//------------------------------// // 07: Who's the woman in white? // Story: Digimon Saga: CTRL-ALT-DELETE // by Azure Sandora //------------------------------// Theme Song: With the Wind 07: Who's the woman in white? play song “FIRE BALL!” “METAL CANNON!” The two attacks met in the center of the park and exploded. The two Digimon in question rushed at each other meeting in a headbutt, both of them pressing their heads together and glaring at each other. They jumped away from each other and Dorumon charged up energy through his body, making the red gemstone glow on his forehead. “METAL CANNON!” he intoned, firing a large metallic sphere at Guilmon. “Altering Program! Defense UP!” Fluttershy shouted, sending the new program. Guilmon held his claws in front of himself to defend, and the attack only pushed him back. Still, Fluttershy saw that his health dropped a bit, “Guilmon, are you okay?” “Yeah, I'm fine!” Guilmon said, falling onto one knee. He then glared at Dorumon and shot up, charging at his opponent. He then slashed wildly, spinning around to hit Dorumon with his tail, but the purple Digimon dodged all of his attacks and then jumped away. “You're nothing but a child playing with forces beyond your comprehension,” Twilight taunted, pulling out her Digivice, “This fight will be over quickly. Altering Program! Speed UP!” Dorumon ran in a wide arc around Guilmon, who continuously shot fireballs at the skilled purple Digimon. Dorumon stopped running and charged straight at Guilmon, “DASH METAL!” he shouted, rapid firing smaller metal spheres at Guilmon while he ran. Like before Guilmon blocked, but then Dorumon jumped into the air and did a stomping kick on Guilmon, knocking him down. “Guilmon!” Fluttershy cried. She was about to run to his aid, but Dorumon shot a metal sphere at her feet stopping her. “Don't interfere!” Twilight commanded, “This is for your own-” she cried out in surprise as a fireball shot in her direction, causing her to duck. When she looked she saw Guilmon standing up, and he looked pissed. “Don't, attack, FLUTTERSHY!” Guilmon roared, his eyes turning slit like now he was so pissed. He charged at Dorumon slashing wildly, yet his attacks looked like they were getting through now. Fluttershy looked at Guilmon intently, amazed by how well he was fighting. “Yeah, that's right!” she pulled out her Digivice, “I have to fight just as hard too! Guilmon, get ready!” Guilmon jumped back away from Dorumon and held his arms out in front of Fluttershy defending her, “Let's do this, Fluttershy!” “Altering Program! Digivolve!” Fluttershy shouted activating the program. She then held her hand in front of her face as crimson red energy formed. She sent the energy into her Digivice, and then pointed it at Guilmon, sending the energy out to him. ACCESS DIGIVOLUTION “GUILMON DIGIVOLVE TO!” Guilmon shouted, his body ripping apart to reveal the deep red wire frame underneath, which then shifted in size and shape before his body reformed, “GROWLMON!” Fluttershy once again felt a sharp pain in her chest, and she looked at the Digivice. HAZARD LEVEL: 50% “Growlmon sweetie, let's rip that Digimon apart,” Fluttershy said with a sneer, now once again Zero. Growlmon gave a loud roar, which actually pushed Twilight and Dorumon back a bit. “So, it's bonded with you that much,” Twilight said somberly, “You have no idea what's going on with you, do you?” “I don't care is the thing,” Zero said, leaning forward with her hands on her hips, “You're just afraid because you know that Growlmon's going to tear your poor excuse of a Digimon in half.” “Is that right?” Twilight asked darkly, “Well then, why don't I show you what a true Champion level Digimon looks like. Dorumon, let's stop playing with this child.” “Understood! Proceeding with level 2!” Dorumon said hunching forward. “Altering Program! Digivolve!” Twilight shouted. She elegantly held her hand out and snapped her fingers, causing purple energy to build up. She then sent the energy into her Digivice and shot it out at Dorumon, almost like it were a mundane action. ACCESS DIGIVOLUTION “DORUMON DIGIVOLVE TOO!” Dorumon shouted, his body ripping apart to reveal a purple wire frame underneath. When the energy surrounded him, his body grew in