Project Rita

by Muggonny

Session 3

“So past? Future? Past?”

I nod my head, taking another sip from the herbal tea. 

“Right, so past then.” 

I reaffirmed him.

“Great. Splendid. Fantastic. So I can infer that you witnessed an alternate reality?” 


“Splendid. Fantastic. And it was the turning point?”

I kept reaffirming him with every question, a little annoyed that he had so many and antsy to get back into the Foresight Zone. I was ready to see what would happen next, but Doctor Gonzo demanded I take a break to prevent anything going wrong, so he gave me more tea and another injection. How long between injections was he waiting to give more? How long did these sessions go on for?

“The first session took two hours, and the previous session happened last night.”

Oh. I knew I would be the test subject of his experiment, but knowing that I was in his house overnight made me feel like a guinea pig. I didn’t say anything to him about it — well, I never say much anyways, but I worried about how long the next session would take. 

“There is no telling how long the next session will take. From the data you have given me, I can infer that it was the initial turning point of your relationship. I assume when she received the summons to Canterlot? Am I correct? Nod, shake — yes, I’m correct. Now I must ask, have you experienced anything unusual about these memories other than slight altercations?”

Anything unusual? Tavi did seem more thoughtful about  my feelings. I chalked that up to being in a relationship, which I’ve never experienced. Geez… being in a relationship of all things? That was certainly unusual, even if I saw it in an alternate reality.

Nonetheless, it wasn’t the sort of information Doctor Gonzo was looking for, so I shook my head. 

“Right. Okay. If you do notice anything out of the ordinary in the coming reality, take a mental note of it. If a simple chest in your bedroom becomes a wardrobe, that is normal. However, patients before you have reported seeing things that do not look like they belong in their realities. These things will be obvious. Are you finished with your tea? Splendid! Let me see the cup — and your sunglasses, too, since you will be going back in. Vinyl Scratch, get ready to see your future!”


“It’s two bedrooms, but I think we will just need the one. The movers tore both of our mattresses while moving them onto the train, and I want to take this as an opportunity to get one that we can share. These floorboards are creaky. Do you think they’re creaky? No, they aren’t creaky —” (creak!) “— yes, they are creaky. I don’t like that color of stain. We should get them replaced. Wait, what are we going to do with the other bedroom?”

I nodded along, letting her know I was listening.

“You’re right, we could do that. What else can we do though?” 

We found a nice house at 287 Hedwig Avenue, down in one of the moderately richer neighborhoods of Canterlot. Along with the big job, Tavi felt it was time to move up in the world. She found us a house that looked nice, with a pond in the backyard and everything. I didn’t argue, not even after I heard about how much we’d be splitting the mortgage every month. I was sure there were a few places in Canterlot that needed a DJ.

“Do you want to decide the interior design?” Tavi asked. 

I shrugged.

“You’re right. I’ve seen your side of the old house. Your taste isn’t suitable for a homely environment.”

I took a silent offense to that. 

“Right, right. I think the living room would look swell with lightwood flooring. How about the wallpaper? I’m not a big fan of the frieze design. You know, maybe we can put a few of your vinyl discs in the antique display. What do you think?”

“I —”

“Yes, I suppose you’re correct. They would look garish next to the plates. Oh, maybe we can store them in the attic!” 

For several long minutes I listened to her, and a month later we moved in. Tavi gave the renovators very specific instructions to make the floorboards lightwood and for the walls to be whitewashed, in case she decided to make the design herself.

Tavi found a queen-sized mattress for the both of us at Woody’s Wooden Woolleg, a furniture store just down the street from us. There was some argument as to what kind of blanket we should get, which I won when I mentioned how I let her decide everything else. 

I wanted a quilted blanket, both halves colors of our choices to match the couch. Then we realized the whole reason we were able to get the couch and its unique design in the first place was because we had the fabulous creativity of Rarity close to us. So, Tavia picked a frilly doublet that her grandma sent her when she had heard that we moved up here.

Tavia also lost interest in the couch, saying it didn’t clash well with the wall and that the brown wool one she spotted at Woody’s would be a great choice.

In one month, two weeks, and three days, we were fully moved in.


I found a DJ job at the Frisky Rabbit on the southern end of Canterlot. It was a nightclub that saw regular attention from the city’s top-grade drug abusers and megalomaniacs: the finest cocktail of trouble. It also saw performers of all races, particularly the ones willing to spin around a pole. 

If the manager had been a stallion, he would have demanded I be a performer or not take me at all. Instead it was a mare, and Pennydreadful was more than happy to give my talent a shot. 

Every Tuesday and Thursday plus weekends: come and see Vinyl Scratch play for a griffon in tight-fittings! This offer is only exclusive for anyone impotent enough to acknowledge that there is, in fact, music.

From six to eleven I would rack in three hundred bits per night. It was a seller’s bargain for a job that should have had me at the odd end of the pole. I could still do what I love and get paid well-enough for it.


May of that year, Tavi sat me down on the couch for a talk. 

“So we’ve been together a while, correct?”

I nod my head. 

“Since high school?”

Once again, I nod.

“And wouldn’t you say that our relationship since has been splendid?”


“Fantastic. And, well, here we are now in a nice house. I have this amazing job and you have one which you’re satisfied with. Here we are, living on the bridge of success. Our lives are seeming to collide into interesting places, and I want them to go further. I don’t want to just see the bridge, I want to see the castle on the other side!”

