The New World | Millennium

by Escalator

Chapter 1: 1000 ALB, The Return of Luna

Equis, a planet that supports the life of mystical beings like Ponies and Griffons. The planet itself sports three Continents.

Equus, Griffonia, and Zebrica.

So what if there was another Continent? A continent with humanity with an advancement of great intelligence? Created from the start of the history of the planet? And what timeline would change?

This is the story of The New World. Starting in the modern days, up to the year 1030

1000 ALB, Summer Sun Celebration

It was the Summer Sun Celebration of the nation, Equestria, the celebration was to celebrate Celestia's defeat over Nightmare Moon, a celebration that the New World continents frowned upon as immoral, the American Federation originally had its incidents with late president Buccannon starting the Lunar wars with Equestria, later the civil war, the military is, and very, active on this day for reasons unknown to even Celestia's knowledge.

Some say it was to remind Equestria that they aren't happy, some say they are practicing an invasion, and some say it was just scheduled drills.

However the truth was this, ever since Luna's banishment the American military formed a detachment called, the Eclipse Brigade, and for every Summer Sun Celebration event that would come to pass they would use the naval exercises conducted during every event, as a cover for them so they would infiltrate civilian squares and be on standby in the occasion that Luna returned in her original peaceful form, they would move in and take her in under national protection...

The problem however was unusual.. For this to work in that type of event they usually relied on the pre-established spy network that would tell them where the event would take place, but complications arose when the network was uncovered by the E.U.P.Gs. and were detained.

Nonetheless, the Federation of American States maintained its traditional military exercises, while also holding the Eclipse brigade back for this one time... Ironically that would be the day Nightmare Moon returns...

Western Humarican seas

As the events dawned down in the coast of East American shores, the pride of the American Navy was at seas with a group of 3 Guided Missile Frigates, the ship that was guarded by the three frigates is selected by the Department of Defense and Secretary of Navy to conduct this year's naval exercise with the new frigates, constructed not too long ago, and made their way towards the Celestial islands, the captain of the Battleship looked onward from the stern edge at the seas that would remind him of that first day on the job.

The ship is not only just a battleship but a beast, equipped with four battleship canons with 3 canon tubing, a decent size and amount of Anti-Aircraft weapons, and twelve 16"/50 side/secondary weapons with the heavy cannons equipped with 16' inch shells ready to use, and with a second to primary armament, a cruise missile launcher bay to for onshore bombardments on enemy positions or other ships, compared to the average battleship, this battleship is designed to be almost as strong enough to fight without escorts, of course with the downsides being slow like all average battleships and maintenance is needed every 2 or 4 operations, it is still feared within the continents of the world which is impressive for a Battleship that was built in the 980s, in the Griffonian Continent they call it "The Wave Goddess," In Zebrica they call it "The Avenger," in Equus they call it, "The Merciless" Why all are these names you may ask? Well.. it was because of that one event in the Maribean but first let's talk about its captain.

The captain who was watching from the stern looking at the deep seas is named, Douglas Petrie, he was once a naval custodian on the SFN-Republic, (Ship of the Federation Navy) when he was 20 years old, The Republic Class is a battlecruiser that served in the blockading of Thestria, and the naval war against Zebrican pirates at Hippogriffia.

The day the great battleship had started it's construction he gained a ambition to command ships and even fleets, but he was put down and bullied by others who thought of him as only the janitor with no possibility of reaching the type of positioning, how wrong they were...

When he left the custodian position to become a full on navy personal he committed his full time and years to the SFN-Republic, when in 979 after turning 29 with 9 years to his name with a clean record, he was accepted into the American officer academy of West point, there he became a junior officer of the Republic where he served for another 8 years before he climbed towards the rank of Captain by the courtesy of the Navy Captain promotion board.

It was then that the infamous Griffonian pirates of the Maribean raided ports all across the seas, however do to the limited amount of crew they were only able to steal 10 destroyers and a dreadnought, the ships however, the pirates found themselves as more mechanics than pillaging pirates as they had to find more and more crew to manage them and to keep them maintenance, two incidents occurred when a pirated destroyer lost it's steering and rammed into a civilian ship before cataclysmically exploding and killing 20 and injuring 12 with 67 survivors stranded in Kuba before being picked up by Kuban soldiers and then deported back to America.

