My Little Demi: Friendship Is Magic (A My Little Pony AU)

by DiTwiAndMrFluffs

First published

A new hero rises in an alternate version of Equestria. The world is called "DemiQuestria". Will these new heros be able to fight off the dangers of their world?

When one world is made. Alternates exist. One happens to be the world of DemiQuestria. Where a Princess named DemiCelestia moves the Sun and Moon. A unicorn is fortunate to exist and be this princess's top star student. This unicorn also has a dragon named DemiSpike. What adventures await this Unicorn and Dragon? What friends will this duo make? Lots of adventures await this duo and what these adventures hold in them are unpredictable. Perhaps they may become the Mane 6 every other Equestria has.. Or maybe.. something will change this whole timeline for the better.

A New Adventure Starts

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The sun rises in the east. The royal Princess Sunrise has made a new day come. She roams down into her throne room and starts writing a letter. She then sends the letter to her star student.

''I do hope she has awakened at this beautiful sight of a new morning.'' She said as she waited patiently on her throne. For a princess, she is surprisingly very patient. I guess waiting for every pony to wake up from the sun rising has boosted her patience an awful lot.


The eyes of a unicorn open wide. She is awakened by the voice of her dragon son calling her name. He has been calling and trying to wake her up for the past five minutes. She groans and hopes for her son to leave her alone. She even hopes that she can stay asleep.

''DemiTwi! DemiTwi!! Wake up! The princess has sent a note! Wake up! I told you not to be studying so late!'' He says yelling and shouting. He then grabs a bottle of cold water and splashes it on her face.

'' AHHHH!! What the hay was that for?! You're lucky I'm nice enough to not ground you for that!!'' DemiTwi says while wiping the water off her face.

''Sorry, grumpy pants, but Princess Sunrise has sent a note! I figured you'd want to read it because you are her star-,'' He is soon cut off by DemiTwi snatching the letter from his claw.

''Ahem! Dear DemiTwi Sparkle, I request for you to come visit me at the castle for an important discussion.'' Having been sent a letter from the best mentor of all of DemiQuestria she bursts into excitement and even almost faints.

''You overreact too much sometimes you know?'' DemiSpike comments while hiding behind pillows to avoid random magic beams DemiTwi might shoot out due to her overreacting excitement.

''Do you not know what this means?? Princess DemiCelestia wants me to visit her!! ME!! She could have asked somepony else to visit her!! Like SunWalker Shine!!''

"You do realize SunWalker Shine moved to DemiVille two years ago, right?''

''I was just talking to her yesterday though?'' DemiTwi says confused.

DemiSpike sighs and then looks at DemiTwi a bit annoyed.

''You do realize you were talking to her twin sister, right?''

''That was her twin sister? I did not know she had a twin sister!'' She says a bit shocked.

''Well maybe if you had not been spending your time on lame-ass books and smelled a bit of O2 from the outside world maybe you would look at her and realize it's not her but her twin sister,'' DemiSpike says.

''Do not say that word, young man! Let's get ready to visit Princess Sunrise! I hope it is about my science project! Maybe even about how excellent I am doing being her top-'' She is interrupted by DemiSpike.

''Top star student. We know! Why do we even have to get ready?? We pretty much just have to visit her.'' DemiSpike says not wanting to dress up or anything.

''Because she is the princess DemiSpike! Just put on a fancy suit! It is not like you are going to die or anything!!'' DemiTwi says annoyed by DemiSpike's complaints.

''Fine!! I will put on a fancy suit!! Just... do not make me wear the stupid top hat!'' DemiSpike says pissed off at DemiTwi.

''Okay okay! Just go and put on that suit! I will be taking all my notes, pencils, journals, and most importantly... notes!'' DemiTwi says.

''You said notes twice!'' DemiSpike says putting on his suit. He seems to have put it on quickly... perhaps he knew this moment would come.

''Which highlights that notes are very important, DemiSpike.''

''Yeah, whatever! I am all ready now!'' DemiSpike hops on DemiTwi's back.

''Finally! Let's go!!''

DemiTwi gallops out of her house and straight to the castle. Some ponies even wave or say hi to her. But, knowing how DemiTwi is... she did not respond to them.

''You need to learn some manners... even friendship to be honest. I mean... are you not an alternate version of Twilight Sparkle but just added the name Demi to make an official character?''

''Wait what?'' DemiTwi says confused... what did he just say?

''Hm?'' DemiTwi responds.

''Never mind... forget it.''

The two soon reach Princess Sunrise's castle. There are guards everywhere guarding the place. Surprisingly there are guards in front of the gates. Usually, there are no guards there. DemiSpike being the stubborn one he is comments on how long they took to reach the castle.

''That took so long!! Finally, we are here!!''

''Yeah yeah, whatever!!''

The guard looks at the two. He lets them in with no explanation at all. Maybe he knew that they were called by the princess? Who cares.

''Thank you,'' DemiTwi says to the guard. It was obvious she said this so that DemiSpike would not comment.

The two walk into the castle's front lawn and into the castle. DemiTwi is excited while DemiSpike is just tired. DemiTwi makes it into the throne room and sees her mentor!

''Princess DemiCelestia!! You called me??'' DemiTwi says with a gentle tone.

''My faithful student DemiTwi.. oh, how happy I am to see you... I have to talk to you about something... I see you two have come very neatly dressed too?''

''Yes! DemiSpike loves where his little fancy suit! Right, DemiSpike?''

''Right,'' DemiSpike says sounding a bit annoyed at DemiTwi. It's obvious he's forcing his voice.

''DemiTwi... Come with me. DemiSpike you can stay here...'' She says with a gentle tone.


Princess Sunrise leads DemiTwi to the hallway. the hallway is very decorated with a bunch of royal stuff. Decorated as any other royal castle would be decorated.

''What did you call me for Princess?'' DemiTwi asks. She is very curious about what this can be about due to the fact this does not seem like a conversation about her projects.

''DemiTwi.. what do you think about friendship?'' She asks DemiTwi. She looks forward to her response.

''Friendship? Pfft! It's just a waste of time!! Who needs friendship? I have everything I need! I have my studies... You... and company!'' DemiTwi says laughing. How could she say such a thing?

''DemiTwi.. Friendship is not all bad. It's good and great to have friends! Sometimes... It's what boosts you up in life.''

''Don't be silly! It is for sure a waste! Unless you can prove otherwise!''

DemiCelestia sighs... she is shocked at this reaction. She did not expect such a reaction from her top student. Especially the one who she sees as her prized pupil. She then illuminates her horn and sends a message/letter to someone.

''Okay... You will be going to DemiVille to make some friends... Here is a list of ponies to meet. Someone will be waiting for you outside the castle gates.''

