Playing With Fire

by Timaeus

4. Smoldering Coals

The night and the party had worn on. Soon, very soon, the clock would chime. For much of the last hour, Rarity danced and pranced her way around the ballroom feeling as though fire was licking at her heels.

And, in a sense, it was.

All too often she felt Spitfire’s eyes on her, never too close but close enough to look over her shoulder and see a flash of gold or the flicker of her windswept and fiery mane weaving through the crowd. A smile, wink, and swish of her tail were what Rarity gave before she lost herself in a throng of ponies or slipped behind a column. What better way to coax a flame to its biggest and brightest than by teasing it until it blazed?

But now, with Spitfire nowhere in sight, Rarity allowed herself a glance at the grandfather clock and an all-too-satisfied smile. The ponies around her continued to talk, dance, and immerse themselves in the atmosphere of mystery and romance that pervaded the ball. Ten minutes to midnight, and already mares and stallions alike nestled close together, feeding the sparks they felt as they waited for the moment to reveal themselves at the first ring of the bell.

Not all would last, but for at least one night their masks could fall. Nobles, commoners, businessponies, guards—until dawn, none of titles mattered. A young mare, just beginning her tenure in the castle staff, could allow herself to be swept away by a wealthy aristocrat’s son. Or, Rarity thought with a swish of her tail, a seamstress could be carried off into the night by a Wonderbolt.

Standing on the tips of her hooves, Rarity squinted, peering over the crowd. She had lost sight of Twilight long ago, and there had been no sign of Spitfire since she ducked into the kitchens and crept back across the ballroom.

Ten minutes, and victory was hers.

Rarity giggled, a low, purring sound to her own ears, and wandered over to one of the open balcony doors. Cool night air slithered under her dress, bringing with it a shudder and the bristling of fur as she stepped out of the ballroom, away from the warmth, the music, and the prize she so dearly wished to claim.

Up above, Princess Luna’s stars twinkled and shone, bringing the night to wondrous life as the moon bathed the estate gardens in its pale light. Above the clamour of the string quartet and chatter of ponies inside, Rarity heard the trickling of water from the marble fountain in the middle of the garden. The water sprayed up from the spout in the centre of the fountain in a small arc in every direction before it coursed down the backs of a dozen marble swans. Each swan faced another, their necks slender and curved as they bent their heads down gently touch one another.

Rarity smiled at the sight. Walking further out onto the balcony, the din of the ball quieted to a lower, rumbling murmur as she rested her forelegs on the balcony railing and felt a cool breeze run over her face and into her mane. She cast her gaze over the gardens and allowed herself a sigh, one that escaped her mouth in a wispy billow of white fog.

There was no doubt in her mind that Spitfire was somewhere in the ballroom behind her, searching high and low for that which eluded her. A, dare Rarity say, wicked smile played over her lips. With less than ten minutes remaining, how panicked must her Wonderbolt be?

Lifting her hooves off of the cold, stone railing, Rarity turned around and stared back inside. The golden light of the chandeliers poured out, casting long shadows against a glowing white stone floor. Ponies of all shapes and sizes, wearing all manner of dress and design danced and talked and crooned within, but none that sought her.

With another giggle, she started a slow walk back to the warmth and comfort of the ballroom. The challenge was all but won. Surely she could give Spitfire a last, fleeting chance with the few minutes that remained.

She only froze when she heard the soft beating of wings and the clacking of hooves behind her.

Before she had a chance to react, she felt another’s presence beside her, trailing feathers down the small of her back. “There you are, you cheeky little mare,” a voice growled in her ear, every bit as rasping and smoky as she dared to imagine. A nip at the base of her ear followed, hitching her breath in her throat and sending her heart into a staccato rhythm. “You’re going to pay for playing cat-and-mouse with me like that all night.”

Rarity’s breath unhitched in a shrill, decidedly unladylike squeak. Her legs went into motion, working to spring her away from the wing that teased down her side. As she made to jump, however, a pair of hooves stronger than her own gripped her by the shoulders and spun her around.

