//------------------------------// // Chapter 9: Who ,What, Where ,Sunset // Story: The Grim adventure of Ed,edd,eddy and sunset // by Savant 123 //------------------------------// It was evening and sunset,Sunny and Grim are currently in the living room of sunset house. All three are bruised and covered with badges. "Man, I can’t believe we managed to get out of that one alive,” Grim said as he put an ice pack on his eyes. “You telling me,"Sunny said, "maybe next time you should keep your trunk somewhere where Ed won’t be able to find it so he won’t accidentally release a giant monster that will terrorize the city.” Sunset, meanwhile, was just sitting down and trying to relax her mind after the day she had spent fighting a giant monster. While sitting down, she can’t help but think back on how this all started. How she meet Ed, Edd, and Eddy. Flashback: Sunset was walking out of her new house in the cul de sac. The movers have just finished putting her things inside her new home, and she now intends to explore the neighborhood and the city and get a good layout of her new surroundings. As she was walking out of her home, she saw someone running down the street in her direction. It was Ed, running his way to Double D's house while laughing . Just as Ed was about to run past sunset, he stopped in place right in front of her. He stared at sunset for a bit before turning his body to face her. "Hi, I am Ed. Are you new here?” Ed asks Sunset. “Yes, I am. My name is Sunset Shimmer, and it is nice to meet you, Ed,“ Sunset said as she walked towards Ed and extended her hands towards him for a handshake. Ed just smiled and shook her hand so hard that he managed to actually shake her entire body. “Nice to meet you, sunset,“ Ed said happily before letting go of her hand. Even after he let go, sunset was still shaking her body. ”Want to be friends? “Ed asks the girl. “Sure, I don’t mind,“ Sunset said after her body stopped shaking. “Then let go, new friend! I've got to show you to my friends!" Ed said before carrying sunset off the ground and onto his shoulder before running off. “Hey, wait, put me down,” Sunset said. …. Ed opened the door of Double D's house, still carrying sunset on his shoulder, after walking into the house and into the kitchen he drop sunset on the floor who landed on the floor on her face. Meanwhile the other two Ed’s were at the kichen counter cooking. "It's about time, Ed." Eddy said, wearing a chief's hat as he stood over a stove. Double D then looked towards Ed and noticed sunset , who was still lying face down on the floor groaning in pain. "Ed, who's that?" Double D asked. "This is my new friend, sunset !" Ed proclaimed as he held up sunset by her arm to show the other two. “ Can you let me go already “ sunset said and immediately ed let go of her arm. “ You must be new to the neighborhood” Double D said as walk over to sunset “ Let me welcome you to the neighborhood, friend! I'm so happy to be meeting a new member of our community. My name is Eddward, only it's spelled with two D's. You can call me Double D." Eddy then came over with a smile and held out his hand, which was a joy buzzer. Double D saw it and yanked it off. Eddy grumbled and held out his hand again. "I'm Eddy." He groaned, having his fun ruined. Sunset shook his hand while surprised that they had Ed in their names like Ed said earlier. " Sunset shimmer ." Sunset said , before looking around the kitchen. "So, what are you all doing?" "I'm playing with my yo-yo." Ed said, before pulling out a yo-yo toy and started swinging it around. "Boy, I'm good! Yo-yo, yo yo yo, yo..." "That's not how you play with it!" Said sunset. "We're making omelets for breakfast." Double D said, walking back over to the counter, where a stick of butter is along with the cookbook. He read the book then picked up a teaspoon and scooped out some of the butter. "Just as I thought. One teaspoon of butter, perfectly measured. Eddy?" "Got it, Double D." Eddy said as he the entire stick of butter with a mitten, instead of the teaspoon. Sunset watched from behind, as Eddy threw the butter onto a pan