''What?! Princess Sunrise! You cannot possibly be wanting for me to waste my time on this friendship stuff!'' DemiTwi is shocked at what Princess Sunrise wants her to do.

''This is your assignment... maybe you can even thank me later... I will see you when you finish the list of ponies...''

DemiTwi groans and stomps her way out of the hallway. She picks up DemiSpike and walks outside the castle.

''What happened!? What's with the angry face?!'' DemiSpike is caught off guard by the sudden pickup and stomping out of the castle.

''DemiCelestia wants me to make some friends... and apparently, it's an assignment!'' She groans after saying that in an angry tone.

''That's awesome! Finally, you will have a real friend rather than the illustrations in books!'' DemiSpike says.

''I swear you are so-'' DemiTwi is cut off as soon as she exits through the castle doors.

''Hey! What's your name?' My name is Brensle!!'' A new friend Brensle has arrived...

Are Friends A Want or Need?

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As the adventure goes on. New friends arrive on the way. Will DemiTwi allow these Allys to side with her in this adventure? Will she push them off to the side and be independent going against what Princess DemiCelestia said?

''What's your name?'' Brensle says excitedly. It is not really... easy to tell what species they were... was this species ever seen in all of DemiQuestria? DemiTwi has never seen this species...

''MONSTER!!! AHHHHHHH!!!" DemiTwi lifts a tree with her magic and starts hitting Brensle with it. "QUICK!! RUN DEMISPIKE!!"

DemiTwi and DemiSpike run away from the poor plusle. Was it really necessary to hit him with a tree?

"Great... Riddance...'' The poor plusle said. It's a miracle he isn't even dead. Not that DemiTwi meant to kill him, back to our two friends. DemiTwi and DemiSpike make a stop at the train station. Lots and I mean lots of ponies were there. It's a surprise to DemiTwi. Were they also heading to PonyVille? DemiSpike suddenly speaks up.

"Did you have to hit Brensle with a tree? They didn't do anything! All they wanted to do was say hi! You could have finally made a new friend instead of the characters in books!"

''Enough!! Did you not see that?! That was not a pony or any other creature any pony had seen! I have not even read about them! I haven't even heard about them!" DemiTwi and DemiSpike get on the train as DemiTwi continues to rant about what DemiSpike had just told her.

"THAT WASN'T EVEN A PONY FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!! HOW DO YOU KNOW IT WAS NOT A MONSTER?!" DemiTwi's yelling and shouting silences the whole train. Every Pony stare at her in either fear or confusion. Some even look concerned in a way.

"Uhm... sorry..."

"Uhm, that's kind of speciest'' DemiSpike says confused.

DemiSpike continues speaking, ''Wait but how do you know if he was even going to attack for real?! He could have been your first friend! You could have even asked what he is of his species! Gosh... now he is very injured... You didn't even offer to get help after!" DemiSpike says frustrated. He must have really wanted DemiTwi to have made a new friend.

The whole ride to Ponyville was quiet. All the ponies whisper to each other and look at DemiTwi. How could such a simple yelling make every pony so concerned? Was it because she said "That wasn't even a pony" or was it because of her yelling at her baby dragon itself? DemiTwi and DemiSpike did not even bother to ask the ponies to mind their business or even look at them. The train stops at the Ponyville train station.

"We are finally here! Come on DemiTwi!" Eagerly, the baby dragon jumps off the train and onto the plank floor. He looks back only to see a piece of paper that has a poorly drawn DemiTwi on it.

"Seriously DemiTwi?"

"Wow! Such a nice train station! I cannot wait to explore!" DemiTwi says in a fake happy voice. She is hiding behind a tree hoping DemiSpike would fall for it knowing it is very unlikely.

"I see you DemiTwi. Come on stop being such a baby and hurry up! The Princess sent you here to make friends! You wouldn't want to disappoint your mentor and go against what she said would you?"

"Ugh! Fine! Let's just go and get this over with..."

"Cheer up! After you make at least one friend you can go to the library! The princess got you a home with tons of books anyway!"

"You know what DemiSpike? You're right. I can go as fast as I can, ask a pony to be friends, and go straight to the library! It will be so quick you won't even remember meeting that pony!" DemiTwi says suddenly being in a good mood.

"But... That is not how you make friends! You have to get to know them and then be friends! It's how it works!" DemiSpike says.

"The princess never told me how to make friends in a specific way! All I have to do is ask and we will be "friends". That is what she said right? Yep! She did! I am always right!"

"Funny joke. But no DemiTwi-" He is cut off when DemiTwi carries him and runs away to the village.

"Seriously?!" DemiSpike says frustrated by how he was interrupted.

"Yeah. Now... Who to be friends with-" As soon as DemiTwi says that. A pony immediately runs up to her.

The pony stands still. staring at her eye to eye. She does not say a word. DemiTwi and the pony just look at each other. DemiTwi being confused by this waves, but nothing seems to happen. DemiSpike hops off DemiTwi's back and just observes the pony being confused too.

"Uhmmm... Hello?" DemiTwi says very confused.

The pony lets out a huge gasp. The pony somehow floats in the air and flies away. How could have they floated in the air and flown away? They don't even have wings.

"And... there she goes. Bye, new friend!!" DemiSpike waves. He looks around wondering where she even went.

"Huh, where did she even run off to?"

"Who cares! I did not even get to make a friend, and now I have to research how an earth pony managed to fly!! What kind of magic haywire is that?!"

"Earth ponies don't have magic!" DemiSpike says.

"Whatever! Let's just go-" DemiTwi is cut off by a familiar voice. Brensle walks up to them frustrated.

"Why did you do that?! I only said Hi!!! Did I burn down a whole hospital in front of you?! Did I pull out a knife? Oh, I bet you will freak out if I pull out a rock and aim it at you!" Brensle picks up a rock and does exactly what he said.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" DemiTwi starts screaming. She lifts a whole house with her magic and drops it on Brensle.

"Come on DemiSpike!!! Run! Every pony for themself!!!" She carries DemiSpike and runs away again.

The two leave the poor plusle under the house until he manages to squish himself out. He just lays there obviously covered in bruises. It's a miracle he has not even broken a bone or even lost a limb.

"Hey! Who moved my house? Is Ponyville getting a reconstruction?" The pony who was inside the house says.

DemiTwi and DemiSpike run across PonyVille. DemiSpike is very frustrated with DemiTwi now refusing to even talk to her.

"Look. He aimed a rock at me! How do you know he was not going to murder us and drag our bodies away with that rock??" DemiTwi tells DemiSpike. She knows he is frustrated.

"It was a rock! You dropped a whole not one-story but two-story house on them! He must be dead at this point if not then full-on paralyzed!"

"Valid point."

