Pony POV Series: EG Forgotten Friendship

by Alex Warlorn

Forgotten Childhood

The first thing I remember, is how happy I was that someone was paying attention to me. The shadow people, everyone ignored them, like they ignored me.

"Are you ghosts, like the Friendly Ghost on TV?" I asked.

"Ghosts were once alive, we never were," said the little girl my age with violet skin and orange hair. "Our mommies and daddies never met, or had a different special someone."

I remember hugging her, even if it made my little body feel numb.

"Can we be friends?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, we don't have hearts, we can't be friends... but... I remember what it was LIKE to have friends."

"Please tell me."

= Kingdom Hearts OST - Hollow Bastion =

They couldn't be my friend, but I tried to be their friend. We were alike...and they actually paid attention to me. That's why I considered them my friends: they might have said they couldn't feel anything...but at least they could look at me and remember me next time we talked.

People have always pretended I was never there. It’s been like this through all of my life. You think being an only child, I'd have my parents' attention all to myself. Instead, it was like I wasn't even there. I took the bus to and from school. My parents weren't there when I came home. They came late, whether they were being out with friends, or late with work, it didn't matter. We didn't see each other for dinner, and we didn't see each other for breakfast.

I wasn't like the bad kids, I didn't tease anyone, I didn't get in trouble... so why did they get more attention? I even tried misbehaving, but my parents just didn't care. I tried being the best daughter possible. They didn't care. Or didn't notice. Being exceptional or being rotten didn't matter...

On a field trip through the woods in the first grade... I got separated from my class... The only place that didn't look like everywhere else was this creepy cave that didn't make me feel sick just by being near it... When I found my way back, the teacher and my class hadn't even noticed I was missing.

Or the time I was at the beach... I... that wave came out of nowhere... I was so scared... I cried for help... the lifeguard didn't hear me... I thought I was going to die, when I felt something push me back on land. Nobody realized I was in danger.

Third grade, I'm sure you've heard of this girl next, no matter how hard your tried to forget. Trixie Lulamoon. Her big sisters were in the grades above us, and her younger sisters below us. It was hard to forget them too.

I remember during break when Trixie would make frogs vanish. She didn't have the money to buy grown up frogs, and her parents wouldn't let her go to Froggy Bottom Bog, so she had to raise her frogs from tadpoles. How do I know that? It's amazing what you learn when no one notices you.

I heard how she tried to get into this fancy private school for prodigies, but they didn't want her. That was the first time I saw her cry, she never cried when she thought someone was looking.

I came to her, and I spoke to her. "I'm sorry you didn't get in."

"Who are you?" She asked.

"I'm Wallflower Blush."

"I'm the One and Only Trixie... But from now on I'm gonna be the Great and Powerful Trixie!" I gave her a hug. She hugged me back. "I don't wanna be invisible."

"I don't either... maybe we can be invisible together?"

"Okay... "

The next day?

"Hi Trixie!"

"... Who are you?" She asked like I was a stranger.

"I-It's me, Wallflower."

"Trixie's never heard of you."

The first bell rang and she ran to class without so much as a look back. I tried. No one asked me if I was okay.

Try my hand at public speaking? Only like two people show up, one leaves before I get past the first page of my notes, and the second can't even remember it the next day...I kept trying again and again because I DO have things I want to see change...but no one cared.

My garden?... Flowers don't pretend they don't see you. My flowers, at least they depended on me. Without me, these domesticated plants would meet their end as their roots were crowded out and the sun blocked out by their older, bigger, and wild relatives. They needed me. They listen to me. Who else could say that about me?

My freshmen year in high school was the same as every other year in my life, but there was one high point... my english class, not the class itself, but one of the students who joined. She was isolated too, but because she looked down on everyone and managed to hide it from the teachers perfectly. I think I'm the only one who heard or saw that she considered them the same as the rest of us 'barbarians.'

Canterlot High School under Sunset Shimmer... How I saw how she subtly subdivided the school into circles, except me, I was a circle of one.

I remember hoping she'd bully me, target me, pay attention to me, I'd be her little minion, I'd be her obedient little hench-girl, I'd take the brow beatings when she needed someone to blame for things going wrong. That she'd use me as a shield when a cake came flying her way. That she'd use me a scapegoat if she got caught. I'd be useful to her. And she'd never ever ignore me.

Except she always did... for three years she ignored me... I was actually jealous of those she'd bully around me. What did Snips and Snails have that I didn't? Maybe I was just too average to be of any use to her.

And Twilight Sparkle, she came from nowhere. I wonder if she realizes that she was so well known because Sunset Shimmer set up that smear campaign in the first place. And so when Twilight held her makeshift prep rally, people actually knew who she was, and we were impressed at anyone standing up to Sunset Shimmer, especially this new girl.

And Sunset Shimmer... because that thing, that Nightmare, Nightmare Inferno is what they're calling her on the internet isn't it? ... And she rewarded Snips and Snails for their loyalty by making them demons like her. She turned the whole school into her zombies, including the teachers, everyone was under her power... so why me? Why?! Let me be a part of it! I don't care if we're just a distraction for her go back to her magical world and get away in the chaos. Please!

... And she ignored me again. I was no use to her again. Even the devil herself didn't want me.

Then Twilight Sparkle... who was a princess from the same magical world that apparently Sunset Shimmer was from, with five random girls, zapped her back to normal, and her grip on the school was broken.

Snips and Snails changed sides before the rest of us had finished breakfast, and with all the hate directed at Sunset Shimmer from years of her tyranny, they were too small fish to fry, no one even noticed when they eventually chose to become Trixie's minions instead. They were still of use to someone.

Except for Twilight Sparkle's five friends, the rest of the school got their revenge on Sunset Shimmer.

I... I never took part in any of the hazing... I thought that maybe, just maybe if she saw that I wasn't trying to hurt her... give her a second chance unlike everyone else... maybe then she'd finally be a friend... I even joined the yearbook club to help her. Except she never noticed. I could have been part of the in-crowd, united in our hate of Sunset Shimmer, but no, I had to be the good girl, I had to take the higher road... and it was like I might as well have not done anything at all.

At least each night... I could come back to those that I was friends with, even if they weren't friends with me, they said my light made them feel a little bit more real.

I was very confused when everyone started acting everyone for themselves when the Dazzlings first came to Canterlot High ... except me... I saw the Dazzlings corner Derpy and... do whatever it was they did to everyone else. I told teachers, of course they ignored me. Derpy? She's the 'special' girl, so of course she gets more attention than the rest of us. That faceless crowd that grows up, grows old, and dies, and is forgotten, like you never existed to begin with. I don't blame her, she never had a choice to begin with.