The second destroyer was what brought the Americans to the breaking point when it smashed through and slived through a American humanitarian ship that was heading towards the islands of Kira and Zira, after 3 days of unanimous votes from congress the head of navy was ordered in 988 ALB to send in the newly constructed battleship with a escort of two destroyers, and a aircraft carrier, (that is held back from the battle arena to prevent capture.) to shut down the pirates or obliterate them.

Captain Petrie watched with a careful eye through the binoculars with the mist heavy, and the atmosphere even heavier and that was when it hit them.

A large blast from a distance as if thunder cracked in the distance followed by a whistling stream of air as multiple shells flew through the air with all but one missing, the single shell hits one of the destroyers and damaged it's frontal nose which caused it to slightly sink into the ocean, but the bottom decks were seal off.

The first shots signaled the battle and the captain attempts to find the source of the first shot when the second was fired and this time it hits the other destroyer and sinks it to the depths as injured and uninjured were quickly evacuated from the destroyer.

The captain contacts the Carrier SFN-Dome to dispatch recon fighters, and pairs of 4 F4s to tackle the destroyers, but due to the distance the Captain had to rely on his brain, and tactics for this battle, he looked at the destroyer and placed his finger on his chin.

"Have the destroyer evacuated of it's crew, have a life boat be ready to pick up the helmsmen and their captain," said Petrie

"Yes.. Sir?" Replied the seaman

The crew of the remaining destroyer evacuated leaving only it's Captain and the helmsmen to crew it as it half speed infront of the battleship and took point towards the potential source of where the enemy fired, the captain patiently waited, and he waited, and waited some more, and then it came.

A massive barrage of shells were fired and directly hit the Destroyer blowing it's ammunition bay and destroying the entire front of the ship, the helmsmen escaped quickly but the captain of the destroyer stayed behind and sunk with his ship, Petrie looked at the enemy with anger and respect, after looking at the direction he orders his ship to position itself for a broadside barrage when a Lunar Wars period Dreadnought revealed itself in the mist, the captain quickly ordered the cannons to take aim at the ship pointing it's guns at them, the dreadnought and the battleship simultaneously shot their cannons at each other and destroyed something from one another, the dreadnought lost a cannon, the battleship was hit in the missile bay.

The captain then made his move and ordered his men to fire the secondary weapons towards the dreadnought which did damage to not only to the dreadnoughts hulls but also killed some of the Griffon pirates which they seemed to be running all over the place, when the mist cleared out the captain realized that they've been caved in and surrounded by the pirated destroyers the whole time and when he was informed the missile bays were damaged he has only two choices.

Attempt a broadside strike on the destroyers and hopefully retreat from the encirclement, or wait for air support but risk getting blown to pieces.

Both choices are grim because he wasn't willing to surrender when the ship he has is too advance for the enemy to hijack, although...

He noticed that the destroyers haven't fired their cannons by now or his ship would've sunked, so he theorizes that they may not have the ammunition and to test said theory he orders cannon 4 to fire at the destroyer behind them and the crew did so without question and fired all three shells and sunk a destroyer and what followed was a massive explosion indicating some type of ammunition was stored on board which now leaves only 5 Destroyers and 1 damaged dreadnought for the enemy and the Battleship for.. Well, his side.

He then braced for a counter strike when he notices that the destroyers were now charging towards his ship instead of shooting back, with the downside being with almost the garrison crew on them ready to board his battleship.

Good news atleast, the Pirates either wasted their shots on the destroyers that were escorting his ship, or bad news, they haven't shot back because they want his ship for a prize.

Either way he wasn't going to let them board his ship without a fight so he orders the armories to open up and permit the crew ANY weapon onboard to gun down the raiders whether it'd be Light Machine Guns detached from the gun mounts to M16 rifles, to pistols all the way using their fist but never let the enemy pass.

