//------------------------------// // #6-Bedazzle and Thunder // Story: Twilight Sparkle: Masked Matterhorn // by Royal Pony Dude //------------------------------// Like any other day, the sun had risen over Canterlot City, as Rainbow Dash and Rarity were walking to school. "It's pretty nice, to enjoy our beautiful city, Rainbow," Rarity told her. "Nothing can beat it, especially since I scored some huge photos of Matterhorn in action," Rainbow showed her the photos on her phone. "I wonder who her tailor?" Just across from them, two bullies were bullying a kid. "I said I like you walking on my side of the street." "Hey, Lighting! Quick Bolt! Knock it off!" Rainbow Dash and Rarity came to them crossing their arms. "Stay out of this, Crash!" "Make me, bitch." Rainbow dared her. "Come on, Lighting, it's not worth it," Quick Bolt told her. "Next time, Crash!" She warned her then two left them. "Thanks," the kid said as Rainbow smiled and he left. "Honestly, why does she have the right to bully children?" Rarity scoffed. "You know her, belittling others makes her feel good, I had my fair share of bullies growing up." "How did you overcome it?" "I stood my ground and showed them I can't be pushed around... What the hell?" Rainbow looked to see something. "What is it?" "It's one of those Destroyer things and headed for Simon Academy!" "Should we call the police?" "Screw that! I am heading over there!" Rainbow harnesses her crystal necklace boosted over there. "Why do I keep forgetting that crystal necklace of hers gives super speed," Rarity followed her. At Simon Academy, The Destroyer came through the window and confronted Caleb just as two bodyguards came to him. "Simon! I've come for you! "William Rhodes. It's about time you return my Destroyer," he said to him. "I have every right to keep it! You didn't hold up your end of the bargain! Didn't give me a faulty position at Simon Academy after framing your daughter for sabotage just as you asked." "Leave us." "Can't do that sir. Under orders." "That order came from me, dumbass!" Then two bodyguards left. "These things take time, William. You need to be patient." "In one minute, this Destroyer will explode, taking you and Simon Academy with it..." Destroyer was on its back as Masked Matterhorn kicked it. "Did I miss Destroyer class?" She asked. "You fool! That thing's a bomb, and it's going off in two minutes!" "Two minutes? I can make my Destroyer in that time! Let alone diffuse one! Just need to get the hunk of junk out of here." Matterhorn took the robot out of the building and placed it on the rooftop once she did, her Danger Rader went off. "Danger Radar... oh shit... that wasn't two minutes...AAH!" She tried to get out of there, but it exploded, and the blast knocked her out cold and made her freefall down. Meanwhile, Rainbow and Rarity were running over there and accidentally bumped into William who dropped something. "My bad!" "Watch where you going!" "Let me help," Rarity picked up the briefcase but William snatched it from her. "Give me that!" "How rude!" Rarity said they noticed two gems one blue, and one purple. "Excuse me, sir you left this." Both of them grabbed one of them then power surged through them. "Oh crap, it's Matterhorn! She's not pulling out of it!" Rarity sees her falling. "I got it!" Rainbow did some serious parkour and caught Matterhorn just as Rarity created some kind of pink bed for Rainbow to land on. "Okay, how in the hell did I do that?" Rainbow asked. "And where did the pink bed come from." "I don't know, I just thought of something nice and soft," Rarity was still shocked. "Is she okay?" "Yeah," Rainbow checked her pulse as she set her up just as her watch beeped. "Crap! We're late!" Both girls headed out just as Matterhorn regained consciousness. "Uhh... My head! What is... There's no way I fell off from a 20-story building and landed in one piece. But how?" Masked Matterhorn wondered then headed out. With William, he was in some underground lab. "I got it. The bum was a perfect distraction." "And no one saw you?" "Just two girls, but they aren't a source of concern." "Don't underestimate anyone, Rhodes. Now that you're working with Stargazer Shadow." "Relax, our mutual hate for Caleb Simon is more than enough to take him down. He'll soon learn he can't renege on promises and walk away with it. And with you being out of prison, there'll no one who can stop us... How did you get out anyway?" Rhodes showed him the briefcase which contained several magic rocks. "Two geodes are missing! I need the energy of all eight and thunder geode and diamond geode are missing! Where is it?" At Canterlot High, both Rainbow and Rarity were band room still trying to figure out what happened. "Okay, we both know that our crystal necklaces give us powers, right?" Rainbow asked her. "Right." "Then earlier today, we picked two geodes that man dropped, and we felt a surge of energy. And out of nowhere, I was able to catch Matterhorn in thin air." "And was able to create the pink bed that you landed on," Rarity gathers the facts. "Darling, I think it's safe to say those things have given superpowers." "That means we become superheroes," Rainbow smiled. "Shit, but we need costumes. So, people won't know us. " "Luckily, I made some during my free time," Rarity showed her a collection of costumes from her rack. "These beauties', are not only attractive but protective made from the strongest material that not even a missile could damage it." "Where did you get the material?" "Trust me, darling, you better off not knowing." In the halls, Sunset was at her locker putting her stuff in her locker