//------------------------------// // Spice of Life // Story: SkyPie Fluff Fic // by HyperBlossom7 //------------------------------// Canterlot station came into view and the train began slowing down. A pink mare had her face pressed up against the window of the car she sat in. As soon as she felt the train slowing down, Pinkie Pie let out another squeal of excitement. Finally, they had arrived. She turned to her companion who sat in the seat across from her. Twilight Sparkle did not quite hold the same amount of enthusiasm as Pinkie, but she certainly was looking forward to this trip. She had a bemused smile on her face when Pinkie looked at her. “Thank you again for letting me come with you to this meeting, Twilight! Seriously!” Without warning, Pinkie Pie leaped off her seat and landed on Twilight, giving her a tight hug. “Thank you thank you thank you!” Pinkie shrieked in her ear. Twilight winced at the sheer volume of Pinkie Pie’s voice, the sound hitting her right in the eardrum. “Pinkie Pie, please calm down! It’s just a meeting with Princess Celestia and Queen Novo about the airship line we’re going to set up between our lands,” Twilight explained for the hundredth time. “And Skystar!” Pinkie added, completely ignoring Twilight’s explanation once again. “We’ve been talking through letters ever since our epic adventure together and now I finally get to see her in pony again!” Pinkie Pie bounced up and down excitedly, seemingly unaffected by how her her body was banging against the floor and the ceiling as she did so. Twilight’s horn glowed as she enveloped Pinkie in her magic before the earth pony could hurt herself. She forced her friend back to the ground before speaking again. “I know you’re excited Pinkie, but it’s possible you two won’t get to talk until after the meeting. Princess Skystar’s input in this matter will be as valued as yours and mine. She’ll need to focus on the meeting and-” “Twilight, please!” Pinkie Pie cut her off. “I know this is super duper important, and I’ll be super duper patient, but can’t you just let me be excited? Pleeeeeeease?” Twilight sighed, trying to look annoyed but failed as a smile tugged at her lips. “Of course. Just save the bouncing for when we’re off the train, okay?” Pinkie nodded furiously, giving her a salute before sitting back down. Even though she was sitting, Twilight could see her friend was still shaking with excitement. Pinkie Pie’s mind was racing with thoughts. She was thinking about all the fun things she wanted to do with Skystar after the meeting. She was also wondering what possible things Skystar would want to do as well. Twilight had planned to stay for a week in Canterlot, mostly because she wanted to spend time with her marefriend, Moondancer. In Skystar’s last letter, it seemed the hippogriff would be staying for that long as well. The meeting was the same day they would be arriving in Canterlot, being scheduled for late afternoon. That meant Pinkie would have six whole other days for spending time with Princess Skystar! Soon the train lurched to a halt and almost immediately Pinkie Pie was back on her hooves. She shifted from hoof to hoof in nervous excitement while waiting for the train doors to open. As soon as they were, Pinkie Pie zoomed out the door and started bouncing excitedly on the ground outside. She let out a squeal loud enough to draw several gazes of ponies around her, not that she cared. Moments later Twilight was off the train as well and she motioned for Pinkie Pie to follow her. A few hours later, the meeting between the Princesses of Equestria and Queen Novo and Princess Skystar was well underway. Things were going rather smoothly and Pinkie Pie was using every little bit of willpower she had to keep herself glued to her seat. She had Pinkie Promised Twilight that she would be patient and be quiet during the whole meeting. And she never broke a Pinkie Promise. It was only after Princess Celestia and Luna and Queen Novo left the room that Pinkie allowed herself to hop up from her seat. In this same instant, Princess Skystar seemed to be having a similar idea as both hippogriff and pony immediately tackled each other in a giant hug. “Ohmygoshwehavesomuchtotalkabout-” “IhavesomanythingsIwanttotellyouabout-” “Howisshellyandsheldondidyoubringthemwithyou-” The two friends realized moments later what was happening and they both stopped before bursting into laughter. “Ha! I’m sorry,” Pinkie Pie spoke after catching her breath. “Let’s try that again. How was the trip here?! Are you super duper excited about hanging out all week?” Skystar stood up on her hind legs and stretched her arms out wide. “SOOOOO excited! I even brought Shelly and Sheldon with me!” She reached behind her and brought out the two shellfish in question. “Say hi guys!” Pinkie beamed at the two of them and said, “Hello to you too! We’re gonna have so much fun together!” Skystar giggled and nodded in agreement. “So what do you want to do first?” she asked, putting the two shells back on her necklace. “Well that was a really long meeting and I’m hungry now. I know a really good place we can go to eat! Rarity and I discovered it a little while ago when we were on a friendship mission, actually I think I told you about it in one of my letters.” Skystar nodded in affirmation and said, “We should totally go there!” “Alright!” Pinkie jumped into the air happily. “Let’s do it! C’mon!” Skystar and Pinkie Pie headed out of the castle and to the streets of Canterlot. Once they reached Restaurant Row, Pinkie made a beeline for the Tasty Treat. As they approached, they could pick up on spices and other delicious smells coming from the building. "I do like spicy food! I haven't had spicy food in ages!" Skystar exclaimed as they went inside. "Well you're in luck!" said Pinkie Pie. "They have amazing curry here!" Saffron Masala noticed Pinkie Pie and recognized her immediately. She finished with the table she was at and hurried over to greet Pinkie and Skystar. "Hello! Table for two?" "Hello again! And yes please," said Pinkie Pie cheerfully. As Saffron led them to their table, Pinkie Pie addressed the unicorn. "Looks busy tonight! Seems like you guys have been doing well." "Oh we have!" said Saffron happily. "Thank you again for what you and your friend did for us." Pinkie Pie gave her a trademark grin and nodded. "Anytime!" Once they were at their table, Pinkie Pie showed Skystar the menu. The two of them got the same dish and enjoyed their meal while catching up on more recent events that hadn't mentioned in their last letters. Pinkie Pie found herself relaxing and realized she could stay and talk to this hippogriff forever. There was a charm about the princess that made Pinkie Pie's heart beat a little faster. And the two of them did end up talking long after they cleared their plates. They didn't even notice the restaurant become quieter as it neared closing time. Saffron eventually had to get their attention. "Hello you two! I know you're enjoying yourselves but we do need to close for the night. I'm sorry!" Pinkie Pie finally realized that there was no one else except for them in the restaurant. She apologized to Saffron profusely, unwittingly giving her a larger tip than was necessary. Skystar giggled at the pink mare being flustered, thinking Pinkie was even cuter at that moment. Saffron accepted the tip only after Pinkie Pie insisted several times and it really was time for everycreature to go home. On their way out, Skystar let out a heavy groan. "I am sooooooo full! Thanks Pinkie! We should come back here sometime this week." "Absolutely!" Pinkie Pie grinned and the two continued to talk until they finally reached the palace. "I'll see you in the morning! I have a whooole list of stuff planned for us to do!" Pinkie Pie said excitedly. Skystar giggled and said, "Of course you do. I look forward to it Pinkie!" Pinkie Pie squealed happily and gave the hippogriff princess a very tight hug. "Goodnight!" Without thinking about it, she gave Skystar a kiss on the forehead before bouncing away. Pinkie never saw the deep blush on Skystar's face, or the hand that went up to cover the spot where Pinkie's lips had touched her skin.