> Deep Dreams > by Gonderlane > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Change of Course > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I was a filly, I dreamed of the sea—the ebb and flow of waves, the drift of tides. I thought it was all I was meant for. Tonight, it seems I've finally got my wish. As I drifted into sleep, my spirit plunged into the vast, embracing ocean. In this underwater world, a twilight zone came alive with the bioluminescence of exotic fish and creatures, their whispers weaving through the dark in a language my heart ached to understand. They moved like shadows, elusive yet inviting, hinting at mysteries veiled in the depths. The dream unfolded into a new scene. I found myself weightless, adrift in an expansive void where above me, a tapestry of colorful auroras danced with celestial grace, and below, sea creatures of every shape and hue glided in serene silence. A distant gleam caught my eye—a solitary star fallen among the waves. Drawn closer, I saw a city of impossible beauty rise from the ocean's embrace, its spires reaching toward the heavens as if to pierce the sky. Awakening from these visions, my spirit felt rejuvenated. Those dreams, vibrant and vivid, infused my mornings with a sense of wonder and possibility. Yet, as time passed, a shadow fell over my nocturnal voyages. The once vibrant sea of my dreams turned to an abyss, its wonders shrouded in darkness, its magic extinguished. Gone were the radiant waters, replaced by monochrome waves that crashed with a hollow sound against the shores of my mind. I longed for the return of those dreams, not merely for the joy they brought but for the connection they forged to a cherished past. These dreams held a mirror to my soul, reflecting a deep-seated love for the ocean, nurtured by my mother's understanding. She knew, perhaps more than I did, how deeply the sea's call resonated within me. Together, we spent countless hours by the water's edge, basking in its boundless stories and lessons. Those moments, precious and evergreen in my memory, fuel my desire to recapture the magic of my dreams, to make tangible the wonders that once were. It's more than mere nostalgia; it's a quest to honor those memories, to make my mother proud, to reaffirm my connection with the sea that once made everything feel possible under its gentle waves. I still want to make her proud. Years have passed since I moved away on my own. Initially, living near the coast made me happy as I spent countless weeks swimming and basking in the ocean. I thought this would fill the strange new feeling inside me. But the more I delved into those depths, seeking to relive childhood memories, the more I yearned for something deeper—something that I never realized was there in the first place, something that only my dreams reminded me. A secret world hidden within the vastness of the ocean, awaiting discovery. This realization harkened back to my initial longing, not just for water but for the ethereal essence—the magic and wonders concealed beneath the surface. The dreams I still harbored felt distinct, transcending my mere love for the sea. I couldn't even recall what made me so attracted to the sea in the first place, as my memories of swimming and diving go as far back as I can remember. Yet now, I realize this beautiful sea evoked an allure, a magic that whispered of secrets, unique creatures, and a hidden world. There was a whole beauty to it, and it wasn't just a childish fancy. The deeper meaning of my feelings for the ocean had eluded me all along. It wasn't merely a place for me to play and swim; it was like a gateway to another world, hidden from plain sight but always present. To say it was a place beckoning me to return would be wrong, since I spent as much time as I could pursuing that desire. Now, though, it seemed different somehow. I wanted to see if it truly existed or if it was just the manifestation of my imagination. It was almost as if I knew I had been close to the truth once, and now I was ready to delve further. I couldn't stay in my room staring at the ceiling all day while my thoughts spun wildly. I pulled myself out of bed and headed out. My home, if it could even be called that, was simple. It served its only real purpose of letting me live in the ideal spot—a house perfectly situated next to the shore, where I always heard the waves crash onto the sand every night. With not much family, I was left to fend for myself in this big world. In this case, that meant staying in a drab little house in the middle of nowhere. As I stepped outside, I inhaled deeply, taking in the familiar salty scent of the sea breeze. The air was cool, and a gentle mist began to settle over the water's surface, casting a hazy fog across the horizon. It was calming, and I took several deep breaths, letting the air fill my lungs before exhaling slowly. As I gazed out at the ocean, a sense of calmness washed over me, and I felt at peace with my surroundings. But it wasn't enough to satisfy me completely. Not with what I set out to do. Even through the serenity of the moment, I felt an underlying restlessness tugging at me. And that was when it occurred to me: If my dreams were any indication, then my connection to the ocean wasn't just something I dreamed about. It was real. It