//------------------------------// // The Road to Dawn // Story: Sunny Knight: a Pony's Tale // by TheothersideofSunny968 //------------------------------// Mourning Cloak was surrounded now with only a hoof full of her dark army left, as well as the five umbrum who managed to escape the prison during the battle. Some how these foals, these brightly colored ponies and their 'friendship' have taken down most of her army, and even a legendary dragon taller then mountains. 'This isn't good. Why is it taking the others so long to feed on that mongral and get back here!? Ugh! Useless, all of them!' "Its over, mother" Sombra stepped forward, his horn glowing bright green as he narrowed his eyes on her. "You've lost." "Fool! You think those PONIES will just welcome you back with open hooves?" Mourning Cloak was stalling. She knew how to play at heart strings, and just needed to keep it going for a little bit longer. "Did you forget that it was YOU who tortured them? Enslaved them? Put them in chains? Attacked their castle? Or did you forget, I wasn't the only one who put a spell on all these creatures and recruited them. YOU did all of that." "You're right" Sombra stated, but was unfazed by his mother's stetment, shocking her a little. "I've done terrible things. And I'll face judgment. But not before you do! Not before you pay for what you did to my son!" Every creature cheered in agreement with Sombra. It was then that Mourning Cloak noticed shadows belonging to creatures flying above her. Looking up, the umbrum queen saw Rainbow Dash, Thunderlane, Fluttershy, Princess Luna, Snowstorm, the Dark Detective, the Wonderbolts, Shadowbolts and other flyers circling the sky. All their eyes weighing down on her. 'Great. The peanut gallery.' Mourning Cloak hissed, thinking to herself as things went from bad to worse for her. 'I might have to just abandon those umbrum foals for now. I can't hold these ponies off forever… If I turn my body to mist, I can just-' But Mourning Cloak's contingency planning was interrupted by the sound of howls and hooves raising quickly out of the whole of the umbrum prison.  The umbrum queen cracked a smile as eyes went from her to the whole in the ground. "Ah! You hear them!? The most terrifying things to ever walk this land are near! Soon, the world will know fear like never before! We will roam the land, spreading fear and feed on you all! For the rest to your misserable-" Mourning Cloak's rant was interrupted when a small puff of green smoke popped out of the whole, followed by a small, round head it was attached to. Every creature turned and looked at the wide-eyed creature smiling back at them with the most innocent expression on her muzzle. She looked like if someone took smoke from a mint factory and made a pony out if it. Her eyes were a bright blue color, and large compared to her head. She let out a little giggle as she climbed out of the hole. She was around the same size as a pony, same body structure, but had a pair of butterfly wings that seemed to support her body just fine, and her mane and tail appeared to be moving like a cloud or smoke. If anypony got close to her, they would see her body was slightly plush, but firm, like the world's softest cloud. "HI! I know I'm a little early, but I just got excited I flew ahead of the group" the little green pony like creature chuckled as she dusted herself off and narrowed her eyes at everypony and other creature around who were all stairing at her. She didn't seem bothered, and actually flashed them a smile and waved before adding. "Don't worry, Sunny's coming. He's with the rest of the group." "What!?" Mourning Cloak cracked out before the slits in her reptilian like eyes grew narrow in anger, her voice became more like a shrill hiss. "WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" Before the little, green, cute umbrum had a chance to becime scared, a fountain of color erupted behind her, mostly consisting of whites, blacks and shades of greys, but had blues, reds, greens, yellows, purples, oranges and all colors of the rainbow in it as well. The fountain disburst, landing around the entrance into the umbrum prison were creatures very similar to the little, green cute unbrum who first poked her fluffy head out of the hole first, though, much like ponies, each one had details that separated them from one another. One red umbrum that landed next to the chipper, green, cute umbrum, had yellow eyes and a slightly flowing mane and tail, along with butterfly like wings. Unlike the green one, who's wings had an