Element of Balance

by SamSwordsman123

First published

What if Celestia had a son in Friendship is Magic? How would he fit into the story? Find out as he joins Twilight Sparkle and her friends on their journey.

Used to be called Element of Strength.

This fanfic was inspired by A New Hero

As the time for Nightmare Moon to return draws closer, Celestia gives birth to a son she names Fire Sword. To her surprise he ends up being an alicorn. Knowing he will have a role to play when her sister returns. When his mother disappears, Fire Sword joins Twilight Sparkle on her quest to defeat Nightmare Moon and bring Celestia back as they make new friends, as well as keep old ones from Canterlot and undergo the journey of a lifetime to study the magic of friendship.

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Chapter 1: Friendship is Magic Part 1

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Princess Celestia grunted as she lay in the infirmary of her castle. Finally, the pain passed. A cry filled the room and the castle nurse wrapped a blanket around the newborn foal.

“Congratulations Princess!” the nurse said. “You have a son!”

Celestia managed a weak smile as she looked down at her foal. He had the same white coat as her, but his mane was a brilliant mixture of orange and yellow like fire. To her utter surprise though, she saw he was not a unicorn, Pegasus, or Earth Pony. He was a mixture of all three, an alicorn… just like herself.

Her mouth fell open. “He’s an alicorn like me!”

That had not ever happened in Equestria. But she smiled though as the shock soon wore off. She had a son, and he would have a destiny to fulfill.

“Welcome, Fire Sword,” she said as she touched snouts with her son.

She’d spent a good deal of time thinking of possible names ever since she’d learned she was pregnant after that night with a certain stallion. Celestia smiled down at her son. He would become a strong pony, she was sure of it.

Years passed and a certain lavender unicorn sat beneath a tree reading a book.

“Once upon a time in the magical land of Equestria, there were two regal sisters. The eldest used her unicorn powers to raise the sun while the youngest raised the moon. Together they maintained the balance in Equestria. But over time, the younger sister grew resentful. The ponies played and frolicked in the day her elder sister brought, while shunning and sleeping through her beautiful night. Eventually the resentment turned her into a fierce pony of darkness, Nightmare Moon. She declared that she would not lower moon to make way for the sun. Forced to take action, the elder sister had to fight her beloved younger sibling. Only by using the Elements of Harmony was she able to defeat her, and banish her to the moon where she became known as the Mare in the Moon.”

Twilight Sparkle looked at the book showing the pictures of the mare in the moon.

“Hmm. Elements of Harmony, I’m sure I’ve read about those before. But where?”

She began running off but soon ran into some unicorns she knew.

“There you are, Twilight!” one of them, an ivory unicorn with a pink mane said. “Moondancer is having a little get together in the courtyard later! We’re all invited!”

“Oh sorry, girls,” Twilight politely declined. “I’ve got a lot of studying to do.”

She ran off to do her much-needed research.

“Does that pony do anything besides study?” the unicorn who’d spoken before, Twinkleshine said.

“I think she’s more interested in books then friends,” another unicorn, who had a yellow coat with a blue mane, Lemon Hearts, said.

“Well, we haven’t asked Fire Sword to come yet!” the last unicorn, a blue one said.

“You sure Moondancer won’t mind having a stallion come to her party?” Lemon Hearts asked.

“She didn’t say anything about it being for mares only,” Twinkleshine said. “Besides, she and Fire are pretty close friends. I’m sure he’d be welcome.”

They headed up to the palace.

Prince Fire Sword sat on his throne next to his mother’s. She was the pony who raised the sun, therefore her throne was sun themed. His was likewise fire themed. He had grown into a pony of above average height for his age. He now had a cutie mark of a flaming sword on his flank, and a gold crown lined with rubies on his head. Matching armor and shoes covered his chest and hooves. But on his mouth, he wore a worried expression.

“You sure everything is alright, Mother?” he asked.

“Everything’s fine,” Celestia said.

“But that scroll we just got from Twilight said that Nightmare Moon will return,” he said. “You told me that it would happen last year and that we had to be ready!”

“And we will be!” Celestia said as she began writing her reply quickly to her greatest student. “What we need is for Twilight to stop spending so much time reading those dusty old books and start making friends.”

Fire Sword frowned. “Uh, in case you haven’t noticed she isn’t exactly interested in that. I’ve watched her when I’ve been at the school of magic.”

Though he was a prince he did need to be educated. He’d attended his mother’s School for Gifted Unicorns and knew Twilight Sparkle as well as a number of other ponies. Most of which were girls. Of course, Fire Sword preferred the company of girls anyway. They were pretty and gentle.

“I know,” Celestia said. “But I have a plan to deal with that. I’m going to send her to ponyville and have her supervise the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration. She’ll meet a particularly special group of ponies there.”

“But how is that going to help us against Nightmare Moon? Can’t you just defeat her like last time, even without the… Elements?” Fire Sword asked.

“I could, but I don’t want to repeat history,” Celestia said.

The way Fire saw it, it seemed history would repeat itself regardless. But before he could question his mother further the door to the throne room opened.

“Your highness!” a guard said.

“Yes?” Celestia asked.

“Oh, um I meant Prince Fire Sword!” the guard said. “There are some mares from the School of Magic here to see you.”

“Send them in,” the prince said.

The guard opened the door further and three mares entered. Twinkleshine, Minuette, and Lemon Hearts. They bowed as they approached the thrones.

“Princess Celestia,” they greeted the head monarch first before turning their attention to the younger pony beside her. “Prince Fire Sword.”

“Girls, you don’t have to be formal with me, we are classmates after all. We don’t need the titles,” Fire Sword said warmly. “Just Fire will do.”

“We were wondering if you would be willing to attend a party that Moondancer is throwing tonight?” Lemon Hearts said.

“Umm…” Fire Sword hesitated.

He tended to spend most of his time alone practicing magic, similar to Twilight Sparkle from what he’d seen and heard. But at least he did occasionally spend time with his classmates and friends and family. But the circumstances for today might require special attention.

“I don’t know if I can…”

“You should go, I have everything under control, my son!” Celestia said.

Fire Sword looked at his mother with uncertainty. But he soon decided to follow her orders like the good son he tried to be. Of course that was more of a suggestion then an order.

“If you say so, Mom,” He said before turning to his friends. “I’ll see you all there.”

They grinned and bowed their heads before leaving.

“You should bring something from the royal chefs when you go,” Celestia told her son.

They waited until their time on the throne was over. Then it would usually be dinner time at around sunset. But since there was the party, Fire would go there instead. Though he did pay a visit to the royal kitchen where the chefs made him a large batch of celery and peanut butter to bring to the party. Those were his favorite vegetable snacks.

“Later Mom,” he said as he levitated the plate holding his contribution to the party with his red magic.

She nodded with a soft smile. “I will see you on the top floor of the Town Hall in Ponyville tomorrow morning for the Summer Sun Celebration.”

“Right Mom!” Fire Sword said.

They nuzzled then he headed down to the courtyard where Moondancer, a yellow unicorn with a red and purple mane and glasses over her eyes, was holding the party. She stood at a table filled with apples, pies, cakes and other sweets. Night had already fallen on Canterlot as Celestia set the sun, tomorrow would be another day. Fire just hoped his mother was right and that everything was under control. He got there just in time as the other three arrived carrying presents on their backs. It wasn’t really a birthday party but they had wanted to do something nice for their friend.

“Hey Moondancer!” Minuette said before looking at the table. “Look at this spread huh?”

“Thank you so much for coming!” Moondancer said.

“Of course," Twinkleshine said. “We wouldn’t miss one of our best friend's parties.”

“Thanks, and I’m glad you could make it as well, Fire Sword,” Moondancer said looking at the only male at her party. “I’m honored to have royalty here. I’m sure this probably won’t be like any fancy party you have with the nobility though.”

“Oh, that’s okay,” Fire Sword said. “I prefer the company of you girls anyday.”

“Ah, you’re so sweet!” Twinkleshine said.

“Is Twilight coming?” Moondancer asked eagerly.

There was silence as the other girls looked away, Minuette rubbed her head nervously.

Moondancer soon figured it out and looked down. “Oh. Okay.”

“Hey, we’ll still have fun, right?” Minuette tried to put on an air of positivity and laughing while still obviously nervous.

“Sure,” Moondancer said.

Fire Sword and the others watched in dismay as she began to walk away. She had been close to Twilight, at least from her perspective. She’d told Fire Sword that working with Twilight had caused her to come out of her shell and start interacting with him and the other ponies in the class. This whole party had been for Twilight.

“Moondancer, wait!” Fire Sword said as he blocked her path and put a hoof on her shoulder. “I know you really wanted Twilight to come since she was the pony that caused you to open up and not be so shy. She's just never understood how important friendship is. But my mom has a plan to get her to see it for what it is worth it! Don’t give up! She may not come to this party, but if everything goes as planned, she WILL come to the next one.”

The prince’s words caused the unicorn to smile faintly after a moment, a glimmer of hope relighting. “Thanks, Fire Sword,” she said.

“Of course, anything for a friend,” he said before hugging her.

She blushed but slowly hugged him back. When he released her, she smiled at him.

“Thanks Fire Sword, I needed that,” she said. “I was just thinking that maybe friendship is only gonna cause me heartache and not solve anything. But that felt good. You’re… warm.”

He smiled at her as the mares smiled and giggled around them lowly. Then it was time to get the party in full swing! The five friends danced, ate cakes and hit the piñata one of them had brought. It was fun, but after a long time the party ended.

“That was fun!” Fire Sword said. “But I should probably be getting to bed. I’m heading to Ponyville tomorrow for the Summer Sun Celebration. My mom is supposed to be there this year.”

“Well, good luck,” Twinkleshine said. “Hope to see you again soon. We were actually planning to go there ourselves after this. Lyra’s there already since she went to visit a pal she has there. She’s actually planning to move to Ponyville, I heard.”

“Oh, why don’t you all come with me then? When was the last time you saw my mother performing the Summer Sun Celebration?” Fire Sword asked.

“Hmm, I think it’s been a couple years actually,” Twinkleshine said. “And I’ve never been to Ponyville before.”

“It could be a fun trip!” Minuette said. “Why don’t we all go?”

“Alright,” Moondancer said. “But… I’m not sure about going to a place I’ve never been before.”

“There’s nothing to be afraid of, Moondancer,” Fire Sword said as he flew over to her. “Haven’t you ever been outside Canterlot before?”

“No,” she admitted.

“It will be fine,” Twinkleshine said. “We can catch the train and head off in… wait! Look at the time!”

They looked and saw it was already way past midnight!

“We must have partied harder than we thought!” Minuette exclaimed.

“The Summer Sun celebration is only a few hours away! We need to get on the train as soon as possible!” Twinkleshine said.

“But the trains don’t operate at this time of night!” Lemon Hearts said.

“The royal chariots do though!” Fire said.

“But only royals and those that are hoof picked by them to be- oh!” Minuette realized.

“Come on!” Fire said.

He led the four of them to the barracks around Canterlot Castle. As he approached, he saw he saw several guards still manning the area where the chariots were kept.

“Prince Fire Sword!” one of them said as he saw the son of Celestia approaching. “We’ve been waiting for you.”

“And for several hours, I see,” Fire-Sword said. “I’m going to need a large carriage for my friends as well.”

He gestured to the four mares accompanying him. The guards saluted him and without question got another two pairs of their fellows then procured a large guest carriage. Moondancer, Twinkleshine, Minuette and Lemon Hearts all climbed in.

“Has my mother left yet?” Fire Sword asked as he climbed into his personal carriage that was adorned with his cutie mark.

“We haven’t seen her, but I presume so,” the main guard said.

“Good,” Fire Sword said before looking up at the castle. “I presume Princess Cadance will be in charge here for the time being?”

“Yes, she and the rest of your cousins are here.”

Fire Sword frowned as he thought of one cousin, Prince Blueblood was deemed an eligible bachelor but he was vain and snobbish. At least Cadance was kind and cared about others. Ah well, Fire was sure she and her special somepony in the royal guard would be able to handle anything that came up. Well, maybe petty crime at least.

“Well, fly on!” Fire commanded.

The group of guards pulling both carriages with Fire Sword and his classmates were off. They flew through the air toward Ponyville and arrived just in time. It was a small town but nice looking. They arrived in the town square just in time.

Fire Sword climbed out of the carriage and looked back at his friends. “I’ll see you girls in there. My mother is expecting me by her side.”

“Bye Fire!” Moondancer said. “And… thanks for cheering me up when I was ready to call it quits!”

“No problem,” Fire Sword said. “I maybe a bit of a loner, but I know what friends are for.”

They smiled at him, with Moondancer blushing slightly. Then they headed inside. Fire then flew up to the top floor of the town hall where his mother had told him to go. But stepping inside he saw a curtain blocking view of the other side but Celestia was not there. He did however hear a voice beyond the curtains.

"Fillies and gentlecolts, as Mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!" The Mayor announced.

Everypony cheered at this.

"In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise and celebrate this, the longest day of the year, and now… it is my great pleasure to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the very pony that gives us the sun and the moon, each and every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria, Princess Celestia! And her warm-hearted and strong son, Prince Fire Sword!"

The curtains opened and Fire saw many ponies looking up at him. He saw Twilight Sparkle in the crowd below. Also there on the balcony overlooking the hall was the pony who had opened the curtains. Fire's mouth fell open as he saw her. She was a particularly beautiful white unicorn with an elegantly styled purple mane. He looked into her blue eyes that were just as beautiful as the rest of her. Those eyes seemed to light up with stars as she saw him. He felt his cheeks light up as he looked back.

“Prince Fire Sword!” she exclaimed before bowing. Looking next to him, however, she saw he was alone. “Huh?”

Fire Sword shook to snap himself out of his distraction. He looked around thoroughly, but no sign of her.

“Where is my mother!?” he asked looking down at the ponies, his warm heart lighting up with a spark of anger. “Where is Princess Celestia?”

“Oh, I’m terribly sorry, your highness!” said a light brown pony with a gray mane whose voice matched the mayor who had been speaking earlier. “We were expecting your mother the princess to be here with you!”

She then turned to her citizens. “No pony panic! I’m sure there is a reasonable explanation for all this!”

Fire Sword frowned, anger beginning to fester within him as his feelings told him something was wrong. He began flapping his wings and looked down below.

“Guards!” he called as he hovered over the crowd.

The royal guards in the Town Hall came forward.

“Was my mother with any of you?” he asked.

“No, Prince Fire Sword,” one of them said as the rest shook their heads.

Fire Sword growled. His mane began to flicker with flames slightly. While he tried to act warm and welcoming, as well as provide ponies with new hope when it was about to die, something like this could cause him to get all fired up. Several ponies backed up at the sight.

“Find her!” he ordered under his breath.

There was suddenly a gasp from the crowd and the air seemed to grow colder.

Blue smoke suddenly materialized on the balcony that he had been standing on earlier. Seeing the white unicorn was still there and the smoke approaching her, Fire flew at her and seized her in his hooves.

“Oh!” she exclaimed as he carried her safely to the floor below.

He then looked up to face the smoke which took on the form of a large dark pony wearing armor and moving and sparkling blue mane similar to Celestia's.

"Oh. My beloved subjects, it's been so long since I've seen your oh so precious sun loving faces…" the pony said.

"What did you do with our princess?" A pony with a rainbow mane asked angrily.

She made to charge in but was restrained by an orange Earth Pony who bit her tail.

The black pony laughed and said, "Why? Am I not royal enough for you?" Her tone immediately shifted. "Don't you know who I am?"

A loud talkative pink pony spoke now, "Ooh. Ooh! A guessing game! Ummmm… HOKEY SMOKES! How bout QUEEN MEANNIE? No. BLACK SNOOTY!"

“I know who you are!” Fire Sword said pointing his hoof. “You’re my mother’s sister that she banished to the moon! Aunt Luna!”

Many ponies gasped.

She looked at him with narrowed eyes. “Well well, I didn’t expect this! My sister actually had a foal? Hmm, I’m afraid you’re only half right! I was once your dear Aunt Luna, but she is gone now! Surely the legacy of who I am now remains? Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?”

"I did!” Twilight Sparkle said. “And I know who you are now! You're the mare of the moon! Nightmare Moon!"

Every pony gasped again.

"Well well well!" Nightmare Moon said. "Some pony who remembers me! Then you also know why I am here!"

Twilight shivered as she spoke, "You're here to…" She hesitated. "to…" She gulped.

Nightmare Moon laughed once again and announced, "Remember this day little ponies, for it is your last… from this moment forth… the night will last FOREVER!" She laughed evilly as thunder sounded and lightning flashed above her.

Chapter 2: Friendship is Magic Part 2

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Nightmare Moon continued cackling as thunder and lightning sounded. The Mayor pointed at her.

“Seize her, only she knows where the princess is!”

The Pegasus Royal Guards flapped their wings and flew at the dark alicorn. She glared at them with glowing eyes. “Stand back, you foals!”

They stopped at the sight and were soon zapped by lightning. She cackled and turned back into the blue mist. She moved incredibly fast, the ponies screamed as she did so but instead of harming any of them, she simply opened the front doors and flew out. Fire Sword flapped his own wings and took off after her. At the same time the light blue pony with the rainbow mane followed, pulling her tail free of the restraining mouth of the orange pony with a hat.

Fire Sword was fast, but Nightmare Moon was even faster. She got away before he could catch up, and soon he was bumped into from behind by the pony with the rainbow mane.

“Sorry!” she said before looking around. “Night time? Forever?”

Fire Sword looked down. This was not how he thought things were gonna turn out! Now his mother was where only she and Nightmare Moon knew.

“Mom,” he muttered worriedly.

Then the sound of hooves galloping filled his ears. He looked and saw Twilight Sparkle running out of the town hall.

“Where’s she going?” the rainbow maned mare asked.

“Who are you?” Fire Sword asked.

“Oh, uh… I’m Rainbow Dash,” the Pegasus said. “Sorry about your mom. If only I hadn’t been held back, I might have been able to catch that smoke pony! But there’s something strange about that other pony!”

She pointed to Twilight who continued running away. “I’m gonna get my friends and follow her! If she’s involved in this, she’s gonna regret it!”

Twilight Sparkle, involved with the princess’s disappearance? That was ridiculous! But Fire had no chance to tell that to Rainbow Dash before she took off.

“Hey, wait up!” he called.

She was fast, quite a bit faster than him. He had mainly focused on magic, but he was still as fast as most of the Pegasus royal guards in flight, though his stamina was another matter. He couldn’t fly full speed over long distances. He followed Rainbow Dash back into the Town Hall.

“Follow me,” the Pegasus said to a group of four other ponies. “I think that new pony in town, Twilight Sparkle, is up to something!”

Fire Sword watched. The gears in his head began to click. His mother had mentioned something about a group of special ponies in this town that Twilight would run into, could this be them? Were they the ones that she thought could defeat Nightmare Moon?

He looked over and saw his own four friends. All of them were mares. Man, maybe he should find a stallion to hang out with? He mentally shrugged, that didn’t matter right now. First, he had to try and find his mother.

Flying over to Moondancer and the others, he said. “I’m gonna try and help stop Nightmare Moon, you girls get somewhere safe.”

They nodded.

“Be careful,” Moodancer said.

“Stay safe,” Twinkleshine said.

Fire Sword nodded and then heard another sound of running hooves. The other group was already making their way out. He ran after them, if they were going to be the ones to defeat Nightmare Moon and save his mother, he had to help however he could.

They ran to a building made of a tree. It had a sign reading Golden Oaks Library in front that was just visible in the moonlight. They entered and found Twilight going through book after book.

“Elements! Elements! Ughh!” she sighed in frustration. “How can I stop Nightmare Moon without the Elements of Harmony?”

Rainbow Dash flew into Twilight’s face. “And just what ARE the Elements of Harmony?” she asked in a suspicious voice. “And how did you know about Nightmare Moon huh? Are you a spy?”

Suddenly the same orange pony in the hat took a bite of Rainbow’s tail again and pulled her back. “Simmer down, Sally!” she spoke in a country accent. “She ain’t no spy, but she sure knows what’s going on, don’t you Twilight?”

Twilight hesitated a moment then saw Fire behind the mares. “Prince Fire Sword!”

“Twilight Sparkle,” he greeted with a small frown.

While he was normally friendly with her, thinking back to how Moondancer had been devastated when she hadn’t come had caused him to feel a slight bit of resentment toward her for the moment. He looked around at the other mares.

“So, you’re Rainbow Dash,” he said pointing to the pony he’d briefly flown with. “Who are the rest of you?”

“Oh, it's such an honor, Prince Fire Sword!” the white unicorn said before bowing. “I’m Rarity, and these are my friends, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and… well, you said you met Rainbow Dash.”

She gestured to each of the ponies as she spoke their names. Applejack was the orange Earth Pony with the hat who had a trio of apples for a cutie mark. Pinkie Pie was a pink Earth Pony, her cutie mark was balloons. Fluttershy was a yellow Pegasus with a light pink mane and butterflies for a cutie mark.

“Um… nice to meet all of you,” Fire Sword said.

“Yeah yeah, so what is it you know, Twilight?” Rainbow Dash said.

“I read all about the predictions of Nighmare Moon. Some mysterious objects called the Elements of Harmony are the only things that can stop her. But I don’t know what they are! Where to find them. I don’t even know what they do!”

Suddenly Pinkie Pie spoke out looking at one of the shelves. “The Elements of Harmony, a Reference Guide!”

Twilight ran over and knocked Pinkie out of the way. “How did you find that?”

“It was under ‘E’!” Pinkie said happily while bouncing.

“Oh,” Twilight said embarrassed at the obvious mistake she’d made.

She took the book in her magic and began flipping through the pages and reading rapidly.

“There are six Elements of Harmony, but only five are known. Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty, and Loyalty. The sixth is a complete mystery, it is said that the last known location of the five elements was the castle of the royal pony sisters.”

Little did they know a certain blue mist was watching them through the window. Fire Sword looked at it, but it vanished before he could see it.

“It is located in what is now-“ Twilight continued.

She led them out to-

“The Everfree Forest!” some of the other mares exclaimed.

The forest before them had trees that were unlike those in Ponyville or even Canterlot. It looked dreary, and spooky.

“Wee! Let’s go!” Pinkie Pie said.

“Not so fast!” Twilight said. “Look, I appreciate the offer. But I’d really rather do this on my own.”

“No can do, Sugarcube!” Applejack said. “We ain’t letting no friend of ours go in there alone!”

She and the other mares began trotting along the path. “We’re sticking to you like caramel on a candy apple!”

“Especially if there’s candy apples in there!” Pinkie said before looking back at Fire and Twilight who both gave her weird expressions.

Twilight and Fire Sword looked at them as they went ahead. Fire Sword then glared at Twilight. “The book didn’t mention this, but I know something you don’t. You can’t use the Elements of Harmony without friends. And no offense Twilight Sparkle, but you really suck at that!”

Twilight’s mouth fell open at that.

“What?” she exclaimed.

“You ditched Moondancer’s party!” he growled as he walked after the five new mares. “She was really devastated! That party was for you you know!”

“I don’t have time for that sort of thing!” she said coming after him. “My studying is-

“Not everything in life is about studying!” Fire Sword snapped. “Didn’t my mother tell you that? I enjoy reading, but at least I make an effort to be with friends! Cause without them, you’ll only get so far. Books can only teach you so much.”

Twilight felt as if she’d been roasted.

“Maybe I’m not the one who can defeat Nightmare Moon then,” she said looking down. “Maybe I should go back. If the Elements require friendship, then I’m not the pony for the job.”

Uh-oh. Fire had tried to just get to her understand as well as stand up for Moondancer’s feelings.

“Hey, I’m sorry. I was just angry you hurt Moondancer!” he said, remorse filling him. “I had to cheer her up at her party when you didn’t show! I know you probably didn’t mean to hurt her, but you should be more sensitive to the feelings of your friends and spend time with them! But it's never too late to try again.”

Twilight sighed, though it was an uncertain one rather than an annoyed at the idea of friendship one. She then walked further ahead of Fire to stand with the five mares. They walked for a while as the stars continued to shine above.

“So, none of you have been in here before?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, heavens no!” Rarity said. “Just look at it!”

She gestured to the trees around them. It looked spooky in the dark.

“It's dreadful!”

“And it ain’t natural!” Applejack added. “Folks say it don’t work the same as Equestria!”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Twilight asked.

They were suddenly on a cliffside.

“No pony knows!” Rainbow Dash said as she flew out of the shadows and spoke in a scary manner before landing on the cliff and crawling creepily. “You know why?”

“Rainbow! Quit it!” Applejack said.

“Because no pony who’s ever come in,” Rainbow continued as she stalked towards Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie. “Has ever come out!”

At that moment, the cliff they were on suddenly cracked and fell. Twilight, Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie all screamed as they fell. Meanwhile, Fire Sword and the two Pegasus mares flapped their wings and avoided the fall. They looked down at their falling friends!

“Fluttershy! We got to catch them!” Rainbow Dash said as she flew after them.

“Yeah!” Fire said as he followed her.

“Oh, my goodness! Oh, my goodness!” Fluttershy exclaimed.

Rainbow Dash managed to grab Pinkie, Fire spotted Rarity struggling to stay on her hooves. He caught her by the waist like before.

“I got you!” he said lifting her off the uneven ground and picking her up bridal style.

“Oh, thank you, my prince!” she said with a blush. “That’s twice in one day… or night… that you’ve gotten me out of harm’s way!”

She hugged him appreciatively, he offered her a smile in return. Then Fluttershy zoomed past them, diving for Applejack who was the next closest pony. Fortunately, the cowgirl pony managed to catch herself by biting onto a tree root. Unfortunately, Twilight was further down, and was close to end of the cliff below that all the ponies were sliding towards.

“Help!” she screamed.

Fire set Rarity down on some even ground then flew toward Twilight. At the same time, Applejack let go of the roots and slowly slid down to her. “Hold on! I’m a coming!”

She took hold of Twilight’s hooves when she reached her.

“Applejack, what do I do?” she asked.

Applejack tried to pull but couldn’t do it. Then she looked up and saw something.

“Let go!” she said.

“Are you crazy?” Twilight asked.

“No, I ain’t! I promise you’ll be safe!”

“That’s not true!”

“Now listen here, what I’m saying to you is the honest truth! Let go and you’ll be safe!” Applejack said.

Honesty, Fire smiled. His mother had picked the right group. At least, one of them was right. He flapped his wings along with the other two flying by his side. Twilight closed her eyes and let go, screaming as she fell for only a few feet before Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy caught her before she could hit the ground far below. Fire watched as Twilight let out a breath of relief. Then suddenly they began falling again for a moment. Fire prepared to catch them if necessary but the two Pegasi managed to steady themselves.

“Oh, sorry girls,” Fluttershy said, apparently the cause of the near fall. “I’m not used to holding anything more than a bunny or two!”

Applejack leapt gracefully from the sides of the cliff. Fire flew over to help if she needed it, but she landed safely at the bottom. Fire then flew over to Twilight.

“See? You wouldn’t have made it on your own back there,” he said.

She sighed, “You’re right. I guess, maybe I was wrong about… not needing friends. I’m sorry. When I get back to Canterlot, I’m gonna make things up to Moondancer.”

Fire nodded with a small smile of forgiveness. They continued forward.

“You were pretty cool there, Prince Fire!” Rainbow Dash said in a bragging voice. “Grabbing Rarity and carrying her off like that! But me and Fluttershy really saved Twilight!”

“I know,” Fire said with a little annoyance. While he enjoyed friendship well enough, he didn’t like bragging behavior.

Suddenly something big blocked their way. A giant golden lion with devil like ears, red wings and a scorpion tail.

“A manticore!” Twilight yelled in fear.

The beast roared ferociously. Fire put himself in front of the six mares.

“We’ve got to get past him!” Twilight said.

The manticore leapt at Rarity and swiped at her with his claws. She dodged though and landed a leaping hoof kick on the beast’s face.

“Take that, you ruffian!” she said.

He roared in her face, getting slobber all over it and the sound messing up her mane.

“My hair!” she said before looking back at the beast who merely stared her down. She squealed in fright as she saw this. “Aah!”

She hid behind Fire who put up a red shield as the manticore leapt.

“Wait,” Fluttershy said too quietly for them to hear.

The beast landed on the shield which cracked under the immense weight. The manticore dug its claws in, but Fire soon added another part to the spell and his shield lit aflame. The manticore cried out in pain as its front paws were burned.

Applejack took the opportunity to leap on the creature's head.

“Yeehaw! Get along little doggie!” she said.

The manticore began leaping around trying to throw her off.

“Wait,” Fluttershy said again.

The manticore soon flung Applejack into the air. She looked at Rainbow as she flew without a hint of worry and said, “All yours partner!”

“I’m on it!” the Pegasus saluted.

She passed Fluttershy who said “Wait,” again, then surrounded the manticore in a fast-speeding rainbow. For a while it looked trapped then the manticore lashed out with its tail and hit Rainbow Dash who yelled.

“Rainbow!” Twilight exclaimed.

The Pegasus hit the ground, injured. At least she had only been hit with the side of the tail and not the stinger. The other ponies looked at the manticore who kicked the dirt behind him, steam flared from Twilight and Fire’s nostrils as they and the others kicked dirt behind them as well. Rainbow got up and Rarity and Pinkie came to stand beside them as they charged, ready to fight the manticore with everything they had.

They got closer to the beast but suddenly…

“Wait!” Fluttershy yelled, finally speaking loud enough for them to hear as she put her hooves up.

They stopped, confused. Fluttershy then turned to the manticore and walked over to him. He growled and raised a paw to strike. The girls closed their eyes while Fire narrowed his and stepped forward, lighting up his horn. A red sword blade projected from it, ready to stab the manticore if it hurt Fluttershy.

“It’s okay,” she said nuzzlings its left paw.

The manticore's gaze slowly softened and he opened the paw to reveal a large thorn in it. Fire’s mouth fell open at the sight as he realized this creature was just hurt. He sheathed his magic conjured sword, the signature spell he’d used since he was a colt.

“Oh, you poor poor little thing,” Fluttershy said as she saw.

“Little?” Rainbow exclaimed.

That was certainly not an adjective to describe that big hulking beast. Fire made to approach it as well, but it growled as he did so.

“Now this might hurt just a little,” Fluttershy said.

She pulled the thorn out and the manticore roared, picking up Fluttershy in his paws.

“Fluttershy!” the other girls said.

But the manticore, instead of harming Fluttershy, began licking her in thanks. She giggled.

“Oh, you’re just a little old baby kitty, aren’t you?” she asked. “Yes you are!”

The other five mares continued forward. But Fire approached the manticore as he noticed that though the thorn was gone, the burn from his… fire when he’d protected himself and Rarity remained. He lit up his horn, the manticore saw him and backed away.

“Easy, I just wanna help,” he said.

Sensing the gentleness in his voice, the manticore lifted his paws to Fire. The alicorn prince ran a little magic through them. While his special talent was combative magic to match his cutie mark of a flaming sword, he had studied healing as well since that was a necessity in the event he got injured in a fight. He wasn’t the best at it, but he did manage to soothe the manticore's wounds. The beast nuzzled him in return.

“Ah, you’re welcome,” Fire said. “And I’m sorry.”

The beast made a forgiving growl. Fire and Fluttershy whose mane was now messed up from the saliva continued on. Twilight waited for them.

“How did you know about the thorn?” she asked Fluttershy.

“I didn’t,” she said. “Sometimes we all just need to be shown a little kindness.”

Twilight smiled after a moment. They continued on.

“Ugh! My eyes need a rest from all this icky muck!” Rarity said.

It was true, this wasn’t an attractive place to be in. But as long as Fire could save his mother, he’d go through just about anything. Suddenly, as they continued, the moon seemed to lower and forest got darker, so dark they couldn’t even see anything in front of them.

“But I didn’t mean that literally,” Rarity said.

“That ancient ruin could be right in front of our faces and we wouldn’t even know it!” Twilight said.

The ponies then began bumping into each other and-

“Oh wait! I think I stepped in something!” Applejack said.

Fluttershy screamed.

“Its just mud,” Applejack said before she looked ahead to see a monstrous looking tree. “Aah!”

She rejoined them and suddenly they were surrounded on all sides by monstrous looking trees. Fire stepped forward, though the trees looked scary he knew they were wood, and he was named after something that was the very bane of wood.

“Looks like some scary trees need to be burned down!” he said as he lit up his horn which turned from red to orange as he was about to unleash a flame.

Suddenly something grabbed hold of him and he was sucked underground.

“Can’t have you interfere with me,” the voice of Nightmare Moon said. “You’re the greatest threat as a fellow alicorn!”

“Prince Fire Sword?” Rarity asked.

The trees around them had vanished, but it was still very dark. Then the monstrous images returned. They all began screaming, certain it was over.

Until they heard another sound. The sound of laughter. They looked and saw Pinkie laughing at the scary trees and soon making faces at them.

“Pinkie, what are you doing?” Twilight asked. “Run!”

“We don’t have the prince to protect us anymore!” Rarity cried.

“You’re the main one he seems to be protecting!” Rainbow Dash said.

“I’m sure he would do the same for any of you! He is most noble!” Rarity said. “But we most certainly must run!”

“Oh, girls don’t you see?” Pinkie said before starting to dance and sing. “When I was a little filly and the sun was going down...”

“Tell me she's not...” Twilight started.

“The darkness and the shadows, they would always make me frown.” Pinkie continued to sing.

“She is,” said Rarity.

And Pinkie sung.

"I'd hide under my pillow

From what I thought I saw

But Granny Pie said that wasn't the way

To deal with fears at all."

"Then what is?" Rainbow asked

"She said, Pinkie, you gotta stand up tall! Pinkie replied and continued her song.

"Learn to face your fearsYou'll see that they
can't hurt you

Just laugh to make them disappear."

Ha! Ha! Ha!

So, giggle at the ghostly

Guffaw at the grossly

Crack up at the creepy

Whoop it up with the weepy

Chortle at the kooky

Snortle at the spooky

And tell that big dumb scary face to take a hike and leave you alone and if he thinks he can scare you then he's got another thing coming and the very idea of such a thing just makes you wanna... hahahaha... heh...

Pinkie’s song caused the other five mares to laugh at the spooky trees which ceased to be spooky.

“Come on,” Twilight said. “Let’s save the prince and princess.”

Fire Sword was flung into an area he didn’t recognize. But he could tell what it was when he looked. A small room with stone floor and ancient looking iron bars next to it. A prison cell, he must be in the dungeons of the ancient ruin! Nightmare Moon then appeared on the other side of the cell.

“This should keep you out of the way long enough for me to deal with those lesser ponies,” she said as her horn lit up.

And darkness consumed his sight. He could now see things going outside this castle. He saw the six mares he’d been traveling with through the forest crossing a bridge next to the castle. But the bridge broke and they all fell.

“No!” Fire Sword yelled.

“Your mother will never return again!” Nightmare Moon said with a cackle. “I will rule for all of eternity!”

“No!” he yelled again.

Nightmare Moon laughed. Fire Sword then saw Canterlot and her sitting on the throne that was his mother’s by right.

“No! No! Noo!” he yelled.

“Prince Fire Sword!” a voice called.

“Hey wake up!”


“Ow!” Fire Sword said as intense pain shot through his face.

“Rainbow Dash! Don’t hit him!”

Fire looked up to see all the mares there with him. The cell door was open now. Though as he looked, he noticed one of them was missing.

“Where’s Twilight?” he asked. “What happened?”

“Nightmare Moon took her and the Elements! We got to hurry!” Rainbow Dash said.

“The Elements, you found them?” he asked.

“Dang nabit no time to explain! We gotta move!” Applejack said.

They ran, as they galloped out of the dungeon, they entered the ancient armory. Out of the corner of his eye, Fire spotted something.

“Rarity, your tail!” he said as he looked at her.

“Oh, I had to cut it off for somepony… or rather some serpent,” she said. “Don’t worry it will grow back.”

That was generous of her, she seemed like a good mare. They continued, then Fire spotted another thing. A sword, an ancient rusty sword to be sure but it might still make an effective weapon.

“That could be useful,” he said as he used his horn to levitate it to himself.

They continued on with him following the mares.

“Twilight!” they yelled.

Soon they arrived and saw Twilight looking at the passage they came out of with wide eyes. Nightmare Moon was right behind her. Twilight grinned and turned to face their foe.

“You think you can destroy the Elements of Harmony just like that?” she asked.

At the feet of Nightmare Moon were some crystal fragments. What had happened while Fire was under the spell and separated from the mares?

“Well, you’re wrong, cause the spirits of the Elements of Harmony are right here!” Twilight said as the other five mares came by her side.

Fire stood off to the side a ways. This was their battle. Suddenly the crystal fragments at Nightmare Moon’s feet began to levitate.

“What?” she exclaimed.

“Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the Spirit of Honesty,” Twilight said.

Some of the crystal fragments flew toward Applejack and began circling around her.

“Fluttershy, who tamed the manticore with her compassion, represents the Spirit of Kindness!” Twilight continued. “Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger! Represents the Spirit of Laughter!”

That must have happened after Fire was separate from them. But there was still-

“Rarity, who calmed the sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift, represents the Spirit of Generosity! And Rainbow Dash who could not abandon her friends for her own heart’s desire, represents the Spirit of Loyalty!”

So, they were the Elements of Harmony. Fire looked at Rarity, imagining her giving a sad serpent a gift that would calm it. It caused him to blush.

“The spirits of these five ponies got us through ever challenge you threw at us!” Twilight said.

“But you still don’t have the sixth element! The spark didn’t work!” Nightmare Moon said.

“But it did! A different kind of spark!” Twilight said before turning to her friends. “I felt it when I realized I was wrong, and how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I cared about you! When I realized that you all… are my friends!”

There was a flash of light and the sixth element appeared above Twilight. It hovered for a moment as Nightmare Moon closed her eyes. “When that spark ignites in the hearts of us all, it creates the sixth Element, the Element of magic!”

The sixth Element exploded and all the others transformed, binding themselves to each pony around the neck. They took on the forms of necklaces that matched each pony's cutie mark. Except for Twilight whose element took on the form of a crown on her head. The six of them began to levitate in midair as Fire watched. Rainbow magic began to coil around them and fill the room This was it, they would defeat her and save his mother.

Or so he thought. Nightmare Moon looked at him and suddenly he was enveloped in her magic once again. He yelled as he was pulled forward, still grasping his sword. The rainbow laser came toward Nightmare Moon, but she stuck him… her own nephew out in front of herself to use as a pony shield. Fire yelled out in pain and the laser hit him.

The six mares gasped and Twilight ceased the flow of magic. They fell to the ground.

“Ugh! My head!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she rubbed it.

Nightmare Moon laughed. “You think I would fall for the same trick twice? My sister defeated me last time, but I’ve learned since then! It was a good thing I had a pony to use as a shield! And you won’t be able to do that a second time, at least not if I can help it!”

She flew toward them and sent out a wave of magic that knocked all of the mares back. They hit the wall and grunted, Twilight’s crown fell off her head and Nightmare Moon quickly took it in her magic.

“If I keep the Magic Element away from you, you can’t use it anymore!” Nightmare Moon said.

Fire pushed himself to his hooves. Nightmare Moon advanced on Twilight as the young mare lay helpless before her. Fire then picked up the sword in his magic.

“Leave them alone!” he shouted.

Nightmare Moon looked at him as suddenly a light filled the room. Fire looked at its source and saw the sword was glowing, it transformed, the rust vanishing and a shining steel blade emerging. The hilt turned gold and showed a flame above the cross guard. The flame then lit up and traveled through the blade of the sword. It was just like Fire’s cutie mark just like the necklaces around the girls' necks and Twilight’s crown.

“What?” Nightmare Moon exclaimed. “A new Element of Harmony? But how?”

Fire looked at the sword as it traveled into his hoof. It pulsed in his grasp and he felt as if he heard it speak.

“You created it Nightmare Moon, when you used me as a shield against the Elements!” Fire said, relaying the swords words. “They sensed I was their friend, and that they needed help! Now I am the seventh Element of Harmony! The Element of Balance! I will be there for these mares when the tables turn against them and they need someone to level the playing field and protect them from threats like you!”

He raised the sword at her and charged. Nightmare Moon aimed her horn and shot a burst of dark magic at him. But he raised the sword and blocked it before sending it back at her with a swing of his sword. Nightmare Moon was pushed back with a scream. She struggled to get up as he charged at her. There was no choice, she was his aunt, but she was still a threat to Equestria. If only there were a way to redeem her, his mother had wanted that.

He swung the sword. Nightmare Moon gasped, but remained completely intact, no cut on her body. Fire Sword looked at the sword in confusion, had it just passed through her? Then suddenly Nightmare Moon began to be surrounded by the same rainbow magic from before, but this time it came out of her. She looked at in fear as it surrounded her, spinning rapidly.

“Noo!” she screamed.

It was over, Fire Sword looked back at the mares. They all got up and Twilight levitated her Element that Nightmare Moon had dropped back onto her head.

“Oh, thank goodness!” Rarity said waving her tail which had grown back.

“Why Rarity, it's so lovely!” Fluttershy said.

“I know! I will never part with it again!” Rarity said hugging her tail.

“No, your necklace, it looks just like your cutie mark!” Fluttershy said.

Fire had noticed that already, but then he’d not been in the battle initially so they must not have noticed.

“Oh, so does yours!” Rarity exclaimed before looking around. "And Fire's sword as well!"

Applejack turned to Twilight. “Gee Twilight, I thought you were just spouting a lot of houie! But I reckon we really do represent the Elements of Friendship!”

“Indeed, you do!” a regal voice said.

Light shined into the ruins now, sunlight! Looking through a nearby window, the ponies saw the sun rising. It grew brighter and then she emerged. Princess Celestia. The five mares bowed to her while Fire Sword and Twilight each let out a breath of relief.

“Mom!” Fire said running to hug her.

“Princess Celestia!” Twilight spoke in a similar tone.

“Fire Sword, my son! And Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student!” she said as they got on either side of her and she nuzzled them both. “I knew you could do it!”

“But you told me it was all an old pony tale!” Twilight exclaimed.

“I told you that you needed to make some friends!” Celestia said. “Nothing more!”

“My mom saw the signs of Nightmare Moon’s return,” Fire explained. “And she knew it was you who had the magic to defeat her. But only once you let true friendship into her heart.”

“But I didn’t do it!” Twilight said. “You did!”

“Indeed, that was an unexpected turn!” Celestia said. “But then, it’s never been known of the Elements of Harmony having to be used on somepony twice. Still, while my son was the one to defeat her, you did awaken the Elements once you let the spark of friendship into your heart. Now, if only another will as well.”

She looked back where Nightmare Moon had been, only to see a different pony lying there with solid remnants of magic laying around her. The pony was blue with a moon cutie mark.

“Princess Luna!” Celestia said as she approached and the pony opened her eyes. “It has been a thousand years since I have seen you like this! It is time to put our differences behind us! We were meant to rule together, little sister!”

“Sister?” the mares exclaimed.

“Will you accept my friendship?” Celestia asked.

Fire and the mares watched. Pinkie Pie lost her balance and fell over comically. “Whoa!”

Tears escaped Luna’s eyes and she got up. “I’m so sorry!” she said as she hugged Celestia. “I missed you so much, big sister!”

Tears escaped Celestia’s eyes as well. “I missed you too!”

Fire smiled and walked forward. “Welcome home, Aunt Luna.”

He joined his mother and reformed aunt in their hug. Pinkie Pie cried then smiled.

“Hey, you know what this calls for?”

They got that answer when they were back in Ponyville. “A party!”

Party confetti flew and the ponies gathered to see the Princesses on their chariot. There wasn’t enough room for Fire with both on there, so he flew above them. They stopped in front of the crowd with the six mares at the front. Spike ran out and hugged Twilight while Fire’s other group of mares that he’d come here with, Moondancer, Minuette, Twinkleshine, and Lemon Hearts all ran to him.

“You’re alright! And you got the princess back!” Moondancer said.

They all hugged him, and he smiled. “Yes, and Twilight understands the importance of friendship now! So, you can bet she’ll come to your next party!”

“Oh, thank you Fire Sword!” Moondancer said.

Fire turned to Luna and saw her looking down in remorse for her actions. But then a pair of young Pegasi flew forward and put a necklace of roses around her neck. She smiled after a moment and looked at her sister. Fire then turned to Twilight who was looking sad.

Celestia noticed this as well. “Why so glum, my faithful student? Are you not happy that your quest is complete, and you can return to your studies in Canterlot?”

“That’s just it,” Twilight said. “Just when I learn how wonderful it is to have friends, I have to leave them.”

Celestia smiled. “Spike, take a note please.”

Spike drew a scroll and began writing as she spoke.

“I, Princess Celestia, decree that the unicorn Twilight Sparkle will take on a new mission for Equestria. She must continue to study the magic of friendship and report to me her findings from her new home in Ponyville.”

That caused Twilight’s mood to brighten up considerably. Her new friends surrounded her with happy whoops.

“Oh, thank you Princess Celestia!” Twilight said. “I’ll study harder than ever before!”

Cheers filled the area and Fire walked forward.

“If I’m the Seventh Element now, I think I should stay as well,” Fire said as he joined them.

“Very well, we will have to set up a place for you to stay then,” his mother said.

Chapter 3: Home Planning

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Fire Sword began building his house, or at least, making the designs he wanted his house to look like. He levitated a pencil and began drawing in pictures. He, being a prince, needed to have not only a perfect home to live in while he was here in Ponyville, but also the perfect location on which to build it.

“I need somewhere with a decent amount of space,” he said to himself as he sketched various designs. “But first let’s see about the shape.”

He drew rough sketches of different kinds of homes.

“A house?” he wondered. “Nah, too small. I need something big befitting a prince!”

While he tried not to act stuck up like his cousin Prince Blueblood, he didn’t want to have just a small house that was the common pony home. Still, the quaint little houses around the majority of Ponyville were not bad at all. Regardless, Fire Sword did want to at least display his royal status, but not flaunt… too much.

He drew up another design, one of a mansion with a long exterior and several windows.

“Mansion, could work,” Fire Sword said.

He took a look outside, gazing up at the clouds. He saw the Pegasus City known as Cloudsdale up above. Maybe a small castle in the sky?

“Nah, no pony but Pegasi would be able to visit me there,” Fire said to himself.

He had one final idea come to mind.

“A tower.”

He drew a tall cylindrical building that reached high into the sky. First the raw sketch, putting on a hill, though that might not work out, he would see. There were a few hills around Ponyville that might work. One of them was near Sweet Apple Acres that could do. Or perhaps one elsewhere? He then made a layout of the inside of the tower, dividing it into several sections. First was the entry area, He could have his kitchen and dining room down there. Then a basement below for storage as well as servant quarters and barracks for a small number of guards he might have. Then going up he could put a study, a set of guest rooms, and his own bedroom on the three floors above. That sounded good enough. It would be a good-sized tower with that. With the interior idea drawn on paper he then shifted his attention to what it would look like on the outside, taking some colored pencils he’d brought with him when he returned to Canterlot briefly to get his necessities. Art was an occasional hobby of his, so he kept a number of things in his room in the castle for drawing.

He was currently in his room in the Ponyville Grand Inn, the best Inn in town. He would be staying here while his house was being built. As soon as he came up with a plan, he could turn it over to the royal architect to have the building start. The best builders from around Equestria would be summoned to make the home for their prince. Of course, Fire would help where he could. Some royals might feel that building their home was a job for the common workers but Fire felt he should do his share.

He used his pencil to make the shape of the tower once again, this time adding more color to the doors and elsewhere. When he was done the image of a lovely white tower with a pair of gold rings around it in the middle and at the top appeared.

“Perfect,” he said. “This will do nicely. Now I just need to name the place.”

It was a common practice for pony homes which were often businesses at the same time to be named. Applejack lived at Sweet Apple Acres, Rarity had Carousel Boutique, Pinkie stayed at Sugarcube Corner, and Twilight had moved into the Golden Oaks Library. The only one of Fire’s new friends that didn’t live in a place that had a name was Fluttershy who had a simple cottage on the edge of the woods. This might not be a business, but it was a royal home and should probably have a name.

He thought back to what he was sometimes called. Celestia’s warm hearted son. Then another idea clicked in his head.

“Aha! Warm Heart Tower!”

He wrote the name above the final design. Then another idea suddenly occurred.

“I should give the place a flag and hang it over the door!” he said. “Oh, Fire Sword you are a genius! You have your mother’s wisdom… or… maybe just creativity. Though that might just be all me.”

He chuckled.

“Now, now, let’s not compliment ourselves too much,” he said. “Okay, that should do.”

He got up from the desk in his room and headed outside. He was supposed to meet the others for breakfast at Rarity’s place. He walked outside and soon arrived at Carousel Boutique. He knocked on the door. Soon the beautiful unicorn arrived and opened it.

“Oh, good morning, Prince Fire Sword!” she said with a bow.

“Rarity, I think after what we went through with the whole Nightmare Moon thing there’s no need for you to call me ‘Prince’,” Fire said. “You are a… friend after all.”

“Um, thank you Prince… um, I mean just… Fire Sword,” Rarity stammered with a blush. “I’m honored to have you join me as my guest!”

He looked around and saw the front of her store/home. The dresses were for the moment put away in the nearby closet until the time to open the store was here. But there wasn’t anypony else here yet.

“Where’s everypony else?” Fire asked.

“Oh, they haven’t arrived yet. But they should be here any-

“Hello!” a voice called loudly as Rainbow Dash entered the room on her wings.

“Morning Rainbow Dash!” Rarity greeted.

“Hey Rarity,” Rainbow replied. “Hope you’re ready to eat! Cause I sure am! I need to keep up my energy for all my flying!”

“Breakfast is still cooking,” Rarity said.

Fire looked off to the side where the kitchen was. A pile of toast was visible along with an assortment of fruits and vegetables. Also at a table was a young filly with a white coat like Rarity’s, but her mane was a mix of pink and purple and her eyes emerald-green in contrast to Rarity's sapphires.

“Hello!” the filly said looking at Fire. “I’m Sweetie Belle! Rarity’s little sister!”

“Sweetie Belle, please make sure to address a guest such as him properly!” Rarity said. “This is Prince Fire Sword.”

“But he said its okay not to call him ‘Prince’,” Sweetie said.

“That was meant for me,” Rarity said. “We went through quite an adventure together so he feels I don’t have to address him by his title. Please be polite and keep the formalities.”

“That’s alright,” Fire said before walking up to the filly. “Its nice to meet you, Sweetie Belle.”

He extended his hoof to shake hers. She took it with a smile.

“Anypony home?” a familiar voice said.

Twilight entered the room with Spike on her back.

“Yeehaw!” a country voice said. “Me and my sister are here!”

Applejack entered along with another young filly with a light-yellow coat, and red mane with a pink bow in it.

“Apple Bloom!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed running to the other filly.

“Sweetie Belle!” the yellow filly, Apple Bloom, grinned as she and her friend hugged each other.

Soon Pinkie Pie arrived with a box in her mouth.

“Hey everypony!”

Then finally, Fluttershy. “Good morning,” she said in a quiet voice that was barely audible.

“Ah, that’s everypony!” Rarity said. “Just in time, breakfast is just about ready!”

“I bought us cupcakes!” Pinkie said as she opened the box she’d carried in. "Made sure to bring lots since there are so many of us!”

They all sat at the table. Rarity had had to get out a longer one she normally used for displaying things in her store since there were so many. Rarity divided the large pile of toast which had already been buttered and the fruits among all her friends evenly. The two little fillies and Spike meanwhile sat at their own small table.

Pinkie Pie got out her cupcakes and began eating one right away. Twilight looked at her.

“You know Pinkie, you should really eat that for dessert,” she said.

“Oh please, I eat dessert first thing every meal!” she said. “Don’t any of you?”

Many of them shook their heads and said,


“I don’t think so.”

“Certainly not!”

“Eh, I just eat normal breakfast.”

Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity and Rainbow Dash said.

“A pony must eat well,” Rarity said. “Meals first and then dessert! Don’t you agree, Fire Sword?”

She looked at the prince.

Fire Sword hesitated. “Uh, if I’m being honest, I do sometimes just have a piece of cake for breakfast.”

They gaped at him.

“My mom has cake around a lot,” Fire Sword said.

“Ooh! I love it!” Pinkie said. “That’s the best breakfast ever I say! Here have a cupcake!”

She slid one of them down to him across the table perfectly.

“Uh, thanks but I’ll wait until I’m done with the meal first today,” he said.

He ate his toast, levitating the first piece up to his mouth. As his mouth closed around it, he made a soft “Mmm.”

“You like it?” Rarity asked.

“Like it?” Fire Sword said. “I LOVE it! Its as good as the toast back home! Of course, a certain stuck-up pony would probably not agree with me!”

He could imagine Prince Blueblood spitting the toast out and complaining about it being made of inferior grain.

“Uh! My royal lips have touched common pony toast!” the more stuck-up prince would say as an image of him appeared in Fire’s mind’s eye.

“Why, whomever do you mean?” Rarity asked.

Fire Sword was about to say but then his mother appeared in his minds eye.

I know you don’t like your cousin Blueblood but you must not say bad things about him. Even if they are true.

“He shall remain unnamed,” Fire said as he took another bite of toast.

There was a moment of silence.

“So uh, how’s your stead coming?” Applejack asked. “Come up with a plan yet?”

“Actually yes,” Fire said. “I managed to make a drawing that I really liked just before I came here.”

“Oh, I would LOVE to see it!” Rarity said. “Perhaps after we are finished eating, if you wouldn’t mind showing.”

“Not at all,” Fire said.

They ate their breakfast, followed by a cupcake or two. Or in Pinkie’s case, cupcakes and then breakfast. Then Fire led the girls to the inn and showed them the drawing he’d made of his dream tower.

“Oh, it’s simply divine!” Rarity said as she admired the sketch at the bottom. “I see you had several ideas. But I think the tower is the most perfect!”

“I could send that to Princess Celestia if you want, Fire!” Twilight said. “Spike can send it right away along with my letter!”

“Yeah!” Spike said.

Fire frowned. “Uh, how can he send it? He’s just a baby dragon.”

“Oh, didn’t you know? I send letters to your mom thanks to a spell she put on me. Any paper that I use my fire on appears in front of her!”

“Oh, so that’s how you send those letters that just seem to appear out of thin air!” Fire said. “Well alright.”

Twilight had Spike write a letter explaining Fire had drawn a picture of his idea for a home and they were sending it. They then folded their letter on top of Fire’s drawing (after he circled the tower one to be sure there was no confusion) and sent it.

“I’ll be sending a friendship report later sometime,” Twilight said.

“So have you picked out a spot around Ponyville to have your awesome tower built?” Raindow Dash asked.

“I was thinking a hill, like the one near Sweet Apple Acres?” Fire asked looking at Applejack. “If you don’t mind that is. I think I saw a hill that didn’t have any trees on it.”

“Oh, not at all. That will be perfectly fine,” the cowgirl pony said. “It’ll be nice to have a neighbor nearby. Maybe you’d like an apple seed or two as well?”

“Well, I suppose that couldn’t hurt,” Fire said. “I do like apples, I snack on them every now and then actually.”

“Ah shucks. Sounds like you’d really like one then!” Applejack said.

“Sure, maybe some grapes as well, I do like those. Could have a garden around the hill!” Fire Sword said.

“Oh, you must include roses as well! A royal refuge cannot be complete without beauty!” Rarity said.

“Now hold on Rarity! You need function!” Applejack said.

“Fashion is far more important! Especially when it comes to royals!” Rarity said.





“Girls!” Fire intervened putting up his hooves. “This is going be my house! I’ll decide what it looks like!”

“My apologies, Fire,” Rarity said. “You are right! It is your house and you should decide what it looks like.”

“Yeah, its gonna be your place.”

“I was merely offering a suggestion,” Rarity said.

“And it was a good one,” Fire said. “I do want my place to look nice. Some roses would accomplish that, and I can have fruit as well to feed myself and any servants, guards or guests.”

“It sounds wonderful,” Twilight said. “Send the letter, Spike!”

The baby dragon blew out and turned the letter into ash. It would soon appear in front of Fire’s mother.

“Oh, and I’m sure you will be needing decorations,” Rarity said. “I would be honored to make you some if you would permit it!”

“Thanks Rarity,” Fire said. “I’d be happy to see what you can whip up.”

“Oh, thank you! You know it’s always been a dream of mine to be a fashion designer for Equestrian Royalty!”

Fire smiled. “Well, I’m sure if you impress me, I can put in a good word to my mother.”

“You’d do that, for me?”

“Of course!” he said.

“Oh, thank you! Thank you!” she said.

Then she kissed him on the cheek… twice. He blushed.

“I’ll get to work on something right away!” she said before galloping back to her boutique.

“Hey hold on!” Fire said going after her. “Not until the place is at least partially built!”

Applejack sniggered. “Looks like Rarity’s got her sights set on him!”

“It was very sweet of her to kiss him,” Fluttershy said. “Of course, it maybe just because he is royalty.”

“Maybe, although she would probably love to be able to actually marry a royal!” Twilight said. “It would probably be a dream come true for her!”

Spike made a soft growl as he folded his arms.

“And I’m not royal enough for her, huh?” he mumbled to himself even though he wasn’t royal at all. “I’m already a big strong dragon that does lots of work around here.”

“Eh, I don’t need that mushy business!” Rainbow Dash waved her hoof. “Flying with the Wonderbolts would be everything I could wish for!”

“Who knows though, you might find a stallion to match your energy?” Fluttershy suggested.

“Uh... maybe. Well, see you girls later!” Rainbow said before flying off.

Fire soon caught up with Rarity and told her to hold off on making any decorations until after his home was getting built.

“Well, if you insist,” she said. “But perhaps I can add them in as its built? Its probably better to have it all furnished and decorated by the time its done.”

“That’s probably a good idea,” Fire agreed. “Thanks a lot.”

“Just let me know when you are ready,” Rarity told him.

“I will,” Fire said before grinning softly. “Good day, my lady.”

She blushed at him and looked away with red cheeks.

“As you wish, my prince,” she said with a bow.

Fire chuckled. His heart seemed to skip a beat as he looked at her. She was so beautiful, perhaps the most beautiful unicorn he'd ever seen. And she wasn't just lovely on the outside but the inside as well. She’d given her tail to a sea serpent from what he’d heard and now she was offering to help him decorate his home. She had wonderful taste as well in her love of fashion. Fire had at times disliked shopping when he was a colt, but he’d grown to outgrow it in the recent years and could appreciate the style and effort that went into making clothes nowadays. Though he didn’t particularly want to spend long periods of time shopping.

“Say um… would you…” his tongue began to twist in his mouth as he struggled to form the words he wanted to say.

“Yes?” she asked.

“Would you like to… um… spend some time together later?” he asked. “Just the two of us?”

He couldn’t bring himself to say go out. He wasn’t quite as shy as Fluttershy but asking a mare out wasn’t quite an easy thing to do the first time. He’d spent time with plenty of mares like Moondancer and the others, but he’d never quite felt like they were the one.

“Certainly. I would never turn down a wonderful stallion such as you,” Rarity said. “Oh, and there is somepony I’ve been meaning to ask you about.”

“Oh, well, alright,” Fire said. “Who would that be?”

“Prince Blueblood of course!”

Fire’s golden eyes widened. “What about him?”

“Well, he is the most eligible bachelor in all of Equestria! I’ve always wanted the chance to meet him! He is my prince charming!” Rarity said. “Handsome, classy, and royal.”

Fire frowned slightly, a slight crack forming in his heart. She was already head over hoofs in love with his spoiled cousin.

“Can you tell me about him?” Rarity asked.

Fire hesitated a moment, a sick feeling welling up inside him as he said, “I’m afraid he and I do not get along. I’m sorry but I need to go.”

He walked off.

“But I thought you wanted to spend time together?” Rarity asked. “Have I done something to offend you?”

“No,” he lied. “It's just I don’t get along with Blueblood.”

“Oh, well I suppose that might be the case as you both likely grew up together being princes. You must be like brothers!” Rarity said.

At that point Fire’s mane lit up with flames.

“We aren’t even CLOSE to brothers!” he shouted.

With a single strong flap he took off into the sky, leaving a bewildered Rarity.

Rarity watched him fly off so suddenly.

“Hmm. Royal tensions it seems,” the mare said. “I only hope I haven’t done any damage to my friendship with him. Perhaps I should apologize later and agree to never bring up my dashing Prince Blueblood again.”

She sighed as she went back to her boutique. She thought of the feelings in her heart. There was sadness, as well as a tender feeling she was unsure of. Fire’s face kept appearing in her mind. She’d often imagined herself meeting Prince Blueblood when she was one day invited to a special event in Canterlot where he would notice her and ask for her hoof. But suddenly when the same fantasy happened, Blueblood was replaced with Fire Sword.

“Oh, what’s gotten into you Rarity!” she said to herself. “This is the actual son of Celestia herself that you’re thinking of! There’s no way he would ever want your hoof!”

She hesitated a moment. “Although, if you are willing to try to woo a prince, he is one too! But I’m not sure we’re right for each other! What if it doesn’t work out? It could mess up our friendship! No, better not to pursue it!”

She looked down. “I just hope this tension resolves itself soon. Although if he and Blueblood really don’t get along, will he resent me when I become the prince’s bride? I hope not. But this is my dream! I must pursue it… or him. Blueblood that is!”

She took a breath.

Chapter 4: The Prince's Job

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Princess Celestia’s reply came soon and was sent to Twilight. It responded to both her and Fire Sword’s letters.

“Ahem,” Spike cleared his throat before reading Celestia’s response to Twilight. “Dear Twilight, I’m glad you are enjoying yourself with your new friends and of course my son. Speaking of which, please tell him that I’ve already sent his depiction of the home he wishes to the finest architect in Equestria. He and his team will be there soon and have that tower built lickety-split. I am also working on having a new part added to the Royal Guard specifically made for both my sister Princess Luna and my son. Fire’s guard should be there soon as well sometime after the architects.”

Twilight smiled. “They must be very good builders if they are able to complete it so quickly.”

“Well, this is the son of Celestia we’re talking about,” Spike said. “He has to have it done as soon as possible.”

He grew a frown. “I just hope he doesn’t have Rarity as soon as possible.”

Twilight giggled. “Looks like some dragon is a little jealous.”

“I’m not!” Spike said with folded arms.

Twilight raised her eyebrows.

Spike sighed. “Okay, fine. I’m a bit jealous of the way Rarity looks at Fire Sword.”

“Well, he is a very handsome pony, and the son of Princess Celestia,” Twilight reminded him. “Besides, Rarity is quite a bit older than you! You’re just a baby dragon and she’s almost a full-grown mare!”

Spike growled. “So, you’re saying I’m too young for Rarity?”

“Sorry Spike but it’s the truth,” Twilight said. “But I’m sure Rarity adores you. Someday, you’ll find a special pony, or dragon, I’m sure.”

“She is just so beautiful,” Spike said. “Well, I’m not gonna give her up without a fight!”

“Careful Spike, don’t go fighting Fire over Rarity! Especially if you don’t want to get burned!” Twilight said cracking a joke.

“Dragons are fire-proof, so Fire has nothing on me! Ha!” Spike said.

Twilight sighed.

“Relax its not like I’m really gonna fight Fire!” Spike said. “Just try and win Rarity’s heart before he does!”

Fire Sword walked through Ponyville deep in thought. He was here in this town, which was nice enough in his mind. Some ponies back in Canterlot looked down on these country ponies but he didn’t find it that bad. At least it was less crowded and noisy, and the air was cleaner. But what was he going to do here once his tower was built? He was a prince so there wasn’t really a necessity for him to have a job, but doing nothing all day except spending time with his new Ponyville friends was quickly turning out to be boring. He’d explored the town, dined at the finest restaurants and even saved the town as well as the rest of Equestria from Eternal Night. But while he was here, he felt it would be best to actually do something. All of his friends had jobs; Twilight was running the Golden Oaks Library and giving reports to Fire’s mother on friendship, Rarity had her fashion business, Applejack ran Sweet Apple Acres with her family, Fluttershy looked after animals, Pinkie Pie worked at Sugarcube Corner with a married couple called the Cakes who baked, and Rainbow Dash cleared the clouds and brought rain in with the other Pegasi. Hay, all his friends were still mares. He seriously needed to find a stallion to hang out with sooner or later. But first he needed to get a job. But what kind of job? Then an idea occurred to him as he thought back on his cutie mark and his part time training with the royal guards while also learning magic at his mother’s school.

He headed over to Town Hall as that seemed a good place to start. Entering the building he found Mayor Mare in her office. She looked up at him and smiled, bowing her head.

“Oh, good morning, Prince Fire Sword,” she said. “How might I help you today?”

“I was wondering if there were any available jobs here in Ponyville?” Fire said.

“You are a prince though!” the mayor exclaimed. “You don’t need to work!”

“Doesn’t mean I don’t want to. It is a little boring without something to do. My mother always has lots of paper work to fill out,” Fire said. “That might be a bit boring as well but I know it’s necessary. We all have to work in some form or another. I don’t want to just lounge around and do nothing.”

Which was probably what Cousin Blueblood would do. He thought.

“I suppose you make a good point,” Mayor Mare conceded. “Very well. What sort of job do you have in mind?”

Fire brought a hoof to his chin. “Hmm. I could help here at Town Hall I suppose, with event planning and I could possibly act as a representative for my mother while I’m here.”

“That does sound appropriate,” Mayor Mare agreed. “I would be honored to have the princess more involved in our humble community.”

Fire nodded and continued. “Though my special talent is supposed to be combat magic. I’ve trained with both magic and with the royal guards. Could that be of use in Ponyville somehow?”

“Combat trained, eh?” she asked. “Well, we could use some law enforcement. We don’t have much crime here in Ponyville but there is the occasional offence. You did handle Nightmare Moon and that was probably much bigger than what we are used to on a day-to-day basis!”

Fire hummed. “I can do that.”

“Good, because we don’t really have an acting Sherriff, ponies usually just come to me to report a crime when it happens,” Mayor Mare said. “When you aren’t enforcing the law, you could also help me with event planning here if you don’t mind.”

“Not at all,” Fire agreed. “A proper prince needs to be able to lead, manage and protect his home after all.”

“Very well, Prince Fire, or should I say Sheriff Fire… you are now an acting officer of Ponyville and have a seat in the Town Hall Council,” Mayor Mare said.

“Thank you,” Fire said. “How do I start?”

“We haven’t got anything major going on here in Ponyville today aside from the parties that Pinkie Pie throws for practically any reason.”

Fire nodded. “That pony is such a party animal.”

“I can let you know when we’re planning something to happen,” the mayor said. “Though now that I think about it, I suppose it would be best to announce that you will be the new Sherriff here. I’ll spread the word and have everypony meet in front of Town Hall later today.”

Fire nodded. He went back out into town and patrolled it, if he was going to be sheriff that was probably a good way to start in order to find any crime.

“Hey Fire!” a voice called from above.

Looking up, Fire saw Rainbow Dash flying over him.

“Hey Rainbow,” he greeted. “How are things with you?”

“Good, the sky’s already clear so I can just relax for the rest of the day,” she said pulling up a cloud. “Of course, I still need to stay in shape if I want to join the Wonderbolts. What are you up to?”

“Well, I just spoke with the Mayor about having a job and its looks I’m gonna have two,” Fire said. “Law enforcement and representing my mother here.”

“Great, well if you want to catch some bad guys, I’d recommend using your wings,” Rainbow Dash said spreading her own. “You’ll be able to see a lot more from up here in the sky.”

“Good point,” Fire said as he flapped his own wings and took off.

He hovered over town, and indeed could see more of it at once as he looked down. In the distance he saw Sweet Apple Acres, Carousel Boutique, Sugarcube Corner and various other locations.

“Need a hoof, or wing?” Rainbow Dash asked as she flew up next to him.

“Thought you wanted to just relax all day?” Fire teased.

“Yeah, that would be nice, but if I actually manage to stop a big crime then my chances of getting recognized by the Wonderbolts will increase tenfold!” Rainbow put her hoofs to her cheeks.

Fire frowned at the display of her ego and let out a small sigh. “Alright, I guess I could use the help. Let me know if you spot anything.”

“Will do Captain!” Rainbow Dash saluted him. “Or Prince!”

“It's Sheriff Right now,” Fire said.

“Sheriff Fire! Got it!”

“Alright, you’re now a part time deputy!” Fire said.

“And I won’t disappoint!” Rainbow said.

She then took off at an incredible speed. Fire meanwhile flew calmly over Ponyville. Then after a few minutes he heard his name being called again.


It was Twilight this time. Spike walked by her side.

“Hey Twilight,” Fire said swooping down and landing in front of her. “Did you get a reply from my mom?”

“Yes, and she said to tell you that’s she’s already sent word to the best architect in Equestria,” Twilight informed. “They are probably on their way now.”

“Ah, good,” Fire said. “Then my home should be built pretty quick. Anything going on at the library?”

“Not much, which is good,” Twilight said. “Libraries are supposed to be nice and quiet. Did you know Pinkie Pie threw me a party in there when I first arrived in Ponyville?”


“It was the night before Summer Sun Celebration,” she said. “Back when I thought friendship was a waste of time.”

“Oh,” Fire said in realization before remembering something. “Oh, and have you heard from Moondancer lately?”

“Moondancer, from the School of Magic?” Twilight asked. “No, why?”

“Oh, I thought she would have invited you to another party by now.”

“Well, parties don’t have to happen every day. Unless you’re Pinkie Pie,” Spike said as he looked at them before leaning off to the side. “Well, speak of the pony we last talked about!”

Fire turned around to see what Spike was looking at behind him. He smiled at the sight of four familiar mares from Canterlot.

"Moondancer, Twinkleshine, Minuette, and Lemon Hearts!” he said as he saw the group of unicorns he’d partied with before the Summer Sun Celebration.

“Hi Fire!” Minuette said before noticing Twilight. “Hey Twilight, hi Spike!”

“Oh, hey girls,” Twilight said her ears falling. “Hey, I’m really sorry for being such a bad friend while I was in Canterlot. I always thought that friendship was a waste of time that would only get in the way. But going up against Nightmare Moon taught me otherwise.”

She bowed her head to them.

“It’s okay Twilight,” Twinkleshine came forward a put a hoof on her shoulder. “We were kind of used to it from you.”

“Most of us anyway,” Moondancer said. “I had really hoped you would come to my party.”

“I know, Fire told me,” Twilight said in a voice filled with remorse. “I wish I could have gone now. But the princess sent me here.”

“I know,” Moondancer said with a nod.

“But I promise I’ll come to the next one,” Twilight said with a smile. "Friends?"

"Freinds." Moondancer nodded and walked up and hugged her. She was quickly joined with the others.

“So, what are you guys doing here?” Fire asked.

“Oh, we came to visit our friend Lyra,” Lemon Hearts said.

“Yeah, she moved to Ponyville just like you two! I guess that gives us three friends to visit!” Minuette said enthusiastically. “Come on, why don’t we all go together to her place?”

“Oh, uh, I’m sorry but I’ve taken a job as a Sheriff here and I can’t really abandon that,” Fire said. “But I could find you girls later!”

“Wow, a Prince Sherriff huh?” Lemon Hearts said. “Cool!”

“See you later then,” Minuette said.

They began to walk off and then Twilight looked at Fire.

“Oh, and before I forget your mom said she wanted me to tell you that she’s making you a personal set of guards that should be here later!”

“Oh, okay,” Fire shrugged.

Moondancer didn’t say anything but looked at Fire as she and the other girls walked off with Twilight to hang out. Fire then flapped his wings and ascended back into the sky. Things were quiet, but who knew how long that would last? He flew above, looking down below. For a while he found nothing out of the ordinary then…


A loud sound filled his ears, the sound of thunder coming from above.

“Aah!” he yelped in surprise.

A laugh sounded and he looked up to see a dark thundercloud with a certain blue pegasus laying on it.

“Gotcha!” Rainbow Dash said with a laugh.

Fire sniggered. “Oh, you are gonna get it my little deputy!”

He flew at her and she leapt off her cloud. He dove through it and caused it to vanish into thin air. Fire flew after Rainbow Dash who managed to stay a good deal out of range. She was fast, a bit faster than Fire as she managed to stay just out of range.

“You’re pretty fast,” she admitted. “Nopony else can give me a decent chase!”

Fire flapped his rings but could quickly feel the fatigue catching up to him. He couldn’t catch her, but he then remembered he had one leg up on her. Flapping hard with the last of the strength in his wings he activated his magic and enveloped Rainbow Dash in a red aura.

“Uh oh!” Rainbow said as she noticed this.

Fire pulled her back and caught her from behind.

“Gotcha!” he said.

“Yep guess you did! Wow, never had a pony that could actually catch me before!” Rainbow Dash said.

He grinned and let go of her.

“Feels good to have another flying buddy around here,” Rainbow said. “Fluttershy is usually too scared to come far off the ground.”

Fire smiled. She might be arrogant and a braggart but she was admittedly cool and athletic.

“So you like to sneak up on ponies, huh?”

“Yeah, I like a good prank every now and then,” Rainbow said.

Fire grinned. “Better look out cause, I like to prank a few ponies myself.”

“Oh really?” Rainbow asked with a smug smirk.

“Yeah, when I was a colt I’d get into quite a bit of trouble in Canterlot,” Fire told her. “I’d paint the royal guard’s armor to look like clowns.”

Rainbow Dash laughed. “Oh that’s good!”

“Yeah, but they’re no fun. They hardly respond to anything at all unless absolutely necessary. So, I went out and began pulling pranks on some other ponies in Canterlot, mainly the upper-class ones I didn’t like.”

“Oh, that’s rich! I bet you didn’t get any punishment at all for it!” Rainbow guessed.

“Well, I eventually got caught by one of them doing graffiti putting things like snob or spoiled on their mansions,” Fire said with a frown. “My mom grounded me for like a month!”

“Still, that’s pretty cool,” Rainbow said.

