My Little Dashie: Unbreakable Bonds

by mcb893

3. Working on Her Birthday

I turned off the news and grabbed my car keys. Stepping out the door, I said goodbye to my mom and my dad. And to Dashie. I knew they weren't there, but it helped me feel like I wasn't alone. Even if only for an instant. I stuck my keys in the ignition, and the truck sprung to life. I stepped on the gas and was on my way. I've really gotten used to the long drives to and from the town, there was a lot more to look at than at my old home. I made a left turn as I thought about what Dashie and the others were up to. It had been her birthday a little over 2 months ago over here, and according to the royal guard who had come on her birthday, a few weeks away in Equestria. I asked him to take a note and my old NASCAR baseball cap to her as gifts. Despite some thinking, he accepted. Apparently mine and Dashie's relationship was slowing the time gap between our worlds. It was 2 days over here for one day there. I don't know if that's bad or not, but I'm glad to know she remembers me. I make another right turn as I make it into town, and see the school that had been made 4 years ago. I didn't know much about it, but I had bought textbooks from it so Dashie could learn new things. I returned them once she went home, and the school didn't ask questions. I stopped at a red light and watched the other cars pass. More time to spend thinking before work I guess. Not that I was always completely focused on it nowadays. I imagined Dashie at Twilight's, probably bored to tears with a lecture. I smiled. The light turned green and I turned left. I brought my truck into the parking lot of my work. I took the keys out of the ignition and checked my watch. 8:00 on the dot, right on time.


Rainbow flew faster and faster as Sweet Apple Acres came into view. Applejack was outside bucking the trees.

"Rainbow wait for us!" Twilight called from below.

"Why don't you speed up?" She asked with a chuckle.

"Rainbow come on! This absolutely ridiculous! Rarity shouted. Rainbow just laughed. Until she hit a tree. She just laid there for a while whole she tried to get over the pain. She heard somepony walk over to her.

"Oh, you alright there sugarcube?" AJ asked. Rainbow groaned ad she brought herself to her hooves.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She said rubbing her head. Pinkie bounced up and patted RD's head.

"Dashie you silly filly! You're supposed to watch where you're going!" She said with a smile. Rainbow rolled her eyes.

"Well we did tell you to slow down." Rarity said from behind.

"Actually you asked her to wait up." Fluttershy said from above. She softly landed on the grass and looked at Rainbow with concern. Rainbow smiled and said.

"I'm fine Fluttershy, don't worry." Fluttershy nodded and smiled.

"Well now that y'all are here..." AJ turned to the barn and shouted;

"Big Macintosh! The girls are here, can you take over?" Big Macintosh came from behind a few trees and nodded. As he walked past Rainbow he smiled and said;

"Happy Birthday Rainbow Dash." Rainbow smiled and thanked him.

"Well come on gals, Granny Smith an' Applebloom made us all breakfast, and a special cake for the birthday pony." AJ said with a smile. RD blushed and scratched her head. The others chuckled. The friends walked into the house to see Applebloom placing apple juice next to a plate. She looked up to the group and smiled.

"Hey everypony! Just finished makin' you breakfast. Granny Smith is putting the finishin' touches on Rainbow's cake. Eat up!" She walked into the kitchen as the six friends took their seats. On the plates were toast, hay, and apple cobbler.

"Oooohhhh I love apple cobbler! It tastes so yummy and it makes my tummy burst into zillions of rays of sunshiney happiness!" Pinkie shouts with glee. Rainbow chuckled.

"Pinkie, you're being even crazier than usual. And that's saying something." She said. Pinkie smiled and patted RD's head as she said;

"Well of corse I am Dashie! It's your birthday! And I think I speak for everypony when I say I'm determined to make it the best ever!" With those words her smile vanished and she rubbed the back of her head.

"Especially since this is the first one 'he' won't be here for." Rainbow hung her head and frowned. She hadn't thought about that. This would be the first year her dad wouldn't be with her on her special day.

"Rainbow, are you alright?" Twilight asked. Rainbow rose her head and looked around the table. Her friends all stared with concern. She nodded as she began to eat some hay. Soon enough the others did too. The cobbler was the best part of breakfast. Just as they were finishing, Applebloom came out of the kitchen, helping Granny Smith with carrying the cake over to the table. It had a cyan blue frosting and was topped with a decoration of RD's cutie mark. Rainbow held her hoof to her mouth as the others began to sing. As they finished, RD blew out the candles with her birthday wish in tow.

"Yay! Now we can eat cake!" Pinkie shouted. The other ponies laughed as Granny Smith cut pieces from the cake. She took the largest piece and set it in Rainbow's plate.

"Happy Birthday Rainbow deary." She said with a smile. RD smiled back and thanked her. She looked down on her cake and took a bite. This was going to be a good day.


I began my drive home from work when I noticed a slight laughter in my head. I didn't think much of it at first, but it grew louder as I got closer to home. I stopped and shook my head, but I still heard the laughter. This mysterious laugh had been in my head for almost 4 months now. It would come and go, sometimes occurring several times in a single week, and others not for weeks. It was always the laugh of all the ponies in Equestria. Well, the main cast anyway. It was a little creepy, but it didn't do any actual harm, so I didn't mind. I had concluded I only heard the laughter when they were all together having a good time. I got out of my truck and the laughter stopped. Not that I was surprised, they never lasted long. I opened the door to my home and said said hello to pictures of my family. After that I headed into the kitchen and got dinner ready. I just wanted to forget work today. A lot of co workers screwed around and I ended up getting in trouble for it. I was used to it. It always happened at least once a month. I checked my cell phone again, 4:52. I would head to bed in about 6 hours. I read the note Dashie wrote for me and smiled. Back then she could comfort me when I had one of these days. Now I just had to figure out what to do on my own. I looked outside and watched as some snow begin to fall. Tomorrow was the first day of December. My Christmas wish list only had one thing on it. To see Dashie again. Of course, I would never get that gift, so I'll think of something else. I decided to turn on the TV and watch MLP, that way I could see what trouble her and the others were getting into. I had already watched all 8 seasons, but I loved seeing the happiness of that world as opposed to the gloomy, depressing one I lived in. On today was a re run of S7s pilot. Where Pinkie runs away after accidentally hurting Dashie. It was so heartwarming to see my daughter care enough to chase after and comfort Pinkie. Just as I had taught her to do.