help before.

As it happened, oblivion felt the surge of magic, and he pushed the Revenant away from him. The shield ballooned out from its origin point and moved everything away. A slight smile tugged at his mouth as the channeled magic soared over the ground and collided with the Revenant and the corruption in the room. Oblivion stayed still as it was pushed back, and the Revenant screamed in rage. Oblivion said nothing as the magic continued to swell. His connection to the World Spirit perked up as the magic grew more robust, and the corruption was vaporized in the swell of magic.

“Chosen! What is going on? If he dies, Cadance will murder us.” Sasa said to him.

“He’s fine. It seems he finally tossed off his doubts and the shackles that came with them,” he replied to her.

The ponies began getting to their hooves, and the changelings helped them. Oblivion padded up to the now fading light. Shining Armor lay on the ground in its wake, his eyes closed. Oblivion approached him and patted his shoulder gently with his hoof. Shining groaned and looked up to find the Witcher watching him.

“What happened?” Shining asked.

Oblivion looked up as the others watched him. “You threw off your shackles and will rise again as their Prince.”

Shining began to get up when he stopped, and his eyes went to his back. A pair of white wings graced his body. His eyes went wide, and he looked up at the Witcher.

“What the hell?” He asked. “Why do I have wings?”

“You threw off your doubts.” Oblivion said to him. “You are now one of those that bear the wings of Royalty. They have come to you for a reason.”

“Which is?” Shining asked as Oblivion helped him to his hooves.

“Your shield.”


“You are the shield that will protect the world of ponies and their allies.” Oblivion said as he tipped his horn for Shining to look back.

Shining looked over his shoulder, and he could see the ponies and the changelings smiling as they watched them. “Am I meant to protect all of them?”

“Yes.” Oblivion replied. “You hold within you the worth of your shield. You chose to protect everypony just now?”

“I did, yeah. They protected me, and it didn’t make sense at first.” Shining admitted. “But when I realized that they chose not to hold back how I acted against me, I realized that I needed to reflect on how they treated me.”

“Fair reasoning.” Oblivion said to him. “You now stand as one of Equestria’s Royals. Their equal.”

Shining looked at the wings against his sides, at the black Unicorn, and a smile crossed his mouth.

114: An Empire Appears

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Oblivion sat in silence as Twilight dashed around the lower level of the Library. He had come over when the World Spirit had alerted him to Twilight's spirit being in great flux. Now that he had arrived and received a basic rundown from Spike, he understood why the World Spirit was concerned.

“Where are all my quills? No, no, no, no, no... Ugh! I need the Magical Compendium volumes one through thirty-six! Where is it?!” She shouted as she scanned the shelves.

“I think she’s panicking over nothing.” Sasa told him alone, keeping her words from being heard by the upset mare.

“You might be on to something there.” He agreed quietly.

“Flashcards! I should make some flash cards. Spike, I'm going to need you to quiz me. On everything. Everything I've ever learned. Ever.” She said as she levitated a huge amount of flashcards in her aura. “That isn't going to be enough cards.”

Spike looked at the stallion and mouthed the word help as the flashcards were set down in front of him. “Twilight.” She didn’t hear him as she continued to race around the room. “Twilight…” Still no response. “Aine Saov.” She stopped in her tracks as he spoke her nickname. “Finally. I think you need to relax a bit. Your wound a bit tight.”

“Yeah. He’s right, Twilight. It’s just a test.” Spike agreed.

“Just a test? Just a test!? Princess Celestia wants to give me some exam, and you're trying to tell me to calm down because it's just a test?!” She shouted as they all stared at her.

“Umm… Yes?” Spike hesitated as he spoke.

Oblivion reached out his magic, gripped the baby dragon in his aura, and pulled him to sit close by him and Sasa. Twilight’s magic leaped from her horn as she tried to gather things for her.

“Urgh!” She shouted as her magic lashed out.

Oblivion shielded all of them from the minor explosion that followed.

At the library, her friends showed up to see her off, and she looked at the clock and realized that she would be late.

“Oblivion!” She yelled.

“Yes?” He replied.

“You were supposed to watch the time! I’m going to be late for my test! She’ll fail me for being late, then I’ll never be acknowledged and…”

“Twilight.” She didn’t stop as his magic shut her mouth, and when she stopped to glare at him, he released his magic. “I planned on teleporting you.”