and started flipping and cooking it. "You guys haven't lived till you've tried one of my omelets." He proclaimed, before shaking salt onto it. "Ed, eggs, I need eggs!" "I got 'em, Eddy!" Ed ran towards the refrigerator while swinging the yo-yo, only for him to somehow tie himself up in the string and fell over with a thud. He just simply laughed and picked himself up, still entangled in the string. "Almost there, Eddy!" Ed attempted to walk forward but fell over again , Sunset who was watching Ed's antics couldn't help but laugh at what she was seeing. "Ed! You're pitting the floor!" Double D complained. "Aw no way, Double D, not since I had my braces removed." Ed insisted as he hit his back to the fridge, as he was able to get most of the string off. "Eggs, Ed, eggs!" Eddy exclaimed. "Eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs." Ed opened the freezer. He looked around the inside, before stopping when he noticed a popsicle. "Pop freeze!" As he was putting in way too much salt in the pan, which was now a mound of salt, Eddy turned to sunset. "Make yourself useful and look in the fridge for the eggs. It's next to the milk." Eddy tells him while sunset sweatdropped at the amount of salt spilling from the pan. "Fine, but be nicer next time." Sunset walked over to the fridge and opened the door to the fridge, while Ed had his tongue stuck to the popsicle. Sunset then pulled out the egg carton. "Got them!" "Bring 'em over, I'm starving!" Eddy said. "Let' get moving ed” said sunset , smiling as she walked back to the others. "I'm Ed!" Ed ran to follow sunset , but his tongue was still stuck to the popsicle. And the popsicle was stuck to the inside of the fridge. This caused the fridge to knock over. It stopped Ed with a yank of his tongue, and he was pulled back.The reaction caused one of Ed's feet to kick sunset in the butt, which cause her to fall and release the eggs. Sending them flying all over the place towards Eddy and Double D. One egg knocked off Eddy's hat. Eddy then used the pan to protect himself and Double D was holding a cookbook over his head. However, they were pelted to the floor by the barrage of eggs, making a large mess in the kitchen. After the mayhem ended, Eddy got up and looked towards Ed. "Hmm. Ed? Oh, Ed?" Eddy said while walking to Ed holding a frying pan behind his back while putting on a fake smile which eerier remind sunset of the fake smile she use during her bully days. Ed was on the floor, holding his treat. His tongue, however, was still stuck to the popsicle and stretched out. "Banana flavor, Eddy! Wanna bite?" Ed asked Eddy. "Hold that thought." Eddy then smashed Ed in the face with the frying pan. As that was going on, Sunset and Double D got up from the floor and tried to clean off the egg yolk and shells. "No eggs, no omelets, Eddy." Said Double D. "Too bad we don't have any chickens with us. We'd could easily get more eggs whenever we want instead of getting some from the store." Sunset said as she rubbed her rear from the kick. However, this unintentionally caused Eddy to get an idea. "A chicken! That's it!" He exclaimed with a grin, moving up close to Sunset must to the former unicorn confusion."A chicken!" Ed then suddenly leaped onto Eddy while both sunset and Double D winced. "Oh, please Eddy, can we get a chicken? C'mon Eddy! Oh, please Eddy let's get a chicken. Can we please?" Ed continued to beg and plead while jumping up and down on Eddy on all fours, making Eddy squeak like a chew toy. "I love chickens, Eddy!" "Sure, Ed, you can have a chicken." Eddy said after recovering from the multiple jumps on his body. Ed smiled happily, while the short Ed-boy smiled sinisterly. "But I get to keep the eggs." "Um, where exactly are we going to get a chicken?