• Published 5th Apr 2024
  • 253 Views, 13 Comments

My Little Pokemon Silver Spoon Version - Fashionably Late

Finding herself in a a forest with strange creatures and in an alien body, Silver Spoon must go on a pokemon journey in order to return home.

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Chapter 4: Clefairy and the Moon Stone

Author's Note:

Fashionably late here! I thought since another Elements of Justice is releasing tomorrow I might as well post this chapter now and enjoy the show tomorrow. I was actually going to start adding characters into the story, but having a pair of Trainers attempt steal the Clefairy's god thing they worship I figured that was a bit much. Besides we've already got a new character introduced in Viridian even though this was gonna be that episode. A happy little coincidence we'll call it. Enjoy the chapter.

We were coming up to the next big landmark on our journey. Mt. Moon. There wasn’t much information in my pokedex about it except that clefairy and clefable were sometimes found here. I had more than one daydream about catching one. They were so cute.

“Mt. Moon,” Misty sighed. “Doesn’t a name like that sound so romantic?”

“Really?” I had to ask. After finding out that Princess Celestia had a younger sister who had turned evil and was banished to the moon, the name didn’t sound so romantic. Different worlds, different stories I guessed

“They say a meteor landed there during prehistoric times.” Brock informed us.

“A meteor?” Ash perked up. “Is it really true?”

“The meteor is called the Moon Stone.”

“Ah. Now that's romantic!”

Before I could even ask, a scream broke out ahead of us.

“Look! Over there!” Ash jumped. A second later we were chasing after him, towards the source of the scream. As we got closer I could pick out the sounds of screeching. Bat-like pokemon were swarming in broad daylight, darting at a man huddled beneath them. “Ah. It's a bunch of Zubat!”

“They're attacking that guy!”

“Dexter, analyze!” Ash pulled out his pokedex.

“Zubat. Flying Pokémon with supersonic powers, Zubat live in caves and hate to fly outside in daylight.”

“Not these Zubat.” Ash muttered.

“This isn’t any time for joking, Ash!” Misty scolded him. “That guy needs our help!”

“You're right. I'm sorry. Pikachu! Thundershock!”

I flinched against the bright light. Most of the Zubat got away unhurt, flying back to their cave. I noticed Brock throwing a pokeball at a particularly unlucky Zubat that had gotten stunned. He looked pretty pleased when the pokeball set properly.

“Wow! You guys are the greatest!” The man Ash saved whirled on him, grabbing Ash in a tight squeeze. “I'm talking superfantabulastic! I mean, two thumbs up! Way up! The best rescue I've ever had!”

Pikachu was looking a little squished. I took two big steps back just before the flash.

“They say a man’s best friend is pokemon, and seeing you two I believe it!” He recovered quickly, wiping off his glasses with a grin. “Oh, a bond of friendship I never thought I’d see, when the Zubat began attacking me! And then two heroes did arrive, thanks to whom I am alive!”

Is he…rhyming?

“He certainly doesn't look like the poetic type.” Misty whispered.

“Did I mention how grateful I am?”

“Yeah. Um, anyway, why were the Zubat attacking you, mister?” Ash asked once it seemed the stranger’s bout of poetic gratitude had ended.

“Ah. Never call me mister!” He turned on us with a glare. “My name's Seymour! Seymour, the scientist. Knowledge! Research! I'm Seymour, the scientist!”

“See? The cave is all lit up inside.”

Seymour had turned on his heel and led us into the cave the Zubat flew into. The first few meters were dark and cool, as expected of a cave. Beyond that though there were lights strung up on both sides, eye watering in their intensity. The kind of lights you’d expect to see in construction zones.

“Somebody has strung these lights through the whole cave. But the Pokémon in this cave need the dark. These lights are upsetting them and making them confused.”

“Which is probably why the Zubat left the cave and attacked you.” Brock realized.

“Look here. These Paras are planting their mushrooms everywhere, and the hot lights are drying up these Sandshrew.” Seymour pointed out the knee tall orange insects with mushrooms on its back and an even larger yellow mouse sprawled out uncomfortably on the ground. “That's why I'm here. On patrol to protect the mountain from the troublemakers' attack against these caves.”

