Loyalty's Vision

by SapphireRose87

2) Breakout Assignment


The video footage from Firewall Eli and Rainbow Dash's last fight puzzled me. I was puzzled because of Rainbow Dash being terrified of the awesome display of power she did, that created the rainbow in the sky. 

"I wonder why mother was so horrified by that rainbow she created in the sky?" I said.

Ivy shrugged. "Your guess is as good as mine." 

"I wouldn't blame Rainbow Dash for being afraid of her own power." I heard First Mother say. I rolled my eyes as it was another unannounced visit. I seriously wish she would send a servant ahead of her to let me know she's coming. But for some reason, she seems to think she can do whatever she wants and with or without my say-so.

Ivy stood up and bowed to First Mother. "It's okay Lady Ivy, as always I would like to speak with the boy Lord Jude."

"Yes, your highness." Ivy said. As soon as Ivy left, I was in no mood to talk to First Mother today and I had no problem showing my annoyance with her.

"You know, your unannounced visits are getting on my nerves!" I growled.

First Mother said nothing, she just gave me that creepy smile she's been giving me lately. "You're giving me that creepy smile again. I'd rather have you snarl at me instead."

First Mother laughed, and that laugh makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. "I just came by to see how the Lord of AI was feeling about being married now. And I still can't believe Rainbow Dash and Agent Oliver are married now too."

I paid no attention to what First Mother said, I knew there was another reason why she was here. She always has a hidden agenda when it comes down to me. I rolled my eyes. "What's your real reason for being here First Mother?"

"Okay you got me, it's about Life Force Princess Twilight." First Mother responded with a shrug. "She's been out of control lately, she's not just requesting to be a co-ruler of AI, she's demanding it."

"Yeah that's not going to happen and I do believe AI agrees with me on that." I said. "I don't need a co- ruler because I'm already co- ruling with my wife Ivy."

"I'm actually glad AI doesn't want another co-ruler." First Mother said. "I did some research on Equestrian culture. I found out something very creepy about it."

I smirked because First Mother's never creeped out about anything. "Wow, that's new, First Mother is actually creeped out by something."

First Mother rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, anyway, apparently, Equestrian ponies tend to do something called a herd. It means that there's more than one pony being married to each other."

When I first heard of this information I felt disgusted by it. I felt there was no way I was going to be married to more than one person. Now having a couple of lovers besides Ivy, might be fine because Ivy and I have agreed to have an open relationship. Ivy actually has a couple of lovers herself, and they're mostly women. To add to that, there's no way I'm sleeping with someone from another species. If Ivy wants to do that, fine but not me.

"Yuck!" I said, trying to keep myself from throwing up at the thought. "First of all, there's no way I'm sleeping with another species. Second, there's no way I'm getting married to another person besides Ivy. Ivy feels the same way about this. A couple of lovers on the side is fine, but marriage to more than one? Yeah that's not happening."

"Tell that to Life Force Princess Twilight!" First Mother growled. "She doesn't seem to take no for an answer. She is just about as bad as Life Force Pinkie Pie! Life Force Pinkie Pie still seems to think that Agent Oliver and Rainbow Dash are going to marry her."

"No kidding." I said. "Honestly, when someone says no, they mean no."

Once again, First Mother gave me that creepy smile and then she added a civil laugh with it and creeped me out even more. She doesn't even taunt me when it's time for me to do the Feeding Ritual anymore. It almost looked to me that First Mother might be overworked and is starting to go insane. I've seen that happen before with other workers for AI. A lot of times, when they go insane, they try figuring out a way to kill themselves. Some of them actually succeed in doing so, the thing that bothers me the most about that, is AI could care less about it. 

It was almost as if First Mother could read my mind. "I know that look Lord Jude. I'm fine, really I am.  I think it's cute you're concerned about me."

I didn't believe First Mother, not one little bit about her saying she was fine. But seeing that I couldn't say otherwise, I chose not to say anything about it. At the moment, I wanted First Mother to leave the computer room, so I can get back to work. She seemed to pick up on my annoyance with her finally, "Well it seems I've overstayed my welcome I shall take my leave now."

She already overstayed her welcome when she came here in the first place! I thought. As she turned around and finally got out my hair, I returned to work and hoped that for the rest of the day, I would be able to do my work in peace. 

* * *

{Rainbow Dash}

When I got back to Samantha's realm, Samantha looked very excited to see me. I knew because I just gave her the video footage from my last fight with Eli, what she was excited about. I wasn't thrilled to talk about the sonic rainboom that was my first one that I did ever since being broken out of AI. It wasn't a partial one either, it was an actual sonic rainboom.

"I don't why you're so horrified by that fact that you did a sonic rainboom Rainbow Dash," Samantha said. 

"Yeah, the feeling of it was awesome!" Loyalty cheered. "I've missed how awesome your magic is when you do a sonic rainboom Rainbow Dash!"

