EQG: Sword Art Online - Aincrad

by Mindrop

Episode 83 - Shattered Hope

Floor 64
July 2 - Year 2

Bladescape’s strike team, Doombunny, Joltron, Diemond, AFCK, and Astro, was ready to hit Elvarg, the Mother of Aincrad’s Dragons. After an interesting morning and happenings in the dungeon, they were finally ready to strike.

Bladescape drew Harmonic Salvation and the others readied their weapons. “Joltron, then Diamond,” Bladescape ordered. “We know Elvarg has already launched fire at us and can hit the entrance. Let’s be smart and advanced behind shields until I give the order for us to split. We can do this though.

“Of course we can,” Diemond said casually. “We are the Wondercolts, Dear. This will be nothing.”

“Don’t get ahead of yourself, Die,” Doombunny warned. “I fought the King Black Dragon. I am confident we can do this, because we are prepared and back then we were not, but it will require a lot of energy and focus. She is no normal dragon, and she is not even a normal flag mob dragon.”

Diemond just nodded and took up her position right behind Joltron. Astro was third, and then AFCK, Bladescape, with Doombunny taking up the rear. Doombunny would disappear as soon as she could.

They proceeded into the cavern. The passage was really just a thick doorway. Off to their sides were a lot of stalagmites and stalactites. The subterrain was lousy with them, particularly around the outside, with the odd column scattered about. The main area was wide open, but old dragon eggshells were scattered about, and the remains of an ancient nest or two were evident as well.

Elvarg was only a little bigger than the Black Dragons were supposed to be, which meant she was only two thirds the size of the King Black Dragon. She was a sickly, ugly dark green, not what Bladescape had expected. With her stuck in the cavern, she couldn’t fly. They had kept the King Black Dragon on the ground by striking the softer underbelly enough he didn’t want to expose it more. They wouldn’t get to do that this time.

It was going to be a tight fight. The Tanks split under Bladescape’s direction. She stayed behind Joltron with Astro. Doombunny was still behind AFCK and Diemond.

The first bolt of fire was launched at Joltron. He had just enough warning to plant the shield on the ground and brace it. Astro kept him steady but Bladescape was tipped back as they rocked from the hit. She rolled off her back and up onto her feet, sword at the ready. She didn’t have to give any orders as Diemond took the chance to charge. AFCK was surprisingly focused on the charge, no hopping or skipping. Doombunny was out of sight, making her move.

Joltron and Astro also made a loud charge, trying to split the attention of the dragon and make it falter in its decision. Bladescape had told them to be aggressive, and as they made their move she swung left, wider than they did so she could hit from the side.

Diemond slid to a stop, perfectly setting her stance as claws lashed against her shield. Elvarg tried to chomp down on Diemond. Instead, Geode Splitter swung up into her jaw, ending that attack, and landing the first blow against the Mother of all Aincrad’s Dragons.

The Dragon yowled in pain, painting the roof with a wash of flames. It was an indication that Doombunny was not only in position, but had hit a critical point. At that moment, with her head raised high, it was easy to see the plate sized, multi-colored gemstone in the middle of her neck.

They didn’t stop to stare though. Astro rammed Dragon Tail into the beast’s right shoulder and Bladescape covered her with a switch from the side. All of the Greatsword Sword Skills were exponentially stronger than regular Two Handed Sword Skills. Even a simple one was powerful enough to leave a long red gash in Elvarg’s side..

AFCK went for Elvarg’s left foreleg. Joltron took the opportunity to jump in with his axe. Elvarg lashed back with her claws, which Joltron easily deflected. He got his shield up, above his head before her jaws came down on him. The shield lodged in between her teeth, and Elvarg pulled up, lifting Joltron off the ground. She started thrashing her head around, trying to dislodge his shield and free her mouth.

