//------------------------------// // Meet the Girls pt. 1 // Story: A Draconic Sparkle Love // by Mystic Sunrise //------------------------------// Pearl sighed as she walked back up the stairs to her room. Her belly filled from breakfast. Nothing ever beat mom’s home cooking.  ‘I wonder if I should get a place of my own.’ her thoughts all mingle as she held her hoof on her bedroom door. ‘I am of age after all. But then again I’d be giving up a lot. Meals like that for one. But it would make things easier if I invite Twilight over to my place rather than me always going to her place. Even if it is a palace.’ With another sigh, Pearl put that aside and braced herself to deal with the annoyance she missed for six months. Swinging the door open she looked about at her bed, finding nothing there. “Oh great. I miss him so much I must have hallucinated.” Walking into her room she heard the sound of her personal shower running and steam rolling under the crack of the bathroom door. “Or not. Typical.” Huffing Pearl walked over to the door and pounded on it for a moment.  “Dammit, Kohaku you best not be using all my hot water!” Waiting for several minutes she shook her head and as much as she hated barging in on him. It wouldn’t have been the first time. Swinging the door open she walked in and stopped dead in her tracks. Pearl felt as if she could have dropped dead on the spot. Her heart fluttered and half stopped at the sight in front of her. Standing in the shower was not the small plump three-tailed pain she knew. This was a Kohaku totally alien to her. By her estimate, he now stood as tall as Princess Celestia. Four flames circled the shower head as water rained down on the large fox. His face in direct path of the water with his eyes closed. The image reflected something she once saw in a playfilly magazine.  Her eyes slowly looked him over. No longer sporting any baby fat, he was nothing but sleek and lean, and well-defined muscle. His plush fur hugged his body as water rained down as he stood there. Four tails fanned out behind him. One of his massive front paws pressed against the tile wall.  Taking a deep breath she felt odd seeing her friend like this. It was one thing seeing each other like this as children. But she was a full adult now, and he was reaching that age too. Looking him over again, Pearl smirked. She had long since outgrown the disgust she had for the male body. Well, his at least. But even she had to admit he was attractive.  Kohaku had shown her images of his four sisters. She felt a tingling sensation when she saw just how otherworldly beautiful they were. But they had the bulk of their father. Not so with Kohaku. It seemed he shared the sleek and lean shape of his mother. Pearl blinked when heard the voice of her white head screaming inside of her head. ‘Let me at him... Oh please let me at that gorgeous hunk of a fox!!!’ Pearl was thankful she felt the restraint of her other heads that let her keep her mouth shut as her White head tried to push her way to the front. Letting out a small cough, Pearl leaped back as she saw his head swift to her direction faster than she had ever seen him move before. His eyes were half glowing bright amber. No longer round and bright, these eyes were sharp and angular. Eyes of a hunter and warrior. Only for the briefest of moments, she understood why many dragons feared his kind.  But as fast as that feeling was, she saw his face soften and a familiar smile came across his muzzle. “Hey Pearl.” His head tilted to the side for a moment as his smile widened. “Did I miss breakfast?” And just like that. The old annoying eye twitch returned. “Call ahead next time, and you might not. Mom and dad don’t exactly keep your favorites in stock,” Pearl grumbled. “You’re lucky I didn’t step on you.” Smirking, Kohaku shut off the shower and with a quick flash of foxfire, dried and swiftly dressed. His loose-fitting green and amber plaid shirt shimmered a little. “Like you haven't done that before,” he chuckled playfully nudging Pearl’s shoulder with his own, ignoring her eye roll.  Pearl watched as he sat himself down at the large picture window and folded his front legs on it and just stared out at Ponyville. Opening her mouth to chastise him she caught the glint in his eyes, how sad they looked causing her to close it and walk to sit next to him. “So where have you been the last six months?” “I went home.” Leaning down he rested his head on his front legs and just stared out at the line of trees.  “OH don’t give me that, the Apples and Fluttershy haven't seen you for months either,” Pearl growled. Only to see his face turn her way.  “No Pearl, I went to my birth home. The very heart of the Everfree Forest. After that, I have little to no memory of what I did or where I went.” Biting her lip, Pearl turned away and thought for a moment. Turning back she opened her mouth only to be interrupted.  “No, I haven’t been back to the farm yet. Or to nee-chan’s cabin.” He didn’t move. Kohaku could have been a stuffed statue had it not been for his tails swishing back and forth. “I’m not ready yet. My last actual memory was walking into the gates of our old temple home. Then, I’m waking up here in your bedroom. I think I’ve been acting out of pure feral instinct.” “I do have this vague memory of seeing you and Twilight at our hot springs last night though. But it was probably just a dream or something.” His eye glancing back at Pearl’s blush, Kohaku smiled. “About damn time, I was wondering how long you were going to drag your wings.” A light chuckle brought a smirk to her face. “So how long now?” “About six months or so. We got together…” Biting her lip Pearl looked away. “The day I and Sweetie Belle called it quits. It’s okay, you can talk about it. I’m not depressed about it anymore.” Looking out the window again, Kohaku sighed. “Father used to say, broken hearts heal stronger when you have the love of family and friends. And mother always told me, when one path fades, another brightens. It took a while, but I finally understand what they were talking about. I’ll go back home when I’m ready, right now. I just need to be around my best friend.” Pearl smiled and shook her head. “Fine, you can stay here as long as you like. But you're on your own for meals.” Pearl smirked and punched his shoulder with a hoof.  “Deal.” Kohaku chuckled rubbing his shoulder a bit. Looking at Pearl, Kohaku blinked. “Say, Pearl? Did you shrink while I was away? I remember you used to be a lot bigger.” Pearl blinked as she looked at herself. “Um. Nope. Kinda feels like I’ve gotten bigger actually. Maybe it’s my alicorn growth kicking in or something. You on the other hoof…” She sighed. “You’ve changed, and in more ways than one.” Shaking herself for a moment Pearl rested a wing on his back. “But let's not worry about that right now, I’m just glad your back. Stay as long as you need. I have so much to tell you about me and Twilight. OH, and you’ll never guess what she got me. An actual working tv set and tape player. Sunset and the others said they would send me copies of the new Gundam show airing.” Squeeing a bit she wiggled in excitement pointing to the box in the corner. Kohaku smiled as he sat there, his gaze out the window as he listened to Pearl and all that she had been doing for the last six months.  “... And then I came here,” Peal sighed as she lay her head on Twilight’s shoulder. “That’s the first time Kohaku’s sat through one of my fangasms and didn’t grimace at something.” Twilight nodded as she wrapped a wing around her marefriend. “He is still going through so much right now, Pearl. That he did not notice how much he has changed shows as much.” Pearl nodded. “And it’s days like this I’m glad that I have more than one head. My White head tried pushing me out of the way, and there’s no way I can explain that yet if it happens. How much longer do I have to keep this hidden? It’s driving me crazy!” Twilight sighed as she kissed Pearl’s forehead. “Not much longer, Pearl. You said Kohaku gave you a certain look when he first saw you?” Pearl nodded. “Then it might be that he is almost ready. But I suggest you wait until he is fully himself again. Remember how he is right after mating season?” Pearl shivered. “Do I. And I thought you looked bad after not sleeping for several days straight.” Twilight pouted, earning a giggle from the read head. “And what of your White head?” Pearl shrugged. “What about her? Unless she really tries to, she can’t force me aside. None of them can. Not unless they all combine too.” Twilight frowned. “You never told me they could do that, Pearl.” Pearl shrugged. “Why? They barely do anything unless I bring us all up. And I prefer it that way. I’m not gonna spontaneously turn into my Dragon Form if that’s what you’re worried about.” Twilight relaxed slightly. The thought had crossed her mind after hearing that. “You already know that I want us all to work, Rosie. That means I want to spend time with each of them. Individually if possible.” Pearl blinked. “I’m not even