“Troublemakers? Why attack a cave?” Asked Misty.

“I'm afraid it's because of the Moon Stone.” Seymour turned to look at us.

“The Moon Stone?”

“Exactly.” Seymour nodded before going off on another tirade. “The Moon Stone is an awesome boulder a million years old or even older! Deep in these caves, the meteor hides, though no explorer has found the place of the legendary rock from space! We've studied its fragments for many an hour and discovered it increases a pokemon's power! And that is why the attackers are here! They've come to take the Moon Stone or so I fear!”

“The Moon Stone?”

I…increase a pokemon’s power? The Moon Stone could do that?

“Ever since I was a little boy, I've believed the pokemon came to earth from outer space.”

“From outer space?” We all questioned.

“Yes.” Another nod. “And where, you ask, is the spacecraft that brought them to earth? In this cave! It's the Moon Stone!”

Ok, I may be a talking pony from another world, but even I find that ridiculous.

“It sure is an original theory.” Misty commented.

“But, don't you see? It means the Moon Stone belongs to the Pokémon! We humans must not take it from them!” Seymour turned to look at Ash. “You agree with me, don't you?” Seymour took Ash’s hands into his own.

“Uh-huh. Uh-huh.”

“Clefairy. Clefairy.”

“Huh?” We all looked up to see a pink pokemon happily skipping through the cave, holding a glittering stone in hand. It pranced by us, still happily singing to itself.

“That looks like a Clefairy.” Brock stated.

“Ah. It’s so cute.” I and Misty said at the same time.

“Clefairy. This impish Pokémon is friendly and peaceful. It is believed to live inside Mt. Moon, although very few have ever been seen by humans.” Dexter reported.

“Oh, I got to catch it.” Ash declared, already pulling a pokeball from his belt.

But…I wanted to catch one.

“You can't!” Seymour grabbed Ash’s hand.

Oh thank Celestia.

“Sorry, but it's best if you just let it stay here. I hope you understand.”

“Hmm. Sure, Seymour. I understand.”

“Clefairy!” We all jumped before running in the direction Clefairy had gone. It hadn’t gotten very far. A few feet around the bend the Clefairy was huddled up against the cave wall. Overhead loomed the Team Rocket Meowth.

“What are you twerps doing here?” The Meowth gaped at us.

“Looking for troublemakers like you!” Ash growled. “So Team Rocket is causing all the trouble around here. What a surprise.”

“We've got to stop them before they start any more trouble.” Brock stated.

“Trouble?” A feminine voice purred.

“Make that double.” A pair of figures walked into sight carrying a shovel and a pickaxe.

“To protect the world from devastation.”

“To unite all peoples within our nation.”

“To denounce the evils of truth and love.”

“To extend our reach to the stars above.”



“Team Rocket!”

“Blast off at the speed of light!”

“Surrender now or prepare to fight!”

“Meowth! That's right!”

Are they gonna do that every time we run into them?

“They sure are show-offs!” Seymour muttered.

“Don't you guys ever get tired of saying the same old thing over and over?” Ash asked.

“You're just jealous, boy.” Jessie started

“Because we won't let you join us.” Finished James.

“I'd never join up with you!” Ash scoffed.

“You put the lights in this cave. It's your fault the Pokémon who live here are so confused!” Brock shot off.

“What a shame!”

“How will we ever forgive ourselves?”

“We want to get our hands on the Moon Stone so we can power up our Pokémon with it!” Meowth explained.

“With the Moon Stone in our hands, nothing will stop us!” Jessie added on to Meowth’s explanation.

“We won't let you get away with it.” Ash shot at them.

“You want a rock?” Brock threw out his hand. “Take one of these. Then get lost!”

“Get lost? How rude!”

“Let's teach him manners.” Team Rocket tossed away their tools.

“Misty, keep an eye on Seymour and Clefairy. Run when you get the chance.” Ash whispered too low for Team Rocket to hear.

I decided to grab Spearow’s pokeball.

Jessie and James leapt off the boulder they were standing on.

“Ready or not!” The two shouted together.