The Battle of the Bands was less about who was the better musician, and more about who was the bigger bully. I saw band mates looking at each other like they were expecting them to turn on them, and even friends and family looked ready to start a fight... except me of course, even with paranoia in their eyes, they, just, saw, through me! I even went to Twilight Sparkle to offer any help I could ... she didn't even look up from that note book she was frantically scribbling in.

I spied on the Sirens, somehow they didn't notice me either... Ever heard of the pronoun game? The truth is, when you're listening on someone's conversation when they all know what the others are talking about? They don't spill anything and everything they know in one chat, they throw around 'they', he', 'she', and 'it' like nobody's business. But I still got the big finals would be how they'd 'get their magic back' and Sunset's friends were the key somehow.

I tried to warn the Rainbooms, Sunset Shimmer's friends were too busy arguing to even hear me.

One of the shadow people, Starsong, told me that the Dazzlings weren't always bad girls. Well, they're certainly bad girls now!

The finals happens, and everyone was turned into zombies, again, except me, again. Why am I no good? Twilight Sparkle and her friends tried to beat the Dazzlings... But the Dazzlings simply had more magic muscle apparently. Then somehow, Sunset Shimmer's singing, she began to glow like the others had when they defeated her!

Then... they summoned this giant glowing winged unicorn, or was that a horned pegasus? Whatever, point was that it was made out of glowing stars, the Sirens were terrified of it, and just looking at it made me feel dizzy and sick to my stomach. And it blasted the Sirens' monster fish ghost servants away, and their jewels, and they were left with the voices of frogs, and ran away, and no one even tried to follow them.

I followed the Dazzlings after their jewels broke, and I saw what happened to them, and that's all I'm going to say and all you're best left knowing.

Of course everyone was happy, the monsters were beaten, and it was treated like what happened to them after was nobody's concern at all, like they'd simply poofed out of existence... nobody cared. Nobody was in a rush to find them and offer them a second chance, how noble.

But it wasn't as big a celebration for me. The shadow people... they said they couldn't come near anymore... They said the magic released by Sunset and her friends had hurt them. They didn't have hearts, but I did, and it shattered ...

Sunset Shimmer...

I got the job for being Sunset Shimmer's vice president for the photo club... maybe finally I could be useful to someone. And not only could she never remember my name, she couldn't remember I was even there! It felt like a slap in the face!...It was just like home! I try to make myself noticed and all I do is stay invisible!

That was also the time I found the Memory Stone. A final gift from the shadow people. They told me where it was, where to dig, but they didn't need to, I was drawn to it, like it was a part of me, or maybe I was a part of it. I was worried for a minute I was going to turn into a demon or something when I touched it. But nothing happened. I also found the notes that came with it, don't ask me how I could read them. It wasn't in any language I should have known.

I did realize one thing, that Magical World Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle came from had been using Earth as a dumping ground for cursed objects and their worst criminals for hundreds of years. Like we didn't matter. How dare they. Guess being apathetic to the harm you cause others is just how things go with those guys...

The shadow people weren't the only things I saw, but the only ones who would speak back to me. The clockwork spiders, the eyes, the kid in red with the book, and sometimes, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a shadowy mass of darkness with two glowing eyes, shaped like a wolf. I never felt scared of it for some reason, some part of my brain, it never clicked.

I took the Memory Stone with me wherever I went. I never lost or misplaced it, it was like it was drawn to me by some mystical thread of fate, if that didn't sound anymore crazy than everything else that's happened at this school.

I wasn't used to anyone seeing me, let alone interacting with me, so I was shocked when I felt a hand on my shoulder on the way home from school. I turned around to see that college girl big sister of Pinkie Pie's... oh right, Maud Pie. She was staring right at my bag with the Memory Stone in it.

"You should be careful... Collecting rocks like those never leads to happiness."

It was strange; with her nearby, I felt like the Memory Stone's presence got stronger somehow.

Then she went back to answering the question from this violet skinned woman with purple hair about the finer details of setting up a commune with a copy of the communist manifesto under her arm.

"Wait! What is it that you meant?!"

"Oh, who are you again?" Maud asked.

I felt my blood pressure rise, wiped her memory, and I walked away towards home.

Maud didn't remember their chat, but it had nothing to do with the Memory Stone.

The Diamond Diggers, those boys convinced there was some buried treasure around the school, dug up through my garden looking for it.

"Sorry, not realize this was someone's garden, plant are plants." they said like it was no big deal, weeks of hard work ruined. I made them forget about their treasure hunting nonsense, you're welcome.

I have to say, I think my social skills did improve with the Memory Stone. I could just erase every awkward conversation, every misplaced word, every unwitting faux pass, it actually let me learn a lot! I could practice and no one would remember! Yet at the end of the day... I was still alone... no one cared about my garden, or gardening at all. I tried to share the one happy point in my life... and no one cared.

We might be called a high school, but Middle School was a part of our system as well. What, did you think Apple Bloom and her friends were just high school freshmen? It also meant a lot of us REMEMBERED the last time Crystal Prep utterly humiliated this school. While it was called the 'Friendship Games' a better term for it might have been 'Crystal Prep Gets To Show Off How Much Better Private School Is Than Public School,' and everyone knew it.

It might have been nice if the Crystal Prep kids had thought me WORTH teasing... but I was beneath their notice.

I was shocked as anyone to learn there was a Twilight Sparkle in our world... And she was a spineless bookworm who was apparently along for the ride meant only to win the academic part of the competition. She was no princess, no princess. (So why the Hell did she get magic wings too?! What did she ever do to earn them!?).

I'm sure you've heard all of this part before right? Native Twilight Sparkle's mad invention feeding off the magic of Sunset's friends... I was careful never to use the Memory Stone around her after I saw what her invention did. Given what her gizmo did with what it got, I think everyone should be thanking me. She accidentally brought plant monsters into our world. And she accidentally made her dog intelligent. Then all the magic her contraption had eaten up backfired on her, and she turned into what the internet had dubbed Nightmare Midnight. And she began ripping holes in the universe for no apparent reason except for the fun of it. Seriously, if her plan was to just go to that world of magic, why didn't she just go through one of those portals? I think it was just an excuse for her to rip the universe apart for the fun of it.

And Sunset Shimmer saved the day again... becoming a demi-goddess or something, absorbing magic and breaking native Twilight's crazy invention. Why didn't she just smash the thing before then?... Okay, I didn't either. That's the worst part... I think I've become... almost used to being just part of the background, not doing anything, being just another shadow of existence, haunting these halls.