Immediately the crew of the American battleship raided and grabbed what they can with some going duel wield with M16s with some using pistols and knives.

When the enemy destroyers arrived to finish the battle and started to raid the battleship the captain ordered the cannon crews to turn it's cannons towards the destroyers and ordered them fire at the enemy when they're in range of the command decks.

Cannon 1 fired first on the Dreadnought that was closing in and the shells landed inside of the enemies command deck and in a fiery explosion, killed everyone inside of the cabin including the Captain..

As the dreadnought was dead on the water the pirates were furious and started to relentlessly board the battleship with the outdated ropes and hooks but were quickly gunned down by the machine guns and shirtless duel wielding maniacs who went crazy to kill every single raider who weren't given a chance to step a single foot on the metal decks of the besieged battleship.

The destroyers pulled back and attempted to retreat as the waters turned red from the bloodied corpses of the dead pirates when the F4 fighter jets in a V formation launched missiles and rockets at the remaining enemy fleet while the battleship started hunting down and destroyed 2 more outdated Destroyer classes.

At the end of the day, thousands of lives, and tons of steel were lost to the seas, with the Americans losing 2 destroyers and the enemy lost everything, with almost ten members of the once massive crew surrendered to the marines who're searching for survivors.

On that day the battleship was given it's name that represents the combination of the old and new.

The SFN-Statcom.

Since those 12 years, he is known to be strict with everything that exist within his ship,

But anyways with information out of the way... The captain walked towards the command deck and the entire room paused respectfully and stood silently in a salute pose as the Bosun whistled through the atmosphere of the deck

The crew men on the command deck were still frozen in a salute while the old Captain examined his crew men and stood flat on the command center, today was special to him and he wanted things to progress smoothly since it would be the first time that both the Statcom and the new missile frigates participates in the annual summer sun military drills.

Of course sometimes he would snap out and shout without reason, for example:

"WHY THE HELL HAVEN'T WE STARTED YET CORPORAL!" He shouted, making the Corporal shiver.

"S-sir, we aren't in range to shoot yet, we're not even at our destination sir!" The Corporal replied.

"BULLSHIT! DROP DOWN AND GIVE ME 35 PUSH UPS!" The Captain ordered in a drill Sergeant like voice, as the Corporal dropped on the ground and started doing push ups.


"Sir.. I'm doing the Push u-"


"SIR YES SIR!!! D:" The Corporal then ran from the view bay, while everyone looked at the Captain in fear.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU STARING AT! GET BACK TO YOUR POSTS DUMBASSES!!" He shouted, which made everyone turn back to normal, only frightened at the Captains wrath.

"NOW! With that out of the way... MR. YATES!" He shouted.

A man comes inside of the view bay of the Battleship and saluted.

"Yes sir?"

"Watch that Corporal do his push ups, and let me know when he did, so I can give him 40 more," Petrie ordered.

"Yes sir!"

The young man walked... Well you know what screw it I might as well say.. That young man is me..

I was born in 978 in the Louis State of the Federation, my home country is the American Federation and the nation itself uses States as a way to define it's unionized nations and provinces. Of course it was in the year 997 at the age of eighteen, that I joined the army of the Federation but due to the low amount of manpower for the navy, I was trained to be both a ground soldier, and a naval seamen. Of course my naval instructor happened to be Captain Douglas, my ground military instructor was none other than the Captain Alex, a hairy man with sunglasses who likes the idea of magic induced laser weapons, also for some reason he takes a shower with his sun glasses on, but he was the one who'd personally teached me on the strategies of ground doctrine warfare before I was shipped to the naval corp where I'd be ranked as a Sergeant under Douglas and his command.

It was 1 hour in, and finally we have entered the designated waters of the Eastern Humaric oceans, the Captain begins to shout.


"Yes sir!"



As I got the camera ready, I was prepared to take a picture... When something happened to disturb the Captain...

"Hum... First Lieutenant Lisa, I could've sworn the sun would be up by now?" The Captain questioned.

"Why do you say that?" She asked.