“Yeah,” Fire said as an idea occurred to him for some payback on her. “Better look out Rainbow, cause the Prince of Pranking is coming out of retirement!”

“Bring it on!” Rainbow Dash said. “But we should probably get back to our little patrol!”

“Yeah, but you’ll get yours!” Fire promised.

She took off. Fire flew around the town for a while and eventually he heard a cry for-

“Help! Thief!” somepony, a mare screamed.

Fire flew in the direction of the voice. He caught a glimpse of somepony in a dark cloak, a unicorn by the horn that was visible. He saw it was a white horn like his own that shined in a yellow aura. Bits were levitated toward the unicorn and flew into his open brown saddlebag. The cloak hid any of his… or her other features.

“It’s the Magic Money Snatcher!” one of the ponies said.

“Hey!” Fire yelled as he soared down. “Give those bits back!”

The hooded unicorn looked up at him as he approached. Then his horn lit up again and Fire brought magic to his own horn, mentally preparing himself to dodge the incoming attack with his wings. His combat training from the royal guard as well as spell casting from the School of Magic coming into play. But instead of attacking, the thieving pony simply vanished in a yellow flash.

“Hmm,” Fire hummed. “A cloaked unicorn thief that uses magic to steal things. I guess this is gonna be my first case as the new sheriff!”

“You’re the sheriff?” one of the ponies that had been robbed said. “Please, get me my bits back!”

“Everypony please stay calm!” Fire said. “I will do my best to bring this thief to justice and get you your bits back!”

He headed back to Town Hall. Ponyville didn’t have a barracks or a law enforcement building of any kind so this was where he would have to take his findings.

“Mayor Mare!” he called.

“Prince Fire Sword?” she rose from her desk and came out of her office. “Did something happen?”

“I saw a unicorn thief using magic to steal a bunch of bits!” Fire Sword told her. “He… or she teleported away as soon as they had them.”

“Oh dear. That’s happened every few weeks for the last three months,” the mayor said. “A unicorn thief with high magic skill has been stealing things from not only Ponyville but also Canterlot, and other areas.”

Fire gritted his teeth. He had heard rumors of a thief in Canterlot but not thought too much of it.

“Whoever this thief is they obviously have high skill in magic,” Fire said. “I don’t know many unicorns that can teleport.”

“Perhaps you should speak with Twilight Sparkle, she was the star student of Princess Celestia… your mother at the School of Magic,” Mayor Mare said.

“Good idea,” Fire said.

He headed to the Golden Oaks library. Twilight wasn’t there but Spike was.

“Oh, hey Prince Fire,” Spike said as he was sitting on a small chair reading a comic book.

“Twilight out, Spike?” Fire asked.

“Yeah, she and her old friends from Canterlot are finally getting together,” Spike said. “I always told her we should spend more time with them. It was always study this and study that with Twilight. We never got to just have fun.”

“Well, Twilight’s always been hard working I’ll give her that,” Fire said. “I guess I’ll just wait for her.”

He scanned the shelves for something to read in the meantime. Seeing an adventure book called Daring Do he pulled it off the shelf with his magic and took a seat. The story was good, but eventually he was interrupted by the sound of the door to the library opening. Twilight as well as Moondancer came in.

“Here it is the Golden Oaks Library where I’ll be staying,” Twilight said looking at her fellow scholarly pony.

“Wow, it’s amazing! A library in a tree. I’m kind of jealous,” Moondancer said. “You can read a new book just about every day.”

“Yeah, this library has even more books than I had back at my tower in Canterlot,” Twilight said.

“You had a tower in Canterlot?” Moondancer asked.

“Yeah, I never had you over?” Twilight asked before looking down in realization. “Oh, I’m sorry. We probably could have spent so much together reading and talking about things we read.”

“Hey, it's okay. You learned that friends are worth it,” Moondancer said putting a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “Maybe we can do that now. I’ll come read with you when we come to see you and Lyra.”

“Hey, don’t forget about me!” Fire said with a frown.

“Oh, Fire! Didn’t see you there!” Twilight said.

“Hi Fire,” Moondancer said with a blush.

“Is there something I can help you with?” Twilight asked. “I thought you said you were gonna be acting as Sheriff around Ponyville?”

“I was. I am!” Fire said. “But while I was out patrolling, I saw some pony use magic to steal a bunch of bits from ponies in the streets!”

The two mares put hooves over their mouths.

“What?” Moondancer exclaimed. “That’s terrible!”

“And more, they could teleport!” Fire said.

“Despicable!” Twilight said with disgust. “Having such a high level of magical ability and only using it for petty theft! Somepony like that should be ashamed of wielding magic!”

“Well, I’m gonna find a way to stop him if I can,” Fire said. “I was hoping you might now a spell that could help?”

“There is a spell tracking spell,” Twilight said. “It’s a spell that can keep track of other spells in a certain location. You just select the spell you want monitored and you’ll be able to know who cast it and when.”

Fire smirked. “That sounds like just the kind of spell I need!”

Twilight quickly located the book with the spell and took it outside into Ponyville. “Okay, I need to stand in the center of town and…”

She shot a lavender beam of light onto the ground and a small magic rune appeared there. Fire then felt a wave of magic pass over him.

“I set it to track teleportation spells,” Twilight said. “The next time somepony reports a thieving unicorn that can teleport we’ll be able to find them.”

“Good, thanks Twilight,” Fire said.

“Prince Fire Sword!” a voice said behind.

Fire turned and saw a group of around a dozen ponies all wearing construction helmets and carrying saddlebags with tools. They were led by a light a gray Pegasus with a brown mane and mustache.

“I’m Hammer Hoof,” the leader said. “Your mother has tasked me to build your new tower here!”

Fire smiled, “Good to meet you!”

He’d solve the case of the thieving unicorn, but first he’d need to start working on getting his place set up. Also, there was the announcement coming up soon.

He led Hammer Hoof to the hill he’d chosen near Sweet Apple Acres.

“We’ll get started right away!” Hammer Hoof said.

“Sure you don’t need any help?” Fire asked.

“I’m sure,” Hammer said.

Fire nodded. He didn’t know much about building and architecture, so he might goof things up. Ah well, he’d found what he was going to do here in any case.

He soon stood in front of Town Hall.

“I would like to welcome our new Sheriff to Ponyville! Prince Fire Sword has offered to join our law enforcement! Now I heard today that we had a theft once again from the mysterious magical thief! I promise you that Prince Fire will be doing everything he can to help out!” Mayor Mare said.

She held out a hoof to the prince who stepped forward. He felt a little nervous as he was not used to addressing a large number of ponies at once. But he’d at least been by his mother’s side when she’d done it.

He took a breath and then said, “Yes, I will do just that! With my deputy Rainbow Dash at my side as well as the royal guards that will be arriving soon, and my new friends here in Ponyville we will get your bits and any other stolen things back!”

He looked at them in the crowd and beckoned them forward. They did so and stood by his side, all except Fluttershy who backed away. Rainbow Dash flew over and picked her up then propped her into the group.

“We’ll all do our part!” Twilight said. “With the magic of friendship on our side we will protect Ponyville and all of Equestria from threats great and small!”

Fire nodded and spread his wings, wrapping them around Twilight and Rarity who were closest to him. The other mares gathered close to him in a group hug as well. Their journey had just begun.

Chapter 5: Aurora of Friendship

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Things were quiet in Ponyville as the construction of Fire’s Tower began, the unicorn thief hadn’t been heard from yet, but that was hardly a surprise. Less than a day had passed and the thief could be anywhere in Equestria by now. At least Twilight had contacted Celestia and she’d put the same spell around Canterlot with some other unicorns helping her.

Fire woke in his room in the Ponyville Grand Inn to a knock on the door. He yawned and stretched his hooves and wings then said, “Come in!”

A yellowish gray male unicorn wearing the Inn uniform entered levitating a tray with a pile of pancakes on it.

“Breakfast in bed as requested, Prince Fire Sword!” the unicorn said.

Fire smiled. “Thank you, sir!”

He opened the drawer in which he’d stashed the bits he’d been given from his mother Celestia. More would come every week, and he’d sooner or later get paid for his sheriff work. He levitated them to the pony who’d delivered his food right on time.

The server smiled and bowed before saying “Thank you.” and heading back out the door.

That left Fire alone with his food. He levitated the syrup that had come with the pancakes and spread it over each one then applied the butter as well. He ate them up and rubbed his belly in satisfaction when he was done. Then he took a shower and put on his armor and crown before looking at himself in the mirror. He looked… good, as a prince should. But, he didn’t quite look like a sheriff which was what he was now.

“I think I need a wardrobe change for this job,” Fire said taking off his crown and armor.

He felt a bit exposed, he was so used to wearing those things now it didn’t feel right to be without them. But knowing that most ponies didn’t usually wear clothes it wasn’t too major. A fair number of Canterlot ponies wore clothes but this wasn’t Canterlot. Still, Fire felt it would be best to look the part of Sheriff. He got out the badge that Mayor Mare had given him yesterday after he’d made his speech. He needed something to put it on like a sash or something.

“Hmm, need a sash,” he said. “Maybe a uniform.”

But where was he going to get those? Then he remembered, one of his new friends in Ponyville ran a clothing store. He headed out into Ponyville and soon arrived at Caresoul Boutique. He slowly opened the door to the shop/home.

“Rarity, you here?” he called.

“Fire?” she asked coming around from a row of dresses. “Oh good morning!”

She then noticed his lack of clothes. “Where are your crown and armor?”

“I decided since I’m Sheriff I needed a little change of wardrobe for the job,” Fire said. “I don’t suppose you have any uniforms in stock?”

“I do actually,” Rarity said.

She led him to the stallion section where a number of suits stood on mannequins. She looked at him.

“Don’t law enforcement typically wear blue?” she asked.

“I think so,” Fire said.

She retrieved a simple blue uniform. “I think I can spruce this one up just a little bit to make it extravagant, a Sheriff needs to look his best after all. Though your mane kind of clashes with blue, I think. Perhaps I should include a hat as well.”

“Thanks Rarity,” Fire said. “How much?”

She smiled at him. “You saved my life twice, or maybe thrice in the Nightmare Moon fiasco. Let me pay you back with a free uniform, Prince… or Sheriff Fire.”

He returned the smile with a blush. “Thanks Rarity.”

She worked for a few minutes, her magic and genius with stitching made a quick and accurate combination. But by the end, Fire had a blue uniform that stuck out on his white coat. Rarity also threw in a black tie and some fire symbols on the shoulders.

“Wow, Rarity!” Fire said as he inspected her work. “This is amazing, and so fast too!”

He then remembered something that happened a couple days ago.

“Hey, you mentioned you wanted to be royal fashion design for my mother right?” he asked.

“Yes,” she said.

“Well, I think this has earned a recommendation,” Fire said. “Also, I’m sorry for just snapping and flying off that day.”

“Its alright,” Rarity said. “I’m sorry as well, I didn’t know you had such a bad relationship with Blueblood.”

“Of course, you didn’t,” Fire said.

“Well, how about I just not mention him anymore? At least unless I have to,” Rarity said.

“That’s fine,” Fire Sword said. “If you really want him, fine.”

“Oh yes I do,” Rarity said. “I simply must meet the most eligible unicorn bachelor in all of Equestria. Then I will become a princess as well!”

So, she wanted him because he was the most eligible. Even above Fire himself. Of course, Fire was a bit younger then Blueblood and had been going to galas and parties through Canterlot a few years now. Blue was better known, at least, the image he presented of a handsome unicorn related to Celestia was.

“You want to become a princess?” he asked. “And a fashion designer for a princess?”

“Yes, well I have some very big dreams I suppose,” Rarity said.

“I’ll say,” Fire said. “I like that about you. Big dreams, and a big heart.”

It would be a shame for a mare like her to be wasted on Blueblood. Should he just tell her how he felt? She did want to marry royalty, and he was a prince too. But why wasn’t she thinking of him in that regard? Was it simply because he didn’t have as much of an eligible reputation?

She smiled at him. “Thank you, Fire. Well, I’m glad you like the uniform. You should probably get out there and see if you can catch that thief or any others.”

“Thanks Rarity,” Fire said as he slowly began to walk out but stopped. “Um, if you don’t mind can I ask you something? What do you think of me as a prince?”

“Oh, I think you’re very gracious and heroic,” she said. “You protected me and the others when we were brought down by Nightmare Moon. And you’ve been nothing but a gentlecolt to me. I’m happy to have you as a friend, Prince Fire Sword.”

So she only thought of him as a friend. Fire felt as though he had a small crack in his heart.

“T-thank you, Rarity,” Fire said. “I’m happy to have you as a friend as well. I’ll be sure to recommend you as a fashion designer to my mother. She might ask you to make something for her.”

Fire turned away and walked back out into Ponyville.

Rarity watched him go. “Oh sweet son of Celestia! He’s going to recommend me to her!”

This would be her biggest chance to shine. She’d present a marvelous dress to the Princess and then perhaps all of Canterlot would see her talent and she’d be able to set up a shop there. Then she would be invited to banquets with the princess and meet the prince. The one of her dreams that was. The one who’d captured her heart the very first time she’d seen his picture in a paper from Canterlot years ago. Prince Blueblood.

“Yes! Yes! All my dreams are going to come true soon!” Rarity said bouncing around her home like Pinkie Pie would whenever she was happy. “Thank you, Fire! Oh, I hope the mare he marries is one to just die for!”

She went over to her private office where she kept a collection of old Canterlot newspapers. There were several of Blueblood, but a few of Fire as well. She had at one point considered him since they were of the same age. But one of the pictures showed him in class with several young fillies when he was a colt. She looked at that one and was surprised to see Twilight among them. She’d never really paid much attention to the fillies or other colts in the picture before. He hung on his mother’s head as she sat with the class he had in the School of Magic. There was also one of him dancing in the company of several mares, ones that she recognized as the friends that had come and visited him.

“Fire is probably already engaged to some rich Canterlot mare,” Rarity said. “He hasn’t ever made any attempt to find a bride himself that I’m aware of. But surely Celestia would have already found a wonderful match for her son.”

Fire resumed his patrol. He found nothing out of the ordinary, for a while. He flew and walked through Ponyville as well as the nearby areas. The Everfree forest hugged it closely. He visited the areas that his friends here were at.

First he visited Sweet Apple Acres and saw Applejack and busy bucking trees and causing the apples to fall while Applebloom gathered the ones that had fallen into a bucket on a big red stallions back.

“Mornin Fire Sword!” Applejack said. “How’s everything going here?”

“Not bad Applejack. Hard at work, huh?” Fire asked.

“Yeah. Say have you met my family yet?” Applejack asked looking around.

Fire looked around at the filly and stallion. “I think I saw your sister the other day. Apple Bloom right?”

“Hi!” the filly said.

The red stallion didn’t reply but smiled.

“Hehe, sorry Fire. I guess I didn’t formally introduce ya. Apple Bloom’s my little sister and this here is Big Mcintosh, or Big Mac for short, he’s my big brother,” Applejack said.

Fire looked at Big Mac. “Hi Big Mac, having a good day so far?”

“Yep!” Big Mac said.

“Have any problems that a new sheriff in town could help with?” Fire asked.

“Nope!” Big Mac said.

Fire frowned at him slightly, not in resentment but confusion at the pair of short responses. Noticing this, Applejack put a hoof on him. “Big Mac doesn’t talk too much. But don’t worry he ain’t got no problems he can’t fix.”


Fire smiled. “I see. Well we all have different personalities. Don’t worry, I don’t bite, or burn I guess!”

The three apple siblings laughed.

“Good, cause the last thing we need is a FIRE here at Sweep Apple Acres!”

They laughed again with Fire joining this time.

“Well nice to meet you all,” Fire said. “I guess I’ll see you around.

“Everypony, breakfast is served, hope y’all worked up an appetite with your morning chores!” An elderly voice said from the direction of the home.

Fire looked and saw an old green pony with a white mane.

“Oh, thanks Granny Smith!” Applejack said before turning to Fire. “That’s my granny there as well!”

“Howdy do there, young whippersnapper!” Granny said.

“Granny, this is the son of Celestia!” Applejack said coming up and telling her close up.

“Oh my! The son of Celestia herself! What an honor!” Granny said coming forward slowly before looking off to something on the side. “Say what is that going on over there?”

She pointed to the hill nearby where pieces of wood were being put up.

“That would be our new neighbor here having his place built!” Applejack said.

“New neighbor? I don’t remember anything about a new neighbor!” Granny said.

“Uh, that would be me,” Fire said. “I won’t take up much space, Granny… or Miss Smith, I suppose,” Fire said, correcting himself

“Oh feel free to call me Granny, your highness. Everypony does,” Granny Smith said. “I was actually born with the name even before I became a grandmother.”

“Oh, very well, Granny Smith,” Fire said.

She smiled at him then suddenly clenched her teeth and clutched her hip. “Ooh! That old hip is really acting up.”

“You okay?” Fire asked in concern.

“Granny’s having some problems with her hip,” Apple Bloom said sadly.

“We would like to have her go through surgery and have it replaced. But that’s expensive,” Applejack said.

Fire looked at the old pony whose faced remained scrunched up in pain for a moment.

“I could give you the bits,” he offered. “I am a prince after all and money’s no problem for me.”

“That’s mighty generous and kind of ya, Fire,” Applejack said. “But we Apples don’t ask for handouts.”

“Darn tooting, we don’t!” Granny Smith said. “We earn our keep for ourselves!”

Fire looked around the farm, which could use some work. The barn was getting old and the roof ragged, also the equipment looked like it could use replacing. But he couldn’t force them.

“If you insist, but I’m always willing to help my friends and all my subjects out,” Fire said. “Just let me know if you change your mind. I’ll see you later!”

“Don’t you want to join us for breakfast?” Applebloom asked with sad eyes.

“I’m afraid I already ate, little one,” Fire said cupping the filly’s chin. “Thanks for the offer though. Maybe another time.”

“I’ll hold ya to that!” Applejack said. “After what we went through a while ago I’d say you’re practically part of the family already!”

Fire grinned nervously. “Thanks Applejack. I’m honored. See you soon future neighbor!”

He flapped his wings and flew off. So far the day was going by calmly. While that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, things could be boring without too much excitement. Fire flew around looking for any sort of trouble or crime. The ponies looked up at him, a few smiled and waved as well as addressed him.

“All Hail Prince Fire Sword!”

“Good afternoon Prince Sheriff sir!”

Prince Sheriff? That sounded kind of funny. Fire’s lips curled into a smile as he struggled to suppress a chuckle.

“Good morning everypony!” he said waving to his subjects as he landed on the ground. “If anypony has an problems that require the aid of the law you feel free to come straight to me!”

No pony came forward. The disadvantage of living in such a peaceful community was there wasn’t much need for law enforcement. Then Fire noticed something out of the ordinary, at least, a little out of the ordinary. He saw a young pegasus filly with an orange coat and pink mane riding a scooter. Now it wasn’t against the law, but Fire hadn’t seen many ponies do that. She was moving fast, a serious look on her face. She passed ponies, narrowly missing or even bumping into them, sending them spinning around. Fire frowned, she was being reckless with her scooter driving!

He followed her, seeing her heading straight toward a plank of wood that led onto a large pile. She went up it and flapped her wings, which seemed to be a bit small for her age. Fire doubted they could actually lift her off the ground, but she did use them to slow her fall and slightly glide down to the ground. She continued forward as Fire finally caught up.

“Hey kid,” Fire said as got by her side. “Careful where you’re going!”

“Careful?” she said with a chuckle. “Careful is not something Rainbow Dash would be!”

“You know Rainbow Dash?” Fire asked.

“Who doesn’t?” the filly asked. “She’s the coolest Pegasus in all of Ponyville. No! All of Equestria! I’m the head of her fan club!”

Rainbow Dash had a fan club? A slight amount of jealousy lit up in Fire. Of course he had been popular in Canterlot, being a prince and the son of Celestia. He’d gotten into a little trouble with his pranks on the nobility, but he’d also been studious and combative. He’d gone to the School for Gifted Unicorns most of the time, though he had flown around every so often during recess as a colt. His mother had to hire a Pegasus to keep an eye on him and make sure he didn’t wander too far. The other foals had looked up at him in admiration, and a bit of jealousy since he was the only one that could fly. Fire had never meant to show off though.

“Well, that’s cool kid,” Fire said. “Just try not to crash into anypony or I might have to have a word with your parents.”

She merely grinned. “My parents are out of town on long term! They’re adventurers!”

Fire frowned. “Well somepony has to be watching over you!”

Scootalloo smirked. “I have lots of ponies watching out for me like my aunts! Don’t worry!”

Fire sighed. “Alright, just don’t be too reckless now.”

“I make no promises,” she said defiantly. “But I will try not to run into everypony, but they need to watch out for me too!”

“I suppose that’s fair,” Fire said.

He flew back into the air. Coming to the area on the edge of the forest where Fluttershy lived, Fire headed down. He saw the yellow Pegasus out with a large group of animals, including rabbits, squirrels, birds, and a-

“Bear!” he shouted before diving down. “Fluttershy look out!”

“Ah! What’s going on! Who’s after me?” Fluttershy said in fright as she fell to the ground and covered her head with her hooves.

Fire got in front of her facing the bear, his horn at ready.

“Don’t worry I’ll protect you from this bear!”

The predator stepped back, strangely. Fluttershy meanwhile looked back over her shoulder and saw what Fire was doing.

“Oh, that’s just Harry. He’s one of my animal companions!” she said.

“Oh, sorry,” Fire said looking at the bear and sheathing his magic.

He made a soft growl as a sign of accepting the apology.

“Thank you for looking out for me though,” Fluttershy said. “Makes me feel safe having somepony to watch over me if I might be in danger.”

“Well, if you ever find anything scary just come and let me know,” Fire said with a grin.

“I will,” Fluttershy said.

Then a loud gust of wind passed by them and she screamed.

“Ah!” she ran over and hugged him frightfully.

Fire regretted the words. “Fluttershy its just the wind!”

“It was very loud wind!” she said.

Fire sighed. “Guess I’ll have to make it, dangerous and scary.”

He looked around at the animals she had. Then an idea occurred to him.

“Say, do you sell your animals?” Fire asked.

“Some of them,” she said. “I love them all but I always hope to be able to find some of them a good home elsewhere in Ponyville or beyond. Why? Do you want a pet?”

“I’m thinking about it,” he said. “Would be nice to have a little friend or two. My mom has a pet herself.”

Fluttershy smiled. “Oh Fire, I’m sure you’d be a wonderful friend to any of my animals.”

She led him toward her cottage where she kept an animal enclosure close by.

“Now what would you have in mind?” Fluttershy asked.

Fire put a hoof to his chin. “I might like a dog or a bird. Maybe both.”

“Hmm, I don’t have dogs, but I have many wonderful birds.”

She flapped her wings and lead him to a section of trees and clouds that birds were resting like Pegasi somehow.

“You are a prince, so I think you might like a falcon or eagle. Both of them are quite regal, like royalty,” Fluttershy said gesturing to both types of birds.

Fire saw a peregrine falcon and a bald eagle. Both did indeed look quite formidable. However, Fire’s attention was soon drawn to a smaller colorful bird. It had a curved beak with shades of black, green and blue on its head over a completely yellow body. He looked over to it.

“What kind of bird is this?” he asked.

“Oh, that’s a sunbird,” Fluttershy said. “They come from faraway. I found one while I was a safari trip seeing rare animals a few moons ago and I befriended a couple that let me take eggs home to raise. This is the last one. They’re very expensive though.”

“That won’t be a problem,” Fire said.

He looked at the sunbird and held out his hoof with a smile, “Hi friend.”

The sunbird tweeted beautifully and hopped onto his foreleg. It was a female.

“Hmm, I need a name for you,” Fire said.

He looked at the bird, noticing the many colors.

“You do have a lot of colors, but not the same as a rainbow,” he said. “And Rainbow Dash would probably not like it if I gave my pet the same name as her first one. Hmm, what would be another good name for something colorful?”

“Oh how about Aurora?” Fluttershy suggested.

Fire looked from her to the sunbird. “That might do nicely! Maybe not the same colors as an aurora but just as beautiful! Yeah I like it! Alright Aurora it is."

Aurora sang a small song in approval. Fire and Fluttershy hummed to it.

“Alright Aurora,” he said.

He paid Fluttershy the bits and got a bag of birdfood as well. He then went to a store in Ponyville and got a birdcage as well.

“Don’t worry I’ll let you out every so often, as long as you promise not to fly away,” he said as he put Aurora inside.

She tweeted in agreement. He then levitated the cage with him as he made his way back to the inn where he would stay until his tower was complete.

He passed a group of three Earth Pony stallions that watched him. He didn’t notice them.

“New Sheriff in town huh?” one of them said. “Could be trouble for us.”

“Yeah, but he’s got his hoofs full looking for that unicorn thief,” a second said.

“This little town will soon be abuzz, they have a false sense of security,” the third said. “Don’t worry, he maybe an alicorn but he’s just one pony. Plus, who better to steal from, then royalty?” the third one said. “Could be a chance to strike big.”

Chapter 6: The Ticket Master

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Fire Sword put on his new Sheriff Uniform and began walking out to begin his day of rounds. As he did so however, a male pegasus in a mail delivery uniform of his own came in with...

“Letter to Prince… or Sheriff Fire!” the Pegasus said slightly out of breath as he handed the mail to the alicorn.

“Thank you,” Fire said. “You look like you flew a long distance.”

“All the way from Canterlot,” the mail pony said.

Fire reached into his pocket. “Hmm, I appreciate it. Here.”

He handed a few bits to the Pegasus as a tip.

“Thank you,” the stallion said with a bow.

“Go and get some rest before you return to Canterlot,” Fire suggested.

The Pegasus nodded and Fire continued on. He opened the letter with his magic and found it was from his mother. He began reading aloud.

Dear Fire, my beloved son who warms my heart.

Fire chuckled at that.

I have almost finished with having the armor made for your new personal guard. I expect they will be there soon and your home will be finished as well. Also, I plan on sending Twilight Sparkle a ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala.

He frowned. “Eh, the Grand Galloping Gala.”

It was the biggest party in Canterlot, yet it was always awful and dreadfully dull. How did they get such good ratings? He was probably going to pass this year. All he’d ever done was stand by his mother’s side and greet the ponies coming in. Though he might feel differently if there was a mare for him to dance with. His mind immediately wandered to Rarity, but he quickly pushed it out as he knew she was already infatuated with Blueblood.

He read ahead.

Please don’t mention anything about how it usually is to her or her friends for fear that she may not attend! I’m hoping that having her and one of her friends come might liven things up.

“Hmm, I suppose that could work,” Fire said. “Might make things interesting.”

I also hope that you might consider coming yourself. Perhaps you can find a lucky mare to bring as a date (wink).

Your Mother Princess Celestia.

Inside were a pair of golden tickets. Fire sighed.

“Well, if that’s what my mom wants,” he said.

He thought about who he might be able to bring besides Rarity. Maybe one of his other friends from Ponyville, or Canterlot. Well, he’d just have to decide, there was still quite a bit of time till the gala. He headed out on his rounds to patrol.

On Sweet Apple Acres, two ponies worked with baskets full of apples on their backs. Though in the case of a certain lavender unicorn, she also had to deal with the addition of a certain baby dragon as well. Spike inspected the apples in the baskets on Twilight’s back hungrily. He looked through the apples, inspecting them and throwing them away thoughtlessly when they didn’t meet his standards.

“Nope, nope,” he said to each one.

“Thank you kindly, Twilight for helping me out,” Applejack said. “I bet Big Mcintosh I could get all these Golden Delicous in the barn by lunch time.”

She then smirked. “If I win, he’s gonna walk down Sternup Street in one of Granny’s girdles!”

“No problem at all,” Twilight replied. “I’m glad the goal is lunch time. All this hard work is making me hungry!”

“I know, right?” Spike said throwing another apple away.

This one landed on Twilight’s head, causing her to glare at him. “Oh really Spike? You’ve been lounging on my back all morning while we worked!”

“Exactly,” the baby dragon said not getting the point. “You guys were taking so long that I missed snack time!”

Twilight’s stomach rumbled. She giggled.

“I guess we better get something to eat.”

“Nope, nope!” Spike said continuing to throw away apples he deemed unworthy until finally. “Aha!”

He pulled out a big red apple that looked to be the best of the bunch.

Twilight’s eyes went wide. “Oh Spike! That looks delicious!” she said as he held out to her as though offering it.

Instead he gobbled it all up instantly.

“Spike!” she exclaimed.

“What?” he asked cluelessly before belching.

From the green fire that flew from his mouth, a scroll materialized. At that moment, a certain fiery haired alicorn arrived on the scene.

“Morning Applejack, Twilight,” Fire said. “Spike.”

“Howdy Fire!” Applejack said. “Looks like you arrived just in time for Twilight to get some mail!”

“Oh, really, I wonder what it’s about?” he asked with what sounded like a hint of sarcasm.

“Well, it’s a letter from Princess Celestia!” Twilight said. “Your mom!”

Spike opened the scroll and cleared his throat before reading the letter in a formal voice, "Here ye, Here ye! Your grand royal highness, Princess Celestia of Equestria, is pleased to announce the Grand Galloping Gala to be held in the magnificent capital of Canterlot on the 21st day of… yadda yadda yadda… cordially extends an invitation to Twilight Sparkle plus one guest!"

Applejack and Twilight gasped. "The Grand Galloping Gala!"

They began to jump around and dance as Spike watched in annoyance before opening his mouth again and burping out two golden tickets that matched the ones from Fire’s letter.

"Look! Two Tickets!" Spike said.

"Wow! Great! I've never been to the Gala, have you Spike?" Twilight asked.

"No! And I plan to keep it that way!” he said. “I don't want any of the girly frilly froo-froo nonsense." Spike replied.

"Aw, come on Spike! A dance would be nice!" Twilight said.

Fire had to agree. If he could actually find a date, he might enjoy it.

"Nice?" Applejack interrupted. "It's a heap good more than just nice. I'd love to go. Land sakes, if I had an apple stand set up, ponies would be chowin' our tasty vittles till the cows came home. Do you have any idea how much business I could drum up for Sweet Apple Acres? Why, with all that money, we could do a heap of fixin' up 'round here. We could replace that saggy old roof, and Big Macintosh could replace that saggy old plow, and Granny Smith could replace that saggy old hip. Why, I'd give my left hind leg to go to that gala."

Twilight smiled and looked at Fire. “Well, I’m sure you must have been there, Fire.”

The prince nodded. “Yeah, to be honest, it wasn’t really that fun. At least not for me.”

He saw their excited expressions lessen, then remembered his mother’s instructions.

“But maybe it will be different this year!” he said. “Things don’t always go the best every year, you know?”

They smiled. Then suddenly something came crashing on top of the two mares while Fire watched in surprise. It was Rainbow Dash.

"Are we talking about the Grand Galloping Gala?" she exclaimed after she landed on them.

"Rainbow Dash! You told me you were too busy to help me harvest apples! What were you busy doing? Spying?" Applejack asked in irritation.

"No!" Rainbow Dash immediately responded. "I was busy… napping. And I just HAPPENED to hear that you have an extra ticket?"

"Yeah but…" Twilight tried to say.

"YESS! This is so awesome! The Wonderbolts perform at the Grand Galloping Gala every year! I can see it now, everyone will be watching, they have the rivet on the Wonderbolts, but then in would fly… Rainbow Dash! I would draw their attention with my super speedy strot, then I would mesmerize them with my fantastic filly flash, and for my grand finale, the Buccaneer Blaze! The ponies would go wild! The Wonderbolts would insist that my signature moves be added to their team and then welcome me as their newest member! Can’t you see Twilight? This could be my one chance to show my stuff! You got to take me!"

Applejack then pulled back on Rainbow’s tail. “Hold on this one pony pickin minute! I asked for that ticket first!”

“So? That doesn’t mean you own it!” Rainbow countered.

The two ponies faced each other with angry expressions.

“Oh yeah? Well, I challenge you to a hoof wrestle!” Applejack declared. “Winner gets the ticket!”

Fire smirked, this was certainly proving interesting already. The two mares went to a nearby stump and began to wrestle until Twilight broke them up.

“Girls! These are my tickets! I’ll decide who gets it thank you very much!” Twilight said pointing a hoof to her chest. “Whoever has the best reason to go should get the ticket, don’t you think?”

Applejack stepped forward eagerly. “Drumming up business for the farm?”

Rainbow cut in front of her. “A chance to audition for the Wonderbolts!”

“Money to fix Grannies hip!” Applejack cut back in.

“Living the dream!” Rainbow finished.

Twilight hesitated. “Oh my, those were all pretty good reasons, aren’t they?”

Her stomach rumbled. Fire then stepped forward.

“You know, I’m sure my mom would be able to send all of you tickets,” he said. “I could ask her!”

He looked at Spike. “Mind sending one your super quick letters for me?”

Spike looked around. “Uh, we actually don’t have paper and ink right now. Didn’t think we’d need them.”

“Oh,” Fire said.

“I’m not sure that would work out,” Twilight said her ears falling. “I mean the Grand Galloping Gala is one of the biggest parties there is. You really think Princess Celestia will have room for all of us?”

Fire did recall the event being crowded last year.

“I don’t know.”

Twilight’s stomach rumbled again. She giggled. “Well, would you listen to that? I am starving, so I’ll think about it over lunch and get back to you two!”

“Okay,” the two of them said sadly.

Fire approached them. “You know, I have an extra ticket myself!” he said drawing them out. “My mom said I could use it for a date but…”

He was silent after that, sure they would take the hint. They both smiled at him.

“Really?” Rainbow asked. “You’d do that for us?”

“Sure!” Fire said.

“Now hold on, your mom wanted you to give that to a date, right?” Applejack said.

“Well, yeah, but its not exactly required,” Fire said.

“Wouldn’t you want to take Rarity?” Applejack asked. “I’ve noticed you two spending some time together and you seem to well… like one another?”

Fire blushed in embarrassment. “Me and Rarity?” he asked with hesitation.

“Yeah, you two really seem to fancy each other. She kissed you on the cheek TWICE!” Rainbow Dash pointed out. “Of course, she can be a little dramatic every now and then and get carried away. Especially when it comes to famous ponies or royalty.”

Fire sighed. “Well, she actually likes somepony else. My cousin Prince Blueblood.”

His ears drooped. Applejack noticed this and put a hoof to her mouth.

“Well, that’s tough!” she said now putting the hoof on his shoulder. “But come on the only reason she likes him is cause’s a prince. Maybe if you just ask her out, she’ll accept!”

Fire looked at her and shook his head. “Nah, I don’t want to risk her not feeling the same way.”

“She does though!” Rainbow Dash said.

“Has she told you that?” Fire asked.


Their silence was clear.

“Thanks, but I don’t want to take a chance and have her feel confused. It could really upset our friendship if you guys are wrong! Look, I’m perfectly willing to take one of you to the Gala, it doesn’t have to be a date but-“

“No, you should find a wonderful mare to share the night with, your Royal Sheriffness!” Applejack said with a chuckle. “We’ll get our ticket with Twilight.”

“Yeah, I’m gonna go!” Rainbow Dash said flying off.

Applejack noticed she was going in the same direction as Twilight.

“Oh, you better not be trying to steal my ticket!” she said before running off.

“Hey wait up!” Fire said. “You know Applejack, I could still help you out with a little donation to the farm!”

“Thanks Fire but like I said we don’t need charity!” the farm pony said. “Now if you’ll excuse me I gotta catch Rainbow!”

Fire sighed and flew after them, sensing this was going to get out of hoof. He had enjoyed the chaos for a moment back there with the near hoof wrestle but he didn’t want his friends to fight. But by the time he had arrived, Twilight had run into Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie as well. All of them were looking at Twilight expectantly. Rainbow had already caught up.

“I couldn’t risk a goody four shoes like you giving that ticket to just anybody!” the Pegasus said.

“Wait just another minute!” Applejack said as she approached.

"Applejack! Were you following me too?" Twilight asked, annoyed.

"No! I was following THIS one!" Applejack said pointing to Rainbow Dash, "To make sure she didn't try any funny business! Still trying to take my ticket!"

"YOUR TICKET?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"But Twilight's taking ME!" Pinkie Pie objected.

Bickering began back and forth, with everypony trying to win the extra ticket.

Fire heard the jumbled words and saw Twilight getting down on her stomach, cracking under all the pressure. His mane began to spark as he felt annoyed.

“ENOUGH!” he called in his royal voice that demanded absolute authority. “This is Twilight’s ticket, and she should decide who she takes!”

"Yeah, Fire is right! I’m the one with the extra ticket and I'll take whoever gets it! Now go on, shoo!" Twilight said waving her hoof.

Every other pony started walking out of the area, muttering to themselves angrily.

"And don't worry! I'll figure this out!" Twilight yelled out to them before looking down. “Somehow.”

Fire sighed and approached her. “Twilight, I really think you should at least try to see if my mother has room for all your friends!”

Twilight looked at him. “You might be right. It would be great if we could all go together and everypony could get what they want! Fluttershy wants to see the animals around Canterlot, Rarity wants to meet Prince Blueblood, she’s convinced she’ll woo him. Funny, I was thinking maybe she liked you!”

Twilight too? That was three mares that thought he and Rarity liked each other! Could it really be true? But then, there was a problem with Fluttershy’s hope.

“Pinkie wants to be in the best party there is!” Twilight continued.

Another problem. Fire clenched his teeth.

Twilight gazed at him. “You okay? You look a little nervous.”

Fire took a breath. “I’m… fine.” Just not sure your… our friends will find the gala to be quite as amazing as they think it is. He refrained from saying that as it was something his mother told him not to.

Twilight’s stomach rumbled again.

“I really need to get some food,” she said. “Care to come?”

Fire looked at the clock nearby. He’d been out on patrol for a few hours already. “I suppose it is lunch time. Alright. I guess you could probably use some support, huh?”

“Yes,” she said.

He smiled. “Let’s go.”

They gathered Spike who had followed the others when Twilight shooed everyone away then headed to a nearby café. Spike sat across from Twilight while Fire between them.

“I just hope this idea of yours works,” Twilight said. “It would be the best-case scenario for all of us.”

Fire put a hoof on her shoulder. “Don’t worry, I’m sure I can arrange something for everypony even if the gala thing doesn’t work out! I can take Fluttershy to see the animals in the garden. They’re pretty shy, like her a bit. But they know me so maybe I can help her with that! Maybe I can bring Rarity along with me as a date, that might at least get her noticed by Blueblood, if that’s what she wants.”

Fire said that with a frown. Twilight and Spike both looked at him.

“You really okay with that?” Twilight asked.

“Sure, why wouldn’t I be?” Fire asked. “She’s perfectly at liberty to pursue whoever she likes.”

“But I thought you liked her,” Twilight stated.

Fire blushed. “Okay, I admit it! She’s very beautiful and she has a good heart! As well as talent for making marvelous things!”

Spike looked away and didn’t say anything. Twilight gazed at him.

“You really sure you just want to let her be with Blueblood.”

Fire frowned. “Well, if that’s what she wants.”

“Have you made your decisions?” the waiter asked as he approached.

“Oh, yes!” Twilight said eagerly. “I would love a daffodil and daisy sandwich!”

The waiter nodded and looked at Fire next.

“And for you, sir?” he asked.

“I’ll have a hayburger and hay fries,” Fire said. “Extra crispy!”

“Ooh good choose, Fire!” Spike said before asking, “Do you have any rubies?”

The waiter shook his head causing Spike to frown. “No? Okay, extra cripsy hay fries for me too, then.”

The waiter went off and Spike scowled after him. “I think we need to try another restaurant, I like grass just fine, but would it hurt anyone to offer some gemstones?”

Fire looked at Spike. “We ponies don’t exactly eat those, Spike. You should try the jewelry store.”

“Good idea!” Spike said.

The waiter soon came back with the food.

"Oh, thank you, this looks SO good." Twilight said as Spike dug into his fries. "Just eat this and then we can see if Princess Celestia is willing to have all my friends come. But, what if she doesn’t?”

“We’ll figure something out,” Fire assured her. “I’m the son of Celestia, remember? I’m sure I can help all our friends with what they want. If they weren’t too prideful not accept help.” He muttered the last part to himself, thinking of Applejack.

“Right,” she said. “Everything will be just fine. Glad I can count on you, Fire!”

She smiled. Then somepony flew down and landed next to them.

“Did I hear you right?” Rainbow Dash asked. “You’re gonna ask Princess Celestia if we can all go?”

Twilight frowned and so did Fire. “Rainbow, stop following me!”

The Pegasus grinned nervously. “Okay, okay! Phew, here I was thinking of maybe doing you a favor like make sure you didn’t get rained on. We’re supposed to have a little drizzle right about now!”

She flew off and Fire noticed the sky was indeed being prepared for a rainstorm.

“We better get inside before the rain starts!” he told Twilight. “Wouldn’t want our food to get wet!”

They headed inside and ate their food there. Twilight rubbed her belly as they prepared to leave.

“Ah that hit the spot!” she said. “Now to get a letter to the princess!”

She looked outside and saw the rain was still going on.

“Allow me!” Fire said as he lit up his horn.

A shield formed above them and repelled the rain. Twilight and Spike walked at his side as other ponies watched with amazement.

“Um, excuse me, Sheriff Fire?” one of them asked. “Could we come with you as well?”

All the ponies looked at him hopefully. Apparently, none of the unicorns knew a rain shielding spell. Fire had never really liked the rain, or getting wet for that matter. He’d learned this spell for that reason.

“I suppose,” Fire said.

He expanded the spell in an attempt to cover the immediate area so other ponies could stay dry. They walked as close to him as possible. Those that had to head home in the opposite direction were forced make their way there in the rain.

“Well, you’re certainly REINING the rain in,” Twilight said as a joke as she walked next to him. “And you also really came up with a good set of solutions for my problem. I just hope the princess does really give us all tickets the Grand Galloping Gala!”

“The Grand Galloping Gala?” a pony with a light-yellow coat and pink and black mane said. “You have tickets?”

“That’s the prince there!” another pony said.

“Have your mother invite me!” a mare asked eagerly.

“I’ll marry you!” another said.

Fire and Twilight both clenched their teeth as many ponies began fawning over them for their tickets. Fire immediately lowered his shield and took to the wet sky. Looking back though, he saw Twilight was left on the ground as the ponies began chasing her. Fire swooped back down and grabbed her while also levitating Spike onto his back before flying away. Good thing there didn’t seem to be any Pegasi in the mob chasing them. He took Twilight to the top of the Golden Oaks Library and set her down gently.

She sighed. “Phew, that was close! Good thing I have you as a friend or I don’t know what would be happening to me right now! I’d probably still be stressing about who to give the ticket to and who knows what else would happen! I might have even been chased by a mob like that till sundown!”

“Glad I could help, uh oh!” Fire said as he noticed the mob coming this way. “Quick! Lock the library!”

They headed down and locked the doors just before everypony could get in. Fire then flew out and faced the crowd.

“Everypony enough! I get that you all want to be there!” he said. “But my mother Princess Celestia can only have so many ponies at the gala! Twilight is her most faithful student, please don’t cause her undo stress!”

“Aww!” The ponies said sadly before turning to leave.

Fire sighed. At least the rain was already clearing up. He knocked, Twilight looked out the window and saw the mob was gone. She unlocked the door and let him in.

“Phew, what a day!” she said. “Now we can write that letter!”

They turned and were greeted with a surprise. The other five mares were there already, apparently having been inside the whole time.

“Rainbow Dash told us Fire said he thought you could ask the princess to send tickets for all of us,” Rarity said.

“Yeah,” Fire said.

“We thought we’d meet you here. And sorry, for earlier,” Applejack said. “We shouldn’t have fought over it!”

Twilight smiled at them in forgiveness before saying, “Spike, take a letter!”

Spike got a scroll and quill ready.

“Write this,” Twilight started. “Dear Princess Celestia, I greatly appreciate your invitation, though I can’t decide which of my friends to take and they all have good very reasons to want to go. Fire has told me that you would probably be willing to allow them all to do so. I hope this is true because I’m not sure I could go without all of them. If you can send me four more tickets, I’d greatly appreciate it.”

Spike finished the letter and then blew out green flames. It vanished and they waited. Spike burped up something else soon enough.

"Her reply, that was fast!" Twilight said.

Spike grabbed the new letter and opened it. "My faithful student, Twilight. I’m more than happy to give you enough tickets for your entire group to come. Glad they are all so eager!"

Four more tickets were with the letter, Spike grabbed them and held them up in the air for everypony to see.

"Four more tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala!" he said.

"Yes, now we can ALL go!" Twilight said excitedly.

Every pony cheered. Fire smiled, there was still one problem, however. He had an extra ticket still.

“Guess I’ll have to find a friend or date to take,” Fire said.

But who? That question went through his mind.

Ah well, he’d answer it later.

Chapter 7: Applebuck Season

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Applejack stood on a hill overlooking Sweet Apple Acres with her brother Big Macintosh who had a bandage wrapped around his middle section. “Boy howdy!” The cowgirl pony said. “I got my work cut out for me. That there is the biggest bumper crop o' apples I ever laid eyes on.”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac said. “Too big for you to handle on your own.”

Applejack smiled confidently. “Come on, big brother! You need to rest up and get yourself better. I haven't met an apple orchard yet that I can't handle!” she patted him on the back, directly on the bandage, causing him to wince then glare at her. “Oops, sorry. I'll take a bite out of this job by day's end.”

Big McIntosh wasn’t so sure. “Biting off more than you can chew is just what I'm afraid of.”

Applejack now looked annoyed. “Are you sayin' my mouth is makin' promises my legs can't keep?

“Eeyup.” He confirmed.

Applejack was really annoyed now. “Why of all the-” Applejack muttered while slapping air with her hoof. “This is your sister Applejack, remember? The loyalist of friends and the most dependable of ponies?” she got up in his face.

“But still only one pony,” he reminded her. “And one pony plus hundreds o' apple trees just doesn't add up to...”

“Don't you use your fancy mathematics to muddy the issue!” Applejack interrupted. “I said I could handle this harvest and I'm gonna prove it to you! I'm gonna get every last apple out of those trees this applebuck season all by myself!”

As soon as she said it, she gulped.

Fire stood on another hill nearby where his tower was nearly complete after a couple weeks.

“Excellent!” he said. “We’re almost done.”

“Yes! By the end of today, everything will be ready for you to move in, your highness!” Hammer Hoof said.

Fire nodded and looked at all the workers still working. He’d have to thank them all personally when they were done. But for now, he had a job of his own to get done. While they’d been constructing the thing, he’d been doing things himself when he wasn’t on his Sheriff job. He’d picked up tapestries from Rarity as well as art from the local Ponyville gallery and the one in Canterlot. As the workers built the tower, he’d added things to it. Now they just needed to complete the top roof.

He sighed in content and then flew off. It was a day off for him so he could just enjoy himself now. The only he would have to do later besides thanking the workers was welcome his new guards which he’d gotten a letter from his mother saying were ready and would arrive at sunset. Just in time for Fire to show his friends the grand opening of the tower.

He flew over the acres of Applejack’s family and soon spotted the Earth pony beneath him.

“Morning Applejack!” Fire greeted.

She jumped as she looked up. “Oh, howdy Fire! You scared me there!”

Fire chuckled. “Sorry. Working again?”

Applejack nodded. “Yeah, and I better get kickin'. These apples aren't gonna shake themselves outta the trees.”

Suddenly there was a rumbling sound and all the trees began shaking and an apple actually shook out of the tree, landing on Applejack’s head.

“Hey!” She exclaimed before looking over her shoulder. “Oh no.”

She then galloped off.

“What’s going on?” Fire asked as he followed her.

“A stampede of cows!” she said. “I gotta get my lasso and Winona to round em up!”

“Can I help?” Fire asked hopefully.

“Unless you know how to do rodeo, then no!” Applejack said. “Fly over to Ponyville and warn them!”

Fire nodded. He flew over to Ponyville, only to hear Rainbow Dash yell, “STAMPEDE!”

A distant moo sounded and the ponies in town started running and getting into their homes. Except for a certain silly pink pony that just stood there as the ground vibrated and caused her to move with it.

Pinkie Pie laughed. “Hey! This makes my voice sound silly!"

Twilight looked at her in concern. “Pinkie Pie, are you crazy?! Run!”

Mayor Mare appeared and tried to keep order. “Everypony calm down. There is no need to panic!”

Fire flew over to them as Rarity approached the older pony with fear on her face. “But Mayor, whatever shall we do?”

“Don’t worry!” Fire said. “Applejack seems to know what to do!”

Rainbow Dash looked at the stampede. “He’s right! Look there!”

Applejack and a small brown and white dog were running alongside the stampede.

“YEEHAW!” Applejack cried out.

The ponies watching cheered at the sight of the apparent hero-to-be. Fire watched, trying to think of something that could help if Applejack failed.

“Move aside, Winona!” Applejack said. “Put 'em up, girl!”

Winona barked in response.

Rarity moaned in fright closing her eyes. Fire put a hoof on her back. “It's gonna be okay, Rarity!” he said trying to sound confident while he was a little worried himself.

Pinkie Pie took a bag of popcorn from seemingly out of thin air. “This is the best rodeo show I've ever seen!” she said cluelessly as she ate.

Twilight sighed in annoyance at their friend’s lack of intellect. Fire then came up with an idea.

Then an idea occurred to Fire. “Twilight, Rarity!” he called. “Come on! All unicorns listen up!” he called to the rest of the town. “We need to put up a shield in case Applejack’s plan fails!”

Twilight and Rarity followed him a few steps ahead and they channeled their magic. Red, lavender, and blue lit up on their horns. A shield appeared in front of the bridge the cows were heading towards. Hearing him call out, several other unicorns came as well. He spotted Moondancer, Minuette, and his friends from Canterlot among them. Various shades of magic joined with theirs. Hopefully with all of them combined they would be enough to stop the stampede from reaching Ponyville.

Applejack was still hard at work. “Come on, little doggies! Turn!” she ordered while ramming the cow near to no effect. She then whistled. “Winona, put 'em up!”

Winona barked and jumped on top of the cow near her. Applejack did the same and looked at the lead cow. “Gotcha!”

She pulled out her lasso and threw it, wrapping it around the leader with a laugh. She then pulled as Winona barked in support.

“Atta girl!” Applejack said as she grunted and diverted the lead cow away from the bridge and along the river. The others followed suit. “Yee haw!”

The residents of Ponyville cheered as they were safe and the alicorn and unicorns lowered their shield.

Applejack then managed to get the cows to stop. “Whoaaa.” Once they did, she turned to them and asked. “Hooie. Now what was that all about?”

One of the cows mooed and then coughed and cleared her throat. “Oh my! Begging your pardon, Applejack, but Moo-riella here saw one of those nasty snakes.”

This caused the other cows to gasp.

“And it just gave us all the willies, don't cha know?” the first cow said.

Applejack nodded. “I completely understand. Just next time, try and steer clear of Ponyville.”

The cow nodded as she and the others began walking home. “We certainly will, Applejack. So long, Winona!”

The dog barked in response cheerfully. Applejack then made her way across the bridge into town where the ponies began cheering for her.


Grinning at the praise, Applejack flailed her hooves. “Yee haw!

“Yee haw!” Pinkie Pie imitated while kicking out. “Ride 'em, cowpony!

Mayor Mare smiled. “Applejack was just... just...”

“Appletastic!” Pinkie said hanging upside down somehow.

“Exactly,” Mayor Mare agreed. “We must do something to thank Applejack for single-hoofedly saving the town.”

“I know! A party!” Pinkie said.

They decided to hold the party at the end of the week.

“Hey!” a voice called.

Fire, who had returned to his day off looked and saw Moondancer approaching along with Minuette, Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts, Lyra Heartstrings, and another pony with a yellow coat and pink and black mane. Fire didn’t know her name but remembered her as one of the ponies that had chased him and Twilight for the tickets.

“Hey girls,” Fire said. “How are you all doing?”

“We’re good!” Twinkleshine said. “Just back for another visit with Lyra... and you and Twilight. It was sure a thrilling one this time with that stampede!”

“But you were so cool with it!” Minuette said loudly. “You just took charge and had us all put up a shield!”

“Yeah well, you gotta keep a level head in situations like this!” Fire said with a nervous grin. “But it was really Applejack that saved the day.”

“Yeah, she was amazing!” Lyra agreed. “I think I made the right choice moving to Ponyville! Its less crowded than Canterlot but a lot of interesting things have happened. Plus, I feel like I’ve made the bestest friend in all of Equestria here!”

She gestured to the yellow Earth Pony before looking at the rest of her friends. “Not that you guys were bad friends! Anyway, I’d like you to meet Bon Bon.”

The Earth Pony looked at Fire. He narrowed his eyes at her, not in a hostile manner, but a curious one. He knew her. Not personally but he was aware of her real identity, Special Agent Sweetie Drops. She’d stopped a Bug Bear and then assumed a new identity when it escaped a year ago after the organization disbanded. He’d been there in the throne room when the matter had been discussed. She ran a hoof across her mouth, telling him to be quiet, and he nodded.

“Hi,” he greeted.

“Um, it is quite an honor to meet Canterlot Royalty!” Sweetie Drops said with a bow.

Fire smiled and played along. “Nice to meet you, Bon Bon. You all have any plans today?”

“Not at the moment,” Moondancer said.

Fire looked around and saw the spa was nearby. “Anypony up for a little r and r?”

They headed inside where they were able to soak in warm water, get hooficures, and massages. Fire sighed in content again as he felt the spa ponies there knead his back. It felt good.

“So is your house almost done, Fire?” Minuette asked. “I can’t wait to see it!”

“Well, I’m inviting a few of my friends over!” Fire said. “You all can come too!”

They grinned eagerly. As the sun began to go down, Fire headed to the hill where his now complete tower stood. Both his Ponyville friends and the ones from Canterlot were there. The workers stood in front of it. “All finished your highness! We were afraid it might fall in that stampede but we got lucky!”

“Good,” Fire said lighting up his horn. “Alright I declare this… the grand opening of Warm Heart Tower!”

He unveiled the banner he’d had made for the front door showing a red heart above a campfire. The tower was pretty much exactly like he’d sketched. A building that was mostly white a pair of gold rings, one in the middle and one at the top. A pair of torches burned at the top on either side. The doors themselves were painted with flame designs and outlined in gold. Fire was about to open the doors, but as he looked around, he noticed one thing, quickly followed by another.

First, was that somepony was missing.

“Where’s Applejack?” he asked looking around for the hero of the day.

“I tried to get her to come but she said she had too much work to do,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Oh, too bad,” Fire said. “Guess I’ll have to show her later.”

He then noticed the second thing. A group of six stallion ponies, two Earth ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasi, all clade in orange and yellow armor like Fire’s mane. A few other ponies were with them.

“Ah just in time, my new personal guards,” he said.

The two groups of mares parted space to allow the guards through. The guards saluted him and the leader, a green Earth Pony with a bow and arrow stepped forward.

“Prince Fire Sword. We are at your command! I’m Lieutenant Vine Archer, I’ve been appointed acting officer of your personal Flame Guard!”

“Good evening, Lieutenant,” Fire said. “For now, settle yourselves in! You must be tired from the train ride.”

“Sir!” Vine saluted. “Um, where do we sleep?”

“I made some barracks in the basement,” Hammer Hoof said. “Along with some servants quarters.”

“Good,” Fire said.

They headed inside and Fire gave everyone a look at the inside. The entry way had Fire’s throne (which had been moved from Canterlot) in the back as well as a kitchen and dining room with a row of tables large enough for all of them. Below was the basement where the guards and servants could sleep as well as a storage area. The first floor held a study with bookshelves that Fire could fill along with a desk for writing should the need arise. The second floor had some extra beds for a guest room and also served as a gallery where Fire could display paintings or other things he might collect; the tapestries he’d gotten from Rarity were already hung there. One showed his mother’s sun and the other his aunt Luna’s moon. Finally, at the very top was his room, with a red sheeted bed. The sword he’d gotten during the Nightmare Moon fiasco hung on the wall. There would still be much more to come as Fire needed to fill this place in several locations. But it was more then adequate.

“Oh, this is simply divine,” Rarity said.

The others made likewise sounds of approval.

“Glad you like it,” Fire said.

“This calls for a party!” Pinkie said pulling a confetti canon out.

Pinkie Pie brought several boxes of cupcakes while the servants brought food and prepared fine dishes for everypony. Fire smiled as they all celebrated his housewarming. But he knew another party was coming as well.

A few days passed, and that party was upon them. The party for Applejack in honor of her saving the town from the stampede. All of Ponyville was decorated and had balloons and banners everywhere.

Twilight and Fire approached Rarity who was wrapping a red ribbon around a tree.

“We all ready?” Twilight asked.

“Just one last thing,” Rarity said as she lit up her horn.

A large apple themed banner was put on top of Town Hall.

“Now we're ready,” Rarity declared.

“Is Applejack all set?” Twilight asked.

“Actually, I haven't seen her all week,” Rainbow said.

“Not since the stampede,” Pinkie elaborated without breaking her smile.

“Yeah, I’ve been hoping to show her my new place,” Fire said.

“But she'll be here for sure. Applejack is never late. Then you can show her after we’re done with the party,” Rainbow said.

A few minutes later, Twilight and Fire both stood before Town Hall below the banners. Twilight levitated a section of cards for her speech and soon found the first one. “Welcome, everypony! Today we are here to honor a pony we can always count on to help in matters great and small. A pony whose contributions to—

Rainbow Dash suddenly flew into the deck of cards and took over, to Twilight and Fire’s annoyance. “Did you see Applejack's slick moves out there? What an athlete. This week she's gonna help me with my new flying trick, and I know it's gonna be so awesome.

“Uh, Rainbow Dash… Twilight was speaking,” Fire said.

Twilight smiled at him in appreciaton. “Yes, thank you, Prince Fire. But Rainbow does raise a good point. And...”

Pinkie Pie interrupted this time jumping in front of Twilight. “This week, I get to run Sugarcube Corner for the first time!”

Twilight looked at her. “What does that have to do with Applejack?

Pinkie Pie smiled. “Oh. Applejack, one of the best bakers ever, is gonna help me. Applejack makes everything great, so free samples for everypony!

The ponies cheered at this news.

Twilight pushed Pinkie out of the way as well. “Oh-kay, that's great. Now if I could just make a point without being inter—

Fluttershy was there now too. “Twilight?”

“-rupted.” Twilight finished.

Fire frowned at Fluttershy. “Look Fluttershy, Twilight’s already been interrupted twice. I’m gonna have to ask you to wait! And that goes for the rest of you too!”

He pointed a hoof at the others.

“Its rude to interrupt a speech,” he said.

Fluttershy looked down. “Oh, I'm sorry, you’re right. I just wanted to mention that Applejack is also helping me this week with the official bunny census, where we count up all the new baby bunnies that were born this season. She's gonna help gather them using her wonderful herding skills.”

Twilight looked around. “Anyone else?”

“No one else!” Fire said in his royal voice. “Twilight has been working really hard here! Let her have her speech!”

Mayor Mare who had been looking at Twilight with a bright smile hoping to take over now, turned sad.

“Urgh!” Twilight screamed in frustration. “We’ve probably used up all the time before Applejack gets here anyway!”

She stepped off the stage. Fire walked alongside her.

“Sorry it didn’t work out, Twilight,” he said.

“Not your fault, Fire,” Twilight said.

Mayor Mare took over now. “Ah-ahem. And so, with no further ado, it is my privilege to give the prize, Pony of Ponyville Award…”

She gestured to a large golden trophy with a blue ribbon on it. “To our beloved guest of honor, a pony of the utmost trustworthiness, reliability, and integrity. Ponyville's most capable and dependable friend, Applejack!”

The crowd cheered as the curtains on the stage parted to reveal… nopony?

Spike began cheering with his eyes closed. “Cool! Way to go Applejack, that was awesome! I mean— heh.” He opened his eyes and saw the girls glaring at him for the ruined cheer.

Mayor Mare cleared her throat.

“Awkward.” Spike said.

Where was that pony? Everypony no doubt wondered the same thing.

And speak of the pony and she would appear. “I'm here. I'm here.” Applejack appeared carrying a bunch of apples on her back. She yawned and sighed, dropping a few apples. “Sorry I'm late…whoa… I was just... whoa... did I get your tail, Miss Mayor? Thank you kindly for this here... award thingy.”

She yawned again and chuckled nervously as she saw her reflection in it. “It's so bright and shiny and, heh, heh heh, I sure do look funny, heh.”

She began moving back and forth with Pinkie joining. Fire frowned. He hadn’t known Applejack long, but this certainly seemed abnormal.

Twilight was clearly weirded out a little but nonetheless continued. “Okay. Well, thank you Applejack for saving us from that scary stampede, and always being there for everypony."

Applejack yawned again. “Yeah. I like helping the ponyfolks and and stuff. Oh, uh, yeah. Uh, thanks."

She began dragging her reward off, earning strange looks from everypony. Twilight, Fire and the others watched and Twilight asked, “Was it just me, or did Applejack seem a little—

“Tired?” Rainbow said.

“Dizzy?” Fluttershy suggested.

“Messy?” Rarity said, earning looks from everyone. “Well, did you see her mane?”

Pinkie Pie bounced in front of Twilight. “She seemed fine to me. Woo! Woo!” she celebrated cluelessly.

Twilight looked after Applejack. “Hmm."

“I think something is going on with her,” Fire said. “Maybe we should go check it out.”

“I agree,” Twilight said.

The two of them headed after Applejack. They watched her and saw her go home, put her award away and then move from tree to tree bucking them to knock apples down. But after a few successful ones she missed.

“What in Equestria is that pony doing?” Twilight asked.

Applejack hit the bucket now instead of the trees. “Whoops.”

"No idea,” Fire said. “But it’s obvious she’s overdoing. Look how tired she is!”

Twilight called to their friend who fell asleep as she walked. “Hey Applejack!”

Applejack merely snored.

“Applejack?” Twilight repeated.

The Earth Pony snored again.

Fire sighed and flew toward her, yelling, “APPLEJACK!”

Applejack woke up and looked around. “Huh, what? Oh, howdy, Fire, Twilight.”

“What is all this?” Twilight asked walking up and gesturing to the orchard which was heavily harvested.

“It's Applebuck season,” Applejack said as she sleepily walked to another tree only to be surprised when Twilight teleported in front of her. “Whoa!”

“Applewhat season?” Twilight asked.

“Neh,” Applejack mumbled. “It's what the Apple family calls harvestin' time. We gather all the apples from the trees so we can sell 'em.”

“But why are you doing it all alone?” Twilight asked.

“Cause Big McIntosh hurt himself,” Applejack said.

“Applejack, you can’t do this all on your own!” Fire Sword said. “You need help!”

“There ain’t no one else to help,” Applejack said. “Apple Bloom has to go to school and Granny Smith is too old to help out around the farm full time.”

“What about all those relatives I've met when I first came to Ponyville? Can't they help?” Twilight asked.

Applejack sighed. “They were just here for the Apple family reunion. They actually live all over Equestria and are busy harvestin' their own orchards. So, uh, I'm on my own. Which means, I should really get back to work.”

Twilight didn’t move. So Applejack cleared her throat. “Ahem... hint hint? Get back to work?”

Twilight stepped aside. “Fine.”

Applejack, however, was getting worse. “Could you step aside, Twilight?

Twilight looked at her. “I just did. Applejack, you don't look so good.”

“Yeah, I’d say you need to sleep!” Fire said.

Applejack scoffed. "Eh, don't any of you three worry none, I'm just fine and dandy.”

“Three?” Fire asked. “There’s only two of us!”

Applejack tried to kick another tree but missed. “Whoa.”

Fire flew up to her while Twilight teleported again.

“Applejack you sound and look like you’re having hallucinations, or at least can’t see straight!” Fire said. “You really need to get some rest!”

Twilight looked at her. “Do you... want some help?

"Help?" Applejack asked. "No way, no how.”

“Look Applejack, I can order my guards and servants to help you harvest,” Fire said. “I’ll help out too!”

He flapped his wings and called his magic to his horn.

“There's no way you can do it all on your own,” Twilight insisted.

Applejack got up close to her. “Is that a challenge?”

“Uhm... no,” Twilight said.

“Well, I'm gonna prove to you that I can do it!” Applejack declared. “Now if you'll excuse me, I've got apples to buck.”

Fire sighed, anger lighting up inside him. “Fine, work till you drop!” he snapped. “Come on, Twilight let's go!”

And so they left Applejack to her work. Twilight was sad about it, while Fire was mad, at least for the moment. But it soon turned to sadness as well.

Fire returned to his sheriff duties for the next couple days. His guards helped him by patrolling the town and helping anypony that needed an extra hoof. For a while things were quiet though he heard a few things occurred in the reports, like Rainbow Dash being launched into the library and later.

“Sheriff Fire!” somepony yelled.

It was Twilight, Spike at her side as usual.

“Twilight? What’s up?” Fire asked.

“I just heard there’s an emergency at the hospital! Many ponies are sick!” Twilight said.

Fire ran with her.

“We came as soon as we heard!” Twilight said as the three of them entered the room.

Nurse Redheart looked at them. “Oh thank you, Twilight, Prince Fire! We need all the help we can get!”

The sick ponies moaned. There were indeed many of them, including all Fire and Twilight’s Canterlot friends.

“Moondancer, Twinkleshine, Minuette, Lemonhearts, Lyra!” he exclaimed as he looked at each of them. “What happened?

“It was a mishap with some of the baked goods,” Redheart said.

“No, not baked goods, baked bads,” Pinkie said as she looked ready to puke.

“Applejack,” Twilight muttered. “First she sends Rainbow crashing into my library and now this!”

Fire sighed. “That settles it! We have to help whether she likes it or not!”

Spike suddenly appeared holding a couple muffins, one of which he held out to Twilight and the other he munched on.

“Want one?”

“No!” Twilight said taking the muffin away. “Give me that!”

She threw it in the trash to Spike’s dismay.

“You’ll be lucky if you don’t get sick from that!” she said.

They headed to Sweet Apple Acres. Fire took a small detour to get his servants from Warm Heart Tower.

“Listen up everypony!” he said. “My… our neighbor, Applejack, is working herself too hard harvesting! She’s caused several ponies to get sick by misbaking treats. We’re going to lend her a hoof! Whether she likes it or not!”

The servants dropped what they were doing and followed him to Sweet Apple Acres, where Fire was able to catch the tale end of Twilight trying to persuade Applejack to accept help.

“Ugh!” the Earth Pony exclaimed. "No, no, NO! How many times do I gotta say it? I don't need no help from nopony!”

“Ugh. That pony is stubborn as a mule!” Twilight said.

A nearby bray from a mule drew her attention.

“No offense,” she added.

“None taken,” the Mule said.

“Well stubborn or not she can’t do this!” Fire said. “Come on, lets get harvesting!”

His servants immediately began working on the trees in various ways, magic, flight and bucking. Fire took as many apples in his red magic as he could.

Twilight looked at him. “You sure you want to do this when Applejack’s not okay with it?”

“She’s not thinking clearly,” Fire said. “She’ll be lucky if I don’t hit her with a sleep spell next time I see her. From the looks of it she could use one.”

“Well, I’m gonna just go back to reading,” Twilight said. “Don’t blame me if she yells at you for helping.”

She left, and Fire was left on the farm. Applejack was nowhere to be seen for a while. Then one of the Flame Guards flew up.

“Your highness, trouble in Ponyville!” he said.

“What?” Fire exclaimed. “What’s going on?”

“A bunny stampede!” the guard said.

Bunny stampede? Fire flew to the town and saw there indeed bunnies all over, eating flowers as Fluttershy tried to round them up.

“Oh my. Oh... please stop, little bunnies. Oh no! Please, let's go home. Oh my goodness,” she said.

“All right,” Twilight said before spotting Fire. “You were right, Fire. Enough is enough.”

They headed to Sweet Apple Acres, running into Fire’s servants along the way.

“What are you all doing here?” Fire asked.

“Sorry your highness but that friend of yours saw us and chased us out!” one of them said.

Fire frowned. He and Twilight continued on, finding Applejack with her eyes closed sleepily while still bucking a tree. But she’d gotten so weak only a few apples fell.

“Must… keep…buckin'... just…a few… more. Must finish harvestin’.” Applejack said through heavy gasps.

Twilight approached her. “All right, Applejack. Your applebucking hasn't just caused you problems, it's over-propelled Pegasus', practically poisoned plenty of ponies, and terrorized bushels of brand-new bouncing baby bunnies. I don't care what you say. You. Need. Help.”

Applejack scoffed. “Ha! No, I don't. Look, I did it. I harvested the entire Sweet Apple Acres without your help. How d'ya like them apples?

Suddenly Big McIntosh appeared next to her. “Um, how do you like them apples?”

Applejack looked and saw him pointing to another part of the orchard that had not been harvested. “Where'd all the
apple...?” she mumbled weakly and finally fainted.

“Applejack. Applejack,” Twilight put a hoof on her.

Applejack woke up. “Huh?”

Twilight sighed in relief. “Oh, good, you're okay. Now Applejack, I completely respect the Apple family ways. You're always there to help anypony in need, so maybe you can put a little of your stubborn pride aside and allow your friends to help you.”

“Yeah, you need it,” Fire said.

Applejack sighed. “Okay, Twilight, Fire.”

“I am not taking "no" for an answer,” Twilight said expecting a refusal before raising her eyebrows. “What?”

“Yes, Twilight,” Applejack said. “Yes, please. I could really use your help.”

Twilight chuckled and sighed.

“Finally,” Fire said.

He called his servants while Twilight got their friends, both local and from Canterlot. Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash all took one part of the orchard while Moondancer, Twinkleshine, Minuette, Lemonhearts, Lyra, and Bon-Bon did another, and Fire’s servants helped with the last. Twilight and Applejack weren’t there for a while, as Applejack needed rest after working so hard and Twilight needed to make a report to Fire’s mom.

Twilight wrote the letter.

Dear Princess Celestia,

My friend Applejack is the best friend a pony could ever have, and she's always there to help anypony. The only trouble is, when she needs help, she finds it hard to accept it, so while friendship is about giving of ourselves to friends, it's also about accepting what our friends have to offer.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle

She then joined them quickly followed by Applejack who looked nice and refreshed after a long nap. Twilight levitated large numbers of apples into the buckets waiting while Fire both flew and did the same.

Applejack looked at them all in appreciation. “How about y'all take a little break?” she asked. I got some fine apple juice waitin' for ya!”

She sighed as she looked around at all of them. “Girls, Fire, other ponies, I can't thank you enough for this help. I was acting a bit stubborn.”

“A bit?” Twilight repeated with a grin.

Applejack looked at them. “Okay. A mite stubborn, and I'm awful sorry. Now, I know the town gave me the Prized Pony award, but the real award is having you all as my friends. And these friends of friends,” she added as she looked at Fire’s Canterlot friends and new servants.

"Phew!" Rainbow Dash said. "That applebucking sure made me hungry."

"And I've got the perfect treat!" Spike said.

He pulled out the bad muffins.

Pinkie Pie, for once, was not in a treat eating mood. “Eeew... Spike, I threw those all away. Where'd you get them?”

“From the trash!” Spike said.

“EW!” Everypony said and began walking away.

“Just a little nibble?” Spike asked. “Come on.”

“Ew! Gross!”

“Not a chance, Spike!” Fire said. “Those made ponies sick! Just throw them away! We’ll have our own party at my place! Besides, I haven’t had the chance to show Applejack yet!”

They did so. Pinkie asked to personally make the treats so the servants let her use the kitchen. Lemonhearts helped as well making lemon cakes. They all had a good set of baked goods while Spike reluctantly put the bad ones in the trash.

“Well, Fire this is a darn good place! Bit fancy fer my taste but it fits a prince!” Applejack said. “Especially the son of Celestia!”

“Thanks,” Fire said before remembering something. “Neighbor.”

She smiled at him. Soon everypony cleaned up and headed home.

“See you girls later!” Fire said to his guests as they all headed out.

Chapter 8: Griffon the Brush Off

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Fire headed out of his now completed house with a sigh of relief. Today was his day off, so he could enjoy himself in Ponyville while his guards patrolled the town and kept it safe in absence. As he was heading out though, he saw a mail pony with a yellow mane and crossed eyes coming toward him.

“Delivery for Prince Fire Sword!” the mail pony said. “You have a letter here from Canterlot!”

Fire took the letter and noticed a familiar wax seal on the front. He was confident they wouldn’t make a mistake and send him letters from random ponies. Fan mail could be an issue as a monarch’s time had to be spent on important tasks. He opened it with his magic first and saw it was from his cousin, or as he actually thought of her, his sister.

Dear Fire,

I sure miss you being in Canterlot. But I hear you are enjoying yourself in the small town of Ponyville. I’ll have to come down and visit sometime, I hear Twilight Sparkle is there as well. I haven’t seen her in so many years since I stopped being a foalsitter. I hope I can see her again as well and meet your new friends that helped you defeat Nightmare Moon. I’m very proud of you, just don’t take too many risks now, please? Aunt Luna is certainly nice once you get to know her. I'm about to go on a long tour so I hope to see you again soon.


Your cousin by adoption and sister by heart,


Fire smiled. His big sister Cadance, she’d become an alicorn at a young age and been adopted by his mother as a niece so she could learn to be a monarch someday as was her destiny when she earned her horn. She’d taken care of him when he was a colt and they’d grown super close, with her teaching him to fly and use magic when he’d been in foal school before attending the School for Gifted Unicorns. She’d been his closest family member after his mother, not anything like Blueblood. She was kind and loving, fitting since her title was the Princess of Love. Once, he'd had a major crush on her as a colt. But eventually he’d found he thought of her as more like a sister then a love interest or even cousin. She’d smiled and embraced him, saying she felt the same way and they’d called themselves honorary siblings ever since.

He went inside and put the letter on his desk then walked into town. Coming to a fountain across a bridge, Fire spotted Pinkie Pie and Twilight, with the latter laying on a bench reading a book while Pinkie chatted away.