I heard some of the students say that Nightmare Midnight was stronger than 'Princess Sunset' because the pony her was the rightful owner of the magic Sunset was using... so because someone else had something, that made a look-alike be the rightful owner of things?

Still... Spike, her dog, managed to distract Nightmare Midnight long enough for 'Princess Sunset' to talk some sense into her. I think I'm the only one who noticed the little dog's contribution.

Oh, and Sunset Shimmer got wings...

And that was the beginning of the end. I think I'm the only one who noticed. How Twilight transferred to Canterlot High School, instead of Crystal Prep that obviously needed her help more, and girls who had gotten a rude awakening of how their 'everyone for themselves' attitude had backfired, and seen how little their principal cared for their lives.

Instead... she became friends with the same girls Princess Twilight Sparkle had... with a talking dog too... Am I the only one who noticed how easily she just, slipped into her shoes?

Oh, and it turned out that Cinch 'quit' not long after...but being the fly on the wall I tend to be, I know 'quit' is just a nice word for 'was allowed to step down with her dignity intact rather than have charges pressed for enabling bullying of a student and blackmailing them.'

Camp Everfree?... I got a tent all to myself, isn't that just so much fun? I remember Gaea Everfree, trapping all the campers like we were pets for her to keep in a cage. I actually slipped out, I wasn't noticed. I actually went to the police for help... they ignored me... it didn't matter, Gaea Everfree was back to being Gloriosa Daisy by the time I got back, and of course everyone was now close friends with her after she tried to trap us all.

When the time came for school photos that year... they accidentally skipped me over, and didn't bother coming back to me... "It's was just a photo after all," is what they said.

I've always gone to the movies alone. And the movies I happened to like were not the box office smashes, or the box office flops (those at least had their tiny followings that always stuck close together), it was... always the movies that were just... average... not awful enough to joke about, not good enough to be gushing about. Nobody ever wanted to even talk about them.

I did go to the new Daring Do movie. I didn't get why Sunset Shimmer and her friends were on the movie poster, when all they had was a five seconds part, what about the supporting cast? So the big roles were important, the tiny roles were important... what about the middle ones?

The school year was coming to an end, or I think it was. I won't lie, I feel like time itself is screwed up somehow, and I'm the only one who ever notices. When I try to explain how it feels like we're stuck in High School forever or something, they just give me weird looks.

What I never expected was one day to be peacefully working in my little slice of peace and belonging, and have Bulk Biceps come at me with a steel baseball bat, vein bulging and his eyes crossed!

"You're fat, ugly, stupid, and your mother dresses you funny!" he snarled, frothing at the mouth.

"My mother hasn't cared what I wear since I was out of diapers," I heard myself say. I managed to dodge the first clumsy swing like he was a puppet on strings.

"You're the most horrid monster in the multiverse and must be destroyed!" He hollered so loud I wonder why nobody came, oh right, no one comes for me.

I'll admit, some part of me was excited, someone cared about me? Sure they hated me, but they cared whether I lived or died, that was... kinda an improvement really. But the joy had worn off by the fourth attempt to make a home run with my head and survival instinct finally took over, (living is a dance between the misery of life and the fear of death).

Finally, I grabbed the stone I always kept at my side, and reached into his mind, and searched out his reason for wanting to kill me. Except... he didn't have any, he didn't even know who I was (my eyes narrowed at that one). But there was something else. I used the stone and erased all related to enacting a course of action that led to me being beaten to a bloody pulp.

I saw a mass of what might been a bloated caterpillar ghost rise out of him. I heard something give a mental scream and die and it was sucked out of his head and into the Memory Stone... it reminded me of Ghostbusters.

Bulk Biceps blinked like a zombie and wandered off, I'd erased that part of his memory too... I mean, obviously that was the right and proper thing to do so I clearly don't need to explain why.

"Huh... wha... I uh..." He wandered away in a daze.

"What was all that about?" I asked to no one in particular.

"You erased from his mind the entity inhabiting him... it seems there are cliches even this world can't escape."

I blinked and turned around. "Diamond Tiara? ... When did you get magic?" I said seeing her wings. "Wait... why are you part of the shadow people's world? ... And what's with the goth outfit? Diamond Tiara would never wear... oh wait, you're the Diamond Tiara from the magic world aren't you?"

"... " She face-palmed. "I liked it better when people didn't figure that out in seconds, it's gotten trite, it's like those stupid Mare-Vel movies where the hero's secret identity gets exposed faster than the film projected on screen."

"Heh, yeah, they do seem to trip over themselves in seeing who can expose their secret identity the fastest..." I said, a part of me just happy to chat about something mundane with someone, even an alternate version of the richest (and most entitled) girl in school. How did I know that when I only saw the average movies? Because when nobody sees you everyone spoils every movie without a care!

"It's almost funny, it's not as annoying as you being able to see me, more like it's right and proper. Similar things can see similar things. So you can see into my world."

"I... I guess I have for a very long time... nobody thought I was crazy, but mostly cause nobody ever listened," I said. "So... you're a princess?"

"No, not really, I'm more like a devil really."

"I... I'm not a devil."

"No, you're not. But you are someone who walks the line between existence and nonexistence... For all the world you might as well not exist, and yet here you are all the same."

I felt a chill up my spine. "Why me? Why did, whatever that was, take over Bulk Biceps and want to hurt me?"

"You oppose those chosen by fate to be special. Or you will. What other reason does there need to be? I guess they just wanted you out of the way of their 'entertainment.' Such parasites are common, but they're normally dealt with quickly like a virus you've been vaccinated for." The way she said everything, no expression, no feeling, I almost mistook her for a robot. "I guess there must be something special about you after all."

"I don't understand what you're saying."

"No you don't, and it's better that you don't. And I have a favor to ask. I want you to erase all of my memories from a year ago to just before I stabbed my Rarity in the thigh with a pair of scissors."


"The first in a long line of mistakes, I don't want this me to exist anymore."

My heart skipped a beat. I clutched the stone close. Still... she needed me for something, she had come to me... even if it was just for the stone... it was something. And she hadn't tried to simply take it...

I took a step closer to her.

A wolf howled.

"No," Goth Diamond Tiara said, and she just vanished. "Remember, some things are better off being forgotten."

A second later, for the first time, I saw the wolf in the center of my vision, a hunched over, bipedal mass of shadows with a wolf's head.

I felt dizzy, am I going crazy? Am I insane?

