//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 : These strange new creatures // Story: Our new Friends, Our new Enemies // by The Potato Guy //------------------------------// These creatures were odd, and deep down, they made Solar uneasy. Awaiting Luna’s careful response, Solar gave himself a better chance to observe these new arrivals. Standing close if not higher than six foot, they reminded him of a more upright ape in a way. Their bodies were covered in plate armour, but their five appendages on each…hand, as Solar remembered being the name of such a body part found on a few select animals, were clear. Strong chested, these were obviously warriors of some kind, possibly elite considering the craftsmanship of their armour. Yet while most of this strange new species faces were covered with helmets, the leader who had just spoken was clear to see. The ape similarities were clear here, two parallel eyes and centralised nose on a relatively flat and oval like face. Unlike apes however was a notable lack of fur covering the face. This individual at least only had a tuft of fur on the top of its head, and a little around the jaw in a short beard like fashion.  This combined with the very masculine sounding voice, signified this induvial was a male, and an older one at that, considering the hints of grey in the fur and beginnings of wrinkles on the face. The most distinguishable feature however was a familiar one to Solar, and all ponies. Their primary features were ape like, but their facial expressions, their eyes were all very pony like. Full of emotion and unique variations, it showed a real sense of intelligence of this species, not surprising considering their speech and craftsmanship immediately seen. Solar now noticed that Luna had yet to respond, her eyes yet still firmly fixated at the leader who had spoken to her. It was left to Princess Celestia to fill the verbal void. “Indeed, this is my dear sister, Princess Luna of the Night” she cried out with a polite cough. “Luna, this is Commander…um…Starvation” Celestia finished, a little uneasy about such a name. Luna however, had no issue with such a title. “Tis our pleasure Commander. An unusual name to be sure though, even if my dear sister does not have the nerve to say so.” Such words were met with a stare Solar was just happy he had never received from the sun Princess. It was further evidence that fuelled Solar’s suspicion of something happening between the sisters. “Ha! I suppose it is. We’ve already heard your lots different method of naming. Seems like you name your kids off certain qualities or appearances they have.” laughed the Commander, his deep and gruff voice reverberating through the room. Luna did not share the laugh. “Thou doth misunderstand Sir. Your species doth indeed have a rather different approach of naming thy children, yet I refer to your quite crude name itself”. Again, Solar spied a not quite well hidden attempt at Celestia giving Luna the dagger eyes, her disapproval of Luna’s less than diplomatic approach very clear. Yet, quite out of the blue, it was not Luna who responded to her sisters silent accusation, nor was it the Commander, it was another one of these new beings. Stepping out of disciplined line, he moved to the Commanders side. He bore armour far more ornate than his comrades, the metallic suit with small hints of engraved gold and engravings of a language Solar could not read. At his side was a sword with a slight curve, in contrast to every other member of his race who bore a straight edged sword at their side, and a very dangerous looking halberd in their hands. The helmet of this intervening individual came swiftly off, revelling a face Solar could guess was masculine and young, considering the oddly similar faces of ponies to this new species. His hair was short yet thick and had a sandy blonde shade to it. His face was clean shaven, allowing his fair skin and sharp features to be seen by all. It was his eyes which drew most attention. The rich deepness of the blue allowed for a very piercing look to be applied to them, and he used them to bury deeply and angrily into Princess Luna. “Such an insult! Was the letter we sent not enough? No, not even conversing for the last two damn hours is enough for you to understand our customs” Luna seemed taken back at such an outburst, perhaps only used to Solar being the pony to so openly talk about her in such a way. It was left to Princess Celestia to bridge this diplomatic gap. “We do apologise my new friend. I’m afraid the Princess Luna here did not read your letter, nor hear your commander words today, she is the Princess of the Night after, and has been having a well-deserved rest.” The individual did not seem satisfied at such an answer. “And why not huh? Are we not important enough for you? I thought you said we were the first new intelligent species you had met in hundreds of years?” A good question to be honest. Has this anything to do with whatever is happening between the Princesses? Celestia’s eyes almost immediately moved over to