//------------------------------// // 20) Color Rain // Story: Loyalty's Vision // by SapphireRose87 //------------------------------// {Eli} I was sitting at my usual spot at the Mainframe working at the main computer. As I worked, I couldn't stop thinking about how sexy Servant Milo is without his clothes on. I was snapped out of my thoughts when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I smiled when I saw Servant Milo. "Servant Milo, what's up?" Servant Milo groaned, "First Mother wants to speak to you." "What about?" I asked. "I have no idea," Servant Milo replied. "Fine," I said, "I'll talk to the old hag as long as she doesn't make me sick, I'm good." Servant Milo snorted. "Good luck with that." When First Mother approached me, she gave me her usual flirting smile and I was already fighting to keep the contents of my stomach inside my stomach. "Ah, if it isn't the handsome Royal Advisor Eli!" First Mother said. I swallowed. "What do you want this time, First Mother?" "Oh I just stopped to get a good look at you as usual." First Mother said. "But I did want to tell you something." This is going to be an uphill battle to keep myself from throwing up on her again. I thought. I swallowed. "What might that be?" "I just wanted to tell you that what I thought of myself was absolutely correct." First Mother smirked. "I'm a beautiful one hundred and fifty year old young woman. I just found out one of my servants has a thing for me. He's sixty years old, and he likes me." "That's nice First Mother," I said, "does this mean you'll leave me alone and let me get my work done in peace for a change?" I seriously hoped that First Mother's answer would be yes but that might be wishful thinking. First Mother chuckled, "What do you think Mr. Handsome? You know there's plenty of me to go around." Oh boy I think I'm going to be really sick if she keeps this up. I thought. I saw First Mother's servant standing behind her Servant James, "Uh. Master First Mother?" First Mother turned around and smiled when she saw Servant James giving her a flirting look. The room started to spin on me as I was trying so hard not to puke. "Yes, Servant James?" First Mother asked. Servant James smiled. "You just can't help yourself when it comes down to Royal Advisor Eli can you?" "What? Can you blame me?" First Mother responded. "Just look at how handsome he is!" Servant James snorted. "Yeah I see that. Honestly, I don't think he's interested." Without warning, Servant James kissed First Mother. At this point I really didn't feel well. "You know something, I just remembered I have something to take care of. Congrats to the happy couple!" As I walked away the conversation that happened didn't help matters. "Good job Servant James," said Servant Milo, "you just had to make Royal Advisor Eli sick." "What?" Servant James said. "I had to get her away from him somehow and she's not that bad. I don't see what the problem is." First Mother grit her teeth, "Thanks for your help Servant James. I don't need help to show Royal Advisor Eli how beautiful I am." "Yeah no, you did," Servant James said, "and it backfired. I think that's a clear no, I'm not interested coming from him." "I can't help it!" First Mother said. "Royal Advisor Eli is handsome, young and healthy…" When I heard that I didn't walk I ran as fast as I could to get out of earshot from them. I really didn't want to hear it. I didn't think I was going to be well enough to go back to work for the rest of the day. I guess it didn't matter because my Feeding Ritual was tomorrow. Even still, I made it to my bedroom but I didn't make it to the bed. I laid down on the floor curled up in the fetal position. Shortly after that, Servant Milo came and helped me get to bed. * * * I knew I was dreaming. It had to be a dream. I was running from someone and judging by the sound of her voice, I was running from First Mother. "NO!" I kept screaming. "Leave me alone!" "Oh come now handsome Royal Advisor Eli," said First Mother, "I'm a young one hundred and fifty year old beautiful woman. Be a dear and get in my bed, hmm?" "HELL NO!" I screamed. "Fine then, have it your way." First Mother said. "You will get in my bed one way or another." The next thing I knew I was in bed with First Mother completely naked. She smiled a disgusting smile she normally gives me and she climbed on top of me. It wasn't until after she kissed me that was when I woke up. * * * I woke up screaming bloody murder as I was still trying to get away from First Mother. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" I heard Servant Milo say. I kept trying to get away from First Mother when I felt someone slap me. Strangely enough, that calmed me down a bit. I looked over and breathed a sigh of relief when I looked over to Servant Milo sitting at my bedside with his shirt off. Servant Milo gave me a look of concern. "What's wrong?" "It was just a bad dream." I replied. "Yeah considering you were screaming bloody murder, I say that's a bad dream alright," said Servant Milo. "What was it about?" "First Mother was chasing me and somehow I was in bed with her, after she kissed me was when I woke up." I said. Servant Milo looked like he was going to be as sick as I felt at the moment. He quickly grabbed a bucket so I could throw up in it. Then came the pain that I was very familiar with. I was in pain from the Feeding Ritual that I did earlier today. I looked at what Servant Milo had in his hand out of curiosity. He had a tablet in his hand and he was pressing buttons on it. I tilted my head. "What's that for?" "Oh, AI just issued a tablet for me, Second Mother and Third Mother," said Servant Milo. "It said it's for research to help relieve the pain from the Feeding Rituals. AI clearly doesn't trust First Mother with this and I don't blame it. So far all we've been able to do is heal the wounds from it quicker. Second Mother and Third Mother are working with Lord Jude because his wounds are more severe. That's because he has to do his for fifteen hours. I'm the only one working with you." Yes Eli, I've been trying to calm the spoiled brat down from its temper tantrum. Atais thought. Temper tantrum? I thought. Yes it's been getting more out of control than usual lately. Atais thought. I don't know why but it's increased the frequency of kidnappings. What? I thought. I know right, since I'm trapped inside the core of AI there's not much I can do about it. The reason why I was able to contact you the way I did was because I used one of AI's temper tantrums as a loophole to get to you. I've tried to reason with it but just like First Mother, it won't listen to reason. And you won't be getting into First Mother's bed if I have something to say about it. Because that's what is called rape. Atais thought. Uh, rape? I thought. It's when someone as sex with someone against their will. Atais thought. It has harmful effects on the victim and they're never the same again. I'm pretty sure it's probably happened to other workers at AI, they just keep their mouths shut because they doubt anyone will believe them I felt a sense of panic at that. You don't think- No Eli, I've already said I'm not going to let that happen. Why do you think I sent Servant Milo to you and gave you your stunner needles? Now that you have your gear updated you'll be able to see First Mother coming from a mile away and I've updated Servant Milo's gear too. He'll be able to do the same thing you can when you go back to work tomorrow. He won't have stunner needles though. Atais thought. I felt comforted about the fact that Atais upgraded me and Servant Milo's gear so we can defend ourselves from First Mother. "Well now," said Servant Milo, "you seemed to have calmed down a bit, that's good." I nodded. "Yeah I'm fine now. But I'm not sure if I'll go back to sleep any time soon." Servant Milo chuckled, "I completely understand considering that awful nightmare you just had about First Mother." "No kidding," I said. I felt comforted every time I saw Servant Milo by my bedside. I loved him and seeing his face always helped me get my mind off of First Mother. * * * {Rainbow Dash} It had been a long day at my outside of AI assignment and as soon as I got back to the Sixth I decided to rest a bit before I went back to my original assignment breaking out Discord. When I finally got to sleep, I started having that dream again. Just like before I was standing in darkness as far as the eye could see. Then I heard that stupid voice again. Rainbow Dash... I groaned, "Oh come on! Would you at least show yourself this time? Why am I even having this stupid dream?" Rainbow Dash… Okay, what is this all about? I thought. Out of the darkness came a bright flash of light. After that, I saw the cutest baby Alicorn that I have ever seen! From what I could tell the baby Alicorn was a she. Her mane and tail were gray with a white streak going down it. Her light blue fur reminded me of the color of rain. "Well hi there Mother! I'm so glad I finally get a chance to meet you!" The baby Alicorn said. "Okay you're an Alicorn and if I were to give birth to someone I would give birth to a Pegasus." I said. "I'm pretty sure I don't have any Alicorns that run the family." The baby Alicorn giggled, "Oh no Mother, you don't have to have Alicorns run in your family in order to give birth to an Alicorn." I tilted my head. "What are you talking about?" "Baby Alicorn's are based on how much magic their parents have," the baby Alicorn explained. "True my dad is Oliver and he has magic. He has more magic than he thinks he has. You mother, you have more magic than you think you have!" I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to take a wild guess and say it has something to do with my sonic rainbooms?" The baby Alicorn laughed, "Well