//------------------------------// // Chapter 232 - Boat Ride on the Riverbend // Story: Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) // by CrazedLaughter //------------------------------// You didn’t know if you were asleep or awake. There was a bright light over you, the sound of beeping invading your ears. “Nurse, towels.” Said a voice, it sounded familiar. But, was it a doctor? You couldn’t tell. “Towels!” Shouted a soft, very soft, familiar voice. What? “Alright, these will be useful to place right here, around this hot plate of muffins. Hmmm, hmmm, alright. Now, nurse, chisel, if you don’t mind.” The voice was becoming more familiar. What kind of doctor asks for a chisel? “Discord! You don’t think that’s going to scare him?! You said him waking up to this would make him smile. How is a chisel supposed to do that?!” Shouted the soft voice… Fluttershy? “Ahrm, erm, well, what I actually meant is that it helps me smile and… Hmmm… Alright, alright, hand me the sponge.” Said the posh voice. “That’s better. But, he isn’t waking up, are you sure we shouldn’t have sent him to a real hospital? Y-you said this was nothing to worry about.” Said the soft voice, which had to be Fluttershy as it was filled with worry. “A hospital? Nonsense. All we have to do is absorb the blackness of the eye through the sponge like ink, like so, and then…” Suddenly, Discord’s voice came booming like it was from a megaphone. “ANON! RISE AND SHINE!” “FASSDFDHSGFDHGF” You jumped out of the hospital bed in fright as you found yourself grasping onto the first thing you could, which was Discord’s face. Discord chuckled, plucked your shaking form from his face, and presented you to Fluttershy, who was garbed in pink scrubs and a face mask. “And as you can see, the operation was a rousing success. Please, hold your applause and-” But Discord is interrupted as Fluttershy steals you away from him and snuggles you softly, surprising him. “Anon! My poor Anon! I was so worried, I didn’t know if you were ever going to wake up! Discord! That was very cruel! Apologize, right now!” Fluttershy demanded. "But he's been through wo-..." Discord almost looked like he was about to protest, but he easily relented and sighed. “I apologize, Anon. I suppose I should have been a little more delicate. But in my defense, I wasn’t the one who gave him the black eye in the first place.” “It doesn’t matter, Discord. He’s shaking! Oh, Anon, are you okay? Say something!” Fluttershy begged as she cradled you. “Da-Ah…” Relax, Anon, you’re in Fluttershy’s presence. And all in all, you knew at this point that Discord never means any harm. But were you really at the hospital? Again? Geez… “I’m fine. Aunt Fluttershy, I’m alright. But what happened? Where am I? Why are you in scrubs?” You could see nothing beyond the bed you were on, as everything was covered in curtains. “I was helping your father clear up that nasty black eye and bring you back to health after Ocellus accidentally knocked you out. Oh, Anon, I was so worried. I don’t know why, but it is scary to know you always get hurt, even when it isn’t your fault.” Fluttershy said in a small whine as she gave you another hug. Wut? Ugh, you remember now. Ocellus, she used your horn. She summoned a giant tear drop that slugged you in the face. “I-it’s fine. U-uhm, so where are we exactly? What happened to Ocellus?” “I’m here!” Said Ocellus from behind the curtains. “Anon! I’m sorry! I’m really sorry! I didn’t know that was going to happen! I’ve seen you use the horn so many times before, I thought it was easy to use!” “Hmph, 'easy to use'. Chaos, my dear, is not something you can simply ‘use’.  Unlike harmony, chaos is a force of nature that can’t be controlled by the likes of you. Just ask Starlight, she can tell you.” Discord scoffed as he snapped away his own scrubs. “Oh, right, I remember. How’s that working out for you, Discord? Because that was so totally my fault, right? Never mind the fact that you just so happened to appear right when your clone was about to-” But before Starlight could finish her sarcastic and revealing remark from behind the curtain, Discord hurriedly shushed her. “Alright! Alright! Fine, I was wrong. Starlight gets it, I suppose. Ahrm, anyway, as you can see, Anon is quite alright. Isn’t that right, Anon?” Discord asked as he gave you a gentle pat. “Uh, yeah… I am, really. Thanks, everypony.  