//------------------------------// // Chapter 9 // Story: A Second Chance // by Meteorite Shower //------------------------------// The late-night concerns of both ponies were pushed aside upon waking the next morning, with more pressing matters of the upcoming days demanding prioritised attention instead. Thoughts about each other didn't ramp up again until partway through the next week, when they ran into each other at a stall in Ponyville's market strip. It had been Rarity who noticed Meteorite first. Meteorite wasn't with Applejack today though; instead she appeared to be idly wandering along the strip, eyeing what was being sold, without much direction. Across her back was a pair of faded purple saddlebags, adorned with clasps shaped like her cutie mark. Rarity watched her cautiously as she silently moved closer to the stall Meteorite had briefly paused at. She was currently invested in a bunch of carrots on the counter. "Good morning, miss," the stallion behind the counter greeted, "Anything taking your fancy?" Meteorite looked up at the stallion with a pleasant smile. "Oh, hi, yes! Uh…" she indicated the carrots with a hoof, "how much are these?" The stallion rubbed his chin with a hoof, thinking, "Those? Well, those'll be one bit each, but I reckon I can let you have the lot for eight." Meteorite studied the carrots as she appeared to mull it over. Hm… five, six… nine. Nine for eight bits… Not the best price… but eh, what the hell; they look good. She smiled brightly. "Okay, sure!" Meteorite took out a coin purse and tipped out the contents onto the counter, spilling bits into a small pile. She started counting them out, only to quickly realise she was a bit short. Her ears fell slightly. "Oh. Uh. Actually… nevermind. I don't have enough… Sorry." She started to gather up her coins when a white hoof came forth and firmly placed one more bit onto the counter to the surprise of Meteorite, and to the relief of the stallion, because he was about to drop the price to seven. "I'll cover the rest," Rarity said, smiling at Meteorite, "If that's alright, that is." "U- Uh, yeah," Meteorite croaked, taken aback by Rarity's sudden appearance, "yeah, sure." With the carrots now paid for, Meteorite picked them up in her mouth by their stalks, and carefully placed them amongst the rest of her purchases in her saddlebags. Bidding the stallion farewell, both mares walked away together. Meteorite fell silent for a moment, before turning to Rarity. "Uh… thank you, Rarity," she said, shakily putting on a smile, "but y... you really didn't have to do that. I mean, I could've gotten carrots another time." "Oh posh, darling!" Rarity dismissed with a flop of her hoof. "It was nothing at all! Besides…" Rarity considered her next words carefully, as she looked at Meteorite, "we're friends, are we not?" Meteorite nearly stumbled on her next step as her whole body tensed up. She quickly recovered and exhaled, before smiling broadly, unaware her pupils had shrunk slightly. "Uh! Yeah! 'f course we are! Heh, I mean-!" Meteorite paused as she blinked a few times, dropping the act. She rubbed her head slightly before frowning. "…are we?" Rarity glanced upwards, thinking. "Well… yes, alright. I'll admit, we've only met a few times but…" she twirled a hoof, "I think you're somepony I'd like to get to know." Rarity caught the faintest hint of a blush on Meteorite's stunned face as she stared back. "…R-Really?" "Well, of course, my dear! You've been friendly enough, and you have an interest in fashion, yes?" Rarity smiled warmly as Meteorite considered these facts, conceding to accept them as presented. Rarity glanced off into the distance, peering at the distant clock tower. She turned back to Meteorite with a cheerful smile. "Oh! I just had a wonderful idea!" she giggled lightly, "Why don't you join me for lunch today? It'll be a perfect opportunity for us to get to know one another!" Rarity wants to have lunch with me oh my god what is happening, Meteorite thought wildly, focused on her jaw not dropping. She tried to organise her rampaging thoughts in the seconds she had to respond, but it was all in vain as she ended up just smiling in bemusement. "Uhh, okay! Sure! Sounds… great!" Meteorite responded, slightly lost in Rarity's visage. "Very well, it's a date!" Rarity announced without thinking. Her words caught up with her and she quickly backpedalled, embarrassed. "Er, figuratively speaking, of course." Meteorite just nodded dumbly, staring hard at the ground, trying to hide her deepening blush. A short while later Meteorite found herself sitting at a café table outside with Rarity opposite her, who was already busy casually looking over one of the menus, and absentmindedly pouring herself a glass of water from the complimentary jug. Now calm enough to think clearer, a tiny amount of worry had begun to set in about foolishly agreeing to this lunch date. She tried to ignore it as she stiffly looked over the menu in her own hooves. "Hm, what shall I have…" Rarity mused to