//------------------------------// // To Canterlot! The First Night // Story: Pinkie's Doozy // by HyperBlossom7 //------------------------------// Pinkie Pie was in space. Well, as close to space as she could get. Really, she was actually in an observatory in Canterlot that sat among the many towers of the Canterlot Palace. She was peering through a telescope at a bright starry sky. Not a cloud could be seen. She only saw the endless abyss of stars and more stars that filled her vision. It was late at night and she was spending a week at the castle with Rarity. The unicorn had been asked to design new uniforms for the royal guard and Pinkie Pie had apparently gotten a doozy from her Pinkie Sense. Something big was gonna happen, and all Pinkie Pie knew that it was something to do with Rarity. Her Pinkie Sense had gone off as soon as Rarity had gotten the letter from Princess Celestia. So after explaining this to Rarity, both ponies decided they would go to Canterlot together. Pinkie Pie had been given free reign of the castle, as Princess Celestia trusted Pinkie as much as she did Twilight and the other elements of harmony. So that was how Pinkie Pie had found herself in the Royal Observatory. She had noticed the giant telescope by the window and immediately decided to start exploring the sky through its lens. She ended up pulling some nearby astronomy books from the shelves in the room and started trying to find constellations in the sky. She was learning quite a lot from these books. Pinkie Pie could see why Twilight enjoyed this kind of thing so much. Pinkie Pie was looking through the telescope again when she heard the door open. She turned her head to see Princess Luna entering the room. Pinkie met Luna’s gaze and the alicorn offered a warm smile. Wordlessly, she came to Pinkie Pie’s side and looked out the window. The moonlight coming through the window illuminated the starscape in Princess Luna’s mane. “I did not expect to find anyone in my Observatory tonight,” Luna spoke, not removing her gaze from the sky outside. “Ooh sorry Princess Luna! I was just looking around and I found this room and saw the telescope and I thought it would be fun to look at the sky for a bit because my best friend Twilight likes to do that all the time so I wanted to try it out but I didn’t realize you would be-” Pinkie was hushed by a raised hoof. “Don’t worry my little pony, I never said I had an issue with you being in here,” Luna said gently. Pinkie let out a sigh of relief at that before backing away from the telescope a bit. “I really should have expected that you would come in here at some point though. You are the Princess of the Night after all! You probably use this room more than anypony else in this castle,” she said, trying to ease her own anxiety. Despite being one of the two rulers of Equestria, Luna was as much of a friend as Princess Celestia. Luna had even welcomed her and Rarity as such when they arrived earlier that day. That still didn’t stop Pinkie Pie from being slightly anxious. She looked around briefly, realizing she had made a bit of a mess with all the books. “I’m sorry, I kinda made a mess,” she apologized. Pinkie Pie started to pick the books up one by one but was stopped once again. “I already said I didn’t have an issue with you being in here. We can worry about the mess later,” Luna explained. She was silent for a few more moments, seemingly deep in thought. Then she said, “I’ll admit, I did not expect you to want to come along with Rarity while she worked on her latest project. May I ask what drove you to join her?” Pinkie Pie stood up and waved her tail a bit. “I felt a doozy come over me as soon as Rarity got the letter. It was a little something like this…” She paused and her body started vibrating rapidly. Her legs started moving back and forth wildly as if she was trying to dance and her eyes were twitching madly. A moment later Pinkie Pie went completely still, as if nothing had happened. “When my Pinkie Sense gets something like that, I have to find out what it means! So I had to come along because clearly something big is going to happen this week!” Princess Luna studied her for a moment. A look of surprise had come across her face when Pinkie had mimicked the doozy. After a moment she asked, “What is this Pinkie Sense?” Pinkie Pie kicked herself internally. She should have remembered that Luna didn’t know about Pinkie Sense. “It’s when I get a feeling in specific parts of my body that lets me know something is about to happen. It’s like I’m psychic, but not really,” Pinkie tried to explain it the best she could. “Interesting! So you have a prophetic ability like that, and you’ve called it...Pinkie Sense,” Luna said mostly to herself. “You are full of surprises, Pinkie Pie.” Pinkie Pie gave her a trademark Pie grin. “That’s because I love surprises!” she said cheerfully. “And that’s also why I’m very excited about being here because that doozy could mean something really fun!” Princess Luna smiled in amusement. “Well I look forward to finding out what this doozy is as well. It certainly sounds interesting.” Luna’s gaze lingered on Pinkie Pie for a little longer than was necessary, but the smaller pony didn’t seem to notice. Pinkie nudged one of the books she hadn’t touched yet towards her and opened it up. Then the book became enshrouded in magic and she looked up to see Luna’s horn glowing lightly. Luna held the book open for both of them to look at. “So were you looking for anything in particular?” Luna asked, wanting to continue conversation. Pinkie shook her head. “Not really. I just wanted to see what kind of constellations I could find tonight.” Luna hummed to herself and leaned in closer to Pinkie. “You know, you can always consult the stars for guidance. Have you ever tried using them to explain your Pinkie Sense?” Pinkie tilted her head in confusion. “The stars? No, not really. I just go with the flow most of the time,” she answered with a shrug. “I see,” Luna murmured. She took a closer look at the book they were looking at. It was a guide to various stars and their meanings. There was an audible gasp from Luna, as if something had just occurred to her. The book snapped shut and Luna made it float to behind her. “Forgive me Pinkie Pie, I’ve just remembered something. I have something I need to do in here tonight.” Pinkie Pie’s eyes widened in interest. “Ooh, what’s that?” she inquired. “Ah...complicated magic concerning the stars,” Luna said quickly. She shot Pinkie Pie a nervous smile and said, “It’ll take quite some time. You should head to bed.” “Aww, I can’t hang out in here with you?” Pinkie Pie whined. Luna gave her an apologetic look. “I’m sorry. I prefer my privacy while I work…” Pinkie Pie wasn’t happy about this but she understood. It was the middle of the night, and that was Princess Luna’s time to shine. Pinkie sighed and nodded a little. “Alright. I’ll see you tomorrow then! Good night!” Princess Luna smiled kindly and bade the pink mare good night. With that, Pinkie Pie left the Observatory, leaving the Princess of the Night to her thoughts. She headed to the guest room where she and Rarity were staying and carefully crept into the room. She looked over at Rarity’s sleeping form and smiled. I’m gonna figure out what this doozy is for you, Rarity. You can count on me! Pinkie tried to make as little noise as possible as she clambered into her own bed and fell asleep.