“ said Sunset. “From Rolf,“ Eddy said. “Rolf?” Sunset said in a confused voice. …. The Eds and sunset came to the home that she learn from the Ed’s to be Rolf's home, The former unicorn can’t help but be reminded of her former friend applejack when she saw what look like a mini-farm in the backyard of the house. Standing at the wooden fence with her new friends, Sunset saw a blue haired kid who she no doubt is probably Rolf. Rolf walked to a sleeping chicken, sitting on its nest in a bucket, and suddenly grabbed it and picked it up. With the animal held up, he reached into the bucket. "The hay is warm and tells Rolf all." Rolf said, before pulling out a perfectly laid egg. "Ah. The fat has been creamed, and I will sleep well." He then looked at his chicken. "A fine egg. Rolf will remember." Rolf said. "Look! Chickens!" Ed shouted happily. "And they lay eggs!" Eddy exclaimed with a joyful grin. Ed went between the fence, as Eddy and sunset jumped over. "Hey, Rolf, fire over that egg-maker!" "Chickens are fast." Rolf just watched as Ed chased around a chicken. Sunset walked up to Rolf and attempted to greet him. "Hi, I'm Sunset , and I'm new to the neighborhood” she stopped talking when Rolf leaned in close to Susnet face and examined her. "Ho-ho! A new face in these parts bears the bacon hair, and the same name as the Sun, Sunset the bacon hair girl." Rolf told sunset , which only confused the former unicorn . "I am Rolf, the son of a shepherd." "Yeah, yeah." Eddy impatiently pushed sunset out of the way and held out his hands as if expecting Rolf to give him the chicken. "C'mon Rolf, give us a chicken!" "Rude much." Sunset muttered as Double D who saw what happened help her up. "Has your brain turned to custard-like half-priced pastry, Ed-boy? I give you no chickens!" Rolf's unwillingness made Ed drop all the many chickens he's picked up and carried. "It is very simple, like yourself. You hatch your own fowl." "An opportunity to nurture the life and future of a domestic fowl seems appealing," Double D said, thinking about it for a quick moment. "Where do eggs come from, Rolf?" Ed asked. "Let me show you exactly where the egg comes from–" Rolf responded while also picking up a chicken. "NO!" Double D shouted, stopping Rolf from going through with the demonstration. "Um...eggs come from chickens, Ed." "Where does a chicken come from?" Ed looked up and thought for a moment. "An egg, slowpoke Ed!" Rolf said, walking away from the four boys. "My day is half over and you are half full. Goodbye." "Wait! Rolf!" Eddy called out urgently and rushed over to get in front of Rolf and place a hand on his chest. Stopping Rolf. "How 'bout that egg?" He attempted to snatch it out of his hand, but the much taller boy held it out of his reach. "You must trade for the egg, greasy Ed-boy." Rolf told Eddy. "Trade? For what?" Eddy questioned unhappily. "Sawdust. You want this egg, yes, Ed-boy?" Rolf asked once again, leaning closer to the shorter Ed. …. The Eds and sunset were ready to begin collecting the sawdust for the trade. Ed and sunset were on each side of a two-person saw that was in the position to cut a log that was elevated off the ground on two wooden stands. Double D and Eddy were the ones that were going to be collecting the sawdust. The smart Ed-boy had a measuring cup, while the short one held a funnel. "We'll have a chicken in no time!" Eddy exclaimed. "I love chickens, Eddy!" Ed said. "We know , Ed." Sunset groaned, feeling her arms getting tired as she held onto the saw handle. "But do you know that my arms are falling asleep here so hurry it up!" "The sawdust collector is ready. Let's go boys!" Eddy said, as he and Double D got down on their stomachs and laid under the log. Eddy then placed the funnel in the cup. Ed then started sawing into the log. The dust of wood slowly collected in the cup, going into the funnel and being transferred in the cup. "I'd hate to do this for a living." But while the big Ed-boy was having no problem, Sunset , on the other hand, wasn't prepared for the gorilla-like strength Ed had. The former unicorn was being pulled back and forth. Getting her face and torso slammed against the log on every pull. She tried to control it and dug her feet to the ground but alas, she kept dragging and dragging. "Stop!" A new voice cried out, running towards them. Sunset looked and saw a bald head boy was carrying a yellow piece of wood that looked like it had a face drawn on it. Sunset