her sister’s as the question was asked. Luna knew now she had, for whatever reason, been excluded of any knowledge or indication of these beings arrival, and her stern face showed her reaction and thoughts on the matter. It ensured Celestia answer was one that had to be made of careful tact, and non-antagonising answer, as well as having at least some answer to Luna being kept in the dark. “Well, for a whole host of reasons, Sir….?” “VICTUS VANE! YOU GET THE FUCK BACK INTO LINE!” Commander Starvation wasted no time in getting his face as close as possible to the individual now known as Victus. No care was given to the volume of his voice, and the sudden aggression gave the servant ponies the scare of their lives. “Commander, our first day here and we risk being disrespected” “Boy, you risk a foot up your fucking ass if you don’t shut it!” The commander was fuming now, leaving poor Celestia quite taken back. “My father-“ “YOUR DADDY ISNT HERE! YOUR FOSSIL OF A FAMILY ISNT ANY USE HERE BOY! NOW YOULL PUT THAT FUCKING HELMET ON TO HIDE THAT UGLY FACE OF YOURS OR ILL THROW YOUR POMPERED FORM INTO THE WASTELAND MYSELF!” Celestia quickly stood up from her throne, trying to cool the situation down. “Commander it’s quite alright, it was a simple misunderstanding. No need to send Victus here into the wasteland, as you say. Whatever they may be”. So quickly this whole encounter had turned into a situation Solar just wished he had popcorn to snack on. For an odd reason, and with a very interesting look Solar could only associate with regret of his words, the Commander quickly withdrew his verbal aggression with a sharp inhale. Perhaps this being was hiding something also? Yet Solar far more enjoyed the look Luna now bore.  Any anger she currently bore to Solar was now replaced with obvious anger towards Celestia. A ‘ simple misunderstanding’ , as Celestia had put it may have calmed her new guests, but it did far to alleviate Luna’s concerns, and proclaiming it to be a forgetful mishap or a truly honest mistake was not an answer either Luna nor Solar believed, even though acceptable to just say and lie, in order to calm the situation down. The Night Princess did not voice her concerns, such would be improper for a Royal, not to mention stupid to show such divide to these new creatures. As much as it obviously pained her to say, Luna had to temporarily swallow the fact that she had been left out, but her years of experience now shone through. “Forgive me Sir Victus” she said, bowing her head a slight bit, resulting in a slightly less acussive, but still annoyed look from Victus. “And forgive me Commander, I was not here for your arrival, nor was I aware of any prior knowledge of your species. Would it be improper to again ask thee to repeat what thou hath already told Celestia?” The commander abandoned a visibly pressured Victus, who had obviously been affected by such a verbal onslaught.  If he noticed that Victus did go back into line, but refused to re quip his helmet, he didn’t say anything.  Quickly glancing back at Celestia, he gave an amused smile. “You weren’t kidding when you said she talks differently” Solar noticed Luna gave a quick blink. Her mouth slightly ajar. Her face conveyed shock, but also a degree of sadness, maybe even betrayal. Her eyes momentarily glanced towards Solar, who, in understanding the situation and suspecting something between the sisters, had an almost concerned look on his face. In that moment in which Luna’s eyes were upon on him, being excellent judge of character that he was, he saw her look upon him as an ally would. Maybe the fact that she suspected herself that Solar had caught on to what happening between the two was allowed her to believe that Solar would share her shock and opinion and that he was on her side. To a degree, he did. Celestia always did radiate a larger sense of pompousness and an almost politician like character. Luna…didn’t at least, and Solar could give her that, at the very least. “But anyway, sure thing Princess” proclaimed the Commander, leaving Luna still shocked. Solar knew what she was thinking. Celestia hadn’t completely forgotten Luna, allowing her to describe her sister to these new beings, but even with Luna on her mind, she still made no attempt to inform nor share any information to Luna. To Solar at least, this was worse than being flat out forgotten. What was her excuse? He could tell Luna was almost begging to know. With a double cough, the commander feigned an attempt at being a diplomat, even giving a mock bow. “Princess Luna, may I present your representatives and emissaries of Humanity. We are the Humans of the great land of Salutis” purposely overly enthusiastic, Solar could sense a hint of pride in his words, and his land. New knowledge now in hoof, Luna shed some of her prior shock, and began with the questions. “So, Humans, describe to me your land. Where doth thee come from? We had no idea such a civilisation was left undiscovered” The Commanded shifted uneasily, lowering his head for a short time, the reason not yet known to Solar. “You know Princess, I really wish I could stand here, before you, and say how great things are back home. How we’ve got everything sorted….but I can’t do that Princess” He breathed a heavy sigh, one bleeding story and sadness, “Pray tell, why not?” inquired Luna, genuinely interested. “You see Princess...” He said, moving towards Luna, obviously not one for adhering carefully to personal space. “You see, you’ve got it good here. All your people walking around, doing this and that. Actually doing things they enjoy? Well holy shit, you got us beat!  