size along with his wings and tail. When he reformed he was a larger black version of himself with purple stripes, black wings with a white underside, and red claws on his hands and feet, “DORUGAMON!” “Oh?” Zero asked pulling out her Digivice to scan it, “What's that thing?” ID: DORUGAMON LEVEL: CHAMPION TYPE: ANIMAL ATTRIBUTE: DATA “This changes nothing,” Zero said, looking at their opponent, “Growlmon, attack!” “EXHAUST FLAME!” Growlmon thundered, immediately firing a stream of flames at Dorugamon, who simply spread his wings and took to the sky. He glided effortlessly through the sky before flying down toward Growlmon and raked him across the legs with his razor sharp claws. “AH!” Zero shouted, flinching in pain from the attack. Before Growlmon could retaliate, Dorugamon flew in the red dragon's face and kicked him continuously, forcing both Growlmon and Fluttershy to have to put up their arms in defense, “What the hell? Why's it so powerful?” “Trust me, if I wanted to, I could delete your Digimon in a heartbeat,” Twilight said, catching Zero's attention, “This isn't even a fraction of my power. My Digimon and I can already reach Mega Level.” “So you're holding back?!” Zero seethed. “If we were to use our full power you wouldn't stand a chance,” Twilight said, “The only reason I don't, is because I don't want Yggdrasil knowing my full power.” Growlmon glared at Dorugamon as he landed and barred his teeth. Knowing that these two weren't even using half their strength was outright disrespectful. “Dorugamon, let's end this,” Twilight commanded, “We already won this fight.” “Understood, Mistress Twilight,” Dorugamon said hunching forward. He then charged at Growlmon and the two Digimon slashed wildly with their claws and tails. All the while, Zero could feel each slash, bite, and kick as if she were fighting herself. She looked up at Twilight though and saw red. She was standing there, perfectly calm. Didn't she feel it too? “Why aren't you affected?” Zero asked through gritted teeth, “Why don't you FEEL ANYTHING?!” Growlmon responded to her emotions by slashing Dorugamon with his Dragon Claw attack, pushing the black dragon looking Digimon back a bit and causing Twilight to have raise her hand in defense, “I'm going to wipe that smug look off your face, bitch! Altering Program! Overheat!” Growlmon's entire body caught fire as the temperature rose around him, “EXHAUST FLAME!” she shouted, firing an even bigger gout of flames at both Dorugamon and Twilight. While the flame engulfed them, Zero held her head, laughing maniacally. “See that?!” Zero mocked, “Feel the power of your superior!” almost immediately, Dorugamon shot out of the flames and tackled Growlmon onto the ground, causing Zero to fly back onto the ground herself. “Honestly, I'm not impressed,” Twilight said, walking out as the flames dispersed, “You really are nothing more than a child.” Zero sat up, visibly enraged, “Shut up! SHUT UP!” she actually rushed at Twilight herself and tried to punch her, but Twilight flipped her around, grabbed her wrist, and then held her down with little effort. “Dorugamon, just end this now,” Twilight said to her Digimon, “I tire of this little girl.” Dorugamon charged up energy as Growlmon slowly rose to his feet, “POWER METAL!” he shouted, sending a large sphere of metal out at Growlmon, hitting in point blank in the stomach, both him and Fluttershy screaming in pain. “Again!” Twilight commanded. Dorugamon charged up his attack again and fired it at Growlmon, who tried to defend, but the attack broke through his defense easily. “Keep attacking!” Twilight ordered, holding Zero's wrist tighter as she writhed in pain yet still struggled to get free. Dorugamon continued to walk toward Growlmon, firing his attack over and over again, until apparently neither Growlmon nor Zero could take anymore, and Growlmon fell onto the ground turning back into Guilmon. At the same time, Zero gasped in shock and pain, and then fell out onto the grass. end song “G-Guilmon!” Fluttershy reached out for her unconscious partner, but Twilight stepped on her back, pinning her onto the ground. “It'll be over soon,” Twilight said venomously, “For what it's worth, I am sorry for this.” Fluttershy looked in horror as