“Hoof-biting action overload!” Pinkie said as she bounced around happily. “She was like a stunt superstar, flying higher and higher, and then Rainbow Dash swooped down—swoosh—and right before she hit the ground—shoom, she pulled up—vrrrmmm!”

“Uh-huh,” Twilight said with a disinterested expression, her eyes glued to her book.

Pinkie continued without even noticing Twilight’s disinterest. “And then she looped around and around like whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo!”

“Uh-huh,” Twilight repeated.

“Hey girls,” Fire said as he came up to them.

“Hey Fire Sword! Chop Chop! Get it?” Pinkie asked looking at him.

Fire frowned. “No, I don’t get it.”

“Cause you got sword in your name so you gotta chop right?” Pinkie asked.

“Swords don’t actually chop,” Fire corrected her. “They slice and cut, its completely different.”

“Oh,” Pinkie said. “Well, you can always cut it then!”

Suddenly a shadow passed over them. They looked up and saw it was Rainbow Dash. Pinkie suddenly took off after her with a smile.

“Phew,” Twilight said as she noticed this.

“Pinkie bugging you?” Fire asked.

“Yeah, don’t get me wrong, she’s one of my best friends, but she can still be a little…”

“Annoying?” Fire guessed.

“Yeah,” Twilight said. “I just want to be able to read in peace but she won’t stop chatting.”

“I get it,” Fire said. “Well, I’ll just leave you too it then. I think I could do with a read myself.”

“Oh, well Spike’s at the library,” Twilight said. “Feel free to check out anything you need.”

“Thanks,” Fire said as he made his way there.

Getting to the library he found it empty, aside from the books.

“Spike?” he called.

There was the sound of feet from upstairs and the little dragon soon appeared with a checklist in hand.

“Oh, hey Fire,” Spike said with a visible frown.

“Hey… Spike,” Fire said uneasily.

He seemed to often have a foul mood whenever he looked at Fire.

“I’m here looking for a book to read,” Fire said.

“We got plenty of those,” Spike grumbled. “I’m just taking an inventory of everything Twilight needs while she’s out enjoying some book time. Seems we’re running low on scrolls so I’ll have to get some later today."

“Okay,” Fire said hesitantly. “Hey, can I ask you something?”

“Sure, what is it?” Spike asked.

“Why do you, sometimes frown at me… like you’re mad at me or something?” Fire asked.

“Uh… well,” Spike sighed. “Rarity seems to like you, and I… well… like her.”

Fire frowned at him. “There is nothing going on with me and her! Besides, she likes Prince Blueblood.”

Spike sighed. “Guess we’re both stuck with her liking somepony else huh? Sorry.”

“It's okay,” Fire said managing a smile. “As long as she’s happy. Besides, there’s plenty of other mares out there, though you probably want to look for a filly around your age.”

“Maybe,” Spike said with a frown, not seeming to agree.

Fire then remwmbered he still had to find a date for the Grand Galloping Gala. But for now, he’d find a book to read. Scanning the volumes he found The Tale of Gusty the Great as well as Buck Everlasting and Daring Do. He checked them out and was about to head out as Twilight got back.

“Ah hello again, Fire,” Twilight greeted warmly.

“Hey Twilight,” Fire greeted in return. “What are you doing for the rest of the day?”

“Potion experiments,” she said.

“Cool, well I’ll leave you to that then,” Fire said as he levitated the books he’d borrowed.

“Right, see you later,” Twilight said. “Spike, do we need anything?”

“Just scrolls,” the dragon told her.

“Well, you can go get them then,” Twilight told him.

Fire exited the Golden Oaks Library and made his way through town for a place to read. He found a tree and a cluster of bushes that were right in front of Rarity’s boutique. He shrugged. Maybe she’d come out and say hello? He opened the Tale of the Gusty the Great, one of his favorite stories from foalhood about a powerful unicorn that faced the dreaded Grogar.

He read for a while and then heard someone coming. It was Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie with a… vase of flowers? That was strange, Fire thought. They brought the flowers to Rarity’s door and rang the doorbell before scurrying and hiding behind the bushes just over Fire’s shoulder as he watched.

“Is she even home?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I don't know. This is gonna be gold!” Pinkie Pie said.

Then the top window of the door opened and revealed Rarity inside. Pinkie and Rainbow Dash sniggered as they ducked down and Fire frowned in suspicion, what were they doing?

“There she is!” Pinkie said.

Rarity looked down in front of her door and saw the flowers, she bent down with intrigue to sniff them, likely thinking they were a gift from a secret admirer. But as soon as her nose touched the flowers she suddenly began sneezing uncontrollably. Soon the sound of Rainbow Dash and Pinkie laughing filled Fire’s ears, Rarity looked and both of them saw Rainbow Dash holding a shaker of allergy powder that they’d put on the flowers. Rarity frowned at them as did Fire.

“Rarity!” he said in concern as he walked over. “You alright?”

Suddenly there was a very loud sneeze behind him and he looked to see the shaker with its contents spilled, and Pinkie had sneezed herself far away, apparently Rainbow Dash had accidentally covered her with the powder as well when she flew away.

Rarity smiled at the sight. “Well, what’s goes around comes around!”

She looked at Fire with a small smile, her nose still bearing the powder. She sneezed again and headed back inside.

“Hey Fire!” Rainbow Dash called as she flew back to him. “Me and Pinkie are pulling a few pranks around Ponyville, wanna join?”

Fire looked at her. “Maybe, as long as it’s nothing to bad.”

He then heard Rarity sneeze once more.

“But first I think I need to help her.”

He made his way into the Boutique. Rarity was trying to get to the sink but the sneezing slowed her down.

“Achoo! Achoo!”

Fire levitated a towel under the sink and ran the water before bringing it over to her face and wiping her nose for her. She sneezed a couple more times but after he was done she took a breath of relief.

“Oh, thank you Fire!” she said.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Yes, I mean, I didn’t like sneezing my…um… face off,” she said. “But it wasn’t a bad prank, I suppose.”

Fire smiled. “Glad you think so.”

He headed outside and asked Rainbow and Pinkie what they were going to do next.

“I was thinking we could go prank Twilight!” Rainbow said. “Switch her ink with invisible ink while she’s working.”

“That sounds funny!” Pinkie said.

Fire had a bit of a mixed set of feelings about it. “I don’t know. It might be funny, but it could also mess up her experiments.”

“Ah come on, I thought you were the pranking prince!” Rainbow said.

“Yeah, but I only pulled them on snobs!” Fire said.

“Oh, come on it’s just for fun!” Pinkie said. “We spooked Spike a little earlier when he was getting scrolls and caused him to get the hiccups. Though he did burn all the scrolls.”

Oh boy, that probably meant Fire’s mother had gotten quite a few blank ones. Still-

“Alright, I suppose,” Fire relented.

He flew with them as they continued their pranking spree. Next was Twilight who was working with her potions. She went into the bathroom at one point, which enabled Rainbow Dash to sneak in and switch the ink as Fire and Pinkie waited in the tree next to the window. When Twilight returned, she put one liquid in another part of her potion system and jotted down a set of notes on a parchment nearby, only to have the notes vanish thanks to the invisible ink.

“Hmm?” Twilight exclaimed.

Fire and the two girls laughed outloud and Twilight heard, she looked out with an annoyed expression, but it quickly softened into an amused one.

Next it was time to prank Applejack, and it was a good thing that pony was super busy, and that they were all good with paintbrushes and able to paint the apples on the trees quickly. When Applejack emerged from her barn she gasped at the sight.

“Land sakes!”

Hearing the laughter nearby, Applejack quickly spotted her trio of uninvited guests with the paints. She then grabbed a bunch of apples and began throwing them at the intruders who ran. But seeing an apple that fell into a nearby barrel of water lose the paint it had acquired, she chuckled.

“Good thing those paints will wash right off, but ponies will be looking at some apples of a different color for a while!” Fire said.

That caused the two female pranksters to giggle.

“Good one, Fire!” Rainbow Dash said. “You’re a hoot!”

They headed to a pond nearby, intending to use a fake turtle to squirt some unsuspecting pony. For a while there was nothing but then Rainbow Dash sniggered from where she watched with a telescope.

“Is someone over there?” Pinkie asked with the rope to the turtle in her mouth. “Who're we gonna squirt? Who're we gonna squirt?”

“Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash said with another chuckle.

WHAT? “ Pinkie exclaimed in disbelief before spitting out the rope trigger. “No no no no no no! We can't prank Fluttershy. I mean, she's so sensitive. It'll hurt her feelings, even our most harmless prank.”

“Yeah, you're right,” Rainbow Dash reluctantly agreed while blowing a raspberry and looking at her friends who looked at her and saw something that made them both smile. “Huh. We need another victim who's made of tougher stuff. So, who's it gonna be?”

Pinkie Pie chuckled as Fire smirked. “Oh, I've got someone in mind,” she chuckled again. “The toughest around. Or at least one of the toughest.”

“Oh, awesome!” Rainbow exclaimed. “Who? Who? Do I know them?”

Pinkie giggled and pointed at the water Oh, yes!” she couldn’t stop giggling as she spoke. “You're very close!”

Rainbow looked into the water and saw the ink that Pinkie had put on the telescope lense on her eye. She chuckled as well and Fire did too. “Good one, Pinkie Pie!”

She held out her hoof for a high hoof, but got it out of the way when Pinkie tried to give it to her. They both laughed, then it was Fire’s turn to have some fun. He approached them with a smirk.

“Well, it was fun today pulling a few pranks,” Fire said. “Why don’t we have a little race to my house, Rainbow Dash?”

“Alright,” Rainbow said as she spread her wings. “But you’re gonna lose!”

Fire smiled and looked at Pinkie, “Pinkie, would you do the honors and say ready, set, go?”

“Sure-a-Rooney!” Pinkie squealed. “Ready! Set…”

Fire aimed his horn at Rainbow Dash whose eyes widened as she was wrapped with ropes then flung at Pinkie who just managed to say “Go!”

The two of them were bound together with Rainbow struggling against the rope.

“Hey!” she exclaimed.

Fire just grinned. “Looks like I get the last laugh!” he said as he spread his wings. “Have fun getting out of that you two damsels in distress!” he said as he flew away with a final laugh.

“Hey! I’m not a damsel in distress!” Rainbow Dash yelled as she struggled to break free from the binds.

“See you tomorrow! If you can’t break the rope just ask somepony to cut it!” Fire called after them.

The next day Fire was back on patrol and spotted Pinkie Pie with a hilarious outfit on.

“Hey Fire! Up for some more pranks?” Pinkie asked.

“Uh, sorry Pinkie but I have work today,” Fire said before whispering in her ear. “And don’t do a prank that gets so bad I have to arrest you.”

He chuckled to let her know he was joking and she giggled.

“Okay, well I’ll see if Rainbow Dash is up for it!”

Fire shrugged and followed her, its not like he had a certain route he needed to go on.

Pinkie Pie blew her party blower as they got under Rainbow Dash’s house. “Rise and shine Rainbow Dash! It's a brand new day and we got a lot of pranking to-“

Suddenly a creature appeared on Rainbow Dash’s house in the clouds. It was a griffon with a white eagle head, eagle front legs, and a light brown body in the shape of lion with matching tale and hind legs.

“Ooh.” Pinkie said in amazement, Fire couldn’t blame her, this was probably the first time she’d seen a griffon, he’d been pretty amazed himself when he first saw one as a colt.

“Mornin', Pinks! Fire!” Rainbow Dash said as she appeared on the roof of her house before flying down and turning back to the griffon. “Gilda, this is my gal pal, Pinkie Pie, and my guy pal, Fire Sword.”

“Prince Fire Sword,” Fire corrected. “My friends call me Fire.”

Gilda let out an eagle screech as she descended to the ground. “Hey. What's up?” she asked while looking away in a disinterested manner.

“Nothing much, except the wide-open sky for flyers like us to soar through,” Fire replied with a smirk.

Gilda chuckled and looked at him directly. “Ha, you’re not bad! You really a prince?”

“The son of Celestia herself!” Fire said putting a hoof to his chest.

“Then, where’s your crown?” Gilda asked, her eyes narrowing.

“Oh, I only wear it around here when I’m doing prince related stuff. Right now, I’m just the humble Sherriff!” Fire said.

Rainbow Dash chuckled. “Yeah the humble cheating Sherriff!” Anyway, Pinkie, Fire, this is my griffon friend, Gilda.”

“Nice to meet ya,” Fire said extending a hand to shake Gilda’s claw.

“Uh, do I have to bow or something?” Gilda asked as she took it with an uneasy expression.

“It's not really required,” Fire said with a shrug. “Maybe at formal events.”

“Good,” Gilda said managing a smile. “Meet any griffons before?”

“A few,” Fire said.

Pinkie Pie, however, looked confused. “What's a griffon?

“She's half-eagle, half-lion!” Rainbow Dash said.

Gilda spread her wings and pounced, landing next to Rainbow who she wrapped her claw around and then did a hoof and claw shake. "And all awesome. Raa. Heh-haa. Yeah, that's right!”

Rainbow Dash then went on to tell them about Gilda. “Gilda's my best friend from my days at Junior Speedster flight camp. Hey, remember the chant?”

“Sha!” Gilda said in a brush off sort of way. “They made us recite it every morning, I'll never get that lame thing out of my head!”

Rainbow Dash then got close. “Sooo...”

Gilda sighed. “Ugh. Only for you, Dash.”

The two of them rose into the air and danced while they did the chant they mentioned.

Junior Speedsters are our lives,

Sky-bound soars and daring dives

Junior Speedsters, it's our quest,

To someday be the very best!”

They landed on the ground as they ended the chant.

Pinkie laughed while Fire smiled, but as he looked at Gilda he couldn’t help but notice her eyes were narrowing at Pinkie.

“Oh that was awesome, and it gave me a great idea for a prank. Gilda, you game?” she asked.

That seemed to get Gilda’s interest. “Huh. Well, I groove on a good prank as much as the next griffon. But Dash, you promised me we'd get a flying session in this morning.”

Rainbow Dash looked at Pinkie sadly. “Yeah, uh, well, Pinkie Pie, you don't mind, do you? Gilda just got here. We'll catch up with you later.”

Pinkie Pie looked down. “Oh. Um, well sure, no problem. Have fun you guys, I'll, uh, just catch up with you-

They were already taking off on their wings. Pinkie sighed and finished, “Later.”

She blew her party hooter sadly.

Fire put a hoof around Pinkie. “Hey, don’t worry, so Rainbow Dash has another friend. We have lots of friends too, like Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, Spike, and the others.”

Pinkie smiled. “You’re right! But I really wanted to hang out with Rainbow Dash today.”

“Well, better luck next time,” Fire said. “See you later.”

He flew off and returned to his patrol, leaving Pinkie looking up at the sky.

He spent time looking for anything that might look suspicious, that unicorn thief was still out there. Who knew where he could be in Equestria, using magic for the nefarious purpose of stealing from decent ponies. It was a disgrace.

Eventually it was time for lunch. He walked through Ponyville and came to the intersection near near Sugarcube Corner. He suddenly spotted Gilda with her back turned to him.

“Oh, hey! Gil-

“Hey! Gilda exclaimed in an unfriendly manner, not looking at Fire.

“Please excuse me,” A small but familiar voice said.

Fire walked around and saw it was Fluttershy that had apparently bumped into Gilda while backing up leading a family of ducks.

Gilda also apparently wasn’t going to accept an apology, because she said angrily. “I'm walkin' here!”

Fluttershy backed up fearfully as other ponies watched in shock. “Oh, um, I'm sorry. I-I-I was just trying to...

“I'm sorry, I'm sorry,” Gilda repeated in a small voice mockingly. “Why don't you just watch where you're going, doofus?

Fire frowned, unable to stand by any longer as he saw the griffon bullying his friend. He flapped his wings and placed himself in front of Fluttershy.

“Hey! Leave her alone! She bumped into you by mistake!” Fire shouted. “She said she was sorry! That should be enough for you!”

“You stay out of this Princey! My problem is with the lame pony!” Gilda said.

“Nopony… or griffon… bullies and insults my friends!” Fire roared. “You wanna fight?”

Gilda just frowned. “Whatever. All these lame ponies are driving me buggy. I gotta bail!”

She flew off. Fire watched, his golden eyes burning with anger before they soon turned to Fluttershy with a kinder light.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

She nodded to show she wasn’t hurt, but tears still formed in her eyes “She was just… so mean!”

Fire wrapped a hoof around her to comfort her. “Shh. It’s okay, she’s gone now.”

He stroked her back for a moment and then and then pulled away. “Come on, let’s go somewhere quiet.”

He led her to the Golden Oaks library nearby. Twilight was there, she looked at them as they entered and saw Fluttershy’s face in tears before getting up from her desk in concern.

“What happened?” she asked.

“Rainbow Dash’s so called ‘friend’ Gilda was bullying Fluttershy!” Fire said.

“Gilda?” Twilight repeated. “Pinkie told me about her! I thought she was just being jealous!”

“Pinkie was here?” Fire asked.

Twilight nodded. “She came in claiming that some griffon had stolen Rainbow Dash away from her and that she was a grumpy meaney pants. I guess she was right. What did she do?”

“She yelled at Fluttershy just for bumping into her by accident and then made fun of her for stuttering. I know that can a be little annoying… no offense Fluttershy, but it’s just that you’re well… shy. You didn’t deserve that!”

Fluttershy sniffled a bit. “I’m sorry I’m so shy.”

Fire put a wing around her and pulled her closer. She leaned on him, soaking his coat with her tears. Twilight put a hoof over her mouth and walked over, wrapping her hooves around them as they comforted Fluttershy.

“It’s just the way you are,” Twilight said. “And it’s not your fault. Its Gilda’s. Hopefully she’ll be out of here soon.”

There was a knock on the door and Pinkie Pie burst in, “Hey! I’m putting on a party and everypony’s invited! Its for Rainbow Dash’s friend Gilda!”

Twilight looked at her. “Pinkie! I- wait what? You just said a little while ago Gilda was a grump!”

“Yeah, but maybe if we show her a good time it will change her!”

Fire sighed. He couldn’t really arrest Gilda since he’d only seen her being a jerk.

“I don’t really think she deserves a party! I saw her bullying Fluttershy!” he said.

“Oh, you too?” Pinkie asked. “Well I saw her stealing from a fruit stand and that!”

“You did?” Fire exclaimed. “Okay, we need to have some charges pressed against her!”

“Hold on!” Pinkie Pie said. “That might just make her even worse! Let me try first, please!”

“Pinkie…” Fire said. “We can’t let her just get away with being not only a bully, but a thief as well.”

“Please! Please! Please!” Pinkie begged taking his hoof.

Fire sighed. “Fine.”

“I’m sorry I accused you of misjudging Gilda,” Twilight said to Pinkie. “Looks like I misjudged you.”

“That’s okay, Twilight!” Pinkie said forgivingly. “Even you can’t be a super smart super smarty-pants all the time!”

“Well, let’s give this a try,” Twilight said. “If it doesn’t work, then you do what you have to, Fire.”

The Sheriff Prince nodded. They made their way to Sugarcube Corner where they met with Rainbow Dash and came up with a party plan, though they left out certain details like Gilda’s rudeness for the moment.

“Welcome, welcome. Welcome!” Pinkie Pie said as everyone walked in.

“Who's this Gilda I've heard nothing about?” Applejack asked Rarity as they stood in a corner near Fire.

“I hear she's an old friend of Rainbow Dash. A griffon, so rare,” Rarity commented.

“Yeah, even I rarely see them,” Fire said. “And it’s not always pleasant. This one certainly wasn’t.”

“What do you mean?” Rarity asked.

“She was rude to Fluttershy earlier,” Fire told them. “Made her cry.”

“Well, that ain’t right! Why’s Pinkie even throwing this party, then?” Applejack asked.

“I don’t know, maybe she’s hoping to make friends with and change her,” Fire said. “But I don’t think it will end well. But don’t worry, I’ll be here to protect you girls if she gets out of hoof.”

He winked at them. Rarity smiled with a blush.

“Oh, how very gracious of you, noble prince!” she said as she circled him and pressed her cheek to his, causing him to blush as well.

“Thanks, but I reckon I can handle myself. Most of the time,” Applejack said.

Fluttershy, meanwhile, walked over to Pinkie. “Um, Pinkie Pie, about this party for Gilda. Umm... do you really think it's a good idea? I mean…”

Pinkie Pie just smiled and ruffled her mane. “Don't worry your pretty little head about mean old Gilda. Your auntie Pinkie Pie's got it all taken care of!”

This form of coddling caused even the kind Fluttershy to frown in annoyance. “I'm a year older than you.”

Fire walked over to her. “She’s just trying to have your back like any friend would do. And if I’m being honest you maybe older but you’re not very assertive.”

Fluttershy sighed. “You’re right. I wish I could change that.”

At that moment, Gilda arrived. Noticing this, Pinkie Pie bounced over to her. “Gilda! I'm so honored to throw you one of my signature Pinkie Pie parties, and I really, truly, sincerely, hope you feel welcome here amongst all us pony folk.”

She extended her hoof for Gilda to shake. The griffon hesitated a moment and then took it, only to receive a shock from an electric buzzer around Pinkie’s hoof. Pinkie laughed at this and Fire chuckled as he saw, feeling it served her right. It might not have been intended as revenge but it was as good as for Fire. But looking at Gilda as she got up, she looked pretty angry. Fire narrowed his eyes and began to step forward in case she was about to get mean again.

Fortunately Rainbow Dash stepped in with a laugh. “Oh Pinkie Pie, the old hoof-shake buzzer. You are a scream.

Gilda said in an insincere tone and with a forced chuckle. “Yeah uh, good one, Pinkie Pie.”

“Come on G, I'll introduce you to some of my other friends!” Rainbow said.

“Right behind you, Dash!” Gilda said for all to hear then exchanged some whispers with Pinkie Pie that Fire couldn’t hear.

After a moment of whispering with Gilda, Pinkie Pie addressed the attendees. “Everyone, I'd like you all to meet Gilda, a long-time, dear friend of Rainbow Dash. Let's honor her and welcome her to Ponyville!”

She hugged Gilda, much to the surprise of all her friends (except for Rainbow Dash). All the other ponies at the party cheered.

"Please help yourself!" Pinkie Pie said gesturing to a table.

Gilda spotted the sweets on it with intrigue. "Vanilla lemon drops. Don't mind if I do." She said, beginning to chew. After a few moments, she made a sour face and released a roar of fire. "HOT!" She cried out. Pinkie Pie even roasted a marshmallow with the flames.

"G, the punch!" Rainbow yelled for Gilda.

Gilda ran to the punch bowl but received another surprise when the glass leaked out onto her chest rather then into her mouth.

"Well, whaddya know, pepper in the vanilla lemon drops, and the punch served in a dribble glass!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

"Ha! Priceless! Priceless!" Rainbow Dash said with a laugh.

Gilda raced over to another drink that was prank free. She chugged the drink and gulped. "Yeah, HILARIOUS." She said, anger clear in her eyes.

"Hey G, look! Presents!" Rainbow Dash indicated several boxes of presents lying on the table. Gilda immediately ran over to the presents with a grin.

She began with a cylinder-shaped present, which had several fake snakes shoot out and ruffle her feathers, causing the attending ponies to laugh.

"Spittin' snakes!" Applejack said. " Heh, somepony pulled that prank on me last month."

"I bet I know who THAT was." Gilda said with fake laughter again.

"You DO?" Pinkie Pie asked.

The party went, Fluttershy led a group of birds in song. Then Pinkie Pie announced, "Cake time everypony!"

"Hey, can I blow out the candles?" Spike asked hopefully.

"Why don't we let Gilda blow out the candles, Spike. She IS the guest of honor after all." Twilight said to him, apparently having forgotten Gilda’s bad deed.

"Exactly!" Gilda pushed Spike out of the way.

Fire frowned at the sight, feeling the urge to hit her right there. Gilda took a deep breath and blew out the candles. But they lit up again, Gilda noticed and tried to blow them out once more but they just did the same thing. Every pony began laughing once again. with Gilda trying to blow out the candles to no avail.

"Re-lighting birthday candles, I love that prank! What a classic." Spike said.

"Now, I wonder who could've done that!" Pinkie Pie replied.

"Yeah, I wonder," Gilda said.

Spike then dug through the cake like a mole. "Mmm, who cares? This cake is amazing!" He emerged from the top.

"SPIKE!" Twilight scolded.

"What?” he asked cluelessly. “It was great, try some."

Gilda was looking really mad now.

"Hey G, you're not upset about some silly candles, are you?" Rainbow Dash asked, apparently noticing this.

"No way Dash, like I said, I'm down with a good prank." Gilda replied, trying to avoid exploding in front of her friend.

Fire could practically feel her getting ready to crack. A couple more and it would probably do it. But he sighed. Pinkie’s plan was obviously not working. It was time to end this.

He approached her. “I think Gilda’s more upset about being pranked so many times. I don’t think she really appreciates this party at all.”

“What?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Finally, somepony who gets it!” Gilda said in relief.

“You… don’t like the stuff at the party?” Rainbow Dash asked in surprise.

Gilda shook her head and spread her wings before flying up and announcing for all to hear. “No way! It’s all just so lame! THIS is your idea of a good time? I've never met a lamer bunch of dweebs in all my life! And Pinkie Pie, you, you are queen lame-o with your weak little party pranks! Did you really think you can make me lose my cool?”

Unfortunately, she had just lost her cool.

“Well, Dash and I have ten times as much cool as the rest of you put together. Come on Dash, we're bailing on this pathetic scene," Gilda said as she turned to leave.

Rainbow Dash, however, stayed right where she was, her face forming an angry expression on her face.

"COME ON, Rainbow Dash. I SAID we're leaving," Gilda said.

"You know Gilda…" Rainbow Dash said. "I was the one who set up all those weak pranks at this party."

"WHAT?" Gilda gasped.

"OOH." Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

"So I guess I'M queen lame-o." Rainbow Dash continued.

"Come on, Dash, you're joshing me." Gilda said, laughing feebly.

"They weren't all meant for you specifically; it was just dumb luck that you set them all off," Rainbow Dash said.

"I shoulda known, that dribble cup had Rainbow Dash written all over it." Pinkie Pie said.

"No way. It was Pinkie Pie." Gilda continued acting stubborn. "She set up this party to trip me up, to make a fool of me."

"Me? I threw this party to improve your attitude. I thought a good party might turn that frown upside down." Pinkie Pie said twisting her neck.

"And you sure didn't need any help making a fool of yourself." Rainbow Dash walked up to Gilda. "You know, this is not how I thought my OLD friend would treat my NEW friends. If being cool is all you care about, maybe you should go find some new COOL friends someplace else."

"Yeah?" Gilda stuttered. "Well you... you... you are such a, a flip-flop! Cool one minute and lame the next! When you all decide not to be lame anymore, gimme a call!"

She made to leave, only to find Fire blocking her way.

“I don’t think so! You’re under arrest for theft!” Fire said as his horn lit up.

He shot a beam of magic at her and a cage suddenly trapped her.

“Hey, let me out of here, you lame prince!” she shouted.

“Sorry, but you need to learn a lesson!” Fire said. “Guards!”

His guards appeared at the door.

“Take this griffon and keep her to the cellar in Warm Heart Tower, make sure she is fed at least,” Fire said.

They saluted him and the Unicorn members lifted the cage and took Gilda away.

“Let me out of here!” the griffon shouted.

“Don’t worry, since you only did one known theft of a small apple I’m only be able to keep you here a maximum of 24 hours according to Equestrian law!” Fire called. “But I’d recommend you really think about stuff with that time!”

He turned to the others.

"NOT cool." Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “Well, her I mean, not you Fire.”

"Yeah, talk about a party pooper." Spike said.

Other ponies began muttering about the event.

"I'm sorry everypony, for bringing Gilda here." Rainbow Dash said looking around. "I didn't know how rude she was, and Pinkie Pie, I'm really sorry she ruined that awesome party you put on for her."

"Hey, if you want to hang out with party poopers, that's your business." Pinkie Pie cheerfully replied.

"I'd rather hang out with you. No hard feelings?" Rainbow asked.

"No hard feelings," Pinkie agreed extending a hoof to shake.

But they both had hoof buzzers on that shocked them, they both laughed at that.

“Well, this party is still in full swing!” Pinkie Pie said. “So, let’s just finish it off!”

They did so. Fire helped himself to the food and sweets then was approached by a familiar mare.

“Hello Moondancer,” he said.

“Hi Fire,” she said. “That was a pretty cool thing you did trapping her in that cage. She was pretty bad, me and the others from Canterlot saw her shouting at Fluttershy and you defend her. I’m glad somepony at least is willing to take action, or she might have just simply walked away without any form of punishment at all.”

“I’m the sheriff here,” Fire reminded her. “I can’t just let her get away with stealing and bullying my friends.”

“That’s what I like about you,” Moondancer said with a blush. “You’re smart, protective, kind, always there for your friends when they need you, talented with magic, and strong. If it weren’t for you, I probably would have sealed myself off from all my friends. Any mare would be lucky to be with you.”

Fire looked at her. “Uh… thanks. Wait… you… like me?”

Moondancer blushed deeper. “I guess you could say that. I’ve always thought of you as a great colt at school but was too shy to say anything.”

Fire managed a smile. Moondancer was a good friend, though he wasn’t sure he thought of her like that. She was… not bad looking, but… he wasn’t certain she was the kind of mare for him. Still she was smart, having been one of the Top 3 in their class at the School of Magic alongside Twilight and himself. He could admire that at least.

Twilight, once she was back in the library with Fire and the others, wrote a letter to the Fire’s mother. She read it aloud for them.

Dearest Princess Celestia,

Today I learned that it's hard to accept when somepony you like wants to spend time with somepony who's not so nice. Though it's impossible to control who your friends hang out with, it is possible to control your own behavior. Just continue to be a good friend. In the end, the difference between a false friend and one who's true will surely come to light.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle

“Sound good, Twilight,” Fire said.

“I’ll go ahead and send it then!” Twilight said.

“Hold on!” Pinkie said as she drew a bottle of invisible ink. “Send this with it!”

“But that’s invisible ink!” Twilight said. “Are you trying to prank the princess?”

“Yeah, well we’re at it we might as well try and pull off a royal prank!” Pinkie said.

“I agree! That would make it the best pranking spree of my life!” Rainbow Dash said.

“You sure we won’t get in trouble for this?” Rarity asked.

“I doubt it! My mom likes a prank now and then!” Fire said. “It spices things up! I say go for it!”

Twilight sighed. “Okay.”

She took the scroll and wrapped the ink bottle in it then gave it to Spike who blew and sent the scroll to the princess.

It appeared in Celestia’s chamber and she opened it, causing the ink to pop out.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

My most faithful student.

She began to write, only to have the words vanish as she did so. The ink label suddenly came off and revealed the invisible ink.

“Oh! Heh, wrong ink.” Celestia said with a chuckle as she got use the right ink and began writing again.

Chapter 9: Boast Busters

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Fire stood in the Golden Oaks Library with Spike, Twilight, and Moondancer as they all practiced spells together.

“Feels good to have some ponies to practice with,” Twilight said. “I wish I’d known you were just as into magic as I was, Moondancer!”

“So far you both seem to be better than me though!” the yellow glasses wearing pony said.

“Hey, you’re still pretty good,” Fire said encouragingly. “You know almost as much as Twilight and got better grades in class at almost all the other subjects as well at school.”

She blushed at the praise.

“And you are a better fighter with magic then I am,” Twilight said to Fire. “Alright next its growing magic!”

“Ooh, try it on me!” Spike said eagerly. “I’d love to have a mustache! Maybe it would earn me… somepony's heart!”

Fire wondered if he was thinking about Rarity. Was he not giving up? Or was he thinking of other ponies?

“I don’t think so, Romeo,” Twilight said with a smile. “But... maybe somepony else wouldn’t mind get a mustache for just a few minutes?”

“Uh, pass,” Moondancer said.

Fire sighed. He wasn’t big on mustaches. “Okay, as long as it’s just for a few minutes.”

Twilight pointed her magic at him.

“Come on, Twilight. You can do it!” Spike said.

“Okay, here goes!” Twilight said.

Her magic shined and Fire stood still, the magic soon enveloped his lower face and from there a mustache of white hair sprouted under Fire’s chin.

Spike grinned. “Ha ha! Ya did it!” Spike said as he went to the nearby board and checked off the latest thing on the list. “Growing magic, that's number twenty-five. Twenty-five different types of tricks and counting!”

“I think it looks nice,” Moondancer said.

Fire smiled at her. He remembered her telling him she liked him. Maybe he should ask her to the Grand Galloping Galla? But what if something didn’t work out? It could affect their friendship.

Twilight nodded. “Yes, he looks good, though I think he prefers to be without the mustache, here Fire.”

She sent more magic at him and removed the mustache. He felt his face and let out a sigh of relief.

“Well, that was fun,” he said. “But now that that’s out of the way I think we’re done for the day.”

They walked out among the streets of Ponyville.

“Twenty-five, Twilight,” Spike said again. “Twenty-five different kinds of tricks and counting. I thought unicorns were only supposed to have a little magic that matches their special talents!”

Twilight nodded. “True, for ponies whose talents are for things like cooking or singing or math. But what if a unicorn's special talent is magic?”

“Then she is good at everything,” Moondancer said.

“Like you, Twilight! And you know a ton of magic!” Spike said.

Twilight smiled. “Oh, Spike, stop. I'm sure there are lots of ponies right here in Ponyville that know just as much magic as me.”

Spike sniggered. “Well, maybe Fire and Moondancer here come pretty close! But you probably know the most in all of Equestria.”

“Yeah, you both know more then I did, I was just third place in our class,” Fire said. “I maybe a better fighter, but you both are-”

Suddenly a group of school grade ponies came running, among them, Fire spotted Applejack and Rarity’s younger sisters and the orange Pegasus filly that had been doing daring stunts on her scooter.

“Come on there’s a big show going on!” Apple Bloom said.

Another pair of ponies, both unicorn colts, followed. “Gangway! Comin' through!”

They were in such a hurry they caught Spike on top of them as he held on.

“Augh!” the little dragon exclaimed. “Snips, Snails! What's going on?”

“Wha, haven't you heard?” Snails answered as Spike fell off of them. “There's a new unicorn in town!”

“Yeah!” Snips said. “They say that she's got more magical powers than any other unicorn ever!”

“Really?” Twilight exclaimed.

“Aw, no way,” Spike objected. “That honor goes to Twilight here!”

He gestured to his caretaker who blushed. “Come on, Spike, Fire is better than me at combat magic and Moondancer could be just as gifted! Maybe this unicorn has a talent that’s greater than what I could do? Where is she?”

“Ho, she's in the town square. Come on!” Snails said.

“Yeah!” Snips added with a laugh. “Come on! Whooo!”

They arrived at the town square and stood there for a moment before the show began. Soon a stage seemed to just extend in front of the hall, smoke clouded their view, and a voice rang for all to hear.

“Come one, come all! Come and witness the amazing magic of the Great and Powerful Trixie!”

She made a grand entrance as the smoke cleared, revealing herself to be a blue unicorn with a magician’s hat and cape.

“Ooh!” the audience exclaimed in anticipation.

“Watch in awe as the Great and Powerful Trixie performs the most spectacular feats of magic ever witnessed by pony eyes!”

Fireworks were let off with sparkles and loud bangs.

Rarity watched with annoyance. “My, my, my! What boasting!”

“Come on, nopony's as magical as Twi— Twi— Twi— Oh!” Spike cleared his throat as he saw he was talking to Rarity. “Hey, Rarity, I, uh— Mustache!”

So, he apparently hadn’t given up on her yet. Fire looked as the little dragon ran off as if to try and find a mustache to put on. Maybe Fire should try and win her heart in that case? But he hesitated as he thought of Moondancer. He felt so torn right now, on one hoof he knew Rarity liked Blueblood, but that pony was the rudest royal in Equestria. Could it really work out between them though? Rarity was very beautiful and had a heart that was equally lovely. But Moondancer had already confessed to liking him. Though Fire wasn’t sure he felt the same way. She was a brilliant pony who’d started coming out of her shell to be more social. Fire sighed, unsure.

Twilight approached Rarity. “There's nothing wrong with being talented, is there?”

“Nothin' at all,” Applejack who was nearby said. “Cep when somepony goes around showing it off like a school filly with fancy new ribbons.”

“Just because one has the ability to perform lots of magic does not make one better than the rest of us,” Rarity said.

Fire nodded. He was royalty and he never felt he was better then the rest of them.

“Especially when ya got me around being better than the rest of us,” Rainbow Dash said before receiving a glare from Applejack. “Heh... Uh, I mean, yeah, uh, magic shmagic. Boo!”

Trixie noticed the conversation. “Well, well, well, it seems we have some neighsayers in the audience. Who is so ignorant as to challenge the magical ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie? Do they not know that they're in the presence of the most magical unicorn in all of Equestria?”

Fire frowned, this braggart was getting more annoying by the second. She was worse than Rainbow Dash.

Rarity blew a raspberry. “Just who does she think she is?”

“Yeah!” Spike reappeared. “I bet Twilight, Fire, or Moondancer are all better than-“

Twilight cut him off. “Spike! Shhh!”

She led him away. Fire and Moondancer followed.

“What? What's wrong?” Spike asked her.

“You see the way they reacted to Trixie?” Twilight asked. “I don't want anyone thinking I'm a show-off.”

“Me neither!” Moondancer said. “I’ve been opening up to spending time with friends, but performing a magic show on stage? No thanks! I get stage fright just thinking about it!”

Trixie continued to do tricks and received applause in return. Rainbow Dash took the chance to ask a question.

“So, 'Great and Powerful Trixie'. What makes you think you're so awesome, anyway?”

“Heh,” Trixie scoffed. “Why, only the Great and Powerful Trixie has magic strong enough to vanquish the dreaded Ursa Major!”

The fireworks went off and showed a picture of a giant bear-like monster with moon markings on its body. A firework image of Trixie followed showing her face the monster. The audience looked at the display with amazement.

“What?” Snips exclaimed.

“No way!” Snails objected.

“When all hope was lost, the ponies of Hoofington had no one to turn to,” Trixie told them a story. “But the Great and Powerful Trixie stepped in and with her awesome magic, vanquished the Ursa Major and sent it back to its cave deep within the Everfree Forest!”

Snips and Snails were amazed. “So sweet!

They then began giving Trixie their full support.

“That settles it,” Snips started.

Snails took over. “Trixie truly is the most talented, the most magical, the most awesome unicorn in Ponyville.”

“No, in all of Equestria!” Snips added.

Spike frowned. “How do you know? You didn't see it! And besides, Twi-“

Twilight cut him by using her magic to zip his mouth shut. He mumbled in protest.

Trixie laughed. “It's true, my enthusiastic little admirers. Trixie is most certainly the best in Ponyville. Don't believe the Great and Powerful Trixie? Well then, I hereby challenge you, Ponyvillians. Anything you can do, I can do better. Any takers? Anyone? Hmm? Or is Trixie destined to be the greatest equine who has ever lived?!”

More fireworks erupted.

Spike unzipped his mouth and looked at Twilight, Moondancer, and Fire with teary eyes. “Please! She's unbearable! Ya all gotta show her! Ya just gotta!”

Twilight shook her head. "There's no way I'm going to use my magic now, Spike. Especially since-“

Trixie then looked at her. “Hmm, how about you?”

She pointed at Twilight who gulped.

Trixie then looked at Moondancer. “Or you?”

The glasses wearing pony fell on her stomach as eyes from the crowd turned to her.

“Too shy to face an audience are you, Nerd?” Trixie asked.

Fire gritted his teeth, his mane began to flicker with flames.

“Oh, you look ready to challenge me,” Trixie said noticing him. “An alicorn might actually be a challenge! But the Great and Powerful Trixie is sure she can come out on top! How about it? Hm? Is there anything your highness can do that the Great and Powerful Trixie can't?”

Fire frowned. She was asking for it! He didn’t care for showing off, but this braggart needed to be taken down a peg or two.

He was about to speak up and accept her challenge.

But Applejack had had enough as well. “That's it! I can't stand for no more of this!”

She stepped on top of the stage and Spike cheered.

“You show her, AJ!”

Applejack got her lasso out. “Can your magical powers do this?”

She began performing impressive maneuvers with her lasso. This earned her applause from the audience.

Applejack turned to Trixie with a smirk. “Top that, missy.”

Trixie lifted her hat off to reveal her horn. “Oh, ye of little talent. Watch and be amazed at the magic of Trixie!"

Applejack’s own rope began to move back in forth like a hypnotic chain, Applejack’s eyes were glued to it for only a few seconds as suddenly the rope wrapped itself around her hooves and her mouth opened in time for Trixie to put an apple inside.

The audience cheered and Trixie boasted once again.

“Once again, the Great and Powerful Trixie prevails.”

Fire levitated Applejack down from the stage and used his magic to untie her and get the apple out of her mouth.

“Thanks Fire,” she said.

Rainbow Dash was next. “There's no need to go struttin' around and showin' off like that.”

“Oh?” Trixie looked at her.

“That's my job!” Rainbow declared.

She flew up high, dove through a few clouds and spun through a nearby windmill, then landed on the stage with a rainbow over her.

“They don't call me "Rainbow" and "Dash" for nothin'!” she said.

The audience cheered once again.

Trixie’s confidence was ever persistent. “When Trixie is through, the only thing they'll call you is loser!”

With her magic she somehow took hold of Rainbow Dash’s rainbow and caused it to wrap around her and spin in a tornado.

“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa-a-a-a! I think I'm gonna be sick.”

When it was over, she looked dizzy.

"Seems like anypony with a dash of good sense would think twice before tussling with the Great Trixie.” Trixie added.

A lightning bolt then hit Rainbow Dash, causing her mane to became frizzy.

“Ow!” the Pegasus exclaimed.

Spike tried again to get one of the three major magic users to compete. “What we need is another unicorn to challenge her. Someone with some magic of their own.”

“Yeah!” Rainbow Dash agreed. “A unicorn to show this unicorn who's boss.”

Applejack grinned. “A real unicorn to unicorn tussle!”

“Uh,” Twilight started.

“Enough!” Rarity spoke up. “Enough, all of you. I take your hint, but Rarity is above such nonsense! Rainbow Dash and Applejack may behave like ruffians, but Rarity conducts herself with beauty and grace.”

Trixie turned to her. “Ooo, what's the matter? Afraid you'll get a hair out of place in that rat's nest you call a mane?”

That got Rarity mad. “Oh. It. Is. On!” she said each word one at a time then walked up on the stage. “You may think you're tough with all of your so-called powers, but there's more to magic than your brutish ways. A unicorn needs to be more than just muscle. A unicorn needs to have style.”

She took the blue curtain from the stage and turned it into a dress with gold lacing, her mane was also in a new style as well.

“Ooh!” the audience said as they witnessed her beauty.

Fire also watched with red cheeks and a smile.

Rarity smiled. “A unicorn is not a unicorn without grace and beauty.”

“Rarity won't let Trixie get the best of her! She's strong, she's beautiful, she's—

Spike was interrupted as Trixie cast another spell, earning a gasp from the crowd as they looked at Rarity who'd been transformed.

“Quick! I need a mirror! Get me a mirror! What did she do to my hair? I know she did something terrible to my hair!” Rarity cried, feeling something was off.

“Nothing,” Twilight said.

“It's fine,” Rainbow followed suit.

“It's gorgeous,” Applejack lied to spare Rarity’s feelings.

“It's green,” Spike gave away. The three mares glared at him. “What?”

“No,” Rarity cried as her mane was now seemingly replaced with something that looked like ugly green grass. “Green hair! Not green hair! Such an awful, awful color!”

She ran off crying, passing a pony who had green hair of her own as Fire watched in dismay before beginning to follow.

“Well, I never!” the green haired pony said in offense putting her nose in the air.

Fire stopped and looked at her. “Oh, I’m sure she’s just upset cause her green hair doesn’t look good. Yours is fine!”

He then ran after Rarity who ran all the way to her boutique. He followed her inside as she looked at herself in the mirror.

“Oh, how awful!” Rarity exclaimed in tears. “I’ve never looked so ugly!”

“Hey,” Fire said as he approached.

Rarity looked behind her.

“Aah! Don’t look at me, Prince Fire Sword!” she said covering herself in a pink cloak.

Fire approached, taking her chin and focusing on her still beautiful blue eyes. “It's okay, not your fault. Come on, let’s get that spell removed. I think I know just the pony to help with that.”

“Twilight?” she asked.

“Twlight’s pretty good with all sorts of magic,” Fire admitted. “But another pony I know specializes in beauty spells for hair happens to be visiting here.”

“Who’s that?” Rarity asked.

Fire led her to the pony.

“Okay,” Twinkleshine said as she looked through her spellbook she kept with her at all times on hair spells. “Trixie used a spell to turn your mane… bad. But I can… ah… here we are! This should get it back to normal!”

Her horn lit up with pink magic, she pointed it at Rarity who still had her hood up.

“Um, I need you to lower the hood,” Twinkleshine said.

Reluctantly, Rarity did so. Twinkleshine then cast the spell and the green grasslike mane was replaced with her usual elegant purple one. Rarity ran a hoof through it and sighed in relief. “Oh, I’ve missed this mane! Thank you, Twinkleshine!”

“Of course, anything for a friend of a friend!” the ivory unicorn said to the white one.

Fire smiled, but it turned into a frown as he recalled all the bragging remarks and insults from Trixie.

“Alright, I’m gonna put that braggart in her place!” he said, stomping off. “No pony makes fun of my friends!”

Arriving back at the scene he saw several other ponies, including his Canterlot friends had been defeated by Trixie.

“Alright that’s it!” Fire said as he stepped up onto the stage as well. “You really have magic powerful enough to vanquish an Ursa Major? Let’s see just how powerful you really are!” he made sure to emphasize the word powerful.

He lit up his horn with bloodred magic and faced her.

“Oh… uh… a combat magician, are you?” Trixie said with a slight hesitation that Fire noticed, causing him to smirk, she was afraid. “I… think I can handle a show of raw magic power. Let’s see who can best who if that is your wish oh mighty Prince Fire Sword!”

Mighty Prince Fire Sword? Fire kind of liked that. But he didn’t like her.

“I hear you defeated the Mare of the Moon, but Trixie is up to the challenge! Afterall Trixie did vanquish an Ursa Major.”

“Well then, ready, set, go!”

Fire shot a beam at her as he finished, not enough to hurt her too badly. She put up a shield of her own magic that blocked it. Fire felt tempted to use his wings, but that wouldn’t be fair. He didn’t need his wings to deal with this, it was gonna be magic to magic. He sent a series of rapid shots out that cracked Trixie’s shield, she appeared worried for a moment. Fire smirked and began to charge his magic a little bit to break the shield the rest of the way. But Trixie lowered her shield and sent a beam of her at him before he could unleash his own, she knocked him off his hooves, with a mild burn on his fur.

“Prince Fire Sword!” a voice called out. It was one of Fire’s Royal guards. He glared at Trixie. “Attacking a prince is a serious offense!”

“Oh, but he challenged me to a magic duel!” Trixie said. “It was he who initiated this!”

She was right, at least in the sense that Fire had chosen to go for a more… violent approach of magic.

“Oh, are you okay, Fire?” Moondancer asked as she, Rarity, and the mares from Canterlot surrounded their stallion friend.

“I’ll be fine,” Fire said as he felt the sting of the burn.

He walked off to Warmheart Tower where he applied some healing ointment to the burn. It soothed him. He let out a sigh, thinking of the battle. His talent was supposed to be combat magic, why had he lost? Then he recalled the words of his combat teacher from the royal guard, General Bloodheart.

“You must balance between offense and defense. If you attack at the same time as your opponent or wait too long you leave yourself open.”

The words played back in his head and he realized he’d left himself open. He’d had a habit of that in combat training during sparring. Focusing too much on power and offense. Trixie had struck quickly while he charged a powerful spell. That’s why he failed.

Fire sighed and after a while headed outside. He headed over to Sweet Apple Acres nearby and knocked on the door. Applejack answered.

“Oh, Howdy Fire!” Applejack said. “You okay? I heard you tried to beat Trixie as well!”

“Yeah, are you?” Fire asked.

“I’m fine, just my pride is a little wounded,” Applejack said. “Can’t believe that Trixie!”

Fire nodded. “I know, I can’t believe I let her beat me!”

“You did yer best,” Applejack reassured him. “I’ll just be glad when she leaves town. Hopefully she’s not here to stay.”

Fire nodded. He walked through town and grabbed a bite to eat. As he sat outdoors in front of the café which would be closing as night was coming soon with the sun setting, he saw Spike passing by.

“Hey Spike."

The little dragon looked at him. “Oh, hey Fire. You know, I was sure you could beat her!” Spike said. “I tried to get Twilight to do it but she’s afraid that everypony will hate her for her magic!”

Fire frowned. “There’s no way we’d do that! We hate Trixie cause she’s a bragger, not because she uses magic! I’ll go talk to Twilight!”

He made his way to the Golden Oaks Library, the sun was about to completely set by the time he arrived.

Opening the door, he found Twilight was inside reading a book.

“Hey Twilight,” he greeted.

She looked away from her book and saw him. “Oh, hi Fire. Something wrong?”

“Yeah, Spike told me you didn’t challenge Trixie cause you’re afraid everyone will hate you like her?”

She nodded and looked back at her book. “I am. I just don’t want to risk losing them as friends.”

Fire shook his head. “That’s not gonna happen, Twilight! We hate Trixie cause she is a bragger. You’re not! You’re humble and magical! You don’t brag about your magic like Trixie does. And if you faced her you’d be standing up for your friends.”

She sighed. “Maybe you’re right, but I think its late. Maybe I’ll talk to everypony in the morning and see if they’d be okay with me showing up Trixie.”

Fire nodded. He headed out and was almost back home when there was a roar from nearby.

“What the hay?” Fire wondered aloud. “Guards!”

His guards immediately ran out from inside the tower.

“With me!” he ordered.

They followed him into town where they found a… very very large blue transparent bear-like creature. It was bigger than the houses!

“An Ursa Major!” Fire stated in fear and surprise. “Protect everypony!”

They made their way to the gathering crowd in the streets and place themselves at the front while the others shook at the sight. Trixie was among them with Snips and Snails. At that moment Twilight arrived as well.

“What’s going on?” She asked.

Snips told her. “We brought an Ursa to town.”

“You what?!” Twilight screamed.

“Don't worry, the Great and Powerful Trixie will vanquish it!” Snails declared.

Trixie, however, shook her head. “I can't.”

“What?!” Snips and Snails exclaimed.

Trixie finally spilled the beans. “Oh, I can't, I never have. No one can vanquish an Ursa Major. I just made the whole story up to make me look better.”

“Made it up?!” the two colts exclaimed in disbelief.

The Ursa growled and roared again. Fire frowned in defiance and stepped forward.

“Alright no pony has managed to vanquish an Ursa Major before, huh?” he asked. “Well, I doubt any of them were alicorns with a special talent for combat!”

He lit up his horn, conjuring his armor that he hadn’t worn in a while now. His armor and crown appeared on his body. Now he looked like a knight ready to save the town.

Hopefully the armor would protect him in the event he got hit. He then began charging up his horn with a high level of magic.

“Fire wait!” Twilight called.

He was too busy to notice. The Ursa growled at him, recognizing him as a potential threat and raised a paw. Fire watched carefully and reacted in time. He flapped his wings, dodging the attack while still charging his own. He flew up high to be out of range as the Ursa swatted at him. Fire was about to fire when he heard-

“Don’t!” Twilight yelled at the top of her lungs.

Fire stopped, hearing her voice. She gulped and stepped forward, the Ursa growled at her and began making its way to her as well. Fire stood, or flew by, ready in case she needed help. She must have had an idea if she stopped him from attacking, unless she knew something he didn’t.

Twilight lit up her own horn as well, wind began to pick up a bit and a sound emanated from it, a sound like music, like a lullaby. The Ursa seemed to calm down a bit, its expression appearing soothed. Fire sighed in relief, while a part of him did relish the thought of fighting such a formidable creature it would be better if no blood was spilled.

“Nice use of number sixteen,” Spike said referring to the practice.

“Let me help, Twilight!” Moondancer said stepping forward, no longer so shy.

“Okay, grab that water tower over there and fill it with milk!” Twilight said.

Moondancer was confused but did as she was told, taking the water tower and dumping the water inside out then ran it through a barn full of cows.

“Huh, what’s that?” Spike asked.

Moondancer put the top back on as the Ursa seemed to be falling asleep. It was about to fall on Trixie but Fire swooped in and grabbed her before it did so. He didn’t like her but he still didn’t want her to get hurt. Twilight then brought the Ursa to the tower filed with milk which it took and began sucking on like a baby.

Together, Moondancer and Twilight then sent the Ursa back where it came from in the Everfree Forest. Both were left panting slightly.

“Thanks, Moondancer,” Twilight said. “That would have been difficult to do by myself.”

“No problem, Twi,” Moondancer said.

Everypony then erupted in cheer.

“Unbelievable!” Rainbow Dash said.

“That was amazing!” Spike said. “You were both amazing!”

“Heavens to Betsy!” Applejack said. “We knew you had ability, but not that much!”

Twilight looked at them in fear. “I'm sorry. Please, please don't hate me.”

Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity all looked at her in confusion. “Hate you?”

“Why, whatever do you mean, darling?” Rarity asked.

“Well, I know how much you all hated Trixie's showing off with her magic tricks, and I just thought-

Rainbow Dash put up her hooves. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Magic's got nothing to do with it. Trixie's just a loudmouth!”

Rarity nodded. “Most unpleasant.”

“All hat and no cattle,” Applejack added.

Twilight was relieved. “So, you don't mind my magic tricks?”

Applejack smiled at her. “Your magic is a part of who you are, sugarcube, and we like who you are. We're proud to have such a powerful, talented unicorn as our friend.”

She then looked at Moondancer, “Make that two talented unicorns!”

“And after whuppin' that Ursa's hindquarters, we're even prouder!” Rainbow said.

Moondancer blushed as Fire landed on the ground.

Twilight looked at them. “You are?"

The three girls nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, I’m proud to have you two by my side,” Fire said looking at Moondancer. “You may not be an Element of Harmony, Moondancer, but you sure helped out with your knowledge of magic. Looks like you overcame your shyness there, too.”

“I just couldn’t let Twilight face it alone,” she said.

Spike then ran over. “Wow, Twilight, how'd you know what to do with that Ursa Major?”

“That's what I was doing when you came looking for me. I was so intrigued by Trixie's bragging that I was compelled to do a little reading up on them.”

“So it is possible to vanquish an Ursa Major all by yourself?” Spike asked.

“That wasn't an Ursa Major. It was a baby, an Ursa Minor,” Twilight elaborated.

That was just a baby?” Trixie asked in disbelief.

“That’s why I stopped you from attacking it, Fire,” Twilight said. “If anypony could vanquish an Ursa Major it's you, but if that Minor actually got hurt or killed its mother would probably come and seek revenge on the whole town.”

Fire shivered. Good thing he listened when Twilight called him. Perhaps he shouldn’t be so quick to leap into action. If he had attacked he might have gotten into a fight that he couldn’t win.

“And it wasn't rampaging,” Twilight further explained. “It was just cranky because someone woke it up.”

She pointed at Snips and Snails who let out a guilty, “Awww.”

“Well, if that was an Ursa Minor, then what's an Ursa Major like?”

Bigger and badder? Fire guessed. If that baby was bigger than a house…

“You don't wanna know,” Twilight said.

Fire silently agreed.

Trixie huffed. “You may have vanquished an Ursa Minor, but you will never have the amazing, show-stopping ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie!”

She threw a smoke grenade, clouding the vision of the nearby ponies. When it cleared, they saw her running away.

Rainbow Dash looked after her. “Why, that little...”

“Just let her go,” Twilight said. “Maybe someday she'll learn her lesson. Now, about you two.”

She turned to Snips and Snails, who laughed nervously.

“Uh, we're sorry that we woke up the Ursa Minor,” Snips said.

“We just wanted to see some awesome magic,” Snails added.

“Yeah!” Snips said looking at Moondancer and Twilight. “And the way you two vanquished that Ursa Minor was awesome!”

They both bowed. “We deserve whatever punishment you give us.”

“For starters, you can clean up this mess,” Twilight said before turning to her assistant and magic partners. “And what do you guys think? Should I give them number twenty-five?”

Spike was enthused and stood beside the two colts. “Oh, twenty-five! Yes! And I think I deserve it, too.”

Snips and Snails were confused.

Twilight giggled. “I think you're right.”

She then cast a spell at the three young males, who all grew mustaches and said, “Sweet!”

Twilight smiled and looked at Fire. “Well, I think I’m ready to make a letter to your mother! Wanna hear it?”

“Sure!” Fire said.

They and Spike all headed to the library where Twilight had the little dragon write the letter for her.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I have learned a very valuable lesson about friendship: I was so afraid of being thought of as a show-off that I was hiding a part of who I am. My friends helped me realize that it's okay to be proud of your talents, and there are times when it's appropriate to show them off... Especially when you're standing up for your friends.

“I’d like to make a contribution to this myself,” Fire said.

Spike got out a second scroll and prepared to write.

Dear Mom,

I learned a little something as well. My mentor always told me I need to find the right balance between offense and defense. I still need to work on that, as knowing it is one thing but being able to do it is another. But I did learn you shouldn’t rush into situations you don’t understand, or the consequences could be severe.

Spike smiled. “So, you finally admit that you're the most talented unicorn in all of Ponyville?"

Twilight nodded. “Well, one of the most talented, maybe at the top, but it's nothing to brag about.”

They chuckled. Spike then looked at his mustache.

“You know, I think Rarity might just like this!”

Yep, he was still going for her even though he knew she already liked somepony.

Fire watched him leave. Maybe he should try his luck with her, even if she did like Blueblood. Of course, she didn’t really know him. But his mind wandered to Moondancer and his ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala.

Walking outside he found her at Lyra’s house.

“Hey, Moondancer, can I talk to you?” he asked.

“Sure,” she stepped outside with him.

They walked a ways out and Fire turned to face her, blushing a bit.

“I was wondering if… maybe… you’d like to go to the Grand Galloping Gala with me?” Fire asked.

She was silent for a moment. Then her eyes lit up in a smile as she hugged him.

“Yes! Yes! Yes!”

Fire managed a nervous smile. He just hoped this wouldn’t affect their friendship if it didn’t work out.

“Great,” he said. “Well, it's gonna be a while till then but at least we can prepare.”

She nodded. “See you later.”

Moondancer headed back to Lyra’s house. Fire then began walking home as well. Little did he know, however, Rarity had heard the whole thing having been nearby.

“Prince Fire is taking Moondancer to the Grand Galloping Gala?” She exclaimed. “I thought he was probably seeing an elite Canterlot Mare!”

She sighed but then perked up. “Well, he is perfectly at liberty to take whoever he likes! Besides I still have my plans to woo the other prince!”

Her smile soon vanished though. She looked down a bit sadly.

Chapter 10: Dragonshy

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Fire awoke one morning and looked outside. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, not a cloud was in the sky. He showered and headed down to the tower dining room, finding his breakfast of fruit, nuts and toast freshly made and still warm (in the case of the latter).

“Thank you,” he said to his servants who bowed.

Fire ate his breakfast calmly, read to enjoy today on patrol seeing Ponyville and making sure it was safe. Maybe interact with his friends as well. He then heard a tweet nearby and saw Aurora in her cage.

“Oh, you sick of being cooped up in there, Aurora?” he asked the sunbird.

She tweeted in confirmation. He sighed.

“Okay, I’ll let you out, but you can’t fly away, understand?” he asked.

She made the same tweet of agreement. Fire used his magic to open her cage and she flew out, but within sight.

“Good birdy,” he said.

She flew around and landed on the table, playing a lovely song. He hummed to it and then took her outside. She perched on his back adorably. Many ponies were out enjoying the sunshine on this fine day. Everything seemed fine.

Then suddenly Fluttershy came running in, she approached a group of ponies who didn’t seem to acknowledge her as her lips moved. Fire frowned as he looked at her expression, it was one of alarm. As he approached her, something blue zipped past her. It was Rainbow Dash, with a ball that she bounced on her head.

“Don't be such a scaredy pony!” Rainbow said. “It's just me, future Equestria ball-bouncing record holder. Three forty-six, three forty-seven…”

“Hey, not bad Rainbow Dash!” Fire said before looking at Fluttershy. “Hey, everything okay? You look like…”

“This calls for a celebration!” Pinkie Pie said as she watched from nearby and bounced her head with Rainbow’s own bouncing before running off.

“Oh, no, Pinkie Pie, this is no time for celebration,” Fluttershy said. “This is a time for panic, for-“

Pinkie Pie however, was too busy planning to notice. “Ooo! I'm going to need balloons! One for every pony in Ponyville!”

Fire looked at Fluttershy directly. “What’s wrong, Fluttershy? Why do you think this a time for panic? It’s a beautiful day! Nothing seems amiss!”

Fluttershy pointed up. “There's— there's smoke. And— and where there's smoke, there's fire. And—”

“Fire?” Fire exclaimed looking up and seeing the smoke. It had escaped his notice before. “Uh oh.”

Pinkie Pie, oblivious to the situation began counting ponies nearby. “Let's see, that's one, two, three, four...

Rainbow Dash likewise, continued counting her bounces. “Three hundred fifty four, three hundred fifty five, no, wait...” she exclaimed as Pinkie was about to point at her.

“Everypony STOP!” Fire shouted in his royal voice.

That got everyponies attention.

Rainbow Dash dropped her ball. “Fire! Now I have to start over!”

Fluttershy spoke next to Fire. “We're all going to have to start over, in a new village. 'Cause ours is gonna be—

Again, only Fire was hearing her.

“You need to speak louder, Fluttershy!” he told her before turning to the ponies nearby. “There is smoke covering our skies!”

“What? Oh no! That’s awful!” various ponies said looking up and seeing it was true.

Twilight Sparkle suddenly arrived on the situation. “Listen up! Smoke is spreading over all of Equestria!”

“We know Twilight!” Rainbow exclaimed. “Fire just told us!”

“Only cause Fluttershy alerted me and I was the only pony to notice her!” Fire snapped.

“I’m sorry. I should have spoke louder,” Fluttershy said. “But I was being as loud I could.”

Fire sighed. “Its okay Fluttershy. Just… try and actually shout in a situation like this? You’re not gonna help anypony if you are always quiet.”

She looked down.

“Well don't worry, I've just received a letter from Princess Celestia informing me that it is not coming from a fire!” Twilight said.

“Oh, thank goodness,” Fluttershy said in relief.

“It's coming from a dragon.” Twilight told them.

The ponies gasped.

Fluttershy shuddered at this. “A... d-dragon?”


At the Golden Oaks Library, they worked on a plan. But first there was one thing they all wanted to know.

“What in the name of all things cinnamon swirled is a full-grown dragon doing here in Equestria?” Applejack asked.

“Sleeping,” Twilight answered as she looked from her book.

Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie all looked at her in confusion and said as one “Huh?”

“According to Princess Celestia, he's taking a nap. His snoring is what's causing all this smoke,” Twilight said as she put a book along with others into her saddlebag.

“He should really see a doctor. That doesn't sound healthy at all,” Pinkie said.

“Well, at least he's not snoring fire!” Rarity said.

“Yeah, good thing he’s not snoring me!” Fire said.

Rainbow Dash laughed. “Good one, Fire!”

She hoofbumped him.

“What are we meant to do about it?” Rarity asked.

“I'll tell you what we're meant to do! Give him the boot!” Take that.” Rainbow said as she kicked a carved wood pony head.

Twilight had to straighten it with her magic and then-

“And that!” Rainbow tried to tackle the statue as though it were the dragon. Twilight moved it out of harms way and Rainbow crashed into a shelf.

Twilight walked up to Rainbow who lay on her back. “We need to encourage him to take a nap somewhere else.”

Fire would have maybe liked to fight a dragon, but it was probably best to try things the peaceful way first.

“Princess Celestia has given us this mission, and we must not fail,” Twilight continued as Rainbow got up and saluted her with a frown. “If we do, Equestria will be covered in smoke for the next one hundred years.”

Fluttershy gasped.

“Hmph. Talk about getting your beauty sleep.” Rarity said.

“All right everypony, I need you to gather supplies quickly,” Twilight said.

“Ahem,” Fire cleared his throat. “Speaking as a royal here I think I should be leading.”

“Oh, uh… maybe,” Twilight said. “Sorry Fire! I just said what I thought they should do.”

“And it was a good suggestion, I admit,” Fire said. “We need to be well prepared if we are going to go up against a dragon.”

“Hopefully we’ll only have to go up against him sleeping right now,” Twilight said. “Come on girls… and Fire. We've got a long journey ahead of us. Let's meet back here in less than an hour.

“Okay, girls, you heard her!” Rainbow said. “The fate of Equestria is in our hooves. Do we have what it takes?”

Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity all raised their forelegs in affirmation. Fire nodded. They then all made to exit the library and make their way back to their homes.

Fluttershy however, was uncertain. “Um, actually…”

But no pony heard her.

Each of them went home and prepared themselves in their own way.


Rainbow Dash took rainbow water that flowed in her cloud house and covered her cheeks with it like warpaint. “Raaah!”

Applejack’s family packed her saddlebag. Once it was done Big Mac struggled to lift it on to her back. She struggled as well for a moment then let out a loud “Yaaa!”

Pinkie Pie emerged from Sugarcube Corner, and party stuff blew out of her saddlebag, causing her to laugh, then realizing it didn’t fit with the situation said, “Oh I mean, grr!”

Rarity put on a camouflage helmet which she soon looked at in disgust. “Eww!” She switched to a camouflage hat with a red feather that stuck out beautifully. “Much better. Onward!”

Fire put on his full set of armor, not just the breastplate. He got on his helmet that he didn’t normally wear, usually using his crown instead. But knowing there was danger, he decided he needed to protect his head too. He then grabbed the Sword of Harmony from where he’d hung it on the wall above his bed, levitating into the scabbard that had been made and sticking it on his side.

“Hmm,” he huffed with a smirk before drawing the sword which shined.

Fluttershy, meanwhile emerged from her cottage with a sports helmet and pads on her hooves. She shut the door behind her and it made a sound that startled her.

End of Montage:

They all then met back in front of the library, in their normal states with their things in saddlebags. Smoke now covered the entire sky.

“Let's go!” Applejack said.

“Um, let's... not?” Fluttershy quietly said.

Twilight looked at Fire. “Do you have a plan, Prince Fire?”

“Well… no,” Fire admitted grudgingly. “If you do, you lead us then.”

Twilight nodded. “All right girls… Fire… listen up. I'm mapping out the fastest route, but we've all got to keep a good pace if we expect to make it up the mountain by nightfall.

“M-m-mountain?” Fluttershy stuttered.

Twilight pointed to the tall mountain in the distance. “The dragon is in that cave at the very top.”

“Looks pretty cold up there.” Applejack noted.

“You bet it is,” Rainbow said. “The higher you go, the chillier it gets.”

“Good thing I brought my scarf.” Rarity pulled out a pink and white scarf.

“Ooo! Pretty!” Pinkie admired.

“Heh, oh yeah. That'll keep you nice and cozy,” Rainbow said with sarcasm.

Fluttershy looked up at the mountain and gulped before approaching Twilight. “Um, excuse me, Twilight? I know you're busy, but...

“Uh-huh,” Twilight muttered not taking her eyes off the map. “Well, we could go this way.”

“But if I could just have a second,” Fluttershy asked.

“Uh-huh. No, we want to avoid that,” Twilight still didn’t notice.

Fluttershy just continued to speak softly. “So, um, I was thinking that, um, maybe I should just stay here in Ponyville.”

“Uh-huh,” Twilight agreed automatically.

Fire frowned as Fluttershy looked relieved.

“Oh! Good. I'll stay here and-“

Twilight finally realized what she was saying. “Wait! You have to come! Your way with wild animals will surely come in handy.”

Fluttershy wasn’t happy to hear that. “I don't think I-“

“Oh, and don't worry about your little friends in the meadow. Spike's got it covered while you're gone,” Twilight said.

Spike appeared with her critters. “You can count on me!”

Fluttershy’s bunny however, began thumping on his head and the critters then ran away.

“Oooh! Hey! Hey! Wait!” Spike exclaimed as he chased after them.

“I don't really think he's up to the task,” Fluttershy said as Twilight already began to walk. “Maybe... but... but...”

Her words fell on deaf ears. Fire frowned and made to approach Twilight, but Rainbow was quicker.

“Are you sure you want Fluttershy to come along?” the Pegasus asked. “I mean, that pony's afraid of her own shadow. She's just going to slow us down.”

“Oh, she's just a little nervous. Once we get going, I'm sure she'll be fine,” Twilight said optimistically.

They heard a squeal behind them and saw Fluttershy cringing at the sight of her own shadow just as Rainbow said. She hid in the bushes nearby and Rainbow glared at Twilight. Fire then approached her.

“Is it just me, or does Fluttershy seem a little more nervous then usual?” he asked.

“She’ll be alright,” Twilight dismissed. “Alright girls, Fire, move out!”

They then dashed out as Fluttershy gave a weak objection again. They turned into clouds of dust and took her on top. After a while they were at the foot of the mountain. Then a loud sound came from above.

Fluttershy gasped and hid behind Applejack.

“Whoa,” Rainbow exclaimed in midair above them. “What was that?”

“That is what it sounds like when a dragon snores,” Twilight said.

Fluttershy looked up at the top of the mountain. “It-it's so... high!”

“Well, it is a mountain.” Rainbow said. “I'm going to fly up there and check it out! Wah!”

Applejack had grabbed onto her tail to keep her from going up. “Hold on, now. I think we should all go up together. Safety in numbers and all.”

Rainbow Dash folded her forelegs. “Oh, all right.”

They began the long trek up the mountain. Rainbow and Fire flew while the others walked.

“I hear the only thing that sparkles more than a dragon's scales are the jewels they use to build their nests,” Rarity said. “Ooo, if I play my cards right, I might be able to convince him to part with a few!”

Pinkie Pie began imitating the dragon. “Welcome to my cave, Rarity. Care for a diamond? Rarr!”

This caused most of them to laugh.

Except for Twilight, who frowned. “Girls! This is no laughing matter! Fluttershy, you're the expert on wild creatures. What do you think the dragon will be like? Fluttershy?”

They looked and saw Fluttershy still at the bottom, hiding.

“Hey! What are you waiting for? An invitation?” Rainbow called.

“Ooo, I think I have one in my bag!” Pinkie said, another party explosion sounded.

Fluttershy looked up. “I-it's so... so... steep.”

“Well, it is a cliff,” Rainbow reminded her in the same annoyed tone from before. “You could just, oh, I don't know, fly up here like me and Fire?

“Come on, Fluttershy, you can do it!” Pinkie cheered. “Flap those wings!”

“Oh... okay.” Fluttershy spread her wings and got off the ground.

But another loud snore from the dragon caused her to fall. She landed back in the bush.

Rainbow Dash faceplanted. “Ugh.”

Fluttershy tried to get her wings to spread again to no avail.

Twilight was getting frustrated as well. “Uh, we don't have time for this!”

“I’ll handle this,” Fire said.

He flew down and picked up Fluttershy gently as he had done with Rarity when they went on the path to confront Nightmare Moon. She shuddered and shrank into his hooves.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Fire asked as he ascended with her. “I’ve never seen you this shy before. And that’s saying something.”

“Oh, its… nothing,” Fluttershy said.

Fire shook his head. It was clearly something. He held her close and carried her up through the air. She shook for a while but as she felt him, she took a few breaths and managed a smile.

“Oh, you are so warm, I feel so safe,” Fluttershy said as she leaned into him.

Rarity who was walking below, frowned at the sight. “Ughh!”

Fire looked at Fluttershy. “You’re scared, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” she admitted, her smile vanishing.

“Well don’t be,” Fire pressed his head against hers to comfort her. “I’m here to protect you. All of you.”

He looked down at the other girls who smiled up at him, Rarity’s frown turning upside down for a moment.

“Eh, I don’t need your protection,” Rainbow Dash gloated.

“I-I think I can fly now,” Fluttershy said.

Fire loosened his hold on her and she spread her wings but another snore from the dragon caused her to close them and Fire tightened his hold on her.

They came to a break in the mountain where the land bound mares had to jump to the other side. It was no problem for Rainbow and Fire though. The other mares quickly leapt over and joined them. The ground was smoother here so Fire set Fluttershy down and they began to walk. Fluttershy stayed close to him though. They soon came into a rocky area with the smaller hills of the mountain above them.

“Let's keep it down. According to my map, we're entering an avalanche zone,” Twilight said. “The smallest peep could cause a huge rock slide.”

“An... an ava... ava...” Fluttershy stuttered.

“It’s okay, Fluttershy,” Fire whispered. “Just don’t make a sound.”

“Shhh!” Twilight shushed.

They continued forward, keeping quiet. Fluttershy leaned into Fire, who frowned at the invasion of his personal space. But knowing that she was still scared, didn’t object. He sighed with a bit of irritation, then put a foreleg around her, not noticing Rarity frown behind them. Then Rainbow brushed a tree on the way and some of the leaves fell off. They narrowly missed Fluttershy who was moving faster then she would have if not for the feeling of protection she was getting from being close to Fire.

“Hey, um… thanks…” she said to the prince.

“No problem,” Fire said. “But… why are you so on edge?”

“Its just… I’m…”

“We’re here!” Twilight announced.

They had reached the mouth of the cave where the smoke was coming from.

Twilight looked at Fire. “Do you have a plan?”

“Yeah, I thought of one on the way here,” Fire said before looking around at their members. “Rainbow Dash, you use your wings to clear the smoke.”

Rainbow Dash nodded. “Mm-hmm.”

She then flew up into the smoke while he continued, looking at the next set of mares.

“Rarity, you’re a beautiful mare,” Fire said, causing her to blush. “Maybe you could help Twilight and Fluttershy talk to the dragon.”

