The Silent Saviors

by AFestiveTaco77781

Discoveries and Confrontations

Our two heroes finally reached The Endless Forest, which is what Richard dubbed it on the ride back.

"Never thought I would be happy to see this forest again," he shook his head and smiled.

"Same," Coal replied and walked through the tree line.

The two walked through the forest at a steady trot in no particular direction, listening to the chirps of the sparrows and robins as they went about their business.

"So what do you think our options are right now?" Richard asked.

"What do you mean?" said Coal as he jumped over a fallen tree.

"Well, what do you think we should do? We aren't in America anymore. That's for sure. So what exactly should our course of action be?"

"Maybe we can make contact with the ponies. They seem nice enough," Coal ducked under a low hanging vine, with Richard doing the same.

"I don't know about that, Coal. Remember that small yellow one with wings? We know they talk. So that one probably ran her mouth all across town talking about us. Personally, I don't believe we are exactly dressed to look like we are friendly," Richard looked at his dark apparel, Coal's menacingly black coat, and his rifle.

"Yeah, guess you're right. We might be seen as a threat to their safety. Maybe we can just camp out in this forest and try to figure out what's going on. Try to see if we can get back home," Coal said.

"Sounds like a plan. Let's find that river again. Although, maybe camp in a different clearing this time," Richard added.

"What? I thought you liked wooden abominations in your sleeping area," Coal flashed a s**eating grin.

"I ought 'a turn you into glue, Coal," Richard rolled his eyes.

Coal laughed, and they were off.

"What the hay is this thing?" Twilight mumbled as she peered into the hollow tube. She had been trying to study the cylindrical tubes they had taken from the site and exploit its secrets, but she had found out next-to nothing. She set it down on the lab table and stared at each of the cylinders they had collected. What were these things and what was their purpose? No leads had been found as to what they were or where they came from. No clues of what had done all those things to the dogs came up. The only things they had found were weirdly shaped hoof-prints that led towards Ponyville, but disappeared upon reaching the beginning of the plains. She sighed and decided to head out of the lab. She would look at them again another time. Before leaving, she grabbed a clipboard with her data on it, put out the candles, and left the room.

She entered into the hallway of the castle and looked towards the throne room. Celestia had Twilight and her friends taken to Canterlot to analyze the data taken from the site. Closing the door to the lab, she heard the throne room door open to reveal Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. They both stepped out of the throne room, with Celestia coming over to Twilight and greeting her with a hug.

"Hello, Twilight. Have you been able to find anything about those metallic tubes?" she asked.

"A bit, Princess. Here's what I have," she levitated the clipboard to her face and read. "There were blackened residues inside of the tube that I swabbed and analyzed. The results came back identifying it as carbon and some kind of fine black powder of some sort. The casing is made out of brass. Aside from that, I wasn't able to determine much else," Twilight levitated the clipboard down and looked up at the Princesses.

"May I see these tubes, Twilight?" Luna asked.

"Yes, of course. Right this way," Twilight beckoned the Princesses over to the lab.

They filed in through the decorated door and walked to the lab table carrying the cartridges. Luna levitated one up to her eyes and studied them.

"I am just as baffled as to what they are as you are, Twilight Sparkle. We have found no suitable leads on who did it, so I was hoping these things could help us in our search. I suppose I was mistaken," Luna put down the casing and turned to see Twilight's friends filing in.

"Hey girls," she nodded towards their general direction and greeted them.

"Hey Twi! Whatcha lookin at?" Rainbow Dash.

"The Princesses and I were studying the brass tubes we recovered from the massacre, in hopes of finding out who or what did it and where to find them. Here, why don't you guys have a look? See if I missed anything," Twilight levitated the tubes over to the girls.

Upon seeing them, Fluttershy let out a huge gasp and ran to hide behind Rainbow Dash, shaking all the while.

"Fluttershy, what's wrong?" Twilight looked behind her to Fluttershy.

"Those tubes. I've seen them before,"

"Where? Do you have any information about them? What are they?" Twilight smiled in a goofy, studious grin only achievable by a massive nerd.