I sighed and looked down at the floor. I didn't feel like talking about this, not one little bit. "Great, this is just gonna give people more reasons to say 'I'm the definition of the word awesome', nice, real nice…"

Samantha chuckled, "Wow, an agent for the Sixth not willing to recognize their own power. Don't see that everyday! Any agent would kill to have the kind of power you have, and they would be proud to have it! But not you! You don't want to be your real self anyway. Oh, and I should mention that Shy Sami's been broken out and you all have passed your assignment!"

I raised an eyebrow. "How? I was on an outside of the Machine assignment."

"Because as long as you were helping to put in place situations that could trigger your target's trigger response, you pass." Samantha said. "Just like what happened with Emily."

"So how did Shy Sami get triggered into Phase 2?" I asked.

"Oliver fed him some chunks of meat and it worked like a charm!" Samantha said with enthusiasm. 

I snorted. "Well at least Oliver didn't have to kiss him for that."

Samantha laughed, "Yeah I totally agree."

"So which Founder is Shy Sami going to be sent to?" I asked. .

"He'll be sent to Founder Mabel this time. Gilda and Rarity will be doing his training." Samantha responded.

"But why isn't Oliver doing it?" I questioned.

"Because he's married now. The same rule applies with that as it does when assigning teams." Samantha explained. "Since Oliver did it when you were on an outside of the Machine assignment, that disqualifies him from being Shy Sami's trainer. Although I think you'll get a chance to train with Oliver on this next person that needs to be broken out."

I titled my head. "Huh?"

"Hey Rainbow!" I heard Finn's voice from behind me.

I turned around to see that Finn had just stepped out of the portal and entered Samantha's realm and Oliver stepped out along with Shining Armor, Maud Pie and a young woman who didn't look familiar at all. 

The young woman laughed, "In case you're wondering, my name is Agent Alice, but since I'm under Samantha, just call me Alice."

"Okay, Alice, nice to meet you." I said. "My name is-"

"Agent Rainbow Dash!" Alice said excitedly. "Or to be more correct since you're also under Samantha, Rainbow Dash, the element of Loyalty's bearer! Wow, I never thought I'd get a chance to meet one of the agents that escaped from AI's castle two years ago! I heard you're married to the other agent that escaped with you. Agent Oliver, you're both famous around the Sixth for doing damage to three of the gates too!"

"Yeah, unfortunately, AI's been able to repair them now." Finn growled. "It's funny though because it took over a year for AI to fix the 7th Gate that Agent Oliver did damage to. Me and the other Founders thought for sure, that after Agent Rainbow Dash practically destroyed gates eight and nine, that it would help speed up shutting down AI, but nope it didn't."

"Hey there, Loyalty!" Laugher said. When Laughter spoke, everyone jumped a foot in the air.

"Hey Laughter what's up?" Loyalty said cheerfully.

"Hey guys! I'm here too!" Kindness said.

Alice blinked at hearing Laughter, Loyalty and Kindness speak. "Uh, the elements of harmony can speak?"

"Um, yeah let's just say Loyalty started it." Kindness said. "Normally, us elements only talk to our connections, but Loyalty is not normal. It rubbed off on us, so the rest of us decided to start doing it too."

"Yup!" Loyalty cheered. "This is so awesome! Three elements working together this time." 

Shining Armor chuckled, "Wow, you know something Rainbow? I'm glad to see you again, but I'd never thought I'd see you again. And married to a man on top of that. I thought you only dated mares last time I checked."

"Well, most of the time I did," I said. "But aren't you forgetting about my ex-boyfriend Soren before I got together with that nut Pinkie Pie?"

Shining Armor smiled. "Oh yeah, that's right! I did forget. I still can't believe you got together with somepony like Pinkie Pie after him."

Samantha cleared her throat before I could reply to Shining Armor. "Okay, let's get down to business. This is another breakout assignment and we need to get started as soon as possible. Gather around the cauldron and have a look at who this person looks like that you're supposed to be breaking out."

I looked inside the cauldron to see a woman that looked a little bit older than Samantha. Her skin was tan and she had orange hair. She was wearing a uniform that looked a lot like the ones you would wear when working for JJ Inc. 

I looked at Samantha to see that she was grinning at me. "The woman's name is Iris and you'll be very surprised to see who she really is!"

I gasped when I saw the picture in the cauldron changed to show who Iris was before she got stuck inside AI. The person we were going to break out this time was none other than the one and only Spitfire!

"Is this a joke Samantha?" At this point, I was in shock by the fact we were going to break out Spitfire.

Samantha smiled and shook her head. "Nope, I'm not joking. Wow, Founder Finn, I didn't know you could actually be shocked about something. Aren't you guys usually informed when an original creature is tracked down?"

Finn picked his jaw off the ground and composed himself. "Actually, no, we're only informed when the original creature is broken out so we can send them to Phase 3. Unless I go on a breakout assignment myself. The other Founders do that sometimes too. It depends on who it is that needs to be broken out. A lot of times it's someone important like an element of harmony bearer. I never thought we'd actually be able to even begin to rescue another Wonderblot!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," I said, "backup here! You don't mean to tell me that I'm still the only Wonderblot that's been broken out?"

Fin nodded. "Uh-huh."