“I will gladly use my feminine charms to negotiate with him… and hopefully get some diamonds!” Rarity said.

Fire frowned. “Focus Rarity! We’re here to save Equestria, not collect gems!”

Rarity frowned back with a sigh. “I know but leaving with a few beautiful trinkets wouldn’t hurt.”

Fire turned to Pinkie Pie. “Pinkie you’re our comic relief pony. If persuasions not enough maybe you can entertain him and keep him from attacking.”

“I’ll have him laughing in no time!” Pinkie said as she got out a rubber chicken that squeaked.

Finally, there was him and the last mare. “Applejack, you’re with me. We will be the last line of defense in case he attacks.”

He cast his swordhorn spell while Applejack got out her apples to throw.

“Hmm, good plan,” Twilight said. “It could work. I was gonna have it kind of the same, though I would have had Rarity with Pinkie Pie as the distraction. Well hopefully this works. Fluttershy, Rarity, you ready?”

“Yes,” Rarity said.

She and Twilight stepped forward.

“Okay then, we're goin' in,” Twilight said.

Fire, however, noticed that Fluttershy had burrowed her head underground and didn’t follow. He leaned down. “Hey, you need to go in,” he told her pulling her by the tail.

She looked at him.

“I… can’t.”

Twilight and Rarity came back after noticing Fluttershy wasn’t with them. The former got behind Fluttershy and tried to push her.

“Argh! Come on!” Twilight said grunting in effort. “We have to do this! Now! Every… arggh… …second longer that dragon… argh… sleeps is another argh… acre of Equestria that is covered in… argh… smoke. Ooh!”

The other mares tried to help Twilight push Fluttershy to no avail. The yellow Pegasus wouldn’t budge. Pinkie ended up on the end and bumped into them which caused Twilight’s exclaim.

“I- I- I can't go in the cave,” Fluttershy said.

The other five mares sighed and fell over.

“Oh, great. She's scared of caves now, too.” Rainbow complained.

“I'm not scared of caves,” Fluttershy told them. “I'm scared of ...”

They didn’t catch what she said at the end.

Applejack approached her. “What's that, sugarcube?”

“I'm scared of …” the word only ended up being a mumble again.

“What?” Twilight asked.

“You need to speak louder, Fluttershy!” Fire said impatiently.

And she did, just loud of enough for them to her. For her it was a shout, but still quiet by regular standards. “I'm scared of dragons!”

The dragon snored, releasing another large bit of smoke. This caused Fluttershy to squeal and hide behind Fire who coughed with the others as they got a mouthful.

Twilight got around Fire and looked at the yellow mare. “But Fluttershy. You have a wonderful talent dealing with all kinds of animals.”

“Yes,” Fluttershy nodded. “Because they're not dragons.”

Rainbow Dash raised her hooves. “Oh come on! We've seen you walk right up to a horrible manticore like it was nothing.”

“Yes, because he wasn't a dragon,” Fluttershy reaffirmed looking up at her.

“Spike is a dragon,” Pinkie reminded as she walked a few steps to look at Fluttershy. “You're not scared of him.”

“Yes, because he's not a huge, gigantic, terrifying, enormous, teeth-gnashing, sharp-scale having, horn-wearing, smoke-snoring, could eat a pony in one bite, totally all grown-up dragon!” Fluttershy elaborated, terrified.

The dragon snored once again and Fluttershy whimpered and shook on her belly.

Twilight looked at her with dismay. “But, if you're so afraid of dragons, why didn't you say something before we came all the way up here?”

“I was afraid to,” Fluttershy said.

Rainbow Dash hoofplanted again with a sigh.

Applejack tried to console Fluttershy, giving her a nudge from behind. “All of us are scared of that dragon.”

“Yeah, even I’m scared,” Fire admitted.

“You?” Rainbow exclaimed. “But you weren’t fazed at all by those scary trees Nightmare Moon sent at us!”

“What sort of Fire would I be if was scared of wood?” Fire asked with a smirk.

Rainbow chuckled. “Good point! Well I’m not scared of that dragon!”

Almost all of us are scared of that dragon, then. But we've got a job to do. So, get in there with Twilight and show her what you're made of,” Applejack said.

It was inspiring for Fire but Fluttershy just stuttered and looked down before turning away. “I-I-I just…can't.”

Twilight looked after her sadly. “Oh, Fluttershy.”

“Hey,” Fire walked over to the shy mare. “What if I went in with you?”

He put a hoof on her shoulder. She looked at him uncertainly.

“I… don’t think that will be enough,” Fluttershy said.

Twilight finally had enough and went inside on her own. “I'm goin' in. He... probably just doesn't realize what he's doing...

She looked back at where the other mares were hiding behind the cave entrance wall off to the side, they all agreed in nervous tones. Fire stood in the direct path, he took a breath and went inside.

“I’m going with you, Twilight,” Fire said.

She waited for him to catch up and smiled, glad to have one of them by her side. Fire saw the tale of the dragon, blood red. It was clearly a big dragon.

Twilight then called out in a nervous tone. “Mr. Dragon.”

She wasn’t watching where she was going and ended up bumping into the dragon’s snout. He snored again, smoking pouring from his nostrils.

“Excuse me,” Twilight said politely.

The dragon only snored again and rolled over on top of the massive pile of gold and jewels he lay on. Fire sighed.

“Hey, wake up!” he said.

The dragon snored again and then opened his eyes.

Twilight took this as meaning he’d awoken. “Oh, good, you're awake. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Twilight…”

The dragon yawned, giving them more then a faceful of his breath,

“Augh! Puh!” Twilight exclaimed in disgust at the smell before continuing where she left off. “Sparkle, and my friends and I are residents here in Equestria. Ponyville, to be exact. We've come here to ask that you find another spot to take your nap. It's just that you seem to be doing an awful lot of snoring, and every time you do you send out a terrible cloud of smoke.”
As if waiting for that word, the dragon expelled more smoke from his nostrils. Twilight coughed and continued.

“Equestria simply can't survive a hundred years in a dark haze. You understand, don't you?”

“I think he might still be a bit asleep,” Fire said

The dragon got up and stretched his body, then let out inaudible speech they couldn’t understand.

Fire tried his hoof now.

“Uh greetings Dragon, I’m Prince Fire Sword, son of Celestia,” he said. “If you can understand me, please tell me your name.”

The dragon just dropped back down on the treasure and blowing smoke at them, both coughed, and Twilight retreated seeing as she’d failed for the moment. Fire sighed.

“I think we’re gonna have to be a little more forceful,” he said before shouting. “WAKE UP, RIGHT NOW!”

The dragon opened his eyes again and growled. “A pony? You dare wake me?”

“Yeah, I am Prince Fire Sword, son of Celestia!” Fire repeated. “And your snoring is creating smoke all over our land! We need you to find another place to sleep. Now please leave!”

The dragon growled softly and got up, for a moment Fire thought he would agree. But he just swatted him out of the cave, with enough force to send Fire into the mares. The sound of large footsteps sounded as the dragon approached.

“I’ll handle this!” Rainbow said as she flew in.

“Rainbow, wait!” Twilight called to no avail.

Approaching the dragon as he was nearly out, Rainbow yelled, “Come on!” And kicked him on the snout.

He sneezed smoke at her and then growled. She hadn’t expected that.

“Uh… sorry.”

He roared at her and sent her flying back as well. She knocked into the others just as Fire had. The dragon then emerged from the cave, extremely angry as the mares all ran around in a panic (except Fluttershy who was nowhere to be seen). The dragon stomped the ground his front leg and emerged, the mares hugged each other and Fire in front of them battle-ready. The dragon let out a large amount of smoke, where was his fire? Was he clearing out the excess smoke that was blocking it? Fire put up a shield with his horn that blocked the smoke which somehow came with immense force. His shield protecting him and the girls. When the smoke cleared, the dragon looked down at them angrily. He blew a bit of fire out now, apparently he had needed to clear himself out.

Fire was ready, he knew just the spell to deal with a fire breather, as that had been how he-

“Wait!” a familiar voice called.

Fire looked and saw Fluttershy behind the others, and a broken rock that he swore a moment ago had been complete. She must have been hiding behind it? Had the smoke caused it to break?

Fluttershy then suddenly flew up and spoke firmly and assertively. “How dare you... how dare you!” she said to the dragon as she flew on top of his snout. “Listen here, mister. Just because you're big doesn't mean you get to be a bully! You may have huge teeth, and sharp scales, and snore smoke, and breathe fire. But you do not—I repeat—you do not! Hurt! My! Friends! You got that?”

The dragon whimpered.

That wasn’t enough to satisfy Fluttershy, who asked. “Well?”

The dragon looked ashamed, but pointed down. “But that rainbow one kicked me. And the fire one shouted at me.”

Rainbow nodded after a moment, proud of herself, Fire however, felt a little shame. Maybe he shouldn’t have shouted.

Fluttershy gave him an apologetic look now. “And I am very sorry about that. But you're bigger than she is, and soft speaking wasn’t getting you to reply. You should know better, all of you!” she said looking at her friends before turning back to the dragon. “You should also know better than to take a nap where your snoring can become a health hazard to other creatures.”

“But I-“ the dragon tried to say.

“Don't you 'but I' me, mister!” Fluttershy interrupted. Now what do you have to say for yourself?”

The dragon didn’t reply right away.

“I said, what do you have to say for yourself?”

Instead of speaking the dragon cried, raindrop sized tears fell onto the ponies.

Fluttershy then turned from assertive to comforting, patting the dragons snout. “There, there. No need to cry. You're not a bad dragon, you just made a bad decision. Now go pack your things. You just need to find a new place to sleep. That's all.”
The mares cheered as Fluttershy landed back on the ground with them. Fire meanwhile, looked at the dragon before flying up.

“And I’m sorry for shouting at you,” Fire said before levitating a bag of gold toward the dragon. “Here, take this as an added apology. I know its not much compared to all that treasure you have, but take it anyway.”

The dragon smiled at him and quickly packed up his treasure.

“You did it! I knew you could do it,” Twilight said.

The dragon flew off, and soon the Pegasi managed to clear out all the smoke around Equestria. Fire followed Twilight into the library where Spike was still caring for the critters. They saw him holding Fluttershy’s bunny by the leg.

“Spike, take a letter,” Twilight said to him.

Spike sighed in relief up on seeing her. “With pleasure.”

He began writing as Twilight spoke.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I am happy to report that the dragon has departed our fair country, and that it was my good friend, Fluttershy, who convinced him to go. This adventure has taught me to never lose faith in your friends. They can be an amazing source of strength, and can help you overcome even your greatest fears. I also learned that it might not always be easy having two ponies that can assume the role of leader, as your son Fire and I butted heads a couple times on this mission. But once we get used to each other, we can make an excellent team.

Fire smiled at that, and had to agree.

I believe you would be very proud as a mother if you had seen the way Fire Sword defended us from the dragon before Fluttershy intervened.

Always your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle.

Just then they heard a voice. “Twilight! Fire!”

It was Applejack from outside. Twilight ran to the balcony with Fire behind her. They saw their friends outside. Rainbow Dash was back at the ball bouncing.

“You gotta come see this!” Applejack said. “She's just five away from a new pony record!"

Rainbow continued to bounce the ball. “Three hundred forty-seven, three hundred forty-eight...”

“Rarrr!” a roar sounded.

“Dragon!” Rainbow Dash screamed before falling over in fear.

Everyone watching laughed.

Rainbow Dash looked around Why are you laughing? That awful dragon is back!

Pinkie Pie performed the roar again in Rainbow’s face.

“Pinkie Pie, you scared me!” Rainbow exclaimed before realizing what she said. “I mean, uh, you... broke my concentration.”

Fluttershy then flew over her. “It's okay, Rainbow Dash. Not everypony can be as brave as me... or Fire.”

A leaf fell toward Rainbow Dash who blew it away. It landed on Fluttershy’s back, and Fire wasn’t there to ward it off. The mere touch of something unexpected caused Fluttershy to freeze in fear. She fell over like Rainbow had. This caused everypony to laugh. Fire then flew down and looked at Fluttershy, offering a hoof to help her up. She took it with a smile.

“I’m proud of you Fluttershy,” he said. “You really stood up to your fear today.”

“Thanks. But I’m sure even you have something you’re afraid Mr. Element of Balance,” Fluttershy said.

Fire chuckled. “Yeah, I definitely do.”

His smile faded as he thought of it, looking up at the sky which was now clear. He thought back to that day when he’d discovered his destiny. It had been the proudest day of his life, but also the scariest. When he met… him. He still remembered all the fire running wild around Canterlot that day.

Chapter 11: Look Before You Sleep

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In Ponyville, the gang of three Earth Pony Stallions eyed Warm Heart Tower.

“We should have struck while he didn’t have guards!” one of them said.

“It was your fault Gray!” another said. “You had to go and visit your mother back in Manehattan!”

“She was sick, Swipe!” Gray countered.

“Enough! We’re all back together again and we need to come up with a plan,” the first one, their leader said. “He has guards, but there’s gotta be some way we can get past them and break into his tower.”

“Well, I’m sure you’ll think of something, Bright Wane,” Swipe said.

Bright Wane was a yellow stallion with a dark brown mane. His cutie mark was of a solar eclipse. He was the brains and leader of the thugs. Gray had a similarly colored coat to match his own name and a lighter silver mane with an oval cutie mark that was of a darker shade then the rest of his body with edges of light and dark on either side of it. Lastly, Swipe was blue and had the cutie mark of a fox tail. His talent was being sly like a fox.

“We’ll see what happens tonight, since the Pegasus ponies are scheduling a downpour,” Bright said. “That will mean few ponies will be out tonight. It could be good for us.”

Swipe smiled. “I have an idea then.”

A couple hours later the ponies in town were hard at work preparing for the upcoming storm tonight. It started out as a sunny day, but soon began getting blocked out as the Pegasi shifted clouds over the town and blocked out the sun. Below, Earth Ponies and a handful of Pegasi also worked as Fire watched with his guards and Mayor Mare.

“We need to prune the trees for the upcoming storm, or they might fall down on someponies house,” the mare explained. “I hope you don’t mind doing this sort of work?”

“Not at all,” Fire said with a sincere smile. “If it's to help ponies out and make sure nopony gets hurt I’m in.”

He looked at his guards, with Lieutenant Vine Archer saluting him.

“We’ll help however we can, your royal sheriffness sir!” Archer said.

Fire chuckled. Seems Vine Archer still had a sense of humor compared to most guards. That was good. Most of them were kind of boorish the way they just stood by unmoving until given commands.

“Help everypony take down those fallen branches,” Fire ordered.

“Yes sir!” they all said.

The sheriff prince and his guards/deputies got to work. Fire spotted Applejack and Rarity among the crowd working. Applejack used her lasso to pull a branch down while Rarity was a bit further ahead of her using her magic to levitate a branch.

“Howdy Applejack!” Fire greeted in a way similar to the country pony.

“Oh, Howdy Fire!” she greeted back. “Good to see you’re working as well!”

“Don’t expect me to not help out just cause it might be a little dirty?” Fire asked.

“Well, I know Rarity wouldn’t approve,” Applejack looking at the said unicorn and seeing what she was doing. “What in tarnation does she think she’s up to?

Instead of taking a branch down, Rarity had magically reattached it to the tree it came from and then spruced up the leaves to resemble a pair of ponies.

“Perfect!” the unicorn said.

Fire could admire the beauty of her creation, but Applejack didn’t. The Earth Pony took her lasso and grabbed hold of the branch and pulled it back down.

She then rounded on her friend. “Just take the broken limbs down, Rarity. Don't y'all care about nothin' other than prettifyin'?”

“Somepony has to,” Rarity countered with narrowed eyes. “You were making an absolute mess of the town square, Applejack.”

She gestured to the many branches on the ground.

“Yeah, well, the storm's gonna make an even bigger mess if we don't prune all these loose branches so they don't tumble down on anypony,” Applejack said.

Rarity looked up at the sky in annoyance. “I simply cannot imagine why the Pegasus ponies would schedule a dreadful downpour this evening and ruin what could have been a glorious sunny day."

Applejack sighed. “Think more practical-like, will ya? They accidentally skipped a scheduled sprinkle last week, so we need a doozy of a downpour to make up for it, is all.

At that moment rain began to sprinkle, much to Rarity’s horror.

“Oh no!” she exclaimed. “My wonderfully styled mane shall be ruined!”

“Ya shoulda hurried up and finished the job already,” Applejack told her.

Rarity began running around trying to get out of the rain. “Oh! Ah! Oh! Ph! It's coming down too fast! Ah! Oh! Oh! Ah! Help me!”

Applejack looked around and spotted a bench nearby. "Uh, there. Hunker down to yer heart's content whilst I finish things.

Rarity ran over to the bench but as soon as she looked under it, she went, “Oh, no, no, no!”

Fire who had followed her with Applejack saw the problem. Under the bench it was very muddy.

Applejack however didn’t get it. “What now?”

“I prefer not to get my hooves muddy,” Rarity pointed.

Fire could sympathize, he also liked to look his best. Of course, there were times when things demanded he make a small sacrifice.

Applejack was getting more irritated though. “Guh. There is just no pleasin' ya, is there? Everything's got to be just so."

Rarity scoffed. “Well, and how does muddying my hooves serve any useful purpose?”

Applejack put her hoof down. “Y'all wouldn't know useful if it came up and bit'cha.”

Rarity laughed. “That doesn't even make any sense.”

“Does so,” Applejack said.

“Does not,” Rarity said back and a bicker began.

“Does so.”

“Does not.”

Fire listened to the argument going back and forth and his mane began to light up in flames, causing a little steam as he was also hit by the rain.

“Enough!” he shouted.

He conjured up a rain shield like he had during the rain when Twilight and he had gotten the tickets for the Grand Galloping Gala. His red magic formed a layer above him that warded off the drops.

“Here Rarity, get under here with me!” he called to her.

She trotted over and gave him a grateful smile as she no longer felt the rain hitting her and she wasn’t getting dirty either. “Thank you, Prince Fire, your highness. Surely you agree with me on this whole mess thing?”

“Actually, I’m kinda with Applejack,” he said sincerely. “We need rain order to drink and sustain ourselves and our crops like she has. You can’t always have beauty, Rarity.”

The fashionista sighed, unable to come up with a counter.

“Prince Fire!” Vine Archer called. “We’re all done with what we can do for the town! We’d best head back to Warm Heart Tower!”

“I’ll meet you there!” Fire shouted. “Just need to make sure my friends get home safely!”

Vine bowed and began to walk off.

“Come on Applejack!” Fire said. “We should get going! The storm is gonna get worse!”

The Earth Pony glared in his direction, though it was meant for Rarity.

The unicorn returned the look. “What say we go our separate ways before one of us says something she will regret?”

“I reckon y'all are gonna say something you'll regret first,” Applejack said.

Rarity rolled her eyes in a ladylike manner. “On the contrary, I believe it shall most certainly be you who says something you will regret first.”

“I'm not sayin' anythin',” Applejack said.

“Nor am I,” Rarity said.

“Okay, we need to stop arguing and get a move on here!” Fire said impatiently. “If you aren’t gonna let me walk you both home peacefully I’m going home alone!”

“You wouldn’t abandon a lady to fend for herself, would you?” Rarity asked worriedly as he spread his wings.

“Not usually but when the lady is acting unrefined then yes,” Fire said.

“Me unrefined?” Rarity took offense at this.

“Yes, you two are just standing here fighting like a pair of fillies!” Fire said as he flapped his wings.

Both of them gave regretful looks for a moment but then glared at each other.

Applejack gave a shooing motion with her hoof to Rarity. "Y'all just be on yer way, then.”

“After you!” Rarity shouted.

Fire began to fly in the direction of his home while the two mares began to walk backwards while still glaring at each other. Then thunder crackled, causing the two to yelp and hug each other in fright.

“Perhaps we should stick together for now and find some shelter,” Rarity suggested.

Applejack nodded frightfully. “Uh-huh, perhaps we should. And fast.”

The wind was picking up fast. Fire sighed and was about to fly off when a powerful gust suddenly sent him flying backwards head over heels.

"Whoa! Whoa! Uh-"

He hit a tree right wing first and-

“Aah!” he cried out in pain before hitting the ground.

“Fire!” Applejack and Rarity both exclaimed.

They ran over and helped him up.

“You okay Fire?” Applejack asked.

Fire gritted his teeth. “I think I sprained my wing.”

At least he could still walk and use his horn. If only he knew teleportation magic, he could get them all home in a few flashes.

“Guess I’ll have to stick with you after all,” Fire said.

“Alright y’all. We need to get out of this rain!” Applejack said.

She immediately went under the bench she’d directed Rarity towards a moment ago.

“Heh. Nice and dry under here, sorta,” Applejack said looking down at the mud which was covering her hooves.

Rarity paced nearby and looked at the Earth Pony’s makeshift shelter in disgust. “Oh! Unacceptable!” she exclaimed

Fire sighed irritably as he stood under his shield.

Then a voice in the distance drew their attention. “Fire! Applejack! Rarity!”

It came again as Applejack slowly got out from under the bench and walked up beside them. “Fire! Applejack! Rarity!”

They looked for the source and saw Twilight looking out from the library nearby.

“Twilight?” the two mares asked.

Twilight beckoned them with a wave of her hoof. “Come inside, quick.”

They ran over with Fire’s shield still above them. Fire and Rarity both went in right away but Applejack stopped at the door.

“Whoa, nelly,” she said. “Is inside a tree really the best place to be in a lightning storm?”

“It is if you have a magical lightning rod protecting your home like I do. Come on in!” Twilight said cheerfully.

Rarity was relieved. “Hah! We are most grateful for your invitation.”

“Yes, we are.” Fire agreed.

Applejack also was in the same mood as she began to walk in. “Thank ya kindly for yer hospitality.”

Rarity, however stopped her and gestured to her muddy hooves. “Uh, do be a polite house guest and go wash up please, won't you?”

Applejack grumbled as she turned back outside. “If I gotta spend one more second with that fussbudget Rarity today, I can't
be held responsible for what I'm gonna do.”

Fire heard this and sighed as well. Things had been pretty tense just a few minutes ago. Hopefully it would smooth out. He followed Applejack outside briefly.

“Hey, don’t get too worked up about it,” he said. “I know Rarity is a lot more fancy smancy then you, but she is right. You really think Twilight would appreciate it if you got mud all over her home?”

She looked back. “I guess not. Alright guess this is one thing Rarity is right about today.”

Fire nodded and turned back inside. He was surprised to find Moondancer inside.

“Fire!” she exclaimed.

“Hey!” Fire said with a wave and a grin at his soon to be date. “What are you doing here?”

“Twilight invited me to have a slumber party!” Moondancer said.

“Yeah!” Twilight said before looking out the window. “Some storm, huh? The Pegasus ponies sure have outdone themselves this time. I hope you, Rarity, and Applejack don't have any trouble getting home.”

“It may indeed be a problem,” Rarity stated.

“Well, you're welcome to stay if need be. Spike is away in Canterlot on royal business so it was just gonna be me and Moondancer. You three should totally sleep over! We'll have a bigger slumber party! I always wanted one of those!”

Fire looked at her with a smirk. “Oh really, then how come you never invited anypony over before?”

“Oh, I was always too focused on studying,” Twilight said. “I did want too but whenever I was at school it slipped my mind.”

Fire nodded. That made sense. Though he was a little nervous being the only stallion with a group of four mares.

Rarity was likewise uncertain and blinked. “Oh! Uh, goodness. Uh, I do believe I have another engagement scheduled for this evening that completely slipped my mind until just now.” She laughed nervously. “Ah, silly me, I can't possibly stay here all night-“ She then spoke at a level where nopony would hear her. “-with Applejack.”

Twilight seemed to not hear her in her excitement. She levitated a book from the shelf above.

Rarity read its title page. “Slumber 101: All You've Ever Wanted to Know About Slumber Parties But Were Afraid to Ask.”

Twilight put a hoof to her heart. “My own personal copy. It's a fantastic reference guide. You should see the table of contents,” she then flailed her hooves excitedly and grew sparkling eyes. “I've been waiting for a chance to use it, and today is the day! This is gonna be so great!”

“Yeah!” Moondancer agreed with a smile.

Rarity once more laughed nervously. “Yes, uh, great.”

She looked out the window where Applejack was about to wash her hooves.

“Uh, your book happen to mention anything about including ponies of the opposite… gender?” Fire asked.

“Oh yeah,” Twilight said. “It talks about how couples have their own slumber special slumber parties and… well… you know.”

She blushed, as did all the others. Fire’s mind wandered back to the night of his birthday a couple years ago where he’d had a special time with Cadance.

“None of us are couples though so we just treat this as another slumber party.”

They all sighed in relief. The girls prepared makeovers as Fire read a book.

Applejack sooner entered the library with her hooves freshly cleaned. She gasped at what she saw. “What in tarnation?! Now wait just a goll-darn minute! Ya make me wash the mud off my hooves, but it's okay for y'all to have mud all over yer faces?

Rarity waved her hoof. “Silly! This is called a mud mask. It's to refresh and rejuvenate your complexion.”

“We're giving each other makeovers! Eee-hee!” Twilight giggled. “We have to do it, it says so in the book.”

“You and your books,” Fire said as he read one himself.

“What was that?” Twilight asked frowning at him.

Fire looked back at her. “Nothing. Its just that like I told you before, you can’t learn everything from books. I know you love them but some things are better learnt by doing.”

“Hmph!” Twilight huffed. “Maybe so but this is my slumber party and I’ll do it as I like it!”

“That’s fine,” Fire said.

Applejack saw the title. Slumber 101: Everything You... Oh hey, heh, would'ja look at the time. I gotta skidaddle on home quick. I'm powerful late for, uh, fer somethin'. Uh, g'night.”

The lightning crackled and canceled her plan of escape. “Or maybe I'll sit here for a spell.”

“Hurray slumber party!” Twilight clapped her hooves together. “And a big one too!”

Moondancer smiled at Fire through her mudmask. “How do I look, Fire?”

He looked. “I think I need to be asked that when your face is clean.”

She giggled. “Yeah you’re right. But how do you think I normally look?”

“Uh…” Fire hesitated, not sure how to respond without hurting her feelings. “Nice.”

That was true at least. She wasn’t bad looking in any sense, same with Applejack. Twilight was kind of pretty, but Rarity… oh she was gorgeous. Of course, Fire knew that beauty on the outside was one thing, but the real beauty came from inside. And they were all wonderful in that regard. Not perfect, but hey nopony was. Not even Fire’s mother.

Applejack then got the face mask put on by Rarity, much to her disgust. Cucumbers were then put over her eyes. “Blahch. What in the world is this for?”

Rarity sighed as she explained. “To reduce the puffiness around one's eyes, of course. You sure you don’t want to join us, Fire? A prince should take care of his looks after all.”

“Thanks, but I think this is more of a mare thing,” Fire said. “Now if I get puffy eyes right now I’d probably change my mind.”

“Understood,” Rarity said understandingly. “You stallions can do your thing.”

Fire wished he had another stallion here. Still needed to find one to hang with.

“I’m with Fire! Puffiness-schmuffiness!” Appleljack exclaimed. “That's good eatin'!” She then took the cucumbers off her eyes and ate them loudly.

Twilight giggled. “Hee-hee! Isn't this exciting? We'll do everything by the book, and that will make my slumber party officially fun! You’ll see Fire!”

The prince shrugged. “We’ll see. How bad could it really be… as long as we can all get along.”

He meant that for Rarity and Applejack as he looked over at them. They seemed to be making a little progress as he heard what they said.

“You certainly would not want to do anything that would ruin Twilight's very first slumber party, would you?” Rarity asked.

“Of course not,” Applejack said. “N you wouldn't either, I reckon?”

“So do we have an agreement?” Rarity asked, signaling for a truce.

Fire let out breath of relief while Moondancer was confused next to him.

“You betcha.” Applejack said before spitting in her hooves and extending it shake Rarity’s.

The Unicorn looked at the spit trailing down the hoof in disgust. “Oh! Gross! You know, there's messy and there's just plain rude.”

Applejack got in her face, angered. “You know, there's fussy, 'n there's just plain gettin' on my nerves.”

“ Fortunately, I can get along with anypony, no matter how difficult she may be,” Rarity stated.

“Oh yeah? Well, I'm the "get-alongin-est" pony you're ever gonna meet,” Applejack stated back.

“That's not even a word,” Rarity said.

Twilight appeared between them, still clueless to the tension as she wrapped her hooves around them. “This is going to be the bestest slumber party ever! Yay!”

“Yay.” The two mares said together.

Fire sighed and Moondancer leaned toward him.

“What’s going on between them?” she asked.

“They’ve been fighting since late this afternoon,” he told her.

“Oh boy. Hopefully they can get along and not ruin this slumber party,” Moondancer said.

Fire could only hope. They went about their slumber party. Since Fire was the only stallion he let them do their girly things which soon included put their manes and tails in wraps.

Rarity was pleased with the results. “So, how are you getting along over there, Applejack?”

Applejack frowned. “Just fine, Rarity.”

Twilight was still unaware of the tension. “This is so awesome!” She giggled then levitated her list. “Makeovers, check!”

She checked it off and then the hair wraps (or whatever those things were called that they used to wrap their mane and tails in) vanished. Fire didn’t know as he wasn’t a mare.

Twilight then looked at the next activity. “Ooh, it says here we have to tell ghost stories. Who wants to go first?”

“Ooh, that sounds like something I’d like!” Fire said as he put his book down.

“Me!” Applejack said with enthusiasm. “I'd like to tell y'all the terrifying tale of the prissy ghost who drove everypony crazy with her unnecessary neatness. Oo-oo! I'm sure y'all are familiar with that one?” She raised her hooves and made ghost sounds as she said it.

That sounded more like Rarity then a ghost. Great, Applejack was still upset.

Rarity shook her head. “Never heard of it, but I have a much better one. It's the horrifying story of the messy, inconsiderate ghost who irritated everypony within a hundred miles! Oo-oo!”

“That's not a real story. You made it up!” Applejack accused.

“It is a ghost story, they're all made up,” Rarity said.

Then the lights went out and all of them screamed at the unexpected turn.

Twilight then appeared between the two mares holding a flashlight.

“I've got one!” She said. “This story is called The Legend of The Headless Horse. It was a dark and stormy night, just like this one. And three ponies were having a slumber party! Just like us! Except we have five of course! And just when the last pony thought she was safe, there, standing right behind her, just inches away was... the Headless Horse!”

All the other mares gasped and held onto Fire who was a little shaken as well.

“Okay that’s a good one Twilight!” Fire said. “Now I think I’ll tell one.”

He shined his horn brightly so that the red magic shined through the library, giving it a bloody look. “It was just a decade after Canterlot Castle was first built. Back when… capital punishment was used fairly often in Medieval Equestria! My mother the now beneviolent Princess Celestia had to make examples of those that committed the most heinous crimes. The execution wing of the castle was the most feared place. It was said that is floors were forever stained with the blood of those were beheaded! But more terrifying still was the spirits of the executed criminals that haunted the wing. It was so bad my mother had to close it down and… trap the ghosts in there… forever!”

The mares screamed.

“Until they eventually escape and run amok across Canterlot as revenge!” Fire said before giving an evil laugh. “Wahahahaha!”

They were all shaking in their hooves.

“Ooh that was a good one Fire!” Moodancer said with a smile, though her ears were drooped in fear.

Twilight did another check off the list. “Ghost story, check. Now, who wants s'mores?”

They made them in the library fireplace. Applejack roasted her marshmallows while Rarity told Twilight and the others how to make ‘perfect’ smores.

“Then you place one marshmallow on the top of the chocolate and be sure it's centered—that's critical—and then carefully put another perfectly square graham cracker on the top. And done. Ta-da!”

It did indeed look perfect.

“Ooo!” Twilight exclaimed as she looked at the snack.

“Looks good, Rarity,” Fire said.

“Just good?” she asked blinking her eyes at him.

Fire chuckled. “Okay, it looks perfect.”

She blushed from that.

“Thank you, I hope these prove to be smores fit for royalty!”

Applejack, however, wasn’t impressed. “Nah, ya just eat 'em.” She popped the s’more into her mouth and made a delighted, “Mmm-mmm!” while also showing her chewing teeth covered in the food then belched.

Rarity sighed at the show of bad manners, and Fire frowned as well. “You could at least say excuse me.”

“Aw, I was just about to, but you interrupted me,” Applejack excused. “Pardon.”

Fire sighed again. Things were not going well at this slumber party.

Twilight, ever clueless of the tension, checked off the list again. “S'mores, check. Now the next item of fun we have to do is Truth or Dare.”

Rarity seized on the opportunity. “I dare Applejack to do something carefully and neatly for a change.”

Applejack was quick to respond. “Oh yeah? Well I dare Rarity ta lighten up and stop obsessin' over every last little detail, for a change.”

Fire shook his head in frustration. “Girls come on! Can’t you try and get along?”

He spoke in a low voice that only he could hear.

“I think the truth of the matter is that somepony could stand to pay a little more attention to details,” Rarity pressed.

“And I think the truth is somepony oughta quit with her fussin' so the rest of us can get things done,” Applejack countered.

“Um, I don't think this is how the game's supposed to work,” Twilight said as she went back over to the book, again her and her books. “You have to give an honest answer to any question or do whatever anypony dares you to do.”

Applejack quickly got an idea. “I dares you to step outside and let your precious, tidy mane get ruined again.”

Rarity gasped at this.

“You have to. It's the rule,” Twilight told her.

“Ha!” Applejack laughed.

“Fine!” Rarity said as she stepped outside.

They heard a faint crying outside and Rarity soon returned soaking wetting and her mane dripping. Applejack snicked and laughed. Fire quickly got a towel and wrapped it around Rarity who managed a smile.

“Oh, thank you Fire,” she said as she dried herself off. “At least somepony knows how to be sophisticated around here. But it will take me around five minutes of combing to get my mane back to my usual style!”

She then walked toward Applejack and backed her into a corner, a slight glimmer of vengeance in her eyes. “Okay. I dare Applejack to play dress-up in a frou-frou, glittery, lacey outfit.”

Applejack gasped and clenched her teeth before returning in a princess style outfit complete with a hat. “Happy?”

Rarity smirked. “Very.”

“Um, do I ever get a turn?” Twilight asked.

Fire sighed, unable to take it anymore. “Twilight seriously? Can’t you see that they are having a bad time?”

“What?” Twilight exclaimed, her eyes glistening. “Is my slumber party bad?”

“No!” Fire quickly told her. “This is good, its just… they’ve been having problems since this afternoon!”

Twilight’s mouth fell open. “Oh, I didn’t know.”

Fire took a breath. “Of course not. You weren’t there when they started arguing in the town square over prettiness and neatness.”

Applejack and Rarity were still too engrossed in their arguing to listen.

“I dare ya to enter the next rodeo when it comes to town,” Applejack said.

“I dare you not to enter the next rodeo that comes to town,” Rarity said.

“I dare ya to not comb your mane a hundred times before bed.”

“And I dare you to comb yours just once.”

“Oh I was hoping to do one more activity but maybe we should just call it a night and get some sleep?” Twilight suggested.

“That might be a good idea,” Fire agreed. “Maybe we’ll all feel better a good night’s sleep. I wonder how my guards are doing at Warm Heart Tower? Hopefully they’re not out looking for me in this weather!”

Vine Archer led his party through Ponyville. When Prince Fire hadn’t returned after a couple hours the guards had immediately assumed something happened. They all divided into groups of two, with four going out to look for him while the last two remained behind. Progress was extremely slow thanks to the storm, even with the aid of unicorn magic it was a struggle to move.

“You sure we should have left Warm Heart Tower?” the silver Pegasus Guard, Wind Strike asked.

“I left three guards, that should be enough in case Prince Fire Sword returns,” Vine Archer said.

Back at the tower, the two remaining guards stood in front of the door. Suddenly they saw someone in the window.

“Prince Fire?”

They went over and one of them opened it to find three masked Earth Ponies outside. They were on the guards instantly, pinning them down and tying them up.

Fire looked at Moondancer who had been quiet for a while. Twilight was working on a

“You okay, Moondancer?” he asked her.

“Yeah, it’s just so tense in here,” the shyer pony said. “I got nervous.”

Fire put his foreleg around her. “I know.”

Then Twilight came back. “Okay, I’m having Moondancee sleep in my bed then Applejack and Rarity can share the other one.”

She then looked at Fire. “Unfortunately, I don’t have a third bed but I managed create a hammock with a blanket and chair I transformed.”

Fire nodded. “That’ll be fine for tonight, thank you.”

She nodded back.

They all went to bed with Moondancer in Twilight’s bed, while Rarity and Applejack were in the guest bed, and Fire in his transformed hammock. He had a feeling that they should have separated the two arguing mares. And he soon proved right. In no time at all they were back at each other’s throats yet again.

“Keep your muddy hooves on your side of the bed!” Rarity told Applejack.

“My hooves ain't muddy,” Applejack told her.

“They were. There might still be a little on them,” Rarity pressed.

“There ain't. See?” Applejack showed her.

Rarity still saw something she didn’t like. “Eww!”

Fire put his pillow his over his ears in an attempt to mask the noise. They went on as they began fighting over the bedspread once Rarity pulled it over to her side. They continued for several minutes until finally Twilight snapped and sat up.

“Enough! It says right here that the number one thing you're supposed to do at a slumber party is have fun, and thanks to you two I can't check that off!” she said levitating the list once again.

“I've been tryin' my darndest to get along,” Applejack said.

“No, it is I who have been trying my best,” Rarity said.

“No, it was me,” Applejack objected.

“No, it was I!” Rarity stated.



I hope you're happy, both of you,” Twilight said angrily as Moodancer and Fire listened uncomfortably. “You've ruined my very first slumber party. The makeover, the s'mores, Truth or Dare, the pillow fight... I mean, is there anything else that could possibly go wrong? Maybe I should have just stuck with Moodancer who is probably feeling a bit left out!”

Moondancer blushed. It was true Applejack and Rarity being the center of attention… and just tension.

Lightning struck outside, proving something more could go wrong. It struck a treetop right outside, destroying the top wood.

“Sorry I asked,” Twilight said as she and Moodancer hugged each in fright under the covers.

They turned the lights on and looked outside, seeing the treetop swaying back and forth. It could fall any minute, they let out a shared gasp at this realization.

“Ya see?” Applejack said to Rarity. “That's why we needed to take down all those loose branches in town, not spiffy 'em up.”

Rarity looked remorseful. “But I-“

Applejack walked over to the window. “Outta my way, missy! Time's a-wastin'.”

She opened it and grabbed her lasso, spinning it over her head. However, both Fire and Rarity soon realized that if she were
to move the tree this way then-

“Wait! Stop! Don't!” Rarity tried to speak.

“No waitin'! No stoppin'! Doin'!” Applejack said as she flung her lasso. “And that, my friends, is what we call gettin' 'er done.”

She puled the lasso back in and-

“Aah!” Rarity cried.

The tree crashing down into the bedroom area. Now they were getting rain, cold wind, and blowing leaves inside as well a big tree in the middle of the room. Twilight and Moondancer both got pinned on the former’s bed. Applejack went down with the tree to main area of the library, swaying back and forth on her lasso.

Rarity was on the other side of the tree, using a book for cover from the rain that came in and trying to clean up the mess that had been caused by the tree. “I tried to tell you it would come crashing down in here.”

Applejack climbed back up to where she could see them. “Well, ya shoulda tried harder.” She then noticed the mess in the bedroom. Twilight managed to get herself and Moodancer out from under the tree on their bed. Her eyes spun and she shook her head.

“I'm mighty sorry, Twilight,” Applejack apologized.

“It's...” She paused and soon grew an angry face. “Well, it's not okay. There's a giant tree branch in the middle of my bedroom, and the book doesn't say anything about having a giant tree branch at your slumber party. Or at least I haven't found that entry yet. Ooh... ah!”

She began to frantically flip through the pages.

Fire sighed. “We don’t need a book to figure this out! Come on! We need to get rid of this tree branch!”

Applejack nodded. “You’re right, Fire!”

He growled as his anger reached a boiling point and he pointed at her. “Actually, this is your mess, so you can clean it up! I’ve had enough of you and Rarity being at each other’s throats today!”

He tried to fly out of the room but the pain still present in his wings caused him to go, “Ow!” and he fell to the floor, got up and retreated to a dryer area. Moondancer also got up and joined him, both of them frowned at the scene.

Rarity was busy trying to clean up the books and broken plant.

“What in tarnation are y'all doin' over there?” Appejack asked.

“Cleaning up this mess somepony made,” Rarity told her. “Who was that again? Oh, right, that's you.”

Applejack looked guilty then said. “We gotta do somethin'!

Twilight looked through the book. “Baking... BFFs... Brothers... There's nothing in here about branches.

“Twilight! You don’t need a book to figure that out!” Fire shouted.

“Then what am I supposed to do?” she asked.

“Simple! Help them get it out of the way!” Fire said. “I could maybe burn it away with a fire spell! But then… that would probably set the library on fire!”

“And it wouldn’t work since the branch is already wet!” Moondancer said. “Maybe we can transfigure it!”

Twilight grinned. “Ha maybe this isn’t the right book for this job then!”

She got out of her bed and went down with Moondancer to look for a book with a spell. Fire sighed again. Hopefully they could fix this. He was too frustrated to do anything but grumble right now.

Applejack tried to move the branch on her own to no avail. “Rarity, for pony's sake, stop sweatin' the small stuff and help me get rid of this thing!”

Rarity didn’t respond.

“I said hussle over here and help me!”

That didn’t work either. Finally, Applejack swallowed her pride and-

“Look, I'm sorry, all right?”

That got Rarity’s attention.

“What was that?” she asked turning around.

“I said I'm sorry!” Applejack said. “I shoulda listened to you when you noticed where this here branch would end up. Yer annoyin' attention to detail would'a saved us from this whole mess. But right now, ya need to stop bein' so dang fussy pickin' up all the little things and help me move the one big thing in here that actually matters! Please!”

Rarity looked at the wet floor. “Uh. Uh, but I'll get all icky.”

“Consarnit! What the... eh... you...” Applejack started to curse then caught herself. “I mean, yes, ickiness is often a side effect of hard work. But y'all need to get over it, on account I just can't fix this mess I made myself. I need your help.”

Rarity let out a frustrated “Oh,” then gave a determined expression. “Let's do this.”

She got closer, lit up her horn with magic and transfigured the branch into a set of pretty smaller branches that came in the shapes of animals and hearts.

“Hey, good one Rarity!” Fire said in approval.

She smiled at his praise then glared at Applejack who was about to kick the remainder of the branch attached to the window out. But seeing as that would likely damage the windowsill from Rarity’s look, she instead took it in her teeth and more gently got it down. This earned a smile from Rarity. Applejack then closed the window safely.

Rarity was happy for a moment then looked at herself. “U-ugh. Oh, I look awful.”

“Yeah, you do,” Fire said stepping forward. “But you also look like a mare that made getting that tree branch out of here much easier. I’m proud of you.”

She managed a smile. Then Applejack took some cucumbers bits and put them over Rarity’s eyes, making it look like she was in another mud mask, or mud bath.

“Better?” Applejack asked.

“Hmph, thanks,” Rarity said gratefully.

She reached out for Applejack blindly, the Earth Pony got closer to allow her to put her hoof on her head. They then hugged and Applejack motioned for Fire to join them. He smiled and put his hooves around them as well. It seemed they’d reconciled thanks to that tree falling in.

Soon Twilight and Moodancer returned.

“Oh, pretty!” Twilight said as she saw the leaf statues Rarity had transformed. “Where did these come from?”

“You use magic to turn the branch into smaller things?” Moondancer asked.

Rarity nodded. “Yes indeed. Now, I think we probably owe Twilight a make-up slumber party! And I need a bath!”

“I think we both do!” Applejack said. “No point sleeping when you’re all icky!”

They all laughed. They cleaned up and then the mares redid their slumber party while Fire went to sleep. He didn’t need a redo of the girly girl stuff they were gonna do with hopefully better results now that AJ and Rarity had gotten over their feud.

He awoke in the morning refreshed and seeing the girls had apparently been up all night.

“Morning mares,” he said. “Were you up all night?”

“Yes indeed. May have missed my beauty sleep but we had so much fun!” Rarity said.

“Kinda a shame you hit the hay,” Applejack said. “But I guess I can’t blame ya since most of what we did was kinda girly. You might have liked twenty questions and follow the leader though!”

“Maybe next time,” Fire said.

“We were thinking of having another one soon!” Moondancer said. “Maybe we can do more gender-neutral activities on that one. But I didn’t feel left out at least!”

“That’s good, Moodancer,” Fire said. “And I’m glad you all got along.”

She blushed at him. “So, you still on for the gala?”

He nodded. “Sure thing.”

“You’re taking her to the gala?” Applejack asked, surprised.

“Yeah,” Fire said.

“Well, I wish you both the most romantic evening,” Rarity said with a smile.

They smiled back. But as they looked away Rarity’s ears drooped. Confusion was in her, why did she feel this way?
Looking out the window, Fire saw the clouds were clearing.

“Now that looks like a glorious sunny day out there!” Fire said.

He made his way out and was surprised when Vine Archer appeared covered in twigs along with a Pegasus member of the Flame Guard.

“Prince Fire Sword there you are! We were looking all night for you!”

“You should have stayed at Warm Heart Tower!” Fire said cheerfully.

“Yeah, maybe we should have… you see… it was broken into.”

“What?” Fire asked.

Chapter 12: Retrieving Stolen Property

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Fire made his way to Warm Heart Tower with his friends and saw the guards all assembled.

“We’re terribly sorry, Prince Fire!” one of the guards, a unicorn named Silver Javelin said. “We were caught completely by surprise and they jumped us!”

“Are you all alright?” Fire asked in concern.

“Yes,” Silver said.

Fire breathed in relief then looked around. “What did they take, the tapestries, the artwork?

Many of the things here had been quite expensive, such as the rare painting of the Mare Lisa made by Leonardo Dacolt.

“They took some paintings yes,” Silver said. “Including the Mare Lisa. It would fetch a nice price.”

Fire felt a bit of anger, but sighed. “Well, I suppose it could be worse. Some of the paintings I brought were one of a kind and made by the best artists in Canterlot both from the past and present! But at least nopony got hurt.”

“Yes, nopony got hurt,” Silver said. “But somebird did get taken away.”

“What?” Fire exclaimed.

He rushed to his room and saw to his horror, Aurora’s cage was empty! Also the sword that was Fire’s element was gone!

“We found this note as well,” another guard, an Earth Pony named Mace Splinter with a yellow coat and the cutie mark of a mace splitting wood. He handed Fire a piece of paper.

Fire read the note.

We have your bird, give us a hundred thousand bits and we will release her unharmed. Come to the orchards of Sweet Apple Acres nearby at midnight. If you don’t show or don’t come alone… you probably don’t want to know.

Fire felt a mixture of sadness, concern, fear, and anger at this. His mane didn’t light up as it usually reacted to anger alone.

“They also took the sword of Harmony as well!” Silver said gesturing to the wall where it had been.

“This is bad,” Fire said. “At least my mom has the other six elements in Canterlot. They should be okay.”

“That’s good,” Twilight said. “But we should try and get the sword back. Yours is the element that becomes strongest when ours fail! We can’t leave something like that in the hooves of mere thieves!”

“Oh, those terrible ruffians!” Rarity exclaimed. “Stealing from a prince! And stealing his beloved pet no less!”

“You sure we can pay them one hundred thousand bits?” Vine Archer asked.

Fire shook his head. “I only get half that much from my mom monthly.”

“Only Fifty Thousand Bits a Month?” Applejack said incredulously. “Talk about living large!”

Fire gritted his teeth before remembering Twilight’s special communication system.

“Twilight, can you send a letter to my mom to-“

She shook her head. “Spike’s not here remember?”

“Oh right,” Fire said looking down.

He paced for a moment, trying to think.

“We can’t let this injustice stand!” Applejack put in. “Especially one that's taking place on my land!”

“There has to be something we can do,” Moondancer said. “Wait! What if we have an illusion of bits inside something like a cart or something?”

“That could work,” Twilight said.

“We could also be in the cart as well!” Vine Archer said. “Then we could ambush them when they open it to take the bits.”

“And Moondancer, Rarity, Applejack, Fire, and I can cut off their escape!” Twilight said.

Fire hesitated. “I… don’t want to put you mares in danger.”

“Considerate of you, but we faced Nightmare Moon with you!” Rarity said. “I think we can handle some mere thieves!”

“But what if they spot you?” Fire asked. “The note said to come alone!”

“They obviously have no idea they’re dealing with the elements of harmony, including magic. There are such things as invisibility spells,” Twilight said. “That’s a complicated spell but if I can find one that will allow all us to sneak in without the thieves noticing. “

She turned to her fellow scholarly unicorn. “Up for a little spell research, Moondancer?”

The yellow mare nodded with a smile. “Yes!”

“Well, I think Big Macintsoh and me could just use the environment to our advantage,” Applejack said. “I know those orchards like the back of my hoof!”

“Down to the last overworked chip?” Rarity asked with a smirk.

Applejack smirked back. “You betcha!”

“Girls, this isn’t the time for banter!” Fire said seriously. “My sunbird and an important Equestrian weapon have been stolen!”

He thought over the last few weeks he’d been in Ponyville since he’d bought Aurora. Feeding her seed, fruits, and worms.
Her singing recently as his guards played instruments to pass the time. He also thought of when he used the sword and returned his aunt to normal. Both were very important to him.

“Did you see what kind of pony they were?” Rarity asked.

“I don’t think so,” Silver said. “They were just Earth Ponies in masks from what I could see.”

Rarity sighed in relief. “That’s good. If it were unicorns or Pegasi that could make things challenging.”

“Did you hear any names or anything?” Twilight asked.

“Maybe one, Swipe I think!” Silver said.

“Swipe? Swipe?” Applejack pondered.

“You know him?” Fire asked.

“I know an Earth Pony stallion called Sly Fox,” Applejack said. “He’s a smooth talker and usually just sings in town to entertain ponies every so often, a bit like Pinkie Pie. But I always had a bit of a weird feeling around him!”

Fire put a hoof to his chin. “Well, we can’t accuse this Sly without proper proof. We need more than just a matching name to be concrete.”

“You’re right,” Twilight agreed before turning to Moondancer. “Come on Moondancer, we’ll see if we can find a spell that will help us hide when we back Fire up tonight.”

Two of the three unicorn mares present made their way back out to go to the library, leaving just one other.

“Um, by any chance did you have any of the items linked to a locater spell?” Rarity asked.

Fire shook his head. “That might be a good idea though, and apparently I need to have some extra security around here for when there are few guards present.”

“We’ll come up with something, your highness,” Vine Archer said. “Perhaps we can set up a set of booby traps for when we aren’t expecting visitors.”

Fire wasn’t sure how he felt about that but given the circumstances he might have to.

“We’ll deal with this,” Applejack said. “These thieving varmints aren’t gonna get away with it! Me and Big Mac will watch for anything around Sweet Apple Acres tonight.”

“Okay, but don’t engage,” Fire said. “My bird’s life could be on the line.”

“You got it, partner,” Applejack said.

Fire sighed. “Guess we’ll just have to see what happens tonight.”

“You sure you want to just forget about the lead we have on Swipe though?” Vine Archer asked. “A name isn’t much but it’s the only lead we have. How many Swipe’s are in Ponyville?”

An idea clicked in Fire’s head.

“Mayor Mare would probably keep records of all the residents here in Ponyville,” he said. “She will probably be able to tell us!”

“It’s worth a try at least,” Applejack said. “You go do that! But I need to get back to the farm and start my chores! I’m probably behind already! I’ll tell Big Mac about this!”

“Make sure Granny Smith and Applebloom are locked inside!” Fire called after her.

“Right!” she called back as she made her way off.

He then looked at Rarity.

“You don’t have to get involved if you don’t want to.”

“Oh, it’s kind of you to be concerned your highness. But just because I’m a lady doesn’t mean I don’t want to help,” the fashionista said. “I helped against Nightmare Moon and I’m prepared to help if I can in this as well.”

Fire nodded reluctantly. Some dark thoughts crossed his mind at what these thieves might do to her given the chance. But with him, Moondancer, Twilight, Applejack, her brother, and the guards he didn’t think he’d have a lot to worry about.

And so, Fire made his way to Town Hall.

“Ah, good morning, Sheriff Fire!” the town leader said. “I’m pleased to report that our community has received a fine downpour.”

“That’s good, Mayor,” Fire said. “But I’m afraid I have a bit of a problem. My house was broken into last night while I was gone and my guards were out looking for me.”

Her eyes widened. “Oh my!”

“One of my guards said he heard one of the thieves call the other Swipe. Do you have records of ponies living here in Ponyville?” Fire asked.

“Yes,” Mayor Mare said walking to her cabinets and pulling out a folder after a moment. She skimmed through it and soon. “There is… only one Swipe in town!”

That certainly seemed to be incriminating evidence.

“Where does he live?” Fire asked.

They got the address and walked over to the house in Ponyville.

“Doesn’t look like anypony is home. Should we go in now?” Vine Archer asked looking at Fire after they had watched for a while.

The guards had taken off their armor to avoid standing out upon Fire’s order. The prince didn’t want to take the chance of scaring the likely robber. If they captured him and it caused a scene, the other two thieves might take the opportunity to get away and take the things they’d stolen with them. Then Fire might never get them back.

“We’re sure it’s him,” Fire said. “But they could have my things somewhere else, in one of their houses or in a secret stash they have hidden somewhere like the Everfree Forest. But we should see if we can find anything.”

Fire looked around to make sure no one was watching and then cast an unlocking spell. The lock clicked and the two of them stepped inside. They tried to not leave any sign as they looked, but nothing that Fire recognized as his was visible in the house. They looked for an hour and nothing turned up.

“No luck,” he said they closed the door behind them. “I guess I’ll have one of you watch this place tonight and enter when he leaves. If he gets away when we ambush him he’ll probably come back to get supplies before he tries to escape.”

Vine nodded. They went about their day as they usually would, patrolling. This was a patrol full of worry for Fire though as he wondered what could happen to Aurora and the sword of Harmony. The bird was precious to him as his pet, and the sword was an element important to the protection of Equestria. Much would depend on them getting it back tonight.

The hours rolled by slowly, his mother’s son went down and was replaced with his newly returned aunt’s moon. Finally, Fire set out with his friends. Rarity, Twilight, and Moondancer all used invisibility spells, with the latter two able to cast them and include Rarity as well. Applejack and Big Macintosh watched the orchards in bushes they moved along the floor. They had met a couple hours ago and discussed a plan. Fire would send a signal up to the thieves as they had not received specific instructions on where exactly in the orchard to meet the thieves.

He sent up a spark of red magic that exploded in a shower of fireworks. He waited for a while and then sent up another one. Then they came, three Earth Pony stallions all in black outfits that concealed their appearances along with the darkness. Fire had his horn lit up, which didn’t help as the red masked their true features in its hue. They held Aurora in a smaller cage.

“Aurora!” he exclaimed before looking at the perpetrators.

“You have the bits?” the middle stallion, most likely the leader, asked.

Fire gestured to the wagon he’d been pulling through the orchard behind him. If this were any other circumstances, he would have had one of his servants pulling it instead.

Two of the three masked ponies eyed the wagon with suspicion.

“That could be a good way to hide some guards or something,” the leader said.

Damn they’d figured it out.

“I agree,” one of the other said.

“Ah, come on guys you think the prince will actually have some tricks up his hoof?” the last one said.

There was the sound of a branch being stepped on nearby. This drew the attention of everypony around. Had Moodancer or one of the other unicorns stepped on it? Fire gritted his teeth, if they suspected something was up then…

They looked and saw it was just a raccoon.

“Swipe! You go and check the wagon!” the leader ordered.

Swipe, the only member of the trio Fire knew the name of, made his way to the wagon. The leader then took his torch while the other member opened the cage containing Aurora. The leader held the flame in front of the sunbird to prevent her from flying out. He opened the back door and looked inside. To his eyes, it held a large number of chests and gold bit bags. The chests were open to reveal their contents of jewels and gold coins.

“Looks good to me!” he shouted to his fellows looking back at them. “Ah!”

He was suddenly yanked into the wagon by the guards that were invisible thanks to Moondancer and Twilight’s spells. Before the leader and other Earth Pony could react, the two unicorns appeared either side of them and the torch threatening Aurora was pulled from their hoof in one direction while Aurora’s cage was pulled in the other. The sunbird flapped her wings and immediately flew out.

“Aurora!” Fire exclaimed as he held out his hoof. She landed on it and he nuzzled her. “Oh, are you okay?”

She tweeted in confirmation, though she said was a little scared from what he understood. Fire then looked back at the thieves and they made to run, then Applejack and Big Macintosh emerged from their hiding places with yells, Big Mac tackled one of them to the ground while Applejack used her lasso to catch the other. They tied the thieves up to a tree. Now just to find out the answers they needed.

“Where are all my things?” Fire asked seriously.

They didn’t answer. He lit up his horn.

“You know as a prince I’m able to resort to interrogating you with more force if needed right?”

He shot a spell at them and they flinched in fear. But instead of pain, the one that was hit, Swipe Fox, began laughing uncontrollably.

“Ahhahaha! Stop, that tickles!” he said.

“I thought you were gonna torture us!” the leader said.

“Yeah, tickle torture! We’re not savages who cut hooves off like in the olden days,” Fire said.

Swipe laughed for a few more seconds before Fire undid the spell.

“Okay, okay! The things are in Bright Wane’s house in the basement!” He gestured to the leader. “We were planning to sell them off to random ponies in Manehattan where it was unlikely anypony would know.”

Fire smiled. They were soon led to Bright Wane’s house and went into the basement where they found the stolen objects. Fire looked over them and let out a breath of relief.

“Everything is here,” he said.

“Wonderful!” Rarity said. “That was easy compared to Nightmare Moon!”

They all worked together to levitate or carry the objects out and return them to Warm Heart Tower where they belonged. They set them back in their proper places, the tapestries being hung on the wall, Aurora happily returning to her cage and eating her seed and fruit hungrily, while Fire put his sword back above his bed. He then cast a locater and summoning spell on it so that he could bring it to his side whenever the situation might arise and in case it got stolen again. Having the summoning spell on it might render the locater unnecessary but he didn’t want to take a chance. Though if I got stolen again, and he summoned it, he wouldn’t know who stole it.

He turned to the mares.

“Thanks for all your help today girls,” Fire said. “They might have gotten away if not for all of you. I could kiss all of you!”
All of them blushed.

“Ah shucks, that won’t be necessary Fire! I’m just happy to help a friend!” Applejack said.

Moondancer rubbed her foreleg with her hoof.

“Yep!” Big Mac said.

Fire looked at him, realizing he’d forgotten the stallion. “Oh, and thanks to you as well Big Mac.”

Rarity struggled to meet his eyes and said, “Very kind of you.”

Twilight just smiled.

Before Fire could do anything though, they were interrupted by a confetti canon going off.

“Victory party!” Pinkie Pie declared as she appeared out of nowhere. “You got your bird, sword and everything else back safely! Congratulations your royal sheriffness!”

‘How did you know?” Fire asked.

“Oh, I heard what happened from Rarity when she stopped by Sugarcube corner for a little treat,” Pinkie said.

“Even a lady needs to satisfy her cravings every so often,” Rarity said. “I do enjoy a little sweet.”

“Who doesn’t?” Fire said.

“So, I thought I’d bring you a cake!” Pinkie said as she revealed it.

It was a vanilla frosted chocolate cake with red berries on top and bird and sword designs on the frosting.

“Looks good Pinkie!” Fire said.

The party pony began cutting the cake and passed a piece out to everypony including Fire’s guards and servants.

“Feels good to be given a cake,” Vine Archer said. “And to be able to help out.”

“We need to step up our game, the Element Bearers might get all the glory soon!” Silver said. “Can’t have civilians outshine us! Though it was a pretty impressive spell you two could do there.”

He looked at Moondancer and Twilight who smiled at him.

“Well, me and Twilight did focus more on magic then you guards do,” Moondancer said. “But you have all that hoof to hoof training and other stuff, but we focus exclusively on magic at the Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns.”

“You know you’re right,” Silver said. “Perhaps you could show me how to do that invisibility spell sometime Miss Moondancer.”

Moondancer blushed. “Perhaps I will good sir!”

She then looked back at Fire and smiled wider. The prince was still a bit uncertain of his feelings for her. He valued her friendship and admired her intelligence just as with Twilight and enjoyed spending time with her. He supposed he’d have to see how it went at the gala.

Meanwhile, in a small village, a certain unicorn thief cast a spell on the window a local jewelry store. The window received a circular opening as it was cut with the spell. The jewelry inside levitated out and into the unicorns open bag.

“And Gold Steel strikes again!” the unicorn boasted proudly.

He teleported back to his home in Canterlot. The greatest advantage of learning from the school of magic was the access to the wonderful spells he could use for his nefarious deeds. Also, with how much he managed to steal, his trips only required occasional use. He opened the secret compartment in his house that hidden his stolen goods. He was a white unicorn with a steel gray and gold mane to match his name.

His job in the royal guard offered a comfortable income, but with the treasure he procured from all around Equestria he’d soon have a much nicer home somewhere. And he knew exactly where. His grandfather on his mother’s side had an estate to the south that was rich. She’d left that life behind though to marry his father and denied Gold a chance to live a prosperous life. His mother should have stayed where she was after she got pregnant with him. But Gold would soon put his plan into motion to claim what was his by right.

“Nopony will suspect a thing since I have noble blood,” he said to himself. “What’s a little more treasure to add to the horde?”

He went to bed and received a newspaper the next morning. Earth Pony Thieves captured in Ponyville was the headline. Apparently, they were to be transferred to Canterlot Dungeons.

“Hmm, maybe I can use this to my advantage,” Gold said.

Chapter 13: Bridle Gossip

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It was a bit of a tedious time for Fire over the next couple of days. First his mother wanted to hear about the incident once the prisoners were taken to Canterlot. At least Spike returned to Ponyville once his royal duties were completed.

Fire awoke three days later to find it a beautiful day outside. He walked through Ponyville, enjoying himself when he didn’t have a day of work. His guards would be taking over patrolling the town today. Hopefully they wouldn’t have to deal with anything really bad again anytime soon. The unicorn thief was still out there somewhere, Fire had heard a number of items went missing somewhere, but they hadn’t had a spell in place to detect teleportation in that town, so Fire couldn’t be sure.

As he walked through Ponyville he sighed contently.

“Beautiful day,” he thought aloud. “Peaceful little Ponyville where everypony is friendly and happy, usually. They can enjoy a good sunny say today.”

But as he looked around, he saw the place was… deserted. Not a pony walked the peaceful country road. Then there was the sound of a door closing nearby and Fire went around the corner. Something was off.

“Is it some sort of pony holiday?” a voice asked nearby.

“Not that I know of,” another voice said.

Fire looked and saw the sources of the voices were Twilight and Spike. The baby dragon was on the mare’s back.

“Twilight!” Fire called running over.

“Oh, Fire!” Twilight said with a smile as she saw him. “What’s going on? Where is everypony?”

“I don’t know!” Fire told ehr.


They heard something and looked around. From Sugarcube Corner nearby, they caught a brief glimpse of-

“Twilight!” Pinkie was briefly visible as she jumped up over the second half of the door that could open on both the top and bottom.

“Fire!” Pinkie bounced back up to get their attention. “Spike! Come here!"

She crouched again and beckoned with one visible hoof that could they see from the top half of the two sectioned door.

They didn’t immediately respond and she got more urgent. “Hurry! Before she gets you!”

From the sound of it there was something dangerous going on. Fire and Twilight (with Spike in tow) galloped into the building.

Pinkie soon shined a flashlight on them. Their eyes took a moment to get used to the two sudden changes of light.

“Pinkie, what is going on?” Fire asked.

“Yeah, are there Zombie Ponies?” Spike asked.

“Zombie Ponies?” Pinkie shook in fear.

“Spike! There are no Zombie Ponies!” Twilight said before turning back to their pink friend. “Pinkie what are you doing alone in the dark?”

“I’m not alone in the dark!” Pinkie stated.

Suddenly the room lit up a little and they noticed Applejack, her little sister Apple Bloom, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash were in the room with them. That caused them to gasp.

“Okay then, what are you all doing in the dark?” Twilight asked.

“If there’s danger out, it's my responsibility to handle it!” Fire said.

“We’re hiding from her!” Applejack pointed out the window.

Looking out, they saw a figure in a brown robe that covered most of her body. They could see the ends of her hooves, and Fire glimpsed that they had… stripes on them? As well as a golden bracelet. Then the figure looked this way, and her eyes seemed to light up yellow. It was menacing and caused everyone but Twilight and Fire to gasp in fright and look away.

Apple Bloom got on top of Spike’s head and looked at Twilight. “Did you see her Twilight? Did you see... Zecora?”

“Apple Bloom!” Applejack scolded. “I told you never to say that name.”

“Well, I saw her glance this way,” Twilight said.

“Glance evilly this way,” Pinkie said.

“And then a bunch of you flip out for no good reason,” Twilight continued.

“No good reason?” Applejack was flabbergasted. “You call protectin' yer kin no good reason?”

“I admit her gaze was a little menacing,” Fire said.

“Sure was!” Applejack agreed. “Why, as soon as my sister saw Zecora ridin' into town, she started shakin' in her lil' horseshoes.”

She shook her sister to demonstrate.

“Did not!” Apple Bloom shakily said.

Applejack then got her sister on her back, continuing to demonstrate. “So I swept her up and brought her here.”

“I walked here myself!” the younger sibling objected.

“For safe keepin'.” Applejack finished.

Apple Bloom was not very appreciative as she got off her sisters back and frowned at her. “Applejack, I'm not a baby! I can take care of myself!”

“Not from that creepy Zecora,” Applejack said.

Fluttershy looked down. “She's mysterious.”

“Sinister,” Rainbow Dash added.

“And spoooooky!” Pinkie said dramatically.

Twilight groaned as Fire glared outside. Not in a hostile manner, just a defensive one. Then Zecora removed her hood and revealed all her fur was a mix of black and white stripes.

Everyone but Twilight and Fire gasped at this once again.

Twilight gazed at them in irritation. “Will you cut that out?”

“Just look at those stripes!” Rarity said in disgust. “So garish!”

“She's a zebra!” Twilight told them.

Everyone looked at her in confusion. “A what!?”

“A zebra,” Twilight said. “And her stripes aren't a fashion choice, Rarity. They're what she was born with.”

Rarity fainted dramatically at the thought of that.

"“Born where?" Applejack asked. "I've never seen a pony like that in these parts, 'cept... her.”

“Well, she's probably not from here, and she's not a pony,” Twilight explained. “My books say that zebras come from a faraway land.”

“It’s true,” Fire said. “I went there once when I was a foal. My mom took me there while she was on a diplomatic mission to meet with the tribal chieftains of that land. They had a bit of a scary tasty in decorations and I couldn’t understand a lot of what they said but they didn’t seem bad.”

“I've never seen her in Ponyville,” Twilight continued. “Where does she live?”

“That's just it, she lives in... the Everfree Forest!” Applejack said in fear.

There was a crash nearby that sounded like thunder, causing them all to jump.

“Spike!” Twilight exclaimed.

Spike, who had snuck into the kitchen for a sweet looked embarrassed. “Uh, sorry.”

“The Everfree Forest just ain't natural. The plants grow…” Applejack said.

Fluttershy spoke in a similar tone. “Animals care for themselves...”

“And the clouds move...” Rainbow put in.

They each finished together. “All on their own!”

Rarity fainted again and Fire reached out a hoof to catch her with one hoof while hoofplanting with the other.

“Girls, that how nature works! It’s all natural! We live peacefully here in Ponyville but that’s how it is in the forest. Plants in forests don’t need ponies to care for them, wild animals ALWAYS fend for themselves, and clouds ALWAYS move on their own until we alter their course!”

Pinkie Pie frowned. “Well, that wicked enchantress Zecora lives there doing her evil... stuff! She's so evil I even wrote a song about her!

Rainbow Dash knew what was coming “Here we go.”

Pinkie Pie started her song.

She's an evil enchantress

She does evil dances.” Pinkie danced in front of Twilight and looked deep in her eyes which soon gained a green spiral.

“And if you look deep in her eyes

She'll put you in trances.”

Applejack held Apple Bloom, making it look like the filly was shaking. But the filly freed herself, revealing her sister was the one shaking. Rarity, meanwhile, jumped into Fire’s hooves and shakily clung to his neck as he held her bridal style. Spike frowned at that. Fluttershy also wandered closer to Fire fearfully.

“Then what will she do?

She'll mix up an evil brew

Then she'll gobble you up

In a big tasty stew

"Soooo... Watch out!” Pinkie held up her hooves in a menacing manner then breathed heavily in fear.

“Wow. Catchy,” Twilight sarcastically said.

Pinkie smiled. “It's a work in progress.”

Rarity looked at Fire as she was still in his hooves. “You’re the Sheriff, Fire! You can arrest her!”

“Not without her committing an actual crime!” Fire objected as he put her down.

Twilight nodded. “This is all just a lot of gossip and rumors. Now tell me, what exactly have you actually seen Zecora do?

“Yeah, if you’ve seen her commit an actual crime then I can arrest her!” Fire said.

Rainbow Dash hesitated. “Well... once a month, she comes into Ponyville.”

Twilight gave a dramatic, “Oooooh.”

“Then, she lurks by the stores,” Rarity said.

“Oh, my,” Twilight said in the same unconvinced tone as before.

“And then, she digs at the ground,” Fluttershy told them.

“Good gracious!” Twilight said not swayed.

Then she turned serious. “Okay, I'm sorry. But how is any of this bad? Maybe she comes to town to visit?”

“Yeah!” Apple Bloom agreed as she walked over to Twilight side. “Maybe she's just tryin' to be neighborly.”

“And maybe she's not lurking by the stores, maybe she's going to them, lurk free, to do some shopping?” Twilight suggested.

“Yeah! Everypony likes to shop. You know what I think?” Apple Bloom asked.

Applejack, however, glared at her younger sister. “Apple Bloom! Hush and let the big ponies talk.”

Fire frowned. “Hey, she’s entitled to her opinion too!”

“Yeah!” Apple Bloom said. “I am a big pony!”

“All of you are just scared of Zecora because she’s different from the rest of you!” Fire told them. “That’s no way to act! Remember that Earth Ponies, Pegasi, and unicorns all used to be enemies?”

Rainbow Dash tried to convince Twilight and Fire. “W-what about digging at the ground? You've got to admit that's weird.”

“Maybe,” Fire admitted. “But-“

“What if she's digging for innocent creatures?” Fluttershy asked fearfully.

Pinkie Pie continued to sing her song in the background as Twilight spoke.

“I am sure there is an explanation for everything Zecora does. And if anypony here were actually brave enough to approach her, she... or he would find out the truth.”

“I’ll do that,” Fire said making for the door.

“No!” Rarity exclaimed as she grabbed hold of him from behind and held him back. “If she were to put you under a trance, she’d have a powerful immortal alicorn on her side! Who knows what she’d do with you?!”

Fire frowned. “Alicorns aren’t immortal, Rarity! That’s just what a lot of ponies think because my mom lived so long!”

“Don’t go!” Rarity shouted dramatically. “I can’t bear to lose you!”

None of them noticed Apple Bloom step outside through the door.

“Well, I’m brave enough! I’m gonna find out myself!” the filly said.

However, as she stepped outside, she didn’t go directly for the zebra and instead resorted to sneaking closer to her. The fear of all the gossip being true held her back and Zecora began to walk back home.

“You ponies are being ridiculous!” Twilight said.

“Yeah!” Fire agreed. “Don’t just blindly believe rumors and gossip!”

"Well, I heard that Zecora eats HAY!" Pinkie said.

"Pinkie, I eat hay, YOU eat hay!" Twilight countered.

“We ALL eat hay!” Fire added.

"Yeah, but I heard it's the EVIL way she eats hay,” Pinkie argued.

“That doesn’t even make sense!” Fire said, his mane lighting up a bit. “Uh, that’s it! I’m gonna go out there and get to know her myself! Maybe we’ll have a nice cup of tea that she’s maybe brewing and be fast friends! Somepony needs to give her a royal treatment after all this mean gossip it seems!”

"Hey! Where's Apple Bloom?" Applejack interrupted, and they all noticed her little sister was gone.

"The door's open!" Fluttershy pointed.

"She went outside!" Rarity cried with a hoof over her heart.

"And Zecora's still out there!" Rainbow Dash added in the air.

"That silly lil' filly! I told her to stay put!" Applejack said before racing out.

All of them followed, but Twilight and Fire stopped and looked back at Spike. "Spike, you stay here in case Apple Bloom comes back."

"Will do!" Spike replied, saluting her with a frying pan on his head.

“Come on Fire!” Twilight said stepping out.

“Right behind ya!” Fire replied following.

They went along the path going to the Everfree forest, making it just in time to see Apple Bloom following Zecora into the forest. The filly was almost to the cloaked zebra. Fire and the mares stopped in a patch of blue flowers.

"Apple Bloom?" Applejack yelled.

Apple Bloom gasped as both she and Zecora looked back at the sound of the voice.

"You git back here right now!" Applejack shouted.

"Beware! Beware, you pony folk!" Zecora said. "Those leaves of blue are not a joke!"

"Y-you keep your creepy mumbo-jumbo to yerself, ya hear?" Applejack spoke hostilely to the zebra as she picked up her sister.

“Yeah! Yeah!” the other ponies agreed, except for Twilight and Fire.

“Was that supposed to scare us?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I don’t think it was,” Fire Sword said to which no pony heard.

"Oh brother," Twilight said.

"Beware! Beware!" Zecora warned for the last time as she disappeared into the mist of the jungle.

"Yeah, back at ya, Zecora! You and your... lame curse are the ones who better beware!" Rainbow Dash continued to fight back with words.

