Major Changes

by Chuckboy39

First published

A selfish and self centered pop star and her cousin get send into the world of Equestria. Shortly afterward, the two find out shocking information that would change there lives for good, and put the fate of Equestria and all into there uneasy hooves.

(Artwork made by @Zack Catcher) Sydney Hill, everyone in the world knows her name as the princess of pop. She's one of the best musical artist there is in the world and a lot of people adore her. However, she isn't what you call, a selfless person and knows very little about friendship and has only one friend who was forced into being her friend. His name is Miles Dooley. One day, Sydney along with Miles get send into a portal by an accident, landing them in the world of Equestria. While the two figure out a way to get back to there world, Sydney learns about her past and finds out that she's related to a certain pink pony that is very similar to her but she really hates her. Can the two of them make it out or will living with pony's be such a bad thing? There's a lot to do....and time is ticking.

Chapter 1: Take It From The Top

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She could have called on anyone in this room. Out of all the people in this room, she had to call on me. She was too blind to see the other kids with there hands up but no, she had to call on me. "What is 3x to the second power +6x-12?" My teacher asked me in her loud and annoying voice that would make a kitten die just by hearing it for the first time.

I started to think and do the problem in my head, although it was taken a while. As my other classmates started to look at me, I started to turn a little pink in the face. "Well? I'm waiting!" My teacher said as I quickly blunted out: "6 Ms Terry!" "WRONG! The correct answer was 3 young lady." Ms Terry said as my two cheeks turned so pink that you could misplaced them for a scoop of strawberry ice cream.

Luckily, that amount of embarrassment didn't last for very long as shortly afterwards, the final bell rang as class was dismissed for the weekend. The other student's quickly rushed out of the room faster then you could say this sentence as I was gathering my belongs. I was about to head out of the classroom when I heard Ms Terry say: "Sydney, we need to have a talk before I let you go."

I very quickly panicked inside my head as I headed over to her desk. "I wanted to talk with you about you're latest test score." Ms Terry said. "What about it?" I asked as I had a gut feeling what she was about to say next. "You failed this test so badly that's it's a new record for this class-" Ms Terry said as she kept talking and talking in her annoying voice as I started to zone out.

If there was an award for most annoying voice, she would win a spot on the podium for every single year following that. "Just seeing her win one of the worst awards you could ever-" I thought. "Were you even paying attention to me young lady?" Ms Terry asked as I was snapped back into reality by her question.

"Uh, yes I was, totally heard every word you said." I responded with the worst response I could have said. "Look Sydney, I know you have a talent for music, I never had a student with a beautiful singing voice as yourself but you can't just focus on music alone and still expect to pass you're classes. You may try but no matter how big you're name gets, no matter how many Grammy's you win, you won't escape work such as Math, English and Cooking food in you're lifetime." Ms Terry said as I was getting more annoyed at her by the second.

"Yeah, even the speeches you give belong inside the kitchen." I said in a annoyed tone as I picked up my things and walked out of the classroom. I thought I heard Ms Terry mumble something but I was too annoyed to hear her voice anymore.

My goodness, that was a bit of a rough start, oh that's right, I forgot to introduce myself. You should know my name as it's a name known worldwide but the name's Sydney Hill. I just so happen to have the best singing voice in the entire school, in the entire country and you get the picture.

I also like selfies and looking like my best self ever cause everyone can tell. What you saw back there was a typical school day for me with the annoying teacher that always bombards me with pointless homework and tests. Once in a while, I just have to speak my mind and go off on them with very creative comebacks but it's rare for that to happen.

Afterwards when that boring stuff is over and done with, I return to my pop star life with working on new songs, taking selfies for all of my followers and being noticed by the paparazzi's when I go out.

It's usually very time consuming for me so I don't really spend a lot of time with others but that just so happens to be the very best part of not having any friends, you can focus on yourself and making sure everyone else knows you're name if you have a talent worth displaying. Now as much as I would love to continue talking about me, I have a ride waiting for me so let's head back into reality.

I rushed down the long and very smelly hallway until I turned to the nearest exit door. I rushed out of the school building as quickly as I could until I could see my ride in the student parking area with many other cars trying to exit. I walked as quickly as I could over to my ride witch was a very light pink car with my name as it's license plate with purple tires. I opened the car door and got in as my driver wasted no time to get in the long line of cars.

"Good afternoon Ms Hill. How was you're day at school?" The person in the driver seat said. "It was alright Chad." I responded in a calm voice. "I have been told to inform you that you're new make-up kit and microphone has arrived." Chad said. "Ooh, goodie!", I said with a happy voice. I saw in the mirror that Chad was in a rather good mood today witch he always was on a Friday.

I would guess because he ether has a date or he's taking the next day off. The rest of the car ride was uneventful as within a half an hour, we reached the gates of my glorious mansion. Chad parked the car inside the garage and opened my door as I got out of the car. "Good to be back after a stressful day." I said to myself as me and Chad walked inside.

"Oh, I almost forgot Ms Hill, you're cousin has requested to come over today." Chad said as we headed inside. "Just tell him to stay out of my recording studio along with my room, my bathroom, my movie room, my makeup room and every other room besides the basement." I said as I pulled out my phone and started to take a few selfies of extremely cute looking self.

"Ms Hill, don't you think that you should be a bit kinder to you're guests? Maybe treat them with kindness and be more friendly instead of just taking selfies for a change?" Chad suggested. "Fine, he roam along the shorter hallways if his shoes have been waxed for hours." I responded as I heard Chad sigh a little bit. "If you say so." Chad said as I headed upstairs to my recording studio as I was ready to work on my next greatest hit.

Chapter 2: A Pop Star's Daily Life

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"Ah, even though it's been six and a half hours since school, I've missed you so much." I said as I opened the door to my enormous bedroom. Get this, this room has not only a queen bed all for me, but my own bathroom, my own TV, my enormous amount of pictures witch all contain me and only me in them but it also comes with my own personal stage to practice my singing for when I'm rocking the stage.

Top that off with some pretty pink wallpaper and a butler at my command and you got yourself a dream room. "I can't imagine people ever sleeping on something smaller then this." I said to myself as I tossed my backpack to the side and fell onto my bed.

"But hey, not everyone can look this good, or have this many followers or have such a cute hairstyle everyday." I thought as I got up from my amazingly soft bed and walked out of my room. I walked among the shiny white hallway for a while until I stopped. I turned and saw a picture of when I was a baby and I was with two other people and we seemed to be having a good time.

"Wow....that frame is crooked." I said to myself as I walked away from the picture. "It's for the better after leaving me." I thought as I continued to walk away.

Ok, so I bet you're wondering: 'Who are those two people in the picture frame besides the cute baby Sydney?' Well, yes I am always very cute, even as a baby but those are my parent's, I think. I don't really know much about them ever since I started to sing. Even when my name wasn't that big, they were like my biggest fans since I can remember.

I know my father was a researcher on cross dimensional travel and discovering other universes but I can't remember his name. I rarely ever got to see him outside of the news when he and his team made some big discovery. As for my mom, I never knew anything about her. I was told she left my dad and that's it.

I never try to think about them since they've been absent ever since my name got so big in music. I thought they would support me after I went viral but no, they had to test some big new matter and kill themselves in the process. Chad tries to help and I guess he is the closest thing I have to a father but he's just Chad and that's all he will ever be. Now back to my life that you won't be able to experience for yourself, like ever.

I continued to walk among the hallway until I reached my recording studio door. I was about to open the door and stay there until I record my next and best album ever until I heard a noise. I passed it off as Chad cooking dinner until I continued to hear the noise.

It sounded like the TV from downstairs was on and it was rather loud from what I was used to. I tried to pass it off but my curiosity for once, got the better of me as I started to head towards the family room, or as I call it, the me room for reason's I'm sure you know by now.

I entered the room to see someone sitting on one of the many white couch's in the room and the TV was playing a show I utterly hated ever since it premiered. The person that was on the couch turned around as I recognized who it was, and I didn't like who it was at all.

"Oh, hey there Sydney, I didn't think you'd show up with you're crazy life." The person said. "Yeah, who let you in now?" I asked in a very strict voice. "Oh, you're butler did. He said I needed to have clean shoes on before I came in. Luckily, I'm wearing brand new shoes so that worked out." The person said in a rather happy voice.

"I think I just threw up in my mouth." I thought as I walked over to him. "Uh hun. Did he also tell you that we don't allow, you're kind of...tastes in shows here?" I asked in the same, yet stricter voice as before. "It's not as bad as you make it out to be Sydney. Just try it." The person said as he put the pillows on the couch, clearing a spot for me to sit.

"Look Miles, I just don't understand why you're kind like this show so much. It's just six ugly pony's doing whatever the heck the plot demands and learning some awful lesson at the end. It's barley even a show." I said in pure discus as I could barley even look at the TV. "They have several songs in the show." Miles said as that started to peak my interest a little bit.

"Pop?" I asked with a little bit of curiosity in my voice. "Several." Miles said. "For a little while. For like five minutes. I have things to do." I said as I sat down on the couch and watch the stupid pony show. In case all you lovely viewers wanted to know what episode it was, I can't say.

It was just about this yellow pony with a red mane trying to get some sort of butt mark and wanting to go to this pink pony's party. I was sort of interested in this pink pony who had a beautiful tiara on her head but I quickly brushed her off as just another bully character with no drive other then 'she's a bully.'

After around 5-10 minutes of this boring show, I just couldn't stand it anymore. "Oh, would you look at the time. I'm afraid I have to record some songs now." I said out of the blue as I got up and started to walk away. "But we're not even at the part where Applebloom meets the rest of the CMC." Miles said as I ignored him and proceeded to go back upstairs to my recording studio, just like I should have done.

"Ugh, friendship, a word that should never have been invented at all. It's just some stupid pony's learning friendship and how to be better. Oh please, I got to where I was all on my own because I had talent and oh so many connections. The only things you need to be the best thing you can be!", I said to myself in a very annoyed and angered voice.

"Uh, I need to calm down. Now lets get this d-d-o-o-o-n-n-e-e-e!" I started to sing a little as I turned on the control's and selected the settings I wanted. I then went into my sound-proof box as I started to sing some of my new songs I had been working on. So far, it was going really well.

I always enjoyed myself when I sang new songs as it was one of the many times I could just be myself and have no one bother me until I was done. During one of my many musical numbers, I noticed that the light's above me were started to flicker a little bit. I wasn't able to think about it much as I kept on with my song.

A couple seconds later, I then noticed that the whole room went dark for a moment and soon after, the lights went off for good. "That's odd." I said to myself as I got out of my sound-proof box and noticed Miles messing with the controls. "Miles! What the heck do you think you're doing?", I asked him in a very angry voice.

"Well I had to get you're attention cause you're controls are starting to glitch." Miles said as he pointed to the control panel as sparks were flying out of it. "What's going on?" I said to myself as I tried to do what I could to fix it when all of a sudden, for reason's I couldn't explain, the entire room was starting to shake and soon after, what looked to be a black hole just appeared and then began to suck everything in the room into it, including me and Miles.

"What's going ooooonnnnnnnn?" Miles cried out as he was getting sucked into the hole. "How is this happennninnnggg?", I cried out as Miles took my hand. "This isssnnn't going to be gooooooodddd!', Miles said as I closed my eyes as the show unfolded.

Chapter 3: A Diamond's Debut

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Before the black hole. . . . in another world . . . .

"So, who do you think still hasn't gotten there cutie marks yet?" My friend said as we were walking to our school with a lot of pride on our faces. "The apple one for sure." I said in a very sincere voice. "I swear, she's never going to get her cutie mark before our cutesenioara this weekend." My friend said as we both chuckled a little as we reached the school with time to spare.

We both walked in and took our seats witch were almost next to each other but were in between the permanent blank-flank, Apple-what's-her-name. The classroom was just as lively as ever when the bell rang.

"Lets quiet down please, we have a very important lesson to get to." Our teacher said as the class finally quieted down for once. "Thank you. Today, we are going to be talking about cutie marks." Our teacher said as she turned the page to her slideshow to show a bunch of cutie marks on the next piece of paper.

"Boring." I said under my breath as I looked outside of the classroom window and saw that it was a really nice day outside. Too bad I couldn't go out and instead, had to sit through this waste of time. "You can all see my cutie mark, can't you?" Our teacher said as she showed the class the backside of her where they could see her cutie mark.

"Like all pony's, I wasn't born with a cutie mark. My flank was blank." Our teacher said. "Aww, she's do pwesous." Another pony named Twist said. "Ugh, can't she just learn to speak like every pony else already." I rolled my eyes at this thought. "Then, one day when I was about you're age, I woke up to find that a cutie mark had appeared." Our teacher said as she showed the class a picture of herself with an embarrassing mane on her head.

I couldn't keep myself together and nether could the entire class as we all broke out into laughter. "Look at her hair." I said as we continued to laugh. Our teacher rolled her eyes in what seemed to be a happy look on her face. "Yes I know but that's how every pony was wearing there manes back then. I had decided to become a teacher and the flowers symbolized my hope that I could help my future students bloom if I natured them with knowledge-." Our teacher said as she continued her lesson.

I was getting more and more bored by the second and was starting to zone out a little. I looked over to my friend who was looking at her hooves with a bored-ish face. I heard Twist say: "When she discovewed that cewtain something that makes her speciaw." I looked over at Apple...Bloom, (I think that was her name but I don't care to call her that) and started to call her attention, away from her notes.

"Psst...psst" I whispered as Applebloom turned her attention to me. "What?" Applebloom whispered back in a quiet, yet loud voice for a whisper. I then reached into my desk and put a small, note sized piece of paper in my teeth and tried to act casual as I passed it to Applebloom.

At this point, my friend caught what I was doing and followed along as I wanted as she signaled Applebloom to pass then note to her. Just as Applebloom was taking the note from my mouth, our eagle eye teacher caught her in the act. "Applebloom!" Our teacher exclaimed as my face went from bored to exited as I knew what was about to happen next.

"Are you passing a note?" Our teacher asked as Applebloom dropped the note in sheer panic. "Uhh-" Applebloom said as she was at a loss for words. Our teacher then walked over to her with an annoyed look on her face as she said: "What could be so important that it couldn't wait until after class?" She then went to inspect the note to find something odd.

"It's...blank." Our teacher said with a hint of confusion in her voice. At this point, I had to let it all out as I chuckled a little. "Remind you of anypony?" I asked as me and my friend laughed as Applebloom turned red at that very moment.

Oh it was so satisfyingly entertaining to watch my plan work out in the end. It's what she gets for slaking on her cutie mark anyway. I guess Ms Cheerily had a good idea with the cutie mark presentation after all, well for the blank flanks anyway.

Oh, right, I guess were doing this now. I don't know why I wanted to do this but I'm doing it. My name's Diamond Tiara. That right there is my right hoofed girl and my best friend, Sliver Spoon. We are what you would call, popular here at our school.

We just go around and help the fellow blank flanks around us by pushing them into discovering there cutie marks and what not. I know it may look bad with Apple-what's-her-name back there but that was to get her moving in the right direction and all. So what if it's cruel and mean? It's in the family to be this way after all.

I'm suppose to follow my family and do whatever the heck they tell me to do. After all, a beautiful, pink pony with a purple mane has to do what she can to make her name higher then those around her, right? Anyway, I'm sure to get more eyes on me with me and Sliver's cutesenioara coming up this weekend.

All I ever wanted is to have my name in lights anyway. Now moving on, as much as I want to talk about my successes, that's all I have to say for now so to make a long story short, the rest of the day was me and Sliver talking about new jewelry that we were going to make our daddy's buy for us and coming up with names for those blank flanks. There was more talking from Cheerily but that's boring so I'll skip to the good part, the second the bell rang.

Chapter 4: Bullies And New Fillies

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After what felt like a hundred moons of lectures from Ms Cheerily, the last bell until the weekend had rung and it was time to go home. I saw almost everypony leave the schoolroom in an instant as I can assume they had useless things to do. For me? Me and Sliver were going to set up our cutesenioara as it was being held this weekend.

