Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story)

by BrownDog77

Episode 86: Cruel and Unusual Punishments

Kichi’s Comment

"Dragon-nappers? Seriously?" Cadence asks as she looks at you with a look of curiosity, anger and disappointment developed after years of foalsitting.

"What? They scooped him up the minute we got off the train, what else was I supposed to think?” you say matter of factly ignoring her look. "Also, you should really invest in better guards if a little filly can defeat them.”

“You’re not your average little filly though Nightshade,” Cadence says pursing her lips.

“True…but still, I’ve dealt with other guards in the past and they gave up more of a fight. Are Crystal Ponies just weaker or something?”

“They shouldn’t be, they were trained by Shining Armor,” Spike says giving his two bits.

“Didn’t seem like it,” you shrug. “I mean, I was expecting Mr. Sentry levels of resistance, but nope. Not even close.”

“So either the Crystal Guards are weaker or Shining’s lost his touch?” Spike ponders with a claw to his chin.

“Hey, give Shiny a break!” Cadence pouts. “He had to introduce a thousand years of warfare advancement that they missed when they were trapped in limbo.”

“I guess that’s true,” you admit. “Though that’s not saying much. The modern guards are definitely tougher, but that’s not saying much in relation to me and Daddy.”

“Again, that’s not a fair comparison,” Cadence interjects, but you keep yapping.

“I mean can you imagine if the guards actually WERE strong? Daddy wouldn’t have been able to get away with half the things he did these last four years,” you say with a chuckle. Cadence gets a faraway look at that scenario before sighing and rubbing her forehead.

“Also, if they were that strong then there wouldn’t have been any need for most of your Dad’s adventures…or Twilight and the girl’s either now that I think about it,” Spike adds.

“Pfft, if only if only eh?” you hoof wave. “By that logic that’d mean that the Princesses (present company excluded) would be competent and I’d be living a calm life with my Dad and Mom!”

You meant for that to sound nonchalant, but your voice started to sour by the end and both Cadence and Spike notice how touchy a subject it is with you.

“Right…” Cadence treads carefully. “But competency aside, I still don’t think you should have knocked these two out for doing a job I sent them to do.”

“It was more than two actually, but hang on, you sent them to grab Spike? Why?”

“Because I wanted to talk to him about his new position and to offer him a role in the Games opening ceremony,” she answers you plainly.

“Wait really?” Spike says excitedly.

“Of course, it’s only fair for the savior of the Crystal Empire,” she says with a smile before her face drops. “But before we go into that, Nightshade, did you say these two guards weren’t the only ones?”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“Oh yeah, there were like a bunch in the street and throughout the palace,” you say with pride and her face falls more.

“How many exactly?” she asks trepidly.

“Uh…I don’t know, I kind of lost count,” you say sincerely and she rubs her temple.

“Can you walk me through your path from the Train station to here and we can get an estimate?”

“Let’s see,” you start putting a hoof to your chin. “After Spike got scooped up…”


“Get back here you mother buckers!” you shout as you see the guards rush off into the Empire. You ignore the shouts from your friends as your vision goes red and you blitz your way through the crowds, however, you start to slow down as you get closer to the center as it gets more and more crowded. You look all over and see various creatures walking about, griffons in booths selling trinkets, crystal ponies mingling with visiting equestrians, you even think you spot a minotaur in the background handing off pamphlets of some kind.

“Huh, it got busy here fast,” you mutter, sidestepping an elderly griffon, when out of the corner of your eye you see a guard turning the corner. “There!”

Juking and jiving you get through the crowd unscathed and jump in front of him.

“Hmm? Are you lost little one?” The guard asks obliviously to your twitching eyes.

“Falcon Kick!” you cry out as your hoof strikes his chin, taking him by surprise and knocking him to the ground.

“Oof! What are you-“ he starts but you grab him by his collar and shove your forehead against his.

“Where did you take him?!” You in his face.

“Um, what? Who?” The guard says in fearful confusion.

WHERE IS MY SPIKEY?!” You say in a deeper voice than usual as your anger rises and the shards under your scarf vibrate.

*Record Scratch*

Your Spikey?” Cadence teases with a knowing look and immediately your face flushes.

“I didn’t say that! You misheard!” you deny and shake your head, but she doesn’t buy it.