image of a rubber ball with a star on it, bouncing as her wings moved, the red one's wings had what looked like a frying pan over a fire with the fire underneath moving as her wings fluttered. The red one's mane also appeared more smooth, moving like air from vents over a stove, where the green one's mane looked more like a smoke stack from a candy factory. A blue umbrum joined the green and red one, also in a pony like form, with her shifting mane flowing down from her head and out like a waterfall to end with steam at the bottom of her tips. Some how she had acquired a pair of thin black glasses that she adjusted on the end of her muzzle as she joined her friends. On the blue one's wings were a gavel and a book. The pages of the book seemed to turn every now and again with the gavel striking down with every fourth flap of her wings. A large grey umbrum, more maculin in appearance, stood tall and proud with his waving mane slicked back revealing a broad forhead, the waving of his mane was much more subtle to a point where it hardly seemed to move. He was maybe a good two hooves taller then the three colorful umbrum, and had a chest and build similar to Big Mac. His wings flashed images of what could be some sort of abstract painting of a pony, the image hardly moves except to change the smile to a frown and back again, along with blinking here and there.  One by one the reformed umbrum fell into place, standing next to others that they felt safest with. They all appearing slightly unsure of their place in the world, having just been reborn and now that they were on the surface, where they hadn't been in over 1000 years. They didn't know what to honestly expect. Every creature studied the newly released umbrum, expecting something to happen. "Excuse me" a familiar voice called out from the middle of the crowd, parting a way. "Pardon us! Sorry! Excuse us!" Eventually, the one making way managed to reach the front of the reformed umbrum, shocking every creature there. Sunny stood smiling with Applejack's hoof in his. Both of them appeared to be unharmed, and even in good spirits. "Hey everypony, hope we didn't scare ya" Sunny said with a wide smile. "Have ya'll met mah family?" "What did you do to them!?!" Mourning Cloak growled, which made several of the umbrum shutter a little nervously. The umbrum who weren't in the prison to hear Sunny's moving speech looked onto their kind with cautious gazes. But Mourning Cloak's hard gaze was burning hotter then the sun.  Standing his ground and locking eyes with his paternal grandmother, Sunny shot at her "I gave them a choice! And now, they want to live in peace-" Before Sunny could go into a long speech about forgiveness and redemption and a second chance, Mourning Cloak turned her body into smoke and shadow. Her essence shifted from shapeless smog into a giant serpent as it tackled Sunny, clamping him in her jaws and slithered back into the tunnel of the umbrum prison before anypony could stop her. The umbrum nearest to the hole, being the red, blue, green, and large light grey one all wanted to jump in after him but a large, muscular blue umbrum with a wild and constantly moving mane put a hoof out and stopped them. "This is HIS fight" the masculin umbrum stated as his hard eyes looked down into the hole. "Sunny can do it. He's stronger then he knows." ************* Falling down, down, down into the darkness of the Umbrum prison, Sunny struggled to get free from the clasping mouth of Mourning Cloak, but the smoky serpent's jaws were wrapped around him tightly. When they reached the bottom, the serpent Mourning Cloak spat Sunny out, throwing him hard against the ground. Sunny didn't expect this but managed to do a roll and land decently on his hooves. Not his most graceful landing but better then hitting the ground flat. "You discusting thing! You fowl creature! You abomination!" The serpent hisses as it dissolved into more smoke and shadow, the glowing yellow, reptilian like eyes grew wide across the wall and shifted, circling Sunny. "I should have disposed of you when I had the chance! It would have been so easy to! You fithly little pest!" "The umbrum are free, isn't hat what you wanted?" Sunny asked as he struggled to follow the cold reptilian eyes as they circled around him, projected on the prisons walls. "Those THINGS out there are useless to me now! You ruined them!" Mourning's voice seemed to echo from all around Sunny. "What's wrong with them living without having to feed off others?" Sunny asked, wincing still from the loud echo of Mourning