Dorugamon stood over Guilmon and charged up his attack. She tried to reach for her Digivice, but it was no use. Twilight held her down onto the ground to hard, and she couldn't move at all. “No! NO!” Fluttershy screamed, flashes of her mother's funeral going through her mind, “GUILMON!” “HEAVEN'S KNUCKLE!” A large golden stream of light shot down at Dorugamon, actually knocking him back and Twilight off of Fluttershy. When she looked up she saw what looked like a strange white angel with a mask covering its face and six bolts embedded in its chest, landing in front of Guilmon, facing Dorugamon. A woman clad in white walking over to the red Digimon and kneeled down to check on him. “W-wait, Angemon?!” Twilight cried looking at the white Digimon and then at the woman, “Celestia, is that-” “Leave,” the woman in white commanded, “We will talk about this later.” “Leave?! Mistress, where have you-” “I gave you an order, Alphamon,” Celestia said sternly. Twilight glared at the woman in white, but then rose up and jumped on Dorugamon's back. “This isn't over, Zero,” Twilight said. Dorugamon took off into the sky flying off into the moonlight. The white Digimon glowed and shrunk down into something much smaller that Fluttershy could barely see. As the tiny Digimon flew down to Guilmon, the woman in white walked over to Fluttershy and knelt down before her. “Who, are?” “Shh…” Celestia said with a gentle smile, “When you wake up, you will be safe at home, with your Digimon.” “Your voice… it sounds… familiar…” Fluttershy said, drifting off as the darkness claimed her. Twilight and Dorugamon landed outside of town, where Twilight jumped off her Digimon and went to hide in an alleyway, which was thankfully big enough for Dorugamon to weave his way inside. “Seraphimon, why…?” Twilight asked, leaning against a wall, “Surely you know what that Digimon is, right?” “Something is wrong here, Twilight,” Dorugamon said, “Both Ophanimon and Seraphimon are acting strange.” “Damn it!” Twilight cried falling down into a sitting position, tears falling from her eyes, “Ophanimon is keeping secrets, and now Seraphimon is protecting that virus and his Tamer?! What do we do now?! Who do we trust?!” “Twilight, it's okay,” Dorugamon knelt down next to Twilight and nuzzled her, “We'll figure this out. Why don't we head back to the network for now to regroup?” “Good idea,” Twilight said, rising up, “The computer we used should be nearby. Let's go before the store closes.” Dorugamon de-digivolved into Dorumon, and the two of them ran toward a cyber cafe. At the moment, besides the owner behind the counter, only a single patron was there. It was a young man, looking to be in his early twenties, with short black hair and a black goatee, wearing a gray flannel shirt, brown pants, black boots, and fancy looking red glasses with golden tinted lenses. Before him was a fancy looking laptop, and he looked a little concerned. “She should be on by now,” the young man said thoughtfully. When he saw Twilight and Dorumon walk in, his eyes widened, but he pretended to not pay attention to them. The man behind the counter was too busy watching videos on his phone to care. Twilight and Dorumon went to the computer in the far back of the room. The man noticed that there was a big bright flash, that eventually died down. Curious, he rose up to investigate, and was surprised to see that the booth was empty. “You okay, Discord?” the man behind the counter asked, finally looking up from his phone. “Yes, um, does anyone ever use this computer?” the young man, Discord asked. “Not even,” the guy behind the counter said with a snort, “That thing's an antique, bro. It's a miracle that it even turns on. Only reason we keep it is for nostalgia purposes.” “Is that right?” Discord said looking at the computer intently, “Huh, anyway, I'm heading home for now.” “Still can't reach your girlfriend?” the owner asked. “Normally I'd be excited that she's actually living her life outside of her room,” Discord said packing up his computer, “But at this hour, and on a weekend at that, she's always on her computer, and she'd text me if something came up.” “I'm sure she's fine,” the owner said, “She'll probably be on when you get in.” “Yeah, maybe,” Discord