Sunny Knight: a Pony's Tale

by TheothersideofSunny968

Within the Princes's Heart

"Man, I can’t wait to get to the Crystal Empire!” Thunderlane could hardly stay in his seat, his bottled up excitement making it impossible to sit down.

“I know what you mean” Octavia nodded at her friend, equally excited but more able to contain herself. “There is so much to see. Their culture is very rich what with the rare books at their library, the artifacts at the museum, art galleries filled with rare Crystal paintings and statues, and the music! Oh, I’ve heard so much about their style of music played with Crystal instruments!”

“Not to mention the Crystal berry muffins!” Derpy added in, licking her lips. “I hear they’re unlike anything else in all of Equestria!”

“Eh’yep, they sure are!” Big Mac nodded, remembering when Applejack brought some back with her to share with the family.

“‘I’ personally can’t wait to check out the Crystal Quartz caves” Doctor popped into the conversation. “The Crystal Wuartz from the Crystal Empire caves are said to be the most reactive and least dangerous mineral in all Equestria. They had been lost for 1000 years along with the Empire. Ponies can buy them now, but their half life is only two weeks. By the time I ordered some, their strength would be mostly depleted. But if I manage to obtain even a small sample, I can place it in my stasis thermos and....”

While the others talked about what they wanted to do first when they arrived at the Crystal Empire, Sunny just simply gazed out the window, trying desperately not to think about what could go wrong in the next few hours....

Earlier that day, after Sunny and Applejack finished half their chores for the day, Twilight arrived at the farm to ask them to join her and the others at her castle in the map room. Finishing up their chores as fast as they could, the two farm ponies rushed over to Twilight’s castle, worried that something bad might have happened, despite Twilight’s reassurance that nothing was wrong. After entering the castle and sprinting down the hall to the map room, Applejack and Sunny joined Twilight and the other elements of Harmony, as well as all the new Guardians of Harmony.

“I’m glad every pony could make it” Twilight started off the meeting, a small smile forced upon her muzzle. “As we know, things didn’t... quite go as planned when we tried the first time to receive the dragons for the upcoming raid on the IronLock prison.”

‘Yeah, that’s putting it lightly’ Sunny thought to himself. Then felt the need to repeat himself “I don’t calling it a ‘raid’. If at all, I’d like to come to some sort of understanding with my father. Maybe he’ll see reason and we can come to a peaceful agreement.”

“We will give him the benefit of the doubt” Twilight felt bad for putting Sunny in an awkward position, yet again. She and the others kept forgetting the bad guy they were going to face down was Sunny’s own father. She had never had such a challenge before, but knew what had to be done. This would be a true test of friendship, for them all. “I’m sorry, Sunny. I don’t want you to think we’re just going to barge on in and put him in chains. But we do need to be prepared for resistance. Which is my we need all the help we can get.

“As I was saying; When one door closes, another opens!” Twilight saw the pained expression on Sunny’s muzzle fade slightly and began addressing the large group of their friends again. “I wrote a letter to my brother and Cadence explaining the situation, and they offered to help. Not only that-“

“What do you mean by ‘they offered to help’?” Sunny interrupted, an eyebrow raised, his heart rate picking up.

“Yeah, are they going to lend us cool armor, and weapons and stuff?” Rainbow Dash asked, the thought of her wearing cool armor and wielding awesome Crystal weapons filled her head.

“That and more” Twilight noted, not really liking the need for weapons, having preferred, just like Sunny, to find a peaceful resolution to conflict. Even if it was with Sombra. “They want to go over the details with you guys in the Empire. I already got your tickets, your train will leave bright and early in the-“

“What do you mean ‘you guys’? Who exactly ‘is’ going?”Sunny interrupted the purple alicorn when something she said didn’t quite sit well with him.

All eyes, from both the Elements and New Guardians of Harmony fell upon Twilight. The princess took a deep breath then began to explain. “This meeting is for the ‘Guardians of Harmony’ only. Spike and the rest of us need to remain here, Incase the map calls for us or something or Somepony attacks the town.”

