by Azure Sandora

04: Do you want to be my friend too?

Theme Song: With the Wind

04: Do you want to be my friend too?

It was dark by the time Pinkie Pie got home. Fluttershy's place was a little out of the way, but she didn't mind the walk. Actually, it was a nice way for her to clear her head. She had so many complicated thoughts after seeing Fluttershy. She had no idea how much pain she was in. She even pushed her Digimon partner away.

Although, it looked like they had just met, not like how it was with her Digimon.

“Everyone, I'm home,” Pinkie Pie called out at the door, taking her shoes off.

“Pinkie Pie!” a youthful voice called out. A second later, a tiny dragon like Digimon with a white metallic body and red cape with goggles ran up to her. Pinkie Pie knelt down and hugged him.

“Hey Hackmon. Sorry I'm so late,” Pinkie Pie said.

“It's alright. Maud's already putting the finishing touches on dinner,” Hackmon said with a big smile, “She's in the kitchen setting the plates.”

Hackmon guided Pinkie Pie into the kitchen, where her older sister was setting up a dinner table with three plates of spaghetti.

“Hey Maud!” Pinkie Pie chirped. Maud set the plates down and smiled softly to Pinkie Pie. She didn't talk much, but she was a great legal guardian for Pinkie Pie.

“So, what kept ya anyway?” Hackmon asked sitting at the table and digging into his plate of food.

“I had to make sure a friend was okay,” Pinkie Pie said, hugging her big sister before sitting down at the table herself, “Sorry for not calling ahead of time, you two.”

Maud shook her head, “It's fine, Pinkie Pie. Did they get home safely?”

“Yeah, she did,” Pinkie Pie said, frowning as she thought of how upset Fluttershy was, “But… I think my friend is in a lot of turmoil.”

“Is it a bad Digimon?” Hackmon asked, “I bet I can protect her.”

“Hackmon, you know how Pinkie Pie feels about violence,” Maud lightly scolded, “Besides, I don't think that's the turmoil Pinkie Pie's thinking about.”

“Not… exactly,” Pinkie Pie said, setting her fork down and thinking about what happened at school today. She saw the fight against Kabuterimon, and was really disturbed that it came to the school. At this rate, she wouldn't be able to dodge it.

After dinner, Pinkie Pie took Hackmon up to her room where she shared with him everything that happened today.

“See? What did I tell you?” Hackmon said sitting on Pinkie Pie's bed, “Now that the rift has opened here, more Digimon are going to start attacking this place.”

“What do you want to do, Hackmon?” Pinkie Pie asked, sitting on her bed too and hugging her knees, afraid of his answer.

“I want to fight,” Hackmon said seriously, “I want to become a strong Digimon and protect my family. Both you, Maud, and everyone back home,” he walked over to Pinkie Pie and took her hand, looking at her earnestly, “Please Pinkie Pie, let me fight.”

“I…” Pinkie Pie looked away biting her lip, “I don't know, Hackmon… I'm a pacifist.”

“I know, but the infected Digimon aren't,” Hackmon said seriously, “You said that girl had a Digimon too, right? What if she gets attacked by another evil Digimon, and those other two tamers can't help her?”

“You could get hurt though,” Pinkie Pie said hugging Hackmon, “You're not just my Digimon partner, Hackmon. You're my brother.”

“That's why I want to fight, Pinkie Pie,” Hackmon said returning the hug, “So I can protect my sister.”

Pinkie Pie hated this. She knew that Hackmon was right, and this confirmed it. However, she was terrified of what could happen to him if he fought. She didn't want her brother to get hurt, or worse, killed.

Just like Maud's partner…

School was uneventful as usual. Fluttershy already knew everything the teacher was talking about, so she was only paying attention halfway. She hadn't seen or spoken to Rarity just yet, but that fit her just fine. She still wasn't sure if she was going to take her and Applejack up on their offer.

Besides, tonight she had somewhere else to be.

One thing that caught her attention was Rainbow Dash. She kept snickering to herself, and every so often she'd look at Fluttershy with a sort of odd expression. Fluttershy thought it was odd, but she didn't pay it much mind.

After school ended, Fluttershy shot up from her chair and ran out of the classroom.

“Fluttershy, wait up!” Rainbow Dash called out, shooting up and running after her, stopping at their lockers, “Hey, um, I wanted to talk to you about yesterday. That device you-”

“No time,” Fluttershy said closing her locker, “I have someplace to go.”

