//------------------------------// // Entry #1,122 // Story: Dear Success // by PresentPerfect //------------------------------// Dear Diary, Do you remember when I mentioned a doctor appointment I hadn't been looking forward to? Well, I have good news! Not only did it not go as poorly as I was expecting, it went really well! You see, after the last time I went to see Doctor Horse, I told Mama about the checkup, and she asked if I had gotten my thyroid tested. She has thyroid problems, so she's a little concerned for my brother and me. But, I hadn't, even though the doctor had ordered some routine tests, and, well... You know Mama. She's like me, she doesn't always express herself very strongly. But I could tell, she was kind of upset I hadn't asked for the test. It wasn't the first time she'd brought it up, so I can't blame her. Not really. Even if I think she expects a little too much out of me sometimes. But that doesn't matter! Because today, before my checkup finished, Dr. Horse asked me if there was anything else I needed. And, well, he's so knowledgeable and very... matter-of-fact? I guess that's how you'd describe him. He's a little intimidating, which is why sometimes I don't speak up for myself when I need something from him. But he asked if I needed anything, and I mentioned my thyroid and my family history, and he went ahead and ordered the test for me! I had thought he wouldn't, which is why I never said anything sooner, but he didn't seem perturbed or upset, not even a little! I had been worrying about nothing. As usual, I guess. Mama was very proud of me for speaking up. And if I'm being honest, I'm kind of proud of myself, too. So be proud of me, Dear Diary, that's my story for today. I always write such negative, depressing things in you, and I'm sorry about that, so I thought maybe you might like a little victory instead. I hope your day went well, too! Yours, Fluttershy