The monster stalked towards me on all fours, sniffing the air, I felt paralyzed, I couldn't bring myself to run. It sniffed about me, then it sniffed the Memory Stone, it gagged and jerked back.

It looked me in the eyes. ".yoU seeK meaninG .yoU seeK purposE .yoU desirE tO bE needeD .wE caN givE sucH tO yoU .thE poweR yoU holD cannoT bE toucheD bY uS .therE iS somethinG onlY yoU caN dO foR uS"

It told me what it wanted.

I paled.

"I... I don't know if I can do that... to anyone."

".youR worlD iS corrupteD !onlY yoU caN seE iT .blooD oF oblivioN .itS onlY fruiT iS ruiN ?dO yoU wisH iT tO continuE dowN thaT roaD .manY worldS havE fadeD froM sucH roT"

"... Let me think about it."

".verY welL"

And so I did.

I couldn't really do that could I? I mean sure, we'd been in the same class since 9th grade and Sunset couldn't remember my name to save her life... And Princess Twilight had come twice to help clean up the messes her world had dumped on ours... Even if she didn't ever show up again when our world's Twilight was here until the very end... I mean, it couldn't be right could it? Sure, I'd been treated with all the respect of wall paper my entire life, and Sunset embodied every single thing I hated about people raising up those who cleaned up their own messes instead of those who didn't make messes to begin with...

Then she locked me in the photo club room with the lights off... And that was the straw that broke the camel's back.

"I'll do it."

The Wolf was in front of me in no time. All the other things nobody else could see but me gave him a wide berth. ".yoU havE madE thE righT decisioN"

"But first... could you please get out of here?"


".yoU werE supposeD tO erasE alL memorieS oF theM"

"Later. This is for me first. I want to see her squirm. After all these years of watching people treat her like what she did never happened, while she continues to walk past students who need help and doesn't even see them."

"?wheN iS thE lasT timE yoU helpeD theM"

"... From what you've said, why can't you do this yourself? Isn't this your job?"

".thE infectioN haS rooteD itselF toO deeP .I cannoT withouT breakinG mY naturE"


= Jem - 'Nightmare' =

My name is Sunset Shimmer. This has to be a nightmare. Wake up, wake up, wake up! I am NOT a bully anymore! I have real friends! The entire student body doesn't fear and hate me! This can't be real! I feel like I'm going insane. I know this isn't how the world is supposed to be! And yet, for everyone else this is normal and I'm the one that's wrong.

Everyone looks at me fearfully and hatefully... even ... even my friends look at me like I am some horrid stranger... no, an enemy. As much as Rarity once sugarcoated my "past booboos", I was truly and sincerely a horrid person once upon a time who thought she was entitled to becoming an Alicorn and that 'there's always a gray to everything' meant that anything I did had to be right since it was for the greater good, meaning me... But I grew PAST THAT! With a brutal wake up call, Twilight showed me how a Princess SHOULD act, and her friends here taught me by example. I recreated Trust because I'd changed! The old me never could, she didn't trust ANYONE but herself.

So why... so why is EVERYONE... from my best friends, to Principal Celestia, acting like nothing has changed since that prom night. It's like they don't even remember Princess Twilight telling them to keep an eye on me and help me rehabilitate. Or Fluttershy remembers helping me with rebuilding the front of the school's first few bricks as a sign of good faith.

I show up in front of my friends... all of them looking at me angrily or fearfully... And feeling a chill on my back, like there was someone or something watching me that I couldn't see. It's ... it's nothing compared to the silent screaming on my insides as I show my friends solid proof that we're friends, and they brush it off on the spot as being forgeries!

Spike actually bit me!

And... hearing them talk about how the things that happened without me there... getting their second wind against the Sirens... Human Twilight coming to her senses... even Twilight learning not to fear her own magic... All of it neatly happening without me. Applejack, she.. She was actually ANGRY, well, MORE ANGRY at me lying about them needing MY help to do any of that.

It wasn't just those at school, the Cakes were cold as ice to me, I emailed Gloriosa Daisy and she thought I was an internet stalker and blocked me! I visited Juniper Montague, and she thought I was a tabloid reporter trying to get the 'dirt' on her and her family and slammed the door right in my face! I had a feeling going to the Shadowbolts wouldn't have any better results.

The only one that seemed to want anything to do with me was that one kid, what was his name? Featherweight? He seemed to be following me around, but just seemed to vanish like a ninja whenever I tried to talk to him.

If not for the photos I still had, I'd think I might have fallen into an alternate universe, or somepony had gone back in time and altered history. Nothing unreal exists: magic, matter, space, souls, time, they all follow hard fast rules that can't be ignored, and if something exists, that is proof that it can exist. I studied some quantum mechanics and string theory while studying how the Element of Magic would react to the dimensional transfer, and, cutting out a lot of brain-meltingly confusing details short, until something is observed, on a quantum level it exists in all possible state at once. IE, the classic 'a cat in a box is both alive and dead until you observe it'. It was physics: if I observed the picture of me with my friends, then it HAD to exist...But just to make sure, I went to the school and checked the damage I'd fixed. You know, when you plaster something back together and paint over it, you don't unmake the cracks. The cracks are STILL there. So on the most confusing, mind bending level of reality known to man or pony, I MUST exist.

And Trixie walks away, laughing at how her revenge is complete. But... Trixie couldn't have done this, could she? She couldn't even do that stupid 'smoke vanishing trick' right. Her Equestrian self was an Element of Magic, but she needed other ponies to actually use it. Even if she'd absorbed some Equestrian magic like Gaea Everfree, she wouldn't be able to unlock its full power, would she?

I did the only thing I could think of, the one lifeline that I might still have. I wrote to Princess Twilight... and we were still friends! You have no idea how much of a relief that was for me! It was being trapped underwater underneath a sheet of ice and finally finding a crack to breathe through!

I rushed to the statue, relieved that it still worked... passing through realities never gets old... And neither does having to get used to walking on four hooves again... And forgetting that you don't have fingers, and your telekinesis back.

"Where's Starlight Glimmer?" I asked, she was my one other friend over here.

"She's with Trixie and some of their friends," Twilight replied. "Long story, involves Changelings and diplomatic stuff…"

Dang it... I admit, me and Starlight have had SO many debates since we met, enough that Twilight needed to give me a special journal just for it... but we respect each other and ARE friends despite that. I was kind of hoping she'd be here...

"...Does she remember me?"

Twilight gave a smile. "Of course. She said to tell you she'll be back soon if you came."

Well, that's a relief...

"I have an idea of who might be able to help us figure out what's happened to our friends... but you're not going to like it."

