//------------------------------// // Episode 57: Deja Vu // Story: Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) // by BrownDog77 //------------------------------// (~~) “Here’s your ticket sir,” the girl behind the booth says with a smile as she hands you your voucher. “Thanks,” you say. As you gather with the Humane 7, The Dazzlings, Humbra and B2 at the entrance after buying tickets, a strange sense of déjà vu comes over you. “Huh…” you mutter aloud. “What’s wrong?” asks Sunset seeing your confused face. “N-Nothing really. Just this whole situation felt really familiar for some reason,” you say with a wave of your hand. I know what you mean…but we haven’t been to a carnival together have we? Selena asks. Well, there was the Crystal Fair, you shrug seeing how there are some similarities, thought the Humies have way more deadly MACHINES in their midst. But I was still out during that…Selena trails off. Quit worrying about whatever it is you two are feeling, and get inside! Sombra barks sounding impatient causing you to frown. Wow, someone’s in a hurry, you roll your eyes. Of course I am! I never got to experience the Crystal Fair because that whorse Amore’s precious heart would waylay me to my bed. Hope and I never got to go! He complains. Alright, alright! I’ll get you a funnel cake or something, you wave off as you look to your physical companions. “Alright you all, we’re here on very important business, so I don’t want you all to lose focus. We may be at a Carnival, but there should be No Fun Having at all!” The humans and Equestrians turned Humans look at you like you’ve gone even more mad. “Bro, it’s a Carnival, if they don’t have fun they’ll stick out like a sore thumb,” B2 points out. “Yeah, and just because we’re working doesn’t mean I can’t get lots of snacks!” Pinkie shouts. “I understand the need to look out for Twilight and all, but it’s not often we come here,” Rainbow complains. “Exactly! Plus, some of us got other business here as well,” Applejack mentions and Rainbow pales. “Like what?” you huff. “Rainbow lost a bet and has to pay up,” AJ smirks and the chromatic haired girl groans. “I want to go to the petting zoo,” Fluttershy speaks up. “I could go for some rides,” Flash says. “And I’d like to play some carnival games,” Rarity adds and they all look to her. “What? Not everything I love is fashion related,” she huffs. “I could actually go for some funnel cake since I’ve been dragged along,” Humbra grumbles. “Alright alright, there can be SOME fun having allowed!” you relent as you pinch the bridge of your nose and turning around. “Now, the key to all of this is to stick together alright?” Puzzling Frost’s Comment Kichi’s Comment Down With Chrysalis’s Comment Roker12’s Comment You then walk into the front entrance of the carnival and say in determination. “Alright gang, let’s get started!” A moment of silence greets you at that. “…Guys?” you say turning around only to see more than half the group gone. All that remains are an apologetic looking Sunset and the Dazzlings, two of which are restraining the third from wandering off. “Where the buck did everyling go?” you ask in exasperation. “They kind of went off the minute we got through the gate,” Sunset explains apologetically and your eye twitches. “Of course how cliche can this get?” you grumble and facepalm. “I mean, has no one ever played Ogres and Oubliettes? You don’t split the party when enemies could be hiding!” “Quit struggling you dolt!” Aria growls as Sonata keeps trying to break her grasp. “But I saw someone in a panda suit! I want to take a picture with it!” she shouts giddily. “Oh gods, it’s the zoo all over again!” Adagio complains. A vein starts to pulse on your forehead as you’ve practically been abandoned and all of your allies scattered to the wind. Why can’t anyling just listen to me for once?! We’re on a mission here! No Fun Allowed! What’s so hard for humies to learn that?! You mentally shout, feeling more ticked off than usual. You may be being a bit harsh, Selena starts, but you keep grumbling. The buck I am! For buck’s sake, how many times do I have to tell them this?! More than once perhaps? Sombra offers with an eyeroll. But I Have!...Or wait, did I…? You give pause as you do recall only just telling them to stick together not even a minute ago. Huh, feels like I’ve said it more than once at this point…But whatever! If they want to split up, Let Them Split Up! “Bugze, Bugze! Can We Go Get Snacks?! Can We? Can We?!” Sonata asks excitedly. “Sure, go buck wild! Do whatever you want!” you throw your hands up in frustration and walk away, startling the four. “H-Hey! What about sticking together?” asks Sunset as you walk further into the crowd. “Exactly!” you shout in annoyance as you disappear into the crowd, causing the other creatures turned humans to look caught off guard. Bugze, this is no time to be petty! Selena chides you but you brush her off. They can look after themselves. Besides, if they run into Midnight, I’m sure they’ll make a scene and I’ll catch it. You say as you start looking around with purpose. …Can I still have funnel cake? Sombra asks meekly. NO! And with that, you spend the next few hours searching. In that time, you see a few members of your group from a distance, and none of them look invested at all in the search. You see B2 looking depressed with a black eye as Humbra pats him on the shoulder, you see Applejack and Rainbow Dash screaming as they leave the grounds in a hurry, and Pinkie Pie wrecking a churro stand and being thrown out. You even see some human police officers detaining three drunken humans, and see a sniffling, green haired girl with a rip in her sweater sleeve walking through the crowd, yet noling seems to pay her any mind. You note all of these things, but you don’t invest in them since you’ve got a mission. A mission you are failing horribly at. After some more time, the sun starts to set and music starts to play from the stage set up. Grumbling, you kick an empty can on the ground and pull at your hair. “Today was a freaking waste of time!” you complain. It’s your fault for striking out on your own! Selena growls at you. Well They Did It First! You harrumph and cross your arms. That doesn’t mean you should have abandoned those that did stick around! She shoots back. Well whatever, they would have been useless as well! You could have at least eaten something, Sombra pouts. “Well it’s not like you would have really tasted it!” you shout aloud. “Ugh! I’ve got no messages on anyone finding Twilight or whatever magical macguffin is here! None of this would have happened if everyone listened to me and stuck together! I…” you trail off as you notice a familiar bespectacled girl without her supervillain look standing arm in arm