“Why don’t ‘WE’ the Guardians protect the town?” Sunny suggested, his tone sounding more corse then what was needed. “Besides, princess Cadence  and prince Shinning Armor would probably want to see ‘you’ and your friends rather then us.”

Twilight had a feeling Sunny wouldn’t want to go. Despite what happened last time he encountered Shinning Armor and Cadence, there probably still were uneasy feelings between them. Not to mention the former prince’s paranoia involving returning to the Empire. But Twilight made preparations, and was confident that she covered all her bases…

“Sunny?! Come in Sunny!” Thunderlane’s voice continued to raise until it broke the yellow unicorn from his flashback.

“Oh, Ugh, yeah, that sounds great...” Sunny answered, not really knowing what he was agreeing to.

“Oh? So you wouldn’t mind helping Fluttershy clean out the tarantula cages, huh?” Thunderlane joked as he ran a wing up the yellow stallion’s back, mimicking the hairy spider’s footsteps.

Sunny fell out of his seat as the image of a giant hairy spider running up his back sent him into panic mode. When he realized it was just his winged pal messing with him, the yellow unicorn rolled his eyes and crawled back up into his seat. “Very funny, Thunderlane.”

“Come on, buddy. You’re more wound up then Rainbow Dash when she tried coffee for the first time!” The grey pegasus stated.

“Somethin’ botherin’ ya?” Big Mac asked, sensing something was eating at the yellow unicorn.

“Sorry, Ah was just thinkin’ ‘bout what Twilight said. ‘Bout why ‘WE’ had ya go 'stead of them.” Sunny admitted. It wasn’t the whole truth, but his answer did seem like a solid enough reason for his discomfort.

Taking a seat next to Sunny, Octavia put a reassuring hoof on his shoulder. “I know that this must be tough for you; going back to your former home, but you aren’t going in alone.”

“Yeah! Ain’t no pony gunna mess with you when we’re around!” Thunderlane puffed up his chest then nodded to the big red stallion next to him. “Right Big Mac?”

“Eh’yep!” Big Mac mimicked Thunderlane, also puffing out his chest.

Their tough guy act came across as a little goofy, but it was enough to actually help push Sunny as ease. Releasing a held breath, Sunny felt his tense muscles begin to relax. Having his friends there with him might make it difficult for Sunny to sneak around, but it made him feel safer then anything to have them there with him. He felt like no matter what happened there, it wasn’t anything him and his friends couldn’t overcome. 

Little did he know that not only were there armed guards waiting to intercept him at the train station, but as they spoke, an army marched towards the Crystal Empire, hungry for a 1000 year old revenge.


As the train passed through the barrier that separated the Crystal Empire boarder from the cold, harsh arctic that surrounded it, Sunny’s heart began to race faster and faster. His green eyes gazed out the windows of the train, his ears too filled with the sound of his heart’s beat to hear his friends talking to him. It wasn’t until Doctor nudged him with his hoof that Sunny snapped out of his daze.

“Huh? W-what did you say?” The yellow unicorn stumbled over his words as his attention was pulled away from the window.

“It’s time to go, Sunny” Doctor stated, motioning to the rest of their friends, Derpy, Thunderlane, Octavia and Big Mac. All of which were excited for their trip to the Crystal Empire, but their excitement had become deluted with worry for their spacey yellow friend. They all still tried to remain enthusiastic, hoping that might help wash some worry off Sunny. It was hard to say if it was actually working or not.

“R-right! Sorry!” Sunny shook his head a little and tried to force a smile. But despite his forced expression, all his friends could read him easier then Twilight could a book. They all saw the worry Sunny had, and knew that they needed to stick by him. 

As the new Guardians began to file out of the train, they were met immediately by a group of Crystal guards, all of which were armed with spears and battle ready armor. Upon seeing Sunny and his friends, they all bowed their heads and took a knee.

“Your majesty” the lead guard spoke. “It is a pleasure to see you again.”

“Pleasures aside” another guard spoke up, who’s position mirrored their leader. “Princess Cadence and Prince Shinning Armor have sent us to escort you to the castle.”

“We don’t need escorts” Sunny’s tone was harsh and cold, his heart still racing. “Escorts, especially ones like the elite royal guard, will only attract attention to ourselves.”