Twilight told me who our best bet going to was... and if that Hell wasn't waiting for me back on Earth, I wouldn't have had the courage to go... to go see my mother.


“Huh? Don't be scared Sunset I'll be there right beside you,” Twilight said.

"No, my mother…"

I explained to her that Celestia had adopted me when I was a filly. Formally and legally, my last name was even Equestria (yes, the royal family's last name is Equestria, it's not egotistical, or at least it wasn't when Celestia and Luna did it... it definitely used to be for me)... Yes, technically that means I was already Princess Sunset Shimmer (like poor cousin Blueblood), but I didn't see it like that unless I had a crown, wings, and Earth Pony muscles... Then it turns out she had read about it from a journal Celestia had intended her to have if something went wrong, and had (thankfully it turned out Celestia WASN'T dead as Twilight had heartbrokenly thought at the time, "Long story," she said). Needless to say, it's a good thing the ones responsible for it were a pile of shattered rubble and redeemed turning him into such respectfully, or I may have been preoccupied from my mission lighting them on fire in revenge.


".thE otheR onE musT bE lureD herE"

"Why don't you just eat the stupid portal and be done with it?"

"..." The wolf glared at me, and I regretted asking the question. ". ... iT iS botH parT oF thiS worlD anD thE otheR worlD .iT fallS withiN A graY areA ... likE yoU"

"I've got an idea for how to get Princess Twilight here."


I wore the cloak at my own request, I didn't want ponies freaking out at seeing a new Princess, even if Twilight told me that Equestria's princess population was on the rise and that Ponies might not be freaked 'as much' as before. But I didn't have time to deal with a million questions with a million different ponies.

And... Celestia... ... Mama... She... It... it had been so long... she... she was as beautiful as I remembered... So magnificent... my legs were jelly, and my stomach was lead... for my friends... for my friends...

Twilight stepped aside for me... but She could see me easily before that... All the screws in every joint in my body threatened to pop out and for me to collapse in a heap. Twilight told me how she'd been afraid of being 'banished and imprisoned in the place she was banished to' for Fluttershy birdnapping Philomena (which I admit, got a laugh out of me, I know that little troll of a firebird better than anyone but Celestia). What I had done made that look like a drop of water compared to the ocean. So I was less imagining 'banished and imprisoned in Everfree' and more imagining 'banished and imprisoned on the other side of the galaxy in one of Auntie Galaxia's stars.'

And I see Auntie Luna for the first time... Princess Celestia's sister, the mare who went crazy, tried to conquer the world, was sealed in the moon for a thousand years, and then blasted with the Elements of Harmony back to her sanity. This was the mare that Princess Celestia had been grooming me to save, teaching all there was to know about magic so I could be her Element of Magic and with five friends bring her sister back to herself where Celestia failed. And once I was no longer an option, Celestia moved down the list… No no no, don't think that! I have only myself to blame for that happening. But still, seeing the goddess version of Vice Principal Luna, it was disorienting. And she was a reminder of everything I was supposed to have become, everything I should have done.

The second I see Her, I try with all my might not to fall to the floor in a heap or run out the way I came. My eyes trail around the throne room for anything else to focus on so I can gather my thoughts. I notice Shining Armor standing by the throne, this is my first time seeing the human version of him (Human Twilight had introduced us to her family before), but his shocked expression doesn’t help. All I can do is plow through.

"Princess Celestia... when we last saw each other... you raised me, you adopted me into your family with all your love and trust... And I abused that trust and abandoned your love... I come before you not for myself, but for my friends, I prostrate myself before you, asking only that you help those who have chosen to become my friends... please do this, and I will not tarnish Canterlot with my presence again, I swear."

Princess Celestia sternly marched towards me, I wanted to run away, but I couldn't, not again. She tore off the cloak... I tried to hide my wings. Celestia's eyes watered.

"I always knew you could do it, my little sun!" She hugged me. "Mama's missed you so much!"

"I... I missed you too! I'm so sorry!" I hugged her back. I was crying too.

"... So that's what we looked like," I heard Princess Luna whisper.

I wish I could have stayed in that spot forever... but I needed to help our friends. I told them the whole story again. Princess Celestia looked intrigued. Shining Armor suddenly seemed scared by my story, and I know it takes a lot to get to him. At least I got a good laugh out of PRINCESS Luna! Talking about magic and lore like it was normal to her. Opposed to Vice Principal Luna telling students not to park in the teacher's parking spaces. Makes me wonder how my friends would react to see Princess Celestia for the first time! ... My friends.

"We better hurry," I said.

"The information you need is likely in the Secret Forbidden Hidden Library."

I nodded, "Makes sense."

Shining Armor stepped forward. “Sunset, I…”

"Wait... what Secret Forbidden Hidden Library?" Twilight asked.

"Huh?" I blinked. "You haven't told her about the Secret Forbidden Hidden Library?"

Celestia looked sheepish. "Well... I kept meaning to get around to it before she became a Princess... but... other things kept coming up... and... after she became a Princess... she had so much smiling and waving to do..."

"Right, you didn't want a repeat of me... I understand." Me and Celestia both knew there were things I wasn't ready for that she'd taught me anyway. Like knowing I had certain aunts and uncles... One of which was Fate, who we were both so certain had a great fate for me... turns out she did, and I royally blew it, and she handed it to someone who deserved it better than me... I made myself worthy of the new fates she gave me with a lot of help. It was probably best Twilight was just learning this existed now.

"WHAAAAT?!" Twilight exclaimed.


“Shining Armor, not now!” Twilight rushed past Shining Armor, looking ready to go crosseyed. “There's a Secret Forbidden Hidden Library and I didn't know?!”

Shining Armor just sighed and walked away, muttering something about “I’ll never get through when she’s in research mode.”

...Filing that away for dealing with Sci Twi... if I ever can...

"Showme, showme, showme, showme, showme!"

Please tell me Celestia hasn't told her about one of my uncles' infinite library with literally everything in it. She would explode twice.

As I kept Twilight from fainting, Princesses Celestia and Luna opened the path to the Secret Forbidden Hidden Library within the normal Canterlot Library... you wanna hide a needle, hide it in a whole stack of needles.

On our way there, however, I met the Equestrian counterpart of Flash Sentry and I admit, I doubletaked. Granted, Royal Guard was decidedly something I could see Flash Sentry being, but it was still so surreal to see teenagers from Canterlot High as full grown adults!


Flash Sentry

So it was time for that with Wallflower Blush? Ugh! Why do I get a headache thinking about that? Why can't I remember when that happened? Just that it did!


