//------------------------------// // 31: Moving Forward... // Story: An Equestrian Witcher // by OblivionShadow //------------------------------// Oblivion rejoined the others around the campfire and conjured a glass of water as he sat silently. The Guards said nothing to him while waiting for him to speak independently, chewing through their evening meal. Sasa nuzzled his shoulder, waiting for him. The cup vanished in a small burst of magic, and he sighed low. “So how did it go?” The feline finally spoke up as she waited. Oblivion was quiet as his mind went over the information he had received. “It was an… experience.” He finally spoke aloud. “Sir?” Silver questioned him as he regarded the black stallion. Oblivion thought over what he would say without revealing more than was needed. “I have used a different skill to see if I could find out more from the gem we took from her.” He tipped his horn in the crazed mare’s direction as she glared. “By focusing on it, I could discover who had the gem before her and the story behind it.” “Is that why you were gone all day?” Vantage spoke up. “Yes. It takes time and a great amount of focus and channeling.” Oblivion replied. “I found out that it all began in Canterlot.” “Oh?” Cross asked as he looked up from his meal. “Yes, do any of you recall a case where an unknown assailant killed three Pegasus? Leaving their filly alive?” Silver thought about it and looked to Striker, who shrugged. “Nothing comes to mind.” He admitted. “Hmm.” Oblivion's horn lit, and he conjured a scroll and quill in his magic. Luna, I have captured the one responsible for bringing the monsters to Equestria and orchestrating the ponies' deaths in the reports. I have found that there is a much larger case involved in this. I need information on a case that happened several years ago in Canterlot. The case showed the deaths of three Pegasus and left their daughter alive. If possible, I need access to the information from this event. I have found the item that is being used to create tears in the world and is bringing creatures here from a great distance. I have the item in my possession and will keep it with me to prevent it from being used, even by accident. Please ensure that the information needed is available by noon upon our arrival at the capitol. Oblivion Shadow His horn flared as the scroll rolled up and was sent to the Princess of the Night. He sat back heavily on his haunches for a moment before his orange eyes fell on the pinto in the carriage. In the growing dark, they gave off their natural glow, and he watched her till she laid down in the chariot to avoid the gaze of the Witcher. “Sir? What do we do now?” Striker asked him. “Are we going to Canterlot or keeping her with us when we go to the other locations?” “We will be going to Canterlot first thing in the morning. We will arrive before noon, and then her fate will be chosen. I have research that must be done to understand the one pulling the strings in the background.” “Sir?” Vantage piped up. “According to what I have found, the gem she used belongs to another. She allowed it to be used so long as Winter could get the Element, and then it would be used to call upon a creature responsible for the deaths of ponies a few years ago.” “Oh wow,” Silver replied. “So that thing is not a pony made the item?” “No. It comes from far away from here. It has a connection to Equestria and is used to call upon the tears that we have seen.” They looked at him with different terminology. “The portals.” The Witcher clarified. “Okay, so we will be turning everything over to the Princesses, gem included, and then heading back to the next location?” Striker asked of him as he nodded. Oblivion closed his eyes briefly; they opened as he sighed softly. “No.” The guards looked at him, questions in their gaze. Sasa looked at him as well, her head tilted slightly. “I will be dropping off the true mare. But we will be delaying the next location as I go through the information I need for the mare that once held the gem. As for the gem. It will be staying in my possession.” The mare sat up, an angry cry sounding from her. She struggled against the bindings and began to yell incoherently at the group. Oblivion growled under his breath as his horn lit, covered in the azure flame of his aura. It covered her, and she slowly sank back to the bottom of the chariot, her mind blank as he let her slide into unconsciousness. “Thank you for that, Chosen.” Sasa nuzzled him as her voice rang through his mind. Oblivion nodded and turned back to the group, now staring at him. “I know that normally, all evidence would most likely be turned over for further investigation.” They nodded. “But in this case, I must keep this one piece with me. I will answer what questions I can, but for the most part, I will keep my theories to myself for now.” Silver looked at the others and finally nodded. “All right. Are you going to inform…” He paused as a scroll appeared in the black pony’s magic. The deep blue stationary told Oblivion who was reaching out to him. Oblivion, Please bring the pony to my sister and me once you arrive. We will speak with her in the morning about the reports you seek. In the meantime, rest and bring the suspect back to my sister and me for punishment. Luna Oblivion sent the scroll to his saddlebag and waited before he spoke. “We will leave early in the morning, so I suggest you rest as much as possible. We need to be back in the capital before noon.” The guards all nodded and left for their tents. Sasa stood up and stood