Uh…” Shit, that’s right, you also remembered Ocellus's rage. Did she tell your secret? No, you remember her apologizing. And she still was. “Right, uh, Ocellus? Um, yeah, don’t worry about the whole eye thing. I think I deserved it? We’re cool, right?” “Anon!” Ocellus shouted apologetically. “You didn’t deserve that! I had no right to be so angr-” But then, all of a sudden, Starlight interrupted her. “No, no, Ocellus. Just take it as it is. Trust me, it isn’t very often you get Anon to admit he deserved it.” Starlight whispered to her. “O-oh, erm, okay? W-well, I’m still sorry! Professor Fluttershy, I really mean it. If you want to be mad at me, that’s okay! What I did was wrong and I shouldn’t have done that!” Ocellus said “I-it’s alright, Ocellus. From what Starlight told me, it was just an accident. Anon gets very enthusiastic about everything. I think it’s encouraging, but he has to be careful. Anon, is your eye okay, really?” Fluttershy asked worryingly. It didn't seem to be hurting. You nodded, your mind waking up to the entire situation. Seems Ocellus didn’t tell Fluttershy your secret after all. “Yeah, I’m alright. I… The horn! What happened to my horn?!” Shit! You remember Ocellus had it and… Did she still have it? No, Discord just chuckles and points to it. It was around your neck, safe and sound. “Relax, Anon, it’s right where it needs to be. And no, I won’t penalize you for such a foolish mistake. Actually…” Discord began to stroke his beard as he went into deep thought. “All this excitement and liquidy pugilism has been too much on my little colt, wouldn’t you say? Fluttershy, I’d like to make a proposal. Actually, not a proposal, an idea. I think we should just spend the rest of the day relaxing. Just me, you, and Anon. What do you say? I promise, no tricks, no traps, just something that I promise we all can enjoy. What do you say?” Fluttershy looked up at Discord. She didn’t need to study him to see that he was actually serious in his words. She knew that, due to his nature, he could change his mind on a whim. But for now, she knew it’d at least start out that way, and she felt she’d be able to keep it as such. She just wanted everything to just calm down so she didn’t have to worry anymore. So you didn’t have to. So she nodded. “Discord, I’d like that very much. And I know you mean it. Anon, I know usually I’d let you decide. But as your aunt, I’m telling you that you can’t say no… Erm, is that okay?” Dammit, Fluttershy. Why did she have to ask that? If she wanted to lay down some authority, then yes, you’ll take it as such. You nodded to her. “Y-yeah, a little relaxation sounds pretty great. Hey, Ocellus, you should probably go back and hang out with everycreature too, okay? I bet they're worried about you, y’know?” “Oh no! I forgot that I just flew out on Yona! Right! That sounds okay! B-bye! I have to get back! Thank you for reminding me, Anon!” Ocellus said as you heard her wings buzz as she flew off. Welp, seems you're back in her good graces again. Good, because you don’t think you could take her flip flopping anymore. Sure, it was warranted, but if you were going to prove you were going to better yourself, you needed a chance to show it. “Wait! Discord, Fluttershy! Can I actually have a word with Anon for a moment? I kinda need to talk to him about last night.” Starlight asked. Seems she still wanted to talk about that illusion you saw.  “Starlight, I don’t mean to sound mean or rude, and I know you’re the school’s counselor, but Anon needs rest, not reminders of something traumatizing.” Fluttershy said as nicely as she could. “Please, I don’t want him to think about it anymore, it’s done.” “Ngh, b-but…” Starlight poked her head through the curtains, showing that you were back in the cutie map room when you saw beyond it. “It’s actually something that’s very important! I think-” But then Discord interrupted her, quite literally, as he snapped her away someplace with a teleport. Discord then turned to Fluttershy, actually hoping for her approval. “I hope that wasn’t going too far, but she was getting annoying. All that prattling on about last night and such. I may have not been there, but we all know there isn’t a tree spirit. I’d think I’d have known. And since I don’t know, but do know there’s nothing to know, then I had to tell her in my own way… No. As in, well, you know.” Discord said with a lackadaisical grin, shrugging. Fluttershy nodded. “I’m not mad, Discord, I actually agree with you. She should know it can be very traumatizing to bring up the past like that when it is still fresh on a foal’s mind. Anon, I don’t want you to worry about that, alright? I want you to focus on being the best colt you can be! Just like always!” Fluttershy said as she planted a little kiss on your forehead. …That spirit. You could understand why Starlight felt it was urgent to talk about it. It was clear she believed it was real. You were still on the fence about it. It knew too much about you, but certainly didn’t act very harmonic or understanding. Nobody else knew about it, even Celestia didn’t seem to believe it, as she would have said something about it by now. You almost wanted to agree with Starlight. But, no, Discord and Fluttershy were actually right about this, you needed to rest, you needed to get back on track on making things better. “And don’t worry, Aunt Fluttershy, I will be the best colt I should be. So, Dad, what did you have in mind?” “Well, that’s easy, actually. You see, the uneducated would have you believe relaxing on a boat on the river would be relaxing. And as it turns out…” Discord snapped his talons. In a flash, you, Fluttershy, and Discord appear on a long and steady white boat. At the bow of the boat was a small statuette of Discord’s head looking forward, and the stern somehow expanded to fit a small table  with steaming hot hayburgers sitting on a plate. The shape of the boat expanding as a larger square at the stern side was impossible, if it wasn’t for the fact it was Discord. While you and Fluttershy appeared at the bow of the ship, Discord appeared at the stern, flipping another hay burger as he zapped it with magic, instantly grilling it as it fell on the plate. “...They’d be right. Welcome to the S.S. Enterprise. Our mission? To just relax and have some hayburgers.” Discord then looked at you with a huge grin and said. “And I certainly hope nopony finds the name inadequate. No rolling of the eyes and such, I worked very very hard on making sure this all works.” Fluttershy was still looking around until Discord caught her attention. She then grinned rather warmly, very happy to see everything already was working out. “Discord, no! Of course I wouldn’t have a problem with it. It sounds like you’re working very hard to make it work. So, I’m with you all the way.” Fluttershy then looked at you with a softer and caring smile. “Anon, isn’t this fun! We’re on a boat ride. And look around, nothing but trees, and sun, and the river slowly taking us forward. I bet you feel relaxed already.” Dammit, Discord. A clever yet annoying double entendre. You couldn’t be mad at him, it was pretty damn good. You sighed, and took in the fresh air, looking around and noticing how quiet it all was. Discord himself, just noticing how pleased you actually were, leaned back at the very stern of the ship, sat down, brought out a banjo, and slowly began to play. The music was slow, yet happy. A docile tone that was rather relaxing indeed. It made the atmosphere perfect. You looked to Fluttershy, and nodded. “I do. This is actually really nice. Are the hayburgers for us, Dad?” Discord slowly nodded as he continued to play. “That’ser right, Anon. Some regular ole’ hayburgers fur y’all.”  