sure I can do that, Twily. I’ve never tried to. Never had to honestly.” Twilight grinned as she took Pearl’s hooves in her own. “Well. Good time as any now isn’t it, Rosie?” Pearl rolled her eyes but was smiling all the same, before closing her eyes. In all the years since they had become friends, Kohaku had taught her some of his meditation techniques. As he said, it came in handy listening to her ramble for hours upon hours about Gunpla and other things. While she did not ramble, thank you very much, Pearl had finally asked him to teach her some of them for when she needed to listen to him ramble on about his favorite things. Twilight stepped back as Pearl began to glow and grow. She could only hope the room was big enough for this. Her and her big mouth as Pearl continued to grow. After a moment though, she stopped and the glow around her faded, revealing a white dragoness perhaps several times Princess Celestia’s size. On her forehead was Pearl’s own head. The pair opened their eyes and looked around with a pout. “Hey. Where did that hunk of a fox go? Let me at him. I’ll show him such a good time, I’ll make him forget that lil two-timing bitch,” the dragoness huffed, while Pearl nodded. Twilight’s mane popped out in several places as her eyes began to twitch. What the hay was that supposed to mean?! A second later, Pearl began glowing once more, and when it faded, her blue dragon self stood there with an eye roll. “Sorry about that, Twily. She’s got her head in the clouds. He’s not that good-looking,” she puffed while Pearl shook her own. Twilight shook her head as she sat down and crossed her legs. “Will someone please explain what the hay is going on?!” Pearl sighed. “You wanted to meet the girls, Twily. Now’s your chance. Give my White head more time. We can keep her till last.” Twilight frowned. “Then why were you acting so differently, Pearl? That wasn’t just her talking. That was you as well. I saw it in your eyes.” Pearl slowly glowed as the red dragon soon took center stage and smiled at Twilight. “Allow me to explain if I can. We are all me. Just, different aspects. Personalities. Different parts of the same pie so to speak.” Pearl’s head slowly nodded. “And it seems my White head, is all my feelings and attractions to Kohaku amplified.” Twilight tapped her chin. It made sense she supposed. “Then what are you? And if one head feels that strongly about Kohaku. Is there one like that for me?” Pearl glowed once more as her blue reappeared. “That would be me, Twily. All those years of looking at that beautiful flank of yours, the hours we spent together in the library during one of your lessons. All the thoughts of what I wanted us to be. Damn what anypony said about it!” Twilight blushed. Her flank wasn’t that good-looking. Was it? “You actually paid attention all that time? You were not the most attentive of students, Pearl.” Pearl snorted. “I wasn’t that bad, Twily. Just that you can really drone on and on when you’re in the mood. But I was paying attention. Hard to believe as it is.” Twilight rolled her eyes. She had doubts about that. That was three heads, for she had a good idea of what the red head represented. “And the others? Or do they not really care?” Glowing once more, now the black dragoness stood before her, and Pearl’s own eyes showed with thoughts of something other than Twilight. “Oh, we do care. We all care about you, Twily. We couldn’t change it even if we wanted to. I’m just more into other things. Warhammer, DnD, all the cool stuff green me doesn’t get.” Twilight rolled her eyes as the green dragoness butted in next. “Says you, blacky. At least Gunpla doesn’t need paint unless I want to!” Twilight sighed, rubbing her temple. “The things I do for those I love.” After a moment, Pearl frowned. "So why me?" Twilight blinked. "What do you mean, Pearl?" The dragoness rolled her eyes. "Don't play dumb, Twilight. You know what we mean. Why us? You never showed any interest in mares before now. Let alone us. So what changed?" Twilight's ears fell. Damn it. There was a question she hoped Pearl would never ask. But she could not answer now as she sighed. "As I said before, Pearl, I had a feeling that you felt that way about me for some time now. All the time we've spent together. How you looked at my flank." Pearl blushed as she switched back into her blue form. "I wasn't that obvious, was I?" Twilight giggled, patting the dragon's snout. "Very much so, Pearl. And you're right. I never paid much attention to other ponies that way." She