In the blink of an eye, she found herself reeled in by a set of even stronger wings that wrapped around her back, blanketing her in their warm, feathery embrace. Though she squirmed, she only managed to press her hooves up against a fluffy, golden-furred chest belying the toned and firm muscle beneath.

Her captor’s hooves ran down her shoulders, drawing a shuddering breath from her throat. Licking her lips, she looked up and felt her mouth go wonderfully dry at the pair of beautiful amber eyes that dominated her vision. Her tail swished over the stone balcony and her hooves twisted the red fabric of the dress she gripped as she drowned in the burning desire and want the other’s gaze held.

The grin Spitfire wore was near-predatory. Her wings tightened, drawing the unicorn even deeper into her embrace. When she spoke again, her voice came out in a purr that sent tingles down Rarity’s spine. “Looks like I win.”

“Spitfire!” Rarity gasped, swallowing as she felt hooves massage their way down her barrel. Their grip was firm as they kneaded the fur and skin underneath her dress, making her knees quiver and quake as she leaned into Spitfire’s sturdy frame. “So good to finally see you tonight. Have you been looking for me long?”

The question made Spitfire’s eyes flash and drew a heated chuckle from her lips. “It’s good to see you, too, hon. You know as well as I do that you’ve had a real gas giving me the runaround all night.” Another growl, again in Rarity’s ear, made her want to swoon. “And it looks like I found you before midnight after all.”

The faint scent of smoke clung to Spitfire’s mane and Rarity breathed it in. The hooves roaming down her sides stopped, circled, and squeezed over her cutie mark. Biting her tongue, she leaned into the pegasus’ neck, allowing herself to sink into the sweet feelings of surrender. “Yes,” she murmured, “it appears you have.”

Another squeeze over her cutie mark and Spitfire pulled back enough to let Rarity drown in her gaze again. “Which means I think I’ve won my prize.”

A small smile flickered over Rarity’s face as she fluttered her eyelashes. “I believe you have.”

“I’m glad we agree.” A hot, delectable chuckle rumbled from Spitfire’s chest. Her smirk turned coy, though her eyes lost none of their glow. “Now, where’ve you put it, I wonder.”

Taking a breath to still her beating heart, Rarity closed her eyes and lost herself to the sensation of nuzzling into the tuft of fur poking out from the pegasus’ chest. An even fainter aroma of cinnamon greeted her and drew her in deeper. She felt more than heard an appreciative hum from Spitfire, prompting a smile as feathers tickled along her back. “Well, I did say that it would be ready for unwrapping should you find me, and I can guarantee that it is.”

Spitfire’s wings tensed and Rarity’s grin sharpened at the quickening of the beating of her heart. “I remember you saying something like that, yeah.”

“The only question,” Rarity said, leaning up to lick and nuzzle into the crook of Spitfire’s jaw, “is whether you’d like to unwrap your prize, or if you’d rather watch your prize unwrap itself.”

“Oh, so it’s an interactive prize, then?” Hot puffs of breath warmed Rarity’s ear. At the same time, she looked down to see Spitfire’s tail flick over, brushing loose strands of hair over her hindquarters. “Interesting.”

Rarity laughed and purred, a sound she ensured was every bit as enticing as it could be. “I promise it would be quite the show.”

“Tempting, but I think I’ve got something else in mind.” The feathers wrapped around her back fluffed and flexed and Spitfire raised her hooves, looping them under Rarity’s shoulders. Arching her brow, she looked up at her Wonderbolt and found a disturbingly familiar twinkle of mischief glimmer in her eye. “After everything you put me through tonight, I think I’ll be unwrapping my prize and savouring every second it’s squirming and mewling for more.”

Though Rarity believed every word, the accusation bloomed fresh heat under her fur. Outside, in the night, and under her mask, only Spitfire would see her blush, something she knew the pegasus would delight in. “A lady doesn’t mewl.”