Discord said in an exaggerated hillbilly accent “Oh, they look very tasty.” Fluttershy commented. She gave you a pat and grabbed a burger not only for herself, but for you as well. “Considering this is family time, I don’t care how many you eat, Anon. Here, I brought you one.” “Thank you, Aunt Fluttershy. It really smells good!” It did, you couldn’t wait to take a bite. Hell, you just took it and sunk your teeth into it. If it was one thing you could count on from Discord, it was his cooking, no matter how odd it was. Fluttershy giggled happily, loving how smoothly things were already going. “I’m so glad we’re all here. In fact, this reminds me of a story. Anon, did I ever tell you the story about how me and my friends donned the persona of the…” Fluttershy did her best to sound all grand and mysterious, only coming out as cute. “Mare-Do-Well?” “Wasn’t that to teach Rainbow Dash a lesson?” You remembered that episode. It was a season two episode if you remembered correctly. Fluttershy suddenly frowned for a moment, she seemed disappointed. “O-oh, you heard about that already. I sometimes forget that you’ve heard so many stories about us, um, me and my friends I mean.” Ah, dammit! You should have said no! She seemed to have been excited to tell that story. “E-erm, yeah. Um…” Discord stops playing as he looks over to you, a little annoyed. Then floats towards and above Fluttershy, as he starts to suddenly look over some flash cards in his paw. “Hmm, well from the stories you told me, why don’t you tell him about the time you took over Rarity’s boutique? I loved that story, just knowing how chaotic your personality can be was so intriguing. Though, of course, I’m glad none of that is really who you are. Classic Fluttershy will always be best.” He says as he tosses the cards into a void. Were those all story notes Fluttershy had told him? Damn, he actually does care about everything she tells him, even taking notes just in case he forgets. Also, what? You don’t remember any episode like that. “I… Don’t remember that ep-erm, uh, story. What does Dad mean by ‘chaotic personality’?” Fluttershy blushed in embarrassment as she tapped her wing tips together. “W-well, it is kind of an interesting story. But, I don’t know, it isn’t a very exciting story…” Anything that has to do with ‘chaotic personality’ within Fluttershy was goddamn interesting. You had to know, if only to cheer her up by showing genuine interest. “N-no! I really wanna know! Tell me everything, Aunt Fluttershy!” “Yes, please!” Discord said as he sat intently next to you, awaiting the story. “You know I always love hearing stories from you, Fluttershy. Even the ones I’ve already heard.” “Welllll….” Fluttershy was slowly overcoming her own embarrassment. Then, with a look of determination, she nodded. “Alright! Well, it all starts in Manehatten and…” And so, Fluttershy recapped an episode you were never there to see, ‘Fake it til’ you make it’. Where she details how she tried to be the best mare for the job by becoming three different personas: A bitch, a goth bitch, and a hipster bitch.  And as she told you the story, it surprised you that not only was she somehow able to play these personas so well, to the point they sounded like split personalities, but also… GODDAMMIT ANON! WHY DID THE GOTH VERSION OF HER SOUND HOT?!  NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! OH GOD. YOU COULD SEE THE OTHERS FLOODING YOUR MIND. GOTH PONK, GOTH RARITY, GOTH DASSSH. OH NO... NO... GOTH TWILIGHTTTTTTT, SHE SOUNDS HOT, AND SHE WASN'T EVEN MENTIONED! NOOO, IT WAS GETTING TO BE TOO MUCH! YOU DON'T EVEN LIKE TWILIGHT THAT MUCH! “...But in the end, I learned that just being myself was all I needed to be to do the job. And that’s the story. Oh, what did everypony think!” Fluttershy said as she concluded her story. Discord applauded as he gave his talons the chef’s kiss. “Magnificent! Truly a story for the ages, as always! Anon, what did you think?” GAH! GOTH TWILIGHT! READING A NECRONOMICON SEXILY! WITH TENTACLES! GYAAAAHHH! TOO HOT! GET IT OUT! GET IT OUT! YOU COULD FEEL YOUR BODY HEATING UP! YOU COULD FEEL IT…GROWING! IF SHE SAW IT, IF SHE… “GYAH! IT WAS THE BEST! THE BEST! LOOK OVER THERE!” You screamed out as you pointed behind Fluttershy. Shit! It’s been too long and you could barely control it! The water looked cool enough, all you had to do was just dive in for a bit and climb back into the boat. You turned around to hop off the boat