“Mmmhmm,” she snarks and you look away from her at the floor, which is why you don’t see Spike with his own flushed cheeks.

“A-Anyway! I asked where Spike was NORMALLY! And he just kept gawping like a fish and…”


“Spikey?” he sputters and you shake him.

“Yes! Where is Spike?! Who do you work for?! Why did you take him?! Where Is He?!” You grill as your eyes start to glow.

“Sp-sp-sp-Spike?” he sputters in abject fear. “Y-You mean the statue? I didn’t take it, it’s over there!”

“Statue?” you say curiously as you follow his pointed hoof and your eyes widen. You spy a giant crystalline statue of your favorite Dragon holding the Crystal Heart above his head victoriously. “I...wha?”

Right Now

“My thoughts exactly!” he exclaims before looking to Cadence. “I have a statue?”

“Oh, well there goes the surprise…but yes, the crystal ponies were very grateful for your actions when Sombra and Bugze attacked,” Cadence explains. “After all it was you, the Great and Honorable Spike the Brave and Glorious who returned the heart to the pedestal when all seemed lost.”

“Is that the title you were talking about? It’s quite the mouthful,” he responds.

“It’s what the crystal ponies came up with,” she says with a smirk. “I mean, you’re quite the celebrity around here.”

“I am?”

“He is?” you say at the same time.

“Of course,” she says as if it’s obvious. “Everyone here loves you.”

“Well, then why didn’t Spike get invited all those months ago when we were pet sitting?” you bring up, remembering how he had seemed a bit miffed at that.

“It was the statue,” Cadence says with a sigh. “Didn’t want to spoil the surprise…but too late now.”

“Heh heh heh…sorry about that,” you laugh nervously, feeling a bit guilty.

“Nah, don’t worry about it. I’m still stoked that I even got recognized for something. Was it cool looking? It didn’t make me look too fat did it?”

“You looked like yourself, only giant,” you say truthfully. “And yeah, it was pretty cool…but I was there too! Why didn’t I get a statue?”

“Well mostly because more Crystal Ponies saw Spike placing the Heart back on the pedestal. Nopony really saw you battle Sombra or…help subdue your father,” she admits and you frown.

“I just HAD to whip up that sandstorm didn’t I?” you pout, knowing that your past actions led you to not getting an awesome statue along Spike’s symbolizing your unending and eternal lo- “ANYWAY! The statue surprised me and-“


You step off the terrified guard as you stare at the statue.

“Well, that's...something,” you think as your brain takes in how flawlessly the sculptor chiseled Spike’s likeness.

“It’s the least we could do for Great and Honorable Spike the Brave and Glorious,” the guard says still shaking in your grip.

“What was that?” you say turning back to him.”

“I said it’s all we could do for the Dragon we all love the most,” he says and your eye twitches.

“Is that’s what’s going on here? You all kidnapped Spike because you’re all sick disgusting stalkers?!” you accuse.

“…Huh?” the guard gasps in terror.

“You bucking weirdos! I’ll have all your jobs you perverts!” you shout before falcon kicking him under the chin sending him into an empty barrel and knocking him out. “That’s what you get! Don’t worry Spike! I won’t let them make a suit out of your precious scales!”

And with that you run along looking for the weirdos that took him.

This Very Moment

Cadence and Spike just stare at you incredulously.

“Okay, so maybe some things my Dad has said have influenced me more than I thought, but cut me a slack! This stupid amulet jumbles my stupid emotions!” you grunt.

“…Um, just for the record, I’m grateful that you’d come chasing after me if I had been in that type of scenario,” Spike says quietly.

“You’re welcome,” you say with a grin as Cadence sighs.

“Okay, so that was the first guard you knocked out?” she asks.

“Yup,” you nod. “Today at least.”

“And besides these two in here with us, not the last ones?” she asks, already knowing the answer.

WARGAMES’s Comment

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Loganic’s Comment

“No…but to be fair, like half of them were downed by various random accidents that I didn’t directly influence.”

You Know the Drill

“Hey little filly, watch where you’re-“

“Buck off pervert!” you shout throwing the scone of bludgeoning at the guard in your path. A comical coconut like sound effect plays as it strikes his noggin and he falls limply to the floor.

“Whoa, are you alright bud? Oh hey a Scone!” his partner exclaims as he reaches down, picks up the scone and tries to take a bite out of it, leading to the sound of cracking glass.

