//------------------------------// // Canterlot Comic Con! Part 2 // Story: Sunny Knight: a Pony's Tale // by TheothersideofSunny968 //------------------------------// Before anypony could panic, somepony stepped out of the crowd and approached Miss Lucky Swirl. The pony in question looked just like any other light earth pony around Sunny's age. But as she stood on her back legs, it was revealed that she had a zipper under her that stretched from the base of her neck to the underside of her stomach! She then grabbed and unzipped the zipper. The costume peeled back and fell to the ground, revealing custard colored unicorn filly with a reddish brown mane, wearing an orange sweater and glasses. "Wait just one moment, Miss Swirl" the filly stated loud enough for the other guests to hear her. "This isnt just a series of unfortunate events, every bit of misfortune that has happened today has been part of a carefully hatched scheme to cause mayhem the convention. And I, Prancy Drew, will solve this mystery and bring the trouble maker or trouble makers to justice!" "I've heard of you!" One of Lucky Swirl's assistants spoke up. "You've worked with the Canterlot police to solve mysteries!" "As well as the police from Manhattan, Baltimare, and even a private detective from Las Pegasus" Prancy said, but refocused on the audience of convention goers. "Now I have several suspects in mind, having observed quite a bit from the convention, and guessing by your reactions, quite a few of you may not be guilty but are trying very hard to hide something. So, if any of you have something you want to come clean about, best do it now, especially if you are the guilty party responsible for the chaos at this convention and want to make this easier on yourselves." Sunny lowered his hat further over his head and looked around and saw several attendants looking nervous but remained silent. "As you wish" Prancy first stepped down and approached Sunny and Spike very slowly. "Excuse me, Mr.'Dark Detective', first I'd like to commemorate you on a most excellent costume. Who ever did it is great with detail." "Thank you, I'll let her know ya said so" Sunny took a deep breath and tried to relax. "Now, I've only been to Ponyville a few times, but I recognize the number one assistant to Princess Twilight when I see him" Prancy motioned to Spike. "And I doubt that Princess Twilight would let just anypony take her Number one assistant to a convention such as this. Which leads me to believe that Princess Twilight has quite a bit of trust in you." "Yer point, ma'am?" Sunny asked, Tipping his hat a little out of her eyes as he raised a brow to her. "I know 'you' arent the culprate" She stated loudly. "But you have made it a point to try and blend into the crowd, trying to simply enjoy the festivities while disappearing in the hurd. You would normally be my number one suspect if not for the genuine look of disappointment at every disaster. I know a genuine look when I see one. But I will ask you for your assistance here in a moment..." Prancy then leaned in and whispered in Sunny's ear "I need you to listen for their fears, please." After that, Prancy then stepped back from Sunny, took a few steps to his left and pointed a hoof at somepony in the crowd. "Please step forward mister…." "Quill" the board looking stallion from before stepped forward, now appearing more steamed then when he got into it with the copy mare from before. "Its just Quill. What do you want? I didn't do it." "Maybe, maybe not. You run the art stand at booth 122, am I correct?" Prancy asked as she casually paced in front of him, her eyes studying every move, every reaction he was having, every detail about his person, looking for some clue. "Yeah, so? I rented that space, what's the problem?" Quill was sounding more and more annoyed by the moment. "Nothing with that. I've seen your work, you're very good. Which makes me wonder why i've seen you wandering off and checking out other artists booths so much" Prancy casually brought up, eye lids lowing as she finished studying him from head to hoof. "What, am I not allowed to check out the convention? Didn't know leaving my booth was a crime" Quill shot back. "Its not, but I'm amazed that you leave your hard work unattended" Prancy started in on the real suspicious activity. "You charge a fair amount for the hard work you put into your pictures. But it is still quite a bit of bits to just leave completely unatended. Why would you leave all that and hope ponies are honest enough to not take them? Answer; because you honestly don't care about profit, do you? You only want enough to survive off of, pay for supplies, and you're booth every year, dont you?" The stallion was a little shaken, his annoyed look froze in place on his muzzle. "Yeah, so?" "Well, to anypony who didn't know the real reason why you kept leaving your booth, you could be a prime suspect," Prancy continued. "After all, not many ponies would leave so much product and possibly lose so much money to go off and just enjoy themselves, unless they had a hidden agenda..." His annoyance finnaly peaked and Quill let out a wrathful sigh before coming out with the truth. "Ugh! Fine! Truth is I was off looking for a challenging artist, ok!?" Some ponies were a