would later learn that this boy is Jonny 2x4 and the piece of wood is Plank. "Stop sawing that log!" Jonny demanded with a pointed figure. "Who the heck is he?" Sunset said but no one answered her. "How else are we supposed to get sawdust?" Eddy questioned him. "Maybe Plank'd like to contribute." "Oh no." This seemed to frighten Jonny as he held the hunk of wood tightly. He then held Plank close to his ear as if to hear what the wood is saying. "Plank says Kevin has lots of sawdust!" Jonny told the Eds. "Kevin's got sawdust? Remind me to thank you!" Eddy asked excitedly, came up to Jonny and pointed a finger into his chest. He then ran past the bald kid. "Later!" Double D followed after Eddy, and finally, Ed ran while carrying Sunset on his shoulder. Sunset was facing backward as Ed carried him, so she was able to stare back at Jonny. She pointed at the kid. "Was that kid talking to a piece of wood?" Sunset asked. "I'm getting a chicken!" Ed said, ignoring the sunset question. …. In Kevin's backyard, the boy lugged out a trash can filled with sawdust out of his shed. "Sawdust bites." he complained, stopping for a moment to wipe his sweaty brow. "Doing chores bites." "Excuse me, Kevin." Double D said, as the Eds stood behind him. "But we would like to offer our services and help you dispose of that–" "Hey, dorks, who's the babe?" Kevin ask , pointing at Sunset . "The name is sunset shimmer and I…." Sunset said but was interrupted again by Eddy who jumped in front of her. "Give us your sawdust, Kevin! I mean, sawdust is so heavy. And it's just lying around, doing nothing." He then calmed down for a moment and used his experience as a scammer. Eddy walked up to Kevin with a sly grin and placed a hand on Kevin's shoulder. The jock didn't look all too impressed, as Eddy pointed at his chest. "Useless dust. From a saw. Eh?" "And our respect for wood by-products will ensure it will be distributed to a loving home." Double D ensured before the Eds grinned nervously. "Fine. You can have the sawdust," Kevin said. "YEAH!" The Eds cheered while Sunset forgot her anger for a moment as they can now complete their task. "Now we can get my egg!" Eddy exclaimed happily. "And I can hug a chicken." Ed wrapped up his friends into a big, bone-crushing hug, making them uncomfortable. "I'll trade you for..." Kevin pointed towards his shed. "…painting my shed.” “Of course there had to be a catch,” Sunset said in an annoyed voice as Ed let them go. "Well of you guys can’t I can just take this sawdust and –" Kevin said as he was about to take the sawdust away. Eddy quickly intervene before he could take the sawdust away. "No, wait um...so where's the paint?" Eddy asked "What paint?" Kevin asked, acting ignorant as he crossed his arms. "How do we paint the shed with no paint?" Eddy asked, lean towards Kevin "You figure it out," Kevin smirked arrogantly, before walking away from the Eds, leaving them shocked. "Dork!" "Jerk," sunset muttered before looking back at the jock. Ed then grabbed sunset as the Ed’s went to find some paint. …. Jimmy was current in his bedroom. He had just finish setting up a bowl of fruit and is about to start painting.He is currently wearing a blue painter's hat and was now using his paintbrush to measure the size of the orange. However, he noticed a smudge on an orange. He went up to it and started polishing it. "Darn waxy buildup. Perfect." Jimmy said after getting the smug off. He was ready to start and zoomed over behind his canvas. Jimmy then started painting. "You're a pretty dog–huh?" When something wasn't right, he looked back at the still life. The Eds had taken over his studio. Eddy was posed lying on his side, as Double D and Ed were behind the table, Ed ate a fruit while sunset was sitting in front of the table in a seiza position. "How's it going, Rembrandt?" asked Eddy. "Mind if we get a copy?" Sunset joked, trying to give a good first impression. However, Jimmy surprised them by grabbing his pants and ran away. "My fresco is ruined!" Jimmy cried, before running into a closet and locked the door. "Jimmy, wait!" Eddy jumped towards