Bladescape let out her greatest war cry, jumping in front of Elvarg and swinging Harmonic Salvation over her head, triggering Star Rift, the same skill she had used to sever the King Black Dragon’s head. Harmonic Salvation bit into the virtual dragon hide, and it cut more as Bladescape fought the resistance to drive the attack home. Finally the long blade was free and it slammed into the ground, splitting a rift in the stone and getting lodged into the cavern floor in the process.

Diemond got in front of Bladescape as Elvarg tried to slash her last attacker with her right claws. They caught on the top lip of the shield and dragged Diemond down. AFCK let loose a powerful combination attack targeted at the left leg, so that Elvarge couldn’t use it. Coupled with several strikes from Doombunny, Elvarg chose to raise her head high with Joltron still dangling from it.

“FIRE” Joltron yelled as he saw the glow come from inside Elvarg’s throat. He dropped his axe and pulled himself up, behind his shield and bundled up as much as possible. He was hanging on by the Obsidian Shield's anchor straps. It required a lot of physical strength and mental fortitude to pull off. Thankfully the Obsidian Shield was a large tower shield.

The flames exploded around the stuck shield. Joltron cried out in pain as the heat burned him, but he stayed behind his shield and suffered minimal HP loss.

Diemond stood up, covering Bladescape who was still trying to dislodge Harmonic Salvation. AFCK went flying as Elvarg hit her with her tail. She didn’t stop until the Stalagmites in the back caught her.

Elvarg made a swipe with her left claws, now that they weren't being assaulted. They knocked Diemond into Bladescape and they both fell to the ground before tumbling a good way from the power in the hit.

Bladescape picked herself up immediately. Diemond was also getting to her feet. Bladescape almost charged back to get Harmonic Salvation, but Elvarg moved forward with a strong step, slamming her right leg down on the stuck blade. Everyone heard the crystal crack of polygons breaking and saw some floating out from under the dragon.

Bladescape froze, not believing her ears or eyes. Surely they were deceiving her. But how could she deny it? Bladescape didn’t register Elvarg targeting her with a claw attack as she grappled with the shock.

Diemond rammed into Bladescape and grabbed her friend making sure she got to safety instead of just staring at the last resting place of Harmonic Salvation. She could see they were losing her. She pushed Bladescape up against the leeward side of a column. It wasn’t much protection, but it was some.

“Stay here,” Diemond told Bladescape. “I have to go rescue AFCK.”

Bladescape blankly nodded back. Diemond rushed off and Bladescape began to squeeze her hands around the air, wishing one more time to feel the blade in them. It was more than just the perfect sword. She had just started to get the sword into its stride with the enhancements. It had just been hardened. It wasn’t going to ever fail any of the upcoming 88 enhancements.

It had been her Hope at getting out of here alive. The blade that was forged for her and named something she could recognize in both worlds as being a powerful protective magic. It was a bit of tangible Equestrian Magic. She had believed their magic had finally gotten a little bit of itself to her to use in saving her friends.

Harmonic Salvation, the blade of the Elements of Harmony that were her friends: Honestly, Loyalty, Kindness, Generosity, Laughter, and Magic. They were the elements that had saved her from her inner demon. And along with that, Harmonic Salvation had been the sword that Bladescape learned she could surpass the power she had once held in her hands or hooves. A good power, full of Hope and Light.

But the Hope that was Harmonic Salvation was now shattered. She had nothing. There was no anchor. Even when she snapped against Kurayaro, it was Harmonic Salvation in her hands.

Bladescape touched the geode necklace. It didn’t do anything for her. It was a powerful symbol, and it had helped the light shine into her, but it wasn’t Hope. It was support, a reminder, but not Hope.

Without Harmonic Salvation, could she maintain the same level of commitment to the Wondercolts, to their liberty, and to the players she supported and fought for? Could she stand before the next boss confidently and win without that Hope? Could she even be Bladescape without Harmonic Salvation in her hands?

Joltron slammed into the narrow column beside her, breathing heavily. There wasn’t really any protection for him.


