Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1)

by Barrobroadcaster

Final: Into The Valley

The army of Equestria rode to the valley. Their journey took them north from Ponyville, through and over the Harmony Mountains of Canterlot. The trains went through the tunnels, long and dark and quiet were the rides. The pegasi, griffons, aircraft and airships flew, engines and wings powering through a mostly clear early afternoon sky. The sun and wind were at their backs. None spoke a word until they arrived.

They did not know what they would face in the journey to Prosperity. Some of them did not even know Dan and Chrys were not among them. They all knew that Dan had called upon them, to help him this one time, a last effort before Equestria was truly free from the burden of Vice Grip. A last effort, a last defiance, a final battle. The last act of retribution, the final revenge.

The train tracks ended at the edge of the forest surrounding Harmony Mountain's base. Still unfinished, they were meant to cross the valley and enter the Emerald Plains, the new frontier of Equestria and its newest territories. A new kingdom waiting to take its first breath, waiting for the first settlers to break the ground. A reward almost too tempting for this final effort, Twilight thought. One that, if they failed, they would never see. The tracks would remain unfinished, leading only to yet another unfounded dream.

"It's kinda funny. I never imagined actually having to wear something like this," Phoenix said, donning his armor. It was a suit of samurai armor, similar to that worn by the Steel Samurai: Warrior of Neo-Olde Tokyo. But this armor was colored purple, white and gold- the colors of Equestria. And his bracer was in the shape of his Equestrian attorney's badge.

"It looks good on you, Nick," Twilight assured him.

Phoenix grinned. Thumbing the hilt, he looked at his weapon. "You know, I'm not a sword expert but I'm pretty sure this isn't a katana."

Spike shrugged. "The armor's nice, at least. Rarity did a good job with that, but the sword we kinda had to guess on."

"It'll do the job," Phoenix said. He didn't know how he would be using it, but he had a pretty good idea. Whatever fear any of them felt, any private or shared concerns, worries, apprehension, thoughts of an uncertain future, all were behind a wall of resolve. A wall, a mountain of it that would not be broken in the hearts or minds of any of them that day, the Royalist Forces of Equestria. That day, they were all Equestrian.

They disembarked the train, ready for battle.

Miles away, in the distance was the base of the Prosperity Mountains. A large mountain range, longer than the Harmony Mountains, the land was part of the zone established as a barrier between the Kingdom of Equestria and the Zebra Nations of the jungles that dominated the north. To the east was the Everfree Forest which stretched north from the mountains to the desert of the north-east and mountain goat country and to the west were bogs, swamps and rivers that crisscrossed the gorges all the way to the borders of the Crystal Empire in the north-west. To the far north-west was the Griffon Kingdom, and further west still were the Domains of Dragons and Dinosaurs, a group of volcanic islands.

The geography lesson is free.

Prosperity itself was a volcanic mountain, long since dead, but the paths carved from the lava flow stretched down around it. The mountain was large, conical at the top with a sharp, jagged peak that seemed to pierce the sky. Its cliff faces were jagged and dry, devoid of plant life because of the sheer amount of rock. Green trees surrounded its base, but stopped several dozen meters before it, as if a barrier around the mountain prevented seeds from taking purchase of this hallowed ground. Finally, a jewel mine had been dug by ancient earth ponies into the mountain, its knowledge lost to time. But not lost to everyone.

"Your highness," Captain Springer swooped down from above and saluted. "Recon's reporting in, ma'am."

"Good work, captain. What have the scouts found?"

"Ma'am, no sign of Vice Grip or the Director. But a large enemy force is surrounding Prosperity Mountain. We believe their intentions are hostile."

"Enemy force?" Spike asked. He squinted his eyes, looking ahead at the mountain. "But I don't see anything."

"Are they hiding in the trees?" Phoenix asked.

Twilight glared at the view. "No, they're right in front of us." She stepped forward, her horn glowing. The fabric of the view in front of them ripped right down the middle, and two large pieces were torn off. Twilight tore the facade down, revealing it all to be a giant curtain. Behind it was the reveal Prosperity Mountain, and the sky was much darker behind it. Also, the sun didn't have a smiley face like it did in the facade.

"It's probably too late for us to just hang that thing back up, turn around and go home."

Twilight shook her head. "It figures. It's just like Cleo to pull out one last joke in the middle of all of this."

"Oh," Spike said. He tugged at an invisible collar. "That's a... kind-of a lot of guys."

"Form ranks!" Twilight ordered. "Ready all shield and assault spells! Prepare for combat, everypony!"

Around the forest of Prosperity's base was another ring, a ring of enemy forces. Shiny, silvery robotic soldiers, dark shadow warriors, armored vehicles, ferocious beasts and towers, defensive emplacements rung around Prosperity Mountain. It was a fortress surrounded by an army.

There were no final speeches, no last-minute pep talks. No effort made to negotiate with the clearly-hostile enemy. The volunteers, guards, ponies and others formed into their divisions. The Equestrian tanks, the battle wagons, were first. They lined up in front of the infantry, to shield them as they marched. The unicorns and sorcerers were at the back of the formation, producing a unified shield. Most of the shield's energy would be directed above.

Twilight looked at them all. They were ready, so was she.

"Open fire!"

No mercy.


No retreat.


All or nothing.

Phoenix jumped on a tank and raised his sword. "CHAAAAAAAAAARGE!"

For revenge.