the door and tried to pull it open. "Just give us some paint! Jimmy, c'mon!" After no reply from Jimmy and unable to get the door up, Eddy rammed his body against it a few times. He then grabbed Ed and used him as a battering ram, but when Ed hit the door, he was sent out of Eddy's hands. "How much must an artist suffer? Oh, the torment." Jimmy said, sitting at the corner of the closet. Eddy then reach his hand under the door and tried to feel and know where Jimmy was “Come out here, willya? We just need some lousy paint." Eddy then shouted as he pull out his hand which was red and throbbing. "He bit me! He bit me! Jimmy bit me! Jimmy bit me!" "A starving artist, I suppose." Double D joked, making Sunset look at him with a deadpan look. “ Seriously “ sunset said. “ Sorry I couldn't resist” Double D said. Sunset just sighed before knocking on Jimmy's door. ”Look, Jimmy, we just want some paint, so tell us what you want in order for you to give some to us.” Their was silent for a bit before sunset place her ear to the door to hear Jimmy response high was.” Clams!” "Clams?" Sunset ask as was instantly taken back by the request. "Clams?" Eddy exclaimed. "Where the heck do you get–" Eddy shouted, walking up to the door. But was interrupted when Jimmy opened the door, slamming him into the wall next to the closet. "No clams, no paint." Jimmy stated, before slamming the door shut. Leaving Eddy imprinted into the wall to groan in pain.Ed was finishing up all the fruit in the bowl while Double D was concerned for Eddy. Sunset was grumbling along the line of how ridiculous this was getting. …. The Eds and sunset were now outside, to search for clams in this suburb neighborhood. Though it should be near impossible since they're not in a coastline and require money to buy some clams in the stores. "Clams? What's with clams?" Eddy complained, before the Eds rushed over to a house and rang the doorbell. "Could you spare some clams?" When they didn't get clams, the four of them ran to another home. "Pardon me, you wouldn't happen to have any clams, would you?" Double D asked, before they went off to another house. "Say, you haven't seen any clams around here, have ya?" Eddy asked before they went to yet another house. "Could we borrow a cup of clams?" Double D asked, and again they rushed to another house, which was Eddy house. "Can Eddy come out to play?" Ed asked. "I'm right beside you, Ed." Eddy said. "Hi, Eddy!" Ed greets. When the door closed, Sunset sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "This is getting nowhere. No one has any clams in this neighborhood." Sunset said, in annoyance. "We might as well quit now.” “But chicken,sunset,“ Ed said. “ Sorry Ed but unless we can find some claims their no way we can get chickens.” Sunset said and as soon as she said that a manhole cover being not far from them was lifted and pushed aside. Out of the sewers, Jonny's arm reached out while holding Plank, who was wearing scuba gear. After placing his friend down, Jonny followed suit and climbed out of the manhole, dressed in scuba gear too. "Boy, Plank, you're hard to beat when it comes to gathering clams!" The bald kid said, before pulling up a bucket filled with live clams. "Clams?" Sunset looked at Jonny, flabbergasted. "Is that Jonny," Ed asked, before running over to Jonny. "The clam master has arrived." Eddy followed after him. "My, how convenient." Double D scratched his head while Sunset was in disbelief. "Just what we're looking for." Eddy said to Jonny. "Toss a few of those clams our way, Jonny boy." "Trade ya, Eddy." Jonny held the bucket away from him. At this point, Eddy really shouldn't be surprised. "Oh sure, why not." He put out, as Sunset walked over to join them. "We'd like an anchor!" Jonny requested. “Seriously," Sunset said in annoyance. ” First claims now anchor what next: a truck or a skyscraper. “An anchor? What are you, nuts? I'm going home!” Eddy said as he walk away annoyed , only to fall right into the open manhole. The short boy screamed until he hit the bottom. Ed and sunset peered down the sewer as Double D came along and