//------------------------------// // The Village Called... // Story: The Crystal Changeling // by Zoljen //------------------------------// Crystal sighed and trotted closer to Dust and Rose as they walked along the path. It was nearing dusk when they spotted an unfamiliar village. They had been walking along for who knows how long since they left the camp. After fleeing into the forest to lose whatever it was that was chasing them, they decided they should head straight to Roan, no need to drag their home village into the mess if it isn't already. Besides, a few war veterans were there and could defend the village long enough for everyone to get to safety. It was that thought, plus the thought of Sapphire Hunter basically telling them to head to Roan anyway that they avoided the town. As they neared the village, it looked like most of the shops were closing up. By now, Crystal had retaken her favored unicorn form, so they wouldn't scare anypony. As welcome as changelings were, they could still be intimidating during the night. They did manage to make it to the food market before it closed, and after hoofing over a few bits for food, they ate the somewhat dry bread outside an alleyway. “I don't think we have enough bits to make it to Roan,” Rose sighed as he idly munched his bread. “We’ll be lucky to make it after the next town.” “Well, we’re lucky we don't have to sleep in an inn, otherwise we’d be real trouble.” Dust chuckled softly. “How much do we have left?” “Maybe fifteen bits. After we refill our packs tomorrow, we could have maybe five or even less. We will have to really ration out our food then,” Rose looked at the bread, half of his few slices already eaten. He wrapped up the rest and stuffed it into his pack. “We should find somewhere hidden to sleep for the night, maybe a rooftop.” “Yeah, I only see one problem with that. How do we get up there?” Dust looked at Rose, who grinned back at him and flapped his wings once. “Yeah, that works for you and Crystal. Not so much for me.” “I could carry you up there?” Rose offered as he slowly stood up. Dust glared at him. “I like my hooves firmly planted on the ground and you know it, Rose!” Dust stamped a hoof as Crystal just looked between them. She sighed, looking at the bread before her for a moment before putting it away. Being a changeling meant she didn't have to eat as much as her friends, but she still should. “Maybe it would be best we sleep on the outskirts of town then?” Crystal spoke up, looking at the pair of stallions. They were about to speak up when a new voice was heard, making the three look over. A black unicorn seemed to blend in with the night and stared at them with ruby eyes. His mane seemed to glow the color of a sunset, being a deep red at the base and going orange near the tips. He had a few saddlebags on his back, with books being visible inside them and sticking out slightly. He swished his matching colored and long tail back and forth as he watched the trio. “You three shouldn't talk so loudly near this building. The owner doesn't take kindly to strangers talking outside her home, lest she think you three are about to break into it.” He spoke calmly, watching them. “Oh, uh, thank you sir. We were about to move along anyway.” Crystal spoke up before the others could, standing as she soon ushered the others to do the same. The dark colored unicorn watched the trio quickly pack up what scraps they had. “Where are you three from? I don't think I’ve seen you around.” “We are from Mirror, and we are just passing through.” Rose grinned weakly. “We are just going to sleep on the edge of town and move on in the morning.” “It does get cold, you could try sleeping at the tavern?” the unicorn offered, raising a hoof to point towards it. “We don't have the bits for it. We’ll be fine, thanks sir.” Dust nodded as the three started to trot past time. “Name is Dark Horizon, and while it may not be comfortable. My floor is open to you three.” Dark turned to watch the three stop to look at him. “You’d let three random ponies into your house?” Rose raised an eyebrow as he looked the black unicorn over. “So far you three have shown no hostile intentions. As long as that continues to hold true, yes. I can even offer you a meal.” “We are not…” On cue, all of their stomachs growled, making each one blush slightly as they brushed a hoof along the ground. “Okay, maybe a little.” Dust finished. “Then come along.” Dark gestured to follow as he turned around and trotted away. The three looked at each other for a moment before shrugging and following after. One night with a stranger wouldn't be bad, and they could leave in the morning before he woke up. “I never did catch your names.” “I'm Rose Wind,” The thestral pointed to himself, then to the Earth pony. “That’s Dust Horn, and his sister Crystal.” Dark slowed himself some to look over each, letting his gaze linger on Crystal a little longer than intended, grinning faintly. “It seems your sister