She pushed past Rainbow Dash and ran out of the school, vaguely sure that she heard Rainbow Dash calling out to her. This was a big day for her. She wasn't sure if it would work, but she still had to take this chance. Besides, it wasn't like Rainbow Dash had anything important to say.

Rainbow Dash ran out of the school and looked around. How could anyone run that fast in heels?!

“Damn it Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash swore, pulling out her Digivice, “Hold on, if I'm right, then…” she pushed a button on the Digivice revealing what looked like a map that showed a red dot running deeper into the city, “Bingo! Veemon, I got her!”

Veemon jumped down from a tree and ran over to Rainbow Dash, “I saw her too. She ran off in that direction,” he said pointing to the city.

“That matches with the radar app,” Rainbow Dash said with a smirk, “Let's go, partner.”

“Right!” Veemon shouted, jumping on Rainbow Dash's back as she ran into the city. She wasn't going to keep being left behind. Now that she knew what was up, Rainbow Dash was determined to talk to Fluttershy. There was just so much about her that didn't add up, and Rainbow Dash wanted to figure her out.

Fluttershy let Guilmon hover around school, simply so she could lead him to the large Umbra Corp building. Once there, she and Guilmon looked up at the large 50 story building, the Umbra Corp insignia etched on the front of the building. Not too many people were around, so Guilmon didn't attract too much attention.

“Is this the place, Fluttershy?” Guilmon asked. Fluttershy tightened her fists as she glared at the building.

“Yes, this is it,” Fluttershy seethed, “This is the place that killed my Mom.”

Guilmon's eyes narrowed at the building, “Something about this place feels wrong. I can't put my claw on it, but something feels off about this place.”

“That's all I needed to know,” Fluttershy said, “Follow me.” She and Guilmon ran off to the side of the building, where there was an old transformer. She forced it open and then pulled out her laptop, hooking it up to the transformer.

“What are we going to do?” Guilmon asked.

“I want to hack into their personal files and steal their employee records,” Fluttershy said, “However, I can't get in there with their security as tight as it is. That's where you come in, Guilmon.”

“But, the virus wasn't completed when it turned into me, right?” Guilmon asked, “Do you think it's complete now?”

“It isn't,” Fluttershy said pulling out her Digivice and opening a screen that showed a circular gauge that was filled part of the way and the number 25% in the middle, “I already checked it. However, I have a theory, and if I'm right, then with the Digital Hazard now effectively alive, you should be able to use it in small bursts.”

“Oh, I think I know what you're saying!” Guilmon said with a smile, which he then looked to the side and then pouted, “Wait… I'm still confused.”

Fluttershy rolled her eyes, “In other words, you can use the Digital Hazard in small bits and damage Umbra Corp's network enough where I can get in.”

“Okay, I think I know what you mean this time,” Guilmon said nodding.

Fluttershy pulled up her holographic keyboard and began typing on it, “So Rarity and Applejack used this to manipulate the data of their partners?” she chuckled to herself shaking her head, “Casuals. They're not thinking big enough.”

Guilmon stood over Fluttershy's shoulder watching her in awe. She had spent all morning experimenting with it and learning all of it's functions.

“The Digivice's function is primarily to interface with the connected Digimon,” Fluttershy continued, “I realized when I saw a Digital Hazard counter on mine. With this, I can manipulate your data and allow you to use it in any way you see fit.”

“You figured out all of this?” Guilmon asked, “You're a genius, Fluttershy!”

“Tell me something I don't know,” Fluttershy said with a smirk, “Altering Program! Hazard Level 1!” when she pushed the enter key, Guilmon's claws started sparking with red electricity, “Alright Guilmon, just do what comes naturally to you.”

Guilmon nodded to Fluttershy and walked over to the transformer. He then thrust his claws inside, sending the red electricity through it, “Is it working?”

“We'll know… in a minute…” Fluttershy said, putting her main focus on her laptop. She wasn't going to make a move until she saw that firewall go down.

“Mr. Sombra, it's an emergency!” Vinyl cried typing furiously on her keyboard, “Something is infecting our systems!”

“What?!” Sombra shouted running over to Vinyl, “Is it a Wild One?”

“I don't know!” Vinyl said, “I can't get a lock on where it-” she was cut off by Octavia screaming.

“Mr. Sombra! Our security is going down!” Octavia cried.

“Get that firewall back up immediately! Increase security!” Sombra commanded.

“I'm trying, sir, but it's falling too fast!” Octavia exclaimed.

“Firewall shutdown imminent in five, four, three, two, one…” Vinyl said, wincing as she knew what was about to happen.