The two stumble upon a very fancy and beautiful boutique. They could hear a pony singing and humming from the inside.

"Aha! Now that's what I am talking about! A new friend to make! Let's knock on the door! And hopefully, it's a pony-"

"And what's wrong if they are not a pony?"

"Stop, drop, and roll."

"Wait that does not even make any sense!" DemiSpike debates.

"It makes sense to me!" DemiTwi heads over to the door and knocks. A pony with a very stylized mane and makeup opens the door.

"Oh, hello darling! My name is DemiRarity! How may I help you on this very lovely day?" DemiRarity says in a rather fancy tone.

"Oh hello! My name is DemiTwi Sparkle! Do you wanna-" She hesitates to say it. But she has to if she wants to be at the library reading, "be... friends?" She has finally managed to say it! Now she can be back at the library! Right?

"Oh darling of course!! Now! Every time I meet a new friend... they get a free style unlocked!" DemiRarity says.

"Ooh! DemiTwi! You get a free style! I do not know what that means... but it sounds exciting!!" DemiSpike says excitedly.

"Urgh... why are you awake this early Mom? Ooo! Is DemiBel- Oh! Another dragon? Neat!" DemiRarity's dragon comes into view.

"Great..." DemiTwi says.

"Oh wow... I.." DemiSpike stares at the other dragon. Ooh... Spill the tea!

"Come on darling!" DemiRarity pulls DemiTwi inside, "Come on you too!" she tells DemiSpike.

"Uhm... Its... DemiSpike.."

"Oh! Well, come on DemiSpike!" DemiRarity says happily.

"Yeah! Come on in! I wanna get to know you! I am Jasper! Jasper Scaly!" He grabs DemiSpike's claw and brings him in.

DemiRarity is currently spraying DemiTwi's mane in who knows what hair spray and is designing her mane in different styles. DemiTwi is regretting ever going into the boutique.

"So darling! Where are you from? I have never seen you before! Are you from Manehatten? Canterlot? Where!"

"Canterlot," DemiTwi says annoyed.

"Oh!! You are from Canterlot?! Oh, darling I have always wanted to go there! Oh... how fabulous all the clothing is! All the styles... all the fashion!"

"And getting slammed by a tree?!" Brensle comes in stomping. "And wait! I am not gonna harm you!

"And... I guess slamming plusles with trees?'' DemiRarity says confused.

"You know what this creature is?!" DemiTwi says shocked.

"Why yes darling! These creatures are so cute! They are from the hit game Pokémon!" DemiRarity says in a nerdy accent.

"Look... I do no harm! Why don't we just get to know each other better?" Brensle asks calmly to not alert DemiTwi.

"Okay... Fine... hah. maybe the princess won't force me into this friendship thing if I make two friends!" DemiTwi says to herself.

"Darling stay still! Your mane will be forever stuck like this if you mess me up!" DemiRarity says whining a bit.

Meanwhile, Jasper and DemiSpike are sitting on a couch on the side. The two are just chit-chatting.

"So! How are you doing?" Jasper asks DemiSpike. He has a light smile.

"Oh! Me? I... I am doing great! Hehe. One question! You do not find it weird that I am... Pink?"

"What! No! Pink is awesome! It's a neat color! I think it suits you! It's a neat color if you ask me again."

"Oh? Really?.. Thanks! Haha... Your orange color matches you to..." DemiSpike says shyly.

"DemiSpike! Come on! We are leaving! We have somewhere to be!" DemiTwi yells.

"Oh! Okay!"

DemiTwi and DemiSpike leave. DemiRarity guides them to the front door. Brensle stays behind trying and observing all the makeup. Jasper gets up and stands behind DemiRarity.

"I'll see you later darling! Safe trip! Do not stay outside for too long! Something is going on but eh! Probably nothing!" DemiRarity says reassuring.

"Right. Well, bye-bye DemiRarity." DemiTwi starts to walk away, "Come on DemiSpike!"

"Hehe! You should go now! Bye DemiSpike!" Jasper waves goodbye.

"Hehe... Bye!" He waves goodbye and turns around to follow DemiTwi.

"That was not so bad, was it?" DemiTwi says.

"No... It wasn't. Hehe.." He thinks about his conversation with Jasper. He starts to blush a bit, "Not at all. Also, when are we gonna visit back?"

Somewhere dark and mysterious…

“You think you are safe…. Don’t you worry. I will be interfering. Soon. When my power replenishes. I will win this battle. that right?” The mysterious pony says.

The pony continues talking to themself.

“Don’t worry DemiTwi you aren’t safe for long.”

More Obstacles Along The Way

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The two walk through DemiVille. DemiTwi is trying to talk to DemiSpike. She notices that DemiSpike is just agreeing and saying yes only because he is not fully paying attention.

"DemiSpike!! Are you even listening to me??" DemiTwi says in a loud voice to snap DemiSpike out of their daydreaming.

"What?! Huh? Is he her- Oh! Sorry, DemiTwi.. I was just thinking about some drag- I mean... Something!! I was thinking about how nice the weather is! Such lovely weather."

Despite DemiSpike's lying and saying he was just thinking about "something". DemiTwi knew he was lying right on the spot. What was he thinking about? Well, she did not know but she for sure did know it was just not something.

"You are thinking about the dragon aren't y-"

Suddenly she is struck by lighting. Right after the lighting has struck her laughing is heard. A light blue pony with a glittery rainbow mane is on top of the cloud laughing. She was a pegasus, little lighting bolts on her face. Mane looks bright rainbow with white sparkles almost making it look like candy. She flew down and looked at DemiTwi who was on the floor burnt to a crisp laughing as if she had just seen the funniest thing ever. She stopped laughing when she looked at DemiSpike.

"Do not do this at home." The pegasus tells DemiSpike. The pegasus looks back at DemiTwi and immediately bursts into laughter.

DemiTwi looks up only to find the pegasus laughing over her. This immediately infuriates her, but she does not want to do anything bad in front of DemiSpike, so she gets up, fixes her mane, stands up straight, and clears her throat.

"Ahem. I am DemiTwi Sparkle. What you did was very funny. What is your name?"

"Oh! Me? Ahaha! I am the coolest, most awesome, and amazing pony in this town!"

DemiSpike decides to speak up, "That did not answer her question ma'am..."

"Who ya callin' ma'am? I am DemiDash! DemiDash Dasher! Nice to meet you little dragon! And nice to meet you DemiTwi Sparkle! Sorry about the lighting strike. I seriously did not mean to strike you like that! But I could not help but laugh at how you fell face-first onto the floor burnt like a crisp! You fell as if there was no tomorrow! Hahah! Oh... Too funny." DemiDash says.