“That didn’t sound like a curse,” Fire said. “Beware sounds more like a warning!”

“Well, we’ll warn you to stay away from our town!” Applejack shouted after the zebra before turning to Apple Bloom. "And you! Why couldn't you just listen to yer big sister?"

"I...I..." Apple Bloom tried to speak but was cut off.

"Who knows what kind of nasty curse Zecora could have just put on you?" Applejack asked.

"Just like in my song!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed before singing her song again.

"You guys, there's no such thing as curses!" Twilight tried to explain.

"Well, that's interesting to hear coming from Miss Magic Pants herself." Rainbow Dash flew through the patch of flowers and up to Twilight before prodding her horn.

"My magic, REAL magic, comes from within. It's a skill you're born with. Curses are artificial, fake magic. It's conjured with potions and incantations; all smoke and mirrors meant to scare. But curses have no real power; they're just an old pony tale." Twilight explained.

She looked and saw to her chagrin everypony but Fire was walking away.

"Just you wait, Twilight." Applejack warned. "You're gonna learn that some pony tales really are true."

Fire sighed. He looked after Zecora, having half a mind to go after her right now and get to know her for himself. But all this chaos really put a damper on that idea. Maybe tomorrow. They returned to Ponyville which went back to normal for the most part. But Fire had a feeling that something was gonna happen. He returned home to Warm Heart Tower and slept in his bed, trying to shrug off the feeling.

Finally sleep came. But it wasn’t peaceful sleep.


Evil laughter filled the darkness and Fire saw a pair of bright red eyes emerge from the shadows, followed by a flaming mane and tail. The flaming pony sprang at him, and Fire woke with a start. He let out several deep breaths and looked around, seeing himself safe in his room, dawn just creeping in. He sighed in relief and rested his head back against the covers. Another hour or so passed as he got his last bit of needed sleep. When he awoke the next time, he felt nice and refreshed. He sat up and stretched before getting out of bed and going into the bathroom nearby. But his golden eyes widened as he saw his mane.

“I’m… blue!” he exclaimed.

His mane which had been red, yellow, and orange before now had shades of blue and orange.

Fire gritted his teeth. He hadn’t wanted to believe that Zecora cursed them, but what could have caused this? Could the girls have a similar affliction?

He flew down to the ground floor and found his servants.

“Morning your highness!” the cook said with a pleasant smile before gasping. “Your mane!”

“I know!” Fire said. “I need to check on something! I’ll be back!”

He flew out onto Sweet Apple Acres, finding Apple Bloom running out in a hurry.

He flew over and asked, “Apple Bloom is Applejack…”

He gasped as he saw the filly’s big sister… shrunk down to a very small size… equal to a mouse… on the filly’s back. Looks like the little sister had become the big sister.

“You got cursed too, Fire!” Applejack said noticing his mane. “I told you so!”

Fire wasn’t convinced, however. But something was definitely going on.

“Hang on!” he lit up his horn (which shined blue instead of his usual red, just like his mane) and lifted Apple Bloom and (by extension) Applejack onto his back. At least his magic was still working, even if it was discolored.

“Let’s go find the others,” he said flapping his wings.

He flew them both to the Golden Oaks Library. Fire got a glimpse of Rainbow Dash flying around uncontrollably above, the Pegasus screamed.

“Rainbow!” he yelled and flew up higher, lighting up his horn again and catching Rainbow Dash in his altered blue magic.

“Woah! Thanks Fire!” Rainbow Dash said in relief. “I can’t fly right.”

Fire landed with her in tow as well and soon the others arrived. Fire’s mouth fell open at the sight. Rarity’s fur, mane, and tail were frizzled and soggy as if she’d gone through the bath and had it twisted everywhere. The mane got in her eyes and prevented her from seeing. Pinkie’s tongue had swelled up and was covered in blue spots. The only one who didn’t seem to have changed was Fluttershy, but she still had a worried expression on her face.

“All go furs!” the party pony mumbled, unable to speak clearly with her tongue in its current state. But sounded like she meant to say, “I’ll go first.”

She did so and tried to tell Twilight something, but only ended up throwing spit all over the floor. Fire levitated Rainbow Dash inside and took Rarity’s hoof as she couldn’t see clearly with her disformed mane in her eyes. However, she still stumbled as her fur got in the way of her walking as they made their way in with Fluttershy and Apple Bloom (with Applejack in tow) following.

Fire looked at Twilight and saw she had her own symptom as well. Her horn was no longer solid and looked as though it had turned to jelly and was covered in blue spots just like Pinkie’s tongue, and Fire’s mane was half blue as well. What was with all the blue?

“I hate to say I told ya so Twilight!” Applejack said on Apple Bloom’s back. “But I told you so! It's a curse I tell ya!”

"But Fluttershy seems just fine!” Twilight said looking at the still standing Pegasus.

"Yes, there doesn't seem to be a THING wrong with her." Rarity added through the drapes of her mane.

Fluttershy just stared at the ground. She looked at Fire and walked over to him, pressing her head against his neck. Fire blushed before remembering that he’d made her feel safe.

“Fluttershy?" Fire asked, wrapping a hoof around her. "Are you okay?"

Fluttershy closed her eyes and just looked away.

"Is there something wrong with you?" Twilight asked.

Fluttershy looked at her before closing her eyes again and nodding.

“What’s wrong?” Fire asked in concern.

No response.

"Would you care to tell us?" Twilight said, getting irritated.

Fluttershy just looked at her and looked away.

"So... you're not gonna to tell us?"

Fluttershy only nodded in response.

"Yes, you're not, or yes you will?" Twilight asked.

Fluttershy shook her head.

“I think she means-“

Applejack ran across the table she was now on, up to Fluttershy and getting on top of a book before shouting and startling her. "Good gravy, girl! What's wrong with you?"

Fluttershy finally spoke, in a deep male voice that caused everypony's mouth to fall open. "I don't want to talk about it."

Spike snorted then laughed out loud and gestured to each of them. "This is hilarious! Look at all of you! We got… Blue Fire, Hairity, Rainbow Crash, Spitty Pie, Apple-Teeney, Flutterguy, and... uh..." Spike looked over at Twilight, trying to think of a name for her. " I got nothin'... Twilight Sparkle. I mean seriously, I can't even work with that."

“Twilight Squishyhorn,” Fire offered with a shrug. “Yeah, we’re so hilarious.”

Twilight gave a sarcastic laugh. "This is no joke, Fire, Spike! Now start looking for more books so I can find a cure!"

Spike groaned as Rainbow Dash continued to pull herself out of the ladder she crashed into. When she finally broke free, she looked at Twilight while still flying without balance.

"I think we'll find a cure to this curse at Zecora's place!" she said.

"It's not a curse!" Twilight exclaimed as Rainbow Dash crashed again.

“Okay, Rainbow you need to stop flying!” Fire said using his magic to force her to the ground. “Just try walking.”

Rainbow Dash sighed and got on her hooves, though that wasn’t much of an improvement as she fell on the ground after a single step.

"I agree with Dash! We'll go to Zecora's and force her to remove this hex!" Applejack concurred.

"It's not a hex either!" Twilight stated impatiently.

“Yeah, there’s no way a zebra could have done this!” Fire said. “And look at all this blue! My mane, Twilight’s horn, Pinkie’s tongue! What was it that Zecora said yesterday? Those leaves of blue are not a joke?”

“She put blue on us!” Rarity exclaimed. “Things to make us sad and blue!”

“No, I don’t think that’s the case!” Fire argued.

Other shouting filled the room as Apple Bloom watched.

“This is all my fault,” the filly said. “If I hadn’t run after Zecora none of this would have happened. I have to fix this!”

She began moving to find Zecora and do so, but Applejack noticed her little sister moving.

“Where does she think she’s going this time?” the shrunken pony asked before leaping off the table and onto her sister’s tail as she snuck out.

The arguing continued for a few minutes inside.

"I don't care what you two say, Twilight and Fire!" Rainbow Dash said. "It's time to pony up and confront Zecora. Come on, girls! Are you with me?"

"Ah am-pft!" Pinkie Pie spat, but it was clearly in agreement.

"And I as well." Rarity stated.

"Uh, I don't know. Seems awfully dangerous." Fluttershy said in her male voice which caused Spike to giggle again.

"How about you, Applejack?" Rainbow Dash asked turning to where Applejack had last been only to discover she wasn't there. "Applejack?"

"Pf-she's gone-pft!" Pinkie Pie spat.

"Aah!" Rarity screamed. "Or somepony stepped on her!"

She looked at her hooves and so did the others in horror. They were relieved to find no sign of a squashed mouse sized pony on them.

"Or sat on her?" Twilight suggested after that.

Everypony checked their butts as well. Nothing there either, thankfully. But then where could-

"Rarity's hair!" Rainbow Dash said for a final suggestion.

Pinkie Pie leaned over and began searching through the hair, causing the unicorn to yelp.

"Oh! OH! Pinkie, what are you doing? Ah, really. Aah! You ever hear of personal space?"

"Nope." Pinkie shook her head to say no on finding Applejack. But she likely hadn't heard of personal space either.

"Apple Bloom is gone too!" Twilight suddenly noticed.

"I bet they went after Zecora!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Well, we better go find them." Twilight began walking out. "Come on ponies, let's go."

Pinkie Pie stood on a strand of Rarity's hair, causing the unicorn to be unable to move.

"Oh dear." Rarity announced as she struggled to break free. "This is so unseemly. Aah!"

Rainbow Dash flew upside down on the floor, again trying to use her wings. "Hey, a little help here?"

"Oopsie! Sorry." Fluttershy said in her male voice, as she and Pinkie Pie helped Rainbow up, but she just crashed again.

“Here,” Fire said taking her in his magic and levitating her. “You should probably just sit still for a while. We wouldn’t want you to get hurt.”

Rainbow sighed as she was levitated. “Fine.”

They all galloped out the door, but Fluttershy hung back noticing Spike wasn’t following.

"Uh... Spike? Are you coming?" Fluttershy asked.

"Nope! Uh... gotta stay here and look for a cure." Spike before gasping as they left. Then an idea occurred to him and he gasped before writing it in a book. "Twilight Flopple! Better then Squishyhorn I say, Fire, my arch-rival in love!"

On the edge of the Everfree Forest, Apple Bloom ran along the path leading into it they’d gone through yesterday.

“Hold it right there!” a voice from above called, causing Apple Bloom to freeze in her tracks.

She looked up and saw that Applejack had climbed onto her head.

“Turn around right now, Missy!” Applejack ordered.

Apple Bloom was about to comply but then realized something with a smirk and said, “No!”

“No?” Applejack exclaimed in surprise before speaking with authority. “You can’t ignore a direct order from your big sister!”

Apple Bloom, however, shook her head and caused said sister to fall off of her head. She then caught Applejack in her teeth before she could hit the ground and took her to a nearby branch, leaving her there with a triumphant giggle.

“Sorry Applejack, but I’m the big sister now,” she stated as she walked away.

“Apple Bloom! You come back here right this instant!” Applejack ordered to no avail then resorted to another trick. “I’m gonna tell Big Macintosh on you!”

But looking at the distance between the ledge and the end of her branch, she realized she wouldn’t make it.

“Pony feathers.”

All she could do now was hope for help.

Soon Fire and the mares arrived at the edge of the forest as well.

"Come on girls, and Fire! We've got to get to Zecora's. Hurry!" Twilight said as she led the way.

However, Rarity tripped on her loose strands of hair and rolled in the mud, getting it all over herself.

“Easier said than done,” she said getting up.

Fire stopped and went back for her, using his magic to lift her up.

“Oh!” she exclaimed and flailed her hooves as she was levitated onto Fire’s back.

“You could really get dirty or hurt in your current state,” he told her. “Let me carry you.”

“Oh, thank you, Prince Fire,” Rarity said with a grateful smile and blush that were mostly hidden behind the messy mane in her face. “Very gracious of you.”

She hugged his neck from behind with her hooves and Fire blushed as well.

"Leh." Rainbow Dash stuck her tongue out at the mushiness next to her.

“I-uh try to be. Though I admit the recent sleepover during the storm wasn’t my most gracious moment with the ladies. I’m sorry,” Fire said with remorse.

She sighed. “I suppose I was acting rather unrefined at the time as well. It's alright darling.”

With Rarity on his back and Rainbow Dash in his magic, Fire continued. Then they heard a faint cry for help. He might have missed it if not for Rarity’s weight slowing him down.

“Hey over here! Don’t leave me!”

Fire turned the direction of the sound, seeing Applejack stranded on a branch. He allowed her to climb onto his head and then made his way to where Twilight, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie stood in the forest. Finally, they arrived at Zecora's hut.

Pinkie Pie looked at it. "Plis place plooks horrible!"

"Oh my." Rarity responded as she used a hoof to get her mane out of her face while still on Fire’s back. "That place really DOES look horrible."

They walked towards the window to see many scary looking things inside like masks.

"Nice decorations, if you like creepy!" Rarity said.

The backdoor opened and Zecora walked in, making them duck under the windowsill. They looked up after a moment to hear Zecora chanting in another language.

"Sthe sthtole my sthong! Shthe shtole my sthong!" Pinkie Pie angrily mumbled.

"She stole your song?" Rarity asked.

"Oh Pinkie." Twilight responded in agitation. "Doesn't sound anything like your song."

"Ah. Hmm..." Pinkie Pie ran over to Fluttershy and begged her to help. "Pbth!"

Pinkie Pie began to whimper. Fluttershy sighed and began singing in her new male voice.

"She's an evil enchantress

And she does evil dances

And if you look deep in her eyes

She will put you in trances

Then what would she do?

She'll mix up an evil brew

Then she'll gobble you up

In a big tasty stew

Soooo... watch out. "

Fluttershy sang while Pinkie Pie danced out her moves.

"You saw those terrible things." Rarity told Twilight. "NOW you believe us Twilight, Fire?"

Twilight and Fire looked inside of the hut. It did indeed look bad.

"Scary looking masks, confusing incantations, and a great big bubbling cauldron?" Twilight sighed. "Everything IS pointing to Zecora being... bad. Or... what if Zecora is just making soup?"

That frustrated the other mares that Twilight still didn't believe them.

"I saw masks like those when I was there with my mom," Fire said. "I think they are supposed to symbolize things in her culture."

They looked up as Zecora took a taste of what was in the cauldron and said some disturbing words. "Mmm! The perfect temperature for ponies, I presume. Now, where is that little Apple Bloom?" Zecora asked herself.

That caused the ponies outside to think she was a villain for sure.

"Or... what if she's making Apple Bloom soup?" Twilight exclaimed.

Every pony including Fire gave gasps of fright.

Fire then formed a determined face. “I guess you guys were right! Okay, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity you all stay here! You’re too clumsy or too small to be able to help!”

“What, no way!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Fire dropped her to the ground then levitated Rarity and Applejack off his back and head respectively.

“Twilight, Pinkie, Fluttershy, with me!” He said facing the door.

They all nodded. Fire then headed to the door and burst through it.

“Alright Zecora, I didn’t want to believe it, but it looks like the others were right and you are an evil enchantress!" Fire said.

"What have you done with Apple Bloom?" Twilight demanded.

Zecora looked at them and was about to answer when-

"Not letting you get all the glory, Fire!" Rainbow Dash said as she flew in.

"I'm gonna save my little sister!" Applejack said on Rainbow's head.

Rainbow Dash knocked over her cauldron and Applejack fell off.

"No! No!" Zecora exclaimed as she watched the contents spill. "You know not what you've do! You've gone and spilled my precious brew!"

She knelt over the spilled fluids, and Twilight continued throwing accusations at her. "We're onto you, Zecora. I didn't want to believe that you cursed us, but the evidence is overwhelming!"

"You made me look ridiculous!" Rarity stated.

"You made me SOUND ridiculous!" Fluttershy said in her male voice.

"You made me speak ridiculous!" Pinkie spat pointing to her tongue.

"You ruined my horn!" Twilight stated.

“And you made my mane and magic blue!” Fire ended.

"How DARE you! You destroy my home, destroy my work. Then rudely accuse me of being a jerk?" Zecora responded defensively.

"You put this curse on us, now you're gonna uncurse us." Rainbow Dash demanded.

"It is unwise to venture down this road. Your actions will make my anger explode!" Zecora shouted.

"Where IS Apple Bloom?" Twilight demanded again and began shoving her head at Zecora's.

"Zecora!" the filly’s voice called as she suddenly entered the hut through the door. "I think I found all the things ya asked for." Apple Bloom walked in and noticed the situation. "What in Ponyville is goin' on here?"

Applejack gasped as she stood on the floor and ran over to hug her giant (compared to her) little sister. "Apple Bloom! You're okay!"

Apple Bloom smiled. "Why wouldn't I be?"

Twilight put herself in front of the filly. "Because Zecora is an evil enchantress who cursed us and was gonna cook you up into soup!"

“Yeah, that’s what it looked like anyway!” Fire said. “She said her cauldron was the perfect temperature for ponies!”

Zecora and Apple Bloom began laughing.

"Oh Twilight, Fire. Did those silly fillies finally get in yer heads? You know there's no such thing as a curse." Apple Boom stated.

"Apple Bloom, sweetie. You can't just stand there and tell me this isn't a curse." Twilight replied with a smile, presenting everyone’s symptoms.

"If you will remember back, the words I spoke were quite exact," Zecora said.

“Beware beware you ponyfolk, those leaves of blue are not a joke,” Fire replied before remembering the strange blue plant. “Wait... you mean, the blue plant?”

"It's called Poison Joke." Apple Bloom explained.

"That plant is much like poison OAK. But its results are like a joke," Zecora explained.

"What in the hay does that mean?" Applejack asked as she walked up to the zebra.

"It means this plant does not breed wrath. Instead, this plant just wants a laugh." Zecora replied.

Applejack was confused by the unfamiliar tongue. "Will somepony please talk normal?"

"I think what she's saying is that when we ran in to save Apple Bloom, we ran into the poison joke. All our problems are just little jokes that played on us." Twilight responded.

"LITTLE jokes?” Applejack elaborated the word little which fitted her current size before saying sarcastically. “Very funny."

"Ok, fine. But what about the cauldron?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"And the chanting?" Fluttershy put in.

"And the creepy decor?" Rarity questioned.

"Treasures of the native land where I am from." Zecora gestured over to the two masks on the wall. "This one speaks 'hello', and this 'welcome'."

"Not welcoming at ALL, if you ask me." Rarity replied.

“Guess if you know what to look for,” Fire said. “I never got a full breakdown on what every kind of mask meant when I was in the Zebra Lands.”

"The words I chanted were from olden times. Something you call a nursery rhyme." Zecora explained.

"But the cauldron! The Apple Bloom soup?" Twilight asked.

"Lookie here Twilight. That pot of water wasn't for me, it was for all these herbal ingredients." Apple Bloom pointed to a nearby book that contained ancient recipes for cures. "The cure for poison joke is a simple all-natural remedy. You just gotta take a bubble bath!"

Twilight read over the book. "But I tried to find a cure in all my books and couldn't find anything." She said as her horn kept wobbling. "What book has this natural remedy?"

Zecora walked over to the book and closed it, showing the cover. "Here is the book you see. Sad that you lack it in your library."

Twilight, however, looked disappointed in herself. "Actually, I do have this book, but I didn't look inside because the title was so... weird."

She then read the title. " Supernaturals: Natural Remedies and Cure-Alls That Are Simply Super." Seemed she'd made the same mistake with the book that the others made with Zecora. "I...I... I'm so sorry Zecora. I had the answer the whole time, if only I had bothered to look inside."

Twilight looked down.

“I think we all neglected to do that,” Fire bowed his head in shame. “I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt but looking at the inside of this home and hearing you say those things… I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions like the others."

Zecora chuckled. "Maybe next time you will take a second look, and not judge the cover of the book."

The others looked ashamed as well, finally seeing they were wrong about Zecora. Apple Bloom laughed, as she had been the only one to give her the benefit of the doubt until the end.

"Zecora? Would you be kind enough to mix up another batch of the herbal bath?" Twilight asked.

"Mix it up I certainly will. Yet I am missing an herb from Ponyville." Zecora accepted.

"But whenever Zecora comes to town, all the shops are MYSTERIOUSLY closed." Apple Bloom stated.

"Oh, well... I think we can help you with that,” Twilight said.

They made their way back to town. Ponies were out and about, but as soon as they saw Zecora as well as Fire and the mares with all their symptoms, they began running and exclaiming in fear.

"Look Rose! How awful!" A mare screamed.

"The wicked enchantress has cursed them all!" The mare named Rose exclaimed.

"The horror, the horror!" Another mare yelled.

All of them began screaming and running to their homes. But Fire, Twilight and others just walked up to the flower shop and knocked on the door. When it was answered, there was a small opening and Twilight spoke. "Daisy, we need to talk."

Fire lit up his horn and cast a spell to allow his voice to be heard through the entire town.

“Everypony please remain calm. There is nothing to fear from Zecora! As Sheriff of Ponyville I can promise you that! We just visited her thinking she cursed us. But we were wrong, she actually knows a way to cure us! She’s a friendly zebra, she may look scary, but on the inside she’s just the same as any other good pony!”

The towns ponies came out and soon after they heard the whole chain of events, apologized.

“We’re sorry Zecora!”

“We shouldn’t have been so quick to judge!”


Zecora smiled forgivingly. “It is alright ponies of Ponyville. I only hope we can now be proper neighbors with no ill will!”

Soon they got the ingredients for the bubble bath and headed to the spa where the cure was put in some hot water.

"Now after all the troubles you have seen, you may finally become nice and clean!" Zecora said.

Everyone jumped into the water and their symptoms began to dissolve. As they bathed, Twilight made a letter to Fire’s mother.

Dear Princess Celestia

My friends and I all learned an important lesson this week: Never judge a book by its cover. Someone may look unusual, or funny, or scary. But you have to look past that and learn who they are inside. Real friends don't care what your "cover" is; It's the "contents" of a pony that count. And a good friend, like a good book, is something that will last forever.

Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.

She spoke and Spike sent the letter.

"Miss Zecora." One of the spa ponies said nearby. "I would love to get the recipe for this bath. It's simply luxurious!"

"Applejack! Hey. Where's Applejack?" Apple Bloom exclaimed.

Everyone gasped and looked around, fearing they'd hurt Applejack.

"I'm right here lil' sis. I ain't tiny no more!" Applejack announced from where she sat on top of a bucket she'd been bathing in, now in her normal size.

"Ooh. I have never felt so lovely in all my life!" Rarity said.

“And you are very lovely, Rarity,” Fire complimented her.

She blushed as she looked at him. “And you are as handsome as I typically see you, Prince Fire Sword. Even the blue looked good on you!”

They looked at each other, the air seeming to fill with sparkles around them.

"Oh my gosh!" Pinkie cried out, snapping them out of their trance. "I've never realized how horrible it is not to be able to talk. I mean I LOVE talking so much and when I couldn't talk 'cause my tongue was all 'ehhhh'. It was the WORST! Don't you agree, Fluttershy?"

Everypony looked at her hopefully as she smiled silently for a moment then spoke in her normal sweet voice. "Yes."

Every pony laughed.

Chapter 14: Swarm of the Century

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Fire was back on business again. A while had passed since he and the mares had met Zecora. He flew through the air and sighed in contentment. It was a beautiful day, and the ponies of Ponyville were walking happily in the sunshine while also getting decorations put up. Fire smiled as he saw them coming along nicely felt the rays on his fur. Summer was approaching its end. Fire loved the warm season, it was when he felt the closest to his name.

On the outskirts of the town, Fluttershy was hard at work with her own preparations for the upcoming visit. She was gathering flowers with some of her animal friends. birds and butterflies flew while two rabbits, a mouse, and possum stood near her. She picked up a flower in her mouth and put it in the basket on her back.

She then began walking to another part of the meadow and sang a brief, “La, la la, la la, la la, la la.”

Fire smiled at the tune which was quite pleasing to hear as he flew low upon seeing her. Not wanting to startle the shy pony he made an effort to make his presence known in a soft way.

“Ahem,” he cleared his throat softly.

She didn’t notice him as she walked to a hedge that had a few other flowers next to it.

“Ahem,” he repeated a little louder.

“Oh!” She exclaimed softly as she looked in his direction.

He landed a few feet away and gave her a warm smile. “Good morning Fluttershy. Hope I didn’t scare you! I tried to get your attention as softly as possible.”

“Oh, good morning, Fire Sword,” Fluttershy said giving a smile of her own, he thought she had a light blush on her cheeks. “Thank you for announcing yourself softly.”

“Well, I know how you are,” Fire Sword said. “Shy. But that’s not a bad thing. You’re just as kind as you are shy.”

She giggled slightly. “Thank you.”

“How is the flower collecting going?” Fire asked.

“Very good I think,” Fluttershy before she suddenly felt a light tug on her tail and looked to see her squirrel friend with another flower. It was a white dandelion, not bad looking by any means but-

“Thank you, little squirrel,” she said kindly. “But remember… these flowers are for Princess Celestia. Only the prettiest ones will do.”

At that moment a light gust of wind blew over them and the squirrel’s dandelions petals were blown off. It’s body quickly wilted and the squirrel hid it behind its back and went off to find another one.

Fluttershy turned back to Fire. “Um, I was just about to take a break. Would you care for an apple or two? I have some nearby in case I got hungry. A Sheriff should keep his strength up as well.”

“Sure,” Fire said. “I’m always up for an apple. Thank you, Fluttershy.”

“You’re welcome, Fire. This way,” Fluttershy said before leading him.

She led him to where she had her bucket while singing softly and happily.

“La, la la, la la, la la, la la.”

“Wow, you have a lovely singing voice,” Fire complimented.

She blushed. “Oh, thank you. I usually only do that when I have my animals only nearby.”

She continued singing her soft tune as she went over to a nearby bucket of apples.

Suddenly a sharp chirp sounded nearby from under a nearby rock. This caused Fluttershy to let out a small scream, drop her basket full of flowers and hide behind Fire, knocking out a single apple from the bucket. The prince was also surprised by the unexpected sound, it was sharp and unfamiliar but not hostile. Sounded like a…

A small round blue creature with big green eyes, and a set of four buglike wings climbed on top of the rock where the sound came from. It smiled up at them and chirped again softly.

Fire smiled. “It’s okay Fluttershy, just a little woodland creature. I think? I’ve never one like it before.”

Fluttershy she got out from behind him and spoke to the creature. “Hello, little guy. You’re right, Fire! I've never seen anything like it before!”

The small creature jumped off the rock and flew around them. It gazed at the apple that had fallen to the ground and sniffed it.

“Oh, are you hungry?” Fluttershy asked before stepping on the apple and crushing it for the creature to eat, thinking it probably couldn’t eat solid food. “Here you go.”

The creature hovered there for a moment then turned its attention to the bucket load of apples. It opened its mouth wide, reaching a size much larger than they would have expected for an instant. It then ate the entire bucket load of apples.

Fire’s mouth fell open and Fluttershy gasped in surprise.

“I guess you were hungry,” the yellow Pegasus said.

Fire grit his teeth, not in an angry manner, but a nervous one. The creature was small, yet it ate a bucket load of apples in an instant. It then nuzzled against Fluttershy’s mane with affectionate chirps and then went into her mane as though it were a blanket.

“You're the cutest thing ever!” Fluttershy said as she looked at it. “I can't wait to show you to my friends!”

She began walking off. Fire however, couldn’t help but feel worried as he looked at the bucket. Still, this was only one creature. It couldn’t eat anymore, could it? He decided to follow Fluttershy as he continued his patrol. She was good company.

In the library Twilight was busy. “Oh! Hurry up, Spike! This place isn't gonna clean itself.”

“It also didn't mess itself up!” Spike objected as he set books on the floor on top of each other.

“Princess Celestia will be here tomorrow!” Twilight reminded him as she used a feather duster to clean.

“I thought this was just an unofficial casual visit?” Spike asked.

“There's nothing casual about a visit from royalty,” Twilight replied. “I want this place to be spotless, and you've barely made a dent in the clutter!”

“Maybe you should, ugh, start reading them one at a time…” Spike struggled up a ladder with the books then fell off. “Whoa ho!”

Twilight walked over and dusted the books that had just fallen. “Everything's got to be perfect. No time for fooling around!”
Spike got himself out from under the books that fell on him. “You know, this would be an awful lot easier if there weren't two of us here getting under each other's feet.”

Twilight beamed and handed him the feather duster. “Great idea. You clean, I'll go see how everyone else's preparations are coming.”

Spike tried to speak as she made her way out. “Or maybe I should...”

He could only groan as she walked out without hearing a word he was saying.

Twilight wandered around Ponyville and soon smiled upon seeing all the many decorations around town. Ribbons and flowers were hung everywhere. Then she saw a pair of ponies getting a banner up. But her mood shifted as she saw the letters on the banner. It was good at first, big pink letters saying Welcome Princess… Celest?

“What happened to the rest of her name?” Twilight asked in apprehension.

A golden pony with a carrot cutie mark nearby answered. “We couldn't fit it all in.”

“You can't hang a banner that says "Welcome Princess Celest". Take it down and try again!” she said before running off.
Twilight then saw Bonbon watering some flowers and praised her efforts. “That looks perfect. Keep up the good work.”

She soon arrived at Sugarcube Corner and stopped at the door which had the top half open.

“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Cake! How's the banquet coming?” Twilight asked as she looked inside.

Mrs. Cake looked up from her dough she was flattening with a rolling pin. “Uh...it would be coming a little better if...”

Twilight looked and saw a large assortment of sweets and pastries… all of which had bite marks in them. There was also a large cake with a crown at the top of it. But that was instantly gobbled up as the source of the bites was revealed to be Pinkie Pie who hummed in delight as she ate the whole thing instantly and the crown somehow appeared on her head, with her having a beard made of frosting.

“Pinkie!” Twilight exclaimed. “What are you doing? Those sweets are supposed to be for the princess!”

“I know!” Pinkie said, not getting the message. “That's why I'm tasting them. Somepony needs to make sure that everything is tasty enough to touch the royal tongue. And I, Pinkie Pie, declare that these treats are fit for a king. Or a queen. Or a princess! Or a prince! Hey Fire!”

Twilight looked behind her as Fire entered the room, his mouth falling open as he looked at all the sweets with bite marks in them.

“What happened to all the sweets?” he asked.

“Her tasting them?” Twilight pointed her hoof at Pinkie.

“Just doing my job,” Pinkie said.

“I don’t think that’s part of your job,” Fire said, his mane lighting up a bit. “Is it Mrs. Cake?”

“No,” Mrs. Cake said.

Fire glared at her and growled, “You need to be honest with her, Mrs. Cake. Pinkie, you need to leave those sweets alone! This is the same as stealing!”

Pinkie who was about to eat another whole cake, looked down. “Oh, alright. Thought I was helping out but… alright. I’m sorry.”

“Try to control yourself Pinkie!” Twilight said. “You don’t eat something meant for another pony!”

“I just can’t help myself when I know it tastes so good!” Pinkie said putting on a smile, her sadness forgotten. But then she looked at the cake she was about to eat and her smile vanished. Fire shot a glare at her and she scurried away from it.

Fluttershy then took the opportunity to speak. “Twilight, Pinkie, you won't believe what Fire and I found at the edge of the Everfree Forest!” she then looked into her mane. “Come on out, little guy. It's okay.”

The creature she found came out. But Fire’s eyes widened as he saw not one, but three come out as well. A yellow and brown pair had suddenly joined the blue one. When did that happen?

Fluttershy gasped, also shocked. “Three?

“They're amazing,” Twilight said as she walked over to Fluttershy. “What are they?”

“I'm not sure,” Fluttershy told her as they all watched the three creatures begin to fly around the sweet shop. “I'm also not sure where these other two came from.”

Fire felt a little worried now. Just one of them ate a whole bucket of apples!

“I'll take one off your hooves,” Twilight outstretched her hoof as the yellow landed on it, and she hugged it softly. “I've never seen anything so... adorable.”

She blushed as she realized she’d never shown this interest before. “Besides, it'll be nice to have a companion for Spike so he won't bother me so much while I'm studying.”

Fluttershy then looked at the pink pony. “Pinkie, do you want the other one?"

Pinkie Pie however, stuck out her tongue in disgust. “Ugh! A parasprite? Are you kidding?”

Ugh?” Fluttershy repeated in shock.

Fire had been shocked by what he’d seen the first creature do, but they weren’t something gross to look at.

“A para-what?” Twilight asked.

“How could you not like…” Fluttershy tried to say.

Pinkie however interrupted her. “Ugh. Now I gotta go find a trombone!”

“A what?” Twilight asked, still confused.

“A trombone,” Pinkie repeated. “You know!”

She imitated a musical instrument sound then vanished out the door.

Twilight sighed. “Typical Pinkie.”

The yellow creature flew up next to her ear and she smiled.

Fire frowned. “I don’t know. She seemed to know what they are. Parasprite I think she said.”

He looked at the last one, the brown parasprite hovered nearby. “Seeing just one of these things eat a whole bucket of apples and not to mention these other two appearing out of nowhere, they give me the creeps a little bit. Maybe they’re more trouble than they’re worth?”

The brown one flew over to him and cutely rested on his head with a chirp. Fire couldn’t help but smile as his suspicion melted away.

“Okay, they are pretty cute,” he admitted. “And I was thinking of getting more pets for Warm Heart Tower. I guess I’ll take this one.”

“Oh wonderful,” Fluttershy said. “I don’t think they’ll be too much trouble, as long as you feed them properly. The one I found was probably really hungry!”

“Maybe,” Fire admitted. “Well, I guess we all have our things to do. Need any help with the preparations Twilight? It seems pretty quiet out there, so I think we’re good on security.”

Twilight nodded. “Thanks Fire! I could use a little help checking how the others are doing.”

“I’ll continue my work as well,” Fluttershy said. “See you both later.”

With that, Fire and Twilight made their way to Carrusel Boutique. Inside they found Rarity and Rainbow Dash who was wearing a fancy looking wig, and didn’t seem pleased about it by the grimace on her face.

Twilight looked at the outfits on the nearby mannequins and smiled. “Wow. Rarity, those outfits are gorgeous!”

“Indeed,” Fire said. “I believe this could be the right time to talk to my mother about you possibly becoming her personal fashion designer.”

Rarity gave an appreciative nod and smile. “Mmhmm. Thank you, Twilight, Fire. Nice to know someone appreciates my talents. Hopefully soon all of Equestria will see it once I’m the royal tailor!”

“Well, you might become a trainee under the current royal tailor,” Fire said.

“Oh, I’ll take it then!” Rarity said eagerly.

“Ugh, sooo boooring!” Rainbow Dash said pulling her eyelashes.

There were a pair of chirps from Twilight and Fire’s mane.

“Huh?” Rarity asked as she and Rainbow Dash wandered closer.

“What's that sound coming from you two?” Rainbow asked.

Not two, but six more of the creatures flew out of the two manes. They landed on the backs of the two ponies that ferried them here.

“Wow, what are they?” Rainbow asked, boy there were a lot of questions right now.

“Pinkie said they were called parasprites,” Fire Sword said.

“Where did they come from?” Twilight asked looking at the others. “I only had one a minute ago.”

“And Fluttershy only had one as well!” Fire told them. “Its like they just multiply super fast! I didn’t see any fly into her mane!”

“Uh, I'll take one,” Rainbow said taking one off Twilight’s back before doing the same with one on Fire’s back. “Or two if that’s okay.”

“Me too,” Rarity agreed. “Oh, they're perfect.”

They were indeed cute. But Fire couldn’t help but be bothered by all the strange happenings since seeing them. First one ate a whole barrel and then eight more appeared altogether. In just less then an hour.

Suddenly Pinkie Pie appeared in the doorway. “Does anypony know where I can find an accordion?”

Fire heard her but the three mares were busy giving their new pets affection. He was about to go over when the two remaining parasprites he had got in front of him and he couldn’t help but smile at their cuteness.

“Girls! Fire! Hello! This is important!” Pinkie called.

Fire looked back at her and was about to say something before one of the parasprite flew into his mouth curiously and caused him to gag.

“Durgh! Thanks a lot!” Pinkie muttered and ran off to continue her search.

Fire looked after her as his parasprite flew out of his mouth covered in saliva. He looked picked that one up in pity and looked at the others in concern.

“Hey, Twilight?” he asked.

“Yes Fire?” Twilight looked at him.

“Maybe we should research these parasprites,” Fire suggested. “I mean they just keep appearing! We started out with one and then three, and now… seven? More?”

“Oh, don’t worry, they probably just came in while we weren’t looking,” Twilight said.


“We need to focus on the preparations for the princess… your mom’s welcome tomorrow!” Twilight reminded him.

“I’m sure these little darlings can wait to be researched until after that,” Rarity said.

“I think we know all we need about them! They are super cute!” Rainbow Dash added. “Even I can’t resist!”

Fire sighed. “Alright.”

He looked at the parasprites flying near him and spoke to them softly. “Can you two please not have any more friends suddenly appear on me at least?”

They only chirped in response.

Fire made his way back to Warm Heart Tower after the final preparations were complete and put his two paraprites in the Aurora’s cage with her. That would have to do for now. Maybe he’d get a separate cage for them later. He filled Aurora’s bird seed holder and then got a set of apples out for the parasprites.

“Just in case you get hungry,” Fire said with a smile at them. “Now behave yourselves please.”

He then climbed into bed. His mother would be here tomorrow. He’d find out more about them later. Fire just hoped it would be okay. At least he hadn’t seen any more randomly appear since this afternoon.

He dreamed a wonderful dream that night as he felt asleep to the soft chirping snores of the parasprites.

But in the morning he woke up to a very loud set of chirping and found Aurora’s entire cage was filled with Parasprites!”

“Aah!” Fire yelled and got of bed. “Where did you all come from?”

He opened the cage and all the creatures flew out, getting on him and the room. He caught a glimpse of Aurora covering herself with her wings.

“Guards!” he called.

His guards were up in a jiffy.

“Round them up!” Fire ordered.

They worked hard and after some time managed to stuff all the creatures into a saddle bags that Fire took on his back and flew off with. He soon found Twilight and Rarity with their own saddle bags on their backs.

He flew down in time to hear Rarity say, “I see we're having the same problem.” She gestured to Twilight’s saddlebag which was filled with the round creatures from all the shape, and the fact it was moving ever so slightly.

“Me too!” Fire said.

“Ditto!” Rainbow Dash said as she flew in with the parasprites attached to her, forming a beard on her face of them. She shook them off and then flew off with them in hot pursuit.

“Fluttershy knows everything about animals,” Twilight said. “I'm sure she can tell us how to stop them from multiplying.”

She and Rarity ran to Fluttershy’s cottage.

“Hold on!” Fire called as he flew above them. “Fluttershy didn’t know what they were!”

Too late, they were already there and opened the door to see a bunch more of the creatures fly out.

“Or not!” Twilight said.

Fire growled. “I told you we should have researched them! Can’t believe I fell for the googly eyes on these things! I should have trusted my instincts!”

They looked inside the cottage and saw Fluttershy surrounded.

“Ugh, do something Fluttershy, can't you control them?” Twilight asked.

“I've tried everything I know. I've tried begging, and pleading, and beseeching, and asking politely, and...” Fluttershy stammered.

Rainbow Dash grunted.

Fire then spoke up. “Okay, I think we’re gonna have to use more force! These things are cute, but they’re clearly more on the lines of pests than pets! I hate to do this but-“

He took all the parasprites in his red magic and drew them. He quickly took them outside and surrounded them in a shield. Taking a sad sigh, he set the inside of the shield on fire. The parasprites screamed as they were burned alive and the mares mouths all fell open.

“Oh! How horrible!” Fluttershy said with tears as she looked away.

“Sorry Fluttershy,” Fire said with genuine remorse as he looked at her. “But desperate times call for desperate measures.”

She sighed sadly as the ashes. “There has to be a better way though.”

“If we can't get them under control before the princess arrives, it'll be a total disaster!” Twilight argued.

A parasprite suddenly coughed out another one. That explained how they multiplied so fast.

“Ew!” Rarity exclaimed. “If you ask me, it's already a total disaster. These certainly are pests! Can’t believe I thought they were perfect! I’m glad Fire has a solution!”

Fluttershy suddenly grabbed hold of Fire’s hooves and looked up at him. “Please don’t do that again!”

Fire sighed. “If we can find another solution, I won’t have to!”

Suddenly Applejack appeared outside on the path leading to the cottage pulling a cart of apples. “Here's all those apples you wanted, Fluttershy, but I still can't figure why y'need so many.”

In answer to her question other parasprites appeared and suddnely gobbled up the enter cartload just like yesterday.

“Hey!” she exclaimed.

“What do we do?” Fluttershy asked.

“We have to think of something quickly,” Fire said. “Or I’ll have no choice but to bring on the burn!”

Twilight gasped. “I got it! Nopony can herd like Applejack!”

“Yeah!” Rainbow agreed. “We can drive 'em back into the forest!”

Applejack scoffed in irritation. “I'll rastle 'em up, but I need everypony's help to do it.” She pointed to them all and they nodded.

The cowgirl pony then began organizing them. “Twilight, you and Rarity wait over there.” She pointed to her left. “I'll herd the little critters straight at ya like a funnel. Fire, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, you three stay on top of 'em, don't let 'em fly away.”

“Aye aye!” Rainbow saluted.

“And I can use my magic as well to keep them in!” Fire lit up his horn as the two Pegasi flew up with him.

Applejack then flailed her hooves. “Yeeeeeee-haw!”

She then charged and began herding them up. With all of them working together both on the ground and the air, they soon had as many as they could find curled up into a ball. Fire then surrounded them in a red aura. Fluttershy cringed nervously at the sight.

“Please don’t burn them Fire!” she begged.

“If this works I won’t have to!” he told her.

“Alright y'all, here goes nothin'!” Applejack said as she, Twilight, and Rarity ran with the fliers following in the air.

Thanks to Fire’s shield they couldn’t get out. But then another pony joined them.

“Pinkie!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Twilight, we don't have much time!” Pinkie told them.

“You're telling me,” Twilight said. “The princess could arrive at any moment.”

“Exactly,” Pinkie replied That's why I need you gals to drop what you're doing and help me find some maracas.”

Twilight frowned. “Maracas? Pinkie, we've got much bigger problems than missing maracas.”

Fire frowned as he remembered yesterday with Pinkie knowing about the parasprites. “Pinkie do you know something about these creatures?”

But Pinkie didn’t hear him and answered Twilight. “You're right! Getting a tuba has to be our number one goal. Follow me. I said, follow me!”

“Pinkie Pie, you are so random.” Rainbow Dash dismissed.

“Girls!” Fire said. “I think she’s…”

“And you are all so stubborn!” Pinkie replied and ran off.

“Forget her ladies,” Applejack said and then looked at Fire. “And gentlecolt. Focus. Head 'em up and move 'em out.”

Fire in his frustration, let his shield down. Fortunately, the parasprite ball was still moving smoothly.

“Girls I really think maybe we should listen to Pinkie Pie!” Fire said. “She seems to know about these creatures!”

“Oh please, Fire! We can’t waste time chasing instruments!” Twilight said.

They soon got the ball of creatures into the forest and it rolled off.

“All right!” Rainbow Dash said giving Fluttershy a high hoof. Hard.

“Ouch,” Fluttershy said as she received it.

“We did it!” Twilight cheered. “Nice work, Applejack. And you Fire!”

“Couldn't a'done it without y'all,” Applejack replied.

“Thanks Twilight,” Fire said. “Even if I did let my shield down!”

“No problem. They didn’t get away,” Twilight said as they began to make their way back to Fluttershy’s cottage. “Now let's get back and clean up the mess they made before the princess… your mother arrives.”

They soon got back and Twilight continued talking. “Okay, everyone knows what to do, right? We gotta work extra hard to make up for lost time.”

Fluttershy landed in front of the door to her cottage and used her mouth to open it. But as soon as she did so, another swarm of parasprites sprang out, shocking all of them as they felt a powerful wind from the critters flying. Rarity knelt down on the ground while Rainbow Dash flew higher to get out of it. The wind blew all their manes.

“Where did they come from?” Twilight asked in surprise.

“Well, I may have kept just one,” Fluttershy said as that one hopped on her back.

She earned mean glares from everypony present and giggled nervously. “Heh. I couldn't help myself. They're just so cute.”

She gave the one hopping on her back a nose kiss.

“We don't have time to keep rounding up these things!” Twilight spoke hysterically. “What do we do now?”

Rainbow Dash suddenly landed back on the ground with a pair of goggles on her head. “We call in the weather patrol.”

She flew back into the air at high speed. Rarity yelped as the parasprites began chasing her. Fire took hold of them in his magic and trapped them in a shield again as Rarity covered her head with her hooves laying on the ground next to him. Twilight chased some others down as Applejack took off her hat, looking ready to swat any that came near.

“Sorry little guys, but I was right when I said you are more trouble than you’re worth!” Fire said before looking up at Rainbow Dash and yelling, “You got a way to get rid of them?”

“You bet! Time to take out the adorable trash. Yaaa!” she pounded her chest and began circling fast in midair creating a tornado.

The parasprites chirped in fright and tried to fly away, but she sucked them all up. The others could feel her wind, which was even stronger than the gust they’d felt before. It almost caused them to be blown away. Twilight hung onto Fluttershy’s fence and Applejack bit on her tail to steady herself. Rarity, meanwhile, was hanging onto a log somehow by her hooves. Fire lit up his horn and pulled her closer to him and put a shield around them both. She smiled at him and gave him a thankful hug which he returned.

“Thank you, Prince Fire Sword,” she said as they waited for the tornado to pass.

“No problem, Rarity,” Fire said.

They watched as Rainbow Dash rounded up all the parasprites in her tornado.

“Way to go, Rainbow Dash!” Twilight shouted through the storm.

“Looks like our problems are solved!” Applejack stated.

“They will be with these cymbals,” a voice said.

They saw Pinkie Pie approaching with a new pair of instruments. But Rainbow Dash’s tornado sucked them in and caused her to lose control. The creatures then poured out of the twister and swarmed into the town.

“Pinkie Pie, what have you done?” Twilight asked as she and the others angrily glared at her.

“I've lost a brand-new pair of cymbals, that's what I've done!” Pinkie said.

“Will you forget about your silly instruments for one second?” Twilight asked furiously. “You're ruining our efforts to save Ponyville!”

“Me? Ruin? I'm not the ruiner, I'm the ruin-ee! Or is it ruiness? Ruinette?” Pinkie tried to find the right word.

Applejack ran past her. “Come on y’all, there's no reasoning with that one. She's a few apples short of a bushel.”

Fire, again wasn’t so sure as he recalled yesterday with Pinkie being the one to identify the creatures in the first place.

“Hold on!” he tried to call, but the mares just ran off.

“Hey!” Pinkie called as well. “I'm trying to tell you all that the ruining is on the other hoof. If you'd just slow down and listen to me!”

Fire looked from her to the other mares. Twilight stopped as she noticed he wasn’t coming.

“Come on Fire!” she shouted. “I hate to ask you to do this, but your flame magic seems to be the only thing that can permanently get rid of them!”

“I hate to kill varmints, especially cute ones but we might not have a choice!” Applejack said.

“Oh,” Fluttershy whimpered.

“Save the day like the noble sherrif and prince you are!” Rarity cheered.

Fire looked ahead, seeing the many sprites in the air still descending into Ponyville. They were probably causing havoc already. But-

“I think we should listen to what Pinkie has to say,” he said.

“We don’t have time to waste on that!” Twilight said.

“But she-

“Come girls!” Twilight told the others as they ran off.

Fire sighed and turned to Pinkie.

“Pinkie did you say those creatures were parasprites?” he asked.

“Yeah, that’s what I said!” she replied.

“So why are you trying to get instruments?” Fire asked. “You’ve been doing that ever since the first one appeared.”

“Yeah, because it’s the only way to repel parasprites and lead them away!” Pinkie told him. “Well, that and you setting them on fire with your… fire spell. Or I guess it could be a you spell since it’s what you’re named after?”

Fire eyes widened. “What? You should have mentioned that earlier!”

“That you’re named after Fire?” Pinkie asked cluelessly.

“No about the music repelling parasprites!”

“I’ve been trying!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“You should try and say ‘I have a way to fix this’ or something like that! Instead of just talking about instruments!” Fire said as he flapped his wings.

He heard a brief “Oh, I guess that would make it clearer. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to listen more!”

She shouted the last part at him and he had to agree. He flew off in the direction of Ponyville. He saw a flash of light and saw Twilight as the source. The parasprites suddenly stopped eating the food, much of which was already gone in town. The ponies stood there watching, expecting something to happen. Fire was also frozen, did they do it?

“Look, tambourines!” Pinkie said as she appeared with another set of instruments. “If you could all just…”

“What did you do Twilight?” Fire asked.

“I cast a spell to stop them from eating the food,” she told him.

A parasprite sniffed a nearby apple in front of a dropped bucket and she gasped nervously. This was a test. The creature looked away from the apple. Twilight sighed in relief. Then the parasprite opened its mouth and swallowed the bucket and apple. It spat out the latter. Then other parasprites began to everything but food. Wooden signs, metal lampposts, roofs of buildings, fabrics, and more.

An apple landed in front of Rainbow Dash who scoffed. “Hey, it worked. They're not eating the food anymore.”

“Oh no,” Rarity’s eyes widened. “If they get inside my store... everypony for herself!” She ran off to her store and Fire followed. He was worried about Warm Heart Tower, but he had to help his friends first, even if it was everypony for herself. Of course, he was a male. And he would not leaving anypony by herself in this situation. But he could only help one pony at a time.

Rarity made it to her store and saw the creatures were already eating up… “My outfits!” she exclaimed as she saw her precious dresses shredded instantly.

She began trying to get one to leave. “Go on, shoo! Get out of here, you naughty! Naughty!”

The parasprite coughed out a new one, causing her to back away as her store was being eaten around her. She jumped on a stool and let out a shriek of dismay.

Fire looked around and saw a flute on a nearby table.

“I'll save you my dear!” he declared as he walked over to the table where the flute lay.

If music could stop them then he could. Except he wasn’t…

“Hey that’s just what I was gonna say!” Pinkie Pie said as she appeared behind him. “Though without the ‘my dear’ part!”

Fire levitated the flute up and brought it to his mouth. He grit his teeth nervously. He wasn’t the musical type, but he had to try. He blew the instrument and used his hoofs to cover the holes. A sound escaped the flute, it wasn’t bad, kind of pleasant. The parasprites began to bounce in midair a little bit, but soon shook their heads and continued.

“Nice try Fire, but you need more then that!” Pinkie said as she took the flute. “You just stay here and protect Rarity if you want. Light em up as they say! I’ll have enough soon!”

Fire sighed as she left. He gathered all the parasprites in the store into a cluster then lit em up.

“Ah!” Rarity exclaimed at the sight.

Fire watched sadly. “Sorry little guys. But can’t let you eat everything in here.”

Rarity smiled at him. “Thank you.”

But her expression turned grim as she noticed many of her creations were destroyed. “Oh, but too late for many of them! Please save what you can!”

And so, Fire put up a shield around the store for her.

“Come on Pinkie!” he said.

“Um, how is she supposed to help us?” Rarity asked. “All she’s doing is collecting instruments!”

“Exactly,” Fire said. “That’s what needs to be done.”

He remained with her, keeping what remained of her home and creations safe. The parasprites were unable to get past his shield. If only he could do this for all of Ponyville. He considered going out there and gathering the rest of them up and was about to when music filled his ears.

“Pinkie!” he smiled and lowered his shield.

The parasprites stopped eating and began to rock their bodies in midair, completely entranced by the music. Twilight and the others were outside as Fire led Rarity out. They all watched in shock as Pinkie Pie led the parasprites down in a straight line. They walked at the back, all in amazement and embarrassment, save for Fire. Though he wished he’d trusted his instincts in the first place.

“Look!” Twilight pointed.

Ahead of them, Fire’s mother landed in her chariot pulled by several Pegaus guards. All the ponies bowed low, but Fire merely inclined his head.

“Fire Sword, my son!” Celestia greeted him first. “And Twilight Sparkle, my prized pupil.”

“Hi Mom,” Fire said as he approached her and hugged her.

“Hello, Princess,” Twilight greeted as she rose.

Celestia returned her son’s embrace then looked at her student. “So lovely to see you again, as well as your friends.”
There was a crash from behind them and Pinkie walked by, playing her instruments louder than ever. They all looked at her. It was certainly weird, but it had gotten the job done.

“So... how was the trip?” Twilight tried to defuse the situation as she approached her mentor with downed ears. “Hit much traffic?”

“Ah, what is this?” Celestia asked as one of the parasprites landed on her wing. “Oh ho ho, these creatures are adorable.

Fire frowned. Could his mother really be unaware of these creatures and the damage they could cause?

“They're not that adorable,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

Fire scoffed. “Right like you didn’t fall for their cuteness too. Um, Mom, we have a bit of a situation.”

She smiled. “So, I see. Well, it appears Fillydelphia was not the only one hit with an infestation. I'm terribly honored that you and the good citizens of Ponyville have organized a parade in honor of my visit.”

“Parade?” Twilight asked nervously before hearing the music which could pass as a parade. “Oh. Yes, the parade.”

“Which is now ruined,” Fire looked down.

Twilight threw him a glare and he returned it.

“We need to be honest, Twilight,” he told her. “Even if the truth isn’t what you want to hear.”

“My son is right,” Celestia said walking over to him and nuzzling him. “He is an honest pony, much like another of you.”

Applejack blushed, knowing the princess was referring to her.

“Unfortunately, that visit is going to have to wait for another time.”

“It’s not cause of the parade being ruined, is it?” Twilight asked.

“No. I have to help Fillydelphia with their infestation. I'm sorry Fire, Twilight, to have to put you all through so much trouble.”

“Oh no trouble at all,” Twilight said.

“These creatures are the ones that caused us trouble,” Fire said taking a parasprite in his magic and glaring at it with near evil intent.

“Before I have to go, would you care to give me your latest report on the magic of friendship in person?” Celestia asked as she put her front hooves on her chariot.

“My... report?” Twilight was confused and looked in Pinkie’s direction.

“Haven't you learned anything about friendship?” Celestia asked.

Twilight came up with something as she watched her pink friend. “Actually, I have. I've learned that sometimes the solution to your problems can come from where you least expect it. It's a good idea to stop and listen to your friends' opinions and perspectives.”

One of Pinkie’s instruments crashed, causing them to jump.

“Even when they don't always seem to make sense.” Twilight finished.

“And you Fire?” Celestia asked her son.

“I’ve learned that one should trust their instincts. And not just fall for cuteness when something is amiss,” Fire told her.

“I'm so proud of you both,” Celestia praised. “And I'm very impressed with your friends as well. It sounds like you're all learning so much from each other. I do hope your little town will be alright. Fillydelphia has suffered quite a bit of damage from what I hear.”

“Guess we’ll have to invite you when our town is repaired,” Fire said. “No hard feelings, I hope? They all did the best they could to make this parade happen. Pinkie even put on a mini parade with the things that ruined it.”

“And I do appreciate that. You all made the best of a bad situation,” Celestia replied regally. “I look forward to when we can all get together for certain.”

“Thank you, Princess,” Twilight said softly as the chariot began to pull away.

They then made their way to Pinkie Pie as the last of the parasprites went into the Everfree Forest.

“Hey, what happened to the princess?” Pinkie asked.

“Emergency in Fillydelphia," Twilight informed her.

“Apparently they got the same kind of infestation we did.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Oh no!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Well, have tuba, will travel.”

She played another tune as Twilight spoke. “I think the princess can handle it.”

“Yeah, my mom can handle anything,” Fire said proudly. “Well, almost anything. Except things are really powerful.”

“So you knew what those critters were all along, huh Pinkie Pie?” Applejack asked.

“Well, duh!” Pinkie shouted. “Why do you think I was so frantic to get my hooves on all these instruments? I tried to tell you. Only Fire paused to give me a listening ear. In fact, he was listening from the start!”

Fire nodded.

“We know, Pinkie Pie, and we're sorry we didn't listen,” Twilight apologized.

The others all apologized as well, their words mixing in with each other and making it hard to understand.

“You're a great friend, even if we don't always understand you,” Twilight said.

“Thanks guys, you're all great friends too, even when I don't understand me,” Pinkie said.

“You and Fire both saved my reputation with his mother! And more importantly, you, Pinkie, you saved Ponyville!

They arrived back in town and found the town… not saved. It was a bunch of damaged buildings now.

“Or not,” Twilight said in dismay.

“We have a lot of cleaning up to do,” Fire sighed as Pinkie played a trumpet. “Maybe I should have just burned em all right away.”

In a dark place somewhere, a shadowy pony opened a pair of bright red eyes.

Chapter 15: Ponyville Relief

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Everypony had to get hard at work on repairing their homes from the parasprite infestation. Fire returned to Warm Heart Tower and saw it had some chucks missing from the stone and the door had been eaten as well, even some of the metal had not been spared. As for the inside, the tapestries were eaten as well as-

"My throne!" Fire exclaimed.

His fire themed throne in the entry way had been reduced to a few mere splinters. He stared at it for a moment, his mouth open.

"Prince Fire!" Vine Archer exclaimed as the prince entered the room. "We tried to hold them off as best we could when we saw Sweet Apple Acres go down!"

Fire nodded. He'd seen the collapsed farmhouse when he flew back home. The other guards and servants gathered in the entry room looking disappointed in themselves.

"We are so sorry your highness! We tried to use nets to round those creatures up but there were just too many of them," Silver Javelin said.

"I know, all of Ponyville was devastated," Fire said.

"At least the garden wasn't touched," a brown Earth Pony with a short green mane said. "That's one good thing here. Gotta look on the bright side right?"

Fire looked at him. He'd taken some time to get used to the names of all his servants and guards here. This one was the gardener, Grand Garden.

“That’s good Grand,” he said. “But we can’t ignore the bad. We got a lot of rebuilding to do.”

Suddenly the door opened and Twilight, her and Fire’s fellow Element Bears, and Spike stepped in.

"Oh, my this certainly took its share of damage as well," Rarity said as she looked around and gasped as she saw…

"Prince Fire! Your throne!"

Fire sighed. "Well, I can have a new one made in Canterlot."

"You'll also need new tapestries!" Rarity exclaimed seeing the now bare walls. "Oh, don't worry I'll be happy to make them for you when I have my shop repaired! I'm sure I can make them exactly the same! Sun and moon, right?"

"Right," Fire said. "But I'm paying for them this time! I won't take no for an answer! Can’t expect you to make them again for free!"

She nodded. “I suppose I could use the bits since I'll be needing some for the repairs on my store!"

"And I need to rebuild my whole house now!" Applejack exclaimed. "Talk about a catastrophe! I was hoping to earn some money at the Grand Galloping Gala but that's still months away!"

“Oh dear,” Grand Garden said looking at her. “Is your orchard okay?”

“Its fine!” Applejack said. “Sorry, I don’t know your name?”

“Grand Garden,” Grand said with a blush. “You’re Applejack right? The neighbor?”

“That I am!” Applejack said with a smile. “But right now its looks I’m gonna have to be camping outside my home for a while till its rebuilt!”

She then looked at Fire and sighed. "Does your offer to lend us some bits still stand?"

Fire nodded. "Of course, Applejack! And don't worry about paying me back! I have plenty of bits! It’s a prince's job to look after his citizens!"

He then looked at the rest of them. "How about the rest of you?"

"Well, the Cakes got their sign and a bit of their tasty looking roof eaten!" Pinkie said sadly before managing a smile. "Good thing it’s not made of actual candy and just designed that way! Otherwise, it would probably get eaten by me sooner or later."

She giggled, and the others managed smiles at her ever present humor.

"Do you need any help?" Fire asked.

"Nah! We got plenty of bits since ponies love our treats!" Pinkie said happily. "I'm sure we'll be fine. Just gonna take a little frosting grease!"

“You mean elbow grease,” Applejack said.

“I do hate getting sweaty, but given the circumstances I suppose there is not much choice,” Rarity said.

"I could use some help as well," Twilight said. "The parasprites ate the words out of so many books! Now I have to take an inventory of all the ones I need to replace!"

"Moondancer could probably help with that!" Fire suggested. "She spends about as much time in the library as you do!"

Twilight smiled at the mention of her fellow scholarly minded pony.

"Spike and I can send her a letter! Maybe she can ask the librarian of Canterlot Library to send some books over. I'd normally contact Celestia but with her busy in Fillydelphia."

"That could work," Fire said. "How about you Fluttershy?"

"Um, I think I'm okay," Fluttershy said. "They ate a bit of my food and the grass roof of my cottage though. Thankfully the inside wasn't bitten, though it will require some cleaning."

“And you Rainbow Dash?” Fire asked.

“Well, they didn’t eat my cloudhouse at least,” Rainbow said. “I’m fine! I can just help out the rest of you!”

"Okay, I think I can go to Canterlot and see if I can get some of the nobles there to donate some bits," Fire said.

"That would certainly help," Rarity said with a smile. "Oh, do you think you could recommend my clothing store to them if they are looking for new outfits?"

The others frowned at her. She noticed this and said, "What? I need all the business I can get even if my store needs a little work being repaired!"

"I think that will have to wait for another time," Fire said before turning to his two Pegasus guards. "Prepare my chariot."

"Um," one of them, Feather Falls, hesitated to say as Fire walked off.

Feather was a blue pony of a slightly darker shade then Rainbow Dash. His cutie mark depicted a feather falling. His wings were a bit scruffy as well.

His room has fortunately been left untouched after he removed the parasprites from Aurora's cage. The sunbird rested peacefully. Fire took off his sheriff uniform and changed into his armor and put on his crown. He also picked up the Sword of Harmony and put in the holster he'd had added to his armor. He doubted he would need it at Canterlot but he wanted to show his new status as an Element Bearer, and it was part of his name as well. Might as well carry it around now and then for ceremonial purposes as well as combat.

"Oh, don't tell me," Fire said hoofplanting. His personal chariot had been eaten by the parasprites as well. Fire sighed as he saw it out back.

"Guess I'll just have to fly myself."

"Then we are going with you," Feather said as the other Pegasus nodded. “Can’t let you go alone. Even though we know you’re very capable, your highness! Its our duty.”

"Right," Fire nodded. He doubted there would be any real trouble, but it was good to be prepared.

The three of them, Fire, Feather, and the last one flew to Canterlot. The royal guards stationed in front of the castle were suprised to see the son of Celestia arrive.

"Prince Fire Sword!" they greeted with a bow. "We were not expecting you!"

"I need to call an emergency gathering of the nobles," Fire said.

They didn't question him, simply saying "At once!"

The trumpets rung throughout the city. Messenger guards were sent to the estates of the nobles who soon gathered in the throne room. Fire Sword sat on his mother's throne, knowing she probably wouldn't mind.

Fire cleared his throat. He knew this would be met with refusals by some, but as long as a few agreed to donate it would be fine. The Elite of Canterlot were somewhat snobbish in many cases, and they weren't big fans of him since he'd painted some of their houses when he'd been a foal. He was also not pleased to see his cousin Prince Blueblood in the room. He wished Cadance were here but she was still on vacation.

"Well, welcome," Fire Sword greeted. "You are probably wondering why I called you all here. As you have probably heard we recently had a set of infestations from creatures called parasprites."

"Parasprites?" Blueblood repeated with a chuckle. "What are those? Some parsitic sprites?"

"Yes," Fire said. He really should have put that together at the sound of their name. "They've caused trouble for both Fillydelphia where my mother is currently away helping out. And in Ponyville where I am staying."

This was met with several scoffs from the snobbier members of the elite.

"I can't understand why you would ever want to stay in that mere country land," Blueblood said. "Here is where the important ponies live!"

Fire glared at him.

"Yes, this city is grand. A mere country town could never compare," Upper Crust said.

"Indeed, it’s a place for Earth Ponies," Jet Set, Upper's wife said.

"Now now, I'm sure Prince Fire Sword has his reasons for residing in that quaint little town," Fancy Pants, a white unicorn in a suit with a lens over one eye said.

Fire managed a smile. Fancy Pants was one of the few nobles he liked as the stallion was calm and level headed and not so quick to judge other ponies even if they might be of 'lesser' class.

"Yes, please refrain from insulting that town," Fire said barely managing to control himself. "I for one find it to be a friendly town. And some of the ponies there have fine tastes. You should check out the lovely seamstress there."

"The clothes she seams or the seamstress herself?" Blueblood asked with a joking smile.

Fire glared at him again. If only he knew that seamstress had a long-standing crush on him and could see her now. Fire remembered when he first saw Rarity, his golden eyes had widened at her beauty when they met her sapphire ones.

"Both," he said. "She is a very beautiful mare, both inside and out, and she also makes fabulous clothes in her home Carousel Boutique."

"I seriously doubt they'd measure up to our standards," Jet Set dismissed casually.

Fire's mane flickered faintly. These nobles always drove him crazy with their snobiness. It was one good thing about living in Ponyville to be able to get away from them.

"I came back to request some donations from any of you that are willing," Fire said. "The townsponies homes have been greatly damaged by the infestation and they won't be able to live comfortably and do their business until they repair it."

Blueblood scoffed. "Oh, Fire Sword. Always concerned about common ponies."

Fire snarled, losing his patience. “If you do not wish to help other ponies then you are free to leave!"

Blueblood nodded. “I will not waste my royal bits on some commoner’s town! Fillydelphia is a major city actually worth something!”

“I have no love for that country town,” Upper Crust agreed.

“Nor I!” Jet Set concurred.

The three of them walked out along with several others. But Fancy Pants and his wife Fleur De Lis remained behind.

“Those three give us all a bad name,” Fancy said. “We are the most sophisticated ponies in this city run by unicorns, but their wealth and sophistication has gone to their heads I say!”

“We must certainly not forget our compassion!” Fleur said putting a hoof on her heart and closing her eyes before twirling gracefully. “We nobles must be noble not just in terms of wealth but also character! We must have beauty, grace, and compassion!”

Fire smiled at those words.

“If Fancy Pants is in on it, so are we!” another aristocratic stallion said.

Fire nodded and closed his eyes in the best regal way he could. “Thank you very much, good members of Canterlot!”

Being a prince, he had to act regal and polite as possible. Though he didn’t often use these gestures as he saw them all too often when he’d lived here. But in the presence of the nobility, he had to keep the posture to the maximum.

“You are very welcome your highness,” Fancy Pants said. “I hope those quaint little country ponies have an easier time with our aid. Most unfortunate with those infestations. Let us hope another place is not hit!”

Fire nodded. “Yes, let us hope.”

The nobility who agreed to donate left briefly to gather a ‘small’ number of bits to donate for the Ponyville Relief Charity as it had been named. Word spread around Canterlot and several commoner ponies donated their own spare bits as well.

“Thank you! Thank you!” Fire said as ponies came up and put bags of the gold coins into chests that had been prepared for the charity.

Then a familiar group of ponies came forward.

“Hello Fire,” the one with glasses said.

“Hey Moondancer!” Fire greeted with a grin before gazing at the others. “Hey you guys!”

Twinkleshine, Minuette and Lemon Hearts all smiled at him and presented their own small bags of bits.

“When we heard about Ponyville we thought we better help out since we have quite a few friends there like Lyra, Twilight, and you!” Minuette said.

“Maybe we should go down there and help them rebuild!” Twinkleshine suggested before asking. “Is there anything that really needs replacing for your friends, Fire?”

“Well, Rarity lost a few outfits. The parasprites ate them up, but I managed to save most of them,” Fire told them. “Pinkie Pie had a little damage done to where she lives with the cakes, so did Twilight and Fluttershy. Oh, and Twilight’s library books got the words eaten right off the pages.”

“The parasprites ate the ink out of the pages?” Moondancer exclaimed. “How is that even possible?”

“No idea,” Fire said.

“I’m pretty handy with magic sewing!” Twinkleshine said. “I can help Rarity with her outfits.”

“I’m friends with a bookseller here in Canterlot,” Moondancer said. “Maybe I can ask her to ship some books to Twilight!”

“Here!” Fire levitated a chest of bits over to her. “You can use those to pay for them! Just have her send a letter to Twilight and I’ll deliver it myself so they can get in contact.”


“We’ll help too!” Minuette said with Lemon Hearts nodding.

Once the sun was starting to set, Fire now had a total of four hundred bags, the approximate number of ponies that lived in Ponyville were five hundred, but that included foals as well. The money only went to adults. Each bag contained a hundred bits, enough to buy or build a new house if necessary. The majority of the money had come from the nobility but a few others donated as well.

“Thank you all!” Fire said. “I promise if there are any bags leftover, they will be given back to you!”

The bags of the nobles each had their cutie marks on them to show which one they belonged to. The things nobles could do with their money! Fire could of course appreciate the craft and simple adornment. It would be useful if they had too many bags of bits.

Moondancer soon returned as well and handed him the letter from the librarian to go to Twilight.

"Thanks, Moondancer," Fire said with a smile. "If there's anything I can do to pay you back for this name it."

She smiled at him. "You're welcome. But don't worry about it, I'm happy to help out my friends in Ponyville. Though I think I'll settle for a nice dance under a full moon. Then I can really be a Moondancer."

They laughed at that pun for a moment then Fire said "I think I can squeeze that in for you... my dear."

She blushed at that, not noticing the slight hesitation in his voice as he added the last part. He knew she liked him and they'd be going to the Grand Galloping Gala together, but some part of him wished he were going with Rarity instead. He didn't say that though, maybe his feelings would change? After all he couldn't stay stuck with this attraction to a mare who already liked somepony else, could he?

Looked like everything was gathered. Fire looked at the many bags of bits as well as the letter from the Canterlot Librarian for Twilight.

“Now, the only questions is how do we get them there?” Fire asked. “All this gold could be too heavy to transport in the air.”

“I have a suggestion your highness!” a voice called.

One of the royal guards, a white unicorn like Fire whose mane was gold and gray stepped forward.

“And you are?” Fire asked.

“Gold Steel, Prince Fire,” the unicorn said with a polite bow. “I have some decent skill in teleportation magic. I could teleport all these to Ponyville!”

Fire looked at him. He felt as if something was off. He then recalled the unicorn thief from a while back that had teleported as well. Could he be… no, he was a member of the Royal Guard, surely he could be trusted? Fire couldn’t just assume every unicorn he met who knew how to teleport was the thief after all. It might be a somewhat rare skill but far from unheard of.

Fire nodded. “Go ahead then.”

Gold's horn lit up with a yellow aura. Fire grit his teeth as he recalled the unicorn thief had had a white horn and yellow aura. But how many unicorns out there that color for their coat and horn? Plenty in the royal guard for sure, as they often had their coats dyed white to match Celestia. Fire pushed his concerns away as Gold teleported him, his flame guards that had accompanied him back to Canterlot, and the many bits that had been donated back to Ponyville. They arrived in the town square, miraculously.

“Wow, right in front of Town Hall, nice!” Fire praised.

Gold shrugged with a smirk. “Just figured it would be where you wanted to meet since its in the center of town.

Fire nodded then lit up his own horn, casting his speaker spell for all to hear.

“Attention everypony! We have brought monetary aid from Canterlot! Please come to Town Hall now!”

The ponies of Ponyville soon gathered, looking relieved as they saw the bags of bits that had come from the capital.

“Alright, we got three hundred bags of bits here!” Fire announced. “This should cover the cost of repairs to your home or even allow you to rebuild it completely! Courtesy of the nobles of Canterlot!”

“Oh, how generous of them!” Rarity exclaimed. “I’ll certainly need to buy fabric to make new outfits!”

“And this will be a good start to help me buy new books!” Twilight said.

The two unicorns made to walk forward but Gold Steel put up a hoof.

“Wait! We can’t have anypony taking more then their fair share. “Here!”

He lit up his horn again and a circle appeared Fire, his guards and bags of bits.

“All who enter the circle will be marked, an alarm will go off if you come back in after getting your bits! Everypony gets one bag!” Gold said.

Fire nodded. They then distributed the bags to every pony

“Is that everypony?” Fire asked.

There wasn’t a single pony left that hadn’t been with them, and there were a few dozen bags leftover. No pony else came forward after several times asking, even after Fire used his speaker spell one more time. Applejack had gotten her bits that she would share with her family to rebuild their house, and so had all of Fire’s friends. It would take some time after this but the bits would make things easier. Everypony was happy, as much as they could be considering their town had been greatly damaged.

“I can take those other bits back to Canterlot, Prince Fire Sword,” Gold offered.

Fire looked at him and nodded. “Thank you. You’ve been a great help. I hope we’ll see each other again.”

“I hope so as well,” Gold agreed as he levitated the many bags over to himself and vanished with them in a flash.

Fire smiled as he saw all the ponies of Ponyville who would have an easier time rebuilding thanks to the generosity of the Canterlot Elite, at least the ones that had it in their hearts.

Gold teleported straight to his house in the capital with a wicked grin.

“Excellent, this might just give me enough… or pretty close,” he said as he opened a trap door to his hidden basement where he kept his stolen cache.

Down below was a decently sized fortune of bits as well as valuable gemstones. He also had the newspaper of the three captured thieves.

"Soon I'll have a little help that I could use, for a little while."

Chapter 16: A Day in the Life

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It was a busy time around Ponyville for quite a while. They were making good progress on the repairs at least. Hopefully it would be just a few more days before everything was back to the way it was before the parasprites showed up. Vine Archer had to say, he’d expected this job to be dull in the country once he was assigned to be part of the Flame Guard that would be responsible for protecting Prince Fire Sword. But it had been just about anything but ever since he came here.

They’d had a griffon, dragon, boastful magician, a trio of robbers, a zebra thought to be an evil enchantress, and now parasprites. What was next?

Either way, Vine Archer was glad to take a break from all the excitement and now rebuilding. He got up early one morning and stood in front of Warm Heart Tower and faced his foe, an archery target made of hay. Vine readied his bow, it came with a stand at the bottom that allowed it to stay up right while he used his mouth to fire. Vine had heard that some species like griffons actually had to grip their bows with claws to steady them. No matter, Vine’s bow worked fine for him. He grabbed an arrow with his teeth and set it to the bow before taking the string in his teeth as well.