across from him, listening. Once she seemed satisfied that they were not going to come back out, she regarded the black stallion. “All right, Chosen. Spill.” She said to him as she sat beside him. Oblivion gave a quiet groan. “It was an experience.” “Were you able to call upon her?” “Yes. That was a success; she seemed quite impressed by it.” “I’m sure. Summoning her must be a more advanced ability. But that does not answer my question.” “I am aware.” Oblivion glared at the cat before him. “Come here.” He reached out and placed his forehead against hers, allowing her access to the memory within him. He felt the cat shudder as she saw the memory flash through her mind. He pulled back and waited as she processed the facts. “So the mare, Asmara, was created by the deaths of her family?” She whispered out after a few minutes. “Yes. In a way. The true root of the issue is once again the old Guardian. Once more, he meddles in the lives that should be protected. His desire to advance even further cruelty upon those in this world grows more… Aggravating the more I learn.” Sasa nodded, a purr rumbling through her. “What will you do now?” “Now? We find this mare and, if needed, discover what all she knows. I have asked Luna for the files of the attack in Canterlot. Once I have that information, I can make a more formal deduction. For now, my choices are limited.” “True enough.” Sasa was quiet as she was still processing the brutality she had seen. “It is still upsetting seeing what had happened.” “It is yes. Even I could sense what they felt due to the gem nearby. Though the emotions were not my own, I could still ‘feel’ from them.” “At least this time, you could stop the emotions more easily.” Sasa teased. “Last time…not so much.” He chuckled and nodded to the cat, agreeing with her words. He stood up and went to his tent. “Sasa.” “I’ll stay out here and make sure she is okay. Even though her dying of exposure is not something I would lose sleep over.” Oblivion shook his head and nodded to the feline as she lay down beside the chariot. He went into his tent and lay down on the floor of it. He made sure to set his swords to the side as he laid his head down. His magic reached out, and he gripped the gem and pulled it out of his saddlebag. It glittered in the azure flame of his magic, and he stared at it. He sighed and thought over the memories stored within it. He had never thought of any gem as possibly being a living being. He was living to an extent, anyway. He understood that this one came from a place that is the center, the conjunction, as she called it. Breaking a piece of it traumatized the gem itself. In a way, it had also been broken, and the cavern used the Elemental to try to retrieve the shard. At the same time, it was unclear why the creature had not attacked again. Though thinking of it, he suddenly lifted his head as the realization struck him. “The violence of it. That’s what drew it. The former Guardian traumatized the entire cavern with the violence of breaking it from the wall. Slowly cutting the gem into its current appearance drew the Elemental from a far greater distance. Canterlot is a very long way away from it.” Oblivion was silent as his whispers set on his ears. He looked at the gem and slowly set it around his neck. He was ready to throw it off him if he sensed the Elemental or any disturbance. The gem was quiet as he put it gently beside the Element of Spirit and his medallion. He had been able to feel the magic inside it before, now it was muted and had fallen quiet. He looked to the Element around his medallion. He figured that the proximity of the Element had brought about the change in the gem. Oblivion laid his head back down, allowing his mind to sleep again. “Chosen.” Sasa’s voice reached him, and he awoke to hear her call. “Sasa?” He reached back to her and waited for her to respond. “Is it time to leave?” He wasn’t sure what would have brought her to wake him. “No. It’s still dark out. But I have a question for you.” “Go ahead.” “Where is the gem?” “I have it around my neck. Why?” “Please come outside.” He got to his hooves and opened the tent flap. He whinnied and fell to his haunches, rolling over his shoulder to stand on his hooves. His magic lifted his sword, and he gripped it in his teeth. He slowly opened the tent flap once more and walked outside. His muscles were tensed, and he stared at the Elemental before him. He skirted around it and came to stand beside Sasa, who was sitting and staring at the creature. He looked down at her, his teeth clenched around the hilt of the weapon. The Elemental did not move as he slowly released his blade and let it hover in his magic. “How long?” “About five minutes.” “And you waited to say anything, why?” She looked at him. “I was not sure what it was until the eyes appeared. At first, I thought it was something from Equestria until the glowing eyes appeared. It slowly came out of the ground, where it is now. It hasn’t moved an inch. It just stares. Very creepy.” She said to him. Giving him the information he requested from her. Oblivion walked over to it and, though he didn’t like doing it, used the end of his blade to poke the creature and leaped away from it in case it attacked. He turned and delivered a heavy buck to the creature's arm when it didn't move. It remained still. Oblivion walked over to it and put a hoof on it. The Elemental shifted under his hoof, and he and Sasa yelped and jumped away. Sasa leaped over the chariot while Oblivion backflipped away from it, landing close to the