These words seriously got DemiTwi mad, but she resists the urge to just strike DemiDash with a spell and leave her at it until some pony comes in and unfreezes her. DemiTwi just sighs and looks at DemiDash.

"Yeah yeah.. just do not do it again! Now. If you excuse me. I have somewhere to be. I am not going to get struck by lightning by a pony who is not responsible enough!"

"Fine fine... also. Does your dragon usually zone out like that? It is a bit scary!" DemiDash starts to giggle a bit.

DemiSpike just stares at the ground. He is very zoned out or daydreaming. DemiTwi nor DemiDash knew what he was thinking about, but DemiTwi had a hint on what it was for sure. DemiTwi just walks up to DemiSpike and puts him on her back.

"Well. I better get going! Bye!"

DemiTwi immediately starts running off. She did not even let DemiDash say goodbye or anything. Nor did she ask her to be friends. She seriously did not want to get struck by lightning or want any more obstacles crossing her path in getting to her home and reading. She also did not want to be home so late, so she had a lot of time for reading and research. A thought then came to her mind. If she just explored a little bit... she could maybe find a library! Yes! A library so she can read all the books there?! What a dream come true!

"Ahah! DemiSpike! We are going on a quest! To find the library!" DemiTwi says in a determined voice.

"Huh? Oh... another adventure? To the boutique?"

"No! To find the library!"

"Oh fine.. maybe after we can go to the boutique!" DemiSpike says hoping they could go to the boutique.

DemiTwi runs around DemiVille hoping to find the library. She might have even run off too far because she has run into a farm! The farm was named "Sweet Apple Acres" DemiTwi sighs and then turns around. She starts to walk away until a voice is heard!

"Well, hello there Sugarcube! How meh ah help ya?" A pony approaches her.

Her mane has braids, the top part of her mane into a bun, and the rest loose. She wore a maroon and white shirt. it was cube patterned. This kind of gave DemiTwi and DemiSpike country vibes. The pony's hooves seem to have mud stains. The coat seems to be permanently stained with mud on her hooves. The pony had freckles and a nice tail also seeming to be braided at the end.

"Well... hello! I am... DemiTwi Sparkle! This is DemiSpike! My, I guess you can call, son!"

"Well, hello there DemiTwi! Hello to you to sugarcube! I am DemiJack! DemiJack Apple! This here is mah farm! Sweet Apple Acres! Haha! Oh wow! You have got to check out my farm! Ah, might even let you have a free apple while ahm at it! Let's go, friend!"

"Wait- I kind of have somewhere to be" DemiTwi is dragged into the Sweet Apple Acres territory and the farm.

The tour took what felt like hours. How could such a small farm have so much to offer?! DemiTwi and DemiSpike leave the farm with one basket full of apple desserts.

"Yum! This is like a whole month without needing to go grocery shopping! Is that Apple Pie?!" DemiSpike says happily, he must have snapped out of his daydreaming not long before they left.

"Ughh! We are still low on time! I just want to go home and research! Too many obstacles! No time to waste! Let's go!" She carries the basket and DemiSpike with her magic.

DemiTwi then once again runs out back into where she started in DemiVille. This time she straight on runs into her house finally home and can research since her home is a library. DemiSpike hops off her back and then looks around. DemiTwi is shocked in amazement looking everywhere. There were so many books! So much to read! So little time! She goes to grab a book when the doorbell rings.

"Huh? Mail? Why the hay would I get mail when I just got here? Well... moved in... Princess DemiCelestia did say she wanted me to stay here for my understanding of friendship... which is complete bulls-" The doorbell rings again.

"You should probably get that! Would not want to keep the pony waiting outside any longer huh?" DemiSpike reminds DemiTwi.

"Fine fine." She goes to the front door and opens it.

There a pony stands. Her mane is not long but not short ending in four curls. Her coat is a light yellow and beneath her mane are her bright purple eyes.

"H-hi..." She says shyly. Her voice was so quiet and low you would need dead silence to hear it. Luckily, DemiTwi heard her.

"Hi? Uhm.." DemiTwi stood there awkwardly not knowing what to say. The first thing that came to mind was asking her for her name.

"What's your name?" DemiTwi smiled awkwardly.

"My name... is..." She spoke so low it was impossible to hear anything she said.

"I'm sorry. What was that?"

"My name is... Demi..."

"A little louder please?" DemiTwi said.

The poor pony whines in fear and shyness. DemiTwi and the pony both stand there awkwardly not knowing what to do or say.

"Well, I see you have come to give me my book which I did not know I dropped on the way here... So, you should be on your way home before it gets dark right? I do not think you want to be outside in the dark! Where... It is scary am I right?" DemiTwi says grabbing the book from the shy pony.

"You could have at least said thank you DemiTwi," DemiSpike says.

"A baby dragon!!!" The pony rushes in knocking DemiTwi over. She immediately runs up to DemiSpike and starts petting him.

"Oh, are you not the cutest thing alive? I have never seen a baby dragon before! Who's a cute little dragon... you are! Yes, you are!"

"Ahem..." DemiTwi gets up, "His name is DemiSpike."

"Sorry... my name is DemiShy! Sorry for being so shy... I am not very good at socializing with other ponies... especially when it is so awkward to the point all you can do is look at each other weirdly." DemiShy says.

"Well, DemiShy, I think you should be on your way. Right, DemiSpike?"

"Whatever," DemiSpike says holding his Mrs. Fluffs teddy bear.

"Awh... okay... also... want to be friends DemiTwi?" DemiShy asks shyly.

"Fine! Just go!" DemiTwi says already on her last straw on how everything has been pushing her back from studying.

DemiShy walks through the front door and as soon as she does DemiTwi slams the door shut. DemiTwi then sighs and gets out the book she was going to read.

The rest of the time was quiet. DemiSpike was just playing with his Mrs. Fluffs doll while DemiTwi was reading. She then came upon a special and rather interesting book.

"The elements of Harmony? I have heard of those before! I heard Princess DemiCelestia used those to defeat the villain during DemiQuestrias Bloody Night Massacre!"

DemiTwi continues to read the book. She is very interested in learning what the elements were and how they worked! She stumbled upon a ripped page. The page was supposed to consist of all six elements, but the sixth element was ripped out. The only elements that show are the five surrounding the sixth element which is not visible at the moment.

"That's weird... it's as if some pony did not want me to figure out how the sixth element works! This book does not even show the names of the elements! This is a scam! Oh, I know!! DemiSpike! Come over here!" DemiTwi says.


DemiSpike gets up and walks over to DemiTwi. He looks at both DemiTwi and the book in confusion.

"What do you need DemiTwi? Is it something important?" DemiSpike asks

"Send a note to Princess DemiCelestia please!"