“Maybe not, but a mare does. I’ve heard pretty little unicorns who bite off more than they can chew make the best mewlers. And,” Spitfire said, tightening her grip around Rarity’s back as her wings unfurled and pulled away, “I think I deserve a little peek before I take my prize back to my hotel.”

Rarity’s breath halted in her throat and her eyes widened. The heat from Spitfire’s gaze poured over her as it roamed freely over her body, drinking everything in from the curve of her hips to the slender arc of her neck. Her voice may have come out in a squeak, but she still managed, “Don’t you dare!”

Just then, almost as if perfectly timed, the grandfather clock inside the ballroom started to chime. Its bells rolled in a deep, basso gong that drowned out the sound of music and ponies in mid-conversation. At the same time, Spitfire flared her wings and lifted them off of the balcony with a few powerful pumps that took them over the gardens and in full view of the pale moon above.

A shriek may have pealed from Rarity’s lips, one that fell on deafened ears as the clock gonged within the estate. The shriek, however shrill, died off into a long, low, quaking gasp as a pair of lips left a trail of feathering kisses down her neck.

“Oh, I dare alright,” Spitfire said, her voice husky as she left another, longer kiss halfway down Rarity’s neck. “I’ve been daring all night to get you alone.”

“S-Spitfire—” The kisses continued down her neck and Rarity’s voice was stolen away. Instead, she wrapped her hooves around Spitfire’s neck and bit her tongue to stifle a whimper.

“For the last two hours, I’ve been daring, and I’ve been daring ever since you teased my wings with your magic in your shop a whole week ago.” One last kiss at the crook of her neck freed Rarity’s voice in a small moan. She felt Spitfire’s teeth tug at the shoulder strap of her dress, gently lifting it away to leave her coat bare to the night air. “This, you cheeky, naughty, dainty little unicorn, is comeuppance.”

Before Rarity had a chance to reply, Spitfire darted back up, silencing her gasps and stuttered replies with a kiss.

This, their first proper kiss, whisked Rarity’s breath away. Warmth flowed through her veins as she relished in the contact, tilting her head to the side as her hooves slowly crept up the back of Spitfire’s neck, pulling her in closer as she felt the other mare’s hooves twist around her waist.

The last chimes of the grandfather clock faded away as she gave into the kiss. Spitfire’s breath puffed against her cheek as she felt her coat, soft and like velvet, rub against her own. As time seemed to slow, she felt weightless in the firm, unyielding grip of the mare who held her.

One of Rarity’s hooves slipped around the back of Spitfire’s head, cupping her cheek as she opened her mouth and felt her captor’s lips move against hers. Slowly, her eyes fluttered closed as they continued their dance, every bit as flirtatious and teasing as they were.

Rarity only hesitated when she felt something warm and wet running over her upper lip. The second was all Spitfire needed to coax them open, sliding her tongue into her mouth to slowly and gently massage her own.

The moan came freely from her throat as she opened her mouth wide, teasing and poking along the side of Spitfire’s tongue before slipping beneath. The wings that held them aloft trembled and wavered, but that didn’t stop them from pulling each other in tighter until Rarity felt another’s heart beating against her chest.

When at last it ended, Spitfire licked her lips to clean off a tiny strand of drool that connected them. At the same time, Rarity nosed into her neck, leaving her own trail of fluffy kisses along her jaw as she neared her ear to whisper, “How fast can you get us to your hotel room?” A soft nibble drew a hissed breath. “I’ve been waiting for this for hours, too.”

Without another word, Spitfire’s wings flapped, carrying them beyond the gardens, leaving the estate and the last of the ball behind. Rarity kept her cheek pressed to the pegasus’ neck as they flew, whispering sweet nothings and little encouragements that should have been lost on the wind.

Yet, despite that, she felt Spitfire flap a little faster, pump her wings a little harder. Though, that may have been because of the single trail of magic Rarity sent running down her back, coaxing her in ways that words, for once, could not.