she-cat. Sasa snarled at it but slowly calmed. “It…Why did it suddenly move?” She asked the Witcher, her breathing panted as she focused on calming her racing heart. Oblivion returned to the monster and stood in front of it. It remained as still as before. It did not track him as he moved around it. The Witcher inhaled and then set his hoof on the Elemental's chest, and it straightened slightly at his touch. He pushed it, and it slowly moved back to his command. As he moved it back to the other side of the camp, he stopped, and it went still once more. Sasa walked over to him and nudged his hip. “Okay, so it’s…Harmless?” “Not in the slightest.” Oblivion corrected. “It’s still the same being. The difference is that I…am fairly emotionless. So there is no emotion for it to process through the gem.” Sasa looked at him as he spoke aloud. “So since you’re not pouring any intent into the gem, it’s not acting?” “I think so. To an extent, it knows me.” “How do you mean?” Oblivion paused as he realized he had shown her the memories, not the conversation with Equestria. “I came from the same cavern as the gem. To an extent, I am connected to it. A part of it remains with me. So it might be that it is… confused about my intent and who I am.” Sasa walked up to it and nudged it with a paw. She jumped back, but it remained still. She reached out again, and Oblivion reached out to her, giving a slight push in her direction. It shifted, and Sasa yowled as she ran for cover. She looked back from the side of the chariot to find it still, with Oblivion's hoof on it. She snarled at him and stalked back to where he stood. “Chosen. Bad time for teasing.” She told him, even as she chuckled through their connection. Oblivion removed his hoof and nodded to her. He reached down and held the gem in his hoof. The elemental shifted to the gem at the slight touch of Oblivion's hoof. Oblivion released it and softened his touch on the jewel. The Elemental stilled as he was careful with the gem in his grasp. Sasa managed not to yelp when it moved and watched Oblivion as he moved. He side passed around the creature using the gem to turn the creature. He pushed magic into the gem slowly. The creature’s eyes lit as it moved more quickly with the stallion. He released the gem and let it sit by the medallion once more. “Interesting.” He spoke aloud as he circled it once more. “It responds to magic due to the cavern being drenched in magic itself. It reacts to it naturally. Using that, its movements become sharper and more fluid. With just my touch, it will stiffly move but lose that fluidity.” Oblivion stopped and raised the gem and the Element off of his neck. His magic held them gently in front of the Elemental. It remained still, but the eyes glowed brightly. Oblivion set the gem back on his neck and held the Element aloft. The Element didn’t react as he held it closer to the creature. As he looked at it, he saw that it had gotten slightly less bulky but was still considerable. The medallion began to tremble more violently the closer he held it to the Elemental. As he tapped it against the creature, it reached for the Element. “Shit!” Oblivion shouted as he backed away. It went still once more as he backed up. Beside him, Sasa panted as she had run from it as well. “Don’t do that.” She chided him. “I wasn’t sure what it would do. I admit I did not expect it to reach for it.” The Witcher placed the Element and the medallion back around his neck and analyzed the possibilities. “All right, I wonder.” He whispered aloud and advanced on the Elemental. He put a bit of his magic into the gem and also requested the creature. He watched, shocked, as it slowly returned to the earth below his hooves. Sasa stared at him as he looked at her and then back to the ground before him. “Did you tell it to do that?” Oblivion nodded and asked it to return. It bubbled out of the ground, but he sent it back before it could fully emerge. Sasa yowled at him as he held the germ aloft. He set it back in place and sat down by the dead fire. His mind raced as he went over what he knew. Which, unfortunately, was not much. Oblivion was quiet as he quickly realized that having the creature at his command gave him a considerable advantage. His mind poured over what he had seen, and he knew that if he used the Elemental correctly, he could draw Asmara to him. “This could work.” He muttered as he stood up and began pacing. “What could work?” Sasa asked him as she sat beside him. “The mare is looking to try to summon the Elemental.” “The one you now have in your back pocket?” “Yes. She hungers for revenge on it. So if we let it be seen a few times or even bring it into Canterlot, it will draw her to it.” “Okay, but we need to keep the gem away from her. What do you think she is really after?” “To be honest, I am not exactly sure. She wanted to use the element to summon it to her and then, I assume, destroy it with the power the Element holds.” “Well. Surprise, surprise, the Elemental tried to take the Element of Spirit.” Sasa snipped back. “Precisely. I’m unsure if she is aware of that as a possibility or if she is assuming a gem of greater or equal power could bring it to her. Her exact reasons are not clear. But I assume she wishes to destroy it since she seeks revenge.” “One would assume.” Sasa agreed. Oblivion reached out his senses, but the Elemental was hidden. “So long as strong emotions are not projected to it, then the Elemental should remain inactive,” he explained. "If trauma is done to the gem, then it will react violently to try