Where Is My Love?

by TheMyth

Epilogue - Ten Years Later...

Running through the dark forest, a single unicorn mare galloped hard, fearing for her life. With the thick canopy above she couldn’t find anyway to see the stars to navigate, the creatures pursuing her moving impossibly fast in the night and relentless in their chase.

Finally breaking into a clearing, she looked up to get her bearings, turning slightly to her left,the east, and began running again, a grin smile coming to her face; soon she’d reach a small fishing village where she had a vessel moored. She had just made it to the treeline when she skidded to a halt, having seen a single golden eye in front of her reflecting the moonlight. She knew what kind of creature it was, and was deathly afraid of them, as most ponies who ran from them would be.

Something else tackled her from the side, and she was rolled over several times. When she came to a stop and her vision stopped swimming, she looked up into a pony’s snarling, fang-filled jaw. Knowing there was no way out, even though the pony that had her pinned was half her size, she let her head fall to the ground, her eyes focusing upon a slowly moving stallion.

“For an older mare, you certainly can run,” Deadeye said with a chuckle, slipping an anti-magic ring on the mare’s horn. “And I must say I am impressed... ten years it took me to find you.” Pulling out a piece of parchment from his armour, his cleared his throat and read aloud. “Shimmer Spark, for crimes against the Equestrian government, the use of forbidden blood magic... and masterminding the murders of Lady Silver Lining and Prince Noble Heart, I am here to carry out your sentencing,” Deadeye said as the younger Katakan leaned closer with a growl.

"Equestria has no death penalty," Shimmer shouted, causing the elder stallion to chuckle again. "At the very most, I'll get life!"

"Yes, well... a royal pardon has been issued," Deadeye remarked, a feeling of grim anticipation filling him as the mare began to smile. "Oh, it's not for you... it's for him."

“The Platinum-Hooves send their regards,” the young Katakan said, then, with a nod from Deadeye, bit down on her neck and twisted his jaw, being rewarded by a sickening crack. The Katakan then moved to sit next to the elder one as two other Lunar Corps ponies took the ex-pony away.

"Good, clean kill there, colt,” Deadeye said, ruffling the other pony’s mane. “Come, let us get back before we are late.”

“Late for what, father?” the colt asked.

Dinky stood still as Rarity put the finishing touches to her mane, then floated the white lace veil over the younger unicorn's head. There was a few solid but gentle taps to the door, Dinky taking a deep breath before nodding to her best mare, Twist, who opened the door.

A single unicorn stallion entered the room, walking over and giving the young mare in white a loving nuzzle. The group of mares slowly filtered out, until one extra remained. She kept her eyes locked with the stallion as she walked backwards, standing in the hall with the door handle in her magic.

“If you make her cry and ruin her make up, not even Celestia will be able to help you, BB.”

“That's right, I won't do a thing, my dear nephew,.” commented the solar princess as she trotted past the room.

Blueblood nodded in supplication to Rarity, also pleading with his eyes to his aunt, who was stood just behind the alabaster unicorn, then the door was closed. Turning back to the young mare left alone with him, Blueblood sat down and smiled at her, wrapping a foreleg around her and pulling her close. “I never thought I'd see this day, but I want to say something I will never tire of saying; Dinky, my beautiful daughter, I love you.”

“I love you too, daddy.”

“Now, are you sure you want to go through with this. I'm sure we could still find somepony amongst the nob-” He was cut off by a hoof being put over his muzzle, Dinky giving him a death glare and looking just like her mother.

“Firstly, I love Pip. Secondly, mom wasn't a noble when you married her, was she?” Dinky pulled her hoof away and stared at her father with a raised eyebrow, the stallion giving a deep sigh.

“No... No, she isn't. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. Just like I love your mother, you love that young stallion.” Both ponies’ ears pricked as music started playing, Blueblood moving near the door and offering his daughter a foreleg. “Now then, shall we get you wed?”

As they left the room, they were met by another pony, who bowed to both unicorns. Standing back up, Deadeye allowed a small smirk to show when Dinky threw her forelegs around his neck, giving him a peck on the cheek. “Uncle D, you made it!”

“Fell beast from Tartarus rampaging would not keep me away,” the Katakan replied, waiting to be released from the mare’s grip before standing on her left, as Blueblood was on her right, Deadeye just a bit behind the unicorns. The then trio began the march into Canterlot castle’s throne room.