Equestria Girls: Digimon Chosen

by Epic Fable

ACT I: Episode 2: Chapter 9

“Stay on guard!” Rainbow cried out as everyone huddled together. When Draco turned his attention to the dog-like creatures, Sunset’s digivice lit up. An image was shown on the screen showing the same creature.
“Fangmon: A demon beast champion digimon. Oh this thing doesn’t look friendly.”
“Fluttershy try talking to it! You’re good with animals!”
“This isn’t like the other animals!”
From behind the pack a larger Fangmon was seen as it growled. The others march forward slowly.
“They’re like wolves. Don’t have your backs turned!” Fluttershy ordered. As the others huddled, Sunset and Dracomon marched forward.
“Leave it to us! Ready Dracomon?”
“Ready whenever you are!” Sunset nodded as her digivice lit up. Dracomon would glow as he changed shape.
“Dracomon digivolve to…COREDRAMON!” The larger dragon emerged from the light as he roared at the Fangmon who was sweating at first, but the larger one growled and the others continued.
“There is one…DEAL WITH HIM.” The Fangmon would charge in pack formation as Coredramon would breath blue fire at the wolves. Some would get burned down while others would tackle him. He would two with his tail but others would continue to jump on him. He would fly up only to sweat as he saw the Fangmon turn their attention to the group.
“Come on guys, we can help too!” Hawkmon flew up trying to get the Fangmon’s attention.
“FEATHER SLASH!” Hawkmon would take the lone feather off his head as he threw it like a buzzsaw. It hit one Fangmon, cutting it slightly.
“UGH COME ON!” He would almost get bit by a Fangmon as he gets hit by what appeared to be a small little missile.
“POINTER ARROW!” Kamemon’s shell opened up to fire another missile as he hit another one making it back up.
“RAIN OF POLLEN!” Floramon would shower one Fangmon with pollen that made it back up before swiping at her. Rarity would grab her last minute to run to dodge the clawed attack.
“You could have been hurt!”
“Well we have to help Coredramon somehow!”
Applejack would smack one Fangmon with a piece of large lumber smashing it across the face, it turned to her growling as she backed up slowly.
“Easy there little doggy…don’t do something you’ll regret.” Before the wolf could jump at her he would get hit by numerous stingers. Fanbeemon would come flying in releasing stingers from his body as if they were bullets.
“COG CRUSHER!” Hagurumon would spin his cog like hands as they detached hitting a couple of other Fangmon, making them more angry.
“BOOM BUBBLE!” Patamon’s whole body would swell before he would let out a burst of air hitting one Fangmon before he could jump to Fluttershy.
“Oh thank you but don’t get hurt!”
“EVERYONE! Get behind the digimon!” Flash commanded as he stood by with Sunset as she stood near Coredramon. She was sweating with a worried expression as her digivice continued to glow.
“I’m just stuck on the side lines again…?”
“Flash! Look out!” Liollmon would call out as he ran and jumped at an approaching Fangmon. The two creatures rolled around as they then seperated. 
“LIO CLAW!” He would scratch the wolf but be clawed back. As they stared at another it was made clear which creature this was. It was the bigger Fangmon giving the orders to attack, it leaned closer growling showing its large teeth from its cartoonish grin.
“I suggest you give up little one…we WILL feed…even your champion friend is being worn down. You are few…my pack…is many.” As he said that Coredramon let out a cry of pain as more and more Fangmon jumped on him gnawing at his scaly hide as he was slowly being worn down. The rest would inch closer to the huddled group. The wolf would adjust snicker before benign hit behind by Flash, holding more lumber.
Liollmon would jump in Flash’s way as Fangmon grabbed the cub into his large jaws. He would put pressure into his bite as he tossed him around like a wild dog with meat and bone.
As Flash cried out a large light was seen. All the Fangmon flinched at the light as everyone else was in awe. The light went to Flash and formed a familiar shape. The shape would go into Flash’s hands as it formed another digivice. Like Sunset’s it was circular object with a rectangle screen in the middle with various buttons and a antenna off to the side. The coloring however was green instead of red, Flash would hold it before snapping back to the situation at hand.
A symbol of a lion with a fierce gaze shined within the screen. The green light shined as Liollmon’s body glowed the same hue. The light burned Fangmon forcing him to let go of the poor cub. The cub stood tall as he shined even more.
“LIOLLMON! Digivolve to….!” The cub's body would be immersed with the symbol as his body grew larger and his tail split into two, gained some jewelry and gained a mane before his new shape was made clear.
“LIAMON!” The new creature let out a ferocious lion-like roar as all the Fangmon flinched and the humans and Spike watched in awe.
“Whooooa!” Rainbow and Spike shouted in unison. Flash stared at the new beast with slight tears.
“I’ll protect them Flash…and you too.”
“All you are is new PREY! KILL HIM THEN REST!” The alpha leader howled as the rest split to attack Liamon before the latter clawed at one crushing it’s head then roared making them hesitate. At that moment a blue laser was seen as Coredramon broke free from his situation.
“I’ve had ENOUGH! Liollmon?!”
“I got the pack leader!”
“Then I got the rest!” The entire pack would fire black lasers from their mouths at the dragon as he flew upward.
  “DON'T EVEN TRY. YOU ARE FAR OUTMATCHED. Now then dogs…BLUE FLARE BREATH!” Coredramons eyes got fierce as his mouth was enveloped in blue flames before he opened his maw wide and released a large blue laser and vaporized the entire pack in a rage. Meanwhile Liamon and the pack leader would claw at each other and bite as they stumbled around before Liamon pushed the wolf back.
“BLACK COFFIN!” The pack leader would fire another black laser from his mouth as Liamon jumped to dodge. More and more attempts to hit the lion as he kept dodging. His mane would spark with electricity as it glowed brighter and brighter. Fangmon would stand his ground as Liamon charged with power.
“THUNDER KING!” He would roar as a blast of electric energy from his mane at the Fangmon vaporizing him instantly as he let out a howl.”
“MY PREEEE-” Particles of energy would go into Coredramon and Liamon as they stood as everyone ran to them.
“Liamon that was awesome! Flash called out excitingly. He would grab the lion’s head in an embrace as he grew smaller, back to his Liollmon form. The little cub would return the affection by rubbing against his leg like a house cat would. Flash would just pet him as everyone surrounded them offering praise.
“What a mess.” Sunset would look at the leftover destruction from the battle as she then looked at her digivice.
“You know if the rest of us bond with a digimon in this group then our chances of survival would really soar.”
“That or die.” Rainbow said dryly. Hawk would fly in the air in a huff.
“I am NOT down for that! We were entrusted to you guys to help you get home.”
“But it’s not fair to you all…” Fluttershy commented.
“I for one am not for this ‘bonding through danger’ bit. There must be a more natural or civil way to do this.” Rarity said as she crossed her arms. Everyone exchanged glances with one another as various opinions were present. Some agreed, some giving in. Liollmon would rub against Flash’s leg.
“Felt natural to me.” Draco would smile at Sunset as he added in.
“I feel the same.”
“Look, I think we should find a better shelter or camp. Being out here now is giving the willies.”Applejack shuddered as she gathered the supplies. Everyone would follow suit. The morning would come and the day would be longer.