herself, before looking up at Meteorite, "it all looks so good, doesn't it?" Meteorite glanced up for a moment, shrugging noncommittally. "I guess. Prices are kinda expensive…" "Oh, pff-pft!" Rarity dismissed, waving a hoof. "Darling, don't concern yourself with that! I'm treating you." Had it been anypony else, Meteorite would've readily taken advantage of such generosity without a second thought. But because it was Rarity, it felt wrong to do so. Even if Generosity was her Thing. "Are… you sure? I mean, I don't mind paying for my own meal…" Meteorite trailed off, suddenly remembering her last purchase, "…with… the money I don't have," she finished flatly, with a resigned sigh at the end. Rarity looked at Meteorite sympathetically. "Quite sure. I'd insist on it even if you did have money on you. Order whatever you like." She scanned the menu once more. "And no ordering just the cheapest meal either!" Meteorite smiled weakly. "Well, if you say so, Rarity." "And I'll have the fruit salad, but uh, can there be no pineapple in it?" Rarity sat quietly as Meteorite gave her order to the waiter. She had already given her own order, and was now free of distractions from her thoughts. Though, 'free' was a subjective term, as she was feeling trapped by questions she wanted to ask, such as what she knew about Alexandra, but knew that could potentially be dangerous ground to venture upon. Still, getting to know Meteorite better was her goal today and she was going to see it though, no matter what. "…and, hm, a plate of hay fries as well." "Very well miss," the waiter replied, writing the order down and moving onto the next table, "I shall return with your orders." Rarity raised an eyebrow. "Hay fries? You know those aren't good for one's figure, right?" "Yeah I know…" Meteorite said guiltily, "I just… I enjoy them. I know I should eat better," she pointedly placed a hoof on the menu's picture of the fruit salad, "and believe me, I already am; I've… had to give up a lot of food I enjoy." Meteorite paused, her gaze drifting off towards some unseen distant memory. "Fries may not seem like much, but it's something I can still have." She broke into a small grin. "Besides, they're pretty tasty." "I'm sorry, I didn't realize," Rarity responded, feeling slightly ashamed, "Is… it some sort of allergy? Perhaps there's a substitute you can have?" Meteorite blinked at the concept of ponies trying to replicate the flavour of meat, and shuddered slightly. "Uhh, heh, noooooo. No. It's nothing like that. It's… something I'd rather not talk about." Rarity frowned in confusion, but decided to leave it alone. As curious as it was, she wasn't here to pry into old eating habits, whatever they were. She considered her next line of questioning when the waiter returned, placing a bowl before Rarity. "Soupe du jour for Madame," he turned and placed another bowl before Meteorite, "And for you, fruit salad, with no pineapple." He straightened up, returning to his former posture. "Your… hay fries, will be out in a moment." Meteorite watched the waiter move on from out of the corner of her eye. I don't think he's too impressed with me, she thought to herself, as she diverted her attention to her lunch, and poked around it with a fork clasped in her wings. "Cool, no pineapple." She looked back up at Rarity. "Don't like pineapple," she explained before grinning, "I mean, it's not even a real apple." Rarity slightly tilted her head as she cautiously smiled. "Was that… a joke, darling?" "A terrible one," Meteorite admitted, still grinning, "but yes. Although… I bet ya Applejack would've loved it!" Rarity giggled politely. "Yes, I suppose she would." Rarity returned to her soup, momentarily unaware of Meteorite watching her, longingly. She made Rarity laugh. Whatever hang-ups Meteorite had about herself temporarily melted away in the growing hope she felt in that moment. If she could make Rarity laugh, anything was possible. That moment proved it, and Meteorite found herself almost wishing she could stay in that moment forever. "Are you okay, darling?" asked a concerned Rarity, spoon full of soup hovering near her. Meteorite snapped out of her spell, startled and blinking. "Oh! Yeah! I was just… uh… wondering what kind of soup you were having…" she finished lamely. Rarity looked at her sadly, feeling pity for her admirer. She looked down at her bowl. "It's tomato soup…" she said softly. "Oh. That's… That's cool," Meteorite said while looking away, trying to hide how idiotic she felt, "I… prefer minestrone personally…" Rarity felt terrible. Part of her wanted to come clean with Meteorite and tell her it was all fine; she didn't need to hide her feelings anymore! She had known for weeks now, after all! They could talk it out like two mature adult ponies and discuss the important matters such as how Rarity found out the truth weeks ago and why Rarity had been hiding the fact she knew and was lying to her face this entire time- "Your hay fries, miss." Both mares looked up at the waiter who