Having the luxury to be lazy? Fuck yeah! Yes please!” Sensing The Princess was only wanting a proper answer, the Commander straighten up. “What I’m trying to say Princess is, back home, things are bad. Like, real bad.” His shoulders slumped down, and he again let out a sigh. “Its constant war.  Things are real shit. Everyone is against each other, lives are lost daily.” A world of peace and prosperity in Equestria had, for better or for worse, ensured every pony was an unknown to violence and danger. Solar being an exception, he could still understand why Luna seemed a little taken back at this. “Why, Commander? What hath happened in great Salutis to warrant such devastation?” “Fuck if I know Princess” The commander shrugged, proclaiming essentially how such things were out of his power. “It just is. Its life. Not much more on that to be honest”.  The Commanders words suddenly turned sombre as if a great pain was being spoke of. Or a great lie. Something just isn’t right “Oh yeah, before you ask about my name again, and of ours for example, let me quickly explain. Back home, depending on your…class of people, should we say, your name will vary.” He turned his head towards Victus, once again reminded that he wasn’t enjoying looking upon this young human. “Victus here, he and his family, the arrogant lot they are, they pass their second name down through the generations, each sharing the same family name, in this case, Vane. Only the pompous elite usually do such a thing. The rest of us however, being the apparent lowly scum we are.” He said with a smirk, turning back to Luna. “We don’t get such a luxury. We either earn our name, or get it given to us based on our life. So my own name, Starvation, well, let’s just say it’s not pure chance I was given such a description” The smirk, still remaining, transformed into an abomination of a smile which only suggested a deeper and horrific meaning. Luna did not flinch, if this was some sort of intimidation, she would not cower before it. “Is thou saying thy name refers to a chapter from your life, a time in which thou was hungry perhaps?” Solar knew what Luna was doing. Clearly her reason was false, the true meaning behind the name less degrading, but in switching the mood of the room from one of fear to one of a small degree of humour, and while the Commander did indeed laugh, it was fairly obvious it was defensive, and hiding embarrassment. “Not exactly Princess. I think it’s fairly obvious that I wouldn’t be here if that was so. The shame…ouch.” He said with a wince. “No, my ‘fame’ comes from the amount of poor enemy boys and girls I’ve starved to death in my sieges. I’m good at it” “Is that something to be so proud of, Commander? Much less to share so liberally with us” Luna replied, sternly and seriously, taking no great interest in such a horrific name meaning. “Not at all. It’s just my name, and you asked for the meaning it, so I gave it. I can do nothing about the reaction of others. Usually I suggest they just get used to it” The passive aggression from the Commander was notable, creating a silent standoff between him and Luna. Solar didn’t know if these Humans had capability of magic, seeing no indications so far, but magic or not, he knew precious little to nothing about their species, and now, this potentially very dangerous race was giving Luna the evils, who returned them with no qualms.  Luna was essentially a Goddess, but knowing so little about the humans, he had no idea who to bet on. Unfortunately, Celestia, the kill joy she ever was, refused to let such a scenario play out. “Ah! Commander!” she exclaimed, stealing the attention and diverting the human’s angry gaze with Luna away. “As humanity’s official ambassador, you and your friends will be need suitable accommodation.” Whether or not Celestia had charm and charisma was up for debate for Solar, but regardless of his opinion, she successfully calmed the situation down. The Human Commander smiled with a puff of his chest, obviously appreciating the respect and dignity that an individual of his rank deserved, respect that Luna was beginning to, quite appropriately, stave him from. Not to mention that Luna’s jab at his name would surely hurt his pride, especially if he was a leader whom liked to command great control and power over his subordinates, a quality Solar suspected of the Human. “Now we’re talking Princess! A place suitable for my fifty men if you please” Fifty?! Does Luna know there’s more of them? The look on Luna’s face all but confirmed her lack of knowledge of the matter. In the room, including the Commander, there were but ten Humans. Wherever the other forty were wasn’t the issue. Again the issue derived from the Luna had not be informed of such. Solar could think of way too many reasons how such a lack of knowledge could really bit Celestia in the Flank.  