//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: A grim chaos // Story: The Grim adventure of Ed,edd,eddy and sunset // by Savant 123 //------------------------------// Sunset, Double D, Eddy, and Grim had just entered Ed's living room to find Ed playing a card game with Jimmy on the table. “Go metal claw,“ Ed said as he put a card on the table. “Go water Lilly,” Jimmy said as he put a card on the table. “What are you guys doing?” Sunset asks. “We are playing monster battle,“ Ed said. “It's the latest new game that's hot on the market,“ Jimmy said. Suddenly, Sarah burst into the living room. "Jimmy, there is a convenient store not far away that gives out free monster battle cards,” Sarah said. “Free monster battle card,” Ed said as he grabbed Jimmy and Sarah and ran through the front door, breaking it in the process. “Bah, free card. Why can’t it be free, severed head?“ Grim said. “Or, free jawbreaker,“ Eddy said. “It seems Ed, Sarah,Sarah and Jimmy have become victims of trends,” Double D said. “Not just them,“ sunset said. ”I saw Johnny and Plank and many of the other kids playing them on the way here.” “What is it about this game that got everyone so wild up?” Grim said as he grabbed the box that contained the card game on the table and looked at it. He looked at the back of the box and saw that the game was made by a company called Eris Corporation, and the picture of the company owner was on it. The owner seems to be a young woman wearing a business suit with black hair tied into a bun. “Something wrong, grim,” Sunset asks him after noticing the way he is looking at the box. “There is something familiar about the person on the cover as well as the name,” said Grim. Before anyone could say anything, Ed, Jimmy and Sarah burst through the room. “Hi everyone!“ Ed said, "We back.“ “And we got the new battle monster card,” Jimmy said as he brought a card out. Suddenly, the card glow must shock everyone. “What the heck ?” Grim said as suddenly all the cards began glowing and a flash of light blasted out of each card, which resulted in countless monsters from the card coming out into the real world, much to everyone's shock. “Cool,” Ed said, when suddenly all the monsters roared, causing everyone to run out of the house. As soon as everyone is out of the house, the monsters burst through the walls and run out into the streets. Everyone looked around and saw more monsters bursting out of houses and people running away from them. “What's going on?“ Jimmy said when he suddenly screamed as he was grabbed by a large bird monster and flew through the air. “Jimmy!” Sarah yells as she chases after the bird. “It seems things have gone chaotic, and there is only one person I know who can do this,” Grim said. “And that would be me,” a voice said, and everyone turned to the voice and saw the person from the box appear nearby. A flash of light covered her, and she changed form. Her hair turns blonde and is no longer in a bun, and her clothes change to match the clothes the Greeks wore in ancient times. “Eris, I should have known,” Grim said. “Who is the babe grim?“ Eddy said. “That is Eris, the goddess of chaos,“ Grim said. "She is a goddess that is known to spread chaos.” “Anyhow, I hope you guys like my latest attempt to spread chaos,“ Eris said in laughter. "Grim, do something,“ Sunset said. “Oh, don’t you dare ruin my fun,” Eris said as she brought out three cards and used them to summon three monsters. One is a cyclops-like monster; another is a monster made up of metal; and the last is a beetle-like monster. “Get them,” she orders, and all three charge at them, with the metal one jumping at them. However, before it could reach them, it suddenly stop in midair, and its arms were suddenly squished, bent to its back, and circled around it before tightening on it, and something blasted the beetle monster with slime. “Where it seems we arrived in time," A voice said, and everyone turned back to see that it was Dracula and Hoss behind them. “What's going on here?” Hoss said. “She is the one behind this,“ Sunset pointed to Eris. “Listen here, pretty lady,“ Dracula said. ”Dracula usually doesn’t like to hurt a pretty lady like you, but if you don’t stop this, Dracula will have to use force.” “Oh yeah,“ Eris said. ”Cyclops and beetles, get rid of them.” The two monsters charge at Hoss and Dracula. “You handle the cyclops, and I handle the bug,” Hoss said as the beetle rammed him and carried him away. Dracula then changes into his monster bat form and grapples against the cyclops. The cyclops then lift Dracula up in the air and toss him. Luckily, he was able to stop mid-flight. In response, Dracula fires a smoke attack from his mouth at the monster, who fires back with an eye beam. Both seemed to evenly