Cloak's voice. "They're happy! They can go out and live peacefully with others? Have dreams? Goals? Make friends?" "Mimicking the disgusting look of those 'ponies'" Mourning spat the word out. "Is that your plan? To make them all ponies? Is that how they became acceptable to you?" "They can change their shape at will if they wanted" Sunny explained. "Its just a little easier to move around this way, is all. And now they can use their talents of detecting fear to help others! To save them from bad situations, to reasure them when they can't" "You ruined them!" Mourning hissed again, cutting Sunny off. Mourning Cloak's eyes stopped moving and seemed go grow out of the wall. "Now I'll have to start all over again! I'll create NEW umbrum! Yes, that's it! New Umbrum! More fierce ones! And I'll teach them to obey me without quesgion!" "Your family is still up there" Sunny pleaded to his paternal grandmother, his voice softening. "You still have a chance to…go out there and make things right." Sunny had paused in his speech. It was as if he had just swallowed a shovel full of ice cubes. He could normally see the good in others, see that there was some hope, some light in them that twinkled, that only needed a hoof to help lift it up. But as he extended a hoof of friendship to Mourning Cloak, for the first time in his life, Sunny felt no hope for her. No inner light. Only vicious darkness shifting inside her, looking for a way to strike out, to twist and manipulate others to do her will. It made Sunny sick to realize there was actually some creature like that. "I don't care about your 'family' or 'second chances'" Mourning Cloak practically gagged on the words. "Those foals up there have turned their back on me! On their queen! I gave them life and this is how they repay me? They owe me their lives! But you ruined them! They are nothing to me! Useless! Every one of them!" "What about Sombra?" Sunny spoke his father's name softly while holding a look at Mourning Cloak's eyes. "He's your son. Don't you-" "You pathetic half breed!" Mourning spat out. "He was less to the then those other fools! He was just a pawn! I was pulling his strings from the moment he saw me in the arctic! But whats worse, he made YOU! A disgusting, fowl, hiddious-" "Ok, OK, I get it" Sunny interrupted her this time. "I know my mane is a mess and I should comb it more often. But It's just going to get messy again. I work on a farm. We work outsidenin yhe dirt. What do you expect?" Mourning didn't laugh at his joke, only seethed in her anger for a moment before speaking in a colder tone. "Make all the jokes you want. I'm going to go and find the sacred crystals, recreate a new army of umbrum, then, I'll lead them to concure this world." "We'll stop you" Sunny's expression hardned as his tone blazed. "You'll never win." "Oh, I think I will" Mourning's tone grew more playful as she took her alicorn like form once more, seeming to emerge from the cave wall. Only, appearing several times her normal size, more buff, and with snakes for her waving mane and tail. Purple flames not only came out of the corners of her eyes, but the corners of her mouth and nostrils as well. A long snake like tounge flickered out of her mouth that had grown razor sharp teeth as long as chefs knives. Smaller reptilian like eyes popped up all around her body, all looking around as if trying to locate their prey. "But first, I going to rip you to shreads and leave what's left to rot down here, for the next 1000 years!" The most foul stench filled the air, one unlike Sunny or anypony in Equestria would ever have experienced, followed quickly by a physical pain that wept over him that was both icy cold and burning. Sunny winced, but forced himself to keep eye contact with the monster Morning Cloak had become. Something deep inside him told him he had to keep eye contact with her, otherwise it would all be over for him. Then something else struck him. Something deep inside. It felt as if invisible snakes had appeared inside his own body and were slithering around. One coiling up in his throat, making it hard for Sunny to breath, and another around his heart, striking immediate panic in him. His hooves couldn't move, his body felt weak with all the elements seeming to work against him. But Sunny never broke eye contact with the monstrous creature infront of him. Gathering what little breath he could, forcing his eyes open, head held high, Sunny barked as loud as he could at Mourning Cloak "I'm. Not. Afraid. Of. You!" The monstrous Mourning Cloak hissed, aided by the many snakes her mane had become, flames from her eyes, mouth, and nose flared. "You arrogant little foal! Even in the face of your demise, you-" "I'm. Not. Afraid. Of. You!" Sunny interrupted Mourning Cloak, finding the strength to speak louder then before, pushing out his chest, eyes now open up wide.  "Ignorant foal! I don't care if you-" Mourning Cloak hissed again, but was cut off once more. Taking a step closer towards the giant monster, Sunny continued his chant, growing stronger every time he said it. "I'm. Not. Afraid. Of. You! I'm. Not. Afraid. Of. You!" "Say it all you like! You won't-" Mourning Cloak started to spit, but was cut off again. "I AM NOT AFRAID OF YOU!" This time, Sunny's royal canterlot voice kicked in. He was no longer being restricted by fear of any kind. Mourning Cloak quickly realized the fear enhancing spells she sneakily cast, had been broken, overpowered by Sunny's cheer force of will. His words began echoing off the walls, making it seem like an entire herd of Sunny Knights were all yelling at her from every corner of the room. "Stop it! Be quiet, you fool! You discusting-" Mourning Cloak's monstrous form began to shrink. The flames in her eyes, nose and mouth flickered away, the snakes that made up her mane and tail shriveled and became limp like old sea weed. Her entire body began to shrink and lose its monstrous shape as Sunny kept advancing towards her, still chanting his mantra. "I AM NOT AFRAID OF YOU!" Sunny bellowed several more times, holding his head up high, his eyes narrowed on the creature that was shivering before him. Once Mourning Cloak was reduced to a shriveled up old mare, no bigger then Pappy was, Sunny stopped his assault. Mourning Cloak's body was half way between what the umbrum used to look like and an elderly pony mare much like Granny Smith or the now Princess Amore. She had a small belly, but long, thin limbs with the thickest parts being her knees and hooves. Her mane still resembled seaweed that washed up on the shore, which hid most of her muzzle. But if anypony were to push it aside, they would have seen a hidious horse like face, lips pulled back to reveal broken, rotted teeth, sunken, glowing yellow eyes, and a sunken nose like a skull. Her once large, terrifying wings that filled the room were shriveled and crumpled to her back, like a pair of dehydrated Apple slices. Her body no longer flowed and moved like it was made of shadow and smoke. She was a solid being unable to use her umbrum powers to flea or attack. "You…" her voice sounded so much older, so much weaker, but it still carried the snarling hatred in it. "A thing like you… so disgusting… filth… abomination… I was meant to rule…I was meant to rule…" "Its over" Sunny told her, looking down on what she truly was. "You have a choice: you can come with me, and we can work on you being part of this family, or you can go away. It won't be easy. You have alot to make up for, and I won't lie. I don't see an ounce of goodness in you. But, that doesn't mean I won't offer it to you…" Sunny kneeled down so he was eye level with his paternal grandmother. He caught a glimpse of a glowing yellow eye peeking out from her seaweed mane. Extending a hoof, Sunny told her in a more gentle tone as he softened his expression "will you come with me? Be a part of our family?" The glowing eye looked at Sunny's hoof for a moment then back up into Sunny's muzzle, which was trying to appear far friendlier then anypony or anything had to Mourning Cloak. For a moment, Sunny swore she was thinking about it, weighing her options. Really considering it. But that was a very, very short moment. "I will end you!" Mourning Cloak hissed again, lunging at Sunny with all her might, ready to rip him to pieces with her weak hooves and rotten teeth if that was all she had. Blinded by rage, she didn't care how she did it, she just wanted to attack and harm him with all her might. But before Sunny could react, several black chains came from the darkness and wrapped around her limbs, neck, and mouth, making sure to allow her to scream, but not to bite. The chains were darker then the darkest shadow that Sunny had ever seen, and if possible they seemed to be pulsing and shifting as they settled and wrapped tightly around Mourning Cloak's body, as if they were alive. "Tsk Tsk Tsk Tsk Tsk. Now, that's now way to show you love somepony" a slick, haunting voice spoke up. A grey cloaked figure seemed to step out of thin air, a large, grey scythe in one hoof, slung over his shoulder. When he turned to the side, the