The Voices Told Me to Hug You

by Aquaman

Pillow Talk (November 2019) [T-Rated - Alcohol, Suggestive Stuff] [SciTwi] [Sunset Shimmer] [Slice of Life] [Romance]

In Sunset’s level-headed, totally unbiased opinion, Twilight was really cute when she was drunk. And she was especially cute when she was ranting about something while drunk. And right now, while she was drunk, ranting, and dressed in baggy plaid pajama pants and a sweatshirt with a tortilla-wrapped cat on it labeled “Purrito”... well, this pretty much broke the cute scale entirely. Weapons-grade, military-funded cute. Like Pim Slickens in that old movie Dr. Lovestrange, except instead of a nuclear bomb he was riding a big stuffed penguin and holding half a dozen labrador puppies.

Another one of Sunset’s opinions was that she herself just got kind of silly when she was drunk. But Twilight thought that was cute, so it evened out.

“... and yes, obviously the second act dragged a bit, but it was crucial to the entire movie’s theme that plans don’t always work and things aren’t always what they seem. Like, every shot reinforces that! And it’s played as a contrast to the roots of the series, which by the way, is fricking Space Wars! It’s always been cheesy and overwrought, that’s literally the whole…”

“Twi,” Sunset interjected, flopping her hand off her stomach and feeling around on the bed until she found Twilight’s heaving chest. “Twitwi. You’re being loud.”

“But Sunset, the nerds,” Twilight moaned, impotently flailing the floppy ends of her sweater’s overlong arms. “The nerds are wrong. On the Internet.”

You’re a nerd, Twi.”

“I am not.” Twilight rolled onto her belly and then kept scooching so her chin could rest on Sunset’s ribs, at the perfect angle for a very serious expression preceding an extremely serious statement. “I am a geek. There is a critical dialickti… dialectical distinction. ‘Nerd’ is derogatory, ‘geek’ is earned. I work hard to be a geek.”

Sunset repositioned her hand on top of Twilight’s head, gently stroking her fingertips between strands of messy purple hair. Twilight let out a happy, self-satisfied hum and let her cheek tilt onto Sunset’s stomach, eyelids drooping and glasses askew. “That sounds exhausting,” Sunset murmured. “Ever consider just being a dweeb instead?”

“Hmm… nope,” Twilight said through pouty lips. “Geek is good.”

Sunset chuckled, the brief flexing of her abs enough to nudge Twilight’s glasses back into place. Her hand dipped down behind Twilight’s ear, right to the spot where scritches had maximum effect. “You’re a very good geek.”

“Best geek,” Twilight mumbled into her girlfriend’s belly button.

The matter thus settled, Sunset kept scritching, and Twilight sank deeper and deeper into a liquor-sponsored fugue state, softly mumbling and cooing whenever Sunset’s fingers found a particularly good spot. As Twilight started drifting off, though, a thought reoccurred to Sunset—one she’d had earlier that day but lacked the words to talk about the right way. Today was an anniversary of sorts, and she wasn’t sure whether it was one Twilight wanted to remember—but this was a happy moment, right? Maybe she should just phrase it like that. Just tell Twilight the truth.

“Hey, Twi?” Sunset said.


“I’m… I’m really glad you’re here.”

Twilight hummed happily. “I’m glad I’m here too,” she murmured, briefly pressing her lips against a patch of skin Sunset’s t-shirt didn’t quite cover.

“I mean, I… you know what, never mind. Just happy. That’s all.”

Sunset closed her eyes and leaned back against her pillow, but she could still feel Twilight lift her head off her stomach, and then a much heavier weight settle over her hips. When she looked up again, Twilight was straddling her, her hands braced against Sunset’s ribs and still wrapped up in the ends of her sweatshirt sleeves.

“I know what you meant, Sunny,” Twilight said. “I know what today is.”

Sunset couldn’t help but wince. “I’m sorry, babe. I shouldn’t have-”

“No, you should have. I’m glad you did,” Twilight said. She sat up a little straighter, raising one arm to brush her bangs out of her face. “And I guess… okay, I don’t know how else to say this: I’m glad I did. In a weird way. Y’know?”

Sunset let her hands come to rest on her girlfriend’s hips, but otherwise didn’t react.

“Yeah, okay, you don’t know. That’s kind of a dark way to phrase it. I mean that, like… a year ago was the worst night of my life. But you were there for me. My family was, all my friends. It was such a… like, I spent so long in this hole, this big black pit that I couldn’t escape from, and then to see all of you there for me at my lowest point…”

“Of course we'd be there,” Sunset said, lifting a hand to Twilight’s cheek. Twilight leaned into it, her eyes closed in thought. “Of course…”

“I know. Of course you would. But… when you’re in that place, in that hole, you don’t know things like you would normally. Like, what was it you said to me after I got out of the hospital? When I told you I thought you wouldn’t come?”

Sunset grinned at the memory--a black day punctuated by a sudden silly moment. “‘The smartest girl I know just said the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.’”

“Exactly!” Twilight giggled. “Like, that’s exactly it. It makes you stupid. You think you’ll never get better and never feel anything good again, and a year later I’m here and I… I feel great.” She wiggled her hips a bit. “You feel great.”

Sunset lifted her other hand so she could cup both around Twilight’s chin. “You did that, Twi. You worked hard, you did what you needed to, and you beat it.”

“I mean… y’know, it’s still there, kind of,” Twilight admitted, though she lightened the blow a bit with a kiss pressed into Sunset’s palm. “Like a scar that kind of hurts when you stretch wrong. But you manage it, y’know? Like you said, you… do what you need to. And you guys all helped and you were so good to me and I just… God, I’m drunk.”

With a snort, Sunset grabbed Twilight by the shoulders and yanked her down on top of her, ignoring her girlfriend’s muffled squeak as she squeezed her with both arms and legs. “I love you too,” she said, lips brushing against the side of Twi’s neck as she spoke.

“I love you,” Twilight said, pushing herself up a bit so she could dangle her face above Sunset’s—and then, briefly, glare down at her. “Hey, wait, I’m supposed to go first! You can’t start with ‘I love you too’!”

Sunset pondered the matter for a moment. “Hmm,” she replied. “Sounds like something a nerd would worry about.”

“Oh my God, you…”

The laugh still bubbled in Sunset’s chest even after it escaped her lungs, warming her from head to toe as she hugged Twilight tight and cut off her protests with a firm kiss on the lips. After a few seconds of flailing, Twi’s own lips softened, and the room fell silent but for the blissful sighs that slowly left each of their noses.

“We’re still fighting,” Twilight eventually muttered into Sunset’s mouth. “We’re gonna fight about this later.”

Sunset’s hand slipped down Twilight’s back, all the way down to the top of her pajama pants. “Later?” Sunset asked as she slipped her thumb slyly inside the elastic waistband.

“... Later,” Twilight begrudgingly agreed as her head dipped to Sunset’s neck and her hand slipped under her shirt.