His arrows flew with years of practice. They didn’t set the target on fire or freeze it like some arrows that had been forged with special properties could. But that was probably for the best, didn’t need to burn the target after all. The simple wood shafts ending in steel tips soared and struck the hay in various rings. Vine managed to strike exactly where he aimed at least nine times out of ten. He was good, as archery was his special talent, but even that didn’t gurantee him every time. But with enough practice he could one day get there. Landing ten out of ten every time. Then maybe he could partake in a big archery event sometime.

He went about it for around half an hour, shooting his arrows, retrieving them, and shooting again. They flew, he retrieved, they flew again. One, two, three… he shot four more with perfect precision. Eight, nine, and…

He readied his last shot and focused, this was it. If he could get this last one he’d be satisfied for now. He aimed and was about to

“Hey Lieutenant Archer!” a voice called.

Vine jumped in surprise, his razor-sharp focus that had been the result of his guard training in Canterlot wavering just enough to cause his arrow to slip a hair out of where he intended to hit it. He watched it hit the target on the right just before the outer ring that he’d wanted to hit. He’d managed to three of his arrows on the corners of the target. But now that wouldn’t be a perfectly placed set.

He sighed and looked at the pony that interrupted him. It was Hoofrunner, the other Earth Pony stallion in the Flame Guard besides Vine himself. Hoofrunner was a grayish blue pony with a short brown mane and green eyes. Like Vine, he wore the armor with flame designs that had been made shortly before the squad of six guards arrived in Ponyville.

“Hoof, you broke my concentration!” Vine scolded.

“Sorry sir!” Hoof apologized. “But its time for training!”

“Oh,” Vine realized he’d been so focused on his archery he’d lost track of time. “Thanks.”

They made their way to the other side of the grass lands around Warm Heart Tower. Prince Fire Sword had decided it would serve as their training grounds.

He was there waiting for them, his sword at ready. The other four were present as well, each wielding a training version of their preferred weapon. Fire Sword had a sword of course, and Silver Javelin a staff in the place of his usual javelin. The other three guards were Fast Stab, Feather Falls, and Axe Eagleeye.

Fast was a unicorn who levitated a pair of unsharpened daggers. Feather and Axe were the Pegasus members. Like Silver, Feather carried a staff in the place of a spear.

“Ready boys?” Vine Archer asked.

The guards nodded and Vine turned to the prince. He knew alicorns were stronger then the regular ponies, and thought by many to be immortal. It was the responsibility of the royal guards to make sure they were unharmed in the event that something unexpected might happen. Prince Fire’s special talent was reputedly combat magic, even so he couldn’t handle everything on his own. Vine just hoped he’d be there for his prince when Fire might need him. So far he’d not exactly done a top-notch job. He’d let Fire Sword go off with the mares that wielded the elements of harmony and lost him during the rainstorm. Of those had been when Fire insisted on going on alone or sent his guards ahead to Warm Heart Tower. Vine would have to make sure to accompany Fire the next time something happened.

But for now, they had to train.

“Your highness?” Vine asked.

“Yes,” Fire said raising his sword.

They divided into pairs. Since there were a total of seven of them one had to be the odd one out. That would be Vine for this round. Prince Fire Sword faced Silver Javelin. They would fight up close and personal Vine Archer liked archery of course, but the bravest members of the guard engaged their foes up close and personal. When he’d first joined the recruits, he’d been unable to stand and fight, running away. Boy he was punished harshly for that. But he’d worked past his fear of facing an opponent up close.

They began their morning bouts, with Fire's training sword clashing against Silver's staff that stood in for his spear. The guard's weapon had the advantage of reach, but Prince Fire easily parried it with a maneuver of his blade. He then stepped forward and caught Silver with the weapon.

"Oh!" the unicorn exclaimed. "Nice one your highness!"

"Thanks," Fire said with a smirk.

"But there's more where that came from!" Silver stated.

They resumed their position and came at each other again. Silver thrusted out with his spear, and Fire attempted to block but missed. The thrust this time had been a feint to draw the blade off to the side while Silver thrusted to the other side. His shaft caught Fire in the shoulder.

Fire chuckled it off. "Not bad, you got me."

Silver returned the smirk from earlier. "You're not the only one with talent in combat! Best two out of three?"

"You got it!" Fire agreed to the challenge. "Then we'll switch partners."

And so they took a few steps back and began again. Fire focused, trying not to let himself be caught offguard like he was last time. Silver thrusted out his shaft and Fire parried before trying to move in close.

This time however, Silver was ready, quickly retreating out of range of Fire's training blade. He then let out a flurry thrusts that Fire struggled to dodge. Even though his talent was combat, he didn't put in quite as much time into training it as the royal guards. Still he managed to hold his own and remained focused, spotting the thrust that was the feint and quickly rotating his blade to block the real strike.

Then he took the spear under his armpit and trapped it there while striking with his sword. The unsharpened blade made contact and struck the silver stallion once again.

"Ah! You win!" Silver exclaimed. "Ah well, guess it’s to be expected. A humble unicorn like me can only be so good at physical combat. That's an Earth Pony thing."

"You're pretty good though," Fire complimented.

Silver smirked. "Thanks!"

He then turned to Vine. "Alright Lieutenant! Ready to lose?"

Vine frowned. Even though he was ranked higher, the unicorn often managed to outdo him. "We'll see who wins this one!"
Silver put his spear down and cracked his hooves together, Vine didn’t have a preferred melee weapon apart from his hooves. The two stallions faced each other and... several strikes and grunts later...Vine was knocked down by a sharp kick to the stomach.

He groaned.

Silver laughed. "Guess strength isn't everything huh, Vine?"

Vine frowned before admitting, "No, it’s not."

He pushed himself to his feet. Silver smirked at him. "You're lucky we unicorns don't use our magic in sparring matches, you'd never beat me for real!" he taunted.

Vine glared at him. "Give me a boy and we'll see who beats who."

"Okay that's enough!" Fire put up his hooves. "We don't need to fight amongst ourselves!"

They rotated partners a couple more times and then it was time to go out on patrol. Axe Eagleeye and Feather Falls, the two Pegasus members, flew into the sky while Vine, Prince Fire, and the other ponies trotted the ground, except for Silver who started behind to make sure Warm Heart Tower was secure. Though remembering how those robbers took on just him and Silver when they’d remained behind, Vine worried.

"Perhaps we should expand on the guards, Prince Fire," Vine suggested. "I mean we can only do so much with just six of us."

"Perhaps," Fire agreed. "Or perhaps we can fortify what we have, maybe some security spells put up at night to prevent anyone unauthorized from entering. I believe the captain of the guard in Canterlot has a spell that keep out anyone with hostile intent."

There was a moment of silence as they walked. But it was soon interrupted by -

“Wahoo! Here comes the heavy feather!”

Feather Falls came flying down in a sky dive before pulling up.

“And he pulls up!” Feather shouted for all to hear.

He liked to be dramatic and daring.

"Alright, I think I should check on all my friends," Fire said. "They should be just about fixed up with everything today. You guys head into town and make sure everything is fine."

"Yes sir!" Hoofrunner said with a quick salute.

He then ran off, that pony preferred to run rather than walk. Just like Prince Fire's friend Rainbow Dash preferred to fly everywhere. He was originally from Manehattan and claimed to win several racing prizes there and was a fan of the Earth Speeders, a group of Earth Pony joggers that were renowned for being fast on the ground, similar to the Wonderbolts in the sky.

Vine snapped himself out of his thoughts however and looked at Fire.

"Um, your highness, I think at least one of us should stay with you."

"I can handle myself Lieutenant," Fire said.

"I know but you have been facing quite a few things recently. Not all of them are dangerous I admit but one of them was a dragon and the other an Ursa Minor. We should have gone with you up that hill," Vine said.

"Fair point," Fire acknowledged. "But I had the bearers of the Elements of Harmony with me. Everything was fine. Don't worry. If anything like that comes again I'll make sure to have you guys by my side."

Vine nodded, though hoped that would be the case. Fire then flapped his wings and took off.

Fire stopped over at Sweet Apple Acres and saw Rainbow Dash as well Applejack, Big Mac and Granny Smith on the farm. They’d managed to get their house rebuilt at least.

“Hey Applejack!” he called with a wave. “Just about done huh?”

“Yeah, at least the supports were still intact so we just had to build a new outside and put everything back up,” Applejack said. “Cheerilee even had Applebloom’s class pitch in yesterday! And Rainbow flew around and helped too.”

“Good,” Fire said. “Always nice to have a loyal friend.”

“That’s right!” Rainbow put a hoof to her heart. “Sure was hard to do it in this heat but I managed, and summer is just about over! Hello fall soon!”

Fire nodded and went around to check on all of his other friends. First was Twilight.

“Seems the vegetation around your library is grow back,” Fire told her when he stepped in and saw her.

“Yeah, and I’ve replaced most of the books,” she said. “Hey, you up for reading together with me and Moondancer soon?”

He nodded. “Good to exercise my mind as well as body. With the repairs almost done we should be able to go back to normal.”

“Great,” Twilight said with a grin. “I kinda missed having you reading and practicing magic with around here. But I’ve been so busy with ordering these books I’ve barely had time to read them! It will be nice when things are back to the way they were after these past few weeks.”

“Yeah,” Fire agreed. “See you later.”

“Bye Fire,” Twilight said as he walked off.

“See ya,” Spike waved.

Fire headed to Sugarcube Corner which was patched up as well. One could almost never know there was a disaster. Now they just needed to bake new treats to sell. If a certain somepony didn’t eat them all up.

“Ah, all that rebuilding sure makes me hungry!” Pinkie said as she patted her full stomach.

Fire chuckled and looked at Mrs. Cake.

“Can I get a couple boxes of cupcakes?” he asked.

“Yes, of course deary!” the Earth Pony mare said.

She handed him the boxes and he quickly flew them over to Warm Heart Tower before resuming his patrol. Still two more ponies to see. Fluttershy still needed to replace some furniture, and was sad because…

“I wish I could have kept just one of them,” she said when he stopped by.

“They were more trouble than they’re worth Fluttershy.” Fire put a hoof on her shoulder. “Next time we find an animal even you aren’t familiar with let’s research it.”

“Okay,” she said with a small nod. “So um, I recall you wanted to maybe get a new pet in addition to Aurora?”

“I thought about it,” Fire said. “I do love animals.”

She smiled. “They make wonderful friends. I got my cutie mark because of animals you know.”

Fire returned the smile for a moment. “I had a feeling that was the case. You just have it so natural with them.”

“And you a natural fighter,” Fluttershy said. “But you’re still kind. I admit I was… a little scared and sad seeing you burn those parasprites, but you did it to protect us.”

Fire nodded. “But maybe burning them was a bit extreme, I mean they weren’t trying to eat us.”

Fluttershy walked over and hugged him. “Its okay. Your heart was in the right place. Sometimes nature… and even this beautiful world can be cruel. We need strong ponies like you for times of conflict. I really admire your strength of character. You’re brave, strong, honest, funny, loyal, and fierce. But you’re not cruel or mean when you act strong. You’re a perfect balance. I really admire those things about you. You have the best traits from all of our elements. I feel safe when you are around and I know the others feel the same way. You’re a wonderful stallion, truly worthy of being the son of Celestia herself.”

Fire smiled and returned the hug. “Thanks. And I think you’re a wonderful kind mare as well, Fluttershy.”

She blushed. “Thank you.”

Finally, he visited Rarity. “Your store seems all back to normal as well Rare.”

She blushed. “Yes, those bits you got from the nobles of Canterlot certainly helped everypony to be able to purchase repair supplies quicker. I can finally return to making my beloved fashion creations rather than making my home again!”

“Well in that case would you be up for taking a royal order?” Fire asked with a grin.

“Oh no I couldn’t!” Rarity exclaimed. “I’m in no condition to make something so regal after just getting my store back in working condition!”

She giggled. “Of course I can your highness!”

Fire smiled. “Well, I think I would like a new coat. Summer is ending in just a couple days and I’ll need something warm for when the cold weather sets in.”

“It shall be my pleasure!” Rarity agreed. “I shall have to design something warm and regal! You are the son of Celestia after all! Hmm… how does a red fire themed mantle sound? I can make it with the finest material!”

“Guess it would fit royalty,” Fire said. “Thank you my dear.”

She blushed again at that and said, “No don’t get too flirty with little old me, your highness! After all you have another mare waiting for you on the day of the gala.”

“Yeah, and you have another prince you wish to woo,” Fire reminded her.

They looked away from each other with forced smiles. Each of them thinking a similar thing.

I wish she liked me instead of Blueblood. Fire thought. A gorgeous and good mare like her shouldn’t be with a vain stallion like that. But I have Moondancer as a date already. I can’t abandon her.

I wish he had asked me instead of Moondancer. Rarity thought. If he had, I’d gladly go with him. But he’s known her much longer and it is his choice to make. And I have another prince I wish to be with. Still, he is so fine a prince. I only hope Blueblood is as dashing and gracious!

“Good day Rarity,” Fire said as he began to walk out the door.

“Good day Fire Sword,” she replied as she watched him go.

Fire gave the boutique one more look as the door closed behind him. He finished his patrol for the day, enjoying the last traces of summer warmth that would soon turn to a comfortable fall temperature. Then at noon he returned to Warm Heart Tower and donned his armor and crown for when Mayor Mare arrived for a meeting. He got on his throne just in time, the brown Earth Pony entered the door and approached the throne.

“Prince Fire,” the mayor said with a bow. “Our town has just about recovered from the infestation a few weeks ago.”

“Yes, that’s good,” Fire said. “And just in time for fall.”

“Yes, we will soon have our annual fall events including the running of the leaves!” Mayor Mare said. “I don’t expect you will be participating in that though but-“

“I will be actually,” Fire told her. “I maybe a prince but I want to do my part. Besides, running can be fun. I doubt I’ll win first place though.”

“Oh, and here I was thinking you could be our announcer in the sky this year,” the mayor said. “Well, who am I to deny a royal his wish if he wants to run in the running of the leaves? Pinkie Pie has been the announcer for the last couple years. She should do fine.”

Fire smiled. “My mother would probably love to be here. Fall is one of her favorite seasons cause of all the colored trees.”

“Actually, I got a letter from Canterlot and it turns out she’s coming!” Mayor Mare said.

“Oh!” Fire exclaimed. “Guess we’ll get a royal visit finally!”

Mayor Mare grinned. “Yes, and it is an honor to have a royal living with us in our humble town!”

“Your humble town is quite nice,” Fire complimented. “With friendly ponies everywhere. Not so many stuck up nobles like we have in Canterlot.”

He then realized that might not have been an appropriate thing to say. “Um, sorry.”

“It’s alright,” the mayor said. “Every town… or city has some rotten residents. We have a certain Spoiled Rich here.”

Fire didn’t relish the idea of meeting that pony whoever he or she was.

They concluded their meeting soon afterwards and the soon the guards returned.

“Nothing happened out there?” Fire asked once they were all assembled.

“No, your highness,” Vine Archer said and the others shook their heads in agreement.

“Just a few helping hooves here and there,” Axe said. “I chopped down a couple trees for some extra wood to give to some ponies.”

“Good,” Fire praised.

“How was everything here Silver?" Vine asked.

"All quiet," Silver assured him. "Our lovely maids got everything nice and clean.”

He gestured to the two mares in maid outfits, black dresses with white aprons over them and bonnets in their mane. They were Maid Maria and Anya Housetain. Though their dresses that they'd gotten from Rarity after moving in covered their cutie marks, Fire knew that their marks bore a feather duster and a sparkling house respectively.

"Good work you two," Fire said looking at them.

They bowed their heads respectfully and offered smiles at him.

“No robberies or anything." Silver continued.

"Good," Fire said. "Vine made a suggestion earlier that was actually a pretty good one. Maybe we should get more guards. Six might not enough, especially after that robbery when I hurt my wing. But I think we'd be pretty crowded with more. If we can strengthen our current defenses we might be able to turn this tower into a fortress that only requires a few ponies to defend it.

"Maybe, I think I can find a spell," Silver said. “Sure I might not be defense talented like the captain in Canterlot but with practice talents can still be developed. We’ll see what I can do.”

Suddenly the door opened and a large blackish stallion with a similar build to Applejack's brother Big Macintosh but had a gray mane in a ponytail form. He carried a large crate on his back.

Here is the rest of the supplies we need for the cellar!" Strong Stuff, the heavy lifter for the tower said.

"Good work," Fire praised. "That should last us for a good few weeks."

"Happy to help!" Strong said before looking off to the side and growing red in the cheeks.

Fire followed his gaze and noticed Maria smiling at the stallion him with rosy cheeks of her own.

"Hmm," Fire said in a low voice only he could hear. "Looks like someponies here have a crush on each other. Well, my big sister is the princess of love. If she were here, she'd probably want to play match maker. I'll have to add that to the things to do later on."

He chuckled, imagining Cadance smiling at him. He missed her, he’d have to write a letter later. She’d be back from her tour in a little while though, and he’d get the chance to see her. His cousin, first crush, big sister and… more. Everypony heard him chuckle and looked at him.

"Did you say something Prince Fire?" Vine Archer asked.

"No, nothing," Fire lied. "Well, I think its about time for dinner!"

"I'll get started right away." Swift Cuisine said as he flew to the kitchen area.

"Well before dinner, I'm going out for a run!" Hoofrunner said. "Anyone care to join me?"

"Sure!” Strong Stuff said.

"I think I'll go and read," Fire said.

He headed to his study and sat in a chair reading Daring Do for a while. With all the excitement he’d not had much time to read lately. But that would change soon enough and he’d go back to it, along with Twilight and Moondancer. He also found himself thinking of his feelings toward them. Not romantic feelings, at least not for Twilight. Both she and Moondancer were smart and good ponies. Fire knew that his mother was close with Twilight, which was to be expected as the lavender unicorn was Celestia’s personal protégé. Fire hadn’t exactly been close to her until now, they’d both been loners by nature for the most part. Of course, Fire had hung out with Moondancer and the others at Canterlot. Celestia even seemed to value Twilight almost like a daughter. She wouldn’t be bad to have as another possible sister figure alongside Cadance. But Fire wasn’t entirely sure she’d be okay with that. It was just an idea as well. He still needed more time to figure it out, just like he did with Cadance. He’d even wanted to marry her when he was younger. Things could sure change, he’d just have to see.

An hour later, Fire raised his solid gold goblet encrusted with a ruby for a toast.

“To these past few weeks of hard work and prosperity in Ponyville as well as all of Equestria!” he said. “To the upcoming season of fall!”

“Oh, I can’t wait to see all the lovely orange leaves!” Maria said.

“That will mean a lot of raking though,” Grand Garden said.

“I’m gonna be running in the Running of the Leaves when it comes!” Hoofrunner said. “And I’m gonna get first place just like I did last year in Manehattan!”

“Good luck,” Silver Javelin said. “I’ll be entering too.”

“We all will,” Fire said. “I don’t expect to win since running isn’t something I do constantly but should be good for the day. Might help my endurance too.”

And so, he’d go running soon.

Chapter 17: Fall Weather Friends

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Fire Sword awoke on one of the last days of summer. Fall was almost here, just a couple days and they’d have the Running of the Leaves according to Mayor Mare. Here in Ponyville the ponies ran to knock the loose leaves off the ground. Not like in Canterlot which being a unicorn focused society used magic to grab multiple leaves off the handful of trees in the city and then create beautiful leaf sculptures around the city as well as piles that were left to decompose.

Fire was served breakfast and then donned his sheriff unicorn as well as putting a book in his saddlebag before flying out. He headed down to Sweet Apple Acres and saw Big Mactintosh.

“Hi Big Mac,” Fire greeted. “Doing good today?”

“Yep!” the red stallion said simply. He rarely said more than yep or nope. Fire could respect that. Someponies just never knew when to shut up.

“Good. Your sister around?”

“She’s over there with Rainbow Dash! We decided to take a couple days off once we finished rebuilding our home,” Big Mac said pointing.

“Thanks!” Fire said before beginning to head that direction.

Sure enough, he found Rainbow Dash and Applejack there. In front of them were a set of gold and silver colored horseshoes and a pair of wooden stakes serving as targets.

“Hi girls!” Fire greeted.

At that moment Rainbow threw her silver horseshoe with a grunt. It landed just a few inches away from the target.

“Whoo-hoo!” Rainbow exclaimed as she did a midair somersault before noticing him. “Oh hey Fire! Just in time to watch us have a little horseshoe throwing!”

“Okay,” Fire said.

“Howdy Fire,” Applejack greeted before turning back to the Pegasus. “Hoo-wee! Not a bad pitch for a pony who works with her head in the clouds.”

“Oh yeah? Think you can do better, cowgirl?” Rainbow asked in a taunting manner.

“I know I can!” Applejack stated.

She took her horseshoe (the golden one, apparently they both had different colors to tell which shoe belonged to who) in her mouth and threw it. But it landed just behind Rainbow Dash’s.

“Oh, for Pete's sake!” Applejack lamented.

Rainbow Dash laughed and put a hoof to her chest before flapping her wings and finally giving Applejack a playful thump on the head. “Heh! Looks like this Pegasus can pitch better than the workhorse. The object of the game is to get the closest to the stake.”

“All right, all right. You got another throw there, pony girl,” Applejack said.

She sent Rainbow Dash’s next piece up into the air and it landed on her nose by some stroke of luck. Rainbow frowned and tossed it with her face. That ended up being a bit too hard, it overshot the stake and crashed ahead. Fire had to suppress a giggle.

“Wow, Rainbow,” Applejack spoke in sarcastic praise. “You couldn't hit a barn door with that kind of a throw!”

“Yeah, yeah. I still have the closest throw, Applesmack,” Rainbow dismissed while passing the last gold painted horseshoe (as Fire doubted it was real gold). “Just try and beat it.”

Applejack took her horse and looked at the stake intensely. She then threw her shoe and it landed.

“Yee-haw!” the cowgirl pony flailed her hooves in triumph. “It's a ringer. That's how you do it down here on the farm!”

Rainbow Dash’s mouth fell open as she saw that and soon looked down. “I lost.”

“Ah, don't feel bad, Rainbow. It's all in good fun.” Applejack encouraged.

It didn’t help as Rainbow Dash said, “I hate losing.”

“Besides, you're a mighty good athlete. I'm just better.” Applejack then began to trot off.

“Gotta get back to work huh?” Fire asked.

“Nah, just enjoy myself,” Applejack said with a smile.

Rainbow Dash, however, flew after the other mare. “All right, Applejack, you think you're the top athlete in all of Ponyville?”

Applejack turned around and looked at Rainbow. “Well, I was gonna say in all of Equestria, but that might be gildin' the lily.”

She then brushed Rainbow with her tail. Fire could understand feeling proud of one’s ability, but literally rubbing it in somepony’s face. No thanks.

Rainbow Dash however, wasn’t done. “And I think I'm the top athlete. So, let's prove it.”

“Prove what?” Applejack asked.

“I challenge you to an Iron Pony competition.” Rainbow declared.

Applejack raised an eyebrow in confusion, so the Pegasus explained. “A series of athletic contests to decide who's the best, once and for all.”

Applejack was now intrigued. “You know what, Rainbow? You’re on.”

They both spit in their hooves and pressed them together.

“Eww,” Fire muttered with a frown.

They looked at him. “What’s the matter Fire? Don’t like a good hoofshake?”

“Oh, I like hoofshakes fine, but I could do without the spit,” he said. “See you guys later!”

He flew off to get his shift started.

“Make sure to watch our competition!” Applejack called after him before turning to Rainbow with a snigger. “He’s almost as neat as Rarity!”

“They are so meant for each other,” Rainbow agreed. “Least he doesn’t mind the occasional workout. Maybe we should include him a little.”

“Maybe. He understands that some things need practicality more than visual appeal!” Applejack said. “Now let’s get this competition underway!”

“You got it!”

They pressed their heads together, ready to see who was the best.

The next day, after the two athletes had come up with a plan, Fire was back in the orchards. Rainbow Dash was on the ground stretching. Twilight had come as well.

“So you two are doing what, now?” Twilight asked.

Applejack started to explain. “An Iron-

Rainbow Dash finished for her. “Iron Pony competition.”

“See, we've set up a bunch of events to decide which one of us is—

“The most athletic pony ever!” Rainbow Dash interrupted once again, causing the earth pony to roll her eyes.

It was kind of cute the way Rainbow knew what Applejack was gonna say. But then they had probably gone over this a couple times.

“And Fire and I are here to...?

Rainbow Dash continued stretching… “Eh… I don't know.” She shrugged. “Why are they here?”

Applejack maintained her annoyed expression as she said, “To be our judges and keep score.”

“Right, heh,” Rainbow nodded. “Somepony's gotta record my awesomeness for the history books.”

She then grunted and began doing push-ups.

Applejack then looked at Fire. “Unless you’d like to join us in competing Fire.”

Fire thought for a moment. “Maybe, could be fun.”

“Alright! Of course, I already know I’m faster than you!” Rainbow Dash said flexing her wings.

Fire smirked. “Maybe in the air, but let’s see about on the ground. My stamina might be a bit on the low side but I’m still pretty fast!”

“Bring it on!” Rainbow Dash said.

“Fine, prepare to be burned,” Fire replied.

They laughed and got to work. After a couple hours setting up the game field, Applejack and Rainbow Dash had a variety of challenges ready to test themselves and prove which was better. They put the last of the objects in place as Fire stood with Twilight on a hill.

Spike began speaking loudly from Twilight’s back, holding a stick up to his mouth like it was a microphone. “Hello everypony, and welcome to the first annual Iron Pony competition!”

“Uh, Spike,” Twilight looked at him in confusion. “Who are you talking to?”

Spike looked around, feeling a little embarrassed before pointing. “Um... uh, them!”

They looked and saw Rarity, Pinkie and Fluttershy arriving in their own ways. Rarity walked beautifully, Pinkie bounced, and Fluttershy flew softly.

“Let the games begin!” Spike shouted as he got on top of Twilight’s head.

Everypony then cheered except for Twilight and Fire. The former formed an annoyed expression. Fire took the baby dragon in his magic and lowered him back onto Twilight’s back.

“I don’t think Twilight likes you jumping on her head Spike,” Fire told him.

“Oh, sorry Twi,” Spike said.

Twilight took a breath to calm herself then formed a light smile.

“Well let’s get this underway.”

The first competition was a barrel race where the two mares and Fire had to run a course that was lined with barrels they needed to avoid. Fire, Applejack, and Rainbow walked next to the starting line where Twilight waited.

“Well, mares first,” Fire held out his hoof. “This is your competition after all.”

“Thank you kindly, Fire,” Appeljack said walking forward to the start. “And no need to feel bad if you ain’t as good as us at this.”

Fire nodded. “I’m just gonna have a little fun for a while”

“That’s the spirit! Show your burning passion!” Pinkie cried at the top of her lungs from nearby.

“Good luck Prince Fire!” Rarity called.

“Do your best,” Fluttershy added softly to which they just barely heard.

Spike prepared a timer as Twilight counted down.

“Ready. Set. Go!”

Applejack ran forward with incredible speed, causing Twilight’s tail and mane to blow from a moment of wind. She zigzagged past the barrels smoothly until one of them caught her off-guard, she tried to dodge it but ran just slightly into it.

She looked back at the barrel and somehow without looking dodge the few remaining before crossing the finish line and making her way back.

“Time, Spike?” Twilight asked.

Spike looked at his timer. “Seventeen seconds.”

“You're kiddin’!” Applejack exclaimed as she stopped next to Rainbow Dash whose mouth was open in amazement. “That breaks my record from last year's rodeo.”

“But you got a five second penalty for nudging the barrel,” Spike told her.

Applejack sighed and kicked a rock on the ground in front of her. “Nuts and chews! Still, that's twenty-two seconds. Not too shabby.”

She then looked at Rainbow Dash and noticed the Pegasus was sweating. “Hey, don't be nervous. Remember, it's all in good fun.”

She bumped Rainbow with her elbow, and the Pegasus flapped her wings out of reflex.

“Yeah,” Fire said. “Just focus on the fun. Even if you lose no big deal.”

“To you maybe, but I hate losing,” Rainbow Dash said.

“I don’t think any of us love it,” Fire told her. “But we gotta accept when we’re beaten. No matter how good you are there can always be somepony better.”

“That’s right! Now git on up there,” Applejack encouraged.

Rainbow Dash flew a few feet to the starting line.

“Ready. Set. Go!” Twilight said once again.

The Pegasus ran on her hooves. Her rainbow-colored mane left a streak behind her. Unlike Applejack she managed to get through without even nudging a single barrel.

Applejack flailed her hooves. “Woo! That was some fancy hoofwork there, Rainbow!”

Rainbow Dash panted a bit as she flew back to them. “Thanks, but I couldn't have been as fast as you.”

Applejack then turned to their time keeper. “What was the time on that, Spike?

“Eighteen seconds!” Spike exclaimed.

Applejack gasped and looked at her friend. “Eighteen seconds. Rainbow, are you sure you're not secretly a rodeo pony?”

Twilight then looked at Fire. “Well, we still have to let Fire have a turn.”

Fire nodded and got in front of the starting line.

“Ready, set, go!” Twilight said for a third time.

Fire ran through the course, dodging the barrels as he did so, zigzagging back and forth.

“Go Fire!” Rarity cheered out.

Fire looked at her, feeling his cheeks light up as she cheered for him. Then her happy expression turned to one of concern.

“Look out for the-“

Fire turned his attention back in front of him just in time. He saw spotted the same barrel that Applejack had nudged. He jumped, using his wings to provide just a little air to fly over the top and even avoiding the flowers inside.

Rarity sighed in relief as she saw him leap over the barrel to make it to the finish.

“Oh, he flies with such grace,” she said putting a hoof to her heart as her cheeks lit up.

“Yes,” Fluttershy agreed. “You like him, don’t you?”

Rarity nodded. “Yes, I do.”

“Then why don’t you ask him to go out with you?”

Rarity sighed. “He’s going to be dating Moondancer at the gala. Besides I have my sights set on another prince!”

“But do you even know Blueblood?” Fluttershy asked. “Fire seems like a great young stallion. He’s strong, brave, protective, kind, caring, and loves animals.”

“You’re right on all accounts my dear,” Rarity agreed. “But Blueblood is the most sophisticated stallion in all of Canterlot! I’m sure I’ll be happy with him.”

“Oh well, if you say so,” Fluttershy said.

“Just don’t tell Fire!” Rarity requested. “I wouldn’t want him to leave Moondancer cause of me.”

Though that might have been a lie. If he asked her, she’d be his. She just wanted him to be happy.

“How was my time?” Fire asked as he rejoined the others that were competing or tracking.

"Twenty seconds!” Spike said.

“Not bad for someone who claims not to be an athlete,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Well, I am a warrior,” Fire grinned. “And a spellcaster. Guess I’m a balance of both you two and Twilight.”

Twilight smiled. “Yeah, and Rainbow Dash wins the barrel lead!”

She raised Rainbow’s hoof.

Fluttershy flew over from where she stood with Rarity and added a point to the board, they were using to keep score. Pictures of an Earth Pony, Pegasus, and Alicorn were drawn on for each of the competitors.

Rainbow Dash put her hooves to her face. “Oh, I can't believe I won!”

“Yeah, well, don't you go gettin' used to it,” Applejack said as she pushed the constantly flying Pegasus on to the ground.

They moved onto other competitions. Next was a bell hitting competition where they had to hit a dong for a bell. As they did so however, a few other ponies began to arrive and watch the competition. Fire recognized one of them.

“Oh, hey Lyra,” he greeted. “What are you doing here?”

“We heard there was a big competition going on here and wanted to check it out,” the green unicorn said.

They’d arrived just in time. First up was Rainbow Dash. She kicked the dong with her hind legs, causing the weight to go up and hit the bell at the top. It rung and the spectators cheered and threw flowers or horseshoes.

“Mighty respectable,” Applejack said before spitting and getting up from where she was sitting. “But let me show ya how it's really done.”

She then hit the target with all her might and it moved with such force that it absolutely destroyed the top and went flying into the sky with a loud ring.

That caused Rainbow Dash’s mouth to fall open while the ponies cheered.

“Years of applebuckin,” said Applejack as she bucked a tree and made a cluster of apples fall down and hit Rainbow who didn’t respond.

“Guess that keeps me from competing,” Fire said with a slight frown.

“Oh, whoops,” Applejack said. “Sorry Fire. How about an applebuck instead? If you can get more apples out then I did you get this one.”

“Okay,” Fire accepted.

He went to a nearby tree and hit it with all his might. Apples fell and Twilight levitated both piles and counted them up.

“Okay, Appejack has seven apples and Fire has… eight!”

Fire grinned as Fluttershy added a point to the alicorn slot.

“Aww dangnabit!” Appeljack exclaimed.

“Hey, you still did better than Rainbow Dash,” Fire encouraged.

Applejack smiled. “Yeah, guess that is the whole point of this competition. You might be the golden pony being a prince but I’ll still make iron!”

Applejack’s family soon joined the audience in the stands nearby. The next event was a bronco-buck where the two mares would try and throw somepony (or in this case, somedragon) off their backs.

“Why me?” Spike asked as he sat on Applejack’s back wearing a white hat.

“Poor Spike,” Fire said next to Rarity.

“Oh, he’ll be fine,” she said. “He’s tough for a baby dragon. Just like you’re a tough prince. Perhaps that should be your title, Prince of Toughness.”

Fire chuckled. “Not bad but I think that needs a little work.”

“Go!” Twilight announced.

Applejack began to jump as Spike hung on to her tail.

“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa-hoa! Whoa!” Spike exclaimed as he was thrown back and forth.

Finally, Applejack managed to throw him off and he went flying upwards. “Whoaaa!” Fortunately, he landed in a pile of hay.

“Ouch.” He said as he emerged.

Rainbow Dash suddenly appeared from the hay with Spike already on her back. Had she been in there expecting him to land on her? “Ready for another pony ride?”

“No!” Spike said nervously.

“Go!” Twilight said once again, paying poor Spike no mind.

Fire scoffed as he saw Rainbow jump up and down rapidly while Spike once again struggled to hang on.

“I really think we need to find somepony else to throw around. Spike doesn’t need to-“

Spike suddenly went flying with a shout. Fire flapped his wings and took off after the baby dragon. He made it just in time to catch Spike before he could hit the score board.

“Phew, thanks Fire!” Spike said gratefully.

“Well, you’re gonna have to take one more,” Fire told him as he put the dragon on his back.

“Oh great,” Spike lamented.

Fire landed on the ground and began jumping as well, eventually managing to throw him off. Spike yelled in fright as he went straight up, only to stop as Fire wrapped him in a red aura.

“Thanks… again,” Spike said.

“Good one Fire, but I’m afraid Rainbow Dash wins the bronco-buck!” Twilight announced.

“Next, lasso contest!” Twilight said. “Spike, if you wouldn’t mind letting them use lassos on you?”

Spike clenched his teeth while Fire sighed and looked at Twilight. “Hey, I know he’s your assistant but isn’t having him be a practice dummy for these two a bit much? He could have been thrown much farther and gotten hurt!”

Twilight looked at him. “Hmm, you might be right, Fire.”

She then turned the audience. “Any volunteers to be used as our guinea pony in the next event?”

“Oh, heavens no!” Rarity said. “I don’t wish to be lassoed up and fall down in the mud!”

“I’ll go,” a voice said.

Grand Garden stepped forward, giving a smile to Applejack.

“Well howdy! You’re Fire’s gardener if I recall!” the Earth Pony said.

“Yeah,” Grand said.

They began the lasso contest. Applejack performed several impressive maneuvers with her lasso while Rainbow Dash clumsily spun it over her head. The pegasus obviously had no experience in using a lasso, Fire knew how it could be difficult to get used to something new. He didn’t fare much better himself and overshot Grand. Applejack, however, got her lasso around the stallion’s neck and brought him closer to her. His green cheeks turned red.

“Thank you kindly Grand,” Applejack said as her face was mere inches from his.

“You’re welcome, Applejack,” he said.

“Glad I’m not being roped into that,” Spike said next to Fluttershy and Rarity.
Rainbow Dash meanwhile, only managed to tie herself to a tree.

“Does this count?” she asked to which they obviously told her no.

That one went to Applejack. More games went by, a ball toss contest to see who could bounce their ball the longest (Rainbow won that one), hay throwing (which Applejack won), hoof wrestling (Fire managed to just barely overcome Rainbow Dash), and more. For the first few matches it looked like the mares were evenly matched as first Rainbow Dash won the ball tossing, then Applejack claimed a win in hay throwing, and so on. Fluttershy kept the score on the board, and the amount of cheering spectators grew even more.

“Fillies and gentlecolts!” Spike announced after the first ten contests. “At the halfway point, the one in the lead is Applejack!”

Twilight looked at him. “Who are you talking to?”

“Them!” Spike pointed.

Twilight was surprised as she suddenly noticed just how many ponies had started watching the competition.

Next came a push up contest. Fire’s forelegs soon got sore, but he managed to push himself to do almost seventy before he collapsed. Fire got up and looked at the two mares who were still doing their push-ups. Rarity then approached him.

“I thought you did wonderful Fire,” she said with a smile. “I’d give you a hug to congratulate you for doing your best but… you're kind of… uh…”

She gestured to his body which was covered in sweat.

“That’s okay,” Fire said. “It’s the thought that counts.”

They watched as the mares continued.

“Ninety-five, ninety-six,” Twilight continued counting. “Ninety-seven, ninety-eight, ninety-nine...

Applejack stalled while Rainbow Dash gave a flap of her wings and propelled her upper body up.

“A hundred!” Twilight concluded gesturing to Rainbow Dash.

“Yes!” the Pegasus exclaimed.

Applejack sighed and muttered to herself. “Be a good sport, Applejack.”

Fire smiled as he approached her. “Well this was fun, but Rainbow Dash challenged you to an Iron Pony Competition not me.”

Applejack grinned. “Yeah I thought maybe it could liven things up to have you along. Its fine, Fire. I had fun too. Now to settle this with Rainbow!”

The competition began to turn from there. Rainbow Dash’s wings came in handy for the next ten events and she won each of the following contests. First, she gave a little flap to jump farther then Applejack could on a leaping contest. Then she used them to shield some chicks she was carrying over mud from getting dirty. Fire frowned as he saw this.

“Hey, Twilight?” Fire asked.

“Yes?” she asked looking at him.

“Isn’t it kind of unfair for Rainbow Dash to use her wings?”

Twilight looked. “Well, they didn’t say anything about not using wings. And Rainbow Dash is primarily a flying athlete while Applejack is ground bound. Plus, Applejack has greater strength as an Earth Pony so they both have their perks.

Fire nodded, recalling how Applejack’s strength had been a key factor in the earlier rounds. But as the contests continued, Rainbow kept using her wings in various ways and kept getting victory after victory. The games had gone from evenly matched to one sided. Rainbow won the next ten rounds in a row.

“Whoo-hoo!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she put the number on the board instead of Fluttershy. “I win by a landslide!”

She then looked at Applejack who was covered in mud after letting go of the rope they’d been tugging back and forth. “Or mudslide in your case.”

She then flew up high and two Pegasi held a rainbow banner against the sun. “I am the Iron Pony!” Rainbow Dash shouted.
However, Applejack didn’t’ accept it. “Only 'cause you cheated!”

“What?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed before flying back down to her opponent.

“You used your wingpower to help you win over half those contests!” Applejack accused.

“Sounds like sour apples to me,” Rainbow dismissed.

“Are you sayin' you didn't use your wings?” Applejack asked.

“Well... no.” Rainbow stammered. “But you never said I couldn't use my wings.

“I didn't think I needed to tell you to play fair.”

“Hey, girls!” Fire stepped forward. “You didn’t set any rules for there being no wings allowed or not. Besides, Applejack has greater strength then you do Rainbow Dash!”

“Uh, not true! I beat her at hoof wrestling!” Rainbow reminded him. “Then you beat me!”

“Oh yeah. Guess she’s got you beat when it comes to hind legs though,” Fire said as he recalled most of Applejack’s strength triumphs had been with her back legs.

“I still would have won even without my wings,” Rainbow challenged.

“Hah! Prove it.” Applejack challenged.

“Gladly. How?” Rainbow accepted.

“Tomorrow is the annual Runnin' of the Leaves. I challenge you to race me in it,” Applejack said.

“Heh! Easy shmeasy,” Rainbow accepted as she slowly flew away.

Applejack however, pulled her down to the ground and pinned her by her tail. “Hold on! There is one condition. The point is to run, so no wings allowed.”

“No wings?” Rainbow bucked Applejack off her tail. “No problem.”

They both spat into their hooves and shook on it.

“Eww!” Fire said while also hearing another the same word come from next to him.

He looked and saw Rarity forming a disgusted face. She must have noticed he said the same word next to her as well because she looked in his direction. They giggled and looked away from each other back at the two competitors as the two chuckled.

“Tomorrow then!” Applejack said.

“See ya!” Rainbow Dash flew off.

It was getting close to sunset.

Fire then looked at Rarity. “Shall I walk you home, Rarity?”

She smiled and nodded. “Thank you, Fire. But I don’t think we should forget the others.”

She was right. They gathered most of the others, namely Twilight, Spike, Pinkie, and Fluttershy. Even though Fire’s home was nearby he wanted to make sure everypony got home safely. Chances of anything happening in peaceful little Ponyville were slim but best to be sure.

“So, are you girls going to the race tomorrow?” Fire asked as he led them.

“Certainly not!” Rarity said. “I don’t care to get myself sweaty! But I will be handing out the medals so I’ll be able to see you! Besides, fall is simply lovely with all the brightly colored leaves.”

“I don’t much like the idea of being in front of everypony,” Fluttershy said. “I’m sure they’ll judge me for being slow or weak. I probably wouldn’t help get any leaves off with my light running. But I will be there to help Rarity pass out the rewards.”

Fire put a hoof on her. “That’s okay. If you two don’t want to its fine.”

“I’ll be entering,” Twilight said.

“Really?” Fire asked, surprised.

“Yeah, just thought I’d have a little fun and see if I can replicate something about running I read,” Twilight said. “I probably won’t win but it never hurts to try new things. I thought friendship was a waste of time after all and ended up being wrong about that.”

“Well good luck,” Fire said. “See you tomorrow.”

He headed to Warm Heart Tower and retired for the night after a fine meal.

The next day Fire and his guards headed into town with Hoofrunner being particularly eager. All of the guards had forgone their armor for today.

“I’m so ready to win this!” Hoofrunner said before looking at Fire. “Hope you don’t expect me to let you win?”

“Not at all,” Fire replied. “I mean I have skill, speed, and strength but not the best endurance. I’ll probably be panting pretty soon.”

“See you at the finish line then,” Hoof said with a smirk.

They soon arrived and Fire saw Twilight in town with Spike on her back as usual.

“Twilight, hurry up, we're gonna be late for the race,” the baby dragon said.

“Why are you so excited about the race?” Twilight asked looking at him. “It's only for ponies.”

“Yeah, but-

“Hey Twilight!” Fire greeted as he approached.

“Ah!” she exclaimed as she heard him. “Oh, you surprised me there, Fire! Morning. Now you were saying Spike?”

She turned back to the baby dragon on her back who resumed where he’d left off. “I’m hoping I can be the announcer again. Just listen!” He held a stick up to his mouth as though it were a microphone. “Fillies and gentlecolts, welcome to the annual Running of the-“

But suddenly he was interrupted again by a loud and familiar voice from above.

“Welcome to the annual Running of the Leaves!”

They looked up to see Pinkie Pie in a hot air balloon with a microphone attached to it.

“This is Pinkie Pie, your official p-eye-in-the-sky announcer!” she announced.

Spike frowned and threw away the stick he’d been speaking into away.

“Sorry, Spike. I guess that job's already taken,” Twilight said looking at him before turning to Fire. “I’m surprised Mayor Mare didn’t ask you to be the announcer.”

Fire shrugged. “Pinkie’s probably done it before. I’m not complaining. Wanted to run anyway.”

“As everypony knows, the Running is a very important tradition,” Pinkie continued speaking on her microphone as she flew over the trees surrounding Ponyville. “For without it, the autumn leaves of Equestria would never fall. So get ready, ponies. The Running of the Leaves will begin in five minutes.”

Fire made his way to the starting line with his guards. As he did so, he spotted Rarity on the sidelines with Fluttershy.

“Good luck Prince Fire!” she called with a wave.

“Thanks Rarity!” Fire waved back.

Fluttershy also waved and spoke something softly that Fire didn’t hear. He soon stood at the starting line with his guards, Applejack, and the other participants. Among them he spotted Bon-Bon (or as he knew her real name, Sweetie Drops).

“Hey Bon-Bon!” Fire waved, remembering to keep the former agent’s identity a secret.

She stretched and looked at him before bowing with a smile. “Greetings your highness.”

“Decided to get back into the game, eh?” he asked playfully with a wink.

“I guess,” she nodded. “Always like to keep myself in shape even if I’m not in the same occupation as I used to be.”

Fire nodded. “Good luck.”

He looked around and saw Applejack stretching nearby. Seemed Rainbow Dash hadn’t arrived ye-

“Pardon me, excuse me!”

Think of the pony and there she was coming through past a couple other ponies. One of which was a familiar gray mare with crossed eyes. “Make way for the Iron Pony!”

“The Iron Phony, you mean,” Applejack said as her friend and main rival lately stood beside her.

Rainbow immediately began to taunt her and flapped her wings. “So, Applejack, you ready to win second place?”

“I'm ready to run a good, clean race.” The cowpony stated.

“Yeah, yeah.” Rainbow Dash landed on the ground.

“You are not allowed to use your wings!” Applejack reminded her pointing to them.

Rainbow Dash merely scoffed. “I could win this race with both wings tied behind my back.”

Applejack smirked and took her up on that, tying her wings to her back, literally.

“Trussed up like a turkey. Well, a turkey who can't fly, that is.” She said when she was done.

“Very funny,” Rainbow said, her pride a little wounded.

“'Least now we know we're racin' fair and square,” Applejack said before looking at Fire. “You don’t plan on using your wings do ya?”

Fire shook his head. “Rainbow Dash is the one that’s always flying.

A trumpet sounded and Pinkie began announcing again.

“Racers! Please take your positions!”

Fire saw Spike go over (or under) her balloon and soon he was climbing up in with her. The gears clicked in Fire’s head. Spike had been hoping to be the announcer and he must have asked to do it with Pinkie. Applejack, Rainbow, and Fire all prepared themselves before they were joined by somepony else.

“Twilight?” Applejack spoke in surprise as they saw their studious unicorn friend stand beside them. “What in tarnation are you doin' up here?”

“I'm racing,” Twilight told them.

Rainbow Dash laughed. “Good one, Twilight!”

“I'm not joking,” Twilight told them.

Rainbow Dash was bewildered. “What? You're not an athlete, you're a... well... you're an egghead.”

Twilight frowned. “I am not an egghead, I am well-read.

“Egghead,” Rainbow whispered looking behind her at Applejack who snickered in amusement.

“But have you ever run a race?” the cowpony asked.

“Well, no, but I do know a lot about running,” Twilight said.

“And you know this from?” Rainbow asked.

“Let me guess, books?” Fire wondered aloud.

“Yeah! I've read several on the subject,” Twilight confirmed.

“What'd you read, "The Egghead's Guide to Running?” Rainbow continued taunting.

“Hey, leave her alone!” Fire scolded. “I’m probably not gonna do the best here either. But I’m willing to put myself out here! You two will probably beat me for sure with my lack of stamina! But I’m not gonna let that stop me! You just do your best Twilight. I know I said once that books can only take you so far, but let’s see how far they take you this time!”

“Thank you, Fire,” Twilight said gratefully. “You know, I’m sure there’s a spell that could help with your stamina if you ever need it.”

“Maybe, but we don’t have time for that now,” Fire said.

Though now that he thought of it, there was a spell he might like to use.

“You’re right. The Running of the Leaves is a Ponyville tradition, and since I'm here to learn, I've decided I should experience it myself,” Twilight said.

“Well, I think that's just dandy, Twilight,” Applejack replied. “Good luck.”

From her following snigger, however, she felt that Twilight would need it.

“Yeah. See you at the finish line... tomorrow.” Rainbow Dash continued to taunt.

“Okay you guys asking for a little trouble?” Fire asked in irritation, his mane flickering. “Cause one more taunt against Twilight and I’ll cast a spell to freeze you both in place!”

“Geez Fire cool down!” Rainbow Dash said, though not without sweating a bit in fear. “We’re just having fun.”

“I don’t think Twilight appreciates that,” Fire said.

Before they could argue further, Pinkie announced the beginning of the race.

“All right, ponies, are you ready?”

Spike joined as well. “Get set.”

The bell rang… signaling go without the word being spoken.

“And they're off!” Pinkie announced as everypony began to run while still hearing the announcements above them as Pinkie’s balloon followed. “Welcome to the official coverage of the Running of the Leaves! You know, Spike, despite its name, the leaves don't do any of the actual running. No, that's left to my little ponies.”

“Why, yes, Pinkie, it's the running of the ponies that causes the leaves to fall,” Spike said in his microphone above them.

“Ugh. Those lazy, lazy leaves,” Pinkie said as the running began to shake the trees and the orange leaves on them fell. “But this year, the run is about more than the weather. It's about the race to the finish and the two runners who want to win it. Applejack and Rainbow Dash.”

Those two were currently in the lead, with Fire close behind. He breathed in and out to try and replenish his energy, for now he was okay, but much longer and he would have to slow down. Ah well.

“We are also honored to have a royal running as well this year, and he’s starting out pretty hot! Fitting since his name is hot too!”

“And don’t forget sharp!” Spike added.

Fire continued through the woods filled with orange leaves that were a similar shade to part of his mane. He managed to get ahead of a fair number of the ponies, but soon Hoofrunner ran past him.

“See you at the finishing line your highness!” the athletic guard said.

Fire sighed. Even as fast as he was, there could still ponies that were faster. He continued however, but soon began to feel winded and had to slow down. This in turn caused many slower, but more energetic ponies to bypass him.

“I need to really work on this endurance issue,” Fire lamented as he slowed to his preferred pace of a walk.

If he flew, he could easily overcome them, that was his preferred method of speed, but he couldn’t do that right now. Applejack had made it clear there wasn’t to be any flying. Looking ahead though, he was soon met with a large path of orange leaves covering the road.

“Ooh, pretty,” Fire said. “I bet Rarity would like to see these at a nice calm walk. She loves pretty things after all.”

Maybe he could ask her to walk with him after this was done. That wouldn’t be too sweat producing after all. Fire continued through, letting himself recharge before he began again. Then he suddenly spotted something. Applejack up ahead. She’d apparently fallen and all the ponies passed her. Fire spotted a rock nearby and guess that was the cause.

“Whoa! I don't believe it,” Applejack said.

“I know, it's beautiful, isn't it?” Twilight asked, suddenly appearing next to Fire. She must have just caught up with a light trot.

“Not the scenery, Twilight. Rainbow Dash just tripped me!” Applejack told her.

“She did not!” Twilight said.

“She did too!” pressed Applejack.

“She did not,” Fire said. “You probably tripped over that rock there!”

He pointed.

“Yeah, you should really slow down and watch where you’re going like me!” Twilight said.

“Sometimes slow and steady wins the race!” Fire agreed.

“Well not this time!” Applejack said. “I got a lot of ground to make up to catch Rainbow. And I need to be quick!”

She galloped off to catch up with all the other racers and Rainbow.

“Just be careful!” Twilight called.

Fire trotted with her. “Well, glad to have somepony to talk to while I recover my stamina.”

“Yeah, so have you read any good books lately?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, a book on advanced sword techniques!” Fire said. “I always had a fascination with blades ever since I was a colt.”

“Hmm, I never really had an interest in that but maybe I should give it a try,” Twilight said. “Magic has always been my primary focus.”

“I know,” Fire said. “But reading is one thing, applying it is another.”

“Maybe so,” Twilight admitted. “But books can help. They do take us so far after all.”

Fire chuckled. “Yep, and we got go the rest of the way with action.”

They continued forward, admiring the scenery and talking.

“You know, you’re great to have around Twilight,” Fire said. “We have a lot in common you know.”

“Yeah, we both like books, are smart, and talented in magic,” Twilight agreed. “We even spent most of our time alone. Though you made more effort into friendship then I did.”

Fire nodded then asked, “You miss your family back in Canterlot?”

She nodded back. “My brother especially. And my parents too.”

“I feel that,” Fire said. “I miss my mom, and my sister.”

“Sister?” Twilight questioned. “I didn’t know you had a sister!”

“Well, she’s technically my cousin,” Fire said. “But I grew to see her as a sister. Princess Cadance.”

“Oh yeah! I remember her!” Twilight beamed. “She was my foalsitter when I was young.”

“I know,” Fire said. “We both got foalsat together once by her remember? You both did that weird nursery rhyme thing!”

“Hey it wasn’t weird!” Twilight frowned. “It was our routine and secret hoofshake so to speak. We did it every time we saw each other.”

“Uh, sorry,” Fire said. There was a moment of silence and he blushed. “You know, me and her used to have our own little way of greeting each other.”

“What was that?” Twilight questioned.

Fire turned a bit redder. “We kissed each other on the cheek and called each other our perfect prince or princess sibling.”

“Aww!” Twilight awed. “That’s so sweet.”

Fire chuckled. “Yeah, with a mare like Cadance as a sister figure I had no complaints.”

He again thought back to how similar they were and his feelings toward Twilight. Not the romantic kind of course, like with Rarity. But whenever he sometimes wished he had Cadance with him, she seemed to be able to fill in the void somehow.
Before either of them could saw something else they stumbled upon Rainbow Dash who appeared to have tripped just like Applejack earlier.

“I don't believe it, Applejack tripped me,” the Pegasus exclaimed.

Twilight frowned. “Don't you ponies ever look where you're going? You tripped on a stump. See?”

Unlike Applejack however, Rainbow Dash didn’t believe them. “Oh, I see. A big cheater is what I see.

Twilight walked up to her. “Rainbow, Applejack would never cheat. It was just an accident.”

“Sure it was,” Rainbow Dash said in disbelief.

Twilight glared at her and Fire gave a similar expression that actually scared the Pegasus a little. “I mean, yeah, I'm sure it was.” Rainbow spoke in a more submissive tone with her ears falling.

Twilight then continued forward. “Remember, Rainbow, this is just a game.”

Fire followed her. She and him had had the same reactions back there and glared at Rainbow simultaneously.

“We’re kind of like two peas in a pod here,” Fire said aloud.

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

“Well, we both gave her the same stare down just now,” Fire elaborated.

“Huh, I guess we did,” Twilight said with a giggle. “You know that’s funny. I sometimes felt that way about my brother and I!”

Fire chuckled. “Oh really?”

Suddenly Rainbow Dash ran past them. But Fire didn’t care, he was having a good time talking with Twilight.

“Yeah, we’d do everything together!” she continued. “Before I saw how important friendship was, he and Spike were the only ones I really considered friends. Cadance too but I hadn’t seen her in years.”

Fire nodded then looked down sadly. “I may have made an effort to make friends, but there were times when I just felt so different. Because I was one of only three alicorns in Equestria since Aunt Luna was trapped in the moon. It just felt like I was… alone at times. I was the only alicorn colt… or stallion now… in all Equestria.”

“You’re not alone Fire,” Twilight assured him. “None of us maybe alicorns, or stallions but we are your friends.”

“Thanks Twilight,” Fire said.

“Any time,” Twilight said as she gave him a one-legged hug.

Fire grinned. “You’ve certainly come a long way from the asocial mare I knew up to the recent Summer Sun Celebration.”

“I had you and the others to open up my eyes,” Twilight said. “Now I feel like I’m learning so much. I’m doing things I never thought I would before, like this race!”

“Yeah, and… Wait! This race! Aah! I’ve been so busy talking to you I forgot to start running!” Fire exclaimed.

He took off at top speed, his stamina having returned to full.

“Hey wait!” Twilight called.

“Sorry, can’t!” Fire yelled over his shoulder. “I may not expect to win this race, but I’m not gonna come in last place! You better pick up the pace if you don’t to be that!”

He soon managed to catch up with the other racers and caught a glimpse of what looked Rainbow Dash on the side. But it couldn’t be. She should be up in the lead with Applejack and maybe Hoofrunner. Fire spotted his guards among them with Hoofrunner at the front of the group. They continued forward, and Fire managed to keep his pace steady. But then he was surprised when Rainbow suddenly came running past him from behind at top speed.

She dashed ahead and Fire asked, “Hey! How’d you get behind me? You should be in the lead runners!”

“Yeah, I should!” was all she said.

Fire continued on with most of the others. Soon the other ponies noticed him.

“Oh wow! We’re actually running with royalty!” a mare exclaimed.

“Maybe we can impress him if we win!” another suggested.

Fire blocked them out. Then after a while he was out of breath once again and slowed down in time to see Rainbow Dash… stuck. Her hooves had been caught in a stick brown substance.

“Hey what happened?” Fire asked as he stopped.

“Applejack!” she told him. “She cheated!”

“She wouldn’t…”

“I saw her buck a beehive down already with my own eyes! She’ll do anything to win and so will I!” Rainbow declared as she struggled to walk forward.

The substance pulled her back far, then sudden it propelled her forward like a sling shot by some stroke of luck in her favor. She flew ahead, the substance connecting her legs to the ground breaking from the force and she vanished.

Seemed they had both lost their fairness in this race. Fire sighed and continued forward. He probably wouldn’t make to first place unless…

“Hmm, that could help,” Fire muttered to himself as the idea occurred. “I’m already pretty fast. This might earn me third or fourth place by now. Better wait till I’m back at full energy again.”

He did so, trotting lightly at first and then when his fatigue was just about gone, he lit up his horn. Applejack had said no wings, but she didn’t say anything about horns!

Fire’s red magic spread over his body, filling his hooves with energy and his speed increased by twice as much. He grinned as he almost flew forward on land. He almost felt like he left a brief fire trail behind him. He passed the other racers, and soon saw the finish line after that. Hoof Runner was almost there! But strangely, no sign of Applejack and Rainbow Dash.
Hoof passed the line as Fire with his magic enhanced speed came in as well.

“First and Second!” Mayor Mare exclaimed as she approached with Rarity and Fluttershy at her side.

The two mares grabbed a pair of medals each bearing a number and color. Fire’s was silver with a number two while Hoofrunner’s was gold with a one. Fluttershy made to grab Number Two but Rarity took it with her magic first. She then walked over to Fire.

“Congratulations your highness!” Rarity said with a smile as she put the medal around his neck. “I knew you’d do wonderful! And you actually thought you wouldn’t!”

“Well, guess I’m fast enough to make up for it, with a little magic,” Fire said. “I still ran all the way so it doesn’t really count as cheating, right?”

Hoofrunner frowned. “Hey! I came in first! Shouldn’t I get my first-place medal first?”

“Right here!” Fluttershy said as she used her hooves to put it around his neck.

They waited, Fire was sure that Rainbow and Applejack would be there soon. But they weren’t, several other ponies came and got the next few medals including…

“Twilight?” Fire said in astonishment as she came sprinting to the finish line.

“Seventh Place!” Mayor Mare announced for Twilight.

“Wow!” Twilight said as Rarity gave her her seventh-place medal. “Not bad for a first-time runner!”

Fire watched as the remaining three medals were claimed. But still no sign of the main competitors.

“Where are those two?” he asked.

“I saw them just before I started sprinting,” Twilight said. “They’ve really been horsing around this whole time trying to outdo each other.”

Recalling seeing Rainbow trapped, Fire had to agree. They must have gotten caught up in that. Finally, the last two ponies came, and it was them. They were horsing around alright, knocking into each other, biting each other’s tails and pulling the other back, Applejack even bit into the rope around Rainbow’s wings, freeing them. Rainbow seized on the opportunity to try and fly but Applejack leapt onto her and they both rolled over the finish line together. All the while Pinkie Pie announced their scuffle from above.

“I won!” Rainbow Dash said as she got up, now looking very scruffy from the rolling on the ground.

“No, I won!” Applejack objected.

“I won!” Rainbow shouted.

“You tied!” Spike said from above.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash looked at him in shock “Tied?!”

“For first?” Applejack asked.

“For last!” Pinkie told them.

“Last?!” Applejack exclaimed.

“Then who won?” Rainbow asked.

“Hoofrunner!” Fire said. “My fastest guard. I meanwhile got lucky enough to second place with a little magic speed boosting. You only said no wings Applejack, you didn’t say magic.”

“And I got seventh place!” Twilight said joining his side and showing them her own medal. “Which is rather good considering I've never run a race before.”

That shocked Appejack even more. “What? How's that even possible?”

“You ran so slow,” Rainbow Dash said. “And looked at the scenery.”

“Exactly,” Twilight said. “I paced myself, just like my book said. Then at the end, when all the other ponies were worn out…

She looked over to where a group of them were panting. “I sprinted to the finish.”

Twilight then looked at Fire. “Hey, would you mind showing me that speed boosting spell? I don’t think I’ve learned that one yet!”

“Sure Twilight,” Fire said with a smile as he put a wing around her. “You and me my fellow magic specialist!”

She returned the gesture by pressing her neck against his. He was a bit taller than her and the others, he could definitely look the part of her big brother. Though he probably wasn’t as big as her real brother. Last he’d seen Cadance, he was still a couple inches shorter than her.

Neither of them noticed Rarity frown behind them.

“Oh, get ahold of yourself Rarity,” she told herself. “It's probably just a friendly gesture.”
Rainbow Dash, however was in disbelief as she turned to Applejack. “I don’t believe it! Fire is one thing since he’s a bit athletic, but Twilight beat us!”

“Well, with all your horsing around, it was quite easy,” Twilight told them.

“Yeah, seems your reading on running actually worked,” Fire said. “Sometimes books can take you all the way I guess!”

“And you're right, Twilight,” Applejack said. “Our behavior was just terrible.”

Rainbow Dash looked down. “We weren't very good sports.”

“Sounds to me that an important lesson was learned,” a familiar regal voice said and the ponies behind them bowed low as she approached.

They all looked and saw her in surprise. The tall white alicorn that towered over all but a select few ponies in size. She spread her wings wide, making herself look all the more impressive.

“Princess Celestia?!” Applejack and Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Mom!” Fire said in surprise before flying over and hugging her while the mares bowed as well.

“Well done my son,” Celestia congratulated him as she returned the hug before turning to her student. “And you Twilight.”

“Thank you, Princess,” Twilight said.

“W-What are you doin' here?” Applejack stammered.

“Let me guess,” Fire said. “You wanted to see the Running of the Leaves since fall is one of your favorite seasons.”

“You know me well Fire,” Celestia said.

“I'm sorry you had to see us being such poor sports, Princess.” Applejack apologized.

“That's all right, Applejack,” Celestia said. “Anypony can get swept up in the excitement of competition.”

“Even you Mom?” Fire asked.

“I’ve… been there once or twice,” Celestia said.

“It's important to remember that the friendship is always more important than the competition.” Twilight added.

“Exactly, Twilight,” Celestia agreed before pointing back behind them. “Now, unfortunately, because the two of you were busy tricking each other instead of shaking down leaves, many of the lovely trees of Equestria are still covered.”

Applejack knew what to do immediately. “Why, Princess, I bet we can knock those leaves down for you lickety-split.”

She then turned to Rainbow Dash. “Whaddya say, friend? Wanna go for another run?”

Rainbow Dash was thrilled. “I'd love to stretch my legs!”

She flapped her wings as well and then the two of them were off running as the others watched. Celestia then turned back to her son and Twilight. “So how are the two of you getting along? I last heard that there was conflict between you when you went to deal with that dragon a while back.”

“Yeah, it's hard having two ponies that can be leaders at times,” Fire said. “But we make a pretty good team and have each other’s backs.”

“We sure do,” Twilight said.

“That’s good to hear,” Celestia said looking between them with a fond smile. “You two are quite similar after all. By the way Fire have you found a mare that you are going to take to the gala in a few months?”

“Yeah,” Fire said, forcing a smile.

“Wonderful, I look forward to seeing the two of you together there,” Celestia said looking between him and Twilight.

Fire looked at his mother and followed her eyes to Twilight. “Huh? No, not her! I’m taking my friend Moondancer to the Gala!”

“Oh!” Celestia was surprised. “I just assumed you might have chosen Twilight.”

Both of the magically talent ponies blushed.

“No! I mean… Twilight’s great and all. But I don’t think I have those kinds of feelings for her,” Fire said.

“Yeah,” Twilight agreed.

“I… understand,” Celestia said with the slightest hesitation.

Fire frowned in suspicion. He’d have to have a talk with her later.

“Well, since you’re here would you like to see my home?” Fire asked.

“Certainly!” Celestia said. “But I’d like to wander the road a bit and enjoy the lovely leaves!”

“Oh yeah, why don’t we all go together?” Fire suggested looking at Twilight.

“I’m up for another stroll and maybe a little run as well!” Twilight agreed.

Fire nodded and looked over his shoulder at Rarity and Fluttershy. “How about you two?”

“I think I would enjoy a nice walk through a beautiful place,” Rarity said. “Though the trees aren’t so pretty anymore without their leaves, but the ground is certainly wonderous now.”

“I’ll come,” Fluttershy agreed shyly.

“Don’t forget about me!” Pinkie announced as she suddenly bounced over, no longer in the balloon.

“I’m here too!” Spike said glumly. “Mr. Second Best Announcer.”

“Come on Spike, cheer up!” Pinkie said. “I’m sure you’ll be as good an announcer as I am in no time. You just need more experience!”

“You really think so? Great!” Spike said.

“Let’s go,” Fire said.

He, his mother, Twilight, and all their friends headed down for a stroll in the woods that were now mostly barren up above.

Chapter 18: Visits and Break Outs

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After the walk through the woods that now had the ground littered with lovely orange leaves, Fire led his mother to Warm Heart Tower. A trumpet sounded as Celestia entered. She looked around the entry way and saw Fire’s throne toward the back as well as the decorations featuring her cutie mark as well as her sisters.

“Oh, Fire this is quite exquisite,” Celestia said.

“Thanks Mom,” Fire said.

She looked closer at the tapestries. “Who made these for you?”

“Rarity,” Fire told her.

“The white unicorn who likes fashion correct?” Celestia sked.

“Yeah,” Fire said with a small smile as he thought of her. “She is very talented. Also, that reminds me she wants to someday be a royal fashion designer.”

“Hmm. Perhaps I can arrange for her to take up lessons with the royal tailor,” Celestia said. “Though she’d probably graduate pretty quickly with this kind of talent. I imagine making lovely things is her special talent.”

“Yes,” Fire confirmed. “She makes very beautiful outfits, and is very beautiful herself.”

Celestia looked at him, a smile soon forming. “Oh, so you like the prettiest mares, do you?”

Fire chuckled. “I guess. But beauty on the inside is just as if not more important than the outside. Did you know she gave up her tail for a sea serpent while I was captured by Nightmare Moon? And she also made me the tapestries for the free the first time.”

“That was quite generous of her,” Celestia noted. “It seems she truly represents her Element. Are you going to take her to the Grand Galloping Gala?”

Fire sighed. “I would, but she likes Prince Blueblood.”

“Oh dear,” Celestia said. “Never easy when somepony you like likes somepony else.”

“I’ll be taking my friend Moondancer instead,” Fire said.

“Oh yes I remember her, my best student after Twilight,” Celestia said.

“I do value intelligence,” Fire said. “And a good heart.”

Celestia nodded. “Important qualities to look for.”

She looked down. Fire knew what she was probably thinking.

“Were those qualities that my father had?” he asked.

“Yes,” Celestia said simply.

Fire approached her. “Please Mom, I want to know-

“He is alive and well,” Celestia promised. “But you must understand, you were not born out of love. I was drunk that night, your father as well. We laid together that night, that’s all.”

“I know,” Fire sighed. “At least give me his name.”

“All you need to know is that he is a good stallion and powerful warrior who is now living his days out peacefully,” Celestia told. “I promise I will tell you when you turn eighteen.”

“Why? That’s still nearly two years away!” Fire objected. “Why do I have to wait so long?”

“Fire!” Celestia fixed him with a stern expression.

Fire sighed, knowing the conversation about his father was over. “Yes Mother.”

She put her regal smile back on. “Now if you would be so kind as to show me the rest of your home?”

Fire nodded. He led her into the kitchen nearby. As he walked casually, she snuck a peek through her eyes as she held her head up high.

“Fire, you are walking like a common pony. Hold your head up with pride!”

“Mom, I don’t like looking like I’m stuck up or better then anypony else,” Fire said.


Fire sighed and shifted his neck to an uncomfortable position. He’d hated walking like this when he was in Canterlot. The move to Ponyville had allowed him to take a long break from it. Many of the other Canterlot

“Good,” Celestia said. “Many of the nobles think you lack proper etiquette and are merely a royal with little manners.”

Fire scoffed. Like I care what those stuck-up snobs think. They don’t care about other classes of ponies and think themselves above them.

Still, he complied with his mother’s wish. He lifted his nose into the air and closed his eyes, which he was told made him appear regal and a proper son of Celestia. He’d accepted it for a time when he’d been young. But whenever he looked at the nobles around Canterlot walking in a similar manner, carrying themselves with pride and often barely glancing at those (or anything) around them, he felt disgusted. It looked as though they were thinking themselves superior and that other ponies weren’t worth a look. Also it came with the risk of bumping into things, and Fire didn’t like that.

He showed his mother his room. She saw the red bed and the sword that was the new element of Harmony above it. Fire had also added some artwork and pictures on the walls, one of him, his mother and Cadance. Another showed him and his class from Canterlot, Moondancer and Twilight among them.

“Very fitting color for my son,” she said looking at the bed. “And that sword suits you as well.”

“Yeah,” Fire agreed. Red suited him.

He then showed her to the guest room. She looked at the bed in there.

“Just the right size for me I see,” she said.

“Yeah, in case you ever stayed the night,” Fire told her.

She smiled. “I might do that at some point, but afraid I will have to get back to Canterlot by sundown.”

“I understand Mother,” Fire said.

Celestia did a quick flap of her wings though and dropped onto the bed. “Ah so comfortable!”

They had dinner prepared soon and sat at Fire’s dining table. As they ate Fire remembered her comment just after the race and asked her, “Were you… hoping I would fall for Twilight, Mother?”

“Maybe,” Celestia said winking at him.

That was obviously a yes.

“I did think that she might make a good match for you,” Celestia admitted. “You were both very studious and talented in magic. Plus, I think she can be a real looker as well don’t you agree?”

“She is… pretty,” Fire admitted. “And I admire her abilities and intelligence. But I never really thought of her as a love interest. Though since we’ve started spending more time together here I’ve come to enjoy her company. Sometimes she feels almost like a little sister.”

“I see,” Celestia said with an accepting smile. “Well, I had at times hoped that she would perhaps become my daughter in law. But that’s alright. I consider her like my own daughter, and she might actually become my niece in law! Which would make her your cousin in law!”

“What do you mean?” Fire asked confused.

“Don’t tell her, but Cadance is dating her brother!” Celestia said.

Fire’s golden eyes widened. He recalled Cadance had a special somepony who was also the captain of the Royal Guard, but he’d never known he was Twilight’s brother.

“Cadance wants to surprise Twilight with the news sometime!” Celestia said.

“From what I’ve heard Cadance has been dating her special somepony for a while now,” Fire said. “Better not wait till the wedding!”

Celestia giggled. “You might be right! Twilight will probably be mad at her brother by then! I’d sure be mad if Luna kept something like that from me!”

Mother and son laughed. They soon finished their food and Celestia got up. “Thank for the lovely meal my son.”

She kissed him on the forehead then turned to his servants and smiled. “And thank you for preparing it as well.”

“Of course, your highness!” Swift Cuisine said with a bow.

“I hope to see you in Canterlot soon,” Celestia said.

Fire nodded. “I should probably come and visit you… and Aunt Luna! Hearth’s Warming for sure but we’ll see about sooner.”

Celestia smirked. “And don’t forget your friends as well! Important to include both friends and family.”

Fire nodded once more. “I’ll see what plans they have and see how I can divide it up. I do want to see Cadance and Aunt Luna though.”

“They’ll love to see you as well,” Celestia assured her son as she nuzzled him. “Luna is very grateful to you for freeing her. See you soon my warm-hearted son. And I do hope you will find somepony special, whoever it is.”

Fire nodded. “Thanks Mom.”

“Now I must get back to Canterlot and check on the levitation of the leaves there. Shining Armor, Twilight’s brother and Cadance’s special somepony was left in charge of that.”

Fire made a bit of a forced smile. Even though he’d moved on from his crush on Cadance he couldn’t help feeling a little jealous that somepony else was with her. But most of him felt happy for her to be with somepony.

“Give my love to Cadance and Aunt Luna!” Fire called.

“I will!” Celestia promised as she exited the tower’s doors.

Fire then headed up the stairs for some reading before bed. His mind did however, wander back to the Unicorn thief that was still out there somewhere. Fire wondered what he could be planning to steal or commit crimes of next.

In Canterlot, the captain gave orders as Gold Steel watched in the streets. He was lucky to be off duty today and could enact his plan.

“Alright everypony! We need to be ready for the Levitation of the Leaves here!” Shining Armor said. “The royal guard will be organizing a parade in the city. Even though Princess Celestia will be going to another location this year she still expects us to put on a good show! Do you understand?”

“Yes sir!” the royal guards saluted.

Gold watched their movements as they all carried their orders. All these mindless guards, they were nothing compared to him. They had power and didn’t know how to use it. They simply stood around watching… nothing occur. They just stood around empty hallways with no threats coming, only arresting the occasional thief. But not him, he was too smart and too magical for them to catch. He meanwhile was thriving with riches and would soon get even richer once he claimed what was his.