“AAAAHHHH!!! My teeth!” the guard bellows out in pain as he tosses the scone in frustration. “The Pain! It’s Too Much!”

And like that he passes out from the intense tooth ache. The Scone flies through the air and hits a precariously placed painter’s ladder which begins to wobble.

“Hey! What’s going on here?” another guard shouts as he sees his comrade’s forms. “You, little filly did you see-*BONK*”

And the ladder falls over and hits him on the head knocking him out.

“I’d find that more impressive if I wasn’t filled with such UNYIELDING RAGE!” you shout as you scoop up the scone and continue your chase after seeing signs of another guard.

You barrel through a few more who get in your way, until you come to a small bridge and leap off of it as a shortcut, right into a conveniently placed cart of cabbages…only…

“GYAGH!” you shout as your body gets scratched up as if you’d just dove head first into a pool of Hearth’s Warming Eve Tree Ornaments. “What the buck?!”

“Ha Ha!” the cabbage vendor proclaims triumphantly. “Finally! After so many random destructive mishaps, I finally have the solution. Indestructible Crystal Cabbages!”

“How in the buck are ponies supposed to eat those?” you growl, pulling yourself out of the imposter vegetables.

“Crystal Ponies of course! And now I don’t have to worry about them randomly exploding!”

You just glare at the happy vendor for a few heartbeats before your eyes and shards glow and suddenly, his cart explodes.

“My Cabbages!” he laments, falling to the ground in anguish.

“Hey, what was that explo-AGH!”

And like that, several guards in a 10 block radius (and only the guards surprisingly) get struck by falling crystal cabbages and get knocked out.

“Indestructible my butt,” you grunt before resuming your chase of the dragon nappers. Eventually you see the original two from the station entering the Crystal Palace.

“Of course! They’re going to take him to the dungeons those sickos!”

And with that, you invade the palace, crushing all resistance in your wake.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

And unknownst to you, mysterious figures descend upon the incapacitated guards and drag them away…

Time Is An Illusion!

“So I’m estimating at least 15 guards,” Cadence sighs. “Shining’s not gonna like that.”

“Oh they’ll be fine, I only knocked them out a little bit,” you reassure, but it fails.

“Right…anyway, where is your Great Grandfather and the others?” she asks.

“Uh…probably still making their way here?” you guess having completely forgotten about them.

“I’m sure Twilight and everyone else will come soon, not everypony rushes off in a blood craze after all,” Spike chuckles and you pout playfully.

“Yeah I guess that’s true,” you giggle before turning to Cadence. “When all the guards wake up, tell them I said sorry okay? There’s no need to tell my Dad when he comes back and get grounded right?”

Cadence just looks at you incredulously for a few moments, shifting her eyes between you and the unconscious guard by your hooves…but then suddenly she looks at you with a conspiratorial smirk.

Uh oh, I don’t like the looks of that face, you think wearily. It’s a face that screams danger and disaster. A face you haven’t seen since Rainbow Dash’s Birthaversary

“Sure thing, an apology is all that’s needed, I’ll get right on that,” she smirks before turning to Spike. “As for you Spike, I want you to light the Torch for the start of the Games tomorrow.”

“R-Really? Me?” he says humbly and she nods.

“The Crystal Ponies would absolutely love it. In fact, they’ve personally put together a sweet for you just down the hall with your own personal caretakers, chefs, and even masseuse’s.”

“…Wow,” he says taken aback as he envisions that kind of treatment.

“In fact, why don’t you get a head start on that? I’ll point Twilight and the others in your direction when they come,” she says as her horn lights up.

“Okay I gu-*POOF*” he suddenly disappears in a puff of magic courtesy of your cousin who then looks back to you with THAT look, which causes you to gulp.

“Soooo, Nightshade…” she sing songs, putting a foreleg around your neck. “Your Spikey huh?”

“Lies! I didn’t say that!” you yelp in denial but she has none of it and brings you closer.

“Come on, I thought you were a big tough filly, you can’t handle expressing a little thing like a crush?” she teases and you flush even more.

“I-It’s not a crush! I don’t have a crush on Spike! Who has a crush on Spike?! Certainly not me!” you shout and try to squirm out of her grip, but her hold suddenly becomes iron clad.