Me and Sliver were the last fillies in the room to leave as we like to be gentle with our belongings instead of stuffing them in some 5 bit bag. We both got out of the classroom as we started to talk about our party. "So, who do you think is coming to the party this weekend?" Sliver asked me as I showed a smile.

"Hopefully anypony with a cutie mark." I responded as I noticed Apple-what's-her-name with her head down to the ground and Twist with her head upwards to the sky walking ahead of us. "I'm thinking what you're thinking Diamond." Sliver said as we proceeded to walk faster until we were in range.

I started off by saying: "I don't know why we had to sit through a lecture about getting a cutie mark." I knew that the other two blank flanks could hear us so I started to speak a little louder. "I mean, waiting for you're cutie mark is SO last season." I said as Sliver started to show off her cutie mark.

"You got yours's, I just got mine, we all have them already." I said as the two blank flanks were already getting annoyed with me and Sliver but I could tell that I was getting under there skin about the whole cutie mark thing. "I mean, almost all of us have them already." I corrected myself as the two blank flanks started to look more and more sad by the word I said.

"Don't worry, you're still totally invited to my cutesenioara this weekend." I said as me and Sliver started to walk around the two blank flanks with Sliver making a smile similar to mine. "It's going to be amazing." Sliver added with her taunting voice. "It's a party celebrating me and my fantastic cutie mark, how can it not be?" I said as me and Sliver continued to walk circles around the two with there faces getting longer and longer like they were being stretched out to the max.

Any way's, I signaled Sliver and we stood back before we both got on our back legs as we said our famous motto. "Bumb, lumb, sugar lumb rumb!" Me and Sliver said as we preformed our most famous dance in front of the blank flanks and proceeded to giggle afterwards. "Give me a break." Apple Bloom said as she rolled her eyes in response.

"See you this weekend!" Sliver said as we stopped laughing. "Blank Flanks!" Me and Sliver said back as we laugher a little bit louder then before as we left the blank flanks behind and proceeded to walk away from the school. "How did we do back there? Are they still gonna come?" Sliver asked as we were just walking past the walkway to the mountains.

"Of course they are. They can't stand the temptation." I said as we were going to start laughing when I felt something....odd. It was hard to describe it but it felt like something...connected. Like something I was missing was found, though I didn't feel any different cause come on. Like I could be different from myself, HA.

"Woah, what in celestial's name is that?" Sliver said as she pointed to the nearest mountain with her left hoof. I looked over and saw what appeared to be a hole I think. I don't know a lot about magic but I know that wasn't a spell I had seen before. The spell stayed like that for a while until me and Sliver saw what appeared to be two other pony's fall out of the whole and land on the same mountain.

"Woah, what in Equestria was that?" I said as I noticed the ground started to shake a little. "Is it just me or is that rock getting closer to us?" Sliver asked as I noticed what appeared to be a huge rock coming down the mountain along with a few other big rocks. Me and Sliver managed to get out of the rock's way just in time, but not before they blocked the path that we take to get to Ponyville and our homes.

"Great, now how are we suppose to get back home now?" Sliver asked as I started to think. I knew there was a long way through the mountains and a short way though the grass but I also wanted to see what that spell was about as well for a reason I couldn't explain. "Lets just take the mountain shortcut and try not to ruin our hooficures." I said as I lead the way though the mountains.

I thought it would take a while until we reached the mountain where we saw that spell but it only took around a half hour I think as we reached the peak and our eyes were shocked. On that peak, there were two ponies who looked to be a little bit older then we were.

One was an earth pony with a yellowish color with brown hair, blue eyes and a mountain for a cutie mark while the other one was very different looking. This other pony, was an alicorn with a whiteish/pinkish color, with a blue mane with purple highlights, a crown that rested upon her head and a music note for a cutie mark.

"Who in Equestria are these ponies?" I said as me and Sliver tried to wake them up. Well, I've never seen them before and they surly can't be from around here given the alicorn." Sliver said in a calm voice. "Who are they?" I asked myself as I never saw them before in my life. "And where did they come from?"

Chapter 5: Stuck In A New Location

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"Ugh...wha-...what happened?" I said to myself as I slowly opened my eyes though my vision was extremely blurry. My entire body was in so much pain that even lifting my jaw was like a two hour workout. By this point, I was able to see in front of me and I noticed something very odd.

I didn't know where I was but I had a feeling it was far from home. Last I recall, I was in my recording room, recording some songs and me and Miles got pulled into some portal thing. I couldn't remember anything after that but that didn't matter. All that mattered now was me getting back home so I could return to my perfect, pop princess life that I so needed all the time.

I was starting to feel better by this point and I was going to stand up when I couldn't and fell down in the process. When I tried to stand up, it felt like I was standing on two sets of legs and I couldn't balance it yet. "What the? Are my legs that asleep?" I said as I kept trying to stand up but I couldn't get use to it just yet. "Ugh, my head." I heard a nearby voice said.

I turned my head to find a yellow horse with a brown hair color with dark blue highlights and what appeared to be a mountain tattoo on his supposed butt. "AHH, A TALKING HORSE! I screamed at the top of my lungs as I tried to run away but do to my new pair of legs, I couldn't move at all.

"Wait, Sydney? Did you say that?" I heard in Miles's voice. "Miles? Is that talking" I asked in a nervous voice. "Wait...I'm a horse?" Miles asked as he turned his head I think and looked at himself. "I'm not a horse Sydney, I'm an earth pony!" Miles exclaimed with fear and a hint of happiness in his voice. "Wait, did that portal thingey turn you into a pony?" I asked.

"Must have." Miles said as he was getting use to walking on all fours. "I see it turned you into one as well." Miles said as he pointed to me. "What are you talking about? Even a portal would see that I'm too good looking to turn into something." I said as I raised my hand to brush off the clam when I took a look at my hand, or hoof I should say. "AHHHH! I'M AN BIG, YET FABOULUS HORSE!!" I exclaimed as I started to panic as I took a look at myself.

My body was a whiteish color with a blue mane and tail, I had a music note for a butt tattoo and I felt something on my head but I couldn't see what it was. "Wait a sec, I got turned into an earth pony but you, you got turned into alicorn." Miles said in shock. "Why is that such a big deal?" I asked. Miles was about to respond when we both heard a noise.

"What was that?" I asked with fear in my voice. "We seemed to be dropped right next to the woods, maybe the Everfree Forest. I would think there's sounds here all the time." Miles said. "Wait, how do you just know that?" I asked in confusion. "You didn't pick it up already, we landed in the world of Equestria!" Miles said in a very exited voice. "NO. NO NO NO NO NO NO, NO! I can't be in this stupid show! I need to get back to my pop star life back on Earth, RIGHT, NOW!" I screamed as I began to panic more then I ever have in my life.

I couldn't be stuck in this show. How was any of this even possible anyway? This must be a dream. No one gets sent into T.V shows like this, or ever for that matter. "I'm sorry Sydney but I don't know why we ended up here, let alone how to get back." Miles said in a soft voice. "But that's not good enough. We need to figure this out before something bad happens!" I exclaimed in sheer panic.

"Ya done yet?" A voice said form some distance. "Who said that?" I asked with a nervous voice. Just then, two other pony's walked from behind a rock and bowed at my direction. "Why are they doing that?" I whispered to Miles in a nervous voice. "Oh that's right, you're an alicorn and you have a crown on you're head. They must think you're a princess." Miles whispered back right when they got up.

"We may have overheard you two from back there." The one who had blue glasses on said. "It doesn't seem like you two are from here, are you?" The one who had a tiara on her head said. "Uh, yeah, we...aren't...from here." Miles said in a nervous voice. "We heard you're entire conversation and we like, have questions is what we're asking." The one with the glasses said. "Uh, I think you misheard." I said in a nervous tone.

"What in Equestria is an 'Earth?" The pony with the tiara said in a very serious voice. "What the hay do we do?" I whispered to Miles. "I'm waiting!" The tiara pony said in a very demanding voice. "I think we need to tell them who we really are. They just might be able to help get us to somepony who can help, like Twilight!", Miles whispered back to me.

"Is that really a good idea?" I whispered back. "They already know about us, know planets there not suppose to know about and by being here, we may have just screwed over something important so if you have a better idea, tell me." Miles whispered back. "But what if they can't handle that info." I whispered back. "Now that you mention it, I think I have an idea now." Miles whispered back.

"Are you going to like, keep whispering or what? Tell me about this, Earth!" The tiara pony exclaimed. "Ok, ok, we...uh...come from this town far away from here called Earth and we need some help getting back...there." Miles said in not the best convincing voice. "Wait a second, if you're like, from some far away town, what was with that portal in the sky?" Tiara as I called her asked in a strict voice.

"It's a new...uh...thing that I preformed once." I said in a very fake voice. Tiara and the pony with glasses looked at each other, then back to us. "Well that works for me." Tiara said as in my mind, I took a sigh of relief. "So can't you just preform that spell again or something?" The pony with glasses asked in a sincere voice.

"It uh, changes every time so I can't preform the spell again." I said in the same, fake voice. "Hm, well since I bet you need a place to sleep and I always wanted to meet an alicorn, I recon you can like, stay with me for some time." Tiara said in a lighter, happier voice. "I suppose that will work." Miles said.

"Great. My daddy's mansion is just down the road from here. I know he would let in an alicorn as well." Tiara said as the four of us started to walk down the road. "A mansion would work for me." I said in response as we began our walk to this lovely mansion.

Chapter 6: Far From Normal

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"So I need to know, what is it like to be an alicorn?" I asked as the four of us had made our way past the mountains and into the town square. Along the way, we saw several ponies looking at us in an odd sort of way. Some just looked at us, some bowed and some whispered to each other.

Me and Sliver were use to making these gestures at blank flanks but I have to admit, It feels so nice to have ponies admire me like they should be doing. "Well uh, It's not....that different from being a regular pony. You just have both magic and flight I guess" The alicorn said as she responded as if she was reading off a script or something. I didn't really care because it's not everyday you meet an alicorn in this town.

"Oh, I don't think we got you're names yet." Sliver said suddenly as I released she was right. "Oh, where are our manners, the names Mi-" The yellow pony said as he stopped mid speech to look at his cutie mark I think. "Uh, Summit Hill." Summit said as he then whispered something into the alicorn's ear. "You can call me...uh...Melody Bass." Melody said. "Wouldn't that be Princess Melody Bass?" I asked.

"I...uh...prefer to be called that at meetings and such." Melody said in a fast paced voice. "Makes sense." Sliver said. "Oh that's right, my name's Diamond Tiara and this is my best friend, Silver Spoon." I said. "Very nice to meet you two." Summit said. After what felt like a hundred moons of walking, we finally reached the doors to my gorgeous mansion.

It was just outside of Ponyville as it overlooked almost the entire town. I proceeded to knock on the door with my right hoof and after a few moments, my butler entered the door. "Good evening Ms Tiara. I see you brought some guest over?" My butler who I never cared to remember his name said in a formal voice.

"Yes, they needed a place to stay and I figured we have several free rooms here if that's ok." I said. "O...Of course Ms Tiara. I just wasn't expecting you to be this....friendly." My butler said. "Don't get use to it. Now I want you to paint a portrait of me, stat!" I demanded. My butler sighed as he started to walk away towards the art room, a.k.a, the paintings of me because that's what my father pays' him to draw.

You know, were not very far into this story and I think, wait, I know I'm being underutilized here, so I'm going to interrupt here to talk about ME instead. So in case you didn't know, My family is very rich. We can afford almost anything I want like a hot tub in my room, the biggest stuffed animals you've ever seen in your life and all the newest makeup and jewelry in Equestria.

Every single day, I put tons of effort into my mane and tail and you see ponies walking around with very ugly styles compared to mine. I just can't see how anypony can live without these essential belongings. We learned in history that ponies had to live off of farms to make a living like with the Apples and they just looked so dreadful.

They needed a makeover like so badly but they just couldn't get one. I'm very thankful to not be born in that world but even if I was, I would still look this good, even if there was another world, you can't change a beauty like me. Speaking of, before I have to change this back, I like wanted to mention that my father and mother are working on a sculpture of me to be placed in the front of my school and maybe one on top of our fountain. That would be like so cool since I'm front and center and all. We now return to the story that needs more me in it.

As the four of us walked further into the entrance room where there was two sets of staircases that lead to the second floor, I could hear my mother coming down the stairs to greet me and ask about my day in school. "Oh hello Diamond, I presume you had a good day all about you in school today?" My mother, Spoiled Rich asked me in her very strict and demanding voice just like any other day.

"Oh today was nothing special. Also I'm having guest over." I said in my usual voice. "S...Sydney?" My mother said as she looked right at Melody as if she had seen a ghost or anything related to nightmare night or something. "Who's this...uh...Sydney? My name is....Melody." Melody said as I was able to see the backyard and noticed the sun was still out.

"Now if you'll excuse us, I think we need to work on our tans." I said as the four of us headed outside to the pool, ready to get a good tan in for the weekend and before my cutesenioara. Though I didn't see her directly, I saw my mother looking at Melody as if she had seen her before. I tried to get it out of my mind but it just stuck to me like a tiara to my head.

A few minutes later, the four of us were lounging in my lounging chairs, getting a good tan in. That's when I could finally receive the answer I was wondering about. "Did my mommy recognize you back there?" I asked Melody after a few minutes. "She seemed kinda familiar. Maybe she recognized me from...uh...a public event or something." Melody said. "That makes sense I guess." I responded.

The four of us then spend the rest of the afternoon in the sun as we tanned till the sun went down. Afterwards, my butler made us some dinner witch just so happened to be his famous steak and we spend the early evening trying on new jewelry and makeup except for Summit who stayed back until we called it a night. Melody, Summit and Silver went into the guest bedrooms next to my room while I stayed in my room as i doze off to sleep.

Meanwhile . . .

"I was sure it was her. She looked just like she did when she was a filly, I know for a fact." I said as I told my husband what I saw. "If it was her then my experiments back there worked, though I didn't plan for her and her friend to come in as well." Filthy Rich said. "Why did you even want her to come back here at all though? We both know what would happen if she did something know." I said.

"She's our flesh and blood after all. Plus, I think having her here could help Diamond become a better pony, if that can happen without the other thing." Filthy said. "Should we just keep an eye on them to make sure the worlds don't....fuse?" I asked.

"If my research back in the other world is true, then once they start to show signs of amnesia or anything else to the other world, then that's when we need to act you know what." Filthy said. "Ok. I just want her to know-" I said. "It's going to be alright, I hope. You don't have to worry my love." Filthy said as we doze off to sleep.

Chapter 7: Identity Crisis's

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I was asleep. I was dead asleep. I was in a very peaceful and relaxing slumber when all of a sudden, the morning sun came out so quickly that it caught me off guard. My face was near the window and when the sunlight rays came, illuminating the guest bedroom, I couldn't keep my eyelids' closed for much longer as I arose from my slumber in a very good mood.

Ether it was the very fun time I had with Diamond and Silver the other day or I was finally getting use to being an alicorn in this world, I can't explain why. I felt happier than I did back in that big....empty...where did I live again? Oh right, that mansion. I went into the bathroom that was attached to the bedroom and I looked at myself in the mirror.

I know it's only been a day since me and Miles got here but I'm starting to get use to this life. Hey, I still get fame just by my appearance like I did back in the human world I guess. It feels as if I belong in this world just as much as I did back in the other world from what I've noticed.

Another thing I've picked up is that maybe I was wrong about the benefit of not having any friends. After spending the day with Diamond, Silver and Miles, A thought that friends can benefit you crossed my mind. I didn't think about it too much since I still want to get world, yeah the human world I think.

Anyway, I left the bathroom and the guest bedroom to find that Silver and Diamond were also getting up for the morning. "Good morning everyon-I mean everypony." I said. "Morning everypony. I can't believe this day is finally here!" Diamond said in a very happy voice. "What? What's going on?" I asked. "Oh right, My cutesinioara is today. Speaking of, I know it's short notice but could you and Summit care to...uh...come?" Diamond said in a tone of voice I didn't really hear from her.