figure reveiled his muzzle. He was a grey pony with pitch black sclera, and glowing yellow irises that pierced the darkness. "Course, I'm not really one to talk. But either way, you're coming with me, miss…" The grey stallion stomped his hooves, ordering the chains to wrap all around Mourning Cloak, their ends stuck into the ground. They then began dragging a screaming and struggling Mourning Cloak into a swirling black pit that opened up underneath her. The last sight Sunny saw of his paternal grandmother was an enraged look on he muzzle as she faught to bite through her restrains with her rotten teeth. Once the top of her head was dipped below the surface of the abyss pit, her screams vanished. "She belongs to the abyss now" the cloaked, grey stallion chuckled, twirling his scythe around, it laning on the ground. He then used it to prop himself up like it was a cane as he shot a wicked and terrifying smile at Sunny. "So. This is our first and only meeting. Probably. I doubt we'll ever meet again. Or if we do, you won't remember me." "Who… are you?" Sunny asked the eerie cloaked pony. "Do I… know you?" "I'm tails, and you, Mr.Popular, you are heads. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a nasty old Granny to subject Saturday morning cartoons to. I plan to give her false hope and tell her I'll only do this for 1000 years. But between you and me, that's a lie. I'll start her off with the pilot episode and restart it once we finished with gen 4 season 9. Ha! It will drive her crazy!" Still very confused, Sunny opened his mouth to ask what he meant by all of that when another blacker then black chain popped up out of the abyss pit. The cloaked stallion grabbed hold of it with his free hoof, the other flung his scythe over his shoulder. The chain slowly began to lower the cloaked pony into the abyss.  "Wait! Who are you!?" Sunny ran up to the edge of the pit, but something deep inside of him told him not to go any closer. The cloaked pony chuckled as his torso was slowly engulfed by the pit of the abyss. "Tell Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash that Cynical Storm is still out there. And he says hi…" The name sounded familiar, but before Sunny could ask anything else, the cloaked pony was gone, and the pit into the abyss closed. ************* Deeper and far more vast then the cells in Tartarus is the void known as the abyss. Reserved for creatures beyond redemption, a fate worse then being turned to stone and smashed into a million pieces. There are few creatures that are unfortunate enough to call this place home, even if such a warm word could be used to describe a horrible fate. It is endless darkness where one loses one's self in the sheer emptiness. All feelings of touch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight are numbed to the point that they no longer exist. All that exists is one's own mind, and sometimes not even that.  "Welcome to your new home" Cynical's voice echoed in Mourning Cloak's head, giving her the indication that she still did existed. "I'll be your host, tour guide, and only friend. And as such, I'll show you why friendship is magic. But to do that, I have to go all the way back to the beginning…" Infront of Mourning Cloak bright colors began to flash, causing her emmence pain at first. She couldn't blink or look away or even scream. All she could do was let her eyes adjust to the bright images infront of her. There was a gentle, up beat melody, giggling, the image of a rainbow, followed by some odd looking pegasus ponies flying around it. The pegasus ponies laughed and twirled as they slid down the rainbow that fed into a waterfall. The image zoomed out back to the rainbow where the words 'My Little Pony' appeared in bold white letters above it, and a theme song started as the direction of the image began to slowly zoom onto a pink and blue castle. "My Little Pony, my little pony, isn't the world a lovely place…" If she could scream and turn her head away, Mourning Cloak would have. But for crimes against their world, the forces that controlled the world of the abyss have removed such abilities of hers. For the rest of her existence, the creature that went by the name of Mourning Cloak will watch every episode of my little pony, starting with the pilot episode, including gen 3.5, 4.5, all the equestria girls shorts and all their alternate ending episodes and even that last terrible Equestria girls movie that was exclusively on Netflix. When she would reach the end of it, the pilot would all play again and she would watch every