that's part of it. The other part is you have so much magic that it has to be released somehow. The partial out of control sonic rainbooms help with that. That's a lot of magic built up and so you're going to be giving birth to me to release more of that magic. But there is something else that I should tell you that needs to happen in order to give birth to an Alicorn." "What might that be?" I asked. "In order to give birth to a baby Alicorn," the baby Alicorn said, "one parent has to become an Alicorn." My eyes went wide in horror when I heard this. "No way! Please tell me it's going to be Oliver that turns into an Alicorn?" The baby Alicorn laughed, "Oh no, Oliver's a human and there's no way a human can become an Alicorn. Take another guess." I facehoofed and groaned. "Great… Let me guess it's me." "Bingo!" The baby Alicorn said. "Oh, it's time for me to go now. You're getting ready to wake up soon. Don't worry I won't do this dream anymore. Me calling your name over and over was a prank!" "What! Seriously Color Rain?" I paused because I just realized I gave my daughter a name already. It was off the top of my head too. Color Rain chuckled, "Color Rain huh? I like that name! Oh and I'll be seeing you in two months time. You'll become an Alicorn the morning of my birth. So until then mother, this is goodbye." "Okay Color Rain," I said, "I'll be seeing you soon." With that, I woke up. * * * When I woke up, Loyalty seemed really excited about something. "You met your baby daughter, didn't you?" Loyalty asked. I nodded. "Yeah and why didn't anyone tell me that I'm going to become an Alicorn?" Loyalty gave a nervous laugh and said, "Me and the other Elements of Harmony decided it was best not to tell you until we were certain that it was going to happen. So I had to keep my stone shut. We also need Honesty and Magic with us so we can tell everyone else the good news! Would you be Magic's temporary connection?" "Fine, I'll do it." I said. "Good, I'll go get Magic at once!" Loyalty said. After a moment or two I looked down at my necklace with my wedding ring in the middle of it where Loyalty's stone was. Loyalty's stone was on the top of the necklace and Magic's stone was at the bottom of it. "Huh," said Loyalty, "I don't know why I didn't do this before with your wedding ring Rainbow Dash. It fits perfectly between the both of us!" I looked at my necklace and smiled. "Huh, that was quick." "Yeah I know," said Loyalty, "and Rarity's got Honesty again, so all of the other elements will be present. Now let's go!" * * * Once we got to Samantha's realm all of the other elements of harmony bearers were there. The elements were talking amongst themselves so much that nobody else could get a word in. "Would you guys quiet down?" Finn asked. The elements of harmony ignored Finn and kept talking amongst themselves. "QUIET!" Finn shouted. That did the trick and the elements of harmony stopped talking. I chuckled and thought, Well, when in doubt go ahead and shout. I saw Samantha snort and could tell that she really wanted to laugh but refrained from doing so. "Okay guys," I said, "one at a time. What's going on?" "It's regarding the two visions that us elements of harmony saw concerning the Machine!" Loyalty chimed. "Wait a second, Loyalty," Magic said. "What?" Loyalty said. "Did you just say two visions?" Magic asked. "Yes. Why?" Loyalty responded. "I think we got our connections crossed. It was only one vision and one vision only you idiot!" Magic scolded. Everyone erupted into laughter at Magic's scolding Loyalty about the vision they saw concerning AI. Once the laughter died down, Magic spoke, "Anyway, what Loyalty was saying concerning the vision that we saw about the Machine. I can't say all of the specifics of what's going to happen. But what I can say is that it's starting to happen." "Yeah!" Loyalty cheered. "Uh, Oliver?" I said. "Yes, Rainbow?" Oliver replied. "You might want to sit down for what Loyalty's about to say." I said. Oliver nodded and sat down on a nearby chair. Loyalty made a noise that sounded like it exhaled slowly. "Rainbow Dash just met her baby Alicorn!" Everyone gasped. "Alicorn!" Oliver gave me a look of disbelief. "Remember that dream I've been having lately about that voice that's been calling my name over and over again?" I said. Oliver nodded. "Yes." "Apparently, Color Rain was playing a joke on me." I said. Oliver raised an eyebrow. "You named the baby already?" I sighed, "Yeah sorry about that, it just came to me off the top of my head." "It's fine Rainbow, most of the time mother's always name the baby anyway." Oliver chuckled. "Well her mane and tail was gray with a white streak going down it," I said, "it reminded me of a rain cloud. Her fur reminded me of the color of rain. But there's a catch to giving birth to an Alicorn." "What might that be?" Oliver asked. "According to Color Rain at least one parent has to become an Alicorn in order for an Alicorn to be born." I answered. Oliver panicked, "You don't think-" "No Oliver," said Magic, "it's not possible for a human to become an Alicorn." "Yeah," I said, "I'm the one that's becoming the Alicorn." "But how is that possible?" Oliver asked. "I thought if you were going to give birth to anything it would be a Pegasus!" "That's what I thought," I said, "According to Color Rain, Alicorns are made based on how much magic their parents have.  