//------------------------------// // Expectations, Part III // Story: Spiders and Magic IV: The Fall of Spider-Mane // by Maximus_Reborn //------------------------------// Chapter Three "Expectations, Part III" "You sure you want to do this?" Spider-Mane questioned, alternating his blank gaze between the three cloaked ponies. The pony at the center scoffed, sharing a glance and nod with her compatriots before they walked away to surround their foes from three angles. "We want to see what you're made of," she chuckled as the others began to hum a melodic tune respectively. Her eyes formed into a glare. "You two take care of the spider. The princess ismine." Spider-Mane huffed. "Who knew you had such a fan, Twilight? Anypony with a grudge usually comes after me." "I don't know who it could be," Twilight whispered, her brow furrowing in deep thought. "At any rate, it's two on three. Let's try not to get separated." "Ball and chain, remember?" Peter quipped, earning a small smile from his wife. All three cloaked ponies sang in unison, each holding a different pitch from each other. One was high-pitched, very energetic compared to the others. The second was much lower, melancholic as if it lacked the heart of the other two voices. Lastly, at the center was a perfect tune, pitching only when one of the others threatened to overlap her volume. In spite of their vast differences, they sang as one with perfect sync and synergy. A light aura emitted from the mares' bodies, from a bright blue, to a desolate violet, and a fiery orange. The denizens of Our Town retreated from the scene as tremors rocked the entire village. Peter's ears twitched in response before he shared a glance with Twilight. "Why are they singing? If I knew this was going to happen, I would have brought our karaoke machine." Twilight did not immediately respond, instead choosing to close her eyes temporarily. "I'm not sure." The mare opened her now glowing eyes, staring intently at each member of the trio. Waves of energy quaked from their mouths, invisible to the naked eye and growing as they continued to hold their tunes. "I've never seen anything like it. They're earth ponies, yet... they're pushing outsomuch magic." The light in her eyes dissolved, and Twilight gave her husband a look of concern. "Their conduit... it appears to be their voices somehow." "Conduit?" Peter questioned, tilting his head to the side. "Wait. You mean like how unicorns channel their magic through their horns? They're using their voices instead?" That following moment, all three cloaked ponies inhaled deeply before unleashing a high-pitched wail, generating waves of energy. Taken aback, Twilight raised a bubble shield around herself and Peter, deflecting two of the attacks. However, the third shattered the defense, sending both ponies spiraling through the air from the rooftop. Spider-Mane caught the princess in his hooves in midair, managing to shift his momentum as they neared the ground. Bouncing off the earth twice on his back, the pair eventually skidded to a halt. Peter's masked eyes stared blankly at the blue skies above, not relinquishing his hold on the princess. "Well, that answers that." Twilight raised her head until she held eye contact with the stallion, their gazes inches apart. "Are you okay?" Peter groaned, wincing as he removed a rock from under his back. "I've had softer landings." The pair helped each other back to a standing position, and the stallion stared intently at the rooftop they previously stood on. "I should've seen that coming. I don't know why my spider sense didn't react." Shaking his head, Peter huffed. "Whatever. I think we just found our siren. Or three of them, rather." One of the cloaked figures dashed from the lookout, her form fading into a bright blue blur as she continued to sing. Faster than anypony could react, Spider-Mane was knocked away by the speeding pony. The stallion rolled onto his hooves, only to be struck from one side by a beam of energy before the first carried him off in a blur. The third cloaked figure hummed, lowering the glowing energy around her body before slowly following the pair. Twilight readied herself to fire a beam at those attacking her partner. However, she caught sight of an orange ball of energy rocketing towards her position from the front, forcing the alicorn to focus her magic on it instead. A chain reaction triggered as both polarizing energies collided, causing a shockwave to detonate. The force blew Twilight back a few meters, but she maintained a standing position before skidding to a halt. Smoke filled the immediate vicinity, plaguing part of the village. The first cloaked pony dashed through the smoke cloud, emerging directly in front of the princess before raising her singing pitch. Several small orbs of energy materialized into existence behind the mystery assailant until they shot out, acting as ballistics projectiles. Twilight raised a shield, standing firm as the magical bullets bounced off its glowing surface. Elsewhere, Peter was struck again with enough force to send his body into a flip. The stallion rolled across the