said closing his backpack and throwing it over his shoulder, “I'll see you later, Scorpan.” “See ya Discord,” the owner said. As Discord walked by, he and Scorpan did a fancy fist bump and handshake, not once meeting a beat. Once outside, he pulled out his cellphone and pulled up the picture of the lady in white. “These Digimon are seriously popping up everywhere, aren't they?” Discord asked with a frown, “I need to investigate this more.” He began making his way back to his apartment, figuring that he'd wait for his friend there. They had a lot to talk about. When Fluttershy woke up, she was lying on the couch, her father sitting over her wiping her forehead with a white towel. “Daddy…?” Fluttershy asked. “Thank God,” Cyrus said with a relieved smile. “What happened?” she rose up with a start, “Guilmon! Where is he?! Is he okay?!” “Fluttershy, Fluttershy, calm down,” Cyrus said placing his hands on her shoulders, “Guilmon's fine. He's upstairs in your room, resting.” Fluttershy breathed out in relief. She was worried that Twilight and her Digimon had deleted him. “How did we get here?” “An old friend dropped you off,” Cyrus said, “Sadly, she already left, but she sent you her regards.” Old friend. Was he talking about the white lady with the angel looking Digimon? She never got to get the information on that Digimon, but whatever it was, it was truly a sight to see. “I don't know what you're doing,” Cyrus continued, “But please be careful. I don't want to lose either you or Guilmon.” “I will,” Fluttershy said, “Thank you Daddy. Um, I'm going to check on Guilmon, now.” “Fluttershy,” Cyrus called out stopping her, “Don't keep trying to do things on your own, honey. Sooner or later you will get seriously hurt.” Fluttershy sighed and walked up the stairs. She knew that her father was right, but Twilight was able to get that strong on her own. Why was she so powerful? Were she and Guilmon just outmatched? When she reached her bedroom, she saw Guilmon sitting on the bed, looking at his claws seriously. “Guilmon?” Fluttershy asked softly. Guilmon turned to Fluttershy beaming. “Fluttershy! You're okay!” he cried, shooting up and embracing Fluttershy tightly, “I was worried about you when you didn't wake up right away!” “Oh Guilmon!” Fluttershy sobbed returning the tight embrace, “I'm so sorry I wasn't strong enough! I had no idea that Twilight was so powerful!” “No Fluttershy, it's not just you,” Guilmon looked Fluttershy in the eyes, “I don't think either of us was strong enough. Those two were on a whole different level.” “Then we have to become stronger,” Fluttershy said seriously, “If she's determined to fight us, then we need to be ready. Next time, we won't lose!” Guilmon nodded, “Right! I know we can do it!” Guilmon said with a confident smile. A beep on her computer caught her attention. She and Guilmon walked over to her computer and saw a notification from Cipher. “Cipher!” Fluttershy cried happily, sitting down and typing up her reply. Cipher! I'm so happy to see you!_ Oh my God, Zero! I was worried about you when I didn't hear from you. Are you okay?_ “Sounds like he really cares about you,” Guilmon pointed out. “He and I have been together for years now,” Fluttershy said with a loving smile before typing up her reply. Honestly… no I'm not okay Cipher._ Guilmon and I ran into another Tamer today. Some goth chick and a purple Digimon with a red gem._ Wait… goth chick?_ I think I saw her earlier._ “He saw Twilight?” Fluttershy asked. Did that mean that Cipher was actually in the area? Yeah, pretty sure actually._ She walked over to a computer near me and just… VANISHED._ “She mentioned that she came from the network,” Fluttershy said thoughtfully, “Guilmon, do you think she went back to the Digital World?” “Probably,” Guilmon said with a shrug, “You do have to travel through the network in order to get to my world.” Guilmon just said that she might have gone back to the Digital World._ His world._ So… humans live in the Digital World too?_ “Guilmon, do they?” Fluttershy asked Guilmon. “Honestly, I don't know,” Guilmon said, “I know that there are certain Digimon that look very human, but I don't think there are actual humans in the Digital World.” Fluttershy pursed her lips and typed up her response. Guilmon says it's unlikely._ Although, I've heard some people call her by a Digimon name._ What's the name they use?