She stopped and stared at him momentarily before blushing and looking down. “Oh.”

Spike giggled behind his hand and tried to hide his laughter. Oblivion said nothing in response to her sheepish expression and waited for her to speak to him again.

“So you’re going to then?” She asked as the blush faded from her cheeks.

“Luna asked me to be there, so yes.” He responded. “You will not be alone.”

“Is she giving you a test?” She asked. “That doesn’t seem right.”

“She isn’t. I’m there as support.”

“Ah, I guess you’ll be okay, but we will be on the next train,” Applejack said to her as the others nodded. “Just in case.”

“Thanks, girls. I appreciate it.” Twilight said to them as Oblivion got to his hooves.

“Are you ready?” He asked her, and she nodded.

He waited till she got close to him, and his horn lit as he teleported them to Canterlot.

Oblivion looked at the purple Unicorn with him as she walked stiffly toward the throne room. He shook his head for a moment before leaning down and tapping his horn against Twilights. She looked up, and he could see her nervous and tense gaze.

“You’ll do fine.” He assured her.

“You don’t know that.” She argued gently.

“You think Celestia will punish you for failing something she sprung on you last minute?”

Twilight opened her mouth, and her jaw hung open briefly before she shook her head slightly. “Well, when you put it that way, I don’t think so.”

“Exactly. It’s not her style to teach only to fail after giving an impossible timeline.”

“Well, it was impossible for me to study since you teleported us and… I’m blaming you for no reason,” she said as she shook her head. I‘m sorry.”

“Nothing to apologize for, Aine Saov.” He replied, his tone quiet and gentle.

Twilight blushed slightly as he spoke, and she breathed out a breath as the throne room doors loomed ahead. “Wish me luck?”

He tapped his horn to hers again and bowed his head. “You don’t need luck.”

She grinned as he opened the doors for her and walked in. He looked down the carpet as Luna approached. Her eyes went wide, and she trotted the last few feet to join him outside the throne room. He closed the doors behind her, and she happily wrapped her forelegs around his neck, enveloping him in a tight hug.

“It is good to see thee, Oblivion.” She said to him as she let go of him. “Thou brought her here, we assume?”

“I did, yes.” He replied.

“Greetings to thee, Sasa.” She said to the feline as she came around his other side.

“Good morning Luna.” She replied.

“How have thee been doing?” The mare asked him as she turned to lead him away from the throne room.

“I’ve been well.” He said to her. “And you?”

“We still feel foolish to have been away for all of the happenings during our niece's wedding.” She said, her head hung as she spoke. “We should have been here to help thee and the others.”

“You were needed elsewhere. Nopony blames you for it.” He assured her.

She brought her head back up, but her expression was still sad. “We just wish we could have been here. We were already unhappy about missing the wedding completely, and then we discovered that the city was attacked without defense.”

“You hold no fault, Luna.” Oblivion said to her, and Sasa shook her head.

“Sometimes things happen when you least expect them.” Sasa said, and Oblivion spoke for her. [i]“You might have been able to help him fight her, but challenging her to a magical duel would have ended in the same result as when Celestia did it.”

Luna listened as they walked, and she sighed. “Our sister was not specific about how she was defeated.”

“She was not strong enough.” Oblivion replied easily. “Chrysalis had siphoned enough love from Shining Armor to take down both of you.”

“Thee were able to overpower her?”

“I did, yes.”


“Tread carefully, Chosen.” Sasa advised.

“I used the power of the Element combined with my own.” He lied smoothly to the Alicorn.

“We suppose the Element is more than the monster could defend against. It is the strength behind the Elements, after all. So that would make sense.” She agreed after a moment of thought.

“So what is so vital that she be here?” he asked as they headed for the dining hall.

“We suppose that telling you is allowed. But even if our sister does not wish it, we will speak of it anyway to thee.” Luna said with a mischievous grin. “The Crystal Empire has been seen.”

His ears flicked forward as she spoke, and the name rang a bell for him. “I recall that name.”

“Thou were sent there, we had heard.”

“By Discord, yes.” He agreed once the memory came back to him. “So she is sending her there?”

She nodded, and he began to turn around to warn the mare of what he had seen. “I have to warn her of what waits inside it.”

“Hold,” Luna yelled as she approached him. "Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadance are already there. If there was a threat, they would have already dealt with it.”