"Ahem.." DemiTwi clears her throat

Dear Princess Sunrise, At the library that you got me I did some research through some books, and I have found a rather unique book. The book has some information about these gems! They are called The Elements of Harmony. These elements do not have a name. When looking through the book I have found out there are exactly six elements, but some pony had attempted to hide what the sixth element looks like by making a hole through the book! I suspect the pony who did this is no friend but rather a foe. Sure, it might not seem serious but there are a lot of possibilities as to whether they did this on purpose or not. As I said these elements do not have a name, but I am willing to continue my research into what these elements are and what they do. What I do know is that you probably have some information about them because you used them to defeat the one responsible for the Demiquestrias Bloody Night Massacre. Maybe you have some information?

From your faithful student, DemiTwi Sparkle

"Should I send it now?" DemiSpike asks.

"Of course!! I need all the information I can get about this!! Some pony or something ripped out the sixth element of this page!! This is very serious!!" DemiTwi reminds

"Okay okay!!" DemiSpike sends the scroll to Princess DemiCelestia.

"Now we await her response! Just hoping no pony e-" As soon as DemiTwi was hoping for no other pony to get in her way the doorbell rang.

"Ughh!! Who could that be this time?!" DemiTwi walks over to the door and opens it.

Five ponies and a dragon stand in the doorway. DemiTwi is in shock.

"Well, how ya doin' DemiTwi! Ah am glad ya invited us over! DemiPie said so!" DemiJack says greeting DemiTwi

"Oh yes, darling! I also heard you have the new DemiStation 4!" DemiRarity says being a huge video game nerd.

"Well... Hehe... I was just about to leave but staying over would not hurt..." DemiShy says.

"This is such an awesome library! I love what you have done with the place!" DemiDash says.

As every pony scatters around the place. Jasper immediately goes to DemiSpike. The two talk while DemiPie hops to DemiTwi.

"EEE!!! Sorry for running away earlier I saw you in DemiVille aka here which is also referred to as Ponyville! I had never seen you before meaning you were new and a new pony I had never met before oh my DemiCelestia how could that be, so I set up a little party for you and us! Your besties for lifers!! Is this not exciting DemiTwily Sprinkle?! My name is DemiPie!!" DemiPie says excitingly.

"It's DemiTwi... and I am trying to study!! Why can I not have any peace to myself...."

"DemiTwi! The princess has sent a letter back!" DemiSpike says running up to DemiTwi and handing over the scroll. He runs back to Jasper.

"Finally!!" She starts reading the scroll. All the other ponies were now interested and listening. The two dragons do not pay attention to talking.

These are the elements of harmony. They do indeed have names as I remember. These elements are Loyalty, Generosity, Honesty, Laughter, Kindness, and the sixth element which is a mystery... Is magic. I do not know who or what could be hiding the appearance of the sixth element, but I sense it is not for a good purpose. My dear faithful student. I do not want you to worry about that. I want you to make friends... From your mentor, Princess DemiCelestia

"Ughhh!! This does not help! Sure, she gave me the name but saying something bad is taking place does not help one bit!!"

"It's alright DemiTwi! Besides, you do not have to worry about making friends now! You have six of em!" DemiRarity says.

"Yeah... We are your best friends!" DemiShy says shyly.

"Wait a minute." DemiJack stops them from talking.

"Are you seeing what I am seeing?" DemiDash asks.

"Why is there another DemiShy?" DemiPie says.

DemiTwi turns to DemiShy. There right next to her was a clone. The clone smiled as blood dripped down their eyes. Their smile showed their yellow teeth which is covered with dry blood. Every pony stared in fear as the clone just stared back at DemiTwi.

Deadly Changes

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The "pony" and DemiTwi stare back at each other. DemiTwi is breathing heavily not knowing what to do. The other ponies and two dragons are in shock.

"G-get... away from me.." DemiTwi manages to say as "DemiShy'' slowly walks up to her.

The pony charges at DemiTwi and pushes her to the ground. DemiJack bucks the pony in the head causing a little bit of blood to drip on the floor.

"What in tarnation?!" DemiJack says

The pony gets back up and attacks DemiJack. DemiJack grunts and yells for the pony to let them go. DemiRarity and DemiDash try to grab the pony and get them off DemiJack. The pony bites DemiDash's hoof causing DemiDash to scream in pain. Blood drips down the pony's mouth.

"FUCK!! AHHH!!!" DemiDash screams and yells.

DemiShy grabs a pair of scissors and stabs it through the pony's neck. The pony yells and screams in agony as they lay on the floor bleeding. They slowly go quiet, and their disguise fades off. They were a changeling. Every pony stares in shock. Jasper stood in front of DemiSpike making sure he would not be harmed.

The room was dead silent. Blood all over where the changeling lays. No pony knew what to say. No pony knew what to do. DemiSpike then receives a letter from the Princess... Or... who they thought was sending the letter.

"Let me see that!" DemiTwi says.

DemiSpike hands her the letter. The letter read,

DemiTwi! It is me! Brensle! Me and the princess need your help. Something is wrong! We do not have much time! Come to Canterlot! Fast! We need you!! Be careful of who you trust!

"Is it the princess?" DemiPie says. What sent a chill down DemiTwi's spine was how non-energetic she was. For once... DemiTwi felt... scared.

Suddenly, the outside was filled with screams of terror. DemiSpike curls up into a ball. He seems he want to start crying in fear. All the screams were enough to make even a grown stallion scared. Jasper tugs him and looks around. He seems determined to not let anything happen to him. DemiShy looks around scared. DemiDash and DemiJack look at each other not knowing what to do. DemiRarity and DemiPie look at DemiTwi.

"What do we do?" DemiRarity asks.

DemiTwi looks at all of them. She closes her eyes and gains a boost of bravery. She puts on her bag and looks back at them.

"We have to go to the castle. Now! Everypony! Follow me! We have to get to the train station!" DemiTwi says determined. She is not about to let down all of them.

DemiTwi leads them to the front door. Every pony and dragon follows. DemiTwi opens the front door to see... what will forever traumatize them. Ponies were running around in fear. Some carry their harmed loved ones. Some just... what they hope to be unconscious on the floor. Luckily the unicorns are smart enough to use magic to kill the changelings. Some Pegasi are brave enough to not go down without a fight including the earth ponies.

"We have to go!! Now!!" DemiJack yells.

The group starts making their way to the train station. Suddenly... A group of changelings appear in front of them. The group looks at each other in fear.

"Oh no... there's a whole group of them!" DemiShy says frightened.

"DemiTwi?" DemiPie says slowly turning to DemiTwi.

"Darling, what do we do?" DemiRarity asks.

DemiTwi thinks for a bit. When all hope seems lost, she suddenly gets an idea.

"Split up!" As soon as she says that the changelings start running towards them.