then placed down a considerable serving of hay fries. Meteorite spoke up. "Oh. T-Thank you. Thank you," she repeated with a smile, a bit firmer and with more assertiveness the second time round. The waiter simply nodded as he moved on. Meteorite stared at the hay fries for a while, before pushing them slightly towards the centre of the table. "I don't suppose you want any?" she asked, refusing to look at Rarity. Rarity pulled her attention away from Meteorite for a few seconds to look at the plate. She silently levitated up a few fries. "Thank you, Meteorite," she said with a calmness that disguised the emotions she was feeling right now. "No problem," Meteorite responded monotonously, eating a few fries before going back to her fruit salad, and Rarity retreating back to her soup. She idly stirred it a few times, thinking about what to say next. Anything, anything at all, just something to take Meteorite's mind off things right now. "So…" Rarity started, "how long have you known Applejack?" Meteorite looked up at Rarity, surprised by the question. "Oh! Uh, pfff… about six years now?" "Really, that long?" Rarity asked, a little surprised herself. "I had no idea you two were that close." "Well, I mean, it's not like we're buddy buddies or anything." Meteorite smiled nervously, "I mean, she's a good friend and I have nothing but respect for her, and I'll always be indebted to her, but … these days, a lot of the time she's just 'the boss'." She slumped slightly, "I know that's not really fair on her, but it is what it is…" Rarity nodded slightly, quietly musing. "'Indebted'?" she asked. "Applejack…" Meteorite smiled with a hint of embarrassment, "kinda saved me." Rarity went slightly wide-eyed, curiosity taking full hold of her. "Saved you? How?" "Weeell… let's just say I was not prepared at all in my journey to Ponyville." Meteorite smiled sheepishly, "On the second day here, Applejack… gave me both a job and a place to stay." She thought deeply for a moment. "…I honestly don't know what I would've done otherwise." Six years ago… Rarity thought to herself, So, that lines up with what Alexandra said. Goodness… thrown into a world with no money or place to call home… and I bet Applejack had no idea just who she is. I should do something nice for Applejack for her kindness. "That was very kind of her," Rarity said, smiling faintly. Meteorite grinned slightly, guilt starting to form on her face. "Weeeell… I mean… I kinda had to work for her at first." Rarity's smile started to wane. "How come?" "Okay, hear me out, but… I uh… when I first found her apple trees, I was like really, really hungry, and uh… I may have eaten some?" Meteorite slouched slightly, tapping her forehooves together, her voice getting higher and higher, "and Applejack caught me, and I didn't have any money on me, so I had to work off my debt?" Rarity lidded her eyes. "What a heart-warming beginning to a tale," she said, heavily laced with sarcasm. "Hey come on," Meteorite protested, "it's not like it was something I wanted to do. I was starving." Meteorite ate a few more fries. "Anyway, back then it was different. I thought I had to fend for myself; it was me against the world, as it were. These days… not so much." A faint smile appeared on her lips as Meteorite got a far-off distance look in her eyes. "I'm just lucky I had friends who were willing to stick by me back then," she said softly, "even if I didn't think they were friends at the time…" Rarity took a moment to take a sip from her glass. Meteorite wasn't saying much, obviously, yet the words she was saying still felt as if they had weight to them. Possibly years of repressed feelings were starting to surface. Rarity wondered how long exactly Meteorite felt at odds with 'the world'. Rarity began considering her next question, when Meteorite spoke up again. "Anyway," she said with a nervous but slightly goofy grin, "enough about me. What about you, Rarity?" Rarity blinked in surprise. "E-Er, me, darling?" "Yeah! I mean, this lunch isn't all about me," Meteorite smiled shakily, her small but surprising amount of bravado fading as quickly as it had appeared, "I… wanna know about you too…" As strange as it was, Rarity had somehow completely ignored the fact that Meteorite was interested in her, and had been for some time. The idea that using this luncheon together to get to know each other would be, well, used to get to know each other, had eluded her. Rarity laughed lightly, a tinge of nervousness seeping through. "O-Of course, darling! Er, so, what would you like to know?" Meteorite brightened, not just her expression but her entire posture as she sat upright more, as she focused on what question to ask first. And then her smile faded as she realised she didn't actually have any questions for Rarity. "I… I'm not sure…" Meteorite admitted, troubled. A few moments of thinking passed, and she continued. "I mean… you're pretty well known. Ponies know you by name. You have stores across the land. And you and your friends have saved