He paused as she put her hooves on his shoulders to stop him. “So they are waiting for her?”

“Correct. We would not send her alone. We ask that she brings all of you to aid her in her task.”

“I see,” he replied as she turned him around to return to the table and sit with her.

“We must ask. How did thee turn him into an Alicorn?”

“Shining?” he asked, and she nodded. “I didn’t. He did it himself.”

“Becoming an Alicorn without certain requirements being met is nearly impossible.” She said to him as they sat down.

“He did it on his own. I gave him the opportunity.”

“Thee are quite prone to being vague.” She grumbled. “Our sister was quite stunned when the two of you returned, and one Unicorn was bearing a set of wings.”

Oblivion chuckled and looked at her. “He cast off his doubts and chose to protect.”

“Protect what?”

“Everypony.” He replied, and she tilted her head as he went on. “Within the cave where we were was a group of changelings. They offered help even though he was far from kind to them.”

“Are they still there?”

“No. They now live within the village with the ponies they helped to save and protect.” He replied.

She blinked as he spoke and motioned for him to go on.

“One of them chose to protect Shining when the corruption we were battling went after him. That changeling threw him away from the impact and took the hit for him. In the next few seconds, Shining made his decision.”

Luna sat back in her chair, and she nodded. “It was well done of him to protect them then. What was the magic he used?”

“I think it was a shield similar to what he and Cadance were able to create and use here in Canterlot. It removed the corruption-created pony I was fighting and then removed its influence from the ponies and freed them. As far as I could tell, it was new magic that he had created on the fly.”

“I see.” She replied and leaned her body a bit forward. “And thou did not do anything? At all?”

“I did nothing but encourage him.”

She leaned back again and considered what she had been told. “Thou will be needed in the Empire.” She said as she went back to their previous topic. “What did thee find there?”

Oblivion said nothing for a moment before he spoke. “When I was there, it had been plunged into total darkness. I would have been blind if not for my eyes.”

“Thou have the eyes of a cat if we recall.”

“You're right. Through them, I was able to see enough not to be lost. At first, I found myself outside what I later found was a town. As I moved through the town, I could hear something coming toward me, and I took shelter behind a tall building. I’m unsure what the building was, except it had tall legs. Something huge and black as night went by me. I did not confront it as I had no idea what it was and what its weaknesses could be.”

“Thou didn’t fight it?” Luna asked. “Thou never back down from a fight.”

“I fight when I must.” He explained. “If I do not know what I am fighting, I typically wait and gather information. It went past me and didn’t seem to know I was there. After it was gone, I could hear something off to my right, and I went to see it. I found what I thought was a pony at first. I got close to it, and when I was about to reach out, it turned, and the face was a horror. I pulled back as it tried to bite me.”

“What did it look like?”

“The skin was sloughing off the face, and there were no eyes. I don’t recall if it had lips, but the teeth were sharp and wicked-looking. The skin on the rest of it was sloughing off in places. I leaped back when it bit at me, and it was gone a second later when I lit my horn to track it.”

Luna looked horrified as he spoke. “T’was a true horror then.”

“After that, I could hear things around me, and things flit around the edges of my vision. Now and then, that figure would come back to attack me, but it didn’t seem to like the light from my horn. The light seemed to drive off everything in that town.”

Luna seemed to be thinking over what she had been told. “Shining Armor and Cadance have not reported anything similar, thankfully. We had heard very little from them, but what we have heard is not dire.”

“What is the goal at the moment?”

“Our goal is to return the Empire to its former glory. It was once an ally to our kingdom, and we wish it to return to that status.”

“I see.” He replied as she nodded. “Sasa.”

“Hmm?” She replied.

“Can you check in on Twilight?”

“Not going to use the World Spirit?” She asked, and he shook his head slightly. “Okay, I’ll take care of it.”

Luna looked curiously at him before he spoke to her. “Asking her to talk to Twilight to see where she is.”

“She can do that?”

“She can talk to Twilight. She can speak to two ponies besides me.”

“Our nephew is the other one?”


“She’s at the train station with the others. She says you should join her when you can.” Sasa said to him.

“It appears Twilight has been sent to the train station. I assume your sister told her to head to the Empire.”

“We assume so, yes. Our sister would explain everything and then send her on her way.” Luna agreed. “We do have a request for thee.”

“Which is?”