Inside the Secret Forbidden Hidden Library, Moon Dancer looked up from the book she was reading. "Uh... Hi? I don't think this is the right section? This book I think belongs in the legends section, it keeps referring to Somnambula as an evil incarnate witch who stayed alive for thousands of years stealing youth from others... "

"Moon Dancer? How'd you get in here?!"

"Well, I kinda used that spell you taught me to teleport books that belong to you right to you... except it seemed to go strange, and teleported me to this book titled 'By Moon Dancer The First'... But it all seems to be fiction, myths, or fantasy... "

Even when Twilight teaches magic, it goes weird... Now I understand why things always go strange with Starlight!

Princess Luna said, "You can help us search, Moon Dancer!"

"Search for what Princess Luna and- another Princess?!"

"Moon Dancer, Sunset Shimmer, Princess Celestia's previous student. She's been living in another world. Yes, there are other worlds, remember those holes in the sky? But all her friends' memories of her before she was friends with them have been altered to not include her! We need answers now!"

I think Moon Dancer was having flashbacks to the Changeling invasion and nodded swiftly. I forgot how much insane stuff happened while I was gone. Did you know that Lord Tirek was real and came back? Cause that’s scary on a level I never thought possible.

Moon Dancer...KNEW OF ME. Granted, she knew the jerk I used to be, but she at least remembered me and accepted that I'd been redeemed.

With Moon Dancer's help, we managed to go through the Secret Forbidden Hidden Library's index a lot faster than we would have. Twilight had to resist reading cover to cover every book there. Personally I wondered why the Tartarus half these books were even in here, they weren't filled with unholy black magic... though a lot were...

"My pages hold true power if you but read me," said a scary face on the front page.

"Uh, no," Twilight slammed it shut fast, the book let out an "OW!" "Rarity already fell for that trick, even if took her awhile to accept she remembered it all."

...Yes, I listened to that book, and yes, I regret it. And so did the hired help who had to fix a wall I blew up... Oh, and some magical books are self aware, should have mentioned that. Not all of them are evil, some are quite nice.

I'd once read in this library about another Magic Mirror that let single ponies create foals in their image. And with no clue in Equestria who my parents were, I imagined the possibility that Celestia had used the mirror herself. I remember that Celestia adopted me after I got my cutie mark, when I rose the sun myself. But with all the knowledge Celestia let me have without reservation, I was frustrated and confused when she was evasive about Magic Mirrors. And right now wasn't the best time to ask that again.

'The Seven Trials of Clover the Clever' written before Equestria even existed, during the brutal age of the Three Tribes.

And the Memory Stone, not able to make new memories, but it could erase and edit what was already there. Owned by a witch pony who could do what she wished as Clover chased her... this book is weird, it calls Clover the Clever a he... but I was certain that every book I've read, including some from this library, (including a certain journal) referred to Clover as a she... maybe there was more than one? There were more than one Starswirl. Think about that later! Heck, apparently I could ask one of the Starswirls myself now. Ugh! And this is why Celestia letting me in here when I was an impulsive teenager was a bad idea!

The point is! This stone was dangerous! Clover never stopped chasing her! No one even knew where it came from. The only thing mentioned was 'a scale from the Mother of the Draconequus.' And for some reason that made Twilight turn white as a sheet... okay, apparently Celestia didn't tell me everything about where she's really from... Kinda glad.

"... Do I WANT to know?" I asked.

"... Imagine nothing. Then make a god that makes Discord look like a mortal out of it," Twilight said. "You... may have some idea of what that is?" she ASKED. Not to me or Celestia, more like she was SCARED to state anything about whatever it is. "She's... not evil, but you can imagine what anything made from a piece of her would be like."

Okay, what it also said was that the Stone COULDN'T actually destroy physical records! Making it a lot more dangerous in the olden days before the internet, photo IDs, dental records, banknotes, and everything else... But that didn't stop it from editing anypony's memories today! And the truth is... the encounter with my friends reminded me, we fill in the holes about our own memories all the time, we remember things how we want to remember them...

Clover used the limit of the Memory Stone to make sure that no matter how many times his memory was erased, he'd still find her. I wonder why she didn't just erase all of his memories and turn him into a vegetable, maybe the witch wasn't that smart, or maybe still had some scruples. Or knew that she might get the attention of someone who would just make her a statue without a word rather than just try to stop her.

No mention of what happened to the Sorceress or the Memory Stone, though it did mention Clover had tried every possible way he could think of to destroy it and none of them worked (looks like we might need the Elements if we want to destroy it)... seemed as if just like the Sirens, the Memory Stone ended up in the human world... what was it with those ponies and throwing stuff away on Earth?

"Until modern day, ponies had no clue a world without magic could harbor thinking life," Celestia replied. "And I imagine Starswirl never even realized we'd banished the Sirens to the same world Clover had buried the Memory Stone. Keep in mind the Sirens were thrown through a dimensional tear we and our allies forced open while this sounds like he chased her through the mirror portal."

"So basically how all the trash that ends up in the human oceans is being swept together by tides and ending up in huge islands made out of it out in the ocean?" I asked. "IE, dimensional 'tides' just happened to converge there?"

"It would seem."

Still, I wonder what happened to that witch. Dangit, who cared?! Thousands of years ago! Probably dead! We made a copy of the picture of the Memory Stone, and Moon Dancer would continue to search through the books for more information. Meanwhile, maybe meeting Princess Twilight to back-up my story would help. Twilight even engraved 'Smarty Pants says: Sunset Shimmer is my friend. Help her,' on the back of her front leg so even if she was zapped she'd know the message was from herself.

I gave Princess Celestia the biggest hug I possibly could. "I promise... I'll come back to visit!"

"... That... would be nice my little sun..."

Though Shining did catch up with us on the way back.

"B.B.B.F.F!" exclaimed Twilight, hugging her brother Shining Armor. "Where's Cadence? I didn't get to ask in the throne room."

"The Crystal Fair is happening, Cadence had to stay while I took care of some things with the Princesses," Shining replied.

Then Shining whispered something in my ear when Twilight wasn't looking...

"ALWAYS be where Twilight knows where you are, in line of sight if possible. And if you see a big wolf made of nothing, RUN! Don't fight it, don't talk to it, RUN to Twilight as fast as you can!"

...Well... that wasn't terrifying... Still, thanks for the advice...

When we passed through the portal, Twilight was confused when she got a buzz from her half of the friendship journal...

"Princess Twilight... help... come to the human world right now, no time to talk. Sunset." Twilight read. She instantly ponied-up and casted the changeling detection spell (apparently the good Changelings had actually helped develop it) on me.