with a familiar camp counselor. “OH BUCK! THERE SHE IS!” you shout aloud in shock which catches her attention. She turns to face you and at first, there is a moment of shock before her eyes narrow. “Bugze!” she shouts as her eyes start to glow and Timber Spruce looks at you in bewilderment. “Uh…Hi Twilight,” you waver with a nervous chuckle and she starts marching towards you. “Are you the one that caused the restart?! Do you have it?!” she grills as her Midnight guise starts to form. Eeping, you whip out your phone and start texting the others. “Hurry Up Stupid Humies! I found Sparkle! She’s-“ (~~) “Here’s your tickets sir,” the girl behind the booth says with a smile as she hands you your voucher. “Thanks,” you say as you grab the ticket before you stop and do a double take. “Wait…didn’t I already buy this?” The booth girl seems confused by this. “Um, I don’t think so, we don’t do online orders.” “…Huh,” you shrug as you gather with the Humane 7, The Dazzlings, Humbra and B2 at the entrance after buying tickets, and a strange sense of déjà vu comes over you. “What’s wrong?” asks Sunset noticing your confused face. “I’m…not sure,” you admit as you look at your ticket. “I just…feel like I’ve already done this.” …As do I, Selena agrees sounding perplexed. Which is odd, since I’ve never been conscious with you at one of these things. I don’t know what you two are carrying on about, but let’s get going already! Sombra says impatiently. Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. You want to experience your robbed childhood and all that, you handwave. …I mean, you didn’t have to say it like that, but yes, Sombra says sounding a bit put out. Oh cheer up Smokey, I’ll buy you a…funnel cake? You ask more than say. Why did you say it like that? asks Selena. I…don’t know. It’s like funnel cake is important or something, you say holding your head. And while you do, and Sunset looks at you in concern, you hear the others talking about the various activities they want to do, and for some reason, you feel as though you’ve heard all of that before. “Bugze?” asks Sunset but you wave her off. “Okay guys, I know you’re all excited and want to split up, but maybe we should-“ you start, but you’re too late as everyling rushes through the gate, leaving you alone with the Dazzlings and Sunset. “…stick together,” you finish. “Quit struggling you dolt!” Aria growls as Sonata keeps trying to break her grasp. “But I saw someone in a panda suit! I want to take a picture with it!” she shouts giddily. “Oh gods, it’s the zoo all over again!” Adagio complains. “…My head hurts,” you say as even more déjà vu washes over you. As does mine, and it’s not even physical! Something is amiss, Selena concludes. I haven’t seen anything worrisome yet, Sombra mentions. No, I think she’s right, something’s off, You respond as you look at the other four equestrians turned humans. And though there is a modicum of annoyance at being abandoned by the rest…you feel as though sticking with them is the smarter thing to do. …Maybe Midnight is already here and messing with me somehow? Perhaps, Selena nods. But I have this strange inkling that it’s not a maybe, that she most definitely is here. What she says rings true for some reason, so you look to the others. “Alright girls, let’s get started,” you say getting their attention. “The others may not have the wisdom of Ogres and Oubliettes, but we are definitely not splitting out party. I know Midnight is here, and we’re gonna find her and whatever magic macguffin as well!” “Heck yeah!” Sonata cheers as she breaks free of her sister’s grasps…and quickly runs up to the panda mascot and takes a selfie with him. “Yeah, that sounds good and all, as long as she doesn’t run off,” Aria grumbles. “We should have brought a leash or something,” Adagio shakes her head and facepalms. “Uh…” Sunset looks at you apologetically and you sigh. “You know what? It’s fine. We’re at a carnival after all,” you say, almost in penance for some reason. A strange feeling comes over you to make it up to these girls, but you have no idea why. “I’ve got a really cute picture with him,” Sonata smiles bubbly as she rejoins the group and you chuckle. “Well, I guess we better get looking,” you say as you motion for them to follow. Yes, explore the sights, take it all in, Sombra says enthusiastically. …I feel strangely relieved that we’re sticking with them, Selena mutters. I know, right? Plus, safety in numbers and all that. As you wander, you guys walk through the booth section filled with games and food stalls and you stop when you hear Sonata squee as she stares at a food truck. “Eeee! All of this looks so good!” she says looking at all of the goodies. “Sonata! We can’t stop to eat! We’re on the clock! Who knows when Midnight might pop up and take us by surprise,” Aria says as she starts dragging her away from the food truck. “…Didn’t I say that before?” you ponder aloud. “But Ari! I’m hungry! Can I please get something?” She whines and wiggles out of her sister's grip and runs over to you “Can we please get something to eat, please?” she begs giving you big puppy eyes. Before you can speak your stomach rumbles. “…Well, I we could have SOME fun while we’re here,” you give in, causing Sonata to grin happily. “You know, you can’t keep getting her what she wants,” Adagio says. “Yeah, then she’ll think she can get away with everything,” Aria rolls her eyes. “Eh, live a little. We’re gonna be here all day after all,” you shrug. “Heh, you say that, but we might get lucky and find Twilight or the source of magic soon,” Sunset points out. “No…no I don’t think we will,” you say with an unknown source of certainty. Sunset raises a brow at that, before Sonata calls from the food counter. “I Don’t Have Any Money!” The others all look to you expectantly. “…What? B2’s got most of my humie cash.” “Don’t worry, I got it,” Sunset volunteers as she walks towards the wayward Siren. You look to the other two and shrug. “Well, might as well join her.” “…Yeah alright,” Adagio nods. “As long as Bacon Hair is buying,” Aria snarks. “That’s What It Looks Like! Thank You!” you say in epiphany. As you all sit down at a picnic table to eat your various foods, you getting grilled corn cob on a stick (a classic), you notice Sonata practically inhaling her tacos, nachos, and other various Human facimilies of Mexicoltan food. “Sonata! Chew!” Adagio orders. “Can’t! Aria said we were on the clock!” she says playfully as she shovels more in and Aria once more shakes her head with a roll of the eyes. “Heh, have you ever seen anyone eat that fast before?” Sunset chuckles as she asks you. “Yeah…yeah I have…” you trail off in nostalgia as you remember all the times your baby girl would empty out restaurant after restaurant in