“Butterfree! I choose you!”

“Here we go!”

Everyone’s pokemon were released at about the same time. Jessie and James’ Ekans and Koffing, Ash’s Butterfree, my Spearow and Brock’s new Zubat.

“Oh yeah, congrats on the capture earlier, Brock.” I blinked. I’d actually forgotten about that.

“Aw, I should have caught one.” Ash slumped.

“Koffing, Smog attack!” James’ Koffing launched into action.

“Butterfree/Zubat, Whirlwind now!” Both pokemon began beating their wings, sending the smoke back to Team Rocket.

“Spearow, use Peck on Ekans!” I didn’t want to forget the snake. Spearow didn’t waste any time, launching at Ekans before the snake pokemon could attack Butterfree. Unfortunately, Koffing made it through to attack Zubat.

“Don’t let up!” Ash growled, twisting his hat backwards. “Butterfree, use Whirlwind and give it all you got! Blow them straight out of the cave!”

“Free!” I watched as Team Rocket, pokemon and all, were blown back until they were out of sight. I don’t know if they made it all the way out of the cave, but they were definitely out of the fight.

“Good job, Spearow.” I offered my hand as a perch. His talons scratched me a little, but it didn’t feel like he was doing it on purpose. I should probably invest in some good gloves or gauntlets.

“Hey, wait a second. Aren't we forgetting something?” Ash frowned.

“Yeah, something's missing.” Brock agreed.

“Missing?” I cocked a brow at them.

They took a moment to think about it.

“Ah. Where's Meowth?”

We emerged through a different entrance. A stream was flowing nearby and there was a natural land bridge over it. Given Misty’s a water pokemon trainer, we decided to head in that direction first.

“Hey! Is everybody alright?” Ash called as we came into view. Everyone looked okay. Wet, but fine.

“We won't be bothered by Meowth anymore, thanks to Misty the mighty!!” Misty sniffed, sticking her chest out.

You know, it occurred to me that I’ve yet to see any of Misty’s pokemon.

“Man, what a wild ride.” Brock chuckled. “I don’t know about you guys, but I could sure use a break. How about we stop and eat for a bit?”

“Sure, I could eat!” Ash grinned from ear to ear.

Oh yeah, he could eat. And eat. And eat.

The lunch was thankfully peaceful. Brock unveiled his own brand of pokefood, which he’d been developing for years. He’d even offered to make a batch for all of our pokemon. Seymour and Ash even decided to both give pokefood a try. Seymour seemed to like it, and it turned out there was something Ash wouldn’t eat after all.

“Well, you might not like it, but the Pokémon sure do.” Brock commented as Butterfree and Zubat kept eating.

We all paused for a moment to stare at Pikachu and Clefairy perched on a boulder behind us, chattering happily away.

“Pikachu makes friends so easily. I wonder what they're talking about?”

Times like this I wish I could talk to animals like Fluttershy.

The clefairy stood and began climbing the mountain again with Pikachu following in pursuit.

It was dark by the time Clefairy led us to another cave and inside that cave?

It was a wondrous sight.

“It's the core of the Moon Stone!” Seymour exclaimed.

“This feels like a dream!” Misty sighed.

“So the Moon Stone legend is true.” Brock claimed.

“Look, Clefairy's doing something!” Ash pointed out.

Clefairy skipped up to the base of the Moonstone and gently laid its stone against the base, where it and all the others began to shine around it.

From every nook and cranny in the cave poured in more Clefairy.

“There are so many of them!” Misty exclaimed.

The Clefairy that brought us here turned to bow at us.

“Heh, I think it's saying hello.” Interpreted Ash.

“Yeah.” Brock agreed.

“Look at them!” Misty exclaimed.

We watched as the Clefairy formed a ring around the Moon Stone and began leaping around it singing.

“Amazing. These Clefairy formed their own society. This is an incredible sight!” Seymour concluded.

“Hey, Pikachu! What's Clefairy been telling you, anyway, huh?” Ash walked towards Pikachu and the Clefairy that led us to this wonderful sight.

Pikachu chatted happily, waving his arms.

“You understand that?” Seymour asked Ash.

