Loyalty's Vision

by SapphireRose87

3) Everyone's worried about you Rainbow Dash

{Rainbow Dash}

The fact that the Sixth gives agents days off came as news to me. It happens after you get past New Agent status. You get past New Agent status after you've passed at least ten or more assignments. So I get an actual day off from my breakout assignment and my outside of AI assignment is to fight the Firewalls.

Now that I finally accepted myself as a Pegasus, I actually like flying now. On my days off, I don't do it for training, I do it for fun. That's what I was doing today. I had a feeling that Jude would be watching me fly because I was flying inside of AI. I call it a 'fun fly' when I'm flying like this.

I had just done three barrel rolls in a row and afterward doing a nose dive and shooting straight up towards the sky as fast as I could. Just as I was about to do the same thing all over again, I looked over to see Jude and he was leaning up against a nearby tree. When I saw him, I lost my flight pattern and crashed face first into the ground.

Jude seemed to find my crash landing funny, because he was laughing as he helped me get to my hooves.

"Yup, that's exactly why I got the nickname Rainbow Crash. For crying out loud, can't a girl have a fun fly on her day off?" I grumbled.

Jude raised an eyebrow. "Agents of the Sixth get a day off?"

I nodded. "Yeah I know. It came as news to me too. Apparently, it happens after you get past New Agent status by passing more than one assignment. I did this only after weeks of becoming an agent for the Sixth."

Jude whistled. "Makes sense to me, that's because-"

"If you say it's because I'm Rainbow Dash, so help me…" I growled. "And no, I'm not the definition of the word 'awesome.' Gilda's the one that started it and the 'Gilda line' is getting on my last nerve because Oliver and Finn just love to add fuel to the fire!"

Jude started laughing again and when I flicked my tail in annoyance, it made him laugh even harder.

"At least I'm not doing a sonic rainboom right now. I really don't want to do that again," I said.

Jude went from laughing to being serious like a switch had been flipped inside his head. "That's why I came to see you. Why were you so afraid of that rainbow you created in the sky during your last fight with Firewall Eli?"

"Because I'm not becoming an Alicorn anytime soon if I got something to say about it!" I growled. "Nope! No way! I just accepted myself as a Pegasus. I don't want that."

"What's an Alicorn?" Jude asked. 

I sighed, "From what I can recall, they're some of the most powerful creatures in Equestria. With that power, they protect Equestria, sometimes using that power to stop wars before they begin. I think of them as the Firewalls that protect AI, but an Alicorn is much stronger."

Jude gave me a puzzled look. "Why wouldn't you want to become a powerful creature?"

"As I said before," I said, "I just accepted that I'm a Pegasus and if I become an Alicorn, I'll have to accept that too. Just like I was fine with being in the number five spot in my job category of fighting the Firewalls, but noooo, I just had to excel at that and take the number one spot."

"Wow," said Jude, "I wonder if that's why AI chose you to give birth to me?"

"Maybe, I wouldn't be so sure about that. Oh, I forgot to congratulate you on your wedding. So how does being married feel like to you?" I said.

Jude smiled. "It's almost the same thing as when I was dating Ivy. It's just a little bit different because Ivy is my co-ruler now." Then he growled. "Speaking of co-ruler, that brat Life Force Princess Twilight has been demanding that she be co-ruler with me!"

"What?" I gasped. "Has she lost her mind?"

"It looks like it," Jude responded, "according to Equestrian law, ponies do something that's called a herd. What's a herd?"

"What I know about a herd is," I said, "it's basically when a group of ponies get married to each other. The idea actually creeps me out. Applejack and Fluttershy wanted to do that with me and wanted to include Pinkie Pie. I said no to it several times and that's why Applejack broke up with me. 

"It's funny, I didn't have a stable relationship until I met Oliver. If Pinkie follows me to another assignment, I'll do more than just twist her arm behind her back. I might just actually break it instead."

"What should I do about Life Force Princess Twilight?" Jude asked. 

"If she's not the ruler of Equestria anymore, that's probably because of the way she acted when I escaped from AI's castle," I said.

Jude tilted his head. "How did she act?" 