the early years. You now know it was to make up for the caloric intake her body should have had over years of growth after bypassing a few years, but the process was always a highlight, especially at all you can eat buffets. She’s got the young empress's appetite, that’s for sure, Sombra muses nostalgiacly. You can say that again, you nod as Selena just gives a small giggle at Sonata’s antics. After everyone has finished their respective meals, you continue on your search. “Hey, isn’t that Rainbow and Applejack over there?” asks Sunset. You look to where she’s pointing and do in fact see said girls as they walk into what looks like the mouth of a giant, hideous, human clown. You pale slightly at that, realizing that even humies have those horrifying creatures and say, “Y-Yeah! Yeah that’s them.” “Oh, should we go gather them then?” asks Adagio. “Tartarus No!” you dismiss and start walking away from the haunted house attraction. “Are you sure? Maybe they found something?” asks Aria. “They’ll be fine, they’re probably on a date or something, so let’s leave them alone,” you dismiss. “A Date?” asks Sunset skeptically. “Yeah, they’re filly foolers aren’t they?” you ask. “I have no idea. Are they in Equestria?” “Uh…Well I mean, I always taunted real Rainbow about being one, and there was that time they made out during the Lovepocalypse…but then again they tried to drag me into a three way, and both kept competing for my love and affection so…” you trail off and Sunset looks even more confused. “I thought you said they hunted you back home,” Sonata pipes up. “It’s complicated,” you sigh. “I mean, they really, REALLY like one of my personas, and both have kissed me at different times, but it’s weird.” “I’ll say, aren’t you older than them?” asks Aria. “The age thing is different in the real world, they’re all adults and I’m only a few years older than all of them. But still, it’s all kinds of weird with them hunting me, and Applejack turning out to be my cousin and-“ “What?!” they all gasp aloud. “…Yeah, that’s a whole story and a half,” you shake your head as you start to explain that complicatedness while still walking. After awhile, you come to the end and they look speechless. “That’s…kind of bucked up,” Sunset says. “You’re telling me,” you nod. “Soooo, does that mean B2 and Applejack are also cousins?” asks Sonata and you pause. “…Huh, I never thought to ask that.” And before you can think anymore on that, a pair of familiar voices speak up. “Step right up step right up! Come one and all!” “Knockdown all the bottles and win a fabulous prize!” You turn to see two nearly identical looking men running a booth, both wearing identical carny outfits, with the only difference between the two being one has a mustache. “Say isn’t that-” you begin when the human Flam points to Sunset. “You there, young lady! Want to give a chance at winning a fabulous stuffed animal?” he asks. “Well, I dunno, we’re kind of busy…” Sunset answers nervously. “Oh come on then! It's easy, all you need to do is throw the ball at the bottles and knock them all down! The first three tries are free!” Flim interjects as he points to the pyramid stacked bottles. She looks at you for your opinion and you just shrug. “It is free,” you point out. “Well, I guess it wouldn’t hurt then,” she says as she walks to the booth and grabs a ball. “That’s the spirit!” both humans say at once. Sunset looks down the lane at the bottles, judges the distance and chucks the ball, only for it to miss by an inch. “Dang It!” she grumbles as she picks up her second ball and throws again. This time, she hits the pedestal below the bottles. “Oh come on!” she shouts in frustration, before grabbing the last ball and getting into a pitcher’s pose. When she tosses this one, it hits the top bottle dead on, and knocks it off of the pyramid. “Yes! I did it!” she cheers. “What do I win?” “Oh, sorry sweetheart that’s not how it works,” Flim says with a mock frown on his face. “What?!” she rages. “You have to knock down all the bottles to win a prize remember? And if my math checks out you only knocked down one,” Flam answers with a tisk tisk. “Well give me another ball then!” she demands, holding out her hand. “Of course of course! That will be twenty dollars please,” Flim grins slyly. “Twenty dollars?! That’s highway robbery!” Adagio hollers as she walks up next to Sunset. “Well, that's the way it goes miss. First, three tries are free, to try again you need to pay. Twenty dollars per ball!” Flam chuckles. Sunset growls and looks ready to pounce when Adagio holds out a hand. “What about me? Don’t I get three free tries?” she said with an eyebrow raised. “Of course my dear! First tries are free!” Flim chuckles chuckles as she sets the three balls in front of her. “Why thank you, boys. But I’ll only need one ball for this,” Adagio says with a confident grin. The two vendors look to each other and shrug. “You’re choice to waste,” Flam says as he retracts two of the projectiles. Adagio turned to you and the others. “You all might want to take a step back,” she says, and at your confused faces, she winks. Aria and Sonata chuckle, while you and Sunset still reel in the dark, but you listen to her. You then watch as she gets into a pitcher's stance, arches her arm back before lifting her leg and following through with a swift move that would make Rainbow Dash jealous as she throws the ball at super speeds. The ball hit the bottles right in the center of the pyramid, flying through them and through the stall wall as the trick bottles shatter, despite some of them being filled with concrete. You, the vendors and Sunset look on in shock and awe as Sonata cheers loudly and Aria roars with laughter. “…Holy Crap,” you mutter as Adagio raises her hand and blows smoke off of it with a wicked smile on her face. “Hmm, I’ll take that one,” she says pointing to a stuffed yellow bear with a redshirt. Flam wordlessly grabs the bear and hands it to her, mouth still agape while Flim tilts and falls behind the counter. Adagio giggles as she saunters back to your group and hands the bear off to Sunset. “Here you go, sister,” she says with a wink before closing both yours and Sunset’s mouths. Such power and speed, Sombra mutters sounding impressed. She’s resourceful and has a can do attitude, Selena says with pride as she laughs at the bamboozled con men. “Th-That was…” Sunset says. “That was incredible!” you finish for her and Adagio just waves her hand as if it were no big deal. “Seriously, how did you…?” “What? You think manipulating emotions is the only thing we can do with our magic?” she smirks. “We survived for over a year in this stupid world, we learned to get creative,” Aria grins. You then look to Sonata. “If you guys can do stuff like that, why