“Of course I do. It's my Pokémon!” Replied Ash. “The Clefairy collect all of these rocks and...do the Macarena.”

What’s the macarena? And considering Pikachu’s faceplant, I doubt it was that.

Pikachu got up and dragged Clefairy towards us by the paw.

“The Clefairy…” Ash trailed off as Pikachu picked up Clefairy. “Pick up?”

“A pick-up truck?” Brock guessed.

What’s a pick-up truck?

“Raising.” Misty guessed while raising an arm.

Pikachu pointed at Misty happily.

“I got it!”
“Pika. Pika.” Pikachu held his paws out.

“Sounds like raising?” Misty asked.

“The Clefairy like raisins?”

…Ash is terrible at charades…

Pikachu jumped up and snagged a hair from Ash, waving it in front of us.

“What rhymes with hair?” Misty wondered.

“With hair?” Brock repeated. “Hey, how about prayer?”

Pikachu held up a sign…where did he get a sign?

“The Clefairy pray to the Moon Stone!” Ash exclaimed.

Pikachu held up two signs.

“Is it because the Moon Stone fell from the heavens?” Seymour wondered looking up at the Moon Stone.

“Then maybe the legends are true. Maybe the Moon Stone really did come from space.”

“Yeah.” Ash nodded towards Misty.

“Of course! It all makes sense now!” Seymour twirled around and threw out his hands.

“What does?” Ash asked.

“Outer space!” Seymour pointed up at the sky and towards the moon stone. “Pokémon and the human race will ride the Moon Stone into space! First to the moon! Then to Mars! Then together to the stars!”

…is…is he serious?

“Stars?” We all turned to look at the entrance. “That's our cue!” Cried Meowth.

“Ekans! Koffing!” We tensed, prepared for another battle.

“Eevee!” “Pikachu!” “Onix!”

Pikachu and Onyx were ready for battle. I sucked in a breath to order Eevee to battle, but…

The Clefairy were behind me. They were scared and nervous.Protecting them was more important than fighting Team Rocket. I’d only step in if it looked like the boys were having trouble.

“Eevee, we’ve got to protect the clefairy and the Moonstone.” I told my pokemon.

“Vee!” He nodded seriously.

“Don’t worry,” I smiled down at the pokemon around me. “We’re not gonna let Team Rocket steal the Moonstone. Everything’s going to be okay.” A Clefairy started to wipe away tears as I reassured them.

“Let's show them that size doesn't matter! Ekans, underground.”

“Koffing, Smokescreen!”

“Smoke won't stop us! Pidgeotto, I choose you!” Ash released Pidgeotto high into the air. “Pidgeotto, whirlwind the smoke!”

I didn’t let myself be distracted. I held my breath and held Eevee close to my chest, leading us backwards until we had our backs to the Moonstone while we waited for Pidgeotto to clear the air.

The ground beneath us gave way.

“AAAAAHHH!” I screamed. I barely managed to keep hold of Eevee and his pokeball. I hugged him against my body as we fell down.

We were lucky not to be hurt. It would’ve been so easy to be crushed by the Moonstone when we landed. As it was, the landing was in no way soft. Before I could get my bearings the ground lurched again, forward this time, and we began sliding.

Someone had set up a sled beneath the Moonstone and carved a new tunnel out of the mountain. This one had a downward slope.

I shakily climbed to my feet.

“Eevee, return!”

He wasn’t much use in stopping this thing and if he fell off there was a good chance I’d lose track of him. That just sounded like a bad idea all around with Pokemon Thieves on the loose.

“Hey, we picked up a passenger!” Meowth’s shocked voice came from above. Team Rocket landed on top of the Moonstone and all around me.

“No stowaways!” James landed on my side. He pulled back a leg to kick me off.

“Not happening!” I launched myself at him first. He clearly wasn’t expecting that. He flinched away from my hands, reaching for his face. We wrestled on that moving platform, even as we left the cave. Jessie was on the wrong side to help her partner and the pokemon would fall off if they tried to help.

I didn’t have a plan beyond keeping him from pushing me off. Actually, that probably was the sum total of my plan. Who knows what I would’ve done if Onyx hadn’t tunneled out of the ground ahead of us.