was a part of me, and I needed to explore it further. But how? If there was one thing I remembered from my childhood, it was the tales my mother used to tell me before bed. Stories of underwater worlds and mysterious creatures. And she told me those creatures were real, that they dwelled beneath the water's surface, beyond the reach of normal ponies. I never thought much of it when I was younger, but now... Maybe she knew something I didn't. Maybe her stories had some merit. After all, who else would know these things if not my own mother? She was always fascinated with the sea, and her fascination seemed to rub off on me. I... miss her. Most of the memories I still have of her revolved around her showing me various coral reefs or going for late-night swims when she thought I'd already gone to bed. So maybe... just maybe, there was something more to this—something worth investigating. I started my trip into a nearby town called Crystal Creek, which was the nearest place I knew had ponies, but more importantly, a library. It took me the usual hour to get there, and by the time I arrived, the sun had reached its peak. The town was bustling with activity, and ponies were running errands or milling about the shops and stores. But I wasn't interested in any of that; I had a mission to complete. As I approached the library, my heart thrummed with anticipation, each beat a drumroll leading me closer to the threshold of knowledge. The library loomed before me, its ancient doors whispering tales of the hidden world beneath the water—a world I was determined to uncover. With a deep breath, I stepped into the hallowed halls of wisdom, my eyes adjusting to the soft, golden light that filled the space with an inviting glow. The air was thick with the scent of old books, a fragrance that stirred the soul, feeding my excitement. I moved with purpose, yet my steps were hushed, barely a whisper against the polished wood floor. Ahead, I spotted my beacon in this sea of knowledge—a cute, young stallion, his pink coat a soft contrast to the rich, dark wood surrounding us. His mane, a cascade of black fluff, tumbled over his eyes, concealing his gaze as he poured over a tome that seemed to captivate him. He was the librarian, or so I assumed, his attention ensnared by the pages before him. Despite my approach, he remained oblivious to my presence. Perhaps it was the book that held him in such thrall, or maybe I had mastered the art of moving silently. Either way, his unawareness did little to dampen my spirits. If anything, it heightened the sense of adventure, of stepping into a story where every corner held a secret, and every book a door to new worlds. My quest for the secrets of the underwater realm was about to begin, and my first ally, unwitting though he was, stood just a few steps away. "Hello?" I called out, drawing his attention away from the book. "Oh! Hi there. Sorry, really good story about the origin of Hearth's Warming. How can I help you?" His tone was welcoming, and I instantly felt comfortable in his presence. I smiled. "I'm actually looking for books on the ocean." His eyes lit up at my words. "Ocean? We have quite a collection here, both fiction and nonfiction. Here, follow me." He gestured for me to follow and led me toward a section tucked away in a corner of the library. "Learning about the ocean? Anything in particular, like creatures, magic or lore?" My eyes scanned the titles on the shelves. "All of the above!" I blurted out enthusiastically. The librarian chuckled. "Sounds like you're pretty passionate about it. Have you ever heard of the Trench?" I shook my head. "The Trench?" He nodded. "This place down in the depths of the ocean west of here. A dark, underwater wasteland. According to legend, it's where monsters dwell. Creatures that are too horrible to exist in the sunlight, things nopony has ever seen before. Ponies don't tend to venture out there, and I don't blame them. It's a scary place. Want that for your first book?" He spoke with a certain reverence that told me he had given this a lot of thought. I cocked my head to the side. "That's nice, but... have you heard anything else? Like... I dunno, actual stories, encounters?" I was skeptical, but the look on his face told me that he wasn't. "Just theories?" I added, trying to be more agreeable. He shrugged. "Theories, yes. There have been rumors of creatures seen out at sea, ones that resemble ponies but with fins and webbed hooves. And others have said they've heard strange noises coming from the depths. Sounds like singing or chanting, almost. No one has confirmed anything yet, though." I smiled. "That sounds like interesting stuff. Any chance I could read those?" He offered me a thick tome with a knowing grin, its cover adorned with the vast mysteries of the ocean. "Start with this one. It's a bit old, but it'll cover the basics you need. If you're serious about exploring the ocean—or rather, delving into your fascination with it—this should get you started. And hey, if you're looking for more insights, you know where to find me." With an attempted sly wink, he hoofed me the book before returning to his duties at the front desk. Grateful for his guidance, I clutched the book tightly as I left the library and town, the promise of uncovering the ocean's secrets