ground before slowing to a halt on his stomach. The first cloaked figure's singing echoed across the area as she continued to race through the village with blinding speed. "Ihatethis song!" Peter groaned, unable to react as the second cloaked figure threw a kick into his back once she was within range. The third cloaked pony followed with a low howl, sending out a widespread wave of energy. Spider-Mane's body was hoisted up by the magical energies before the first pony tackled him out of midair, ricocheting the stallion against the walls of the nearest buildings like a ping-pong ball. Peter managed to free himself from the second pony's grasp, only for the third to knock him down by blasting a beam directly into his chest. Remaining relatively stationary, unlike the ever-moving first pony, the second's body emitted a violet aura before she sang a low melody. A barrier surrounded Spider-Mane, and the first cloaked pony soon afterward, giving both ponies little to no room to maneuver. Peter alternated his furrowed gaze between his attackers. The first cloaked figure giggled uncontrollably as she danced in place within the bubble shield. Clearing her throat, the mare took a deep breath before shrieking at the top of her lungs. A grating high-pitched sound clawed at Peter's equilibrium, causing the muscles in his body to lock involuntarily. The siren's screeches only continued to intensify in volume as her voice waves bounced off the barrier's walls. Spider-Mane threw his hooves desperately over his ears, cringing. "Nyah! It's like there's a drill going in one ear while a second is entering the other, and they'remeeting in the middle!" Twilight's eyes widened from behind the pink walls of her own barrier as she caught sight of what was transpiring. "Peter! Hang on! I'll—!" The alicorn's words fell once the projectiles attacking her shield increased in velocity, causing cracks to form over the surface. Twilight growled in frustration, gritting her teeth before howling. The energy from the shield exploded, generating a shockwave potent enough to knock the third cloaked figure away. Tremors coursed through the building as Twilight leveled her breathing, settling the magic exuding from her body down. The princess paused, her eyes widening at a particular sight. The majority of the cloak the third pony was wearing had been torn, practically disintegrated from the explosion. The mare's poofy orange mane had been revealed, as was her entire face. Both ponies shared a stunned expression, holding their silence for what seemed like an eternity. The first and second cloaked ponies caught sight of what had happened. Ceasing their conjoined attack on Spider-Mane, the barrier surrounding Peter and the cloaked figure dissipated. The orange-maned mare scoffed, turning sharply on her hoof before leaping from the rooftop, and she quickly joined with the others. "Come on. We're leaving," the maskless pony declared, earning an exasperated glare from the second cloaked figure. The mare shot a look of agitation back, pulling both ponies back by their shoulders. "We got what we wanted. Let's go." That same moment, all three ponies disappeared from sight. Twilight rushed to his side as he collapsed, attempting to shake the cobwebs from his head. "Are you okay?" she lightly asked, rubbing a hoof over the stallion's back. Spider-Mane nodded, holding a hoof over his aching cranium. "It's only a splitting headache. I'll be fine, as long as I never go to an opera show ever again." Twilight pulled the stallion to a standing position, and he recollected his bearings, sharing a glance with the alicorn. "That was weird. They had me dead to rights. Why'd they retreat all of a sudden?" Twilight shrugged. "I don't know. That orange mare seemed really surprised when I saw her face. Maybe that's why?" Peter merely nodded, lowering his head as bolts of pain continued to course through his cranium. Twilight furrowed her brow. "Peter, are you okay? You're usually more alert than that. What happened?" Peter shared a brief glance with Twilight, pausing before finally pointing a hoof at the side of his head. "I'm fine, but something's going on with my head. One second, I was hearing everypony's thoughts. Next thing I know, I was sensing magic before my spider sense lit up and shut off— Huh?" Shaking his head, the stallion sharply turned to the side as a familiar ringing sensation chimed in his cranium. "Scratch that. It's not off. It's just… inconsistent." Peter huffed before reaching out and leading Twilight by her hoof. "We'll worry about that later. We have to catch up with Mayday and Starlight. Come on!" -u- A burst of light flashed near the mountaintop standing over Our Town, allowing the Dazzlings to materialize into existence. Adagio exhaled, peeking over the edge of the cliff, but something fell over her shoulder, pulling her back. "What were you thinking?!" Aria barked, removing her mask and tossing it to the ground. "I told you that this wasn't the same Twilight Sparkle! Discord warned usagainandagainto not underestimate her!" Taken aback briefly, Adagio glared and frowned