//------------------------------// // Anger Issues // Story: The Life and Times of a Loving Pair // by steel soul //------------------------------// "Ugh!" Shining Armor looks up from his desk just as Cadence, his pink pony wife, opens and slams the door to his office, the mare huffing through her nostrils as though she was a wild bull. Sensing the tension in the air already, he would set side the papers he was looking upon before giving his wife his most fullest of attentions. "Well good evening to you too, Darling." The captain turned prince mused, deciding it was best to at least start with a small joke to lighten the mood. Despite his effort though, the princess of love wasn't having any of it. Cadence stomped over towards the nearby empty couch and plopped down on it, still fuming. "I can't believe that griffon!" she seethed, her wings flared in anger. "Who does he think he is, telling me how to run the Crystal Empire? I've been doing this for years!" Shining gave a nervous laugh before making his way to his wife's side, draping a hoof around her shoulders. "Now, now. I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it...though..." He paused. "Just to be safe...What did he say exactly?" "He was just belittling my decisions, saying that the crystal ponies don't respect me as their ruler and that I need to be more assertive. It's infuriating! It's like he wants me to rule like a dictator!" She ranted, her eyes flashing with anger. "The worst part was that he was saying it in a way so that I couldn't retaliate. Wording it like he was giving me some kind advice, like I needed him to tell me how to do my job." The stallion's hoof tightened around her in a comforting gesture. "You know how delegates are. Always trying to push your buttons and leave you doubting. I'm sure you know it better then I do though since I've only been at this for a few years myself." He gave her the most gentlest of smiles. "You didn't blow up in his face right? Give in to the anger?" The pink alicorn scoffed. "Of course not. I'm a princess, I have to maintain my composure even when I want to blast away idiots with my magic." She took a deep breath. "It would be so easy too...Just one flick of my horn." "Then in the end, you won. Just like you always do, Candy." "I know...I know I did...it's just...Frustrating, you know...They don't ever question Auntie Celestia or Auntie Luna's decisions, but when it comes to me, it's like they always have something to say or second guess me actions." Cadence leaned into Shining's touch, seeking comfort and reassurance. "Its just annoying..." Shining Armor nodded understandingly, stroking his wife's mane. "I get it. It's because you're a strong and independent mare, my love. Not everyone can handle that kind of power in a young female ruler. But you know what they say, haters gonna hate." He grinned cheekily. "Ugh...stop hanging around Rainbow Dash...you are starting to pick up on her mannerisms." His wife teased, gently nudging his belly. "Also I may be strong and independent but I need my cuddles like any good mare would." Shining chuckled, pulling Cadence closer to him. "Of course, my dear. I'm always here to give you all the cuddles you need." He nuzzled her neck, planting feather-light kisses on her cheek. "On a more serious note, do you want me to be in there for the next meeting? Maybe having both rulers gang up on him might shut him up next time?" "Tempting offer." The mare mused. "But no...its fine. I appreciate it , but I can handle it myself. Just need to...I don't know...vent a little bit and get it off my chest every now and then. Plus you have your guards you are training. Don't want to take up more of your time than you already need." "Ha! Mostly pushing paperwork right now since I upgraded from Captain to Prince. I mean I do go out there for inspections but kinda leave field work to the new captain." He smirked. "Though it does give me time for my daily workouts. Gotta stray away from the dad bod after all." Cadence rolled her eyes playfully, feeling a small smile tug at the corners of her mouth. "You and your workouts. I swear, sometimes I think you love the gym more than me." She teased, nudging him again with her shoulder. The stallion released a playful scoff. "No love. I told you before, Candy. I love comics more than you. Twily is third. Gym is forth." Feeling the tension in her shoulders slowly dissipating, the princess of love released a snort and a laugh before pushing him again. "Well, as long as I'm in the top five, I guess that's good enough for me," she teased, leaning into her husband's embrace. "But one day I'll burn those comics and come out on top." "Good luck finding them, Candy Ass. I have them well hidden and paid the staff extra to keep it that way." Shining Armor chuckled, leaning in to kiss his wife's cheek. "But in all seriousness, you're the love of my life. And no matter how many griffons try to belittle you, you'll always be the amazing princess of the Crystal Empire to me." "And you'll always be my knight in shining armor." The mare mused softly, wrapping her hooves around his body. It was Shining's turn to snort with soft laughter. "Okay...how long has it been since you said that phrase and how long have you been waiting to say it again?" "Two months, twenty-five days...but who's counting. "The mare mused as she nuzzled her snout against his chest. "Doesn't make it any less true though. Not many mares can say it and mean it in both figuratively and literally." She smirked as she looked towards him. "But I'm sure you already know that, don't you my love." "Course I do. Just love to hear you say it." He smirked back. "Also that's too long. Say it more. Gotta fuel my ego after all. Ego makes stallion into mustang. Mustang stallion good." She baps his chest again and again and again. "No! Bad Shining. No ego for you. Humble only." The stallion laughed before pulling his wife into a tighter embrace. "Okay, okay. I'll behave. But only because I have the hottest and most loving wife to keep me in check." "I but all you stallions say that to all their wives." Shining Armor chuckled and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Not true. Only lucky stallions like me get to say it to their amazing wives like you." He pulled back slightly, looking into her eyes. "And speaking of amazing wives, have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?" He leaned in to place a soft kiss on her lips. The mare trembled when he touched his lips to hers before pulling away, her hoof tenderly stroking her mane. "Please...I'm sure I look a mess after having to deal with those incompetent jerks in the meeting hall." Shining Armor shook his head, cupping her cheek. "Not even close. You look stunning, as always. I don't know how you manage to look so beautiful and radiant even when you're angry." "Maybe I should get angry more often. Like when I tell you to pick up after yourself." She teased. The stallion hissed before looking away. "Galloped right into that one, I see." "You always do my Shiny." She smiled as she leaned into his hoof. "But I love you all the same...messy habits and all." "And I love you even more for accepting me, messy habits and all." He leaned in for another kiss, this time deeper and more passionate. Neither pony would leave the room until early the next morning.