Final Fantasy Equis

by Blackdust

Chapter 0- monster glossary (part 1)

Monster Almanac

(there are no entries as of yet.)

"Well. That explains that... I think?" David said, still getting used to his newly acquired female voice, "But how do I-"

She turned around, her eyes were purple swirls with white highlights, like her tail and hair, as she heard growling from behind her, seeing several Timber Wolves. She sighed, and started running.

"Just my luck... And who the hell even am I...? Because I can't go by- WHOASHIT!" Is all she managed to get out before almost running into an alpha Timber Wolf, causing her to slowly back up, turn to the left and keep running, hell bent on escaping the forest before she died to one of the wolves, plunder plants, or a hydra...