as she was doing so, her phone rang showing Rainbow's number. "Hey Rainbow, what's up?" She answers it. "Sunset, Rarity and I, need to see in the band room. Like now!" Rainbow said then hung up. "Okay..." Sunset said having confusion. "What's got her all of whack." Moments later, Sunset walked into the band room. "Uh, Rainbow, Rarity? You guys in here?" She asked as looked around then someone tapped her shoulder. She turned around and saw two people in costume. One was in a black costume and the other one was in a dark blue one with pink gems, but it didn't long before she figured out who they were. "Rainbow? Rarity? Is that you?" She asked. "Wait a minute, how did know who we are?" Rainbow asked. "The costumes were kind of obvious," Sunset said. "But how?" "We were walking our way to school, then we came across two geodes, once we touch, we gain superpowers. As for names, I was going with Radiance." "Nice, I was going with Zapp." "Uh guys, slow down, you don't how this happened. And I don't think it's the best idea for you two to express yourself. There's a reason why Masked Matterhorn has a secret identity right?" "Oh, don't worry about it, we only told Applejack, Pinkie, and Fluttershy about it and no one else knows about it," Radiance winked. "Now if you would excuse us, we have some heroing to do," Zapp said as they headed out. "Well, shit," Sunset grumbles. At Simon Tech Tower... "What is it, Gunther?" Caleb asked. "Stargazer Shadow's confiscated geode experiment is missing," he told him. "It must have happened during the Destroyer attack." "So the bomb was only a distraction. Pretty clever. Especially for Willam Rhodes. Which makes me think he's not working alone." "There's no way, that Rhodes couldn't have known of the geodes without inside knowledge. But Stargazer is the only person who is about it and he's in prison." "Then either Willam is working for Stargazer, or I've underestimated him. Either way, that experiment in the wrong hands could be catastrophic." "Why do you say that?" Gunther asked him. "Stargazer came to me once with a plan for creating a superhuman army. Human soldiers when exposed to enhanced stones would gain unique abilities. I will admit, I was intrigued by it. But I found his behavior, erratic, inconsistent, so confiscated them." "Then why didn't you destroy them." "I couldn't risk the face that he made more of them. Chances that did carry out his monstrous plan. I would need a live sample for an antidote." "Do I detect some fear, Simon?" Simon said nothing as he showed Gunther a lab of the Destroyers being as Melvin was working with a giant size one. "Fear, Gunther, is for underprepared people. I'm concerned with who upper hand." "The Destroyers. You made them to the meta-army in the event Shadow did succeed." "Just a precaution or as of today, a prevention. We need to get those geodes back from Willam Rhodes before he gets to Shadow." "So, how do you propose to do that?" "Easy. To catch a Rhodes, we need a Rhodes." Time skip, the actions of Radiance and Zapp did not go unnoticed as Stargazer and Willam watched the news from their lab. "Looks like we found the recipients of missing geodes," William said. "There's a good chance that Caleb is seeing this too. Meaning he'll want those two as much as we do. Take the new Destroyer and get them first," Stargazer said. In the streets of Canterlot, Lighting Dust and Quick Bolt were bullying another kid. "Yeah, tell your mom, I don't like bologna," she said to him. "If I'm going to steal your lunch, I at least want to enjoy it." "Hey bad hair losers, leave the kid alone!" Both Zapp and Radiance came to them then Zapp grabbed Lighting in the air. "So you think it's fun to push people around huh?" "Forgive me associate here, we're new in town," Radiance said as Zapp threw her to the ground. "We don't push people around," Lighting said. "Oh, no? What about from earlier when you picked on a little girl." "Who?" Lighting asked. Then Zapp grabbed her by the neck. "You want to play dumb with me," Zapp dared her as held her to a sign. What she didn't know was that Matterhorn was behind her with her arms crossed. "Because I will pop you right here. I will..." Zapp tried to punch her but Lighting, Quick Bolt ran away from the scene. "Yeah, you better run," Zapp said then noticed her. "Oh, Matterhorn, what's up? You brought us the superhero welcome basket or something?" "You were a little tough on those kids, don't you think?" "No way. They're bullies. They're always picking on people." "Just be careful, not to become the bully yourself. Revenge is not what being a hero is about." "I assure, you ma'am we learned our lesson here," Radiance glared at her. "But we want to be heroes just like you." "Oh, in that case. I'd like to share something with you. A very smart person told me 'With great power comes great..." "People skills." "No. 