“We trust a Witcher can see beyond that pony's outward looks?” He nodded as she went on. “The Empire was banished by its ruler, Sombra.”

“Never heard of him.” He said to her.

“Thee will learn of him through the others. We ask that thee tend to him in what way thou feels is best. No matter what it is, we will support thee.”

He nodded solemnly. “Understood.”

Oblivion got to his hooves, and Sasa came to stand beside him. He gave Luna a final short bow of his head and then teleported them to the train station. His eyes opened to see the train station sitting in front of him. Twilight and the others stood out in front of it as he walked up behind the purple mare.

“I trust you know where we are going?” He asked.

“Eep!” Twilight yelped as he spoke, and she spun around to see him standing behind her. “You need to tell a pony when you are behind them.” She laughed. “Did Luna explain things to you, or do I need to?”

“She explained where we were going and why,” he replied. "But I trust Celestia gave you more information as well.”

“We need to go to the Crystal Empire and meet up with my brother and Cadance,” she explained. “Are you going to be okay on a train?”

He looked behind her at the train car that was waiting for them. “Do we have to?”

She sighed and nodded. “Yes. We need to use it.”

“I can teleport to you. Is that not an option?” he started, and Twilight's look gave him pause. “It will be fine then.”

She smiled and led them toward the train car. He looked at it for a few seconds before a sigh pulled from him, and he fell in behind the group.

They crowded into the train car, and Twilight gathered them around her. She looked at him, and he sat beside her, his claws digging into the carpet. She patted his shoulder as Sasa chuckled in his mind. He tried not to think of the metal cage but found himself willingly sitting in it. Sasa sat beside him, and he waited for the girls to settle around him as they waited to hear what Twilight had to say.

“Okay, so we are heading for the Crystal Empire.” She began. “My brother and Cadance are already there and are waiting for us to join them. They need our help to protect the Empire. Though I’m not sure what we will be protecting it from.”

“Celestia didn’t know or wanted you to find out on your own?” Oblivion asked.

“I’m not sure she knew, honestly,” Twilight admitted. “The Crystal Ponies were ruled by a cruel and vicious Unicorn named Sombra. He ruled over them a thousand years ago, and he was the one who banished the Empire.”

“Where did he send it to?” Rainbow asked.

“No idea,” Twilight admitted. “She said you’d been there, Oblivion.”

“I have that’s true.” He replied. “Though according to what Luna and I discussed, it has changed since I was there.”

“What do you mean?” Rarity asked.

“When I was there, it was plunged into complete darkness. There was no light to speak of, and a giant creature patrolled the streets and surrounding area.” He explained. “Do not ask me what it was, and I couldn’t get a good look at it without being spotted by it. I did run into a creature that was a horror of its own, and it seemed to enjoy trying to bite me whenever it thought I was not paying attention.”

“Do I even want to know what the creature was?” Pinkie asked, her face was uncertain.

“No.” He replied easily.

Twilight looked troubled as he finished speaking, and she sighed. “Well, according to what the Princess said, there doesn’t seem to be anything like that now.”

“Luna said the same thing.” He agreed.

“Lovely.” Sasa commented as she leaned against him. “At least we will not be getting eaten by an enormous monster of unknown origin.”

“I don’t know much beyond that since there was nothing in any books. I asked if there were books I should read before we left, and the Princess said that there was little to no written information. So that would have been a waste of time.” Twilight said as she shrugged her shoulders.

Oblivion said nothing as Twilight continued explaining their goal to the others. His mind wandered as the World Spirit began to prod the back of his mind. He knew that there was something it wanted him to know. When he leaned into that power, it gave no further indication of what he should know, which told him to focus on what he saw when he arrived. The World Spirit could be very subtle when its attention was piqued.

“Chosen?” Sasa asked as he looked over his shoulder to the window. “What is it?”

“I’m not sure.” He admitted to her. “Something is ahead of us, and the World Spirit wants me to pay attention.”

“Oh? What could be ahead?” She asked as he turned his head to act as though he was listening to Twilight. “Usually, it’s pretty clear when it wants you to attend to something.”

“I agree. But this time, it’s… almost cautious. As if the thing it wants me to know is something nits not sure of either.”

“That’s odd.” Sasa admitted. “Usually, it knows what it is and what it wants to happen. Or at least it’s pretty clear about what it wants once we get there. So maybe we need to wait and see?”