I was knocked free of James.

“Spearow, I choose you!”

We’d stopped, so now it was time to battle. With Onyx as back up I was feeling pretty confident too. And I knew the others had to be coming up behind us.

“Use Quick Attack on Ekans!” I knew the snake was quick to burrow underground for sneak attacks.

“Sarah! Are you okay?” I heard Ash yelling. Back up the mountain I saw the others running towards us at full speed. Seymour and the Clefairy weren’t with them. Were the Clefairy okay? Had some of them fallen with me?

“Spearow!” Spearow roared, striking Ekans head on.

“Good going, get ready for Peck!” I encouraged him.

“Onyx, take them out!” Brock was panting as he reached us.

“Koffing, Counter!” James screeched, sounding a little panicked.

Koffing had a more powerful Counter than I would’ve expected. It actually threw Onyx for a loop and stunned him. It was a pyrrhic victory though, and Ash and I were more than willing to pick up the slack.

“Cle-faaaiirryyy!” The battle paused. Behind me, from the tunnel Onyx had dug, poured all the Clefairy from the cave. Each of them took up positions, almost a grid pattern as they stared down Team Rocket.

They lifted their hands and began to sway.

Back and forth. Back and forth. I couldn’t look away. Back and forth.

“This is the Metronome attack,” Seymour popped his head up from the hole, also swaying side to side in time with the Clefairy’s hands. “I didn’t know they could use Metronome.”

There was a tension in the air, like just before a storm. It was building and building and we were swaying and swaying.

And then…explosion.

I could focus again. And the first thing I did was check on Team Rocket. They’d been sent blasting off. There was a crater where they, and the Moonstone had been.

“It shattered!” I gasped, stricken. Sparkling pieces were still raining from the sky.

The Clefairy didn’t seem too worried though. In fact they sounded…happy? They began running under the falling shards. Wherever a shard touched them, they evolved. Clefairy into Clefable.

“Amazing.” Seymour pulled himself free. “What an astounding sight!”

“Yeah,” My eyes were a little watery. My heart rate had slowed down during the Metronome attack. I didn’t even feel the adrenaline crash I expected. We all just stood and watched the Clefairy dance under the moonlight until all the Moonstones had fallen.

One fell near my feet. I knelt down and tenderly picked up the shard. The sides were a little sharp and it glowed under the moonlight. Glowed and sparkled like the night sky. A little Clefairy waddled over as I continued to stare at it.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Did you want this?” I held it out to it, thinking the little Clefairy wanted to evolve too. It smiled and shook its head, gently reaching out and closing my hand around the shard.

“Oh?” I cocked my head curiously. “Is it okay for me to keep it?” It nodded.

That could be useful. I thanked the Clefairy politely and tucked the shard safely into my pocket.

“I’m glad things turned out okay,” Brock folded his arms.

“Yeah, me too.” Ash laughed, letting Pikachu climb onto his shoulders. The Clefairy all began picking up shards and carrying them back up to the cave, so we stooped down to help.

“I’ve made a decision!” Seymour announced once all the shards had been piled up. “I’m going to stay here and live with the Clefairy!”

“Huh?” We all blinked at him.

“Someday, I just know, the Clefairy will return to the stars! And I intend to be with them when they do! First to the moon, then mars, then off to see the distant stars!” He declared.

“Heh, be sure to send us a postcard when you get there.” Brock scratched his head.

I didn’t get it but if that was what Seymour wanted to do with his life who was I to stop him?

“Clefairy, Clef!” The same Clefairy from before tugged on my skirt.

“Yeah?” I knelt down, smiling gently. Maybe they wanted the Moon Stone shard back now?

The Clefairy jumped up into my arms and made itself comfortable there. Bemused, I stood back up.

“Looks like you made a friend, Sarah!” Misty smirked at me.

“Uh, you think?” I felt myself blushing. I looked down at the Clefairy curled up in my hands. “What do you say, Clefairy? Want to come with me?”

“Clefairy!” She smiled happily.

She went into the pokeball easily. And just like that, I’d made another friend.