“We know, your majesty. You are right, but-” the lead guard spoke up one again.

“And I am not ‘your majasty’!” Sunny snapped again. But before he could say anything further, his pounding heart fueling the angered fire deep within him, a hoof landed on his shoulder again. Turning his head slightly, Sunny’s gaze was met by a pair of yellow eyes facing in opposite directions. Derpy didn’t say a word, she really didn’t need to. Looking into her gentle, caring eyes was enough to calm Sunny down and remind him that his friends would be there for him, so he didn’t need to worry so much.

Turning back to the guard, Sunny took a deep calming breath and spoke once more. “I’m no longer a prince...Just call me Sunny. And I suppose it would be wise to have some escorts to the castle.”

Taking a one last deep breath, Sunny looked from the train to the Crystal Empire just down the way. He nodded to the lead guard, signaling him that they were ready to advance. 

“Alright, soldiers, fall in!” The stallion ordered. The rest of the guards then moved into formation around Sunny and the rest of the new Guardians of Harmony, becoming a barrier between them and anypony or anything else. 

The walk was slow, the guards trying not to move too fast for the Guardians, which only made the torment for Sunny drag on that much longer. It was like the time he dreamt about being in school and having forgotten his homework that he knew the teacher would collect at the end of class. With every few steps they took, Sunny had to slowly inhale and exhale. At first it seemed he was worrying for nothing,  everypony seemed to notice them as they entered the rural part of the empire, but didn't seem to care. That is, until the group entered into the thicker, more populated section of the Empire, then they quickly gathered attention to themselves.

Crystal ponies who had been busy with their average daily activities, appearing happy and in high spirits, suddenly paused as the group of New guardians being lead to the castle by the elite royal guard. More then a few Crystal ponies stopped what they were doing and gazed at them. It was an odd sight to behold, seeing how the elite guards mostly escorted royalty, but an entire group? As more and more ponies looked onto Sunny and his friends, one elderly mare recognized the yellow unicorn in a Stetson hat!

“It’s the prince! Prince Soleggiato!” The elderly mare called out, her fake teeth almost jumping out of her mouth.

As the name echoed in the air, ponies began to pop up out of nowhere, whispers began to fill the air, growing into loud buzzing that filled Sunny’s ears. The former prince’s heart rate began to kick back up again, his breathing stopped being calm and relaxed and began to accelerate.

Noticing his panic, the head guard muttered to his armed brethren “Pick up the pace, men.” 

Hearing that, the guards, Octavia, Doctor and the rest of the New Guardians began to pick up speed as they were now racing to the Crystal Castle. Sunny had no problem putting his hooves into high gear, his rapid heart rate helping him to move faster and faster. But the faster the small herd moved, the more attention they seemed to draw to themselves, until it seemed like the entire Crystal Empire was following them, running close behind the guards and Guardians!

“It is him! The prince!” Another pony called out as she ran behind with the group.

“The son of King Sombra!” A Crystal stallion yelled as he galloped along side the group, eyes locked on the yellow unicorn.

“It’s true! He’s back!” Another mare confirmed it, getting closer to the guards, catching a glimpse of Sunny with her own eyes.

“Where have you been?” Another mare cried out, trying to catch up to him and the rest of his friends.

“Where were you when your father enslaved us?” A second stallion yelled his question, anger obvious in his tone.

And like that, Sunny was bombarded with questions, sending him into an unstable emotional state. Something dangerous for any unicorn to be in, let alone Somepony like Sunny.

“Did you join forces with your father!?”

“Is he coming back!?”

“Is King Sombra here now?!”

“Are you going to protect us this time?”

“Are you on his side?”

“Do you know where he is?!”

“Are you hiding him somewhere?!”

“Why didn’t you come back sooner?!”

“JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!” Sunny yelled at the top of his lungs, his voice shaky and crackling like his mental state.

The other new Guardians and their guard escorts stopped immediately and looked at the former prince of the Crystal Empire. It looked like tears had begun to build up in his eyes as Sunny could no longer handle the endless bombardment of questions, questions that were reawakening his horrible nightmare that his father gave him over 1000 years ago. The nightmare that broke Sunny mentally the last time and suppressed all his memories. The nightmare that Sunny thought he had grown past. But here he was, his worst fears come to be, just like his father showed him they would.