He just needed a bit more, and with the help he would soon bring it would go quicker. He got up from the table he was sitting at and headed out to enact his plan.

Gold made his way into the dungeons of Canterlot Castle. Tartarus was the most famous dungeon of course as it housed dangerous monsters, but rarely ponies. Only those that committed the crime of high treason were ever sent to Tartarus. For ponies that broke the law, they were put in here, just above the ancient caverns that had been sealed off except for perhaps some hidden entrance somewhere.

Gold approached the jailor who had a cutie mark of a jail cell with an eye on it.

“I’ll be taking over now, Bar Watcher,” Gold said.

The jailor saluted him and then went off to take his break. These guards were such simpletons, obeying any order without question from their princess and even follow guards. They sprung at the chance to get off their post. Not that Gold could blame them. Things were often boring and they didn’t get much action here in the palace.

He soon walked among the cells. Most of them were empty as there were weren’t many criminal ponies. But there were a few, however, these were small time. The big-time criminals were kept in a level just below. It was unusual for a single crime to qualify one as a big time, but in this case, they’d become big time failures almost instantly. Robbing a prince? What were they thinking? He soon entered it and found the trio of thieves in their cell. that had robbed Prince Sword’s Tower certainly qualified as they’d stolen and tried to blackmail royalty. They wouldn’t stay there long at least, not when compared to the only other stallion that had been put in there a long time ago.

Gold looked at the trio of thieves who all looked at him in surprise.

“Who are you?” the leader of the thieves, Bright Wane asked. “Just another guard here to look down on us?”

“Actually I’m your ticket out of here,” Steel told them.


“That’s right I’m getting you out of here and I have a place you can stay… for a time at least.” Gold promised. “You help me and I’ll make sure nopony finds you guys again.”

“It’s a deal!” Bright agreed eagerly.

The other two nodded excitedly. Gold then looked at the bars. While he could take over the jailor’s shift he didn’t get his keys. The Earth Pony’s were strong but not enough to break down steel. Unicorn prisoners also received horn rings that prevented them from using magic to teleport or break out. But Steel did know a certain spell that could weaken metal, make it brittle.

He lit up his horn which shined yellow. He shot it at the bars, the aura shined around them.

“Wait a few minutes then head to the door,” he told them. “Hit me as you make your way out.”

“What?” Swipe asked.

“Or they’ll know,” Gold told them. “Just act casual once you get out. Don’t talk to any of the guards.”

Good thing the prisoners didn’t have to wear uniforms or anything. Gold told them where his house was, confident he could teleport back in time before they had the chance to-

“You try and steal from my place… I’ll teleport you all straight into the sky and you’ll fall hundreds of feet!” he threatened before lighting his horn up again.

Each of them glowed with a mark that matched his cutie mark.

“What is this?” the last one, Gray asked.

“I’ve marked you,” Steel told them. “Now I’ll be able to teleport straight to you if I want to.”

That left them with no choice but to comply to his ever word. They bowed their heads, seeing they had no way out. He’d give them freedom, but they were utterly incapable of double crossing him. He was too smart, too skilled in magic.

Gold headed back to the jailor’s desk. He heard a faint crash downstairs, almost unnoticeable. He waited, and soon they came. The trio of thieves burst through the door and didn’t slow down. Gold kept his eyes on them as Bright thrusted a hoof out at him as he ran with the other two trailing at his hooves. He shoved Gold out of the desk and Gold hit the ground, looking up as they made their way out. He laid there, making it look as though the blow had perhaps knocked him out. He waited a good ten minutes before pretending to come to. He ran out and alerted the other guards.

“Prisoners have escaped!” he yelled to the first ones he saw.

A search was quickly put into place. But Gold Steel knew they would never think to look in one of their fellow members houses. They’d search the castle and streets of Canterlot first. Gold Steel teleported back to his home, which he would eventually sell once he got the house of his lineage. Gold teleported back home and found his guests waiting in the living room.

“Alright, you thieves will work for me now!” Gold told them. “We’ll strike it rich soon I promise. With my magic, brains and you three as a few minions I’m sure no pony can stop us… except for perhaps Celestia! But I’ll be able to keep tabs on her and her guards and keep you out of trouble. When we’re done, I’ll ensure you have places at my new residence where you’ll be paid well as long as I reside there.”

Bright Wane grinned. “As long as I’m paid well, I suppose I’ll be content!”

He looked at his fellow thieves. Perhaps they could still weasel something out of this unicorn in time.

Chapter 19: Call of the Cutie

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Fire walked through Ponyville with a frown. He’d just gotten some bad news this morning. Those thieves that had broken into his tower had escaped the Canterlot dungeons somehow. He heard a bell nearby and looked to see the Ponyville School, a red building with a sign featuring a book and a playground in back. He smiled as he recalled his own days at school not long ago. It felt strange, he’d just seemed to have graduated upon helping the mares defeat Nightmare Moon.

Of course, he had been transferred here on a special assignment with Twilight to learn about the magic of friendship. He was to protect Equestria with her and the others when the time came. But he was certainly enjoying everything that happened in the meantime with their other friends and occassionally family. Fire then recalled Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle as well as the orange filly he’d seen on a scooter. They were all here at the school no doubt, learning as they readied themselves for their own lives that lay ahead. Who knew what they would do when they discovered their role with their cutie marks? Fire just hoped theirs would be a little less… dangerous then his for their sake.

In the schoolhouse, Apple Bloom sat at her desk, looking around her she saw many young foals with her that had cutie marks, unlike her. Her yellow furred flank was still blank. She saw a variety of different marks, like a flower, silver jewel encrusted spoon, and a bow and arrow. But she also saw there were a few others in her class that hadn’t acquired their marks yet, like her two best friends, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, along with her other friend Twist.

The foals were muttering among themselves for a while until the teacher, a mare with a cerise coat, green eyes and a mane of pink and white as well as a cutie mark of three smiling flowers.

“Let's quiet down please,” the teacher, Cheerilee, told them in a soft voice as she made her way to the front of the classroom where a book of drawing paper stood on a stand. “We have a very important lesson to get to.”

The class stopped talking and gave her their full attention.

“Thank you,” Cheerilee said. “Today we are going to be talking about cutie marks.”

She flipped the blank paper on the front to reveal the next one which showed a variety of marks.

“Boring,” one of the fillies nearby said rudely.

Apple Bloom glared at her, and out of the corner of her eye saw Sweetie Belle who was directly in front of the rude filly do the same. The rude one, Diamond Tiara was the daughter of Filthy Rich, the richest stallion in all of Ponyville. Though that title could now be debated since there was actual royal living here now. Diamond Tiara was a light pink filly with a head bearing a white and purple mane as well as a tiara on it, befitting her name. Even her cutie mark looked like a tiara. That was the case with a lot of ponies, their cutie marks often reflected their name.

“You can all see my cutie mark, can't you?” Cheerilee asked showing it to her class. “Like all ponies, I wasn't born with a cutie mark.”

She turned to the next page and showed a picture of her younger self sitting on a mattress. That younger self lacked the mark the current Cheerilee possessed.

“My flank was blank.”

“Aww!” Twist exclaimed as she looked at the picture, speaking a bit unclearly due to a speech defect she possessed. “She so precious!”

“Yeah!” Sweetie Belle agreed. “You were so cute Miss Cheerilee!”

“Thank you, Sweetie Belle,” Cheerilee said before continuing. “Then one day, when I was about your age, I woke up to find that a cutie mark had appeared.”

She showed the next photo that showed her with a cutie mark and crazy hair as she seemed to be dancing.

Another filly sniggered. “Look at her hair!”

This caused many of the foals to laugh. But Cheerilee didn’t become angry and simply smiled.

“Yes, I know! But honestly, that's how everypony was wearing their mane back then.” She then pointed to the three smiling flowers on her younger self’s flank. “I had decided to become a teacher, and the flowers symbolized my hope that I could help my future students bloom if I nurture them with knowledge. The smiles represented the cheer I hoped to bring to my little ponies while they were learning. Now, can anyone tell me when a pony gets his or her cutie mark?”

Twist raised her hoof, managing to speak more clearly this time. “Oh! Oh! Oh! When she discovers that certain something that makes her special!”

Cheerilee nodded. “That's right, Twist. A cutie mark appears on a pony's flank when he or she finds that certain something that makes them different from every other pony. Discovering what makes you unique isn't something-


Apple Bloom heard something in the background but was focused on taking notes with a pencil in her mouth as Cheerilee continued.

“-that happens overnight, and no amount of hoping, wishing-“


Apple Bloom ignored the second sound.

“-or begging, would make a cutie mark appear before its time.”

“Pssst!” The third finally got Apple Bloom’s attention as well as Sweetie Belle who looked over her shoulder.

“What?!” Apple Bloom asked impatiently looking to her left at Diamond Tiara who had a piece of paper in her mouth. A note.

Applebloom looked from Diamond Tiara to Silver Spoon, Diamond’s best friend who was on Apple Bloom’s right. Silver held out her hoof to receive the note. Apple Bloom took it in her teeth and-

“Apple Bloom! Are you passing a note?” Cheerilee exclaimed as she saw it.

Apple Bloom stammered and dropped the note. “Uh, I... Um…”

Cheerilee walked over to where the note had fallen with a serious expression. “What could be so important that it couldn't wait until after class?”

She looked at it however and gasped as she saw. “It's blank!”

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon began laughing on either side of Apple Bloom. “Remind you of anypony?”

“Don’t blame Apple Bloom, Miss Cheerilee!” Sweetie Belle suddenly spoke up. “I saw Diamond Tiara give her that!”

Cheerilee looked at the rich filly whose mouth fell open. “Are you trying to get Apple Bloom in trouble, Diamond Tiara? Or were you simply lending her paper?”

“Uh- I was…”

“She did it to get me in trouble!” Apple Bloom said. “Right after you said its blank, she said ‘remind you of anypony!”

Cheerilee frowned deeper now. “Bullying is not tolerated in my school! Diamond Tiara you are staying in class during recess!”

“WHAT?” the spoiled filly exclaimed in outrage that her plan had backfired.

Apple Bloom smiled at Sweetie Belle. “Thanks.”

“No problem,” Sweetie said. “Anything for a friend.”

Diamond Tiara glared at them and muttered to herself, “I’ll get you blank flanks for this!”

Recess soon came passed by and Apple Bloom happily left with Sweetie Belle, Twist, and Scootalloo at her side.

“Want some sweets? I've got some peppermint sticks. I made them myself,” Twist said with a wide grin as they walked.

Apple Bloom nodded. “Thanks Twist! Nothing like some sweets after a good day!”

“Yeah!” Scootaloo agreed.

“Best ever! I really liked that lesson today!” Sweetie Belle said.

Suddenly Diamond Tiara appeared behind them with Silver Spoon at her side. “I don't know why we had to sit through a lecture about getting a cutie mark. I mean, waiting for your cutie mark is sooo last week.” She looked at Silver Spoon. “You got yours, I just got mine. We all have them already.”

She then looked at the four in front of her as she walked around them, showing off the diamond encrusted tiara on her flank. “I mean, almost all of us have them already.”

The group of four blank flanks frowned.

“Oh, don’t give me those looks,” Diamond said giving a false smile. “Look I’m sorry about earlier. How would you like to come to my cute-ceañera this weekend?”

“Really?” Apple Bloom asked with a smile.

“It's going to be amazing,” Silver Spoon said.

“It's a party celebrating me and my fantastic cutie mark. How could it not be?

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon then did a dance. Starting with their hooves and ending with their rumps meeting together so their cutie marks were on full display. “Bump! Bump! Sugar-lump, rump!”

Apple Bloom frowned, knowing the invite was just a ploy. “Gimme a break!”

“No kidding!” Twist said. “They act like they’re all high and mighty just cause they got their cutie marks first!”

“Yeah, but they have what makes them special!” Scootaloo said. “That makes them more important than us cause they know their purpose!”

The four of them looked down as they realized the bullies were in fact better then them.

Silver Spoon grinned. “See you this weekend!”

Blank flanks!” Both she and Diamond said with laughs.

The four of them felt their spirits drop.

The weekend was on them before they knew it. Apple Bloom was at Sweet Apple Acres where Applejack was hard at work in the orchard. “It's not fair! It's just not fair!”

Applejack looked at her younger sister as she gathered fallen apples into a bucket. “Don't get your mane in a tangle. You'll get your cutie mark. Everypony gets one eventually.”

“But I don't want one eventually!” Apple Bloom objected. “I want one right now! I can't go to Diamond Tiara's cute-ceañera without one, I just can't!”

“Course you can,” Applejack encouraged. “Remember you’re not the only one in your class to be a blankflank! All yer best friends are too!”

“I guess,” Apple Bloom looked down. “At least I know I’m not alone. But I still want my cutie mark!”

Applejack walked toward her sister. “Y'know, I was the last pony in my class to get my cutie mark, and I couldn't be prouder of it. I knew my future was to run Sweet Apple Acres, and these bright shiny apples sealed the deal.” She rubbed the trio of red apples on her flank.

The elder sister then gasped as she remembered something. “Come to think of it, Granny Smith was the last one in her class, too. Huh, same as Big McIntosh.”

Apple Bloom walked away, kicking an apple near her sister's bucket. “I really don't see how that's supposed to make me feel better. It probably means that being the last one in your class to get a cutie mark runs in the family!”

But in a few seconds an idea ran through her head. “Runs in the family.”

That caused her to smile. “Runs in the family! Runs in the family!”

She ran to her sister who was happy to see her younger sibling happy. Apple Bloom looked at Applejack’s flank where she had her mark. “You've got apples for your cutie mark, Granny Smith has an apple pie, Big McIntosh has an apple half, my unique talent must have som’n to do with apples!”

“Apples apples apples!” she bounced around in joy.

There was a crash as she knocked over the apples her sister had gathered.

“Oops... apples,” she finished.

A shadow passed over them and they looked up to see him looking down on them.

“Howdy Applejack!” Fire Sword greeted them in a country way and landing in front of them.

“Howdy Fire!” Applejack said waving up at him. “I got your order of apples ready! You sure like em huh?”

“Favorite fruit right after grapes!” he declared before winking at her. “But you are probably my favorite cowgirl pony!”

She chuckled and blushed. “Are you flirting with me?”

He sniggered and teased, not in mean way, just a fun way. “Not on your life! I’d burn you down in nothing flat! Apples shouldn’t play with fire, remember?”

“Yeah, you need somepony who can take the heat!” Applejack teased back. “We apples burn pretty easy if we aren’t wet!”

They laughed.

“But… I think one of my retainers has a little thing for you!” Fire whispered.

“Really?” Applejack asked. “Now who would that be?”

“I probably shouldn’t say. Just keep an eye out next time you’re around shall we say… the garden?” Fire said as he handed her some bits. “Now, where are my apples?”

“Ah yes right this way!”

She led him to the barn where she had a wagon load of apples ready.

“I’m surprised you didn’t send your servants to come get it,” Applejack said.

Fire shrugged. “Work makes you strong. I won’t improve my strength if I don’t use my muscles.”

“Smart thinking,” Applejack praised. “And you’re mighty strong too.”

She then looked at the amount of bits he’d given her. “And generous too!”

“Bit of everything remember?” Fire said. “Balance of all of you!”

“Right! Well, my sister and I are gonna head into town to sell our apples!” Applejack said. “She figures her special talent has to do with apples, so maybe we can try selling them!”

“Okay, maybe I’ll see you there!” Fire said looking at Apple Bloom. “You know, having a cute little filly to try and persuade ponies to buy your apples could work.”

Apple Bloom blushed. “Thanks Prince Fire!”

He took his wagon and began the walk to Warm Heart Tower nearby.

Fire heaved the heavy cart home and levitated the dozens of apples into the cellar. He then flew out to town, his shift was over but he might as well enjoy the rest of the day. He soon found Applejack in front of her stand in town. She was looking at something ahead of her and Fire smirked. He gave a light flap of his wings and was by her side as she was completely unaware.


“Waah!” Applejack jumped. “Ah man I thought have the occasional pranks from Rainbow and Pinkie were enough! But now the prince of pranks joins!”

Fire laughed. “Prince of pranks is probably a bit too much! I’m just a prince that likes a prank now and then!’”

She didn’t respond, instead looking at her younger sister who was standing with Bon Bon who had a cluster of apples nearby.

“That'll be four bits!” Apple Bloom said.

Bon Bon frowned. “I didn't put those in my bag.

Apple Bloom however pressed on. “Likely story. Four bits, lady!”

Applejack pulled her sister back. “Apple Bloom!”

She then turned to Bon Bon. “I am really really sorry about that. She's new. Here, take these. No charge.”

She gave Bon Bon a bag of apples on her back. Then she emptied out their entire cart onto the poor mare. “And these. And these.”

She gave the rest up as Bon Bon groaned. Fire shook his head and walked over.

“Now now Applejack I don’t think that’s helping,” he said as he got the weight off of the former special agent whom he leaned in close to and whispered. “I’d get out of here quick, Sweetie Drops.”

She nodded with an appreciative smile. “Thanks, your highness.”

She walked away quickly. Fire then turned to the two apple siblings.

“That's not the way to go about it!” he asked. "No need to just dump everything on her!"

Applejack looked down. "You're right. I just wanted to stop Apple Bloom from getting all up in ponies faces.”

“Sorry Applejack,” Apple Bloom apologized. “I just want my cutie mark so bad! Then Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon will stop teasing me!”

Applejack sighed. “Ugh. Listen, sugarcube, I know it's hard to wait for your very own cutie mark. But you just can't force it. Besides, you're not that grown-up just yet. And like I said you got a whole group of best friends that don’t have theirs.”

Apple Bloom managed a smile. “You’re right. Well as long as I have them I guess I’ll be okay. Sweetie Bell did get me out of trouble when I was about to be in it.”

Fire smiled. “A true friend has your back no matter what. Of course, even then they might not be perfect.”

“Fire’s right!” Applejack said. “He’s been a true friend ever since he moved to Ponyville, protecting me and the others from Nightmare Moon, offering to help us out with some money, getting all of us tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala!”
Fire blushed. “Yeah, though I did get mad at you and Rarity during that sleepover.”

“That’s okay,” Applejack assured him. “All in the past now.”

She then turned to her sister. “Point is, a true friend doesn’t carry if you’re a blank flank or not. Or if you come from a completely different caste.”

Fire nodded. “Don’t let anypony get you down!”

“Thanks,” Apple Bloom said. “I’ll go find my friends.”

Fire watched her run off as Applejack sighed next to him.

“The young’uns, just want to grow up so fast,” Applejack said.

“And I bet when they do, they wish they’re young again,” Fire said.

“Darn tootin!” Applejack agreed. “If I could do one thing over it would be something that made sure my parents were still alive!”

Fire looked at her with pity. “I’m sorry about that Applejack.”

“It's alright Fire,” the cowpony said.

She was smiling but he could see the look in her eyes. He walked over and put his foreleg around her. She smiled and leaned into his embrace.

“Thanks Fire,” she said. “Wow you are warm!”

“Runs in my blood I guess,” he said. “I can’t imagine what’s like to lose somepony you care about. But not having them around is probably just as bad or pretty close. I don’t who my father is. My mom won’t tell me.”

“Guess Celestia is pretty secretive huh?” Applejack said. “Well I’m sure royals have lots of things they need to keep from us common ponies!”

“True,” Fire admitted as he recalled having to keep Bon Bon’s secret, among other things he was aware of.

“Still, glad to have you as a friend,” Applejack said. “And I hope you have a good day! I think I should stop by the cute-ceañera to make sure Applejack’s okay.”

Fire smiled. “Sounds like a good idea.”

“Knowing Pinkie Pie she’ll probably…

“Hey!” the pink pony seemed to appear out of nowhere. “You’re invited to a cute cenara party for one Diamond Tiara!”

She handed him an invitation then ran off with more invitations in her mouth.

Fire looked at the invitation which read Dear Random Pony, you are hereby invited to the cute-ceañera party of another random pony.

“Well… that’s random,” Fire said before chuckling softly.

“Eh, we’re all friends in Ponyville. Besides, Rarity will probably be there with Sweetie Belle since this is a party for one of her classmates!”

“So… this Diamond Tiara… do you know her?” Fire asked.

“Not first hoof. Just that she’s Filthy Rich’s daughter,” Applejack said. “He does a lot of business in Ponyville.”

“This Filthy Rich… what’s he like?” Fire asked.

“Oh, he’s nice,” Applejack said. “Never been anything but decent to me and my family. Buys lots of apples so we’re grateful to him as business partners. Though his wife Spoiled is a mite rude.”

Fire nodded. He tended to dislike ponies of upper class, at least ones that looked down on other ponies. Not all of them were like that though he knew. He was royalty and he wasn’t, nor was his own mother and she was the ruler. If they were kind to other ponies he could be kind to them as well. But if he found them abusing their wealth or not caring, that made him mad.

Suddenly his vision flashed red and his eyes stung. He winced and rubbed them with a small groan.
Applejack noticed. “You okay?”

“Yeah,” Fire said. “My eyes just stung for a moment there. Must be the season!”

“That’s only in spring when there’s pollen,” she corrected.

He shrugged. “Well, who knows then?”

But deep down he knew what this was. Or rather, who it was.

“I’ll see you at the party,” Fire said.

“Alright,” Applejack said.

Fire flew back to Warm Heart Tower for lunch. He sat his desk and wrote a letter.

Dear Princess Cadance,

My beloved sister figure. I hope you are enjoying your tour around Equestria and that I will see you on Hearth’s Warming. Things are going well here in Ponyville though I hope those thieves don’t get any ideas of coming back here. Also you’ll be pleased to know I might be able to spread some love here in your name, since you are the Princess of Love. One of my servants has an interest in the Element of Honesty so I’ll see about having them get together. Wish you could be here to see it!

Lots of Love,

Prince Fire Sword.

Fire finished his letter and then put it in the envelope to be mailed later. He then changed into an orange suite for the party. It had a white collar and a red tie. To top it off he got out his prince crown as well. Even though this was more of a casual party most likely, he had to look his best as a prince. Diamond Tiara didn’t seem nice from how she apparently caused Apple Bloom to worry about her missing her special talent, but he wanted to be there for the younger sister of his friend more than some random possibly mean filly. Some of his other friends were likely going as well since two of their sisters were classmates of the pony who it was all about. He walked out into Ponyville and arrived at Sugarcube Corner in a while with two of his guards.

“Presenting his royal highness! The Warm Hearted Son of Celestia! Prince Fire Sword!”

Fire walked inside and many of the ponies awed at him and bowed. He smiled at them. Then a pair of young Earth Pony fillies in formal dresses approached him.

“Prince Fire Sword!” the pink filly with the tiara who must have been Diamond Tiara greeted him. “Its an honor to have Canterlot Royalty at my cute-cenara!”

Suck ups. Fire thought, but put on a fake smile. He’d tolerate them. They were just fillies after all. Still time for them to maybe grow into better ponies.

“Nice to meet you lovely little fillies,” he greeted in as courteous a tone as he could manage. “Congratulations on getting your new cutie mark!”

“Thank you!” Diamond said. “Please, enjoy the party! We have ponies of all ages! Though not the really old and boring ones!”
Fire frowned. His mother was older then all the old and boring ones here. Yep, Diamond Tiara was a snob. He took a breath to try and calm himself. Fire looked around and saw Rarity as well as Twilight and Applejack. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were there as well as the orange Pegasus filly he’d scolded a while back for recklessness.

He walked over to the beautiful unicorn with a smile. She didn’t wear an outfit but a blue flower in her mane.

“Hello Rarity,” he greeted.

“My prince,” she said with a bow. “Your suit is quite handsome.”

“You should know. It was made by the finest seamstress and most beautiful unicorn in all of Ponyville,” he said.

Her cheeks gained some red and she giggled. “Oh, you flatterer! Just don’t let Moondancer catch you flirting!”

“We’re not really a couple yet,” he reminded her. “If we become one at all that is.”

“Well I do hope it works out between you both,” she said smiling with what he thought was sincerity.

“And I hope you are happy with my cousin Blueblood,” Fire said with false sincerity.

It wasn’t that he didn’t want her to be happy in her love life. Just that he wished she could be his date instead. But it was clear she didn’t have the same feelings for him. Even though she considered him brave and handsome… apparently she was just interested in the more eligible bachelor. Ah well, he still valued her as a friend and a very creative fashion pony with lovely tastes.

“So did you design Diamond Tiara’s outfit?” he asked looking at the little filly.

“Yes,” she said. “And her friends as well since her cutie mark came last week! Normally I’d wear my own outfit at a party but I’m not the star today so I mustn’t draw attention away!”

Fire nodded. He walked over to the food and helped himself to some grapes as well as cupcakes.

Then suddenly he heard Diamond Tiara call out. “There’s the remaining blank flanks! You’re down to just three now since Twist got her cutie mark!”

She pointed at Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootalloo who were sitting at their own table.

“Yeah you guys are lame! You’re like the last ones in our class that don’t have their cutie marks! Blank Flanks!” Diamond’s
friend, the silver filly taunted.

Fire frowned. He wouldn’t stand by while those bullies mocked the sisters of two of his friends.

“Blank flanks! Blank flanks! Blank flanks!” many of the attending ponies called in mockery.

Geez what a bunch of simpletons and suck ups! Fire thought. Partaking in bullying just cause somepony important does it. Well a lot of ponies do the same with my mom.

Rarity and Applejack as well as Twilight frowned as well. Fire took a step forward to try and help the younger ones out.
Scootalloo narrowed her eyes. “Yeah well at least we aren’t stuck up like you two!”

“Yeah, we may not have our cutie marks yet but we still have a destiny to discover! We could be scientists or dancers! Or anything that could be really amazing!” Sweetie Belle said.

Fire smiled. “That’s right!”

He flapped his wings and landed behind the three of them. “You three are full of potential! Not having a cutie mark doesn’t make you less important at all! You still have a journey to go on to find what makes you special!”

“That’s right!” Twilight said. “I remember when I was in Canterlot, I was deeply fascinated with magic! But I didn’t get my cutie mark right away! It took lots of effort and studying!”

“And I had to find the right inspiration to make my outfits the most fabulous of all!” Rarity said.

“I needed to realize I missed my own home before I got my mark!” Applejack said. “We all have journies to undertake and something tells me these three will have an interesting one!”

“Yeah! The journey to getting a cutie mark is incredible!” one of the attending foals said.

“Maybe I got mine too soon!” another said.

“They are so lucky to still be able to search!”

“Hey! This party is about me!” Diamond Tiara shouted angrily.

All the ponies ignored her. Fire hung out with his friends and so did the young ones.

“Well, we may be the only blank flanks in this party,” Apple Bloom said looking around.

“And in our class! But at least we’re blank flanks together,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Not for long!” Scootaloo declared. “We all want our cutie marks right?”

“Right,” Apple Bloom confirmed with a puzzled expression. “So do you propose we do? Start a secret society for getting cutie marks?”

“That might not be a bad idea!” Sweetie Belle said. “I’d do whatever it took to get my cutie mark! And who better to do it with then my best friends?”

Fire heard them and walked over. “I think that’s a great idea!

“Well I’d like to help ya but I already got mine,” Twist said.

“That’s okay, we’re still friends Twist!” Apple Bloom promised. “You got your cutie mark though and we still have to find ours! It will be lots of fun!”

“We’ll be like crusaders on a quest!” Scootaloo said. “A quest to get our cutie marks!”

“We’ll be the Cutie Mark Crusaders!” Sweetie Belle said.

“That sounds like a good name,” Fire said. “But don’t forget it will take time.”

“Well no matter how long it takes, we’re gonna get them!” Apple Bloom declared.

“You do what you want little sis!” Applejack said.

“I’m sure you’ll all find something lovely on this journey,” Rarity agreed as she looked at her own little sister.

“I think you’ll find lots of magic of your own,” Twilight said.

Apple Bloom stood with her fellow crusaders. An Earth Pony, Pegasi, and Unicorn. They looked at their older sisters (at least in two cases). Scootaloo idolized Rainbow Dash even though they weren’t related. This was the start of their journey to achieve their goal, just as their sisters had a mission of their own. Who knew what the future would bring for them?
Fire didn’t know. But he looked forward to it as he returned home. The holidays would come up in a few months, and hopefully he or somepony else would catch those escaped thieves as well as the unicorn mastermind.

Chapter 20: Sparring a Prince

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Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo all ran through Ponyville, sweating as they did so. They’d been galloping for over ten minutes now. Finally they collapsed breathing hard and looked at their still blank flanks.

“Guess we’re not gonna be able to get our cutie marks in galloping,” Apple Bloom said.

All three of them sighed.

“Boy, I’m thirsty now!” Sweetie Belle said.

“Me too!” Scootaloo agreed.

“Let’s get some water!” Apple Bloom said.

They looked around, they were in the orchards near Sweet Apple Acres.

“Or better yet we can chow down on some of my family’s apples!” the Earth Pony filly said.

“But don’t you have to buck them down?” Scootaloo asked.

“Well yeah,” Apple Bloom replied with a nod. “I may not be as strong as my sister but I can manage!”

She walked over to a nearby tree and kicked it once, twice…

“This one oughta do it!” Apple Bloom said before giving the three a final kick.

One apple shook above them. The Cutie Mark Crusaders, or CMCs for short, looked up at it thirstily, hoping for it to fall down and allow them to bite into it so they could fill their throats with its refreshing juice. Yet to their utter disappointment, it remained attached to the tree.

“Maybe one more!” Apple Bloom said.

Sweetie Belle sighed. “I think we should just go and ask somepony for a drink.”

She looked at Warm Heart Tower. “Fire or one of his servants is probably home. Let’s go ask him!”

The young trio of fillies made their way to the tower of their local prince. As they got close they saw a group of four ponies all in armor going at each other with wooden weapons of various kinds. They spotted Fire among them blocking the axe strike of his opponent.

“Are they… fighting?” Sweetie Belle asked nervously.

“I don’t think so!” Apple Bloom said. “Those weapons are just wood!”

“I think they’re training!” Scootaloo said with a wide grin. “So cool!”

The group continued training as the fillies watched.

“Maybe we could learn to do that!” Apple Bloom suggested. “It would be cool to have a sword cutie mark like Fire Sword!”

“Or a bow and arrow!” Scootaloo said.

Sweetie Belle was a bit uncertain. “I… don’t really like the idea of having a cutie mark in fighting or hurting anypony.”

“You think their special talent is hurting ponies?” Scootaloo asked. “They’re royal guards! And a prince! They defend ponies like us! You got to fight to be able to do that!”

“I suppose,” Sweetie Belle said looking down.

“Hey, we’re still thirsty, aren’t we?” Apple Bloom suddenly remembered why they’d come here in the first place.

“Oh yeah!” the other two said together.

They walked toward the prince and his guards, one of which spotted them and called out.

“Hoy there! Fillies approaching!”

Fire and the rest of them looked in the direction of the CMCs. They lowered their training weapons as they turned to address them.

“Hello Fire,” Apple Bloom said as she approached.

“Apple Bloom! You should probably call him Prince Fire!” Sweetie Belle said recalling Rarity’s advice when she’d first met the prince.

“It's alright, Sweetie Belle,” Fire assured her. “What are you three doing here?”

“We tried to get our cutie marks in running!” Scootaloo said. “Didn’t work, and now we’re thirsty!”

“Can you just give us some water? Pleeease?” Sweetie Belle gave him her best puppy dog eyes.

Fire smiled at her. “No problem girls! Come on.”

He led them inside and took them to the kitchen where he levitated a set of three silver goblets encrusted with jewels out.

“Rarity would probably love those!” Sweetie Belle said.

Fire chuckled before asking, “Would you like ice or no ice?”

They each told him what they wanted and he filled the goblets accordingly before levitating them over.

“There you are!”

They drank their water all up happily and let out sighs of relief.

“Thank you, Fire!” Apple Bloom said.

“We were just about dying of thirst waiting for Apple Bloom to buck down an apple!” Scootaloo told him.

“Hey, I was doing my best! One more and I probably would have had it!” the youngest Apple protested.

“And then only one of us would have had it!” Scootaloo objected.

“Now now, no need to fight!” Fire said waving his hooves. “You’re all satisfied now, right?”

“Yeah!” Sweetie Belle said. “I think-

Suddenly their stomachs rumbled, causing the fillies to blush.

Apple Bloom chuckled. “Guess we worked up a little bit of an appetite while we were running!”

“Well, it’s almost time for lunch!” Fire noted looking at his clock nearby. “Why don’t you three join me? Do your sisters know where you are?”

“I told Applejack we were gonna go running around Ponyville.”

Fire frowned. He knew the CMCs were old enough to walk through this little town on their own. But if this were Canterlot it would be a different story as that was a big city. Of course, he had a pretty hard time getting lost in his own hometown as a colt since it was pretty much impossible to miss the castle, especially when flying.

“I should probably let them know you’re here,” Fire said. “Vine Archer!”

One of his guards appeared.

“Would you be so kind as to go and find Applejack?” Fire asked. “Tell her her sister and her friends are here. I don’t want her to worry.”

“Oh uh… of course Prince Fire,” Vine Archer nodded with a bow. “I’ll head out right away.”

Fire then called the cook and asked him to whip up a meal for the fillies.

“I made sure to make plenty of fruit salad and your favorite snack Prince Fire!” Swift Cuisine said. “I think there will be enough! But I’ll put together some more if needed!”

Fire led the CMCs to his private dining room while two of the guards stood at the doorway. Soon they were presented with a plate of fruit salad that was a mix of pineapple, strawberry slices, grapes and blackberries. There were also carrots and celery topped with peanut butter on the side.

“Oh, this looks delicious!” Sweetie Belle said.

“Dig in girls!” Fire told them.

They did just that, moaning in delight at the food as it entered their mouths.

“That hit the spot!” Scootaloo said as she rubbed her tummy.

“So, no luck on your cutie marks yet, huh?” Fire asked.

“Nope,” Apple Bloom disappointedly. “But we’ve only been at this crusading for a few days now. We’re just gonna keep trying new things until we finally discover our cutie marks! And we’re getting started!”

“That’s the spirit!” Fire smiled. “But I have a feeling you are gonna get them when you least expect it!”

“We’ll see about that!” Scootaloo smirked. “I’d give anything for a cutie mark that showed my special talent was flying. But my wings are so small!”

She raised her orange wings sadly. Fire looked at them and noticed they were small for her age. Poor filly, it was probably a one in a thousand or even more, but it was heard of that some Pegasi had stunted wings.

“They might still grow out,” Fire tried to be encouraging as he looked at her. “But even if they don’t, it doesn’t make you any less important than anypony else, Scootaloo.”

“Aww, thanks Fire!” Scootaloo said.

Fire put a hoof to his chin. “You know, I could look into seeing if I can find a doctor that might be able to help you with your wing growth. I don’t know if it would work but…”

“You’d do that for me?” Scootaloo asked eagerly.

“Sure,” he said.

“Oh, thank you! Thank you! I’d give anything to be able to fly!” Scootaloo said as she suddenly hugged him.

He returned the hug politely.

“I’ll just have to make sure your parents are okay with it,” he said.

“Oh uh…” she stammered.

Fire looked at her with widened eyes. “Your parents are still away?”

“They just left again a little while ago.”

Fire frowned. “You do have somepony watching over you right?”

She nodded. “Sweetie Belle’s parents are my next-door neighbors.”

“Yeah, don’t worry Fire. They look after her too and her aunts visit every two weeks to deliver food to her fridge.” Sweetie added.

“Still, that’s not very responsible parenting,” Fire said.

“My parents have jobs that require them to go to dangerous places!” Scootaloo reminded him. “And I can take care of myself, mostly! I have for a long time!”

Fire sighed. He didn’t like it, but she had good points. He might even be in the same position someday if he ever had foals. His talent was combat after all and that would be dangerous. Hopefully his wife, whoever it was, would be able stay home and be able to take care of the kids. Of course, he’d had Cadance as well as the servants when his mother got called away on royal business. Guess there were times that things like this had to be done.

“Okay, if you say so. But if you ever need anything Scootaloo, let me know.”

“Thanks Fire. But I’m fine!” she said. “I just wanna get my cutie mark. Speaking of which, it would be so awesome if I could fight like you! You defeated Nightmare Moon and you have the cutie mark of a sword! You’re probably the coolest stallion in
all of Ponyville! Maybe all of Equestria!”

“Uh thanks!”

“Do you think you could teach us to be as strong as you?” Apple Bloom asked. “Maybe a life as soldiers are our calling?”

Fire hesitated. “Uh, I don’t know about that. We don’t have a lot of mares in the royal guard. I hear my mom is working on expanding that though, but it will probably take some time.”

“Well, we got a long time before we’re grown up. At least let us try," Scootaloo said.

Fire sighed. “Alright I guess I can show you some basic hoof to hoof at least.”

He took them back outside which was empty now as the party of guards he’d been training with her earlier were now patrolling Ponyville or guarding the tower somewhere.

“Okay, every royal guard starts out in hoof-to-hoof training,” he told them as he got up on his hind legs and put his front ones up before throwing some punches.

“You got to be quick, and strong!” he advised. “Choose your target carefully.”

They copied him, launching their front hooves out one after the other.

“Now buck kick!” he told them before kicking back behind him.

“Oh, I do that one all the time! Or at least my sister does!” Apple Bloom said as she performed the move. “Yah!”



The CMCs did okay for their first lesson. Fire knew they would have a long way to go before they could ever really defend themselves if it came down to it. But he enjoyed showing them.

“Apple Bloom!”

“Sweetie Belle!”

The two familiar voices called and Fire as well as the young trio looked to see Applejack and Rarity coming.

“Howdy Fire! Got your message so I thought I might as well get Rarity so we could come take our sisters off your hooves,” Applejack said.

“I hope they weren’t a bother?” Rarity asked.

“Not at all,” Fire assured her. “I had a little fun teaching them some basic hoof to hoof combat."

“Say now that sounds like fun!” Applejack stated.

Rarity frowned. “Well, necessary perhaps. A lady must defend herself after all.”

Fire looked at her. “I saw you kick that manticore back when we first met.”

Rarity blushed. “Well, I’ve taken a few classes. My father insisted on it. Just in case I met some… unpleasant company.”

“Smart stallion,” Fire said.

“He never had me learn to do that though!” Sweetie Belle said.

Rarity cleared her throat. “Ahem. Yes well, you were rather young and didn’t need them yet. I suppose if you wish to continue lessons its fine.”

“Could you teach me more as well?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“I suppose,” Rarity said. “Though Fire would probably be better in it. That is where his talent lies.”

She then smiled at him. “And I’m thankful to have a strong stallion like him in unpleasant situations.”

“I’m sure you can get yourself out of those at times as well,” Fire said.

“Perhaps,” Rarity agreed.

“Care to dance the dance of battle?” Fire asked

She looked at him with wide eyes.

“Don’t worry, I’ll go easy on you.”

“I could probably use a little practice in combat,” Applejack said. “Who knows when we might have to face a threat like Nightmare Moon again?”

“Fair point I suppose,” Rarity agreed. “Very well, if I must. But please don’t bruise me!”

“I’ve not done that to a pony in years,” Fire assured her. “But don’t worry! If I do, I have a first aid spell that will heal those in just a couple hours!”

“Oh, thank your mother Celestia!” Rarity said.

The young fillies watched as the grown ponies faced each other.

“Ladies first I believe,” Rarity said stepping forward in front of Applejack.

She faced Fire who stood ready. They stared at each and Fire came at her. He threw some light hoof punches at her. She managed to dodge and even throw a jump leg kick that held a decent amount of strength behind it like she had against the manticore.

“Not bad,” Fire praised.

“Thank you,” she said. “Strength is something ruffians are given an excess of but I’ll take a little where I can!”

“Strength isn’t everything though,” he said.

“Quite right. I much prefer… speed and grace!”

She spun around like a ballerina and then did a spinning kick. Fire barely managed to catch her hoof in time. But he did, and then he used his hind leg to sweep her remaining out from under her.

“Oh!” she exclaimed as she was about to fall on her back in the yard.

But Fire caught her by the front hoof before she could touch. He pulled her back up and they smiled at each other.

“Thank you,” she said.

“No problem my lady,” he said.

They looked away from each other not noticing their mutual red cheeks. A few minutes later, Fire was fending off Applejack's many hoof strikes. He then landed a front hoof punch to her chest.

“Not bad Applejack,” Fire said.

She took a breath to regather herself. “You sure have some strength to ya!”

“Thanks. But you need a balance of strength, speed, and more to be a great warrior,” Fire told her.

“Woohee! That was fun,” Applejack said. “But times going by. I have a few more chores at the farm to finish up before sundown. Thanks for the good time and for taking care of my sister.”

“And mine as well,” Rarity said. “Come Sweetie Belle, time to go home! You too Scootaloo!”

The two mares and three fillies bid Fire goodbye then began the walk home.

Fire soon had dinner and his mind wandered to the upcoming holiday.

“Guess I’ll have to pick out a costume,” he said.

Back in Canterlot. Gold Steel looked at a newspaper from a couple days ago showing a young filly with a tiara on her head.

“Rich Family daughter Diamond Tiara gets her mark. As though that’s really news worthy!” Gold scoffed. “Well, you’ll get something really worth making the news soon little miss Diamond. Rich Family ROBBED!”

“You’re gonna rob the Rich family in Ponyville, Steel?” Bright Wane asked.

“Correction my friend,” Gold said. “We are going to rob the Rich Family in Ponyville.”

“But what about Prince Fire Sword. He’ll have guards in town most likely!

“We just got out of prison, I don’t want to go back!” Swipe objected.

“Relax you idiots,” Gold scoffed. “They won’t be able to recognize us in our costumes! And with me able to teleport us to and
out of Ponyville in no time, we’ll have no trouble. Then we’ll finally have enough bits for me to buy my place at last!”

The Earth Ponies grinned nervously.

“Right boss!” Bright Wane said.

He and the other walked into the nearby room.

“You think we should go through with this?” Gray asked. “Maybe we should just rob what we can from him now and skidaddle!”

“No, we’ll get even more soon,” Bright said. “We’ll wait for the time to strike and then… take it!”

They grinned. But were unaware of Gold Steel smirking at them from the corner.

“You’ll outlive your usefulness soon!”

Chapter 21: The Nightmare Night Heist

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Fire levitated each part of his costume for the special spooky holiday out. The breastplate, feathered helmet, and hoof boots. It was white stage armor made of plastic. He could have gotten metal if he wanted but decided to go with something simple. It still looked good though and could pass for armor at a distance. Tonight, he would be a knight, like his royal guards. Knights were pretty much just a wealthier and higher-class soldier really.

Fire made his way down and saw Vine Archer at the bottom of the steps.

“You’re sure you don’t want an escort, your highness?” Vine asked. “Nightmare Night can sometimes have some shady characters.”

“Which is why I want all of you to remain here,” Fire told them. “We had one break-in already. I will be with all my friends.”

“Mares untrained in the ways of combat,” Silver Javelin stated.

“They are formidable in their own ways,” Fire reminded him. “And wield the Elements of Harmony.”

“Except those have been taken to Canterlot,” Silver countered.

“They are still strong mares,” Fire insisted. “Fast, graceful, magical, and perhaps more.”

He spoke for Rainbow, Rarity, Twilight, and Applejack. As for Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, he wasn’t sure how they could help in a fight. Then he recalled Fluttershy telling off that big dragon. She could win a battle with words maybe!

“I’ll be back in a few hours,” Fire promised.

He walked out of Warm Heart Tower and soon found Applejack, Apple Bloom and Big Macintosh in their own costumes. Applejack was dressed in a black robe of some kind with a wig on, Big Mac had a blue police uniform on, similar to Fire’s own with a fake badge on the chest, and Apple Bloom had a cowgirl dress with hat and boots on.

“Howdy Fire!” Applejack greeted in her country accent.

“Hi!” Apple Bloom joined as well.

“Hope you’re all ready to have fun!” Fire said.

“Yep!” Big Mac agreed.

“So, what are you Applejack?” he asked looking at the elder sister.

“I’m a Judge! And this here’s little my jury cowpony member!” Applejack said gesturing to Apple Bloom.

“Ah!” Fire spoke in realization. “Well, you look good.”

“Thanks Fire,” Applejack said.

They soon found the others in Ponyville. Twilight had dressed in a lab coat which clearly marked her as a scientist.

“Nice choice, Twilight,” Fire told the mare. “You did always do well in science class. That was a little struggle for me! I barely managed to get a B sometimes!”

“That’s still a good grade,” Twilight said. “But not a perfect A!”

Fire scoffed. “You’re just a perfectionist!”

“You have no idea!” Spike said before exclaiming. “Whoa!”

Fire’s eyes widened at him as well. Spike was clad in a blue and red tunic with a small wooden dagger at his side. The dagger was obviously meant to be a sword for his small stature.

“Squire, huh?” Fire asked.

“Yeah, and you’re a knight,” Spike lamented. “Don’t expect me to enter your service, Sir!”

“Oh, but you two would make a perfect duo I say!” a familiar beautiful voice sang nearby.

Both males turned and saw to their delight that Rarity was coming toward them along with Sweetie Belle. Both were dressed in lovely dresses, purple for Rarity and blue for Sweetie Belle. Rarity had a tiara on while Sweetie had a pointed hat.

“Wow, nice princess costume Rarity!” Fire said blushing.

“Why thank you Prince Fire!” Rarity replied with her own blush. “Or perhaps I should say Sir Fire since you are a knight rather than a prince or a sheriff tonight!”

She laughed at the unintentional joke and so did he.

“You look great Rarity!” Spike agreed as he too showed rosy cheeks. “Perfect in fact!”

Sweetie Belle, meanwhile frowned at them. “Hey! Don’t I look nice too?”

“Of course you do my little mare in waiting!” Rarity put a hoof around her sister.

“Very pretty Sweetie Belle,” Fire added.

“Thanks Fire,” Sweetie Belle replied smiling at him before looking at Spike with a blush of her own. “What do you think Spike?”

The little dragon was focusing on Rarity with hearts flowing in the air around him. He snapped out of it as he heard Sweetie Belle’s voice. “Uh, sorry did you say something?”

She growled at that and stuck her nose in the air. “Hmph!”

Twilight then spoke again. “I love all your costumes! They suit you!”

“Yeah!” Apple Bloom said.

“They sure as hay do!” Applejack said.

“Who’s ready to have fun?” A hyper active voice spoke up.

Pinkie Pie appeared dressed in a clown costume. Her face was painted white and her mane had blue in it now as well as pink. Rainbow came as well, dressed as a Wendigo, a silver horse spirit that was said to thrive when ponies fought and didn’t get along. Scootaloo walked at her side, dressed in a black cloak like the grim reaper.

“That’s everypony here then!” Twilight said. “Except for Fluttershy.”

The shy Pegasus was too scared of all the costumes to come to come on Nightmare Night.

“Eh, let her hide at home she hates all the scary stuff,” Rainbow Dash said. “We should totally go and scare her!”

Fire was usually all for a little prank, but with Fluttershy…

“No way!” he said.

“Yeah, she’s too sensitive!” Pinkie agreed. “Let’s just have fun! Won’t be as fun without her but still fun!”

They divided into groups before walking around the houses of Ponyville, receiving a candy in their buckets. Fire went with Rarity, Spike and Sweetie Belle as their costumes went well together. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo joined them as well. Twilight meanwhile went with Pinkie, Rainbow and the two remaining apples. Soon they had a lot of candy in their bags.

“Ah this is the best night ever!” Spike said.

“Yes indeed. Nothing better than to be able to satisfy your sugar cravings. Though I worry about cavities!” Rarity said.

“My friend Minuette just got a job as a dentist in Canterlot, visit her if you come down with one! Or have her look when she’s visiting!” Fire told her.

They all laughed.

They walked from house to house until somepony approached them.

“Excuse me, Prince Fire?” the stallion said. He was an old purple pony with graying hair dressed in a butler outfit, though it didn’t seem to be a costume.

“Yes, who are you?” Fire asked.

“Randolph, butler to the Rich family here in Ponyville. Apologies if this is last minute, but you see, Master Rich wishes to invite you to his Nightmare Night Party as you are certainly a pony of influence.”

Fire had to resist the urge to frown. Though as he recalled Filthy Rich might indeed be filthy stinking rich but he wasn’t spoiled, unlike his wife and daughter. Fire had seen Diamond Tiara bullying Apple Bloom and the others at the party for being blank flanks.

“Oh, I would simply love to go!” Rarity said. “I’m sure Mr. and Mrs. Rich will adore my company! They always love the clothes I make for them!”

Well, at least one pony there would be friendly.

“Can I bring my friends along?” Fire asked.

“Of course,” Randolph said politely.

Fire smiled. As long as he had those close to him he’d be okay with it. He soon regrouped with the others after going to a couple more houses.

“A party huh in the Rich family mansion? Sounds awesome!” Rainbow declared.

Fire looked at the Cutie Mark Crusaders. “Are you three okay going to Diamond Tiara’s house? I know she’s not exactly a friend of yours.”

“As long as we have all of you with us, we’ll be fine!” Apple Bloom assured them.

With that, they headed to the Rich family mansion. Fire knocked on the door and soon Randolph answered.

“Welcome your highness!” the butler said.

They entered and found the inside to be quite refined with many expensive looking items all around. A suit of armor, a portrait of the rich family framed in solid gold, and more. Nightmare Night decorations were put up as well. Pumpkins with carved scary faces, bat wings, and food and drinks on a table in the side.

“Ah, Prince Fire Sword!” a stallion that must have been Filthy Rich greeted them. He was dressed in a green suit and carried a pot of gold on his back, a leprechaun.

“Prince Fire! Prince Fire!” Diamond Tiara exclaimed. She was dressed in a frilly ballerina like costume.

“Hello Prince Fire Sword,” a mare in a black which costume greeted in a cold tone. She must have been Spoiled Rich. “Good to finally welcome you into the luxuriousness of our home.”

“Thank you,” Fire greeted as politely as he could to her condescending remark.

Spoiled then eyed the others behind him. “And who are these mares with you?”

“My friends,” Fire told her with a frown he couldn’t suppress.

“Ah! Wonderful! The more the merrier!” Filthy said enthusiastically. “I recognize each of them I daresay, except for perhaps you!”

He gestured at Twilight.

“Twilight Sparkle, sir,” Twilight said shaking his hand. “I work at the Golden Oaks Library.”

“Ah yes, I heard something about a new librarian there. Sadly I don’t have much time for reading, aside from business letters,” Filthy Rich said. “I should probably see if there’s anything I can read though. It’s been such a long time!”

“Um, can we talk for a moment husband?” Spoiled asked.

“Certainly dear,” Filthy followed his wife upstairs.

Fire had a feeling it was about the guests and Spoiled’s tastes. But he shrugged. “Rich Ponies! At least not all of them are rotten apples!”

“But a fair number are,” Applejack said.

With that he and his friends joined in the festivities.

Outside the mansion, in Ponyville, there was a flash of light as Gold Steel teleported into town with his minions. They were dressed in their costumes as well. Steel had a quiver full of arrows on his back as well as a green tunic with a pouch that had a couple secret weapons inside. He’d decided to come as Robin Hoof. To avoid being recognized as well he’d added a green face mask to his costume as well. Behind him, his underlings were dressed in matching unforms with fake rapiers, the three Ponyteers.

“Alright, we’re here. Now we just need to get inside. Should be easy,” Steel said confidently.

Turned out it had a little difficulty.

“I’m sorry but I don’t have a Gold Steel on the list,” Randolph said.

“Oh, I’m sure that must be a mistake,” Gold said light up his horn and casting a quick spell. “I’m sure Mr. and Mrs. Rich would like to meet me!”

“Oh, I’m sure they would. Go right in Sir!” Randolph said as the brainwashing spell took affect.

“Thank you,” Gold said with a fake smile before casting another quick spell to make the butler forget him.

Looking around he was relieved to see the other guests were too focused on their activities to notice the magic. Steel spotted Fire Sword among them speaking with a lavender unicorn and others. He turned to his minions and smirked at them.

“Well, no sense being all work and no play. Let’s have a little fun before the main event begins!”

They grinned.

“Yeah!” they agreed.

The four of them walked off in various directions and enjoyed themselves... for a time.

Fire cast a glance at the new arrivals. He frowned as he realized something was familiar about them. Though he couldn’t place it as they were all wearing costumes that resembled the three Ponyteers.

He considered going over to see if he knew them but then Pinkie Pie yelled out.

“Come on everypony! It's time to get this Nightmare Night Party in full swing. Lets dance!”

The ponies began dancing as the party pony put on music. Fire joined the dance as well, bouncing his head up and down before looking around at the Mane 5, and Rarity in particular. With a quick flap of his wings, he flew over to her.

“Would you care to dance, Princess Rarity?” Fire asked extending his hoof.

“Why, I’d love to Sir Fire!” Rarity said bowing before taking it in her own.

They smiled at each other and slowly spun around while keeping hold of each other’s hoofs. They weren’t a couple, but they could at least enjoy a friendly dance. Fire was content with that. He’d always preferred the partner dancing rather then solo of group ones.


Spike watched them with a frown.

Then suddenly he was approached by Sweetie Belle who smiled.

“Hey Spike,” she greeted him.

“Uh, hi Sweetie Belle,” he greeted before looking away at her.

She pouted.

“So, everypony is dancing,” she said.

“Yeah,” he agreed.

“Don’t you have a partner?” she asked, knowing the answer.

“No,” he replied glumly.

“Well, I could change that,” she said putting on a smile.

He looked at her and… unable to resist her cute expression, agreed.

“Alright. I guess that would be fun.”

She isn’t as beautiful as her sister, but she is pretty cute, he thought to himself.

He thought back to Twilight telling him Rarity was too old for him and that he should try ponies his own age. But he pushed that out of his mind… for now. His heart was pretty much set on Rarity for the moment, even if it was not meant to be.
Spike shook his arms and Sweetie did the same with her hooves. They alternated between dancing next to each other and Sweetie Belle putting her hooves on his shoulders as he led her in a circle with his claws on her waist.


For a final move, Fire picked up Rarity and spun her bridle style, her dress flowing as he did so.

“Oh! That was a wonderful dance,” the unicorn said once he put her down. “Thank you, Prince Fire!”

She hugged him and whispered. “I’m sure Moondancer will love that at the Grand Galloping Gala.”

“Right, Moondancer,” Fire said with a forced smile.

She and her friends were probably having their own party in Canterlot. Rarity too forced a smile, wishing yet again somewhat that she was Fire’s date instead of Moondancer.

Fire looked around and saw Rainbow Dash up in the air dancing with a few other Pegasi including Derpy Hooves. Twilight and Applejack were dancing next to each other as well along with Big Macintosh and several others. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon sat at a table eating cupcakes and other sweets. Pinkie Pie was still doing the music and putting on Nightmare Music.

It’s a fright tonight!

The night when all the spooks come out to play.

Look out! They’ll try to scare ya!

But remember they’re just ponies in costumes!

No harm meant! Its all the fun of the fright tonight!

So get ready to scream!

For the terrors are coming out tonight!

And they’ll go


She pointed to the crowd who went “Aah!!

“When I say Boo! You say…”




“And that’s the fun of the fright tonight!

Scary very scary!

But lots of fun!”

Once the song was done Fire felt a little thirsty. He turned to Rarity.

“I’m a bit parched. You wanna grab a drink?”

“Indeed. The sugar and dancing tends to make on thirsty after all,” she agreed.

Nearby, Gold Steel overheard. He smirked and teleported ahead of them as he knew the time was perfect.

They walked to the refreshment table in the manor. Fire spotted a variety of juices and punch. He would go for the fruit punch, his favorite drink, and was about to grab that with his magic but then looked at Rarity.

“What would you like Rarity?” he asked.

“Oh um, lemonade,” she said.

Fire quickly spotted the yellowish green drink and levitated it and a cup then poured it for her. She took it her own magic and smiled at him.

“Thank you, your highness,” she said. “You know you can be a true gentle colt at times. I’d expect no less from the son of Celestia herself. A little rough at other times but then you are a combative pony. I only hope Prince Blueblood is as gracious as you.”

Fire’s eyes widened as he poured himself a glass of punch and took a sip. If she was hoping for Blueblood to be a gentlecolt with her she would probably have another thing coming. Maybe if he were to tell her-

“Well, to be honest I-

Suddenly he felt drowsy and stumbled.

“Prince Fire?” Rarity asked in concern.

He collapsed, dropping his cup onto the fine carpet below their hooves which spilled its contents, and Rarity screamed.

“Help! The Prince is down! Help! He collapsed after drinking from the punch! Oh no! Poison! It must be poison!”

Gold Steel heard the dramatic scream from under the refreshment table and chuckled as he put the vial back in his pouch.

“Not poison, just a little sleeping potion. Can’t have that prince getting the way of my plans.”

He teleported into another room and watched as many of the ponies ran over to the direction of the screams. His minions meanwhile soon found him, knowing this had to be the que to meet back up again.

“Alright, the dangerous Prince is out of the way,” Steel told them. “But we still got most of the Elements of Harmony wielders here.”

“Yeah, I remember last time,” Gray said.

“What do we do then?” Sly asked.

“We need to make sure they don’t attack us,” Bright Wane said.

“That’s why we’ll take a hostage,” Steel told them as he passed a hoof knife to Gray. “Get her.”

They made their way down to where the crowd of guests had gathered around Fire.

“Is he breathing? Please tell me he’s breathing!” Rarity exclaimed dramatically.

“He’s breathing,” Twilight assured as she listened to Fire’s heartbeat. “But he’s in a deep sleep. You said he fell right after drinking from the punch?”

“Yes, he poured me a glass of lemonade and then got himself a drink and fell asleep right after taking a sip!” Rarity

“And he got a stain all over my carpet!” Spoiled Rich remarked looking at the cup that Fire had dropped when he fell asleep.

“That’s not important dear!” Filthy Rich told his wife calmly.

“Let me try the punch!” Pinkie said as she poured the contents of the pitcher down her throat.

“Pinkie I don’t think that’s a good-

Twilight was interrupted as Pinkie Pie fell to the floor asleep.

“Idea,” the unicorn finished.

Gold Steel soon spotted Diamond Tiara among the guests. He turned to his minions who would now play their part… and then be discarded.

“Get her and maybe some others as well!” he told them. “I’ll cover you.”

And then betray you! He thought.

He cast a spell to make himself invisible as the three Earth Ponies dashed at the young rich filly and grabbed her as well as her friend Silver Spoon and Apple Bloom as a random pair of other hostages before anypony could react. A blade was held to her little throat and she froze along with many other ponies.

“Alright! Give us all your bits if you want these little fillies to remain unharmed tonight!” Bright Wane ordered.

The ponies murmured in fright before Twilight recognized the ponies in the uniforms. “Hey, you’re the thieves that robbed Fire!”

“You let those fillies go right now or we’ll…”

Rainbow Dash was cut off as Applejack bit her tail and pulled her back.

“Don’t do it Rainbow! We can’t take a chance with their safety!”

Seeing that they didn’t have the element of surprise like last time, the ponies had no choice but to comply. The two grown members of the Rich family escorted their three intruders that they could see (with the hostage fillies in tow) to the basement where the patriarch himself kept a giant safe full of bits. He opened it and revealed a large vault full of bits, at least a million, or tens of millions.

“Take as much as you want just don’t hurt our daughter!” Filthy begged before adding. “Or the others.”

“You won’t get away with this!” Spoiled said through gritted teeth.

“Oh, they won’t!” A new voice said. “But I will!”

Gold Steel suddenly became visible, having followed behind them. He shot three golden beams from his horn. The two rich ponies screamed and fell on their stomachs, but they weren’t the targets of the attacks. His own minions were. He shot them one at a time in the space of only a couple seconds. All three Earth Ponies lay on the ground, badly injured or worse. The three hostage fillies and the owners of the home looked at the new attacker in fear.

“Go on! Move!” Gold shouted.

The five ponies ran back the other way and Steel meanwhile stepped into the vault. He stretched his magic far and gathered as much in it as he could before teleporting nearly all the contents of the Rich family vault and himself back home to Canterlot. It almost smothered him in his own theft when he ended up back in his secret room in his house.

“At last! I’ll have enough and still be one of the richest ponies in Equestria!” Steel stated.

When Fire woke up, he was in bed back at Warm Heart Tower with the mares all around him.

“Uh what happened?”

“You drank a sleeping potion that was put in the punch,” Twilight explained. “There was a robbery at the Rich family house!”

“What?” Fire exclaimed getting up.

“It was those thieves that stole from here a while back,” Twilight went on.

“Yes, and they were with that awful teleporting unicorn thief apparently!” Rarity exclaimed before hugging him. “Oh, I’m so glad you’re alright! I was afraid you might have been poisoned when you collapsed.”

“Lucky that wasn’t poison in the punch!” Rainbow Dash told him. “Then you’d be the same as those Earth Pony thieves!”

“What?” Fire exclaimed again.

“They’re dead, the unicorn thief killed them. He was invisible and had those three Earth Ponies take Apple Bloom and two others hostage,” Applejack explained. “Then he robbed the rich family of all their riches!”

“Now they’ll have to call themselves the poor family!” Pinkie said.

“Poor ponies!” Fluttershy said sadly. “The Rich’s were robbed and the thieves killed!”

“Great,” Fire lamented. “Now what?”

Twilight suddenly smiled. “Well thankfully that defense we put in place a while back worked. My teleportation spell detector let me know somepony teleported and I could find out who it was. Gold Steel from Canterlot!”

Fire’s eyes widened. The same guard he’d seen a couple times and even worked with when bringing the relief money here to Ponyville! He’d thought a royal guard was trustworthy! It took him a moment to recover from his shock.

Fire then narrowed his eyes in determination. “Then I guess we’ll have to arrest him. Send word to Canterlot! I’m going to catch him.”

“Then count us in!” Rainbow Dash said.

Fire nodded and looked at the others. He knew Rainbow Dash would be eager for action at least.

“I’ll welcome it. If the rest of you want to come you can. But this could be dangerous. I won’t force you.”

“I’m in!” Twilight said. “Maybe I can use my magic to help you catch him.”

“It will be fun!” Pinkie agreed.

“I won’t leave to handle this on your own!” Applejack vowed.

“I’m sure you can handle it yourself but am happy to lend a hoof however I can,” Rarity said.

“Um, I don’t really want to go into danger…” Fluttershy said. “But I feel worse not helping you all.”

“Then we’re going!” Fire said. “Look out Gold Steel! We’re coming for you!”

Chapter 22: Catching the Gold Stealer

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Fire, the mares, Vine Archer, and Silver Javelin all sat on the train going to Canterlot. Spike had remained behind as someone needed to watch Twilight’s library. The same went for the rest of Fire’s guards.

"We're going to need a plan for this," Twilight said. "If anything goes wrong and Gold Steel realizes what we're doing he'll teleport away and we'll never be able to find him.”

Fire nodded. "You're right."

"Eh, let’s just break his horn and he'll be able to use magic," Rainbow said. "Right?"

"Umm... that seems a bit extreme," Fluttershy said.

"Yes, Steel maybe a thieving and killing ruffian but we shouldn't maim him in such a horrendous way!" Rarity agreed.

"Then what should we do?" Applejack asked.

"Why are they even here?" Vine Archer asked from the guard’s corner of the train. "This is a job for us royal guards!"

"They may wield the Elements of Harmony but that doesn't give them law enforcement badges," Silver Javelin muttered in agreement. "They should only be used against VERY serious threats!"

Fire heard them mutter something and looked over. "You guys have something you want to add?"

"Oh um, we were just thinking it might be better if these mares were to stay out of this. No need for them to recklessly endanger themselves," Vine said.

"Thank for your concern good sirs, but each of us are capable of defending ourselves," Rarity said with a charming smile.

"I'm not!" Fluttershy said timidly.

"Most of us are anyway," Applejack replied.

Fire put a hoof on Fluttershy. "Don't worry, Flutters. I'm to protect you."

She smiled at him. "Thanks Fire."

"If you would prefer to sit this one out it's okay. I know you're not a fighter."

"I still want to help," she insisted. "But I don't know how."

"Well, you know how to care for ponies right?" Fire asked.

"I've treated animals," she said. "And ponies aren't too different."

"Okay, if anypony is injured you can hopefully patch them up. Until we get them to the infirmary."

She smiled and nodded. “Thank you, Fire.”

The yellow Pegasus pressed her head against the neck of the white alicorn with a blush. Fire smiled and returned the nuzzle. All their friends smiled, except for Rarity who frowned.

They soon arrived in Canterlot and made their way up to the castle where they found Celestia on her throne.

"You are sure this is one of the royal guards?" the ruler asked seriously.

"Yes Mother," Fire said. "Twilight's spell detected him!”

Twilight lit up her horn and showed an image of the pony that her spell detected.

"He teleported right at the same time. There are few ponies in Equestria that are capable of doing that spell."

Celestia nodded. "And Gold Steel is one of them. He's probably one of the most skilled magic user, in the royal guard Twilight. I suppose even my royal guard isn't perfect. If Steel is indeed this thief, then we will need to detain him. That will prove difficult since he can teleport."

"We need to find some way to disable his magic!" Rainbow Dash said.

"There are magical dampening rings that can prevent that when put on a unicorn's horn,” Celestia said. “I keep them in the armory for when we have to deal with unicorns like this.”

She led them into the Royal Guard Armory.

“Wow! So Awesome!” Rainbow Dash said as she admired the many pieces of armor and weapons on the walls.

“A bit of a ruffian room, but still sophisticated,” Rarity said as she too admired the golden armor while narrowing her eyes at most of the weapons. “Spears and axes are just so primitive. A truly elegant weapon… now that’s a sword!”

Fire Sword chuckled at the indirect praise. “Swords are the most versatile they say, but others have their purpose. Axes chop wood much better than swords.”

“I suppose,” Rarity acknowledging while rolling her eyes. “Still not as graceful though.”

Celestia then stopped at a case containing a number of rings. She opened and levitated several rings out that she gave to each of them.

“I’ll check the guard records find out where Steel is stationed. Then you can all approach him. You have the tracking spell ready?”

Twilight spoke now. “Uh… I don’t I actually know the spell yet!”

Celestia smiled. “Well, you should have no problem finding it in the library or the castle archives. Though I might recommend you visit the former!”

Fire looked at her in surprise. They headed to the Canterlot library and asked for a tracking spell that would allow them to follow their target no matter where they went. As they climbed a bookcase with the librarian. As they walked to the spell book section though, Fire noticed a yellow unicorn with a red and purple mane.

“Moondancer?” he asked.

The unicorn looked up. “Oh! Fire! Twilight!”

She bowed her head and got up from her seat to give her two Canterlot friends hugs.

“So good to see you! What brings you to Canterlot?” she asked them.

Fire hesitated. “Uh, law enforcement business. We found out who the unicorn thief who can teleport is.”

They quickly told her.

“Oh my! A traitor to the royal guard?” Moondancer repeated in surprise. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

“No! That won’t be necessary miss,” Vine Archer said. “I’m sure the prince, element bearers, and we the prince’s guards can handle this.”

“Hold on,” Fire put up his hoof. “Moondancer you’re pretty skilled with magic. Maybe you can help. It will be dangerous though.”

She smiled. “Danger, ha! I laugh in the face of danger! Ha ha ha!”

“You’re quoting the Cat King!” Fire said with a grin.

“Yeah,” Moondancer returned the grin. “Of course that’s not really me! I’m sure you’d laugh in the face of danger though.”

“Maybe a little on the inside,” he admitted.

"So do I!" Rainbow Dash said.

“But I don’t want you to get hurt.”

She hesitated then spoke with determination. “If I can use my magic for the good of Equestria like you and Twilight, I want to. If there’s a problem I can teleport, at least a short distance.”

“Okay,” Fire reluctantly agreed.

He knew that Twilight was skilled with magic, she’d given him a challenge during some of their magic practice. Moondancer had been present at a few of those sessions, but she had gone down rather quickly when it turned to combat. Rainbow Dash and Applejack, even Rarity were all capable in their own ways. He couldn’t speak for Pinkie Pie as she was so silly, she’d probably do something comedic in an attempt to fight. Might be amusing, but he couldn’t guarantee it would be effective.

“How can I help?” Moondancer said.

“We need a spell,” Twilight said. “With many of us casting, I’m sure at least will be able to get him!”

They soon found the spell and after a brief session, all the magic users were able to cast it. Fire, Twilight, Rarity and Moondancer all lit up their horns. Red, lavender, blue, and white all shined and soon. Fire’s spell hit Twilight at the same time Rarity’s hit Moondancer. Twilight and Moondancer returned the favor, hitting the ones who’d caught them with the spells. It did no harm as these were merely tracking spells.

“Uh, my horn feels like it’s on fire!” Rarity exclaimed before giggling at the pony with that name. “Uh, no pun intended!”

Fire chuckled. “Our horns will get hotter the closer we are to the object… or creature we’re tracking. This was used to tag criminals in case they got away. It can also be shared with other ponies. If just one of us can hit Steel with it, we can share this spell with Pegasi, they’ll get a warm head instead of a horn. Not the quickest option but it can work in the long run if Steel is tagged.”

“But isn’t there a way to break this spell?” Twilight asked.

“Not without my mother’s permission. That’s a carefully guarded spell that only she and hoof picked ponies access to from the archives. Good thing, cause if Steel knew how to get rid of it, we’d be wasting time,” Fire said.

“Well let’s go and get him!” Rainbow Dash said loudly as she had sat around bored at a nearby table.

“Shh!” a pony reading nearby said.

“Let’s,” Fire agreed.

They made their way back to the throne room where Princess Celestia still sat.

“We have the spell, Mom!”

“We have the spell, Princess!”

Fire and Twilight looked at each other in surprise. Then they chuckled.

“That’s good,” Celestia said. “But I’m afraid I have some slightly bad news.”

“What’s that?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Has Gold Steel left the city?”

“No, but he’s preparing to,” Celestia said. “He says he’s moving to a place in the countryside. Not too Ponyville but a similar area.”

Fire frowned. “He must be using the money he stole to buy a new place.”

“So, this is all just about getting himself a fancy smancy home!” Applejack said. “That greedy pony! He threatens little fillies and murders his own friends for that!”

“They obviously weren’t his friends,” Twilight said. “He must have just been using them to get what he wanted.”

“Well, we better get him before he leaves!” Rainbow Dash said.

“I think I have an idea!” Rarity said.

They heard her out and Fire didn’t like it. Not that it was a bad plan, but he didn’t it. Mainly because it involved her… flirting with Steel.

“It could work,” he admitted through gritted teeth.

“I do have a gift for possessing a certain feminine charm,” Rarity said batting her eyelashes and throwing her head back so her mane flew for an instant.

Fire had to agree. He felt his cheeks flush as she displayed her beauty. What a mare. But he frowned as he thought of her showing it to that no-good stallion.

He approached her and put a hoof on her shoulder. “I want you to be careful. That pony has already killed three others! I don’t want anything to happen to you!”

“Fear not good prince!” Rarity assured him. “I’m sure with you… and all our other dear friends of course… we will be fine.”

Fire looked at the others. Rainbow, Applejack, and Twilight all wore confident smiles. Pinkie grinned happily. Fluttershy was nervous, and the two guards stood stoic and calm.

“Nothing to worry about!” the party pony said. “We’ve got a plan to seduce and then reduce this thief to a pony behind bars!”

“Better have a back-up plan just in case,” Fire said. “Can’t take any chances with this teleporter. If only there were a spell, we could use to prevent him from doing that.”

“Maybe I can invent one!” Twilight said. “There might be a stone or artifact or something!”

“We’ll worry about that later,” Celestia said. “For now, catch the magical thief my little ponies!”

“Right away mother!” Fire Sword said.

A moment later, he led the mares and his guards out of the throne room. They headed to where Celestia said Gold Steel was stationed for today. An area on the outside of the castle across from the gardens. Fire flew around from above and looked down, seeing the unicorn was indeed there. He returned and looked at Vine Archer.

“He’s there, get into position.”

Vine saluted his prince and headed up the stairs of the battlements above. Fire then led the rest of them to the pathway going to the gardens. Soon their traitor came into view.

“Go, Rarity,” Fire said reluctantly as he and the others stayed out of sight behind the nearby wall.

The white unicorn made her way over to the thief as he stood there in the armor that he had no right to wear proudly, a spear in his hoof. Fire only hoped he would not turn that weapon on Rarity or anypony else. But that was a long shot, he’d already killed his own allies… or pawns… whatever they were to him. Obviously, they hadn’t been much to him, if anything at all.

“Hello,” Rarity greeted as she came up to Gold Steel and smiled sweetly.

Gold Steel looked at her and couldn’t help but smile even with his dark heart.

“Hello,” he greeted. “Can I help you with something Miss?”

“Yes, you see I am just hopelessly lost!” Rarity lied dramatically. “Can a good guard such as you help a mare in distress?”

“Certainly,” Steel said. “How can I resist a pretty face?”

Fire frowned.

“Oh, why thank you!” Rarity played along. "Though you are quiet handsome yourself… Mr…”

“Gold Steel,” Gold replied.

“I’m Rarity!” Rarity introduced herself with a bow.

Gold smirked. “You seem quite a mare. Right beauty you are. If you are looking for a stallion of refined taste you won’t find a better one, or a luckier one. You see I’m going to be leaving Canterlot.”

“Oh?” Rarity questioned.

“Yes, I’ve acquired quite a bit of money recently for my… heroic deeds,” Steel lied. “And I’m able to buy my grandparent’s house. A large mansion that is! They disowned my mother and tried to kick her out. But I vowed I’d get what was rightfully mine! A mare like you, you could live a life of luxury if you were to become mine.”

Rarity narrowed her eyes. “How very… intriguing.”

Her sarcasm in response to the rude remark was not missed.

“Come on Fire!” Moondancer said suddenly as she moved forward.

Both Twilight and Fire followed, having been distracted by their own thoughts and feelings. Twilight confusion for the mention of her brother and Fire anger and jealousy.

Gold thankfully didn’t notice them approaching.

“Well, if you find me uninteresting you obviously don’t know what the right stallions are.”