little confused by his sudden answer busting out. Prancy decided to elaborate and clarify for Quill. "You are a struggling artist. Struggling because you look for somepony who's art can rival your own. You come here every year hoping some youth will pop up and give you a challange." "That's right. And its ponies like 'her' who annoy me the most!" Quill admitted and pointed to the copy mare from earlier. "If all ponies were satisfied with just tracing or piecing together pictures of other pony's work to make something they dared to call their own 'art', then I'd never find somepony who could push me to become a better artist! All I want is somepony who will make me feel like I'm not the best artist here! "I went to the Manhattan convention several years ago and I saw artist there I couldn't begin to compete with and I felt like I had room to grow. So i did! I practiced and worked, but how those artists have stopped attending and have gone on to other things and here I am! The best artist at conventions! But no where else to go! Companies that produce comics aren't bothering new up and comers. Not when thet have a solid team of popular artists already. So I'm stuck making my own pictures and trying to sell them here. Stuck. Just stuck…" The stallion regained his composure for a moment and took several deep breaths. "Which actually leads me to my next suspect" Prancy declared as she walked over to the copy pony with the cat ears hat. "You miss, what is your name?" "I'm Honeybelle, miss" the mare appeared to almost be crying. "B-but my friends call me MewMew…" "Well, miss MewMew, I can see you are upset" Prancy softened her tone, but still spoke loudly for all to hear. "But I need you to tell me why you were snooping around everyone's booths. Not just taking in the sights and atmosphere, but actually taking detailed notes that you then shoved in your sweater." Taking a deep breath, Honeybelle pulled out a notebook and showed Prancy what she wrote down. "Well, you see miss Drew, I'm a huge comic book fan! Always have been since I was a filly. And I've always dreamed of going to the conventions, but attending them weren't cheap. There's the cost of the tickets, plus whatever merchandise you want to buy, and if you really want to have fun, costumes are a great way to break the ice and meet ponies. A-and I found out a few years ago that if you have a booth here, you can attend the whole convention free of charge. But booths aren't cheap either. I can't afford to do a booth without the profits of my pictures... I know my pictures are just me tracing and painting other pony's works… but there's more to art then just originality!" "I'm not here to judge your art, miss MewMew. I just want to know why you were sneaking around and taking notes of everything" Prancy redirected the mare who was on the verge of tears. "Well… in order to keep business flowing, I need to keep track of what is popular, what has gone out of popularity, what is showing young potential, and all that…" Honeybelle pulled out another notebook and showed it to Prancy in conjunction with her first notebook, not realizing a few pieces of crumpled up paper fell from her pockets. "See, these are the notes I've taken from tonight, and these are ones I took from last year. They show a correlation between the rise and fall of various characters popularity recently. And I-" "Am a competitive artist I've been looking for!" Quill piped in, the crumpled up papers in his hooves, now uncrumpled and flattened allowing him and several others around him to see the pictures fully. Honeybelle looked at the papers he held, then to her pocket, then back at him before lunging and grabbing the papers. "No! Dont look at them! They suck!…" "No! No they don't!" Quill reached out to her. "The're just basic sketches, but they're really good! Wht aren't you selling those?" Honeybelle looked bashful and ashamed as she scratched the back of her hoof with her other. "I took a few art classes when I was younger, it didn't take long for me to find my own style. But my teacher got really upset and told me no pony would like 'my' style of drawing and told me it wasn't art, that they were just scratches done in ink and pencil… so…" "I wouldn't listen to them" Quill took Honeybelle by the shoulders and looked her right in the eye, his eye contact coupled with his straightforwardness making her blush a little. "I think if we team up, you and I can come up with a great line of comics of our own! I know a few po ies who have great original ideas! Would you want to work with us? I can't do all the artwork alone." "T-t-thank you" still blushing a little, Honeybelle smiled at Quill, never realizing how daring and heroic he looked until that moment. "I'm glad you two have made up" Prancy smiled and started to walk away from Honeybelle. "And with that, you Miss MewMew are off the suspect list. Which brings me to my next suspect…" The little detective paused at part of the crowd which left many ponies confused, thinking maybe she list her train of thought. But the young detective paused right where she wanted to, the next suspect standing just a few rows infront of her. "Please step forward and state your name, sir" the little unicorn stated loudly while looking into the crowd