"No, but I know who they belong to. Twilight, do you remember that creature from the Everfree that saved me I told you about?"

"Yes, I remember. But what does it have to do with these?" Twilight levitated the tubes back down on the table as Pinkie and Rarity began to study them.

"When its thunder stick went off, it would flip this switch on the top and these things would pop out of the back of the stick. It was so... scary," Fluttershy backed out of Twilight's shadow and returned to her original position by the door.

"It appears we have found our lead, Luna," Celestia said.

"Apparently so. What do you suppose we do, Celestia?" Luna looked up at her sister.

"I appreciate what this creature did for our ponies in Ponyville. However, we don't know if it will attack the town like the dogs did. So, I was thinking of sending a platoon of guards there for extra safety until we find out more information about this thing," Celestia looked back to the tubes once more.

"Sounds like a logical course of action, 'Tia. Let's do it," Luna replied.

"Good. Girls, I think it be best that you be on your way to Ponyville again. We will send the guards tomorrow and they will arrive the day after tomorrow. However, I think we shall accompany you to Ponyville, to reassure our ponies that we will protect them. You all don't mind chariots right?" Celestia turned to Twilight.

"Not at all, Princess," Twilight nodded.

"Then let us all be off."

"My next move has gotta be dinner," Richard looked down at his grumbling stomach as he sat in a small clearing by the river they had decided to set up camp in. He rose from his spot near the shore and grabbed his rifle and ammunition.

"You going hunting?" Coal looked up from his grazing with a mouthful of grass between his teeth.

"Yup. I'll be back in a bit. Stay safe, Coal," he jumped over a log and sprinted off.

Richard ran through the forest, rifle firmly grasped in his calloused hand. He figured he would start closer to the town and work his way through. Perhaps not to find game, but really, just to spy out the town and try to figure out just what situation he was thrown into. He mantled over a rather large fallen tree and noticed something odd about this one. This one had pulled up from the ground, with its roots sticking out, and multiple cracks lay throughout the trunk. A large crack lay in the middle of the tree, as if something had stepped on it or had been knocked into it. Just above where the tree lay was a massive paw-print that could easily fit one of the ponies into. Richard perspired a bit at the sight of the print. Whatever had made this was huge, and he really didn't want to cross paths with it anytime soon.
Note to self, avoid this area from now on. Rich decided.

Richard continued on his way to the edge of the forest. Eventually, he came to his destination, which sat at the edge of the treeline and became plains of grass. In his sight stood the town of Ponyville, with all the bustle and life of any town. Still a really dumb name... he thought to himself. He decided to climb a tree to achieve a better vantage point and came to rest on a sturdy and firm pine branch. And thus, he began his stalking.

From what he could see, most of the ponies were doing what any other townsfolk would be doing. Retrieving water from wells, buying supplies at shops, some were tending to crops near the outskirts of the town. However, the sky was oddly active with the winged ponies. Richard stared in awe as they effortlessly moved clouds out of the late afternoon sky and away from the sun. One was walking on it and conversing with another one of the winged ponies. Note to self, winged ponies control weather and walk on clouds. Not like this place is any more weird. Why am I even surprised? he thought to himself.

At of the corner of his eye, he saw three large flying objects descending out of the east. He turned his gaze to it and was further baffled by this land's distinct middle finger to physics. Three chariots were coming out of the sky, with two winged ponies in golden and silver armor pulling them. In the backs of each of the chariots were three ponies, each looking different then the other. I'm no scientist, but shouldn't they be falling out of the sky right now?

The chariots came down into the town square and settled by the fountain. The occupants stepped out from the back and gathered by the now enlarged crowd that came to meet them. The ponies of the air even flew down to the ground to see what was going on in the square. If they care an awful lot, then I probably should too. Rich climbed down from the tree and ran through the plains. He came to one of the buildings in the square and climbed up to the roof. With no winged ponies in the air, he was sure that he wouldn't be spotted. He peaked over the roof's edge and watched one of the ponies step forward. It was massive in comparison to the others, easily to his shoulders, not including the horn. A shining ivory made up its coat with its mane in many different colors flowing freely in the air. And most weird of all, this one happened to have both a horn and wings. Some sort of hybrid maybe? Many of the ponies all faced towards this new arrival and bowed to it. Looks like royalty. He huddled himself in his hiding spot and began to listen to the pony's words.

