//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: The Sea of magic // Story: Of Copy Abilities and Friendship // by MeeM //------------------------------// Chapter2: The Sea of Magic *BEEP! BEEP!* The Lor's alarms sounded “God dang it Lor pull up don’t fail me now!” Magolor said as he and Francica were panicking at the Lor’s main control room trying their best to keep it flying. ”It looks like we're gonna crash on the shore of that island mountain, brace for impact!” Magolor told Francisca as she spied the strange mountain, they closed their eyes as they were knocked unconscious, with Magolor praying the Lor hadn’t lost any major components as it had on popstar.  *The next morning* “Mother, what do you think was that noise last night?” Princess Skystar asked her mother, Queen Novo, ”It came from the shore of the mountain we better take a look lest it's dangerous”. Together the two swam up to the surface to get a look at their possibly unwelcome guests. “Whoa, I've never seen anything like this before” Queen Novo said started at the strange thing, it was a ship like object a strange ethereal aura emanating from it, there were also many dents in its sides and a hole had been torn into the back. ”I’m gonna go check it out” Skystar said as she reverted back to her original hippogriff form, as did Novo as they walked up to the strange thing, the door in front opened with a crackle of electricity and was twitching. They made their way inside and peeked around, ”who do you think these are?” Skystar said as she pointed out two beings, one with a blue and yellow cloak that sported a gear-like design, Novo sensed a good amount of dark magic emanating from him, the other was a blue being that resembled one of the figures Twilight had told them about during her time through the mirror, although it was missing the “legs” Twilight had described, it clutched an ax made of solid strangely unmelting ice, she also wore a hat with two purple transparent hearts attached to it, as well as a strange bat-like symbol on the top center of it. Magolor awoke with a jump as he looked at the two startled eagle-like creatures before him, he then ran back to the control panel and ran a scan diagnostic on the Lor, thankfully almost all the components of the ship were still in place but the portal creating hyperdrive was missing, the mast was also missing along with forty-five out of the one hundred and twenty energy spheres the Lor had, Magolor then looked down at the floor sad, without that hyperdrive, the mast, and the energy spheres they weren't flying the Lor anytime soon much less getting back to Popstar anytime soon. Magolor then ran a location diagnostic of where the missing parts were located, he was given a map of the land they’d fallen into, Equestria, the hyperdrive according to the Lor, was malfunctioning a bit and had transported a Burning Leo, NESP, and Gim to where the hyper dive was, it had also teleported Whispy Woods from Popstar all the way here, the mast, on the other hand, was now in Whispy’s branch’s, he probably didn’t even know it was there or where he had been transported to. "Who are you?” Novo asked as the strange cloaked figure turned around, “Greetings, I’m Magolor and that’s Francisca" Magolor pointed to the still form lying on the floor, "hi, so what are you doing here and what was all that stuff that that weird screen said this thing lost?" Princess Skystar asked, "that was once pieces of this ship that have broken off and away from the ship as we crashed here, we came through to here to find our friends who had been sucked into a portal to this place with me and Francisca here giving chase” Magolor explained “but the portal tore at the Lor and made it unstable causing us to crash here, and without those parts, the Lor ain't gonna be flying anytime soon, much less have enough power to get us home." "We could help!" the yellow eagle-like figure said with a smile on her face, "what even are you anyway?"Magolor asked with curiosity, "We are hippogriffs, "Novo said, "half pony half eagle, but mostly ever since, the storm king ́s defeat, we've been both sea ponies as well as hippogriffs" Novo said. Magolor's eyes narrowed with intrigue, "interesting, so what are your names?” Magolor asked with a happy expression in his eyes, "My name is Novo and his here is my daughter Skystar” Novo said “well then sky star said you'd help me so then here's what I'll need to be retrieved” Magolor brought up a map of Equestria, via the Lor and pointed to a few key areas, “here is where the Hyperdrive and twenty of my energy spheres and a few of Kirby’s friends are” he pointed to a desert not too far from mount eris, “When you do find Kirby’s friends tell them that Magolor will help them get home and bring them back here" “the mast along with another twenty of my lost energy spheres are here" he pointed to a misty forest very close to mount eris, "Whispy woods was transported here as well tell him that I’ll help him out once I get the Lor back in order" Magolor said(he chuckled a bit at his pun). "I’ll stay here and try my best to patch up the Lor and, do you have any water?̈" Magolor asked, "here you go, Novo, said as she conjured up a water bubble and tossed it to Magolor who then proceeded to chuck it at Francisca's forehead, causing her to wake with a start "Uhh my head, where are we magolor? WOAH!̈ ̈ Francisca said as she backed away from the two eagle-like creatures that were in front of her Magolor laughed to himself and said to his new friends that he'd catch her up while they search and with that Queen Novo and Princess Skystar headed out on an adventure to collect and repair the Lor Star cutter, little did they know that this would be only the beginning of a great journey across Equestria and making of many new friends.