of convention goers, eyes locking with a certain stallion. As if emerging from nowhere, the rather tall smelly stallion from earlier stepped out of the crowd, cleared his throat then answered with "Chance. Chance-a-lot." "And do you know why I consider you a possible Suspect, mister A-lot?" Prancy asked, raising a hoof to her own muzzle, pretending to cough when really she was trying to stifle the horrible smell from the stallion who clearly needed a lesson in proper hygiene. "No, and I really dont care" the stallion answered. "I didn't do anything wrong." Nodding while holding her breath, Prancy couldn't take much more of this and started to step away. After releasing a herald breath, she answered as fast as she could "You've stepped on many pony's hooves at this and I assume other conventions, and somehow have been able to go to every booth and signing within the first hour of the convention being open to the public-" Before Prancy could continue, Chance-a-lot held up a lanyard with a gold card on its end with the words 'Executive gold pass' on it. "That's 'couse I've got this. I can cut ahead of the lines and get signatures before anypony else." Taking another deep breath with her head away from the stallion before turning to face him, Prancy continued "that may be true, but you also navigated your way though the convention. Avoiding the crowds and busy areas with little to no problem. You seem to be in a rather big hurry to get out of here. In fact, before I reveiled myself and the security locked the doors, I would bet that you were about to make a break for it. You pop up and act like you hate everypony here. Dont seem to want to waste too much time and soak up the convention, and want to make a hasty retreat when things have gone bad. Could you tell us why we shouldn't assume you were the one behind all of this?" The stallion just remained stoic and said nothing for several moments before finnaly stating "wasn't me." "It wasn't him" Sunny stepped forward and walked towards the smelly Chance. After taking a deep breath, Sunny whispered something to him that was far too quiet for anypony else to hear. When he was done, Sunny stepped back and motioned for Prancy to continue on to her next suspect. What most ponies noticed was that Chance-a-lot's expression cracked and broke, with his eyes beginning to water, but he was able to hold back the tears. "Moving on, my next suspect has alot to answer for…" Prancy stopped and looked st Mina the dragon. "Miss, mind telling me what kept you running around all over the place like it was on fire?" Mina gulped and nervously stepped forward. "Well miss detective, ugh, the truth is… the truth is…" "The truth is, miss detective" the costume wearing dragon that Sunny and Spike first saw at the convention stepped forward. A group of cosplayers appeared out of the crowd, now standing behind Mina. The first dragon then removed his mask, followed by the rest of the group following suit. The group of ten dragons removed their costumes and showed that every one of them were dragons. "See, miss Mina was just helping us." "These dragons are friends of mine" Mina began to explain herself. "We all really wanted to attend the convention together this year, but because of an incident that happened a little while back, we didn't think ponies would like ru ming around near their rare comic books, one of a kind drawings, or other nonfire proof memorabilia. So we all decided to come in costume to make things easier. Mina was already popular here, so we knew they would trust her. But these suits can be uncomfortable. So Mina's been running around, helping us to enjoy the convention by bringing us water, helping us navigate through crowds, and stuff like that." "Without her, we couldn't have had half the fun we had" another dragoness chimed in. "Course it would have been more fun if stuff wasnt going wrong every ten minutes" a rather annoyed dragon stated under his breath. "Looks like of all the suspects, miss Mina, you have not only the least motive, but also an air tight alibi" Prancy stated. "I understand why you guys would be a little more then worried, I heard about what happened at Vanhoofer. Although there were rumors of dragons being involved in the fires, I heard it was actually electrical problems that started those fires. Still, it was very kind of you, Mina, to do that for your fellow comic loving dragons. "With that, that leave YOU miss Lucky Swirl!" Prancy then turned to the mare who had originally given the speech that the convention would be canceled. "Me!?" Lucky Swirl looked shocked at first then insulted, ready to defend herself. "Why, how dare you! Do you have any idea what doing all of this would cost me!?" "That's true" Spike this time stepped forward. "But you've been running around to every thing that went wrong. Appearing almost as soon as they happen." "That's because I have took apologize for everything that has been going wrong!" Lucky Swirl snapped at the little dragon. "True" Spike recoilded for a moment but caught himself "B-but you were complaining to your assistants that you regret doing this every year! Saying all the ponies who come here are greedy and nasty and they smell!" A bunch of ponies gasped in the crowd, their gasps followed