like a madman. But Fluttershy didn’t even bother to look where you pointed. All Fluttershy did was gasp in fright. “Anon! Discord, what happened?! Why did he jump off the boat?!” Discord murmured to himself as he turned towards Fluttershy with a calm smile. “I believe he enjoyed the story a little too much. Anon has a problem with losing himself sometimes when it comes to certain types of stories. Truthfully, however? I thought he had gotten over it.” “W-what? Really? That’s so strange…” Fluttershy said, stunned as she began to lose focus for a moment, finding that kind of reaction so weird, even for you. Then suddenly her eyes went wide as she realized you were still overboard. “Wait, Discord! You have to get him back on the boat! He could drown!” Discord was calm, and was already in fishing gear as he cast his pole into the water and easily caught you as he began to reel you up, snagging you painlessly by the back. “No need to worry, Fluttershy. This kind of thing happens all the time.” He said as he lifted you out of the water and pulled you back into the boat. You just laid there, letting out an annoyed grunt at yourself for pulling such a dumb move. “Lookit here, caught me a hopefully ‘Flaccid Catshark’. Or, er, ponyshark in this case.” “Anon! Why did you jump off the boat like that?!” Fluttershy asked, frantic in her tone, wanting to hear it from your own mouth. You just laid there, embarrassed with yourself, as you continued to stare blankly. You answered rather stoically. “I, uh, I just really enjoyed the story a little too much.” Fluttershy was speechless, realizing Discord was 'right', and just sat there, astonished. She then looked back at you, and gently pet you as she became a little sheepish. “E-erm, maybe you can, um, express your excitement without jumping off things. Okay?” Ugggghhhhhhhhhhh… Why were you so dumb? “Yeah… Um…” You slowly stood up, shook yourself like a dog, and then looked at Fluttershy with a grin. You knew you couldn’t worry her, and you almost let your stupid libido ruin that. “Still, that was a really neat story. I, uh, yeah… Um… So…” Hmmm… Well, you could always grab your horn and… Hmmm, you needed a change of subject quick. “Hey, Aunt Fluttershy. We’re supposed to be relaxing, right?” “Erm, yes.” Fluttershy nodded, confused as to why you’d ask that. “We’re supposed to. Erm, aside from jumping off the boat, haven’t you been relaxed? Erm, do you need a hug right now? Are you alright?” “U-um, yeah I'm fine, but… Well, check this out, you’ll love it!” Slapping on your horn, you aimed it into the air as you shot out a tiny bolt of magic that exploded softly in mid air. In a mere moment, the air was suddenly filled with calming music from your favorite video games! Like Animal Crossing! Woo! “There we go, how about a little musical ambiance?” Discord didn’t even seem annoyed that his banjo playing got overshadowed. He just leaned back down on the side of the boat and… Kind of played along with the music as he re-summoned his banjo. “I have to admit, this fits the theme, nice work. Wouldn’t you agree, Fluttershy?” Discord was actually praising you. Either he was proud of your chaos use or just playing nice for Fluttershy. Either way, it was well appreciated. “Oh, it actually is very nice. Anon, is this the kind of music humans make? I wasn’t expecting it to sound so soothing.” Fluttershy said as her worry left her. She just kind of started to sway her head to the songs in the air. Ah, you couldn’t go wrong with a whole compendium of calming music fitting for a nice boat ride. “Yeah, it is. I didn’t say all human stuff was bad.” You said as you took a seat next to Discord, gazing at his banjo strumming. “Y’know, this is actually really fun. I’m glad we’re taking this boat trip. I… Kinda wish Chrysalis was here. Maybe it’d be a bad idea, but I think it could still be nice.” “Oh, I’m sure it’d be fine if we let her know ahead of time for next time. I know she cares, deep down inside. And just like with your father, all it takes is a little time and patience, and a lot of love.” Fluttershy said with a happy little sigh. Discord suddenly strummed his banjo wrong as he tensed up. “Ahrm, you m-mean love as a friend, correct?” Fluttershy just sighed happily and nodded, just staring up into the sky. “Mhmm, of course.” Huh… The way she said it, it sounded a little more than ‘friendship love’.  