The flight to the hotel had been one of the quickest Rarity ever had. Up above, the night sky swept by in a blur of stars and constellations. She was certain that, in any other circumstance, she would linger with her soon-to-be lover’s wings wrapped around her so that they might gaze at the tapestry weaved by Princess Luna. Such an air of romance, sequestered by the veil of night and backlit by the soft lights of Canterlot below, was a fillyhood dream Rarity was not ashamed to carry with her to this day.

For the time being, though, she was quite content to be held aloft in Spitfire’s hooves. Warmth bloomed in her chest, making her feel a delightful combination of lightheaded and giddy as she pressed her muzzle into the pegasus’ neck, drowning in the scents of smoke, cinnamon, and the beginnings of sweat that clung to her fur.

Knowledge of what was to come yet still, of where they would soon be, fed that warmth. Just as it made her want to swoon and melt into Spitfire’s grasp, it rose into a heat that kept her hooves massaging along the shoulders that held her and fueled her magic tracing along the wings that kept them aloft. Anticipation bubbled in her core, more important than that starlit night above or any ponies that might have spotted them from below.

For now, at least, all that mattered was the mare that held her and the fire roaring between them. Everything else could wait for daybreak, when their fire would have cooled to a few lingering, smoldering embers.

“Hon,” Spitfire said, drawing a flick of the ear, “can you get the window? It’s unlocked. Penthouse suite coming up ahead.”

Craning her neck, Rarity indeed saw a hotel tower rising above the rest of Canterlot. Like much of the city, the building was carved of white stone that sparkled in the sunlight and glowed softly as it caught the moonlight from above and streetlights from below. The penthouse, she could see, had its curtains drawn and a light flickering within.

With a grin that was much too coy for any other situation, she lit her horn as they neared the hotel. “Of course. I see somepony was quite confident about how tonight was going to go.” Nosing her way back into Spitfire’s fur, she licked and nuzzled a spot near the crook of her neck. Now that their flight had slowed, the pegasus’ sharp intake of breath was not lost on the wind. At the sound, Rarity purred and repeated the movement, drawing a gasp and shiver that made both of their tails swish from side to side.

Something between a growl and a purr rumbled deep in Spitfire’s chest. “A Wonderbolt never loses.”

Just as Rarity’s magic finished undoing the latch and pushing the window open, the unicorn lost all concentration as a set of blunt teeth found her ear and bit down gently. Her grip tightened around Spitfire’s shoulders as they flew into the penthouse. “That,” she said, licking the spot where she bit, “was for everything you’ve been doing this whole flight.”

Rarity barely paid the penthouse any mind, far too enraptured in the moment to care. A plush couch floated by in the corner of her eye, as did a table and fireplace. Another nip on her other ear scattered any other details from her mind and she deigned to pout up at Spitfire. “And what was that one for?”

Spitfire’s grin was something both sincere and heated, warm and mischievous. “For being beautiful.”

Any other time, Rarity would have found some quip, flirtatious or not, to respond with. Tonight, she allowed herself to bask in the flutter her heart gave at the earnest and heat-filled tone Spitfire’s voice carried. Her tail brushed against the smooth, soft feeling of bed sheets and she kissed the crook of the pegasus’ neck, murmuring her thanks as she pressed her muzzle into the soft, velvety fur.

A moment later, she felt herself lowered down onto the bed. The mattress and comforter were soft, perhaps soft enough to appease even those picky pegasi who slept in the skies. Her head rested on a pillow as comfortable as a cloud for hardly a second before she leaned up, capturing Spitfire’s lips in another kiss.

Tilting her head to the side, Rarity let out a content sigh through her nose and surrendered herself to Spitfire’s advances. Soon, she felt the pegasus’ weight settle over her and a teasing swipe at her lip, goading her to open her mouth and be drawn even deeper into the embrace she so desperately wanted more of.