quickly by loud whispering. Lucky Swirl looked more annoyed at the little dragon "Yeah? So? I'm not wrong. Some of these colts need to be introduced to extra strength deodorant before they leave their homes." "But that's not quite enough motivation, is it?" Prancy chimed in, walking to Spike's side. "Even I've heard you complaining to your assistants about how upset you were with everypony who attends the convention. So why? Why do you hold these conventions every year? Why do you charge such affordable prices for the tickets in comparison to the ticket prices for other events in Canterlot? "Why should we believe you when you say you aren't the one who caused this mayhem?" Prancy calmly but coldly asked pacing closer to Lucky Swirl. "After all, if the convention was canceled then you wouldn't have to be forced to be around all these fans or be subjected to all things comic related." Lucky took a deep breath and calmed herself, but tears could still be seen gathering st the corners of her eyes, then her hard and formal mask broke. "You're wrong about one thing, Miss Detective: I dont hate comics. Quite the contrary. I love comics. "Eversince I was a filly, I loved reading comics" Lucky Swirl began to explain, gazing into the distant past. "While other fillies were busy playing with dolls or playing games, I was reading and collecting comics. I grew up alone, but I got a chance to connect with colts in my school thanks to comics. I even remember going to a convention when I was a filly, my friends parents took us, and I had the most magical time… but things changed. "I started holding these conventions years ago, in hope's that I could rekindle some of that magic that I saw as a foal, that I could enjoy myself like I did back then and even share that with new possible friends and others who share the same love for comics that I do" Lucky's expression turned dark. "Instead I find myself too busy to actually sit though a Q and A, to look at the plushies available to purchase, or even get an autograph for myself. Instead I work my tail off to make sure that others enjoy themselves, and I can't even be happy with that! I see ponies young and old acting so callous to the events, worried only about spending money and buying things, arguing over one concept of comics or another, and YES, I hate how some of these foals and adults seem to lack the better since of hygiene and how to treat one another. "But as for you're accusation, miss Detective, no, I didn't cause this mess, so point your hoof somewhere else" Lucky Swirl huffed and glared back at Prancy Drew. "I knew it wasnt you, miss Swirl. Ans I want to thank you for your cooperation in our investigation..." Prancy stated as she turned back and looked at Sunny. "Did that help? Can you find them?" Nodding back at her, Sunny replied. "Eh'yep. One's hiding near the north exit, an th'other's right there…" Sunny pointed to a mare wearing a 'Colt Cola' can costume in the crowd. When he pointed to her, the mare tried to make a break for it but was quickly caught by one of the unicorn security guards. The guard coated her in his blue magical aura and levitated her up to where Prancy and Lucky Swirl were. "The gig is up, Sir, best to come on out, we have yer wife" Sunny called out to the crowd. After a few moments a figure cloaked in black with the fiendish quesgion mark mask stepped out of the crowd, his head hanging low, sighing heavily, and joined his captured wife up on stage. "Perhapse it's best if you both explain yourselves" Prancy told the duo as she unmasked the Colt Cola mare and the mysterious masked stallion. The stallion had a dark brown coat and darker brown mane, he seemed ashamed of what he had done, where his wife, an earth pony mare with a blue fluffy mane and light green coat seemed more annoyed then anything. "Mom?! Dad!?" A colt called out as he emerged from the sea of convention goers. Sunny and Spike recognized him as the colt who said he snuck out to come here, whos' mom was really strict. "What are you guys doing here?!" "What are we doing here!? What are YOU doing here!?" The mother snapped at her son. "You have Saturday school tomorrow! And here you are, sneaking out and waisting your time with these, these-" "Comics, hun" the husband finished his wife's sentance. "Ugh! What a waste of paper and inc and time!" The mare growled. "And that Lucky Swirl was right! All these colts are rude and greedy and stinck! The last thing I want is for you to end up like them! That's why we got you into saturday school! Next year you can take the test to get into Princess Celestia's school for gifted unicorns'! Next year! Your grades are good, but they need to be great to get in!" "We know you can do it if you tried" the husband spoke up again, hit tone still rather flat in comparison to his wife's overbearing voice. "But you waste all your time reading comic books and playing video games." "Ugh! I'm so tired of studying!" The colt snapped now, shocking his parents, even breaking the angered expression his mother and forcing her to recoil a little. The colt glared at his parents "All I do is study! You guys didn"t even ask me what I wanted! I can't go out for sports, I can't hang out with my friends after school! And now I can't even enjoy