Fearing things would only get worse, Sunny closed his eyes and concentrate, repeating the same phrase over and over again. ‘I WANT TO GET OUT OF HERE... I WANT TO GET OUT OF HERE... I WANT TO GET OUT OF HERE.... I WANT TO GET OUT OF HERE!!!’

Sunny’s unicorn magic began to react with his strong feelings, giving his aura shape and direction for a spell he was subconsciously casting. Before his friends could calm him down, a flash of green light flared, blinding everypony around him. When the light disappeared and ponies could open their eyes, they noticed the Sunny was gone, leaving behind him sparkles of glitter like after glow from his magic.

Having cast the teleporting spell blind, Sunny leap from one place to another, popping up in one place for barely a second only to disappear again in a flash. Desperate to get away from everypony closing in on him, Sunny unknowingly teleported from the town right to west side of the Crystal Empire castle. Opening his eyes, Sunny felt light headed but quickly became aware of where he ended up. He possibly teleported there because that was their end goal; to meet Cadence and Shinning Armor at the castle.

But as the spots in Sunny’s eyes began to clear, his mind becoming less and less foggy, his eyes locked onto something he had long forgotten about, something that he still had no answer as to it’s origin.

Standing at the center of the base of the castle, like a monolith tribute to his haunting past, was the statue of King Sombra, Sunny’s father. The very same one Sunny had run into on in the Apple’s orchard back in Ponyville, back when he first started living on the farm before he had any idea of who he was. The statue of King Sombra appearing fiendish and monsterous, his eyes set a flame, a sharp toothed grin present on his muzzle as he stood triumphant, looking down on some pony he kept physically under his hoof. As Sunny’s gaze travled up and down the statue, the horror in his heart grew until his heart beat rang like bronze bells in his ears. 

The face of the pony who lay at the ground underneath Sombra’s hoof was no longer scratched out as it had been when Sunny first ran into it. No. Now it had a face, clearly carved and cut perfectly to match the pony the statue was based off of. Tears began to roll down Sunny’s cheeks now, the former prince unable to contain the hurt and pain in his heart, as he looked down at his own image carved in stone. The pony the monstrous Sombra stood over, crushing into the ground with his hoof wearing a smile on his muzzle, was  none other then his own son. (Former)Prince and Black Knight Soleggiato Cavalere. Sunny himself.

Rage quickly sparked from the aching pain in his chest, setting his heart a flame. Sunny let the anger bubble over into his horn, building up, and planned to remove that stature from the face of Equestria once and for all! The magic gathered in his yellow horn was fueled by Sunny’s memories; the fond memories he shared of growing up with his father, the sorrow and loneliness he felt growing up without friends his own age, the duty he felt he had to uphold as a prince, all to be topped by the horror of what happened that night, the night he faught his father for the freedom of the Crystal Empire, and lost. Even the haunting memories of his 1000 year nightmare helped to fuel the dark magic Sunny was channeling. The images of the angry Crystal ponies all blaming him for their pain, the knowledge that he failed them, and the disgrace he had for himself. All the negative emotions boiled into a massive surge of dark magical aura that coated Sunny’s horn.

Just as Sunny’s friends, their elite guard escorts, as well as pretty much the entire population of the Crystal Empire, arrived at the scene, a large blast shot out from the tip of the yellow unicorn’s horn, heading right towards the statue in front of him! Time itself seemed to slow to a crawl, seconds stretching on into hours as the magical blast traveled through the air, just about to reach it’s target, the statue, when at what should have been the moment of impact, the statue vanished into thin air!

Everypony watched as the blast of dark magic continued to travel to a new target. One that left everypony’s eyes wide open, jaws dropped practically to the ground, and breaths held for longer then anypony else had ever done. The large, destructive blast of dark magic made contact with the Crystal Heart!!!