_ Alphamon._ Hm… Alphamon, huh?_ Yeah. You've been looking into this too, right?_ Does that sound familiar?_ Afraid not. Sorry Zero._ Fluttershy rubbed her eyes, “So much for that,” she pouted, “I was hoping he'd know something.” However, I do have something else._ I was at the train station this afternoon, and I saw a strange woman getting off._ “Strange woman?” Guilmon asked reading the screen as Fluttershy typed up her response. What was so strange about this woman?_ Besides the fact that she was dancing and spinning around like a child?_ And was talking about arriving in America like she'd reached paradise?_ She had a Digimon._ This woman was another tamer?! Before she could ask Cipher to tell her more, she saw Cipher upload a picture. Probably of said tamer. When the picture appeared, Fluttershy did a double take. “Guilmon, that's her,” Fluttershy said in awe. “I remember her,” Guilmon said, “She was with me when I woke up.” “She was?!” Fluttershy asked turning to Guilmon, “Do you know who she is?” “Sorry Fluttershy, but no,” Guilmon said with an adorable pout, “She never said her name, but she did have a tiny Digimon with her. A Patamon I think.” “Patamon?” Fluttershy asked, wishing she could search the names of Digimon to get their pictures. Either way, she typed up her response to Cipher. Guilmon and I saw her._ She saved our lives._ I think she's a friend of my Dad's._ Or maybe… of my Mom..._ Fluttershy thought about that as Cipher wrote his reply. Did that woman know her mother? Could she possibly be a lead? If so, she needed to find her as soon as possible. It's possible. It's HIGHLY possible._ So, we're searching for her, right?_ “Are we?” Guilmon asked Fluttershy. “Yes, we are,” Fluttershy said typing up her response, “She knows something about what happened to my Mom, I'm sure of it.” That's the next plan, Cipher._ Can I count on you to be on the lookout for her too?_ Of course you can._ If I find her, I'll let you know._ Thanks Cipher._ I'm going to turn in for the night._ Good idea, Zero._ Get some rest._ She and Cipher said good night and both logged out. Fluttershy then turned her chair around and hugged her knees. “Guilmon, that woman is the closest I have to learning the truth about my Mom.” “She might not know much though,” Guilmon said rubbing her back, “We have to prepare for that.” “I know,” Fluttershy said, “But either way, she knew her. She might be able to tell me a bit about what she was working on before she died. That way, I can learn WHY she died.” Celestia stopped in the middle of the town, a good bit away from Fluttershy's home. She then turned around to look back at the house. “Celestia, what's wrong?” Patamon asked looking up at his tamer, “Do you have a tummy ache?” “No sweetie, it's not that,” Celestia said, petting the tiny Digimon in her arms, “Just remembering an old friend.” “Do you think Alphamon is mad at us?” Patamon asked wilting. “Twilight and Dorumon probably aren't the happiest with us,” Celestia held Patamon close to her face and smiled, “But we did what we had to. We had a promise to keep.” “To Dr. Posey, right?” Patamon asked. Celestia pulled Patamon into a tight hug. “That's right Patamon. Come on, dear. Let's get something to eat,” Celestia said, walking back to town. She knew that her student was going to be furious at her, and she technically did protect a dangerous virus, but she just couldn't stand by and let her best friend's daughter get hurt. She promised Posey after all. “So, Yggdrasil's begun making new tamers,” an elderly man said, holding a long staff in his large nailed hands. “Mm hm,” a silvery voice said, coming from a woman with short hair and a fancy dress, “I've located at least five new ones. All of them are little girls.” “Pssh! Don't tell me you're afraid of a bunch of kids!” a gruff and arrogant voice said from a man sitting on a chair, wearing what looked like biker equipment and polishing a large gun, “I say we just go there now and wreck the whole place!” “I agree!” a monstrous voice boomed, coming from what appeared to be a monster shaped like a gator of some sort, “Let's