Joltron looked at Bladescape who was still trying to grip her old blade. He was not protected where he was at and he still didn’t have his shield. He rolled so that he had Bladescape sandwiched in between him and the column. The fireball exploded, leaving flames to lick around the them. His HP dropped a bit and so did Bladescape’s. Hers slipped into the red. Her armor and Battle Regeneration Skill wasn’t going to save her. He grabbed a health potion and downed it while he slammed a red crystal into Bladescape’s chest.

“Heal!” Joltron ordered the crystal and Bladescape’s HP leaped back to full.

Joltron patted Bladescape on the cheek. He had to be gentle with his heavy armored gloves. It took a bit but she snapped back to reality.

“Why are you inches from me?” Bladescape asked. “And pinning me to the wall?”

“You were taking up the only safe spot when the fireball came," Joltron explained "So I stacked on you. I don’t have my shield or my axe. I haven’t been able to snatch my axe for a good twenty minutes, at least. It is right by her claws and I am not agile enough. I don’t have a backup, but you do. Use Bajutsu and beat that dragon. Show Aincrad that you are better-”

“Am I?” Bladescape asked, as a tear slipped from her eye.

Joltron grabbed her face, carefully, in his metal gloves. “Yes,” He said, forcing her to look at him. “I don’t follow Harmonic Salvation, or any weapon, into battle. I follow you. Because the skill is there, inside of you, and the blade is just an outlet for that skill. Now pick up your cavalry sword and let’s kill that dragon. You cut its head off as planned.”

Bladescape took a deep breath in and tried to hold back the tears. She lost a few as she battled for control with a few sniffs. She finally made a declaration. “We are going to institute a new Wondercolt policy. All Wondercolts must have a backup weapon of sufficient strength and durability, and they must maintain it the same as their primary weapon. Harmonic Salvation is the second sword that has been shattered in battle against the Five Great Dragons of Aincrad. You should have a second axe that you can use. And a second shield.”

“I very much agree,” Joltron said, peaking out around the pillar. “My shield is still lodged between her two top canines. She got it unstuck from the others, which is half good half bad. I can almost get my shield back, which means two tanks for us, but she will be able to freely breathe fire.”

“INCOMING!” Astro yelled.

Joltron and Bladescape braced for the explosions and heat. Bladescape had been holding her breath in expectation and she let it out with a growl. “I’m done. I wasted too much time behind this pillar, failing at my duty.”

Joltron stepped back and Bladescape swiped up her menu. She put Bajutsu onto her back, where Harmonic Salvation had rested, and drew her other trusty blade. The back draw was very different from what Harmonic Salvation felt like. It showed her their size discrepancy. She would have to keep that fact in mind as she proceeded.

“Get your axe,” Bladescape ordered Joltron. “Whatever you do, get your axe. I will make her pay.”

Joltron smiled at her. “That’s the woman I will follow, in any reality or dimension, to the fiery gates of hell. Wherever they may be!”

Bladescape stepped out from behind the column. "It's time for you to meet Bajutsu!" Bladescape declared to the dragon.

Elvarg roared a challenge back. Bladescape surged forward. Yes, she had to worry about a big difference in size between the blades, but she also knew Bajutsu. She had used him plenty, on horseback and also for a good while against the vagabonds their new guildmates were currently grinding against. She had beaten the mounted knight for the Halter with Bajutsu. He would taste the final drops of blood from Elvarg. She would feel his sting a hundred times, and then a hundred more if that was what it took.

It was easy to predict the swipe of Elvarg’s claws and slide by it. Bladescape lashed back, striking the inner forearm in retaliation for the swipe. She continued forward, only needing three steps to drive Bajutsu to the hilt in Elvarg's chest. And she did it without a Sword Skill. Bladescape set her foot against her chest and yanked the blade free.

Asto yelled, jumping up and driving her spear into the dragon's upper neck. AFCK leaped up behind her, without her axe out, aiming high. She grabbed onto the obsidian shield.

