//------------------------------// // ACT I: Episode 3: Chapter 12 // Story: Equestria Girls: Digimon Chosen // by Epic Fable //------------------------------// “What plan?” Twilight asked as the others turned their attention to Sunset. “How to get out of here, but it will be risky.” “What is darling?” “We have one of us go out there to bait the digimon. He will probably try to get in here to get at us. IF he gets close to us at the cave’s entrance Floramon can poison them. You can do that right?” “I can. It’s an attack of mine.” “Now hold on darling. Are you sure this could work?” “Frankly? I’m not. But we have to try something. If we do this right we can all make it out and get out of here.”Rarity would look nervous before turning to Floramon with a worried expression. “It’s your choice. Can you do it?” Floramon looked nervous but then smirked. “I said I would poison him wouldn’t I? I just need to get close.” “That’s what I’m talking about!” Rainbow cheered as everyone’s spirits started to lift. “Now once he is poisoned. We will take the chance to get outside and Flash and I along with Dracomon and Liollmon will deal with Saberdramon.” “We’re behind you every step of the way.” “Okay guys. Places. Now we need someone to go outside.” “Leave it to me!” Rainbow stepped forward. Hawkmon would turn to her quickly as he flew by her side. “You can’t go by yourself! I’ll go too.” “I can handl-” “No! Not listening to you. I’m helping and you will deal with it!” “Wow…well okay. You with me then. We’ll go out there and just make a bunch of noise. Got it dodo?” “Got it!.....HEY! I’m no dodo!” Rainbow would just laugh to herself as the two made their way outside, they would see Saberdramon fly around in the sky. As it did it Rainbow would wave her arms around as Hawkmon flew every direction near her. “HEEEEEEY! HEEEY UGLY BIRD BRAIN OVER HERE!” “FREE FOOD JUST FOR YOU COME AND GET US!” The large bird would get annoyed and saw his chance to get his prey as he dove down to them. His body would slowly light up in flames as each flame would turn black which made Rainbow and Hawkmon’s eyes pop out. “BLACK SABER!” “Shoot! Run now!” The two would retreat back into the cave as the digimon got closer and as they jumped into the cave Saberdramon would lodge himself into the entrance screeching. “Now!” “Rain of pollen!” The little plant would spray the bird with a spray of pollen and toxins as the digimon roared in anger and anguish as it moved back shaking its head violently. “EVERYONE NOW!” Everyone in the group would run out of the cave as swift as they could. The monster roared as it slowly ascended into the sky. “Okay Dracomon time to deal with this!” “Liollmon you too!” “On it!” “Let me at him!” Their digivices would shine as Dracomon and Liollmon’s bodies reacted in kind. “Dracomon digivolve to….COREDRAMON!” “Liollmon digivolve to…LIAMON!” The dragon and lion would stand together as Saberdramoon flew, circling the duo. “BLACK SABER!” He would dive down, covered in black flames as the duo barley managed to dodge. “BLUE FLARE BREATH!” “THUNDER KING!” The attacks would miss the bird as he dodged left and right and shot feathers from his wings hitting the duo making them scream. “NO!” Hawkmon would cry out as he flew to them. Rainbow would try to grab him in panic. “No! Stop!” “YOU'RE stopping me? You always seemed gung ho! We have to help them!” “But I’m not stupid! I know how you feel! Really I do but those two are the only ones who can even stand a chance right now! We did our part, now let's go!” “But-” Before Hawkmon could finish Saberdramon flapped his wings, sending sharp feathers and black flames at them knocking Coredramon and Liamon back as they would revert to their smaller forms. “Dracomon! Liollmon!” Saberdramon would let out a distorted eagle cry as it flew at the girls. Rainbow’s eyes would widen as she pushed Hawkmon out of the way before being grabbed by the large bird’s claw, taking her into the sky. “HEY! LET GO OF ME!” “Rainbow Dash!” “Rainbow no!” The rest of the digimon tried to hurl their attacks at the monster but it was no use. The creature would ascend too far for them as Rainbow tried to free herself only to be met with a slow crushing feeling from the