“A true gentle colt always treats a lady like an equal!” Rarity scolded. “And does courteous things! Not simply claiming a mare as his own! Nor does he steal from others!”

That set of words caused Gold Steel to look up as three sets of spells came at him from Fire, Twilight and Moondancer. They hit him, tagging him, no they would be able to track him no matter where he went.

“It’s over Gold Steel!” Fire shouted. “You’re under arrest for theft, unlawful use of magic, threatening the lives of ponies including fillies, and murder!”

"Yeah! We know you're the unicorn thief!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

"And we just got you with two tracking spell!" Applejack said. "We can find you no matter where you go! It’s over!"

Silver Javelin raised his spear at Steel who gritted his teeth. He immediately realized his cover was blown.

"You're going down thief!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she flew in with her magic dampening ring in her mouth.

Gold's eyes widened as the fast Pegasus came toward him, but he managed to recover and put up a golden shield, befitting his name. Rainbow Dash rammed into it and Steel quickly thrusted out with his spear. She dodged and grabbed hold of it before wrestling it out of his grasp. He lit his horn and took her in his aura before throwing her against the nearby wall and knocking her out.

"I'm not going down without a fight!" Gold snarled before looking at them with his horn lighting up.

"Ha! We got you outnumbered!" Applejack scoffed as she spun her lasso and flung it at her.

Gold Steel teleported, fortunately... or unfortunately... he didn't go too far. He appeared right next to Appleajck and landed a smack to her side that sent her to the ground before following up with a gold beam.

Applejack screamed as she received a small third-degree burn to her leg. Silver Javelin threw his spear but Steel teleported again and appeared behind him, shooting him as well.

"Applejack!" Twilight yelled in concern.

“Silver!” Fire said in a similar tone before rounding on Steel. "You'll pay for this!"

"Yes! Take this you ruffian!" Rarity called as she and Twilight shot beams at their adversary.

Fire looked at Moondancer who was debating whether to attack or do something about their wounded comrades. Somepony had to help them, and he had assigned a certain pony to that task.

"Moondancer! Pinkie! Get Applejack, Silver and Rainbow Dash out of the way!" Fire ordered. "Get them to Fluttershy!"

"But we wanna help!" Pinkie objected.

“You can by doing it!" Fire ordered.

The shy Pegasus looked out from the corner that she'd stayed behind while the others charged forward to meet the enemy. Pinkie hesitated then heard a cry from ahead. Gold Steel had put up a shield and charged at Twilight and Rarity as they shot their beams. Twilight had been caught off guard and was hit in the face by a hoof strike. Rarity managed to block the attack aimed at her and retreat.

Fire lit up his horn, drawing Gold Steel's attention. But the villainous unicorn wasn't his target. Rarity and Twilight were both forced further away from the traitor unicorn.

"You mares stay back!" Fire ordered. "He's mine!" He didn't want them to get hurt... anymore than they already had. A part of him was also intrigued by the challenge of a one-on-one fight.

"I can still get up!" Applejack tried to put weight on her wounded leg to no avail. "Ah!"

"Come on Applejack!" Pinkie said as she got her fellow Earth Pony on her back. Moondancer likewise took the knocked-out Rainbow Dash and Silver in her magic.

Gold looked at Fire who prepared himself. But Gold Steel instead grabbed hold of Moondancer in his magic. She screamed and dropped Rainbow Dash softly on the ground. Moondancer was levitated in between Gold and Fire whose mouth fell open.

"Oh no!" he exclaimed.

Gold grabbed hold of Moondancer with his hooves. She cringed in fear and lit up her horn, perhaps to teleport away... but before she could, a ring fell on her horn and prevented the flow of her magic. That was either one Gold had for himself or the one Rainbow Dash dropped when she was knocked out. Gold then looked at Fire.

"You and the other who got me remove your tracking spells from me! Now!" he demanded.

He wanted the immediate threat removed. If he could get the spells off he could teleport away and start anew. But there was one problem.

"I can't!" Fire answered honestly. "Only those hoofpicked by my mother know how to remove these!"

Gold snarled. "Then I guess this is the last straw!"

He aimed his horn which charged brightly at the back of Moondancer's head. Fire gritted his teeth helplessly. His friend whom he was going to take to the Grand Galloping Gala was gonna have a hole blown through her mind which was oh so bright.

Then a faint sound came from above and before Gold could release the attack at Moondancer to finish her, an arrow hit him in the shoulder. Gold screamed and lost his concentration, his magic fading and he released Moondancer who quickly backed away. Fire flapped his wings and ascended into the air a short distance. He caught a glimpse of Vine Archer who looked down at the area from the battlements around the castle holding his bow. Fire felt a surge of pride in the leader of his personal guard as he aimed his horn, firing a moderately powered beam at Steel. It knocked the thief and murderer back. Gold grunted and Fire landed.

"You're under arrest!" he repeated as he walked forward.


Gold was soon put in Canterlot Dungeon with a magic-suppressing ring on his horn. Fire watched with satisfaction as the bars closed behind the disgraced guard.

"You disappoint me Gold Steel," Celestia said next to her son. "You will be in here for a long long time when we are done gathering all the evidence."

Gold's only reply was a silent glare.

She and Fire then made their way to the infirmary where the others were being treated.

"Everypony okay?" Fire asked.

"They will be." the castle nurse, Royal Tender assured him. Just a few minor injuries for the most part, the worst one was this pony’s burn.

"Name's Applejack," Applejack said.

"Well Applejack you'll be fine after a few days," Royal Tender promised as she motioned to the bandage on the Earth Ponies leg. "Just keep putting the magical healing ointment on that. Same goes for you Silver!"

The unicorn that often used a spear lay on his stomach, showing the bandage on his back.

"Yes ma'am!" Applejack said.

Rainbow and Twilight meanwhile had simpler treatments with just a bandage to Twilight's nose and some ice on Rainbow Dash's head.

"Well, we did it! We caught that thief!" Pinkie Pie said as she got out her confetti canon from out of nowhere. "Victory party!"

The canon shot its contents and soon all of them helped themselves to some cupcakes.

"I think we did well," Rarity said.

"Yeah," Fire said before looking at Vine Archer. "Especially you Lieutenant, you really saved Moondancer."

"Yes, thank you," Moondancer said gratefully.

Vine blushed. "You're welcome, Miss. Just doing my duty."

"We may have the Elements of Harmony, but even they will need help it seems," Silver said. "That means we'll have chances to shine as well! I ain't gonna be outdone by you here ladies!"

"Ha! Good luck!" Rainbow scoffed at him.

They all laughed. Another major enemy had been taken down. Who knew how many more would come?

Chapter 23: Gossip, Sights, and Starts

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Fire and the mares sat in a high-class restaurant in Canterlot.

"Wow, this place is great!" Pinkie Pie said as their starters of bread and butter arrived.

"Being friends with a prince certainly has great benefits," Rarity said.

"I'll say! I may not be into fancy-smancy but I won't say no to the best food this place has to offer," Applejack said.

"I agree that it is quite nice," Fluttershy said.

Twilight smiled at her. "Thank you. Feels good to know my friends approve of my home. Though I've only been here a couple times with my parents."

Fire scoffed. "I used to come here once or twice a month when I lived in Canterlot."

"Lucky you!" Twilight replied in a teasing manner. “Having a practically endless supply of bits.”

“Yeah, I’m a lucky young stallion to be the son of Celestia,” Fire agreed. “Though there are times when I wish I knew my father. My mom doesn’t like to talk about him. But hey, you didn’t do so bad on the luck yourself becoming my mother’s star pupil! Literally!” he gestured toward her flank where the bright red star cutie mark was.

“We got quite the various designs of cutie marks here!” Pinkie Pie said as she ate her grilled asparagus. “Swords, rainbows, diamonds, butterflies, stars, apples and balloons!”

“We all have our different talents, but together we’re quite a team,” Applejack said. “And having a little extra help never hurts like when we had Moondancer there.”

“Yeah,” Fire agreed.

His future date to the gala wasn’t with them right now as she was on a lunch date with her sister.

They all laughed. Soon their meal arrived and they dug in. As they did, somepony approached them. A gray coated blacked maned mare with a cutie mark of two pony heads facing each other with speech bubbles above them. Fire’s heart sunk as
he saw her holding a microphone with a brown camera stallion by her side.

"Prince Fire Sword! I'm Gossip Guesser!” the mare said.

“Hello,” Fire greeted as politely as he could.

He’d never liked the publicity aspect of being a prince. Plus this mare was largely responsible for presenting Blueblood as such as an esteemed bachelor in her Canterlot News and Speculation. Gossip Guesser only took what was on the surface and didn’t always bother to get the real facts. It was much more open to interpretation in many cases.

“We heard about your arrest of a member of the Royal Guard yesterday!" the reporter said. "Tell me is it true? Is this guard the unicorn thief who's been involved in over two dozen

"Yes," Fire replied.

"Excellent! Tell me how did you learn of the identity of the traitor?" Gossip asked

"Uh, thanks to Twilight Sparkle," he said gesturing to the mare sitting next to him. "She's my mother's prized student.”

"Ah yes! We’ve heard of Celestia having a top student! Though she hasn’t done anything newsworthy that we know of now has she?” Gossip said.

Fire noticed Twilight frown at that and he did the same.

“Twilight is a very skilled magic user! She is smart and gifted in all of its aspects! The only thing I can do better than her is fight! She was with me when I confronted not only Gold Steel but Nightmare Moon as well!” Fire said defensively. “As were all these mares!”

Gossip looked at Fire’s female company. “Hmm, I see you are following in your cousin Blueblood’s hoofsteps as well, surrounded by mares!”

“What? No! Eww!” Fire exclaimed.

“Oh no need to be shy about it! All the mares love Blueblood!” Gossip said. “And they might actually love you more before long with you doing such worthy acts!”

Fire might not mind that actually. Gossip then looked closer at the girls.

“Lovely mares, I must say. Though some of them could likely use some work on their manes.” Gossip said as she eyed Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

The camera stallion took a few pictures.

“Okay, I think that’s enough,” Fire said.

Gossip merely smirked. “Well, we got what we needed. You’ll see a little entry on you soon your highness I can say for certain in our Canterlot Collection of Rumors!”

Fire growled. “You’re lucky that you say those things aren’t always true cause if not for that we would probably shut you down!”

“Everypony loves it when circumstances are a little more free to interpretation,” Gossip smirked again. “Who knows, we might make you more famous then Blueblood!”

“Oh I doubt that!” Rarity said. “Prince Fire is probably more famous already!”

Fire smirked at that now.

“Even so Blueblood is so very handsome!” Rarity said.

And Fire frowned.

The two unwelcome additions made their way out and Fire ate the rest of his food in a less pleasant mood.

“Well those two weren’t very nice,” Applejack said.

“Yeah, telling us to work on our manes!” Rainbow agreed.

“I feel they are right about you two!” Rarity spoke up.

Applejack winced as she walked on her leg which was still suffering from the burn made by Gold Steel. Fire noticed this.

“You okay Applejack?” he asked the Earth Pony.

“Yeah, just hurts a bit,” Applejack said.

“Maybe we can find you a cart to ride on!” Rainbow Dash said.

Applejack frowned, her pride forbidding such an act. “I can manage just fine as long as keep putting the medicine on! I’ll be healed in no time! In fact I’m ready to return to Ponyville!”

“Oh but we only just came to Canterlot yesterday!” Rarity objected. “I’ve always wanted to live here! This is my first time visiting!”

“Well, allow me to book a tour for you!” Fire said.

“Really, you’d take us on tour?” Rarity asked.

“Well, I can see about the tour guides. We do have them here for visitors across Equestria,” Fire said. “But I suppose I can at least show you around the castle.”

He did so, showing them the various wings of the massive place he called home.

“We have hundreds of rooms in the castle, like the kitchen, barracks, and you’ve already seen the armory,” Fire said as he led them through each of the rooms. “And here’s my room.”

Rarity looked around, seeing a picture of him with his mother and Princess Cadance. “Who’s this?”

“That’s Princess Cadance!” Twilight said. “She’s my former foalsitter and Celestia’s adoptive niece!”

“Yeah, my cousin,” Fire said. “Though I consider her more of a sister.”

He blushed as he thought back to his former feelings on her before that. Among other things.

“That’s sweet,” Applejack said.

They made their way outside to the sculpture garden where many statues were kept. Including-

“And this here is Discord,” Fire said as they approached a large dragon like creature with a variety of body parts from different animals.”

“That’s a weird creature,” Pinkie remarked.

“He should be weird, he is the Spirit of Chaos after all,” Fire said. “My mom and Aunt Luna encased him in stone over a thousand years ago when he tried to take over Equestria. He caused a bunch of weird stuff to happen like cotton candy clouds, corn turning into popcorn and chocolate rain.”

“WHAT?” Pinkie exclaimed. “That sounds like fun! Why would you ever want to stop something like that?”

“Cause it was disruptive and ponies couldn’t go about their lives. He even brainwashed several ponies into thinking they were having fun,” Fire said.

“Oh, well forced fun is no fun at all,” Pinkie said before looking at the statue. “I’d like a little bit of something like that though!”

“Let’s just pray to my mother it doesn’t come to that,” Fire said.

He showed them the rest of the castle and finally.

“And here is the school for Gifted Unicorns!” he said as they were in front of the school. “This is where I went to school.”

“Me too,” Twilight said. “We had such good times, all the learning, homework, science experiments, spell casting.”

“Yeah,” Fire agreed somewhat. “I could do without so much homework though.”

Twilight gasped as though Fire said something offensive. She looked ready to faint.

“Well, I don’t think I could ever get tired of living in a place like this,” Rarity said as she marveled at the castle.

They looked through the rest of the city for the rest of the day then retired for the night.

The next morning before noon, they returned to Ponyville along with Vine and Silver who stood silently. When they arrived, they found a fair-sized crowd waiting for them.

"You're back Applejack!" Apple Bloom exclaimed as she ran and hugged her

big sister.

"Hey Rarity great going!" Sweetie Belle said as she did the same with her sister.

"Uh, what's going on here?" Applejack asked.

"You've made the news!" Spike said as he emerged from the crowd holding a paper.

Twilight levitated it over and read the headline. "Prince and his Marefriends Stop Traitor to the Royal Guard. Wait, Marefriends?"

They all looked at Fire whose eyes widened. Twilight then continued reading.

"As Celestia’s sun began to set two days ago, it was discovered that the Unicorn thief who has been able to teleport and steal things from all across Equestria is a member of the Princess's own Royal Guard. Prince Fire Sword apparently found out about this somehow. From what we do know it began just when the Rich family of the small town of Ponyville were robbed and their young filly threatened in their own home. Along with the Prince were a group of at least six mares and a few members of his personal guard. What is the nature of Fire's relationship with these mares? Could one of them be his girlfriend? Is he going to be taking her to the Grand Galloping Gala?"

Fire's face went bright red at that. But Rarity put a hoof on his shoulder.

"Now now Prince Fire, it’s just a little gossip!" she said. "They don't know the whole story so they have to make assumptions. Besides it could be bit fun to guess first?"

"I suppose," Fire said. "But I don't like my personal life being pried into!"

"You are a prince! Everypony's gonna wanna know what's going on with you!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Now since we're gaining a little fame ponies will want to know about us as well most likely!"

"Yeah! We'll be famous!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Well I'm content with my life now," Applejack said. "But this can't hurt can it?"

"Certainly not!" Rarity waved her hoof.

"I've always wanted to help protect Equestria," Twilight said. "It seemed like the best way to make a name for myself with my magic. Of course back then I thought I could do it alone."

"Well you're on a roll so far," Fire said.

“Excuse me!” A voice called.

Fire looked and saw the speaker was Spoiled Rich.

"I want my bits back!" Spoiled demanded.

Fire frowned. "Take it up with my mother in Canterlot! She is handling the return of the stolen objects with her royal guards! She should send letters across Equestria soon to any areas that have been robbed by Gold Steel."

"Very well!" Spoiled hissed as she looked at the train which at that moment sped off. "Arrgh!"

Fire smirked at that. Now she’d have to wait for the next train to Canterlot which would be in three hours time. Fire and the mares then continued on and soon parted ways to return to their respective homes. Fire walked over to Warm Heart Tower with Vine Archer and Silver Javelin at his side. Grand Garden was in the front yard tending to the sprouted apple tree.

“Ah! Welcome home Prince Fire!” Grand Garden greeted.

“Grand,” Fire greeted as well. “How’s everything here?”

“All quiet,” the gardener said. “Though we are getting a little low on some of the supplies. Down to just a dozen apples in the cellar.”

Fire smirked. “Well, that won’t do. I go through those apples pretty quick by myself and with everypony else here they’ll be gone in a day or two. I’m sure you know where to get them.”

“Yes,” Grand said. “Sweet Applej- I mean Sweet Apple Acres.”

Fire had to restrain himself from laughing when Grand almost said Sweet Applejack. Not sure sweet was a way to describe Applejack, but dependable certainly was.

“I’ll take an inventory and make a list of everything we need then head out with some of the others,” Grand said.

Fire nodded. “Very good.”

What would he do in the meantime? It occurred to him to read, but another thing occurred as well. Watching what happened between Applejack and Grand Garden. That could interesting, though it wouldn’t be nice to spy. Of course they didn’t have to catch him. He was trying to set them up, at least a little bit. Might as well see if it went through.

Fire made his way to his study and looked through his spellbook collection. He found one and pulled it off the shelf with his magic. Checking the index he found the spell that came to mind. The camouflage spell.

He lit up his horn, it took him once or twice to get the spell right but when he looked at his white hoof, he saw that it was blended in with the room around him. He smirked and looked out the nearby window to see Grand Garden making his way down to Sweet Apple Acres nearby. Fire opened the window and flew out, blending into the blue sky above Ponyville.
He watched as Grand made his way to the barn. Grand Garden found Applejack outside tending to her family pigs.

“Well Howdy Garden!” Applejack greeted in a friendly manner.

“Hello Applejack,” Grand Garden greeted. “I’m gonna need a few barrels of apples.”

“Fire sure goes through those,” Applejack remarked.

“Like they say, an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” Grand grinned.

Applejack chuckled. “Yeah, it should anyway. I’m surprised Pinkie doesn’t have to see a doctor more often with how much sugar she eats.”

Fire landed on the roof, causing a small thud that caused him to grit his teeth. Applejack and Garden heard the sound and looked up. But they saw nothing.

Applejack then turned back to Garden. “Well, I’ll have those apples brought up in a jiffy. I’m getting kinda low on room in my storage so it will be good to send some out. I’ve considered making myself an apple cellar so I can have extra space to put the apples.”

“You sure have a lot of them,” Garden remarked. “No surprise I guess since growing apples seems to be a family talent.”

“Yeah, runs in the family. But my other talent being honest,” Applejack said. “And hard working.”

She headed into one of the apple sheds and began loading up a wagon with buckets full of apples.

“Let me help!” Grand Garden offered as he went inside with her.

The two of them pulled the bucketloads onto the cart. After a few minutes the cart was full. Grand Garden then handed Applejack the bits for the exchange.

“Thank you Applejack,” Grand Garden said.

“You’re welcome,” Applejack said politely. “Hope everypony at Warm Heart Tower likes the apples.”

“Oh they do, especially Prince Fire,” Grand assured her. “And me of course.”

“That’s nice. Glad we can satisfy y’all,” Applejack said.

Fire curled his lip. If Cadance were here she could just jumpstart their romance with a flick of her horn. But Grand seemed to be just sticking with being professional right now.

Come on ask her out! He thought.

Grand smiled at her. “You certainly… do.”

He tied the cart to himself and Fire thought for sure he was just gonna go without trying. The prince sighed.


“Say uh, would you like to maybe… go out sometime?” Grand asked.

“Go out? You mean on a date?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah,” Grand said shyly.

Applejack was silent for a moment. “Well, I’m pretty busy. But maybe! You seem like a nice stallion! We can at least get to know each other a bit more.”

Grand Garden smiled. “I’d like that. I really admire you for your hard work.”

“Thank you,” Applejack said.

From his hiding place, Fire smiled. They weren’t together yet but it was a step in the right direction. He flew off, looking at his body which was still camouflaged. This could be a good chance to prank somepony. He had just the pony in mind as well. He soon spotted Rainbow Dash laying on a cloud above Ponyville. He chuckled and flew over to her.


“Ah!” Rainbow Dash yelled looking around. “Alright who’s there! I’ll teach you to sneak up on me when I’m napping!”

She looked and saw… nothing. At least nothing at first glance.

“Huh? Could have sworn I heard somepony say boo! Rainbow exclaimed. “Maybe I dreamed it!”

Fire grinned and undid his spell. “Nope!”

“Wah!” Rainbow said. “Fire! How did you…”

“Magic and wings!” Fire lit up his horn and lifted his wings as he continued flapping them.

“Oh right,” Rainbow Dash said. “Extra perks since you’re an alicorn! But that doesn’t save you from my wrath! Just wait! You’ll get yours someday.”

Fire grinned at her. “Bring it on!”

“Okay, I will!” Rainbow Dash said.

Well, things had taken a few turns. Applejack and Grand Garden would be seeing each other, and Rainbow had pretty much declared a prank war on Fire. But that’s what made life in Ponyville interesting. Who knew what would happen in the coming months?

Chapter 24: Apples and Pranks in the Garden

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Applejack awoke the morning of the day that she and Grand Garden had agreed to meet. She wasn't sure what she thought of him yet but he seemed nice and hard-working, he also liked working with plants like her. She went about the farm and did her morning chores, feeding the animals, bucking the morning round of apples, hauling them into one of the storage sheds, and starting some digging to make the new apple cellar. That would take some time, maybe even months of work. She finished what she could just in time to give herself a bath. While she didn't prioritize appearances like Rarity, even she knew they had a time and a place. A date was one of those times. As for the place, well, that would start around here when Grand Garden came.

Soon he did. He carried some fresh flowers, small sunflowers, in his mouth.

"Um, hi," he said with a shy blush and a mouthful.

"Howdy," she greeted. "Those for me?"

"Yeah," he said.

"Mighty kinda ya," Applejack said politely. "Sunflowers are actually my favorite kinda flowers."

"Really?" Grand asked, sincerely surprised. "I had no idea!"

"Eh, lucky then," Applejack said. "They're nice and simple and can grow tall with the proper care."

Again she wasn't the type to care for beautifying herself but she wouldn't refuse the flowers. It was a kind gesture and she could put them on the table inside till they wilted. She took them in her own mouth, blushing as it came close to Grand's. Their cheeks touched and their blushes deepened. She put them in an old brown and tan vase that Granny Smith had. She then turned to her guest and date.

"So, what do we do first?" Applejack asked.

"Uh, well... have you ever been a date before?" Grand Garden asked, still nervous.

"Not really," Applejack confessed.

"Me neither," Grand said, feeling a little better at that. "Well, guess we should just get to know each other like you said. You want to take a walk through the orchards while we do that?”

She nodded, sounds good.

They walked among the many trees in her home.

Finally Grand spoke. “So, what do you want to know about me?"

She smiled. "Well, how did you get to become Fire Sword's gardener?"

She looked at his flank which showed a cutie mark of set of three flowers, colored blue, red, and yellow with a gold star above them.

"My family is from Canterlot, we're one of the few Earth Pony families there," Grand told her. "Most of us work the gardens and landscape in the few areas that need it around there. I got my cutie mark when was working at a garden one day and the client wanted us to surprise them with whatever we could throw together. I put a lot of things in there, but I ended with a set of three flowers in a pot. For a long time, I worked around the city."

"Well that's dandy," Applejack said.

"It was okay, many ponies were happy to have their places spruced up," Grand said. "But there were some that weren't so pleasant."

He recalled a certain stallion named Jet who had been engaged at the time to his current wife Upper Crust. He'd criticized Grand's choices even though they had looked good in the florist's eyes.

"They called me a lame Earth shifter!" Grand said.

"Well, those stuck ups are certainly not nice!" Applejack exclaimed.

"For so long part of me wanted to get out of the city and into some place quieter," Grand said.

"I can relate," Applejack said. "I once left home myself thinking I may prefer the city life. But when I got there I realized this was where I belong. How do you like Ponyville?"

"I love it!" Grand said. "Nice and quiet, less crowded, friendly ponies just about everywhere. Well, except for maybe the Rich family, or at least Spoiled Rich."

"Yeah, even here has the occasional rotten apple," Applejack admitted.

"But Ponyville is great overall,” Grand said. “I could definitely think of this place as a home I could stay in.”

Applejack smiled. “I feel the same way. I’m probably never gonna leave. My family found this place actually.”

“Really?” Grand said surprised.

“Yeah,” Applejack said. “It’s one of the main Earth Pony towns, with more on the Wild West. I’ve got kin over there, well… I got kin all over Equestria.”

Grand smiled. “That’s nice. Vine Archer is my cousin. Though he’s much braver than I am being the soldier. He tried to get me to join the royal guard but I was too much of a chicken to enter the life of combat.”

“Eh we can’t all be brave or fighters,” Applejack said. “No shame in living a nice peaceful life with your family and friends.”

Grand nodded. “I hope to make a home with a lovely garden someday, and a great family too. Yours seems pretty great.”

“The best ever,” Applejack said. “Of course, even we have our scuffles now and then. I missed Sweet Apple Acres so much when I left, I don’t think I’ll ever leave again. But maybe I could build another place of my own in these orchards.”

She looked at Warm Heart Tower as they were passing it. “There is still a bit of room here.”

Grand smiled. “I’d probably like that.”

Applejack smiled back. "You know, I think I like you!"

He chuckled and blushed while rubbing one of his forelegs against the other. They continued their walk through the orchard and Grand admired many of the trees.

“You certainly take good care of your apples,” he said. “Wish I could make a garden as big as this.”

Applejack sniggered. “I think only Celestia would have a garden that big.”

Grand sniggered back. “And I worked for her!”

They both laughed.

“Guess I am too now! As an Element of Harmony whenever its needed,” Applejack said.

“We all serve her and her country however great or small,” Grand replied. “I’m sure you’ll be a great Element with Prince Fire and the others. What Element do you use again?”

“The Element of Honesty,” Applejack said. “I always prided myself on being truthful. I learned that a little lie can only grow bigger when I was a filly and have disastrous consequences.”

“Good lesson,” Grand said.

Suddenly Applejack’s stomach rumbled. She blushed. “Guess I’m getting hungry.”

“I wouldn’t mind lunch myself,” Grand said.

“Well fancy that!” Applejack remarked and thought, Its almost like we’re made for each other.

They headed to Ponyville for a bite, not noticing that behind them a dark set of clouds were being gathering around Warm Heart Tower.

Fire was in his study reading a book, The Sleeping Mare. He was getting the part where the Prince was fighting the dragon to get to the tower where the cursed unicorn princess who had been put into eternal slumber was being held. There was suddenly a sound, or many sounds at once. The sounds of raindrops coming down outside.

Fire frowned. “I don’t recall there being a rainstorm being scheduled today!”

As soon as he said that, thunder sounded and a lightning bolt flashed. Fire looked and saw a black cloud over Warm Heart Tower. It wasn’t a big one though, it was only big enough to cover this area specifically.

“What the?” Fire asked.

Before he could ponder further, however, he was grabbed from behind and flown outside of the open window. Fire had let the windows remain open as it was still fall and moderately pleasant. Winter wasn’t for another couple weeks. That had changed today though with this sudden downpour specifically around Fire’s house, which he was now flown into!

“Ah!” he exclaimed as the rapidly descending drops touched his mane and coating, soaking them.

“Guess someone had to put out the fire!” Fire’s captor said in a voice that he recognized.

“Rainbow Dash!” he yelled.

She laughed and let go of him, Fire yelled in surprise and just barely managed to flap his wings in time to prevent a fall that would have hurt.

“I told you this meant war Fire!” Rainbow Dash said from above him.

“Alright! If it’s a Pranking War you want! Here’s my counterattack!” Fire lighting his horn.

He shot a spell at her and she suddenly found her wings attached to her body as if by magnets. She flailed her hooves as she fell toward the ground with a shout. Fire stopped her just before she could hit and possibly break a bone or two. But then he flung her in the mud of part of the garden that had just been planted and was still growing, the apple trees and grape vines merely sprouting.

“Guess we’ll have to call you Mud Dash now!” Fire said with a smirk.

Rainbow Dash rose to her hooves and shook the mud off while the rain washed her.

“You!” she exclaimed pointing a hoof.

Fire lit up his horn and she yelled in fright, but the next spell wasn’t met for her. He aimed for the storm cloud above which dispelled and vanished, revealing the blue sky above Warm Heart Tower.

“Your air power is formidable, but with a bit of the right magic you are helpless,” Fire stated.

Rainbow Dash growled. “Alright, you like to play combat, Sword? Let’s play! I’ve been meaning to pay you back for calling me a damsel in distress when you cast that binding spell on me and Pinkie!”

She charged, fast even without the use of her wings. No surprise there given how athletic she was. Fire almost didn’t block her hook strike in time. There wasn’t enough power behind it to severely injure him, but it was a good sport and he was more than open to a challenge.

He stopped the hoof strike then pushed it down while using his other hoof to grab her by the back. She was pinned to the ground. Rainbow tried to get up and Fire just barely managed to hold her down.

“You may be strong, but I’ve still got the strength of an Earth Pony,” Fire stated. “And a bit of training in the physical plain! Unlike unicorns who aren’t always athletic!”

“I get it, you’re awesome,” Rainbow Dash admitted grudgingly.

“Almost had me there though,” Fire admitted back. “You definitely got more speed than I do.”

He let her go and she got up.

“Okay, undo the spell keeping my wings attached to my back!” Rainbow Dash said.

“Okay,” Fire said before shooting another spell at her.

Rainbow Dash smiled and tried to spread her wings but they only rose halfway.

“Hey they won’t come up all the way!” she said.

Fire grinned. “Didn’t think I’d return them to you just lickety-split, did you?”

“Oh, come on!” Rainbow exclaimed.

“That will wear off in about twenty minutes or so! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a date with a certain fashionista,” he said. “Or at least trying a new coat she has for me for the winter.”

He flapped his wings, secretly wishing he was getting together with Rarity for a date right now.

Rainbow Dash snarled and punched her hoofs together. “Alright, time to bring out the big guns! Or maybe… the paint guns!”

She chuckled mischievously.

Fire, meanwhile, flew to the boutique and found the unicorn he was coming for ironing another outfit. She looked up from her work as he entered.

“Ah Prince Fire Sword!” she said with a bow. “Just in time, though I wish I could say the same as this ironing needs another… Ah, there!”

She got the last wrinkle out of the dress then put the iron down and hung the dress up. Then she led him to the stallion section and stopped at a draped mannequin.

“Presenting… your warm raiment!” she said.

The fashion loving unicorn unveiled the result. A read jacket with orange flame patterns and a matching hat as well as yellow boots with red heels.

“Wow Rarity! They look great,” Fire said impressed. “Really fits me I think.”

“I full heartedly agree,” Rarity said.

Fire pulled out his bits but she shook her head and put up a hoof.

“On the boutique my prince,” she said.

“Rarity, you already gave me another free outfit,” he countered. “I insist on paying for this one! I never saved your life this time to warrant a free one.”

She sighed. “I suppose that’s fair. But you will be getting something from me for Hearth’s Warming soon!”

Fire nodded as he put on the outfit. “I look forward to that. Hearth’s Warming is always great!”

“Yes, and it is an especially lovely month for me! Cause my birthday is that month as well!” Rarity said.

“What?” Fire said. “I didn’t know that!”

“Well, good thing I mentioned it then,” Rarity said. “It is especially generous for me I suppose you could say.”

Fire would have to get her something. Something… beautiful. Those were the things she liked after all. Just like her. Flowers? No those would wilt. He’d have to find something… perfect. Wow, he was thinking of it as if she were his marefriend it seemed. He did wish that were the case, but she liked Blueblood. What sort of curse had driven him to have such strong feelings for her? They just seemed to keep growing with every day! He tried to tell himself she was gonna end up with Blueblood, that he needed to find another mare! He was going to go to the gala with Moondancer. But why couldn’t he be happy about that?

He just… didn’t want Moondancer the way he wanted Rarity. Fire sighed internally. He’d go with her to the gala and see what happened at least.

Suddenly the boutique opened and Rainbow Dash entered holding a… gun?

“Freeze!” Rainbow Dash said as she held it. “Unless you want to splattered!”

Oh it was just a paint gun they saw. Fire let out a breath of relief. However, Rarity’s eyes widened.

“Get that out of my boutique! This is no place for ruffian games!” Rarity said.

“Sorry Rare but I got a score to settle with this stallion!” Rainbow said as she pulled the hoof trigger.

The paintball flew faster than Fire or perhaps even Rainbow could. It came at Fire and hit him right on the forehead where he was wearing his new hat.

“Hey!” he exclaimed. “Rarity just made this!”

The white unicorn’s mouth fell open for a moment and then she gritted her teeth, fire of a different kind seeming to burn in her blue eyes.

“HOW DARE YOU!” she screamed. “Nopony attacks my outfits! I shall see you answer for this CRIME AGAINST FASHION!”
Rainbow Dash was seized in the cold blue magic and thrown onto an outfitting stand. Rarity then took a number of threads and tied her latest creations assailant up with them.

“Hey let me out of here!” Rainbow struggled.

“Oh, I will darling!” Rarity promised with a somewhat sinister look. “Right after a makeover!”

“What?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed before seeing Rarity grab several makeup kits and gulping.

“No! No! Nooooo!”

Rarity took the brushes and began painting Rainbow’s face. She made her way down her coat and covered her entire body as well.

Finally… “Hmm, I think that will do nicely,” Rarity said.

“I agree!” Fire said as he looked at the masterpiece before him.

Rainbow Dash had been painted white with a bit of red on her nose, giving her a clown like appearance. Fire pulled a mirror as Rarity untied their ‘captive’. Rainbow Dash screamed.

“There you go Clown Dash!” Fire said. “Now everyone can laugh with you! Or at you!”

He and Rarity laughed as Rainbow Dash ran out, humiliated. Soon the two fashionable ponies (at least somewhat in Fire’s case) gathered themselves.

“Well, that may have been a little extreme but she brought it on herself,” Rarity said.

“I don’t blame ya,” Fire said looking up at his head.

“Now let’s get that stain out of your hat. I think I can manage that.”

Rainbow Dash likewise had to take a long bath to get all the paint off.

“Finally!” she said. “Man, Fire just beats me at pranks! Gotta be something I can do to get him!”

Then an idea occurred. “Maybe I don’t need to target him. But somepony close to him.”

She began writing a letter and then flew to Canterlot, finding the residence soon enough. She smirked as she left the note in front of the house.

“Fire’s gonna get an unexpected happy visitor tomorrow.”

There was a knock on the front door the next morning as Fire was about to finish his waffle breakfast. He looked toward it in surprise.

"I wasn't expecting any visitors today!" he said.

"I'll see who it is," Vine Archer said going to the door.

He walked out of the kitchen and headed to the door. Fire meanwhile took the last bite of his waffle. Just in time as the visitor came in and he saw Moondancer who smiled at him.

"Oh hey Moondancer what are you-

"Oh Fire!" Moondancer exclaimed as she ran over and hugged him to his surprise. "I can't believe you feel that strong about me! I feel like I'm in a fairy tail!"

Fire looked at her in confusion. "Uh... what are you talking about?"

"Your note!" Moondancer said levitating it out of her saddle bag.

Fire looked at it and saw some rather flirtatious words.

"Uh... I didn't send this!"

Moondancer's smile faded. "What? But then who?"

Fire then frowned as the answer came to him.

"Rainbow Dash!" he shouted so loudly it could be heard outside of Warm Heart Tower.

Up in the sky, the sky blue Pegasus heard as she lay on her cloud. "Well looks like I get the last laugh here!"

"At least for this chapter!" Pinkie Pie said down below her on the ground before waving up ahead at the fourth wall. "See you next time!"

Chapter 25: Diamond Birthday

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Fire had a major talk with Rainbow Dash for her prank on Moondancer which had simply gone too far. She apologized for that at least and they both forgave her (after she did them a few favors). Then time just seemed to go by quickly as the holidays began to come upon them. Before that, they had something else to see to, one of Fire's friends, the most beautiful unicorn he had ever laid eyes on was having her birthday.

And she was taking it… well.

"Oh this is a disaster I just can't decide whether to have my party at the Boutique or Sugarcube Corner!" Rarity exclaimed dramatically. "The Boutique is the place of refinement I daresay! But Sugarcube Corner is perfect for Birthdays!"

"Aww! Come on you know you'll love the party, and not to mention the unlimited cupcakes all around you!" Pinkie Pie said joyously.

Twilight put a hoof on her fellow unicorn's shoulder. "You just think about it, Rarity. I'm sure you'll make the right choice."

"Do we really have to have formal attire?" Applejack asked.

"Yes, this is my party so I make the rules. Surely wearing something fabulous for a couple hours wouldn't kill you!" Rarity said.

"I would certainly say not!" Spike said as he looked at her with a heavy blush.

“But I’m still uncertain where to have it!” Rarity said.

"If you want Rarity, you can have your party at Warm Heart Tower," Fire suggested. "We got plenty of room in the entry hall. We could have a dance party with music. I'm sure Lyra Heartstrings can play her harp if I ask her."

“Oh, that sounds marvelous!” Rarity said walking over and giving him a hug. “Thank you, Prince Fire!”

“No problem,” Fire said returning the hug.

He made his way to Lyra’s house and knocked on the door. She soon answered.

“Hello Fire,” the green unicorn greeted.

“Hi Lyra,” Fire said. “I have a little favor to ask. Could you play some music at Warm Heart Tower tomorrow for a birthday?”

Lyra smiled. "I’d love to! Music is my special talent after all, especially when it comes to the harp.”

“I know,” Fire said looking at her cutie mark which was of a harp. “You were pretty good at school.”

“I’ll get the choir I joined here in town and we’ll head to Warm Heart Tower on the day,” Lyra promised.

“Thanks Ly,” Fire said.

“So, I heard you’re taking Moondancer to the Grand Galloping Gala,” Lyra said.

“Uh, yeah,” Fire replied.

“I actually managed to get a ticket!” Lyra told him excitedly. “Pretty expensive but it is the biggest party in Canterlot.”

“Good for you,” Fire said, hoping she would have a good night even if the party wasn’t usually that great. “Are you going on a date with somepony?”

“You could say that,” Lyra said looking over her shoulder at Bonbon who blushed.

Fire’s eyes widened a bit. “Oh, you two are together like that huh?”

“Yeah. I just… never felt a major attraction to stallions,” Lyra told him. “No offense. You were always pretty cool though.”

“None taken,” Fire replied. “We all have our preferences. Do what makes you happy Lyra.”

She nodded. “Thanks. So are you doing anything for Hearth’s Warming after this?”

“I’m going back home to Canterlot. Get to know my Aunt Luna better since I haven’t had the chance yet and I’ll be able to see Cadance as well.”

Lyra smiled at the mention of the princess of love. “She was always so nice when she visited us in Kindergarten. How is she?”

“Doing well from my last letter,” Fire said. “I’ll be seeing her soon since she’s due back in Canterlot just before Heath’s Warming so perfect timing.”

“Good, I’ll be heading back as well to see my family,” Lyra said.

“And I’ll be coming along,” Bonbon added putting a foreleg around the green unicorn who blushed.

Fire frowned at her. “Uh, are you sure that’s okay?”

“Huh?” Lyra asked. “Why wouldn’t it be? She’s coming to the gala”

“Everything’s fine,” Bonbon assured him. “Not a problem.”

Fire nodded in response.

“What are you talking about?” Lyra asked looking from her friend (or perhaps more than friend) to Fire. “Is there something I don’t know about?”

Fire looked at Bonbon. “I’ll leave that for you to decide, Bonbon. But if you two are gonna be together like that I think there shouldn’t be any secrets between you.”

The yellow Earth Pony clutched her teeth nervously as Lyra looked at her.

“What is he talking about?” Fire heard her ask as he left.

He walked back along the streets heading home, but couldn’t help thinking he was missing something as he did so.

“Hmm, what could I be forgetting?” Fire asked.

“Hey Fire!” a loud and silly voice called.

Fire was startled as Pinkie Pie seemed to appear out of nowhere.

“Hey Pinkie,” Fire greeted.

“Can I help you with getting the party ready?” the pink pony asked.

“Sure,” Fire said.

“I can handle the decorations and the cake! Rarity loves vanilla oat flavor, and I got her a few pink yarn balls she can use for either her fashion making or to play with her cat.”

At those words, Fire put his hoofs to his head. “By my mother! That’s what I’m missing! A present!”

He began to panic. “Oh what do I do? The party is tomorrow! I got to find something for her!

“Oh relax,” Pinkie said. “You’re getting yourself all fired up here! Get it? Cause you’re fire?”

Fire took a few deep breaths. “Yeah, I need to just be calm and not lose my head.”

“That’s the spirit!” Pinkie said. “You’re sure to find something special for Rarity.”

“Thanks Pinkie,” Fire said appreciatively. “Well, I’m off to find the perfect gift! You mind decorating my entry way for the party if I can’t make it?”

Pinkie smiled. “No problem!”

“Just tell the guards I sent you and you shouldn’t have a problem.”

“Got it!” Pinkie ran off to Warm Heart Tower.

Fire looked around Ponyville in various shops but found nothing there. He then flew to Canterlot and arrived as the sun was beginning. He wondered the shopping area of Canterlot. He’d looked at the jewelry stores in Ponyville, and while they had some decent craftsponyship there he knew the ones at Canterlot were the trusted royal jewelers. And a mare like Rarity deserved the best.

“What oh what to get her?” Fire asked himself.

He looked at the jewelry stores and dress shops, but Rarity had plenty of those from the dozen or so times he’d been in her boutique. A part of him wished he could find something grand enough for her to choose him instead of Blueblood.

He could imagine himself presenting the gift to Rarity in a box, she would open it and gasp before saying “Oh Fire! This is such a magnificent gift! I love it! I love... you! You are the most noble and gracious prince in Equestria! I'm sorry I ever liked Blueblood! You are a better prince and I want to marry you!

"Rarity..." Fire said in his fantasy and they leaned in to kiss each other.

Fire sighed as he returned to the real world of Equestria. "If only that could come true. But she's in love with Blueblood. Stil I can get her something she'll love."

Fire looked around and saw beds, couches and other things. But Rarity already had a number of those and wouldn't be in need of furniture for a while. But then, Fire saws something that made his mouth fall open. A number of vases that held a variety of sparkling jewels in the shape of flowers.

They came in several different colors. Rubies, sapphires, and emeralds. Fire looked at the sapphires which reminded him of Rarity’s eyes.

"Yes! That is perfect!" Fire said. “Flowers that will never wilt!”

He approached the counter and bought them. This would have cost any common pony a fair portion of their life savings, but Fire had the luxury of being a prince of Equestria with thousands of bits at his disposal. He went to the castle and got the money from the royal treasury and then returned to the shop. Finally, he had the perfect gift for the perfect mare.

The gift was wrapped in a gift box filled with bubble wrap to keep from breaking and then sealed with a blue ribbon. Fire took it in his magic then exited the shop. He spread his wings and flew back to Ponyville just in time for sundown. After a late dinner he went to bed, looking forward to what would come at the party tomorrow.


Rarity inspected herself in the mirror, she wore a blue dress with a swirling frosting like design. Her birthday dress that she’d made a couple years ago. She also wore her personal diamond party hat.

"Perfect," she told herself in approval. "Worthy of a princess on her birthday! And one day I will be one! When I marry… Blueblood."

She sighed, more and more her attraction toward Fire Sword was growing.

“Get ahold of yourself Rarity, Fire will be happy with Moondance and you’ll be happy with Blueblood!” she said. “Just a bit more time and the gala will be here. You’ll be able to put this behind me once you see your prince.”

She took a breath to compose herself and walked down the stairs of her home and out the front door, her head held high elegantly as she made her way to Warm Heart Tower, the cool winter breeze running over her body.

“Ooh a little chilly,” Rarity remarked. “But I do have a fur coat underneath. At least its not snowing for another week.”

She soon found herself at the prince’s home and found Lieutenant Vine Archer and another guard at the door.

“Welcome Miss Rarity,” the lieutenant said as he opened the door for her. “Happy birthday.”

“Thank you good sir,” she replied as she made her way.

She saw the decorations hung up in the form of banners holding her cutie mark as well as a happy birthday sign. Music played as she entered and Rarity saw the source of the music was Lyra Heartstrings and some other ponies. They played for only a few seconds and then-

“Happy Birthday!” all of her friends said as they surrounded her in a group hug.

“Thank you everypony!” Rarity said.

All of her friends had their outfits and party hats that matched their cutie marks. She then looked around for Fire and saw him on his throne, which was the first time she could recall him being there. He wore a red party hat with orange flames and swords on it, as well as well as a red suit and orange tie.

“As the prince of this tower, I declare this party is now… in full swing!” Fire said flapping his wings.

The girls al whooped in excitement. The choir began to play beautiful music and the first event Rarity had wanted began. A dance party.

Fire approached her and offered his hoof.

“May I have this dance my fair unicorn?”

She smiled at him, “You certainly may, my handsome alicorn!”

Rarity took his hoof and they took the center of the entry way that for the party served as the dance floor. They twirled and spun, Rarity’s hoofs on Fire’s neck and his on her waist, just as they had during the Nightmare Night party at the Rich family house. Twilight and the others did their own group dancing for the most part except for Applejack and Grand Garden who were awkwardly dancing as partners as well.

“Ow!” Grand said as Applejack accidently stepped on his hoof.

“Oops! Sorry Grand!” Applejack said to her… Rarity wasn’t sure what they were at the moment. They’d gone on a couple more dates but weren’t official as far as she knew yet. Maybe in time though.

“Its alright Applejack,” Grand said.

They danced for a good half hour and did a variety of other party activities afterwards, such as pony train where the birthday pony walked in the lead with the others following. Rarity blushed as she felt Fire’s hooves on her hind legs near her flank while Twilight came up behind him, followed by Fluttershy, and so on.

They ate the cake with Rainbow Dash lifting some to throw at Fire and start a food fight. But recalling the makeover she’d gotten in retaliation from both him and Rarity, she lowered her hoof at their mutual glare.

“No ruffian behavior at my party!” Rarity said. “Or you’ll be missing a few feathers in your wings.”

“I think I’ll permit a little rough housing at mine,” Fire said.

“I’ll be sure to remember that!” Rainbow Dash said.

They ate their fill of cake. Finally the time came for Rarity to open her presents. She got a red bandanna with green apples on it from Applejack.

“Just in case you wanted something appropriate to wear when you might help me on the farm. Though that’s a pretty rare occurrence for you Rarity,” Applejack said. “Whoa, didn’t mean to make that a rhyme.”

“Thank you, Applejack,” Rarity said with a nod. “And yes that is correct. I believe that time when you were working yourself to near death was the only time I ever helped on your farm. But if you really need my help, I’ll be there.”

“Thanks. But unless Big Mac hurts himself I think I’ll be good. Still, best to be prepared,” Applejack said.

Twilight got Rarity a book on ancient Equestria fashion and decoration making.

“One of the few remaining original copies,” Twilight said.

“Thank you Twilight,” Rarity said as she forced a smile looking at the rather old book.

Fluttershy got her a fresh set of sewing pins.

“Oh good, mine are getting old and in need of replacing,” Rarity said.

Rainbow’s gift was a Wonderbolts shirt.

“For when I become a Wonderbolt so you can look like a real fan!”

“I shall cheer loudly,” Rarity promised. “For you Rainbow Dash.”

Next came Pinkie’s gift of a sketch book.

“I know you like to draw the outfits you make before you make them,” Pinkie said.

“Thank you, this will be quite useful,” Rarity agreed before turning to the last present.

Lighting up her horn, Rarity pulled blue ribbon off of the red box, pulled the item out, and unwrapped the protective packaging.

She gasped as she beheld the sapphire flowers. “Oh this is beautiful Fire! I love it!” Rarity said as she hugged him. “Flowers that I can look at forever!

“Thought you would,” Fire said returning the hug. “They may require a little cleaning now and then but they’ll never wilt.”

“You are such a wonderful friend and prince,” Rarity said as she kissed him on the cheek.

Fire blushed. Everypony else watched with smiles. Though one dragon frowned.

“Thank you everypony for a wonderful party with my friends!” Rarity said looking around. “You are the best friends a pony can ask for.”

They all smiled hearing that. Rarity gathered her presents and gave the remains of her cake to the choir.

“Thank you for a wonderful performance,” she told Lyra as she levitated a piece to her. “Enjoy this on me!”

“Thank you Rarity,” Lyra accepted the cake and took a bite of it along with the other members.

Rarity turned back to her friends. “I will see you all soon. For now I must prepare to join Sweetie Belle and our parents for their birthday appointment with me.”

“Bye Rarity!” Fire said. “Enjoy the rest of your birthday!”

“I will,” she said as she made her way out elegantly.

Twilight then looked at Fire. “This was a great party Fire.”

“You can thank Pinkie Pie for putting it all together since I had to hunt down a gift for Rarity at the last minute,” Fire said gesturing to the decorations.

“See you later Grand,” Applejack waved.

“Bye, my sweet Apple,” Grand said with a wink.

Applejack chuckled at that. “Ah shucks you… uh… Heart Digger?”

Might not have been the best come back. But it worked for Grand. The two maids of Warm Heart Tower began to clean everything up while the five other mares began their walk home, Spike following.

“Fire and Rarity seriously need to get together,” Rainbow Dash whispered to Applejack who nodded. “Its so obvious they like each other, yet they don’t know they both do.”

“Fire did kinda set me up with Grand,” Applejack said. “Maybe its my turn to return the favor?”

“You know what’s coming up right?” Rainbow asked.


“Hearth’s Warming Eve!” Rainbow Dash said.

“Yeah, so?”

“So you know what they have at Heath’s Warming?”

“Gifts and lots of food?” Applejack guessed.

“That, and mistletoe!” Rainbow reminded her.

Applejack frowned. “I thought you would have learned your lesson after that prank on Moondancer!”

“Aww come on. This is to help them!” Rainbow Dash said.

“I’m in!” Pinkie said. “Maybe if they kiss they’ll realize they’re right for each other.”

“Leh,” Spike stuck his tongue out.

“But what about Moondancer and Prince Blueblood?” Fluttershy asked.

“Well sure Moondancer might be hurt but she can probably find another stallion,” Rainbow said. “And Blueblood’s never even met Rarity before so he probably wouldn’t care!”

“But what if it doesn’t work out?” Fluttershy asked. “What if they break up so badly and are mad at each other?

“That kind of thing happens in love,” Pinkie Pie said. “Even among family.”

“Girls, I think it would be best if we just stay out of this,” Twilight tried to reason before Rainbow could answer. “We can’t force love! Sure they fancy each other but these things take time.”

“They’ve taken a lot of time already!” Rainbow Dash said. “They need a little push or they’re gonna remain unaware of the other liking them and waste a bunch of time with the wrong pony!”

The only one not joining in the conversation of possibly helping the two love ponies get together was Spike who frowned.

“We’ll see if I can get a kiss from Rarity on Hearth’s Warming,” Spike declared to himself. “Just get myself under the mistletoe with her and I’ll have my dream come true!”

Chapter 26: A Royal Hearth's Warming Part 1

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Ponyville was full of snow, Hearth's Warming decorations of reefs, red ribbons, and ornaments on trees, both inside the homes of ponies and on a big tree in the town square. Warm Heart Tower had also been decorated as well, of course they had taken down the decorations that had been there for Rarity’s birthday. But now it was another time for celebration.
Mistletoe hung above the entry way. Fire sat on his throne once again as his friends from Ponyville arrived. All of them were dressed in their winter attire of scarfs, boots and hats. Fire had his own jacket that Rarity had made for him a while back on. The fireplace was burning, though it would soon be left cold inside once this day was over.

Hearth’s Warming Eve would be tomorrow, and Fire would be returning to Canterlot where his mother, aunt, and family were. His guards and servants had all been dismissed to return to their own families, so he would be leaving Warm Heart Tower empty after this. He’d made a plan to have anti intruder spells put on to be safe. He’d already had one break in after all and didn’t need another.

The mares entered and began to sing.

Hearth’s Warming is almost upon us! A time for friends and family!” Applejack sang.

And for laughter, fun and tasty treats!” Pinkie added.

For lovely snows to fall!” Rarity sung as well.

The time to read tales of the holiday!” Twilight levitated a book as she sang.

A time to say goodbye, as many friends leave!” Fluttershy’s voice was a sad one. “For many animals must hibernate in these cold times.”

Fire flew over to and tried to join. He put a hoof on Fluttershy to comfort her. “But they’ll be back when the snow clears! Safe and sound!”

He doubted his voice was as sweet as theirs, but Fluttershy smiled nonetheless and hugged him.

Yes you are right! We must not be sad for this is a time for cheer!”

For Hearth’s Warming celebrates the day our races came together!” Rainbow Dash said. “In days of old and cold!”

But with friends like y’all its warm enough! Like a bright warm flame!” Applejack put her forelegs around the two Pegasi and winked at Fire who smiled at the similar noun to his name.

Let us all enjoy this last lovely get together!” Rarity said. “And pray for the next year that all our dreams come true!”

May the stars light our way!” Twilight gestured to the star mark on her flank.

“But first let’s enjoy this party!” Pinkie said the finishing lines getting out her party canon. “Our first Hearth’s Warming party together!”

The confetti blew and they were soon doing a variety of party activities. Twilight read A Hearth’s Warming Tale aloud for them. They enjoyed hearing the narration in the background. Fire and Rarity sat at a table in the servants dining room. With Fire’s servants having returned home for the most part they had to make the refreshments themselves, or had Spike do it. He whipped up some hot chocolate and served them all cups which he kept warm with his dragon breath.

“Room service! Or dragon service! Whatever you want to call it!” Spike said as he brought out six mugs on a tray over.

Twilight and Rarity levitated theirs over while the others used their hooves. Rarity looked at the white mug bearing a crown on it.

“I must say you have the most exquisite taste in Equestria, Fire!” Rarity said as she looked from the mugs to him.

“Thank you, Rarity,” Fire replied. “But I think you probably have pretty good taste yourself.”

Rarity smiled, then her lovely sapphire eyes widened. “But you don’t have a drink for yourself! Spike, you didn’t forget to make one for Fire, did you?”

“Uh… maybe?” Spike shrugged with a nervous grin.

“Well, this won’t do!” Rarity said levitating her mug over to Fire. “Take mine Prince Fire!”

“Oh, that’s alright Rare,” Fire said. “After all ladies first.”

“I insist!” Rarity pressed. “But thank you for the thought.”

Fire hesitantly accepted the mug, not noticing Spike frown at him for a moment.

“Don’t worry Rarity!” the little drake announced. “I’ll have another batch up lickety split and your mug will be next.”

Rainbow Dash suddenly got an idea. “Or you two could drink from the same mug!”

“I beg your pardon?” Rarity exclaimed. “I do not wish to receive germs, or spread my own to others. Particularly not my… best royal friend!”

Fire chuckled nervously. “Yeah, I don’t really want to risk germs either.”

“You don’t have to drink from the same cup… directly,” Rainbow Dash said as she held up a pair of straws.

Rarity rolled her eyes. “I suppose that’s acceptable.”

She levitated the two straws over to them and put them in the mug between them.

“After you,” Fire said levitating the mug between them.

Rarity smiled. “Thank you.”

She leaned forward and put her mouth on the straw on her side. She sipped a bit, filling her throat stomach with the warm sweetness. Rainbow Dash watched with a frown, knowing unless they both drank at the same time their lips would never touch. Twilight meanwhile continued to read the Hearth’s Warming Tale.

“Snowfall Frost felt that ponies would be better off working to make Equestria a better place through study and magic. But others felt that it was important to spend time with friends and family. Sounds like me when I was anti-social,” Twilight noted.

Fluttershy and Pinkie were both playing pin the tail on the pony with Fluttershy being blindfolded while Pinkie directed her to where the poster was hung. Applejack meanwhile was chowing down on the food on the large table in the middle; cookies, apples, and more.

Spike soon returned with a mug. “Here Rarity, I got you-“

He dropped the mug as he saw Rarity and Fire both drinking from the same cup with straws. Their mouths were only an inch from touching. The suddenly sound caused both of them as well as the others to jump. They saw the baby dragon standing there with the shattered remains of the mug and spilled hot chocolate.

“Uh… oops,” Spike said sheepishly before growing a frown. “I dropped that.”

“Better clean it up then,” Twilight said going back to her book.

Spike sighed and picked up the broken pieces then mopped up the liquid before bringing back a fresh cup for Rarity.

“And please bring Prince Fire a full cup!” the unicorn said.

“As you wish,” Spike said frowning again as he took Fire’s cup.

Fire caught a glimpse of it. He guessed it was because Spike liked Rarity. He should really give up. Neither of them were the mare’s main squeeze.

Rainbow Dash whispered to Pinkie who was at this moment chowing down on cookies. “Hey, you up for operation kiss?”

“Kiss?” Pinkie asked confused for a moment before Rainbow pointed to Fire and Rarity. “Oh sure.”

“Great! Here’s the plan,” Rainbow said. “You get Rarity over to where the mistletoe is hung!”

“And where’s that?” Pinkie asked.

“Right at the front door,” Rainbow told her a bit annoyed that she hadn’t noticed.

“Righto,” Pinkie nodded.

She took a moment to come up with a plan to get Rarity there then called. “Hey Rarity!”

“Yes Pinkie?” Rarity asked as the pink pony walked over to her.

“I have something I want to show you! Come on!” Pinkie grabbed her and began dragging her off.

“Oh! Pinkie, unhoof me at once! This is no way to handle a fellow lady!” Rarity exclaimed.

“Need me to come to your rescue?” Fire asked half-jokingly.

“I don’t think that will be necessary,” Rarity said as Pinkie stopped and allowed her to get to her hooves.

Pinkie led her to the entry way which had a bathroom next to it. She led Rarity right underneath the mistletoe hung up above.

“Alright, what is it you wanted to show me?” Rarity asked.

“You’ll find out in a minute,” Pinkie promised. “Just wait right there! And close your eyes”

Rarity frowned. Why did Pinkie bring her here? She didn’t notice what was right above her.

At that moment though, Rarity felt the need to go to the bathroom as Pinkie bounced off singing “La la la.”

Rarity clenched her teeth as her bowels were not happy. “Suppose I drank too much before coming here!”

She went inside the bathroom to relieve herself, closing the door behind her with her magic and locking it.

But Rarity wasn’t the only one in need of using the bathroom.

“Oh, excuse me for a moment. I need to use the restroom,” Fluttershy said.

She passed Pinkie Pie who looked at Rainbow Dash, waving her hoof strangely. Rainbow grinned then looked at him.

“Oh, is somepony in there?” Fluttershy’s voice asked from outside.

“I am Darling!” Rarity called.

“Oh, I can wait then,” Fluttershy said stepping back aways, right under the mistletoe.

“Hey Fire!” Rainbow Dash called back in the room most of them were in. “Up for a game of pin the tail on the pony?”

“Uh, sure?” Fire said hesitantly.

He was instantly blindfolded and handed the ponytail.

“Alright, allow me to guide you right to it,” Rainbow whispered in his ear as she grabbed him from behind and flew him.

“Uh… the poster is over there!” Twilight noted as Rainbow flew him out of the dining room.

“What’s going on Rainbow Dash?” Fire asked suspiciously at that.

He was set down right in front of Fluttershy.

“Feast your eyes on this!” Rainbow said not noticing it was the wrong pony as she removed the blindfold to allow Fire.

Fire looked and saw… “Fluttershy?”

“That’s me,” she said confused. “What’s going on?”

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie's mouths fell open as the two ponies under the mistletoe were not Fire and Rarity, but Fire and Fluttershy.

“Hey where’s Rarity?” Rainbow whispered to Pinkie in confusion.

“I don’t know! I left her here and told her not to move but she did!” Pinkie said. “I should have made her Pinkie promise!”

Rainbow Dash sighed then spoke loud enough for Fire and Fluttershy to hear. “Well, you two are under mistletoe.”

She pointed up at the entry where the plant had been hung. Fire and Fluttershy saw it and gasped.

“And you know the rules of that!” Pinkie pressed.

The yellow mare blushed as she looked at Fire. Fire blushed as well, not because he had romantic feelings for her, though she was a wonderfully kind mare. But the entire situation was more than a bit embarrassing.

He also knew what she was like. Shy.

"We don't have to if you don't want to Fluttershy," Fire said.
"Oh um..."

"Yeah you do!" Rainbow Dash objected. "Rule of standing under mistletoe, you have to kiss!"

Fire frowned at her. "Maybe I should drag you and Pinkie under here then!"

"Eww! I'm not that kind of mare!" Rainbow Dash objected. "I don't like mares! At least.... I don't think I do! Of course, I'm not really into romance either way!"

"I might be!" Pinkie said. "But come on Fire, Fluttershy! You have a rule to follow, or you're a..."

She paused dramatically then pulled out a beak and hat that made her look like a... "Chicken! Bok! Bok! Bok!"

Fluttershy blushed. "Um... I guess we have to then Fire."

"Alright, if you don't have a problem with it Flutters," Fire said.

"This is just for tradition and rules after all."

"Yes," Fluttershy agreed, rubbing her foreleg.

There was the sound of a toilet flushing nearby. They looked toward the door for a moment then turned their attention back to the situation at hand. Fire leaned forward and kissed her under the mistletoe. She hesitated a moment then kissed back. It felt nice. Then Rarity suddenly stepped out of the bathroom and saw them. She gasped at the sight.

"What? When did you two...?" Rarity stammered with a heavy blush that soon mixed with a twitching eye.

"Uh, we just ended up under the mistletoe!" Fire told her honestly.

"It’s true! Rainbow Dash and Pinkie lured him under the mistletoe and I happened to be under as well when I was waiting to use the bathroom!" Fluttershy said before realizing, "Oh! And I still have to!"

She went into the bathroom as Rarity looked after her for a moment. The white unicorn's gaze softened.

"Well, I see," Rarity cleared her throat. "Those two pranksters said they had a surprise for me but I had to-“

Fire frowned. "They must have been planning to get us to kiss."

Both of them blushed.

"Those two comedic ruffians!" Rarity lamented. "We must get them back! Up for another rainbow napping? I enjoyed giving her a makeover last time!"

"We'll bide our time," Fire said with a devious smile. "Come up with a good plan."

“Ooh! I like the sound of that!” Rarity said with a smirk of her own. “Let’s make it their worst nightmare!”

Fire nodded. They’d come up with a plan to get back at Rainbow and Pinkie for this, and probably take their sweet time unless they thought of something really quick.

They walked back into the living room where Twilight was now the one doing pin the tail on the pony. Applejack was leading her.

“Little to the left,” the cowgirl pony said. “Down and pin!”

Twilight pinned the tail on the drawing of the pony and took off her blindfold.

“I got it! Right in the bullseye!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Good one Twilight,” Spike said.

Fluttershy soon rejoined them and took a seat next to Fire on the sofa.

“Um, I hope you don’t mind if I sit next to you Fire,” the shy Pegasus said.

“Not at all,” Fire said. “Got something you need to say after that I guess?”

She nodded, her blush showing on her yellow cheeks.

"Yes. Um, well… you're a good kisser, Fire."

"Thanks," Fire said. “I’ve had a little experience.”

He blushed as he thought of the pony that it had been with. Cadance. Being the princess of love she’d decided to give him a few kissing lessons… among other things.

Fluttershy giggled. "I’m sure you have many young mares that wanted to kiss you in Canterlot.”

“A few,” Fire admitted.

He recalled the rumors that he and Cadance were gonna be married when he came of age. For a while he’d actually been into the idea. There were also a couple noble fillies that had wanted his hoof when he became a teenager. But he’d dumped one or two of them after the first or second date when he saw how shallow they were.

“So, what about you?” Fire asked the Pegasus.

She chuckled shyly. “You were actually my first one just now."

Fire gasped. "What? That's not right! I just stole your first kiss! Rainbow Dash and Pinkie!"

"It’s okay Fire," Fluttershy said putting a hoof up softly. "It was very nice. If anything, I'm honored to have had my first kiss with you. You're a very wonderful stallion, and not just because you’re a prince and the son of Celestia herself."

Fire's anger faded at these words. "That's sweet of you Fluttershy. But your first kiss should be from somepony that loves you."

She smiled. "You love me as a friend... right?"

He smiled back softly. "Of course."

"That's good enough for me. Let’s just hope that it never changes," Fluttershy looked away from his eyes but still kept her cute smile.

"Let’s hope," Fire agreed before realizing his punch cup was empty. "Oops, got to refill!"

Fluttershy watched him walk away. She knew he liked Rarity, and had made her peace with that. But at the same she felt sorry for him since Rarity was hoping to woo Prince Blueblood. At least he had Moondancer as another love interest. She had for a time thought that maybe she too had romantic feelings for him. The way he made her feel safe, especially when he'd carried her up the mountain when they'd gone to face the dragon. Also, they both loved animals. Maybe it could have worked between them. But Fire had so much on his hooves right now, she didn't want to interfere with him and Moondancer, or Rarity. She only hoped it worked out well for them all… somehow.

But the highest point of her feelings had faded when she saw him burn away some of the breezies. She knew it had been for a good reason, but caused her to think a military pony wasn’t really her first choice. Still, she was grateful to have him around in tough situations. She admired him, she knew for sure. Hopefully she would one day find a stallion... or somepony... to fall in love with as well.

What? She questioned her line of thought. Who else could I marry but a stallion?

Well, only time would tell. Still, this Hearth's Warming had certainly turned into one to remember for Fluttershy. She'd had her first kiss from a very special friend that loved her. Not the romantic kind of love but good enough for a first kiss she felt. Secretly, she was grateful for what had happened.

Spike looked up at the mistletoe in the entry way next to the bathroom.

“How am I going to get her under here?” Spike asked himself with a claw scratching his chin. “I need to do something quick, Fire nearly managed to get his lips on her!”

“Come on, Spike! Think! Think!” the little dragon urged himself. “Let’s see maybe I can- uh… wait for her to come by again? Nah, they’d call me after a certain time.”

“Spike!” Twilight called.

“Speak of Tartarus,” Spike muttered as he walked back. “Well, I’ll think of something to get her under that mistletoe and kiss me! If it’s the last thing I do tonight!”

They began unwrapping presents. Twilight was first up. She unwrapped her presents which were in many cases.

“Yay! Yay! So many books!” Twilight exclaimed.

“I thought you’d have enough of those as you live in a library,” Rainbow Dash said sarcastically.

“And thanks for that staff, Fire!” Twilight said, ignoring the comment.

Fire had gotten her a magician’s staff like some famous ponies were said to use.

“Thought it would suit you as magic is your special talent,” Fire said.

“Its yours too though!” Twilight reminded him.

“Mine is just specialized in one area, yours is universal,” he reminded her as well.

The others opened their presents as well. Fire had gotten Applejack a large number of bits to help out on the Applefarm.

“I know you said you wanted to earn them by selling at the Grand Galloping Gala but its Hearth’s Warming!”

Applejack sighed to swallow her pride. “Well guess this is probably the best gift I can hope for. We do need to replace those things around the farm. Guess now I can count the stuff from the gala as extra. Thank ye kindly Fire.”

He nodded. Applejack opened her other presents, and was soon followed by the others. Fire had gotten Pinkie some pink baking tools to match her coat.

“Just in case you ever get your own place,” he told her.

“Thanks, but I don’t ever intend to leave Sugarcube Corner! I still love em though!” Pinkie said. “They can be my personal pink baking things where I can make things for me alone!”

The others opened their presents as well. Rarity received another share of gifts from her friends as well. She smiled at each of them.

“Oh, a cookbook! A fan! A diary! A book! A cat themed brush? Oh, perfect for my cat!” Rarity said as she unwrapped Applejack’s, Rainbow’s, Pinkie’s, Twilight’s and Fluttershy’s gifts in that order.

Now she was on Fire’s gift. She opened it with her magic and levitated it to see. She gasped.

“Gold and silver goblets!” Rarity said. “Just like yours! Thank you, Fire! Thank you everypony.

“Hey uh don’t forget about mine!” Spike said seemingly worried.

Rarity looked and saw there was one left. “Oh, missed that one!”

She found a music box in that one that held a unicorn ballerina inside.

“Oh, its lovely Spike!” Rarity said.

“Not nearly as lovely as you!” Spike said as he looked at her.

“And I quite agree!” Fire said. “You are perhaps the most beautiful unicorn I’ve ever seen.”

He almost bit his lip at that, Rarity and Spike both blushed as much as he did.

“Careful now Prince Fire, you should save compliments like that for your date to be at the Grand Galloping Gala!” Rarity said.

The Grand Galloping Gala, Fire thought.

It was hard to believe that that was still a few months away. They’d gotten their tickets way ahead of time before the majority of ponies could even hope to purchase them. But for all these months that they’d been here in Ponyville, Fire had spent wishing Rarity liked him instead of Blueblood. Everyday he was reminded of that, and he was taking another mare instead. One that he only saw once a week or so when she visited. His love life was not an easy one.

Finally it was Fire’s turn. He got a book on a knight of old Equestria from Twilight, a sports cap from Rainbow Dash, some of the sweetest apples from Applejack, the largest chocolate bar he’d ever gotten from Pinkie Pie, an empty picture frame that was gold and encrusted with rubies from Rarity, a toy dagger from Spike. Then it was finally time for Fluttershy’s gift.

Fire gasped as he unwrapped the box to reveal a-


It was a good sized dark gray tom cat with yellow orange eyes.

“You did mention a while back you wanted to have more pets around here,” Fluttershy said. “His name is Smoky. I felt it was probably a fitting name for you.”

“Yeah,” Fire said.

He ran a hoof over the cat’s head gently. Smoky purred and nuzzled the hoof.

“Thank you, everypony.”

“You’re welcome, Fire!”


They all spoke various welcomes.

Fire then looked at the frame he’d gotten from Rarity. “How about we take a picture right now?”

They got a camera and Twilight used her magic to levitate it and take the picture with all eight of them inside. Fire stood in the center between the two groups of mares, Twilight, Rainbow, and Applejack on one side while Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie were on the other. They took eight pictures for all of them to keep. They looked and saw each of them standing before the tree in their winter attire.

"Well, I guess that’s it then,” Fire said sadly since their party was concluded. “Thanks for coming everypony. I'll see you all in a few days. It’s been a fun time with you mares here in Ponyville these past few months. I look forward to the next year."

“Right back at you!” Rainbow said.

They all made their way to the door. Spike gasped as he looked up and saw the mistletoe above. He’d completely forgotten about that in the party fun. The little dragon looked at Rarity and knew it was now or never. He ran to the entry and pointed upwards.

“Isn’t that mistletoe up there?” he asked.

“It sure is Spike!” Twilight said. “A very lovely decorative plant.”

“And… ponies kiss under mistletoe?” Spike asked turning around hoping to see Rarity come forward.

“Yes, they do Spike,” Twilight said. “Now we need to hurry or we’re going to miss our train home to Canterlot to see our family.”

She levitated the baby dragon onto her back and was the first to exit. Spike sighed.

The others turned to Fire.

"Have a good time with your family Fire!" Applejack said. "I know I will! And thanks again for the bits. Soon we’ll have everything fixed up, and more on the way after the gala. Probably even boost business with new equipment! Yeehaw!"

She galloped off to her nearby farm.

"Later Fire!" Rainbow Dash waved as she flew off.

"Goodbye," Fluttershy said looking at him with a soft smile. “Take care of Smoky.”

“I will,” Fire said with the cat on his back.

“Reow!” Smoky meowed at Fluttershy.

“Yes, I’m going to miss you too!” the yellow Pegasus ran a hoof through the cat’s ears. “But Fire will take good care of you.”

She nuzzled the cat and smiled at Fire and the others then made her exit as well.

“Bye Fire!” Pinkie said as she looked at him sadly.

“Bye Pinkie,” Fire said.

“I’m gonna miss you and Twilight while you’re gone!” the party pony said.

“Its only for a few days,” he reminded her.

She nodded. “You’re right. But next year lets do it all together okay?”

Fire nodded. If we can manage it sure thing!”

She bounced off. That left Fire alone momentarily with Rarity.

“I imagine Canterlot is lovely during the holidays,” the beautiful unicorn said.

“Yeah,” Fire said. “Maybe I’ll show you sometime.”

“That would be wonderful. I imagine next year I’ll be at the side of the prince’s side.”

“I guess so,” Fire said, frowning slightly in disappointment. “Well, I better lock this place up and then-

He looked up and noticed they were under-

“Uh, wow! What are the odds of us ending up under here as well?”

Rarity looked up and gasped as she saw the mistletoe directly above them. They both blushed.

“Well, you are certainly a lucky prince! Or Fluttershy and I are lucky mares!” Rarity said. “Just for the sake of tradition.”

She wouldn’t admit it, but she was secretly happy about this. He was happy too.

They leaned forward slowly, the chains of their shyness holding them back. But their lips touched. They remained locked for several seconds and even embraced each other as they kissed, then they broke away. Suddenly realizing they’d wrapped their hooves around each other they both backed up in shock. Laughing softly and blushing fiercely they turned away for a moment.

“Goodbye Prince Fire,” Rarity said.

“Goodbye, Lady Rarity,” Fire said.

She giggled. “You make me sound like a member of the Canterlot Elite!”

“You are just as sophisticated,” he told her. “And have a heart that’s purer then probably all of them combined.”

“Thank you,” she said. “Well, goodbye.”

With that she finally left. Fire then grabbed the suitcase that he’d left by the door. He then looked at Smoky as the cat followed him.

“Well, we’re going to Canterlot, Smoky,” Fire said. “My bird Aurora is already there. I hope you’ll like it.”

The cat meowed in response and they walked out. Fire locked his home with the key and cast the protection spell on the tower as well. With that, he flew to catch up with Twilight and Spike. On to Canterlot for the holidays it was.