“YES!” Fluttershy cheered as the firewall fell, “Guilmon, you and I are officially best friends!”

“Don't, celebrate yet…!” Guilmon grunted, visibly straining, “I don't know, how long I, can hold this!”

“Just hold out for a few minutes,” Fluttershy requested getting to work, “I'm just going to grab a few things while the doors are open. They won't miss a few files.”

“Someone is hacking into our personal files!” Octavia said, “They're copying our employee data!”

“Identify the source!” Mr. Sombra ordered, “Even if we can't stop them, we can at least figure out where they are!”

“Sir, the IP address can't be read!” Vinyl said, “All I'm seeing are a string of blank characters!”

“Blank characters…?” Sombra asked, eyes widening in shock, “Zero! She's nearby!”

“Mr. Sombra, I'm detecting a strange signal coming from right outside at the left entrance,” Octavia said, “I think Zero's out there!”

Sombra pulled out a cellphone, “Head out to the left entrance! Apprehend Zero now!” he hung up and gritted his teeth, “I'm not letting you get away with this, Zero!”

“Fluttershy!” Guilmon cried, “Losing it!”

“Please hold on for a few more seconds!” Fluttershy said, “I almost have everything that I-” she cut herself off hearing something from the door nearby, “Shit! He's calling security here!”

“Can't, hold, it!” Guilmon said, eyes closed tightly and teeth gritted from the exertion.

“And… done! Guilmon, release it! We need to go NOW!” Fluttershy cried. Guilmon let go, and Fluttershy took his clawed hands and ran off, just in time as the door shot open revealing four security guards.

Unknown to everyone, Twilight stood behind a corner watching Fluttershy and Guilmon run away. She narrowed her eyes, and then walked off

“Firewall is back online,” Vinyl said, sounding both relieved and nervous.

“Security found no one,” Octavia said with a sigh, “I'm sorry, Mr. Sombra. Zero got away.”

“Damn it!” Sombra shouted slamming his fists on a wall, “How much did she copy?”

“Not sure,” Octavia said, “She was too fast.”

“Just who is she?” Vinyl asked, “How was she able to disrupt our entire network like that?”

“The only way would be if she somehow managed to interface with us directly,” Sombra said thoughtfully, “If that's the case then... Vinyl, Octavia, I want the two of you to begin tracking any live users. Chances are we're dealing with a Digimon Tamer.”

“Yes sir,” both women said, saluting in unison. As they got to work, Sombra walked off biting his thumb. He knew of Zero, but this was the first time she had ever attacked their company directly. Normally she just stole money or expensive pieces of data, but this was personal.

She had a reason for doing this, and Sombra needed to know what said reason was. Figure out that, and he could figure out who she was and have her arrested.

Fluttershy and Guilmon sat down in the park behind a tree catching their breaths. Once she was sure they were safe, Fluttershy grabbed Guilmon and hugged him laughing.

“Oh my God, that was great!” Fluttershy cheered, “Thank you so much Guilmon!” she then started kissing him all over his face.

“F-Fluttershy! This is embarrassing!” Guilmon cried, laughing all the same. She stopped and st in front of him, holding him by the shoulders and looking him in the eyes.

“This is the closest I've gotten to figuring out what happened to my Mom,” Fluttershy said, smiling more genuinely than ever, “Guilmon, thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

Guilmon looked at Fluttershy shocked for a second, but then smiled in return, “Anytime Fluttershy. That's what partners are for.”

Before they could say anything else though, a dense fog shot out of the ground in the park. Fluttershy and Guilmon turned to it and shot up.

“Guilmon, is that?” Fluttershy asked.

“A digital field! Digimon are going to appear out of there!” Guilmon said. Fluttershy looked around, seeing people run out of the park in fear. With how open the park was, any Digimon would eventually leave.

“Guilmon, let's go,” Fluttershy said, “We, we have to do something!”

Guilmon nodded to Fluttershy smiling, “Yeah! Let's do it!”

play song

Fluttershy and Guilmon ran into the Digital Field, where they saw a giant dragonfly looking Digimon flying around the field. Fluttershy pulled out her Digivice and scanned it.





“Another flying one,” Fluttershy said, “This could be tough by ourselves.”

“Fluttershy, look out!” Guilmon shouted. Fluttershy looked up just in time to see Yanmamon fly down toward her apparently trying to bite her. She jumped out of the way landing next to Guilmon, who immediately got in front of her, “FIRE BALL!” he shouted, shooting fireballs out of his mouth at Yanmanon. It flew out of the way of some, but then got hit by the last one.