Bladescape made a distracting cut at Elvarg's right leg. It gave Astro the time needed to use Agility to vault off of Elvarg and snag AFCK. With Astro's weight added, the shield broke free, taking one of the dragon’s teeth with it. Diemond and Joltron came in to catch them before they hit the hard stone floor. AFCK caught the tooth and stashed it in her hunting pouch among the vials of poison.

Bladescape executed a four-combo hit, Infinity, and then drove Bajutsu to the hilt again before the delay could set in. The moment it wore off she yanked it free, jumping back, and released Avalanche against Elvarg’s neck. The tip caught, taking a decent sized chunk from her HP.

Elvarg raised her right leg to strike, but she roared in pain before she could follow through. Doombunny had found a very important nerve. Elvarg began to whip her tail all around in an effort to get rid of Doombunny behind her. When that didn't work, she kicked with her back legs to rid herself of the painful dagger strikes.

Doombunny avoided them and then jumped up, onto the base of the tale. She sprinted along the ridged spine. Elvarg turned to look at her, unsure what to do with an enemy on its back. Doombunny didn't hesitate as she leaped off its shoulder. Mourning Protector flashed silver as she held it over her head, steadied it with her left hand, which also had the parrying dagger in it. Side by side, she rammed them into the skull of the dragon.

With a roar Elvarg shook her head to get rid of Doombunny. She dropped off, expertly rolling on contact to mitigate damage taken. Colorra was immediately by her master's side and she slithered up her body to sit on Doombunny’s shoulders.

“Good to see you again,” Doombunny said to Bladescape.

“She will pay,” Bladescape spat.

“I’ve got her poisoned up as best as possible,” Doombunny added.

“Fall back!” Bladescape ordered. “Outside to regroup.”

They all retreated.

“What was that for?” Astro immediately asked. “We should be-”

“Top off health,” Bladescape ordered over Astro. “Then we go back in and hit hard. Same plan, but we can’t let her focus on Doombunny. Also, this time, let’s watch the shield edges for the claws and jaws. This will be our only retreat. Got it?”

Everyone confirmed and then Diemond led the charge back into the chamber. Thankfully, Elvarg’s health hadn’t gone back up in the short time since they had exited.

Diemond fortified herself as the fire attack came. Bladescape, Astro, and AFCK split around her and struck with a synchronized set of high level combination attacks. Joltron stayed back, banging his axe on his shield and shouting. Any distraction was a distraction. It was enough that it covered Bladescape’s, Astro’s, and AFCK’s time delay and then their retreat.

AFCK slid to a stop and threw a clam shell with all her might. It struck Elvarg in the eye. In retaliation she let loose a blast of fire. Diemond was too far away to protect AFCK. AFCK swung Geode Splitter. The fire was cleaved in two and exploded on either side of her.

“How did you know you could cut the fire?” Diemond stammered.

“YAHHH!” Joltron yelled as he charged Elvarg before Diemond and AFCK were attacked in their distracted state.

“I didn’t,” AFCK replied with a shrug. “But I didn’t have another option, so I decided to cut it. I mean, if it hits as hard as it has been against the shields, it has to be solidish.”

AFCK went flying as she once again got hit with Elvarg’s tail. Bladescape rolled her eyes. She had a hazy memory of AFCK getting tossed the same way right before Harmonic Salvation was smashed. Diemond rushed after AFCK again.

Elvarg roared in pain and then Astro pierced her right shoulder with Dragon Tail. Joltron was there to block her from the claws. Bladescape cut an angle across the cavern and took over AFCK’s job of targeting Elvarg’s left foreleg. She let out a set of savage cuts starting low and working her way back and forth up the leg.

Elvarg went for Bladescape with her jaws but the attack was halted as Doombunny once again struck a much needed blow. Her head was still on the low side, so AFCK leapt up, driving Geode Splitter into it.

Bladescape slipped behind the leg and rammed Bajutsu up, into the crook of the armpit. She wanted to leave it longer and drive it up further, but she wasn’t going to risk having the blade get stuck and once again being without a sword. She needed something to cut Elvarg’s head off and something to get revenge with.