“Rrrreeeaaally?” she draws the word out. “Because most filly’s wouldn’t beat up several adults in pursuit of a handsome dragon that they totally don’t have a crush on…”

“Y-yeah! Because he’s like my greatest friend and he’s a good guy! No other reason! Definitely not because I think he’s cute or want him to brush my mane with those wonderful claws of his or watch fireworks with him by a lakeside at night till we finally ki-GYAGH! Stop that!” you shout as swipe away a bit of the magic she was flowing onto your horn.

“Whhhaaat? I wasn’t doing anything,” she denies badly on purpose, and you hide your tomato red face behind your hooves.

“Okay, I get it! I’m sorry about the guards! Just ground me or throw me in prison instead of this!” you plead but she smiles trollishly.

“That would be too easy, your punishment must be more severe. Now, let’s just go over the top ten things you like most about my little Dragon brother in law…”

“AAAAAGGGGHHHH!!! Why’s it gotta be like this?! Why do you need to ship?!” you cry trying to cover your ears as well.

“I’m the Princess of Love little cousin. If I don’t ship, I don’t breathe…” she says menacingly.

And so you carry out your sentence, a fate worse than death in some regards. You’re just thankful that none of the CMC were around to hear. Especially Diamond and Silver, being the gossips they are. In truth though, you feel as though you’ve lost 10 pounds due to sheer embarrassment in having to admit ten things you’d rather have kept from the Princess of Love.

Now We Get a Forward Time Skip, Yay!

“Uuuuuggggghhhh,” you groan in mental exhaustion on the bed inside the suite for you and the CMC.

“What in the hay did Princess Cadence do to ya Shade?” Applebloom asks worriedly.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” you grumble.

“Well, maybe now you’ll think before running off and injuring innocent guards,” Sweetie scolds lightly.

“Yes, yes, I’ll definitely think now, I swear,” you grumble and put your face in to the pillow, which causes Scootaloo to laugh.

“And to think, it was all for nothing. We saw Spike’s private suite, the guy’s got all the luxuries, and you thought he was being abducted,” she jaunts and you scream a little into your pillow.

“I’m kind of jealous of that actually,” Diamond adds. “Not even my parent’s suite at their hotel compares to what he’s got.”

“Guess it pays to be a national hero,” Silver speculates.

“Hey, maybe we could be national heroes, just like our sisters and their friends,” Applebloom perks up.

“And how would we do that?” Sweetie asks plainly.

“…Okay if you’re gonna put me on the spot like that…” your cousin grumbles.

And while your friends continue to chat about inane things, you just bury your face in the pillow more to try and drown them out.

I swear, I’m going to get you back so hard Cadence! I’ll put hair dye in your shampoo or something and turn you jet black and then make a rumor that you’re actually Sombra’s daughter! You think maliciously as your shards blip...but then you shake your head. No no, that’s going to far, let’s just stick with the hair dye and leave it at that.

“Come on Shade, we know you’re feeling out of it, but we’ve still gotta go over our routine one more time so that we don’t mess up tomorrow,” Scootaloo says with a chuckle.

“We’ve been doing the same routine for weeks Scoots, I think I’ve got it already!” you huff into the pillow.

“Well ya, but-“ she starts but Silver Spoon interrupts.

“She’s right, I think we’re as perfect as we’re going to be.”

“Besides, I think Ms. Harshwhinny is going to have a lot more on her plate than worrying about us missing a step,” Diamond adds.

Once again you hear a thunderclap and the sound of distant neighing after the event organizer’s name who you’ve yet to meet is said.

Seriously, who keeps doing that? you wonder as your friends don’t seem to notice.

“They’re right Scootaloo, we should be out taking in the sites,” Sweetie Belle says wistfully. Scootaloo looks like she’s about to argue the point for a moment, before she sighs before smiling.

“You know what? What the hay, let’s go for it.”

“It is our first time in the Empire after all,” Applebloom says enthusiastically before turning to you. “How about it cuz?”

Even though it’s your second time here, taking in the sites while not acting crazy does sound fun. But before you can answer, there’s a knock at your door.

“Come in,” Sweetie Belle answers, and the door opens revealing Grandbuggy in his pony disguise.

“Howdy girls,” he says pleasantly.

“Hi Applebloom’s New Grandpa,” Scootaloo responds, and everyone giggles except your cousin.

“Hey now, that ain’t official or nothing. He’s just dating my Granny,” she says with a blush.