didn’t you help with the Flulk?” you ask. “Oh heck no. I may be able to get one good punch in, but that hunk was way too much for me to handle,” she defends. Sunset then gives the blue girl an accusatory stare. “Hunk?” she insinuates. “Yup, even for a human,” she giggles. You see Sunset’s eye twitch at that and you nervously clap your hands to get their minds off of that disgusting conversation. “Alright, well thanks for that demonstration Adagio. Hopefully we’ll be able to utilize it if we run into Midnight.” “…I’d actually rather avoid the direct fighting thank you very much,” she dismisses as you all start walking again, eventually reaching the end of the stalls and into a more open area. Over by the petting zoo, you see Rarity getting spit on by an alpaca and she runs off screaming as Fluttershy watches sheepishly. “Heh heh,” you chuckle, because in all honesty, that is funny. After awhile, you come across another site, Flash Sentry trying and failing at a test your strength machine. A large bulky man tsks at the display as the teenager looks frustrated. “Sorry son, looks like today isn’t your lucky day.” “No! I Swear I Can Do It! I Am A Strong Man!” he shouts as he brings the mallet down on the button, only for the indicator to not even reach halfway. “OH COME ON!” “That extra one’s free for now, but your turn is up unless you pay more son,” the bulky man warns and Flash groans in frustration. “I was able to throw golf carts and fight 15 people at once not too long ago,” he mumbles before he sees your group. “HI FLASH!” Sonata waves enthusiastically. “Uh, hey Sonata,” he waves in embarrassment. “What’s wrong? Problem getting it up?” Adagio asks in a teasing tone and his eyes widen in shock. “Wh-What?” he stammers. “She means the machine,” Sunset says as she gives Adagio a side glare. “Oh, uh, right,” he chuckles nervously. “I mean, I can’t even hit it half way.” “You’re not the Flulk anymore, it’s understandable,” you say patting his shoulder. “Yeah…besides, it’s probably a scam anyway,” Sunset says in his defense. “I mean, he’s not built like a truck, but he’s strong enough.” “Uh, thanks Sunset…” he says apprehensively at her praise, and you sense that things might still be awkward between them. “Psh! A scam my Flipper,” Aria hand waves causing him to frown. Flash then looks to you and gestures towards the game. “You don’t believe me? Go on, give it a swing.” You shrug in response and step right up to the carnie. “Hello sir. First three swings are free,” the Bulky man says as he hands you the mallet. “Sounds good,” you say as you raise the hammer up. “Back in my world I was able to lift a lot so this should be ea-“ you bring the hammer down, and the indicator barely reaches the halfway mark. “…WHAT?!” You then strike down a second time, but the indicator goes down even more. Gritting your teeth, you wind up with all of your strength…and you still don’t breach the halfway mark. “OH COME ON!” “Sorry sir. NEXT!” the carnie calls. Grumbling, you walk back to the group and Flash has a smug look of vindication on his face. “Shut Up! It’s this weak disgusting human body’s fault! Back in the real world, I’ve literally torn houses down in my anger!” Ahem, you had help with that thank you very much, Selena interjects. “…Okay, sure I was hopped up on magic, but still!” Perhaps you should mention how you can also consume a creature’s whole body in one bite, Sombra snarks unpleasantly. Oh Don’t You Start That Again! You chide. “Yeah, see? It’s not just you Flash,” Sunset gives the boy a smile and he starts scratching his ear. “*Sigh* Guess If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself,” Aria says with a smirk as she walks up to the plate, grabs the mallet in one hand and raises it above her head. “Uh, Ms.? It’s easier to use both ha-“ the bulky man is cut off as she slams the hammer down. The ground beneath her cracks slightly, the button shatters, and the indicator shoots past the bell at the top, off of the machine and into the sky. Once again, you are shocked and amazed by one of the siren sisters, as are Sunset and Flash. “WOO! GO ARIA!” Sonata cheers as she walks back to you guys while the man running the game looks on in horror at his destroyed machine. “Couldn’t you show a little restraint?” Adagio asks. “What, like you did at that bottle game?” Aria counters with snark. “…Touche,” she nods as they fist bump and you shake your head as you try to comprehend what just happened. “I don’t...wha?” Flash says voicing your thoughts exactly. “It’s like looking at three grown-up versions of Nightshade,” you mumble. “I mean, except for the ugly as tartarus ape features, but still.” Well let never be said that Sirens aren’t helpless creatures, Sombra exposits. Agreed, Selena says with a large grin on her face. After quickly vacating that area, you smell the scent of alcohol and something rings in the back of your mind. “…Wait a second,” you say as you round the corner, and your suspicion proves true. You see B2 looking depressed and with a black eye, holding a cup of beer, while Humbra pats his shoulder. …How did I know this would be here? You ponder to yourself, but are interrupted as Aria speaks up. “Whoa, what happened here?” “Everything…” he slurs. “Everything happened here fish horsie…” he says sorrowfully as he takes a drink. “Hey, I thought you weren’t drinking any-“ you start but he throws his hands up. “What’s the point?! My life is crap, and once you leave it will still be crap!” he bellows and you all look at him nervously and with pity. You turn to Humbra, who has honey and powdered sugar on his beard. “What happened?” you ask and he sighs as he whispers to you. “Apparently Luna was here,” he says and you pale. “Oh…” “Yeah,” he nods as your counterpart starts crying. “So I’m guessing she…?” “Yup,” he nods. “She wanted answers about all these “publicity stunts” that have been going around, he was a bumbling idiot and lied horribly, so she slugged him and walked off.” “…And you didn’t get slugged why?” you inquire. “I was eating funnel cake and only caught the tail end,” he shrugs as B2 starts sobbing and trying to order another drink, but the beer guy won’t let him. “Ah jeeze, he needs to get out of here before he causes a scene,” you say as you look around. Humbra nods and walks over to him while pointing at Flash. “You, roid rash, help me get him to my car,” he orders as he takes one of B2’s arms. “Uh…right,” he nods as he helps the other side. “Why does telling the truth hurt so much…” B2 sobs as Humbra pats his back. “It’s just how it is sometimes bud,” he says as soothingly as Humbra can as the two carry your doppelganger out of the carnival. When they are out of sight, you and the other Native Equestrians look at eachother nervously. “That