You have more magic than you think you do and that magic needs to be released somewhere. Apparently I have more magic than I thought too. That's also why I've been doing those out of control partial sonic rainbooms and I'll be transforming into an Alicorn in two months before I give birth to Color Rain. Yay!" Oliver laughed at my fake enthusiasm, "You don't seem too excited about becoming a powerful creature." "Because I just accepted myself as a Pegasus," I responded, "and now I have to deal with becoming an Alicorn? Oh I'm sooo honored!" And cue the laughter. Like I thought, everyone burst into laughter. "Why does that not surprise me?" Oliver said. "You did sulk when you won a race against Spitfire during her six day training." "Yeah and she almost won too," I growled, "but no, I just can't help myself can I?" Finn cracked up, "Really Rainbow? You were mad because you won something? Wow." Once again, cue the laughter. The laughter started and then died down after a while. "Now that Rainbow Dash has met her baby," said Loyalty, "we can now confirm that the vision is starting to happen. All we can do now is wait to see the ending to it." "Us elements agreed not to tell you guys anything else." Magic said. The meeting ended and we all went back to our assignments. * * * The next day when Oliver and I went back to our original assignment breaking out Discord, I couldn't help but be mad at the fact that I was going to become an Alicorn. As I was putting inventory away, Eli came around the corner and he paused when he saw me. "What's wrong Nancy?" Eli asked. I sighed, "Apparently I'm pregnant." Eli smiled. "Well congrats! What are you having?" "An Alicorn." I said. Eli tilted his head, "Alicorn?" I groaned and then explained what Alicorns were. I also told him that I'm mad that I'm going to become one in order to give birth to my baby. Once I finished explaining things Eli got a real kick out of my reaction to things. "That's not funny Eli!" I snapped. Eli stopped laughing, "Let me get this straight, you're mad because you're going to become a powerful creature? Seriously?" I heard Oliver's voice from behind me, "Oh yeah, she's mad alright! She even got mad when she won a race one time." "Wow," said Eli, "what happened to you? You weren't like this when you were inside AI." He paused. "It wouldn't have something to do with what happened with Code Silas would it?" Now that I'm thinking about it, ever since I gave birth to Jude and after I got broken out of AI. I had a drive to protect people so I just kept excelling at everything to do it. "Well it started happening after I gave birth to Jude and right after I got broken out of AI." I said. "I'm going to say it probably had something to do with my drive to protect Jude and others. Somewhere along the lines I just got tired of excelling at everything because of that. I think the torch needs to be passed on to someone else. But since the term of endearment has been changed from 'oh for Celestia's shake' to 'oh for Rainbow Dash's shake' I don't think the torch is going to get passed on any time soon." Oliver and Eli laughed and that's when Gilda came around the corner. "What's with the laughter?" Gilda asked. I rolled my eyes. "Apparently, Rainbow Dash is pregnant." "I knew it!" Gilda said. "I bet that's exactly what Samantha and everyone else thought. I know that's what I thought! So what is she having?" "An Alicorn." I said. Gilda gasped. "What! How is that possible? She's a Pegasus!" "Apparently, Alicorns can be born based on how much their parents have." I explained. "But there's a catch." "What is it?" Gilda asked. "In order for an Alicorn to be born one of the parents has to become the Alicorn." I said. "I'm going to guess and say it's Rainbow Dash that's going to become the Alicorn?" Gilda asked. "You know because she's Pegasus and all." I nodded. "Yup that's correct." "And she's mad that she's going to become an Alicorn too," Oliver said. Gilda's jaw dropped. "Rainbow Dash mad about becoming something as awesome as an Alicorn? It's just like her not wanting to take naps lately. I mean Rainbow is a pro napper, and to add onto that, I would think that she would love to become an Alicorn!" "Yeah no," I said. "Rainbow Dash isn't the same Rainbow Dash that she was back in Equestria." "You can say that again," Gilda said. And cue the laughter. I rolled my eyes as everyone burst into laughter.