What if some ponies or Guards had encountered these forty Humans? Luna would be well within her right as a Princess to have the Humans dealt with, and such a thing would be a terrible diplomatic incident, so why was Celestia so tight lipped about all this? “Hmm, normally any diplomatic missions we receive would usually be housed in the embassy quarter of the castle, but such is the highly unprecedented nature of today’s meeting, it would be improper to just settle for that. I believe the old sovereign tower should suffice. It is large enough and grand for you” The Sovereign Tower? Solar knew it, despite not ever setting hoof in there. It was used for Princes and Princesses of old, when such positions were more of a common thing. That wasn’t the surprise of the decision though. Sure, it was extremely uncommon if not unheard for it to be used for such purposes but looking at Luna, and the surprised blink Solar saw her give, was the reason behind the surprise. “Beloved Sister, surely we misheard you. The Sovereign tower is nearly within the boundaries of the Moon garden” Solar understood the shock and almost childlike sadness Luna bore upon her face. Similar to the tower itself, Solar had had little to no experience with the Moon garden. The reason being, that it was Luna’s own personal garden, to a degree. It had been built supposedly for Luna, prior to her banishment as Nightmare Moon. Constructed to apparently help calm and help Luna back in a time where personal circumstances and life were far than kind to her. It was a tranquil and peaceful personal space for her, and very dear to her heart. She still used it from time to time, and as such, only the most loyal, qualified, best and downright lucky Night Guard ponies were chosen to have guard within the space. Solar had never been chosen among ponies as, just like his entire career, his had blown it. Celestia now suddenly went on the defensive. “I just believe our new guests deserve only the best, and it’d be a shame to leave the place unused” Luna’s breathing sped up a little, and she stepped forward hurryingly, desperate to make her plea. “Tia, please” she sounded so sincere, so innocent…and so hurt. It was a small glimpse of a side of the Princess Solar had never seen. Sensing her change in demeanour, Luna quickly regained composure. “Sister, I just think we should discuss such a decision.” Celestia however, as politely as calmly as she could, had none of it. “And leave our new friends without a possible place to even sleep? We can’t have that now, can we?” she said, with an almost obnoxious politician like smile on her face as she turned to the Commander, who gave a thankful bow of the head. Solar kept his eyes closely on Luna however, interested in her next move. She seemed almost panicked, not knowing what to say. Her increased breathing rate remained, and her eyes darted around as if they didn’t know what to do either. Again though, almost to Luna’s rescue, emerged Victus, once more interrupting to voice his opinion, much to his Commanders great and severe displeasure. “I think further discussion is needed on this matter, by both of the Princesses, and us! It’d be a great shame if we so easily set up our accommodation within the castle and woke up with our throats slit!” Celestia seemed genuinely shocked at such a suggestion. Whatever Solar knew her as, she wasn’t a murderer, much less a schemer.  It was left up to the Commander to voice disapproval of such as suggestion. “Boy, are you deaf?! I swear you’ll be back home if you say another thing! I don’t care what your father says!” He shouted, storming over to Victus and grabbing him by the scruff of the neck. “That is, if I even let you return with your life” The two Humans stared piercingly at each other, neither backing down, but the Commander had a responsibility here. He turned back to Celestia, acting as calm as he could. “Princess, it’s quite alright. We don’t need much space, if it’s an issue we can find will settle for any other location. We’ve suffered worse places to sleep.” “No no no Commander, it’s no issue at all” She had only had the audacity to state such a thing as both she and Solar saw upon Luna a defeated look, her head held low, almost as if you could cry. Celestia had obviously taken this as her backing down. The Commander gave it though for a moment for speaking again. “It would be rude to decline a Princess. But if we may, I’d like to offer some of my men as guards to the Tower, and its surrounding area. Think of it as earning our keep. I’d hate for us to not repay such a generous offer.” “An interesting proposal offer, Commander. I will give it serious thought.” Solar could only notice her frequent