The ancient heart shaped crystal that had remained at the center of the Crystal Empire, protecting it and it’s inhabitants from the many dangers that lay just beyond their boarders, took the full hit from Sunny’s horn, aborning all the black magic like it did the inner light of the Crystal ponies. As everypony continued to watch the Crystal Heart, the protective artifact began to pulse, first growing dark in color, as black as the dark magical blast itself. It began to rock back and forth, as if something was trying to escape from inside, then the darkness disapated and the Crystal Heart began to brighten from darkest black to its former bright almost clear sky blue. But it’s movement didn’t stop.

Instead of shaking violently, the heart began to spin around in place, a light color forming around it as it span. Everypony began to slightly breath again, and approached the Crystal Heart cautiously, unsure of what was about to happen.

When the Heart reached it’s top speed, it released a shock wave, similar to when it’s powered by the inner light of the Crystal Ponies. The wave of light flashed and spread, passing through everypony near the Crystal Heart, spreading through the entire Crystal Castle, then made it’s way to all corners of the Crystal Empire itself, bringing everypony in the Empire into a bright dream like state.

After the blast hit everypony, Sunny lost consciousness and passed out while everypony else appeared to be dreaming. A dream that enlightened everypony to the mysteries that happened all those years ago...

Years before the fall of the Crystal Empire...

Inside the castle walls, on a bright sunny day, Prince Soleggiato, dressed in his training armor, continued to spar with his father. Sword clashing against sword, each coated in the respective magical aura of their owner. Both King Sombra and his son shared a similar color of magic, but few ponies could tell that Solggiato's was just a few shades lighter then his father’s.

Breaking apart from a lock, Sombra smiled at his son, proud at the quick progress he’s made in such a short time. “You have improved your swordsmanship. But let’s test your memory. What are the virtues a Knight holds?”

Sombra then struck out against his son, who, countered with his own aura covered sword as he answered. “A Knight stands strong in the face of evil!”

“Good” Sombra smiled before sliding to his son’s left to strike a side blow. But his attack was once again blocked without any hesitation from his son. “And who does a Knight defend?”

“A knight defends the weak and innocent!” The young prince answered as he tossed all his weight into pushing his father’s attack off him and put some distance between them.

“Correct” Sombra replied before making another lunge that turned into an over the head spin strike. Quickly reacting, Soleggiato knew better then to try and block such a heavy and high attack, and instead, executed a low roll, then a low counter attack to his father’s side. Having predicted it, Sombra blocked his son’s counter. “What does a Knight hold in his heart?”

Taking a few swift steps back, putting distance between him and his father, the yellow unicorn prince calmed his breath and replied with the point of his sword still aimed at his opponent. “A Knight’s heart holds virtue and the Elements of Harmony!”

Smiling proudly at his son’s answer, Sombra withdrew his sword, pleased with Soleggiato’s answers as well as his reflexes and show of power and restraint. “You’ve been studying, I see. I’m very proud of you. I know your mother would be too.”

Take a few relaxed deep breaths, then smiling as he put his own sword back in it’s own sheath, Soleggiato asked his father “do you really think I have what it takes to become a Knight? A Crystal Guard is one thing, but a Knight?”

Walking up to his son, Sombra smiled as he placed a hoof over Sunny’s shoulder. “I’ve seen many knights, having been one of them for years before I was appointed King, but not one of them has the heart that you do. Just remember, a Knight uses his words first, before his sword.”

Smiling and hugging his father, Sunny muttered into his father’s ear “thanks for always believing in me, dad... I hope I can be as great of a Knight as you were...”

Returning the hug and smiling even wilder then before, Sombra replied back to his son “you are a very special pony, Sunny. I know you’ll go off to do great things that most ponies, even knights, could only dream about.”

Breaking the hug, Sombra smiled at his son again before flipping Sunny’s helmet forward a little. “Now, why don’t we go meet pappy and have that Father’s day lunch you promised me.”

“Sure!” Sunny quickly replied before clearing his throat. “Ugh, I mean. That sounds great. You don’t think Pappy would mind us springing this in him?”

“I’m sure he’d love to join us” Sombra smiled.