got the magic,” Dark commented as he led them to a simple looking home and opened the door for them. Inside was some simple furnishings, a couch sat opposite a fireplace, and two doors leading off to seperate rooms. “Anyway, my bedroom is through that far door. I will try to find some spare sheets for you three. Feel free to get comfy.” Dark started towards the left room. “What's in the other room? If I may ask.” Dust trotted towards the couch with Crystal right behind him. “My library.” “Library?!” Dust grinned widely, making Dark stop and look over his shoulder. “Oh great, Dusty found a kindred spirit.” Rose chuckled softly as he sat on the couch. “You are welcome to…” Dark trailed off as Dust rushed past him into it. “I just recently aquired a few new books, but feel free to look around in it.” Dark shrugged as he disappeared into his bedroom, leaving Crystal and Rose alone. Crystal sighed softly as she sat on the floor next to the couch, making Rose look down at her. “What's wrong?” He asked softly. “What isn't wrong right now?” Crystal let her head rest on the couch as she looked up at Rose. “We’re running, we’re low on food, we’re staying with a random pony, and who knows if those things are actually chasing us or just going straight to Roan!” “Hey, relax,” Rose gently rested a hoof on Crystal as he grinned softly. “Take it one step at a time, that's what I'm doing.” “But.” “And I'm protecting both you and Dust, as I said I would to your father,” Rose leaned back, keeping his eyes on Crystal. “And I'm more scared of him then those things!” “What things?” Dust asked as he stepped back into the room, a few thin blankets on his back as he looked at the pair. Rose was about to say something before the trio heard from Dark’s little library. “OH SWEET FOAL NOX! A first edition print of this? Dad has been looking for this book for AGES!” Rose and Crystal looked at each other, before bursting out laughing as Dark set the blankets on the couch before trotting towards the library and vanished inside. The pair sat in silence as Rose kept an ear perked towards the room. “Huh, Dusty’s gonna get a new book.” Rose chuckled softly as he glanced to Crystal. She nodded back to him as they waited for the pair to return. After what felt like an hour, they did and Dark cooked up a late night dinner. Afterwards was a little more chatting before they decided to go to bed for the night. Crystal let out a long yawn as she slowly woke up. The couch had proved surprisingly comfortable after sleeping on the ground for the past month and she had fallen asleep almost instantly. She rolled over and gasped as she rolled off the couch, though she landed on something relatively soft, which grunted as she impacted it. She opened her eyes and looked into the gaze of Rose Wind, who looked rather uncomfortable as he was lying on his back. She quickly glanced around and saw she was draped across his torso, with her head near his. “Morning to you too, Crystal,” he grunted as he rolled over, making her move as well and they eventually separated long enough to get up. They both stretched out once they were standing. As Crystal looked around, she noticed a distinct lack of Dust, though she did hear talking in the next room. She glanced at Rose who just shook his head. “They’ve been talking about books for the past hour. Dust thought he was quiet, but these ears can pick him up a few blocks away,” Rose chuckled as sat back down. “We should be heading out soon, don't want to impose upon Dark too much, ya know?” “Yeah, but for now let them talk. We both know we may not get a chance until we get to Roan,” she looked down for a moment. “Speaking of, do you know how much farther it will be?” “At the best speed, another week and a half. And that is pending we don't go around that mountain. Otherwise two weeks.” Rose sighed. “If we flew there, we could make it in a week. But one of us would be slowed down carrying Dust, and trust me. He’s heavy.” “I am not!” Dust exclaimed as he walked back in with Dark trotting behind him. “I am a perfectly average weight for an earth pony! You’re just lazy.” “Well I was lazy until we had training in the military,” Rose huffed with a grin. “Now I bet I could carry you.” “Right, I doubt you could carry me all the way to Roan,” Dust shook his head slightly. Dark by now had made his way to the kitchen but stopped part way there and turned to look at the three. “You three are headed to Roan?” “Er, yes. We are,” Dust turned to face Dark. “And we should be going soon.” “Well, you three won't get anywhere on an empty stomach. Why don't you let me cook up some breakfast, and you can tell me why you’re going there,” Dark grinned and turned towards the kitchen to start cooking up breakfast. “Well, that is a bit… classified. Let us just say that's imperative we get there as soon as possible.” “Then your best bet is getting over Mt. Cord. There are a few paths over that mountain, but your best bet is straight over. There