"Because usually at 6:30 if I'm correct, the sun would immediately raise towards the sky in a rapid immediate motion doesn't it not?" He asked.

"Sir... It's not 6:30... It's 8:58," she replied, which made the room go into a state of silence.

"8:58... Wait a minute... SERGEANT YATES! SHOW ME THAT CODE BOOK!" He ordered, as I handed him the code book, he started scrolling and flipping pages when he caught the sight of code Moon-322...


I grabbed the phone and dialed the Presidential emergency number.

"It's asking to press one for emergency, and two for information, what do I press?" I asked.

"NUMBER ONE!" The Captain replied.

I pressed one, and the phone started dialing up the president when someone picked up the other side.

"This is Presidential representative Bush, what's the emergency?" Bush asked.

"I got the presidents representatives sir, here," I informed, which the Captain grabbed the phone and placed it on his ear.

"Representative Bush... Relay this code to President Carter."

The White house, Washington Capitol

Jimmy Carter was being his usual Jimmy Carter, settling disputes between Internal and external countries, dealing with taxes, and that one plan with industry while dealing with the usual slow bureaucracy that has to go through to pass this stuff. He was relaxing himself and drinking his morning joe when he noticed the sun hasn't even risen yet, not to mention that the usual grey smear that resembled Nightmare moon is gone from the moon..

"Meh, I guess Celestia is just having those technical difficulties, I'm sure there's no problem.."

Suddenly a door opened behind him with his advisor Bush, the deputy head of defense, General Reid, and the director of National advisory committee for Aeronautics (NACA)

"Mr. President, we have a situation sir," reported the general who just entered his room with other members of important departments.

"General Reid? What's the situation?" Carter asked.

"Sir, 3 hours ago, we have received unconfirmed reports that Celestia had been kidnapped by nightmare moon, or what others call the 'mare in the moon."

"What's that? You have to be joking, that must be the communist shits trying to fool us again.. Right?" Questioned Jimmy, while Bush walked infront of the general with the phone on his hand.

"Mr. President, phone call from Captain Douglas of the SFN-Statcom."

"The flagship?" Carter asked.

"Yes sir, want me to hand you the phone?" Bush asked.

"Yea, yea, hand it here," Carter requested, which Bush then handed the phone to President Jimmy Carter.

"This is President Carter, what's the situation Captain."

"Mr. President! It's now 9:00 am, and there is no sign of sunlight in sight! I believe we may be code Moon-322," the Captain reported, but the president was silent.

"That code is only used to deploy the Eclipse brigade?"

"To do what?" The Captain asked.

"I mean.. To rescue princess Luna, but only thing is... The thing I was reported on was it wasn't Luna, it was Nightmare moon, so to say," Carter revealed, when he gets another phone call.

"Sorry I'll need to hang up, I'll give you further orders until further notice," Carter said, as he hung the phone and stared at his top general who everyone in the room were a bit questioning.

"Set us for Defcon three, have our aircraft in the air, AND CAN SOMEONE PLEASE ANSWER THAT RANGING PHONE!" Carter yelled, as Bush picked up the phone..

"Sir, It's from Emperor Grover the 5th, he request to speak with you sir," Bush reported.

"Grover the 5th? Ugh... Gimme the phone," Jimmy ordered, in which Bush handed him the Griffonian-Federation private phone line.

"President Carter speaking, you got Jimmy," He phrased.

"President Carver! Do you realize what time it is!?" Grover yelled in aggravation.

"It's Carter.. And it's currently 9:10 Am here.. Why do you ask exactly?" Carter replied.

"Because... It's suppose to be A DAY TIME HOUR! AND NOT A NIGHT TIME HOUR!! SO WHY! IN BOREAS NAME IS THE SUN NOT RISING!" Grover shouted through the phone.

"Maybe... Because Celestia was kidnapped?" Carter replied.


"President Carter, we have another phone call, it's from paw wellington sir, from the Polar Communities," Bush said, as Carter grabbed the other phone.

"Mr. Wellington! I... Assume your wondering why the sun isn't out.." Carter assumed.