"Ponies of Ponyville! I bring good news to you! The dogs that attacked the town have been slain and the food that was taken has been restored to its rightful owners!"

Cheers and applause rang out of the crowded square. The white one waited for them to settle once more before continuing.

"However, there might be a new threat to the town once more. We have reason to believe that a new dangerous and deadly creature has taken up residence in the Everfree forest. We believe that it was singlehoofedly responsible for the slaughter of the dogs."

This was received with groans, gasps, and worried glances to the white pony.

"This creature is believed to be very technologically advanced. We know that it carries a stick in its hand that can kill anything from a very far range. So from this point forward, I am instating a no-travel zone in the Everfree forest. Nopony is permitted to travel through its bounds without a guard escort and permission from Mayor Mare. This is for the safety of the town and your safety. Luna and I are also stationing two platoons of guards here to provide extra protection to the town. Rest assured! We have everything under control!"

The ponies gave a collective cry of relief and settled themselves once more. Richard slumped down from the edge of the roof, laid himself back on the thatch, and adjusted his hat. They knew about him. What could have tipped them off to him? Did he leave footprints? Did someone hear him? Was Coal's hooves too lo-- Richard was stunned as he remembered what he had left behind. His spent casings. He had left his spent cartridges all around the sand dunes and never bothered to pick them up. They merely had to find them and connect the dots.

The ponies looked about ready to wrap up their meeting, so Richard left in a hurry so as not to be seen. He would have to be more careful with when he went out for food. Nice as the ponies may look, he didn't want to find out how they would react to him, specially the ones with horns. Evening was starting to come, so Richard decided once again to detour to the cottage by the path. He felt conflicted once more as he was stealing from the owner. Not only that, with enough of the animals taken, one of the ponies would notice. He would have to stop eventually.

He arrived at the cottage and began to spy out the animal coops again. Might as well get another chicken again. But as he approached, the animals got wind of him, and started to flip out. He ran through the maze of coops, rushing clumsily towards the chicken coop. He reached it and jumped over the enclosure to grab a hen. But over on the side of the cottage, he heard voices. Pony voices. Quickly, he tried to snatch one of the chickens and make his escape. The chickens, however, had all gathered themselves in their wooden home and hid themselves away. He turned himself and spied two ponies turning the corner of the house. He was too late. The two ponies turned their heads and gasped at the sight of him. One was purple, with a horn jutting out from its head. The other, Richard surprisingly saw, was the smaller yellow one that he had saved from those wooden abominations.

Richard wasted no time and bolted for the forest, mantling over the metal caging of the chicken coop. The yellow one became scared and ran off towards the town. The purple one, however, gave chase to him, and was charging something on her horn. Whatever it was, Richard did not want to be receiving it, so he renewed his dash and ran faster as he strapped his rifle to his back. Looking forward, he saw a massive, sparkling purple barrier spontaneously appear in front of him, blocking his way. Acting quickly, he turned his shoulder to the wall and body-checked it. The shield faltered away and broke from Richard's assault. Another one appeared as he neared the treeline. He came to it and punched it with all his might. It too fell away from his attack, and he sprinted onward. The purple pony, however, refused to let up and sprinted even faster toward him. It was in full gallop, and it being a horse, it was only a matter of time before it caught up to him. As Rich reached the treeline, he rolled on the ground, pulling his rifle out while rolling, took up a crouched position, and fired his rifle into the pony's leg. Instantly, the pony fell, crying out in pain as it plummeted towards the ground. Richard could see one of the winged ponies flying through the sky towards him, so he began his run again and ran further into the forest. He had to find Coal and tell him about what happened and what he had learned.

Richard disappeared into the forest, running all the way, hoping he hadn't injured the pony too badly, and never looking back.