destroy the surface dwellers now! We've already destroyed the Royal Knights!” “No,” a scarily calm voice said from someone in a cloak, “If we were to attack now we'd be made wide open. Belphemon is still sleeping, and our leader is still acting strangely.” “So what do you suggest we do, Daemon?” the woman asked leaning against a wall sensually. “We should buy time to regroup,” the cloaked figure said, “The Mother Computer is making new Tamers, right? Why don't we take a page from her book?” “You mean make Tamers of our own?” the elderly man asked stroking his beard, “Now that's truly an interesting idea.” “I have someone I'm keeping an eye on,” the woman said, “I think she has the makings to become a truly vile individual.” “Ugh, as long as I get to do something instead of rottin’ in this place I'm happy,” the biker groaned, “Seriously! I can't take it! I'm gonna die of boredom!” “Hold it! How do we know that this will work?!” the gator shaped monster shouted, “Those Tamers were picked out by Yggdrasil herself!” “We don't need them to kill the Tamers outright, Leviamon,” the cloaked said turning to the gator, “All we need is to keep them busy and distracted while we regain our power.” “Lilithmon, you are the only one capable of entering the Real World right now,” the elderly man said, “Go to this child, and claim her impure heart in the name of the Seven Demon Lords.” The woman, rose up and elegantly bowed, “I will do as you command, Barbamon.” Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and their Digimon all met at the park the next day. While the Digimon sparred and played together, their tamers sat down on a bench, where Fluttershy shared with them what happened last night. “I'm sorry,” Pinkie Pie said hugging Fluttershy, “I should have followed you home.” “Why didn't you tell us you were under attack?” Rainbow Dash asked, “Veemon and I would have been there in a heartbeat.” “I… I didn't want to trouble anyone,” Fluttershy said looking down pained, “It was my problem and…” Rainbow Dash turned Fluttershy to face her, “Fluttershy, we're your friends. Your problem is our problem, because we care about you.” “But… Pinkie Pie doesn't like fighting,” Fluttershy said sadly, “I couldn't ask her to-” “I may not like fighting,” Pinkie Pie said, “But I don't want a friend to get hurt because I didn't do anything.” “Look, from now on, call us,” Rainbow Dash said, “I don't care what we're doing at the time. We're a team, so that means if one of us is in danger, we get there to help, agreed?” “Agreed,” Pinkie Pie said. Fluttershy looked at her two friends and smiled. She honestly didn't expect them to care this much. “Well, with that said,” Fluttershy pulled out her phone and showed them the picture of the woman in white, “Have either of you ever seen this woman?” Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie frowned looking that the picture, “Can't say that I have,” Pinkie Pie said. “Nope, me neither,” Rainbow Dash said, “Who is she?” “I don't know,” Fluttershy said, “My online friend, Cipher, said that she had a Digimon with her, and she saved me last night from Twilight's attack. I need to find her.” “So you can thank her?” Pinkie Pie asked. “That, and to ask her a few questions,” Fluttershy said, putting her phone back in her jacket pocket, “Girls… she knew my Mom.” “Whoa, seriously?” Rainbow Dash asked, both her and Pinkie Pie wide eyed. “According to my Dad, she's an “old friend”,” Fluttershy said, “I mean, I don't know for sure, but… what if she did know my Mom?” “Your Mom knew a Tamer?” Rainbow Dash asked, “But, she worked with Umbra Corp, right?” “Hey, what does Umbra Corp do exactly?” Pinkie Pie asked. “They're an electronics company,” Rainbow Dash explained, “They make all sorts of software, from computers, to smartphones, stuff like that.” “Mmmm, nope,” Pinkie Pie said shaking her head, “Doesn't add up.” “What do you mean?