episode again, and again, and again. "Maybe in 1000 years, we'll give you another chance to be a good pony" Cynical chuckled in what would be Mourning Cloak's ear if she still had ears. But as he told Sunny, that was a lie. He himself might stick around and keep an eye on her until then, or he might go off somewhere else. Either way, he was free to choose his fate now. ******** Still a little shocked by what he saw, Sunny was knocked back into reality when something hit his head. Looking up, he saw the microphone Discord used earlier, grabbed it, and gave it a good tug. While holding onto it, Sunny was pulled up and out of the Umbrum prison and lifted into the light with speed that could have matched Rainbow Dash's. Before he could blink, Sunny was floating above the mouth of the tunnel that fed into the umbrum prison. The prison closed permanently behind him, no longer serving a purpose, and disappeared beneath his hoves. Once his hooves touched the ground, Sunny was tackled by an orange blur. From the tight squeeze and the kiss that followed, Sunny quickly identified the blur as being Applejack. "You were amazing, Sugar cube!" Applejack told him, lighting up on her hug a little. "What do you mean?" Sunny was confused by what Applejack said. "We had a fly on the wall" Discord swung a microphone around by its cord before catching it in his paw. The same microphone that had traveled down and was present and picking up everything Sunny and Mourning Cloak said to one another. After tapping on the microphone and creating a loud screech that caused every creature around to wince, Discord chuckled and spoke lightly into it. The sound amplified loud enough to carry for almost a mile "We heard everything you two said!" Fluttershy flew up to Discord, put her hoof on the microphone, and lowered it away from his mouth. Every creature was greatful for that. "You displayed great courage and mercy" Sunny's father stated as he approached him. Sombra was still not wearing a single piece of armor or royal clothing, his mane slicked back as it had been most of Sunny's early life, his eyes returned to the same shade of emerald green as Sunny's. "And that is saying something, given who your enemy was" Sunny's mother who was standing next to Sombra had stated with a smug smile. "You handled her better then I would have." Applejack let Sunny go so he could approach his patents. He nervously looked back and forth between the two for several moments before asking "are you two… ok now?" The quesgion shocked both Celestia and Sombra. The couple paused, looked away, then back at at one another nervously, unsure of what to say. "I… have alot to make up for" Sombra spoke up, a forlorn expression on his muzzle. "I don't expect-" "You can have all the time in the world" Celestia interrupted him, her tone firm, but not hard as if she was scolding him. Sombra looked on her with a questioning expression, not fully understanding the atmosphere Celestia was putting off with that statment and tone. It wasn't until she cracked a smile that Sombra began to relax. "And I will be there with you, by your side, to help you through it. But there's  something you have to do first." Sombra was relaxed and relieved at Celestia's bold statment, making him feel hopeful that there was a light at the end of this tunnel. But now he was wondering what he first needed to do for his beloved. "What must I do?" Celestia flashed a relaxed, confident smirk and held out her hoof. "Four words. I've been waiting a long time to hear four specific words." Sombra knew instantly what Celestia was asking, and would want nothing more then to tell her those words. He hesitated only for a second to consider all he had done. But when he looked back into Celestia's caring eyes, he knew she forgave him for all the mistakes of the past and wanted their life togeather to begin a new.  But right as Sombra took a knee, grasping Celestia's extended hoof in his, a familiar and slightly cranky voice broke the intense atmosphere. "Wait one moment!" A second later, the elderly princess Amore wobbled out from the crowd, taking a few deep breaths and paused a moment to regain her composure. The muscular blue umbrum from earlier appeared at her side and held out one of his front legs for Amore to hold onto. He whispered something to her, which caused her to smile. And togearher, the both of them approached Celestia and Sombra at a regal and relaxed pace. As they walked, it seemed some sort of magical osmosis was taking place. Amore began to regress in age as the muscular