Equestria Girls: Sonic the Hedgehog

by sonicfan05

Bonus Chapter - Speed Me Up!

-One Week Later-

From within the University of Manehatten’s auditorium, everyone from local and Canterlot waited eagerly in their seat for the show to begin. As the crowd chattered excitedly among themselves, Rainbow Dash peaked through the curtain from backstage, surveying their audience. With a huge grin, Rainbow Dash turned towards her friends.

“This is it, everyone! We’re finally going to perform outside of Canterlot!” Rainbow Dash squealed. “If this keeps up, we may perform in different parts of our country! Maybe even the world!

“Now settled down there, Dash!” Applejack said sternly but chuckled at her friend’s enthusiasm. “Yer getting ahead of yerself!”

“She’s right, Rainbow Dash,” Sunset added with a smile. “As cool as that sounds, let’s focus on tonight’s performance first!”

“Hey, I can’t help it that I’m excited!” Rainbow Dash defended good-heartedly. “We all gonna start somewhere, right?”

"Well I, for one, am glad to be here!" Rarity gushed. “Not only it was great to be back in Manehatten, but we also get to perform!”

“And there will be no danger… for once,” Fluttershy added quietly.

“But a little danger is what makes our adventures so fun!” Pinkie chirped with a huge grin.

“I’m with Fluttershy on this one,” said Twilight. “While our– ahem‘adventure’ to Manehatten was fun, it was nice that we didn’t get chased here this time around. We can all use a break.”

Sunset smiled. “After this is over, maybe we can spend time in the city afterward?”

“What a lovely idea, Sunset!” Rarity said cheerfully. “We can go around enjoying the sites, go shopping–”

“Eat some ice cream!?” Pinkie squealed excitedly.

“...yes. That too,” Rarity conceded with a grin.

“Oh, I’m down for some sundae, too!” Sonic added, who zoomed into the backroom suddenly. “Running around the city really builds up an appetite!”

"We'll go out for some ice cream later," Sunset promised before looking at Sunset sternly. "But as long as you wear your disguise. We can't let anyone in Manehatten know you're here."

"They won't know as long as they don't see me," Sonic said slyly. "I'm too fast for them!"

Sunset narrowed her eyes, causing Sonic to chuckle nervously.

"Don't worry Sunset, I'll make sure he does as you asked," Spike assured, who just walked into the room.

Sunset smiled gratefully. "Thank you, Spike!"

"...as long as you get me some desserts too!" Spike smirked.

"Spike!" Twilight said sternly, causing everyone to laugh.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" The announcer spoke over the loudspeakers. "Put your hands together for this awesome band who came all the way from Canterlot City… the Rainbooms!"

Hearing the crowd wailing in excitement, Rainbow whooped. “This is it, everyone!”

With excited chatter, the Rainbooms made their way toward the stage.

“Woo-woo! Good luck girls!” Sonic cheered.

“Yeah! And break a leg!” Spike exclaimed before quickly adding, “But not literally!

As soon as the girls stood in their positions, the curtain raised, revealing the screaming and exciting crowd cheering them on.

"Hello, Manehatten!" Rainbow Dash shouted into the microphone with high energy. "Are you all ready to rock?"

The audience cheered loudly in response.

"Our first song is a tribute to our new awesome friend!" Sunset added. "Hope you all like it!"

The girls picked up their instruments and Pinkie began counting down by tapping her drumsticks.




"Hit it!"

The Fastest Thing Alive (feat. Narcissa) - Powerglove

As soon as Pinkie shouted those words, the girls began to play their first song, which was written by Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash immediately strummed her guitar so fast, you could barely see her fingers. Rainbow sang the first few lyrics, describing how cool and awesome her friend is with high energy and enthusiasm. Sunset sang her lyrics next, emphasizing just how fast Sonic is to everyone. Then the two of them sang together as they say Sonic’s name three times before Rainbow shouted "fastest thing alive" and then she rifts on her guitar as fast as her fingers could play.

Twilight began to sing the next set of lyrics with Rarity and Fluttershy singing in the background; warning anyone that Sonic shouldn’t be underestimated and that he won’t back down from a fight, especially to do what’s right. As she sang, wings and pony ears magically appeared on her and her friends. Many people in the audience believed it was all part of the effects, but the CHS knew it was all due to Equestrian Magic when the girls put their hearts into the music. Twilight sang Sonic’s name three more times before Rainbow Dash went into a breakdown with her guitar and Pinkie Pie wildly beat on her drums in the background.

Meanwhile, Sonic stood on the sidelines feeling giddy and excited from the song. At some point, he played an "air guitar" alongside Rainbow Dash because of how cool it sounded. He was even touched that they wrote a song after him, which was something he never thought could happen before befriending all of them. While he was lonely years before and their first meetup was messy, he wouldn't trade those moments for anything and was glad he was with them for real.