Through the fabric of her dress, she felt Spitfire’s primaries trail down her sides, prompting her to arch her back and press their bellies together. Chuckling through the kiss, the pegasus flicked her tail, entwining it with Rarity’s as her hooves found and fumbled with the straps of her dress.

It was only with a soft growl that Spitfire ended the kiss, pulling away enough to lick the tip of Rarity’s snout. “Mind helping me with my dress?”

Rarity gazed into the pair of amber eyes staring down at her, drowning in the warmth and the need that burned within and spread a bright blush across her muzzle. She lit her horn and smiled as the bright blue aura of her magic enveloped over the mare above her. “Why, Spitfire,” she said as the fastenings of Spitfire’s dress came undone, “I thought you’d never ask.”

An equally wicked and wanton grin was Spitfire’s reply as her dress loosened around her. She only moved to allow Rarity’s magic to lift the dress over head and set it with care on a chair in the corner of the bedroom. Their masks followed suit, lifting off of their faces in the aura of magic. Passion or no passion, her work would not be sullied, no matter how stunning the pony that captured her was.

And what a sight that pony was. Spitfire shook out her mane as her dress was pulled away. As her coat was freed, Rarity took great liberty in running her hooves up and down the pegasus’ frame. She felt the taut, corded muscle underneath the smooth, soft goldenrod coat and fully let herself tremble as she hovered her grip over flamelicked cutie marks.

“Thanks, Rarity.” Spitfire’s voice was low, heated, and only for her ears. She leaned down, rubbing her coat over Rarity’s dress. The unicorn bit her lip, stifling a whine and wanting nothing more than to remove that last barrier between them, to feel Spitfire’s warmth spilling over onto her. “Now, let me return the favour.”

The words had hardly left Spitfire’s lips before Rarity felt her teeth graze along her shoulder, nearing the strap of her dress while the hooves that caressed her sides wrapped around her barrel. She was all too happy to arch her back, pressing her belly to the mare’s above her and granting easier access to the zipper of her dress.

All the while, she kept her hooves and her magic working, sending little, wordless encouragements as she kneaded the base of Spitfire’s wings, teased along her outstretched feathers, and groped the flank that was at last in her grasp. For the moment, she let the glamour of her lady and socialite she carried with her drop as she panted in her Wonderbolt’s ear. “Please.”

The need in that one word made Spitfire tremble. Her tail swished out to the side before it mingled with strands of royal purple on the bedspread below. Her breath was hot on Rarity’s fur and her growl rumbled deep in her chest. “You know,” she said, trailing her hooves down the unicorn’s back and pulling her dress up to her cutie mark, “I’m tempted to just tear this thing off of you.”

Though Rarity shuddered at the feeling of the cooler open air meeting her bristling hot coat, she managed to glare down at the pegasus kissing along her shoulder and nipping gently around her dress’ shoulder strap. What felt like fire coarsed under her fur, and while she may have wanted nothing more than to free herself of her garment and feel Spitfire on her, she had enough sense say in the most serious, threatening voice she could muster, “Don’t you dare.”

At her tone, Spitfire chuckled. Her amber eyes flicked up to meet hers, glowing and warm and gorgeous. “I thought we’ve been over this, hon. I dare.” She crawled back up Rarity’s prone form, hiking her dress higher up her waist as she went. “And you,” she added with a light, feathery kiss, “are mine. Didn’t you say I get to decide how I unwrap my prize?”

Before Rarity had a chance to retort, she felt the tips of primaries trail down her bare inner thighs, stealing her breath and her threat away and leaving not but a helpless gasp in their place.

The gasp turned to a whimper as she felt Spitfire’s weight settle over her, straddling her waist as her hooves cupped Rarity’s cutie mark. They squeezed and kneaded, groping and massaging in a way that left the unicorn squirming.