was…that was sad…” Sonata says. “Yes…yes it was,” you nod and shake your head. “You think he’s going to be alright?” asks Sunset. “…I honestly don’t know,” you admit as everyone looks downcast, all the fun from before being overshadowed. “Hey, thanks for taking that guy away,” the beer stall owner thanks your group. “The last thing I need is more ornery drunks. Three pregamers already came through and wandered off, so be careful.” “Thanks for the heads up,” you say as you look back to your group. “Come on, we’ve still got to search for stuff, we’ll help him later.” As you walk along, checking booths and stalls for any sign of magic, or a hidden Midnight Sparkle, you worry about your Human self, and you aren’t the only one. But as you pass by a merry go round you hear some sounds of distress. Looking to the side, you see the three drunken men that the bartender warned you about, and boy are they wobbily. “Heh, found the drunken humans,” Adagio says with a chuckle pointing at the men. “Seriously, I can smell them from here,” Aria gags. “You can? I can’t,” Sonata inquires and her sister rolls her eyes. “Well just give them a wide berth, they’re not our concern,” Sunset says and they all continue walking but you look at them aghast. “Whoa, wait a minute, what about the girl?” you point out. “Huh?” Sonata asks. “What girl?” asks Sunset as they all give you inquisitive looks. “The girl in the yellow striped sweater that they’re all gathered around?! Can’t you see her? She looks distressed and uncomfortable,” you say urgently pointing again to the group of drunken men. “Hey, baby~ Wanna hang with some big men?” One says staring at her with an inappropriate gaze. “Ugh, get away from me you creep. Just leave me alone,” The girl says trying to walk away only for another guy to block her path. As the girls all look back you see this each one of them gains a look of comprehension. “Huh…I didn’t even notice her,” Sunset mutters. “Me either,” Aria says. “Same,” Adagio nods. “Really?! Do You all need glasses or something?” you sputter as the girl is further harassed. “Come on beautiful, you look like someone who wants some loving attention,” one of them says salaciously and she winces. “Oh forget that!” you say as you start to take a step forward, only for Sunset to move first. “Hey, leave her alone you drunk bums!” she orders causing their attention to fall on her. “Drunk? We ain’t drunk, we’re just having a good ti-“ one starts to say, but Sunset doesn’t even let him finish as she strides past him with an elbow shove which causes the drunk to fall onto the floor. “Oi, what was that for?” another one says angrily, but Sunset ignores him and pulls the green haired girl away from them and shoves her back towards your group, with you steadying her. “You were harassing her, now go on get out of here before I call security,” Sunset says her eyes narrowing. “Oh yeah and who’s gonna make us? You miss bacon hair? HA!” The third guy says as the one who fell gets up and starts advancing on her. “Yeah, no quit being a little bitch, and just let us have our fun. You could join in if you li-“ He doesn’t even get to finish that sentence, as the moment he touches Sunset’s shoulder, she grabs his arm and suplexes him with ease causing a few people to turn their heads. The crowd, including your group are speechless at this site as she stands back up and glares at the other two who begin to charge. “Why you little bit-” They start but Sunset elbows one in the stomach and gives a kick to the other guy’s jaw, knocking them to the ground. The suplexed one starts to get up, but she quickly turns and delivers a swift kick to his groin, making him fall over with a high pitched wheeze.The audience oohs at the sight of the three guys getting their butts kicked as security take notice and come running. With the three groaning on the floor, she looks back to your group with a victorious smirk as the crowd cheers. She looks to the girl you all rescued who is very, very surprised and confused. “Are you alright?” she asks. “I, uh…yes,” the girl nods. “Thank you Sunset Shimmer.” Sunset seems surprised at that. “You know my name?” she inquires. “Uh…yes,” the girl says meekly. “I kind of…go to your school...” she trails off. And while they are having this conversation you just look to the Sirens and back at Celestia’s former protégé. Gorramn, is she tougher than she looks. She’s mastered fighting in this horrid human form, you beam as Selena squees and Sombra laughs. It also helps that her kicking that dude in the nards brought back delightful memories of your little girl doing the same. “Looks like the unicorn can fight,” Adagio whistles. “Yeah, I wouldn’t mind sparring with her,” Aria says with a chuckle. “Hey look, that guy’s getting back up,” Sonata warns, yet the others don’t hear her over the applauding audience. You see one of the drunks pull an empty bottle out of their coat. “You Little Whore!” he shouts as he throws it at the back of Sunset’s head. You watch the bottle come towards her unsuspecting form and time seems to slow down for you. *SNAP* “MUDA!” you shout as Selena’s spectral hoof collides with the bottle, shattering it and sending the pieces flying to the ground. “What the…?” the guy says confused while everyone else pays attention since a bottle kind of exploded. “How did it…” From the drunk’s and every other humie’s view, the bottle just seemingly broke in midair after you shouted. All they see is you advancing on the coward, and not seeing the shadowy alicorn floating beside you. His eyes widen and he attempts to throw a punch, but once more you scream, “MUDA!” and Selena’s hoof strikes his hand, breaking it. “AAAAHHH!!! What the-“ “No One Touches My Baby!” you and Selena growl together, frightening the drunk even more. And around that time, the Security guards finally push through the crowd and start subduing the trouble makers. They attempt to grab you as well, but the crowd shuts them down and point to the true culprits. Also, they don’t believe the drunk who says you shouted and broke a bottle and his hand without touching him. As the drunks are escorted away, you turn back and look to Sunset. “Sunset? You Okay? Did Any Of The Glass Hit You?!” you ask in worry. “Uh, no, I’m fine,” she says confused by your tone. “Oh thank goodness,” you say as you give her a hug. “Uhhh…” She says in confusion as you realize what you are doing and pull off her sheepishly. “Ahem, just…glad you’re alright,” you chuckle. “Ooookkkkaaayyyy…” she says looking at you in befuddlement. “So that’s what you were talking about Aria?” asks Adagio. “Yeah, that’s the Stand,” Aria nods. “She had a horn and wings…so cool,” Sonata gushes and you turn back them nervously. “Oh right, you guys can see her when she does