From what Miles told me about her, she was a bully stereotype but now she was acting friendly towards me since yesterday and even today. It didn't make sense to me yet but I was beginning to worry that something big, something horrible was on the way. Just then, the door to Miles's room opened and Miles came out. "Summit, I think something'" I said. "Well what is it?" Miles asked.

"Is Diamond suppose to be friendly this season or something?" I asked. "Not until season five." Miles responded. "Well she just asked us to come to her...cutesinoara today and I don't think she would be third friendly without some sort of twist" I said. "It's most likely because the portal was kind enough to give us cutie marks" Miles said. "Well from what you told me about Diamond, that makes sense-." I said.

Breakfast is ready." The butler said downstairs before I had a chance to respond. As we were walking downstairs, Miles stopped walking. "Miles? I asked. Within a second, his body started to twitch and a bunch of color's filled his body as he started to turn human and then back into a pony within two seconds of each other. After a few seconds, he stopped glitching and gained control again as he got up on all fours.

"I have no idea...what...that...was...but I'm fearing for the worst." Miles said. "Are you-" I said. "I'm fine, let's just have some breakfast." Miles said as the two of us made our way down to the kitchen where Diamond's butler was cooking and flipping some pancakes. "Saved you two seats." Diamond said as we took our seats at the island table. I was still getting use to the code names but I picked it up quickly.

After all, I would need to get use to the name for a while. Diamond's butler then passed around a plate that was filled to the brim with pancakes that smelled delicious and had stem rising from them. The four of us each took two of them and began to cut them. "I have to say, these pancakes are splendid." Miles said with his eyes widened. "They are very good, I must say." I said in a calm voice.

"Why thank you Ms Bass and Mr Hill." The butler said. After we finished our breakfast, we were decide on what we should do next. "Say, the cutesinoara isn't for a few more hours and you two still don't know Ponyville that well, maybe we should spend some time walking around town?" Sliver suggested. "That's a good idea Sliver." Diamond said. "Only problem is know, alicorn thing." I said with a little embarrassment in my voice.

"Why is that such a big deal? Aren't you proud of those wings and horn Melody?" Diamond asked me. "I...Yeah nevermind." I said as the four of us headed out into town. "So just to give you two a tour, over there is Sweet Apple Acres, home of a blank-flank." Diamond said as she pointed to a somewhat far away farm in the distance. "Oh, that's one of you've father's clients right?" Miles said in an excited voice.

"Yes, though I'm wondering how you knew that off the top of you've head?" Diamond said. "Lucky guess?" Miles said. "Works for me." Diamond said as she continued to lead on. While she was showing us some other buildings like that boutique that looked like a carousel or something, my body was starting to feel a little weird. It felt like my body was shivering but it was rather good, spring weather outside.

As Diamond continued along, this feeling inside of me started to get worse and worse but I still kept it together, at least I thought I could. Just then, we were walking past two fillies and I saw a smirk on Diamond and Silver's face. Miles then whispered into my ear that: "This is where they make a snarky comment to the two fillies over there, best to just walk by." Miles said just as something unexpected happened.

So I was told that they usually pick on ponies without a cutie mark right? When the four of us were walking past us, Diamond said: "Ehh, with or without a cutie mark, she can still like, show up to the party." Diamond said. "Besides, the temptation is too big to resist such a cool party anyway, even if she is invited." Sliver said.

I didn't get a good look at their faces but the two other fillies who were standing in front of a house were shocked at what Diamond and Silver just said. "Hm, well I guess that's good to hear." One of them said as they continued there conversation. Just then, I fell to the ground as my entire body hurt. I couldn't see myself but I was sure what was happening wasn't going to be pretty. Quite ugly in fact.

Chapter 8: Truth's Come Out

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"I have to say, It hurts being nice to that blank flank with a princess here." I whispered to Sliver. "Yeah, It's the worst to put up an act." Silver whispered back. "Uh girls" Summit said as he pointed to Melody. I couldn't quite describe it the way I saw it because I'd never seen something like it before.

Melody was on the ground and it looked like all kinds of colors were around her and a whole bunch of shapes came out of her. I had never seen something so cursed, weird and an eyesore at times in my life. Then, I noticed something else. Melody started to turn into something, some creature that I never seen before. Her hoofs started to break apart with her top hooves breaking into what looked to be claws and and her bottom hooves turned into something of a dragon's foot.

Her head also started to become a little different with her face molding into a more taller circle. This lasted for a few seconds and then she turned back into her pony self as she laid there on the ground, still shaking a little with each second. "Melody!" I said as I rushed over to her. "What in Equestria was that?" Sliver asked in confusion and fear.

"A glitch." I overheard Summit say in a quiet voice. "Glitch? What in Celestia's name is a glitch?" I asked Summit in confusion. "I'm sure you have great questions and there's great answers to go along as well but for now, we need to get to somepony who knows about parallel words or something like that." Summit said in a very strict, straight and demanding tone is what I gathered. "But...I....I don't understand...." I said with a million things on my head.

"I think we can help." I heard a voice say. I looked up and saw my parents walking towards us. My mother had a somewhat worried look on her face while my father had a very difficult face. He looked like he was sad but was trying his hardest to not cry or look sad, yet you could still see he was very sad. "Mommy, Daddy?" I asked in confusion. "We can explain when we get back to our house." My mommy said as I now had even more questions but I had to discard of them for now as me, Sliver, Summit, Melody and my parents were walking back to my house.

When we got back to the living room, my daddy asked us to take a seat on our very big and oh so very comfortable couch. My mommy took a seat next to my daddy who was beginning to like, break up as tears started to come down on his face. This in fact, was the first time I had ever seen a grown pony cry, and the first time I ever seen my father cry as well. "What's going on?" Melody asked in a worried voice.

"Where do I begin?" I heard my daddy say with sadness in his voice. "So, I can't think of a good way to say this but Diamond, have a twin sister." My daddy said with the same sad voice he had. "I...I do?" I asked with confusion on my face. "You met her, Sydney''re twin sister." My daddy said as I froze.

It was somewhat hard to tell but I think the four of us froze at that moment, especially Melody from what I saw but again, it wasn't easy to tell. "But.....But I don't know a Sydney?" I responded with confusion on my face. "That's....that's my real name, Diamond." Melody said as I froze. "So...You've been lying to me?" I asked in a tone of voice I haven't heard myself use before.

"Me and Summit or Miles as I should say......We.....we aren't from here." Sydney said as yet, another few questions came to my head. "Talk about a family reunion." Miles said in a kind of funny voice. My father did something with his eyes as if he was rolling them or something but I didn't really know what it was. "I would care to guess you want to know how this all makes sense..." My daddy said with a sadder tone then before.

"That would be good to know how this makes sense." Sydney said in an sad, yet kind of loud voice. "I figured. I'll tell you everything." My father said as he began to speak.

"Long ago, I had a life in Sydney's world, the human world. I had a job as a researcher at this place called Ailister corp. One day, we were studying dark matter and the idea of traveling between worlds when something went wrong in the lab. To this day, after countless hours of coming up with ideas, I still don't know what went wrong that day. I think I was to blame since I forgot to drop the temperature in the lab but I don't know.

Anyway, the dark matter went out of control and for reasons' I can't explain, portals began to open up in the lab and through these portals, I saw your mother. A beautiful pony that I couldn't get my mind off of. The portals demerged before I had a chance to go in there and see her face to face and everyone was in shock. The entire research was shut down after this and no one in that lab wanted to go near dark matter for a while, well almost everyone.

My idea of going into this other world and meeting that pony was too much for me. I took some of the necessary equipment I needed to open another set of portals and after a few short weeks, my plan worked. I saw the right portal and entered it. I then awoke here in this world and you're mother found me. We became friends, then good friends, then boy and girlfriends, then I asked the age old question and became engaged and married.

I got a job as a worker in the mines and discovered a new crystal that made me a millionaire. Me and you're mother bought this very house and shortly after, we had you two and all seemed well...until the glitches started to happen. When Sydney and Diamond were born, Sydney was experiencing the same glitches you two are currently experiencing while Diamond wasn't. I took a look at this by using old equipment I still had and found that she has human along with pony DNA.

From what I gathered, this means that she has the ability to turn into a pony or a human based on whatever world she's in. But I also figured out that human DNA always overshadows pony DNA. I still don't know why but it just does and causes these glitches. I wanted to keep you but unless I could reduce you're human DNA, you would always glitch if you stayed here for too long, maybe worse things could happen because of it.

So I then created more portals, bought you a huge mansion with a butler, dropped you off and never came back. Things stayed the same for years until yesterday and I think you know the rest." My daddy said as he finished his speech. The four of us stood there in shock as we had questions. A lot of questions.

Chapter 9: No Going Home

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To say I was in shock would be the biggest understatement you would ever make in your life. Imagine you were me for a moment, you hate a certain character from whatever, you go into that world, meet that character and she seems nice considering she sees you as a princess or whatever and you find out you're related to said character without even knowing.

I know it sounds very unreal but it's not a good feeling. So to say I was shocked on that couch after hearing Filthy Rich's story...yeah, I was way, way past the word 'shocked'.

"I...I...I...I don't" I asked in a very quiet, yet hearable voice. "I wanted to bring you back for the longest but I knew you would be safe back in the other world, until-" Filthy said before Diamond cut him off. "So I'm related to an alicorn? Does that make me a princess?" Diamond asked in a very demanding voice from what I heard. "" Filthy said.

"WHAT?" Diamond said as she looked like she was about to blow a gasket or something. "I still don't know why Sydney's an alicorn here since she was an earth pony when she was a baby." Filthy said to Diamond as she looked extremely upset, angry and downright surprised a little bit. "Wait a sec, if I'm a princess of pop back in the other world, that must have made me an alicorn since there princesses here." I said as I just thought of the idea in my head.

"That is very possible though I have no other examples to compare it to." Filthy said in a straightforward voice. "Wait, you're a pop star?" Diamond asked me with some light returning to her face. "One of the best in the world." I responded. "Well that makes it a little better." Diamond said as all the anger disappeared from her face. "Now then, Is there anymore questions?" Filthy said as he sounded like a school teacher asking if there were more questions from the class and there never was.

In this case however, there was a lot of questions. "So if I have pony DNA as well, how do I not glitch in the other world?" I asked. "That's far beyond my understanding of these two worlds but from what I know, the other world is less known for glitching objects and people, so it must be kinder towards you then others." Filthy responded. "So then how do you not glitch daddy?" Diamond asked.

"Now that I don't know but all I know is I saw a pony before I entered this world and that's all I've come up with." Filthy said. "And one more question, how am I older than Diamond if we were born at the same time?" I asked. "I believe time works differently between these worlds. Since you're.." Filthy said. "15." I interrupted Filthy, or I should say my supposed 'father'. "And Diamond is around 8, time moves faster than here." Filthy concluded.

"So if I were to leave this world-" I was about to ask if time would stay the same from when me and Miles left but Filthy stopped me almost instantly. "Don't finish that sentence!" Filthy said in a very angry tone. "She just wanted to know like, the answer to her question daddy." Diamond said.

" and Miles need to leave or we will continue to glitch and who knows what that can-" I said as I started to feel something in me. I looked over at Miles and he had the same look on his face. We both fell to the floor and different colors began to come out of us. I could only assume we were glitching again but it felt much different than before.

I then remembered my first ever memory or as far back as I remembered. It was of a just as cute and pretty 6 year old me and a little younger Chad. I was asking him about some of the paintings on the walls, one of witch had my father's picture in it, witch I guess was Filthy's picture of when he bought the house or something.

Chad said something about how my father was a great man and he was the kindest person he ever known. Hearing that made me throw up on the inside of my mouth after that story. Then, It was gone. I don't even remember what I was talking about. More and more memories then began to leave my brain.

I don't even remember if I introduced you already know my name as the princess of....pop I think. After a little more of this, the glitching came to an end with Filthy looking over with a half smile, half frown on his face. "I'm sorry Sydney and Miles. I'll alert you're folks about you're passing when you truly become part of this world." Filthy said in a sad, yet sincere voice.

"Daddy? What are you doing? They can't stay here! They'll die." Diamond unexpectedly said. "I...I thought you would be happy that you have a sister that you get to spend you've days with." Filthy said in a surprised and angry voice. "I'm right here you know. We like spend most of our days together as it is." Sliver said in a defensive voice. "Don't worry Sliver, soon you'll have another pony friend." Filthy said as he pulled out a key that he had in his pocket and proceeded to lock the front door.

"What are you doing? We need to get out of here so that we can leave this-" Miles said. "I SAID IT ALREADY! NO PONY IS LEAVING THIS HOUSE UNTIL YOU GLITCH OUT ALL OF YOUR LITTLE MEMORIES!" Filthy shouted from here all the way through Ponyville. "Come on Spoiled." Filthy said as he along with my supposed mother went upstairs.

The four of us were stunned as to what just happened. "I....I can't believe my daddy would do this, to us." Diamond said as no tears were forming around her eyes but it wasn't rocket science to tell that she wasn't exactly happy. "I'm....I'm so sorry everyò̸͚͇n̸̙̝̊͠ẽ̷̻̓ͅ-̴̜̕p̸̥͚͊o̶̯̒̈n̵̬͔̓ỳ̴̮̓. I didn't mean for all of this to happen." I said as the three were looked at me with weird looks on there faces.

"What?" I asked. "You're like, starting to glitch with your voice now." Sliver said in a concerning voice. "Like when I say E̸̼̺̓͊ṿ̶̺̈ȩ̸̎͆r̴͚̖̀ÿ̷͕͕́͝o̵̰͊͋ǹ̵͇͌ȅ̶͙͝?" I said. "Pretty much." Miles said. "Oh boy. We need to get out of here!" I said in a very panicked voice. "Before you start to glitch again." Miles said. Surly this day couldn't get worse, right?

Well it did...for E̴̡͕̖̳̯̦͌͊͂͝v̷̱̱̑̎͌͂͠ẹ̶̼͈̟̥̪͆͆̋̾̾r̸̛͚̯̜͕̝̟̭͕y̷͙̹̟̺͋̏͊̕͜ͅo̷̳̜̹͐̓̓͌̃n̶̨̖̦̲̥̒̓̽̇͐̽ȩ̶͉͉̤̝̥̠̽̌̆̕͜-̴̟͚̙̥̠̺̦͕͗͂e̴̫̻̳̠̊̂̽͐̅v̸̺̩͐͌̈͋͠ę̷͕̰͙̫̹̾̅̀̽̈́̕ͅr̷̢̩͉̰̻͉̱̀ÿ̵̪̭͍͈͍̠͓̹́͛́̋͂͋̃̓ṕ̸̡͆̾̇̽̋ó̵̺̅̆͒̈́n̵̹̈́̃̎͘y̴̭̠͚͙͈̭͗͌ that is.

Chapter 10: T̷̙̋w̷̖͛o̸͙͌ ̷̹̌D̷̻͗ḯ̸̦f̶̺̎f̷̱̆é̵̘r̶̥͛ḛ̶̚n̸̯͑t̴̟̽ ̴͚̓V̸̬̑o̴̘̕i̵̹̕c̷̻͌e̴͖͊s̸̙̒

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So to say this was unlike my daddy would be correct and wrong. He has been a really good daddy to me since he gets me everything I ever wanted but I have been told he does things when he needs something done. I never really questioned it since I had no reason to with his amount of bits and all, but after seeing the way he treated my sister and Miles, my view on him had changed.

He never even raised his voice at me before, mostly because I'm perfect and all. Seeing him raise his voice at Sydney, locking the four of us in the living room and to top it off, waiting for Sydney and Miles to forget their lives. For the first time in my life, I felt scared.

Scared of seeing my daddy this way, scared for what was to come and scared for my friends. Wait, did I just refer to Sliver, Sydney and Miles as my...friends? Anyway, on the trend of saying ridiculous things, Am I going to turn out like my mommy and daddy if I continue....this? It just isn't right to be this way. Ok now I'm also considering my past actions as well but anyway, lets just head back into reality.