"She got mad when I wouldn't tell her my story about what happened. She wanted to throw me in a dungeon because of that." I explained. "She also wanted to do the same thing to Oliver and Finn because they were protecting me from her. The former ruler of Equestria, Princess Celestia stepped in when she saw what was happening. Twilight claimed that Oliver and Finn were trying to kill her when that wasn't the case. Princess Celestia saw the whole thing and it was kind of comical when she dragged Twilight back to Equestria. Princess Celestia did say something to the effect that Twilight was being a 'pig headed ruler'. Now, from what I've heard Princess Celestia along with her sister Princess Luna had to take back the throne. Even if something like having a herd is done in Equestria, that's not what your culture does. Twilight needs to understand she can't make you do anything you don't want to. You've said no and she needs to respect that.

"As far as dealing with Twilight goes, I would say kill her, but I'm not the killing type. Like I didn't kill any of your guards while escaping from the castle. They weren't a threat just as much as they were annoying. The whole 'if you won't go back to your room we'll just make you go back' line was really testing me. It was tempting for me to actually kill one of them, just to get them to shut up."

Jude snorted. "I put you up against a lot of guards on purpose. Just like Oliver said, it was a joke. I had a feeling it was overkill and it was. I didn't mean for one of the guards to hut you in the process. I didn't punish him, because  he was just doing his job."

"I figured as much." I said. "I thought it was annoying that I'm always the one passing out all the time, when something like that happens."

"To me, it looks like you're just bound and determined to kill yourself every time you get into a fight. I've seen you do stupid things every time you fight Firewall Eli." Jude said. "I mean I know the guy's getting on your nerves and all, but could you at least try to use your common sense when you're fighting him?"

I cracked up, "Aww that's sweet, the ruler of AI concerned about an agent that works for the Sixth. With all due respect, that's exactly the same thing Samantha tells me. I guess I can't help myself. It's in my nature and that's how I fight. If I recall correctly, that's exactly how I would fight back in Equestria. I did it that way, because I always took risks when it came down to protecting my friends. Which is what I do when I'm protecting my idiot teammates when I'm fighting the Firewalls.

"I still can't believe I stayed loyal to my so-called friends back in Equestria. I just had to get the Element of Loyalty because of tying that bridge so they could get to the Castle of the Two Sisters safely. They gave me more than enough reason not to help them. I should've just left them hanging and flew back to Cloudsdale. But noooo, I just had to tie that stupid bridge! Then we discovered the elements of harmony and I got the Element of Loyalty, just because I tied that bridge up."

"Why didn't you want to protect your friends at the time?" Jude questioned.

"Because when we discovered the Elements of Harmony, that nut Pinkie Pie decided to throw an engagement party to propose to me. I said no, and everyone was too busy consoling Pinkie Pie than bothering to hear my side of the story. Everyone took Pinkie Pie's side and humiliated me just because I wouldn't marry a fellow Element of Harmony bearer. They told me I wasn't being loyal because I said no to Pinkie. That was when I moved back to Cloudsdale and didn't think twice about it. I stayed away too. Everyone started to feel bad, not because of what they did to me, but only because of the fact that I felt the need to move back to Cloudsdale. My guess is they felt the Elements of Harmony wouldn't work if everyone didn't live in the same town. 

"When I came back to Ponyville, no one cared about what they did to me. They didn't apologize for it. They just ignored what happened and wanted things to be like they were before what happened with Pinkie!" I said.

Jude's jaw dropped when he heard my story. "Yeah, they gave you plenty of reasons not to protect them, especially if they didn't apologize for what happened and wanted to act like nothing happened! If it were me, I would've left and never came back even if I was an Element of Harmony bearer!" 

"Yeah and I know for a fact that Pinkie's held a grudge against me. I have no idea why she became the Element of Laughter. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say it's because she laughs at everything, even when it's not funny," I said. 

I would've loved to stick around and talk to Jude more, but I heard the doorbell in my ear to signal I was being summoned.

I sighed. "Well, I'd better go, it sounds like I'm being summoned."

Jude had a puzzled look on his face. "Huh? I didn't hear anything."

"The Sixth puts a doorbell behind the left ear of every agent that works for them." I replied. "Every time an agent hears the ding dong, that means they're being summoned. The doorbell will give you two warnings. After that if you don't answer your summons, you get a small electric shock to the ear. It happens even when you're asleep. The first time I got it, I was sleeping and having a memory, and that's how I discovered I fly when I'm asleep by crashing into a wall. Oliver saw it, and laughed about it. He said I looked like a cat that had just fallen over. That's not funny Jude!"