"Had to be sure," Twilight said sheepishly. Her eyes widened. "This means, whoever did this to you..."

"IS IN THE SCHOOL!" We hurried inside. But more than that, it had to be someone who knew about the journal!

Everyone looked confused to see Princess Twilight here... and everyone was terrified of me. I bumped into a student, and he gave me his lunch money!... Yes, I used to do that, I never said I wasn't petty. And yes, I snapped.

"I DON'T WANT YOUR LUNCH MONEY! I'M NOT MEAN!" Yeah, that didn't win me back any popularity points.

We found my locker... someone had broken into it... But it looked like someone had clawed the lock open.

"The journal is still here," I found out. "Twilight, whoever caused this might have wanted you here, maybe it'll be safer if you just go back to Canterlot."

"No way, they're my friends too! I'm staying!"

'Twilight Sparkle is stubborn across the multiverse,' I thought. Pony Shining Armor did warn me to always have Twilight know where I was...And this is the guy who apparently tried to shoot Tirek in the face and faced down King Sombra to let his sister and her friends get to the Empire, so if something spooked HIM like that...

“Let’s think about this logically. Let’s say someone’s using the stone because they have a grudge against us. Who do we know in this world that would hate us?”

I gave it some thought. “Well, there’s the Sirens, but nobody’s seen them since the Battle of the Bands. Principal Cinch had less of a vendetta against either of us than with the school itself, and maybe your human counterpart. Plus, if she got a memory altering artifact, first thing she'd do with it would be get her old job back. Gloriosa’s camp’s been saved, so this doesn’t affect her at all. I can’t think of anyone else!”

Yes, I saw the little kid following me, but he wasn't at the top of my list of suspects given I'd not even been mean to him when I was a bad guy...He'd made the list though.

“All right, then if we can’t get the disease, let’s focus on the symptom and see where it leads. Let’s go see our friends!”

Our friends were still at the beach after we raced back there, or had we been so long at the library that they had come back the next day? Ugh! This makes my head dizzy for some reason!

Princess Twilight stood a bit back from me as I rushed up to my friends, eager to tell them the truth, they were reasonable people... whom my lies had fooled into thinking that they were enemies and would have remained so if Twilight hadn't gotten them to talk to each other... But that meant that with Princess Twilight here things had to work out!


For once I was almost grateful that I was 'invisible'. ... The Blank Wolf had been concise on what he wanted me to do... I'd already done a half job to see Sunset Shimmer get some payback... But... Princess Twilight? She had BEATEN Sunset Shimmer. She hadn't hurt anyone. Granted, she never did... anything to me, but at least she had the excuse of big world saving stuff whenever she was here... Could I really do this?


Princess Twilight stood behind me as I practically gushed everything I had learned to our friends, they looked at me like I was crazy, then they looked at me like I was trying to spin a yarn.

"Look, this is the Memory Stone! Have any of you seen it?" They all gave me blank looks. "I... I guess not."

Princess Twilight stepped out from behind me. "Come on girls, think, doesn't it feel like some things don't add up with your own memories? Don't you remember me asking you to take care of her after I went back to Equestria?"

Our friends looked at Twilight like they'd seen a ghost, and looked to her, then to Human Twilight, and back again.

"... Uh, who are you? And why do you look like me?" Sci-Twi asked.

Princess Twilight looked like she'd taken a piledriver machine to the chest... She fainted.

"Well of COURSE we remember you trashing the gym and blaming poor Twilight!"
"Of course she was there stopping the Sirens!"
"Principal Cinch blackmailed her into competing against her own school!"

And they said all those with a completely straight face, there were a million contradictions I could spell out for them... but from the looks on their faces, they wouldn't believe a word of them.

Still, it was their memories erased, not their hearts, and they helped Princess Twilight onto a bench where she could recover.

"I can't believe the nerve of you, bullying a lookalike into your fake memory scheme?" Rarity said.

... Memories... For an awful moment, I wondered what was the point of them? They were as fragile as names written in the sand with the tide coming in. Even without magic they could lie to us or be lost.

At least they all gave a sympathetic look at Princess Twilight. But they all had places to be.

Including Trixie. "My work here is done." And did her disappearing smoke trick. As per usual, it didn't work at all.

And... ugh, I don't like talking about this part. I asked Rarity what she meant by that, I found out about Trixie still wanting to get in the yearbook, I reacted badly, I didn't see Twilight's selfie-drone out of my field of vision, knocked it out of the sky along with a breaking crash... I offered to help fix it.

"You've helped enough," Sci-Twi said.

When Princess Twilight came to, she looked, well, how do you THINK she looked?

"Please tell me it was a dream?"

I hugged her. "Sorry. It isn't. They all think that Human you is the one who's been around since the beginning."

Twilight slowly hugged back.

"Sunset... have you ever read the Night Zone story, The Day The Sky Split Open?" Twilight whispered, clutching me harder.

"No, but there's an old TV show a lot like it here, just with fewer horse puns... "

"Three ponies travel beyond the dark side of the moon, and mysteriously vanish from Canterlot's scrying spells for four hours, and they don't remember what happened in that time. When they get back, they begin to vanish one by one, everypony except the next pony to vanish doesn't even remember them... all proof they ever existed just... disappears... the only clue is this feeling that they had that they didn't belong.' Sunset? I... What if this is just the world telling us to go away? What if this is the way the world was meant to be before you or I came here? They were never meant to be our friends."

I held Twilight the shoulders. "Princess Twilight Sparkle... look me in the eyes. I'm here. You're here. Solid proof still exists about us. We aren't vanishing. I was the one 'meant' to defeat Nightmare Moon, but I blew it before I even got to the starting line. Was Luna 'meant' to become Nightmare Moon? Whatever was meant to happen or not happen, this is what's happening now. And I wouldn't trade it for the world and I know you wouldn't either!"

I didn't realize Twilight's eyes had been misting up before she rubbed her eyes and said, "Right, let's go find that stone! I think I might have a lead!"

We left the beach for Canterlot High... when we did though, I got slapped in the face by another unpleasant shock.

Flash Sentry, in swim trunks, walked right by us without so much as a hello... He averted his eyes from me... But he didn't so much as look at Twilight... and she didn't so much as give him a glance. A chill went down my spine and I felt a hole in the pit of my stomach.

"Twilight! Why didn't you say hello to Flash Sentry?"

"Huh? That's human Flash Sentry?" She asked. She saw the look of alarm and fear in my face and began to put two and two together.