uses of ‘I’, and not ‘we’. She truly was making the decisions solo here. “Now Commander, if you would like, may my guards offer you a quick tour of the castle? It’d be my honour” The Human smiled, all while shoving the rebellious Victus back into line. “That’d be amazing Princess. It’d be interesting to have a quick talk with Equestria’s military men also” Celestia smiled, as a Day Guard pony stepped from her side, ready to begin the tour. “Come on boys, let’s have a look what these Ponies can build.” The commander said happily, as his people moved to follow the Day guard. “You too, Vane, hopefully it’ll keep your mouth shut” with that he gave a quick slap to the back the young humans head, who in turn quickly recoiled. “That’s why you wear a helmet boy” Solar heard the commander say, as the humans left the throne room, leaving a very awkward atmosphere behind. It was silent, and neither of the Princesses could even look each other in the eye. That was until Luna slowly raised her head, and burrowed her eyebrows at her sister, but it was Celestia who spoke the first words. “Luna, what was that?” Luna seemed genuinely amazed and shocked at this. “What was that? Sister, what was the deal keeping me in the dark about all this? How dare you even?” Solar sensed the tension. Celestia gave a quick pause, possibly to fabricate an answer, and just like a politician, she gave a totally different answer. “What about your insistence of using the old way of speaking? I thought you moved passed that, Luna” The avoidance of her question did nothing to satisfy Luna’s confusion, and only panned the flames of her anger. “I was just trying to be professional sister. Show these Humans that we are a noble, and ancient species, one that demands respect…I just…find it occasionally difficult to speak in purely one way. ” Celestia snorted a small feminine laugh, quite dismissively. “Well, that went well didn’t it” Sarcasm flowed off her tongue like a waterfall. “Excuse me?!” The shock in Luna’s voice now reached an all-time high, even Solar felt somewhat uncomfortable between this arguments between Goddesses. “Nothing Luna, I’m just sayi-“ “Why do you insist in treating me like a child, Celestia? We know little of these Humans, we need to be careful on how we act” Luna said, cutting her sister off. “Luna, I am sorry you weren’t awake when they arrived, but we have to deal with the situation as we are now presented it, so if you may, I have to ensure order is maintained within our city. Most ponies do not know of the Humans, so I will now prepare for that. I suggest you do what you can for the good of our citizens also, dear sister” Celestia didn’t even give Luna a chance to respond. She trotted out the room, a few guards in tow, now leaving just Luna and Solar. The Princess had hardly acknowledged his presence, not even giving him any look now. Solar had to step within eyes view again now to gain her attention. She even seemed surprised that he was still here. “Solar Virtue, what hath occurred within this room shall not leave the confines of it. Do thee understand clearly?” she said accusingly “Clear as crystal, Princess.” She then gave some thought and her eyes set upon him, a look filled with sly opportunity within them. “Solar Virtue, now that thou are mine, your Princess…nay, your kingdom has a task for you, one in which thou will have a chance to prove thyself to your Princess, and serve your fellow ponies” Remembering his unfortunate position of being locked into her service, Solar almost felt like sighing in frustration, were it not for his suspicion of her use for him. “These Humans arrive unannounced, and full of mystery, I require thee to simply find out more…” The suspicions were correct. Solar did indeed have experience in such matters, covert ops and infiltration. “…and to determine my Sisters hesitation and secretive nature on all of this” Solar blinked in surprise. “Princess, you want me to…spy on Princess Celestia? Hearing that word unsettled Luna a little, having to shake her head. “Such a thing is quite impossible, given your position here. Thou would be unable to get close, but I just require you to keep thy eyes and ears open for any information regarding our new guests.” She turned towards the great stain glassed windows. “Tis getting late, and mine duties begin soon. Yours however, begin now, and worry not, thou will given appropriate accommodation within the castle, and enough privacy by the time my night comes. Thou are dismissed, Solar Virtue. Do not return to me until you have intelligence of worth. ” She said nothing further, not even a look, resuming her distant and exceedingly professional attitude to him. It was just him now. He needed something to give to the Princess. If he had not met these Humans, he guessed escape would still be an option, but as he presumed Luna knew now, with these Humans, and with his unusual job, he would be eager to begin his task, such was the fascinating intrigue and unprecedented situation currently occurring. Solar allowed himself a smile. Luna was right.