to retrieve or just kill the one harming it.” Sasa chuffed at his side and nuzzled his shoulder. “Well, then, having it in the hooves of a Witcher is most fortunate. Emotions are not your strong suit, Chosen.” Oblivion grunted in agreement and then stood up once more. His pacing lasted for several hours until the sun began to rise on the horizon. Sasa had chosen to lie down and doze now that he was awake. The guards came out, and Cross squeaked a cry of surprise as Oblivion paced on the other side of the fire. The Witcher paused and regarded them as he waited for them to speak or move. “Sir.” Silver came forward. “How long have you been awake?” “A few hours. A new development came up, and I have been thinking about it. Nothing more.” He assured them. “We need to get everything pulled down and ready to leave. I will alert the town, and then we will leave.” He ordered and began to walk toward the village. He heard the guards moving and felt Sasa bump her head against his hip to alert him to her location. His stride was fluid as he reached the town hall after several minutes of walking. He rapped his hoof on the door and waited for any movement. “It’s still very early Chosen.” Sasa advised him as there was no response. “I am aware. But we need to get moving and get into the air.” “You know what the worst part is going to be?” Oblivion paused and looked at her, his gaze questioning. “We have to ride in the chariot with that crazy mare.” Sasa quipped to him. Oblivion paused, and a snort of amusement escaped him. He nodded to her. “That is true.” “Can you keep her knocked out?” She asked him. “Please?” “Will see how it goes. Perhaps she will stay quiet for a while.” “Are we talking about the same mare? Happens to be a pinto unicorn, bald spots that look like old burns, psycho, has a nasty habit of screaming that she is going to kill you?” Oblivion grinned for a moment and nodded. “Yes, sounds like the same one.” “You’re giving her too much credit, methinks.” Oblivion shook his head and rapped his hoof once more on the door. He backed up as he heard movement inside. The mayor opened the door, looking more than a bit surly at the Witcher. “Yes?” “Cranky.” Sasa muttered through their link. Oblivion said nothing at the cat’s commentary. “I apologize for the early hour, but I am letting you know that we will be leaving this morning,” Oblivion replied to him. His tone was diplomatic and left no room for any argument. “Oh. Well, thank you again for what you have done. I’m glad it has been sorted out, and we will wish you well on the return journey.” He smiled and held out a hoof to the Element bearer. Oblivion shook his hoof and turned to leave. His ears caught the mayor closing his door behind them. As he moved through the silent village, he paused at a sound off to the side of him. His senses reached out, and he could hear the hooves approaching him. He came to a stop and waited for the pony to reach him. A mare went around the corner and slid to a stop at the sight of him. Oblivion looked at her and recognized her as Bright Fire's widow, Peony. She regarded him for a moment and walked up to him. “I heard that you’re leaving.” She said to him. “That is true. Is there anything that you need?” She shook her head and then looked at him. “They told me that you killed the monster that killed my husband. Is that true?” “Yes. It fell to me and will not kill another.” She looked at the cat beside him and then back at him. “I heard you took its head as proof of its demise.” “Also true. It’s an old habit.” He admitted with an absent shrug. “Can I see it?” she asked. Her voice quivered as she waited for his reply. “Why?” “I want to know. I have to know. I have to see it.” She replied to him. “Okay. But why?” “I need to know what it was. I look at the forest. All I can do is shake. I keep thinking the monster could be anywhere, anything. I know he wouldn’t want me to be terrified of the forest we met in.” She told him, tears in her eyes. Oblivion nodded and lit his horn to summon the head of the Leshen to him. It appeared in his magic, and he set it on the ground between them. She gasped and backed up several steps. She swallowed and sniffled but walked up to it. “What is it?” “It’s called an Ancient Leshen. They are rare and very reclusive.” “So, are there more?” “No. This is the only one.” He informed her. “What will happen to this?” She asked as she nudged the scorched head. “That is usually up to the one who calls on a contract. Some wish to keep it, and others want it destroyed. Sometimes, I have kept them as a trophy.” She was quiet as she sat down and put her hooves on Leshen's head. She lifted it and looked at the dead eyes of the animal skull. Her eyes went over the scorched antlers, and she stood up slowly with them; her eyes took on a hard glint. Oblivion backed up a step, pushing Sasa with his flank. The mare screamed and tossed the skull violently to the ground. She jumped to it and brought her hooves down on the flat skull. “Chosen?” Sasa's voice held concern as the mare cried while she stomped the skull. “It’s fine. Let her work through it. She needs her closure for what has happened. Everypony handles their grief and loss differently. She needs a face to blame for the loss. By attacking and beating it, she is not only gaining closure but also conquering a fear she has gained.” Oblivion reasoned to her, and the feline nodded at his reply. After a few minutes, the mare stopped her assault on the skull and sat down to cry. Sasa nudged his hip, and he went to the sobbing mare. He