"Well, that explains the shocked look on your face, Founder Finn." Samantha chuckled. "Now, your job assignments are as follows, Rainbow Dash, you'll be Iris's boss and your codename will be Eve. Of course, Founder Finn, you'll play the part of the therapist, which is the part you love to play from what I've heard."

Finn laughed, "Yup, you heard correctly, Predictor Samantha."

Samantha rolled her eyes and I could tell from the look on her face was thoroughly annoyed with Finn. Probably because he called her Predictor Samantha. "Founder Finn, I would appreciate it if you call me Samantha when you're working with me, okay? Gee, you're just as bad as Oliver and Gilda when they started working for me too. Anyway, Shining Armor, you'll be a coworker and Rainbow Dash's assistant. Maud Pie you'll be the coworker that's trying to be Iris's best friend, key word 'trying.' However, if you succeed like Pinkie Pie did with Rainbow Dash, then that just might speed up the process of sending Iris into Phase 1 and you know the rest. Oliver, you'll be a regular coworker along with Maud Pie. Last but not least, Alice you'll be playing the part of Finn's receptionist, your codename will be Thea. No Oliver, you won't have to throw paper balls in Iris's trash can. Iris is gay she isn't interested in men at all."

Upon hearing this, Oliver let out a sigh of relief and everyone laughed at his reaction. Finn was laughing the hardest. 

"Yup, Laughter material for sure." Loyalty said. This made Finn laugh even harder. 

"Yeah," I said. "I'm not throwing paper balls in her trash can either. Maud Pie can do that since she's going to 'try' to be her best friend and all."

"We'll," said Samantha, "it's time for you guys to go. The portal's right this way."

We followed Samantha to the portal, and we stepped out and it was surreal to be standing right in front of JJ Inc. The place where I worked before I got broken out of AI.

* * *

Spitfire's boss had just retired from JJ Inc., although from what I've heard the Sixth can hijack the system for AI to make things happen the way they want them to. So, the rest of the team and I had no problem taking over our assigned positions for the breakout job we're doing with Spitfire. 

It was two weeks into the assignment and even though Maud Pie was trying her hardest to be friends with Spitfire, I thought that she was trying too hard. 

On a usual work day, I was headed to my office, I paused and stayed around the corner. I stayed out of sight as much as I possibly could. I stopped because I saw Maud talking to Spitfire, it looked like she was getting to recite another of her rock poems. 

Maud said in her usual monotone voice, "Hey Iris, you wanna hear a new poem I just wrote?"

I saw Spitfire speed up her walking so she could get away from Maud Pie as fast as she could. Unfortunately, Maud Pie set her sights on Spitfire and she was determined to recite her poem to her because speed up her walking to match Spitfire's pace.

Spitfire stopped walking and looked around for a possible exit, seeing that there was no exit she groaned. "Let me guess, it's about rocks isn't it?"

It was funny to me because Maud Pie tends to not show any emotion on her face and she was doing that now. "Yup…" Maud Pie trailed off when she started reciting her poem. 

I bit my tongue as hard as I could, since I failed at holding in my laughter, I just walked in the other direction so they couldn't hear me. As I walked away I ran into Oliver and he had a grin on his face. "Listening to another Hannah and Iris conversation?"

I nodded. "Oh yeah, why do you think I'm walking the other direction?"

Oliver chuckled. That's because we were still in earshot of Maud Pie and Spitfires conversation. "Well I don't think walking in the other direction worked, I could hear you laughing from the other end of the hallway."

"It's too bad Finn's not here to hear this." I chuckled. "He would have a field day with this conversation."

Oliver nodded. "I agree with that."

"I'm glad Finn's not my therapist, there's no way I'm going  through Phase 2 again," I said.

Oliver snorted. "I don't think that's possible. If you're already broken out, then you're out. The watches are just to help us to get to Phase 3. Once you get replaced with a virus then AI still thinks you're inside, so no worries."

"Well maybe Hannah should ask Iris out on a coffee date? That might work?" I said. 

"Coffee date?" I heard Spitfire say.

Oliver and I turned around and smiled at Spitfire when we saw her.

"It's how Eve and I met," Oliver said.

"That's so cute, I know everyone knows I'm into women but if Hannah could take a hint that I don't like her like that, that would be great," Spitfire said.

I cracked up, "I don't think Hannah's interested in you like that. She's just trying to be your friend, that's all."

Spitfire gave me a skeptical look. "It sure doesn't look like it."

"She tries too hard when it comes down to making friends," I said. "I've known her for a while myself."

"Hannah's what you would call a 'special person'. " Oliver added. 

Spitfire rolled her eyes. "Yup, she's differently 'special' alright!"

This time I put my index finger in my mouth and bit it to keep myself from laughing at Spitfires reaction to Oliver calling Maud Pie a 'special person.' 

When Spitfire left, I let out my laughter finally. I wiped the laughter tears from my eyes and noticed Oliver was laughing pretty hard too.

"I think Hannah's trying way too hard to be Iris's friend, huh Eve?" Oliver said after he stopped laughing.

"You can say that again!" I said. 

After Oliver and I got our laughter out, we parted ways and went back to work.