defensively. "S-she caught me off guard!" Aria grit her teeth in sheer anger, pointing a hoof directly at the other mare. "She only caught you off guard because youlether! Youknewwe only wanted to get an estimate of their strength, butnooo!" The mare rolled her eyes and head in unison in an extremely exaggerated manner. "Adagiohad to go all out and let her grudge get the better of her!" Adagio's brow twitched, her face flushing with anger. "Shut up! Like you would've done any better!" Aria forced a dry laugh. "Anyonewould've done better than you back there— because, guess what? Last I checked, you are nowzeroand two against Twilight Sparkle. You really suck at this fighting thing, you know that?" Adagio blinked, taking in seethed breaths. "I saidshut up, Aria!" Sonata stepped between both mares, waving her hooves in a peaceful gesture. "Come on, girls! Calm down! We did just fine, right? We'll get them next time!" Pushing Sonata aside with a foreleg, Aria walked right up to the orange mare. "You couldn't even beat the 'weak' version of her, and this stronger one just made you look like a total chump! This is our one chance to return home! We spent all those years training in Tartarus, and you'realreadyscrewing it up for us!" Adagio snorted, gritting her teeth. "Likeyoucould doanybetter?! We all know you're too stupid to do your own thinking!" Sonata tried to push her way back between both mares, weakly keeping them separated with her hooves. "Hey, come on! Why are you two fighting like this? It's really not that big of a deal! Please! Stop!" Aria huffed. "It's only your job to call the shots because, supposedly, you know what you're doing. You never trust us to make any plans. Heck, you never askanyponyfor help, and look at where that's got us." Adagio shoved Sonata away, closing the distance between herself and Aria before poking a hoof against the mare's chest. "You seriously thinkyoucan do better?" she retorted in a half laugh. "You couldn't lead a flock of sheep through a tunnel! In fact, you wouldn't evenbehere right now if it weren't for me!" Sonata shook her head frantically, tears streaming down her face. "Just stop! Please!" Aria took a step back, her eyes widening at the other mare's statement. An almost predatory smirk crossed Adagio's features. "Yeah. That's right, and youknowit! You practicallybeggedfor me to let you come with us to Canterlot back then. Looking back, maybe that was a mistake. We should've left you there, half starved and alone, feeling sorry for yourself! You've been nothing but a lazy deadweight this whole time, half-assing your way througheverythingyou do! We'd be better off without you and your constant complaints! So, why don't you do us a favor and just leave already!? No one will miss you!" Sonata scowled before humming a soft rhythm. A light blue barrier enclosed the orange mare and pulled her away from the other mare. "That'senough, Adagio! You wenttoo far!" she said, alternating her concerned gaze between both sirens. "She didn'treallymean it, Aria! Right, Adagio?" Aria stared at Adagio with her mouth agape, the mare's words buzzing around in her head like an angry bee. Adagio merely huffed, crossing her forelegs before looking away. Unable to form any words, Aria slowly turned and walked away from the pair, her gaze never leaving the ground. Sonata reached out to Aria, holding her other forehoof over her mouth. Adagio turned her back on Aria as a tear escaped from the orange mare's eyes. "Who cares, right? Let her go. We don't need her," she declared as she began to walk away in the opposite direction of the light violet mare. Sonata bit her lip, continuing to alternate her gaze between Aria and Adagio, causing the orange mare to look back and growl in frustration. "I saidlet's go, Sonata!" Sharing one final glance with Adagio, Sonata slammed her eyes shut briefly before galloping after Aria. An awkward air of silence filled the area, leaving the orange mare to listen to her own thoughts. That following second, Adagio huffed and disappeared from sight in a burst of light. "Aria! Hang on!" Sonata cried out, catching up to the other mare to walk alongside her. "You know she didn't really mean that. You know how she is when she's grumpy." A nervous smile crept up the mare's face when she received no response after several long seconds. "B-Besides, what does she know, anyway? I know you try your best. You try your best at everything you do!" Receiving no response once again, the light blue mare's concern grew. "Oh! Do you want to get some ice cream? You love ice cream! We should totally get some ice cream and—"Aria suddenly looked up to the mare with a scowl, the sight of her now tearstained face catching Sonata completely off guard. "Do youevershut up!?" Aria questioned exasperatedly, aggressively rubbing her eyes. "Adagio saysI'ma deadweight!? Well, what aboutyou? You never takeanythingseriously! This may as well be just one big game to you! Do you evencareabout going home?" "O-of course I do!" Sonata stammered, taken aback by the other mare's outburst. "I want us all to go home again." Forcing a dry laugh, Aria rolled