Equestria more than a few times…" Meteorite started to trail off, feeling the gnawing sense of futility growing and eating away at her hope. "Your life is, well, kinda an open book… especially with that book Princess Twilight published a while back…" Rarity nodded, frowning. "Oh yes, that book…" Though, the book itself was fine. The issue, Rarity had thought, was the onslaught of ponies that took the book's teachings and somehow rendered them unrecognisable. Rarity glanced at Meteorite, who seemed to be slightly lost in her own thoughts before resuming. "I… just don't think there's any questions left to ask." She shrugged noncommittedly, "Well, without going into inane stuff, like 'what's your favourite colour?'" Surprisingly, this question appeared to catch Rarity off-guard. "My favorite color?" She repeated, musing to herself. "Hmm… I did enjoy working with palace blue… oh, but that was sooo last year… Possibly daffodil? Or perhaps burgundy? I'm not sure which one appeals to me the most; they all have their uses somewhere…" A faint, bemused smile crossed Meteorite's face as she listened. After a moment, Rarity noticed and inquired, "What? What is it?" Meteorite shook her head as her smiled broadened. "It's nothing. I just- I forgot you work with colours, pretty much. I…" Meteorite paused as she considered her words carefully, "think it's nice, that you're taking it so seriously." Rarity smiled as she rolled her eyes slightly. "Well then darling, what about you? What's your favorite color?" Meteorite grinned bashfully. "Aha, purple?" She looked down at her forelegs. "I mean, I realise it must seem conceited but purple's always been my favourite, befor -" She blinked and frowned. "Huh, no. That doesn't work…" She cleared her throat, shaking her head. "Sorry. I'm not sure what point I was making there…" Rarity nodded thoughtfully. Before? Before what? Before she came to Equestria? Yes, that would make sense. She… actually, she most likely would have looked something like Alexandra wouldn't she? "It's quite alright darling," Rarity said, partway through her thoughts, "it's only natural to feel some attachment to one's coloring," Rarity paused before adding, "especially when both one's coat and mane complement each other, such as yours." A wave of pride lapped at the shores of Meteorite's self-worth as she took in what was said. "They… do?" Meteorite had personally grown fond of her mane's red colouring over the years, and thus both her main colours, but had always thought it was just her preference. "They look… good together?" "No need to be so modest, darling! Take some pride in yourself!" Rarity said, smiling. Meteorite blinked in response, as if the concept was foreign to her. Take pride in myself… she mulled over inside her head, carefully examining the phrase as if it had a hidden meaning. Well, I… do, don't I? I… guess? Meteorite frowned slightly. Do I? I'm… not sure anymore. I mean, it's kinda hard to be proud of being a self-insert so why even bothe- Her eyes widened slightly. "Oh. Oh…" "What is it?" Rarity asked, curious. Meteorite shook her head slightly. "It's nothing… I… think I just realised something about myself." She stared absentmindedly at nothing until she refocused and saw Rarity looking at her expectedly. She broke into an apologetic smile. "Sorry, it's… personal." Rarity nodded. "Of course, darling. I won't pry." Rarity quietly wondered to herself if it had anything to do with what she had said. The rest of the lunch passed without much more conversation, as both ponies quietly mused on their own private thoughts. Still, they left the café in good spirits. Meteorite turned to Rarity as she adjusted her saddlebags. "Well, thank you Rarity," she said with great sincerity, "I really appreciate you treating me to lunch. Is… there anything I can do in return?" Rarity shook her head. "As long as you show up to the boutique as promised, that's all I ask." Meteorite gave a lopsided smile as she casually saluted. "Can do!" Rarity covered her mouth as she giggled slightly. "Very well! I shall see you then!" She turned to depart, but only made it a few steps when Meteorite suddenly called out her name. Rarity turned back to see Meteorite still standing there, now looking contemplative. Rarity frowned slightly. "Yes, darling?" Meteorite hesitated for a moment. "…Actually, I do have a question I want to ask you." "Oh? What is it?" Meteorite took a deep breath, before steeling herself. "Do you… do you really want to be my friend?" "Uh-" Rarity faltered, tripped up by the unexpected question. "B-But of course, darling!" Meteorite didn't respond at first. Her eyes were shifting slightly back and forth as if studying Rarity for any sort of clue she might be lying. Eventually, a small smile appeared. "Okay," she said softly, "I guess that's really all I wanted to know." She shrugged slightly as she waved. "I guess I'll see you then, as you said." And with that both ponies slowly turned and walked away, wondering what the near future will bring.