fueling my stride all the way home. Once back home, I settled into my coziest nook, the book an unopened treasure in my lap. As I turned the first page, a wave of realization washed over me. My mother's tales, once flights of fancy to my younger self, were grounded in a profound truth I was only beginning to uncover. Surrounded by the comforting familiarity of my room, memories and trinkets of my childhood scattered around, the dream of discovering an underwater wonderland seemed closer than ever. It wasn't just about proving my imagination right; it was about seeking closure, answering a call from the depths that I couldn't ignore. If this hidden world was real, it promised adventures that could change my life in ways I dared only to dream. I had to find out, to keep pushing forward, driven by a voice from the ocean's abyss beckoning me. As I delved into it, my eyes darted across pages filled with history and science, pausing at the rare mentions of myth and legend. These stories, though sparse in detail, ignited my curiosity. One tale in particular captured my imagination: an expedition by a group of ponies into the ocean's deepest reaches, where they discovered an elaborate network of caves and tunnels. Despite warnings, they ventured further, encountering a mysterious race of finned and gilled ponies, just as the librarian hinted. The story spoke of an invitation to an underwater city, a chance lost to those who vanished without a trace. This tale, more than any other, stoked the flames of my desire to explore. What if there was truth to this legend? What if beyond the known borders of Equestria lay a world waiting to be discovered? These stories transformed my longing from a distant dream into a tangible goal, an experience I yearned to live firsthoof. Now, more than ever, I felt compelled to trace the hoofsteps of those adventurous ponies, to see for myself what lay beyond the shore. Stepping out onto the porch, the cool evening air caressed my face, a gentle reminder of the ocean's nearby presence. I paused for a moment, letting the sea's distant murmurs fill me with a sense of calm and purpose. It was then that my gaze fell upon an unexpected sight resting against my front door: a small, intricately carved wooden box, its surface gleaming under the moonlight's soft embrace. Curiosity piqued, I approached, wondering at its origin. Who could have left it here, and why? With a mixture of anticipation and wonder, I gently lifted the box, its weight hinting at the precious contents inside. The craftsmanship spoke of care and attention to detail, urging me to discover what lay within. I carefully opened the lid, and there, nestled against the velvet lining, was a necklace of such beauty it seemed to capture the essence of the sea itself. Tiny diamonds and sapphires sparkled on the delicate gold chain, each stone reflecting the light like sunlight dancing on ocean waves. It was breathtaking. As I lifted it out of the box, a note fluttered to the ground. I bent down and retrieved it, smoothing it out on the sole of my hoof. It was hoofwritten, and as I read it, my eyes grew wide. "For a future friend." A single sentence, but it sent a shiver down my spine. Somepony had known I was looking for the ocean, and somepony had tapped into my deepest dreams and desires to leave me this gift. This beautiful, elegant gift. Who could it have been, and how did they know of my fascination with the ocean's secrets and enchantments? The situation was peculiar, to say the least. A necklace of such exquisite craftsmanship appearing out of nowhere, right after my day in town—it was unsettling. Yet, as I stood there, the necklace in hoof, a thought struck me. "Maybe it was just a coincidence, or maybe... there's something more," I found myself whispering. The timing, the precision of the gift—it could easily be seen as alarming. But as I let the necklace catch the light, watching the gemstones flicker like the ocean's surface under the sun, a different feeling took hold. I slipped the necklace around my neck, its cool weight a sudden comfort against my skin. Gazing into the mirror, I saw it settle perfectly at my throat, as if it were made just for me. The glow it seemed to cast around me felt less like the effect of gemstones and more like an inner light being drawn out. For a moment, I hesitated, the rational part of my mind firing off a dozen questions about its origins, about the possibility of being watched by unseen eyes. But then, almost as if the necklace itself whispered reassurance, I felt a deep, inexplicable calm. It was the same pull, the same inexplicable draw that the ocean had always had on me. This wasn't just happenstance; it was as though the necklace was a part of my journey, meant to guide me. "Maybe it's a sign," I concluded, a smile beginning to form. My reflection seemed to smile back, emboldened by a newfound determination. In that moment, the unease faded, replaced by a sense of destiny. Yes, the appearance of the necklace was bizarre, perhaps even a bit creepy if I thought too hard about it. But the ocean called to me in ways I couldn't always explain, and now, so did this necklace. It was a mystery, certainly, but wasn't that what I loved about the ocean in the first place? Its mysteries, its secrets waiting to be uncovered. With