The group split up into four groups. One group has DemiPie and DemiRarity run through between two houses attempting to make it to the station to possibly meet up with the others. Some of the changelings give a great chase.

"Darling! I have an idea! You got your super party cannon ready!?" DemiRarity says.

"Oh, ho ho! I love where you're going with this!" DemiPie stops running and turns around to the changelings.

"Who's the birthday boy?! Oh! If you are the birthday boy reader, I wish you a happy birthday!" She pulls out her party cannon out of nowhere and blasts it!

The changelings seem to be stunned by DemiPie's attack. DemiRarity runs beside DemiPie and charges her horn. She suddenly uses a huge blast of magic to burn the changelings alive leaving them to burn to death.

DemiRarity looks away not wanting to watch the scene. DemiPie does the same as she turns to DemiRarity with a small smile.

"We did it!" DemiPie says looking at DemiRarity.

"Yes... and we did it together! Now let's hurry! We do not wanna attract a crowd of them! Hurry!" DemiRarity says

The two continue to run. Hoping their friends are okay and waiting for them.

DemiShy and DemiJack have continued to walk straight dodging the crowd of the changelings from where they have originally split off. Changelings pounce DemiShy.

"AHHH!! DemiJack help me!! Please!" DemiShy screams out for DemiJack.

DemiJack holds out a lasso and grabs the changeling. She starts to choke the changeling to death.

"DemiShy! Call out ya bear!! Remember! You can call the animals! We need their help! We won't be able to hold this whole invasion of 'em!" DemiJack reminds DemiShy.

"Wait... you're right!" She looks at the crowd of changelings surrounding them bloodthirsty.

"For my friends... for Ponyville! For every pony!" She slowly starts whistling.

A huge bear emerges from being the changelings. The bear starts killing off the changelings one by one. DemiJack helps out by bucking the changelings towards the bear.

"We did it!" DemiJack says proudly.

"We... we did! You can go home now Frank... Let's go!" She runs towards the train with DemiJack.

DemiTwi and DemiDash ran in the other direction opposite of where DemiRarity and DemiPie ran off to. DemiTwi and DemiDash seem to not be chased by any changelings. They run into Jasper and DemiSpike who are strangely in front of them standing there.

"DemiSpike! Jasper! You two are okay! Oh, I'm so glad!! I was worried sick!" DemiTwi says relieved.

The two just stand there. Staring at the two with a smile. It kind of scares DemiTwi a bit. DemiDash looks at them suspiciously.

"DemiSpike?" DemiTwi takes a step forward.

The changelings reveal themselves! They attack DemiTwi. DemiDash kicks one of them off DemiTwi but they had a good hold of her. DemiDash gets an idea.

"DemiTwi! I will be right back! Keep fighting!" DemiDash flies away. She quickly gets out of DemiTwi's sight before DemiTwi can even say anything about it.

"You are just going to leave me here!? DemiDash! Oh no no..." She teleports out of the changelings hold but they catch up.

DemiTwi is cornered by the two changelings. She looks around for some pony to call out to for help, but no pony is there. The two changelings walk closer and closer to her as the atmosphere is still filled up with ponies screaming in fear. As soon as she is going to give up DemiDash comes back with a stormy cloud.

"Shoot magic right when it's about to strike!" DemiDash yells out.

DemiTwi nods and as soon as the cloud strikes DemiTwi blasts a magic beam in contact. The lighting turns a yellow color. It strikes the changelings, and the changelings immediately explode. Blood covers DemiTwi's face as she is amazed and disturbed by the teamwork, she and DemiDash just did.

"You came back for me..." DemiTwi says.

"Of course! I would never leave a friend hanging!" DemiDash says.

DemiTwi smiles a bit. Her cutie mark starts to glow and a little star forms on it.

Neither of the two noticed this and made pace.

DemiSpike and Jasper are already at the train station with DemiShy and DemiJack as they were hiding behind a trash can before. Jasper had been reassuring DemiSpike that everything would be okay. Jasper leads DemiSpike to the train station not hiding behind the bin anymore.

"Come on. It is okay. Trust me." Jasper reassures DemiSpike.

"Okay. I trust you." He slowly makes his way to Jasper. A changeling attacks and knocks over DemiSpike!

"AHHHH!! Get off me!!" DemiSpike screams in fear and tries to kick the changeling off. The changeling bites DemiSpike's leg leaving a huge cut.

"AHHH!!" DemiSpike starts to almost cry from how badly it hurts.

Jasper grabs a nearby branch and stabs it through the changeling's head.

"Are you okay!? What happened?! Oh gosh..."

"The changeling bit me..." He tries to stand up but falls over due to how badly his leg is hurt.

"No no! It's okay! Here." Jasper carries DemiSpike," "You just rest a bit. I am sure DemiShy has something to help you."

"OH! Haha... Thanks!" The little dragon blushes a bit before focusing on the path ahead. The pain stings his leg, but his heart is stung with something else.

Everypony meets at the train station they quickly close the doors before any other changelings come in. DemiTwi then speaks up.

“Is everypony okay? Is everypony here?”

“Yeah. Ah, think so. Let’s get to the Princess before any other ponies get hurt! We got to fix this!” DemiJack reminds

“Oh yes… I don’t know if I can take this any longer..” DemiShy says while she patches up DemiSpike’s wound.

“Where is the Train conductor?” DemiDash asks.

“Oh no…. Who’s gonna drive the train!? We can’t go anywhere without them! We’re trapped!” DemiRarity says

DemiTwi and her friends all panic a bit not knowing what to do. The changelings bang on the windows and doors trying to break in and do who knows what? Screams are still heard outside as ponies run all around DemiVille trying to escape the changelings.

“I’ll do it,” DemiTwi says determined to escape the place and get to the princess to set things right.

“What? But it’s dangerous!” DemiPie says.

“It’s a risk we’re just going to have to take! Hold on to your cutie marks.” She trots to the front of the train ready to conduct.

“Okay…. To the princess, we go!” She pushes a lever and the train immediately starts moving. Everypony holds still to not be flung around.

“Urghhh…”. DemiSpike groans in pain. The changeling left a mark on DemiSpikes leg for it to still be hurting a lot.

“It’s okay. Just rest a bit. It’s going to be a while till we get you a proper doctor.” Jasper says.

The train suddenly stops. Another train wants to cross first. This infuriates DemiTwi.

“No! We have to go first!”

DemiRarity walks up to DemiTwi and puts a hoof on her shoulder.

“Let them go first, darling..”

“But- the princess-“.

“It’s the generous thing to do. Those ponies want to be safe..”

“Fine.. but.. will we make it in time?” DemiTwi says

DemiJack suddenly walks up to her as well.

“We will make it. I promise.” DemiJack says

“Are you sure?” DemiTwi asks in doubt.

