• Member Since 8th Mar, 2012
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  • 114 weeks
    Top Gun: Maverick

    Volare: this is SO COOL! :rainbowdetermined2:

    Anyone else hyped to see this movie?

    4 comments · 404 views
  • 115 weeks
    10 Years

    10 Long Years...
    A whole decade

    What a long time to write and center around something (and too long to get back around to it)

    1 Plague

    10 years
    2 degrees
    Many, many vacations and road trips
    Groomsman in 4 weddings

    33 years old

    And now engaged and getting married myself

    I've grown up into a near-middle aged man with ya'll

    And it's time to stop keeping ya'll waiting

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    25 comments · 883 views
  • 204 weeks
    *Sneaks Stealthily In*

    Fimfiction and the Blue Angel Story:

    Haha, pretty much.
    Sooo.....guess who's still alive?

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    48 comments · 1,072 views
  • 307 weeks
    Still Bad at Keeping Promises, But...

    I did a thing
    A long-overdue thing
    Please go check out this thing


    Seriously though, for everyone that's stuck it out for and with me, I think ya'll from the bottom of my heart.

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    36 comments · 1,441 views
  • 382 weeks
    I'm Terrible At Keeping Promises...Also, An Ugly Truth About Me

    Ugh...I really suck at this whole keeping promises thing. But I'm going to try to shed some light on why and how things went so awry the past few years. What's changed since I stopped cranking out over 50k words a month from 2012-14ish:

    For one, I graduated in May 2013, diving head-first into the realm business-first small, and now corporate level.

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    44 comments · 1,760 views

Blue Angel Reference Information · 7:03am Dec 7th, 2012

This will be the place for character information, pictures, and theories to be added as Blue Angel progresses. CONTAINS SPOILERS!

Ponyville Reference Map:

Equestria Reference Map (Yes, I know it's not the "official" one, but this story began long before that one came out)http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2011/194/0/0/map_of_equestria_2_0_by_matims-d3nuzi9.png

Map of the World Reference: http://i938.photobucket.com/albums/ad221/9moviefan/d1c084e2-21c4-44a4-a7fc-58b7a92c48dc.jpg

Wingpower Constants and Calculations

Historical Timeline

Original Character Profile Info and Stuff:


A young Navy Pilot who sought to join the Blue Angels before being involved in a horrible plane accident and rescued by Rainbow Dash and brought to Ponyville, where his fatally injured human body was hastily transformed into a pegasus by Twilight Sparkle at the behest of Rainbow Dash. This story follows his readjustment to living in the world he had previously thought to only exist in fantasy, and the problems he encounters while doing so.
Volare and Rainbow Dash comparison:

Ray and Jill:

Pic by the epic totallynotabrony
Two unicorn siblings hired out by "The Boss" with the promise of gaining aid for Jill's "problems." They possess the ability to shapeshift and are considered extremely dangerous, with Jill preferring fire-based spells while Ray prefers ice-based and restriction magic. Also possess a dual-cast healing spell that makes them difficult to fatally injure. They make a dangerous team but are also very prone to squabbling for no good reason.

Snowhooves and Firetail:

Two of the Ponyville Royal Guards. Snowhooves is the elder of the pair, acting as the younger, more impetuous Firetail's superior officer and fatherly figure.


A mysterious newcomer to Ponyville. An older mare with tough hooves, battle scars, and the look in her eye of one who has seen some very serious things happen in her time. Has difficulty seeing things clearly at a distance however...more information to come!

The Boss:

A mysterious "employer" who seeks to contact the humans on Earth for his own gains (has specifically targeted Volare for reasons of his own). Has no qualms of murdering those whom he feels cross him and doesn't seem to be fazed much by violence. Has a wickedly cruel and biting sense of humor. May be connected with the Canterlot Wedding Incident, specifically the Archives Break-In.
Also goes by the alias Nyctos...true name appears to be Corvus...

Ferrum Smithshoe:

The "upper middle aged" unicorn proprietor of Mustang Hardware, the local hardware store in Ponyville. Knows everypony in Ponyville from the past 20 years and serves as the community's estranged grandfather figure (or perhaps great uncle), and possesses a powerful memory for one his age. Always has a funny story and a smile on hoof to help brighten anypony's day.

Sergeant Greymane and Corporal Spiral:
(Pictures to come!)
Archive Guards.
Greymane personally encountered the thief that broke into the Archives during the Wedding Incident, and hasn't been able to live down his failure ever since,
Spiral, the youngest Archive Guard in the ranks, often gets on Greymane's nerves, but he means well and makes up for his lack of experience with plenty of enthusiasm, and takes his job as seriously as possible most days. Yearns for a real fight like the rest of the Guard were in during the Wedding Incident, despite Greymane's warnings that war is hell.

Agent F:
"The Boss's" most trusted agent. A pegasus sent out to spy upon Volare and bend his will towards the Boss's by any means possible. Seeks to find Volare's buck so as to more easily manipulate him.
(No Picture Available for now)


Report V-Pony · 4,558 views ·
Comments ( 17 )

This will be helpful in the... Well, it is helpful now!

I really like stuff like this!

To be honest the map seems a bit strange to me. Among other things wasn't Twilight's house closer to the center of Ponyville?

Anyway I feel compelled to rewatch the episodes again because I just realized I never did have a clear image of the general layout of Ponyville. (outside fan drawn maps that is)

mmmm... refs... :D



Hmm, nice Heads-up of the charackters.

BTW one thing, I might suggest you recolor the "Helmet Hair" (I dont kow the proper word for that) of Firetail. I think since "The Crystal Empire" it is confirmed that the wearers main becomes part of the helmet, just like RD and Fluttershy in that episode.
I might be mistaken however as a royal guard puts down his helmet at the beginning of that episode and his helmet hair still has the same color plus its still existant while his regualr mane has the maching color.
So it might be just a Crystal Empire fashion,

or I am putting more thought into this then I should. Deam Khornflakes, they drive me on a sugar rush.
Anyway, read you later!
- Jetstream (my OC)

547027 Heh, it's not quite to scale as far as perfectly accurate locations are concerned :twilightsheepish:
All the screenshots I've seen from above from the show don't even HAVE the Library in them, and since most of the fan-drawn maps have the Library on the west side of town, I figured what the heck, and put it there too.
There are a few other changes as well, like the number of bridges being different and the Ponyville Stream completely surrounding the town, but I figured when the town was founded, what better place with natural protection to build a town than an island in the middle of a river? :twilightsmile:

547995 I see where you're coming from on this, but I kinda figured that Equestrian Royal Guards all wore the same style helmet, same colors, etc, with their manes crammed up under the helmet. LOL or...I could make it a minor running gag that Firetail dyed his mane blue so he could join the Guard or something :rainbowlaugh: (cuz he's that "dedicated" to his job) :rainbowwild:

Jills annoyingly hot :twilightsheepish:

548259 Indeed, that would be funny.

Just to be clear, you are giving away something with that name, "Corvus".
Good old corvids, being the smartest birds I can think of...


Resident Evil remixes.

Love it. :rainbowlaugh:

Are you alive and well

Yeppers, I am. Just been incredibly wrapped in a lot of IRL issues over the last year :(

hope it gets better for you hate to see your story die like some others it is pretty good fanfic and hate to see it end at such a good point

Oh it's FAAAAAAR from over, my friend (in fact, I'm doing a read through and doing some editing as I type this) :ajsmug:

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