Bladescape fell back to a safer position with the others. Astro and Joltron were setting up for another move. It gave Bladescape a moment to actually look at Elvarg’s health. She was down two of her five health bars. They were doing well for the time they had been fighting. An aggressive offense was what they needed.

Their hesitation further back triggered Elvarg to choose to attack with a fireball. She chose Diemond. As soon as it began to leave her mouth, Joltron and Astro made their move. Diemond stepped into the fireball as she shouldered her shield and braced it along her body. It was deflected by the shield shifting to the side from the hit, rather than outright stopping it.

Diemond charged. She hadn’t landed a blow yet and Radiant Beauty wasn’t going to be denied Elvarg’s blood. She smartly threw the crushing blow onto Elvarg’s left claws. In the real world, even against a real dragon, the weight and power of the mace would have shattered the bones in the claw. But SAO wasn’t the real world.

Elvarg tried to bite Diemond’s head off. This time, she avoided using her shield in defense and timed her step so that she also swung her mace upward. It crashed into Elvarg’s jaw, sending the head snapping to the side. Diemond was obviously grinning under her full helm as she put her mace up on her shoulder like Thunderborne would do with her rapier when she was being cocky.

That was just the first round of the next twelve as they took Elvarg’s health down hit by hit. Doombunny was thrown by the tail at one point, but she was up and going before any distraction or assistance could be mounted. AFCK was a magnet for Elvarg’s tail. Astro switched sides to work with Diemond and to protect her from the tail attack, but she still took every swing the tail made at her. AFCK cut three more fire attacks in half, but she never saw the tail coming.

Bladescape kept cutting at Elvarg’s left leg. They had done significant damage to it. It also stopped her from attacking with it. Every time she tried to use it, Bladescape got up close and personal, cutting into the exposed belly or ramming the blade into the armpit.

As soon as Elvarg’s last health bar slipped into the red, the others began to deflect or block attacks, rather than make aggressive strikes against her HP. Bladescape was left to hack the rest down on her own.

Harmonic Salvation had been a powerful blade, but so too was Bajutsu in his own right. She had weight on her side, but he loved to score critical hits. And he was light and accurate enough he dealt most of his damage without needing a Sword Skill to guide him. That was a unique trait. Every other weapon needed a sword skill to deal most of the damage.

Bladescape ducked out of the way of Elvarg’s claws and set the final attack. She chained Volcanic Eruption into High Infinity and then again into Volcanic Eruption. She froze from the compounded delay as she watched Elvarg’s final HP bar turn grey.

Elvarg roared. Her HP was in the single digits. Below the enraged dragon was a frozen Bladescape. She swiped with her claws. Bladescape braced herself, but she wasn’t ready for the hit.

She was punched in the back, pushing her forward into Elvarg’s chest and then she fell, uncontrolled, onto her back. Her HP dropped down to 87 from the blow. AFCK took the claws instead and was thrown far across the room. Bladescape saw AFCK’s mini HP bar in her view drop to gray.

Bladescape unfroze and rolled onto her feet. They didn’t stay on the ground as she leaped with a roar more ferocious than the dragon had ever issued. Bajutsu was brought over her head into a slice of its own free will. The sword cut straight through Elvarg’s neck. Bladescape landed and rolled, turning around in time to see the body shatter into polygons and then the neck slam into the ground where it followed suit.

The system began the congratulatory fanfare, but that didn’t matter. Bladescape ignored the pop-up menu that listed her loot as she ran all the way across the room to where AFCK was. The others had already gotten there. Her HP was full from a crystal, but it was still a tough hit she had taken.

“AFCK,” Bladescape panted. “You should have killed Elvarg. That was the agreement.”

“My idea was better,” AFCK shrugged from where she was splayed out on the stalagmites.

“Did you hit me with Rock Candy Smash?” Bladescape asked.

“You didn’t hear me yell it?” AFCK asked.