that,” you say and Sunset looks at you with a raised brow. “Okay, seriously, what was that? It looked like an alicorn made of shadows punched that guy,” Sunset asks. “Well, she did…I don’t get how it works, and neither does she,” you mutter. “…Okay, I’m just going to come right out and ask, was that Nightmare Moon?” “That’s not her name anymore,” you say automatically before coughing. “But yes…” And while she looks at you, trying to parse out any more info… “Um, excuse me?” “OH JEEZE!” you shout nearly having a heart attack as the green haired girl speaks up beside you. “I’d forgotten you were there.” She winces at that, and from the looks of the others, you feel they forgot as well. “Yeah, I get that a lot,” she says sounding melancholic, but she brightens back up as she looks at you and Sunset. “But anyway, I don’t know what you two are talking about, but I just wanted to say thank you for helping me. People don’t normally notice me…but I certainly didn’t want their attention.” “Uh, hey no problem. I’m sure anyone would have done the same,” Sunset says meekly and the girl smiles. “You know, after tonight, I can safely say that that magical girl at the dance was right in giving you a second chance,” she says and Sunset blushes. “Well I mean…thank you…” After that, there is a bit of awkward silence, before Sunset says, “Okay, I know you go to Canterlot High, but I can’t for the life of me remember your name.” “It’s Wallflower, Wallflower Blush. And don’t worry about it, hardly anyone remembers…” the girl trails off sadly and you give her a worried look. She notices this and smiles sadly up at you. “I really appreciate the help Mr. Shimmer. Your daughter is a good person.” “Wait we’re not! He’s/She’s not!” You and Sunset stutter in embarrassment. “Heh yep, that's our dad!” Sonata says giving you a both a big hug, causing you to gasp in exasperation. “Sonata!!” both Aria and Adagio say in annoyance while blushing. “What?” she says with a trolling smirk. Dang it, I’ve given her too many lessons! You think in worry, but the green haired girl just giggles at that. “Well anyway, there’s got to be a way I can repay your family Sunset…” she says ignoring the denials. After a moment of thought she perks back up and says, “Say, do you like PostCrush?” And just like that, Sunset loses all composure. “DO I?!” she shouts in excitement. “They’re like my favorite band here!” After hearing that, Wallflower smiles more. “Oh good, well how would you like to get backstage passes to see them tonight?” To say the fiery haired girl goes white as a sheet would be an understatement. “…You can do that?!” she gasps. “Oh yes,” Wallflower nods. “My cousin Vignette Valencia is in charge of the music performances happening tonight, so she can get me a few more passes. What do you say? It’s the least I could do for you standing up for me.” And like that, a dam bursts as Sunset and Sonata start squeeing like banshees at the prospect of seeing the band in person, you even have to rub your ear to stop the ringing. “Oh my gosh, this a dream come true!” Sunset says as she hugs the green haired girl who doesn’t quite know how to respond. “This is gonna be awesome! I gotta let Pinkie know!” Sonata shrieks as she starts texting. Aria and Adagio look at this situation in bemusement before they both sigh and give a smile. “Heh, why the buck not?” Aria shrugs. “Heh, maybe we can “convince” them to let us sing with them?” Aria suggests causing Adagio to grin maniacally. “That sounds like a fun idea…” And as you are dragged along behind the very excited girls, you can’t help but think back to the rowdy humans earlier and how they’ve all but left the memories of everyone else. Hhhheeeeyyyy, Selly? You ask apprehensively. Yes my bug? She answers. Did, uh…did we call Sunset our baby when threatening that guy? She goes silent for a moment before saying, Whaaatt? Nooo, nooo, of course not, heh heh…She denies as she sweats profusely. Are…are you sure? Because I could have sworn… Whhhaaaaattt…? Noooo…Noooo…Don’t be silly… Yes you did cockroach, Sombra interjects with a chuckle. No He Didn’t! Selena yelps. He most certainly did! Sombra argues. Alright, that’s what I thought…but why did I say that? I believe your wife’s feelings influenced you in the moment. It appears she’s going baby crazy for the wayward Sirens and Unicorn, he laughs. You shut your mouth!!! Selena barks and fires off a blast of magic. OW! Quit It! Sombra bellows. Uh… Selly is there something you want to talk about? You ask nervously as you hear her reaction to Sombra’s words. NOPE, NOTHING EVERYTHING IS FINE HERE, EHEH heh heh, she laughs suspiciously. Raising a brow, you are about to pry for more info…but then you feel a familiar sensation run through your body Before you could pry her for more you suddenly hear someone singing and your danger senses pique. “Wait…this song…” you mutter as something itches at the back of your mind. What about it? Asks Sombra. We’ve…heard it before haven’t we? Selena says sounding just as on edge as you are. I think so? Why does it make me feel like Twilight is going to show up? You then start looking all around for any signs of the purple girl, but then your eyes land on the stage and you see the one who’s singing and you jaw drops. “No way…” you trail off. Sunset, noticing your stare, looks to the stage as well and quirks a brow. “Hey Wallflower?” she taps the other girl on the shoulder. “Yes?” “Isn’t that Lulamoon from school on stage?” she inquires. Sure enough, the human girl on stage has the same coloration and voice of the mare who drove you to your darkest point…and who also helped you see the light again. Your friend Trixie. “Huh? Oh yeah. She and her little band got on the venue. They give local bands the chance to open up for the more well known ones. And while PostCrush is huge and all, my cousin is waiting in anticipation for when The Wanted officially announce their comeback so she can try and book them. You hear this conversation, but you still look at Human Trixie as she sings with two other girls, all wearing fancy star lined capes and hats. …She looks and sounds so happy, you think as you remember the last conversation you had with your friend in her dreamscape. You left her on a note of hope and forgiveness, but that was the last time you saw her. I’m sure the real Trixie is doing just as well, Selena says in a comforting tone and you nod. Yeah…Yeah I’m sure she is to- “ULP!” you gag as your neck is yanked from behind, separating you from your group. Suddenly, a very familiar sensation washes over you as, against all reason, you are teleported away from the group, and in the parking lot. “What the-“ you start but you pale as you see Human Twilight glowering at you. “BUGZE!” she shouts as her visage