her eyes. "Well, you sure don't act like it. You never think aboutanythingyou do. You just blindly leap into a situation with complete disregard, and—!" Aria trailed off, yelling as she shook her head furiously. "Argh! You can beso annoying!" She stopped, turning in place to face the other mare. "You know what? Maybe Adagio was right about me leaving. You two don't need me, and I mostcertainlydon't need you idiots either!" Sonata's reluctantly cheerful expression faltered at the sting that the other mare's words brought to her chest. "S-Surely you... y-you don't really mean that, right? I mean... we've been friends for ages now!" Aria hardened her glare. "You arenotmy friend. You haveneverbeen my friend!" she declared venomously. "Neither you or Adagio have ever cared about me." Unable to hold her emotions back, Sonata's lip began to tremble as tears welled in her eyes. "That's not true! That's not true at all!" "Liar!" Aria shouted back, turning to walk away, only to have the other mare reach out and catch her shoulder. "Don't touch me!" Looking back, she slapped away Sonata's hoof. "Can you not take a hint? Just get away from me!" A long, awkward silence filled the air as both mares held their gazes on each other. Sonata's demeanor faltered as her tears and sniffles were quickly replaced with sobs. Aria's eyes widened, as if her mind had just realized the intensity of what had come out of her mouth, but the second she reached out to speak, Sonata exploded into a pained cry, running away from the violet mare. A soft breeze brushed through the vicinity, leaving Aria alone just as she had demanded to be. Tears began to once again stream down the mare's face as her frustration at the situation and with herself reached a peak. Growling under her breath, she kicked a nearby stone before walking off. Mayday quietly sat alone in Starlight Glimmer's abode, unable to free her saddened gaze from the ground. The commotion outside seemed to have quieted down, signifying that her parents were done with their brawl. The lingering sense of dread refused to yield, leaving the filly to wallow in her misery. That horrible image flashed across her mind relentlessly until it was imprinted into her memories. Not only did her father crush any hope of Mayday leading a normal life, Starlight Glimmer had seemingly lied about making that wish come true. "I just want something to go my way for once," Mayday whispered, letting out a low sigh before her ears perked at the sound of approaching hoofsteps. The filly glanced off to the side, frowning as Starlight Glimmer slowly walked towards her. "What do you want?" Starlight Glimmer smiled, stopping once she was hoof-lengths from the filly. "I know you're disappointed, but this is not the end. I can still remove your cutie mark with my own magic. I've had years of practice to hone my craft." Mayday refused to share a glance with the mare, keeping her gaze fixed on the ground. "Why should I believe you? You made me think that everypony here is an equal. You took away everypony's cutie mark except for your own. Why?" "Just because I haven't removed my cutie mark doesn't mean I don't support my cause. I keep mine only as a reminder of what I strive to change," Starlight Glimmer slowly stated, pausing as magic glowed from her horn. "Cutie marks are chaotic creations made to divide our society. Let's look at you for example, Mayday. Ponies have already associated you with your parents because of your mark. It's a label, and it's unfair to you. They expect you to be a prodigy like your mother or assume you're as otherworldly as your father, even though you're the same as any normal pony. It's because you bear such a symbol that everypony's expectations are raised for you. I'm offering you a fresh start. With no cutie mark comes no expectations. You are free to be whoyouwant to be." Looking up to the mare beside her, Mayday offered Starlight a newfound, hopeful expression. "Do you… do you really mean that? Like, truly mean it?" Inhaling deeply, Starlight's eyes softened, showing what appeared to be genuine concern. "Look, I'm not the bad pony here. There are those that disagree with my methods, but there is no greater balance and harmony than there is in equality. I simply want what is best for Equestria." Extending a hoof to the filly, Starlight smiled. "I believe you have the power to be the catalyst of my vision. Because if the daughter of a princess and a hero can change her fate, then anypony can be given a fresh start. The first step to finding true harmony starts with change. I only ask that you trust me when I say this. I want to help everypony be who they want to be, not what society expects them to be." The filly hesitantly looked to her forehoof, before reaching out and accepting Starlight's own. As if all doubt had left Mayday's mind, she simply closed her eyes and nodded. Starlight closed their gap further, never averting her gaze from the star-spider insignia imprinted on the filly's flank. The magic from the mare's horn spiraled out, vortexing around Mayday's lower body before it enveloped both cutie marks. The