“I had a roaring dragon in front of me,” Bladescape replied as she sighed from exhaustion.

She looked at Bajutsu which was in her right hand. It was so light and short. At the relaxed angle she was holding it at, it didn’t even touch the ground. She raised it and easily slid it into her sheath with a heavy sigh. The difference was clear, but now Bajutsu was her primary blade. Finally, she glanced at her menu to see that she had gotten Kukulkan, the five colored gemstone. Beneath it was also the Green Draconic Visage.

“Bladescape?” Doombunny asked.

“I got what I needed,” Bladescape said, trying to stay strong. “The gem and the head. That is what matters.”

“It was a good drop list for me,” Joltron said. “XP and Col are nice too.”

“Aincrad’s Five Dragons don’t disappoint,” Bladescape replied.

Bladescape was yanked off her feet. Doombunny helped steady her as she stumbled around, shocked at the unexpected pull.

“What was that for?” Bladescape asked with an unintended sharpness to her tongue.

“You couldn’t hear me,” Doombunny shrugged. “I said your name three times, but you were too distracted.”

Bladescape sighed. “Sorry Doom. I’m…not feeling well. What is it?”

Doombunny pointed back to the center of the cavern. Right underneath where Elvarg had been was something laying there. Bladescape’s heart stopped as she bolted to the center of the room.

She slid to a stop. A slate grey, oversized blade with a yellow leather handle and large sapphire pommel was laying on the ground. Bladescape slowly bent down, not trusting her eyes. She gingerly touched the sword, checking if it was real. It was.

Bladescape firmly grabbed the hilt and stood up with a new fire in her. Harmonic Salvation was alive. Barely. She checked its stats and the durability was decimated. She needed to get it to a smith within 30 minutes, at most. A single point of durability fell off as she looked at the menu.

“Is that...?” Diemond asked as she stopped next to Bladescape.

“Look,” Astros said from a bit further away.

Bladescape looked at Astro. She was kneeling next to a giant hole in the floor. It looked like someone had taken a pickaxe and busted out a huge chunk in a single hit.

Astro grinned. “When she stepped on Harmonic Salvation, it wasn’t the sword we heard break, it was the floor. I saw that the sword was lodged in it from the powerful strike. The weight must have broken this missing chunk out and sent the sword further under her where we couldn’t see it. Because of her advance, we assume it was the sword that broke, not the floor. Who would ever expect the floor to shatter?”

“She is almost broken,” Bladescape said. “I need to get her to Lisbeth ASAP.”

“Go,” Astro said standing up. “The five of us can clear this dungeon. I doubt anyone just passed us by without trying to join or at least checking that we were safe. Teleport to Lindarth, get it cared for. After, finish your quest.”

Bladescape nodded. “Thanks guys. Thank you for all the help. Against the dragon and the support over my lost sword. Astro, Joltron and I agreed, every Wondercolt will start carrying a secondary weapon and, if applicable, a spare shield. We will never find ourselves without a weapon or shield like Joltron, or me again. My spare was a fluke.”

“After this battle, I agree,” Astro nodded. “And with the finances of this haul, we can each get those spares. The guild got a nice Col boost as well.”

“I’m not on the council,” Joltron said before he hesitated. “Well, I propose we take the excess Col we don't spend on our secondary equipment, and put it to getting the others kitted out with secondaries.”

“I agree,” Diemond said.

“Sure,” AFCK shrugged. “I’m cool with that.”

“I should get a spare for my normal blade,” Doombunny said. “But the rest is The Guild's.”

“That just leaves us,” Astro said to Bladescape.

Bladescape pulled up her menu. She withdrew the Col she had gotten in the drop. It came out in a big sack. It was too heavy to toss to Astro so she let it drop onto the ground.

“Take my drop,” Bladescape said. “I don’t need it because I have Bajutsu.”

“Teleport,” Astro said with a smile and nod. “And the same for me. It goes to the others.”