“I’m being honest. Just as generous as DemiRarity is.” DemiJack says with a light smile.

DemiTwi continues conducting after the other train passes. Her cutie mark glows and two stars appear. Just like when the first star appeared.

None of the ponies noticed this of course. The train continues moving. The ponies all calm down and stay quiet not knowing what to talk about in such a tense environment. Soon enough they get to Canterlot. The changelings seem to have not reached Canterlot yet. Guards are everywhere guarding the place. They must know about the sudden attack on DemiVille.

DemiTwi and her friends get off the train. Jasper holding DemiSpike while the rest hold their supplies. A guard stops them from moving.

“Stop right there! How do we know you aren’t one of them under disguise!?” A guard says illuminating their horn.

“We would have attacked right now!” DemiDash says.

“It’s okay.” A familiar voice says. Princess Sunrise walks in front of the guards, “They aren’t one of them. Follow me my loyal subjects.”

“Thank Goodness...” DemiTwi says relieved.

DemiTwi and her friends follow the princess until they reach their castle. They walk into the castle and the throne room. Princess Sunrise stops and looks at DemiTwi.

“You must be concerned about the current events happening...”

“Ya darn right we are! What’s goin' on!?” DemiJack says

“The queen…. The Queen of the changelings has returned...” Princess Sunrise says.

“Who is the queen of the changelings?!” DemiDash says.

“It’s- “Princess Sunrise is interrupted when a voice behind her is heard.

The queen of the changelings steps into view behind her.

“It’s me.” The queen laughs crazily.

Princess Sunrise immediately stands in front of DemiTwi and her friends defending them.

“Soon… my changelings will take over DemiVille… then Canterlot… and then Demiquestria!!!” The queen yells out.

“No! You won’t... you have now revealed yourself to me in such a foolish matter! Now..., I will defend my subjects from you!” Princess Sunrise flies up and starts shooting out a magic beam at the queen.

The queen immediately reacts and sends one back in contact with the other. The Queen starts to lose but recovers quickly and starts shooting a more powerful one. Princess DemiCelestia has a panicked look. The beam reaches Princess Sunrise and knocks her back. DemiTwi immediately screams out in fear.

“Princess Sunrise!!” DemiTwi runs over to Princess Sunrise.

“The elements... you must go... to the elements... find them! They are… in... the old castle... you must... get to them!” Princess Sunrise illuminates her horn.

“No! No! I can’t leave you! NO!!” DemiTwi begs and begs but as soon as she can get her last word out Princess Sunrise teleports DemiTwi and her friends somewhere safe.

Deadly Changes #2

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After the events of Princess Sunrise and the queen of the changelings combat. Princess Sunrise had teleported DemiTwi and her friends to a forest. DemiTwi sits down crying. The rest of her friends stand beside her not knowing what to do.

"It's okay DemiTwi..." DemiDash puts a hoof on her shoulder. "We will save her. I promise... from the bottom of my heart."

DemiDash continues to comfort DemiTwi while the others discuss what to do and how to find the elements Princess Sunrise said were apparently in the forest they were teleported to.

The forest was safe. No changelings have gotten to the forest. The forest was peaceful. DemiTwi calmed down a bit but was still crying due to her having to leave Princess Sunrise. DemiDash let DemiTwi cry it all out before starting to comfort her again. DemiShy stays quiet not knowing what to say. DemiSpike tugs Jasper's arm to feel safe. DemiPie, DemiJack, and DemiRarity discuss the events happening.

"Alright, everypony. We got to make pace if we going to want to find them elements!" DemiJack said out loud.

"Right! We have to make pace!" DemiRarity said.

DemiTwi just sits there thinking about what to do. She realizes that these ponies need her. These ponies can’t do this on their own. DemiSpike needs her. DemiDash needs her. DemiShy needs her. They all need her. They can’t do this alone. She has to get up and lead the way. DemiQuestria needs her after all.

“We have to go get the elements and make things right. The Princess said it was in the old castle. It’s across this forest Let’s go!” DemiTwi quickly makes pace. The rest followed her and ran fast

“Hmm! The mood seems to be low... Hey DemiTwi! What do you call a pony who can’t go up? A downer! Hahaha! Oh, that made no sense.” DemiPie jokes.

“Hehehe.. that is kind of funny.” DemiTwi laughs a bit.

“What do you call a snail on a ship?! A SNAILOR!” DemiPie shouts for every pony to hear.

“HAHAHAH! Oh, DemiPie! You made me feel better already!”

“Laughter is the best medicine!” DemiPie says.

A new star forms on DemiTwi's cutie mark once again. No pony notices this despite all being behind DemiTwi.

The group then faces a whole crowd of bears in the way. They all seem hostile. DemiTwi is quick to react and shoots one of the bears with magic. The bear growls and the whole group starts attacking them. DemiShy and the two dragons are the only ones not attacking. She tries to get their attention but fails.

"This one's a toughie!" DemiJack yells

"Guys..." DemiShy says trying to get their attention

"Damnit this one is very difficult!” DemiDash yells.

“Guys…” DemiShy says once again failing to get their attention.

"I got this one down! Now to send this one back ho-" DemiTwi says before she is interrupted.

"GUYS!!!!" DemiShy yells at the top of her lungs.

DemiShy's yelling got everypony's and every bears attention silencing them and giving her their full undivided attention.

"We do not need to fight, and we certainly do not need to be so mean! Watch."

DemiShy goes up to one of the bears and says, "Excuse me Mr. Bear but we would like to pass. If you have a problem we will be more than happy to discuss what troubles you."

The bears kindly move out of the way letting the group go by. DemiShy and the rest then walk past and do not look back to avoid making eye contact with the bears they had tried to attack.

"How did you do that?" DemiTwi asks DemiShy.

"Sometimes... all you need is a little kindness," DemiShy says.

Another star then forms on DemiTwi's cutie mark. No pony once again noticed this.

The group of ponies reach a bridge. Due to all the fog, DemiTwi did not notice that the bridge was destroyed and was to fall off if she were to even put a hoof on where the bridge was supposed to be.

"Come on everypony! The castle is just on the other side of this bridge- AHHHH!!!" DemiTwi almost falls off. If it wasn't for DemiDash she was to fall off to her doom.

"Maybe DemiDash can fly over to the other side and tie the bridge to that fence thingy! Then DemiShy can tighten it from this side, so it is nice and steady!" DemiSpike says.

"Little smarty! Hehe. Jee! You are light! Light like a feather." Jasper says.

"Heh... Yeah... I guess..." DemiSpike says blushing.

"Great idea DemiSpike! Alright, DemiShy be ready." DemiDash yells out.