"Surly this day couldn't get worse, right?" A somewhat optimistic Miles said. Just then, I began to feel something inside of me. Like I had eaten something awful for dinner but it kept getting worse. Soon I was on the ground after a few seconds, not moving an inch. "Diamond!" I heard very quietly and muffled.

The next few seconds are a bit fuzzy but if I was right, I was glad I suppressed the memory. "Diamond, are you ok?" Sydney asked me in a panicked voice. "I...I think, what in Equestria was that anyway?" I asked nervously. " glitched. Just and Sydney." Miles said in a stuttering voice. "Well I was right, it wasn't a fun experience." I said in a lower voice.

"Wait a sec, how come she glitched? Diamond's from here." Sliver asked in a wondering voice. Miles stood there with his hoof to his face. It seemed as if he was staring off, figuring something out in his head. "Oh no...." Miles finally said with the most amount of worry I had ever seen on his face in like, forever. "I...I don't to answer this." Miles said with a worried look on his face. "Weird, now I want to call you a blank flank but I can't." I said as I felt different.

It was as if I wanted to call everypony a blank-flank. Even ponies with cutie marks this time, but....but I didn't want to at the same time. It was like I was being told to stick to being a bully but another voice told me not to. "But...just today, Diamond didn't call Applebloom a blank-flank....could this be related to that?" Sydney asked in a concerning voice. "I..I don't know!" Miles said as he was starting to freak out from what I'm guessing was the pressure of the current, you know, event.

I don't blame him though, I wouldn't want to be him with that pressure of knowing it all and then not knowing it all. "You''re right...I didn't call that blank flank a blank flank and it felt nice." I said as the voices in my head were getting louder now. "Š̷̬T̴̳̚I̴͍̱̕C̶̺̍K̴͈͎̽ ̸͈͕̑T̵̻͖̈́̐O̷̥̅͒ ̷̞̙̅T̶̩̯̎Ḩ̷̧̕E̸̺̽ ̷̞̫͐N̶̡̙̎Ą̸̈ͅM̵͙̐͝Ễ̶̯ ̸̢́Ċ̶̯͇Ȧ̴̞L̶̮̫͂L̸̢̪̍̐Ị̷͐̕N̵͖͚̐G̶̫̗͝!̸̮͙̐" I could hear one of the voices say very loudly. "Get out of my head!" I shouted as I could feel myself getting worse, like I was about to glitch again.

"What's up with Diamond?" I could hear Sliver ask as I'm guessing Sydney and Miles heard what I said and assumed the worse. "Wait, don't want to be mean?" I thought I heard Sydney ask but it also sounded like the other voice in my head as well. "You can do your own thing Diamond! You don't have to be the bad filly!" I heard the other voice say in a positive voice.

At this point, I had no idea what was happening and I had no idea what to do. I felt as if this was a glitch but I knew I wasn't some sort of rainbow colored pony. I thought I wanted to continue being a bully, popular and continue my family's legacy but now, I had no idea what to do. "I...I...I...I'm doing my own thing." I said out loud. The voices then went away and I felt something leaving me.

I don't know if it was my need to be a bully, my need to continue my family's name, I went through some 22 minute friendship lesson or what. All I know was that I was happier now. "I feel different, as if I need to apologize to A LOT of ponies." I said in a tone of voice I never really used until Sydney and Miles showed up, a happy tone. "Wait a sec, are you, different, as if you don't want to be a bully and learned a very important friendship lesson?" Miles asked in a happy, but concerned voice. "Yeah, something like that." I said with a smile on my face.

Just then, everything shook. Wait, let me rephrase that, the entire house began to shake as if some villain like, shook the land. "What's going on?" Sliver asked as I'm guessing she along with everypony else had one question on our minds: "What in Equestria was that?" We all said at roughly the same time. Sydney then rushed over to the nearest window and the look on her face...was....something.

Now normally, I can tell what a pony is feeling by the look on there face. Ms Cheerily taught us that very lesson last week but that was nothing compared to this face that Sydney had on hers. If the face of fear, horror and panic mixed into one face, that would be the face Sydney had on hers. "I think we need to get out of here....or we might not be all." Sydney said with stutters in her voice. I

then saw the nearest window, took a peep outside and what I saw good. It wasn't just the land, but the hills and the sky that was scary. This was no villain like that Mare in the moon not too long ago, this was far bigger and something that surely couldn't have been building up for over 1000 years. What I saw was something worse, something I don't think I can fully understand at the time.

Now I'm not too familiar with demitions?dememtions? Other worlds I think? Whatever they're called but I think I can be sure that this wasn't supposed to be here. It looked kinda similar to the place I've known my whole life but it was very different.

"It's...It's...It's...It's my mansion." Sydney said in a quiet voice.

I felt as if time stood still....waiting on somepony to make the next move. The only problem? Out of the four ponies in this locked room, none of us knew what that next step was...and we didn't have a clue to begin it...

Chapter 11: W̴̲͌h̷̥̃e̸̙͑n̶̛̝ ̶̢̊W̴̯͛o̷̠̾r̶̡̄ḻ̶̊d̴̍͜'̶̓͜s̴͕͂ ̷͔͝M̷̥̌e̸̦͐r̷̋ͅg̷͚͝e̶̯̋

View Online another world . . .

"Alrighty, brunch is ready!" I said to myself after working on one of my favorite brunch recipes. It was my famous and very tasty moroccan eggs and sausage. I was very proud of how it turned out and I was ready to serve it to Sydney and Miles. I set the dish down and walked over to the somewhat quiet Sydney room or it's actual name, the family room.

"Ms Hill?" I asked as the room was completely empty. "That's odd." I said as I rubbed the top of my head in confusion. "Ms Hill and Miles were in here last time I saw them. No way would Ms Hill allow Miles to visit any other rooms I'm sure." I said as I continued to look around the room as I thought of where the two could be.

"There's no way they would be in her recording room since I'm barely allowed in there, there definitely not in her makeup room and I doubt there in Ms Hill's room. Maybe the movie theater perhaps but I would doubt that." I thought to myself as the mansion started to shake. "Most likely an earthquake. I'll stop in a few moments." I thought as I headed back into the kitchen.

I covered the moroccan eggs and sausage as they would have gotten stale overtime and stored them in the fridge. Just then, the shaking stopped just like I suspected. I then looked around the fridge and noticed I needed to make a trip down to the store since we seemed to be a little low on certain ingredients.

Without a moment to spare, I left a note just in case Ms Hill or Miles wondered where I was, turned on the Bugatti and drove off to the store.

Due to the lack of interesting events while I was out at the store other than an elder lady cutting in line for the checkout, there isn't anything to address that would put you to sleep instantly so after my trip to the store, I was driving back home when I saw the mansion but not in the way you think.

You would think that I saw the mansion where it should be, on the ground behind the driveway. I saw the the air. It was floating in the sky, looking down at all of the other houses on the street. I had no idea how to react to this since no one knows how to react when a mansion on the ground starts to float out of nowhere. I just stood there in the driveway, looking at the floating mansion with a confused face.

Then, another unexpected event happened, a portal opened up. The mansion then started to glitch from what I saw of the event. The portal then slowly engulfed the mansion as it turned into a whole bunch of colors and then it was gone. I was standing there in the driveway, in front of a parking lot, a huge area of dirt and a very big mess of a backyard.

"What am I going to do? Where are the children? What is going on?" I thought to myself as I looked at the sky. You recall how the mansion started to turn different colors very quickly as if it was a seizure warning? Yes? Well my friend, that appeared to be happening to the sky as it was turning into different colors very quickly.

It was pretty but scary at the same time. "What is going on?" I said in a very panicked voice. I just hoped that wherever Sydney and Miles were, they were ok. Doing well and not panicking, wherever they went I hope.

Meanwhile...In the land of Equestria . . .

"Well, we are not doing well!" Miles said in a panicked voice. "So that's where you live?" Diamond asked me as she continued to look at it. "Yes. Though I have no idea how it got here." I said in a frightened voice. "Looks like a really big place." Sliver said as she continued to admire the mansion. "Indeed it is!" I said as I tried slamming myself into the door, knowing it wouldn't open but giving it a try just for the heck of it.

"It's no use. We need something else to get out of this gorgeous mansion." Diamond said in a somewhat defeated voice. "Well, is there anything Filthy Rich would leave behind like a clue of sorts?" I asked in response to Diamond. "Hm...knowing my daddy, he would leave the front door locked and most likely all other exits on the first floor." Diamond said as she thought for a good few seconds.

"What about the second floor?" Miles asked as a inspired face appeared on Diamond's face in an instant. "I got it! I got it!" Diamond squealed with some joy in her voice.

"Daddy has locks on most of the doors in the mansion but he never installed one on my bedroom door because he's not protective like that I think. Luckily, I have a balcony that overhangs to the backyard. If we can jump down and land past the gate, we should be good to go." Diamond explained.

"Hm...interesting but I have one question." Miles said out of the blue right when Diamond finished talking. "What might that be?" Diamond asked. "W̸̙͂h̶͐ͅẏ̷̧ ̶̣͘ạ̵͒r̸̭͆ė̵̝ ̷̡͗w̷̫̚e̵̞̓ ̵͈̊ş̷̀n̶̘̕ė̴̤a̵̘̋k̵̰̿i̵̦͑ñ̷̟g̵͉͊ ̸̘̇o̴̦͐ù̶͓t̸̲́ ̶̦̌ä̷̺́t̶͙͐ ̴̤̐a̸̭̅l̶͉̇l̸͕̆?̴͕̏" Miles said as his brown eyes started off into space. He didn't glitch at all, he didn't move at all, he did nothing but stand there like he was turned into a statue.

"I̷̗̙̻̒̅̍ Ḿ̴͖e̶̢͇͈̗͐̅̀̌ȁ̷̛͓̪̓ͅǹ̷͔̲ F̵̹͎͚̅́̅i̴̺͈͉̓̌̊ĺ̴͙̘̮̃͊͑t̸̳̗̪͋̓̿̚h̶͎̠̼̋͋̕͠ý̵͈̬̽-̵̧̮̭̮̈́͒̽F̷̳͛̓̑ạ̴͇͍͌̄t̵̠̪͍͕̾͗ḧ̶̟͙́͊ë̸̦́̆́r̸͚̮̅̂̔ H̶̼̯̿ă̶͉͑̀s̶̰̽ g̴̤̍ơ̸̰̕ó̴̼̲ḑ̵̻͋͒ r̴̘̿e̶̗̊a̴̫͗s̷͚͋o̷̜͝n̴̠̍'̶̞̽š̶̺ f̶o̴r̴ k̵e̸e̶p̶ u̴s here. It's in our best interest if we stay here until we B̴̡̙̰̯̩͓͖̝͐͐̐̃̓̋̔̊̐̚ͅe̶̱̊̿͛͠C̷̨̢̛̆̃̌͆̈̍o̸͈̿̔͑̂͗͝M̷͕͂͐̾͗͆̌̚ȩ̴̣̭͎͍͑̋̽͆͝͝͠͝ part of this world." Miles said as he was still glitching but you could still hear his normal voice. We froze, not knowing what to do next. "M...Miles? What are you doing?" I asked as I walked over to him, putting my ha-hoof next to him.

"We need to get back home, don't you miss our home, school to some extent, your friends, anything?" I asked into his soulless eyes. Miles stood there, not moving an inch until he said the most horrifying thing I ever heard him say in my life. The words themselves were not scary, it was what they implied that shook me to my bones. What he said....was:

"My name isn't M̵̳̾̃̌̋̀͒̓͌̚i̴̙̖͈̮̓͗̐̀̇̐̆͝͝͠l̶̡̛̬̳̅́̈̓̆̆̈͘͝ę̴͔̲̬̜̻̱̰̼̙̞͂̄̿̚s̶̛̯̳̼̩̹̺͒́͋͐͐̄̓̚, It's Summit Hill." He said in a very casual voice.

I don't usually talk about anyone other than me here but I want to talk about Miles for a moment. I may not have treated him the best before the events of this story but he was a good kid. He enjoyed hiking, playing basketball sometimes and playing a good ol racing game on his Switch.

A few years prior to this story, he found the show of "My Little Pony" and started to like it, eventually discovering the bronies and I think you know the rest. I never cared for any of it at all at the time and I was ok with that. I always knew that he wanted to expand the name of MLP somehow, even if I didn't want to admit it but I never thought it would involve him turning into a pony know, going full pony mode.

To say I was in shock would be an understatement. I wasn't in shock because of what just happened but I thought to myself that it maybe...just could have been prevented. If I didn't decide to record those stupid songs on this day, then maybe we wouldn't be in this mess and I wouldn't have to lose my only friend. Well, only friend...until today.

"I wish there was something I could do." Sliver said in a sad voice. She seemed as if she was also frigned as to what just happened. "Me too." Diamond responded in a similar tone of voice. "I can't....go on." I said quietly. "He's gone...apart of this world....because of me." "Sydney...we both know that's not true." Diamond said as she put her hoof on my back.

"Really? Because of me, I ruined this world and who knows what I did to my home world! They are merging as we speak and I can't do anything to stop it!" I said as I feel to the floor in defeat. "I have these wings and I can't even fly, I have a horn that I can't cast spells with, I don't deserve these alicorn powers!"

I was shedding uncontrollable tears at this point. "I can't even protect the ones I love." I said as I saw a puddle of my own tears that was getting bigger and bigger with each tear. I didn't know what to do at that point, so I did what I could do, give up. That was all I could do. Give up, game over, try again, etc. That was all I could do.

Chapter 12: Ş̷͍͍̹̗̾͘a̸̺̩̾̑d̴̜̄ṋ̶̞͔͍̓͑̈́̈́͗͝e̸̛̛͈̟͖͍͙̍͒̄͠ş̶̹̙̀͑s̴̡̡͕̰̱̎̈͆̈́͑ͅ ̷̦̪͕͈̭̾Į̶̠̦̭͛̑̅̓̈́͝n̵͖͉̣̘̺͓̿̔̅̚ţ̶̢̋̌͝ͅō̵͇͗̐̏͑́ ̴̡̡̭͉͕̦̈̇̔̓͝M̴͉̔̋͑́̉â̸̩̰̺̥͕̳͋̔̓́̅ḑ̵̡͔͈͍̋̑͆́͘͝n̸͇̅̌ê̷͕̘̕̕ş̶̻́͗̍̚ṣ̴̨̺͛

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"If...if anything, you saved me and Sliver from becoming grade A bullies for hundreds of moons." I said as Sydney looked over to me, some tears in her eyes as I expected. To be like completely honest, I felt some emotional tears as well. "I would have been calling Applebloom a blank-flank for moons if you and Miles didn't show up on that hill top. So, you did save the ones about? I think." I said as me and Diamond hugged for a brief moment.

"Thanks Diamond. I...I needed another friend to say that for once." Sydney said as the tears in her eyes, while still visible, began to vanish from her eyelids as a slight smile appeared on her face. "Uh...I don't mean to like, break up a happy sister moment but we need to get out of here since it's getting worse outside." Silver said in a panicked, yet sincere voice.

The three of us looked out the window yet again in shock. To be honest, it feels like every minute has more bad news to share. What the three of us saw wasn't pretty as you can expect. Now remember how I glitched somewhere in this story? Yes? Well as of this moment, I wasn't the only pony that glitched.

I saw a pony who I recognized her from the Ponyville post office. She was all grey with a yellow mane and tail and her cutie mark was some bubbles. While she was delivering something, her main then began to glitch and before you know it, she was on the ground and you get the picture. "It's spreading..." Sydney said with fear in her voice. "We need to stop this before this glitch spreads farther beyond Ponyville, or even Equestria as a whole." I said in response.