“Give it time kiddo, give it time,” he says with a smirk getting everyone giggling again, but Applebloom just looks away in embarrassment. “Now, sorry to intrude on you all, but can I borrow Nightshade for a moment?”

“Do they even have a choice?” you snark and he grins.

“Not really, but I thought I’d ask,” he chuckles.

“Well of course you can talk to her, but please don’t take too long, we want to go exploring,” Sweetie begs and he pats her on the head.

“Don’t worry your pretty little heads, I’m only gonna talk with her for a bit,” he reassures.

“Oh, and maybe you shouldn’t scold her too much, she already got punished by Cadence somehow,” Diamond advises and you groan again.

“Heh, ain’t come here to scold, if anything I’ve come to praise how effective she was,” he laughs, and that lightens your mood a bit.

“Well alright then,” Scootaloo says before looking at you. “We’ll be waiting outside Shade.”

“Alright, see you in a bit,” you promise as they all walk out the door, leaving you alone with Grandbuggy.

“So…you wanted to praise me?” you start.

“Eyup,” he says rubbing your mane. “I followed your trail of destruction, not too shabby all things considered.”

“Thanks…but let’s not go too much into it. I misread the situation, and there’s no need to go into my thought process at the time,” you all but plead and he smirks conspiratorially.

“Clearly. I mean, you did save your Prince after all right?” he teases.

“AAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!!” you scream into your pillow and he laughs.

“Don’t get your feathers in a bunch honey, I’m just teasing ya,” he says patting you on the back.

“I know, that’s why I’m screaming!” you spit and look away from him in embarrassment. Chuckling once more he ruffles your mane till it’s messy and sits back.

“Well then, how about we change the subject?”

“Please do,” you beg and he grins.

“I’m going to meet with Jack here in a bit and hand off the artifacts,” he says plainly and your ears perk up. “So, you mind giving them to me?”

“Oh right, I forgot we were gonna meet him too,” you say. Rage and embarrassment are good mind wipers you’ve found.

“Well at first I thought we’d all meet him, but you and all our tagalongs are busy so I figured I’d do it and get it over with,” he says as you dig through your inventory.

“Are you sure? I could postpone hanging out with the girls if-“

“Nah, kids need time to hang with other kids as much as possible. You can go enjoy yourself honey while I deal with the immortal creepazoid,” he practically orders.

“Oh, alright then. Thanks Grandbuggy,” you smile as you hand him the artifacts.

Artifacts Removed From Inventory

Bloodstone Scepter Shard

Golden Idol of Boreas

Magical Power Ponies Comic

Petrified Dragon Egg

Piece of Nightmare Moon Armor

Ring of Scorchero

“But what about…you know?” you say gesturing to your chest.

“He’s been in contact with Cadence since our last meeting, and it seems Ol’ Sombra did in fact have a diary,” he explains. “From what I’ve heard he’s got some ideas, but we can go over those after you’ve had your Opening Ceremony routine. No need to put any pressure on ya the night before something so big.”

“Okay…” you say a bit hesitantly, as you close back up your scarf. “If you think that’s best.”

“I do,” he nods. “Besides, you’ve had those for months now, one more day ain’t gonna hurt nothing.”

“I guess that’s true,” you say agreeing to procrastination wisdom. “Well tell him I said hi when you do see him and…wait, you said you’re going alone?”

“Eyup,” he nods.

“Where’s everyling else?”

“Like I said, they’re busy,” he shrugs. “After you ran off, we followed at a leisurely pace, but one by one, everyone decided they had something else to do.”

“What? They just didn’t feel like finding me?” you huff in indignation.

“They’d knew you’d be fine Shade,” he says with a roll of his eyes. “Although I honestly don’t know if Daring and Ahzi even noticed you were gone. They just kind of wandered off into the city together right after the train.”

“…I can believe that. They’ve been nothing but lovey dovey since that cake nuke,” you say with a gag.

“That’s what happens after years of pent up…feelings,” he corrects, and you don’t quite know what word he was originally going to use.

“Well alright, ya they’re probably eating spaghetti like those two dogs in that cartoon right now, but what about everyone else? Why would Greta stop looking for me?”

“She actually caught sight of some of the athletes from Griffonstone and recognized them,” he explains. “Turns out they were drinking buddies way back when so she went to go catch up.”