DemiDash flies off to the other side. She grabs a rope from the bridge and ties it. She is about to tighten it until...

"Stop! Right there missy! We sense there is something awesome about you! You an amazing flyer?" a strange voice calls out to DemiDash.

"What is it to you mysterious voice?" DemiDash says alarmed.

"Because we three want you to join us!!"

Three ponies who seem to be in some strange green and black suits fly out from the fog. The three ponies have goggles and seem to all be Pegasi.

"The Wondercolts?!" DemiDash says amazed.

"The ToxicBolts! The more awesome versions of the Wondercolts!" The pegasus in the middle says.

"Yeah okay! Let me just tie this rope around for my friends."

"No! It-" The pegasus is immediately interrupted.

"Sorry! Not happening. Get lost want to be wondercolts." DemiDash brushes them off.

The three Pegasi immediately go back into the fog not to be seen again. DemiShy immediately ties the rope after DemiDash does. No new star forms probably because DemiDash has already played her part. DemiDash looks up and sees three changelings flying off. Could she have escaped a trap that could have led her to her death?

The ponies all walk across meeting up with DemiDash. They all stand in front of the castle.

"Well... we did it," DemiRarity says relieved.

"Yeah! We so did!" DemiPie says.

The group walks inside to see a horrific sight. Brensle lays on the floor bruised up.

"How... could they be so damn strong?!" Brensle says panting.

"You foolish plusle can't stop me. Soon... every pony will be bowing down to me! Then... one by one. All killed! Oh! What a surprise! A group of ponies and two little dragons huh?" The queen says.

DemiTwi glares at the queen and starts to get ready to attack.

"Seriously?" The queen laughs and also gets ready to attack.

The two start running towards each other. DemiTwi quickly teleports behind her and starts to grab all the elements one by one off the stands.

"You little shit! I will rip out your organs one by one!" The queen yells out angrily.

"No, you won't!" DemiJack bucks her in the face followed by DemiRarity shooting a magic blast at her.

"Urghh!!" The queen grabs the two with her magic and sends them flying across the room hitting a wall.

"Hey!!" DemiDash sends a hit across her face by flying across in front of her. DemiShy pushes her to the floor.

The queen gets angry even more and shoots the two with magic. She sees DemiTwi trying to activate the elements.

"No!!" The queen roars out.

"Surprise!!" DemiPie uses her party cannon to attack the queen. Sadly the queen moves out of the way and shoots her with magic.

"One spark... One spark!!" DemiTwi uses her magic full force to activate the elements. The queen shouts to get her attention. She sees the queen with DemiSpike in her hooves ready to kill him She must have teleported him into her hooves because Jasper was caught by surprise.

"I will do it." The queen smiles evilly.

"DemiSpike.." DemiTwi says. She sees DemiSpike panicking and scared for his life unable to talk due to the queen not letting him.

The queen quickly sends a powerful beam of magic towards DemiTwi. Before DemiTwi was able to react she was hit. She was on the floor in pain as she watched the queen destroy the elements and throw DemiSpike on the floor. DemiSpike cries in pain bleeding as DemiRarity holds back Jasper from attacking the queen. DemiTwi watches in disbelief alongside the other ponies.

"I will take over all of DemiQuestria!!" The queen shouts out evil followed by a sinister laugh.

"It's over... I failed.." DemiTwi says given up. Brensle crawls over to her.

"No, you can not give up. You do not need those rocks. The elements are not destroyed. The spirits of the elements are not in the rocks but here in your friends." Brensle says.

DemiTwi looks around. She looks at DemiSpike and then the rest of her friends. She stands up and walks in front of the queen.

"No. You will not rule DemiQuestria." DemiTwi says bravely.

"How will you stop me? Your elements are destroyed!" The queen says.

"You are wrong! Because the spirits of the elements are right here! Beside me. DemiDash, not leaving me in danger saving me from the changelings, and not abandoning her friends for her own heart's desires represents the spirit of...
Loyalty! DemiJack. Assuring me when in doubt of not getting to the princess in time... Represents the spirit of honesty! DemiRarity, being generous enough to let the train go first even in situations looking like all hope is lost, represents the spirit of... generosity! DemiPie, laughing in the darkest moments to lift her friends' spirits represents the spirit of... Laughter! And DemiShy, being kind to those who aren't and changing the bear's ways of hearts represents the spirit of... kindness!"

"You still do not have the sixth element! The so-called spark did not work!"

"But it did! A different kind of spark... that spark ignited all of the elements. That sixth element.. is the element of Magic!! I now understand the magic of friendship because all six of you showed me how true it is.." She looks at her friends. One by one they all smile. DemiSpike smiles as he is getting bandages put on by Jasper. The two dragons smile alongside Brensle and the rest of the ponies. "The most powerful Magic of all is... The Magic of Friendship!!"

All six ponies' elements start to form into some sort of necklace. The six of them all unite as their elements start to light up. The magic unleashes a sort of Rainbow beam striking the queen. The queen yells in pain.

"NO!! NO!! STOP!! I CAN'T BE DEFEATED HERE!! NO!!" The queen slowly starts to be petrified. The magic of the elements spread across all of Demiquestria killing off every changeling there was.



Everybody wakes up from using the elements. They all seem so tired.

"Urghhh.. What happened?" DemiShy asks.

"I do not know but look at these beautiful necklaces! They are gorgeous!" DemiRarity says.

"Look! You all did it!" Brensle yells pointing to the now petrified changeling queen.

"Indeed you all did." Princess Sunrise flies in from one of the broken windows.

"Princess Sunrise!" DemiTwi runs up to her to hug her.

"I am okay DemiTwi.." Princess Sunrise reassures her.

The ponies, dragons, and Brensle bow down. DemiTwi continues to hug her before pulling out of the hug.

"You know Princess... I was wondering if you could let me... stay in DemiVille... because well... now that I understand the magic of friendship, I truly see how having friends is a wonderful thing..."

"Of course, DemiTwi... ahem... I now announce that my student DemiTwi will be staying in DemiVille to learn about the magic of friendship! And no... you do not have to write back to me every time you learn something unless you really want to." Princess Sunrise says. "I do not want to be like the official version of Princess Celestia anyways..." She mumbles the last part.

All the ponies cheer as they all hug. Princess Sunrise smiles as she sets the sun down for another night. She teleports the queen statue out of the room to not ruin the moment. The friend group starts to make their way out of the castle to go home. Princess Sunrise stays behind. She stares at the banner of the moon. A tear rolls down from her eye. She misses her. She wants her back. Brensle had also stayed behind. Brensle hugs the princess. Princess Sunrise smiles and teleports herself back home with Brensle.

DemiTwi gets ready for bed. She looks out at the moon from her window. She smiles. She now knows how beautiful the magic of friendship is.