is a village on the other side too.” Dark let out a soft sigh as he cooked, the others just listening at the moment. “What I would give to see the libraries of Roan. The magic that is held within those walls.” The three looked at each other, grimacing slightly. “Well,” Rose started up, keeping his eyes on Dust. “We could use a guide?” He asked, Dust looked at Dark for a moment, then back to Crystal. “What say you, Crystal?” Dust asked as he inclined his head towards Dark. Crystal looked between her friends, then at Dark. She could detect the excitement about him seeing the library of Roan, as she and Dust heard from Sapphire that was expansive. She sighed softly and nodded faintly. “We could use a guide, but, don't you have a reason to stay here?” Dark turned back to the group and shook his head, “The only thing that was keeping me here was a lack of motivation. It’s a long hike to Roan, and I’d rather not do it alone.” He grinned lopsidedly at them. “But if I am going with you, the trip will be a lot more pleasurable.” Crystal could tell Dark was looking directly at her when he said it. She shrugged off the feeling she got, that love at first sight crush feeling that made Dark seem to glow. Crystal mentally debated it, on one hoof, a guide could be useful since none of them know how to get there, but then she doubted if Dark knew how to defend himself. Well, no time like the present to ask, “If you come with us, we could be attacked. Do you know how to defend yourself?” “I know a few stun spells, and how to make barriers. The library in Roan holds a lot more and would definitely expand my repertoire,” Dark nodded firmly. “I may not be as trained as you three, since you mentioned the military, but I can defend myself well enough. I prefer having a distance between me and my targets, as does any unicorn,” he gestured to Crystal, “So up close I may have problems, but,” he paused, his horn powering up, and a moment later he vanished with a pop to appear right next to Crystal. “I have ways to escape.” “Well, I guess that proves that. What about this home though?” Dust asked, gesturing around to the house as Dark trotted back to the kitchen. “I can lock it up, I'm sure I’ll be back eventually. Spend a month or so in Roan, indulging myself in the library and learning what I can before I return here,” Dark nodded as he focused back on making breakfast for everyone. After breakfast, the three decided to discuss how they were getting over the mountain, while Dark packed up a few things, including some extra food and money for supplies in future towns. “And to our left is a lovely view of a forest,” Dark commented as he gestured to his left. The four were trotting along on a dirt path over the mountain, with Dark leading them. It was mid afternoon a day later and the air felt warm, despite it feeling like they were high up. “And does this forest have a name?” Dust commented, having taken a spot next to their unicorn guide. “You know, I don't think so. But it shall remain forever free from loggers. Not sure why though, like the forest has a mind of its own.” Dark shrugged as he trotted along. “We should make it down the other side by nightfall, and can possibly stay on comfy beds there.” “That would be nice,” Rose sighed wistfully. “The ground is only good for so long.” “Hey, the ground is rather comfy you know!” Dust glanced over his shoulder at Rose. “Oh you're only saying that because you have never slept on a cloud before!” Rose beamed. “Clouds are so soft and fluffy all the time! Not like the dirt we walk on! Isn't that right Crystal?” Dark stopped and raised an eyebrow at that, as Crystal just stared at him as she detected the confusion. Crystal grinned weakly as Dark just shook his head. “Magic spell?” He asked as he turned back around and continued on, rounding a corner. “No, I'm a…” She trailed off as she rounded the corner as well, all four of them stopping to see five pegasi in heavy armor standing there. All of them wore what appeared to be shadowy grey armor, and kept their heads low, except one. He had a great sword leaning next to him and glared at the group. “Crystal, Rose, Dust, salute your superior officer!” The pegasus commanded, making the three blink again. “Quake, sir?” Crystal stepped forward. “That's Captain Quake to you, maggot!” The pegasus stamped a hoof to step forward. “Attention! Or have you three already forgotten how to follow orders?!” He snapped at them. “But how did you get here before us? What happened to those shadowy things?” Crystal stood at attention as she asked. Quake snarled and extended his wings as he stepped forward. “I have wings and I'm not slowed down with an earth pony!” At that, the trio stopped and looked over the pegasus in closer detail. Rose was the first to notice a few things; the first was a grayer pelt that almost seemed to flow like mist, the second was a lower breathing rate, and the third was how the sword seemed to float at his side. “Sir, what