"The boy who stood up for you when I framed you for wrecking the gym! The guy who was nice to you when you first came to this world! The guy who provided strings for your little cafeteria pep rally?! The boy you almost kissed on the lips after you defeated the Sirens?!"

"But... I've only ever known the pony version of Flash Sentry... my friends all teased me about having a crush on him and... I..." Her eyes widened. "Oh no. Please... please tell me we weren't...We aren't..." She was shaking.

"It's complicated! Twilight! This means whoever had the Memory Stone had to be nearby when I... at the beach, I had my eyes off you for just a minute... it couldn't be..."

"But-! But why not erase my memories of us not being friends?! Of me saving you! Of me being friends with them?!" I looked at the message on the inside of her arm to confirm it was in her writing and it was real.

"... It's like whoever is doing this wants us to suffer. There's only one person I can think of right now that fits!"


Oh, and I erased Flash Sentry and Princess Twilight Sparkle's memories of each other... what? I was obviously doing them a favor. It was obviously never meant to happen, I was just cleaning up their mess. No heartache, no 'getting over it'. After so many boys I like ignored me or worse, actually accepted a date then forgot, I know how that feels. Maybe I should do this more often.

Later At Canterlot High, we hunted down Trixie, if the worlds follow parallels, then maybe human Trixie finding the Memory Stone was the parallel to pony Trixie finding the Alicorn Amulet! That gave her means, and she had motive (a stupid selfish shallow motive, but that fit Trixie), and the opportunity with her at the photo club and at the beach!

"Well, well, what do we have here? And who are you? Twilight Sparkle's long lost twin?" Trixie... looking so smug, so superior, not really all that different from normal... but my friends had had their memories violated, I had spent that day being emotionally tortured, feeling my greatest joy being reunited with Celestia, then seeing Twilight so hurt and scared... And she had bragged about having her revenge before... And there she was, just smiling about it!

I wonder if some part of me enjoyed an excuse to go back into my bad habits, and I slammed my fist into the locker next to Trixie's so hard it almost dented (I'm a fledgeling goddess, I admit I've torn off some door knobs and I guess I forgot that when I was that mad). The rest of the students scattered.

"Well, looks like somebody is in a bad mood," Trixie said.


“Yes. That's it Sunset, punch Trixie's face in. Show everyone what you're really like. And I can subtly fix something else in the meantime.”

".worK carefullY"

“Do I really need to do this?”

"?dO yoU wanT alL thiS tO bE foR nothinG .yoU havE delayeD foR faR toO lonG"

“I'm just not sure I can really do this.”

".you'rE thE onlY onE whO caN"

“It... it gets easier each time.“

".I wouldn'T knoW .I dO whaT I exisT tO dO .iT iS alL I eveR kneW .tO dO otherwisE iS to becomE likE thE infectionS"

"...So you're like a machine?"

".gravitY iS morE accuratE"


I was ready for anything! I wasn't about to let this little weasel get away with this! Twilight said something, but I wasn't listening. Trixie wanted to know if I was ready, oh you can bet your biscuits I was ready! There was nothing in her half-baked bag of tricks she could pull!

I wasn't expecting a big fancy poster of Trixie.

"What do you think? If this beauty doesn't convince you then nothing will!"

I stared in confusion for a moment. I exploded. I couldn't take this anymore! I was done with her and her stupid games!

"Where's the Memory Stone? You turned my friends against me just because I wouldn't put you in the yearbook as the Greatest and Powerfullest?! ’Powerfullest’ isn't even a word!"

Trixie gave me a look that just screamed “I don’t get it” that would have had Sonata jealous. "What are you talking about?"

"I said it's not a word!"

"No. What Memory Stone? And all words have to start somewhere I'll have you-"

"The stone you used to erase everyone's memory, you manipulative little small-minded... blowhard!"

Trixie didn't seem even phased by the insult. In fact, if anything, she looked, greedy, excited, eager, she actually leaned a bit closer to me.

Trixie began throwing questions my way about the Memory Stone and how it worked, mentioning 'erasing every spoiled trick she'd ever done, which was zero of course'.

... It was a... a let down. It had... made everything nice and simple for it to be Trixie. My life was spiraling out of control, and with Trixie, at least it gave me a focus, something to point my anger at, it was easy to hate Trixie, she was egotistical, arrogant, a show-off, and was ultimately all flash and no substance. I wanted to believe she was behind everything. And it HAD made sense with how things in the worlds naturally paralleled each other. (The school rumor mill had included mention of Vice Principal's... 'phase.' )

"I don't believe it. You have no idea what I'm talking about."

"I... don't. Sorry." I actually slid down to the floor. My temper evaporated. Our one lead, our one chance, poof...

"So... you really did become nice, but we got our memories of that changed?"

I nodded.

Trixie actually sat down next to me in the empty hall, we were likely missing class at this point.

"... So you have a you that you want everyone to see... but all everyone else sees is someone else?... Trust me, I know how that is."

"... I don't believe it. Out of all my friends in this world, it takes an enemy to believe me."

"Oooh! You thought of me as an enemy? Cool!" Trixie said smiling. ... It hit me like a brick. How desperate for acknowledgement was this girl? "Care for some help finding that magic rock?"

I may be reformed, but I wasn't born yesterday. "What's in it for you?"

She held up the poster.

"Oh no. Nuh-uh!"

"Welllll, if you want to continue your reign in the yearbook as Biggest Meanie..."

No matter the universe, Trixie is still Trixie.


"AHCHOO!" Sneezed the blue Alicorn.

"Princess Trixie, are you okay?" Asked one of the royal guards of the Princess of Humility. Having only recently recovered from her battle with the Queens (as it turned out, one 'new born' Alicorn versus two eons experienced ones and the Alicorn Empress of the Crystal Empire wasn't much of an even fight. Good King Sombra had barely gotten her out of there alive.)

"Somepony must be talking about me."


"... Welcome to the team Trixie."

"Thanks, I was thinking of you being the Great and Powerful Trixie's Pretty Decent Assistant-Detective-Helper Person... Hey, where’s Twilight's twin?"

"She's not Twilight's twin, she's Princess Twilight, she's from the same world as me, you've met her before, but whatever erased your memories of me also edited your memories so-, WAIT! What do you-" It hit me like a ton of bricks. Since when the hades had Princess Twilight Sparkle, Alicorn of Friendship, EVER stayed quiet for this long when someone was obviously opening up!?

I frantically looked around. "Where is she?!"

"I-I don't know! Wait! Twilight Sparkle in your universe is royalty?!"

"When did she leave?!" How had I even missed it?!

"I... I don't remember."

My blood ran cold.