“I think that’s our only option now.” Oblivion said to her. “At the same time, it’s almost pushing me forward.”

“Maybe you’re not getting there fast enough for it.” Sasa said with a chuckle.

“Perhaps.” Oblivion agreed as the train went around a slight corner, and his claws dug into the carpet further.

Sasa chuckled and nuzzled his shoulder as she purred.

The train began to slow, and Oblivion quickly got to his hooves. Sasa giggled from behind him as he waited for the others to leave ahead of him. The mares walked out of the train ahead of him, and he walked out into the driving snowstorm. The mares all yelped at the biting cold and huddled close together. Fluttershy came to stand close to him and used him and Sasa as a buffer against the driving winds. She glanced up at him, and the stallion said nothing as she stayed close to him. Sasa rubbed against him as he stood in silence. Rarity looked up as her magic pulled her luggage from the train and pulled out a thick scarf.

“And all of you gave me grief when I packed my scarves.” Rarity chimed out as one wrapped around her neck.

“It wasn’t the scarves that they were giving you grief over Rarity.” Oblivion informed her. “It was the volume of scarves.”

Spike struggled to hold up the many bags, and Oblivion's aura covered them and sent them back to the train with a flash of magic. He shook his head and looked back to the cold tundra around them. The driving snow and wind buffeted all of them, and his eyes watched a familiar spirit approach. He jumped off the platform and trotted out to meet the pony approaching them. Oblivion gave a shrill whistle that cut through the driving wind, and the pony returned the sound as he came into view.

Prince Shining Armor came into view, and he pushed a pair of black goggles up from his eyes and onto his forehead as he hoof-bumped the other stallion. “Good to see you, Oblivion.”

“You as well.” He replied as he looked over Shining’s form. He could see a thick scarf around the stallion’s neck, with another wrapped around his barrel, keeping his wings pinned to his sides.

“Shining Armor?” Twilight called out from a few feet behind him.

“Twily!” Shining shouted out from where he stood, and he trotted happily past Oblivion to meet his sister as Oblivion watched over his shoulder.

The others walked up as Shining happily hugged Twilight. “What’s with your wings?” Rainbow asked with a chuckle.

Shining looked a bit embarrassed as he looked at the bound appendages. “They kept pulling away from my body and getting me into trouble while out here. I pinned them down to keep them out of my way.”

Oblivion barked a laugh at the Prince’s expense, earning him a good-natured glare. The glare faded quickly as the wind beat at all of them. Shining Armor looked at the strong storm around them, and his face fell grimmer. “I’m glad you all made it safely, but we can’t stay here too long. Some things come out after dark.”

Oblivion said nothing as he looked back out over the snow-covered terrain. His eyes scanned the area, and the feeling that something was coming became more robust as time passed. He had one ear flicked to listen to Shining and the mares as they spoke, but his focus was far from them. He reached out to the World Spirit, and it was confirmed that something dangerous was approaching them. His nerves were on edge as the feeling washed over him, and he danced on his hooves momentarily.

“What kind of things?” Fluttershy timidly asked, her voice barely heard over the wind.

Shining tried not to look uncertain before them but failed to keep the emotion out of his face. “Let’s just say that the Empire isn’t the only thing returning.” He turned to lead them back the way he had come.

Oblivion hoof bumped him as he went by, and with a look, Shining asked him to bring up the rear. He gave a slight bow of his head as he waited for them to pass him. Oblivion was quiet as he brought up the rear of the group. Sasa pulled up next to him and kept her head down to keep the wind out of her face. Oblivion stopped as the World Spirit bucked, and he stopped to watch as the World Spirit guided his eyes and breathed in at the sight. A light was coming toward them, quickly over the frozen ground. It was coming from the left of them. A natural Spirit had a certain brightness, but all he could see was the darkness covering the ground. There was a faint light in the dark, but it faltered.

“It’s corrupted.” He whispered. “That’s what it meant.”

Ahead of him, Sasa realized he was not with her, and she stopped to look back at him. “Chosen?”

He looked at her, and she tilted her head. “Run.”

She tilted her head further, as she had not been able to hear him over the driving wind and snow. He broke into a trot as he neared her, and he spoke again. “RUN!” he shouted at her, and she was startled by his tone. His hooves drummed silently across the snow as Sasa fell in at his side as he gained on the group. He saw Shining look back over his shoulder; the yell Oblivion had voiced had been enough to catch his ear.