"Agreed. Should this be a good time to jump down that balcony?" Sliver asked. "I think so." I responded as we quickly made our way to the stairs. Just then, I felt something grab my tail as whatever caught me locked me inplace. "W̵̭̐̇̕ḧ̵̫͓̤́͊͝͠é̵̩͇̖͈̌͗͝r̷̟̱̬̞̐̿͝ẻ̵̡̥̠̜̓ ̵̬̖̍͋͐͜a̵̼͈͋̀r̵̦̉́͜e̴̡͓̮͌̕̚ͅ ̵̘̦̞̒̏̉y̸̞̼͆̋̚ő̸͎̅̽͝ũ̶̢̦͍̟͘ ̵̙͕͙̆ͅg̶̞̭̑͊̂̌ò̶̫i̸̛̩̪̐̏ņ̸͍̘̫͊͊g̵̺͙̓̂̓?̸̭̐͒̋ ̴̗̼̽͊̀̄" A very scary voice said from behind me. I turned around slowly to find Miles or Summit as I should say, holding my and Sydney's tails still.

"To fix you and this world." Sydney said in a very soft voice. I̷̛̍̾̇̀ͅ ̷̡̟̺̪̽͑̾͌̍ḑ̵͔͇͉̍͌͆o̸͉͒̒̈̐̈́̂n̵̠͚͆̅̄͗͗̎'̵̨͇͎́t̸̙̂̇̆̒̈́̐ ̸̬̣͇̲̱͑n̶̛̟̘̦͕̠̈́ĕ̵̫̙́̈́̋ẹ̶̙̈ͅd̵̺̓̂ ̴̭̱̤̏͘F̸̣͆I̸͙̰͔̣̱̙͐̾̄Ẍ̶̧̙͒̉͌͛̂͜I̵͎̔̒͂̇N̶̄̃̽͝ͅG̶̡̯̟̝͠ͅ.̴̰͎̃͝.̵̖͇̦̦̫͝.̸͙̝̹̓͋͛Ỷ̵͉̩̯͚͝͠ͅỌ̸̌͑͂̔̂U̸̩̠͌͗̒̚ ̸̧̮̳͈͈͑̈́̃̽̏̕Ạ̶̦̱͍̘̾͘̚͝L̶̦̩̟̅̄͊̇L̴̻̠̼͂̿̃̒͗͜ ̴̢̞̗̰͂̈́̈́̈́N̷̡̻̓Ḛ̴̦͆̎̀̔̊̕E̵̡̖̪͙͙̱͋̑D̷̢̨̛̜͓̣͕̀͝ ̴̙̎Ṭ̴̢̝̬̎̈̇͜Ỏ̴̥̽͂́ ̷̱̾̚͘F̴̲̣͚̖͂̊́͆̕͠Ī̸̝͓̩͛̇̇X̵̺̝̙̍Ȅ̸͖͇̰́̏̊̀D̶̯̞̜̃̓̕͘!̵̯̩͗" Summit exclaimed in a very scary voice. To be honest, he didn't sound like Miles from a few hours ago, he sounded more like a villain witch shook me to my core. I knew it wasn't right but I think me and Sydney knew what we needed to do. "I'm sorry...Summit." Sydney and I said as we held out our back legs and kicked Summit straight in the face, causing him to let go of our tails and tumble down the stairs to the floor.

"I'm surprised that even worked." Sydney said as we both caught our breaths. "Same, now let's just get to that door." I said as the three of us rushed down the empty hallway until we reached my bedroom door. Just as I thought, the three of us headed into my room, found the door to the balcony that overlooked the backyard and devised a plan.

I decided to jump first and after a few moments, I jumped and landed in the bushes next to the wall. Sydney then jumped and landed in the same place as me. "Clear the way!" Sliver said as I noticed something odd. She wasn't the only pony on the balcony. "Sliver!" I shouted as I tried to tell her to jump now. She had her two front hoofs past the rails but that was as far as she got when the figure pulled her back.

"Sliver!" Me and Sydney said as the figure revealed himself. "Going somewhere?" My daddy said as he pushed Sliver behind him. "How did you even-?" Sydney asked as my daddy gave a soft smile. "I may not have been in the same room but I still heard everything you four were saying." My daddy said with a soft and quiet voice. "Let her go now daddy!" I said in a tone I rarely use with my father, well mostly before today that is.

"Can't you see that the world is falling apart? Can't you see that you're not going to win if this world is glitching all over the place?" "It's nothing but collateral damage to me. Besides, didn't you even noticed what happened to Summit when he forgot his memories?" My daddy asked with a smile on his face. "He lost who he really is. He lost his personality because of you!" Sydney said in a very angry voice.

"Wrong! He stopped glitching. Therefor, he's one with this world now. Brainwashed in this world even." Daddy said as his face turned away from the two of us. "So why hasn't the glitching stopped?" I asked. "Because Sydney here still has some of her memories...for now..." Daddy said. Just then, there was a noise in the bushes, as if a bunny was in them or something.

The three of us looked over and saw Sliver with a key in her right hoof. "What? My key!" Filthy said in a panicked voice as he looked all over for the key that Sliver had. "He'll have a hard time getting out now." Sliver said as me and Sydney rushed over to her. "Sliver! Are you ok?" Me and Sydney asked as we helped Sliver get out from the bushes.

"I'm fine...though the leaves in my mane are starting to grow on me." Sliver said. "There's no time...we need to go back to my mansion. Maybe that will help somehow since I was in there when me and Miles got sent here." Sydney said. "Good idea. Lets go." I said as the three of us galloped away as fast as we could.

"That's IT. It seems as if Sydney's going to be much harder to convince compared to that idiot of a pony. It seems as if I have to take matters into my own hooves this time. I hate to do this to my own daughters and there friend but it's the only way to change their minds. Guess I have to fight glitches with glitches."

Chapter 13: Ŵ̵̰h̸̢̔e̷̥͘r̶̻̽ė̵̲ ̸̡̀T̷̻̈́h̸͉̓e̴̓ͅ ̸͕́F̸̨̀ụ̸̀n̴̫͆ ̸̬̊B̸͕̃è̷̺g̴͇̐i̸͔̎n̴͇̎ŝ̷̡

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Now I don't know a whole lot about sports personally. The only sports game I know is the one where you swing the puck with a bat and it's supposed to land in a hoop or something. I don't care for sports and never cared to watch them on TV at all. That being said, as me, Diamond and Silver were rushing to my mansion to look for clues, I think we were R̵̛̭̰̥̮͔̓̈́̓̈́͆͠u̴͈̱͔̬̔̀͝ͅṇ̸̗̖͉̺̩͙̐ņ̴̺̲̞̪̦͙͂̍͗̎̾̄̏i̶̹̖͕̱̥̘͊n̸͛̂̋ͅg̸̳̫̺̀́̍̀̎̕͘͜-g̴͍̜̗͔̙͍̎̽̿̌͒̇͂a̸͈̖̼͆̚ĺ̷̡̝̙̝̋̎̑ḷ̸͇̝̜̝̙̍͒͋͆̎̈́͜ö̵̬̗̹́p̷̪̠̩̱̥͉̘͌͌̒͆̔͐͆ḯ̵̳̭̫̰̥̘̃̅̃̒̆͝ͅň̵̛͙͌͑̓̌g̴̡̢͚͖̜̖̈́̈́͝ so fast that we could have qualified for the big sports event.

What was it called again? Olympis? Olyympus? Sport's of the year? Well whatever it's called, I think we could have qualified for it with our speed. Somehow I was so use to being on all fours that I could run at supersonic speed already. I don't know if that was a good or a bad thing. Miles would know for sure. Before this becomes too depressing, I'll just resume the story now.

After for what felt like minutes of running, the three of us made it to my mansion doors while being extremely out of breath. "That...was a....workout..." I said while catching my breath in the process. "Ew! What's this water thing on my face?" Diamond asked as she used her hoof to wipe the sweat off her face. "I's called, sweet?" Silver responded. "Like candy sweet?" Diamond asked with some confusion on her face.

"Sweat I think." I responded as I had caught most of my breath by this point. "But for now, we need to head inside." The three of us then walked up to the front doors as I placed my right hoof on the handle. "Ready?" I asked to the fillies as they nodded their heads. Now I had a few thoughts in my head right now involving the only father figure I had. I was petrified of finding Chad in the mansion, or if he was in the mansion at all.

Would he even recognize me? How would he react to Diamond and Silver? How would I explain everything that happened in the past day, chapters, whatever you want to call them? I had these questions in my mind and I wasn't ready for them to be thrown at me head on, but I knew that if I didn't open that door, I may never get the chance to open it myself that is.

I pressed down on the handle, pushing for the door to open didn't open. "Why isn't it opening?" Silver asked with confusion on her face as well as in her voice. "I don't know, It should be unlocked I think." I said as I then rang the doorbell in hopes that would work. After a minute passed and the door was still not opening, I then began to think it over. "Do you think no pony is in there?" Diamond asked me.

"Most likely since my butler is quick when he hears the doorbell." I responded. "Do you think this butler of yours's left the house before it ended up here?" Silver asked me. "I would think so." I said in response. "Then how in Equestria are we supposed to get in there?" Diamond asked. "Maybe the backyard door? I don't think Chad locks that door most of the time." I said as the three of us headed to the backyard.

It took a while to reach the other side of the mansion as I think you know, mansions are very big. I don't know how long/wide my mansion was but it wasn't a quick process to sprint to the other side of it, especially since we were already a little tired from the jog to get to the front in the first place. When the three of us got to the backyard, I was a little shocked at what I saw.

So normally, the backyard is very beautiful and stunning. It had a gazebo, a very big pool with a diving board and a hot tub, a tennis court and had beautiful Magnolia and pink cherry blossom trees all around the perimeter of the fence. Chad did a very good job of maintaining it and even making his own little flower garden a few years ago. It was pretty but what I saw was convenient for the situation and a little heartbreaking too. It was gone. Like it just poof'd out of there.

I somewhat expected it since it wasn't attached to the mansion but it just felt like something I knew close to heart was gone for good. "Is that the door you were talking about Sydney?" Diamond asked as she pointed to the sliding door. "Yes it is." I said as I headed to the door and luckily for us for us, Chad didn't remember to lock it. We headed inside to the living room where everything seemed normal.

"So this is where you lived?" Silver asked me as she looked around the room. "Yes. It's mostly where my butler comes to read a book or something." I said as we moved along the hallways until we reached the me room, or I should call it, the family room now. Everything in the room looked the exact same to when me and Miles were watching...My Little Pony. Diamond headed over to the remote as she was very interested in it.

"What is this thing?" Diamond asked as she pushed the power button on the remote. The Tv turned on to the main menu and she was fascinated. "What is this thing?" Diamond asked in sheer interest. "That is a Television or Tv for short." I said with a little doubt that this wasn't a very good idea to expose modern technology to a world that had no such technology just yet. "Why doesn't our world have this kind of magic?" Silver asked me.

"Uh...I think that's a little beyond my knowledge." I said as the three of us continued to explore the mansion some more. The three of us walked among the hallways until Diamond stopped to look at a picture. "Is parents?" Diamond asked me as she looked at the very same picture of my parents that I told you about. "Yes....from what I've been told." I responded.

From the new information I knew now since the other day, I was shocked to find that I technically knew about MLP and was a part of it from the moment I was born and yet I hated everything about it since as long as I can remember. I found that slightly ironic though Miles would have pulled a "I told you so!" on me for sure if he was here right now. We then reached the room I wanted to return to for so long, my bedroom.

"Welcome to my bedroom!" I said as the two ponies seemed amazed at what they saw. "Sweet Celestia! Look at all this jewelry!" Diamond exclaimed as she rushed over to my jewelry area. "Talk about amazing! Is that a stage?" Silver asked in sheer belief. "Yes it is! A pop star has to have a few stages to practice singing of course." I said as the two ponies continued to eye my room for quite some time.

After a little while, I had to be the one to tell them that we needed to move. Once that was over and done with, we finally reached my recording studio. "So this is where you sing your songs?" Diamond asked. "Yes indeed. It's also where that portal opened up." I said as I showed the girls the control panel. It looked like the sparks were gone and all the evidence that a black hole was there was gone.

"This looks complicated." Silver said. "Yeah, It took me some time before I knew how to operate it." I said as that gave me an idea. "I think I just thought of something. Miles was the one messing with the controls when that portal opened up. Maybe if we all start messing with the controls, another black hole could open up." "It's worth a try." Diamond said as the three of us then began to mess with the controls like crazy.

The lights were flickering, the sound was off and on but there wasn't any sparks this time around. "It's not working." I said after a few minutes of trying. "Then...what's plan B? Silver asked. "I have no idea." I said just as something weird happened. The mansion began to shake very violently, just like before the black hole appeared. "What's happening?" Diamond asked as she along with Silver were having a tough time staying on all fours.

"I don't know." I said when something all to familiar appeared, a black hole. "That's the hole...That's the black hole!" I said as the room stopped shaking. "We...we did it." Silver said as Diamond seemed a bit quiet. "But first we need to find Miles. I'm not going without him." I said.

S̵̪͙͍̖̝̙͎͗̿͜U̷͔̥͑̏́̽́͋̿̃̄͗̃̉̚R̴̨̡̲̟̤͖̭͚͕̙̗̯͒̋̃̓̄́̀̓P̸̢̭̜̻̜͚̪̭̫̻̦̭̪̍͌̈́͜R̵̡̺̩̫͉̯͓̹͚͍̋̓̊̔͌̍̈́̑̀́͊̚̕͘͝͝Ị̵̧̙̫̤̞͕̞̒̓̒͌S̴̨̡̱̝͚̘̮̜̜̗̝̝͙̹͕͛͗̎͘͜Ę̷͓̘̪͚̭͚͚͙͈̳͐̊͗͂͊́̉͛͑͒̌͘͘ ̸̗̳̦͐͛̇̔̄M̶̢̥̝̹͔̦͕̟̪̘̼̺͖͙̆̏̈̇̾̒͊̈́̆́̊͗̎͂͆͛̕͠͠͝O̵̜̩͙̖̝̩̤͚͋͐̎̿̏͊͋̋̓́̅͘T̴̖̳̏͌͐̌̐̌͂̏̎̂̈́͐͐̐̚H̴͍͙̽̓̏̊̓͝Ě̶̡͍͉̙̋̋͌̿R̷̡̡̜͔͖̺̮̯̩̐̆͂̽̒́͛̈́̈́͐̂͊͐̋̽̈̇͜ ̶̧̗̳̺͕̹͇̱̍̆̈́̓̓͑̓͘͠F̶̲͍̩̭̟̗̻̠̬̻͕̲̹͎͉̬̳͒̌̀̈́̂̔̓͗̌̍̓̇́̽̈́̔͊̍͂̃Ų̸̢̡̣̘̟̞͇͓̱͈͕̝̥̲̳̲̖̱̲̉̓͛̈́̓̽̀͆̀̒̍̈͝Ć̸̡̧̧͕̙̰̝̠͈̮͚̱̠̟̺͖̗͇͔̾͋Ķ̷̼̼̫̮̦̫̭̗͚̪͈͚̟͇̾̿̀̎̀̓͠͠͝ͅE̸̗̝͉̙̖̘̙͖̰̱̰̘͈̓́͛͐̎̅̈͛͋̈́͐̽̈́͆̎͠͝ͅṚ̸̹̫̑̈̐̚Š̴̨̢̨̫̪̺̦̮̗͗͑͑̒̾̀̕!̵̡̧̻͕̬̘̜͖̖̗̰͔̖̎͊͊̓͋͗̾̍̆̅̋̈͐̿͜͜͝"

A voice said. Now I'm a bit fuzzy here but all I remember next was falling to the floor, along with Diamond and Silver. The rest I can't remember but I knew it wasn't going to be pretty. Quite the opposite of pretty in fact and I was not ready to handle it.

