Future Progressive: The Speedfics and Drabbles of Present Perfect

by PresentPerfect

Twilight's Guts

Pain overwhelmed. Twilight's vision blurred as darkness closed in around the edges.

I can't believe this is the end for me. I had so much left to do...

A sob caught in her throat. Visions of Celestia, Shining Armor, her friends and Spike flashed through her mind.

Don't give up, Twilight! You can figure something out!

She swallowed, wrenched her eyes open, and looked down at herself. And that's when things got weird.

Her abdomen had been torn open, a certainly fatal wound. Yet what looked like blood at first glance was more viscous and smelled of tomatoes. Her intestines spilled out of her, but they were cold and yellowish, and not tubes at all. There were also little colorful bits mixed in amongst the various other substances.

Having studied more than a few treatises on pony anatomy, Twilight was pretty certain that ponies were not in fact filled with ketchup, sprinkles and cold spaghetti.

"What in the hay?" It was perhaps not the proper response, but it was all she could think to say.

The pain stopped, her vision recovered. Testing a leg, she found it not shaky at all, and stood. The fake guts slid off, revealing her belly to be whole, if ketchupy.

"What in Equestia is going on?"

"Didja like it, Twilight? Huh, huh?"

Twilight recoiled with a shout as Pinkie Pie bounced into her personal space.

"Pinkie, what's going on?"

Pinkie tapped Twilight's horn. "You said that you were having a bad day and needed to spill your guts to me about something. But that sounded painful and gross, so I thought I'd make fake guts instead so you wouldn't get hurt!"

Twilight's mouth hung open. "Pinkie..."

"Of course, I don't know what guts look like, so I made stuff up! Then I added sprinkles for extra fun, because sprinkles make everything better!"

"Pinkie..." Twilight's eye twitched.

"So do you feel any better, Twilight? Did I do a good job?"

Twilight slapped her face with one hoof and shoved the other in her friend's mouth. "Well... whatever it was that was bothering me, I've certainly forgotten it now. But if all of that was fake, why was I in so much pain?"

Pinkie spat the hoof out. "Oh, that's easy! You kept moving around, so I knocked you out first!" She grinned, pleased with herself.

"I..." Twilight's eyes threatened to pop. "Nevermind, Pinkie. Just, nevermind."