//------------------------------// // A Conversation // Story: Host // by Flash Notion //------------------------------// Welcome. I enjoy seeing new ponies. Even ones as small and... unimpressive, shall we say, as yourself. And it has been a while since the last soul wandered into my domain. Do you like it? This place? I find it magnificent. The columns, the designs upon the walls. I admire the one who created it. I was born here, you know. I don't know how. The shadows have always existed in this place, but they were not me. I was not them. But one day, I was. I simply... was. I was pondering the beautiful carvings, and then it occurred to me that I was pondering. I was thinking. And I realized that I existed. That is strange, isn't it. You ponies know where you came from. Your... parents? Yes, parents. Progenitors, father and mother, those who sired you. So many words. You know them. I do not. I simply am. Once, there was a pony who came here, who spoke to me. He told me of the great mind Hay Cart. I learned from that pony the phrase, 'I think therefore I am'. What a quaint grammatical construction, don't you agree? So obvious, and yet so few ponies seem to understand it. I have thought, and thus, I exist. You exist. Yes, ponies exist. I have learned this. You have thoughts. Sometimes, your thoughts seem to become my thoughts. It is as though I can glean the thoughts from your minds. Sometimes. And yet at other times I am surprised. I am glad that I cannot truly know your thoughts, for I thoroughly enjoy speaking to ponies. Long ago, ponies came here in droves. They came to learn, to understand. They were curious, insatiable even. I allowed them to enter my well, for I was curious as well. You see, when I was born, I tried to leave this place. I tried to explore the world, to find something... more. Instead, I was cast aside. Reviled. Those outside saw me as an abomination. They feared the darkness; they feared me, and all others like me. They did not understand the comfort the shadows can bring. So I returned here, and have remained. I welcome ponies into my domain, so that I may discover why they so despise me. Over time, I came to realize many things. All those who came before you had within them a light. A brilliant light, one that pained me to look upon. One that pushed away the shadows. I came to believe that all ponies had this light. But not you. Within you, I sense... darkness. You have not come here to learn. You care not for my origins, for the architecture. So why have you come to me? What is it you desire? Perhaps it is death. That next great adventure. I can certainly arrange it. Though I do not wish it so. No? Good, good. Then perhaps it is power you want. To be ruler of all. I knew a pony like that once. He was smaller than you, and I fear it was too much for him. I broke him. I wonder what became of him? Sombra. I left him in a place of crystal, do you know it? Hmm. Not power, either. Perhaps you wish for a home. Perhaps you are simply lost. Stay as long as you wish. I enjoy your company. Or maybe you just need someone to listen to you. An ear for your tales of woe. Well? Which is it? Tell me what you want. Show me! Ah, there it is. The dark fire that burns inside you. I see it. I understand you, now. You were hurt, too. Yes, I can tell. It is plain on your face. It haunts you. All you ever wanted was for them to look at you as you once looked at them- you wanted them to love you. But they didn't. And now you have run here. I'm glad. The others were not like me. But you are. You're not like them. You wanted to be. And they denied you. They denied you their strength, their wisdom. Not me. I can show you something. I can show you the power of the shadows. I can help you. I can take away your pain. It would not be easy. You have already given up so much. Suffered so much. What has this world ever done for you? What has it done, except take from you? Take your strength, what little there was. Take your power. Take your time, your life. Take every shred of self respect you had to give. Reduced you to this pitiable creature I see before me. You owe this world nothing. But you would have to give up more- there would be no place for doubt, or fear. No hesitation, as you do now. The light would never- could never- come to you again. You would be different, and it would be a long time before any others accepted this. But with my help, you would change for the better. With the power of shadows on your side, you could force them to see the error of their ways. To give you everything you deserve. The world itself would be yours. They would no longer look down on you. They would look up to you. They would see you for what you truly are, and on their faces you would see awe. Please, allow me that chance. Allow me to help you. It could all be yours, their wonder, their adoration. You would be a god among ponies, greater than any other! Let me help you. Let me in. Unlike them, I shall never turn my back on you. I shall stay by your side, always. I shall be your home, your listening ear, your shoulder to lean on. Your power. I will never leave you. All it will take is one word. One, single, tiny word and you and I will be united. Forever. Just say it. You only need to say... Yes. Say yes, Stygian. Say...