I nod along, letting her know I was listening. 

“I want us to get married is what I’m trying to say. I know you won’t ask me yourself since you’re… so I thought I would ask. If you don’t want to do this, I completely understand and —”

“Sure,” I said. 

Tavi blinked. “Well, I uh… I guess we should start plans for the wedding.”


After the ceremony, I spent most of the wedding behind the catering table. I don’t like being the center of attention unless it was behind a couple of turntables. Handing out the food provided some sweet placebo-relief, although it made helping the servers a bit difficult since everyone kept trying to congratulate me. 

At twenty-two, Vinyl and I were married. Married and successful. We hosted the wedding in the backyard because it was special enough, and Tavi thought it’d be a good chance to show off the pond. 

I got to meet her parents, who were less sophisticated than her but just as pleasing to see. “Oh my gosh, you have such beautiful eyes!” was the first thing her mom said to me. Tavi didn’t want me to wear my sunglasses when I went down the aisle even though I made it clear to her that I felt naked without them (don’t judge), but she said that it would only be for the ceremony. As soon as we kissed, I ran back inside and put them on.

“I just love how the red of your irises collide with your bowtie!” I had suggested we do a switcheroo, and Tavi would wear my old prom dress while I wore the tux and red bowtie. Tavi even let me wear one of hers! Although, wearing my old sequin dress was out of the question when she tried it on for one of the wedding planners and they imitated a barfing sound. Instead, she wore a black silk dress that did more to show off her assets than look pretty.

“Why are you wearing sunglasses at night? You should take them off. You look better without them!” 

(A) They are special lenses, and (B) gosh her mom won’t shut up. I responded with a simple shrug and went back to stirring the punch.

“So what are your plans? What do you do for work? Do you plan on having kids?” 

She looks at me for a moment.

I look back at her for a moment.

“I’m gay.” I say with a point of punctuality.

“Oh come now, you must at least be thinking about children?” 

I shook my head shyly and quietly said, “I… haven’t thought about it.”

“Speak up dear, I can’t hear you.”

I was about to repeat myself in the same quiet tone when I heard someone scream. Turning my head toward the pond, I saw that someone had fallen in. It was hard to make out who because there were ponies everywhere, but it looked like a griffon splashing in the green water and laughing.

I think even my future self was confused, because I stared at it for a long moment to see if I could recognize her. She looked familiar, that was for sure. However, I couldn’t put my hooves on it.

Leaving the catering table and my mother-in-law, who cut off her chatter to stare at me dumbfoundedly, I walked over to the pond. Several ponies walked up to try and start a conversation with me. Nopony seemed to pay any attention to the unknown griffon infiltrating my backyard. 

As I got closer, I could make it out better. It was a female, young and pretty.

“Can you get out, please?” I heard myself say, attempting and failing to speak up over the crowd and music. 

The griffon ignored me and began swimming backwards. “Geronimo!” someone yelled. 

A male griffon appeared next to me and jumped into the pond. The female griffon screamed as the surface of the water in front of her exploded in a white mass and resettled. The male griffon reemerged and wrapped his forelegs around her. 

His head was facing away from me as he nuzzled his head beneath the chick’s. “When are we going to have kids?” she said.

“We can’t have kids when the college just sponsored our research grant, Rita.” the male said. He lifted his head, and I could make out the face of a young and handsome Doctor Gonzo. Wait —

“Excuse me, can you hear me?” I heard myself say again. The two birds ignored me. 

“We should get out of this fountain and talk more about it. Ponies are staring.” 

I was the only one staring. “What fountain?” I said. “You’re in a pond!” 

“Vinyl, who are you talking to?” I turn around to see the beautiful Tavi herself, practically shimmering beneath the stars with her black silk dress and mane done-up in a fancy bun. 

I gesture my hoof toward the pond, pointing toward the two griffons that were now locking beaks.

“Oh,” Tavia chuckled. “Okay. I figured the frogs would move in eventually.”

The what? 

I looked back down at the pond, and the griffons seemed to vanish. In their place were two lily pads. A frog was sitting on one of them, giving me a blank look. Ribbet! it said and hopped to the next lillipad.

I blinked, and before I could respond Tavi took one of my left forehooves and dragged me toward the arbor where we exchanged our vows and ceremonial brooches.

“Excuse me! May I have everyone’s attention?” she yelled when we were in front of the arbor. 

The chatter grew quiet and the band stopped playing. All eyes were now directed toward the two of us, and I was really glad to be wearing my sunglasses. 

“I want to start by saying thank you to everypony who could make it this evening. I see a lot of familiar faces from Ponyville, and I know the trip was rough, considering the time delay with the train tracks being blocked by brimble. Nonetheless, I’m glad you all made it.

“I also want to thank everyone that brought gifts. Derpy, I’m looking at you in particular, thank you for the wonderful blender — even if it is a little on the tacky side….

“Now, speaking of gifts, there is a particular one I’d like to give to my wife tonight that I think deserves to be shared in front of all of you. It’s been stirring for about a month now and —” 

Oh no.

“ — well, it's taken several doctor visits. With us both being mares, it hasn’t exactly been easy. But, well, I was provided with some frozen samples and have been visiting regularly to check on the results. I’m happy to announce that —”

“You’re pregnant!?” I hear myself scream.

Next Session »»» »»»