"Actually.. Yea,"

"Look we'll look into it as soon as pos-"

"Sir! Another phone call, from King Aldar II of Olenia!" Another Representative reported, as he handed the phone to Carter.

"Ugh shit..." Carter sighed, as about 45 more phones rings from across the world contacting the world superpower.

What the hell is going on with the sun and the moon..

Base: Quartz, Tex State, the 105th division

As the events unfold at the White Iron house, the same man who'd train me to fight in the ground warfare was Captain Alex, he was looking over reports when a soldier came in and saluted.

"Sir! I was here to inform you that our company is being shipped out to the eastern coast sir!"

The Captain looked at the soldier and nodded.

"Has the Major been informed?" He asked, lighting a cigarette with his lighter.

"Uhh.. Sir, your the Major," The Soldier informed, in which Alex's eyes widened at the sudden news and took the cigar out of his mouth.

"What..? What happened to Major Gordan?" The former Captain asked, puffing his cigarette intensely.

"He was reassigned to fight against the Z.I.T.S. In the Kirin region of Zebrica sir... You've been primarily assigned to deploy the 105th division," Reported the Soldier, as Alex sat down frustrated with the news taking the cigar out of his mouth again...

"But who's going to be Captain of the unit? It'll take two years to get a replacement considering we're using most of our manpower against the assholes in Zebrica!" Alex ranted, but the soldier shrugged as the smoke started to fill the air.

"That's up to General MacArthur sir, I was told to relay this message from him," The Soldier responded, while Alex looked up in disbelief and grab the cigarette out.

"Alright... Your dismissed," Alex ordered, as the Soldier ceremonially saluted and left the tent, leaving the worried new Major to think while aggravatedly extinguished his cigarette on his bed.


While that, lets talk about divisions, the 105th division is a unit of M1A2 Abrams and M109 Paladins, it's the only division with modern vehicles, as for the other armor companies and brigades serving the Federation, they continue to use the variant one models, and also M60 tanks, however, what makes the unit special other than it being known for it's modern technology, it's tactics of lightning war to take over a entire country in the matter of 10 to 14 days, and is also known to the world that they would destroy anything that comes near the division, whether if it's a bomb or a rifle, it would gun anyone down by a 1 km radius, or so would the Griffonian's would say considering they never fought such a thing before.

Zebrica on the other hand would plain out run away from the sight of Paladins and the M1A2s, which sometimes due to the slight similarity between the M1A2 and the M1A1 the locals would mistaken the M1A1 as a M1A2 and would go town to town falsely alarming that the 105th division had arrived, so M1A1 is always accompanied by a M60 to disperse the fears of the 105th arriving to Zebrica..

The last action that was made with the 105th division, was a operation in 999 ALB, when the American congress authorized to help, what was to be the Storm King, in a military intervention to unite the yeti's under one banner, the fear of Tartarus was placed in the people of the Storm Kingdom when the 105th division destroyed the entire opposing forces in a 10 day campaign, the end result was that the Storm King had gain power over the entire nation, and when the Federation realized his true intentions and the fact they've been used, the American Government contemplated a naval blockade before it was deduced by Uncle Sam, stating that it would make things worse.

The price of Uncle Sam's decision would later effect the Hyenian Kingdom the following year, as Storm King's armies crushes the desert dogs under the metal boot..

Back at the White house

"Sir! You have another- uhhhhh..."

Just as Bush came back with another phone call military staff, and civilian advisors looked at the amount of phone Jimmy was buried in from the other 45 phones from other nations wondering why the hell the sun wasn't back up finally when everyone at once on the phones yelled.


The president suspiciously Snaps...

"YOU GET A LIFE!" He hanged up 23 phones

"YOU GET A JOB!" Another 10 phones hanged up

"AND YOU DEAL WITH YOUR FRICKING SONS FOR GODS SAKES!" He shouted at the kings of Olenia, and Griffonia (who actually has sons)

As he hanged up the rest of the 12 phones, he turned towards Bush and said.

"Who's on that phone!?" Carter asked..