happened to you?” Rose asked, and the trio stepped back as Quake stepped forward, his muzzle twisting into a manic grin. “Why, the best thing possible!” Quake stopped to throw his head back, laughing before looking back forward at the ponies. The sight they saw made their blood run cold. Instead of the pegasus that was there before was what could only be described as a hollow creature. His eyes had remained, appearing almost black, with matching smoke flowing out from them. His mane seemed to roll off of him like a small cloak, and the shadows under him slowly expanded out towards the four. “Power! Speed!” He stepped forward again. “It's so invigorating! And it can be yours if you come with me!” “No!” Rose stepped forward in front of the others, making the pegasus step back, looking confused for a moment. “You gave us an order to get to Roan!” “I'm afraid I'm going to have to change that order, Rose,” Quake sneered as he stepped closer. “You three are to stand down and follow me.” “You are not in your right mind, Captain. I'm afraid we can't follow your orders.” Rose stated as Quake growled, the sword next to the pegasus floating up as Quake turned slightly towards it. “Fine, if you won't come willingly, then you shall die!” He bit down on the handle of the blade before swinging it at Rose. Crystal saw the action before Rose, and teleported in front of him with a shield raised. Crystal slid back a little from the impact, as her shield held strong. Her tail bumping into Rose, knocking him from his short stupor. “Attack!” Quake yelled, slightly muffled by the sword handle. The shadowy pegasi with him moved past him by either leaping over him or dashing around his sides as Dust quickly went on the defensive. Dark squeaked and took a few steps back as a pair growled and stepped towards him. “What are these?!” Dust cleanly dodged a hoof as he reared back, throwing his arms up to block another swing as he barely glanced in Dark’s direction. “We haven't really had a chance to study them. All we know is they are evil, and apparently able to corrupt ponies.” “And you let me come with you?!” Dark side stepped away from one of the pegasi, stumbling a little as he tried to dodge. He squeaked as he saw the other one leap to pounce him, only to get taken out of the air by a green blur. “We did warn you,” Dust panted as he slid back, locking hooves with one of the pegasi. “You said you could defend yourself! So prove it!” Dark quickly looked at the last pegasus that was stalking towards him and backed up another step. Dark watched the pegasus step towards him to lunge at him and powered up his horn. He narrowly missed being tackled as he teleported to the side, his horn remaining glowing as he shot a stun beam at the pegasus. He took the moment to glance around, and saw Rose fending off a pair of pegasi, while Dust was defending himself against one. Crystal was dodging swings from the large sword that Quake had. Every blow she couldn't dodge, she’d bring up a shield that seemed to be getting weaker at each hit. Crystal grunted as she felt that last swing impact her shield, making it crack as Quake pressed his blade against it. She winced and lowered herself as he kept pressing, making her squint. “You can't keep this up forever, morphling!” Quake snarled as he pressed the blade further, more cracks appearing over her shield. He kept the pressure up for a few moments longer before pulling away and swinging one more time. She used that moment to reinforce her shield, and as the blade impacted the shield sparks flew. Crystal winced again, her eyes quickly gazing to her friends, each one in a bind themselves. She growled lowly and as he brought his sword back to swing again, she lowered herself and the shield. He grinned as he saw the shield drop, and swung down his blade right as she brought up a hoof to deflect it. The blade impacted the ground, getting lodged in it as Crystal swung a hoof to smack Quake upside the head. He grunted and stepped back, shaking his head as the pair failed to notice the ground start to crack. Quake reared back and thrust a hoof forward, making Crystal rear back as well to deflect it. Each hit that Quake threw, Crystal managed to deflect or dodge. But he kept pushing her back, away from her friends. Her arms were starting to ache as she deflected the last blow, Quake taking a few steps back after throwing it. “This ends here!” He growled as he lunged at her, she threw her hooves up and pushed back against him, feeling her hooves dig in the ground as he almost easily pushed her back. After a few moments she felt her hind legs buckle, and that was all it took for him to gain an advantage and push her back. When she stepped back from the push, her hoof found only air. Her eyes widened as his sneer only grew before her world went all wrong. She saw the cliff side up side down before she felt herself hit it and start rolling. The last thing she heard was Rose yelling her name before she blacked out.