“Oh. Well I guess I can’t fault her for that,” you say in understanding. “But what about Ember and Garble? Isn’t it kind of dangerous for them to be on their own since everything’s made out of crystal?”

“Funny story that, the little red twerp got arrested,” he says laughing loudly and you facehoof.

“Of course he did,” you grumble. “Who did he bite?”

“No one thankfully, but he did try to take a chomp out of that statue they got of Spike,” he chuckles.

“He didn’t?!” you say in shock.

“Oh yes he did,” he affirms. “Guess the whelp was a little jealous of your “best friend.””

You can’t help but think his last two words were said sardonically, but you let it slide as you imagine how the ponies must have reacted after hearing how famous Spike was.

“I’m surprised that he’s even alive from what I’ve heard about the Spike fandom here,” you say honestly and he nods.

“Tell me about it. It’s not often a swarm of angry ponies overtake a dragon. But thankfully some guards you hadn’t knocked out dragged him away instead.”

“Well that’s a relief I guess,” you nod. “So is that where Ember is? Bailing him out?”

“Eh, kind of,” he says with a wavey hoof.


“Well, after she was done laughing her keister off at the whole situation, she went to talk to the guards. One miscommunication led to another thanks to Sparkle, and now they think she’s a diplomat from the dragon lands.”

“…I mean, she kind of is even though she’s sort of your indentured servant right?”

“In a way,” he shrugs.

“So she’s using that clout to bust out Garble?”

“Eventually,” he smirks. “Right now I think she’s still chasing around crystal ponies for the buck of it.”

“She’s doing what now?” you say taken aback.

“Once she found out she had diplomatic immunity, she started messing with the locals, pretending she was hungry and going on about how delicious gems and crystals were while in the middle of crowds. Heh, you should’ve seen them squirm.”

“…Wow,” you say impressed. You gotta give her props, it’s a prank on yours and your Dad’s level. But on the other hoof, you do feel like it might be a bit overboard considering that the entire nation’s only been returned for a year after being in limbo for a thousand. Not to mention the fact that after what Daddy did, the threat of being eaten might be taken a little more seriously.

“I’m sure she’ll get the little punk once she’s done having her fun,” he hoof waves. “But for now, don’t worry about it hun. Everyone will be in the stands tomorrow to watch your routine.”

“They better if they know what’s good for them,” you snark and you both chuckle.

“But anyway, I’ve kept you from your friends for long enough. Have fun and don’t beat up any more guards…unless they deserve it,” he says with a wink.

“Gotcha,” you grin. He then stuffs the artifacts into his hat and opens up the door.

“She’s all yours again girls,” he says to the waiting fillies.

“Ugh, about time!” Diamond complains while Silver elbows her. Grandbuggy looks back at you and gives you a wave, to which you return, before he heads on.

“Okay then, let’s get to it girls,” you say enthusiastically as you jump off the bed and exit your room. “We are picking Spike up first right?”

“Duh,” Scootaloo says as if it’s obvious and you all giggle.

Eventually you all reach his luxury suite, and the girls weren’t exaggerating, there are Crystal Pony castle servants fawning over him as if he’s a king. You frown and your shards blip a bit seeing how close some of the mares are feeding him, but your attention is quickly captured by one of the maids polishing his claws.

“Pinkie Pie?” you say aloud.

“Huh? Where?” Applebloom asks looking around the room.

“The mare right there with the nail file,” you say pointing at the Pink pony.

“What are you talking about Shade? That’s a crystal pony,” Scootaloo points out. As you get closer to the room, you see that she’s right and that the mare in question is shining like the rest of the residents of this Empire, but even still, you remember everyling glowing even as you were launched into the sky on Daddy’s back last year.

I swear that’s Pinkie, or one of her clones, you think resolutely as you enter the door. Maybe the others can’t see it? Am I just really good at spotting hidden things because of all of Daddy’s disguises?

“Oh girls, what brings you here?” Spike says sitting up, causing the servants to move back, and you clearly see the mare’s face.

“Oh Come On! That’s obviously a Pinkie Clone!” you say gesturing towards her.

“Huh?” Spike says confused while said mare looks surprised.

“Whaat? That’s crazy, heh heh. My name is Krystal, with a K. I’m totally not a clone who came here and who’s body acclimated to the crystal environment,” she lies badly.

