Big Brother Sandbar

by HenBasket

Chapter 6: Hallway Conversation

Dear Mommy and Daddy, and also Cloudy Horizons, I miss you big bro

It’s been about six years since I saw you for the very last time, and I miss you everyday. I know you aren’t gonna ever get this letter, but Counselor Starlight says it will help me with you being dead, and what happened in the orphanage. So, I’m going to this school to help me make friends. You know I have trouble making them from kindergarten. It’s really fun here. There’s a lot of nice ponies and other creatures. Did you know that hippogriffs and seaponies are the same? I didn’t! I don’t have many friends other than Fizzy and the CMC. Fizzy helps me during the day, and the CMC helped me study for my test. Oh yeah, I made a new friend today. His name is Sandbar, he’s really kind and protected me from the storm last night. We’re both safe and not hurt. Anyways, I’ll write to you later.

Love, Cozy

“…love, Cozy.” Cozy finished dictating her letter for Starlight to write for her.

“Are you done, Cozy?” Starlight looked at the filly sitting across from her desk who was holding her teddy.

“Uh-huh,” she nodded. “Can I go now?”

“Not yet, just one more thing.” Starlight levitated a journal over to Cozy. “I want you to start writing ‘letters’ to your family, Cozy.”

Cozy looked at Starlight and asked, “Didn’t I just write one?”

“Technically, I did,” said Starlight. “It will work better if you write them yourself.”

“How often should I write to them?” Cozy asked.

“Let’s start with once a week,” replied Starlight, “then we’ll see how you feel in about a month. Okay?”

Cozy nodded, still fidgeting with her teddy.

“Alright,” Starlight said, opening the door with her magic, “if you don’t have anything else, you’re free to go.”

“Thanks,” Cozy said, getting up to leave. Before she left, however, she turned back and asked, “Starlight?”

The mare looked up and sweetly asked, “Yes, what is it Cozy?”

“Thanks for giving me a second chance,” the filly said. “This school has helped me quite a lot.”

Starlight smiled and said, “You’re welcome, Co…zy…,” trailing off, realizing that the filly had already left.

Cozy made her way to the cafeteria. She had spent a few hours playing kickball with Berry Fizz before visiting Starlight’s office, and she was hungry. On her way there, she heard two ponies laughing; she recognized one of the voices, but she didn’t recognize the other one. As they got closer, she started to make out what they were saying.

“I’m telling you,” said the unfamiliar voice, “she was deadass convinced she was in her old form. She did have a pretty good laugh when I showed her a mirror.”

“Gallus, are you sure Ocellus thinks of you as a friend?” Cozy immediately recognized the second voice as Sandbar’s. She smiled, did a little hop, and turned around to say hi to her new friend.

“Hey, Sandbar,” Cozy said in a cheery voice, “who’s your friend?”

“I’m Gallus,” said the griffon, extending his claw to shake Cozy’s hoof. “I’m Sandbar’s boyfriend. And who might you be?”

“I’m Cozy Glow,” the filly said shaking Gallus’ claw. “I was heading to lunch when I overheard you two. Do you wanna joi-- Wait, did you say boyfriend? But... aren’t you both guys?” Cozy looked genuinely confused.

“Uh, yeah,” Gallus responded. “Why?”

Cozy cocked her head and asked, “Well, isn’t it like… not normal?”

“No, Cozy. Being gay is perfectly normal.” Sandbar kneeled down and put his hoof on the filly’s shoulder.

“Um, what’s ‘gay’ mean?” Cozy asked, taking the two boys by surprise.

“Being gay is when you like someone who’s the same gender as you, ” Sandbar explained, standing up. “Some ponies like guys, some like girls. It’s perfectly natural for ponies to be gay, Cozy. Some ponies, including me, like both guys and girls.”

“Do you like me?” Cozy asked curiously.

“Yes, Cozy. But not in that way,” Sandbar explained. “I like Gallus romantically, but I like you just as a friend. Do you understand?”

“I think so,” pondered Cozy. “So you guys like each other just like a mare and stallion would? Wait, just like Lyra and Bon Bon, it makes sense now!”

“That’s right,” chimed Gallus, “you catch on pretty quick, Cozy.”

“Thanks, I guess,” Cozy responded.

“Hey, Gallus,” Sandbar whispered, “Can you come over here for a second?” Gallus nodded and followed Sandbar a few feet away.

“Listen, Gallus,” Sandbar explained, still whispering. “Cozy has had a… erm… troubled past. Her orphanage abused her, which is why she sometimes has a hard time controlling her emotions. Just letting you know in case she… you know, breaks down.”

Gallus nodded, and the two boys walked back over to Cozy, who was waiting patiently for them. On their way to the cafeteria, Cozy spoke up.

“Hey Sandbar, Gallus? Can I ask you a question?”

“Uhh… sure,” Gallus responded, “go ahead.”

“How do I tell if I’m gay?”

Gallus stuttered and scratched his, not having expected such a direct question. “Uh, wow. Getting straight to the point are we?”

“Allow me,” said Sandbar before turning his attention to the little filly. “Listen, Cozy. It’s just one of those things you have to figure out for yourself. Have you ever had a crush on anyone before?”

“I think I have one now,” Cozy said after thinking about it. “But, I’m not sure if she feels the same way about me…”

“Is that why you asked, Cozy?” Gallus looked to the pegasus. “Do you think you might be gay?”

“I’m not sure, I think I like colts too, but I never really thought about it until now.” Looking up at the boys she asked, “She is my best friend, so is it possible I grew a crush on her and just didn’t notice it?”

“Yes, Cozy. That’s entirely possible,” Sandbar said with a smile, “but that’s for you to figure out, and we’re not you.”

“Plus you’re just a filly,” Gallus added. “It’s okay to be unsure of your sexuality at your age. Heck, I didn’t know I was bi until I met Sandbar. But if you like her, there’s no harm in telling her. You said she’s your best friend? The worst thing she can say is that she just sees you as a friend.”

“Thanks guys,” Cozy said before running off in the opposite direction towards the dormitory.

“Where are going, Cozy?” Sandbar asked, looking back.

“To go ask Fizzy out to lunch!” Cozy yelled back before turning the corner, into the dorm.