Bladescape pulled out a blue crystal. She disbanded their party. “Are you guys going to raid the rest of the dungeon?”

“Of course,” Astro grinned. “We have weapons to buy for the guild. We need it. They are certainly not earning it from their level grinding. Plus, we still have a dungeon boss and that will give us a great boost to that Col reserve.”

Bladescape chuckled. “I’ll warn Lis.”

Bladescape cradled the fragile blade in her arms and teleported out. Astro picked up the bag of Col. She took a mental note of the amount for book keeping and then set up their 5-player party.

“Oh!” AFCK exclaimed. “Joltron, I have something for you. Diemond, I know you made him that awesome geode necklace, but I think you can not only make a better enhancement, but I think this is more appropriate.”

AFCK fished through her hunting pouch and then pulled out the dragon tooth that she had caught when they got the Obsidian Shield free. Logically, it should have shattered like a hacked off limb.

“AFCK, how did you save that?” Diemond asked.

“Duh,” AFCK said, rolling her eyes. “I caught it when we popped Joltron’s shield free and put it in my hunting pouch.”

“I am afraid that if I touch it, it will break,” Diemond admitted.

“I’ll try,” Joltron said. He was still careful as he picked it up with two fingers. “It has the right weight for a tooth as big as it is,” Joltron said. “It isn’t going to shatter. Somehow.”

“Maybe it is connected to the head?” Astro added. “The head was dropped, so maybe the tooth is missing from it.”

“If it is, we will put it back,” Joltron shrugged. “If not, Diemond can make me a…well, something decorative. This is too big to wear around my neck.”

“Okay,” AFCK shrugged. “Whatever makes you happy.”

Astro smiled to herself as she set up their party. Then she led them out to finish the dungeon. Doombunny didn’t see any signs indicating another group had gone through yet. Monsters around the corner confirmed it, and they charged forward into battle.

  Bladescape (SS): Lvl 83 – Two-Handed SwordSearchWeapon DefenseLeather Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Sprint – Acrobatics – Blade Throwing – Extended Weight Carry - Greatsword
 Thunderborne (RBD): Lvl 75 – RapierSprintAcrobaticsArmor Pierce – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Leather Armor – Weapon Defense – Extended Weight Carry – Search
 Backbreaker (AJ): Lvl 78 – Heavy ShieldOne-Handed War HammerExtended Weight CarryHeavy Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Fishing – Search – Martial Arts – Acrobatics
 AFCK(PP): Lvl 75 – Two-Handed AxeParryCookingWeapon DefenseMartial Arts – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Thrown Weapon – Musical Instrument
 Diemond (R): Lvl 75 – Heavy Shield – Mace – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Heavy Metal Armor – TailoringLight Metal Armor ForgingHeavy Metal Armor Forging – Jewelry Making – Extended Weight Carry
 Doombunny (FS): Lvl 78 – One-Handed Dagger – First Aid – HideSearchListening – Battle Regeneration – Fighting Spirit –  Familiar Communication (Colorra) – Drug Mixing – Reveal -- Fencing
 Astro (PS): Lvl 75 – Two-Handed Spear - Purchase Negotiation – Armor Pierce – Acrobatics – First Aid – Light Metal Armor – Battle Regeneration – Weapon Defense – Parry – Extended Wight Carry
 Kiefer: Lvl 73 – One-Handed Curved Blade – Parry – Weapon Defense – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Slash Weapon Forging – Katana – Martial Arts - Search - Armor Pierce
 Lessa: Lvl 72 – One-Handed Sword – Shield – Light Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Equipment Repair – Metal Equipment Repairing – Armor Pierce – Search - Acrobatics
 Joltron: Lvl 75 – One handed Axe – Heavy Shield – Heavy Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Metal Refining – Cooking – One Handed Weapon Creation – Two Handed Weapon Creation – Extended Weight Carry
 Knightstar (TS): Lvl 69 – One-Handed SwordShieldEquipment AppraisalParry – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Search – Armor Pierce