Chapter 14: F̴͕̃a̸̡͠t̸̪́h̷̺̋ĕ̵̦ŗ̵̐ ̸̬̾K̵̡̍n̸͕̈ö̷͔́ẃ̸͇'̷͓͌s̴̰̽ ̸̥͗B̷͇̅e̸̩̕s̶̗͊ṫ̷̢

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Have you like, ever woken up and felt you're entire body in pain? Well I can say that because that's how I felt after I opened my eyes from that attack. I felt as if I had like fallen down a mountain and landed on my body in that moment. I don't know if you've ever experienced this before but if you have, you know how it feels and if you haven't, consider yourself lucky.

So as I was saying, I woke up with my body in pain as I noticed my tiara had fallen off my head. That really woke me up since my tiara is precious to me even though I have several of them. I know It's odd but can't a filly have her opinions? Anyway, I noticed that I wasn't in that song room but I was in some sort of tube like cage. It had glass walls all around in a circle, trapping me inside of it.

I tried to bang on the glass, hoping that it was do something to free me but nothing happened after a few minutes. "What is this place? How did I even get here? Are Sydney and Silver alright?" I said out loud in a very panicked voice. I had no idea what was going on but all I knew was that I needed to get out of here and save my friends as quickly as I could. After what felt like a moon of waiting, I noticed that just like the tube I was in, there was two other tubes in the room.

I tried to see who was in them but I think the glass was too think to see who they were but judging that there were two other tubes, I had a feeling that I knew who they were, my best friends. I then heard some noises coming into the room as if somepony was walking in. "Oh good, you're awake." I heard a voice that sounded scary. It was like mixing the night queen's voice with a stallion's voice. "Who are you and what in Equestria is going on?" I shouted as loud as I could.

"Now now Diamond, be patient for once and those questions will be answered." The voice said as it sounded clearer for some reason. Maybe there was some sort of loudspeaker in this tube? At this point, I was too distracted to care about anything but answers. "Anyway, It's good to see you three awake, otherwise this would take far too long." The voice said as it started to sound familiar to me now.

"What is going on?" I heard another voice say as I recognized who it was this time. "Where are Diamond and Sydney?" Silver asked in a scared and angry voice. "Well I'm right here Silver." I said even though it was hard to see Sliver since I'm guessing she was across the room. "This isn't the time for chit-chat's Diamond and Silver!" The voice said. After hearing what it said, I think I knew who it was though I wasn't surprised as to who it was. "Daddy?" I asked in a scared voice.

"Correct Diamond." Daddy said as the lights became brighter and I could see the room much clearer now. From what I saw, it seemed as if me, Sydney and Silver were in some tubes with daddy on the other side of the room with some controls that I couldn't see. "What is the matter with you? Putting us in these tubes like that?" Sydney exclaimed in a very angry voice. "I do apologize for my associates...method for knocking you three out like that. You have to admit though, making a fake portal and seeing you get knocked out with a rock was somewhat entertaining." Daddy said in a very confident voice.

"Entertaining? We are your own flesh and blood Filthy! This is how you treat us?" Sydney said as she was saying very true things. I would have even said them if she didn't say them first. "Enough girls! I don't have time for this. I need to get a move on with my plans." Daddy said as he started to eye his controls. "What plans?" Silver asked just then. "Good question." My daddy said with a smile on his face.

"It seems that unlike you're joke book of a friend, you three just don't seem to glitch with your memories. I can't begin to explain it witch is why in a few short minutes, I will press this big red button and all of your memories from the past day to right now will be erased!" "But I had an idea for a new mane style! How will I remember that?" Silver asked as my daddy rolled his eyes at Silver's comment.

I then looked around the room, trying to find anything useful to escape this tube once again when I saw Sydney looking at the ground. "Why? Why are you doing this to us? Why are you doing this to your kids?" Sydney said as daddy looked at her with the most blank face that I've ever seen. "You really don't get it Sydney?" My daddy asked Sydney in a sadder voice. Even though I was far from his face, I could see a tear coming down from his eye. "Don't get what?" Sydney asked back.

"I had to let you go for 15 years because of these glitches you were experiencing. I couldn't visit you because the tech I had with me was at a very early state. I thought I lost my daughter until you showed up back here through that portal. I may have no idea how it happened but one thing is clear, I'm not letting you go again. My tech is much better than all those years ago! I have understood these glitches and know how to get rid of them for good! If that means removing the last 15 years from your brain, SO WHAT? I finally have my daughter back and I'm NEVER letting her go again!" Daddy shouted with many emotions visible in his voice.

He seemed sad, mad and even had some fear in his voice at times. "That is why I have to rid you of your memories. So I can fill all of that empty space with the memories we never experienced." Daddy added with a angrier voice. Sydney just stood there. I don't know if she was still processing all of this since I certainly was but she didn't seem certain from what I saw. "So them, why are me and Diamond also getting the same treatment?" Silver asked as my daddy turned to her.

"So that way, things can go back to the way they should have been. Forgetting that other world will be the best thing for you fillies. Trust me on this." Daddy responded as he pressed some buttons on the control thingy. "There. In a few minutes, the tubes will fill with smoke, you three will past out and it will just be like waking up, only without remembering anything." daddy said as left the room and closed the door.

"So this is it." I said as I sat down in my tube. "We won't remember any of this?" I asked in a sad voice. "It seems so. We'll end up just like Miles." Sydney said in a sadder voice as she looked at me in my tube. "I'll never be able to go home, I'll never be able to tell my butler that I'm sorry for the way I treated him and I'll never be able to say I'm sorry for the way I treated my algebra teacher."

"Well we can't just give up! There has to be a way out of here!" Silver said as me and Sydney looked at her. "What can we do? This glass is unbreakable." I said as I looked down at the floor in defeat. "I guess you're right. It's game over for us." Silver said as she took off a bag that I think she got from Sydney's mansion. It made a loud-ish sound when Silver took it off.

"Silver? What's in the bag?" Sydney asked as Silver reached inside. "Just the key I took from Mr Rich." Silver said as me and Sydney had an idea. "Silver, I know that key is very hard. Try to bang it against the glass or see if there's some sort of keyhole." I instructed. While it didn't seem that there was a keyhole, the glass wasn't key proof as within a few moments, Silver busted her way out of her tubes with a very loud crashing sound.

Shortly afterward, she busted me and Sydney out from our tubes. "Finally, it was getting stuffy in there." Sydney said as we runited. "So what's the plan now?" Silver asked. "We need to put a stop to my daddy's plans. Then maybe if we can change his mind, he'll let Sydney go home and the rest will be figured out later." I said rather quickly.

Maybe I just wanted to stop my daddy as fast as I could, I don't know. "That sounds good for now but I'm not sure he's just going to have a change of heart." Sydney said as her face lit up. "That gives me an idea." Sydney said as the three of us rushed out of the room as fast as we could. We were coming for my daddy and it wasn't going to be so easy to hit us with a rock this time. We were ready and ready to win this time.

Chapter 15: F̸̧̏r̷̛̬ỉ̵̧e̴̤̓n̷͈͘ḋ̶̫s̵̙͗ ̶̙̈Ȋ̶̙n̶̥̚ț̸̒ó̷̳ ̶͇̾E̷̲͊n̸͖̍e̶̲̚m̴̧̆i̴͕͘ē̸͈s̸̼̓

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After the three of us rushed out of that room with the tubes, we were very pleased to find out that there wasn't any other locks or glass tubes that stood in our way. We rushed out of that room faster than you could say this sentence. "Ahh, it feels good to breath fresh air again." Silver said as the three of us had made it out of that room.

"That's odd, I never noticed this trapdoor before." Diamond said with confusion in her voice. "Filthy must have used it for something before." I responded shortly after. "Well, he had no idea if you would return or not, I don't think he would have made a room like that for something that's not guaranteed like that." Silver commented with clearness in her voice.

"Maybe but we don't have time to question this. We need to find and fix Miles, stop our daddy and save this world before anything bad happens." I said as I then froze when I finished my sentence. "Sydney? What's wrong?" Diamond asked. "I'm speaking obvious plot lines." I said under my breath. "What did you say?" Diamond asked as I turned around. "That we need to get a move on." I said as the three of us pressed onward for about three seconds.

We then noticed Ponyville in the distance....or at least I think that's where Ponyville use to be. Remember back a couple chapters when Diamond and that grey mail pony glitched? Yes? Well those weren't the only two ponies that glitched. I don't know how long we were out for but it apparently was enough for the entire town of Ponyville to start glitching rapidly. The paved road was now glitching like crazy. You could even say that it was the floor is lava but it was for real.

The buildings were beginning to glitch as well. I first noticed the white and blue colored building that looked like a carrousel was the first to glitch, next to that was the tree library Miles mentioned to me once before. I did overhear him once calling it and I quote "home of the book horse" even though I have no idea what that means. The last bigger building that I saw to get glitched was the one that looked to be some sort of bakery since it had this bakery look on the outside of it. Now that made me want to try there food, if I could ever have the chance to try the food again.

One by one, the entire town was being swallowed by this glitch and there was nothing the three of us could do to stop it yet. Don't even get me started on the ponies that began to glitch. I'll spare you some of the details but let's just say that it was sheer panic with ponies dropping like flies and getting consumed by the glitch. "Sweet Celestia!" Silver exclaimed with fear in her voice. "It's....horrible!" Diamond exclaimed with fear in her voice as well. "It's...perfect." I said as Diamond and Silver looked at me like I had lost my mind.

"What?" Diamond asked so out of the blue. "What I mean is that this might be the key to fixing this." I explained as Diamond and Silver were still looking at me like I had lost my mind. I rolled my eyes a little bit as I then began to explain my plan. "If Filthy sees this and sees that keeping me and Miles here won't fix anything, me might just let us go and things will be back to normal." "Worth a shot I guess. I know he has been one to make changes when things aren't going so well." Diamond said as the three of us headed towards the front doors to Diamond's mansion.

We approached the doors after a minute of walking and noticed that they were locked. "Well daddy did lock them earlier." I said. "Not to worry." Silver said as she took out the key she had on her and that was enough for the door to open. "There's always a way in." Silver said as she placed the key back into her bag as the three of us headed inside. It felt like forever since we were last in here when me and Diamond found out we were sisters.

I still couldn't believe it was just a few hours ago when it honestly felt like days. "So where do you think your daddy is at?" Silver asked. "I have no clue. I guess we should just look around?" Diamond said as we started to search around the mansion. We didn't find anything out of the ordinary on the first floor so we were going to head up to the second floor. We approached the stairs when a figure appeared on the top of the staircase.

"Well...I figured you three would show up at some point. That greedy pig could have installed some locks back there in the basement." Summit said as he blocked the staircase. "Summit! Where is Filthy?" I asked with anger in my voice. "I see. Well if you want to get to the master, you have to go through me!" Summit said as he jumped down to the first floor and pulled out some sort of staff. It had a black rod with a rainbow looking ball at the top of it and looked menacing.

"What has our daddy done to you?" Diamond asked with fear and anger in her voice. "Showed me that you need to be F̴̜͙̙͆́̎̓͜͝Ĩ̷͉̩̰X̵͍͓̑͗̓̓̏͗͠Ë̸͎̪́̇D̴͖̥͔͎͋̆͑̅̃ ̸̘̼̬͊̿͆͊T̴͓̠̣̱̜͓̉̃H̸̨̬̍͜I̵̛̥̮͈̊̈́̈Ṣ̴̨͓̊̒̈̾ͅ ̶̡͚̻̥͙͕́͛ͅḮ̷̱̺Ņ̷͎̯̑͘S̸̡̧̝̜͆͑͒̀̚T̶̖̣̪͆̚A̵̰̯̙͒̆̈́̊N̸͙̎̔̊Ţ̷͚͕̞̯͔͂̐͑̏͑!̵̹̺̰̥̀́̏̅͛͝" Summit said as he charged at the three of us with his spear. We all managed to block it fairly quickly but Summit was already preparing his next move, and it was towards me.

You would think I would be sad to see my cousin, my friend this way. Under some spell of Filthy's, trying to kill the there of us but at this point, I've been through so much that my tears don't pour anymore. It's like watching a movie/tv show and you get to a really sad moment in said movie/show. You get all sad about it, maybe shed some tears and then you move on after a day or so.

Then you watch that moment over and over again and it just doesn't have the same feeling anymore. You don't necessarily cry your eyes out every time so it kinds loses its meaning at that point. Case in point, that's how I felt when I saw Miles/Summit, whatever he's called now. I was already so use to it that my tears just didn't pour. I just hope that I don't have any more sadness for a while since I don't know how much more I can take at this point. I would guess that's it's all downhill from here.

Chapter 16: N̶͍̹̫̐o̵͛ͅ ̶̗̬̊ͅG̸͕̊̚o̴͓̅ǐ̸̛̩̱̭̋ǹ̸͙ǵ̷̙̄͐ ̷̦̘̋B̵̰̲̈́a̵̡̘̭͊c̶̈́̒́͜k̷͎͍͂ͅ

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So I usually never get scared. Not even on days or holidays like nightmare night. If anything, Me and Silver are the ones scaring other ponies. I'm not sure if I have been truly scared like before Sydney and Miles showed up but this moment is what changed that. For the first time in my entire life, I was worried, afraid, panicked and all the other words you could use to fit this moment.

Now some ponies can say that they faced dangerous situations before like those elements of harmony ponies or whatever. Maybe the ponies in those books that I never cared to read before, even when Ms Cheerilee assigned them to the class for homework. I never expected to be placed in that situation. Even when it seemed that this moment would happen, I didn't think it would or could happen to a rich and popular girl like me.

I was wrong. That seemed to be more common now than before. I wish I could have done something, anything to prepare myself for this moment...but I had no idea what in Equestria I was in for. Now back to the story where I had no idea what I was in for...

Summit then came jumped down from the stairs and charged at the three of us very quickly. The three of us managed to avoid him but he was already making his next move towards Sydney. I landed on the couch in the living room while Silver landed a little further away by the front door while Sydney was nearing the kitchen.

"T̶̘̑̆̈́̂͜H̸̗͓̞́̃͛͊͝Í̷̢̨̭̳̰̇͋́̚Ş̷̣͍̱͑̑̅̎̇͜ ̴̯̳̭̼̤̀̈Ȉ̵̫̭̇S̴̡̟̯͖̫̃̓ ̶̣̫̟̣̀F̸͕̏̈͐O̶̭͐̅̌͒͜Ŕ̶̥̫̃ ̸̧͈̞̻̏̕Ŷ̵̞͔͋̿̀O̶͈̹̝͌̈̀Ŭ̵̢̪͈̙̜͐̚͝R̸̙̈́͋ ̶̺̻̯̜͠O̸̼͍̳̾̕W̵̼͈̌͊̈́̒N̷̢̓͜ ̶̧̨̤̭̦́̌G̴̛͎̺͉̤̅̆̅̑Ö̷̞̺́͝O̵̫̣̺̐̆̀D̶̡̦̯̳̔͠!̷̡̛͚̟̘͕" Summit said as he was about to do some form of attack at Sydney when a couch cushion hit the backside of his head. He turned around and I threw another cushion at his face witch didn't amuse him at all. "Ÿ̵̨̮̯̙̳͎͋͝Ǫ̷̙͔͋̈́́͊̏͝Ự̶̼͕͕̭̃̊ͅ ̶̡̺͔̹̪́̀̅͘͠ͅĽ̸̗̂̋͠į̶͂̔̓͊̊͝Ṯ̵̰̙̱̣͉̏ẗ̶̝̠̪́̈́L̴͍̰̟͘ē̸̡͈̱̋̉͂͆ ̴̛͔͒̔̌B̵̨̡̥̯͕̙̈́̽̽̽R̴͔̘̈́̀̆̅̒͝A̶̡̦͚̯͈̪͐̓T̵͙̼̪̫̭̖̍̊̂̎̑̅!̶̟̟̿̎̇͘ ̸̡̨͇̥̖̘̎͑" Summit said as he was now charging at me. I was all out of cushions and they didn't seem to work that well so I did what any filly would have done when a scary glitched pony was charging at you with a spear, I ran.