“See Shade, her name’s Krystal,” Applebloom points out.

“How can you not recognize a clone of our cousin?” you roar in bafflement.

Yup, definitely because I’m so used to disguises, you determine as the mare nervously leaves the room.

“Oookkkaaaayyy,” Spike says at the awkward atmosphere. “So again, what’s up girls?”

“We’re going to explore the city, wanna come?” Diamond gets to the point and his eyes brighten.

“Oh yeah, that sounds great,” he says happily. “I still wanna see my statue after all.”

His enthusiasm makes you smile with how infectious it is, but you quickly drop it when you see Sweetie Belle smirking at you.

“Shut up!” you whisper yell at her and she just giggles.
“So you’re allowed to go too Nightshade?” he asks getting in front of you and making you nervous. “Cadence didn’t punish you for knocking out the guards?”

“AAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!” you yell, with your voice echoing throughout the entire palace.

The Next Day

You yawn as you stand in formation with your friends and many, many other fillies and colts from other towns, cities and villages across Equestria. Exploring last night was a lot more exhausting than any of you could have predicted…though that might have just been because Crystal Ponies kept stopping your group every five minutes to praise Spike. But even still, despite the many setbacks, you all took in the sights of the ancient civilization in modern times, and it was nice.

You even saw a few of the guards you knocked out back at their posts and acting as if nothing happened. Even when you apologized to them, some of them didn’t even seem to recall who you were. You just chalked that up to them being in denial over being beaten up by a little filly in the first place, and you let them keep some dignity in that denial. But despite that, you and your friends enjoyed Empired foods, attractions, and even a bit of shopping, Spike even got you all some discounts.

I just hope the fame doesn’t go to his head, you think apprehensively. Speaking of Spike you see him standing off to the side with an older blonde mare in a purple business suit with an expression of resting bitch face.

“Who’s that?” you ask Applebloom.

“That’s Ms. Harshwinny,” she whispers, followed by the usual thunder and pained neighing. This time however, after the sound effects, her head snaps to the side and she looks in your direction.

“Holy Buck!” you grimace and start to shudder. Her eyes are cold and judging and you feel as though the temperature has dropped thirty degrees. It lasts only for a moment, but then her gaze turns back to Spike who she continues speaking to.

“What’s wrong Nightshade?” Sweetie asks, but you struggle to answer for a moment.

“I feel…I feel as though I just looked into the face of death itself,” you sputter as the adrenaline courses through your blood. “Scootaloo, I’m sorry I doubted your resolve.”

“Huh?” she asks, but you don’t have time to answer as the band begins to play and the cheering of the stadium increases.

“Okay girls, time to focus up,” Diamond orders.

“Deep breaths everypony. Deep breaths, that way there’s no chance of getting stage fright,” Silver Spoon instructs as one by one, alphabetically, each of the flag bearers make their way out of the tunnel and into the stadium.

“And for the love of the gods, don’t screw up in front of…she who will not be named,” you say nervously, chancing a glance back at her still talking to Spike.

Oh Spike, you’re far braver with more nerves of steel than I thought. How are you not melting under that gaze? You think forlornly as you leave the dragon behind with the Grim Reaper.

“We’ll be fine Nightshade, just focus on the earth bending,” Applebloom encourages.

“Like we practiced, create the steps after my scooter for the steps you guys ascend before making the ramp at the end for me,” Scootaloo says.

“And don’t forget to make the ground flat afterwards so that the other teams don’t run into them,” Sweetie adds.

“Oh believe me, I won’t forget!” you yelp as your fight or flight instinct is still running.

Mistress, your heart is elevated, is everything alright? Bob says within your mind.

Not really Jackie. I’ve just seen the scariest thing I’ve ever seen in my life! And that’s saying something! You whimper in your mind.

But despite your fear, you perform your duty as Team Ponyville exits the tunnel. Fluttershy, Dash and Bulk Biceps are your top team members, and you’ll be damned if you embarrass them over your nerves. The large crowd with their many eyes upon you is a bit overwhelming, but it’s nothing compared to that cold gaze.

Still, the rushing adrenaline does serve to make your bending a bit larger than in practice, but the girls all take it in stride, running up your steps, waving their flags, right until the bitter end when your larger than normal ramp awaits Scootaloo. But since the pegasus is a daredevil, she takes the challenge head on and even does a backflip in the air, before landing flawlessly. Thunderous cheers erupt from the thousands of ponies, nearly deafening you, but you ignore them and bend the structures back down. You can’t make a single mistake. You can’t let HER see you fail!