Guilmon rushed toward Yanmamon and jumped up, prepared to attack with his claws. However, an electric shot knocked Guilmon to the side into a tree.

“Guilmon, no!” Fluttershy cried. She then looked behind her to see another Yanmamon fly up behind her pointing its tail at her. It fired an arrow out of his tail at Fluttershy, but someone grabbed Fluttershy and jumped out of the way.

Rainbow Dash.

“You okay?” Rainbow Dash asked Fluttershy, who just nodded wordlessly, “Good. Hey Veemon! Do it!”

“VEE HEADBUTT!” Veemon shouted, flying in out of nowhere and tackling the second Yanmamon in the side. He then landed on a tree and slid down next to Guilmon as he was getting up, “You okay, friend?”

“Yeah, thanks,” Guilmon said shaking his head, “The name's Guilmon by the way.”

“Cool beans! Call me Veemon,” Veemon said, grinning arrogantly and giving Guilmon a thumbs up. The two Digimon got in fighting stances looking up as the two Yanmanon hovered around them, eventually joined by a third.

“What are we going to do?” Fluttershy asked fearfully. Rainbow Dash snorted arrogantly.

“What, these jokers? We can take 'em! Can I get a hell yeah?!”

“Hell yeah!” Veemon shouted, rushing toward the Yanmamon, Guilmon right next to him. Veemon jumped up and uppercut one Yanmamon, while Guilmon began shooting fireballs at the other too, leading them away.

Rainbow Dash pulled out her Digivice, “Hey, you figure out the whole altering program thing?” Rainbow Dash asked Fluttershy, who nodded, “Alright, watch this. Altering program! Chi Level 3!”

Veemon's entire body charged up with energy and he then held his hands a bit behind him creating an orb of light, grinning the whole time, “Now?”

“Now!” Rainbow Dash shouted, “Remember, ya gotta shout it just like I told ya!”

“Hadouken!” Veemon shouted, shooting a white and blue fireball at the Yanmamon, knocking it back. Rainbow Dash jumped up and down excitedly.

“He did it! He actually did the Fireball from Street Fighter! That was so cool!” Rainbow Dash cheered. Fluttershy couldn't believe it, but Rainbow Dash was actually a good Digimon Tamer. She then put her focus on Guilmon, who was struggling a bit with his opponents.

Guilmon jumped back and held his claws out at his sides, “ROCK N' ROLL BREAKER!” he shouted, his claws suddenly spinning like drills somehow. He then jumped up and slashed one Yanmamon knocking it to the ground. He then got on top of it and shot a Fire Ball point blank, deleting it. He turned around and jumped away as the second Yanmamon fired arrows out of its tail at him.

Fluttershy had a creative idea and opened her holographic keyboard, “Altering Program! Angel Wings!”

When she pushed enter, white angel wings sprouted on Guilmon's back, which he then used to shoot up into the air.

“Whoa, seriously?!” Rainbow Dash asked turning to Fluttershy, “How'd you make yours do that?!”

“It's all data, right?” Fluttershy asked, “If you know how to manipulate it, the rest becomes easy.”

Rainbow Dash nodded looking at Fluttershy intently, and then put her focus back on the fight, “Veemon, let's wrap this up!”

“Wanna give me a boost then?” Veemon asked. Rainbow Dash ran toward Veemon as he jumped up. She then jumped after him, flipped in the air, and then used her legs to push Veemon higher into the air. A light formed in his hands, which then extended to form a golden energy sword, “LONG SWORD!” he shouted coming down on top of the Yanmamon and slicing it in half, deleting it instantly.

At the same time, Guilmon flew around the final Yanmamon slashing it with his claws. He eventually tackled it to the ground and then gathered energy in his mouth, “FIRE BALL!!!” he shouted, firing it at the final Yanmamon deleting it.



end song

“YES!” Rainbow Dash shouted throwing her fists into the air, “And Veemon and Rainbow Dash get another win under their belts!”

“Will these two keep up the pace and become the world champions?” Veemon asked enthusiastically.

“STAY TUNED TO THE DIGIMON WORLD CUP TO FIND OUT!” both of them shouted at the same time before bursting out laughing. Fluttershy and Guilmon looked at them, unsure what to make.

“Um, what are we looking at?” Guilmon asked.

“I'm not too sure…” Fluttershy said. Rainbow Dash walked over to Fluttershy patting her on the arm.