blue stallion aged slightly, until they both appeared to be just slightly older then Sombra and Celestia by a decade and a half. It wasn't until the two of them were a few feet away from Celestia and Sombra that Sombra spoke the blue umbrum's name under his breath, looking completly shocked. "Pappy!?" "Quiet now, boy" the slightly elderly Pappy smirked but spoke with greater authority then anypony ever heard him use before. "The princess speaks." Speaking loudly enough for everypony to hear, the now slightly old princess Amore adressed Sombra. "Captain Sombra, I here by relieve you of your duty as King of the Crystal Empire. I would like to declare that although you have made a worse mess of things then anypony in recorded history of being a temporary ruler, I am the one to blame for all of this. I knew about you, and Pappy and the umbrum, and I deleted with the situation as I saw fit. Which turned out to be the wrong way. I payed for it with your mother. But you had to pay a price too. And for that, I am very sorry." Sombra and Celestia were at a loss for words.  "NOW, you may say those four words" Amore smiled at Sombra and nodded for him to continue.  Clearing his throat once again, Sombra took a knee and Held Celestia's hoof in his once more. Looking up at her with his glistening green eyes, Sombra asked four words that he and Celestia had been waiting over 1000 years for him to ask. "Princess Celestia, my morning sun, will you marry me, and make me the happiest stallion in Equestria?" Tears began to fall from Celestia's eyes as her smile grew wider then it ever had in her whole life. "Sombra, my knight in shinning armor, I do." Having waited for over 1000 years, the two lovers could wait no longer. Gazing into eachothers eyes, Celestia knew the stallion of her dreams had returned to her. He closed the gap between them, their eyes closed and shut out the rest of the world. The only thing in their minds was the gentle touch of eachother's lips. As they shared the kiss that waited over 1000 years, they could feel the rapid pulse of eachother's hearts, the heat off eachother's bodies. Nothing had ever felt more right to them. They felt as if they had found their home in eachother once again, and this time, they would never let it go. All around, creatures cheered, some like Rarity, Fluttershy, Princess Cadence, Princess Luna, Rosewood, and even the Masked Matter-Horn cried tears of joy at the sight of the hapoy couple. Even the seemingly emotionless Daleks that Pinkie and Derpy managed to turn into friends now cheered in their screaming voices for the two love birds.  "Ah, young love" Pappy muttered as Amore rejoined him, locking her hoof around his. "Love only gets better with age" Amore stated as she kissed Pappy on the cheek, turning his blue coat bright red as a smile flashed across his face. Smiling at the sight of his parents finally togeather after all this time, Sunny almost didn't notice a certain orange farm mare nudge him a little. "So, is this th' happy ending ya always wanted?" Thinking it over for a moment, Sunny turned to Applejack, kissed her passionately on the lips for a moment, taking her by suprise. After a moment of holding the kiss, Sunny released her and told her "this is just the beginning. Hope yer in fer ah wild ride." Unable to shake the smile off her muzzle from the kiss, Applejack readjusted her stetson and told Sunny "you keep that up an' ah'll need ta hold on to this bull with both hooves." The next kiss Applejack and Sunny shared was a little more gentle and drawn out. Sunny ran one hoof through Applejack's mane and Applejack caressed Sunny's strong jaw. They had no idea how long their kiss lasted. But a certain pink pony who had yet to find her own special somepony popped up and made a rather unnecessary statment which redirected the three couples who were lost in the hooves of their partners.  "Hey, wait a candy picking minute!" Pinkie abruptly stated "he said more then just four words! He said like… 17 words! I mean if you-" But before Pinkie could say anything more to spoil the moment, she was surrounded by a blue magical aura and floated away to the aura's owner, Rarity, who looked rather annoyed at Pinkie's interruption. After putting Pinkie down beside her, Rarity's expression became a strained and embarrassed smile as she told the three couples "Please, do continue. Don't let us bother you." Everypony laughed lightly before returning to embrace their better halves. The 1000 year nightmare had ended not long ago, now was the time for dreams to come true.