looked into it too. "But I love chickens, Eddy ." Ed pleaded, as Jonny and Plank looked into the manhole too. …. Inside of their trailer, the Kankers were sitting on their sofa giggling, as the anchor that the Eds needed was hanging on the wall. The three were currently giggling as their read the magazine. Their doorbell suddenly rang gaining their three girls attention "Visitors!" The maternal sisters shouted excitedly, and they rushed to the door. Trying to be the first ones there. "Out of the way!" Lee demanded. It all then broke out into a fight, as Marie was being held back by her sisters. "How's a knuckle sandwich sound?" Marie snapped, before being able to push them away while standing on the door. "Ha!" She fell off the door and on the floor. After getting back up, she opened the door, as Lee and May joined her. Standing in front of their trailer was the Eds, wearing a poor disguise. They were supposed to be a tall man in a trench coat. They were standing on top of each other, with Ed at the bottom, Double D in the middle, and Eddy was the head. Sitting at their feet was a briefcase in which Sunset was hiding in. "Greetings, ladies." Eddy said, as Double D's arm waved at the sisters. "Um, we're doing a survey, and–" "Eddy!" Double D whispered, tapping him. "Oh, I mean, ahem–" Eddy cleared his throat and then continued in a deeper voice. "I'm doing a survey, and–" "Our mom's not home." Lee told him, holding up a bit of her hair to look at him with one of her eyes. "Yeah, take a hike." Marie said, before the Kankers giggled. "I was wondering, how many anchors do you own?" Eddy asked with a nervous smile, still holding up the act. "That's stupid,. May said. Lee then suddenly leaned close to Eddy's face. "You look familiar, mister." Lee said. "Huh?" Eddy quickly commanded the two under him to step back from the horrid girl, but this made the Eds stumbled a bit. Their disguise begins to shake. "Stop it, will ya?" As the Kranker Sisters started to get suspicious of the disguise Ed-boys. "You were on an infomercial?" May asked. "Um, no, yes. I'm very well known. Quite famous actually. Want my autograph?" Eddy asked. Ed then ruined everything when he stuck his head out of the coat. "I'm the legs!" Ed proclaimed, before the disguise collapsed, with Eddy falling off Double D's shoulder. The fall caused the trench coat to be taken off, revealing Double D too. "Oh my. Exposed." Double D said, now frightened and clanged to Ed. "It's our boyfriends!" Marie said happily however before she and her sisters can do anything to them sunset had just broken out of the briefcase and jump in front of the Ed’s. “ Don’t think of coming any closer to them” sunset said as she put her hands in her pocket ready to bring out her taser and pepper spray that she keep in her pocket for emergency. “Hey, whose the skank?“ Marie asks. “No clue,“ Lee said. “But she is not getting our boyfriends.” “I am warning you to stay back,“ Sunset said in a warning voice as she brought out her pepper spray from her pocket and pointed it at Marie. “Oh, what are you going to do? Spray us with perfume?“ Marie mocked before laughing. Sunset just responded by bringing out her taser and using it to shock Lee, causing her to fall to the ground in pain. She then immediately took advantage of the two Kankers shock state by spraying Marie in the eye, causing her to fall to the ground as well. “Ah,it burns,“ she said as she used her hands to cover her eyes and roll on the ground. May just look at this in shock before turning her attention to it. “Do you want some too?” sunset said as poing the taser at May. This was enough to scare her off, as she grabbed her sisters and ran back inside the trailer while dragging them. She immediately closed the door as soon as she got inside. “Chicken,” said Sunset as she put the pepper spray and taser back in her pocket. She then turned her attention to the Ed’s. ”Come on, let go.” She then walked off, with the Ed’s following behind her. “Thank you, sunset,” Double D said, thanking the former unicorn. “Yeah, that was awesome," Ed said. “Yeah, I guess that was kind of