insignias began to dissipate, slowly pulling away from their host, as if to separate from her. However, somepony threw a straight kick into Starlight Glimmer's back, sending the mare flying forward until she landed on her stomach. The spell instantly dissolved, and the filly's cutie mark solidified itself back in place properly. Mayday's eyes shot open at the commotion, finding her parents standing between her and Starlight Glimmer. Twilight used her free hoof to edge the filly close to her side, in spite of the filly's protests. Spider-Mane chuckled, brushing dust from his leg with a hoof as he glanced at Starlight. "Oops! Sorry, ma'am. I didn't see you there!" "You miserable wretch!" Starlight cursed, slamming her hoof into the ground before turning her head sharply around to face the stallion. "Insignificant, disobedient speck of feculent scum! Howdareyou!" "You brought this on yourself," Spider-Mane declared, shaking his head. "You lied to everypony in this village and kidnapped our daughter, all just to advance your own personal agenda." Mayday defiantly stood past Twilight. "Dad! Stop! She didn't kidnap me! Iwantedto come here!" Twilight encased the filly in a bubble shield before pulling her behind her position. "That's enough, young lady. Starlight Glimmer had her associates render you and the Canterlot guards unconscious before you could give consent." Inhaling deeply before sighing, Twilight shared a glance with Mayday from the corner of her eye without turning around. "What she's offering you is an illusion. You havenothingto be ashamed of. You're only denying your true self if you try to hide from your cutie mark or anything that resembles what you are. You'llalwaysbe our daughter, no matter what your cutie mark looks like." Peter nodded, tuning out the thoughts echoing across his mind before pointing a hoof at Starlight. "Your mother's absolutely right. If you lose your cutie mark, you'll only gain more unwanted attention." Spider-Mane straightened his posture. "Besides, I don't want my daughter dealing with somepony who negotiates with Discord." Starlight's eyes widened as her mouth fell agape. "How… do you know this?!" Twilight mirrored the mare's actions, holding a stunned expression. "Wait. Is that true?!" Peter nodded once more, placing a hoof on the side of his head. "Yeah. It explains why her magic feels like the Green Goblin's back on Earth. It's not as strong, but Idoknow Discord willingly gave you a boost. You claim you want to prevent chaos, but you're working with Discord. You're nothing but a hypocrite!" Starlight took in seething breaths through her gritted teeth. "I made a deal with the devil to see my dream come true! You havenoright to judge me! You would never understand!" Pacing in place, Starlight held a glare at the stallion as a vein throbbed at the center of her forehead. "You took awayeverythingfrom me! My status! My rule! Mybalance! You came andspreadchaos in my peaceful town! Who is therealhypocrite here, I wonder? Well, no matter. Youwillpay for this! I swear it!" That same moment, Starlight disappeared from sight in a flash of light. Peter and Twilight analyzed their surroundings, with the stallion hopping to the closest window while the mare's eyes emitted a bright light. Spider-Mane glanced about wildly at the village, attempting to locate Starlight, but the stallion shook his head upon failing to do so. Twilight's eyes returned to a shade of violet once Peter returned to her side. However, she held a look of disappointment. "I'm sorry, Peter. She got away. Whatever teleportation spell Starlight used, she's out of range for me to sense her," Twilight muttered, frowning. Peter removed his mask and exhaled. "Ah, crap. I really wish we could've captured her. She definitely has a portion of Discord's power in her. If Discord is up to something again, Starlight would've been our best bet to find out just what. The last thing we need is another reality-bending nutjob on the loose." Twilight nodded. "We'll worry about that later. We should tell Princess Celestia about what we found here. Maybe she can find a way to give the ponies in this village their cutie marks back. If not, I might be able to figure something out with a bit of time." Twilight's eyes softened. "I really don't think we have to worry about Starlight. She's not reallybad… just misdirected. I hope we'll be able to talk with her again. Somepony with her devotion and passion could lead to great things with proper guidance." Peter brushed a hoof through his mangled mane, sighing. "I hope we're that lucky." A light thudding sound from behind the pair gained their attention. Turning to the source, Peter and Twilight blinked at the sight of their daughter still encased in a bubble shield, her exasperation evident through her folded hooves, twitching brow, and scowl. Peter cringed involuntarily, recognizing that expression all too well while stealing a glance at Twilight. "I swear, Mayday looks just like you when she's mad, honey. That's the 'this is about time I hide in fear for my life' look that she's giving us. I should know. You give me that look