“Oblivion?” He called back as Oblivion galloped toward them.

“GO!” He shouted as he got closer to them.

Shining understood a moment later, and he looked at the girls. “We have to get to the Empire now!” he yelled, and the mares fell into a hard gallop with him in the front.

Spike began to fall behind, and Oblivion's aura covered him. As she galloped ahead, he dropped the startled baby dragon onto Twilight’s back. The darkness trying to overtake them on the side missed them and now flowed over the tundra as it gave chase. Oblivion looked back as the dark mass was narrowing the gap. He paused as Shining went past him. The Alicorn Prince stopped in his tracks, his eyes intent on the mass that slowed as it neared him. Oblivion’s claws dug into the ice as he stopped and turned back.

Shining looked up as the black mass loomed over him. He gave an involuntary shudder at the sight of it. A pair of vibrant green eyes shone out of the darkness as purple smoke flowed from the sides of the eyes. He looked up higher as the darkness rose to stand higher above him. Shining glared as his magic shone brightly. It surrounded him as he waited for the tyrant to make his own move. He shivered as the mass crashed down toward him. His magic stayed strong as he closed his eyes, channeling more magic into the shield he had created weeks before. His ears flicked as the sound of screaming caught his ears. He looked up to find the tall black stallion standing with him.


Shining stared as the silver armor glowed in the darkness of the tundra. The tall stallion stood with him, his horn alight with azure flame. He stared at Oblivion's shield poured over the ground, pushing the black mass back. Shining could hear it still screaming as it was pushed back. The jewel in Oblivion's crown pulsed a steady rhythmic beat. He stared up at him as Oblivion's face was a mask of determination and strength.

The mass was pushed back a fair amount and he whirled on his heel, his magic gripped the Prince and he carried him ahead of him. He galloped hard for the Empire gates. As he got closer, he threw Shining through the gates and jumped the barrier behind him. His claws dug into the soft grass as he used his momentum to turn himself around to face the barrier. He watched and waited for the corrupted spirit to approach. He watched as it sped toward them and erected his own shield in front of the gates. The corrupted spirit slammed itself into the shield of Oblivion's own making, and it reeled back, screams tearing from it. It reeled back and vanished into the blizzard outside.

“Interesting. So it is the same corruption.”

“Shining!” Twilight shouted as her brother landed in a heap behind them.

Sasa joined the mares as they surrounded the Prince. He slowly got to his hooves and winced as he took his weight off his left foreleg.

“I’m okay.” He assured them.

“Are you sure?” Rainbow asked as she hovered above his head.

“Yeah. Thanks to Oblivion. His magic pushed that… thing back and hurt it. I could hear it screaming. Though I could have done without being tossed around like a sack of apples.” He replied, forcing humor into his voice.

Sasa nuzzled him and helped him take the weight off his leg. She waited until he was stable and could stand on his own before she backed away from him.

“Well, at least you’re okay,” Twilight said to him as she looked back at the Black Unicorn. “Oblivion! Are you okay?” She hollered to him.

Sasa watched as her Chosen flicked an ear back to show he had heard them. He didn’t reply beyond that simple movement. She could see that he focused solely on where they had come from. His horn was still alight as he shielded the Empire's front. Sasa walked up to him and reached out to him with her nose. She paused as the band on his leg was alight momentarily, a clear warning to those who got close to him. The spectral tiger understood the warning before her, and she backed up. She could sense that he was on edge and ready for further battle should the need arise. She turned to see Twilight approaching her and blocked the mare.

“Not right now, Twilight.” Sasa said to her. “He’s pretty on edge. Give him a second to get it out of his system.”

“Okay. Is he okay, though? Like not hurt?” Twilight asked.

“I promise you he’s not hurt.” She assured the purple mare. “Just give him a second to come down from it. I’m unsure what he saw, but it’s got him going.”

“What’s wrong?” Shining asked as he limped up to them.

“Sasa says Oblivion is still pretty on edge, so give him a minute. I’ve seen him before, during, and after fights, but this is different.” She told her brother as he stood with them.

“So we just wait?”

“Yep,” Twilight said. “Witchers are a funny lot sometimes. They're made for battle, so sometimes they get wound up.”

Sasa chuckled as she nodded and purred in agreement.