“You’ll love it.” Spitfire’s voice was everything hot and delicious that Rarity wanted as it washed over her ear. She could hear the grin in the pegasus’ voice and twisted the comforter in her hooves. Another chuckle made her bite the corner of her lip as amber eyes filled her vision once again. “You’re so hot when you want it.”

Rarity found her voice, the stuttering, heated mess that it was. “I believe the word you’re looking for is aroused.”

“Aroused, huh?” Spitfire smirked, rubbing her hooves farther up Rarity’s flank and pushing her dress up to her belly. “Yeah, I could’ve said that, but my way’s more fun. Speaking of—”

“Spitfire!” Rarity gasped out, lifting her hooves to Spitfire’s shoulders as the mare took her dress’ shoulder strap between her teeth. “Please.”

Spitfire blinked once. Then, with a softer, gentler smile, she released the fabric and found Rarity’s lips in a kiss that, while no less thrilling, brought with it less of the urgent heat that fed the flames between them.

When it ended, Rarity sighed as she felt Spitfire’s hooves push her dress farther and farther up her frame. “Okay, hon,” Spitfire said, nuzzling their noses together. “No dress ripping, but just for you.”

“Thank you.” Tilting her head to the side, Rarity pressed her lips to Spitfire’s again, sending out her tongue to swipe against the pegasus’ lips. The gesture brought a swish of her fiery red tail and a perk in her ears. “I promise I’ll show you my gratitude.”

Arching her back, Rarity lifted herself off of the bed just enough to let Spitfire ease her dress over her shoulders. With a little less care than the unicorn showed, she tossed the garment to the side. Any concern held over the dress’ wellbeing on the floor was short lived as their coats pressed flush together properly.

Now with nothing left between them, Rarity heard herself groan as Spitfire’s hooves took liberty in exploring every facet of her figure, wandering and teasing and groping from the curve of her rump, to the small of her back, and to the breadth of her shoulders. A kiss, renewed with heat and vigor, silenced both ponies as they lost themselves in each other.

They parted, only for Spitfire to trail a series of kisses, nips, and licks up along Rarity’s jaw line. “You are so crazy beautiful,” she said between kisses, nearing her ear with every word.

“And you,” Rarity said into Spitfire’s ear, entwining their tails together, “are gorgeous, Spitfire.”

She felt Spitfire pause just shy of her ear. The hot air that washed over it with every panted breath made it flick, and then Rarity heard her Wonderbolt chuckle once more. “Thanks. I don’t hear that too often.”

Though a fire raged under her fur and stoked her loins, Rarity forced it aside to cup Spitfire’s cheek with her hoof. Slowly, she drew the pegasus’ gaze to hers, and smiled a gentle, genuine smile. “And that, my darling, is a crime. You are beautiful, Spitfire. It’s something you deserve to hear, and something I am happy to tell you.”

Spitfire’s muzzle, already flushed with desire, seemed to turn the slightest bit redder. Her eyes, fogged over yet burning bright, glanced to the side. “Now you’re going to make me blush? Really?”

A tittering if heated laugh bubbled from Rarity’s lips as she nosed into Spitfire’s cheek. “A lady always knows the opportune moment to compliment.”

“Yeah, and a pegasus always returns the favour.” Spitfire tilted her head to the side, pressing their cheeks together. The mixed scents of smoke, cinnamon, sweat, and something decidedly mare and decidedly Spitfire filled Rarity’s senses, drawing a purr from her throat and a twitch from her tail. “And I plan on returning the favour, hon. I can’t wait to see you blush when you’re not just turned on.”

Another laugh, this one quieter, sounded from Rarity’s throat. She traced small circles on Spitfire’s chest, slowly stoking the fire between them as they rubbed their bellies together. “Is that so?”

“Oh yeah.” Spitfire’s teeth grazed over the base of her ear, making Rarity’s breath catch. “Watching you blush while we’re out to dinner tomorrow is going to be the highlight of my day. Well,” she added, nipping a little bit harder and drawing the slightest of squeaks, “depending on what our morning’s like.”