changes into Midnight Sparkle and she grabs you by your shirt. “Give Me My Prototype NOW!” she shouts as her eyes glow fiercely. “AGH! MUDA!” you shout as Selena’s hoof strikes the powered human in the chest. “OOF!” she gasps as she is thrown backward into the side of a van. “AGH! That hurt you stupid-“ You ignore her as you send out your emergency text to the others. “Give it up Midnight! Reinforcements are on the way!” you boast as you stare her down. “And this time, we’ll stop you for good!” “This time? TIME?!!!” she growls in a deranged tone as she yanks at her hair. “You want to talk to me about time?! How about the fact that it keeps looping?!” “Huh?” you say taken aback. “How about the fact that I can’t figure out the source, because I don’t have my prototype? How about how I can’t enjoy my date with that cute counselor boy because TIME IS BROKEN?!!!” “Wh-What the buck are you talking about?!” you ask in alarm as she starts hovering above you. “Time keeps resetting! It’s happened multiple times already, but I seem to be the only one who’s noticed!” she declares and her words make something itch even harder at the back of Selena’s and your minds. Her crazy words ring with truth. “Wait…so if that’s true…then you’re not the one doing it?” you ask. “NO! I thought maybe you might have known, but you’re only semi-aware! I’ve explained this a dozen times, but you keep fighting me! The last time you burnt the whole carnival down!” “I did?” you say in shock before you think about it more. “Yeah, alright, that does sound like me.” “Without my prototype, I am only vaguely aware of the magic permeation throughout this place, but I can’t pinpoint it due to you and your little group’s presence! It’s all a big jumble! Especially since you keep doing different things every loop!” B-Bugze! I…I do remember her explaining this before…Selena gasps. That’s right, you nod as flashes go through your mind. We’ve fought here before…it feels right… How come I don’t remember this? Sombra asks. I…Maybe because Selena and I traveled longer with the Doctor? Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff? You guess. She did say we were semi-aware. The Time-Lord’s machinations could be the source, Selena agrees. “Soo, you think your prototype can find the source?” you ask. “Yes! It’s what I designed it for! Now give me before-“ “THERE SHE IS!” you hear Pinkie Pie shout as you see them all exiting the carnival. “…Your group shows up,” Midnight finishes, gnashing her teeth in frustration. “UGH! This always happens! Why do you they keep getting in the way?!” “I don’t know, but one thing’s for sure,” you say as you hold out the prototype, “You’re not getting your toy back until I can unvillify you,” you proclaim. “THAT’S NOT A WORD! I’VE TOLD YOU THAT SEVERAL TIMES!!! AAAAAAAHHHH!!!” she screams and divebombs you. You take a defensive stance as Selena uses her Stand ability to prepare a strike and- (~~) “Here’s your ticket sir,” the girl behind the booth says with a smile as she hands you your voucher. “Thanks,” you say. As you gather with the Humane 7, The Dazzlings, Humbra and B2 at the entrance, a strange sense of déjà vu comes over you, and you pause. “…” you stare off into space as everyone talks about the activities they want to engage in. “…” you stare at your ticket as everyone else disperses. “…Uh, Bugze?” Sunset pipes up. “WAIT ONE GORAMNED MINUTE HERE!” you shout causing her to eep and take a step back. We’ve done this before! I know we have! Selena says with confidence. Done what? What’s going on? Sombra asks in confusion. “Exactly! Timey Wimey Stuff! I Can Feel It In My Bones!” you say as you pull out Twilight’s prototype, and you stiffen as you look into the faintly glowing depths of it…and some memories start to flood back. “Bugze, what’s wrong?!” asks Sunset as the Dazzling look at you in worry. “We’re in a bucking time loop!” you shout aloud. “Huh?” they all ask. “A Time Loop! We’ve Been Doing This Carnival Trip for…gods, I don’t even know how long!" You shout as you look around in panic since the others are gone. “What are you-“ “We Need To Stick Together! I’ve Harped On That Multiple Times! AAAAHHHH!!!” you shout as you rush into the crowd. “Hey wait! Can’t I take a picture with the panda?” asks Sonata. “Yes! But Keep Up! I have to gather everyone and make sure we all make the right decisions!” you shout and keep running. As you dive in and out of filthy humans, you start thinking in worry about all the things you need to accomplish. I’m still confused here, Sombra mutters. My bug and I are cognizant of the time manipulation going on, and you’re not, Selena answers tersely. Exactly! Something about holding the Prototype though helped us remember! And Now I Have To Make Things Right! You think in determination. The B2 and Luna meeting needs to be smoothed over before it escalates, Wallflower still needs to be saved, and the others need to be gathered before Midnight corners us again! Okay, but Bugze, what about the source of this time loop? Selena asks. We’ll find it after I make everything right! Sparkle wants the prototype, so that’s the key! And with that you rush forth, heading first for your doppelganger to set things right. MEANWHILE “-been awhile since I’ve been to a carnival,” Timber Spruce says as he parks his pick up. Twilight, sitting next to him, pulls at her hair in exasperation and shouts, surprising him. “What? What is it?” he shouts in alarm. “You’ve said that a million times already! AGH!” she shouts as she busts open the door in a huff. Timber, unsure of himself, steps out and looks at her apprehensively as she balls her fists up. “Hey look, I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt after beating up my sister, but if you’re just going to act like this then-“ “No no, it’s just…” she waves him off and sighs in frustration. “I’ve got something that’s come up. Just head inside and get a snack or something and I’ll catch up, I promise,” she says as she starts sprinting to the entrance. Timber looks at her go and just sighs and shakes his head as he closes his door and follows. “Timber, you are an idiot for a pretty face you know that?” he chastises himself. After getting her ticket, Sparkle’s eyes dash around, looking for the orange haired rocker janitor, but like all the other times, she sees no heads or tails of him. Growling again, she clenches her fists. “Every time he changes things up. Every time I corner him, the others show up. I almost had him when I scared off the cowgirl and rainbow haired girl, but then everything burned!” she kicks a can on the ground as she starts running up and down the aisles. “I need that prototype…maybe I can get one of his cronies to get it for me?” she pauses at that. “Yeah…I find the weakest one in