"Sir... It's Mr. Sam.. He wishes to speak with you," Bush replied, which made Carter gulp.

Meanwhile in Equestria


The Sun was finally rising back to it's original spot, which made my Captain sigh in relief. And so did the crew, after holding their breaths thinking for a answer, when I didn't mind it and asked.

"Do you want to proceed with recording sir?"

He nodded.

"Lieutenant, give the order to fire the Non-lethal rounds, order the frigate on the count of 3 to fire the prototype cruise missiles at designated target marked in green flare," He ordered, which the Lieutenant gave the order to crewmen on the guns and counted.





immediately loud shouts of noise ringed out as cruise missiles were fired from the missile frigates with the battleship firing light missiles and fired it's cannon towards the small marked island, the missiles and the shells landed and massivly exploded into a mushroom like cloud followed by a powerful delayed sounding of explosions combined together into a sound power that even Canterlot could hear.

After a whole exercise event spectated by local island ponies and V.I.P. civilians on board the Statcom the Captain looked towards me and asked.

"Did you get that Sergeant?"

"Yes sir, all on film," I replied.

"Good, Helmsman Higgins, make port to Debraville, get us out of here please," he ordered.

"Aye Aye Captain," acknowledged Higgins as he steers the ship to make a complete long U-turn back to the Federation coast when he got a message from all telecommunication lines.

"Sir, we have confirmed messages for all the divisions in the Federation directly straight from the minister of defense and possibly unto the entire world sir," The radioman reported.

"What is it?" The Captain asked.

"Sir, we have confirm reports that That Princess Luna of the Night, has returned.."

The captain took the news with surprise and immediately grabbed his pipe, shoved nicotine inside the hole, and lit a match in it and smoked it intensely before taking it out to say.

"Well if I be dammed.."

Abraham Monument Garden

After the phone call airforce 1, makes landing near the Abraham monument in George town, two states from Washington capitol, secret service agents, marines, and high classed Military Generals exited from the helicopter when the Sun suddenly started to rise up, lighting the skies which made everyone relieved, but Carter didn't see or cared about it as he entered the Abraham Monument.

Bush walked out and looked at Carter with slight suspicion.

"Somethings up here," Bush said out loud.

"I think so to, but that's probably because he probably didn't have his morning coffee," the general suggested.

"Probably.... But my gut says otherwise... And for now it's tell me to watch, and see," replied Bush.

As Carter entered a pin code on the lock, which granted access and opened the doors leading to a deep and dark hallway to a light.

Carter enters the passage way inside the chair of Abraham's seat.

As he walked by himself through the hallway, the light got brighter, and brighter until finally, he reached the room, the room is a garden with greenhouse particles, and has suitable plants and even crops that someone could eat.

He was instructed to sit down on one of the lawn chairs and wait.

After minutes of waiting, a person with the patriotic American hat stopped in front of him.

"Greetings President Carter, welcome to my Garden," Uncle Sam greeted, he seemed happy lately no one in congress never knew why, nor did the other president before Carter knew either other than they assume he was having a joy period.

"Uncle Sam, you've called me? Just by a year before the elections?" Carter wondered.

"Indeed! I like to tell you that Princess Luna had returned!" Uncle Sam informed.

"Wait... But that means we'll need to invoke Moon-322! I'll make sure to contact Eclipse brigade an-"

"NONESENSE!" Shouted Uncle Sam, which made Carter coward behind the lawn chair.

"That code was never used, and I intend to keep it that way, besides! Maybe it's time we become more open towards Equestria, rather then isolating it from foreign policies, after all, they were there first," Uncle Sam insisted.

"So... What year do you intend to do this.. Political conference?" Jimmy asked.

Uncle Sam started to think.. But suddenly, as he looked into a light bulb he gets a vision of what would be the future and to find... A tan stallion, something important with him intrigued Uncle Sam and another person of importance as well indicating the word... Luther...

Finally after coming out of a trance and freaking Jimmy Carter out, and answered.

"1003 we start negotiations on 1003 with Equestria."