I don't think it was very smart of me since I'm not good at running but when you have a reason like this, it kinda helps. I didn't know where I was going or really how I got here but I'm guessing I lead Summit to the family room where I tried for the life of me to unlock the door. Unfortunately since my daddy would have thought of that, the door was locked and it was staying locked.

I turned and saw Summit with his spear, ready to make me into....b...bits I guess? I really don't know what that staff thing is suppose to do but I was sure that I didn't want to be pony to test it on. "E̷̱̟͚͙͇̔͂̒̔̐͝ń̴̛̬̯͚̟͇͊̃̽̐D̷̹̞͔̿͌ ̵̲̣͉̪͈̅̎̑̎̌̅͒͜ȍ̶̹͓̟̲F̷̢̝̺͚͇̺͓͋͛ ̷̗͛̑̏̉̍͠͝t̷̜̗͖͊͛͜H̵̢̹̝͇̩͇͍͂̈́e̴̡̻̠̳̽͊͊ ̷̫̓L̶͍̇̽̄̌̓i̸̮̬̞̰̅N̷̛͓̥̼͖̰͒̂́ė̴͓̰͈̯̼̹̓̑͘ ̶̟́̽͂́D̴͍̟͚̩̤̈́̓͂̏́̇̚i̴̧̧̛̻̘̹͓̟̋̓͆A̷̗͓̠̫͊̌̓̕m̷̬̊̎͋́͗͘͝O̴̹̩̟͈͆͆̍̌͝n̴̰͓̿̓̇͛̚͘D̸̨̛̤̫̋̉͜͜ ̶̛̘̭͑͋͛͘t̵̗͔̥̯͉̙͋I̴͍͉̩̊ͅa̴͓̅R̵̗͖̙̔̃̓̈́͋á̸͉̯̗̀̓̀̔͘͜!̷̧̡͓̖̰̓̅̀̽̍!̸̡̥̘͈̤̉͊̇̚͝ ̴̧͔͍̞͙̽͝P̵̖̠̈́͒̐̔̄r̴̛̮͉̪̮̍̾̓E̶̗̘̝͔̩͎̓̈́̉p̸̙̭͎͇̽͆̊̿̅̉͜À̶̪̠͈̑̈̋̆̔͠ͅͅr̶͇̤͔̗̬͇͖͆̈́͌̕E̵̛̞̮͈͌̔̿̈̂͝ ̸̳͕̼̥̮́͒͝t̷͕̩̪̅̂̇̀̊͘͜Ǫ̵͖̹̙̗̔͒͌͘ ̷̭̣̳͎̆̏͗͆́͝b̶̞͓̩̝͌̈́̈́͗̏͠E̷͕͇̞͈̝͘ ̷̡͕̲̝̈́͗͋F̴̥͕́́͒͘Ḯ̸̧̞͓̮̞̤͕̓́͠͠X̴͉̯̼̩͓̒͗̄̒̿Ę̸̞̬̖̾͌̈́̚͘D̷̳̞̱̻̼̾ ̶̀̋̉̀̈͜F̸̞̆̃̑̃͗͝O̶͎̳̙̍R̶̡̨̫̩͍̲̺͊͌̚ ̷̨͓̪̤͎̆Ģ̸̪͚̺͈͒̋̒́͒Ơ̷̼̝̣͆̒͒̚͘͝O̶̗̲̓̊͠D̸̨͖̐͌͋͑̀͠!̸͙̯̹̫̼̈̈́̈́͛̔̆͝!̶̧̝̟̮͕̽̃͜" Summit said in his somewhat normal but very scary voice. I had no idea what to do. I was starting to understand why Sydney was upset when Filthy locked us in here, I glitched and Miles turned into Summit.

It really did feel like there was no other option. I couldn't unlock the door, I couldn't break through the glass and I couldn't just make Summit lose then and there since I didn't have a clue as to do that. It felt like I had no other choice then to give up....and I didn't want to take that chance...but....I had to. Summit then lifted his spear up close to the ceiling as I closed my eyes, not ready for whatever kind of control I was about to be put under.............

Until something felt off."

Now I haven't been under any sort of control like this before as you can guess, though I had one question about it. That question was: "Is it suppose to hurt?" Like when you get like controlled over and you lose control of yourself, is that part suppose to hurt? Because during that moment when I closed my eyes, I felt normal.

I then proceeded to open my eyes a slight bit to find Summit on the family room floor as his spear was gone. "What...what the?" I said to myself as I looked up to find Sydney and Silver caring some...what are those called again? Lan's? Dan's? Pan's? The black circle with a handle? Whatever it was called, Sydney and Silver were holding two of them as well as the staff Summit was using.

"Are you ok Diamond?" Sydney asked as I did something that I wanted to do for some time now. I rushed over to my friends and proceeded to hug them. "Th...Thank you for...for saving me from Summit." I said as I think I felt some tears dripping from my eyes. "I don't think I've ever been that scared in my life before. I wasn't sure if I was going to tell that tale again." I said in-between sobs of mine.

"It's what sisters are for Diamond. You of all ponies should know that me, Silver and even Miles are always going to have your back." Sydney said as she and Silver then gave me a hug back. "T...thanks girls. really means a lot. Maybe I was wrong, friendship has its benefits after all this time." I said as my sobs were mostly gone now and I felt somewhat better now.

"Just like she said, we're here, having our backs." Silver said in a happier voice compared to mine. "Now we just need to stop Filthy and all of this will be over!" Sydney said as she held the staff in her right hoof and proceeded to move upstairs. "Why are you bringing that staff anyway?" Silver asked once the three of us reached the second floor. "If Summit was using this thing to attack us with then it must have some use somehow if I knew what it can do." Sydney explained as we began to search through the mansion.

It turns out that most of the doors were locked just like before but not all of them were like my room as I expected. It mostly turned into a long game of guessing witch door was locked or not so I'll spare you those details. Once we reached my parents bedroom, we began to look around for a little bit. I had never really been in here before but It was kinda odd going into this room, knowing what my daddy had been doing and I never noticed.

After some time of poking around, unmaking the bed and other things, I found some sort of lever that activated a lift of sorts. Next thing I knew, the three of us were on said lift and were going up. I don't know where we were going but I knew that we were in for a treat.

And a treat we got...

Chapter 17:C̸͔͕̑0̷̛̰͂̐n̴̟̦͓͑͠F̵̡̨̘̾̂r̴̻̐̎͑Ő̵͖n̷͍̖̓̕Ṫ̴̟̂@̶̮͓̰̓t̸̘̤̐̀!̴̩͙̬̏̄̈́0̸̭̔͗ň̸̘͋

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I want to be honest for another moment. The last time I was this nervous was a long while ago right when my songs had first taken off and I was becoming popular. I was invited to perform at a live concert in my hometown in Montana and I was nervous as shit. I almost ended up not going out because I was so nervous, but I didn't.

The show was a really big success and when I went back to school a few days later, there were some paparazzi's outside the school and kids who I've never seen before come up to me and ask me for my autograph. I really did go viral overnight and ever since that day, I've always had to make sure to lock the front door. It was a somewhat good lesson you could say but did it prepare me for this moment? No. Not at all. It certainly felt like I was going on stage but I knew that would be the last place that this lift would take us to. I didn't know what was in store for the three of us but I was sure, we were not in for a treat.

A few minutes passed, my freaked out thoughts haunting me the entire ride until the lift stopped as we were in a very small room with the only thing in it being a door. The door looked rather old, like it was a thousand year's old or something. It appeared to be a crimson color with faded gold design on it and what appeared to be Filthy's cutie mark on the door. "Do you think our daddy' there?" Diamond asked as she pointed to the door with her hoof as it shook in fear as she spoke.

"There's only one way to find out." Silver said as she walked over to the door and was about to push open the door when she stopped. "I feel something'" Silver said in a unsettling voice. "Well we've experienced a lot of weird things today as it is." I responded, trying to hide the mountain of fear I had in the back of my mind. "...Let's just head in." Silver said after a short moment as she pushed open the door.

The three of us then headed inside as the door locked behind us. We then walked into an empty, dark and scary room. There were no lights, no windows and no sense of anything at all. "What is this place?" Diamond asked in a scared voice. Before I had a chance to respond, some lights did come back on. Two sets of lights turned on just then. Then another pair of lights, then another and another until most of the room was lit with light.

The three of us then saw Filthy looking outside at the only window in this room. From where the three of us were standing, we couldn't see his face but he didn't seem to look happy. The three of us then slowly walked over as Filthy made some moment. "Well," Filthy said at last in a very scary tone. It was like he wanted us to make it here but I didn't know why just yet but the thought made it all the more menacing.

"I should have known that unfunny clown was bound to be weak. Too weak to take your memories." "You're still going on with this? Have you even bothered to take a look at Ponyville? Or what's left of it." I said in a voice, piloted by rage. "Don't you worry my child. Before long, all of this glitching will come to an end. You'll be able to take your walks through the town any time you'd like. Everything will be FINE." Filthy said in a calm but tempered voice.

"'s not going to be fine! Do you even-" Diamond said in a loud voice. "I KNOW WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN! I DON'T CARE WHAT BECOMES OF PONYVILLE ANYMORE! ALL I WANT IS FOR MY TWO DAUGHTERS TO STAY HERE AND FORGET EVERYTHING!" Filthy shouted with pure rage in his voice. "Well consider this! If you truly cared for me, you would know that I want to go back home or this world will be destroyed!" I shouted in anger.

Filthy looked at me, dead in the eye and smirked. "I know what's best for my daughters. If the world can't see that....then I'll make it see it!" Filthy said as he pulled out a staff that was identical to the one Summit was wielding. "I hate to play this role...but in the next life, you'll see that this was the best choice for all of us." Filthy then charged forward not to me, but to Diamond.

He was about to strike her with his staff when I blocked his attack with Summit's staff just in the nick of time. "I should have known you'd take Summit's staff. No matter, I'll make quick work of you three!" I then pushed him back as I prepared myself for his next move. The two of us stood there like it was a western movie and we were waiting to see who would draw first. Filthy then took the first swing as he rushed over and slammed his staff of the wooden floor.

I dogged it and then took a swing at him though it missed him by a threat. "I've trained you well my child." Filthy said in a menacing voice. "You never trained me for anything like this and here I am beating you at your own game!" I responded as the two of us continued like this. It was intense blocking his attacks but I started to see a weakness. It seemed as if he was so focused on attacking me that he was leaving himself open.

I then turned and signaled to Diamond and Silver who I'm guessing also saw what I was thinking of as well. You know, it's so useful to have a friend who just knows what your thinking of. Anyway, when the other two girls were in position, I let Filthy win as I "dropped" my staff and let it roll over to Diamond and Silver as Filthy held me still. "I have to say, you put on quite a show. Too bad it's your last one!" Filthy said as he was about to strike me with his staff when he froze.

He dropped his staff and looked me dead in the eye. "You doomed everyone you love..." Filthy said as he fell to the ground and would be starting to glitch soon. "Yes, we did it!" Diamond and Silver exclaimed as they began to celebrate by doing there little dance. "Finally, now we can all go home." I said as I looked at Filthy and something He was starting to glitch for sure but his body seemed to be changing. "You still think that's me?" A voice said.

The three of us looked around and saw Filthy a chair with some sort of button that he was holding. "I don't understand how Miles fooled you but It's going to take more then some staff to beat me." Filthy said as I looked at the other Filthy who as he said, was Miles. This was true as he turned into Miles then and there as I helped him up. "Oh....oh my sweet head....what in Equestria happened?" Miles said as I couldn't help but give him a little hug in that moment.

"Give it up daddy! You've seen what we can do so let Sydney go home now!" Silver said with a very loud voice. "Be careful what you wish for girl! You want to go home so badly hum? Alright, two can play that game!" Filthy said as he pushed the button that he was holding. The room then felt unbalanced as everything started to shake violently.

Me and Miles were getting some serious flashbacks from this. Just like before, a black hole appeared as the four of us tried to hold on for dear life. "It's no use girls! If you truly want to go home then you can while you're world still remains!" Filthy said as the four of us tried to resist the black hole's suction. NOOOO-" I said as my strength left my hand and the next thing I k̶̗̬͗̎͑̓͑̚͝k̸̮͔̩̹̖͒̋̐̿ķ̷̗̭͈̪̒k̷͍̼̫̖͂͂͋̈̔̀̈́́͑̀̏k̶̛̹̠͇̑̐̈́̈̿͆̀͝k̶̘͔̯̖͚̝̼͉̐̓͆͌̓̊̂̚̕͠ͅN̶̡̗̚ṋ̷̓͒̐̈́̆N̴̢͇̥̝̟̯̥̱̪͚̈͋̑̀͜͝n̵̨̢̠̝͍̩̖̗̠͍̹̐͝n̶͇̖͈̆̔n̴̪͚̞̿n̸̮͇̮̽̋̍̐̂̇͊̔̍ͅn̵̢̗̰͚̫͉̺̍̃̇̅̈́͝n̸͖̙̪̈́̽Ņ̷̡̺̲̘̫̝͉͎̜̇̃̎̈̌̓̃̚͝N̶̻̯̙͇̤͙̦̟̗̍̓̌̈́͂͌͠n̵͍͓̞̤̤͍̣͈͙͐ǹ̴̢̬̙͖̟͈̞͓͙̺̄̑̾̄͂̽n̶̜̦̻̖̦͔̘̤̣̮̉̎͐͂̆ň̷̫͒͗̊̅͐n̵̹̜̫͉̟̑͑̿̾͆͐̕̚͠e̷̻͎̤͗̽̏̑̾̈̚E̷̳̪̪̾̊̄̐̾ȩ̸̠͔̫͓͍̭̈́̀̆̓͐̾͋̇̈́͝E̸̢̬͙͙͑̀̏̉̂́̓̂̑̂̿W̶̺̿͆̈́̐̋̂͋̾̕͝͝Ẇ̸̛̟̼̻̗͌̅͆W̷̛̱̰̜̝̤̪̯̺͇̉̽̔͛̇̋͜W̶͈̭̙̦̫̤̐̂̿̓̓W̶̡̪̻̱̳̠̩̊̈́͒̈́̊́̌W̷͚͇͈͈̯̲̣̩̝͖̦͂͊̏͊̂̓̎̇W̵̡̧̙̠̼̹̪͚̾͂͂̌͜͝͝ͅ---------------------


Chapter 18:N̶̞̔̏o̴̩̿͠t̵͚̘̋ ̸̩̾Ệ̴͚x̸̳͝á̵̰̩̚c̷͚̕t̸̝͛̄l̸̤͆y̵̲̍͌͜ ̴̖͚͆̔H̵̼͝o̶͎͂̚m̴̻̈́͝é̷̩̮͠

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. . . We were falling. Falling faster than...well anything really. At least I think we were falling, with nothing but black and your friends around you, it's a little hard to tell really. I think Sydney and Miles were trying to calm us down but I zoned out way before then due to me still trying to process everything. So far, this day has been one giant hurdle to process.

From finding out that I have a sister, finding another world, fighting Summit and my daddy to now getting sucked into a black hole to an alternate world, it really has been a day of surprises hasn't it? After what felt like multiple moons of waiting, I could see some sort of light down below my hoofs. Once the four of us reached that light, we were out of the black hole I'm guessing and the four of were flying until we were falling.

I'm a little fuzzy on this part but I remember a big white square with windows on it as it broke my fall and then I was lying on some grass. " head." I said as my vision was a little blurry for a few seconds before I could see clearly again and I was stunned. We weren't in Ponyville anymore as this place had white and grey squares with brownish roofs all over the place. After a few moments, I noticed Silver and two figures who I didn't recognize at all in what appeared to be bushes.

"Where...where in Equestria are we?" Silver asked as she was just as stunned as I was. "I think the better question is who in Equestria are you two?" I asked the other figures. "Diamond? It's us." One of the figures said in Miles's voice. "Wait, that's you Miles?" I asked as Miles looked at himself. "I'm a human boy again!" Miles said as he tried to stand up on what appeared to be two legs but he then fell down.