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Remember when Fluttershy said that she took those employee records?” Pinkie Pie said, “A legit company wouldn't need to keep their employee records a secret like that.” “What are you saying?” Rainbow Dash asked, looking a bit afraid. “I'm saying that Fluttershy might be onto something here about Umbra Corp having a secret, and if her Mom really did know a Tamer, then that means that said secret, is related to them,” everyone looked out to where she was pointing to. The Digimon. “You think… Umbra Corp knows about the Digimon?” Fluttershy asked. “I'm saying that it's possible,” Pinkie Pie stated, “If they do, maybe we can use them to figure out who that woman in white is.” “Dashie, can you help me?” Fluttershy asked turning to Rainbow Dash, “I need to get back into Umbra Corps network, but they're probably going to be watching it more closely.” “I…” Rainbow Dash looked to the side unsure. “Please Dashie, you're the only one who can get me back in!” Fluttershy begged. Rainbow Dash looked into Fluttershy's eyes, seeing how desperate she was. She then turned to Pinkie Pie, who gave her a look of understanding. “I'll get you in,” Rainbow Dash said seriously, “I promise.” Fluttershy beamed and hugged Rainbow Dash, “Thank you so much Dashie!” Pinkie Pie sighed, “I might be able to help out too. My sister Maud taught me a cool trick with our Digivices and our Digimon. It might prove useful.” “Really? Thank you Pinkie Pie!” Fluttershy said, now hugging her, “I'll go tell the Digimon!” As Fluttershy shot up to talk to their Digimon, Pinkie Pie scooted over to Rainbow Dash. “Are you sure about this, Rainbow Dash?” Pinkie Pie asked, “I mean, that's your father's company.” “I… I know,” Rainbow Dash said looking pained, “But… you saw Fluttershy. She needs answers, and I can help her get them.” “No Dash, she doesn't need answers,” Pinkie Pie said, “She wants answers.” Rainbow Dash turned to Fluttershy, who was surrounded by the Digimon. She looked so happy right now, and it was a nice change, as Fluttershy usually looked really somber. But… the reason she was so happy was because… “I promised that I'd help her get closure, and I always keep my promises,” Rainbow Dash said, “And… if she's right, then my Dad might be doing something dangerous, and I need to stop him if that's the case.” Pinkie Pie shook her head, “Well, I said I'd help out too. I don't like this, but… I'll help.” “Thanks Pinkie Pie,” Rainbow Dash said, “You know, you're really cool.” “Oh Rainbow Dash, we don't have to pretend this isn't what it is,” she said, giving Rainbow Dash a sensual smile, “Let's just skip to the good part.” “Ahh… Pinkie Pie…?” Rainbow Dash said, backing away a bit. A second later, Pinkie Pie burst out laughing. “You should see the look on your face!” Pinkie Pie said, “That was totally worth it!” Rainbow Dash sighed in relief. She still wasn't sure how she felt about the pink haired teen laughing, but she had to admit that she looked really cute when she was so happy. In another section of the city, a young girl in glasses was making her way back to home after hanging out with her friend. Once again she had to go on and on about how great Rumble was. How handsome he was. It drove her up the wall listening to that. But she had to. She had to listen to her all the time, because according to Diamond Tiara, she was her “best friend”. The silver haired girl stopped and looked down, tightening her fists in frustration. Diamond Tiara shouldn't have been looking at Rumble. She was supposed to look at her! “I'm your friend…!” the preteen said, eyes closed tightly, “Not that… that…!” “Do you covet love?” The girl gasped in shock and looked around, “W-who's there…?” “I know how you feel, child. After all, I also desire to be loved. Sometimes though… that love can only be gained by force.” “You… know how I feel?” the girl asked, calming down a bit. “Yes… I do, and that's why I desire to help you,” the source of the voice stepped out of the shadows, revealing themselves to be a woman with long dark blue hair that shimmered like the stars, wearing a fancy black dress that was slit open high on the left leg and showed a lot of her ample cleavage, long black gloves, and black high heels. She wore dark blue eyeshadow and purple lipstick, giving her a sinister look. “Who are you?” the girl asked, somewhat mesmerized by the stunning woman before her. “Just call me Luna,” the woman said with a sensual smirk, “And I'm the answer to your problems.” she held up her hand, revealing a tiny purple and black machine. A Digivice.