the bunch, they take it and give it to me, I find my next power boost, curb stomp that singing bitch, and make out with my date! It’s the perfect plan!” she cackles maniacally as her hair starts to stick out. As she does, her eyes land on Fluttershy and Rarity by the petting zoo and she smiles maliciously. “Hello Weak Link…” she says as she gets closer. “Fluttershy, I’m glad that we’re all friends again,” Rarity says. “Me too. I still can’t believe we all fell for old Sunset’s plans,” Fluttershy says apologetically. “We were all foolish darling. But on the bright side, we all have a second chance. Even Sunset is coming along swimmingly.” “Yeah…I wonder if we’re doing Princess Twilight proud,” Fluttershy nods and Midnight stiffens at hearing that. “I’m sure she is. I mean, we’ve got her helping a few people from her world. That sounds like something she would do,” Rarity says confidently. “Huh?” Human Twilight mutters to herself. “Oh, I sure hope she won’t be too surprised when we’re able to send them all home to their own world,” Fluttershy worries as she pets an alpaca. “Own world…?” Twilight mutters to herself. “Interesting…making a mental note of that for later.” And just as she says that, the alpaca spits on Rarity, and she runs off screaming, leaving Fluttershy by herself. “Oh my…” she gasps at her friend’s situation, and Sparkle grins. “Pustulio! That wasn’t very nice! She didn’t deserve that!” she reprimands the alpaca who grunts and lowers it’s head in shame. “You think about what you’ve done Mister,” she orders and turns to follow her friend, only to come face to face with Sparkle. “Hello Shy Girl,” she says sinisterly. “EEEP!” Flutteshy shrieks and starts turning only for Sparkle to stop her by grabbing her shoulders. “Oh no no no, you’re going to help me so that I can finally move on from this day!” she orders, teleporting the two out of sight. Once the girls’ eyes stop rolling, Twilight shakes her to get her attention again. “So, you are going to be a good little sidekick and get my Prototype from Bugze!” “Oh, but…I don’t want to…” Fluttershy says meekly. “Well too bad, you have no choice,” the magical girl says as she places her glowing hands on either side of Fluttershy’s head, causing her eyes to glow with purple energy. After a flash of energy, Fluttershy looks completely different. She now wears a sleeveless shirt with a bat on it that emphasizes her bust, dark torn pants, gothic makeup, a punk rocker hairdo, and a staff with a glowing ram skull on the end. “…Okay, didn’t expect that, but hey, magic is still a new science after all,” Midnight shrugs as her wings unfold. “Whatever,” Fluttershy says with disinterest and looks to the side. “Alright, now that you’re my minion now, you’re going to do exactly as I say!” Midnight orders. “Sure, why not. Not like I got anything better to do,” Fluttershy says in that same disinterested and sarcastic voice. “…Is this like your inner personality finally shining through or something? Because if it not then I’ve severely underestimated my powers,” Midnight says looking her up and down. “I don’t know, you’re the expert, you tell me,” Fluttershy spits and Midnight raises a brow. “…Whatever, I’ll fix everything after this day stops repeating! Now! Go out there and-“ “HEY YOU TWO! BREAK TIME’S OVER! GET IN THE HAUNTED HOUSE!” a large booming voice interrupts the two causing them both to jump. “What?!” Midnight asks looking at a giant of a man who is wreathed in muscle, and he has a nametag that says Will. “We’ve got customers out the door, now get out there!” he orders and pushes the two girls through a door, despite Midnight’s complaining. She then sees that the out of sight place she’d teleported the two of them was backstage of the haunted house. “Whatever,” Fluttergoth rolls her eyes and walks into the attraction. “No Wait! Get Back Here!” Midnight calls after her. “We’ve got to get my prototype before,” “Hey look, a distraction,” the other girl says lazily pointing behind her. Midnight turns around, just in time for skeleton prop to drop down with a noose around it’s neck with a ghostly shriek. “AAAAHHHH!” Midnight shrieks, accidentally blowing up the skeleton in the process. Paling she looks around, but no one else has seen this blunder. “Ooooh, I don’t have time for this. Let’s get-Where’d You Go?!” she shouts as Fluttergoth is nowhere in sight. Deeper in the house, Applejack and Rainbow Dash are stuck in a maze of mirrors, shuddering in fear as they both try to look tough in front of the other. “You kn-know, even if I hadn’t lost that bet, I w-would totally be fine in here,” Rainbow lies. “H-Heh, sure ya would. Y-Ya chicken,” Applejack tries to sound confident, but is still shaking. Suddenly, Fluttergoth rounds the corner, not saying a word and they both shriek in terror. “AAAAHHHhhhh…Fluttershy?” they ask as they notice their friend’s change in attire. “Sup?” she asks boredly. “Uhhh, nothing much I guess…what’s up with you?” asks Rainbow. “I don’t know. Something sinister and evil I guess,” she shrugs without a care in the world. “Sinister and evil?” Applejack questions just as Midnight Sparkle slams against the mirror on the other side of them. “THERE YOU ARE!” she shrieks. “AAAAAAHHHH!!!” AJ and Rainbow Dash shriek again as the dark powered, glowing eyed winged girl starts pounding on the mirror. “Whatever,” Fluttergoth shrugs and starts walking away. “QUIT LEAVING!!! AAAAAHHHHH!!!” she yells, striking the mirror harder. “It’s just like that damn clown movie!” Rainbow shrieks as she and Applejack start scrambling for the exit, while Midnight can only groan in even more frustration. BACK WITH YOU You finally see your doplleganger, along with Humbra near the funnel cake booth, and he is neither depressed or has a black eye. “Alright! I’m not too late!” You say before rushing up to him, panting. “B2! B2!” you shout getting his attention. “Oh hey Bugze, you want some funnel cake too?” he offers, but you strike it out of his hands. “Hey!” he complains but you start shaking him by the shoulder. “Listen! There’s Not Much Time! Human Luna is here and going to find you soon!” His eyes widen at that. “Wh-What?!” he gasps as Humbra looks up from his meal with interest. “It’s true! And somehow, you keep screwing things up and going back to your old ways!” “Wh-What do you mean? Nimmy’s here? Did you see her? Did-“ “%$@#?” a feminine voice calls your real name causing both you and him to stiffen and turn around. There, looking absolutely perplexed at seeing two of you, is human Luna. Both you and B2 are caught speechless like a dear in the headlights, and you even hear Selena murmur in nervousness. “…” “…” “…” “…Someone’s getting slugged,” Humbra says as he takes a bite out of his deep fried treat. WHAT DO YOU DO?