"Are you ok Miles?" I asked Miles. "It seems that I've gotten too use to walking on all fours." Miles said just as the other figure was starting to move. "I'm human again?" The other figure said in Sydney's voice. "That's you Sidney?" Silver asked. "Yes it's me." "It seems that me and Miles turned back into humans when we came through that black hole." Sydney theorized as she got back on two legs. I'm guessing that's a difference between humans and ponies from what I've seen.

Just then, I began to look around this area we were in and noticed a huge area were there could have been another while square. "That's odd." I said as pointed out the empty space. "It''s home." Sydney said as me and Silver looked at her with a little shock. "Home?" We both said at the same exact time with a shocked voice. "This is the neighborhood where my mansion should be." Sydney said I then noticed an empty area where there could be another white square.

"Wait a second, if me and Sydney are back in our original world, then shouldn't things like the house come back by now? " Miles then asked in a somewhat confused voice. "I have no idea. This is all new to me." Sydney said as none of us had a clue on what to do. I would think that Sydney's mansion was back in Ponyville....if it wasn't glitching like with the rest of the town by now. But for now, the four of us were without a single clue....that is until another glitch happened.

Right where the mansion should be, another hole opened up and another human came out of it and landed on what appeared to be some sort of road. He looked extremely angry as he pulled out that staff from before and pointed it towards the four of us. "YOU LITTLE ANOMALY'S!" The human yelled in a voice of anger that I'd never heard before. I've heard different amounts of anger before like from calm to extreme but this wasn't on that same level.

It was way past anger and maybe even hatred as well, It was a new word that I didn't know the meaning of yet, fury. "DID YOU REALLY THINK THAT THE STORY WAS OVER!?"The human said with such anger and hatred in his voice. "I should have known you'd show up Filthy." Sydney said in a clear and determined voice. "YOU think that you just get to go home?!" Filthy exclaimed as fired what looked like a glitch at us.

We were too slow to dodge it as it hit us all at once and then we were on the ground, struggling to find the strength to get up. "I think it's time that I retired you freaks and have some new children that will LISTEN TO ME! I'LL FINALLY BE THE FATHER WITHOUT MY KIDS IN ANOTHER WORLD!" Daddy yelled as he was preparing his staff to do...what he wanted to do to us. I was still to weak from that first glitch thing to move and I felt so helpless.

I don't know how Sydney, Miles and Silver were feeling but that's how I was feeling. Helpless. Then, everything stopped. It was like everything felt slower in that moment. I knew what was about to happen for sure since Me and my friends were going to die. I didn't want to accept it but what other choice was there? But everything felt slower...until something unexpected happened.

I saw Miles getting up, rushing towards the three of us and then he jumped in front of us just as daddy or I should say Filthy fired from his staff. There was a blast, a very big blast if you will and then there was Miles lying on the ground. He wasn't moving, he wasn't blinking and I didn't hear him breathing. "M...Miles?" Sydney exclaimed as she was able to reach him from where she was. "He's...not breathing." Sydney finally said . . .

Chapter 19: @̸̹̃ ̴̨͌^̸̡̐e̷̯̓R̵̰̀ý̸͍ ̴̳̋G̴̢͘I̶̱̍!̸̿͜ť̶̲Ḧ̵̰́y̸͎͊ ̶̗́F̶̱̔!̸̰͊g̷̪͋Ĥ̸͓ṫ̵͉

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So I know glitching can cause painful and bad things like when me, Miles and Diamond glitched, we each experienced a great deal of pain in our bodies. Not to sound like a health product commercial but the side effects I've seen from glitching are no joke. This was different in a way. Miles was hit by a glitch, well some sort of glitch and then, time stopped.

It felt like the three of us girls were staring down at Miles in a flurry of emotions. To think that he could have been hurt...or worse; and that he risked himself to protect us. It's a little difficult to say the emotions that I was feeling in that moment because I just don't know the words to describe it. I could make a song about it but even then, that would be a hassle to find the words to. Now I'll let the story continue again for your sake.

"You don't think he's...gone?" Silver asked in a shocked and depressed voice. "I...I don't know. I just don't know." I said as I checked his pulse again. I'm no doctor but I have to ask, breathing keeps you alive so if you stop breathing, that could cause you to die, yes? Because Miles wasn't breathing or in a very hidden way or something. "I'll ask this one last time, are you three abnormality freak's going to use your ears and come back to Equestria with me?"

A very vicious and wicked person by the name of Filthy asked in a loud and sinister voice. "Never in a thousand moons would we come back with you Filthy!" Diamond exclaimed as she said what I was about to say. Almost word for word in fact. The look on Filthy's face was one that I don't think I ever wanted to see. It almost looked like he was happy, yet furious at the same time, like he had some pleasure from Diamonds response but also some anger on his face as well.

"Well, Ya'll are about to F̵͍̹̯͍͕̫̈́̐̓̇͒͠E̶̹̻͍̗͋̊E̶͈̲̾ͅL̵̨̫̈́́́̇͠ ̵̢̛̜̂̆͛͆̏T̷̲͕͙̔̍̍͝ͅH̴̟̟͆E̸͈̤̲̯̍̉̈́͆̓̍ͅ ̸̢̠̍T̵̞̼͍̙̃̈́̓̀H̵͙̮̯̣͌́̐̚Ụ̶̧͓̍̎Ñ̶̡̨̏͠Ḏ̶̤̖̺̗͐́͂̀E̷̪̖͔͂Ȓ̷̫̙̤̩̔̾̓͘͝ ̸̢͚̯͔́̀̆̕N̴͍̖͖͚̟̄͌O̷̢̳̽́̾W̵̻͖͛̌̿͘̚!̸̭͍̞̀̄̌́ͅ" Filthy shouted with so much fury in his voice. He then used his staff and aimed it at the sky. "What's he doing?" Silver asked me with fear in her voice. "It doesn't matter, we need to hide somewhere!" I exclaimed as the three of us tried to hide behind one of the houses on the court. However, it seemed as if Filthy predicted that we would try and run and so, when we were almost at the house, a laser beam that had the width of a cruise ship and the height of a regular building in a city appeared and blocked our path.

This said laser then cut our a giant square around the houses and then the platform began to rise up past the grey clouds and into the sky. "NOW YOU HAVE NOWHERE TO RUN!" Filthy said as he then fired a swarm of lasers at the three of us in rapid succession. So far, Me and Diamond were able to dodge the lasers without breaking a sweat but Silver on the other hand or hoof I should say, was breaking many sweats trying to dodge the lasers.

"That's all you got?" I asked Filthy in a somewhat over confident tone. "Hm, not bad, time to switch tactics!" Filthy said with anger, annoyance and a little pleasure in his voice as well as he then held his staff up high once more. You could say I wasn't expecting him to do what he was about to do but at this point, since that first black hole brought me and Miles into Equestria, I was practically invincible to surprises. Or that's what I first thought at least.

Yet another laser came out of Filthy's staff yes, but this laser went upwards and back around until it created a massive black hole in the sky. "HERE'S A LITTLE TASTE OF HOME FOR YA!" Filthy shouted as the black hole fired what looked to be pieces of rock and pavement at the three of us. We dogged them without much trouble but what really got us was when Diamond noticed something very bad and frightening.

"Wait, I've seen this rock before." Diamond said. " have?" I asked. "Yeah, the school yard had this same rock that looked like a blue gem." Diamond explained. " Filthy bring more parts of Equestria here?" Diamond asked with some, wait, a lot of fear in her voice. "YOU'RE ABSOLUTELY CORRECT!" Filthy said with laughter in his voice. "IF YOU THREE DON'T WANT TO STAY WITH ME, I'LL MAKE SURE THERE'S NOWHERE FOR YOU TO GO AFTERWARD!"

Filthy at this point was sounding like he was losing all control. He was so focused on executing us to the point where he wasn't even the same person anymore. If anything, the glitching had gotten to him way before me, Miles, Diamond and Silver. He was firing more and more pieces from Equestria at us like a few barrels with pictures of apples on them I think, A few animals like a bear, bird and even a very cute but angry looking white bunny and then a purple fountain with a pony statue.

During this, I noticed that Filthy seemed to be going through something. The more he was firing at us, the more he looked like he was in pain. He kept putting his hands on his forehead as if he had a headache or a migraine. When he threw the fountain, it was very much noticeable as he had to stop fighting just to limit the pain. "Are you seeing this?" I said to Diamond and Silver.

"Yeah, he seems to get more tired with the bigger objects." Silver added. "Do you think we could use that to our advantage somehow?" Diamond asked me. "I think....I just might have an idea." I said as I whispered the plan to Diamond and Silver. "AL...ALRIGHT, NO MORE GAMES!" Filthy said in a tired, yet powerful voice. "THIS IS YOUR HAPPILY EVER AFTER GIRLS!!" Filthy then started up his temper tantrum as he began to throw more objects at us.

After a little while, I approached the mentally insane person with some new confidence I had. "Alright Filthy! You want us? Throw us your biggest thing yet!" I shouted at Filthy with that confidence I had in myself now. "FOOL. YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU JUST DID." Filthy said as he used his staff to do something I had expected. I could see the object that he was brining and it was what I had expected him to use, my house.

"I THINK IT'S PAST YOUR CURFEW!" Filthy shouted as he was about to drop the house on us when we heard a very loud snapping sound. He fell to the platform and put his hands on his forehead and his back. "My head, my back, they hurt so badly!" Filthy said with pain in his voice. Just then, his staff that was holding my house failed and the force of gravity had taken control.

"How dare you son of a BI-" Filthy said as the house had landed on half of the platform that he was on and it suffocated him I would think. "Yes! We did it!" I said as me, Diamond and Silver all came together for a hug. "No more crazy glitches for us!" Diamond exclaimed. "Now this is definitely one of the best days of my life, if not the best." Silver said as we broke up the hug.

Just then, I noticed that the clouds were now above us instead of below the platform. "Uh guys, is it just me or are we falling?" I asked in a worried voice. "Well, we'll be lucky to survive this one." Diamond said in a panicked voice. "Quick, into the mansion, that might help us survive this!" Silver said as we rushed into my mansion. I didn't think it would help us survive falling out of the sky but hey, one can hope, even if they die from it.

Chapter 20: Making The Mark

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Now if there's one thing that I've always wanted to do in my life, it would be to fly. I didn't care how I would do it like if I befriended a pegasus and they lifted me up into the sky or something but deep down, I wanted to experience it. It seemed like such a fun and thrilling thing to do and I always wanted to do it. What I didn't realize is that I should have been much more careful in what I wished for.

When the three of us were falling from the sky, I knew that we were sort of flying but also falling at the same time. It wasn't fun like I had pictured it at all but instead, it was as scary as like, ghost's or something. Anyway, we were in the mansion, holding onto something like the counter as we were getting pulled towards the ceiling from the fall I'm guessing. It was odd and not fun at all I can tell you.

I'm not saying I was scared or anything but it wasn't fun. After what felt like a while, I heard a very loud sound and the falling stopped. The three of us then fell to the floor as our body's shook for a while. " it over?" I asked as I was able to get on all fours again. "I...I think so." Sydney responded as the three of us got up again. "Now that I think about it, we need to check on Miles." Silver said as we were approaching the front door.

"Yes, and quickly to!" Sydney responded as she opened the front door and noticed Miles lying on the street. She along with me and Silver rushed over to him as Sydney placed her hand on his right side for some reason. "I...I don't know if he's going to be ok." Sydney said. "Well, we need to get him to a hospital!" Silver said in a quick voice. "Right, I'll call the number." Sydney said as she pulled out a strange device.

It looked like a pink rectangle with a black inside and the other side had a pink pattern on it. "Hello? Yes my friend's in pain, you need to come quickly! Ok, bye." Sydney said to this magic rectangle as she put it back in these black tubes as the rectangle hanged out of these tubes. "He'll get the help he needs soon." Sydney said just as a sound could be heard.

So Sydney's mansion had somehow landed back in that empty area but it left a lot of rubble right next to it and out of that ruble came none other then a very different looking Filthy. His tie was now torn along with his suit, his face was covered in dirt, he had red marks on his face and almost all of his hair was gone. "YOU FILTHY WORMS!" Filthy shouted as he used his staff to bring Miles's body away from us.

"YOU THINK THIS WAS THE END OF THE STORY?! I'M GOING TO DISMANTLE YOUR FACES!!" Filthy then lifted the three of us into the air, ready to do unspeakable things to us when he stopped. He turned and saw that Sydney's mansion was back where it belonged and he froze. "" Filthy asked in question as he looked down at his...hand I think. From what I saw of it, it looked like it was disappearing in a rather fast rate.

"How....can this happen?" Then the four of us were freed from Filthy's control as we could feel the ground again. "How did you know that this would happen?" Filthy shouted out to the three of us in a very angry voice. "I have no idea what the heck you're talking about." Sydney stated quickly. At this point, I was asking the same question, why? Until I put two and two together and it all became clear.

"Because with the mansion back in it's rightful place, the only one who's causing these glitches is you Filthy." I said in a confident voice. "So you're getting removed because of that." Silver said as she backed me up. Filthy had lost most of himself at this point and now, he was nothing more than a head at this point. "I...I just wanted to be a be involved in both of your lives...." Filthy said with sadness across his face.

"Well, you got your" Sydney said with a cold tone of voice. "This...isn't the last you'll see of me...I'll get what I want one day, I'll come back and make you a part of Equestria, I'll-" Filthy said just as his head disappeared with only his staff remaining behind. "Just then, I heard some sounds in the distance as some odd things entered the street. They had two wheel's on each side, had a giant white block on them and on the side of this white block, it read, ambuellance.

Sydney signaled for me and Silver to hide and we did exactly that. More humans came out from the white blocks and the strange wheeled things as they took Miles's body and went away. "They'll take good care of Miles for a while." Sydney said as me and Silver came out of hiding. "Now I have to ask, how do me and Diamond get back home? I'm like guessing everypony needs us back there or something." Silver asked.

"I think Filthy's staff can help." Sydney said as she pointed to the staff thing. I picked it up and looked at it. "How do I use this thing?" I asked as I was having trouble on how to use it. Eventually, I figured it out and activated one last portal that lead into an Equestria that wasn't glitching everywhere you looked. "So I guess this is it sister." Sydney said as she kneeled down to look me in the eye.

"Yeah, even though this day turned into a total mess, I'm...I'm really glad we met." I said in a soft voice. "I was so selfish and mean before yesterday and I didn't care about friendship but when we met, I saw that friendship wasn't a complete waste of time. I saw that it could benefit you, as it benefitted me." Sydney said.

"Yeah, I only cared about following my family and sticking to what I knew but in the end, you and Miles helped me through and into the light, seeing that I could be so much more than what I currently was and for that, I give my thanks." I said as me and Sydney gave each other a hug. A human and a pony hugging was something I wasn't expecting but after today, I could handle anything now.

"I don't mean to break up a moment but I don't think the portal is going to last forever." Silver said as Sydney gave Silver a hug, we said our goodbyes and me and Silver walked through the portal...back to Equestria...with a few new friends in our hearts and a lot more friendship to carry us onward. We had a lot of things that we finally changed for the better about ourselves. A lot of changes, very major changes you could say.

Meanwhile . . .

"DAMMIT! Why couldn't those idiots follow along! Do they have any idea what they've just done to there show and there timelines?!" A figure in a dark office room yelled as he pulled out a cigarette and began to breathe into it. Just then, the door to the office opened and another figure entered the room. "Sir, we've just received confirmation that Filthy Rich is gone and know what's are back in there original worlds." The second figure said. "That's nice to hear but it's already too late. We need to take matters into our own hands this time!" The first figure said as he continued to breath into his cigarette. "But sir, if we do what Filthy tried to do...everything we and this organization has done will be gone. Or they might want to stay in the wrong dimension and we both know what happens after that!" The second figure said. "Let me tell you something agent, when you're the leader of making sure everything stays the way it's supposed to go, you have to take some risks. Now let's get going, we have to make sure things don't change for the worse." The figure said as both figures left the room, leaving nothing but a warm, smoking cigarette behind.