match before Dracula turned into smoke, letting the blast go through his smoke form.Dracula in smoke form appears behind the monster, turns solid, and bites the monster on its neck, sucking its blood until the monster disappears in a flash of light. “Oh poo." Eris said, "Well, it is a good thing I still have my Trump card.” She then brought out another card and summoned a 50-foot-tall monster. This one resembled a metallic samurai. “Iron Samurai,“ Ed said. “That is the rarest card.” “Dracula thinks he can’t take this one on,” he said as the monster towered over his bat monster form. “Maybe with a little boots you can,” Grim said as he used his scythe to blast Dracula, making him as big as the iron samurai. “All right now, this is what Dracula talking about,“ Dracula said as he flew towards the iron samurai, who swung his sword, but Dracula managed to turn into his smoke form and reappear behind the monster. He bit into its neck, only for him to break his teeth. “Ow,“ he said, when suddenly the iron samurai grabbed him by the neck and tossed him across the cub de sac. “It's still too much for Dracula to take on,” Double D said as they watched the monster beat up Dracula. “There must be a way to help him,” Sunset said. “I think there is,” Grim said as he pulled out a bone with a barnacle on it. ”We can use the bone of a barnacle to combine and fight it. All you have to do is grab it.” Sunset nodded, and the bone wrapped around her and her entire body. The iron samurai had just beaten Dracula on the ground and was about to use its sword to inflict the finishing blow when it heard a voice shout at it. “Hey you,“ Sunset said. The iron samurai turned and saw a giant bone samurai with sunset at its mouth, dressed as a samurai, and grim head as its shield. “We are here to put a stop to this,” Sunset said. The iron samurai charge at sunset, and they pilot the bone samurai to charge at it. The two sword collided, resulting in an explosion. that blast both of them back. While sunset was recovering from the attack, the iron samurai recovered first and tried to hit sunset with its sword, but quickly she used grim to shield her. “Ow,"Grim said as the monster kept hitting him. “Ow, my noise!” “Will you do something already?“ “Sorry," Sunset said, “still getting used to this.” She then rolled out of the way of the attack and had the bone samurai stand up. “Alright, let's try this," sunset said as the bone samurai jumped into the air. “Flow of bones,” both Sunset and Grim said as a flow of bones came out of their sword and hit the iron samurai in the face. This distracted it long enough for Dracula to recover and blast a smoke attack from his mouth and onto the monster's back. This ends up weakening the monster enough for sunset and grim to do the finishing blow. “Now sunset,“ Grim said. “Right," Sunset said as she made the bone samurai jump in the air again. “Skeleton sword strike,” both sunset and grim shout and strike at the iron samurai, making it disappear in a flash of light. “Oh, poo,” Eris said, “ oh well, you still have to deal with the other monsters.“ She then disappeared. Both grim and sunset return to normal, and after that, grim shrinks Dracula back to normal size “All right, what did I miss?” Hoss said as he arrived at the scene, having defeated the beetle monster. Next to him were Sarah and Jimmy, whom he managed to save. “Well, thanks to Dracula, Sunset and grim Eris end up fleeing, but we still have the monsters running around to deal with,” was double D answer. “Oh, what can we do?“ Jimmy said, "We are toast.” “Wait, toast” Sunset said as an ideal, Strike her, “Grim, can you bring drawing to life?” “Well yeah” Grim answer “Why you ask?” “Because I have an idea”was sunset answer. … “Today, monsters from a popular card game called Monster Battle attacked the city,” the news anchor reported, “but the day was safe thanks to a girl and a flying unicorn horse thing.” The news anchor then shows footage of sunset on an alicorn, which have yellow fur , and have a long mane that is red with orange highlights and a images two halves of a red and orange sun on its side fires at the monster, turning them into toast that is instantly eaten by a flock of birds. “She and the horse thing have been flying around town, turning the monsters into bread and letting them be eaten by birds. For more information, stay on channel 6 news.” The screen turned off as sunset turned off the TV. She then walked off and went to bed, and as she turned off the light and went to sleep, she heard what sounded like a crunching noise. She turned on the light and saw it was the alicorn she had grim brought to life on the bed next to her eating toast. “Sorry,“ she apologized to sunset, who turned off the light and went back to sleep.