reached out to her to help her to her hooves. She gripped his hoof and lunged into his chest. He started but allowed her to cry on him, her hooves gripping his fur. Sasa came to her and nuzzled her mane. She reached out, and Sasa put her head under her hoof to allow her to hold her as well. The Tiger purred to the mare, comforting her. Oblivion looked up and found Striker and Vantage watching from the other side of the plaza. They both nodded and smiled as the Witcher stayed with the mare. After several minutes, she quieted and stood up, wiping his fur of her tears. “Thank you. I am so sorry about that. I just…” She sniffled and apologized to him. He held a hoof up and silenced her. “It’s all right. Everypony needs to grieve in their way.” He said to her, his voice quiet. She smiled and nodded at him. “Now I can go back and not fear what might lurk. I can live with timber wolves and the like. But that.” She pointed to the skull on the ground. “I needed to know that thing and that it was gone. I needed to know what it looked like.” Oblivion nodded as he picked the skull up in his magic and set it on his back. He bowed his head to the mare, who smiled and walked out of the plaza with the two guards at his back, who also bowed to her. They stayed at his hips and moved with him through the village. He looked up as ponies gathered at the village's edge, close to their camp. The other guards were waiting and shrugged at his look of curiosity. He joined them and watched as the mayor came forward. “I know you are all leaving this morning, but we needed to send you off the right way. We were all rude and cruel to you when you arrived. We barely helped you, and all you had come to do was protect us. So we have all gathered here to thank you properly and send you off with your heartfelt blessings.” Sasa purred loudly to the crowd and moved among them, rubbing her soft fur over their bodies. Many reached out to hug and hold the she-cat. As she walked by, Sasa nuzzled foals and mares and then walked to the chariot to await the others. Silver and the others walked through them and were given the same treatment as the she-cat. They were thanked as they moved through, and gifts were heaped. Oblivion managed to hide his cringe and began his walk through them. Hooves went over his fur as he moved through. Quiver stopped him, wrapped his legs around the stallion’s neck, and thanked him for saving him again. Oblivion nodded to him and walked past. He felt several small bundles added to the head on his back, and he tried not to shake as the burdens were placed. He reached the others and turned as the bundles were pulled off his back by Silver and Cross. He looked to the group assembled as the guards got into the traces for the chariot. Oblivion shifted the mare over to the back of the chariot and jumped in to sit in place. He looked back to the group, and his eyes widened as they all bowed their heads to him. The chariot began to pull away. Sasa roared thanks to them and stood with her paws on his shoulder. Oblivion nodded to them as the chariot lifted and headed for the skies. “That was a wonderful send-off.” Sasa said to him as she sat beside him. “Such kind ponies.” “It was a bit of a surprise.” He admitted to her. “And that last part.” Sasa said to him as she rubbed her forehead on his shoulder. “They understood, Chosen. That you acted only to protect them, and that was all you came to do. That was profound.” She whispered to him. “I saw it.” He replied. He had thanked them in his way for the gesture. “It was a… welcome first.” He admitted. He went silent as he ensured that his saddlebags held the reports he had gotten initially and lit the Leshens report aflame. “That’s the end of that one.” Sasa growled and lay beside the she-cat, pushing his mind back to meditative for the long trip. He fell silent as they flew back to Canterlot. Oblivion opened his eyes and watched as they descended on Canterlot Castle. Oblivion sat up and watched as Silver and Striker, who was upfront, looked back, and he indicated the front entrances. They nodded and angled the chariot to the decided place. The wheels landed, and they slowly stopped the rolling chariot. Oblivion looked back and found the mare curled into the back of the chariot, looking a bit fearful of the castle. Silver and the others looked at him as he jumped from the chariot and pulled the mare out. His magic held her aloft as she refused to walk on her own. He set his saddlebags in their place and ensured his swords were hidden under the enchantment. Sasa grabbed the Leshen head by one of the antlers; it dangled from her jaws. Oblivion started for the doors; he paused as they opened, revealing Luna waiting for him. “Dearest Oblivion!” She shouted, her Royal Canterlot Voice resounding over them. She trotted down the stairs and threw her legs around his neck in greeting. “Luna. It's good to see you as well.” Oblivion said to her as he patted her on the back. She let him go and looked to the mare in his azure flame. “Is this the one thou found?” “It is.” He replied. She scowled but then looked at him, her smile returning. “Come.” She called out and trotted up the stairs. Oblivion followed behind her and found Blue Blood there as well. He nodded to the other stallion, and they exchanged a fond hoof bump as he passed by. Blue fell in behind him a few steps with Sasa at his shoulder. The she-cat nuzzled him, and he smiled at her. “We have made sure the papers thou needed are ready for thee to see,” Luna said as he walked to her side. “It took