Jude was cracking up so hard that I was surprised he even heard what I just said. I sighed. "Well I'd better go." 

Jude nodded. "Sure as always, I'll be watching you."

I gave Jude a hug, before I left I saw a portal open up behind him. I didn't see where the portal led to. I'm guessing that's a protection AI made for its ruler. Once Jude walked through the portal, it closed and I left before I could even get the electric shock to my ear.

* * *

Later that night I was asleep in the room that Oliver and I shared at the hotel we were at while doing our breakout assignment. 

"Rainbow Dash…" I heard that voice in my dream say. 

"This crap again?" I said with annoyance. "Where is that voice coming from? If you would reveal yourself sometime soon, that would be great!" 

"Rainbow Dash...." The voice said again. "Rainbow Dash..." 

"Okay voice!" I shouted. "If Rainbow Dash are the only two words you can say, I'm not talking to you! You're just about as bad as Loyalty when I first met it! I'm out of here," I paused. "Wait... Where the heck am I?"

I spun around only to see that there was nothing but darkness surrounding me as far as the eye could see. It reminded me of that creepy white room that I did my training in to be an agent for the Sixth. That room made my skin crawl and wherever I was in this dream now was making my skin crawl too.

"Rainbow Dash..." The voice started to creep me out because it went from a sweet little voice to being demonic sounding like the demon Firewalls' voice Firewall Molly.

"Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash..." The voice started to sound like it was chanting my name in a demonic tone of voice.

"Okay," I said with a nervous laugh, "if this is a dream, I really need to wake up now!"

Now the voice started shouting at me. "RAINBOW DASH!"

The voice shouted with so much force that it sent me flying backwards. That's when I woke up.

* * *

When I opened up my eyes, I was flat on my back. Oliver held out a hand to help me up. Oliver hugged me and held me tightly in his arms. I looked up at him and frowned. "What's wrong?"

"You look scared silly," said Oliver, "and you're shaking."

"Huh?" I didn't know Oliver was right, until I felt myself shaking. To tell the truth, I wasn't so much as scared as I was annoyed with what I had been dreaming about lately. 

"You fell off the bed pretty hard." Oliver said before frowning. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I said, "if I would stop having that stupid dream that says my name over and over again, that would be great. Yeah, the dream was a little bit scary this time. The voice started to sound like that demon Firewall Molly's voice. That's probably why I fell off the bed this time."

"Wow." Oliver said. 

I nodded. "Good thing I'm in my human form. Or I'd probably make a hole in the wall because of crashing into it."

"That reminds me," said Oliver, "Samantha told me you did your first full sonic rainboom during your last fight with Firewall Eli! So how was it?"

"It happened so fast, I didn't know what was happening!" I answered. "Eli was laughing so hard when he saw it. It sure didn't feel like I farted the rainbow, because I know what a fart feels like."

I rolled my eyes because I knew Oliver was going to laugh judging by the amused look on his face.  And cue the laughter...

Just as I expected, Oliver let go of me and went into a fit of laughter. I let out a slow breath of annoyance because of Oliver's laughter. For some reason, my stomach decided it was time for me to empty its contents so I went to the bathroom and threw up. Oliver stopped laughing and came to see if I was okay, "I'm sorry Eve, I didn't know my laughter could make you sick."

I got up from the toilet and shook my head. "I don't think that was it. You know I've been throwing up a lot off and on lately."

"Did the doctor tell you what's going on with you yet?" Oliver asked. 

"Nope," I said, "Honestly, I don't want to go to the doctor again, because it's getting on my nerves!"

Oliver frowned. "Samantha's been sending you there out of concern for you. If she's concerned, I'm concerned too. You've been doing a lot of partial sonic rainbooms and it seems like they're getting out of control lately. I bet Jude's worried about it too."

"I guess you're right," I said, "he paid me a visit when he saw that I was horrified by my first sonic rainboom. I'm not becoming an Alicorn! The only reason I'm worried about it is because Loyalty and the other Elements of Harmony seem to think something big is coming down the pike concerning me."

"If Jude's worried enough to pay you a visit, then I'm even more worried now!" Oliver said. 

"I wish people would stop worrying about me, I'm fine." I kept telling everyone that I was fine to get them to stop worrying about me. It was starting to get on my nerves about how much everyone was worrying about me. But the more I told people that I'm fine, it only made people worry about me even more.