video games and comics!? What can I enjoy!?" "You don't know what you want" the mother snapped back. "Your father and I just want to give you the opportunities you deserve. You're a smart young colt. You could be a mayor, a wizard, maybe even a royal diplomat one day! But you wont get there if all you do is read comics and goof off-" Before the colt and his mother could get into it, Sunny stepped forward, and stepped between them. "I've heard enough." "This isn't any of your business, who do you think you are?" The mother snapped at Sunny. Sunny looked her in the eye as he spoke, originally meeting her gaze with one that mirrored his father's on his worst day, but softened to a neutral expression. "I'm just a pony. A pony who knows what it's like to have that kind of a pressure on you as a foal. A foal who just wants to have friends, play, and feel like a foal. But I know all too well what the pressures are like when one had such duty placed on his shoulders and grows up to be a 'diplomat' who never made friends as a colt. "Your son is just a kid, ma'am. He needs to make friends, to goof off some times, make mistakes, make his own self discoveries, to do things he enjoys. He needs time to relax and have fun" Sunny then turned and looked to the colt. "And although your parents aren't right on putting that pressure on you, you can speak up. Tell them how you feel." The colt stepped forward and looked at Sunny, his tone relaxed a bit "I did… but they wouldn't listen like they always know better then me..." "That's not true!" The mother protested. "We listen to you all the time!" "Really?" The colt raised his brow to his mother, bitterness heavy in his tone. "When is the last time I asked you if I could go out and play with my friends? Or have friends over for anything but 'study group' or even just play a video game that wasn't about math or reading? Do you even remember the last time I asked to go outside to play!?" Both parents looked to each other with nervous uncertainty. "W-well you've had alot of tests coming up at your school" the father started to speak up. "That's right! You had to focus for your tests recently and cant-" the mother felt like she had a hoof to stand on before her son snapped back, cutting her off. "I HAVE A TEST ONCE A WEEK! EVERY FRIDAY!" The colt snapped. "You never let me have any fun! If I dont sneak out, I never get to have any fun!" The mother took a deep breath and began to speak again "we just… we only want you to have a good life. To grow up and be somepony…" "He is somepony already" Sunny chimmed in. "He is your son. And although I believe in the pursuit of knowledge is important, I also believe in balamce and compromise." Sunny looked over at the Young colt, and asked in a firm but nutrual tone "Do you think you can keep your grades up and hang out with your friends?" "Yeah, it's not like my work is that hard. I just hate feeling like that's all I do with my life" the colt answered. Sunny then turned back to the parents "And if he keeps his grades up, do you think you two could lighten up on his academics a little and give him some time to hang out with his friends? And maybe lighten up about the video games and comics? He is just a colt after all." The parents relaxed for a moment, looked to each other, and after a moment of reading eachother's expressions, nodded and turned back to face Sunny, the mother handling the talking. "I suppose we can do that. He's smart. And I still want him to go to the school of gifted unicorns… even if he doesn't become a diplomat, I still want him to have that higher degree of education." "I think I may be able to help in that department" Sunny padded his chin. "I know a mare who went there, she could be a great tutor." "You'd do that? For our son?" The father asked, both he and his wife shared shocked expressions. "I see greatness in your son" Sunny smiled at the young colt. "He could go on to do great things, should he chose to pursue it. But remember, young colt, the decisions are 'yours' to make. And every decision you make is a stepping stone in the direction of who you could be. Make sure it's a direction that 'you're want. Whether it be a high ranking position or something as simple as a rock farmer." The colt then looked to his parents, they looked to him, the tension in the air was a little unsteady, but it broke, and the colt jumped into his parents hooves and they all enjoyed a heartfelt hug. A long moment passed filled with 'awwws', but eventually some smart mouth stallion spoke up from the crowd "that's all good and well, but what about the convention?" "Yeah, they still caused alot of trouble" a mare from the crowd added. "Now hold on, guys I have something to say too!" It was Spike's turn to speak up. The baby dragon got up on stage and began to address the crowd. "What these parents did tonight was wrong, but they weren't wrong about all of you. This is my first convention, but aside from a few of my friends, all of you guys need to take a better look at yourselves! "I mean, we come here to enjoy the comics, to talk about them, to enjoy the can art and merchandise, and have fun. But most of what I've seen was a bunch of ponies at eachnotger's throats over this being better then that, tearing each other