a fair time, but our sister and other people were able to help find them.” “I’m glad to hear it, Luna. I need to read what we know about the events of that day.” “What is it that thee are looking for?” “There was a filly in that report that may have been an associate of the one I have with me. She gave her the item I must use to control the monsters she summoned. I have a full verbal report ready for you and Celestia.” He informed the Alicorn. Luna nodded and walked with him to the throne room. She threw the doors open herself and trotted inside. “Dear sister!” She called out. “Oblivion hast returned with the culprit!” Celestia smiled and regarded Oblivion. “I’m glad to hear it. Luna informed me of your letter, and I am so pleased to hear about a resolution to these unfortunate events.” She said to them as they neared her. Luna trotted up to sit with her sister and waited as Oblivion set the pinto in front of his hooves. She cringed down onto the floor and wouldn’t look up to them. The stallion didn’t force it and waited for them to speak further. “Oblivion. Thank you for going and stopping the creature that was harming our subjects. Which type was it?” Celestia asked. He looked over his shoulder, and Sasa brought the head forward and laid it before the sisters. She trotted back to him, a chuckle ringing through their connection. Luna looked at it and lifted it in her aura. Celestia cringed at the skull face of the Leshen and looked at him. “An Ancient Leshen.” He informed her. “I see. We will ensure the rest of the agreed-upon amount is put into your account,” she assured him, cringing once more at the Leshen head. “May I ask why you have the head?” Oblivion chuckled. “It’s a habit. Where I am from, ponies require proof, or they try to get out of paying you.” He advised her. “I see.” She watched as Luna finally lowered it back to the ground. “And the pony with you?” “This is Winter Snow. She is the one who summons and brings the monsters into somewhat populated areas. Her goal was to try to lure the Element of Spirit out.” “She was after thee?” Luna asked. Her voice had an edge of anger at the implication that he had been in danger. “That was the aim, yes. She wished to acquire the Element and take control of it. Her ultimate goal was to use its power to subdue both of you or kill you and take over as its ruler.” He supplied further information to the Alicorns. “As you can see, it failed.” The mare twitched but remained silent at his hooves. Celestia regarded her for a moment before returning her gaze to the stallion. ”Is that all?” “Not really. She used the Leshen to draw me out of the capitol and into the area where she was. Sasa initially discovered her.” The cat growled at the mare in reply. “She called upon me, and we chased her but ultimately lost her.” “I’m surprised she escaped you,” Celestia said to him. “She helped me do that by conjuring a foot-thick ice wall for me to crash through,” he replied. The Alicorn’s cringed and nodded to him. “That would work.” Luna quipped. “It did. I lost track of her. I sent Sasa and the two Thestrals to scan the forest for the mare. They discovered her and went to the ground to see what they could learn from her. She was quite talkative to the Leshen that was there as well. She outlined her desire to have the Element in her possession and find a way to force it to answer her command.” “And how would she gain that skill?” Celestia asked. “Her idea was to drown it in the lifeblood of its bearer.” He supplied. “By cutting out my heart and using my blood to corrupt it to her purposes.” Luna blanched at the description and blinked as she considered what he had said. Celestia went from shock to anger at his words. “And would that have worked?" she asked. Her voice had an edge that did not go unnoticed by the Witcher's ears. “No.” He answered. “It is impossible to corrupt the Element.” “Good to hear," Luna said aloud. “Next?” “They returned to me, and I listened to what they had heard and began to figure out how to stop her. Using the guards I had with me, we set out to subdue the mare and get rid of the Leshen.” “So you were able to capture her. How did you kill the Leshen as well?” The Sun Princess asked. "That task was twofold. At the same time that I would engage the Leshen, the guards and Sasa would tend to the mare. I created an object that they could break to gain her attention. After an attack by her, I was able to deduce that the item she uses to summon the tears…portals has a timer. It cannot be used in rapid succession and requires time to cool down. By using that time and forcing her to act, we could force her hoof. The object I created was a small clay statue that held a spell inside of it. The spell was designed to mimic a portal that was of considerable size.” “It worked.” “Indeed. However, the plan hit a slight bump when she took a pony from the village as a prisoner and bargaining chip. He was released when I reached her and spoke with her. She then attempted to use another artifact.” “And the purpose of that one?” Celestia asked. “Mind control.” Luna whinnied and stood up. “Thou fought it?” “Yes. With the use of the Element and a few tricks of my own, I could resist it. After that failed, she ran off, and I commanded Sasa to spring the trap while I tended to the Leshen. After it fell, I joined the others, and we were able to subdue her and take her into custody.” Luna stayed standing. Her eyes were murderous as she stared at the mare. “And thou have the artifact?” “Not that one, no.” He answered. She looked at