whenever I really mess up." Twilight blankly stared at the stallion. "Peter." "For anypony else, getting that look meant they would have the worst day of their lives. For me, it'sTuesday!" Peter grinned, causing the mare to groan in response. Peter shrugged, pausing to press the buttons under the web-shooter on his hoof. The Spider Glider soared in through the open window, hovering next to the stallion as it held its place mere hoof-lengths from the ground. "Anyway, I, uh... think we should let her out of there before she gets any angrier. Iknowwhat look comes after that one." Twilight rolled her eyes before lowering the shield, causing the magic surrounding Mayday to dissolve. "Are you okay? Were you hurt?" "Don't talk to me," Mayday growled, marching past Twilight before shoving Peter. In spite of their height differences, the filly looked up at her father with complete disregard. "How could you do this, Dad?!" Peter arched a brow. "What? How could I save you? Easy. You're my little girl." "Save me!?" Mayday blurted out in a half laugh. "Yousavedme from living a normal life! Yousavedme from not being the alien's daughter! Heck, you evensavedme from making my own decisions!" Peter's eyes softened, yet Mayday's assault had only begun, with the filly pouting as tears fell from the corners of her eyes. "Thanks a lot, Dad! I'll always be a freak thanks to you!" Peter raised up his hooves defensively. "Now, hang on a second, Mayday…" Twilight reached out, turning the filly around upon placing a hoof on her shoulder. "Mayday Gwendolyn Parker Sparkle! Don't talk to your father like that! He was worried sick about you!" Mayday rolled her eyes in exasperation. "Yeah. I canclearlysee that." That same moment, Mayday brushed past the stallion and hopped on top of the glider, pressing its central buttons before taking flight. "Whatever, I'm going home." Faster than anypony could react, the filly was out of sight, soaring through the clouds as the glider's engine hummed across the skies. Slack-jawed, Peter stared at the sky. "That little punk just stole my ride!" The stallion reached for the navigational system control out of his knapsack, only to groan at the sight of an 'x' symbol at the center of its screen. "She just cut the communications! I don't believe this!" Twilight furrowed her brow, giving the stallion a knowing yet stern gaze. "Mayday helped you build the Spider Glider, remember? She knows it about as well as you do." The mare closed the gap between them, placing her hoof gently over his shoulder. As Peter's concerned gaze met her bright violet irises, Twilight gave a reassuring smile. "She's just angry, Peter. Let her blow off some steam for now. Mayday did say she was going home, after all. If we leave now, we should make it there in good time." Peter shook his head, managing a weak chuckle. "What? You expect me to ride on my wife's back, piggyback style? I havesomepride, you know." The stallion sobered, stealing a glance at the sky-blue skies above. "Go back to Canterlot first. Alotjust happened. Tell Princess Celestia and the others that Mayday's just fine. Don't forget to mention the sirens, Starlight, this village, and that Discord might be up to something again. Oh, and as soon as you can, let Aunt May or Trixie know that Mayday is at home and needs some company." Twilight arched a brow. "Okay, but where areyougoing?" Peter was slow to respond as he removed the rest of his costume, sealing it inside of the knapsack. "I'm heading home. I just need to go for a walk. I'll be back later. I promise." "Are you sure?" Twilight asked sweetly, placing a soft kiss on the stallion's cheek. Once Peter gave the mare an affirming nod, she hesitantly returned his gesture before pulling her hood back over her head. "Okay. I'm heading back to Canterlot then. I'll see you tonight." Peter and Twilight shared a nod before the mare's wings spread, allowing her to take flight. With a deep sigh, the stallion watched his wife fade into the horizon before he took his leave. In the realm of the astral plane, Discord watched with a coy grin. The draconequus waved his glowing talon, prompting six separate screens to materialize into existence, each displaying a different image. Peter walked through the fields in one of the screens while Mayday flew on the glider in another. Twilight soared through the skies in a different screen, approaching Canterlot as the last three displayed bore images of Aria, Adagio, and Sonata taking different paths. "My word. Who knew so much could happen at once? Mayday is upset with her father, Starlight Glimmer escaped, the princesses are going to catch wind of my presence, and the tension of my dearest Dazzlings' defeats already have them at each others' throats," Discord chided, snorting into laughter. "This is just perfect! The fiasco is only beginning, and there's already enough chaos to go around! Ooh, the suspense is killing me!" Clapping his paw and talon together, the draconequus leaned back into a chair as it materialized into existence behind his position and propped his legs until he was comfortable. "Let's see how this pans out."