But the image of the heart warming scene vanished in a swift puff of smoke. Images began to flood into everypony's mind all at once. Images of Soleggiato meeting with the Dragon Lord, of becoming the Black Knight, of him meeting with other royals and public figures (and being board out of his mind while doing so), of him training with the Crystal guard, as well as memories of him as a young colt after a very, very upsetting birthday. Happy memories swirled into the collective dream as well; like when Sunny received his cutie mark, of when he first mastered Crystal magic, when his father helped him with his magic homework, pulling pranks with Pappy on the maids of the castle, and of the day he was knighted. But all good things of the past came to an end as the darkness returned.

Everypony dreaming witnessed the horrors of the Crystal Empire that Prince Soleggiato returned to over 1000 years ago. For most of them, they were reliving their own worst nightmares through the prince’s eyes. But for Sunny’s friends, they were witnessing the darkest moment of Equestria’s history. Altogether, the Crystal ponies, the elite guard, the new rulers of the Crystal Empire, and the New Guardians of Harmony watched as Sunny confronted his own father. They witnessed their battle, all while feeling the inner conflict in Sunny’s own heart. He hated to fight his own father and wished that he would stop this madness and set the ponies of the Empire free. The dreaming witnesses not only saw the conflicts both within and before Soleggiato, but began to sense the empending doom. 

While the Crystal ponies were sealed with the Empire, just to be locked away safely until the King’s return. Sunny was not so lucky. For whatever reason, Sombra saw fit to install something else in him. The king cast the nightmare spell on his own son, forcing him to witness his worst fears. 

The ponies of the Crystal Empire all watched in horror as images of themselves began to yell and harass the prince, the world around him becoming darker and darker until it all faded to black. But this dark tunnel had a light at the end of it.

The dark tension began to lighten as Sunny warbled out of a hole in the middle of the forest and met Goldie Delicious after taking a small nap. The images began to speed up of Sunny venturing into Ponyville, meeting Pinkie, being taken to Sweet Apple Acres, and meeting the Apple Family. They all felt his joy as Sunny shared laughs, worked hard on the farm, made friends, and began a new life, one that was free from the stressors and worries of his past life. The last thing that everypony witnessed was Sunny, sitting on the porch of the farm house, a few days after they defeated Charming Knightmare, with an orange earth-pony mare. She was gazing out into the distance at the setting sun. The yellow unicorn looked over at Applejack who has sat down close to him, inching her way closer and closer to him. He looked into her emerald green eyes and she into his.

“I love you...” he said to her in a tender tone, all his walls crumbled as he uttered those words old as time.

“Ah love you too...” Applejack answered him, her words just as soft. 

The dream began to fade to white as the two ponies kissed on the farm porch, a moment that would always stand as a cornerstone of peace in both the ponies minds who the memory belonged to...

As the dream sequence ended, everypony coming out of the daze and shaking their heads, many eyes fell upon the yellow unicorn who was asleep about ten feet from the Crystal heart. He appeared to be in deep, possibly dreamless, slumber. Before anypony else could speak up, Sunny’s friends and fellow guardians picked him up and began to carry him into the castle that once was his home. The doors behind the new Guardians were shut by the elite guard, leaving two of their members behind to guard the doors. But there wasn’t much of a threat to anypony for miles. Everypony who had been hit by the dream wave was lost in thought, trying still to process everything as well as remember what all they had seen.

Meanwhile, about a mile away, watching through a pair of opera goggles, a certain trouble maker relaxed in a floating hammock, watching everything unfold from a safe distance while enjoying a tall glass of chocolate milk.

“My my my, ‘that’ couldn’t have gone better!” Discord chucked, pleases with himself. With a snap of his bear claws, the statue of King Sombra standing over Sunny reappeared once more. Looking over at the statue, Discord became even more pleased with himself. “Everything is going according to plan. Now, let’s get this back to royal garden before Celestia notices it missing. 

“Oh! But I almost forgot!” Right before Discord vanished with another snap of his claws, he waved his paw in front of the part of the statue that looked like Sunny, reverting it back to it’s scratched up state. “Don’t need Celestia freaking out just yet. She needs to keep a cool head, for the time being...”

With the statue reverted to it’s previous state, Discord flashed away, ready to move to the next phase of his plan.