Rarity blinked, sorting through the sensations Spitfire poured over her body. “Dinner?”

“Yes,” Spitfire said, licking the spot she nipped. “Dinner. And then another one after that.” She punctuated the statement with a roll of her hips, prompting Rarity to moan as she felt a spot of heat nearing her own. “And, say, what are you doing next weekend?”

“Wh-what are you proposing?”

More kisses and nips followed as Spitfire worked her way back down to Rarity’s lips, capturing them in another kiss that left the unicorn helpless. She opened her mouth, granting the pegasus above her free access, something she was delighted to have taken advantage of.

“What does it sound like, Rarity?” Spitfire asked, tracing her tongue over Rarity’s lip, hardly a hair’s breadth away. “Trust me, I’ve been thinking about this long and hard all week. You’re all mine, and I think I’d like to keep it that way.”

Through the fire and want, Rarity found the will to press her hoof to Spitfire’s chest, stilling the rocking of her hips. Slowly, she pushed the pegasus up enough to meet her gaze, fully aware of the flushed, wanton, and panting mess she gleefully let herself become.

Rarity took a deep breath, bringing some semblance of order to her thoughts as she pushed herself up. “Do you mean that?” she asked, searching Spitfire’s frowning face. “Do you seriously intend to court me, Spitfire?”

Again, Spitfire blinked, and again, she smiled. Leaning in, she pressed her lips to Rarity’s. The kiss was chaste, but still the unicorn couldn’t help but flutter her eyes shut and lean into it.

“Yes,” Spitfire whispered. There was something open and exposed about her smile when they broke apart, bringing her eyes to life in a way that Rarity had yet to see. “I’d have to be some special kind of crazy to risk letting somepony else come in and sweep you off your hooves after tonight.”

A new, blooming warmth spread from Rarity’s chest, one that spread to the tips of her hooves. If she were anypony else, she may have allowed a goofy, smitten smile to wobble over her lips. Instead, she permitted a smaller, affectionate smile. “Come now, flattery?”

“It’s not flattery.” Another kiss, this one deeper and longer, and Rarity felt her forelegs shake as they struggled to hold her upright. Spitfire’s hoof wound down her leg, finding and wrapping around a trembling, snowy white hoof. They eased back down to the bed, hooves and tails entwined.

Rarity felt a pair of downy wings poke under her back, pulling her flush against Spitfire’s chest. “If you’re all mine, then I’m all yours, too. If you’ll have me, I mean.”

This particular smile Rarity felt tugging on her lips may have been goofy, but she hid it by leaning up to lick the tip of Spitfire’s snout. “I think you know what my answer is.”

“Maybe.” Spitfire’s grin was a damnable thing, but the hooves that went back to massaging Rarity’s haunches and hovering over her dock were magical. “But I want to hear you say it, hon. Will you go out with me?”

“Yes,” Rarity gasped, shaking as the heat coursing through her returned, stoked to new heights. Through it all, she held Spitfire’s gaze, hers a bright, sapphire blue that surrendered to the burning amber holding them captive. “And maybe you will be all mine another night,” she said, pecking Spitfire’s lips, “but tonight I’m all yours.”

Spitfire purred, shifting her weight so that their hips met. “Yes, yes you are.”

With one last wicked grin, Rarity lit her horn. Her magic ran down the lengths of Spitfire’s wings, drawing an audible gasp and visible tremor from her Wonderbolt. “Good. Now, do you plan on making good on that?”

No more words were spoken. With a hungry, needing growl, Spitfire caught Rarity’s lips in a kiss that had the unicorn at her mercy. Hooves and wings reached seemingly everywhere, feeding a fire that centered between her legs.

The soft, velvety fur of Spitfire’s stomach and hips meshed with her own, and Rarity moaned into the pegasus’ mouth. Her eyes soon slid shut, content to savour each and every sensation as it coursed through her body and content to surrender herself entirely.

After all, every mare deserved a little relaxation every now and then, didn’t they?