him. “I shattered it. It can no longer be used on anypony. “ The Alicorns sighed in relief, and Luna finally regained her seat and waited. Celestia stood and came down to look at the huddled mare. “Her name is Winter Snow?” “Yes. That was the name she gave me during our conversation.” Oblivion affirmed to the Princess. “Why would you wish to kill the Bearer of an Element to kill even more? What was the goal?” She asked the mare. She refused to speak, and the Sun Princess looked to her. “I have an idea,” Oblivion said to her. He tipped his horn for her to back up. He removed the gem from around his neck and held it before the crazed mare. She stared at it again, and he watched as he saw her relax. “Ask again.” Celestia looked confused but nodded. “Why would you want to kill an Element Bearer to steal the Element he holds?” “To take revenge.” She replied. Her voice was unfeeling and devoid of emotion. Luna shuddered at the tone of the mare’s voice. “Revenge on who?” “Every pony.” She replied. Luna came to stand by her sister. “Why?” “I was abused and beaten, and they were able to break me after years of torture.” She supplied. “I could escape them when they decided I would never fight them and would be docile to them. When they slept and lowered their guard, I killed them and escaped. I discovered that the Elements had returned to Equestria, and I was researching them. I wanted the most powerful of them. The books I found said that the Element of Spirit is the most powerful of the seven. I knew it would be perfect, so I researched it further. The Element can break any pony the bearer chooses, leaving them a broken husk devoid of everything.” She informed them. Celestia looked to Oblivion, who still held the gem aloft. He nodded, saying that this was not new to him, and she looked away from the pinto mare. “And with the Element, thou could break any pony who stood against thee?” Luna piped up. “Yes.” Oblivion looked to the sisters. “Do you need to hear more?” “No. Release her,” Celestia said as she went back to her seat. Oblivion walked away from her, removing the gem from her sight. She blinked, then snarled at him as he returned to his place behind her. He showed no care for her growling at his hooves and ignored it. Sasa began to growl at her; the mare stopped as Sasa bared her fangs at the mare. She stopped and resumed her silence at Oblivion's side. “The files I asked for. Luna mentioned that they are available?” Oblivion went on. “Yes. We were able to locate them after Luna mentioned them, and we were able to find them for you.” Celestia nodded to him, her horn alight, and the files appeared off to the side of the group. “She is all yours, then. I will search for her accomplice,” he replied and went to the table the Princess had conjured. “Wait,” Luna spoke up. He paused and waited for her to speak. “Accomplice?” “Yes. The gem is not originally hers. It belongs to another mare. It was given to her to summon the portals and control the monsters it brought forth.” He supplied at the request of the Moon Princess. “Thankfully, thou now bear the gem.” She whispered. “Yes. There is another that we should be asking about this mare, Asmara.” He replied. “Who?” Celestia asked. “Second Sight.” “What? Why?” Celestia asked, confusion marring her features. “She was the one who told Asmara that I was the bearer of the Element. She still believes that I am an assassin or some such that will kill either of you. Since I am combat trained.” He replied. Luna was silent as his words went over her. Her eyes narrowed, and her lips pulled up in a soundless snarl. The pale blue mare stepped off the dais and strolled toward the door. Oblivion teleported to her and held her back. “Please move. We must find an end to stop this threat.” “Not yet.” He said to her and placed his shoulder against hers. She stopped and looked at him. "She is the contact I will seek within your inner circle. We will need to silence her, but for now, does anypony know of Winter Snow being here?” “None outside of those assembled. We called upon our nephew to welcome you, and he was told of this letter. He is of our inner circle. One more has been alerted and should be joining us shortly.” She supplied and allowed him to turn her back and walk back to her sister. Oblivion paused as the door opened, and a familiar white stallion trotted in. Shining Armor trotted into the room and bowed his head to the Princesses. He panted for breath as he stood at attention. “Please forgive my late arrival. I was cleaning up the room, and I lost…” His eyes fell on a smirking black stallion. "This is…You did this? Oblivion!” He yelled and rounded on the stallion. He trotted to him and wrapped a foreleg around his shoulders. “Well, at least you’re all right. But did you have to cause such a stir? I was buried in the records room for hours looking for files from fifteen years ago.” He complained good-naturedly to the Witcher. He released him and backed up. “So what is going on? Princess Luna gave me a letter you sent, and we used that to find the documents. But why are you after them?” “I am after the filly inside the report.” Oblivion supplied to the confused Captain of the Royal Guard. “The one in that report gave the mare, Winter Snow, the jewel that Oblivion wears to summon the monsters and use them to lure him out into the open,” Celestia informed him. Shining looked at Oblivion, who gave an agreeing nod. “Well, that was a bad idea.” He replied, much to Luna's amusement. “But why are you after the filly?” “The jewel is part of a much