the necklace as my talisman, I felt ready to face whatever lay ahead, to dive deeper into the unknown. After all, isn't that what adventures are made of? Despite the nagging doubts, a pull stronger than reason urged me to embrace this mystery. It felt akin to the instinctive call of the ocean that always seemed to guide me. "Perhaps it's meant to be," I whispered to myself, choosing to trust in the unusual, magical moments life sometimes offered. With a gentle sigh, I slipped the necklace around my neck and approached the mirror. As I admired how perfectly it sat against my coat, a warmth spread through me, as if I were glowing from the inside out. It felt like magic, a magic that resonated with the same inexplicable, yet comforting, force that drew me to the sea. In that moment, any lingering fears were overshadowed by a sense of rightness, a belief that some things, however improbable, are just meant to be. I left my house, heading out towards the beach. Everything seemed calm, everything looked peaceful, just as these waters always did. But I needed something more than just a relaxing afternoon. I needed an adventure. I needed to dive right in and uncover whatever was hiding down there. I didn't want to waste another moment waiting for those dreams to come. I wanted to take action, right then and there. I felt the energy to use every tool, every ability, every strength I had to get deeper than anyone had ever gone. No pony has explored the ocean depths in the way I wanted to explore them, not unlike those expeditions in the book I read earlier, or any other myth I didn't know about. But I was willing to go to the ends of Equestria to make it happen. After all, I was a natural at swimming and diving, right? It couldn't be that hard. So, with a deep breath, I took one step forward and plunged right in. I put one foreleg forward, letting the tides reach my hoof. It was cold, but with a refreshing, cooling sensation. It was beautiful, just like it always was. And as I dipped my other hoof in, I could hear the hum of the necklace become even more distinct, more powerful. It was as if it was telling me I was doing the right thing. Like it was giving me the signal to keep going. I didn't want to hesitate anymore. I closed my eyes and dove in. It was easy, even with the waves pushing against me. I was able to swim right through. I kept swimming until I was underneath the waves, kicking my legs and swimming down until I was in the water's clear grasp. I let myself float to the bottom, feeling my body's weight be heavier than I was used to. But I didn't care. I was surrounded by water, with nothing but the ocean keeping me company. I loved this. As I swam through the water, it grew darker and darker the further I went. It was the color of the night, the color of my dreams. But I wasn't afraid. I was ready for whatever was to come. As I swam farther down, the bright blue lights emitting from my necklace kept me guided and safe. It was as if they were the eyes of a mother, protecting me as I traveled through this underwater world. It was so beautiful, even in the darkest of shadows. I had never felt this way before. Not in my whole life, as I had never had the chance to swim this far down. And as I was finally reaching the floor, I realized that I wasn't alone. Something was moving through the water, swimming towards me. I couldn't tell what it was, but as it approached, I noticed its shape resembled that of what had to be a whale. Its form was massive, its figure impossible to miss. But as it got closer, I saw it had a similar bioluminescence to me, and it seemed friendly enough. It had the same aura as the water I had grown so attached to, as if it was all connected. And as it swam next to me, I knew that this was the creature that was going to show me the secrets of the ocean, the one that would teach me about the mysteries that lay deep within the abyss. It was exhilarating. It was unbelievable. I didn't think it was possible to connect to an animal like this. But it was happening, right in front of my eyes. This was no ordinary ocean trip. This was a journey I was embarking on. One that would lead me to a better understanding of who I am, what I love, and what I want to discover. And as I swam alongside the whale, I knew I was one step closer to living out my dream. I was one step closer to unearthing the secrets of the deep. The world around me was unbelievable. Everything I had thought was possible in the water, in my mind's eye, was coming to life right in front of me. There were schools of bioluminescent fish weaving through the water like a stream. There was coral growing on the ocean floor, covered with life and beauty. And there were creatures, some I had never seen before, darting back and forth in the water, curious and cautious about this newcomer. As I followed the whale, I noticed that the gemstones on my necklace started to vibrate. They were bouncing around, almost as if they were trying to direct me somewhere. And I trusted their judgment, knowing they were somehow linked to the whale itself. So, I continued to follow their directions, even as they led me into the darkness. As we swam through the endless ocean, I couldn't help but notice it was getting colder, like the nights where the stars danced in the sky. And