cool,” Eddy said, grumbling. “It was no problem, guys,“ Sunset said as she looked back at the Ed’s. "That is what friends are for. …. After leaving the trailer park,the Ed’s and sunset find The two oddballs were at the park, sitting on a tire swing. "Listen to the clams gurgle in the bucket, Plank." Jonny sang to his friend as some of the clams actually gurgled. “All right, Johnny,“ Sunset said, walking to him. ”We couldn’t get you an anchor, so how about we get you something else?” Johnny then put his finger in his chin in thought before putting plank near his ear. "What is that plank?” Johnny then pulled plank away before looking at sunset. "Plank wants to trade!" "Of course he does,” Sunset said, already expecting that to happen. …. Both Sarah and Nazz are in an alleyway playing badminton with each other. Sarah hit the birdie to Nazz, who sent it back to her. Sarah drew back her racquet, but when she moved to hit the birdie, Eddy grabbed it. "HEY!" She yelled with great aggravation, as the Ed-boy tried to pull the racquet out of her hand. "Give me your racquet, Sarah." He demanded. "My serve!" Sarah hit Eddy with the racquet and sent him flying into the net. Then, as if it was a slingshot, the net threw Eddy back. Sarah looked like she was going to hit him again, only to sidestep, letting him fly right by and slam into his friends. The four of them were all flying back and broke through a fence. Sarah stepped through the hole to yell at the four. "DON'T EVER TOUCH MY RACQUET!" Sarah yelled. "Was that really necessary?" Sunset questioned her as she stood up again. "You could've killed us." "MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS, BACON HAIR!" Sarah yelled at her . That got Sunset mad really quick. "Better watch your words, you brat!" Sunset yelled back at her. "WHAT WAS THAT?!" She yelled again, feeling insulted at the last one. "You heard me, you—" sunset mouth was instantly closed by Ed as he picked up the former unicorn and held her under his arm. "Sarah, we need it to trade for a chicken. Please?" Ed pleaded with his sister, as Sunset struggled to break out of the freakishly strong boy. Sarah gave a sly smile, knowing that they weren't going to get what she wanted. "I'll trade you for a giant teddy bear." She told them. "When will it end?" Eddy asked in despair. "Back to Jimmy's!" Ed picked up the other two and herded them away. …. The Eds were at Jimmy's doorstep and Eddy banged on the door. Jimmy pushed his chair towards the door and stood on it. "What do you want?" Jimmy demanded as he looked through the peephole. "Giant teddy bear?" Eddy asked. "Plums." Jimmy tells them. "What's with the food?" Eddy growled in frustration and walked away. "PLums are good for ya, Eddy." Double D said, followed Eddy. "I'm really starting to hate this neighborhood." Sunset hissed before following Double D along with Ed. …. And it was then that they ended up right back where they started, at Rolf's farm. "So, back again, wanting Rolf's plums, confused Ed-boys and bacon hair girl?" the farmer boy asked. While Double D and Ed tried to remain positive, Eddy was almost at his breaking point. Sunset at this point could care less. "Do you not want my egg?" "Yes, we want the egg!" Eddy snapped, exasperated. He then grabbed the bag of plums Rolf picked and tried to pull it away, only for the taller boy to hold onto it. "But we need these plums first!" Rolf yanked the bag, tripping Eddy off his feet and making him let go. "No plums, as I am still waiting for my sawdust. Do not fool Rolf!" He said, tying up the bag. As Ed was petting a chicken and making kissy noises at it, Edric had enough of this nonsense for one day. "So what do you wanna trade with then , then?" Sunset sighed. She then took off one of her boots and presented it to Rolf. "Fine! How about a new boots?" "I have many, thank you." Rolf refused. "Let me guess, plus size?" She put her boots on before surprising Double D by thrusting her hand into his pocket and started fishing through it. She then pulled out a book. "A 'Condensed Manners for the Advanced' book?" No response. Sunset threw