Once again, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and Sunset sang Sonic’s name three more times before Sunset repeated the lyrics, “he’s the fastest thing alive” three times before they conclude the song.

The crowd roared into applause, allowing the girls to pause for effect for a moment. Once the crowd died down a bit, Rainbow Dash spoke.

“Here’s another song that is based on our recent experience and facing our lives,” said Rainbow Dash before facing Sunset. “Ready, Sunset?”

Sunset nodded with a grin. “Always, Rainbow Dash!”

Both Rainbow Dash and Sunset faced the crowd and started playing the next song.

Endless Possibility - Sonic Unleashed [OST]

Rainbow Dash began playing her guitar, rifting quickly on the strings. Sunset Shimmer joined in, playing her guitar as well. Soon, the rest of the girls joined in, blaring the stage with upbeat music, causing everyone in the audience to dance along.

Rainbow Dash began to sing her first set of lyrics about running and going where no one has gone before while never looking back and without any regrets. Sunset sang the pre-chorus lyrics next that despite not knowing how to get there, they got to start somewhere with never-ending possibilities.

The two girls sang the chorus together, singing how they can do anything if they put their minds to it no matter what life throws at them, especially with their friends on their side. This motivated the other girls to put everything into their performance, feeling the same level of high spirits as Sunset and Rainbow Dash. 

Sunset sang the next set of lyrics this time, about carrying on and that their time will come just as fast as they can go. Rainbow Dash then sang that despite feeling like a dream, they knew it was finally their time and that the possibilities are endless. Once again, both girls sang the chorus together, putting their hearts into the song. The rest of the girls, even Sonic, Spike, and the audience felt their vibe, as they bobbed their heads or swayed along with the music with huge smiles on their faces.

They suddenly changed the tones of the guitars, making the next part of the song tense. They sand how at one part when things were tough for them like when they lost their magic and lost a friend. But despite all that, they never give up on themselves and they fought back with the magic of friendship. 

Rainbow Dash then went into a guitar solo, shredding her guitar like there’s no tomorrow and giving everything she got for the performance. The Equestrian Magic radiants off of the girls as the magic of music flowed throughout the stage, spreading their fun and joy to the audience, including Sonic and Spike. Sunset and Rainbow Dash each sang the chorus of the song again before they sang the chorus again together for the final time before ending the song on an epic note.

The crowd cheered loudly with a standing ovation, thundering the room with endless clapping. Sonic and Spike asl did a standing ovation from the sidelines, enjoying the girls’ performance as much as the audience’s. The girls smiled at one another before Sunset raised both hands to quiet the crown.

“Thank you! Thank you!” Sunset said with a smile into her mic before letting Rainbow Dash speak next.

“And now, for the finale!” Rainbow whooped, causing everyone in the audience to scream in excitement. “And our special guest for this song is our pal, DJ Pon-3!

The back curtain behind them raised up and smoke appeared for a brief moment, revealing a girl with wild blue hair, headphones, and purple shades with her trusty DJ mixer.

“Hit It!” Rainbow shouted.

Both Pinkie and DJ Pon-3 gave her a thumbs up with a smile and start the song.

Speed Me Up - (Wiz Khalifa Lil Yachty TY Dolla $ign Sueco the child

Pinkie began to beat her drums again, starting the song with DJ Pon-3 including some ring sound effects with her mixer. Rainbow Dash began to sing her lyrics, following the beats. Sunset then sang the second lyric before she and Rainbow Dash sang the same line before the rest of the girls joined in and sang the chorus two times.

Pinkie Pie then speed-sang the main lyrics of the song at a fast pace that even Sonic was impressed. Even after all the times, Pinkie had done the speed-rapping before, to this day the girls were wondering how their friend was able to sing so fast without her face turning blue. At one point in the song, Pinkie sang “best friend named, Tails”, making the gang confused briefly. The girls asked Pinkie earlier who this “Tails” she spoke of, and Pinkie’s only response was, "just wait for the sequel" with a knowing smile. In the end, the girls decided to drop that subject, concluding that Pinkie was just being Pinkie.

As soon as Pinkie finished the major part of the song, the girls broke into a chorus again and repeated it two more times. It was Sunset who sang the main lyrics next. While not as fast as Pinkie Pie, she sang well in her own right. It was then switched to Twilight, and she too sang some brief lyrics at a semi-fast pace. Rainbow Dash took over and she sang the last set of lyrics the fastest out of the three of them, but still subpar to Pinkie Pie.

As soon as the girls sang the last set of the chorus, Sonic, feeling hyped up from the song and couldn’t stand still anymore, did some break dancing and ran around the backroom, causing Spike to feel dizzy. Before Spike had a chance to stop him, Sonic zoomed past him and ran toward the center of the stage with the girls. Just as the girls played their last note, for a brief second, everything was in slow motion as Sonic briefly stood next to the Equestria Girls.

Both Sunset and Sonic glanced at each other and then winked.