as the necklace kept leading me, I saw a light up ahead—a tiny speck in the distance, one that was slowly becoming bigger and brighter as we swam. It was as if it was welcoming us, calling out to us. And as we got closer, I saw it was a cave, one that looked like it was made of stone. It was unusual to me, even for an underwater cave, as most were made of stone. But how could something like this be buried underwater? This whale seemed to know the answer, as it started swimming faster towards the light, leaving me behind. But as I watched him swim away, the gems started to vibrate more intensely. It was as if they wanted me to hurry up and catch up with him. So, I swam as fast as I could, passing right by him and swimming into the light that seemed to be beckoning me. The closer I got, the brighter it became. And as I swam inside, I saw murals on the walls. Beautiful, detailed murals of horses swimming with whales and other animals I had never seen before. Some stories seemed to depict battles between sea creatures and what looked like monsters. Others were more peaceful, with creatures like dolphins and whales interacting and living in harmony. This was incredible. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I had always known there were stories about the magic of the ocean, but I had never believed there was actual proof of it. Yet, there I was, swimming through a cave filled with ancient carvings and structures untouched by time. This was the adventure I had been longing for. There was so much to discover. So many stories to learn, so many secrets to unlock. And as I swam deeper into the cave, I could see the murals were changing. They were shifting in the water, as if they were coming to life. And as I continued to watch, I noticed one mural that was different from the rest. It was of a horse wearing the same necklace as me, with a whale next to it. They were smiling, as if they had found a new friend. And as I stared at the painting, I realized that maybe that was what happened to me. Maybe this necklace was the key to connecting with the ocean and its hidden wonders. Maybe this is what I needed. I could write all of this down, and create my very own book. This was the start of something new. As I looked up to find him, still with me in the cave, I noticed it was staring in my direction. A few small fishes came up to me and started swimming around me, almost as if they were welcoming me to their home. They weren't afraid of me, even though I was a stranger. And as I played with them, I couldn't help but feel like I was a part of this ocean, this underworld that I had always dreamed of. This was it. This was where I was meant to be. And as I kept swimming deeper into the cave, I saw the necklace glowing even brighter than before. It was as if it was showing me the way to something, but I couldn't figure out what. I just kept swimming, hoping the answer would reveal itself soon. As I explored the cave, it hit me that I wasn't alone after all. The necklace was with me the whole time, and so was the whale, in a way. Even after it swam away, I felt like it never really left. We had connected, stronger than any friend I'd had before. Even then, I could feel it. Feeling the necklace against my skin, it was like having a piece of the whale's essence with me, reminding me we were still together in spirit. It was weird but also amazing. I had never felt this kind of connection before, like the whale and I shared something special that didn't need words or even to be in the same place. Even as I moved through the dark, twisting passages of the cave, I wasn't scared as I was entering through them before. It felt like the whale was still right there with me, guiding me. This bond was new to me, but it felt right. Even as I paused, looking around at the dimly lit cave walls, I knew this adventure was something we were sharing, no matter how far apart we were. Aaaaaaaaaaaugh. I... Was that an underwater yawn? And was that how it sounded underwater? I guess I was that sleepy. Had that much time passed, or did swimming tire me out already? I thought I was good at this... Maybe, just maybe, I could sleep here if I really wanted to. Did I have to go back up? I had never fallen asleep in the water before, and it wasn't like I could– BUMP! What? Oh, the whale! It was nudging me! Was it trying to get me to follow it out? With the way it was looking at me, it definitely seemed like it noticed my yawn. I could probably make my way back up to the surface, right? The whale might help me find the coast again. That way, I wouldn’t need to worry about the whole drowning thing. Having a whale for a buddy is kind of awesome, isn’t it? And this necklace, with its gemstones sparkling like little lighthouses, feels like it could guide me through anything. Maybe sleeping isn’t what I’m supposed to do yet. Not here deep down, at least. The water around me... it’s strange, like it’s not just water anymore, or maybe I’ve changed. Since slipping this necklace on, the ocean's depths feel less like a threat and more like home. It’s as if I can breathe, or at least, not worry about breathing. It’s a bizarre feeling but comforting, like unlocking a part of myself I never knew existed. So, the fear of losing my way or the panic of a dwindling breath just... doesn’t