'With great power comes great responsibility.' " "We're not following?" Zapp and Radiance gave her confused looks. "We found some nice rocks. And taught some bullies a lesson. No harm, no foul." "This our neighborhood, and I want to make sure everyone feels safe. Is that wrong?" "No, which brings me to another point I want to bring up," Matterhorn said. "There's a reason for secret identities. You shouldn't give away your info. You realize that you told a live television audience where you live?" "We were on TV, that means you did see us," Radiance took out her compact and applied some makeup. "Yes. And now anyone who wants to challenge you knows where to find you." "How anyone going to come after us? With a giant robot 'saying I've come for you'?" Zapp asked. As soon as she said that a giant-sized Purple Destroyer came into the neighborhood. "New heroes. I've come for you." "Talk comedic timing!" Zapp exclaimed. "You two, get to safety, while I handle this Destroyer." Matterhorn went to confront it and then was joined by Radiance and Zapp. "No way, this wants you to call a team up, darling!" "You're not ready for this." "Come on, it's a hunk of junk, it's not there's another one?" Hello there, I've come for you. A giant-sized Crimson Destroyer landed. "Now this I what I'm talking about!" Zapp pumped her fist then went to Purple Destroyer. "Wait, you're not prepared for this..." Crimson Destroyer swatted Matterhorn away with its hand. "Sorry, Destroyer. Hero Season is over." Crimson Destroyer fired an electric net as Radiance felt a tingle in her head. "What was that?" She asked then Matterhorn pushed her aside which made the net miss. "That was your Danger Radar. And it means you need to move it!" Purple Destroyer brought two robot arms and caught Zapp and Radiance but Crimson Destroyer stepped on it freeing them. Step off! They're mine! Melvin, is that you? What are you doing? Follow orders, Dad! These two are part of an experiment that was stolen from Simon Tech. Crimson Destroyer fired green goo at them, but they dodged it. "No thanks, I already have gelled my hair." "Both of them are targeting both of you, which means you need to get out of here!" Matterhorn then dodged a punch from Purple Destroyer. "Hell no, I'm not running away from a fight!" Zapp exclaimed. Caleb stole that experiment. Just like you stole that Destroyer. This Destroyer started as his... but it is enhanced by a true genius. So have as this one. Both Destroyers armed their new upgrades. "Take advantage of them arguing and get out of here," Matterhorn told them. "I'll take care of them." "If you're staying. We're staying." I see the experiment wasn't the only thing that Caleb stole. He's delivering on all the things you never could, Dad. Then may the best Destroyer wins. Fair warning, you asked for it! Both Destroyers collided and battle each other and among them were Scottaloo and Sweetie Belle who was hiding. "Don't worry we got you!" Zapp and Radiance pushed them to safety just as debris hit them leaving them on the ground then Purple Destroyer grabbed them suddenly Matterhorn used her magic to try to free them. "Let them go!" Matterhorn said then Crimson Destroyer tried to vacuum suck her. It appears there's no getting to the newbies with you in the Matterhorn. Good thing I was able to bring those two in alive. "Oh man, this all my fault, never should tell where I live," Zapp said then suction caused Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to get hoisted in the air but the kids grabbed Matterhorn's legs to hang on seeing that her sister's figure was in grave danger Zapp had reached her limit. "Stay away from her!" Zapp screamed as she created a lightning blast that shorted out both Destroyers. "Holy shit, did I do that?" "Whoa! She can do that?" Matterhorn asked. "Uh, guys big scary robot is getting back up!" Sweetie Belle shouted as Crimson Destroyer was on its feet. "If that Destroyer wants to suck something in, let me give it what it wants," Radiance said as she created a large pink boulder and hurled it. "Try this on for size, barbaric brute!" The pink boulder collided with the suctioned part of Crimson Destroyer and made it shut down temporarily. Need to eject out of this! Melvin ejected out of his robot. Not a bad idea, son. William did the same thing and ejected too as three bailed at Purple Destroyer collapsed. "Are you kids, okay?" Radiance asked them in a way not to reveal herself. "We're fine," Sweetie Belle took a sigh of relief. "Good there's one last thing I need to care of," Zapp said following the direction of William's pod. Speaking of William's pod, it landed near Lighting and Quick Bolt who were startled by him. "Move it, you worm, or I'll wipe the floor with you!" He got out and tried to run away but Zapp caught up. "Hey! Nobody bullies the people in my neighborhood!" Zapp said kick him in the chest. "Or city, for that matter," Matterhorn said as she froze William in place. "He's very territorial." Much later, the police arrived and arrested William and took him to jail. Matterhorn, Zapp, and Radiance looked at the damage. "All this was our fault, we told the bad guys, exactly where to find us and put the people I care about in danger," Zapp dreaded. "Hey I made some mistakes too." "You have?" "Yeah, I'm still making them as well. Sometime you need to walk before you can run it, eh?" "Was that a joke, casue I didn't get it?" "Excuse us," They looked to see Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo came to them. "We just wanted to say thanks for saving us and the neighborhood." "Anytime," Radiance smiled. "I wish Rainbow Dash was here to see this," Scootalooo squealed. "Why's that?" Zapp asked. "Cause I'm a big fan of you," She admitted. "Oh, really," Zapp blushed from this. Late at night... "I failed, Mr. Simon," Melvin said to Caleb. "Did your father capture the new super?" "No." "Then the battle isn't over. In fact, I have a feeling this war has only begun." With Matterhorn... "I can't believe that you have electro blasts. Do you know how help I can be?" "You don't have them." "No, these shackles make them. And I wanted give guys these," Matterhorn gave some items. "What are they?" "Some gear I've design. Those gauntlets store your Eletric power so don't intentionally cause blackout and Radiance, those bracelets shoot diamond darts." "Does this mean..." "Yeah, were a team."