down, and just showing how little they actually care for what they came here for." Alot of ponies in the audience looked rather ashamed with themselves as they took Spike's words to heart, thinking about their own words and actions tonight. "Ponies, and even dragons, who read comics are already made fun of, being called geeks or nerds by others who dont understand how awesome comic books are, we dont need to be make each other feel bad. I know you guys can act better then this." Spike's tone lightened up a little as he continued to speak clearly to the crowd. "Now what do you say we get this convention started off right, and have some fun?" "Excelsior!" A familiar voice called out as an old colt swung in from out of nowhere on a grappling hook. The familiar colt landed on stage next to Spike, almost falling over, but used Spike's head to steady himself. "Thanks little guy. And what a great speech. Sounds like something Captain Equestria would have said." "R-r-really!?" Spike stuttered, his eyes growing wide with amazement. "Thank you Mr. COMIC Stan!" "Please call me Stan" the colt said as he pulled Spike's comic out of his backpack, signing it and handing it back to the baby dragon. "I saw you clenching this in your claws earlier. You must have really wanted my signature." Spike was speechless as he looked at the comic, now complete with Comic Stan's signature. "Now, what do you all say? Shall we get this convention back underway?" Comic Stan asked the crowd, who erupted in a huge cheer. Stan grabbed Spike's claw and raised in into the air triumphantly. The parents of the colt helped to undo the trouble they caused. They brought back the products they took and hid in the building's attic, returning them to the proper vendors, while the comic book writers and artists who got over their stomach sickness helped the skit actors duct tape their costumes together so their shows could go on. What had made them sick in the first place was, as embarrassing as it is, the oder from the husband's gym bag being fanned to them. Comic Stan wasnt effected because his once of smell had gone long ago. With everypony and dragon's combine team work. things had gradually come back together at the convention. The dragons no longer hid and were more then willing to help put things back into place. Quill and Honeybelle sat together between their stands and began drawing together, already hard at work on some comic ideas. Sunny had sat down and talked with Chance-a-lot and talked things out with him, serving as a counselor for him to release his deep seated issues on. It involved quite a bit of time and many tears… after Chance visited the building's private shower and gave himself a good scrub. The poor colt was a classic case of a colt who grew up feeling shunned by other students in school and around his neighborhood who didn't appreciate comics. Due to thit, he had made it a point to avoid crowds and large bodies of ponies as much as possible. He always bought the gold passes to avoid waiting in large lines. He was able to navigate all around the convention and avoid them because he studies the lay out and flow of ponies in the first five minutes of being in the building. Sunny was able to help Chance to rediscover the hope inside himself of finding friends. Almost immediatly, Chance went over to Quill's studio station and began drawing with them, making friends of Quill and Honeybelle. Miss Lucky Swirl's assistants took over the overseeing the event so their stressed boss could relax... "…All in all, it seems things worked out for the best. And everypony, and dragon, walked away from the convention with more then they expected. The lesson here, we all need to step back and look at what we are doing, sometimes, and look not just at the bigger picture, but at who we paint ourselves as in the picture …" Sunny continued to write his letter, a huge smile in his muzzle. "Seems a little long winded, doesn't it?" Spike asked, looking up from his new comic book Comic Stan gave him. Both boys were on the late night train ride back to Ponyville from Canterlot. The yellow unicorn had thought to write to his mother about the events that had occurred during their trip, remembering how much she loved to hear from Twilight in her. "I think mom would like to know 'all' the details" Sunny said with a grin before wrapping the scroll up. "Would you care to do the honors?" "Sure thing, pal" the young dragon took a deep breath and blew the letter away in his green flames. Almost immediately after, Spike stretched and yawned. "Wake me up when we get back to Ponyville, ok?" Then the young dragon rolled over, put the comic over his muzzle, and fell right asleep. It had been a long and eventful day. Sunny smiled at the exhausted young dragon, glad that his first convention was both an exciting and forfilling one. It certainly was interesting for him too. And no pony even recognized him, say for that young detective. She apologized for eavesdropping on Spike and his conversation involving his new fear seeking abilities, but it did help in the investigation. All in all, a good adventure. But Sunny himself was looking forward to getting back to the home and taking a short snooze before he awoke the next morning for work on the apple farm...