seem to bother me as much anymore. But what really seals the deal is my whale friend, ensuring I’m never truly lost or alone. It’s like, with the whale by my side and this necklace around my throat, I belong here in a way I never expected. Not as an outsider, but as a piece of the ocean itself. It’s all a bit much, isn’t it? Like a dream where you know you should be terrified, but you’re not. You’re just there, floating, accepting whatever bizarre twist comes your way. And with each passing moment, the line between what’s real and what’s not blurs even more. But somehow, in the heart of this watery wonderland, with a whale as my guide and a necklace that feels more alive than it should, I’m okay with not having all the answers. Maybe, in the end, that’s part of the magic, the mystery of it all, letting the current take me where it will. Yeah, maybe that’s just it. Maybe it’s about embracing the chaos, the unknown, and finding peace in the midst of it. As I followed him towards the surface, it eventually led me back to the spot I remembered before I descended past the point I'd ever gone. With that, I leaned in towards him and tried to give it a kiss before turning around to swim back. It was kind of muffled, and opening my lips before I smooched made a few tiny bubbles pop out and fly up. The gems on my necklace began to glow, as if they were ready for another adventure. But it was pretty clear that it was time to go for now. While I was thankful for what the necklace had done, I eventually did reach the surface. I ruffled my coat dry and breathed in some fresh air. It was good to be back, even if it was for a short while. I already wanted to come back and explore this underwater world over and over again. After all, I was a mare of the sea now. It felt like I always was, but with this artifact, I belonged here. And the necklace was probably my key to discovering so much more. My... necklace... It wasn't even mine to begin with. How had it ended up on my doorstep, and who had placed it there? I barely knew anypony at this point, and... I... didn't really know anypony. Or a friend. Not a single pony to talk to or hang out with. My whole life had revolved around researching the ocean and finding new discoveries, and I did it, but I had no one to share them with. It was just me. Me and my dreams. But the whale, the feeling I had with him was different from anything else. Maybe the necklace was the reason he was here in the first place. And maybe it was fate, that this whale was my only companion because we were meant to be friends. If that's what having a friend meant, I really wondered about those dreams. Was the point of all of this to find friends, to have an meet new ponies? I know it sounded silly, but after an experience like that, anything felt possible. And with this magical necklace, the world could be a completely different place, an adventure that could last forever. Maybe the necklace had been sent to me as a gift from the sea itself. As a sign that I was meant to be here, meant to uncover its mysteries and live among its wonders. Perhaps even if I hadn't gone that deep, I had done something that the ocean had been waiting for me to do. Something that had brought me one step closer to the true magic that it held. No, that's dumb. It really was sent to me by a friend. But who? And how did they know where to send it? I tried to think back to all the ponies I knew. Nopony had ever really given me a gift before, let alone something so meaningful. Maybe it was just a coincidence. Maybe I would never find out who it was. Going through all of that made me realize if I had anypony to share what I went through with in the first place. Maybe it was time for me to make some friends. I had spent so much of my life alone, but it was starting to get lonely. And when I saw that beautiful necklace sitting there on my doorstep, it was as if it was telling me to change. It made me finally able to delve into the ocean and create my own adventure, my own story. I turned back to the ocean, its waves lapping at the shore. I didn't know what the future held, but I promised myself to make friends, share my love for the ocean, and find happiness. To give them the biggest hug! Until then, I had a lot of work to do. Work that could make me better, work that could lead to new connections and friendships. And maybe this could be the start of something bigger than me. I went back home and shuffled through the only bookcase I had. I opened a scroll, a map, anything that would help me on the first step of making more friends. And with my necklace shining on me, I knew I could do anything I set my mind to. I laid the scroll wide open on my bed. I saw the entirety of Equestria. There were all these possibilities waiting for me: Canterlot, Manehatten, Fillydelphia, even other towns and cities outside of it. But these cities were across the continent: I would have to travel through many places just to see what they had in store for me. In fact, I'd have to take a train to get through all of Equestria. It would take me months to visit every town and city, and that's if I'm lucky. I tried to narrow my search down, looking for each city and its proximity to where I was. I kept looking. Ponyville, Cloudsdale, Moon Meadows, Las Pegasus and... Baltimare...