Poor Discord, that was his weakness, true love and commitment. It was just an educated guess, but he has to be in love with her in some sense, he just can’t get it out of his head that he doesn’t need to distance himself from her affections. Because, dammit, she had to be in love with the guy. You wanted to try to get him to admit it at one point, yet you knew he would just avoid the subject, and he had no qualms on using his magic on you, despite the level of friendship you have with him. Honestly, you had to see if Spike could get something out of him. In any case, might as well bail him out of this one. “Hey! Also, I kinda got a story of my own! Did I ever mention that I had an adventure with Daring Do once?” Fluttershy’s attention was immediately caught as she looked at you with confusion. As if she didn’t know if you knew or didn’t know Daring Do was real. She didn’t know if you actually knew her or if it was just some sort of story. “Um, Anon, do you mean y-” You don’t like to interrupt Fluttershy in any sense, but you knew who Daring Do was, she knew who she was, no reason to have such a back and forth. “Look, just saying. I know A.K. Yearling is also Daring Do, I also know you know that. C’mon…” You give Fluttershy a cocky grin. “You don’t really think I’d make up an awesome adventure, do you?” Fluttershy knew you wouldn’t, especially since you seemed pretty well-learned already on Daring Do's existence. But then she suddenly gave you an intense and foreboding stare. “Anon… So, you had another dangerous adventure you didn’t tell me about?” You recoiled at that, you grimaced at the thought that you just upset her with another dangerous secret adventure. “Wait! Aunt Fluttershy! I-” But then Fluttershy giggled, she just giggled at your sudden fright. So much so, that you had to ask what the hell that stare was even about. “Hey?! What?! I thought you were mad at me! Y’know, about secret dangerous adventure stuff?” Like, really, geez. What made this one okay?! “Well, it did happen so long ago, didn’t it? It explains who the mysterious colt spirit was who adventured with Daring Do in one of her latest books. Rainbow Dash had told me all about it before, and I knew some of the details she told me seemed a little funny. So, did you have fun?” Fluttershy asked with a gentle grin. Ugh, you fell over as your nerves shot all over your body. So, seriously, she was okay with that one because she already had some inkling of it? Then again, it was also so long ago, it probably didn’t bother her too much since it didn’t involve all the cloak and dagger crap like with the Storm King and Chrysalis. “Y-yeah, I did. Erm, you’re really not mad?” Fluttershy shook her head. “Not at all. Well, maybe I should be, but considering it was so long ago, and nothing but a book came of it, then all I can say is that I hope it was fun. And that it was also a learning experience. Ahrm, as to, erm, not get into so much danger. Though, erm, I know you’re still working on that.” She said as she tried not to say anything to upset you. Hm, maybe she was upset about the truth of it all, but maybe because it was so long ago, she was just doing her best to let that one slide. “Aha, well… Heh. Well, I guess you kinda also know what happened already. Dunno how accurate the book was, but hey, look, I got to be in a Daring Do book!” You said as you stood up proudly. “I think that’s pretty great.” Discord actually gives you a little applause, it seemed he was pretty proud of that. “...And that, I think, is worthy of praise. Yes, I always do think everypony should know about the exploits of either me or my son. Tell me, Fluttershy, how amazed Rainbow Dash was at my colt’s accomplishments, hm? Tell me, I must know.” “Erm, well, actually, Anon was never mentioned by name. Like I said, he was referred to as a spirit. In fact, Rainbow Dash and I were sure that since we knew her