“So, your brother, huh?” Rainbow Dash said, holding her blue and white digivice in front of Fluttershy, “This doesn't look like a game he'd be into.”

“W-when did you get that…?” Fluttershy asked Rainbow Dash.

“Last night, honestly,” Rainbow Dash said, “Veemon said it's called a Digivice. So, you're a Digimon Tamer too, eh? No wonder you rushed out into the courtyard yesterday. You were ready to rumble, weren't ya?”

‘Not… quite,’ Fluttershy thought. Actually, she was just curious and wanted to see what it was. The whole fighting a crazy Digimon thing happened by accident.

“But man, I had no idea,” Rainbow Dash said walking to the side a bit resting her hands on the back of her head, “All those electronic issues, the rumors of the monster attacks, and here you are right in the middle of it all.”

“Actually, we just started,” Guilmon said suddenly, “There are two other Tamers, Rarity and-” Fluttershy quickly grabbed Guilmon holding her hand over his mouth.

“Quiet Guilmon!” Fluttershy cried, “That's not our business to share!”

“Hold on, Rarity?!” Rainbow Dash asked incredulous, “She's got one too?!”

Guilmon pulled Fluttershy's hand down and nodded happily, “Yep! She and another girl asked Fluttershy and I to join them!”

“Wait wait wait, you mean to tell me that prissy and spoiled Rarity has a Digimon too?” Rainbow Dash asked, “And she wanted you guys to join her? With what?”

Fluttershy sighed, rolling her eyes. Thanks to Guilmon, now she had to tell Rainbow Dash. As the fog cleared, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy sat down on a bench, where she told Rainbow Dash and Veemon everything about what happened the other day.

“Yggdrasil?” Veemon asked, sitting on the ground in front of the bench arms crossed and eyes closed thoughtfully, “Can't say I've heard that name before.”

“I hadn't heard of her either,” Guilmon said, “But apparently she's an overseer of the Digital World.”

“Well you guys were just hatched when we met ya, right?” Rainbow Dash asked, “It makes sense that you wouldn't know much about your world,” she leaned back on the bench, “So she's hoping to recruit “Royal Knights” to be her guardians?”

“Something like that,” Fluttershy said, “I don't want to be part of any of this though.”

“You fought those Digimon earlier though,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Well, I'm not going to just leave people to get hurt,” Fluttershy said as if it were obvious, “I'm antisocial, not a bitch.”

Rainbow Dash's eyes widened, “Whoa. You curse?” Fluttershy's face turned red and she turned away from Rainbow Dash hiding behind her hair, “I mean, that's cool actually. It's just… you don't seem like the type.”

“It's a sign she's getting comfortable with you,” Guilmon said, “Dad told me that she gets really bold around people she's comfortable with.”

Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up,” Fluttershy whispered.

“Hey, it's cool,” Rainbow Dash said, “Just makes Fluttershy more awesome, ya know?” she leaned forward holding her fist in her hand, “So you don't want to be involved with Rarity, but you don't want to leave people alone to get hurt, right?” Fluttershy nodded silently, “Well, good thing Veemon and I are here now.”

Fluttershy turned to look at Rainbow Dash surprised, “Um… excuse me?”

“How about we do it?” Rainbow Dash asked, “You, me, and our Digimon just fight the bad Digimon ourselves? Sounds like Rarity and Applejack are part of some official group, which means rules, something that I can't stand honestly,” she leaned back again relaxing, “Plus, this way it'll be more fun. What's better? Working with two stiffs, or working with your best friend?”

Now they were best friends? Since when?!

“Um, I'm not, um, uh…” Fluttershy stuttered.

“No need to thank me,” Rainbow Dash waved it off with an arrogant smile, “Besides, you can teach me how to do really awesome stuff with my Digivice too.”

“You knew how to make Veemon use a move from Street Fighter,” Fluttershy said. Rainbow Dash laughed.

“Okay, so I do know a bit about programming, but only games,” Rainbow Dash explained, “Started with me fiddling around with RPG Maker, and it I started reading up on how other games were programmed. You should see Mugen on my PC. I modded and created custom characters to the point where I have a full roster of my own characters.”

That, was really impressive. Fluttershy didn't peg Rainbow Dash for being a programmer herself. Probably not a hacker, but at least she had some programming knowledge.

“But it looked like you made Guilmon here do something completely different,” Rainbow Dash said, “That whole sprouting angel wings thing was really cool. So maybe we could teach each other how we program, and then we become a dynamic duo even better than Rarity and Applejack. What do ya say?”