But you don’t fail, you succeed with flying colors, and you take your place in the line up next to your five friends who all wave at the cheering crowd.

I did it…I did it…you think in relief as the poor teams after you come out with nowhere near the spectacle you preformed.

“Great job everypony,” Scootaloo says as she still stares ahead, not breaking the formation.

“Ya, that was awesome!” Diamond cheers.

“Oh my gosh I was so nervous,” Sweetie exhales.

“Me too,” Applebloom agrees.

“Me three,” Diamond says. “But nice job with the extra oomph Nightshade.”

“S-Sure! No problem!” you say, wiping some sweat from your brow.

As the opening ceremonies continue, you look through the sea of ponies, and in some rather good seats, you spy Grandbuggy and the rest of your crew all cheering for you. Greta’s got some sort of horn, Daring is sitting on Ahuizotl’s shoulders, Ember is being served drinks from that crystal Pinkie Pie clone, Garble is stuffing his face with popcorn, and Grandbuggy just has a sweater on with your face printed on it, and a big foam #1 finger.

This sight sure goes a long way to helping get your heartbeat back under control as you smile at the heartwarming scene.

I just wish Mommy, Daddy and Sombra were here to see me…you think a bit in melancholy. But now we just have to wait for them to come back now that Jack has the other artifacts. Hopefully Grandbuggy’s taking pictures.

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

Eventually, the rest of the flag bearers and the town teams enter the field, and stand at attention, before the royalty comes out on their raised podium and acknowledges everyone. There above you stands Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Twilight, and even Shining Armor, the strongest ponies in the land, long standing enemies of your father, and strangely enough, all of them family in a way.

I’ve heard that many families have arguments and issues during holidays, but I can only imagine that dinner table once mom has a body, you think hypothetically.

And as they take their seats, the last act of the ceremonies begins as Spike comes out and rushes up the stairs to light the torch.

He’d expressed some nervousness the night before when you were all exploring the Empire, but this morning he’d seem so calm and collected, even when talking with the scary business mare. But now though…

Is…is he okay? You think in worry as you can visibly see the color drain from his scales as he looks at the awaiting audience with wide eyes.

“Is he gonna light it anytime soon?” Applebloom asks as Spike starts to open and close his mouth multiple times, with no flame to show for it.

“Sure he is, he’s just warming up is all,” Sweetie says optimistically.

I’m not so sure about that, you think pessimistically as you see him sweating and hitting his chest, trying to force his fire out. I think he’s got stage fright!

You start to see other ponies in the crowd starting to get confused, and you even spy Twilight looking anxious and apprehensive as the dragon fails to breathe flame. Your eyes then land on Ms. Harshwinny and your blood drains from your face.

She is looking at Spike with a deep scowl and gritting her teeth.

Ah Buck! If Spike doesn’t light that fire she’s going to steal his soul! You think in fear before your eyes dart back to your struggling friend. Well not on my watch! Bob!

Yes mistress?

Light that torch up now! you order.

As you wish, he says obediently.

After a moment, and unknown to everyone but you, you see a flicker of shadow under the torch as Spike looks like he’s trying to unhinge his jaw, and suddenly black flames erupt from the torch.

Spike seems very surprised by this turn of events, as does Twilight you notice, but the audience goes wild and thunderous applause fills the stadium.

While still confused, Spike just rolls with it and bows to the audience. You look back to Harshwhinny who seems placated and you let out a sigh of relief.

Oh thank goodness, you think and wipe more sweat from your brow. Now that that problem is taken care of, we can all just enjoy the games…

Awhile Later

“You Did What?!” Spike roars causing you to flinch back.

After the ceremonies had finished, and the first day’s games had come to an end, you’d gone to see Spike to make sure Harshwhinny hadn’t decided to still drag him to Tartarus, and you’d found him straining his face in front of a candle. Thanks to your actions, he’d gotten it in his head that he could set things aflame with black fire using his mind. You’d then told him that it had been you who had lit the torch, and that led to this outburst now.

He now looks at you with gritted teeth, a deep scowl and his claws are clenched and you are beyond confused.

Wh-Why is he so upset? You think apprehensively.