giant claw. Hawkmon flew after her, wings flapping hard and fast as he could. “Come on! Come on! Why?! WHY!? I can’t fly high but she needs me! I can't bring her down…” He would remember the stories Rainbow would tell him especially on how she herself would fly high into the sky. Now at the mercy of Saberdramon, view getting smaller and smaller as Hawkmon struggled to keep up. “She used to fly…she was robbed of it…and I can’t even use MY wings to help. I have to help her. I have to help the other humans…I have to help them get their friend back…I have to help get MY friend back.” “HELP! GET ME DOWN. LET ME GO YOU FREAK!” Rainbow was met with a more tight grip as she yelped out in pain.  “LET MY FRIEND GO YOU BURNT FACED BIRD!” As Hawkmon screamed a light was shown as Saberdramon cried out in pain letting Rainbow go with her screaming from the fall. The light was see in her hand as she would quickly look at it. Like Sunset and Flash a round device was shown only this was colored blue.. The screen was glowing. The digivice would glow a blue light while Hawkmon would shine the same color. The symbol of a bird with its wings out shined as the symbol would hit Hawkmon. “Hawkmon…digivolve to…!” His body would grow larger and his wings bigger and bigger with horns growing from his head. As the light faded a new form was seen “AQUILAMON!” “Whoa!” “He digivolved!” “What a beautiful bird…” Fluttershy said to herself. Aquilamon would soar into the sky at an amazing speed and caught Rainbow on his back. She would breathe hard from the adrenaline as she realized she was safe. She felt the soft and feathery surface she was on. She looked around confused as she would hear a loud voice. “Rainbow! Are you alright?” “Wait…Hawkmon?” “It’s not over yet. Hang on tight!” Rainbow grabbed onto his back as best as he could as he soared to meet with the enemy bird. The monsters would stare each other down as Saberdramon would douse himself in flames and flew fast. “BLACK SABER!” As he did so Aquilamon would dodge and open his beak. “BLAST RINGS!” Rings of energy would come out and fire at Saberdramon injuring him. The two birds would fly around as they flew at each other. “BLACK SABER!” “GRAND IMPULSE!” Aquilamon’s horns would glow as he would ram into the enemy, stabbing him through. The other monster let out a shrill scream as he slowly fell into the alley fading into data. Said data would be absorbed into Aquilamon’s body. The group down below would see the victory as they all cheered and hug one another. Aquilamon would fly back down to the group and as he landed he would let Rainbow off. She would dust herself off before letting out a huge exhale. “Rainbow Dash are you okay?!” “I’m okay Fluttershy. Everyone really.” she would turn to her new friend as she looked him over in amazement. “You are so…AWESOME! Wow, look at you!” “Hehe. Yeah I know. I’m pretty cool. You better not slow me down human.” He would say with a smirk. “You kidding? Do you know who you are talking to?” Aquilamon would respond with a smirk as he would lower his head as Rainbow touched his face. “You can count on me. I got your back.” “Don’t get mushy.” As Rainow patted his face the eagle would smile as he would glow, reverting to his smaller form. He would fly around in excitement as he got in everyone's faces. “Did you see that?! I flew so high!” As all the digimon surrounded him sharing congratulations or joy that he was okay, Sunset would watch him and the rest of the digimon before speaking up. “The more this happens the more I’m starting to see the bigger picture. Now that Rainbow has Hawkmon he can help Dracomon with air support. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses in this group. If we can have everyone bond with our new friends then imagine what we could do.” “Well you can count on us!” “What dodo said!” “Yeah!.....HEY!” Everyone else would laugh at their squabble as Sunset walked in front of everyone with Flash. “Alright guys. We have places to go. Now let’s go!” Everyone nod as they followed Sunset and Dracomon out of the valley. The digimon looked determined as the ones who didn’t have a tamer would look to who was left. Who would they paired with? How much stronger could they be?