Fluttershy wasn't too sure to be honest. It sounded appealing, and at least she was somewhat comfortable around Rainbow Dash. But still…

“Why are you doing this?” Fluttershy asked somewhat defensively, “You're always calling me your friend, but I've never said that I was your friend. So, why do you keep hanging around me?”

Rainbow Dash shrugged, “I guess it's because I think you're cool. Also, you and I do hang out a lot, so I just figure that we're friends,” she smiled at Fluttershy, “Sides, I get the feeling you and I have more in common than even this.”

More in common? What could they possibly-

“Let's be her friend, Fluttershy,” Guilmon said, catching Fluttershy's attention.

“Guilmon?” Fluttershy asked. Guilmon walked over to Fluttershy and took her hand.

“I think we can trust her. She and Veemon helped us against the Yanmamon, and it would be safer having another Tamer with us,” Guilmon said smiling sweetly. Fluttershy looked at Guilmon intently. He was serious, wasn't he?

Veemon kicked to his feet and smirked, “You can count on us, Fluttershy!” he said giving her a thumbs up, “We'll look out for you!”

She looked wide eyed at Veemon, almost feeling his sincerity as well. It felt almost like Guilmon, but more ferocious. Was that sincerity a common Digimon trait or something? She then turned back to Rainbow Dash, who was still giving her a comforting smile. Being surrounded by such love, it became hard for Fluttershy to find a reason to push them away.

“I…” she looked away biting her lip, “I can't open up to you guys right away, but, I'm willing to work with you and Veemon…”

“Yes!” Rainbow Dash cheered, “You won't be disappointed! Ooh, hey! Check this out,” Rainbow Dash pulled out her Digivice and opened another holographic screen, this one being what looked like a blank list, “These things have a friend list feature! I think we just connect our Digivices at the top here, and they're exchange information. Then we can call each other anytime we need to.”

Seriously? These things were amazing. It almost made Fluttershy feel like she was in an MMORPG. She pulled out her Digivice and connected the top to Rainbow Dash's. She then saw what looked like data being exchanged between them. A few seconds later, Fluttershy saw Rainbow Dash's name appear in her friend list. When she saw her picture appear on Rainbow Dash's screen, she noticed that Dash's eyes went WIDE for a split second and she then closed the screen.

“And just like that, we're friends according to our Digivices,” Rainbow Dash said, “It's pretty late, so we should probably head on home. Are you gonna be okay on your own, Fluttershy?”

“My house is close to here,” Fluttershy said, “Thank you for your concern though.”

“What are friends for?” Rainbow Dash said patting Fluttershy on the back, “Come on Veemon. Let's head home.”

“Got ya. See ya Guilmon,” Veemon said shaking Guilmon's hand before walking off after Rainbow Dash.

“Bye Veemon!” Guilmon said waving to Veemon as he and Rainbow Dash walked off, “They're nice,” he looked at Fluttershy, who was looking at Rainbow Dash's picture on her Digivice, “You okay, Fluttershy?”

“Friends…” Fluttershy said softly, “Now it's official I guess…”

“That's a good thing though, right?” Guilmon asked sitting next to Fluttershy, “Now you have three new friends. Me, Veemon, and Rainbow Dash.”

“But, I don't know what to do,” Fluttershy said, “I can be friends with a person easily online. In person though? I have no idea what to do.”

“Is it really that different though?” Guilmon asked rubbing Fluttershy's back.

“Very different,” Fluttershy said somberly, hugging herself a bit, “Guilmon, why did you make me do this…?”

“Because you need to start making more friends, Fluttershy,” Guilmon said, “It'll be fine, Fluttershy. Just be yourself, and you'll be fine.”

Fluttershy wasn't too sure of that. Still, it was too late now. Whether she liked it or not, she and Rainbow Dash were friends now.

Rainbow Dash stopped once she was out of Fluttershy's POV. She then opened up the friend screen, looking at the information that came up.


“I don't believe it…” Rainbow Dash whispered looking back at the park, “Fluttershy, really is Zero.”

“Zero? That notorious hacker you were telling me about?” Veemon asked.

“Yeah, that's the one,” Rainbow Dash said, remembering where she initially saw Fluttershy and Guilmon. She had actually been following her for a while, as such she saw her next to the Umbra Corp Building. A few seconds later they're both running from security. If this was true, then that meant…

Rainbow Dash pocketed her Digivice and walked home. Hopefully her dad would come home today, so she could get some information that could confirm her suspicions.