sighed. "Flash and I will never work." She smiled as she flew up and caressed Pearl's cheeks. "I have seen you grow from a filly who let her emotions run hot, but still cared about her friends. To a beautiful young mare who does not let anyone step all over her, but still has a kind and loving heart. Anypony would be lucky to be with you, Pearl. Never think otherwise." Pearl's blushes would have made her red head proud. Well, when it was put that way... Twilight smiled sheepishly. "And if I am being honest? I'm lonely. Not in that I never get out with my friends. We do that all the time of course. But I want someone there beside me. Someone I can spend all of my life with. Pinkie and Cheese Sandwich getting together got me wondering the same." The blue nodded. "There are not that many available alicorns to go around, and Discord is married to himself basically." Twilight giggled. "Exactly. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are not interested in ponies that way. I've asked Luna about it since I knew Princess Celestia's answer already. She is not looking for love. Now or anytime soon, though she does like mares that way at least." Pearl rolled her eyes. She wasn't shocked if she was being honest about that. Twilight tapped Pearl's horn. "Now. Since we are talking about this it seems, what about you, Rosie? I know you've had a crush on me for years. But why now of all times? And what did you mean by that century comment a few months ago?" Pearl gulped. Crap. She wasn't ready for that question. But the look she was getting from her teacher said that this would not wait. "It's that damn dream. Remember the one I told you about in Tiamat's realm?" Twilight nodded unsurely. "That's why. I've seen this. Us. All of it. Kohaku and Sweetie falling apart..." She shook her head. "We weren't meant to be together for another century. After our friends and family had passed on, we would drown our sorrows together. Over time, that would become a true love for each other, and we would finally spend our eternities together as wives." Twilight nodded. Pearl had told her everything about that dream. She still couldn't believe it herself, even if it was not something she thought about much. "How? Only an alicorn or a seer can have something like this. And you were neither at the time, Pearl." Pearl shrugged her whole body as she shifted back into her white form. "I don't know. There's only one fox I can think of that I can ask about it, and she's, well..." the dragoness bowed her head, Pearl's ears falling as well. Twilight nodded somberly. "Kohaku could let you meet his mother's echo so you can ask. As Tiamat said, it is the closest you will ever come to meeting the real Kiyoko Starsong. But I would not push it if I were you." Pearl's head nodded. She had figured that might be the case. Twilight landed and looked the dragoness directly in the eyes. "Now. I know that you are all of Pearl's feelings for Kohaku rolled together. But is there any room in your heart for me? Or will Pearl have to keep you out of all of this? What we are hoping to make together?" The dragoness's eyes dropped. "I can't help how I feel. You know that. I've felt this way for years. That never went away. It never will." She smiled, before flicking Twilight with her tongue, a rather odd feeling for the alicorn. "But I love you, Twily. Never think I don't. We can't change that even if we wanted to." Pearl herself nodded. "You're just going to have to work a little more with us, Twilight. It's a lot easier when it's just the two of us and not a certain hunky chunk of a fox. Damn it. He makes that look so good," she giggled helplessly. Twilight rolled her eyes. Just her luck. "Well then. Get comfortable you two and put Kohau from your mind." She put on her best teaching smirk. "Don't make me flunk you both. You may not be my student anymore, Pearl. But I am still your teacher. You both know I want us all to be together." She smiled, caressing the dragon's snout. "So show me. Show me that you're not like other whites. And I will show you something that not even Cadance knows about." The pair blinked as Twilight ignited her horn. "Like what?" they both asked, both of them excited at what this might be. Twilight only smiled wider. "You'll see. Let me show you a different world. A world beyond Equestria or the Crystal Empire. Let me show you how much I love you both. For now and all time." Before either Pearl or the dragon could ask what she meant, the three of them blinked out of existence.