the book away and looked through Double D's pocket again. "Okay, a—" She stopped for a second when she pulled out an abacus. Sunset looked at Double D with wide eyes. "how much do you carry? Must be heavy for your frail body." "I like to be prepared." Double D responded. "I got a yo-yo." Ed said, pulling out his yo-yo and starting playing with it, poorly at best. "That is called 'Walking the Dog'." After everything they've been through, Eddy slapped himself in the face and finally gave into despair. "It's over, you two." He said dramatically, before adding to it by falling back and having Double D and sunset catch him. "No eggs, no chicken, no omelets." "I'm pretty sure we're past breakfast, Eddy." Sunset pointed out, making Eddy despair even more. But then, they got their break. "Haha!" The three of them heard the sound of Rolf laughing. Looking towards the direction of the voice, they saw Rolf was laughing because he was happily playing with the yo-yo after Ed gave it to him. "Hahahaha! It is so simple, I am enjoying myself!" Rolf said. Eddy rushed over to Rolf. However before he can said anything sunset cover his mouth. “ How about eggs for Yo-yo instead of plums, Rolf?" Sunset asked with hope. “ Yes , bacon hair girlI have never seen such a thing. My family will sit around, telling stories of produce spread and Rolf's yo-yo for generations." Rolf replied. "So trade ?." Sunset ask taking her hands of eddy mouth "Ya ya. Behold." He said as he then held up a egg in front of them. The Eds became more excited, while Sunset sighed in relief at that it was finally over. "Splendid." Double D said. "It's mine." Eddy then took the egg from Rolf who after giving the egg to eddy went back to laughing and playing with the yo-yo. Meanwhile, Eddy had started talking to the egg. ”What I went through for you, baby." "I'll design plans for an incubator." Double D leaned in. "Well, glad that over, " sunset said in relief. "It has my eyes." Ed leaned in, lastly. "And your thick outer shell." Eddy started to walk away with the egg. "I want to hold it, Eddy." Ed suddenly jumped on Eddy's back, knocking him down, before grabbing the egg. He jumped off and ran off. "Let's play!" "Ed, no! Wait!" Eddy screamed desperately. "Wait, Ed, don’t!" Sunset pleaded, trying to stop Ed from doing something he'd regret. "You must be so cramped in there. Fly, chicken, fly!" Ed said to the egg. He then pulled open the egg, spilling its contents and ruining a whole day's worth of trouble and work. "Uh, the chicken's gone bad." "Like my luck." Eddy moaned as sunset slap herself on the face. End flashback: While sunset sat, she heard her stomach grumble, and it wasn’t long before she heard another grumbling sound. She turned her head to the source and saw it was sunny and grim. “Want to eat some omelette?“ sunset asks the two. “Sure,” Grim said, which was followed by Sunny nodding her head. All three then walk into the kitchen to make some omelettes. Sunset had to admit that despite the rocky start, she did manage to find her true friends, and despite the arguments and disagreements that occur sometimes, they still remain close. “My past is not today." Sunset thought to herself, finally putting the past behind her. …. In another house not too far from the Ed’s and Sunset neighborhoods, a moving truck had just driven off, and the house's new residents had just parked their van nearby. “Finally, I thought we would never get here." One of them, a girl with purple hair, said as they got out of the van. “Oh, quite you complaining; we manage to finally get our stuff here.” Another one, a girl with large hair, said. “Why did we move here again?“ a girl with blue hair said. “Dang it, Sonata, didn’t you pay attention?“ the one with the large hair said. ”We move here to get a fresh start and to get away from the rainbooms.” "Oh!” Sonata said. “Come on, let go, Aria. We need to unpack our things.” The one with the large hair said as she and the purple-haired girl, now named Aria, walked into the house. “Whatever adagio,“ Aria said. “Wait for me, guys,” Sonata said as she followed the two girls.