larger plan. Her goal is to use the Element that she wanted Winter Snow to steal and then use it to summon the monster in those reports. The one that killed her family.” Oblivion supplied. “Oh.” Shining blinked in surprise and nodded his understanding. “Very well. How can I help?” “Asmara is her name. She has a contact inside the palace supplying her with information.” Shining waited as Oblivion spoke. “The clerk, Second Sight is the one that alerted to who I am and that I bear the Element of Spirit. Which is the one Element that Winter Snow wishes to control due to the power she reads it has.” Shining nodded. “I know that clerk. How could she think supplying another with that information is a good idea?” “She is the one that sent the guards after me that night I was here.” Shining looked thoughtful momentarily, and then a realization dawned on him: “Oh no. So she is the one who told our prisoner that you have the Element?” “No, she told Asmara, who reached out to Winter Snow. The plot is a bit difficult to hold onto at times. But she is the one who put everything in motion. If we are looking for the mastermind behind this, then it is Asmara.” Oblivion informed him. “So should I bring in Second Sight?” Shining asked the Princesses. Luna nodded fiercely while Celestia shook her head. Shining looked at them both as they laughed and then looked at him. “We do not want to tip our hoof too early to her,” Celestia replied. “Though her belief that Oblivion is here to harm us is becoming an obsession. She is still of the belief that he is going to harm my sister and me.” “Oblivion wouldn’t. Well, he did hit Princess Luna with his weapon, but…” Shining stopped as a chuckle sounded from Luna. She broke into a giggle at the memory. “That was a good day. We enjoyed ourselves and are thankful for Oblivion sparring with us.” She giggled and composed herself after several moments. “You hit her?” A small voice sounded out from the floor. Oblivion looked to Winter Snow as she spoke. Her voice was quiet and barely above a whisper. “During a sparring match, yes.” He replied to her, seeing no reason to lie to the trapped mare. “So you hate her?” She asked. Her eyes stayed on his face as she spoke. “No. I do not hate her. It was a sparring match. The thump to her flanks was in good fun, simple teasing.” He replied to her. “But how can you be around them when they have more than you do?” Oblivion tilted his head at her statement. “More? How do you mean?” “They have more inside of them. They have all the things you don’t.” She squeaked to him as he approached. “You mean emotions?” She nodded at him. “Ahh, I see your point. They indeed feel more than I can. But that is not a reason to hate. I do not envy them for the emotions that I was stripped of so many years ago. I am designed for one purpose: to be a Witcher. I am nothing more or less than that. It is what I am, and hating somepony will not change anything. Hate is simply another emotion that I do not feel.” He replied to her, his voice quiet as he spoke to her. She sniffled and buried her head in her bound hooves. Oblivion backed away from her and went to the table with the documents he needed. He could feel the gazes of Luna, Blue, Shining, and the others bearing his back. He glanced over his shoulder at them. “Yes?” “Thou truly cannot feel?” Luna asked him. “No. That was stripped from me when I was made. A Witcher is made by the Trial of Grasses, which removes our emotions and leaves us with our abilities. I did lose my emotions, but I gained the abilities that have saved your ponies.” He replied to them as he began looking through the papers before him. Sasa joined him and began to look through the documents with him. He glanced up as Blue joined him. “So what am I looking for?” He asked. “Anything that might give me a clue about her current whereabouts.” He replied as papers hovered around him, gripped in azure flame. The Witcher tuned out the discussions about the mare's punishment and focused on the massive pile of papers before him. After two hours, he sighed and leaned back on his haunches. Blue was sitting on the floor, with papers hovering around him. Oblivion looked back and found that they were still discussing her fate. He would have thought it would be easy due to there not having a death penalty. He popped a crick in his neck and groaned. “I got it!” Blue yelped. Oblivion looked at him as Sasa started and glowered at him. Blue looked apologetic to the big cat and stood up, rubbing his sore flank as he gave the paper to Oblivion. “Sitting on the floor for too long.” He complained. Sasa chuckled at him, and he glared at the cat as her laughter rang through his mind due to his ability to hear her. Oblivion grumbled, rotated his shoulders, and scanned the page. It detailed the next of kin and found that she had been raised by various family members, which he already knew, but it gave the addresses. Most notable was the grandmother. She was most often at her home. “Well, it’s a start.” He said aloud to the other two. Blue nodded. “I know that area. It’s an upscale area in Canterlot. Old money, that type of thing.” Oblivion nodded. He moved away from the table and slid the paper into his saddlebag. He walked past the others and headed for the doors, Blue and Sasa on his heels. “Oblivion,” Celestia called out to him. He paused and looked back at her. “Where you are from, what is the price of murder?” “For the deaths of six?” She nodded at his reply. “Death.” He said and walked for the door, his magic opening it as he walked out.