adventures were real, that the colt’s identity and powers were changed some to protect his identity. I’m glad it was, I wouldn’t want somepony like Dr. Caballeron after Anon.” Fluttershy stated. Discord scoffed at that, he actually seemed pretty annoyed at such an insinuation. “Now, I usually agree with you, Fluttershy. But some doctor getting the better of Anon? Chaos is a magic that cannot be toppled under any circumstances. This ‘Caballeron’ fellow would be crying to his mother in minutes. And if it was me against him… In seconds.” Discord said with a cruel burning stare before suddenly becoming lackadaisical “Of course, there is the matter of Anon’s limited charges. Anon, you have been working on using them at their maximum potential, haven’t you?” “Uhhhh, I mean. I made calming background music for us to relax to. Does that count?” You asked. “More than you know. There’s always about having some sort of musical theme in the background as you cause mischief wherever you go. So top notch work, Anon. Ahhhh….” Discord goes back to relaxing as he continues to strum on the banjo. “I actually do feel very snug here in this boat. Hmmm, but I feel it is missing something. Ah! I have it! Would anypony want to see if Twilight has reached Celestia yet? I’m sure it’ll be a highlight of today’s non-festivities.” “No.” Fluttershy says, suddenly and bluntly. “I already know Twilight is going to have a hard time, and I don’t think it’d be fun at all.” …Y’know, you kinda wanted to see what happened. You kinda wanted to see Celestia give the same business to Twilight as she did to Discord. “Um… I mean, I ki-” But the moment any other word came out of your mouth that wasn’t ‘no’, Fluttershy just turned to stare at you as well. “I mean, geez Dad, that’s messed up. Why would anypony want that?” Fluttershy nodded to your words, and tried to give a lecture to the both of you. “That’s right, it’s wrong to make fun of somepony who is going through a real life crisis. Even if it is related to you. It just isn’t nice.” Discord raised a paw up as he prepared to snap his talons together. “Hold that thought.” Once he did, Rainbow Dash appeared in a flash next to him, unaware of what just happened. “Who?! What?! Where?! What happened?!” Rainbow Dash asked as she shook her head and looked around, her eyes donning on Discord first. “Discord! What the hay!” “Oh, hush, this will only take a second and I’ll send you back.” Discord told her. “Okay, so what is it? Make it quick, I was actually making lesson plans for tomorrow since Twilight canceled classes for today” Rainbow Dash said rather angrily towards him. “Right, whatever, look. I just wanted to ask if you think it’s funny when somepony is having a freak out, no matter what the context is. Say, for example, Twilight freaking out in front of Princess Celestia because she thinks I went to cause some trouble or something.” Discord asked. “Do you mean, like, right now? Because, if you’re here, and she’s there. Oh…” Rainbow Dash began to smirk. “That’s actually pretty hilarious! I told everypony it wasn’t anything to worry about, but they didn’t believe me! Geez, I don’t even know what really happened, but everypony was acting all crazy and everything. I dunno, if it was something Anon did, and it didn’t bother Yona, then I don’t see what the big deal was.” Rainbow Dash said as she shrugged, chuckling. “Just typical Twilight having another crazy meltdown, I guess. And Fluttershy? I don’t want to knock on her or anything, but she needs to chill. Like seriously.” “RAINBOW DASH!” Fluttershy said in her usual soft fury, staring directly at her. “Oh, hey Flutt-EEP!” Rainbow Dash flinched, then slowly turned over to her, gave her a very worried smile, and waved to her. “Erm, uhm. I mean, uhm. Erm… Hey, Anon! Good to see you’re okay, erm. I m-mean, erm…” Rainbow Dash then pointed to Discord frantically. “He made me say those things! It’s his fault.” Ooooh, geez. Holy fuck, geez, fuck… Rainbow Dash, oh good lord, she actually might be worse than you are. You kinda wish Ocellus hadn’t wasted a charge on your horn so you could summon up some popcorn. This was gonna be good.