Kong: Mare Island

by AstroFanMan3

Death Mares

Shining Armor and his troops were blasting at Kong like crazy. Kong kept on swatting and swatting at them, without stopping. Kong waved around and knocked a few out of the sky, but they would not give up. Until, finally, Shining Armor gave in.

“C’mon, let’s go!!!” All the chariots exited the island in a daring attempt, and they looked like they were succeeding, until a giant green pony with a skull on its head leaped onto shining armor’s chariot, knocking him out of the sky.

“SHINING ARMOR!!!” Yelled Twilight. The giant pony leaped onto Kong, and Kong fended it off fiercely.

“GO WITHOUT US!!!” Yelled Shining Armor. Kong was able to knock the giant pony down, and he then stared at Shining Armor intensely.

“Oh, boy...” said Shining Armor.

Suddenly, a random pony comes out of nowhere and tackles Shining Armor. Kong just looks at where he tackled him and grunted. Then Kong walked away, carrying the giant pony with him. Suddenly, the giant pony jolted back up and struck Kong in the neck. Kong screamed in pain and punched it back.

“What are those things???” Asked Shining Armor.

“The big monkey is Kong, and the weird pony is the big one.”

Replied the pony.

“What- Kong? The big one? The big one of what???” Asked Shining Armor, in a frightened voice.

“Death Mares.” Replied the pony.

“Kong is god on the island, but Death Mares are the devils.” Said the pony.

“Who are you, anyways?” Asked Shining Armor.

“My name is Coral the Engineer.” Replied the pony.

“Star swirl the bearded and the others left me here almost 10,000 years ago... by the way, do you know how Star Swirl is doing?” Coral said.

“Wait, you were with Star Swirl???” Asked Shining Armor.

“Yup,” Replied Coral.

“Almost 10,000 years ago, Star Swirl and the others were fighting a Shadow Pony of some sort, and then one of those Death Mares came out of nowhere and pooped on our party.” Said Coral.

“Wow,” Replied Shining Armor. Meanwhile, Kong and the Death Mare were still locked in battle, when a giant stampede of bugbears came out of nowhere and trampled the Death Mare. Kong tried to keep his balance, but tipped over as well. Kong got back up after the Stampede passed, and he could see the Death Mare laying on the ground.